#i don’t know how to deal woth it
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oddinary4bts · 2 years ago
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evie-doesnt-write · 19 days ago
I have pretty concrete headcanons for the other Winchesters but Mary eludes me…. The thing about her, I think, is her feelings and ideas of romance, love and sexuality are tied with her relationship with her father and hunting (s5 retcon my biggest enemy). She loved John in juxtaposition with Samuel, loving the ways in which he was different from him, the way a relationship with him promised a different life than the one she had. Even her relationship with Ketch is tied to her relationship with the BMOL through which she hopes she can give Sam and Dean a life without hunting. It’s just interesting that Mary doesn’t form a proper relationship with any of the other women, which is ofc a product of SPN’s structures (thinking about how her relationship with even her own mother is underdeveloped and irrelevant), but also in particular a ‘Mary’ thing, at one point even given chance to interact with Jody but ending the episode with both women not connecting……
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purpelflurpel · 2 years ago
How to stop idealizing and falling in love with ppl whose personalities don’t exist the same way you’ve created in your mind?
Better yet, how to stop being disappointed when they don’t end up being who you’ve decided they are?
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year ago
grian/mumbo/xisuma (implied polyhermits?), hurt/comfort, implied/vague gender dysphoria tw
mumbo knew it was coming. he knew from the way his skin was breaking out, and the way he felt light headed even while sat down, and the way every little thing was making him want to cry or become violently angry… his period was coming.
it didn’t come as often as most people’s and was quite irregular, but he was fit as a fiddle with very little stress day to day with a server full of loved ones willing to help with any stresses that may come his way. so, he was fine, right?
no. not at all. he could tell just from the early symptoms this would be bad. he’d blown up at several people for small mistakes or poorly worded jokes, both highly emotional from his hormones but also cranky because he could barely stomach food with how bad his cramps were getting.
so, to avoid hurting the ones he loved, he looked himself away in his vault in hopes of coping with his next days of misery all alone.
xisuma was immediately made aware of the incidents which has led to mumbo hiding himself away. none of the hermits were particularly upset with mumbo, they knew he was just in a bad mood (although no one knew why.) so, when mumbo didn’t leave his vault for more than a day, xisuma decided he’d has enough time to cool down and probably needed some support.
as he landed on the bridge by mumbo’s vault, grian came fluttering over to give his boyfriend and tight hug. “Hello, my love. are you here to check on mumbo?”
“Yes, would you like to join me?” Xisuma held Grian’s hands as the shorter nodded, then began leading him towards the vault.
A few knocks at the vault door were met woth silence, leading to Xisuma and Grian looking around for a few minutes before finding the button to unlock Mumbo’s vault door. They entered with ease, and would have been laughing at the slime blocks that had launched them if not for the state of mumbo’s vault.
it was totally dark, with his bed pushed deep into the corner as he layed there and sobbed. every mirror was covered, one by his suit jacket and a few others by blankets. everything was disheveled, some chests still open with clothes and books strewn around the floor. grian quickly pulled out a lantern and gripped xisuma’s hand tight as they walked towards the lump under mumbo’s blankets.
they quickly recognised the sobs to be mumbo’s and immediately jumped into action. grian placed down the lamp and began to clean mumbo’s floor. sure, he hated organising his own things but he’d happily help mumbo with anything (even cleaning.) meanwhile, xisuma began to gently rub mumbo’s arm from over the blanket, beginning to soothe the sobs coming from their sensitive boyfriend.
eventually, mumbo sniffled hard and poked his head out from under the blankets. “im sorry…” he immediately said, upon seeing both his boyfriends.
“mumbo, why are you sorry?” xisuma asked, cautiously bringing his hand up to stroke mumbo’s hair which he immediately leaned into.
“i’m sorry you guys had to come, you didn’t need to.. i was just gonna deal with this on my own, and i didn’t want anyone to see me like this.”
“Mumbo, you don’t have to deal with anything on your own ever! we aren’t ever gonna judge you or see you differently just because of this… you do know that, don’t you?” Grian came closer and took mumbo’s hand gently.
the three stayed close for a while, xisuma and grian holding mumbo close as he finally calmed down.
when he was calm enough, mumbo was able to get himself showered and into fresh pyjamas, despite the struggle to have to see himself like that. xisuma changed mumbo’s bedding and got him some extra pillows and plushies while grian made him some snacks, some water and strength potions. healing potions never usually helped with periods, as your body wasn’t damaged but extra strength did make the pain easier to cope with.
of course, once mumbo was truly feeling better they’d have to have a nice long talk about how he didn’t need to isolate himself and that the hermits were happy to support him through anything. and he had a few small apologies to the hermits he’d had a go at a few days earlier.
