#i don't really care for this pokémon. the only thing i really know about it is that its paradox form was one of the titans in sv
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
31 asks! Thank you! :}} ☯️
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Now I'm gonna be totally honest, I DO have a favorite twin and its Ingo <XDD But I also fully understand and support your point!
What makes Ingo and Emmet so fun and interesting to me is their bond! How they mirror each other, how they interact, their strength as a team! Sure separating them for the angst is great an all- but truly showing them together and more importantly as equals is where the good stuffs at!
This is also why I usually try to wrap up their separation arcs in my AUs, and also don't really enjoy reading any Legends Arceus content.. seeing Ingo alone is not only heartbreaking,, but its also just not as fin. Ingo and Emmet are stronger together :)
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@sallychaosaura (In response to this post)
Miiiight be a bit too late for that <XDD
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Thank you! :D I'm glad :))
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Sorry, no can do! <:( Also thank you! :))
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(Post in question)
(It was very intentional! :}) He's stressed. 😔
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Ugh.. well, thanks for letting me know.. and at least the commenters know I don't consent to reposts..
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@soulful-rodent (Post in question)
Well in-game we was traded to a friend and back so he'd evolve..
Buuuut lore wise, without a trainer..? <:D No idea-
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Probably somewhere around 100 <XD
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Absolutely terrifying! Next question XD
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No, no, aaaaand poorly, XD I'm doing fiiiiine won't worry! :)
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I can imagine when he first gained the ability to hide in peoples shadows, he probably gave many people quite a scare without meaning to <XDDD
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Thank you! :DD And Their stories are kind'a vague when I take out my trainer..
I'm thinking that somehow, Midori met Gloria in their first evolutions and became friends. Then they found Grim..
later on Midori found Anastasia after she had run away from a battle. She tried to hide but her shiny gold color made that impossible.. Midori took her to Gloria and they took care of her.
Afterwards they met Sylvester..
Beyond that, I don't have any details in mind.. 😅 Sorry!
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Typically I prefer horror games/movies, but ONLY when they're being played by or watched by someone else in a YouTube video XDD
Some of those YouTubers being Elvis The Alien and Markiplier! :}}}
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@fragmented-ghost (Pokémon Violet team master post)
AAAA I'm so glad you like them! :DD I plan to draw them more at some point, but atm I kind'a got sucked back into the Violet grind XDD I'm just about to beat the main game! :0000
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I have! :DD I like it quite a lot an have drawn some things for it here and there! Though I never got around to completing the game..
Someday I'd like to go back and beat the game. I can imagine I'd jump right into the fandom afterwards if I did XDD
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XD Probably!
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I don't remember talking about that.. if you had a link to the original post maybe I could remember with context..? <:0
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@tallchest13-blog (Post in question)
XDDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDD All of those titles made me laugh! And I see your point, but I have a few counter points to this ask..
For 1, to keep with the theme, I would want to/have to make this cape IRL in order to add it to my sona. Now if the last 4 quilts have shown me anything? Its that I'm not super great at making quilts <XDD
If it was that challenging to make it on a smaller scale? I cant imagine how much trouble I'd have trying to make a full size one! <XDD Plus buying the materials... having to physically get up, go buy the stuff I need and make it. With these health issues I've been battling, that's not something I wanna do atm.. 😅Not to mention with how hot its been lately, I don't think I need a quilt anyways-
And then lastly- I'd have to draw myself with it every time! I like my sona being a simplistic blob that has minimal colors and not much of a model to keep too. I worry a quilt might take that away.. :(((
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XDD I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the potential! :))
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I have a few times here an there. Just to hang out with some friends :)
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I mean, I don't know the history between you two... But my advice is to leave them be. If they ghosted you, they probably want space..
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I altered the story of Welcome Home to make my version of Sally a teenager. So I was thinking she could be bluish-white to look like a young star..? But looking back I don't like the blue.. For story purposes she might stay a teen, but I think I'll keep her yellow <XDD
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Yoo! :DD She's so colorful! And that black shadowy arm is so spooky.. Does she have a story? 👀👀
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(Pixel art tutorial in question)
I'm glad it helped! Happy pixeling!! :}} 👋👋
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XD Don't worry its fiiiiiine!
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I've wanted to draw evil Grim and Sylvester again in general, but I don't really have any ideas for them yet.. 😅
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 2 months
may i request a post-dlc kieran x male punk reader? reader is seen as pretty intimidating due to their music taste and style, and they don’t back down about their beliefs, but they’re still a kind person. maybe when they battle they play on their guitar to hype their pokemon up, and rock out alongside them!
please take care, i really enjoy your writing :)
Post DLC!Kieran x Punk!M!Reader
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A/N: Sorry this is late, but yeah, hope you enjoy it !!! Gave reader a shiny Toxtricity because I feel like it suits their aesthetic.
10/08 - I had this ready months ago, idk why I haven't posted it earlier....
Sure Kieran wasn't in his "Don't raise your voice at me. I WILL cry" phase anymore, and he was the seccond strongest trainer in the Academy
But that didn't stop him from being intimidated by others.
He heard rumours about you-
About how loud you were, how much of a troublemaker you were, how disobedient you were, constantly breaking the rules as you see fit.
Even Carmine strongly warned him to stay away from you.
You were seen as a delinquent by some teachers who were quick to judge, how could he not be intimidated?
You stood up for your beliefs, and sure, a small part of him admired that under all the fear and intimidation.
Rules are made to be broken.
He believed the rumors for so long, he tried to stay away from you as much as possible, fearing for whatever ruckus you may cause.
But in reality, you are a kind person, and Kieran only found that out becuase the two of you shared the same battle studies class and you two battled eachother.
As expected, Kieran won the battle, he was ex-champion after all.
But honestly? Kieran was blown away at your battling style,
You and your shiny Toxtricity were like partners in crime.
The two of you two complemented eachother well.
Kieran was always mesmerised at how you went full out in battles. You always used your guitar to hype up your party and it worked.
Their cries always got stronger alongside whatever you were playing inspired Kieran to give it his all.
That was the only time he ever interacted with you, and you were the complete opposite of what the rumours said you are.
He'd often see you in the music rooms, practising your guitar with some pokémon out, happily jamming along.
Over time, you befriend him, [he's still a bit introverted, so you took your time to make sure he's comfortable].
You began sitting next to him during your breaks - he invited you over after all,
If you asked him, he found it interesting to see how you were the complete opposite of what people say you are,
You just had strong opinions, and you'd never hide them in fear of standing out.
He admired that.
Over time, the two of you began to get closer, and then began dating.
He confessed to you by giving you an Applin.
Believe me, he tried to find a shiny one to match your shiny Toxtricity, and he came out empty handed.
Kieran was rather keen on keeping the relationship private, he didn't want Carmine to find out and yell at him for it.
So the two kept a low profile,
Whenever Kieran sees something related to punk, he'd always get it for you, even if he doesn't know what it means.
He probably got you a few things related to rebellion without knowing,
He loves hanging out at your dorm, he isn't worried or stressed about Carmine barging in and demanding something from him.
10/10 Kieran seems like the type of person who would love to have a blanket over the two of you and put on a movie, or have a walk in the park at night.
Kieran also seems like the type of person to ask about Punk history and anything related to the movement,
Searching everything up online is an option, but is it really the best option?
He wants to know more about you and what the movement means to you, not what some random person on the internet says.
Kieran probably got you or your Toxtricity a Punk themed jacket because he thought they looked cool and matched your aesthetic.
10/10 gets you random Punk stickers (He probably doesn't know what half of them mean, but they suit your aesthetic - hopefully.)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
If it’s not too much trouble, could you do a platonic team star x team star member!reader who became a dragon type specialist squad leader and joined because they got bullied for being a fan of other famous dragon type users like Lance and Raihan?
(Sorry if this is too specific)
Oh no worries, I like specific so it's all good!
"I'm gonna be just like them one day.." Sighing dreamily, you sat down at the cafeteria table, watching a video on your rotomphone while chowing down breakfast.
It was footage of a fierce Pokémon battle in Galar--a showdown between two of your idols, who were among the most famous dragon trainers of all time: Lance and Raihan.
Of course, you looked up to many other dragon type users in Paldea, but these two in particular kickstarted your dreams of becoming one yourself, inspired by their interviews and fierce determination.
You also hoped to meet them and have a battle, although that was a little too farfetched for you right now..
Yet you didn't let that discourage you from forming your own dragon team, using your studies at Uva/Naranja Academy to teach them all the best moves and remember type matchups.
Tatsugiri was your main partner, and when combined with your Dondozo..it was an absolute powerhouse in double-battles--albeit this academy usually focused on the traditional single battles.
You were also currently raising a Drakalok, Cyclizar, Arctibax, and Sliggoo, and you cherished all of them dearly. Tatsugiri was a bit of an attention hog at times, though, and always wanted to stay out of its ball and on your shoulder.
You didn't mind it, of course. Whether you're heading to class or to a tournament where dragon trainers were going to participate, you always went together.
