#i don't have the patience to gif stuff right now lol
hughiecampbelle · 3 months
The Boys Preference: Taking Care Of You When You're Drunk
A/N: Not requested, just an idea I had! Still not feeling great, but I will definitely get back to requests tomorrow :) This is just a lil thank you for your patience my loves! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜
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Butcher notices you've been drinking a lot more than usual. Ever since you found out he was dying, you've been trying not to think about it or worry about it, and the only way you can do that is by drinking. Getting drunk is just a fun side effect. He'll drive you from the bar, taking your shoes off before tucking you into his bed. He hates the idea that you're hurting yourself like this because of him, because he didn't listen to you and he took the V without regard to his or your safety. The least he could do was hold your hair while you threw up and bring you a glass of water and some Tylenol. You don't talk about it, though. You don't want to talk about him dying, you don't want to face that future, and you don't want to talk about your growing problem. You were drinking on the job, too, maintaining a certain numbness so that nothing else could hurt you.
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Hughie hates that you're drinking more. He understands why. More and more stuff just keeps going wrong. More and more issues pop up. It's hard to be positive or optimistic. It was easier to find your way to the bottom of a bottle than to come face to face with any of this stuff. He doesn't mean to pry, but he asks you a lot of questions. The main one is why are you doing this? You just shrugged. It's so hard to explain. Everything feels like too much. You were tired, and scared, and you weren't sure you wanted to do this anymore. What was the point? He tried to cheer you up. You had the serum in the severed leg, you were so close, why give up now? You wanted to be that hopeful. You really did, but you couldn't.
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Annie definitely lectures you. This is the third night in a row (this week alone) where the bartender called her, your emergency contact, taking your keys from you. You've been drinking a lot more, ever since you left The Seven and joined The Boys. You worked with Vought for so long, she knew there was a lot you weren't saying. She tried to talk to you about it, but you were so cagey, shutting her out instead. Shutting everyone out. It was awful, that much she knew. Still, everyone went through something. That didn't give you the right to get as drunk as you were as often as you were. You're barely listening, but she gives you her speech anyways. She'll keep telling it to you until something changes.
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M.M. hates taking care of you when you're like this. The biggest thing he can't stand is the vomit. He stays as far away from you as possible, yelling from the across the room if you're okay. He offers hand sanitizer and napkins and mouthwash, but he refuses to get any closer than that. The noises alone make his skin crawl, let alone the smell. He's in charge now. He feels like he has to take care of everyone, regardless of the issue. You getting drunk wasn't a problem yet, but he knew he'd have to talk to you if it got worse. Drinking every night just to function during the day wasn't you. You couldn't keep going on like this. If that included tough love, so be it. You needed to hear it.
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Frenchie drinks with you. He never goes as far as you, realizing that at least one of you should be slightly more sober. He doesn't really mind when you get drunk. Something happens with you. You become happier, sillier, more fun. You smile and laugh more. He likes seeing that. He likes knowing you're at least a little happier. Life had become so hard lately. Your past was catching up with you, and you didn't know how to handle it, so you got drunk. He understood the concern from everyone else, but he knew yelling and lecturing would change anything. At least he could be there for you. At least he could take care of you and laugh with you and be there. That's all you really needed.
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Kimiko is quite gentle when you're drunk. She walks you home from the bar and takes off your shoes and asks you questions: Are you nauseous? Are you hungry? Thirsty? She gets it. When she saw the posters of the Shining Light Liberation Army, she drank more than a few beers. Anything she could get her hands on. Sometimes, you just need a little liquid courage to face the hard things. She makes sure you have pain relief for the headache you'll feel tomorrow and gets you something greasy to put in your stomach. She doesn't like or want to villainize your actions. You were all tired of this, fighting a battle you could not win. She stuck up for you when the others thought you were being messy or stupid. You just needed some time, that was all.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks you're messy, a degenerate, and he won't tolerate it. When he knows you're drunk or hungover he makes a special point to seek you out, to punish you. You're a member of The Seven, you should act like it. The same way it infuriates him when Sage lobotomizes herself, he feels that when you start drinking. You have a public image to uphold. Even when you go out in civilian clothes, anyone could spot you. Anyone could ask for a photo or ask questions. It was stupid and selfish and reckless and as long as he's in charge, he won't tolerate it. He humiliates you, he says, because he cares. You think it's because he likes having power over you when you're at your most vulnerable.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy thinks you're a lightweight and calls you out on it any chance he can get. There's no keeping up with him. Even being a Supe, you could still get incredibly drunk. Your tolerance was a lot higher than humans, but nowhere near Soldier Boys. He doesn't really take care of you when you're drunk. It's more like lying you on your side and leaving you to sleep. He's not very caring towards anyone, let alone someone he considers lesser than himself. He's fun to drink with, but the fun pretty much stops there. If he's feeling extra considerate, he might throw a blanket over you, but that's as far as he goes. He'll leave you and keep on drinking for the rest of the night. You being drunk won't put a damper on his legendary partying.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Out of the Bag (Jamil, Ace, and Idia x Yuu)
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"Oh can I help you? You seem to be lost." You attempt to cheerfully ask the vaguely familiar looking person in front of you. As if he is deliberately trying to rub salt in your wounds, Crowley ignored your request to leave campus for NRC parents day and is instead making you and Grim run errands. The person in front of you, blissfully ignorant to your inner turmoil perks up at your attention.
"Forgive me for asking, but are you the magicless prefect?" You and Grim exchange a confused glance. "You've got to be right?" They're practically glowing with how happy they are to see you. " Oh I'm sorry, I've just heard so much about you!" Wait, what?
notes: (so uhhhh Jamil and Ace were supposed to be a part of the original post but I cut them out because I had to go to bed but forgot to remove the tags, sorry </3) they/them pronouns used for Yuu, sibling snark (Jamil and Ace) vs light angst (the Shroud parents), light reference to certain events in Ch. 6, but nothing specific. If you liked this please check out the first version on my masterlist.
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"Oh yeah, you're Najma, right?" The younger girl looks pleasantly surprised you have remembered her from your visit to the Scalding Sands.
"Well that makes this a lot easier, do you know where Jamil is?" You internally cheer at how polite she is, some of the other families you have been dealing with today have really been testing your patience. "I've been looking everywhere for him, but couldn't seem to find a good opportunity to sneak up on him." Or maybe not, that doesn't sound like she hasn't seen him at all, why is she asking you?
"According to my schedule he's probably in the gym for the club activities program." You confirm with your clipboard and Najma sighs.
"Lame, he's gonna be all sweaty and gross." She checks her phone as you sneak a glance at Grim trying to figure out how much longer you have before you need to find something shiny to distract him. "Actually maybe I can just ask you." You turn your attention back to Najma who seems to be tapping her cheek with her phone and sizing you up. "Is there anywhere to get snacks on campus?"
"Now you're talkin!" Cheers Grim, bringing a really bright smile to Najma's face and a tentative one to yours. "Mr. S's Mystery Shop's got all the tuna you can ask for!"
"And other things to." You helpfully add and Najma happily begins to follow.
"So what do you like to do?" she asks almost ten seconds into your walk. "Like what fun stuff is there to do around campus?"
"Shouldn't you be asking your brother?" You ask, thankful Grim is too caught up in his tuna thoughts to make any snarky comments.
"About you?" Najma laughs and you feel a bit silly. "Nah he hates being honest about things like that."
"Well I don't have much free time..." but you manage to list off some things that you like as Najma nods, still tapping her phone on her chin for some reason.
"What about food?" she stops fiddling with her phone and just goes straight to texting on it as the Mystery Shop comes into view. "I know Jamil's food looks boring but it tastes super good."
"It sure does." Grim says, well more like whines. "He only ever gives it to Yuu and gets mad when I eat it though."
"That's because he asked for my opinion, not yours." It's a petty thing to say, but hey Jamil's a good cook. Najma seems to agree, giggling before you both jump ten feet backwards as a strangely shaped blur nearly knocks you over.
"NAJMA!" Jamil is indeed, sweaty and gross looking, his basketball jersey is practically drenched through, almost like he ran the entire way to here from the gymnasium. He's doubled over, hands on his knees as you fumble around looking for the water bottle Crewel made you bring with you earlier which he gratefully takes.
"Oh hey what are you doing here Jamil?" You don't know Najma super well, but she almost sounds disappointed to see her brother. "Prefect said you were at the gym."
"Don't start." Jamil passes you back the empty water bottle, hesitating just a bit before he lets you take it. "She didn't do anything weird, right? Hasn't said anything strange?" You blink in confusion.
"No? She's just been asking a bunch of questions about stuff. Jamil relaxes, letting you take the bottle with a genuine smile-
And gets cut off by a shutter sound effect making you both turn towards Najma, who doesn't bother looking up from her phone camera.
"Whoops thought I turned that off."
"Well, well, well, just what should I do with you?"  The ginger stranger is stroking his chin with an all too familiar look that puts you on edge, not because you think he is going to try anything illegal (yet) but because you can practically see the collar on this guy already.  There really is no beating around the bush about who this guy is, even if you really wished you had some plausible deniability.   "I could tell you about that time I told him if he kissed a frog it would turn into royalty and he actually did it-"  Too much information he technically just did.  "Or what about that time he only wanted to eat carrots so I freaked him out by saying he was turning into one because his hair was orange-"  So is yours big brother Trappola!  And where the hell is Grim he is supposed to be suffering through this with you.  "Nah those are too boring- oh I got it!"  Before you can break out in a dash for the mirror chamber, big brother Trappola claps an unintentionally (you hope) firm hand on your shoulder.  "Listen to this- wait I didn't introduce myself I-"
"Ace's brother."  He seems genuinely taken aback.  "He talks about you all the time." 
"Oh does he?"  Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned that, little Trappola's ego was insufferable already, older Trappola's has got to be worse right.  It's so obvious you can't even bring yourself to put the question mark on it.
"Funny you mention that, from my end it seems like all he ever talks about is Yuu."  He makes a big show of looking you over.  "Always talking about what a pain it is to look after you, but he never does stop."  He maneuvers himself to look directly into your eyes.  “You must be pretty special then, right?”
“Didn’t you used to go here?”  You ask, crossing your arms and fixing your best “not today Trappola” look onto your face.
“Sure did!  Also got put into Heartslabyul, must run in the family, we’re all a bit mad.”  Older Trappola breaks eye contact for just a second, something dancing on the tip of his tongue you have no desire to entertain at all.  You just want to ditch this overgrown root veg on his brother and then take a nap.
“So then, just to be clear, you don’t need me to show you around.”  You fumble around your clipboard looking for a map anyway.
“Oh no I absolutely need you to do that.”  You like it when Ace plays dumb better, at least it’s cute.  “Would be a really bad thing if you just left me all alone and I went somewhere I wasn’t supposed to.”  He stands up straight, looking off into the distance behind you with a dramatic sigh.  “Somewhere like Ramshackle Dorm maybe?  I hear that’s one of Ace’s-”
 A surprisingly strong pair of arms wraps you into an embrace from behind.
“Back off.” snaps Ace, a lot harsher than either of you have heard before “This one’s mine.”
"Dear! Dear! Come look it's the prefect!" A very excited very pink woman in a sundress and comically oversized sunglasses beckons to a very tall, very out place looking man who is... also wearing comically oversized sunglasses.
"The who?" he sheepishly walks over to his wife and gives you a little wave, clearly out of place but trying his best.
"The prefect! Ortho and Idia's friend." The realization seems to hit both you and Mr. Shroud at the same time, causing you both to retreat just a bit. You because you feel desperately dumb for not noticing the flaming hair and him because-
Well you hope it's because of the whole house thing but who knows.
"Oh sorry. Um we're Mr. and Mrs. Shroud but you probably already guessed that it's really nice to meet you." You awkwardly shake hands while Grim hides behind your legs.
"Do you have any plans for today?" Asks Mrs. Shroud. "I'd hate to interrupt things too much."
"Oh no that's not really an issue for me." You look down at Grim for half a second before adding. "For us."
"I'm sorry to hear that." whispers Mr. Shroud, gently taking his wife's hand and you stand around in silence for a little bit, trying to figure out how to walk the conversation from the ledge it's found itself on.
"Um if there isn't anything you need help with-"
"Idia speaks really highly of you." Mrs. Shroud says gently, and you have to keep yourself from fainting from shock. Idia speaking highly of- no forget that. Idia talks to his parents? And you were the conversation topic? If she had said it was Ortho that would make sense but Idia? "I know he can be a bit blunt, but he treasures your friendship. And as his mother, I am very grateful he has someone as kind as you in his life."
"We both are." whispers Mr. Shroud. "If you need help while you are here please don't hesitate to ask us." And with that they leave you and Grim
[Fullmetal] hey ortho said u ran into our parents irl
[Fullmetal] srry that had to be awkward
[yuu] it's cool
[yuu] I mean they spooked Grim but they were nice lol
[Fullmetal] ...so do you think that he'd be cool to come over so I can like
[Fullmetal] apologize
[Fullmetal] u know for the stress
[yuu] and not for talking about me behind my back ( ̄ε ̄)
[read at 6:57 pm]
[Fullmetal is typing... ... ...] [... ... ...] [... ... ...]
"I don't need to apologize if I said nice things... right?"
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Pairing: wolfstar x fem!reader
Summary: You get upset when Sirius flirts with someone else. You get into a fight. You make up.
Warnings: 18+, SMUT (threesome, slight dom!Remus), little bit of angst, arguing, readers exit gets blocked briefly
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You were pissed.
Deep down, you knew you were overreacting, but you were still pissed.
You knew Sirius was a flirty person, always had been. And you knew he didn't mean it. It normally didn't bother you, but this time felt different.
You knew for a fact that he'd had a crush on Cassandra a while back. It also didn't help that she was kind of amazing, not to mention gorgeous…
You'd tried to get the image out of your head of Sirius leaning over her against the wall, laughing with her… But it was like it was tattooed on your corneas. It was all you'd been thinking about that afternoon.
It didn't help that you'd been studying with Remus in their dorm and that Sirius was acting completely oblivious. As well as annoying. He was restless, constantly distracting Remus and you from your work.
"Come oooon," he whined. "You've been at this all afternoon. Let's do something fun."
"Think you've had enough fun for the day," you muttered under your breath.
"What was that, love?" Sirius perked up.
"Nothing," you waved him off.
He raised an eyebrow as his eyes wandered over you.
It irrationally infuriated you that he'd only just noticed your mood.
"Everything alright, deary?"
You nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
Just because he noticed, didn't mean you wanted to talk about it.
Sirius knelt down in front of your chair. "You sure? You don't seem…"
"Seem what?" You snapped.
Remus put his book down at that. "Siri's right, love, you don't seem quite alright today. Anything you want to talk to us about?"
You let out a sigh. You really didn't like that Remi was getting caught in the middle of this, but you also really weren't ready to have this talk. "It's nothing, really, I'm fine."
"Hey, don't do that," you chastised as the boys exchanged a worried look. "You don't want to believe me, that's fine. I'll just go." You haphazardly gathered up your stuff and shoved it in your bag, ready to storm out.
"Oh, come on, deary, please don't leave." Sirius grabbed your wrist but you pulled out of his grip instantly.
"Please don't leave like this," he whispered.
"Just talk to us." The softness of him made your stomach drop, but you couldn't bear talking through these insecurities right now.
Remus brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "You're worrying us a little bit, darling. Would you please stay and talk?"
You shook your head.
"Are you mad? Did we do something?" Sirius was getting desperate. He hated fighting with the people close to him.
You bit your tongue, willing your eyes not to well up. "I've got to go."
You crossed the dorm, but Sirius beat you to the door.
"Siri, get out of the way…" You sighed, but Sirius wasn't planning on moving any time soon.
"No. Not until you tell us what's going on!"
"Sirius…" Remus tried to intervene.
"No, Remi, she can't leave like this. There's clearly something going on."
You were starting to lose your patience. "Sirius, get out of my way."
"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" Sirius yelled.
"I don't have to tell you everything that goes on in my head, y'know? You're not entitled to my every thought!" You screamed back at him. You were about to lose your temper.
"Darling, I love you, and there's something wrong. I just wanna help. Just want you to be okay."
"I've told you, I'm fine. I clearly don't want to talk. Now step away from the goddamn door!"
You knew Sirius. He was not relenting. He had sunk his teeth in, and that meant he wasn't letting go. You also knew he was spiralling, going over all the worst case scenarios of how this could end. And if only that image of him and Cassandra hadn't been dancing in front of your eyes, you probably would have stopped to soothe him. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it, now.
You knew there was only one way you were going to get past him. And so, you whipped your wand out of your boot. "Don't make me do this, Sirius." You were almost pleading.
Sirius' confused, hurt look was a punch in the gut, but he really wasn't leaving you any other options.
"Y/n…" He started.
"I don't want to talk to you right now, Sirius. Now, for the last time, let me out of here."
Finally, Remus swooped in, pushing Sirius behind him and opening the door.
You silently stormed out the door, leaving your two bewildered boys behind.
You had ignored your boys all throughout the next day, rushing out of every class before they'd even packed their books.
You'd done a pretty good job of it, until there was a knock on the door of your dorm that evening, and you were greeted with two sheepish faces.
"Hi," Remus started tentatively.
"Can we talk?" You looked back into your dorm, which was decidedly not empty. "Are Prongs and Wormtail in?"
"They're in the common," Remus answered.
You nodded measuredly. "Alright, let's go to your dorm."
There had never been tension between you like there was now. It vaguely reminded you of before you got together, when being around each other was all tense and electric. Merlin, were you missing that electricity now...
You plopped down on Remus' bed, fiddling with your thumbs. "So..."
"I'm so sorry," Sirius burst out.
"Merlin, love, I'm so so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." Sirius sunk down onto the floor in front of you.
"It's okay, Siri," you started, but he interrupted you. "It's not, though. That was not okay. I am truly sorry, love."
You ran your hand through his hair. "Apology accepted, Siri. I'm sorry I pulled my wand on you."
"Didn't leave you much of a choice, did I? I promise, nothing like that will ever happen again."
You nodded. "I know."
Remus sat down next to you. "It's alright if you don't want to talk, dove, we're certainly not looking for a repeat of yesterday, but we're still a little worried. I promise I won't ask again after this, but, is anything bothering you, dear?"
Now that you'd cooled down, you found it much harder to lie to your boys, but you felt so silly admitting that this whole thing happened because Sirius talked to another witch...
"It's stupid, really... I'm just overreacting..."
"Hey, love, anything you're feeling, you know we want to know."
You sighed, burying your head in your hands. "I guess I was feeling a little pissed off."
Sirius' arm wrapped around your shoulders as he sat down on your other side. "Did something happen?"
You cast a sideways glance his way. "This is gonna sound so silly... I just, I saw you talking to Cassandra Fieldwake."
Sirius just looked at you expectantly, still clueless.
"And I guess I just got a bit jealous, is all..."