It's hard to think of anything when you're miserable and in pain. Grian and X may not have first-hand experience, but they can tell just by looking at Mumbo. Even with two extra bodies, it's hard to get through the worst of it.
Mumbo will want to be touched and cuddled. And then he doesn't want anyone even brushing against his skin whatsoever. He'll be absolutely ravenous for sugar and carbs and then feel sick and bloated.
It feels like one extreme to the next. But, with another day or so of hot water bottles, potions and experimenting with food, Mumbo can say he's past the worst of it. The idea of wearing anything tight fitting still makes him want to cry, but he's not confined to a single room anymore.
Grian and X are mostly concerned about Mumbo going through that every month (and the other hermits that menstruate) but Mumbo assures them it isn't usually like that! That was just a particularly bad one and he was stubborn and didn't think to do anything to lessen it-
Mumbo gets a kiss to shut him up. Time to get out the calender and start planning.
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roguephenon · 20 days ago
I notice you add certain references to your work like that one separate fic of yours that’s basically a way to recruit dudes into my little pony or that Blair Witch Project reference (speaking of that…did you ever have a set ending to that one? Because I always wondered how they were going to resolve that possessed Rainbow Monkey situation Omg) and I just wanted to know, what other media inspired your writing in general? Reading about the inner child thing in Cold Reception also made me remember about that theme in the book the little prince which was to never lose that child like wonder and I was just curious if you’ve also encountered media woth similar themes? Have a good rest of your day!
I’m happy you noticed! KND was one of the first shows as a kid that helped me understand continuity, even a loose one. So I always like to reference things from other works as bonuses, even if it’s only for me sometimes.
Ah The Rainbow Witch Project!! Back before I learned project management lol. That was a fun one, and yes, I do believe I had an ending in mind. At least the outline of one. I’d have to go look in my old folders to know for certain. The whole gang was involved, but it was supposed to be more Nigel-Abby focused as the narrative went on to explore their relationship more.
As for other media that inspires my writing: Sonic the Hedgehog is probably the biggest one! (Maybe you’ve noticed lol.) Sonic is very important and personal to me. Probably even more than Kids Next Door, believe it or not. There’s a lot of themes I’ve learned from the franchise, freedom, self-determination, and fighting oppression being the big ones.
Sonic is one of the two reasons Cold Reception is even finished.
I’ve extensively read Maya Angelou and similar authors in her sphere of influence. Yaa Gyasi also comes to mind as well. Those are two authors that popped into my mind for the answer for this.
Also I’m sure if I sat down, I can list media I’ve consumed about inner child and not losing that whimsy (The Little Prince is one tho, I love that!) But overall, a lot of my philosophy on one’s inner child comes from what I know about developmental psychology and a concept known as “inner child work” in dealing with and healing from childhood trauma.
I’ll try and make a note to make an actual list of media later, please feel free to ask again if I don’t do it lol. And thank you, I hope the rest of your day goes well too!
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carmenberzattosgf · 9 months ago
*unpopular opinion alert*
Tbh I think Carmy is 🚶‍♀️don’t get me wrong here I don’t love Claire bc I think her character is just kinda messy? Like girl you’ve known him since he was a kid you should be well aware how emotionally stunted he is 😭 it really annoyed me how much she took him away from the restaurant in season two even though she knew he needed to be there! Like he owns the place!
While Carmy was an idiot when he said what he did in the freezer, it was all true. It would have been a lot healthier if he idk… said his feelings about juggling the relationship and the restaurant to Claire like weeks beforehand, but he didn’t. Probably because he didn’t realize how much the relationship was affecting him until he literally got locked in a freezer because he got distracted by a text from Claire instead of calling the fridge guy. I love Carmy so much but he can be a little brat sometimes and only spoke his feelings when he had to deal with the consequences of his own actions.
I think Carmy really does like her, maybe even loves her! But he chose the restaurant over her in that moment because he knew he couldn’t be the best if he was distracted by a relationship that would drain him as much as Claire. Fak is getting involved bc he wants carmy to be able to have both her and the restaurant, but fak doesn’t get it.
