#i don't know much about astrology but if u do u know how we can be :')
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iridium-milk · 10 months ago
harvey is really connecting me with a side of femininity i always felt out of touch with because tell me why do i think of this fictional man every time i listen to touch tank by quinnie
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astrologydayz · 1 year ago
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WHY do people say that if someone's planets falls into your 7th house, then YOU'RE THEIR IDEAL LOVER??? Bitch bye. If someone's planets falls into YOUR 7th house, then U DIG THEM OR HATE EM, AS IT'S YOUR 7TH HOUSE! Let's say that your crush planets falls into your 1st and 7th house, then obviously u like their looks (1st house) and the way they show themselves off 2 other people, (how they treat other people/people u know (7th house! Don't project.
Pluto conjunct Ascendant in synastry, is a stalker aspect🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. It kinda reminds me of Hailey running around after Justin at his interviews, when they were young and he had no idea🤨🫣😭🤣 . SO FUCKING CREEPY. Pluto is obsessed, and way 2 "fixated" on the asc person. It can get dangerous, cuz ASC person has no idea about how deeply the obsession runs with Pluto, fr💀. The worst part is that they usually know that the Pluto person can be kinda "creepy", but not about how deep it actually runs. U won't ever really know with Pluto, cuz they won't even give out 20% of their secrets - they can't help it. Unless they literally have no aspects from Pluto 2inner planets in their own natal chart.
Your Bella asteroid - 695 conjunct/trine/quintile someone’s ASC means that the ASC person finds u really beautiful, (physical attraction) 🍒🫦. With the opposition it's on & off, like sometimes yeah and other times no - It switches. With the square/quincunx - takes time, but grows into a really strong attraction, the longer you're 2gether/know each other.
Why the fuck do people think that 8th house energy is only about sex and intense connections? If a person has planets in your 8th house = that person does not like u 9/10 times. They'll talk shit about u when u ain't present/gaslight u/do things behind your back. They're usually jealous of u. Trying 2 cross your personal boundaries all the fucking time. WHO GOT TIME4THAT?? NOT ME LOVE⚠⚠.
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Why do Cap inner placements/points always get a "boring", or a "cold" rep? We just don't like u? Trust me. We'll show u a good time, if we think you're worth it.
Jupiter is not only good. It enlarges EVERYTHING. So if someone has Sado asteroid (118230) conjunct Jupiter in their natal chart = a very smart/knowledgeable Sadist. They want to know everything! Hours&hours of research. They can't get enough with Jupiter! They're into some sick shit, and can use some really AGGRESSIVE ways 2 create that "pain and suffering". "shhh, I'm here baby, it's okay"🤨. 9/10 times = addiction 2 being that Sado "teacher" with Jupiter here🔞🔞. They can even brag about it!
Nessus asteroid - 7066 in synastry can definitely cause sexual attraction. But the Nessus person will always take advantage of the other person, no matter what. It may not be as "in your face"/prominent, like it is with the conjunction/square/opposition, but it will take place. Some can like Nessus contacts in synastry, if they have Nessus aspecting their own planets - especially inner planets, or points. And they can also handle Nessus energy way more, than someone who doesn't really have any Nessus contact, as they're already used to it. It doesn't make it good tho.
WOMEN with Black Moon Lilith conjunct/square/opposite Mars can hate being touched by men. Can also have trouble regarding intimacy with men in general/bc of their experiences with them🪚🪚. I have this, and if a man touches me out of nowhere = I'll punch him back 2 the year he should have stayed in a fucking condom 🦄.
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Lilith asteroid - 1181) in 3rd house synastry can mean that the house persons siblings doesn't like Lilith if it's "poorly" aspected😮‍💨😮‍💨. Or that house persons siblings doesn't even want 2 try 2 create a relationship, because they already heard so much "shit" about Lilith🫠🫠.
💜 Pluto conjunct asteroid Valentine - 447) in a natal chart loves so fucking hard. They'll literally take a bullet 4 the person they love. They don't “create” a connection with anyone easy either. They're so intense when it comes 2 love, and with how they connect 2 another being. They transform/find themselves - Pluto, through those few people they do end up loving. Most people can't handle their intense ways of showing love🖤🔫.
Inner planets in Gemini degrees 3/15/27° in a natal chart are the real champions, when it comes to overthinking - but knowing everything beforehand. They already thought about ALL the different outcomes, 2 every fucking situation!🫰🫠😍���. They already know what time it is, before u tryna tell em.
Look at your Vertex persona chart 2 c what kind of fated things you're supposed2 go through in this life ✍👀. Make a synastry chart and c if your Vertex chart makes any significant aspects 2 your natal! It can show important life events/secret fated "events" that won't be seen in just natal or Vertex pc alone👽.
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Lol, I'VE SEEN A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY THAT ARIES RISING WILL HAVE RED HAIR, OR COLOR THEIR HAIR RED AT SOME POINT? I'm an Aries rising, and I would rather get shot in the face. I'm naturally blonde, and honestly? I haven't met a single Aries rising who has red hair, or would color their hair red.
Anti - Vertex persona chart shows what YOU choose2 let into your life, and what u choose 2 do without fate intervening. It also shows u how u choose 2 act, in moments where u find no "meaning", and that's where your Vertex pc comes in right after - Fate intervening 🔮🔮.
Pluto opposite ASC/conjunct DSC in synastry can show the Pluto person deciding/or trying to at least, who the house person talks 2/surrounds themselves with. They can think a person is "bad company" 4 the house person. They can be in DSC persons business, a lot! House person is alarmed/or not, depending on how Pluto is aspected in their own chart. If Pluto is afflicted = they kinda like it.
ANYONE who has benefitted/benefits from me = a planet/point/NN/Vertex/asteroid conjunct my POF. Your POF is all the things (material/or spiritual wealth/growth), u have "picked up" on/will pick up on throughout your life. U "help" others with that planet/point or asteroid in synastry💰🦉💳.
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Star asteroids - Starr - 4150), Kallisto - 204), Fama - 408), Europe - 52), actor - 12238), Lumiere - 775 - acting, Apollo - 1862), Talent - 33154), Klio - 84), Fan - 151590), Records - 30718), Varuna - 20000) Webb - 3041).
Music, writing&poetry asteroids - Polyhymnia - 33), Euterpe - 27), Apollo - 1862), Terpsichore - 81 - song and dance) Luscinia - 713 - Singing), Melpomene - 18, Harmonia - 40), Erato - 62), Kalliope - 22), Singer - 10698), Cantor - 16246 - singing), Poesia - 946), Parthenope - 11 - singing), Tone - 1266), Echo - 60), Mnemosyne - 57). 
"Lucky asteroids" - Fortuna (19), Opportunities - 39382), Paradise - 2791), Winner - 15606), Abundantia - 151), Angel - 11911), Bless - 92891), Bonus - 10028), Tyche - 258), Midas - 1981), Magion - 2696), Spirit - 37452), Nike - 307).
Please look at these asteroids in synastry. Prey - 6157), Sado - 118230), Devience - 21419), Nessus - 7066), Pain - 5188), Lie - 26955), Blink - 4425), Nemesis - 128), Swindle - 8690), Lilith - 1181), Hades - h41), wild - 1941), Fanatica - 1589), Medea - 212), Savage - 29837), Not - 2857), Pervert - 18624), Hard - 28077). 
Appreciate u, always❤️
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year ago
🍸Saturn in Houses🍸
A lot of people ask me about Saturn in houses so I decided to make a new series about Saturn in houses in general.
