#i do not have a name for her stand yet 😭
fantastic-mr-corvid · 10 months
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Cringe is dead have a jojos oc.
she's not just a jojos oc but that is the world I'm throwing her into at the moment.
Her stand has the ability to change the forces acting on an object, but is limited by amount of force, which is spread across all objects her stand is affecting.
Long nerdy explanation of her stand powers under the cut.
I swear im not a physics nerd, but I do use cad software and suffered through forces in a level maths so I do find this interesting as fuck. Mainly cause its a stand, this shit can be dry as fuck. I'm also not giving a numerical value for her pool of force she draws from bc fuck maths. I just thought a stand that is basically the fusion 360 move tool or that can manipulate those arrows on force diagrams would be cool
Objects she is affecting are either actively controlled, which she can constantly affect the forces on and move, which is inside her range, or have been controlled, where she has changed the forces acting on it, but it is outside her active control range, where she no longer can directly control, but still is affected by the forces she changed.
E.g. she can make an object rotate around her arm because it's in her active control range, or she can make it go away from her at a certain velocity and once it exits her range she can not change it, but it will continue until it hits something or air resistance stops it.
Its main uses are stopping projectiles aimed at her and allys, as well as launching them.
But isn't it? Yep. One issue- stands can only be defeated by other stands [i need to reread part 5 and look closer at how mistas stand works cause they r kinda similar. cant remember if his bullets when used by sex pistols can affect stands] and her stand affects objects. So while she has great defensive and offensive capabilities, she can't defeat a stand, only it's user. At best she can knock back a stand, but her controlled objects do a fraction of the damage when attacking other stands.
Her strategy is to get a close range combat stand to fight the stand while going after its user. She is also extensively combat trained and skilled with weapons even without her stand, so she is much more likely to engage in combat herself with a stand user.
She normally uses her stand to throw projectiles, her throwing knives at first, but ball bearings or bullets work even better. She also uses it to stop incoming projectiles, either by controlling them, or using something she controls to collide with them.
her stand spends almost all of the time summoned but in the weird exactly where the user is double image type thing. bc her stand is skinny af and doesn't have 'skin' [the stand is made up of arrows and spheres mostly, spheres instead of joints and arrows instead of muscle/bone. haven't drawn it get but i have an idea] it isn't that visibly noticeable even to other stand users. it can go outside of her, but doesn't most of the time unless shes feeling really safe, or needs to have active control over something to far for her to reach [e.g. putting her stand in front of a bullet so she can stop it hitting a teammate] as it has few close range combat ability's, and she doesn't want to die herself.
Her active control range is about a foot from her stand, which she keeps summoned but inside her at most times. This means she needs to be very near the objects to control them, but the effects last outside of that range, meaning while the area in which she can actively control objects is small, the distance she can move an object is based on how much force she uses on it, making her overall a long range stand.
Her stand has great potential, with at least two evolution's, one where she gains the ability to 'preprogram' the object with her stand, telling it what forces to apply when, as oppose to just applying them at once, and one where her stand gains sub stands [like killer queens sheer heart attack], so instead of having to be withing a distance of her stand, she can send out these smaller air-born stands to affect objects while still controlling them, massively increasing the range at which she can actively control objects.
When her stand evolves into having satellite stands, she can sacrifice her active control range to send one off so she can actively control an object from further away. These satellite stands are parts if her stands body, the parts that create her range [visually they are the sphere that make up the joints], so she can spread it thinner or leave part of her defenseless.
her stand evolves sub/satellite stands after she is forced to chose who to protect between multiple people, when her 'shoot all the people holding the hostages at once' idea doesn't pan out. [her weakness is machine guns and multiple hostages. she cant deflect all the bullets and she needs to protect herself or one of the hostages but all of them are to far away for her to cover more than one and if she dies then there's no point deflecting them bc they would die after she dies]
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her-favorite · 2 months
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warnings: mentions of sex once - i just gave the daughter a random name (bc it’s easier) so if that’s your name, you can picture something else!!
a/n: REQUESTED! for requests, i’m going in order by when they were sent in btw! so if you’re request hasn’t been posted yet, i’m working on it! - i feel like this is asssss 😭 i’m soo bad at headcannons it’s so upsetting but i’ll do anything for some more dad!matt requests!!
SYNOPSIS: Matt with a teenage daughter!
tags!: @chrissv4mp @mattybsgroupie @dev-sturns @sturni0l0
dad!matt who: will learn about his daughter’s interests whenever she gets into something new..
“Mama, do you know anything about this?” Matt calls out to you, scrolling on his laptop, the white screen reflecting on to his features, highlighting the pretty qualities.
“Hm?” You hum, walking over to your shared bed as you sat down beside him. Leaning against him, you wrap your arm around his bare shoulders, looking down at the screen.
A laugh escapes your lips as you read the articles, several websites of random artists, movies, and celebrities that your daughter, Amelia, has talked about in the past. Matt always tried his best to understand the things his daughter has gossiped about, whether it’s for school or something online. Given, Matt’s spent so much of his life online, he felt crazy for not knowing almost all of the things she’s been talking about.
“Lia always talks about these things,” he says, scrolling his fingers down the mousepad, showcasing more articles - some read and others untouched.
“Why don’t you just ask her, sweetheart?” You ask, your hand moving up to brush through his hair. A quiet hum sounds from his mouth at the soothing feeling. He leans into you, resting the side of his head on your chest as he keeps scrolling through the google page.
“‘Cause I wanna know the next time she brings it up.” Matt whines, eliciting a chuckle from you. Your wrap your other arm around him, squeezing him in to you.
“She’s gonna be really happy.” You mumble, kissing his hair.
dad!matt who: will be overprotective whenever his daughter brings over a potential partner..
When Amelia had asked if her ‘friend’ could come over, you had agreed. To you, she had hinted to it being more than a friend situation. You had instantly picked up on the protective undertones of Matt’s attitude towards it, so you spent the last couple hours reassuring him.
“Matt, it’ll be fine. I’m sure—” you say softly, chuckling at the fact you have to cool down his protective dad side, before you hear a couple knocks on the front door. “Just.. relax.” You mumble, getting up from your spot on the couch. Before you could go over to the door, Amelia rushes down the stairs and darts to it.
“Dad, please be.. normal.” Amelia rambles, eliciting a laugh from you and a dramatic look of shock on Matt’s face. With a grunt, he gets up and walks behind you, resting a large hand on your head as he leans down to kiss your temple.
“I’m normal.” Matt mumbles before your daughter opens the door. You chuckle quietly at his muffled words before Amelia lets the other girl inside, shutting the door behind her. Matt stands behind you, arms crossed as he watches the interaction, a vigilant look on his face as he waits for his daughter and her crush to fully walk inside.
“Hi, Mrs. Sturniolo.” The unnamed girl smiles, fidgeting with her nails slightly. Your lips curl into a smile as you look at her.
“You can call me Y/N, it’s okay.” You chuckle.
After introductions are done, you look back at Matt. He’s in the same stance as before, glancing between everyone in the room. “Mr. Sturniolo,” the girl starts hesitantly, somewhat intimated by his presence.
“If you break my daughter’s heart—”
“What?” He asks innocently, looking from his daughter to you. You try to hide your smile as you smack his side playfully.
“It was nice meeting you, sweetheart.” You smile before watching them walk away, into Amelia’s room. Turning back, you smack his side again, his flannel poof-ing with the contact.
“What? I just needed her to know.” Matt replies, not able to stop the grin that takes over his lips.
“You’re such an ass.” You roll your eyes, smiling. Walking away, you start your journey to the kitchen.
“Hey! Get back here!”
dad!matt who: will be at her beck and call..
When Amelia is sick, you can’t help but find it comical the way Matt flies back and forth throughout the house.
She needed soup? Matt’s making it. More blankets? Matt has five different options in hand. Water? Already done; she had some on her nightstand hours before.
Others may call her spoiled, but Matt wouldn’t have it any other way. He loves making his daughter happy, whether it be with words, physical touch, or just his presence. And despite her growing up and being at that age of emotions and confusion, he takes his time with her, listening to her and having as much patience as needed.
You and Amelia are his girls, that’s all that matters to him.
dad!matt who: will listen and mentally note down your advice for certain situations that Matt doesn’t experience..
When Amelia got her period, you were there every step of the way. And, despite Matt not knowing as much as you do about the topic, he did his best to help.
“Okay, so.. what am I looking for?” Matt asks into the call, his phone to his ear as his blue eyes scan the aisle that was filled with period products.
“Just some pads for now.” You reply, your phone tucked between your ear and shoulder as you plated some food to snack on.
“Oh, like the ones I used to buy you?” Matt asks, a weight falling from his shoulders. Before you had Amelia, and it was just you and Matt, if you ever ran out of pads or tampons, he’d immediately take a trip to the store, scouring the aisles for said products. You used to chastise him for it, telling him to not bother and that you could get it for yourself, but he would ultimately refuse and gladly go out of his way to help you in any way he can.
You hum, nodding, even though he can’t see it. “We’re synced so you’re in for a ride.” You say teasingly, smiling.
dad!matt who: will comfort her after a breakup..
“It’s alright. Shh, sweetheart, deep breaths.” Matt soothes softly, rubbing his daughters back gently. A piece of his heart broke slowly as he held her, crying and crying as she mourns the once love-filled relationship. One side of him wanted to find the person that did this to her - his babygirl - and teach them a lesson, but the other, more logical side, told himself to stay with her, to help get her through this.
“She wasn’t worth it.” Matt whispers. Amelia’s tears soaked his shirt as she digs her face into his chest, seeking as much comfort and love as possible. “You’re such an amazing, beautiful girl. If she can’t see that, then she doesn’t deserve you.” He states gently, slowly pushing the hair that stuck to her tearstained face away and behind her ear. “Your mom and I are always gonna be here.” He reassures. “People in the future might leave, but we won’t. Every step of the way, we’ll always be here.” He says softly, rocking her back and forth softly as they sit on her bed.
“I love you, Lia. My sweet girl.” Matt whispers, kissing her hair.
dad!matt who: will beg you for another baby because of how much love he has for his daughter..
“C’mon! There’s no reason not to!” Matt pleads, following you into your bedroom for the night. Glancing back, you give him a look. “Baby, c’mon.” He whines. “Don’t you want another?” He whispers, sidling up behind you as he wraps his arms around your waist, bringing your back into his front.
“Matt, stop trying to seduce me into having another baby.” You say, a laugh leaving you as you finish your sentence. Matt groans, leaning down as he rests his forehead against your shoulder.
“Need I remind you what it was like when he had Lia?” He asks, squeezing your hips. “Oh, Matt! Fuck, feels so fuckin’ good!” He mocks with a smile. You gasp, smacking his side as you get out of his hold, moving over to the bed.
“You’re so annoying.” You smile, shaking your head. Crawling onto the bed, you sit atop the covers as you look up at him. He looked really good; shirtless with grey sweatpants on, a bit of his red boxers peeking out of the low waistband. Basic, but hot.. and alluring.
“Is that a yes?” Matt smirks, getting on the bed as he hovers over you. He presses his lips to yours, smile never wavering. “Mm.. i’ll make you feel good, mama.” He whispers.
dad!matt who: will regularly go out to eat or shopping to spend time with her..
Today was Friday, which meant that, when Amelia comes home from school, her and Matt would go out. Sometimes you join and other times you’d let them have their fun together.
This time, they went to the mall as Matt aimlessly followed his daughter around, going into random shops and occasionally pointing out certain stores and spots talking about things he’s done with you in the past.
Matt looked at these little hangouts as getting to know his daughter better. He already spends so much time with her - and you, though you will never catch him complain about it - he likes picking up on the little things she does. She talks about school drama and plans she may or may not have for the future. He listens to her with curiosity and love, wanting to know every nook and cranny of his daughter’s mind.
“Stephanie said some craaazy things today.” Amelia gushes, picking at the food she ordered.
After the mall, they decided to stop and eat. Picking a local restaurant, the place wasn’t too busy so the food didn’t take as long. Matt ate what he ordered as he listened to Amelia, nodding along or saying his input on certain occasions.
“Yeah? Like what?” He smirks. Matt easily gets caught up in the gossip his daughter feeds him; by now, he knew all about Stephanie’s, Olivia’s and Cindy’s dramatics and love life just by the random things Amelia rants about. He finds it comical. He was never involved in that kind of stuff at school when he was younger, so it was intriguing to hear what was happening now.. though, he’d never admit that to anyone.
As Amelia goes on a tangent, Matt gasps and exaggerates certain reactions, causing his daughter to roll her eyes or scoff, only seeming to egg on her dad’s behavior. Her attitude was the perfect mix between you both, it was always entertaining.
Friday’s were his favorite days.. it was obvious why.
dad!matt who: will let his daughter join in on vlogs if she asked to..
With Matt, Nick’s and Chris’s youtube channel, filming was difficult for a while.
When she had first been born, Matt wasn’t in as many videos as usual. As she grew up, Matt surfaced in more as you took care of her, but not without dozens of worried messages from Matt.. even though, half the time, they’d just be sitting in his car chatting.
By now, the triplets’ channel has doubled in size. As they grew older, their videos limited, but they were always good when they posted. It wasn’t too often they vlogged anymore, but when they did, they had fun.
One day when Amelia had overheard a conversation between you and Matt about her dad going to film with her uncles, she had pleaded with him to join. Not only would she be able to be apart of the video, but she’d be able to see her uncles, who she loved dearly.
With a sigh, Matt caved in comically fast.
“We ended up at Target, somehow.” Nick says to the camera. The lens faced him as it captured him, Chris, Matt and Amelia in the shot as they walk through the parking lot.
“Yeah, ‘cause this kid doesn’t know how to say no.” Chris taunts Matt with a smile as he pokes his brother’s side. Matt shoves him in retaliation.
“Shut up.” He mumbles, rolling his eyes. A giggle leaves his daughter as she watches them, keeping close to her father.
A couple minutes into the video, Amelia had managed to take hold of the camera and she wanders down random aisles of Target. She flips it and shows a toy. “I used to have this!” She says to the camera before she hears footsteps coming closer. “I bet that’s my dad.” She turns the lens to face her and whispers. As she turns it back around, Matt emerges from the other aisle, smiling once he finds her.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” He says, walking over to her. He smiles exaggeratedly to the camera as she keeps it on him, a giggle escaping her lips in reply.
“Oh, you used to have this!”
dad!matt who: will genuinely not be able to say no.. so he’d have to go to you..
“Can I get this, please?” Amelia begs as she shows her dad her laptop. An expensive shirt was on the tab, something that she’s wanted for awhile.
“I.. uh..” Matt stutters, wiping his hand over his mouth, as if trying to rid himself of the incoherent babbles leaving him. Amelia looks over at him with expectant eyes, a slight pout to her bottom lip. How could he possibly say no to that? “Uh.. mama, can you come here!” Matt shouts, nipping at his bottom lip.
Making your way down the stairs, your eyes take in the sight. A slight chuckle leaves your lips as you notice the tense nature of Matt’s figure and Amelia’s pouty face that always makes Matt cave. “Hm?” You hum, walking over and sitting down beside him on the couch. Your eyes scanned over the website your daughter was on, your eyes widening slightly at the price.
“Um.. Amelia wants to get.. this.” Matt mumbles, glancing at you before looking away, as if he were a scorned child.
“That’s a lot, baby. Why don’t we go shopping tomorrow, hm? We can find something better.” You suggest softly, smiling as she thinks before agreeing, shutting her laptop. As she gets up, she kisses Matt’s cheek, then yours before making her way up to her room. “You need to learn how to say no, Matt.” You tease.
“I knooow! It’s just so hard to.” He whines, putting his hands over his face.
dad!matt who: will immediately agree if his daughter ever wanted to do his nails or practice makeup on him..
Sitting on his daughter’s bed, Amelia paints over another coat on Matt’s fingernails. He hadn’t gotten his nails done since before she was born, so having the sensation of the nail polish on his nails again felt refreshing.
Amelia was no nail artist, but she did a pretty good job. A few coats of a light blue polish painted over his nails satisfied Matt, his heart melting as his daughter somehow managed to remember his favorite color. Once she matches each finger on either hand, she caps the polish and sets it down. Matt brings them up to his face.
“I love ‘em, sweetheart. They’re amazing.” Matt smiles, blowing on them softly to help dry them more. When Matt had informed Amelia that he used to get his nails done, she was shocked, but ultimately, excited. She wanted him to willingly let her do his nails - not do it just to be a good dad and then frantically try to wipe them off. She was grateful to have such a caring, understanding father.
“I wanna do your makeup now.” Amelia states, her lips curling up in a smile. Matt chuckles, before nodding, ‘cause who was he to deny his little girl?
After a few minutes - and several twitches from Matt, along with playful shouts of “stay still!” from Amelia - all that was left was lipgloss and mascara. She stood in front of him as she uncaps the mascara, Matt’s eyes widening.
“Jesus.. I’ve seen mom use this, but..” He says warily, shaking his head slightly. Obviously, he wasn’t going to say no to her.. but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t scare him a little.
“Look up.” Amelia instructs, reaching out to gently stroke the wand along his eyelashes. “Daaad!” She drags out, laughing, once Matt blinks. Thankfully, it didn’t smear, but it caught her off guard.
“Sorry, Lia, it’s.. scary.” Matt mumbles, his voice trailing off as he looks up again, letting her repeat the same motions on his other eyelashes. Once she deems it done, Amelia puts the mascara away and grab her lipgloss. After applying it, she giggles, only making Matt’s smile widen.
“What’re you laughin’ at?” Matt chuckles. He watches her pick up a handheld mirror and give it to him. “I better be pretty.” He jokes, smiling.
“Very.” Amelia replies sarcastically, but her smile never wavers. Matt chuckles again before looking into the mirror, his lips parting as his blue eyes wander his reflection.
“Wow! I look.. wow..” Matt mumbles, teeth showing as he smiles. Amelia’s laugh fills the bedroom, Matt’s joining as he gets up from his spot, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
“I look gorgeous.” He jokes, leaning down to kiss her head.
dad!matt who: spoils his daughter!! (and you)
Others may frown upon it, but Matt couldn’t care less.
He’s more than willing to spend money on you both; you’re his girls after all. You mutter something about how you thought a pair of pants were cute at the store, he’s buying them. Matt overhears a conversation where Amelia talks to you about liking this necklace online; it’s delivered a couple days later!
Not only will Matt spoil you both with gifts, but he’s even happier to spoil you both with cuddles and kisses.
Laying on the couch, you and Matt have had a relaxing night as you watch a show that’s been playing on the tv for the past half hour. Matt holds you as you lay on his side, his arms wrapped around you as he rubs your back softly.
Footsteps sound as they make their way down the stairs, entering the living room. “Hey, babygirl.” Matt says, looking over at her. “C’mere.” He moves one arm up, signaling for her to join. Amelia smiles as she rushes over, laying by her dad and looking towards the tv.
Matt rubs each of your arms softly, leaning down to press a kiss to your head and then Amelia’s.
“My girls.”
dad!matt who: will restrain himself from texting his daughter 24/7 whenever she’s hanging out with friends because he wants to make sure she’s okay..
“Matt, relax.” You laugh, plopping down next to him on the couch as he looks at his phone screen for the millionth time.
He sighs. “I just wanna know if my babygirl’s okay.” He says, leaning over into you as he wraps his arms around your middle, his face digging into your neck. You chuckle again, vibrating him as he squeezes you softly.
“She’s fine, sweetheart. If anything was wrong, she’d tell us.” You soothe, rubbing his back gently. He hums in agreement, but is yet to back down.
Amelia had went out with some friends a few hours ago and it was starting to get dark outside. So, as Matt’s natural dad response, he spent every waking moment checking his phone and voicing his worries about his daughter’s safety.
“I wanna text her.” Matt mumbles, his face smushed into your chest. The both of you sat on the couch together watching tv, snacking on some food. “I should text her.” He continues, reaching for his phone that you had taken and put beside you.
“No, Matt!” You laugh, grabbing his phone and putting it up in the air. Of course, had he gotten up from his position he could grab it, but he sighed and threw himself back down on top of you. “She’ll text us when she wants to.” You reassure softly, rubbing his back again.
Matt grumbles against your shirt before moving up and digging his nose into your neck, tickling the skin with his hair.
dad!matt who: will find it hilarious every time his daughter cringes whenever he’s affectionate to you..
“Thanks, honey.” Matt mumbles, grabbing the plate as he leans over to kiss your cheek before placing it down on the dinner table.
Amelia makes her way down, joining you both as you finish setting up the food. As she sits down, her blue eyes scan over the food, picking up what she wants and putting some on her plate.
“Looks amazing, ma. Good job.” Matt praises, kissing your head again, smiling. Before he walks away, his hand reaches down and slaps your ass, giggling as he rushes away and sits down at the table. You gasp, the washcloth in your hand swinging back to try and hit him, only to miss as he makes his way to the chair before it could make contact with him.
“Ew, dad! Stop!” Amelia whines, her face cringing. Matt laughs, reaching forward to take some food for himself as well.
You make your way over to the table and place down the last bowl of food. “Thanks, mama.” Matt says as he watches you. You lean down and kiss his head before pulling out your chair and sitting beside him. Once you settle down, Matt takes your chin and pecks your lips softly, lovingly.
