#i do wonder if arthur is a troublemaker by heart
gawrkin · 17 days
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(From Erec and Enide by Chretien de Troyes)
King Arthur: I want to do the White Stag Hunt! Our Lord Gawain: That's terrible idea King Arthur: Blah blah blah, I'm not listening! Our Lord Gawain: sigh...
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wispeth · 4 months
Every knight of the round table possesses a trait that Arthur admires about them--a trait that he inevitably adopts himself, trying to mold himself into someone he is proud to be, by looking first at the people he admires, and why. Mimicry is the highest form of flattery after all.
Leon was the first person Arthur ever truly admired. When Arthur was a boy, he took a first notice of Sir Leon during his (Leon's) knighting ceremony. After a boyish bout of asking round the guests, Arthur had deducted that Sir Leon was something of a prodigy swordsman; the ginger haired man was younger than most who'd been knighted that day, but he was given additional honors for a recent act of heroism. It certainly raptured the princeling's attention.
That and, Uther looked genuinely pleased with him, which caught the eye of the little prince, who wished for his father to see him in the same light. Little Arthur wanted also to be something his father was proud of. So he looked to Sir Leon.
The knight was loyal. He was honorable. He was chivalrous. He was obedient. He was a proper soldier. He was everything a knight was meant to be; Arthur could see then why his father would be proud. Arthur took pride in him as well, still did, far beyond those days of youth.
The princeling was not jealous, no. He was awestruck. 'I could do that too,' he thought in wonder. 'I could be a knight.' He couldn't have been older than nine at the time: no idea who he was, but he did know, in his heart of hearts, that he, too, wanted to be a man like that.
Far later, now, Leon is a knight of the round table. His place at the table represents the soldier in Arthur--his roots--reminds him what he's fighting for: for Camelot, for home.
Lancelot, as well, was someone that Arthur admired. He faught only for the most noble of reasons, and was otherwise a very gentle (albeit gently chaotic) soul. He was kind, and he was charming, and Merlin--that was someone else who's opinion mattered--Merlin always looked happy to see Lancelot.
Arthur could do that as well. He could be kind.
Then there was Gwaine. That one, he, oddly enough, signified Arthur's humility. He was messy, sure, plenty rough round the edges, but he was a serious man when it counted (and not a second more).
Becoming a knight made him no less human. He was just as much of a man as he was before, just as much of a drunk, and a troublemaker, and just as good a friend. Similarly, even being but a mortal man of mortal mistakes, he was no less of a knight.
Arthur took a page from his book: to be a man first, and a king second. He would not make kingly decisions that would hurt his honest heart, and he would not do reckless things with the heart he uses to rule.
And Merlin--gods above, Merlin--there lies the heart in question. Merlin was hope itself. He was everything sacred in the world that Arthur vowed to protect.
Merlin was, well, he was odd, to say the least. He was gangly, and waifish, and awkward and clumsy--sassy, that one--and boyish too. Merlin went about life as if he learned how to be a person from the ground up, as if he was never told how to behave, as if--when he was young, and full of sunshine still--he was simply let loose, and never told to protect himself.
And still yet, it seemed that he wore his heart on his sleeve everywhere he went, as if nothing bad could happen to it while it was on display. And Arthur would wrangle the fates into obedience if it meant never having to prove Merlin wrong.
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klutzyroses · 10 months
IkeVamp HCs: Their Pregnant S/O Fighting
How do they react to their s/o fighting with someone while pregnant?
Suitors: Napoleon, Arthur, Theo, Jean
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Being four months pregnant did not mean Y/N would let anyone disrespect her emperor in her presence.
Napoleon's wife had joined him and Isaac at their little school, chatting away with a few of the children, who gazed at her with wonder- for her general beauty, and her cute round belly.
It was a bit tough for either Napoleon or Isaac to get the kids to concentrate when they kept insisting on touching Y/N and unfortunately for Isaac, he was on the receiving end of "Where do babies come from?", to the amusement of Napoleon.
However, the pleasant atmosphere didn't last as, when school was out, Napoleon was dealing with the angry mother of one of his students. He remained civil and calm, but the incensed woman kept poking him in the chest and getting in his face.
This of course, sat about as well with the emperor's wife as one would expect. Next thing anyone was aware of, Y/N was by his side, shoving the woman away from him.
"Don't put your hands on my husband! Apologize to him!"
"How dare you, who do you think you are?!"
The angry mother stepped forward again, only to get shoved back again by the expectant woman.
"I think I'm the one who's going to put you in the hospital if you don't apologize and leave right now."
Livid, the mother shoved Y/N right back, causing her to fall backwards. Napoleon moved like lightning, catching her with ease. He sent a reproachful glare to the woman, who stood frozen, as if shocked by her own actions.
"Isaac, keep an eye on Y/N."
Y/N reluctantly stayed by Isaac's side while Napoleon dealt with the woman until she left. Later, he took her in his arms, sighing as he lifted her head to lock eyes.
"Don't do that again, nunuche. You can't just get into fights with people. Not in your condition."
He felt a chill up his spine when he thought of what could've happened if she had actually fallen and he wasn't there. He instinctively pulled her closer to him, her head between his neck and shoulder.
He was touched that she had stood up for him, but the last thing he wanted was for her and his baby to be getting into any fights at all.
Sometimes, his former flings just...didn't quit, even when he was married with a child on the way.
One such brazen woman had approached Arthur while his wife, who was 4 months along, was with him.
The sheer audacity of it- unabashed flirting with a married man in front of his pregnant wife?
Arthur had no time to rebuff her advances before his scandalized wife moved in front of him and confronted the little viper right there.
"Are you really so desperate you're going to pretend I'm not here, or are you stupid?"
The argument only got more heated from there, finally reaching a tipping point when the spiteful woman made mocking comments about Y/N's body, and even further by implying that she trapped Arthur using the baby.
Neither Arthur or the shameless troublemaker saw the slap coming. Y/N threw the fastest slap ever thrown and the other woman found herself suddenly looking the other direction, her cheek stinging.
Y/N for her part, was slightly red faced and teary eyed and was ready with another slap when the woman righted herself. And another. And another.
Arthur was too stunned at first to react, but he jumped into action when the former fling, infuriated, raised her hand to retaliate.
He caught her wrist in a second, his other arm coiling around his wife as he tugged her back towards him, his hand on her stomach protectively.
"Enough! You don't touch her! Y/N, come with me, darling."
Not wanting her to spend anymore energy on this, he maneuvered his upset wife out of there and somewhere more safe.
His heart ached when confronted with her pretty face flushed and streaked with tears of anger and humiliation. He gently wiped them away.
"Come on now, luv, please don't cry. It's alright..."
He pulled her into his chest as he rubbed her belly, his own pulse starting to slow. His heart had almost given out when he had seen the woman about to hit Y/N.
"Darling, please don't put yourself at risk like that. I can't stand anything happening to you...either of you."
He rubs circles on her stomach as he kisses her cheek.
Theo is used to dealing with L' Academie by now, but he was not expecting that his hondje would ever have to do so in her state.
And yet, he found himself in said position when one of them came to do their usual shenanigans, but this time, Y/N was with him.
Theo felt more exasperated than nervous, until his wife, four months pregnant with twins, stormed up to the man in the middle of whatever nonsense he was spouting and faced him head on.
"Can't you do anything other than bother him? Go find something to do!"
"It is the duty of L'Academie and he is nothing but an upstart allowing riff raff into the art world!"
Indignant, and hormonal at that, Y/N decided to put the man, and the Academie, in his place once and for all.
"How dare you, you don't get to decide what's art and what's not, my husband is better than any elitist highbrows and you know it, that's why you keep harrassing him! But I won't let you anymore, leave. My. Husband. Alone."
She punctuated her words with a slap so fast across the man's face that it makes her stumble a bit as she holds onto her stomach for balance. Theo had never moved so quick in his life, the second the man's eyes flashed with rage, the younger Van Gogh pulled Y/N to him, his hand on her stomach, both to keep her at bay and to just reassure himself that she was out of harm's way.
Y/N covered his hand with hers, both to reassure him she was alright, but also to show her solidarity to him.
"Don't even think about it. You won't like what happens if you try to hurt her."
The dark look in Theo's sky blue eyes, sends the man retreating wisely on his part.
Y/N was indeed scolded for her recklessness later, even if he thought she was the sweetest for it. She still put herself and the babies in danger. He hadn't liked the look in the man's eyes in the slightest.
"Hondje, what you just did? Never again, understand?"
He tugged her close to him, holding her from behind, resting his head against hers as he ran a hand over her swollen stomach, speaking softer.
"I don't want you in that position again, let alone while you're carrying my pups, got it?"
He wouldn't have known what he would have done if that man had dared to hurt her. Just that it wouldn't have been good.
The fact anyone had the audacity to attack or threaten a visibly pregnant woman sent a wave of distaste through him.
A customer was being difficult to Y/N who had been seated in the front of the shop while Jean was at the back of the weapon's shop so that Y/N was away from the weapons, because he was very wary of the sharp objects near his 4 month pregnant wife.
She had got up and confronted him alone before Jean could deal with him, pushing the rude man away herself, to the surprise of both men present.
"Get ahold of yourself, this is a place of business, not a schoolyard!"
"Why, I never!"
"Never what, learned proper manners? You don't come into my husband's shop and kick up a fuss, not on my watch!"
The man, galled, took a step forward threateningly, and that was all it took for Jean to immediately move from the other side of the shop to pull Y/N behind him.
His visible eye twinkled with something dangerous at the prospect that he was about to threaten Y/N.
"I suggest you keep your distance from this woman, lest I be forced to make you."
Nobody threatened his wife and child.
After the customer left with intimidation from Jean, the soldier turned to his wife, placing his hand on her stomach, searching her for any signs of distress.
Y/N placed her hands over Jean's on her round belly with a small smile, assuring him she was fine but Jean shook his head.
"If there is a problem like that again, let me handle it. That was dangerous."
Brave as it was that she faced the man alone, he would prefer that she be safe, after all, who knows what he would have done to her, regardless of her delicate state.
His gloved fingers caress her belly as he remains diligently beside her the remainder of the day, just to make sure she remained unharmed and unbothered.
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vivienne-writes · 1 year
Get Away With It
A/N: Here's my contribution to this week's Weasley Wednesday prompt🧡 It was supposed to have smut, but I'll save that for next time. I wrote half of this on a train, so please don't judge too hard.
Summary: Garreth accidentally spills butterbeer on one poor gal, but it's not the only way he gets her wet.
It was a rowdy night at the Three Broomsticks, and Sirona was up to her neck with work, managing overall operations, ensuring there were enough seats to house the constant trickle of patrons coming in, all while keeping a close eye on the boisterous students of Hogwarts that sat about here and there. There were some troublemakers amongst them, and Sirona knew to keep an even closer watch on a few, specifically, the fifth-year boys roughhousing it up upstairs on the second landing. She'd already given them a scolding a few times to keep their shenanigans to a respectable decibel, but alas, boys will be boys and were apt to forget the scolding as quickly as they received it. 
The volume of their voices was beginning to increase again, and Sirona was starting to entertain the thought of kicking them out for the night when she caught sight of you on the far edge of the counter serving a goblin. You were one of the few students she had employed part-time for busy nights like tonight, and Sirona couldn’t help but wonder if your peers would be more inclined to listen to you before she gave them the boot. 
“Everything alright, Sirona?” you asked, counting out the change before placing it in Arn’s hand with an affectionate smile. 
Sirona sighed and rested her hip against the counter. “Do me a favor, will you, love? Your friends are starting to upset my customers.”
“Starting to upset you, you mean,” you laughed softly. “Why don’t you just ban them until graduation? It would make your life so much easier.”
"And so much duller," said Sirona as she tenderly rubbed her temple. "I'm too fond of you all for my own good. But that won't stop me from sending Professor Weasley an owl if they don't simmer down soon. Be a dear and give them one more warning for me, will you?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you rounded the counter and made your way upstairs, the chorus of their laughter growing louder with each step you took. 
Upon reaching the next landing, you were greeted by the sight of Leander and Everett locked in an arm-wrestling match while several fifth-year boys looked on with rapt attention. There were some familiar faces here tonight too. Sebastian was booing Leander from a far corner while Ominis dozed beside him, Arthur, Andrew, and Amit were too busy debating who'd come out the victor, and Garreth was placing bets with Eric and Duncan. Your arrival caught Garreth's attention, and he looked up with a mischievous smirk. 
“Here to see the show?” he nodded his head towards the spectacle, eyes roving over your figure as he appreciated the rare sight of you out of uniform. 
You shook your head, ignoring the warmth blazing up your cheeks in response to the raw hunger in his eyes. “I’m here to break it up. You lot are causing too much ruckus.”
“After I beat Clopton,” gasped Leander, his face beading with sweat as his hand quivered against Everett’s. 
You heaved a sigh as you placed one hand on your hip. “Unless you all want detention, you’re breaking this up now.”
“And who made you prefect?” Eric snickered. As much as you’d like to hex his legs to jelly on the spot, you were on the clock and needed to return downstairs. Wordlessly, you flicked your wand to move Leander and Everett’s chairs apart.
“Final warning,” you threatened darkly before heading back down. The boys knew you weren’t one to be trifled with, but that didn’t stop some of them from jeering at you from the railing as you reached the ground floor. 
Peeved, Eric decided to chuck a galleon at you. The glint of gold caught Garreth's eye, and his heart jumped into his throat at the realization that it would hit you square on the forehead. Instinctively, he lunged forward with his hand outreached, tipping over the wooden railing precariously to snatch the galleon. He felt the metal against his tightly clenched fingers and breathed a sigh of relief. 
But a dreadful gasp rang across the crowd, and Garreth looked down to find you wholly drenched in butterbeer. In his haste to save you, he failed to notice the massive pitcher on the table next to him, its remaining contents dripping lightly on your head. He must’ve bumped into the table and toppled the pitcher over when he blindly rushed forward. 
Garreth reluctantly dropped his gaze down to your face, only to be greeted by your intensely furious glare. He cursed under his breath, his heart dropping from his throat down to the pit of his stomach as you stomped off towards the bar, your face heating up as you felt the entire room's gaze on you. Sirona cleared her throat loudly, and everyone returned to their business, pretending they didn't witness all that. 
“You alright?” she asked, voice full of concern. You nodded quietly as you blinked back the tears that threatened to spill. Sirona couldn’t blame you. It was humiliating, and it happened for all to see. You were simply doing as she asked, and it wasn’t nice to be heckled and have butterbeer thrown down your face. Sirona drew her wand with a guilty sigh. “Here, we can dry you off.”
“No,” you shook your head. “It’ll just make it sticky. I’ll have to take a bath to get rid of it.” 
"I understand. Have the rest of the evening off," said Sirona kindly. "Best believe Professor Weasley shall hear of this."
You untied your apron and dumped it in the bin in the back before grabbing your cloak and striding out the double doors with a huff. Garreth and the others watched you leave atop the first floor, many of them guilt-stricken with how they had treated you. It was all good fun, and they didn't expect you to take it so harshly.  
“Someone better go after her and apologize,” Ominis’ voice cut through the silence, “before this wand grows a mind of its own and starts cursing people.”
“I volunteer Northcott,” Sebastian crossed his arms. “I saw you throw that coin at her. Pretty sizeable one, too.” 
Eric clenched his fist, holding his shoulders stiff so they wouldn't cower. “The coin never even hit her! It was Weasley who got her all wet!” 
“To catch the bloody galleon you threw!” retorted Garreth. He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. How was any of this his mess to clean up? “I’m going after her. But if my aunt gives us hell, I’m ratting you out.” 
He hurriedly raced down the steps before flying out the door after you. Leander returned his chair to the table and cocked his head at Everett. "Oy Clopton, bet you five sickles they'll end up shagging."
“That’s a stupid wager. I’ll bet you five galleons he won’t.” 
Leander balked. That was a steeper price, but five galleons were five. "Deal."
Outside, Garreth's feet carried him down the main street of Hogsmeade and out unto the pathway that circled the black lake. You couldn't have gotten very far. But when he turned his head to search for you along the winding path that led back up to Hogwarts, there was no sight of you. 
“Revelio,” he whispered with a swish of his wand. From the corner of his eye, he could barely make out your incredibly faint retreating figure headed towards the dock in an isolated corner by the black lake. Garreth chased after you, alerting you to his presence as stones crunched loudly under his footsteps. "Where are you going?" he called after you. "The castle is that way!" 
“I’m not going to Hogwarts!” you yelled over your shoulder. 
Then where were you going? Garreth sorely wanted to ask but figured he'd get his answer soon. He followed you towards the dock, his confusion becoming befuddlement as he watched you toss your shoes, wand, and, finally, your cloak aside. "Hold on now, what're you-?" 
You don’t even consider letting him finish before you dive straight into the lake, disappearing into the murkiness of the dark waters below. Garreth rushed to the dock's edge, searching for any sign of you, but it was far too dark to see anything. 
"Have you gone mad?!" he cried out, kneeling to peer through the surface. Maybe you swam back to the castle? No, that wasn't it. Your belongings were still here. It could be you shared Nerida's fascination with Merfolk and wanted to see them for yourself? That didn't make sense, either. 
Garreth awaited your return with bated breath, and his insides began to gnaw with restlessness as seconds passed until you broke through the waves with a deep gasp for air. "Shit," he jumps, clutching at his beating heart. 
“Scared you, didn’t I?” you grinned deviously, pushing wet tendrils of hair away from your face.
“Worried me is more like it,” he seethed. “What possessed you to jump into the lake at this hour?!”
"I had to wash the butterbeer off," came your reply as you splashed around, rinsing off the last residue. 
Garreth raised an eyebrow. “Aguamenti couldn’t have done that for you?” 
“Haven’t learned that spell yet," you shrugged, paddling around now for enjoyment. The night was unusually warm for this time of year, and Garreth was sorely tempted to take a dive himself. But that wasn’t what he came here for. 