☕️Most important thing about Saturn is that Saturn represent time , age ,reward , growth but in some kind of different way than Jupiter. Also represents your way of coping with life,things that you are more serious about and more responsible with. It also represents holidays. The planet is known for its reality and practicality, but also for its tendency to excessive strictness. His expectations may be too high. A strong Saturn in chart can indicate that we want to control everything in our life to the point that we consider ourselves a failure if we fail to reach the goals we have set for ourselves. However, Saturn provides the desire for we develop the areas in which we feel weak and this weakness can therefore become our greatest virtue. Strong Saturn connection between two charts in relationship (especially if saturn is in aspect with the moon or the sun) indicates a serious long-term commitment that can last forever (whether we like it or not). Saturn can also be cruel sometimes because it is the planet of hard reality but it also the planet that help us the most to achieve something much more greater than that.
🫧Saturn in 1st house- in your early age you can have problems with yourself image ,with your appearance ,confidence & energy. It can also be hard for you to express yourself. With Saturn here you can feel weak sometimes. You can feel like you don't have that much power that other people do have or you can feel like you are not good enough. Many people may underestimate you. Many times you can give off a very different energy than it really is (especially when people meet you for the first time). You are a more closed person and you only give energy to those who deserve it.
✨Saturn in 2nd house- maybe it's hard for you to find your value or set boundaries for yourself. You have very strong and serious approach to money you will never buy something that it's like I don't know some random thing. Also a lot of people think that you cannot work with money or things related to money maybe people don't trust you with that but this is all because they don't really know how smart you actually are. Low self-esteem is a characteristic trait of this placement in astrology. Self-confidence doesn’t come easy to you, though.
⭐️Saturn in 3rd house- many people underestimate your thinking, expression, intelligence. U can usually get insecure about the way you speak or the way you say some things. I think the fear in this house is that you are afraid that you will say something wrong. You have to be confident in whatever thing you say and you should say confidently because you are intelligent ,you're smart. You can also be a good writer & speaker. Many people can pass their driving test late, but that's exactly why they drive much better than others. You can get along better with your siblings later in life. You are capable of seeing things in depth.
🎧Saturn in 4th house- you can have a lot of rules in your early years. You grow up with rules at home that you can stick to. Your parents are more strict with you and allow you to do certain things later. I just feel like that parents will buy you a phone later in life or something. People usually come from a family where they weren’t emotionally nourished. But it's not always like that because when it comes to family the Moon is great indicator for how you feel at home and how you vibe at home. So saturn doesn't mean that your family cannot be good. You can also be the person who grows the fastest in the family.
❄️Saturn in 5th house- dating life can be very serious topic for you. You cannot date people with whom you don't feel that you can have committed relationships with. Saturn brings a strong desire for fame, recognition, and success but may result in delays and disappointments in love life and artistic creations. U can also struggle to find love. You can also have very high standards when it comes to love because 5th house represent dating ,represent meeting people and flirting and falling in love so usually people who have Saturn in 5th house are very serious when it comes to that. In some cases, your partners are older than you. Often, your love life significantly improves after the age of thirty. Your best relationships will probably come later in life. As you become more carefree and spontaneous, you become more attractive to others.
🍃Saturn in 6th house- you can have a lot of struggles in the work. You feel that working is just anxiety for you or when you work, people are just rude or mean to you. You are always in the shadow at work. People find you like you are not good enough or you don't do the job good enough. You can also stress a lot about your health and you can also be obsessed with being in the some kind of routine or having some lifestyle. Being healthy all the time.
🐚Saturn in 7th house- there can be issues with your relationships. You can have relationships in your early years or you don’t have for a long time. You usually have many karmic relationships from which you can learn a lot. Saturn helps you to choose the right person for yourself and to be happy in the end. You are a person who is serious when it comes to a relationship (when you find a person, then that person is the one and only for you), you hate cheating, and when you decide to leave then you leave. Saturn can also bring a sense of responsibility and duty to relationships. The individual may take their relationships seriously and work hard to maintain them.
☁️Saturn in 8th house- there can be a lot of family secrets that family kept from you. People with Saturn in this house usually feel very lonely or alone in their soul. They have this mindset that you are all alone in this world. You are aware of the hard truth in life that people don't. You can fear the death of loved ones. If you overcome the challenges of your Saturn in the eighth house, you will be able to understand people very well. You can develop a talent to see into the soul. Saturn here gives you a deep understanding of life, death, crisis, transformation, and sometimes a talent for healing.
⚡️Saturn in 9th house- Saturn gives you a deeper view of the world in which you live. Saturn in ninth house people have very strict moral code. This placement indicated a religious person, someone who either follows the set rules or makes their own views. You meet new people and experience new activities that make you see the world from a new perspective. You can also meet a lot of people that change your perspective and your mindset. But there can also be a deep fear of new views. Maybe you don't feel like you're not smart enough or that you're not educated enough.
🖤Saturn in 10th house- You usually go over many obstacles to finally achieve what you really want. Many people have problems with whether they will ever be successful or achieve it. But in the end, they achieve even more. Many times people don't believe in you and see you as a person who will never be that successful and then you surprise them all. You can learn a lot from your father and your father can be your role model or a person who helps you through life. The best advice will give you your father.
🫐Saturn in 11th house-you can have a lot of karmic friendships and you can change a lot of friends in your life. Every friend that you have is the friend that you have to learn something from them. Your hopes and wishes are another important life area associated with this house. It shows everything that comes into your life and how your dreams can come true. Saturn in eleventh house suggests that you are quiet and reserved when in a group. Sometimes you feel invisible: it feels like no one hears you out in a group. In this lifetime, you have to learn how to have a healthy relationship with groups and how to behave in your social circle.
🥃Saturn in 12th house- The individual may experience a strong sense of responsibility towards charitable or behind-the-scenes work. Sometimes you don’t let even those the closest to you to see your weaknesses. As a child, you had to learn to hide your feelings, especially the negative ones. You absorb all the energies around you, and if you are surrounded by negativity, it can affect you badly. It can happen that you have a job that requires you to be isolated in some way. Maybe you work in a hospital or prison. You are often unaware of the reason why you are in pain. If you have planets in the twelfth house, you can benefit a lot from psychotherapy. But when you have Saturn return you can benefit a lot from it and you can become very spiritual opened and you can have a lot of blessings.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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a-d-nox · 1 year ago
Hiii<33 I hope you are taking composite requests! (Dm'ed u , the chart )
Venus, mars in 12th house composite .
& 11th house stellium .
Thank you <33333
11h planets in composite charts
i feel like this is a solid question and when i was looking at your composite i was like hmm perhaps we should just look at one house because it is pretty in depth for one house alone.
little disclaimer: i am just discussing the planets in the house. if you read the blurb and you are like "you are wrong"; i am going to be like you are are probably right because house rulers matter, and so do planetary aspects. so if you don't like might blurb, respectfully add to the discussion or please scroll.
so that being said, composite 11h can provide insight on the friendship dynamics in the connection, how well you work together, the goal of the relationship, and/or how societal beliefs effect the dynamics of the relationship.
