#i don't really have a dog in this fight as i'm not that absorbed by the bridgerton fictional universe to invest in reading 8 whole books
lemonhemlock · 1 month
(same anon from the last Bridgerton ask)
I've read all the Bridgerton books and I don't see how ppl think they're more problematic than the show. There is however discourse between show! watchers and book! readers a bit like hotd but not that level of toxic? At least I haven't seen it be as bad.
The books make more sense and explores topics like marriage to save reputation (Anthony/Kate) or second chance love and fertility issues (Francesca/Michael) and Cinderella story (Benedict/Sophie)
Definitely recommend reading books to anyone who hasn't because again they actually make a lot more sense. Like S2 Bridgerton is so different from books it's insane (Kate never stole Edwina or whatever it is the show makes it look like she did, her and Anthony actually married because they're caught is a weird position lol). S1 is somewhat more in line with things but overall in books they don't bring the Queen up 24/7 or have mean girl Penelope. To me book Penelope is a much much better person! She's not a mean girl lol she's actually the one on the receiving end of the bullying most times, her and Eloise's friendship never goes down either plus in books Colin is the first person to find out about her being lady W!
Not sure if you know but Francesca's second love interest in the book was called Michael Stirling but the show gender swaped him and made him Michaela a lot of book! fans were mad at this lol personally I just ignored it. At that point too much has already been changed about the stories so I really wasn't even invested in the series as a whole to care about it.
Bridgerton unfortunately has gone done the same path as a lot of other newer series like hotd and it's completely disregarding book! canon and making the shows into fanfic versions of what the writer's think is cool or serves as shock factor for general audience.
i have to say, anon, you are in the minority in preferring the books to the show! i sometimes would put videos in the background discussing the differences and, not to say i paid super close attention, but they seemed almost universally of the opinion that the show is superior
of course, that was before season 3 aired. and not to say the series didn't have its flaws back then, too. i do remember thinking that the plotline with anthony getting and staying betrothed to edwina was pretty contrived and not a true obstacle, for example.
overall i thought seasons 1 and 2 were a silly goofy time and decent viewing for having a little fun, but season 3 was a massive letdown in quality. i don't have high benchmarks for quirky TV but i do want it to make a minimum of sense when it comes to conflict-construction, characterisation and the flow of the plot, which is becoming a rarity these days
as far as fluff tv goes i guess i'm left with only The Gilded Age to look forward to now
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leyyvi · 9 months
It's 3:04 in the afternoon when you're buried nose-deep in writing your research paper. And though you've been trying to focus on it for the last half hour, the only thing on your mind is literally all of the other things you need to get done. Clean your room, do the dishes, finish that late assignment (it's been almost a week now!) Shit. Too many things to do, and there's never enough hours in the day to feel like you can finish them.
You may or may not have been tipping over the edge of a breaking point for a while now.
But you've been convinced that it was hidden fairly well, at least from your friends. They don't press more than a simple "good luck with your paper" or "talk to you soon" when you tell them how busy you are.
However, your boyfriend definitely notices.
Levi isn't one to not speak his mind when something bothers him. In fact, he's pointed out several times in the last week that you shouldn't be overworking yourself. Out of anyone you know, Levi knows your limits the most. And he must see it where you don't, considering he's walked into your apartment with his copy of the key and is now standing over you, a paper bag in his hand as he glares down his nose.
"Hey," you mumble, turning back to your laptop screen in front of you. But the laptop is forced shut by a veiny hand, replaced with the plop of that same paper bag Levi was just holding. "Whats that?"
You pout when he slides the laptop down the dining table.
"Lunch. You need to eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"I know you are, don't fight me on this. Please just eat with me. Forget about your work for a minute."
He pulls out the boxes in the bag, revealing a couple of sandwiches. Fine, maybe you're a little hungry.
"You didn't answer my calls so I had to guess what you would've liked," Levi murmurs as he slides the boxes toward you. You mutter an apology, but he's not mad. He waves it off, simply telling you to eat and "stop worrying about shit for one damn second."
With anyone else, it might've pissed you off.
When you're absorbed in your work, it's hard to gather energy to talk to other people, let alone even take care of yourself. And yet, somehow, Levi is the one person who manages to read you like a book. For some reason, he's able to pick up on your bouts of silence and understand what you need. You always wondered how he can do that.
And though he's yet to say "I love you", you wonder if gestures like this are close enough to that.
He doesn't ask about work, merely sits with you and eats in silence. The brief moment of quiet feels good, comforting even. Especially in Levis presence. Despite his coarse language and tendency to maintain a glare most if not all times, you've always found him to be so... Stable. A steady wall to lean on when the world makes your stance tremble.
You really love that about him.
When you two have finished, Levi promptly cleans up the table. You assume it's okay to go back to work, but his hand lands on yours when you try to pull it back.
"You're done for the day," he says with a firm stare. The usual one he gives when he absolutely refuses to listen to any counterargument you might come up with. "We're gonna go for a walk, take you outside. Just get out of this shit and breathe some real fresh air."
"I'm not a dog," you grumble as he holds out his hand to you now to help you stand.
"Mhm," is all he says.
You two walk around the neighborhood, Levi having taken away your phone in an effort to keep you from too much more screen time. He'd return it if you really asked, but you're thankful for the restriction in all honesty.
Usually, Levi isn't the one to initiate an exorbitant amount of physical contact. It's you who tends to absentmindedly cling to his arm while you're talking. And it's generally you who comes up behind him to cover his eyes and make him guess who, despite the fact that he already knew just from the sound of your footsteps.
Most often, Levi does attend to little touches here and there. The back of your neck, the edge of your hip, the top of your thigh, along the line of your jaw. And now in this moment, it's when Levi steps up a little and takes your hand completely in his. It isn't anything new for you to hold hands, but it's rare for him to be initiator.
You appreciate that. Those moments where he's willing to be more brave about touching. It's calming, feeling his fingers between yours as your arms sway with every step.
"I'm sorry for being so short with you lately," you sigh, staring at the cracks in the sidewalk you step on. Levi always seems to make a subconscious effort not to step on them, even now.
"It's nothing. I'm always short with you, anyways..." He trails off quietly.
Your sudden snort startles him, obvious with the incredulous look on his face as you burst into a tiny fit of laughter. His brow raises in confusion.
"That wasn't even close to being a funny joke and you're still laughing?"
"It was funny to me! You're always funny."
"You're the only person in the whole world who thinks that."
"Must be why you're dating me, right?"
His hold tightens around your hand. "I'm dating you because I l-"
Levi cuts himself off and inhales through his nose, pushing his sunglasses up to hide his eyes as he recomposes himself. "I'm dating you for a multitude of reasons."
"You could be more specific."
"If you keep talking I'm gonna have fewer reasons," he clears his throat, hovering his free hand over his eyes to shield himself from the sun, leaving remnants of the summer's heat on his skin.
You smile, for the first time in a few days, actually. "I thought you were trying to make me feel better."
"Hmph." Clearly, Levi has nothing else to say.
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Okay so i finally got it down after dumping word vomit and then editing word flow into my notes so here we go! Still rough but eh it's concepts and stuff.
Inspired based on the initial magic mirror quote/diagnosis for magicless yuu: “The Dark Mirror: I sense no magical power from this one. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.” which made me think well if the soul is empty of magic then maybe it can take in magic. If the reason it's senses no magical power plus it notes the soul is funky. Dark mirror even had to pause and notes…. "Your soul is unclear to me…" Then my “soundless and colorless and shapeless” soul is obviously probably different than other souls magic mirror sees. What if the soul could absorb some magic and do some funky stuff y'know? Lightning rod absorbtion type of situation.
Dark Mirror roasting our soul in front of orientation like "look at this bland ass empty soul mf. Murky ahhh" /j
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Still Essentially all the canon event shit but like to the left cause my Yuu is a chaotic dipshit (affectionate) who discovered that they can essentially absorb and thus utilize magic to an extent but only if it's direct source and it unfortunately causes some side effects. Namely changes in appearance - sometimes chimeric depending on what was consumed/absorbed- plus odd sense of hunger/emptiness due to filled up soul and resulting emptying when out of magic. Think blot effects but not really blot cause the earth soul is funky and don't really have blot capabilities since blot comes from magic producing folks who are stressed and we don't make magic and this yuu is basically a blank vessel conduit with lightning rod type of abilities but only for direct magic. if spell fire hits then whatever free fire magic but if the spell fire makes other real fueled fire then ouch! Or if curse is flung but again it depends. Plus it is absorbed and retained and if there's a fair amount of it in the blank slate soul then changes happen but like no blot so you just look funky plus abilities. You can burn it off cause your shapeless funky blank slate soul is just a conduit/vessel. Personally wouldn't want to cause i want that back up magic y'know lol. also grim will have to fight me for those stones cause I'm gonna eat em up once i genuinely figure out my abilities. Again canon is like in the room but not really y'know. Mostly cause there's a "magic less" human who can eat up your magic spells and become a bit chimeric depending on the amount inside and also what was absorbed or outright consumed. Crewel keeps a sharp eye on our mouth movements cause now he has to live Knowing one of his students might snack on a piece of his magical ingredients for magic gains- he's that meme of dog owners wondering what the hell is in their dog's mouth. Also magic absorption changes based on how far removed it is from just magic versus enchanted etc plus still a limited vessel so like gotta increase the capacity but also plan out what to absorb and keep and not run out etc.
