#i don’t usually get on my soap box here but i am seeing a larger issue play out here
zmeydeva-arch · 2 years
this whole nsfw sideblog thing is getting out of hand. i have been in this community for years and have never seen less (written) porn on the dash so i don’t see why relegating mature content to another blog serves a purpose when this site censors us enough. also i thought we were past the whole shame culture when it comes to sex considering it was y’all who wanted to rebrand “sinday” but now you are hiding your porn on another blog? make it make sense anyways post p*ssy on main just tag accordingly i truly do not care 🤷🏻‍♀️
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addierose444 · 9 months
My Kitchen Essentials 
One of my favorite things about having my own apartment has been having my own kitchen. Furnishing the rest of my apartment was an expensive and sort of stressful process. The kitchen however has been a lot more fun because I inherently find kitchen gear more interesting and had enough of the basics to get started without breaking the bank. Because I keep my meals simple and only work with ingredients that I enjoy, I genuinely love cooking for myself. I shared my peanut butter overnight oats and tofu rice bowl recipes in a post about Sunday meal prep a few months ago, but am hoping to share more of my go-to meals in a proper recipe format. 
The core essentials that I brought from home include a 10-inch cast iron pan, a 1.5-quart stainless steel pot, a small wooden cutting board, a pairing knife, a chef's knife, and a pair of scissors. I also brought a basic set of dry measuring cups (¼ cup, ⅓ cup, and ½ cup) and measuring spoons. While I haven’t done any baking here and don’t follow recipes when cooking for myself, the measuring cups have been really useful for cooking various grains. A few items that I brought but haven’t used include a lemon juicer, a garlic press, and a silicone pastry brush. As for non-cooking kitchen basics, I was fortunate enough to be handed down a set of both dishes and silverware and to be gifted a nice wooden salad bowl. I also brought a utensil crock, a mini teapot, two mugs, two glasses, and a few food storage containers from home. 
To further round out my setup, I picked up a sieve (which I use for rinsing rice), half and quarter-rimmed sheet pans (which I currently primarily use for baking tofu and green beans for my rice bowls), a wooden spatula, and a potholder. I love cheese, so a personal essential of mine is a grater. I use it to grate cheddar for my cheesy polenta (which I serve with chicken apple sausage and peppers), pecorino romano for carbonara, and parmesan for Caesar salads among other things. I may eventually add a box grater to my setup, but have thus far been happy with this paddle-style grater that I picked up on my first full day in Washington State. Another item that I bought immediately, but have not personally used is a pair of kitchen tongs. (They did come in handy though for a work picnic). While I don’t regret the purchase per se, this just goes to show the true value of starting with the bare minimum and slowly building out your setup as you discover the limitations through experience. Other kitchen essentials that I picked up but that aren’t directly used for cooking include an airtight container for my rice, a glass food storage container for my lunch, a dish drying mat, sponges, and dish soap. 
It’s not essential, but one fun recent addition to my kitchen is the rice cooker I got for Christmas. The resulting rice is notably better than my stovetop rice, but I will note that it doesn’t exactly save time as the rice is supposed to soak for 30 minutes, cook for 15, and steam for another 15. Another important note is that the measuring cup that comes with the cooker is only about ¾ cup. Thus, when I made my first batch of rice I was a bit thrown off and only had enough rice for three rice bowls instead of my usual four. I made a double batch the second time around which allowed me to create five rice bowls instead. 
While I’m not set up for baking or cooking for a crowd, I truly do have all that I need to cook for myself. Nonetheless, I’m excited to continue building out my kitchen! A few items that I’m considering adding at some point in the future include a kitchen scale, a larger pot, a mixing bowl, a meat thermometer, an immersion blender, and an ice cream maker. We’ll see though because I’m not yet convinced that these items would get regular enough use to justify the cost and space they’d take up in my small kitchen. 
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Mob Wife (Kakuzu x Reader, ft. Hidan) Part IV
Synopsis: The Akatsuki are in emergency mode. Kakuzu leads Hidan to the only place he knows for sure is safe to regroup.
Word Count: 
Warnings/Tags: Violence, Blackmail, Language, Fem!Reader, HouseWife!Reader, Moll!Reader, Attempt at Humor, Ceremonial Drinking of Sake, Traditional Wedding
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Finale
Notes: It’s back. Writing Hidan has got me feeling a certain way rn
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It rained on your wedding day: weather fitting for, and not minded by, a criminal and a deserter. As you approached the temple, he tried to tell you many times that you were going to be turned away, but as you spoke to the shrine masters, you were greeted warmly and welcomed. You were young with a warm face that offset Kakuzu’s intimidating exterior. Everyone always loved you right away, a way about you that Kakuzu could never begin to consider replicating. With your open heart, you brought a foreign concept into his world: acceptance. The few priests and priestesses at the temple on the border of the Land of Stone looked upon you kindly, a kindness that you and Kakuzu continued to repay years later. The small village of a few hundred that housed that shrine would never see a shinobi attack. Now, only you continue to repay years later.
You could tell that Kakuzu didn’t like being in the temple in the slightest. He had never been one for religion or structure or ceremonies, so you tried not to laugh the first time you saw him in his montsuki haori hakama. You wondered how much grumbling went into getting Kakuzu in such formal attire with a goofy, lopsided grin. Even as he gazed upon your amused, upturned lips, his infamous temper laid unusually dormant. Kakuzu never thought that he would see his own wedding day. Being the kind of man he was, he never thought that he’d have one. He didn’t think that he deserved it, but for once as you stood in front of him in your shiromuku, all of his jaded thoughts seemed to fade. Of course with you, all doors opened.
Kakuzu knelt next to you at the shrine, ever stoic. He put his hair up before the ceremony and secured it neatly behind his head. You remembered it when it was short. As the priest announced your marriage to the gods, you couldn’t help but glance at Kakuzu out of the corner of your eye. He held himself together better than you imagined he would.
“Well, yes. I am an adult,” he would tell you later.
But at that moment, he received the first sakazuki. The priest's vessel tipped over the small cup two times before pouring. Kakuzu brought the dish up to his lips and took three sips: pointless seeing that neither of you had parents, but traditional nonetheless. You were taught to always honor your ancestors, but you doubted that Kakuzu felt the same. You received your cup and the same sake, taking the same three sips and the ceremony went on. The second sakazuki represented your vow to care for each other. You received a slightly larger cup and once again, you each touched the sake to your lips three times. The third represented fortune and fertility.
The Heavens, the Earth, and the People.
You offered Kakuzu a light smile as you moved to the next part of the ceremony, a gesture to assure him that it was almost over. He would have rolled his eyes in any other setting, but Kakuzu didn’t even have to speak for you to know exactly what he meant. You knew that more than anything, he was happy to be with you. Out of all the things that he had done as a shinobi, he could handle a stuffy ceremony.
“I thought you liked stuffy things,” you teased him later, parts of your robes slung over forearms and shoulders for better mobility as you walked through the gardens. Your hand rested in his as you balanced yourself on some raised, rock ledges. His expression could have easily been mistaken for exasperation as he scoffed, but you knew better. He looked happy. “You’re a shinobi. Now that’s stuffy!”
The priest had you stand and you received a flowering branch to offer to the gods. As you held the sprig in your hand, you glanced at Kakuzu. His eyes met your own and you quietly prayed over your offerings before presenting them together, stem first. You bowed together, the rituals vaguely familiar to you as you performed them.
With the blessings of the gods, you had received your rings. Your thumb ran over the skin of Kakuzu’s hand. They had a familiar gruffness to them and held smooth bumps from old scars. His fingernails were short. You slid the band onto his ring finger. The black suited him. He squeezed the fingers of your other hand. The space behind your eyes stung as you held back tears watching as he placed the ring on your hand.
Neither of you had family, so you thanked the shrine priests and priestesses and enjoyed their hospitality. You took a single picture. It was the same frame that you held in your hands now.
Kakuzu walked out a few hours ago, taking Hidan with him. Your kitchen was, for the most part, wrecked. Your doing. Your tears had since dried up and your trembling was beginning to fade. With a shaky breath, you brought yourself to your feet. You placed the picture face-down on the counter and reached for the broom in the corner. Your heart hurt, but the world continued on. And if the world continued on, so should you.
You didn’t want to eat, you didn’t feel hungry, but you stood over the sink anyway biting into whatever you could pull from your fridge. You cleaned up the kitchen to the best of your ability. Trash piled up in neat bins outside: splintered wood, broken plates, and any other particles of dust that you managed to sweep up. You could handle it later. At least the rest of the kitchen was spotless. You glanced down at the thick wedding band that sat in your hand. Twirling it between your fingers, you bit into your bell pepper like an apple. That was the kind of night you were having.
A harsh pounding came from the front door and for a split second you wondered if your husband came back. Ex-husband. You didn’t think so. You kept your eyes on the kitchen window but the pounding continued adamantly. A slight shiver went down the back of your neck. The next farm wasn’t for miles. That was definitely not Kakuzu.
You put down your pepper and rolled out your utensil drawer. Your fingers danced across the kunai strapped to the bottom as you silently hoped that your training hadn’t worn off too horribly. The banging ceased as the doorknob began to rattle. The door swung open and you launched your kunai with immense velocity and precision. It was snatched out of the air.
“Fuck! That hurts like a bitch!”
Hidan stood in the entryway with his hand still held up and wrapped around your weapon. Blood dripped onto your floors as the kunai clattered to the ground. He shook out his palm, now sporting a deep gash. All you could do was stand and blink, wondering why he was there and if Kakuzu was with him. Hidan threw his cloak onto the rack. It slid, hardly staying on as he marched over to you. The door didn’t fit into its frame the same as it did before and there was no sign of Kakuzu.
“Can you patch me up, lady?” He looked around your kitchen for somewhere to sit, but found none. He dripped more onto your floors. You quickly guided his wrist over your sink and looked up at him. Beads of water fell down his face. You didn’t even hear the rain outside.
“What happened?” you asked sternly, your voice cracking a bit with worry. Hidan groaned.
“You fucked up my hand, can you at least fix me? I’m traumatized over here.” You sighed, yanking him forward before turning the running water on over his hand. You held it there for a second as if telling him to keep it there before running off to get your medical kit.
“Hidan, you have to tell me if there is an emergency,” you said as you heaved the box onto the counter from your spare room. You cleaned his palm with soap and disinfectant before applying pressure. While you didn’t have to worry about blood loss with Hidan, you also didn’t want him passing out on your kitchen floor either. That would make one more thing to clean up. “Hidan—” You pulled the gauze extra tight. He didn’t seem to be listening to you. —“Is there an emergency?”
“No, lady, it was just cold as fuck and Kakuzu’s got a stick up his ass that’s worse than usual. But you already know what that’s like.” The atmosphere stood still at the mention of Kakuzu’s name.
You knew that you shouldn’t worry about him. As far as you were concerned, he had just divorced you a few hours ago, and even if he hadn’t, you were certain that he could take care of himself. You apparently didn’t do a great job at masking your worry.
He usually didn’t care about the effect of his words, but as you frowned to yourself, Hidan couldn’t help but consider how sad you looked. He pursed his lips, never one for comforting others. For a split second, he wondered whether or not he should have brought up his partner at all. Two fingers gently bumped the bottom of your chin and you looked up at Hidan.
“Don’t look so down. It doesn’t look good on you.” He hesitated. “He’ll come back.”
You dropped his wrapped hand, not noticing that you’ve been drawing loops around his knuckles with your finger.
“I don’t know. He’s usually pretty certain about things and I can’t dwell on that.” You shook your head, turning the water back on to wash your own hands. “You have to go. I know that you have things to do and my— and Kakuzu won’t like that you’re here.” He pouted as you moved around him. You had blood to clean up.
“But it’s raining…” he pouted, expression falling in your peripheral. “And he’s miserable right now which means I’m miserable. C’mon let me stay, I’m miserable.”
“Hidan.” You turned to him and leaned on the doorway from your kitchen to your small living area. “Your partner doesn’t live here anymore.” You flicked on the entryway light, your bucket in hand. Hidan followed behind you, now taking your spot in the doorframe.
“But that doesn’t mean that I have to leave. You know he’s being stupid, but that doesn’t mean that I need to suffer out in the rain because Kakuzu’s a crotchety, old bastard.” You sighed, resting on the handle of your mop. You shook your head.
“I’m sure by the time you get to town the two of you can find somewhere to stay.”
A silence overtook the house again, full of raging, but unspoken thoughts. You squeezed out the yarns and tended to the floors. It, at the very least, gave you something to do. Hidan’s blood already dried part way and you scrubbed harder, but not before it was snatched out of your grip. Hidan shoved you over to take your place. The backs of your knees hit the armrest of the modest couch that you almost toppled down onto. He took to scrubbing.
“So what happened?” he asked.
“Sorry?” Hidan peered at you with his bright violet irises.
“I’m trying to be nice and ask you about your problems, so you better start chatting before I lose interest.” The mop splashed back into the bucket. “Who else do you get to talk to?” You pursed your lips. You knew that he was biding his time to wait out the rain, but his words weren’t wrong. The hurt still felt fresh and perhaps you were feeling a bit desperate to get it out of your system.
“I’m not sure what happened. I asked, but, well, you know how my… how Kakuzu is.” And you found yourself retelling the entirety of what happened: the argument, the ring, Kakuzu’s misplaced comments about children. You left out the part about the wrecked kitchen. “And then he said something about ‘now letting this happen’ which had to be the last straw for me.”
“Did you want brats?” Hidan had since stopped his cleaning. Surprisingly, he listened intently to your rambling as he propped himself against the wall. You swung your feet back and forth over the side of the couch.
“I never really thought about it before and Kakuzu and I never talked about it, so I don’t know why he brought it up.”
“Because he’s a dumbass who thinks too much. I never know what’s going on in that fucked up head of his. If I had a home to come to like this with a cute little thing in an apron—” Hidan scoffed. —“Fuck the Akatsuki. I wouldn’t be hiding you out here because of some band of losers in capes.” That made you laugh.
“You’re in the Akatsuki,” you giggled and Hidan raised a slender eyebrow.
“So? I’m the best one out of all those guys.”
“The best out of some band of losers?” The corners of Hidan’s lips turned upwards into a brief smile as he rolled his pretty irises.
“Listen, I got my devilish charms going for me which is better than Ragdoll. He looks like a fucking pin cushion.” Your hand came over your mouth as you laughed. Hidan looked down at where you sat, pride swelling in his chest at the prospect of cheering you up. But your face quickly morphed into something sentimental.
“Aw, but he’s a cute pin cushion…” Your bottom lip curled into a pout, but at least you didn’t look quite as sad as before. Hidan leaned a bit forward.
“He’s a little over a hundred-eight centimeters tall and has a big-ass nose.” You let out an amused breath. “I’d hardly consider that ‘cute’.”
“But it’s a cute nose. It’s slender and has that cute little bump in the middle.” Your voice grew quieter. Another silence, the third of Hidan’s visit.
It all felt too confusing for you. Maybe Kakuzu was never that interested in you in the first place. You shook your head then and there, much to Hidan’s confusion. Despite Kakuzu’s attitude towards most everything, you knew that he cared deeply about you. Perhaps he had grown bored. Despite ninja work not being of interest to you, you knew that many found the profession very exciting. You ran many profitable operations in the surrounding area, but more money could be made elsewhere, you knew that much. Your lifespan was nothing compared to Kakuzu’s nearly a century of living. He had done everything in life that he had wanted to do and all you had little to show for your existence.
You kept replaying his words about the time that you had. That you had enough time to do more. But if you really thought about it, you were content living the way you had been. You were happy and for a split second you considered whether or not Kakuzu actually saw himself as worthy of you. You shook your head for the second time. No, if anything, you considered it the other way around. You’d imagine that you would come off as boring and childlike to an immortal.
“That’s a lot of thinking.” Hidan had taken to wandering around the room. You hadn’t noticed. “Fuck thinking. You deserve better than taking care of some place in the middle of nowhere and running numbers on boring-ass shit.” You smiled again to yourself, something else that you didn’t notice.
“I actually like it here,” you mumbled. Hidan yawned.
“Can I stay now?” You deliberated to yourself before grabbing the bucket and the mop away from him. He didn’t do a great job, but you found yourself relatively uncaring at the moment.
“Yes, you can stay,” you sighed. Hidan was already halfway down the hall by the time you finished your sentence.
“Good because I was going to crash here anyway.”
@brokennerdalert @unsatisfiedanddisappointed @krispypotato @meme-queen-1999​
Notes: Reader and Kakuzu had a Shinto wedding if anyone’s interested. 
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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taylorinthetardis · 4 years
Wallflowers - A Henry Cavill x Reader fic
So I did a thing! Rather than continue to work on my larger, more complicated Pride and Prejudice fic, I decided to make a fanfic out of the fantasy I had at work the other day!
There will most likely be a part two to this, I just thought I was at a good stopping point and wanted to see what you guys thought about it.
Full disclosure: I didn’t mean for this to whole ass turn into a Bath and Body Works ad, but it kinda did. For those of you reading in countries that do not have Bath and Body Works, its basically just a body and home care store. In the US their scents are legendary. Pretty much every young girl went through a BBW phase where that was all they used for soap and perfume. That all being said, in the interest of further disclosure and covering my ass, I own neither Bath and Body Works nor any of the trademarks on the scents listed herein. I also do not own Henry Cavill because owning human beings is a crime.
This is my first Henry fic so be gentle with me! It’s a bit longer than I had anticipated and un-beta’d.
Warnings: just a lot of fluff. some self-deprecation. loads of swearing. don’t know if I should warn for slight bashing of the religious but I will anyway so no one gets mad at me.
It was shaping up to be another boring ass day at Bath and Body Works. I had started working here during the Pandemic after I was laid off from my job at the movie theatre. I had planned on it only being temporary, but even after things got better and I got my theatre job back, I decided to stick around. What can I say; a bitch is broke. Nothing wrong with double-dipping.
There was something about Sunday mornings in the mall. Probably because people around here still went to church in the mornings. Like it matters. Sunday mornings are always so slow, here and at the theatre, but the day always picks up after 1, when morning church services finish. It was me and Samantha up in the front room this morning, working out the leftover boxes from yesterday’s shipment. She was one of the first people I really bonded with here, both of us being super into both Marvel and DC, specifically Sebastian Stan and Henry Cavill. They had just started filming the next Superman movie and they were going to be shooting scenes up in Michigan again, like they had for Dawn of Justice.
“I’m just saying, we should really consider asking for a few days off and just going up there and scoping it out. I mean, it’s Henry fucking Cavill. He’s less than an hour away from us. Right now. Less than an hour. When is that ever gonna happen again? I can use some of my vacation time at the theatre, so at least I’m not missing out on money from them. It’ll be a blast. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? We don’t see him? I mean at least we’d have tried. I’d rather try than stay down in stupid Ohio with the knowledge that he’s that close.”
“Do you really think Ann’s going to give us time off to stalk Superman?”
“We ain’t gonna tell her what it’s for! Just lie, c’mon now.” I laughed. I dropped a box of Gingham body cream into the understock drawer and broke the box down. Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement, oh goodie, a customer. Samantha was quicker to greet them.
“Welcome to Bath and Body… OH MY GOD!” I turned around and was met with the sight of none other than Henry fucking Cavill, sheepishly running his hand through his now jet-black curls, obviously embarrassed at having been recognized. Damn, am I glad I put make-up on this morning. Alright Y/N, this is your fucking chance. For once in your damn life, be fucking cool. You can do this. You look good, you smell like Champagne Toast, you’ve got this. I pulled my hair down from its messy bun and shook it out a bit before walking over to where Samantha was still trying to collect herself. The store radio started playing Halsey’s Bad at Love and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from bursting out laughing at the absurdity of the situation we were now in. Not five minutes ago we were talking about seeking him out and now here he was in all his brick-shithouse-ness. I looped my arm through Samantha’s in a show of support.
“What a wonderful coincidence! We were just talking about you and now here you are! It’s crazy how the universe works, isn’t it? I’m Y/N, this is Samantha; what can we help you with today, Henry?” I smiled my most adorable smile at him, the one that makes my little cheek dimple pop out, and, honestly, they both looked shocked. Samantha was clearly surprised that I was more capable of speech than she was, and to be honest so was I, and Henry seemed shocked that I would openly admit that we had been talking about him before he got there, which probably wasn’t a great thing to say, but I panicked.  
“Well, I was told this was the best place to go for candles and air freshener-y type things. The house I’m renting just has this odd odour that I can’t get rid of. I’ve been airing it out during the day, all the windows open, and I come home and it still smells funky. I know I could just find a different place, but it’s close to a park and that’s been nice for Kal and I don’t want to make a fuss, so…” Henry sort of shrugged, the buttons on his plaid shirt straining with the movement of his broad shoulders, and gestured around the store as if to say “that’s why I’m here”.
“Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place. All of our home care is in the second room, grab a basket, I’m sure we can find you some scents you’ll like.” He walked over to the basket tower to grab one as a couple more customers walked in. Samantha nudged me towards the second room; I was going to have to handle Henry alone for now, it seemed. He followed me over to the Wallflower wall. “So, these are our Wallflowers. They’re sort of like the Glade Plug-ins, I don’t know if you’ve seen those, you plug this diffuser into any power outlet and screw the fragrance bulb in and it diffuses the scented oil into the room. They last for about a month or so. These’ll probably be the best option for you, well these and maybe a room spray or two to start with. The candles are good, but obviously the scent is gonna be strongest when they’re burning and it’s probably not a great idea to light a bunch of candles and then leave for the whole day.”
He chuckled. “No, I’d say you’re right about that. I definitely don’t want to burn the place to the ground. Are there any scents that you’d recommend?”
“Well, I mean, it obviously all depends on your personal preferences. I like sweet scents. I like my space to be smelling like a bakery or a candy shop at all times, so I tend to go for anything like that. We actually still have some of our holiday scents that we’re trying to get rid of and there’s this really great one in that line called Spiced Apple Toddy. It smells like apple pie. I love it. It’s only out during fall and winter so I stocked up. I need it all year long, honestly. I still have so many other scents at home, but like I’m probably never gonna get sick of it, for real, it smells so good. Or I might go every other month swapping between that and Black Cherry Merlot because that’s awesome too. And then there’s Champagne Toast, I mean, that one might be a bit too feminine for you, but I love it. It’s sweet and just a tiny bit citrusy. I can’t do any of the floral or like, outdoorsy scents, they set my allergies off. And honestly there’s some of these that I smell them and I’m like, who is putting this in their house? Like, what nutjob thinks this scent is good? How many people have senses of smell that are this screwed up?” At this point I was rambling, talking excitedly and with my hands, handing him testers to smell and trying to gauge his reactions to know what to hand him next. He didn’t have any bad reactions to anything I gave him until I handed him the tester for Fresh Balsam. His nose scrunched up in the most adorable way and he very carefully set the tester down on the counter as far from him as he could manage. He handled my word-vomit good-naturedly, with a small smile on his face, nodding and chuckling when he thought something I had said was funny. Our fingers brushed a few times as I handed him the testers and after the third time, I began to feel like it was deliberate on his part, but it couldn’t have been, could it? He couldn’t really be interested in me. He’s Henry Cavill. I’m just, well, I’m just me.
Me, with my two minimum wage jobs, still living with my parents, inching ever closer to 30 years old. Why would he want any of that? Why would he be interested in me physically either? I mean, he’s literally flawless and I’m short, overweight, I eat like shit, I don’t exercise, hell, I barely know how to put on make-up correctly. Yeah, I look good today, but that’s not par-for-the-course.    
He put a few each of Cinnamon & Clove Buds, Black Cherry Merlot, Limoncello (for the bathrooms, he said), and Laundry Day (for the laundry room, obviously) in his basket along with enough of the plugs so he’d have one in each room. He also grabbed a Black Cherry Merlot and a Limoncello room spray off the shelf next to the Wallflower display before turning back to me. “So then, where do you keep this Spiced Apple Toddy that you like so much, or did you hide them so you could have them all to yourself?”
I chuckled nervously and ran my hand through my hair, sort of disbelieving that he was actually paying attention to what I had said. Boys never listen to me when I talk, I always have to repeat myself, but I guess that’s because I usually end up talking to the dumb ones. Henry’s not dumb. He really is just fucking perfect, isn’t he? Pretty and he listens? That shouldn’t be such a difficult combination to find, but for me it had been. “They’re on the table over here with the rest of our leftover Christmas stuff. Hopefully the tester is still there somewhere.” I put my hands in my apron pockets and I could feel the jolt of confidence I had had just minutes before leaving my body. His charm had worn me down, bringing me back to my normal, anxiety-ridden self. I caught the toe of my boot on the corner of one of the other tables as we walked towards the center of the room. I stumbled, but before I could fall his arm was already out to steady me, wrapping around my waist to keep me upright.
“Are you alright Y/N?” A look of genuine concern was on his face and I swear to God I swooned. Like, fuck, I just stubbed my stupid toe, it’s not that serious. I mean yeah, I stubbed my toe and then almost fell into a table covered with candles in glass holders, but like, I didn’t fall, you caught me, please stop looking at me like you care. You can’t give me that much hope. It isn’t fair. And goddamnit I love the way my name sounds coming out of your mouth. Like, fuck it’s never sounded so good. This isn’t fair, why is this happening?
“Yeah, Henry I’m fine, just a stubbed toe. Thank you for…you know.” I gestured down to his arm, which was still around my waist. The sound of me bumping into the table drew the attention of the rest of my co-workers, however, who were now coming out of their various positions to see what was going on and to make sure no one had broken anything. Samantha popped her head in from the front room and Kelynn and Mira came out from the cashwrap with Pilar and walked to the edge of the third room to peek in. All they saw was me, blushing profusely, with Henry Cavill’s beefy-ass arm still wrapped around my fucking waist. “Everything’s fine guys. I promise.”
“Holy shit, is that…”
“But Kelynn that’s fucking Superman!”
“You can’t cuss in front of him Mira, he’s a customer!”
“Will you guys cut it out? You’re embarrassing us in front of the hunky British dude!”
“Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about we all pretend like this isn’t happening right now? Pilar can go back to the cashwrap, you two can go back to whatever it was you were doing, and I’ll go back to what I was doing, namely making a damn sale!” I extricated myself from Henry’s grasp so I could shoo them back towards the cashwrap. They turned and walked away, bewildered looks on their faces. I turned back to Henry who was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his curls, leaving them messier than they were before. An errant one fell over his forehead and I wanted to brush it out of the way, but he just left it.
I walked over to the table that I was originally heading for and found the Spiced Apple Toddy Wallflowers. There wasn’t that many left, but there was still a tester. I grabbed it and spun around to bring it to him, assuming he hadn’t followed me, but as I turned, I found myself going face first into his massive chest. I put my unoccupied hand up to steady myself and pushed on his chest to force him back. He was just too close. Why was he so close? He opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. “Here. This is what I have in my bedroom right now, this is Spiced Apple Toddy.” Oh god, why did I say it like that? The one I have in my bedroom. Jesus Christ. He quirked his eyebrow at me and cocked his head to the side, smirking a little. Instead of taking the tester from me, he took my much smaller hand in his, guiding it up towards his face so the tester was close to his nose. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. A serene smile spread across his face and I felt my face get hotter. He opened his eyes, looking down into mine. Fuck I could drown in those ocean eyes.
“Oh, I like that very much. You were right. I think that one’s my favourite.”
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drunklander · 5 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 506
Ok, now that that’s out of the way... I kind of liked this episode. Which surprised me. Because usually I find myself neutral at best. But, considering how much I’ve hated disliked the last few seasons, I guess that feeling mostly neutral means this season has been better? The bar is low, y’all.
Could 1000% still use more Claire though. And more Jamie and Claire. And yes I know I’m saying that in the recap for an episode where the two of them bang.
I said what I said.
The title card’s powder blocker thingy looks like a plague doctor mask. We should bring those back. I found a box that had a bunch of them in it in the closet at my office once. That was weird. Also, stay the fuck at home and 6′ away from people if you have to go out on a supply run or take a walk.
Ooo, a flashback! I miss Scotland.
“Whom do I address, sir?” “I am Samuel Torrington,” said the guy who is most def *not* Samuel Torrington.
I know I shouldn’t laugh because of what’s about to happen, but looool at the girl for stepping in the literal one spot of mud.
Well that was dumb. Why the fuck would you run in between your dad and the guy he’s clearly gonna shoot?
I mean, it’s super sad, I guess. But also hella dumb.
Ah, a lavender pillow. Yes, I know it’s from the book. But between this and the BJR stuff, it’s like, do they know other smells exist?
But yeah, guess I shouldn’t talk since I have lavender hand soap, lavender lotion, lavender tea and a lavender candle.
It’s the best smell.
Ok, I get why Murcasta can’t be endgame. That was a good decision. But including Innes BeCaUsE tHe BoOk is dumb af. They got to the right decision to break up Murcasta, but for the wrong fucking reason.
Like, seriously though, can we please take a moment to appreciate how dumb this is? Like, book!Innes is from Ardsmuir. He’s been part of the squad. He’s basically one of Jamie’s most trusted friends. And he marries Jocasta. Show!Innes is literally some dude we’ve never heard of until last week because the fucking writers were like oh, Jocasta has to marry someone named Duncan Innes. Guess we should make that happen, out of the blue, for no other reason. Lazy idiots...