"Here to see the show?" you inquired. "Or did you come here to mock me like the others?" 
While your tone may have been friendly, your eyes had an accusatory glint that frightened Garreth just a little. Was it because of the mockery you experienced earlier, or was he ogling too much at your drenched figure? It didn't help that your skirt was billowing around you, giving Garreth a glimpse of long, bare legs leading up to-
He cleared his throat. “Imsorryforspillingbutterbeeronyou.” The words came out in a mad rush in Garreth’s effort to switch his focus back to why he was here in the first place. 
“I beg your pardon?”
Garreth took a deep breath and forced himself to look away from you, fixing his gaze on the moon breaking through the clouds overhead. “I’m sorry for spilling butterbeer on you,” he enunciated slowly, “It wasn’t intentional. Northcott threw a coin at you, and I dove forward to catch it. I knocked the pitcher by accident, and it spilled on you. And… I’m sorry the others treated you that way. That wasn’t very kind of them.” 
Your shoulders sagged. Your irritation at the others didn't dissipate one bit, but you felt remorse for the way you lost your temper. Despite your better judgment of his character, you quickly assumed Garreth had purposefully poured the beverage on you, which set you off. In all transparency, anyone else could have done it, and you would have knocked them out with a simple jinx before going about your business. But the mere fact it was Garreth bothered you immensely. Why? What was so special about him? What did he possess that could have evoked such a visceral, knee-jerk reaction from you?
Well… it wasn't what he had. It was what you harbored: a growing affection for the boy before you that he never seemed to notice when others already had. You'd been teased high and low by the other girls, goaded by Sebastian, and encouraged by Ominis. You even suspected Leander knew, judging from the several times he'd asked you to study with him and Garreth in the library. Only, he'd bail because he suddenly had somewhere he forgot to be, leaving you alone with Garreth. 
Therefore, the notion that sweet, warm, and jolly Garreth would intentionally cause you embarrassment in front of others struck you with a sense of rejection, and the pain erased any capacity for logical reasoning. You had stormed off to the lake to wash away the butterbeer along with your tears and your anger. And now that you were thinking clearly as you looked straight into the sincerity within Garreth's, there was no way he'd do such a petty thing on purpose… at least, not with you.
An idea struck you, and you suppressed the playful grin that threatened to curve the tip of your mouth. "I'll accept your apology," you kept your expression blank, “If you take my hand.”
You reach an arm above the water as though you were asking him to help you up. Garreth smiled, gripping your hand firmly before you snaked your other hand up to his wrist to pull him deep into the watery depths.
Garreth opened his eyes when he felt fully submerged underwater to get his bearings, and the next few seconds seemed to slow into eternity as the sight of you nearly took every ounce of his breath away. You looked positively ethereal with the moon high up in the sky, beaming through the surface in all her soft glory. Your skin glowed in reflection of the heavenly light above, your hair bloomed around you, swaying with the rhythm of the lake’s current, and your dress floated around you, displaying glimpses of your stomach, your thighs, all the way down to your toes. 
The soft curves, the delectable dip in your hips, the pink and white undergarments that left very little to the imagination, Garreth hungrily took everything in and wanted to see more. His finger itched to feel every inch of your skin, and his cock- well, it had been standing at attention for a while now. There was no guessing what that one wanted. You swam back up for air, and Garreth followed suit. 
“Sorry,” you laughed. “I couldn’t resist pulling you in.” You swam to the dock, grabbing the edge to lift yourself up. But Garreth had other plans. If you wanted to play, he’d play. Before you could perch a knee up on the dock, he grabbed you by the hem of your skirt. “Garreth, what in the- oof!” 
He pulled, and you fell right back in. It was Garreth's turn to laugh. "Sorry, couldn't resist,” he echoed. 
"Rude," you splashed him in retaliation, and Garreth pretended to take offense, splashing you back until the air rang with the sweet thrill of your laughter. 
“Music to my ears,” he finally slowed to catch his breath, grinning ear to ear. “Have you had enough yet?”
"Yes," you shivered slightly. The chill was starting to seep to your bones, and the peculiar way Garreth's eyes pierced you sent a thrill down your back that definitely had nothing to do with the water. 
"Come on then, let's get you out of here before you catch a cold." He hoists himself up, and you can't resist watching the water race from his rippling shoulders down to the swell of his bottom.
“Nice,” you thought admiringly. 
“What is?” asked Garreth, turning around with an outreached hand to help you up. 
Your eyes grew wide as he pulled. “Shit. Did I just say that out loud!?”
"Were… you just checking me out?" A teasing smile lifted the corner of his lips. Flustered, you grabbed your wand and occupied yourself with a drying charm. 
“No,” you responded too quickly, doing anything to avoid looking at his face. 
“Shame,” Garreth said, mimicking your movements to dry himself. “I’d have let you look to your heart’s content after having seen your pink and white panties.” 
You choked back a gasp and tried to push Garreth back over the dock out of embarrassment. He grabbed your hand and swiftly pulled you close, his other arm circling your waist to lock you in place. "You push me down; I'm taking you with me," he breathed into your ear. "I've had enough of the lake tonight. What say we continue this somewhere warmer?” 
"Oh, we're continuing this?" the words barely escape your lips without stammering as your breath hitched. Garreth was holding you tight, and you could feel his hips against yours, a rigidness subtly rubbing you from between his legs. 
He leaned even closer, his breath hot against your ear. “Surely you don’t expect to tease a man and get away with it, do you?” 
You clenched your legs together and cursed at the pulsing ache that spiked through your center. Garreth Weasley seemed hellbent on getting you wet in more ways than one tonight, and you were dying to see exactly how he’d stop you from getting away with it. 
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Week 3 Blog Post Bonnie and Clyde - Chloe Ziegler
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The film Bonnie and Clyde came out in 1967 and was directed by Arthur Penn. It was an influential film for its time engaging with themes of crime and action. While typically viewed as a Western Style film, it also brings about a love story between two people, Bonnie and Clyde. Played by Warren Beaty and Faye Dunaway, the two are seen robbing banks and stores nearby as they become more and more comfortable doing it. The film was written by David Newman and Robert Benton after an American couple named Bonnie and Clyde. When the film came out it made almost $50 million in total earnings, while the cost of the film was only about $2.5 million. It was a huge success in the movie industry and for the actors too who played their infamous roles.
Many critics have reviewed this film in the many years that it has been out, but one review I really like is by Roger Ebert. He commends the film for all the different aspects, crime, love, sympathy, action, and overall brilliance. He states that “this is pretty clearly the best American film of the year. It is also a landmark.” Many other critics feel quite the same about it as well. I believe it deserves all the recognition it has obtained over the many years because for its time, the film serves its main purpose of entertainment. It is action packed and has you wondering what might happen next the whole time.
In 1967 many things happened that were significant to the whole world. One of the important events that happened that year was the launch of the first international satellite television production. The world's first heart transplant was also conducted. This was a huge success in the medical world though as they increased the odds of patients surviving. This year was very important to the innovation and advancement of technology. In an interview conducted with Warren Beatty he explains the personality of Clyde from his perspective and he came to be in the film. 
The film is an older film that fits the Western style type movies at the time. Featuring the use of shootouts and runaways gangs, the couple refers to their group as the Barrow gang. It is unique in the sense that the film sparked a new era in film making as a crime movie. From my perspective it was the acting and excitement of the film that drew me in from the start. At one point in the movie Clyde says “Now Ms. Parker, don’t you believe what you read in all them newspapers. That’s the law talkin’ there. They want us to look big so they gonna look big when they catch us. And they ain’t gonna catch us.” While the two are starting out their journey of being troublemakers, they find themselves easily causing trouble all while falling in love with each other making us wonder how this may end for the two.
The film is based off of a real life couple who lived during the time of the great depression in the 1930’s. The film however, seeks to portray the love story and dramatic effects of the crimes. It is not accurate in the sense of the real life events that occurred but it is inspired by them. It also won a Grammy in 1969 for Best Original Score Written for a Motion Picture. The film follows many of Trompenauer’s dimensions, such as individualism, affective in emotions, and following an external direction (love). Some of the underlying themes found in the film include the power of the law and even importance of family. I think this could relate to the world at the time this was filmed. Clyde Barrow, played by Warren Beaty played an amazing role in the movie especially committed to his part that it made the viewers attached as well. By the end of the movie he says “You know what you done there? You told my story; you told my whole story right there. One time, I told you I was gonna make you somebody. That’s what you done for me. You made me somebody they’re gonna remember.” His story is definitely one that people remember and is special in the way that he starts out as the bad guys and then becomes attached to Bonnie in their adventures.
At the time this movie was filmed (1967) it was definitely unconventional. It featured elements of violence, specifically with guns, and sex and romance. It was typically unseen in the movie industry at the time. However, it followed conventional patterns of rising to the action and then the bad guys eventually get caught. I believe that the ending would be considered unconventional too though because it doesn’t end how we all wanted it to. Sadly, the couple die in a shootout and the rest of their friends are caught by the police.
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freddie-weaselbee · 4 years
Pairings: Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Implied eating disorder, implied body dysmorphia, body insecurities, insecurities in general, mentions of food/drink, language, angst, fluff, sad and insecure Freddie :(
Summary: Fred can’t even look at his reflection without feeling bad about himself and thinking about how you deserve so much more than anything he has to offer. 
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. No matter who you are or what you look like, you are absolutely beautiful. If you or if you know anyone who suffers from body dysmorphia (specifically men because it’s not talked about enough), please reach out to someone and learn more. My messages are always open!
Arthur Weasley. Molly Weasley. Bill Weasley. Charlie Weasley. Percy Weasley. Fred and George Weasley. Ron Weasley. Ginny Weasley. The Weasley family. While all connected by their Gryffindor house and flaming red hair, each member of the family was unique in their own sense. 
Arthur and Molly were the parents. Arthur’s fascination with Muggles as a Pureblood and Molly’s blunt but loving motherly nature were what set them apart. 
Bill was the oldest, the golden child. He was loved at Hogwarts and became a successful curse breaker. No one ever had problems with the wonder that was Bill Weasley. 
Charlie forged his own path. The great Hogwarts Quidditch star who likely could have gone professional, had he not found his passion in dragons and made a new life for himself in Romania.  
Percy. Perfect prefect Percy, the one who would grow up to be the Minister of Magic, at least that's what everyone thought. He had every aspect of his life perfectly planned out down to the last detail, and oh how Molly loved her rule-abiding son, never a troublemaker. 
Ron had a more difficult time making a name for himself. The youngest brother in the family and yet not quite the baby. However, his friendship with Harry Potter and their knack for getting themselves into trouble every year made Ronald Weasley a known name around Hogwarts. 
Ginny was the only girl, which made her unique already.  Not only that, but she was fantastic at Quidditch, had the heart of a true Gryffindor Lion, and was overall a kind, vivacious, adventurous soul. 
Each Weasley had one thing that set them apart. Everyone, that is, except the duo that could never be separated. 
Fred and George Weasley. Not Fred Weasley and George Weasley. Fred and George. As if they were one person, joined at the hip with the same ideas, the same personalities, and the same feelings. No matter how hard they tried when they were younger, everyone always came back to calling them Fred and George. Even their own mother often got them mixed up, and showed no care in doing so. As long as it was one of the twins she was alright
Once their years at Hogwarts started, the two boys decided to stop fighting the inevitable, and thus began their reign as “Fred and George Weasley, Prank Master Extraordinaires.” They were always together. They were both Quidditch beaters. They pulled some of the finest pranks Hogwarts had ever seen together. They sat next to each other in all of their classes and would sometimes switch seats or call each other the wrong name to see if anyone else would notice. They never did. 
“Freddie, you coming?” you asked your boyfriend, jumping up onto his back. It was Hogsmeade weekend, which meant the tradition of you and your friends raiding Honeydukes, Zonkos, and finishing out at The Three Broomsticks was minutes away from happening once again. Fred laughed and spun around, quickly getting dizzy and pulling you both down into the Gryffindor couch. 
You rolled on top of him and pulled his chin in for a quick kiss, limbs awkwardly tangled in each other as you shared a sweet moment with the ginger you’d been dating for the last 3 months. 
“Ugh my eyes!” George stood behind the couch, hands covering his face in order to shield his view from the innocent scene in front of him. 
“Oh shut up George,” you said. “You’re just jealous.”
Fred smirked at his slightly younger brother and pulled you down into a deeper kiss. “Yeah, jealous,” he mumbled against your lips, which resulted in George physically separating your faces with his hands. 
“You two disgust me,” he scoffed. “Are you guys ready?”
Fred struggled against his brother’s hand for a second trying to recapture your lips once again, but he eventually gave up once you caved and pulled away. 
“I’m all set, has everyone else already left?” The rest of your small friend group consisted of Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet, who you had been close with since your first year. The three boys would run off and pull horrendous pranks while you, Angelina, and Alicia would roll your eyes, secretly coming up with new ideas for jokes to pull on Filch. 
George jumped over the couch and hoisted you up by your arms, his strength making you fly through the air for a few seconds before you landed shakily on the warm rugs decorating the floor. 
“Yep,” replied your friend. “They said they’d meet us in the Courtyard and we can go from there. If I remember correctly it’s your turn to buy butterbeers.” 
You groaned and threw your hands to your pocket, making sure you had the money. “I thought you would’ve forgotten about that.”
George wrapped his arm around your shoulder and gave you a brotherly squeeze. “Never, love. Let’s get going.”
Giggling, you walked in step with your best friend and wrapped an arm around his waist. You turned your head and put out your other arm, gesturing for Fred to come join you. 
“C’mon, Fred, what’re you waiting for?”
Fred wasn’t waiting for anything. In fact, the longer he saw you interact with George, the less he wanted to spend the day watching it continue to happen. He didn’t look at you and instead just fiddled with his sweater, the one you had stolen from him so many times until he finally took it back to appreciate how it now smelled like you. 
“I’m not feeling too well today, you guys can just go.”
You pouted and fully turned to face your boyfriend. “You were fine just a second ago, do you want me to stay with you?”
He could tell you were about to walk back over and crawl into his lap, but he really needed to be alone. “I’m ok love, just not feeling it today. Bring me back something from Honeydukes though, will ya?”
You gave him a small smile and nodded, wondering if there was anything else you could do to help. 
“Don’t worry Y/N,” said George, “I can take care of you. We’ll have a blast!”
“I can take care of myself, Georgie,” you said. Fred winced at the nickname. “But I thank you kindly for the offer.” You bowed sarcastically and began to howl with laughter as George tickled your sides and threw you over his shoulder. “See you later Fred, don’t have too much fun without me!”
He looked up at the last second, only catching a glimpse of your face contorted with giggles as his twin carried you through the halls of the castle. 
Fred sighed and got up from the couch, sulking as he made his way to his now empty dorm room. He lied down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, imagination and worries running wild. What were you and George doing right now? Was he still holding onto you, laughing as he clutched your perfect body in his arms? Fred’s jaw clenched, thinking about his brother holding you, kissing you like he did. Because what was the difference between him and his brother? Why would you care if it was George that was touching you instead of Fred. They were the same. To everyone in the world, they were just the mirror images of each other. Just a stupid, unoriginal reflection. 
He felt a few hot tears well up, so he turned onto his side and curled up, letting sleep take over and wash his troubles away. 
“Alright George, put me down, you’ve had your fun.” The Weasley boy pretended to drop you, only making you clutch his shoulder harder. 
“Oh I see,” George said smirking, “now you don’t want me to put you down, huh?”
“Sod off, loser.” You wiggled out of his loosening grasp and elbowed his side. George had decided to carry you not only out of Hogwarts, but also almost the entire way to Hogsmeade itself. An act quite impressive, but the beater was known for his renowned upper body strength. 
Angelina came up and grabbed your arm, slowing you down so you would fall away from the rest of the group. “Not trying to steal my love, are you Y/N?” she asked, trying to glare at you but breaking quickly and smiling in the end. 
“I don’t know Angie,” you teased, “if you don’t make a move soon maybe I’ll have to take both twins. Paris does sound very nice this time of year.”
She rolled her eyes and gave you a soft shove. “The annoying part is that you could probably pull both of them too. I see the way George looks at you.”
Your best friend, usually so confident and collected, was now very shy and insecure about her love for the younger of the Weasley twins. You and George had no feelings for each other. Both of you knew that and she of course knew that. But sometimes dumb thoughts plagued people’s minds. 
“Angie, wanna know a secret?” you asked. 
She looked up and nodded slowly. 
“The reason George and I’ve been hanging out recently is because he keeps asking me about you. ‘What’s Angie’s favorite food?’ ‘What does she like to do when she’s not kicking ass on the Quidditch pitch?’ blah blah blah.” 
Angelina laughed at your horrible impersonation of George’s voice. “You know he’s like a brother to me. I mean, if things between me and Fred keep going how they are then maybe one day he’ll be my actual brother.”
She nodded gratefully and sighed a breath of relief. “I know, I know. It’s just a little weird for me that you two are so close. I feel like I’m third wheeling whenever you guys are there, and you aren’t even the ones dating!”
“That’s just how George is. He’s so sweet, so he’s always there to cheer me up. But you have to trust me, there is not and will not ever be something between me and him. No offence to George, but that’s gross.”
