#i don't go here but you know that doesn't mean anything
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horreurscopes · 1 day ago
i wish having to remind someone something three or five or fifteen times or however many it takes until they remember it on their own was more destigmatized within the framework of disability accomodations
like i understand the emotional significance given to the act of remembering, i have myself have had the kneejerk reaction that maybe i'm not as important to someone as they say i am if they forget something i asked of them or told them. i get it. but that's like. a societal expectation that isnt necessarily true, you know.much like eye contact to mean you are listening or a smile to mean you are friendly. like, yeah, of course an asshole who isn't listening to you might not make eye contact, but that doesn't mean that every single time someone isn't making eye contact it means they are an asshole.
to me disposition is much more important than memory, especially in the realm of boundaries and cohabitation, like: let's say you don't like it when your partner puts their shoes on the bed. extremely reasonable thing to ask them not to do, and something that, if not done, would very quickly become a point of contention because them continuing to do the thing you asked them not to is interpreted as a dismissal of your feelings and a violation of a reasonable boundary. and i know a lot of people themselves already struggle putting up boundaries and enforcing them and are extremely reactive to anything that can be interpreted as a boundary being crossed, and this can be super hard to deal with. but like. disabilities ARE hard to deal with, you know, they are frustrating and they might slow you down or inconvenience you, and that's just part of the deal! is it really an accomodation if the line is drawn at whatever arbitrary point someone decides they're done accommodating? do you walk alongside a person on crutches for three blocks and then are like, ok, i've accommodated you enough, time to go at my pace now?
and yes, yes, i know "i forgot" or "i didn't know" can be used to truly harm someone else in a number of infinitely nuanced scenarios. context clues, people. to me that's where disposition comes in and separates "literally struggles to remember" from "disrespecting and pushing boundary", and i think that separation, albeit fuzzy for people who strongly correlate memory and respect, can be learned?
if my partner was like, "hey, don't put your shoes on the bed!" then a respectful disposition towards their boundaries would immediately make me go, "oh no! sorry i forgot! here, i will stop doing it immediatly, and if necessary amend the damage of me forgetting (in this analogy, washing the sheets)". and if this has to happen thirteen times before i remember on my own, i would feel truly bad about it because i'm letting my loved one down even though it's something i legitimately can't control. i don't know! it's the "if you cared, you would remember" unstoppable force vs "if you cared, you'd cut me some slack for not remembering" immovable object, it's hard. like thats what i mean by context clues, what is more likely: that a person who in every other way has shown up for you has suddenly become toxic/selfish/abusive specifically about shoes on the bed, or that they struggle to remember?
i don't know man. the way i see it, ultimately it's a lot more feasible to adjust your expectations of what someone loving you and caring about you will look like and how it shows up in their behavior, than it is to literally force yourself to remember something. and my memory issues are not even that bad! after the fifth or sixth reminder something will generally stick around (unless it's a situation that does not happen often, in which case the large stretches of time in between might hinder my progress), and like someone might just decide the rest of the Me is not worth the trouble, and that's their prerogative, but i do think it says more about them than it does about me.
everyone's always up for disability rights until it becomes inconvenient or clashes with their idea of what "good behavior" should look like. like i can't help but think that if this is something that *i* struggle with socially, i can't imagine what people who have a legitimately debilitating memory disability, who may need to be reminded forever, feel like every day of their damn lives
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wlwsoccerfics · 2 days ago
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Warning: deaf reader
A/N : when i Put something in ' ' it means it's signed
Summary: you get called up for your first England Camp and people are not taking it well. the fact that you are Keira Walsh's Baby sister doesn't make it any either. And you start doubting If you even should be there.
You sit on a bean bag in the gaming/TV room at England Camp. It was just the first day. The comments you have read so far were mostly great and supportive under the Team list of who made the cut. But then you read comments about yourself. Lots of mean ones including:
'how is she supposed to win us anything? she can't even hear instructions!'
'she is only on the team cause of Keira. she must have put a good word in for y/n.'
'her on the Team feels like a charity case!'
There were lots more of those comments. Which only made your self doubt become worse. Even though if it was just a first full day everyone had noticed that you were acting distant. Especially towards your sister & on top of that Grace. Your girlfriend. You just wanted to focus on football. Deep down you knew you were able to play at this level. You were one of the Star Players at Arsenal. Yes you and your sister played for two different teams. So did you and your girlfriend. But your best friend Alessia was playing for Arsenal with you. While your girlfriend Grace was playing with your other best friend Tooney. If you weren't any good Sarina wouldn't have called you up to play for the lionesses. But still theres a part of you hurt by people thinking just because you were deaf that you couldn't do your job. In the last five games for Arsenal you scored 7 Goals. That alone was saying alot. Yet there were still people wanting to bring you down.
'you are avoiding me!' you see your girlfriend sign, she showed up out of nowhere so you put your phone away.
'i am not!' you look at her and frown.
'you are! you are also avoiding Keira, Less & Tooney. And basically everyone!' she was clearly concerned.
'grace i am fine. just let it go.'
The fact that you didn't use a cute pet name for her was confirmation enough that something was totally not right.
Less and Tooney were also in the room, looking over at the two of you. they knew something was up as soon as you said you didn't want to play cards with them. And the discussion you had with Grace only confirmed that for them as well.
At the same time with Keira, Leah and Lucy...
"Keira, i think i know why your sister is keeping to herself." Lucy told her. Handing her Phone over to her. Showing the comments under the Squad post that are related to you.
"that's nasty!" Leah said, after Keira wordlessly showed them to her.
"i hope she knows that this Is crap. Nothing about this Is true!" Keira stated.
"well you should try and talk to her about that." Lucy replied.
'yeah either you do it or i will. If we wait for too long she is gonna Spiral!" Your England Captain and Arsenal teammate said.
"i will talk to her, don't worry about it." Keira let them know and then went to look for you.
She found you and Grace still arguing. Looking over at Less & Tooney.
"what is this about?" Keira asked your two best friends.
"y/n is claiming how fine things are and that she is not avoiding anyone! Even though we all know she is!" Tooney stated.
"they going back and forth now for almost 20 minutes!" Alessia explained.
"i want to know why she is avoiding us." Tooney stated and Keira grabbed her own Phone to show her and Lessi.
"Lucy thinks this might be the reason and honestly i think so too!" Keira let them know.
"oh my god. This Is terrible. And not true! She deserves to be here!" Alessia stated.
"which is why i will talk to her now." Your sister answered.
The Talk with Grace has gotten to a point where you both have gotten frustrated with one another that you stood up and wanted to race past your sister but Keira quickly grabbed your hand.
'stay. We need to Talk.'
'no we don't!'
'you do need to start letting us in on what's happening.' Alessia looked at you. Worry written across her face.
'fine. what do you want to know?'
'why you are acting this way. You avoiding us is not normal.'
'i don't belong here.'
'so it's about the comments!' Keira let out a soft sigh. Grace now standing next to you.
'what comments?' she wanted to know. Keira showing her the comments. Grace looked mad now.
'those comments are not true! you are amazing and you deserve this place in the Team!' Grace let you know.
'deep down i know. but those comments still hurt. i just want to show them how wrong they are!'
'then let's do that!' Tooney smiled at you.
The team put out a Statement that there is no place for bullying in any form. And that people who are disrespectful towards the players, especially the Younger ones Like you (you were only 22 years old) shouldn't watch the games.
You could Show them what you are made of during a Game against Portugal were you scored two Goals during your debut which sure did shut up the haters. Getting praised by your teammates and Sarina.
You couldn't hear but your eyes were working perfectly fine.
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backofthebookshelf · 2 days ago
It's not a controversial take necessarily -- it's just that the particular environment of AO3, where you can see how many times your fic was loaded in a browser window and where the little heart button has a different meaning than it does on every other social media site, is uniquely bad for the human brain.
For the VAST majority of history, both the history of making art generally and the history of writing fanfiction in particular, you did not get to know how many people gave your work a cursory once-over, or how many people checked your book out from the library and never read it, or how many people overheard a line of poetry and thought "huh, neat" and never did anything else. These interactions were, as they should be, completely anonymous and uncountable. Even in the pre-AO3 days of fanfiction, there was an understanding that page hit counters were kind of crap (for one thing, they would count you every time you loaded the page, and you had to load the page to check the counter, so that was incentive not to look at it that much).
Even in other artistic contexts where you do now have page hit counters on everything, they're contextualized through marketing research, not consumed as a raw value. Marketing talks about conversion rate, which is the % of people who saw something who then went on to do the thing you wanted them to do - for a business that's probably buy the thing, for a nonprofit it might be donate or sign up for a volunteer session, for a fanfiction writer it's leave a comment. At work I work with multiple major companies you have definitely heard of who spend half a million dollars and 1-3 full time employees every year on something that increases their conversion rate by 1-2%. They do this because the conversion rate on our emails is 5%, which is INSANELY high.
And yes, leaving a comment doesn't cost money, but it does cost time and energy. Writers overestimate how easy it is for people to write comments--my coworkers are out here using chatgpt to write boilerplate work emails, I can't imagine ANY of them ever leaving a comment on a work of art they enjoyed. Verbally, yes--and "in a friend discord is much closer to verbally than in a comment form--but in writing? Absolutely not.
As for kudos, I can't help but think that the "likes don't do anything, you have to reblog" culture of social media like twitter and tumblr affects that too (and yes, by the latter days of twitter I was seeing people saying that on there, because the algorithm was so broken). Kudos is essentially a like button, and like the like button on twitter that used to be a favorite button before they changed it and some people never stopped treating it like one, it has meanings for people you'll never understand. "It's just a click!" It is a symbol with vague connotations but no specific universally agreed upon meaning; it tells you how many people clicked on that button, and that's all.
So yes, actually, I guess I am saying that as a writer, you are supposed to assume that many more people liked your fic than you will ever hear from or even know about. And that's a good thing! You have the chance to touch someone's life even though they have no idea who you are and don't think of you as a person so much as a semi-mythical figure called "the author". And that's part of the magic, to me, of creating things. You pour yourself into a thing and then you set it loose into the world and you hope it means to someone else as much as it meant to you. Sometimes, very rarely, someone will tell you so, and that's amazing, I'm not going to pretend it's not, but you have to have enough faith in yourself to believe it happens whether you hear about it or not.
I really don't understand how "without getting kudos or comments a fanfiction author is going to assume that people who clicked their fic didn't like it" became a controversial take.