Life was perfect.
Except for-
"Still prattling on about being the next famous dragon gym leader, huh?"
-one of your bullies already ruining your day before it could even begin.
For some reason..a few kids at the academy really had it out for you simply because you admired famous dragon trainers. You didn't think there was anything wrong with looking up to your idols. But apparently they thought you were being too "obnoxious" about it and sought to make your life utterly miserable.
It only got worse when you spoke up about it to a teacher, as that bully got off with nothing but a slap on the wrist--that being to train their Pokémon as "punishment".
By sheer convenience, they had ice and fairy types. And that teacher only gave them the chance to make their team stronger and further intimidate you...to the point where you're afraid to go outside, fearing they'll drag you into a battle.
You've kept silent since, hoping to avoid them at all costs and try to keep your grades up. But unfortunately, Arceus wasn't smiling upon you today...and quite frankly, you were tired.
Huffing, you switched off your phone and scowled up at the bully. "Still following me around campus, huh?" You mocked, with Tatsugiri hopping on the table and mimicking your expression. "That's kinda creepy if you ask me."
"Well those stupid fangs of yours are creeping everyone out." They sneered, pointing out your sharp teeth. "Halloween is over, y'know."
"I've already told you..these are canines, and they are real."
"Yeah? More like real freaky."
"Look, just leave me alone before you anger Tatsugiri." You warned, watching as their gaze shifted to your ace, falling silent for a moment or two...
Before erupting into laughter. "Oh wow, I'm soooooo scared of your stupid sushi roll! What ever will I do??" They shook their head. "If you want my advice, dump this thing and get yourself a real dragon. Like a Charizard or-"
"You don't get to decide WHO I can have as a partner!!!" Your hands slammed onto the table as you stood up, fists clenched with anger. Even though you could see people's heads turning in your peripheral vision, you didn't care. "Tatsugiri may not look it, but it's more powerful than you'll ever know! You don't know our bond, so just back off already!!"
"Oooooh, I didn't know you knew Outrage..better not hit yourself in confusion." They snickered.
"...why are you like this?" With slumped shoulders, you frowned at them. "Why do you keep tormenting me day after day?! I've done nothing to you. Is it a crime to admire my heroes? To wanna be like them?"
"No, but you'd be an embarrassment to every future dragon tamer. I mean who'd wanna see a pathetic thing like that in the Elite Four? Or on a Champion's team? Raihan and Lance would laugh in your face and crush you if they saw-"
"STOP IT!!" You finally snapped, hitting the table again before taking out one of your pokeballs. "Do you want a battle?! Is that what you want?!! Then you'll get it-!!"
"[Y/n], what is the meaning of this?"
Hearing the voice of the director made all the color drain from your face. The bully just smirked as you slowly turned to Harrington, seeing him looking at you with a frown.
"This is the second disturbance you've caused in this same area. You know battles aren't permitted inside the academy."
It's only then did you realize everybody in the cafeteria was staring..and you shrunk back in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry, Director. I didn't mean to shout. They were just-"
But when you tried to point out the bully, they were gone.
How convenient.
"From how it looks..you were intimidating them. And you should also know we have a zero tolerance policy for such behavior."
"But I wasn't..they-!" You tried in vain to defend yourself, yet the look on Harrington's face told you he didn't wanna hear any of it.
"We can discuss this further in my office. Return your Tatsugiri to its pokeball and follow me, if you will."
"....yes, sir." Defeated, you gathered your things and put Tatsugiri back into the pokeball (much to its dismay), before commencing the long walk of shame to the director's office.
Maybe he will believe you.
"He didn't believe me either. What's the point of "standing up for myself" if I'm just gonna get in trouble?! What's the point if they're always gonna get away with it while I face suspension?!"
"I know I kinda let myself go back there, but...th-they kept pushing me and pushing me! Why couldn't he understand that? Why doesn't anyone here understand-?!"
Calming yourself down a little, you looked to Tatsugiri, who sat on your bed and looked up at you with sad eyes, wishing you weren't being so harsh on yourself.
"....well, I know you understand me, buddy." You quietly sighed and sat down, bringing it into your hands as it nuzzled your cheek. Immediately your shoulders relaxed. "I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm just...it's been frustrating. But I swear I'll never replace you for any other dragon. Not even for a shiny Charizard."
"Yip-yip?!" It cried out.
"Believe me! I won't." You chuckled, although you stopped as you thought over this morning's events...
And suddenly you felt sick to your stomach.
Just thinking about going to your afternoon class today made you feel ill, wondering who was going to harass you two next...and if you'll be able to do anything about it without getting into trouble with the director.
Now that you've gotten your second strike, you had to be careful not to lash out like that again.
But what else were you supposed to do?
Let them continue to bully you around and make your poor partner feel absolutely worthless? How was that fair to either of you?
At this point, you've ran out of adults in this academy to talk to...besides the nurse, of course, although she seemed more adept at healing Pokémon than counseling students.
Even if she was willing to listen, you doubt anything would change.
Nobody here took your side or could possibly understand what you were going through-
Your rotomphone started ringing, displaying an unknown caller ID. Normally you'd ignore it, although Tatsugiri had a better idea and decided to slap the screen with its fin, answering it.
"Tatsu!" You grumbled, pulling it away from your phone before addressing the stranger, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry! My Pokémon-"
"Greetings, am I speaking to [y/n]?"
".....uh...yeah?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion, not expecting to hear a distorted voice on the other end of the line. "And who am I speaking to exactly?"
"My name is Cassiopeia. Leader of Team Star."
"Team Star?" You blinked, remembering all of the rumors you've heard about this organization. They were a small group of kids who got bad grades, skipped school often...and sometimes harassed others into joining them or pulled pranks on teachers.
Why would their leader contact you?
Or better yet...how did they even get ahold of your number?
"Correct. We've been watching you for some time, and we see your pain. It must feel awful...being pushed around and intimidated all because you admire some famous trainers. And when you finally have the courage to defend yourself and your Pokémon...suddenly you're the bad guy? It's so unfair."
"How do you.....l-look, um..Cassiopeia. I got a lot going on right now." You mumbled, hoping to end this conversation quickly. "I'm facing suspension if I cause one more scene, so I don't think I should be talking to delinquents like-"
"That is a lie. Team Star isn't a group of delinquents. We're so much more than that." They interrupted you, sounding a bit annoyed. "The truth is that WE are the victims. We who were shamed and excluded for the crime of being ourselves. The system has failed us, [y/n], and we formed this group as a way to stand up and stand out."
"...ah, I see." Now you were growing a bit more understanding and sympathetic towards them. You always had a feeling that your classmates overexaggerated how "evil" this team really was, making comparisons to Team Rocket and organizations that were legitimately evil and criminal.
But obviously, you never put your two cents in. You were already getting bullied enough just for saying Lance and Raihan are cool dragon trainers you wished to meet.
You were already getting bullied enough just for admiring some famous dragon trainers.
"So...obviously you're trying to sell me something." You huffed, kicking your feet up on the desk. "You want me to join your team as one of your goons-?"
"Oh no. I actually have something much better in mind." Cassiopeia cut in once more. "We've seen how you battle with dragon types. Very impressive, I must say. You never back down from a challenge. You're fierce, protective..and you demonstrate incredible leadership."
That felt flattering to hear, considering all the times you've gotten criticized for your battling techniques during Ms. Dendra's class.
Recently, she actually made you apologize to your classmate, whose Pokémon was actively bullying yours and provoked it into using a powerful move that knocked it out in one hit.
Why was that such a problem?
Because you weren't supposed to be battling, but the bully kept pushing you into one--and of course, Ms. Dendra didn't see that part.
Only the part where you broke the "No-OHKO" rule she had written into her lesson plan for that day.
Now you were struggling to get your grades back up in battle strategies, which was hard since you gained a reputation as being "too aggressive"..when in reality you were just so afraid and fed up that no one would listen to you.
So hearing this complete stranger give you praise felt genuinely good.
"Oh! Ah...thank you." You decided to bite the bullet. "So what's your offer?"
"We believe you're a good fit to be a squad leader. We have one more slot available. Interested?"
Your heart immediately jumped at the opportunity, although part of you was still holding back.....wondering if it was worth getting mixed-up with people like Cassiopeia and Team Star's revered leaders.
This could very well throw away your entire future and your goals of becoming the next dragon type gym leader. You could be expelled for sure, or even blacklisted from partaking in tournaments.
But at the same time, you were so tired of living in fear and dealing with all of this alone.
Why should you have to? That's setting a terrible example for your Pokémon--they shouldn't have to see their trainer living like that. You had to be brave and stronger, but that was almost impossible if you were just going to suffer repercussions for trying.
Cassiopeia took your silence as hesitation. "I know this is a lot to think about. But trust me, [y/n]. Team Star can do more for you than the Academy ever did. You'll get to train without limits. Your name will be known by all, and nobody will mock you or Tatsugiri ever again. That is what you want, isn't it? To grow stronger together? To stand up against those who wronged you?"
