#i don't think they'd mind tbh. at least they actually care about what he has to say
Headcanon that the new kid only really talks around those they trust, and even then it's short like the "screw you guys I'm going home" at the end of stick of truth, and it's still not very often
And (at least when they were still playing fantasy) whenever it happens the kids treat it like this big honor, "THE KING HAS BLESSED YOU WITH THEIR WISDOM" or something. Only those worthy of the king's wisdom can hear it, even if it's just some basic sentence.
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I still don't see how people can legitimately argue TOH was subverting romantic expectations when it doesn't... actually do that.
In order for this kind of subversion to work, you need to address why Luz and Hunter getting together is detrimental to them. But at no point do the writers actually show us WHY Hunter and Luz aren't a good fit for each other. You'd expect them to be very careful in how they go about writing Luz's and Hunter's relationship - like making sure Willow is the most important character to Hunter's arc.
But they don't actually do that - instead of having Willow act as the catalyst for Hunter's arc it's Luz. She is there for all of Hunter's important moments... which is not what you would do if your goal was to actually subvert romantic expectations. Another thing you don't do is make Luz and Hunter parallels to past lovers who are deeply tied to the story's villain.
People tend to use Witches Before Wizards as evidence of a subversion of romantic expectations... but that was used to foreshadow Belos' true nature and Hunters' relationship to him [Sense and Insensitivity does this as well... like they rlly wanted to make it clear Belos' and Hunter's relationship was something integral to the story]. I also need to point out WBW comes right after the first episode - which has a talking point about how you shouldn't punished for something as innocuous as shipping. So to have the first episode be proceeded by an episode that establishes Luz's relationship to a prince as something VERY IMPORTANT because of how it relates to the story's villain is... hmm... suspicious to say the least. I don't think this is something they'd do if their goal was to create an argument against Luz and Hunter getting together.
Even if you wanted to make a case by using Eclipse Lake as evidence for Hunter and Luz being bad for each other - it still doesn't work. Yes, Hunter, in Eclipse Lake is technically making a choice between Luz and Belos like he did in Hunting Palismen. But here's the thing: this choice isn't used BY THE WRITERS to argue why Hunter and Luz would be bad for each other. If it was intended to be used against Luz/Hunter then Luz's perception of Hunter would have changed and his choice would be used as a point of contention between them. This would have been a perfect way to insert Willow into Hollow Mind instead of Luz.... but they don't do that.
They don't do that because Hunter's and Luz's relationship was never intended to be painted in a negative light.
In fact, Hollow Mind goes so far as to parallel them with Caleb and Evelyn. And I'm not talking about making Evelyn's appearance more like Luz than Willow. I'm talking abut stuff like this:
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Must I rlly point out why this is so crazy... just look at the bottom left corner...
here's a more HD version of the painting:
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There's also the parallel of Caleb/Hunter being "lured away" from Philip by a witch from another world... with the bonus points of Evelyn/Luz expecting the arrival of a new family member. Which is unbelievably haunting to me btw LMAO.
Thanks to Them takes it even further by telling the story of Caleb and Evelyn.... while Luz is dressed as a witch and Hunter is cosplaying as a human... and they made sure Luz was sitting right next to Hunter when the story was being told... I'm not making this shit up - that's literally what happened. Once again, this was another moment that could have been given to Willow instead of Luz.... but it's not.
[A/N: Seeing Luz sit next to Hunter with her gf right before the writers release the Caleb/Evelyn bombshell on them is so fucking funny. This entire episode is a joy to sit through because it reads like an episode written by someone who doesn't like Lumity and Huntlow. I don't know how they could have written the most anti-Lumity and anti-Huntlow episode in the show accidentally, but they did. 10/10 episode tbh.]
Then there is Luz's association with wolves highlighted by Hunter's newfound love of wolves... then there is Flapjack only letting Luz use him during their fight with Belos... then there is Flapjack flying to Luz instead of Willow when he's on his deathbed... FINALLY, there is Hunter coming back to life looking like Caleb and pleading with Luz - who is still dressed as a witch - to help him fight his grand-uncle-brother.
I also want to note Willow's costume in TTT takes design cues from Evelyn's stereotypes. I don't think this was intentional, because if it was then that would have been used to foreshadow Hunter NOT ending up with Willow. But it is very funny to me and I like to think that it was a sneaky move done by a Huntlow hater in the crew... I know I would do something like this if I was forced to make Hunter and Willow a thing LOL.
So yeah, you'd think they'd give all this stuff to Willow instead of Luz, since they intended to culminate Hunter's arc with him holding pinkies with Willow instead of helping Luz fight Belos.
At this point you're probably thinking... hmm... if the writers always intended to make Luzs and Hunters relationship detrimental to their stories, then they're not doing a very good job at it. And you'd be right... because they never intended to write an argument against it in the first place.
Even though they wanted Hunter to be paired off with Willow, they never bothered to make sure she's there for all of his important moments. Instead, Hunter's important moments are given to Luz - the only character in this show who has a thing for angsty warrior princes with tragic yet compelling backstories.
And I havent the faintest fucking idea why they though this was a good idea... but I sure do know it wasn't because they wanted to create a compelling argument against Luz/Hunter.
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Pulleyverse characters sending their children off to college
Mori: he's the type of dad to pretend to not care whatsoever about his kid going off to college but secretly be devastated and not want it to happen at all. He'd hold it together until the moment he got in the car to go home after move in and just burst into tears. I can very clearly picture him telling Six not to expect to come home every weekend, and then proceed to ask her if she wants to come home every weekend.
Thaniel: he's sending Six off with a full arsenal of self defense tools and techniques. At least two knives, a whistle, brass knuckles, tasers, the works, and he'd drag her to boxing practices at least once a week leading up to her moving in. He's 100% the "'your kid got in a fight' 'did she win?'" type of parent.
Merrick: the BIGGEST school merch dad you've ever seen. He is raiding the fucking bookstore for hours trying to find the cute little "[school] dad" t-shirts and bumper stickers, and be coming out with at least 90% of their inventory. He orders the other 10% of it online the same night. He's got mugs, coasters, lanyards, anything you can put a logo on. (Plot twist, his kid transfers school the next year)
Raphael: I think he would be the most worried about his kid at parties and teach them as many tips and tricks to stay safe specifically at college parties. That and he would want to make/bring them food every day of the week bc he wouldn't trust a school cafeteria at all. And take them grocery shopping. And bring them home once a week. And-
Joe: he'd be the parent who's actually chill about sending his kids to school. Especially where he has two of them going off to school at the same time, he would get too wrapped up in the chaos of moving them both in at the same time to actually worry about them as much. At the end of the day tho I think he would trust his kids to be smart and reach out if they need help so he wouldn't mind as much if they were farther away.
Missouri: he'd definitely go wandering around the entire campus just to see what it's like. They'd all be looking for him to bring stuff up to the dorm and he'd be on the other side of campus checking out a cool pond he found on the very edge of the school property. Almost gets kicked out for wandering into private areas every year.
Valery: he'd have an absolute BALL trying to help his stepkids pick their classes for the year and just stack their schedule to help them graduate exactly on track, or even earlier if they wanted.
Shenkov: blubbers like a fuckin baby every time and doesn't care who notices. He makes move in a big family thing so everyone has to go and help move the others into school, then hugs the kids goodbye for as long as humanly possible while absolutely sobbing. (Plot twist, the school is only an hour away)
January: tbh I think he would be advocating strongly for gap years/career paths that don't require degrees. He seems like the type of person who wants everyone to get a chance to enjoy their early twenties before they go off to college. Once his kid does get into school tho he'd ask them all about what they're studying (and absolutely love it when they get all excited about it like Gale does).