I don't know why some people think an author should imagine, or guess that people who click their fic enjoyed it it when nobody is telling them that.
If you're re-reading a fic constantly, or leaving it up in your tab so that it re-loads every day for a hundred days the author is not going to know that unless you tell them. They'd love to hear it. It would make their day.
And if you don't tell them you liked their fic, there's no reason for them to assume you did.
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strangemaleswaps · 14 hours ago
Strange Double Dad Swap
It was a regular day. My boyfriend, Quinn, and I were hanging around my house on a Saturday. We had just finished breakfast and were deciding what to do.
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“Man it's way too hot today. I don't feel like doing anything,” Quinn announced. It was true, there was definitely a heat wave going on or something. Normal people would stay inside, but a certain someone had other plans.
“Hey boys!” My dad walked into the room with a determined look on his face.
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“Hey dad. What's up?”
“I'm gonna go fix that hole on the roof. The neighbors paid for the damages their kids did to it, but somebody’s still gotta do the work.”
“Today?” It's too hot out.
“Well,” he said with a laugh. “You can't stop progress!”
Once he walked out to the garage and was out of earshot, Quinn spoke up.“Your dad is like the biggest workaholic ever.”
“I know right.”
“Better than being lazy…like you,” he teased.
“Hey!” We laughed and then decided to watch a movie.
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A few hours later we were talking in our group chat with a couple old school friends. Somehow the topic got to Hunter's dad and how hot he was. He looked at me with a confused face.
“My dad?”
“You gotta admit. He's pretty hot.”
“What the hell? No way.”
“Well of course you would say that. He’s like…your dad. Duh.”
“Well what if I said your dad was hot? He really is actually.
”Ew. He did not just go there. The idea of my dad being considered hot by anyone, was an unsettling thought. Who could like a guy like him? He was always supportive of me and all, but tended to be overly formal in casual situations.
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“My dad? Gross. He's like…all traditional and stuff.” He laughed.
“And how does that affect his looks?”
“It doesn't. I mean…well he's fat and has had the same ugly mustache since the 90s.”
“Well I happen to think the chubby mustache combo is pretty sexy…”
“Gross! Stop! Your dad is the sexy one! Those piercing hazel eyes…that fit bod…”
We got in each other's faces and after a couple seconds of silence, we flopped back onto the couch and started laughing.
“If anyone heard us just now, they'd think we were nuts!” Hunter said between laughs.
“True!” I replied. “Well whatever. What are we gonna do now? I'm still bored.”
“I have an idea,” he scooted closer to me and began stroking my pants.
“But your dad's home.”
“Yeah, but he's on the roof. He's such a perfectionist with all his projects; he'll be there all day.”
“Yeah I guess.” I let out a laugh. “Well then…shall we head over to the bedroom?”
As Quinn sucked my dick, all I could think about was his dad. How hot it would be to fuck him, and watch him cum. Man, that would be amazing. But it was only a dream. It would really make things awkward between Quinn and I, even if it somehow did happen. I guess the only thing I could do was close my eyes and pretend he was his dad. I leaned over and kissed him, pretending he had that sexy mustache.
“I'm gonna cum!” He said between breaths. He got onto his back and jerked while I did the same, sitting on top of him. My last thought was of his dad before I closed my eyes and came; The sound of Quinn’s moaning meant that he finished too - the same time as me. It was so intense that I started feeling a little lightheaded. Before I knew it, I blacked out.
I opened my eyes to find I was outside. What happened? The last thing I remember, we were messing around and I came. I've been known to get so exhausted afterward that I want to take a nap, but that was just straight up blacking out. Was this a dream? I looked around and realized that I was outside my dad's restaurant. What was I doing here? It was then that I noticed it was extra hot and I found that I was wearing long sleeves. I examined my clothes to see I was wearing a tie with a black shirt and vest combo. No wonder I was sweating my ass off. But I think I recognized the outfit. My dad's? That couldn't be…
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I walked inside and scanned the area. I spent a lot of time at this restaurant as a kid so I knew the layout pretty well. I would probably get an explanation by talking to my dad, so I headed for his office, but was stopped by one of the waitresses.
“Hi Mr. Rivera! How are you today?” I had no idea who this waitress was but I didn't want to be rude so I greeted her back.
“I'm good. Thanks.” My voice came out raspier than usual. A little deeper too. What was going on?
I tried the door handle. Locked. Great. What was I supposed to do now? I took a seat on the nearby bench and it felt like I sat on something, but nothing was on the bench. I searched my back pockets and it was almost like my butt was bigger somehow. I grabbed a pair of keys - my dad's pair of keys. Oh god. What if…?
I quickly turned the keys and closed the door behind me. I felt around my front pockets and took out a phone - his phone. I opened the front camera and found his face staring back at me. Fuck no, this couldn't be happening! How did I switch bodies with my dad? What was I going to say to Hunter?
What happened? I opened my eyes to the blue sky, but looked down to find I was on the roof! What the hell?! I scanned the area and noticed that I was home…on the roof. Did my dad bring me up here somehow?”
“Hey dad! Where are you?” I said, but my voice came out weird. Deeper somehow. I caught sight of my hands and found I was wearing gloves that had some dirt on them. My dad's gloves? What was going on? When I noticed that I was wearing his clothes - the same clothes he was wearing earlier this morning - it suddenly hit me.
“What the hell! I'm my dad!” I screamed.
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How did this happen? What was Quinn going to think? And how do I even get down from the roof…
I held the phone up to my ear and anxiously waited for my dad to pick up. I realized that if I was in his body, he must be in mine right? After a few seconds, it went to ringtone. I couldn't wait any longer so I decided to go there myself. It wasn't too long of a drive to Hunter's house at least. I walked through the restaurant, (thankfully no employees noticed me), and pressed the button on the keys to locate my car. The reflection in the car reminded me of what I looked like, but I tried to ignore it and got into the driver's seat. There, I could see a clear reflection of myself in the rear view mirror for the first time. It was definitely my dad's face. His double chin was so evident without any facial hair - well except for his ugly mustache. I touched it with two fingers and brushed along to see what it felt like. I grazed the back of my head to find the bald spot he had there. This was so gross! I turned the ignition and was on my way to figure out how to fix this!
After climbing down the ladder, I was back inside the house and I immediately headed towards the bedroom where Quinn and I fucked. There we found our bodies seemingly unconscious on the bed, in the same position we were in. It was really creepy.
“Hey uh. Dad? Wake up…” I said hesitantly. No response.
“Wake up!” I said even louder. No response.
They must be in a coma or something. Oh god what if I was stuck like this? I headed towards the bathroom and found my dad's face staring back at me in the mirror. I made different facial expressions and started to creep myself out. Thankfully I was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. I made my way and opened the front door just as Quinn's dad jumped out of the car, almost losing his balance as his feet hit the concrete
.“Sorry, I'm not used to this…” He looked up at me. “Oh uh I mean, hey there Mr. Patterson. Um, have you seen my uh son?”
I think I had an idea what was going on.
“Quinn?” I asked.
“Yeah? I mean- yeah that's his name…I mean…” He paused for a few seconds until he must've realized what had happened too.
“H-hunter? Is that you?”
“Yep. And that's really you in there?”
“Oh god. This sucks! What are we going to do? Wait, where are our bodies?”
“In the room where we last were. Whether or not our dads are in our bodies doesn't matter because they're unconscious or something.”
“So we're stuck like this?”Suddenly I had an idea.
“Well…you did say my dad was hot…”
“What are you getting at….OH.” Quinn replied as I smirked. “But…I mean...it's my dad's dick!”
“Yeah I know. But this may be your only chance to fuck my dad. Same thing for me too.”
“Well…being in a different body means I'm horny again so…”I leaned in for a kiss. The brushing of his mustache against my face felt amazing. Even better than I imagined!
“Shall we go?” Quinn said with a smile.
We didn't know what to do with our bodies so we just left them there and closed the door. Hopefully they wouldn't hear anything if they somehow were still conscious.We went into Hunter's dad's room and he immediately started stripping. He had the sexiest athletic body. Blond hair covered his entire chest and while he didn't have a six pack or anything, he had some pretty decent pecs.
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Hunter looked into the mirror and made a frown.
“This is so gross!”
“Maybe don't look at your face in the mirror. Only look at the body.”
“I guess it's not as bad when I do that. But still…” He gazed at me with lust in his eyes. “Your turn.”
I so wasn't ready for this! But he hugged me and began to strip me himself, starting with my tie and vest. Each piece of clothing made my dad's chubby body more and more obvious. He started unbuttoning my shirt until the tank top underneath was revealed. I guess I didn't look as bad as I thought. My dad must've lost weight. I didn't want to go any further than that, but I also really wanted to feel his body against mine so I lifted the tank top off happily…but I was met with a terrifying surprise.
“Shit,” I said. My chubby rolls slapped the rest of my body as I gawked at myself in the mirror. It's no wonder that the tank top felt so constricting. It was holding in all that blubber.
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I turned to Hunter and expected him to be upset, but was instead met with a sexy smirk. God, making his dad do those hot expressions was really turning me on.
“Wait you like this?” I asked.
“Of course. You're even bigger than I thought. An absolute muffin top.” He came from behind and wrapped his arms around me. I could feel my dick harden as much as it could and grasped it. It was still gross the idea that it was my dad’s dick but I didn't care. All that mattered was Hunter's sexy body.
He reached his hands over and grabbed my man tits. When he played with them, I experienced sensations I never felt before as a twink. Vibrations went through my body as he jiggled every bit of squishy flesh. I turned around to return the favor - I kneeled down and started sucking his cock. He was huge! Much bigger than what he had before. It wasn't any harder to take it in though; I guess my dad's mouth must've opened bigger than mine. He put his hands around the back of my head and started pushing his cock down my throat. Faster and faster, as I jerked myself.
Suddenly he stopped as I could feel the warm cum shoot down my throat at the same time I shot my own load. In one big gulp I swallowed it all and hopped onto my back, the flabby rolls jiggling as I did.
Afterwards we washed up and Hunter put on one of his dad's t-shirts, while I just put on what I had before, because I knew nothing would fit me. We walked back into Hunter's room to see if our dads had woken up, to find that they had disappeared completely. In fact, the whole room was magically cleaned up and the bed made, as if it was a guest room and always had been.
“So…I guess we're the dads now,” Hunter said with a smirk.
