#i do have another test booked for a month from now but im gonna crawl into a hole for a while- which is my right.
saltysaltdog · 16 days
Turns out there's a third more embarrassing option than passing or failing a driver test, which is: due to an error in the booking system you never had a test to begin with and have to make numerous phone calls explaining the issue and putting minimum wage workers into uncomfortable conversations that neither of you want to be in!!!!
I'm very normal about this!!! And about the more phone calls I'll have to make!! I'm feeling average and neutral about the situation!!! Like a normal person!!! Median!!!
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chokememrstark · 6 years
The Soulmate Sam Never Asked For // Part 9
Ship: Samifer (Sam Winchester / Lucifer)
Words: 3109 (Chapter 9 / 12)
Fic Summary: A successful operation and good prognoses for his own and Raphael's recovery made Sam believe this would finally be the turnpoint for their bad luck. However, he's quickly realizing they still have a long way to go when Lucifer calls him in the middle of the night, asking for shelter.
college!AU, human!AU, soulmates!AU, dysfunctional families, abusive parents, dramatic romance, or romantic drama, your choice, big brother!Lucifer, soulmates hating each other, referenced alcoholism, death and abuse, some violence, and lots of feels, fluff and cuteness, some drama but not too much, lots of bickering, and two damn stubborn soulmates (!!)
Tagging: @shebahda   @sassysupernaturalsweetheart    @spnyoucantkeepmedown  @brieflymaximumprincess @multifandomhcsforinsanity @etysky @justasmalltownsuperwholock @humongouscandycoffee @daddycasstiel @nnegann
If you want off the tag list or want to be added, just drop me an ask or IM!
Read on AO3!
 The next day, everything went much faster than Sam had expected. At eight, a nurse came into their room and explained the procedure - Sam and Raphael would be operated at the same time, but doctor Francis would take over Raphael as soon as the kidney was ready to transplant and Sam would be done a bit sooner. The two boys nodded in agreement and smiled at each other. They came to pick them both up about ten minutes later and Sam saw how damn nervous Lucifer was. Sam assured him again that everything would be alright before he was rolled out too and Lucifer nodded weakly in return.
 The anaesthetist showed up quickly, explaining to Sam that he would be asleep in a bit and that the doctor would take good care of him, but he wasn’t very worried. He had talked a lot with doctor Francis and the man seemed to be very good at his job; Sam trusted him with this. All he asked for was that they’d do their best and the anaesthetist promised him that they would. Sam thought the injection of the anaesthetic was the worst, after that it only took a few minutes before his eyes began to feel heavy and he slowly drifted away into a dreamless, deep slumber.
 When Sam began to regain his consciousness around three hours later, it was a slow process and it felt strange because he knew he was conscious again, but he still couldn’t give any sign that he actually was. There was a certain pressure at his left hand, as if someone was holding and squeezing it frequently, but he didn’t know who it was. He liked the feeling, however. It was kind of reassuring and helped him wake up sooner, even if it sounded weird. It took another twenty minutes before Sam finally managed to open his eyes completely, which was a huge effort and he immediately realized that he felt very weak and worn out. Still, he had never been more relieved to wake up.
 “Sam!” a familiar voice sounded and not even a second later Lucifer’s face appeared and the pressure at his hand came back. “Finally, you’re awake! I was starting to worry.”
 “I lived, bitch…” Sam croaked weakly and with a cracking voice. Despite that, Lucifer smiled.
 “Yeah, you sure do,” he chuckled.
 Lucifer sat down next to the bed and gave Sam the time to properly wake up, even though it was still more of a half-awake, half-asleep state he remained in for a while. Sam didn’t notice that, however. He was content for the moment, that was what mattered.
 “The nurse said everything went well,” Lucifer smiled at Sam at one point, squeezing his hand again. “Raphael will be done soon too. It’ll be okay, like you said.”
 “Of course it’ll be,” Sam smiled silly and patted Lucifer’s hand with his free one. “You should listen to me, you know? I know what I’m talking about.”
 “Apparently,” Lucifer replied with a smirk. “How do you feel?”
 “Funny,” Sam said and chuckled. “It tickles… you know, down there.” He jerked his head a bit, signing into the direction of his hips. “Feels a bit empty too, but that’s fine.”
