#i do not ship it whatsoever. it's a notp for me.
keikakudori · 2 years
It's time to make a deal with Aizen to separate Shinji from Kisuke to prevent the possible hook up. Aizen can keep Shinji, he can keep Kisuke. How about that?
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murder is, to some, a rather ugly word -- a word that has not stopped him before now. no, not even remotely. murder is something which burns through his thoughts in the wake of that night, directed towards the disheveled seeming captain. murder is something that he fantasizes about; be it wrapping his hands around that throat, or of slamming that head over and over and over into a wall until the skin splits and the skull fractures and leaves red and pink froth and mush everywhere, perhaps instead burying his blade in those guts and slowly cutting him open until his entrails and organs slide out in glossy crimson wetness. how he wants to see those eyes glazing over with death, filmed and graying, wants to put his thumbs in them. perhaps most people would have been disturbed by the vermilion thoughts, but not he. no, not he at all. such are his thoughts where urahara kisuke is concerned, an irritable antipathy bent towards the man who was proffered advice from a man who has never looked at him the way aizen wishes him to. how can his captain not see how dangerous that man is? how can hirako shinji, who watches him with such distrust beneath that placid nature, offer advice to a man that makes aizen's hackles rise --- not out of threat but out of the understanding of the danger he represents. but then -- hirako shinji does not know what aizen sousuke does. he does not know about the hogyoku that was crafted by the shaggy-haired blonde. he does not know that this man's hands are not clean. where did the fodder for urahara kisuke's hogyoku come from? aizen suspects, strongly, that it was the maggot's nest which was used to feed his. he suspects, acutely, that perhaps the man did what aizen himself has been doing. that he harvested from the rukongai. yet, aizen smiles politely whenever he sees the captain. he is nothing to speak of. just the calm, polite, diffident lieutenant of the gobantai. he is no threat. not he, not aizen sousuke, golden child of the seireitei. not he, the young man who handles so much of the administrative duties for the division while his captain goes off and drinks or ignores the paperwork. it is known throughout the seireitei that if one has business with the fifth division, one should ever go to him first. and with a smile and a kind word, he will be glad to help others. though what is less widely known is that aizen quietly collects favors to be paid back later. but if he were to ever see his captain's eyes turning towards him -- if he were to ever witness more than what seemed sympathizing from one captain with another about their so-called burdens ( hardly. he is perpetually shackled to his desk, mounds of papers somehow migrating from the glossy varnish-stained top of shinji's desk to his own and waiting for aizen to pay attention to the sheafs of documents. his captain's way of trying to keep his lieutenant contained, controlled; it doesn't work. ), if he were to ever witness something more than shared commiseration between them --... would there ever be a body left to be discovered?
probably not. let his captain stare at him with that mistrust if it were to come to that. let hirako shinji's suspicion choke him, boil in him; he would never be able to prove anything. and if needs be? aizen would gladly intervene with them. he would willingly, gladly, disrupt everything between them if he was capable of it. but never would he permit those hands to set themselves upon his captain. urahara kisuke was not a man worthy of touching the sun. so yes --- he would keep his captain. and that man could keep away from his captain; he would never be worthy of him. so aizen would remain there at his captain's side, ready to turn his ire towards the other blonde if he must to keep them apart. ever and always; if wolf he was for his captain, then wolf he would remain. urahara kisuke's eyes should turn away from what did not belong to him; aizen would never permit someone so unworthy near his captain in that regard. so if he must bare his fangs one day to ensure that the man would understand that he was of no place to ever touch the golden-haired captain of the fifth division, then he would indeed do so. he would gladly do his very best to keep him away. for his captain was just that -- his. and aizen sousuke was ever awful about sharing, possessive bastard that he was.
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funishment-time · 4 months
can i get Kazuichi for the ask game?
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kazoo itchy
Sexuality Headcanon: kazuichi is quite possibly the Franchise's Greatest Bisexual. he loves hot chicks, truly. he also doesn't realize that giving your bro a little Speedo is extremely homosexual. in a perfect world, he'd be about equal on men and women; for most of the franchise in general, even if he realized the extent of his Speedo Disease, he'd think he likes women more. think being the key word. and we all know how good our boy is at Thinking
Gender Headcanon: oh, this one is TOUGH. no matter what, i can tell you, he's not Cis in my mind. not whatsoever. he has too many "do you ever just think about being a Girl?" "fucking no. no one knows what you're talking about Soda" moments canonically. dude wants the maid outfit. dude wants a dress. whether or not that's All The Time is up to him, and would depend on the Timeline anyway.
almost paradoxically, i also dabble in the idea that he's a transguy. that's a Fun One too.
nonetheless, not a Cis Guy. at all
A ship I have with said character: i don't hate him with Gundham, Nekomaru, or Hajime. i have also jokingly shipped him with Akane for the ha ha funni after reading it as a throwaway line in a fic once. but mostly i don't ship him too hard with anyone as, to me, he has a lot of Soul-Searching to do before he settles down.