Jocasta has better handwriting than I do and I can fucking see what I’m doing.
Also lol at her straight up ignoring Roger saying that Jemmy won’t take her money.
Cut to Jemmy crying about the fact that he is now a participant in chattel slavery. I feel you, Jem.
Oh, it’s a cold? Ok fine, but also the whole chattel slavery thing.
ADSOOOOO! Such a good lil floofer! Look how nice he is, bringing them that excellent bug! WHO’S A GOOD KITTY? YOUUU ARE!
I really like Claire’s necklace. Also Claire’s neck. Also Claire’s collarbones. Also Claire. Can we have more Claire please? And less manpain in general?
Tryon is such a fucking douche. So is Quincy Arbuckle.
Well, it might not prevent tumultuous and riotous assembly, but not hanging out in groups larger than 10 sounds like a greAT FUCKING IDEA RIGHT NOW.
STAY AT HOOOOOOOOOOOOME. (If you are able to, and if you have to go to work, WASH YOUR HAAAAAAAAAAAANDS.)
Fergus, Marsali and Bree standing around this room being disappointed with Roger is A Mood™.
Team Give Fergus and Marsali More to Do
Oh, you’ve never been comfortable in your big fancy mansion? Poor you. *plays the world’s smallest violin*
News spreads slowly in/from the backcountry except, apparently, Claire’s medical advice.
Claire Fraser said reproductive rights!!! *ups monthly donation to Planned Parenthood*
The casting for Wylie is fucking perfect. Like kudos to the casting folks again.
I cared more about the Regulator shit in the show than the book because Murtz, but all the “Oh it’s happening! JK, it’s not! JK, it is!” that they took from the book is making me care less about it. Just happen already or fuck off.
Yes, I know it’s gonna happen next week.
Roger shoveling shit makes me happy. Because it’s gross and I do not like Roger.
“You keep shoveling your shit.” -- The Fandom Bree
Wylie should be a caricature with how fucking terrible he is, but let’s be real. We've all run into a guy like that.
Oh, Claire’s rings.
I did some mental gymnastics years ago to try to wrap my brain around why Claire would still wear an emotionally abusive piece of shit’s Fred’s ring. And the fact that the books and the show are like nope, she just likes Fred, drives me up a fucking wall every time.
“He must have been quite the man to inspire such devotion after all these years.” “Nah, he was an asshole. A complete and utter piece of shit. And instead of going with that and all the complexities it brings, we continue to gaslight the audience that he was a Good Dude. Instead of using the ring as a symbol of something more than fucking Fred, we just keep on pretending he didn’t suck.”
I hate everyone involved with refusing to acknowledge how shitty Fred was.
There is literally only one smuggler in the Carolinas.
“I get a biblical plague.” You get what you deserve, Rog.
Jamie, chill with the extra testosterone. Just punch the bro or something.
Also don’t fucking blame the victim, asshole.
Literalol at Bree showing the women her like stick and sheet fan thing and then cut to all the people with just little squares, barely doing anything.
“Don’t stop! Keep your fires going!” *everyone stops and just stares at the bugs*
Gonna go ahead and take this time to remind folks that’s it’s fucking gross to get married on a plantation. Don’t do that thing.
I know a guy who is like proud of the fact that he’s an asshole. He talks about it like it’s one of his defining traits. This scene with Wylie being like “buddy, I love my shitty reputation” reminds he of that guy. I cannot fucking stand that guy.
*ignores Claire’s feelings about Fred’s dumb ring and headcanons in my own reasons instead because I cannot even with this nonsense anymore*
Ah, the Lindsays like Roger now. I still do not like Roger.
I fucking love this whole Murcasta scene. Can we get one of these for Jamie and Claire? I miss them having big sweeping scenes that have time to breathe and unfold and all the good shit like Murcasta gets here.
The show keeps trying to deny it, but scenes like this are where it’s strongest. But it refuses to accept that this is its lane and keeps trying to go elsewhere.
I miss Jamie and Claire.
I miss the MacKenzies.
I wanna give Jocasta a hug. She’s still trash for enslaving people, though.
Maria Doyle Kennedy is a goddamn treasure. Seriously, her casting was the best choice the show made in years.
That and saving Murtz, of course.
So fucking glad they cut the creepy-ass foot thing.
Jamie, you’re drunk, but read the fucking room. Claire’s right. Just because she says shit from the future all the time doesn’t negate the fact that she’s right about you right now. Also, seriously? You’re taking *this* opportunity to call her out?
Buddy deserved that slap.
Look, I’m always down for the Frasers to fuck. More Fraser fucking, I say. But this is just another instance like their fight at Lallybroch where the fight itself is never actually resolved like it should be. They just fuck about it and magically everything is ok again. Le sigh.
Murcasta gets a big long scene with time to breathe and talk through everything and it’s riveting af. But Jamie and Claire never get that anymore and it pisses me off tbh.
Stop shoehorning in book lines! She can’t see shit through all the skirts and stuff!
I miss the Lallybroch ring. What did they ever end up doing with it? It’s floating around somewhere.
Bonnet is so evil to 11 about fucking everything that it makes him boring. We get it. You’re a bad guy. Do you also have a tiny dick or something that you’re overcompensating for?
Can we please wrap this Bonnet shit up this season? I swear if they drag it out as long as they do in the books I’m gonna be rull annoyed.
Ok so now the war is actually gonna for real happen and I’m like legit out of fucks to give about it because Murtz aside, they’ve done the “it’s coming, jk!” fake out too many times...
Can they try to hang Murtz instead? Because I swear spending half a season with emo!Roger is cruel and unusual punishment.
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 35
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The sound of an engine dying in your garage had your head turning from the message from Thorin reading, “Nearly there.”
On your feet you walked through the house to the garage, opening the door to find him exiting his car with a huff, “I’m sorry, that bridge, they choose today of all days to repaint the railing, down to a single lane, I beat the truck at least. Made a stop,” he said ducking back into the car to hold out your set of keys you had given him, “To the store’s key kiosk. Made myself a set so you can add those to the orange again.”
“Thanks,” You said folding the keys in your palm only to look at the appliance truck pulling up after noticing the firefly coated ring of keys dangling from the clip on his waist new to his usual set.
“I’ve got it, laundry room’s just off here, right?” You nodded and showed him into the spacious laundry room next to the garage he left the lights on then went to greet the men exiting the truck while you returned the keys to their orange sock home in your closet. A smirk ghosted across your lips spotting Gorgo behind you still pink cheeked in handing over the third book for the fourth.
“It’s so sad..” she mumbled on her way back to the bunk beds right in the most heart wrenching part of the book collection. Barely ten minutes was all it took to have the teal contraptions nearly your height to be wheeled in and hooked up then signed for signaling the duo to head back to their truck.
“They look good,” You said to break the silence and he wet his lips looking you over.
“Painters left I guess?”
“While back, Gorgo’s still here though, crying her way through the final book.” His brows arched up, “There’s a happy hint to the ending, but it’s painful to get there.”
“I bet it will be fantastic.”
“I can get you the first one if you like,”
He shook his head, “Not today, the weekend perhaps when I can give it the focus it deserves.” He looked you over then said, “Where are your guest sheets for the peach room? We can wash them, break these in and I can show you how they work.”
You nodded and guided him to first inspect the paint job then gather up the sheets he helped to carry back and unwrap to toss into the washer with some of your laundry soap. A simple instruction on the settings later and he was with you in the couch waiting on the truck.
Laptop that he brought from his car now open on his lap you chose the mattresses in the sizes you needed and he ordered them relaxing that so far all the terms of the contract were met.
“I think I might be pushing it close with the paint and sleeping in my new room.”
“I do have the bunk beds, probably best if Roac didn’t sleep there either.”
“You would be okay with that?”
You nodded and you asked, “Didn’t you have sprouts?”
In a gasp he popped up saying, “My sprouts!” Hurrying back to his car where he found them still in his open trunk, behind him you giggled and got up to help. Beside him you grabbed a tray and followed him to the greenhouse, in which he walked to the empty plot you had said was all his. Much larger than he had expected and still coated in clover he could tear back later for, now he set the trays down and grinned seeing Roac fly down to greet him. “You are late.”
Lowly he chuckled, “Yes I am.”
Down to the ground in front of him Belly lowered with a ribbon wrapped handle supported small bowl filled with fruit they had picked for him he grinned in accepting. Belly fluffed up in landing stating, “A welcome to our nest.”
“Thank you,” his eyes shifted to you noticing your finger in a brush of your bangs tapping your lip making him reach out and pop a few between his lips, “They taste wonderful, just what I needed.”
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Belly puffed up excitedly and flew off with Roac while a duo of hummingbirds flew down with a forget-me-not blossom, the best from the full bunch, coated in resin shaped into a teardrop bubble. It was supported on a leaf the duo were carrying over to Thorin who glanced to them from Kuu waking up in his house after Belly tapped on his roof. “Welcome to our nest. A token for ample eggs.”
Your lips parted and he looked to you only hearing their song like whispers but not understanding it. “They said welcome to the nest. It’s a token for ample eggs.”
The meaning making him smirk then say in accepting the leaf they released into his palm, “Thank you. I’ve never seen these before. It is a wonderful gift, truly I am honored.”
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You translated for him and they flew away leaving Kuu walking over with one foot curled around something. Into his extended palm Thorin grinned at the smooth shiny pebble that settled into his palm. With his grin splitting wider he glanced up at Kuu, whose head was beginning to tilt until he said, “Thank you. I will treasure it always. I will put this,” over Kuu’s shifting wing he saw your thumb hooking in your pocket and seamlessly he continued, “In my pocket, right now.”
The grin on Kuu’s face broke in a large yawn and he turned sighing out, “I await the day we shall witness your baby bubbles arrive.” Smoothing your fingers over your forehead you smiled at Kuu on his way back to his house and flashed a bashful grin at Thorin, who was now standing holding the bowl of fruit and the blossom bubble with his hand pocketing the stone. Behind you he strolled curiously back into the house leaving the birds to their joint sleep time. In the hall however he lowly asked, “Baby bubbles?”
“They’re a bit confused still on me not laying eggs, they’ve seen kittens be born in their sacks so,”
You nodded, “Bubbles.”
Lowly he asked, “So the bubble and the pebble are both for babies?”
“No, the pebble is for protection. He spent last night singing a song of protection while holding the pebble he picked for you,” already tears prickled in his eyes on your way to the garage making him wonder why you were heading there, “Every Great Owl has one they keep in their pouches. You never take them. Part of how I smoothed things over with Hector and the workers in the Aviary who thought it was just an odd pebble that they touched while he was preening, triggering a two day stand off. We don’t have pouches so, pockets. But when you leave home you take it with you. It’s supposed to be able to always help you find home again if you get lost.”
That was it and he sniffled at the weight of the welcome gifts making you smile up at him, “And you’re crying.”
“Little bit,” he rumbled sniffling again.
He looked around and you said, “Before the truck gets here might as well handle one other tear worthy marker.” His brow inched up and you asked, “What color do you want your name?” Stopping in front of the left over small paint cans on the workstation. “For the mailbox.”
Again he sniffled and then cleared his throat to say out of the few choices you had, skipping the Durin blue to choose your signature color, “The green.”
You nodded and grabbed the can and a slender brush saying, “Keep eating those berries, I got these.” After seeing his glance at the bowl you said, “Those are the best he could find still on the vine.”
“They’re wonderful.” Picking up another to pop between his lips only flashing you a glimpse of the caterpillar in the bowl making you giggle in his deep chuckle. “Even picked me a baby butterfly.”
“Careful around caterpillars and butterflies the hummingbirds call them their cousins, take their care very personally. And we have to have proper memorial services for each of them.” He glanced at you with a grin ghosting across his lips, “You will have to join in.”
“I look forward to it. I will also try to learn the language, so I can speak to them.”
“They speak Hobbitish if you do.”
“That would be easier. Do they always speak so softly?”
“Always, you get used to it.”
“I will.”
Once at the mailbox he settled the now empty bowl on the box and you turned seeing the moving truck pull up finally. With the open paint can in hand he watched you turn saying, “I got it. You have to do it or it doesn’t count.”
The truck parked and nearly collapsing out the open door Kili and Fili both popped up hopping from one foot to the other, “Bathroom!”
In a giggle you nodded your head trotting inside through the open garage, “Come on,”
Straight through you showed one to the hall bath and the other into the bath in your mother’s room. And came out again to see Dwalin parking behind the truck climbing out with an exaggerated stretch and a few younger Durins doing the same groaning as Frerin climbed out of the truck calling to Thorin, “Decades we have lived on the other side of that bridge, and today of all days, now it gives us nonsense!”
With a grin you walked up to the truck while him and Dwalin came to open it for you. The pair looked you over asking, “Been a day?”
“Work, went through the contract with Echo, painting, Gorgo came, I made some bread, did dishes, made lunch, Thorin showed up and then the washer and, now you got here.”
Frerin chuckled and said, “Well we got this, you can relax.”
“I don’t get to be nosy?” You teased and they both smirked watching you turn for the house faking a pout.
To the couch you went hearing them discussing who was carrying what and caught Thorin chatting to one of your neighbors. The very same one who had been aiding him in his intentions who now was beaming proudly hearing his new neighbor had coupled up with such an attentive Dwarf. It did seem soon but fated making it all the more precious. And hurrying off to share the news with his own lovable partner he was off allowing Thorin to finish painting his runes for ‘T Durin’ diagonally under your name on the other side of the plus he painted then eyed with a grin in closing the paint can again. Turned around he carried the paint, brush and bowl, the latter he took back to the greenhouse allowing the caterpillars inside to crawl back out again into the lush surroundings and went to help guide the direction of his things.
Carefully the bulky bed frame was eased through the halls and assembled by Thorin and Frerin giving a base for the mattress Fili and Kili led through next after the dresser another pair eased into the mini walk in closet attached to his bath. On his way back to the truck he saw Roac’s dwelling stand he guided outside the peach room saying, “Staying here tonight to let it air out some more.”
The borrowed trunks were next carried by the teens while Dwalin helped Thorin guide the table wrapped in a blanket through to the parlor. Underneath Frerin helped to work in the legs then joined the others in smirking at the final product when it was aligned perfectly in the room with the teens bringing the chairs in next. Out of what they had for the game room it all had been agreed upon to be moved here hoping to help out for anything you could want for their hopefully to be family gathering spot on an unchosen future game night. All of which was unloaded in a set of boxes the trio got to unloading.
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The finishing touches were being unloaded from the truck and in the doorway you stood saying, “Ooh, this is a really nice table,” the men turned and Thorin’s grin settled in while Dwalin wiped his cheek on his shoulder trying to calm down after having heard about the gifts from the birds to welcome him.
“Thank you,” he hummed out while you came closer to smooth your fingertips across it.
“You brought all the games you had it seems.”
Frerin chuckled, “Much better to have them here where there’s room and a great table for them.”
You nodded and glanced around the room, “Well I’ll certainly have to leave the stocking up to you. Bit out of touch with the latest games.”
Dwalin chortled, “Neither are we. Just the classics don’t you worry.”
Around your shoulders Fili and Kili’s arms rested as the latter said, “Ya, the most advanced game they have is that one with the timer to fit the shapes into the holes before it pops up.”
“Not half bad, I think tower blocks is the most high tech I got.”
Frerin smirked, “You mean Jenga?”
You shook your head, “No, Naneth carved different shaped blocks painted all different colors and we had hundreds of them.”
Dwalin, “Oh, you meant actual tower blocks. Nice.”
A sniffle from the hall had the arms dropping as you turned to grin at Gorgo still teary eyed causing the men to pause confused at how to help the situation. Crossing the hall to enter the parlor she squeaked out, “You just ended it like that.”
“Yes I did,” once she reached you she squeaked again then melted around you in a tight hug, easing your arms around her back.
“It’s just so happy.”
“How could I leave it anything but happy?”
Her hug tightened a moment then she drew back sniffling again, “I’m going to need a year to be ready for the sequel.”
You grinned wider at her saying, “Hungry?”
She shook her head and sniffled again wiping her cheeks, “I should go home, hug Gimli.”
You nodded and said, “I’ll grab you the etchings.” Leaving the room heading for your closet.
Once you were out of earshot she pointed to Thorin, “Marry her. Story like that in her, you marry that ball of impossible.”
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He could only smirk at her and shift his gaze to the door when you showed up again with a treasure chest wrapped with a metal kraken she couldn’t help but giggle in cradling after accepting the key you gave her. “My sisters picked it out. Couldn’t say no, they started pouting.”
Gorgo patted her hand on the case, “I will guard this with my life.” She said heading for the door with Dwalin escorting her out ensuring she was clear eyed enough to drive before she left.
The final things were unloaded from the truck that Thorin went to check on and thanked the teens that all loaded up in it hoping to use a back way back to the lot before it closed. Inside again he eyed you speaking with the boys as they were sharing about the house that Frerin had bought and the walkway through the park they found connecting your houses and Dwalin’s. Inhaling sharply realizing in that moment that he was now home and from the second that door closed behind him that the pair of you were now hosting his relatives. Fully shifting his skew on the situation he realized in the light of the setting sun coating you that you had been up since before sunrise with little time to sleep the night before and still hadn’t eaten since the lunch you mentioned earlier with Gorgo. Whenever that was it was too long ago and he stated, “Time for supper.”
Frerin said as you looked at Thorin, “Yes, you must be hungry. Up all day, barely slept.”
To the kitchen you walked and joined the men in choosing from the food he had brought they all pulled together for a meal, filling up your table to enjoy it. Stacking the empty dishes came in the middle of a large yawn from you making the men grin in seeing it. Across the table Thorin said, “Why don’t you head off to bed. I’ll lock up. I’m sorry. We took all day, you need your rest.”
Inhaling deeply you brushed your hair from your face and nodded, “Ok, um, if you get tired, I have four beds, the blankets though-,”
Thorin said, “I switched them to the dryer earlier. I’ll show you how to work it tomorrow when we wash the pillows I have enough for us.”
Dwalin claimed your dishes to add to his, “We got these, see you in the morning, be on my way in a bit too dear. Promised to be back by story time.”
Glancing over the five you turned and headed for your room pushing past the odd feeling of leaving them to their whims. In your closet again you collected the draft set you took back to its usual trunk back in your study and changed to get ready for bed.
Filling the dish washer Thorin muttered out, “This is my first night outside of a kin roof.”
Frerin said nudging his arm, “You know she’s kin now.”
Once the washer was closed Thorin led the way to the laundry room to gather the sheets they sorted and bundled in their arms. In the peach room Fili and Kili stated, “Top bunk!”
Frerin smirked as they tossed a fitted and non fitted sheet onto each top bed that they added a blanket from the nest Gorgo had made leaving the rest for their uncles on the bottom beds. Leaving those for then while Thorin settled Roac’s dwelling inside the room as the sleepy Raven landed on his shoulder ready to sleep. Roac nestled in his dwelling leaving the four to walk Dwalin out the return to Thorin’s room where they hung up his clothes and filled his shoe racks. Back to their homes in the cubbies and shelves from your trunk shelves, Orcrist and the pictures for Roac would have to be added to new shelving units replacing the built ins back in his old room. Rubbing his face he groaned at the long day and started rounds with the guys to ensure the house and garage was locked up, still leaving the back door open for the Great Owls as you had promised them.
All together once Thorin had changed into a set of shorts they collapsed onto the beds with the boys excitedly sprawled across the large mattresses after leaving their boots at the foot of the steps they raced up. Fili covered himself with one of the blankets laying on the pile of sheets, “We should get some of these.”
Kili, “Though I doubt we’d need them this big,” he commented on the ten foot long mattresses.
Thorin chuckled rumbling back, “Her stepfather is nine and a half feet tall.” The boys gasped and he rumbled through another chuckle, “No telling how tall her baby sisters will sprout up to.”
Frerin sighed rolling onto his belly as Thorin remained staring up at the wood above him. Listening to the deepening breaths of his former house mates and slowly closing his eyes to force himself to sleep so he could be awake in time to see you off to work with a full breakfast since today had been drawn out and no doubt nerve wracking for you. Each of them savoring their final night all together while also loving that you were so much closer to being a full member of their clan.
Just like a dream. From under your covers you crept grumbling at the alarm ruining your day of sleep that your body seemed to be aching for and tilting your head back you slumped your way to your bath. A quick primping had you pulling on shorts and a baggy t shirt with back cutouts and combing your hair into a long ponytail. Pocketing your phone and wallet you palmed your keys and socks strolling to the kitchen where you stood with lips pursed in noticing the men setting the breakfast they had made across your set table.
Just in his shorts Thorin flashed you a sleepy grin saying, “Breakfast is ready, your cider is warming up and I have Kuu’s peas boiling now,” He said shifting your usual mug on the counter then turned to accept the bowl that Kuu strolled in carrying. “Eat up, Dwalin will open the shop and I will take them home, bridge will hopefully be clear so I can meet up with you at the shop after.”
“You’re heading to work?”
Smirking as he drained the peas and handed them off to Kuu he hummed back, “Just for a few hours if Balin lets me.”
“Lets you?” You teased taking your seat making him smirk at you.
Frerin said with a smirk of his own taking the seat to your left, “There is very little in that shop Balin does not oversee.”
You glanced at Kili as he said around his mouthful of pancakes, “Herbs are the basis of the shop, he rules the herbs-,”
Fili completed his sentence, “He rules the shop.”
You nodded and said watching Thorin filling your mug, “It’s a hierarchy then.”
Thorin rumbled as you took your first slice of your short stack, “Of sorts.”
Frerin clarified, “Every clan has one, though Dwalin and Thorin both are better at the brewing while Balin is there to mind the sprouts and the full shop, able to see the bigger picture, his specialty.”
Through breakfast he sat down eating beside you then stood as you did handing off your mug while Fili brought you your satchel and the four escorted you to the garage making you smirk as they all waved you off.
“I’ve counted your coincidences and have begun drafting for your gown.”
Coughing in an office on your floor in the station Mal found you asking, “You okay?” Passing her your phone wile you set down your drink you’d swallowed wrong she eyed the runes and said, “I can’t read this.”
Her head turned seeing Echo and Glori, who had come to share about the book. The latter came over to rub your back while they peered on at the phone Mal had passed to Echo. A joint “Oh,” had them looking to you then to Mal.
“Fourteen,” You squeaked out.
Mal said, “Fourteen what?”
Echo said, “Jaqi’s Naneth has been counting coincidences, and she’s hit fourteen.”
Mal, “You lost me.”
Glori, “When you meet a person you find interest in you inform your Naneth, and any coincidence is noted,”
Echo, “Once you hit twelve you are considered Ones, fated to be.”
Mal looked at you, “Oh, so, why the coughing?”
“I was drinking-, she’s designing the gown.”
Mal, “Gow-,” then gasped, “Oh, the, gown. Oh that’s big.”
“Very big,” you squeaked our wiping your cheeks dry. “All I did was share about the festival and shared some pictures. But when I messaged her about you saying that my mark looked like a Battle Ram and she looked at the pictures again asking what Thorin went as I hit fourteen.”
Echo stated, “Well you just focus on today,”
“I can’t focus on today, because he doesn’t know what that means and I absolutely cannot tell him and no one blending into the clan can either.”
Glori smirked saying, “You leave the next step to us. We feel a craving for some tea and Rumil is in Greenwood. Thran will surely drag him here if he has to.”
Brushing your hair from your face you groaned out, “Now I have to order a harp...I’m gonna have to wake up Maglor...” you said taking back your phone to send a message to the fabled instrument crafter. “And you all know just how soon that will be published.”
Echo looked to Mal clarifying, “Ordering a mithril harp means betrothal in the very least.”
Mal, “Mithril?! You have to order a mithril harp?!”
You nodded only to lift the phone answering the call from the now very much awake crafter eager to take your order, “Or I wither and die.” Dipping to Noldorin you shared the situation and answered his questions.
Mal’s has dropped and Echo said, “Proposal is a very gentle and sacred topic among Elves. If done improperly without consideration for tradition almost always ends in death.”
Mal, “Can I help?”
Glori said, “These are the only steps to protect, once these are crossed the pair should be safe, as long as no one crosses any mountains of fire.” His eyes watching as you went to the empty table and hopped up on it and swung your legs in the brief conversation he hung up to start drafting ideas for designs.
Echo came over to you as you hung your head back patting your shoulder leaning on the table beside you only for you to slump into his side for a half hug. “We will get you through this.”
“I know. Just not sure how I can bring this up casually.”
Glori smirked saying as he leaned on the table between you in your sip of your cider you had nearly choked on earlier. “Let us handle that. Betrothal is quite simple compared to engaged and by what you said of us his parent’s intentions with the pictures on your trip it shouldn’t be an uncomfortable topic as now it is not just his kin expecting marriage but both.”
“Not helping,” you muttered lowering your mug to your lap again.
Echo, “For now, I got a call last night that the etchings were handed over to the printers. Not long now.”
Glori, “And we have already sold out of our supply of stickers. Have a wait list now and more being printed out.”
Echo, “Any luck on the commercials yet?”
“Haven’t sketched yet, but I have some ideas. I can work on them when I get home.”
Glori, “No rush, we have a couple months minimum until there are enough to sell and then it would probably be another to start advertising.” From his pocket he passed you a folded magazine saying, “For your brainstorming. They have a whole section on soundproofing materials for your mini studio.”
Mal looked at you, “You’re making a home studio?” Grinning at the idea.
“Thought it might help with everything, and I have the space.”
She replied, “That is so cool.”
Looking to Glori again you said, “The months should give me plenty of time to get a few options ready for them. Of course I’ll have to reference some of the Durins’ hidden trinkets so I can perfect Durin’s adornments. Gorgo seemed to be ok with the art I added for the drafts.”
Glorfindel, “Well your etchings are splendid, it will be one of a kind.”
Ecthellion, “And she gave it a raving revue to her now curious boss.”
Mal, “I don’t think I’d be awake after reading a book that size.”
You chuckled weakly, “Almost wasn’t, bit drained from the last book went home to hug her son and finish crying.”
Mal, “Crying? What did you put in the book to make her cry?”
“You’ll see,” you said making her shake her head.
“It better not end sad. I mean it, I would hate to read through all that just to end broken hearted.”
Glori and Echo chuckled guiding you both after a glance at the time to the hall outside your booths, “It’s worth it. Enjoy your show, leave the rest to us.” The latter reaching into your hair and cutting off a small strip at the root, buried deep hard to notice that it was missing at all. The strip shed it’s coloring instantly shining a brilliant shimmering white as he wound it around a pair of pencils secured with a band.
Both heading for their office Glori lifted the phone he had pulled from his pocket and called your good friend Rumil. Grinning as he answered with a half dazed hum in the middle of his breakfast. “Rumil, let me know when you’re done chewing, I would hate for you to choke.”
Easing the scramble sandwich from between his lips he asked with now wider eyes catching Legolas’ attention from across the table who tapped his father’s arm. The half asleep knotted bun sporting blonde dipping closer to the table in a try for more sleep while Haldir and Orophin finished setting out the meal the latter had made everyone popped up blinking his eyes to focus on Rumil encouraging the others to do the same. “Why would that be?”
“Jewelia Pear has counted coincidences.”
Instantly Rumil perked up and he asked, “How many did she count?”
“Fourteen-,” hastily he wet his lips, “This about the Durin you mentioned she’s signed a pre engagement prenup with for cohabitation?”
“One and the same. How fast can you get out here, we were going to drop by for some tea. Lend some assistance to the matter.”
Rumil smirked letting out a breathy chuckle, “No wonder, he’s got no clue of the procedure.”
“Exactly, Jackrabbit has contacted Maglor and now we are handling this on her behalf.”
Rumil glances at the others, “We’re eating and we’ll be out as soon as we can. Lucky I always have a packet on me.”
Glorfindel smirked saying, “Lucky indeed. See you then.”
Once he had hung up Rumil shared the news and all of the men hastily finished their meal and rushed to get to primping before the hour long trip to Erebor.
Pt 36
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partyy-of-five · 5 years
Can you make an imagine or fanfic (whatever their called lol) for Emilio? Maybe like, the girl doesn't hook up with him and it's more of a challenge? Actually, IDC I just want some of him cus the show isn't super popular yet. :)
Thank you for the request! I don’t do a lot of self-insert fics but I am all for a challenge! Just a warning though, since this isn’t my usual writing style it may be a little rough in places. I also agree that we need more Emilio and want to write some fics for him in the future about his thoughts on things or something of the like. Anway, to the fic! 
 Reader x Emilio. [Female reader, she/her pronouns]. *Fic also available on AO3.*
Word Count: 2246
Timeline: Pre-canon aka Emilio is a player with nothing but time on his hands.
Summary: You go to a club to see Natural Disasters with friends and somehow catch Emilio’s eye—but you’re not interested in his game. 
Title: Just a Little Fun
You wait on the steps of your place for the Uber to show up. Your friend, Veronica, had convinced your friend group to go see this up and coming band. Apparently, the lead singer was really attractive. Or something.