“You’re dating his twin brother! How is that gross?”
“You of all people know that they’re not the same. I prefer my men cocky, arrogant, and pretty,” you quipped, calling Fred out. 
“And I prefer mine sweet, compassionate, and handsome, but it looks like George has got a long way to go before he can earn that title.”
Angelina was referring to the scene in front of you, where the man in question was currently shoving Lee’s face into the snow-covered ground. 
“Maybe we both need better taste in men,” you said, running with Angelina to tackle George and save your dear friend. 
It was 2 weeks later, and Fred was once again missing out on a trip to Hogsmeade. Gryffindor had just played Slytherin in the game of the year, a close match that had the entire school screaming and on the edge of their seats. 
“And there Malfoy and Potter go, racing into the sky with their eyes on the snitch,” Lee Jordan shouted into the microphone. “The current score is Gryffindor with 130 points and Slytherin with 110. It all comes down to who can catch this flying bugger.”
A loud crack resounded across the pitch as George sent a bludger straight toward Malfoy, hitting his broom and almost knocking him off. 
“Amazing hit by Number 6, beater George Weasley. This could be the end of the game folks, this could be it. Oh! Malfoy’s back on his broom and racing to catch up to Potter. Weasley gave the young Gryffindor seeker a great head start, and it looks like he might have it!”
“Fred!” Angelina cried. Fred looked to where she was gesturing and saw the bludger coming straight toward him. This was his shot. He had a clear path to hit Malfoy, securing the win for Gryffindor. 
You were in the crowd, screaming at the top of your lungs. He didn’t want to disappoint you, or the team, or his house. He didn’t want to disappoint people anymore. 
“Number 5 Fred Weasley winds up to hit a bludger, he’s got a clean shot toward Malfoy! If he can get this hit it’s game over and victory for Gryffindor!”
With all of his strength he sent the bludger flying, but apparently his aim hadn’t improved with the extra practice he had been doing. 
Lee continued to comment on the disaster that was about to happen. “One strong hit to the bludger, but it looks like it’s going in the wrong direction. Oh no! Instead of hitting Malfoy the bludger just hit Potter, sending him and his broom spiraling out of control! Malfoy has taken this opportunity to catch up to the snitch and...and...he’s got it. Malfoy catches the snitch, making the final score 260 for Slytherin to 130 for Gryffindor. A well played match by everyone.”
Except it wasn’t a well played match for Fred. He had let everyone down, again. He was used to it from his parents and older siblings, even most of his teachers. But he had never let down his house before. He had never let down his team. 
Fred locked himself away in his room, refusing to talk to anyone. He pulled off his Quidditch robes and shirt and stared at his reflection in the wall length mirror hanging in his dorm room. 
He stared at his body, something many girls would comment on and swoon over. He was Fred Weasley, star Quidditch player and resident hottie at Hogwarts. Except he wasn’t anymore. 
The definition of his abs weren’t strong enough. He was gaining too much fat, eating too much food. He wasn’t working out enough, that was it. If he would've worked out more then he would’ve made the shot during the game. 
Fred wasn’t as ripped as George, he knew that for a fact. Living in the same room for their entire lives, Fred knew how strong his brother was, how defined his biceps were and how he could lift you with absolutely no problem. Fred knew that George was the better beater. It was just statistics. He made the most hits, had the best aim, and won the team the most points.  
The only thing Fred was better at was making jokes, but he knew no one liked them. His friends must’ve laughed out of pity. There was no way anyone could not find him annoying, especially with how cocky and overconfident he came across. They just tolerated him because of George. You just loved him because you saw him as another George. You should be with George. 
Fred stared into the reflection of himself in the mirror, the one that looked equal parts like him and his twin brother. He groaned as he bent down to the floor, quickly starting another repetition of countless pushups until he would pass out from exhaustion.
Fred had stuck to his cycle. Wake up, eat (but not much), go on a run across the castle grounds, go to class, work out for 2 hours, eat dinner (but once again, not much), work out again and then pass out from working so hard. Any time he had outside of class was spent on the Quidditch pitch or locked away in his dorm, overworking his body and secretly comparing it to his brother’s. No matter what he did, he never caught up. He was still the more annoying, weaker, less attractive reflection of his twin. 
“There’s something wrong with him,” George said to you, walking to the courtyard for one of your breaks. “He’s been so off lately and I can’t figure out why.”
“You’re telling me!” You had noticed Fred’s changes in behavior and tried to talk to him about it. He had become quieter and less outgoing, usually choosing to be alone and do God knows what while you went off with your friends. In fact, the two of you hadn’t had an evening to yourselves in over a month. Not ever seeing your boyfriend was beginning to take a toll on you too. 
“I’ve tried talking to him and asking if anything’s wrong, but he always blows me off,” you complained. “He just seems so sad and miserable, and the worst part is, I have no idea why!”
George just shook his head. “Me neither. He’s my bloody twin brother and we never even talk anymore. He’s always on his broom or locked himself in our room. Doesn’t ever let me in, so I don’t know what’s going on back there.”
Thoughts began to race through your head. “Do you,” you gulped. “Do you think he’s hiding something from us? Or...or someone?”
“Oh Godric no,” George said suddenly, wrapping you up in a hug. “Fred would never cheat on you darling, he loves you too much for that. He would go on and on about how bloody beautiful you are and how you’re the perfect person for him and it took everything I had not to strangle the git sometimes cuz he would never let me sleep.”
You squeezed him back tighter. “When...when did he say these things?”
George paused for a few seconds. “A little over a month ago. I...I haven’t really heard him talk much recently…”
You broke down sobbing in your friend’s arms, lowering yourself onto a bench and turning to cry into his chest. 
“Shh, shh darling, it’s not your fault. I’m sure this is a misunderstanding. Freddie loves you so much, he would never hurt you, ever.” He grabbed your chin so you were looking up at him. “Do you understand me?”
You nodded, eyes red and puffy before going back to his chest to cry. You spoke to him through broken sobs. “I...I’m gonna talk to him tonight. I need to f-find out what’s...wrong.”
George stroked your hair soothingly and rubbed your back. “Sounds like a plan, love. You’ve got this.”
You thanked him and continued to cry until you felt all of your sadness release. George helped you up and walked you to the bathroom to get your face cleaned up for the next class. Little did you or George know that Fred, from afar, had just witnessed the entire scene. 
In his usual place as of late, Fred was curled up on his bed, unable to move from the intensity he had just put his body through. He tried to shift to get into a more comfortable position but it only made him groan and his stomach growl. 
His arms, which were supposed to be getting stronger, were weak from malnutrition. He wasn’t even strong enough to sit up and do his Potions homework, which only made him feel worse about himself. 
All his life it had been Fred and George. It didn’t matter that his name was first, because there was always George to follow. They were the same person, and yet he still felt inferior to his brother. No matter what he did, how hard he worked, George was always going to be better. He was the stronger twin, the kinder one, the more compassionate one who knows when a prank has gone too far. He was everything that you deserve, and everything Fred wished he could be. 
Fred was startled by a knock on the door. “Freddie,” your muffled voice called through. He stayed quiet, hoping you would leave and look for him somewhere else, or better yet give up on him altogether. He couldn’t stand to look at you at the moment. 
“Freddie I’m coming in.” Before he could do anything you had cast alohomora and were standing next to his bed. 
Fred turned his head away from you, trying not to let you see how red his face was from crying. He pulled the covers up over his face, blatantly ignoring you. 
“We need to talk.” You sat down next to him and ripped the blanket off, revealing a mostly naked Fred aside from his pair of boxers. You grabbed his shoulders to roll him over to face you, but you jumped back as he let out a pained groan. 
“Get out, Y/N. I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “You haven’t wanted to talk for the past month and I’m tired of it. I know there’s something wrong, and it’s killing me to see you like this. Please, Fred, you need to tell me what’s happening.”
The boy rolled his eyes and slowly moved to face you. “Why?” he asked. “So you can run off to George and have him comfort you? Why don’t you just save us both the trouble and go be with him.”
You were shocked by his words. Fred had never been the jealous type. Whenever you would talk casually with your exes or other boys would flirt with you, Fred was understanding and calm, always saying that you were his and he knew he didn’t have to worry about anything. But now for some reason he was seething with jealousy, and over his brother no less. It didn’t make any sense. 
“What in the world are you talking about?” you asked indignantly. “You know that George is just my friend, my best friend. He’s in love with Angelina and I’m in love with you.”
Fred scoffed. “Yeah, alright then. What did you and Angelina do, draw straws and decide who gets who? It’s not like it would matter, as long as you got one of the twins.”
You sat down on the bed, fuming with anger. “Where is this coming from? You know I love you. I don’t love George, at least not more than a friend or a brother. I don’t love anyone else and I don’t want to be with anyone else, just you.”
Your hand traveled to his shoulder but he jerked up so that he was inches away from you. “Don’t lie to me. You’re just like everyone else. You got one of the twins, and then you realized that you got the worse one, so off you are to go seduce George, because he’s just my reflection but better. I know exactly how you think you worthless bitch!”
Both of you went silent. Fred had never spoken those things to you before. Never once had he raised his voice in anger, and he had never even thought about calling you a bitch or anything of the sort. 
You brought your hand back to slap him, but you hesitated when he just gave up and sighed, awaiting the hit and not even trying to do anything about it. He was weak and exhausted and had completely given up on everything. 
Lowering your hand, you moved it to caress his cheek. He leaned into the touch, letting small tears fall from his eyes and drop onto your fingers. You pulled him into your shoulder slowly, where he sniffled and cuddled up next to you. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said quietly. “I didn’t mean that. You’re perfect.”
After a few seconds you finally spoke up. “I love you so much. You cheer me up when I’ve had a bad day with your jokes.” Fred hummed into your shoulder. “You’re always helping me relax when things get too stressful, and you take me on the best adventures I could ever imagine.” He turned his head to meet your eyes. “You and George, while you might look the same, are completely different. I could never love him the way I love you, because he’s not you. He’s sweet, compassionate Georgie, and you’re fierce, loyal, loving, optimistic, beautiful Freddie.”
Fred nuzzled into your shoulder and pulled you down so you were both laying down on his bed. He mumbled something that you couldn’t make out. 
“What was that love?”
“Do you really think I’m beautiful?” He spoke so shyly, pieces of his insecurities finally becoming apparent. 
You held his face in your hands and stared into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “I think you’re beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, pretty, and absolutely perfect the way you are.” You ran your hands down his toned abs, starting to understand what he had been doing those many hours each day. “No matter how much muscle you have or how big or small you are, I’ll always love you. You look perfect to me.”
To show Fred exactly how you felt you kissed him all over his body, starting at his neck and moving to his chest all the way down to his thighs and calves. “Just because you’re a guy doesn’t mean you have to be super buff and toned. All bodies are beautiful, and that goes for men too. And you are the most beautiful of them all.”
Fred squeezed you tight, mentally hitting himself for not talking to you earlier. You loved him and he knew that. You didn’t love George and you didn’t love him because he was one of the Weasley twins. You loved him because he was simply Fred. Fred Weasley. 
You shifted out of his hold and started to leave the room. “Where are you going love, please stay,” he asked, giving you his biggest puppy dog eyes. 
“I’m gonna sneak into the kitchens and get you some food. You need to eat, Freddie. I’ve seen you skip meals and it’s not healthy.” He nodded reluctantly, still self conscious about the weight he thought he gained. 
“Speaking of not being healthy, I think you should slow down with the workouts. There’s nothing wrong with getting a better body, but you’re destroying yourself in the process. Can you take a break for a few days and rest up before reevaluating your workouts?”
It took Fred a second to think over. He still wanted a body like his brother’s, but you were right. He wouldn’t get it from not eating and constantly hurting himself. “Yeah, alright.”
“I think there’s leftover ham and potatoes from dinner, does that sound good?” Fred agreed, cozying himself back up under the covers. 
“Perfect,” you said. “I’ll get food and we can eat and catch up, and maybe read that book I was telling you about? You said you wanted to read it with me.”
“Sounds perfect, love. Thank you so much.”
You nodded and walked out the door, closing it softly. Fred looked around the room he had spent so much time in recently until his eyes landed on the mirror hanging on his wall. With what was left of his strength he got up and stood in front of it. 
It wasn’t going to be easy. He had so many deep seated insecurities that he would need to work out, and it would take time. But for the first time in a while, Fred could finally look at his reflection and smile. 
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vashak · 3 years
Eiji’s war
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Originally posted on 22 December 2019 in Turkish here.
No, I’m not done yet.
I previously wrote about how Eiji found a new purpose in life after meeting Ash and getting to know his world, which helped him come out of the depression he suffered back in Japan. But what exactly is Eiji’s new purpose in life? It’s saving Ash from his very “different” world.
In the beginning of the story, we saw how devastated Eiji was when he found out that Ash was ready to use his one and only trump card (the capsule containing the Banana Fish drug) against Golzine, knowing full well that he wouldn’t win.
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Ash had risked his own life to save Eiji’s when he didn’t know him at all and now Eiji doesn’t have the heart to let him walk to his death. It’s like he’s thinking to himself, “How can a boy my age find himself in such an impasse?” This is the first time we see Eiji rebel against the world Ash’s living in.
But Eiji does more than silently shed tears, especially once things get more complicated. For example, here he’s basically telling Ash to quit doing things that would put him in harm’s way.
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Later, when it becomes clear that there’s no “quitting” in this world (because they simply won’t let you), Eiji comes up with a different suggestion.
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And this offer is so unexpected that Ash doesn’t understand at first. Eiji simply asks him again if he would like to come to Japan with him. He is presumably surprised that Ash was so taken aback by such a straightforward question. Ash’s surprise is telling me that he never even thought it would be possible to leave this life behind.
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Eiji’s offer also means this: I forgive you. Going to Japan to start a new life means that Ash won’t have to account for all the bad things he did in the past. Ash doesn’t believe there’s such a possibility or that he deserves such a chance. So he averts his gaze and comes up with an excuse. I just realized that there’s a pattern here. When Ash makes such excuses, he always puts himself down as if to say he’s not worthy of Eiji’s offer.  But then, as you’ll see in the scene below, he realizes that this attitude only serves to embarrass Eiji, so he stops and apologizes.
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What this scene inherently tells us is just how ashamed Ash feels about the things he was forced to do all his life. It is also a good example of the difference in opinion between Ash and Eiji—while Ash thinks so little of himself, Eiji thinks the world of him.
When Eiji repeats his offer to go to Japan together a second time, he can’t stay so calm.
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Because by then, Ash gave himself up to Golzine as hostage in exchange for Eiji’s life, underwent an eating disorder, started a guerilla war, got raped and is still fighting against commandos as they’re having this conversation.
This time, Ash tells him what he really thinks instead of coming up with excuses. He says “My hands are dirty with other people’s blood,” implying that he doesn’t deserve a fresh start. “But you had to. Or you would be killed yourself,” replies Eiji, whereas previously, when they were quarreling before Ash’s one-to-one fight with Arthur, Eiji had yelled “You are not the kind of man who shoots defenseless people!” to his face. It seems that Eiji has learned the cruel ways of Ash’s world since then.
There is another reason why Ash is not taking Eiji up on his offer besides thinking that he doesn’t deserve a fresh start. Ash thinks he’s a troublemaker and will put those around him in danger no matter where he is (I talked more about this here). And as expected, he tells Eiji exactly that: “I’m bad news, Eiji. Doesn’t matter where I go… And you’ll get caught up in it. Like you are now.”
We know by now that Eiji never even once stayed silent when Ash said something to stigmatize himself. He always told Ash otherwise and explained why in a perfectly logical way. All this time, he calmly and patiently fought against Ash’s toxic mindset. But this time, he’s had enough.
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This is the first time Eiji puts his emotions into words in such a raw way. He literally screams how much he cares about Ash. And a minute later, he indisputably proves just how much by pushing Ash away and taking bullet for him.
This incident resets all the progress Eiji’s so far made to change Ash’s self-loathing mindset. The fact that Eiji almost died because of him and later Lao’s tirade against Ash in front of all the gang members (“He ain’t human! He’s a goddamn monster!”) make Ash feel ashamed and disgusted at himself.
Then comes the wretched hospital scene… This scene is drenched in symbolism, but it actually serves to make us understand one simple fact: Similar to how Eiji can’t survive in Ash’s world, Ash will never be accepted in Eiji’s world. Eiji’s not capable of protecting himself in Ash’s world. He’ll always be vulnerable as long as he stays there. And in Eiji’s world, Ash will never be accepted by others in the way Eiji accepts Ash. He’ll ultimately be seen as a criminal rather than a victim and will have to answer to the law for what he did.
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So Ash enters the hospital. He’s been reminded in the most painful way that he can never be part of Eiji’s world and has come to say goodbye to his friend one last time. Eiji vaguely hears Ash’s accented “sayounara” and crawls out of bed with great difficulty to stop him from leaving (Ash can’t pronounce the second syllable long, but instead says “sa-yo-na-ra”). But just then, Charlie and Ibe-san notice Ash and come after him. Eiji knows that even if they have good intentions now, eventually Ash will be found guilty. And, for the first time in his life, Eiji tells Ash to leave him. He screams “Go!” with all his might. The anime adaptation did a wonderful job showing us how difficult this must have been for Eiji to do.