“You guys are gross.”
dad!matt who: will be with you and his daughter every step of the way.
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One Night Stand (Logan)
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Description: Y/N and Logan have a one night stand but Y/N is very awkward about it and avoids Logan. While Logan is very cocky about it.
Warning: Smutty
Word Count: 1,046
Requests: Hiii, I was wondering if you could write a fanfic where y/n wakes up next to Logan after a one night stand? They aren't together and they don't realllyy remember it but Logan is cocky as usually and the reader is lowkey kinda awkward about it, also you can throw wade into the mix somewhere if you like 😭, thank you
His large hands caressed her naked hips as she rode him. His eyes stared up at her with lust as she moaned his name. She was doing all the work but yet she was praising him. He was so beautiful and had the best dick she ever had. He was huge compared to her but that turned him on more than anything. Her eyes were rolling back as she whined that she was close. He told her to cum for him and she didn’t need to be told twice. Her screams of pleasure and his name left her lips til she couldn’t make any more noise. Triggering his climax he groaned and bucked his hips as he let loose in her. The feeling of her tight and warm pussy was driving him mad. Her legs were shaking and he smirked and the fact that there was no way she would be walking for the next few days. 
Her eyes opened slowly to the sunlight outside. She groaned and turned away just to bump into something that definitely was not a pillow. She opened her eyes to see Logan in her bed and naked at that. Her eyes widened and it took everything in her not to scream. He was still asleep. She thought about leaving the room but realized that this was her bed. What did they do?
She tried to think back to the night before but only remembered that she was drinking. Great, She thought. They definitely had sex but she couldn’t remember how it happened or why. She poked him in the shoulder until he stirred and turned towards her. His eyes still closed but he was waking up. “Y/N?” He asked as he opened his eyes to be faced with her. She looked around the room avoiding eye contact with him. “What happened?” He asked and she gave him a shrug.
His eyes looked down at both of their bodies and saw that they were naked. He smirked and chuckled, “You finally got me in bed.” It was more of a statement than a question. A cocky statement and she just stared at him with no expression. What did he mean finally? “All it took was a few drinks to get you to admit you wanted me and here we are.” She rolled her eyes at him and got up. His eyes followed her naked form as she gathered his clothes, “You need to leave.” She told him and threw his clothes on the bed.
The smirk he wore didn’t disappear as he got his clothes on. She stared at his delicious body as he got dressed. He walked up to her and kissed her, “Woah what are you doing?” She asked. He chuckled and kissed her head, “Well I mean we slept together right? I should be allowed to kiss you.” She shook her head and walked to the bathroom that was connected to her room. Logan walked out of her room with a smile on his face. 
Y/N avoided him for the rest of the week. Any time he knocked on her door she pretended to be asleep. Tension was high and who better to notice than Wade? “You guys had sex?” Wade practically yelled. Logan shushed him, not wanting Y/N to hear what they were talking about. “Yes and I feel like she’s avoiding me.” Wade was confused, “But she likes you.” Logan knew that and that’s what confused him.
“Yeah I’m aware but she’s being so awkward about this.” He stated. “Well maybe next time I can join so it’s not.” Wade was joking but he wasn’t. Logan rolled his eyes at the merc and got up. Y/N finally came out of her room as she couldn’t avoid him forever. Both heads turned in her direction as she walked to the fridge. “Haven’t seen ya since you got drunk.” Wade said. “Yeah well a lot has happened since then.” She said and Logan huffed. “So I’ve heard.” Wade couldn’t keep a secret for shit.
Logan glared at him as Y/N turned towards them, “What?” She asked, only looking at Wade. “You get the guy you want and now you’re avoiding him.” Y/N glared at Logan who put his hands up. “You act like you weren’t screaming my name.” He said. “Damn wish I could’ve heard it.” Wade mumbled. Y/N’s face was red from his words. “I don’t remember it, you asshole!” She yelled at Logan and stormed away. “Though if she did she would enjoy it.” Wade said. “I heard that!” 
Logan had enough of her avoiding him like she didn’t come onto him. She was the one telling him how hot he was and how she gets super turned on when he wears the suit and the mask. He knocked on her door. It was 5 pm and he knew she wasn’t sleeping. “Come on Y/N, I know you’re in there. Just open the door. We need to talk about this.” He said. She refused so he sighed, “Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you for awhile now and when you came onto me I was so happy that you returned the feelings. I mean you were praising me during sex and it was the best. But Wade told me a few months ago that you liked me so I planned to make a move eventually but unfortunately it happened while we were drunk. But I don’t regret it cuz it was the best sex I’ve ever had.” He sighed and she opened the door.
He smiled at her but she just stared at him. “You mean that?” She asked and he nodded. She was truly afraid he only wanted to have sex with her but hearing that he had feelings for her made it all better. “Yes. I like you Y/N and I have for awhile.” He told her and she finally gave him a smile. Her awkwardness for the situation went away as she gave him a kiss. This time no pulling away until they needed air. “I like you too Logan.” He figured as much. “Now I have to go kill Wade.” She said and stormed down the hallway. “WADE!” She yelled and he watched her go up to Wade ready to beat him up.
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tiyoin · 6 months
parents day shenanigans
ep 1: trey’s mom tries playing match maker
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it being parents weekend at nrc and you’re helping your friends / the staff in preparing and you noticed several different parents just… staring at you. they’re not discreet either😭
you see some students fighting their parents- like physically fighting them as they’re pushing their son in your direction 😭 you catch one of the students gaze, and smile at them, sending them a polite wave as you make your exit.
this doesn’t stop though.
the more time that goes by and the busier you get, the more families filter in. the more younger siblings of your peers seem to scream your name before a quick slap to their mouth keeps them quiet.
you’ve told grim about this and all he says is that he should start paying them to take pictures with you AND grin the great. you chuckle as you kneel to the ground. opening a small duffel bag crowley armed you with, you start mixing around for a bottle of water.
why’d crowley have to pick the hottest day of the season for family day. curses.
“you’re y/n, right?” suddenly a shadow blocked the beating sun from your crouched form. the voice, for once, was feminine, it was soft and flowy. clearing your throat, you began to turn around “yes, that’s me” looking up at the rather petite woman, you noted her kind smile and rosy cheeks.
though there was a bit of… something in her golden gaze that you couldn’t quite place. it reminded you of a hawk, yet it didn’t have the same intensity as the bird of prey’s. slightly guarded of the mystery woman, you began to stand, dusting off the dirt on your uniform pants.
“grim you mind getting me a bottle of water from the duffel” “uh, yeah i do mind” he huffed, turning his nose up. but you didn’t play into his antics this time, just softly thanking him as you turned to face the woman.
and just as you thought, in a few seconds you heard grumbling and rustling as the monster looked through the duffel.
“i’m sorry, it was rude of me to not introduce myself- i’m trey’s mom, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” sticking her hand out, you stared at it for a second, flickering your gaze to her smiling eyes before you hesitantly focused on shaking her hand.
“it’s really nice to meet you mrs.clover” she laughed, flicking her hand as if you told her a joke.
“please, just call me alice! with how much my son talks about you it feels like we’re already friends!” she smiled behind her hand. her eyes never leaving yours as she watched your jaw open in shock.
“he- he talks about me?”
like vil schonheit, she gasped in surprise, her hands flying to her mouth as if she just realized she ratted on her son. “oops! silly me, i shouldn’t have told you that! please don’t tell try what i told you the next time you see him, okay?”
about to swear your silence, her hands lowered as her lip quirked up “or do, he’s adorable when he’s flustered” and just like that the smirk was gone and her sweet persona took over.
“o- okay” you gulped due to the lost of words you seem to find yourself at. what the hell was happening??? it hasn’t even been five minutes and this woman has made you go through the 3 of the however amount of stages of grief already.
“here” a cute, raspy voice said from behind you. feeling a small few tugs on your pant sleeve, you accept the water bottle from grim, immediately chugging it to combat the new heat you found yourself in.
“oh what an adorable cat you have there, i’ve heard all about ‘grim the great’ as well” she leaned down to pet his head. normally- normally grim would snap his teeth at an unwelcome touch… and yet- grim seemed to welcome it no, enjoy it was his ever so famous grin exposed more teeth than you’ve ever seen.
“nya-ah!! see! i told you everyone loves grim the great!” picking up the boasting cat, you could only roll your eyes as you adjusted him in your grip.
“geez grim, go to town on the tuna last night? i swear you weren’t this heavy yesterday” you groaned, trying to fix him with your knee.
huffing, grim crossed his arms and refused to look at you or acknowledge your struggling. “hmph! a henchman should always be able to carry their master! you’re just weak!!” “am not”
“allow me to try” a voice interjected.
you wanted to smack yourself in the face for forgetting someone- let alone trey’s mother was here and a witness to your usual shenanigans with your partner in crime.
“are you sure?” you look at his squishy tummy as you offer her a coy smile“he’s quite heavy”
“pshh- nonsense! i’m a baker! we’re used to carrying all sorts of things. we’re quite strong so to say.” she takes him from your grasp easily. and with the same easiness, she put him in a comfortable baby position where his legs were around his waist, arms around her neck, and his neck over her shoulder.
“there! easy peasy lemon squeezy!” you could hear from sigh in content, his forked tailed swooshing happily.
“remind me not to get in an arm wrestling match with you anytime soon” you mused, looking around nervously as the woman wouldn’t stop staring at you.
laughing softly, she shook her head “it’s not me you should be worried about-“
kill me now. kill me now. kill me now.
“speak of the devil and he shall come! trey baby how are you! i thought you were with your father and your younger siblings”
trey made his way up to your little group from behind you, stopping only when he turned the line into a triangle.
“y-y/n! i’m sorry if my mom said anything weird”
waving him with a woobly smile, you jerked your head towards his mom. “she’s actually been a great help with keeping this one outta my hair” trey looked at the furry sack in his mother’s arms and only sighed.
“now now trey, let the ladies talk in peace okay!”
you swore you could see a grey hair manifesting as he sighed. “mom y/n is super busy and has to get back to work, let me introduce you to my science club teacher okay?”
quick and straight to the point, trey clover as usual had an agenda and that was to get his mom away from you before she said anything too revealing.
huffing, the woman pet grim once more before giving him over to you. but before that, she made sure to fix the cat monster’s position to where he was resting on your hip. with a proud smile she stepped back and looked at the two of you.
“look at you!! a natural!” she clapped, eyeing her son next to you for a moment before she bid you farewell. (not without a few comments herself )
there was a beat of silence before he sighed again. rubbing the nape of his neck he adverted his eyes bashfully. “i’m sorry about her, she’s a bit…”
“ambitious, that too- but definitely ambitious. she’s head of marketing for our family bakery for a reason”
“no shit” you gapped, watching the short haired woman vanish in the crowd. still nodding, albeit awkwardly this time, you adjusted your grip on the heavy cat. “he’s like a fat toddler” you joked, wanting a small chuckle from your senior.
“yeah… you’re definitely right about that”
“trey! honey! i forgot to give your friend her treat!”
like a panther, she jumped out from the sea of swarming families with a purpose.
“oh my sevens ” he breathed, rubbing his creasing brows. smiling up at him, you made a comment about it just being a treat.
“because of my son’s dorm” she started once she was within ear shot “i wanted to make his friends a little something something”
“now i see where you get your baking prowess from” you elbowed him, but he was too busy keeping his flushed face in the palm of his hands to respond.
“here you go~” she cooed “it’s a chocolate lollipop! in the shape of a heart! cute right! trey made it himself!”
“that’s cause i thought they were for an-“
ignoring her son, she started explaining the wrapped sweet to you. “oh yeah it’s definitely one of his best works!”
“really?” you mused, looking up at him “even better than your tiramisu?” he shrugged, still ostrich-info in his pile of sand (his hands).
“even better~ now c’mon trey! we have to find maddie, she’s wondered off again”
“again?” his head popped out as his glasses were a bit crooked, being a friendly neighbor, you did the only natural thing.
“uh trey” you pointed at your own face once you made eye contact “your glasses are a bit crooked”
cursing silently, he fixed him with a quick thank you before he rushed off in whatever direction his mom had come from.
and finally, with a big thumbs up and a toothy, shiny smile, she left to follow her son.
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sluttysnowangel666 · 2 months
The Woman Beyond the Wall
Cregan Stark x Wilding!Fem reader
Summary: Cregan must go beyond the wall to aid Castle Black after a large group of Nights Watch men are killed under strange circumstances, only for him to discover the “strange circumstance” is a beautiful and mysterious wilding woman that will make him forget everything he thought he knew.
not proof read yet!!
cw: angst, smut, dom fem reader, dom cregan, freaky cregan, reader is kind of odd 😭
word count: long af
part 2 , masterlist
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Cregan sat, contemplating the decision before him.
“Forgive me, sirs. The kingdom greatly appreciates the sacrifice you men have made to serve the Nights Watch, but I cannot abandon my duties as a lord to go beyond the wall for Gods knows how long.” He tells them, hoping they won’t take offense to his declination to participate.
“We wouldn’t ask if we were not desperate, my lord.” The maester says, “But 15 men have disappeared just in this past exhibition. The Nights Watch grows scarce of fighters the more men beyond the wall continue to disappear.”
Cregan sighs, not wanting to go beyond the wall and leave his kingdom without a lord, but also not wanting to leave the Watch vulnerable.
“Alright, Maester Devron.” Cregan sighs, “We owe you men a great debt… I need to know what are these strange circumstances you speak of?”
“Men have reported finding the abandoned bodies with arrows in both their eyes, perfectly positioned every time. It’s rather… unusual how perfectly calculated the shot is. It never changes. Then, the bodies are positioned in circles, with no footsteps left behind. We fear it to be witching.”
A shiver ran up Cregan’s spine, but he hid it well. Witches were almost always stories told by Septs to children in an attempt to get them to behave, so to hear a maester say it was unnerving.
“Don’t be ridiculous, maester.”
“I am not jesting, my lord. When you find the group of men who disappeared only a fortnight ago, you’ll see.”
“When? Not if? How can you be so sure I’ll find them?” Cregan asks.
“She leaves them in the same place every time. About 20 miles beyond the wall, facing north.” The maester says.
Cregan sighs, already frustrated with the venture, and eager to kill a wildling.
3 days later, 15 miles beyond the wall, and alone in the blistering cold, Cregan couldn’t help but contemplate his decision. Although he was miserable, he knew it was the honorable thing to do. He wouldn’t have done it, if otherwise.
His horse stopped suddenly, its hair raising and body becoming stiff.
“Dusk.” He said her name. “Move.”
His horse ignored him, standing her ground. “Dusk!” He yelled at her.
She sensed something, but he didn’t know what.
They sat there for what felt like hours, but what was merely seconds.
Finally, the horse began to tredge forward… very, very, slowly. Cregan groaned in frustration, his hands gripping the reins.
They walked like that for miles. No matter how much Cregan tugged the reins, Dusk maintained her slow pace, as if anticipating something was nearby, ready to pounce on them at any given moment.
Night eventually came, and Cregan was forced to set up camp.
“Bloody horse.” He mumbled to himself as he tied her to a nearby tree.
He set up a fire nearby Dusk, then leaned against the tree she was tied to. He fidgeted with the dagger he kept in his armor, carving little dire wolves in the bark. He spoke to Dusk, hoping the already timid horse would comfort his feeling of isolation in the barren icy landscape. It didn’t help.
He eventually fell asleep standing up, leaning his weight against the tree, too on edge to leave himself vulnerable on the ground.
The fire near him had gone out, leaving nothing but the red glowing embers.
The wildling who had been following them for miles used this to her advantage.
She stalked quietly, her boots making no noise or crunch as if she weren’t even there, floating like a ghost.
She made no attempt to immediately kill him, but kept her bow poised, ready to grab an arrow and fly it into his eye if he woke. Normally, any crow out here would’ve been dead miles ago, but this man wasn’t a crow.
She believed him to be a lord, and when her fingers grazed the dire wolf on his chest she knew him to be a Stark. Excitement fueled the fire burning in her veins. She had never seen a lord, especially one so handsome.
Her fingers twirled one of his brown locks, but when he shuffled in his sleep she quickly backed away like a scared bunny.
She decided she would let the cold kill the handsome man, but not before taking a souvenir to remember him.
Her slim, dainty fingers wove into his furs, silently snagging the dagger strapped to his chest. She twirled it in her fingers, admiring the craftsmanship. No smith she had ever met was as talented as the one who made this dagger. She traced the wolf sigil on the handle, then ran the sharp tip of the blade along her finger. A drop of blood hit the snow in front of their feet, and then she ran, snow immediately falling to cover her tracks.
When Cregan awoke, he immediately knew someone had been in the camp. But, how? How could someone have even passed through without him waking?
He looked down, and picked up the snow with the drop of blood on it. His blood immediately ran cold, colder than it already was. There were no footprints. Where could this have even come from?
He checked himself, but was free of any cuts. It was here he noticed… his dagger.
“What in Gods…” He mumbled, feeling all around his body to make sure he hadn’t misplaced it.
He angrily yells into the trees, cursing and violently threatening the woman who stole his dagger, hoping she heard him.
And she does. She quietly giggles in a nearby tree at his brutish behavior. He kicks the burnt wood from the fire, startling his horse.
He mounts the horse, slowly trekking onward to find the bodies of the missing men.
Within the hour, he finds himself at the base of the men’s camp, their bodies positioned like how the maester said they would be.
Cregan sighs, dismounting his horse and staring at the corpses, their bodies frozen and not yet decomposed from the harsh cold.
He was, for the first time in his life, unsure of what to do. He knew the woman had already found him, but how was he to find her? He assumed she left him alive out of mercy, but he knew there was no chance of finding her unless she wanted him to.
“Fuck.” He mumbled, slightly embarrassed at his desperation. “Alright, witch! I know you’re out there!” He yelled into the trees, not actually knowing if she was out there.
She was, and she paid attention as he continued.
“I don’t know your goal, if you even have one!” He paused, not even knowing what else to say. “Stop killing these men!” He said, lacking in confidence. She giggled again. Quite an entertaining man he was.
He gave up, tired of feeling foolish. He began dragging the bodies into a pile, preparing to burn them. It took nearly half of his day, and when he was done he finally sat, sweating, despite the cold.
After his brief rest, he burnt them, saying the custom words, “And now their watch is ended.”
He watched, silently mourning the fallen men who gave their life.
Afterwards, he mounted his horse and started his journey back to the wall. There would be no finding the woman. She was rogue, didn’t run in a pack. He’d be searching for the rest of his life if he stayed.
He didn’t make it far, only a few miles before night fell upon him and his horse. He didn’t want to rest, but he had no choice. The day had worn him, and traveling at night was unwise when he couldn’t see his surroundings.
He set a fire again, and sat down, forcing himself to stay awake.
Suddenly, his horse whined. He whipped his head around, standing to his feet quickly.
“Whoa, whoa. Calm down.” He said, trying to shush the mare. The horse bucked, breaking its reins from the tree before scurrying off.
“Fuck!” Cregan cursed, angrily. What in Gods names was he to do now?
A voice rang out behind him.
“Pretty little beast you’ve got there.”
He whipped around again, unsheathing his sword.
A woman knelt across the fire, her bow and arrow already drawn. She wore gray, thick pelts and gloves, and a pair of fur clad boots. No wonder she was so silent. She pulled her thick hood off, revealing the most beautiful set of eyes Cregan had ever seen. The woman was gorgeous, ethereal. She literally took his breath away.
“Suppose I should say had there.” She teases.
“It’s you.” He finally says, after a moment of silence.
“Mm.” She hums in response. “And who might you be?”
“I think you already know, given you raided my camp last night.”
She laughs. “Raided? You southerners.”
“You’d do well to mind your tongue, witch.” Cregan spits at her, tightening his grip on his sword.
She notices and stands, raising her bow, “And you’d do well to mind yours, crow.”
“I’m not a crow.”
“And I’m not a witch.” She pauses, tilting her head. “Sharp little tongue on you. Ain’t you lords supposed to treat ladies with respect?”
“What kind of lady are you? Killing good men and desecrating their bodies?”
“I never desecrated them. In fact, I left them better than I found them.”
“Those were noble men.”
“Please.” She laughs. “Those crows were rapists and thieves. The north is better without them coming into our land.”
Cregan says nothing, so she continues. “I suggest you watch how you speak to me, Lord Stark. I could shoot this arrow right through those pretty gray eyes before you’d even realize what happened.”
“Try it, witch.”
“I already told you. I’m no witch!” She lets the arrow fly, only intending to let it kiss his ear and hit the tree behind him, but he raises his sword, and the arrow shatters against the Valyrian steel.
She lowers her bow, shocked, before her features return to their stoic form.
“It appears I’ve met my match.” She smirks, impressed.
“Perhaps you have. For that reason, I’d suggest returning my dagger.”
She pulls it out. “Oh, this pretty thing? I think I’ll keep it… Unless you’re brave enough to come take it from me.”
Heat flushed through his stomach. For the first time in his life, a woman repeatedly left him at a loss for words. He did not know how to approach her, or how to respond.
