#i don’t her to ever go back to being kara danvers
karaspal · 4 months
kara in the current continuity doesn’t really have a secret identity anymore. like, she is working as kara zor-el, she probably signed her rent papers with “kara zor-el” etc. BUT. she also most definitely didn’t disclose she was going by kara danvers at one point. you know, because it would be dangerous for the few people she got close to during rebirth. so by now i’m pretty sure the missing case of kara danvers has gone cold. the people she went to high school with think she is most likely dead. one of them made a tiktok talking about her that blew up. “a girl in my class didn’t come to school one day and we haven’t seen her since. this is her story.” for all we know, there might even be a true crime episode dedicated to the disappearance of kara danvers. i’m sure she is flattered. the neighbours probably still occasionally bring eliza and jeremiah diner once in a while. “i’m sorry this happened to your daughter. she was such a bright kid.”, “we know, it’s just… so sad, man. *supergirl flies over them* just so so sad.” afterwards, they invited kara to eat the food together. they also tell her they should just fake her death at this point. she doesn’t want to. it’s just about the funniest thing that has ever happened to her (of course she tells her friends what really happened. she doesn’t let them be turmoiled by her “death” for too long.)
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anyway, i think next time she has an ongoing she should team up with a detective buddy of her who got hired to investigate the strange disappearance of kara danvers. he doesn’t know supergirl went by “kara danvers” at one point. “hey, kara, isn’t it strange you both have the same first name?”, “what can i say, who doesn’t like the name kara?”. they investigate together for a while, because it’s just so funny to kara. but in the end she tells her friend and they finally fake kara danvers’ death.
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fazedlight · 10 months
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“KARA!” Lena screamed. I killed her, Lena grieved.
She didn’t have time to linger as Eve attacked her again, Lena throwing one last punch before she found herself scrambling out of her jet. The explosion killed her, Lena’s mind shouted, thrashing in agony, a litany of damnation that she should never have brought Kara to Kaznia in the first place. It’s all my fault.
But to her astonishment, in the dark, a figure shifted ahead - blonde and burning and bright, and Lena thought for half a second to run back for the fire extinguisher, that Kara might be saved.
But as the figure turned, somehow unaffected by the flames that adorned her like a god, Lena halted. Kara looked concerned, confused. But she didn’t look injured.
Lena’s eyes drifted lower, to the bright S now etched on Kara’s chest, solid blue emerging amidst her burnt clothing. “Kara…”
“Lena,” Kara breathed, reluctance written on her face.
Lena hesitated a moment longer, before taking step after careful step, approaching the reporter as the embers continued to burn across her body. Lena’s hand drifted to the top of the suit’s crest, just below Kara’s neck, where yellow met red. Oh.
It was too much - the whiplash of the explosion, thinking that Lena had carelessly killed her best friend, to realizing that the reporter had once thrown that’s not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family back in her face.
Kara Danvers was her best friend. Did she ever really exist?
“Lena…” Kara whispered again.
Lena dropped her hand, her eyes raised to Kara’s, looking her over again. “Don’t,” she said. Without another word, Lena turned on her heel, and went back to her jet.
The flight back from Kaznia was longer alone.
Plenty of time for Lena to fume and grieve, for her to rage internally at weathering yet another deceit. Kara Danvers - or whatever the hell she was really called - had used her, betrayed her, spied on her. 
Somewhere in the back of Lena’s mind, there was a different acknowledgment - that her glide ratio in her custom-designed jet was good, but not good enough to reach the Kaznian runway when the engines had failed. That her assumption at the time that mountain updrafts had saved her ran contrary to the now-more-obvious explanation - that the kryptonian had saved her from aviation incidents three times now. 
Lena looked out the side of the window, where dawn was slowly rising. She desperately needed sleep, but was too wired from watching her best friend be blown up - and then revealed to be a traitor - and sleep was just… not going to happen. 
Lena could swear that she was seeing glints of red and blue, just behind her plane, a kryptonian possibly trying to stay out of sight while still being protective. It was infuriating.
It’s not Kara, Lena’s mind begged, trying to convince herself that the dead kryptonian was the clone she had learned about in Kaznia. It can’t be Kara.
It was with overwhelming horror that Lena watched the footage of Kaznia’s failed invasion, her brother parading around a dead kryptonian in his lexosuit arms, the supposed traitor Supergirl. 
He was a hero. For killing her. It can't be Kara. It can’t it can’t it can’t-
Trying to still her trembling fingers, Lena picked up her phone, trying to figure out what to text, what to say, anything to get a response from the kryptonian that she had shut out. Operating out of instinct more than logic, she pressed Kara’s name to start a call instead, holding it up to her ear, her stomach twisting with nausea.
But luckily, it only took one ring before Lena heard a familiar voice on the other end. “Lena,” Kara said softly
Lena pulled the phone away, and hung up.
There was no other choice in her mind. Not when Lex had regained legitimacy in the eyes of the country by “saving” it from Supergirl’s attack. Not when Lex sought to commit a secret genocide to solve the energy crisis and be named a hero. Not when Lena was the only person who would know where Lex would go.
Not when all Lena could see was Lex cradling Red Daughter in his arms.
The image was burned into her mind, and all Lena knew was that Kara was next - Lex would not rest until every kryptonian was gone. And Kara would be too kind and noble to seek anything but legal justice. But that wasn’t Lena - it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kill Morgan Edge, it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kidnap her mother from prison and poison her, it wasn’t Lena when she tucked her gun in her belt that morning.
A single bullet to the head, and Lex was gone.
Kara’s door opened just a few seconds before Lena reached it. Lena supposed Kara could hear her down the hall.
Lena ignored the shock and concern on Kara’s face as she stepped inside, making her way to Kara’s window as Kara closed the door. Truth was, she still couldn’t face Kara at all.
“I’m sorry, Lena,” Kara started. “I tried to save-”
“Don’t,” Lena said.
Kara grew quiet, flanking Lena’s side, joining her as Lena stared out onto the streets below. Lena shifted. “I thought she was you,” Lena said. “When Lex killed her, I thought she was you.”
She could feel Kara shrink, uncertain of what to say, of how to move forward. And maybe Lena didn’t know either. But she could try. If… “Is Kara real?” Lena asked, her voice cracking. “Or just a mask?”
“I’m real,” Kara whispered, prompting Lena to finally turn. And Lena couldn’t help herself, seeking the warmth of Kara’s arms, the kryptonian all too happy to wrap Lena in a tight hug as Lena stepped into it. “I… sometimes I feel more real with you than anyone else.”
Lena swallowed harshly, burying her face into Kara’s shoulder, holding back a tremble. “I want to believe you.”
“I’ll spend a lifetime trying to prove it,” Kara whispered. “If you’ll let me.”
Lena took a slow, trembling breath. “Okay.”
Idea taken from a tweet I saw floating around. If you're interested in a longer season 4 reveal, I also wrote No One and Nothing.
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tortillamastersblog · 5 months
♕ No Matter What - Part 2 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: Working as Lena’s bodyguard turns out to be more boring than anticipated. Yes, there have been several attempts on her life right before you were hired, but since then… nothing.
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It’s been three weeks and the only words spoken between Lena and I since I started have been anything but personal.
I get to her apartment in the morning to accompany her to the office, then sit around outside her office, sharing light conversations with Jess every now and then before following her into a high end restaurant for lunch where she meets her best friend Kara Danvers, or some business partners.
After lunch it’s back to the office until dinner, which she usually orders in.
It’s only in the late hours of the night that she finally decides to go home. I obviously accompany her all the way until she’s at her front door where she bids me a polite goodnight before shutting the door in my face.
The next day is the same, and so is the one after that. It’s like clockwork. Until it’s not.
I’m running exceptionally late today because the electricity in my apartment building shorted out in the middle of the night, effectively resetting my alarm clock and deleting the alarm I set for this morning.
In a haste I pulled on some clothes, brushed my teeth and fixed my hair, leaving no time for breakfast.
I rushed out of the door and downstairs, struggling with the lock of my bike for a second before jumping on and pedaling as though my life depended on it.
Now, fifteen minutes late, sweaty and breathing heavily, I get to Lena’s apartment building. I rush inside and shove my bike into the janitors closet, ignoring Ann’s laugh behind the reception desk.
I’m just about to call for the elevator when it dings and the doors open to reveal an annoyed looking Lena Luthor.
“You’re late,” she states, moving to brush past me, but then she notices the state I’m in. “Why do you look like that? Did you run here or something?”
I wipe a droplet of sweat off my forehead and grimace. “I biked, actually…” The unimpressed raise of an eyebrow I receive has me quickly adding, “But that’s not important. I’m so sorry for being late, Ms. Luthor. It won’t happen again.”
Lena’s eyes rake over me once more, only this time she seems more curious than scrutinizing.
“It better not,” she quips and for a moment I can’t believe that she’s actually joking.
I follow her outside and open the backdoor of the waiting car. She slips inside and I follow after her, signaling for the driver to go once we’re both buckled in.
The ride is uneventful, so is the trek from the car to her office. However when she stops in front of Jess’s desk instead of walking into her office, I almost run into her.
‘Ms. Luthor, what—?”
“Jess,” Lena says, ignoring my surprised exclaim. “Could you please grab Y/N a new shirt from the lab storage room? Something a little less sweaty?”.
Oh my God…
If I died right now I honestly wouldn’t care. Anything would be better than this.
Jess hurries off immediately, leaving Lena and I to our own devices.
I don’t dare to meet her eyes, but then she laughs softly and I look up to find her smiling at me.
It’s the first ever genuine smile she’s directing at me and it makes my stomach flip.
“Don’t be embarrassed. It just shows that you actually care about your job,” she says and it’s almost enough to assuage my embarrassment if it weren’t for my stomach growling the next second.
Please, just kill me.
Instead of making a big deal out of it, Lena just crosses her arms with an amused smile and says, “How about some breakfast?”
I’m about to decline, but then my stomach growls again and I agree with a shy nod. “Yes, please.”
We enter her office and she asks me to take a seat on the couch while she rearranges some of her meetings to accommodate for the turn of events.
“Ms. Luthor, you really don’t have to do this, I know you’re busy and—“
Lena raises her hand, effectively shutting me up. “Nonsenses. I want to do this. I want to get to know you better,” she hits return on her keyboard, presumably sending off an email to her staff entailing the details of the change of plans and gets up to join me on the couch.
I frown and bite my tongue to prevent myself from asking but why now?
She hasn’t made any effort to get to know me these last couple of weeks. What’s changed?
First the teasing earlier and now this impromptu breakfast.
“Fine,” I say, a little impatient but Lena doesn’t seem to notice, or she just doesn’t care. “What would you like to know? I feel like there’s hardly anything you don’t already know after reading my resume and the extensive background check your security team did on me.”
Lena’s eyes widen for a split second before she recomposes herself. She shifts in her seat and nervously straightens out her blouse. “Actually, I never took a look at any of that.”
My eyebrows shoot up. “What? But then who—?”
The question dies on the tip of my tongue when Lena meets my eyes with a sheepish smile. “Sam took care of everything.”
Ah, that explains why she hasn’t asked about the honorable discharge. She doesn’t know.
I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel relieved or offended. Relieved because it means I don’t have to talk about what happened, or offended because I know almost every little detail about her by now and she doesn’t even know where I worked before agreeing to this position.
For instance, I know that she’s an excellent chess player, she hates Salmon, she takes her coffee black, she doesn’t like tequila, and she’s not one to shy away from a glazed donut every now and then.
“I only really know your name,” Lena continues with a hint of regret in her voice, “which is a shame because you’ve proven yourself to be competent and discreet.”
The corner’s of my lips twitch involuntarily at that last part because I know she’s referring to the time last week I walked in on her doing a dorky victory dance when she managed to solve an equation on her whiteboard.
She’d gone pale when she realized I was there, but I just acknowledged her with a nod and set down the coffee she’d asked for before leaving the office again, not losing a word to anyone about what I’d witnessed.
“Well, alright then,” I say, the tension melting away. “Ask away.”
Lena perks up and clasps her hands together in her lap. “When’s your birthday?”
“November 12, 1990,” I reply easily. “Almost three years older than you.”
“You know my birthday?”
I shrug. “It was in Sam’s briefing on you.”
Lena looks surprised and slightly alarmed. “What else did she tell you?”
“Not much,” I admit with a small smile. “Just the basics like your birthday, where you went to school, and your favorite restaurants.”
Lena visibly relaxes and gets right back to questioning me. “Good, so what did you do before accepting this position? Sam briefly mentioned you were in the Army, but that’s about it.”
There it is. I don’t want to get into this too much, so I recite the answers I’ve been practicing ever since it occurred to me that she would want to know why I’m no longer serving. “I was, yes, but before Sam approached me about this job I was living off some savings and a the little money I made teaching self-defense classes.”
Savings… more like separation pay that followed my honorable discharge.
It’s so ironic that it’s called an honorable discharge when I feel like I was anything but that in the moment it counted the most.
“Really, that sounds interesting,” Lena says, bringing me back to reality. I’m glad she doesn’t ask any follow up questions, but then she continues and my stomach drops. “And what about siblings? A sister maybe? Or a brother? I’m sure you know all about my brother.”
She laughs self-deprecatingly, not realizing I’ve frozen in my seat.
“No. No siblings,” I croak which seems to get her attention. Her brows furrow in concern and she opens her mouth to say something, but in that moment Jess returns with a black shirt in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other.
I jump to my feet, glad about the interruption and take the shirt from Jess. “Thanks, Jess.”
“No worries,” she chimes, obviously not picking up on the vibe in the room. “Here you go, Ms. Luthor. Two French Toasts and a Pain au chocolat.”
Lena gets off the couch as well and takes the paper bag and it’s only then that I notice the sweet smell it’s emitting.
“I’m gonna go change.” I hold up the shirt for reference and don’t indulge Lena when she sends me a pitiful look. Of course she knows that something is up after the way I just reacted to her question.
I leave quickly and find a bathroom to change in. My shirt is no longer soaked in sweat, but I know it will start smelling over the course of the day, so I change into the new shirt.
It’s a bit small around my shoulders and strains around my arms but it’ll have to do. I exit the stall and splash some water on my face by the sink.
When I look up and meet my own eyes in the mirror I scoff.
The white L-Corp logo over my chest reminds me where I am and I banish any thoughts of Noah from my mind. I grab a paper towel and wipe my face before practicing an unbothered smile in the mirror.
After a couple of tries I manage one that even convinces myself and return to Lena’s office.
She’s taken the food out of the paper bag and placed it on some napkins on the coffee table. She’s also managed to organize some coffee which is steaming in two mugs next to the food.
“So, French toast, huh?” I say lightheartedly which causes Lena’s head to snap up.
She eyes me curiously for a second (her eyes momentarily darting to where the shirt is cutting into my biceps) but when she can’t find any traces of my emotional turmoil she takes a seat on the couch and reaches for her coffee.
“Yes, it’s from my favorite breakfast place down the block. I hope you like it.” She sounds just the tiniest bit self conscious which makes me melt a little on the inside, so I take a seat next to her and pick up one of the sugary treats.
I take a bite and hum in delight. “This is great!” I take another bite before swallowing the first and groan. “Wow. I can’t remember the last time I ate something like this.”
When I look up Lena’s watching me over the rim of her mug, hiding a satisfied smile. The awkwardness and tension from ealier has vanished completely and for the first time I think I catch a glimpse of the friend Sam has described Lena to be.
She is a cutthroat business woman, yes, but it seems underneath the tough exterior she’s just like everyone else, proud when the food she got to pick is to someone’s liking.
I take another bite, and another, and another until the French toast is gone and the only traces of its previous existence are the powdered sugar on my hands and the maple syrup around my lips.
I wipe my hands on a spare napkin and take a sip of coffee before getting rid of the maple syrup with the same napkin.
Lena’s only on her second bite when I look her way, but I honestly couldn’t care less about how I just inhaled that treat. I was starving and like I said, it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten something as good as this.
“So,” Lena starts, gracefully setting down her half-eaten toast, “How’d you meet Sam?”
I laugh and sit back, trying not to eye the Pain au chocolat too obviously. “We grew up together. She was living down the block and when her mom kicked her out when she got pregnant we took her in.”
Lena’s eyes widen. “Really? She never told me about that.“ She ponders over the new information for a moment while my eyes dart back and forth between her and the Pain au chocolat. “So that’s why she’s so protective of you.”
I don’t know what exactly she referring to, but I know what she’s talking about. Sam’s always been like that, defending me whenever she deemed it necessary while I’ve always been there for her and Ruby.
“I guess,” I say with a chuckle. “She’s like a sister to me.”
Lena smiles at that, her eyes twinkling with something I can’t quite place as she leans forward to pick up her toast again. “I can see that,” she says, taking a bite. When my eyes drop to the Pain au chocolat once again she notices and smirks.
“Go ahead,” she mumbles around her mouthful of food, gesturing at the pastry with a jut of her chin. “Take it.”
I beam and reach for it, ready to devour it in a few large bites, but then I think better of it. I pick it up and rip it in half as best as I can, taking one half while putting the other back on the napkin and sliding it in front of Lena.
“There, now it’s fair.”
Lena’s eyes widen slightly and she swallows thickly before taking a big sip of coffee to hide tinge of red that’s made its way to her cheeks.
Maybe this year won’t be so bad after all.
Welp. This story is shaping up to be longer than anticipated…
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pippytmi · 1 year
spy!au + meet messy + you never saw me ? If not that's fine, I just thought it would be cool. :)
spy!au + meet messy + you never saw me 
“So on a scale of 1-10, how much do we hate the fiancée?”
A wry laugh escapes before Kara can even try to quell it, and she briefly removes the unlit cigarette from her mouth to muse, “You know, I've heard a saying that goes ‘never judge a book by its cover.’ Fascinating stuff, I might have to send it to you.”
“Ugh. Journalists—so idealistic.” But Nia is grinning as she snags the barstool at Kara's right. “Where is the elusive Lena Luthor anyway? Do we finally get to meet her?”
Kara shrugs. “Beats me,” she says. “Last I heard, she was running late.”
“Late to her own engagement party? Finally, someone I can get along with,” Nia says. Before Kara can even get a word in, Nia's attention is immediately stolen by the bartender coming over. “Hey M’gann, can I get an amaretto sour?”
“Sure thing,” M’gann says absentmindedly, her gaze otherwise zeroing in firmly on Kara. “Danvers, you better not smoke in my bar.”
“I won't,” Kara swears, raising both hands in a show of innocence, and M'gann rolls her eyes.
“Journalists,” she echoes Nia's earlier sentiment, but with an entirely exasperated deeper meaning. “I'm putting Nia's drink on your tab.”
“Well in that case…” Nia twists around, already waving her hand as if to beckon someone over. “Make it two, Kara's buying a drink for the bride to be. Alex! Don't—I know you can see me, come here.”
For as much as Alex stressed the importance of everyone showing up tonight, she doesn't seem very…well, happy. And while Alex is not typically one to gush, Kara had expected at least a smidgen of joy on her sister's face, not the harried expression she's currently sporting.
“What?” Alex asks, eyes them both suspiciously while fidgeting as if she’d rather be anywhere else.