"Wait, what?" Sirius' eyes went wide. "You were jealous?"
You shrugged. "Well, I mean... Cassandra's great and you used to carry a massive torch for her, and then the two of you looked so flirty, and I know, you're a flirty person, so I just need to get over it..."
"Woah, no," Sirius interrupted, "you don't have to get over anything. I'm sorry I made you feel this way, but, darling, you've got less than nothing to worry about. I am crazy about you."
"I know... I just got insecure," you shrugged. Instantly, your boys wrapped you in a giant hug. "We are so incredibly lucky to have you, darling, we'd be out of our heads to look elsewhere."
"Of course, darling. You're perfect. I haven't so much as thought of another girl since I first kissed you."
"Oh, come on, now you're exaggerating," you rolled your eyes.
"Moony?" Sirius called out.
"He has not shut up about you for the past year-and-a-half. It would've been seriously annoying if I hadn't been so completely head over heels for you as well," Remi smiled, making you blush.
"You know what, Pads?" The drop in Remus' voice caught you off guard.
"I think we need to remind our little dove that she's our number one girl."
Sirius eyes glinted mischievously. "Y'know what, Moony, I think you're right."
You gasped when both of them launched an attack on your neck. You never got used to their hands all over you, it felt spectacular every damn time.
Remus softly guided you onto your back. He kissed you so deeply it made your head spin.
Before you could open your eyes, Sirius took Remus' place. They did this often, but you could always tell.
Remus' hand snaked under your shirt, toying with your breasts before undoing your shirt. You unhooked your bra with one hand and quickly tossed it aside. Moments later, your boys were all over your chest. Merlin, they never stopped looking like they belonged in a porno with the way their backs arched as they ravaged your chest.
"Shirts," you moaned. "Shirts off, please."
"So needy," Moony chuckled, but he took his shirt and tie off immediately. He helped Sirius undo his tie, pulling him in for a kiss while he was at it.
Soon, you were all shirtless, and Remus and Sirius were back on you. Sirius' hand palmed your thighs, working his way up to cup your heat.
"Siri..." You moaned.
"Tell him what you want, love," Remus cooed in your ear.
"Fuck, Siri, I want you to touch me."
Sirius didn't move his hand. "Like this, dove?"
You groaned in frustration. "I want you inside of me," you sighed.
Remus bit your earlobe. "Beg him."
"Remi..." You whined.
"Don't test me, dove," his voice was low in your ear and sent a shiver down your spine.
"Please, Siri, please touch me, I need your fingers in me so badly, darling..."
Sirius groaned at your words, making quick work of discarding the remainder of your clothes. His finger trailed over you and he groaned again. "She's so wet, Remi, so pretty, you've got to see her."
But Remus was too busy lavaging your upper body with kisses. "Our girl's the prettiest," he said in between kisses. "She looks even prettier when she's cumming, though. How about you make our girl feel good, Pads."
Sirius licked his lips. "Gladly."
You gasped as two of his digits plunged into you. Sirius knew exactly what you liked, his fingers angled just so in that way that made your eyes roll to the back of your head. His tongue rolled over your clit and you grabbed onto his hair.
"Do that again, Siri," you mewled.
Sirius happily obliged. "Think you can take one more, love?"
You nodded.
Sirius' third finger stretched you out gloriously.
"You're taking him so well, dove. Such a good girl for us," Remus was whispering encouragements in your ear. "Is Pads getting you there, darling?" He didn't need an answer, he knew your body by heart, but he demanded one anyway.
"I'm so close, Remi. Siri, please don't stop."
"Wouldn't dream of it, darling." Sirius was hitting that exact spot in you, your hands clutching at the sheets. When he did that thing with his tongue again, you were done for. Your back arched of the bed as you came on Sirius' fingers.
"So damn beautiful, dove." Remus' voice sounded strained.
Sirius let you ride out your orgasm on his fingers before slowly pulling them out, holding them out for Remus, who sucked them into his mouth eagerly. "Taste so good sweetheart. Merlin, Pads, move over, gotta taste her."
And just like that, Sirius was cuddled next to you, while Remus knelt down at the edge of the bed, lapping you up hungrily.
"Mmm, Remy, slow down." You tugged on his hair. "Sensitive," you breathed out.
" 'M sorry, lovely, but you should see yourself... You're so damn irresistible." He dove right back between your legs.
You were used to reigning Remus in by his hair. You'd learned quickly that there was few things he liked better than getting his hair pulled. You were a moaning mess as Remus quickly brought you close another orgasm, and then kept you there.
"Remi..." You whined. "Remi, darling, please. Please!"
Remus' taunting eyes looked back at you. "Please what, love?"
"Please make me cum, Remi, please."
He smirked devilishly. "Soon."
His tongue was flush against you, you were struggling against him. "Hold her still, Pads." Remus growled. Sirius kissed you deeply before moving down to your hips, holding you down to the mattress as he kissed your lower stomach.
"Remi," your breath hitched in your throat, as Remus once again brought you right to the edge. "Please!"
But Remus was never one to give in to your pleas so easily. He was going to use you like his little plaything until he was satisfied, and then he would let you cum. There was nothing more for you to do but give in to him. You relaxed into his touch, your body completely at his mercy. Remus brought you back until all you could do was moan out the word please, tears rolling down your cheeks.
Sirius was whispering affirmations in your ear the entire time. "Such a good girl, love, doing so well. You're so good for us."
"Isn't she, Pads? Such a good girl," Remus smirked. "Does our good girl want to cum?"
"Yes!" You cried out. "Yes, please, Remi, please!"
Remus' tongue dug into you, and this time, he wasn't stopping until your nails were scraping his scalp, hips bucking against Sirius' grip. You threw your head back, a silent scream on your lips as your orgasm crashed into. You held Remus in place until your orgasm subsided, his soft kitten licks guiding you back to earth.
When you caught your breath, your boys were cuddling you, peppering soft kisses across your cheeks.
"Fuck me, darling..."
"So damn perfect."
You grabbed Remus' hair again as you pulled him in for a slow kiss. "I love you, Remi," you whispered.
"I love you, too, dove."
You turned to kiss Sirius as well. "I love you, Siri."
He smiled fondly at you. "I love you too, deary, so, so much."
You watched in awe as your two boys kissed each other, exchanging their own I love you's.
Sirius bent back over you, his nose rubbing against yours. "You know we're not done with you, right, deary?"
You gasped as they tossed you further onto the bed, landing on your stomach. Remus warm breath in your ear made you shiver.
"You didn't think we were passing up this chance to fuck you, did you, love?"
He playfully bit your earlobe as you giggled.
"You gonna fuck me good, Remi?" You challenged.
"You bet your ass, lovey."
You yelped as Remus' hand struck you across the bottom.
"We're going to make you feel so good." Sirius bit your bottom lip as he slid in beneath you. He gathered some of the wetness between your legs and spread it over his length. "Merlin, I can't wait to fuck you."
Before you could even say the words 'then don't', Sirius was pushing into you.
"Fuck, Siri!" You cried out.
Sirius moved slowly, letting you adjust to him while Remus sidled up against your back. "I love you, darling," he whispered as he slowly started working open your ass.
"I love you too, Remi," you moaned. "You too, Siri."
Sirius pulled you in for a kiss. He sucked on the sweet spot behind your ear as Remus slowly pushed inside you. You let out a sigh at the feeling. Whenever they were inside you, you felt so gloriously full that it made you forget why you were ever not fucking them.
"You guys feel so good, fuck, you make me feel so damn good, I love you so much." You moaned as they started moving into you.
"Fuck, Remi, I can feel you," Sirius groaned.
"Me too, Pads. Feels good."
They moved into you in unison, quickly setting a pace that was setting your skin on fire. But still, you wanted more. "Fingers," you managed to breath out.
Sirius sneered. "Would you look at that, Moony, our little dove's not satisfied until all her holes are stuffed full."
"Such a little whore," Remus laughed into your ear. He spanked your ass roughly. "Go on, Siri, give her what she needs."
Sirius held out two of his fingers, watching as you eagerly sucked them into your mouth. You sucked Sirius' fingers, wishing it was one of their cocks instead.
"Merlin,  Remi, look at her. She's taking me so well... I'm not gonna last much longer," Sirius' breathing was getting shallow.
Remus grabbed your hips, fucking you into them. You were so impossibly full. Your moans no longer made it out of your throat, they just had you choking on Sirius' fingers.
Remus grabbed Sirius' free hand and put in on your hip, replacing his own hand. Sirius' fingers dug into you as he desperately tried to hold off his orgasm. Remus noticed, reaching around you to grab Sirius' chin. "Don't you dare come before she does, you hear me."
Sirius nodded roughly. "I won't, Moony, promise."
"Good boy," Remus purred.
"Are you close, darling?"
You tried to answer, gagging on Sirius' fingers. Remus grabbed your chin. "Answer me, dear."
"Yes, so close, Remi," you managed to get out.
"Good girl. Keep sucking Paddies fingers like the good little whore you are."
You nodded vigorously.
They were pounding into you so hard you were practically bouncing on their cocks. You were so, so close. The kiss Remus planted on your shoulder warned you that he was going in for the kill. His free hand travelled down your side, teasing your inner thighs before pressing down on your clit.
You threw your head back onto Remus' shoulder as you came. You were completely overwhelmed, choking on Sirius' fingers as Remus was still rubbing your clit. They hadn't slowed down their pace, still fucking into you, chasing their own highs as you squeezed them deliciously.
They came with a string of profanity falling from their lips, Sirius throwing his head back and Remus biting down on your shoulder.
"Fucking hell, love," Sirius smiled as he fell back onto the bed.
"You did so well, darling," Remus guided you down onto the mattress as well.
"Such a good girl." He kissed your temple and cleaned the three of you up before falling back onto the bed, too.
"You feeling better, deary?" Sirius whispered into your ear.
You nodded. "Feeling incredible, Siri. Nothing but incredible."
"Sleep over?" Remus nuzzled his face into your neck.
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runicarbiter02 · 1 year
Helllooo! Request are open and I'm running over here. Can I request hdc for alejandro vargas and ghost, being jealous because there crush is a little bit touching with another men. Thank youu honey.
A/N: This is definitely an interesting one! I'd be happy to write these for you, since you specifically specified them, I'll just do them for this one. :) I hope you enjoy, darling! I'm still learning how to write for Ale, so I apologize if he's a bit OOC! Also, thank you all for over 1,000 notes on my first headcanon request! I am so, so happy you all are liking the post! ~ Hannah
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I imagine with Alejandro, this would be a slow burn friends to lovers sort of situation. You, Alejandro, and Rudy have all been friends since you all joined up together. Alejandro has always been on the flirtier side with most people, which is why whenever he flirts with you, you don't tend to think much of it. That's just who he is, right?
Los Vaqueros had just gotten a new member, a young, handsome man in his mid-twenties. He's conventionally attractive and funny, which some of the other women definitely admire, but your thoughts are elsewhere. Unfortunately - or fortunately, if you look at it a certain way - you were assigned to show him around the base and get him up to speed.
Cut to the both of you in the mess hall on base, chattering away. Alejandro sees the both of you, and his blood boils. Who does this hijo de puta think that he is?
What really pisses him off is when the young man leans in, saying something that makes you laugh and you playfully shove him away with a coy smile. Alejandro quickly storms out, furious with the young man, but furious with himself for getting so upset.
He doesn't realize you follow him out until he feels your hand on his shoulder.
"Ale? What's wrong, hermano?" If only you knew how much he hated that nickname coming from your lips.
When he turns, one look at how concerned you are, and all his frustrations come spilling from his lips. He's just about to brush it off as him being silly when you don't respond right away before a laugh is erupting from you.
"Ale, he's not into me. He's just friendly. I thought he was flirting with me earlier, but he let me know that he's no even interested in sexual stuff. He's ace," You reassure, and suddenly, Alejandro feels ridiculously stupid. But that falls aside when you stand on your toes and brush a kiss to his cheek. "Now come on, cariño, you need to eat." His eyes follow you as you return to the mess hall, and he's stunned into silence.
Maybe he feels a little less bad about getting jealous.
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This man hates his jealousy. Despises it.
But, it's a part of him nonetheless, and it's something he has to live with.
I imagine it as quiet, little things around base that really gets to him: you're a medic, a really good one at that, and the men absolutely love you for how kindly you treat them all. You have patience, but you aren't afraid to bark orders at them if they're acting out of place.
"MacTavish, if you rip your stitches one more time, I'll kick your ass into next fucking week." "Captain, I don't care if you have more paperwork to do, get your ass in bed before I drag you there myself." "Hold still or I will personally strap you to this cot myself, rookie."
Your feisty nature and take-no-shit attitude is absolutely what drew him to you initially. Cue almost a year of pining on his end, and on your end, but not to his knowledge.
The final straw that ultimately cracks his resolve is a young sergeant that is trying to flirt with you while you stitch up a bullet wound on his side. It's obvious you're just being polite as you accept his compliments and hum in response at his attempts at flirting, but it still rubs Simon the wrong way.
Simon's jealousy is quiet, boiling, settling in the center of his chest. Every touch of yours against the sergeant's skin merely stokes the flames, but he does nothing, continuing to brood in the corner. He waits until you're done, shooing the young man off with a half-assed threat of harm if he ruins his stitches. That's when you finally notice him.
"Ghost, what have I told you about lurking in my med bay?" You tease softly before taking note of the hard look in his eyes. Slowly, you put two and two together, chuckling softly. "Ah, I see. C'mere, big guy."
He isn't mad. Not at all. All he can think about is that young man, who has all he doesn't: charm, good looks, youth, and the blessing of a childhood unscarred by a demon of a father. Simon isn't so lucky.
He can't stop himself as he follows your instructions, stepping into your office and taking a seat at your desk as you close the door. You sit on top of your desk and smile down at him before you hold out your hand expectantly. He furrows his brows but gives you his hand anyway, grumbling something about how he "doesn't know where your filthy mitts have been."
As soft kisses are pressed to his knuckles, however, he goes quiet. "Silly, jealous man. Can't even see that I look at you the same way you look at me. Eyes of a hawk, my ass," You tease.
He turns every shade of red beneath his damn balaclava, and you're damn certain to tease him about it as he melts back into the seat.
Hijo de puta - Son of a bitch
Hermano - Brother
Cariño - Honey; dear
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cream-stew · 7 months
hi there, someone who's been reading your stuff for a while here and finally wants to request something <3
perhaps could you do a softdom top childe with a sub bottom amab reader? and perhaps if you could, maybe do a chubby reader if you can? otherwise its fine if you rather not !!
i want him to spoil me and praise me and just be his sweet darling tbh childe is so. Wa.
side note i was considering asking for this with pierro instead because i like.. dilfs? Gilfs?? but seeing as he's on your maybe list i decided to ask for something else for now <3 if by chance you would write something like this with pierro, would you? if you would perhaps ill put in another request later on!! thank you ♡
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🔞minors dni
warnings: amab reader, praise kink, oral, thigh fucking, anal sex, pet names (darling)
// note: I really liked this prompt so I decided to do both childe and pierro <3 idk if it comes across well that reader is chubby bc I usually don't describe reader a lot so I didn't really know how to add it in a way that seemed natural sorry!! lmk if you want me to re do this
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childe: he loves getting you all desperate and needy for his cock, trailing wet kisses all over your body, down your throat, chest, belly, until he reaches your hard cock and takes it in his mouth, keeping his spoiled darling busy while he fingers you open, pumping in and out of your hole over and over until you're ready for his massive cock. you're begging him to keep going, to curl his fingers just so, and he does everything you ask, never leaving a plea unfulfilled. he's careful not to let you cum so soon tho, he has to little patience for you to get hard again to fuck you. luckily for you, he's quick to swap his four fingers with his cock, so you don't even have the time to whine about feeling empty ! he starts fucking you hard and fast right from the start, making the headboard slam on the wall every time he plunges his cock back into your asshole, stretching it to the limit and aiming for your prostate with incredible precision. he keeps going until you cum with a pleased moan, and only then slows down a little bit, not wanting too overstimulate his poor darling <3
pierro: you look up at him with teary eyes, hoping to trick him into fucking you for real, but he just coos at you as he keeps pumping his cock in between your thick thighs, all wet with lube and his precum, grazing your own desperate cock just in passing. "shh, there's no need to rush, my darling", he soothes you as he leans down to press a kiss to your forehead, laughing at the way you pout in response. "so spoiled" he scolds you gently, but he finally relents: you are spoiled but it's his fault. he leans away and lifts your legs, his strong hands gripping under your knees, presenting your already stretched asshole. he shifts his grip so that he's holding both of your legs with just one hand, and the other guides his cock into you, sinking in so so slowly and dragging a desperate moan out of you. he never picks up his pace, but you're too close already to complain, you just whimper and babble his name over and over until you're cumming over your belly and tearing up again, overcome with pleasure.
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floppnopikka · 10 days
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He would call you 'Meat sack' 'Little degenerate' and last but not the least 'Butterfly' (I'll explain why butterfly later)
Bill can be into romantic stuff but not in a human way, he wants to give you flowers? he'll give you a rafflesia, want something to eat? he'll give you deer teeth, both rotten and healthy.
There's not a moment of your day he'll annoy the hell out of you for example he'll intentionally trip you when you go down the stairs just to hear you hiss in pain "Haha! you humans don't know what's fun in pain!" while laughing at you, when you're baking he'll put poison rat liquid in your mixture and when you notice the taste he'll once again laugh at you "Tasty right? Haha! I put some poison rat liquid for more flavor!" while you're literally choking to death.
Now as to why I headcanon Bill calling you 'Butterfly' is because you are what people call earthly beauty which signifies a butterfly and that what makes him intrigued by you.
Not only does he find you beautiful but also because you're small and weak for his liking and he can manipulate you however he wants, he can pluck your wings away without you noticing and scientifically proven, butterflies can't feel pain when their wings are cut off.
But out of all his tortures which he called teasing, he does give you special treatment, none of his friends will harm you and as a matter of fact, they will protect you or even befriend you but don't take that for kindness they will still mess with you.
Your patience is now a thin thread and a major headache because of another Bill's antics, so you decided to confront him professionally but Bill being uncanny he just shrugged your reasons and 'excuses' about you being a party pooper and kill joy.
Overall, he's the definition of the hazardous sign of yellow and black flag when it comes to dating and making deals with him.
A/N: This is a total mess! But to clear up my notes and study for my exam I have to post this so I wouldn't have anything on my notes :,) I'll probably fix it, hope y'all like it!
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Omg I’m so happy that Seven Days drabbles are welcome! Could I request things like Seven Days MC purposely pushing JK’s buttons to see what happens?
A/N: Hi hello please request for Seven I wanna write for it so bad but I can't because it gets reported please I LOVE THEM SO MUCH-
-> Masterlist
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Considering that Jungkook isn't at all what you're used to when it comes to men, it's also surprising to you how your simple interest and somewhat almost childish crush on him has turned into curiosity.
