#i do sometimes take notes by hand tho lol it depends if i want to be able to see it all laid out on the page. otherwise i usually dump
transmutationisms · 3 months
This is probably a bit more basic than a lot of asks you get and I'm sorry to bother you with this but I was wondering if you or your followers had any recommendations for online (/otherwise accessible on the computer, like a pdf) resources (courses? webpages? honestly whatever) for learning about um… note-taking, and summarizing information. Not a specific 'style' of note-taking necessarily but honestly just the basics on a high school or even middle school 'level' (whatever that even means). not even for the purpose of making connections or building my own ideas or anything, but just basic notes to aid recall/memory (just for personal use, I'm not in school or anything atm), how to summarize things effectively instead of essentially rewriting the entire text. I didn't get much practice with this in middle/high school (or if I did I don't remember it) because I was able to remember things pretty well without it; I always struggled with like being too detailed (not very good at excluding extraneous information) but never really.. learned how to remedy that. then I got chronically ill and dropped out of high school and now my memory sucks and I don't have most of the skills I used to have, and I'm wanting to relearn how to do 'basic' things I've forgotten how to do.. or learn new things I 'should' have learned a while ago but never did. anyways I just don't really know where to start, there's so much information out there that i become overwhelmed with choices (while also feeling doubt because maybe I'm missing a more 'useful' resource because search engines suck so much these days). any sort of direction that you or your followers might have would be super appreciated! it may well not be something you know many resources for bc it's a 'simple' thing that a lot of people learned earlier on, which is fine, just figured it couldn't hurt to ask. either way thanks so much for your time & have a nice day
well i mean if anyone has specific tips or something for this feel free to drop them but... i don't think there are really rules for note-taking and i've never met two people who do them the exact same way. it really just depends what purposes you're working toward and what you're studying and so on. i don't use the same method for different projects even. i did learn 'cornell notes' as a teenager which you can google but i hated them, never used them, and have just trial-and-errored my way to a few other methods that i find helpful. i guess my only real universal tip would be that if it's possible to do them electronically, it can be really useful to have them be text-searchable when you're trying to remember details down the line
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
Painting your nails with the demons | Fluff
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Content: Akaza x gn!Reader, Kokushibo x gn!Reader, Douma x gn!Reader, Gyutaro x gn!Reader (all separate)
Warnings: Douma LMAO
Notes: I just painted my nails after a breakdown (I'm fine lol dw) over college and suddenly got the urge to paint their nails too. These hc's are incredibly short, I apologize <3
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❥ Akaza
Akaza had walked in on you painting your nails a (color), and looked at his own pink nails
Turning to see him after you finished the first hand, you gave him a little smile
"Wanna join me, Aka?"
He'll happily sit with you, letting your hands hold his steady while you paint the same color on him
He loves matching with you, so this just makes him excited
Absolutely demolishes Douma if he makes any kind of comment about it
But the bastard just begs for more pain. He's got the fucking "Wow...your punch really turned me on!" energy going on (please tell me SOMEBODY gets that reference...)
Whenever you take the nail polish off, he's gonna wanna be there so he can take his off too. Then will probably ask if you're going to put on another color or not
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❥ Kokushibo
His multiple eyes scare the shit out of me, but I'd rather them be freaky than not utilized at all
I still love him tho <3
Koku's nails aren't painted like some other demons, but he suppose he'll do one hand in black if it'll make you happy
He's silent and keeps a neutral expression as he sits beside you, allowing you to paint his right hand and you can paint your left, so that when you hold his hand, it seems like you're joined together
He just likes the subtle domesticity
"Well, what about my other hand?"
"Do whatever you want." Koku spoke slowly.
"And what about your other hand?"
He only wants one hand painted, slightly questioning if Muzan would disapprove of his nails being painted in the first place
But then he remembers Douma's, Akaza's and Gyutaro's nails are painted, and then he suddenly doesn't care that one of his hands are painted
Wont do anything but direct a cold, neutral look at someone if they make fun of his nails only being painted on one hand
They were done by his s/o, eat shit and die, peasant
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❥ Douma
Is ecstatic
Immediately takes off his own blue nail polish to math whatever color you're putting on
Gives you kisses as you paint his nails, sometimes making you mess up and get the polish on his skin
"Not to worry, darling! I can always take it off my skin, you just keep painting!" Douma grins, continuing to kiss you
Parades your matching nails around like it's the greatest gift ever
Brags to Akaza about how he has "such an amazing s/o" and how Akaza doesn't
Of course he gets hit, but Douma then salivates for more negative attention from Akaza
Once the polish begins to chip away, he's going to sit you down, take off the polish from both of you and then paint your nails again himself, in a different color
"We should switch turns every time!" Douma exclaims
"Oh, maybe we could even mix and match depending on the upcoming holiday! How fun! Oh, this is the best idea you've had, darling~!"
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❥ Gyutaro
Okay, Gyutaro probably needs a serious manicure (and this is coming from someone who never gets manicures, but at least has a nail filer)
Would also probably do his skin some good to have his nails filed down, cause then it can't...y'know...COME OFF
But I do think the gray color on his nails is the natural color they are now, but I also like to believe that sometimes he paints his nails black to feel better <3
When he sees you painting your nails, he immediately wants to join. Ume is probably not too far behind, so she'll probably join in before Gyutaro
If the color you're painting your nails with isn't black, then he'll paint his nails himself while watching you and Ume match your colors
If it is black, then he'll happily let you paint his nails for him (the teasing from his sister later on is so worth it, because you touched his unworthy hands!!!)
Gyu would also probably keep re-applying the nail polish whenever it got slightly chipped, believing you'd grow angry and upset at what he deemed as "decimation to your art"
Whenever he sees black nail polish he thinks of you now, so have fun with that lol
Probably keeps a shit ton of black nail polish on standby cause he keeps stealing yours
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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!
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byou-shin · 9 months
hi! ive liked your aesthetic and simstyle for a while and i was wondering if you could give tips or sort of walk thru how you make sims? like the face, makeup, skin details, etc. i have trouble making my male sims look as pretty as yours😭 thank u in advance!
Oh thanks so much for the interest! (ㆁᴗㆁ✿) I'm actually surprised people likes my simstyle....
---- How I make my male sims ----
Let's make this handsome guy with me~
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all my male sims (masc or fem looking; Adam, Xion, Moa) are made in masculine frames
I don't use alpha skin, but skin overlays. I find it easier to layer makeup and skin details
all of these are my personal preferences, so back to you again for which you want to take from me
Tutorial undercut
One - choosing skin overlay
First thing I always be choosing skin overlay. I always use Obscurus skin, sometimes Darkstone. I don't like cartoonish looking, but I don't make it way too realistic, so I like it in between realistic and animate. I choose other skin details very later.
Two - head size & body propotions
After it I choose body preset. After it I will using the EA slider on left whether make it like I want to.
So.. I do really think that EA makes the head size big lol. So I will resize the head using the slider on forehead from afar (zoom out), then make it "slim" by drag the slider to center (still zoom out). Most of the times I max it, but there are sims that I made a liiiiitle bit wider.
See what I mean, right?
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If the sim is not tall enough or too short for the character I want to make, I will slider it to using slider in the back of leg
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I also slider the back so the sim doesn't have a hunchback. Then usually I will slimmer the neck to max
For fingers I also slide it smaller according to which kind of sim. If I want to make it fragile and delicate, I will slider it to max. If I want to make it masculine still, (or slender) I will slider it until I got the good result I want.
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I don't really pay attentions to feet sizes lol, sometimes but rarely, I will slide it smaller or bigger.
Body reshaping is up to my liking actually. Making the shoulders wide or not, it's depend on the sim itself too afterall. So i don't know what to write (u_u;). This guy tho, you can see what I made him like what in introduction post
Three - choosing eyebrows & face presets
I do this freely actually, depends on the character itself. There are no differences choosing between masc and fem male sims. All is back to the character, even the jaw and chin presets. I do all that in sliding proccess (making it look feminine or masculine). I use both EA Presets or cc creators presets.
Four - eyebrows & face features shaping/sliders
Actually the process is -> chose preset for one feature -> shape it -> chose preset for another feature -> shape it, but ye lol :3
For eyes, I always slider them smaller, usually max or near to max. Depends again. Sometimes I imagine few sims to extra eyelids tape that makes eyes appear really big (see : Taiga & Asakusa).
If you notice it, in this post my sims have different eye sizes
For nose, usually I will make bigger or smaller as I like (depends on character). But the important is to keep the ratio of the face nicely. Don't make the nose too high or too low. There should be enough gap for lips and nose.
*btw I did the change of skin color after hand reshaping
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For eyebrows, is as I said above. Also, it's all depend on the sim face and the makeup look (especially for my vkei sims), so idk what should I say (*´・▿・)ゞ
For mouth, i always make it smaller a bit using the slider on corner of mouth (face zoom out), and make it wider as needed (face zoom out). I always make my sims have relaxed mouth, not frowning but not smiling either. Zoom in shaping is also used of course.
For chin, cheeks, jawline etc. Pay attention to it. I slider it little by little as needed. Chin doesn't have to be small. But for this guy, I made it a lil bit smaller. See the chin or jaw shapes in this post.
Important!! I always size up or down(? the head until it have nice ratio with the teeth. (zoom out face)
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Four - choosing skin details (face & body)
Honestly I do this freely.... if it fits then it fits... lol. Oh also in this part, if I think I should change the skin overlay, then i do it.
Eye details -> if the skin overlay has no eyelids and I want the sim to have it, i'll give them eyelids cc. If I want the sim has eyebags I will give it. Just tiiiiny bit detail. Eyelids cc I use is from Dalsuk and Obscurus. Alsooo, this one is important, I use sclera cc too. I also use eyedepth sometimes.
Also katrina-y eyesocket is good. Sometimes i use it. (See: Xion & Asakusa)
Nose mask/details -> I use nosemask from Obscurus and ddarkstone, faeesih. Depending which suit the best. Not much given to the nose actually.