A BROTP I have with said character: i love that he becomes a big brother to Jataro in Summer Camp. i also love the idea of him, Chihiro, and Miu making the most dysfunctional Engineering Family(?) on earth. i could watch a whole Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! type anime with them. three types of autism uranium fusing together to create Nuclear Autism. Spikechun you can have that one
A NOTP I have with said character: not a fan of him with Sonia in any way, shape, or form even if he gets his act together. not even as part of a throuple or poly sitch. sorry Kazoo
A random headcanon: he loves playing with Legos and K'nex sets. also, less wholesome, a lot of DR1's executions are his work.
General Opinion over said character: 🔧/10 used to dislike him, now consider him one of my favorite failsons. Please Be Worse
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sammisafetypin · 1 month
Curious about O'saa for the character ask!
O’saa!! This one was fun to think about
Sexuality Headcanon: Mmmmmmmmm. Gay. Definitely gay. I couldn’t tell you exactly why I believe this but I don’t think he’s interested in girls whatsoever. In general sees himself as ‘above’ romance but will flirt on the occasion just because it’s fun. I can’t really see him actually desiring a long-term relationship. Aro-gay maybe?
Gender Headcanon: Cis but like. Only by technicality. Do you understand what I mean? Cis in the way that he’s enlightened far past gender to the point that he has no reason to care about changing it. Cis in the way that you could call him literally anything and he’d probably respond to it because he just literally could not care less. Gender is so inconsequential to him. Do you understand me.
A ship I have with said character: O’saa/Daan is really fun! In their party talks there’s several points where O’saa is borderline flirting with him and it’s like. Can I actually fucking help you? I think Daan would think O’saa is handsome enough to flirt back with as well, even though neither of them are really going anywhere with this. Also, they’re both tops which is very tragic. They have to do like, dick Tetris to get anything done here and it’s kind of a whole thing.
A BROTP I have with said character: I think that he and Karin would make a REALLY funny dynamic. I don’t even think they’d necessarily get along. I think they would not be able to fucking stand each other actually. But O’saa finds it enriching so he just keeps engaging anyways. Beyond that, I think that he could get along well with Marina? Her brashness should irritate him but he comes around to respecting it and they have like, Squidward Chat about which gods are chill and which ones are cringe.
A NOTP I have with said character: Mmmmm, I dunno? I don’t especially care for him and Abella, especially since he’s gay in my book, but I wouldn’t say I HATE it. It’s definitely something a good enough fic could make me come around to. I just don’t really get it and haven’t really thought hard enough to get it. Just not a ship I really bother with.
A random headcanon: He collects books regardless of whether he likes them or not. He has like, easily over 1000 books at this point and they are all sorted by quality, even the ones he hasn’t actually read yet. He has a system going on here and he can find any book you ask him for he just has to remember whether or not he cared about it. Most of them he doesn’t.
General Opinion over said character: O’saa is a character I honestly feel bad I haven’t given more thought to! He’s super interesting, and on top of that, he’s easily the funniest character in the game. Imagine being #1 hater in the Termina festival coming here to WIN like you’re on Chopped you also have a floating head who is an even bigger hater than you are and calls you slurs. Imagine that. There’s also a lot to be said about the very concept of yellow mages and how interesting it is to have one as an established, fleshed-out character, but I’m not sure I understand it enough to actually discuss that in depth. Either way, he’s really cool and pretty funny too! Awesome guy.
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lizzardthing · 8 months
Crinkly Wrinkly HEADCANONS please king.
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another character i do not know. actually i dontthink ive ever seen him so i did a VERY quick skim of the first page of google bc i genuinely had no idea what this guy is lmao
Sexuality Headcanon: he looks gay but homophobic
Gender Headcanon: i think that’s a man but i don’t see any sexual characteristics whatsoever besides the beard so it could just be a purple guy idk like barney
A ship I have with said character: i read that he is from sonic so i ship him with sonic
A BROTP I have with said character: what are other sonic characters. i’ve never played a sonic game in my whole life. the yellow one?
i googled him he’s Tails
A NOTP I have with said character: mr egg man
A random headcanon: i think he’s distantly related to the simpsons idk why
General Opinion over said character: i think he’s cool i would hang out with him. i like that he’s purple and has big teeth, i love characters with big teeth and he kinda reminds me of ice king as well who i love
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mrslittletall · 4 months
Zasp for the character thing!
Send me a character
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: I know trans Zasp is a really popular headcanon but I don't adhere to it. To me he is just a giscender wasp. Of course there is nothing wrong with the trans headcanon ^^ Also, do bugs even do gender like we do?
A ship I have with said character: Zasp/Kabbu. You know why, Panda, because we came up with it together. Basically, in a scenario where Zasp finally leaves Mothiva's side and is getting picked up by Team Snakemouth, he and Kabbu grow a lot closer...
A BROTP I have with said character: Zasp & Team Snakemouth basically. He can be a really good friend to the team, especially to Leif and Vi if he starts to date Kabbu.
A NOTP I have with said character: Zasp/Mothiva. One of the rare instances where I actually don't enjoy the toxicity of the "canon" ship. He really deserves better than this Mega Bitch who does no growth whatsoever.
A random headcanon: He sleeps with the Mothiva doll each night. If he starts to date Kabbu it might change into a Green Ranger plush because of how similar they look.