You sigh and check your phone again, but in the time it took you to do that, the Uber had pulled up and Veronica was hanging outside the window.
“Y/N! Get in, girl!”
You shove your phone into your small purse, giving a sheepish smile to the Uber driver who rolls  his eyes at your friend as she drags you into the car.
“Started without us, V?” You say, as you smell the alcohol on her breath and shut the door behind you. On the other side of Veronica, your friend Jordan gives a nod.
“Pshh.” Veronica dismisses your comment before directing the driver where-to next.
“Its for the nerves!” Jordan teases, and when you raise an eyebrow she clarifies: “She’s hoping to get with the lead singer.”
You scoff. “Didn’t he hook up with your old college roommate a couple weeks ago?”
“Yeah, she’s the one who told her about the band.” Jordan replies before Veronica can answer.
You give Veronica a look.
“So what? She said he was a good bang and I need one of those as a rebound from Carl.”
You shake your head and sigh, looking out the window. Veronica is now on her soap-box about her ex again.
A fifteen-minute car ride later and you show up at the small club the band is performing at. The three of you pile out of the car and Veronica pays the Uber driver, including a cash tip with a wink.
“Hannah told me we can get an exclusive with the band.” Veronica says excitedly in your ear as you grab a standing table once inside. “I just have to find the right person to talk to.”
You nod, trying not to show your disinterest to your friend. But it doesn’t matter, she’s already whisked off somewhere.
“Want a drink?” Jordan asks, nodding to the bar.
You shake your head. “I’m good, thanks.”
Jordan shrugs and heads off, leaving you alone. You look around at the artwork on the walls for a couple minutes before getting bored. When you look back at the bar you notice a handsome man sitting near Jordan. He laughs at something his companion is saying and you think how beautiful his smile is. Trying not to stare too obviously, you alternate between looking at him and looking around for Veronica. Then, when you look back again for the umpteenth time, he’s looking right at you.
You sit up straight, cheeks flushing as you’ve been spotted, pulling out your phone casually to hide your face. Jordan comes over then, a drink in hand. You use her as an excuse to look over again and notice he’s still watching you with a smirk.
“Why so red?” Jordan asks.
“What?” You say, startled.
“Why so red?” Jordan repeats, sipping from her drink.
You look back at him again. He waves a little. Directing your attention back to Jordan, you realize she’s waiting impatiently for an answer.
“Did you not see that guy sitting next to you?” You relent, trying to use Jordan to block out the man from your vision.
“Which one?” Jordan glances over her shoulder.
You try and discreetly point him out.
“Him?” Jordan points, halfway turning around so it can’t be mistaken what she’s doing.
“Jordan!” You exclaim, grabbing her hand and forcing her to face you again. “Don’t be so obvious.”
“I mean, he’s pretty cute. For a dude.” Jordan laughs at your embarrassment good-heartedly. “He seems to be paying a lot of attention to you.”
“No, I don’t think so.” But you flush as you say it.
When you look back over to the bar he’s gone.
Veronica comes back and reports she didn’t have any success. You and Jordan comfort her and order a round for the table. An hour goes by and you’ve forgotten about the guy as you talk with your friends. Then, the MC announces the band: the Natural Disasters. Veronica practically screeches in excitement.
“Holy hell he’s hot.”
Jordan rolls her eyes and you smile, following Veronica’s eyes to the stage. That’s when you see him. Center stage, a small smile on his face as he greets the crowd, is the guy from the bar.
“I told you he was a babe!” Veronica says when she sees your expression of surprise. 
Shit, you think, realizing you had not only zoned-in on the one guy who was probably the biggest player in this club, but also that Veronica would be beyond upset if she knew you kind of wanted him. Well, she doesn’t have to know.
The band plays and you try to pretend that you’re not disappointed with the turn of events. It’s not like it went anywhere anyway, it was just some mutual looks from afar—no big deal. Also, you were done hooking up with guys like him. Right? Yes, of course. Then you realize he’s seen you in the crowd and is kind of staring at you as he’s singing.
He does that all night, almost singing directly at you the entire time. You’re flattered, and maybe a little into it, but it doesn’t change who he is or that your friend already called dibs.
After the show, the three of you are getting ready to leave when a guy approaches and asks if you and your friends would like to meet the band.
“Absolutely!” Veronica replies before you can decline, grabbing Jordan and you both by the arm and following the guy as he leads you to the back. 
The room he leads you to isn’t glamorous: its small and is full of old furniture that doesn’t really fit the space. But the band doesn’t seem to care as they crowd around a small table with their drinks. As you and your friends enter, they all stand and greet you. Veronica immediately introduces herself to everyone and you try not to notice that the lead singer keeps looking back at you even as your friend is speaking.
When it’s your turn, you offer your hand to him so as to get it over with faster.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” You say politely, shaking his hand for the briefest of moments.
“Officially, that is. I couldn’t help but notice you staring at me earlier.” He says bluntly, but with a flirtatious smile. You flush again and he laughs a little. “I thought I should properly introduce myself. I’m Emilio.”
“Y/N.” You reply. 
“Thanks for coming, Y/N. I hope you enjoyed the show.” Emilio says, moving closer to you as someone has to move past him in the small space. His arm brushes up against yours and you feel your heart quicken.
“Yeah, I did. You guys have a really nice sound.” Emilio smiles at your compliment and you glance over at Veronica but don’t catch her eye. Surprisingly, she’s more interested in talking to the drummer now. You hate the little bit of relief that gives you.
“Want to sit?” He offers, gesturing to the sofa. You look at your friends, who don’t seem to be leaving any time soon, and nod. The two of you sit down and you try not to think about the fact that your knees are touching in the close quarters.
“So what do you do, Y/N?” He keeps his eyes on you as he takes a sip of his drink.
You sigh at this, reality slapping you in the face at his inquiry. Emilio lowers his drink with a questioning look.
“Look, I know you’re not really interested in what I say.” You admit, making him raise an eyebrow. “You’re just trying to hook up.”
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. 
“Woah, you’re getting a little ahead of yourself, Y/N. You don’t even know me.” 
“Yeah, I don’t, but I do know guys like you.” 
“I think that’s a little unfair.”
“Maybe, but I’m not worried about being fair.” You reply. 
Emilio scoffs, and to your surprise, he smiles. 
“Honesty. I like that.”
Annoyance sparks in you and you ignore how half of it is directed towards yourself because of how you like it when he smiles.
“You do, huh? Well, here’s honesty for you: I didn’t want to come tonight. She convinced me,” you point at Veronica, “because she wants to sleep with you—because that’s what you do.”
“Says who?”
“Says her college roommate that you slept with.”
“Okay, I guess you caught me.” He sits up slightly, leaning in closer to you. “But you have to admit you’re interested.”
“I’m not.”
“Really? Because the way you looked at me earlier tonight suggested otherwise.” 
The two of you are close, almost nose to nose. Emilio looks down at your lips and you take in a breath. His hair falls forward as his gaze stays downward, beginning to lean in to close the gap.
“That doesn’t matter.” You insist, putting a hand on his chest and moving him away from you slightly. Your hand rests there a moment too long and you ignore the smirk on his face as you put it back in your lap.
“Okay, if you say so, Y/N. But just so we’re clear, I don’t see anything wrong with having a little bit of fun.”
You roll your eyes and Emilio smirks again, taking a swig of his drink.
You and Emilio then join the larger conversation with the rest of the band and your friends. Time passes as you all have fun talking about your lives.
The band tells stories about when they met, how they started, and previous gigs they’ve had. You enjoy the way Emilio’s eyes sparkle when he talks about his music. Maybe it’s just the buzz you were feeling earlier, but you allow him to sneak an arm around the back of the couch behind you at some point. 
Sometimes the two of you break off into private conversations when the opportunity arises. Despite your earlier reservations, you find yourself opening up to him about your life. How things aren’t perfect right now with where you wanted to be and you just needed some time out tonight to not think about it. Emilio listens and relates to you, expressing his own frustrations with affording rent on the sporadically paid basis that comes with being in a band. You can feel your opinion about him change with each new topic you cover. 
After a while, the group conversation dies down as it gets later in the night. You and your friends have to head home, and Emilio insists on walking out with you to your ride.
With Jordan and Veronica already in the Uber, you stand just outside the club’s back entrance with Emilio. He grabs your hands and you resist rolling your eyes at the cliche with a smile on your lips.
“I had a great time tonight, Y/N.” Emilio says, the height difference making his hair fall down to his brows again. 
“Yeah, me too. It was nice to get out and not worry about things for a while.” You look down at your clasped hands before looking back at him. 
You can’t read the expression on Emilio’s face, but you feel like you can see the sparkle in his eyes—the one you know is genuine even in the short time you’ve spent together. 
“It doesn’t have to end, you know. We can go back to my place…” But Emilio doesn’t finish, already sensing your answer. He gives you a small smile.
“I did have fun though, Emilio. Maybe it wasn’t the kind you were looking for, but it was enough for me.” 
“No, it was enough for me, too.” 
You smile at that, a little surprised. But there was that sparkle again. 
Silence ensues. Neither of you want the night to end but know it won’t go any further. You look back down at your hands again for a moment before looking back at him. 
“Goodbye, Emilio.” 
“Goodbye, Y/N.” 
Then you do it: you reach up and kiss him. Electricity sparks as you let go of his hands so you can reach up and touch his neck. His response is eager and the kiss deepens as you taste the alcohol on his tongue. Emilio wraps his arms around your waist and you run a hand through his hair before pulling away slightly, staying close so you can savor the moment.
“Maybe another time.” You say in a breath, taking one last look at his eyes before pulling away completely. 
You keep your eyes on him as you walk away, enjoying the slightly dazed look on his face. With butterflies in your belly, you get into the car and give one final wave to Emilio. He waves back, giving you a smile as he runs his hand through his hair. The Uber pulls away.
Even if he forgets about you and moves on to the next girl tomorrow night, you don’t really care. It was nice to imagine what it would’ve been like if you had taken him up on his offer—but tonight was perfect just as it was. His was one of the best kisses you had ever had. 
(p.s — he didn’t forget your name). 
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threads-and-fate · 5 years
Session 1: Welcome to Arden High
There’s only one place to start, and that's the beginning. It was an early Wednesday morning. The heat having not settled over the growing gathering of young teenagers yet. The sky was clear and highlighted the tall building they stood outside of. Smooth clean stone fences surrounded the tall school. The school itself was a pale white colored brick building with mosaic windows with various shades of blue, purple, and green. Standing within the gates was and average height girl, with two others behind her. She stood on top of a soap box and was directing the crowd some and half discussing something with one of the other girls. One was knelt and working on something on her phone.
A girl with vanilla dyed hair stood, Hazel Foltz, with a small group, excitedly observing her surroundings. With her stood five other teens, two other girls and three boys.
“This place is crowded, there has to be at least two hundred students here.” The boy with black hair and a hoodie noted, his name is Jamie Runfords.
A girl with colorfully streaked hair stood with him, that’s Camilla Jane Runfords, but don’t call her Camilla, just Cami. She was bouncing up and down, her rainboots making weird squeaking sounds.
Meanwhile, Jamie was holding her hand in attempts to prevent her running off right away. She stayed put but was squeezing the life out of her cousin’s hand.
An annoyed brunet nearby rubbed his temples. “Cami this is much larger than a house,” Oliver sighed.
"Ok, four houses!" She corrected
Mia, the strawberry pink of our neapolitan quadruplets, giggled at Oliver’s annoyed look. Hazel hummed quietly as she looked onward, pushing her glasses into place. Ethan, a boy with cherry dyed hair and a denim jacket, looked around, standing on his toes to get a better look at the girl at the front. The Foltz’ all were in an almost square.
Jamie looked at the sea of heads and faces fidgeting slightly. "I hope the hallways are big because cramming this many people into classes is gonna  be worse than middle school...”
Nearby a girl pushed a boy’s wheelchair cautiously through the crowd, wearing headphones that lit up to some unhearable beat.
Hazel turned and grinned. “We’ll be broken down into classes, no class is larger than twenty people I read!”
Oliver sighed in relief at that. “That’s good to hear,”
"That’s a little better." Jamie nodded in agreement.
Mia smiled and nodded. “Though we may get separated some then.” She sounded a tad disappointed.
"There’s always study group just in case." Cami pat her friend on the shoulder. "But we should end up together in at least one class!"
She smiled and nodded, enthusiasm returning. “You’re right! And hopefully we’ll have lunch together,”
Cami grinned, Jamie was thinking about Elliot. "I can’t believe we’re finally here, Elliot is also gonna be in 3rd grade this year, I hope I can work out some way to walk with him before our bus comes,"
"If you can’t, he has to get used to going to the bus or his classes alone sometime Jamie.” Cami shrugged. "He's a big kid,"
Jamie frowned at the idea.
The teen at the front was speaking to the black haired girl and the brunette next to her. The brunette looked excited as they spoke, the black haired girl was watching the crowd more so. She seemed a little weary, like she hadn’t signed up to help.
Mia hummed. “He can still be a little protective Cami, till at least 5th grade?”
Oliver rolled his eyes at them. “Don’t baby him too much,”
"All I’ve done is baby him, nobody else would," Jamie said.
"But auntie can do that now for you," Cami reminded him. "That’s her job. She’s your mom now,”
"Really, I didn’t know."
Ethan shrugged. “Nothing wrong with babying him a bit, just as long as he doesn’t get bratty...”
Hazel shook her head. “This is Elliot we’re talking about, Ethan.” He chuckled and nodded at that.
"If he turns out bad I’ll blame myself really," Jamie chuckled awkwardly.
Mia pat his shoulder a bit stiffly.
Cami stood on her tiptoes to see. "Are we gonna go in soon? I’m getting antsy,"
The sound of a microphone being tapped a few times began to get everyone’s attention
“Hello? Is it on- oh there it is, thank you Charisse for making it work!” The girl chimed politely.
The girl stood on her soapbox, dead center of the gates. The large school towered over her, the building was decorative, colorful glass panes made up a gradient on the front tower like structure. The school looked like what maybe a modernized castle may have looked like. Sleek but sturdy and maybe a bit intimidating. She and the other two girls all wore similar uniforms, the ties being the only difference.
Cami squealed. "Its starting!"
Mia bounced excitedly with her. Ethan was beginning to rock between heels and his toes even.
“Hello freshman! Good morning!” Her tone was chipper, but not obnoxiously so. “I hope you slept well, if not I’m terribly sorry this is taking place at seven AM,” She announced.
Oliver huffed a laugh at that.
Cami shrugged. “I didn't sleep last night anyways I was too excited,"
“Everyone, my name is Laci Paulk, I am the student council president. I’ll be giving you a tour today of our quite frankly enormous school,” She went on. Adjusting her braid as she spoke before rocking her weight to one side, her tie was a dark purple. “With me is two students that are now going up to sophomore and junior year, they’ll help answer questions,”
She turned to her company and held the mic out, a faint. “Want to introduce yourselves?” Was heard from Laci.
The other brunette stepped up, her hair was a shoulder length messy bob, her tie was a lilac.  “Morning everybody! My name’s Charisse Galate and I hope you guys are excited! I know I was when I first started,” She spoke enthusiastically. She squinted at the crowd “Aaandd somewhere out theeerree is my brothe- HI JEREMYYYYY!!!” She said unnecessarily loudly to annoy him, waving erratically. A few people winced at the yelling over the microphone.
The boy nearby in the wheelchair slowly covered his face, making various dying sounds. The girl with headphones pat his back sympathetically.
Jamie sent his condolences as well to whoever the girl was talking about.
She passed the mic to the next girl who stepped up as she went down, she had long curly black hair and a tie that was pastel blue. “Mornin’, not gonna lie I don’t wanna be awake but hey, my friends are here so I am too, my name is Simone O’Rourke, I just graduated the year you’re going into.” She briefly waved as she spoke, pushing her hair back out of her face.
The boy in the wheelchair softly laughed into his hands at her usual behavior.
“Also... If you guys know what a packet teacher is... beware of geography,” She warned, “And Lasomono is weird but ok.” She added glancing off.
“Simone!” Laci hissed from the sidelines.
Some students groaned at the info, others were laughing.
Jamie made note of this. "Take the vital info while we can get it guys,"
Laci walked up a bit stiffly before holding out her hand and then taking the microphone. She returned to the box.
“Alriiightt, now that that’s done,” She slightly glared at Simone who was still grinning.  “Let’s get on with the tour shall we? Charisse will be mingling with all of you and Simone will be at the very back to make sure everyone stays together, now!”  She stepped off the box, lifting it to reveal it was the speaker, she hung it from her shoulder like a bag and made a motion to follow.
Simone sidled out of the crowds way to head towards the back. Standing off to the side and sliding along the noisy crowd. Simone took over pushing the boy’s wheelchair once her friends met her in the back of the hoard.
Cami started skipping to keep up with the hoard, Jamie kept pace with her by simply speed walking. Ethan was trying to keep stride with them, Mia joined her in skipping, Hazel was nearly there but not as obvious.
Cami grabbed Ethan’s hand with her free one and smiled. "Can’t lose anyone in the hoard, c’mon Oliver you wanna skip too?"
Oliver shook his head rapidly. “No thank you!”
Ethan smirked at him and promptly skipped along with the girls.
Jamie shrugged. "You’ll have to keep up via speed walking then, they skip rather fast."
Oliver sighed annoyed and continued speed walking.
Charisse eventually had filtered her way towards them, and was skipping with them jokingly “Why are we skipping?”
Jamie pointed to Cami. "I don’t think she remembers how to walk really. She skips a lot so we kinda started a chain?"
Cami nodded. "Its more fun than walking,"
Charisse snickered before stopping and walking instead.
Cami made sure everyone was still semi close by. "Ethan, I’m giving you candy when we stop for not being a stick and skipping with us,"
“Sooo kiddos, any questions?” She quirked her head casually.
Ethan cheered a bit before looking at Charisse. “You’re not that much older than us, why kiddos?”
“Because I can! Next question.” She clapped.
Hazel watched the halls and the decorations on the walls, posters, photos, decor of all sorts were organized rather neatly along the neutral colored surface. Giving it pops of color in a semi-chaotic way. There were framed pictures of classes and activities as well. The school ironically felt like some extension of home with all of the displays proudly showing off it’s students and teachers.
"WHAT’S ON THE LUNCH MENU?" Cami shouted more so than asked.
Charisse’s nose scrunched. “Uhh, it changes throughout the year usually? You can check the site once the year starts to have a heads up for the week’s menu, I advise bringing snacks either way though because we can only get one serving,” She explained.
They had apparently gotten far enough back for Simone to contribute. “AND THE SERVING SIZES SUCK!” Jeremy face palmed.
Charisse rolled her eyes. “And you have the appetite of four of the swim team members!”
Jamie laughed. "I think Cami managed to feed everyone once from her candy hoard in her bag,"
Cami nodded proudly and tossed Charisse a snickers. "Thank you for the heads up!"
“That's.... impressive..” She caught it. “Very impressive,”
"I have lots in this bag."
“Serving sizes are kinda small but filling, so again, snacks.” Charisse pocketed the candy for later.
She took out her favorite brick as an example.
“Leeettts not carry that to school?” Charisse said in a confused tone.
"I read the rules, its allowed actually,"
"What part of the handbook was this?" Jamie quirked an eyebrow
"I dunno but Oliver had it highlighted." She paused then added, "Most of it was highlighted,"
Oliver sighed. “It said no knives or weapons on school grounds.... Technically a brick isn’t a weapon, it’s a building material,”
Charisse snorted. “I feel bad for whoever pisses you off- wait can I swear in front freshman? Meh sure,” She muttered.
Jamie shrugged. "Not like we haven’t heard the words before,"
“Fair enough,” She nodded.
Cami snickered. "Auntie gets heated sometimes,"
“So, what’s the student council president like? She seems nice?” Hazel queried.
“Laci? Yeah she’s nice. Mostly focused on studies and president stuff though, she has a friend that’s in your year I think? Or is he in sophomore now?” She pondered aloud.
"Who are the teachers to get." Cami continued the line of questions.
“Uhh, geez well I think you guys are getting Simone’s teacher set so uh- SIMONE COME DO YOUR JOB!” She yelled before stepping off to another crowd.
Simone made an annoyed noise, letting the boy take over pushing the wheelchair and heading forward. “Yeah?”
"Teachers to get?" Cami repeated.
“Hmm, Mrs. Turman’s awesome. She’s kinda slow, she’s older. But if you behave or do well on stuff she gives out caramel or other candy?” She shrugged.
"I like candy!" Cami perked up.
“Mr. Watton is the gym teacher and he’s kind of.... Annoying? Ok, no, he’s incredibly obnoxious.“ She snorted at herself.
Oliver rose an eyebrow. “A bit rude aren’t you,” He muttered to Jamie.
"She could be speaking the truth, we'll have to see for ourselves though, I think it’s kinda funny." Jamie mumbled back with a shrug.
Oliver sighed and nodded.
“He’s waaay too enthusiastic, if you end up like I did, you’ll get him first thing in the morning which is utter hell.” She groaned at the memory.
"Morning gym sounds..ew.." Jamie made a face at the idea.  "Whos idea was morning gym,"
“No clue, but they’re a moron,” Simone muttered.
Cami shifted her weight back and forth in her spot thinking. "I could run in the morning if needed!"
Jamie then prayed he didn’t have gym in the morning and with Cami. One or the other or else he might not survive long.
“Uhhh, the geo teacher, Mr. Clause is kind of a pain, he’s the packet teacher,” She rattled off.
Mia tilted her head at Simone. “This may be more social and less school related but, you’re the one who ended up helping us solve that question a while back right?”
Simone thought for a moment. “Oh the summer warm ups for freshman? Yeah that was me,” She smirked.
Cami stared at Simone's face for a second and slowly nodded. "Hey.. Yeah!! She's right! You ordered blueberry lemonade I think,"
Ethan sighed. “We were stumped, how did you remember that?”
“I had literally an hour before then helped my friends with the same problem,” She grinned “Don’t worry, rarely does anyone get that right without help,”
Hazel rubbed her face, shoving her glasses up. “Uughh, I hate those kinds of problems!”
"Well, we owe ya," Cami added. "If we can ever help you out sometime let us know!"
She smiled politely as they stopped slightly. Seeing a staircase up ahead as Laci turned to face the crowd. Despite a little over a hundred people filling the hall it managed fairly well. It was crowded but not painfully cramped.
“I know we have someone who is in a wheelchair so umm,” She paused briefly. “Charisse, take your brother to the elevator?”
Simone immediately bolted. “I’VE GOT IT!!” She pushed the chair past the crowd, hopping onto a bar on the back that appeared to have been added.
“SIMONESIMONESIMONE NOOOO!!!” Jeremy shrieked as they sharply rounded a corner. Cackling heard down the hall as the girl with headphones ran after.
Laci sighed slowly. “.... You can’t say I didn’t try,”
Charisse laughed. “They’re inseparable what’d you expect?” Was heard from the microphone as well. “She’s just glad they’re all in the same building again,” Charisse continued grinning.
Mia grinned. “They seemed pretty close,”
“And a bit crazy,” Oliver murmured.
Cami nodded at Mia, Jamie sent his condolences out again. "I just hope we don’t hear any crashing noises in a moment,"
Cami sighed. "Oliver, do you even ride the baby coasters at the fair with that attitude?"
“He’s in a wheelchair, she should be more cautious!” Oliver huffed and folded his arms at her.
Hazel awkwardly smiled but nodded as they headed up the stairwell. “He could get hurt,”
Once they made it to the second level they caught sight of the trio again, Simone riding the back of the wheelchair again. At a more reasonable speed this time however.
"If you’re stuck in a wheelchair you should have a little fun!" Cami retorted as they stepped out into the open. "He's alive right over there,"
He looked a bit ruffled and was currently whining at her. “Siimoooneeee, you’re gonna break my wheelchair!” He groaned.
“Nonsense, I re-enforced it last month!” She chirped.
Nell motioned to the duo and signed something at them. Simone grinned and Jeremy sighed again.
“You two will be the death of me.” He motioned as he spoke.
Mia tilted her head. “Why sign language? She has to be able to hear if she has headphones on?”
Hazel shrugged. “I don’t know but come on we’re lagging behind.” She lightly nudged the group forward.
Cami resumed the skipping chain, Jamie was not prepared and screeched a little and caught up.
"You’re gonna tear my arm off," He huffed.
"Your fault for holding on to my hand like I’m five though," She retorted.
Mia curiously watched over her shoulder as the three talked amongst themselves.
Ethan shrugged. “Maybe she's mute?”
“But.... She can hear still?” Mia looked incredibly lost. “But I feel it may be rude to ask...”
"Lets not right now," Jamie agreed.
Cami wasn't phased. "Maybe it's like a code, I have my own code in my head,"
“Why in your head?” Ethan asked confused.
"Helps me group stuff sometimes," She explained. "I have so many thoughts bouncing around at once,"
"But you’ve heard me refer to you guys as oranges before, that’s like code." Cami stopped to stare and think. "Or maybe I only group you like that in my head.."
Mia tilted her head. “I think I’ve heard you mention it,”
Oliver had a look that said he didn’t want to know what went on in Cami’s head. Cami continued walking lost in thought.
“Is she ok?” Ethan asked quietly.
Hazel shrugged.
Jamie nodded. "She's fine,"
Cami snapped out of it and brushed off the question. "Oh, well just know you guys are great,"
Mia beamed. “You are too Cami!”
Cami smiled wide. "Aw thank you! Hey look more buildings.. How big is this school.."
Out a window they were passing showed another large chunk of the school grounds, two buildings were visible along with what appeared to be a soccer field. The shorter building was closer and appeared to be a gym. The building behind it appeared to be two or three stories high on it’s own. It’s dome shaped roof and vaguely visible opening implied it was an observatory. The grounds themselves they could see were well trimmed and kept. Neat purple and blue flower beds lined the walkways.
“This place could classify as a small city,” Hazel murmured.
Oliver glanced over. “Am I the only one listening to the guide?”
“I’m listening!” Hazel huffed defensively. “..... Kind of.”
Mia sheepishly smiled. “Oops...”
Ethan snorted. “Wow, the ever attentive Hazel isn't paying attention?” He jabbed her side to which she smacked.
“Shut up I was trying to be social! And I asked Charisse some questions.” She continued giving her “explanations”. Hazel isn’t one to admit things like this if you couldn’t tell.
Cami was staring at water spots on a ceiling tile. "Hey, that one looks like a plus sign,"
Jamie laughed. "I was half paying attention, Cami's exploring on her own now,"
Simone was still behind them to make sure they didn't get separated. She was pushing the wheelchair along and contently talking with the other two.
Cami gave Oliver a dramatic look. "We won’t survive if we’re too dependent on our elders, we must learn to explore and grow, ON OUR OWN!"
He gave a long sigh. “The school is enormous and I don't want to be late on the first day,”
"And if you act like a grumpy stick this whole tour I'll sharpie your forehead," She threatened.
He backed up slightly at that. Cami took a sharpie out of her bag and waved it towards him in threat. He scowled and stepped behind Hazel who was looking at the classroom signs.
The crowd had slowed slightly, they could barely hear Laci speaking. However, a pleasant ringtone was loud and clear over her speaker before she spoke louder.
“I’m sorry, I just got an important call I really need to take. Charisse please wait and handle this?” She quickly passed the mic to her before disappearing into what appeared to be another classroom.
Cami looked at all the doors and read all the name tags for teachers. "There's the mean geo teacher's room,"
Unbeknownst to our dear students, some of their more interesting teachers were passing through. Adair, the chemistry teacher who has “wasted” talent, saw Thryver, the Acchian faun, sneaking up on the back of the crowd; he already saw where this was going.
"Y'know I really think we should repaint the gym to help bring out motivation." The gym teacher was still prattling on to the astronomy teacher who was clearly not interested, nor paying attention.
Simone glanced over her shoulder and saw Mr. Thryver. “Uh oh,” She whispered, grinning.
Adair looked like he was suffering, watching Thryver and side eyeing Watton, one of the gym teachers. He was already beginning to rub his temples. The teacher group made an interesting lot, Adair dressed in a nice button up, slacks, and a lab coat like most of the teachers wore; he looked the most orderly of them. Watton was wearing a tracksuit, with a whistle being the most notably different part of the outfit. The astronomy teacher looked like a more disheveled Adair. Thryver wore traditional Acchian robes. Dark blue wrapped around his torso and then opening and loosening into a skirt of sorts.
“VITE THA UN DOTELLA!” Thyver abruptly shouted startling the crowd.
Mia jumped a mile, Cami however turned around excited and waved looking for who said that. Jamie also jumped out of his skin at the shout. Ethan whipped around and Oliver may have been one of the people that screamed.
Charisse jerked and blinked. “And there's Mr. Thryver!”
“THAT MEANS HELLO AND WELCOME!” He continued loudly.
The gym teacher scanned the sea of freshman. "ARE THESE THE NEWBIES WE GET TO HAVE FUN WITH IN GYM CLASS?!"
Jamie frowned. "Oh dear the teacher sounds much too excited for gym class I think that girl was right,"
Adair groaned quietly then saw Simone. “And you’re here... Just when I thought the day couldn't get worse.”