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I think Eiji inherently knew that this was the last time he would see Ash. But he refused to believe it, because that would mean that he himself had surrendered to the fatalistic mindset that he was trying to liberate Ash from. So what does Eiji do next? What he does best, of course.
Remember when Eiji wanted to pass a message to Ash through his gang members when Ash tried to send him back to Japan without telling him? He asked Bones and Kong to tell Ash to “take care of his life” and that he would “always wish him luck” even from far away.
So this time, Eiji writes a letter to Ash in case he can’t see him before going to Japan. He pours in all that he feels. The letter ends up being the most earnest summary of everything Eiji has been trying to make Ash understand.
… You said to me before, “We live in different worlds” … We are friends. Isn’t that enough? … But I never felt scared of you, not even once … Actually, I always felt that you are hurt, much more than me—that your spirit is wounded … I always wanted to protect you … I think I wanted to protect you from your future … You can change your fate …
Eiji wants these words to accompany Ash while he’s away: “You are not alone, Ash. I am with you. My soul is always with you.” The one-way ticket to Japan he encloses with the letter serves as a reminder of his invitation. We know that Eiji had every intention of seeing Ash again from his thoughts on the plane. What didn’t cross his mind at all was without a doubt that Ash would draw his last breath as he read Eiji’s heartfelt words.
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When it comes to Ash’s death, I feel overwhelmed with a series of unanswered questions as I previously indicated here and here. For example…
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When Sing can’t get Ash to say anything to Eiji, he can’t bear to face Eiji empty-handed so he sees him off with a few made-up parting words in Ash’s stead (Aww, isn’t he precious?). Does Eiji ever realize this? Can he tell that Sing made up Ash’s parting words? I think he can. So does he ever confront Sing about this before or after Garden of Light? Who knows.
And just how much does Eiji know about Ash’s death? He knows that his letter distracted Ash, so he didn’t see Lao coming. But does he know that Ash had read part of his letter by then and started running to the airport? Does he know that Ash went back to the library after getting wounded to read the rest of his letter? Does he know that Ash laid his head on his letter and died with a smile on his face?
I really wish for a “yes” to these questions.
To me, the story of Banana Fish is more antagonistic towards Eiji than Ash. Yes, all the bad stuff happen to Ash but he’s never shocked that they do. The leopard has learned how harsh the ascent can be. Eiji, on the other hand, believes he can save Ash from this shitty world. He is proven wrong a number of times but he never stops believing that. As I mentioned in the answer to this ask, if you think about it, in the end Ash dies just like he knew he would.
He is stabbed by a street thug who held a grudge against him and dies just like that. In the end, he couldn’t change his fate like Eiji tried to make him believe. In the end, the leopard couldn’t climb down the mountain. But what’s remarkable is that Eiji never surrenders to Ash’s fatalistic mindset even after his death. Not even once. He never says things like “He was right after all and I was wrong. He couldn’t change his fate and trouble never ever left him alone.” Instead he says this:
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The End
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yesmissbzzz · 3 years
DREAM MOVIE 2022 (29 Moons)
I signed for the Rip Chat wonderful Dream Movie Challenge.
Where @singledarkshade gave me a cast and a location by the number and letter I chose.
Do you want to know wich I got, and what came from my chaotic mind?
Let's find out!
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Christie founds a hurt raven one night walking back at home, she cares of the bird until one morning he is gone, just dissapeared.
By noon, a new boy in town comes to her store looking for flowers.
Nothing special, besides that the new boy is not only a normal boy: he is the formerly hurt raven wich carries a horrid curse.
When he falls in love, for a Moon Cycle he will be a man by day and a raven by night, if the person who he fell for doesn't love him back when the cycle is over, he will stay as a raven forever.
Intrigued yet?
The location I got is Small Village, so I decided to stay on a Hallmark Movie mood.
Keep reading to meet the beautiful cast:
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Ariel Mortman as Christie
Fellow clerk at the Flower Shop from the Little Village.
Usually dismissed by her teenage looks, most people don't take her seriously and that makes her insecure about herself.
Her heart is generous and caring, that makes her take care of a raven she founds lying on the road. The bird has a mark on his beak wich looks like a rose. One morning, he can´t find him anywhere. With not much time to worry about where the bird has gone, because a new boy in town (named Milo) appears a few hours later by the store asking for flowers and a place to stay.
Christie will spend the most of her days with him, charmed by his easygoing mood and the admiration he continuosly provides to everything she says and do.
He is, for sure, a great friend.
But why he always flies away before the sun sets down?
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Arthur Darvill as Milo
One morning he wakes inside Christie's closet -where he was left resting at nights to get better- as a man and not a raven, he manages to get out without waking her. That means that he is in love with the girl who took care of him all those days.
That means that he has a Moon Cycle to make her love him, or he will stay as a raven by the rest of his life.
For some hours he thinKs that it won't be difficult: she is caring, loving, generous, of course she will love him back, right?
Well... when they are reaching for a place for him to stay by night time, a man crosses their path, Christie talks some words with him, and he recognices that gaze of her: she is in love.
How she couldn't? If he is the tall, muscular, handsome man every girl wants, while himself is... just Milo...
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Chris Pratt as Quentin
The beautiful airhead from this village, smarter than... a snail, maybe.
Every single woman (also some compromised/married) loves him, don't giving a damn about all the narcissist babble that comes out his mouth most of the time.
When Milo notices that Christie is one of those women, he resigns: Christie must be happy with her true love. What could give him the right to get in the path to her joy?
Quentin falls easily in Milo plans to be together, even with the obstacles wich Christie's boss keeps throwing against them.
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Lamar Johnson as Richie
Christie's best friend since childhood. He is a magic and fairy-tales believer and that makes him to find suspiscious Milo's night disappearances.
His curiosity makes him look for the truth.
He will find it in time? Or he will just keep getting really close to find what really happens time after time?
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Mark Ruffalo as Clive
Milo founds an ally on this kind man who finds the truth about the curse by the first night, looking at him turning into a raven. He always have resources to get Christie and Quentin together and avert Theodor troublemaking.
Richie is the only one who keeps misgiving the fact that he announced being out of town for two months and getting back only two weeks after he left, with loose explanations.
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Martin Sheen as Theodor
Christie's boss, the Flower Shop owner. He is absolutely against her love for Quentin and insists to Milo that he should get the girl, because Quentin is a stupid pretentious and Milo is a kind boy who deserves to be with the girl he loves.
That just makes Milo hate him! Why he can't see that Christie deserves to live happily ever after with her true love?
Anytime he is ignored or his plans against the youngest fails, he says “Oh, if my beloved wife were here...” even if someone is listening or not.
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Dove Cameron as Night Rose
Surprise! Someone there is right! You already guessed who?
Yes: it's Richie!
Clive is out of town,and this witch reveals to Milo that she was pretending to be the man all this time, just two days before the time limit: she is Night Rose, the one who cursed him
She was in love with Milo, but got rejected because he discovered how she used her magic for awful things. And being true to herself, cursed the man who broke her heart.
Now Milo is so close to get Christie and Quentin together! What he should do?!
Don't be afraid! I have... a wildcard!
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Meryl Streep as Agatha
The whole village believe's Theodor is a widower, because he is always saying “If only my wife was there”, but they are all wrong! He is married with this woman, and not a simple woman.
Agatha is one of the Elder Fairies, that makes Theodor -a simple human- recognize magic, witches, and curses, so by the moment he meets Milo and greets “Clive” back he can see their secret and keeps them to himself contacting her wife with the news, trying to stop Night Rose with human methods while she arrives.
So... how this big mess will get fixed?
Agatha gets in town at the last night before the curse gets completed. Milo is a raven so she has to ask Richie for help, knowing that he will understand the situation.
They have to steal Night Rose ring to break the curse in case of him not getting loved back, so Richie team up with Theodor to distract her and get the ring, while Agatha and Milo tries to ruin the date in wich Quentin had planned to ask Christie to be his girlfriend.
Agatha has to go when she feels his husband is in danger, attacked by the witch. That leaves Milo on his own and he abandons discretion flapping in Quentin's face.mThe man does not take this with nice manners and manages to violentlytrap the raven by the neck.
Christie lose all the love for him looking at the way he treats the poor raven, recognizing it is the same she saved almost a month ago because the rose mark.
Agatha, Theodor and Richie comes with the ring, that spiteful witch had no chance against an Elder Fairy.
Finally Milo can have his true form, and Christie understands that she was falling in love with him all the time, blinded by Quentin looks.
So everyone is getting their happy ending. Except Rose. Neither Quentin will find it if he keeps being a d*ck with women and animals.
(Essie Davis has been changed for Arthur. Because there were already too much people for a Hallmark Movie, and this is a Rip fan site so we need Arthur. I am sorry, Lady, if my brain had cooperated to develope a better chain of events as the plot surely you should had a great role)
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kob131 · 3 years
Morgan Le Fay (Alter Ego) My Room Lines
“Master~ Can we stay here please? A moment’s rest may bring you far after all!”
“Ah, you really like to work don’t you? No no, I’m not accusing you of anything. I know your drive after all...”
“No matter what, it doesn’t seem I’ll get use to fighting. I wonder if either of those two would-ah. nevermind!”
Bond 1 “...Oh, sorry Master! I was spacing out there for a moment. I’m...not really use to being...heh, nevermind me!”
Bond 2 “Your magecraft seems a little shaky lately. Are you sure you’re feeling well? You eating well? Maybe a nice plate of meat and potatoes will make you feel better? ...Wh-what do you mean that’s too heavy?!”
Bond 3 “How strange.  I’m still here. Usually I can’t remember where I’ve been or how I got where I am because...because...
...Well anyway, I can’t say it’s bad after all. I’d certainly be worried if one moment I was here with you and the next you left my sight. That-that can get rather scary...”
Bond 4 “... ... ... I can still feel them inside me, you know? ‘The Lady of The Lake’ and ‘The Fairy Witch’. My...other selves.
... Why? Why? WHY? Why do they have to exist? Why are they inside me? It’s not fair! I lost so much to them! So much of my life- Take, STOLEN from me by them! And even worst, they took my home away! I’m Morgause Pendragon, the daughter of Uther Pendragon! I am human! Not a fae! Not a witch! I. Am. HUMAN, ME! 
So why can’t they just leave me alone?!”
Bond 5 “... I won’t be here for long. Even if this body were to see the end of your journey, I-I might not be the one in it. I was the first to fade away after all. It’s simply my fate...to be used and discarded by everything I love. 
...Even so, I won’t run. As weak as I maybe in comparison to them...I won’t surrender a second of my time with you. With anyone. I’m here now. I am me.”
To Gawain “My son...my darling son. P-please don’t turn away! Please. I-I lost so much time with you. I can’t-I have to. Please, come embrace your mother. Before I’m gone.”
To Gareth “Gareth...my little pup. Look at you, you’ve grown up so much. I bet you had the lords at your beck and call. ... I wish I could have been there for you.”
To Agravain “Oh Agravain. It hurts to see you look at me so. And yet, it’s all my fault. If only I were stronger, if only I could overcome them. My little knight...I’m sorry.”
To Arturia “Arthur-no, Arturia isn’t it? To think I felt so bitter about what our father wanted...when there was so much to lose to that envy. I...I shall take my leave.”
To Mordred “Master, that knight over there?? That...wouldn’t happen to be Sir Mordred correct? ... Yes I assumed so, given her glares at me. Le Fay’s child with my own brother...There’s nothing I can do to help her, is there?”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “You there, the witch. You have quite the nerve to show your face here. You, who abandoned her humanity for the sake of a kingdom. Your kingdom was a shame and deserved it’s fate. Glare at me all you wish, without the three of us you would be nothing.”
Likes “What do I like? Well, I always liked cooking. It was always such a treat to see my children’s faces light up when I cooked with all my heart!”
Dislikes “...Lake fae and evil witches.”
Holy Grail “Even if it is a heresy, I would like to wish upon it. Then maybe, I can finally be free.”
“Master, come. We have much to do still. ...I know you must be tired, I understand your weariness. But still, we must persist.”
“There’s no need to worry about me. An adventure like this-it is a simple matter. Compared to guiding those troublesome fae...”
“Quiet, quiet, quiet. ...Sorry Master, I was...having some difficulties with...the others. Le Fay especially...”
Bond 1 “So, you have stayed by my side? How strange, most humans simply leave the lakeside after so long.”
Bond 2 “Your heart is weary. There is no point in lying. I know that feeling well myself. Perhaps I have been pushing you too hard. Come, rest. All need reprieve after all.”
Bond 3 “It seems my time has not come yet. Good. I cannot-I will not fade like before. I refuse to let things end like before.”
Bond 4 “It is so tiring. To have their thoughts, their minds inside me. Always, always a reminder. That I am more than the fae ‘Vivian’. The human princess and the raging witch-
...No. No. NO! I am here now! I will be the one to fight! I will be the one to guard the Human Order! I will be the one protect the Age of Man that Father wished for! Not the human Morgause! Not the witch Le Fay! 
I am Me, Vivian, The Lady of the Lake!”
Bond 5 “Even though I am the fae Vivian, an existence incompatible with mankind. It was always the humans I loved most of all. The fae, so fickle and cruel. I guided and guarded them out of duty alone.
Why you may ask? Because it was mankind that my father Uther loved. He protected them to his last breath. And so shall I. Even if I may never see the Age of Man, I will protect and guide it. Especially you, my Master. I shall ensure your safety to death and beyond.”
To Lancelot (Berserker) “Master! Th-that figure cloaked in black! I-it can’t be! My son! This is what became of you? ... Who did this?”
To Lancelot (Saber) “I knew it. Of course my son would be here. There was no chance he wouldn’t answer the call to protect mankind. He grew into a splendid knight after all.”
To Mash “This feeling... You there, young lady with the shield. Come forward, let me take a good look. ...It really is, isn’t it? Don’t be scared young lady. I shall never hurt you. Now, come with me. I have much to discuss with you.”
To Fae Servants “*Sigh* It seems there are some troublemakers in this place isn’t there? Worry not Master, I know how to keep them on a tight leash.”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “Ruler of the fae, huh? How pathetic. To have resorted to such evil. I do not care what your excuses are. I lead and guarded the fae myself. I sacrificed my place in the world. I expect no less of you.”
To Arturia (Archer) “How cute, thinking that little spruit is alike to my magic. Here, let me show you what a true Excalibur Vivian can accomplish.”
Likes “Besides mankind? ...I do enjoy watching the forest creatures prance about. The little bugs especially.”
Dislike “Lazy princesses and malevolent witches. That is all I’ll say.”
Holy Grail “It is a false wish granting device isn’t it? Still, if supplied with enough mana, it might just be enough to grant my wish To gain my freedom.”
Morgan Le Fay
“Careful now, Master. One wrong step and things will certainly go wrong. I know how much fun it is to lose yourself in the throes of battle. Hehehe...But your goal must come first.”
“That fire...that determination. Very well, I’ll join you in the fray. After all, I haven’t nearly indulged enough myself.”
“Your magecraft is rather lackluster isn’t it? Hm, whatever you call your ‘talents’, that doesn’t matter. Practice, practice, practice. Experience breeds excellence. I didn’t match Merlin with pure talent after all.”
Bond 1 “I must say, staying this way at will without being subject to the fickle whims fate...it’s rather nice. Thanks Master.”
Bond 2 “Fate is cruel. I know your pain better than most. Forced into the impossible by the will of others. But don’t let your heart waver. Through will and guile, you will gain your freedom.”
Bond 3 “Don’t hesitate to give me tasks. I find myself with more time than i know what to do with. Preferably with you around...”
Bond 4 “I’m sure you’ve heard about this before but...My other selves are still here. Deep inside, I can still here them. Their woes, their uncertainty, their hatred. All mine...
...Bwahaha! What a joke! As if I would let them trend upon me. It was my loathing that struck fear into Camelot. It was my malice that twisted the Green Knight. It was my love for Britian that allowed me to stomach sharing a bed with that liar. I am no feeble princess or passive fae. I am me, Morgan, the witch that loved Britian!”
Bond 5 “So here we stand still. I’m sure you caught on but I hate the Age of Man. Tearing away all the work I put out, fading everything I’ve done into legend. Acting as though I was never here. For it’s sins, I will always spur it.
So why am I here? Because I would rather have an Age of Man with Britian than not. Be it the destruction of history or man, I will not stand for it. I will rage and hate and burn until all is done. So long as we stand on the same ground, I will be here. I can’t trust the other two to get the job done after all.”
To Mordred “Hm, that defect of a homonculus is here? Master, you are best off sending it away. It’s incapable of following orders or performing tasks sufficiently. I would love to fix it but that’s beyond my reach.”
To Arturia (Alter) “Tch, that liar dares to attach my name to something so weak. She preaches that the strong rule over the weak, shall I teach her who is truly strong then? Gwahaha!”
To Merlin “Ah, Teacher is here too. How unusual, that fickle asshole couldn’t be asked to cut a blade of grass, let alone save humanity. He’s not even really here is he?”
To Fairy Knight Tristan “Master, this annoying brat won’t leave me alone. Acting all familiar and friendly with me... Maybe I’ll teach her what it means to truly be sadistic. Perhaps by rending her limbs asunder...”
To Arturia “So the King of Liars has come as well. Maybe a trip into Hell will teach her the place where she belongs...but that will have to wait, won’t it? She still has her uses after all...”
To Oberon-Vortigern “That mana. Another embodiment of Britian is here?! It feels like that failure Vortigern...yet...it’s so different. I must dissect him, to know!”
To Morgan (Lostbelt) “Ah yes, that other me. Heh, what a fool she turned out to be, no? She rages against man, fae and knights, wasting all her efforts in the process. Focus, my dear. Focus is the key to victory. I did not waste my time with man or fae, I put my all into the slaying of Arturia. And which of us succeeded, hm?”
Likes “A rough night with a man below me, of course.”
Dislikes “My other selves. Unlike them, I will not hide the truth.”
Holy Grail “Hm, I have no need for such a thing. Unlike them, I will not cling to a false hope. It will be my hand that cuts them out like the parasites they are.”
Bond 10 CE: I Am...?