Thats pretty interesting.
Being able to absorb and consume magic would be rad, which also makes me think of being able to steal it.
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davycoquette · 2 months
Thank you for the tag, @drchenquill!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I always call it a hobby, but almost always prefixed with some form of, "greatest," "most important," or "favorite." I think way of life fits a helluva lot better. I've been writing since I can remember.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
The journal one. I have like 900 I'm actively writing in at this very moment.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Cormac McCarthy. The love I have for my shitty characters. The agonizing unignorable need to put words on paper or screen.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
The singing one. I am not ashamed of my writing, but I have been taught to be ashamed of my singing lmfao. Which is weird and dumb because singing isn't something I go around telling people I can do decently - I don't tell people, "Oh, I sing," or, "I'm a singer." So, I have nothing to prove on that front, yet... I don't think I could make a peep of noise if someone said, "Sing me a song." Meanwhile, even when my writing's not at it's best, I'm like, "Yeah, I'm a writer. Here's some shit I wrote that isn't good. Sometimes I write good stuff, though."
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
I mean... in the literal sense, sure. A story looks different from the eyes of a character. By the same token, it helps me "understand" when people make choices I've not personally made. I think, for this reason, it's important to write about characters with different belief systems than we have - to write about them as sympathetic people with complex emotions. Not just to villainize or cathartically punish them, but to explore why people do the things they do and what life events might drive them in that direction. But cathartic character murder has its time and place, and who am I suggest what others write? Y'all do y'all.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
I have not used LiveJournal since I was a teen - is it still a thing people use??? That sounds nostalgic and fun. Not sure what FFN is; something to do with fanfiction? I only write original fiction, so that rules it out if so. AO3 is very cool, but the interface isn't my favorite. Also fanfic-heavy, so I never know if I've got a place there. Tumblr always freaked me right the fuck out, but the Writeblr community has proven to be my favorite writing community I've discovered online. And in a very short timespan, I might add!
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
I do not use AO3 but wordcounts can never be high enough 😎
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Probably too many to count. Little House on the Prairie A Separate Peace The Road Fight Club (recently rewatching this was humbling because it showed me how much of my writerly personality seems to be inspired by the way it rearranged my brain chemicals) Bullet Train (I fucken love this movie) Lawn Dogs Box of Moonlight Harold and Maude (book & movie) Pride and Prejudice (book & movie)
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
I've received some absolute banger compliments, and I don't want to dismiss any in favor of others. My favorite compliments are often ...questions? Just things that let me know people really did read, absorb, and are interested in things I wrote. Also, my love language is when people think about me of their own volition. So, any time people come to me apropos of nothing or say "this reminds me of you/your characters/your writing, I giggle and kick my feet and do a lil' happy dance.
10. What defines your writing style?
Gritty, casual. If it was art, it'd be the kind with the sketchlines still visible. Deep, silly. Visceral, I hope.
Taglist and blank template under the cut!
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
9. What’s the highest compliment you’ve ever been given, and have you been given it?
10. What defines your writing style?
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oceansprompts · 4 months
Best of Daredevil: Cutting Edge
quotes taken from the Marvel novel, Daredevil: The Cutting Edge (1999) by Madeleine E. Robins // adjust pronouns and lines as needed.
Can I bring you a cup of coffee? I'm already on number seven or eight… I forget which.
Wouldn't you like a chance to go, I don't know, live on a beach somewhere, drinking rum punch or something?
I'd rather go to hell, I love this. This is what I do.
Don't look at me that way; I'm not the one who drank a dozen cups of coffee a day and never got any exercise.
Not bad for a skinny blind kid from Hell's Kitchen.
Not as flashy as Spider-Man, maybe, but not too shabby.
What is this guy, a zombie?
You moron, he's not the perp!
Okay, Mr. Off-the-Rack, what else did you leave behind?
It's okay, you've been very brave.
It was a kind lie, kindly meant.
Don't ever let me lose you.
Pleading "blind man walked into the door" again, your honor.
Yaaaay for the good guy!
So, he was the wall you ran into?
Triumph and hell, all at once. I wish you could have seen it.
How about dinner tonight? In a real restaurant. Like grownups.
Off to Rykers. Another day in Fun City.
Have fun storming the castle!
Maybe I should get Seeing Eye cat?
Well, of the two, I guess the brain's more important.
Doesn't it seem a little too tidy? The pink ribbons and all?
A problem? My dear, I trust you implicitly.
Who put this guy in a position where he can talk to the public?
Not me, I'm naturally suspicious.
Tooth extraction would be more fun than what I'm writing.
I can't smell anything, my food tastes funny…
I'm wasting away to a shadow of my former self.
Two-bit mouthpieces! He actually said that? Who writes his dialouge?
Why not just wave a big, huge red flag that says something suspicious here?
I will be the soul of discretion.
Try not to break any of your well-informed friends too badly loking for information, okay?
Right, everytime you come in to chat, I wind up doing renovations. New plate glass, new tables, new ribcage…
Are you just a discipline problem in the making, or do you have something useful to contribute?
Anyone got anything they want to share with the class?
Naughty, naughty.
No breakage, this time. They're learning.
A little judicious flattery can work wonders.
You're all flipping wild cards. That's part of your charm.
I don't like lawyers!
Call any hour of the day or night.
Don't throw the card away, I'll know.
Okay, hero, play brave, competent, [disabled] person.
Oh, I already do, but make me love him more.
He sounds like the kind of guy who pulled the wings off butterflies and tortured puppy dogs.
Basically, your overprivileged sociopath.
I wasn't always the polished gem you see now.
He has the business ethics of a piranha.
Judiciously applied, the business ethics of a piranha can be very useful.
Make it good, boyo.
If you like it hot, but I gotta say, man, you oughtta use a little caution.
I'm touched by your concern, but I promise you I'm well armed.
Well, the only thing to do with a bully and a coward is face him straight on!
Now it's time for bed, close your weary eyes and dream of me.
You're a darling, but I'm too tired to argue about it.
This is where I'm going to die.
You have great bone structure.
Well, look. The neighborhood avenger. Come on, you wanna play?
Spread the word, sweetheart.
I couldn't... fight him...
You stayed alive, you did the right thing.
Bullies... never give in to... bullies.
You did good, remember that.
Oh my, really bad night.
I don't deserve you.
You roll in here looking like someone shot your dog, so I figure I can be self-absorbed and ill-tempered some other morning.
Listen, sweetheart, whatever you did, it's not your fault.
If anyone's to blame, it' me.
I find I'm old-fashioned enough to prefer talking to a live human being.
Lies. All lies.
I don't think they're ever leaving. I think they like it here.
It's air conditioned, the coffee's free, they get to point and laugh at the poor people trying to work.
Nothing more than crushing piles of work. The usual. What's up?
You'll have to make this the "For Dummies" version.
Heartbreaking. You expect setbacks, but we were so close!
I mean, it worked ⸺ it just had this damned baggage with it.
Well, I'm over it. Grieved, moved on.
So you think because she's a babe that she's capable of planning murder?
Ow! Be careful! You don't know your own strength!
If I were afraid of you, would I be sitting here?
Thank you so much, I really look forard to proving I'm not the monster I'm sure I seemed the other day.
Reduces me to a screaming hormonal pulp?
Don't you think you ought to relax a little?
You really don't like being challenged at all, do you?
I have to do something, and this is what I can do.
My point is, I love you, and I don't want to have to bring you flowers at St. Clare's.
Be careful. That shiner is just beginning to fade; you don't need another, and I do need you. Okay?
Once again, it's all the fault of the guy in the tights, jeez.
It's as tired as I am.
Okay, genius, what now?
What are you gonna do, kill me?
Come on, I'm doing the best I can.
Stay alive, [name]. I'm here.
What are you, Iron Man?
Look, I'm going to close my eyes and rest for a while, don't let anything exciting happen while I'm out, okay?
Are you sure you're supposed to be scolding me in your weakened condition?
I was just trying to distract you from telling me you were right about it.
I hadn't planned on scolding you about that until you were strong enough to fight back.
You say the absolutely perfect thing sometimes. You really do.
I never know whether you're as clumsy as you seem, or just playing a very, very crafty part. Well, you're not dead yet.
That the way you treat all your dates?
Cosmic irony: man with no sympathy has a heart that beats sympathetically.
Hey... I'm one of the good guys, right?
Look at me. I look like... the Hulk's baby sister. And it's going to get worse.
I'm not stupid. I played a risky game and I lost. I lost it big and I'm going to wind up a monster.
Tell me about the colors.
Tell me what you hear.