“And best of all, we don't have any sons,” I replied as I opened Grindr.
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namgyunation · 2 days ago
Do you see Nam-gyu introducing his s/o to drugs or do you think he’d be the type to shield you from that type of thing?
cw; talking about drug usage and unhealthy stuff here
mmmm based off of my interpretation of him, i don’t think he’d really try to “shield” you. just doesn't seem like something he'd do
i also don't think he would gaf if you knew about his substance abuse. you're his s/o. if you're with him, he's prob thinking "this is what you signed up for when you got with me." i could see him hiding it from his family, but not you.
with a job like his, it'd be pretty hard to hide, anyways. if anything, i think he'd try to at least hide or be vague about the intensity of the drugs he takes and just how addicted / dependent he is on them. he'd probably try to convince you that it's just something casual that he does or brush you off if you display any concern
i could see him wanting to keep the details of his drug usage off your radar, but not because he’s like. concerned that he’ll be a bad influence or rub off on you, or anything. nor would he do it with the intent of trying to protect you or keep you "innocent" / drug-free.
i don’t think he’d enthusiastically be like “here baby, snort this!!! take this pill!!! ❤️” out of nowhere or straight from the jump when he enters a relationship with his s/o. he also doesn’t seem like the type of dude to go out of his way to share what drugs he’s taking or even just his emotions in general. he seems like he’d be very closed off and be more than happy to keep that part of his life from you if you never asked / pushed the issue.
i think he’d just want to avoid his s/o giving him a hard time: asking too many questions about what he’s doing, how it’s affecting him, his health, their finances, and their relationship, and/or trying to get him to stop. he just wants to do what he wants while still keeping you in his life. he doesn't want you to complicate or overdramaticize things with your concern. he knows what hes doing and can handle himself.
but i think if you expressed any sort of interest or vague curiosity, he might initially be shocked, find it amusing, and be surprisingly interested in the idea of introducing you to something, jokingly offer to get you stuff, though he genuinely would if you just straight up asked him to do so.
i think he’d find it interesting / somewhat exciting to see your first-time reactions to things and would find himself enjoying it more than he expected to somewhere along the way, though i don’t think he’d force it on you. if you wanted to stop, he would be cool with that and drop it immediately. it doesn't matter to him whether or not you do drugs or are on the same page as him. he's doing his thing, and you're doing yours. he wouldn't mind and would be just as open to it if you were to ask him about it again later down the line, though.
if you asked him to give you something and lead you through it, i think he’d derive some sort of enjoyment from knowing a lot about something that you don’t, being your sole source of information on the topic, and knowing he's the first and only person that you experience those types of things with.
i could see him being an obnoxious ass trip-sitter just because he thinks it's funny / even getting some sort of ego because of it.
eg. if you start off with weed, he’s laughing at you for coughing, not knowing how to inhale right, and/or making a stupid, exaggerated face when you exhale. when you overestimate your tolerance and get high as fuck, he’s purposefully putting stupid shit on the tv to gauge your reaction (maybe some dumb children’s cartoon or compilation of idk. plants growing timelapse), laughing at you when you're super focused on it (not mean, just teasing / amused), and maybe he takes a few selfies with you to tease you about it later. he would smoke with you, too, but purposefully stays mostly sober so he can take care of you. also, his tolerance is naturally way higher than yours, and i think he'd find it funny if you got high extremely quick.
he says shit like "oh, i invited your entire family and also a hundred of your friends over to the apartment, and they're outside right now. i hope you don't mind" just to get a funny reaction out of you.
he's not entirely mean, though, and despite having his fun, he still wanted to make sure that your experience was good and comfortable from the get-go. he thought ahead and set out snacks and drinks for when you inevitably got the munchies / dry mouth. he has a line up of funny things to watch and a blanket set out to make sure that you're fine. he doesn't leave you alone. even though it's just weed, he doesn't want to scare you.
he feels good and pats himself on the back for taking care of you. he probably enjoys knowing that in that moment, you're completely depending on him and looking at him like he has all the knowledge in the world. he deeply enjoys the fact that you trust him enough to rely on him and trust that you'll come out of the experience okay, because he's there.
nowww, getting on to other drugs outside of weed, i could see him being more serious about it and wanting to make sure that you're okay. he's open and more than happy to provide you with the things you're showing interest in. sharing his knowledge that's completely foreign and new to you and bringing you into 'his world' is satisfying for him, but once it starts to get a little more dodgy / serious, he's very firm on asking you if you're sure and asks a lot more questions. "what are you feeling?" "what do you see?" "do you need water?" "tell me what's going on." etc. he doesn't completely coddle you, but he's not going to leave you alone, either.
also, i was obsessed with breaking bad in middle school LMAO, so it's leaking into this post... sometimes when i think about nam-gyu, i can't help but think about jessie pinkman. there's a particular scene in the show where jessie's gf, jane, introduces him to heroin for the first time, and i think i could see nam-gyu being like jane in this particular scene, with jessie being his s/o that he's introducing shit to.
over time, if you continued to express clear, enthusiastic interest and prove to him that you could handle it, i think that's when he'd finally let himself relax and do drugs with you, rather than staying sober to monitor you. i think he'd grow accustomed to doing things with you, almost falling into a routine or having it be "your thing." he'd sneak things from work that other people gave to him or things that he was supposed to be giving to VIPs and bring it home to share with you. he'd find that getting high with you specifically was more fun for him than when he did it with others.
ending it off with something somewhat lighthearted: after a while, nam-gyu realizes that he's actually kind of excited to have a long-term buddy to get high with. he would start suggesting that the two of you smoke a joint and then go to the aquarium, art gallery, the zoo, etc. if he got something new, he wouldn't let himself try it and wait until he got home to be with you.
tldr; i don't think he'd shield you, but he wouldn't be super open about it either if you didn't ask or push him to talk about it. if you asked him to introduce you to it, he'd find himself oddly excited by the idea. he'd do it but would make sure to keep you comfortable and ask you over and over if you were sure once you got to the more serious shit. he wouldn't push it, either, in the case that you wanted to stop or were uncertain.
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glitchinginthegarden · 2 days ago
Woke up with thoughts so here we go:
Johnny’s behavior early in the game makes 100% sense and I support it because it fits his character writing and situation.
I've been seeing a lot of newer cyberpunk players getting onto the "Johnny is an absolute piece of shit" / "why would anyone do anything for this douchebag" soapbox and they're entitled to that opinion BUT...
Coming from the perspective of having completed the game multiple times and done plenty of digging into the ttrpg stuff, it fits. We also have to keep in mind the unreliable narrator factor but that's another thing all together.
In the beginning (after the nightmare night), Johnny is playing the face of cool dude who's suddenly on V's side while actively attempting to manipulate them. This tracks for his character, yes, but also for Night City.
If their positions were swapped, I know for a fact my V would be doing the same exact thing to her unwilling host. Which, when you break it down, is simply an attempt to regain control over a situation where she has none.
I don't blame Johnny in the slightest for that at that point in the plot. It's in human nature to fight tooth and nail for survival. Why would that not extend to someone who's been trapped in soul prison for fifty years too?
He's just "escaped" Mikoshi only to wake up imprisoned (again) in the mind of a complete stranger. Can you blame him for trying to find an angle he can work there?
Because I don't.
Everything tells us yes, Johnny is an asshole who historically has generally only looked out for himself. But not that he's been actively or maliciously intent on causing harm to the people around him. He doesn't behave the way he does for the hell of it, he does it (in my opinion) because in the past, his flavor of manipulation has worked and usually gotten him what he wants.
Which brings me to another thing: I've also seen some comments about how he doesn't tell V certain things depending on how you talk to him. That he withholds more if V is nice than when they're more mean to him. And that also tracks for his character.
Now, I will say that I haven't played a lot of "be mean to Johnny" runs, but if he does drop more info for that, I'm not surprised. Case and point: the oil fields.
Johnny is a person who won't take shit seriously unless he gets a kick in the ass for his behavior. V has to call him on his bullshit to get that sweet approval boost for Don't Fear The Reaper. So, it ultimately it makes sense for him to cough up more information along the line if V isn't being nice about getting it or calls him on being a dodgy fuck. Johnny doesn't fuck with weak people unless he can use them, that's not a secret.
He's playing his cards close to his chest for the most part and it makes sense. He has sparingly few hands to play after 50 years in soul prison. Why would he show his spread to someone who, depending on where you are in the plot, ultimately wants to end him again and scrape him off their brain? He's trying to survive.
He's a disabled man with a grand total of eighty something years of untreated ptsd and people wonder why he's not forthcoming with what he knows? Of course he's not. It's unreasonable to expect that, and especially from a character like his.
The point I'm trying to get to here, I suppose, is that I support Johnny’s wrongs because they're in line with his character and that's part of what makes him so well written. Yes, he's an asshole. Yes, he manipulates and lies and cheats to serve his needs. But, c'mon, look at the whole picture. Look at the setting and the other players on the board, and tell me it doesn't make perfect sense.
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elene78-blog · 3 days ago
Am I the only one who found the contrast between TSC's "nice" Kevin and TGR's "rude" and slightly douchebag Kevin weird?
 Yes, Kevin had his moments of kindness, but he went from asking Jean to breathe, with his head in his hands, to roughly slamming him against the wall to calm him down before the interview in a threatening tone. He went from holding Jean's hand gently while he was in bed to "I know you hate me sometimes. I don't care."
 Okay, yeah, Kevin sends Jean a new postcard and all, and they have a very revealing conversation, but the contrast kept me pretty mad at him overall. Furthermore, in the interview Kevin was also quite rude compared to how he usually appears. Honestly, I saw Kevin as a real asshole compared to TSC. I found this change very strange. And I just thought about something about that, something that has already been exemplified in the original trilogy, and my theory is that...
 Kevin has always been this jerk (I call him that affectionately, you know what I mean) even on TSC, but Jean was describing him with the eyes of a person who idealizes another. This makes a ton of sense because Kevin was all the kindness Jean knew. Just Kevin and his tough love. The only person he's ever been "in love" with... until now.
That's why in TSC Kevin is so soft, because we see him through the eyes of a Jean who only knew that "kindness", of a Jean who continued to idealize him even though he also hated Kevin. A Jean who says "he has earned the right to be arrogant" without hesitation because Kevin continued to be his reference in terms of conflicting feelings.