Gale: Also really wants to know about what their kids are studying, but they go the extra mile and find copies of their assigned reading/textbooks to read and talk more in-depth with their kid about it. How they got copies of some of them, no one is sure, but they have them.
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accirax · 3 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 13
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i guess Marcus cares about everyone. Marcus characterization jumpscare.
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it's so interesting to me how much Alec seems to care about his family in retrospect when we've seen illustrated time and time again that he didn't seem to care about them (or at least his son) in the moment pretty much at all. i guess it's a "you don't know what you have until it's gone" type of thing?
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hey, we finally got names!
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well, that happened. once again, congrats to the AleRiya shippers. i probably still prefer them as friends for now, but i'm not opposed to them becoming a ship in the future. i doubt they will, since the writers seem to really like Connor and Riya and probably want that to be endgame, but i digress. it's really important to Alec's character, i think, that he was one of the only completely new characters created for s1, and was quite possibly crafted with an All Stars season in mind. thus, as much as Alec was created for Fiore in s1 (to help her have numbers and allies and stuff), he may have also been created for Riya in DCAS. i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Alec's traits were crafted with this friendship and possibly even this plot beat in mind.
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this whole scene is so sad :(
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i... really don't understand Aiden's motivations here? like, what will happen if you tell the group "Alec and Riya kissed"? who would care other than Connor, who you already acknowledged would be crushed by the news? do you really think that Gabby or whoever would stop working with the villains under the knowledge that two legal adults smooched? is this about ruining Riya's reputation? the footage will certainly air on TV regardless of whether you tell anyone or not. am i just missing something? what game is Aiden playing at???
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here's how aro Kristal truthers can still win.
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waterBENDING? does Grett watch Avatar? :D i suppose she is in a good age demographic for it.
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QUIRK??? DOES ALEC WATCH BNHA????? that's way more surprising than Grett watching Avatar. i do not know what Alec would possibly enjoy in BNHA. like, who's his favorite character? Aizawa???
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this is WAY funnier than him being invisible. props.
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Alec may have the looks of a mastermind strategist, but he has the heart of a simp. truly tragic. you know, if you want a family again, you could always direct that (platonic) love at a certain other competitor...
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what a fucking loser (affectionate)
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"have you considered that your employees might think you're cringe?"
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LMAOOOOOOO this says so much about Jake. of course he's a villain shipper. but, see, to my point-- Jake literally doesn't give a fuck about this! what are you planning to gain!!!
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Jake get the banana
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i didn't put it together after watching the trailer, but it's really interesting to me that Yul and Grett were lightning and water respectively. i guess it's saying that if they could actually work together, they'd be a super deadly pair? or, maybe it was a coincidence.
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nobody is wearing a cape, Gabby included. i thought she said she was working on her mask and cape designs :(
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it's... a massive geological structure that weighs and should be able to withstand several tons of force? what?
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cathartic and appropriate that Yul becomes desperate once he feels his power is lost.
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this was a real L episode for Alec. sorry buddy.
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neither disappointed nor surprised. it truly was Yul's time to go.
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THE TWINK TRUCE!! they're even making, like, the same face, lol.
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SO interesting how closely this mirror's Grett's exit in S1. Grett grew from her experience, while Yul can only manage to POSSIBLY be at the emotional maturity of s1 Grett now. and, tbh, he's not even close to that.
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HOORAY!!! now make sure you apologize to her. thoroughly.
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HOW?????????? i seriously don't understand this... maybe Aiden will explain himself better when this happens next episode.
yay, fun superhero challenge! love a good themed episode. i do think the fact that like... five people could have had immunity in this one was kind of weird, but, eh. as it turns out, Grett and Gabby could have won immunity as well as Aiden and Jake and it would have changed literally nothing about the outcome of this vote. it was really just about Yul (and kind of Connor, i guess).
i do wonder if Yul's elimination will essentially spell the end of the "heroes versus villains" portion of the game, and the gameplay will shift to being more individually focused. we do kinda have four groups of two at the moment-- Gabby and Grett, Alec and Riya, Aiden and Jake, and... Connor and Ally, I guess? that could make for some interesting votes.
after a somewhat longer hiatus than usual, now we're going to be doing one episode per week! how exciting! in that case, i'll see you again on (presumably) Wednesday for the power rankings, and if you don't read those, once again on Saturday for Episode 14. bye for now!
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love-toxin · 2 years
You know, your writing rly has got me thinking Ellie 🤔... maybe I wouldn’t mind being a bimbo. For the right people at least (*cough* any/all of the (yandere)fruity four). Like you’re actually totally right. Letting them take care of me, do everything for me, make sure they can look after me if I can’t look after myself??? Like (fictionally) it seems like a pretty good deal to me 🥰
tbh you don't even need to be a total bimbo, the fruity four are such caregivers that they'd baby you to hell and back for any given reason <33
like you'd get to ride as passenger princess all the time, especially with Steve, and he gets sooooo pressed if you open or close your door by yourself, or even if you offer to pump his gas or pay for it yourself. he just gives you a look and insists that "I am your boyfriend, I will do all the boyfriend things. you sit and stay pretty." before he gets out and holds open your door for you. and no paying for anything else, either--princesses don't pay, because you don't owe him for treating you the way you deserve to be treated.
whereas Nancy has a thing for dressing you up, you're like her little dolly--she always used to love dressing Holly up when she was a baby, and you're one of the only ones out of the five that will let her doll you up. she throws even more energy into it if you either don't care about your appearance, don't have the energy to pick out clothes, or don't like how you look. she's got endless ideas about what she can put together for you, and even goes out of her way to find sensory-friendly clothes if you find normal ones to be really irritating--and she loves laying out outfits for you in the mornings, and looks forward to either seeing you in them or hearing your critiques so she can find something better next time.
Robin herself is a fiend for domestic hygiene tasks, like showering, bathing, brushing your teeth, and maintaining your hair, among other things. she lives for those moments of quiet domesticity as she rubs soap into your back in the shower, or tenderly snips the split ends off your hair as you sit in front of the mirror, or pats your mouth dry with a towel after you've finished rinsing and spit your toothpaste into the sink. there won't ever be a complaint or annoyed urging for you to fix your hair or wash up, because if you struggle to do so, she's more than happy to do it for you and will enlist the other's help to make it easier, and also so they can all help take care of you together <3
Eddie is a menace for cutting up your food for you. he takes note of how you like to eat your food, like if you don't like your food mixing on the plate or certain foods touching each other, and not only ensures those rules are respected but he speaks on your behalf if you get the wrong order at a restaurant or if they forgot something. even if you eat almost the same thing every single day, or have a small list of safe foods, Eddie learns how to cook and prepare them all so he can make you whatever you ask for perfectly. he even cuts the crusts off your sandwiches and shapes things into uneven hearts, he loves doing it so damn much.