General Opinion over said character: Well, at first I was thinking "What a jerk and what a simp" but he really grew on me over the course of the game. It is pretty clear that he actually cares about others and wants to help and will repay debts, it is just that he is too blind for Mothiva and strangely loyal to her. That is why I wish that he would notice what an awful person she is to him and find better friends.
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
just wanted to say that your charlos tags on the notp post were a WHOLE ASS MOOD
like i can't deny the chemistry because i'd have a lifetime supply of smoothies from the level of 🍓🍊🍌🥝🍇 in those c2 videos. but i just cannot indulge in it whatsoever
i can't even point to a specific moment that turned me from 'oh they have a fun teammate dynamic!' to a full-blown hater ('hater' is a bit strong but close enough) but it must've been something to do with the fans...
anyways, just wanted to express my gratitude for those tags. nice to know that i'm not alone
darling anon!! thank you so much for this ask - and oh, bestie, you are definitely not alone. you are so not alone, and i am actually hugging you rn, because it's always fab to find someone who agrees with your ship opinion 👌 sorry to the charlos fans out there, but it just can't be for us. #rip
and that third paragraph of yours - ah, man, i feel you so much. i also used to genuinely enjoy their teammate dynamic a lot (loved watching the c2 challenges, etc etc.) and i also can't quite point to a specific moment when this changed? but i do know the general themes about it, and since i had an incredibly long exhausting day at work today, i'm quite in the mood to rant about them. i will do so under the cut, though, lmao, because goodness knows i'm in a petty mood tonight.
any and all passionate charlos or just carlos sainz fans - please do not click on the readmore, because i'm not going to be terribly nice to your fav here, i'm afraid 🙃
so for me, when i first got into f1, it wouldn't have been inaccurate to say that i kinda loved carlos sainz. i loved the carlando/mclaren videos, and i loved the c2 challenges. he's funny, and he's pretty, and he has a cute dog, and he drives for ferrari... what more could you want?
the thing is, though. i am a charles girlie first and foremost. even though i liked carlos, he was never on the same level as charles for me. especially not in terms of driving - because, well, just look at the start of the 2022 season. enough said.
what started getting to me was that group of passionate carlos fans (the carlos girlies) who seemed to seriously think that carlos is a better driver than charles. they would slander charles and call him an inconsistent/reckless driver, while saying carlos was so much better. obviously, this rubbed me up quite the wrong way. and then at the same time, i was seeing carlos on my screen giving interviews where he would insist that if he'd had a few more laps, he would have overtaken max's red bull. like... i'm sorry, but that was never going to happen. in any world. pffft. (my thoughts at this point went: arrogant! he thinks he's better than he actually is.)
so that got me to like carlos himself a little less, which obviously has an influence on the ship as a whole. i mean, it would be hard to like a ship if you only really like one of the two partners in it, right? right? this is what i've always thought, anyway... except that a lot of charlos shippers seem to like carlos a lot more than charles. which is to say: in so many of their fics/characterisations, it's all glorifying carlos, while charles is essentially his arm candy with all the character depth of a rather pretty paper cutout. less than ideal...
the last thing, and perhaps the pettiest of all, lmao, is just that i'm incredibly possessive and insane about piarles. i acknowledge it. in fact, i fully own it. they are my ship, and i want them and only them to be endgame, always. now, obviously i don't expect everyone to agree with me 😂😂 but i don't particularly want to be seeing any content on my dash that features charles/anyone other than pierre as an endgame ship. and charlos usually is portrayed as an endgame ship/they're meant for each other etc. etc. well, sorry. to me, charles is meant for pierre, and pierre only. charlos is out. the end 🫶
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Can I ask you a Ship ask game?Albert/Louis; Sherlock/John; Bond/ Miss Hundson
I have another ask for Bond/Miss Hudson so I'll answer the first two here and tag you in the one where I answer that one!
I'm going to go with Don't Ship It for both Albert/Louis and Sherlock/John, but like most pairings in this series, it's a very loose No. To bring back an old fandom term, my only personal NOtps in this series are the bio sibling pairs. So like, I probably could enjoy either of these ships if someone tempted me with a really good fic, they just don't call to me particularly.
Don’t Ship It - Albert/Louis
Why don’t you ship it?
They don't interact all that much really, and even if they did I think their connection would lack a lot of what makes a ship interesting to me. Sherliam and Mycal are fun for the whole cat-and-mouse dance of manipulation and scheming, and in Sherliam's case particularly, for their playful delight in each other. Albert/William intrigues me with its angst potential: the pseudo-religious pedestal Al puts Will on, their mutual desire to die, the way it's like...they hate what they've made of each other while also loving each other. I don't think Albert/Louis would necessarily have any of that. Louis is the most practical and grounded and the least suicidal of the three, so I guess it's just...not dramatic enough for me? 😅 Again, that could be flavoured by how hard a time I have shipping Louis with anyone. I'm not saying he's boring: I adore Louis. In fact, maybe what I'm really saying is that he's interesting enough on his own: he doesn't need to be paired off in my mind.
What would have made you like it?