 “I’m sure it’ll be okay again soon,” Lucifer assured him. “You did something amazing today, Sam. I can’t tell you how happy I am about your decision.”
 “Oh please,” Sam waved his hand weakly. “If it were the other way around I’m sure you would’ve done the same. He’ll be okay, right? That’s all that matters.”
 “You’re truly a number,” Lucifer said and patted Sam’s hand gently. “You gave Raph another chance, I can’t thank you enough for that.”
 “Forget it,” Sam grinned. “He deserves it.”
 Before Lucifer could answer the door to the recovery room opened and two nurses brought in the second patient. Lucifer gave Sam a quick glance, who nodded in return and then quickly rushed to Raphael’s side.
 “Did everything go well?” he immediately asked, taking one of his hands.
 “Yes,” the nurse, Karen, replied with a bright smile. “Doctor Francis will come here in a few minutes to talk to you, but everything went perfectly fine. He’ll be better soon.”
 Lucifer’s relief couldn’t have been more visible when the nurses left. Sam knew he wasn’t fully conscious yet, but even he could see that. And while he looked at Lucifer, he felt a strange and new warmth crawl up in his chest. He didn’t know where it came from, but he figured it came from the happiness he felt about Raphael’s successful surgery. The two were silent until the doctor finally came, Sam focused on looking at the brothers and Lucifer on paying attention to Raphael.
 “The surgery was a great success!” Doctor Francis exclaimed as he walked in.
 “So, they’ll be alright?” Lucifer asked and doctor Francis nodded.
 “We are very positive about that. Raphael will wake up soon, when he does we will have to go through some tests again, but the kidney already began to work after we transplanted it, so we’re very optimistic.”
 “That didn’t happen before,” Lucifer said quietly and looked at his brother.
 “Yes and it’s a good sign. It means his body accepts the new kidney so far.”
 “Doctor,” Sam said, drawing the man’s attention at him. “Will he be able to leave again soon?”
 “He’ll have to stay here for a while longer, but if everything goes well he’ll be able to leave within a month.”
 “Awesome.” Sam smiled and laid back down on the pillow.
 “Thank you, doctor!” Lucifer said and jumped up, taking the man’s hand. “You saved my brother’s life, I can’t thank you enough!”
 “It was my pleasure,” doctor Francis smiled and grabbed Lucifer’s hand tightly. “Now, let’s wait for him to recover, so you all can go back to your normal life, shall we?.”
 Lucifer nodded and Sam smiled over in his bed.
 The following week, the two boys stayed in the same room. Raphael had to undergo several tests for the first few days, but he never complained and always assured Sam that he felt much better than after his last transplant - Sam only had to be examined every few days, to make sure the stitches were healing well. Lucifer was there almost the entire time, which obviously helped both boys to feel better.
 During this week, Sam unconsciously began to enjoy Lucifer’s presence. Not in an emotional way, but in a physical one. He was used to having the blond around at least once a day, but being in the same room for so long and talking and interacting as much as they did kind of made it almost normal that he was there. He couldn’t explain it any better, but Lucifer kind of grew on him. When the doctor told Sam that he was free to leave, he was actually a little sad.
 “Cheer up, buttercup,” Lucifer grinned when the doctor had left. “You can come visit us whenever you want.”
 “Yeah, I’m gonna do that,” Sam smiled. Raphael was reading a book at the moment, so he used the opportunity to do something he wanted to for a while already. “Hey, Lucifer, can we talk alone for a moment?”
 “Sure?” Lucifer replied a little confused. “I’ll be right back, Raph.”
 “Take your time,” Raphael mumbled, almost whispering, completely drawn into the world in his hands.
 After Lucifer had closed the door behind them, Sam decided to not sugar coat anything and get to the point right away.
 “You can’t live like this any longer,” he said seriously, earning an even more confused glance.
 “What do you mean?”
 “You live around half an hour away from here, with a taxi, don’t you?” Sam asked. “You keep going back home and come here every day, that must be draining. And you keep going back to your dad, that’s bad too.”
 “If you have a better solution just tell me,” Lucifer huffed. “I can’t afford to stay here every night.”
 “Of course I have one, just sleep at my dorm room,” Sam suggested. “I have no roommate, so why not? It’s only twenty minutes away if you walk, it’s much closer.”