One minute *I’m* home with my children One minute ^I’m^ guarding those troublesome fae One minute -I’m- cackling as I tear into his flesh
The next I’m not.
It is my duty to *lead*/^guard^/-destroy- my kin No, That is *my*/^my^/-my- duty. No, it’s *mine*/^mine^/-mine-!
...Is it?
No, I am a *princess*/^guardian^/-witch-! That is not what *I*/^I^/-I- am! Stop it! This is who *I*/^I^/-I- am!
I am *me*/^me^/-me-! I am *Me*/^Me^/-Me-! I AM *ME*/^ME^/-ME-!
I am... I...am... I...
....Who am I?
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Hey! Can you do a thing in which all the voldy shit never happened and everyone lives happily (Peter drifts away from them because ugh I don't like reading about him). Basically Sirius' kids are with Harry and reader is Sirius' wife. Reader is pretty chill and all up for pranks. They have twins together of Harry's age. In second year when Harry, ron, and twins go to Hogwarts by car,James, Sirius, and reader send howlers telling them DAMN YOU DID A GOOD PRANK RIGHT THERE.
dude I don’t like writing about peter so it’s fine lmao (also with no voldemort the sorcerers stone wouldn’t really have been an issue so when I say their first year happened fine that’s what I mean lmao)(also I know that the concept of howlers is that the letter just yells what you write but I like the idea of James and Sirius just butting in and ruining it so there you go)
Being the wife of Sirius Black, the master of chaos, came with lots and lots of headaches. You’d known him since you were in school together, and he never disappointed when it came to pranks. Whether that meant (probable) arson, or just a simple dungbomb in someone’s water glass, something was always up with that man, and you’re not sure why you thought his children would be any different.
Sirius had definitely raised them on mischief, as did James with Harry, so you were quite nervous sending them off to school together. Your twins and Harry would definitely wreak havoc on the school, you just prayed you wouldn’t have to pay for property damage. 
Their first year went by relatively smoothly. Of course, there were the occasional detentions, letters written home about the strange spells that your children had used, probably taught to them by their fathers. As always. The worst thing that had happened that year was that your two little monsters, along with James’ troublemaker, had managed to jinx Hagrid’s (already massive) pumpkins to be ten times their size, which proved to be an issue, as the grounds had then been constantly covered in either giant pumpkins, or their remains, for a month. 
You’d sent them off to the Weasleys’ house, thanking Molly for taking care of your children until the school year began. Harry went along as well, leaving you, Sirius, James, Remus, and Lily alone in your homes, finally able to breathe for a moment. 
It was now almost eleven o’clock on the first of September, and you wondered how your kids were doing, probably already buying out the sweets from the trolley. You hoped that they’d help out some lost first-years, or prove helpful to their professors as they now knew how the school worked. 
The clock struck eleven and you sighed, peering over at Sirius who was lazily flicking his wand around the air where he sat, sending a flurry of snowflakes gliding down from the air and into his hair. You giggled, standing and walking over to his chair, feeling the cold flakes land on your head and tickle the back of your neck. Sirius grinned, watching as a snowflake landed on your nose and laughing when you scrunched your face up in discomfort. He flicked the snowflake off, leaning in to kiss you before a loud crack was heard and your heads both jerked to the side.
There stood Molly and Arthur Weasley, slightly disheveled, and frowning deeply. 
“Molly? Arthur? What’s wrong, what is it?” Your heart began beating in your chest, envisioning a freak accident involving your twins or Harry.
“Our car is gone, and none of your kids made it onto the platform.” Arthur mumbled, eyes wide with worry and alarm.
To say that you’d been worried would have been an understatement. Your children were missing, you had no idea what to do. You hadn’t slept at all that night, and you had written the school a very lengthy letter, begging them for updates if they had any. You know that Lily had done the same, having apparated to their home just after Molly and Arthur had left.
So, when you received an owl with a letter clutched in its beak, the Hogwart’s wax seal brightly stamped on the front, your heart leapt in your chest. There was hope.
You tore the letter open, nearly tearing the parchment inside in your haste. Sirius grabbed your hands, steadying them and taking the letter from you. He began reading out loud.
‘Sirius and Y/N,
Your children are safe. They arrived here last night, not on the train, but by flying car, and though they crashed several times, including into the whomping willow, they seem to have escaped unscathed. I will never understand how they do it. I have decided to reject the idea of expulsion, they did go above and beyond to make sure that they got to school, even if it was slightly destructive. We’ve sent word to the Potters, as well as the Weasleys. I hope you weren’t too worried, 
You felt yourself breathe a sigh of relief, though white hot anger flared in your system only moments after. 
“They stole the car!” You looked up at your husband, mouth falling open as you watched him laugh.
“Sirius! This is not funny, they could have been killed! And ‘Grand Theft Auto: Twelve-Year-Olds’?! Sirius, what are we going to do with them?!”
“It’s fine! They’re okay, the school is okay, they’re not being expelled, everything is fine. It was a pretty good prank, don’t you think?”
Now, each child involved knew that they’d be sent an angry letter from their parents. That was inevitable. But none of them had expected two bright red, smoking howlers to show up the next morning, like ticking time bombs sitting in front of their cereal.
“You go first, Ron.” Harry nudged Ron forward, wishing that he could avoid his own howler altogether.
Ron gulped, slitting the envelope open, though he threw it down on the table when the booming voice of Molly Weasley rang throughout the great hall.
‘Ronald Weasley! 
How dare you steal that car! Your father is facing an inquiry at work, and it’s entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we’ll send you straight home! Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor, your father and I are so proud.’ (I just had that mEmoRIZedGJNSKGN)
Ron was shaking as the envelope tore itself up, leaving only the one other remaining. Harry reached for it, peeling the envelope open and cringing when his mother’s voice began shouting.
‘You three are in big trouble! What in the world were you thinking? Poor Molly and Arthur were left without a car, and we were all worried sick!’
‘If you had done something like that from outside the safety of those walls, I guarantee that we would have-’ Remus’ voice was cut off midway through his sentence.
‘Son!’ Another voice made itself known over the letter, and the children recognized it as James’.
‘Son, I’m so proud of you. That was amazing! You’re on our level of genius now, I can’t believe you got there so young!’ 
‘And I can’t believe you all managed to escape unharmed! This is by far one of the best things I’ve ever seen, you have to fill us in on the details later-’ Sirius’ voice cut in, the sound full of happiness and pride for his children.
“Sirius no!’ Your voice was heard shrieking throughout the great hall before the letter self destructed, smoke and little bits of ashy paper flying everywhere. Harry snorted, shaking his head while envisioning the absolute chaos that must have been the creation of the Howler. 
From the staff table, Mcgonagall smirked, hiding her face behind a napkin as she shook her head, even after they’d graduated James Potter and Sirius Black were still creating mischief.
(This was kinda long and icky and I’m so sorry if it’s bad kjgdafnds I’m not doing great but I hope you still like it :’)   )
Taglist: @knowledgeisthebomb @moonyswolf @astertist @accio–zoe @wutheringweasley @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @snazzy-posts @huffle-homie24601 @celestialdiamandis @queen678900 @gryffindor-girl420 @ilostcount-helpme @Dedellis @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @fcavalerro @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @lostnliterature @remusfreakinglupin @marvelouspottering @fcavalerro @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @marauders-trash-forever @khaleesiclifford @thisismysecrethappyplace @gabiatthedisco @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @wonder-worlds @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @emliy-antognoli @raavkans @maraudersandco @lilaccoveredteapot @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @blackpinkdolan @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @yallgotkik @lilmissmoony @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @margotblackburn @chrisstabme @itsanarttodie @siriusly-sad @addibug1014-blog @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood-blog @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @onthebroadway @the17resa @thefullbullpen99 @snoploop @johnnycadeissocute @all-thegayships @briisasinamonroll @lady-of-lies @ardentmuse @blueivysuniverse @dark-night-sky99 @ilovetvshowsblog @s0cial-retard @savethehoneeybees @luna-xxxxx @bvmakk @deathofthethrones @humblemei @myfriendsaremypowers @broken-and-alone12 @fandomnerdsarecool @stardust.and.glitter @hopewithadashofglitter @lazydiabetic @killerbumblebee @angeld82300 @alisoncdariel @brungun @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @beutiflybybri @stephie-senpai @heartbeats-wildly @em-aesthe @godisreal @vibhati123 @miracleoflove @classypursefarmphysique @cncno @itsshelbygates @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @ikbrenda @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @behindthebook @sewarner @themarauders-headcanons @bloomingonmay @songforhema @rose-aesthete @blueberrytiger01 @i-want-my-name-back @lumonva @unfortunatekiwitrash @smilexcaptainx @oldschool-hoee @kiwi-nonspecificgender @shymagicsworld
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nineteenninety-six · 5 years
Our Love Story
REQUEST:  how did tommy and the reader in the adam series get together?
In my head pre-war/teenager Tommy was soft and sweet
Also, I got a request to do a Raising Rosie series, so send in any ideas you may have for it! And Adam’s series as well! :)
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“You’re such a creep, staring at her like this. What if she spots you? Then you’ll never get her to go on a date with you.”
Tommy tried to ignore Freddie’s words but they did make him realize how weird he was being, but he couldn’t help it. Working in her family’s shop opposite from where he was standing was (Y/N), his crush ever since he was 12 and now at 18, his crush was as strong as ever.
“What are you two doing?!” Arthur’s shouts pulled Tommy’s gaze away from the bakery. Arthur and John were making their way over to where Che stood with Freddie and Tommy felt himself panic, he couldn’t let Arthur or John find out about (Y/N) or find out about his crush if they did, he’d have no doubt that they would steal her from him.
“Waiting for you two, now c’mon” Tommy quickly walked away in the other direction.
“Yea yea shut up” John grumbled but followed Tommy anyway.
Tommy was sat by the canal, Freddie and his brothers had gone off to do their own thing hours ago. The canal was the place he went to when he wanted peace and quiet, his uncle Charlie’s yard was another place he frequented but it was always busy and bustling with life, that it was a better place if wanted a distraction rather peace and quiet.
The sound of footsteps crunching on gravel pulled him away from his thoughts and when he looked up, he was rendered speechless by who he saw.
“Can I sit?”
Tommy mutely nodded and felt his heart began to race as (Y/N) sat next to him, her legs dangling off the side of the canal.
“I’m not bothering you am I?” (Y/N) asked after a few moments of silence, a look of worry on her face.
“No! No…” Tommy cleared his throat, “I just- um...why are you here?”
“Oh!” A pleasant smile came across (Y/N)’s face, “I saw you earlier, outside the shop.”
Tommy felt his face flush in embarrassment, he bet he looked as red as a tomato.
(Y/N) laughed, “Don’t apologize, I didn’t mind.”
“Eh? You didn’t find it weird?”
“I mean...if it was anyone else sure but not you Tommy.”
Tommy didn’t know how to respond so he kept quiet. (Y/N) didn’t speak either so they spent a moment in silence before (Y/N) quietly gasped before rummaging in her bag.
“Here. My mum told me to pass this on to you.” (Y/N)’s smile was slightly twisted as she passed him a package of bread and other baked goods.
Tommy didn’t have to ask why he knew the implication behind it. Tommy’s mother had died a few months back, not long after giving birth to baby Finn and his father had pissed off somewhere, causing his aunt to come in and look after the Shelby family. He knew (Y/N)’s mother meant well but he couldn’t help but feel slightly annoyed, he didn’t like being pitied but he knew better than to lash out at a helping hand, he knew his aunt would throttle him if she found out he did.
“Thank you” Tommy took the package and put it next to his crumpled up jumper.
“I’m here if you want to talk” (Y/N) placed her hand over his and squeezed gently.
Tommy mutely nodded, he didn’t like talking about his mum and gripped (Y/N)’s hand tighter.
They spent the rest of the day in silence only separating when the sunset, bidding each other goodbye with shy smiles.
Arthur and John were acting weird during dinner, exchanging looks and sniggers, their laughs getting louder whenever they looked at Tommy but Tommy was too tired to try and figure out what their problem was.
“Oi Tommy, been the bakery recently?” Arthur asked before falling into a fit of giggles, John quickly joining in.
Tommy’s eyes flickered up from his plate to look at his brothers, wondering what they were trying to get at.
“No. Why?”
“You sure, you haven’t encountered any sweet buns recently?” John was the one who spoke this time and Tommy immediately caught on to what was happening.
“No.” Tommy cleared his throat and shifted a bit in his seat, not at all liking the fact that they knew about (Y/N). He felt himself get mad at Freddie, the only person that knew about his crush on her.
“Stop now boys, be quiet and eat your dinner” Aunt Polly was quick to kill the conversation thankfully but Tommy couldn’t stop thinking about how his brothers knew about (Y/N) and the thoughts plagued him until he fell asleep.
Tommy spent most of the next day working at his Uncle Charlie’s yard, helping him with the horses, something that always made him feel at peace but he became quite suspicious when he hadn’t been disturbed by his brothers who would almost always try to distract him and pull him away from his word whenever he worked at the stables. So he ditched his work and travelled to the centre of  Small Heath where all the shops were and search around for his troublemaking brothers and the sight that greeted him when he did find them made him want to melt into a puddle.
He found his brothers alright and they were with (Y/N), though to be fair, it didn’t seem like she was enjoying their attention or company. Tommy was only about 10 steps away from them but his brothers didn’t notice since they were facing away from him but (Y/N) was facing him and it didn’t take her long to see him.
“Tommy!” She called, relief evident in her eyes.
His brothers snapped around to face him, both their expressions becoming guilty, knowing that they’ve gone too far judging by Tommy’s expression. They quickly ran away and (Y/N)’s relief was palpable.
“I’m sorry about them” Tommy apologized for his brother’s behaviour, embarrassed on their behalf.
“It’s alright, they didn’t mean harm” (Y/N) laughed at Tommy’s disbelieving look “Well, not much harm at least.”
“They didn’t say anything mean or rude did they?” Tommy was concerned
“No, but they did say something interesting to me.” (Y/N) had a knowing grin that set Tommy on edge.
Tommy’s eyes narrowed, “What did they say? Y’know they have a tendency to lie”
“Hmm true, but I don’t think they’re lying about this though.”
Tommy’s palms began to sweat, he had an inkling about what was about to happen.
(Y/N) opened her mouth before pausing and looking around where they stood, suddenly remembering that they were stood in the middle of a busy street with many eyes watching them. Quickly grabbing his hand, (Y/N) dragged Tommy through the streets of Small Heath, the boy allowing himself to get dragged around, not asking any questions.
(Y/N) stopped under one of the many archways that ran along the canal. They were totally alone now.
Tommy cleared his throat, “So, uh, what did they tell ya”
The smile reappeared on (Y/N)’s face “Well, apparently your friend Freddie has a big mouth because he told your brothers that you have a crush on me--”
“My brothers are idiots!” Tommy cut her off
“So they were lying?”
“I...er…” Tommy didn’t know what to say but he didn’t want to lie and deny it.
“I hope they’re not because that would suck for me” (Y/N) walked closer to Tommy and took his hands into hers, “Because I have a crush on you too.”
“You do?”
“Hmm” (Y/N) hummed, her eyes flicking between his eyes and lips.
It didn’t take long for Tommy to catch on to what she was signalling for and he leaned down pressing his lips against hers. (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck pulling him down and deepening their kiss.
They pulled away moments later, breathing harshly.
“Still mad at your brothers and Freddie?” (Y/N) asked with a grin.
Tommy didn’t answer, instead pressing his lips against hers again, smiling when she giggled into it.
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arsnovacadenza · 4 years
Day 5-Stilts
Characters: Napoleon, Jean, Isaac, and Yukari (MC)
Pairings    : Jean x Napoleon, Isaac x MC
Ao3 Link  : Here
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All was quiet, save for the soft pitter-patter of rain on the attic window. If it wasn't for his superior hearing, Jean might've missed the heavy sigh that escaped his companion's lips.
Napoleon was leaning on the sill with his cheek propped by the back of his hand. He looked neither sleepy nor deep in thought, gazing absent-mindedly towards the city down below.
They had been sitting this way for half an hour. Jean recalled how the emperor gently took his hand and urged him to come with him after sparring.
"I haven't spent enough time with you," Napoleon spoke sternly. "Can I borrow you for today?"
Jean was correct to let Napoleon lead him up the stairs, thinking that it was loneliness he saw in his eyes. This strange relationship between them, toeing the lines between amour and camaraderie, allowed Jean to see Napoleon's colors which he seldom revealed to anyone.
That 'anyone' apparently included Isaac, the subject of today's woes.
Jean was by no means unobservant. His newfound courage to come downstairs more often in daylight (which Sebastian applauded) meant he could observe the other mansions' residents more closely. Though he still had to dodge the troublemakers Arthur and Dazai whenever possible.
But that also meant he was able to discover new facts about his fellow residents, both directly or from other sources, namely Sebastian. Sometimes, when he entered the kitchen to ask for Rouge (at Napoleon's urging), he'd get roped into the butler's early morning gossip with the mysterious young woman whom he'd learned came from the future through that despicable count's door.
The girl, Yukari, was Isaac's paramour.
Jean supposed her arrival was instrumental in making Napoleon seek his company. What little time Isaac had when not teaching the children, he'd spend more of it with his lover, and less with Napoleon.
It must be boring being a reincarnated emperor, seeing as Napoleon latched onto Jean and his weapons shop. He even made Jean a new tutor in his makeshift school where he, Isaac, and Yukari, taught.
(Jean himself thought it was sweet seeing Napoleon interact with children).
Recently, he'd been sensing something amiss between the two original teachers. Isaac was more awkward with him than usual (and that was saying something), while Yukari's expression changed to a troubled one at any mention of Napoleon. But the woman always skilfully dodged Jean's questions when he asked if his partner had done something towards her.
( Not a very good liar, Jean concluded.)
Everything fell in place when one of the younger children casually asked if "Napoleone" was fighting with Isaac since they were now rarely seen together. " I don't know about that" was his answer, the same one he used when Sebastian suddenly spilled all his speculations on the physicist and former emperor's state of affairs and egged Jean for details.
"They're almost brothers, the two of them." Sebastian sighed. "To think they'd drift apart like this was unthinkable."
It's because of the girl Jean was tempted to say. But he decided to keep his peace instead. Napoleon would come to him in due time. That led Jean to where he was now, spending the gloomy rainy afternoon with a similarly gloomy man.
