#i do have an outline for the hawk crackfic i just need to write it
torishasupremacy · 2 years
i really need to write that “hawk turns into an actual hawk and the karate kids run around trying to turn him back while hiding the aforementioned hawk from the adults” crack fic so the ck fandom can have two Hawk The Literal Hawk fics, silly edition and scary edition (@afurioushawk’s uncaged)
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hollyand-writes · 4 years
Author interview
I was tagged all the way back in January 2020 for this one, by the lovely @kagetsukai! ❤️ Here are her answers from back then. Sorry this took me 6 months to answer! 
I tag whoever wants to do this, as well as @midnightprelude, @lauraemoriarty, @lucyrne, @asaara-writes, @varghaxa, @lesetoilesfous, @natsora, @agentkatie, @effelants, @mikkeneko, @mhandersmyheart and @andrew-blackthorn ❤️ 
Name: Hollyand
Fandoms: Dragon Age 2 (but not the other DA games 😬 ) 
Where You Post: Mostly AO3, but short prompts/ficlets go on Tumblr. 
Most Popular One-Shot: Depends how you’re measuring it.
If we go by kudos, then that’d have to be my M!Hawke/Arishok crackfic, “A Growing Lack of Disgust” (199 kudos). This also wins by hits.
If we go by number of comments, then that’s either my M!Hawke/Fenris Modern!AU “Bright Lights, Big City, Blind Date” (38 comments total / 14 commenters) or my M!Hawke/Anders crackfic “Local Man Returns From Trip, Discovers Boyfriend Adopted 25 Cats” (36 comments total / 16 commenters). 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Measuring by hits, kudos and comments it’s easily my Regency AU Carver/Merrill fic “A Chance Engagement”. 
Given that it has 46 chapters and is still in progress, this shouldn’t be surprising. (I didn’t count “Major Arcana” as that one’s technically a fic collection, even though it has more hits than ACE.)
Favourite Story You Wrote: It’s a toss-up between “Local Man Returns From Trip, Discovers Boyfriend Adopted 25 Cats” and “A Shit Time To Be A Templar” which are both M!Hawke/Anders crack fics prompted by the DA Kink Meme. 
The first fic is pretty self-explanatory, the latter is from a prompt that asked for Anders shape-shifting into a bird who goes round shitting on templars’ heads, and Meredith asks Hawke to kill it (spoiler: he doesn’t). I had way too much fun writing way too many poo jokes – because I have the sense of humour of your typical dumb 15-year-old British schoolboy 😂
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Every single story and update!
How You Choose Your Titles: Titles are hard but usually one of these: 
A line or phrase from the fic that sums up the fic best 
The “does exactly what it says on the tin” approach 
Shit puns / innuendoes
Sums up the fic’s overall themes or its notable elements 
Line of dialogue from DA2 
“The Courtship of Daisy and Junior” was named after this fanart 
Complete: Just “The Courtship of Daisy and Junior” & one-shots.
Incomplete: Um.... goodness. An M!Handers Modern!AU / Gym!AU longfic called “Employer Relations” (writing ACE has put me in the wrong headspace for it, so I’m finishing it first) and a canonverse Carver/Merrill longfic called “The Templar And The Blood Mage”. 
Also an unposted Modern!AU / Gym!AU Carver/Merrill called “How To Push Up A Daisy”, and a Pornstar AU I’m working on which I hope to post in full soon (more on that below).
Do You Outline? Sort of? Like Kagetsukai, I used to be a pantser, until I realised that style didn’t work for me with longfics. Sometimes I pants my way through the odd scene, just writing whatever grabs me (I almost never write from the start of a fic, I usually write something from the middle first), but after I’ve pantsed my way through a few related scenes I sketch out a very rough outline of the fic’s plot and a bullet-pointed list of things I want to happen / plot points to include. I tend to write up more detailed chapter summaries/plans a few at a time, write those, then go back and plan the next few chapters, and so on. 
One-shots are generally pantsed all the way through, but I approach that like my work articles – I’ve usually already got a good idea in my head of how I want the piece to go before I write it, so I just write it in one draft and post it (I tend to edit as I go along while drafting – a habit I picked up from work).
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: I am currently 10,100+ words into a modern-day-with magic Carver/Merrill Pornstar AU called “Actually, Love” ! I am very excited about sharing that one with you all (it’s an explicit smutfic, obviously, LOL). I have the beginning and the end down and most of the middle, I just need to finish joining up all the bits in the middle! 😄
Do You Accept Prompts? Currently no, because I’ve too much on. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’ve been saying this for years, LOL, but – the Gym AU! Especially “How To Push Up A Daisy”. Also the Pornstar AU mentioned above, which I hope to finish and post soon – I’m so nearly there and so close to the end, now to finish the thing! 😆
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