#i don't even like super duper really adore love her but she's pretty
velvetredskies · 1 year
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mirage is so fun to draw because i can just draw her in any clothing imaginable and it would still be recognisable within the fandom . go wild, girlboss !
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rekino2114 · 4 days
You and makima as nayuta's parents
(Part 2 to this)
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Pairing:makima x male reader/nayuta as your daughter
A/n: it's finally part 2! I love this au so much It's so adorable i genuinely love writing for it, feel free to request stuff for it too if you want
Summary:The people at your daughter's school don't believe who her mom is, so she decides to show them
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You stood patiently as you heard the sound of the last bell ringing, followed by tens of tiny footsteps made by the children exiting the school in a orderly line, you waited until it was your daughter's class turn and looked for her, when you two finally spotted each other she told her teacher she saw you and sprinted to give you a hug.
You wrapped your hands around the short girl as she tried her best to do the same before you pulled back, putting her bag around your shoulder in the process,and held her small hand while starting to walk back home.
"How did your day go, yuta?"
"It was awesome, I did a really cool drawing and the teacher said it was the best of the class"
"That's great, I can't wait to see it"
"And-and then at recess we played hide and seek and no one could find me"
"Yeah you've already been the best at that game not even I can find you"
The half devil just giggled and continued to drag you faster to your home.
When you arrived there you started preparing snacks for her, after you finished, you found her in the living room watching cartoons while petting one of the dogs
"This is in case you get hungry ok?"
"Yay thanks"
You sat near her and watched her eat the snacks you gave her
"Hey daddy when is mommy coming home?"
"Oh you know, she's still working, she'll come pretty soon though"
Your wife often got stuck working on paperwork at public safety headquartered (often because of some stupid stunt denji and power pulled), so she let you leave early to go pick up your daughter, nayuta knew this and she usually never complained about it so you were pretty surprised she asked
"Is something wrong? you usually never ask about mom"
".....mommy is like super important right?"
"Well she is the boss of the people who fight devils so yes. Super duper important why?"
While it was definitely true public safety still mainly fought strong devils, they were much much rarer and less powerful than they once were, the fact that an incredibly powerful and practically invincible horseman of apocalypse was now actively and happily helping humanity deterred the smarter ones from doing large scale attacks and as a result the public wasn't as scared of them in turn making them weaker,but to your daughter anyone who fought devils was cool and her mother triply so because she was the boss.
"Some jerks didn't believe me when I said that!"
"Yeah they said stuff like "no way your mom is that important" or "you don't look rich" and "you look nothing like her! They're just some idiots"
You were very confused at the comments, especially the last one since nayuta literally had the same eyes as her mother but quickly pulled her into another hug to comfort her
"It's alright yuty, they're just wrong"
"You know what, I think mom wouldn't be happy to hear what those people said about you. When she comes home, we'll tell her all about it, ok?"
"Yeah, and then she'll show them"
"Yeah, let's continue watching your show now ok?"
"OK I love you daddy"
"I love you too sweetie"
Not that long after you heard the door open and turned to see your beautiful wife
"I'm home"
You and nayuta immediately walked up to her. You hugged her, and you two shared a kiss
"I missed you dear"
"I did too"
She then turned to nayuta and started ruffling her black hair
"And how did my favorite girl do at school today?"
"It was great I did a super cool drawing"
"Oh really? Sounds great"
"But then someone told me that they didn't believe you're my mom"
"Yeah they were all like "there's no way your mom is that important" they also told me I don't look rich and we look totally different"
"Ah, I see. Well, I guess it's to be expected after all y/n Is the one to pick you up, and I am quite an important figure in Japan, so skepticism is natural"
"But they're wrong and they don't get it, I'm tired of them treating me like a liar"
Makima pulled her daughter into her third hug of the day (she loves them a lot) to calm her down before coming up with something
"How about tomorrow I come back early and pick you up, then we'll show them who's wrong"
"*gasp* really? But don't you have some super important work to do?"
"It's just boring paperwork I'm sure someone else can take care of that, seeing my daughter smile is more important, I'll even let you leave early ok?"
"Thanks. You're the best mom ever"
The next day, nayuta was in her class listening to the teacher when a knock on the door caught her attention. When it was opened, she saw you and makima standing there
"*gasp* mommy,daddy!"
She immediately ran to you with a huge smile on her face, you grabbed her small body and lifted her over your shoulders giving her a piggyback ride
"You came!"
"Of course sweetie"
Nayuta stuck her tongue out at her classmates while enjoying seeing their bewildered and envious faces, so she decided to push her luck
"I'm really hungry can we get ice cream?"
"Of course, we can get all the ice cream you want"
The young girl smiled even brighter at that, especially because her classmates got even more jealous. You and makima were also pleased to see that as it meant that your daughter wouldn't get picked on again.
You went outside and started walking towards the ice cream shop
"They were so jealous! I bet tomorrow they'll be saying how cool how I am"
"That's because you are yuta, be careful though some of them may want to be your friend only because of your mom, choose your friends carefully"
"Don't thank us. By the way, if they start actually bullying you even more, please tell us, I only want to see you happy"
"Yeah.....You're the best parents ever, I love you so much mommy and daddy"
Makima felt a warmth in her heart at her daughter's words. She loved hearing that she loved her and considered her a good mom. It made all of the suffering she had felt worth it knowing that there were two people who she could love forever and who felt the same way towards her made her so happy, a feeling that only increased when you kissed her cheek and held her hand. Now that she could truly feel love, she was sure of three things: she loved you, she loved nayuta, and she loved this life.
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mochimouiemarty · 3 months
CSOW day 3, Relationships!
Im just gonna list off the most of the operatives they wouldve encountered and describe their relationship with them:3 Some of these might be ooc, not sure though 😭
heads up, this is pretty long
Crackle: They'd be kinda close! Chipper would enjoy hearing about his stories and experiences in Australia. (I think they'd also like his accent! random, but i felt like mentioning it lol)
El Topo: I think that they'd make a pretty good team when it comes to missions! Though outside of that, it's just friendly greetings and nods.
Le Chévre: Honestly.. I think he'd find Chipper a bit weird at first, but he'd be indifferent abt them/more friendly with them when he sees that they're not that incompetent! or smth idk.
And idk if Chipper would really care about him all that much😭 but they would def be impressed with his skill in climbing and whatnot!
Tigress: Another one who'd find them a bit weird, and another one that Chipper wouldn't really care for 💀. But! maybe itd be kinda similar with Le Chévre. oh and they'd be super interested in her mask + claws/nails.
Paper Star: Chipper would adore her style, and be impressed and a bit scared of how quick she can fold the paper + attack.
Neal the Eel: They'd wonder how the hell he can fit in such tight spaces, and how he seems so.. snake (eel) like. They also questioned his lack of eyebrows at some point 💀
Lady Dokuso: Finds her intimidating asf. They dont have that many thoughts on her!
Dash Haber: They like his hat, and even more so after they find out that its basically a glorified pizza cutter (im sorry, i love calling it that lmao). They immediately asked him about it after a mission and talked to Doctor Bellum about it!
And as for special someone's...
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look at my past content and account and tell me you didnt see this coming/j
but yeah! out of everyone, they'd be closer with Mime Bomb. They don't really need to talk that much around him, and they enjoy his charades! Though, they do find that the dedication to his role as a mime can sometimes be a bit troublesome, but they don't exactly care.
They never exactly dated, they were just. super duper close. And they'd have a bunch of quiet nights on Vile island during breaks, listening to the waves and asking questions neither would answer, but would definitely ponder later.
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To Family Afton : what is your relationship of friends, family, plush, or animatronic?