Hearing them mention your partner made you look to the Mimicry Pokemon in your lap. Seeing the way they put their fin on your hand and gave you a small nod ultimately solidified your answer.
You weren't turning back now.
"We can discuss this tomorrow if you'd like-"
"No, I made up my mind. I'll take it. When do I start?"
"Looking sharp as always, Revavroom."
With a sharp-toothed grin, you gently patted the head of your Starmobile--specifically the Revavroom attached to it, as it rumbled in happiness.
Then you hopped onto the vehicle, climbing up to the stage where you could survey the rest of your camp, observing your goons hanging out by the vending machines and driving around on their Cyclizars.
This was the Achird Squad base stationed at Casseroya Lake, and for about a year or so...you've also called it home.
The location was perfect for a mighty dragon leader such as yourself, allowing you to keep watch over the Tatsugiri and Dratini herds you'd see in the waters from time to time.
It was far better than the cramped dorms of the Academy. They would never have let your dragons roam free like Dragapult, Baxcalibur, and all the rest were doing right now..
Ever since joining Team Star, you never looked back and never regretted your decision. You became fast friends with the other bosses, with Atticus even designing some cool armor plates for your outfit that resembled a Kommo-o's scales.
Although things have been...rather weird as of late.
Especially since it was the anniversary of the incident.
Back at the Academy, you and all of the leaders came together with the ultimate to confront your bullies once and for all. It was meant to finally settle who was the strongest, and how you were sick of being pushed around.
Least to say..the tables have turned, and everyone knew your names.
The bullies ended up running scared, barely putting up a fight themselves before scrambling to heal and recall their Pokémon.
You felt pretty good about it, especially when you knocked out that jerk who made fun of your teeth and admiration for dragon trainers in one fell swoop.
But then you looked around and saw everyone's scared faces. Many were recording the battles, spreading them all over social media, or shielding their own Pokémon from potential harm--even though you never intended to hurt them whatsoever.
It turned into a huge scandal over who was in the right or wrong, although in the end your bullies played the victims, dropped out of school, and ended up being listened to the most.
They made you out to be monsters who just attacked them for no reason..and it almost got you all expelled.
However, Cassiopeia took the blame, and while you were pardoned, Harrington, the deputy director (who tried erasing all records of the scandal and bullying to "preserve" the Academy's image), and many teachers left, guilty that they didn't do more to prevent this.
It would have been a bittersweet victory for Team Star---had your leader not also vanished, their last message being a call for the organization to disband.
To this day, none of you understood why they'd do that...or why they think you'd ever wanna leave this team and go back to your studies.
How could you after the faculty messed up this badly?
How could you after they still sided with the bullies?
How could you after they tried to cover up what really happened?
In the end, you all promised to stick together, abiding by your codes and living out on the squad bases. You occasionally met up for discussions and battle plans, although you always held onto hope that if the team kept going long enough....Cassiopeia might come back.
You've tried contacting them through various means, yet none of your Rotoms could retrace their calls nor social media posts. Everything was gone.
As though they wanted you all to forget ever meeting them..
It never made sense to you, considering you could really use a leader back then.
But what's done is done, and you winded up assuming a de factor leader position, given your team was the strongest out of all of theirs. Of course, Ortega was less-than-pleased about holding a vote on it, but you won the majority and he eventually got over it.
Now you've been training your Pokémon more frequently, and only because there's something called "Operation: Starfall" going around--and apparently some Paldean trainer was going around tackling each base with the hope of claiming their badges.
One of the codes was that being defeated in battle meant surrendering it, and that means...
Someone was dead set on shutting down Team Star for good.
But you wouldn't let them. The other bosses were your friends, family..and you'll be damned if you lost them, too.
"Boss! The others are comin' in!" You heard one of the grunts shout, and you looked towards the horizon in surprise.
She wasn't kidding.
Ortega, Mela, Eri, Giacomo, and Atticus were at your base's entrance, waiting for you. Although you were eager to see them after being occupied with training for so long...it didn't concern you that all of them chose to show up at once.
But you refused to show any sort of alarm, huffing as you jumped off the stage, mounting your partner Cyclizar. "Let's ride!" You barked, allowing it to sprint towards the group at full speed.
Your cape fluttered in the wind as it leaped across a small stream, all while Tatsugiri--who was resting in a small basket attached to it--held on for dear life.
Upon arriving, the bosses stopped their chatter and turned as you slowed down, stepping off Cyclizar. You gave it a small pat on the head, assuring that it could rest, before looking at the group.
"So we meet again...what's with the sour faces?" Your eyebrows furrowed at their expressions. When nobody was immediately speaking up, you huffed. "Come on, out with it. You can't come all this way to my base just assume I can read your minds-"
"We come before thee bearing..a warning." Atticus muttered, bowing his head in shame. "The student you've spoken of hath proven to be quite the adversary."
"Is that so? Surely they haven't claimed all of your badges, have they?"
"Why is no one talking-?"
"Because we got our asses handed to us." Mela bluntly stated, clenching her fists. "We got absolutely smoked...and now you're the only one left."
Your eyes widened in shock and horror, although you didn't get the chance to respond as Ortega cut you off.
"Now before you freak out on us all..we did try our best. We did everything you and Cassiopeia taught us. But this kid....they're good. Almost too good. And this guy named Clive was helping them out the whole time, getting under our skin and everything...."
"Well I wouldn't say that." Eri looked at the fairy trainer, crossing her arms over her chest as she frowned. "He wanted to know where we're coming from and why we're doing all of this."
"...and you just told him?"
You could see everyone tense up, and you just scowled, wondering why they would do this.
"What makes you all think he would care...or why anybody from that academy would care about us now?" Your eyebrows furrowed as Tatsugiri sat on your shoulder, mimicking your expression. "Nobody cared when they hurt us...nobody cared when we were literally begging for help. Look, I know keeping this group together was hard, but it's no excuse to-"
"Honestly...I'm kinda tired of this charade. At least someone's willin' to listen to us now.." Giacomo remarked, frowning a little bit. "But here's the lowdown, [y/n]: we got beaten into the dirt and followed our code, so now we're here to give ya a little heads up before this kid comes after you next. We're sorry. But we tried."
"And we still don't know who's really behind this sting operation.." Mela grumbled, shaking her head in worry. "Someone wants to shut us down for good, and it's definitely not either of those new students. They're just being used to carry out the dirty work."
"I might have a good idea on who it is...and I swear, they'll answer for this." You bared your teeth. "But I'll save my dragon rage for this trainer. Wherever they are, whatever they're doing...I hope they know I'm ready. Because I'm gonna defend Team Star...defend us....until my last breath."
"Su! Su!!" Tatsugiri trilled in agreement, nuzzling your cheek, to which you couldn't help but smile a little bit.
"Well whatever happens next, you have our full support, [y/n]." Eri smiled as she patted your shoulder. "Badge or no badge, we stand behind you."
Everyone else chimed in with agreements, smiles on all of their faces as well--although Atticus' wasn't immediately noticeable, you could see it in his eyes.
Knowing this group still cared about you and believed in your battling skills made all the tension leave your shoulders.
"Thank you, my friends. Hasta la vistar ~☆"
""""Hasta la vistar, and good luck, [y/n]!! ~☆""""
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om-nom-snom · 2 months
hi!! could you do some headcanons of piers, raihan, and leon in a poly relationship with reader? (either gender neutral or masc please!) like how dates with them would go or how they'd deal with the potential hate reader would get whether it be from fans or family? please and ty! <3
[Relationship Headcanons]
Piers x Raihan x Leon x gn!Reader
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Once the four of you start officially dating, you all still keep it very much on the down low
Raihan will still post photos with captions calling you guys his 'favourite people' but nothing about you all being together romantically
And even if you all go as a group to Piers shows, there's minimal PDA to try and avoid people finding out
Usually just keeping to fleeting touches and knowing looks
It's not because any of the are embarrassed or ashamed of dating you or being in a poly relationship, but they're high profile people with a lot of fans so they worry about the potential reception
When you guys go on public dates it often looks more like a group of good friends all going out for dinner
Raihans arm good naturedly slung over Leon's shoulders as they talk about the Pokémon league
You and Piers trailing slightly behind, fingers brushing against each other while you chat about plans for his next show
If you guys end up going out for drinks afterwards things might get a bit rowdy but still pretty secretive
It's when you have at home dates that all the affection really come out
Leon has a huge TV and an even larger couch, so you lot often invade his apartment to have movie nights
All of you make a cuddle puddle across the couch and get comfy and settled in for a good night
Piers has his legs draped over Raihan, the dragon tamer is lying back into your lap, and you're pressed against Leon with his arm around your waist
Between the four of you, there's two bowls of popcorn and at least six packs of various sweets all being passed around
Nevermind the near constant threat of spilled drinks due to everyone always shuffling around
The first people to find out about your relationships are your families
Lord knows Leon needs a California king bed for all of you to pass out in later
Though someone usually still ends up on the floor
It's Raihan
Hop initially has a couple reservations, it's not a very common relationship set up after all, but with a little time he warms up to it all
Soon, he's all over you guys and your Pokémon trying to get top secret training tips
Marnie isn't all that interested in your relationship but she is glad her brother is happy and loved
Leon's parents aren't too phased, and they make sure you know you're always welcome to all come stay with them
They do also end up investing in a few extra air mattresses for your visits
She'll pull you aside at some point and thank you for taking care of Piers
Once the rest of the world is informed, thanks to a viral post made by Raihan, there's definitely chaos for a while
There were plenty of fans that not only supported the relationship but had also suspected some sort of romance happing behind the scenes
There were also plenty of assholes that wanted to judge your relationship
Three very eligible bachelors with cult followings were just taken off the market all at once after all
If Raihan sees anything in the comments of any posts he simply deletes and blocks
Piers tends to post his own scathing remarks in response, he has no patience for people judging things they don't understand
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Leon is blissfully unaware of any online hate, but if he sees you upset then he'll wrap you up in a hug and let your other boyfriends loose in the comments
Overall, A+ boyfriends, you'll never not be feeling the love
I actually really love this request, thank you Anon! I'd happily do more content with either this relationship or other poly relationships <3
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Don't know if you're taking requests, but how about Espeon? It's my favorite Pokemon :)
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Good news! An espeon would make a pretty great pet!