 “Are you asking me to live with you?” Lucifer asked and raised a brow. “Are you drunk?”
 “I’m just being rational, Lucifer,” Sam sighed. “I have the space and I need to go back anyways, so why not? There’s a spare bed, you won’t have to see your dad and we can get back to campus in the evening together. I don’t see a problem, really.”
 “Sam, seriously..:” Lucifer stopped himself from continuing, shook his head and tried again. “Look, I’m flattered you suggest this, but don’t you think that’s taking it a bit too far? Won’t you get into trouble?”
 “Not really,” Sam shrugged. “I can have a guest for up to five days and really, they don’t give a shit. I didn’t get a roommate for months and if they do pair me up with one we’ll find another solution. I’m not asking you to jump your bones, okay? I just wanna help you out to see your brother more easily.”
 “Well, thanks,” Lucifer smirked and scratched his neck. “I have to admit it sucks going back home since dad is there again. I’d love some nights without his bullshit, really.”
 “Then why not?” Sam asked. “You can leave whenever you want, no problem. And I’m not gonna party, I can assure you that.”
 “I’m sure you don’t,” Lucifer laughed. “So, you really mean it, yeah?”
 “Sure,” Sam shrugged. “I don’t mind a roommate that knows how to behave, if you won’t bring girls to the room every night or smoke pot we’re good.”
 “Yeah, none of that, really, ” Lucifer grinned. “I prefer my silence.”
 “Just think about it then, okay?” Sam suggested. “Might take some stress away after all.”
 “Yeah, that’s true,” Lucifer smiled. “I’ll think about it, promised.”
 “That’s all I ask for.”
 Sam knew his offer was weird and very surprising, but he had no ulterior motives when suggesting this. Talking with Lucifer throughout the last week made it clear that the blond hated going back to his dad every night - if Sam had the chance to change that, why not take it?
 “Just tell me if you wanna come over, okay?” Sam asked, smiling. “You got my number, just call and I’ll get your bed ready.”
 “Thank you, Sam,” Lucifer smiled back. “I really appreciate it.”
 Sam nodded, satisfied for the moment with Lucifer’s answer. He didn’t expect Lucifer to agree right away of course, but he knew the other didn’t want to go back to his dad again and again, it was very obvious. If Lucifer wanted to take his offer, he’d let him know.
 Since he was allowed to leave and really had to catch back up with school, Sam said goodbye to the brothers in the evening. It was Thursday by now and it was of no use to go back to class for one day, so Sam decided to use the day he had and the upcoming weekend to take care of the most important things. When he left he wasn’t sure if Lucifer would accept his offer or not - he was still very hesitant about it - but Sam assured him again that it would be fine if he’d call any time he wanted to. He promised Raphael to be back on Friday or Saturday, depending on the work he had to do, and left when the sun began to set.
 Coming back rather late meant Sam walked through empty corridors, but it was nothing he minded at all. It was actually very relieving to not answer any questions or be held back by someone wanting to chat. When he finally arrived at his room he didn’t feel like catching up with his work though, so he laid down and almost immediately fell asleep. The hospital bed had been fine, but sleeping in his own bed was a whole different thing and Sam didn’t realize how much he had missed it until he pulled the blanket up and closed his eyes.
 Sam was ripped forcefully out of his peaceful slumber, however, when his phone suddenly rang. He didn’t bother checking the time before taking the call, didn’t even wake up properly, until he heard the voice at the other end.
 “Sam? Were you serious with your offer?”
 Sam blinked and sat up in his bed, finally glancing over at his clock that revealed it was shortly after two in the morning. He quickly shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.
 “Yeah, of course,” he replied.
 “Well, I might have to take you up on that.”
 “Okay, yeah, just come over whenever.” Sam was surprised, but he wasn’t going to back out on his offer. “I’ll get everything ready and-”
 “Doesn’t matter,” Lucifer interrupted him and only now Sam realized how heavy his voice sounded. “Can you come outside? I’m already here.”
 “Shit, really?” Sam jumped out of bed almost right away. “Okay, gimme a minute to get dressed, alright? Where are you? I’m gonna pick you up.”
 “Right in front of the dorm door, sorry for waking you up.”
 “Oh forget it, I’ll be there in a minute!”