The taciturn soldier came to attention when the man before him sucked in a deep breath.
"Relax, Jean. I wasn't going to whip you." Napoleon snickered. It sounded hollow.
"Forgive me," Jean apologized for nothing in particular. Time seemed to halt at that very moment, emerald eyes locking with his.
"Isaac is afraid of getting hurt," Napoleon began. "So much so that Yukari even refrains from being frank with him, even when she needs to be. When they need to be with one another."
The eyepatched soldier gazed at him intently, waiting for him to finish.
"Handling people like Isaac, well, it requires you to be cautious both ways," He combed his bangs back with his hand. "If he wants to be comfortable with you, you will have to assure him that you don't feel burdened with his presence, that having him come to you is gratifying enough."
Napoleon paused, seemingly in conflict over what he was about to deliver next.
"In hindsight, maybe this was an error on my part." he sighed, for what was the umpteenth time this afternoon. "I told him, once..."
Jean closed his eye and nodded.
"'At this point, there is nothing that you can say or do to hurt me'" Napoleon repeated his promise he gave Isaac long ago." And trust me that no circumstance will ever cause us to part."
Jean's eye flew open. Yet he remained silent. His eyed one of Napoleon's hands, clenching and unclenching the fabric of his cape. Then, with the same trembling hand, the emperor reached out to graze his cheek. He leaned into the touch, thinking that it might offer Napoleon some respite.
It was true. The softness of Jean's skin was soothing. Warm despite the frigid air outside.
After some time, Napoleon withdrew and looked at Jean expectantly, allowing him to speak.
"But you hurt him instead," Jean stated, matter-of-factly. "And he is now avoiding you."
"Sure did," Napoleon mumbled, gazing out into the drenched city below. "Too many times over the course of their relationship, of course."
"You're worried."
"Well, why shouldn't I?" he barked. "I can't say this out loud. Won't say this out loud. Not even to my real brothers. I dote on him the same way I did them. I was stern, which I'm not with Isaac. I took responsibility for them as their guardian. Still, I need to respect my distance and believe that they'll make the best decisions for themselves even without my input."
"I've heard of historians and even courtiers of my time accusing me of steering my family to further my goals. Well," Napoleon paused to catch his breath. "They can say whatever they wish to say, but bold of them to assume that I waste my nights thinking about what my brothers do or don't do to keep their marriage afloat."
Jean took Napoleon's tirade in a sedated manner, mollifying the emperor's burst of anger to some extent.
Shame soon took over Napoleon's conscience as the lone dark eye regarded him calmly.
"In the end, I have to admit," Napoleon exhaled. "I do care too much about him. And Yukari too."
"I noticed little things that didn't sit well with me about their relationship. In good faith, I tried relaying my thoughts to Isaac, but he didn't take it well." He admitted. "I was a fool. It was a matter of Isaac's pride as a man. Who wouldn't feel wounded if an outsider came up to him and pointed out the faults in his intimate relationship with a woman?"
"I failed to think of him as a man," his lament continued. "I saw him as a brother and failed to acknowledge his worth as his own, mature man with responsibilities." Napoleon finished, burying his face into the crook of his arm.
Outside, the rain was ceasing. Jean could discern the arc of a rainbow in the far-off distance.
Gingerly, he covered Napoleon's hand with his own. He has long removed his gloves, eliminating the barrier between flesh.
"That wasn't a brother you were describing," Jean whispered. "You spoke of him as a son."
Once, they too had walked on eggshells with this particular subject.
Sebastian spoke to Jean once —in meticulous detail —about the King of Rome and Napoleon's distraught at being torn apart from his son. Jean pretended not to know about it afterward, only for Napoleon to bring up the topic himself one day when they were out in the fields letting their horses graze.
He allowed —nay, invited Jean to indulge in his nostalgia of lost family and friends, even his previous loves.
(Jean felt a tinge of irritation whenever Napoleon mentioned Josephine, though he supposed there was no point envying a woman long dead and buried.)
Jean understood Isaac by a fraction. The man saw relationships as walking on stilts, carefully balancing yourself lest you tip and crash.
And bring the other person down with you.
Jean had numerous other parables to illustrate his connections, but he'd rather not dwell upon them now. Not when the man who helped complicated them were here to seek comfort
(In him).
Napoleon's snicker brought Jean out of his reverie.
"I suppose I do play the role sometimes," he contemplated Jean bemusedly. "That would make you his mother, then."
"But I'm not —" Jean flushed upon realizing what he meant. " Napoleon Bonaparte. " He mock-threatened.
Napoleon laughed, a sound Jean had been yearning to hear.
"But I do like to picture us with children," Napoleon leaned back. "I bet they'd be just as beautiful as you."
Jean's blush grew redder at the moment, provoking the other man to tease him further.
"Knowing you, I hope you don't scare them too much," Napoleon cooed. "You frown too much. It breaks my heart to see that delicate face contort into a scowl."
"Stop it already," Jean was burning scarlet right up to his ears. "You're embarrassing me."
"But I know you'd spoil those tykes to no end," the Nightmare of Europe continued. "I wonder what they'd grow up to be, under our nurture."
Jean furiously wiped his face. "That's impossible. You know that."
"True," Napoleon smiled wistfully. "But what an entertaining thought."
The exquisite soldier peeked warily at Napoleon behind his sleeve.
"What?" the smirking man chuckled. "Was that a bit too sappy?"
Jean pouted at him impishly. "For an allegedly terrifying conqueror such as you? Definitely."
"But now that I've known you, nothing about you is ever surprising anymore, Napoleon." Jean lied. He knew there were still many layers of Napoleon that he had yet to uncover.
In that familiar attic, the two men beamed at each other in comfortable stillness, the problem of Isaac and Yukari temporarily forgotten.
They could hear Jupiter's cry in the open, a sure sign that the rain had ended.
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Made for @kissmetwicekissmedeadly‘s Napoleon Birthday Prompt 2020. The prompt was “was that too sappy for you?”.
@kisara-16​, @thedollarstoresatan​ @delicateikemenmemes​, @ikesensrandomninjagirl​, @ashavazesa​, @hokkaido-fox​, @nuclearwinterexe​, @lulu-the-hedgehog​, @longingkisses​, @weird-profiterole​, @napoleonstan​, @scummy-writes​, @an-otome-cally-correct​, @nafeary​, @orangenji​
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interstellarflare · 4 years
Loved You Dangerously - Thomas Shelby
Song: Dangerously - Charlie Puth (slowed)
Warnings: Violence, swearing.
Summary: I loved you dangerously, more than the air that I breathe. Knew we would crash at the speed that we were going, didn’t care if the explosion ruined me. Baby, I loved you dangerously, Mmmm, mmmm. I loved you dangerously.
An arranged marriage to one of London’s most notorious criminals isn’t something that you planned for. But when you so happen to be kidnapped by the one and only Thomas Shelby of the Peaky Blinders, your story takes a drastic turn full of lies, deception, and a love that you never thought possible.
Author’s Note: This is a series that is all my own. Events happening within will not directly correlate with the actual show. A tag list is open! The people who have been tagged have been tagged previously in my ‘Back to You’ Series.
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The grounds of the Warwickshire House had never been quieter. It had been two weeks since Tommy had John send my engagement ring back to Alfie and his gang, and we had had no response since.
Polly had informed me that Tommy had gone to Birmingham to deal with a problem at The Garrison early this morning, a Peaky Blinders-owned pub which he favoured greatly. Polly had opted to stay at the House to keep me company, although she chose to spend most of her time in the dining room, drinking tea and reading the newspaper whenever it was dropped by.
I however, spent most of my time in the library. When I was not reading, I was wondering around the many shelves either searching for something else to read, or to just skim the titles. There was a small knock at the door, my gaze turning towards the doorway to meet the stare of the eldest Shelby. Arthur leaned against the doorframe, surveying me carefully with his lips pursed in thought. “Did you uh...want to join me for a walk around the grounds?” he spoke almost forcefully, licking his lips impatiently.
“Are you going to threaten to kill me again?” I retorted sharply, folding my arms over my chest. Arthur’s jaw clenched, a low huff leaving his lips as he refused to move from the doorframe. With a roll of his eyes, the older Shelby shook his head “Tommy asked me to take care of you while he’s gone, that’s the only reason why I’m here” he responded, smirking victoriously “Don’t flatter yourself”. I snorted, brushing his shoulder purposefully as I sauntered past. The chuckle I received in response was low and taunting, a mixture of annoyance and boredom. “Wouldn’t dream of it...” Arthur grumbled under his breath, his footsteps echoing my own as I walked out of the library, down the many labyrinth halls and out into the gardens.
Arthur only grumbled as he followed closely behind, hovering over my shoulder whenever he got the chance. Despite that it was Arthur, having someone else around was quite comforting. I could feel his glare boring through my skull, as I wandered through the lush greenery surrounding the grounds. With a bored sigh, I spun on my heel to face him. “I’m curious...” I began, tilting my head to the side as I spoke “you had your suspicions about me, what was going through your mind when you abducted me from London?”. Arthur rolled his eyes in annoyance. It was obvious that he didn’t want to talk, or even be here. But with a loud sigh, he managed a small grumble “To be honest, I have no idea. Alfie has been a pain in our arse for months, and when we heard that he had taken a fiancée, we knew we had to somehow take advantage of that. It wouldn’t be clean, and it wasn’t going to be pretty...but it was my idea” he admitted, sheepishly fiddling with his hat in his hands.
I nodded my head slowly, humming in thought as I pursed my lips. “I suppose, in a way, I do have to thank you for kidnapping me. I don’t think I could have lasted another day being stalked by Alfie’s men” I joked lightly, smiling in amusement at the confused expression that formed on Arthur’s features. He scoffed before chuckling, shaking his head with a shrug of his shoulders “That is a strange way to put it, but you’re welcome?” he spoke with an awkward tone, as we both continued on our walk around the grounds. A comfortable silence fell over the two of us, the only sounds surrounding us were the chirps of birds, and the distant gentle breeze. Arthur moved to walk by my side, as I now found myself more comfortable around the eldest Shelby.
“Tommy will be home later tonight” Arthur informed, holding his hands behind his back. I nodded wordlessly as we made full circle and now found ourselves back in front of the mansion. He opened the door for me, allowing me to walk inside first with a simple gesture of his hand. I thanked him with a kind smile, stepping into the main foyer with Arthur closing the door behind. “I’m sorry Y/n...” Arthur mused slowly, his tone low and full of remorse. As I turned to face him, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He was only doing what he thought was right. Not only to protect the Peaky Blinders, but to protect his family. I nodded in understanding, smiling towards him as he wordlessly moved past me, down the hall and disappearing to the left.
I decided to wander the halls of the mansion for a few more hours before retiring to my room, a sudden tiredness taking over form. I collapsed onto the bed, allowing my head to fall ungracefully against the pillows. I sighed in content, closing my eyes and allowing myself to relax.
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It was late afternoon by the time I awoke.
One of the maids had informed me that Tommy had returned home, and that he had been in his study for the past few hours discussing Peaky Blinders business with Polly and his brothers. I had been meaning to welcome him back, I suppose with a kind smile and a simple gesture. It was the least I could do, seeing as I was living here after all.
Stepping out of the bathroom, dressed in a grey silk and lace nightgown with a matching shawl. I found it sitting on my bed with a small not attached, Polly’s unmistakable handwriting sprawled across the paper. ‘A little gift for the second lady of the house’ it read, the note making me chuckle. Ruffling my hair to help it dry, I shivered slightly at the chilly breeze that drifted through the room. I froze, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I turned my gaze towards the window, the one that overlooked the grounds. It was open...I don’t remember opening that window.
With an uncomfortable shiver running down my spine, I closed the window and shifted the curtains, ignoring the awkward feeling settling in my stomach. With a sigh, I dawdled over to the vanity. I froze once again, my gaze narrowing an a small envelope that sat perfectly situated before the mirror. My chest tightened, the familiar handwriting on the outside of the envelope causing my blood to run cold. No, this couldn’t be...
I reached out, my trembling fingers grasping the paper reluctantly. I released a shaky breath, my rind racing in order to decide whether or not I should open the envelope. A part of me wanted to, but the other part knew that if I did, It would be the start of something horrible. There was something of considerable weight inside. I carefully tore open the envelope, my heart thundering in my chest as the contents of the fell out into the palm of my hand. My eyes widened, tears threatening to spill over as I stared at the small object in my grasp. How was this possible? How did they know? I moved my gaze around the room, once again being drawn back to the window I had previously closed. Someone had been here. Someone had been inside my room, and placed the envelope where they knew I would see it.
I raced from my room, grasping the small object tightly as I raced through the halls, apologising profusely to the maids I almost knocked over in the process. I bolted for Tommy’s study, throwing open the door harshly whilst paying no mind to the startled gasps of Polly and Arthur. My gaze landed on the man situated behind the desk. Though tired from his journey from Birmingham, Tommy’s eyes widened at my sudden entrance. He jumped from his seat, moving around the large table and meeting me in the doorway. “Y/n? What is it?” he asked quietly, placing his hands on my shoulders as his icy hues searched my own (eye/colour) ones for an answer.
Panting frantically, I blinked back the tears in my eyes. I held out my hand, showing the man before me the small object in my hand. His grave expression said everything. He removed his hands from my person, and carefully removed the small bullet from the palm of my hand. On the side, carefully engraved in small writing was my name.
Our eyes met again, this time Tommy’s ablaze with anger and fury. I swallowed thickly, trying to find my voice as I spoke timidly. “He knows, Tommy. Alfie knows I’m here”.
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Tag list: @supermassiveblackhope​​​ @affabletimelady​​​ @spaghettirogers​​​ @audioshoes​​​ @gabriellepearce96​​​ @twin-skltns​​​​ @daisyxbuckley​​​​ @arachnidscosmopoliton​​​​ @ljb-novels​​​​ @lordofthunderthr​​​​ @hereticpriest​​​​ @captivatedbycillianmurphy​​​​ @imnotuglyimjustpredebut @lovelynerdytraveler​​​​ @rhiannon-the-troublemaker​
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survivingthejungle · 5 years
Little Lies iv.
When the rest of the Shelby family had gotten up that morning, it was revealed that they were going down to take care of business with a family called the Golds at a place referred to as ‘Charlie’s yard.’ Your mother and father were adamant about not wanting to be any more associated with their ‘business’ than they already were and Tommy understood. He did, however, point out that with the entire family gone, the three of you were to be alone in the house; therefore he appointed a handful of new Blinder boys to keep watch of the house and the family inside of it (he emphasized that they were to protect the ‘girl’ first, but neither you nor your parents knew that little detail). 
Hours and hours later a handful returned, after having belated Christmas dinner right out in the open. Tommy was still nowhere to be seen and you’d heard in passing that he was likely still at Charlie’s, drunker than hell. In the rain a policeman came knocking on the door, but before it was revealed that he was a policeman Linda came downstairs with a gun in her hand, ready to shoot. You stood at the top of the stairs watching her while your parents were back getting ready for bed.
“Who is it?” she called out.
“Inspector Moss.” She handed the gun to you with instructions to go and put it on her bed. When you came back downstairs she was still at the door and the officer wanted to leave a message for Tommy with her. You hid behind the wall, not wanting to be seen but wanting to hear what he had to say. “The, uh, intelligence officers in London have sent seven officers up to Birmingham… to take over the investigation into the communists and seditionists. They’ve got a list of people of great interest and, uh, top of that list is Ada Thorne, formerly Shelby. Now, they seem to think that she came back from New York to organize a revolution in Birmingham.”
“Well tell them they’re wrong,” Linda corrected him. You didn’t know Ada too well but she was very sweet, even though a little intense. “Ada Shelby’s now firmly back in place in the family business.”
“Thing is, when you get a mark against your name… it’s very hard to shift it. They will come looking for her.”
“Well, tell them there’s a queue; everybody wants a Shelby.”
“Mrs. Shelby,” the officer interrupted, getting clearly bothered by her stance. “These are military men, no less dangerous than any Italians. You tell Tommy. I think he’ll understand.” The officer then wished her a good night and left as she turned her back and shut the door. You stepped down off of the last stair. 
“Is everything alright?” you asked, even though you knew it was not. 
She put on a brave face for you. “Yes, dear, everything’s alright. Just a pesky policeman. Nothing to fret about. Would you like some tea?” she asked, leading you into the kitchen. You took a seat at the table. 
“Yes please.” 
She began filling up the kettle and placed it on the stove. “Better get right to bed after this; a young girl needs her beauty rest.” She smiled maternally at you. You knew that she and Arthur had a son but something about interacting with her gave you the feeling that she desperately wanted a daughter, as well. You also got the feeling that she would find a surrogate daughter in you.
The two of you drank your evening tea in relative silence and you went back up to bed, passing Tommy’s room on the way. You peeked inside; it was empty. Figured, you hadn’t seen anyone come inside. Yet you were still mildly disappointed that he still hadn’t returned. You looked both ways down the hallway to check for anyone who may have seen you. When you realized no one had done so, you crept slowly into his room, shut the door, and curled up under the covers.
You didn’t like knowing that Tommy was out and about somewhere where he may be getting harmed, but being in his room and his bed gave you a sense of comfort. The pillow and the blankets all smelled like him, and that mixed with the gentle warmth of so many covers lulled you off to sleep. 
In the early hours of the morning you became groggily half-aware of your surroundings. There was a dip at the edge of the bed, the sound of someone removing their shoes, and then someone slipping in to bed behind you. “Tommy?” you whispered, almost inaudible.
His hand stroked your head and he wrapped an arm around you over the covers. “Shh, go back to sleep.”
You were awoken at six in the morning, told to be ready by seven, and made to leave at eight. Sometime during the entire morning fiasco you were informed by Tommy that you were to go with him to the factory that day and meet a boy named Bonnie Gold. Strange name, you thought, but figured it was just a British thing you weren’t used to. Your parents had been informed that you were going on an outing because ‘as a young girl, you shouldn’t be expected or forced to stay in a small house all day’, and that ‘you ought to get acquainted with some people your own age’. They gave their blessings and you were off. 