TLDR: Carmy is lowkey emotionally immature and doesn’t know how to express feelings and juggle his life with the restaurant. Fak is meddling like fak does 💀
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depressedhatakekakashi · 1 year ago
Sorry to bother you on New Year's Eve, but I saw the post about n*rusaku and I wanted to talk about a specific person and yes, she is a trash person who has several accounts on various social media, including two here on Tumbler that I know maybe even more , but to be clear she doesn't ship n*rusaku/s*sukarin/s*kuino she ships nar*sasu she makes her life hate/hares people who ship s*susaku and sakura fans, she was one of the people who was harassing the author of that ss novel and saying that she deserved to be harassed for writing sasuke being kind to sakura ,she loves to spam ns/sk IA arts in other couples tags and cross tag anti content in general,She especially likes to use nar*saku/sak*ino to pretend that she cares about Sakura but she has said several times that she despises Sakura and that she should have died a miserable death,nar*saku fandom unfortunately has some toxic people but this specific one is not one of them
Urge, even worse when you have people pretending to like a ship just to bash on one of the people/other ships
I’m sorry Narus*ku fandom has to deal woth that. The ship has its potentials and i don’t see why people get so much joy out of hating on things instead of just loving what they love
And harrassing people is never ok. Like i know Kun likes and reblogs things that are anti hinata/is very vocal about loving sasusaku but who tf cares? Is she actually hurting anyone? No? Leave her alone then no one deserves to be harrassed or face death threats
Jun is a good writer she just wrote one book people loath because how DARE Sasuke actually show love for his cannon wife? I don’t even like the ship but damn i’d rather see Jun show a loving, mutual relationship over that gaiden shit where everyone believes Sasuke would be a cheater.
Hate the ship all you want, Family is way too important to Sasuke for him to cheat. He would divorce before cheating
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carlottawllms · 1 year ago
Hello she is back🤭🩷
Before you’d actually met Ben, all you’d known was how he was constantly pictured as a womaniser, someone who wouldn’t pass up the opportunity of a quick shag and whatever situationship came his way. WE DONT LIKE THIS BEN😒
With Mason, that had never been much of a problem. He had thick skin and a good support system and most of the stuff he’d never read anyway and even if it made you a little angry, knowing it didn't faze him, helped. MY MAN🤭🤭🤭
When you’d gotten together about a year ago, you’d quickly realised that the picture the media had painted of him, was not true in the slightest. Ben wasn’t a womaniser who shagged every woman he came across. He was quite the opposite. OH POOR BOY
You’d seen it in his eyes in that moment; the expectation of you running off and leaving him like some others had before you, but instead, you’d kissed him softly and pulled him into a hug, telling him it was alright. OMG BABY🥺 YOU KNOW THAT I WAS THINKING ABOUT A CONCEPT ABOUT THIS WOTH MASON? 🤭
Lately however, Ben had pulled away completely. Not emotionally, but physically.
The situation with Chelsea had taken a toll on him and kept weighing him down, especially now that, more often than not, he was put on the bench or forced to play in a position that didn’t come naturally to him. His performances were meh, clearly below the expectations of the fans and therefore miles away from what he expected of himself. OH WE DONT LIKE THIS
And that’s how he’d unintentionally put you both on a sex ban. CHILLWEL😒
More often than not, you kissed him goodnight and went to bed alone, only for him to crawl under the covers hours later like a dead man and fall asleep without even pulling you into his arms. THAT'S MEAN BEN
And whilst you could deal with a lot of things, a constantly stroppy boyfriend wasn’t one of those. GO GIRL
“Okay, that’s enough.”, you sighed quietly. Placing the spatula to the side as the dinner had to wait for a little while, you made your way upstairs to prepare something, that had been crossing your mind a couple of times those last few days.OHHHH WHATTTT
Whilst letting him mull about the result downstairs, you were quick in getting the bedroom ready. From the way he was so trapped in his own head, you knew he’d probably not take too well to you jumping his bones straight away, so you’d come up with this plan of a little massage and seeing where that would lead. OHHHHHHHH🤭
“Good.”, you smiled, feeling the way he squeezed your hands. “Then give me a little kiss and take your shirt and joggers off before lying down on your front for me.” YAYYYYYYY
A surprised grunt flew past his lips when you all but flopped down on his back, face hiding away in his neck for a few seconds as you simply enjoyed his proximity, but it wasn’t long until you sat back up and reached for the oil you’d placed on the nightstand. THAT'S SWEET
“Mhmm.”, he hummed, nodding his head as best as he could. “Very much.” CUTIE
“Keep going.”, he whispered; his voice slightly hoarse and laced with the emotions running through him. He could feel your touch everywhere, tingles rushing down his spine with every inch you covered, and it wasn’t long that he felt your lips brushing his jaw. OHHHHHHHH SCREAMINGGGG
Ben leaned in and pressed a rather heavy kiss to your lips. His hand finding your waist and pushing underneath your shirt to caress your soft skin almost immediately and as you were so swept up in the moment, it didn’t take you long to deepen the kiss a little more. MELTING
However, when you moved your leg over his thighs and arched into his side a little more, fingers trailing over his collarbone, you felt him getting a little rigid. It was as if the brain fog had eventually cleared a little and made him notice the direction you were heading in. BENJAMIN RELAXXXXX
“I don’t know, I just…Oh fuck.” YES YOU KNOW
“Okay.”, he rasped, eyes squeezed shut as you kept palming him over his boxers and after a few more seconds you could feel him surrendering to the pleasure and relaxing into the mattress. “It feels so fucking good.” YAYYYY
“Do you want more, Benji?” A small proud smirk playing at your lips at the way he nodded like a madman, almost giving himself whiplash. “Yeah? You do?” SHE IS A TEASEEEE
“Sorry, I couldn’t hold it anymore.”, he mumbled embarrassed. He didn’t think he’d ever cum this quickly before. “I just…I don’t even know. I really wanted your mouth, but I was so close already, I think it would’ve killed me.”🥵🥵🥵
“Stop that.”, he whined. “It makes me want to go again.” GO THEN
“I missed it, too, baby.”, he breathed. “Won’t ever go this long without fucking you, I promise.” WELL, GOOD JOB Y/N, YOU WON GIRL🤭🤭🤭
Oh I missed these 🤭🤭
Honestly I appreciate it so much that you take the time to react to all the tiny bits and then leave a message at the end 🩷
I’m really glad you enjoyed it!! Thank you my love 🩷🩷
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enniewritesathing · 2 years ago
I just looked at the poll result (that button was for me really) and uhm.