Louis being a little crazier maybe? He gets kinda scary with the knives, but I always feel like he's ultimately very much in control of himself (with the possible exception of around Sherlock, which is probably why that ship has managed to win me over). It's like I want my ships to either be Really Sweet Actually...OR Horrifyingly Destructive *cough*Hannigram*cough* and I think shipping between any combination of the Moriarthree almost automatically needs to lean towards the latter, so I'm gonna need them to be hella unstable in order to ship them. 😅
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I mean, maybe Louis could be really good for Albert. A voice of reason and caution and hope. But he can be all those things as his brother too, and in this particular case I think that's the way I prefer it.
Don’t Ship It - Sherlock/John
Why don’t you ship it?
Weirdly, I've just...never really shipped Johnlock? Admittedly I haven't consumed a lot of adaptations, but...I didn't get super into it in the books, I could never really figure out why people shipped it in BBC Sherlock *collective horrified gasp, sounds of torches being lit and pitchforks being lifted in the distance* and the other adaptations I've seen now and again never really won me over to it either. The only notable exception is the RDJ/Jude Law versions. Those two had CHEMISTRY. *dreamy sigh* Anyway, I guess I'm usually a fan of Johnlock as either the best of besties or like...queerplatonic life partners? Which I guess is a form of shipping too!
What would have made you like it?
John being less straight? LOL no shade whatsoever to anyone else's interpretation of the character, but I just don't really headcanon this version as being anything but straight.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Their friendship is wonderful. John is such a good influence on Sherlock, and contributes in so many beautiful ways to his character development. They are necessary in each other's lives. They have a deep and powerful love, and I think I sometimes don't appreciate it enough. I personally see it as a platonic love, but all of those things are certainly also a good foundation for a ship.
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robotslenderman · 1 year
Pls do Wendy, cock robin and calebros pls
favorite thing about them Will Jack Sparrow her way through shit. Has poor impulse control. Ballsy. No survival instinct whatsoever. Makes her a blast to write.
least favorite thing about them This doesn't really spotlight until the RS sequel fic (although it does show up in RS), but she puts her own needs above her principles. Even though she did eventually speak up about the Kennels in RS, it took her ten years to get there, and she never once tried to strike out on her own. She's afraid of being lonely, of being on her own, of dramatic change, and in her next fic that's going to show up and test her big time. And she is going to fail that test. She angsts a lot about being a good person but, deep down, she does not want to be. In the City that Never Sleeps she joins the bad guys who murdered someone she knew. Pre-RS she never left the Warren despite the Kennels deeply distressing her, until she had something else lined up. And in the upcoming fic she's close friends with a guy who's done some pretty bad shit and... does nothing, bc she misses him when he's not there.
favorite line I honestly can't be bothered to check. XD
brOTP I love her dynamic with Thomas Arturo. Whenever I start writing them in a scene together they just bounce off each other and have the best banter. I have to cut so much of it out bc it's mostly just blatant self indulgence lmao. Gerard Rafin is a VERY close second. She'd do well as platonic life partners with either of them tbh.
OTP Despite the chemistry she has with quite a few characters there's never been a romantic connection that's really jumped out at me. I mean, I ship her and Thomas romantically too, but only because their platonic chemistry is so great. The romantic aspect takes a backseat and doesn't hold a candle to it.
nOTP I love her and Gerard and I know people ship it like hell but for some reason whenever I consider the possibility of it when writing Wendy just gets super squicked out. I don't even know why.
random headcanon In a daemon AU, she has a ferret as a daemon: absolutely batshit insane, no attention span except when she's hyperfocusing on something that will probably kill her, constantly gets into shit she shouldn't.
unpopular opinion It's not unpopular YET but she's not nearly as ethical as RS paints her to be, and ohhh boy I'm hoping I don't get too much backlash for that in the sequel fic :X
song i associate with them Clubbed to Death -- The Matrix OST
favorite picture of them Alas, there is none.
I was getting deja vu then realised it was because you'd already send CR and Calebros in before and I never finished the draft for that, so here we go:
Cock Robin
favorite thing about them
Disabled Justicar. Badass. VTM isn't exactly known for its equity.
least favorite thing about them
Obsessed with Anarchs. We all need our hobbies I guess.
favorite line
Out of the ones I wrote for him?
"[Calebros] never learned to be a real Nosferatu because he’d never learned to be human."
I love him and his baby sister okay
@orodrethsgeek ships him with her OC Jay, the vampiric equivalent of that black bird that dances for its mate, and I love them
Can't think of any.
random headcanon
He's either very flappable or very *un*flappable. No in between.
unpopular opinion
I barely know of any opinions on the guy
song i associate with them
There's a scene I wrote with him and Wendy in the last chapter of the fic and when I was playing it I was listening to this on repeat:
The End -- Hans Zimmer, The Dark Knight Rises OST
favorite picture of them'
Absolutely ADORE this one:
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He just happens to be a normal dude whose face is Like That. I love it, I love the cigarette, I love how he looks so thoughtful with a face that can't even make facial expressions, it's so humanising.
favorite thing about them
Not a complete dick. It's a low bar but most Kindred have shovels.
least favorite thing about them
Gerard Rafin's right, this guy does think too much and do too little.
favorite line
One I wrote, where Gerard said something in French and Calebros went, "did he tell me to shut up?"
(Yes. He did.)