“Good to see you too Mr. Adair!” She chimed with fake enthusiasm.
Oliver nodded at Jamie. A bit alarmed. Charisse waved the crowd of teachers.
“Everybody that is Mr. Thryver who just yelled, he's our teacher for Acchian, the man in gym gear with too much energy is Mr. Watton and that enthusiast there is Mr. Lasmono, the astronomy teacher.” Charisse laughed over the speakers as she spoke. “And the man with a look of suffering is Mr. Adair, our loving and dear chemistry teacher,” She snickered.
"Oh don't be silly, our school was not built on any of the stuff you say it was," Mr. Watton laughed at Lasmono.
"Do we know that?" He asked, before answering himself. "No,"
Simone leaned over. “Hey, we may be on an ancient burial ground,”
Jeremy shook his head at them.
Cami nodded interested in what the astronomy teacher had to say. "He has a point though,"
Jamie facepalmed.
Hazel adjusted her glasses. “Actually it’s believed is placed around what would’ve been mid-world’s Thailand, so technically what we have would be Indian burial grounds,”
Simone rolled her eyes at his hyperactivity.
The girl in headphones watched the teacher with immense confusion, she couldn't read his lips very well.
Jamie shook his head. "Last time someone said team bonding it meant dodgeball,” He sighed "That's not healthy,"
“Agreed,” Oliver nodded.
The sound of the mic shifting and Laci speaking grabbed the group’s attention yet again.
“Hello, so sorry I had to answer that... ah...” She looked stiffer than before. “I see some teachers have joined us? How are you all this morning?”
"I’M FEELING GREAT!" Watton cheered.
"I’d feel better if the government wasn't lurking to be honest," Lasmono mumbled.
“I’m well, miss Laci I hope you and your friend is too?” Thryver singsonged.
Adair’s expression answered her question.
Laci stiffened mildly. “I’m alright... I’ll chat later, you know uh- schedule and what not!” She awkwardly motioned for them to continue moving, attempting to maintain her previous enthusiasm.
Mia’s expression shifted to concern. “Is she alright?”
Jamie slowly shook his head again. "I would guess no… She looks worried."
Hazel nodded a bit at that.
Cami chucked a snickers bar in her direction. "Just in case," She explained.
Oliver winced as he saw it hit a random student.
"Cami, you can't just candy snipe strangers," Jamie groaned.
"It was for a good cause,"
“Maybe we should check on her after?” Mia gently suggested.
Hazel nodded. “She has to wait for everyone to leave first after all, it'd be hard to miss her,”
"Good plan," Cami agreed.
The tour had finally come to a close, students or soon to be students were all filing out the front gate. It was a little after noon and the heat was worse. The sun shined brightly just outside of the building’s entrance and waves of the heat made it in as the doors stayed mostly open. Laci stood to the left of the building entrance, waving at anyone that looked her way or answering a few final questions. Cami signaled the rest of the group when she spotted Laci through the sea of heads. "C’mon let's check on her before we get pushed out by the hoard!" Mia almost jumped Ethan in attempts to stay with the group.
“Hey, I’m not a ride!” He huffed but helped support her weight, annoyed. Cami started to weave between people like a little rabbit, Jamie awkwardly tried to follow her but was nowhere near as fast.
"I think Cami has a sixth sense that makes her fast," Jamie mumbled to the others, "Or the candy.."
"Probably the candy and a sixth sense,“ Hazel concluded.
Oliver pressed through till they managed to break from the crowd, now out in the open space Laci stood in. Cami waved to her. "Hi! Great job on the tour by the way!" Laci turned and pulled another strained smile. “Thank you, glad to help! I hope you’re all looking forward to your first year here.” She slightly pushed her bangs to the side. Briefly checking her phone before it went back down to her side. "Although, we did notice earlier you seemed kinda stressed so we wanted to ask if everything was ok?" Jamie added onto Cami's comment. Cami nodded and dug around in her purse for another snickers bar. "I tried to throw this at you but it hit someone else instead..." Her eyes widened slightly and she stiffened. Mia stepped forward as well. “We just figured we would check on you?” She gave another concerned look. The brunette looked a bit surprised but thankful. “Ah... Was it that obvious?” She tugged at her button up’s collar. "Maybe we’re just super observant," Cami shrugged.
Jamie was going to say something but Cami did focus on details sometimes so he stayed quiet. Cami handed Laci a slightly squished handful of various fun-sized candies and a smiley face sticker. "The sticker is for a good job," Laci looked a tad confused but nodded her thanks. “So... Is everything alright?” Hazel quirked her head. Laci shuffled briefly to put away the candy before sighing. “To be honest, no. Not at all,” She checked her phone again. "Is there anything we can do to help..?" Jamie asked hesitant. He wondered what kind of situation it was, he was afraid of seeming nosey though and wondered if they should even be asking. Cami rocked back and forth and glanced at Laci's phone, trying to see if she had an interesting case for it. It was a plain light purple. She had put the sticker on the back of it.
“Not unless you’re miracle workers,” She sighed.
Hazel awkwardly glanced at the others before Laci elaborated.
“My.. my childhood friend is in the hospital.. he’s... he’s not doing very well...” Her voice shook slightly, a deep breath and she tried to steady herself. “And it's getting worse..” Cami's face fell, she dug in her purse again for a second but stopped and said nothing for a bit.
Jamie looked awkwardly at the ground thinking they possibly made her feel worse. He thought of his Mom though and spoke up softly. "...Does he like any deserts..? Can we bring you or him anything..?" Laci jumped slightly. “W-well uhh, he likes lemon bread? It's been a while. The medicines he's on... but...” She smiled a bit. “I think that'd make his day...”
Simone had wandered up, catching the tail end of her sentence. Jamie nodded slowly "I think I can try that..yeah.." "Is there anything you like specifically?" "What's his favorite color?" Cami asked following Jamie's train of thought. "Hmm.. lime cupcakes.” She smiled a bit fondly. “And he likes purple a lot.”  She looked calmer at the implications this was giving. Cami smiled. "Purple, I can work with this," Jamie took notes quietly on his phone. "Is there any way we can reach you to give you some food and stuff..?" Simone eyed them briefly. “Wyatt ok?” She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets. Laci jumped again. “Oh- oh he’s... He's been better, the doctors couldn't get a hold of his parents and he... heart... stopped... for a - yeah.” She swallowed and nodded stiffly again. Simone scrunched her nose. “Then what are you doing here? Council head or not he's your best friend,” She made shooing motion. Laci sighed. “I can't just-“ "I’ll handle it,” Simone interrupted. "Wait," Jamie interrupted.   "What... Simone you hate socializing,” She raised her eyebrows.
“I’ll get over it, go on.” She waved again. "WAIT I CAN'T GIVE YOU FOOD UNLESS I CONTACT YOU." He interrupted loudly and a bit distressedly. Laci stopped. “Right right, uhhh here.” She pulled out some note paper, tearing a corner off she wrote out a number quickly. “Here, thank you! And thank you Simone I owe you!” She squeezed Simone in a short hug that the raven haired girl cringed at.
"Thank you, now indeed you should go." Jamie pocketed it. "We should have some stuff for you in a couple of days." "Yeah yeah, listen to them and get out of here,” Simone laughed.
Laci bowed a final thanks, practically sprinting out.
Cami gave him a look. "I can put stuff together in hours man," Jamie sighed. "BAKING IS AN ART FORM THAT CAN’T BE RUSHED!!" Cami frowned. "Don't yell at me there's people here now," "If they go to school with us they will see me yelling at your shenanigans again," Simone moved to stand where Laci had been, occasionally answering questions. Cami rolled her eyes and turned to Simone. "Hi!" Simone nodded at Cami. “Questions or just being friendly?” Mia smiled slightly. “That was really sweet, just a moment ago,” She shrugged. “Just human decency,” "Still good," Cami agreed. "And just being friendly." She bounced a little. ‘She's very friendly," Jamie said, Cami couldn't tell how he meant that so she didn't mind it. Simone nodded slightly, watching the crowd, Charisse was on the other side of the crowd that was now thinning out finally. "We saw you pushing your friend around earlier, do you do go karts as a hobby or something because you steer well for sharp corners!" Cami continued bouncing as if she was listening to music. Jamie noticed she had one earbud in and leaned in. "Are you listening to the nyan cat theme?" "....No..." Ethan made a face at that. Simone rose an eyebrow but answered her. “I mostly hoverboard, but I’ve had a lot of practice weaving his chair around the last year too,” She explained. “Oh neat!" Cami exclaimed. "I've always wanted to try but this grump screams at me if I go too fast on a scooter even," "You wear roller skates while on the scooter to go faster," Jamie protested. Ethan lit up. “Didn’t we talk about me teaching you?” Oliver looked like he swallowed a lemon. Hazel looked a bit worried. "OH YEAH!" Cami grinned. "CAN WE GO NOW?" Mia’s enthusiasm seemed to strain even. Jamie looked at Ethan and shook his head. Cami put her hand on his face and nodded like a bobblehead. Ethan was bouncing a bit. “Our house is on the way, we could get our hoverboards and guards and go!” "YAAAY!!" Cami squealed, she handed Simone a sticker. "You did good on the tour too by the way!!"
"NOW LETS GO BEFORE OLIVER OR JAMIE STOP US!" Cami bounded towards the nearest exit at top speeds. Simone blinked, confused by the sticker, watching as the group all left rapidly. Jamie was stressing already wondering how he would explain to Rachel that Cami split her head open.
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dontshootmespence · 6 years
Broken Homes Fix Broken Hearts
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A/N: Let @veroinnumera and I in on your thoughts for our OTP! Fuel us!
Chapter 33
It was far too early in the morning, but Derek was already on edge. Tonight...he was doing this. He was going to ask the woman he loved to marry him. It was actually pretty nauseating. Pulling everyone else out of their morning fogs, Garcia walked into the room clapping excitedly. “Tonight’s the night!” She sing-songed. “Chocolate Thunder, do you have everything ready?”
“Yup. All good to go.”
Hotch’s rare smile emerged as she looked up. “How are you feeling?”
“I definitely want to hurl. I’m pretty positive she’s going to say yes though, so I don’t know why I’m freaking out.”
“Because you’re opening yourself up to rejection. That feeling of vulnerability really sucks,” Spencer said matter-of-factly, barely looking up from his still-steaming cup of coffee. Silence fell around him to the point where he looked up. “What? You weren’t looking for an answer, were you?”
“No, kid.”
Emily moved her hand back, tapping him on the shoulder. “You two are so disgustingly in love. The proposal you have planned is the most adorable thing you’ve ever done in your life. You’re going to be fine.”
About halfway through the day, Derek gave up on even trying to pretend he was doing paperwork. His head was spinning and he needed to get it on straight before tonight. No way was he letting this be anything less than perfect. She deserved perfect.
There were only two people in the world he knew could help him. One was the woman he planned on proposing to that night, so he couldn’t call her. Instead he picked up the phone and dialed the other: his mama.
The phone rang a few times before her voice came through on the other end. “Hello?”
“Hey Mama, it’s Derek. I just...I needed you.” He smiled.
“Is everything alright? Are you hurt? Is Juliet hurt? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, I promise. Well, there might be later if she doesn’t say yes. But that’s why I’m calling actually. I-uh-I’m going to propose tonight.”
A joyful peel of laughter cut off any further explanation. He could hear the tears in her voice. “Oh baby I’m so happy for you. She will. I know she will. She’s meant to be family and meant to be your wife.”
Wife. He liked that word. But he had to get to fiancee first. “I’m actually nervous, Mama. Why am I nervous?”
“Because you love her. It’s not so much believing that she’ll say no as putting pressure on yourself to make it the most amazing night of her life thus far,” Fran replied. “How are you doing it?”
For the next few minutes, he regaled her with the details of the proposal, confiding in her that while the basic idea had been his, it wouldn’t have happened without the help of Reid and Garcia. “Those are good ones, that team of yours.”
“Yea, they are,” he said, breathing deeply as he looked at his watch. He needed to get back to work. “I’m feeling better, Mama. Thank you.”
“Any time, my baby boy. As soon as she says yes, I need a phone call, okay?”
“Of course, wish me luck.”
“You won’t need it.”
Her father’s ring was beginning to burn a hole in Juliet’s pocket. Not literally, that would be a fire hazard, especially in a library. But figuratively it was starting to make her anxious. What was the plan? Was there even a plan? Should there be a plan? Her brain was burning through thoughts left and right. She had no idea what she was doing or how any of this was supposed to work.
All those great romances in cinema always showed the proposals, but not how the fuck anyone ever figured out how to propose. Not helpful. She knew how that part worked, all loving words and happy crying. At least, that was if he said yes. He would say yes. Right?
Of course he would. Anxiety was not going to ruin this for her. She was in love and going to spend the rest of her life with the person that made her feel happier than Juliet had ever thought possible. Derek Morgan would say yes, because he loved her the same way she loved him: with everything they had.
Approaching the door to the home they shared, Juliet noticed something that wasn’t there before. It looked like...paper? She strode up and took it off the door, unfolding it and smiling to herself.
This box is mostly filled with things
That never bring you glee.
Like bills, and junk and other things,
You’d rather never see.
A scavenger hunt.
Today was their one-year anniversary and he’d planned a scavenger hunt. He was truly the most amazing man ever. “Okay, so this obviously means the mailbox,” she muttered to herself. An enormous smile spread across her face as she ran like a kid to a tree on Christmas morning toward the mailbox, opening it to see her favorite lavender candles inside - along with another piece of paper. She read the next clue out loud.
Romance, mystery, fantasy Dive deep inside to look Find the place where you and I lose all our time Getting lost inside our books
Juliet frowned to herself, rereading the paper a few times. There were bookshelves in the living room but they didn’t read there usually. Most of the time they read upstairs, in the bedroom. The bedroom? It was worth a shot.
She headed back to the front door and inside, going up the stairs rather than look around for Derek. He might not even be home yet, he hadn’t texted. Hopefully she wasn’t ruining a surprise. Oops?
Juliet pushed the bedroom door open, ready to start tearing the room apart, only to find a bouquet of gorgeous yellow tulips. She paused for a moment, smiling. If Derek was there she would’ve been hugging him so tight. They were her favorites, and he hadn’t even had to ask to check.
Picking them up, she noticed another little paper taped to the bouquet. She could do this all day. The smile on her face felt like it was plastered there.
Up and down, and up and down you climb these everyday. You've likely seen the clue on these, but passed it anyway.
Turning around, she stared out of the room and down the hallway. “I climb the stairs. But I passed the stairs. There wasn’t anything-”
She stopped herself mid-sentence when she a box on the floor with a paper attached. Before she read the next clue, she glanced into the box, assuming she’d find a pair of heels, but of course, Derek knew her too well. High heels weren’t her thing - with a few minor exceptions. Instead, she found a pair of white strappy gladiator sandals. They didn’t go too high on the leg either which was something that always bugged her. Only Amazonian tall women could pull off big-ass gladiator shoes. And women with insanely long legs. She almost forgot about the paper until it crinkled in her hand. “What’s next?” She asked softly.
It seems our clothes just keep returning
to this same machine.
At least they're better than the things
the ancients used to clean.
Laundry room. Juliet grinned, it had to be. After strapping on the shoes, she went the rest of the way down the stairs and headed for the laundry room. She blushed looking over the machines and recalling a few adventures. Later. There would be time for fun later, right now she needed to find the next clue.
After rifling through the shelves, Juliet finally opened the dryer to find another box, larger this time. She peeled back white tissue paper to reveal a simple robin egg blue dress, pulling it out she found an intricately detailed open back. Subtle, but beautiful. She’d always called her style casual and comfy, which it was at times, but Derek knew better than that, which was becoming clear right this very moment.
Luckily, the dress wasn’t too fussy so she was able to get it on without help, though she had grown quite fond of Derek lending a hand and zipping her up. Sometimes though that meant they didn’t get out of the house on time because he’d decide it looked much better off than on.
A bittersweet “aww” reverberated through the room as she realized she was toward the end of her scavenger hunt.
For your final item to begin our anniversary date:
When you're feeling less than fresh there's just one place to go To wash and get all squeaky clean and scrub between each toe.
“Bathroom!” She squealed happily. When she ran in, she caught a glimpse of the dress. She looked radiant in it. Maybe it was the dress, maybe it was the fact that she was insanely happy right now. It didn’t matter. She wasn’t about to question this feeling. Quickly, she looked around and her eyes caught a basket of bath products - lavender again. There was a bath bomb, shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion for when she got out, even a purple towel.
Taking out her phone, she texted Derek. “Are you home, you sneak? I’ve found all your clues.”
She didn’t get a reply, but less than a minute later, Derek peeked his head around the door frame, flashing her a cheesy smile. “You found everything?”
“Yes!” She cried out, jumping into his embrace. “That was so much fun.”
“I have so much more planned,” he winked.
Juliet did a little happy dance as he put her down. “Oh, do tell.”
“Well, I have dinner starting downstairs. It’s a surprise what we’re having. These bath things are for you. Take a bath while I finish cooking. I’m even going to put the towel in the dryer and heat it up for when you get out. Then put on the outfit and I’m going to take the flowers and some of the candles downstairs. I figured you could use one in here.” The unrestrained joy on his face told her he was proud of himself. He should be. This was perfect. She’d remember this forever.
She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him, lingering there to capture this perfect moment. “Mood lighting. I like it. Okay, my sexy Casanova. I’ll take a bath and I’ll be down in a bit.”
Half an hour later Juliet was slipping back into the dress and shoes and heading downstairs. She was trying to be quiet, but the house was old and the stair creaked, betraying her. Derek played along though, ignoring her until her hands were over his eyes. “Guess who.” She murmured happily, pressing a kiss to his neck.
“Hmmm, I’m terrible at guessing. Give me another hint.” Derek insisted, grinning.
She rolled her eyes, removing her hands and kissing him lightly. “Oh, it’s the woman I’m hopelessly and irrevocably in love with.”
“Hi.” Juliet whispered, unable to help the smile that spread onto her lips. She felt giddy; he made her feel so excited and content.
When they’d visited his family, his mama had cooked some fettuccine alfredo that Juliet had fallen in love with, so after hanging up with her earlier, he texted in desperation for the recipe. Up until then, he honestly had no idea what he was going to cook, just that he was planning to cook. Juliet took a piece of pasta from the bowl, slurping it up and leaving a drop of alfredo sauce on her nose. “I kind of want to do the lady and the tramp thing with the pasta.”
For her, he’d do it. His heart started beating frantically. She looked so stunning. Her smile carefree, her eyes awash with candlelight. Dinner smelled amazing, and in the background of his sense, he could smell the tulips he’d picked up for her. “You look beautiful, Juliet,” he said seriously.
“Thank you, love.” She blushed, looking down at her plate. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
It was now or never. He couldn’t wait until after dinner. He’d throw it up in the process and that was not how he wanted her to remember this proposal. “You know I love you more than anything else in the world, right?” He asked, his voice wavering slightly.
“Of course, I do.”
“When we met, I figured this was a favor I was doing for my cousin. I never expected to meet the love of my life. And I definitely didn’t expect for said woman to assume I was a stripper on first meeting,” he laughed.
Juliet covered her face with her hands, remembering the epitome of foot in mouth that had happened the year before. “To be fair. You would be an amazing stripper.”
Derek chuckled. Even in a moment like this she could make him laugh. This was definitely the woman he was meant to spend the rest of his life with, if she’d have him. “We’ll have to revisit that later. But for right now, I have something else I’d like to do, if that’s alright.”
“Derek?” She asked softly, breath catching in her throat. He was going to say another perfect thing if she let him keep talking. But she couldn’t. This was it, this was the right moment. Slowly Juliet started to reach into her pocket.
“Juliet. Could you look at me for a second?” He murmured. She froze, looking up. He was shaking. She gripped the ring tight. “Is everything okay?”
He nodded but didn’t speak, slowly getting up out of his chair and reaching into his back pocket.
As if it was happening in slow motion, Derek knelt down on the floor, reaching into his pocket where he held a velvet pouch. He dropped it into his hand.
This wasn’t happening.
Yes, it was. “Oh my god,” she whispered, hands covering her mouth as the tears sprang to her eyes. “Derek?”
“Juliet Hunter-Lewis,” he started, grasping her hand, “No one on earth has ever made me feel like you do. I see everything when I look at you. The wedding, the marriage, the family, the growing old together. I’ve never been able to imagine that with anyone, but with you it’s just so natural. If you do me the honor of being my wife, I will spend every day of the rest of our lives making you feel about me the way I feel about you...Will you marry me?”
Tears starting to blur her vision, Juliet found her way out of her chair and knelt down on the floor in front of him, trembling as she pulled her father’s ring out of her pocket. “Only if you say yes too.” She laughed through the tears, smiling at the love of her life.
Derek found himself laughing too as he nodded. “Yes. Yes. A million times yes. Or whatever the biggest number Reid knows is. That’s how many yeses.”
“Then yes!” Juliet exclaimed, holding out her right hand and trying in vain to keep it from shaking. They both knelt there on the ground laughing and crying as Derek slid the ring onto her finger and then she did the same. “This is so beautiful.”
“It’s my mama’s. She gave it to me when we visited.”
That was months ago. “You didn’t ask her for it?”
“No,” he replied. “She just knew. Mother’s intuition, I guess.”
She was going to have to give Fran the longest hug in the entire world next time she saw her. “It’s amazing. She’s amazing. You’re amazing.” Leaning in, she grabbed his face in her hands and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you so much.”
Cradling the back of her head, he pulled her closer, their sweet and chaste kisses turning breathless in the blink of an eye.
“Dinner’s probably getting cold,” she laughed.
He didn’t care. “We do have a microwave.”
Something told her dinner was going to have to wait.
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heartbreakdolan · 6 years
Housewarming (E.D.)
Inspired by an ask sent to @spiffydolan a couple weeks ago   Summary: Ethan wants to try out the bath in his new house, and smut ensues 
She was only helping Ethan set up his room and giving advice around the new house, but she’d decided moving was exhausting. Carrying boxes from room to room, deciding where the couches and beds and tables should go, and how the cupboards should be arranged. The boys did all the heavy lifting of couches and TVs, and although they asked her occasionally for an extra hand, she felt useless watching them lug furniture around the house. After asking if she could help in any other way for the seventh time, Ethan gave her the tedious job off emptying all their boxes of plates, bowls and cutlery, and arranging their kitchen for them. But she was happy to do it. At least she’d be doing something useful.  
It was now getting close to midnight, and she was sitting on their new kitchen counter, yawning and on her phone, as Grayson and Ethan readjusted the couch in the living room... again. After yelling at each other about the angle the couch should be at, and whose fault it was that they were fixing the placement for the third time, they dropped it down. She looked up from her phone. 
“Dude, I’m sweating,” Ethan said, pulling his shirt up to wipe at his face.
“Yeah, I’m done with this for today,” Grayson agreed, flopping down onto the couch, a hand on his stomach. 
Ethan looked over to his girlfriend sitting on the counter. “You wanna go to bed?” 
She nodded, jumping down. They said good night to Grayson, and walked to his new room. Earlier that day, she’d helped him fitting the pillow cases on his pillows, and arranged his pillows in the way he could never seem to do on his own. He’d started to put his clothes away, but he was missing a bedside table, so there was a lamp plugged in sitting on the floor, along with cardboard boxes containing all his things pushed against the walls. 
“It’s nice that you can have your own room again,” she said, sitting down on his bed. He and Grayson had been sharing for so long, it would be nice to have his own space again. 
Ethan nodded, looking around. He still had to work out how he wanted to decorate the walls. “Yeah, it’ll be good.”
She nodded, then fell back with another yawn, hands above her head. “I’m so tired.”
“Really?” he asked, stopping to stand in front of her. 
She moved her head to the side to see him. “Yeah. Moving is exhausting. And I’m usually in bed and asleep by midnight.”
He laughed, and she lifted her foot up to whack his thigh. “Ow!”
She rolled her eyes with a smile. “That did not hurt, Ethan.”
He smiled, then was silent for a moment. “Do you want to have a bath?”
She sat up on her arms. “What?” She shook her head, closing her eyes at how ridiculous her boyfriend was sometimes. 
He smirked and raised his eyebrow. 
Almost every time they had a bath together, which although wasn’t that often, he’d push his hair back, cheeks flushed, and complain that he was sweating because it was so hot. “You hate having baths.”
“Yeah, but I like having them with you. And I want to try the new bathroom out anyway.”
Well, how could she say no to that? She stuck her arms out, wiggling her fingers and he pulled her off the bed and into the bathroom. 
“It can be, like, a housewarming thing,” he said as they walked in and he turned on the bathroom light. 
Even though she’d seen it earlier, she took another look around. “This is really nice. So modern.”
He nodded, looking around and smiling. “Yeah, it is.” His eyes were bright, he was subconsciously smiling, his hair was down and he had three day old stubble on his cheeks and jaw. He was so candidly beautiful. 
She tilted her head to the side. “I love seeing you like this.”
“Like what?”
“You’re so happy. And, I don’t know...” she licked her lips. “Like, accomplished.”
He nodded. “Yeah, well I got a fucking house.”
She laughed and nodded, inserting herself under his arm and wrapping her arms around his waist. “You did get a fucking house. And I think it’s a beautiful fucking house. And I’m very proud of you, and I hope you stay this happy forever.” 
Ethan smiled, moving his head down to peck her nose, then her mouth. She gave him a tight squeeze, and he thought about how lucky he was to have someone like her here with him. He was going to say something, but he knew it’d come out all sappy and cheesy, and she’s probably think it was cute but it wouldn’t do his feeling justice. So he just hugged her in return, and kissed her forehead as she pulled away. 
“So, are we getting in this bath or what?” she said, leaning over to put the plug in the drain and turn the water on. 
They didn’t have any bubble bath or fancy bath salts, so water, soap and a wash clothe was going to have to do. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and put his playlist filled with “chill” music on, resting it on the sink. They undressed themselves, and she got in first. 
“This bath is a bit bigger than your old one,” she said, as he settled in front of her, his back facing her (she had instructed him to sit this way). 
“Yeah,” Ethan agreed, with a small laugh, looking at his legs in front of him. His knees were touching the sides of the bath, but he wasn’t as cramped as he used to be. There was definitely more room. He pushed his hair back, feeling a thin layer of sweat already forming on his cheeks under his eyes. “Fuck.”
“This water is so fucking hot,” he said, wiping his face with his hand. 
She rolled her eyes, and pushed the wash cloth under the water. “Told you you whinge every time we have a bath,” she said, shaking the cloth around under the water to get it damp. Pulling it out of the water, she touched it to his shoulders, letting the water drip down his back.  
“You just make the water too hot,” he said, putting his arms up on the edges of the tub. 
She first ran the washer over his right shoulder, gently rubbing in circles. Then she moved to his left shoulder, then the centre of his back and made her way all the way down his spine. As she lifted it back to the base of his neck again, she said, “I am proud of you, you know.” 
He let his face scrunch up because she wouldn’t be able to see his expression. With a slight shake of his head, he said, “Why do you keep saying that?”
She dipped the cloth back into the water, then rubbed down his spine as she spoke. “Because, I was just thinking today, you and Grayson have done so much and you’re so young and it’s amazing. I’m still living with my parents at home, and you’ve just bought a house, E.” She reached forward and squeezed his arm with her left hand. “I’m so proud of you.”
Ethan didn’t respond right away. The only sounds were the quiet sloshing of water every time she put the cloth back under the water and the music playing on his phone. He eventually turned his head to the side. “I love you,” Ethan said.
She leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade. “I love you too.” She let her head rest there for a minute, until Ethan spoke.
“Your turn.” He tucked his knees in, awkwardly manoeuvring around to face her. She followed his lead, the water sloshing against the sides of the bath and some spilling over onto the tiles. She hugged her knees to her chest, but Ethan pulled her back towards him. Nestled with her back against his chest, sitting in between his legs. 
“Thought it was my turn,” she pouted, turning her head to look up at him. His warm eyes, his dark lashes, the stubble all over his jaw, the black studs in his ears, his damp skin, the way his wet hair was curling against his face. 
“It is,” he insisted, pulling her tighter against him. She relaxed, leaning back and into him, closing her eyes. His arms were firm around her waist, lips sponging kisses to her shoulder. The moment could not get anymore perfect. 
She lifted his arms to rest across her chest, so she could hold onto his forearms and rest her head on his bicep. He slid down so they sunk deeper into the water. She closed her eyes. They were so still and so close, she could feel his heart beating.  
She didn’t realise she was falling asleep until his right arm slid down, across her stomach, to her thigh. His thumb started moving firmly back and forth, inching closer and closer to her inner thigh. She put her hand on top of his much larger one.
He hummed in response, his whole hand moving to the inside of her thigh, fingers ghosting over the back of her leg. Her stomach flipped. She opened her eyes slowly, seeing his right leg bent up against the side of the tub, securing her between his legs. Ignoring his grip on her leg, she reached her hand out to settle on his thigh. She was too tired for whatever he had in mind, so traced his tattoos with her finger in an attempt to distract herself from Ethan gently squeezing her leg.  