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simlit · 11 months
3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 19, 22, 24, 25, for VEN
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What is your OCs fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
In his current state? Probably his selflessness. He gives too much to people and has a hard time drawing lines if it's someone he deeply cares about. Case in point, letting Naida more or less railroad the entire family into chasing the Fountain of Youth. In his defense, Naida isn't really someone you can win fights against, but considering the dangerous nature of the voyage, one would think he should have fought against it a lot harder. I do think he's aware of it, but not in a way he can actively check, because it's a lot of him overcompensating for the way he used to be and the things he's done. So I guess a larger and probably more fatal flaw is the fact that he carries around so much guilt and does a lot in the name of reparations.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Easily, but tbh I feel this is one thing Ven shares with Kato. His morals can be bent depending on who is involved and the consequence of the situation. Ven isn't standing on moral highground in the first place, despite understanding right and wrong well enough. He certainly doesn't care enough about authority not to break rules, and as far as life or death is concerned, a life will always matter less to him if they're at odds with someone he loves. That being said, I think he's resourceful enough to find ways around making risky choices.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Also a really fun question, cuz I haven't thought about it in years LOL. Though Ven stayed mostly the same from conception, he was supposed to be a bit more "roguish" even after his Reaper years. More of the typical pirate: loose, unkempt and thieving. But he ended up being way more charitable and straightlaced than I'd initially planned, but that ironed itself out almost immediately so I don't really consider it to have been "the plan" just "what I had had in mind at some point" lmao. Now the idea of Ven sleeping around with literally anyone is goddamn baffling to me.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Every single word of his theme song, "The Balancer's Eye" by Lord Huron, but all of this: Nothing's waiting for us in the great sky Life is equal to dust in the Balancer's eye Now I know that I can't lift an old curse Tell me, how does a man change the universe? Will I ever be forgiven for the crime of my life? Will it haunt me till I die? To the end of time?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
I think Ven is one of the few characters I can genuinely answer "yes" to this question lmao. Just because Ven is hands down the least judgmental of my OCs, not to mention packing all that charisma, he can literally talk to anyone. Although I probably would just be dead on the floor so it wouldn't be a very interesting conversation.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
We so rarely see Ven angry. Honestly, a bit like Kyrie, Ven has a quiet temper. He's good at restraining himself now, because he knows intimately well just how horrible of a person he can be, so he makes a concerted effort never to let anything get him that upset. Mostly, things don't anger him as much as he may be disappointed or saddened. There is one scene in OST:O I've had planned for years that actually showcases Ven's true anger and it is very much "silent and lethal" lmao.
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Oof, I dunno, somewhere between neutral good and chaotic neutral. Hard to pinpoint lol
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone done? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
Oh, this one is interesting. I think Ven could have easily continued down the path he started on when he got the sight. That is, had he not been able to pull himself back from that maniacal person he'd become as consequence, he'd be unrecognizable today. That's not to say he isn't already because he absolutely was that person for a moment in time. The Reaper King wasn't just a persona, it was his entire essence. He was ruthless, violent and he did very literally kill dozens (I won't say 100s but it's up there) of people. We like to imagine him as the loving father and perfect husband he is now, but outside of maybe Elsera he's my OC with the highest bodycount. And while in a way you could justify he killed people because "they deserved to die" he was never in the right to pass that judgement. Had he not eventually woken up from that state of trauma and derangement, he'd still be a completely unstable murderous lunatic .-.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
How hot he is. The end.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Who of your turtles has the highest body count. Legitimate question here and it can be interpreted either way.
oughhh that depends, like, at what point in the timeline??? also i find it comedic to ask about either # of sexual partner or # of people killed as if they're of equal importance.
I personally don't think about sex with other people a ton, so idk how you would even have sex with a lot of people... obviously i know it happens but idk how to factor that into their personalities cause its a part of mine that is distinctly Not There haha. but I'll try!
so here's the sex portion:
soo Mikey is like, kind of ace. He probably has the most friends/opportunities for sex but also he just doesn't think about it that much. it's just not on his mind. so he would be pretty low down there, EXCEPT that he did have a period of time where he went a bit crazy with freedom after they left Splinter. So there was a time where he probably had a lot of casual sex in his early 20's i think. just like, for shits and giggles. But tbh sex is like, cool or whatever, but so are comics. it's like that for him.
Raph was too busy for sex and then later on realized he was basically in a relationship with casey and had been for years so, he's at a solid 1 person lmao.
Leo is... interesting. I think Leo probably likes casual sex EVENTUALLY. but he has a lot of work to do before he lets himself be comfortable about that so. give him some time and he'll probably end up being the one with the most partners in his lifetime.
Donnie is. Ah, well. its complicated. He's definitely the one with the most sexual partners before the age of 18 and that is NOT a good thing. He mostly just ignores the fact that sex exists in REAL LIFE, similarly to Mikey (and me). like sex is cool or whatever but have you ever watched a really good documentary?
aaaand here's the murder portion:
GENERALLY they try not to kill people. I think Leo has the most casualties because he cares the least about people getting hurt, (well it's more like he cares more about doing his job right but you know whatever) but i don't think he's ever accidentally killed someone.
I think anyone they do or don't kill will be plot/character relevant, and since I haven't thought of anything like that yet, we're at a solid ZERO kills so far. that's likely to change as I keep developing the timeline, so I'll just give you an overview of who's the most likely to kill and why:
Raph - least likely, he basically sees himself as a shield. he spends a lot of fights taking and deflecting hits.
Donnie/Mikey - nearly equally tied to commit murder in the heat of the moment (they are both very emotional in very different ways, but they'd both regret it)
Leo - most likely to kill someone on accident while showing off, or to kill someone cause he thinks there's no better way. will pretend he doesn't care about taking a life, actually secretly cares a lot :')
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bedknees · 1 year
I see ur kind of back in the eene fandom. Favorite and least favorite headcanons about the Ed's if your feeling up to it?
Lol hi. And yeah I'm here. Arcane has had such a relentless chokehold on my brain for the past year and a half and it's finally loosening it's grip (inb4 inevitable Season 2 promo shit lmao).
HCs for the Eds? Let's goooo-
HCs I like:
-I like the HC he has ADHD. It fits him well and has direct canon evidence. As an ADHDer, he fits a lot of the basic stereotypes.
-The kinda popular fandom idea that he will be involved in the filming or general crew of B-tier horror movies when he's an adult. Career path is honestly among the most likely. Can also dig him being an Art Bell-esque radio or podcast host of weird conspiracy stuff.
-Love when he's paired with May. I feel that they'd be the only Ed/Kanker combo that'd work imho.
-Even though he's a fun loving character at heart, I like the idea that we see more of that serious and angry side he showed in Little Ed Blue and BPS. Like as he gets older and more seasoned he learns to stand up for himself more. Not his default at all, but learns to put up with less shit.
-I don't see him caring much about gender or sexuality. I don't ever see him labeling himself or thinking much about it, but I also don't see him as fully straight or cis.
-Can see him really being into Astrology and star charts. He probably has an Ancient Aliens phase 😆
-Like to think he starts taking college classes in his Junior or Senior year of high-school. Probably gets offers from Ivy-League schools, picking not the one he wants to go to the most, but the one that leaves him closest to home.
-I think it was @eddbedandeddy that came up with the idea that he has trichotillomania, where one pulls out clumps of hair as a very maladaptive nervous habit. Love this and I fully support the HC that it's why he wears his hat.
-Dig the idea he goes on to become a doctor of some sort.
-Is a really bad cook. Underseasons and overcooks a LOT. Usually keeps it to cup noodles, sandwiches, or takeout if the responsibility falls on him.
-Definitely has big bi or pan energy.
-Though he can't cook, Edd is very good with gardening and plants in general. Super good at keeping them healthy and cultivating them.
-Mellows out a bit when he gets older. Still a tad neurotic but not a full blown nervous wreck.
(So warning: Eddy is my favoritest, most special little guy(TM) so there is a little bias for how many HCs I have for him compared to the others. Sorry lol.)
-It's funny when you think about it, because in terms of Eddy's personality after BPS it's actually pretty nebulous to nail down. Despite being one of the brashest, most outspoken characters he's actually the most mysterious when it comes down to who he truly is. He hid behind a facade for the majority of the show's runtime, after all, so what he truly is like underneath that leaves a lot up to the imagination.
-HOWEVER, I HC Eddy returning to his Season 1 and early Season 2 personality after BPS, with a decent amount of self reflection and maturity tacked on. I think how he acted in Season 1 is the closest to who he really is at the core. A good example of how I see Eddy (as a teenager, at least), is that he would share a lot of traits with Amethyst from Steven Universe, I guess? Closest example I can think of, tbh.
