#i don't know if would involve bowuigi
useless19 · 7 months
Early on when writing Days, I had a thought towards Luigi bringing up the idea that being a child soldier probably wasn't doing Junior's development any favours. However, when I tried to figure out how it would come up, I realised that Luigi was a child soldier (at least some elements of Partners In Time exist in Days, along with various Yoshi games) and never really stopped being a hero, so he probably wouldn't think it was all that unusual. And Bowser doesn't act hugely different compared to when he was a kid, so he's not going to see a problem either.
And that's kinda interesting. If I wanted to delve into this idea I'd have to step away from how I normally write SMB stuff (ie all games have simultaneously happened and not happened, so I can pick the bits I want for my fic soup and still have the general history without worrying about exact time frames - which, let's be honest, is still way more continuity than Nintendo has ever given the games).
Movie'verse would be an obvious way forward, since Mario and Luigi are coming to the whole hero business as adults with younger cousins and they could reasonably be expected to raise objections to kids being on the battlefield (movie!Peach was implied to be training from a young age as part of becoming princess, so she's not going to see it as wrong). However, the idea of movie!Bowser having a kid doesn't fit with the desperate loneliness that was pretty integral to his character.
I'm sure there's a way to do it though! I just need to figure out what it is and how it'd fit into a larger story.
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itsamenickname · 2 years
Cue another Bowuigi fanfic idea from me where King Boo kidnaps everyone (Mario, Peach, the Toads, and even E. Gadd) except for Luigi and Bowser and the two lovebirds go on an haunted adventure together.
But the fun part is that there are two ways I can see this prompt go:
Luigi and Bowser were planning to use this vacation (or something along those lines) as a way to put Mario and co. in a good mood before they reveal that they're dating.
It's more of a slowburn where Bowser and Luigi don't really get along at first (It was Peach's idea to invite Bowser because she wanted to make peace between the two kingdoms.), but when Luigi and Bowser get into an argument that leads Bowser to storm off and eventually gets himself captured by a mini boss (not King Boo), Luigi (the kind-hearted and sweet boy that he is) rescues Bowser and the big bad Koopa King starts to realize, "Hey, maybe this Green Mario is not as incompetent as I originally thought," and starts respecting Luigi more. (Which eventually turns into love as the ghosts start to get tougher.)
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batneko · 1 year
Kart Racing bowuigi time, inspired by that infamous Luigi death glare
SO, Luigi takes racing very seriously, much more than most of the other pastimes he and his brother get involved with. Maybe because it's something he knows he's good at, maybe because he likes machines, maybe, somehow, going fast gets his blood pumping in a way that's not fear-based for once. It doesn't really come to much since everybody else mostly races for fun, but whenever Bowser starts trash-talking Luigi can't help but talk back.
Bowser doesn't mind, in fact it gets him even more fired up, and pretty soon the two of them have become rivals in this one very specific area. Once Mario is sure it's just trash-talking and Bowser doesn't mean Luigi any harm, he's even sort of supportive of it. Rivalry is almost like friendship and Bowser could use more of those.
Then Luigi shows up on race day with an injured arm. Bowser is furious. The injury won't keep Luigi from racing, but it'll definitely slow down his reaction time. How's Bowser supposed to gloat about his victory when Luigi's at a disadvantage? Who does he need to hurt in retaliation for this insult to his abilities?
Luigi is having none of this and replies that he could beat Bowser without using his injured arm at all. Bowser says fine! Prove it! Letting it rest will help you heal faster anyway!
(wait a minute)
Bowser does beat Luigi's time that race, but just like he thought gloating isn't any fun at all. Time passes, another race is comes up (maybe it's a tournament? I don't know how actual car racing structure works) and this time Bowser corners Luigi in an empty room to make sure Luigi is fighting fit.
There's trash talk, there's arguing, there's threats, and then they're looking at each other with their hearts pounding and blood pumping and suddenly all that passion turns into a kiss.
Making out, really. They only break apart when they both need to breathe, and even then Luigi can't remember why this is a bad idea. Bowser thinks it's the best idea he's had in years and suggests meeting up after his victory so he can show Luigi a new way to get pounded.
"First of all, who says it's new to me? And second, who says you're going to win?"
After some more back-and-forth, Luigi says, "Wanna bet?" Bowser says hell yeah he does, and they agree that whoever gets the better time gets to top.
It takes a while before what he's doing sinks in. Luigi never really thought of himself as someone who would treat sex like a game. The fact that it's Bowser he's playing with is a whole other level. But... is it really so bad, as long as they both want it? Just an agreement between two single adults. It doesn't have to be weird.