And it's also become quite.. fun to play around with him a little, turning the tables around for a change.
He's not actually ever openly told you what he's into- he always just seems to adapt to whatever you seem to like, and in your own humble opinion, that's just not fair. Is he secretly a sadist? Or into stuff you definitely aren't? You want to know. You don't want him to just bend his bones around you, just so you're happy.
You want him to be happy too.
Something you've learned about him by pure observation alone, is that he literally seems to buzz whenever he can do something for you. He fully immerses himself into caring for you, even if it's just 'hey, can you maybe watch the soup on the stove while I shower?'. It's cute, in a way, how he becomes happy at every touch you offer him.
He's a cuddler, even though he tends to end up in quite frankly ridiculous positions during his sleep- and it also offered one of these 'happy-buzz' moments with him.
He'd mentioned, very fleetingly, how he seems to sleep really well next to you at night these days. How he usually wakes up with a sore throat, and neck pain- but that it's pretty much gone now. You'd told him, equally as nonchalantly, how you noticed that he tends to move into an odd position at night, which makes him snore due to his head being tilted back too far- and that you've started to wake up from it. At first, he'd clearly wanted to apologize- but then you'd said that you just turn him a little, or adjust his pillow, because you already worried about him not sleeping well otherwise.
The look on his face was priceless; eyes all round and lips slightly parted, an expression of surprised affection that seemed to even catch him off guard as he had to visibly shake himself out of it, laughing it off before he thanked you, occupying himself with poking at his food instead to gloss over the almost shy smile growing on his lips.
And it's also really fun to test his patience.
You're not sure if he's aware of your games, but even if he is, you don't really care. Seeing him look at you with his jaw clenched and lips pursed, words on his lips but never spoken, hands having to physically hold onto something as to not move, it makes you feel empowered. You're not worried about any actual consequences- because even if there were any, he'd never hurt you.
You trust him. You're not scared of him.
"Hey, can you give me that?" He asks as you struggle to open the water bottle, but you whine, turning away from it as you continue to fight with the plastic cap. "Darling come on, just let me do it for you-" He chuckles, but you get up now instead, so he can't reach it.
There it is. The first sign- his tongue playing with the silver piercings on his bottom lip.
"You're gonna hurt yourself-" He tries again, voice still soft, but you shake your head.
"I can do it." You deny, now even moving to use your teeth for help- when he gets up, walking over to you.
"Stop being a brat, let me help-" He attempts once more, but you now walk again- falling into a little jog as he grabs for your shirt, fingers barely reaching the straps of it which snap right back against your skin. "Baby..." He threatens now, voice low and challenging. But you're not intimidated.
He's yet to actually prove his dominance, after all.
He thinks you can't take it. You know that's probably what he believes- that you can't handle it, that you're fragile and weak and oh-so-delicate. But you're not. You're not sure if he's turned you into this, but in a way, you've developed almost a hunger for what he might do to you if you were to finally make his patience snap.
You've gotten close before- you're getting close right now, you're sure.
But how much does it take for him to finally put you in your place?
And how will he do it?
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d1xonss · 9 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 20 ~ Stay
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 4.1k
In this chapter ~ After Rose makes her choice to part from the group, Daryl quickly finds out, leaving him in a state of unbelievable shock. But he doesn't let her get very far before he tracks her down through the trees, needing to find the right things to say to her to get her to stay.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* DARYL POV ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
After the conversation I had with Rose, I needed to leave and cool off. When I didn't respond, it's not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't want to say something that I would regret later just because I was frustrated. That was the last thing she needed. She was hurting after what happened with Sophia, shit we all were. But my patience was thin right now and I didn't want to take that out on her.
I walked all the way out to the field and sat down on the grass, beginning to pull some pieces out of the ground and started to play with the tiny blades in my fingers. Sitting there silently with my mind running through everything that happened in the past few days. I found myself growing more and more frustrated every time I thought of a sacrifice one of us made for a girl who was already dead. We had all tried so hard, and for what? For it to end up shitty in the end like it always seemed to.
My mind then wandered back to Rose; like it always seemed to as well. Even though everything has been pretty terrible, she was always able to make me smile somehow. I thought back to the small moments we've shared recently and just the thought alone brought another small smile to my face. I had been trying to convince myself that I didn't have feelings for her, hell I've been trying to do that since the beginning. But I did, I liked her. I liked her a lot.
She made me feel different. I had never been with anyone before this, just a few one night stands that I didn't give a shit about. But I had never cared this much about a woman before, ever. The thought crossed my mind, being with Rose, but I didn't want to ruin what we already had. I had managed to build up some kind of friendship with someone that I actually trusted for the first time in my life, and the last thing I wanted was to make the wrong move. Or even worse; push her away somehow.
But my thoughts quickly stopped short once I heard someone call my name from just behind me.
"Daryl!" Maggie's voice called out.
I turned around right as she approached me, with a book held in her hands, "Do you know where Rose went? I wanted to give her this book since she hasn't been liking the one she's reading, but she took off too fast earlier." she finished with a laugh.
I dipped my head in a nod, "I think she's in my tent, I'll go tell her." I replied.
"Great, thanks." she said before turning back on her heel to walk towards the house.
I quickly got up to my feet and started to make my way back to the camp that I had set up a little farther away from everyone. To be completely honest, I don't know why I did it. But I guess a part of me understood Rose's need to be away, because I went and did the same thing without even realizing at the time.
As I finally made it up to the yellow tent, my hand went instinctively to just unzip the entrance, but I stopped myself and shook my head, clearing my throat so she could hear me.
"Rose?" I called out softly, warning her that I was about to come in.
I didn't hear anything, so I slowly unzipped the tent only to find that she wasn't in there. After scanning the small space, I was going to head out to look and see if she was at the house now, but something stopped me in my tracks. I noticed quickly that all of her stuff was missing and there was a note sitting next to my stuff with my name written across the front, a Cherokee rose placed conveniently right next to it. My heart began to sink to the pit of my stomach, but I still sat down and opened the note to see what it said, for all I knew she could be going out for a hunt. But in the back of my mind, I knew that wasn't it.
I wanted to leave you this note because I felt terrible not giving you at least somewhat of an explanation, so here it is. I left.
After what happened to Sophia, something just clicked. I realized how attached I became to this group, and that isn't a very good thing for me. I was on my own for a very long time before this and you know that, it's not easy for me to depend on people or get close to anyone in general but it happened. And I hate to admit it, but it scared me.
I care about all of you so much it hurts, but it's best for everyone if I leave. I don't want to watch anyone else die, I just can't do it, please understand that at least a little. I believe that most of you will make it, but in case I'm wrong...I don't just want to sit and watch like we all did today.
But I don't want you to think that it was easy for me to leave, because it wasn't. It was harder than I will probably ever admit out loud, and it was even harder to leave you. I care about you so much Daryl, you have no idea. But I have to do this, I can't stand back and watch what happened to Sophia potentially happen to you too.
Maybe this isn't goodbye, I'm actually hoping we cross paths again one day.
But until then, see you later Daryl Dixon.
-Love, Rose
I stared at the note with wide eyes, reading the words very carefully over and over again as if they would somehow change. She couldn't leave. In hindsight, maybe I could understand why she would want to but that isn't a good enough reason. Not now. She had turned into such a valuable member of this group and everyone here cares about her so much. I couldn't let her go. She had no idea how much I needed her to stay here.
So, without thinking, I grabbed my crossbow and rushed out of the tent to look for her. It was dark now so she would be harder to track, but I didn't care. I needed to find her. I had no fucking idea what I was going to say to her, but I had to try and convince her to stay somehow. She needed to understand that she didn't have to push people away anymore, at least not me. I would always be here for her, I wasn't planning on leaving her anytime soon, and I wanted her to know that. She needed to know that.
It didn't take very long before her footprints became more prominent in the mud, and I knew she was close by. I only took a few more steps in between the trees before I saw her walking a good distance in front of me, her backpack strapped tightly around her shoulders.
My foot then came down harshly as I purposefully stepped on a branch so she would hear me behind her. She whipped her head around as soon as the sound registered, with one of her knives raised, looking around on high alert. Her eyes scanned all over the trees, but she was unable to see me in the dark as I had apparently hidden myself well. I found myself huffing out a breath before finally stepping closer so she would be able to spot me clearly. Her eyes then landed on me immediately after that, her face dropping as she slowly lowered her knife and sighed to herself.
"What are you doing here?" she asked me.
I scoffed, "What am I doin here?" I asked, "I get a letter from ya, sayin yer just takin off and you didn't expect me to come after ya?"
She looked at me for a long moment, before uttering another word, "I have to leave Daryl, you know that."
"Nah, I don't know that. Make me understand, why do ya have to leave? Why now after everything?" I asked.
"I have to leave because I don't want to watch anyone else die. I can't." she frowned, tears now forming in her eyes.
"But that's a part of life, whether it's the end of the world or not, yer gonna lose people. Yer actually losin them all in one go right now, do ya realize that?" I asked.
She immediately shook her head, "No, that's not the same thing. At least I know you guys are alive."
"Well, what's the point if we're alive or not, if you ain't ever going to see us again anyways?" I asked with edge to my tone.
I didn't want to get upset with her. But she hurt me by leaving, thinking I was just going to shrug it off when in reality, she clearly didn't know a damn thing about how I felt. She just stood there for a few moments in silence, like this had turned into some kind of face off and her move was the next. A part of me was just waiting for her to run, but she didn't. She stayed perfectly still in the same place as her tearful eyes never broke away from mine.
But she eventually sighed to herself with a shake of her head, finding the right words, "I'm sorry I hurt you, I can tell just by the way you're looking at me. But you have to understand I-" her voice cracked, and the tears started to roll down her cheeks, "I can't watch you die too." she finished with a whisper, as if she was terrified to say it out loud.
My face softened almost on instinct hearing her broken voice, and I took a few steps closer to her. I wanted to reach out and wipe her tears away, hell take all her pain away, but I didn't know if that's what she wanted right now. But she didn't back away from me, which I only took as a good sign.
"I ain't gonna die. I don't plan to anytime soon." I assured her.
"Yeah, you don't plan to, but anything could happen. For all we know, anyone could die tomorrow." she stated.
I stared at her for a few seconds before muttering, "Don't."
"Don't what?" she whispered, tears running down her face.
"Don't go." I said softly.
She looked me in the eyes before hanging her head in defeat with a soft breath, and I could tell she was tired and emotionally exhausted after the day we all had. All I wanted was to reach out to her, hold her close as she cried but I obviously hesitated.
But then suddenly for once, I didn't think. I didn't let my mind linger on the "what ifs," I just acted fast before I talked myself out of it.
I gently grabbed her face in my hands so she would look at me, taking my thumbs and wiping away the fresh tears that spilled down her cheeks. She didn't pull away like I thought she would, but only leaned into my touch which made a warmth fill my chest.
"Please," I spoke quietly, "Please just...just stay."
She looked like she was having an inner debate with herself. I knew deep down I couldn't force her to stay if she really wanted to go, but I wanted to try. My mouth opened slightly to say something else, but the potential outcome made me close it again, fearful of the unknown. There was no going back if I were to say the things I truly wanted to say, but maybe those were the things she needed to hear. The things that would get her to stay.
"Stay...for me." I finally spoke.
Her eyes widened slightly, and I was preparing myself for her to pull away from me, but she never did. Instead, she only started to lean closer, which made my heart start beating rapidly, so fast that I thought she would be able to hear it. My mind was on autopilot as I found myself leaning closer too, her hands came up gently as she placed them on my forearms, while mine still held her face. My eyes flickered down at her lips and then back up at her eyes to make sure she was really okay with this, silently asking permission. To my surprise, she nodded her head ever so slightly, and I hesitated for only a moment, before finally closing the space between us.
It was soft and slow, but soon our lips started to move in sync as she leaned in further to kiss me back. I felt electricity flow through my entire body just at the feeling of her soft lips against my own, her hands only pulling me closer. I didn't want to stop, not ever, but I didn't want to push anything either, so I pulled away after a few seconds, resting my forehead on hers with a wide grin on my face.
"I'll stay." she whispered against my lips before kissing me again.
I smiled into the kiss, moving my hands down to her waist, pulling her impossibly closer to me. Her arms wrapped around my neck, starting to tug a little at the hair on the back of my head, the feeling practically ignited my body on fire. At first, I could've sworn that this was a dream, but once I felt her touch, I knew that it wasn't. It couldn't have been.
I had never felt these things for anyone before, but I'm just glad I was feeling these things for her. In the back of my mind, I knew I wouldn't feel this way about anyone else because how could someone be more perfect than her? It wasn't possible. And her saying just those two words to me, made me happier than I ever thought I could be.
She then broke the kiss after a few long moments, with another smile on her face, "I didn't think you felt the same way." she breathed.
I gazed down at her and only chuckled quietly, "Woman, you have no idea." I spoke, causing her to smile bashfully as I pecked her lips once more before saying, "C'mon, let's head back."
She nodded her head and pulled away from me, slowly grabbing a hold of my hand and intertwining our fingers together. As we walked back, we started talking like normal to fill the silence, teasing each other a little bit about whenever we would get nervous around each other before. And I was pretty sure I had never been happier.
When we started to see the house coming into view, I suddenly stopped as I saw the group standing around the house, pulling her to stop with me. She looked at me confused and I only hesitated for a moment, not fully sure how to say what I wanted to say. I didn't want to hurt her, but I didn't know if I was comfortable telling the others about our relationship yet. Wait, were we in a relationship? I had no idea, but all I knew is that I wanted to take things slow, to make sure I didn't mess anything up.
"What's wrong?" she asked me in a soft voice, brushing her thumb against the back of my hand.
I shook my head quickly, "Nothin, it's just..." I trailed off, not looking at her.
I then felt her give my hand a gentle squeeze, causing my eyes to look back down towards her, "Talk to me." she said.
I sighed, "I dunno how to say this. I don't wanna hurt ya or anythin."
She smiled sweetly, "Daryl, you're not going to hurt me, just say it."
I sighed again and nodded to myself,  "Okay, uh... I wanna take this slow, and um... I dunno if m' comfortable with showing off... whatever this is."
To my surprise she let out a small laugh, shaking her head lightly, "That's it? Daryl, it's okay. If I'm being honest, I don't really know if I want to show off well...whatever this is to the group either."
I let out a breath of relief and squeezed her hand. She then let go after a few seconds, "I'm just going to go put my backpack in the tent and I'll meet up with you, okay?"
I nodded my head and watched her smile at me once more, before turning around fully to walk off. My eyes lingered on her figure for longer than they needed to, but I couldn't seem to look away even if I tried. Though once she was finally emerged into the darkness, I began to slowly make my way over towards the others. I couldn't believe any of that just happened, wanting to convince myself that I was still dreaming somehow, but oh it very real.
As I got closer to the group, I saw most of them standing outside the house arguing with each other. I stood off in the back, not saying anything as I listened and watched everything go down. Apparently, the guys weren't back with Hershel yet and Lori had gone after them, crashing a car and almost getting herself killed in the process. I thought that was a stupid move but I still didn't say anything as my arms crossed over my chest.
"Hey, what's going on?" I heard Rose ask, her figure coming up to stand next to me.
I couldn't help but smile down at her when she walked over, watching as her brows furrowed more with confusion as she listened. I kept my eyes on her while she got filled in on everything that had happened since we were gone, before suddenly feeling someone staring right at me. My eyes glanced over to see Dale looking at me somewhat knowingly, with a smug expression. I just glared back at him, and he raised his hands in surrender, but still didn't wipe that stupid smile off his face.
"Look, I had to get you back here, okay?" I heard Shane snap at Lori, "I will go look for them, I will go after them. We just have to make sure you're okay, alright? Gotta make sure the baby's okay." he suddenly spilled.
My eyes got wide when he said that, looking over at Rose who didn't look the least bit surprised as she too heard the news. She made eye contact with me and just shrugged her shoulders, showing me that she already somehow knew about it.
"You're having a baby?" Carl asked her in shock.
Lori didn't say anything, utterly speechless, but Andrea quickly stepped in "Let's get you checked out, okay?" she said softly as she led the woman into the house.
Almost all of them made their way inside after them, clearly wanting to know more, but Maggie surprisingly hung back. Her eyes panning over to Rose as she looked over at the two of us expectantly, her eyes full of suspicion.
"Where have you been?" she asked worriedly.
"Oh, I was... just out hunting." Rose replied quickly.
"In the dark?" Maggie questioned.
She nodded slowly, "Yeah, I just needed some quiet." she said simply.
"Oh, okay so where's the meat?" Maggie asked as her eyebrows pulled together.
Rose stood there for a second dumbfounded, "I didn't catch anything, kind of a waste of time." she finally said.
Maggie glanced over to me and then back to Rose before I heard a small "mhm" from her. I felt my cheeks get hot as her gaze was intense on us, but she didn't say anything else as she turned to head into the house as well. Once she was finally out of earshot, I then looked over at Rose with my eyebrows raised, seeing a nervous smile make its way onto her face.
"You went huntin? That's the best ya got?" I asked playfully.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Would you rather me say, "Oh sorry Maggie, I was trying to leave the group and then Daryl came, we made out, and then I decided to stay," is that better?" she asked with a hand on her hip.
I smirked at her, "Nah."
"Yeah, that's what I thought." she muttered before turning around and starting to make her way back towards the tent for the night. I had almost forgotten how late it got, but I soon followed close behind her, feeling the tiredness slowly taking over.
Once we both got inside, the two of us separated onto either side of the space, getting on top of the sleeping bags for the night. I laid down on my back with a groan, staring up at the ceiling momentarily before I subtly glanced over at her again. She too was laying down on her back, her eyelids falling more heavily with exhaustion, but she still could not have looked more beautiful.
My mind thought about moving over and wrapping my arm across her shoulders to sleep, but I made no effort to move. Apart of me was still fearful, even after the both of us confessing the feelings we felt for one another, that she would still move away to have her own space.
A quiet sigh left my lips as I debated back and forth in my head, but apparently it wasn't as quiet as I thought as her head turned towards me in question.
"What?" she whispered quietly in the dead of night.
I shook my head, "Nothin." I muttered as I glanced back up at the ceiling, avoiding her eyes, "Yer just...a little far away, that's all."
My eyes stayed firmly in place as I tried my best not to look back over at her, the fear of rejection still creeping up the back of my neck it felt like. But then I suddenly heard her let out a small laugh, before there was some shuffling like she was scooting closer to me. I then felt her presence only inches away from me now, her head falling on my chest gently as a smile was brought to my face at her actions.
"Is this better?" she asked sarcastically.
I hummed a response as I nodded, not that she would be able to see, before resting my chin on the top of her head. I held her tightly to me as I rested my eyes, content with the contact though I was nervous I wouldn't be. It was a nerve-racking thing for me to admit out loud, but I hadn't felt such a gentle touch before hers, and I was nervous I wouldn't be comfortable with it because of the past. Yet somehow with her, it was different. Almost as if I craved it.