-He's closeted gay kid. Home of sexual. 👬🏳️‍🌈🌈 I used to see him as a bi, but rewatches changed my mind a lot. (Part of it is that he's always been my favorite and I was projecting tbh.) It takes him till his mid-to-late teens to start to accept it.
-Excellent cook. His mom's side is 100% Italian in my personal HC and she and her side bestowed a ton of culinary knowledge on him from old family recipes etc.
-Piggybacking off this, I see Eddy being a line cook for quite a while if not as his staple career. I can also see him doing car sales and bartending and even working at a deli. Bounces around jobs a lot, but always is employed in some way or the other.
-He loves baking and is very good at it. Don't give him shit about it or he will cry in private.
-Eddy is ADHD like Ed, but on the more impulsive and moody side of the large spectrum ADHD consists of. He also is bipolar af.
-Is heavily into music in general, especially as he gets older. He also has a penchant for musicals and Broadway, but he WILL get defensive if you tease him for it. But yeah, music is his biggest hobby and interest by far.
HCs I don't like:
-That he's too stupid to live. Leave him alone, he's dim but functional.
-The idea he can't function independently from Edd and Eddy. He absolutely can and is his own person!
-When fanfics or works in general make Eddy and Edd act like parents to him. He's their equal 👏
-Anytime he's explicitly third-wheeled when Edd and Eddy are paired. You absolutely can write the former two paired up without excluding him.
-When the fandom makes him an uwu softboy. Stfu. He's a little asshole with a smart mouth and a truckload of sass. Erasing that makes him so BORING 😴
-The HC that he will 'outgrow' Eddy and Ed and move on from them. He's right where he belongs and they complete each other. Stop.
-Where do I begin? Firstly, him acting the same exact way as he does in the show after what happened in BPS. The entire movie was explicitly about Eddy becoming a better person and learning his lesson. At least show some growth.
-Him becoming an even more ruthless and corrupt scammer as an adult. Paired with the above point, but still.
-Any HCs that he's heterosexual 🤢
-Fanart that makes him skinny.
I could go on but those are the main ones. Ty anon!
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nine-fingered-entity · 4 months
one piece live action episode 1 thoughts:
yeah, i'm months late. who cares?
also. full disclaimer: i have both a huge sentimental connection to one piece (first ever manga, first read when i was like. 8.) and am an enjoyer of it current day (have read the whole thing 3 times. can and will bitch about it at length but genuinely do love it. have posted like. 45k worth of one piece fic.) so absolutely biased as hell.
show is silly goofy which is correct. one piece is silly goofy first and foremost. just relax, enjoy the ride, accept the cartoon shonen logic. once i did that i had a good time.
i 'm actually a fan of the changes made to pacing. breaking up the first chapter with all the luffy flashback lore makes a ton of sense for live action and makes more space for present-day stuff. we don't need to know all that right away. we'll get to it. episode was still a bit rushed but tbh the manga had that issue too with the early chapters (had a lot to do and oda did not yet have free rein to bloat)
along the same lines, introducing nami and zoro at the same time makes a lot of sense. gives us more time with both of them. get to see nami in her element a bit more-very cool. also the map gives them all more of a reason to be in shell town causing havoc.
i especially like the reworking of how zoro and luffy meet and how zoro teams up with him (not a crew! yet!). it always kind of bothered me that luffy somewhat coerced him into joining in the OG - thematically that was a cognitive dissonance, so luffy freeing him without expectation felt a) more luffy and b) will make zoro eventually joining more meaningful imo
do sort of wish that they'd somehow managed to keep zoro stubbornly hanging there starving for like. days. because i think that's a really good intro to his character and what's important to him but at least he still managed to eat the floor rice. like overall i think the changes were a good idea but they do give a different spin on him. (i think he accepted being freed too easily in this one. but. oh well.)
big fan of the alabasta foreshadowing. and zoro's opening scene. kind of ate ngl. cool to see things only offhandedly mentioned in the manga.
acting/writing. hm. i think some of the serious dialogue was a bit clunky and some bits the acting felt a bit...self conscious? sometimes luffy seemed a bit Too Self Aware/and not relaxed enough. during the sillier bits though i thought he did better and loosened up. same with zoro. no notes for nami though.
i was expecting to hate the rubber CGI but. did not mind it. fight scenes felt a bit silly but that's okay they are silly. (it is a plot point in the early manga that luffy fighting looks bizarre.)
fight scenes pretty decent, considering the medium change. three-sword style does just look flimsy live, unfortunately.
why is Garp here????????????????????
surprisingly faithful to all the important bits, honestly. we'll see where this goes. interested to see what they do with orange town now that the set-up has changed.
fun thoughts:
was that crocodile in the execution crowd? oda was apparently pretty involved in all this, so if that Was crocodile then that counts as evidence for my favorite One Piece theory. crocomom real?
spotted Foxy and Bellamy bounty posters, which imply both of them have been to the East Blue. interesting but probably inconsequential set-building. curious on what posters i missed.
my instagram ads keep showing me a one-hole zoro earring set (all three dangles but you only need one piercing) and i've never been more tempted. damn the algorithm.
huge fan of koby's hair
was jumpscared multiple times by british accents. which is on me and my USAmerican-ness.
unfounded guess but i bet they're going to change how kuina dies. please.
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I'm sending this to three T70s blogs! What are your very most controversial/unpopular That 70s Show opinions? To get the ball rolling, I'll confess a few of mine since I'm on anon and can't be attacked :) 1. I always shipped Jackie/Eric to the point where they're a true OTP of mine. I have no idea why. Usually when I ship non-canon couples, it's because they're very close friends whose personalities seem incredibly compatible to me...but Jackie and Eric aren't especially close (despite being in the same general group), and they don't seem very compatible or even to care about and respect each other that much. (Though Jackie's "hero" line melts me!) Tbh, it probably just comes down to the fact that Jackie and Eric are by far my two favorite characters. I love analyzing, writing about them, and envisioning how they might have worked if I conveniently ignore 97% of canon. I'm pathetic :) 2. I wouldn't really like Hyde in real life and don't think he was a particularly good romantic partner at all. (*ducks*) I mean, he was an improvement over Kelso, but who isn't?! I just think fandom idealizes him a bit too much. It's a matter of taste, though---the super 'edgy, rebel, proudly rude, 'duuude, I shoplift and smoke a lot of weed and would rather set myself on fire than eat in a mainstream chain restaurant' kind of guys just aren't my personal type :) 3. Sort of related to the first two confessions: I don't think Jackie and Hyde would make each other happy long term. They had some wonderful moments on the show, but I really just don't think they'd give each other what they want. 4. I don't really get how some newer fans turn Laurie into this root-worthy 'girlboss' who's just misunderstood- she's supposed to be unrepentantly, hilariously terrible, and she is! Sometimes it really is as simple as that :) 5. (*whispers*) More often than not, I enjoy Kelso. Obviously as a boyfriend to Jackie, but as a character who - for me - really does add a lot of humor and energy to the show. i can't wait to read yours, and please don't hate me for mine!
I agree with everything you said. Jackie & Eric are my true otp. And I don't really care for Hyde. He's actually my least favourite character.
Now for Laurie. Yeah, it boogles my mind how younger fans see her as a girlboss. She's not. Laurie is a horrible example of how a human being should behave. People can blame Kitty all they want. But even if she didn't slut shame her. Laurie would still have low self esteem. That's what happens when you live a destructive lifestyle.
Now here's my unpopular opinions
Making Hyde biracial was fucking stupid. The boys clearly Irish and that's why he has curly hair.
I don't like Brooke and Kelso as a couple
Fez is over hated
I would have preferred the storyline where Eric's a single dad
Eric had every right to punch David.