“You obviously walk these woods often. How do I get back to the wall?”
“Simple.” She smiles, “South.”
Cregan stomps towards her. She nervously laughs, backing into a tree as he presses himself against her, his height towering above her own.
“Show me the way or I’ll put your pretty little head above my mantel.”
She breathlessly chuckles, “All you have to do is ask nicely, Stark.” She places her hand on his broad chest, giving it a light push yet keeping her hands entangled in his armor straps. He grabs her wrist, pulling it from him. He removes her quiver from her back, tossing it on the ground. He takes her bow from her other hand, going to give it the same treatment before she stops him.
“No, wait, please don’t leave my bow.” She asks, genuineness in her voice for the first time. He searches her eyes, but finds no answer there.
“You won’t need it where you’re going.” He responds.
“Leave my bow and you’ll die in these woods. And trust me, southerner, you’ll die long before I do.” He looks at the darkness that clouds her eyes, then grunts and puts the large bow around his body.
She smirks as he ties her wrists together, dragging her along behind him. “We’re going now? These woods aren’t safe at night.”
“The sooner you’re no longer my problem, the better.”
She stops in her place, but he gives her a yank that pulls her to the ground, dragging her body behind him. “I’m serious! We need to stay at your sad little camp.”
“One more word out of you and I’ll cut out your tongue.” He says. He takes a few more steps, still dragging her, before stopping. He knows she’s right, but refuses to admit it. He growls in frustration, turning back towards the camp.
She laughs, still being dragged on the ground. What a strange woman. He thinks to himself.
He sits back in front of the fire, still holding the rope attached to her wrist as she crawls towards him.
“Do you have any food?” She asks. He sighs, taking out a little sack of dried meat. He holds a piece out to her, and not moving from her knees, takes it from his hand with her mouth.
“You’re bloody off.” He mumbles to himself. She laughs, a strange and wicked laugh in an attempt to scare him, as well as mock him for thinking she was a witch.
It works, as it startles him into giving her a confused look. He picks up a big pile of snow, throwing it into the fire to put it out.
He lays down on the snow, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. She crawls towards him, opening his arms and lying against his chest.
“Get off me, woman.” He says, pushing her.
“I’m cold! You’re telling me an honorable Stark is going to let a woman freeze to death?”
“Witches don’t get cold. Your blood runs with fire.”
“You southerners and your silly little-“ He pulls her into him, wrapping his big arms around her. He hates to admit it, but her warmth comforted him from the cold.
“I’ll keep you warm if you shut up.”
She listens for once, saying nothing and nuzzling her head into his chest. He sighs, not having the strength to push her away… but not really wanting to either.
Her knee forces his legs apart to push her leg between his, slowly lifting it towards his crotch. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing?” She says, playing dumb. He doesn’t respond. She wiggles her knee more, rubbing her thigh against the leather covering his manhood.
“Stop. Moving.” He says.
“Was I? Sorry, didn’t notice.”
He shifts, trying to keep her from noticing the bulge growing in his leathers.
Cregan awakes before her. He stares down at the woman against his chest, her cheeks are tinted from the cold, and her lips are parted slightly. He admires her for a long time before she stirs. He pushes her away, thinking she’s awake.
“Ow.” She grumbles, sleepily. “Why’d you do that?”
“We need to get moving.” He stands, brushing the snow off him.
“Can’t we just lay a bit longer? I didn’t sleep well with you poking me with that thing all night.” She says, running her hand up his knee.
“I wasn’t.” He responds quickly, pushing her hand down. She stands, stretching as best as she can with her hands tied.
They begin walking for a few miles, with her trying to make conversation with him.
“You’re a rather quiet man.” She says, when her previous questions get no response.
“I just don’t have many words for a woman like you.”
“I leave you speechless?” She says, with a smirk.
“Try annoyed.” He responds flatly.
She steps close to him, pressing her chest into his back.
“What are you-“ Before he can realize what she’s doing, she cuts the rope on her wrists on his sword.
He whips around, prepared to knock her unconscious, but she’s too quick. She ducks, kicking his ankle and sweeping him down.
He hits the ground hard, but is back on his feet almost instantly. She runs, fast, beyond him.
He chases after her.
“Witch!” He yells, turning to look for her in every direction after she seemingly vanished.
“I told you I’m not a witch.” She says, stepping from behind a tree.
He stomps towards her, grabbing her by both of her arms, itching to give her a good smack across the face.
He looks down at her, that sly little smirk on her face, her cheeks red and flush, staring back up at him through her wet eyelashes.
She moves her arms from his grip, tracing her skinny fingers up his armor.
“You’re…” He whispers, starting to lose his strength. “Unlike any woman I’ve ever met.”
She grabs him by his neck, and he gasps in shock, but it’s quickly cut off as she pulls him down to meet her lips. Her kiss is harsh and fierce. Cregan had known women, but never one so blatantly unapologetic to be herself. She growls like an animal, ripping to get off his furs and leathers.
He matches her intensity, kissing her with the same energy. He lets the anger she ignited in him release itself unto her by biting and kissing her neck. She tugs at his hair, grinding her hips into his.
“Are you a virgin?” He asks.
“Don’t be stupid.” She responds, taking a step back to remove her own furs. He steps back towards her, pulling them off her himself.
“I only ask for your comfort.” He growls, frustrated with her attitude.
“Comfort? This isn’t the south.” She pushes him back, standing before him naked and unashamed. He breathes in the sight before him, his length growing at her beauty.
She practically pounces on him, pushing him to the snow before he’s even fully undressed.
“You are a fucking witch.” He moans, as she crawls her way up his body to rest her wetness above his face.
“Are you hungry, wolf?” She asks him.
“Starving.” He whines, wanting to taste her.
Her grip on his hair pulls him towards her, finally bringing his mouth to taste her sweet cunt. He can’t help but look at her as he eats her. Her nose and cheeks are so red from the cold, all he wants to do is warm her up. His large arms have a hold on her thighs, his fingers resting between them. She pulls off his gloves, letting his fingers grip into her warm legs.
She moans and whines in ecstasy. The sound turns him into a wreck, clawing and gripping at her thighs to the point he draws blood. She doesn’t even care, relishing the sweet pain.
She pulls and tugs on his hair so harshly, forcing his face so deep into her cunt. If he even thought of stopping, she’d kill him herself. She grinds her hips into his tongue, crying and whining into the cold air. It seems as if everything has gone silent, even the winds, the world around them stopping to hear her sweet ecstasy. He moans her name into her cunt every time she pulls his hair, wanting to be her release. He’s desperate to taste her release, she’s desperate to give it to him.
Cregan, the man he was, never having been with a woman so lust driven, couldn’t help but urge his own desires to see her writhe in his arms. One of his hands left her bloody thigh, grabbing a cold chunk of snow to rub against her warm cunt. She gasped at the feeling, whining from the cold. He rubbed his fingers against her sweet spot. Her nails dug into the arm still on her leg, moaning his name as she finally let herself go onto his tongue.
He swallowed every drop, only wanting to taste her sweetness for the rest of his life.
When she came down, he shoved her off him, mounting her and positioning himself between her legs.
Her body was growing red from touching the bitter snow, but it seems like she hadn’t even noticed.
Cregan wrapped his hands around her throat, leaning in and giving her a deep kiss. “I could kill you right now if I wanted, get this whole mess you’ve caused for me over with.” He whispered into her lips.
“You won’t.” She whispered back. “Not before you get to even fuck my sweet cunt.” She reaches her cold hand down, snaking it into his breeches and rubbing his length.
“You’re right.” He kisses her again. “I want all of you.” She unlaces his breeches, pushing it down along with his soft clothes.
She glides him along her wet entrance, and Cregan groans. He pushes himself into her, eliciting a sweet gasp from her lips. He gives her no time to adjust, immediately thrusting his hips back and forth.
She moans, tears brimming her eyes, having never been fucked by a man so large as Cregan.
“What? Why are you crying? Never been fucked like how you deserve?” He growls. She does nothing but nod.
“Nothing?” He asks. “Have I finally shut you up?” He fucks her harder, and she pulls on his brown curls, using her other hand to scratch all along his back. Cregan loved the thought of it, coming home with battle scars from her. He kisses her jaw, licking her salty tears.
He stands and picks her up, worried about the cold getting to her skin. He pins her to a tree, her back scraping against the bark. It hurts in such a sweet way, better than the cold snow. She cries out his name so loud as he fucks her against it. His hands roam her body, wanting to feel all of her but also wanting to warm her up.
“Tell me it true, Cregan.” She moans, her naughty attitude returning with a smirk. “Are you going to kill me?”
She knows his answer before he even does. He growls as a response, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing that sweet cunt bested the Lord of Winterfell.
“I hate you.” He growls, fucking her even harder so she shuts up. “You killed innocent men.”
She laughs and moans at the same time, “I killed crows, My Lord.” He moans at ‘My Lord’ “I’d never… fuck… harm an innocent man. That’s why you’re here now, fucking my dripping cunt.”
He wraps one of his hands around her throat, the other holding her up, his thrusts growing sloppy as he nears his peak. “Fucking witch.”
To his surprise, her hand finds his throat too, but he loves it. He loves her aggressiveness. She matches him, she’s practically a savage wolf herself.
He wants to pull out, knows he should pull out, but he can’t find the strength. All he can focus on is the wetness surrounding his length. His hands grip her waist in such a harsh way it’s bound to bruise, and he relishes in the thought of marking her so those other wildlings knew she was his now. He had claimed her, and any other man who dared try to touch her would meet the Gods.
He grabs her and pushes her back into the snow, falling on her hands and knees. His hand takes a grip in her hair, pulling her head back toward him and forcing her to arch her back. He fucks her in such a shameful way. If any lady in Winterfell were fucked like this, she’d nearly be a whore. But she was not a lady, so he felt no guilt fucking her how she deserved, and how she eagerly wanted. Her hips bucked into him, matching his rhythm.
She cried such sweet moans at the pleasure, finding her peak so close. Her fingers spread into the snow, shaking, and she released onto him again, and he growled, fucking into her until he found his own peak.
His spilled into her so deep it touched her womb. She rested her face in the snow, panting. He pushed her off of his length, her body falling into the cold. Cregan stood, out of breath, staring down at the woman in the snow, her body curled into a fetal position as she laid there catching her breath. He was hooked. Obsessed with her beauty and madness, even as she laid there sweaty and cold.
He grabbed his furs and sat beside her, pulling her into his lap and wrapping the warm furs around her.
“You might catch a chill.” He whispered, slightly worried now that their lust had subsided.
“I’m a witch, right? My blood runs with fire.” She breathed. He laughed softly.
“I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen you smile, Lord Stark.” She smiled, a soft and sweet smile. His heart nearly melted.
After dressing, they began walking again.
“Can we make a quick stop?” She asked, not letting him answer before she ran towards a cave in the not far off distance.
He sighs, not making an effort to chase her.
He walks into the dimly lit cave. It appeared lived in. He eyed the area, while pulling at his collar, due to the heat in the cave.
“Is this where you live?” He asked, his voice echoed back to him, making him feel alone.
She nodded, undressing herself again. “It’s a hot spring.”
She jumped into the water, moaning at the warmth. He twitched.
“You gonna just stand there lookin’ pretty?” She asked, her thick northern accent appearing. He sighed, slowly taking off his furs and armor before stepping into the hot water. She spit some of the water at him with a little smirk. He tried to hide his smile, but couldn’t. He grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him and into his lap. She curled her legs up and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Let’s stay here.” She said, voice unsure. “You’re a wolf. You belong out here, not in the south.”
He took her hand in his. “My place is in Winterfell.”
“Then stay with me just for tonight.” She said. He sighed, pressing a soft kiss to her hand and nodding. She rested her wet head against his chest.
“I won’t cause any more trouble for you, Lord Stark.”
He sighed, knowing what it meant.
He yearned to bring her back to Winterfell, to give her a place in the castle, and to take her in his bed at night, but she was too wild. She would cause too much trouble for the servants and handmaidens. She would never be happy either.
He made it count, fucking her over and over again in that cave. When they slept, he held her close to him, refusing to even let her roll over. Her head fit perfectly against his neck. It felt like a crime to let her go.
They had been walking for three days to return to the wall, only growing closer and closer with each moment they spent together.
“I thought you said it was a day’s journey.” Cregan said.
“On horse.” He shot her a look, frustrated with the forgotten mention. She only smirked. He didn’t want to part from her just yet anyway.
“Lord Stark!” A voice yelled. He quickly pushed her behind him, unsheathing his sword and searching for where the voice came from. He was terrified for her, but she showed no fear. He knew if they seen her, they would kill her immediately.
4 men in black, all on horses trotted up besides them, encircling them.
“Gods, I can’t believe it.” The Lord Commander said, “You Starks, damn it. You put the rest of the North to shame. I can’t believe you found the witch.”
“I’m not a witch.” She said, but Cregan only grabbed her and wrapped his hand around her mouth, preventing her from starting a fight. She kicked and growled into his hand, but eventually submitted.
“Why is she still alive, m’lord? You should have taken her head the moment you found her.” A boy said.
“It’s not that easy. She’s strong, more useful alive.” Cregan said.
She kicked her foot back into his shin, stealing his sword from his hand. Cregan yelled and grabbed his leg. He grabbed her arm with his other hand with a harsh grip. Her elbow met his face, knocking him on the ground as blood pooled from his nose.
“Took you long enough to find your own way back here, crow.” She said, looking at the Lord Commander specifically, the heavy valyrian steel sword dragging from her hands onto the ground.
He only snickered at her.
“Don’t hurt yourself trying to lift that sword. I’d rather watch Stark behead you himself.”
“Can’t do your own dirty work?” She sneers.
Cregan sensed the tension but said nothing. He stood and grabbed her by the back of her neck, pulling her back and taking his sword from her. He stared her down, breathing angrily, his eyes fuming with rage. He wanted to take her on the snow again as revenge for breaking his nose, but restrained himself.
She looked back up at him, anger in her own eyes, his hand lingered on the back of her neck.
Cregan turned back around to face the Lord Commander. “I will not behead her. She is a prisoner of Winterfell.”
The Lord Commander fumed. “She’s killed half our men-“
“You killed half your men when you sent them searching for me.” She spits.
“Enough!” Cregan yelled, but she ignored him. She broke from his grip and ran at the Lord Commander. The horses spooked, bucking the other men off them and scattering.
She jumped, using the stirs of the saddle of his horse to mount it. She pulled out the dagger she stole from Cregan earlier, and slit the Lord Commander’s neck.
Hot blood spewed onto her face as he weakly grabbed at her throat. She smiled, that wicked smile again, licking the blood that spat across her face, her eyes wide with madness.
“Goodnight, crow.” She whispered.
Cregan ripped her off the horse, throwing her onto the ground.
“Do you understand what you have just done?!” He screamed at her. She smiled up at him, blood staining her teeth. She kissed him, the blood on their faces smearing. He briefly matched her love with the kiss, before pulling away.
He tried snatching the dagger back from her, “No, it’s mine!” She yelled.
He pulled her by her collar close to his face, “You have to go now… or I’ll kill you.”
Sadness swept across her face, her lip trembling like a scorned child.
“Keep your fucking dagger, then!” She yelled, stabbing it into his shoulder.
Cregan cried out, letting her go, and falling to the ground. He ripped the dagger from his shoulder. She used this as an opportunity to take her bow back from his body.
She reached into her boot, pulling out an arrow. She knocked it and drew it back. Cregan weakly jumped on the Lord Commander’s horse. The other Night’s Watch men were returning on their horses, having calmed and gathered them.
“Back to the wall!” Cregan commanded them. He didn’t turn to look at her. He knew if he had, she would’ve shot the arrow right through his eye. Instead, she hit him in his rib, perfectly hitting where it would hurt, but wouldn’t kill him. Cregan yelled in pain again.
The men rode off, not stopping until they made it to the wall. Cregan passed out multiple times on the way, visions of her flooding his thoughts as the men had to drag him to the maester.
She stayed in the same place for hours, sobbing and sobbing, as the icy cold froze her tears. Only when night fell then did she turn and leave, knowing she would never see the Lord again.
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lerclan · 3 months
movie night (pt.2 to orange) | lando norris
type: smau + written
pairing(s): reader x lando norris, reader x f1 grid (friendly)
summary: after you and lando officially announced your relationship, you didnt realize that charles and george were actually sad about the news. to make it up you invited them for ice cream and some movies (except they werent the only ones that showed up)
warning(s): a little bit suggestive 😘🙈
fc: random girlies off of pinterest!
"are you sure thats gonna be enough ice cream, babe?" lando asks as you turned to look at him confused
"yes??? why wouldnt there be enough? i only invited the two of them for some ice cream and to watch movies." you respond to lando as his eyes widen, "what did you do, lando."
"i swear–no i promise i didnt know it was just supposed to be those two..." he explains as you look at him more, "i may or may have not invited more people besides the two..."
"lando norris!" you yelp out in disbelief, "go."
"go?? go where??" he asks confused.
"go buy more ice cream for the friends you invited." you tell him as he sighs, "quit standing around, go before they come!"
after a few minutes of you stressing out, lando finally arrived with more ice cream in his hands.
"who else did you invite?" you finally ask as he puts the ice cream in the freezer.
"carlos, oscar, max, alex, and lewis." he states their names.
"oh, well thats fine. sorry for getting snappy with you, love." you give him a peck on his cheek, "you know how i am with planning things."
"trust me i do, dont worry about it babe." he tackles you onto the couch as you scream for help.
you and him wrestle each other for a bit until you end up on top of him, straddling his waist.
"i could so do you right now." you blurt out as he cheekily smiles.
"please do." he says as you lean in for a kiss but it gets interrupted with a doorbell.
"awhh, too bad." you pull away as you give him a sly look to which he rolls his eyes at.
ynnn posted on their story !
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amayamoore replied to ynnns story
amayamoore LMFAOOO
lilymhe replied to ynnns story
lilymhe tell alex to buy some carrots after you guys are done w your movie night
lilymhe that cute idiot forgot his phone 😔
ynnn he said "understood" with a salute
lilymhe thanks girl lets hang tmrw xxx
ynnn GIRLS NIGHT!?&:
lilymhe YESSSS
"did she ask for anything else, y/n?" alex asks as he takes a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.
"no, but i am stealing her from you tomorrow night." you answer as you take a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth as well.
"girls night?" max asks as you nod your head in agreement.
"yep, pretty much." you answer verbally, "anyways, were you two shocked when you pulled up here seeing all the other guys?" you laugh as you see charles and george nod their heads.
"obviously. i thought me and george were gonna get closure and therapy after the announcement, not a whole party." charles answers as he laughs, "but i think this is better."
"the more merrier they say..." lando says as he scratches his head.
you give him a peck on the lips as you laugh.
"you guys are lucky charles cried all of his tears during the announcement or hed be bawling right now." carlos says as everyone laughs and looks at charles.
"hey, still quite sensitive to that..." he says as he eats down his ice cream and chokes.
max instantly gets up to pat charles on his back as he keeps on coughing.
"DONT DIE ON ME." you yell as you ran out of the room to get charles a glass of water.
"RUN BABE RUN!!" lando yells out as he slowly panics at how much charles was coughing.
"HERE.." you come back with a glass of water nearly slipping on the way, but it gets to charles safely.
"charles dont die yet, you have to race in monaco." max says as he still pats his back.
"i wo–" he coughs, "i wont." he finally takes a deep breath and stops coughing.
"almost lost a dad there for a sec by his own ice cream brand" oscar says as everyone laughs especially charles.
"you almost really did." he says as he finally eases down, "anyways, what are we watching tonight." he asks as you chuckle at his attempt at changing the subject.
"you can pick since you almost saw the light." you say.
"yeah mate, youre lucky max got your back. like quite literally." lewis says max laughs.
after a few minutes of thinking, charles finally picked a movie that he thinks everyone would enjoy.