My relationship with everyone? Well my children are just that, my children. I don't have a favorite [cough] not Michael [cough] it's Elizabeth [cough]. The animatronics are made by Henry and my hands. Except... he never even talked to me about the puppet one. I've been meaning to look at it for some time now. It could prove helpful. -William Afton
Well, I love my children very much first of all. The animatronics are... alright. I understand why Evan's creeped out by them but I guess I can also see why Liz adores some of them. Did you know William's started working on new ones? Don't tell her but one's meant to look like her! Its a suprise! Anyways, Henry's as much of family as anyone else. -Clara Afton
Uh I dunno, Fathers annoying sometimes but me and Mother talk sometimes. Liz is spoiled, but she's funny sometimes I guess. Evan's deadweight. He doesn't do anything but cry and wine over everything! And the animatronics are alright, I think Foxy's the coolest one! -Michael Afton
Oh oh oh! I think Daddy is super duper smart, I think he's working on a brand new project right now. He won't tell me anything about it though :(. Mommy's a ballerina! She's pretty and a good dancer! Mikeys cool, he once ripped off his sleeves in the summer and now they're all torn up. Evan and I play alllllll the time! Sometimes he likes to be alone more but that's ok, we mainly play with our dolls if he wants to! The animatronics are super cool too! -Elizabeth Afton
Oh uhm Mum is nice, she bakes really good cookies for when I'm sad. Dad can be scary sometimes, but somwtimes he's funny. He gave me this [holds up Fredbear plush] I think he talks sometimes, he's my friend. Mikey used to be fun but now he's... kinda mean. I don't think he would ever hurt anyone though. Elizabeth is funny, we play dress up and draw a lot. The animatronics make me feel bad... I don't know why Liz likes them so much. She says they're cute but I don't see it. -Evan Afton
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Hello congrats on 600! I'm kinda new here but I'd like to partake in the celebration of that okay haha I'd like option 2, pretty much anyone from Game Of Thrones would be great.
My name's Shyann, I'm a bisexual ace with she/they pronouns. My personality type is infj and my love language is gifts. I'm also a Libra! I'm so super duper tall with a very tall height of 4'11. I got a brown wolf cut (my hair needs cut again lmao) and hazel eyes that I can't see too good out of. My vision sucks, but my glasses look cute at least I think.
I'm a rather shy and quiet person, I don't really talk too much unless I'm with my friends or family or if someone mentions something I'm interested in, in that case I will not shut up. (Said interests include: Skyrim, Marvel, GOT, The Witcher, Red Dead Redemption, and a handful of YouTubers) I spend a lot of my time playing video games and cosplaying. My music taste is mostly rock (Shinedown being my favorite band) but I'll also listen to anything for Cupcakke to Taylor Swift to Minecraft songs.
I would consider myself to be a pretty caring person. I guess you could say I'm bit of a people pleaser. In school I mostly kept to myself but my grades were always great. I was one of those kids that teachers were like "Oh! She's a pleasure to have in class!" Outside of school though? I'm surprised my dumbass is managing to live on her own.
I'm a chaotic mess, with a horrendous sleep schedule but I'm here. Thanks for reading this and doing these. They've been really nice to read. I like your writing! The 600 is very well deserved! :) 💕
hi! thank you so much for participating :)
i’ve actually closed my request for these ships, so i’m not doing them anymore until i hit 700.
i posted a message about it last night. i know not many people have seen it, so don’t worry if you haven’t. don’t worry about sending this in, i still enjoyed reading it.
i feel bad about you typing all of this out, so i’m still gonna ship you with someone and write you a little blurb. i’m sorry if this isn’t what you were looking for, maybe my next follower’s celebration i can do something you’d like more.
anyways, i ship you with jon!
i think he’d find it adorable that you’re so chaotic, he’d get a kick out of you being a mess. it takes a lot for him to smile and be less serious, but you’d do or say something that would make him laugh and forget about whatever was bothering him, even if it was just for a moment.
you’d stumble out of bed in the morning, tired from going to bed too late. you’d rush to get ready, and jon would find you in courtyard or something, while you were hurrying to get wherever you were going.
he’d bite his tongue to keep himself from laughing. he’d take a breathe, willing himself not to grin too hard. “for a well educated and well brought up person, my lady, you really do know how to make it look like you’ve never lived a routine day in your life.”
you’d roll your eyes, waving him away. “it’s a real talent of mine. now hush, im tired and im late.”
he’d smile, holding out his arm for you to take. “i’ll walk with you, my lady. make sure you get where you’re going without further incident. i have a feeling you may need the assistance.”
he’d laugh even harder as you glared at him, grudgingly taking his arm. but you’d know he wasn’t trying to be mean, and that he actually very much enjoyed your company. him teasing you brought a smile too his face, and you were willing to accept it if it meant you got to see him smile more.
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
i cannot stop being an idiot, tumblr wouldn't show me the header of 'i don't write for these'. i'm so so so sorry 😅 genshin and jjk then : )
Lawful Neutral
Appearance: 176 cm, 5'10. a little past shoulder length brown hair, dark brown eyes. i'm sort of a slender hourglass i guess??? i'm pretty tan, so a ton of scars on my arms and face are visible and kind of pink. i typically dress dark academia or cottagecore, and i'm definitely very feminine. i have supppeerrr sensitive hearing so i'm typically wearing headphones or earplugs. also i'm always cold so you can't catch me without layers lmao
personality: super duper bubbly !! sterotypical manic pixie girl enfp, but i've alwso been described as demure and graceful. no fucking clue how those go hand in hand :') i absolutely LOVE kids and i'm seen by the ones i babysit as a 'jiejie' or older sister 🥺 i'm also a super hopeless romantic hahaahaha. i'm also like. concerningly morbid? i sound so edgy saying all fo this but like listening to 4 hours of gore being graphically described or seeing it on the internet doesn't gross me out at all ? ? ? like its so interesting. i'm also probably a people pleaser-
i really enjoy getting up early, and staying up ridiculously late. i enjoy cooking, sewing, rollerskating, and ballroom or folk dancing. i enjoy playing harp and cello, and i act a lot, too. i speak Latin, Russian, Greek, French, and English, and i adore school.
sorry if this isn't enough information haha 😅 thank you !!
Hi! There was a problem in my pined I realized yesterday or so that it said two fandoms for matches. I'll only do Genshin and will just mention who your JJK match is.
Your genshin match is Navia!
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I really hesitated between her and Venti but in the end she won.
Navia is caring, bubbly, energetic and always willing to help. You two would be such sweethearts. A couple a lot would envy because it's full of love and arguments are scarce.
Navia loves shopping with you! Even if you two don't really buy anything and just walk around. Your styles are rather similar so she'd do her best to match with you. She always carries an extra coat with her and dotes over you when she thinks you're cold. Navia also makes sure to bring great earplugs with her and stray away from loud places when you're together.
Navia is a hopeless romantic too! Her love language is all over the place. She loves physical affection, always compliments you and spoils you when she can! She enjoys dates too, especially the ones at home where you two can cook together and just goof around. She's very good with kids too.
While your morbid interest startle her, she won't judge you much for it. You're definitely tougher than her even if she tries to hide it. She enjoys all your hobbies and would really like rollerskating. Navia does have contacts so from time to time she'd get you two ballroom tickets. She enjoys listening to you play and joins you with her own instrument.
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pentamelias · 2 years
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I'm here to introduce someone that I love and consider like my own sister. her name is "Salsabillah Putri Berliana" a beautiful name isn't it? of course, a beautiful name like a diamond that sparkles (beautifully) like the person and has a great meaning. she was born in the city of Malang, February 29, 2004 ✿ ! and today, is her 19th birthday. to be honest I was confused by the birth of salsa because birthdays are rare and only celebrated once every 4 years. and after i know "people born on 29th february" they are usually celebrated on 28th february or 1st march. okey forget that, let's get straight to the point.. maybe according to her, day after day she goes through many obstacles and trials that she has to face. but she's so cool, she's strong, she's passionate, she's caring, she's smart, she's kind, and she's everything. that's why, from everything she went through, it was made easy even though it was definitely a bit heavy. but he's great isn't she? has been able to survive until now ^_^
at the age of 19, there must be a lot of expectations that she wants. and I pray, whatever she hopes for, everything she goes through goes well and smoothly, she is made easy and given a way to continue to be patient in living the hard life. oh yeah, about hobbies? she loves to write. even though she said his writing was not good, and she also liked to draw, then she really liked editing.. and the results never failed, her edits were always good and aesthetic. for salsa's weight of 60 kg, she said he really wants to be skinny even though in my opinion with his bb she looks very cute and adorable like that. and is 148 cm tall. she looks so cute, doesn't she? I was just imagining it, she looks so cute. naurrrrr.. although, I have never seen her in person, but her face and body are clearly visible. with chubby cheeks, cute body, round eyes, pretty face, honestly.. i really can't stop wanting to pinch her cheeks lmao :d and her favorite color is monochrome and pink, her favorite food is geprek chicken and she is just like me “matcha lover” 🍵🍵 she really likes matcha flavored drinks.