Tommy opened the door for you like a true gentleman, shut it, and got in on the other side before he said anything substantial to you. “You’re not going to the factory to meet Bonnie Gold.” You looked at him quizzically. “You’re coming with me so I can keep an eye on you.”
Your eyes widened slightly and you felt a bit incredulous. “Me? Did I do something wrong?” You couldn’t imagine why he would feel the need to ‘keep an eye’ on you all day unless he thought you’d do something wild.
“Oh, yes; you’re quite the troublemaker,” he smirked and tapped your nose. You scrunched your face and swatted him away. He got more serious as he started the car and began driving. “I’d feel better if I could keep you close all day. Know no one is gonna come after you, then.”
Your heart fluttered and your stomach erupted into butterflies. You said nothing in response, but you did grab his hand, smile sweetly, and place your head on this shoulder.
He let out a heavy breath. “Oh, you’re gonna be the death of me.”
Tommy and the other Blinders who accompanied you into the building were strutting like there was no tomorrow; their eyes were cold and focused and anyone who looked at them could see that no matter what went down— they meant business. You struggled to keep up but managed not to fall too far behind Tommy when a man (who you assumed to be in charge while he was away) approached him. “Mr. Shelby; thank God you’re back. We’ve got real trouble.”
If Tommy was at all fazed by the statement, he didn’t show it. “What meetings do I have today?” he asked, disregarding the information. 
“Um, well, there’s a supplier from Coventry at ten; uh, the convener with the boilermakers unit at eleven, and then Chamber of Commerce at one. But that isn’t the thing--”
Tommy interrupted him. “Right. Clear the space here,” he began, taking out a cigarette and lighting it, “Move this car back, give me a hundred feet of rope and a bell.” You looked at him with knitted brows; what was he planning to do? You couldn’t imagine it had anything to do with his meetings for the day. The gentleman next to him was as confused as you.
“Rope?” he asked, dumbfounded. 
“Yep. And a bell.”
The man couldn’t have it. “Mr. Shelby, this place is about to explode,” he whispered sharply.
Tommy seemingly didn’t care at all. “A rope and a bell, Devlin,” he repeated, taking a drag. He motioned to you and Bonnie, as well as the older man next to him. “Bonnie, (Y/N), this way.” Before you could even register what he’d told the two of you, he was already moving. You did a brisk run-walk to catch up. You walked closely behind him, feeling very intimidated by all of the hard-looking men around you, the loud clang of metal on metal, and the sparks flying from every direction. “There he is, Billy Mills,” Tommy called out, his Brummie accent clearly evident. “Former heavyweight champion: Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire. Hello, Billy,” he greeted the man, who was sweating from the furnace he was working so closely to. 
“Yeah,’ Billy responded. “And now I work for you, Mr. Shelby, for not enough money.”
You began to feel nervous about this encounter. Was it about to get belligerent? You really weren’t in the mood to see two very large, very strong, grown-ass men get into a fight over money. Tommy just looked at him and took another drag. 
Instead of getting angry, he pulled out a wad of cash and held it out to the man. “Right. That enough for you?” Holy shit, you thought, I don’t know much about British currency yet, but that has to be a lot of money. 
Billy was wary of it, and you didn’t blame him at all. “Enough for what?”
“Someone here who wants to fight you,” Tommy told him. “Bonnie Gold. Come here, son.” Bonnie approached the man. “I’m an ‘eavyweight,” Billy warned, gesturing to Bonnie. “He’s a welterweight at best.”
Tommy nor Bonnie much cared about that. “Nevertheless, he wants to fight you.”
“Yeah. And then when I damage him, the Blinders will take my eyes.” Oh, Jesus. That’s graphic. 
Tommy shook his head at the man. “No come-back Billy. Just a fight. Queensbury rules.” You wondered what that meant but kept your mouth shut. He began to walk away and you trailed after him dutifully, like a puppy following its owner. You briefly entertained the idea that that was exactly what your relationship was. Billy then called out to him.
“Now!” Tommy yelled back. 
“Tommy?” you asked, voice much quieter than you intended it to be. He slowed his pace a bit and allowed you to walk side-by-side with him, looking down to you. 
“Yes, love?”
“What’s going on?” you finally asked.
“Keep up, little girl,” he poked fun at you; “There’s to be a fight.”
“Yes, I can see that,” you retorted. “But like… why?”
He just winked at you and kept walking. “You’ll see.” The two of you came to stand at the edge of the makeshift boxing ring while Arthur went around placing bets with several of the workers. He then leaned down slightly and spoke quietly into your ear. “For lack of a better term, Bonnie Gold’s going to kick his ass.”
You nudged him with the side of your elbow. “Watch your words,” you joked. He smiled softly (so that his men couldn’t see him show emotion of any kind). The two of you fell into a comfortable silence and you looked up at him once more.
He truly looked like the most beautiful man God had ever created in that moment. He was focused on the action going on within the ring, but you could see the light from outside glint softly in his ocean eyes. He jaw was sharp and set and his lips just looked so lovely…
You wrapped your arms around his and he looked down at you again, very softly. “My men are never gonna respect me again if they think I’ve gone all soft for you,” he warned, but there was a playful tone in his voice. You smiled up at him in response, and lay your head against his arm. You were calm and content in the moment-- then the fight between Bonnie and Billy began. You turned your head against Tommy’s arm, only allowing one eye to peek at the fight. “What,” Tommy teased, “My brave girl’s afraid of a boxing match?” “I just don’t wanna see them kill each other; that’s all,” you defended. 
“They’ll be all right,” he assured, and turned his attention back. 
Tommy was right. Bonnie absolutely kicked the man’s ass. By the time the fight was over- which was not long after it began- Billy was laying on the ground with a bloody nose, unconscious. Arthur chucked. “Fuck me. That was a punch.”
“Jesus H. Christ,” you muttered, eyes wide. The two Shelbys laughed at that. Then Bonnie came over to his father and Tommy began to question him. 
“Does he have fits?” “No,” the man answered. 
“How’s he cut?” Arthur added. 
“Well, no one’s cut him yet, but his skin’s thick.”
“Does he drink?”
“Water. Sometimes.”
“How many fights?”
“Twenty-five, bare knuckle, all knockouts. Five with gloves in pastures, all knockouts.”
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed. Tommy looked at you pointedly; silencing you immediately. “Sorry.”
“Against Romany fighters?” Arthur asked. 
“That’s why they won’t let us in the fairs no more! He keeps winning!”
Bonnie cut in for himself. “I could fight a fucking tree and knock it out, Mr. Shelby.
Devlin, the man from before, approached Tommy just then. “Mrs. Eden is waiting upstairs.” “Yeah, I’ll be there in a minute. Arthur?” he nodded his head and began walking away and you walked with him, unsure of where to be. “Just a minute, love,” he told you, and walked on with Arthur while you stayed put. 
Once he was out of earshot he continued. 
“What was that about?” Arthur asked. 
“She doesn’t need to know this bit. What do you think?” he asked quietly. 
The two brothers rejoined you soon enough and walked over to Bonnie and his father, offering him a deal the boy simply couldn’t refuse. The Shelbys would take him on- sponsor him- and in return they would get a good sum of money from all of his winnings. Then Tommy was on to his meeting with the woman Eden and left you in Arthur’s charge. “What was I not allowed to hear about?” you asked him.
“Oh, nothin’ important,” he mused, not making eye contact. “Just business talk is all. Nothin’ you need to worry your little ‘ead about. Now, c’mon,” he gestured, leading you outside of the factory, “How about we get ourselves some food to eat?”
Later that afternoon, when you and Arthur had returned from lunch, the factory was completely empty. “Where is everyone?” you asked. 
He grumbled. “Out on fucking strike,” he responded. “Fucking hell.” He turned to you. “Go on up to Tommy’s office. He should be there. Jessie Eden’s gone by now.”
“Okay. Bye, Arthur. Thank you for lunch.” He gave you a small smile and a curt nod and you were on your way. You knocked on the door to Tommy’s office and waited for him to answer. 
“Come in!” he called. Once he saw you his gaze softened. “Ah, there’s my little bird.” You smiled and headed over to him. He had stood up by now and embraced you warmly. “Did you behave yourself?”
“Yes, Tommy,” you promised, and he kissed the top of your head in response. 
“Good girl. Give me a minute and we can go take a walk outside for a bit.” Another knock on the door. “Yeah, come in.” It was Devlin again. 
“I did say this would happen,” he pointed to the window. Tommy ignored that.
“Who’s next?”
“Um, he’s a, a delegate from the European Council for Trade. He’s here to talk about the import of car parts to France.” “Right.”
“He’s come all the way from Paris… But, given the circumstances, I could send him away?”
Tommy considered it for a moment before responding. “Given what circumstances? Send him in.” Devlin nodded and left. 
“Tommy?” you asked. “Should I go?”
He shook his head no. “Not at all, love. You’re free to stay right here.” Then the door opened again and Devlin introduced the man he was to meet. 
“Mr. Shelby, this is Monsieur Paz from Paris.” Tommy stared at ‘Paz’ blankly, as if trying to decide if he recognized the man or not. Then Devlin left and the man spoke. 
“I heard you had trouble,” he began, in an accent that was clearly from New York. “It’s good of you to see me.” He looked at you. “Now, I don’t believe I know who this is?” He glanced from you to Tommy. You looked to Tommy, silently pleading for instruction. His face was stone cold and he showed no signs of emotion whatsoever. 
“(Y/N). Why don’t you wait just outside,” he quietly suggested. You took the bait and ran. 
“Yes, Tommy.” Speeding past the sketchy man, you uttered a ‘pardon’. 
“Good afternoon to you, miss,” he drawled, completely unaffected by the tense air in the room.
“... Ada Thorne, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), and finally… Tommy Shelby.” Luca Changretta placed the final bullet from Tommy’s empty gun onto the table. “None of you will survive,” he threatened as he stood up. “Your level of security is pitiful,” he added, looking out the window at you. “And we are an organization of a different dimension. I could’ve killed you when I walked through that door… You and your girl. But you see… I want you to be last. I want you to be alive after your entire family is dead; ‘cause my mother says that is what’ll hurt you the most.
“Your people have traditions of honor. As do we." He lifted up a blind from the window and looked out at you again. “Instead of sending you a black hand, I could’ve had you killed in the night. You don’t know why… But I want you to know why. And I wanna suggest to you, that we fight this… vendetta, with honor.”
Tommy, looking pissed as all hell, places his emptied gun down on the table. “No civilians,” he began, “No children. And not the girl. She’s not involved in this.”
“No police,” Luca added, as if he were suggesting something thoughtful. “Girl seems to me to be pretty involved, if you understand what I’m saying to you,” he smirked. Tommy ignored the snide remark and continued. 
“Welcome to Birmingham, Mr. Changretta.”
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shyeehaw · 6 years
S/O dies giving birth HCs
Hello fellow cowboy lovers, I’m deeply sorry (or not, I’m into angsty stuff) about the amount of sadness there’s about to be written below. Enjoy (if you like that and all)! <3
Request: An angst HC with Arthur, Charles and Sean where their s o dies giving birth and the guys are left to raise them alone.
Isaac. That’s the first thing that came to Arthur’s mind when you told him you were pregnant.
She made sure to tell him the news on her favorite place: the beach.
What happened had a deep impact in his personality, and now life gave him another chance. To know better, to do better.
In the Saint Denis doctor, he learned that it still had time until the baby was born.
So he would to town with the biggest smile on his face, buying things to the baby. 
Unaware of what waited for him when he got to camp.
Arriving at camp he saw Ms. Grimshaw pale as ghost. His mind trying to make sense of things.
The baby wasn’t expected until another two more months. That’s... that’s why he was out.
He didn’t knew, he couldn’t have predicted it.
“Mr. Morgan, I’m truly deeply sorry, me and Mr. Pearson did...”, Arthur could no longer hear, the buzzing in his ears silencing those awful words.
His dreams once again turned into a nightmare.
Hearing the shaky baby’s breath nearly broke his heart.
He would look at that small, innocent boy and wonder how he would ever raise him without his partner.
Confusion and guilt would take over his mind. Thoughts so dark that he would never dare to write in his diary. Arthur did that to her, he wasn’t there.
He grew more apart from others, focusing all his time on the recovery of his baby.
The boy had some many aunts and uncles, the whole gang loved and protected him with all their hearts.
In the early years, he had no interest in hiding how miserable he was feeling.
Even though he was clumsy, Arthur managed to turn his fragile baby into a strong boy.
He made sure to tell his son how good of a woman his mother was. Always making him say her name.
The boy was very sensible, picking up when Arthur was feeling down and trying to cheer him up by doing all kinds of silly things.
His diary was his most treasured possession. When his son got a bit older, Arthur would read some parts about her.
It was really emotional, but a way to keep her memory alive.
Time is a cruel, but blissful thing. 
Blissful because with the years, Arthur could notice, without hurting so much, the resemblance between the boy and his mother.
And cruel, because he started forgetting the little details. The portrait he draw being the only thing left to compare the her with his son.
Sitting by the seashore, he would reminisce about how much she loved that place. 
“This is stupid, Y/N, but if I could just talk to you... tell you about our boy.”
He would be interrupted by the big curious eyes of that tiny little boy. “Are you talking to mother?”
Arthur would just nod, and take him by the hand, leaving some flowers on the grave just above the dunes. He knows she would love that view.
When she began go into labour, Charles was there holding her hand.
And when life began to leave her eyes, he held her hand too.
Charles had heard about that before, but he never thought he would need to experience it first hand.
And the blood...her warm blood, the blood that nurtured their baby, now was everywhere.
He just kept concentrating on the baby’s cry, for her, he would just listen to that sound and get his strength from there.
“It’s a baby girl!”, said Ms. Grimshaw, holding his daughter.
But Charles could not do the same, he had no strength left to take her.
He remembers falling into the ground, the first time anyone saw him displaying such raw emotions. He would sob for minutes, without stopping.
Searching for any meaning in that, he would think of how life is always balanced, how the spirit and body were different things.
But that knowledge didn’t brought him any consolation at that point.
It took him a day or two, to go search for his baby. Abigail had been taking care of her. Charles was ashamed of being weak and not being able to see her before.
He never felt this scared in his life. His fingers were too big and rough against the baby‘s soft skin.
Charles learned pretty quickly how to take care of the girl, bringing her along when he went fishing or hunting since she was a baby.
He would strap her around his chest and go on with his chores.
The baby girl was very peaceful, much like her father. Looking at her would silence all the noises in Charle’s head.
In her first birthday, everyone threw a big party, getting the girl gifts and playing with her.
It was supposed to be a happy moment, but Charles could not forget that it also meant he had lost his love for a year now.
The thought that this would always be the case robbed him the joy to celebrate that day.
But he loved his daughter deeply, her life gave his more meaning.
Charles was a pretty patient father, teaching his girl to talk and walk, and as soon as she could, to use a bow.
A wooden carved horse was her favorite toy, her father gave it to her.
His kid would always surprise him with how smart she was beyond her years. Not only being able to read, but knowing things not even adults understood.
“I’m not sad Cain died, papa, he is not in pain anymore. Mom is with him now, right?”
Charles would take her every now and then to visit her mother’s grave, by her request.
He felt like he had a lot to learn with his kid, she didn’t felt sad, just glad to be a living part of her mother.
She grew to be such a sweet and caring girl. Who loved braiding her father’s hair.
Charles would look at her and see his own appearance mixed with the one he would forever love. It was painful, but a beautiful reminder of how life goes on.
Someday he would meet her again, but for now, his girl needed him. And he would always protect her.
When his s/o told him she was expecting a baby, Sean was helpless.
There’s no denying that at first he was terrified! Too young and too dumb, in his own words, to take care of another human being.
She got apprehensive that Sean didn’t wanted the kid, but that’s not at all what he meant.
Passed the initial shock, he got really excited at the thought of playing and being the fun dad.
A little person to teach everything he knew , all the pranks, joke, songs!
He started dreaming about the life the three of them would have. It wasn’t so scary anymore.
With his love’s scream piercing through his ears, Sean fetched Ms. Grimshaw in a blink of an eye. His heart jumping on the chest.
He never seen someone giving birth before, so he couldn’t know all that screaming wasn’t normal.
It wasn’t a regular “push” scream, something was terribly wrong.
“My chest!” she would say with her clenched fists turning white “Oh god! Please, it hurts so much.”
That’s when he noticed something wasn’t right. Kneeling beside her, he would wipe the sweat of her face.
“Love, talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry Sean, you didn’t wanted this and now I’m going to leave you with” she would scream in agony “with our baby.”
“Yer not leaving me, don’t say that.”, he said with tears falling into her face. He knew it was true.
Ms. Grimshaw handed him the baby, already wrapped in a blanket.
“Look at her! Stay with us, please”
“There’s another one coming!”, Pearson shouted.
The body of the woman he loved turned pale, with a last gasp, she squeezed Sean’s hand.
It would be his last laughter in a long time. Sean was hysteric, guffawing without any emotion.
From day to night, he transformed in a whole different person. He would be restless, taking care of both babies.
He had no clue what he was doing, so everyone would help out as much as they could.
Abigail would teach him about diapers and common diseases, Arthur would watch out for the kids while Sean ate or when he fell asleep, exhausted.
Mary-Beth would entertain them with beautiful fantastic tales, they loved that auntie.
The twins were the gang’s kids. Although, Sean did the best he could, turning a bit more responsible over time.
He would focus all his, once endless, energy on his children. That way he would be too tired to think about their mother.
When they got a little bigger,Jack would play with them for hours, while Sean was out on jobs.
One time, when arriving to camp, his kids sat him down and started reading to him. It made Sean so damn proud.
“Your pa can’t read but you two can? Where did I go wrong!?” He would say, playfully.
His little girl was the most troublemaker of them. She would always be up to something mischievous.
When she pranked Micah, Sean like pretending nothing happened.
But his  boy was more like his mother, kind and pensive.
“Pa, I feel bad that mom died because of me and sister.” he would confess.
“Yer mom loved ya, and your sister! If she could choose, she would always pick you two over her. That’s how us parents are!”
But hearing his son saying that, got his facade down. Sean had been pretending for too long that he was healed from what happened.
But how could he ever move on?
By learning how to play the guitar with Javier, his son got him a bit jealous.
“Yer spoiling my kid, Javier. He just wants to spend time with you now! I’m his pa!”
He found very odd how only his daughter picked his accent up, the boy talked like Arthur and made Sean a little mad. 
Even though they were everyone’s kids, the twins were super attached to their father.
Wherever Sean went, two red-headed shadows would follow.
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lyricsbylittle · 7 years
Tag Game - 92Q
I was invited by @sonador-reveur 🙂 Thank u dear! 
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. 