But my eyes popped back open as a thought entered my mind, not wanting to breeze over the fact that Shane announced something worth talking about for more than five minutes.
"So, ya knew Lori was pregnant?" I asked out of the blue, glancing down at her now.
"Mhm." she hummed as she moved to look me in the eye, "Glenn told me the same time he told me about the walkers in the barn."
The second our eyes locked, I became very aware of how close our faces were now and I tried to swallow whatever nerves I still had. Not being used to something like this. Though she noticed quickly and had a smirk on her face before leaning up and placing a gentle kiss on my nose. I felt my heart leap in my chest, and she laughed quietly to herself at how red my face probably was.
I tried to recover quickly, clearing my throat a little before asking, "Well, do ya have any more secrets I should know bout?"
She thought about it for a second before a small smile returned to her face, "I like you. Have I told you that?"
Another familiar warmth filled my chest as I watched her eyes sparkle, "Yeah." I muttered, "I think you mighta mentioned it." I smirked before leaning in, placing another kiss on her lips.
She hummed in content, kissing me back for a few seconds before pulling away and resting her head on my chest again, closing her eyes. Before I knew it, her breathing had changed and I knew she was asleep within merely minutes. But I just sat there thinking, no longer as tired as I was before.
Today was a shitshow, but also a pretty great one too. I thought to myself, if I didn't have Rose with me right now, I didn't know how well I would be handling the loss of Sophia. But she somehow helped keep me keep my head attached to my shoulders, and that's exactly what I needed. Just her.
~ Thanks for reading!
(They’re finally together ahhhh)
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a-aexotic · 2 years
pairing. rafe cameron x fem!reader requested? yes no
warnings. angst, kinda toxic relationship, usage of coke (its obx, what do u except?)
summary. rafe was the sweetest to you but one day, he changes. you can't look at him the same.
taglist. tbd
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
part 2!!
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Rafe had never been more drawn to a person than you. You were the only person to not see him as a narcissistic monster and he was high off of the feeling you gave him. People were convinced he was a monster - a sadist with no regard for people’s feelings or life. 
But that wasn’t the least bit true. He might seem like a big scary man but he just a little boy who misses his old parents on the inside. You were the only person in the world who could see that. You could look him in the eyes and see the most wholesome person in the world and Rafe knew that. 
At first, it was the best time of your lives. It was like the beginning of every horror movie; sunny days on the beach, drinks with his family every Sunday, perfect kisses and special gifts. It felt like a daydream, every day with Rafe felt the beginning of a perfect love story. The type of love that people sing and write about; hopelessly in love with one another that makes you feel like you couldn’t live with one another. 
That all changed one night. 
You’d never been scared of Rafe, not even in the slightest. You’ve always seen him through rose-colored lenses. Rafe was not the same person high, he always acted a little out of the ordinary when he was under the influence. He’d done so much stuff that night and you tried to stop him, but it did nothing but add fuel to the party. 
Rafe was snorting his third line this night and you were beginning to worry. He was not acting the Rafe you knew since you were kids. You sat on the couch, watching Rafe laying his head back on the couch, the white powder evident under his nose.
"Hey, Rafe?"
He hummed in response, sniffing. His eyes were closed and you were pretty sure he was falling asleep. Before you could finish one of his friends sat on the couch, catching Rafe's attention. He turned to him.
"Okay, let's do one more line." He started taking out the white powder before you spoke up.
"Rafe, haven't you had enough?"
He finally looked back you, his eyes red from everything he was smoking. "I think one more line is good. Unless you wanna try it?"
You shook your head. You didn't wanna try coke with Rafe right now (or ever). You've seen what that white substance could do, especially to Rafe.
"Oh, the Kook princess too good for coke now, huh?" One of Rafe's friends has voiced whilst the others laughed. Rafe's eyes were planted on you, not relenting.
"Come on, Y/N. Just one line, you don't even have to finish it." Rafe put his hand on yours and you felt him shaking and his usually warm hands were cold as ice.
"No, Rafe, I'm good."
"Come on babe, just one line."
He rolled his eyes, grabbing your head and bringing it down to the table. You immediately pushed him away and your heart was racing. "What the fuck Rafe, I said no."
"Well I-"
You scoffed and got up from the table, walking away. "I'm going home. I'm tired of this shit." You mumbled. The entire table was quiet as Rafe ran after you, his head dizzy.
That was the first night you saw the Rafe Cameron that everyone else sees. He wasn't trying to be violent, you know that. You were still scared shitless, he was acting so reckless. He usually treated you with the utmost care, touching you light as a feather and treating you gently. You didn't know Rafe when he was under the influence, you only knew Rafe when he was sober.
The coke addiction only grew and your patience thinned. It was hard trying to have a conversation with drunk or high Rafe. You tried saving him, you really did. And you knew he loved you, he always showed you it. But you didn't know if you still loved him.
You love sober Rafe and you were starting to see less of him. He loved you wholeheartedly and you knew that, you do too. But nights like those only repeated, him becoming gradually more aggressive. You hated it because you knew that wasn't Rafe.
As soon as you opened the email from your college, you knew. It was time. You didn't want to leave Rafe but you had no choice now. It was either let him ruin both your lives or just his. You were never a selfish person but you had to do this. For yourself.
Maybe in another lifetime, Rafe and you could live happily ever after. But not this one, right?
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ethanlvndry · 1 year
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Title:Fuck you too.(part 2)
Warnings: kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, toxic relationship, slapping, depression, angst, yandere!ethan, childbirth, you don't feel the sun for a while.
Pairing:Ethan Landry xfem!black!reader
Summary: After your blackout in the Ghostface shrine, you find yourself chained to a pillar in a basement. Are those footsteps, and to whom do they belong?
😨🔪ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ᴠɪ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ🔪😨
You've got to be fucking kidding me. Why do I always have to be the one to get split from the group?
Last thing I remember is Ethan's face changing while my visit started to dim.
Oh shit.
I forgot that I was literally carrying the babies of a vengeful serial killer. I have to get out of here. Who knows when he might come back. My statement is answered with footsteps coming down the stairs, dust falling off of them.
Unclean, dusty, old.
I try to remember what the house is like, so when I escape from this hell hole, I know where to direct the police. As the door opens, I pretend to be asleep, laying on my side with the less injured shoulder and avoiding my stomach.
I hear a sigh. The footsteps are coming closer. I hear a sharp whip-like echo resounding through the basement.
My hand finds comfort on my cheek that suffered the impact. My eyes start to water, and my lips start to quiver as I look up and I'm faced with...Ethan.
"Don't try and trick me, I'm already not in a good mood."
I'm at a loss for words and can't even get a whimper out as he unlocks the chain and drags me up the stairs. My legs dragging over a few screws and nails.
"You fucker! You're hurting me!"
"You should watch your mouth, considering how you don't know where you are or how to defend yourself."
I realize he's right and opt to keep my mouth shut as he leads me higher up the stairs till we're in front of a door. He pushes it open to reveal..a normal looking bedroom? It's kind of crazy, considering how he's a literal killer, but whatever.
He goes to sit on his bed, flicking his head up towards me, patting the seat beside him.
I laugh in disbelief at how he really expect me to act like nothing happened. Act like he didn't literally kidnap me. Act like didn't hurt my frie- no family.
"Go to hell you motherfucker.
He scoffs at my vulgar language.
"I didn't do anything wrong [name]... it was that bitch, Sam-"
"Richie fucking deserved it! So did your little slut sister, and your pathetic excuse of a father!"
He gets up, faster than I can blink. As he gets in front of me, he encloses his hand around my throat and squeezes.
I claw at his hand, trying to get free, but his strength is no match for my weakened, injured limbs.
"My patience is running thin [name]. Don't run it out. I don't want to hurt you or the baby."
He finally let's go, and I crash to the ground, trying to catch my breath.
"It's two, you asshole."
I gasp for air again.
"It's twins."
His face morphs into one of shock at first, then to a sly smirk.
"Guess you'll be eating for two, then."
"Yeah, when I get out of here."
He laughs in disbelief at my statement. He was literally clutching his stomach.
"You really think starving yourself is gonna get you out of here. I thought you were smart [name]. If you weren't smart, I wouldn't have fallen in love with you."
"Damn. Really wish I was stupid now."
He rolls his eyes.
"Whatever, just get on the bed. I need to keep an eye on you because clearly you haven't earned my trust yet."
I stay where I am, tense, but steady. He raises his eyebrows at my act of resistance before he latches his arm out and onto my arm.
"Wait!- I need to take a shower"
"Awww, does momma bear wanna take a shower with me?" He taunts
I hold myself back from flicking him off
"I need to wash and brush my hair. So I don't know if you're up for staying in the shower for 2 hours."
"You don't know how far I'll go for you."
"You're crazy."
"I know love, I know."
He leads me to the bathroom, the comb and hair stuff already set up in the closet. He even got me a bonnet... that looks similar to the one in my dorm.
Fucking creep.
I get shivers just thinking about how easy it must've been for him to get in my dorm. How easy it would've been for him to kill me. I think about the thought more, but then I feel harsher shivers. Those aren't shivers. I think I'm gonna vomit.
I hurry up and hurl myself over the toilet. Barely missing the floor. As I'm throwing up, I start to feel soothing hands on my back while I dry heave all of my stomach content.
I hear slight cooing through the sound of me vomiting. I know that voice. It's the same one that brought me here. Ethan.
Why is he being nice to me all of a sudden. I swear less than a month ago, he was trying to kill me and my family. Does he really want these babies?
My thoughts are interrupted by Ethan setting a toothbrush and a tube toothpaste out.
"After you're done with your shower, brush your teeth. I know you don't wanna sleep like this."
I accept his help and brush my teeth after I take my shower. I walk back into the bedroom to find Ethan on his bed, a book in his hand.
He looks up at me, mouth growing into a smirk. He pats the place by him in bed. I give him an 'are you serious?' Look, and he gives me a 'you know I am' look.
I smile at him walking, towards him just to make a sharp turn on an empty part of the floor and lay down. Faced away from that killer.
I hear him shifting in bed, then a sigh.
"You're gonna end up forgiving me. You know that, right?"
"Fuck you."
He laughs before turning off the lamp. Finally, letting the room morph into a room of darkness.
"Goodnight to all 3 of my babies."
I start to cry once I hear his snoring. Am I ever gonna get out of here. Unscathed? With the babies alive? Gosh, why did I have to go with him to his dorm that night. I was so stupid, stupid, stupid.
I feel my eyelids getting heavy. Sleep starting to overtake me, I let it, though. It's the one thing I can get right now that I need.
It's the third day since I've been with Ethan.
He won't even let me look out a window. Not because he doesn't want to get caught. But because he doesn't want me to escape.
"Ethan, please! I just want to feel the sun again! This might even be hurting the babies."
"No means no, [name]. Quit asking me you're getting on my fucking nerves."
I begin to tear up, my anger getting a hold of me.
"Why do you hate and love me?! You do stuff like kidnap me because you 'love' me, but you keep me from being happy because you hate me."
He whips around so fast, I flinch. But slowly open up my eyes when I feel him embrace me. I try to push him off me, screaming and clawing at his arms, but find myself exhausted.
I let myself fall into his embrace, fall apart. Feel him warm me up from the inside.
God, I'm disgusting.
He tried to kill Anika.
He tried to kill me!
But here I am in his fucking arms. Crying?
Making myself as vulnerable as can be?
Making my babies as vulnerable as can be?
Day 32 of being with Ethan. My bump has gotten bigger. I get tired faster than before, and I have to pee every second. Ethan finally let me go outside. It felt amazing to feel the sun on my freshly bathed skin again. I felt so clean. So happy and energized.
I'm not as easily disturbed by Ethans presence as I was before. He treats me well. He doesn't get as mad at me as Mindy did when I accidentally ran into Anika. Even though I literally broke a vase him and Richie made it when he was in elementary school.
I don't feel as betrayed with him as when I was with the rest of the Woodsboro group. I feel good. Really good, he treats me well, checks up on me. I even get to choose what we can eat on Fridays- Sundays.
Sometimes we go to the doctor outside. The first time we went out, I noticed how the houses were similar to the ones in Spain. I tried to keep quiet about my observation, but when we got home, I let it slip while we were watching Deadpool.
He told me that we were, in fact. In Spain. I wouldn't talk to him for 3 days until I realized I couldn't just live with him and not speak to him forever. That was the worst argument we've had since I've been here with him.
The doctors give me thorough checkups, and Jack is really involved with the babies. I find it cute. I guess I won't be struggling with them by myself anymore.
Day 258
My belly has gotten huge. To the point where I use it as a tray for my food, when Ethan and I have movie night.
Ethan proposed to me 4 weeks ago. I accepted, and I'm so happy that I did. I can finally start my new chapter in life with my husband. I do really well in Spanish. Ethan has been paying for my classes.
The doctor says I'm due in 22 days. But I'm so nervous, I'm not sure if I want it to come. I have to do a C-section. I have to, I don't think I would even be able to do a natural birth with two babies.
Ethan went out today to get some stuff for movie night and his birthday. We wanted to do it only together because we know that all we need is each other.
I've been getting a lot of contractions lately. I have a fear of it being the baby coming, but I brush it off in fear of me jinxing it. But that last contraction was something else. I was on the floor crying for Ethan for 10 minutes. Then, I struggled to get up for 10 minutes.
I feel another contraction, then all of a sudden a free feeling between my legs. I look down to see the floor, and my skirt wet...
I go to the house phone to dial Ethan's number only to find it disabled. Of course, he still doesn't trust me
I try to open the front door open to find it locked shut. Shit I can't do it naturally. I might die!
I cup my hands around my mouth to call for help when another contraction send me to the floor. I clutch my stomach hard.
I then feel something trying to get out of me, I cry from the Neverending pain happening to me. I push as hard as I can trying to make the pain stop. But whatever it is. It doesn't stop. I go through periods of pushing until I'm on my 10th push and something comes out. I look down to see the smallest living thing I've ever seen. A baby. I clutch her to my chest, beginning to cry as I hear her small coos in my ear.
I then feel another sharp pain between my legs, and remember I'm not done.
I place my baby girl down as I brace myself for another round of pain.
I repeat what I did the first time, but unlike the first time, she came out on the 8th push.
I cradle both of my babies to my chest, crying at the sight of them. My two little girls. I begin to stand up only to feel a sharp pain between my legs. I almost fall right down, but switch one of my girls to my left arm. Grabbing on the couch for stability. I waddle over to one of the drawers to get out a fresh pair of clinical scissors out of a bag. I stabilize my hand before cutting off the umbilical cord of one of my girls. I stabilize my hand once again before doing the same to my other girl.
It takes me 20 minutes to get up the stairs. I opened the nursery Ethan prepared for them and went to the drawer with the smallest size of diapers we could find. I grab 2 of them and head to the sink we installed for baths. I place the net that helps them float on and lay them both down. I rinse them down with Lukewarm water and watch them shudder at the new feeling.
I finally lay them on their diapers that are placed on a towel, and fasten their diapers on them.
I feel myself getting tired, so I begin to get them ready for bed. Feeding them, burping them, and laying them down for bed.
I keep myself awake enough to get ready to take a shower. I would take a bath, but I would be bathing in my own filth. I inspected myself to see that there was no ripping. I deem myself safe for a bath and get to washing.
When I'm done, I end up taking my hair out from my 3 month old braids that Ethan helped me do. I didn't have time for my hair when I hit my 7-month mark.
I put it in twist, then wrap it with my satin scarf and finish it up with laying my bonnet on top. I waddle out back to the nursery and watch my girls sleeping peacefully. I smile, but then it shifts to one of anger. What is Ethan doing? He missed the birth of his daughters. The store is quite a good distance away from us, but he usually makes it back faster than this.
I shake my head, then choose to sleep in here tonight, pulling out the trundle bed. And moaning at the feeling of sinking into the cushiony matress. I feel myself dozing off, and i let it take me. Today drained me, but it was fun.
I wake up to the feeling of something embracing me. Water? Hitting my face. I open my eyes to see Ethan standing over me.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there - I saw an old friend and we stopped for a bit to talk. I hurried back here as soon as I could afterward."
I quickly put my hand over his mouth when I heard my babies move around.
"Shh, you'll wake them up." I whisper
He just looks at me with a teary doe look in his eye, causing me to roll my eyes, and pat the other side of the bed where he quickly moves over to, and spoons me massaging everywhere I'm sore. He whispers apologies into my ears. But stops when I shush him, asking to just be left to sleep.
He listens and massages my torso until I doze back off to sleep.
We had a talk in the morning. Well - more like him apologizing and being my slave, as he should. But I forgave him, and we chose to name our girls Samia and Sa'niyah. The names of my friends back in Woodsboro who helped me through everything.
We took turns on who would wake up in the middle of the night to feed them, but it was mostly Ethan since I did the pumping. We took them to the doctors who not only gave them a checkup, but me too, and found that we were as healthy as can be. And deemed okay to return home.
As I'm feeding the twins, I'm left to think about life back in NYC. We're they trying to find me. Or did they honestly not care about me. Whatever one it was, I didn't care because I'm just fine where I'm at right now. With my family, my husband Ethan Landry, and our daughters. Samia Landry and Sa'niyah Landry.
I'm just fine
Just happy
And Just glad where I'm at.
And nobody will take it from me.
Well, that's done.(or is it)
I actually might end up continuing it. But right now, I don't think so.
But let me know what you guys think!
Taglist:@lauratstrange @sx57
@baby-alien11 @ilovechickenwings @astrelvs334 @alice121804
I put a line through those who it wouldn't let me @.
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thaboah · 2 years
Heimdall headcanons
Well, i'm really bored right now so i'm gonna write some headcanons that i have with this man because... Because I can, and oh lord HE'S SO FINE.
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He has no friends (I know this is pretty obvious but listen) and although he is very selfish to accept it, he sometimes feels lonely.
Because of the amount of time that he spends alone on the wall, he started to talk with himself.
Thúrd one time caught him talking alone in his room, she walked away laughing. Since that day Heimdall only talks alone when his sure he's 100% alone.
He has a great respect and admiration for the all-fathers, he always does everything which is up on his hand to help him.
He kinda needs the all-fathers approval, he does not have anything besides that. I mean, he has no friends, mostly people don't really like him and I don't see him having a great interest in painting, writing or anything apart of doing tasks for the all-fathers.
I think he tried to learn something like painting or playing an instrument. But you know these things really needs a lot of time and practice. Heimdall has the time, but not the patience. When he tries something, he really gets pissed off when he's not perfect at it on the first trial.
When Atreus came to Asgard and he suddenly had all the attention of the all-fathers, Heimdall was really jealous, not mad. He wanted to recieve the same attention as Atreus.