 But this is no longer the case, is it?
 Now Jean knows what kindness is outside of The Nest. Now Jean has started to develop feelings for someone else, and no one has treated him like Kevin has, with that harshness at USC. Jeremy, his partner, has never treated him like that either. That's why TGR's Kevin is tougher in contrast to TSC and much less kind, because Jean is starting to stop idealizing Kevin now that he knows the genuine kindness of people who haven't been to The Nest. He sees the difference between Kevin and his current friends, and starts to go crazy because... Has Kevin always been like this, or did Jean see him that way because he didn't know anything else? 
In other words... Jean is "falling out of love."
Let's look at this a little more closely from when Kevin arrives to when he leaves: 
1. - Kevin arrives and helps Jean get dressed. Jeremy sees how Jean lets herself go and his eyes even shine a little. Some people say this shows that Jean is still in love with Kevin. I think it shows Jean's idealization of him, and a reflection of his own history (I think Jean stopped being in love with Kevin a long time ago, but Kevin was one of the few good things Jean had in The Nest, so he holds onto those few good memories tightly). 
2. - Kevin starts drinking and Jean loses his temper. Try to attack him. Kevin shakes him roughly and Jean relents. Why does Jean attack? Because the Kevin he knows, his idealized image, doesn't drink or have problems. He outgrew The Nest. He's better than that. Here Jean's image of Kevin begins to fall and that makes Jean not understand anything and gets angry. Kevin has to be perfect because KEVIN CAME OUT OF THERE. But Kevin doesn't seem like it and Jean starts to get more and more nervous about it. 
3. - Jean's nervousness increases during the interview. We see Kevin being quite blunt with the interviewer and, although Kevin is protective of Jean, Jean's descriptions of Kevin's actions are quite distant. Maybe because of nervousness, who knows? But when Jean comes up to breathe, Jean says something revealing.
Jean doesn't care who accompanies him outside. He doesn't care if it's Kevin or anyone else. Jean is clear that Kevin can't do anything at this point. Kevin has failed in this interview and in his task, which was to make everything go well. 
4.- They return home with the taste of failure. Jean and Kevin talk. Kevin reveals that he needs the help of alcohol because therapy isn't always a help. He reveals that he still hears Riko in his head continuously. To put it another way, Kevin shows weakness to Jean and Jean is shocked.
 "You should be better."
 The idealization of Kevin practically disappears with this phrase, and what happens next demonstrates it.
 5.- Cat hugs Jean, almost crying for the loss of Elodie. Jean sees here Cat's kindness versus the kindness that Kevin has barely been able to give him because Kevin doesn't know what kindness is either. This scene is very powerful because this is where Jean's change begins. This is where I think Jean begins to recognize his people. Kevin can't do more because Kevin is Jean's equal, not someone superior like Jean has always believed. If Kevin is just like Jean... That means Kevin is also "weak."
The idealization ends. Now everything depends on Jean. And from here on, the protective Jean appears because Jean understands that, if the immovable point that was Kevin is not such a thing and everything has been a lie that has been created in his own mind, only he himself can protect and help his people. 
The Nest's psyche begins to crumble because number two, second only to Riko, is just like Jean. This psyche begins to crumble because true kindness is that of "his people", not that of The Nest. If Kevin is not immovable, anything can happen. 
6.- And then Jean hits Bryson to protect Jeremy and his own home. 
Does it make sense?
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matchpointfaist · 3 days ago
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me & you together song
best friend! connor murphy 𝜗𝜚
a/n: no smut! this is just soft connor falling in love <3
when you proposed the plan for connor to come with you on your weekend trip for a college tour, you hadn't entirely expected your parents to agree. some combination of safety in numbers and the general inseparability convinced them, though, and you were college bound with connor's black backpack snug next to your pink duffel, taking turns controlling the radio like you didn't have all the same taste.
he was in his own head, like always, thinking of all the million ways the two of you could grow apart when you left. he was never very strong academically, struggling with authority and retention and all the things you seemed to excel at. he knew, in some way, that it would always come to this; you moving on.
he tried his best to keep a smile, for you, unable to allow himself to ruin your mood. you'd been all smiles all day, wearing your "lucky sweater" and insisting that this was the one- you could feel it. the one in question happened to be nine hours from home, from him, and he selfishly could not seem to push the thought from his mind.
above everything, always, connor wanted you to be happy. so there he sat in the passenger seat of your car, watching the way the sun weaved through strands of your hair and your smile as you pointed out little landmarks. when you finally arrived at the campus, he could understand why you wanted to go so desperately- it was beautiful, lively, creative. everything your hometown was not.
you didn't have to tell him to take a million photos; one of you walking past the entrance sign, one of you grabbing a tour pamphlet, one of you with your tour guide. he had his phone out before you could even ask, capturing a million little memories that he could make a home in once you were gone.
you stayed in a hotel just off campus, courtesy of your parents, in a connecting room that you were both sure to take advantage of. you got pizza from a local place, and connor just listened intently as you raved about how excited you were to live like this every night, growing more and more uncertain in his ability to keep his thoughts to himself.
"it won't be like this, not really," he finally said, regretting it as soon as it left his mouth, "i mean, i won't be here, that's all. but you're gonna have so much fun," his encouraging smile felt more like a cringe.
"you could always come with me," you frowned slightly, and his chest ached, "i know you don't wanna go to college, but maybe you could get a job and then we could rent a place after my first year?" you'd discussed it before, of course, but it never went anywhere. he'd always shaken off the idea, not wanting to hold you down or hold you back from anything you wanted. you'd always insisted that it would be the opposite, but he couldn't shake the nagging thoughts.
"maybe," he said after a moment, "we'll see, yeah? we'll figure something out. maybe you can just come visit every month?" "i guess, yeah," you nodded hesitantly, "i don't wanna just see you once a month, con. i mean- you know i love you, and i believe in you. but sometimes you frustrate me so bad," you ran a hand through your hair, "i know your parents are overbearing, but they'd pay for you to go to school or for you to get an apartment if you'd just ask. you don't have to come with me, of course, but it seems like you want to and that's a perfect solution-"
he stopped you, standing to pace the room, his unease at the mention of his parents making him antsy. "please don't pretend to understand my relationship with my parents," he said quietly, his voice heavy with tension. "pretend?" you repeated with a scoff, "connor, i know you better than anyone! i'm the one who's always there after your fights, that's not fair,"
"just because you're there after doesn't mean you understand! your parents love you, they-" he paused, trying to calm down, "look, i'm sorry, okay? i shouldn't have come with you," you looked stricken at that, a pained, distant look in your eyes, "what?"
"i shouldn't have come, it was a mistake. this is a big thing for you and i'm messing it up," he said with a sigh, rubbing a hand over his face. "you're not messing it up, connor. i just don't understand-" "that's right, you don't understand," he cut you off, "look- let's just go to bed, okay? i'll see you in the morning," he grabbed his phone from the bed and disappearing behind the connecting room door, leaving you speechless.
you ran over the argument what felt like a hundred times, trying to figure out what went wrong. he could be so frustrating, so single minded when it came to his potential, but he'd never lashed out at you. you'd always been the one calming him down, not working him up. you hated this, whatever this even was.
on the other side of the door, connor wasn't doing any better. he felt sick with guilt, hating the way you'd looked at him as he snapped at you, hating the way he'd said you didn't understand. you understood better than anyone else, and he knew that, deep down. you saw him in a way he could never allow anyone else to.
he glanced up as he heard a quiet knock at the door, recognizing the little pattern tapped against it, feeling silly as his heart rate spiked at the idea of you on the other side, coming to him despite his temper. "come in," he called, smoothing out the blanket to busy his hands. you stepped inside quietly, the hoodie of his that you always slept in catching his eye immediately.
"i hate when we fight," you said softly, still standing like you weren't sure how close to get to him, "i can't sleep knowing you're upset," you looked so vulnerable in that moment, he would've done anything to make it better. ask his parents for college tuition, move hours away with you, whatever it took to get the teary eyed expression off of your face. "i hate it too," he sighed, opening his arms and gesturing you over, "not mad at you, just- it's hard,"
you crossed the room, settling on the bed and melting into his arms in the way he'd grown so addicted to. "didn't mean to pressure you," you mumbled into his shirt, "i'm really sorry, con," god, you had it all wrong. "you aren't pressuring me," he said quietly, running his hand through your hair absentmindedly, "i don't even know how to say all of this," you pulled back slightly, just enough to look up at him, your brows knit. "say all what?"
"i want you to do whatever you want, go wherever you want, and i hope you know that. you're gonna do so many great things, and i'm scared i'll hold you back from that, or that you'll have so many things that you won't need me anymore. and i know that's unfair, and you've always shown that i'm important, but it terrifies me, the idea of not having you in my life," he hated the way his voice cracked, "and you're my best friend, and i've sat with this and i haven't said anything because i'd never do anything to jeopardize that,"
i'm really doing this, he thought, as he continued on, "the idea of not being in your life terrifies me because i'm- well, fuck, i'm in love with you. you're so funny and so fucking smart, and you always know what to say, but you never really have to say anything. just being with you is the easiest part of my life. and i'd love to follow you to college, i'd love to get us a place just for the two of us, i would love nothing more than to make a little life with you, and i know we're so young and we're friends and if this is all wrong, we can forget it, okay? but i couldn't act like i wasn't feeling this way, it wasn't fair to either-"
"connor," he opened his eyes, not realizing he'd ever even closed them, to find you beaming and giddy and close to laughing, "i've been waiting so long for you to say that to me, do you have any idea? god, we're both so stubborn," and then you were on him, your arms around his shoulders and your face buried in his neck, hugging him the tightest anyone ever had.
he laughed, breathless and shocked, holding you closer to him, "are you serious?" "of course i'm serious," he could feel your smile against his skin, "i've been in love with you for ages," he pulled you back slightly, your cheeks pink and your smile giddy as you looked up at him, and he couldn't resist it anymore, he kissed you with all the emotion he'd been holding back for what felt like a lifetime, smiling against your lips, laughing as you pulled away to rest your forehead on his.
the two of you just laid there for a while, your legs tangled together and your hands trailing over each others arms, backs, hair, anywhere the other could reach. he hadn't even realized he'd dozed off until you were yawning softly and shifting to lay your head on the pillow. "i love you," you mumbled, a sleepy smile on your lips. "i love you,"
you fell asleep hand in hand, your own bed on the other side of the door long forgotten.