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(i guess spoilers for the result under the cut and also cut to spare yall w/e I’m gonna say)
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out of 20 (it was 20 bc i voted, but it’s 19... rounding it up is easier because i can’t do math woth shit lol)
no one voted for any of my early stuff. which, valid I guess because I was absolutely horrendous on formatting it -- not even ‘script’ style. lots of blanks in between shots. the only reason I didn’t go back an edit it is because I guess I wanted to keep it as a progress thing. Started from here, now I’m here, etc. That said, I can probably see someone skipping over them completely bc of that. (or maybe I’m just projecting a little bit idk). On the other hand, idk John fighting a literal demon?? how can you not vote for that lol
5 voted for The Werewolf 4 for The Incident (which I am surprised because that story as a whole has the least amount of notes... granted the CWs and subject matter(s)-- and it’s the only story I have that doesn’t have any sort of dialogue. Kind of a fill in the blank sort of deal. 1 each for the proposal and country side, 2 for multiple/other, 4 haven’t read any/or didnt like anything in particular, and 2 (minus me) wanted to see results.
I’m trying to think of a takeway here. I was shocked that I got 19 votes and usually when I poll things, the turn out is very low for the amount of followers that I have (that’s if they did it bc obviously anyone can vote). Let me put it this way, only 2.5% voted. (I think.) idk how many are actually active, lurking, or abandoned.
as a story teller (on/off), it’s... hm. I don’t know what to feel about it. I got ideas and half the time, I go through with it because I think it’s interesting. (that and putting the boys in A Situation is fun). but I also think they’re just niche (or I should say it’s not aesthetic enough with reshade and whathaveyou and I gave my thoughts in the post via tags; it’s not that far back).
It’s pretty rare i get a message about any of it and I guess the lack of feedback/comments is getting to me (or even rarer, an ask that’s a follow up question to what i posted). like yes, I want to talk about things!! future things! speculation even. anon’s on! links have the posts in chronological order! everything’s finished! i put nav links in each story post so in the off chance someone rb’s it, you can start from the beginning!
maybe it’s because of how i do things that work for me. parts are long. there’s a fair amount of reading. it’s in script (storyboard?) format. i’ve tried being short with things but it never plays out. i even went textless once -- what you see is what you get. it’s like ‘oh, i’m not reading all of that’. i have a sneaking suspicion that’s why. it’s too long. no words on pics. or maybe it’s not interesting. (visually or otherwise)
it feels like this when I’m RBing my own work
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it feels bad, yall!! it’s like im begging and that sucks. sometimes I ask, why do I bother. why do I bother with tags, why do i bother with anything. rarely a story post will leave here. like, is it not worthy of like ‘hey check out this cool thing’ (or a rec list of sort? does anyone still do that?)
. . .