Mouth details -> i use mouth/smile mask(? from miiko and pralinesims (not always, only if needed). This guy used from miiko
hairline -> I use from setsuki (this time I forgot to gave him hairline but it doesn't show since the hair was covering..
body details -> it depends on the character.. (again). I recommed moonchildlovesthenight abs mask if you want to make muscular sim. This guy though, I didn't add anything to body details.
After reshaping face features and add skin details~ I really like the nose.
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Five - makeup
How should I describe this part? ( ;´ - `;) it depends on the sim itself. What do you want them to be? But I prepared two option
One is "heavy" look type, like.. some neo-vkei bandmen (I was trying to imitate one of Shiyu from Ashmaze makeup :'D. I need more makeup cc..). But you can also look at my other sims. "Heavy" makeup will carry the atmosphere the sim gives. Take look at Nozomi in this post. He looks mysterious, dark and gloomy.
I will list the makeup cc used, but I'm too tired to link.. zzzzzz
So when i saved this guy I actually deleted the first makeup look... I forgot to add the eyelashes back again..
[BBSims] blush1 RemusSirion_Lipstick_195_Hydra JIUJIANWU 晕染眼影 [PARISE]SelenaEyes(UNNATURALS)
Two is natural beauty type of way. Fresh look. The type to wake up with perfect face, even he was drooling in the sleep. (still depends on the sim characters! In this case, he's the type of people who only uses concealer to hide the face "imperfections").
Makeup cc used.
obscurus_lips_N12 ddarkstonee_eyelashes_N5 [baekbobohu] 04Eyes
Other tips
Give your male sims eyelashes! Big or not, natural or not.
Use every prossible sliders that is available!
Slide the pupil to imagine them wear big ass contact lens :D (See: Taiga & Asakusa)
whew,, this took me at least 7-ish hours...
so yeah.. I...... hope this helps...?
^_^; .....................
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sdr2lovemail · 2 months
Is there any chance I could get a general relationship headcanons for Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro (Raincode) with a g/n reader?
Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)
Notes: I got really carried away with these! (O_O;) I was going to write headcanons for them together as well, but this post was getting super long. But if you're interested in that, feel free to send another request, dear! With the way my askbox looks, I'll become the person known for writing about Martina and Yomi. Not complaining tho, lol! I hope you enjoy the fruits of my indulgent labors.
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Yomi Hellsmile
Getting into a relationship with Yomi would not be easy. He’s standoffish, rude, and devoted to his work. He would have to know you for a long time before even thinking about pursuing a relationship.
Yomi is surprisingly romantic. He knows he’s handsome and how to charm people. As director of the peacekeepers, he can take you out almost anywhere. His preferred places are ones where the two of you can be alone.
Yomi is the possessive type. Like the way Kanai Ward is his city, you are his partner. No one else is allowed to think about you he does. He’s got a nasty jealousy streak as well and isn’t fond of people throwing advances at you.
What he considers advances is vague though. Depending on how he’s feeling that day, someone just speaking to you in a way he didn’t like is eligible to be framed for murder.
Dates are few and far between. He’ll tell you early on that Amaterasu comes first. But sometimes he’ll surprise you with a night out. Yomi would buy out an entire restaurant so you could spend time in private. He enjoys more expensive tastes, so they’ll be decently fancy places.
When it comes to affection, Yomi is on the rougher side. Kissing would usually incorporate some type of biting, his favorite places being the neck and shoulders. He’s a strange man so he’s not above drawing a little blood.
He acts like he’s giving you some grand gift while being affectionate. Even if he’s coming to you for a hug or kiss, Yomi will tease you like you need him. As a fan of being dramatic, he’d go as far as calling himself ‘your savior.’
As much as he likes you, his sadism knows no bounds. He’ll be mean towards you, but in a somewhat loving way. If you mess something up, he’ll be sure to point it out, more than likely laughing. Yomi may or may not help you out, it all relies on his mood.
Want a kiss? That’s too bad, he’s much too busy to entertain you right now. He’ll come to you when he’s ready. Or jump on you the minute you turn your back.
There are two sides that fight inside his brain: one that wants to show you off to every and anyone, and the other that wants to keep his romantic life to himself. The first one usually wins as he can’t keep his hands off you.
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, Yomi would seek you out during the workday. Maybe asking you to do tasks for him like gathering files or preparing his afternoon tea. Or he’d have you accompany him on a homicide case. He thinks he can make you swoon by showing off his sense of justice.
If you were a regular Kanai Ward citizen, he would be a bit more private about your relationship. Crime is rampant there and he knows that there are very few, if any at all, people that like him. Yomi doesn’t know what he would do if some disgusting criminals were to harm you because of himself. Yes, he does, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
If you were a detective, it’s just a big mess all around. He wants to see your corpse hanging above his mantle yet craves the feel of your lips crashing against his so bad. Purposefully goes out of his way to be a nuisance in cases you’re working on. Yomi is not above an alleyway make-out session before sending the peacekeepers after you.
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Martina Electro
Martina is a bit easier to court, but she holds herself in high regard and expects the same from her partner. She won’t accept anything less than what she deserves.
Unless you are in a position of power higher than hers, Martina would take more of a leading role in figuring out this relationship. She plans dates out weeks in advance, she is a fan of high-end café’s, shopping, and museum dates.
One fact about Martina that everyone is aware of, she loves talking about her partner. She’ll talk about you when brought up, she’ll talk about you unprompted, she’ll talk about you even if no one is listening. Martina will constantly sing your praises.
If there’s something to know about you, Martina will know it. She knows how you like your food and drinks to be prepared, hobbies, how you prefer your bed to be made. It sounds obsessive, and it kind of is, but this is how she shows her love. Her love language is being involved with your life.
Martina isn’t one to be jealous, she’s pretty secure in her relationships. People know her status as a peacekeeper and won’t come near you anyways. However, that doesn't mean that she doesn’t get possessive. Keeping you near her and in her grasp really gets her going.
Speaking of getting her going, she’s very reactive to affection. If your attention is a drug, she’s addicted to it. Holding her in your arms, kissing her anywhere, will make her flush a deep red. At first, her kissing is very clinical, like she’s analyzing you rather than kissing. But with time, she gets more enthusiastic, more relaxed. She doesn’t mind PDA either if you’re the one dealing it.
Despite her devotion, and borderline obsession, Martina is still her own, headstrong woman. If you do something she doesn’t like, she will be sure to tell you. Unfortunately, she’s stubborn by nature. If it comes down to arguments, it’ll usually be her way or no way until she cools off and gets more level headed.
Maybe it’s the homunculus DNA, but she enjoys your smell. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it. The familiarity of your scent is just something she likes. Borrowing pieces of clothing or spending time wrapped in your blankets are just heavenly. In the comfort of her own home, Martina would love to hold you in her arms, her face buried in your neck or hair. Watch out though, she has a bit of a drooling problem.
Motorcycle dates with Martina! Bring a thick rain coat, or not, she can provide one. She’ll take you out driving around the outskirts of Kanai Ward. There’re not many places that are very scenic, but there are a few places where the two of you can be alone. Make sure to hold on tight because she loves showing off with all types of tricks.
Post game, when she’s working in accounting, Martina will want to have a long talk with you. She knows the way she acted while working under Yomi was awful, and she wants to be completely transparent with you. However, working in an office now gives her more time to spend with you. If you surprised her with lunch one day, she might just die from joy!
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, she would want you by her side at all times. Follow her around and help at crime scenes. If you were a common peacekeeper, Martina would have you added to her team. Being her personal assistant is a fun thought. Her cute, devoted assistant that does as she says. But, that’s a post for another time.
If you were a citizen of Kanai Ward, she would be a bit condescending. She’s the beautiful vice director of the peacekeepers and you’re probably some poor office worker. She would talk down to you both unintentionally and intentionally. Nevertheless, she does love you. Martina would absolutely spoil you with gifts and lavish dates.
If you were a detective, she’s going to have a lot of fun tormenting you. Not much makes her happier than a cute face twisting in despair. Unlike Yomi, Martina doesn’t want you dead. No, that would ruin the fun too quickly. She would love to personally crush any hope you had of being a detective in Kanai Ward. She’s aware that she’s attractive and would try to use her charisma into getting you to join Amaterasu.
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nrc-broadcasting · 2 months
hey hey hey good morning or ig afternoon or night or evening depends on when you see this-
same anon who requested for Harlan here, the Siamese cat twins i mentioned are different ones! i understand the confusion tho and ig i shouldve mentioned who they were lol sorry- im pretty sure a LOT of people have ocs based on them- (if you're curious, their names are siddell and amani haha)
uh but,,,, another? if you dont mind sorry this is just fun-
Hello uh haha how to tell a certain crocodile to please stop blabbing about Malleus all the time (no offense to Malleus he's wonderful) and to stop belittling humans all the time too because oh wow my self esteem going 📉📉📉📉 anyway thank you 🥲 ~ Y. "Akuma" Nakamoto
You Need To Calm Down; You’re Being Too Loud
“Ah. Zigvolt,” Yuu says unenthusiastically.
“Since you’re asking, I’m assuming you don’t want to confront him directly? I mean, I’d understand but I’d still want to confirm that this is what you’re doing,” They pause and stare at the ask, leaning back in their chair as they think.
“Anyways,” they shake their head and wave their hand, sitting up properly.
“He’d probably just run his mouth if you were to try and confront him, so it’s a hopeless approach.” They sigh.
“The solution I’d suggest is asking either Silver or Lilia to talk to him and try to make him a bit less… specist.” They hesitate.
“It’s an undeniable fact that he really does need to calm down sometimes. He’s more often than not a bit too loud, but maybe I just a bit less tolerance because I easily get headaches from loud sounds.” They shrug before humming.
“But if both the Lilia and Silver approaches don’t work, you can just subtly poke at his weak spots yourself. It either by point out the fact he’s also half human himself, or by implying he’s acting the exact opposite of how a royal retainer should.
“But take note this is a 50/50 thing. It’s either he finally clamps his mouth shut in horror and silently walks away to reflect,” Yuu takes a deep breath, exasperated at the thought of their next words.