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these friends have a ton of fun together - they are each other's entertainment. they seem to be in their own world with one another. on the outside, it looks like no work gets done, but in reality, they are helping each other to grow and blossom. these people often appear as popular to outsiders, as well. but truly, there is no beating the fact that they value each other the way they do. they find joy when they are doing things together. and they are extremely loyal towards one another.
this connection changes over time. in fact, they might not have been close friends with each other at first. it could be that they were cold towards one another at first. but that evolves into them growing to love and care for one another very much. i think to see this in fem relationships - it often reminds me of women supporting other women. they are often very kind and responsive towards one another's needs in the relationship. but there tends to be fluctuations in when they see one another - it might just be "once in a blue moon". they tend to be the kind of friends that it doesn't matter how much time passes - they pick up right where they left off.
i see a lot of these friendships go one of two ways - good or bad haha. good connections will communicate often with one another. they confess if they are in the wrong or know someone is saying something about the other person. there is a dialogue as opposed to a monologue - they have a good repartee. they learn from one another. they often whisper with one another during an event like they are in their own little world together. a bad connection will have each person absentmindedly saying things about one another that cause harm. they argue with one another without actually listening to what is being said. they can be forgetful about what is important to each other. they spread gossip that is harmful about each other or other people. they are might keep receipts about each other. you might ask a "friend" with this type of composite what it is like and they will say they feel "smothered" by the other person.
these two look up to each other and often admire each other to the highest degree. this is a "besties" placement in my eyes. they are likely to make compromises that work for both of them. they might even evolve into lovers - people tend to sense attraction between them. you will rarely see these two without each other at a social gathering. they simply enjoy each others company. the exchange that occurs between them is very sweet. they are the type of friends that share everything with one another.
these two are hard to figure out. are you friends? enemies? is there sexual tension? i don't know, haha. the interactions always have an underlining abrasiveness to them; like they are bickering, about to fight, or just fought with each other. i also see this in pairs who have been bullied by each other or someone is an aggressor in the connection ( @danihodgs i will get back to your ask next month / later but here is a little taste for the meantime! ). there seems to be a bit of hate or impatience for each other that exists in the connection. otherwise, these are the friends that do very impulsive things together. they might be each other's biggest cheerleaders as they want one another to succeed. they also tend to have a lot of shared passions.
these two met by chance and now the connection is sure to stick. naturally, they give each other a lot of chances and frequently apologize to one another when they accidentally offend/trigger each other. they want to be honest, sincere, and respectful with each other. they recognize that they can both benefit from each others wisdom and mercy - you can't just find that in any friendship. they take pride in having a friendship with one another and are the ones to be like "we are best friends" in the most serious manner - while venus is like "*we're besties <3!*".
either these two have been friends for a very long term and infrequently see or talk with one another OR there is a story... often i have heard people say that the friendship just evaporated. they likely have a level of contempt/frustration for them - "they are dead to me" is the energy. apathy is there for the aloof friend who disappeared - the long silence has made them feel neglected and as if they can't trust the "friend". once there is a reason for a grudge to be had - it is all over.
these people often know each other from hanging out in the same circle of people. they might belong to the same club, be colleagues, etc. often this connection is not the deepest because it does allow them to have freedom and independence from on another. this is a very no strings attached type of acquaintanceship. they meet unexpectedly from time to time as well, like they constantly run into their colleague at the grocery store then they exchange niceties.
these two are hooligans. this reminds me of sorority sisters or fraternity brothers ("the pretend family" made at college or a found/chosen sister or brother made by circumstance, like a very tight knit bond framed by a custom). there might be a illusion of closest with these two - they tend to not know each other as well as it appears they do. often it is a vague association with one another that ties them together. i also feel like it is common for them to imitate one another - it gives fan behavior to me and sort of reminds me of maddy and cass on euphoria.
partners in crime energy. it might also be one person being an aggravator, while the other is an accomplice. i am not a fan of this planet when it comes to "friendships". they just end up being the worst for each other. they sooner become cell mates than much else. when it comes to activities, i feel like they are always up to something questionable and reckless. on the positive side, they can change each other for the better, if they are mature and have good intentions.
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learnastrowallura · 8 months ago
❤️The First House in Astrology❤️
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New series!! In this series I will share my findings about various astrological topics but specifically the basics/beginner friendly material
The source of this information is the book The Twelve Houses: Exploring the Houses of the Horoscope by Howard Sasportas plus some of my own thoughts/observations+ a personal example of applying this knowledge!!
The 1st house: beginnings, initiation, fresh start, the first impulse to act, birth, character, energy, vitality, vibrancy, way in which we meet life, the will-to-be, urge to make an impact on the environment, physical appearance, the self, unique and distinctive individuality, Becoming, light, embodiment, perceiving, focus, action and behavior, expectation, point of view, lens, reflection, interpretations, cardinal fire (Aries house), duality, mercury, the helm
The rising or ascendant sign (sign that is in the first house) describes how we perceive the world, and the way we act based on that image
It can also represent the way we approach each beginning or new phase in our lifetime, as well as influences (partially) physical appearance
Of course, the planets found in the 1st house may influence the ascendant's impact on the factors mentioned above
Personal example: Scorpio rising
As a Scorpio rising, I perceive the world as an environment that may not be so welcoming, to say the least
I have Sun in 1st house and Sagittarius placements so I am sure I am much more optimistic and don't really have my guard up as some other Scorpio risings do, I would say I tend to fluctuate between "the world is out to get me" and "omg the world is so amazing it's all sunshine and rainbows"
However that extremism is a Scorpionic way of thinking as well, I suppose; and as written by Sasportas it does affect my course of action, I am either super open or super closed off
Adding to that, I approach new beginnings/phases in my life with a lot of enthusiasm and I make a big deal out of it, truthfully (Sun) but I am also very intense and cautious at the same time (Scorpio)
As for physical appearance/first impressions, people describe me as social, extroverted, "it girl" which would be my sun placement, others describe me as mean because I have a piercing gaze and intimidating aura, and they have that image of me until they get to know me and finally figure out that I'm not really mean lol
I hope that was all clear!! Do not hesitate to ask me questions and if you would like to apply this to your own 1st house placements I'd love to help u out <33
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Thank you for reading x
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hotteststar · 5 months ago
i now have too a pinned post!
my name: you can call me Jo, as i'm not comfortable with using my real name!
my pronouns: i mostly go with she/they but he/him is fine too! you can use every feminine/gender neutral term with me, and also some masc term like "dude", "man" or "bro"
age: i'm a minor, so yeah don't be weird pls
my country: i'm italian🇮🇹 <3
my fandoms:
- mostly marauders* (regulus black my baby)
- steven universe
- hazbin hotel
- a lot of little fandoms i don't wanna list
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stuff i like:
- to write/to draw/to create something
- conan gray/ TV girl/ lana del rey/ girl in red/ tears for fears/ olivia rodrigo music
- astronomy (not astrology but no-hate if you like it, it's just not my thing)
- the fairytales' folklore
- the history of animation (iykyk)
stuff i don't like:
- bigots <3
DNI: donations asks/pedos/discriminating people/mean comments
i post about um whatever comes to mind at that moment so yeah it's kinda chaotic
i also write "poems" (kinda lmao)
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(the emojis are casual i just thought they were cute)
@star-and-moon-shipper my first real moot, you mean so so so much to me i can't even explain why 💋
@shipspainfulships you got best reblogs ever i swear, also i love you so much 🔮
@daddysclownboy i don't even know how we became moots but now you mean so much to me 🪐
@theprongspotter you!! yes, you!! i love you!! so!! much!! don't!! you!! ever!! forget!! this!! 🧩
@uhhlifeig wish I knew you in real life bcs CAN U IMAGINE THAT 🔥
@wishiwereheather13 i just simply love you much my little pookie<3 🫧
@amy-harper my beloved, don't you ever let people throw you down <3 💐
i'm sorry if I forgot you, i love all my moots obv<3333
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ohmydeareshowiluvu72 · 6 months ago
Brother Barron x nerd reader sister of Barron!
Tw: cursing, yelling, fighting
I imagine reader as the sister of Barron idk why (,,•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ ,,)? And you and Barron are also in the phantom realm but don't know the others are too!
It was a normal morning... Except for the Barron family...