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suguwu · 2 days ago
here have just under 1k of a nanami draft i found in my docs bc apparently that's the vibe today
"you're being weird."
nanami raises an eyebrow. "i'm not," he says.
"you are," you say. "you're being weird about dumplings."
you'd picked them up on the way over, sending nanami a vague text to say that you'll be late. it's one of his favorite stalls, a humble little thing tucked away near a busy izakaya. it's a long wait, but you've never minded. you like to watch the vendor make shumai while waiting, marveling at the quick precision of her bent fingers. she works with an easy, fluid familiarity.
shoko teases you when you say the vendor's dumplings—shumai, gyoza, all of her offerings—are made with love, but you think that knowing something so well that it's etched in your fingertips couldn't be anything but.
it's always felt right to share them with nanami.
he picks one up and eats it. you stifle a smile. the stiff way he's holding his chopsticks and the way he's not looking at you speaks volumes. it's almost childish.
you think you love him most in these moments.
you point your chopsticks at him, ignoring the way he rolls his eyes at your rudeness. "see? you're being weird."
you probably should have known this was coming. you'd tipped the scale as soon as you'd arrived with the takeout containers.
"i'm eating dumplings," he says.
"what does that even mean?"
you peer at him, scrunching up your brow to match his. he's unamused. or rather, he'd like to be, but you know better.
"i dunno," you say. "you just are."
he sighs. you think if you kissed him now, you could taste the smile he's swallowing down. "i don't know what i was expecting."
"me either. you really should know better."
he doesn't answer you, too busy stealing a dumpling out from beneath your chopsticks. you gape at him as he pops it into his mouth.
"yes, sweetheart?"
you grumble out a soft insult. he chuckles, a low, sweet rumbling, and you consider letting everything go. consider just basking in the warmth.
but he reaches for another dumpling, and you think of the way he'd looked when you brought them. how you could practically see him flipping through your favorite things like recipe cards, searching, searching, searching for what to do next.
"kento," you say.
"what?" he asks, starting to nudge a dumpling—your favorite kind—towards you. he raises a brow when you don't reply.
you take a deep breath.
"you know that you don't have to earn everything, right?" you ask carefully.
nanami goes still.
"excuse me?"
"you don't need to earn everything," you repeat. you shift in your seat, trying to ignore the way your heart is rabbiting in your chest, the way heat is spreading beneath your skin.
he puts his chopsticks down.
"what do you mean?"
"don't do that," you snap. "don't pretend you don't know what i'm talking about."
nanami's dark eyes sharpen. "you're being unfair," he says, blunt as always, and you hate that he's right. "i have an idea of it, but i want to make sure that i understand. i think i should be able to ask for clarity."
each word is calm. cool. you think of early winter, when the ice is thickening with each passing day.
your chopsticks are leaving imprints of their pattern on your palm. it almost hurts. nanami's gaze darts down to your hand; his lips thin.
"i don't—you don't need to earn everything," you say helplessly, scrambling for better words. "surprise dumplings can just be that. you don't need to do something in return. you don't need to reciprocate every time i do something for you."
you hadn't thought anything of it. not at first. you're not even sure when you noticed. but you had, and now you see it every single time. you've never given him a present—no matter how small—and not received one just a day or two later. it's sweet in its own way, but the longer it goes on, the more it sits like tar between your ribs, heavy and sticky and noxious.
"i enjoy gifting you things," he says. "you're aware of that. it's never been an issue before. what is it, exactly, that you need?"
"i need you to let me love you without feeling like you owe me for it."
his shoulders go tight. you've teased him before about the mountain ridge of them, how solid he is, how immovable, but there's something fragile to them now. a rockslide waiting to happen.
"fuck," you hiss, your stomach roiling. "i just—you're so bad at being taken care of. i want to do things for you. just because. i want to do things for you without you needing to do something in return, because sometimes it's like you don't think i love you enough to stay."
nanami takes in a sharp breath.
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dubiousanon · 2 days ago
Do you have any more kakanaru ideas?
God, you don't even know the half of it. Here have a few but I'm dead serious, they're fucking unending. Title: 'Til Death Do Us Part Summary: In which Kakashi agrees to let Naruto practice seals on him, only for Naruto to go and "accidentally" bind them together for eternity in the first ten minutes. This wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if Kakashi weren't actively head over heels in love with him, and now their emotions are connected and Naruto knows it. -Post war, Kakashi falls in love with Naruto over the course of the village's reconstruction and sits silently on his crush for about two years, hoping it'll go away. News flash: it does not, in fact, go away. It gets like, ten times worse.
-Little does he realize, Naruto loves him back and the whole seal thing was fully intentional. Kakashi thinks that Naruto can't remove the seal. Naruto completely knows how to take it off, but after realizing Kakashi feels the same, he pretends he doesn't know how.
-Kurama cheers them on like the fangirl we all know he is and Naruto does his best to woo Kakashi, who is firmly in the "this is wrong, I'm a dirty old man, I couldn't possibly!" camp. So much so that, despite their emotions being connected, he remains blind to the fact that Naruto feels the same. Title: The You Inside of Me Summary: After Kakashi gets hit by a jutsu that de-ages him, suddenly he's nineteen years old again and has no idea what's going on, how he got here, or what to do with himself. When Naruto takes it upon himself to help Kakashi adjust, Kakashi can't help but notice how... pretty he is. Like, really, really pretty. -Naruto is also nineteen years old. It's just after the war and everything is kind of in shambles. Kakashi still believes himself to be ANBU and almost runs off thinking he's stuck in some genjutsu, but Naruto practically sparkles like gold in the sunlight, so Kakashi stays. -Naruto is unendingly kind to him to the point that Kakashi doesn't know how to react other than to melt. He's basically side-lined from missions while they try to bring him back to his actual age and with every passing day, he finds himself falling harder and harder for Naruto. To the point that he doesn't want to be aged back up again if it means he can't have this.
-As if age would stop Naruto Uzumaki from getting what he wants. Though honestly, he doesn't mind either way. Watching Kakashi discover Icha Icha for the first time is a true novelty.
Title: A Spoonful Of Sugar Summary: Post war, Naruto comes back to his apartment to find its been leveled to the ground. With so much destruction, Konoha is launched straight into a housing crisis that makes hunting for somewhere new to live impossible. Enter: Kakashi, who has an entire house to himself and is hardly ever there anyway now that he's Hokage.
-Kakashi thinks it's a great idea up until Naruto sleep walks into his bed in search of warmth in nothing but a tank top and the smallest shorts known to mankind and makes himself at home. Naruto's a cuddler, too, but Kakashi loves it so much that he silently hopes every night that he'll wander in. Even if the guilt practically devours him alive.
-Konoha is on pause for missions, but Naruto will die if he doesn't keep busy. Kakashi wasn't trying to get a live-in maid or anything, but the homecooked meals every time he comes home make his heart flutter. Naruto's also is helping with the reconstruction, which means he comes home sweaty. It does NOT help. -Basically, Naruto moves in, never leaves, and accidentally seduces Kakashi by doing absolutely nothing but being himself. Kakashi is helplessly enamored by it. Title: No Time (Like The Present) Summary: Naruto reaches adulthood and it's like a switch flips. Whereas he had absolutely no interest in relationships before, suddenly all he can think about is being with someone. Couple this with the strange urge he's had to let Kakashi-sensei bite him, he's pretty sure he knows exactly who he's going for.
-Or: Naruto's animal hindbrain belatedly kicks online and suddenly he's desperate to find someone. He feels naturally drawn to people who ALSO have animal hindbrains, whether he realizes it or not. This narrows his options down to Kakashi or... Kiba.
-Obviously he's not choosing Kiba, ew. After coming to the astute conclusion that he wants Kakashi to bite his neck and pound him into a mattress, he starts to relentlessly pursue him in the bluntest way possible. Which is to say he marches up to him and boldly declares that they should fuck.
-Kakashi is flabbergasted, terrified, and also desperate because now that Naruto's mentioned it, he can't stop thinking about it. And Naruto also smells really good, and Kakashi's hands would be so big on his waist, and it would be amazing. But also wrong. But also... well, he'll only hold out against Naruto for so long anyway, I guess.
Title: Planetary Summary: After a seal gone wrong, Naruto thinks he got off without any consequences. The sudden wet dreams he keeps having about Kakashi-sensei are weird, but he kind of enjoys them a ton, so he doesn't mind. It never occurs to him that they might be real.
-Naruto blows a seal up and suddenly he and Kakashi have connected dreams. Neither of them realize that they're both cognizant, that the dreams are real, and they're both lucid. Kakashi thinks he's having the same old wet dreams he's been having for the past year. Naruto thinks it's a cool, neat new feature.
-Kakashi basically ravishes Naruto every night thinking none of it is real and that he's finally just gone off the deep end and is having insanely detailed dreams as a result. Tons of filth, but also a lot of desperate kissing, 'I love you's, and various desperate apologies. Naruto is slightly taken aback but enthusiastically there for the ride.
-Eventually, a few vague mentions make it click that hey, they're both experiencing this same thing. The tension is insane. Naruto wants to climb him like a tree. Kakashi is drowning in self-righteous guilt. You know the drill.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 11 hours ago
How did you like her interview in People? I wonder, when this attempt fails, what mask will she put on next time...
I'm reading the article now...typing my thoughts here in real time.
People was on site when Harry was still in Vancouver for the Invictus Games - meaning that Meghan 1,000% lined up this article after she forced Netflix to postpone the release from January 15th, along with the NYC billboard and her NYC trip. Meaning she had ZERO PR planned for the original launch date because there's no way - with how much this article cost and the price of billboards in Time Square - Netflix would've just eaten the cost.
"Mama, don't work too hard" -> The real Prince Charles: Future king is a workaholic who 'falls asleep at his desk and wakes up with paper stuck to his face' says Harry (November 2018)
“I love that that is something that Archie, Lili, H and I all have together. It means a lot to me.” -> Devaluing phase!
The Sussex name, she adds, “is part of our love story." -> just say yessssssssssssssss AGREE WITH ME DAMMIT. Seriously - aside from Taylor Swift (who is contractually obligated by her fans to keep singing Love Story), is there any woman over the age of 19 who keeps bleating on about her love story the way Meghan does?
