#i do everything right i am consistent i am a hard worker i brush my teeth and i wash my face and i clean my room
modernbaseball · 2 years
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carrdfan · 3 years
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Eddie Brock x Reader
summary : Eddie's thoughts were becoming more and more destructive. Yet a night with you, a familiar bartender, it gives him hope he majorly needed
main tags : angst with comfort of a sort , female reader
notes : venom's entire presences isn't known to anyone yet
The room was quiet, even though there were countless others chatting the night away.
The soothing jazz, the appealing décor, it's no wonder why this bar was so popular when it came to the people in the city.
Yet for an unfortunate man, the comforting atmosphere was just not enough to calm him and his stress. With the recent lost of his relationship and job, Eddie couldn't keep his head up for once, something he did towards to many people.
The music was barely reaching to him, he was losing himself in the unforeseen void that was eating him away. He felt his paranoia grow as the distant chatter formed into laughter. Mocking him for how much of a fool he was and how he truly fucked up.
Any moment now he would break. Eddie knew that one more crack would be the thing that does him in, the thing that will forever ruin him.
"Eddie? You ok?"
Eddie flew his head up to his name, in front of him stood you, who was casually cleaning out a beer glass while facing and looking back at him.
Y/n, a well-loved bartender who enjoys her job. She was the chipper one in the group, making witty jokes, and always managed to help the workers look more forward towards their shift. Yet despite how favored she was, almost no one seemingly knew anything else about her.
If you were to ask, everyone's memories of her consisted of running jokes she came up with that person specifically, not many could recall anything else the overall jokes when it came to Y/n. No one knows what she feels behind her bright smile, and everyone was too distracted by her cheerful acts to dig deeper into it.
"Ah... Yeah, yeah, I'm doin' fine." Eddie attempted to casually brush off the concern, he felt like Y/n may not be the best when it comes to being the person someone would complain their heart out to.
"... You seem too troubled to be 'doin' fine.'" Y/n casually commented, her response made Eddie freeze for a second. She stopped cleaning the glass cup and placed it in its proper place, waiting to be picked up again when the next guy comes in shouting how he wanted Budweiser, or whatever beer was popular for tonight.
While being at a closer distance, Y/n grabbed a chair and took a seat, still looking away and focusing on what was on the T.V.
"You caught me. I ain't doin' the best right now... But what's got you so invested?" Y/n slowly turned her head to Eddie before giving him a big grin, it made her thought process unpredictable almost.
She rested her head down on the table, using her arms as some sort of pillow. "Nothing in particular, just couldn't help myself for asking. So, in any case, what's got you down?"
Childish, is what Y/n was almost all the time. Yet in a moment like now, she showed sparks of being the adult she actual was. Maybe it was a moment of desperation to let out his feelings, or maybe it was because she managed to give off such a pleasing figure right now. Either way, Eddie could barely catch himself as he casually gets the weight off his chest with Y/n.
"Have you... Has there ever been a time in your life where it all just seems meaningless? Hopeless?" There was a moment of pecking silence, Eddie looked at Y/n waiting for a response. Her eyes were closed and Eddie could've sworn she had passed out on him right then and there if she hadn't opened one eye as she stared back.
"Yeah. It's enviable basically. Why, did you have a recent epiphany?" The question felt more of a targeted callout, a reminder of all the events that went down. Eddie took a deep exhale before responding.
"Yep. Lost it all in the matter of a few days, now I just.. Don't know what to do anymore." In the back of Eddie's mind, he took a grip on himself. 'Why am I telling her this? I barely know her.'
He was barely able to snap back and hear the next words that came out of Y/n, "I mean yeah, honestly, I'd lose my shit if that all happened personally... I believe every adult is on the verge of cracking, and to have that happen? Lose everything I had worked so hard for? I'm surprised you aren't on the news, being on the wanted list 'cause that would've been my final push." Y/n swiftly swings her head back to look at the television.
Out of everyone in here who would have such an introspect like that, the last person Eddie would believe to have it would be Y/n. "What do you know about being on the low side? Hell, you're nothing but the opposite honestly."
In the eerie pause of silence, Eddie felt disturbed as Y/n sat back up and slowly locked eyes with him while carrying a smile that was a bit too big for the type of conversation they were having.
"I'm an adult too Eddie, please don't be like everyone else and forget that."
Even with the silence broken, the air still felt disturbing as he took in her words, but before he could respond, Y/n got out of her chair and took a stretch. "Well, the usual loud crowd should be here any minute now."
She popped her knuckles in kiddy exaggeration. A mere 180° from what she was a mere moment ago. "I liked our talk, should do it more. I mean, even the ditz can be tired of themselves, y'know?"
She soon pats Eddie on the shoulder lightly, "Hang in there for me soldier, I don't wanna have these types of conversations with nothing but your dead corpse one day." The joke was caught, but for a situation like this, it did nothing but make Y/n's figure even more ambiguous.
Before he could respond, a loud outburst came from the entrance and caught Eddie's attention. It was a group of men, entering the bar, laughing and disturbing the peaceful atmosphere.
Eddie looked back at Y/n one last time, who was irritated and rolled her eyes to the sight. She did the same to Eddie as they locked eyes one last time before she walked off into the back room.
It felt short, but the talk the both of them shared tonight gave Eddie multiple feelings. He felt reassured and comforted, yet clueless in a way as he had many questions for Y/n that never got a chance to be asked.
Either way, Eddie was definitely planning on making a return for the next few nights. Y/n's strange mannerisms managed to puzzle and captivate him.
She was a book, and he wanted to read and understand her. Especially after tonight.
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beskarhearts · 3 years
soft javi idea!!! he confesses to you about his crush on you and how you make him not want to be an asshole anymore 🥺
Bad Coffee (Javier Peña x reader)
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Word count: over 2.8K
Warnings: cursing, mention of sex/brothels, drinking (nothing else I can think of but let me know!
Summary: Javier Peña wasn’t the type to ask people on dates or have feelings. At least that was what you thought.
Notes: UM I LOVE THIS AND I HOPE YOU DO TOO! I am an absolute sucker for soft Javi so this was soooooo fun to write and definitely helped. Pretty much I am ALWAYS willing to write Soft!Javi because it is the greatest. (also haven’t really proof read this yet so please excuse any mistakes!)
Late nights at the office with Javier has become the usual for you two. You were both hell-bent on catching Escobar and if that meant spending every second at the office and getting maybe an hour or two of sleep each night, then that was what it meant. So even when everyone else left the office and Murphy retired for the night, you and Javier would be sitting at your respective desks and mull over paper work and evidence and information and anything you could get your hands on.
You didn't mind it though. Sure it was exhausting and your mind never seemed to stray away from work but you felt like you were doing something. You technically could go to your apartment all alone and get some sleep or maybe eat a proper meal but that felt ridiculous. Why bother with such menial things when you had much more important things at hand?
Also, it meant you weren't alone anymore. You had started spending nights at the office before Javier had and you can't remember when he joined in but you didn't mind. Javier and you had worked long enough that you had gotten used to his annoying, bothersome characteristics. He was hot-headed and flirtatious and sometimes incredibly hard to read but he was good at his job and he genuinely cared, which was more than you could say for a lot of other people working here. You two also worked well together. It was probably a natural result of working together for long enough, though you knew there were some people who had known Peña for longer than you had and could barely work with the guy.
Some people said you worked well together because you slept together and perhaps that was a natural assumption given Javier's reputation with women and the flirtatious quips he would send your way every once in a while. And while you had confirmed that wasn't the case, people liked to gossiped. But really you just worked well with the guys because you both had respect for each other and were what you would consider friends. You could share a drink with the guy and crack a joke at his expense. You could also mull over paperwork into the late hours of the night and go over countless theories and ideas with him, all of which he listened to and never tried to overshadow you.
"Drink this."
You looked up from your desk to see Javier holding a cup of coffee out, the brown liquid steaming and exuding a scent that alone seemed to wake you up. Your greedy fingers snatched the cup up, taking a big gulp of it before sending a small smile to the man who still stood in front of your desk. "Thanks, Peña."
You had come to greatly appreciate Peña's presence during nights like these. He would bring you coffee, let you rant and ramble, and if you drifted off the sleep at your desk, he would sometimes lay his jacket over you as a makeshift blanket. You didn't have a lot of people who looked after you, having left your family behind in the states for the job. So having Javier do even the smallest thing like bring you a cup of coffee was something you were grateful for.
"Did I make it right this time?" Peña asked slyly, giving you a small smirk that you reciprocated. You swore it was on purpose, but something was always just a little off with your coffee. You had told him how you liked him, given him the exact number of scoops of sugar and amount of creamer. Yet for some reason the coffee would always be a little too sweet or wouldn't have enough creamer. You drank it anyways, because you weren't picky and weren't one to say no to even the shittiest cup of coffee. But now it had become a small joke between you two.
"Not enough sugar." you playfully responded, giving him a small chuckle.
Javier looked down at you and shifted in the spot he stood in before responded. "A coffee place would probably make it better."
You snorted, placing your cup down and taking a glance at the watch on your wrist. "I don't think any coffee place is open at 2 am on a Tuesday."
"Well then maybe sometime when you aren't working." Javier countered and you raised a singular eyebrow, cocking your head. He was acting odd. A little too odd.
You shook it off and decided to make a small joke. "Oh, you mean when I'm dead?"
Javier sighed, brushing his hand through his hair before planting both of his hands onto your desk, leaning forward slightly. "I mean maybe sometime when you aren't working...and neither am I. Then I can buy you a coffee to make up for the shit stuff I make."
Your face dropped instantly as you looked up at Peña, seeing the way his eyes wouldn't make their ways to look into yours. You had known Peña long enough to know he wasn't a nervous man, especially not with you or women in general. In fact, sometimes he was too cocky for his own good. "Holy shit." you muttered.
Javier finally looked at you and raised an eyebrow at your shocked expression. "What?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" you dumbly said, not even trying to stop your mouth from saying the question in your mind.
Javier's tongue peeked out as he licked at his lips nervously, hands slipping away from your desk and landing on his hips as he straightened up. "Yeah. I am."
Holy shit. You were dumbfounded, shocked, absolutely 1000% floored. Peña was a flirt and had said his fair share of words to you but you assumed that was just who he was. You had seen him do the same to plenty of other women around the office alone. Not once in your head had the thought of Peña ever asking you on a date even crossed your mind. It seemed like a down right impossibility. He wasn't a 'go on a coffee date' type of guy. He was the 'stop at a brothel and have mindless sex with a woman whose name I barely know' type of guy. You couldn't even begin to imagine Peña on a date. The mere thought of him sitting with a woman at a coffee shop and making that small talk everybody had at a date and then driving them home made you nearly laugh in surprise. While you had come to appreciate the quirks of Peñas personality, he was an asshole normally and everything happening right now was so bizaree. His nervousness and the way his eyes were avoiding yours and asking you on a date?
"This is a joke, right?" you asked.
Javier let out a small chuckle, but not his usually one. This sounded uncomfortable and strangled. "Way to soften the blow, hermosa." he tried to respond as sarcastically as possible but you saw in between the cracks.
"You are serious?"
"Why do you sound so surprised?" Peña asked, a hint of annoyance peaking through as he examined your astonished figure.
You let out an odd laugh of your own, even snorting. You couldn't comprehend how he didn't understand how bizarre this was. Or maybe he did and just wanted to hear it from your mouth. "Peña, you just asked a woman on a date."
"And apparently did a shit job at it." Peña countered back, the wrinkles on his forehead more apparent as he scrunched his brows together.
"When was the last time you even asked a woman on a date?" you inquired.
"Why does this matter?" Peña asked, one hand being thrown up in confusion before landing back on his hip.
"Because never once in my days did I think I would see the day Javier Peña asked a woman on a date." You couldn't help the giggle that left your lips, partially because you were uncomfortable and didn't know what to do but also because this whole situation seemed like some kind of fever dream.
"Glad this is so funny to you." Peña scowled, turning back to his desk.
You bit your lip, trying to think of something to say. "You did a pretty good job actually. Good transition with the coffee and stuff." you offered, trying to lighten the mood and tension in the room.
"Then why didn't you say yes?" Javier asked, turning back to you as he sat on the edge of his desk.
You paused. You didn't say yes initially because you were too shocked to but there were probably a million reasons to not say yes.
You weren't dumb. Javier Peña was stupidly attractive. It was no wonder ever woman swooned over him. And the hair and slightly unbuttoned shirts certainly didn't help. And while many women would probably jump at the chance of a date with the infamous DEA agent just based off looks alone (and his 'sex god' reputation), you had come to admire the other things about him. His dedication and his how no matter how hard he tried to hide it, his compassion somehow always came through. There was plenty to admire about the man.
But there were also so many things that made a date with Javier Peña potentially a very bad idea. He was your co-worker first of all and while you weren't sure if it was necessarily forbidden, it wasn't something you should jump into. Being in this field was hard enough, you didn't need everybody thinking you had gotten where you were because you were jumping the bones of your co-workers. There was also the fact that Javier was the exact opposite of a relationship man. He was practically the epitome of a bachelor. His primary hobbies consisted of drinking and visiting brothels, blowing off steam with a woman withering under him. He was also so closed off sometimes. He kept everything so buried and so hidden and it was impossible to reach him.
"You do realize what a date is, right?" you asked gently.
Javier rolled his eyes. "Believe it or not, but I am very aware."
"And that you are asking me on a date. A date where we would go get coffee in a public place and talk and the main goal shouldn't be to get me in bed afterwards."
"Jesus Christ! I'm not trying to sleep with you!" Peña cried out, throwing his hands up.
"Well, excuse me but you have quite the reputation for being a bit of a man-whore asshole!" you shouted back, feeling the emotion and tension bubble up in you.
Peña dropped his head, looking down at his feet and letting out a long, drawn-out sigh. "I have... feelings for you."
He seemed to say the words begrudgingly, like there was anything he would rather do than have to talk about his feelings after practically getting rejected by a woman who he asked on a date (which he hadn't done in years).
Your mouth kept opening and closing, trying to conjure something to say but finding yourself unable to. if you thought the idea of Javier asking someone on a date unfathomable, then you were just absolutely flabbergasted by the idea of Javier having a crush on someone. You finally closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. "I don't...understand."
"I thought it was pretty obvious." Peña responded, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he slowly looked up at you.
You stared back into his brown eyes and let out an exhausted snigger. "No, it wasn't. Hence my reaction."
Peña pushed himself off his desk, strolling towards your desk and looking down at where you still sat. His brown eyes looked softer than you had ever seen them and it made the breathe in your throat hitch. "Listen, I am an asshole-"
"You really know how to see yourself, Javier." You cursed yourself for your habit of making jokes when you were uncomfortable as Javier looked back at you plainly. "Sorry..."
"I don't want to be an asshole when I am around you. I want to be better... for you. You make me think maybe I could be an okay guy." Javier offered.
You tried to ignore the way your heart had begun racing and the way your skin seemed to heat up slightly. You placed both your hands on the arm of your chair, trying to keep them busy so you didn't nervously twiddle your thumbs. "Alright, well that was kind of sweet in a weird way..."
Javier finally let out a small chuckle and you smiled at the noise, glad to feel a bit of the tension dissipate. "I know I'm a piece of shit and not boyfriend material or anything like that but... just one date. Let me buy you a cup of coffee."
You felt the corner of your lip quirk up into a small smile. "I'm not sleeping with you no matter how charming you are."
"We will save that for the third date then." Javier joked and you let out a small gasp.
"Bold of you to assume we will make it to a third date." You jested, giving him a teasing grin.
"It took me months to finally ask you out so this better work for me."
You leaned back. "Months?"
"Shut up." Javier huffed back as soon as he saw the smile on your face.
"Has the Javier Peña been pining for me for months?" You meant it as a joke but when his face softened and he looked back at you, you tried your best to wipe the smile off your face.
"It's... been awhile." Javier looked at the way you expectantly looked back at him and sighed. "Since the Christmas party."
Your jaw dropped. Steve had insisted on inviting you and Javier to what he described as a Christmas party Connie had set up but when you showed up, it was just the four of you. Murphy joked around, saying he didn't have many friends. But you didn't mind. It was one of the first times you had seen Peña out of the office and he seemed relatively relaxed for the first time you had seen him. You had both sat on the same couch together, across from the Murphys and every once in a while you two would whisper teasing jokes to each other about Steve. You thought back to the night and remembered how he had insisted on pouring your drinks for you and had probably been sat a little too close, his thigh nearly grazing yours. How his gaze had lingered on yours because it was the first time he had seen you wear something other than office clothes and shit, how did you somehow look even better? How he had insisted on driving you home once he realized you had walked there, saying it was because you shouldn't be walking around in the dark but also because he just wanted to spend more time with you, even if it was only a few more minutes.
"Javier, that was months ago."
Javier slowly nodded. "Yeah. I tried to at your birthday dinner."
That had been another thing that had been planned by Connie and Murphy had required you guys come to. You honestly didn't even know they knew when your birthday was, never once mentioning it because birthdays weren't your thing. But Murphy had somehow found out but you didn't mind. It was only a dinner with you four and some drinks, no big party and nobody made a big deal with it. The Murphy's had bought you a present despite you saying you hated receiving gifts.
Once again, Javier had insisted on driving you home and this time walked you to your door. You thought that would be it until he handed you a gift. Your watch had been broken and you needed a new one but had been too busy to get one so Javier had taken the liberty of doing so. You remember him insisting you open it when he was gone and not thank him for it. He had seemed a little off that day but you had thought it was just the drinks getting to him a little. He lingered and you both spoke about work until he eventually drifted away.
"Holy shit, Peña." you muttered, feeling the weight of the watch on your wrist even more.
"It doesn't matter." he huffed.
"It does to me." you softly said. Javier only sent a small glance your way and you gave him a smile before turning back down to your paperwork. "Pick me up on Friday."
You didn't look up to see the smile on Javier's face as he made his way back to his desk. "Yes ma'am."
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When I saw my third “how do I crawl out of depression” post in a day I had to write something. There is no silver bullet but I am a trained social worker who has lived with depression for over 15 years and hope there is something here to lighten your load
💜  Please let me remind you: it is completely ok and not your fault you are feeling this way. Feelings happen no matter if we want them to or not and sometimes, we do everything right and they still hit us upside the head. And needless to say, very few of us are having a great time right now. So please, be kind to yourself. Sometimes that is hard so please be kind to my friend (you) because they are pretty awesome and I will throw hands with anyone who says otherwise.
💜 Watch or read or listen to something familiar (if you need a suggestion, I am re-watching Phineas and Ferb and truly recommend) Studies have shown that watching a familiar show allows you to enjoy the emotions of the show with less anxiety or other negative feelings because you know how it ends.