Jackie & Fez are not as bad as fans make them out to be
Most Jackie & Hyde stans are borderline psychotic. They didn't end up together. Get the fuck over it.
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discocandles · 2 years
Lolirock characters ranked on how likely they would be to rock someone's shit in a fist fight:
Note: this is for characters who speak in at least two episodes. Mostly. There may be a few exceptions.
At the bottom of the list: missy
Tbh missy looks like she'd smack a bitch, but I think she's more bark than bite. The second it's getting physical is the second she's backing out. She's probs the one getting her shit rocked
Next up: Doug
With a name like Doug, you know his fedora-wearing ass doesn't stand a single iota of a chance. And if you get the cell phone, he's down for the fucking count. This is also a good place to put any other love in-show love interest auriana's had... there is one exception
The exception: Matt
Now I know what you're thinking. The dinosaur guy? Why's he soch a big exception? Well it's bc of the falling t-Rex scene. The guy noticed the skull falling and was able to make his way under it, catch it and hold it up until iris got there. Do I think he'd still get whooped in a fistfight? Yes I do, but he's put up more of a fight than the likes of Doug or Timothy(who got bested by a fucking table)
Now, Our magical teddy bear: amaru
While I highly doubt amaru would get into a street fight, I don't think he'd do the best. He's smol, he's squishy, and quite cute. And while these are all amazing facts about him, they are no help in a fight. But I think his cuteness would keep him from being hurt.
She should probs be higher but I'm spending forever on this already: Lyna
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Lyna would try to avoid a fight at all costs. don't get me wrong, I'm not saying she couldn't rock your shit. I'm saying she probably wouldn't. This is basically a character trait of hers, as she's a lot better with spells. If she actually joined the fight, she'd probably just fight to a stand still.
Please hear me out: gramorr
yes I am getting a lot of joy from this. We never see him use anything other than magic and intimidation to get his way. without his magic, he only has intimidation. So I think he can barely throw a punch. Like once the person isn't intimidated by him they could probably rock this man's shit, but his presence makes most folks just go "nah, fuck this."
Next: Jenny
Is this mostly to spite gramorr? I'll never say. Listen, Jenny would use a lot of foot work to confuse her opponent, and get them to fall, then beat them up. I think this isn't her first rodeo with this crap.
Ok, this is where I'm putting Deinos and Kakos:
if I could separate them, they'd be a lot lower, but they finish each other's sentences, so they're basically one person. They mostly have the advantage of being two people, but put them in a 2v2 and those kids are getting slammed.
After this: Nathaniel
I feel like this fight is under very particular conditions. Someone's being disrespectful and loud in the smoothie shop. He tries to escort kick them out, and they punch him. Nathaniel is able to get them out the door before punching back. And wins the fight, but gets injured in the process.
We're pretty much in the you never stood a chance levels: Auriana
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I know I know, it's probably lower than it should be. But I have a good reason for this. It's bc I can't see auriana getting into a fistfight. She's a very charming person, and that gets her out of a lot of these situations. She absolutely kicks ass, but I think it's almost impossible for her to end up in a street fight.
I think I know what I'm doing here: Mephisto
This is probably just a game to him tbh. Like it doesn't matter that he's not using magic. In fact, it probably helps him some since most of the magic fights are using large spells to summon monsters. Also he's talking trash the entire time, but no one quite knows what he means, so he's accidentally playing mind games with his opponents.
Back again?: it's Amaru, but horse form
Yes they are separate, and I know it kind of contradicts the Deinos & Kakos thing but guess what? I don't care. But anyway, horse amaru could take a direct attack from banes, he can handle a little fist fight. Like horses are kinda tanks already, and he also has wings.
We're def in the you never stood a chance category: Talia
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If you're pissing her off, it's barely even a fight. The shit-rocking will be swift, she's by far the most efficient. But she won't do it unless it's really needed.
I'm gonna get flamed for this one: Iris
One of my main reasons for this is bc she was the first person we saw using the crystum-pactus spell, which is just like enhanced punching. And in the episode with the evil stuffed animals, in the initial fight iris just bit the plushie that was latched onto talia.
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Like she's more feral than we think she is.
I don't know why she wouldn't be using her magic, but actually she probably is, and that's what's she's really able to fuck anyone going against her up.
At the very top: Carissa
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For Carissa, every fight is a fistfight. Similar to what I said about Lyna, the fact she's good at combat is part of her character. Carissa is also on the short list of people who have fucking bodied Banes, and on his own turf too. She deserves to be able to kick someone in the face. Like Carissa joining a fight by leaping off something and landing on the opponent's face would be iconic, and you can't tell me I'm wrong about that.
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sparklywatercolors · 8 months
hello! tell me about Sonya? ( gimme all the deets pls )
ahhhh!!! hi!!!! Sonya is my baby, they are everchanging and always growing, but they started out as a flower shop assistant for this old woman, that takes care of their entire town with money she acquired in her youth (babushka my beloved, i don't have a name for her yet, she's just called babushka). And Sonya only got the job because they studied so hard when it came to plants (special interest of theirs), and said to babushka one day, that one of her plants was sick because of a rly odd and overly specific reason. And that's how they got their first job, and was pushed by babushka to study (at least part time) botany. Which they did. They passed with flying colors. People think they are dumb but they're really smart, they just don't like showing it. This is where the story @humhum235 and I have been collaborating on comes in So because of Sonya's high marks, they ended up being allowed to basically be a gardener for a program to bring plants to another planet. And Sonya didn't want to leave because of their dog Benji, and babushka was like "I'll take care of him until you come home to us. Go." aND SO THEY DID. When they were getting close, their ship was attacked (by the my favorite bastard ever but that's for another day), and they nearly died, but the nameless king of the land rescued them. And Sonya pretty much latched themself to him. Sonya is actually a low key trouble maker and would beg the king to let them leave meetings and not do boring stuff. They'd make silly faces behind the council's back and sneak these alien bugs they found into the palace, with the help of something that goes beyond what we know as AI, but their name is Receiver (Baby Receiver comes a lot later). And as time went on, and Sonya and this king eventually fell in love, and Sonya made many new friends, such as a their friend Mars, who doesn't know his past (and gets horrific visions when he tries to find it), and is called the prince of the stars, and their friends with the common folks, and finding a planet full of penguins, Sonya began to harvest these new powers, but they didn't know it yet. Remember that bastard I mentioned? He attacked one day, and hit the king a little too hard, and Sonya just froze. Their eyes dialating, their foe laughing saying they wont do anything. Fun fact, their pupils momentarily changed into the shape of flowers that are dangerous to humans such as aconitum and oleander. Sonya lifted their hand up and slammed him into a ship, using plants. And he like basically refuses to fight with them now. (Spoiler: after many months, their foe is now sort of a friend, he denies it though, he just likes visiting the penguins). Sonya hated that they did that, and they try to apologize to him about it. They decided to play around the castle halls (much to the council's dismay), and see what they can do with these abilities. They can also cry to where it causes a flood, and they have a scream that can break walls. But they use their plant powers to entertain the public, and make the planets they visit some gifts. Mind you, this power isn't exactly magic (Sonya calls it that though), it's different elements. And yet here's Sonya with the newest element: nature. (In Sonya's words though: PLANT). Mars can move the stars, and he's isolated when it comes to that. Him and Sonya often bond over being younger in the group, Mars is immortal just like the king and the foe, but he's a lot younger. (Fun fact: Mars and Sonya often call the other 2 in the "squad" old men when it's just them bullshitting together). Sonya is fascinated by the fact that Mars has stars embedded into his face and neck and star dust on his fingertips. Sonya is low key jealous tbh. LMAO. Remember Benji? He gets to go to space with Sonya later on, and he meets the wind people. They're so fascinated and excited by him, and their element rubs off on him. YEAH MAGICAL DOGGIE!!!! >:DD Anyways, that's just some of the basics/ lore. ENJOY :DDDD
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xplrvibes · 2 years
Hey. I'm the Winchester anon and I just wanted to say that I honestly don't have much to say about the video. All in all, it wasn't horrible. I did think the psychic or whatever she claimed to be was full of shit and I'm not a big fan of numerology. I've been doing a lot of research into the house recently and it's made me even more upset that Sarah Winchester - who I recently learned actually went by Sally - has become nothing more than a bedtime ghost story because she really isn't. I wish I had more thoughts on the video but I think I'm just fed up with people still continuing this charade as a means to sell tickets to the point that I just can't bring myself to care anymore. I appreciate that snc referred to the story as a legend but I was still hoping they'd mention a little bit more about the factual story (that's very easy to find), not just what the attraction wants you to believe. I am curious if they actually know the place in horseshit in terms of the popular story but I have a feeling they don't considering I also just learned that Andrew Jackson most likely didn't visit the Bell Witch location because there's no evidence that he did in any other memoir, biography, or journal of his life and his whereabouts at the time he would've been there are very well documented. It's only mentioned in the original Bell Witch book is believed to be really inaccurate since it was written 70 years after the haunting and nobody has been able to find or even place any of the author's supposed sources. Sorry, went on a tangent. So... tbh, I'm kind of starting to dislike certain aspects of their videos.