on the other hand, i don’t think there’s a takeaway here and i’m really way too much into this and hurt my own feelings. (ofc 🙄) it is what it is and I should just let this go and go to sleep it’s 330 in the morning
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candyscorns · 2 years ago
I just hate being alive and hate being me and hate being gay and bate being fat and hate being here and hate. I just hate. I hate everything because everything is stupid to me. And i just wanna die because i have being alive because there’s no point. Because i compare myself to everyone around me even still. I am 19 and i compare myself to wveryone around me. Because why do i look the way that i do. It dorsnt make any fucking sense. Shy can i not starve myself shen it was so easy for me a year ago. Why can i not cut myself when i could do it so effortlessly a year ago. Whh do i have to drink. Whhy can i noy just go. Everytime i drink i justs tell the sky let this night br my last. I just hate beinv here. I hate everything so mucb especially mysef. I just wanna cut my body into shreda and get every ounce of everything physival i hate and throw it in acid or something i just wanna die. Nobody cares about me and thats okay because thats the way that i want it. I dont want anyone to care abt me because the. I can lill myself and no one would give it a second thought. Like i genuinely dont care that no one cares abt me it makes me hPpy in a sense to think about the fact that they dont. I canre for so many people so deeply and webn i kill myself I’ll take that care with me people always say to the grabe I’ll tale ig to the grave and the warm pits of hell woth me. Im so thankful to everyone ive met on my journey in this shitty life. Weveryone that wamde it just a little bit better and a little bit brighter. Everyone that i didsapinged sith my stipid fucking actions. Everyone ghat i let down. Im so grayefull to have crossed paths with them and i h will always have the utmost love and respeect for them abd wish them nothing but the absolute best in theis crueld shitty world. I just hate me and i hate being here and i hate comparing myselfy still after all these years because thats the main toof of everything is this stupid fucking comparison that i have foing on. If i looked like her or her then I wouldn’t fucking complain. I don’t complain. Not outwardly. I couldn’t do that. Not in the way that i am right nowz . I just wanna be skinny and idc if thats at the expense of my health or happiness i just wanna be skinny and weightless and skin and bone. And because of how i rat i know that can’t happen and so i just choose to settle for deathz. Suicide. It seems so stupid with me being 19 but its just how i feek. I just hate being alive because i have so much stupid shit to deal with that i would just rather not and nobody cares so it makes it so easy for me to gove yp. And for some stupid none xistsent reason i make a concioys decision everyday to live. And i dread every mombet of it so I chose to ignore the fact that i chose to live and do what i can to pretend that I didn’t make that decision. Ive been saying that I’ve been living through me for them lately but if im being homest. I’m sabotaging myself by staying here. Why an i still here. Why have i not killed myself yet. They don’t care about me. And thats okay. I’m not mad at them about that. I cant ve mad at then. They cared for a long time they cared. They showed me loge and gave me strength when i was ay some of my lowest points. They encouraged me and gave me hope. They were the sun in my storm. They did what they didn’t even have to and i will be forever grateful to thwm for that. But i choose to beliebe that it got to a point where the shit that i was choosing to dos to myself that was hatmful and or detrimental took an effect on them and thats okayz. That thye felt like they had to prioritize them and do wahts whas good for them by forgetting me. I asked them to anyways. All of then i asked them to just stop worrying and caring about me. And i think they finally saw me the way thT i see me. I just wnana. Die u wasont wanna be bere anymore i really dont. I just hate here. And i hat emd its all just do sstuoid. And i just eanna go. And i just wnana bee okasy but no. Instead i stay here miserables aafstuck for no reason.
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freshie-owo · 2 months ago
This might be a bit of an odd question, but I’m doing my monthly reread of piece by piece and I was checking out your other works and saw that you have an a/b/o tanzen work!
(I’ve yet to read it, but when I finish PBP I will!)
This made me wonder, do you ever think you’d do a similar fanfic to PBP but with A/B/O setting? If so, what do you think that would be like? Especially if Zenitsu is estranged and thought dead, I imagine assimilating into a pack that’s very well established would be extremely hard, I feel like Tengen would most definitely be an Alpha and would assume his son would have been too, (and just basing this off the fact in your a/b/o fic Zenitsu is an omega) do you think he’d struggle with having an Omega son instead? Zenitsu probably would once he realizes who his father is and what his father is. I also imagine at least one of the wives would be an alpha but — that’s just me personally.
This is just kinda me rambling and theorizing — so I really hope you don’t mind that, but I can’t imagine how the wives/especially tengen, would be like when they’re slammed with 16 years of parental instincts all at once and all they can think is “pup pup pup pup is back” and Zenitsu struggling to accept that while also relishing in that. That and them being faced with the fact that another person raised their pup, even if it was only for about two years.
But yeah! I was just curious, found the potential idea interesting and I’m really not saying “write this” just curious on your opinion since you have The Zenitsu fanfic and I find your characterization of him to be the literal best I’ve ever seen.
I hope you’re doing well<3 and while there’s no pressure at all bc I want you to take your time and love every writing you make, I’m super excited for the next update of PBP!!!!
Firstly: MONTHLY re-read???? Omg I'm so flattered that you've been reading the fic that much 😭😭 even though I haven't been updating, knowing this stuff motivates me and encourages me to keep writing!
And honestly, I'd never actually thought about an a/b/o version of PBP (which is funny to me because I have abo fic ideas on the brain pretty much all the time lol).
I totally agree with you that zenitsu assimilating into the pack would be tough. He for sure would have a complex about it, since the only "pack" he would've been in would be woth Kaigaku and Gramps, and lets be real, it's mostly just pack with Gramps since Kaigaku doesn't want anything to do with poor bby Zen.