“Um, hello to you too,” Nia says. “Clearly, you need this. Where's your soon-to-be better half?”
Alex accepts the drink when Nia presses it in her hand but frowns, however slight, at the question. “She's—on her way,” she says, pausing to take a sip from her glass before her gaze falls on her sister. “Oh, gross, Kara. Since when do you smoke?”
“I don’t!” Kara pouts, feeling like a broken record. “Can’t I be edgy and have a cigarette to look cool?”
“That’s the most pretentious thing I’ve ever heard you say,” Nia says, delighted, while Alex just groans.
“Come on, Kara, not tonight. Just be normal for once in your life,” Alex sighs, already distractedly glancing back to the front door like she is willing her fiancée to just walk through any second.
“You guys don’t understand the intricacies of being a method actor,” Kara argues, waving her cigarette in the air to make her point. (And also, because it is kind of awkward to keep it in her mouth without doing anything with it, not that she’ll admit that). But it’s clear she only has half the audience she had a second ago; Alex is half a world away the second her phone starts to ring.
“I’ll be back,” Alex says, handing off her glass to Nia who is more than happy to finish it.
Kara dejectedly puts the cigarette back in her mouth. “I just realized something.”
“I don’t actually know how to smoke. What if someone expects me to, like, smoke with them?”
Nia presses a fingertip to her chin and  ponders the question seriously. “Either you're screwed, or they will just think you're a dork. The reaction will depend on the person, really.”
Kara's shoulders slump. “So I won't be cool?”
“Journalists generally aren't cool,” Nia unhelpfully offers. “But I'm sure you could make it work for you. You'd be like…one of those grizzly story-seeking sleuth journalists.”
Kara groans, thumping her forehead on the bartop. “That seems more like a private investigator thing,” she says. “Darn it. I'm going to have to start from scratch.”
“I'm all in favor of quitting method acting for one night,” M'gann chimes in, still eyeing Kara's cigarette distastefully. “Now do you need a refill or are you going to fall asleep here?”
“Yeah, sure,” Kara says, lifting her head in order to sheepishly push her emptied club soda over. “Pour me a double.”
That joke never lands—M'gann just rolls her eyes and refills the glass, wiping her hands off before moving down to another patron. Nia scoots her stool closer to Kara once she's gone to reassuringly say,
“I like the pretentious cigarette. It makes you look like a hipster…they’re coming back into fashion, you know. Just like leg warmers.”
Kara wrinkles her nose. “I don’t think anyone really liked leg warmers.”
“That’s how I know you were unfashionable in high school,” Nia says. Then, apparently already bored with the topic at hand, she turns around in search of their former company. “Hey, where did Alex go? I haven’t even bought her a round of shots yet!”
“That’s a good question,” Kara says thoughtfully. “Maybe Lena showed up?” But when she swivels her chair to aid Nia’s search, she can't spot her sister either; considering Al’s Bar is a hole in the wall with not many patrons, that can only mean Alex has stepped out. “I'll go find her.”
All things considered, the night is pleasant—when Kara emerges without her jacket, the air isn't quite cool enough to make her go back in to retrieve it. She walks around the corner to the alley where everyone goes to smoke, but Alex isn’t there. Alex is also not in the 7-11 across the street, nor is she two doors down at the diner. (Kara orders a donut to go just to be 100% sure Alex won’t emerge from somewhere inside, of course, like a diligent sister).
Eventually, her pointless search leads her right back to Al’s. Nia has apparently had enough alcohol to drag Kelly to dance; Winn and James have begun a spirited game of pool; Querl has commandeered the jukebox and is studiously adding 80’s dance music to the queue. Alex, however, is still notably missing.
With a groan, Kara collapses at the bar again. “Can I get a water, M’gann?”
“You got it,” M’gann says, filling a fresh glass from the tap. She moves on immediately after to another customer, and Kara’s question about whether M’gann has seen Alex dies before it even forms. Kara sighs, takes a much-needed sip of her water, and resolves to just melt into her stool when all of a sudden she hears:
“Is this seat taken?”
It should be noted that, in the past, Kara has encountered situations far worse than this one. Moments where her life was in danger, even. She likes to think she has mastered the ability to remain unfazed in the face of the worst surprises at this point of her career.
But then again…she’s never actually met her sister’s fiancée before. And in a truly horrific turn of events, Kara ends up spit-taking all over her shoes.
“Oh crap, I am so sorry,” Kara says, making a mad grab for napkins off the bar and crouching down to pat at Lena’s heels. “Are you—okay, can I get, er, anything—” She doesn't even know how to apologize at this point, so tongue-tied she is just about to offer her own shoes off her feet.
Lena Luthor doesn't answer right away. She takes a delicate step down, and her hand covers Kara's in order to make her pause. When Kara musters the nerve to cautiously meet her eye, Lena gives her a small smile.
“It's fine.” Lena looks much more <i>vivid</i> than the photographs. Everything about her is sharp; the angles of her jaw, the eyeliner she wears, the intensity of her green eyes when they're trained on Kara. Even her voice edges on the sharper side, not quite cold but almost. “Kara, right? I recognize you from Alex's pictures.”
Kara barely remembers to nod. “Yes, I…recognize you too,” she says. “It's nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Lena draws her hand away immediately after, and Kara hastily rises up in order to put some space between them.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Kara asks quickly. “M'gann makes a great…sour.” She cannot for the life of her remember what it is that Nia ordered, and from the strange look on Lena’s face, she has 100% gotten the name wrong. “I don’t really drink.”
Somehow, that awkward confession makes Lena’s face twist, like she is trying not to smile. “Alex mentioned you’re sober,” she says. “I hope it’s alright, that she did.”
“No, yeah, it’s not a secret,” Kara says, but in her mind she’s thinking Alex and Lena talk about her? About what? Hopefully not embarrassing stuff. Shoot, knowing Alex, it’s 100% embarrassing stuff. “And I wouldn’t expect you to have any secrets with Alex either way, so.”
“Right.” Lena takes a careful seat besides Kara, her expression since gone entirely blank. She orders a scotch, Kara sticks to water, and they immediately maintain an awkward silence that M'gann raises a judgmental eyebrow at Kara for.
Kara clears her throat, desperate for any attempt of making nice she can muster. “So have you seen Alex?” she says.
“Today?” Lena has her glass raised to her lips, but she doesn't drink. “Not yet.”
“Oh. Well, I'm sure she's around here somewhere,” Kara says, and tries not to find it weird that Lena and Alex did not see each other at all today despite apparently living together.
This time Lena takes a long, thoughtful sip of her drink, and she turns her head to regard Kara silently. “Kara,” she says, as if testing the name all-too-carefully, practiced and halting like she wants to call Kara literally anything else. “Would it be a fair assessment to assume you don't like me?”
Kara’s grip on her glass falters in a single blink-or-miss-it second before she manages to control her surprise. “What?” she says weakly. “I know we don’t know each other, but, if Alex likes you of course I like you.” Flustered, she backtracks to say, “I mean Alex loves you. Obviously.”
Lena doesn’t put Kara out of her misery. At least, not right away. No, she just smooths out the imaginary wrinkles of her form-fitting dress that she has chosen to wear to this dive bar, drums her fingertips against the sticky wood of the bar counter, and gazes pensively beyond her company in a way that can only be described as lost. Then,
“I’m sorry. That wasn’t meant to be an accusation,” Lena says. “What I meant is, I'm sure you must despise the idea of me.” An attempt at a smile crosses Lena’s lips, but it’s a sad one. “Today was mostly about putting your mind at ease over any misconceptions you might have.”
“Well, I’ve only known about you for like a week, but I can honestly say I have zero thoughts about you,” Kara says quickly. Then frowns. “Wait. That was supposed to sound reassuring. Can I start over?”
The engagement ring on Lena’s finger shimmers even in the poor lighting, and she rests her cheek against her palm, gazing at Kara with a curious, half-amused kind of look in her eyes. “The floor’s yours.”
“I’m not the kind of person who assumes the worst about other people,” Kara says, reaching for her water again, if only to tip it towards Lena reassuringly before taking a quick sip. “And if you make Alex happy, then I can only assume you’re a good person. Also, you might be a saint to even put up with her.”
Lena’s mouth twists into a proper smile, however small. “The way you two talk about each other is so…” She shakes her head as if she can’t quite finish that thought. “You two are clearly very close.”
“Unfortunately, yeah, I'm stuck with her,” Kara quips, and that at least feels normal—talking about Alex is a safe topic. Even if she hasn’t bothered to come back to her own engagement party. “Do you have any siblings?”
“A brother.” Any semblance of a smile vanishes entirely at that, and Lena hastily finishes the remainder of her drink.
Kara gets the feeling she has said something horribly wrong. “And are you two also…close?” she finishes her train of thought awkwardly, even if she already knows the answer.
“No.” The stony way Lena clenches her jaw suggests that Kara isn't winning any brownie points, here, and she has to bite her tongue to stop from pushing on. “Excuse me, can I get another?” Lena beckons M’gann over when she has a second, and M’gann gives Kara another questioning look but doesn’t say anything to her directly.
“I’m sorry,” Kara feels the need to say. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“Oddly enough, I believe you,” Lena muses. “You did mention your sister has hardly talked about me.”
“I'm sure she would've,” Kara tries to reassure her. “I just don't see her too much nowadays, with my work.”
“Mm. You’re a journalist, right?” Lena asks, and there is something in her gaze that makes Kara feel hot under the collar. “Or was it a kindergarten teacher? I know you and your sister have an affinity for switching careers.” Something about the calculated way she pauses to take a sip of her drink, gaze expectant over the rim, causes Kara's heart to plummet into her stomach.
Kara, in turn, promptly chokes on air. “What? You—you know? About—” She stops. “I’m not sure Alex was allowed to tell you that.”
“Not even if we're going to get married?” Slowly, Lena begins to smile. It's a real smile, one Kara hadn't realized Lena was capable of until now. “Your sister might be the most by-the-book person I've ever met. Unfortunately for her, I was able to connect the dots about you myself.”
“Ah.” Kara drums her fingertips against the bar counter, feels her cheeks warm slightly with embarrassment.
Lena places a hand on Kara's forearm—a warm, gentle heat Kara can feel through the thin sleeve of her T-shirt. “That was no fault of yours,” she says reassuringly. “She slipped up talking about your job. It was fairly easy to connect the dots.”
Somehow, that does nothing to dissolve the dread slowly building up in Kara’s chest. Alex never slips up. Kara is the resident Danvers sister fuck up (Alex’s words exactly), and all at once Alex’s disappearance tonight becomes decidedly unsettling.
“When did she tell you about my job?” Kara blurts out. “Do you remember?”
“Yesterday, I think,” Lena says, and she regards Kara questioningly. “She was telling me about everyone who was going to be here today and what your friends do for work. Why?”
“Was she working? Looking at her computer or her phone or anything?”
“Yes, that’s all she ever does.” But it’s odd, the way Lena says it, like she’s not bothered in the slightest.
It could be nothing. It probably is nothing. But Kara still scans the bar with a renewed vigor in search of that familiar scowl that she cannot find. “She was just here,” Kara mutters aloud. “She wouldn’t have left without telling someone.”
“Alex?” Lena watches Kara carefully, no doubt trying to decide what to say. “Has she not told you if she’s running late?”
“No, she was here already,” Kara says. “I don’t think she would have—” She shakes her head to herself, cursing inwardly. She can’t assume that Alex has been dragged away for a work reason. Maybe it has something to do with Alex getting cold feet. Either way, telling her sister’s fiancée that the woman she’s supposed to marry has abandoned her engagement party doesn’t seem like it would do Alex any favors. “I’m sure she’s just in the bathroom or something. Uh, I’m going to just…” She pulls out her cigarette in a poor cover and says, “Go outside, for a smoke break, if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” Lena says. Then, “Would it be alright if I joined you?”
If Nia knew that Kara’s stupid cigarette would have led to this moment, she would laugh her ass off. Repeatedly. Kara supposes it’s a small mercy that Nia is still dancing with Kelly, so she is spared of any and all jokes at her expense.
It’s not until they’re outside that Kara sheepishly confesses: “So full disclosure…I don’t actually smoke.”
Lena doesn't look particularly surprised at the fact. “It's an odd thing to lie about,” she says, and tilts her head, surveying Kara with a sharp look. “Oh,” she says afterward. “I’m sorry. Clearly, you lied to get away from me, and here I am following you around.”
Kara swallows. Hard. “It’s not that,” she says, even though it kind of is. 
“It's okay.” Another touch, this time gently to Kara’s shoulder. Lena has a strange, half-wistful look on her face. “Take your break. I’ll go inside…I should introduce myself to Alex’s friends and keep it convincing.”
That is such a peculiar way to phrase an otherwise normal statement, and Kara feels her brow furrow subconsciously. “What?”
But Lena has turned away by the time Kara even forms the word, and Kara watches, bewildered, as Lena takes two steps forward before immediately whirling back around. There is no other way to describe it, but—Lena has gone sickly pale in the moonlight, as if she’s seen a ghost. Before Kara can ask what’s wrong, Lena has hurriedly bridged the gap between them and grasped Kara’s face with cold, shaking hands.
“Can you turn around?” Lena asks quietly.
Kara does, but she knows her cheeks have gone hot and red by now, so unaccustomed to both the proximity and the specific person before her. “Lena, what’s—”
“I have something very urgent to ask you, and please don’t overthink it,” Lena rushes to say.
“Okay.” Kara tries not to fidget; she has had a gun held to her head several times before and yet, this is the most overwhelmed she has felt in years.
“Can I kiss you?” 
Kara blinks. “What?”
“Please,” Lena adds on, as if that makes the question any saner.
And maybe it’s the desperation in Lena’s voice, in her eyes, in the way she keeps on trembling, but Kara recognizes someone in danger. She doesn’t understand what on Earth is going on, but she slowly nods, and trusts that if Alex kicks her ass later it will be for a good cause.
(Kara is not, however, prepared for Lena to immediately kiss her like she’s starving, hands still tight against Kara’s cheeks, dragging Kara so close that Kara is essentially caging her against the wall). 
It feels like forever, but not in a bad way. Kara hasn't kissed someone in so long that she feels clumsy, almost like she is outside of her own skin, hands falling against the gravel of the bar’s outside walls in order to stop herself from grabbing at the inviting curves of Lena’s waist.
When Lena gently pushes her away, Kara hastily steps back, digging her fingernails into the palms of her hands to keep from doing something dangerous (like reaching back in). Lena looks as if she's calmed down enough at least; she blushes when she meets Kara’s eyes, glancing down at the floor for a brief moment.
“Thank you,” Lena says. “God, if I was recognized out here of all places Alex would have lost it.”
“Recognized?” Kara echoes. She follows the way Lena jerks her head to the right, where the shadow of a man is disappearing into the alleyway. “I…don't follow.”
“That man used to work for my brother,” Lena sighs. “I don’t know if he would have remembered my face, but better safe than sorry.”
Kara opens her mouth, pauses, and then shuts it when she realizes she has no clue what to say. Her phone buzzes in an all-too-welcome distraction, but her blood runs cold when she sees it’s from Alex.
Can you tell everyone the party’s cancelled? Lena’s sick. Also let the cat back in before the night’s over.
“Shit,” Kara involuntarily curses when she sees that familiar code phrase. Suddenly everything makes sense: the secrecy, the mysterious brother, the fact that Lena cannot be recognized in the streets outside of a dive bar used as a front for the average spy (or average drunk that security allows in for the cover). “Lena, are you in witness protection?”
Lena squints at Kara like she is the one dropping a bombshell. “Yes? Did you not know that?”
“No! What the—why would Alex bring you here?!” Kara frantically texts her insane sister back.
Is there a curfew?
The sooner the better. I’m at Dad’s house right now or else I would do it myself.
That next coded message makes Kara exhale, finally, to at least know Alex is safe. Something big must have happened if she is dragging Kara into this without so much as a briefing, sure, but Kara also knows that Alex would not have trusted her with anything less.
“Lena,” Kara says, “can I ask you something urgent now?” She pauses when she immediately remembers the firm pressure of Lena’s lips, and quickly adds, “It doesn’t involve kissing.”
“Fair enough,” Lena says, enough amusement coloring her tone that Kara briefly flushes all over again.
“Can you trust me to get you home tonight?” Kara doesn’t wait for an answer before she goes on: “I know you don’t know me. But you know Alex. And I swear on my life, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for Alex, and by extension that means there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
Lena nods along with every word slowly. “You take your job very seriously.”
“I do,” Kara says firmly. (And, hopefully, comfortingly).
“Then I trust you, Kara Danvers,” Lena says. “If that’s even your real name.”
And for a brief moment, Kara’s not a spy fighting a clock on a mission she knows nothing about; she is, instead, a normal person who is capable of seeing the humor of her almost-sister-in-law who definitely knows more than she has clearance for.
“It is,” Kara says—even deigns to smile before she can quell it. “By choice.”
“That sounds like there’s a story somewhere.”
“I’ll tell you all about it sometime,” Kara promises. “Maybe even tonight, if in exchange you tell me your real name.”
“Unfortunately, Lena Luthor is my real name,” Lena says. “Alex said it was fine to tell her friends, so, this party was her idea. She even came up with the marriage idea so when my last name is changed, no one will care.”
The cogs finally start turning in Kara’s head far slower than she cares to admit. “Hold on. So you and Alex aren’t actually engaged?”
Again, Lena stares at Kara like she’s grown two heads in the last thirty seconds. “No. You seriously didn’t know? I thought you were just being weird, Alex says you get really into your method-acting stuff.”
“No.” Strangely, the first thing Kara feels is relief; she doesn’t have to actually tell her sister that she kissed her future wife. The second thing is, quite reasonably, alarm. “Okay I don’t know what the hell is going on with your case, but you mentioned someone who used to work for your brother, right? How bad is the threat?”
Lena hesitates. “It’s…kind of a long story.”
“So really bad,” Kara fills in the blanks. “Crap. We need to go.” She quickly shrugs off her jacket and presses it into Lena’s hands. “Put this on. There are no cameras in this area, but we’re going to hit some when we get to the parking lot.” 
“Is everything okay?” Lena asks, though she hurriedly does as Kara says.
“I’m sure it is,” Kara tries to assure her. “But it’s just a precaution until we can reunite you with Alex and confirm.”
Lena doesn’t seem like she believes Kara entirely—or at least, the way her expression remains a fraction confused definitely indicates as much. But at the very least, she does not argue, though she does make a point to ask, “Where is Alex?”
“She just got tied up at work.” Kara leads the way to the parking lot, careful to hover at Lena’s side on the off chance any threat might  materialize. “I don’t know where your current safe house is or if it’s been compromised, so I’m going to take you somewhere else. Is that okay?”
“Not like I have any choice,” Lena says wearily. “So am I not allowed to know when everything’s gone to shit? Or will everyone just keep telling me it’s okay when it’s not?”
Kara swings open the passenger side of James’s car (he’ll forgive her for this later) and waits for Lena to sit down. Lena doesn’t. “It’s—complicated,” she says.
“How so?” Lena crosses her arms and still does not move. Kara is still holding onto the car door, inadvertently standing too close; she feels strangely helpless when Lena looks right at her with eyes dark and determined.