Hey, Winchester anon. We were looking for you a few weeks ago!
I agree with you about the psychic and the numerology. While I find numerology interesting in an objective sense, I don't really buy into it at all. And that psychic was just...wow.
You bring up an interesting point about Sarah Winchester- she has become this ultimate urban legend of a haunted, slightly crazed woman who turned her house into a ghost obstacle course on the advice of a psychic, which is apparently the polar opposite of who she actually was. If she ever came back from the dead and heard the stories about herself and her house, how would she feel? Would she be flattered, shattered, confused, angry?
I mean, if it were me, I'd lean all the way into it, but that's because I think the idea of coming back from the dead and finding out that you're actually a world famous urban legend is kind of funny. But I'm not a good example of anything, lol.
I really don't think they know that the whole story is horseshit, just cause most people don't. The legend has taken over. I do kind of wish they had done some deeper dives and presented the theory of this place becoming a tulpa or egrogore, because they have explored those themes in the past- but the "psychic" and Celina were both leaning heavy into the whole mythology of the story so I'm not surprised that they stuck to the basics. It was nice of them to at least quantify that this was all legend, though.
The Bell Witch story is total urban legend and BS, lol. I never bought that story and never will. It's a fun urban legend though, so whatever. The thought of crazy ass Andrew Jackson showing up to inspect a haunted house- like, that could've been an episode of Drunk History (or Puppet History) if it was factually accurate.
I don't mind the urban legends, but it'd be cool if snc ever broke from tradition and was just like, "Yea, the stories of this place aren't real, here's the real stories, you guys haunted this place by making these stories up throughout the years." Probably get them blacklisted from a lot of haunted places, but it'd be worth it lol.
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6okuto · 3 years
Hiii I just love your work!! It's so beautifully written.. I also hope you're having an amazing day. I also have a sorta angsty-ish request...<<
Could you please do the M4 finding out MC was in the hunger games? And the fact that MC would probably have PTSD or other underlying mental health issues,, it'd be interesting to see what specifically Felix would do to help with the nightmares idk😳😳
I'm kinda going through my hunger games phase again..
warnings: coping with ptsd/anxiety/depression/etc. beautifully written.... thank u :[[ i hope U have a spectacular day
sage's need to protect mc increases Exponentially with every detail that he hears about their life
one part of him wants them to stick near him so he can make sure nothing happens, and the other part is the one that says he needs to keep them away from the fighting as much as possible. it's,, a lot to figure out for the both of them
he promises he won't let them get hurt or used like that again (he doesn't bring up any violence or fighting specifically)
he does his best to stay aware of possibly triggers around and keeps an eye on mc in case they show signs of having a flashback/dissociating.
sage makes sure to take the time to figure out a plan beforehand in case something Does happen so that he doesn't make it worse
probably the best at empathizing with any anger and shares how he calms down and stays grounded. he also tries harder to keep himself calm around them
horrified, even with everything she's gone through herself. she can't imagine a society that'd work like that and is heartbroken mc was put through it
anisa can empathize with parts of it and offers different things she's tried over the years. it might not compare to like, modern therapy or medication, but she has a solid knowledge of what's available in astraea
she works to figure out a routine/schedule for them that involves keeping them busy and so she can help if they need it
^ it's also to try to help with any insomnia or trouble sleeping
before they go to sleep anisa always reminds them that she's there if they need help so they know she doesn't mind being woken up for whatever reason
puts Extra care into mc's room and things, making sure they're comfortable and happy with their space. she thinks it's really the least she can do
can't believe it for a second just because it sounds...so dystopian,, his mind starts racing for how he can help and what to do
has had his fair share of nightmares over the years and wakes up to comfort and ground them without complaints. it's a lot of promises that they aren't there anymore and that they're safe here with him. felix reminds them that if they ever want to talk, he'll be there to listen. (he never forces them to, of course)
suggests that they can help take care of stella (for a sense of routine) and spend time around her if she makes them feel better
if there's any aid, magic or otherwise, to help them sleep better and work through anxiety/depression/etc. he Will find them
^ tbh he'd still have methods that helped him while healing from rime's death that he'll use from time to time
whatever desire felix has for mc to stay with astraea multiplies, and he's even More inclined to offer a place with him if they'd like
feels like an asshole for everything he did/said finding out what mc went through. learning about their life also probably explained some of their personality/reactions
rime's actually very patient and understanding if mc gets angry or lashes out without meaning to
figures out some signals so that mc can tell him when they're nervous or don't feel well like tugging on his clothes or hand
tells them that nothing that happened to them was their fault and that whatever they had to do, he'd never shame them for it
if something like holding ice until it melts (really anything with ice) helps mc ground themself he'll get some for them easily
careful about coming up from behind and not scaring them
Does rime try to spoil them after finding out? maybe. yes... if he doesn't have money he'd get felix to help tbh. it's things that they mentioned always wanting and also different things that are to help with coping/comforting in case he isn't around
tags // @evanox @felixescellun @yelenalovegood @rimeliker @demon-paradise @pst-02 @diamo-chan @chubbywasouski @god-is-trans @sweet-milky-tea705 @felixismytrophywife @bananacockatiel @yoyo-campfire @azahelmz
the taglist form 👍
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cardboard-aliens · 3 years
I REALLY hope they don’t remake Bioshock 1 since the remastered version is as good as it’s going to get (in my eyes at least), but if they did remake it whats something you’d like to see changed?
ME NEITHER- They're not just gonna repackage the game and update the graphics and mechanics, if they're gonna remake it, it'll end up being a whole new game in a BioShock skin.
There are small tweaks to the base game I wouldn't mind tho: - bring back the ethnic little sisters cowards
- less serious note but let me carry the girls to the vents 2K!!!!
- All named characters getting their own unique models (yeah like Tenenbaum and Atlas- BUT ALSO Jasmine and Diane, if they've got a name they should have their own model. I think it would be really good if characters like the Lutz family and Anya Andersdotter had their own models so we could follow minor characters better)
- a REAL neutral ending (harvest pre-reveal, rescue post-reveal) so when Tenenbaum beckons Bad End!Jack to change he can.
- also if you harvest there are less sisters in the sanctuary- and if you go full bad end the sisters don't show up to finish Fontaine and Jack would take care of it on his own.