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Liked by ynnn, landonorris, maxverstappen1, and 528,924 others
lando.jpg my love ❤️
tagged: ynnn
View all 45,818 comments
user3 y/ns first jpg feature 🥹🫶
lando.jpg wont be the last thats fs ❤️
ynnn you better be for sure.
maxverstappen1 mates gonna pretend like we werent there...
alex_albon got lost in the sauce
lewishamilton real
georgerussell63 real
oscarpiastri real
carlossainz55 real
charles_leclerc real
lewishamilton wheres my photo creds @??
ynnn real, like he ate that last pic of us up
lando.jpg creds @/lewishamilton for the last photo 😒
ynnn gosh hes being sassy again 🙄
lewishamilton i literally just asked for creds 🙄🙄
ynnn ikr??? 🙄🙄🙄🙄
mclaren now you know what we have to deal with 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
ynnn gosh i could never 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
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Liked by landonorris, ynnn, lilymhe, and 1,271,182 others
charles_leclerc feeling better now 😎
tagged: ynnn
View all 157,713 comments
charles_leclerc LOLLL IM SORRY 😭😭
alex_albon ive never laughed so hard until what happened on the last photo 😭
lewishamilton FR 💀
scuderiaferrari dont hurt our future driver charles ❤️😘
mclaren nuh uh i dont think so ☝️ shes taking landos seat
scuderiaferrari we will see 🙈
lilymhe FR
amayamoore REMAAATCH
maxverstappen1 its so on
oscarpiastri REAL‼️
alex_albon REAL‼️
landonorris REAL‼️
carlossainz55 REAL‼️
lewishamilton REAL‼️
charles_leclerc REAL‼️
georgerussell63 REAL‼️
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Liked by ynnn, charles_leclerc, landonorris, alex_albon, and 876,173 others
georgerussell63 we totally won in girls vs boys pillow fight.
tagged: charles_leclerc, ynnn, alex_albon, landonorris
View all 99,173 comments
user4 poor girl is fighting a whole team 😭
charles_leclerc youre just a sore loser
alex_albon i swear i literally almost peed myself seeing her screech, run away, and slip 💀
carlossainz55 it actually had me in tears too i couldnt believe she slipped because of her slippers😭😭😭
maxverstappen1 i may have bursted a lung.
user22 I CANT BREATHE 😭💀💀💀
oscarpiastri 😭😭😭
ynnn im gonna crash into you guys if i see you in the roads.
amayamoore THE THREATS 😭😭😭
mercedesamgf1 how do you feel about joining us next year. we will have a seat open for you 😁
redbullracing no she seems to have a redbull driving style 😘
scuderiaferrari FORZA FERRARI!!! also we dibs first 🙄
mclaren shes already driving for lando next year 🧡🧡🧡
landonorris WHAT
yn.jpg you didnt know babe?
landonorris #landofoundonthestreetsjobless
landonorris look at my loves bunda 😻😻😻
ynnn id humor you if i wasnt holding a grudge against you.
landonorris it was too funny babe i could not 😭😭
landonorris there she goes again 🙄🙄🙄
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Liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1, lilymhe, and 35,263 others
yn.jpg welcome chat
tagged: landonorris, charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, carlossainz55, oscarpiastri, lewishamilton, alex_albon, maxverstappen1
View all 9,173 comments
yn.jpg look at all the photos i took of them
yn.jpg my favs is alexs 😭
yn.jpg nothing...just an inchident. (tried running him over in his own car)
alex_albon OKAY WHATEVER 😒
charles_leclerc hey...😔
maxverstappen1 best quote from you ever.
lando.jpg such a copycat 🙄
maxverstappen1 mate didnt you beg her?
georgerussell63 didnt you go down on both knees?
oscarpiastri didnt you weep on the floor?
alex_albon didnt you massage her back?
lewishamilton didnt you yell loudly for her to make this account?
carlossainz55 didnt you roll AND weep on the floor if she didnt make it?
charles_leclerc didnt you also massage her feet?
yn.jpg didnt you beg for months for me to make it?
lando.jpg GOSH I GET IT OKAY. 🙄
user22 omg look at oscar hes such a cutie 🥹🥹🥹
charles_leclerc my child is cute 🥹
oscarpiastri thanks dad 😆
user3 that looks like the best movie night ever omg
user4 NO CUZ FR??
yn.jpg #facedented #charlesfault #hehadabrickinhispillow
charles_leclerc haters gonna stay losing 🙄🙄🙄
lilymhe lets get them next time since they wanna talk😒
amayamoore real 😒
yn.jpg real 😒
ynnn real 😒
lilymhe not the double confirmation 😭😭
ynnn i want revenge babes 😭🫶
lilymhe youll get them back babe 🫶😘
amayamoore @/alex_albon she just stole your girl
alex_albon #usedtothis
alex_albon love you too 😻🙈
ynnn ew i hate couples 🙄
landonorris im literally on the other side of the couch from you babe 😔
ynnn how about you come to my side then babe. sit on my lap 😻😻😻
landonorris yes maam 😻😻😻🙈🙈
amayamoore GET OUT OF HERE
charles_leclerc THEYRE DOING IT AGAIN
mclaren i was never here 😨
authors note(s): did a little part 2 to orange since it felt like it needed a part 2.
i also wanna thank you guys for giving me massive support on orange 😭🫶 i genuinely thought it was gonna flop since it was my first time writing a smau and i thought that you guys wouldnt find my humor funny, but reading the comments made me feel better 😘😘😘
thank you sm again xxx
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whateversawesome · 10 months
Some Theories about Anya's Name
Who would have thought a short chapter would bring so much information and discussion? But then again, we're talking about Anya, agent of chaos (according to her papa).
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After that chapter, there's plenty of theories flying around, so I decided to make this post to compile, explain and expand these theories 😉
Anya is an acronym: This one is pretty clear has been a popular general theory. It means that the letters of her name stand for something else. What exactly? We don't know yet, but it probably has to do with Project Apple and the infamous lab Anya was created.
Anya...Ania...OstANIA: If you live near small children, you probably know that when they are learning how to talk, they do it by picking up words adults say and many times they say those words wrong. While discussing with some friends, I imagined those scientists constantly saying the word Ostania in front of that little girl. Maybe baby Anya thought that was her name because she heard the word OstANIA all the time, but she couldn't say it right.
Anya, the foreign princess: This one is very simple. It means that her name was spelled differently in her country of origin. This theory is vague, but I do believe a third country could be involved in all this mess. Also, it would make sense for Anya to be hiding in Ostania, if she was born and kept captive in a different country.
Anya...A N/A: This one is one of the most interesting theories! A N/A would mean something like "Non-applicable". You probably think this doesn't say much, but it really does. In the first few chapters of the story we learned that Anya was adopted and returned 4 times. Instead of a child, she was returned as if she was a piece of clothing. Even though it's been barely mentioned, we've also learned that people that participated in Project Apple didn't treat the subjects nicely (see how they treated Bond). Those people called Anya "subject 007". They didn't even give her a name. If we think about it, Anya is very "non-applicable". She was created in a lab, she has a strange power, so she's not like the other kids, she's been adopted and returned 4 times...
The A N/A and Anya being treated like an object instead of a human being fits the Spy x Family premise of the story, which is: Humans like Twilight, Yor, and Anya are used as weapons instead of being treated like humans. The story is about them regaining their humanity through love and family.
So even if A N/A says nothing about Anya, it says a lot about the story.
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Look at this little girl. This illustration was heartbreaking. Do you know when it takes place? It's right before he meets Twilight. We see that it's the same filthy orphanage Twilight visited on chapter 1 and this is not Anya's first orphanage, so that means this illustration happened after she was returned again. The way she's facing the door, her body language, the way she holds Mr. Chimera by the hand is so sad. Here she is, once again, in a place she doesn't want to be, where nobody will take care of her...alone 😭
Enough of that or we'll end up crying...🤧
Some other things to take into consideration about her name:
Mr. Chimera: Since this is a visual story, that panel of Mr. Chimera tells us that this plushie is involved in Anya's name. If you've read certain fic, you know where I stand on that. In this case, I think that yes, the person who helped Anya escape gave Mr. Chimera to her. However, I don't think it was exactly that character (you know who). It probably was someone else, maybe even a new character we don't know yet. It could also be a scientist who took pity on Anya or disagreed with the use of children as lab rats, and helped her escape. We don't know yet.
Twilight: One of the most beautiful panels on that short chapter was seeing Anya's eyes lit up when her papa told her the correct spelling of her name. Did you see it? Those were the eyes of someone who had just learned something new about herself and by doing this, Twilight made her even more human.
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One more thing...I've seen speculations about the next arc of the manga being about Anya's past because of this short mission. In my opinion...I don't think it'll happen yet. Why? If it was the case, this would have been a longer chapter and the actual beginning of the arc.
I believe Anya's past will be one of the last things we learn, because there's plenty of things to resolve and a lot of information we don't have. Stories are like puzzles; this chapter was an important piece, but we're not working on that part yet.
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sweetheartsaku · 2 months
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a/n: [fem!reader] thank you so much for all the support on pt 1!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ hopefully we like the new layout huhu
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shoto is for the girls who brush their hair really rough. shoto who gently works his way down the strands, through every knot and tangle till the brush comes off the ends. he uses a wooden brush, because he knows plastic ones are hard on your head. he doesn’t rush, combing through every damp section as you melt into his touch, especially from the warm shower to his warm hands. only for him to tangle his fingers through your scalp again as your face is snuggled against his chest later that night, or braid your hair the following afternoon, vividly trying to visualise the way his mother taught him while she was in the hospital on his rare days off, and by his sister who would braid baby shoto’s hair as he slept ‎(''-ࡇ-)💤
one time as a kid he had overheard his sister, fuyumi, humming a lullaby before bed. sho' as kid walks in on her brushing her hair for what seems to be a while and asks what she's been doing. when little fuyumi said she has to brush her hair 100 times before bed to become a princess, little shoto has never let go and does it with you almost every night 🥹💗
along the lines of warm showers, he loves when you come out of the bathroom not for the imagery, but for the aromatic fragrance that radiates off your body as you dry your hair (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ. when he politely and cluelessly asks if he can dry it, he is so gentle with rubbing the strands between the small towel. sometimes he gets distracted when he smells the shampoo and conditioner. he’ll say, “you smell nice” with a monotone expression, yet so many thoughts behind his crystal turquoise and steel eyes (that he just expects you to know). he loves fruity and flowery scents because they remind him of his mother (·•᷄∩•᷅ ).
shoto is for the girls that get overwhelmed or overstimulated easily. has never been a fan of pda, but there's something about the way he places his hand on top of your knee when he notices the bouncing becomes a lot faster and rougher, the way he squeezes back a bit tighter when you squeeze his palm as a plead to go home, the way that he looks at you so endearingly unknowingly when you fiddle with the hem of his shirt, or the way he lets you fidget with the silver metal on his ring finger.
when he’s out or visiting another place, he always sends you the most adorable letters. there's a wax seal, a stamp and your name in his neat cursive handwriting just the way you like it. your favourite colours, the cologne you said you like on him once suddenly became half empty because he sprayed on every letter. sometimes you’ll get a dried flower stuck with it, or a small packet of your favourite snack on the front!! sometimes he attempts to decorate the letters with stickers, but then ends up only using two, afraid of wasting it HAHA ♡
gets quietly clingy. or lowkey just in general, is always craving your touch ( ≧ᗜ≦)! will never say it though, he expects you to be able to read his telepathic thoughts that he sends through his softened eyes and dimple pout. he likes being held; he likes the way he feels like putty in your arms. his favourite is when his face is buried in the crook of your neck, listening to your hands soothe under his shirt on his bare back. he likes the way his breath hitches before slowly exhaling when he can smell the flowery scent of your dried-damp hair on your nape. a little spoon i fear your honour
loves the way necklaces look on you!! especially the dainty simple ones. doesn't mind using his dad's black card on you LMAO 😭. you defo have a collection of them all prettily displayed on a little necklace stand each on a hook, and they all have little stories behind them (some of them are just ones he bought on a whim too hehe). one has his initial, he's matching with your initial (obviously), which is one that you both wear on special occasions. one has a butterfly because he said it reminded him of your beauty, you usually wear that on dates. the ones with rhinestones or your birthstone are the ones he purchases when he's away from you and you wear them interchangeably. he loves the silver ones btw!! idk there's just something that happens to his heart whenever he sees the charm dangling off your neck when you reach over to him, or the way the chain bumps along your collarbone ♡
he reminds you of cotton candy skies, especially the ones in blue and pink hehe.. he looks at the text and sky you sent him, and he stares at the screen thinking to himself: can machines fall in love?
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bluesidez · 5 months
Firefighter!Miguel Part 2
content warning: the urge to use AAVE was slipping through the nerves of my fingers. I tried to hold off, so if you see something that looks grammatically different, then it’s probably AAVE that I couldn’t NOT add. this is all fluff too! there are also mentions of food, but that's a norm for these drabbles
word count: 2.2k, proofread! (I think there's no mistakes 😭)
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“Eileen! Is that you?!”
You internally groaned as your grandma hopped out of the motorized shopping cart to greet yet another person.
The trip to the grocery store to buy ingredients turned into a meet & greet with the star being your grandmother knowing everyone in the town.
You felt loopy, going from almost burning down your house to contemplating whether or not the hot fire captain would prefer yams or potato salad. Maybe both?
You grumbled to yourself as you scanned the aisle for a specific brand of cookies for some banana pudding. If all else fails, this was a dessert you could make with no oven.
“And now we’re here, trying to find this child something to cook with,” you heard your grandma fuss out. Why did your business have to be the topic of the conversation?
You turned and walked the short distance to your grandma and another woman who was….her old coworker? Her church member? Or maybe they went to school together….
“Good morning Ms. Eileen,” you say, thankful that you caught her name. You couldn’t keep up with everyone like your grandma.
“Is this the baby?!” she says, shocked eyes going from you to your grandma and back to you.
Your grandma nodded, a smile growing on her face.
“Child, I haven’t seen you since you were this little!” she says, holding her hand about 2 feet off the ground. She turns back to your grandma, “This can’t be the baby!”
You stand there with your lips in a line as you wait for the realization that at least two decades have gone by since you’ve last seen her.
Or more like since she’s seen you. You’re still trying to gather who she is.
“Yeah, this is my grandchild! All grown up and now we’re trying to win over a husband,” your grandma says, shaking your arm.
You wanted a hole to swallow you up or possibly grow some wings so that you could take flight. Anything to get out of this conversation.
“A husband?!” Ms. Eileen smiles mischievously. “Who are you trying to marry?”
“Honey, this child got the Fire Chief ringing my doorbell!”
“He’s actually the Fire Captain-” you mumble, trying to get your two cents in
Ms. Eileen holds your hands and starts doing an excited bounce as she vocalizes her excitement.
“I need to get right then if we’re fixin’ to have a wedding!” she said, gesturing to her hair as if to fix it.
“It’ll be soon! Just wait and see!” your grandma says, putting her hands back on the handlebars of the car. “Let us go on and buy the rest of this stuff. We’ve got a lot to do. It was good to talk with you!”
Your grandma starts to move forward, somewhat ignoring Ms. Eileen as she started to open her mouth again.
“Leave me some of that food ok?” she calls out.
“If there’s any left, I’ll let you know!” your grandma says as she turns down the aisle.
You chase after her, waving to Ms. Eileen as you leave.
“Who was she again?” you ask as you two go down a new aisle.
“Eileen Wilkins from the school.” So she was a coworker! “She still doesn’t know how to stop talking, though.”
Your laugh sneaks out of you as you watch your grandma stop at some seasonings.
“Why do you say that? You were keeping the conversation up.”
“I was just being nice! It was fine until she started bragging about that granddaughter of hers. That girl doesn’t know her left from her right. How she make it to nursing school?”
“Maybe she’s a hard worker!” you respond.
Your grandma snorts, “Yeah. Working hard at paying somebody else to do her work.”
You just shake your head at your grandma. What are you going to do with this woman?
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“Will you call the number already?”
“I don’t really want to do that,” you say, tapping your foot against the ground.
This would be the fourth station within the area that you called with no record of a "Captain O'Hara." You were starting to believe that you and your grandma made him up. Just a small figment of both of your imaginations. What your grandma saw as a suitor and what you saw as a hot guy just trying to do his job.
"You need to want to call," your grandma, responds. "We didn't get all of this food made for nothing. And you're wearing my good necklace! He won't know what hit him when sees you."
You both decided on soul food. Tin pans full of food for the entire crew from greens to mac to fried catfish. Then, there was a hefty styrofoam takeout plate made especially for him. Your banana pudding for him in a tupperware container with Nilla wafers patterned along the side.
Not to mention, you spent an unhealthy amount of time deciding which scent you should wear.
You looked infinitely better than you did when he last saw you with ingredients dusting your front and smoke coming out of your windows.
Still, it would all be for nothing if you couldn’t find his station.
While yon were staring off, your grandma tapped your phone, impatience riddling her frame.
“Grandma!” you shout, holding your phone as if it were a game of hot potato.
“Just ask if he’s there!” your grandma says.
“That’s not how this works-”
“Station 29, this is Captain O’Hara speaking.”
“Hi! Hello,” you turn back to the phone in a rush, embarrassed that he might have heard you and your grandma. You introduce yourself properly this time, saying that you wanted to bring some dinner down to the crew.
You hear a noise of shock as he starts to speak again, “That would be amazing actually. The crew was just trying to decide what to eat. When can we expect you?”
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” you say, a little too quickly to be honest.
“Perfect. We’ll see you then!”
You end the call and look up to your grandma who’s staring at you with a small smile.
“Now you tell him to bring back my good tupperware,” she says, instantly switching back to her regular self.
You just shake your head. Grandmas will be grandmas.
“I’m just trying to get you a good man!” she fussed. “And that’s my good tupperware. He’ll hear from me until I get it back.”
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“And who were you just on the phone with? You’re smiling real hard there.”
“Shut up Parker,” Miguel fired back. “And why are you even in here. Aren’t you supposed to be washing T29 right now?”
“I finished that an hour ago, thank you very much. You’re so touchy!”
Miguel got up and shuffled Peter out of his office, “I’m not touchy. You’re just irritating me like usual.”
“Oh my god? You do have someone you’re talking to,” Peter says as he digs his feet into the ground, stopping Miguel. “How come you didn’t tell me? Is it that lady with the tree-loving cat? No! It’s the guy whose dog keeps getting stuck in the wall! There’s a theme here.”
“No, I’m not- Will you move? I’m not dating anyone with daredevil pets,” Miguel responded, trying to push Peter in a new spot.
“Cap is dating?” Ben asks as he walks by the two bickering like cats. “When can we see them?”
“I’m not dating-”
“Miguel! You didn’t tell me anything,” Jess says as she comes down the hallway.
“Why won’t you ever address me as Captain?”
“I will if you tell me who you’re dating,” she says with a smile on her face.
“I’m going to lose my mind,” Miguel mumbles, letting Peter fall to the ground instead of fighting him.
“Well if you weren’t talking to your lover, who was that?” he asks from the ground, the wind knocked out of him.
“While you all were slacking, I was making sure that everyone goes home with a full stomach. Remember the kitchen fire from earlier this week? They’re bringing some food for us.”
“Will it be safe to eat?” Ben says, eyes flittering to Jess nervously.
“It was a broken gas line, you idiot,” Jess says with her mouth turned sideways. “At least wait until the food is here before you judge it.”
“No way,” Peter says from the ground. “You put them in your lap and now they’re bringing you food.”
Miguel lightly kicks Peter in the thigh, making him scream out a scale of keys.
“That face gets so many people,” Jess sighs annoyingly.
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Firefighter!Miguel who jogs out to the car when you arrive. No, he wasn’t watching the clock or his cameras. He just happened to see some movement in one of the security cameras.
He opens the door for you, helping you out of the car.
It’s like you’re a totally different person from the frantic little baker from earlier.
“Can you help me get the plates out of the trunk?” you say, voice barely reaching his ears with how soft you’re speaking.
“Of course,” he replies.
He manages to carry all four hot tins of food, leaving you with just two plastic bags to carry.
Firefighter!Miguel who places the tins on the table with ease.
“Is there anything else?” Peter asks, walking up to his side.
“No, I think this was all of the tins,” Miguel replied with his hands on his hips.
“Show off,” Peter whispers with a smile on his face. He patted his shoulder and walked towards the entrance.
Miguel blushed, realizing how that might have read to you.
Firefighter!Miguel whose eyebrows raise as you hold him back from getting in line, a plastic bag aimed towards him.
“I made you a separate plate. You were especially kind to me and I wanted to show my appreciation,” you say with a smile on your face.
“Thank you,” he says, taking the bag. “Should I give you the verdict?”
Your heart beats faster, watching his pretty face light up. You nod your head, hopeful that he’ll love the food.
Firefighter!Miguel who has you sit next to him at the table. The crew is quiet for once. Nothing but smacks and the shuffling of cups could be heard.
“Don’t be rude, guys. Say thanks,” Miguel chides at his crew.
At the sound of his voice, everyone starts thanking you profusely.
Miguel starts to open his bag and you feel like you could break out in a sweat.
You watch as he opens the plate and his eyes go big.
“Hey, how come he gets the extra stuff?” Ben whines from the end of the table.
Jess elbows him to shut him up, eyes throwing daggers.
You may or may not have added some fried chicken and potato salad to his plate.
You wait anxiously as he takes a bite.
Is it weird that you counted the seconds as he chewed?
“Damn, that’s good,” he says, leaning back in his chair.
If everyone could hear your thoughts, they’d truly be terrified at the screams going on right now.
“You like it?” you ask, biting your lip.
“This might be the best food I’ve had in a while,” he replies back. “Thank you!”
Your smile grows, watching as he tears away at his food. His laser focus doesn’t stop him from smacking Peter’s hand away from his banana pudding.
Firefighter!Miguel who walks you back to the car. Everyone was chatting and laughing at the table. The after-food glow on all of their faces.
“Everything was really delicious. Thank you for this. You didn’t have to,” he says as he opens your door.
“Stop, I really wanted to thank you guys. You all are the true heroes. Oh! And my grandma would really appreciate it if you brought her container back.”
Miguel chuckles, giving you that charming smile of his. He looked so pretty that way. The black shirt he was sporting was hugging him just right too.
“Of course,” he responded. “We still have to check out your kitchen too, yeah?”
You nod, shocked that he remembered.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you my number and we can work that out tomorrow.”