I also think Tengen and the wives would (mostly Tengen and Suma, I think) try to make the joining of the pack instantaneous and like Zenitsu belongs there, when of course it would not be even close to that simple! Which would probably make Zenitsu more uncomfortable and feel even more like he doesn't belong in their pack :(
And Tengen would assume his son would be an alpha. That would he left-over from what he learned from his father, I think, and not something he would have shaken by the time Zenitsu was born.
What I'm torn between, however, is how Tengen would deal with that in direct relation to his wives' dynamics.
On one hand, I feel like the wives would be omegas because if the three wives are so Tengen can have many kids, it would make sense for his father to secure him partners that would be more fertile, etc. Etc.
OR, I think they would be betas/alphas, because they're trained shinobi, and Tengen's family seems to me like they wouldn't want to be associated with families that let omegas be trained/want Tengen to be involved with omegas because they're "weak."
Either way, I think that yes, Tengen would struggle because of the bias instilled in him about alpha sons. Zenitsu would just find it to be one more thing he's "lacking" that makes him more unlike Tengen. And in an a/b/o-verse, I think Zenitsu would view Tengen as a shitty chauvinist alpha, and believe, regardless of knowing Tengen’s bias or not, that he is a disappointment because he's not an alpha.
As for Tengen, Hina, Makio, and Suma, I imagine your description of how they'd get hit with the paternal instincts to be spot on. I think Tengen would be very territorial over his position as Zenitsu's dad and pack leader, and be jealous of gramps who is those things in Zenitsu's eyes. But I do think all four of them would still be so grateful to gramps deep down for taking care of their pup.
This was a LOT of fun to think about and I got so excited reading this ask and all of your ideas! I probably won't ever write a full-blown a/b/o version, because I do have other fics planned for the PBP-verse including a different rewrite 👀 but I love tossing around headcanons and stuff like this so thank you for this ask!
I'm so glad you enjoy the fic so much and my characterization of them 💕 I'm gonna be rewatching the anime soon to get back in the groove and work on the remaining chapters cause I want to brush up on their characters lol. I want to make sure the last few chapters are consistent with the old chapters!
But seriously thank you so so much for all your kind words they really do keep me motivated and make me want to write more of the fic!!
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naranciiiasolos · 1 year ago
pretend i don’t know who you are (& to some extent i still don’t bc there’s still so much i have to learn) but how would you introduce yourself. that is, who are you? what’s your deal man
hai my name is sofia and im just a silly little blogger who doesnt know what their doing. but im a pretty chill person. i talk a lot sometimes i shut up when i feel like ive said too much. im chill. i sometimes have fire fits. they basic but they fire. i like music i love music i love discovering new music. i also like finding people woth the same mysic taste as me like cause then its like woah we listen to the same thing. are we like music soulmates or something. i like cats i take photos of cats all the time. i like it when other people send me pictures of cats. i also like snails, snails are so cute.
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just-absolutely-super · 1 year ago
(Different anon) (continuing the Hikari Pirates & Chaud teamup)
Chaud: so, the plan is simple, once this ship gets close enough, the captain will examine the ship, they tend to trust pirate ships. Once that happens, the ship will slow down for you to engage in Parley, trade goods & other necessities you may need. Thats when Blues & I will swiftly place the seastone handcuffs on him & any other devil fruit users.
Mayl: sounds methodical.
Roll: using the Pirate Code to your advantage, thats underhanded, i like it!
Protoman: there are a few contingies in place should a battle actually take place, since both ships will be close in proximity, the Devil Fruit user's teleporting ability will want to trigger, but they only ever have 1 ship, so we figured it can't teleport more than one.
Lan: right, i'm gonna check in on Glyde.
*Lan walks over to Glyde*
Lan: Glyde, how close are we to that ship?
Glyde: very close, i raised our flag to show we mean no harm.
Lan: good. *notices something* hey, their ship is slowing down.
The Hikari ship gets close enough, and sees the ship Chaud was persuing. Both Lan & Glyde's blood runs cold.
Hub walks out, and sees the ship in question, also having a scared look on his face
Lan&Hub: the Regal Pirates!
Glyde: they're notorious, they create artifical Devil Fruit known to enhance the powers of other Devil Fruits, the Dark Fruit itself is infamous for corrupting even the noblest of Pirates & Marines alike. Even if the person in question wasn't a devil fruit user, eating a Dark Fruit would be akin to 3-7 years woth of body training excersizes in just the second of eating it
Hub *thinking*: no wonder Chaud & Blues wanted help dealing with them
(A/n: basing the "Dark Fruit" on the Dark Chips from NT Warrior & Battle Network)
This prompt is making me try and establish more lore lmao
Some backstory: Tadashi and Wily were both part of the Navy as Vice Admirals, but after a falling out Wily turned to piracy
During his voyage he fathers Regal and, much later after he becomes an Emperor of the seas, adopts Baryl
Regal goes off on his own voyage and later in his adult years becomes a Warlord, where he used his ties to the government to do some shady shit
Obtained the Dark-Dark Fruit even though that shit was supposed to be locked up in Davy Jones’ locker but of course people would find it!