- Model Jack some legs and feet- so i can see his fancy shoes
- Add in some extra accuvoxs: give us more Jasmine and Anna Culpepper logs they are GREAT and Jasmine is so important she deserves to have more than one log and a ghost. Also I'd like some more logs post reveal from Tenenbaum and Fontaine's perspective on working on Project WYK instead of just Suchong's- I REALLY want to hear some of Tenenabaum's thoughts and eventual guilt over Jack.
- TBH if we lived in a timeline where we got Anna Culpepper running the fort frolic level instead of Cohen I would not complain
- make the game PLAYABLE so it doesn't CRASH EVERYTIME I TRY TO SAV-
- I actually don't hate the final boss fight and it has a lot of good narrative meaning for the story and character arcs- but the fight 100% need to be balanced and reworked to make it more challenge, along with some better pacing in Point Prometheus to build up to seeing Fontaine all big and blue
- Redo the pacing on the ending scene, the stuff there is 10/10 but you can blink and miss it.
- Maybe lay down a nod on why Sisters got left behind for BS2 (This is the only thing that trips me up about BS2- I can't picture Tenenbaum leaving Rapture for 8 years if there was a chance there were still girls left, ESP if its Good End and she knows she has a place she could send girls too on the surface- and I think Jack would be more than willing to stick around in the city to pick up any children that got missed [personal HC is that when Lamb took over Persephone her and her followers also abducted some little sisters in the chaos of the riots and then locked down the prison- so they'd have their own stable source of ADAM while being safely disconnected from the city, and then those girls grow up into the big sisters- and that's why Tenenbaum leaves, because she thinks they got all the girls and the one's lamb took are dead after all this time])
- Never acknowledge BaS, don't even touch that stuff with a 10 yard pole unless its to subtly retcon it with Atlas being like "we were only ever cooped up in Apollo Square- What department store"
- tweaking Tenenbaum's character so the holocaust survivor isn't also a Nazi Scientist- I'd have her pick up science after the fact as a way to cope with what she saw in the camps.
Thats most of the stuff I can think of atm- i wouldn't mind them adding variety to the skin tones of the cast though I can already hear people complaining about 'forcing politics into my video games'- same with LGBT characters to balance out Cohen.
REALLY tho I'd want to keep most of the story beats and characters the same because thats what creates the narrative i enjoy from this game.
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
Could we maybe get some hcs/imagines about the Baby Face gang at a school event (ex. a dance maybe?) I feel like they'd be a chaotic group at social events like those lol
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| Baby Face Boys & Babes HCs! | Prom! 🪩💖🫶
*Set in the 90s of course. 😌 Frisk not included since this is Senior prom. Also, these are a bit long, I kind of popped off with these soooo...
AHHHHH yes of course! Such a great suggestion! 💖🫰 My girlfriend and I were actually talking awhile ago about what the boys would do at prom. I know you said any general school event, but you did specifically mention a Dance, so I'm going with Prom because it's the most recognizable event here in the states at least, ever haha! ...this might actually make it into the fic tbh...
If anyone else has requests for head canons and little imagines like this I guess, feel free to drop them in my inbox. You can do anon too if you're shy, I'm pretty sure I have it turned on. If you want HCs for a specific character from Baby Face (Sans, Frisk, Nick, Alphys, Jonas, Midas, Maeve etc) just let me know! ;)
Sans: Mr. Steal Your Girl
Didn't bring an official date (although Jonas did come as his Junior Plus One,) that comes with way too much pressure tbh, and he's too cool for that shit so... Instead, he's made it his personal mission to bag as many chicks in one night as possible. Why else come to a school dance? 🤨 What to have fun? Don't be fucking lame.
He brought his own alcohol and teachers are warily eyeing him about it. He's not subtle but no one's stopped him at all. He has too much audacity and not enough consequences.
He's definitely not wearing a full tux. He's got a black suit jacket, a black turtle neck and black jeans, and he knows he looks good too. He's dangerous.
“Excuse me, you look like you're bored out of your mind, care if I step in? Don't worry bro, I'll bring her right back.” The poor guy ain't gonna fight him. What, fight SANS!? AND FUCKING DIE TOO WHILE I'M AT IT?
Such a smarmy prick, but he's got the whole gym swooning after him. Every guy wants to knock his lights out but he's untouchable.
He's a decent enough dancer for a slow dance, and can lead without looking at his feet which counts for something. He's definitely not gonna bust a move, but he is gonna encourage some light grinding.
Although he doesn't spend most of his time dancing in fact, he's at the poker tables, doing some mock gambling with a crowd of ladies. Definitely teaching the girl right next to him how to play poker. He helps her win and she is all over him afterwards.
The guys are ANNOYED that he just ditched them to flirt with girls he definitely won't care enough about to call back the next morning but hey, who's gonna stop him?
He's not completely selfish though. The boys don't know but he's pointing some of them out and talking them up to some of the girls. What a fucking hero.
“Yeah you see my friend over there? He's fucking hilarious. He'll make you die laughing he's so funny. Such a goofball... You like goofy guys? You must if you're goin out with Morty, although... Morty's kind of a total cringefest. Like... I know a fake laugh when I see it, kid. You might be fooling Morty into thinking he's funny you're not fooling me. Go talk to Jonas. You'll love him.”
After he and some girl sneak off to the bathroom via teleportation and he's a little happier about the night (😏,) he comes back to the guys to deliver phones numbers and tales of his exploits.
Nick: Dual Class CD Solicitor & Dance Captain
He is using prom as not only an excuse to hang out with his friends, but also to sell their CDs and maybe, HOPEFULLY play a set for everyone! He has all of their equipment in a UHaul Van, COME ON PRINCIPAL GIVE US A CHANCE! We Promise we won't play any Heavy Hard Rock 🥺🥺
When a song he actually likes comes on the speakers, he reveals to the world that he's actually an INCREDIBLE dancer! He knows how to SWING DANCE! (His mom taught him)
Throw this man into a dance circle and he will bust out the double back flip into the splits bullshit you've ever seen.
Him and Jonas will dance together because they're both pretty good dancers and Jonas is the only who can keep up with Nick's energy.
The two are flinging each other around and all anyone can do is stand in a circle and cheer them on. It's the 90s and two guys dancing??? I mean it's not slow dancing or anything, thems is impressive! No one is weirded out by them thank God. I mean, if they had a problem with them, it'd probably be Monster related.
But Sans is just around the corner so ain't no one gonna be a bigot to their group.
A girl who's most certainly had a crush on him for forever, finally gets the courage to ask Nick to dance and he just smiles at her all sweet and asks if she knows how to swing. If not, he shows her a few basic moves and the two get to it. He doesn't ask for her number though, in fact he completely forgets that that's something a normal guy interested in girls would do. As soon as they're done he leaves her with a friendly goodbye and goes back to hanging out with his buddies, content as ever.
She definitely thinks he's gay after that (he's Bi and just so... Oblivious) ... He ruined her night without even realizing it 🤦🏼‍♀️ That girl is crying in the club because of him.
He would ask one of the admins if his band can play a song or two and gets denied every single time no matter what. He keeps insisting though, at one point practically begging.
Finally they're allowed to play ONE song (He went to Muffet and she put in the demand, ain't no one gonna tell Ms. Muffet no...)
Once Sans finally comes back, Nick rushes everyone on stage and they perform one of their more light hearted fun songs. It's a hit, obviously! Especially with the ladies.
All the other guys in the school are punching the air right now. Like, this friend group is too powerful.
Annnnd after the performance they fucking leave. They dip immediately and go get drunk in some parking lot.
Alphys: Awkward Lesbian™
Too many pretty girls.
She and Maeve opted to be each other's dates, but Maeve is off playing black jack with Midas so she's stuck at the punch bowl.