“Or you end up lighting a bomb and he just gets more loud,” they smile awkwardly.
“Yep.” They purse their lips.
“Anyway, I’d suggest bringing Lilia along if you want to try, since he can rein in his son better than most people.”
“And to address the self esteem issue, I’d like to offer some words,” Yuu says.
“Sebek’s… questionable remarks undoubtedly stem from his own insecurities and anxieties due to being half-human. Yes, he’s hard to understand, but it’s very likely an unchecked defense mechanism.”
“He rejects humans because he thinks his heritage as a human makes faes look down at him. Since you have your own insecurities, another viable approach it to try and empathize with him.
“…which, will be another 50/50,” they scratch their head.
“Because it’s either he mellows out a bit and listens, or he gets offended you’re trying to compare what he thinks is your trivial problems to his.
“So again, if you plan to attempt any of these solutions, Lilia’s presence is kind of necessary.” They smile apologetically.
“Despite having called what I just discussed ‘solutions’, I’ll admit to you I also don’t know an effective way to approach Sebek.”
“The least I could do is suggest and simulate some situations where a confrontation takes place.”
“I sincerely hope this helps you. Sebek might be loud, but he isn’t unreasonable.”
“And please, have some confidence in yourself. That’s all from me for this ask,” Yuu smiles apologetically.
Our fairytale has come to an end.
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almondmlkbtch · 1 year
keeping out of binge territory — personal reminders & ideas that have helped me
- 1-2 “maintenance” days for every -3500 deficit mark (minimum)
- “maintenance” day = anywhere from -800 to -500 deficit for me. i am usually trying for -1000+ deficit daily. i get discouraged if i do a real maintenance day (zero deficit) that’s the sickness in me lmao. aiming for a couple days of -500 deficit— usually enough to satisfy me & get back on track if im really feeling like binging. that is subject to change tho lol.. depends on how hard im going with fasting & exercise.
- remember to incorporate more volume meals like salads, veggie bowls, etc. — in general & especially when feeling a binge coming on. sometimes i forget that this actually helps. im hungry i think, im gonna binge, nothing will help. binging is such a helpless feeling. but even if i just sauté some broccoli or veggies with egg whites— the difference it makes. you’d be surprised. before you surrender to a binge, at least try to make something healthy to eat.
- max 1 meal or snack a day that includes calories which cannot be counted (so no take out, only certain foods from work like salads, etc) in GENERAL keep to calories that can be counted so home cooked meals only, small exceptions like salads or tiny snacks can be made in emergency if afraid of binging, lol. i will fall into the trap of eating things i cant count and this puts me in “fuck it” territory with counting calories. which leads to binging because i could be under calories or over, idk bc idk what’s in that salad dressing or half a sandwich or whatever it is im eating bc i didnt take the time to prep my lunch for work
- similarly ^ minimize processed foods — 1 item per day max— … protein bars/snacks lead to binges, are not as filling/satisfying during binges, they just make things worse tbh
- HYDRATE — need to hydrate to feel ok when cutting cals AND fasting AND exercising. up the Powerade zeros, vitamin waters, gatorade zeros, etc, whatever it takes, have a variety on hand
- food diaries !!! this one is SO important to me— rly what my blog is for— tho i have more extensive entries in my notes app. it’s a huge part of manifesting. without it i dont think i’d have the confidence to continue when things get difficult— but also it rly truly helps you get past challenges when you actually think through things & reflect. like what is holding me back rn? why did i feel like binging today? or did i not— why is that? did i eat more fat? did more carbs in the morning help me get through the shift without eating as much? what is helping/hurting? so helpful. any time i stop journaling i really come up against more challenges.
- make a list of foods/meals want to binge on & come up with a healthy replacement version i am going to do this tonight probably & post some ideas
- also ^ variety in food & meals — get creative — again, makes it fun, distracts from eating less
- prep healthiest meals of the day to eat at work & show it off.. lol… this one is sick but it’s just such a high to eat something healthy to eat during a shift and everyone see.. and i work in a cafe sometimes my coworkers will giggle at my tiny meals/comment on healthy they are.. it rly helps. but i gotta start to do something that’s not just a yogurt & carrots, like i need a whole ass salad or something filling, i been tempted to binge at work lol. this one is specific to me hahaha i just rly think it will help
- practice mindful eating — ig this should be at the top of the list LMAO but i have a hard time sticking to this every meal. when im eating at work on break it’s my only chance to take my mind off work so i tend to go on my phone while i eat. but getting in the habit of this is sooo helpful, even if just one mindful meal a day. enjoying my meals helps me feel satisfied and start my fasts from a feeling of abundance. and how you start a fast is really important i think to sticking it through. if you start it feeling like you didn’t eat or can’t eat, you won’t finish it, or you’ll be slogging through.
✨ short list i wrote out for myself today. i got off track after 2 binges one of which had me in -500 deficit which RLY hit my confidence and made me wanna get off track. i wanna keep going and challenging myself but i realized i gotta be smart if i wanna sustain my faster pace. it’s nice that i went so long without binging but, if u have a fast pace with stuff like this, it’s easy to get ahead of urself and get into binge territory. these r some reminders that help me keep on track, still be able to challenge myself while also being realistic abt how much i can push myself✨
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justalazywriter · 2 years
Hcs | Tobirama | relationship headcannons| mostly Gn!reader
Warning: none
Requests are open
A/n: idk why but I think this is written so bad;-; but I'm a professional at self criticism anyways lol
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At first he isn't much into physical love language or verbal instead you'll make up to breakfast in bed when he has a free day or little notes even with a flower if he's feeling like it
He's just not used to verbally or physically expressing love so you'll have to slowly ease him into it
Start in private when you're both sitting together , holding hands or leaning on his shoulder .
After some time he'll initiate holding hands and hugs by himself. With cuddles ? He's akward at first not knowing where to place his hands or stuff but after you help him and he sees you're enjoying it (Wich means he's doing it right) it'll be much more common
Even to the point where you bring food into this overworking man's office and you'll end up sitting on his lap and fall asleep while he does his paperwork
Coming to the next point , tobirama appreciates if you bring him food when he's working knowing he forgets to eat and take a break (he only takes them when you come around and he'll talk with you for some minutes )
On free days and after he is used to cuddling expect to be pulled back into bed just because he wants to chill with you there for a bit longer
He won't go back to sleep then but yeah , he'll just lay there and enjoy your presence
Something tells me he gets more open to giving verbal love when he is really tired out and he might be convincible to be the little spoon in cuddling then
Can he cook? Yes , perfectly even . On free days you'll sometimes find him cooking for you both
After some times tobirama gets an extremely soft spot for you and he'll be completely different from the cold self he shows others
Initiating cuddles , coming home for dinner (brings his work with him) , getting more free days to spend with you and even saying I love yous more than before (it's still rare but not as super rare as before)
Nightwalks? You'll have to convince him since you could run into danger and get hurt but he'll say yes if he's coming with you and you're not going to wander off the village far
Now if you're friends with any Uchiha or worse Madara , tobirama will be jealous and so on but you seem to enjoy being friends with them so he'll keep it low . He just doesn't want you to get hurt by them
If they dare to hurt you ... Yeah let's just say they'll be gone missing
Tobirama is overprotective but he knows to control it and not act like it everytime (is this even a thing? Idk)
He is more of a cat person but he would get along with dogs too if they are calm enough. But he doesn't necessarily want a pet still if you want one , he'll allow it and care for it too
As for kids , it'll take long till he would be ready to get one or 2 and if you don't want one he would accept it
Dates with him are always fancy and impressive if he's feeling like making you go "wow"
But if you aren't a fan of it tobirama will enjoy sitting under a tree and eating takeout with you too . Or a nice picnic even tho it has to be a place where people don't go often
Imagine seeing the mighty tobirama doing such "childish thing" yeah he thinks it would ruin his reputation
For the female fellows he knows what period is and what you need , he won't be grossed out at the normal bloodstains and stuff but he'll be confused and helpless about the moodswings for the first few times
In public he is acting more subtle in lovelanguage depending on how many people are around and paying attention to the both of you
This will change if someone is trying to hit on you. The person must be extremely drunk or dumb to hit on his lover. As soon as he sees you're clearly uncomfortable and they won't stop hell be at your side and a hand at your waist pulling you closer to him while giving them a deathglare
Now imagine if an Uchiha hit on you like that? While you're passing by next to them tobirama will casually whisper a threat like "next time you try it you'll be dead" and then act like he didn't just threaten them and buy you something you cheer you up if they made you feel down
Anyways , i hate it but hope you like it?
If you got tips to improve drop them in the comments and leave a like if you enjoyed it
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Omg I love your writing sm!!
Since I saw your requests open, could I request a matchup?
Preferably a male demon and/or demon slayer :)
I'm a 5'2" trans masc gremlin with short, side-shaven brown hair and eyes. I mostly dress in black, goth clothing and accessories (i.e., pentagram earrings, bird skull rings, chokers, etc.) but I have a hoodie collecting problem (I can think of at least a dozen I have lying around rn).
Since I have adhd, I'm very forgetful and have a bad habit of fidgeting when I'm under-stimulated and over-stimulated (they range from shaking my hands violently to scratching and biting myself, not too bad tho at most all it does is leave a few marks). I'm also introverted, preferring to keep to myself, only really talking when someone talks to me, but when I'm with people I'm comfortable with I'm pretty much the opposite, always talking and joking around and being an overall menace >:)
That said I'm always tired and can fall asleep anywhere (I'm also a huge night owl which might be part of the issue)
My love languages are words of affirmation, physical touch, and quality time since I'm really vocal about how much I adore my s/o, I'm kinda clingy and quite touch starved (i mean i collect plushies ffs), and whenever I'm out of energy, I enjoy just being in their presence, doing my own thing while I recharge.
Sorry if that was too much/not enough I never know how much to put in these things lol
Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to do it/can't think of anyone who'd fit my desc :)
Anyway, take care of yourself (drink some water, eat a snack, and take a nap/go to bed depending on what time you see this) and have a lovely day/night! ♡
You got…Sanemi!