He is a very jealous person, mostly because he is alone and doesn't know how to keep or even make a friend. So if he has a friend, he will probably be very, very jealous with everyone, although if they're only friends.
I'm very sure that he has problems to control his powers, sometimes he can't avoid reading everyone's mind and thats really annoying.
He avoids places with a lot of people because he finds overwhelming when he hears a lot of people thoughts at the same time.
Sometimes when he is talking with someones he answer to the thoughts of the person, let me explain with an example:
H: That's an stupid question.
X: But I haven't said anything.
H: Then, that's an stupid thought.
He has normalized this situations in his life but he really hates when it happens.
He doesn't really care about what others thinks or says around him, he doesn't overthink everything because he finds it usleess. Why he should care about others stuff?
Done! I spend half an hour writing and trying to not make so mucho mistakes. I'm sorry if something is bad written i'm really trying my best. 🥺
Aaaaaand I don't know, I hope you like it, let me know! And if you didn't like it... Let me know what i should improve!
Have a nice day! <3
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axailslink · 2 years
Too Cute
Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: Riri decided to wear a really showy top on your date night and you go back for your "purse" of course for safety measures.
When Riri leaves the bedroom passing you by her top immediately catches your eye it's flashy and leaves very little to the imagination you honestly don't know if you can really call it a top. Everything about it screams "eyes on me" the sheer look it has to it the reflective stones that are barely covering her nipples. "You going out like that?" She nods as she rearranges the top and you're watching intently wondering if she moved quick enough if her nipple would slip "it's cute?" You look her up and down and cock your head "yeah it's real cute...too cute" you place a quick peck to her lips and leave for the bedroom door as she leaves for the door. You go into your bedroom and open your closet "where is it..?" When you open it you grab your gun and take a quick glance at it you grab your black purse and stuff the gun and your wallet into it. When you get in the car with Riri she glances at your bag "you grabbed your purse?" You nod and smile "absolutely with you dressed like that I need my purse" Riri sighs obviously not okay with any of this at all "don't you say a word Miss. Ironheart you protect the people I protect my girl we good?" Riri can't help but crack a smile when you say "my girl" she nods slowly "your girl?" You nod and peck her lips "yep my girl all mine." Riri pulls you to her by your chin and you smile ear to ear "you could always leave it..." You think about it and sigh "babe it's a just in case factor I'll leave it in the car if you want but I'm not going to tell you I'm not gone take it because have you seen yourself right now? You look good" you hum and look her up and down. I mean so good like I could really do a lot right now we could go to the club and I'd just pull you in the back seat."
Riri laughs "oh so I look that good?" You nod "yeah baby you look that good but I know you taste better" Riri shakes her head "drive before you start some you can't finish" she lets her thumb run over your bottom lip and you smile "you saying that but you're the one touching on me you tryna start some you can't finish." Riri laughs and gently grabs your purse from your hand "you aren't going to need this tonight I promise." You smile at her and take it back "we will let the night decide what I'll need can we do that baby?" She shakes her head and takes the purse once again straight facing you daring you to test her patience.
"Okay okay but if some big Dbo looking motherfucker try and kidnap you I will leave you by yourself. You better pull a Ironheart and fly the fuck out of there because you will be left with no protecti-" Riri is quick to kiss you putting an end to your rambling you hum into the kiss gently grabbing her throat "damn you are great at that" she smiles and shakes her head "you must have forgotten I'm Riri Williams and Ironheart I know how to protect myself." You laugh sarcasm laced in your tone as you do so "yeah you definitely know how to protect yourself. Anyways Miss Ironheart let's go before I change my damn mind." Riri gently tosses the purse in the backseat while you start the car. Riri can wear whatever the hell she wants because who gone tell her she can't? She's 5'1, quick to anger, and she knows how to use your gun as well as you do she can definitely take care of herself but you will always have backup for when she's feeling a little "too cute."
A/n: Felt like I needed to post something because well I'm usually really active on the weekend and this weekend I just couldn't do it I had to do a lot of packing, moving and then unpacking to do and I still do. I'll show y'all the house when we get fully situated. Anyways enjoy this for now.
@rxcently @doms-fav
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usmsgutterson · 1 year
Hello !! Could you write platonic Matthias x squaller reader where they grew up together and were best friends until the reader just disappeared. Years later Matthias finally reunites with the reader who’s now working with the crows. They explain that they ran away due to the fear of being a grisha in fjerda and because they couldn’t bare the thought of Matthias finding out and turning on them. Thank you <3 - 👾
Lost- Platonic! M.H x gn! squaller! reader
Hi, purple alien emoji anon! Thank you for sending this in--I don't write for Matthias very often so getting the chance to do was definitely a bit of a treat!
On another note, though, requests will close around the end of this week! I have the close date for thursday right now but I'm leaning more toward friday because it feels more uniform in my brain so yeah! Send in anything and send in as much as you want--I've finished up with the first draft of my current WIP and I have been itching to focus on fanfic writing again
Fic type- this is hurt/comfort! There's a bit of an angstier element here too, though, and it does get a bit fluffier near the end
Warnings- death is mentioned a bit, burning bodies on a pyre is mentioned a few times, there's a mention of dying in the permafrost (it's not directly referenced--matthias calls it losing the reader to the permafrost)
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As Matthias Helvar approached the top of the Ferolind, his eyes keenly watching the crew he'd been broken out of prison to join, he found himself listening to a voice that sounded all too familiar--much too familiar for his tastes.
It was the voice that had belonged to you--the person who had once been his best friend. How long had it been since you'd last seen each other? Two years? Three? Matthias had lost count.
He'd not seen you much in the heist, which confused him, but he was glad that all was said and done regardless. All of it was exhausting, and trying to help Nina as she went through everything with the parem was turning out to be exhausting still, too.
His hands had been freed of the shackles they'd once worn, but still he rubbed at his wrists in something that almost felt a little like habit.
He looked in the direction of the sound of your voice hesitantly--carefully, as you gave a response to Kaz regarding something about something else. Matthias barely cared to listen when Kaz was speaking with regards to anything other than Fjerda or the letter declaring Matthias' freedom, so he'd missed out.
You were manning the sails and keeping the crew forward moving as you left the icy waters of Fjerda behind you and escaped on the tail end of disaster. It was a relief that was palpable--everyone was feeling it as they all stood in various spots on the deck.
"I think I'll be sleeping until we get to the harbor once we've reached Ketterdam waters, honestly," you said with a laugh. "I've only really been able to practice this stuff for two years--I'm not nearly as talented or as comfortable in my small science as someone like Nina might be. I thank you for your patience."
Kaz only waived a dismissive hand. "I'll bring you a bit of coffee--Inej says that Specht is brewing a pot in the lower levels."
Matthias watched you grin, watched you watch Kaz walk away. Your gaze turned to Matthias and you jumped, causing the sails of the boat to ruffle.
"Is this real?" Matthias asked. "I'm not seeing the ghost of my childhood best friend, am I? I know that being around this bunch might bring me a bit of mild hallucinating, but there's just no way. It makes no sense."
You sighed, glaring at him just a bit. "Druskelle," you said. "I've thought about this moment a lot since everything happened. I've tried to figure out whether the emotion I felt in the regard of the thought was excitement or anxiety. It seems I've found myself within a lethal mixture of both."
"I thought you were dead," Matthias said. "For two years, I have thought you died, Y/N. What happened? Why did you leave? Grisha have save spaces in Fjerda. Dozens of them according to the networking that I saw before prison."
"Thats completely irrele--Matthias. Druskelle are in Fjerda," you said. "Being Grisha in Fjerda is dangerous because in Fjerda you are not the blessed like the Zemeni believe; your small science is not considered a gift, not treasured or celebrated like it is in most Ravkan towns. In Fjerda, if you are Grisha, you are the wicked; your death is celebrated, not your life, when they put you on a pyre and burn you for the misdeed you committed by existing. The things that you saw before you were imprisoned were not real. They were fake networks to get Fjerda to attack it's own military bases in the assumption that Grisha were waiting close by. I couldn't--once I realized that I was a squaller I left. I went to Ketterdam and I found myself in the Barrel, and here we are now."
"You didn't just leave," Matthias said. "You disappeared. I thought you had died, that something had killed you."
"You had joined the Druskelle when I decided it was time to go," you said. "I thought you would've hated me for the fact that I am a squaller. You were my best friend, Matthias. I couldn't bear the thought of it but I couldn't figure out how to leave so I thought that I should just go. Go before I could register that I had left my life behind."
"You thought that I would turn on you?"
"You had just joined the ranks of the Druskelle," you said, turning finally to spare him a glance. "Am I really the one who is to be blamed for such a thought process when you joined the largest organized group that remains actively hunting Grisha down, burning them on pyres in false trials, and leaving the bodies for their families to find?"
Matthias silenced himself. You made a good point.
He stayed with you on the top of the Ferolind for a long while, neither of you saying much of anything as Matthias took to watching the sky as the sun began to set and the stars that lit the sky up began to show themselves.
"If it helps," he said. "I am glad that you survived. I do not know what I would've done had I gotten word that you'd been lost to the snow and died amidst the permafrost."
You grinned. "I'm glad you're still kicking around," you said. "I bet Nina is, too, the way she looks at you."
Matthias gave a shake of his head and the silence settled again, though that time it was plenty more comfortable to stir in than the first.
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therealityhelix · 1 year
Shards of the Nexus: Regression Engine
There's a reason he wanted to be somebody else.
Takes place before Seeker and Seer.
Warning! Bit of nasty language. Also, this is a long one.
@cardwrecks @captainbaddecisions
Song: Don't Let Me Get Me-P!ink
The alcohol both numbed and lifted him, blending with the thrumming music to create a fizzy, dizzying sensation in his head. The dance floor spun along with him, the lights a spangling rainbow in the dark. A writhing human ocean of bodies and hands pressing against him, a hundred clashing perfumes and colognes rising to the ceiling, buoyed on a cloud of sweat.
Swag loved this feeling.
Tonight, the dizziness wasn't a release, it was just disorientation, and he wobbled across the dance floor, to wind his way upstairs. On his way there, he somehow latched arms with a few people, who ended up in his room with him, but he didn't have any complaints. And he made sure they didn't either.
When he dragged himself out of bed in the morning-well, midmorning-well, noon actually-only two of them were still there. He hoped the others hadn't fucked with any of his stuff on their way out, but his reputation still held on enough that most people didn't.
He was well aware that a lot of the people who found their way into his bed were in it for the thrill of who he'd used to be. The challenge, the bragging rights, the curiosity. Whatever. He didn't mind; he got to have a good time too, after all. Most of them didn't stick around for long afterward though.
These two, however, seemed to at least want breakfast.
“So big boy, you as good in the kitchen as you are in the sheets?” one asked.
His laugh was rough with sleep and residual alcohol.
“Unfortunately, no. I put all my extra points into my hips, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh, I do. That's okay, I can throw us something together. How d'you like your eggs?”
“Scramb-” he began, cutting off as he noticed her face fade from flirty, to frightened.
“What the fuck is that?” she whispered, pointing to one corner of his bedroom.
An anomalous form hunched there, pale gray and shifting, just barely humanoid. One of those damn wizard aliens! He didn't have much patience for these things.
“i'm curious about you”
Its voice slithered into his mind, nothing more than a whispered breath, as lacking in detail as its blank face.
“The feeling ain't mutual. Now scram!”
“Is it talking to you?” the other one asked, both partners taking shelter behind him. He glanced back.
“Hey, don't worry, okay? It's weird, but it'll be all right. Hey, you're freaking out my guests! Beat it!”
“i'm curious about how you were once one way but are now another way
how is that
humans can't really change so how are you doing it”
“Man, it's a long story, and I don't really feel like telling you. I just decided to, okay?”
“just decided to act differently and dress differently and be different
what part of it allows you to be different”
“The indomitable human spirit and my slammin' fashion sense. Go away.”
“ah your 'swag' as you humans put it
what a quaint concept
all that garish color and pointless detail
what if you didn't have that”
“Then I'd be naked.” Swag sneered. “Well...more naked.”
“then I expunge your 'swag' and all it entails
i want to see what will happen”
“Bro, that is so fuckin' stu-”
Magic flipped him inside out like a photo negative, a spool winding backwards. A spurt of malevolence splashed though his veins, making his fluffy bathrobe uncomfortably hot. He tore it from his thin form, and dropped it on the ground. Everything in the room felt wrong. Stifling. Everything was so...so fuzzy and soft, so clogged with dust, the perfect home for mites and allergens, and who knew what other kinds of potential pests and infestations?
It wasn't just the clothes. It wasn't just the clothes that made him who he was, it was the attitude, the demeanor, the coping mechanism he used to direct his mind away from its old paths. The Gray had lumped everything under the umbrella term of 'swag' and snatched it all away.
And who was he without that?
He knew. Unfortunately, he knew.
His sideburns itched, unnecessary, extraneous growths that served no purpose but to gather dirt. Everything was dirty; when was the last time anything in here had been cleaned?
“Eddie? Baby, are you okay?” One of the strangers placed their hand on his arm. He shoved them away immediately.
“Don't touch me!” he shouted, eyes wild. “You're filthy! All of you are covered in disease! Don't-”
They recoiled in fear.
“Fuck. Sorry. S-sorry, I didn't mean that.” he stammered, battling back a flood of anger and disgust. “Sorry, just...just don't touch me. You should...you should probably leave.”
“What happened?” the other asked, reaching out. “Do you need help?”
“Get out!”
He shoved them again, and this time, he didn't feel nearly as sorry.
They ran from him, but it didn't matter.
He needed to go check his cameras.
Something was wrong. Something was wrong.
It scuttled up the back of Detective's scalp, ruffling hairs along the way.
Something was wrong.
They hurried into their study, snatching up a small velvet bag along the way. Seating themselves at their antique leathertop desk, they lit a candle. They stared into the little flame, breathing deeply to push back against rising panic.
Once they had regained control, they opened the velvet bag, removing an ornate tarot deck.
What was the universe trying to tell them? They asked the cards while shuffling, slipping out three, and spreading them out on the desk.
The Five of Cups. The Tower. And off to the side, Temperance, reversed.
Regret. Failure. Terrible upheaval. And...
They had to go find Swag. Something was wrong.
The world of the Question Mark shimmered at the edge of their vision. Swag. And danger. A faraway figure out on the horizon.
By the time they realized they were walking, their feet had already taken them to his doorstep.
Inside, everything was quiet and still. Detective heard muffled voices, and followed them to their source.
Swag perched on a chair in the kitchen, sketching on a roll a paper spread over the table.
“Crushing is always such a fun possibility.” Arkham's voice floated, tinny and harsh, from Swag's phone. “The walls closing in, just slowly enough that the victim can see what is going to happen, and panic at their own helplessness. The desperation. The inevitable ending. Such a good time. Well, when you're on the outside anyway. I have some of the parts you might need, if you feel like swinging by.”
“Hm. Not a bad suggestion.” Swag said. “But you'll forgive me if I don't jump at the opportunity to make myself vulnerable in somebody else's lair.”
“Will I?” Arkham said. “I suppose I will. Just this once.”
“Poisoning, perhaps.” Swag mused. “Something slow-acting. Pose the riddle and watch their terror grow as they begin to drop on the dance floor. If someone solves it, they get the antidote, but only the one who answered. Make it competitive.”
“Desperation and selfishness. A delight. But I thought you wanted blood?”
“Perhaps more metaphorically than literally, but I certainly wouldn't mind. Actually, there's enough space in here that I could put together a whole gauntlet without much trouble. I think I'll do that.”
“Swag?” Detective asked, worried. This kind of talk was...uncomfortable.
Swag held his hand up in a silencing gesture.
“How do you keep an idiot waiting?” he mumbled.
“What was that?” Arkham asked.
“Nothing to worry about. An interruption has arrived. I'll see to it.”
“Shall I call back?” Arkham offered.
“I think not. It's not that your company is unpleasant or anything, it's just that I know you're trying to distract me, and I'm not inclined to let you continue. Clever attempt though. I'm sure we'll cross paths later.”
Better hope not.” Arkham said, and they both laughed. Swag hung up the phone.
“I'll tell you later.” he finished the riddle, a drawl of challenge in his rolling tone. “So. You.”
“I can't help but feel as though you are on the edge of doing something you might later regret.”
“Something you might regret perhaps, but I'm feeling better than ever.” Swag asserted, holding his arms out wide. His eyes held no happiness that they could detect, just a manic sort of fervor. “I'm leaving behind all of my guilt and anxiety, ditching the false face. I'm letting that moron die and rising back up from the ashes. Call it an act of self care.”
“I shan't.” Detective said. “The Swag I know-”
Swag slammed his fist down on the table. Detective flinched.
“You never knew me.” he growled. “All you knew was a mask. A fucking jester. A coping mechanism that rose as a defense to too much thinking. He was, by nature and by design, my lesser.”
“He is loved.” Detective insisted. “What has brought this on? If you were truly so dissatisfied with things, why not speak with us about it? It's terrible to see you like this.”
“You will learn to like it!” Swag snapped. “Just like everyone else. Honestly, you act like I've killed somebody's best friend...which I have. Just not today. Not yet.”
“I will not allow-”
“It isn't your choice.” Swag cut them off. “Really, this infatuation of yours is pointless. Don't mourn that disgrace, Detective, welcome his restored superior! And also, leave. I have work to do.”
“Swag-” Detective stepped forward, stopping abruptly as the tip of Swags pen came up beneath their chin.
“Think you can take me?” Swag asked. “You aren't armed, are you? You don't bring weapons here. Swag's not dangerous, after all.”
Detective backed away.
“I shall take my leave.” they said.
No answer.
“Maybe he didn't hear?” Narci suggested.
“He'd better not be 'occupied'.” Puzzles grumbled, typing into his phone. “He knows we were coming, and I am not playing second fiddle to some floozie.”
He rang the doorbell several more times.
“Come on you strutting voluptuary, don't you dare leave us waiting.”
The door slammed open. Narci jumped. A stranger shoved his head out.
“What do you fucks want?” He snapped.
It was Swag, Puzzles realized with a shock. Clean-shaven and divested of his jewelry, hair slicked back under an olive green bowler. He glared coldly at them, and Narci shifted uncomfortably.
“You, uh, you were going to show me how to rewire an intercom system?” Narci said quietly, staring.
Swag sneered.
“Too stupid to figure it out on your own?”
“No!” Narci protested. “Of course not! You just said you were going to show us some tricks.”
Swag scoffed. He was actually in a suit for once, and...carrying a cane?
Something felt wrong here. Swag wasn't just in a bad mood. He felt different somehow.
“All right, spill it. Something's wrong with you.”
“How about you go fuck yourself.” Swag growled.
“How about I don't, and you tell me what's going on?” Puzzles shot back. “What's happened to you?”
“Nothing that needs to concern you. I had a change of heart, nothing more. I'm just trying to get something done, and I am out of patience with these interruptions.”
“What are you trying to do?” Narci asked.