✉️ .. for Sasaa's my best friend, I want to say a big thank you to her. because she, can accept me as I am to be one of his best friends. she's amazing, omfggg.. I've lost a lot of words t__t I'm confused about what to say besides the words cool and proud. from her, I can learn a lot, starting from the words and messages she usually sends to me which are very meaningful and useful for me. Basically, I'm very grateful and lucky to know and have her as my bff. thank you,, for everything you have done so far for me.
ohh yeahhhh.. salsa favorite song; chase atlantic- right here, treasure-yamai-hold it in, enhypen- make the change with shout out, the weeknd- less than zero with creepin and many more wrwrwr,, for her favorite bias? of course, Jeon Jungkook BTS. Lee Heeseung ENHYPEN & Watanabe Haruto TREASURE. as far as I know, she really liked and loved them. even so I really love sasaaa :3 from her I found a different side of her. she’s alwaysss support me, she’s alwayss praisee me, she’s alwaysss understanddd me and askkk if my dayyy is goingg well .. according to other people maybee it's normal but i don't think it's normall andd makes me veryy happyyyy cuz there are still people who care about me .
FYI, I don't know what else to say other than how lucky I am to have a friend like her, Salsaa.. I just want her to know that I'm that lucky to have her in my life hehe. I hope she also thinks that way and he also feels that way.. i will forever thankkk Allah for your funny behavior. after everythinggg i've been throughh, i never thought i'd meet (get to know) the most perfect frienddddd (namely you).
Oh God. I am very proud of her, because she has made it to this point.. ofc her parents and family are also very proud of her, cuz theyy have her who are sooo multitalented, kind to otherss, creativee, andd their children are super duper smarttt. she have your own wayyy, howw can you make someonee veryyy happyy around her, the wayy youuu respondd to someonee and replyy to my chatt.. reallyy touchedd me even though it's justt words but i can tell what your personality is like angel 👼����.
ummm maybee she shedd a lot of tears that other people don'ttt knoww, only nightt knows. but she is great, and never give up !!!??? I'm sure he will make it to the end. Even if she's tired, I'm still here. Even though I can't help him much, at least she can tell me anything ><
I want to meet her as soon as possible, but personally we are able to be independent, enthusiastic and successful.. oh yeah I just want to tell her not to be too insecure and overthinking it's not good. she's great with everything she does, don't ever feel like you're lacking just because of other people who may not necessarily be who you are. whichhh in my opinion, youuu are so close to the wordd (perfect) cuz of your talent and your veryyy good attitudee, you look like an angell, youu are beautifull anddd i likee everythinggg about her (salsaa).
last but not least.. (๑•﹏•) i just want to give you a little reminder. you don't deserve to hurt all the time.
* you are beautiful
* you have a perfect body
* you are so funny
* you are worth the world and more
* you will find your person if you haven't already
* you will live your dream life soon
* i love you!
the important point is in that link. so, I hope you read it!
I'm sorry, because I haven't been able to provide and be a good friend for you. but, you have to remember, I will always try to always be there and always ready to help you whenever it is !!!
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lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
About reader's feedback
I made a post about encouraging people to comment or reblog on fics a while ago, but I think some of the people who reblogged it kinda missed my point about it, so here's some clarification.
When a fanfic writer states in their fics "comments and reblogs are appreciated", I think some of them immediately imagine the nice kind of comment, A.K.A. the one the reader mentions the parts they like, asks questions about something, makes a compliment about an specific part and even quote their favorite part. I know it because I always hope to get them. They give me chills, feels and even motivation. But I try not to have high expectations. After all, most of the time, I don't get that super duper awesome review.
I stand by my word again when I say no one is obligated to give their feedback about everything they read (especially if they don't have something good to say). Sounds like I'm sabotaging my work, right? I'm not. And I'm going to tell you why:
Sometimes the reader isn't good with words: I know it's sucks to get just a like or a reblog without a single "great work", "I love it" or even a bunch of emojis or gifs, but not everyone knows how to express how they feel. I remember a post created by one of my followers who felt the need to explain why she didn't make any comments and she said she was afraid the writer would find it stupid or irrelevant. Lots of people said she was wrong (which is sort of true), but why try to force her to say something if she feels insecure about it? Not every single person is good with words. But if their likes, reblogs and asks are constantly in your notes tab, trust me. They like your work;
Most likely, only your friends will make a huge essay about your fic: Same way not everyone feels like they're good with words, not everyone will feel confident to express their feelings about your work because they're not close to you. Speaking from personal experience, I'm pretty closed off and sometimes I can come across as weird, antisocial, intimidating (not kidding, I've heard those more than once), so I understand if people don't feel comfortable about making a long review about what they think of my series. And it's fine. I'm grateful for their comments anyway.
There are different forms of expressing how they like a story that doesn't include a review. The ones I usually get are:
The reblogs with gifs: I love those. Especially because some gifs are are masterpieces 😂 No, it isn't the same as a detailed description of the reader's opinion, but they're still expressing how the feel about the story and sometimes it's so funny. So good! I stan people who "comment" with gifs.
The reblogs with emojis: So much fun! I like them. Once again, a very nice form of expressing how they felt. It's not as creative as posting gifs. But if a reader left a few emojis in a comment or reblog, depending on what they post, you can assume if they really read it and they let the author know how they felt about the story, right?
Gifts based on the story: is there anything sweeter than a person reaching out to say "hey, I really love your story so I made this" and then you're blessed with a lovely moodboard, a fanart, a playlist for your ship, a picrew of the characters in your story? They probably won't do it every single time you post a story, but it's still adorable and deeply appreciated.
Now about the likes. I completely understand why any content creator on Tumblr hates them and it's more than "likes don't get my work seen by other people". Likes can mean different things for people. Some use the likes tab as a way to save things for later. Others might hit the button as "this is cool, but not reblog worthy" (oof...). And there's that number of people who don't know what to say and hit like because they don't know what else to do. Yet, there are other ways to express how you feel about a work that don't require making an essay about it. Try them. (btw, I'm not saying that you shouldn't. By all means, if you have a lot of feelings about a story, do tell the author)
I'm still not going to take the "if you like it, reblog it" road. But if you can and if you feel like it, show some appreciation to your favorite fandom creators. Amidst all the fandom drama and disappointment with canon, they're the only ones who care about keeping the fandom alive.
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fonulyn · 3 years
I need to scream about RE ID bc like. Did I enjoy it? Yeah, I did. Was it. Just wrapped up way too nicely and quickly? Also yeah. I was a little disappointed by it tho, like the length, and the flashback scenes weren't as clear as I think they should have been? Like I understood what was happening, but it took me a little too much brain power to like keep up with what was and wasn't a flashback lmao
Also I wanna say, I get wanting to keep Jun See alive but god, that did not look fun. Just let him die, dude, no one wants to live like that, smh.
Thank god they kept Leon's one liners tho, like thank you for that at least lol also Claire, my GIRL, I love her holy shit. Honestly she was amazing, like, just perfect. Not sure why she has a gun in the promotional poster, bc she just. Never has a gun throughout the entire show, I don't think? Also can we talk about how she took that guy down with that lamp, and then hopped on top of him just fucking ready to continue to beat the shit out of him? Chris would be so proud 🥲
Okay also, I saw what you said with that flirting scene, and I agree that it seemed like Leon was trying to lighten the mood, but it so didn't need to be put in there at all @ the writers. Like this show could have gotten away with no romance, or just that one moment near the end with Claire and Leon (which, I don't ship them much, and that moment at the v end where she was like "are you ever gonna stop treating me like a kid?" And he responded with "probably not" or whatever kind of ruined whatever was shown earlier? Like it feels like she's had that convo with Chris before too, so I'm like hm no don't imply romance and then imply that he treats her like a little kid every time they run into each other, now it's weird lol) and been fine. None of the story was contingent on any kind of romance between anyone.
Now with that said, can I just say Patrick absolutely wanted to suck Leon's dick? Like he was smitten, and I bet you they at least fuck after all this is said and done, if not date for a short period of time. I thought they were gonna kill Patrick off, I'm glad they didn't tho, he was v wholesome lol.