Anyone here ever ask you what the most beautiful word in the English language is, you can tell'em: home.
Hey you, having a good time?
With you? Always.
We could rent a movie, then curl up on the couch together and ignore it.
That sounds good. We could even forget the movie.
Even better, I love you a lot.
That is what keeps me going.
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thesongweave · 1 year
"Stay with me tonight. please."
Gale x Tav (Alathea "Thea")
Act II
It's late, I'm on mobile, I can't sleep, so have some fluff stuff
They had only been in the shadow-cursed lands a few days when they found the Last Light. Being that there were so many of them in Thea's company, they made camp outside, as per usual, so as not to overcrowd the already crowded Inn.
Everyone else had already retired for the night - no need for anyone to keep a watch, there were plenty of Harper's and a few Fists around in the Selunite protective bubble for that.
Yet, Thea found she could not sleep; well, trance, really. She did not need sleep, not like humans did. The point was, she could not rest.
Tossing and turning in her bedroll, she finally threw the covers off with a frustrated sigh, which earned her a curious, half-sleepy look from Scratch. With a smile and a scratch behind the ears, Thea soothed the dog back to sleep.
Quietly, the bard slipped from her tent to observe her surroundings. Very few were up at this hour - whatever hour it was in this gods forsaken land - and those that were did little more than nod to acknowledge Thea.
A flickering of light caught her eye then - candlelight? Focusing, she realized it was coming from Gales tent. Before she realized what she was doing, she found herself standing at the entrance, reaching out through the connection to let him know she was there.
The two of them had made great use, and great progress, in learning how to use the powers of the tadpoles. Not only were they useful in combat, offering unusual psychic abilities, but the communication it allowed was...unique.
The tent flap opened to reveal Gale looking ever so slightly confused and concerned.
"Not that I mind your company ever in the slightest, my friend, but - why in the world are you up at this hour? Shouldn't you be resting?" Gale himself sounded tired, and looked it, especially after having expended most, if not all, if his magic earlier that day fighting shades and monsters
Thea smiled a bit sheepishly. "It's not for lack of trying. I just...couldn't. But why are YOU up so late?" Her brow arched in question.
With a soft chuckle, Gale waved her in. The tent, of course, was warm and inviting, books stacked wherever they could fit. And where there weren't books, there were pillows, plush and soft. Thea caught the scent of lavender and rose water, which she had come to associate with the wizard.
"You caught me. I couldn't sleep either," he resumed his seat amongst some cushions, and Thea followed suit, finding a spot as close to Gale as she could.
They had been dancing around each other for weeks now, sharing looks and quick, soft touches, sitting as close together as they could without being on top of each other...
It was driving Thea a bit crazy, if she was honest with herself.
"What are you reading...?"
"Hm? Oh, nothing to deep, I assure you. Just something light - if I'm honest, I haven't really been, ah, absorbing it like I should." Gale rambled on. What was the damned book, anyway? Just something he had found hidden amongst the rest, but he had been staring at the pages without really reading.
His thoughts had had him more occupied lately, and now that the focus of those thoughts was sitting right there...
Gale tried to bite back a yawn, and failed.
"I - oh. Should I go...?" Thea tried to not feel a little dejected. She had just sat down, and now he was tired??
"No, no. Please - don't go? I mean. Unless you want to, of course." One of them had moved closer to the other; Gale noted they were side by side. Thea was close enough he could wrap an arm around the small elf, pull her into his lap --
Instead, he reached out, fingertips brushing the soft, tanned skin of her jawline, tracing it from chin to the base of her ear, resting right at her neck. Gale didn't realize he had leaned forward, other arm reaching out to wrap about her waist.
To his surprise - why was he surprised at her anymore? - Thea had not pulled away. They had found themselves in situations like this a few times now, always dancing closer and closer to...to what?
Gale knew how he felt, of course. It took him some time to admit it, then come to terms with it, but yet he had tried in vain to deny it. To deny her and how madly in love he had fallen.
He couldn't tell her. Not yet. Maybe he shouldn't at all, not with Mystra's command ever present in his mind.
"Gale?" She whispered his name like a secret, like a treasure, breath tickling his lips. The bards eyes, a deep green with flecks if gold to put emeralds to shame, we're half lidded; Thea gazed at the human through thick lashes.
Hells, he thought. Hells take me. He couldn't deny what he wanted, not any longer. She was so close, he just had to lean in just a little more to close the gap...
"Thea - " the question was on his lips, in the way he said her name. Could he? Did she want him to?
The fingers at her neck looped around to the back, giving the gentlest if nudges. The elf leaned in at the motion, lips pressing to his. Carefully, tenderly at first.
Questing, questioning. Was this okay? Was that what he wanted? Was that what she wanted?
Gales eyes drifted shut, taking in the feel of that new contact between them. The tenderness, the closeness. Gods, it was everything he had wanted, had dreamed of what it felt like. The wizard let out a sound - something between a moan, but not quite a whimper, either.
He had been so touch starved for so long, he had forgotten what a kiss could be. It was like opening a river dam. Gaining courage and encouragement, he pulled back just long enough for a breath, before meeting Thea's lips again - with a bit more passion, this time.
Thea felt like she was in fire in the best way. With a quick and practiced ease, the elf situated herself in Gales lap as he kissed her again; she met his kiss eagerly, all want and passion, tangling her fingers in his hair.
Whatever she has expected this night, well, this wasn't it, but hells take her if it didn't make her giddy. She'd known for a bit how she felt for the wizard, but had held back - the last thing Thea wanted to do was make things awkward if he didn't feel the same. But, it was hard to deny this dance they had been playing at.
It was over all to soon, and it was Gale that had reluctantly pulled away, out of breath and panting. He looked up into those darkened green eyes, his brown ones nearly black with desire. Again he traced her jaw, this time stopping at her chin, using his thumb to brush at her bottom lip.
The pleased sound Gale coaxed out of her from just that simple touch - it made him want more. He wanted to see what other sounds she would make for him.
Thea tilted her head in the silence as he studied her face.
An idea came to him, but it would take a day or two to prepare....
The wizard fought down the urge to simply act on his desires right then. Damn self control, he thought.
"Gods, I'm sorry. I - Should.. should I go?" Thea shifted nervously in his lap, moving to disentangle herself from him.
Gale shook his head, clearing his throat. The hand at her waist held on, urging her not to go.
*No, please. I...I would rather you stay. If you would." His voice was low as he eyed her up and down.
"Stay with me tonight. Please?"
Thea nodded, carefully shifting herself from his lap as Gale but back another sudden yawn.
"I would like that. But perhaps we should try that sleep - resting thing."
An amused grin graced his features as he nodded in agreement. A few minutes later found the pair curled up in his bedroll, Thea's back pressed against his chest comfortably. Her White-blonde hair tickled at his nose, a few strands catching in the stubble of his beard.
They drifted off quickly and easily, Gale finding it was the best sleep he'd had in weeks, if not since this whole... adventure, began.
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utytimeline · 8 months
Thoughts on UTY (Pacifist Version)
Reactions from when I first played Pacifist, and observations I made as the game progressed.  A lot of these will be outdated by the time I get this list compiled, but it’s a faithful list of my reactions.  No spoilers, plz.  I haven’t done Geno, betrayal kills, or boss kills yet.  (I kinda don’t want to, these are my babies.)
Long post ahead.
Clover is the narrator, aren't they? I don’t think Chara’s even in this game.
What happens if we don't leave a tip at the lemonade stand?
Is there a way to wake Decibat after he goes to sleep? (I know that's cruel, I'm just curious.)
Dalv keeps talking about a friend, talking like he thinks he will meet them again- Kanako?
Dalv is mistaking us for the human that attacked him, isn't he? The one that made Chujin decide to kill the next human?
Who was leaving Dalv corn? My best guess is Ceroba- that she's felt sorry for him this whole time.
How to look in Dalv's locked doors/drawers? (Probably have to kill him. That... is gonna hurt. I like Dalv, he's a sweetheart.)
Decibat's music volume decreases the more you stay silent. (Which makes me think all battle music is being generated by Clover, not the monster.)
"Penilla draws near." (Italics added for emphasis.) *facepalm*
"Rorrim" is "mirror" spelled backwards.
Also, "Dalv" is "Vlad" spelled backwards, so might Rorrim be Dalv's personal mirror? Seems to fit, Dalv is extremely tidy.
Dalv's furniture's "fine craftsmanship" is probably Chujin's work.
Other Thoughts
I feel like a sponge cake with 2x absorption should have an effect where it absorbs damage for at least 2 turns.
Does the Snowdin ice block ever move? The guy that comes here from the Dunes just stands there and does nothing. Perhaps I need to check very late in the game, return from the last SAVE in New Home or something.
What kind of creature is Mo? I looked it up, and all I can find is "he looks like a raccoon." Yeah, I can see that, but he's kinda reddish-brown, so maybe a red panda? I also considered the possibility that Mo could be a tanuki, a Japanese raccoon-dog (and yes, it looks like a raccoon) that supposedly tricks people, especially tricking them into buying drinks- and Mo is a drink salesman.