Being polar opposites, Sanemi loves you because you bring the gentle personality he hides behind all the macho attitude. He gets frustrated as fuck about stupid things all the time, and you'll just chat to him while he beats up a punching bag till it breaks, not judging him once.
He's had people try to calm him down, try to interfere and change him, but he just wants someone who likes him now and not for what they want him to be, which you are great at.
In turn, he understands your habits of scratching at yourself aren't doing  a terrible amount of harm for how well it soothes you, so he won't try to stop you aside from trying to find something for you to do so you aren't so bored.
Sometimes he just offers his arm to you, and lets you trace all the scars he has left in his skin, or fidget with his hand.
Sanemi isn't very demanding, so he'll do whatever you feel like doing. He prefers to have you there with him while he trains, though, so he's gotten used to training somewhere next to a porch where you can hide in the shade/away from bad weather.
Makes fun of you for dressing so dark, because he thinks of you as very flowery and sweet. Might say its some kind of scare tactic since you couldn't hurt a fly, but otherwise he doesn't care much for how you chose to dress yourself; so long as you are comfortable and happy.
Your hair reminds him a lot of his younger brother, and your sleepy nature only makes you two more comparable, so he feels this need to protect you in ways he couldn't his brother.
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Authors Note - My last matchup and you are very similar it's almost scary! But yes, please enjoy <3
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Enneagram help (3 or 6? I'm torn!)
Little ask about Taylor (sorry lol!): Do you think ESTP 3w2 361 is most likely for Taylor then? I also thought she could be a 6 because of her strong focus on loyalty but what you said made a lot of sense so now I think 3w2!
She seems generally likable and not polarizing in terms of her fans (not outrageous and inoffensive), which usually indicates a 369.
COVER (in true 3w2 fashion, even tho I am anon): As a 3 and 6 hybrid + high Fe type, I really resonated with the Anne Hathaway note ;) I am not in any way famous/probably do not wish to be as famous as Anne, but I think I would also mention splitting my pants on television if I were famous to be relatable and give people a moment of laughter and also give them a moment of thinking "Oh, she's just like me! She's very human and has errors and laughs/talks about them!"
6s want to be relatable, 3s do not. Famous 6s self-deprecate so people think "aww, she's just like me" in order to downplay being famous. Why? They want to fit in and be included and not alienated or to seem in any way pretentious. This is core 6 territory, not 3.
On the other hand, I put a bow on the things that are my *actual* flaws when talking about them (I find it easy to talk about my feelings to people, but very difficult to admit that I haven't been successful even though I don't think I'm any better than anyone, I'm just so scared that people might think I'm incompetent/not cool at all if I fail LOL) and I spin things around positively.
A 7 wing can also be this way, along with a 6ish desire to be taken seriously.
I've probably made too many image management mistakes to be a 3 but I am always thinking about social presentation and my biggest fear is being seen as a "nerd" or someone who's not socially adept and not good with people. I know I am, but I am so scared of making public mistakes.
Fear drives the head types, thus a lot of thinking and strategizing and planning and avoidance of making mistakes through anticipation (if X happens, I should probably do Y to save face). But you are an EFJ, so of course you are thinking about how you are coming across. Fe-doms dial into their audience and to other people and want to be liked and seen a certain way, regardless of their Enneagram type.
My parents and friends would say I'm a 3 for sure, but I think I have also been a 6w7 in a lot of situations. Sometimes I feel like whatever enneagram is best for the situation, I become. Whenever I settle on an enneagram type, I kind of unconsciously emulate it but I have always known I'm an EFJ and have been one so I have a lot of difficulty detaching from my emotions and relational situations that require me to be emotionally "there" so I don't relate to 3 in that way.
What your friends see is different from what you feel inside, and the motivations that lie behind your behaviors. A 6 would think about not wanting to seem arrogant; a 3 would see arrogance as part of self-esteem, because they know they do things well enough to deserve the right to be arrogant. They are competency-driven (I have to be the best at this; I have to give the best interview; job performance; be the best wife/husband/lover/friend; I need to wear this hat today!). And yes, 3s are somewhat distant from emotions and can fear closeness because that person might peel away their layers and find... nothing. And that idea of being nothing inside scares them; they don't know what defines them, outside their accomplishments. If I didn't have all of these things to offer you (fame, success, money, achievement, blue ribbons)... would you still love me??
I think I'm more dependent stance than assertive stance -- I like leadership but I am too worried about looking bad to take risks that an assertive stance type probably would, such as starting a new unpredictable trend that COULD be cool, or running for student body president because what if people don't like my speech and can't connect to me/don't want my leadership? What if I'm "cringe"? TLDR: It's easy to joke about little mistakes or even typical ones, but it's hard to open up about other failures, especially in the social realm, if I'm with people who i haven't really given my "true self" to? I think I might be a 3 but also could be a 6.
My guess is a core 6w7. A 3 is not this open about their fears of failure in a public forum where they know people are going to read whatever you wrote / what I respond to it, and make judgments about them. The core 3s I know (yes, even with loud 6 fixes) are constantly modifying their image when talking to me, making sure that I know they are hard-working and successful or desirable in some way... and if I see the 6 second-guessing and freaking out, they quickly cover it up with enforced self-confidence so my impression of them is not "scared" or "self-doubting." The image management is constant with them and it's perceptible to others, but you are very open and honest with me about your fears and failures and wanting to be seen as relatable, even if you hunger to be extraordinary.
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liliadarlin · 2 years
Scarabia HCs
A/N: Kalim is so cute I just wanna give him a hug 🫂
TWs: yandere content, doting yanderes, excessive gift-giving, obsessive tendencies, mean jamil (?), just a bit tho, mention of food, is that a tw, idk
♡ He's baby 👶
♡ No, but on a serious note, Kalim really is a sweetie. He adores his darling, anf genuinely believes that if they didn't exist, he would just shrivel up like a flower without sunlight. He'd definitely say some mushy stuff like that, too.
♡ Kalim's love language is gift giving. He gives things to his darling a lot, and ninety percent of the time they don't have to ask for it. Kalim just wants them to be content in life, so he gifts them things he thinks will make them happy!
♡ Of course, this is all well and good, but it's obvious to those around Kalim how obsessive he's getting over time. Anyone close to him, Jamil especially, knows that he goes overboard from time to time. Whether of not his darling catches on depends on their personality.
♡ And it's not like Kalim's darling can reject or try to return his gifts either.
♡ He gets so sad when they try to! It feels like a full on rejection when they tell him they don't want something he got them, and I think he'd get kind of emotional about it.
♡ OH.
♡ Kalim loves spending time with his darling! If he could spend every second of every day by their side, he definitely would. Because of this, Kalim can sometimes be compared to a clingy puppy.
♡ His adoration knows no bounds.
♡ Jamil hates it, btw 💀
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♡ I feel bad for anyone who gains Jamil's attention, but only because he can get so God damn paranoid about where their relationship stands.
♡ Jamil is convinced that his darling likes Kalim more than him (and honestly, who could blame them), and he fully takes this out on his darling whenever he's feeling especially upset about his circumstances.
♡ He, of course, realizes that perhaps he's wrong and even if his darling proclaims their love for him he'll never fully believe them. It sucks, and Jamil knows that. However, he can't really help the way he feels.
♡ On the other hand, Jamil likes taking care of his darling. When he's able to push away his paranoia and borderline aggressiveness he dotes on his darling quite a bit.
♡ This includes cooking for them, among other things.
♡ Jamil, unlike others, doesn't feel the need to know every single thing about his darling. He understands that they need their space, but he absolutely obsessed over their eating habits for awhile.
♡ Jamil cooks meals that he knows they'll like. While he can't be as affectionate or open as other yanderes - an example being Rook or Kalim - he can still show that he cares in some way or another.
♡ Probably would freak out if his darling tried to do the same kind of favors for himself, he's agitating like that lol.
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b0nten · 3 years
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 hugs the tr boys like to give & receive
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 not proofread!
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back hug
he literally screams back hugs i'm sorry.
he most definitely sneaks up on you and hugs you tight just to give you a scare because your reaction is funny.
would rest his head on your shoulder or on top of your head with his arms around your waist and just stand there doing nothing.
he doesn't care where you are. as long as he can hug you, he will, and he's really nonchalant about it .
you could be standing in line at 7-11 paying and he'd just hug you beacause "he wants to".
likes it when you hold his hands while he's hugging you - you know, when his arms snake around your waist, you must touch them. just because.
if you're laying down in bed or something of the sort he WILL pull you with your back against his chest.
also, he's very warm and sometimes you're like 'sir???? do you have a fever???' and he replies with 'lol no?'
is both little and big spoon, but especially little when he's mad. that's when you get to play with his hair and hug him from behind.
overall 💯/10 would definitely recommend
back hug but from you
he's so amazingly tall so it amuses him when you sneak up behind him and hug him.
when you hug him MAKE SURE to press your cheek against his back - he LOVES it.
again, ken is 185cm tall and towers over most people in toman/his friend group/general and his height is really something that you can't miss. like he's REALLY TALL (OKAY WEDNESDAY WE GET IT)
beacause of that, you pretending his height doesn't exist makes him really happy and he truly enjoys your back hugs.
mikey probably teases him about it but he always tells says something along the lines of 'shut up you literally do the same thing to your s/o???' and the unbeatable mikey loses this one fight.
also loves standard hugs and when you two are sitting he'll pull into his lap and rest his head on your's (that's a habit he got from mikey after seeing him do that to his s/o).
big spoon 90% of the time.
side hug
baji LOVES AND ADORES to show you off to other people - he does it on the daily.
however, i feel like he wouldn't want to be 'caught lacking' so when you're in public you'll have to settle for those.
that's okay tho, because, even if they're one-ways baji makes sure you know how much he actually enjoys hugging you this way.
the way his arm rests on your waist - so gently yet protectively is enough to make someone cry of joy
but don't be fooled
if you're together
he'll fucking devour you.
no joke.