He hands you a card, writing down what you assume is his personal number. As he hands the card to you, your heart picks up as his fingers graze yours.
“I’ll see you then,” he says, waiting for you to get in your car before he closes it. He taps the hood and walks backwards, watching as you back out of the driveway.
You give him a little wave and squeal to yourself when gives a hearty one back.
Firefighter!Miguel who is hounded by his crew when he gets back inside.
Some of them are making kissy faces and the others are patting his back in encouragement.
“Would you all get back to work?” he sighed, annoyed at all of the attention.
He moved fast to his office, face in flames.
Firefighter!Miguel who groans out when he scoops some banana pudding in his mouth.
You were good. Really good.
He makes an angry face as he takes another bite, “My god.”
“Oo, they got you real good,” Jess snickers as she steals a bite of his dessert.
“Hey!” he said, moving too late to stop her.
She laughs as she runs from his office. Miguel gets up and locks the door, making sure that no one else could steal his food.
It was specifically made for him, after all.
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divider by: @dollywons + @starzyyy1 ❤️‍🔥
a/n: Special thanks to @slushycoookie for giving me ideas! It was brilliant and much needed ☺️
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taglist: @snails-doodles22 @xerorizz @questionable-behaviour @babygotl01292003
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canthelpit0 · 5 months
Jealous girl
Pairing: Chris x jealous!Reader
Wordcount: 5.1k +
Summary: where a girl from school, that you don’t like, somehow knows Chris. Your school life and private life collide, as you decide to make rash moves to get back at her, and teach her a lesson.
Warnings: smut, jealousy, rich kid!Reader, use of y/n, they’re seniors in HS, marking, possessive!Reader (if u squint), pet names, p in v, filming, creampie, unprotected
(A/N: ik I’ve been doing a lot of rich kid reader, but it’s just sm easier 😭 I'm sorry for any grammar errors, English is not my fist language. also, the song has like barely anything to do with the plot.)
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I’ve been friends with the triplets for most of my life. We just click.
I’ve always had a slight crush on Chris, he’s the first one I met.
I was scribbling a drawing in kindergarden, sitting at a table all by myself, when Chris came up to me. He started to talk to me and rant about something, until he declared us friends.
We grew up together, went to the same elementary and middle school. But being a rich kid, my parents wanted me to go to a private high school for better education.
So now I go to a private high school in Boston, while the triplets go to Somerville high school.
At first I really didn’t want to go, since it was a private school with uniforms and all. But my parents weren’t letting up, and even threatened to send me to a boarding school in Switzerland.
So I reluctantly agreed.
There was this girl, Eva. Your basic blonde girl with green eyes.
Now, I never liked Eva’s friend, but that was years ago, and I don’t think they’re even friends anymore.
Anyway, me and Eva share the same AP European history class.
We don’t talk a lot though.
★ ★ ★
I walk down the hallway making my way towards the door. Today was a draining day and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep.
But I have homework and-
My thoughts are cut off as I stop in my track raising an eyebrow. There was chris, standing in front of the main entrance of the school.
“Y/n?” He asks excitedly. It’s like my brain pauses for a moment.
“Chris?” I ask back.
At this point I hadn’t seen Chris or his brothers in a month or so. I was too busy studying and they were busy with lacrosse.
I live in Boston at the border to Somerville. And Chris lives in Somerville. But my school is 40 minutes away from his by car.
He opens his arms and I gladly hug him. I sigh as we embrace, my eyes closing briefly.
“Why are you here?” I ask. After all, Chris, to my knowledge didn’t have a drivers license and no reason to be here.
“Well, you know Eva? Well I gave her my jacket a week ago and I came to pick it up since she goes to your school-“ He rants, his words come out fast and jumbled by how excited he is to see me.
“How do you know Eva?” The words come out sassy. And honestly if i wasn’t hyper aware of the fact that we’re on school grounds I’d slip in a swear word.
“Well a week ago I was out in Boston shopping with Matt and Nick and this girl came up to me asking for my jacket since she was cold. Just out of nowhere” he starts to rant again, but I don’t even have half the mind to interrupt him.
After all, this felt like two of my separate worlds were colliding. And I didn’t like it one bit. He didn’t seem to dislike her like I did, wich only made me despise her more.
“And you gave it to her? A stranger?” I raise an eyebrow a huff leaving my lips.
I sound more sassy than I intend to, but I can’t help it.
Students walk past us slowly. Being in a private school most people loved it here. They weren’t pushing to leave.
We stand at the side of the main entry, still inside.
“Yeah. She asked for it” he sasses back, matching my attitude. Yet his smile stays big on his face and I could tell he wasn’t serious.
“What if she stole it?” I roll my eyes looking back up at Chris who had a few inches on me.
“That’s what I said too.” He agrees dramatically. “So she offered to give me her snap and told me she’d give it back to me next opportunity she got.”
That seems a bit dumb to me. She’s rich, she could just buy a new jacket if she’s outside and cold.
“You’ve been talking?” I question. I cringe slightly at the jealous tone lacing my words but Chris doesn’t seem to pick up on it.
“Yeah” he chirps back happily.
Oh so now they were snapping too?
He sticks out like a sore thumb. The way he carries himself, the way he smiles and acts, is just a dead giveaway that he does not go to a private school. Let alone, the fact that he’d not wearing a uniform like everyone else walking out right now.
Some people give us weird looks, but most don’t even care.
I purse my lips, if my day hadn’t been bad already, it was definitely ruined now.
The problem wasn’t that he had friends, other than me. But the fact that I knew her and knew how much of a Bitch she is, and how he can’t realize that.
The fact that he knew that she goes to my school, and that i probably know her, But didn’t even bother to mention it to me.
“You know what class she has right now?” He asks me. He actually has the nerve to.
“No.” I roll my eyes. Honestly I couldn’t care less. I only share that one class with her.
I turn on my heel to walk away, but before I can he grabs my elbow pulling me back slightly.
“Please don’t leave?” He asks sweetly.
I huff yanking my arm out of his grasp. Sure it could be awkward standing in front of the main door, obviously not going to this school looking like a lost puppy. But it’s Chris, he’ll survive.
“Chris, I have shit to do”
that’s a lie. I don’t have anything planned today. I just wanted to go home and sleep.
“Pretty please??” I huff turning back around. I stand next to him, my arms crossed as I scan the people leaving the building.
“Cute uniform you got there.” He says licking his lips slightly as he looks over my body.
I was wearing the green plaid skirt. And a basic white, collared button down. Along with the schools signature green cardigan and the tie.
I had so many layers on it was crazy. Since it was a more chilly day in Boston I had my tights on, but under the tights I had Thermo leggings on to keep me warm.
Honestly if people at public schools think the dress code is strict they should go to a private school for a day.
Once three buttons from the top of my collared shirt were unbuttoned and I was dress coded for it.
Atleast the skirt wasn’t horrendously long.
It could still be considered a mini skirt if you squint.
“You say that every time you see me in it” I scoff. I can’t help the fact I’m being sassy, I’m just in a horrible mood.
“I mean it.” He answers.
But before i can respond I hear an annoying voice from in front of me. “Hey Chris.” I turn my head to look at Eva.
The bitch is smiling wide. She was wearing the khaki skirt and the navy blazer with the black tights.
I purse my lips. God I wish I could dress however I want to for school.
“Hi Eva.” Chris greets her with a hug.
I physically try to hold back a scowl. They talk about something and I drown Out Eva’s pitched, bitchy tone.
Of corse Chris wouldn’t pick up on the flirting. But I see the way she smiles at him. The way her eyes trail over his face and linger at his lips for too long.
And I don’t know why I’m getting all territorial, but I guess I’m scared that Chris won’t have time to hang out anymore if he starts dating.
Either that or I just know how much of a bitch she is and I could treat him better than she ever could.
“Y/n this is Eva, Eva this is y/n” Chris makes us shake hands. He introduces us like we don’t know each other.
She chuckles at the silly gesture. She doesn’t hate me and I don’t hate her either. I just don’t like her, and the way she acts.
I’m rich, sure. And I’m more wealthy then her, but atleast I don’t act like a brat.
We start to walk, with them chatting, and me just trailing behind them.
We get to Eva’s car, she’d said something about driving him home or something. Does this girl know he lives like more than 40 minutes away?
My skin crawls at the thought of them being together in her car for that long. All alone.
“Chris come here” I wave him over for a second. Eva doesn’t question it instead going on her phone.
He walks over to me. I grab him by the shoulder to pull him down as I whisper in his ear. “You always pick the worst people to befriend.”
I let go of him. He groans rolling his eyes. His past two friendships with girls he befriended had ended horribly. But it was so predictable.
“Y/n/n. Come on” he scoffs. I turn to walk away to my own car to drive home.
Until he grabs my arm again pulling me back. “Can we talk.” He mumbles his arms wrapping a round my torso his chest pressed against my back.
“Not now.” I huff pushing myself off of him slightly. He wasn’t holding me tightly so I get out of his grip fairly easily.
“Y/n” he huffs.
“Don’t start.” I sass at him. I clench my jaw. I feel disappointed but not surprised. Eva wasn’t the type to show guys she’s interested in just how bitchy she really is.
“I gotta go, have fun.” I smile at him sarcastically. I let my smile drop as fast as it had appeared finally walking away from them.
But when I glance over my shoulder he’s already standing next to her smiling down at her.
★ ★ ★
The whole week after she found out I knew him, she’d constantly call him, and be around me and tell me stuff about him as if I didn’t know.
She’d sho me pictures of them together, she’d tell me jokes that I’ve heard before.
It was just the same old recycled bullshit.
He’d told her that we’ve known each other for basically forever. Why the hell was she talking to me like I didn’t know him?
That weekend I went over to the triplets house like I usually do, ready to sleepover.
I was in nicks bedroom talking to him.
“God, Chris always has terrible friends. And he needs to stop talking to everyone he sees.” Nick says with an eye roll.
This was our weekly complaining session.
“I know right, he befriended some girl from my school-“ I’m cut off by Nick.
“Eva?” I nod.
“I met her a few days ago and she’s so annoying.” He agrees slapping my arm a few times as he gets worked up.
“Right.” I scoff agreeing with him.
“And she totally has a thing for Chris.” He rolls his eyes hard.
I purse my lips. Good to know that I’m not delusional and that someone else sees it too.
After that the conversation topic shifts until Nick is ranting about some random TikTok song, and about how it’s obviously written to go TikTok viral and whatnot.
★ ★ ★
“Where are you gonna sleep tonight?” Nick asks, lying flat on his back, on his bed.
I slept over almost every weekend. And usually I’d rotate between whose bed space I’ll take up.
It is Friday, I always come over Friday after school. And then I stay until Sunday. And Sunday afternoon I go back home.
I always stay over on the weekends unless I have like an upcoming exam or something.
“Uhm.” I pause. I should sleep in Matt’s room tonight. But I want to talk with Chris more.
“Chris” I state. Nick doesn’t even question it.
The last time I’d slept over was over a month ago. and while sure, we did hang out in the past month, I spent all my weekends studying.
Nick had no mind to question me. He couldn’t care less. I could tell he’d missed me, and knowing I was sleeping over was comforting no matter where I slept.
We talk for a bit more until I stand up and pick up my overnight bag. I hug Nick and tell him I’m gonna head to Chris’ room.
We really need to talk about making good friends, and who to not befriend.
Because it keeps happening that Chris will pick out the shittiest people to befriend. And god it’s so irritating having to listen to him complain after they ‘betray’ him.
I walk upstairs to Chris’ room and unceremoniously swing the door open.
Once the door opens I’m immediately greeted with the sight of the pale pink LED’s on. There he was laying on his bed laying ON his side his phone up to his face.
“Oh hi y/n” he smiles at me briefly before going back to staring at his phone.
Chris usually called me any nickname under the sun before calling me my actual name.
Eva’s piercing voice echos out of the phone speakers making my expression sour immediately.
“Hi y/n” she says loudly. I can’t help the eye roll.
“Chris.” I hiss under my breath my eyes narrowed in a glare. He glances back at me his lips pursing in mild annoyance.
He tells her he’s got to go and that he’ll call her back. Chris then hangs up, slightly sitting up, his back pressed against his head bored.
I walk in fully, now closing the door behind me.
I put my overnight bag on his desk.
“I think she likes you.” I say simply my lips tugged into a straight line.
He huffs a laugh as if he thinks I’m joking.
I look over my shoulder, observing the grey sweatpants and white wife beater combo.
He crossed his arms staring back at me.
“I’m dead serious.” I say flatly. “Ever since she found out that I know you, she’s been coming to me in breaks and talking about you like I give a fuck.”
He poked his tongue into his cheek his expression falling flat “you’re serious?” He asks his voice painfully monotone.
“Of corse you didn’t realize” I roll my eyes turning back to look at my backpack.
“Whatever” I roll my eyes. I grab my make up bag that I always had in his room and I walk out the room to the bathroom to take off my make up.
After a few minutes I come back to see him on his phone again.
“Shit you’re right.”
Chris breathes out not even looking at me just saying that. He was going through previous messages only now seeing the underlying flirtation in her choice of words.
I raise my eyebrow at him before it registers what he is saying.
“I know” I say simply.
“How do I let her down slowly?” He asks his eyes finally going up to meet mine. His blue eyes only seem more exaggerated under the pink LED lights.
Before walking away from the door I lock it, he sends me a questioning glance but ultimately doesn’t say anything.
“You know, like how do I tell her I’m not interested, without saying that?” He adds still looking at me.
I walk up to the side of his bed.
I then roll my eyes getting on the bed. I sit next to him my back against the headboard as well.
We’re both quiet, the air in the room thickening. I can practically feel my skin burning up.
“How about you make a bold statement?” I break the silence after a moment.
Before he can respond I turn and get on his lap. My eyes are dark as I Simply sit on his thighs.
His hands go to my waist out of instinct. My arms wrapping around his neck.
He huffs out a breath his cheeks tinted a slight red. “What? you wanna make a sex tape or something?” He rolls his eyes.
I roll my eyes back at him. “That would be bold, but I don’t want her to see your dick.”
“Ooh possessive?” He teases. Chris unconsciously squeezes my side making me whine under my breath.
He chuckles at the sound, but before he can comment on it I’m speaking again. “I was thinking hickey , but if you want to fuck so bad then-“ I cut myself off.
“We can do both” he assures.
I lick my lips. And before I know it I move his face with my hand tilting his head to the side. My lips touch his jawline. I kiss down his jawline to his neck before I start to suck harshly.
He lets out a harsh breath his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows.
“Easy ma, you got all the time In The world.”
Ma. I genuinely don’t know where he heard that, but at some point he just started calling me ma or mama.
Like I said, he used every pet name under the sun, before saying my actual name.
I pull away for a second my eyes scanning the small purple bruise on his neck.
“No.” I breathe out harshly before starting to peck his neck again. Until I bite down, relatively low on his neck close to the other hickey.
I bite hard, making sure my teeth print would be there while also sucking another hickey into his skin.
He hisses at the harsh feeling, his hands clenching and unclenching on my waist. He doesn’t stop me tho. Quite contrary, I hear a few whines leave his mouth. His sounds sounding borderline like moans.
I pull away admiring his neck.
I move the strap of his wife beater to the side, kissing down his collarbone. I suck more marks into his skin, until I deem it enough.
“You wanna tap this, handsome?” I tease , my eyes meeting his pale blue ones.
His eyes are half lidded and his pupils blown out in pleasure.
It’s really late by now. It’s dark outside. And the light pink LED lights make his blue eyes look even bluer.
“Please?” He asks sweetly his tone feigning innocence.
I can feel the hardness press up against my clothed core. I grin back at him, my eyes dark in lust and half lidded like his.
I cross my arms and tug off my t shirt. I throw it to the ground, letting Chris Bask in the sight of my bra covered chest.
The lust radiating off of him only seems to double.
“So pretty.” He coos. And before I know it he’s leaning forward and kissing my chest.
He glances up at me through his lashes and mumbles against my skin. “Can I leave hickeys too?”
I chuckle at the question. It really didn’t matter for me. My schools dress code is strict and I would have to cover them up anyway.
“Under the neckline” I nod simply. And before I realize it he’s sucking on the tender skin of one of my boobs.
He licks and sucks at the skin, half my boob covered in his saliva now.
I tug in his top. He groans against me, obviously not wanting to pull away. But he eventually does, I pull the wife beater over his head and throw it to the floor.
His hand goes up to cup my other boob while he kisses down from my collarbone to my chest and then sucks another hickey at the top of it.
I card my hand through his hair while I don’t bother pulling him off. He lets me stroke his hair moaning into my skin.
He pulls away, his eyes even darker than before. his hair now messy as well.
I get off of him. He groans at the loss of contact. I can see he’s about to complain. But before he can, I start to undo my pajama pants and slide them down.
My black lacy thong and my black lacy bra match.
Chris had made fun of me for wearing such ‘slutty’ underwear before. After all whenever I showered here I left some of my clothes, namely my underwear, here.
I had my own little section in Chris’ closet filled with my panties and bras.
“Fuck.” He breaths out closing his eyes briefly and then opening them again as if checking if he was seeing things.
He starts to shift and tug down his own sweatpants. He eagerly tugs them off along with his boxers letting his cock spring free.
My mouth quite literally waters at the sight of his hard dick lying flat against his stomach.
He lays down flat on his back looking to his side to look me in the eyes.
“Please ride me ma.”
He says in such a pleading and whiny tone, how could I say no to that.
I walk past his bed to his desk and pick up my phone from where I’d put it.
I walk back tugging the thong off swiftly. I get on top of him straddling his torso. I grind myself against his dick, feeling it glide between my wet folds.
I tug on my bra trying to get it off. And when I finally do, it’s also discarded quickly.
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous mama.” He sighs looking at my boobs, both of them having small hickeys on them.
He puts his two hands on my waist lifting me slightly. He trails one hand down to my folds examining my pussy.
I feel him push his middle finger into my cunt abruptly to wich I moan.
He hums as if he was thinking. “So tight baby.” He coos his second hand on my waist caressing my skin gently.
“Gotta stretch this pussy out. We don’t want it to tear do we?” Chris asks sarcastically, obviously joking.
I lick my lips and let out a dry chuckle. His girth really did look painfully big. Atleast for what I was used to.
It wasn’t like he was that big, but it was definitely well above average.
I hand him my phone so he can start recording and that’s just what he does. He uses his hand from my waist to film this.
The camera pointing right at my pussy. He pushes a second finger in, briefly finger fucking me and scissoring his fingers to stretch me more.
“So fucking soaked.” He groans under this breath.
Chris takes his fingers out of me grabbing his hard dick and jerking it for a second. I lift myself and he positions it at my cunt, while also making sure to keep the camera at the right angle.
I push myself down letting out a breathy moan.
His hand, that’s not holding my phone, goes to my waist to steady me.
I suddenly push myself down on him completely. I whine loudly, my body jerking forward at the impact. He groans at the feeling of being balls deep in me.
“You okay?” He asks rubbing my waist gently in comfort.
“Yea” I breathe out my eyes closing as I try to get used to the feeling.
My legs are already numb and I’m already questioning why I’m on top.
I start to slowly bounce myself on him. He watches through my phone, his eyes glued to where we connect, seemingly fascinated by the sight.
“So tight for me.” He breaths out harshly trying to hold back loud groans. He was painfully aware of the fact that his siblings and parents were home.
I start to bounce on him more listening to him shower me in praises and compliments.
“Fuck.” His eyes stay trained on the phone screen, but he occasionally glances up to look at me.
I start to ride him harder the compliments and praise only making me wetter.
“God, come on, get yourself off on my dick like the slut you are.” He huffs. His free hand lightly on my waist to help me steady my movements.
He tries not to be too loud, both for the camera and because everyone is home.
I lean forward slightly and take my phone from his grasp.
I film his face and his reactions now.
His hands go to my waist slightly squeezing my skin as I start to rock my hips harder.
“Good boy, be quiet yeah.”
I feel the knot in my stomach tighten threatening to snap. The constant hit to my sweet spot is so overwhelming, and before I know it I’m releasing on his dick.
my hands are shaky but my phone is still angled at him, catching his mouth dropping in pleasure.
I clench around him letting out soft whines and moans, while Chris uses his hands to make me grind on him.
After a second when I calm down he grins. Chris holds his hand out for the phone that I give to him. He lifts me slightly to show the Camera the white circle my cum created around his length.
He makes no move to switch our positions so I just grind into him.
Chris turns the recording off and puts my phone on the nightstand. His hands find their way to my hips holding me tightly.
But before he can switch our positions like he was lplanning to, his phone starts ringing.
I glance ova seeing Eva as the caller ID. I roll my eyes. I feel pretty over stimulated already, but I want her to know.
“Pick up.” I demand under my breath. Our eyes meet for a moment but he eventually complies.
He leans over and takes his phone, picking up the call with a frown.
As soon as I hear her annoying voice i start to ride him again, making sure that the slapping sounds are loud enough.
He tries not to groan at the movements, trying to keep himself together.
“Eva, uh” he pauses his eyes locking with mine once more. He can’t help it when his free hand on my waist urges me to go harder.