What are we to make of the human on the wanted poster that Marty describes?  She said they wore a hat like ours, but they came from space.  I can’t think of a single equippable UT item that seems outer spacey.  And since she’s describing a wanted poster, I don’t think she’s talking about Red (the monster she thought was a human).  My first guess is that some monsters may equate the Surface with outer space, since they’ve never seen either (and many monsters are obsessed with the stars- Starlo and all the monsters making wishes in Waterfall, for instance).
Flowey: "We won't be anywhere near your fancy surface air for a while." (Italics added for emphasis.) He sounds... jealous? This was when I first realized that Flowey's only playing nice, but I still have no clue what he’s really planning.
"Snowy" is just barely recognizable in "Snowfall."
Mo's theme is easy to recognize because not only does it use the Sega Genesis soundfont, it even includes the Michael Jackson whoop from Sonic 3&K.
Ice Wolf was when I started to realize that Yellow isn't that long before UT. (Yeah, I know, Flowey should've been my first clue, but I simply assumed he couldn’t be Asriel, that he was someone else that somehow turned into a flower.  Anything can happen in these games, after all.)
The Shufflers are all named after things you do with a drink: Toast, Swig, and my favorite, their leader Rephil (Refill).
The Shufflers scold Clover for starting a fight, but later Axis is the one trying to drag us into a fight.  I guess battles can go either way.
Shopkeepers have full animations, it's not just facial expressions.
Yellow finally gives us real puzzles. Some of them even take a bit to solve.
Flowey makes a comment about mailing ourselves to Asgore.  He clearly already knows about resets, so I think it’s likely that he’s seen the moment (at the end of The Dunes) that the whales start shipping people by mail.
Other Thoughts
Frostermit is so adorable. I need a Frostermit plushie.
Mo makes me think of what Spamton must have been like before Gaster (no, I'm not suggesting a connection, just that's what he made me think of- but given the other, more obvious DR inspirations throughout the game, I think it’s possible they were going for that kind of character).
Headcanon: Insomintot is related to Knight-Knight. They both inherited a genetic tendency to fall asleep when a human sings.
I love the UGPS jingle, it's so cute.
"(The remnants of a snowman. Once full of life. Now full of potential for new life.)" This line is a little creepy, to me. Clover may not realize it, they're probably just joking, but WE know that some snowmen in the Underground are alive, and I'm wondering what happened to this one.
I don't know if it's the same soundfont, but the Honeydew Resort theme reminds me of Final Fantasy: Mysticquest.
I actually picked "minor scales" when talking to the cellist at the resort, because I actually do like minor scales.
Being a Shadow the Hedgehog fan (the character, not just the game), I got a chuckle out of the description of coffee bean ammo. What do you mean, you can't eat the beans???
I haven't actually noticed any 4th wall moments, but Martlet's message on the second ball puzzle, the message that apologizes for making it too high to see and says the human must be very good at guessing, makes me think it's a very obscure allusion to the fact that Clover is being possessed by the player. There aren't enough moments like that in this game for me to go all crazy with lore and theories, but it's a nice touch to see such an allusion.
In all fairness, Marty has some craftsmanship abilities. Unfinished, shoddy workmanship notwithstanding, it still takes some knowledge of mechanics to make a water-powered door lock.
I just love Marty, she’s so sweet, I want her to be my little sister.
Why does the Royal Guard bother to survey their prisoners on “auditory ambiance” and things like that when they’re just gonna deliver the SOUL to Asgore???  I mean, isn’t the victim (except Red, apparently) usually dead before they get this far???
Not sure, but I’m guessing this is a different river than the one we travel with River Person.  Not only do we never meet River Person, but the colors of the ground and plants behind Ava look like the marshy sections of Waterfall that we never get to walk in.
Other Thoughts
I love how we never actually visit Waterfall (unless you count the post-credits scene), we just float past it.  Acknowledgement of the source material without actually copying it.  And gave them that much more time and room to include an entirely new area (2, if you count the Wild East as separate from the Dunes).
The mention of a Royal Scientist threw me off.  I totally did not expect Alphys, I thought this game took place many years before UT, and I’ve seen no Gaster references in this game at all.
The Dunes
More of a complaint than an actual question, but… if they wanted to make a Zelda reference, WHY OH WHY did they have to do the Death Mountain rockfall???
Since the Dunes are so near Hotland, could the gigantic Swelterstone be responsible for Hotland’s heat, too?
Since El Bailador calls us a “Sentinel of Silence,” how will killing Decibat affect the fight with Bailey?
If you do well in the Bailey fight, does he stop saying you don’t love dancing as much as him?
How to move the sunbathing (wait, what sun?) cactus that blocks that one road?
The Dunes is where I noticed that the battle theme changes depending on the location.
Sea Tea still increases SOUL speed.  Loved that they kept this in.
Same black slime that we met in MTT Resort Hotel.  And still outraged because of an elevator.  Feels like he’ll never find a working one.
Bowll being a china bowl shaped like a bull is probably a play on the phrase “a bull in a china shop.”
Clover got the green healing flowers (the ones in the Omega Flowey fight) from Violetta.
I sucked at Mew Mew Love Blaster, but I watched a walkthrough, and DID THEY SERIOUSLY GIVE MEW MEW A “BIG SHOT”?!?  (Coming back to this after finishing the game, I went, “yup, they did.”)
Other Thoughts
“Vigorous Terrain” is my favorite location theme, but I still haven’t figured out whether there’s any significance in it being a remix of “Your Best Friend.”
That first tumbleweed, the one that comes rolling out of the hole in the cliff, had me like “wut?”  I did love how they replaced Undyne’s rocks with tumbleweeds.
I also love the mines music.  The first few notes remind me of Zelda’s Lullaby (from LOZ).
I actually missed getting a free pickaxe because the monster’s trivia question about the Royal Scientist threw me off.  I still didn’t realize this took place after Asgore hired Alphys, I thought it came WAAAAY before that.  (This also finally confirmed for me that Flowey is, in fact, the same one we know from UT, Asriel.)
I tried not to make a lot of comparisons to DR, considering this isn’t even canon to UT, but I did feel like the mouse attack in Bowll’s fight was very similar to that one attack in the Maus fights in DR.  But I think the Maus fight itself was probably a reference to some old video game (can’t remember which one, it just always felt familiar), so maybe UTY was making the same reference.
Was stunned to see Undyne look-alikes in the Mines, was more surprised that they mentioned her, and was the most surprised to find that they’re not related.
Clover has a very cute animation for hopping in the mine cart.
I could not figure out Bailador’s fight mechanics, and tbh, I got thru it on an absolute fluke (and the silver scarf).  I had to look up a walkthrough later to realize you have to move into the right space AND press the action button when the color lights up.  I thought it was just being in the right space.  Every rhythm game controls differently, it seems.
Wild East
Do mail whales keep notebooks full of potential rhymes, like Marty and her notebook full of puzzle ideas?
Is “designated naptime” a reference to siestas, or did Star just not want to overwork everybody?
“A ballet shoe could be lethal if used enough times.”  Um.  Got anything to share there, Blackjack?  “Don’t question my morality!  I’m not prepared to speak on it!”  OKAY, I REALLY NEED YOU TO SPEAK ON IT NOW….
Can we get into the locked farm cellar?  (Preferably without killing anyone?)
Animals still living in the Underground at least provides some explanation for where monsters get their food (in addition to the corn).
The BEST part about the health overcharge?  You don’t lose it when you SAVE!  He might be a plague doctor, but Doc works absolute miracles.
Star paid double price for the gun he bought us.
They actually take around 15 paces for the dual (I lost count).  (And yes, I spelled it “dual” on purpose.)
Moray comments that Star made them walk around with a rubber snake in their boot.  I looked it up, and it looks like the first and most well-known movie to use that “snake in my boot” reference really WAS Toy Story (although it has origins outside of film from farther back).  So Starlo also watches animations (as long as they have cowboys).
Vengeful Virgil’s comment that not caring about others’ feelings is what makes him a villain, comes while we’re on our way to console Star after his cocky selfishness drove everyone away.  This was not a coincidence.
Every monster has a magical ability, and Starlo’s is literal “bullet time” (he can slow you down).
^This also makes me wonder: remember how he flew backwards in slow-motion when we shot him in the dual?  I wonder if he was using his bullet time on himself for dramatic effect.
Star’s family: his dad, Solomon (the sun), his mom, Crestina (the moon), and a brother who’s name I never found but looks like a 4-pointed star.  (I’ve seen people call him Orion, so I’m going with that, for now.)
Star has several sticky notes in his dad’s almanac, and keeps dad’s almanac on his own bedroom nightstand.  Seems like Star probably took his life on the farm seriously before he left home.
Star also apparently had an interest in outer space.  Possibly some confusion stemming from Toy Story?  (I actually started headcanoning that Toy Story got him into cowboys, and put together a fic on that.)