💜 Try to eat at least twice a day. This isn’t always easy but its completely ok if you throw some frozen chicken in the oven or a bowl of soup or something that takes no energy. It is important to fuel your body when you feel you have no strength
💜 Try to shower. I know its not easy, there are days I literally have to crawl into the show. But it never fails to make me feel a little lighter after. Maybe a lot exhausted after but a little lighter. If you can’t manage a full shower, try to brush your teeth or throw some dry shampoo in your hair or just wipe off your face. Something to make you feel a little more put together.
💜   If you managed to shower, or really even if you didn’t, maybe try to throw on some clothes that you actually like. Braid your hair up nice, throw on some moisturizer, maybe even some makeup. If you can find something you like about your appearance it can push your brain in a positive direction.
💜 Try to change your scenery. Can’t leave the house? Try moving to the couch. Can’t leave your room? Try setting up pillows on the floor. Can’t leave your bed? Set up your nest on the other end of the bed. Small breaks in the chains of monotony will help push you out of the rut
💜 That being said, if you have any ability to, take a walk. Even if it is just to get the mail while huddling in your sweats and biggest hoodie. If you get to the mailbox and think you can manage to the end of the block? Look at you go! And who cares who sees you, if you are hiding in your hoodie no one will know, and you just look wicked comfy.
💜 Find a project that is consistent with your energy level. Something, anything, that will let you feel a little productive. Borrow your niece’s coloring book and coloring in a simple cartoon, just so you can finish something. Write a word vomit story just so you can get something on paper. Taking up a simple crochet project, I tend to make coffee sleeves just so I can say I made something. Bake something. Cookies make everything just a little better.
💜 Clean something: it could be your glasses, take those dirty dishes that have been building up to the kitchen, clean off one counter, throw a load of laundry in, anything. There are so many studies that show cleaning your space helps clear your mind.
💜 Interact with someone. Skype someone, or if you don’t have the energy, call someone and let them talk to you. Send an ask to someone just saying you love them. Write a stupid letter, even if you just draw your best friend a silly stick figure and throw it in the mail. (Look an excuse to walk to the postbox hiding in your hoodie).
💜 Be aware of your media feeds. Is it full of news that is pissing you off? Snooze that shit. Is it full of ‘friends’ who just make you feel bad? Unfollow. Are there any puppies? No? FIX THAT! Follow puppies and kittens and other silly things that will give you just a moment to smile.
💜 Most important than any of this: Be patient with yourself. Sometimes you can do everything right and still not push your brain to produce those yummy neurochemicals you need. That is ok. This feel will not last forever. I know that sounds too simple but really sometimes it is completely ok to hide in your blanket nest and consume media and just wait it out.
💜 This too shall pass. Today you may feel surrounded by bleh, meh, and ugh but beneath it all you are still an amazing human being and no matter who you feel right now you deserve love, respect, admiration, and devotion. I so glad you are still here and proud of you for existing
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calpops · 4 years
sweet meetings | m.c.
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Anonymous: eve!!! i can't stop thinking about baker!michael it is SO soft my heart!! imagine you work at cal and ash's record store, mainly on the weekends but sometimes during the week, bc you're studying, and at first you go into the bakery for a coffee and a quick bite to eat before shifts but when you notice how cosy it is you think it might be a great place to study, not to mention there's a really cute guy working there, n mike of course takes notice of you, at first u share simple pleasantries but the more u come in the faster it evolves into easy banter, soft laughter and shared smiles, he knows how u take ur coffee and why u prefer the blueberry muffins over the apple cinnamon and when you start coming to study, bag overflowing w books and a battered laptop, mike can’t help but watch u in the quiet moments, eyes focused on ur work n fingers carefully pulling off pieces of ur muffin and one day he works up the nerve to sit w you on his break, coming over w a nervous smile but you’re so happy n surprised, unsure if he saw anything more than a regular who he got on well with!! now it seems all the soft smiles n lingering gazes n times ur fingers brushed when he handed you ur food before work have evolved into something more!! so this becomes a regular occurrence for the two of u and wow i don’t know this could go on forever because i am so so so soft for michael look what u have done to me eve!!!!! i cant even be mad cuz ily
I went a little overboard with this and added some concepts. Hope that’s okay!
Word count: 2k
You often find yourself in a rush. Never having enough time between working at a record shop, doing classes online and living the rest of your life to stop and enjoy moments for what they’re really worth. Rushing is a habit for you; second nature and easy. You realize it’s too easy, that time slips past you and hurtles on whether you’re aware of it or not. Your life is a whirlwind and you’re determined to enjoy the breeze once and a while. With this realization and determination you stop. Stop running from place to place and take your time. Take time for yourself. It’s a mild morning when you slowly stroll up to the bakery across from the record shop. Your boss Ashton always raves about the iced coffee and Calum has found more than just the treats to be sweet. It’s calm inside, the morning rush over—a sweet spot of time in between morning coffee needs and lunchtime cravings. It’s quaint and quiet and a complete contrast to the way you usually live your life.
There’s no line when you walk in. Desserts and pastries of all kinds sit behind glass and a handwritten menu board dominates the wall above. It’s written in white chalk with special menu items erased and rewritten likely by the day. Everything looks delectable and you’re glad to have taken some time to come inside. A swinging door to the back—probably leading to the kitchen—opens as the front door behind you shuts. A man around your age comes through, his blonde hair tucked under a black cap and the black apron around his waist dusted with patches of white flour. The name tag on his apron says Michael, well, the el is smudged with some ingredient that obscures part of the letters but you surmise Michael must be what’s hidden underneath. You haven’t made up your mind by the time he asks for your order and you’re slightly taken aback at his soft voice and meeting his gentle green eyes.
You stumble over your words a bit when usually you’d be in a hurry to get them out. You finally decide. “A blueberry muffin, please.”
You see a tilt of a smile as he looks down to the baked goods below and comes back with your order; wraps it in a thin sheet of paper and asks if it’s for here or to go. You notice the tables by the windows, each one with a vase of flowers and natural sunlight. Some have chairs with comfortable cushions and the others have booth seats that seem inviting. The bag on your shoulder is heavy; filled with your academics. The tables seem a nice place to study. In your determination to enjoy the breeze you choose to stay. You tell him it’s for here and pay and try not to think about the brush of your fingers against his when he hands the muffin over.
You find a home at a booth, bag resting on the seat beside you as you take a moment to savor the burst of blueberry and sugar on the top of your tongue. You decide in that moment that slowing down and taking your time is worth every second spent. You face toward the counter and kitchen door, opting to face away from the street where a busy city lurks beyond. A sense of calm clings to you as you finish the baked good and decide to stay a while longer—wanting to try the iced coffee Ashton raves about and settle in to pace yourself on work stacked in your bag. You find solace in the quiet yet a nervous energy settles and sparks in you any time Michael makes his way out of the kitchen as a few customers come and go. By the time you’re ready to leave you catch eyes with him one more time and he waves, a small smile giving you a goodbye and a reason to come back the next day.
And so the bakery becomes a new habit—the best way to break one is to replace it with another. Rushing melts away and the bakery becomes a beacon of downtime. Michael becomes a person you look forward to seeing. In a sense he becomes routine. Just as easy as rushing. You always exchange glances when he peeks out from the kitchen to inspect the run of the bakery. He usually blushes when you catch gazes, cheeks going rosy and a timid smile capturing his features. You see the smile in his eyes, green glinting and glimmering with a bashfulness that endears and intrigues you. There’s a lot you wish to know about Michael.
He knows enough about you through your interactions. How you take your coffee, that you prefer hot chocolate to it but need the caffeine to keep you going. Why blueberry anything is the superior choice. He’s even asked about your work and classes, about the books you seem to carry with you all the time. He’s eyes are observant and his mind has flawlessly put together small pieces of you. Weeks pass in a hazy blur as you learn to slow down and spend more and more time at the bakery. Breaks from work lead you there. Mornings before and nights after usually have you stopping in.
There’s an air of mystery and elusiveness that follows the baker. What you know is minimal and trivial, even as the weeks pass and more than simple hello’s and please and thank you’s become exchanged. He seems guarded and you have no reason as to why that might be so. But you find yourself coming back consistently. Now a regular that walks in and is recognized by any and all staff. You sit in your usual booth and after catching gazes with Michael multiple times you wonder if the stirring of feelings that have made way into you are completely one sided. Maybe all he sees in you is a customer. Maybe it is purely business for him. Maybe slowing down has put a hazy sheen on reality when you’re so used to fast paces.
Your pencil taps along a text book page as your thoughts consume you, eyes glued to the menu board and teeth sunken into your lower lip. It isn’t until a small voice from below breaks through your reverie that you find familiar eyes. Gentle green stares up at you behind a mess of blond hair. A boy not but three or four reaches up, a small muffin in his clutches. It takes a moment for you to realize he’s offering the baked good to you. As soon as you reach for it Michael is bursting through the kitchen door and racing over to the child, scooping him up and trying his best to apologize and inform you that wasn’t supposed to be for a customer, just practice for his son.
In one snap moment all the haze clears but new questions take hold of your mind. You realize why he’s so guarded but have to question if there’s a reason he never told you. You realize it doesn’t matter for the moment. Not when a child’s innocent eyes are pinned on you; awaiting a reaction to the muffin still in your loose grip. You know Michael said it’s not meant for you but the look in his son’s eyes clearly says that it is. You take a small bite and grin, compliment the good work and hear Michael sigh in relief as he sets his son back down.
“Blueberry’s your favorite right? That’s what dad says.”
You nod and feel a rush of warmth at the question and the fact that Michael has spoken of you in any capacity to his son.
“Riley, bud—why don’t you go behind the counter. There’s some cookies you can have,” Michael suggests with a blush that also suggests his embarrassment at the situation. Riley takes off and Michael calls after him. “Only two!”
Michael turns back to you with anxiety written clearly across his face. His hands wring at each other and his eyes flicker to the booth seat opposite you. You motion for him to sit; curious what he might say.
“I’m sorry about all of that; he’s usually pretty good at sticking with me. He’s just a little excited today,” Michael explains and you arch an eyebrow.
You close your textbook, the prospect of studying blown out the window in a new whirlwind created by a four year old. You can feel your heart beating fast and hard in your chest. You never expected Michael to have a kid.
Michael goes on to explain and settle the nerves that seem to have exploded through you. “I usually only get him on the weekends and in summer. But his mom’s on her honeymoon and I get him for a whole week. He loves the bakery; getting to come with me every day has gotten him a bit unruly. All the sugar...” Michael says with a pointed look at the counter where another worker stands while Riley sits and eats his allotted two cookies.
Michael keeps explaining and it’s as if whatever guards he had up come crashing down. He tells you all about Riley and co-parenting. That he and the bakery take up most of his time and you realize that maybe he was living in a rush and whirlwind too. And by the way his eyes stay on yours and hands fidget on the tabletop you wonder if he doesn’t just see you as a customer and that’s why he stayed guarded for so long. To protect his whirlwind and everything within it; mostly Riley. You understand his reason as he comes barreling back to Michael, coloring books and a pack of crayons in hand.
“Can I color here?” He asks and climbs up into the booth and clears Michael’s lap to settle by the wall before an answer can be formed.
You grin and try your best to bite back a laugh as Michael tries to reason with him and tell him he shouldn’t disturb anyone. Riley merely blinks and looks to you to see if it’s okay. You nod your approval and enjoy your time with Michael and Riley. You’re in no rush to leave; wanting to use any time with them to the fullest.
A new routine forms throughout the week. It’s much of the same but with company. You sit in your usual booth and Riley sits opposite you. Textbooks and coloring books, graphite pencils and crayons spilled among the shared table. Michael often checks on Riley. And from that he ends up spending time with you. Everyday you learn more about them. Everyday your whirlwinds become more and more intertwined. Riley sometimes draws you pictures, the one of Michael with hands three times the size of his head and two left feet being your favorite. Riley mirrors Michael in a lot of ways you come to realize; the same laugh and sincerity in green eyes.
By the end of the week you realize Riley won’t be there come Monday and know that you’ll miss his company and the excuse for Michael to constantly check in. It’s just as you’re about to leave that Michael stops you, a sheepish expression and rosy cheeks, nervous hands and Riley by his side.
“We uh—“ Michael starts, clearly anxious. “We wanted to know if you’d like to go to dinner with us tonight?”
Your stomach flutters and heart races at the invitation. But Michael’s continuing on before you can say yes.
“And lunch, with me… tomorrow?”
You break out into a grin and nod enthusiastically; ever grateful for sweet meetings with blueberry muffins and time taken to enjoy the breeze. 
You can already feel Michael’s whirlwind sweeping you off your feet.
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jenomark · 5 years
Can you write Nct drunken hours with s/o? Frisky, fluffy, however you’d like
Taeil: You heard his whimpers of concern while you were making dinner. Abandoning the carrots, you knocked on the bathroom door and asked Taeil if he was okay. “I’m..okay,” he said. “ I think I am okay.” You opened the bathroom door to see him sitting in the bathtub, a glass of champagne in his hand, and a mountain of bubbles all the way up to his chin. Taeil’s eyes were amused, his face pulled into a bright smile. He brought one of his feet out of the water to part the bubbles. “I think I put too much in,” he said. “And I think I’m really drunk.” You were at a loss for words. You watched your twenty-five year old boyfriend putting the bubbles on his face to make a bubble beard. I am so in love with you, you thought.
Johnny: He liked to get you out of your comfort zone. At the clubs, drunk Johnny always jumped on stage and made the whole room look at him. Even the alcohol in your system couldn’t erase the secondhand embarrassment you felt. You braced yourself for what he would say, what karaoke he would sing, what other girls would fall as in love with him as you were. “I just want to say a few words, “ Johnny said. “A few words and I will leave. My name is Johnny. Hi. Hello. I just want to say that I love the girl right there, sitting right there cowering in her chair. She is embarrassed by me, but that is okay. I have to tell everyone how much I love her, and I have to tell her as much as I can, just in case one day I don’t get the chance. Baby, I love you. You’re my best friend and the prettiest and the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen. Thank you.”
Taeyong: He asked you out for a date on the very street you walked on. Looking over at Taeyong, you could tell he was remembering the moment. You tried to remember, too, but the alcohol was making your thinking foggy. You remembered how you felt, though. You looked at him again and smiled. Lucky. In love. Happy. Without saying a word, Taeyong pulled you against him in the middle of the pavement. You danced in circles, both completely oblivious to the people walking back to their cars and casting curious glances at you. “Lets stay out all night,” he whispered. “Lets make more memories together.” You let Taeyong dip your body, your hair brushing against the ground. When he pulled you back up, you kissed him gingerly on the lips. “There is nowhere else I would rather be.” you said.
Yuta: Your world paused as he said two words: “My baby.” Yuta kissed everywhere he could find your bare skin, his hair tickling you as he moved. You pushed him off of you so that you could get on top, and he let you. Placing your palms against his chest, you tried to keep your balance. Completely clothed and without restraint, you rocked yourself over him like you were riding him. Yuta wasn’t as drunk as you were, you could see it in his eyes. “It’s late,” he said, softly. “We should sleep.” You leaned down to kiss him, and he accepted it. Yuta took hold of the side of your head and brought it down until your cheek was pressed against his chest. The softness of his shirt made you feel comfortable and, soon enough, you were drifting off to sleep.
Kun: Whenever Kun drank, he became more playful than average. Kun wanted to touch you, hold you, and kiss you everywhere. Openly affectionate and talkative, you looked forward to when Kun let loose. “We should….” Kun said. He let his sentence fall between you, but you knew what he meant. You kissed him deeply, the taste of his fruity alcoholic drink on his lips. “I’ll be right back, baby.” you said. Kun sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving your body as you walked into another room. You came back with your hottest lingerie on, and Kun was passed out on top of the bed, his mouth hanging open, and his arms hugging a pillow. You plopped down on the bed beside him and wrapped your arms around him. 
Doyoung: You were sitting down at his kitchen table with his friends. The social vibe made Doyoung drink, even though he wasn’t a big fan of wine. You watched as his cheeks grew warmer, watched his eyes become a little more wild than usual. He grabbed at your hand underneath the table to keep himself grounded. You caught him staring at the wall too many times before you asked him if he wanted to go to sleep. “No, “ he said. “I want to stay with you.” His hand around yours tightened.  You moved closer to Doyoung and draped your leg over his thigh. “Okay, “ you said. “We’ll stay.”
Ten: Dating for seven months. He never failed to make your relationship feel special and new. “I have to tell you something important.” Ten said. You drank some of your drink, the alcohol making you feel more free. Ten waited until he had your full attention. “We’ve been together awhile, “ he began. “I’ve been wanting to say this for a few weeks, but I’m so nervous. I want to say that I..love you.” You were not expecting him to say those words. You breathed in deeply and looked at his drink. “You’re just saying that because you’re drunk.” you said, your insecurities getting the best of you. Ten tilted his glass so you could see what was in it. “I’m not drunk, “ he said. “but I am madly in love with you.” 
Jaehyun: You poured liquor into a shot glass, tipping the bottle like Jaehyun taught you. He watched you curiously, his smile revealing his dimples, and the whisker lines around his nose prominent. Though he had taken multiple shots, Jaehyun was thinking clearly. You, on the other hand, were a bit of a mess. The liquid sloshed out of the shot glass and onto the table. “It’s alright.” Jaehyun said. He went into action and cleaned up the spill. You watched him quietly from across the table, your head resting in your hands. You loved staying up late with him. All you ever did was talk and make out, or you would watch him do his skincare routine. On special occasions, you got drunk together and let the conversations run away with you. “I would be lost without you.” you said so suddenly. Jaehyun knocked his shot glass against yours. “And I would be even more lost without you.”
WinWin: Drunk WinWin was loud and unconfined. He gripped the sleeve of your jacket and ran with you through the streets, his boyish face full of wonder. “I know what we can do.” he said. WinWin pulled you into a grocery store. It was late at night and empty, the few workers there looking bored out of their minds. WinWin took a shopping cart and jumped inside, his long legs dangling over the metal edges. In that moment, you remembered all the reasons why you had fallen in love with him. You pushed WinWin around the store, watching as he took snacks down from the shelf and placed them against his stomach. Time stopped inside of the store, the fluorescent lighting making everything feel surreal. “Are you having fun?” WinWin asked. You nodded. “Good, “ he said. “That makes me happy.”