While they’re on the larger size of A rank pokémon, espeons aren’t much bigger than a large dog. Personality-wise, they’re sweethearts that have extreme loyalty to any owner that they consider worthy (Ruby/Sapphire). Now, I’m not sure how exactly espeons determine if someone is worthy or not, but I trust you, readers. I think you’re probably worthy. Only worthy people read this blog. Also, I bet treats would help.
Espeons have a strong protective instinct, and will do everything in their power to protect beloved humans (Ruby/Sapphire). This species had evolved some impressive precognitive powers specifically to protect themselves and their trainers (Ultra Sun, Ruby/Sapphire), but these powers aren’t all psychic. Espeons are covered in fine, velvety fur that is sensitive enough to read air currents and predict the actions of any perceived threats (Gold, Diamond/Pearl) or even the weather (FireRed). Their predictive abilities, based on this physical sensitivity, is said to be so advanced that espeons can even predict what their enemies are thinking (Black2/White2)! They use this power to keep the ones they care about out of harms way, which is. A huge plus. Unfortunately, it also means that they will be able to tell when you are planning to give them a bath or take them in to the vet for a check-up, so some extra coaxing might be needed.
Given their predisposition to protect humans, espeons are pretty unlikely to attack a human. This is good, since beyond their sensitive fur they do possess some pretty formidable psychic powers. Espeons built up energy in the orb on their forehead by bathing in sunshine (Ultra Moon), which they can unleash in powerful attacks (Moon). Espeons can use moves like Confusion to not only hurt targets but send them into a daze, or use other moves like Psybeam, Psychic, and Future Sight to batter enemies with telekinetic power. Espeons can also attack physically with bites and scratches, though these are not quite as dangerous. All things considered, given their protective instincts, these abilities aren’t too much to worry about so long as you have your espeon’s best interests in mind. If something does go wrong, however, you’ll be able to tell when a psychic attack is coming if the orb on their head begins to glow (Diamond/Pearl). I would strongly consider training as well, just to ensure your espeon doesn’t attack someone on the street because they assume they’re a threat to your safety.
Overall, given their loyal personalities, espeons would make great pets. So long as they are properly socialized so as to not be overly paranoid about other people in your life (and so long as you are worthy), they aren’t too much of a threat, which is an added bonus. Also, as I always much point out even though it doesn’t really impact their score: they are very cute.
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obae-me · 6 months
Hello, and welcome to another installment of niche content containing another mash of my two special interests. Written out of boredom at the airport. Today's edition, fueled with my excitement of being able to go to none other than Miku Expo 2024, I give:
The Brothers As My Favorite Vocaloid Songs!
Yes, I know, please, quell your excitement. I know everyone was waiting for this one. I will take no criticisms or judgments, only enthusiastic additions.
Warning: While nothing stated in this post needs a full content warning, if anyone decides to look up these songs, many songs themselves have plenty of individual warnings, so please search with caution.
Now, the song I think he'd actually enjoy listening to is Daughter of Evil. It's got tragedy behind it, the song is a bit more classical/waltzy, exactly the kind of thing he likes. However based off his vibes alone, I'm gonna say Honey I'm Home. Mostly because I love Ghost and Pals but also because religious trauma. And I know other people agree with me because I've seen fanart of it.
I think Mammon would listen to Sand Planet. Oo, or Bring it On. Do I have a detailed explanation as to why? Not really in so many words, but it just seems like something he'd listen to, I feel it in my bones. I will not be taking any questions. Now the song I think he embodies? Wildcard. I mean, the whole motif is about playing cards, it's upbeat and fast paced and I love it and I love Kasane Teto even more.
I will physically fight anyone who doesn't think Levi listens to Rolling Girl at least once a day (I won't actually fight anyone but I feel very strongly on this matter). It helps him get through hard times but it also makes him cry. Which...same, Levi, same. But if Leviathan were to be a song itself, I'd have to pass it over to Volt Tackle by Deco*27. Pokémon, talking about fighting and struggling at first to capture someone's love? Oo, or Digital Girl. It's got him written all over it. (Or if I want to be sad, give him Anthropophobia)
See, Satan is hard because I never know if I envision him listening to heavy metal or if he prefers soft melodies. And, I mean, I know he can like more than one genre at once, but picking THE song I think he'd listen to is hard... but if I'm going off of what I like as well as gut instinct... Abstract Nonsense. Now, selected off his character, I'd have to pick Hikari Yo. It's just very emotional and desperate and the poor demon boi is like that on the inside quite a lot. WAIT or Pathalogical Facade! Oo, lots of options for Good Ol Satan.
Easy, he'd love Gimmie×Gimmie and I don't think I need any further explanation on this opinion. I actually think Asmo would unironically like a lot of vocaloid songs, personally. And as for his songification, I handpick Aishite, Aishite, Aishite. And I know there's a lot of different people's interpretations to this song and everything and people get very... I guess territorial when it comes to this song (at least from specific corners I've seen) but it makes sense to me. It's a really popular song and it's hauntingly beautiful and it's about wanting to be loved and adored and this is MY post so I can say whatever I want about it.
Beel is another one that's hard for me to pin down... I think his music taste (joke not intended) is rather eclectic. He probably actually has no real preference other than more upbeat songs to make it easier to work out to. In which case I get to pick whatever I wish. For him I would make him listen to Happy Halloween. I don't care what time of year it is, it's cute and upbeat and about getting treats and it's one of my favorite songs ever. Now one to embody him?... Goodness that's even harder. I would love to say Appetite of a People Pleaser, but Beel's not a people pleaser... I actually don't know! Maybe I am a sham of a fan. I am open to suggestions for my baby Beel.
You know I have to pick Tokyo Teddy Bear. This mans is too edgy not to listen to it all too often. Plus, it's a classic. And, you know I have to make this all even sadder by giving him the song Error. Because I like to make myself cry. And Belphie needs a good cry, let's be honest with ourselves.
I'm also going to add the Distortanist as an honorable mention for unhinged Lesson 16 Belphie.
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
(Idk if this has been asked yet but) I feel like in a world filled with beings such as Pokémon there should be a law to give human rights to Pokémon with human level or near human level intelligence. Such as making it illegal to capture said intelligent Pokémon and allowing them to use human commodities and resources such as stores and housing so long as they have money and follow the laws.
If there was ever a movie about a concept like this I would watch it in a heartbeat.
This is my own opinion, but even if some do have human levels of intelligence or even surpass that, I feel like giving them all that stuff might be a bit much?? Pokemon aren't wired the same way humans are, ya know? I don't think they'd find much use in most of the things that we use on the daily, like money or their own housing. I feel like they'd be perfectly content living with their human partners or naturally in the wild, as they do already.
The only reason Jericho is different is because he is biologically part human and has always struggled with his identity, questioning whether he fits in more with pokemon or humans. He's now come to terms with the fact that he has the best of both worlds, buuut does lean more towards a human lifestyle. Jeo's just built different...literally. And Sivith would admit that "domesticated" life has its luxuries and is peaceful, however she would have no issues returning to a life in the wild. I wouldn't be surprised if she felt a bit more at home out there then she does in a house.
Also, this talk about giving pokemon human rights...you'd think if the pokemon themselves really felt so strongly about it, they would've done something about it already, right? I mean, they have the literal power to do so. We as humans would be helpless, let's be real. They could literally start an uprising if they wanted to. They chose not to cause they don't care about having human rights. To be fair, if I was a pokemon, why would I want to pay for my own food and worry about rent, when my human partner can take care of that for me?? Free housing and free food man! XD
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cactus-cass · 8 months
Name your headcsnons about our boi Kieran (Apologies if you have done this already)
I HAVE SO MANY. this is probably a fraction of my headcanons honestly but I don't remember them all lmao. HERE WE GO!