“I’m kind of busy right now”
But she doesn’t get the hint and questions him. “Too busy to talk to me?”
Fucking pick me.
“Yeah well” he lets out a soft groan, pulling the phone away so she doesn’t hear it too well.
She starts to yap about some unimportant shit. Chris puts the phone on the side of the bed sitting up.
I stop moving due to Chris harsh grip. He pulls me off and flips us around.
I grab the pillow re- adjusting it so the side of my face is buried in it, my ass up for him.
He grins a soft slap echoing through the room. He kneeds my ass trying to smooth the pain of the slap.
He spreads my cheeks and pushes himself back in. He immediately starts up a harsh and fast pace fucking me into the pillow.
“Are you having sex right now?” Eva questions sounding like a brat who was just denied a toy
He leans over for a second picking up his phone. “No I’m not, why would you think that” he scoffs continuing his relentless attack to my sweet spot.
My core throbs around him, clenching to try and suck him back in.
“Oh my god you are-“ before she can rant about god knows what, Chris hangs up the phone.
He scoffs his grip in my waist tightens as he continues to forcefully pull me back on him.
He goes to the camera app on his phone starting to film once again.
He admires the way his entire length disappears into my tight cunt, and the way he has a white ring around the base of his cock from my previous release.
He picks up pace even more, if that was even humanly possible, until I feel like im going to cum again.
I turn my face and burry it in the pillow trying to muffle my noises. Because honestly I’d be surprised if the whole house didn’t already know what we’re doing.
“Close” I whine out between incoherent moans.
“Me too ma. Hold it for a bit, yeah?” He says sweetly his harsh actions not so sweet.
“Where do you want it?” He keeps glancing between the camera and me, sometimes angling the camera to show my back and the back of my head too.
“Inside” I whine. And that mildly catches Chris off guard.
He only picks up pace tho, his palm meets my butt again, in a harsh slap. I moan at the feeling. “Come on come for me” he demands.
And before I know it the knot in my stomach snaps once more my thighs shaking and my cunt clenching a round him.
The Camera is focused on my cunt. His thrusts get more sloppy and messy until he gives me one last harsh thrust.
Chris releases into me, filling me up to the brim and stuffing me.
We both stay like that for a moment to catch our breathes.
He stops the recording and throws the phone next to me, onto the bed.
He trails his hand over my ass and lower back, before gently grabbing my hips and pulling out.
He lets out a breath seeing his length covered in our combined juices, and me leaking.
He pushes me on my side slightly, so I’m laying down fully. I sigh turning my face into the pillow my arm under it.
“You okay?” He asks softly. Chris kisses my shoulder softly.
I just realized that we hadn’t kissed once. This entire time, his lips hadn’t been on mine not once. And I don’t know if he did that on purpose or not.
“ m’ good” I sigh closing my eyes briefly.
I nuzzle my face into the pillow, breathing out. I blink my eyes open again sighing.
I feel his eyes burn into the side of my face.
“Were you jealous?”
My eyes shoot open and I turn my head slightly to look at him. “About what?” I say simply playing dumb.
“Why do you not like her.” He asks again.
“I never liked her.”
“Right, and you don’t like that she likes me.” He states simply.
I scoff. “Don’t flatter yourself” I huff and nuzzle my face into the pillow.
“You literally have my cum inside of you right now, ma.” He huffs in response.
I purse my lips burring my face harder into the pillow.
“I like that.” He says again making me look back at him. Chris is looking down at me with a sweet smile
“What?” I ask and look at him from the corner of my eyes.
“That you’re jealous.” Chris replies, his smirk ever so cocky.
“Why would I be jealous?” I huff, replying sarcastically.
“Don’t deny it ma. I think it’s cute.” Chris chuckles. He grins down at me victoriously. He lays down next to me staring into my eyes.
A/N: this was so fun to write lmao. sorry for not posting in the past few days, I was just busy with school and didn't have the motivation to write. Feel free to to send me stuff my req and asks are open <3
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist: @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns , @me09love , @fratbrochrisgf , @spideylovin , @chrissgirlsstuff , @stunza , @whicked-hazlatwhore , @sturniooolos , @ecliphttlunar , @orangeypepsi , @klaus223492 , @char112244 , @sst7niolo , @slut4chriss , @mattsturniololoverr , @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n , @st7rnioioss , @t1llysblogs , @nonat-111 , @blahbel668 , @rockstarchr1s , @sturnsintrouble , @nayveetbhh , @tillies33ssss , @sturncakez , @strnilo , @somegirlfromasgard , @mattslovelygf
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winterrrnight · 6 months
babe I just had the best idea for a rafe concept it pains me
Okay so imagine like reader is at work (somewhere idk where) and she just gets so overwhelmed but her and rafes relationship is still new so she doesn't call him because she doesn't wanna bother him....😭
I'm probably not the first person to think of this but it ON MY MINDDDD
literally dropped everything to write this!!!! this reader is way too me coded and I cannot :’) thank you so so much for the req vee 🥹💗 you asked for a concept… I wrote a fic…. :D I hope you like this vee <3
down for you
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: rafe wants you to be able to rely on him for anything and everything.
WARNINGS: the reader is a preschool teacher and quite self dependent; lots of fluff; cute nicknames; lovesick rafe (my fav fr); minimal swearing
EDITH SPEAKS: this request speaks volumes to me 🥹 this is way too me coded, and I just had to write it, I hope you all like this! the ending is maybe a bit abrupt tho :( please like and reblog if you liked reading <3 feedback is always appreciated 🍹
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I should leave, I haven't yet, but when you smile, I just forget
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You can swear this day can't get any worse. You’ve been on your feet basically the entire day, always rushing from your students here to there. You love the little kiddos with your entire heart, but today, for some reason, they are being an extra pain in the ass. They aren’t as cooperative as you’d prefer; you don’t know what’s gotten into them, they are like little energy packets constantly running around.
Due to some teacher duties you aren’t even able to sit down for your lunch break, taking away the only 15 minutes you have to yourself. And it just gets progressively worse when you finally leave the school to go back to your place and your car has a slashed tire, and today had to be the day when you don’t have a spare tire in your trunk.
It’s been over 6 hours since you left your house this morning, and it’s just Tuesday, but it’s feeling like the longest, most excruciating week ever. You’re now leaning against your car door, letting out a deep exhale as you lean your head back, feeling a headache creep into your brain and pulse harshly. You’re tired, hungry, absolutely exhausted… and all you want are the warm hugs of your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend.
Rafe is quite a new addition in your life, both of you being together for a mere month. He’s been so loving to you, always protective and just genuinely taking great care of you.
You pull out your phone and find his contact, but before you can dial him, your thumb hovers over his name in sudden realization – he’s always at work at this time.
You begin to contemplate your initial decision of asking him to come here to help you out, and then ultimately decide against it, realizing he’s probably very busy at work, and would only be heavily distracted if you call him.
So, just like how you always do it, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It’s nearing 6 pm when you finally get to reach your place. You had to make calls to get yourself a mechanic to get your car fixed, who took his sweet sweet time to come to you. You’re now completely exhausted, wanting nothing more than just to plop on your bed and sleep till your heart desires. You can hear your stomach grumble since you never had the chance to eat the lunch you missed out on, but you make it a problem for later, deciding to just take a nap first.
As you drive into your driveway, you recognise Rafe’s black Range Rover already parked, with him standing next to it, leaning back against the hood of his car as he’s looking intently at his phone. As he catches the sound of your car driving, he instantly looks up, watching your car enter the driveway.
Before you can properly park and get out, Rafe rushes to you, opening the door for you.
“Oh my god where have you been?” He asks you, his voice laced with concern. “I tried calling you and texting you, you always come back home by late afternoon,”
You step out of the car and Rafe shuts the door, a hand quickly landing at the small of your back as you both walk to the porch of your house. He can see you’re really tired; droopy eyes, heavy steps, deep sighs; he knows something happened.
“Yeah my phone died,” you mutter as you unlock the main door of your house, both of you stepping inside. “I just… today was kind of a heavy day, nothing much honestly,” you shrug as you toss your keys in the dish and remove your coat and shoes.
“What happened?” Rafe asks, still really concerned for you as he watches you take off your cost and hang it on the coat rack. As you’re done, you face him with a small smile on your face.
“Nothing much, really,” you say softly, gently cupping his cheek with a hand and tenderly caressing his skin. “Don’t worry, yeah?” You mumble, taking your hand off his cheek as you make your way to the kitchen.
Rafe stays on your heels, following you and monitoring every single move of yours – your padding till the fridge, opening it, getting a bottle of water, unscrewing it and drinking from it.
“You look so exhausted, I can see it in your eyes,” he comments. “Your hair is all messy, your clothes are dirty; it’s clearly not nothing. Come on, tell me, what happened,”
His voice is stern, but not in an angry way; but in an apprehensive way. He moves his hand to your face, gently brushing your hair as he fixes some of the unruly strands.
As you finish drinking your water; drinking almost all of it in one go, you keep your bottle aside and let out a sigh, turning to look at him. “It was just one of those… heavy days, but it’s over now yeah? I’m now home,” you say softly.
“But just tell me what happened,” Rafe’s voice now drops to a whisper as he moves closer to you, continuing to weave his fingers through your hair.
You close your eyes for a moment, delving into the relaxing feeling of Rafe’s fingers softly combing through your hair, but also realizing he’s going to keep pressing for you to tell him what happened.
“The kids were a bit uncooperative today,” you say with a soft chuckle. “And then we have this event coming up at school, so I was busy for my entire lunch break preparing for it. And then my car had a flat tire and I didn’t have a spare so I had to get a mechanic, which took most of the time. But besides that, nothing much happened,” you say with a small shrug.
“Besides all that?” Rafe mutters incredulously. “That’s already a lot, baby, why didn’t you call me when you found out about your flat tire? I would’ve come; or sent someone to get you, we would’ve had lunch in my office, and I would have had someone take care of the tire and bring your car back too.” There’s a small frown on his face and he now holds your face in both his hands, gently skimming your cheeks with his thumbs.
You look up in his soft, baby blue eyes. “I did think of calling you but-”
“But I thought…” you take a deep breath, your eye contact with him faltering. “you’ll be busy, and I didn’t want to be a burden to you, really, I was able to get it all fixed just fine,”
You can hear Rafe tsk; his tongue clicking against his teeth as he softly shakes his head. “I’m never busy for you okay? My work does not ever get more importance than you, okay? It never does, and it never will, especially when you’re in trouble and need help,”
He gently grips your chin and tips your head back just a bit, making you look at him. His eyes are softened, the blue even more warmer than usual.
“I know you prefer to do things on your own,” he whispers, “but you have to realise that you really don’t need to do each thing on your own, especially now that I’m around. I won’t mind, really, and besides, I would love to show everyone off at work that I am the boyfriend of the most beautiful person on this damn planet yeah?”
You can’t help but chuckle softly at his words as you keep looking in his eyes.
“So, promise me, next time you need any sorts of help, want me to do something for you, or just want me to be there, you don’t think twice about calling me up okay?” He says softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He can see the reluctancy in your eyes, but you eventually give in and nod.
“Okay, promise,” you murmur, smiling as you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. He gladly hugs you back, snuggling his face in your neck as he gently rubs your back.
“So…” you speak up, and he hums back in response, both of you still hugging.
“I’ll take up on that offer right now. I’ll go and shower, and you make something for me to eat yeah?”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @rafesgiirl @theoraekenslover @fals3-g0d @personalfavsthatarerandom @b1mb0slvt
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arkhammaid · 7 months
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fandom. formula one
pairing. charles leclerc x author fem!reader (fc: none)
about. bestseller author genevieve dedicates her newest book to a special person. the internet tries to find out who it is
content warnings. social media au, not edited/proofread
notes. who doesn't dream about being a world famous author?
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 10'883 others
genevieve_updates The dedication in the newest Bestseller 'When We Were Wallflowers', by @/genevieve. For the first time in her career she mentiones a partner, calling him 'my love' and surprisingly also 'mon coeur'. Who could her beau be?
⤷ user my life is officially over...
⤷ user parents fr 🙏🙏🙏
user "our story now forever immortal and never forgotten" AND WHAT IF I CRY
user don't know if i should cry tears from sadness that mom is taken or happiness that mom is taken
⤷ user at least he makes her happy (delulu)
⤷ user you're so right, tears of happiness then
⤷ user charles as well???
⤷ user hello wtf is happening SINCE WHEN DO THEY READ??
user "YOUR WORDSMITH"???? am i the only one loosing my mind over this
⤷ user no. i just haven't recovered yet
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, haileybieber and 503'002 others
genevieve My summer was filled with flowers and love, so much love. It has given me enough inspiration to write yet another romance book, even if I promised to return to my beloved fantasy. Yet when the heart calls... who am I to refuse? 'Reverie, Lost in your Love' will be published in November '24!
⤷ user reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in your thoughts, almost dreaming
⤷ user mom is big brained fr "lost in your love"? yes, yes i will be
haileybieber I will be (im)patiently waiting, as always 💗
⤷ genevieve And I will be sending you the first draft, as always
⤷ user their friendship is so dear to me 🥹🥹
⤷ user icons supporting icons i fear
⤷ user auntie hailey better drop some spoilers!!!
zendaya We're getting another romance by our queen! Rejoice!!
user i just know the cover will be serving cunt (in the most beautiful flowers)
user only four months left... only four months left......
pierregasly super liked by pierre gasly
⤷ user why is he so unserious 😭
⤷ user "super liked" goddamn we're finally reaching the part where he will rate posts he likes
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liked by pierregasly, andferrari007, arthur_leclerc and 1'032'883 others
charles_leclerc Nothing better than summer, sun, beach and a good book in my hands. And of course good company 😉
user the tan 🫠🫠
⤷ user oh my god you're right
⤷ user and it's one of her fantasy ones, from her fae series 👀
⤷ user charles has taste
user first he's in her likes and now he's reading her books... how do we tell him
⤷ user hear me out, genevieve and charles *gets shot*
⤷ user i trust in mom and i trust that she wouldn't fall for a vroom vroom man
pierregasly you already finished the other books?
⤷ charles_leclerc Breezed through them 😆
⤷ arthur_leclerc He's waiting for November
⤷ pierregasly aren't we all?
user the filter is back..
⤷ user the filter never left
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liked by charles_leclerc, zendaya, gigihadid and 3'029'746 others
genevieve "J'adore ton sourire, ma belle." I remember hearing these words for the first time, I remember his own smile he gave me back then, and I just knew, I love him. Thank you, Charlie, mon coeur, for standing by my side, for being my inspiration, my defender against the cursed writer's block. Your passion inspires me to write even more, so I'm proud to announce once again, another romance book. 'Winterbliss and Midnightkiss' will be available in March '25.
charles_leclerc Tu es incroyable, ma belle ❤️
⤷ genevieve Right back at you, my champion
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @namgification , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @lupicalbestwolf , @akiraquote
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
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strawberryblue-blog · 22 days
Hey so I looked for request rules and I didn’t find anything maybe I skipped over it or something I don’t know but I wanted to ask if you could write something for Joao? For smut😭 I don’t really mind but I need more fics for him🙁
Call out my name —Joao Felix.
summary: After breaking up with your boyfriend, you have a special night at a club with a complete stranger.
warnings: YES. +18. (smut, public sex, strangers to lovers, p in v, kinda angst, etc)
words count: +2.5k
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A gulp of alcohol went down your throat as you tried to forget the memories of the past that were still pounding in your head. It was the first time you had been out in a long time and you were somewhat shaken, not only with the lack of partying you had but with your feelings of sadness that still haunted you.
Your friends had insisted that the first date after the breakup had to be wild and ruthless in order to forget your ex-boyfriend, who had cheated on you many times with his co-worker. So after almost four months in bed, depressed and lonely, you decided that his life had to go on and you were ready for an adventure.
Dancing and getting drunk has never killed anyone and it's what you need most right now. Your friends disappear into the crowd as you drink your last drink and stagger towards the dance floor. The music fuels your body and you begin to move your body to the rhythm of the melody, you meet your friends again who squeal when they see you coming and begin to dance.
You don't know how long it's been since you've been here but you can feel your feet hurting and the air starts to get thin, yet you keep moving your body against your friends. It's been a long time since you've felt like this and you've really missed feeling free. Your friend surrounds your waist and pulls you closer, trying to get your attention, you stop moving a little when her face gets close to your ear.
"You have an admirer up there" she whispers amused moving a little to position yourself. You swallow as your saliva feels dry from your sudden movements.
You turn your head slightly, dissimulating as you continue to move slowly. Your gaze focuses on a young man in the VIP area, he is holding a drink in his hand and leaning on the railing on the upper floor of the club. His gaze makes contact with yours and you feel the world come to a standstill.
Too handsome.
Seeing him in the glare of some light, you realize he is a young guy, with tousled dark hair and a dark gaze, which can be seen even when you are somewhat far away from him. His skin is so tanned that it glows in the flickering lights, his dark hair is shiny and he looks so natural tousled like this. Dressed in a simple white shirt a little unbuttoned on the first few buttons and black pants, simple but formal and handsome. You want to stop looking at him but you can't as a shiver runs down your spine. He is too handsome.
He was standing still, watching you while swaying your body to the music and your gaze can't move from him either. He's so handsome that you just had a crush on him and you're curious to know more about the guy and the atmosphere starts to get suffocating. For some reason, your stomach feels funny and you start dancing taking all the feelings out of your body, you had come for that. You don't care about making a show, you don't care that he is watching you, you just want to enjoy your night.
You close your eyes moving over your body, your hands spread all over your body, you lift your hair, you shout the song with passion, you have fun. Tonight you feel ready to let it all go and start over with your life.
You have a feeling that boy is still looking at you and that makes you want to keep doing it, so you keep dancing like there's no tomorrow. Enjoying the music at full volume, your head free of thought and your mischievous fun. When you open your eyes in his direction again, you notice that he is no longer there, watching you. Something of emptiness surrounds you, he must have left or maybe he was there with someone else. You sigh a little shaking your head and slowing your chest, it was probably an equis person taking a look around like everyone else here. He didn't even look familiar, it was the first time you were in this place and probably the last, so you didn't think anything of it. You sigh looking for some air in your lungs to start dancing again when you feel some hands surrounding your hips softly, leaving you a little surprised. The touch doesn't scare you, in fact, it feels warm and caring.
Your body freezes and you feel someone else's body approach yours from behind. You smell a strong, manly scent, as if it were an expensive perfume, one of those honeyed, sweet ones that attract. His fingers encircle your waist holding you as he turns you on your axis. The first thing you meet when you turn, are dark eyes that make you tremble, you quickly rest your hands on his firm chest and you can feel how his mouth is almost glued to yours, he looks at your lips and back to your eyes, while you watch him stunned.
He is much more handsome than he looked up there, his tanned skin is exotic and perfect, his jaw is set in a straight line, the color of his eyes dark brown. Your belly roars at his beauty. He is so precious that it leaves you speechless. With a simple gentle movement, your hands crawl across his skin and encircle his face, he smiles a little and makes your heart race. His touch on your skin makes you bristle and you can see his pupils dilate at your gaze, he licks his lower lip a little teasing you but you are too lost in the color of his brown eyes.
His hands move down your body and rest on your lower back, helping you move a little. That's when you finally hear the background music again, you had been lost in it. With your hands you caress his hard clothed skin, holding onto his neck as you move to the music.
Through the track light you can see him give you a look and you smile at him too, stroking the beginning of his hair at the nape of his neck. He presses you against his body and you gasp. The atmosphere becomes tense and suffocating. He guides you with his own body, moving you delicately as you don't stop looking deeply at each other.
You seem to be alone on the dance floor as you dance slowly and delicately, your smiles shy and somewhat desperate. You don't feel at all uncomfortable dancing with a stranger, in fact, you like it. The distance between you is cautious, your faces are close but not as close as you would like.
The music is too good and your bodies move freely as you sing, play and look at each other. You felt sexy, free and desired. You knew he wanted you, he had been staring at you for a while and now he had come for you. Suddenly the urge to do something crazy crossed your mind, your body vibrated at the idea and you closed your eyes feeling the music take over you.
With his strong hand he grabs the sides of your hips again and turns you again, pressing your back against his chest. He circles your lower belly and his fingers make contact with your skin, making you bristle. Your hands caress his forearms and you gasp at the feel of his warm body so close to yours. The sensation that takes over you feels different and you feel the tingling start to walk down your legs. His body fits perfectly into yours as you continue to rub against each other, dancing and easing the desire from your bodies. His hands move around your waist and begin to move up as he caresses your hot skin, you lift your hands as he caresses them and wrap them around his neck from behind.
It's the first time you've done something like this and you're honestly wondering why it had taken you so long to do it. Dancing with a stranger was fucking sensual.
Everyone is having fun tonight, why can't you have fun too? You had come to forget your ex, to forget your failed relationship of almost four years, to forget the old Y/n. When you open your eyes again, your surroundings spin and you begin to make room for yourself among the people. You take one last look at the unknown guy who is still staring at you and start to make your way out of the crowd.