he'll hold you so tight you'll almost die because of the lack of air
but he means good
because he kinda feels bad he doesn't want to hug you like that in public so he makes up for it in private.
big spoon- he won't even let you try out being the big one. again, it's the guilt that comes from not hugging you in public so he wants to make up for it every. time. he. can.
bear hug
i don't know how to call 'em but those hugs where both your arms go under his and then hold him tight at the waist & vice-versa?
he loves them
he lives for them
he would sacrifice his life for them
there's almost no way he doesn't take that big ass hoodie of his and pull it over your head so you both squeeze into it.
he's so goofy when it come to hugs.
so precious
and every single hug he gives is just so genuine and pure it makes you wanna cry??
when chifuyu hugs you he always whispers little somethings into your ears, for example 'you look so cute today' or 'i love the way you look in general but today you look even more beautiful than ever' and it makes you melt into his arms and bury your face into his hoodie.
baji continuously asks him why he's not embarrassed of displaying affection in public and he says says that there's nothing to embarrassed of when it comes to y/n and baji throws up in his mouth but he's actually really happy chifuyu has found someone like you.
both little and big spoon and depending on what you want, he'll take the other
eye-to-eye hug
i don't think they're called eye-to-eye but i just don't know how to name them.
those hugs where you bring your arms around your s/o's neck? yeah, those. except, you give them.
i don't know why, but they just scream 'takashi mitsuya'.
there's something romantic about them [the hugs] and mitsuya strikes me as one of (if not actually the) most romantic guys in toman.
he's so gentle - when you bring your arms around his neck a smile appeares on his face and as he slings his arms around your waist and pulls you close you can't help but blush.
this mf ‼️💯😭
he'll also rest his forehead against your's and just hover there over you.
sometimes will mumble some random things like song lyrics.
it's so nice tho.
mitsuya has two sides: human heater and walking freezer and you're lucky that most of the time his heater side is on, not the freezer one.
luna and mana hate you so much, mostly because they want to spend time with you and taka-chan's stealing you from them. how dare he 🙄
talking about them, they're your biggest fangirls and their hugs are 💯
when ALL FOUR of you hug? heaven on earth.
probably big spoon.
straddle hug
hakkai is also very tall
he is 2cm shorter than draken, making him 183cm tall.
i feel like out of the bunch he's the cheekiest.
god i love wehere this is going.
he loves straddle hugs.
he just does because.. he does.
he likes it when you jump up and secure your legs around his waist and hug him tight, like really tight.
this bitch-
he'll slap your ass (😭) and if yuzuha is in the near and sees him doing that she'll slap him.
hakkai strikes me as the type of person who enjoys affection to the max and is not afraid to show it in public.
he sometimes gets over-exited and hugs you way too hard and that's when your savior, yuzuha, steps in and says something like 'continue doing that and the only person patient enough to put up with your bullshit is gonna disappear' but he pays no mind and keeps hugging you.
he loves to carry you on his back. or when he runs with you in that straddle hug position IT'S SO FUN.
one time when it was raining you guys ran all the way from the shopping center to his house with you straddling his waist as he tried to tower over you so you wouldn't get wet but it didn't work out so you both got a cold and yuzuha was really mad at both of you.
all types of hugs
loves all the hugs you give him
he absolutely adores them.
won't EVER stop you from hugging him
he'll show you off, he'll hug you, he'll kiss you in front of anybody and anything.
smiley's love language is physical touch so be ready.
like baji, his hugs are so hard to escape and he'll hold you so tight your lungs almost burst.
angry hates you guys so much.
you always hug in front of him and when he tells you to stop, nahoya usually responds with 'it's alright bro, one day you'll also have the courage to do this!' and it drives souta nuts.
big spoon don't even try to change it up
hear me out, hear me out
souta a.k.a angry
acts like he hates hugs
he'll act like they're an abomination and that the end of the world will come if someone hugs him.
but in reality
he loves and lives for them
you kinda figured that out quickly so you just kept them for when it was just the two of you.
he loves linking pinkies.
he likes it because he can reassure you of how much he loves you without having to hug you and you know how much he means it just by the way he holds your pinkie with his.
you can bet smiley teases him sometimes all the time.
'come on, bro, show your s/o some love!' or 'come on, don't be shy, they're your s/o!'
it's really cute to see him get mad and that's the only time you'll actually hug him in front of other people ( bonus points if do it from the back) and tell him to calm down.
little spoon
tight hugs
i probably got the name wrong again, but it's basically any type of hug, just really, really, really tight.
kazutora would be a little more open to displaying affection in public. he's somewhere between baji and chifuyu, leaning toward baji.
when it comes to the two of you just being together he would absolutely hug you without letting go.
literally any type of hug he can think of he'll do, just make it tighter because he wants to show you how much he loves you.
he loves to kiss your cheek when you hug!!! i doesn't matter - standard, back, straddle, whatever it is he. has. to. kiss. your. cheek.
his love language is words of affirmation so you'll find him whispering whatever comes to mind into your ear and it's the sweetest things ever.
bonus points if you rest your hand on the side of his neck where his tattoo is!!
asks baji for realtionship advice that baji takes from chifuyu and he takes credit for, so kazutora goes home thinking baji is the best relationship advice giver 😭
back hugs
it's a reoccurring thing that all sano men like giving back hugs and resting their head on their s/o 's head.
kurokawa izana is no different.
he loves to sneak up behind you and then lift you up a bit, making you laugh.
he loves your laugh so he continues the action by tickling you.
play !! with !! his !! earrings !!
he lets you play with his earrings and doesn't interrupt you whatsoever.
kaku finds it amusing how every time you play with izana's earrings izana always smiles. there's no denying and izana knows that but he can't escape kaku's teasing.
speaking of kaku, he gives izana so much relationship advice and it's actually good.
izana loves when you lay on top of him and just sleep. he finds it cute and he loves to thread his fingers through your hair 🥺
i said it.
he likes it when you're laying on top of him and instead of a blanket you're covered with his tenjiku uniform coat.
god he thinks you're so precious when you're just laying there on top of him with your arms around his waist while he strokes your back.
ran fucking hates it
'stand up, the couch is not for you to sit on.' or 'you do this almost daily, please stop, i want to watch wrestling.'
one time he sat on the two of you and the younger haitani had never been more ready to break his brother's arms.
rindo literally stoop up with you in his arms and chased ran around the apartment.
then you went to his room and continued snuggling.
rindo is the 2nd on my 'best hug givers' list
i think i should mention that he also likes to hug you normally (standing up) with your cheek resting against his chest.
straddle hugs from behind
another beast of a man
i think someone on twitter tried calculating his height and he came in at an expected, yet whopping, 189cm.
god i love his tall ass
he's as tall as tokyo tower and you just jumping on his back without any type of announcement makes his whole world light up.
especially when he's really not ready to catch you and you fall down to the ground while he laughs his ass off.
if feel like rindo is more of a gentleman out of the two of them, so he'll hit his big brother behind the head and tell him to go help you up.
when it comes to normal hugs, he loves it when you run your fingers through that meter-long hair of his.
teases you about your height by by resting his head on top of your's.
he's so mean but when he hugs you you forget about him being an asshole and just enjoy his (very tall) presence.
on my list of 'best hug givers' ran actually is the 1st.
v v intimate hugs
i headcanon sanzu as someone who doesn't speak a lot but instead relies on actions.
so that's why my boy sanzu only hugs you in private.
his preferred way is cuddling on the couch.
he loves it when he holds you.
and he plays with your hands and kisses the tips of your fingers and your knuckles.
it's the most wholesome thing ever.
when you're the one holding him he lets you play with his hair.
it relaxes him so much, he feels like he's on cloud 9.
you're one of the few people who see sanzu with his mask off.
i feel like in his teenage years he was very insecure about his scars. you always reassuring him made his confidence spike up like crazy, but still not enough to take his mask off.
he loves, adores, lives for and wants you to trace his scars. it makes him surprisingly happy when you do that.
he's so soft for you you can't imagine
he ranks 3rd in the 'best hug givers' list.
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furbxy-moved · 3 years
general todoroki x reader relationship headcanons? and hope u feel better soon :)
thanks anon :,). I had a bunch of fun writing this, so I hope you like it :)!! <3 -mod furby
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Todoroki general relationship headcanons
-incredibly new to the whole romance thing so you might have to take the lead a bit, only at first
-which means YOU have to initiate affection
-but as soon as you do he's hooked on it. Allllways telling you how amazing you look. With physical affection he's more casual like a hand draped over your shoulder or holding hands but when you're in private he's gonna drape his w h o l e weight over your back and wrap his arms around your neck
-you're smaller than him? Oh well, uh, have fun getting crushed. If you are smaller than him, though he'll definitely carry you around sometimes.
-It takes a while for him to get ahold of any pet names but when he does, he is either really really sappy about it or really casual depending on the situation.
-usually sticks to "babe" or "baby". Occasionally refers to you as "bub" "love" or "angel"
-but during particularly fluffy times there's also "my prince/my princess/my monarch"!!
-so considerate of you!! Always asks for consent for everything even if he's really shy about it at first!!
-the type of person to go out and hang out w/ his friends all day but come back with your favorite foods 🥺🥺🥺
-lowkey seems clueless but you learn very quickly that he's incredibly perceptive and remembers all your little quirks and everything you say.
-if you take note of anything you recently got into or that you like he will buy you everything for it (with Endeavor's credit card)
-dates are usually low-key like the little cafe down the street or the aquarium but he'll take you to fancy restaurants just to make you feel special sometimes. 🥰
-not as good w/ advice but he will just sit with you or hold you when you're sad or angry. Also a very good listener if you want to vent.
-conflicts are pretty rare but usually they don't get as fiery so its easy to resolve them without spilling any unnecessary tears.
-takes a lot of pictures to savor memories. His lockscreen is probably a picture of you grinning real wide about to do something dumb lol.
-soooo supportive in anything you do! If you have any interests/hobbies he'll buy you stuff for it and tries to learn more about it so that he can talk to you about it and support you in it.