Don't have one.
Don't have one. Tho I'd be interested to plonk him in a scene with Aisling, I think they'd get along well.
Don't have one.
random headcanon
Canon acts as if he turned out fine but the Kennels screwed him up far more than he or anyone around him realises, and is a big part of the reason he's so passive.
unpopular opinion
I find him a bit dull, but I don't think that's a bad thing for him to be as a character. I wouldn't change that about him.
song i associate with them
None in particular.
favorite picture of them
I genuinely find this one funny:
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
Got a hunnihawk fic im working on and I vaguely know where I want it to go. But the biggest problem is Erin. Like hawkeye and Bj are going to be together in the end in Maine. But how the fuck do I get Bj to leave Erin behind.
The only thing I can think of is peg being homophobic after somehow finding out her husband is “one of them” and I don’t want peg to be homophobic.
Also don’t want peg to be into hawkeye too ?
Like Bj chooses Hawk in the end. But like how to chose love of your life when you have a child ???
Idk the solution will come to me but any ideas are welcome. Also just wanted to vent a little
Hi, anon. I'm flattered that you came to me to vent and you're welcome to continue to do so!
I've thought about this too and you won't like the conclusion I came up with: BJ would not go to Maine to be with Hawkeye. He would not leave Erin behind. If he did, I would not root for him, but I really do believe it would be OOC anyway.
I definitely don't like the idea of Peg being homophobic. If BJ were at all open about being with Hawkeye, though, he would probably lose the right to see Erin anyway, without Peg necessarily having to initiate it.
I am not sympathetic to "choosing the love of your life" when you have a child. I believe that BJ chose to have a child and in doing so made a commitment as a parent and that comes first.
Unfortunately, I don't really think I can help you with this, because to say I don't ship hunnihawk would be the understatement of the century. Hunnihawk is my NOTP. Even if I thought BJ was in love with Hawkeye, which I emphatically do no, I do not think he would choose Hawkeye over Erin and I would not support him doing that. I also think BJ is 100% straight, though I can accept BJ being attracted to men in fics, I do not find gay BJ believable. The only romantic relationship I'm really interested in exploring for BJ is his canon on with Peg. Even saying all of that, I'd still believe BJ was in love with Hawkeye before I would ever believe Hawkeye was in love with BJ. I'm probably the biggest hunnihawk hater in this fandom. I was frankly shocked by how popular it was. I knew it would exist because I have experience with slash shipping, but in my opinion they have no romantic chemistry whatsoever. Though I've read hunnihawk in the past, I no longer do.
I am friends with some lovely people who do ship hunnihawk, so like I said before, I'm happy to continue to be a place to vent or to talk. Good luck with your story!
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kuradoberijam · 1 year
Yata M~I~S~A~K~I~
I was waiting for something like this! Now I get to display my psychotic attachment in full view on this blog with no regrets!
 Sexuality Headcanon:
I don’t feel like classifying him as strictly gay or strictly bi really does him justice. He definetly likes men but his internalized homophobia is kicking him into the dirt on a daily basis.
Gender Headcanon:
Transmasc he/they. He probably takes off his binder every day and gets jumpscared by the fact that he has boobs still attached.
A ship I have with said character:
If you’ve been following me long enough you already know that I’m a Sarumi/Misaru enjoyer.
A BROTP I have with said character:
My knee jerk response is that Kamamoto is his most loyal bro but a more unconventional choice I think has potential is that I could see him getting along with Doumyoji.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Misaki and Mikoto. Sorry. It’s just not my cup of tea whatsoever for a whole host of reasons I don’t feel like getting into.
A random headcanon:
We’re going for a very controversial music taste one. I feel like he enjoys 90s rap and also whatever the hell Pierce the Veil is. I have gotten in debates with my friends over this and I regret absolutely nothing.
General Opinion over said character:
He’s like the most interesting bug pinned to my corkboard squirming in fear and from the moment I remembered he existed, the cogs in my brain did the thing that they do and I decided that I simply had to have him.
He is genuinely one of the best developed characters in K Project and I say this unironically. He often gets boils down to just being a hotheaded skater but if you pay any attention at all to his character you realize why he is the way he is and how his whole world view gets deconstructed. Yata is attention hungry and he latches on to people because as a kid he felt the need to be his mom‘s protector and then felt replaced when she got remarried and had Minoru and Megumi. He wanted to believe that there were heroes in this world and wanted to become one himself and this leads to him having latched onto Fushimi and then Mikoto.
He never stopped caring about Fushimi he just fixated on Mikoto and then after Mikoto died, Yata had to see him as an actual person rather than just blindly worship him which was a character arc I really enjoyed seeing. I also liked how he tried not to make the same mistakes with Anna that he did with Mikoto because with Mikoto he just kind of assumed what Mikoto wanted without actually asking but with Anna, Yata is like her big brother and she relies on him in a lot of ways. 
TL;DR I am desperately begging for people to stop seeing Yata as one dimensional and to actually look into his character I cannot keep having these conversations over and over again.