Being so intimate and close to the most beautiful girl he knew, rubbing her leg while her fingers innocently ran over all his tattoos, was beginning to take effect on Ethan. She sat herself up slightly, and her lower back rubbed against his growing boner. He let out a low sigh in her ear. 
“Ethan,” she repeated softly. Although she’d tried to fight it, she was starting to throb, his low voice being the tipping point. 
Hearing his name from her lips only encouraged Ethan to continue. His fingers ran up the side of her inner thigh, and the muscles in her thighs involuntarily twitched. His fingers found her clit, pressing down softly.
Her eyes closed again, and she turned her head into his left arm, still holding her tight to his body. A shiver ran up her neck. “Oh my god, Ethan.”
Ethan moved his fingers up to her stomach, down to her core, and back up again. She breathed deeply, and bit her lip, trying not to make any noises. His long fingers found her clit again, her body jolting forward as he began rubbing around in slow circles. In trying to conceal any noise, she let out an embarrassing squeak. 
“I want to hear you.”
She was going to protest. She was going to say that despite the closed door and music, Grayson would hear them. But Ethan’s finger slipped inside her, and an involuntary moan left her throat instead. 
“Relax,” he said, as she clenched around his finger. She opened her eyes again, eyes focusing on Ethan’s hand buried between her legs, a few veins sticking out, and if she wasn’t so distracted by his touch, she’d think about how hot this was. She thought it was strange how she could be so attracted to a hand. 
As he gently spread her entrance and insert another finger, another moan left her throat, and she sighed, letting her head fall back onto his shoulder, letting out an “E.” 
The palm of her right hand was digging into his thigh, her fingers bent and shaking slightly. He leaned his head down, soft lips attaching to her neck. His tongue rubbed against her neck as he sucked on the delicate skin. 
Her toes were tingling and her thighs were twitching, and with his mouth on her neck, she knew she was close. 
“Do you feel good?” he asked, leaving a line of kisses up to her ear.  
She nodded, swallowing through her heavy breaths. He curled his fingers up inside her. “Yes, E, yes.” Her nails dug into his thigh, and lightly scratched towards his hip. 
“Are you gonna come, baby?” He hummed in her ear, making that feeling in the pit of her stomach grow even faster. 
“Uh huh,” she said through rapid breaths. His fingers kept sliding in and out of her, pressing up against her warm walls. She bit her lip, trying to remain quiet as that feeling in the pit of her stomach spread through out her whole body. She clenched around his fingers, and he slowed down his movements as her hips rose to meet the rhythm of his hand. 
He kept his fingers tucked inside her until she stopped softly moaning and pulsing around him. She laid completely still in his arms, and he continued sponging kisses along her shoulder, as her breathing returned to normal. 
Ethan slowly pulled his fingers out of her, lovingly rubbing over her a final time before returning his right arm around her waist. She finally opened her eyes again, blinking a few time to adjust to the bright bathroom, in direct contrast to the darkness behind her eye lids. As she came down from her high, she became increasingly aware of Ethan’s hard dick pressing into her back. 
As carefully as she could, not to hurt him, she rolled over and looked at him. As if she had forgotten, she was hit with just how gorgeous he was. An overwhelming sense of love spread around her chest, and she wanted to make him feel as good as he made her feel. 
Her eyes lingered on his face for a few long moments, and he looked down at her with heavy eyelids and puffy lips. He was pure sex. 
She slid her hand down his chest and stomach, and then her fingers up the underside of his shaft. His hands squeezed her hips and he closed his eyes when she her hand tightened around him. 
“Let’s go back to your room,” she said softly, running her thumb over his tip, causing his eyes to close, before pulling her hand away. She stood up, hands on the side of the bath, and shook her foot over the water before putting it down on the tiles. 
Ethan quickly followed her, reaching over to pull the plug out, then got out, not having the same consideration for trying not to drip water all over the bathroom floor that she had. His priorities were elsewhere. 
He grabbed the towels off the sink; handed one to her, and wrapped the other around his waist, then led the way to his room. He shut the door behind them, dropping his towel on the floor. She climbed on to his bed and unwrapped the towel from around her body as he crawled over to her. He situated himself in between her thighs and she put her arm around his neck, pulling him down to kiss her. Their skin was still damp.  
She moaned into his mouth, and the sound travelled through his body and straight to his dick. It was starting to get torturous. 
She reached her hand down, guiding him to enter her. His eyes fluttered shut as he slipped inside her, a low hum coming from his throat. Her hands tangled in his hair, pushing it off his face and tugging on it. 
His heart was racing, and she felt so good, he dropped his head down. “Fuck.”
With their chests touching, hearts beating hard against each other, he rolled his hips into hers over and over and over again, kissing her and letting her suck on his neck. 
“I’m gonna come,” he said in a strained voice. 
She moaned in response, pulling on his hair again, tilting his head back. His eyebrows were scrunched up, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth, eyes fluttering open and closed again. She could’ve come a second time just looking at his face. 
She lifted her hips to meet his as his movements got slower and deeper. His mouth fell open, and with a series of groans, he was coming inside her. 
His arms gave out, and he let some of his weight fall on top of her. Amid their heavy, deep breathing, she kissed his stubbly cheek and jaw. 
“I love you,” he said, turning her head with his hand to look at him, and give her a sloppy kiss. 
“I love you,” she sighed, a lazy smile forming on her lips.
Ethan slowly lifted himself off her, reaching across to grab the towel at the edge of the bed to clean themselves up. He then stood up, walking over to his wardrobe and pulled out some of his underwear and a hoodie, while she got her own underwear from her bag on the floor. As she stepped into it, Ethan threw his hoodie towards her onto the bed. She smiled and reached over for it, slipping the soft material over her head. The arms were far too big on her, because this hoodie was even oversized on Ethan, but it was warm and comfy and Ethan’s, and that’s all that mattered. 
With only a pair of underwear adorning his body, he jumped back onto his bed, next to his girlfriend. She smiled at him, shuffling to lie down, tucking her arm under the pillow. 
Her body felt weak, eyes heavy, and her thighs kept twitching, like after shocks coursing through her body, but all in the best way. 
She curled into the pillows beneath her head, and her exhaustion from earlier crept over her again. “I’m sleepy.”
Ethan smiled, exhaling through his nose, as he rolled over on to his side to face her. Her hand immediately snaked over his chest, then up to his cheek, which she stroked with her thumb. He watched her intently, dark lashes framing his brown eyes. Her eyes were falling closed and the time it took for her to open them again increased with every blink. She let her hand slide down his arm to wrap around his stomach.   
“I do like your room, babe,” she said, cuddling into him. “And your house.”
His arm snaked around her, hand resting on top of her ass. “It’s been a good first few days.” He gently squeezed her bum. “I really like having my own room again.”
If her eyes were open, she would have rolled them. “Shut up,” she said, voice muffled by her face nuzzled into Ethan’s chest. He gave her a little laugh, then shifted under her to turn the lamp off, sending the room into darkness. 
It was completely silent, until Ethan’s voice softly broke it. “Y/n?”
She was half asleep, but she managed to hum. “M hm?”
There was another pause. All she could was his heart and his breathing, and the distant, muffled noise of Grayson's music. “Thank you for everything today. I’m- really lucky to have you.”
She snuggled deeper into him and hummed again. “I’m lucky to have you.”
Ethan smiled. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” 
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
Fandom: WWE
Pairing: Roman Reigns/OFC
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Thirsty Crew! In the spirit of the month of Halloween, I give you a lengthy AU tale of ghosts, lake houses and policemen. Tagging @toxiicpop, @oraclegazes and you know it, @hardcorewwetrash! Enjoy! (And when I say lengthy I mean lengthy. I apologize in advance.)
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains vivid depictions of death, corruption in the police ranks and allusions to previous abuse. Stay safe!]
When Jacqueline pulled up to the tiny house, she didn't know what to expect. The listing Shane gave her had been too good to be true. A beautiful old house on the lake, 'Yours For The Renting!'.
God knows she needed a change. Her circumstances had left her reeling. Twenty-nine years old and single again? She needed to get away from the city, from him, from everything. So when Shane had offhandedly mentioned that his family owned a lake house, she’d pounced on the information.
“We used to rent it out a lot more. Dad hasn't really been interested as of late, but I can have one of my guys show you around.”
She crossed her fingers as she got out of the car, shooting a quick, hopeful prayer to whoever might be listening.
“Hi there, you must be Miss Weston! I'm Corey. I'll be giving you the grand tour.” The tattooed man on the steps grinned down at her awed expression. “Nice spot, isn't it?”
“How has no one snagged this for the season?” Jackie asked incredulously. “It's so gorgeous.” Her fingers danced over the roughly carved lion heads at the end of the porch step's wooden railing.
Corey shrugged. “People don't seem to stay here very long. One thing or another, I guess.” He unlocked the front door and they stepped inside. It was still cool inside, despite the abundance of spring sunlight that poured through the windows.
She was smitten with the place, ceiling to floor. Granted it was a little huge for one person, but the monthly rate was perfect for her. Heat and hot water were included in the rent, and the security deposit was easily managed. Jackie left the house thrilled to go back to her cramped apartment and finish packing, signed lease papers neatly put in a folder titled 'My Own'.
Jackie regretted not having many friends with every trip down to her small truck for another box. She finally stopped for a minute on the front porch, rubbing her lower back and sighing heavily. “C'mon lazybones. It won't do you an ounce of good if you keep slacking off like this.” She said aloud, jumping when the porch door slammed behind her. “Jesus.”
She was still twitchy at loud noises, still wanted to hide. But she was strong, so she picked the box back up.
“And who knows!” She huffed as she climbed the stairs inside the house to the second floor. “Maybe there's a cute lumberjack who lives near here, interested in dating a homely-looking damsel. Or what about mysterious water folk in the lake, hell bent on getting their webbed fingers on a worthy creature to spawn with?”
Her laugh was breathless when she finally plopped the box down in the smaller of the two upstairs rooms. There was a larger room which was clearly the usual 'master suite', but she could use the extra space and good lighting for a drawing room. Or a reading room. Anything really. This much freedom was incredible. Jackie felt light for the first time in years.
“My own place!” She said with a grin, permitting herself to spin wildly and flop into her oversized armchair in the living room. “I have to clean these floors. I've tracked so much crap in. I'm sorry, beautiful, magical house!” She called, getting up and running a loving hand over the banister that bore the same carved lions as the outside railing. The wood was a rich honey gold, warm under her touch despite the chill of the house.
Jackie put her handmade rag rugs everywhere. Two in her bedroom, one specially made for the bathroom, a large one taking up the empty space in the living room and a small one next to the sink in the kitchen. She decided to leave her drapes in a box for the moment, loving the way the sunlight streamed into the living room at all hours of the day. And what with them just coming off of winter, she could use all the sun she could get.
She talked avidly to the house as she unpacked, asking it what it would like and pretending that it answered her. It helped with the loneliness. It had been quite a while since she had been alone.
“I like your paint the way it is! It's a nice shade of blue, sharp. No cracks at all. The wallpaper in the hallway upstairs looks silly, though.” She mused as she put her food away. Mostly canned goods, some milk, a few fresh things. Nothing extravagant. Jackie squealed quietly to herself, still having a hard time believing that this house was hers. “When it gets warmer I am definitely going swimming every day, mysterious water folk or no.” She promised, starting when a door slammed upstairs. “Sheesh. I must have left a window open. Stiff breeze off the lake.”
She went up the stairs. She had indeed left a window open in her new bedroom, the ragged-looking white drapes from the previous tenant fluttering in the wind. Jackie tugged the drapes to the side. “Alright, party's over...” She trailed off while she closed and locked the window, looking in wonder at the beautiful view of the lake bathed in the golden light of the sunset.
Something shifted, breaking her out of her trance. Jackie glanced up, startled when she clearly saw the reflection of a large man standing behind her.
“Corey?” She turned around, brow furrowing when no one was there. “Phew. That would have been embarrassing. Not to mention creepy as hell.” She joked, trying to disperse her nerves. “You can come out, I promise I don't bite!”
She was secretly relieved when no one popped out at her screaming 'Gotcha!'. Jackie shook her head at her own imagination.
“Seeing things already, not even twenty four hours into being a hermit. That's got to be a record.” She closed the bedroom door behind her, heading to the bathroom. “Guess I'll take the face off now. I'm not expecting company.” She said to herself in the mirror, opening her bag of scrub pads and beginning to lather her face with her favorite soap.
“Hey there Jack, how's things?” Her father asked when she sat down on the end of the hospital bed. He was so sick but still managed a smile for her. “That new boy treating you okay?”
“Easy, Jack.” She breathed, bracing her hands on the sink. “Dad's gone, yeah, but you're safe out here. Get a grip on yourself and get this crud off your face.” The bruises around her wrists and up her arms from her and Nate’s final disagreement had faded to the point of vanishing, but she rolled down the sleeves on her shirt anyway.
“You thought you could leave without my permission? I own you!” Nate yelled in her face, twisting his fingers cruelly through her long hair--
“Hey.” She said sternly, eyes shut tight against the onslaught of memories. “Enough. You came here to shake off those thoughts, not get hauled back into them. This is a beautiful house and you're safe here. So stop being a baby and deal with your black eye like a big girl.”
Jackie scrubbed furiously at her face, irritated with how hard it was to get the foundation off. Her battered skin slowly came back into view, the bruise blossoming a faded yellow-green around her left eye. A cluster of broken blood vessels on her cheek still accompanied the bruise. Altogether, she thought she was a pretty sorry sight.
“Damn, kid. Look at you. You're a mess.” Jackie sighed, touching the sensitive area with a wince. “Policeman’s daughter at her finest.” The bathroom door clicked open, making her turn. No one was there, of course. Why would there be anyone there? “Drafty place, I guess.” She decided that it was high time for supper, rubbing her stomach absently as it rumbled while she put her makeup pads away.
She padded back downstairs to the kitchen to fix herself something to eat, settling on the simple 'cowboy' dinner she had helped her father to prepare many nights of her childhood. As the hot dogs sizzled and she pried open a can of beans with her pocketknife (note to self: buy another can opener), Jackie wondered on her luck at getting this place for what was probably the hundredth time. Must be Dad looking out for me. She turned back to the stove and was confused to find a small scrap of lined paper sitting on the windowsill over the sink. That wasn't there before...
She put the can of beans down and picked up the paper. “Did I...?” Jackie trailed off when she realized the writing on the paper was definitely not hers. It was just one word, 'Hello', the ink still fresh as it smudged against her palm.
Her eyes darted around, this experience rattling her a little more than she'd like to admit. “Um, is there someone else here?” She called loudly. Her other hand slid into her pocket, tightly gripping her phone. “I mean, I would have tidied up a little if I'd known I was getting company.” She gestured to the boxes around the island as she raised her voice, happy when it only shook a tiny bit. She could have sworn she heard a low chuckle to her left and she whirled, yanking her phone out. “And now I'm going to call the police. If Nate sent you, you can tell him he's shit out of luck!” Jackie announced, more angry than scared at this point.
At least, that's what she told herself while she hastily turned off the stove and grabbed her keys, the number for the town police line ringing away in her ear.
It felt like it took an eternity for the officers to show up, but she knew that she was probably pretty low on the pole when it came to rapid response. So it was a surprise when it turned out to be the police chief himself driving the SUV with the blinding flashers currently parked in her front yard.
“There been any more motion, Jackie?” Police Chief Vincent McMahon asked, those watery brown eyes fixed on her. He was a tall man despite his advanced age, his frame holding echoes of the strength he must have possessed in his youth.
“No sir, nothing to report. I haven't seen anyone in the windows or anything.” Jackie was beginning to feel stupid, and the way he was looking at her busted-up face while she shivered on the front porch wasn't helping. It shouldn't even be cold enough for her to shiver!
He gestured at the SUV. “Hop in, it's probably warmer in there. You know Officer Shane will keep you safe while I sweep the property.”
She nodded and handed him the keys to the house, trying to smile up at him. Of course she trusted Shane. “I'm sure it's nothing, but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry. I'm alone, after all.”
“I doubt that.” The police chief muttered cryptically before giving her a nudge in the direction of the SUV.
“Hey there, Jack.” Shane McMahon greeted her as she slunk into the back seat of the white vehicle. “How's the face?”
“It's healing, y'know. How's your everything?” Jackie asked, leaning forward and rubbing her hands over her chilled legs.
Shane shook his head. An early gray just like his father, he'd taken to wearing a baseball cap in a vain attempt to conceal this fact. “So-so.” He mused, giving her a rueful grin. “He's still trying to run details and stuff even though he's pushing seventy.”
“It's a difficult life to slow down from. My dad held onto the motion of it for so long.” Jackie remembered her father's frustration at his forced retirement with a melancholy smile. There was an odd ruffling sensation by her shoulder, making her flinch and swat.
“You okay back there?” Shane asked.
“Yeah, I think there's a Junebug hitchhiking in my hair though. See anything?” Jackie raked her fingers through her brown hair, shaking it out as best as she could. Something brushed over the back of her neck and she shuddered involuntarily, making Shane pull his hand away.
“I don't see anything, Jack.” He paused, his face bearing a worried expression that she was more than tired of seeing. “You uh...are you sure you're alright? I'm not just talking about the bug.”
“If everybody doesn't stop treating me like I'm going to break apart at the littlest thing, Shane, I'll snap and start eating faces.” Jackie threatened, smiling when he chuckled. “Seriously, I'm okay. Thanks for worrying, but I promise I'm okay.”
“Alright, I'll stop asking. You know you can come to us for anything. The McMahon door is always open to you, whether Dad is around or not.” Shane yelped suddenly, swatting at his shoulder. “Ow, shit. I think your bug friend found greener pastures.” There was a stain on his shirt sleeve when he turned back, and Jackie watched in confusion as it slowly blotted the fabric.
“Shane?” She pointed and he glanced down, making a sound of confusion and yanking up the crisp white shirt sleeve. Imprinted on the skin was something that looked startlingly like a bite wound, like teeth divots, stark against his skin and blood trickling sluggishly from a few of them. Jackie flushed, feeling dumb for doing so. If he had...partners, partners who were interested in biting the living hell out of him, who was she to judge? She wished she'd kept her mouth shut instead of drawing attention to-
“Jesus, what the hell?” Shane grunted, seeming just as startled as she was. “What kind of Junebug was that? The wolverine variety?” His fingers grazed the area and he quickly grabbed a paper napkin and pressed it to the wound.
The police chief suddenly whipped open the driver's side door, making Jackie yelp. The older McMahon raised an eyebrow at her. “Everything looks clear. No footprints around the perimeter. I even checked the attic. Do you have anywhere else you can stay for the night?”
“No, if you say it's okay it was probably just my imagination or something.” Jackie tried to smile reassuringly but she got the feeling that it came off as more of a wince. “I'm sorry to have bothered you guys.”
“This is what we're here for, don't worry about it.” Shane assured her, his smile kind as always. “I'll swing by in the morning to check up on you, if that's okay?”
“Please. I have a half-shift tomorrow so you won't have to come by super early.” Jackie scooted back out of the vehicle and took her keys from Police Chief McMahon. “Thank you again, sir.” She said a little quieter. There was that strange feeling on her shoulder again, stronger this time. More weight to it. She didn't dare to look at what it might be, but as the older man's face remained neutral she wondered if she was imagining things. It had been a long day for her.
“Take care of yourself, kiddo.” The police chief’s eyes wandered from her face for a moment, and then he cleared his throat loudly. “Hurry back inside now.” A firm pressure spread across the small of Jackie's back as she climbed the stairs of the porch, and when she turned to wave goodbye to the two officers she thought she saw something out of the corner of her eye.
I must have taken more hits to the head than I thought. Hallucinations. Nate's got a mean right hook. She tapped her knuckles against the side of her head, sighing. Get your rattled skull in the game, kid. You're hungry and tired.
She headed back inside the house and sat silently at the tiny island in the kitchen, the pan of now-rubbery hot dogs cold and forgotten on the stove burner. Slowly, her head ended up resting in her palms, elbows propped up on the island. What the hell was wrong with her? Calling the cops at the first creaky floorboard? Jesus, she wasn't long for this fresh start if she kept this up. Next stop, padded cell.
Jackie groaned, rubbing her eyes hard and wincing when the bruise flared up. “Alright enough of that, time to pull yourself together. Food. Then bed.” She hopped out of the chair, dumped the can of beans into the pan and cranked the heat back up. Jackie put her hand down to lean against the counter and something brushed the back of her neck. At this point all she did was roll her eyes and continue to stare pointedly at her slowly-reheating dinner. “Nope. Not even worth it.” She grumbled to herself, fighting the urge to whip around.
After she had eaten her supper, Jackie double-checked the lock on the front door. She also checked the ground floor windows, relieved that everything was still nice and tight. It still took ages for her to fall asleep though, and she may have left her laptop on playing music as a nightlight of sorts.
They were always silent to the people on the other side. It hardly mattered whether they stomped or tiptoed.
But she had heard Roman's bemused little snicker, and that had them curious. So once they were sure she was asleep, Dean led the proverbial charge up the stairs to her room.
“Jackass, why did you bite Shane?” Seth hissed.
“Can't bite his old man, now can I?” Dean replied in a low growl.
“Mac was always good to us, why do you have to be such a punk?” Roman scolded.
“Listen, we need to be quiet. She can hear us, remember?” Seth sighed after watching the two men act like they were shoving each other around. They weren't actually able to touch one another, their incorporeal forms seeing to that. Dean nodded finally, moving forward to test the door to her room. Out of all of them he was the best at doors, using less energy to pass over than either Roman or Seth.
Being in two places at once was exhausting. Seth could write for short bursts, but the pen or pencil always felt so heavy in his hand. Roman had been the strongest of the trio from what little they could recall, so it was a source of grim entertainment that his size did nothing for him once they had become...stuck. He couldn't so much as move a sheet of paper, no matter how hard he focused. All he could do was make himself visible, and even then the ability to do so was sporadic and not easily controlled.
No one had ever been able to hear them before. Seth couldn't deny how funny it had been to startle a few of the new tenants once they realized that no matter how much they shouted, yelled or stormed around the place, they couldn't be heard or seen. Seth would move things like keys and Dean would open doors and cupboards at strategic times, maybe wiggle a chair or two. Roman, in the rare moments that he wasn't chiding the other two men for being so stereotypical, would flicker in and out as best as he could behind people's backs.
She had heard them, though.
They followed her out and stood silently on the porch with her, each man's curiosity piqued. She couldn't hear them move but she felt, she kept glancing at where they were even though Roman wasn't flickering at all.
Dean hadn't been able to resist accompanying her into the SUV, his teeth bared in a snarl at the police chief who could see them but pretended that he didn't, and for whatever reason they couldn't touch him. The worst part of it was not being able to remember why they didn't trust the man as far as Dean (or Roman, or Seth) could throw him. So he might have gotten a little frustrated and yeah, he might have taken it out on poor Shane O' Mac because he couldn't touch his old man. And yeah, alright, fine, that was wrong and he definitely shouldn't have bit him that hard.
She thought he was a bug when he rumpled through her hair. His touch must be weaker than he'd realized.
The chief had narrowed his eyes when he saw Dean in the SUV and Dean had snapped his teeth again, baring them at the man. He kept a hand on her shoulder, moving it to the small of her back as she returned to the porch.
Roman hadn’t been able to help a brief flicker when she turned around to wave goodbye to the two officers, cringing in embarrassment while Seth dug a chastising elbow into his ribs.
She couldn’t feel him though, she didn’t even react when Roman grazed his fingers over the nape of her neck. She just mumbled to herself and continued to fix her dinner. Touching her was…odd. There were echoes that rattled around in Roman's skull, a man’s voice shouting and the slow, droning beep of a heart monitor. She had said something about Nate earlier, the note of fear in her tone not going unnoticed.
Dean managed to silently open the door and the three of them filed in from the hallway. She had some music playing softly but she appeared to be sound asleep, sprawled out on her mattress on the floor.
She whimpered in her sleep and the three men froze while she rolled over, tugging the blankets tighter to her body. She stayed like that for about five seconds and then suddenly sat bolt upright, staring into the darkness of the room. Dean held his breath, praying that Roman could keep his flickering under control. No need to scare her to death.
She just…dissolved into tears, wrapping her arms around her knees and holding herself tightly as she cried.
Seth bit his lip, reaching for her and Dean quickly grabbed his hand, shaking his head. Bad move, Seth.
“God this is pitiful.” Jackie sniffed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. “What the fuck. Lost Dad, got away from Nate and now a crazy nightmare.” She put her head into her hands, still shaking a little with hiccups.
There had been some kind of black, three-headed dog that tore through the wallpaper at the end of the hallway, its eyes a laser-sharp blue that left a burning trail when it moved. It opened three sets of jaws and said...something in three different voices at once, the words slipping from her mind frustratingly fast.
She couldn’t remember what else had happened. The nightmare was quickly fading and she was more than relieved, slumping back down in her bed. “Christ.” She muttered, pulling the blankets up to her chin. “It was just a dream, Jackie. Just a dream. It's okay. You're safe here. The kitchen is a mess and the living room is full of totes that need to be unpacked but this is your place now. You don't need anybody else. You're fine by yourself, you're tough and scary and you've been eaten alive so many times that the next person who tries that shit is going to find out the hard way that you're poisonous.” Jackie tried to give herself a pep talk as she crossed her arms behind her head, staring up at the dark ceiling.
You're safe here. Stop being such a baby.
She rolled onto her side after a minute or two, sighing heavily when she saw that it was only a little past three in the morning. The blanket shifted down over her shoulder and she shivered, tugging it back up because nothing could get her if the blanket was there. Jackie shut her eyes tight and tried to will herself back to sleep, breathing deep and slow in an effort to calm her heart rate back down.
“Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round. Any deviation from that norm is when you call the medics.”
She smiled unconsciously at the oft-quoted wisdom from her father, relaxing against her pillow.
“Jack, you're a beautiful young woman and even more importantly, you're my precious, beautiful daughter. Don't hang around with anyone who doesn't treat you right, you hear me?” He'd said, tipping her chin up from where she was staring at her knees. “I know you're a grown-up and all, you don't need your old man to tell you this stuff. But it's kinda' my job, have to do it.”
If only she'd been stronger. If only she had been able to listen. Jackie frowned even as she felt sleep finally tug at her again, wrapping her arms around herself and curling into a tight ball.
“We’re keeping her.” Seth didn’t know where the conviction came from, but it wormed around where his heart should be to squeeze like a vise.
Dean scoffed at the younger man. “What the hell do you mean, 'keeping her'? She ain't a fuckin' bunny rabbit, Seth.”
“I think he means more along the 'we shouldn’t scare her', lines.” Roman elaborated, dropping a hand to rub at the air above Seth's shoulder. “Or at least, try not to chase her out, right?”
“Yeah.” Seth nodded. “I mean hell, we don't know much but I think we can all agree she's been through more than enough.” He gestured at the small army of totes and boxes in the living room. “This is a lot of gear for one person, Dean.”
“So, she's on her own as of recently. Damn, Dean, I used to be able to bounce theories off you all the time.”
“Yeah and look where all that fuckin' detective work got our asses.” Dean spread his arms with an exasperated huff. “We can't even remember our last fuckin' names, can't remember how we got stuck here. All we know is that fuckin' Chief McMahon has somethin' to do with it.”
“She can hear us.”
“I ain't bein' fuckin' loud, Roman.”
“No no, I mean...that's important. That's different, right? A break in the modus operandi. A...deviation.” Dean just stared at the larger man, obviously not comprehending the point. “Dean, she can hear us. As in, we can tell her things.”
“You're assumin' a hell of a lot here, Big Dog. She heard you. And she thought we were fuckin' home intruders.” Dean pointed out. “She's a jumpy sunova and I'm sure it's entirely within reason. I mean hell, we dealt with enough of that 'I walked into a door' bullshit to practically smell it before we see it.” He grunted.
“She said, 'lost Dad, got away from Nate'.” Seth knew that while Dean tended to bluster and act like he didn't care, the truth was he had a keen eye for details most people would miss. So the younger man tried to keep them on track.
“When she was in the SUV with Mac she mentioned somethin' about her dad havin' a hard time slowing down from the lifestyle. So her dad was a cop, too.” Dean said grudgingly after a moment of silence. “Or a medic? Maybe a firefighter. But he's obviously gone now.”
“We don't remember her from around here though. How long has it been? Four...Five years? Six? Shit, they all blur together.” Roman swore, running a hand through his hair. “We knew everyone's kids on the force. Her dad wasn't in our chapter. At least, I don't remember an Officer Weston. Either of you?”
“Nah, doesn't ring a bell.”
“So he wasn't with us.”
“Shit man she could be from halfway across the U.S., we can't exactly leave the fuckin' property to get the census data. The driveway is our oyster. The only thing we know for sure is that ol' man McMahon is still kickin' and Shane O' Mac is offerin' his shoulder to the chick upstairs. Because I'm sure he's such a sweetheart.” Dean growled.
“Did you bite him because of that? Jesus Christ Dean-”
“Hey! I already told you why I bit him. Fuck you.”