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• he has anxiety, the tism™️ and BPD (twinning 🤝)
• stims include tapping his foot, rocking his hand to the side of him, bouncing his leg (or foot) when sat down. He also has vocal stims, which usually come from tunes or phrases he hears; wowzers is one of them!
• playing with his hair is a big stim. He ruffles it, pulls at it, twirls it, strokes it, runs his hands through it, etc. He likes how his hair feels and that's why so many of his stims involve it :]
• he often mutters to himself, whispering his inner thought processes
• his parents left years ago. He has no idea where they went, only knows that they didn't care about their kids. When he was young he was told they'd died, to 'protect' him. You'd think Carmine and the grandparents would've learned from that incident during teal mask, huh? (This is also the case for villain!Kieran, but normal Kieran would likely avoid ever meeting his parents)
• he is terrible at video games. Still, he likes playing them on occasion; definitely more of a 'cosy game' enjoyer with a biiiiit of threat. He'd play Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Terraria for example
• he's short right now– shortest of the friend group– but he'll eventually be pretty tall when he's 17. Shorter than Nemona and Arven at that age, but still tall enough that it shocks people at first
• chocolate wafer bars are his comfort food!
• his grandma taught him how to cook, while his grandpa taught him how to make tea and to knit.
• despite the above, he's not very good at cooking... he burns things. A lot.
• during his emoism™️ he would kick things, punch things, slam things etc and every time, he'd act cool about it until he was out of the room. Then he lets out a little owie or a hiss of pain </3
• started cursing more the moment his hair was tied up. He was convinced it made him sound more mature. Even after everything's said and done and he's doing better mentally + friends with Florian and co again, he can't quite shake the habit and curses every so often in conversation
• resting bitch face + talks in a 'moody' quiet voice a lot, leading people to think he's annoyed when he's actually feeling neutral or even happy
• if cat person vs dog person exists in the Pokémon universe, Kieran’s a cat person. I guess this means he likes Pokémon that are more like cats, whether they actually are cats or not
• he likes flowers a lot. That's it that's the headcanon. I think he'd like sketching them and studying them, maybe his original pokémon team and the open fields of Kitakami made him interested? And, funnily enough, his crush's name means blossoming, flourishing flower....
• he still stays up late and sometimes doesn't sleep at all, but this is much rarer now. Normally it's because he has a good(-ish) reason not to sleep– at least, that's what he says.
• applin was his first Pokémon!
• when he traded Florian an applin, Florian traded back a shiny applin. He actually started this search right after he left Kitakami, and found it a week before heading to Blueberry; he was prepared and wanted a good way to apologise. Of course, he didn't expect what'd happened with Kieran.
• Florian has a shiny furret. It was on his team when he fought Kieran and won; after Kieran boxed his own for being too weak. Ouch.... (based on the fact I had furret as one of my last pokemon when his ace went down </3) this is technically a Florian hc but!! It made Kieran rethink a little, later on. It was also extremely devastating at the time
• Kieran naturally gets really good at battling. He could 100% be part of the elite four or even the champion when he's older, even with him slowing down and doing battles just for fun
• Kieran doesn't always enjoy physical touch, but he's also pretty touch starved. He likes hugs and anything gentle, and usually only from people he knows well
Feel free to ask for more headcanons about him or candyapple etc in future, I love doing these posts!
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lovelylotusf1 · 30 days
Inspired by that other Max/Oscar esque ask - wings/supernatural body features for them?
Happy to write more Max/Oscar! I don't know where I was going with this, so apologies if it's a bit disjointed. Also very sorry for the title but I laughed so hard when I thought of it.
Prompt list :D
So ... You're horny?
Usually, Oscar would never barge into someone’s room without being invited in. But it’s Max, and Oscar has just finished a really long hunt for a shiny Pokémon, and Max is the only person who doesn’t mind when Oscar goes on a long ramble about the newest games he's playing, as long as Oscar does the same for him.
That's why he shows up unannounced, prepared to plop himself on Max's couch for the foreseeable future. And promptly forgets what he was doing as soon as he sees Max.
Everything is normal. He's lying on his couch, scrolling on his phone through what Oscar knows are a million saved cat videos. There's nothing unusual about this picture.
Except that there are … horns. On his head. Twisting in an elegant loop, blues and reds intertwining into a pattern that makes him dizzy. Oh.
Oscar makes a sound, high in his throat, that causes Max to look up from his phone. As he does this, his horns reflect the warm evening light, and Oscar swats away the desire to run his hands along them as if the thought is a pesky fly that must be killed.
Almost everyone has them. Features that some people might call “supernatural”. But it’s not something you share. It’s private.
If you have something bigger than teeth that are a little too fang-like or nails that are a bit too sharp, there’s stuff you can put on it to shrink or conceal it. Oscar doesn’t quite know how it works, he’s not a biologist after all, but he’s had quite some experience with using various types of creams and ointments that always make his back ache when his wings shrink to a size that's more manageable.
“Hello, mate,” Max says. His eyes crinkle at the corners like they always do when he's smiling. “Have you never seen someone relaxing in their own home?”
Oscar can't rip his eyes away from the horns. So, he blurts out the next best thing that's on his mind, “Is that why you have the –”
“The cap on all the time?” Max interrupts him. He pushes himself up with a grin, so he's now facing Oscar directly. “Of course. But honestly, I don’t care who sees them. I just don’t want to be bothered with stupid questions.”
“So, you’re like. Horny all the time, usually.” The second Oscar says this, he wants to sink into the ground. Great. He wanted to ask if Max doesn't use anything else to conceal them, and this is what comes out of his mouth. Awesome. His ears start to burn with the telltale sign of an oncoming blush.
But Max just laughs, an ugly snort that's wormed its way into Oscar’s heart. “Of course, you could say it like that.”
When Oscar does nothing but stand there like a statue, Max shuffles to one end of the couch. Pats the space next to him. “I'll let you touch them if you show me yours.”
Somehow, that's the thing to rip Oscar out of his stupor. That makes him walk over and sit down next to Max. “That sounds so wrong.”
“Hey, it can mean anything you want it to mean.” Max wiggles his eyebrows as he says it, and the gesture is so horribly lame, it punches a surprised laugh out of Oscar.
Before he can do anything else, Max lowers his head. Looks up at Oscar through incredibly long lashes. “Go on. Touch them.”
The change in atmosphere isn't lost on him. The air suddenly feels charged, something heavy simmering in the space between them. Oscar inhales sharply.
Max keeps looking at him, expression open and vulnerable. Like he's not the one who could decide to surge forward and impale Oscar on those horns. Like he's offering a part of himself.
Oscar does the only thing he can do. He reaches forward and touches Max.
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kharmii · 1 month
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The two Ginkgo Guild merchants discussing how Volo is sleeping on the job while sniffing togepi like a child with a stuffed animal.
Under the cut, Volo meets AZ another immortal who is much, much more elderly than he is.
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Togepi: *toddles along* Wow! Look at all these flowers! Such a lot! *sees torkoal* Huh!?
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Togepi: Hey! You there! *to herself* He's kind of a strange person. Bigger than Lord Volo. *to the man* Do you like flowers?
Ah, Mr. Volo!
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Volo: Looking for some pokemon?
Mysterious Man: Ah, I'm just traveling.
Volo: Wow! Did you come from far away?
Mysterious Man: ....far west of here....
*sees Volo thinking* ....what?
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Volo: No, whether it was luggage or food, it was something I'd never seen around here before.
But you've been using it for a long time and taking good care of it. Have you been traveling for a long time?
Mysterious Man: ....................
Volo: Excuse me! It's a merchant's nature to check out unusual people and things!
Mysterious Man: ....................
Volo: ... Was that a rude question? Forget it...
Mysterious Man: Three thousand years. I've been traveling for nearly 3,000 years.
Volo: ...You've got to be kidding! You're funny!
You have a unique way of communicating!
What kind of Pokemon would you be willing to meet in 3,000 years?
Mysterious Man: *thinking* In the end, questions abound...
*floette chirps*
Mysterious Man: ...Floette: A Pokémon that appears with a single flower
This is one of them, not uncommon in my area.
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(Pokemon talk among themselves)
Togepi: Three years?
I don't really get it, but it's been a really long journey.
Torkoal: Can you believe this story, young lady?
Togepi: That person doesn't seem to be lying.
Torkoal: Kohoho...kohoho....you're so smart, young lady.
Togepi: And friend floette? Do you like flowers? I'd like to meet you too.
Torkoal: Kohoho....
Volo: *thinks* From the way he talks... it seems he's not lying about searching for Pokemon...
*out loud* It's not a rare animal, but it's a wonderful one for you, isn't it?
In search of the best one, we travel through time and travel all over the place...
It's a very dreamy story!
Mysterious Man: ....................
Volo: I'll support you! That's how life should be! Me too!
Mysterious Man: Stop it!
The pain that never seems to end...
It's not what you call life. It's hell.