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kazuichikazuichi · 2 years
hello friend :)) how about kaede for the ask game if you’d like to do her!!!
hello!! :))) kaede my beloved, of course i would love to talk about her!!! lots of things to say lots of things to say! i think she might be my favourite v3 girl
least favourite thing about them: literally such a dumb thing but: her bangs. idk why but i ALWAYS draw them the wrong way around, then have to correct my sketch by checking reference pictures lol?? which is so weird bc i love kaede but it just won't stay in my brain. kaede please swap your hair direction for me and me only, thank you
favourite thing about them: i love how positive and encouraging she is! i love how she took up the leader position and tried to keep everyone positive and find a way out in ch1 :) and in terms of gameplay, i just absolutely love ch1's angle with the protagonist being the killer (i know she isn't really, but that's how the chapter functions lol) it was such a unique twist. if i didn't spoil the game for myself (on purpose, like, i just straight up went and read the entire plot on wikipedia right after character interactions and stuff for every game😭😭) i definitely wouldn't have seen it coming. but then going back through it and seeing all the small hints aa i love it
favourite line: i can't remember the exact words but doesn't she say at some point that she wants everyone to be friends when they escape? :) not a voiced line i don't think but she's such a sweetheart
brotp: i am such a sucker for kaito and kaede being friends, my silly lil guys, so silly such bffs. i just love them both and they are both so encouraging and sweet and lovely!! they would high five each other lots
otp: my two favourites are gonna have to beeee tenkaede and kaemaki :) tenkaede for obvious reasons, my silly little lesbians i ADORE them, so perfectly matched for each other!! i love how she calls tenko cute multiple times lol :) it sucks that they're somewhat a rarepair, i wish there was more art and fics of them out there :( i will have to just make them myself lol. then for kaemaki, i knowww it's so silly because saimatsu and kaimaki are so common and im literally just flipping them but....idk, i just much prefer it this way around! :) i like imagining that kaede is the only one who can break maki's shell and get to the vulnerable side of her. and i love their interactions in utdp especially the one including chihiro
notp: as with the kaito ask thing, it isn't a ship i hate at all, just one i dislike more than the average danganronpa fan i think, so no hate if you like it whatsoever!!... saimatsu :') i headcanon kaede as a lesbian so not a massive fan of shipping her with boys anyway personally (okay I've just realised other than rantaro, in literally every character ask post I've answered i headcanon them as gay lol😭 i swear it isn't everyone! justttt quite a lot) and specifically about saimatsu, it's sweet but it just feels so forced, like they didn't wanna give anyone a chance to ship either of them before she died yknow? i love them as friends though :)) <3
random headcanon: she has a little heart shaped pillow on her bed that she cuddles while she sleeps
unpopular opinion: i'm not sure if i really have any for her, hmmm sorry!
a song i associate with them: it has to be clair de lune, right?! :)
favourite picture of them: she is such a sweetheart! comfortin silly little shu!! i love pretty much any picture of her though
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thank you for asking about kaede!!!! :D this was lots of fun!! and for anyone else still curious im happy to answer about more characters :)
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Casey Novak!!
favorite thing about them
her fierceness, how she wears her heart on her sleeve and isn't afraid to break the rules to do what she believes is right.
least favorite thing about them
her fashion sense in the early years. yeesh.
favorite line
THERES SO MANY. uhm... either the "hi, what did i do?" "richie rich and daddy starbucks" "are you an idiot, she's in rehab!"
her & kat tamin would be absolute chaos besties (and tbh grace would be in there too)
rita or alex
olivia, and lort the people who ship her with stabler pls... no...
random headcanon
loves all sorts of animals and creepy crawlies. has no problem with bugs whatsoever. would absolutely be the type of person to have a ridiculous animal as a pet.
unpopular opinion
i think this would just be unpopular through the whole fandom, but she's the best ada.
song i associate with them
oh lort.. i have NO idea.
favorite picture of them
very rude of you to make me choose.. uhm... here's a couple
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theangrypomeranian · 2 years
Zeke because of course!
eeeeee thank you!!
1: sexuality headcanon
demisexual! because I project onto all of my faves in one way or another lol. also it seems like he didn't realize how he felt about Tina until he got to know her more.
2: otp
ZEKINA ZEKINA ZEKINA ALL THE WAY!! I ship them so hard, it's probably not healthy but i don't caaaaaaaaaaaaare!
3: brotp
EVERYONE!! he's friend shaped! lol but my biggest brotp will always be for him and Jimmy Jr., i ADORE their friendship.
4: notp
Tammy. like i get it, but i do not ship it whatsoever. also Louise, the age gap isn't HORRIBLE but it's a personal squik for me.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
this poor kid is ADHD as FUCK, like impulse control is at zero lol. also he's a truck boy through and through and he takes excellent care of his vehicles.
6: favorite line from this character
"I'm the Katniss to your pita bread!" and "I can't wait for the next apocalypse! Get it? Apoca-lips??" also special shout out to "Maybe we should quit doin' this" from the movie lol.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
my impulse control is also basically zero lol. and if we go with my version of him, i also have many issues stemming from my mother!
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
the whole mad pooper thing. like...why. just why.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll! i refuse to accept anything else! he is my baby and i LOVE him!
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Volume 2 Is done! Man this Is the one with my second favorite opening <3 It's just so epic it pumps my blood!