Jungwoo: You were always taking care of him, so he wanted to take care of you. Though he was tipsy, he fought through the feeling to deliver you home safely. As he was trying to press the numbers to open your front door, you leaned your head against his back and held onto him. “Jungwoo.” you whined, your voice barely audible. Jungwoo finally got your door to open. He guided you inside, and sat you down on the ground to remove your shoes and his, and your coats. “Did you have a good time tonight, darling?” he asked. He turned on your lights, running back to you as you swayed in spot. You barely nodded, but he didn’t notice. He took you to your room and set you down onto the bed. You crawled into the blankets without removing your clothes. Jungwoo was going to leave and let you rest, but you called out to him. “Stay here,” you whispered. “I don’t want to be alone.”
Lucas: WinWin offered to walk you both home, but you told him you could handle Lucas all on your own. It was nice to believe in yourself. Gripping his big arm, you pulled your boyfriend along, similar to a dog on a leash. “Whoa,” Lucas said, his animated laugh making people look your way. “The lights are so pretty.” Because of how impressed he was by the traffic lights, you had to stifle your own laughter. You were drunk, too, but you were much better at managing yourself. Breaking free from your grip, Lucas ran to a bush and placed his glasses in the branches. “Look,” he said. “Now my friend can see.”
Mark: You waited for the bus in silence. Mark rubbed his eyes and replaced his glasses back onto his face. He yawned, stretching his hands above his head. When he sat back down on the bench, he placed his hand on your leg and squeezed. “What time is it?” he asked. You told him but, time didn’t matter to either of you. You were drunk and doing the responsible thing by not driving home. Mark looked down to see if the bus was coming. When he saw that the streets were empty, he rested his head in your lap and curled into a ball. You used your fingers to comb back his hair. “I’m going to fall asleep.” he said. He closed his eyes. He said he was just going to rest for a little bit. When the bus finally came, he looked so peaceful in his sleep that you didn’t want to wake him up.
Xiaojun: “Would you still love me if I had fifteen hands?” Xiaojun asked. He sat on the floor with his legs crossed over each other. He was doubling up slices of pizza and shoving them into his mouth. Your brain couldn’t comprehend that someone could have fifteen hands. Xiaojun laughed because you were thinking too hard about his question. “Would you still love me if I consistently smelled like cheese pizza?” he asked. You watched him chew thoughtfully, his question stumping him in his drunkenness. When he looked at you again, you had come up with an answer. “Would you?” Xiaojun asked. His eyes were big and round. You were aware that he was scared of what you had to say. You scooted closer to him. “Xiaojun, “ you whispered. “ I’ll always love you no matter what.”
Hendery:  “You’re like a beer pong power couple.” Kun said to you and Hendery. Hendery puffed out his chest and, without thinking twice, you chest bumped him. “We’re going to win,” Hendery said. “You’re both going down.” He pointed at Kun and Ten and gave them his best threatening look. Ten shook his head and Kun laughed. You passed a ping pong ball to your boyfriend after giving it a good luck kiss. Before he took aim across the table, you wrapped your arms around his middle and bit down on his earlobe. “Baby, you can do this,” you said. “I believe in you.” Hendery brought his arm back and took his shot towards the last remaining cup. The ball circled around the rim before falling into the cup. Hendery shouted and picked you up, swinging you around until you felt dizzy.
Renjun: “I don’t feel so well.” Renjun said. He sat down in a chair and clutched his stomach. You ran to his side, crouched down, and felt his forehead, his cheeks. You had both been drinking quite a lot. You knew Renjun didn’t hold his liquor well, and you were worried he would drink too much. You examined his face to see if he was going to be sick but, as you did, Renjun smiled. “Why are you smiling?” you asked. Renjun grabbed your hands in his and held them. “I’m okay,” he said. “I just wanted to see how you would react.” You got to your feet. The look of concern was replaced with one of annoyance. Renjun got up with you and pulled you in for a hug. You wanted to resist, but the way he was acting was cute. “You love me,” Renjun said. “Admit it. You were going to take care of me.” You pretended like you didn’t want anything to do with him until a smile crept across your face, too.
Jeno: You watched Jeno buzz around the room. You were too drunk to focus on him for too long, but you couldn’t look away. He was moving things around to keep himself occupied, his fingers touching everything he saw. “Jeno, “ you said. “I’m tired. Can we go to sleep?” Jeno stopped moving and looked over at you like he had forgotten you were there. Not uttering a word, he pulled you to your feet and picked you up into his arms. You didn’t speak either, just let him carry you into his bedroom and place you gently on his bed. As he was coming to the other side to tuck you in, he tripped over a cord but caught himself before he fell. You started laughing hysterically and, gradually, Jeno joined in.
Haechan: “I dare you to go outside, in the snow, with no shirt on.” you said. Haechan looked at you like he couldn’t believe what you had suggested. Boredom had struck both of you, and so you decided to have a quiet night of drinking. Halfway through, Haechan suggested a game of Truth or Dare. Knowing he couldn’t back down from a dare, Haechan tugged his shirt over his head and got up. You followed him. “You can back out any time,” you said. “You don’t always have to win.” Haechan turned around and pecked you on your lips. “Yes, I do.” he said, smirking. He pushed open the door to the dorms and ran out into the snow, his arms crossed over his chest to fight the cold. You laughed, watching as he ran around in circles. When the dare was carried out, you went to give him a hug and some body heat, but Haechan had scooped up snow, opened your shirt, and dropped it inside.
Jaemin: He had gotten more drunk than he wanted to. You and Jeno stood in the doorway to Jaemin’s room with Jaemin’s arms wrapped on either side of you. “On one, two, three,” Jeno said. “One….two…THREE!” You hauled Jaemin into the room and threw him down onto his bed. As he bounced up, Jaemin laughed. “Am I supposed to feel like this?” Jaemin screamed. “I feel like nothing is real.” You thanked Jeno for his help and shut the door behind him. You went to Jaemin, your mind more sober than it had been an hour ago. You tried taking off his sweater so that he wouldn’t overheat, but Jaemin batted you away. “I have a girlfriend.” he said, his expression becoming serious. Jaemin moved over a few inches and wouldn’t make eye contact with you.” Jaemin, “ you said. “I am your girlfriend.”
YangYang: He wanted to get drunk before he turned twenty. Before midnight, you sat with him on the kitchen floor, a bottle of liquor between you. YangYang wasn’t the best at handling his drink, but his sunny disposition never went away. He was just so happy to be there with you. “I have a surprise for you, birthday boy.” you said, getting to your feet. You brought out a cupcake with a single candle stuck in the middle. Hearing you sing Happy Birthday to him made YangYang’s eyes water unexpectedly. “Are you crying?” you asked. YangYang wiped at his eyes. “No!” he said. He blew out the candle, took it out of the cupcake and shoved the wax end into his mouth. “Oh, YangYang,” you said. “You can’t eat that!” You held out your hand in front of his mouth and YangYang spit out the wax pieces. 
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painful kind of love
Group: Seventeen
Pairing: Joshua x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, hanahaki au
Word Count: 2,158 (oops)
A/N: I’m sorry if this sucks, I really don’t know how to write fics and this is only my second time posting one. Once again, moodboard made by me (but the pics aren’t mine obv) I also never know how to end stories and I kinda rushed the last bit so forgive me pls!!!
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It all started with a flower shop. It was a quaint little store hidden on the corner of a quiet street. By train it was a twenty minute ride, but to you it was worth the trip for the flowers. They had the biggest selection you had ever seen and the scent when you walked in always swept you off your feet. It was sweet and calming, but delicate enough to not overwhelm the senses. You loved it, and so did someone else. He was there often, and you had seen him many times before. You heard the worker thank him one day, his name was Joshua. He was handsome, and sunlight that filtered through the windows of the store made his skin glow. His gaze was gentle, and his voice was too. It was hard not to notice him. And for him, it was hard not to notice you. He snuck glances as you walked down the rows of flowers. He told himself he shouldn’t feel this way. You were a stranger, and yet he couldn’t help it. He was drawn to you and it was about time he made an effort to get to know you. He had planned it all out. He would start with a comment about your choice of flowers. Something along the lines of how you had good taste. He’d tell you his name, and you’d tell him yours. But of course the universe likes to mess with plans.
He hadn’t noticed you come in that day. He heard the chimes of the door opening but couldn’t bother to look as his eyes wandered over the flowers before him. They had just been misted and the water droplets glistened on their delicate petals. He took a step back and that’s when he met you. He turned to apologize for bumping into whoever was behind him, and when his eyes met yours his breath caught in his throat. Panic. His plan crumbled before him as he apologized rather awkwardly, stumbling over his words.
“Sorry! Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” he finally managed to breathe.
“No, it’s okay.” You flashed a nervous smile and he could’ve melted in that moment. There was a pause and you wondered if it would be weird to say his name, but already the words were coming out. “Joshua, right?” You knew his name. He didn’t know yours.
“Yes,” he managed to regain some composure. He looked at you expectantly.
“I’m y/n.” You held out a hand and he took it gladly. He didn’t miss the fact that it fit perfectly in his. Maybe bumping into you wasn’t so bad after all. The two of you fell into conversation with ease, as if you had known each other your entire lives.
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A few months pass by and just like that you became best friends. Your free time now consisted of trips to the flower shop with Joshua, café excursions, and late night walks with deep conversations. His feelings for you continued to grow, but you almost seemed stuck in place. You had been hurt before, he learned, and the damage caused you to build high walls to protect your heart. He could see that, and he wanted to be patient with you. He would show you how to love again. He thought he had all the time in the world to do so, and then it happened.
You were at your favorite café, Joshua was seated across from you and things had seemed fine until he stood abruptly, clutching his stomach. Before you could ask what was happening he had run into the bathroom, throwing open the stall door and standing near the toilet. His stomach had been bothering him for a week now, but he brushed it off as nothing. A cough escaped and that’s when he felt it. He opened his mouth and a baby pink petal floated down into his palm. It took him a moment to register what had just happened, and even then he didn’t want to believe it. No no no no. He knew his feelings for you were strong, but he had been hesitant to call it love and now it didn’t really matter what he called it. The flowers blooming inside him told him everything he needed to know; he loved you and you didn’t feel the same. He was in a panic now as another cough seized his body followed by more petals. He pulled out his phone and quickly called his friend.
“Jeonghan?” He was breathing hard now as panic set in. “I need you to come get me.”
“What’s happening? What’s wrong? I thought you were with y/n?”
“I am!” He sounded distressed now but was trying to hold it together. “Please, I’ll explain everything later, just come get me.”
“Text me the location, I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
Joshua could feel the discomfort in his throat as he headed back out to you. Thankfully he hadn’t been gone as long as it had seemed, and he came back to find you happily scrolling through your phone. “Hey,” he sounded calmer than he was.
“Is everything okay?” You set your phone down, the look of concern making him smile despite his discomfort.
“Of course, I’m just not feeling well suddenly.” He didn’t want to lie to you, but he also felt like he couldn’t tell you what was happening. “I’m really sorry. I called my roommate to come get me. I think it’s best if I get some rest for now.”
“It’s okay! We can reschedule when you’re feeling better again,” you offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, I won’t watch the movie without you even though you’re ditching me,” you teased. You gave him a hug goodbye and made sure to tell Jeonghan to take good care of him for you. You wanted your best friend healthy again. Joshua cringed at the word “friend” as they drove away.
He waited until they were back at their apartment before trying to explain what was happening and just as he was about to spill everything, a coughing fit seized him. He made sure to catch the petals despite the pain he was in and once it passed, he held out his open palm to Jeonghan.
“Did you eat flowers?” Jeonghan laughed.
“What? No!” Joshua rolled his eyes and tossed the petals in the bin. “It’s serious Jeonghan. It means I love her and she doesn’t feel the same.” He took a seat on the couch next to his friend and buried his head in his hands, now trying to suppress coughs and tears. “It’s called hanahaki disease,” he mumbled.
“That’s not real.”
“Tell that to the flowers growing in my lungs then,” Joshua groaned. “What do I do?” His voice was a whisper now, and it cracked as he tried to contain his emotions. He heard Jeonghan tapping on his phone, but he already knew the answers to what his friend was searching for. He didn’t have the heart to voice it, so he let his friend read through quietly.
“Did you tell her?” Jeonghan finally spoke up.
“No. I can’t. If she ever ends up having feelings for me, I want it to be natural, not out of pity or anything else.” He sat a moment longer, breathing and thinking of what to do.
“You can get the flowers removed.” He sat his phone on the coffee table and Joshua a reassuring pat on his back. He could tell his friend wasn’t okay, as his whole body shook under his hand.
“I have time, right?” He looked at his friend who just shrugged in return. “I just have to keep showing her that I won’t hurt her.”
“You might not have enough time to do that. Besides what if…” Jeonghan didn’t want to say it, but it was a possibility that perhaps Joshua was overlooking in his panic. “What if she never feels that way toward you?”
“I have to try.” He felt the discomfort in his throat again and headed toward the bathroom, knowing what was to come now. Regardless of how bad it got he had to, because you were worth it to him.
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So he kept trying, although it was more difficult now with his frequent trips to the bathroom to throw up flowers. You knew something was wrong with how often he was running off, but you didn’t want to pry. Your outings were replaced by hangouts at your places with movies, pizza, and lots of fluffy blankets. You still enjoyed your time together, but his disease always seemed to get worse when you were close by. Eventually he was struggling to breathe, and the pain of the flowers coming up was nearly unbearable. Of all the flowers it had to be roses. The thorns began to claw at his throat, leaving it raw and painful. The two of you stopped seeing each other as often, and you missed him.
It wasn’t like Joshua to not respond, and it had now been twenty four hours. You hadn’t seen him all week and now he wasn’t answering. Your heart raced as you threw on a hoodie and some shoes, running out the door. Surely he was okay right? If anything had happened Jeonghan would be there to help, right? You bent over in front of his door, breathing hard from your unexpected jog. If he was fine he was going to pay for making you run all this way, you thought. Your hand hit the door harder than you had expected, and a few seconds later your eyes met Joshua’s. He looked exhausted and frail, but his smile still had the familiar warmth that it always did. He invited you in but he seemed reluctant to do so.
“What’s happening?” The distress in your voice evident. “Come on Josh, you can tell me anything.” You took a step toward him but stopped when bent over coughing and dry heaving. He couldn’t hide all the petals and flowers that were coming out now. You scooped up a few that had landed softly on the floor. Beautiful baby pink dotted with spots of blood.
“Y/n I-“ Before he could get anything else out your head was buried in his chest and your arms were wrapped tightly around him. His arms instinctively closed around you and he rested his head on yours.
“What’s happening?” you repeated, but this time softer as tears escaped you.
I…I don’t want to explain, and I’m sorry. I know it might not make sense but I can’t do it.” His voice was hoarse and now he was on the verge of crying. He desperately wanted to tell you and he knew he was running out of time, but he didn’t want to have any influence on your feelings like that.
“Please,” you were begging and sobbing now. “Please Joshua, I love you, just tell me what’s going on,” you cried. He forgot how to breathe for a moment and you felt him go rigid in your arms. You pulled back and wiped your tears away, but Joshua brought you right back into his chest.
“Did you mean that? What you said just now.” You were afraid to tell him, but his voice was soft and reassuring.
“Yes,” you sniffled. “I’m sorry I didn’t say something sooner. I was holding myself back and I was scared.” You took a deep breath, trying to stabilize your shaking voice. “I didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but after not seeing you or hearing from you I was afraid and I knew I had to tell you.” You were afraid of rejection now, but to your surprised he kissed the top of your head and held you even tighter.
“I love you too,” he whispered. He took a step away from you as he felt a cough coming, more flowers fell from his lips and he winced in pain. “That should stop soon, I hope.”
“You know what this is?” He was shocked, but maybe he shouldn’t have been since he knew you loved flowers so much. You nodded.
“It’s my fault your throwing up flowers everywhere.” Your tears had stopped but you didn’t feel much better. “I’m sorry it took me so long.” Your eyes met Joshua’s as he grabbed your hands and entwined his fingers with yours.
“Don’t apologize. It should go away soon. I just need to get the rest out.”
“Maybe they didn’t hear me.” You leaned closer to his stomach and yelled, “I love Joshua Hong so you can go away now!” He laughed and gently brought your head back up.
“I feel better already,” he grinned.
“Well just in case I think you might need some food and a nap before you’re completely cured.”
“Of course, doctor y/n. Anything else?” You were both grinning like idiots now. Cute idots.
“Maybe some cuddles and kisses?”
“I’d love that.”
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jkbec · 5 years
wíckєd gαmєs (M).
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genre ➙ Mafia!au: horror, angst, romance + smut — words ➙ 25.5k — pairing➙ jeon Jungkook x female reader
reupload from old account.
Playlist - spotify
Warning; Illicit narcotic use, Dom! Jungkook, public indecency, murder, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, oral (female receiving and male receiving), mentions of mental illness, domestic violence, reckless law-breaking behaviour, explicit language and scenes.
"It's the fifth murder this month. The victim… a young woman in her early twenty's. She, unfortunately, has been murdered in the exact same fashion as the rest of the homicide victims we've been having this month. Sliced at the vital points of her neck, with a large ‘X' carved in the centre of her chest as well as the mutilation of her body. The killer is extremely intelligent, clean and précised with his killing methods. This person knows what they are doing and are incredibly good at it. You need to pick up the pace and find a lead on this investigation (L/N) were losing too many innocent lives."
5:00 am illuminates on your digital bedside alarm clock. Your eyes droop as you frown bitterly at the realisation that you once again had a sleepless night consisting of overthinking and binge-watching crime documentaries on YouTube. The aches in your neck and back from staying in a slouched position too long makes you groan in agony. The stresses obtained from your field of work is rapidly catching up to you, as you make your start to your day by washing your face, brushing your teeth and swiping on large amounts of concealer under your eyes as you could to minimise the tiredness and exhaustion you physically felt by your visibly dark circles and eye bags. The ringing in your ears and painful swelling in your chest seems to be worsening as you blankly stare at your reflection through the fingerprint-smudged bathroom mirror in front of you.
"I am happy to you inform Miss (L/N) that the symptoms you have been experiencing these past few months are common physical aspects of a panic attack or anxiety. You also seem to have some swelling in your chest which is something I would identify as Costochondritis. " The silence is almost deafening as you gape up at the doctor in complete shock. The agony you have been feeling in your head, joints, muscles and chest were all just from anxiety? The doctor examines your test results assertively smiling down at you.
"So basically…You’re telling me that I'm not dying- just severely anxious?" You ask feeling completely hopeless at the realisation you had been overthinking about your health for absolutely nothing. “I swear that I am not  a hypochondriac!”  
The doctor chuckles at your outburst as he faces you while holding out your medical records. You take them from him gently and scan through the information on the sheets of paper. 