“As a woman, a mom and a wife, to be able to find yourself again...is a wonderful feeling.” -> Too bad instead of finding this grace towards another woman, mom, and wife, you went for the jugular and talked about her hormones.
this time there’s no mention of anything royal -> Reading between the lines: they're completely cut off and don't have anything to share but they're going to make you think it's their choice.
“Whenever Harry visited set, he was always super polite and friendly,” -> tracks with Vanity Fair. Also this is not Meghan saying Harry's name; it's a Netflix staffer.
“My husband met me when I had The Tig, and I see this spark in his eye when he sees me doing the thing that I was doing when he first met me,” she says. -> Sounds more like "thank God now she'll leave me alone" relief
Chinese food delivery is a favorite, “but even when I get takeout, I will try to plate it beautifully,” -> “It’s so beautifully arranged on the plate, you know someone’s fingers have been all over it.” -Julia Child...aka keep your filthy paws off my food unless you wash your hands (with soap) in front of me.
In the process, Meghan says, Montecito has become protective of the Sussexes: “Once you know us, I think you want us to have the same normalcy as parents and for our children as they do, despite however unique our situation is.” -> Royal expert reveals how 'protective' Norfolk locals help Kate and William enjoy date nights (September 2021)
The family’s sprawling estate is their sanctuary, which is why Meghan chose to film her show in a nearby rental that echoes their own space. -> But she has noooooooooooo problem inviting People Magazine into her bedroom where her child is sleeping.
so I’m normally up at 6:30 -> So much for that 5am go-getter lifestyle, huh?
“My husband and Archie both love fried eggs," -> in this economy?!
I want my kids to have those same formative memories of things that I cook. We call them Mama Meals...[a]nd it’s the same roast chicken I’ve been making since they were little.” -> Reading between the lines again...it sounds like a blink-and-miss-it confession that she doesn't cook as much as she claims to. Are they ordering takeout that much? Do they have their own chef or meal kit service? No shame if they do, but if you have a special name for the meals your mom cooks...she's not cooking that much. Also this would've been much better if she said she was making roast chicken since before they were born, you know, considering how it's their engagement story. Well, one of them. She probably forgot that, let's be honest. It's hard to keep them all straight.
They would also come with my husband -> still can't bear to say his name.
“Being able to have my own little girl, as I’ve spent so much of my life championing the rights of girls and women, and to be able to see this as a multigenerational story — Archie is of course included in that, my husband is of course included in that — but I love the heritage feeling of it and knowing this is something that I can create in front of my daughter and teach her what it’s like to be a working mom,” she says. “This is something that hopefully can be part of her legacy too.” -> Maaaaaaaaaaybe if you want her to have ownership...name something after her? You named your charity organization, production company, and podcast company after her brother. What does she get? A name scandal.
rinse and repeat,” -> Hey, remember when she had this phrase in nearly every single PR article? Remember when this was her username in the DM comments section?
“Anyone who has children will tell you, it’s a huge evolution as a woman during that time.” -> Hey, you know what would be really cool to show your evolution as a woman? Apologizing to Kate for insulting her because you didn't know how exhausting a motherhood journey could be.
“And my gosh, in 10 years, Archie will be driving!” -> Really? That's what you think of? Your kid being your chauffeur in 10 years?
Why are all the photos exclusive from June 2024?
So overall thoughts: This is a classic People story. Someone launches a new chapter of their lives, and they sit down for a "my life now" intimate tell-all interview. Like so:
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I did a google search of "People magazine my life now", clicked over to Images, and these are the top results. That's 12 People covers of "my life now" intimate tell-alls. This is not groundbreaking in any way, shape, or form. Well, the amount of photoshopping on the cover photo is probably groundbreaking.
And lastly, once again proving there's never an original bone in Meghan's body:
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Kate wears a hat on the cover, so Meghan wears a hat on the cover.
Kate brings her dog to the photoshoot, Meghan brings her dog to the photoshoot.
I'm honestly shocked Meghan didn't bring out her bike for this one too.
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beef-brisket · 12 hours ago
Charlie: Oh, thank you, dad-! Thank you, Adam!
Adam: Anytime, kid.
The king chatted with his daughter and Vaggie, and both fallen angels were trying to keep her calm as she started to panic about how big this party was going to be.
Soon, his eyes drifted over to Adam, who was chatting with Angel. The spider sinner looked excited about something and was laughing along with Adam.
Charlie: W-What if no one BUT the sins turn up?!
Vaggie rubbed her back, assuring her that would happen.
Lucifer: Everything will be great, hun. I promise!
Angel laughed: Bitch, we're getting ready together, you know that right?
Adam: Huh? Ready for what?
Angel: The fucking party! What the hell do you mean "for what"? Come on, man!
Adam laughed and rolled his eyes: For fuck sakes. I don't have fucking party clothes-.
Angel: What?! Why?!
Adam: ...Because I don't have money? I literally just stay here all day, man.
Angel: Hm... I've got a plan. You borrow the kings card, and then we hit the fucking town and go on a shopping spree!
Adam: Oh yeah, cause he wouldn't notice that, Ange.
Angel: He won't. He probably doesn't even use it.
Adam: ...Fine. But don't make me buy anything slutty.
Angel: Oh, I'm definitely making you buy something slutty. You're in Hell, live it up!
Destination Redemption!
Pride was one of if not the largest ring in all of Hell. So when the population of sinners started to really take a toll from the paused exterminations Lucifer had no choice but to open up the other rings to fan them out.
So for the time being until they got word back from heaven about how to handle all the sinners they were all over Hell's creation. Literally.
Charlie, wanting to redeem more sinners now that it's possible thought it would be a great idea to spread the word to the seven rings of Hell to help all of the sinners reach the pearly gates!
Lucifer: You want me to do that? But sweetie it's your hotel.
Charlie: Yes! Buuut, if you succeed in getting people to come here they'll want to meet the "big boss" of the hotel herself. Pretty good huh?
Lucifer snickered, okay that was cute.
Lucifer: Okay, I guess I can just zap-
Charlie: No! You gotta take your time dad. Do it right, use the Jeep! Please, for me?
She wants him to go on a literal road trip?
Lucifer: ..... Can I bring Adam?
Charlie: Sure! It'll be good to get him out of into the fresh air for a while!
Lucifer nodded, him and Adam have been working on their...... Friendship? Relationship? Situationship more like it but it is what it is.
He went and knocked on Adams door, the fallen angel answered.
Adam: Yeah?
Lucifer: I'm going on a road trip, wanna come with?
Adam thought for a moment: Sure, if it means I get out of here for a while.
Lucifer beamed: Great! Pack a bag and meet me in the lobby in one hour!
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jimblejamblewritings · 13 hours ago
Okay, but picture the party finally makes it to Baldur's Gate and they go to confront Gortash first and maybe stop the coronation (if they can do so without bloodshed or at least without killing Wyll's dad accidentally). Gortash of course spills the beans all about Resist!Durge and the companions are upset. Honestly, this might be a hot take but I think they should be even more upset.
There's something so deliciously angsty (and human) about the companions being upset despite knowing that Durge has no memories of who they were before the tadpole and has actively been working to be a better person. They should try to help them and work through this revelation together but they just can't shake the betrayal long enough to see past themselves. Maybe the character they're romancing (I always feel like Halsin and Astarion work best for Durge so they'll be my placeholders for the rest of this but use whoever you romance) is less irrational. But instead of being fully on their side, they're trying to convince Durge to just give the others time and space to come back.
Maybe even Jaheira and Minsc are struggling because to be a Bhaalspawn is one thing but Durge created this entire trouble they're in now.
Durge is feeling utterly alone as they are avoided at camp like the plague. Even when the group moves into Elfsong Tavern, nothing has changed. Karlach who is normally this wonderful bubbly person is the worst of all. Gortash fucked her over majorly and not only was Durge his ally but was clearly involved with him. She can't find it in her to be reasonable.
(more under the cut)
This leads to Durge still being their leader but with essentially no real respect past how they work... until Haarlep. Durge is actively still trying to be a good person although it's getting harder. But that means they don't want to fight and kill at every inconvenience. When Haarlep gives the ultimatum, they choose to give themselves to the incubus to save everyone from getting hurt. It doesn't work and they still have to fight after all is said and done but at least they got the hammer and Raphael is dead. But now, Durge has no respect.
The first time Haarlep uses their form, the companions are disgusted and making jokes at their expense (kind of in line with game dialogue). And Durge is just going through the motions at this point. Now, this kind of needs Yenna in the camp to work but Orin takes Yenna and confronts Durge when they are alone buying supplies to bring back to camp.
Durge decides to go to the Temple of Bhaal alone. A final show of bravado if you will and a final attempt at keeping everyone safe. They defeat Orin. They say no to Bhaal. And they die on the cold stone floor of the temple all alone with nothing but the random Bhaalist member walking about on the upper floors.
Withers shows up but he can't do anything. Not here. If he plays around with Durge's death in this domain then Bhaal might swoop in and take their soul again. Or worse Bane or Myrkul. Durge has to be in a safer place away from the temple. So he summons a hireling to grab the only alliance member Durge truly has at the moment.
One of Gortash's Steel Watch collects Durge's body and takes it all the way to Gortash's mansion in the upper city. The instructions the hireling delivers from Withers are clear: Do not bury the body. Do not tamper with the body in a harmful way. Leave Durge in a safe room until he returns with what he needs. Collect the party.
Obviously, the party is on edge when a steel watcher shows up with Yenna but they aren't being arrested and the alliance is real even if they don't like it. The watcher doesn't say much in case others are around. The message is cryptic but sounds urgent. They arrive in the upper city and Gortash is completely stripped of all the bravado from earlier.
He's stressing how he isn't responsible for this and "that bone man" left them these messages. Feeling like his life won't be in immediate danger anymore, Gortash finally takes them to Durge's bedroom — his master bedroom and the one they used to share many moons ago. All hell breaks loose.
They try everything. Shadowheart's healing. Any spell Wyll has in his repertoire. Halsin's druid magic. Weird githyanki potions from Lae'zel that they've never heard about before. Karlach using up every soul coin she's got to try and just do something. Astarion stays at the foot of the bed just listening. Everyone keeps watching his face and hopes he'll hear a heartbeat or the faintest of breaths but his facial expression never changes. The revivify scrolls don't work. Gale figures this sacrifice is worth it and uses his scroll of true resurrection. It doesn't work.