Not sure where the term “space cowboy” originated, or what Clover’s actually referring to when they say it about Star, but the first use of that phrase that I’m finding is a Steve Miller song from 1969 (referenced later in Steve Miller’s “The Joker” from 1973, the line that a lot of people associate with Steve Miller: “some people call me the space cowboy, some call me the gangster of love”).  The phrase has been used numerous times in multiple ways since then.
Seems like Star sewed his own outfit.
Other Thoughts
Picked “no” when Star asked if monsters die when you ride them into the sun cuz I thought the whole town would converge upon me, heh.
Was honestly surprised that the dummy finally showed up.  This was the first time I tried using the FIGHT option, and it turned out to be rather difficult.  I am not looking forward to Neutral or Genocide.
Star tells Ceroba we’re as good of a shot as him, and she goes, “Really?  A child?”  Still not entirely sure whether she’s poking a bit of fun at Star, but I don’t think she is.  Star doesn’t take any offense to her comment for himself, and her sprite when she speaks next, saying she’s “impressed,” looks extremely surprised.  (In all fairness, despite Blackjack’s claims, Star actually is really good.)
I suck at them all, but the mini-games in UTY are all so fun.
Love the change-up to the battle animation during Feisty Four’s attack, how they switch between characters and even team up.
“A tumbleweed rolls by.  It says hello.”  Well, why not?  I mean, the rocks and cacti are sentient.
The first mention of Kanako at The Lab had me in tears, because, like… we KNOW what happened to her.
“The Steamworks was the main power source of the Underground.”  This statement confuses the timeline a bit for me.  The Core is now the main power source of the Underground, but my understanding is that the Steamworks was operational long after Gaster died.
Does the story change at all depending on what parts you use for Axis’ gf?  (Also, I wonder how many of us just picked up the first 2 or 3 items and then realized there’s way more than 4 items to choose from and wished Ceroba would let us start over.)
Is there a way to fix the grandfather clock?
Does the grandfather clock say something different if the time on your PC actually is 6:26 on a Monday morning in spring?
Ceroba telling Clover to wait in the corner, kinda refers back to her doubting that a child could be as good of a shot as Star.  She has very little respect for Clover at this point.  Not entirely sure if it’s just because Clover’s a human, or if it’s also because they’re just a kid.
Don’t think I missed Flowey’s comment about The Lab.  He clearly does NOT want us to go there.
Ceroba must have some kind of dimensional satchel, herself.  I don’t see how else she can carry the hunkajunk we built (not to mention pulling her staff out of hammerspace).
BTW, “dihydrogen monoxide” is just water.  Vendy probably just called it that to make it sound poisonous.
Vendy said their last boot up was yesterday and that their creator always comes by on Mondays to restock them.  Sadly, the grandfather clock is stuck on 6:26, Monday morning.  Kinda feel sorry for Vendy.
Guardener is actually nice.  She even grows a flower just for the bot that came late.
Telly-Vis starts using the bullet patterns of other monsters during the “reruns” portion of the fight.
You can cheat on the Axis fight if you have the silver scarf.  Just deliberately miss Axis when you ping-pong the red balls for enough turns to heal up.
I haven’t tried it yet, but I’m guessing that Ceroba would get mad and ditch you if you kill one of the robots, turning the run into a Neutral.
Other Thoughts
Screw those water puzzles at the start of Steamworks.
I’m not gonna try to discuss Ceroba’s growing respect for us.  That needs a whole analysis post of its own.  (Well, everything about Ceroba needs its own analysis.)
Axis rolled in and I was like, “Oh, no, another one.”  Seems like we just keep running into these darned toaster ovens on wheels.
Axis music is fire, tho, all of it.
I swear I hear some DR inspirations in the music.  Haven’t learned the names for all the tracks yet, but at one point I thought I heard Digital Roots (when Ceroba’s fiddling with the generator) and at another I thought I heard Card Castle (the room where you build Axis’ gf).
A game mechanic I love: Ceroba’s shield effect (well, as long as it’s shielding Clover).
A mechanic I hate: Jandroid’s slippery floors.
I also love the manta ray ferryboat.
Mo’s level of professionalism is off-the-charts.  He ain’t about to let a little thing like his clothes and his stand catching fire ruin a sales pitch.
Being a Christian, I’m not going to share what I really think of the Axis chase.
Loved seeing the return of popato chisps.
I swear, I thought all that white stuff was monster dust at first.  Walked into the Science Division and nearly burst into tears.
I hope somebody finally has chance to either fix Guardener or shut her down properly once they reach the surface.
Conveyor belt puzzle caused me trouble because I kept trying to box up trash.  Took me a while to realize “red” and “blue” referred to the highlights around the objects.
I’ll talk more in depth later, but I love how Clover has this calming effect on Ceroba when she’s chewing out the productivity bot.
Believe it or not, I didn’t get caught by Axis in the fireplace room!  Go me!  (Actually, it’s really not that hard….)
Still not entirely sure what I think of Axis deliberately handing us a “weapon” just to give himself an excuse to attack us.
I’ve said this before: he took me an hour and a half to fight the first time.  I really hate the mechanics in his boss fight.  And it was especially humiliating for me because I’d only died, maybe, 3 or 4 times before him.  Didn’t have any trouble with Starlo, and while I never did get the hang of Bailey’s fight, I think I only died to him once.  Guardener was responsible for the other deaths.
I love how Ceroba’s been insulting the Steamworks the whole time, but I don’t think she ever insults Axis.  That was her late husband’s baby.  And then she even gives him tips on dating.
Ceroba finally respects us after the Axis fight.  It takes remembering why she needs us for her to be able to press on with her mission.
Chujin’s House
Woodworking, robotics, SOUL research, video game designer, loving husband and father- I know Chujin was kinda old, but how DID he find time for all this???
Marty finds Kanako’s room to be unsettling.  Not sure why.
Clover doesn’t like the gas stove and worries it will cause a housefire.  I’ve wondered before whether they came from an orphanage.  Did they lose their family in a fire?
“The Founder’s Crest.”  Who are the Founders?  Founders of what?  Or is this just a reference to something I’m not familiar with?  (Possibly something in Japanese culture?)
Was Chujin actually that much older than Ceroba?  Or did he just age rapidly because of his research?  If boss monsters only age when they have children, how could he have become so old before marrying Ceroba… unless he’d already had, and lost, one child before?
I’ve been told there’s a secret behind Chujin’s grave.  Will have to check it out the next time I do a Pacifist run.
Strange that Ed found the trapdoor so easily when Ceroba didn’t know about it until Chujin told her.  Ceroba must not have covered it up properly before locking up the house.  Possibly also Chujin somehow arranged it with her that he would be the one cleaning the dining room.
I feel like Moray’s the smartest one of the Four.  They knew it was a good idea to send for Marty.
And THIS is where Marty gets smart.  She takes charge in Star’s absence.  The Four listen to her, even Ed (reluctantly).  And SHE’s the one telling us to stay on track.
(Ok, she’s still a bit naïve- she doesn’t seem to consider that Chujin’s paper with her name is actually ABOUT her.)
The drawings on Kanako’s bedroom wall: Dalv, the monster on the Dunes swingset, her family… and a flower?  Well, I mean… a lot of little kids like to draw flowers, so that might not be anything.  Also a drawing of what looks like Axis lying on the floor.
“Nuh-uh!  Kids shouldn’t mess with knives!”  Nice little reference there, dev team.
And, of course, it’s Flowey who makes light of Ceroba’s mission, calling it a “science fair project.”  Well.  He has every right to say whatever he likes about SOUL research.  Doesn’t he.
Of course, we didn’t get Star’s letter in time because Ceroba wouldn’t let us check the mail.  But I highly doubt she planned it that way, as she had no idea the Five would be snooping around her old house.
Other Thoughts
Starlo is so. completely. PISSED.  And… uh, he has a right to be.  Like, she’s doing a lot of what he just did- lying and scheming and using Clover to fix her own problems (those two are a match set, I swear….)  And he’s torn.  These are his two friends, Clover being the human he practically worshipped, and Ceroba being one of his closest friends (not to mention the love of his life, but I digress).  He doesn’t want anything to happen to her, but he can’t let Clover get hurt, either.
The fact that Moray sent for Marty as soon as learning that Clover was in danger just seals in the idea that Marty is part of the family.
…how long has that corn chowder been in that fridge, anyway???
I’ve already discussed my thoughts about Chujin in other posts, a lot of them still in queue.
Kinda wonder what could’ve made Clover suspicious about the wall to the left of the UG Apartments.
Never did figure out where the “rain” was coming from.  I figure it’s just a leaky sink upstairs or something.  (I’d thought at first it was from the janitor cleaning the hallway, but that’s on the other side of the building.)
I’m sure everyone recognized it, but in case someone didn’t, Bailey’s in the colored tile room.
I think Muffet herself blocked the way thru Hotland, renovating for her pastry shop.
Mr. Cursor mentions a 10-sided die.  They have some version of D&D in the Underground.  Probably more like… idk, Houses and Humans?