“None of your business. Let's just say that Gotham needs a reminder. They've grown too complacent in my absence. I've been far too frivolous. Well, I mean to remedy that mistake.”
“Wait!” Narci cut in. “I could help you! If you could use another great mind, another pair of hands. We could punish this city together!”
Puzzles glanced aside. Narci had that weird look in his eyes again. The kid just got like that sometimes, like a curious dog, he just wanted to be involved in everything. Puzzles was vaguely aware of his isolated childhood, but there was a time and a place, and this definitely wasn't it.
But Swag-well, not Swag exactly right now, more like Less Swag, Opposite Swag, UnSwag-laughed mockingly.
“You? The constant failure? You're worthless. You don't have the respect of a single member of this wankfest of a Family, and you're going to help me? More like you need me to help you look better. Get lost you over-inflated fuck suit. You too, Autism Speaks, shove off before I bury you both.”
Puzzle's lip curled as Narci drew back, obviously hurt.
“No wonder you wanted to be anything other than this. You're insufferable.”
“Oh no, the twerp doesn't like me, how will I go on with my life? Go cry to mama, and get out of my parking lot.”
The UnSwag waved his cane threateningly at them. Puzzles eyed it cautiously. A Riddler's cane could be a dangerous thing; Puzzles own had a battery powered taser just under the question mark curl, a fear toxin dart in the bottom, and a short blade that could flick out of the side. Swag's preferred arsenal while he was a Riddler was a mystery to the Family.
“Perhaps a calculated retreat is in order.” Puzzles said quietly.
“He didn't have to say it like that.” Narci muttered, but he followed Puzzles away without arguing. “That's not...That's not actually true. I don't always fail. I'm not worthless. That's not true.”
“I'm sure you'll become capable eventually if you just keep at it.” Puzzles said, ignoring the betrayed glance the boy shot him. It was true. For the most part. Not many among them genuinely liked Narci, mostly just tolerating his antics for Nash's sake. Narci did have a lot left to prove, and whining about it wouldn't fix the problem. “More importantly; what's gotten into him? He has never acted that way since I've known him. We've argued before, and I know he is capable of being unreasonable, but I've never felt actually threatened before.” Puzzles mused, Narci sulking alongside him.
“Maybe he's just had enough.” Narci grumbled. “It could happen to anyone. Even m-even him.”
“Enough of what? The man is a bottomless pit of hedonistic debauchery.”
“But he wasn't always like that, was he? He was somehow else before...before all this. Maybe he got tired of people only thinking of him in one way. Maybe he needs to remind people what he's capable of.”
“Doesn't sound right.” Puzzles said dismissively. “But strange things do happen. We should probably let him be until this passes. Come on, we still need to talk about that sapphire heist.”
“I said I was sorry!” Narci groaned. “I just misunder...I just...”
“You were just wrong, and it cost us! Now come on!”
Nash spotted him near a wall panel tugging at a mess of wiring. This place was probably an electrical labyrinth, though maybe not quite as bad as the small lairs and foxholes Nash typically hid out in. Nash knew the Question Mark had once been an old warehouse; refurbishing those into hotspots for the night life was pretty common in Gotham, but Swag had really gone all out. On the inside, at least, it was impossible to tell what the building had once been.
Swag turned to look at him. Was he wearing a hat? That was odd.
Overlying his mind and perceptions, Lust hissed.
Nash stepped back, wary.
Swag smiled lightly, eyes sly.
“Good instincts.” he said. “But it took you just a little too long anyway.”
“Is...is something wrong?” Nash asked. Swag shrugged.
“Not from my perspective. Did we have plans? It doesn't matter, they'll have to be canceled, just like the rest. I find myself unexpectedly busy.”
This...this was wrong. Nash could still feel Lust bristling, able to sense things Nash couldn't, but he didn't need that to know something was terribly off here. Swags clothes...well they were always bright, eye-catching, stylish in a way that was either on the edge of going out of style, or just about to come back into style. Swag lived on the edges, shaped them and was shaped by them, but this green suit, that bowler hat, it was somehow lacking in the vibrancy Swag was known for.
And had he shaved???
Was this the same Swag, or yet another Riddler from another world? Nash knew Swag had been a Riddler, but not during the time Nash had known him. Not during the time any of them had known him.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Some kind of vague being came by and we had a talk. I came to the understanding that things were simply not working out the way I'd hoped. Oh well. I gave it a try, but I couldn't deny my destiny forever.”
“A vague... a Gray? Did a Gray do this to you?”
“A Gray? Can't I make my own mind up? Oh never mind, it doesn't matter. I have things to do.”
He didn't even sound like Swag. The easy-going affectation dropped entirely in favor of a mocking, almost angry tone.
“What are you planning?” Nash asked. He eyed the wires worming out of the panel.
“Grand re-opening tonight.” Not-Swag said. “This place will be filled with the most vapid, frivolous socialites middle class Gotham has to offer. How many of them do you think will make it out?”
A deathtrap. Swag was building a deathtrap. It was wrong. That wasn't what Swag did!
“Will Swag ever come back?”
Not-Swag rolled his eyes.
“He never left. I'm Swag. He's me! Ugh, why did I ever allow anyone to call me that? Fucking ridiculous. The disrespect I allowed...well that's over now. I'm him, he's me, we're the same person. I was always here, I was just wearing a different mask. Trying a different mode of being, but it didn't work. Too fragile a concept to build a life off of. Anxiety, pointless hedonism. No direction. No, I had already found what I was meant to be, no use in denying it any longer. It's time for a comeback. Now, why don't you come over here?”
Nash could feel Lust's denial, and he didn't feel very safe either. He backed up even farther.
“I think I'm gonna go...”
“Get over here, Nash. You won't have to do much. Just be tied to a chair so the others don't keep bothering me.”
“~The doorway over there~” Lust whispered in his mind. “~The worlds are thin there. I can get us through~”
“Come here, you fucking brat!” Not-Swag lunged for him.
“~Run for it!~” Lust screeched.
Nash threw himself blindly through the doorway-
-and stumbled into an entirely different building to sprawl, disoriented, on someones kitchen floor. He heard the patter of footsteps approaching and tried to climb to his feet. They were upon him before he knew it.
“Nash? When did you get here?”
“Oh, Nash! Are you all right?”
They helped him up, arms around his thin shoulders to stabilize him. Puzzles and Narci, their concerned faces hovering close to his. He was safe.
“Swag!” he gasped. “Something's wrong with him!”
Puzzles frowned, Narci's pale eyes slid away from Nash's face.
“We know.” Puzzles said. “We had an unfortunate encounter with him earlier. He was incredibly unpleasant.”
“Don't like seeing him this way.” Narci muttered. “Feels wrong.”
The three of them lapsed into an uncomfortably contemplative silence. They were the youngest of their group, just starting out on a journey that Swag had already ended. Narci and Nash were still figuring what the persona of the Riddler meant for them, and Puzzles only had a few years of experience under his belt. Swag was an odd outlier, but he was still a respected elder by now, at least in their youthful perspective.
And yet this thing that they all wanted so desperately to grow into, felt so wrong on Swag, who actually had once been that thing.
“It was a Gray.” Nash said. “He described it to me. He thinks he's made this decision himself, but it was one of those awful things.”
Puzzles sighed in irritation. “I suspected it might be something along those lines.”
“What's a Gray?” Narci asked.
“You haven't seen them?” Nash was surprised. He thought everyone had to deal with the mischievous creatures. Narci shook his head.
“Count yourself lucky.” Puzzles said. “They're some kind of magical being-yes, I know, but they are.” he insisted at Narci's disbelieving expression.
“They don't have any faces.” Nash explained. “They're all gray all over, and they kinda look like they're made out of slime or fog. They only barely look human. They talk inside your head. They're really creepy. They cast magic on you, like curses. They can make you do stupid things, or change your shape, or...practically anything! It's like they're playing pranks.”
“But they have been known to go too far.” Puzzles said bitterly. “Cause major problems for their own entertainment. Mostly they're just annoying, but they can be downright dangerous at times. The one saving grace is that their magic is nearly always temporary. This UnSwag has an expiration date. He'll go back to normal in a day or two. We'll just avoid him until then.”
“What about his customers?” Nash asked.
“What about them?” Puzzles said. “They can go a few nights without practicing their debauchery, I'm sure.”
“But he didn't close the club!” Nash exclaimed. “He's turning it into a deathtrap!”
Narci gasped. Puzzles stared at the ceiling with an irritated groan.
“Of course he is. This couldn't be easy, oh no, no, no. Instead, he has to go and do something that will get him tossed back in Arkham after the Gray magic wears off. This is why these creatures are so insidious, Narci. Their magic is temporary, but it can have long lasting consequences.”
“What do we do?” Narci asked. His feather light voice was laced with a fear Nash had never heard him express. He understood though. They could lose one of their number over this. One of their special Family. He and Narci didn't really have many people to turn to, and Narci had only recently been getting closer to the older members of the group. A few bad run-ins with Arkham had left him shy and demoralized.
But Swag had always been friendly. Always ready with another chance, even when Narci had been rude, or awkward, or-worst of all-wrong about something. He'd shown the same welcoming face to Puzzles and Nash too, even though Nash was technically too young to be allowed into the club during business hours, and Puzzles...well in the interest of being honest, Puzzles could get pretty rude about things too sometimes. Nash thought it must be a way of protecting himself. Even so, Swag still let him in.
“Well...We're Riddlers, aren't we?” Puzzles mused. “So, we stop him. Before he can kill anybody, and before any vigilantes show up. This is our business. We'll take care of it.”
Both boys nodded, dead serious.
“Okay. Narci, you go try to find YJ. I'll talk to Arkham. Nash, I want you to get Detec-”
“No need.” Detective's voice floated up from Puzzles left arm. “I'm already here~”
Puzzles shoved up his sleeve, revealing the tiny computer strapped there.
“Did you hack my Wrist Buddy?” he exclaimed, irritated and impressed.
“Never mind that. Do let me in. We have something to discuss.”
Grumbling, Puzzles typed a code into the tiny keyboard, and the front door unlocked. Detective entered without further preamble.
They were dressed for business, in a sleek green blazer over gray shirt and slacks, a green derby hiding their vermilion hair. They were even wearing their mask! Nash had never seen that before. They looked...dangerous. Not like the mothering figure Nash had grown to know, but like the debonair villain they had once been.
Narci stared with unabashed awe. Puzzles, on the other hand, crossed his arms and leaned against the counter.
“One would almost think you knew something in advance.” he said impudently.
“I did foresee something happening.” Detective replied.
“Oh, you foresaw it? How inconvenient that you didn't see fit to clue anybody else in!”
Nash squirmed. The Detective had visions. Claimed to have visions, anyway. And while Puzzles acknowledged the otherworldly beings that Nash was friends with, and the Grays with their magic, he did not entirely accept the Detectives oracular assertions.
“I didn't see exactly what it was. You know it doesn't work that way.”
“What a helpful ability.”
“Puzzles, we don't have time for this. Let's argue about it over tea some other time.”
“Yeah.” Narci said disapprovingly. “We have to help Swag. I'll go get YJ.”
“No, dears. I saw this too. YJ is too far away, and Arkham is too curious about the outcome to involve himself. He merely wishes to observe.”
“We'll see about that.” Puzzles typed speedily on his tiny wrist keyboard. “I'll contact him myself...Oh.”
The answer he got pulled his mouth into a frown. Detective cleared their throat.
“As I was saying, I saw something important pertaining to Swag. And then I spoke to him.”
“Odious, isn't he?” Puzzles said at Detective's disgruntled expression.
“Swag made an important decision about where to go with his life, and while it may be different that what you three would do, it was his choice. That has been taken from him, by force of magic, and that cannot be allowed. We make our own fates, and we must support each other in our decisions. We will not allow him to fall. So, suit up dear children. We're staging a coup~”
“How many times do I have to tell you I am not a child?” Puzzles complained, but Nash and Narci were already dashing back to their respective universes, to gear up.
Nash didn't have much; a mismatched thrift store Sunday suit, made for someone much younger than him. A shoplifted self defense keychain he could stab with. A miniature canister of pepper spray. He also had a lockpick that he hid in his department store trilby, and a very sharp hat pin, as well as a pocket knife, a portable usb drive with a deadly computer virus, a set of jewelers tools that he used on wiring, and one of YJ's smoke bombs. Nash tied his mask-just a strip of black cloth with holes cut out-around his head, and returned through the worlds, to Puzzles apartment.
Puzzles had taken the time to gear up as well, in his coveted kelly green suit and brilliant purple gloves. The colors smashed against each other, practically glowing at the edges. The classic bowler perched on his head and sleek mask always made him look older, and Nash knew he had some wicked weaponry hidden away.
Narci didn't have many places to hide things in his form-fitting, hand painted unitard and gymnasts shoes, but Narci carried few weapons or tools. He didn't need them; Narci was actually very strong, and could hold his own well in a fight, all of which was clear by merely a look at him in this getup. Any items he needed, he kept in a slender harness that girded his waist and thighs. He said it was to keep his freedom of movement, and Nash knew he'd been training as a gymnast ever since he could walk, but Nash couldn't help but bashfully notice how the harness accentuated certain of Narci's assets. In fact, the outfit put everything on display, and with his tight black curls, and slim, diamond shaped mask that hid very little of his face, it seemed like Narci wanted to be seen.
He practically posed; shoulders back and chest out, nose proudly in the air. He was only an inch taller than Nash, but seemed much bigger next to Nash's shrinking slouch.
“Have we got everything we need?” Detective asked. All three young men nodded. “All right. You have all been to the Question Mark before. Do you know the internal layout?”
“I've been inside.” Puzzles said. “I know how both floors are laid out.”
“Me too.” Nash added.
“I've only seen the first floor.” Narci admitted.
“All right. So here's what we'll do.”
The crowd outside the Question Mark was thick with people and irony; scattered among clubbers finery were people sporting Riddler costumes-the gallows humor of Gotham. Everyone knew who owned this nightclub, as Swag had not just not hidden the fact, but had actively banked on it.
Puzzles slipped unnoticed into the crowd, making his way up to the front where he immediately picked a fight with the bouncer. The others used the distraction to find a way into one of the areas few surveillance blind spots.
“Do you think you can do it?” Detective asked quietly. Narci scanned the wall carefully, taking in the texture of the bricks, the decorative façade, the bars on the windows, the height of the roof.
“Yes.” he said confidently, and began to climb. Nash watched him scramble up the building, taking out security cameras and motion sensors along the way. His job was to destroy as much of the security system as possible; especially the flood lights on the roof. They didn't move again until Narci had disappeared over the top, then they sneaked along, hugging the wall, until reaching nearly the back of the building.
This area was employees only, and fenced in with tall chain link. Nash was a Gotham youth, and scaled it easily, pausing at the barbed wire coiled at the top. His jeweler's tools included a wire cutter, and after a few tries, he was able to remove a length of the barbed wire wide enough for him to pass through. Back on the asphalt, he began working on the lock. It was good quality, but nothing Nash couldn't pick. Swag was protecting against the basic Gotham punks, after all, not other Riddlers.
In the meantime, Detective had set down their briefcase and opened it, lifting out a honed woodcutter's ax, with a handle wrapped in blue leather.
“It's one of Jervis's.” They said at Nash's stare. “He insisted I bring it with me. It may prove useful after all.”
The lock clicked in Nash's hand, and he tossed it over his shoulder, letting the Detective breeze through the gate. It sucked they had to cause all this damage, but it was better than letting Swag get dragged off to jail just because some Gray thought it'd be funny.
Detective began examining the power meter, but Nash noticed movement and pulled them back around the corner. The two peeked around to see a pair of very tough looking women approach the employees entrance.
“Oh dear.” Detective whispered. “This could be bad. I've seen those two before; they're this worlds Query and Echo. Rotten luck that they'd be here tonight.”
“I'll distract them.” Nash volunteered. Detective grabbed his arm.
“You mustn't try to fight them.” they insisted. “They are very dangerous!”
“I won't.” Nash said. “Just trust me, okay?”
Detectives lips thinned out, but they let go.
Nash stuck his hands in his pockets, let his head droop and walked into the employee parking lot, kicking at a rock.
The women paused. He let just a little bit of his secret power seep out, a supernatural drug that mentally disarmed anyone who looked at him. These two would see whatever it was that would make them most sympathetic towards him.
“Hey, either of you two got two dollars I can borrow?”
“What's the matter kid?” one asked. “Fake ID didn't work out?”
“Yeah.” Nash said sullenly, petulance seeping out of his demeanor. “And my ride says she's gonna stay anyway, and I don't have any bus fare. Can't call my mom to come pick me up; I'd be grounded for a month.”
He'd slowly made his way over to them, acting exactly like a defeated teenager, and both women smiled condescendingly.
“Ha. It was a nice try kid. Here, take this and come back in a few years.”
Nash was just reaching out to take the money, mind whirring on how to continue the distraction, when the floodlights went out.
“What the fu-”
Nash whipped his hand out of his pocket and threw YJ's smoke bomb to the ground. It exploded into a miasma of choking green. Behind him, the sound of metal striking brick as Detective took the chance to shear the meter clean off the wall. The rest of the external lights went dark.
Beside him, something dropped into the cloud of smoke, landing on one of the searching women with a heavy thud. Nash flinched and threw himself through the employee entrance, hoping Narci hadn't killed her with the impact.
He skidded down the hall, hugging the walls, as the sounds of fighting faded behind him. The area was bathed in eerie green, the emergency lighting casting deep shadows.
“Lust, help me hide.” Nash whispered.
“~Of course. Relax yourself and let me embrace you~”
Nash concentrated on relaxing his body through the tickling sensation of Lusts hundreds of amorphous tendrils breaching his skin. They wrapped tightly around every inch of his body, covering him in a smoky bodysuit of shifting shadows.
Now camouflaged, he slinked down the hall and up the stairs, not entering the dance floor. He was sure it was trapped, waiting for hapless revelers to meet their makers. Maybe they deserved it, maybe they didn't; Nash didn't care about that very much, but he knew that Swag would.
He crept along the second story, the darkness itself seeming to muffle his steps. A door banged open, and Nash threw himself into the bedroom doorway, heart in his throat. UnSwag stalked by and down the stairs, grumbling angrily about the power.
Nash skittered into the newly vacated room before the door shut. It was full of darkened screens and neatly lined computer towers, their whirring hum silenced.
Swag had backup generators. Of course he would. He must have. And that's where UnSwag had to be heading. Nash readied his usb drive. The screens flickered back to life, and Nash jammed the usb in. He might only have a few moments.
Fingers flying he unleashed the malevolent little worm of code, then slipped back out into the now worryingly lit hallway. Down the stairs, towards the exit-
Snatched off his feet, and slammed headfirst into the wall. Lust took the edge off the blow, but it still rattled Nash's brain. UnSwag twisted his arm behind him, held him by his hair, and dragged him out onto the dance floor.