Jaheira has to pull them away and say there is still work to be done. The alliance with Gortash is now at its peak with everyone bonded through this tragedy. No one even objects when he takes all three Netherstones. It subdues the brain for now, allows them to plan accordingly. Karlach pushes aside all her pain and lets Gortash know loud and clear that Durge is the only reason she doesn't murder him where he stands. He doesn't even have a quip for that, just nods before getting back to work.
Everyone is concerned about Astarion the most. They all shed tears, screamed, were right messes. He's been void of any visible sadness. It's strange how he's acting like nothing happened. Absolutely nothing.
They all keep checking on Durge, late apologies always spilling from their lips. Withers finally returns. They abandon all missions and plans and huddle in Durge's room. But it isn't dramatic. There's no roaring back to life, no huge gasps of breath, no sitting up or calling out. It's like nothing has changed. But Withers did everything. Yet there isn't a difference. Until Astarion sees it. Not a heartbeat to be heard yet but blood begins to warm Durge up. Withers encourages them all to return to work and leave his Chosen to rest. Durge has to stitch themselves back together before their soul can settle in and they can rise.
Halsin and Astarion are the worst at following his instructions. They only half pay attention to plans and never leave for missions at the same time even if the party would benefit from both being there. Halsin refuses to let a steel watcher continue to take care of Durge. He can clean them up from any sweat or dust that acquires on their resting form. He'll change their sleepwear every other night. Astarion is the one to watch them all night, needing the least amount of sleep out of everyone.
The companions start thinking of how to apologize to Durge's face once they finally awaken. It could be any day now. A tray of food and a pitcher of water are left on the nightstand and switched out daily in case Durge awakens while no one is home. Clothes that get washed more frequently than needed are folded neatly and placed on a chair right by the bed. Every garment belongs to Astarion and Halsin even though they know where Durge's wardrobe is.
Astarion actually starts thanking whatever gods are listening when Durge's heartbeat finally reaches his ears. It's not as strong as before but it's there. Everything might be alright he thinks as he calls everyone in. Then the tadpoles connect. Durge isn't even truly awake but the parasite is already back in business. And everyone sees what Durge is going through as they try to wake. Everyone relives the temple, Haarlep, Kressa, every vulnerable moment of Durge. They see the horror of when the urge first appeared. And then a realization that while the others are nightmares and memories resurfacing, Haarlep is now. Durge's form is still being used because why would an incubus care.
It's not an apology by a longshot but the companions decide they can at least take out Haarlep. They've killed a devil. An incubus isn't a threat. For once, both Astarion and Halsin leave.
Breakfast the next day is a lighter affair. Not pleasant, not with them having to tolerate Gortash, but light. And then in Durge's room, they finally awaken. It still isn't dramatic. Maybe because no one is there to make it feel so. Durge gets up, changes into what was folded up in the chair, and shakily exits their room.
The dramatics finally start once they make their way downstairs and into the dining room. Before Durge has a chance to process what all is happening, they are being seated and having a plate set in front of them. Without question, Gortash hands over Orin and Ketheric's Netherstones. Maybe in some fancy accessory or weapon for ease of wielding. Withers appears to look upon his Chosen, happy (as happy as he likes to let on) that they seem to be relatively healthy already.
Karlach begins to apologize first. It's heartfelt and profuse and completely cut off by Durge. That's fine, anger is to be expected. But Durge isn't angry. They aren't even addressing Karlach. Instead, they wearily ask Withers why. Why couldn't he just let them enjoy death in peace. Everyone is shook to their core because they heard Withers' entire resurrection speech. Durge wasn't in the heavens or hells. They were walking in purgatory forever yet somehow that was peace to them.
It's obvious now that Durge isn't tired from having to crawl back to life essentially. They're fatigued from everything, life itself and the cards they were dealt. Durge doesn't even eat the breakfast laid out in front of them. They don't want to hear any plans about anything and especially not about elder brains. All they want is quiet. So they ask Gortash if he still has that garden and that's where they go.
The party takes their time so as to give their leader space but eventually make their way into the garden too. Durge is just sitting there. And they stay there until the sun sets. When they finally do come inside, they only address Astarion and if he needs to feed. He's thrown off guard as he says no. Durge retreats back into their new shell at those words, only going to their lovers' room after being asked.
In the middle of the night, Durge wakes up to find Halsin's arms protectively around them. They turn their head to see Astarion awake and just staring at them. His processing was delayed, a gift of years of disassociation at the hands of Cazador. But now he feels it in full effect and has to make sure Durge is actually alive. He has to hear their heartbeat and watch their chest rise and fall.
Him trying to murmur sweet nothings so Durge can go back to sleep only wakes Halsin whose arms get tighter around Durge before relaxing as he finally comes to his senses. In the dead of the night, Halsin and Astarion are the first to apologize to a living Durge and be heard out. Quietly, Durge accepts it. For a moment, they think they might have been dreaming that something was said. But Durge repeats themselves just a tad bit louder before falling back into deep slumber.
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backtothedrawingboard · 3 days ago
Tadc Cast Tk Headcanons
Here's some headcanons related to a request by @girlyc0ww :D
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•Wasn't originally ticklish. He learned about it when Jax tried and failed to tickle him.
•After that, he gave himself the ability to be ticklish out of curiousity and now loves it.
•He thinks it's the perfect way to laugh when he's feeling down and will seek it out.
•Very loud laugh. It's one of the only times his announcer persona disappears and his real laugh appears. It's surprisingly high pitch.
•Definitely a squirmer. He'll flail and wriggle everywhere.
•Sometimes he'll pop out of existence.
•His worst spots are his armpits and hips, but he's pretty ticklish everywhere. Surprisingly, his feet are not ticklish.
•About a 7/10 on the ticklish scale.
•Loves aftercare. He doesn't really understand it, but he'll never pass down an opportunity for hugs.
•Unintentionally mean.
•He used to tease without realizing it and was confused why his lee got all blushy. Now that he understands it, he overdoes it like CRAZY.
•He will reduce even the toughest lee to a flustered mess.
•Often pretends he doesn't know why the lee is laughing. "You must think my jokes are hilarious!"
•Surprisingly good at aftercare. He gives lots of head pats and hugs.
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I already have some that you can find here! But here's some more just for kicks!
•It takes a while for her to be comfortable enough to let someone tickle her, but she will eventually allow it.
•She sometimes snorts, which causes her to go red and cover her mouth.
•She absolutely will not let Jax touch her. She doesn't like him or trust him. He gets slapped every time he tries.
•She's the only one (besides Zooble lol) that effectively makes him go away when he tries.
•She figures out exactly what makes the lee squeal. Whether it's rough clawing or light skittering, she'll find out.
•Since her arms can stretch out, any squirming away won't be effective to escape cause she can keep holding on while scooting closer again.
•If she blows raspberries, she'll go so long her face changes colors.
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•Not super ticklish because it's hard to actually tickle her.
•If you do manage to tickle her, go for her sides. Or what would be her sides. It's the easiest to grab.
•She's a squirmer. And since she's made of ribbon, she can escape easily.
•She doesn't really have a worst spot. She's equally ticklish pretty much everywhere but her arms.
•About a 4/10 on the ticklish scale just because it's so hard to get her.
•Easily flustered but pretty much anything.
•She usually doesn't mind tickling unless Jax is targeting her. She will try to escape no matter who it is, though.
•She enjoys aftercare if it's anyone but Jax. She's sometimes on the fence about it with Ragatha, too. But otherwise, she enjoys chin rubs.
•Pretty shy if she's starting it.
•She doesn't usually start anything unless someone provokes her.
•She will get you if you start it, though.
•She isn't good at rough tickling since she's just ribbons. But if soft gets you, good luck.
•She doesn't tease much because it just flusters her.
•Good at aftercare. She'll hold the lee close.
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•Since she's a doll, she's squishy and easy to grab.
•Very ticklish and will kick you.
•She doesn't like it but will tolerate it if it will make you happy.
•Worst spots are her sides and belly.
•About a 8/10 on the ticklish scale.
•Teasing doesn't work well on her. It just pisses her off.
•She does enjoy aftercare. She'll just flop limply on the ler's lap and accept any affection from them.
•So mean.
•She might not like it for herself, but she's a real tickle monster on the others if she wants to make them laugh.
•Pretty teasy. Not as much as Caine or Jax, but still mean.
•She'll do fake-outs just to make the lee squeal.
•Lots of "Coochicoochicoooo!"
•She might be mean, but she does want the lee to have fun and will ease off if they don't like it or are in distress.
•GREAT at aftercare. Lots of cuddles, and she's a plush doll so she's very comfy to lean on.
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•Not ticklish lol.
•He'll pretend to be just to humor the ler.
•If he's out of it, he'll just ask what the ler is doing.
•Nice ler.
•He'll almost never intentionally tickle anyone unless they ask him to.
•His teases are usually compliments and encouragements.
•He stops at the first request to.
•If he notices somewhere is a death spot, he'll leave it alone unless specifically asked to tickle there.
•Great with aftercare. He'll hug the lee and offer his pillow fort as a place to rest.
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•Just don't.
•They hate it and will either slap the soul out of you or get you back tenfold.
•Only allows Gangle tickle them.
•But in case you do dare, their tickle spots depend on what Zooble parts they have that day.
•Ranges from a 3/10 to a 7/10 on the ticklish scale.
•Don't even bother with aftercare. They'll just fight you.
•Usually doesn't start anything unless their lee went after them first.
•Mean ler. They only stop after several "stops."
•They target the worst spots and go INTENSE.
•Aftercare includes a middle finger and a slap.
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I already have some that you can find here! But here's some more!
•His tail wags vigorously. That's his main giveaway that he's having fun.
•After a while he'll just go limp and claim that he's dying.
•That's your sign to stop.
•If he does want it to continue, he'll either put your hands back on his sides or nudge your hand with his head.
•Lots of wild squirming and kicking.
•He purrs once it's over.
•His burrowing instinct sometimes kicks in and he'll dig at at the lee's belly. It's not too rough, so it tickles like HELL.
•His tail wags when his lee is having fun.
•EVIL with raspberries. EVIL. RUN.
•He'll rub his face against his lee if he's fond of them (chinning!). He'll do this either while tickling or after tickling.
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skeletonh0e · 3 days ago
Can I request how the boys would treat a sick reader? I've been feeling like shit lately so I would appreciate it 😭
Sorry you feel bad homie! Sending you all the love! And for this in particular I'm going with a human reader but pronouns are gender neutral
You're sick (ft. The boys)
Classic Sans:
Nope. Into bed. Getting rest.