1. Drink: Orange juice

2. Phone call: Mom

3. Text message: My older brother

4. Song you listened to: Game of thrones theme 😁

5. Time you cried: Yesterday 

6. Dated someone twice: No

7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No kiss ever happened ☺️

8. Been cheated on: Kind of

9. Lost someone special: Yes

10. Been depressed: Possibly

11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Never 

12. Pink

13. Green

14. Black 

15. Made new friends: Yes, a lot of new friends

16. Fallen out of love: Yes

17. Laughed until you cried: It happens too often, yes yes yes

18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes

19. Met someone who changed you: No

20. Found out who your friends are: No such things

21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No 

22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I'd say like 93% 😌

23. Do you have any pets: No 😔

24. Do you want to change your name: No

25. What did you do for your last Birthday: Hmm.. I did not celebrate for sure... I think it was just a regular day, work etc, don't remember exactly,

26. What time did you wake up: 07:55 CET

27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching Game of Thrones

28. Name something you can’t wait for: Can't wait to visit my hairdresser today!

29. When was the last time you saw your mom: I see her just now 😝

30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I never met someone

31. What are you listening right now: I can hear birds singing cause I've got my window open wide, no music currently

32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Sadly yes

33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Noises while eating

34. Most visited Website: Tumblr obviously haha 
35. Mole/s: --
36. Mark/s: Birthmark on my thigh

37. Childhood dream: A silly one - being a grownup 

38. Hair color: Brown

39. Long or short hair: Long

40. Do you have a crush on someone: No 
41. What do you like about yourself: I'm confident and lovable 🤗

42. Piercings: Earrings only

43. Blood type: B+

44. Nickname: Here it's Little, in life won't tell

45. Relationship status: --

46. Zodiac: Taurus

47. Pronouns: she, her

48. Favorite TV Show: Friends, Game of Thrones, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Hannibal, That 70's Show, Bates Motel and many more, the list would be too long

49. Tattoos: None

50. Right or left hand: Right

51. Surgery: None

52. Hair dyed in different color: Yes, I have sun reflections

53. Sport: Baskettball

55. Vacation: Anywhere Beach is

56. Pair of trainers: None  

57. Eating: At the moment nothing

58. Drinking: At the moment nothing

59. I’m about to: go out as I've got my day off, going to do some shoping and visit my hairdresser

61. Waiting for: Tuesday

62. Want: Water to drink

63. Get married: Someday maybe

64. Carriere: I just got promoted 

65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs

66. Lips or eyes: Eyes

67. Shorter or taller: Taller

68. Older or younger: Older

70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Doesn't matter

71. Sensitive or loud: Mixture of both

72. Hook up or relationship: Relationships totally!

73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Mixture of both 

74. Kissed a stranger: No

75. Drank hard liquor: No

76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No, I don't wear glasses or contact lenses

77. Turned someone down: Yes, not proud of that but I felt like I had to

78. Sex in the first date: Never

79. Broken someone’s heart: Probably yes

80. Had your heart broken: Yes

81. Been arrested: NO

82. Cried when someone died: Yes

83. Fallen for a friend: No 
84. Yourself: I do

85. Miracles: I do, we are all miracles

86. Love at first sight: I do, it happens

87. Santa Claus: No haha

88. Kiss on the first date: Nah

89. Angels: I do believe they exist and they are powerful creatures helping us :)

90. Current best friends name: It's always been and always will be Diana

91. Eyecolor: Brown

92. Favorite movie: Titanic, Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, Wonder Woman, Time Traveler's Wife, The Notebook, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Hobbit, Grease, King Arthur, Star Wars (all of them) and many more, hard to list them and choose the one and only
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