Working for Mettaton must have taken quite a toll on the janitor.  He doesn’t look nearly so tired or decrepit here.
There was a flier on the bulletin board in the Wild East that was advertising the acts at the UG Apartments.  The band we saw in Honeydew Resort has a gig at the Apartments on Fridays.  So, this game- or at least by the time we reach Hotland- is on a Friday.
Other Thoughts
The monster candy is butterscotch-flavored.  *nods*  Of course, what else would it be?
Poor Heats.  Defeateeeeeeeeed again….
Star can actually survive drinking magma.  I’ve got headcanons about this boiling in my brain….
I thought Know Cone said he was just gonna look at Hotland from a mountaintop…?
New Home/Pacifist Ending
If there’s an elevator leading to the castle, I’m guessing that means at least one of the other endings has us actually fight Asgore.
How exactly does Kanako’s mask give Ceroba superpowers?  I feel like it might be a reference to Japanese mythology, but I know very, very little about Japanese mythology.
How exactly does Clover have the ability to see into Ceroba’s memories?
I kinda hate myself for asking, but… what happens if you choose FIGHT after you beat Ceroba?
Star is the one asking Ceroba if she’s gonna kill them all because while he doesn’t know all the details, he recognizes the headspace she’s in.
Other Thoughts
Not only am I thrilled to finally get to explore some of New Home, I’m absolutely in love with the design and the music.
I think when Ceroba says she lied about Kanako, she’s not saying she lied about Kanako falling down, or about sending her to the lab.  She lied about having any hope that Kanako would return safely.
How the heck do frikkin’ cherry blossom petals have so much attack power???
The dash mechanic took me time to learn, but if Toby ever decides to steal from Yellow, I hope he steals this :P
My reactions to Ceroba’s plan: “But Chujin specifically begged you NOT to use Kanako!  How do you think you’re honoring his memory by going against his final wish?!”  “Oh, I see, finishing the serum was his death wish.  That’s still no excuse to use your own daughter, tho.”  And finally: “…oh…”
I tried to get thru the game without cheats (except for being on easy mode) but I did have to turn on auto-fire for Ceroba’s final phase.
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*Spoilers for Chapter 117 of Bungou Stray Dogs*
This chapter broke me.
At first, I thought Bram was alright but then he is gone. But I'm glad he is able to reunite with his family after so long and we don't have to worry about the vampires anymore since Bram said his ability will vanish when he is gone. 😅🥲
But the flashbacks to when Bram had his family and how he was able to fulfilled the promise he made to his daughter with Aya really is a tearjerker. It was so bittersweet and I know I am gonna need a tissue box for when this scene gets animated (if there is another season of the anime).
Although I am interest in the relationship between Aya and Akutagawa. Bram left Aya to Akutagawa's care it seems and if there is a resolution to this arc and everyone who's left survives, what would Aya and Akutagawa's interactions be like? Is Aya going to return to her life while Akutagawa protects her from the shadows while continuing his work with the Port Mafia? Will Akutagawa keep protecting her and stops when Fyodor and the Divine figure of Amenogozen is defeated ? Is Aya going to have interactions with the other Port Mafia members if Akutagawa continues to follow Bram's last wish/order ? Or is Akutagawa going to leave her with the detective agency when this is over ? There are so many possibilities for her and Akutagawa going forward if it turns out well in the end and if Akutatgawa chooses to follow Bram's wish for her after the showdown.
WHY ?!?!?!?!!
But i am curious as to why the Divine figure of Amenogozen is absorbing the particles that after the person had passed. Is he absorbing their power/ability or what ever remains of their life essences and using it to fueled himself?
At the end it seems like Tanizaki is his next victim (Although I really hope he is saved some how. Please save him!!!!!) And things seems to be catching up to the anime, which means we are about to see Akutagawa and Atsuhi vs Amenogozen fight. Hopefully it is in the next chapter
That's all for now
- Ria
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clawsofakiller · 5 months
Wolverine #49 Sabretooth War Spoilers alert and personal analysis
I am so so so sleepy rn so i can't use my byelingual skill to translate so here we go machine translation! I don't don't know what I'm talking just sleepy. I didn't take meds just sleepland lacks of me.
Try not to argue with me about my opinion as I would not have done the same to others, thank you very much.
Organize your thoughts.
Doug threw Sabretooth into his victims perspective extracted from his memories to make him feel the pain of his victims being beaten, tortured and abused by him, he thinks Sabretooth has been holding on to these memories because of guilty feeling and that guilt shows that there is still goodness in his heart. When he tries to talk therapy to tell him that everyone has a chance to be good, sabretooth laughs and says that he can't feel guilty at all and that he keeps remembering these memories just because they make him feel good, and he's proud of them, and he's so good his ego bursts up, and he says that, Douglas simply can't accept that there are just people who are born differently in the world, and that not every wounded child needs hugs and cookies, and that the evil he did is what hegenuinely wanted, and even if he were placed in the victims' situation, he couldn't understand their fear; he could only explain the feeling as physical: just a racing heartbeat. And their pain, even if experienced by him, only nourishes him.
This is the evil of man. If a tiger were to experience the pain of a deer, it would only feel anger and fear, it would think it was fighting and losing against another tiger, being killed and eaten, but Creed knows that he is dealing with himself, and his narcissism has reached the point where it is horrifying to watch, and he derives pleasure from his lurid image and deeds, even though he can practically feel the pain, and more than anything else, it is pride. He is proud of his overwhelming power, being in the position of the victim makes him more aware of his power, thus he is proud to be the abuser, the one who has the power to destroy others, he knows that being in the position of the victim is only temporary, he still has the chance to go back to his own body and continue his abuse, this is a complex emotion, it's a human emotion. This part I think is sexually suggestive, Creed absorbs the pain of his victims so his body shape becomes bigger and bigger and his power grows, according to psychoanalytic theory at this point he already has an erection(well obviously he enjoyed it so much) because of what he feels, combine this with the line where he says he feels his blood flowing, he feels vigorous, because the carnal feeling is the life force and is also the force of the libido, and at this moment his libido must be bursting at the seams! Until he breaks through the cocoon that binds him, which again is a metaphor for birth, he rips open the cocoon and is covered in mucus and, is reborn, but he rips open the mother's body and is born on his own, and instead of cries he is accompanied by a primal roar. Someone is born differently, Victor confronts his psychiatrist, Doug, and he says so. The text accompanying this panel is taken from Icelandic historian and poet Snorris Thurluson's Norwegian Kings' Saga, which describes Odin's berserkers, and I'll translate it roughly: (I'm sorry I translated those lines into Chinese and it doesn't look quite the same when translated back to English)Odin's men rushed forward without armor, they were fierce as dogs and wolves, they tore at shields, they were strong as brown bears and bison, they could kill their enemies with a single blow, and yet fire and iron couldn't hurt them a bit. This is called the Berserkergang.
I really like how this whole issue shows his psyche, it fits the definition of psychopath in psychiatry, how do they feel regret when they don't repent or have deep emotions, nor normal human emotions? If there was any possibility of getting better it was lost decades ago due to permanent frontal lobe damage in the X mansion. Everything is doomed. Being born as human without the possibility of being human, some people are destined to traumatise the world, they are like natural disasters, compounded by their causes, rare and unpredictable, even harder to stop, and bound to leave broken walls wherever they go. it's nature, it can't be changed.
And Camo died before sharp comment: Graydon and Victor are the same, Victor can not let go of Logan's obsession, Graydon can not let go of his father's obsession, they are not family, they simply have the same bad blood just! His family may have genetic mental illness, after all, chained his mutant children in the basement every day with pliers to pull teeth does not look like a normal person to do things.
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danketsuround · 10 months
sunday six!
it's *looks at clock* almost 6:50pm here and i have work tomorrow morning so i want to post this now. hi everyone. i feel like it's been forever. tagging usual suspects @overdevelopedglasses @four-white-trees @futilecombat @fire-tempers-steel (a lot of you have f urls...) @c-cw-f-saeko @passthroughtime (i think that's all of you? lol) (same thing applies, share if you want, don't if you don't!)
same thing this week. BUT. i changed it. i want to try writing from reiko's perspective. i wrestled with this for a little bit on my priv....
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but actually it ended up being very fun and i'm having a good time with it. she is SO. crazy to me. massive control freak lady. one of kuwana's many tests from god.
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anyways sorry lol this post is really long. the last thing i posted has been scrapped for parts so when i eventually post it you will see how frakensteined it has become.
okay here you go wahhh! (mildly nsfw? not really but)
Reiko pushes his shoulder and pulls back, wipes her mouth feverishly like she’d caught something just now. She’s certain she looks pathetic crawling out of his lap and sitting on her knees, like a scuffed-up little girl in a green meadow. She looks down from her cat-scratched cloth bed and into the river of carpet and clothing below.
“I don’t want to anymore.”
He looks at her, but he says nothing. She can see his tired round eyes sparkle as they absorb disappointment. It trails to his eyebrows and his mouth, but he fights it.