It's weird. But it's good, too.
After that the bet is on every time they race. From the outside it looks like Luigi and Bowser's rivalry has cooled a little bit. There's less trash talk, though it's no less pointed. A lot seems to be communicated between the two of them with just a glance and a gesture. If they hadn't already been seeking each other out every time it would almost be suspicious.
It's gone on for long enough that Luigi and Bowser have started getting more... creative when it comes to their bets, when something goes wrong. The track was pretty far from most of their homes, so the gang decided to stay overnight before and after the actual race.
And Mario catches Luigi sneaking back into his hotel room in the wee hours of the morning, with a very suspicious limp.
Luigi tries to brush it off, but there's a smug grin on Bowser's face when they're heading out, and he makes a joke being on Luigi's tail, and all of a sudden Luigi has to hold Mario back from throwing hands right then and there.
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pianokantzart · 5 months
❤ I'm curious about this one
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
Of course, it falls on the poor main man himself:
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I've seen a few Bowuigi scenarios that suggest Mario would be hostile to Bowser and only put up with him out of love for his brother, or worse he would actively try to sabotage Bowser and Luigi's relationship. I've also seen people suggest that Mario would be suspicious of Professor E. Gadd for his morally-grey experimentation, not wanting Luigi to be involved with him and his ghost hunting exploits.
And I know this is all allegedly out of love for his brother, and we all love an overprotective Mario, but I don't think his protectiveness usurps his determination to see the good in everyone.
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If you swing at Mario he's going to hit back, but I don't see him ever turning his nose up at someone trying– or just claiming they're trying– to do good or be better.
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istadris · 3 months
Sorry to message, but you found the links you were mentioning last night?
Hi! Good call on reminding me, I got swamped with work and forgot about it OTL
Sooo as it turns out, there wasn't as many fics involving Bowser meeting the Mario family as I thought :(
Many thanks to @mario-movie-brainbug who helped me remember some of these fics :
It was a Mistake : it's the Koopalings instead of Bowser, BUT :
1) it's absolutely adorable
2) an encounter between Bowser and the parents seems inevitable and I'm looking forward to it.
Burnin' For You by @bobombogenesis . Soooo technically the encounter hasn't happened yet, but I would advice keeping an eye on the fic, I think it should provide in the upcoming chapters.
Fit For a King by @wholesomefluffdaddy : I don't know if it fits your "recent" criteria but it definitely fits "Luigi bringing Bowser to meet his family", especially with what is in my opinion one of the funniest exchange in a Bowuigi fic :
“He’s got eight kids.” Mario coughed. “Eight!?” Their parents exclaimed. “He must be Catholic.” Their aunt said knowingly as she nodded her head. “What? No. I don’t think-“ Luigi frowned.
A New Leaf and A New Life : okay to be fair, I haven't read this one yet, but I was told it was great and had exactly what you looked for ! And I'll definitely read it as soon as possible 👀
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faesystem · 1 year
I am making a Bowuigi fanfiction based on this fanfiction series. I need some opinions to assist me in making some decisions. Poll at the end.
The first thing that I want to figure out is how exactly Luigi ends up in the marriage contract.
A1. It was entirely an accident. Luigi was dressed up as Peach and Bowser did not know it was him. (Same as the fanfiction series.)
A2. The biggest motive Bowser had for kidnapping and marrying Peach is due to a cultural context in which marriage between royal families unites the kingdoms and forces them to work together. Bowser's father, the previous king, was poisoned and killed by a Toad. When the Koopas retaliated, the Mushroom Kingdom cut off all trade with them. The Dark Lands is a very difficult place to grow food and his people are starving, and the Mushroom Kingdom refuses to listen to any and all attempts at negotiation. Peach and Mario got married, making Luigi the prince. Bowser realised that he would probably be able to get Luigi to sign the contract, bringing peace to his people. Also, it would mean he would win against Mario, as he would be able to keep Luigi from him without him able to rescue him without violating the treaty and causing war.
A3. Similar to above, except Bowser did not know Peach and Mario were married and made a spontaneous decision to get Luigi to sign instead of Peach after he found out.
The second involves the sort of headcanons I include in the story.
There are many headcanons I have with canonical basis or are held by a lot of the fandom that I will include. For example, I headcanon Luigi as disabled and transgender.