“Full disclosure,” Kara reluctantly admits, “I…have no clue what’s going on with your case. I’ve been in the dark and Alex can't exactly  share the details through a text, so, the truth is I have no idea if everything has gone to shit. I know that is the very last thing you want to hear since I’m supposed to be protecting you, but—”
“Actually,” Lena says, and her look has softened, “that makes me trust you.”
“Yes. I appreciate that you will tell me upfront you don't know,” Lena says. She sways slightly closer, enough that Kara stiffens, but it's only to duck into the car after all.
Kara shuts the door only after a very brief pause. This should not be as hard as it feels. For a week she has been associating the idea of Lena Luthor as her sister’s fiancée and it’s tough to wrap her head around the fact that the opposite is true.
(And it has absolutely nothing to do with how attractive Lena is. Or that kiss. For the record.)
The dashboard of James’s car reads 7:19 PM; his radio is playing a news station; the gas tank is half full. Kara makes note of everything and decides she will drive as far as she possibly can before it hits empty.
Lena is quiet, at first. And while there is nothing special about the bumper-to-bumper traffic or the hazy street lights or the clouded night sky, Lena keeps her gaze trained outwards, head resting against the tinted window.
But then, “My brother killed twenty people.”
Kara grips onto the wheel and tries not to outwardly react. She has, of course, always had a terrible poker face. “Oh.”
“It gets worse,” Lena says uneasily. “I designed the technology he used to kill them.”
There is no possible response Kara can imagine which might be appropriate. In the end she settles for: “That actually doesn’t seem like a long story after all.”
“I assumed Alex would have told you that, at least.” Lena begins to drum a pattern with her fingertips against the center console. “Do you think the worst of me now?”
“I guess that depends,” Kara says slowly, “on whether you designed that technology for the purpose of killing people.”
Lena gives a curt, kind of disbelieving half-laugh, half-scoff. “They were nanobots,” she says. “I was trying to use them to cure cancer. But my brother…well, he didn’t see half the potential I did.”
Kara casts a quick glance at Lena, finds her staring straight ahead with a stony expression on her face. “Lena,” she says gently, “that doesn’t sound like it was at all your fault.”
“Everyone tells me that.” More rhythmic drumming, each beat more hesitant than the last. “I don’t know when I’ll start to believe it.”
When she was a kid, Kara had been thrown into the foster system with little more than heartache and a wish to find the cousin she never would. She had never felt so helpless—so unsure—and something about Lena’s guilt right now brings her right back to that moment. Like she’s just a little kid, knees pulled up to her chest, waiting for a sign that would never come.
“It’ll be hard,” Kara says softly. It has begun to drizzle rain, and she mindlessly sets the wipers, watching them flick back and forth as they wait for the light to turn green. “But it will get easier. I promise.” 
“Odd thing to promise,” Lena notes, but Kara can feel her gaze burning against the side of her head, and Lena sounds…lighter, somehow. “Can I change the station?”
“Sure.” James will hate it, but Kara doesn’t mind. Lena chooses a jazz station that frequently breaks with static, and it’s by far the most peaceful hour-long drive Kara has had in a while. 
They pull up to the safe house when the clock reads 8:34 PM and the rain has petered out; the air feels damp and thick with residual humidity, but otherwise, the tranquility of the quiet gives Kara a good feeling. Lena has fallen asleep in the passenger’s side, and Kara softly nudges her awake.
“Here,” Kara says, handing her James’s emergency bag once they make their way up the house steps. “This should have a change of clothes. They’ll be too big, but better than your dress at least…if you’re hungry there will be granola bars in the pantry. We can’t risk ordering anything else right now, unfortunately.” She digs into her pocket for the batch of safe house keys she has on all times and locates the right one, pressing it surely into Lena’s hand. “Until we know for sure if I’ll be briefed on your case or not, just…assume you’re going to be moved tomorrow. Also, you never saw me. Like, officially.”
Lena wipes at her eyes with her palm, absentmindedly smearing her mascara. “You’re going to leave me here?” she says, hugging James’s bag to her chest.
“No, of course not. I’m going to be sitting in the car, out here,” Kara says. “I just mean like in general, you know, if I don’t end up getting briefed on your case it would be all kinds of not-allowed to be talking to you. So if anyone asks…”
“Ah,” Lena says, “right. I’ll just make up a cover story for my cover story.”
“Yeah, you know, we need to protect the bureaucracies and all that,” Kara says. “If I'm even using that word the right way.”
“And you're supposed to be a journalist?” Lena smiles ever-so-slightly. “Good thing you're decent at your day job.”
“Only decent?” Kara feels her own mouth twitch with the promise of her own smile. 
“I'd give you five stars on Yelp,” Lena says confidently, and Kara laughs, unable to stop herself from full-on grinning.
“Well if you need anything,” Kara says, and gestures over her shoulder to the car. “You know where I'll be.”
“Thank you.” Lena places a hand over Kara’s wrist, and just squeezes there briefly, her hand slightly cold but her touch overwhelmingly gentle. “Um. Would it be—would it be allowed to ask if you can stay with me inside, instead? I don't really want to be…alone.”
“That would make plausible deniability much harder to fake,” Kara tries to protest, but Lena is biting her lip and looking at Kara underneath mascara-smudged lashes and really, there is no other option but to cave. “…but I guess I could break a rule or two. Or twenty-seven.”
Lena smiles fully this time with obvious relief. “And here I thought I'd have to work harder to corrupt you.”
Kara pushes her glasses up her nose and says, “I’m a little concerned you were planning to corrupt me, but I mean. It’s one night.” She follows Lena inside when she opens the door, surveys the untouched room with a quick, satisfied glance. “Just as long as you don’t get me into trouble.”
“I’ll try my best not to,” Lena says, making a beeline for the couch to inspect James’s emergency bag; she pulls out an oversized T-shirt with an exhausted sigh. “Can you unzip me?” Already she’s pulling her hair off her shoulders, exposing the graceful slope of her neck, and Kara almost forgets to lock the door behind her.
“Y-yeah,” she stammers out, once again fiddling with the glasses that she doesn’t need, and she knows it right then and there: Lena Luthor will undoubtedly get her in trouble. And judging by the way Lena gazes so shyly at Kara over her shoulder, she knows it.
(But, well. In the grand scheme of things, Kara figures a little trouble never hurt anyone).
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supercorpkid · 8 months
Powergirl Should Die
Supergirl. Powergirl. B!D. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Winn Schott.
Word Count: 2550.
Porwergirl should die. Someone should kill her.
The suit is skin tight, it clings so forcefully onto you as if it's trying to become part of you. But this other skin, just simply doesn’t fit right over your bones. 
There is a huge House of El crest over your chest, in its golden glory. It weighs down on your skin, heavy and sacred. It should help you feel at ease. It doesn’t. It feels like it’s burning your skin like a branding iron. 
Super powers? 
You’re a superhero. Next, please!
Kara stands tall next to you, hand on your shoulder. “Would you look at that,” your sister smiles brightly at you. “Mother and father would be so proud of you, mini me.”
Kara has called you that your whole life, but you never felt so little as you do right now. You've also never felt so much like Kara. Crumpled up inside this supersuit to fit someone else’s dream. You don’t think your parents would be very proud of you now.
“Kara, this feels odd.” You try to lift the suit from your skin, that is so snuggled up it barely leaves you room to breathe. “I-I look like you.”
“I know!” She proudly squeaks. “I asked Winn to only change the colors. How do you feel about the white, red and blue?”
“Like a walking American flag.” You wince at the thought. You like the white, it’s a little more sober than the blue in Kara's suit, it also reminds you of the vest you used to wear back in Krypton. The red cape feels like they've ripped a piece of Kara’s and placed it on your back. The high blue boots are uncomfortable and the matching gloves are just plain stupid.
“You certainly don’t look like one.” Alex chimes in from behind you, and you turn around, sick of the sight of you in the mirror. “Honestly sis, I like this suit. I think it might be even better than Kara’s.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, mine has history.”
“Yours is a copy of Superman’s.”
“That’s what I mean, history.”
You watch your sister’s bickering with faint attention because they both would never say how ridiculous you look with this dull, hideous, comical outfit.
But it didn’t matter how foolish you looked, or how stupid you felt. There was no way out of this. Kara said you looked perfect and Alex agreed. J’onn, who’s been the closest thing to a father to you on this planet, gave you a stiff smile when asked what he thought. He could read your mind, remember? That’s what he thought about it. And Winn was just over the moon with his creation. No way out. From that day on, you’re Powergirl.
It hasn’t been long since you started being Powergirl. You’re still not the most prominent face of the Supers, thank God for that. You do the easy jobs while Kara takes on the real bad guys. You follow her lead. Obey to what Alex tells you to do over the comm that is permanently stuck in your ear. As if you couldn’t hear her from miles and miles away.
But with every passing day, it becomes even more obvious to you that you were really not cut out for this superhero life. Not good at it. Not happy with it. Not fit for it.
The very opposite of Kara, actually. Because Kara fits everywhere and with everyone. She fits perfectly in her suit, with her alias. Perfectly at her job at CatCo, as a news reporter. And ever since she landed on Earth she created her perfect family, story, life on this planet. 
You, on the other hand, wish everyday you were still at Krypton. You are well aware that if you stayed behind, that if your parents hadn't made Kara snuggle your smaller form against her own body on that pod, you would have exploded. You wouldn't be alive today. And you wish people knew you don't want to be dead, you just wish your planet hadn't exploded in the first place.
Sure Kara feels the same. Yet she makes a name for herself and gives back to this planet that took you both in so willingly, that gave you both powers because of its sun. Kara is just different.
"Mother would want us to use our powers for good." She would whisper to you in the dark, whenever the Danvers would tell you to not use your powers. Whenever they asked you to fit in completely. "Father spent so much time trying to stop our planet from deteriorating, don't you think that if he had powers he would use them to make that happen?"
She would ask you questions that didn't feel like questions. That required no answers at all. Kara would tell you what she knew about them, use them as arguments to explain to you (convince even) why you had to become a superhero too. 
And you would lay there in the dark, after your sister was asleep, looking at the long dead stars, and wondering whether she was right. Whether that was your parents' plans all along or just a sad coincidence.
"Powergirl." You hear Kara's voice early in the morning while you're still trying to brew yourself a cup of coffee. "I need you for a second."
"It's too early in the morning and I have to get ready for work." You press on your comm to answer. "Can't you deal with it alone?"
"Hm, no. I need you to come here now." 
You let out a huge sigh, trying to ease your own mind. Coffee will wait, you guess. You're out of your pj's, into your suit, and out of the house in a blur. You stop next to Kara while she stares at a billboard.
"What?" You can't help the harshness of your tone as you see no emergency around her.
Kara says nothing. Only points at the billboard and you finally take note of it. Written in large red colors, the sentence: Powergirl should die.
"It seems that you have an enemy." Kara says when time enough has passed for you to read the sentence over a few times. "Don't worry, we'll catch them."
Cute. It's your first thought. It's almost like someone wrote you a love letter, au contraire. 
Kara makes an effort to tear it all down, destroy the billboard before anyone sees it. You don't help her, stuck inside your own mind, replaying the words in your head. 
"No need to worry." She assures you, hand on your shoulder to get you out of your trance. "No one will do you any harm, mini me. I'd never let anyone hurt you."
"Thanks, Kar." You look at your watch on your wrist. "Work calls." And so you fly home.
You try to lodge that sentence in the back of your mind. You don't wanna seem stressed out, even though you are. But showing how actually worried you are about it, and with the fact that someone is coming for you, it's inconceivable. 
Kara would worry. Alex would stress. Ooof, you can see it all playing out. Sleepovers and excuses for you to miss work and hang at the DEO headquarters so they can keep an eye on you, until you're feeling suffocated.
No, no. You can't go through that. It's been a while since you and your sisters shared a bedroom. You don't think you three can do that again now that you're grown ups. 
It happens again. You don't see it, but you hear the agents commenting about it, a couple days later. They get muted the second you fly in the DEO, which is not only annoying but foolish. You do have super hearing after all.
"So, where was it this time?" You ask Alex, while she tries to avoid looking at you. 
"Where's what?" She tries, and you furrow your brows.
"Winn, put it on the monitor." You ask coming closer. Winn looks at Alex as if asking for permission, but you don't give her time to deny him. "Come on, I heard the agents. I'm still Kryptonian even if I'm not a Super."
Winn huffs. "On the tallest building of National City." The photo goes up on the large TV in front of you, and you swallow deep.
Powergirl should die. 
"Y/N," Alex talks in a low tone so the agents around can't hear her. "it's not personal."
"Looks personal." You cross your arms, turning your back at the TV. "Someone wanting me dead sounds like it's as personal as it can get."
"Supergirl is looking into it, I promise we'll catch whoever did this."
"Alex, please." You pass her on your way to the training room. "You know damn well my favorite thing about you is that you don't lie."
"You've lost too many punching bags." You hear a voice behind your back, and you breathe deep before turning around.
"Just training a little." You look at the number of destroyed bags by your feet and decide that it's true, there's too many, even though that's what they're here for. 
"Alex told me about the message." Kara approaches you slowly, trying to test the territory. She can see your distress, but doesn't know the extent of it. And she won't, because you're definitely going to fake it.
"Yeah, tall building. They got the writing off quickly, though. So no major problems."
"Honey," Kara's voice is even sweeter now, if that's possible. "I'll catch them. I'll be patrolling tonight. No one's coming for you."
"I'm not worried." You smile at your lie, or half of lie for what it's worth. Knowing that Kara will be patrolling the city helps. You know your sister would never let anything bad happen to you. And it's very unlikely that anyone on this planet could easily defeat two Kryptonians.
Kara also smiles, and brings you into her arms for a hug. And you breathe out, calmer. Kara's arms have kept you safe from many perils. Spaceship lost in space, new planet, new school, new job. Surely she can keep you safe again.
You don't feel safe, though, when you wake up to a familiar voice far away. You rub the sleep from your eyes, well awake, paying close attention to a conversation you weren't invited to be a part of.
"Alex, I went around the city, there's no new wri-"
"Kara? What was that?"
There it was, in big red letters the sentence that has been haunting you for days. Powergirl should die. And under it new words' been added, someone should kill her.
"I found new writing." Kara's voice comes a second later. "It's worse this time."
"Take a picture so we can compare the handwriting and get back here."
"I have to clean this up." But before Kara even has the chance to, you're flying next to her in front of the L Corp building. "Y/N! What are you doing here?"
You move closer to the building to investigate. The ink is still wet, it wasn't done too long ago. You look around trying to find cameras. It's Lena's building, you're sure there are cameras everywhere. You spot one with a direct view.
"Mini me-" Kara tries.
"Go to work Supergirl, I'll deal with this. Someone wanting me dead is my problem." It's always been your problem, you are aware. But Kara promised you, you had nothing to worry about. Promised she would patrol the city. Promised she would protect you. And yet, here it is, in big block red letters.
"I got it, Kara. Can you just believe in me?"
"Y/N, you know I do. I just wanna help."
"I don't need help." You clench your jaw, tired of being treated like a little girl. Like a mini Kara instead of your own person. "I'm Kryptonian too."
Cheap shot? Maybe. Definitely. You throw it, anyway. 
You clean the writing then fly home to suit up. You can't face Lena without it. Another secret that only makes you hate your secret identity as hard. Lying to your friends, sneaking out, it's all stressing and there's literally no reward high enough worth of all this.
"Oh shit." Lena's hand goes to her chest after her obvious scare. You can hear her heart almost beating out of her chest. "It's too early for bad news, Powergirl."
"Trust me, I agree with that." You breathe out, trying to give her a smile. It comes out flat. "I was wondering if I could look into one of your surveillance cameras. There was some writing on this building this morning, I would very much like to know who's responsible."
"Writing? I - I didn't see anything when I came in."
"Good. I cleaned it as fast as possible." You point at her computer and she breathes deep as if she is agreeing with you. 
It doesn't take long for the images to be up, and you two to be carefully reversing the filming until Lena sees you and Kara flying in front of it, and read the words herself. She looks up to you and quirks up an eyebrow, in question.
"Currently unsure if someone is threatening me or if this is just general knowledge being passed on." 
"People don't want you dead, you're a superhero!" Lena argues. "Maybe Lex, but he's currently serving his time."
"Clearly not everyone agrees with you." You point back at the words on her computer.
"It's awful." She admits, even though she doesn't fully trust you or Kara yet. "Wait, wait. There."
You can't see a thing. One minute is there, the other isn't. You slow down the images, trying to see any detail. Lena soon takes over and slows down as much as she can. That's when you see it, just a tiny flash of red. You hold your breath. Thankfully, Lena hasn't noticed it.
"How's this possible? There's no one." 
"Seems that I'll have to patrol the city myself tonight." You're almost leaving Lena's office when you turn around one more time. "Thank you for your help, Ms. Luthor."
"I was barely of any help at all." Lena points at the computer as proof and you give her a smile.
"Au contraire, darling. You showed me everything I needed to see." You wink at her, then fly out.
You march inside the DEO, positive on your plan. No one is talking you out of it, that's for sure.
Winn tries to argue that it is illogical for you to just give yourself to your enemy. He gets ignored. Alex argues that as a DEO agent she can't let you do this, and as your older sister she would be insane to leave you alone in this situation. You don't budge. Kara pulls out the big guns, her promise to mother and father, her duty as your protector, how you're the only connection she still has with Krypton, her love for you and so on. Her cries fall on deaf ears.
So at night, you fly around National City watching and studying everyone in it, even though you know you should only be looking for one person. One person with superspeed, a red cape and a big motive.
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harleychick91 · 3 months
Seeing Red (rated M)
After finding out the truth, Lena refuses to speak to Kara or the Superfriends and throws herself into L-Corp business. After some personal information about her former best friend is brought to her attention, Lena is kidnapped by Lex. To save Lena, Kara must expose herself to Red Kryptonite. AU-Canon divergent.
Please read tags and warnings if you are sensitive to violence. This is only posted on AO3 because of FFN formatting issues. I’ve posted a notice of this on my FFN.
Lena’s POV
“Thanks for meeting me,” Andrea smiled as she sat across from me at the small table. “These lunches make work bearable.”
Picking up the menu, I nodded. “They are nice.” A pang pulled at my chest remembering the lunches Kara and I shared.
Studying me over her menu, Andrea spoke cautiously. “I’m glad we were able to reconnect. I know it’s hard for you to look back. Even if it was for a business venture.”
She’s holding something back. “It is, yes.”
For the most part, lunch was filled with small talk about L-Corp and Obsidian North. The beta program of the newest set of lenses was going well with little bugs to fix. I skirted questions about my own projects because I didn’t want to reveal anything. As the waiter approached, Andrea pulled out her wallet. “It’s on me.”
Eyeing the woman, I waited until we were alone to speak. “What is this really about? Yes, you wanted to catch up over lunch but you’ve been holding something back all afternoon. What is it?”