"WERE LATE IDIOT HURRY UP C'MON!" Barron screamed at IN MY EAR as I slammed my math book shut hurry to put it in my backpack
I was Barron sister y/n Barron was a semi good brother key word 'semi' because Barron teases me A LOT since we were young but he meant well I used to go too a school for VERY smart kids since I was smart at math but I changed schools so I could help Barron with his education... And since he had a injured leg (this happed after a few days after Arcade fight)
As me and Barron ran to the bus stop the school bus stopped just in time me and Barron were both panting from the run I push my glasses up me and Barron both tired from the phantom realm... REALLY TIRED
As you got on the bus Barron followed behind you you saw a group of students a ginger haired girl that had headphones and a crazy lookin boy right next to her talking non-stop right next to them was two brown haired people I instantly knew they were siblings... And finally two more a tall-lookin boy also with headphones right next to a boy that was blond with glasses with a astrology book...
I suddenly felt a gentle push from Barron I grumble "I am going..."
I walk to the back with Barron behind me holding my backbag handle I then felt someone grab my hand it was brown haired dude Barron and I stopped
"Um excuse can you let go of my hand I need to find a find with him" I said as my became to Trimble I HATED talking to someone I didn't know or people in general.
Barron stared at the dude as the girl right next to the dude whisped something in his ears and the dude let go
"Srry I just thought you we're someon else..." the dude started back at Barron
Barron then gently pushed me again signaling to keep going and I kept walking untill I found a empty spot as I sat Barron sat beside me
"Don't trust that kid y/n..." Barron said quietly bit I think not quiet enought because I saw the ginger hair whip her head around to us I just nodded as Barron said that
"Along with the ginger hair girl,the crazy lookin blond, the tall dude with the nerdy lookin kid too, and finally the two brown hair people...!" and that time Barron made it REALLY obvious who he was talking about now because the kids he was talking about whipped their heads around now looking at both of us
I trembled trying to not cause a fight...
"L-lets not talk about them I am sure t-they are VERY NICE people...!" I said with trembling lips and then I heard someone stand up and it was the brown haired dude and that's when I knew it was game over...
"HEY BARRON STOP TALKING ABOUT US TO YOU'RE NEW TOY" the brown haired boy screamed at both of us... before Barron could talk back the dude grabbed my arm tightly dragged me with his friends that got out of the bus already since we were at school... ALREADY?! And Barron was trying to catch up
Then the dude came to his friends which were the same people I was shaking like crazy now clinging onto my books I saw their eyes glaring daggers at me ever the nerdy kid that Barron was talking about...
"U-um I should r-really get back to B-barron-" before I could even finish the crazy lookin boy talked
"Naw you shouldn't go back to him beside Tyler over here just saved yo butt!" the brown hair boy name was Tyler... Ok gotta write that down when I get back to Barron
"O-oh but I didn't need-" again being shut up this time by the nerdy looked kid...
"Are ok did he hurt you? What did he make you do?" as the boy pushed up his glasses I was about to talk again before ANOTHER person talked damn how much am I gonna get cut out!
"Maybe we shouldn't have grabbed her so fast she looks scared!" the girl who I think was the sister of the boy named 'tyler' spoke in a worried tone
"B-but!-" dang I was tired of last night phantom realm match... Where is Barron righ now tho?
There he is...
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the-world-of-nai · 1 year ago
birth chart analysis: harry styles
today we are analyzing our air king, harry styles. i have noticed i've only been analyzing women so i wanted to switch it up. harry's chart kinda scares me, at least his big 6. anyways, let's get to it!
DISCLAIMER: this is just my interpretation of and opinion on his chart. it is not absolute truth, nor do you have to agree with it, but i'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments :) every sign has its shadow traits. i have aquarius and libra in my chart, but i will be pointing out the shadow traits of these signs. astrology is just for fun, not that deep. i feel the need to make this disclaimer as people are seemingly offended by some of my astro notes...
sun in ♒︎, 11°
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ah yes, the aqua sun. what is there not to love? the pickmeisha behaviour? the emotional unavailability? the know it all syndrome? LOL ANYWAYSSSS BEFORE ALL THE BUTTHURT PEOPLE COMMENT I WAS JUST KIDDINGGGGGGG (i am an aqua myself, okay? i'm allowed to make these jokes💅). so this placement makes harry a mercury influenced aqua (if u are dumb that just means he is an aqua with some gemini vibes sprinkled onto him). off the bat, we can say that harry is a humanitarian at heart. he wants to change the world and be known for some big innovation. he has a way with words. he likes to learn new things, but he is quite set in his own convictions. harry believes that he is smarter than most people, and he is probably right. developed aquarians are open-minded, but they are hardly wrong about things so their beliefs/convictions don't change much. the shadow side to this is (drumroll plz) KNOW IT ALL SYNDROME!!! with all that aqua in his chart, harry believes himself to be a genius but he is also above the school and education system. 2 cool for skool. did i mention how rebellious he is? harry is a stubborn person in general. he is either super traditional, or super liberal in his beliefs. he does not like to follow the crowd. he likes to come to his own conclusions on things and he has a dislike of sorts for those who cannot think for themselves. harry is eccentric, social, friendly, accepting of others, and a bit flighty if anything. he has some special snowflake syndrome for sure. he likes getting attention for his innovative ideas. he wants to be a pioneer of sorts. he likes to stand out for his uniqueness, so to speak. he wants to help the world and make it a better place. i mean, just look at his merch LOL. he wants to encourage people to be their most authentic selves, because he cannot imagine not living that way.
moon in ♎︎, 11°
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bro idk what it is with these celebs and libra moons! 3/4 of my analysis now have libra moons. it does add up though because libra moons value social status and luxury. harry is charming, emotionally aloof, attractive, and likeable. he is someone who does not like conflict. he values peace, harmony, and manners. MANNERSSSS. he is polite and sweet to people. he may be fake sometimes and pretend to like people who he doesn't like lol. he knows how to make others like/trust him and he can easily use this to his advantage (read: take advantage of other ppl after making them feel special and showering them with compliments!!). overall, he is very concerned with what is right. he will stand up to bullies, esp with that aqua influence. he likes fashion, luxury, status. he cares a good deal about his looks. he can be quite experimental/unique in his fashion tastes. he is not a very emotionally reactive person. it is rare to see him yell or get very angry. he is calm, cool, collected. a people pleaser at heart. he may have a strong conscience/gets guilty easily. he is indecisive on his feelings. he is a romantic and he longs to be in a partnership. he is very social and always wants to be around people because it energizes him, gives him meaning. the approval of others is important for his self esteem. without it, he may feel empty inside.
asc in ♎︎, 28°
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again, it is all about the MANNERSS with this man. he is so polite and charming. all smiles and compliments. a 'gentleman' so to speak. he is medium tall, beautiful smile, pretty boy. always well kempt and effortless beauty. quite aloof and detached when you meet him (and lowkey always cuz like he's all air). he is the type of person that u meet and u swear he was flirting with you, but then u see that he flirts with everyone LOLLLLLLLLL. he may be a hugger. makes people feel quite special. again, cares a good deal about his looks. to harry, meeting new people is like a game: how fast can i make this person like me???
mercury in ♒︎
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okay harry, we get it. you are not like other girls!! with mercury in aqua, harry likes to learn. he likes to write. he may be good at learning languages. he has a way with words, albeit a bit of a unique way. he is curious. he is fun to speak to. he may be interested in weird niche things like the occult, anime, poetry, etc. he likes to know about the world. could also be into debating and/or politics, esp with that libra in his chart.
venus in ♒︎
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more aqua, are we shocked?? taylor swift also has a venus in aqua,,, soulmates? so basically this means many things. harry treats his lover like his best friend. this can make his lover wonder if they're even special at all lol. to his loved ones, harry is generous, caring, friendly, accepting, understanding, and quirky. though he is non-committal and flighty as well. he values mental connection above all else. he wants someone who he can have good conversations with; someone who stimulates him mentally. he may be the type who is open to poly relationships LOLLLLLLLLLL or like sexual experimentation?? with all this aqua lmao. he has a very unique/eccentric sense of style.
mars in ♒︎
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harry does NOT CAREEEEEEE. he does not get mad or vengeful, he is a just a go with a flow dude who wants to have a good time. harry does not hold grudges either lol. again, he is rebellious and marches to the beat of his own drum. he does not like to be told what to do. he honestly could not give less of a fck what other people r sayin. he has his own methods when it comes to getting his projects done. his work ethic is: i will work when i feel like it! and if u tell him to work, he is less likely to do it because it triggers his aqua rebellion instincts.
anyways it's kinda hard to elaborate further cuz this man is just an aquarius through and through LOL.
thank you all for reading! lmk your thoughts below. who should i do next??