-you probably get along w/ the dekusquad if you're dating him so you definitely get invited to their hangouts
-yall probably have promise rings with like crowns on them or something and he'll never ever take it off except when he goes to sleep. Lost it once on accident and he was absolutely distraught!! Found it under the couch tho.
-forehead pecks!! Usually when saying goodbye or hello but sometimes just bc.
-usually reserves actual kisses for special stuff but if one of you is just feeling touch starved then who is he to say no 🤷‍♀️
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retroaria · 3 years
Domestic Life With: Karl Jacobs
summary: being in a serious relationship with karl, talking about your future together
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: none
masterlist :]
A/N: this was a request from one of my tags so thx to @joyfullymulti <333
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karl is so enthusiastic about the future and it’s one of his favorite things to talk about
like this man already knows he wants his son to be named Ollie (literally adorable) so obviously
i feel like karl wouldn’t get in a relationship if there wasn’t a mutual agreement that it would be somewhat serious from the get go
it would really depend on the situation but i think karl is an all or nothing kinda guy
so after about 3-4 years of dating he’s definitely sure he wants you in his future
the family and friends have been met, the embarrassing stories have been said, and the trauma has been noted, it’s time for commitment 😌 HAHA
(if you have them) is the type of guy to talk to your parents about it but not like asking for consent more so just telling them he’s definitely gonna do it, then reassuring them that he loves you and will take care of you so well and make you so happy :3
i’m sorry if this is a let down but...karl proposing wouldn’t be a big thing
he would do it in private at a place that is special for you guys and it would probably be a very sweet and intimate moment with just the two of you
crying like a baby before he could even pop the question LMAO
definitely went over his speech with chris like a million times beforehand
he looks at your ring more than you do like sometimes he just holds your hand and looks at it in awe
you might not care but...the ring 😳 is literally gorgeous. this man def likes to spoil you. obvi not gonna put a reference photos cus i’ll let y’all be creative but let’s just say he spent more on this ring than he did on those pokemon boxes he lost
super rando one: after you guys are married, he jokingly re-enacts his speech from when he proposed every year on your anniversary. it’s so funny and adorable and just a very wholesome thing between you two :3
communication is key 👍
he puts a lot of effort into keeping things together between you two and you better do the same or you literally suck
most of the time if there is any issue ever he will bring it up to you. even if it’s something he knows is stupid and shouldn’t be bothering him
sometimes he feels bad about things and isn’t as open as he should be but this boy definitely wears his heart on his sleeve so you could totally tell
fighting with karl is like “I hate you so much right now, but at the end of the day I still love you way more than I hate you.”
^^^^i do wanna make an imagine with that line tho
ahhhh it is just such a loving relationship i’m gonna cry :’)
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first in the news, i made a spam, it’s @ariaxcx hoping to actually use it so yeah we shall see
sorry these kinda suck it’s 2am and i literally have like 15 drafts to get through. BUT YES MY REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN LOL send me more
*i say that now but next time george streams im gonna do literal backflips on the ceiling*
@joyfullymulti @fantasy-innit @k-l-a-w-s @themanifoldenjoyer
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mikalara-dracula · 3 years
💋 PDA with Shu
Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor or aren't comfortable with slight NSFW.
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Shu doesn’t really care much about PDA or who even sees it.
Whether it be public or private, he doesn’t care--it’s more of the fact that he just gets lazy about doing it in general--it really depends on his mood.
If he is in the mood tho, things are a lot more lively than usual.
And since he’s lazy a lot of the time and doesn’t initiate much PDA because of that, it always comes as a surprise when he does, leading you to be caught off guard and he lives for that factor.
In general, he gives you lots of smirks, even if he’s laying down with his eyes closed and you’re somewhat near him.
Honestly, every time you see one on his face, you know he's got something lewd on his mind or you're doing something that's turning him on even if you're not physically doing anything intimate with him.
When it’s just you two tho, be prepared for more scandalous surprises--he seriously likes to keep you on the edge.
If you’re busy doing something, he’ll pretend that he’s asleep, but really, he’s just watching the way you move or the way your gaze gets focused when doing an activity.
But he’d of course turn or instantly close his eyes if you looked in his direction, your mind being totally oblivious to the fact of him observing.
If, by any chance tho, you bend down to get something, this is a serious turn-on for him, his mind racing at the idea. And if he gets a slight view of your panties or ass, it’s a plus.
If you’re sitting down on the couch and he’s laying down he likes to use your thighs as a pillow so he can rest his head. He also likes it when you run your fingers through his hair, it always makes him fall asleep peacefully.
But he’s gonna be the biggest ass about it, accusing you of being a perv and that you can’t keep your hands off him when it’s the other way around.
When laying down with him, he likes to pull you into him, but things change depending on if you’re facing him or not.
If you’re facing him, he’ll act pretty domestic and express small acts of affection like giving you forehead kisses for no reason or before going to sleep. He also likes to rest his hand on the dip of your waistline.
If you’re not facing him tho, he likes to take things up a notch, especially if he’s in a certain mood.
He likes to place his hand on your hip or place a leg over yours so you can’t leave.
He also likes to just lay his hand on the side of your ass because he apparently finds it natural to do so. And if he really wants to invoke a reaction from you, he’ll even go as far as to clutch your ass.
He’s not opposed to have you lay down on top of him and rest your head in his neck, but just know this won’t stop him from resting on your ass or giving it a smack if he feels like it.
You sometimes let him lay on top of you, and you honestly become his body pillow in this scenario. He really likes the idea of you beneath him, and likes it when this happens to he can trap you and prevent you from leaving since he thinks your body feels comfortable to lay against.
In public--if you actually managed to drag him somewhere xDD--when you’re walking with him, he likes to pull at your clothes just to get you to look at him, but he’d be quick to let go and make it look like he didn’t do it.
He’d then deny it when you’d ask him, saying you’re just hallucinating when you know you’re not.
If you’re wearing jeans that really highlight your hip area, he’s definitely not going to let you live it down, and when you’re not expecting it, he’ll give your ass a small smack and doesn’t care who’s watching.
I've said this in another post regarding Shu, but he likes biting or making out with you in the stairwells at school.
Yes, he actually finds the energy to do this xDD.
He really likes the idea that it’s secluded but that you also could get caught by a teacher or school staff member.
At school, he encourages you to skip class to hang out with him. You of course say no, but he manages to get you to do so in various ways--by either tricking you that class is cancelled or that he makes you forget about the time and by the time you realize that you’re late, there’s only a few minutes left of class.
He also tries to make you go to different parts of the school where students aren’t allowed.
This is mostly because he wants to be alone with you and doesn’t want some annoying teacher or students to get on his nerves when he’s with you.
Plus, he lives for the risk of getting caught, remember? xDD.
“But Shu, if we get caught it-,”
“Who cares.” He’d say, still continuing to lead you, his hand intertwined with yours.
If their school in DL has a terrace area, Shu’s definitely going to spend a lot of time there if he doesn’t want to lounge about in the halls and have some annoying teacher or staff member get on his case about going to class.
And since he likes to have private moments with you, he’ll use this as another place to share an intimate moment with him or just talk about whatever.
He likes to sit on the ledge lazily and have you stand in between his legs, his arms pulling you into him as he’d share a slow and passionate makeout session with you.
But of course, when the bell would ring, he’d groan and slightly growl under his breath since it was interrupting the moment, your lips pulling away from his.
“Oh, the next bell.”
“Who cares.” He’d say, pulling you back in for a forceful kiss, being annoyed that school was getting in the way.
You’d pull away, attempting to break free of his grasp. “Shu, I gotta go otherwise I’m gonna be-,”
He wouldn’t listen, his arms not willing to let you go, quickly pulling you in for another kiss, causing you to melt into it. He took note of your reaction, soon pulling away.
“Is that so? Your body says otherwise.” He’d smirk.
“I’m serious.” You’d laugh, playing slapping his arm. “I promise I’ll be back soon.”
He’d sigh, knowing he’d be pretty bored for the next hour or so, but you’d be quick to place a small kiss on his cheek, reassuring, “I promise.”
You’d quickly grab your things and head off to class. It was faint, but a small smile spread across his face as you left, his undead heart content.
As we know, Shu doesn't really attend class, so you have to drag him there. You of course try to encourage him, but he always says it's a drag, but sometimes he'll make the exception of going if you really want him to.
Say you need a partner for a new project for a class you both have together, he'll come so you don't get paired up with someone random.
But on the way there, he's gonna tell you how much of drag all of this as you lead him by the hand to class.
He’ll sometimes go to class just to make you happy, but he honestly doesn’t focus or take notes on anything. He’s honestly more sleepy there than he is in general, his chin resting on his palm as he’d lazily eye his surroundings.
He only directs his attention to you and whispers perverted things into your ear while class is going on, which makes you super distracted and on the verge of getting caught, a blush rising on your cheeks only making him amused knowing he’s getting a reaction out of you.
Luckily you two sit near the very back benchtop lol.
While you’re busy listening to the teacher lecture, he likes to unexpectedly laying his hand on one of your thighs, instantly catching you off guard. He’d gently stroke it up and down in a soothing manner to the point that you’d just brush it off and continue listening to the lecture, but that was until he’d go as far as slipping his hand between your thighs, almost making you jump out of your seat.
And sometimes, the teacher calls him out for distracting you since they see that something is off, but they don’t suspect what he’s doing to you exactly.
“Mr. Sakamaki, stop distracting Y/N. Either behave or go to the principal’s office.”
He’d of course only sigh in return, obviously not caring, the teacher soon resuming their lecturing knowing he wasn’t going to change.
But if you're giving a presentation in class you share with him, you of course try your best to not make him find out, but he always ends up finding out.
And this is where he actually finds the will to go to class just so he can tease you while you're presenting--by inaudibly mouthing lewd words towards you in hopes that you'll blush or mess up.
He'll even stare at you up and down or at different areas of your body as you're presenting as another tactic to get you to mess up.
He's definitely going to tease you after class about your presentation--you're honestly never going to hear the end of it.