"Yes. I can tell you confidently that you are in fact not dying and are experiencing the physical symptoms of anxiety." He smiles reassuringly at you.
"I-I…oh-um so like can you help me like not feel like this?-"
"-The most I can do for you is refer you to see a psychologist or prescribe you with some antidepressants medication…is there anything happening in your life that is particularly stressful and is taking up a lot of your time and energy?"
"No. I-No, not really."
"Well, just by looking at you I can see that you are mentally and physically exhausted. I would take it easy for time being and maybe take a week off from work to give your body the proper rest and relaxation it deserves. As for the Costochondritis just take some ibuprofen along with some hot and cold therapy on the muscles."
"Taking time off work is something that's just not going to happen any time soon…" You mumble to yourself quietly as you fight back tears. Your grip on your cold bathroom basin tightens until your knuckles turn white. Your fresh mascara smudging slightly under your eyes. "Oh, that's just great." Your breath hitches in your throat, as you struggle to look at your reflection in the mirror. Never, in your years of living have you ever been as stressed as you were now. The struggle of adulthood is illustrated through your whole day-to-day routine of getting little to no sleep and running on caffeinated drinks. As you fight to solve case after case. Hard work, motivation and praises are becoming repetitive as you battle with other detectives to keep your position and remain where you currently were at your agency.
You were fortunate enough to land a stable job at a detective agency which paid really well and offered you enough experience to really rank up in the field. You always had a deep passion for justice and knew you were capable of working in this field of work, even though some of the shit you've seen over the years really did fuck you up mentally. The gruesome scenes of decapitated bodies, pools of blood and rotting corpses were just some things that took a while to get used to. You had always considered yourself to be mentally and physically capable of handling the more intense cases but there were a lot of very dangerous people out there with very horrible intentions and even worse actions. Your boss Kim Namjoon is a perfectionist, who expects nothing but the best from his colleagues when responding to cases. You have learned a lot from Namjoon and considered him to be someone you looked up to and respected. However, he is also the reason for your horrible anxiety and stress.
When it came to Namjoon everything had to be sorted in perfect order, every opinion had to carry sophistication and certainty. You wake up at the butt crack of dawn to make sure you put together, researching, examining and investigating.  You are not someone to kiss ass to rank up in positions. If you were going to show your worth it will be done through hard work and dedication. You were clearly overworking yourself but you needed to put in the extra effort to do your job to the best of your abilities. Although, perfection is Kim Namjoon and perfection is something you desired to obtain. To prove yourself even further you needed to find the infamous killer circling the media and your detective office. Namjoon trusted your ability as a detective to crack this case. However, never in your years of experience as a detective have you ever come across such a careful and well calculated, cold-blooded killer.
"Just by observing the way these unfortunate victims have been killed by this ruthless killer indicates that the killer has knowledge on human anatomy." Kim Namjoon points directly at the disfigured images of the murderer's victims on his pinboard. The atmosphere in the meeting room is instantly tense as your co-workers grimly peer at the images some with curiosity, horror or just pure disgust.
You inhale and exhale as you pat down your hair and lightly rub under your eyes in a pathetic attempt to clean the smudged mascara under your eyes and calm down your racing heart. "You got this (Y/N). Relax." You repeatedly chant to yourself as you glance down at your wristwatch. “Shit! I’m gonna miss my train!” You exclaim in panic as you hastily slide on your clothes before speeding off and making your way towards your station. “I can’t believe my car still getting fixed.” You grumble as you continue to power walk, just making it in time for your train.
"Young Master Jeon welcome back! How was your trip to Dubai?" An older butler at the Jeon residence asks with politeness as he bows elegantly at the young bachelor who is twirling the keys to his custom black Koenigsegg CCXR in his right hand as his other is in his expensive black suit pants. 
"Hm. Average." He spoke blankly as he watches his servants bow to him with courtesy in two perfectly straight lines stretching from both sides of his mansions front door. The servants become stiff in his presence, the atmosphere in the large mansion immediately becoming thick with dread and spitefulness. "Are you hungry Master?" An older butler questions with classiness, making the chefs straighten up and gawk at Jungkook with distress. “We just brought in beautiful fresh lobster tails imported from Japan this morning, Master.” A chef states impulsively as he takes a cautious step forward, face filled with fear. “O-Or! We have some exquisite Australian Beef! We can-” The chef falls short with his outburst as Jungkook’s expression quickly becomes sour. Jungkook peers at his servants in annoyance as he ruffles his hair in slight agitation. "No. Where's my father?" The butler nods his head in a mixture of both relief and understanding before pointing sophisticatedly towards the large flight of stairs located at the centre of the mansion. "He's at his office speaking to a potential client at the moment." Sighing with pure frustration he places both his hands on his hips. His luxury car key dangling in his left hand. 
"Well when he's done, tell him I'll be going out tonight and I won't be home until early morning." Jungkook spat with arrogance while continuing to twirl his car keys in his hands, before turning around to walk up the long flight of marble stairs completely dismissing the butlers, maids and chefs that bow to him as he makes his getaway.
"As you wish Master."
With that, he is gone. As if he never arrived home in the first place. "Which car are we taking tonight JK?" Park Jimin murmurs as he slides another Laguna beach ring on his slender fingers while he smirks up at Jungkook through the pure gold embraided mirror in Jeon Jungkook's room. "I was thinking of taking out my matte black Lambo or Lykan Hypersport but we can take the Maserati GranTurismo and be more casual if you want." Jungkook murmurs as he fastens his Louie Vuitton cufflink, smirking up at Jimin as he rolls up his sleeves, outlining his muscles from underneath his white dress shirt. Jimin bites his plump lips as he hovers his delicate index finger over all twelve of Jungkook’s car keys laid out in front of him. "Hm." He hums as he sneers up at Jungkook before picking up a car key, throwing it to him. Jungkook chuckles and lifts up his right hand swiftly catching the keys with a wide grin plastered on his face.
"Lamborghini it is."
The engine roars as Jungkook starts the luxury sports car. "Live life simple". Is Jeon Jungkook's life motto, even though his life was nowhere near being simple. He taps the side of his luxury car to open the mansions garage door. Jimin is ecstatic as he quickly connects his phone to the cars Bluetooth system, before going on to snapchat quickly to film Jungkook as he does a burn out as he speeds out the driveway of his million dollar mansion. "It's going to be a good night!" Jimin shouts as he swipes through his playlist on his phone, speedily finding a song and blasting the music louder to vibrate around the luxury car. Jungkook smirks as he speeds down the street with one hand on the leather steering wheel.
It wasn't easy being the son of one of the world's most well-known and feared mafia organisations. His father ran his illegal and ruthless business for decades now. As the gang grew, so did the expectations, illegal transactions and contracts. From a young age, he has been privately tutored. His relaxation time consisted of excessive gym workouts, video games and research of other mafia organisations which could be a threat to his father and himself. Jungkook didn't know how to actually take a break. From a child he was placed under a lot of pressure from his father, there were all these expectations that he'd be the best and nothing but the best. Jungkook's father didn't believe in vacations and breaks, which resulted in Jungkook being robbed of a normal childhood, rich or not he never knew when enough was enough and always tried to improve in any area he felt he lacked in. Jungkook is perfection and there was no one who could one-up him in anything. As he grew older, the stress and pressure kept growing until he was pushed to breaking point and it takes a lot to get Jeon Jungkook to break.
"-Jungkook I am warning you. No more fucking around. I did not raise you to be this reckless and barbaric!" His father shouts as he slams an expensive 4.7 million dollar vase against the brick wall of his office. "I am sorry father it won't happen again."
"Listen to me. You need to get your fucking priorities straight. We already have thousands of enemies after us. We can't just simply fuck up all the time. He doesn't want to pay up, the fucking bastard! Even when we have given him one of our finest bags of cocaine. Do not make a deal without the customer paying first. I don't care if he's one of our most trusted customers or not. You can’t trust anyone in this world. This is a fucking amateur mistake even for you."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sending you back to Dubai. You know what to do. I won't tell you again Jungkook." Jungkook silently swallows as his father slowly approaches him, leaving only an inch of space between them.
"Kill him. I want you to meet up with Mr Moon and fucking annihilate him"
"Yes, Father."
After meeting his current best friends Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung in University he finally learnt how to wind down and relax. The two equivalently as rich bachelors saved Jungkook from overworking himself and taught him how to waste his time doing things that could help him relax. There were only a few ways Jungkook knew how to wind down after being put under so much stress and anxiety. The endless collection of luxury vehicles was only one of them. The other things he liked to do to pass time was through the illicit use of illegal narcotics he owns and pays people to make, while the other consisted of fucking random girls and getting excessively drunk. So drunk that he'd get the sudden urge to kill and release his frustrations from his father and his business on innocent victims he'd target throughout his night. Jungkook, unlike Jimin and Taehyung, wasn't very interested in money and material things. Jungkook was no stranger to murder and reckless drug use. He has everything…the routine gets boring. Purchasing a new car, a new watch or property. None of that gave him the rush he needed to feel alive. Nothing was more euphoric to him than a good fuck and kill. The exciting rush of adrenaline setting him off. 
“Jungkook maybe you should really refrain from killing your bitches.” Yoongi huffs in annoyance as he enters Jungkook’s room, peering at the dead body from his doorway. The blood from his victim soaking his bed sheets and dripping onto the marble floor. Her naked and brutally attacked body is covered in stabbed wounds and slash marks. “It’s going to get on your carpet man.” Yoongi ruffles his hair before shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket as he turns his head away in disgust. “Can’t I just do my thing without anyone questioning it Yoongi?" Jungkook retorts in agitation, as he clamps a hand over his eyes, trying to ignore the head splitting headache he felt from being hungover. "You really need to stop with these wicked games Jungkook," Yoongi says finally walking over to him, stopping once he was right in front of him. "Just hurry up and get someone to clean this fucking mess. It’s starting to smell.” Jungkook mutters in irritation as he glares at Yoongi before walking towards his bathroom completely stark naked. Yoongi peers at the scares on his body before sighing. “It’s always me doing the dirty work.”
It was supposed to be a one-time thing. A simple release of stress and anxiety. However, it slowly became into something Jungkook just could not control. What started off as one victim, turned into two, then into three before he knew it he had lost count. He had lost count of the multiple people he has killed men and women alike. It became a pattern and something he couldn't withhold. He just needed to release his frustration in some type of way that actually works for him. It just happened to be through murdering the people he slept with on a lonely intoxicated spent night. Jungkook downs his glass of expensive champagne before using his diamond credit card without any limit on spending to line up his favourite white substance. He snorts it as the music around him blast through the speakers of Full Moon. One of the many clubs that he owns and likes to visit very frequently to release his stress.
"Hey, there handsome." A female voice speaks over the loud music playing the club and Jungkook bites down onto his bottom lip in a pathetic attempt to prevent a smile from stretching across his gorgeous lips. "Any more for me?" She pouts teasingly, before running her manicured fingers down the fine quality of his dress shirt. He narrows his eyes at her as he whips around to face her. He chuckles while taking in her appearance. Her botox lips, silicone breasts and butt injections were exceptionally recognisable as the incredibly short dress and low cut top left little to the imaginations as she leans herself closer to his masculine figure. He smirks at her obvious advances and he leans closer towards her. She definitely wasn’t worth the fuck but she’d make a pretty good kill.
"I don't know doll face I don't think you can handle this." He murmurs clasping his hands together as he rests his elbows against the fine wood of the bar booth. Her eyes glint as they wander across the expensive rings on his fingers and the Rolex clasped around his wrist. "Oh, I don't know about that handsome. Why don't you give me some and we'll see?" She bites her lip as she places a bald hand on one of his thick thighs. Jungkook laughs as he covers his mouth with one of his hands as the other taps his credit card on the counter in annoyance. "Hmm how about it beautiful?" She moans leaning closer towards Jungkook's face to place a kiss. Jungkook moves quickly before pushing her hand off his thigh, while hostilely pressing her against the counter of the bar. "You don't get to touch me or my shit okay?" She swallows nervously, before nodding her head quickly. The dark clouding in his eyes takes her breath away as he violently wraps his fingers around her neck. "Get your pathetic self out of my fucking sight before I fucking kill you." She scampers away hastily, tripping slightly in the process.
"Wow. You really know how to talk to the ladies." Jimin chuckles as he pours himself a cup of whiskey. Jungkook shrugs before putting his hands into his pocket, eyes now focusing on his friend. "Let's go to the VIP section, Taehyung's just arrived and he brought Yoongi." Jimin grins as he swirls around his alcoholic beverage eyes watching the ice clack against the fine glass before looking up at Jungkook with a smirk. Jungkook's eyes narrow as he nods, wordlessly walking in the direction of the VIP section. "There's my favourite billionaire! How are you JK?" Taehyung shouts while slinging an arm around Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook chuckles patting Taehyung on the chest. "Blessed you in my presence like always man," Jungkook smirks before making eye contact with Yoongi as he slowly approaches the pair sluggishly. "You got the stuff?" Yoongi mutters pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and blowing smoke to the side.
Jungkook smirks as he pulls out a bag of white substance from the inside of his lavish blazer. "Always." He mutters before throwing the bag of coke to him. Yoongi catches it with a wide grin, exposing his gummy smile. "I missed you JK." He murmurs, as Jungkook winks at him in response. Jimin downs his drink as Taehyung eagerly races over to Yoongi to get some of the powdered cocaine.
You sigh for the tenth time as you peer up at the clock hanging on the wall adjacent from you. If the time on the clock was correct, which it is, you should have left the agency to go home five hours ago. "Namjoon really needs to start paying us overtime because this is the twentieth time we've stayed back to do the paperwork and I’m serious (Y/n) I counted! I am not getting any younger. Or am I? I look pretty sexy today actually, don’t you think (Y/n)?" Your detective partner grumbles as he staples some papers together, peering down at you with a pout.
You nod while yawning not really paying attention to anything your colleague was saying to you. “You didn’t even look at me!” He whines and you hum in acknowledgement. You were too exhausted to speak, exhaling as you, read through your investigations closely. You had just been drilled by your boss Kim Namjoon about your cases and the stress of finding a lead to the recent murders makes your chest and head hurt. Massaging your temples, you glance at your empty coffee mug, contemplating for another cup of coffee to wake you up. You sigh again reaching towards the mess of papers against your desk. You start stacking them ready to turn in for the night. "Don't tell me you are still upset about what happened 4 hours ago (Y/n)? Cheer up! So Namjoon told you off? Big deal! He yells at me all the time and I'm older than him. The guy’s just like that. Don’t take it personally." Your partner tries to cheer you up as he helps you stack papers from the cases you have been investigating. 
"Please just stop Jin! I can't believe we don't have any leads. I wasted another entire day at work drinking coffee and getting yelled at by Namjoon…" You whine, slouching against your computer chair as you purse your lips into a pout, looking at your partner Kim Seokjin. "You are already one of the most respected detectives at this agency. Namjoon pushes you hard because he knows you can deliver the results. You don't give yourself enough credit." Jin says moving behind to rest his hands on your shoulders. “It’s not enough Jin. I am not enough. I need to try harder.”
Jin's hands that rested on your shoulder begins massaging them. Your eyes roll back in ecstasy as you feel your tense muscles begin to loosen. Jin rolls his eyes before sighing. "You know what. When was the last time you got a massage? You are way too tense! Why don't we go out? Just like to go and grab a couple of drinks? I mean it's Friday night you could obviously use a well-deserved break you work-acholic!" Jin exclaims releasing your shoulders as he starts impulsively packing away your things into your handbag. "Woah Jin what are you-"
"Come on get yo prude ass up. We're going out." He pulls you off your chair and onto your feet as he pats you down, from your crinkled blouse to your pencil skirt. "Lucky you got heels on tonight! You look great, there's a club/bar close to our agency were going to go to let off some steam. You really could use a couple of drinks. As your loyal detective partner and friend, I am not going to let you suffer like this. Your way too young to be looking like this. Where's your youth gone?" He complains as he places your handbag on your shoulder, before grabbing your car keys. "Wait, seriously Jin I don't really feel like-"
"Shut up! Stop protesting! Admit it you want to drink." Jin ushers you out of the agency before turning off the lights and looking up the door. "I-I…okay." You murmur, rolling your eyes as Jin winks at you, shooting finger guns. "Which club are we going to anyway?" You ask taking your hair out of the ponytail you previously had it in.
"Full Moon," Jin mumbles as motions you to follow him. He stuffs his hands into his pockets as he begins walking in the direction of the club. "Full Moon?" You say raising an eyebrow up at him in confusion. "Yeah. Full Moon. You haven't you heard of it?" He questions with wide eyes. "N-No…" You mutter slightly embarrassed. Jin peers at you questionably and you finally break. "Okay fine. Yes. I haven't heard of it. Sue me." Jin chuckles and pats you on the shoulder reassuringly. "It's fine. The club is extremely popular though. Apparently, some good-looking rich guy owns it. I know it's expensive. That famous actor Kim Taehyung goes there a lot and he's friends with the owner."
"Really!? Kim Taehyung. That's crazy." You exclaim at the shocking news of someone so famous going to the same club you were about to go to. "Wait Jin I-I is it going to be expensive because if it is I am still paying off car repairs and-"
"I got you (Y/N). Don't even worry about trivial things such as money." He reassures you with such a gleaming smile it was impossible to refuse him. "Okay, money is not trivial. It is what makes the world go around but…thank you so much, Jin."  Your smile widens as he gives you a dopey look. "It's nothing, but you owe me a coffee on Monday." You laugh at that last comment before nodding up at him. "We've been friends for so long now. I mean you are dating my best friend." Jin chuckles at the mention of his girlfriend who happens to be one of the most precious people in your life. "Yeah, that's true. I don't think she's busy tonight I already invited her…she should be meeting us there." Jin says checking the messages on his phone. "You are so whipped for her."
"You know it." He winks at you before you both burst out laughing. "(Y/N)! Your best friend shouts as she wraps her arms around you. "Oh, you fucking scared me!" You both laughed as Jin wraps his arms around her from behind. “You look amazing baby!” Jin compliments her before giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. You avert your gaze from the couple pretending to puke. She laughs before slapping your arm playfully. “Don’t look at me like that! You just need to get laid.” She says pocking her tongue out at you. “Shut up you little thot.” You say bitterly, causing Jin to laugh embarrassingly loud. "Woah, so this is the club?" Your best friend exclaims as she stares at the club with her mouth wide open in shock. Your eyes widened dumbfounded at the long queue of ridiculously rich looking people waiting in line outside. The club is buzzing and bustling loud with paparazzi in all directions trying to take pictures and sneak their way get in. "oh this is the club and It's busy alright," Jin mutters as he ushers both you and your best friend into the queue of people. "Must be some famous people in there if there is paparazzi clowning around right outside." Your best friend whispers in your ear and you nod back at her. "Jin told me that a Kim Taehyung comes here a lot."