Your body is hot and tired, you need some air to think well, the lights dazzle your eyes making your way difficult but you reach a kind of lonely corridor. You sigh taking a breath of air as your vision focuses on the figure of a man walking towards you, softly as you lean against the wall. You bite your lip shyly as the young man stops in front of you, close to you. Your heart started to pound as you feel him start to get closer and closer and you swallowed saliva as ideas shoot from your mind. You don't stop him, in fact, you long for him to come closer.
His eyes haven't left yours for a moment and the atmosphere becomes intense, his hand goes to your waist and rests it gently on you. His fingers feel warm on your skin and you feel the heat run through your body making you sweat. Your back is pressed completely against the wall, so he wraps around you and pulls you to him, making you gasp.
Your whole body feels strange, your soul resonates inside you. You just felt a connection that's hard to explain with an unknown person you've never seen before in your life, in a place where you never thought you'd find anything.
You were normally an old school girl, who liked to meet guys before making any moves. In fact you were kind of against one night stands, I mean there was nothing wrong with it, you just weren't that type.
But tonight all your convictions vanished, like the pain you felt in your heart.
Maybe you were a little drunk or maybe you are tired of so much shit you have lived and you prefer to erase everything from your memory, enjoy your new life, your body, your mind. Enjoy something completely new and crazy with you, that could save you from your misery or sink you but for the first time in your life, you were willing to risk everything to feel the boy's lips on yours. His face is so close you can feel his breath mingle with yours, his eyes look at your lips and back into your eyes, as if asking permission and you just blink flirtatiously.
His lips crash against yours warmly, in a quiet, soft and tender kiss, taking his time until they get used to you and ask for more. His touch feels warm and juicy, his lips mold perfectly to yours and he caresses them innocently. The stranger's hands spread across your body, wrapping his muscular arms around you as you hang from his neck. Then that's when your tongues spring into action and they battle touching, licking and tasting each other.
It feels good. Dancing so close with a stranger, letting them touch you as if you know each other. Kissing a stranger didn't feel like you thought it would, well actually, you never thought about kissing a stranger to tell the truth. But you liked it. Although you're not sure if you liked it with any stranger. But you liked it with this stranger.
Blinded even by the lights and his presence, his hands take yours and direct you somewhere you can guess and you reach the empty bathrooms and quickly go inside. You are thankful no one is there when your lips crash against his in a fleeting, sticky kiss, now completely wild and desperate, making you gasp as you feel his hands on your body again. He bites your lips as your hands grab his hair and tug at his limp locks, pulling you quickly into the cubicles.
You have not a hint of embarrassment as your back whips against the cubicle door and the young man lifts your dress, wrapping it a little around your waist. His lips never leave your neck as you hold your tongue hiding the gasps.
You have to admit this is probably the riskiest thing you've ever done and you're enjoying it. It may be the first time but it may also be the last time and you want to file this memory away at your young age. Your eyes admire the boy's toasty skin as your fingers tangle in his dark locks, tugging on them a little.
"I need you, please" you ask in a pleading whisper.
His crotch slams against yours and you gasp, feeling electric currents run down your back. The touch of his bulge makes you yearn to feel him inside but the stranger just wants to play with you, teasing you a little. His fingers play with the straps of your black dress and his white shirt brushes against your chest, giving a little friction to your erect nipples. He takes your lips again swallowing your gasps as his tongue does crazy things inside your mouth and his hands pull down your dress, your bare breasts come into view. His palms encircle your mounds and you gasp as he squeezes them around your flesh, making your legs tremble.
"Damn, you're perfect" he murmurs against your mouth as he continues to brush his intimate part between your legs.
Your cheeks burn with excitement but also burn with embarrassment. His words sound familiar to you, your boyfriend used to say them all the time but even though whoever says them is a complete stranger to you, they still ring truer than you've ever heard.
"I need you inside" you moan desperately.
The brunet smiles with his perfect white teeth and undoes his pants, just enough to pull his cock out. Your hands take care of undoing the buttons of his shirt and you open it to caress his pecs.
He pulls a condom from his pocket and you smile as you notice he was ready for this. Anyone would think you were a prude but you don't care at all, you need him to fuck you. After placing it over his big aroused cock, you lick your lips at how sensual it looks this way. His hands take your hips again and he lifts you up, helping you support your legs around his waist. When you are properly positioned and ready, the stranger takes his cock and directs it to your cavity.
He doesn't even have to check how wet you are because he can see for miles and you gasp as his cock strokes your clit a little and then slides into your slit, smearing himself with your juices.
You both gasp as he finally positions himself in your hole and slowly his hips jerk forward, thrusting in. Your eyes close as your head slams against the hard bathroom door and you bite down on your own hand to silence your moans, even though no one has entered yet they could enter at any moment and you don't want to be discovered right now.
His cock goes all the way through your cavity and takes the time for you to get used to him. As his hands took your legs around him and his mouth licked one of your nipples. This was glory. He began to move inside you gently, moving in and out carefully as his moans came out in whispers. You felt so full. Damn. Not fucking for so many months had made you tighter, so much so that his movements hurt but it was a pleasurable ache, one you didn't want him to stop. Or maybe he was too big, that definitely played a part too. His cock was perfect, pounding your cavity deeply and vehemently.
"You're too tight and wet, princess" he whispered in your ear as he began to pound harder.
Pleasure dispersed throughout your body as the stranger rammed you rough and continuous. You felt your belly contract with each movement. Your hands were on his head, then his chest, then the back of his neck, shoulders and neck. You needed to grab him from all sides, you wanted to feel his hot skin on your fingers as he kept pounding into your spot.
Your moans went unnoticed with the music in the background but you wanted to scream until your throat was torn, you needed it. You needed to scream his name, to recognize his eyes, his skin, his cock. Damn, you were feeling so good.
"Fuck" you squealed without noticing it came out in a scream.
The young man's hand positioned itself in your mouth and shut you up as you felt the pleasure well up inside you. At that moment, you heard some people enter the bathroom and squeal happily. These were some women who were clearly drunk and were playing with each other, laughing and screaming.
Yet he didn't stop.
His hand squeezed your mouth and with your dry lips you kissed his hand, feeling his strokes slow down so as not to make noise. With his other hand he squeezed one of your breasts and you bit into his hand, squealing in pleasure. Your head rested against the cool wood as he rammed hard again, more erratic and dirty, holding you by the ass with his other hand. You were so close.
His hands let go of your body and go to your cheeks surrounding it to focus your gaze on his. For a moment your eyes get lost in the young man's gaze, in that shiny dark brown. There is something in his gaze. Something different from the other looks, as if his eyes understand yours. As if he were feeling what you are feeling.
As if you were meant to meet.
You don't even know him but you can feel his familiar look. Your hands go around his neck and you pull him closer to you as his thrusts begin to accelerate, hitting your special spot. His face is so close to yours that you tremble under his gaze, you feel yourself melt under his eyes. Your eyes want to close as you begin to experience climax but you refuse to stop watching him, you can't stop watching him.
It feels so intimate. So special. So close.
How is it possible? You don't remember ever feeling this way with your boyfriend, with whom you were head over heels in love. Nor with your other sexual partners. This was so different.
"Joao" he murmured loudly and your face with a mixture of confusion and pleasure watched him. "That's my name, princess"
Joao. You wanna scream while he fucks you hard against the door of this bathroom in the club.
A whisper comes from your lips with his name 'Joao' barely audible. What an exotic name. Just like he was. Beautiful just like his name. Joao. You thought going over it to remember his name.
"Call out my name while you cum" he whispered dirty and hard. Just like he was hitting you in your thirsty hole.
"Fuck, Joao!" you squealed as you felt the orgasm hit you.
His name came out like a shout of glory. You saw him smile with your blurred vision as if he had been the champion of the war. This was too much.
Your whole being ignited, like a flare of fire growing in you, as you trembled whole. His strokes kept sending me waves of pleasure as your soul left your body and you levitated in a pleasurable cloud. His eyes never left you as he gasped into your face, pounding and pounding into your hole.
Orgasm hit you and you both came in unison as you felt your souls unite in pleasure and passion and gasped for air as it stopped inside you, still trembling and enjoying the sensation.
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cutielando · 7 months
the last social media au was so cute!! maybe one where george’s gf is a famous romance book author and when they make the relationship public his friends cannot believe posh “arms against the wall 2023 intro package pose” george could be the inspiration for all the smutty scenes his gf is famous for (only if your comfortable of course!)
romance is in her books | g.r.
social media au
my masterlist
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liked by zendaya, georgerussell63 and 301,584 others
yourusername working on something very special 🌸
view all 50,195 comments
chillypeppers Y/N on her way to releasing yet another banger😮‍💨😮‍💨
zendaya what u cooking bby?😉💞
yourusername something with an extra bit of spice🥵
user1 is nobody else wondering who she's writing the *explicit* scenes about?
user2 lol she most probably has a boyfriend or something
user3 or maybe she's just like any other young woman lmao
lilymhe i'm literally obsessed with the way you write🤤
yourusername thank you baby. i'll let you in on a secret later for this ;)
user4 we all want to be lily right now :((((
landonorris do you ever run out of things to write?
yourusername not really, no
lilyzneimer the book is coming along beautifully ❤️
yourusername thank you honey✨🌸❤️
oscarpiastri did you give her a sneak peek??????????
yourusername ...maybe
oscarpiastri deeply betrayed
georgerussell63 my beautiful girl this comment has been deleted
user5 GEORGE????????
charles_leclerc can't wait to read it
yourusername you’re just like one of the girlies charlie 🌸🌸🌸
user2 the amount of money i spend on her books is so unhealthy but i don’t care. TAKE ALL MY MONEY BABY 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
user3 is it a stand-alone or is the new book going to be part of a series?👀
yourusername i’m planning a new series soon, but my next release is going to be a stand-alone 🌸
user4 i love her, she is the sweetest 🥰🥰
george 🩵
i might have just fucked up
y/n ❤️
you're hopeless
george 🩵
do you think people saw the comment?
y/n ❤️
judging by the way my phone has been blowing up, i think they have
george 🩵
i'm sorry, my love
y/n ❤️
it's okay, don't worry. now we can mess with the fans for a bit ;)
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liked by georgerussell63, zendaya and 401,639 others
yourusername “racing hearts” is now yours, my lovelies. this book holds a very dear place in my heart and i hope that it will speak to you like it spoke to me when i first started writing it. thank you to everyone who came to the book signing yesterday, you make my life all that more special ✨❤️🌸💞
view all 98,374 comments
georgerussell63 beautiful book, who were you thinking about when you wrote it?🤔
yourusername you know, just a random Brit
georgerussell63 must be one hell of a guy to get a book of his own
yourusername he really is
zendaya you have outdone yourself once again. reading your books has become a MUST ✨✨✨
yourusername thank you honey 💞💞💞
landonorris you went wild again, didn’t you?
yourusername i might have
landonorris do i even wanna read it?
yourusername honestly? probably not
lilyzneimer it’s even better than what i thought 💞
yourusername i always have a trick or two up my sleeve 😉🌸
charles_leclerc someone should censor you
yourusername where would be the fun in that?
charles_leclerc how does your manager approve of this?
yourmanager i’m one of the girlies 🌸
charles_leclerc that explains it
chillypepper i have no words. i said it before and i’ll say it again. she is the best author of her generation
user1 never beating the dating allegations now
user2 she literally named her main character RUSSELL, HOW DO PEOPLE STILL THINK HER AND GEORGE AREN’T DATING??????
user3 George is the luckiest man in the world😭😭
user4 he must really rock your world if those scenes are anything like the real thing
yourusername you have no idea 🤭
mercedesamgf1 I couldn't put it down. Amazing work, Y/N!!
yourusername thank you admin 🌸💞💞
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liked by yourusername, lilyzneimer and 601,583 others
georgerussell63 Words can't describe how proud I am of you. The way you connect with your readers, the way you give life to every story you write never ceases to amaze me. I'm thankful to be able to watch you do your thing, watch you inspire so many young writers to chase their dreams. I love you 💞 P.S. Yes, I am the inspiration behind the sexy scenes ;) tagged: yourusername
view all 99,281 comments
yourusername your support means everything to me. thank you for always being here for me, helping me through my writer's block and cheering me on. i love you more than you know💞🌸
georgerussell63 i love you more❤️
landonorris i know way too much about your personal life now, mate
georgerussell63 jealous?
landonorris as if
yourusername don't fight boys, what would Russell and Brendan think about you two fighting?
landonorris BRENDAN IS ME?????????
yourusername oops👀
user1 i am in love with their love😮‍💨❤️
user2 going to jump off a cliff, brb
user3 i cannot believe i know stuff about George Russell's sex life👀
alex_albon simp
georgerussell63 how can i not be? just look at Y/N
yourusername baby🥹💞❤️🌸
alex_albon you two make me sick. i preferred it when you weren't public
georgerussell63 and i preferred it when you shut up
lilymhe we are all in love with Y/N ✨❤️👀
yourusername but you’re the one who has my heart baby 💞💞
georgerussell63 ?????????
yourusername sorry babe 😁💞
mercedesamgf1 Our favorite couple!❤️ liked by yourusername and georgerussell63
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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qkopi · 1 year
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pairings: prowler! miles x fem! reader
cw: cheating, profanity, major toxicity, suggestive
summary: you loved your boyfriend miles, you really do. he was everything you could ask for; he was handsome, gentle, and very caring towards you like a good boyfriend should be… but there’s also times where he would cancel dates out of nowhere and that would leave you to be disappointed and go home bored. miles then tried to make it up to you by planning to hangout at his place this today, but things go sideways when his twin brother decides to take things into his own hands..
a/n: guys i don't condone to cheating, this was js an idea my friend told me and we got hyped😭btw spidey! miles will still be ‘miles' but prowler! miles will b named ‘milo’. and btw reader does not know that the boys r spider-man or the prowler‼️
pt 1 -> pt 2
you knocked onto the door of the morales' household, being greeted by miles' mother with a happy smile.
"hola, cariño. please come in." she opened the door for you as you nodded with a smile, taking off your shoes before entering.
"is miles here?" you asked, walking towards his room.
“he said he was running some errands but don't worry, he'll be back." mrs morales reassured me.
"is miles here?" you asked, walking towards his room.
"he said he was running some errands but don't worry, he'll be back." mrs morales reassured me.
as you entered his room, you laid flat on his bed, a happy sigh leaving your lips since this was the first time in a month that you and miles has finally get to spend some time with each other. you then looked at the clock, 12:01.
"he should be back before 12:05." you mumbled as you took out your phone, scrolling through social media.
4 minutes have passed. miles wasn't here.
the clock hit 12:30, miles wasn't here and you already texted him, asking him where he is.
12:45, miles still wasn't here.
it was 1:15 when miles* mom came to check up on you, knocking softly on the door before opening it.
"cariño, is he still not here?" she asked with a frown, seeing you sit up from the bed from waiting.
"no, not yet mama morales." you shook your head with disappointment.
"ah, where is this boy when you need him." mrs morales grunted as she went to go find her phone, getting ready to scold her son, but when she tried calling him, miles wouldn't pick up the phone.
"i'm sorry, sweetie.. i tried but he's not picking up." mrs morales said as she leaned on the door, feeling bad since she knows how long you two have planned to meet up with each other.
“i have to go to work, y/n.. i wish i could stay." mrs morales continued as she looked at her watch.
"no, it's fine, please. i insist." you try to give her a warm smile to show that you weren't sad.
"aw, come here." she walked closer and gave you a hug as you hugged her back.
"trust me, when that kid comes back home tonight, i'll ground him for a month but he can only go out somwhere only if he's with you." she patted your back as you let out a chuckle.
"thank you, mrs morales." the both of you slowly pulled away as you gave her a light-hearted smile.
rio then started to grab her things as she made her way to the door. you also walked out of miles* room to greet her goodbye, standing around the living room area.
"if you're hungry, please grab something before you leave, y/n, alright?" she asked before leaving.
"of course!" you responded back.
after hearing the door close, a sigh left your lips once again as you looked around in the living room, feeling lonely.
you went back to lay in miles' bed, you waited for 2 more hours. it was 3pm. you had enough.
"i’ll just take food some other time." you mumbled in a monotone voice as you made your way back to miles’ room to grab you things.
as you turned around to leave miles' room, you didn't know you were greeted by a standing milo, who made you fall in front of his chest as he caught you just in time.
"falling for me already, mami?" he asked with a smirk as he raised his brow.
"haha.. very funny, milo." you said sarcastically as you got off him.
milo was miles twin brother. how did you tell them apart exactly? well: miles just kept his hair natural as milo had braids.
and why was he openly flirting with you when you were his brother's girlfriend? let's just say he had feelings for you before you and miles made it official.
you and milo were talking and flirting here and there but he never really made a move so you didn't either, until his brother came into the picture. milo was planning on asking you out but sadly, miles beat him to it first. milo loved his brother even if he didn't show it, so he just remained friends with you.
"so... miles canceled again?" milo asked, already knowing the answer, he just wanted to push your buttons.
"what do you think?" you responded back with a snarky tone.
"i'm telling you, ma. you chose the wrong twin.” milo said with a shrug.
"i'm doing fine with miles, milo.. i don't need anymore of your bullshit." you grumbled, trying not to play into his game.
“suit yourself, but you're gonna wake up some day feeling that you wasted your time on that no sabo headed ass kid when you could've had me."
"hmm. no wonder why miles is older than you, he's more wiser and mature and he wouldn't be saying this shit about his own brother." you rambled on sarcastically.
"oh you're getting personal now, huh? low blow, ma.” milo pretended to look hurt.
"whatever, milo." you rolled your eyes, softly pushing his chest to get through the door.
"just saying, i could treat you so much better." milo said with a cocky smirk as he looked at you while you were walking.
but that statement made you stop your tracks as you turned around to look at him.
"oh really? how would you do that exactly?" you challenged him, raising a brow.
"for starters, i would never cancel on you and let you look stupid out in public." milo said smugly, inching closer to you, placing a hand on the right side of your cheek and slowly pulling you face closer to his.
your breath hitched as you slightly flinched, wanting to move away from his hold but your legs refused to move you at all. milo noticed his effect on you and smirked.
"and, this." his tone shifted. he didn't allow you the time to think as he closed the space between. his lips gently pressed on yours in a quick yet provocative kiss.
you let out a tiny gasp after pulling away from the kiss, touching your lips as you were shocked of what had just happened.
‘i just kissed my boyfriend's twin brother.' you thought to yourself as you looked at milo with astonishment.
"you can deny it all you want, but we both liked that." milo said with a smirk. he was already getting ready to go for round two - but it was clear you needed a moment to register what happened.
before you could say anything, milo began to kiss you once again, making you drop your bag as he pushed you against the wall to deepen the kiss.
this time, milo didn't hold back. he was confident in his moves, in his ability to coax this kiss out of you. he had an aura about him - one that left you helpless to your own desires. your tongues locked in heated passion, moving in harmony as an intoxicating wave of desire slowly pulled you under.
suddenly, the doorknob on the front door begin to shake, making you both to stop kissing as both of your attention was both turned to the door.
"milo!" you whisper-yelled, getting worried of who might walk in. it might be their dad, their mom, or worse, it could be miles himself..
the moment they stopped kissing, milo realized the gravity of what was taking place. he knew that his next move would be a risk, but he decided to take it anyways.
"dont worry, ma." he said with a playful wink. “i can do this in silence." before you were able to object, he then shoved you into the bathroom, entering it after closing the door.
milo pushed you against the door, getting ready to devour you again. he placed one of his hands to the wall above your head, holding you in place as he had his way with you. as milo continued to kiss you passionately, his tongue was searching for entry. he was driven by an insatiable hunger, one that he could only fulfill on you.
"told you that we'll do it in silence, ma." he whispered into your ear. his breath was hot as he kissed your neck in the spot that was most vulnerable, before biting into it gently.
you bit your lip, trying to suppress your noises as you threw your head back, giving milo more access to your neck. you grabbed onto his shoulders as you were on the verge of letting out a tiny noise until you heard a familiar voice ring out in the hallways.
"milo! is y/n here?" miles yelled out as he entered the apartment.
milo's eyes widened at the sound of his brother's voice. the situation was already complicated, he didn't need miles walking in on both of you in this position.
quickly, he pulled back and covered your mouth. he pointed to your lips, signaling for you to keep quiet. as miles footsteps came closer towards the bathroom, milo whispered in your ear one final time before heading out.
*i'll take care of this cabrón, just don't make a noise when you leave, ight?" milo whispered as he waited for a response. you nodded.
and just when milo was ready to distract his brother, he got ready to open the door but then he stopped, trying to close it slightly.
milo wasn't expecting miles to be right outside.
"well? was she here or not?" miles asked, getting a bit impatient.
milo quickly composed himself, as if he didn't just have a make out session with you a moment ago. he casually leaned against the door frame, putting up a front of casual conversation as miles question hung in the air.
"bro, she left like 2 hours ago." milo casually scratched the back of his head, still keeping you out his brother's line of sight as their conversation continued.
"ugh.. well, i know she's definitely pissed." miles groaned as he headed to his room to change.
"just text her an apology or sumn," milo shrugged. miles walked towards his room as milo let out a relieved sigh.