However, I have some that while they are reasonable and justified within the lore of my story, are a bit more. Out there I suppose you could say. The biggest example I have is that I believe Luigi struggles with addiction. In my headcanon of it, it began in highschool with alcohol and weed mostly, and with Mario's help he became sober as he reached adulthood. However, after they moved to the Mushroom Kingdom and began leading very dangerous lives, his addiction came back full force. He has most of his addictions under control because he cannot risk being unable to help if the need arises because he was too intoxicated, but he is very addicted to nicotine since its effects are short and do not stop him from being able to help if something happens suddenly.
B1. Stick mostly to headcanons based in canon and fanon.
B2. Include the headcanons that are a bit more out there.
B3. I don't care provided it's justified in lore.
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batneko · 9 months
it occurred to me that bowuigi would make for really good sentinel-and-guide AUs
(for those who don't know, The Sentinel was a 90's show about a guy with heightened senses and protective instincts, which make him a natural defender of humanity but can also be overwhelming. His nerdy partner who provided most of the exposition was eventually revealed to be a "guide" who has the power to soothe and support him. It had an extremely dedicated fandom and robust shipping community, which led to Sentinel AUs being super popular until A/B/O AUs eventually eclipsed them.
The basics are: Character A has super-senses and tends to be protective and territorial, but they have panic attacks/migraines/whatever because of their powers. Character B is a calming presence and often feels compelled to help Character A despite any personal differences they might have. It's important to note that the connection between sentinels and guides is not inherently sexual, though there's a lot of touching involved so if there's any attraction at all between the characters it can get awkward. Usually in the AU sentinel and guide powers are Known Abilities with support systems and sometimes even a matchmaking service in place, despite it being rare and unknown in the show.)
So for the obvious version we've got Sentinel Bowser and Guide Luigi. Bowser is an extremely powerful sentinel which means very few people can challenge him, but his instincts have driven him to conquer more and more territory over the years and he's starting to feel stretched thin. He's had guide partners before but his personality problems drive them away before too long, so he keeps a few in rotation and tries not to get attached.
He "fell in love" with Peach because her guide abilities are so strong he feels comfortable around her without either of them even trying. And since he only tends to see Luigi when Peach is also there (either kidnapped or at a group event) he doesn't notice that Luigi is a guide at all for a long time.
Until one day he has an attack in public, and since he's likely to lash out in that condition everyone keeps their distance - except Luigi. Who rushes to his side and holds his hand and rubs his brow until Bowser is able to come back to himself.
Bowser is stunned that someone he thought of as an enemy would help him so easily, as if it's the obvious thing to do. But he's also embarrassed that Mario's brother of all people had to take care of him in such a vulnerable position. He gets it into his head that the only way to save face here is if he acts like it's not embarrassing at all and that now he wants Luigi to be his full time guide partner.
This is definitely going to go great!
And then the reverse, Sentinel Luigi and Guide Bowser. Mario and Luigi are both sentinels, but they're so used to relying on and covering for each other that neither of them has ever needed a guide... Or at least they've convinced themselves they don't need one, until they're both falling at Princess Peach's feet as all the tension they've built up over the years drains away all at once.
Pretty soon it becomes clear that Peach and Mario have a connection that Peach and Luigi don't, and Luigi makes excuses to leave the two of them alone as often as he can. Which leaves him both without a guide and without his partner, putting up with all the stress and sensory stimulation on his own. He handled it before, right? He can handle it now.
Then he (literally) runs into Bowser and, just like with Peach, collapses to his knees at the sudden rush of relief. Bowser is like "not that I don't enjoy this kind of thing, but what the hell?" before he senses Luigi's distress and realizes he's a sentinel. It makes sense given how strong the brothers are, but he'd never really thought about how that kind of thing works for humans.
And, though he tells himself he shouldn't care if Luigi is struggling or not, he's not entirely heartless. Bowser scoops Luigi off the floor and lets him spend the rest of the day with him, eventually saying he's doing it because it'll be funny to have Luigi owe him a favor.
Luigi says okay. Bowser is baffled by how quickly he agreed. Either he was really really suffering, or he's so nice of a guy that he doesn't even fathom how easily Bowser can take advantage of him.
Well, it's not like it costs Bowser anything to keep him around. And it does actually feel good to be a guide instead of a king for once. Bowser decides to keep racking up "favors" until he thinks of the best way to use them, probably against Mario, or maybe to get into the Mushroom Kingdom.
Sure, once he gets that payoff Luigi will probably never forgive him and never want to see him again, but it'll be worth it... right?
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