"Really!? The actor?" Your best friend exclaims peering into the club through a window. "Gosh, I hate how these windows are tinted we can't see anything inside." Jin groans trying to peer through the window. Your best friend laughs before slapping her boyfriend on the arm lightly. "Hey stop! People from the inside can see you even though you can't see them." You all chuckle at that. Jin doing his famous window wiper laugh. “We are going to be waiting out here all night and this rate.” You utter dejectedly. Jin opens his mouth to retort to your comment only to be interrupted by a girl waiting at the front. "Oh hey someone's coming out!" The random girl in front of you shrieks as she notices the slender handsome guy exiting through the front door of the club to whisper something to the bouncer at the front that you assume must be urgent from the stern look on his face. Your eyes widened in amazement at the realisation that this particular person was extremely good-looking. “Wow.” Your best friend whispers in your ear before nudging you. Without looking at her you nod, completely agreeing, as the girls around you guys start to scream and shout as they shower the said person with compliments and random praises.
"Park Jimin!!!!!!!" Girls, nearby you start to scream as he waves at them humbly, totally dismissing their chaotic behaviour. Jimin is unfazed by the attention he is receiving, the radiant smile on his face never faltering once. “Park Jimin?” You repeat as your eyes stay glued on him. He is stunning and has this unexplainable glow to him. You are mesmerised by the mere sight of him.
"Woah really Park Jimin!?" Jin shouts staring at the attractive boy with wide eyes. "What is It Jin?" Your best friend asks resting her hand on his shoulder, as she peers at Jimin curiously. Jin doesn't take his eyes off Jimin as he stares at him with his mouth slightly agape. Jimin continues giving his attention to the girls surrounding the club. The paparazzi camera flashes almost blinded you, as people begin to eagerly take videos and photos of Jimin. While he was giving the girls a bit of fan service, Jimin notices Jin and instantly his own eyes begin to widen once he realises who he’s looking at.
"Is that you Jin?" He questions ushering him to come closer. You and your best friend instantly stiffen at the sudden wave of attention brought to your group. The long queue instantly parts in the middle making you both a pathway to walk through. "Okay, why the fuck is Park Jimin motioning you to go over to him? And who the fuck is he?" Your best friend harshly whispers to Jin.  Jin laughs nervously avoiding the question before ushering you both to the front of the queue.
Once you all started getting closer to Jimin, his eyes began to sparkle as he stares at Jin fondly. "Seokjin! It is you! It has been ages man how are you?" Jimin is ecstatic as he wraps Jin into a long heartfelt embrace. "It has been so long, I haven't seen you since College." At the mention of college, you and your best friend begin to relax knowing that Seokjin comes from a wealthy family and studied abroad at an expensive elite University which is probably how he knows someone as famous as Jimin.
"Congratulations on expanding your business. I heard you opened a lot of new hotels globally." Jin mentions, making Jimin flustered as he runs his fingers through his hair. You watch him feeling a blush of your own brush against your cheeks. He was so gorgeous that you suddenly felt your social anxiety eating away at your heart. Your best friend wraps a hand around your trembling ones in an attempt to relax you. You tighten your grips on her hands without taking your gaze off Jimin.
Jimin notices your gaze and peers at you intently with a hint of cockiness soothing out of him. He clearly knew he was attractive. His eyes widen for a split-second before relaxing when you force a smile at him. A playful glint appears in his eyes as he stares at you for a few seconds too long. "Aren't you going to introduce me to these lovely ladies Jin?" Jimin playfully says curtly while tilting his head to the side slowly. His eyes wandering down your body to scan you from head to toe. If you weren't red before you were definitely red now. "Oh yes, of course, this is (B/F/N) my girlfriend and this is her best friend and my work colleague (Y/N)." Jin introduces you both to Jimin and Jimin smiles at you both dreamily, before shaking hands with your best friend. "Nice to meet you! Any friend of Jin's is a friend of mine." Your best friend says smiling up at Jimin who returns her smile sweetly. "You got yourself a keeper Jin, she suits you." Jin smiles at her tenderly, placing a kiss to her temples while wrapping an arm around her waist. "Yeah. I think so too. Glad you agree." Jimin smiles at Jin before shifting his eyes over to you. You jump slightly the moment your eyes meet and he's moving closer to you quickly. You feel yourself become weak as he grasps onto your hand gently. He comfortingly rubs his thumbs against the back of your as his hold tightens. "Nice to meet you (Y/N)" He slowly lifts your palm towards his soft lips. Your breath hitches in your throat as he teasingly winks before placing a soft kiss at the palm of your hand.  
You feel the heat of envy from the girls around you as they glare at you. You pull your hand out of Jimin's hold quickly before forcing another tight smile at him up at him in response. "Nice to meet you too Jimin," Jimin smirks before placing a hand at your lower back, forcing you to turn and face the entrance of the club. He escorts you all towards the door. "We can talk inside." He says simply Jin nods in delight, while your best friend smirks at you cheekily. You shyly avert your gaze away from Jimin knowing he staring right at you "Stop." Your mouth to her in embarrassment as she snickers in response. "Thanks for getting us in man," Jin says rubbing Jimin on the shoulders. "Anything for fabulous Kim Seokjin." Jimin chuckles before facing the bouncer. "These guys are with me," Jimin says simply to the bouncer who nods in response. "Whatever you say, Boss."
You all happily enter the club and Jimin escorts you to the bar. "If it wasn't for you  we would have been waiting outside forever." Your best friend chuckles as she beams up at Jimin. "Oh, its nothing don't even mention it." Jimin smoothly says while returning her smile politely. "So is it you who owns this club?" Jin asks as Jimin waves over the bartender. The bartender sophisticatedly picks up an expensive bottle of champagne before placing the alcoholic beverage in front of Jimin as well as fine glass cups. "Nah this club actually belongs to Jungkook," Jimin says unbothered and Jin immediately stiffens at the mention of Jungkook's name. "Jungkook huh," Jin says slowly while laughing awkwardly, you and your best friend immediately peer up at him in confusion and he glances at you both in slight agitation as he loosens his tie in an attempt to get you both to not ask. Jimin is oblivious to the sudden awkward tension has he opens an expensive bottle of Champagne that you knew probably costed more than your whole annual salary.
"Woah. Look at the bottle" Your best friend mutters as you all stare at the bottle wide-eyed. Jimin hands Jin and his girlfriend a glass before giving you a glass. His fingers slyly brush against yours and you stiffen in response as he winks at you. "Cheers to finally reuniting!" Jimin says placing his cup in front of the three to clack together. "Bottoms up!"
You all down your glasses. You were slower than the rest in an attempt to savour the expensive taste, thinking you will never be able to have this kind of champagne again. “We’re at the VIP Booth.” He says nonchalantly pointing to the back of the club. “You all should come and join us,” Jimin says after downing his champagne glass. “I’ll just have to let Jungkook know I’m bringing you guys in there because he gets a bit iffy with this sort of stuff. Just wait here I’ll be back in a flash. Don’t miss me too much.” Jimin says winking at you before rushing away ignoring the panicked expression on Jin’s face.
“So who’s Jungkook? And why’d you totally freak out and stiffen up like that?” Your best friend asks as she averts her gaze from Jimin’s back to Jin’s conflicted face. Jin looks at both your curious faces and sighs in defeat. “Let’s just say the kid’s got some problems,” Jin says trying to get you both to drop the question completely.
“What kind of problems Jin?” You asked raising an eyebrow at him curiously. Your best friend nods, folding her arms as she raises an eyebrow up at Jin. He shakes his head while massaging his temples. “It’s kind of complicated-“
“What kind of problems Jin?” Your best friend raises her voice as she cuts of Jin, looking at him irritably. Jin’s eyes begin to scan the room as he fidgets nervously, palm rubbing the back of his neck as he thinks his words over. “Like the mafia, breaking the law, drug selling kind of problems…”
You and your best friend stare up at Jin shocked and he bites his lip in response. “Are you being serious?” Your best friend exclaims. “-Um. Maybe we should go home.” Jin says ruffling his hair as he falls deep in thought while staring in the direction that Jimin took off in, trying to avoid any more questions being asked. “No. We just got here. We can’t just go home.” Your best friend says touching Jin on the shoulder gently. “Why?” You ask in concern. “Look, whatever happens, tonight. Jeon Jungkook can absolutely not find out were detectives.” Jin exclaims looking genuinely stressed out. Never in your many years of knowing and working with Jin have you ever seen look this concerned. He was always so carefree and relaxed even when dealing with the intense cases back at the detective agency. Why was he so concerned about a random club owner? When he deals with way worse on the daily. “Why can’t he find out were detectives?” Your best friend asks running her hand up and down Jin’s arm soothingly, looking sincerely concerned about his behaviour.
“Because if Jeon Jungkook finds out were detectives we are all going to fucking die tonight.”
"Yes, Jungkook?" He looks at Jungkook through his glasses as he pauses counting the piles of money stacked up on his desk. "What do you want? I'm really busy here." He asks running out of patience as he waits for young Jungkook to answer.
"When…you hold a knife to someone's throat…how easy is it for them to die?"
The silence is almost ear-splitting as he peers at his son with curious eyes. "Why do you want to know?" He asks taking off his glasses, placing them gently on the side of his desk as he leans back on his chair while crossing his arms. "I just-"
"Listen to me carefully Jungkook…If you want to play with knives you need to learn how to use them correctly. Slicing someone's throat is typically done for the effect. If the victims not alone, the sound will make their colleagues shit themselves. It's scary as it is. I mean, coming up to your victim from behind with the sharp knife in your hand, cupping a hand over their mouth, slicing across their neck, watching the pools of blood squirt out. However, if you really want to kill them it would be better to stab them, puncture the trachea, oesophagus and of course the carotid arteries and jugular veins. It really shows how easy it is to take a life. It's truly intriguing."
"Earth to Jungkook." Taehyung chuckles distastefully loud before flicking Jungkook on the forehead lightly. Jungkook's bloodshot eyes avert from the random wall he was staring at as he was lost in thought to Kim Taehyung. He stares back at him in a daze as the effects of the drugs begin to take place. "Man, you were like deep in thought, what the fuck were you thinking about?" Jungkook's mouth stretches up in the corner as he forces a smile at his friend. "Some dark shit Taehyung, you really wanna know?"
"Nah, I'll pass we all know how fucked up you are." He laughs pouring himself some more expensive liquor. "Pass me your cup," Jungkook smirks, sitting up before placing his glass in front of Taehyung. Taehyung smirks back at Jungkook before pouring his drink even fuller than he poured his own. "Yeah fill it any further it's going to overflow.” Jungkook laughs in disbelief as he peers at his cup intrigued by Taehyung's inattentive actions. "Hey, Hoseok!" Yoongi exclaims as he walks into the VIP room with style. "Long time no see guys." He says before leisurely taking a seat next to Yoongi. "Want a drink Hobi?" Taehyung teases as he wriggles the expensive bottle of champagne in his hand. "You never play fair Tae." Yoongi chuckles as he puts out his cigarette in the ashtray next to him. "You know me." He says shrugging, the smile on face growing as he peers back at Jungkook who was side-eyeing him. "Yeah pour me some," Hoseok says as he takes the cigarette offered to him by Yoongi, placing it between his teeth and lighting it with a pure gold lighter. "Aw, Yoongi there might not be any left for you." Taehyung chuckles pouring as a pours a glass for Hoseok. "I swear you have a death wish Tae-"
"Hey, Jungkook!" Jimin exclaims as he walks into the VIP booth, the three studs look at him simultaneously. "Yeah?" Jungkook murmurs, bringing the cup of liquor Taehyung poured him up to his lips. "You won't believe who I just bumped into-"
"Before that, did you tell the bouncer to not let that group of the Italian mafia in." Jungkook cuts him off after downing his drink. "Yeah it's all sorted, you won't be seeing them ever again," Jimin smirks crossing his arms, as he peers down at Jungkook. "Good." He mutters, motioning for him to continue with what he was going to say before he got interrupted.
"Listen I bumped into Kim Seokjin." Jungkook's eyes widen slightly. "I haven't heard that name in a while," Jungkook mutters smirking at Jimin. "Yeah, he's here with his girlfriend and her friend can they enter the VIP booth?" Jimin asks Jungkook smiling, Jungkook stares at him blankly before nodding his head. "Yeah, it is cool. I don't see why not."
"Are the chicks he's with hot?" Taehyung exclaims before Jimin could exit the booth. Jimin halts in his tracks before turning his head to the side to face him with a smirk.
You take some time to process Jin's words. The night you finally had to relax suddenly had done a complete 180. You can tell that Jin is both physically and mentally freaking out. Even though he is usually the really calm one which makes you and your best friend especially nervous. Jin runs his fingers through his hair as he takes in a few deep breaths.
"Okay but w-what do you mean by ‘kill' us?" Your best friend says as she stares at Jin in complete disbelief, her eyes slimming slightly. Your heart starts hammering in the chest through the anticipation and anxiety of finding out what Seokjin had to say.  
"Kill as in peu peu! Stab stab! Bye bye! THAT KIND OF KILL!" Jin says mockingly as he waves his arms up and down in exaggeration. You and your best friend roll your eyes at his behaviour before she slaps him on the arm. "Ow!"
"Jin can you be serious! Do you have some beef with this guy that we don’t know about?" You say glaring up at him while pacing on your hands on your hips. "Yeah like seriously, we need you to explain this. You can’t just say that shit and leave us hanging. Who exactly is Jungkook and why would he want to kill us?" Your best friend says leaning in closer towards Jin, you mimic her actions as Jin motions you both to come to close. Jin looks around him to make sure no one is listening before leaning back down closer to the both of you.
"Think about it this way, were in enemy territory right now. Jungkook owns this club, he has people working for him everywhere in this club. We are the seals in shark territory. Jungkook isn't just some lousy ass back alley drug dealer, his father is this fucking crazy, merciless serial killer and he is exceptionally rich and powerful! The Jeon family has ruined lives, not just kill people and get away with it but ruin lives. If he finds out were detectives there's no doubt in my mind that he'll kill us right on the spot. He doesn't care, he's fucking crazy. In college one guy copied a sentence from his essay and we literally never saw him again. He is pure evil and bad news. We don't fuck with someone like him. I've literally only have spoken to him a few times in my life and that was enough to give me nightmares."
You both feel shivers run down your spines as the frightening new information swims through your mind almost making you dizzy. "We can't enjoy ourselves tonight if we're constantly on edge. Maybe we should just get out of here and fast." Your best friend says grabbing onto both Jin and your hand. "Sorry I took a while! I'm glad you guys are still here." Jimin exclaims from behind the three of you making you all jump in fear and shock. "Going somewhere?" He says smirking up at the three of you. You hold your breath as Jin forces a laugh to break the awkward tension. "No! No way! Not at all!" Jin exclaims, patting Jimin on the arm gently. Jimin stares up at Jin in suspicion. His sudden change of persona has you all on edge.
"Good! Now, what liquor do you guys drink I'll have the bartender bring it over to our booth." Jimin suddenly exclaims, his face lighting up with a bright smile. His quick change of character leaves you all baffled as he scans over the expensive liquor lined up at the bar. “Well? What do you guys wanna sip?” Jimin chuckles, smiling kindly. You mentally panic knowing absolutely nothing about normal liquor than again expensive liquor! The two of you are speechless as Jin remains cool as a cucumber smiling back at Jimin. You start internally panicking because of the silence coming from the three of you before your best friend decides to nudge Jin hard in the ribs. Jin groans before covering up his pain by leaning against the counter. "We'll just drink whatever your having were not too picky with  alcohol." He smiles at Jimin forcefully, before side-eyeing his girlfriend.
"Oh Okay, that's absolutely fine. We got some of the finest liquor over at the VIP section anyway. Please follow me." Jimin says maintaining eye contact with Jin and his girlfriend before subtly winking at you. You flush at his obvious flirtatious advances before sluggishly following him from behind Jin and Your best friend. The three of you are tense because of the terrifying new information that was given to you by Jin. You felt nauseous as the walk to the VIP booth seemed to be taking forever. You and best friend glance at each other with a tight smile. Everything will be okay we just have to make sure Jungkook doesn't find out what our field of work is. You mentally remind yourself as you try to calm down your concerns.
As the three of you get closer to the VIP section you start to smell marijuana. The smell is strong as it mixes with the expensive colognes being worn by the four people inside. Jimin ushers the three of you inside the booth when you all just stop simultaneously at the entrance. Jin is first to make eye contact with Taehyung and Hoseok as your best friend makes eyes with Yoongi. Your heart pounds against your rib cage as the boy with dark hair and eyes holds your gaze.
Your eyes widen in astonishment, your mouth falling slight agape as you take in the appearance of the person you assume is the infamous Jeon Jungkook. Your hands begin to shake as your cheeks are flushing a deep shade of red at the perfection in front of you. Jungkook eyes cut deep into your soul, your palms begin to sweat. He was beautiful. He had the rich person vibe about him, along with something that couldn't really put your finger on. His eyes wander from your face to the rest of your body and you instantly feel exposed to his greedy eyes. He watches you closely and precisely. As if he was absorbing all of your information out of you. He was intimidating and conceited from the way he presented himself as he chews onto his bottom lip. Tugging the flesh erotically as he maintains eye contact with you. How could someone this breathtakingly beautiful be so bad?
Playing with the expensive rings on his fingers, he stares at you with a new kind of glint in onyx dark his eyes. "Seokjin…I am so glad we could meet again," Jungkook says standing up slowly from the expensive leather couch he was sitting on. You peer up at him as he stands, his intense gaze never leaving your own. Jin clears his throat as he stares back and forth between you and Jungkook before walking forward timidly to shake hands with Jungkook. "Nice to see you again Jungkook. Looks like you're doing well Man. This club is amazing."
"You flatter me," Jungkook says smirking at you while he’s shaking hands with Jin. You stare back at him nervously tugging onto the flesh of your bottom lip. Jin once again notices Jungkook’s set gaze on you and peers between the both of you with searching eyes. “How long has this club been open? I’ve heard you had it renovated a few times.” Jin says trying to capture Jungkook’s attention to give you some space to breathe. You can tell that Jin is tense by the way he's tightening his jaw. As soon as Jungkook seems distracted you exhale abruptly finally releasing the breath you didn’t know you were holding. You observe Jungkook’s whole luxurious attire while he converses politely with Jin. “Yes – Actually this place has been renovated about…” His voice drifts away as you scan the black blazer that was imbraided with an expensive designer label, the white dress shirt was unbuttoned at the top revealing his collar bones and white gold neck, a designer belt holding up his black tight fitted suit pants and expensive black leather shoes. He was definitely rich and by the way, he acted, you knew he was someone that always gets what he wants.
