#i don't know WHEN
@legions-top-dog: *Launching missiles*
Me, stuck in Big MT because a Lobotomite stole my grandpappy's rifle in my sleep:
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Thanks for being alive. When you see this I want to let you know that I'm happy that you're still here. I'm happy that you're still breathing. I'm proud of you. I'm proud that you got out of bed. I'm proud that you ate something. I'm proud that you drank something. I'm proud that you cleaned. I'm proud of you for sleeping. I'm proud of you for resting. I'm proud of anything you were able to do today. Even if you think you didn't do anything I'm still proud because you're still here and haven't left yet. It's so hard to be alive when it feels like you're fighting for your life every second of your day. I'm proud. I don't know who needs to see this but you are not worthless. I promise you you're not. Right now you may feel like what's the point of being alive and you may feel like this for a long time. But as a person who suffers from a lot of mental illnesses life's worth it. I met some amazing people who make me feel life seem not that bad. I'm finding out and remembering who I am and I'm changing and I'm growing. I will have dark moments throughout my life the life I had I know there's going to be dark moments. But also I know I'm going to have moments where everything's okay not perfect but a lot better than before. I know you may think you have no one but look around there's always at least someone or maybe you have to find them but trust me when I say you're not alone in this world. I know I'm a stranger but I hope you know that I want you to be alive. I want to let you know I'm proud of you. I want to let you know I care. Please stay
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cocrante · 2 months
Italian culture is saying: "non ti sputo sennò ti profumo" when you're having a heated argument and want to end it with style
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violet-fire-cat · 7 months
I've been wondering, is the vampire/werewolf AU over ? I know you haven't uploaded it in a while probably because of other fics but yk was just curious 👀
The vampire/werewolf au is not over, no! I don't think I really have an 'ending' in place for it, since it's not really one ongoing plot but lots of smaller stories.
You're right that I haven't uploaded anything of it in a while, and yeah that's mostly because I've been working on other fics. But! I do have other vamp/wolf fics I want to write, and I love to doodle for it too. I also have an old WIP fic from a while ago that I never finished, maybe I'll go back to that and post it if I finish it.
So yeah! I'm definietly not done with the au, I've just been busy with other stuff over the past few months (or however long ago it was I posted the last vamp/wolf fic.) I have notes and plans and ideas for more stuff though, so with a bit of luck there will be new fics (and art) popping up at some point! :D
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mbrainspaz · 15 days
I can remember what it's like to lose myself in the details of a painting but I don't actually believe that I still can.
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I miss the zen-like flow state of creating art but I can't reach out and find it on a whim. I could pick up the stylus and paint right now instead of agonizing over the memory of a feeling, but I
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calamitoustide · 27 days
okay! so the character dynamics are not always the same obviously it's pretty impossible but Jesse would be Kingsley 100%
I'll go through all of the characters and the basic plot because I'm obsessed with this idea and will probably never be able to write it :/
Ellie = James Dina = Reg Joel = Monty Jesse = Kingsley Tommy = Sirius Maria = Remus WLFs
Abby = Evan Jerry = Pandora Owen = Barty Mel = Narcissa Nora = Bellatrix Manny = Benjy?
Okay so this one actually twists up the game plot a lot I have one with Reg as Ellie and that pretty much sticks with the game, but this one.
James isn't immune, he was never the immune one. He grew up moving around a lot, his Dad needed to, but then settled in Jackson when he was about fourteen and hasn't moved since. Everything is okay, for apocalypse standards, until a random group comes in and kills Monty in cold blood. It's the same as the game with James and Reg being together while Sirius and Monty were on patrol together.
It follows the plot from there pretty much, Sirius goes ahead to kill Monty, and James follows. Reg goes with him. They go through their three days in Seattle at the same pace. They kill whoever Jordan is I'm honestly not sure who he would be, and find Leah. From there they find Polaroids and Regulus realizes fuck he knows those people. Evan and Barty were his friends back when he was living in one of the QZs. He keeps this information until they get to the Theater and instead of the Dina pregnancy confession, it's that confession instead.
While fighting through the subway Regulus twisted his ankle and can't walk so he's out of commission and James goes alone to go find Sirius who they think is in Hillcrest. He finds Kingsley instead and takes him back to Reg. After James goes to the hospital and tortures kills Bellatrix for Evan's whereabouts. Reg is in excruciating pain and they both agree they need to take him back, but James can't leave Sirius behind so they go out to get him. They part ways as James goes after Evan and Kingsley goes after Sirius. James kills Barty and Narcissa and realizes Narcissa is pregnant after, which leads to him having a panic attack and Sirius runs in to soothe him and take him back.
Following the game that night they agree to go back but Evan comes in, knocks Sirius down and shoots Kingsley dead.
We switch to Evan's POV, and we learn Pandora was the immune one. She was taken to the hospital against Evan's word and Pandora's permission. Evan can't get to her in time to save her. Monty was the doctor. He killed Pandora and it didn't even bring him a cure.
From Evan's side of things a lot is different. Barty and Narcissa obviously aren't together, but we do have Evan meeting two siblings, but they're twins this time. And he goes through his three days. Everything is pretty much the same, expect Barty doesn't get cold feet killing an elderly "Muggle" he gets cold feet killing a young one, a girl who couldn't be older than seventeen. She looked exactly like Pandora. Also the boy twin is the one who gets compartment syndrome and the girl twin travels with Evan.
I'm rushing because I've been yapping so long not because I don't love Abby's section of the game. Evan's part is basically just him accepting Pandora's death and breaking free from his anger. It's finding another reason to fight for or the "light" if you wanna go full tlou.
The boy twin ends up dying on the island after the girl twin runs off. Evan comes back to find Barty and Narcissa dead. He goes after James.
The end of the game is the exact same minus JJ. James can't forget about Evan and Regulus just wants to move on. Sirius and Remus take some "time away from each other." Sirius comes over angry that James can have a good life and he can't. He's too hurt to go and guilts James into going instead.
At the end of the fic after going after Evan again James ends up saving him instead of killing him. He comes back home and has nothing left. Regulus is gone, and the only glimpse of happiness is gone too.
i yapped so much I apologize
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only-man-in-the-sky · 5 months
okay. now I just need to lock in
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gettingsnowedunder · 7 months
I got some really really big news about my writing and my book today while I was on the subway and I had to sit trembling the whole way home and you guys, you guys.
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lavenderblondie · 1 year
the dash has convinced me to star good omens
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chaoticwistfulness · 2 years
There is wisdom in the land of the dead, for it is the place that all stories are laid to rest.
And what is a story if not a simulation of survival?
Land of the Dead written by Brian McDonald and illustrated by Toby Cypress
I take a break from the destiel hellsite to go read a book and the first thing I see right there on the dust jacket is that 👆 How is that not about Dean, SPN, The Winchesters, and the jackles long con? The brainrot is real 🤪🙃
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executiveinspace · 1 year
Sono solo in questa vasta distesa di spazio. Non c'è nessuno in giro. Nessuno che mi ascolti, mi veda, mi tocchi.
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doom-dreaming · 5 months
"when i was your age, i was working three jobs to help support my family" and "when i was in college i was sleeping on a mattress on the floor and living off of soup"
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christadeguchi · 2 months
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i'll let phie-san say it:
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clumxy · 1 month
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[Image description: art of Mabel and Dipper from Gravity Falls. They're grinning, and they each have one eye glowing yellow. They have their arms around each other, and they make a triangle symbol together with their fingers.
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marxstradamus · 5 months
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Kirk was a real one for this
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softichill · 10 months
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