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sapionic · 11 months ago
There are thousands of asteroids that have not been talked about so when we don't know what something can mean, at least we can get an idea of the possibilities using Numerology. That is what I will be doing for this post. Thank you in advance for checking this out with me and know that it was productive and fun to do.
GUNNIE is ASTEROID 961. Let's now get into the Numerology of it all.
G - 7 which is the number of wisdom, strategy, discernment, and curiosity
U - 3(21) A much more matured 3 energy which means compassion for others, sensitivity, and possibly intuitive. The know how regarding cooperating with others.
N - 5(14) The usage of creativity or willingness for change whether for good or not so good. It shows the energy of exerted hard work and responsibility showing up in a creative or unique way.
N - 5(14) The usage of creativity or willingness for change whether for good or not so good. It shows the energy of exerted hard work and responsibility showing up in a creative or unique way.
I - 9 can represent mastery, spontaneity, maturity, power, success, and even just popularity and/or adventure
E - 5 but the more fresh version of it which is conflict, romance, childishness, love, humor,etc
So, based on this 6 letter word/asteroid, we can see that the repeating number is 5. 5 shows up 3 times which equals 15/6. This could bring up the need to perfect something.
GUNNIE CREATES THE SOUL URGE OF 8 which indicates this asteroid speaks to the motivation, need, and desire to succeed in whatever house it will fall in, in your chart. The need to master this particular area.
GUNNIE CREATES A PERSONALITY NUMBER 8 which means a person will have a strong and undying approach to perfecting this area of their life and will be pushed to utilize this energy through transits of the house GUNNIE is transiting. This area of Gunnie position will likely go through major transformations many times before it has been ultimately perfected.
GUNNIE CREATES A DESTINY NUMBER 7 which indicates that the area of life Gunnie falls into in your chart will require true learning and strategy to maintain.
Example: If someone has GUNNIE in their 2nd house in the sign of Taurus, they would strive and likely succeed at finances in some way and then you can look towards the aspects to in what ways this can show up or how it would go ultimately.
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lillysilvermoon · 2 years ago
Messages from your guardians
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Pile 1
Signs: mentors, spiritual guides, ancestors (old woman), dragons (I heard "dragon soul" but I don't know much about dragons so,,,, takes what resonates), guardian angel, Archangel Raphael, green color, rivers, 1111 (I heard that you should read about this number's meaning and also to pay attention to how you feel when you see this number, it's important because has some kind of message in this and will be different for everyone!).
I feel like some of you has been through some kind of "spiritual awakening", it's like something has happened and now you understood what was necessary and a change of some kind is coming. Wait this is the message of someone: yes you understood and yes the change will happen - well, actually already is lol - and that's your confirmation. Also: there will be a "crisis" of some kind, or happened already, it's to remind you what YOU truly want and what's need to let go, it's kin the way of the Universe test you (I know it's sucks, believe I know......... but, this kind of situation teaches A LOT so me EXTREMELY aware, try to take notes because I swear to you, helps!).
Humm, some of you need to do little adjustments here and there and have a moment of rest, you know when we start our spiritual journey and we read about so many things, we wanna try it all but at some moment just feels like you are stuck? That's it here, it's like you are a vessel and you have been filled more and more and some of this was good but some wasn't and you need some time to "take the trash out", you need to stop and look at all this and see what servers you and what not.
If you are going through some hardships your guardians want you to know that first: you are not alone (please call upon them when you need, I promise they will help. But you need to ask guys😭💗) and you need to have trust to move forward of this situation.
"What you believe it's true becomes true, kid. You are halfway of your goal but you need to be more disciplined and put effort. Commit yourself to what you wants and don't give up." Alright for you all I need to say this: remember the thing about the universe test us? It do this to see if we have learned our lesson, so any dramas that may happen you need to see just as a stepping stone to where you want to be/your goals.
This is now just my own advice: call them, talk to them. It can be ANYTHING. Light a candle, write a letter to them and read out loud, pray, meditation. Can whatever y'all want to be. They are with you and really want to help.
You shall receive good news because abundance is coming at waterfalls to you, give abundantly and you accept with gratitude if you are given (I feel there is people here that just don't know how to accept things, either material or emotional help and your guardian wants you to learn this).
For anyone trying a business: it's gonna be blessed!! Expect thing to work really well because I can tell you: wealth is on its away to you.
Please have more faith in yourself Pile 1, seriously you guardians see you like someone SO capable (king of Wands) you can do it! (Whatever this "it" means to y'all, know that YES U CAN! and I believe in you👽🙌)
Last but not least: When was the last time you heard your feelings? You give them some kind of, you know, attention?..... pretend you are fine, you are strong, a warrior blablabla it's needed sometimes, but if this is your normal it's bad, blocks your heart center and the energy which can make you feel sick and warm you hole body. You need more balance when related to your emotional and self-care. Take more care of your spiritual body. (People who likes crystals: rose quartz it's good for you!)
Pile 2
Signs: green color (pile one had this too lmao maybe y'all need to work on your heart chakra just saying 🤷‍♀️), leo, fire signs and fire placements at your big three (so weird when I receive this things because it's very specific and because I don't even know too much about astrology so I was be like "damn... its really specific" lmao never mind ignore me), aquamarine (loved this because the picture of this Pile is a mermaid🤭🥺), color pink, pisces, 111, 444
Humm okay, first of all your guardians want you to know that some things need to comes to a end because teaches you what was supposed to teach and now it's just time to end, and you don't need to be sad about that because ends also means create space for new things, people, experiences. I feel like this is Love matters, well there is 2 options here: the first one it's all that I said, and the second one is that you are ending this to meet your "special someone" (since there a increase of Twin Flames on earth this time, maybe you are ending this relationship because you gonna meet them soon and you learned the lesson with this person). But for some of you is a friendship. Yeah, it's right, nothing will come of this situation (its literally what the card says), meditation, time out and you know, just be a little contemplative will help you. Surrender to the Divine (whatever The Divine are for you) will help, believe that you will get what you need (I thought this were for the people that are working on there skills but your guardian was like "NO! IT'S NOT!!!!!!) and I came back here and yes it is for you really).
If you are into mantras I recommend "Om Namo Narayani" which basically means I surrender to the Divine.
(I think this is for a really small group: don't let your pride get in your away okay? You need to work in group and balance your needs with the needs of others. Its important and you need to work on this!)
The other message here is that: you are doing SO GREAT at your job/craft. Really, your guardians are proud of you for better your skills and know that you are doing a really good job!
And you need to hear you on thoughts, someone here has been anxious as and your guardian wants you to calm down, repeat to yourself "this thought isn't mine" and start to calm yourself, your guardian wants you to know that you are not alone, but you need to take better care of yourself especially related to your anxiety!