Anyways, thoughts with no order whatsoever!
Emmerald is another of those characters I love to see the progression of. We must protect. Emmerald baby you're insuferable and you deserve the world<3
Burning the candle is the moment <3 that was when we knew. It was also the moment Yang was cemented as my fave and she never stopped being it, props to Barbara for that classroom scene, it holds a special place in my heart.
As a side note, I can't think about Burning the Candle without remembering Explosivesky's Hollywood AU <3 that fanfic is on another level. Even during my angry-about-Penny era, I would read it from time to time because it's that awesome fg
Glynda and Ironwood's talk is one of my favorite scenes in the volume. Honestly, I miss Glynda, Glynda is a badass.
Cardin bullying Velvet makes so little sense after meeting CFVY lmao! Like, you expect me to believe Coco, Yatsuhashi and Fox didn't beat those idiots to a pulp just for existing around her?! How?! How are they alive?!!!
Also while we're on the CFVY note... Coco please step on me, please.
I will keep believing that Summer, Taiyang and Raven were in a poly relationship for the rest of my life, that's just how my brain works. Don't try to change it.
While on the STRQ note... Raven is a bitch but she can also step on me anytime she wants, thank you.
Seriously Penny being a robot being a 'secret' will never not be funny lol!
"I don't really know how to... Girls" Jaune, honey, so true 🙌 me neither honestly.
Neo <3 God how I've missed you you tiny tricolor sociopath! Honestly, she and Roman will be one of my OTPs forever
Also do you guys know Chuuya Nakahara from BSD? Look at him and tell me he is not Roman and Neo's child. Seriously.
Speaking of OTPs, you know what my NOTP for Weiss has always been? Neptune... Like, I'm not part of the 'Weiss is a lesbian' train...but god why is that ship so boring? So glad that never went anywhere
Also I am on the 'Neptune is gay train'... Like... It just makes so much more sense...
The JNPR dance™ Iconic, perfect, just one of the many reasons I was hoping for another Dance/Ball down the line in the story.
Speaking of Iconic: The. Food. Fight. Just that. What a way to start the season.
Watching this volume really makes me miss Pyrrha... Not just her as a character which I do miss she is awesome in every sense BUT HER FIGHTING STYLE!!! God fights with her were always such a treat to the eye!!
James Ironwood, I had so much hope for you, but I get why your story progressed the way it did. The signs were everywhere now that I look into it.
Ozpin's 'I hope they never have to (win a war)' and 'right now they're only children, it's not a role they will have forever' hurt so fucking much...
Jaune has listened to Weiss singing. I feel the unexplicable need to know in which context this happened. Does Weiss sing while studying? Did they had some kind of recital? Did they go karaoke-ing on a missing scene? Is Weiss secretly a popstar who's writting songs about her partners and travels and Jaune owns one of her albums??? Yes I'm still into that dumb headcanon lol.
Jaune wearing a dress:
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I hope more boys wore dresses, boys in dresses are awesome.
ZWEI!!!! Also cat blake lmao
Roman and Cinder scenes were always a treat to watch, look at my two dumb villains who share one single braincell with Neo and she has it 99% of the time. I really had such a great time with villains in the early seasons. Also, once v3 happened Neo took the cell hostage and Cinder hasn't seen it ever since. makes sense.
Yang's dance dress missing it's pattern is another thing that will never not be funny to me lol poor girl was stuck dressed as an extra!
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The Oobleck Zwei combo fight is one of the best things ever lol always one of my favorite parts when watching reactors lol.
Team CFVY, my beloved<3 I hope we get to see more of them in the Vaccuo arc. Bring us the return of Caffeine!!!!!
Weiss' Ice flower to shield the team from the train crash is still one of my favorite moments of her. Weiss excels at the support mage role in her team, and it always delights me seeing her taking care of her team <3 they're the family my girl needed.
I've seen so many critic viewers complain about thr girls leaving Yang fighting Neo because it was clearly a bad match (which doesn't make sense because it literally was the first time we saw her fighting????) But honestly, it wouldn't had made sense any other way. Yang had some kind of personal vendetta against Neo at this point, just like Blake had against Roman. I get the logic conclusions, but characters in the heat of the moment don't usually get to logic conclusions before acting. They are friends, they trust eachother, they had no reason to fight any other way.
I gotta give a shout out to the v2 soundtrack. I love every soundtrack of this series, but v2 is supperb in every sense. Sacrifice is still on my Top3 songs in general (War and Smile being the other 2 and Miracle barely behind). Boop? Amazing, unparalled, that's how you take a beloved character and ship and give them an anthem. Dream come true is just lovely, Jaune, I wished you had seen it sooner... Caffeine? I listened to that song non-stop for a month after I first saw the finale, and it's still that awesome~ All our days holds a very special place in my heart because I used to sing it to my niece to sleep when she was a baby, and it's just the perfect Yang to Ruby song yes I know it's Jeff to Casey and Taiyang to the girls, but it will always be Yang to Ruby for me.
Raven is such an interesting character to me. It's said personality influences semblances or the other way around, and hers is a way to check on her family no matter how far away she is... We're missing so much about her story.