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Volo: ...I'm sorry if I offended you.
I have no idea what 3,000 years means, but I think it's wonderful to be able to pursue your dreams over time.
...I mean, what is 3,000 years?
Mysterious Man: Are you kidding?! *lays down* I'm tired. I'll take a little rest.
Volo: Oh, I see... Good night then.
Togepi: Was that person angry?
Torkoal: Cough cough... Oh no...
Mysterious Man: I guess I was just remembering the past.
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Togepi: You like flowers, don't you?
What I had before.
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Volo: Wait...are you leaving already?
Mysterious Man: *mumbles* You wanted to hear my story.
To live longer than most people and pursue your dreams means to suffer longer than most people.
It means that I am the only one who will be cut off from this world.
This body of mine is from the world... from the dreams I seek...
I guess it's a punishment. Do not step in...!
Volo: Hehehe... is this a punishment...?
But if I could live a long life... Haha... that's true...
Mysterious Man: Hey... are you saying you don't understand?
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Volo: I'd love to meet you again, even in a hundred years, and hear your travel stories again!
It all depends on how you look at it, right? As for myself...I want to take my time to learn about the world! I want to pursue my dreams...
If the world is going to punish us for our curiosity, then we don't need such a ridiculous world!
Mysterious Man: I don't know what dreams you have...
You can't extend your lifespan!
Volo: But if you can achieve your dream.
Even the world... if you can live a long time, as long as you like...!
Well then!
How did you get that body?!?!?!
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Volo: Please wait. Tell me a little more...
Togepi: ···a little bit. That's not fair. Something like this.
Torkoal: Sorry, little girl.
I can't let you know the details.
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Volo: Wow, what a surprise!
To think that so many Pokémon have been hiding their presence up until now...
Like a trained soldier. Looks like a weapon.
(Mysterious Man looks at Volo with surprise)
Volo: *continues* Hehe... but you yourself seem to be more sensitive and honest than you look...
*thinks to himself* There are so many unfamiliar Pokemon... Should I use that to forcefully scatter them?
No... Is it really necessary to know this man's secret and expose my own?
Mysterious Man: …a hundred years later
If we ever meet, I'll let you know.
Volo: ...I get it! I'll have to work hard until then!
*thinks to himself* It's interesting to think about ways to extend lifespan, but it's like buying insurance.
It would be best if my current plan goes smoothly.
Torkoal: See you soon, girl. Thank you. It was fun.
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Togepi: ...I hope I can meet Floette soon.
Best regards to Friend Floette.
Torkoal: Cough cough... thank you little girl. Thank you.
I pray that we won't meet in a hundred years' time...
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Gible: What do you mean?
Togepi: This is what I mean. Couples with height differences.
(LOL, AZ is ten foot tall to Volo's 6'3". Togepi is about 13 inches tall, and floette is about the same height as Togepi)
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Art credit: ベティ@betty07_09 Twitter.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Lance Sweets as a Dad headcanons:
Paring: Dad!Lance Sweets x Twins x Wife!Reader
Summary: headcanons about you and Lance being parents to twins.
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It's no secret Lance is an amazing dad, your twins were a bit of a suprise though. You guy had just gotten engaged when you found out.
He was so happy when you told him, he always wanted to be dad and start a family with you.
“I'm gonna be a dad!” he cheered as he picked you up and spung you around.
He'll always make sure your comfortable and happy through out the whole pragency.
He will alway volunteer to go to the store and get whatever food your craving at the time.
you guys were so excited when you found out you were having twins, you grew up with a brother(Hodgins) so you were glad your kids had each other like you had Jack.
Giving birth sucks... As most did, Lance and Angela were there the whole time comforting you and cheering you on while your brother and the rest of your friends family were in the waiting room.
Lance cried a bit while holding them. “they're so tiny” he smiled looking at his daughter
You chuckled sarcastically as you cuddled your son “don't tell that to the person who pushed them out”
Your set of twins was a boy and a girl, Dean Seeley Sweets and Charlotte Jack Sweets. They both have your eyes and Lance's dark curly hair.
Dean is very much like you, he has your smile and is very compassionate like you. He also gets attached to the same interests you have, he loves Elvis just as much as you do and he wants to be a Forensic Entomologist like you and his uncle Jack.
Charlotte is like Lance, very Geeky and has a heart of gold like her dad, she loves animals and wants to be a Vet but she also wants to be a Shrink like Lance, it changes every other month.
They were very easy baby's to take care of, Dean was a cryer though. Lance was always getting up in the middle of the night to comfort him before he woke up you and Charlotte. “please don't wake up mommy” he mumbled as he rocked his son.
Your kids don't get jealous of each other, they love you and Lance both equally but Dean is a mama's boy and Charlotte is a Daddy's girl.
They're spoiled roaten, Lance would give your twins the world if he could. Your more of the protective one, you'll beat someone up if they harm your babbies.
You guys always show interest in the things your kids love, Lance trys to remember all your daughter's stuff animals names and try to learn how to play with pokemon cards with your son.
Your always watching their favorite movies with them with curiosity and your always willing to listen to their rants or what there passionate about.
Your daughter loves Monster High dolls, she has almost every character and she gets Lance to play with her all the time. He's spent so much time watching the cartoons and playing with her he knows all the names.
He knows Gil and Franky are her favorites, there was a couple of months were Charlotte tried to convince her dad Gil was her boyfriend. She carried the call every where and he was her favorite.
“it's kinda werid? I mean I have a daughter too and I get to some level but he's a fish boy” Seeley said one day.
Lance shrugged as he held the doll. “he doesn't talk back, he doesn't check her out, and he won't cheat”
Just as he said that your daughter came running in with her cute little angry face and her arms cross. “he's Jackass, Daddy! He likes Christine's Barbie more than me”
The boys tried not to laugh but that the same time Lance gave Seeley a side eye, knowing Christine taught Charlotte the word Jackass.
“I stand corrected” Lance said, tossing the doll on the couch.
Your son Dean doesn't really like playing with them, he only play dolls with his sister if he has your old Elvis Barbie doll.
Your son likes music and Pokémon. He grew up listening to old rock music with you, he also wants to learn how to play guitar.
Angel's father is kinda like a grandpa to them, you nor Lance have parents alive so your brother's father-in-law was more than happy to be a grandpa to your twins. Dean wants to learn how to play guitar from him.
Lance trys his hardest not to get mad, even if your kids did something uneceptable. After he got on to them he'll immediately feel bad, he doesn't want them to be afraid of him like he was all his foster parents.
“your an amazing dad and they'll always love you”
Like I said before, he'll give the twins the world if he could but they want a dog, so he'll settle on that. He brought home a black lab puppy one day. The twins were so happy and named him Duke.
Jack and Angela are literally the best aunt and uncle out there, just putting it out there and the twins are really close with Michael Vincent.
Christine is also close to the twins too, Dean has a small innocent crush on her but they're both to young to really understand.
Seeley and Temperance are also amazing 'aunt and uncle'. Charlotte loves being around Seeley and playing with monster trucks with him. Dean always has a listing ear to Temperance if she wants to explain something scientific or talk about a new plot for her book.
You and Lance invested in a California king size bed because the twins are always trying to bunk with you...you also have a black lab joing in on the sleep over too. Getting the big bed just helps everyone be comfortable.
Your always taking them to lab and showing them around, Cam loves them too much to really say anything. They don't mind going to Bureau with Lance but is kinda boring to them, they like saying hi to James Aubrey and Caroline though.
They love going to Seely's office, there's so much stuff to play with. Lance made a joke how Dean is allowed to play with Seeley's bobble head and he's not.
Charlotte just likes setting in the comfy chairs in Lance's office and read Dr. Seuss books.
Lightsaber battles between Dean and Lance all the time, and coincidence or not they're always doing to while you and Charlotte are trying to watch Supernatural or Grey's anatomy.
Dean just gets crazier and crazier the older he gets, in a good way of course. Him and Michael Vincent would be out side playing with firecrackers or digging a hole while Christine and Charlotte set quietly in the house coloring and watching cartoons.
The twins are close but they get into fights alot. Sometimes it worrys you, you don't want them hating each other. “they love each other Honey and it's just a phase... Not every sibling is gonna be as close as you and Jack are”
You know he's right and not even a week later the two were glued to the hip again.
You truly believe your family is perfect, your twins are smart and have hearts of gold and they have an amazing dad.
Lance feels like the luckyest man alive and he couldn't be happier. He also couldn't be prouder of his children.
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official-nrc-prophet · 2 months
Ranking my favorite to least favorite hashira
I just finished the Swordsmith village arc, Hulu please I want the next one TwT
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1 . Muichiro Tokito! This guy is just so fun, and his flashbacks made me cry. I love how there's just a random 14 year old in the group, who happens to insult demons until they die. After he remembered things, Gyokko had zero shot.