Pile 3
Signs: male guide, trans men (fo explain: someone here reading this are and this is the sign that yes, this is your Pile Hello😙💗), seashells, collect rocks (I don't who you are but you have such a good and fun energy lmao you know this person who just looks like a really good friend and person? It's you), color read, Divine Feminine path (or something related to the topic), life path number 3? (You got FIVE number 3), 666, number 9, pink hearts, Grenade and red jasper (it's more likely you should try to use them, will help you have more energy)
This pile have STRONG feminine energy and also priestess energy (which means that you can be one, become one in the future, was one in some important past life or just have the characteristics of one!)
Okay, some of you has Mother Mary as one of you main guardian (She and Archangel Mary are not the same! I can talk more about this if y'all be interested♡) and I feel a lot of you are working on something new and she wants you to know that: it's worth, this project is important, the world deserves to see the incredible person you are. And also to know that you are entering a knew phase and will bee FULL of good things and blessings, omg I can't calm myself its SO AMAZING really there us so many blessings, so many good moments. Okay I need to calm myself down or things gonna be all messy lol sorry I get really excited with this messages, your faith will be renewed, you are entering a peaceful loving phase, filled with calm energy and personal growth. Your belief that your dreams can manifest are working well, there us a big "yes" coming your away (I'M SO HAPOY FOY YOU, HERE, TAKE MY HUG). Whatever situation this is: is blessed, if you chose this pile probably you are starting all over again in some away, can be on a new/better course or just feeling more positive about archiving your goals.
(Very small group who are feeling stagnant: life goes on cycles and you are going enter a new one now! Likely our friend Pile 3 it's a moment to you to trust in the Divine (again: whatever the Divine is for you). Your guardians want you to trust your feelings and intuition (because logic won't work right now) and speak positively because "your words have power. Say what you want will work, and believe in it" (someone guide said and it's a man).
I need y'all to take care of yourself, your guardians want you to be more in touch with your intuition, your body (dance, yoga and stretching can help) and on do creative things, also try to just go more with the flow, be less controlled (some here are control freaks help) and just... take better care of you, u know?
Oh, I almost forgot: Its time to spread your wings and fly, universe is supporting u right now (your guardians want you to know that because apparently you don't have much physical support so ita important to you to know that). Youe hard work will pay off, I promise you (and for anyone who was wanting to travel: can happen soon)
Pile 4
Signs: aries, pisces, waterfalls, Mexico, ireland, 333, 6666, Angel's, Saint Mary (it's a place in Jamaica).
"You need to take a break" that's what I heard, for some of you I feel like you have to much energy, and you are doing to much things and it's time to get inwards and have some time of to chill, I think you don't like to open up to others because what I'm feeling is that you guided are talking but I just can't understand (like you didn't want help from other person, or that anyone no one knew what going on...) okay I assume its related to your job, or group you live with, looks very...heavy, a sense of hostility and conflicts. Your guardians want you to know that: first isnt your fault! Sencond: try to find common ground and focus on mutual collaboration rather then the competition. You need to focus in maintai you inner peace and don't let the environment you are get the best of you.
For other group here: your guardians always you to take action, to do you best and BE HAPPY (and proud) WITH THAT! (My perfectionist group, maybe?). I think there is something you want and this is a huge YES, but you need determination (and probably a long term plan).
And our last group (but I think this applies to the one before) you need to balance spirituality and practicality (I feel you, same boat here 🤡) WAIT A MINUTE BECAUSE I'M A HOPELESS ROMANTIC SIR, the card says "a new male is coming into your life" nd the other one (the one about balance) SAYS THAT THE PERSON CAN BE A SOULMATE OMG GUYS THE CARDS COMPLEMENTS EACH OTHER THIS IS SO CUTE I CAN'T I'M SORRY-
I couldn't help myself to freak out sorry Pile 4, getting back to what I was saying: Your intuition won't let you down and you need to trust it, and your guardians also wants you to know that you need to take more practical steps and be with your head in the clouds less, they ask you to find balance between your responsibilities and your dreams (maybe you have to work but are trying or want to try your new business, stop dream about it and think "what can I do NOW to make my dream happen?" Or "What step can I do NOW with what I already have to start my business?" Questions like this will help!.
This is coming so strong omg: Your soulmate is coming guys, I mean really appeared 3 times in 2 cards (besides you got The Emperor which can means Divine Masculine depends on the topic. Anyhow just takes what resonates).
COME HERE: When things get hard you have emotional balance? Your guardians want you to work on this, because sometimes the solution is right in front of you but you are to angry, sad or agitated to realize.
I hope this message reaches everyone who needs. Bye bye from me and your guardians 🤣🤭 see y'all soon.
- Lia
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 4 months ago
good evening Miss Pink Moon,
i don't normally go on tumblr much but when I do i like to scroll through your Blog. i always remember your posts being very insightful & sometimes a reflection of my own life. this may be parasocial of me, but i feel that we both know Isolation & Loneliness. in October though, i have had events happen where i've been disillusioned in the safety i thought i had in my solitary lifestyle. today, i met with a counselor again, and upon telling her my birthday (8/4/04)...in u.s. american format) & my name ((angel)), she smiled and said she loved the #4, and that it was the date of her & her partner's birthday as well as anniversary. and that it is her favorite angel #.
i have my own reservations on spirituality, horoscopes, fortunes & the like, but i'd like to be open minded about it more, seeing as how i've been experiencing many coincidences, it's made me curious. i don't know much of anything on angel #'s, or other such things, so i wanted to ask about your thoughts on the manner. though maybe i shouldn't be asking for your services 4 free; i'd love to draw characters of yours as thanks ☆
Ur so sweet, thankyou, u dont have to do anything for me though, i offer priestess services for free because it's what i believe in ^_^
To briefly summarize my thoughts, i dont think angel numbers or astrology or any of it actually matters at all, even though i have studied all these subjects extensively, enjoy theorizing, its my game, but i know gaining knowledge is just a facet of what my own particular ego desires, and it passes the time. However the inevitability of all the digging, what you find at the root of it, is simply that everything is so deeply interconnected, in a sense everything the same, and there's no point trying to fill your mind w anecdotes & comparisons, because the TRUTH is inside you and the truth is love. And love is everything so you are everything. We don't have to discern what is and isn't a sign or a message. whatever you interpret is your reality.
the point of all the learning i've done has been to show me how to transcend searching for answers. So if u never felt called to that line of thinking, dont feel like its a necessity. just go where u feel called. it means whatever you feel it means and you are what you want to be. this makes some people spiral but you literally can just do whatever you want.
Thanks for ur question...ALways happy to help where i can :#) Love, pmd9
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months ago
kendy i love all your astrology posts and we are so lucky you share your knowledge and thoughts with us! i would love to know a little about my leo sun, libra moon, and sag rising! i also have many (mercury/venus/mars) virgo placements which haunt me hahah.
wahhh thank you!! i'm just feeling thankful that anyone wants to listen to this stuff at all.
the problem with virgo and i see it as less of a problem and more of like...a circumstance to work around is that it's very self critical. there's a lot of "could you do more? could you do better? what are you doing?" to virgo that makes its holders sort of live in this weird limbo of self doubt for absolutely no reason other than virgo has high demands. people mistake that critical nature as something that is outwardly expressed and like yeah, i guess, but most of that is turned very inward and very much weaponized toward the self.
it's not insurmountable though and i feel you have strong placements surrounding your virgo placements that can help mitigate some of the anxiety. leo especially. as a sun, leo is about the best you can get. that's just how it is. attractive, magnetic, people truly are drawn to you like moths because you shine. virgo who is a little more internal, a little less look at me can take issue with this and be like "ugh why are u behaving like that" and you need to tell her to go work on her knitting and leave u alone.
libra moon can create indecisiveness but it also creates an incredibly considerate person. you value people's feelings as high as you do anything. you take your time, you speak thoughtfully, you move thoughtfully even if others don't always understand it. that's a superpower and trust in yourself.
sag rising is another really magnetic placement. i've said it a couple times but any configuration of two fire signs in a big three is going to make a person that others are drawn to. there's a light that cannot ever be put out. you're fun. you're spontaneous. you're good looking. like there's so many things that go into being a sag rising and one of the most underrated one to me is that they're very inclusive. very inviting. they create spaces where a lot of people can thrive. sometimes the direct, 'it's not that deep' nature of sag can rub people the wrong way but it's never ill meant, yk? it's just like man lighten up it's gonna be okay which i think we all need a healthy dose of sometimes.
all that being said i think you have such favorable placements for virgo so i wanna sort of not shift your thinking but remind you that it's not all bad. yes it can be stressful but a virgo venus is about as loyal as good of a partner as you can possibly come across short of creating one in a lab. virgo mars is a person who is excellent at expressing themselves and making it clear what they think, leaving no room for miscommunication. virgo mercury is deeply creative and i know how talented you are and how intelligently crafted your work is - that's virgo babe. 
god sorry i wrote you a book LMFAO but thank you for asking and i hope this sheds at least a bitty bit of light on your chart.