Relief washed over the woman’s features. “You’re right,” she drummed her fingers on her black leather clutch. “What happened between you and Kara Danvers?” Andrea continued before I could answer. “Because something clearly happened between the two of you. Before you contacted me about buying CatCo, I thought the two of you were dating. From how she wrote about you in her articles, the fact that she was always on your arm at events, and that beautiful introduction you gave at the Pulitzer event,” she paused. “You seemed happier than I’ve ever seen you.”
“We were friends,” I muttered. Even now, saying the words hurt. Kara was more to me than just a friend. She meant the world to me. I let her in and she broke my heart.
“Uh-huh,” Andrea smirked. “Friends don’t look at friends like that. Since the award ceremony, anytime your name comes up in the office, Kara looks like a guilty puppy who’s being scolded by her owner.” Looking away, Andrea pulled something from her clutch and placed it on the table. “As the owner of Obsidian, I have to keep an eye on what its users do. If I were to accidentally leave this here and you were to take it home and accidentally look at the files, I can’t stop you.”
My brows creased. “What files may or may not be on this flash drive?”
“A copy of the data from a user named KD102493.” Kara’s initials and my birthday? “So, you do realize who this is? Good. Now,” Andrea stood, “I need to hurry off to a meeting. What you decide to do with this drive is up to you. All I ask is that you don’t let it fall into the wrong hands. Have a good rest of your day.” With that, the woman pushed in her chair and left me staring at the device.
Kara said she didn’t care for the VR contacts. That she only wanted to live in the real world. What could she possibly be doing with a set of them?
“May I get you anything else, Miss Luthor?” I was startled by the waiter’s cheerful tone. “Sorry, Ma’am,” he smiled apologetically.
“No, thank you. I’m fine.” With a nod, he left. Taking the device, I called for a car. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to focus on work, I sent Jess a text asking if she would hold my calls and reschedule my last meeting of the day.
Arriving home, I made some tea and sat on the couch. My laptop and the flash drive sat on the coffee table. Knowing what I’ve used the contacts for, I can’t imagine what Kara has used them for. But Andrea wouldn’t have given this to me if she didn’t think I needed to see something. Leaning forward, I toyed with the drive as my laptop hummed to life. My chest clenched seeing the background. I love that picture of us. My first game night. We beat every other team by a landslide. Grumbling, I plugged the drive in and opened the first video file.
Kara cheered as J’onn announced the night’s winning team. Bumping my shoulder, she grinned. “My perfect game partner.”
“I swear, it’s like you can read each other’s minds,” Nia laughed. “Are they always like this?”
“Yes!” The group answered in mock annoyance.
All of the other videos were her playing back a different memory of us. A lunch, a gala, cooking dinner, or even working independently in my office. Opening the final file, my brow creased. This isn’t a memory. Is it a daydream?
I stood feet from Kara, in a white dress, anger radiated from me. ”Lena, please…” She begged. “I’m sorry. Let me-,”
“No!” I growled, turning towards her. “You had so many chances to tell me how you felt! I forgave you for keeping the truth from me for years but this…” My lip trembled. “You let me go to Sam when I needed someone. I fell in love with her because I never knew how you felt!”
“I know,” she whispered. “I should have done so many things differently.”
“You should have. Goodbye, Kara.”
The video ended and I stared at the final image. She is in love with me. What was that? Her own kind of torture? Seeing me with someone else? Why not James? Biting my knuckle, I thought back to when Jack was here and when I dated James. If she is in love with me, a few of her looks make more sense now. The anger I felt started to give way to sorrow. Rubbing my temple, I closed the file and ejected the flash drive. Turning it in my hand, I dropped it in my half empty tea mug.
Taking the mug to the kitchen, I rinsed the cup and crushed the flash drive with a meat tenderizer. That should take care of it. Brushing the remains into a bag, I dropped it into my purse to incinerate in the lab tomorrow.
Walking back into the living room, a purple portal opened. “Hello, Sis,” Lex grinned. Lunging towards me, he covered my nose and mouth with a cloth and held it firm until I stopped fighting.
Finish reading on AO3!
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months
Favorite LGBTQ movie and TV quotes
“Um, I do drink red wine, but I also drink white wine. And I’ve been known to sample the occasional rosé. And a couple summers back, I tried a Merlot that used to be a Chardonnay, which got a bit complicated… I like the wine and not the label. Does that make sense?”
— David Rose, Schitt’s Creek, Season 1, Episode 10
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“That felt so good to say. I feel like I just solved an escape room I’ve been trapped in my entire life.”
— Fabiola Torres, Never Have I Ever, Season 1, Episode 5
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“Look, I’ll be hurt either way. Isn’t it better to be who I am?”
— Eric Effiong, Sex Education, Season 1, Episode 7
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“Everybody’s story is different. There’s your version, and my version, and everything in between. But the one thing that all of those stories have in common is that moment right before you say those words when your heart is racing, and you don’t know what’s coming next. That moment’s really terrifying. And then once you say those words, you can’t unsay them. A chapter has ended, and a new one’s begun, and you have to be ready for that.”
— John, Happiest Season
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“The good thing about being different is that no one expects you to be like them”
— Ellie Chu, The Half Of It
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"When I'm with Brittany, I finally understand what people are talking about when they talk about love. I've tried so hard to push this feeling away, and keep it locked inside, but every day just feels like a war. I walk around so mad at the world, but I'm really just fighting with myself. I don't want to fight anymore. I'm just too tired. I have to just be me."
— Santana Lopez, Glee, Season 3, Episode 7
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“Now, there is a long and honorable tradition in the gay community, and it has stood us in good stead for a very long time. When somebody calls you a name…you take it and own it.”
— Mark Ashton, Pride
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“So I'm bisexual. So what? It's LGBTQ for a reason. There's a B in there and it doesn't mean Badass. Okay, it does, but it also means Bi.”
— Callie Torres, Grey's Anatomy, Episode 1105
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“We’re standing here in Philadelphia, the, uh, City of Brotherly Love, the birthplace of freedom where the, uh, founding fathers authored the Declaration of Independence, and I don’t recall that glorious document saying anything about all straight men are created equal. I believe it says all men are created equal.”
— Joe Miller, Philadelphia
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"Yes, I wear foundation. Yes, I live with a man. Yes, I'm a middle- aged fag. But I know who I am, Val. It took me twenty years to get here, and I'm not gonna let some idiot senator destroy that. F*** the senator, I don't give a damn what he thinks."
— Armand Goldman, The Birdcage
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"Being gay is your thing. There are parts of it you have to go through alone. I hate that. As soon as you came out, you said, "Mom, I'm still me." I need you to hear this: You are still you, Simon. You are still the same son who I love to tease and who your father depends on for just about everything. And you're the same brother who always complements his sister on her food, even when it sucks. You get to exhale now, Simon. You get to be more you than you have been in... in a very long time. You deserve everything you want."
— Emily Spier, Love, Simon
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"The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves and sharing that. Sharing our truth is what will make us strong. So here I am. I am both human and alien. And I am a trans woman."
— Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Season 4, Episode 19
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"But I feel more when I look at a picture of Kristen Stewart than I do when I kiss him."
— Elena Alvarez, One Day at a Time,
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"You can’t change it. You can’t fix me. Because I’m not broken, I don’t need to be fixed, OK? I’m me!"
— Ian Gallagher, Shameless, Season 5, Episode 12
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"Becoming me was the greatest creative project of my life."
Eliot Waugh, The Magicians, Season 1, Episode 1
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"Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place. So, thank you."
—Raymond Holt, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Season 5, Episode 10
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"I might be…bisexual, and you guys know I hate labels, but this one feels important right now to own the space I’m in and to make sense of it."
—Kat Edison, The Bold Type
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waytooinvested · 4 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 14
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Lena Luthor was dangling from the side of a cliff, nothing between her and the vast chasm of space below but the small jutting nodule she was clinging to to keep from falling.
How the hell had she ended up here?
Well. She knew how of course.
Kara Danvers was how.
She blamed the movie night.
After a slightly stilted start and some back and forth over what to watch, the three of them had found the rhythm of the evening, and it hadn’t been long before Nia and Kara were giggling away together over the ‘ridiculously unrealistic portrayal of journalism’ it apparently showed (Lena was slightly ashamed to confess that despite the not-insignificant amount of time she had spent in charge of a media company, she hadn’t really noticed. She maintained however that this was due to her relative inexperience with on-the-ground reporting and had nothing whatsoever to do with being distracted by the presence of Kara beside her, not quite touching but close enough to feel the heat radiating from her body and to remember in breath-stealing clarity how it had felt to close those last few inches between them).
Given the movie theme the conversation had inevitably moved on to talking about work, and as the only one not privy to Catco’s day to day office gossip it would have been easy to find herself on the outside. But just as she always did , Kara had sought her out, drawn her in, included Lena so naturally that before she knew it she was cracking up along with the others as they once again speculated about the true intentions of Mr William Dey, and whether he was:
a. Evil b. A self serving, toadying ass just trying to ingratiate himself with the boss at the expense of his colleagues c. Trying to flirt with Kara in some weird British, deprecating way that, Kara assured them both vehemently, was ABSOLUTELY NOT WORKING (Lena tried not to examine too closely the little flare of satisfaction that bloomed in her chest at the sight of how utterly horrified Kara looked when Nia suggested that as a motivation. It wasn’t that she felt territorial over Kara. It was just that William Dey so clearly didn’t deserve her attention, and she was glad that her friend placed more value on herself than the alternative would imply).
Then somewhere in the midst of their the warm fuzzy bubble of companionship and a little too much wine , Kara had asked if they wanted to do something a bit different next time. The excess nonchalance in her tone should have tipped Lena off that whatever it was might be a hard sell, but at the time she hadn’t noticed . If pressed she might have guessed that Kara was going to suggest they go out dancing, or even karaoke if she was pushing her luck. But no. What she actually said was:
‘I’ve been thinking about going rock climbing.’
‘Rock climbing? Kara, really?’
‘Yeah, I think I’d like to try. I don’t know, there’s just something about being so high up, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since I had that flying dream. I think it could be fun.’
Nia had pulled a face, shaking her head before Kara had the chance to ask directly if they would go with her.
‘Sorry Kara, I really want to want to do that with you, but I just don’t think rock climbing would be my thing. I’d love to hear all about it afterwards though.’
Lena hesitated. Rock climbing was most definitely not her thing either, and while it might not be actual flying, she did not have the greatest track record with heights. But Kara was looking at her with big imploring blue eyes, and the ‘no’ stuck unspoken to the roof of her mouth.
‘Please? You were in the flying dream too, so that proves it’s meant to be. I promise it will be so much fun, and we can go out for lunch after? My treat. We can even go to the place with the kale if you really, really want to.’
Lena had given in.
She rationalised that the continuation from Kara’s flying dream to her new desire to dangle from a great height might indicate the beginnings of a bridge between her conscious self and her locked Supergirl memories, and maybe it would lead to them returning naturally in a way that didn’t cause her mind to respond defensively.
It was definitely a possibility worth exploring, but in truth Lena would have given in anyway. There were activities that were so far outside her comfort zone that she would turn them down at the expense of getting to seeing Kara’s hopeful half-smile blossom into a joyfully radiant beam, but between the happy scrunch of her nose and the exuberant little wiggle of excitement that bounced the couch cushions enough to slosh wine over Lena’s fingers when she said yes, she had had some trouble thinking of any specific examples in the moment.
And alright, so maybe it wasn’t an actual cliff.
It was really just the climbing wall at the National City Indoor Sports Centre, and technically speaking she also had a harness to keep her from falling. But somehow Lena hadn’t been prepared for how real this would feel, or how little faith she would have in absurdly narrow rope that was supposed to take her weight if she lost her grip.
Kara on the other hand didn’t share her hesitation in the slightest, and had launched herself at the wall almost before the instructor could finish securing her harness and giving them the safety speech, her face lit up in a giant goofy grin the entire time.
To begin with Lena stayed at the bottom, just watching as Kara whizzed up the first route, swinging her way past other climbers and recklessly skipping half the handholds as if gravity was still an optional thing for her. It had been pretty amazing to watch. The way her feet seemed to find purchase on the tiniest bump without the slightest hesitation or fumble. The taught muscles flexing under her tight tank top as she reached and leapt. On the ground Kara sometimes seemed a little physically awkward, as if she was having to be constantly aware of how her body was moving and keep it in check (which, with superspeed and superstrength enough to break just about any item she came into contact with, Lena supposed wasn’t far off the mark); but in the air she was all grace and flowing lines, and it was easy to believe that in another moment she would let go of the wall altogether and simply fly.
Lena actually wondered once or twice if she might, when Kara made a leap for a hand hold that was so clearly out of her reach, or when she reached the top and launched herself right off the wall in triumph without even a flinch of instinctive fear of falling. But each time her hand or foot would find purchase somewhere on the wall again, or the rope would catch her and she’d hang for a moment before rappelling back down to join Lena on the ground, breathless and laughing.
‘This is so much fun! We have to try the big one next! I’ll race you to the top?’
‘Well that’s hardly a fair race! I think we both know who’ll win – you Kara Danvers are clearly part mountain goat.’
‘Oh shoot, you found me out! Okay, okay, no race. But come and climb it with me anyway? We can go slow, and it’s not like you can fall.’
Kara gestured at the ‘Defying Gravity’ logo emblazoned across Lena’s chest with a grin that was impossible not to return. The t-shirt had been a thank you present the day they had been to see Wicked on Broadway, and Lena had worn it deliberately today, half as a joke and half in the vain hope that the universe would take the hint and keep her from falling off somewhere high up when there was no Supergirl around to swoop in and catch her. Also, in spite of it being the only poly-cotton item in her entire wardrobe, she just kind of loved it. It reminded her of the time she had spent with Kara, sharing a story that meant something to her and for once allowing herself to live fully in the moment with her friend without dwelling on their painful past or uncertain future.
It had been such a perfect day. They had gone early to make the most of it, and in return for the plane ride and theatre tickets Kara had insisted on treating Lena to every single over priced tourist activity they had come across, including a visit to the zoo, a river cruise, a carousel ride, no less than four different kinds of snack foods, and a street artist’s pencil sketch portrait of the two of them grinning self-consciously over melting ice cream cones (Lena had protested at the time, but nevertheless had the drawing tucked safely away inside the planner Kara had bought for her first day at Catco, waiting to be scanned so that they could each have a copy to keep).
The show itself had been as engaging as always, but this time Lena had enjoyed it all the more despite watching less intently, because Kara had been there beside her, reacting to everything like it really had been Lena’s story. When it was over she had hugged her hard, as if she could press all the broken pieces of her back together and shield her from the world’s judgement with nothing more than the strength of her embrace. And for those few heartbeats, Lena thought perhaps she could.
The t-shirt was a physical reminder of all of that, and was something she would be able to hold onto, after.
And so when she was faced with the huge expanse of wall and Kara’s hopeful expression, she had wrapped herself up in that feeling, and begun to climb.
It had actually had started out pretty well.
She didn’t find it as difficult as she had been expecting, and Lena had relished the physical challenge of it as she pushed herself up from handhold to handhold, keeping her eyes fixed on Kara above her as they got closer and closer to the top of the wall.
Then… something changed.
Maybe it was the glimpse she caught of the blue lino floor unexpectedly far below her.
Maybe it was Kara looking down at her and inadvertently calling out the same words she had once used in a very different context (climb Lena! Climb!)
Maybe it was just the temporary glow of their moment on the ground wearing off.
Whatever the reason, Lena tried to shrug it off at first. She focused on the practical – where to place her foot next to get the right angle of thrust, or her hand to keep steady while she manoeuvred, or how much further there was to go until she drew abreast with Kara above her. It worked for a while, but the higher she got, the more Lena’s legs seemed to be shaking beneath her, her breath hitching into a pant that wasn’t at all warranted by the level of physical exertion.
The wall blurred in front of her as she struggled to get enough oxygen into her body. She closed her eyes tight against the sight of it, trying hard to compose herself even as her lungs became bellows fanning the flames of her mounting panic, and-
-She was in the broken half of a plane as it plummeted towards the reservoir, and it was either her or the city. The only chance to save herself was to climb, but this time she just couldn’t . Her muscles had seized up entirely, and all she could do was cling to the wall with her eyes scrunched tight shut, waiting for the inevitable moment when Supergirl gave up on her and let her fall…
She was in a helicopter as it span out of control and tumbled from the air, the sickening blur of sky-building-ground making her giddy as she tried to brace for an impact that could come from any direction...
She was free falling from her office balcony, dropped over the edge as easily as a stone into a lake, and with as little chance of floating back up again as the dark night swallowed her whole...
Her plane was going down and she wasn’t going to make it. They were going to crash and this time it wasn’t just her that would die, because Kara was here too. Kara was going to die and it was all her fault...
Then a strong hand was holding Lena’s, wrapping gently around her white knuckled grip on the absurdly small nob of plastic that was all that stood between her and falling. The hand was warm and slightly calloused, and so rock steady that Lena almost believed it could keep her up all by itself.
‘Hey. Lena? Look at me. It’s alright. You’re alright.’
Lena managed to crack one eye open, and caught a glimpse of the dizzying drop below. She let out a little whimper and closed it again.
‘No, no don’t look down. Just look at me, okay? I’ve got you sweetheart, it’s alright. Do you trust me to get you down safely?
The gently spoken endearment was just distracting enough to give Lena the courage to force her eyes to open properly, and when they did she found the same face looking back at her that had always been there for her in these moments. This same steady hand that now held hers had caught her tumbling helicopter, held up the plummeting halves of Edge’s plane long enough for her to jump free of it, scooped her up as she fell from the sky again and again. Lena had almost died by falling so many times, and on every single one of them Kara had been there to catch her, even if she hadn’t known it was her at the time.
And now somehow, even without her powers, she was doing it again.
Lena’s hyperventilations slowed, enough at least to let her answer the question without gasping like a 50-a-day smoker on a mountain hike.
‘I do. I trust you.’
Even as she said them, the truth of those words resonated in a way she hadn’t expected them to. She trusted Kara to get her down from here safely, yes. But she also just… trusted Kara.
She couldn’t say with certainty that that would still be true once Kara was Supergirl again and all the complications of conflicting interests and messy history came back into play, but she was no longer sure that it wouldn’t be either.
She wanted to stop and think, to consider how she felt about the sudden realisation , and maybe spiral a little over how vulnerable this c ould leave her if things went wrong again, because she wasn’t suppose d to trust Kara . Part of her wanted to panic about it , to retreat behind her defenses and stok e the dwindling flame of her fury until she felt safely invulnerable again , but right now she had no room in her mind or body for any more panic than she was already experiencing, and the dread for this new knowledge simply would not come . Instead a warm surety lodged itself somewhere deep in her chest, putting down roots that she suspected would be difficult to weed out even once she got down from here ...
...If she ever did get down.
She might be breathing steadily enough that she was no longer seeing black spots swimming before her eyes , but she was still fixed grimly to the wall, completely incapable of unlocking her muscles from their rigid posture enough to actually attempt a descent .
But Kara was there. She was right there, and gazing steadily at Lena with a look of such gentle assurance that it was hard to doubt her as she went on speaking, her words low and soothing and just for Lena.
‘Good. We’re going to do this together, alright?’