Also I wanna mention that every serious moment (save a small handful) I just. I couldn't take it seriously, it was too over the top. Acid? Really? That's the self destruct measure? Slowly rising acid? I dunno, that doesn't seem quite right to me, I don't think that's how it works lol
Honestly they should have just made this into a new movie, bc making it a series implies more to follow and in general a longer narrative, but these eps were barely 20 minutes each, so there's almost no point splitting it like that. Did I enjoy myself? Yeah, I always do when Leon is involved, but it could have been so much better.
Also the silly little shipper in me is kind of desperate for more interaction between Chris and Leon, bc as far as I'm aware it's just RE6, RE vendetta, and RE ID (and I think the person who told Chris to save Claire in either code x or Veronica was Leon? Not 100% about that tho lol) where they actually interact with each other, and considering that they're the two main characters of the franchise, they should probably meet up more? Idk, that's just my gay ass hoping for more Chreon content lmao but still.
ANYWAYS yeah, I would rate the show like a 7.5/10? It wasn't amazing but it wasn't garbage, either. Probably my least favorite of the four animated movies tbh, but I will take the Leon content, thank you Capcom. Also it was interesting to see Leon around the time following/around RE4 and RE degeneration, I thought, I dunno.
oh boy I agree 100% it was wrapped up way too quickly in the end. like killing Jason? by just dropping him in the acid? it was way too simple and easy if you ask me. and like, why didn't he yeet Leon into the acid when he had him by the throat? him not killing Leon makes zero sense to me??
asdfg yeah I get they weren't ready to let Jun See go, but I bet Jun See really would've preferred to go...
I am so happy that they kept the one liners!! Leon felt very, very in character which I loved so much. I was afraid they'd tone it down or make him super serious or so, and it was such a relief they didn't. he was so eager to help and so goddamn kind to everyone I don't know if my heart can even handle it ;;;;;
also Claire!! so badass!! I loved the part where she attacked the guy with the lamp (yes Chris would be super proud haha) and THE HEADBUTT seriously, one of the top highlights of the entire series :'D
(but honestly this is gonna get long i'mma gonna hit that read more here)
and the flirting scene, I do think they could've left it out entirely and it felt a little strong-armed in. but I'm trying to look at the silver lining? Leon was super goddamn adorable in it, like, so cute it hurts :'D and Shen May didn't seem bothered really, it was more this joking thing between them. so while yes, it was unnecessary, i'm focusing on the joking feel of it and choosing to interpret it as such :'D
also, can I just say, the "romantic moment" with Claire and Leon near the end didn't feel very romantic to me? I know it's a romcom cliché (or at least a fanfic cliché lmao) how they ended up in a pile after the rescue but ...it didn't scream romance to me? although I do kind of like the pairing! (not a top fave but a cute one)
and yes, the whole "when are you gonna stop treating me like a kid?" "probably never" felt SO much like a sibling moment!! such big brother energy from Leon, and I don't know, that made me super duper happy?? I want them to be friends. I neeeed them to be friends gdi. which is why I am unhappy with how mad Claire seemed to be at Leon in the end and how they left it off like they did. I am hoping that it sets things up for a second season? and they for whatever reason need them on kind of the opposing sides at first? because otherwise it makes no sense to me for her to be that disappointed in him. in Degeneration they already establish they work in different ways towards the same goal, and for that to do a 180 now feels... like a disservice to the characters? idk?
lmaooooo but yes Patrick 100% wanted to suck Leon's dick he didn't even try to be subtle about it :'D idk I would've wanted Patrick to have more depth and screentime too, i so wish they would've made it a longer series and given the characters more development. because I liked pretty much all of the new characters they introduced! but it feels none of them reached their actual potential!
then again that is kind of the whole deal with resident evil in general, they set up awesome characters and end up wasting them half of the time :'D guess i shouldn't be surprised.
THE SLOWLY RISING ACID PISSED ME OFF lmaooo c'mon!! it doesn't seem like a good self destruct measure. especially since ...you'd need different acid to dissolve organic matter and to dissolve inorganic matter if we're being nitpicky. and how would it be plausible for them to store enough of it safely to even do this?? they should've just detonated the whole place and blown it to smithereens or something, the acid was. stupid.
i agree, it feels like a movie. but I think @tirsynni is probably right when saying that it was sort of a test run to see if they should make more? which I am so hoping for. because even with the complaints I have of this, I DID enjoy it, a lot!! and I do want more! and maybe this time we get Claire and Leon actually working together for more than fifteen seconds! :'D
also I definitely would not say no to more Chris and Leon interactions. (yes it was Leon who told Chris to save Claire :) at least that) it... in general makes no sense to me how capcom seems to think friendships work? like how Sherry is all "Leon and Claire are my best friends" and then they imply they haven't met in years? if not more? idek it's. weird. it's like their characters go into storage containers in between their missions to be stored away so they can't even accidentally have personal lives or friendships or anything. weird.
(what I said about having amazing characters and ending up wasting their potential? yeah)
for me, personally, it's... well, my score for the show would depend on whether I just focus on the characterizations and what I liked, or if I try to actually take the plot and all into account too :'D but I did like this more than Degeneration! already the fact that Leon has actual facial expressions is enough to put it way above that one. (and for the record, I don't hate Degeneration either, I do like it, but... Leon is such a cardboard cutout with zero personality in it, it's super frustrating)
idk I think I need to still process this a bit to see how I will like it in the end :'D there are things i'm super hyped about in it, and things i'm disappointed in, let's see how they'll weigh in the overall experience eventually.
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jojothewrld · 5 years
バレンタインガール | josuke x f!reader
I was a bit inspired by loona 1/3's song valentine girl so i made this :P
warnings: cursing.
It was a cold febuary day in morioh. Couples of all ages going on dates and such— you guess it was a nice sight. All these couples made you hate valentine's day. All lovey-dovey & shit— it kind of bothered you. You weren't much of the love type. Love was just a word to you. But now, you feel like love means a lot more to you.
You had a huge ass crush on this guy name josuke higashikata. he's really cool— & super duper cute too. You & josuke are really good friends. You met him in your freshman year because you & him were lost but you both had the same class(& you guys had ended up finding your classes together).
For valentine's day, you had made josuke some cute chocolates that you made yourself. Though you messed up a few times, you finally got the recipe right. Though, you were slightly hesitant to give him these chocolates. Why? Because once you were gonna give him the chocolates, you were going to confess to him. You were scared. very, very scared. Because what if he only sees you as his "best friend" or something? Your heart couldn't bare the pain of being friend-zoned. But, you had practiced your confession by watching a shit ton of shoujo anime and confessing over & over to a pillow.
You had made your way to your school & held your chocolates close to your chest. You sighed & started to drift off, thinking about what will happen when you confess to josuke. As you continue walk, still in your own little world, you felt a hand placed on your shoulder.
"Yo, Y/n!"
You yelped & nearly dropping your bag of chocolates. You had turned around & saw him. 'Oh fuck! It's josuke!' you mentally panicked. You have shoved the bag of chocolates in your school bag and tried to act cool. "Oh— uh— s-sup josuke! Ahahaha..." You laughed nervously, a bead of sweat appeared on your forehead for a quick minute.
Josuke had blinked and rose a brow on confusion. But, he laughed it off and shook his head a bit. "You seem nervous, Y/n. What's up with you this morning?" He asked you, looking down at you with a smile. Your cheeks had flushed a soft red as you stared up at him. You quickly looked down & laughed nervously once more. "Well, uh, i'm just a bit nervous about today, I guess.." You muttered. Josuke had said a quick 'oh' & then there was silence.
"Are you nervous because it's valentine's day or something, Y/n?" Josuke asked you.
'Ugghhh, he would asked that.' you thought, mentally face palming. You twiddled your fingers shyly & stayed silent a before talking. "Uhh, well... sorta? I mean, I don't know." You tried to explain but you sounded stupid so you stopped. Ugh, you were making things so awkward for yourself.
"Well, I can totally understand if your nervous! When girls give me chocolates & stuff, I get nervous too! Especially when they confess... Oh man— I panic everytime! I don't wanna say no to 'em!" Josuke rambled, sighing with a small frown. "It sucks when I decline because I don't want them to be sad. But, I don't want to accept because... I already like someone." He said, speaking shyly with his last sentence. You shot your head up so fast, your neck could've snapped in that moment. "Wait? Huh? You actually like someone?" You said. Opps, that probably sounded too harsh.