The punch bowl has obviously been spiked, and Alphys knows exactly who did it, but ain't no way she's ratting.
In fact? It's honestly a win. Why would she want to be sober at Prom?
Having gay panic every single time she sees a girl in a beautiful prom dress.
Alphys was convinced to wear a dress and is now trapped in a dress very similar to the one from Never Been Kissed. (If you know you know.) She's wearing sneakers with it though because of course she is :)
She is gorging herself on cupcakes too. In fact, the entire snack table has been turned into her stress, drunk eating buffet, the poor Baby!
Maeve comes to check on her and the two go dance with each other as well. Again, no one fucking messes with them because if they did they'd be dead in a dumpster from the reaper.
As a complete opposite to Nick, Alphys is the worst dancer, she has two left feet and constantly steps on Maeve's toes. She's always apologizing and Maeve is ever so patient with her. It's a good thing Alphys is tipsy off spiked punch now, otherwise Maeve would've never been able to convince her to dance.
As the night comes to a close and the boys climb up on stage, she retires back to the punch bowl. Prom is shaping up to be so awkward and...
“Ugh, they're letting a rock band play? God this is lame.” Alphys staggers over herself to defend her boys and comes face to face with the prettiest, most chiseled fishy face ever... Red braids towering her head.
Instantly she becomes a stuttering mess. Obviously. Pretty gorwl... But the spiked punch gives her that courage she needs to actually be able to talk to her. AND SHES TALKING BACK!?
This girl is obviously Undyne; she's a freshman in college, but was invited as her cousin's plus one so that the poor guy wouldn't be alone.
The two sense the sapphic vibes from each other and instantly hit it off. Undyne takes her to play poker, they dance, they get to know each other, it's soooooo sweet!
At the end of the night when the boys head out to leave, Maeve comes to find her and asks if she wants to join. Alphys decides to stay to hang out with Undyne. Maeve is instantly their biggest supporter, I mean come on.
She had no expectations for prom and then found her soul mate 🥹
Undyne takes a drunk Alphys home, and as a college student who is an expert on holding ones liquor, she helps her stay hydrated, gets her meds so she doesn't puke in her sleep, and helps put her to sleep.
Jonas: Lover boy
Much like Sans, Jonas is here for one thing: Girls.
He also didn't bring a date, and it's exactly for the same reason as Sans - In fact, as much as Jonas would never admit it, Sans is his unofficial Dating Sensei. (This is awful, wdym there's two of these fuckers!?)
He just doesn't have the untouchable suaveness that Sans has, so instead, he relies on being an adorable goofball which... It also works pretty well in his favor.
He also steers clear of taken girls. He doesn't want to start shit. I mean... Could he knock someone's lights out? Of courses but that's just so barbaric. Lycans already get enough shit.
Because Sans is kind of his role model, Jonas is also not wearing a complete suit. He's only got the nice button up and a loose tie around his neck. It's a good look for him, it's super cute.
Obviously, he's also an exceptional dancer as one of the other athletic guys in the group. Where Nick does swing, Jonas is super good at the Lindy Hop, an amazing improviser.
He's also super competitive so, Nick busts out a back flip, so does Jonas. Nick starts swinging, Jonas starts twirling and throwing him around on the dance floor until the circle's been formed and there's nothing these guys can do but keep dancing.
Once they're finally done, Jonas is amazed by how many girls want to dance with him. They're also surprisingly good humored and laugh at all his jokes. Wow he's really good at this!
The girls love being twirled around by him, dipped, lifted and tossed around. He's so energetic and has really great stamina, plus he's not embarrassed at all.
Sometimes he'll seek Sans out while Sans is making out with someone and just bum his flask off of him for some more ~liquid courage~
(not that he needs any. That guy has no shame whatsoever.)
He would definitely make a dirty joke to a girl who he didn't realize was already with someone and get slapped. Nick would immediately come to defend him but Jonas would be like "no I deserved that, I'm sorry."
Always wondering where Midas is because those two are like pees in a pod and is the only one who notices Midas and Maeve exclusively hanging out with each other. "huh, 🧐 cool! 😄" *does not question it at all*
You know he adores performing and being in the limelight. He's so excited about everything and loves all of the attention.
After they leave to their little friendship after party, he gets black out drunk and does a lot of stupid shit that the boys will be talking about til the day they die.
Midas: The Prom Demon Legend 😈
You all saw this one coming.
He is the one the teachers are always keeping their eye on. They know Sans has a flask, but Midas is definitely hiding something and he's up to no good!
At first he stuck with Jonas and Nick, but got bored when they started to dance. Dancing isn't his favorite, he might knock his sunglasses off so...
Instead he's just lurking the gym and when Nick starts begging the teachers to let the band play, he slips in and the bastard spikes the punch Alphys can thank Midas for everything that happens from there on out 😎 unintentional cupid.
Maeve & Midas run into each other after the successful Punch Spiking of '96. Obviously they stick with each other and go play black jack.
Midas is terrifyingly good at black jack. For a game entirely based on luck, he seems to win every damn time. Definitely suggested they actually start gambling and promptly shut down by the teacher.
“Well I don't know I'm feeling lucky tonight, how bout you guys?" "Midas, no sir.”
Maeve and Midas would go outside so that Midas could start smoking. They share a blunt together as they joke about everyone in the group being complete goobers.
Those two absolutely dance high together outside to muffled music. It's surprisingly romantic, but that's what prom is all about right?
If someone misgenders Maeve, Midas gets really pissed off and threatens to turn them to stone. Almost gets in trouble because of this, but Maeve is there to talk the admin down
Probably the reason the teachers were apprehensive about letting the band play. He's a little bit of a problem child 🤪
I'd say for him at least, the night is a success, and he goes down in legend as not only the most wicked keyboard player of all time, but also the legendary punch spiker, King of Prom.
They all leave before Prom King and Queen can be announced. Fuck that noise.
Midas makes Maeve a little paper crown while they're all drinking in the parking lot and declares her his personal prom queen.
Maeve: Paper Prom Queen 👑💖
Obviously we already know she and Alphys came as dates. Maeve is dressed in a prom dress she made herself.
It is perfectly fitted to her.
She gets a lot of weird looks, obviously from being a trans woman in the 90s, but she's also a big Lion Monster who is ALSO friends with a reaper so, again, no one's gonna say shit to her, and she's not going to take it.
Besides, she wears skirts to school all the time, even before she transitioned so it's not like it's something she's never done before. And she WORKS IT.
She's out in the crowd complimenting everyone's dress and their corsages. Always gassing other girls up and making them feel like the princesses they all are. Maeve of course is the queen of all of them.
She really wants to join Nick and Jonas to dance, but her heels are a little too tall for the kind of dancing those goobers are doing.
She finds Midas eventually and the two stick to each other's hip like lichen. She's always impressed by him, especially at the black jack table.
Where Midas is always winning, she's always losing but is a super good sport about it.
Covered for Midas when the teachers started asking about the spiked punch.
When they're outside she definitely wanted to confess she had a little crush on him but didn't want to ruin their moment so she just enjoyed herself.
They slow danced to Head over Heels by Tears for Fears, of fucking COURSE they did.
All female drummers are the hottest thing ever, so she definitely got a lot of under the table interest from some other guys but she didn't pay any of them mind. Why would she if they're gonna be fucking weird about it?
She's only got eyes for one guy who unfortunately, she can not look in the eye.
Her heart is literally bursting out of her chest when he crowns her paper queen though. One, it's literally so gender affirming for her and two, she's head over heels. 🥺🥺💖💖
You're honor... I love them.
Kronk Face: Oh yeah. This is going in the fic. Thanks Galaxy.
↓ Slow Dance song of the century 🥺💖🫶 ↓
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