Lena managed a jerky nod, and Kara manoeuvred her way over until they were hip to hip, then, somehow keeping her balance using only her feet, let go of the wall with both hands and wrapped them snugly around Lena’s torso like a second harness, bringing their bodies together until they were so close that Lena couldn’t be sure anymore how much of her thundering pulse was due to fear and how much was the fact that Kara’s cheek was against hers, her front pressed fully against Lena’s back and arms cradling her in what would, in any other circumstances, have been an incredibly intimate and decidedly non-platonic embrace.
‘Here we go.’
The arms around her tightened a little more, then Kara kicked off the wall, and Lena let herself be pulled away from the handhold she had been clinging to as they swung out into space. It was exactly what she had been afraid of when she had seized up, and yet it didn’t feel like falling. Not when Kara’s arms were holding her close and her steady breath was tickling the back of her neck. It was just like it had always been. She was safe in these arms.
Kara would never let her fall.
Kara rappelled them both carefully back down until at last their feet found purchase on the ground, and Lena sagged with relief.
‘Thank you.’
‘Of course. I’m so sorry Lena, you should have said you were scared of heights, I never would have made you go up there with me.’
‘I’m not. At least… I didn’t think I was. I’ve been in high places plenty of times before and nothing like that has ever happened.’
She tried for a laugh, but could tell it didn’t quite land, and looked down at her (brand new, and now probably never to be worn again) climbing shoes instead.
‘I’m sorry, I must have made such a fool of myself, and you were having such a good time. You should keep going, I can just meet you later for lunch when you’re done.’
‘No, nope, not happening. We are getting these harnesses off, and then we’re going to go and find somewhere quiet to sit down until you feel better. We can talk about it. Or not talk about it. Whatever you need.’
Kara stayed endearingly protective after that, getting between Lena and the employee who came over to tick them off for their unorthodox descent, then keeping her arm firmly wrapped around her as they walked out, as if she thought she might still need the support to stay up right.
She didn’t, really. Almost as soon as her feet were back on firm ground the brief panic attack had dissipated, and she felt more embarrassed than anything. But- well, it felt nice to have Kara holding her so close, and Lena couldn’t quite bring herself to put a stop to it. Her own arm snuck around Kara’s waist in return, and she let herself feel anchored by the contact as they turned their backs on the scene of her public humiliation and stepped out together into the sunshine.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
Kara and Lena's Adventure at Nevermore
Fandom: Supergirl, Wednesday
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Elizabeth Walsh, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams, Alex Danvers, Lex Luthor, Sam Arias, Winn Schott Jr., J'onn J'onzz, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Clark Kent, Zatanna
Summary: After an incident and the vanishing of her best friend, Lena is forced to attend Nevermore in hopes of learning to control her powers. She hates the idea because her cousin Morticia, who she detests with a passion, attends there. However, a certain blonde student captures Lena's attention and makes Nevermore more appealing to her.
Note: This this as a part of Supergirl May-hem. Like to give a special thanks to @theredcapeofk for providing art for this fic and @mad2balive for beta reading for me. This was the first time for me to participate in an event like this and I am glad they have helped me make this go as smoothly as possible.
Lena sat with her head against the limo window watching the vast green trees and valleys go by while listening to Don’t Speak by No Doubt. She was going over the things in her life that got her to this point and the unfairness of it all. She just wished that she was back at home underneath the covers. She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by a soft tap of her knee. 
She pressed pause on her CD player and looked up to see three adults staring up at her with concern: Her father and mother, Lionel Luthor and Elizabeth Walsh, were sitting across from her with Lionel’s wife, Lillian Luthor, sitting to her right. Lena had always found their relationship a little peculiar. Lionel and Lillian entered a polyamorous relationship with Elizabeth about a year before she was born and they had been together ever since. It was not the norm, but she liked it because she had an extra person to love and call Mom. However, now she can’t stand any of them because she feels betrayed by them all. 
Lena narrowed her eyes and snapped, “What?”
Lionel rubbed his temple and said, “You don’t have to answer with that tone.”
“You’re kicking me out of the house and abandoning me in the middle of nowhere. How do you expect me to sound?” seethed Lena. 
Her mother winced but tried to keep a passive look on her face.
“That is not what is happening here. Nevermore is a wonderful school. They have wonderful teachers, the students are friendly, and you will learn more ways to control your magic,” Elizabeth tried to reason.
“I control my magic just fine. I’m even better at magic than you!” scoffed Lena. 
Elizabeth grimaced at that last statement and tried to return to a more passive face. 
“That may be true sweetie, but the way you’ve been using your magic is… less than desirable.”
Lena scowled while looking back out the window. “I have been practicing magic wonderfully,” she muttered. 
Lena felt Lillian grabbed her hand softly. She looked over to Lillian staring at her with a soft smile on her face. 
“You have a gift with magic. While I found the last stunt hilarious….”
Lionel frowned and asked, “Really, Lillian?”
Lillian looked up startled and asked, “What? I’m not going to lie to the girl. It was funny.” She turned back to Lena with a soft smile and said, “As I was saying, it was a funny stunt and I get why you did it, but violence shouldn’t be your go-to when someone has slighted you or someone else in this household.”
“But Morgan Edge was being a jackass,” muttered Lena. 
Elizabeth sighed and said, “Language, sweetie.”
Lena rolled her eyes and said, “Morgan Edge is a butt face. Happy now?”
Lionel rubbed the back of his neck and asked, “You don’t think what you did was the least bit overkill?”
Lena thought back to what happened a week ago. After school, she walked to L-Corp to listen to a presentation that Lex and Edge were putting together about a new energy-saving initiative.
However, Lex never showed up to the meeting, just Edge. He went on to pitch his own idea of replacing steel with nth metal since a new supply of it was found in South America and it is stronger than any metal on Earth. Because of the large supply of it found, it would save energy costs.
While Edge was explaining the numbers, Lena found it odd that Lex was still missing and used her magic to try to locate him. She found him locked in a broom closet with a pit bull. Lex had managed to get to the top shelf where the dog couldn’t reach him. 
She used magic to poof the dog away, but the damage was done. Lex was a babbling mess with scratch marks everywhere, and a urine stain on his pants. She instantly poofed him to a hospital so that he could be treated and given a sedative to calm down. While the doctors were working on Lex, she poofed back to L-Corp and burst back into the boardroom where Edge was finishing up his presentation. She remembers the confrontation with Edge vividly. 
She approached him like a cat about to pounce on its prey. She tapped his shoulder while looking at him passively.
“Is there a reason why you locked my brother in the broom closet with a pit bull?” Lena demanded. 
Edge chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Lena looked down at her hands nonchalantly and said, “I found him in the closet not too long ago. The pit bull had run him up to the top shelf. The closet is only able to be locked with a key from the outside, so Lex couldn’t have done it himself. When I asked him what happened, all he could say was ‘Edge’ over and over again.”
Edge smirked and said, “‘Edge’ could refer to so many things. Besides, it’s kind of pathetic that Lex couldn’t stand up for himself against a dog. The most basic of people can do that.”
Lena raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh really?”
Edge laughed obnoxiously which caused Lena’s skin to crawl. “Everybody knows that your brother doesn’t really have thick skin when it comes to business, or anything else for that matter. He comes from a Wasp-y upbringing, but he is anything but. L-Corp needs strong and dominant leaders who can take the reigns. Not those that cry in the corner.” 
Lena narrowed her eyes and frowned. Her eyes turned black and started walking toward Edge, which caused him to gulp. When Edge looked around, his face fell when he noticed that everyone in the room was frozen in place and silent.
Edged looked back at Lena and stuttered, “It’s…nothing…personal….kid….”
Lena stopped within inches of him and smirked. “I find it funny that you think that you’re a Wasp considering you’re really just a worker bee gathering things in attempts to make your mommy richer and hoping that she loves you more for it. Too bad that she’ll still ignore you no matter what you do.” 
Edge took a step back hesitantly and said more confidently, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lena smiled while brushing her hand against his arm which caused him to gasp. He was so nervous that he didn’t notice a purple glow going from her hand to his arm. 
“Maybe you should be reminded of what bees do when a Wasp tries to enter solo in their hive.”
Lena cackled as she turned around and left. The room became lively again after she left. Everybody left the room except for Edge, who sat in the room in stunned silence. 
Lena has thought back to that day with a smile on her face often. 
Lena looked back at Lionel smiling and said, “I don’t think that it was overkill at all.”
“You had bees burst through the wall at his home and attack him,” Elizabeth said with a deadpan stare.
Lena looked down while pulling at her dress and said, “They just bit him. It is not like any of them used their poison stingers to kill him. If I wanted that, I would’ve done something that didn’t leave a body.”
Lillian raised an eyebrow and said, “You realize that it’s comments like that which have us concerned?”
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
Closer - Kara Danvers x F!Reader
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Warnings: almost death, fluff, gaaaaaay, gxg, dumbasses in love
A/n: SOME ONE CALL THE PRESS LIV IS FINALLY WRITING A FEM X FEM FIC! and its with my fav JLA member! I restarted supergirl recently since I never finished the first time round. I love Kara so much and i hope you all love this fic one as well.
I was taking a short break, writer's block had hit me hard this time around. What could one say about super girl that hasn't already been written about the caped heroine. She was gorgeous, kind and a national treasure much like her cousin.
Which is why I decided to hopefully get rid of this stupid writers block by getting fresh air on top of the Catco building, I was always able to just clear my head up here listening to the sounds of National city below.
I was stupidly in my opinion walking rather close to the edge of the building when I hear the roof access door open.
Two very familiar voices seem to be in a small argument. I stop my pacing to eavesdrop, who knows it may be more entertaining than just my own thoughts.
“Kara, you have to tell her. Your love struck eyes are starting to slightly gross me out,” one voice says, I realize it’s winn, one of my coworkers who sits just diagonal of me in the office, “I’m pretty sure by the way she looks at you she also has feelings for you”.
“Winn! Stop, it’s not that easy, besides we don’t even know if she even likes girls! I don’t want to get my hopes up,” Kara sighs sadly, my heart breaks a bit thinking that my long-time crush might have fallen for another.
“Kara, she has a 3 pride flags on her desk, plus she was just telling Janice about the new gay bar that opened up downtown not to long ago,” was winn talking about me? Kara Danvers, has a crush on me?
I try to step closer to hear a bit more of the now very interesting conversation between the two friends when my foot makes contact with an air conditioning duct and it makes a loud noise.
I look up to see Kara standing in front of me with a shocked look on her face and Winn with a smirk.
“Ugh, I am just gonna go, yeah I’m just gonna go back to my office and you guys can forget that I was ever here” I say starting to back away forgetting how close to the edge I was until it was too late.
I didn't process what was happening until I felt the free fall. I saw Kara’s scared face and her reaching her hands out but it all happened so fast. As soon as I felt the wind blow past my hair as I fell, I saw a flash of blonde hair and I felt something solid and warm wrap around me. I was once again on the roof of Catco.
When I feel myself being let go I lurch forward and release everything that was in my stomach. Once I am finished, I look behind me and see Kara and her disheveled outfit, all wrinkled from catching me. Wait wait wait, she saved me. How is that even possible unless she’s…
“Surprise,” she says nonchalantly as though it was no big deal, however her face soon changes to one of concern. She holds my own face in her hands examining me, “How could you act so recklessly! You could have died, if I didn’t have my powers I could have lost you!”
“I am so sorry Kara,” I say, my lip quivering when the reality of my fall finally hits me.
She pulls me into the tightest hug I’ve ever had, the tears fall free as we embrace, I pull back after a short recess of crying, to look into her green eyes “So I assume after this traumatizing event it’s too soon to ask you out on a date?”
She smiles her gorgeous smile and shakes her head yes, guess I finally do have an article to write out the amazing supergirl.
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i-writes-things · 2 years
Please Hold To My Hand
Kara Zor El X sister!reader (BD) [Baby Danvers]
Alex Danvers X sister!reader (BD) [Baby Danvers]
Summary- Kara gets hit with Red Kryptonite.
Warnings- Violence, fighting, detailed descriptions of injuries, yelling, angry characters, mentions of blood, fainting, crying, mean Supergirl, threats,
A/N- Reader is a krytonian from another Earth who did some bad things but is trying to be better on this Earth and in the last few years has become like a younger sister to Alex and Kara!
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“Kara?” Alex pushed on the already slightly ajar door. Kara’s apartment was gloomy looking. She pressed into the room slowly. Gun at her side but at the ready.
“Hello, sister.” Kara came out of nowhere.“Look, I picked out my own outfit without any fashion advice from you.” She took a step closer to Alex, wearing an all black jumper with a red colored Glyph. "All these years you've pushed those dowdy sweaters and skirts on me! Trying to cloak my beauty so I don't outshine yours.” Kara’s heatvision quickly hit her clothing rack. It caught fire and started to burn.
“Kara!” Alex rushed over with the fire extinguisher, while Kara laughed manically.
“I needed a wardrobe overhaul.” The Kryptonian moved back into the kitchen. And Alex followed her quickly after the fire was put out.
“Kara, this isn't you.” Kara turned sharply. There was something in her tone and an evil in her eyes that sent the message that the Kara Danvers Alex knew, was not in this room.
“I'm more me than I've ever been.”
“Please, listen. You're not seeing clearly.”
“Oh, I see clearly!" Kara shouted angrily. "I see how you've always been jealous of me! You didn't want me to come out as Supergirl because you didn't want me to own my powers. I can fly. I can catch bullets with my bare hands. And that makes you feel worthless.” Kara put weight on her words, knew they would crush Alex.
“No.” She whispered, a lump in her throat starting to form. “No, I'm proud of you.”
“And when you couldn't stop me being Supergirl, you got me to work for you. To retain some control." Kara scuffed in her sister's face. "Those days are so over.” The words cut Alex deep and pushed her closer to the edge. Kara starred the human down with disgust. “I am finally free of you, and I'm ready to soar.” Kara went over to the window and looked out it with a sense of authority. “Look at that city. They worship me. And those who don't, will."
“Kara, just listen to yourself.”
“Go, cut the big sister act, Alex. We have never been sisters.” Kara said aggressively, leaving the window sill to slowly walk up to Alex. “We don't share blood. And you know what the sad truth is? Without me, you have no life. And that kills you.” A beat. A silent moment. A tension that brought Alex closer to tears than ever. “Deep down, you hate me.” Kara leaned in, whispering. “And that's why you killed my aunt.” Kara noticed Alex had a red face with tears in her eyes. She chuckled, “Aww, did I make you cry?” She pouted at her sister dramatically. Alex sniffled trying to hide it. “You know what they say, the truth hurts.” Kara said straight faced and flew out of the apartment by the open window.
“Y/n, you and I are nothing alike. Your power will never match mine. I am a god. You're worthless. You hold me back. You and Alex both.”
“You hate that I am more powerful than you. And you’ll never measure up.” Kara laughed, shaking her head, a deceiving smile playing on her lips. “Always in my shadow. That heavy shadow, I'm forced to lug around.” Her smile faded. “Your just dead weight, and that makes you feel pathetic." She rolled her eyes and checked her nails for a moment. "What I’m trying to say is,” Her eyes had started to glow. "If you try to stop me. Well. Don’t take this the wrong way. Or do, I don’t care.” She shrugged and a smirk erupted on her face, “I’ll kill you.” Her glowing eyes gave me anxiety about what might come next. She started towards me, cracking her knuckles.
Everything seemed to move in slow-motion for a moment. I didn't understand what was happening. Looking up at her with concerned eyes, I just let her come closer. Fist cocked, the anger in her eyes froze me in place. I just watched it happen. I didn't really understand what was happening. My senses flared as her fist started towards me. "Kar- Kara-" An stounding blow. The pain rippled from my left temple and throw me on the floor. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!” I sobbed from, now, on the ground. Her towering figure stood over me. The light behind her body, gave her whole body a shadow. I was laying on the ground, in that shadow. Her breath was heavy, and her eyes were glaring down at me. They were the only light, aside from the city buildings far away.
“I hope you've learned your lesson, sister.” Her piercing glare was the last thing I remembered before it all went dark.
What felt like a long time after, the dark came into view again and so did the voices.
“Mommy, is she okay?” Was the closest voice I picked up.
“Alice, no.” I felt a jerk and started to sense the world around me. There was a warm breeze, a rough surface beneath me and giggles from what I suspected was a little girl. Remembering I can see the world too, I slowly open my eyes. It wasn’t bright, I didn't have to adjust my eyes. There was a pale freckled face right above mine. She squealed and popped up. It was then that I noticed her bright red hair blowing in the wind. Also the brightness came into view and I unconsciously picked my hand up to my face.
“Mommy, she’s alive!” She ran out of my view. I was looking up at the sky my hand. As more of the world came to my attention, so did the throbbing in my head. And the numbness in my left temple. I took a deep breath before listening back in, to the mother and daughter.
“Yes. She’s here. On the ground and -AH!” I jerked my head over towards the yelp. The mother was rushing over towards me. “Oh darling are you okay? I have the Hospital on the phone. They are on the way-”
“Who are you?” I blurted out. Instantly realizing where I was.
“My daughter and I found you on our way to the park. I’m Janet.” Her voice was soft, made me feel safe in a way.
“I'M ALICE!” The younger girl shouted.
“Alice, honey, inside voice.” Janet turned back to me. “What’s your name kid? The nurse would like to talk with you. Can you sit up?” Trying to process everything she said, the mother stuck out her hand to me and pulled me up with great ease. She seemed to have a knack for telling what others were thinking, or that they were overthinking. And mine were going a mile a minute. “So, that name?” You slowly looked over at her and blinked, coming back to reality.
“Y/n.” I said just above a whisper. She gave me a smile and repeated it into the phone. I watched Janet as she continued to talk. Not having any idea of what she was saying, I studied her. She had bright teeth. Very white. Her flowery dress drifted nicely in the breeze. Her dark hair looked clean. Her complexion was the complete opposite from the small red head girl that was her daughter. And finally, I felt that she was firmly holding my back up. This helped me realize how tired I was. I felt the need to sleep, but knew sleep would do me no good.
Maybe Janet could carry me.
She seemed strong. I started to fade. Sleep sounded so nice. No pain. Just rest…
“Y/N!” It shot my eyes wide open. The ceiling was rushing by above me and the voice was soft again. “No sleeping, Y/n/n.” Y/n/n? The voice I knew so well was comforting. She had saved me. I was safe. Alex. She was here, but where were Janet and Alice? Are they okay? I missed them for a moment. Not getting to tell them anymore but my name.
“W- Who hit you?” She paused a moment and then asked, “Can you hear me?” More blood slowly trickled down when I tried to smile, showing her, I could hear her concerns. I gave her a thumbs up to show my older sister my hearing was still there. I pushed against Alex’s hand, the one holding my back up, but she wouldn’t let me lay down. Somethings she said went straight through me, but when I heard my name, everything became clear for a few moments. Alex turned away from me, to Winn, who was chewing his nails off in the doorway.
“Kara should have been here by now.” The concern in her voice was more than enough for Winn to know exactly what he should be doing. He piped up from the frame and disappeared down the hall. And as Alex had turned herself and her attention away from me, I finally got to lay down. Taking a deep breath, I couldn’t feel for a moment. No pain. Before it, all started again and I knew I had to tell her. Kara wasn’t gonna be much help.