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2 . Mitsuri Kanroji! I will personally fight anyone who doesn't like her just because the creators decided to sexualize her character. She is powerful, strong, beautiful, and amazing. Probably would be my favorite if Muichiro wasn't so funny to me. She's just the best (You can do better than Iguro girl anyone who says otherwise can die by your blade)
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3. Sanemi Shinazugawa! This guy is such a terrible person and I love it. Please blink more. Please accept your little brother. Please keep making fun of Giyu and being a complete ass. He needs to throw hands more, I'd like to see him and Inosuke fist fight.
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4. Giyu Tomioka! This guy is great. I like how he seems so cool in front of Tanjiro but in reality he's just a sad wet cat. I hope we get to see him more, probably in the new Hashira training arc. No spoilers please. He just seems so interesting, I wanna know why everyone else in the hashira seem to dislike him so much.
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5. Kyojuro Rengoku! This guy was fun. I'm sad he died so quickly, we didn't get to experience a lot of him. I'm very curious, because Akaza was open and "friendly" with him, but in the swordsmith village arc Akaza was guarded and being violent and snappy. It makes Rengoku feel way more special in my eyes.
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6. Tengen Uzui! This man is so stupid and I hate him. He's an interesting character, and I like him in theory, just not in practice. The only reason he's higher is because he actually has something I find interesting. I'm very confused on the three wives thing. I think it's extremely funny when people write or draw him simping for Rengoku because I do get bisexual disaster from him.
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7. Obanai Iguro! "But I'm a creep... I'm a weirdo..." this guy is creepy and I don't like him. Get him away from Mitsuri. I know his backstory is tragic, but I don't care! Especially since in the demon slayer academy he's portrayed as "allergic to women". He just gives me creepy guy who lives in his moms basement. Discord mod vibes. Weirdo.
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8. Shinobu Kocho! Shinobu is another one where there's definitely more to her, but until we figure that out, she just seems rather blank to me. It's definitely on purpose, because she's supposed to have her big reveal when fighting a demon, and we know a little from Kanao she used to have an older sister. I'm just frustrated because it seems like she has nothing else. The most interesting thing about her is the rest of the girls at the Butterfly Mansion.
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9. Gyomei Himejima! He's another one where there's more to him, I just haven't seen it. But I don't really like what I do see? Like, he pitied Tanjiro and Nezuko, but was willing to kill them. If he's trying to be portrayed as a sympathetic man, it's not working. Also he just looks like a geodude from Pokémon to me, except with a worse color pallet.
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firecodex · 7 months
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(Texts on pages read from right to left)
Official manga entitled Silver's Journey of Growth on Pasio
Art by Genzo (Twitter/X: me_Genzo)
Silver [narration]: My dream is to become the world's greatest Trainer.
Silver [narration]: That said, I never really thought about what path I should take to get there.
Silver [speech bubble]: Hey, Sneasel…
Silver [speech bubble]: Did you know a Pokémon Egg usually won't hatch… …unless it's around other active Pokémon?
Silver [thought bubble]: I can get stronger on my own.
Silver [narration]: I just need stronger Pokémon…then I won't lose.
Silver [narration]: I only care about strong Pokémon that always win.
Silver [narration]: The rest don't mean anything to me.
Silver [narration]: That's what I thought strength was.
Silver [speech bubble]: I'm not proud who I am as a Trainer…
Silver [narration]: Yet Ho-Oh chose me as a purehearted Trainer.
Silver [narration]: I'm not sure if the path I'm on is the right one…
Silver [narration]: But I've learned a few lessons along the way.
Silver [speech bubble]: I had no clue there were so many things I couldn't do alone.
Silver [speech bubble]: Funny, huh?
Silver [speech bubble]: …What?
Silver [speech bubble]: Whoa, hey! What're you all—
[Egg]: KRRK
Silver [narration]: Just you wait. We'll make our dream a reality, too.
Silver [narration]: As long as they're with me… …I can keep chasing that dream.
Silver [speech bubble]: And now that we're finally here…
Silver [speech bubble]: …I'm going to surpass you!
[ Sources: 1 | 2 ]
[ Japanese version ]
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
hihi !! kinda a specific request i apologize- can i get a pre-terapagos confrontation kieran having beef with the readers ‘raidon please? (also if possible i wanna claim 🧃as an anon emoji)
"So...you're a legendary too, huh? Brought here from the past/future?"
"I bet [y/n] loves parading you around. Everyone in the damn school can't stop talking about you....if only I had a Pokémon like that."
"No, not you. I want one like Terapagos..assuming it even exists."
Overhearing the obvious beef Kieran had with your 'raidon made you frown a little, especially as you, him, Carmine, and Briar were supposed to be enjoying a picnic right now.
Exploring Area Zero's underdepths became quite exhausting, so you suggested taking a small break from the Terapagos hunt. There weren't many safe spots down here, but after you eventually defeated a Garganacl with a mysterious tera type, you settled for the small island where a beautiful crystalline tree stood.
Apparently, the type was coined "Stellar" by Professor Sada/Turo, and it wasn't anything like the ones you've seen on Paldea's surface.
Its crown was certainly beautiful to look at, yet the lights were blinding as your Pokémon shattered it into pieces.
Carmine and Briar didn't get the chance to see it, and neither did Kieran...not that he really cared to begin with. But they all came over after you called out to them, before (mostly) everyone agreed to a picnic.
But even as you finished splitting up a sandwich, Briar was documenting some more stuff in her book, and Carmine was cleaning off the ceramic cup Sinistcha was in...all you could do was look at the boy who was still sitting alone by the water. He only took a bag of chips from the table, albeit scarcely munching on them.
This whole time, he was still sulking over you beating him back at the academy...so much so he didn't let any of his Pokémon out.
You didn't know whether that was because he felt like "punishing" them for losing, or that he simply didn't want them buddying-up with the ones who defeated them, being fully convinced you two are enemies and rivals. Nothing else.
He's still resentful of you...but isn't being as loud about it as before.
For whatever reason, though, your 'raidon decided to forgo drooling over the sandwich you were crafting in favor of keeping him company. But he didn't really seem to understand or care too much.
If anything, he couldn't stand to look at it.
Back in Kitakami, Kieran was stunned that something like an ancestor/robotic copy of Cyclizar could even exist in the first place. Watching you drive it around the land and fly on its back was the coolest thing in the world, and while you offered..he was far too scared to try it for himself...
To him, it's just another Legendary you could brag about.
Another Legendary that chose you and not him.
Just like-
"What the..? No. You can't have this. It's mine." He scowled, trying to push back the 'raidon's snout as it tried grabbing at his snack. "Go away, dumb lizard."
"Hey. Watch what you say to [Koraidon/Miraidon]."
Tensing, Kieran looked up to see you approaching him. Although he didn't move from his spot even as you sat down next to him, his brows still furrowed with annoyance and disgust.
"But that's what it is...a dumb lizard begging for scraps." He scoffed, watching as your companion rested its head across your lap, your hand on top of it. "Can you even call that a "Legendary?" I bet I can train it better.."
"We've..already taken care of that, but thank you." You huffed, shifting your gaze to the Carbink that were hovering nearby, before glancing back at him. "I left you half a sandwich if you're hungry."
He blinked, at first a bit surprised by your kind gesture. But he just shook his head, refusing to let his guard down. "Just give it to your 'raidon. I don't need it...b-but thanks anyways." He quickly added, seemingly flustered as he grabbed a rock and skipped it along the water.
Both you and the 'raidon seemed to notice this, smiling a little. It seems his politeness hasn't totally gone down the drain just yet. "You're welcome."
"So you told us the professor managed to bring two of 'em into the present, right?"
"...well, where's the second one?"
Your smile faded a bit, and that was all that he needed to know.
'It's not fair...why do they get to have two?'
"...I see, of course. What a stupid question for me to ask." His shoulders became slumped. "I don't get what's so special about you, [y/n]. You can catch any Pokémon you want..even ones that shouldn't even be here in the first place." Once again, he was directing his frustrations at your 'raidon, who just chuffed at his remark.
"Shhh, easy.." You soothed, petting its head, before you frowned at the boy who was holding onto so much hatred and envy for you, wishing things didn't have to be this way. "Kieran, I swear there's nothing "special" about me. You think I'm some "Pokémon magnet", but that's not true. You don't know what-"
"I'm ready to go. Here, [Koraidon/Miraidon]. Since you want them so badly." Without warning, he threw down the bag of chips in front of the 'raidon's face, getting up and storming back to the picnic table.
Briar and Carmine wondered what was going on, although the latter hoped that you would've snapped her brother out of this "funk" of his by now, seeing as you went over to talk to him.
Instead he seemed even more pissed off, insisting upon packing up and continuing further down. You just let your 'raidon eat the chips and listened in on the siblings' conversation.
"Jeez, there's no race to get to Terapagos, Kiki. If it's been down here for 2 million years..I doubt it's going anywhere."
"Well we should get a move on anyways. Getting too relaxed here. I wanna see it--no, I need to see it." You heard him mutter under his breath, seeing the way his fists clenched.
Despite them being literally two feet away, Briar was still off in her own little world, writing down more stuff in her journal. And she was more than ready to jump up and continue the journey if it meant seeing Terapagos for herself, too.