“Okay,” he says with unwavering neutrality.
There it is! His obedience is as attractive as ever—her knight in cloth armor. She stares back at him. His resolve is almost defiant. He must have caught on to her little games by now, so he must also know that he should take her anyways—but that was a line he never crossed. She would be thankful for his restraint if he presented any real danger, but instead, now, she’s just annoyed that he won’t play.
He doesn’t comfort her either—rub her arms or embrace her convincingly—just sits and looks at her and waits for her to throw him back into the dog house. He wouldn’t refuse her, surely, but his lack of refusal is a refusal in itself! A refusal to play her game. She’s been outsmarted and admits this with a deeper kiss—the only thing a woman cornered by affection could do.
“Don’t play with me,” he somehow musters mushed under her lips. “Please. Not tonight.”
“I do as a please,” she replies sternly.
He moves to her neck. “Yeah. I know you do.”
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hamliet · 1 year
Emerald and Mercury, Chemical Wedding
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So Hamliet wrote a meta about Renora, Bumbleby, White Knight, and Rosegarden getting chemical weddings (several posts for White Knight now since they just had their second one). But at the time I remarked that I didn't see any specific symbolism for Emercury.
I was dumb, and I'm sorry. There is a wedding, and it's very clearly coded as one, and I missed it. Lulz?
It's from the same manuscript as Yang/Blake's first wedding, and Renora's. It's less directly referencing the specific imagery in that neither Em nor Merc are using lances or riding animals, but it's still packed full of obvious symbolism.
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The point of this image is actually that fights are often symbolic of chemical weddings. Think Jaime and Brienne having a fight with swords in front of a river in A Storm of Swords. There's a specific risk of penetration involved here (yes that's subtext), and the first chemical wedding is often violent. I'm not going to get super into the Freudian penetration symbolism because that's not really what happens, but I am going to point out that Mercury and Emerald do penetrate each other's armor symbolically here.
If you look at the framing when the fight starts, it's comparable to Weiss and Jaune's before their second one begins.
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Emerald is in front of sunlight and fire. Mercury, associated with the moon, is in the shadows. Emerald is associated with red as well.
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But the fight starts off with Emerald essentially asking Mercury what am I to you? But she includes Cinder in this, which is a sign of immaturity, because Cinder is explicitly paralleled with a parental figure here (Marcus). Don't bring your parents up in romantic situations, kids.
And Mercury responds kind of cruelly:
Emerald: I mean, there has to be something you want from this, right?
Mercury: Salem's promised us everything. We win this thing for her, we'll be top dogs in her new world. What more do you want?
Emerald: I just... (sighs) Cinder was the only family I ever had. She cared about me, taught me things... But without her here, I don't know if what we're doing--
Mercury: Wake up, already...
Emerald looks at him in shock upon hearing this.
Mercury: Cinder doesn't care about you! She doesn't care about either of us!
Emerald: You don't know what you're talking about!
Mercury: You're in denial. And if you're gonna start having a crisis of identity or some crap... keep me out of it.
Still, Emerald does directly tell Mercury that he and Cinder are family to her. That's pretty clearly implied.
Emerald then starts to meet Mercury where he's at. She responds to him with fights and kicks, and only when she does that--using a language Mercury understands, because for him family=pain and physical violence--does Mercury open up to her.
In fact, this is the specific framing of the exact moment he tells Emerald about Marcus stealing his semblance. He's stepped into the fire, absorbing qualities from Emerald.
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Whenever Mercury makes important statements, he says it in front of the fire. For example, he tells Emerald "I think I'm right where I'm supposed to be" in front of fire (scene below).
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The fight also takes place in a vault that is very much modeled on a church. I mean, don't tell me this isn't a church. It's a church, a classic wedding allusion.
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The ending pose is both of them unified in light and shadows, staring at Tyrian in horror.
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Because Tyrian is another key factor in this. He interrupts the wedding. He does a very creepy pose over Mercury and using his tail to make the subtext extra creepy. This makes it pretty clear that Tyrian is Emercury's Adam or Cinder/Curious Cat--an antagonistic Mercurius who represents a threat to not just Emerald and Mercury's relationship, but their very live.
I would also bet this scene foreshadows exactly what will happen later, since elevated, second chemical weddings in RWBY tend to be inverses of the preceding ones.
My prediction is Emerald and Mercury physically fight it out at some point. Tyrian will intervene and go for Emerald, but Mercury will get in the way and not allow Tyrian to kill Emerald, and they'll defeat him together.
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omar-the-wheat · 1 year
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I am a jowar wheat plant (Sorghum Vulgare AKA Bicolor) wearing a pair of white pants with suspenders full of soil with shoes attached to the bottom.
I'm into voring people with my roots (shoe vore) and i am on a strictly carnivorous diet, which includes mushroom compost.
My head is still green, but i am an adult, just not ready for kids yet.
I have the ability to emit golden light (a little) which has very little usefulness outside of i guess killing vampires.
It does spend energy to use it which makes me hungry.
I eat by absorbing sunlight, water, oxygen and nutrients (mostly nitrogen) from my soil as most plants.
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stormbeyondreality · 2 years
Just for fun, here are some of my Dragonborns! The ones marked with a * are shelved or I decided not to finish their playthroughs for whatever reason.
Erlind Ebonsong (primary) - Born and raised in High Rock, Erlind arrived in Skyrim via their ship crashing off the coast of Winterhold while they were fleeing an arranged marriage. He's genderfluid, a follower of Mara via Wintersun, and playstyle-wise is a spellsword in heavy armour. By the end of the playthrough (which in canon will span several years), she'll be a member of the Bard's College, a member of the Dawnguard, Harbinger, Archmage, and Guildmaster for the Explorer's Guild from Legacy of the Dragonborn, though not all in that order. I have more answers about questions for them than any of the other characters.
Sylastir (stream character!) - Probably born and raised in Cyrodiil, Sylastir came to Skyrim following an advertisement for a relic hunter for the Dragonborn Museum in Solitude. He's a follower of Arkay currently. Playstyle-wise, he's also basically a spellsword, but with light armour and he also uses a crossbow. Because he's my character for streams, I don't know much yet about how he'll end up except that he's to also become Harbinger and Guildmaster for the Explorer's Guild. I have a lot less answers about questions for him, but I welcome them 'cause it helps me figure out more about him!
Kaviis* - Born and raised in Cyrodiil, came to Skyrim as part of the Imperial Army. I don't remember who she followed religion-wise; it's been a long time since I played any of her stuff and I seem to have deleted my notes. I remember a few things though, and her personality and playstyle was absorbed into:
Audr* - Born and raised in Cyrodiil, came to Skyrim as a wandering mercenary. Follower of Mara, according to my notes (I really like Mara). Has a face tattoo and is very distrustful. Was to join the Companions, Bard's College, and Dawnguard, but like Kaviis and most of these shelved characters, I don't remember much else. Heavy-armoured spellsword. I really like the combination of swords, magic, and heavy armour.
Dunelon* - Born and raised in High Rock, came to Skyrim as a hunter after being kicked out of his noble family for being turned into a werewolf. His playstyle was one-handed, archery, and light armour mostly. He was also to join the Dawnguard and Companions, but probably no other faction. Follower of Phynaster.
Vezha* - The first non-human of the list! Most of her history is unknown 'cause she as far as she knows she just woke up in Dushnikh Yal one day with gear, a dog, a horse, and fighting skills. Genderfluid, follower of Malacath, planned to join the Imperial Army and the Dawnguard but nothing else for certain. Used a shield and a war axe with some archery. Might bring him back actually.
Ritvan* - Wood Elf with unknown origins, I never got very far with him but I have in my notes that he was to join the Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild and that he started in the Bee and Barb. Classic thief playstyle, probably.
Larus* - Nord, never actually played him but I made a preset and figured out enough notes to start, which I still have, so he counts. Started as a bandit and was to be a mage in heavy armour.
Nisavi* - Last one in my notes! Khajiit, also a mage, I feel like the preset was as closed to based on my cat Phasmar as I could do (it's really really hard to make solid-black Khajiit btw). Classic mage playstyle, follower of Azura, has a necklace that was a gift from her mother.
Having gone through these, I'm now thinking about new characters I want to make....I think I'm going to bring Vezha back 'cause the snippets of story in my notes are rather cool, and might tweak some of the others 'cause I want to play a more 'evil' character and I want to do (separately) a pure mage at some point.
Key mods (mentioned or otherwise):
Legacy of the Dragonborn (for Erlind and Sylastir)
Alternate Start and the add-on New Beginnings
Classic Classes and Birthsigns Andromedized
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yottakitsune · 2 years
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"Master, please let me in!"
You did your best to ignore the seven foot tall hellhound pressed against your window. She stood in the sunlight basking in it as she absorbed the summer desert heat. Who knew that defense would be such a problem on earth?