Josuke had laughed nervously, his cheeks tinted with a soft pink. "Yeah... She's really cute & super nice!.. it's hard not to fall in love with her!" Josuke said as he looked at you once again. You hummed & felt your heart crack a little. Damn, his crush really does sound like his type. "I really hope I get chocolates from her!" Josuke said cheerfully. You could literally hear the hope in his voice. 'This girl better not disappoint him.' You thought.
You two had both made it to the entrance to the school. Your hand hesitantly went to your bag, but then you had pulled your hand away. You knew josuke probably didn't want your chocolates. But maybe you will give him your chocolates later, when you have enough confidence, that is. "Well, uhh, I g-gotta hurry & go to my class soo... Bye, josuke..!" Your nervously said, rushing into the school without even letting him say a goodbye.'... But we have the same class.' Josuke thought to himself. 'Oh well.'
All day during school, you've been trying to give josuke your chocolates but you kept on hesitating. You would always go timid or just panic & run off. You felt like you were being a pain in the ass to him because you felt sad like you were annoying him.
Your hands would tremble everytime you tried to give him the give the chocolates— & when you had the chocolate out— you would always hide it behind your back. You seen josuke getting a tons of chocolates from random chics. He kindly accepted them & sometimes, they would glare at you a bit everytime you were around him (& you glared back because they were fucking annoying). You had decided not confess & give him the chocolates. His crush probably already gave him some really good chocolates... So what was the point of even trying anymore.
At the end of the day, you were walking home with josuke. It was silent & it was cold. "So, Y/n, how many bags of chocolates did you get?" Josuke asked you, titling his head slightly. "None." You told him with a sigh. "Oh? But you're so pretty though! Why didn't any guys give you chocolate.." He said, beginning to think. Your faced turned red & you had pulled up your scarf to your mouth.
"Josuke, this is my stop." You told him, removing the scarf from over your mouth. "Oh! Okay, Y/n!" You smiled a bit & waved. But before you could open your door, he stopped you. "Wait— here, Y/n!" Josuke had shuffled his hand in his school bag, searching for something. He had finally pulled out the thing he was searching for— it was a bag of chocolates. He held the chocolates & you generously tool them. Your face went red again & you looked up at him. "I made these for you! I really tried my hardest so, I hope you I them, Y/n!" He said with his signature adorable smile.
You smiled softly at him, your cheeks still red, but not as deep as before. "T-Thanks, Josuke... Well... See 'ya." You said, waving shyly to him. "See 'ya." Josuke said, waving back. Once you were inside he left.
"Mom, I'm home!" Josuke called out with a small sigh. "Welcome back, josuke!" His mom, Tomoko, said brightly— continuing to cook dinner. Josuke had took off his shoes & groaned. "What the hell are you groaning about? Tough day at school or something?" Tomoko asked Josuke. He shook his head, "Nope.Just a bit tired, that's all." Josuke responded.
When Josuke made it to his room, he threw his stuff down & laid on his bed. He had held a bag of chocolates that he got today from some random girl & stared at it. He smiled softly at the bag...
Maybe next month you'll give him a bag of chocolates.
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gojosattoru · 2 years
Anaaaa I hope you are doing well <333 🎨
hello kiraaaaaann!! i'm doing well honey, hope you are as well!! *hugs* <333333 thanks for sending one as well cutie!! <3333 sorry for being late, i fell asleep yesterday and have been feeling so sleepy these days!! damn medication!
i've chosen this latest gifset of yor, the colors look so pretty and warming just like she is!! <33333 red it's her color and the way they look it's super duper gorgeous, they remind me of roses <3333 the way you gifed her best moments on this last episode it's just so awesome kiran!! really love it so much!! i just can't giggling at it!! it's super cute and beautiful!! she's the best and so funny <333333 and finally another mastepiece of yours that i really love is this gifset of inosuke!! IT'S SO ADORABLE!!! our cute lil boar looks so nice in your style kiran!! the blues are so pretty and the combination of edit with gifs is just so cool!! i like the way you added textures in both gifs and edit!! it adds a lovely foggy effect that makes it even more pretty and it's different i really love it!! my fav panels is the last one and the other where he's making is lil pout, how can he be so cute?? gcsfhvsv, really awesome gift for inosuke kiran!! :D love your works so much!! and i've been loving seeing jjk gifs in your style, they are so cool and the colors so vivid and cute!! <3333333 keep it up darling!! love you!! *hugs you tight*
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What do you think Jade Lalonde, Rose Harley, and Dave Egbert would be like? I've already seen some analysis on John Strider so i don't wanna force you into rehasing anything ^^;
Jade Lalonde, my girl Jade raised by a Permissive parent, probably wouldn’t look toooooooo terribly different from canon Jade. Her interests are well financed, and she’s a good self-motivator, which is probably good because showing off her achievements to a drunken parent isn’t going to get the same response as a coherent parent. Of course, Mom is super proud of her brilliant daughter, and of COURSE she loves her super duper dearly and thinks Jade is the most intelligent girl alive, but it can get a little frustrating for Jade to explain her interests, and then ten minutes later realize her mom hasn’t retained a word. This Jade’s gonna be more acclimated to frustration and broken expectations, which is gonna manifest itself in two ways. She’s not gonna respond much at all when she’s disappointed, sometimes by really major things that she SHOULD get pissed off about, or she’s going to blow the fuck up over seemingly minor shit that most people would be able to brush off. But it’s more about the principle of the thing than the actual expectation that got broken, y’know? Probably gonna be sneakier than canon Jade, able to manipulate the situation to get her mom to actually DO stuff she needs her to, whether that be through passive aggression or batting her eyelids or setting up a situation so her mom “conveniently” will be reminded of certain things, and that’s gonna carry over into her other relationships as well, entirely unintentionally at first, that’s just sorta how she’s used to operating. Her role, then, as the Witch of Light, combined with that naturally honed ability to manipulate the situation with intelligence and a calculated amount of luck, is going to be one that comes naturally to her, and she’s going to be a HELLRAISER. She’s going to be UNPARALLELED. There will be no imp nor ogre nor time travelling demon who spits destruction from his maw that will be able to stand against her. She’s here, she’s brilliant, and she and her friends will be catching no unlucky breaks because she is the one whose will Luck bends to.
Rose Harley, raised by a dog and some chess people, alone on an island. Probably gets pretty entrenched in her know it all bossy phase pretty quick, but is less sure of herself. Doesn’t get a lot of positive feedback aside from her dog and some chess people who she’s pretty sure she’s smarter than, but that makes human interaction even harder for her, and she’s never really been good at interpersonal stuff to begin with. Lots of false confidence, I think, but suffers from impostor syndrome pretty badly. She WANTS to belong in the group, she really really wants to be involved and included and someone who BELONGS there, but can’t shake the nagging feeling that everyone else is a regular human being and she’s. Weird. And not in a good way. Gonna be more anxious than her canon counterpart, I think. Her favorite books she’s read 1000 times over and she’s got SUPER in-depth thoughts and analysis for the stuff she takes interest in, a very very brilliant girl who is never sure when “sharing” becomes “oversharing” and when “odd in a fun way” becomes “Rose that’s creepy.” Her role as the Seer of Space goes along well with being awake on Prospit prior to the Game even starting, as she has dealt with visions of the future all her life. Unfortunately, since space is all-encompassing, she’s not seeing what is fortuitous, or what WILL happen, or even what SHOULD happen, she’s seeing what happens in pretty much any timeline anywhere and it’s her task to sit down, think about what she’s Seen, and parse together whether they should or shouldn’t take that path. Her honed analytical skills will be pushed to their limits and brought to task over and over again, but through her smarts and what she has Foreseen, she is able to direct their group and conduct them in such a way that the new universe is spawned and they are able to win. The fact that she is SO CRUCIAL to their success helps her feel more like part of the group, but presents a NEW problem of wondering if maybe now they’re just pretending to be interested in her for her abilities. Her big hurdle is allowing herself to see that she is loved and wanted, and she truly does belong with them.