If anything, you, Carmine, and Kieran all felt like the adults here..making sure she didn't rush into an unknown section of the winding caverns the moment you cleared them of crystals.
Looking back at your 'raidon, you noticed that it also upset by Kieran's attitude--especially when it was just trying to cheer him up and be nice.
"Don't worry about him, bud. You did nothing wrong, he's just...lashing out." You cradled its head, touching noses affectionately. "Yknow, Arven kinda acted the same way when we first met him, didn't he?"
The Legendary nodded.
"And he eventually came around to liking you. So...I'm sure Kieran will, too. He just needs more time."
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Secrets, Secrets are No Fun
Aliquis x F!Reader
He's finally done it. Aliquis finally has an assignment with you which he views as the perfect time to ask you out. However, will the truth he finds out ruin everything?
I know Paldean Winds is a short little series with only one episode as of this post, but I fell in love with this man. I love Arven too, but at least he's got content that I can read XD. Sorry if this story is stupid.
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For decades now, Naranja Academy has been the pinnacle of Pokémon education. People from over all the regions pay to come and attend there. Some people have goals to become an amazing battler, others want to pursue careers along the STEM path, and some just want to better themselves along with their Pokémon.
But either way, you gotta go through your generals, much to some people's annoyance.
"...and I think it's a good idea to learn from the past. Because of that, I'm going to put you in pairs," groans echoed from the classroom, " and you are going to write a five-page analysis on the New Island disaster."
Even more groans.
Now Aliquis was never interested in the lectures that Ms. Raifort gives. It's nothing to do with her. He's just not a history buff and is more interested in the here and now. In fact, for the most part, he just sits at his desk, head resting on his hand, as he thinks about a million other things. Like, when did he need to buy groceries next, his next battle against Nemona, and...
You brushed some hair over your shoulder, making his attention blank completely.
That was another problem. You were a complete distraction for him. Smart, beautiful, and caring. Almost too much of a sweet person to deal with his short temper. In fact, he really didn't know too much about you besides the fact you weren't really one for Pokémon battles. However, that didn't stop his daydreams from moving onto a new topic. You were now on his mind as Aliquis gazed at the back of your head from where he saw a few rows behind, and a smile or two came across his face.
So much so, he wasn't really listening to the pairings being listed.
"Aliquis and Y/N."
But THAT caught his attention, and he immediately felt his nerves beginning to build up. Everyone else got up to move and sit with their corresponding partner, and the shuffling of feet filled the room. However, Aliquis was just stuck in his chair. He couldn't feel much courage to move. That was until you came to sit next to him, not paying much attention to his obvious nervousness.
"So, how much do you know about New Island?" You asked him, straight to the point as usual. He slouched back in his chair a bit, crossed one foot over the other, and shrugged.
"About as much as anyone else. It was a lab that made some crazed Pokémon called Mewtwo, which escaped, and destroyed the whole island and everyone on it." He explained, daring to look over at you. You were quiet, looking down at your books as the murmurs of other students filled the room. Aliquis began to lean forward a bit, worried about your behavior.
But then the bell rang.
"Let's work on this at my dorm. I don't like to leave things till last minute." You said before allowing your Rotom phone to exchange numbers with his, and then you were gone before he could even say anything.
All he did know was that his face was so hot, he could probably go up to a Charizard and brag about it. He got your number AND was invited into your dorm in less than ten seconds.
Aliquis swears that Arceus was watching over him.
It's not a date.
It's not a date.
It's not a date.
He kept repeating that over and over again as he walked to your space. All you guys were going to do was work on homework...but perhaps he could slip in how you and him should go see the Million Volt Skyline. It's where he dreams of confessing to you.
However, he stops when he's about twelve steps away from your door. Doubt starts to creep into his mind when he realizes that this is the first time that you and him would actually be alone. But then out pops his Meowscarada, and the sassy Pokémon is already pushing him to the door.
"Knock it off!" He whisper-shouted at it, quick to whip out his Poké ball and return the naughty cat. But not before it could knock on your door with a smirk.
The sound of your door opening sent him into a new panic.
"I was wondering if you would show up." You said with amusement as you greeted him. Instead of your school uniform, you were watching much more casual clothes...but damn...you still looked adorable. A Sylveon was perched on your shoulder, and the friendly fairy type jumped over to his shoulder to say hello, wrapping its ribbons around him.
"Sylveon...personal space." You reminded your partner, who squeaked at you with a grin before jumping back over to your outstretched arm and back onto your shoulder.
"It's fine. I didn't mind at all." Aliquis said with a smile as you invited him in. He was amazed by how calm he was, and laughter resounded as Sylveon jumped back over to his shoulder as he walked past you.
Your room was nothing like how he thought it would be. In his mind, everything was pristine and organized. And it was, to a point. But your room was overall really cozy. Pillows and plushies lined your bed, pictures and artwork lined your wall, and a blanket was strewn on the floor with a Luxray on it. The electric type raised its head when you guys walked into the room, but then immediately lowered it when no danger was present.
"You want anything?" You asked kindly, tilting your head as you moved to lean against your kitchen counter. However, he was too busy staring around to register your question at first, so Sylveon nudged him.
"Thank you...but I'm okay." He managed to say. Then you went, and after carefully stepping over Luxray, sat on your bed.
"So," you moved your laptop to get into typing position, "shall we get started?"
With a nervous swallow, he joined you on your bed.
The two of you discussed, researched, and typed back and forth for a while. Sylveon had moved off of Aliquis and was now laying beside its trainer. The two of you were on topic, but once and a while some more personal questions came around. But you were always quick to bring it back to the homework.
"You know, what if Mewtwo isn't the evil Pokémon that people say he is?" You mused and Aliquis stopped his work to look at you. That really came out of nowhere.
"It killed people Y/N." He stated plainly, and you simply shrugged while setting your laptop aside.
"All I'm saying is that there are two sides to every story. History doesn't know how Mewtwo feels or what really happened." You stated, and Aliquis arched a brow.
"And um...you do?" He asked, skeptically but not rudely. However, you just swung your legs off the side of the bed and got up. He was now worried that he somehow did something to upset you.
"I'll be right back." You murmured as your steps patted against the floor until he heard the bathroom door shut. Aliquis now felt a whole group of Butterfree flutter around in his stomach. Did he do something wrong? What should he say when you come out? Should he ask you out to the Million Volt Skyline? Is he an idiot?
"Slyvie." His thoughts were interrupted by your partner, who was busy poking his thigh with its paw. It was looking at him intently, and it kind of freaked him out.
"What is it?" He asked the fairy type in an unsure tone.
"Ve." It simply said before hopping off the bed and landing gracefully on your desk. It then used its ribbons to open a drawer and begin fishing around in it.
Immediately, Luxray was on its feet, looking pissed.
"Ray!" "Ve! Ve!"
The two Pokémon began to argue over something that he couldn't quite place. Just as he was about to intervene (somehow without getting shocked), Luxray growled and moved to lay down as faraway as possible on its blanket with its rear to Sylveon. The fairy type simply glared at it before using its ribbons to grab the attention of Aliquis, who was now brought over to the deck.
"Sylvie." it said before bending down and clamping something in its mouth. Aliquis was able to recognize a journal, one that was obviously trying to be hidden, and your name was written on it in fine print. Sylveon nudged the book towards him with one paw, an invitation.
"I can't." He said, knowing that you would loathe him if he began to look through your belongings.
But Sylveon had already begun to open the journal, to which his eyes were glued to because of natural human curiosity, and he noticed not many words, but rather photos taped in there.
His interest has bested him, and he began to flip through the pages of your journal. Sylveon made no move to stop him, and instead appeared to be supporting his snooping with a smile on its face. There was pictures of Sylveon and Luxray respectively, and your other Pokémon soon appeared with locations and dates written on the bottom in sharpie. But then, just as he was nearing the end, one photo caught his attention.
He froze.
There was no denying it.
A picture of a, rather recent, shot of the legendary Pokémon Mewtwo rested on the page. The psychic type was resting against your bed, sleeping as Sylveon was sprawled out on its head. Aliquis blinked several times, hoping it was just some photoshop trick or something.
I mean, it had to be, right? You would've mentioned if you had Mewtwo as a Pokémon...right?
The only thing that caught his attention is when Sylveon passed by his peripheral vision, and he watched as the fairy type leaped up on a shelf where your Poké balls rested. Two were empty, representing Sylveon and Luxray, but four remained...and the very last one on the shelf was an ultra ball.
It had a weird pull on him, and he reached out to touch it. Could it possibly contain Mewtwo?
"Aliquis? What are you doing?"
He whipped around to see you standing there, your face unreadable as he nosed through your personal belonging. Sylveon whimpered a bit as it jumped off the shelf and scurried off. However, he was too stunned to even register what he had done. All Aliquis could do was lift the picture up and ask one simple question.
"Is Mewtwo your Pokémon?"
All thoughts of asking you on a date were thrown out the window.
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