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astroyosei · 4 days ago
there was a rumor that yunho ateez dating a florist can you confirm that w tarot?https://www.allkpop.com/article/2022/10/ateezs-yunho-wrapped-up-in-dating-rumors
Ohhoo theee infamous kpop tarot ask lol- I actually wanted to drop my two cent on it so here we go!
I saw saliva- spitting rage posts on this single ask. From the same people who keep doing and supporting 'dating rumour confirmation tarot readings' on other shipped- rumoured idols they themselves find interesting or less cringey. The two-facedness that i really dislike here. My gemini north node:
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So i did the reading. The spread i got:
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As u can see, the first i asked that am i even allowed to do the reading and i took the page of cups upright as a yes. I didn't feel any negative or heavy energy in it the time i did the reading and all the cards were kinda chill as well -
For the actual topic 3 cards popped out of the deck, first ace of pentacles reversed, then the moon reversed then the world upright. So yes it was (supposed to kept as) a secret relationship, not just a rumour, also it was important for them (i even heard "she was the love of my life" ?) and yes, the whole world got to know about them in the end they both never ever wished for.
— Also, because of the ace of pents rev, this all costed yunho / his ex / the band / the agency / everyone in this order too much. Too big loss of money.
The ace of pents rev & the moon together could also mean that no, it was just a rumour, a lie, but the vibe was too lovey- dovey for it and i heard what i heard👆
The second row u can see on the pic is when i asked, am i allowed to make a post about this online. I got the fool upright, the ace of swords sideways and the back of the deck was the 7 of wands reversed.
~ Yes, i'm free to do that although it's not such a clever idea since its gonna cause arguments in the community again i dont care about.
+ those who like / know astrology, it all had a cancer- libra vibe. I didn't see this man chart, so I dont know if its the energy of his natal placements, the synastry / composite he had with her or how would he remember back at it but anyway:)
Anon, i hope u liked the reading and i also hope u have something other in ur life to care and to be passionate and committed about this much. To pay attention to the same man for years is stg i can't even imagine.
Sincerely yours, Lia
public announcements:
— tarot readings shouldn't be taken as the absolute truth, we'll also never know these idols personally (at least the majority of us), don't come at me
— tarot deck used: rider-waite tarot deck in hungarian translation (i'm not a native english speaker so sorry if i made a mistake in writing)
— tarot reading done on: 2025, march 22, ~14:45 pm?
— bonus: was i funny?
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years ago
🦋My Astrological Thoughts🦋
🎈People with Leo placements many times pretend that things haven't hurt them, because on the outside they always want to be strong. They don't want people to see them as weak or powerless. They always fight even when it doesn't seem like it. I also noticed that many times they don't admit how they feel or what emotions they have so that their pride is not hurt. I think Leos like you ,when they admit things and don't care if their pride will be hurt.
🥑I actually think that taurus moon is hard to figure it out. Because they are very stubborn and sometimes stubbornly do not show emotions. But I also think that they can also be possessive, jealous and when they really feel something for someone they will fight for the person. But it is also often difficult for them to take the first step. Many times they wait for the other person to do it.
🌊Water signs fall deeply in love. You will never see them loving someone half-heartedly. It's always all or nothing with them. That's why they feel the connections with people and the endings of relationships so deeply.
💕7th house planets and any aspect to seventh house spotlight the kinds of people whom we are destined to meet. For ex.: cancer or leo in 7th house means that in your life you will meet many people who will have these characteristics or placements. Venus in 7th house you can meet a lot of people who are rich or involved in fashion.
🌙If u want to learn about the moon : watch what people do on the weekend. The moon represents comfort and security, where you feel the best. That's why you'll feel people the most at that time.
🧚🏽‍♂️Mercury in capricorn have a very smooth, calm voice. Whenever I talk to them or just listen to them talk, it's always so relaxing. And many times they know how to delve into serious topics.
💜Sagittarius venus won’t vibe with you if u two have too different views. When they notice that you don't appreciate the same thing, it's hard for them to stay with you. Sagittarius really like coffee and if you tell them you don't drink coffee it will be a minus for them( for example). They have many things that they value and people don't notice.
🦭Cancer moon can be moody ,but virgos can be much more. Virgos are very quickly distracted by their surroundings and things around them. Many times people have a great influence on them. They want to have things under control too much.
🏞️A lot of times, Geminis want someone just out of curiosity and not because they really want them. But when they get it, they move on and don't pay so much attention to emotions. They focus more on thoughts (it is very important for them to have good communication with someone). And they need a person who constantly gets them off track or challenges them to stay.
❤️‍🔥Libra & Libra together can be great or it can be a challenge. Libras are inherently indecisive. And sometimes they go into something they weren't completely sure about at the beginning. But both people are aware of romance and love. Both can have the same view of love or feel things the same way.
🫧5th house synastry makes a fun atmosphere a lot of times. You feel like you can do a lot of things with this person. Sometimes it makes you feel like you're sharing the fun and playfulness with this person. Many times the energy of a child can be felt. With this person, you can feel young again. And at the same time, this person could remind you of your childhood. The energy of this house gives me the feeling of being in a teenage movie. This movie (Laggies) reminds me of that.
🧚🏼‍♀️I always thought that the most important houses for a relationship are 4th 7th 8th & 10th house because they create a kind of stability. In the end, I realized that what makes a relationship special, alive and exciting is in reality 5th and 9th house. Both houses have a magical energy in them and both represent fun, liveliness. Don't get me wrong, just having a fun houses isn't always a reason for a relationship to last. However, if they are accompanied by other houses, then it creates a really nice atmosphere. Because with this we keep the relationship alive and at the same time having . 1st house is also important because it is how the person looks and sees you.
🦋8th house synastry reminds me of a movie Stuck in Love because shows a love that is intense but at the same time we feel stuck in it. We can't forget a person and we keep coming back to them because something draws us to them (sometimes we don't even understand what). At the same time, it shows the fear we face in order not to be hurt by a person. I think that many times here we can feel that the person is hiding something from us or we have problems with trusting them.
🌊And what are ur thoughts?🌊
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twistedastrology · 9 months ago
Hello there!
Can you talk more about aries mercury? so...not the fool card? Even though they don't "think things through" before speaking? It seems to me aries in mercury is either over-emotional, too forward, too logical, too passionate and so many contradictory things all at once. I would REALLY love to hear what you think about that. Please.
Btw, Capricorn Mercury seems to be the most 'useful' mercury in terms of external/social benefits, in the sense that they have a constant filter that makes them gain respect by others easily. I don't necessarily like their minds to be honest, and they're generally not interested in lots of topics but I have to recognise how handy it could come to people who don't get to wish to discuss/delve deeper in various topics.