You risked a glance over and you could see her breasts bulge out over her corset as they took up more of the window. "Master, I'm so full already..." She groaned as she grew a few inches taller. "Please let me in...? I promise I won't burn anything else..."
You had summoned an unholy guard dog using a tome you found in the attic, but you didn't really understand what was spoken in the spell. You might have mispronounced a few things, too. So when the Doberman lady in leather showed up, you were a little confused. She explained some things, like how they fed on heat and fire and how they weren't used to the sun. Then she kept getting startled and burning things so you made her stay outside.
This was turning into a bit of a problem since the bigger she got, the louder she got and it wouldn't be long before your neighbors saw her and started asking what you were up to. You looked back over and now her breasts had grown beyond the sides of the window and she was still getting even bigger. Another growling groan and those breasts slid up the window as she grew another few inches taller.
You sighed and went outside and told her she could hide in the old barn you used for storing junk and parts for fixing cars. She gave a tight hug that grew tighter as her breasts pressed forward another full cup size. It was actually enjoyable because of how warm and soft she was. After you resisted the temptation to call in and skip work, you told her you would be back that evening. She said goodbye by giving you an intoxicating kiss that left you feeling light headed.
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You returned after a very unfocused day at work and couldn't believe your eyes. Her eyes sparkled and her whip-like tail wagged fast enough a whistling sound could be heard. "Master! You're home!" She had grown immense in the time you were gone and just one of her breasts was several times bigger than your home. She was also about to crush it just by laying there and growing. "It got really hot," she explained. Her voice nearly blew you off your feet even as a whisper. "And when I tried to get in the barn I couldn't get through the door... but now you're here and I can spend more time with you!"
Before you could object she picked you up and set you on top of one of her breasts. "Don't worry! I'll keep you warm and safe!" Even in the evening sun you could see her still growing. Her body quivered and trembled with the 'tiny' growth spurts she had and it was hard to stay stable with such an incredibly soft platform to stand on. It was like walking on a water bed. A crunch sound could be heard as your house lost the fight with her breast and was completely demolished under the hellhound's breast. How were you going to explain this to your landlord?
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elvencloud · 1 year
I sorted my dog's kibble today - A reflection on 33 years of life
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Meet the crew, Left to right: Rex, Dabbs, and Nanaki. Dabbs is the subject of this morning as he is a picky eater. I've never really had a dog be picky beyond wanting different food or their sibling's food instead.
Growing up myself, I wasn't picky. I ate my vegetables, my fruit, I disliked sugar as a rule ("It will get me in trouble." was my response, but truthfully things were too sweet for me.) I discovered two things I didn't like as a kid, okra and rye bread. Honestly, sometimes I didn't really have much of a choice. My family didn't have a lot and my dad would joke "Eat it... or wear it." Except fish. Gods almighty, I try and try - and you culinary geniuses that can turn aquatic life into delectable culinary art, I applaud you. Food poisoning from a fishy smelling piece of fish has tainted the thought in my brain. Fish makes my body rebel, revolt. It's POISON it screams. Even worse, fish was a favorite of his diet. My dad tried everything. Have you ever had Ceviche? Ever hear of it?
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It's a peruvian dish. I'm going to quote the recipe I grabbed the image from:
"...usually served as an appetizer. It’s generally made from raw fresh fish or shrimp, that’s marinated in lemon and/or lime citrus juices. The acidity in the citrus cures the fish causing it to denature the proteins and become firm and opaque while absorbing flavor.
After the seafood has sort of cooked in a way other ingredients are tossed in such as onions, cilantro, peppers and tomatoes."
This was one of the many ways my dad tried with me. It didn't smell fishy, and I loved fresh pico/salsa. I'd eat it with a spoon. He tried shrimp, tuna, cod, salmon, shark. No go. Eventually we came to an agreement after fighting for years about it: "You have to try it once a year, otherwise I won't push the issue. You must give it an honest try, and if you still don't like it, we'll move on."
If there was one thing my dad did right: He kept his promises the best he could. It must be in the blood. *********************************************************************
So over time, Dabbs has been eating less and less. Fighting about eating his food, throwing kibble in his kennel around - and over time we realized he doesn't like the flavor. "Eat it or wear it." I replied. Sometimes I don't realize how much of my dad is in here. *taps my head* Over more time, we discovered it's specific kibble he doesn't like. The orange ones.
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- "I like the yellow ones." (Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet, Stargate SG:1) *******************************************************************
Again, we stood strong, not sure if there are different nutrients in each piece. "You're not getting any different food." He ate less and less to our frustration. Until this morning, staring at his mostly full bowl of food from the night before it clicked: Dogs are really just toddlers anyway, right?
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Imagine: If every time you put a pizza roll in my mouth there was a 1/5 chance you would get sardine flavor. Would you eat? I would eat enough to survive, maybe. After a bit of encouragement, Dabbs tried the mixture. Initially, he rolled it around in his mouth, pretending to eat to placate me. I could see his eyes as he ate a fourth, then a fifth piece - "I haven't tasted the orange ones." He emptied the bowl. Enthusiastically once he realized he was hungry. And I was proud. ********************************************************************
Not to get too deep, but I lost my dad 20 years ago this year. I forget how many lessons he taught me in 13 years including: The kid will be all right. You just have to trust in him and talk to him. And he's right - I think I turned out all right. I might even be a great dad one day. When and if: they'll be all right too.
I think I owe fish another chance: It is my birthday after all... and I made a promise.
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Lets talk about one of my OC's because she is my child
So here she is! Her name's Dakota. She isn't from any fandom. She's from an original story which is still painfully in progress, entitled "Seedling of a Flame".
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(her shirt is supposed to be a different purple but idk what happened to my pen??? It was great all the other times I used it.)
(oh heres the reference if you want to use it)
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So basically, people can have powers based off an element. Fire, nature, water, air, earth, light and darkness. You can be granted powers from a Creature. There are seven (7) in total, one for each element. So the fire creature can only grant fire powers, the water creature water powers, etc. (Your eyes also change colour depending on what power you get.) These creatures can shapeshift, so if they wanted to they could turn into your babushka and break into your house playing the saxophone and wearing baguettes as slippers.
And darkness isn't evil like in other fantasy books. Any element can be evil depending on who is using it and how.
Dakota wants nature powers. But while trying to find the nature creature, she helps an injured animal which turns out to be the fire creature, who gives her fire powers. Which she does not want. So she tries to find the fire creature again so it can take her fire powers away, then go look for the Nature Creature again.
Her character development or whatever will be going from a calm, tranquil and rather gentle girl to a raging, hecking strong girl with anger issues. Because we love that.
Honestly she'll kinda start out like a Disney princess, in some ways.
Although, Dakota does not love it, like here's a quote I decided she should say about how she changes/while fighting someone who says something about her fire powers and her desire to have nature powers -
"My lungs are full of thorns, my bones held together by vines, and my heart by groves of trees is adorned,"
But that doesn't sound that well so someone helped me change it into this -
"Thorns fill my lungs. My bones are held by vines. My heart, it beats to the rhythm of orchards."
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She is super strong, like physically. Could beat you in a fist fight. Can also make you roadty toasty so you die. Wouldn't intentionally k!ll, but would harm.
I'm thinking that she's going to buy a sword from a guy so she don't have to use her fire powers, but then it turns out that the sword can kinda like absorb/copy her powers so it can set alight.
And she will also find a dog (black furred, male Newfoundland) and will basically just adopt it. The newfoundland, who will probably be called Ink unless I change my mind, will have somehow managed to get Earth powers. It will remain a mystery and running gag throughout the book.
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(if anyone has any dog drawing reference pictures, please please show them to me because I really need to figure out how to draw dogs, thank you)
Plus, she will also "accidentally" k!ll someone. Accidentally meaning she didn't do it but she thought she did. So she'd be fighting some people with her fire and one of the people she's fighting also have fire powers. They k!ll Dakota's sort of friend,but she was too caught up in anger to see that it wasn't her who k!lled the person.
And that will lead up to Dakota meeting another person who is like a rival person (with water powers). He sort of likes her but Dakota hates him and there's going to be a really cool moment where him and Dakota are fighting using their powers and Dakota's fire will get so hot it'll evaporate his water.
Often helps Dakota escape from the people who knew the de@d person. Because the people want Dakota to explain what happened, but Dakota is absolutely panicking and just so broken that she apparently k!lled someone. Dakota doesn't want or need his help, however.
I made a Picrew of him. Here -
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Picrew link - https://picrew.me/image_maker/1374338
(gonna be super upset if the link don't work)
But then Dakota will so meet a princess who doesn't want to be Queen, so she helps her escape and they travel together and start liking each other, but maybe the princess with d!e before they can tell each other.
The princess has light powers and will look a bit like this -
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Picrew link - https://picrew.me/image_maker/1456483
I might call her something like Thalia or Willow.
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Some drawings of mine (not the best but they'll do for now) -
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Honestly this was mostly written to satisfy me and also get a bit more organised, but if I want to I'll make part 2 or 3 for Dakota and maybe do this for other ocs and stories, because I have plenty.
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