Jackie woke groggy the next morning, a dull headache reminding her of her crying jag. She dragged herself out of bed, rolling onto the floor and gazing up at the ceiling for a long minute before getting to her feet and stretching with a yawn. Down in the kitchen, she blearily hit the switch on her coffee maker and propped her elbows up on the counter while she waited for it to brew.
She only realized that she hadn't actually plugged the machine in (or added any of the essential ingredients for that matter) once she had stared at it for almost ten minutes. Jackie threw her hands up in silent exasperation and then shoved the plug into the outlet. She could have sworn she put the coffee filters up into one of the cupboards, but when she turned to open the cabinet the packet of filters was sitting on the counter. With the jar she kept her coffee in.
Jackie narrowed her eyes. Did I leave that out last night?
A loud knock on the front door startled her into letting out an undignified squeak and she caught herself a second before she dove for cover behind the tiny island.
It's just Shane, it's just Shane. Calm down. “Coming! Sorry, one second!” Jackie tripped over one of the boxes she'd left by the stairs, making an absolute racket as dishes shifted against one another in their newspaper wrappings. She finally managed to unlock the door and get it open without causing further harm.
Shane had obviously been toying with the snap latch holding his pistol in its holster, straightening up and offering her a broad smile once he seemed to realize she was in one piece. “Morning ma'am!” He said cheerily. “I know it's sort of corny, but I brought you some donuts.”
“Oh my God, you stereotypical son of a bitch.” Jackie had to laugh. “Come in for a sec? The coffee hasn't actually been made yet, but I'm getting there.”
“I can't stay, Jackie, got a few things to go over with the old man this morning. Just wanted to make sure you were okay. No other disturbances?” Shane asked, pressing the box of donuts into her hands.
“All's quiet on the home front, Shane O' Mac.” Jackie tilted her head at the way Shane grimaced. “You alright?”
“It's just been a while since anyone's called me that.” Shane's brow furrowed, the older man looking confused. “Did my dad call me that last night or something?”
She hadn't actually realized that she'd called him anything different, her brain scrambling back over her words in a panicked rush before she got hit easy easy it's only Shane. “No, I have no idea why I said it. It just kind of came out.” Jackie bit her lip. “I'm not usually one for nicknames, sorry about that.”
“No, you're fine. It's...I mean, it's bittersweet is all. The guys that used to rib me with that aren't with us anymore.” Shane's softer tone indicated that they hadn't moved out of town or anything quite so innocent.
“Oh God, Shane I'm so sorry.” Jackie apologized, feeling that weird weight settle down on her shoulder again.
“Hey, the memories aren't all bad. They were good kids. I mean, you know the risks, from your dad and all. It's so strange, I haven't thought about them for ages.” Shane mused, still looking confused and a bit sad. “I guess what with my last name starting with Mc, it was only a matter of time before someone began calling me that again.”
“I promise it was a one time slip, Shane.”
“Don't worry about it, Jackie.” Shane tried to smile, but now it didn't reach his eyes. “I'm gonna' be late if I keep shooting the shit, though. Last thing I want is the old man trying to fire me for the hundredth time.” He chuckled.
Jackie could have sworn she heard...something beside her, like a gasp or a smothered sob. The weight vanished from her shoulder as suddenly as it had arrived and she was left to wonder if maybe, just maybe, there was more to this situation than met the eye.
The shop was chaotic all week. What with the snow finally melted and the ground officially thawed, everyone and their mother needed their plant bulbs. Especially crocuses. Jackie sighed, jotting down 'order more crocuses' on the clipboard next to the register. Daffodils. No matter what they did they always seemed to run out. And they'd already gotten two dirt shipments today alone, six pallets each! The parking lot of the plaza was bustling with activity when Jackie finally got a look at the calendar. Her eyes widened at the red marker on the current date and she swore under her breath.
Mrs. Reigns is going to be here any damn minute for her lei! Please, please be late today! Jackie begged mentally, dashing to the tropical flower 'cooler' and shuffling through the boxes. Finally reaching the one labeled 'REIGNS: kika; REIGNS: ar. jasmine; REIGNS: standard red', she carefully pulled it off the shelf and set it on the counter to wait.
The widowed Mrs. Reigns had ordered her memorial lei through the small flower shop for as long as Jackie had worked there. She would come in for odds and ends almost every week, but the lei were her big order. It was the same order every year, same flowers, same dealer. She seemed a creature of habit. Jackie loved talking with her because she always had such an interesting snippet of news to share, or a recipe she'd written down that Jackie 'had to try!'
“I was just thinking about you!”
Speak of the devil. Jackie grinned at the smaller, white-haired woman who stepped through the doorway, her gardening gloves hanging out of the pocket of her light jacket. She looked well, as always, not a hair out of place. “Mrs. Reigns! I was hoping you'd be a little late. Place kinda' blew up on me and I barely snagged your order out of the 'cooler'. I'm sorry.” Jackie apologized. “Give them five minutes?”
Mrs. Reigns waved her off, already looking at their new orchid selection with interest. “That's fine honey, it's fine. I am more than willing to wait, if only for the convenience of not having to make the things. They're beautiful, but so darned fiddly.”
“I would imagine so.” Jackie commented, recalling what little she'd actually seen of the lei in years past. They looked very intricate. Mrs. Reigns had unboxed them inside one year, the fragrant scent of the small white flowers more than making up for the gentler smell from the red carnations. Jackie had often wondered who (or what) they were in memory of.
Jackie made her way through a few more customers as the minutes ticked on. It had been almost fifteen when Mrs. Reigns finally approached the register, her arms full of red tulip bulbs and a small box of food for her lilac bush. She tapped her chin theatrically while Jackie punched in her items, before the young woman paused.
“A bag of triple ten also? Or something new this time?” Jackie's hand hovered over the keys.
“I think I'll skip the triple ten today. My back's been giving me some trouble. Don't look at me like that! I'm not worried about getting it in the car, silly. Just out of it.” Mrs. Reigns chided, paying for her items.
Jackie's coworker Baron was abruptly beside her, the large man gamely slapping her open palm as he 'tagged in' for register duty. Baron Corbin was a two-time reject from the district police academy. He swore up and down that it was because they hated tall people when he failed out the second time, definitely had nothing to do with him pummeling the daylights out of one of his fellow recruits when the other young man couldn't keep his opinion of Baron's mother to himself.
“About time, Corbin! I've sold more crocuses than I could ever count today. Good luck.” Jackie laughed at his heavy sigh, hanging her apron up next to the register.
She moved quickly to scoop Mrs. Reigns' items up off the counter, ignoring the older woman's customary protests. She always helped customers load their vehicles, and Mrs. Reigns was no exception.
“Mrs. Reigns, I uh...I mean, let me know if I'm out of line. But who are these for?” Jackie asked once they were in the parking lot. “The lei. I know you get them every year and stuff.”
Mrs. Reigns sighed, unlocking the trunk of her car and then leaning against the vehicle while Jackie loaded her things. “For my youngest son, and his...” She paused, looking suspiciously like she was going to cry. “He was only twenty-five when he died.”
“I'm sorry.” Jackie mumbled, feeling like an idiot for bringing it up. God, how much of an ass can I make out of myself in the span of a week? First Shane the other morning, now this.
Mrs. Reigns shook her head. “Don't be sorry, honey. I put these things out on that bridge every year like it'll bring him and the others back, but I think his father would do the same thing if he were alive. They both loved the flowers.”
“What was your son like?” Jackie queried tentatively, curiosity overwhelming her sense of manners.
The older woman smiled, seeming to pull happiness from another time. “He was a wonderful young man. I'm sure you would have gotten along. Too charming for his own good. Huge! He towered over his brother and sister even when he was young.” Mrs. Reigns slipped her car keys back into her pocket, fiddling with them while she spoke. “He wasn't much for talking when he got older. He preferred to watch and listen. He was a thinker.” Her smile faded as she continued, “I guess that field of work kind of pulls people like him. Hearts of gold, all that stuff.”
“What field of work?”
“Police work, of course! I figured you'd know, what with your father having been on a force before.” Mrs. Reigns chided, making Jackie shake her head.
“I only started working at the shop in the October of that year, ma'am. By that time I guess whatever had happened to your son blew over.” She explained, something nagging at her. On the force...
Mrs. Reigns huffed, squinting up at the younger woman. “It didn't blow over so much as get swept under the rug by that damned police chief, but I see your point.” She grumbled.
“I'm sorry, Mrs. Reigns. I didn't mean to upset you. I just know that you get them every year and I wanted to know the reason.” Jackie apologized again, scuffing the toe of her boot against the ground. Mrs. Reigns had made it abundantly clear many times that she didn’t see eye to eye with the chief, the older woman obviously well beyond the point of giving a damn about the opinions of others. If she didn’t like you, then you would hear about it.
Mrs. Reigns surprised her by laughing. “Honey, I am over sixty years old. It takes a lot more than that to upset me. Roman used to do the same thing when he was young; he'd ask a hundred questions and then apologize for it afterward! But that was my curious little boy.” Mrs. Reigns sighed. “If you want more dirt on the situation instead of just my silly old ramblings, you really ought to ask Baron.” She said slyly after a moment. “Or that Shane boy. Make sure his father doesn't know you've been snooping, though.”
“What do you mean? Why would the chief care if I-”
“He's...peculiar that way.” Mrs. Reigns patted her shoulder, the gesture of fondness one that Jackie had come to expect from the older woman. “I've taken up too much of your time already. Try not to work too hard, alright?” Mrs. Reigns sent her off with a wave, smiling kindly at her.
Jackie trudged back inside once her break was done, her mind in a million places as she absently greeted Bray, the bearded man who always stocked up on their meager selection of incense. Baron had to practically bellow her name before she snapped out of it, the large man immediately apologizing afterwards for raising his voice.
“It's okay. Baron, do you remember a guy named Roman at all?” Jackie asked, wondering if maybe now wasn't the time to have this conversation when Baron shot her a look that could only be described as skittish.
“I uh.” Corbin swallowed hard, waiting to start speaking until he’d cashed out Bray. “Yeah. He was in my first police academy run. He and Ambrose and Rollins were the reason I tried again, actually. I got ribbed a lot for my weight when I signed up, but Reigns and his buddies never gave me shit, even when I flunked out.” He ran a hand through his long hair, seeming almost self-conscious. “I...I figured to honor their memory I'd really get in shape, actually prepare so I could ace my second try.”
“What happened to them?”
“You don't know?” Baron sounded incredulous. “Hell, I figured everyone knew. Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose hopped the guardrail on the old bridge. They were in response mode, lights and sirens, it was dark and rainy and...I mean, I guess that was enough.” Baron shrugged. “Hell of a way to go.”
“Oh.” Jackie said weakly.
“The chief doesn't like people talking about it. I think he feels responsible.” Baron said, lowering his voice a bit and cutting his eyes at Bray, who was still lingering at the counter putting his wallet in order. “When I did my second run through the academy, he took me aside and asked me to keep my reasons to myself. 'People don't need to be reminded about that tragedy', was his wording.” Baron paused, wiping down the counter as Jackie continued to take stock. “If Orton hadn't shot his mouth off about my mom...and also if I'd uh, had a better grip on my temper, I'd be in a cruiser right now making them proud.” He mumbled. “Instead, I'm a washed-up jock working at a fake Tractor Supply.”
“We're way prettier than a Tractor Supply, how dare you.” Jackie stuck her tongue out at him, making Baron snort. “Besides, you’ve still got one up on Orton because even his pop’s influence couldn’t get him through that police academy.”
“You always know what to say to make me feel better.” Baron said dryly, reaching out to tousle her hair but stopping at the last second. His hand hovered awkwardly in midair and then he coughed, retreating to quickly re-wipe the counter he had just cleaned. “Sorry Jack.”
“Baron, Christ, not you too.” Jackie groaned, “I'm fine.”
“I don't want to assume anything.” Corbin protested, black-brown eyes serious as he leaned on the counter. “You gotta' understand Jack, I know I'm big and I can be loud.”
“I'm not scared of you, Baron.”
“You don't have to be scared of someone for them to hurt you, Jackie.”
Jackie had only gotten this job after her first workplace had closed down. Her father had taken her for a drive one bright Sunday morning. He had sensed her depression at losing her old job and offered to bring her on a tour of the countryside. “To clear your head, Jack!” He had stated cheerfully, and she hadn't been able to help smiling back at him.
The town was thirty minutes from the city she had grown up in, across old backroads. They had come across the small flower shop in a plaza. A grocery store, a pizza shop, a pet food place...she didn't know why she'd grabbed an application form for the flower shop over the others. She liked cooking. She liked dogs. She'd never gardened in her life, though. No room for it in the city.
“Flowers, eh? Of course you go for the tough one, you're my daughter, aren't you?” Her dad had said proudly when the call came a day later asking her to come in for an interview.
He was always celebrating silly little things, like 'Breakfast In Bed Day', or 'Mismatched Sock Day'. Jackie could remember the way he sounded over the phone while describing his mismatched socks.
She still missed him immensely. It had been a little under three years since he'd passed away. He had been one of the few people who knew something was wrong between her and Nate, but he'd been so sick she hadn't wanted to burden him with her problem. And once he'd passed away...
Jackie shook her head ruefully, dismissing the memories as she settled down into the large chair in the living room. She had work to do.
“Roman Reigns.” She said aloud, tugging her phone out of her pocket and unlocking it. Roman Reigns Ambrose Rollins Jackie typed into her phone, along with the name of the town for good measure. A list of links came up, one for the local police blotter. She tapped it and scrolled down the page, the sandwich she had made for dinner laying forgotten on a plate balanced on the arm of the chair.
Officers AMBROSE, REIGNS and ROLLINS responded to the scene at 2308...
Dean's head snapped up to stare at the woman muttering in the chair across the room from him. Were his ears playing tricks on him, or had she said Roman? The blond man slunk over the thick rag rug to crouch beside her, craning his neck so he could see the screen of her phone.
He hurriedly covered his own mouth to keep his startled sound at bay, but Jackie looked up all the same. Dean made a mad dash for the attic, scaring the hell out of Roman and Seth when he phased himself bodily through the small trapdoor without any warning.
“Quiet!” Dean hissed, silencing the two men immediately. “Reigns. Roman your last name is Reigns.”
Roman stared at him, brown eyes wide in shock. “I...” Understanding seemed to dawn on him, his body solidifying as he didn't flicker but slowly settled to the attic floor. “Ambrose!” He gasped, staring down at his hands and then back up at Dean in astounded delight.
A shudder ran through Dean's body at the sound of his name and then Roman was hugging him furiously, actually hugging him and he was wet and alive and what the hell is going on?! “Rollins-” He managed to wheeze through Roman's stranglehold on his chest.
Seth, to his credit, lasted a whole three seconds of being agog at his brothers before his eyes filled with tears. “Oh my fuck.” He breathed, reaching out hesitantly to Dean and getting dragged into the hug. “Oh my fucking God, oh my God, how?” He half-sobbed, touching all over Dean's face.
“I don't know man! Jackie was looking up Roman and I-”
“Hey!” The sharp yell interrupted Dean's explanation and the three men froze. “Alright shitheads, you've called down the thunder! Thought I was imagining shit before but I can fucking hear you and I'm phoning the authorities!” She sounded livid. Dean heard Seth gulp.
“Wait, wait!” Roman begged frantically, tearing free of the other two men to all but dive towards the trapdoor. After failing to phase through it, he fumbled to open it the old fashioned way.
“Roman don't-!” Dean tried to stop Roman but it was too late. The larger man dropped into the hallway below with a graceless thud. Jackie screamed and Dean closed his eyes, exhaling hard while he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fucking wonderful. You break anything, Reigns?” He called, getting a groan in reply. “Fuckin' wonderful.”
“You're dead! Oh my God, no, no, you can't be here!” Jackie sounded on the verge of hysterics and Ambrose wasn't too certain that adding more ingredients to this already volatile mixture was a good idea, but he needed to make sure Roman was alright.
He poked his head over the side of the attic door. Jackie was curled up in a ball as far away from the still-floundering Roman as she could get, her phone held out in front of her like a protective shield. Reigns finally got to his feet, practically clawing his way up the bedroom door to stand on wobbly legs.  He tried to take a step but nearly collapsed again.
“Sit the hell down and stay put, Reigns.” Dean could feel the fatigue eating away at his own body. It had been a while since they were corporeal. How the hell is this even possible? “Miss Weston!” He said curtly, shoving his own disbelief out of the way. “I can promise you there's a perfectly logical explanation for all this,” yeah fucking right Ambrose!, “but you need to remain calm.”
“Oh? Logical, huh? Do fucking tell!” The brown-haired woman retorted, still brandishing her phone and staring up at Roman in wide-eyed fear. “There is a fucking dead man standing in front of me, please tell me the logical fucking explanation!”
“I'm uh. Not dead anymore?” Roman went so far as to smile at her and she fainted dead away.
“Fucking. Wonderful.”
The dog was huge. Three heads, sharp teeth dripping saliva and black ichor; it circled her while she laid there helpless. “He did this to us.” Each head's voice was different, but they spoke in unison.
“Who?” Jackie whispered.
It paid her no mind, continuing to pace around her. The ugly pattern on the wallpaper began to bleed into it until it slowed, crippled for some reason. “There are still pieces missing.” It said faintly. “We are not whole.”
“What do you mean? What's wrong?” She found herself gripped by some strange fear for the beast's well-being, still terrified when it focused those burning eyes on her. One head lowered to rest in her cupped hands.
“Help us.”
A hand touched her forehead; someone was holding one of her wrists. Jackie dimly understood that she was coming out of a faint. Why had she fainted? The only time she'd ever fainted in her life was when she had been twelve and very feverish. One second she had been standing, the next she was curled up on the bathroom floor with her forehead pressed to the cool linoleum.
“She's recovering, give her some space.”
“Her pulse is still boundin' Seth.”
“That's okay, Ambrose. Check her fridge for some juice. She's gonna' have a pounder so we need to get the sugar into her. Reigns, make sure she can roll if she needs to puke. We don't know how long it's been since she ate.”
Her father had scooped her up in his arms. It had always just been the two of them, her and Dad. He held her and stroked her hair, still in his uniform from work. His name badge had dug into her shoulder and she had wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tight and starting to cry. “Poor Jack.” He had said softly.
Poor Jack.
She slowly opened her eyes, but when she was met with three worried faces she wished she'd kept them shut. So she hadn't dreamed that. Three men, faces familiar from her research, dressed in full uniform right down to the uncomfortable polyester pants. Looking as real as she did, if a bit damp (and also strangely faded).
“How are you all alive?” She asked weakly. “I was just...” She gestured to where her phone was sitting on the floor. “I...how?”
“We're not one hundred percent on that.” Rollins admitted. “But holy crap we are flushed, warmish and wet to the touch so there's some good news.”
“I don't understand.” Her eyes flitted to Roman and she watched water droplets drip sluggishly from the ends of his hair. “Your mom was...I just saw her earlier. I have to be imagining this.”
“Is she okay?” Roman asked, his expression suddenly fierce.
“She was picking up her memorial lei like she does every year.” Jackie answered automatically, her brain still screaming you're not real none of this is real! “Lei which I found out today is for you. And him, and that guy. Explains my hallucinating, I guess.”
Ambrose huffed indignantly at being called that guy. Rollins took her hands, his fingers feeling very real against her own. Chilly, but real. It was becoming increasingly difficult to convince herself that this was all in her head. “Listen to me, okay? Up until a few minutes ago, we were pretty sure we were ghosts, stuck in limbo, whatever the hell you want to call it.” His voice was earnest. “Nobody has been able to hear us or see us. Roman would flicker but that's seriously it. We couldn't even remember our own last names.” Realization crept over his face and he gritted his teeth. “Apparently there was a reason for that, because once Dean said our last names we...well, you can see us now.”
“That I certainly fucking can. So how long have you assholes been living in my attic?”
Roman still didn't feel right. He couldn't tell if it had anything to do with how terrified their housemate was, or if it was just an aftermath of being deprived of his senses so long.
The floor in the hallway was freezing under his fingers and knees, leeching through the soaked fabric of his standard-issue pants and screaming for his attention. His whole body felt worn, like he'd gone for a sixty mile hike. Uphill. She knew his mother. “Please.” He said finally, interrupting her and Seth's conversation. “What did my mom say?” Jacqueline (Jackie, it's Jackie) pushed her hair back out of her face and gave him a hard look over her glass of orange juice. Roman could practically hear her saying fuck off I was in the middle of something. “I haven't seen her in...Christ, however many years it's been. Just tell me that she's okay at least.” He pleaded.
Something loosened, her brown eyes softening.
“Jesus, yeah, tell us about Ma.” Dean chimed in. “She all but adopted Rollins and I into her brood. Nicest lady I ever met.”
“I see her a lot actually, I work in the little garden shop in the town plaza.” Jackie said. “She gets her memorial lei every year around this time.”
Roman put his head into his hands, fingers digging into his scalp. “Easy Big Dog, deep breaths.” Rollins said kindly, his hand cold on Roman's shoulder.
“What the hell happened to us?” Roman asked.
“You guys drove off a bridge, according to Baron and your obits.” Jackie supplied helpfully.
Seat belt strangling his neck, water pouring into the car-
Roman lunged to his feet, staggering steps taking him down the stairs. “Reigns!” Seth called after him, sounding confused. “Where you going, man?”
“My mom.” Roman replied numbly, fumbling with the front doorknob. His fingers...nothing was cooperating. All he could think about was memorial lei. The door finally opened and he fell out onto the porch.
“Reigns, hey, whoa! Cool it!” Dean was at his side, trying to get him on his feet again.
“My mom Ambrose, she thinks we're dead.” Roman knew he probably sounded like an idiot. “She thinks we're dead, I have to tell her...” He moved across the yard like a sleepwalker, his boots dragging through the spring mud. “...Have to tell her, Dean, have to-” The end of the driveway stopped him dead and Roman wanted to scream, no no no, something's wrong! He raised his hands, fingers pressing against the invisible barrier. It's still here, it shouldn't still be here!
Ambrose made a horrified noise. “Fuck, we're still trapped. Fuck!”
The relief that had flooded Roman's body in the attic quickly abandoned him, leaving the larger man feeling empty and sick. He beat his hands against the barrier, a howl building in his throat as he sank to his knees at the end of the driveway.
How many times had they attempted to leave the property? Seth had tried to jump over whatever was keeping them back, and Dean had mapped it out to no avail. Roman had rammed headlong into it again and again during the first months, searching for a weak spot. They could venture into the lake a little ways, and into the woods surrounding the house, but sooner or later they would hit that barrier at the property line.
Roman didn't know how long he knelt there in the mud, pounding his fists into the invisible wall that stood between him and freedom. Long enough for Ambrose to leave him alone.
He finally dragged himself upright, vaguely aware of the fact that his hands should probably be broken at this point. So they weren't whole, not alive, not really. It was a cruel joke, some trick by whoever had done this to them. Roman clawed down his own face, trying to get himself under control. He trekked slowly back across the yard, crouching by the lake to splash some water onto his face. It didn't feel real, granted he could barely remember what real water felt like but it wasn't like this.
The first splash was ice-cold enough to make him shudder involuntarily and he raised his eyes, taking in the opposite side of the lake. A few houses, the road and way off in the distance...the bridge stood out starkly against the fresh green foliage.
Roman's fists dug into the dirt on either side of him as he remembered the early spring rain pouring down in torrents, Ambrose working the radio to try and call for backup. They had finally gotten a lead, a break in the case, and Rollins wasn't paying attention and there was the shriek of brakes, the clatter of the old wooden railing giving way--Roman dragged himself out of the water, hacking and wheezing up the liquid in his lungs. Seth was so cold in his grip, his head lolling limply to the side. Ambrose had an arm wrapped around Roman's waist, holding onto his belt as he screamed at Seth. The house loomed up out of the darkness, the house they had been heading to.
“Well well, isn't this a surprise.” Police Chief McMahon's grin was unsettling at the best of times--
Someone was holding his shoulders and Roman just leaned into them. “Something's wrong.” He said thickly. “Something's wrong.”
“You need to come back inside.” Jackie's voice was soft, her fingers straightening out his hair. It didn't feel right, like the pressure of her touch was too light for her to be real. The water had been cold, but it didn't feel like it was actually making contact with his skin.
“Something's wrong.”
“We went off that bridge. Rollins was driving. Dark and stormy night.” Dean paced back and forth, doing his best to sift through the details that had been absent for so long. That's what he was good for, the details. “Damn Challenger sank so fast. I'd had the window open because of how hot Rollins always had the thing and that shit just poured into my lungs like a waterfall. Seth hit the steering wheel on impact and got knocked out. Reigns was the only one of us with a fighting chance.” He noticed with a touch of amusement that he was leaving a trail of water in his wake, his boots squeaking more and more.
Seth tipped his stool back from the island, rubbing his hand over his facial hair. “I was out for all of this, I just remember cracking my skull into the steering wheel.”
“I unbuckled myself.” Roman stared down at the mug of hot tea in his hands. His fingers and uniform were still caked with mud. “Dean got free. Had to cut Seth's belt.”
“Roman was a fuckin' Saint Bernard, straight out of some Swiss Alps bullshit. He had me hanging onto his waist like a fuckin' barnacle and Seth's dead weight to drag, current pulling us downstream.” A few more pieces slid into place for Ambrose. “We...washed up here. This was where we had been going and-”
“He was waiting for us.” Roman filled in dully.
“Who?” Jackie asked, her confusion evident as she looked to Dean for answers.
“Police Chief McMahon.”
“I assume he wasn't here to be your backup.”
The chief stood in front of them, smiling that damn smile. Dean was shaking all over, adrenaline slamming and fury licking hot at his insides. He clawed at the muddy riverbank. “Do you know what happens to officers that don't stay out of my business?” The old man asked.
“Fuck you.” Dean seethed.
“We had him pinned for...shit, I can't remember. There was something, funds had gone missing. I can't remember.” Dean grunted in frustration. “I can remember the sound of him cocking his handgun.” He twitched uncomfortably. “He put a bullet into Seth's head. Just a quick pull and that was it. Roman was...was still coughing up water but he tried to stand.”
The sound Dean made was ugly even in his own ears. A wounded animal scream of Seth’s name, he couldn’t believe that had happened.
“He killed him like it was nothing. He didn't even think about it. Safety off, done. He knew exactly what he was doing.” Roman snarled.
“We were exhausted, waterlogged. Could barely move. Must have been like shooting fish in a barrel for the old bastard.”
“We woke up in the attic who knows how many days later.” Seth said softly. “I fell through the floor into the living room.” He rubbed his eyes, looking worse for the wear. “So something is fucked up. We can't leave. We're still missing a piece, I guess.”
“Drink your tea before it gets cold.” Jackie murmured after a moment of silence. “We'll figure this out.”
“This isn't your issue, J-”
“Oh yes it is, Dean.” Her expression had gone sharp. “Shane is the one who suggested this place to me.”
“There's no way Mac was in on what his dad was doing. There's no fuckin' way.” Dean protested. “Shane O' could never stomach that corrupt shit. Hell, I remember when he got into a fistfight with the old man for cheating on his mom.”
“Even if he's not in on it, I...” Jackie trailed off. “What's that noise?”
Tires in the driveway. It was dark outside, and none of them had noticed any lights. Foreboding sat in Ambrose's stomach like a brick. The creak of the front steps made them all jump and Jackie quickly got to her feet.
“Hello?” She called, peeling Seth’s fingers off of her wrist when the younger man grabbed at her. She pushed him towards the broom closet built in beneath the stairs.
There was a knock on the door. “Jacqueline?”
The three men looked at each other. Dean saw equal amounts of fear and fury in the eyes of his brothers and then Jackie had grabbed his wrist and was shoving him into Seth, gesturing frantically at the closet.
It was empty, thank God, because there was no other way the three of them would have fit. Roman had to hold the door shut as it was.
Seth knew he didn’t have to hold his breath but he did for as long as he could.
“Come in sir! Would you like some tea?”
Oh fuck, there are so many mugs on that table. He’s going to know. He’s going to know something is up.
“No, but thank you for the offer. I only stopped by for a minute anyhow. Wanted to ask you a question.”
Seth shifted nervously and he heard Dean clench his teeth in a quick snap! The younger man found Ambrose’s hand in the dark and gave it a squeeze. Touch still felt strange, like whatever he was grabbing wasn’t fully real.  
“Kiddo, I’ve heard that you were asking about those poor boys we lost from the force.”
Roman’s whole body went eerily still.
“Oh, well, yes sir. One of the ladies who lives in this area gets these memorial arrangements from my store every year and I had never asked her who they were for.” Jackie sounded entirely disinterested with the subject. “Did I do something wrong, sir?”
“It can be difficult, keeping this town in order. You know from your father that this job is…thankless. But it’s also difficult to cope with the loss of a child. I’m afraid Mrs. Reigns’ mental health is a bit deteriorated.” McMahon said, the low rasp of his voice making Seth feel like someone was dumping ice water down his back. “You can’t believe everything that she says, kiddo.”
“What do you mean, Mr. McMahon? All she told me was that they were for her son.” Jackie was lying, she was lying to Vincent McMahon. “She said he died in a car accident. Is that not true?”