I have multiple cap mercuries in my life btw including friends, colleagues and my dear mother with whom--even though she's a Gemini Moon--barely manages to have hobbies of her own or participate in games.
I feel like cap mercury is perfect on the outside, but overly influenced by society's standards, rules and appearance on the inside bc of that filter. Like they don't really "think for themselves"? They're much more focused on appearances than on the content of a text, speech and mercury matters.
Sorry for the ramble. Also, discovered ur blog today and I love the authenticity.
love love love love LOOOOOVE this ask thank u so so much omg- mercury stuff is one of my absolute favorite things to yap abt in astrology and i consider it kinda my specialty bc im mercury dominant myself so 🥳🥳🥳��🥳🥳
let's start with aries mercury- in my experience, people with aries mercury aren't necessarily impulsive when it comes to their thoughts or how they talk, unless the rest of the chart says otherwise (mercury square mars especially could do this imo)
my mom has her mercury in 25° aries (so an aries degree) and she's like 99% fire with a cap rising that doesn't do a whole lot bc it's SUUUUUPER intercepted by aquarius- Like literally her whole 1st house is engulfed by aquarius but her asc line is in cap so 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
she's the perfect example of an aries mercury in my opinion- she literally Cannot sit still for longer than like. an hour at best. even my gemini finds it slightly annoying but i just follow her around whenever we're talking 😭😭😭
she also has her sun and venus both in aries (venus conjunct mercury) so she's very aries dominant, and she's not very confrontational or impulsive at all- she's not really quick to anger either like stereotypical aries is, but she is pretty easily irritated id say 😵‍💫
in terms of mercury specifically, you can just See the aries influence in like everything she does- her organization isn't the neatest, but she has to have everything put away otherwise she'll lose her mind and she literally can't focus until the kitchen is clean or something-
her mercury goes a MILE a minute just like mine does so in talking to her, we can go from something very normal to the most out of nowhere conversation you could ever imagine- And we have mercury sextile mercury together (albeit a wide orb bc my mercury is 1° gemini 😵‍💫) so somehow we understand the other's chaos perfectly and actually manage to reel the other in without actually doing anything-
shockingly, where my gemini will get incredibly confused and overwhelmed, her aries will come in clutch- a good example of this is a while ago we were playing fallout 76 and if u dont know, in that game u have a stash box with limited storage capacity and it's inevitable that it'll fill up eventually so u have to get rid of a whole bunch of stuff to bring it back down-
i literally got so overwhelmed by that to the point of tears and my dad tried to help (his mercury is in taurus btw) and he literally couldn't bc i refused to open up to him tbh- so he went and got my mom and just her Being in the same Room with me got my mercury to sort its shit out- like she saw everything so clearly and directly, very aries, whereas i was overwhelmed by all the details, very gemini.
so i think aries mercury is actually a Really good placement especially if you have strong aspects to back it up- it can make you see complicated things very simply and clearly OR the opposite sometimes 😵‍💫 it Can make you overlook details and not understand something when it isn't perfectly direct- and i also notice that, at least with my mom, her aries mercury makes her a Little less good with people- only because a lot of people aren't as clear and concise as she would like them to be, and that's when i have to help her figure out what they mean 😭
i think aries mercuries do actually think things through before they speak, they just think so fast that it Seems like they don't- similar to gemini mercuries actually 😵‍💫
i also dont think they're overly emotional or hot-headed as per the aries stereotypes- i think they're actually a lot more calculated than we give them credit for especially since mars is the god of war, and to win a war you need strategy (personally i think aries rules the sun, but mars makes sense here so 😮‍💨)
ANYWYA in terms of CAPRICORN!!!!!
i have observed quite a few capricorn mercuries so i am extremely glad u brought them up-
i think what u said abt capricorn mercuries being the most useful in terms of social benefits is actually kinda real- i do notice that Most capricorn mercuries are similar to libra mercuries in that they are generally very respectful of the things they talk about, at least if they actually respect them 😵‍💫
i have 3 different capricorn mercuries that im using as examples in my head right now- jonathan davis, awsten knight and bill wurtz- if you've seen any of them in interviews, you'll notice they're all very different with the way they talk but i think jonathan davis and awsten knight are the most similar in the respect thing-
those two are both so charismatic and polite in my opinion- and bill wurtz is too but he's a lot more like what you would think an aries mercury would be like- he's very high-strung, at least in the interview i saw, and has a lot of nervous energy and talks So Fast and yet it still seems like his mouth cant keep up with his brain-
awsten is pretty similar, he's got adhd (same 😵‍💫) and talks pretty fast but his pace seems a little closer to a gemini mercury. it's slightly slower most of the time but the speed at which he talks and thinks seems to vary based on what he's talking about.
jonathan is very cap coded to me with the way he talks, and im silly for him rn so i have done extensive research 💔💔💔 But he seems very methodical, yet playful with how he talks and thinks- methodical but you can tell his brain is fully capable of that uranus level speed at the same time 😭😭😭
i think overall cap mercuries absolutely depend on the rest of the chart bc if u saw my beef with earth signs post (or newsletter!!), u'll have seen where i said earth placements are outlines waiting to be colored in by the rest of the chart-
so if someone has too many earth placements or like- a taurus-influenced cap mercury, i can Absolutely see how they could be someone who doesn't seem to think for themselves, or even thinks too Much about themselves-
i also think the smaller range of interests could actually make sense for a cap mercury because saturn is very much about mastery, so the mercury, unless influenced by another element that says otherwise, would hyperfixate on one thing until it masters it instead of a gemini or aries mercury which is more jack of all trades.
i hope this made sense and again thank u soooooo so much for this ask i really enjoyed this topic and if u have any other questions please feel free to send me them!!!!! i love when ppl send me questions it makes me rly happy 😭😭😭😭
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months ago
if you read/watched harry potter, Which houses would the Targaryen siblings be in? (Aegon, Aemond, Hel, Daeron and Rhaenyra) in your opinion.
oooof okay i definitely have, i once had like hundreds of pages of blog space dedicated to it but i don't like. really want to do harry potter sorting because rowling is A Bad Person, and i don't mean "she's old and says stuff that makes you wince" the way george is ~problematic~ or even in the “maybe i should put a block on fox on her tv” type that your weird uncle or grandma is, i mean she's a bigot in an hp lovecraft kind of way where you're like "he named his cat WHAT” i mean she’s on some turner diaries shit, she is Out And Out and Proudly a bad person and i just don’t want to engage with her stuff.
like, sometimes people get accused of like, idk ~virtue signaling~ by essentially boycotting all things harry potter, but the thing is, while yes i do feel it’s important to monetarily impact her by not watching anything related to her, not reading her books, not buying her merch, etc., i am self aware and selfish enough to admit that i don’t engage with her because emotionally it just hurts too much to know the lady who taught me how to read is an insane hateful crank. she is crazy, she hasn't written a good book since goblet of fire and we all fuckin know it, and some of her comments recently have hinted that she actually wasn’t inspired at all by wwii, which is just mind boggling to me because imo it really undercuts EVERYTHING regarding the themes people thought were present in her books about fascism & bigotry.
With that said, house sorting is typically used as a way of basically saying “what do you think drives this character” so if u want to send me some goofy ass equivalent like idk divergent or like astrology or whatever bad ya series or child fantasy book, i can almost guarantee i’ve read it and have thoughts on where i’d sort a character lmao so feel free to be like “what are viserys’ kids aura colors to you, what season are they” i’m always down, i do that for my dragon age ocs all the time, i think that’s fun. or if u just want to be like “yeah man just give me what you think is The Core Trait of these five random dudes” i Always love the chance to just ramble aksk.
also here’s a kissy face so you know i am ending this interaction with love 😘
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