Anyways, that's all for today! Join us next time to take a trip for PTSDland with V3! Damn that Volume seriously traumatized the whole FNDM, and keeps doing it lol
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jinsai-ish · 1 year
for the character asks- al and matt, actually :)
1, 2, 3, let's go!
Alfred - Gay or bi
Matthew - Bi or straight
Gender: Both cis male
Ship: Here we go! Just, keep in mind that old fandom FACE was not necessarily regarded as family, especially in terms of England and France not being considered as parents. In addition, I've always felt that incest as a taboo is a human concept and one that does not necessarily relate to cryptid nations.
THAT SAID, CanAme is my favorite ship. This is AU or in canon. Their dynamic - as brothers or a couple - to me is that they are their truest selves with each other. Matthew becomes more confident, Alfred can allow himself to relax. They're co-dependent for better or worse, which is fun to explore in fic, as a couple or as siblings.
I do enjoy them together both as twincest and as AU not related at all. I also enjoy them just as twins with no slash!
Otherwise, France/America and Canada/Ukraine I enjoy. I like Ivan/Alfred but ONLY AU.
BroTP: *ahem* Each other again. Twins, they've known each other since before they were born. They're tied together by blood, geography, culture, politics, and choice.
Otherwise, Japan and America are besties. Canada is close with Denmark and Netherlands, and I love me some Royal Red bros. Canada is generally closer to the UK as whole while America has closer ties with Ireland, South Italy, and Lithuania.
Mexico either is an older sibling, or at least is like one to them.
NoTP: Canon Russia/America. I just... Can't. Ironically, though I enjoy the twincest, I don't enjoy either of them with England IF England is portrayed as their parent... Not in a healthy relationship anyways. Non-parental Arthur is fine.
Random headcanon:
America/Alfred is baby! Mexico is oldest if a sibling, then Canada is the older of the twins. Canada was settled before America, and Alfred had mad youngest sibling energy. Matthew by the way is 💯 middle child syndrome, or oldest child if not that.
I also can't read Alfred as a top. Bottom, or at most a switch. A complete power bottom to be sure, and an eager one. He likes being desired and craves the attention. Matthew meanwhile is very much a service top (maybe occasional switch). And that's regardless of pairings for both.
Mattie also has the second biggest dick after Ivan. *Evil*
General Opinion: America/Alfred is very much my babygirl. Yes, this is very hypocritical, but while I like to look into other Nation's and their dark sides but not his as much. Like, him personally, not the US overall. That said, please know that this is in no way whatsoever how I think of the US as a country in the real world, and is ONLY the fictional part. As is all of the above really.
Matthew I do love but not on his own. I do NOT like wobbly, moe Canada however. I don't like wobbly-moe period, but I do tend to portray a stronger, more quietly confident Matthew than I think is common.
All in all, my love for Matt is tied to my love for Al, and my love for Alfred knows no bounds.
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fictofaggot · 2 years
u should do roxy and lil hal for that one thing
omg hey
Roxy Lalonde
Sexuality/Gender Headcanon: um ummm... unlabeled trans girl perhaps? gonna be honest idont know enough about her to hc an orientation but ithink she'd be aroacespec and place a lot of emphasis on tertiary attraction
A ship I have with said character: i like janeroxy and callieroxy but in likw an incomprehensible to humans unlabeled relationship way :3 most ships with roxy are cute tho :P
A BROTP I have with said character: idk... her and all of the alpha kids are great ilove her interactions with everyone... hrm... i think she and jade should hang out... i like her interactions with john... etc etc
A NOTP I have with said character: dirkroxy
A random headcanon: i think she'd like myspace and emo stuff? idk... she'd have those cat paw arm sleeve things 🐈
General opinion over said character: she's cool👍i barely paid attention to her whatsoever when i first read homestuck but now that i'm rereading it i like her more:3 i think her femme fatale thing she likes is cool and this is my favorite of her dialogs:
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Lil Hal
Sexuality/Gender Headcanon: not gonna lie i donr think about this aspect of him ever but he is a he/it to me
A ship I have with said character: i don't ship him with anyone really but i think halcal is cute (autism by proxy)
A BROTP I have with said character: god.... ithink he and davesprite should hang out . tbh. i think him and tavros should hang out. his interactions with the other alpha kids are fascinating to me... i particularly love his interactions with dirk but not rlly in the friends way in the sense that they're so fucked up and i think hal should be allowed any kind of revenge he wants and they're so fascinating
A NOTP I have with said character: idk... again idont rlly look at ship content for him so i don't know whats out there?
A random headcanon: he listens to thw most heavily edited earbleeding shit you've ever heard bro drifts off to sleep with bass boosted woman screaming sound effect asmr 10 hours or those videos thats just hours of silence punctuated by the most horrific sounds you've ever heard at random
General opinion of said character: he is So Fucking Cool. he makes me so sad and so angry at dirk and like from a sys standpoint he's soooo relateable...but he's also just so fucking cool ues so fascinating and the circumstances of his existence are so fucked up and sad and HE MAKES ME SAD!!!!but he's cool... can't believe i didn't care about him when i first read homestuck can u believe that? i completely forgot he existed for so long... ithink i should've paid more attention to the alpha kids when i first read
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