The Dark-Dark Fruit in the OP universe is mostly associated with the endless void and not really evilness, but somehow Regal was able to use his darkness abilities to add to faux and artificial DFs, making them more powerful than the real things but it takes a toll on the user, succumbing them to madness and eventual death
After a turning point in the story Regal will leave his Warlord position to obtain title of Emperor
Yes he is essentially the Blackbeard of the story
Lan: You didn’t tell us we’d be dealing with Regal!
Chaud: Regal isn’t on that ship. It’s some of his men we’re dealing with
Lan: Even then, this is dangerous! Not just for my crew but for your position too! He’s still a Warlord isn’t he? You can’t just attack and arrest his men unprovoked, even if they are pirates!
Chaud: The Navy may be “allies” with Regal, but what he and his henchmen are doing is illegal. Just arresting some of his crew isn’t a direct attack on him if I catch them in the act. So don’t act like you’re worried
Lan: I’m worried because this operation could get us involved in some shit we’re not prepared for! I don’t like this!
Mega: Lan, let’s help them
Lan: Are you for real?
Mega: You know what they’re doing is wrong. A lot of people have gotten hurt because of this. I think adventuring on the seas would be a lot safer if we put those guys behind bars!
Lan: I know you’re right but…
Mega: Aren’t you the one always telling me things will be alright? Where’s your confidence Captain?
Lan: …Alright, we’ll do it! Anyone here have objections?
The crew: …
Lan: What? Scared?
Dex: No, no we’re all on board, it’s just…
Yai: For once you were the worrywart and hesitater while Hub was the encourager!
Guts: It’s the sign of a storm coming, guts!
Lan: Seriously? You guys are too superstitious!
Chaud: It’s either a storm or you two are imposters…
Lan: No one asked you!
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lushkitten1989 · 7 years ago
I just realized August is almost here and it’s like a countdown has started.
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fnaf-imagines · 2 years ago
could i request some headcanons of the glamrocks woth an s/o whos just small and sensitive? Like emotions wise?
I shall try my best anon!!! Honestly though, imagining them with such a small an sensitive s/o is kind of cute 🥺👉👈
Glamrock Freddy:
Super worried papa bear but x1000
He’d be constantly worried about them and check up on them every few minutes.
If anything, he doesn’t even like being away from them for too long since he’s worried that they’ll start panicking while he’s not there which will lead to them getting hurt
But, if he has to go somewhere without them then he might at the very least give them a Fazwatch, that way he can still talk to them just to make sure nothing bad happened.
He’s super observant when it comes to emotions too. If it even LOOKS like they’re about to start tearing up and crying then he’ll instantly take them away from whatever is stressing them out and go somewhere much more quiet and comfortable for them
He’d be the most supportive too, he might try and help them practice being alone and being more brave so he wouldn’t have to worry about them too much!
Glamrock Chica:
Very concerned but tries to remain optimistic
I imagine Glamrock Chica is the overly optimistic type where anyone negative could be happening and she’d still try to remain happy and as joyful as ever.
She’s like the complete opposite of her s/o and it shows too with how quiet they are when standing next to her.
She’s hyper and cheerful, thus she’s super loud as she’s rambling about the amazing party she performed earlier, meanwhile I imagine her s/o simply sits there in silence and listens to every word she says, smiling as they do so
She rambles so much that in all honesty listening to her tends to help calm her s/o down. They’re too busy listening to her story to really focus on their surroundings and panic about the smallest things
She might not even notice how quiet they are either, but she wouldn’t care!! She’d just be happy that her s/o is okay and doing good
Probably leans more towards being a teaser than a supportive partner
Don’t get me wrong, if anyone ELSE decided to pick on them then Monty would growl and throw a fit, threatening them to never ever talk to his s/o like that ever again or else...
BUT, when HE’S the one doing the teasing he can’t help but smirk and laugh at how his s/o reacts. He thinks its funny and amusing, but he wouldn’t go too far
In the end he’d still let them know he was simply joking around and didn’t mean any of it to heart
Of course, sometimes instead of teasing them altogether he might just try to make them laugh by telling a joke or pulling a funny little prank on someone.