"we got lucky, ma," he whispered to you. “i gotta go bullshit my way into that clown. keep quiet, got it?"
you only nodded as milo left the bathroom, walking to miles’ bedroom and leaning against the doorframe. milo then began to distract his brother, making a way for you to escape the bathroom and leave their apartment without making a sound.
once you completely left the apartment, you let out a breath that you didn't even know you were holding.
"what the fuck.." you mumbled under your breath as you still tried to register of what was happening.
’good work, ma.’ milo thought to himself. he had the dumbest grin plastered on his face as he watched you go. he then turned towards his brother.
"yo, bro." milo said, giving miles a friendly pat on the back.
"got any plans tonight?"
"well, i gotta go over to y/n's and apologize to her, but did you just have someone over?" miles smirked at his brother.
"whatchu mean?" milo asked. miles pointed to his own lips as milo went to a mirror, seeing a faint color of pink lipstick on his lips.
milo looked taken aback, as if he was caught red handed, but he still kept his composure.
"yeah, i did, actually." he admitted after a moment. "but we were just chilling, y'know? nothing serious." milo added, not trying to reveal too much.
"mhm.. lil bro's finally getting some!" miles teased milo, throwing an arm around milo's shoulder and bringing him slightly down to rub his knuckles on his head, knowing milo hated it whenever he did this.
"yeah, yeah, whatever, dumbass." milo pushed him away with a chuckle.
oh, this was going to be messy.
™︎ qkopi | tumblr
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yesimwriting · 8 months
oh my god yes i'm very much interested in a drabble about my favourite besties kissing as besties do!!!!!!!!
the one that i really can't stop thinking about is the "i trust you more than anyone else" stuff like it's me and you against the world i'm such a sucker for that!! especially since felix is surrounded by people who wanna be close to him all the time and as easy going and open as he seems with anyone, it's of course on an entirely different level with reader
ugh the intimacy of it all makes me melt i love them😭😭
you get the vision!!
also had to start off a little angstier than usual bc the bestie kiss ™️ is only justifiable if both of them are upset enough to be more focused on being close than anything else, y'know
The taste lingers. The bitterness infects all it touches, poisoning you from the inside out as you down the drink that some guy pushed into your hand a few minutes ago.
A familiar warning briefly flashes to the front of your mind. Don't take drinks from strangers...especially not drinks that you didn't see them make. One of a hundred safety rules that you usually adhere to.
You've never really under the self destructive urge after drinking thing. Maybe it's just being tired. Maybe it's just this.
You wipe at your eyes with your palm, only remembering the products you had so carefully applied to your skin a few hours ago after the fact.
"Are you--" A familiar voice cuts through the music. You blink once, but it's not enough to force your eyes to adjust, so you try again. After screwing your eyes shut for a second, you can finally make out the person in front of you. Annabel. "You don't look like you're doing too good."
Your irritation has nothing to do with her, and yet seeing her standing there, effortlessly flawless with a slight edge that just fits here, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten. But that's not her fault, so as stabiliy and politely as possible, you answer, "I'm...fine."
She regards you for a moment, eyebrows pinching together in uncertainty. "Why don't we find Felix, yeah?"
Why does everyone always assume that Felix is the solution to all of your problems? "I'm okay," you try again, voice a little more certain, "really."
Annabel still doesn't seem too convinced. She turns her head, scanning the crowded room. It doesn't take long for her to find Felix. It never does.
He's sitting on a loveseat that's been pushed towards the edge of the room. A few people are standing around him, a girl is sitting on the chair's arm, her legs swung over his lap.
"And he seems..." You force your face to remain neutral as your eyes finally land on him. "Busy."
Annabel looks back at you, her lips pressing together. Her expression only adds to your unease. "He wouldn't mind. It's you."
You shake your head, the motion adding to your slight nausea. Usually, you wouldn't think twice about sticking by Felix's side. Especially in this kind of setting, but after the words the two of you exchanged earlier, everything feels off its axis.
You're not used to fighting with Felix. It's such a foreign concept that the strange tension that had you walking away from him earlier probably doesn't even constitute an actual argument. But it's enough to make you feel out of place.
Swallowing once, you force yourself to focus on Annabel. "I think I just need some air." Annabel's still regarding you with uncertainty. "I'll be back in a minute, and if I feel sick or anything, I'll go get Felix." She doesn't move until someone calls her name. "Go. Have fun. I'll see you."
Annabel nods once, giving you a polite smile before leaving.
The door is near where Felix is sitting, which means there's no leaving without walking past him. There's enough of a crowd around him that him not noticing is a likely option, so you feel safe crossing the room.
You push your way through the room, eyes trained on the ground to help your balance. It's also a good excuse to not look at Felix as you reach the door.
There are stragglers--a group of girls chatting and giggling in front of the door, some guys doing shots, a girl in the middle of a phone call that looks painful.
You walk around the side of the house until you find an empty section of the sidewalk. The party feels far away here, even though the only thing dividing you is a few cars, a mailbox, and a streetlight. You sit and let yourself pretend that the bit of distance you've managed to create means something.
You could actually leave. Sure, this is a slightly off campus house party, but it's only a few blocks away from the street that'll take you to your dorm. You did walk here, but that was when you were focused, sober, and you had Felix with you.
But that's--you brought cash. You think. Maybe you should call a cab. It's not the worst idea. You drop your attention to the ground, instinctually searching for your purse.
Ugh. Your purse. Felix. You gave it to Felix.
Okay, you're still an independent person. This is probably for the best. It's never a good idea to leave a party without at least telling the person you came with, and this way it won't be a big deal. You'll ask for your purse so that you can call a cab. He probably won't even care.
You just need a minute to get it together. Then you'll be able to go back in, tap Felix on his shoulder, and get your purse. He won't even have to get that girl off his lap.
It is such a double standard. Felix completely forgetting about you is perfectly fine, but you talk to one person that isn't more Felix's friend than yours at one of these things and that must mean you're trying to replace him as a best friend.
Maybe you've been deluding yourself, convincing yourself that your friendship means more than it actually does. The thought makes it hard to breathe right.
"It's cold out."
Your palms press into asphalt as you snap your head to find the source of the sound. Felix. A lump wedges itself in your throat. "I'm fine." He takes a step forward. "I just wanted some air."
You turn your head, forcing yourself to stare ahead. Soft footsteps, the crunching of asphalt echoes, somehow sharper than the music coming from the house. Felix sits.
He's farther than he usually is.
You lift your hands, taking your time brushing your fingers against your palms to get rid of the debris that indented itself into your skin. "You um--you have my purse, right?" You fold your hands against your lap. "I need my phone. I--I need to call a taxi."
"What?" His voice doesn't come out angry, but there's a flatness there that burrows deep into the pit of your stomach. It almost feels disappointed. "Why?"
You squeeze your hands together, "I want to go home." You still can't look at him. "I want to go back to my room." Your voice starts to crack on the last word. Nails instinctually dig into your knee.
Felix sighs, angling himself towards you, "You don't have to do that." His voice is soft, cautious. "If you want to leave, I'll take you."
"No," you shake your head once, attention still focused forward to keep him from noticing the fact that your eyes are now watering. All of this feels so dumb, so small. Why are you almost crying? "It's okay, you're having fun, I can get back by myself."
He lets out another breath, moving his arm so that his hand sits between both of you. "You're drunk."
"So are you."
A beat of silence that feels like an attempt at admitting that he's more than just drunk. You saw Tyler--or Trevor, or maybe Timothy--wandering the halls. Some guy whose name you can never remember because he only shows up at the end of nights, when you're too out of it to do much more than just be happy. He's known for carrying--and sharing--harder stuff.
Not that you'd know. There's nowhere that Felix won't take you, nothing that he keeps from you. That's part of the beauty of your friendship, the lack of judgement. But Felix isn't fond of you participating in everything all the time.
If you ever show interest in anything on a night that Felix isn't feeling too sure about, he'll offer to get you whatever you want later, when it's just the two of you. Maybe you'd mind his concern if you cared about getting high more.
You can feel Felix's stare, the weight of his full attention. "You don't actually think I'm going to let you go anywhere alone, after drinking, in the middle of the night."
There's a patience there that makes it hard to sit still. You turn your head, finally looking at him, "I'm fine. I can--" You cut yourself off with a slight sniffle.
You wipe at your face with the side of your palm. Felix's eyebrows are pinched together. You don't know what to make of the way he's watching you. Felix lifts his hand, fingers finding their way against your jaw before you can move. "You're upset."
Pressing your lips together, you try to force yourself to look as neutral as possible. "I'm fine." He doesn't move. "You should go back to your party, Felix."
"The party?" His expression briefly contorts in confusion. "I don't care about the party." Your vision is starting to blur. "There are other parties. You're crying." Felix shifts his hand up your face, his thumb brushing against the apple of your cheek.
You try to take a stabilizing breath, "It's not a big deal." You will yourself to move, to rely on him less. "I don't think I'm going to be any fun tonight, you should go, and I--I'll talk you tomorrow."
He frowns. "You don't have to be any fun." Felix shouldn't have to coddle you. Embarrassment and guilt further knot your stomach. "If you want to sit here, we can sit here. If you want to go inside, we can go inside. If you want to go home, we'll go home."
"Earlier," you manage, focusing on keeping your voice as even as possible, "When we--" Tears pool in your eyes, something at the back of your throat constricts. "I didn't--I don't know--"
You're not making sense, forcing out fragments of thoughts that don't work together. Felix seems to understand anyway, his thumb grazing against your cheek. "We don't have to talk about that now." You nod slowly. "If you still want to go home, let me take you."
You attempt a full breath, "But what ab--"
He tilts his head in a way that makes it feel like he's telling you a secret, "If you ask about the party again, I'm calling you delusional."
You roll your eyes. It's a relatively lame threat, but it serves its purpose. The corner of your mouth tugs itself upwards, your lips pressed together to hold in a partial laugh. "Okay."
Felix's hand slips from the side of your face and finds a new place against your shoulder. "Yeah? Let's go then."
He stands first and then extends an arm to help you. His stability makes it easier.
There is no laughter or pausing on sidewalks to try to hold onto each other. The two of you are quiet, but Felix does keep your fingers intertwined the entire way back to his dorm.
You don't think to question where he's taking you until you're in his room. "Felix." The walk had been good for you, the fresh air and time to gather your thoughts providing enough of a reprieve for you to get it together. "I want to go to sleep."
"Yeah," he mumbles, "I know, I'll get you your favorite shirt."
Your eyes focus on the ground. "I think I should sleep in my room tonight."
Felix sighs, turning away from the door. "You're trying to leave again."
The accusation only half makes sense, but there's a quietness to his voice that gets to you. All the nervous, alcohol fueled energy is coming back with a vengeance. "When have I ever left you?"
Felix scoffs, the sound bitter. "You left me tonight." If his voice was any less raspy, any less urging, you likely would have laughed. He's the one that got mad at you. "You just--you walked away from me. Like I didn't even matter to you."
The a thinly veiled sadness there that almost feels nervous. He can't meet your gaze. The pride encouraging you to stand still bleeds from you. Without its heat, its fire, there's not much keeping you stable.
You move forward, footsteps cautious. "Felix." You stretch a hand forward, fingers brushing against his forearm. He doesn't move. "Of course you matter to me. So much." Your fingers bend around his wrist. "You're my best friend."
He turns his arm. Your body tenses, preparing for his rejection. Felix's hand squeezes yours. There's a tension in his hold, but you embrace it all the same. "You walked away from me."
You take another step towards him, freehand finding his arm. "That's why." He sets a hand against you waist. The contact is firm, unforgiving. There's still hurt, but the only thing more unthinkable than holding on is letting go. "What you say means so much to me, because you're my best friend." His fingers press into your side. "And you were upset--and there were so many people--" Tears prick the corner of your eyes. "And I couldn't do that there."
"No." He squeezes your hand. "No, don't--don't cry, we're okay." As if to prove his point, Felix pulls you closer. The movement's too sudden for you to keep your balance on your own. You tighten your hold on Felix's arm. "Still my best girl, yeah?"
This is nowhere near the closest you've ever been to him. He has a hand on your hip, but that's far from the touchiest he's ever been. It shouldn't--he shouldn't be this distracting. It takes you a second too long to remember to nod.
He angles his head downwards, his cheek finding a place against your shoulder. Felix's breath is warm against your neck. "Wouldn't leave me."
You nod, moving your hand to rest against his back. Felix relaxes against you. It's not easy to stay stable with the alcohol still in your system and Felix's weight on you, but you manage.
"No." You mean it so much it almost hurts to get out. You'd never walk away from him. There's nothing like your bond with Felix. You could talk to him, be around him forever without feeling drained. "Of course not."
Felix turns his head, brushing his lips against your neck. "Stay over, then?" The question is soft, fragile. It'd be smart to create distance. If tonight's proven anything, it's that you're too attached to him. "Please?"
You smooth your knuckles against his spine. "Okay." He presses a kiss against your shoulder. "Yeah. I'll stay."
He hugs you even tighter. "No more tears, alright?"
You squeeze him back. "Alright."
For awhile, the two of you stay like that. There's nothing left to say, and that still manages to be comfortable. Silence is never uncomfortable with Felix.
He eventually shifts to place a kiss against the side of your neck. "We should get ready for bed."
You hum once in agreement. Neither of you move. Things are simple when you factor out the rest of the world. Things are easy when it's just you and Felix.
An overwhelming wave of fondness brings you back. As gently as possible, you start the process of untangling limbs. Felix pouts at you, expression drowsier than before.
Your fingers carefully brush his hair out of his face. "I need to change."
Felix fully straightens. His hand finds the back of your head. He pulls you towards him, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "Okay."
He lets go of you before walking towards his dresser. Felix opens the top drawer and finds your usual sleep shirt. You take it before entering his bathroom.
Going out outfits are cute, but there's something about the moment you get home that immediately forces every ounce of discomfort to hit all at once. You shed the restrictive layers before pulling Felix's T-shirt over your head.
You swear there's some kind of rich guy secret to keeping clothes this soft. A combination of fabric, fancy detergent, and some third thing that's reserved for those in the know.
You turn on the sink, ready to wash what's left of the night off of your face. Felix has never gotten rid of or moved anything you've left in here. What's left of your buzz has you more emotional than usual, making the evidence of your life in his space heavier than it should be.
The feeling is good and bad all at once. Your attachment to Felix is the kind of thing that can only come from fully understanding someone. But there's an inherent danger in knowing someone like that, carrying about them like that. Especially Felix, who has everyone so he doesn't need anyone.
You splash some more water onto your face, attempting to shake off any lingering angst. You don't want to dissect your friendship until it eventually falls apart into nothingness.
When you finally step back into his room, Felix is sitting on his bed, back pressed against the wall. He's managed to change into pajama pants, but seems to be struggling with everything else. His shirt's half unbuttoned, and his fingers are actively working at undoing the rest of them. Felix's movements are slow and clumsy as he tugs on the fabric.
Wow. Maybe you were right to think he was high. "Hey." He looks up at you, hands still attempting to pull apart his shirt. There's something endearing about the clumsiness. He drops his head back down to refocus."Do you--uh--do you need help?"
He angles his head to one side, a smile playing at his lips. "Are you asking to undress me?"
Heat burns through your chest, leaving you hollow. You approach his dresser, leaving your neatly folded outfit on the wooden surface. "Figure out your own shirt."
"No," his sigh is light, almost a laugh, "'M kidding." Your glare only seems to add to his easygoing mood. He smiles, dropping a hand to pat the space next to him. "Come here."
You give in with a sigh, crossing the room and sitting at the foot of his bed. He reaches forward, briefly squeezing your shoulder before returning to work on his shirt. It's hard to watch him stumble through undoing a single button, just to have to start the process all over again.
You pull your legs onto the bed, turning to fully face him. Your knee is pressed against his thigh.
"Lovie," he hums, as if your presence is some kind of revelation.
"Felix." He grins, hands releasing his shirt in favor of trying to grasp your arm. "Wait--" His fingers wrap around your wrist. "I'm--trying--" He pulls your hand towards him, placing a kiss against your knuckles. You laugh. "I'm trying to help you."
He tugs on your arm. His pull isn't harsh, but the unexpectedness of it paired with your buzz makes it enough to throw off your balance. Your freehand presses against the mattress in an attempt to stabilize yourself. Felix laughs, tugging on you again.
Fighting your own fit of giggles, you instinctually push yourself onto your knees in an attempt to regain some control. Felix gives you a second to find your footing. You gently pull his hand off of your forearm and set it on his lap. He frowns.
You extend your arms, placing your hands on his shoulders. Part of the reason for it is to help keep you stable, the rest of it is to keep him focused. He looks up at you, eyes pools of hesitant affection. "Stay still."
He lets you reach for his shirt. "Y'don't have to, I'm okay."
Shrugging, you continue to work at unclasping his buttons. "It's okay, I like helping you."
You unbutton the few buttons that are left. "Better?" Felix nods. "I'll get you a pajama shirt."
Before you can get far, Felix grabs your hand. "We're..." He focuses on bending and straightening your fingers. "Good, right?"
There's something soft about the question, almost shy. "Yeah." He turns over your palm, tracing the lines etched into your skin. "Of course we're good." You adjust, crossing your legs beneath you to sit down.
"Honestly, I was thinking about it, and part of the reason I was upset is because..." This is harder to admit than you thought it'd be. "You seemed really okay without me, and that--I don't know. It's dumb, because I really do want you to be happy, but it made me feel a little replaceable, I guess."
You sigh, dropping your attention to your intertwined hands. "I know, I said it was dumb." You pause, eyes darting up to look at him. His expression isn't judgmental or like he needs space. You can't fully read his expression, but nothing about the way he's looking at you feels unkind. "I only mentioned it to be honest, I don't like the idea of keeping se--"
He pulls on your arm again, this time his hold a little firmer. You're closer now. Felix's other hand finds your hip, anchoring you in place. You're too confused to do anything but blink at him.
Felix lets go of your arm, fingers finding their way beneath your chin. He angles your head so that all of your attention is on him. Your lips part, a half thought out question is on the tip of your tongue when Felix leans towards you. His lips meet yours.
You're still, shock and something a lot more electric rendering you in capable of anything else. This isn't the first time Felix has pressed his lips against yours. He's affectionate, especially when drinking is involved. He'll brush his lips against yours after taking a shot together, or just because at the end of a long night. It's not an everyday thing, but it's happened from time to time.
This--this isn't that. He's lingering, lips parting so that his teeth can graze against your bottom lip. Felix pulls away just enough to look you in the eye. His thumb brushes across your cheek.
"You're my best friend." Felix's words are so urging, so pleading you nod before you can think. "Best mate. You're the--the only one that gets me. Really gets me." His hand moves to the back of your head, pulling you back to him.
Any sense of hesitance vanishes the second time he kisses you. He's all consuming, lips dragging against yours with a desperate patience that's dizzying. It's disorientating, the desire to be that much closer to someone when there's no way to get there.
Felix's hand finds your back. He pushes you towards him. There's no good way to oblige. You try anyway, shifting your weight back onto your knees. Felix pulls you forward by your waist. You're too focused on him to realize what's happening until you're on his lap.
He takes his time letting you go, teeth tugging on your bottom lip. "I trust you more than anyone." Felix leans back in, placing a quick kiss against your lips. "You're not replaceable." He squeezes your shoulder. "You know that, right?"
Still breathless, you nod. He's watching you with so much patience, so much care it's almost hard to bare.
His thumb smooths circles against your shoulder. "Let's go to bed, yeah?"
You lift his hand off your thigh to press a kiss against the back of his palm. "Yeah, lets go to bed."
He squeezes your shoulder once before letting you go. You move off of his lap carefully.
Felix sits up enough to push his shirt off of his shoulders. Your eyes instinctually fall to his sheets. "Do you want me to get you a shirt?"
"Why? Distracted?"
You roll your eyes in an attempt to the fact that you are struggling to look at him. "Shut up."
He grins as he pulls back his sheets. "M'okay." You take the opportunity to slip beneath the layers of fabric. Felix waits until you're settled to crawl beneath the sheets. "It's warm enough, even with you stealing my blankets."
"I do not," the sentence is more of a mock gasp than anything else. Felix shifts onto his side before collapsing his weight on you. "Felix."
"What?" He rests his cheek against your chest. "This is the only way to keep you from taking my sheets."
You sigh, feigning annoyance as your fingers find his hair. "Rude. I'm a great bed sharer."
Felix lets out a partial laugh against the side of your neck. His hand finds your hip. "You are pretty great."
Your hand trails down towards his back, nails grazing against the bare skin. "You are, too."
Silence stretches between the two of you for so long you assume that he's already fallen asleep. Felix has a talent for drifting off in the blink of an eye.
"Lovie?" He whispers the term so lowly you almost convince yourself the sound is a figment of your imagination.
You can feel the shift in his breathing. "It's you and me--just you and me, when it comes down to it." His thumb brushes up and down your side. "You know that."
He relaxes as your fingers trail down the start of his spine. "Yeah. Of course I know that." A part of you feels naive for believing his words so easily. He's too adored to just be your Felix at the end of the day, and yet-- "Just you and me."
Felix leaves an open mouthed kiss against collarbone. It's the kind of warm that leaves goosebumps breaking out everywhere the contact can't be felt. "Good."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny
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