“Al-” I whimpered, it had felt like I hadn’t talked in years. Alex turned right back to me. Scanning quickly, desperation in her eyes. “Kara…” I said it again. “Kara.” Alex interpreted this as a cry and not a warning. “It- was Kara.” Alex just looked at me quietly. Her eyes never moved from mine in this moment. Her brain processes and reassesses what I had said.
“What do you mean it was Kara?” I hoped to Rao she knew what I meant. The throbbing in my head, and the numbness in the leftside of my head said it all to me. Quite clearly. A tear slowly fell down towards my hair and on. I couldn’t feel my left ear. It didn’t make me panic too much at the moment. As the tear had fallen Alex finally realized what I meant. She couldn’t grasp the thought at all. She left my side immediately and went to find Winn. Leaving me in a haze with the other nurses.
“Winn!” It echoed down the halls, again, and again, until she was back in the main control area. J’onn had his hands in his face. Alex could tell he and the rest of the room was tense. Winn, with about six others were staring at the tv’s. A few agents were whispering to themselves on the side. “It was Kara.” Winn looked like he was afraid and nodded, pointing up at the tv. The Cat Grant, from Catco, was talking straight-faced about Supergirl.
Stay away from her, for your safety. Supergirl had attacked multiple citizens and been the cause of two separate fires downtown.
Cat was talking as if she had the notion that she would never, in all of the universe, have to report on this. She was disheartened. We all are.
“What happened then? That’s not our Kara.” She protested, tears aching to come out.
“It is our Kara.”
“Alex. I know.” Alex huffed in his face, trying to find an explanation for all this. “Winn thinks that she might have come in contact with Red Krytonite.” He saw her frustration and confusion. “It, essentially turns Kara evil for a little while.”
“And how long is a little while, J’onn?” Her voice became louder. “She’s still out there! What are we going to do? Send a squad after her? Y/n’s hurt. Kara might be going off the rails, and there some weirdo out there strong enough to take Y/n down. In one hit too!" Before she knew it she was yelling. “And what are the agents going to do? She’s indestructible! Girl of Steel, much!? Or do you still have some kryptonite your hiding!”
“ALEX!” Bleed coming out of your head, and with it, my throbbing came back, Alex spun around. She was almost shocked to see me here. “I’ll go get her.” It hurt, just thinking about it, but I had to. Alex wasn’t going to stop. She would start crying and break down before she stopped yelling. Alex slowly shakes her head going to say something, taking a breath in, before I'm a foot or so off the ground in just my t-shirt and shorts. Some nurses ran into the room, huffing and puffing and looking for something for you.
Putting a hand to your chest, I say softly, “I’ll go get her.” My voice raspy. I say it in search of permission from my older sister. Anything. Any little thing. I kept re-examining her. The nurses' heavy breathing and the throbbing pulse in my brain was the only two things I could hear. Alex finally closes her eyes and gives the slightest of nods. My queue. The throbbing was just one thing I would just have to work with.
Besides the banging in my brain the search in the late afternoon sky was kinda calming. Reminded me of the calm before the storm. That didn’t make me feel much better, though. Soaring in the wind, trying to forget about the pain in my head. In searching for her, it seems she found me first.
“What did I tell you?” Swinging around, head pounding, I could see her corrupt face. Her eyes glowed so bright they looked almost white. And her right hand was covered in red. Dried blood. My dried blood covered her hand. The same dried blood that paint the left side of my head. Alex filled me in on my injury.
“Why would I want to try to stop you and fight after last time, Kara? I was unconscious for hours.”
“Couldn’t let you hurt yourself any further, it was for the best. But why wouldn’t you come crawling back, I always noticed the way you put yourself out there, trying to spend every hour of every day with me.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
“You’re pathetic.” It echoed in my head. After all-
“No I am not.” My blood started to boil. “I am a hero-"
“Hero?” She laughed loudly. “You think that coming here and just taking up the place as a hero magically takes away everything else you’ve ever done.” She was starting to ware me down. It’s not that I had never had someone tell me the hard truth before, but this was different. Kara was someone to me and right about now she was slowly to rip my heart it apart. One agonizing tear of the pumping muscle at a time. “You are the bad guy that everyone hates. That’s You.”
“Kara. Come on. What are you doing? And Spoiler alert. I am not going to fight you.” Your voice turned to a whisper. “However much it might hurt.” I cursed on the inside, the second I let it slip. She could hear me. She could always hear me. I looked down at the city buildings, 100 or more feet, below us trying to get Kara out of my head for a moment of peace. A break.
“I’ll let you go this time. And this time only.” She floated towards me, her gaze shifting, eyes glowing, and whispered calmly, “I will kill the little hero in you.” She mocked, and leaned back, giving me a moment before flying away. Leaving the wind in my face. I let a breath go. Kill. Kara’s not a killer. Right?
“That’s not our Kara, remember.”
“Yes it is. She’s in their, she’s just-”
“Just what? We don’t have time for hesitation, Y/n. Go get cleaned up in Medbay. Alex is expecting you.” J’onn crossed his arms. The argument was over. It was his word over everyone else’s in the universe. Including mine evidently.
“Yup. He’s building it now for us.” Alex seemed tense about the situation with the scientist.
“Maxwell.” I huffed under my breath aggressively.
“Stop moving. You can always do this yourself.”
“No, no. I’ll stop.” I tried to relax for Alex to continue stitching up your stomach.
“No superheroing for a week. At the least.” I almost screamed. A WEEK?!
This is totally unfair, but I guess when you go up against Supergirl, the consequences are gonna be big.
I did it again. I went after her. I have to try. Not alone this time thankfully. J’onn and the whole DEO are on stand by. I will find her and bring her to the park. The DEO closed the park or is in the process of doing that now. I can’t do much, not with my stitches I got earlier today. Flying was hurting my abdomen. Feeling eyes on me I turned and in my discomfort quickly flew to the park. I touched down slowly. I glanced at the places I knew agents were hiding.
“Upside down?” I turned. It was Kara, her eyes were pure white, with the red kryptonite showing on her cheeks.
“I really don’t want to do this, Kara.”
“That’s not for you to decide.”
“Then, at least-” She swung, landing right in the middle of my chest. Gasping for a breath from the ground, Kara smirked and walked around me in a circle. Her voice was coming from all different angles. It had a new type of hatred in it too.
“Weak. Pathetic." She started off with, then going for the coldest hit yet, no contact necessary. "You are a disgrace to Krypton.” Everything Kara had said to me thus far had just went through me, she wasn’t herself. But this broke something within me that hadn’t been there before. I stood, not sure fully sure what had come over me. I was still trying to find my breath, and forgetting about everything else for a moment, I threw a punch. She caught it and laughed, gently throwing my fist away. “That’s all you’ve got?” A hatred had erupted in me. It went sideways and under. I wanted her to feel what I felt.
“Never say that about Kryton again.” She was quick to catch my collar in her grip and jerked me close to her. The white in her eyes had started to look corrupted by a shooting red on the sides of her eyes. They looked like red vines growing onto of the the pure white. Goosebumps flowed down my arms and up my spine.
“Do not tell a god what to do.” She growled, throwing me harshly away from her. I catch myself in the air, once again catching my breath. It came back to me quickly this time. I knew I had to stay in one place. Landing again I came up to her. Without hesitating, she punched me in the face. Stammer backwards I couldn’t feel my mouth. Pain was sharp and instantly brought tears to my eyes. I heard her laugh maniacally. She was having fun hurting me. I wanted to scream and cry, but that wouldn’t help us at all right now.
I huffed, starting to become livid, I stomped up to her, she flexed her arm in the air. I didn’t flinch. I really wanted to, but I could see in her eyes. She wouldn’t do it. I instead brought my hand up to my face to feel my mouth. Punching her hard in the face. her face went back and took the hit but she grabbed my fist and squeezed it. Hard. Trying to crush it. I could feel my bones starting to crack. I quickly pointed my heat-vision at her hand and she pulled it back fast. She didn’t hesitate to upper cut my stomach. Right next to my stitches I screamed all the air out of my lungs. Again the air being taken away. I groaned and leaned back up. This was getting bad. Why can’t they just take the shot. I put my hands back up, ready to fight again.
“You look tired there, Y/n.” Kara pouted at me. This made me more angry.
“I could do this all day.” I breathed. Kara scuffed at me.
“Don’t disrespect him in that way.”
“I’m not gonna stop. Not till you're done.” This seemed to anger her, cause evidently she got me right in the face. Really hard. I remember she punched me a few times more also. I felt each one, and the power she put behind them. At one point I thought I was pushing her face away from me but she still attacked me. I was on the ground. She was towering over me again.
“I never thought you would just except death this easy.” There was tears streaming down my neck. I tried to convince myself that I had to get up, but there was a sense of pain, that spread everywhere. I tried to get up and the second I was on my feet. She jabbed my face with her bloody knuckles. My face went to the ground. Knees buckling, I said the only thing that came to my foggy mind.
“Kara.” I begged quietly. “Please.” My head was hanging low, the warm taste of blood in my mouth as I felt it run down from my nose. I was at my breaking point. All I could do was beg her. But even that took too much energy. Instead, cautiously, I rested my head on her stomach. She let me. Not moving, my anxiety was dialed up to eleven. In the past 28 hours, I had fought her two times and I was scared.
I was afraid of Supergirl. I needed my Kara back.
I couldn’t take any more fighting. I let myself cry. I eventually stood up on shaky knees and hugged her middle as tight as I could. My whimpers stayed quiet. I didn’t even really notice when she went limp in my arms. Not until Alex was pulling us apart did I realize that she was unconscious. Some agents dragged Supergirl away in the darkness. Alex being the one to put her arm around me and take me to the car.
Flying felt a bit easier than yesterday. It had been three days since they dragged her away in the darkness. I had been good for the past two days.
No superheroing. Only because I was under Alex’s watch. Alex as of now, was at the DEO and too distracted to, hopefully, be bothered that I am patrolling. In broad day light too, but who cares.
“Y/N” Stopping short, I swing around. Then jerking back around in pain.
“Shit.” Panting, I held my stomach. After a quick X-ray, I saw that the stitches were still in tack. “Right. Who was that?” I talked out loud to myself.
“Y/n! Y/n!” There was an innocent laugh, as I followed the sound. I landed down at the park, instantly looking for a threat. All that I could find was a little girl, she ran up to me shouting my name. How did she know my name?
“Hi!” I said cheerily, kneely down to her level.
“HI Y/N!” I gave her a weak smile.
“How do you know my name?” I asked softly.
“You know Supergirl.” She giggled. Suspecting you weren’t going to get an easy answer out of her, you just went with it.
“What’s your name?”
“Alice.” She giggled. Alice? Why does that sound familiar? Searching my memories for an Alice, she and Janet finally showed up. The inital shock kept me from moving. It half came back to me. Then looking up, noticing the new woman, and recongizing her as Janet. Her bright smile. Her complexion.
“Janet?” I asked with confusion written all over my face.
“Y/n. It’s good to see you under healthier conditions. Thank you.” Thank you? You wondered why she was thanking you. “Thank you. You saved me.”
"You’re welcome, kid.” There was some foreign comfort in her voice.
“Visit anytime you want. I can hear you. Where ever you are. That sounded weird. I have super-hearing.” Janet chuckled. Checking the time in the nearest building, you knew you couldn’t be caught like this. “I can’t be here for much longer. Secret Identity stuff.”
“I understand. Have a good day, Y/n.”
“I will. Thank you again.” She just smiled at me. Before I went I noticed Alice was mesmerized by my suit and so I stuck my hand in the air and jumped in the sky saying, “Up, up, and away!”
“Y/N!” If Kara hadn’t killed me, and she hadn’t, I was about to be. The anger was radiating off of her. Placing her hands on her hips with the utmost of annoyance on her face. “Where the hell were you?” It also showed in her voice. I stayed silent. She would understand. “Really? After I told you a week." I looked down at the ground, shaking her head. “I was coming to find you. Kara’s awake.” The anxiety, just from her name, started to rise. “She needs us.” I don’t think Alex understands, she tried to kill me.
We walked in. The sight of Kara gave me two completely different feelings. One being that I loved her. And the other being that it triggered and reminded me of the last week. For a second I took some deep breaths trying to refocus my thoughts.
“Please hold to my hand.” Kara whimpered, as she sobbed and sobbed. She apologized over and over. I knew we would have to talk about it at some point, at somepoint I would have to tell her what she did, and at somepoint I would have get over my fear of her, but not right now.
I was afraid. I was afraid of my own sister. I was afraid of what might happen.“Please hold to my hand.” Kara whimpered, as she sobbed and sobbed. She apologized over and over. I knew we would have to talk about it at some point, at somepoint I would have to tell her what she did, and at somepoint I would have get over my fear of her, but not right now.
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chaotic-super · 2 years
The Vampire Woman - 4
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Kara isn’t one to go back on her word. She really isn’t but when every fibre if her being tells her that her moral code isn’t as important as keeping her distance from a vampire that has tried to kill her twice, although it does boost her ego that she is as of yet, unkillable.
While she is still willing to give some of her blood to the vampire if it means that she’ll get left alone, going to have it done somewhere shady that will allow it could be just as dangerous as being alone with the woman, maybe even more so.
It’s only been a few hours since their latest encounter and until the sun rose a little while ago, Kara has been on edge with a fist full of garlic cloves just in case the woman came back for her. Luckily, she didn’t come back but with how desperate she’s become for blood, how hungry, it’s only a matter of time before she’s back and coming for what she has to offer.
She’s planning on taking this time to sleep now that it’s light outside, no way for the woman to come back again and hurt her because of the sun streaming in through the windows, shining firmly on her bed where she’s going to try and get a few hours rest.
By the urgency in the woman’s voice last night, it’s safe to say that she won’t be getting much of a reprieve from her before she’s back so she’s going to have to try and sleep whenever it’s daytime. That’s not going to work for long though because while she’s not working today, she still has a regular nine to five.
Since Kara never got changed out of her pyjamas, all she has to do is climb right back into her bed, easy enough, right? Wrong.
Just as she slides herself back under the duvet and begins fluffing up her pillow, she’s interrupted by a loud knocking on her door.
There’s only a limited amount of people it can be and if it was Alex, she’d probably just let herself in so it’s not her.
Kara clambers back to her feet and hesitantly makes her way to her front door, grabbing a garlic clove from the counter on her way past and hiding it behind her back while she unlocks the door. Leaving the safety chain place, she cracks it open, her fingers digging into the clove and leaving tiny crescent moon marks in the outside of it where her nails grip into it.
Part of her truly believed for a minute that the vampire woman would be back, that she’d be standing right outside waiting on the other side of her door, but alas, she’s not. If fact, Kara has no idea who the woman is on the other side of the door.
From the tiny amount that she’s cracked the door open, Kara can see a short Asian woman with a tablet standing there, stoic and staring intently at her through the gap.
“Um…hello?” Kara murmurs, her hand relaxing around the garlic.
The woman clears her throat and shifts her gaze down to her tablet for a reason that Kara is not yet privy to.
She simply reads for what must be at least ten seconds before hugging the tablet back to her chest and looking to Kara again, ignoring her frown and asking her in the most professional voice that Kara has ever heard, “are you Kara Danvers?”
Kara blinks, “that depends on who is asking.”
“I will take that as a yes. I am here on behalf of Ms Luthor. I have been informed that you have made an agreement with her to donate your blood and I’m here to escort you to your donation point. Do you require a few minutes to get yourself together?” The woman vaguely gestures to Kara’s pyjamas that are visible through the gap.
“What? We only spoke a few hours ago, we didn’t officially agree to anything, especially not to me going anywhere today. That’s not even mentioning the fact that until now, I didn’t even know her name and I don’t know yours.” Kara rebuffs, trying not to fidget and straightening her shoulders in the hope that it makes her look more confident.
The woman huffs. “Ms Danvers, since you’re donating blood then I can deduce that you are aware of Ms Luthors…condition. It is not something that you can plan. For the purpose of transparency, my name is Jessica Huang, you may call me Jess.”
“Are you aware of the circumstances of the agreement?”
“Ms Danvers, this is not a topic to be discussed where there may be prying ears, as I’m sure you are intelligent enough to know.” Jess avoids the question, something that Kara’s reporter brain is picking up on.
The way the woman’s eye shift from her own for the first time since she confirmed her identity, she knows that the woman knows and that she doesn’t want to outright admit it. “I’ll take that as a yes and I’ll also like to inform you that as I’m sure you’re intelligent enough to know, you are guilty by association and I hope that you can live with yourself after this is over with. I’ll be out in ten, I’ll do what I have to do and then I never want to see her or anyone else she sends at my door again.”
With that Kara promptly shuts the door in Ms Huang’s face. She isn’t going to be giving her the satisfaction of calling her by her first name, even in her head. She calls friends by their first names and this woman is not her friend. Not by a long shot.
She rushes to get dressed and brush her teeth, angrily tossing her phone into her purse as she stomps her way over to the door, being sure to double check that there is still a few cloves in the bottom for her to use in case of an emergency.
She slides off the safety chain and rags the door open, making her displeasure plain and obvious as she locks her door harshly and then stomps past Ms Huang and towards the elevator, relishing in the way the shorter woman has to rush to keep up with her, her clipboard dangling from her fingers precariously as she tries to run in her short heels.
Kara watches out of the corner of her eye as Ms Huang straightens out her clothes, tugging at her blouse and straightening out her skirt.
Just like she did before, Ms Huang clears her throat. “Thank you for coming Ms Danvers. Ms Luthor will appreciate it.” Kara rolls her eyes. “And so do I.”
“Let’s just get this over with.”
Kara receives a curt nod in response and they fall into a pregnant silence, the sound of the clunky elevator filling the air.
She’s taken into a waiting car and offered water from the little built in mini fridge in the back. All Kara can think of is how pretentious it is as she declines the offer, angling her knees towards the door and facing out of the window, watching out and mapping in her mind where they are going.
It’s comforting that the streets they turn down are familiar and that she can easily deduce that they are heading down across to the other side of the city. She knows it fairly well so it doesn’t bother her too much, not until they are going through to the rich side where all of the rich people live. There’s a few major companies out on this side of town too but most are closer to where she lives, CatCo being one example.
Whoever this Ms Luthor is, her vampire woman that is really keen on attacking her or someone else, she has money. A lot of it too.
Her knee begins to bounce when they pull around through a back street to get the back entrance of one of the buildings and Kara can’t make out which it is from sight but putting the pieces together, it has to be Luthor-Corp.
Ms Huang gets out and makes for the metal key pad beside a non-descript door and while she gets out of the car too, she just can’t force herself to follow and she’s seriously debating running, trying to get away from whatever is going on here and preventing them from doing whatever it is they are planning on doing.
The driver steps out too and blocks her way to the main road but she’s pretty sure she can still get past him, he’s not too tall, a similar height to herself by the looks of it and he has a full head of grey hair to  match the indented wrinkles in his forehead.