He’d do so just to help them ease up and relax a little so they weren’t so tense and focused on all the noise and whatnot
If anyone made them uncomfortable then he’d definitely remove that person from the pizza plex altogether
He doesn’t care if HE gets yelled at, he’d just want his s/o to be safe and okay
Roxanne Wolf:
Overprotective to the core but she constantly tries to play it off as nothing
Roxy has an image to keep up! She has to remain cool and everyone’s favorite
But if her partner was being picked on and hassled then she’d throw away her WHOLE reputation just to make sure they were okay
She’s easily jealous in the first place, add that to the fact that her s/o is sensitive and is a target for being picked on by other rude and idiotic people and it doesn’t mix too well
She doesn’t want to seem overbearing though so in all honesty she might stay back and simply watch her s/o from afar, just to make sure they’re okay while also not getting caught following them around.
It works for the most part but as soon as she sees someone walking up to her s/o she’s instantly running over at super speed and growling and snarling while glaring at them. It doesn’t matter to her if she’s overreacting or if the person was simply asking for directions.
She makes a big deal out of it only because she knows how uncomfortable her s/o can easily get and she wants to prevent that from happening if she can
As soon as the person is gone Roxy is instantly calmed back down and back to her usual self, however you might see her blush while she asks if they’re okay
If anything, Roxy might even teach her s/o how to stick up for themselves and fight back if they have to. Its something that helps Roxy feel at ease knowing that she doesn’t have to worry too much if her partner already knows how to handle themselves
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cartmankisser · 3 years ago
Hiii! Would it be ok to request fluff alphabet with Butters please?
sorry this took so long it got lost in my drafts!!!!!
A ctivities - “What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?”
butters likes to relax at home because that’s the safest thing he can do without risking getting grounded. playing board games, watching cheesy movies or sitcoms, etc
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
how understanding you are. you don’t get mad at him for the tiny mistakes he makes like his parents and cartman do. it makes him a lot calmer when your around
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc?
he’s very sweet. he makes sure your safe first, but after that he can comfort hoi however you prefer. you need someone to vent to? he’s got it! you wanna cuddle? he’s got it!!!!!
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
very cheesy romance like one out of a movie or something. he wants to stay in the puppy love phase forever, even if it’s unrealistic
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
he’s passive at default just from dealing with classmates like cartman, so he gets excited if you let him be more dominant.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
he’s the most forgiving and understanding person in south park. he’ll be mad for a little while, but it never lasts long.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
he’s so grateful that you came into his life and treated him nicely when everyone just messes with him and takes advantage of him. he likes having someone who’ll have his back and defend him no matter what
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
he tells you everything!! he giggles like a school girl when he tells you things he’s not supposed to. like secrets he overheard or scheme that cartman is planning
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
he’s more open and comfortable standing up for himself. he stops changing himself to fit in woth mean people
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
butters doesn’t really get jealous unless someone is actively flirting to you. however professor chaos get jealous easily and will quickly come up with a plan to get back at whoever he’s upset with.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
he likes quick pecks but anything else gets him nervous so it’s best to kiss him alone when he’s comfortable. he’s not a good kisser when it comes to making out. even if he gets the hang of it, he’s still awkward and doesn’t know what to do with the rest of his body
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
i think he would do it over the phone. he thinks it’s too scary to tell you to your face, so he’ll do it on a call so he can still hear your voice and reaction to him.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
again he’s still pretty cheesy so don’t expect anything elegant from him until he’s older. he’s maybe proposed to you when you guys are still young because he thinks that means you guys are serious with the relationship. it’s still cute though!!
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
he doesn’t use them too often, but when he does it’s really cute because he turns red and gets giddy whenever he calls you “babe” or “baby”
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
it’s painfully obvious. even if he thinks he’s being discreet about his crush it’s still easy to tell by the way he picks little flowers he finds and gives them to you.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he gets a little nervous with pda i front of others because he thinks he’ll get ripped kn because of it, but you just have to comfort him a little and it gives him the confidence to hug and kiss you in public
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
he’s open to anything really. you wanna watch a movie he’s never seen? okay!! want to teach him a new board game? he’s down!!!
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
he gets really sappy at times and it’s really cute. he likes to do cliche things he sees in movies if he thinks you’ll like it. like kissing your hand or delivering flowers to your door!!
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their? Do they believe in them?
he’ll support you as long as he thinks you won’t get hurt or in trouble
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
he likes to stick to normal stuff in relationship, but like u said before, he’s pretty open, he just usually isn’t the one to bring up trying something new.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
he’s too empathetic. that obvious considering he’s still friends with people like cartman. that being said he’s never truly angry at you and it really trusting with you
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he has no problem ditching his “friends” at school for you, even if he gets picked on for it. they’re assholes anyways
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
he likes to go on walks with you and try to find animals like deer and or look for pretty rocks
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
yes!!! but only in private! he gets nervous i front of others sometimes, but he likes when you give him kisses on his cheek
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
he would risk anything just to stay with the one person who is consistently nice to him. the one person who it’s two faced and using him
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