Dave Egbert is a kinda nerdy dude, he takes his camera with him everywhere and is always taking selfies or posting stuff to his instagram and did you hear? I heard someone say he has a collection of like, roadkill or something. Dave absolutely has a collection of dead shit. Also cicada shells that show up on the trees and bushes, because hey man cicada shells are cool. He’s super into his dumb nerd shit like video games and even reads that dumb gamebro magazine that he damn well KNOWS is dumb but he likes it and he’s not embarrassed about his interests! He knows the stuff he likes isn’t cool and doesn’t try to pass it off as cool, he just enjoys himself and fuck the haters. He ADORES his dad, was definitely one of those kids that began crying the MOMENT his dad dropped him off at daycare or smth, very attached but also complains about him sometimes, because kids complain about their parents, especially since Dad Egbert is the type of dude to walk up in front of his kid’s friends and use the embarrassing toddler nicknames like “sport” or “squirt” or smth and Dave’s friends are like “lmao your dad actually calls you ‘sport’ I thought that only happened in movies” and Dad also has like, a wallet full of Dave’s pictures and Dave is just like “daaaaaad” but also heck yes he was an ADORABLE baby so he sorta thrives off the attention. Has the biggest, dumbest crush on John imaginable. Dad found out Dave was queer not because Dave came out, but because Dave is just SO OBVIOUS about his stupid giant big dumb crush on John and Dad just sorta… quietly accepted this about his son and tries to be a good parent however he can. He’s not the most well-educated about queer stuff but he always tries his best to be respectful and that goes doubly now that he knows his kid isn’t straight. Dave having a supportive parent is a very good concept and one I am wholly behind in literally every way. His role as Knight of Breath is the defender of freedom, which probably means he must first liberate his consorts from his denizen, and then has to go a step further to protect his friends, probably from their own neuroses. Jade thinks she has to leap through all these mental hoops, but she doesn’t, Rose thinks she has to PROVE her worth, that she’s valuable, but Dave would love his sister even if she couldn’t do anything for them, John has been trapped in this toxically masculine, angry place for years and Dave can help him out of there, help him find peace and acceptance even within himself, Dave can pry back the dark gunk that’s been coating John’s soul and let him breathe freely, possibly for the first time in his life.
John Strider, we’ve touched on so I’ll just go over briefly here, but I like to keep these asks done in sets and now that I’ve set a pattern I’m not breaking it. John would end up one of those nasty, nasty, angry bullies. Bro is toxic, abusive, hypermasculine, and unpredictable, which means John winds up angry, lashing out, and hypermasculine as well. He goes way too far, way too often, and doesn’t apologize, total jock stereotype from oldtimey movies and shit, strong and athletic and attractive and just plain mean. Acts like he’s hot shit because whenever he’s at home he’s painfully reminded that he is small, and weak, and can’t actually do anything. Dave is his bro and he likes him plenty but he makes a lot of mean spirited gay jokes to start, probably as a cover for his own identity crisis that he has buried so deep deep down inside him you’re gonna need a shovel to unbury that shit, and is oblivious to Dave’s crush on him. Has a soft spot for Jade, who is kinda the only person who can get John to talk about his feelings frankly and honestly, and probably has a crush on Rose because he thinks that that’s what he’s supposed to do. She’s a girl, she’s his friend, that’s how heterosexuality works, right? His role as Heir of Time, I’m afraid, would be a deeply unpleasant one. What would likely happen is he directs the alpha timeline by having his offshoot timeline selves merge with his alpha self, like what Rose did from Davesprite’s timeline back in canon. But instead of just, like, ONE offshoot timeline self merging with the whole, it’s every single dead John. Every single time his friends die, he dies, every time something goes wrong, he gets to Experience that. He gets to have those memories seared into his brain, one with himself, one with every timeline that has ever existed, and it only further cements his belief that life is cruel, and uncaring, and doesn’t give a single solitary shit about him, or his loved ones, because he does love them. He’s broken inside, all warped and twisted wrong, but he does love them. It is only, and I do mean ONLY, once he and Dave manage to have their heart-to-heart, once John allows Dave in, that John is able to slowly pry out of the dark and hurting place that has stifled his soul for so long. Not to be stupidly, ridiculously cliche, but it is love that frees him, and the love between the two of them that helps him heal. John Strider and Dave Egbert would be a nigh-inevitable otp like that’s just the way this AU would work out my dudes.
*sticks m leggy out* I love getting long winded and these are fun, please share your thoughts with me my dudes. 
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insugarush · 8 years
Prelude Part II: Wings Tour in Seoul 18th & 19th February 2017---The Process
Prelude Part I
Prelude Part II: Wings Tour in Seoul 18th & 19th February 2017
Part 2: The Process: Bias, Accommodation, Permission, Tickets, Visa, Letters—In that order!
Now that I was an established and a very public Army (my family couldn't fathom my obsession—they still don't—but it was no secret) like everybody else, I was devouring the endless content BTS and BigHit keep us happy with, constantly. 24/7. They would make my day brighter. Bring a smile to my face. Make me laugh out loud. Make me tear up. All in front of my laptop. YouTube was my new best friend and I carried around electronics wherever I went because come on—it becomes an addiction and you start getting withdrawal symptoms when you go even a day without them! I am not the fan-girling type, but boy oh boy, did BTS convert me and convert me hard! They have this special gift of making each and every one feel so up close and personal with them. I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking this..they brought out this protectiveness in me that I only reserve for my closest and bestest friends. I wished the best for them, wished to protect them, wished to do things to help them.
I was so upset when I came across that video of RapMon and Yoongi being dissed by Bfree or whoever the hell he was.
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Lets not even talk about Flower Boy Crew or whatever, one look at Kookie’s face on an article that spoke about his mistreatment and I refused to watch it.
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It still makes my blood boil. Sometimes, I stay up thinking of ways to exact revenge on those assholes, excuse my French. Ugh. Anyway. Moving on.
What I’m trying to say is, the connection was real and intense and unbreakable right from the get go.
Lets take a moment to talk about biases because it's a rite of passage isn’t it? One has a bias. One loves all 7 babies equally, but one always, always, always has a bias that makes one’s knees weak. It may come as a surprise to you (my name is insugarush after all), but my chosen bias within the first few weeks of being a newborn Army was Jungkook.
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He was cute and his moves mesmerized me and there were endless videos about how adorable he is and also contradictingly manly and oh-so-talented and he likes Noonas (yayy small victory there) The Golden Maknae had caught my attention and I was pretty sure that would be it. I remember being annoyed at Suga while watched Summer Package thinking “Why is he so lazy” “why is he so sleepy and grumpy” “Jungkook is so cool” “He hardly even has footage”
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This was before, of course, I knew about how hard he worked and all his issues. All older Armys will remember Suga used to get little footage earlier even in variety shows as compared to the rest of the boys, probably because in the pre AgustD era he used to be more reserved and just generally more quiet and not this funny, spontaneous, carefree, fun person we see today (touch wood) (may God always keep him this happy and give him more and more reasons to be with every passing day)
But this is what I tell people. I didn't choose Yoongi, Yoongi chose me. Much like life and fate and other small, inexplicable things that ultimately come together to form the bigger picture. I don't know how it happened, during which show or concert or bomb, but way before the BST comeback, suddenly, my radar picked up on Yoongi. I couldn't look past Yoongi. Everyone else faded into the background and it was just Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi for me. All his charms came to the forefront and suddenly the same videos I watched and got annoyed at earlier now became super-duper cute and I just entered this black hole and just…you get the point. He destroyed me. Ruined me for life. It was 2 weeks of Jungkook and then Yoongi was like “bitch look at me” and I was a goner. He STOLE my heart people. STOLE it. And now its his forever. <sigh>
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Sliding into my bias list like.
Anyway. I had made up my mind. BTS was true love. I had to see it till the end. The moment even just the rumours started circulating about their world tour, I promised myself I would attend one of their concerts. I promised myself I would make it work somehow! Do what it takes. Go wherever it’s easiest to get permission. I think that was still around their comeback sometime in October, because there was no official announcement yet.
Once it was announced the easiest target for me was LA. I had family there and visa, and also a fellow Army cousin sister, so it was literally just about booking the flight and getting the concert tickets, everything else would be taken care of, and my parents would be satisfied. This happened on 19th November. As expected it was easy to get permission from my family, and I got super-duper excited because I really thought this is gonna happen! What I didn’t expect was issues cropping from my family there..it seemed they wouldn't be around at that time etc etc…my heart was broken people. Into a million tiny pieces. Its one thing knowing you can never go, but another getting so close to going, seeing literally everything work out, and then having to cut out that dream and throw it away again. My family tried to make me feel better saying there would be a next time and there are so many concerts to come but I was sad. For exactly 2 days. Lol.