The voice whispering in your ear breaks you out of your trance and you turn your head to the side to be greeted with your best friends worried expression. “Are you okay? You’re practically drooling.” She says it harshly as if it was obvious and your cheeks quickly set ablaze in complete embarrassment. “Was I that obvious?” You whisper back in panic as she nods her head you groan quietly.
"You weren't lying about bringing up some hotties weren’t you Jimin?" Taehyung murmurs as he winks at both you and your best friend. Your best friend quickly holds hands with Jin in response, the action coming to her naturally as Jin tightens his hold on her hand. You dismiss his comment, too invested in Jungkook and the way his eyes crinkle on the side when he smiles and the cute little mole under his lip. He was like something out of a movie. You never ever expected the bloodcurdling and merciless Jeon Jungkook to look like this.
"Talking to yourself now Taehyung? I knew you were fucked but not that fucked" Yoongi sneers as Taehyung glare at him in response. "Shut the fuck up Yoongi." Taehyung spat in annoyance. "Oi the DJ is playing that whack shit. Tell him to change the song." Hoseok mumbles to Jimin as he blows out smoke from his mouth, ignoring you, Seokjin and your best friend altogether. "No, you tell him! I told him last time - " Jimin retorts defensively before being cut off by Jungkook.
"-care to Introduce me to your friends Seokjin," Jungkook says as his sharp dark eyes fall on to you. You swallow the built up saliva salivating in your mouth as he smoothly unbuttons a button on his blazer before shrugging off it off completely. He has you captivated, his smile tugging on the side cockily as he is rolling up his sleeves and you almost choke on your drool at the sight of his muscle and tattoos hiding from underneath his tight fitted white collared dress shirt. "Right. Well, this beautiful girl right here is my girlfriend (B/F/N) and this is our good friend and work colleague (Y/N)."
"(Y/N)?" Jungkook says smirking, your eyes widened as he says your name smoothly, the rush of emotions sending you on an emotional high as he motions you to come to the vacant spot next to him. He eyes leave you momentarily to nod at your best friend in acknowledgement before he's gazing back at you cuttingly. "What would you like to drink?" He asks with barely any emotion visible on his handsome face. "Ah- we're not picky, that champagne will do," Jin says to Jungkook swiftly as he patted you gently on the shoulder. "Excellent," Jungkook says impassively before gesturing you to come closer to him. “Come.” He orders making you weak in the knees. You gulp nervously before walking over to the spot next to him. While you were debating what to do in your head, you decide to place yourself next to him on a whim. “(Y/n)-“ Jin and your best friend mutter strictly as they stare at you in complete disbelief as you make yourself comfortable next to him. You keep your gaze locked on Jungkook as he outstretches his hand towards you. You place your hand into his and he immediately notices you trembling. He a ghostly smirk appears on his face slyly as he notices the effect he had on you.
“What would you like to drink lovely (Y/n)?” Jungkook asks with the slight smirk stretching even wider on his lips as he releases your hand slowly while he motions you to take a seat next to him. "Surprise me." You say while forcing yourself to remain calm even though you were completely freaking out on the inside. He observes you closely which makes you anxious. He knows all the emotions you were discreetly trying to suppress.
Jungkook continues to stare at you attentively before grinning at your response. Jimin and Yoongi watch you in amusement as Taehyung chuckles at your curt reply. "I'd be careful if I was you.” Hoseok chuckles nonchalantly finally acknowledging you. “Jungkook has a tendency of taking things to the next level. Don't challenge him." Yoongi murmurs resting his chin against the palm of his hand with a wide grin plastered on his face as he watches Jungkook with curious eyes instantly recognising his friend's interest in you. "I'll get you only the finest," Jungkook says eyes detecting your nervous behaviour. You watch him cautiously and he looks at you with such desire held in his gaze that you are refraining yourself from running away at the discomposure and the lust that was salivating in your mouth for him. It was torture trying not to drool and ogle at the bachelor when he was just so delicious to look at in the first place.
"So, what do you do for a living now Jin?" Taehyung asks out of blue, his interest leaving you and Jungkook to instead interrogate Jin. You jump at the question subtly. Jin and Your best friend look at each other in almost recognisable panic as the question you all feared being asked came up sooner than you all anticipated. You clear your throat, feeling yourself get frightened at the question being asked so early into the introductions that you are fervently trying to come up with a lie. "We work for a writing company. We're publishers. We had so much paperwork today we thought we could use a break and grab a couple of drinks." Jin intervenes in a hurry with something you thought was not believable but ended up not being picked up by Jungkook or his friends. You were all wearing office clothing which made sense. Jimin hands you a cup of champagne with a cherry in the bottom of it. You thank him quietly before taking slow slips of the bubbly alcoholic beverage. Jimin smiles at you fondly before proceeding to pore everyone else a drink.
"Kim Seokjin, son of one of the most successful and richest surgeons in the world is working at a publishing company," Taehyung exclaims questionably raising an eyebrow at Jin. Jin clears his throat before nodding. "Yeah…I chose to do something different from my father." He says forcing a smile at Taehyung. Yoongi and Hoseok nod their head in a supportive manner at Jin’s response. “I thought you were going to become a doctor like the rest of your family. It’s so you to do something completely different though. Good luck with everything man.” Taehyung says raising his glass to Jin as he slouches on the couch he was sitting on. “Yeah, thanks Tae. Good luck with acting.” Jin beams at him, mimicking his actions of raising his glass in praise.
Jungkook watches you diligently as you watch the pair converse stiffly. “You have all worked hard. It’s time for you all to relax and enjoy yourselves.” Jungkook says as he accepts the champagne handed to him by Jimin with a slight nod of acknowledgement. Every movement he made screamed class and you were living for all of it. “That doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.” Yoongi jokes picking up his own glass placed in front of him. "Cheers," Taehyung exclaims as you all clank your glasses together. “To another night of endless drinking and bad decisions!” Hoseok suddenly adds, lightening the mood. You all glance at one another smiling and laughing before bringing your glasses to your lips, your eyes meet Jungkook’s again and you almost choke on your drink at the quick subtle wink sent your way.
It was an amateurish mistake getting drunk in front of famous and from what you heard ruthless millionaires or billionaires, you didn’t know nor did you really care. You just knew they were famous and educated bachelors from rich families that really liked to spend their money and spent a lot of their time doing stupid and illegal shit. From what started off as a tense and almost death binding situation became a rather enjoyable and interesting environment as Jungkook poured you drink after drink. Jin and his girlfriend ended up getting lost into a card game against Taehyung, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin. While you became undeniably drunk off the expensive champagne Jungkook was pouring you and off of Jungkook himself. It wasn't just the drinks that you got you tipsy it was the way he smiles, touched and kissed you.
Only a few people can kiss a dangerous mafia member and live to tell the tale. Jungkook’s touches set your skin ablaze as he runs his tongue around your parted lips. You wanted to have him to yourself at that very moment and no one could convince you otherwise. Your grip on his blazer tightens as sees how much you want him with his onyx eyes. He cockily presses you impossibly closer against him. You release a shaky sigh at the feeling of his masculine physique that he was hiding under his clothes. You glance down at his chest, spotting tattoos hidden underneath his white faintly transparent dress shirt. There was no doubt in Jungkook's mind that you were his next motivation. He had to claim you tonight.  He had to be the one to leave marks on your gorgeous skin and possibly if he felt like the part killing you.
It was a blur…how Jungkook ended up tongue deep into your mouth, ring covered cool fingers caressing your exposed thigh, as he pulls you impossibly close to his body causing goose bumps to appear on your skin and a shudder run down your spine. You drown in his scent and touch. It was electrifying. You were drowning in the scent of expensive cologne and the silky feeling of his lavish fabric. He pulls you flush against him, your hands running through his silky locks, he detaches himself from your lips temporarily to run sloppy kisses along the side of jaw and neck. A silent moan escapes past your lips and it was game over. Jungkook bites down onto your earlobe, making you automatically grip onto his shoulder tightly in response. You are breathing heavily against him as he swirls his sinful tongue around the side of your neck and the skin just behind your ear. "J-Jungkook." You weren't this type of person. The type to kiss a stranger you had just met in a club. The type to get so drunk you couldn't think or walk straight. The type to want to someone to claim you right in the middle of people filled VIP room. Jungkook was exhilarating in everything that he did to your body. The fear of him being a dangerous gang member leaving your thoughts the moment he touched you and laid eyes on you.
“Have you ever seen a matte black Lamborghini before baby?” He whispers in your ear and you shake your head ‘No.’ While biting onto your bottom lip in a pathetic attempt to hold back your erotic moans from escaping. “Do you wanna fuck in one?" Your eyes widened in shock, as he moves his hand to cup your heat. You glance at the people in the room with you completely stunned and horrified by what he was doing to you in a room full of people. The others are completely immersed in their card game that they have completely dismissed both you and Jungkook’s presence. You stiffen up as Jungkook, slides your underwear to the side without anyone noticing. Panting heavily against him, you grasp in hand in a pathetic attempt to still him which becomes futile after working magic against your sensitive nub. "Wait there's people-ah!" You tremble against him as he works you past the breaking point. "Do you wanna fuck in one or not babe? Just so you know I won’t be taking no for an answer." Jungkook growls as he sucks onto the side of your neck. "I might just have to pick you up and take you against your will." He groans as he rubs against you at a harder and faster pace than he was working you before. "W-Why bother asking me t-then?” You pant and moan as Jungkook teasingly kisses you on the side of your mouth, making you release another wanton moan. "What was that sweetheart? I couldn't hear past your sexy moans?" He teasingly whispers against your neck, making a shiver run down your spine. He smirks before biting your neck. “J-Just,” His teeth gently tugging on the skin with his teeth. "Show me your fucking car."
“Right this way, Princess.”
Jungkook wraps his large hand around your frail trembling one. “I’m not afraid anymore. I want this. I want him.” You chant in your head as Jungkook leans in for another passionate kiss against your now swollen lips. You kiss him back eagerly and without a second thought and Jungkook pulls you swiftly back up to your feet. You both continue to kiss and Jungkook begins to walk you backwards until your back makes contact with a wall in the booth. The cool wall against your warm skin makes you shiver and Jungkook admires your trembling with penetrating dark hooded eyes. You feel fire burn in your stomach as his large greedy hands grope your ass. “You…are… so fucking… addicting.” He harshly whispers between kisses and you smile against his lips. Feeling more self-confident than before. It must be the expensive liquor he was compelling you to consume. “You are not so bad yourself.” You whisper, breaking the intoxicating kiss to look him square in the eyes. Jungkook feels his heart pound against his chest as you adorably smile up at him.
“You’re fascinating you know that?” He unconsciously smiles back down at you with genuine appreciation. He hasn’t felt so content in having someone against him the way you are with him now. He feels adoration for you swell up in his cold heart, filling it with a new sense of warmth he has never felt before. Your heart hammers in your chest as you wrap your arms around his neck.  “No. not really but there is one thing I know for sure right now and it’s that I want you so…so fucking bad.” You mutter quietly before pressing your lips firmly against his lips once again. You were never this bold. Never. It must have been the alcohol talking and dangerously revealing your hidden desires. Jungkook is the one this time to form a satisfied smile against your lips as his hands move up from your butt to grip your hips tightly instead. Your anxiety wasn’t there to ruin your night for the first time in a long time and you feel yourself craving him more and more.
Jimin watches the two of you silently from the corner of his eyes with a slight twinge of jealousy. Taehyung, Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok and your best friend are too caught up in their card game to notice what was escalating between you and Jungkook. Jimin, however, was watching the entire thing. Jimin silently averts his gaze back to the game but from the corner of his eye again, he sees Jungkook eagerly pulling you out of the room. “Come on it’s your turn chim chim! Stop getting distracted!” Taehyung exclaims clearly intoxicated and without saying anything Jimin focuses back to his game. “You okay? You look kind of out of it.” Yoongi whispers leaning towards Jimin. "Couldn't be better," Jimin assures him as he glances down at the cards sprawled out in his hands. “H-Hey w-where is…where’s…” Jin murmurs without anyone really noticing or paying attention.
“Where’s (Y/n)?”
With every step, you both take, you felt fire ignite in your belly. The hungry and jealous stares being directed your way which would normally make you feel self-conscious and intimidated made you feel empowered instead. Bodies grind on you as you and Jungkook try to squeeze out of the busy and jam-packed club. You ignore the endless murmurs and glares sent your way and Jungkook turns back to glance at you. When your eyes meet, your heart accelerates at the adrenaline of emotions swerving through your veins. His hands tighten and you feel oddly safe at that very moment. The anticipation of what was going to happen once you both leave Full Moon made you nervous. Jungkook raises an eyebrow at you before tugging his lip into a breathtakingly beautiful smile. You could care less about the jealous and nosy people around you. All you wanted was to be with Jungkook. Jungkook smirks down at you sexily before lowering his head to whisper into your ear.
“I can’t wait to leave this place and get my fucking hands on you. You have no idea how good I’m going to please you tonight baby girl.”
You bite back another lewd moaning from escaping past your swollen lips as you grip onto Jungkook’s shoulder roughly. “Jungkook please don’t stop!”  You cry out in ecstasy as he slides his rough fingers in and out of your heat. You are both pressed up against his Lambo too preoccupied with pleasing each other to actually get into the vehicle. "You like that?" Jungkook asks smirking, as he peppers sensual kisses against the side of your neck and collarbones as he curls his fingers inside you to hit your g-stop. You moan loudly in response, feeling tears form at the corner of your eyes from the pleasure he was giving you. “You like that?” He asks again a suggestive smirk form on his lips as he moves his head back to observe your pleasured expression from a better angle. You glance down at him with an expression of complete ecstasy written all over your face. He grins in satisfaction knowing he was the cause of your pleasure. Another loud moan escapes you before you finally realise you were both in a very public location. Your eyes widen as you glance around the parking lot, praying and hoping that no one sees the nasty shit that the both of you were doing in public. “J-Jungkook let’s just get into the car!” You exclaim curling your fingers in his hair as he sucks more marks on the side of your neck. “But it’s so nice out tonight. You see how pretty that full moon is babe?” He teasingly whispers onto your skin, making you shudder as warm breath cascades over your sensitive skin just under your ear. He places his hot tongue flat against your neck licking another stripe up your neck, loving the way your pulse throbbed speedily beneath his tongue. You shut your eyes as you felt your heart rate increase from what he was doing to you and the fear of being caught.
"Jungkook p-people c-can see…us. L-Let's just go to your place!" You mutter between moans as he pumps his fingers a tiny bit harder and faster. “Hm, but I asked you a question babe?” He begins to unbutton the top of your collared white shirt with one hand as you shake against him from the pleasure he was making you feel. You hear a group of people laughing as they walk into the parking lot. Your eyes widen in fear as you tighten your hold on him. If they turn around they could easily see you and Jungkook. Jungkook dismisses them completely and continues his torture to your heat. “J-Jungkook there’s people baby there’s people-AH!” You cry out as his thumb presses onto your clit with the right amount of pressure and he begins to do circular motions making your body jolt with added pleasure.  “Don't pay attention to anything else but me baby." He orders you while removing his hands off your shirt buttons temporarily to grip your chin between his fingers tightly forcing you to look at him. Just by pure luck, the bass dropped inside the club, successfully muffling your moans from being heard by the group.  You scream in bliss as he begins to pump his fingers harder in and out of you. “You didn't answer me yet, baby, do you like what I'm doing to you or not?” He asks you seductively before sucking hickeys on the top of breast peeking out from your bra, as his fingers work to unbutton the rest of your shirt with his free hand that was previously holding your chin.
“Yes! I like it so fucking much.” You exclaim, threading your fingers through his sleek dark brown hair once again. Jungkook hums in appreciation to your response, before tugging your shirt out of your pencil skirt. You release his hair temporarily, as he pulls fingers out of your heat and you sigh in displeasure when you clench around nothing. Jungkook detaches himself from you to throw your shirt into the front seat of his vehicle. It took only a more few seconds to have Jungkook, sliding two fingers back into your heat eagerly. The people leave without noticing the both of you and you moan even louder as he begins to pump his fingers in and out at a rapidly fast pace. “AH!! DON’T STOP! PLEASE DON’T STOP!” You cry out as you grip on his shoulder tightly. “You should see how fucking filthy you look right now. You look so fucking hot baby.” He murmurs sexily, before adding a third finger and increasing his pace. “I’m so close!” You shout in pleasure. “Yeah? Cum for me then babe.” He urges as he continues to suck hickeys on top of your chest and breasts. You cry out in pleasure, as you tremble against him uncontrollably. Your release hitting you harder than it ever has before. You pant against him as your eyes roll back and he looks at down at you with such passion that you felt fire swimming through your veins. You come around his fingers as he works out of your first orgasm.  He smiles against your skin, before peppering one final kiss on your neck. Your mind is in a daze as he pulls his soaked fingers out of you slowly before reaching for the car handle. You hear a click before the butterfly car door of the luxury matte back Lamborghini swings upwards.  
“Get in.”
So far up to this point of the night and you were getting to know Jungkook. Your first impression of him made you think that he wasn’t so bad. That was until he drove his Lambo that is. You grip onto the car handles for your dear life as he speeds through red lights, making the matte black Lamborghini fly through the city like crazy. The Lambo lit a profound purple colour on the inside, making his already gorgeous side profile look even more dashing alongside the illuminated lights. You hold your shirt to your chest with your free hand to cover yourself. Your eyes are blown wide as your breathlessly gasping for air in terror. “J-Jungkook… d-don’t you think you’re going a bit um fast?” You timidly question him as you keep your eyes glued to the road. Jungkook smirks watching you from his peripheral vision as he holds the leather steering wheel with one hand only. "Don't tell me that your scared baby girl? I thought you were fiercer than that." The engine shrieks as he presses onto the accelerator even harder, practically slamming his entire right foot against the pedal. Your breath hitches in your throat from shock as your back hit the seats from the sudden escalation of speed and he chuckles quietly to himself at your cute response. The wind from the cool night blows your hair back and you shiver from both fright and excitement as he flashes down on the high way. “No…Of course not.” You meekly reply as your grip on the side handle tightens. He smirks at you before changing lanes back and forth like he’s in a game of GTA to beat the traffic. He drives with well-defined skill and without any sense of restraint.