“Hey guys! You looking for this? You fucking looking for this?” He shook Nash hard, who squealed under the pressure on his arm. Narci, Puzzles, and the Detective all turned from their positions creeping along the walls in search of traps.
“Lust!” he hissed through gritted teeth.
“~If I do it, he will be harmed! Perhaps permanently~” the demon whispered from within him. “~I can get you free, but he might not recover~”
“Hold off then. We didn't come to kill him.”
“Stop mumbling, brat.” UnSwag growled in his ear. “Whatever code you're trying to use, it won't work. They won't do a thing while I have you. Isn't that right?”
Detective held their hands up, palms empty. Jervis's hatchet was nowhere to be seen.
“Please. There is no need to endanger the boy.” they said gently.
“He endangered himself. He didn't have to throw in with you and invade my home, but he did. He made his own choice. There are consequences for that.”
“Look, we're not trying to hurt you or anything.” Puzzles said. “We're just trying to save you from regrets.”
“Who asked you?”
“You would have, if you were in your right mind. But you are being controlled right now, by one of those gray beings-”
“Wrong answer!” UnSwag snarled, and flung Nash out onto the trapped floor.
The others began shouting. Nash hit a pressure plate, heard it click.
“What.” UnSwag said. Nash rose from the floor, grinning like the devil.
“Oops.” he said. “I think I broke it. Sorry.”
UnSwag shoved his hand into his jacket. Whatever he was reaching for, he never made it. Narci hit him with freight train force, and he went down instantly. Nash winced. Narci never did pull his punches.
The acrobatic Riddler swiftly had UnSwag tied with a cord from his harness. He immediately started wiggling free, so Narci perched on his back and held him down.
“Wow. One punch.” Puzzles sneered. “You are going to be so embarrassed when you wake up.”
“I am already awake!” UnSwag insisted. “Why don't any of you see? It was all just a pipe dream! It was never real. This is who I have always been.”
“Then why is this temporary?” Puzzles asked. “Why did you have to be pushed back into it by force? You know it's temporary, don't you?”
“It doesn't matter! I am who I'll always be! No matter what mask he puts on, I'll still be here. He'll never be rid of me. And what does it matter to you anyway? Why would you go so far to stop me?”
“We are rather fond of our dear Swag~” Detective said. “And we respect the decisions he has made.”
“Why do you like me that way so much? I've made an imbecile of myself, and I'm only trying to rectify that. You three! Isn't this the life you've chosen? And you! You might have retired, but you didn't put your brain on the shelf! All I do as your precious 'Swag', is waste my time with harlots and drink to oblivion. I hate him as me. It was a mistake.”
“You don't see the value in your own choices?” Detective asked. “You've put in so much effort. Do you see what you've built? The people still dance to your tune, it's just more literal this time.”
“Don't fucking start. That shit might work on these fetuses, but not-”
Narci stroked his hair gently, and UnSwag shuddered.
“Don't touch me!”
“Swag is perfect.” Narci asserted. “In a different way from us, yes. But you are wonderful like that.”
“Bullshit. None of us actually get along.” he jutted his chin towards Puzzles. “That little bitch hates everyone. The brat over there can't be trusted. And you...” he bucked, trying to throw Narci off. “Even as that frivolous idiot, I still don't respect you. No one does.”
Narci sighed, and stroked his hair once more.
“I know. But you tolerate me, and that's important too. In time, I'll earn the rest of it. I know how to work hard to become something great. That's why I can't stand to see you like this. All that effort, taken away.”
UnSwag groaned in annoyance.
“So what about the rest of you? Any more pithy speeches before I fade back into featherbrained worthlessness?”
“Two to midnight.” Puzzles said, checking his wrist computer.
“Nothing to say.” Nash added.
“Now we simply wait.” Detective finished.
“Fine.” UnSwag said. “If that's the official consensus. Just know that if this ever happens again, you're all on the list. So nobody better ever bring me back.”
“It'll be okay.” Narci said, stroking his hair one last time. “It'll be over soon.”
“Don't touch me.” UnSwag repeated. “Just...let me sleep, I guess.”
Instead of looming over their defeated foe, Detective, Puzzles, and Nash gathered to sit on the floor next to Narci and UnSwag. He lay quietly, as they all waited together for the last moments of the past to trickle away.
Puzzles wrist computer beeped. Everyone held their breath. If they were right about the temporary nature of Gray magic...
“Hey Narci? You're a handsome young man and' all, but would you mind getting the fuck off? Kinda crushin' my ribcage here.”
Narci hopped off his back immediately. Nash reached out for the rope binding him.
“Wait!” Detective commanded. “Relief cannot be allowed to overcome caution. If you would all be so kind as to move away...”
The young Riddlers drew back.
Detective knelt next to their captive and raised him up by the shoulders. Looked into the clean shaven face, the deep blue eyes, and kissed him, long and deep.
Narci gasped, but Nash knew they were like that sometimes.
“Disgusting.” Puzzles muttered. But when they parted, Swag was smiling.
“Hell of a welcome home. Got any more for me? I'm already all tied up, after all. But we probably better send the kiddies home first.”
“It's him.” Puzzles said flatly.
Nash and Narci cheered.
They untied him, checked him for injuries-Narci had hit him pretty hard after all. Narci apologized endlessly, but Swag waved it off.
“Not like I didn't earn it.”
“Um, can you apologize to the ladies for me too? When they wake up, I mean.”
“N-Nina? And Deirdre? You took them out? By yourself?”
Narci stood straighter.
“Well, Nash dropped a smoke bomb, and I didn't really want to hurt them or anything...but yes. I did.”
Swag patted Narci on the shoulder.
“I'm impressed, kid. Now never ever do that again.”
The young Riddlers didn't stay long; technically it was illegal for Narci and Nash to be in the club during business hours, even if the Question Mark wouldn't be opening tonight. 'Electrical malfunction' they had told the disappointed crowd. But for a while after that, Detective stayed by Swag's side, comforting arm around his shoulders.
“You guys did right.” Swag said. “There's a reason I didn't want to be like that anymore. Like, yeah, that's me, and that's still swimming around inside me. Everything I did, and everything I thought and felt. That's entirely me. But this is also me. This is what I chose.” he stroked his chin. “Ugh, he shaved me. Damnit, that's gonna take weeks to grow back just right. And where are my earrings?”
He got up and began searching around for his jewelry.
“If you are serious about letting go of the past...may I suggest that you actually let go?”
They gestured at the green suit Swag was still wearing. He plucked at the lapels.
“Yeah...guess I've grown out of it, huh. Doesn't fit quite right anymore. I don't know why I kept all this stuff. Contingency, I guess. But...I don't need it anymore. Tell ya what, I'll pack all this stuff up, the suit, the hat, the cane, all of that. And I'll... I dunno. Throw it in the bay. Donate it to a museum. Something like that.”
“I could help, if you like.”
“Nah...this is really somethin' I should do myself. 'Sides, you guys already helped me out plenty tonight. Guess this whole Family business is worth somethin' after all. If you can see me at my worst and still stick around...I dunno, it's giving 'hope for the future', you know?”
Detective stayed the night, just talking while Swag packed, bathed, rested. And though they did see that hope Swag spoke of peeking through as he chattered about future plans, they couldn't help but to let their mind drift to the mystery they knew hung on the horizon.
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Artist: @cardwrecks
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linawritesocs · 1 year
the seth ships guide!
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omg i'm really doing it!! wow!
okay so! if you don't know, i have like. four main ships with seth. bc i'm a multishipper. and bc i'm indecisive.
i used to ship him with some of my ocs at first, like hayden for example, however, now i prefer to see him with canon characters instead (though i still think seth x hayden is cute).
so, i ship him with riddle, neige, rollo and silver. some of these might seem random, but trust me, they make sense to me.
i see them as both separate ships and also like.. just seth's harem. or maybe they even have a potential as a polycule.
in this post i'll share a lot of facts and lore about these ships, why i like them, how does their relationship work, stuff like that! warning: this post is just. pure brainrot.
seth x riddle.
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how they first met:
they first met during the prologue, when seth (+ minnie and grim) arrived to nrc. riddle already knew that seth is going to cause.. a lot of trouble when he saw him, like he could just tell that from the way seth looked and acted. at first he just tried to avoid him, but when he heard seth say "woah, who's that tiny red guy over there?", he lost his patience. he already knew that this boy will just be floyd 2.0.. or so he thought. seth meanwhile just found riddle cute and a little bit weird, but wanted to learn more about him.
how did their relationship go after that:
.. yeah, they did not get along at all at first. not a day passed without riddle lecturing seth and seth annoying him. funnily enough, seth didn't even try to make seth angry, like he was just.. naturally that loud and energetic and riddle couldn't understand why. riddle also found seth not knowing how most things work really strange, like, sure, of course this guy doesn't know how magic works, but he should know that there are four seasons, right? riddle genuinely thought that seth is trying to make him mad on purpose, but seth just managed to run away from his sister, so he really didn't know much about the world.
eventually, even seth himself got tired of riddle's behavior, so at first he supported ace and tried to help other heartslabyul students convince riddle that he should stop being so strict, but he kinda gave up in the end. when riddle overblotted, others tried to ask seth for help, since again, he tried to stop riddle before, so of course he would do it this time too- anyway, seth said no. he just really couldn't see the reason why he should try and help him again. cater made a joke that if seth agrees to help, maybe riddle will fall in love with him because seth would basically save his life that way and after that seth sat there for a minute and then ran outside to see overblot!riddle. and when he saw him, his first reaction was ".. wow, he looks even more pretty like this". and then ace slapped him.
seth is not the "savior" or "unpaid therapist" kind of guy though. he's mean. and rude. and insensitive. so when he found out about riddle's mother, the whole situation sounded very familiar to him because of his sister, but he still continued to make fun of riddle's "mommy issues" throughout the whole fight, mostly to distract him, though that actually made him angrier how surprising and riddle almost killed seth in the middle of a fight because of that. but seth found the whole thing entertaining, which convinced ace that this guy is crazy.. and convinced deuce that this guy is so cool.
after the overblot, riddle found out that seth was there to help too and that riddle could've killed him, he felt guilty and tried to apologize, though it's hard and he still didn't really like seth. he asked what he could do to make it up for him, seth gave it some thought and went ".. i dunno, go on a date with me or something?". after he saw riddle's reaction, he laughed and said that just a small tea party with two of them would be fine.
when did riddle first fall in love with seth:
it was a really slow process, but eventually riddle started falling in love with seth because of the way seth sees the world. he's so curious about everything, he always wants to learn more. even riddle himself couldn't help but get excited when he saw seth running around and his eyes sparkling. he really didn't want to accept the fact that he has feelings for him though, so.. yeah, he needed some time for that it's chapter 7 and he still hasn't confessed
when did seth first fall in love with riddle:
he thought that riddle was pretty when he first met him, but he started to truly fall in love with him as they spent more and more time together. at first it was just "wow riddle-chan is really cool and smart", but it slowly started to turn into ".. w-why does my heart beat faster around him. stop i'm not falling for a nerd". he would actually try to play it cool and make it seem like riddle is the one who's more shy about it even though on the inside seth is also panicking.
who would confess first:
i want it to be riddle, but also. he would not be strong enough for that. so it would be seth. i can imagine the confession being really dramatic, because this is what both of them wanted to say and hear all this time, but i can't deny that i can also imagine seth screaming that during an argument, leaving riddle shocked and running away.
what would their first kiss be like:
it would probably take like. at least three official dates for them to finally kiss, even though seth would try so hard to make it happen earlier. i think their first kiss would happen while they're taking a walk in the heartslabyul rose garden, it's a nice evening and the sun is setting, they're laughing because of something seth said, there's no one else around and then suddenly, seth finally kisses riddle on the lips. the kiss is soft and sweet and even tastes like strawberries because of the tart they had earlier. riddle needs a moment to process all this and his face becomes completely red. they kiss again.
what are their dates like:
riddle prefers places that are more private and quiet and he doesn't want others to see him with seth, though pretty much all heartslabyul students already know about their relationship (thanks to cater). seth would rather like something more fun and even a bit crowded, but when he's with riddle, it's like.. he calms down a little. even seth finds it surprising, it's like riddle is not boring at all and he genuinely finds him interesting, so eventually he stops caring where they go on their next date. they definitely would have a lot of tea party dates, i can totally imagine seth trying to feed riddle tarts and riddle blushing and trying to stop him. also imagine them taking care of hedgehogs together!
random facts:
i just think it's cute that their ghost marriage outfits would have this "red and blue" theme :]
riddle would lose his mind after seeing seth in his halloween outfit. he would try to make seth wear something that isn't as revealing, but seth would just ignore him and go "ohhhh so you like it?". congratulations, riddle rosehearts. you have found yourself in a Situation. if you say yes, your bf will tease you nonstop and you will turn into a blushing mess. if you say no, he will make a sad face and your heart will hurt so much, you'll want to kiss his silly face so bad, but you won't because you're a tsundere and he will be sad for the rest of the day. good luck.
seth would get his own heartslabyul uniform as another gift from riddle for saving him from overblotting. riddle said that seth doesn't have to actually wear it, he just wants him to keep it, but after that seth started wearing this uniform every time he visits the heartslabyul dorm.
seth also asked riddle to do his "heartslabyul makeup" so that he could actually look like a heartslabyul student and at first riddle refused, but the thought of seth and him sharing a dorm made his face feel warmer and.. yeah, he agreed. seth got a little red heart on his cheek <3
seth has never been on a beach before. he didn't even know that sea was a real thing before. ladies, gentlemen and everyone in-between, here you can see riddle trying to stop seth from walking into the sea because this guy cannot swim. it's not something that you can learn to do when your older sister isolates you from the world for many, many years.
seth actually loves to annoy riddle on purpose mostly to distract him from his dorm leader work and also because he wants more attention from him. when seth finally says what he wants, riddle just sighs and goes "you could've told me earlier".
seth x neige.
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how they first met:
so, nrc and rsa rivalry, huh? what does seth think of it? uh.. none of your business~ i feel like by the time chapter 5 starts, he would be very tired of nrc and he would actually want to leave, so.. maybe he actually kinda would want to betray nrc students. they didn't do anything good for him anyway, so why should he try to help them? why should he root for them? why should he care? all of this is so boring and exhausting.. he still tries to have at least some fun with this whole thing, so he jokes that he will try to make their main rival fall in love with him to distract him from winning. he saw photos and videos of neige, he thought he was cute, but seth is also just so overconfident, he actually thought he could try to make a celebrity like him get a crush on him. and then seth met neige in person. and um.. what are you doing, neige, seth is the one who was supposed to compliment you and make you forget about everything, why are you the one doing this now. neige actually thought that seth is really pretty and he asked him if those purple highlights of his are natural and if his eyes really are both pink and green. he liked his style too and he even made a joke about seth looking like a more outgoing version of vil. huh?.. is it just him, or is seth blushing?.. oh, okay, seth has to go now.
how did their relationship go after that:
seth would try so hard to stay calm whenever he sees neige. he tries to act like it's not a big deal, but neige's kind words make him feel so warm and he's not sure if he likes this feeling. it's just so.. weird. he's too used to nrc students not being honest about their feelings, bottling them up, being mean to seth or just not liking him, so neige's sincerity is so.. new to him. he has to learn more about this guy. and no, he doesn't care about how many stans he has.
neige would think it's a bit strange that seth has to stay at nrc and deal with nrc students, even though seth himself isn't sure if he likes nrc. seth also doesn't have that aura of a nrc student.. at least that's what neige thinks because to him seth is like a perfect prince and doesn't have villain vibes at all <3 neige would ask him if he has ever thought of transferring and, um.. seth would just ask him a question as well. "is it, like, okay for me to do that?"
oh, nrc lost to rsa again? omg how sad.. it's not like seth cares that much actually. he thought their song was mid anyway. ivy will kill him if he says it out loud he just knows it he would try to gather some courage to ask neige out even though he knows just how many fans he has, but when neige asks him "hm? did you want to say something? :)" seth starts shaking and stuttering and tells neige to forget about it. that's so pathetic of him..
neige wouldn't just "forget about it" though and he would try to get along with seth and get to know him better, so now seth has a permission to come and visit rsa students whenever he likes. they don't really see him as a nrc student anyway just like seth doesn't see himself as one. neige tells him that if seth feels tired from everything that's going on, he can always think of rsa as his home and the blond boy almost starts crying and when neige tries to calm him down, seth goes "STOP YOU'RE ALREADY TOO NICE"
when did neige fall in love with seth:
he thought seth was interesting right when he first met him, but he started to fall deeper and deeper in love with him as he got to know him. he thought that everything that seth does is just so magical, even if seth doesn't actually have any magical abilities. his art, the outfits he makes, the way he laughs, everything about him is just so warm and he really feels like a sun to him. even if seth is not actually perfect and there are times when there are dark clouds above his head, the least neige can do is to just be there for him when that happens. when seth feels like it's raining inside his head, at least neige can offer him an umbrella.
when did seth fall in love with neige:
i was about to type that it was love at first sight, but it wasn't, since seth fell in love with him only when he actually met the boy and not when he watched videos or movies with him, saw photos of him, etc. seth is not used to people being genuinely kind to him and saying good things about him and he really was afraid of neige turning out to be a liar, but neige reassured him that he really does mean what he says and he really thinks that seth is precious and deserves to be loved and cared for. great, those words of his have just made seth get an even bigger crush on him.
who would confess first:
it would be neige because he really wants seth to know that again, he deserves to be loved and if no one is going to give him that love, then he will. he would make sure nobody sees them or hears them (even though that'd be hard to do considering neige's reputation) and not because he's scared of disappointing his fans, but because he wants to protect seth from them, since he knows that they can be a bit.. um, overwhelming. seth would end up crying in the end and neige would hold him and tell him that it's okay and he can cry as much as he wants.
what would their first kiss be like:
again, it would happen in a more quiet place and again, seth would be the one to kiss neige. as you have probably already guessed, he likes to take initiative. however, in this case seth wouldn't do it to tease him or anything, he really would try to show neige just how much he loves him and how grateful he is to him for everything. that kiss would feel a little sudden to neige, but he would still be happy and say that he was actually kind of waiting for this moment.
what are their dates like:
neige really would need a good disguise if he wants to go somewhere with seth and seth is glad to help, since he has a lot of colored contacts, different outfits and other things. some fans are still able to recognize him though and that's when they have no choice but to run away and hide somewhere and wait until those fans leave. when they finally do, the boys laugh and continue their date. their dates are always very romantic and memorable and they have this really soft and calm vibe (not counting running away and hiding from fans). also sometimes their dates can just be both of them complimenting each other and saying just how much they love each other.. and also neige unintentionally almost makes seth faint because of how cute he is.
random facts:
neige was surprised when he found out that seth's acting skills are actually really good and asked if he has any experience with theater and stuff like that. seth laughed and said that he doesn't know anything about that, he's just a member of the film studies club and that's it. neige decided not to overthink it and just thought that seth not having any experience and still being so good at it means he's just that talented.
seth really likes to rest his head on neige's lap and let him play with his hair. at first he just did it in a playful way, but eventually started to find it very comforting and sometimes, if he does so, it means that he's not feeling so good and needs neige to cheer him up.
seth has definitely tried to paint neige once and neige noticed that seth is feeling a bit anxious about it, so he assured him that he would be okay with anything seth makes, because it still would be something that seth made for him and that's what makes it so special. seth started to feel even more anxious after he heard those words, but he managed to calm down.
i don't think we know neige's official height?.. so i just imagine him and seth being almost around the same height, maybe neige is a little shorter than him.
they're that couple that makes everyone jealous because they are SO CUTE and SO PRETTY and SO AFFECTIONATE with each other.
seth x rollo.