Like I said, I don’t give up. For a moment, I considered trying for Newark. Same country, different coast, but I had friends so it might work. Worth a shot! I was desperate. I just didn’t want to give up. The next day I got talking to another cousin whose in Dubai and we decided amongst ourselves that it was now or never. Forget anywhere else, we MUST go to Seoul for this. There would be more concerts, true, but this in particular was a special one! This one had all the boys’ solos and it was a next step, the end of one era and the beginning of a new one and the first concert was in Seoul. We must go. And it HAS to be Seoul because we have noticed the level of interaction the boys have with KArmys (obviously because of no language barrier—though int Armys get their own perks in their concerts)
21st November I booked accommodation online on my credit card. I didn't tell a soul, just me and my cousin, without permission, without tickets, flight OR concert—just pure faith that I need to make this work. The only thing on my mind was---people will flood the city and even if we get permission and tickets and visa, maybe there would be no room for us in Seoul because everything would be sold out! Lol. The mind is funny when it panics. Of course the whole city wouldn't have been sold out! It was a BTS Concert, not Olympics! But in my mind it was just as big, if not bigger.
I made sure I booked rooms that can be paid at a later date, took a wild guess at the dates (we had the tour dates I just booked 2 days before to 2 after) and it came down to $1000 for 2 rooms, max 5 people. Not a bad deal if you do the math!
Permission. Now this was a whole other ordeal. If most of you reading this are from India, like me, then you know this is not normal yet. Letting your daughter travel all the way to another part of the world just for a concert, to watch 7 boys you don’t know of, just doesn’t happen! All I can say is, I worked hard people. I concentrated on not making my parents angry. Doing whatever they wanted. Missed out on things I wanted to do so that I do what they want of me. When I was in sufficiently good books, broke the news to them that this was the goal I was working towards. I’m not the type to ask my parents for things, they could see how badly I wanted this. “No way” my dad had said. “I am not sending you to another country alone just with another cousin sister.” He did get convinced finally when I added desperately that my cousin’s mom might be joining us too (she had no plans but it sort of became a conditional permission) I promised him I would pay for my accommodation, concert tickets and any expenses on my own. All I need from him is permission and air tickets. Lol. This is how we compromise people! I didn’t dare breathe a word about how I had gone ahead and booked accommodation without his knowledge. What he doesn't know won’t hurt him! :P  
Concert Tickets. This made me cry. I am not kidding. This was the most stressful part of this entire ordeal. I kept reminding myself how much I love BTS and how this will all be worth it in the end. I give 100% credit to my cousin sister, who btw, hadn't even taken permission from her own folks yet, but worked with everything she’s got to secure tickets.
First we tried the normal way. The date and time were out, the website was in Korean, but still accessible. I got one of my best friends who also happens to be a Korean to help me out. She lives in New York but she agreed to wake up at 4am to book our tickets for us..I filled her in (“BTS? Now who are they? Are you over Kim Hyun Joong? Park Bo Gum too? Good Lord you are not faithful”) We did a trial run before the actual day of booking. We navigated the page, downloaded the app, etc etc. We decided the 3 of us would try and book together from India, Dubai and New York, and whoever gets through, great! I had heard horror stories about tickets being sold out in minutes and didn’t want to risk it. I was fully aware that I would cancel all my plans if I didn’t get tickets.
On the day of the tickets opening up for sale to the general public, I was traveling. In the middle of nowhere. Somewhere around Mysore Palace to be exact. Everyone reading this from India knows we are not that lucky with internet, specially on the highways atop mountains, but I was carrying my stuff. We were out with another family and everyone was very hyped about this. One of the boys had asked me, “Who ARE these people that you’re going all the way to Korea to see?” I am proud to say I made an Army fanboy right there once I made him listen to Fire and then Dope. I prefer making people listen to the songs first so they don’t judge on the basis of appearances.
My throat was dry and my heart was pounding, I had everything ready—laptop, net, credit card. My friend from NY on the other phone with me, we’re all waiting for the sale to open. The minute it happened, all 3 of us on 3 laptops in 3 different corners of the world started frantically trying to buy tickets. We wanted the stands, BTS only. We all made it as far as seat selection page, but after that it just. wont. budge. For all of us! We tried and tried. I thought maybe it's the internet. I did everything I could! But the seats just wouldn't get selected. I saw the seats dwindle IN FRONT OF MY EYES. It went from 300 seats available to 150 available to 50 available to 10 available to finally---sold out. I called up New York and Dubai hoping and praying they have something—nope. Same story everywhere. I wanted to cry. I was just broken. I mean..I had done everything possible, but it just didn't happen. It dint work for all of us! At the same time! What does this even mean?!
I was so sad. Like so sad. I remember everyone trying to cheer me up, and me just reigning in my tears because we were traveling with another family. I couldn't even grieve properly. I just left that to it but refused to cancel my hotel yet. I could cancel in Feb without being charged so I just..left it. Mostly because it would break my heart to do it.
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Unable to make the selection after coming this far--^
The next day we got information that some tickets are going on re-sale on the same website at midnight. AGAIN we sat. Again we got stuck at the same place. Again we saw the numbers dwindle and dwindle till they got sold out. Again. Now I was beyond frustrated. How can this happen 2 times in a row?! How have the others got their tickets?! What are we doing wrong?!
I realised too late it was probably a website thing, we should have tried the app the second day. Just didn't strike me till the tickets got sold out again right in front of my eyes! That helplessness and frustration is something I can never forget. And I felt worse when I realized the solution, just 5 minutes too late. Should have used the bloody App.
This time instead of being sad, I was filled with anger and determination. I’m gonna do this somehow, I vowed to myself. This was mid December already. My cousin sister and I started working on finding re-sellers on Twitter and on the Korean re-sale sites. We tried KoreanBuddy, koreanshoppingservice..dude I don’t even remember! I just remember a lot of Korean websites, Google Translate and Stress, that's all. We did our research, checked up blogs on how buy re-sale tickets, what to look for to find out if it's a fraud etc etc. We found a legit site called TicketBay and a bunch of people selling at insane prices ($400 for a $100 ticket) and finally decided on one seller and bought 2 tickets. This is January 10th already..the concert is a month away, and we’re still buying tickets. No one at home knows about this yet. My cousin did all the leg work..many people backed out, many people asked for payments in advance. We got lucky that the only girl we paid in advance turned out to be true, we were desperate at that point and only wanted to score tickets. I had decided even if it's a loss, it would be a secret I would take to my grave. Once we secured that, we became more relaxed. The girl was to meet us 1 day before the concert and hand over tickets, she seemed honest and sent loads and loads of proof before we took that leap of faith! I would strongly advise better decision making abilities people. We got lucky. We sent her money on PayPal, she could have turned out to be a fraud and run away with it and couldn't have been able to do jack..but again, we got lucky.
Just so you guys get a modicum of an idea about how messy this thing was:
Kind of proof to expect:
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Trying our luck everywhere:
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Being suspicious little bitches because come on--money!
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Just an idea of how frustrating it all was:
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Then we started actively working on Air Tickets and packing. Now my cousin decided to START getting permission, lol. It was much more stressful for her, she’s younger and it was a long and drawn out process, but she managed finally. Her mom and sister wanted to come along too, so that worked out for all of us! I’m glad I hadn’t cancelled my 5 seater accommodation in December! But Air ticket prices had shot up, and I ended up paying $1200 for my tickets instead of $600, which I could have if I had booked earlier. But I was waiting for at least concert tickets and my cousin to sort out her permission issues!
An idea of my packing list:
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All of January was very, very stressful. Trying to find re-sellers is a pain, and trying to figure out if they are legit is even worse. Everyone had their own demands. Some we could and some we couldn't meet. Someway down the line we decided that now that we’re going all the way to Seoul to actually watch the boys, it would be a shame to just go one day. And hence the whole process of looking for more tickets re-started! Ugh. Ugly! But now that at least 1 pair was secured, we were okay with people wanting upfront payments on the day of the concerts and meeting us outside etc etc…worse comes to worst, they would ditch, but at least we would still have our money with us! One girl did ditch us btw. She suddenly stopped replying on 19th morning, on the DAY of the second concert, but thankfully my cousin had another back up contact lined up. Seriously, kudos to her! She managed the tickets on her own.