"Hm. You make such an exquisite face when you're scared (Y/n). It's truly intriguing " He says turning his head to face you briefly. You feel your heart skip a beat when your eyes meet his confident and assured ones. "I trust you.” You say beaming up at him and Jungkook is almost taken aback by your genuine response. “I’m the last person you should trust sweetheart.” Your smile leaves him so flustered that he resorts to rolling down his window to get some of the fresh late night air to cool down his flushed cheeks. “Maybe so, but I still want to trust you anyway.” You say gingerly as you take in his gorgeous features, momentarily dismissing the rapid speed his vehicle was going. “You honestly say the most absurd shit.” The adrenaline kicking makes you release the handle and enjoy the fast ride. “I don’t really mind it.”  Jungkook smiles as he continues to speed through the city, the ride now becoming enjoyable as you laugh at the overwhelming feelings of attraction overshadowing your fear.
Jungkook looked absolutely stunning, as the wind blows through his chestnut silky parted hair, displaying his forehead. His face is displaying self-assurance and contentment as he drives his luxury car haphazardly. You couldn’t help but watch him, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He was so entertaining and assertive that you felt kind of jealous of him. He remained confident in himself. He had everything in his personality that you were lacking.  You didn't know if the self-love and confidence he displayed were his true feelings or if he was faking it all. He was just so good at everything he did. That he made you instantly fall head over heels for him. Jungkook senses your gaze and looks at you smiling from ear to ear. Your eyes widen slightly before you are plastering on a fake smile that is futile and does little to nothing to hide your deepest feelings of self-hatred. Jungkook’s smile almost instantly vanishes at your lifeless gaze. He sees through your disguise and places the hand that was resting on his thigh onto the top of your head. Your eyes widen in shock at the comforting pat to your head. “If you’re gonna be lost in thought, can it at least be of me fucking your fucking brains out tonight when we get back to my place.”
You feel heat rush to your core at his response. He smirks as you flush under his heated gaze. "How much longer?" You ask turning your head to look out of the window in embarrassment. "Not very long at all baby. Not very long.” He says making an exit out of the highway into a path that seemed to be heading to the middle of nowhere. "Jungkook?" You turn to face him in slight fear. Could he be kidnapping you? Was he going to kill you and hide your dead body in the middle of nowhere? Countless merciless thoughts consume your attention, making Jungkook chuckle at your moment of panic. "Don't panic just yet baby girl," Jungkook smirks at you before motioning for you to look in front of you. "We're here." Your eyes widen in shock at the enormous mansion in front of you. "Welcome to the Jeon residence (L/N) (Y/N)," Jungkook says coolly as you star struck over the most gorgeous house you ever laid eyes upon. "T-This is your place?" You frantically ask Jungkook, as he reaches out of his car window to press a button. "Yeah well, it's one of them," Jungkook answers you with a sly wink. Your mouth falls agape at his response.
How many properties like this does he own? Can you make this much money selling drugs?
“This is the Jeon residence. Who do we have the pleasure of conversing with?” A voice speaks from the intercom. Your attention still being on the house made you jump a little at the sudden voice coming out of nowhere from the intercom.
“It’s me. Open the gate.” Jungkook says strictly as he straightens up in his seat. "Welcome back Master. Right away." The voice says before the gold-plated gate opens quickly. You watch the gate make a path and Jungkook bites back smile at the flabbergasted expression on your face. As soon as Jungkook speeds to the front of the mansion, there’s a chauffeur waiting for him at the front who opens the door for elegantly, before catching Jungkook’s car keys frantically after Jungkook threw them at him carelessly not even bothering to look where they land. "Park it next to the Bentley," Jungkook says casually before the chauffeur bows in response. "This house is way too big! T-This is actually a fucking mansion! Wait- you live here alone?” You question him hurriedly in amazement while taking the whole house in of its glory. Jungkook chuckles, before intertwining your hands together. “I actually live here with my Family.” The sudden skin to skin contact leaves you flushing in embarrassment and you are quick to tighten your hold onto his hand, fingers threaded together. You both maintain eye contact while his lips tug up on the side into a strikingly handsome smirk. “I wouldn’t want you running away or getting lost.” He says placing an affectionate kiss to the back of your palm. "I wouldn’t even dream of running away.” You chuckle feeling butterflies form in your stomach at the fondness and attention he was giving you. You feel yourself throb for him as the heat of your first intense orgasm lingers, his eyes darken faintly as he tightens his grip on your hand.
“Oh, after you figure out what I’m going to do to you, you might.” He says casually before flashing you a dazzling smile with a wink.  You bite onto your bottom lip in anticipation as he opens the front door. “After you.” He says assertively, gesturing you politely to take a step inside the mansion. The massive front doors creak open and you nod timidly before taking a vigilant step through the front door and what it revealed inside left you even more dumbfounded than you were before. “Welcome back Master!” a room full of servants greet the two of while bowing in perfect sync and order. They all looked extremely timid and stiff as they present themselves with cautiousness and well-mannered demeanour in front of Jungkook. Jungkook doesn’t even glance or acknowledge the attentive staff before waving them away. "Leave us be," Jungkook says firmly making them all nod their heads quickly and scatter off in all kinds of different directions after bowing again elegantly, trying their hardest to get away from Jungkook’s presence as fast as physically possible.
“Wow…So all these people serve you?” You ask him, as he leads up the long flight of marble stairs. "Yes, baby girl. They all work for me and my family.” He shrugs indifferently, making you raise an eyebrow in response. “That’s crazy. I can’t imagine having that much people serving me.”
"Oh, I'll serve you so good baby girl. So good, that you won’t be needing anybody else.”  He says with a husky voice so enticingly erotic, you feel every fibre in your body jump in expectation. He detaches himself from you before roughly pushing you inside a massive room which must have belonged to him once you both reach the top of the stairs. You scream with a start at the sudden rough push to your body. Your fingers detach from his instantly as you stagger into his large room. Jungkook watches you stumble into the room making him sneer maliciously in response. Trying your best to keep your balance in your heels. Immediately you got the bad boy vibe from how he carried himself and his persona. You quickly glance around the luxurious room and you almost gasp at the expensive interior and spacious size. The room practically screamed Jungkook from its dark colour coordination to his rich feeling silk sheets. It had a walk-in closet, a balcony, a bathroom, game machinery that look like they belong in an arcade, a gym and many more completely extra shit. You spot large monitors on the side of his room with gaming headsets. “This is your room? It’s a separate house in itself." You mutter as you turn your body to face Jungkook. He loosens his collared shirt as he bites his bottom lip while walking through his doorway. “Yeah. It’s pretty impressive.” He checks you out from head to toe and is quick to be back by your side. You instantly notice his change in persona, the polite and attentive Jungkook now nowhere to be seen. He holds your chin turning you to face him and pulls you into another breathtaking kiss that leaves you feeling weak in the knees. His hold on your body is strong and secure as he holds you upright.
The shirt that was flimsily placed back on you gets instantly ripped off, as his rough fingers make contact with the bottom of it. You swore you heard a rip coming from the material, but you couldn’t care less at that very moment. Jungkook’s desirous hands grope and glide across every curve of your body. His kisses were intoxicatingly breath-taking and experienced. “Why am I not getting sick of kissing you?” He teasingly whispers as he walks you back, pressing you against his large pool table. “I wonder.” You murmur in response sending him a playful smile before you both pull apart briefly and you practically rip off his expensive vest and dress shirt. He smirks at your enthusiasm and lets you undress him keenly. Your eyes widen in shock at the rock hard abs and honey coloured skin he was hiding underneath, with even more sexy tattoos sprawled across his sides and chest. Your unbelievably needy at this point and Jungkook smirks down at you so erotically that your breath hitches in your chest at his attractiveness. This guy was oozing with so much sex appeal that it was insane. “Please just take me.” You murmur in desperation and Jungkook chuckles before unbuckling his belt. "Oh, I will." He murmurs as tenses his body to accentuate his lean muscles.
“Like what you see baby?” He growls, pushing your body even harder against the cold hardwood of his table, as he drowns in your scent and soft flesh overwhelming his senses completely. You nod your head sternly, your eyes staying glued to his rock hard abs and honey skin. “Yeah? Cause I know I do. Damn.” He says placing wet kisses down your neck retracing his previous steps and admiring his marks that he left on your skin at the carpark. Your chest rises and falls with every deep breath you take and Jungkook admires that. You gulp in anticipation as his rough fingers glide over your bra strap, slowly moving the fabric down and he continues his sensual kisses onto the newly exposed skin. Your fingers run through his hair as you take in every single one of Jungkook’s actions, trying to lock them deep into your memory. Jungkook sucks another hickey before practically ripping your bra off of you.
You hear a soft “fuck” leaving his lips as he takes in your breasts, before latching onto your left nipple. You moan out loud in both pain and pleasure while your hands grab at his tattooed arms. As he sucks and tugs onto your delicate flesh and nipple his hands grasp both your breasts squeezing them with just the right amount of pressure. Making your back arch off the table. He gives the right nipple the same attention as the left before one of his hands slides down your body teasingly. “You are so good at this!” You screech as he makes contact with your swollen clit. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” He replies teasingly, keeping eye contact with you as he slides pencil skirts zipper down painstakingly slow. “Please hurry up Jungkook.” You groan at his deliberate slow pace which makes him smile friskily down at you in response. Usually, this sort of response from a woman sent him haywire. He did not like people rushing him or commanding him in any shape or form but Jungkook didn’t really seem to mind it coming from you.
“I just want to take my time undressing you while admiring your beauty.” Your whole body flushes at his sly comment and you mentally curse him for always knowing what to say to get you riled up. Once it hits the floor, you push Jungkook off of you with as much force as you could muster, knowing he was much stronger than you. He barely moves back an inch at the force of your push but for your sake moves back anyway watching you with slight confusion perceptible in his dark onyx eyes. You smirk up at him coyly before falling down onto your knees in front of him. His confusion is quickly wiped away by an assertive smile and he threads his rough fingers through your hair instantly when he realises what you were up to. You can see him through his dress pants and he watches you in a mixture of both complete disbelief and amusement. You look up at him as if you were asking for permission and he nods his head impatiently in response, his fingers threading into your hair harsher and you smile at the suggestive tug to your locks, hands reaching to pull down his zipper. His pants fall to the ground quickly without anything there to hold the trousers on his amazing body.
You bite back a gasp at how big and hard he looked through his underwear. The outline of his length protruding and thick as well as how defined and muscular his thighs were. “Shit…” You mutter before feeling him over his underwear. “I think I’m the one with the better view here between the two of us.” Jungkook sheepishly murmurs, his eyes hooded as he peers down at you. Admiring you just in your underwear with your breast bare. “We’ll see about that.” You mutter looking up at him through your lashes, before tugging his underwear down and you move your head back quickly to avoid being hit in the face by his impressively large and thick cock. You hum in pleasure at the size and he ushers you with a suggestive smile to take him in your mouth.
“Come on baby girl…give it a taste.” Jungkook guides you while threading his fingers through your locks once again, completely messing up your hair but keeping your hair from falling onto your gorgeous face. “Gladly.” You whisper, before placing a kitten lick to his leaking tip. It had been so long since you got laid that you felt the excitement as you lick a slow long stripe from the base of his shaft to the tip. "F-Fuck." Jungkook moans, tightening his grip on your hair. "Take your panties off baby girl and pleasure yourself while you suck my cock.” You immediately obey sliding off your panties, before licking your fingers and circling your clit while simultaneously sucking his large cock. “Just like that baby…” Jungkook growls as you bob your head faster while hallowing your cheeks to suck even harder. “Take me into your mouth. Just like that.” You moan with a cock filled mouth and Jungkook forces you harder onto his shaft, making his tip brush against the back of your throat.
You groan at the force but try your best to not gag around his dick as he practically begins to face fuck your mouth. Your mascara and eyeliner begin to smudge at the corner of your eyes as the tears begin to pour down your face. Leaving a trail of streak marks as you keep one hand against his pelvis to steady yourself as your other hand stills against your clit, too focused on pleasing him instead and not gagging. “Keep touching yourself baby girl.” He orders as he slows down his pace, keeping his cock buried into your mouth. You hum in response as you begin to move your fingers hastily on your clit. Bringing yourself close to your second release of the night. Jungkook sees you panting and twitching and is quick to wrap his hand roughly around you locks before tugging you hard by the hair to pull you off his dick. You cry out in pain and he smirks down at you in response. Completely disregarding your disappointed look on your face from being stripped away from another orgasm. His eyes are following the trickle of saliva running down your chin and dripping onto your bare hickey covered breasts.
“I told you to pleasure yourself but I never said to make yourself cum. I’ll be the one make to you cum. You got that?” He strictly pronounces without any hint of playfulness in his lust filled eyes and you nod quickly not wanting to test his patience’s and letting him pull you back up to your feet by your hair. “I’m going to fuck you all night long and you’re going to let me.” You nod enthusiastically and he releases your hair to instead bend slightly to throw you over his shoulder like a rag doll. You cry out in fear as your body dangles on his shoulder. He smacks your ass hard before walking over to his large bed. He throws you onto his mattress and watches your body bounce up and down. Your hands feel at his silky expensive sheets and he smirks down at you before pulling off his Rolex watch and tossing it off to the side somewhere. You maintain eye contact with and him as he walks over to the edge of the bed. His cock standing tall as he grasps onto your feet before pulling your body down to the edge of his bed and slipping off your black heels.
“Let me fucking taste you baby.” Your breath hitches in your throat as drops onto his knees. “You are fucking glistening so beautifully.” He teasingly states as he looks up at you holding your gaze. Your chests rise and fall in anticipation as he bends down to lick a stripe up your heat, his tongue brushing onto your clit. Your back arches off the bed and he smirks before continuing to eat you out like he was a starved animal. Moan after moan leaves you as you grab at his sheets, clutching them tightly. The pleasure causing tears to well up in your eyes once again, making your eye make-up smear even more. “Jungkook!!” You scream his name like a mantra and he lives for every second of it. “That’s it. Say my name.” You cry out in pleasure and he growls in response doubling his efforts before sliding two fingers back into your dripping entrance. He rushes you into your second orgasm of the night embarrassingly quickly and he watches you tremble and shudder against his now drenched sheets. You continue to twitch and exhale in pleasure as he works you out of your high.
“Look at the fucking mess you made.” He chuckles, his chin and lips covered in your juices and you flush at his comment. Your eyes snap open at his comment and you quickly lift yourself up against his mattress onto your elbows. You stare down at him and the mess you made mortified. “I-I’ve never d-done that before.” You shyly murmur and he chuckles bending down to lick up the rest of your release before kissing his way up your body sensually. “Don’t be embarrassed. That was so fucking hot. I am going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before baby. I’ll give you a taste of what it’s to be with me…but first taste how fucking amazing you taste on my tongue.” He pushes his tongue into your mouth, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue and you let him kiss you like no tomorrow. The kiss continues to get heated and you let your tongues collide together again and again. “Jungkook please…please fuck me.” You practically beg once he pulls away slightly. Leaving only a short distance between the two of you. “Please Jungkook,” You look up at him with lust filled eyes and he growls in response.
“How badly do want it?” His curt questions leave you baffled and sexually frustrated. "So fucking bad…please, Jungkook, fuck me, baby, please-"
“Hm, I'm not really convinced." He hums, purposely brushing his rock hard cock against your dripping entrance. You clench around nothing and sigh in frustration. "I want you so fucking bad Jungkook, please I want you to fuck me all night with your big cock, I want you to fuck me hard and stretch me out, use me to get yourself off, I have never wanted to sleep with someone so bad, I want you to fuck my brains out as you promised me Jungkook please, please I want your cock inside me so bad baby-”
“You want me that badly? Well, I better give you what you want baby girl."
You almost gasp at the feeling of his hard cock brushing against your dripping entrance. He watches you favourably and pushes just the tip of his length into you. You quickly clench onto him and moan out loud at the stretch. “F-Fuck you’re so big.” You cry out as he hastily pushes the rest of his thick and long cock in barely giving you time to adjust to his size. You feel yourself being stretched further than you have ever been stretched before. Your mouth falls open at the feeling and you both moan at the pleasant stretch. "And you're so fucking tight. What the fuck? When was the last time you’ve been fucked?” He questions you with a moan as he pulls his hip back before snapping them forward, essentially pounding his hard length back into you firmly and powerfully. It has honestly been a long time since the last time you have had sex and this was definitely giving you more pleasure than your fingers were. You release moan after moan as he continues to stick by his words and fuck your brains out.
He continues pulling his hips back and then thrusting back inside you hard with a satisfying husky groan. He has your back arching and your falling agape with every hard snap of his pelvis. You feel your body sucking him back up and deep inside, his length brushing against all the right places. He growls and grunts sexily as he continues to pound you into his mattress. “You take my cock so fucking well baby.” You reach your arms out to press against the headboard to give you some stability but your efforts become futile as he continues to pound into you faster and harder, hitting that one spot that drives you crazy every time. “Jungkook oh my god!” You moan breathlessly as shoves his whole length hard and deep inside you, stilling himself as you clench and unclench snugly around his length. Your whole body shaking at the pleasure you were feeling. “Jungkook…” You moan his name as you peer up at him with glistening tear-filled eyes. “Fuck baby.” He grunts while imprinting your face and exquisite pleasured expression into his mind as he starts to move his hips again. His large cock once again sliding against your walls wonderfully. Your wetness dripping out of your entrance soaking his sheets with every thrust.
“You look so fucking sexy right now.” He growls hovering over you, admiring the way your face contorts with pleasure with every snap of his pelvis. "Right t-there Jungkook! Fuck! Right there!" You chant as he grips your hips harder, pulling your body down to meet him halfway. The hard pounding to your g-spot leaves you seeing stars and you trembling again as your back arches off his bed and your sensitive nipples make contact with his solid hard chest. You knew you were going to be so sore after this and probably covered in bruises but you honestly didn’t care. He completely ruined you with his rough thrusts, bite marks and hickey covered skin. Not so secretly thought you were loving every second of it. He lets go of one of your hips to press his fingers against your swollen and abused clit.