Kara’s eyes fix on the road and her body naturally angles itself towards it, something the man notices and as quickly as she thought about running, the thought leaves at the simple gesture of the man tucking his suit jacket back over his hip, exposing a gun strapped to his belt. The movement speaks for itself, she’s not going anywhere.
She doesn’t run but she does spare the man a scowl and a disgusted scoff, something he doesn’t react to at all. Ms Huang now has the door unlocked and open, she reaches towards Kara, grasping her wrist slightly to beckon her inside.
Kara passes her but wrenches her arm away. “Don’t touch me. It’s not like I can do anything anyway is it, you assholes have a gun.”
That catches Jess’ attention, she puts a hand out to stop the driver from entering after them. “Ms Luthor made it clear that there was to be no funny business. You were not permitted to threaten her guest with a gun, please wait in the car.”
The man ducks his head and does as he’s told, closing the door behind them.
Jess leads them through a litany of corridors. They head for a series of service elevators and wait for one to arrive. “I’m sorry for that Ms Danvers, that was not protocol and shouldn’t have happened. He is just concerned for Ms Luthor’s health and like most of us, we care for her deeply so we are willing to bend s few rules for her.”
“Bend a few laws, you mean.” Kara corrects her. “And I don’t care for your whole good cop bad cop thing you have going. It’s safe to say from the actions of yourselves and from Ms Luthor herself, that I’m not in the best of company.”
Jess visibly deflates. “Once again, my apologies Ms Danvers.”
Kara makes note of the fact that the elevator is set to go down to the lowest floor available and holds her breath on the way down, her breathing picking up unconsciously and her toes scrunching up in her converse. 
It seems to take forever for the doors to open but when they do she’s greeted by the smell of chemicals, a very sterile smell like what you get in hospitals and the light is dimmed, the whole room basking in a soft blue hue that is surprisingly pleasing to the eyes.
Upon moving into the room, she can see that it’s a lab and across the room, there she stands.
She looks different. Gone is the dark cloak and the harsh demeanour. Standing before her in jeans and a blouse, not too different from Kara’s own, just designer where hers are not, and wearing a nervous smile is the vampire herself, the pale look to her flesh illuminated under the soft lighting.
“Thank you for coming, I would understand if you didn’t.”
Kara surveys her for a second before answering. “It’s hard to decline when someone pulls a gun on you.” She purposely doesn’t mention that it happened long after she agreed to come but her point still stands.
Lena directs her attention to Jess, looking over at her in alarm. “Jess-“
“Frank. I told him to wait outside.” Jess is already one step ahead.
Lena ducks her head, pulling her lips into her mouth while she thinks. “I’m sorry, you can leave if you really want to but I would appreciate it if you would donate your blood to me, just like we talked about last night.”
“And you want me to believe that if I were to walk out of here I wouldn’t be greeted by your little trigger happy friend up there? Or maybe that you wouldn’t let yourself into my place again tonight?”
Lena gulps and takes a step closer. “Frank is not a bad man, he’s just protective.”
Kara shakes her head. “Let’s just get this over with, then you can stop showing up out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of me.”
Lena nods, “of course. If you don’t mind coming this way.” She leads her across the lab to where she has a bed set up.
Arms crossed and shoulder tense, Kara paces over to the bed, perching herself on the very edge, looking around constantly and noting the exits.
Lena notices but doesn’t say anything, already aware of how uncivilised her behaviour has been to the other woman, head clearer than it has been in days.
“Before we begin, Ms Danvers, I would very much like to apologise for everything, for attacking you in that alley and for showing up in your home last night. Blood deprivation can do strange things to someone like me. Jess managed to procure me a bag of blood this morning so I am slightly better but I am still in dire need, hence why I need your help.
“I am not usually a violent person, quite the opposite. I haven’t killed anyone for blood in over a century and I am proud of that fact. I wouldn’t have forgiven myself if I had done so, not just for the sake of my record.”
Kara drops her purse onto the floor with a clunk and drags her legs up onto the bed, “with all due respect, I just want this done with so I can go home and forget this ever happened.”
Lena recoils aggressively, stumbling away with her fingers pinching her nose. “Oh my god! How much garlic did you bring with you?”
Jess marches over snatching up Kara’s purse and tossing it across the room away from Lena.
“Hey! My phone is in there!” Kara races after it, digging through it to find her phone and tossing it back down angrily when she sees that it is completely done for. “As if it wasn’t bad enough that you people forced me down here, you just destroyed my one way to call for help if something went wrong, congratulations, if you’re going to kill me, just get it over with, I’ve had enough of your games.”
Jess looks like she’s about to march over there and give her a piece of her mind herself and Kara is almost scared but her anger and adrenaline is going full blast through her body, stopping her from being afraid of one scary look.
Lena stops her before she can try and make her way over to Kara. “Jess, stop.”
They stand across the room from each other. One the face of anger and supressed fear and the other the face of guilt and pity.
Lena swallows harshly. “You can leave with no repercussions, I mean it. I can escort you back home myself.”
“That doesn’t bring me comfort.”
“No, I can’t imagine it would, but the sentiment is the same.”
Kara shakes her head. “Just take the damn blood, then I can be sure that you have what you want and I can go on with my life.”
Lena nods, “I will replace your phone. My apologies for the reaction to the garlic. My nose is quite sensitive to the smell and it is rather repulsive to me, although as I learned last night, it can be quite painful when thrown at you.”
“I played softball in college, I was a half-decent pitcher.” Kara shrugs, tentatively making her way back to the bed and settling down on it, ignoring the indecipherable look she’s getting from Jess.
Lena gets back into motion setting up to draw Kara’s blood, manoeuvring around the bed quickly, clear that she’s scared that Kara is going to change her mind.
Once she has everything, she approaches Kara’s side. “Ok, so I’m going to take two pints of blood from you, if that’s still alright with you?”
Kara hums with a nod, closing her eyes and holding her arm out for Lena to do what she needs to do. She feels as a tourniquet is tightened around her upper arm and holds her breath until the needle is firmly inside of her, a wimp when it comes to pain. “Fuck.” She breathes when it goes in.
“Sorry. It’s in.” Lena mutters, taping it in place and leaning away from her. “It will take about ten minutes or so. You’ll have to stay for a few more minutes after that to make sure you’re alright and then we can take you home or get you a cab if you’d prefer.”
Kara stares up at the ceiling. “Let me just take things one step at a time.”
“Of course.”
Lena moves across to where Jess is standing idly, unsure of what to do with herself. “Jess, can you go and sort Ms Danvers out with a new phone please? And also organise for someone else to drive her home, have Frank sent home for the day and ask him to come to my office for a meeting tomorrow morning.”
“Yes, Ms Luthor.” Jess answers immediately, making a beeline for the door.
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Lena?”
Jess doesn’t give her an answer just presses the button to close the elevator doors with one hand while waving at her with her other, her tablet tucked under her arm.
Lena looks back over at Kara, the tension rising in the air now the two of them are alone again, the coppery scent of the woman’s blood filling her nostrils delightfully.
Read the first 3 chapters on Ao3 here!
Read up to chapter 6 on Patreon here!
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fazedlight · 6 days
Dreams (Nia character study/brainia)
It started with a dinosaur. 
A… purple dinosaur.
Of all the things for a teenager to have recurring dreams about, Nia couldn’t fathom for the life of her why Barney was haunting her. Sometimes his green spots would overwhelm him, or glow white - other times, he’d be completely blue. She’d watch in bewilderment before waking up.
Then he started showing up playing the theme song on some sort of flute - I love you, you love me - and she felt like she was going insane.
The sleepless nights were starting to get in the way.
All she wanted to do was write about fashion - to share with the world how this form of self-expression was so inherent to being alive, to help people understand that how we present ourselves was an art form in its own right.
All she wanted to do was impress reporter Kara Danvers. Yet there she was, complaining about coffee on her clothes to a stranger who turned out to be her idol, only to later fall asleep at her desk.
Why am I like this?
She didn’t catch the name of the man in the pizza shop. Truth was, she was entirely too pissed off about the whole incident to think that far ahead, and her sleep-deprived brain was too exhausted to make the swerve from thinking about the pizza shop owner’s bigotry to figuring out how to flirt with a stranger.
But she did feel a tug of interest that day, and she was kicking herself in the aftermath. Why did I tell him to find me?, she lamented, I should’ve just given him my number.
The mystery didn’t last long, as the stranger reappeared - A friend of Kara’s? Small world - rattling off her address and phone number and other personal details as he reached for a scone. “Why didn’t you call?” Nia asked, laughing.
“You told me to find you, not call you.”
Nia smiled. Another person might’ve found the response creepy, but she found it oddly charming.
The dreams were only getting worse. Random shapes and images, or moments that would repeat in real life the next day, or horrific happenings that Nia prayed weren’t real.
Still, the cracks in her shell didn’t start appearing until she found Kara Danvers knocking at her door. Somehow, the blonde’s calm and compassionate demeanor finally let Nia open up - and so Kara became the first person Nia told about her suspicions, that the dreamer powers had come to her. What will Maeve think?, Nia lamented.
Nia wilted under Kara’s optimism, realizing the blonde thought far too much of her abilities. “My dreams aren’t like you think,” Nia asserted. “I don’t even know what’s going on.”
But Kara had a solution for that, too. Brainy strolled in - calling her by an old traditional naltorian name, which Nia found astonishingly odd - and offered to help her.
What surprised her most - more than Kara’s compassion or Brainy’s ability to trigger her dreams - was that she had been able to help in the fight against Agent Liberty.
She supposed that was something.
That was not the first date she had expected.
In fact, it hadn’t been a date at all, which had left her in a rather dour mood.
Me? A superhero?, Nia thought, reflecting on Brainy’s proposal. That’s crazy.
Someone brought coffee for the team at Catco. One was even her go-to sugar-free vanilla latte. 
That wasn’t the part that bothered her. What bothered her was the “Barney” written on the cup. Suddenly those dreams she hadn’t thought of in years came back to her. Like the dinosaur? “Who’s Barney?” she asked to the room.
“Barney Fife,” Brainy said, “is my name among humans.”
Fife? Like a flute? The damn psychedelic dinosaur flashed in her mind, and she suddenly realized why it would at times shift from blue or green. Oh for fuck’s sake.
There was no more running from it.
She dreamt of spiders and black ink and poison. And then her mother had died, and she was forced to reveal herself to save the town. As Maeve bitterly threw her biology in her face, Nia found herself feeling more alone than she had ever been. There’s no turning back now, she mourned.
Life will never be simple again.
She couldn’t believe that her idol - in the form of reporter Kara Danvers - could also be Supergirl.
Stranger still was realizing the weight that Kara had on her shoulders, the secrets she carried. Nia had never thought about the burden of heroism, but she supposed she was going to find it out first hand. “Help me train,” she asked Brainy.
It became a burning desire, to honor her mother and heritage - something she could hold onto in the face of her mother’s death and her sister’s rejection. The walls she had built up to avoid even acknowledging her powers seemed to collapse in one fell stroke, and she found herself pushing to the edges of what was possible as the dreamer. Far too quickly, she knew, but if she could just be useful…
But that wasn’t in Brainy’s syllabus. It wasn’t the pace she should be training at. “And now you’re astral projecting,” Brainy said, “That jumps months of training.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Nia murmured, “I just… I move too fast because that’s what I do.”
“That’s what heroes do,” Brainy asserted, “Leaping before one looks is part of the job description.”
Nia eyed him curiously, realizing she had misread the situation. Brainy wasn’t frustrated. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that was admiration in his eyes.
She thought things were going well. Until James ended up in the hospital. What use are these powers if I can’t even keep my friends from getting shot?, Nia thought.
She watched as Brainy’s own guilt ate at him, his own fears bubbling to the surface - how he couldn’t protect James, how he almost couldn’t save Kara, how he didn’t want to become the evil mastermind that his family was hoping for.
She kissed him.
But Brainy broke away. “You and I can never be together,” he said. It didn’t really make sense, but all Nia could do was watch him leave. Sometimes a dream is just a dream.
“What are you doing?!” Nia asked, as Brainy locked her up again. What’s going on with you?
“You have to go through the portal,” Brainy said nonchalantly. “Once you’re on the other side, astral project.”
“Brainy,” Nia shouted,  “You can’t do this-”
She continued calling his name as he closed the container… but he was gone.
She had faked her own kidnapping, then gotten actually kidnapped when she was abandoned by Brainy, then finally managed to astral project and pass on a message - ending up facing a reactor in the middle of gearing up to commit a genocide against her mentor’s people.
It was not a good day.
Nia sprinted to the other side of the reactor, ignoring Brainy’s statistical analysis as she forced a surge of power in the hopes of matching J’onn, trying to overwhelm the reactor into shutting down.
She could hear Brainy, hear the odd cadence of his voice change, going from the cold facade that he had adapted when he locked her into the container, to a confused series of mumbles about Socrates and Monty Python, until he finally seemed to snap.“Stop! Stop what you’re doing!” Brainy shouted desperately, his cadence sounding normal again. “What you’re doing doesn’t make any sense!”
That’s what heroes do, Nia thought as she struggled, unable to reply to him as she focused on pumping energy into the reactor. Leaping before one looks is part of the job description.
She couldn’t move from her spot, couldn’t check the progress of the reactor. She could only try to cause as much power to surge as she could, knowing that J’onn was just across the way, trying to do the same. Is this where we die?, she wondered briefly. Will we save Argo?
The mystery didn’t last, not as Brainy’s words began to break through again. “You’re amazing!,” he shouted, and she almost smiled through gritted teeth. It’s working, she thought, we’re winning. “You’re astounding!” Brainy continued to shout, the joy rising in his voice as he paced. “You’re astazing, Nia Nal… and I love you.”
It was then that the sparks became overwhelming, and all three of them collapsed onto the floor as the reactor blew. The core is self-destructing, she thought gratefully, trying to catch her breath.
Nia turned to Brainy, and was surprised to find him looking overwhelmed. He smiled back warmly. “When this is over,” he said, “I would like to ask you on a proper date.”
Nia’s heart skipped a beat. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
“I have not asked yet,” he clarified, rising to his feet. “Back to battle?”
Nia bit back a smile. “Of course.”
Nia collapsed onto her couch. What a day, she thought, reflecting on the superfriends’ debriefing. “Not every day is like this one,” J’onn had said.
The dizzying moment of the evening had definitely been when Kara - the person she looked up to most, both as a reporter and a neophyte vigilante - had pulled her aside. “Thank you for saving my people,” the kryptonian had said.
Nia smiled at the memory.
She heard a knock at the door, and groaned slightly as she dragged herself off her couch. Maybe that’s the pizza I ordered, she thought, but she felt the briefest flash of a dream - that damn dinosaur again.
She opened the door, finding Brainy on the other side, holding a bouquet of roses. “I am proposing we spend an evening together,” he said, as Nia smiled and took the flowers. “I am thinking of dinner, and… a movie,” he continued dramatically. “Nia Nal, would you go on a date with me?”
Nia grinned. “Yes.”
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the-feral-gremlin · 11 months
laurel lance, kara danvers and oliver queen!!
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(From this ask game thingy)
Laurel Lance.
Okay, for this one I chose A Lot’s Gonna Change by Weyes Blood. It reminds me of her after the gambit went down and the whole arc around it (Also it kind of reminds me of her after the undertaking and her becoming the black canary and being a hero but ANYWAYS.)
“If I could go back to a time before now before I ever fell down, when I had the world gently wrapped at my fingers.”
Before the gambit, Laurel had her whole life at her fingertips: college, a semi stable family dynamic, a boyfriend, a whole ass future ahead of her. With one act, her entire life was pulled from underneath her feet.
“And no one good thing could be taken away from me, if I still believe that hearts don’t lie.”
Like I said, her entire life and family was shattered and it just… kept shattering and she was trying desperately to pick up the pieces while her own hands were bleeding. Every couple of years something good would be taken away. It reminds of all the trust issues that she had developed over all the years of hurt and betrayal: her parents, her sister, Oliver (also I want to make it clear that this is not me bashing Sara or Oliver.)
and how long it took for Laurel to trust tommy, to let him in only for him to die and her to sleep with Oliver again.
That’s just some of the lyrics and my interpretation, anyways it’s VERY e-1 laurel coded.
Kara Danvers
For this one I chose ancient dreams in a modern land by MARINA. It reminds me of Kara after landing on earth and becoming supergirl also how even though she grew to call earth her home, she still felt disconnected from it and Argo.
“Our ancestors had to fight to survive, Just so we could have a chance of a life.”
How Kara’s parents (and Clark’s parents) sent her and her cousin away for their safety and how there was (probably) a possibility that it would fail, how Alura knew that her pod was knocked into the phantom zone. How Kara grieved her planet, her parents, her friends, the random people that she ran into.
Basically this scene.
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“What's your purpose, why were you put on Earth? You could be lost but you belong to the world.”
How she was told she was sent to earth to protect and guide Clark and when she gets there he doesn’t need her protection anymore. Basically Her purpose to keep going after her entire world died was gone, how she tried so hard to blend in to be normal. How supergirl was always treated like some.. publicity magnet for catco in the earlier seasons and how much Kara hated it.
But that’s just my analysis.
Oliver Queen
For this one, I genuinely couldn’t pick because I have a 4 hour long playlist for him and I love his character so much BUT headless horseman by the microphones. It just fits him so well.
“I got hit hard, I’m on the ground and if you swing again I’ll duck but I wish you the best of luck.”
This applies to Oliver in so many parts in his life, but mostly the island/those five years away. How the hope of returning slowly faded from his eyes but he still kept going, fighting for something he didn’t know anymore.
“I miss my closest friend, And now I cling to the rocks and the wind.”
Oliver going back to the island post-season one. he didn’t know where to put all the grief, for Tommy and for his father (I think Moira confessing to sabotaging the queens gambit unraveled all the unprocessed grief Oliver had shoved down in order to survive.) in a (semi) safe environment so he went back to the place it all happened in hopes that something would push it back down and he wouldn’t have to deal with it.
Again, this is just my analysis/opinion. But yeah, the entire song is literally so Oliver coded.
Anyways, thank for the ask!!
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wizardofahz · 2 years
Life After the Reveal
Fandom: Supergirl Compilation: Moments in the Life of Superfam A/N: Set after the show ends. You'll have to endure some original characters, but then it's all Danvers women all the time.
Midvale University
Sofia Zuniga makes a detour to the break room.
With the faculty meeting starting in less than five minutes, she has just enough time to make a cup of tea. At nearly 6 PM PST, chamomile should be a nice caffeine-free option that will keep her going through the meeting. Faculty meetings typically occur in the morning at the start of normal work hours, but today unusual circumstances have prompted a late emergency meeting.
Someone has left the television on, but the sound is barely audible. She doesn’t give it more than a second’s glance.
Terry Martin races into the kitchen a minute later, not quite disheveled, but it’s obvious their run started from their lab two buildings away. They exchange hellos. Sofia adds more water to the boiler. Being a young enterprising Assistant Professor seeking tenure, Terry grabs a packet of coffee. They're clearly anticipating working well into the night.
“So, what’d you think of the surprise news?” Terry asks.
The surprise news: Eliza Danvers going on sabbatical. The reason for their emergency faculty meeting.