Also likes to tickle you when you least expect it--it sometimes leading to full-out tickle wars, mostly because he enjoys hearing your laugh.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Ethan Torchio
words // 2383
warnings // smut, clearly its nsfw headcannons
pairing // Ethan Torchio x GN!Reader (might be mentions that seem like they are for f reamer but comeon theres lingerie for every body 👁️👄👁️)
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. an apology to the people on my tag list i think i accidentally have not been tagging you this whole time i am so so so sorry omg
request // yes, it was a reblog i cant find it right now
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Regarding you, Ethan is the king of after care. As rough as he can be in bed, that’s just how sweet he can be once you're done with it. Goes full on dad mode (don’t know how else to explain this). He will have water, painkillers if you’re now in pain, a washcloth to clean you up, new clothes, and of course the cuddles.
“I’m alright, Ethan. I can do it on my own,” you say as Ethan walks to you with the wet cloth ready to clean the mess he made on your body.
“I know you can, amore. I just want to take care of you,” he says as he leaves a kiss on your lips.
I can also see him being the one to make a big fat breakfast the morning after, or at least get up early to pick something up.
Now I also feel that he is in need of some aftercare. It depends on the day really, if he’s had a pretty rough day and all I feel like he’d ask for some backrubs after. In this case he’d fall asleep so quickly like omg. But on the biggest part I see him feeling the need to reassure you that the things he said (i think we already established that this man would call you a slut) are not how he feels about you and will be asking if you feel the same.
“Do you love me?”
“Wha- of course I do, Ethan! Where is this coming from?”
“I don’t know… I guess - I guess I am worried that you don’t after what I said.”
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
When it comes to himself I feel like he really likes his chest and arms. Like I don’t know but I see him really getting off with you pretty much mastubating on his chest. Ya know what I mean? (i think you do you little sluts). He pretty much enjoys anything you do on his chest. I can imagine him looking at the mirror after you two had sex, seeing the cum on his chest along with the marks you have left and just smiling.
“What are you looking at, love?” You ask, seeing as the man is standing in front of the bathroom mirror from your spot on the hotel bed.
“Nothing, just the mess you made.”
“Mhm, and I bet you like it, huh?”
“You have no idea… Hey, are you sure you got tired? Cause I think I can do another round.”
As for his arms, as I said, he simply really enjoys that he can man handle you anytime, get you in any position he likes and feel you scratching them from the pleasure.
When it comes to you, Ethan is an ass guy. Say what you want but the man is an ass guy, end of discussion. He loves anything that involves your but. It does not explicitly have to be something like anal. He simply enjoys seeing your butt and holding it in his hand. It does not matter if it’s big or not, if it has stretch marks or whatever. Wear lingerie that he likes or that itty bitty teeny weeny bikini if you wear them or even some tight pants that make your butt just poìp and he can not contain himself.
I think I have said that to someone here (i think I had sent an ask to zodi @ icouldbeyourputtet) before but I feel like this man is very into spanking, like not even the rough malicious way. but this very wholesome chill way.
You had been talking about it all day, not having had a minute alone with each other for days, you could only dream what you could do that night after everyone left.
A playlist was playing in the background and a cigarette was burning on the ashtray next to your legs, you assuming a similar position, as said cigarette, bent over Ethan’s lap as he caressed your ass cheeks and back, playing around with the lingerie set he had gifted you a while back. (Did I just go to search my fave porn vid, lol exposing myself, and get disappointed because I can’t find it and translate it into fanfiction? yes yes i did, so bare with what i can remember)
“It’s okay, baby, you can take a little more, come on,” he praised, leaving a spank and yet another soft rub on the very red cheek.
He continued, going with the music, a very nice pattern, not very rough spanks but just enough to cause pain, pleasure and redness all over. Accidentally the man landed a few very rough ones causing a gasp and a series of giggles as you practically fell off his lap.
“Ethan, what the hell?” You laughed getting up from the floor and this time sitting on the man’s lap, sharing kisses with him.
“What,” he copied your action and laughed, “it was not intentional. I got carried away by how nice your butt is.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is and is not messy. He will not want the cum to be in every surface possible you know, he will be careful but at the same time this man just loves to see his cum on you, whether it’s your back or your stomach, or in you if you’re ok with it. I bet he has a teeny weeny breeding kink but not necessarily because of the idea of breeding you but rather because he looooves seeing his cum run out of you… I'm not sure if this falls in the breeding kink category but alright
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes to fuck you while watching porn.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he is pretty experienced. From what they band has said in interviews and stuff, he seems to be getting some pretty often (no one, NO ONE, is surprised at that). He is not acting arrogant tho (not unless that’s the dynamic of the night), he is willing to learn what works for you and you specifically
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
As I said this man is an ass guy so I’d say anything that involves having the view of your ass. Humor me but i think he’d really like 69 with a female/afab partner (don’t know if this works very well with two dick-baring people lol). It has it all, eating you out,
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
I think it can be both with him. He will not exactly try to make jokes but if something like the previously mentioned spanking incident happens it’s def welcome.
Now as a general rule I see him being pretty serious. I will be honest, I’m getting brat tamer vibes from this man so it’s all pretty serious when you really get into it.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Considering he’s an Italian man and if you look at a lot of photos of him he def fit the ‘mediterenean’ man type. I see him just barely grooming. I don’t see him really shaving or whatever but he also wouldn’t want you to choke on pupic hair, he much rathers you choke on his dick
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
It all depends, really. He can be quite intimate with you but it all depends on the moment. There are different occasions for everything. For example, and this is a paradox that I hope I’m explaining well enough to understand, he is not very rough (will not be very aggressive and stuff, like to the extreme those tik tok boys want to pretend they are with their * growling * ew) but he will be rough. intimidating looks, spanking just enough to make you feel pain and redden up your ass cheeks. He’s like that mostly when you are being bratty.
Most of the times, like we’re talkin kind of lazy sex moments, it more wholesome ig, like very intimate and just comfortable and almost comforting. Ok, but like why do i see him having sex and having casual conversation (not the most common, i see this as like lazy day off, having nothing else to do and not being like super horny but being more like h o r n y … am i making sense?)
Setting the scene, you two are at home, both have a day off but it’s kind of raining so any of your plans are ruined. At this point it’s at around 10 am, not early, not late. You have missed each other and both have made it obvious but you are both in a very tired state so you opt for something not too much.
Plain and simple missionary is what goes around this time, Ethan on top just holding your legs around his waist,, going at a pretty medium pace.
“It’s a pity the weather is bad today,” says Ethan staring out the window.
“I know, we were going to go to the beach… I’m bummed about it,” you say, short of breath as the man continues his pace fucking you.
“Mhm, true. But this is better, amore, no? I’ve missed you so much,” he breaths out the last part, moans interrupting his words.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does that pretty often, especially if you are not around to help. Sometimes it’s because of you that he needs to. I would def see him exchanging naked pics with you and at first he does that to tease you but he ends up teased when he sees a video you sent of you masturbating.
Bets that he’d be taking photos and vids of you fucking on occasion so he goes to these when he misses you on tour.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
As I mentioned previously I see Ethan to be a brat tamer. That I see to be the main kink that kind of works around everything else.
“Can you stop this, slut? It has gotten exhausting. I told you no noise but here you are,” he ordered, looking down at you trembling below his finger tips.
His face was quite stoic, voice never wavering from the strict and cold tone he tended to have when scolding you on the daily. Most times it was leaving a cup out of the sink but this time the scolding came from misbehaving. As if it was not enough that he was punishing you for being a brat and riling him up all morning, now you had to disobey orders. It was getting to him for sure.
“I’m sorry daddy,” you whisper, Ethan seeming satisfied with the response.
“Aw, why so tame puppy, now you decide to be nice?” His tone stayed the same, his words imitating a joke but the whole ordeal was not even close to it.
Now as for other kinks (did I open a site because I could not think? yes, shut up), as a result of being a brat tamer dom there are some few more kinks accompanying specifically that. He is def into bondage, both tying you up but also being tied up on occasion.
“Puppy, I have told you that is not a way to treat me. Untie me,” he says calmly, wrists tied on the headboard of the bed, eyes fixated to you.
“Well, why not? You do it all the time,” you whine, placed on all fours, facing Ethan as you lean towards him on your hands, “I want in on the fun.”
If only he was not tied… Ethan’s mind was already going places, figuring out exactly how he would punish you after you untie him -or after he escapes the restrains, whatever comes first. You knew that, very well - in all honestly that was the plan, that is always the plan.
“Amore, let me go. Let me go and your punishment will be tame,” he voiced looking at you, now positioned on top of his lap, touching yourself right then and there.
“I sense you want to be punished puppy, don't you?” You simply nod your head, eyes closed in pleasure.
“You see, the problem is you will not enjoy what I am thinking.”
“Well, get yourself off now that you can, cause after I get my hands on you… You’re not getting to cum for days, amore.”
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, anywhere. I can see him having a preference to the luxury of either of your houses or a hotel room but if you push his buttons just right, some restaurant’s bathroom it is.
why can i imagine him having sex at a weeding venue’s bathroom….. omg…..
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Honestly, both. I feel like he would be extremely good at giving it, but would never opposed to receiving
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He’s ok with them but he doesn’t love them, ya know?
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.
Is surely try to do new things but it will always depends on what it is.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Come on. This goes without saying. He is a drummer for a living. He can surely go on for long…
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I def feel like he has a fair amount of toys. Some for himself, some for you… He looooves using them to punish you.
(small mention to my last fic little puppet)
“Beautiful, puppy! You have been doing so good for us, taking your punishment so well, but we are not done yet.” A buzz sound is what concerned the girl, eyes widening at the toy.
It was a small remote virator, imitating sucking on the clit. The drummer placed the girl over his knees, stuffing the toy between his leg and her clit, shocking the sensitive bud. “I think you can take a few more spanks,” said the man, landing one at the expanse of her thigh, the skin giggling at the contact.
“Damiano, count,” ordered the assertive man, seeing his friend kneel in front of Y/N, kissing her and then doing as he was told.