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how they first met:
let me gently guide you to this post to make my job easier and not make myself type the same thing again hdjskslsls.
how did their relationship go after that:
both of them start texting and calling each other and cole is SHOCKED because he has never seen rollo use his phone so often (cole also definitely does the "why are you smiling, is that your crush texting you" thing. almost loses his vp position). seth actually tried to ask rollo out on a date after the ball, but.. he was just so happy to be there with him that he kinda forgot about it. and when he already teleported to nrc, he was like ".. i did ask him out, right. i did confess to him, right." so because of that, it's like.. yes, they're in a long-distance relationship. they don't know if it's platonic or romantic or both.
BOTH OF THEM MISS EACH OTHER SO MUCH IT'S EMBARRASSING. they can't really talk to each other during daytime because of both of them being busy (the prefect and the student council president.. power couple fr) but when it's nighttime. oh boy. seth is giggling, kicking his feet, screaming, not letting anyone in the ramshackle dorm sleep. it's hard for rollo to hide his smile too. they prefer to text (their chats just look like. rollo typing entire essays and seth going "SJSDJAKDSJAJKSJ YOU ARE SO RIGHTTTT". the best thing about it is that both of them are 100% fine with it AND love each other for it. like seth loves to hear rollo's thoughts and thinks he's so cool and smart and rollo finds seth getting excited so easily really cute), but if they can call, they do it when nobody else can hear them or interfere and they find hearing each other's voices very calming.
seth visits rollo as often as he can and rollo always gets so excited whenever seth visits, even though he tries so hard not to show it. he even plans the whole thing out, like, what he wants to show him, what seth might enjoy doing, he makes a whole list of activities for the day and he even gets a little nervous if they can't do one of those things for some reason, but seth just laughs and says he's glad to just spend time with rollo. seth finds many, many things and people in this world boring, but rollo is sure not one of them.
usually it's seth visiting rollo and not the other way around, because if nbc students actually like seth a lot, nrc students.. don't really like rollo for understandable reasons. but seth still insists on rollo coming there at least once and when rollo finally does, he just stays at ramshackle and seth kinda makes him hide there, just because he doesn't want nrc students to say anything bad about his.. friend? crush? boyfriend? he has no idea. and if nrc students do notice rollo and say something mean.. ehehe, well, just a reminder that seth is NOT your average nice and soft game protag <3
when did rollo fall in love with seth:
it was pretty much love at first sight, even though he doesn't want to admit it. he was already interested in him when he first heard about him because of him being magicless and having to deal with.. well, nrc students and when rollo first saw some photos of him, he couldn't help but think that this boy is really pretty, though he quickly tried to ignore the thought and focus on the "i have to steal everyone's magic" part. and when he finally met seth in person.. yeah, he turned out to be even more beautiful than he thought. rollo definitely was surprised when he found out about seth's personality, but as he got to know him better, he realized that seth is much smarter than he looks and that no matter what he says, seth really is kind, he just.. has a unique way of thinking, that's all. when seth and rollo finally got a moment to talk to each other without anyone else interrupting them, seth told him about all the overblots and it basically went like this:
seth: yeah so that sucked but at least i'm still alive, haha. oh, and i also insulted all of them while fighting them, like seriously, you should have seen their outfits. if you're going to have a scary evil transformation, at least do it with style, okay?? and also wtf are those backstories? idc if your older brother is more loved or popular or something, try harder to make people like you then?? haha anyway what do you think-
rollo: o-oh, i'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through that.
also rollo: *thinking* "i want to kiss this man right here and right now and i want to spend the rest of my life with him."
when did seth fall in love with rollo:
also pretty much love at first sight. even seth found it surprising himself, because rollo isn't usually a kind of person he would fall for (he's lying. he definitely has a type and rollo fits the description perfectly), but something about him just made his heart beat a little faster. rollo saying that he just wants seth to relax and have fun and that he knows living in twisted wonderland and being a nrc student must be hard for him as a magicless person definitely made seth like him even more. honestly, as rollo was talking about nbc, the city of flowers and other stuff, seth was just too busy thinking "i have to squish him. it's not a want, it's a need".
it was just a fun little crush at first though and seth started to really fall in love with him as he started to realize that rollo is okay with his personality and that he doesn't hate and that he even loves it. seth is a confident person with a high self-esteem, but he still was sure that rollo would find him annoying.. and rollo didn't. he even enjoyed listening to him and he could clearly see how passionate seth was about so many things and seth being so skilled and talented even without magic only made him an even more interesting person to rollo. so yeah, when seth apologized to rollo for rambling about colors of one painting they saw and rollo said that he actually liked it and that he would love to hear more.. seth had to excuse himself and go and scream somewhere.
who would confess first:
yeah, it's hard for seth to confess his feelings, even though he's such an extrovert. rollo would be the one to finally confess after one of their many "dates but not really dates bc we're not officially dating yet but we would like to" and he would be very nervous and would blush a lot, but he would still try to be honest with seth and admit that he likes him and he likes him A LOT. seth would just stand there, shocked, because he really did not expect rollo to like him back, even though he often joked that "OHHHH HE WANTS ME SO BAD" when reading his texts out loud to minnie or jay. like.. is it okay for him to be himself when he's with rollo? he's not.. too much for him? could it be that he's actually just enough for him?
what would their first kiss be like:
they would most likely kiss right after that, because seth would be too emotional and he would want to express all of those emotions somehow. he wanted to do this for so long, rollo has no idea though rollo wanted to do this too since he saw seth for the very first time. he wouldn't even understand what he's doing at first because of him just being so happy, but when he finally processes it, he realizes that he's already in the middle of the kiss and he just thinks "well, too late to turn back now" and keeps going. rollo would be very surprised at first because of how sudden it was, but eventually he would give in and kiss seth back. they're completely alone, so it's okay for them to do this, right?..
what are their dates like:
SO WHOLESOME. SO FUN. literally them just walking around (though with seth it's more like him jumping and running and going "yippee!!") and doing cute couple things that are so shoujo manga-core, it's even a little embarrassing. like if someone tried to spy on them, they would have a heart attack just because their interactions are so cute, it's impossible to handle them. like what do you mean rollo is actually okay with smiling around seth and he expresses his emotions more freely and easily and he feels like he doesn't have to hold himself back. what do you mean seth finally can talk about whatever he wants and he doesn't get interrupted or made fun of and nobody goes "silence magicless person" at him. they're so cute wtf.
random facts:
AGAIN, we don't have rollo's official height (PLEASEEEEEEE IF HE GETS HIS OWN CARD HE WILL GET HIS OWN PROFILE RIGHT. I'M LITERALLY ON MY KNEES PLSSSSSSSS), but from his game sprite and the way it looks compared to other characters, it's easy to say that he's QUITE TALL, so i imagine him and seth most likely having a 20 cm height difference or possibly even more. i usually don't get to show their height difference accurately bc of things like canvas size or the way they stand to each other or bc i simply forget about it, but trust me. in my mind seth looks TINY compared to rollo which means rollo is just kind of towering over him all the time and it's SO CUTE.
rollo saw seth without his colored contacts once and seth actually got scared for a second because he thought that rollo will think his eyes are scary, but rollo actually found his eyes beautiful and said that he can still see seth's personality through them.. and seth's eyes became a little brighter after he heard that. he became more comfortable with not wearing his contacts around rollo after that.
rollo actually had suspicions that seth's vision isn't exactly that good (which made seth being so good at analyzing artworks and making outfits so quickly even more impressive) and asked him about it and seth kinda went "haha.. well.. WELL". rollo sighed and asked if he has to wear glasses and seth said that he does have to wear them, but he's just. a little embarrassed of them. their conversation literally went like this:
rollo: ?? but why would you not wear glasses if you need them?
yes, rollo knows about seth's MANY piercings and tattoos. he knows. he needed some time to get used to seth's style, he can't lie about that, but. fine, fine, yes, he thinks it's attractive and he's actually into that, just don't tell anyone. DON'T. (literally all student council members know that and when cole found out that seth and rollo are now dating and looked at seth he went "its bc of the tattoos am i right- NO SIR PLEASE I WON'T SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN")
rollo actually was a bit jealous of seth's relationship with malleus and thought that seth likes malleus more because of how often malleus visits the ramshackle dorm, but then seth told him that he's actually not a fan of malleus's company and malleus just appears without any invitation get it and first of all, rollo felt very relieved after that, but then he processed what seth has just said and went ".. so what you are trying to say is. that he just visits you at 2 am without any reason and you don't even want to see him?". seth laughed and said "yeah he's kinda like my sleep paralysis demon" and just continued doing whatever he was doing while rollo sat there like ". i will kill malleus draconia the moment i see him again :)"
seth x silver.
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how they first met:
they first met at the entrance ceremony and seth noticed silver and went "oooh he's really pretty" and tried to flirt with him after the ceremony, but silver didn't get it and he also was too busy at the time. seth just sighed and went "well. maybe another time BUT I WON'T LET YOU GO SO EASILY". they've met properly some time after that, when seth was trying to get to know all nrc students better and seth prepared a whole introduction and tried so hard to impress him.. except silver just woke up from a nap, so his head was empty and he didn't understand a thing and asked him to repeat it. seth was okay with that and even kinda went "omg.. this guy is so eepy.. that's cute :)"
how did their relationship go after that:
it actually didn't take them that long to become friends. seth saw silver train once and he tried really hard to hide his 😳😳 reaction and awkwardly complimented him and silver just went "ah! :o thank you" seth was like "HE IS SO INNOCENT IT HURTS.." and silver was okay with seth being there while he trains or bringing him some water or waking him up when he accidentally falls asleep again. silver genuinely thanked him once and said that he feels like he can always rely on seth. seth's heart exploded in the best way possible after he heard that.
i imagine them already being kinda close even before chapter 2 or at least knowing each other well, so that it'd make sense for seth to be a little worried about diasomnia students, especially silver and. uh. leona's attempted murder. i think they wouldn't really get a lot of interactions in main story, but they would talk a lot in the events or outside of both main and event stories. chapter 7 silver x seth angst scares me so much
they would become surprisingly good friends even though their personalities are so different.. OR exactly because their personalities are so different. silver finds seth so interesting that it's hard for him to fall asleep and even if he does, seth just covers him with a blanket that he made for him and wishes him sweet dreams. and seth feels more calm around silver and he feels like he can finally take a break from how chaotic nrc students can be when silver is around. after all, silver doesn't really have a nrc student vibe, haha. (+ a possibility of both of them being based on princesses)
however, their relationship would always have this "are we really just friends or.. are we something more than that" vibe. it's really hard for seth to stop staring at silver because of how much he looks like a prince and silver just feels so warm around seth and he doesn't want to miss a single moment with him. other students would also go "hey. hey so are you two.. you know" and lilia would go :O!! when he notices the way silver looks at seth. okay, silver, time for your dad to be your wingman.
when did silver fall in love with seth:
it did take him some time, but as they grew closer, it just kind of.. happened naturally. like, seth just made silver feel so 🥰🥰🥰, silver thought he simply likes him as a friend at first, but lilia laughed and said that the way he talks about seth sounds like something much more than just "oh he's a good friend :)". like seth is always so!! fun!! and he always has something to say!! and he's so cheerful!! he's like the sun itself!! but he also can stand up for himself and he can fight and he can call people out and it's so. HSJSJSKSKSKSK!!! like, silver wants to spend more and more time with him. it always feels so lonely without him and it hurts because silver really wants to focus on his knight duties but all his thoughts are about that silly blond boy and he even keeps seeing him in his dreams and it's kind of annoying.. but he also doesn't want it to stop.
when did seth fall in love with silver:
he found silver really cute when he first met him, but he really started to fall in love with him when he noticed just how safe and comfortable he feels around silver. like he doesn't have to worry about anything, like this world isn't as dangerous as his sister had told him. silver always being ready to protect him also made his heart skip a beat and fall for him even more. he couldn't help but admire just how hardworking this boy is and how much he wants to become a knight so that he can repay malleus and lilia.. he is certainly not boring. he is more interesting than seth originally thought, actually.
who would confess first:
WELL. WELL. let me just say this.
if it's silver, it would most likely be very soft and even casual. like it would just be these two taking a nap together and silver waking up and quietly saying that he loves seth, not even understanding what he's saying, and seth hearing all that perfectly and opening his eyes and going "REALLY?? :D". silver would need a moment to understand what he just said and he would try to come up with an excuse, but eventually he would just sigh and admit that he really does like him.. probably even loves him. seth would just smile and say that he's been waiting for this moment.
what would their first kiss be like:
it would most likely happen a few days after the confession (silver version). as they were just chilling together after training and silver started to doze off, seth decided to jokingly kiss him on the cheek to not let him fall asleep and it actually worked and they just stared at each other for a minute like O_O. and when that minute passed, they just kind of.. went for the lips this time. they forgot about everything and everyone around them and they've realized that they both really wanted to do this, no, they needed to do this. but when they've finally paused to take a breath, they suddenly remembered that uh. uh. they weren't really alone and sebek found them. before they could explain, the boy ran away. he was traumatized and said that he's going to tell malleus about this and silver panicked meanwhile seth went "do it. tell him i chose silver over him" and silver was like "YOU'RE MAKING IT EVEN WORSE.."
what are their dates like:
their dates are so soft. they are either the most romantic dates ever, with them taking a walk in the woods, dancing together as the birds sing, looking at the night sky and trying to find as many constellations as they can, or they are the most chill dates ever that most people wouldn't even count as dates, like it's just them sleeping somewhere, whether it's a couch or under a tree, cuddling and holding each other so tight. what matters is that both of them feel nice and safe and they're happy to be alive at this moment.
random facts:
lilia is so supportive of them, but at the same time he was a little bit protective of silver at first, since he knew that seth isn't always the nicest person to be around, but when he saw just how comfortable they both feel with each other and how patient seth is with silver, he immediately became their biggest shipper. though he really went from "if you do ANYTHING to my son, i will not hesitate to kill you and no one will ever find your corpse" to "you will marry my son right. if you don't, i will not hesitate to kill you and no one will ever-"
silver is that guy who is literally so chill about seth's appearance. like he couldn't care less. and i mean it in a good way. he wears colored contacts and dyes his hair? cool. he has a lot of piercings and tattoos? he looks so pretty with them. his halloween outfit? while riddle is shaking and blushing, silver just walks up to him and says that he looks good in it. and seth knows that it's coming from silver and that he really means it and he starts giggling and going "ehehe thank you <3".
they have the smallest height difference out of all seth ships, with silver being 176 cm tall and seth being 175 cm.
i just find it interesting that if we take ch 7 spoilers, silver was originally blond, meanwhile seth's natural hair color is actually black, but he dyed his hair blond. it's like. sun bf turned moon bf and the darkness bf turned sun bf. do you get it.
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kaidoslastbraincell · 11 months
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you and suguru are hanging out in his dorm room after he's had a falling out with satoru... (season 2 sugu hits different and the latest spoilers have me sad so here's some drabble ~ it's like 3am and my brain won't let me sleep till this is done dammit)
pairing: suguru x fem!reader
genre: not sure tbh....kinda angsty? slightly fluffy?
warnings: drugs (weed) + drinking
recommended song: thinkin bout you by frank ocean
i pushed the door of suguru's dorm room open with my shoulder, my hands full with our sustenance for the night.
"i got the good stuff from shoko," i mumbled, dropping the bottles of whisky onto his bed and digging around in my hoody pocket for the weed our friend had given me.
he stood from his seat at his desk and i immediately had to crane my neck to meet his eyes. a frown creased my brow and he smirked.
"nice to see you too, short stack."
the back of my hand met his chest and i tried to resist the laugh bubbling up my throat. that'd been his nickname for me since we were kids.
while he inspected the bottles, i got to rolling some joints, my fingers moving out of habit until we had a small stack to work through. moving over to the bay window, i slid it open and got comfy on the cushions, pulling my knees up to my chest.
"you coming or not?" i called softly.
his reply was a mere scoff as he brought the bottles and a lighter over with him, taking the seat opposite me and stretching his long legs out to either side of me.
putting one of the roll-ups between my lips, i lit the end, inhaling and holding before blowing the smoke through my nose. i passed it over to suguru and he did the same before passing it back. it went on like that for a while, sips of the alcohol i'd hidden in my room exchanged between drags. my last swig was particularly large as i braced myself to ask a question i knew would cause tension.
"so...you and 'toru made up yet?"
his eyes narrowed immediately and i held his glare.
"why don't you ask him yourself? you're always together," he huffed.
i sighed. "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"exactly as it sounds? if you care so much, why aren't you with him right now?"
"is that what your fight was about? me and him? because i can assure you...there is no 'me and him'."
"that's bullshit. i know he's been pursuing you," he hissed.
"and? he can pursue all he wants. he knows who i have feelings for and it's not him."
"but he knows how i feel about you!"
"so why- wait what?"
"uhhh....heh...did i say that out loud?" he coughed awkwardly.
i sighed...again. "you're a fucking idiot."
"oi! i'm being serious here and there's no use hiding it now. he knows how i feel about you and if he knows who you like too then why does he even bother?!"
"because he's satoru? you know how he is. he's probably trying to get a rise out of you...more so since he found out that i'm into you too..."
"hold on...you serious?"
"yes, dumbass," i rolled my eyes, a shy smile tugging at my lips.
putting the blunt between his lips, he reached for my waist and pulled my forward so i was straddling his lap. when he passed it back to me, his eyes sparkled.
"why didn't you say anything?"
i lifted a brow. "why didn't you?"
"because i was scared of being rejected?"
"there's your answer," i laughed. "anyway, you need to talk things out with him. i hate when you guys fight...it throws the whole group off balance."
"stop talking about him and kiss me."
stubbing the roll-up out on the window frame, i threw the remains into the little ashtray beside us. i shuffled forward slightly on his lap and took his face in my hands. his eyes fluttered at the contact.
"you're so pretty sugu'..." i mumbled, my lips barely brushing against him.
his hands clenched against my hips and i smiled. clearly losing his patience, his arms fully circled around me to pull me closer, his lips finally settling against mine.
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