Finding people to fulfill all of Eliza's duties is a non-trivial matter. And really if anyone in their department should’ve seen it coming, it was Sofia, right? Eliza’s best friend since grad school and still a close collaborator.
“I didn’t expect it, but goodness knows she deserves it,” Sofia says lightly.
She tries to think back to the last time Eliza had taken a sabbatical. The Danvers had regularly done so at the start of their careers, flying off to Japan and the like, taking Alex along. After Eliza and Jeremiah adopted Kara, that had changed. And Sofia had understood. Or at least, she'd thought she did. Kara had needed help. Of course, the Danvers would spend whatever time they could with her.
But Kara is an adult now, so why wouldn't Eliza go on sabbatical? If only the abruptness of it didn't make the whole affair so mysterious.
“Ah, we’re talking about Eliza?” Sangjin Cho says as he steps into the kitchenette. He doesn’t seem to have come in for any reason other than to socialize.
Terry dumps an alarming amount of cream and sugar into their coffee, stirring as they speculate, “Her daughter just got married, right? And adopted a child? Maybe Dr. Danvers is babysitting while they go off on their honeymoon. Hard to start off a marriage properly with a new kid crimping your style.” They wink suggestively.
Sofia grimaces. “Please don’t. I’ve known Alex since before she was born. I don’t ever want to think about her like that.”
Sangjin frowns. “Can you know someone before they were born?”
Sofia can't help but laugh as memories flood back to her. “You should’ve seen some of the cravings Eliza had when she was pregnant. That kid has a strong personality, and she imposed it early.”
“Speaking of Eliza,” says Terry, whose attention has shifted to the television. A teaser of the upcoming CatCo exclusive plays, the promo announcer speaking over background clips of Cat Grant and Kara Danvers. “Her other daughter.” Then they check their phone. “That means we’re going to be late.”
Sofia turns the volume up. “We can be a little late.”
Terry is still new and eager to impress, but Sofia is well-established in the department. She was even a mentor to the current department chair once upon a time. She wants to hear more from Eliza’s younger daughter, and she figures she'll be afforded some wiggle room. Terry and Sangjin stay with her. They're curious too, and if they arrive late with Sofia, then maybe there's safety in numbers.
The CatCo exclusive is a live event, starting its broadcast at 9 PM (i.e., primetime) on the East Coast to reach the largest possible audience. Even for an exclusive, little has been shared with the public beforehand.
“Hello, National City," Cat Grant greets her resident city, despite the national broadcast. Perhaps it's a powerplay to show where the center of attention should be. "You know her as Kara Danvers, CatCo’s ace reporter and new editor-in-chief. But tonight, it is my great honor to introduce to you… Supergirl.”
The camera zooms in on Kara, who somehow looks like neither Kara Danvers nor Supergirl but someone in between.
“What the actual fu...?” Terry’s jaw drops with the last word and stays down.
“Did you know?” Sangjin asks because, again, Eliza and Sofia, best friends.
“No,” Sofia says simply. There’s nothing more to say. She’s as surprised by the news as everyone else, but she’s not surprised Eliza never told her. It was Kara's secret to share.
Sofia leans forward.
Terry's phone lights up with notifications, and then they're typing furiously. Sangjin checks his phone, and then he's doing the same.
Sofia’s own phone starts vibrating, but she silences it. She keeps her eyes glued to the television screen.
Eliza’s sudden sabbatical is starting to make a lot more sense. Sofia is sure that most of her new messages are from fellow friends and colleagues of Eliza--how did none of us know?--but she's also sure that some enterprising journalists are biting for their own exclusives. Anyone and everyone who knows where Eliza lives and works is sure to be a target.
And Alex. Oh, dear. Alex is going to hate this.
Sofia hopes the other Danvers have managed to find some place on Earth where they can’t be found.
Kara's holographic form fidgets uncomfortably.
“Alex heard from Sofia,” she says. "Your department's still, umm... They're trying to handle all correspondence requests as best they can, but you're still going to have a ginormous pile in your inbox when you get back."
Eliza is grateful that they had repaired this holographic, interplanetary mode of live communication before her trip. Seeing her daughter still alive and well is an invaluable relief. They had been so cautious with Kara's identity throughout her childhood for good reason. Her being an adult and having revealed her identity on her own accord have done little to ease Eliza's anxiety on this front.
But Eliza shoves her anxiety to the back-burner because each and every one of Kara's features spells out G-U-I-L-T.
Her Grimace, formed by
the Upside down curve of her mouth and
the Indented crinkle between her brows.
Her Laced hands, clasped tightly and carrying down
the Tension from her shoulders.
Eliza knows that any reassurance, though heartfelt, will do little to ease that guilt. What Kara needs is for the ripple effects of her decision to fade, and though time may not heal all wounds, it may serve as the most apropos treatment here.
The best Eliza can do in the interim is to make every conversation with Kara as enjoyable as possible.
She says, "Yes, well, that is a problem for future-me, as my students say. I'm having a wonderful time here."
That seems to do the trick. Kara's posture eases, and her head perks up. "Yeah?"
Eliza tells Kara all about her time on Argo. Her sabbatical may officially pertain to the experiments she and Zor-El conduct in his lab, but the true treasure comes in the form of stories of Kara's childhood. She reminds Kara of some of them, and perhaps enjoys a little too much the blush spreading across her cheeks.
For the followup salve, she mentions the Kryptonian dishes she's tried. Their ensuing discussion about Kryptonian recipes and potential ways to recreate them on Earth (and vice versa for the Earth dishes on Krypton) truly brings Kara to life. Eliza takes in Kara's grin and wishes she could keep Kara in this state of bliss forever.
But eventually, her communication device pings with a reminder.
"I'm sorry, sweetie," she says. "I need to pick up Esme soon."
Alex and Kelly had stayed on Earth to support Kara through the reveal, but they hadn't wanted to risk putting Esme in the cross-hairs again. That, more than anything, had been the reason for this Argo trip. Bonding with her granddaughter, learning about her daughter's culture, picking up Kryptonian STEM lessons, and avoiding Earth's media outlets had all been side bonuses.
Guilt creeps back into Kara's expression. "How's she doing?"
"Very well," Eliza reassures her. "She's picking up Kryptonese very quickly, and she's excited to talk to you about all the things she's learning in school with the other kids. Maybe next time we can pick a time to chat after school, so she can join."
Kara glows. "I'd love that."
CatCo Media Headquarters
There are times when Ms. Grant's name feels entirely too appropriate.
Throughout this entire interview, she has exuded the very satisfied and expectant energy of a cat about to eat the canary. An exclusive interview with the Danvers sisters? It's every media outlet's dream.
Only in this case, the canary is Alex, who appears ready, nay eager, to peck her way through Ms. Grant's throat from the inside out.
Kara finds the whole dynamic rather unsettling.
Fortunately, the interview has been uneventful thus far. Ms. Grant started with questions about their childhood: how they adjusted from only children to sisters and how Alex helped Kara adjust to Earth.
"Were you ever intimidated?" Ms. Grant asks Alex about Kara's superpowers.
"Oh yeah," Alex drawls, tone laden with sarcasm. Her expression remains completely unimpressed. "But luckily, I had my secret weapon, the popcorn machine, to defend myself."
She doesn't explain the reference, and to prevent Ms. Grant from asking, Kara offers, "I was more intimidated of Alex than vice versa."
Alex shrugs, softening for Kara and Kara only. "Older sister privilege."
The shift seems to satisfy some unspoken criteria for Ms. Grant, and she moves on. They meander through the timeline of their lives until they land on the theme of identity.
"Your sister has spoken about all the reasons she kept her identity a secret in the past," Ms. Grant says to Alex. "How do you feel about your family's safety, about your safety, now that everything is out in the open?"
And there it is. The only reason why Alex agreed to this interview in the first place.
Alex leans forward a little, a predatory glint flashes in her eyes. Her voice lowering, she warns, "If you come after our family, I'm your problem."
Alex's energy feeds Ms. Grant's. She nearly leans in as well. "A bold statement."
"You can call it whatever you want," Alex says dismissively. "It's the truth. I've been kidnapped before to get at Supergirl. Want to know what happened to the Hellgrammite that took me hostage and tried to kill me? I stabbed it with its own spikes. If anyone comes after someone else in our family, I will do so much worse to make sure they regret it."
"Alex," Kara sighs. They probably shouldn't be promoting violence. "That's not--"
"True?" Ms. Grant cuts in shrewdly.
Kara wishes Ms. Grant was a little less fearless sometimes.
"What? No," Kara says quickly before Alex can respond. "I was going to say 'necessary'. All of it's true."
"As a superhero, Kara has morals," Alex says. "As her sister, I will do whatever it takes to protect this family. If you mess with us, I will mess you up."
Well, at least Alex didn't say that she would kill them outright. The thought of dealing with Alex on a rampage is infinitely more tiring than dealing with any villain.
She doesn't keep that tiredness out of her voice as she says, "Yes, to all the supervillains out there, please don't come after our family because then Alex will come after you, and I will have to save you from Alex."
Ms. Grant seems absolutely delighted.
Trending on Twitter: #supersister
if my superpowered sibling kept trying to take my food, i too would get over superpowers real quick #donttouchmyfood #supersister
@adventuredoc84 may be a badass doctor with Médecins Sans Frontières, but she will forever be my baby sister, and I would do anything to protect her, so y'know #relatable #supersister
listen im no evil mastermind but if i was i'd be tempted to go after the sister. way too cocky. ugh
>> looking forward to seeing #supersister make sure you rest in pieces
>> supergirl would save him
>> should she though?
Haha, I like how Supergirl has superpowers, and she still recoils whenever Alex glares at her #supersister
>> If my (25M, 6'0") older sister (32F, 5'1") gave me a look like that, I'm running, and I'm in an officer in the Air Force #supersister
i know we're all reacting to the #supersister interview but can we just give a shoutout to their #supermom for raising them right
The Tower (National City)
"Hi, Mom," Alex and Kara say together as the holographic image of their mother appears in front of them.
"How are my favorite girls?" Eliza asks, smiling fondly.
Alex finds that smile somehow lifts some of the weight from her shoulders.
Kara beams. "Alex is trending. Hashtag supersister."
Alex groans. She doesn't know how Kara can stand getting this much attention. "Send me to Argo."
Eliza laughs lightly. "Esme and I would be delighted to have you here. Alura is bringing her. She should be here soon."
"How is she?" Alex asks. Sending her daughter away hadn't been easy, but with all the attention that their family, and even she herself, was now getting, it had seemed prudent. At least it won't be forever. Alex is counting down the days.
"Good," Eliza says. "She has so much to tell you."
Oh, right. With Esme arriving soon, she should probably take this precious time to catch up with her mom. Alex makes sure to ask about Eliza's experiments in Zor-El's lab, provides updates on Kelly and other family and friends, and encourages Kara to share all the progress she's been making as CatCo's new editor-in-chief.
It's reassuring to know that in the perpetual whirlwind of their lives, they'll always have this.
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supercorpkid · 11 months
Ace Reporter - part 2
Supergirl, Kara Danvers x Reader!, Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word Count: 1790
Part 1
Kara Danvers is the worst. No, for real. She is the worst human being ever. 
She thinks she is so much smarter and astute at investigating things and that it just comes naturally and easy to her for some goddamn reason. 
She never once thinks it is because she dazzles everyone with her smile and handsome features. Never even acknowledges that her kindness just makes people want to be kind in return.
No. Kara Danvers just seems to think that clues and information fall on her lap because she’s so good at what she does and ugh, you hate her. Just hate her stupid cardigans, the constant fixing up her glasses, the way her mouth is pink and soft and kissable, how her hair falls perfectly in beautiful waves and how kind her blue eyes are. 
You absolutely hate her and cannot wait to never have to work with her again.
“Hm.” Kara stares at the board of clues that you two put together, with so much intent like some new clue will just appear in it if she wishes hard enough. Silly goose. She eats more fries and speaks mouthful. “Do you actually think this fake account could be a clue? Honestly, it's a terrible pseudonym, you'd think Lex Luthor would be smarter than this.”
How does Kara Danvers eat so much and looks so fit? Like that girl eats like an army of men, and yet she is as fit as you wish you were in your wildest dreams. You’ve been hanging with Kara for a week or so and you never saw her going to the gym. How are her arms so strong and perfectly shaped?
“Y/N? Hello? Can you please chime in with your clever comments and incredible ability on finding other people’s secrets?”
Kara Danvers says things like that. They all sound like a compliment and she might just be really nice, but you don’t trust her. She clearly does things like that so she could come in at the last second and steal a prize from you and give you her thousand-dollar-winning smile. 
“Sometimes I think you have a secret.” You go back to looking at the board. You have been staring at something else completely for the past minutes. To Kara’s muscular back and the body part that’s close-by. "Some other times I'm sure."
“Ha ha.” She looks back at you, not amused. “You’re not here to investigate me. So I’d appreciate it if you focused on Lex.” 
You grin devilish. “I can do both.” You finally stand, cleaning your greasy hands on your pants, and you give a few steps forward. You never once stop staring at her, though. "You're lying." 
"What?" She barks, confused. "I'm not lying."
"Oh Kara." This is the first time you've used her name instead of the Danvers, so she is taken aback by it. "You sound like Clark when I start sniffing around his secrets. Actually, come to think of it, you are exactly like Clark. Disappears, comes back all disheveled like you were just making out in a random closet." She opens her mouth but you cut her out first. "Of course Clark has Lois to blame it on, and you don't." You raise an eyebrow at her. "Unless…" You smirk at her wide eyes, and mouth agape. "No, sweet Kara Danvers wouldn't make out in a random closet."
You poke her muscular arm and are met with rock solid biceps. How?
"Kara Danvers is a romantic. Let me guess, candle lit dinners where you eat most of the food," You look at her incredibly defined abdomen. "and it just disappears into the void you have on your stomach."
"Hey! I just like eating. Not fair shaming people for their love of food." 
You smile and go on, ignoring the interruption. "Then you invite your date for a movie, only for it to be discarded halfway through it while you make out on the couch. Respectfully, of course. I'm guessing heavy make out sessions only happen after the third date with explicit consent." 
Kara raises her eyebrows, and you might not know her that well, but you know what that look means. She finally thought of a comeback. "Sounds like you're planning a date, Y/L/N. Let me guess, you want me to ask you out?"
You scoff at the idea. Why would you go out with the one girl who's literally a pain in your ass? "You wish, Danvers. When I'm done with this piece you will never see me again."
"What a shame." She gives you her best fake smile, which is still pretty cute. But you would be caught dead before admitting this to anyone else. "Now would you mind going back to the one thing you should be working on?"
So you go back to the board and finally start working. It's late at night, everyone at CatCo has left by now, and Kara already ate more than half of the burgers you two ordered, and you're pretty sure she is taking a nap while pretending to read those documents, when you finally crack it.
"EUREKA!" You yell, excited with your own discovery. 
Kara snaps her head up, a half eaten fries drop from her mouth, and yes, you might have yelled just to confirm your suspicion of her falling asleep while you two were working, but hey! You were right when you notice that her eyes take a while to focus back on you.
"What?" Kara clears the papers in front of her, gets up in a hurry making her way to you. "What happened?"
"Well, I know where Lex is. But most importantly, I have confirmation that you were napping while I worked!"
Kara rolls her eyes at you, looking back at the board. "Will you take this seriously?"
"I'm sorry, did I not just find out right this second where the hell Lex Luthor is hidden?" You point to the board and mumble right after, "not Clark fucking Kent aka the super-" Kara's eyes widen at you, "daily planet reporter, not even Kara fucking Danvers aka prize-awardee. Nope. Just little old me."
"Ok, well." She ignores everything you just said, focusing on the word Kaznia written in front of her. "Better call Lena about it."
You go back to the desk, taking a sip of your drink while listening to their conversation. A while later, Kara looks back at you.
"Alright. I guess Lena and I are going to Kaznia."
You get up from the chair immediately, "The hell you are!" She furrows her brows to your sudden outburst. "Like hell you are going to debunk me from this piece, Danvers. I know you've been dying to steal the spotlight all to yourself, but not this time. Once is more than enough."
"What are you even- You know what, it doesn't matter. You can come too. I wasn't just going to assume you were dying to go to Kaznia when you've been wanting nothing but to go back to Metropolis and be done with working with me."
You narrow your eyes at her. Yeah, right. She is being thoughtful and considerate. Suuuure.
"Well I'm not dying to keep going with neither, but I'm as involved in this as you are. So I guess we're stuck together until the end."
"Great!" She doesn't even look disappointed about it. Is her smile actually genuine? Unless she is the greatest actress of all time, which you don't think she is. "Call your editor, pack your bags. The Ace Reporters are on the case."
"Did you just give us a team name?" Kara looks so proud of herself, you can't bring yourself to be your usual mean self and roast her for it. So you just shrug. "It's fine, I guess."
"But our catchphrase won't be Eureka."
"It's not a catchphrase, you weirdo. I just wanted to prove you were asleep while I solved the case." 
"Yes, Y/N, you are the best detective. You are so much better than me at it. You're so much better than me at everything."
You narrow your eyes at her, obviously not believing in her at all, while you two make your way to the elevator.
"Glad you found it in you to admit it." You snark back, while she simply smiles. Fucking ass nerd. 
The elevator dings and you and Kara make your way inside. It's so late, you can feel sleep creeping up on you. You can also feel Kara's eyes burning a hole into you, so you finally snap your head up to her and she shuffles uncomfortably when you bark the question, "What?"
"No-Nothing." Her cheeks redden and you roll your eyes. She reaches for your arm, but doesn't really touch you. You can feel the ghost touch, and yet nothing comes. And even though you hate her, you can't help it but to feel disappointed she didn't actually follow through with it. 
"Hey," she barely whispers a few seconds later. "What did you mean by debunking you from this piece and stealing the spotlight again?"
You stare at her, wide eyes like a deer caught in the red light. You didn't expect you'd ever have to explain to Kara Danvers why you hate her. And you certainly thought that if you did, you would have more reasons to add into the mix instead of only, 'you (probably) wrote a better article than I did, about the same thing, so they gave you a prize that I (probably) didn't deserve anyway'.
"I don't think we've met before." She goes on, when you don't say anything for a few seconds and the silence stretches out uncomfortably in the elevator. "Sure, I've met a lot of people, but I don't think I'd forget meeting you."
It's the way she says it that leaves no margin for you to wonder what she means by it. She means you, because there's something about you. You breathe deep, biting your tongue.
"I didn't mean anything." So you lie and hate yourself for it, but also can't bring yourself to tell the truth at all. "I guess I'm just used to having to fight to see my name in the byline." So you give her a half-true to make up for it.
"Not with me, you don't. Not when you're so good at finding other people's secrets." You give her a thankful and truthful smile that you weren't able to fight it. Not when it's so late at night, and you're feeling incredibly high and happy about your recent discovery.
"You were wrong about one thing though," The elevator dings, Kara steps out, but turns around to look at you. "I'd make out in a closet too if you were my Lois."
The elevator door closes on your dumbstruck face, and it takes you more time than you'd like to admit for you to press the button for the door to open again. When you finally do, Kara is no longer on the other side.
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