He's very loving but also firm, admittedly he doesn't know much about human illnesses but he wants you healthy, so you're in bed. He'll handle the rest
He's not leaving much room for argument
And yes if he feels it's severe enough you will be dragged to a healer
Gets you some medicine, even cooks for you (that's rare for his lazy ass), and does keep you company
Skeletons probably can't get sick, at least not from the common cold or whatever
He'll even let you cuddle up to him, even if you're snotty
He's still making jokes though make no mistake
"the plague, the flu, and the common cold walk into a bar. The bartender asks "Hey what is this? Some kind of sick joke?"" Da dum tss
Not smothering by any means, it'd Sans, he's still chill about the whole thing, like I said just firm and doesn't want you to worsen your condition
Underswap Sans:
Literally just said you weren't feeling so hot and suddenly he's dedicated to completely spoiling you until you get better
Medicine? He's already bought plenty just in case. Food? Making you anything within reason. Blankets? You gotta lotta blankets? Stuff you need to do? No you don't he will do it
"worry not my beloved! while i am here nothing shall disturb your recovery!"
It's a bit much but you can't say you're not thankful for it
He won't be extremely touchy, he doesn't think he can catch anything from you but he doesn't wanna risk it either
Still supportive of you though!! Make no mistake but germs are Icky!
Extremely good at managing doctors appointments and such if it there's a need for it to go that far
Definitely studying up for next time about human conditions, he's so worried he's not doing enough.
He wants you to be alright y'know?
Underfell Sans:
The fuck you mean you're sick?!? Have you not been careful!?
You're getting a lecture lmao, how dare you not keep your immune system in check, it's like you want to inconvenience hum!
Y/N: "....you don't have to care for me-"
Red: "no fuck you im going to"
Does the typical shit, medicine, makes sure you're in bed and actually resting, gets you food, etc. Just all in a very grouchy way
Will also take caring for you as an excuse to not to his typical jobs, content to lay with you while you benchwatch some shows
The hypocrisy of him lecturing you about letting yourself get sick but not taking any precautions with you isn't lost on anyone
Expect some typical brutally honest Red though he is not afraid to tell you that you look like shit
Which tbf you probably do but that's besides the point
Complains he won't go through this if there's a second time but we all know he will
Horrortale Sans:
It takes everything in him to not panic instantly, pls reassure him it's a simple sickness and that'll it clear up in a few days. PLS TELL HIM UR NOT DYING
After that is over he's going into caregiver mode, no questions asked
More intense than Classic, but not as smothering as Swap. Very attentive nonetheless
Gets you whatever you ask for or need, keeps a very close on your condition for improvements as well as making sure it doesn't worsen
Whatever need to be done it will be done he will be your provider
Definitely has no problem with physical contact, fuck him getting sick you're more important
If he had his way you wouldn't leave the bed until you're completely healed but he'll happily just carry your from place to place if need be
Honestly still worried despite your reassurances anyway
He'll be so relieved once it's all over
Underlust Sans:
Awwww baby what's wrong? :(((
Quickly assets the situation and immediately starts to care for you
It's pretty surprising how he switches from his goofy flirtatious self to a very sweet dependable caregiver
I mean it's not like you expected him to be a dick and blow you off completely but still
Gets you all comfy in bed, some soup, maybe some tea and even offers a massage
Not to say the flirting completely goes away though
Ace: "you're still pretty hot like this ya know"
Y/N: *having a fucking coughing fit*
Keeping this as SFW as possible but let's just say he's not opposed to catering to your other needs if you have them at all during sick hours
If not he's down to give a massage or cuddle for sure
Fresh Sans:
Imm be real with you, he is not the best man for this
I think you're gonna have to really explain that you're sick and not in the mood for his usual antics
And he still doesn't quite get it??? But at the very least he's concerned enough to at least try to do something
Man is a parasite bro technically is a form of sickness be easy on him
You'll have to tell him what to get and he'll get it
He's still extremely touchey, possibly more so as even if he doesn't understand how to help someone who's sick, he does care for you and doesn't like you being in a bad mood of any sorts
Will watching him do some sweet tricks help? Cuz he'll do 'em
Kind of annoying in the sense he'll kinda constantly be asking "are you better now? what about now?"
If it actually gets to a really concerning point for him he'll go harass some bitches for some quick healing medicine
Will probably make some enemies while retrieving it but if it means you two can go to chucky cheese later no problem it's worth it
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didyoulookforme · 3 days ago
1 with post Matty PLSSSS
Allllll my love,
Belle <3
overwhelmed, but happy crying during sex
from the prompt list here
so, about a year after you officially became a couple, you finally ask if he wants to move in with you :') i mean, he might as well be the third member of the household (counting sweet pup kevin) since he already has a ton of his clothes there and even his own spot in your closet and dresser, lol. obviously, matty is overjoyed and totally emotional when you ask because what do you mean the woman of his literal (wet) dreams is letting him share your space?!
anyway, he says yes and that night he can’t stop beaming when he gets back home, endlessly telling hann about how ecstatic he is, how perfect you are, and how he’d do anything for you. he nearly forgets that now poor adam is going to be without a roommate, but adam is happy for him and, tbh, it might not be the worst thing to avoid waking up to matty roaming around in his boxers every morning.
a couple of weeks later, it's moving day and matty wakes up super early, freaking out about what if it doesn't work out, or if you get sick of him, or if he ends up annoying you. he calls you around 6:30 am to check for the one millionth time if you're sure. you're genuinely endeared by him (it's rare to see him lose his shit) so you just smile while comforting him and assure him that you'll want this as long as he does.
the boys and bff mandy have all offered to help out, but matty is the first one to show up at your place to drop off a few things before the bigger move. when you open the door, he's greeted with a big hug and dozens of kisses that instantly melt his heart because you're so excited the day is finally here. he's honestly overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling inside him. and it's not helped when you lead him to what used to be your office and studio, which is now completely empty. he's obviously confused and he tries so hard to lose it as you explain that you moved your stuff to a smaller room so he could have a space to truly call his own. he nearly drops the box he's carrying, scoops you up, and whispers a flurry of "i love you so fucking much, darling," "are you sure?" and "you don't have to do this."
with everyone helping, it doesn't take long for them to get everything to your place, meaning you're done in just a few hours and have the rest of the day to get matty settled in. you've definitely noticed that matty is quieter than usual, and he reassures you that he's okay. that he's just always thought of this day when you would actually live together, and now that it's here, it feels like a dream.
you spend much of the day organizing what turns out to be matty's new music space, quietly working while records play in the background. once you decide you're done, you suggest showering together because, you know, a move is sweaty, lol, and you do, spending a lot of time holding each other and making out. when you finish, it's sweet and domestic, getting dressed side by side. a routine you've done plenty of times before, but now it's different because it can happen every day if you want it. matty can't help but smirk as you immediately rummage through his clothes to find one of his favourite shirts for you to wear. just seeing you in his shirt and panties, so damn comfortable with him, is the definition of perfection.
you order dinner and share some wine while cuddling on the couch with sweet kev, occasionally stealing glances at each other like you can’t believe this is really happening. and again, when you do something super domestic such as washing the dishes together, it tugs at matty's heartstrings and he's now beyond overjoyed, feeling almost scared at how fucking happy and at home he feels.
when you finally end up in bed, it doesn't take long for you two to start making out again, but it's different than most times. it's very slow and gentle compared to your usual eagerness to devour each other from the first second. he's on top of you, arms on either side of your head while your fingers are tangled in each other's. you're secretly over the moon as you fucking love it when he's very careful with you so you're savouring every single second of his gentle kisses on your lips, every now and then biting and pulling at his bottom lip to make him laugh (and moan). matty's head is spinning at how good it feels to grind himself against you, really enjoying every single time your hips meet. he's so lost in the intimacy that he barely registers when you ask if you can have sex, and who is he to deny you? with one last peck on your nose, he gets up to undress and you're about to do the same, but he reaches over to stop you. "please keep on the shirt." so you drop your arms and only take off your underwear, very enamoured at the fact that he loves it when you wear his clothes.
matty ends up under the bedding and on top of you again, letting you jerk him off a bit before you guide him inside you. he's so fucking gentle that you feel every single inch of him fill you up, and when he bottoms out, he just stays there for a moment while kissing you again, because honestly, he doesn't know how long he'll last once he starts moving his hips. but he eventually does, going so slowly as he nestles his face in the crook of your neck, both of you holding each other so tight as he moves inside you. he keeps moaning against your ear, making the prettiest sounds, but you immediately notice when his voice starts to quiver so you quietly ask him to stop. you cup his face so you can look at him, and a knot forms in your throat when you see his glassy eyes and the tears rolling down his cheeks.
your mind starts to race a thousand miles per second, and you guess the worry in your eyes is obvious because he reassures you right away that he's okay. more than okay, in fact. he's just overwhelmed because he's now here in your home. "our home," you correct him, which makes him cry a bit more, and his voice gets shakier as he mentions that he's so fucking happy but doesn't want to mess things up with you ever again because this is all he's ever wanted. you feel some of his tears fall on your face and it reminds you there's only been one other time you've seen matty cry, and it makes you feel so many things at how open he's being with you as you know emotions are not easy for him.
you have to focus so hard not to cry yourself, but you somehow manage. instead, you wipe away the tears from his cheeks, replacing them with small kisses while telling him you love him over and over again. "you know that, right?" he slowly nods, shutting his eyes tight as he tries his best not to cry on you again. you feel his breath start to slow and his shoulders relax before he kisses you, telling you he loves you too. more than anything.
after a few more minutes of kissing, you can't help but giggle at how distraught he is as he apologizes for crying while he's still inside you. "kinda romantic and sexy," you tease, and he rolls his eyes so hard at that before mumbling "if you say so" against your lips. he makes sure to ask if he can start moving again, and you eagerly respond by grabbing his ass and guiding him back into you. it's still all so sweet and tender, yet it feels so fucking good because of how deep he is inside you. he also asks if he can cum inside you, but only does so after you've finished, too, always wanting to make sure his girl is taken care of.
it ends up with both of you being super sweaty and in need of another shower, where you finally ask if he can fuck you hard, which he obviously does, and now you're the one crying. not from sadness or nerves, but because of how good he's railing you against the bathroom tile <3
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