“I think we were left on twenty-three. Twenty four,” he began, counting all the way to forty before the ordeal was over.
The whole time Y/N was shaking, just about to fall off the edge, asking for permission to cum but her wishes were not granted just yet. She was exhausted, overstimulated, frustrated, and now unable to move on her own. But, oh man did she need more. The two men were more than willing to assist her.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
A ton! It’s his specialty. Maybe one of his most common punishments is edging and teasing. He can drag it on for days
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is not very loud but is surely encouraging you to be.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Will Graham x reader, slight Hannibal Lecter x reader
Word Count: 2.2k 
Warnings: talks of murder, corpses, crime scenes 
Author’s Note: besties you need to stop giving me freedom to chose the endings because i am SO biased. I hope you all enjoy regardless and didn’t mind that I bunched these two requests together because they’re so similar! 
Requested: by anon, Hey i don’t know if you’re still taking Hannibal requests but if you are can you do something where both Will and Hannibal have a crush on the reader? The reader would be the only one who doesn’t know about the two men having a crush on her and one day the reader hangs out alone with one of them (could be Will or Hannibal) and the other gets jealous? It could end in the reader choosing one of them. (your choice)
Requested: by anon, AHHH i’m so nervous to write a request even tho this a anon😅 I never done a request but if you could do something where both Hannibal and Will take an interest in the reader? It could just be a thing where both of them try to impress the reader who remains oblivious to their affections. And during the entire thing they get jealous of each other and try to one up each other in gifts. If you want you could end it with them being polyamorous or the reader choosing one of them, i don’t really care my main focus id just the jealousy lol😅
Summary: the requests! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You nodded gently, putting your fingernail between your teeth. You circled the corpse, giving it a careful eye as Beverly spoke over your thoughts. 
“We believe it was murder, obviously,” she said. 
“It’s just been a bitch trying to figure out how she was murdered,” Zeller commented. He was sitting on one of the stools, his hands resting on his thighs. 
“Keep working on it,” Jack said, hand resting on the cold metal table. 
“I think we should try and talk to the mom again. I feel like she knows more than she’s letting on,” you muttered. Will and Hannibal watched you as you moved to the head of the body, looking directly down at it. 
“I want to go to the crime scene again,” Will said. You looked up and met his eyes, nodding a bit. You knew the toll that it took on him so you preferred him to offer up his abilities, rather than ask him. 
“Are you sure you’re up for that?” Hannibal asked. Yours and Will’s eyes floated to Hannibal who was standing at the corner of the room. This wasn’t his crime, he wasn’t sure what Will would find. 
“I’m sure,” Will said sturtly and then turned around, walking out of the room. Hannibal watched as your gaze followed Will until he was out of sight and then you turned back to the corpse. 
“I’ll drive you to the mothers house,” Hannibal suggested. You nodded and took your hands off the metal, walking over to him.
“Thank you.” 
The two of you left quickly after that, leaving Bev, Zeller, Price and Jack in the room alone. Beverly pretended to check something on her clipboard before looking up at everyone.
“You all felt that tension too, right?” Overlapped responses came.
“When did that happen?” 
Beverly shrugged and learned against the wall. She tried to follow you and Hannibal as you left the morgue but you were already long gone.
“Who do you think she’s gonna pick?” Bev asked. 
“I say let the best man win!” Price commented. 
“We have a case here lady and gentlemen,” Jack said, pretending he too wasn’t invested. Everyone else shared one more look and then turned around, getting back to their duties. 
Hannibal sat promptly in his chair, legs crossed and looking at Will who sat across from him. Will had an open stance as he looked around the room he had been in a couple of times before. 
“How was your week? Let’s start there,” Hannibal said gently, prompting Will to start talking. Will was usually filled to the brim with sarcastic comments but he never wanted to delve any deeper than that. Unless he was talking about other people's murders. 
“Um, it was fine,” he said, trying to figure out what to say. “Y/N came over last night and made dinner. It was nice to have someone over.” Hannibal was able to mask his feelings very well but Will caught a little bit of disdain. 
“That’s nice. Do you see her often?” 
“Sometimes. She’s nice and likes to see the dogs.” Hannibal saw you yesterday as well, when the two of you went to interview the mother again. Hannibal offered a nice face to the woman and it ended up getting you somewhere with her. 
“She is very kind,” Hannibal commented. 
“Do you see her often Dr. Lecter?” Will asked. 
“On occasion. She comes over for dinner. She used to be a patient but she’s been doing well.”
“Glad to hear you have some success stories.” 
That was the day that Will and Hannibal realized they were competing and they hadn’t known it. They weren’t even sure that you knew it but they understood that the other had feelings for you. 
Sure, ultimately it was up to you in the end but it was then they decided they would have to get to you first. Will was a little unhinged and confused. Hannibal was a little insane and unsettling. 
Just depended on who was going to be able to play the right cards. 
You sat beside Hanniabl at his dinner table. You had a few of the case papers out in front of you, next to your plate of food. Hannibal was flipping through them as well. He was trying to help you out while also getting you to enjoy a nice meal. 
You ate the last bite of the food and showed Hannibal one of the pictures. 
“Do you think this looks like she’s been dead for a couple of months? I know water can wash away evidence and stuff but it definitely doesn’t look like she’s been dead for months,” you said. Hannibal took the picture from you and looked it over. 
“I can’t say I disagree with you.” You took the picture back.
“This is really good by the way. Thank you for letting me intrude on your dinner,” you said laughing a bit. He shook his head. 
“Of course. I’m glad you enjoy it, I know it can be an acquired taste.” 
“I really enjoy everything you make. How do you say it? It’s growing my pallet,” you said smiling. He nodded pleasantly. It was always nice to make sure people were listening. You looked like you were about to say something else when your phone dinged. At first you ignored it but then it dinged again. “I’m sorry,” you muttered and then picked up the phone. You read a couple of messages and laughter bubbled from your mouth. Hannibal immediately felt a stab of jealousy but it didn’t show on his face. “Sorry, Will just sent me something about the case. I actually have to go see him later tonight, I should probably get out of your hair.” 
Hannibal shook his head. 
“You’re always welcome here, I hope you know that.” You smiled and nodded but still put the papers together in a neat stack.
“Don’t say that, I’ll abuse my privileges.” You stood up and put the stack of papers in your arms. “Thank you again Hannibal. I’ll call you?” He nodded, standing up as well and taking your plate. 
“Of course. Have a nice night and say hello to Will for me.” You nodded and waved as you turned to leave. 
Hannibal turned to the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. He started to wash them and after a moment he found he had been washing his hands dry. 
“You really didn’t have to drive me. I can drive myself,” Will said from the passenger seat of your car. You waved him off, shaking your head. 
“Please Will, I can drive you around all I want. Plus, I wanted to see Hannibal anyway. Don’t worry I won’t intrude on your session. I brought a book.” You held your book up in front of him and he nodded slightly. 
Why did you wanna see Hannibal? He decided not to ask. 
You got out of the car and followed Will inside to Hannibal’s office. Hannibal opened the door, as though he had been listening and waiting for your arrival. His smile grew at the sight of you. 
“I was hoping to run into you. I boxed some leftovers from last night because you enjoyed them so much,” Hannibal explained. 
“You went over to Hannibals’ last night?” Will asked. He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so accusatory but it did. You shrugged.
“I went for dinner and he helped me with some case notes.” You remained completely oblivious to the tension in the room. He handed you a box that he grabbed from his desk and you nodded happily. “Thank you so much! I will cherish this,” you joked. You turned to Will. “Have a nice session boys, I’ll be in the car.” 
  They both nodded and waved goodbye to you as you left the room. The tension did not leave with you. 
The morgue did not smell any better the next time you were in it. You were alone with just Bev this time as you compared notes on the cause of death. She and the guys were still in the process of figuring it out but it had been a busy couple of days.
“Yeah that’s kind of what Price was saying. I don’t know, I’ll look into it more and get back to you,” she said as you showed her some notes. You nodded and put your notepad back in your bag. 
“Alright, keep me posted.” You stood up from your chair and stretched a bit. You and Beverly were pretty good friends outside of work as well so she had been dying to ask you about Hannibal and Will.
“So...how’s it going with Hannibal and Will?” she asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. You gave her a confused look.
“Huh?” She scoffed.
“You’re kidding right?” You gave her a look and she laughed dryly. “You seriously don’t know? Those guys are head over heels for you. Come on, you had to have noticed how jealous they get when you talk to them. It literally fills the room with tension,” she explained. You shook your head slowly. It took you a moment but the realization hit you. You had to sit back down. 
“Oh my God, I’ve been so head first in this case I didn’t even notice,” you said, laughing a bit.
“Well! Who’s gonna take the cake? Come on, we’re running bets here in the morgue.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Who did you bet on?” She gave you a look. “Come on!” 
“Will,” she fessed up. You stood up. 
“Go get your money Katz.” A prideful look went over her face and she nodded. 
“Alright then. You better go get your man.” 
You knocked on Will’s door that night. You teetered back and forth on the porch, wondering if Beverly had been wrong. She could have read the signs wrong. Heck, you read the signs wrong at first. You were about to walk off the porch when Will opened the door, rubbing his eyes. 
“Hi,” he said, blinking quickly.
“Oh my gosh did I wake you? I’m sorry, I am running on case time,” you said, suddenly feeling very apologetic. He shook his head. 
“No, don’t worry about it. Do you need something?” You doubted yourself again but figured that if you were going to do it you had to do it now. 
“I just...Beverly said something and I...do you wanna go to dinner? Like together? Like as a couple?” You were trying to get the words out so they didn’t sound awkward. Will rubbed his eyes some more and then his hand dropped. He smirked a bit. 
“Yeah. I would really like that.” 
“Okay! Okay. Good, good. I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow once you get some rest,” you said. He nodded happily. 
“I look forward to it.” 
“Me too.” 
You turned around and he shut the door and a wall away from each other. You were both smiling wildly. Will almost called Hannibal and bragged but he went to sleep. He would find out eventually. 
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