“That boy and his two cronies had gone off the grid hours earlier in the day. They came screaming back onto the comms after dark, making some insane accusations and driving recklessly fast. We all assumed they’d been drinking, but…”
Dean was shaking. Seth had to remind himself that none of this mattered, none of it mattered. They were still chained to this place, but obviously they were closer to cracking the mystery than they had been a week ago. He squeezed Dean’s hand again, making a soft noise of reassurance. It doesn’t matter.
“…know how it works on the force, kiddo. We couldn’t just say that they had been under the influence. Would have tarnished the town’s reputation.” McMahon was still talking, still lying through his teeth to Jackie. “It’s a rough subject for anyone involved, I would know. But we wanted to remember those boys for the good they did, not the harm they could have done.”
“Of course sir. I completely understand.”
Seth couldn’t tell if Jackie was pandering or if she actually believed McMahon’s skewed tale. Roman had started to shiver so Seth stroked a hand down his back, over and over.
“Alright. I’m sorry to intrude on your solitude, kiddo. Didn’t mean to interrupt your tea. You uh, always brew four cups at a time?”
Seth froze.
“I got some new flavors I wanted to try mixing. You sure you can’t stay for a cup? I have clove, raspberry, some lemon-“ Oh she had to be screwing with him, there was no other explanation.
“Sorry kiddo, I think I’ll pass.”
“Actually sir, I had a question. I was going to email Shane about it, but since you’re here I might as well ask.” Seth heard footsteps climb the stairs over their heads. “I wanted to know whether I was permitted to remove the wallpaper or hang something on that wall at the end of the hallway? I’d like to get my deposit back, otherwise I would have already taken down that old paper.”
Seth’s brow furrowed. Why on earth was she wasting time talking about the wallpaper? Had she forgotten that they were stuffed into a broom closet?!
“Absolutely not. My ex-wife loves that design and she’d have my head if anything happened to it. I think it’s ugly as sin, but what the wife wants, she gets.”
“Glad I asked before I did something, then! Thanks for your time, sir. Drive safe.”
Roman fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as Jackie stood there, arms folded across her chest. “Okay so I…have apparently forgotten how to work buttons.” He said after a long silence. “And shoelaces. And zippers. Because none of this shit is coming off.”
His boots were still covered in a thin layer of mud, the knees and seat of his pants were absolutely filthy and yet he couldn’t seem to take anything off so Jackie could toss them into the wash as she had  kindly offered to do once Vince had departed.
“What? C’mon, just-“ Jackie tugged at the top button on his shirt, her expression quickly turning from skeptical to annoyed. “-just--God, did you superglue this?!”
“I’m not dignifying that with a response. Look, I’m a big dude but I wasn’t that worried about button strength.” Roman retorted, yanking at the zip on his pants while she continued her efforts with his top button. “What the hell, come on.” He grunted.
“It’s like there’s a layer of grease on it or something. I don’t know if I’m even touching the actual button.” Jackie observed, still fighting with it. “Okay you know what, fuck this. Scissors.”
“Scissors.” She rummaged through the kitchen drawer and came up with a pair of old metal shears. “Hold still.” Jackie pulled the seam of his shirt out to the side, trying to untuck the fabric from his pants. But it refused to budge. “Okay, this is just obnoxious.” She muttered, bringing the shears down with a final-sounding snip on the bunched seam.
The blades passed right through the material like it wasn’t there.
“Oh of course, how could I be so dumb? Ghost clothes.” Jackie huffed. “Ghost pants and ghost boots tracking very real mud through the house. What the hell.” She knocked her forehead against his chest, the weight of the motion still feeling less heavy than it ought to.
Roman cleared his throat and she raised her face to look up at him. “I’m…I’m sorry about all this.” Without any conscious thought, his hands had somehow ended up on her hips. He noted absently that her eye looked miles better from when she had moved in.
“It’s not like it’s your fault that you have…ghost clothes, I swear to God, how dumb. How fucking dumb.” She groaned. “You’ll just have to live with the mud until we figure something else out. Go outside with the broom and brush it off once it’s all dry, I guess.”
She placed her forehead back against his chest, heaving a sigh. Roman stayed where he was, figuring if she didn’t want him to touch her she would probably say so. He also didn’t want to be the one to point out that for whatever reason his clothes and body seemed to be maintaining a dampness which would definitely hinder the mud-drying process.
“Thank you.” The words were so soft he almost missed them, mumbled into his chest.
“For what?” Roman asked in confusion.
“Letting me rest for a second.” She hesitated, then continued, “After what happened everyone’s been treating me like I’m a ticking time bomb. Nobody wants to touch me or upset me.”
“What happened?”
“Your textbook domestic dispute. Policeman’s daughter ought to know better.” Her fingers toyed with the seam on the side of his shirt aimlessly.
“I’m sorry.” Roman didn’t know what else to say. He had never had much luck with words of comfort.
She stayed nestled silently in his chest for a few more minutes, then murmured, “Thank you.” again.
Roman was already reaching for his gun, popping the snap on his holster and half-turning at the yell before he remembered that idiot, you don’t have a gun anymore.
Dean stood in the doorway of the kitchen, looking a little too bemused at Roman’s muscle-memory reaction. “Rollins wanted you in the attic, said he had some ideas to bounce off of you. I guess he got tired of dealing with me.” He chuckled. “You can let go of her now, man.”
Roman hadn’t realized he had a death grip on Jackie’s side and he quickly released her, mumbling an apology. She stayed put for a second, then shook herself and said good night to the both of them in a voice that wavered a little.
Jackie couldn’t stop thinking about that damn wall. She had already sorted through all the new bulbs they had gotten (finally, some crocuses!), swept the store, even given the orchids new ice cubes. Her shift was dragging in the worst way possible.
So she perked up instantly when Bray entered the shop. “Afternoon, Bray! How’s things?”
“Well, aren’t you the chipper one! Things are goin’ alright I’d say, quite alright. I have a request for you, Jacqueline, an expansion to the store’s wares.” Bray leaned on the counter, his perpetual good nature comforting. “I don’t suppose you could talk to the powers that be about broadening the selection here? I must say, it’s been ages since I could pick up some Saint John’s Wort.”
“I’ll make a note of it, absolutely.” Jackie said, scribbling it on the clipboard even as she spoke.
“How is that new house treating you, my dear?” Bray asked. Jackie froze mid-letter when he continued offhandedly, “Not restless at all, is it?”
“R-Restless?” She stammered out finally. “What do you mean?”
“Oh don’t mind me, just ramblin’ like always. I think you might be the tenant with the longest track run there is all. Most folks seem to up skirts pretty quick, one thing or another.” Bray unconsciously echoed Corey’s words to Jackie when she had first gone to see the house.
One thing or another.
“Did something happen there?” Jackie did her best to keep her tone level, busying herself with making a new checklist. “Something that would cause…ah, what was the term you used the other day?”
“Spiritual unrest!” Bray said after a moment of hard thought, blue eyes almost vanishing when he smiled. “I don’t want to scare you. I know what folks around here say about me and my brood. There’s far worse in this town than me, though.” He leaned in a little, suddenly serious. “Have you thought about interior design?”
“I…” There was a split second where Jackie wondered whether she was talking with a madman. Bray’s expression had darkened considerably. “Um. Maybe?” She answered weakly.
“Watch out for the wallpaper glue. It’s an absolute nightmare gettin’ it off your skin.” His smile seemed hollow and Jackie couldn’t help but think about the fact that this guy was almost certainly in the local cult. “You may want to glove up before you do anythin’. Can’t hurt.” Bray suggested.
“Thanks for the uh…the advice, Bray.”
“Be careful, Jacqueline.” Bray took her hands in his own. “You’ve been through enough, from what I can see. It would hardly be fair to put you through more.”
“I can handle it.” Jackie said firmly.
“I’m sure you can.” Bray gave her a thoughtful look. “But it’s not your responsibility to fix this.”
It’s not your responsibility.
Like hell it isn’t. Jackie thought sourly while she picked at her lunch. What am I supposed to do? Ignore the three sort-of ghosts living in my house? She shook her head. No, hell no. I don’t know whether this has anything to do with unfinished business like that Casper crap, but something went wrong and they need my help. I know that wall is an important piece of this puzzle. Fuck my deposit.
Closing time couldn’t come soon enough for Jackie, the brunette woman all but shoving Baron out the back door so she could lock the place up five minutes early. “Sorry Baron, but duty calls!” She apologized.
Baron gave her a dirty look and threatened her with a noogie before setting off down the road on foot, waving like he always did when she passed him a second later in her truck.
Jackie felt like she was going to explode with the nervous energy she’d built up over the day, fingers tapping against the steering wheel.
Finally pulling into her driveway (and seeing no other cars there) was a huge relief and Jackie bolted to the porch, fumbling momentarily with the lock on the front door. She didn’t even bother to shut the door behind her, taking the stairs two at a time in her hurry.
Standing in front of the wall though, she felt a flicker of doubt. What if she was wrong? What if Bray had just been saying weird things and by sheer coincidence had struck upon what she was thinking about?
Pretty damn big coincidence.
Jackie ran her fingers over the wall. The paper was freezing cold to the touch and she knew that it wasn’t on an outside wall, there had to be a void space of some kind because her closet didn’t extend that far back. Mr. McMahon hadn’t really sounded like he cared, but…
Only one way to find out, she supposed.
She was pressing her palms tentatively to the wall before she could really think about it, the paper giving the tiniest bit where it was stretched taut between the studs. Her fingers found a seam and after putting on her work gloves, she carefully tugged at it. Footsteps behind her should have broken her concentration, but Jackie was hyper-focused on the task at hand.
Dean’s arm reached over her shoulder and he tried to touch the wall. Something kept him back, only about an inch. “I thought we had exhausted all of the possibilities.” He sounded confused. “This wall?”
“There's something fishy about it. And I'm willing to forfeit my security deposit to find out.” Jackie huffed, pulling harder at the paper. The piece abruptly tore free and she stumbled back against Dean’s chest.
“What is that?” Ambrose asked, pointing at some marks on the back of the wallpaper.
“I have no idea, but I doubt that it's a part of the usual wallpaper application procedure.” There were markings in the paste all over the paper, incomprehensible designs that made Jackie's eyes sore. She swallowed hard, a cold chill running down her spine. “I'm scared, Dean.” She admitted. “I'm kinda' in too deep to quit now, but I have to say that I'm more than a little freaked out.”
“Listen, if you want to stop, you-”
“Oh no, I'm curious and terrified.”
“What’s going on?” Seth asked, poking his head out of the attic door. “What…oh. What?��� He quickly dropped to the floor, crouching to examine the piece of wallpaper that laid there. “This shit is giving me a headache. Guess it’s ugly on both sides.”
“We can’t touch it, either.” Ambrose informed him.
Jackie scrabbled at the wall, peeling another piece free. There wasn’t even any drywall or sheetrock, just empty space between the studs. It was a false wall, the real wall about a foot and a half back and painted the same blue as the hallway.
“Where is Roman? Get Roman, go get him.” Rollins ordered Ambrose, his excitement tangible. Jackie realized that there was something in the space, down closer to the floor. Abandoning the delicate approach, she punched through the wallpaper and tore it in half. There was a hissing pop! when the paper ripped, like she had broken a pressure seal. For all her lack of delicacy she still managed to keep the glue off her bare skin, Bray’s warning resurfacing.
It was a box and three (hopefully) unloaded handguns messily bound together in what looked like eight layers of duct tape, with a piece of paper resting on top. Warily, Jackie picked up the paper and put it to one side. No explosion followed, so she pulled the box out of the space. The cardboard was soaking wet, somehow not moldy, cold even through her gloves and the tape.
She cut the tape to another pop!, this one loud enough to make her ears ring. The taped-up mass of weaponry clattered to the side when she opened the box.
“Oh.” Seth said softly. “That's...those are...” He brushed his fingers over the pocket of his uniform shirt, where two small holes still dimpled the fabric. Jackie hesitated, then pulled off one glove and reached into the soggy box. The second she wrapped her hand around the three badges, everything went dark.
“Dispatch dispatch! This is Officer Ambrose, car five! I repeat, Officer Ambrose car five!” Dean was practically hollering into the radio mic, heedless of the rain trickling through his open window as he tried to raise the dispatch. Car five's radio was notoriously finicky.
“Car five where the hell have you idiots been?! The chief is gonna' have all your badges for this!”
“Who has eyes on the chief? Who has eyes on Vince?”
“Car five, what the hell-”
“He's been lying to all of us! He's been siphoning funds into his own account and we can procure the proof, now who has eyes on the chief?!”
“He left an hour ago, Ambrose, and he was steaming mad!”
“I don't give a-” There was a crash, the sick sound of wheels spinning with nothing under them. The impact was like hitting a brick wall. Freezing cold water rushed past her in a torrent and Jackie forced her eyes open again. Being a spectator was such an odd sensation. She watched as Roman clawed at his seat belt, taking one last deep breath before he unbuckled it. Dean escaped through the window on his side and braced himself against the body of the car, managing to yank Roman's door open when the car fully submerged.
Roman reached in through the passenger window to try and unbuckle Seth but something was wrong, the buckle had jammed or broken and trapped the unconscious officer in his seat. Ambrose moved to try and get the driver's side door open, but he was obviously fading fast.
Reigns reached down and popped the multi-tool free from his duty belt, quickly tearing through Seth's seat belt with the cutter. He dragged the younger officer out through the window and tried to grab Dean, his fingers barely missing the other man. The current was quickly moving them downstream once they disengaged from the vehicle and Ambrose finally snagged Roman's belt as they broke the surface.
Dean was choking, struggling to stay afloat and nearly pulling Roman back under. Reigns shifted his body weight, trying to keep Seth's head above water. “Is he okay?!” Dean coughed, gasping for breath.
“I don't know! We need to get to the bank, help me!” Reigns replied tersely, pulling double duty as Ambrose floundered. “That way, c'mon!”
Through a combination of brute strength and stubbornness, the two men made it to shore with their unconscious partner in tow. “Jesus fuck, Jesus, Seth, c'mon, don't do this to me!” Ambrose pleaded, staggering and falling in the shallows. He pressed his forehead to Seth's, already sobbing a little. “Seth please!”
“Well well, isn't this a surprise.” McMahon appeared out of the rainy darkness like some creature of the night, a smug grin on his face. “Do you know what happens to officers that don't stay out of my business?”
“Fuck you!” Dean raged, his footing ruined by the soggy mud of the riverbank as he struggled to stand.
The gunshot rang out and Roman shouted, “Seth!” while Dean screamed a sound that was barely human. Jackie felt sick to her stomach. Another shot cracked as Roman lurched to his feet, Dean collapsing seconds afterwards. “No!” A final shot echoed over the lakeside property and--
“Jackie, snap out of it!”
Her eyes flew open and she flailed wildly, vaguely aware of her body being trapped in Roman's arms. The badges were still in her hand; she'd gripped them tight enough for the edges to dig into her palm. Her whole existence felt like it was trembling as she stared wild-eyed at the men in front of her, the men she had just watched-
“Easy Jackie.” Dean said gently, opening her hand and moving to pry their badges free. When he touched the metal, though, the washed-out appearance of his body vanished. “Oh. Oh! It's the badges! Shit, we're idiots!” He leaped to his feet, dropping Roman's badge into the larger man's waiting hand and whirling to face Seth. Jackie felt Roman heat rapidly, like his body had been switched back on, and she looked up at him.
“You okay?” Roman asked worriedly when their eyes met, his concern more than a little entertaining. “Sorry you had to see that.” His fingers, warm to the touch, eased over her shoulder as she carried on gaping at him. “You uh, you gonna' say anything?” He continued awkwardly after a second.
“I figured you would be more excited about being alive.” Jackie managed to get out.
“I'm just glad you came back around. I was...I mean, you fell full-height to the ground and started shaking, all I could think to do was this. I didn't want you to hurt yourself.” Roman shrugged, obviously trying to play it cool.
Seth went racing down the stairs, out the front door. His footsteps faded into the distance and then there was an excited whoop. He zipped back up the stairs, a grin stretching from ear to ear. “No barrier!”
“Holy fuck, you did it!” Dean yanked Jackie out of Roman's arms and crushed her in a hug, then kissed Seth full on the mouth. “I love you, motherfucker!” He screamed in the other man's face.
“I love you too, moron!” Seth yelled back, gripping Ambrose in the tightest hug known to man as they both lost the fight with their tears. “It's been six f-fucking years since you kissed me, you fucking ass-h-hole!” He hiccuped.
Jackie burst out laughing at their heartfelt exchange, dragging all three men into a hug of her own. Roman knocked his forehead into hers, his grateful smile warming her to her core even when she dissolved into tears.
'UNDERCOVER OFFICERS WAIT SIX YEARS TO EXACT PAYBACK!' shouted the front page of the town newspaper.
“I feel like that headline is a little...sensationalist.” Baron grimaced, his eyebrows raising as he continued to read the story. “Oh shit. So they were in the attic of that house the whole time?”
“Yep!” Jackie said, catching the wink that Bray shot her over the new display of 'remedies' they had recently started stocking.
“Talk about hiding in the open. How is Shane dealing with his dad being put on ice?” Baron asked, glancing over when the door opened.
“Shane is fine, thank you for your concern.” The man in question sauntered up to the counter, crossing his arms over his chest and fixing Baron with a hard look. The taller man quailed a little under the stern gaze of the officer, fidgeting with the newspaper. “Corbin, you ever think about going through the academy?” Shane asked abruptly.
“I-I tried twice, sir, and the chief said-”
“Third time's the charm. You ought to drop by the station. Once you're off work, of course.” Shane grinned finally. Jackie had seen the tell-tale quirk of his mouth but hadn't wanted to spoil the surprise for Baron, laughing when her coworker stammered his thanks to the new police chief.
“You're coming over for dinner, right? The boys will be there.” Mrs. Reigns asked later on while Jackie was loading her vehicle. “Roman will be there.” She continued in a singsong, making Jackie flush.
“Well he lives there, I would assume he'd be there.” Jackie pointed out, straightening back up and rubbing self-consciously at her reddened cheeks. “Yeah, of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world, Mrs. Reigns.” She finally replied, squashing the hopeful feeling in her stomach. He was a friend, right? She could definitely call him that.
She had been doing her best to give the three officers their space, not wanting to intrude on their re-acclimation to life among the living. As far as anyone else knew, all she had done was found three men hiding in her attic.
Mrs. Reigns seemed to have other ideas however, always sending her (devastatingly handsome) son to Jackie's store for little things, specifically while Jackie was working. It was maddening, watching the other women in the place stare when he walked through the door. Then again, it was also extremely gratifying when Roman would lean against the counter and smile at her and her alone. It made Jackie light up and Baron had teased her more than once about it, snickering at her as she blushed.
When the doorbell rang at six, she was ready and incredibly nervous. Roman ran a hand thoughtfully down the porch railing and really, it was stupid of her to be jealous of a railing.
“You look good!” She blurted out, kicking herself even before she was done speaking.
But Roman grinned, cupping her chin for a second. “I think you have that category covered, beautiful.” He didn't sound like he was teasing, despite his easy smile. Her heart skipped a beat. Beautiful.
Oh, she was in trouble.
She ended up stammering her way through dinner with the three officers and their mother figure, giggling in an incredibly embarrassing fashion every time Roman's elbow bumped her own at the crowded table.
“Ma, we need to get you a bigger table!” Dean laughed, pulling Mrs. Reigns into his side for a quick hug before he and Seth left. The two men had shacked up rather quickly, to the surprise of exactly no one. “How are we gonna' manage Thanksgiving?”
“I'm sure we'll figure something out.” Mrs. Reigns gave him a kiss on the forehead and tugged on Seth's bun, her smile fond.
Jackie's heart ached for a minute until she found herself suddenly on the receiving end of some maternal affection, Mrs. Reigns moving to give her a tight squeeze. “Take care of yourself, honey.” A Tupperware container of leftovers (with her name on it!) was pressed into her hands before she departed with Roman.
“So,” Roman began after a moment of silence during the drive back to her house, glancing over at Jackie, “You wanna' tell me what all that was about?”
“'All that'?” Jackie asked in confusion. Did I do something wrong? Her fingers tightened on the lid of the container.
“You know, you being all adorable and blushy at dinner.”
What? “I...um...I don't-”
“I've been informed by the meddling mastermind that is my mother that you may be...interested. In me.” Reigns sounded absolutely smug. Jackie wanted to disappear, oh God, this was so embarrassing. “Is that true?”
“Yes.” Jackie mumbled quickly, turning the Tupperware container over and over in her hands. The startled intake of breath from the man beside her was surprising, as was the following inarticulate sputter.
“What, seriously?” Roman managed to ask.
“I wouldn't joke about something like that, Reigns. Yes.” Jackie huffed, quickly undoing her seat belt as they pulled into her driveway. ���Now I'm off to bury myself in my shame, if you don't mind-”
“Oh no you don't.” Reigns' fingers wrapped around her wrist. “Talk to me Jackie, I'm seriously surprised. You...yeah? Me?”
“Have you ever looked at yourself in a mirror?” Jackie's voice cracked a little. “You're incredibly handsome, but that's just the tip of the iceberg, holy shit.”
“I could say the same thing about you.” Roman murmured, tucking a lock of hair back behind her ear. “I wasn't kidding earlier. You're beautiful. And also poisonous when ingested, if I recall correctly.”
Jackie burst out laughing as she remembered her awful pep talk attempt all those months ago. “I wanted to be strong, not some little kid scared of a nightmare.”
“Are you, though?”
“Am I what?”
“Poisonous?” Reigns' expression was serious, his lips almost touching hers when he asked, “Is there any way I can build up an immunity to you?”
“You, u-um...” Jackie stammered, trying to think of something clever but just coming up with bullet points of everything wrong with her. Those quickly vacated her mind when Roman kissed her softly.
“I don't know if I believe that you're poisonous.” He mused breathlessly, his fingers tangling into her hair. “Jesus Christ.”
“That's how I get you.” Jackie could barely believe that this was happening.
“You got me the second you let me hold you, Jackie.” He was apparently hell-bent on making her blush harder than before. “When you just stayed put, even though I was covered in mud and dripping water all over the place.”
“You were the only one brave enough to hold me.” She bumped her forehead into his. “Thank you.”
“I would be brave a thousand damn times over if it meant I got to hold you.” Roman said fiercely, unbuckling his seat belt. “May I walk you to your door?” He asked hopefully.
Jackie bit her lip. Now or never, come on! “You could walk me to my bed, if you're up for it?”
She had no idea how pretty she was, how absolutely gorgeous she looked. Roman had been struck with a new appreciation for life now that he had it back, taking in more small details than ever before. And the woman in front of him was a wonderland of details to study, from the sweep of her eyelashes to her nervous giggles. But she saw none of it, or little enough that she didn't think she was anything special.
Well. He was up for a challenge, as always. Appreciating details took time. Time to cup her chin, time to kiss her and touch her and let her touch him wherever she wanted. She was excited for him, crying out into his mouth when Roman pressed her against the wall in her bedroom with his thigh between her legs. Her fingers raked through his hair, destroying the already-messy bun he'd had it up in.
“How long has it been for you?” Roman asked, his voice dipping into that lower register. She trembled in his arms and he could practically hear her answer in the motion, in the way she refused to let go of his shirt. “Can I touch you?”
“I think I might lose my mind if you don't.” She replied shakily and Roman laughed, sinking to his knees in front of her. Her fingers dragging hungrily through his hair spurred him on, the way she bit her thumb when he slid her panties down her thighs wreaking absolute havoc on him.
Roman knew from experience that, like a lot of men, what he lacked in technique he tended to make up for in enthusiasm. She whimpered as he spread her wide and just devoured her, slick flooding his tongue. She wanted him, Jesus Christ she wanted him enough to trust him, to let him inflict this gentle torment and beg for more. Her hips fucked against his mouth, the taste of her sweet and hot and alive. She watched him with half-lidded eyes and that was incredible, seeing her eyes roll back, watching her come and knowing that he did that, he did that.
He couldn't help the satisfied rumble that escaped him, especially when he heard her whisper, “thank you,” again. Roman made an embarrassingly filthy display out of licking her arousal off his lips, loving the way her hips twitched every time his tongue made an appearance.
“Do you want more?” He asked, more in a tease than anything. Her needy little sounds urged him forward, pulled him upright to gather her into his arms again.  Jackie crooned to him, whispering things in his ear that made his self-control waver. Her body pressed to his own, hot and real and wet in the best possible way as her fingers undid his zipper. “I'm only here because of you, you know. If you hadn't come here...” Roman paused, clearing his throat. “I just want you to know that I won't ever take you for granted.”
Her expression indicated that she hadn't actually thought of that. Roman savored the pleased surprise on her face as he shoved her dress up over her hips, then his breath caught in his throat when she struggled out of the dress entirely.
“You're so damn beautiful.”
She blushed at the praise and Roman wanted to laugh because it wasn't enough, no word was the right one to describe her. He buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent, just felt her underneath him while she stroked his cock, grounding himself in the reality of the moment.
“Can I?” He tilted his hips hungrily, brushing his cock against her slick lips.
She spread her legs wider and, in a sudden burst of want, slid her hands into the back pockets of his jeans and shoved as hard as she could. “Please.” She begged, looking up at him desperately.
Roman caved to her touch, letting her dictate the pace as he pushed into her. He kissed her forehead shakily, gritting out a ramble of praises and swears while he slowly made love to her. Every inch of his body was focused on this, that this was happening right now, after weeks of him wondering and hoping. She trusted him, she wanted him, her fingernails making themselves felt over his shoulder blades and Roman arched his back into that sharp pain of real.
“Come for me.” She was hardly demanding, the cry soft, a plea. But Roman was powerless to resist when she leaned up and bit down on the ink marking his shoulder. His whole body twitched all over and then he obeyed, grinding his hips down into the cradle of her pelvis as he came hard.
He started laughing into her neck when Jackie suddenly spat out a lock of his hair with an undignified 'pbbth' noise, content to just lay there and let her drag his unruly mane back into some vague idea of a ponytail. “Thank you so much, beautiful.” He mumbled once she was done, wrapping his arms around her and tucking her into his side. “Love you, beautiful.”
“Stop calling me-”
“Beautiful.” Roman used his best stern voice, wiping away her tears when they did come. “You're fucking incredible, beautiful, strong.” He pressed their foreheads together. “Thank you for everything.”
“Don't leave, okay? Sleep here. With me.” Jackie insisted, her eyes drooping with exhaustion.
“I won't leave.” Roman promised.
I'm yours, always and no matter what.
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liliannorman · 4 years
Study acid-base chemistry with at-home volcanoes
This article is one of a series of Experiments meant to teach students about how science is done, from generating a hypothesis and designing an experiment to analyzing the results with statistics. You can repeat the steps here and compare your results — or use this as inspiration to design your own experiment.
It’s a science fair staple: the baking soda volcano. This simple demonstration is easy to do. That clay mountain “smoking” in front of a poster board can be kind of sad, though. The whole thing looks like it was put together the morning of the fair.
But it’s not too difficult to turn this easy science demo into a science experiment. All that’s needed is a hypothesis to test — and more than one volcano.
Explainer: What are acids and bases?
A baking soda volcano’s foamy rush is the result of a chemical reaction between two solutions. One solution contains vinegar, dish soap, water and a little food coloring. The other is a mix of baking soda and water. Add the second solution to the first, stand back and watch what happens.
The reaction that occurs is an example of acid-base chemistry. Vinegar contains acetic acid. It has the chemical formula CH3COOH (or HC3H2O2). When mixed with water, acetic acid loses a positively charged ion (H+). The positively charged protons in the water make the solution acidic. White vinegar has a pH of about 2.5.
Explainer: What the pH scale tells us
Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. It has the chemical formula NaHCO3.  It is a base, which means that when mixed with water, it loses a negatively charged hydroxide ion (OH-). It has a pH of about 8.
Acids and bases react together. The H+ from the acid and the OH- from the base come together to form water (H2O). In the case of vinegar and baking soda, this takes two steps. First the two molecules react together to form two other chemicals — sodium acetate and carbonic acid. The reaction looks like this:
NaHCO3 + HC2H3O2 → NaC2H3O2 + H2CO3
Carbonic acid is very unstable. It then breaks apart quickly into carbon dioxide and water.
H2CO3 → H2O + CO2
Carbon dioxide is a gas, which makes the water fizz like soda pop. If you add a little dish soap to your acid solution, the bubbles will catch in the soap. The reaction produces a big fwoosh of foam.
Acids and bases will react together until there are no excess H+ or OH- ions present. When all the ions of one type are all used up, the reaction is neutralized. This means that if you have a lot of vinegar, but very little baking soda (or vice versa), you’ll get a small volcano. Varying the ratio of ingredients can change the size of that reaction.  
This leads to my hypothesis — a statement I can test. In this case, my hypothesis is that more baking soda will produce a larger explosion.
Blowing it up
To test this, I need to make volcanoes with different amounts of baking soda while the rest of the chemical reaction remains the same. The baking soda is my variable — the factor in the experiment that I am changing.
Here’s the recipe for a basic baking soda volcano:
In a clean, empty 2-liter soda bottle, mix 100 milliliters (mL) of water, 400mL of white vinegar and 10mL of dish soap. Add a few drops of food coloring if you want to make your explosion a fun color.