In total I ended up paying $600 for 2 tickets for both days as late as late as January 16th, that was just me. My cousin paid additional for her 2 tickets! The first pair of tickets we got delivered to my cousin’s friend in Korea, even that BigHit sent out the physical tickets so damn late (10th or 11th February I think?) that our hearts found no rest till the tickets were in our friend’s hands! We picked those for 18th up on 17th night, and additional 2 tickets with upfront payment  for the 19th also the same night. Another extra ticket 19th morning, just before we entered the arena for the second day.
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A picture of the delivered ticket that finally put us at ease!
It was sticky and messy and oh-so-stressful, I just remember being constantly stressed right from December to February when I actually left. Of course worth it in the end when we got to see the boys, but I strongly recommend downloading the app and using it every damn day if you have to, just get familiar with it (Interpark) so when the time comes you are prepared about how to buy your own BTS tickets at stock price!
I’m glad I got to see the boys but I could have easily saved $1000---which would have meant that much more merchandise or maybe even an additional concert in the nearer countries if I was feeling a little too ambitious with my parents and permission! :P
We hardly had a week to go before leaving for Seoul now, and that was mostly spent in trying out outfits to pack, making itineraries (I have done extensive research guys, please ask me what you want to know, I can probably become a guide in Seoul if I want by now). I listed down things I wanted to do/places I wanted to visit/food I wanted to try, area wise in my diary. Which mode of transportation to take, which card to buy that would work on Subways---etc etc. I sort of tried taking responsibility for this because my cousin had managed all the ticketing mess more or less on her own.
So my last week was spent in that, and the fan project I randomly decided to start. Things actually fell into place so late, that by the time I initiated the fan project there was already too less time to spread the word or go about it in a more organized manner. But thanks to all the lovely, lovely Indian Armys who helped me out so much by spreading the word, sending in their letters and artwork, and even cover page for me, it worked out! I spent the last 2 days in India editing and compiling the book to BTS, I wanted it to look nice and I really, really wanted to take all your lovely words to them. Some of those letters were so touching that I remember feeling like I was intruding by even reading them. Even after I reached Seoul airport, I was working on the book, marking up the letters etc. The final result turned out really nice, actually! I will write a whole other update for that, because the sort of drama that happened there deserves a post lol.
For now, just glimpses you’ve already seen on my Twitter @insugarush:
The pages on which I printed the letters:
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An array of things while compiling <omg you guys are SO talented>
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The actual book..!
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Soo for anyone who wants to know..this entire thing took me about 3 months of insane stress and planning and about $3000 in total, which included escalated Air Fare and Concert Tickets, Hotel Tariff, Visa and even expenses in Seoul. It's an inflated figure and I’m sure you can manage with waaay less if you are smart about your bookings!
A lot of people emailed me when they heard about me going to Seoul for the concert saying how lucky I was. Yes, maybe 1% of it was luck but trust me guys---I worked freakin hard to make this happen. Against all sorts of odds. I could have given up long ago, at the first sign of it not working out, but I kept pushing. What I want to say is…please don't feel its something that will never happen for you. Its just about charting out a way and trying your best. At least give it your best shot! Don’t give up in your head, before you even try, just because it seems impossible. If it really doesn't happen after that, no worries…at least you tried! Even I couldn't have imagined all this would work out. I think about how I was so close to going to LA or Newark---but I’m so glad I pushed for Seoul. It was the culmination of a whole lot of efforts, not just luck..
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Me, finally on my way to see my boys!^
Sorry for the long post, and once again, thank you so much for your patience. I know I’m taking my own time, but I want to update properly and in detail! Sorry if this post was too long or boring, send me feedback on Twitter @insugarush and I would be happy to inculcate it in my next posts ^_^
Stay tuned!
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snowbooker · 5 years
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Okay, the concept for this book? SO cool. The lore and worldbuilding is compelling and like nothing I've seen before. I was so excited to read this book. That's why I rated it three stars but no higher, because in terms of the execution, I was highly underwhelmed.
The inconsistency of narration really took away from the smoothness of the book as a whole. Randomly switching POVs in the middle of the chapter, along with an odd three or four spaced gap? Stilted. I couldn't get used to it no matter how many times it happened. I don't enjoy saying this, but it looked like a mistake every time. I'd see the weirdly long gap and go, "Oh gee, whose head are we going to be in now?" because there is no pattern to it or any indication as to who was going to be narrating before just going full throttle into whatever it is that character is doing. One time I thought I was in Aurora's POV but I was in Locke's and only really noticed when there was some comment about the suppleness of Aurora's waist.
And the writing itself. There were some lovely quotes and parts that were really nice, but then I'd hit something weird and be jolted out of the book. The inconsistency of epithets for the characters (especially the storm hunter team) messed me up on multiple occasions. And Aurora's name. I say this with the understanding that her changing her name is an integral part of the story, and I thought that was really cool. If it was done consistently. Aurora is referred to as Aurora, Rora, and Roar. However, through the beginning two thirds of the book, those names are all jumbled. Even after a specific line (that ended a chapter, no less!), that Aurora needed to "be Roar" from now on, she's STILL referred to as "Rora" in the next chapter during her narration. It ruined the effect of the whole name change / character growth thing for me.
So that's the writing. Now let me get to the romance. Because oh boy.
This book was published in 2017. It concerns me that a young adult novel so recent has such a questionable romance.
Aurora is 18. Eighteen. That's a high school senior or college freshman. Locke is, what, 30? Mid-twenties at least. His age is actually weirdly avoided at one point, as though Carmack knew him being this old was kinda gross and dodged it so as to not actually get in trouble. So Locke could technically be 20. But he's written like he's at least 30. Maybe if ages weren't mentioned (or carefully not mentioned) so much, it wouldn't have been so creepy, but it's a Big Thing that Aurora is 18, because of Stormling duties and whatnot. AND on multiple occasions, Locke refers to Aurora as "little girl." Yeah, that's a jab at her naivety, whatever, but when he says it, he means it. And Aurora is constantly in the position of "No!! I'm not a little girl!! I'm an adult!!" which is scarily similar to an older man manipulating a young girl into doing things via saying she's "not old enough."
And then!!! Oh God, and then. Locke training Aurora and making her "prove” herself. Ugh. Locke is mean to Aurora. Their banter is rarely actual banter, it's legit fighting where Aurora has to justify her existence. I'm not saying Locke should be her bestest bud, but the fact that it's set up that Locke is pissy with her because he likes her is very "boys will be boys, he pulls your hair because he LIKES you" and I thought we started leaving that stuff behind in 2016. Evidently not.
Their first "kiss" was awful. I hesitate to call it a kiss because it felt more like Locke was smashing his face against Aurora's because he couldn't handle all the sexy man-pain within him. And their second kiss, the big dramatic one in the rain? I felt like I was reading a harlequin romance, which is fine, I'm not judging, except for the part where this is a young adult novel. Don't get me wrong— I'm not saying YA can't possibly talk about sex or have kissing, I'm just saying that's not what YA is about. I don't know. The romance read like an adult paperback, except before publishing they went through and put "18" in for Aurora's age and slapped a YA label on it. And I felt like the romance with Locke was actually detrimental to Aurora's growth, not beneficial or freeing or whatever. Actually, I thought she and Bait would have been cute (but Bait is sixteen, AND pretty much there so he can flirt with Aurora in order to make Locke jealous. Joy.)
I actually really, really love the storm hunter characters. All of them except Locke. If Locke was cut out and the story was about Aurora finding a new family within the storm hunters, and they all got better character development that didn't revolve around Locke's relationship with them, then I'd be super duper happy. I adore Jinx and her dynamic with Aurora ad the team, and would love to see more of her. And again, I really, truly love the concept. It's clear Carmack put a lot of effort and love into the lore of this world and its magic. I respect that. That's why I kept reading. I thought the idea was awesome, so I slogged through the problems. I might check out Rage, just for the worldbuilding, but I have to say I'm not going to buy it like I did with Roar.
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