 It turned out to be five minutes instead, but Sam hurried the best he could. He even went out of his room bare-chested and only slipped into his shirt on the way downstairs. The call was surprising enough, but the tone of the other’s voice was more worrying than the time he called, and when Sam opened the door and his eyes fell on a rain-drenched Lucifer he knew that this was more of an emergency than he thought at first. Not only was the blond soaked from head to toes, but his face showed that he had a pretty rough time before, as once again a black eye began to form and his left cheek was decorated with a huge cut. Sam also spotted strange markings on Lucifer’s neck and throat, which looked even worse to him.
 “Lucifer, my God!” Sam grabbed Lucifer’s arm and pulled him inside as fast as he could and closed the doors behind them. “What on earth happened to you?”
 “I guess it was a bad idea  to ask my drunk-ass dad if he planned to shut up anytime soon because I wanted to sleep,” Lucifer grinned and Sam had never wanted to punch him more in his life. Instead, he shook his head and pulled Lucifer inside and into the direction of his room.
 “You’ve got a death wish, seriously,” Sam said on the way, unable to stop shaking his head. “Why do you even provoke him? You know he won’t hesitate to use his fists!”
 “Because he’s a bastard that deserves it?”
 “And you deserve this or what?”
 Lucifer merely shrugged as an answer, which Sam took as a sign that he didn’t want to talk about this any longer. Luckily they didn’t meet anyone on their way, so when they finally arrived at Sam’s room no one noticed the breaking of the house rules - which clearly stated no overnight guests - and he could lock the door in peace.
 “Just look at you,” Sam eventually sighed when they were safe inside. “Now I have to patch you up again and you’ll surely scare Raphael tomorrow!”
 “Sorry for causing you so much trouble,” Lucifer said, to which Sam had no reply. He wanted to be mad, really, but after everything they’ve been through he just couldn’t. Apparently Lucifer’s bad behavior had grown on him as much as the good part, not something he had expected but there was nothing to do about it now.
 After patching Lucifer up the best he could and making the bed ready for him it was already past three, but Sam didn’t mind much. Lucifer kept assuring him that it was nothing and that he wouldn’t stay long, but to be honest the brunet prepared for the opposite. Because showing up at two in the morning on his doorstep, with nothing more than the things he wore and a black eye? That wasn’t what he called nothing.
 “You’ll stay here as long as you have to,” Sam said sternly as he finished off the bed. “If you think I’ll let you go back to that man you are dead wrong.”
 “Did you suddenly become my legal guardian?” Lucifer asked with a chuckle, to which Sam gave him a stern glare.
 “Do you wanna test me?” he asked, raising a brow. “Or do you wanna go back to that man and take a few more blows?”
 “Nope, I’m fine staying here,” Lucifer quickly said and shook his head. “I’m very glad you didn’t just hang up on me, really.”
 “I’d never do that,” Sam sighed and sat down on his bed, while Lucifer did the same with the newly made one. “I offered you to stay here after all.”
 “I bet you didn’t think I’d take your offer at such an inhumane time, huh?”
 “Not really,” Sam said and yawned behind his hand. “But I didn’t think I would be so okay with it either, so I guess it’s alright.”
 “I promise I won’t bother you much,” Lucifer said seriously. “I’ll be with Raphael most of the time, you’ll barely see me.”
 “I don’t mind seeing you, really,” Sam shrugged. “I kinda got used to your presence. As long as you don’t snore or wake me up at five in the morning we’ll be fine.”
 “I’ll try to keep the snoring to a minimum,” Lucifer smirked and made himself comfortable on the second bed. “But I can say that I got used to your presence too. You’re not half as bad as I thought you were.”
 “Thanks,” Sam laughed and laid back down. “You’re not either. And now, let’s try to get a few hours of sleep, okay?”
 Lucifer nodded and Sam took that as a sign to turn off the lights. He had said the truth when he told Lucifer he didn’t mind, but he was still very tired, there was no denying that, and Lucifer seemed to be in desperate need of some sleep himself. It didn’t feel strange that they were sleeping in the same room again, even though this time they were alone. He had gotten kind of used to having Lucifer around and even now in this unfamiliar situation it was alright with Sam. Of course it was clear that they would need to talk, but that could wait until the next morning.
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