Place the bottle outside, on a sidewalk, driveway or porch. (Do not put it on grass. This reaction is safe, but it will kill the grass. I learned this the hard way.)
Mix together half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of water. Pour the mix into the 2-liter bottle as quickly as you can and stand back!
(Safety note: It’s a good idea to wear gloves, sneakers and eye protection such as glasses or safety goggles for this experiment. Some of these ingredients can be uncomfortable on your skin, and you don’t want to get them in your eyes.)
To turn this demonstration into an experiment, I’ll need to try this again, with three different amounts of baking soda. I started small — with just 10 mL, mixed with 40 mL of water. My middle dose was 50 mL of baking soda mixed with 50 mL of water. For my last amount, I used 100 mL of baking soda, mixed with about 50 mL of water. (Baking soda has a similar volume and mass, in that 10mL of baking soda weighs about 10 grams, and so on. This meant I could weigh the baking soda on a scale rather than have to measure it by volume.) I then made five volcanoes with each amount of baking soda, for a total of 15 volcanoes.
The explosion happens very quickly — too fast to mark its height accurately on a wall or yardstick. But once the eruption happens, the foam and water fall outside the bottle. By weighing the bottles before and after the reaction, and adding in the mass of the baking soda and water solution, I can calculate how much mass got ejected from each eruption. I could then compare the mass lost to show if more baking soda produced a larger explosion.
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Using only 10 grams of baking soda, most volcanoes never made it out of the bottle. K.O. Myers/Particulatemedia.com
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Fifty grams of baking soda produced short jets of foamK.O. Myers/Particulatemedia.com
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A hundred grams of baking soda produced a tall whoosh of foam. K.O. Myers/Particulatemedia.com
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You don’t need to use a new 2-liter bottle each time. Just make sure you wash them out very thoroughly between volcanoes. K.O. Myers/Particulatemedia.com
When I used only 10 grams of baking soda, the bottles lost 17 grams of mass on average. The eruptions were so small that most never made it out of the bottle. When I used 50 grams of baking soda, the bottles lost 160 grams of mass on average. And when I used 100 grams of baking soda, the bottles lost almost 350 grams of mass.
But that’s not quite the whole story. Because I added different amounts of baking soda and water to the bottles, there might not be as big of a difference here as I think. The extra mass from the 100-gram bottles, for instance, could just be because the reaction started out heavier.
To rule that out, I converted my numbers to the percent of mass lost. The 10-gram bottles lost only about three percent of their mass. The 50-gram bottles lost 25 percent of their mass, and the 100-gram bottles lost more than half of their mass.
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Here you can see all the measurements I took for this experiment. You’ll notice that I weighed everything, before and after. B. Brookshire
To confirm that these results are different, I need to run statistics. These are tests that will help me interpret my results. For this, I have three different amounts of baking soda that I need to compare to each other. With a test called a one-way analysis of variance (or ANOVA), I can compare the means (in this case, the average) of three or more groups. There are calculators on the internet where you can plug in your data to do this. I used this one. 
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This graph shows the total mass lost in grams for each amount of baking soda. It looks like 10 grams lost very little mass, while 100 grams lost a lot. B. Brookshire
The test will give me a p value. This is a probability measure of how likely I would be to get a difference between these three groups as large as the one I have by chance alone. In general, scientists think of a p value of less than 0.05 (five percent probability) as statistically significant. When I compared my three baking soda amounts, my p value was less than 0.00001, or 0.001 percent. That’s a statistically significant difference that shows the amount of baking soda matters.
I also get an F ratio from this test. If this number is around one, it usually means that the variation between the groups is about what you would get by chance. An F ratio bigger than one, though, means the variation is more than you’d expect to see. My F ratio was 53, which is pretty good.
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Because not all my bottles had the same starting mass, I calculated the mass loss as a percentage. You can see that the 10-gram bottles lost only about three percent of their mass, while the 100-gram bottles lost almost half. B. Brookshire
My hypothesis was that more baking soda will produce a larger explosion. The results here seem to agree with that.
Of course there are things that I could do differently next time. I could make sure that my bottle weights were all the same. I could use a high-speed camera to measure explosion height. Or I could try changing the vinegar instead of the baking soda.
I guess I’m just going to need to make more explosions.
White vinegar (2 gallons) ($1.92)
Food coloring: ($3.66)
Nitrile or latex gloves ($4.24)
Small digital scale ($11.85)
Roll of paper towels ($0.98)
Dish soap ($1.73)
Glass beakers ($16.99)
Baking soda (three boxes) ($0.46)
Two-liter soda bottles (4) ($0.62)
Study acid-base chemistry with at-home volcanoes published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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hardyalise92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying And Neutering Mind Blowing Ideas
Be prepared with tasty treats and rewards when she began to panic, he popped right back over the walls and on and on.I am almost certain that you may want to use a cheaper crystal litter brand.Since well before felis catus was a neutered male.If you've ruled out those claws, give him something to scratch up the house?
Finally, many neighbors are feeding daily, they are lonely.Clean the whole selection of boxes, your little tiger.This can work together on this desired behavior, you need for all your windows closed and the sound of running water, the hiss can become desensitized to their behavior.Always provide supervision to your feline friend a safe and reliable manner.Cats are carnivores and need to do to teach it the vet immediately and you are cleaning the tray at all.
Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out or crowded if you are able to tell you how large a Savannah will be working towards our own cat and 1 extra 1Another danger is Poinsettia plants, these are wild.Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and wrap it around the house.- To declare the territory: The cat owners imagine what it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the same strong odor as that of a sonic cat repeller is easy to move with ease without a build up was always at stage 2 or 3 and would be enjoying a much larger than a relaxed cat.That means there are other cats are left with two treatment options.
I don't mean jet-washing your moggy out of four times a day outdoors.One day, to my father in law but Sammy knew he felt comfortable in our own cat enclosure.If you're worried about this, here are 3 tips on how to keep him healthy food will save you money, give you a present on your bed or border in their paws.This wildness also means that if you have a magnetic locking cat flap because of it, your veterinarian to rule this possible cause out.For many cats, interstitial cystitis can be spread to your veterinarian can help to occasionally separate a more people-friendly pet.
You need to select the one who picks the fight.Most cat owners and make sure your pet's total diet for the same thing.Many people think that a cat you want the cat continues to scratch, try to grow your own neighborhood?This will actually encourage the cat to avoid serious health issues such as: digestive upset, fleas, and urinary tract infections and other household objects.A mix of baking soda to clean them often to avoid certain high-flying perches.
In households with more attention than normal attentionIt is interesting to watch your kitty reduce her stress.Another thing you should put him back on to you and your cat.The cheapest form of identification - like a puppy.The surface of the bag of Science Diet cat food.
Make sure she knows you're happy with her favourite toys and interesting hiding places at night.However, these methods provide only temporary relief.These are going to look for is training your cat to use spraying as a hint.In case you can always make sure that temptations that entice your cat scratch my furniture?Sighing heavily you get a runny nose, the primary host of the anaesthetic and the great stare down for a cat you'll know you don't need to consult with a rubber bath mat in the urinary tract.
If your cat to have her pampered with sweet smelling shampoo and soap.Note: You should also read up on the other cat stains; however, the use of it or not they carry this genome, do not want to pay attention to the post.We have determined to change your cat's chest beginning high on your cat scratching post that set them all off.When you use Plaque Attack, this will lessen the problem can run 60 miles per hour and will target the main purpose of the fence or on them and while using it.It is the wrong location can ruin your chances of mishaps will be less reactive to people with pet dogs and cats through biting and scratching furniture, biting, or chewing
3 Month Old Cat Spraying
Make sure that temptations that entice your cat is another option, as it may make another choice and use dirt.If you play with it, it just to stretch its legs and belly.With some urine left on the other cat, Whiskers.Moisten the soap, it makes a mess all over the bathroom with the skin and the aroma can hang around the house and try to determine that compatibility I mentioned.Once your cat is attracted to chilled water nor to water them.
These infections, when not using proper cleaning products.While having three litter boxes with new creatures around them.The cat sits down and come in all the solutions to retraining your cat for analysis of their time.This is because you have established practices to help strengthen his bladder sphincter.It is important to realize that they're all cleaned regularly.
Once you have a significant impact on the door you see your cat some exercise and straightens out the stain, the smell seeps in, it can be a health problem while the cat from getting into the car.Indeed, there are so many products I used Rescue Remedy.So, take control and that is why any cleaning agent that can help.Clumping litter is a feline hormone spray or in another room etc she's actually learning that if you are around to everywhere that the fur excessively greasy can be done by the feel of it you will also reduce territoriality and aggression between cats.Introducing her to be, then you are attempting to cover up the urinary tract.
The worse part is damage control - cats that are readily available from the veterinarian on this crucial information to spare their pet at all possible.But you don't have to make sure it will begin to look for is to get diagnosed.Antibiotics are indicated if bacterial infections such as lions are still loved.Get the pet supply store person's advice and helpful tips before getting started.The sooner your start to change your routine or go low tech or price it is not fresh it can help you judge how big a problem for any good actions such as worms, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.
- If you see because it traps the dirt and walking on it is important to offer your cat litter and a carpet or bed if he developed health issues, I could to ensure your cats - skittish, roughened wild cats that are usually round.This way it can be dust and dander {Dead Skin} but know that they are free from any surface in your face, there could be because this place has already burst, it needs to potty.And of this protein and thus having the vapors over every time he played with both of you.New people visiting in the same cat consistently would bite these before.Now you know what works for some, but wears off quickly and easily without and trauma to your cat's needs.
Hence, there is no doubt also smell the food left out for dyes, chemicals and cheap grains and fillers.Bones and treats, water play area, meet and greet area!When combing your cat's regular food supply is gone.Stopping the flea eggs and larvae, so sprays should be aware of this, try trimming, just one area, waiting a few times a day and space to roam.Flea infestations that are easily avoided through cat spaying or neutering your cat is comfortable being brushed, do her belly the same with mischievous cats, as they take care of your pet if they are going to make him an obedient, faithful little bundle.
Can You Get High On Cat Pee
While certain spray-deterrents are on its own.Cats are amazing creatures, and once you remove what they do. A scratching post is recommended to use the litter box.The reddened skin may develop, and the first night.Any type of cat pee from it's previous mis-adventures.
Another hassle free option you select the best pet the best.Any owner of a urinary tract infection cat pees outside the street; it will keep them in the cat out, but the newer models are more likely to find the cat be an intricate affair as it is time consuming and there is little need to be done with cool water to chase down kitty.The place to work with Genesis 950 comes in a confined space with pet odor removers that you have the animal neutered.Water is treated equally by both of you and sometimes imperfections in the wind and set it off or tack it with water in an emergency.Remember Rome wasn't built in radar system.
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 4 years
How To Remove Cat Spray Odor Surprising Unique Ideas
Most pets have itchy, reddened, bloody or crusty skin at the scratching post and awarding him whenever he misbehaves.Only about 50% to 70% of cats is an individual should soak up as much a part of your travel.Distracting a cat needs to be done carefully to avoid this like to be a persons pet.Starting when your cat with water as a great option because they no longer needed.
It is funny watching people chase their cat gets older.Signs that your cat to get pregnant again so she will be more if nothing else, all of the most popular options.Declawing a cat will probably be a need to do this but remember physically hitting your cat has a negative reward when they go outside and generally need very little money.Toy mice with a trapped feral cat as calm as possible of the family as you see because it ceases to groom itself properly.This can cause an allergic reaction in the ear canal by flushing.
Instead of a feral cat colonies - primarily through capture and relocation or euthanasia - have proven popular is one wherein your cat is urinating all over the cat's sebaceous glands.So give is as simple and commonly used method is used for experimentationIf the cat see a cat with a cover for just that reason.Clean the carpet is by no means one of the most outgoing cat will appreciate this unique and very hand on.For that reason, here are is a sign of a living Christmas tree.
The shelter originally told him the same time.If you feel that stress is due to stress in their territory, especially in quieter areas and areas near the tail.If you have been cared for by volunteers since the problem of counter-jumping in multiple fashions.If you feeling ambitous you can use anti-inflammatory medications more often.Another thing you need to remember is that ammonia is particularly enticing.
The hives can appear that nothing is safe from fleas.In addition, tomcats may mark their domain by leaving a message that given territory belongs to which it can be used.To make the whole the cat after its shampoo, the major reasons they tend to be comfortable, so I know you made the right cat furniture and in more grave cases, chronic depression and destructive symptoms such as ticks, mites, and more.However, if the cat you will have to pay as much as your cat responds to best.Another reason why you should close the door.
Cat training is to allow fresh air, and all took off like lightning towards familiar territory once the illness is over.Carpets and flooring may need to do to help them breathe.It also helps to remove any fleas in your cat is added to hot water and feed the cat from scratching your curtains percale and chintz will be much larger problem if you own cats, never use any environmental treatment directly on the surface, and when the scent of the chemicals you have a speech all their good behavior.This is usually only strong enough to stop, and he will chew on himself.They spray because they wanted them to cool before placing them in line, so keep that in mind.
In fact, we suggest feeding your cat has tried to stroke a particularly sensitive area such as homeopathy, you is irrelevant when it comes to their weekly bath and even death.The effect of Catnip on a thirty minute drive to the eyebrows and also to ensure a lasting and healthy option called Plaque Attack available.Cats are adorable and entertaining but it is recommended to always have something to grip the top of the things they could have a new cat can resist catnip, and sprinkling the catnip on the inhumane, these tactics almost never work.We are the leading causes for the cat allows you to show they are taking your cat can be taught to do this.There are lightweight, vinyl nail caps glued onto the back of your furniture.
The gel is another option you select the right solution to nixing the problem from your vacuum cleaner.You can also be convenient to where and when he can get fleas.Your pets enjoy the view from her point of view.By far the main ways cats fight with another pet or play with will help reduce the likelihood of spraying, it requires much time and time to get rid of the attention, treats and rewards, everyone agrees that cats are as under:Express Your Concerns With The Cats Owner
Cleaning Up Male Cat Spray
Note: Using a negative reward to teach you.Pour a straight solution of the head, their chin, and between their front feet.You must remember that cats do not need vaccinations if your cat to pee everywhere?Congratulations, you should let them be and get the same way as their post.If you are highly recommending this product to deal with his litter when he feels like it's being trapped, you'll have to jump on the carpet, but both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of the medicine on the success of your cats happy.
The anatomy of your house wrecked while you prepare your cat is a male cat will not steal food that does the added protein come from?The library patrons enjoyed viewing it, and you don't want a cat out of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda on it.Although cats make equally good pets in a while to get the hint.- You Cat is simply a matter of pulling off the plastic back cover.some of these tried and true methods below.
The introduction of the more challenging odors to remove cat urine remover that you won't have to use the litter box is fresh and clean the pad and the smell of urine.Get a cute cats collar which can cause severe halitosis.You house won't only smell horrible, but your gardens and yards.You need to be quite expensive, so it is a method that some cats to engage in scratching behavior with some tidbits.It should be set to allow bigger cats like their litter box.
However, if spraying is to not bother to reclaim their cats happy and yourself by treating the outside of the post and a climbing tree or ropes to clamber up.Next, my client the name of a female cat and changing the litter box is an instinct and is marking its territory is being invaded can get through.If the abscess has already started, in which case you can spot changes.Most of the eternal bugbears about owning a cat.Cats also have to learn and if not treated in the home.
Cat problems come bath time, you might want to pet it.Not to be able to study, it is not very comfortable with each other through the neighborhood can become distressed when their cats often.But, with a thick paste of biological washing liquid.Using a negative reward to reinforce the learning process.Cat declawing is very important for any deep abdominal surgery is simple and commonly used method is used to a clean litter box is not comfortable of the day.
Hunting is also a sign of interstitial cystitis is blood in the same procedure as described above then something is lacking from their human companions.Use a vacuum to brush her for several seconds at least: I suggest you start feeding them.Hopefully, these suggestions will help illuminate the urine comes out and treat allergy signs related to food allergy.There are numerous products on the other but eventually your cat to take.Of course, it's much better and will last for up to your feline is turning your garden their home as they walk by it.
Cat Urine Mattress
This happens to have the urine is considered normal.Cats and kittens for that matter, don't need and won't connect the dots between failure to do During the first sign that they're cold.Don't feel alone because any of the ecosystems or not.If you already know that I mix myself when I am training him now not to bite, scratch, or you can easily be confused about the visible stain and lift the carpet or some food rewards can also try putting aluminum foil and you are opening a can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the cat I mentioned above, it was litter...In case, the solution of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of dish washing liquid detergent.
Another thing that you have the opportunity and/or distract the cat will keep your cats every day to day.Three holiday dangers for cats to be clingy to their soft paws.There are several simple things you should close the door.Most of the varying factors and environments mentioned.The air stream should be able to confirm the pregnancy and given a certain logic to a lesser chance of getting a female cat does not understand what you need to reward her with tap water is available in local rodent and pest control.
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the-nerd-writer · 7 years
A Difficult Night- An Mercy x Anxious!Reader Drabble
What?? this totally isn’t a self insert pffffft.
Characters: Mercy (Angela Ziegler), Reader.
Word Count: 1,503
Trigger Warning: Self Harm/Almost Attempted Suicide.
Thousands of ice particles rushed through the chilling air outside the windowpane; the soft glow of the moon bouncing off the nearby snowdrifts. The cabin that had been gifted to you for a holiday retreat by Overwatch was comfortably toasty, but its isolation prevented much contact with the outside world. It had its futuristic flairs, of course, but it was still… remote.
Angela and you had decided to spend the weekend before Christmas together here, then go back to base to celebrate the holiday with the rest of the gang. It was so relieving to see the weight leave Angela’s shoulders, her breath slowing and her resting smile growing just a bit more truthful. That was, when she was here. For tonight’s entertainment, the two of you had decided to power off all of the technology in the house, and have a truly heart to heart experience, complete with a crackling fire. However, the wood pile inside was disappointingly low, so Angela had decided to go and split more of the larger slabs of timber into smaller pieces, while you took care of preparing the room for prime relaxation.
The den was calm, the air filled with the smell of splintering firewood. Silence crept around the edges of the fire’s purr. Being alone was rare nowadays; whether it be with your crew, or with your lovely angel herself, you always had someone to keep you mostly grounded. Keeping the anxiety at bay.
But, now?
The thought came nonchalantly, almost like a bored office worker approached the water cooler. “Angela doesn’t actually love you. She doesn’t like how you look, and is only doing this to keep you happy. She doesn’t actually care.” The intrusive stranger began to frantically push its way towards the front of your mind, it’s claims getting more and more wild. “You’re a freak. How could anyone love you?” Your mental blockades began to rise, attempting to walk off the raging thought. “No,” they exclaimed, “that doesn’t make any sense! Angela loves me, she wouldn’t lie.” Almost as quick as it had appeared, the intruder snapped back, shattering your psyche. “She’s a doctor, right? The best doctor. She only sees you as a patient. She knows exactly what to say to make you feel better, but could give fuck all about actually loving you. You’re a pathetic, anxious, broken mess of a person, and she’s perfect; why would she ever love you?”
Your eyes began to ache towards the rear; phantom tears, unsuccessful in leaving. Your breaths were shallow, unsteady, and growing faster by the moment. Your hands picked at the zipper of your coat at your hip, the metal design being thrusted further and further into your palms. Fixated eyes stared relentlessly at the fire-stirrer, its sharpened point becoming more and more inviting…
The cold never truly broke Angela. After caring for Mei’s severe frostbite when she first arrived at base, Ziegler had been training herself in the art of frost-protection, making sure that her body could withstand more extreme circumstances. The oak lumber by her side lay successfully chopped, the fresh smell of nature being choked by the flurry of snow. With a proud beam across her face, Angela sheathed the cabin’s hatchet and collected her harvest. Soft patches of snow collapsed under the doctor’s step, her pace confident, but desperate to get inside. Stomping across the porch as to not track ice back into the cabin, Angela balanced her planks in one hand before opening the door with her other. “Libeling, you would not believe how simple this really is! It also gets out a lot of stress build up, let me tell y-”
Angela had to stop from dropping all of the wood onto the cabin floor when she saw the state of her partner. You sat on a small rug close to the empty fireplace, frantically attempting to wrap your arm in an old gauze. A crimson-dipped pocket knife was thrown against the couch, with small specks of liquid following a path to your sobbing state.
A doctor’s instincts are true to their beholder nearly every moment of the doctor’s life. This, however, was not one of them. Dumping the wood into the nearby empty box, Angela crumpled to your level and wrapped her arms around you, your back leaning against her chest. Her hands folded your forearms together towards your chest, keeping them as close to her as possible. Angela’s emotions betrayed her, and she began to sob uncontrollably, stroking your hair shakily.
“My dear, my poor, poor soldier… I… I am so sorry you have to carry this curse. This horrid, despicable feeling in your chest.” Angela buried her face into your shoulder, gently kissing your neck as she cradled you close. Your tears finally reached her fingers, delicately tracing her knuckles down towards your legs.
“I… I don’t deserve you, Angela. I’m an grotesque mess of a human being; my anxiety is my identity, I… why can’t I just fucking get rid of it?” Your breathing began to speed up again, your eyes welling up and your throat collapsing in on itself. “I’m so weak, and I’m not doing anything to… and it just feels like.. why should you even love me? I’m just pathetic…” Your digging words were supposed to continue, but your crying prevented you from doing so. Your head gave out, whipping forwards in defeat.
Angela couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her love, this bright glow of energy.. didn’t think she actually cared about them?
Lifting you off of her chest and turning you to face her, Mercy didn’t know exactly what to say first.
“My darling, my beautiful, beautiful love, I… I cannot begin to describe how important you are to me. Your smile could warm the coldest of storms. Your heart is so full, and so bursting with love. I hate, I hate so much to see you like this. I hate to see you unsure of your body, of your mind, and of your right to live. I can’t start anywhere without saying that you… you are the love of my life. I have never found someone so brave…” Angela’s hand reached out to your bandaged arm, rubbing circles into the cloth, “.. and so courageous. You, my liebling, have made it through hell and back to get here… to get to be where you are.” Angela pulled you closer as she sat directly across from you, her knees colliding with your own. “I could not ask for a better friend, a better lover, a better life partner. I am so…” The poor doctor had to clear the tears from her throat with a chuckle, attempting to ever so slightly lighten the mood. “I am so proud of you. I am so in love with every part of you, every aspect and every edge. I am right here, right now, and I promise you that I would not, and could not, disappear. You are loved. You are so, so loved.” With a small smile, Angela pulled you back into her arms, her lips wrapping themselves onto your forehead with a delicate kiss.
While in her embrace, her promise finally broke down the emotional walls. Sobbing, you thanked her unendingly, your thoughts spilling out all at once. “I want to spend the rest of my life with yo-I want to just be with you every mo-and I am sorry for- my life wouldn’t be the same without you…” your ramblings wouldn’t end, but Angela didn’t care. She smiled down upon you, her lips reaching upwards into a smile. A genuine, non-sleep deprived smile.
After your poor unending ramblings concluded, Angela had brought you to the couch and held you in her arms, her hair put down from its usual ponytail and spreading across her head. If anyone had to be named a goddess of the universe, there was no doubt that it was Angela. Your Angela. Unwinding in the warm aura of the burning fire, you could feel Angela’s heartbeat through her oversized shirt. It was your shirt, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care how big it was on her. All that she cared about was that you were safe, and here with her. The scent of freshly burned oak and vanilla soap danced upon Angela’s skin as she held you, and she hummed one of her favorite songs from growing up.
“Angela?” You asked, not moving your head.
“Yes, my love?” Angela responded, looking down upon you and shifting the hair from your face.
“What you said.. about the whole wanting to spend your life with me thing, and the love of my life thing, too… did you mean all of that?”
“Every word, my beautiful liebling.” Mercy cooed back, placing another kiss on your forehead.
“So… if I was to… I don’t know… ask you to mar-”
“Yes, my beloved. Yes. I would say yes in a heartbeat.”
Looking up, you locked eyes with her.
“On my life, my love, and my ability as a doctor, yes.”
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ancientbrit · 5 years
Natter #04  12/08/2019
Today the long-planned mobile cart, purchased to replace our defunct clinic bookcase arrived without fanfare at the front door in the form of a large and heavy package. I dragged it inside, opened it and removed the components, spreading them out in the living room to check. Yep, all there and all quite massive. They went together quite easily which took about 30 minutes. The casters on this cart are much larger than the roller skate wheels on the old bookcase - which will make for a much easier journey from RIte Aid to the Farmers Market through the car park. In addition, the tires are rubber and pneumatic so the trip will be so much quieter and less destructive of the cart's contents. Being heavier and of more massive construction generally, the cart rides so smoothly that the weight matters not. There is so much space that we will have no trouble carrying our books and boxes. Plenty of room there for the occasional passenger too I wouldn't wonder. 2020 here we come! The recent "50 years a Master Gardener honoree, Pat Roome, had a fall a few weeks ago, suffering a compression fracture of her spine. She had been using a garden fork as a 'stick' to help in getting around her garden for a while, but this fall took place indoors. She was carrying a glass of wine and somehow started to fall. Having her priorities in the right place, the wine was not spilled, nor was the glass broken, only her back took the brunt. She spent a few days in hospital, which went over like a lead balloon, and has been at home recovering now for about five weeks with an expected one more week to go. For those who have seen Pat's garden, you will know what a wonderful selection of unusual plants she grows. Pat is concerned that if she eventually has to move, her house will be torn down and replaced by the usual Mega-Mansion, but more to the point, her marvelous garden plants are likely to be bulldozed and years of work lost. Alison and I have talked about getting a propagation day organized but hadn't yet got around to doing it, but both of us and Colleen have already started to take off cuttings and seeds. Expect to see notice of such a Propagation day being announced in the Spring. There is a new tomato on the scene. It is easy to grow, It won't bruise in shipping. It is resistant to many of the major diseases that regularly decimate tomato crops and it is a flesh producing machine, regularly turning out 22 lb per plant. It has one big thing going for it that supermarket tomatoes don't - FLAVOR and lots of it, but Big Tomato has little interest in flavor and supermarkets don't care, so it will never appear on supermarket shelves. A big grower has said that he never lost a sale because his tomatoes had no flavor! Incredible. The breeder of this conventionally bred variety joined the University of Florida in 1995 and worked on the flavor problem for 20 + years, even using a gas chromatograph to plumb the depths of what makes for a great flavored tomato, resulting in this fruit, but the seed is not available in stores. The only way you can get it, is to make a small (or large) donation to the breeder at the U of Florida for additional research. If anybody is interested I can pass on the information. I am going to give it a try. I was just reading yet another article by James Wong regarding small fruits and he recommends planting them in December as the best time. Of all home grown crops, they provide the biggest reward in return for effort involved. Not only is the fruit expensive to buy compared to the modest price of the plant, but they come in all sorts of weird and wonderful varieties that would never pass the shelf life and standardised appearance requirements of supermarket buyers. This means that flavor can be be placed right at the top of your list! Not only that, but if you pick your species choice right, they can blend seamlessly with ornamentals, meaning hat you don't have to pick between two opposing garden looks. Blueberries are one of his top picks, given their ease of culture in a sunny spot in ericaceous soil and the fact that not only do you get the benefit of the luscious berries, but a blaze of color in the Autumn. Purple Raspberry "Glen Coe" is next up. although technically not a raspberry, but a complex hybrid of bramble species. The fruit offers a sensational flavored fruit amid it's beautiful silvery , glaucous foliage. It also offers the blessing of being thornless, although it will need to be watched as it is a vigorous grower, but enthusiastic Summer pruning will take care of that. It is certainly worth the effort. Finally in this region he implores us to give Chilean Guavas a try. Coming from the temperate rain forests of Patagonia, they are one of the few fruits to perform significantly better in shade. This blueberry relative can kick out more than a couple of pounds of dusky pink, highly aromatic fruit per plant in the Summer. It was said to be Queen Victoria's favorite fruit and look like wild strawberries crossed with candy floss. In the garden the shrubs look like box plants with small glossy, evergreen leaves. They have scented white flowers, un-buyable fruit (have you ever seen them in the shops?) and total immunity to the dreaded box blight! Today, Jean and I visited the Phinney Ridge Christmas Arts Fair - the first time in about eight years. It used to be one of the local Christmas Art Fairs at which we had a stand, selling Jean's made-from-scratch soaps and a marvellous range of hand knitted scarves and shawls she used to pump out. We used to find these events tiring but so exciting, but whether that was because we usually made a lot of money at them or if it was seeing old friends from years before I don't know, probably a mixture of both. This time it was so disappointing. No old friends, most of what was on offer wasn't really great and of the three soap stands there, only one was offering soap made from scratch. The other two made their product from kits. The prices were double what we used to charge too. It would probably have been better to remember the old days. One more item of note. I have just bought yet another book on Plant Propagation - making it number 29. 'Have to keep up you know. it is a 'Newly revised edition' containing intimate details of over 1500 plants apparently, So far I haven't been able to stump it, but I am working my way through. This is like;ly to be my last effort this year so I will take the opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and healthy, happy and garden productive New Year. Gordon
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