"Y-You fuck me so well." You cry out as Jungkook continues to assault your g-spot. “Jungkook!” Your eyes roll back as he rubs your clit and the sensation as you on cloud9 as he pounds into you faster. “J-Jungkook s-shit!” You scream in ecstasy as you tighten around his length feeling the familiar bubbling of your release approaching in your belly. He was stimulating you in every way possible. “I-I’m close! P-Please d-don’t stop!” You order him and he smirks down at you sexily. Sweat dripping down his forehead as he intertwines his fingers on your hip with your own. “I’m not planning on it.” You moan loudly, your high hitting you even harder than it has the first time he pushed you past your breaking point before. Jungkook removes his hand off your clit to wrap his fingers around your neck instead. Applying the right amount of pressure and slightly cutting off your airways. Your breath hitches in your throat and you never knew being choked was something that was going to turn you on as much as it did. “Look at you, you little filthy bitch. Taking my cock so fucking well.” He grunts choking you harder. You gasp and tighten around his length as your orgasm was quickly approaching. You silently scream in pleasure as you feel yourself being thrown over the edge once again. Your whole body shuddering at the overwhelming sensation. You release onto his sheets and lower stomach. “Fuck you did It again baby.” He grunts loving the way your face is contorting in pleasure. “So fucking hot.” He mutters as he watches you tremble and shake violently underneath him, tightening extremely tightly around his cock.
“F-Fuck! I’m gonna cum.” Jungkook exclaims as he releases into you, painting your walls. His seeds filling you up. He continues to ram his cock into you, successfully milking himself of his cum. You groan at the overstimulation of him thrusting into you and hitting your abused g-spot. “Jungkook stop please” You whimpered and he shushes you quietly in response. You flinch and twitch as he begins to rub your clit hard and fast. You scream in both discomfort and overstimulation. “J-Jungkook baby I can’t cum again!” You exclaim, feeling the familiar feeling of an orgasm arising in your belly. “Come, baby, just one more. Cum one more time for me.” Your scream as your last orgasm hits you. It does not hit you as hard as the rest of your orgasm of the night but it is enough to leave you with goosebumps and feeling so unbelievably pleasured. You both breathlessly stay in the same position trying to steady your breathing while still being connected and sweaty from the aftermath of a passionate night of love-fucking and rough fucking. You have a gut feeling that he's staring at you and your pleasantly surprised when you snap your eyes open to be greeted by his blissful and content smiling face. He stares at you silently. Chest falling and rising as he takes his fingers off your neck, relishing on the way your skin flushed after the intense love-making you both shared. He observes your completely wrecked form in delight. Loving the way his fingers on neck left a red mark and he moves his hands down your body keeping them locked against your hips instead. You stare up at him bashfully as he continues to observe you. You felt completely vulnerable and bare in front Jungkook as he makes no effort to move from his position even with his now limp dick still buried deep inside you filled with his cum. You couldn’t imagine how messy he made you. You felt only slightly self-conscious as he continues to gawk at you.
“That was… probably the best… sex… I’ve ever had.” You state chuckling between heavy intakes of air as he snorts softly at the comment. "Well, I'm glad because it was…supposed to be your last.” The last part of his sentence gets trapped in his head and he does not physically have the ability to say the words out loud. "Because It was what?" You ask smiling up at him and he shakes his head calmly returning your smile. "Because it was mine too." He says before bending down to capture your lips into another passionate kiss. Jungkook kisses you aggressively with every ounce of strength he had left. You were like a drug giving him energy as he felt the desire to take you all over again. His right hand moves slowly under the pillow next to you. You were completely immersed in the kiss to realise what he was doing. Jungkook's warm hand makes contact with the cool knife located under the pillow. His hand grasped it as he waits for the usual urge to slice your throat open. The kiss is progressing getting sloppier and intimate as your tongues dance against each other. Jungkook is baffled as he feels no motivation to kill you. He releases the knife, choosing to wrap his fingers into your soft locks once again instead. You moan into his mouth at the soft tug to your locks and you cup his face urging him to deepen the kiss. Jungkook sighs into your mouth in response. One of his hands sliding down your body sweaty body.
He breaks the kiss, eyes lingering onto your content fucked out expression. Even though your hair was a mess, your make up was ruined and smeared he swore he has never seen anything more beautiful in his life. No expensive car, no paycheck, no drugs could give the rush you gave him. He felt defeated by you in his own wicked game. The urge to kill you never arising in his heart for the first time in a long time. "Would you like to take a shower?" He whispers sensually brushing soothing circles over the skin by your hips with his thumb and you hum in response, eyes slimming into a radiant smile. "Are you going to join me in the shower?" You ask cheekily brushing your thumb against his cheek comfortingly, mimicking his motions on your hip. He smirks in response and places a quick peck on your neck, moving his hips back and pulling his length out of your heat. You both moan quietly at the feeling. You exhale in pleasure at the feeling of his cum leaking out of your entrance. "Of course I'm going to join you. It's my house after all. What kind of gentleman will I be if I do not fulfil my guests' wishes? Especially when she's this fucking fine." He purrs sexily raising an eyebrow at you making you sigh in desire at his suggestive response. "I don't think I can walk, to be honest. You really did live up to my expectations.” You utter sleepily, making him grin down at you. He moves to the side of the bed and picks up a phone placed on top of the bedside table. You watch him groggily and he glances at you before sending a cheeky wink your way, making you chuckle slightly, your greedy fingers gliding against his lean muscles.
“It’s me. I need a maid in here to change the sheets and bring in a pair of lady pyjamas in no less than five minutes.” Jungkook strictly orders on the phone before hanging up and placing it back on top of the bedside table. Your cheeks flush at his authoritarian attitude and the fact that the maids will know he slept with you and ruined his beautiful expensive sheets. He turns to back to you, smirking cockily at your embarrassed expression.
“Now about that shower.”
You fell onto the new fresh silky sheets on his bed completely wiped out and exhausted. You and Jungkook continued your sexual endeavours in the shower and he wasn't exactly an unfit person to get tired easily. It was so mortifying to know that ladies in his room could every single detail of what Jungkook was doing to you. It was hard keeping up with him but it was so damn worth it in the end. You feel your body ache everywhere and Jungkook chuckles and you feel his large bed dip as he plops down onto the bed beside you. "Tired baby?" He asks brazenly, making you hum in response. "You honestly never fully run out of energy do you?" You ask him not really expecting a proper answer. "Now that you mention it. I don't really think I do babe." He cheekily responds stroking your hair comfortingly. "Get some rest babe. I am a big sucker for morning sex." You flush at his words. “I could honestly fuck you all day and night.” His smirk never leaving his face. You hesitate to lean towards him, which would seem a little silly after being so intimate with him but you just didn't know if this a one-time thing and maybe he didn't see you as anything more than a typical one night stand. "Am I spending the night?" You ask cautiously and Jungkook's rested eyes fluttered open quickly after those words leave your lips. "Yeah. I don't want you going anywhere." He spoke sternly without any hint of hesitation which shocked you and himself secretly. He had never had anyone stay over before unless they were dead of course. The new side you were bringing out of him scared him deep down inside but he was so far gone for you that it seems to not matter anymore. He was becoming a little possessive in this sense though. "O-Okay."
You were beautiful even with your makeup gone and hair slightly damped after he dried it. Your skin glows and bloomed with his marks. His fingers twitched at his side as he felt an overwhelming desire to touch you and feel you again. "Come here." He ordered, lifting his sheets up slightly and you flush at the sight of his solid abs being exposed to your greedy eyes once again. Did he always sleep naked? You exhale quietly, feeling anxious as you slide across his bed, falling deep into the security of his strong arms.
“If Jeon Jungkook finds out were detectives were all going to fucking die tonight!”
Jungkook wraps his arms around you securely and your heart begins to pound against in your chest as Jin's previous words of warning begin to replay in your mind. You were pretty much sober now and fully aware of the position you were in. You look at Jungkook's face and sigh in relief when you noticed he was sound asleep. "This was wrong…so fucking wrong." The realisation of the situation started settling in and you feel your anxiety return on queue to mess with your ability to think rationally. "What the fuck have I done?" You whisper to yourself as you peer up at Jungkook's face in shame. You were completely overwhelmed by your reckless mistake.
Even though you felt strongly about Jungkook. It didn't change the fact that he was a drug dealer, part of a dangerous mafia group and possibility a murder. You were a detective. The complete opposite of him. You of all people should have known better than getting involved with someone like him, especially not intimately involved. You hear your phone vibrate in the corner of the room and you didn't realise that you had forgotten your bag in his Lamborghini the maids must have brought it up for you. You debated in your mind whether or not to sneak out or to just spend the night. You started thinking over your options and sneaking out without anyone noticing just didn't seem possible in a house full of servants. You were surely going to get caught. You make up your mind to just spend the night and leave in the morning. You hear your phone vibrate once again and you are now fully aware that someone is trying to contact you desperately. "Jin and (B/F/N) must be so worried about me". You thought to yourself as you slowly and discreetly untangle yourself from Jungkook's hold. He doesn't even as so much stir at your movements. You smile in relief that he was, in fact, a deep sleeper. You hold your breath as you tiptoe over to your bag placed against Jungkook's computer chair, silently pulling out your phone from the inside.
8 missed calls from Best Friend
5 missed calls from Jin
1 missed call from Kim Namjoon
You have several miss calls and texts messages from Jin and your best friend, along with a single missed call from Namjoon. You feel a bad feeling wash over you as you quickly begin to reply to your best friend’s texts messages. They have spammed you with how worried they were and how Jin was begging you come to the agency asap. Your eyes stay glued to Namjoon’s text message. He never contacts you this late unless it was something urgent. Your heart hammers in your chest as you unlock Namjoon’s message. Your fingers are trembling as you read his message your mind going haywire as you read through his long text message over and over again not believing what you were reading.
[Kim Namjoon]
3:35 am
Hey (Y/N) I'm sorry for contacting you this late at night but I got some leads on the case we are investigating. We found out that the killer is a guy in his early twenties. His father owns one of the most well-known mafia organisation in the world. They specialise in the illegal exportation of cocaine. He has killed multiple people throughout the years and some of his victims are not women. His last victim name was Scarlett Brooks, 22 years of age and she was last seen walking out of the club Full Moon last week Friday night around 12:30 am. We believe he goes by the name Jeon Jungkook. I have already contacted Jin and he is at the agency. I need you to get here as soon as possible. Once again sorry for contacting you so late.
You almost drop your phone in shock. You feel your chest grow cold in fear as tears well up in your eyes as you turn around hastily to glance back at Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully in his bed. He looks almost boyish as he snores quietly his chest rising and falling with every breath he takes. Your chest aches as you fight back tears. Your mind going crazy as you hurriedly try to collect your thoughts. How Jungkook do those horrible things to those innocent women? You used to think you had a good understanding of people and their inner intentions. How could you have given a blind eye to someone as heartless and merciless as Jungkook? Maybe Namjoon was wrong? It was a possibility. A very low possibility but still a possibility. You reminiscence on the way he held you and kissed you. There was no way it could be Jungkook. You felt a panic attack begin to start and you try your best calm yourself. It can't be. It can’t be Jungkook. Please don’t be Jungkook. Not Jungkook. You didn't know if you were being rational or naïve. For the first time in a long time, you weren't thinking like a professional but instead, you happened to be wishfully thinking.
4:10 am: I’ll be right there.
You reply back to him with a curt reply, your hands trembling as you type the message which is supposed to be simple but because of your shaky hands, it takes longer than usual. Your phone vibrates again in your hands and you open Jin's text message, biting onto your bottom lip in unease. You bite onto the flesh unknowingly hard, causing the skin to break and blood to come dripping out. The iron taste of blood leaves an unpleasant flavour in your mouth as you open Jin's newest text.
4:12 am: I know that you are with him…Jimin saw you guys leaving together. I know you might not believe me but It's him (Y/N). Jungkook's the killer. That ruthless killer that decapitated and dismembered those women and men! Please tell me your safe.
4:12 am: I just saw Namjoon's text message. I'm sorry for the late reply! I'll meet you back at the agency ASAP.
You quickly snap a reply to Jin as you gather your clothes debating whether or not to catch an Uber home. Your phone percentage was exceptionally low and you mentally cringe at the red percentage displaying that you had 20% battery left. You look at your ripped blouse in agitation. How the fuck were you going to escape without being noticed? You leave the silk pyjama shirt on your body but you change back into your pencil giving up on finding your bra is this very dark room only being lightened by a little light from the full moon outside. You throw your PJ pants into your purse and flinch in shock at the sudden vibration coming from your phone. You glance at your home screen while placing your free hand over your racing heart.
4:15 am: We were so worried about you
you have no idea.
4:15 am: I'm sorry for not paying enough attention
4:16 am: I'm okay Jin! I shouldn't have left the club and made you guys worry. I'm sorry. I'm okay though and I'll meet you back at the agency.
4:17 am: Okay but promise me you'll call me or message me if anything happens? Just please be safe and be smart. Message me as soon as you get here.
4:17 am: I will! See you soon!
4:17 am: See you! Remember to message me if anything happens!
Once that message sends, you are quick to place your phone back into your purse quietly, trying your best to make as little noise as possible. You exhale shakily as you try your best to calm your nerves. You felt confused and conflicted after thinking about everything that has happened tonight with Jungkook. It's not like you just liked him because of sex appeal. You peep at Jungkook quietly walking over to the edge of his bed. His beautiful sleeping face was being illuminated faintly by the moon. He was so gorgeous. You instantly jump out of your trance when his face contorts in discomfort. It was almost as if he was in some kind of pain as he releases a grunt in his sleep. His chest begins to rise and fall at a faster pace as he inhales and exhales faster. Was Jungkook having a nightmare?
"Please forgive me father…," Jungkook mumbles as he begins moving his head from side to side. You feel your heart drop instantly at the anguish in his expression. You knew he was hurting. "Please father…don't…don't hurt me." He chokes out, his body now trembling slightly. Sweats build upon his forehead and you couldn't tolerate watching him suffering any longer. "J-Jungkook…" You stutter quietly while brushing his fringe out of his eyes gently. Jungkook instantly captures your hand, making you flinch in shock at his sudden contact. Your heart races as you think he has woken up. He continues to snore peacefully making you exhale in relief. It was so wrong caring for your enemy but you couldn't help it. You were acting by your heart, not your mind.
Getting out of the Jeon's residence was a struggle and so astonishingly stressful. The maids almost seem stunned at your presence. As if they were expecting you to be dead. You feel a chill run down your spine at the thought. You almost felt dirty. Even though you have already showered you wanted to take another. You wanted to remove every trace of Jeon Jungkook on your body. You walk past a large gold-framed mirror in the hall of the mansion. Your eyes almost popping out of your head at the numerous hickeys covering your neck and chest. What the fuck is Namjoon going to think if I show up like this? They were so obvious and dark. There was no way in hell you could show up to the agency looking like this.
“Oh, it’s you (Y/N).”
You jump in fear at the familiar voice coming from close behind you. You look back horrified as Park Jimin stands there with a smug expression on his face. He is still wearing the delectable attire that he was wearing at the club. He looks at you up and down. You flush in embarrassment as the catcalls at the sight of your hickey covered skin. "Looks like you and Jungkook got along quite well last night." There was a hint of teasing his statement that left you feeling almost ashamed at your reckless behaviour. "What is it Jimin?" You rushed him with the question as you gulp, turning your head stiffly as you avert your gaze to the clock hanging up by the stairs. It was well past 5 am and you couldn't believe he was still up at this time. "Are you in a rush sweetheart?" Jimin answers your question with a question of his own as he smirks at you. "No. Not at all." You curtly reply, averting your gaze back to his and he chuckles quietly. His eyes roaming your dishevelled appearance.
"Did you just get here?" You ask politely and he nods his head in response. "Yeah, I thought I'd stop by and see if you were still alive." Your eyes widen in shock at his statement and he chuckles quietly, pushing his hands into his pants pockets leisurely. "Just kidding sweetheart. No need to give me that look." He looked a little tipsy as he gazes at you with a suggestive smile. His cologne and the smell of alcohol clouds your senses and he is loving every second of your timid attitude. "Do you like Jungkook?" His question catches you off guard and you nod bashfully in response not wanting to make anything worse for yourself. "Well, …that's a shame. I really wanted to leave with you and give you some good Park Jimin head. I ain't messing with Jungkook's girls though. He'd probably shoot me, but if you ever get tired of him, I'm here and more than willing enough to give you some good dick." Jimin smirks and removes one of his hands from his trousers to cup your face in the palm of his hand gently. You stiffen at the sudden contact before taking a quick step back, creating some distance between you and Jimin. "I'm sorry Jimin but I-I really um have to go." You say hastily before twisting on your heels and bolting down the stairs of the mansion. You feel almost breathless as you make your escape. Your legs still excoriatingly sore from Jungkook's intense fucking, leaving you to feel a little unsteady on your feet. You feel Jimin's eyes glued to your back, making you want to escape faster. Jimin watches you leave with a wide grin plastered on his face. His phone vibrating in his pocket only captures his attention briefly. He reaches into his pocket before pulling out his phone and clicking the answer button.
“Hey Taehyung …yeah I just made it to Jungkook’s and you won’t believe it. The girl is still alive. (Y/N) is still alive.”
“Is she now? Well if she is alive…it probably won’t be for long.” Taehyung’s statement leaves Jimin slightly baffled. “What do you mean?”
“She does not work for a publishing company. Hoseok did some research and apparently, she's a detective. You are not going to believe who she works for…" There is silence on the line now after Jimin registered the new given information.
“Who is it?”
“She works for Kim Namjoon.”
"Hey, you made it!" Jin exclaims as immediate relief washes over him and he races over to you when you push open the agencies door. It was now approximately two hours after you left the Jeon residence which was an actual pain in the ass to leave considering there was people guarding the gate and no one really wanted to wake up Jungkook to ask him for permission to allow you to leave. After about 30 minutes of back to back chitchat between you and the guards, you were allowed to leave. "Jin! I'm so sorry!" You sob running into his arms and he pats your back comfortingly. "Don't apologise! I'm just glad you're okay." You both pull back from the brief embrace, gazing at each other with a warm smile. "Thanks, Jin…I promise I'll make it up to you and (b/f/n)!" You murmur, feeling guilt wash over you. "No seriously it's okay! We're both just glad that you're safe-"
Jin’s words seem to be getting distance as you ponder on what Jungkook was doing right now. The whole Uber ride you couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook. It was like he was consuming you in every way possible and you couldn't shake the thought of him out of your head. You pondered if he has woken up yet and what he would think when he saw you missing. His presence lingers.  Your muscles were sore and your heat was still aching.  Memories of Jungkook staying imprinted in your mind and you secretly didn’t want to forget anything that has happened with Jungkook.
“(Y/N) you have arrived.” Namjoon’s stern voice echoes throughout the agencies entrance and you fix your posture immediately as soon as your in his presence. “I-I’m sorry for being late Mr Kim.” You apologise in a dejected tone as you place a hand against the side of your neck to cover a few marks left on your skin by Jungkook without being too obvious. Jin’s eyes widen in shock at the hickeys peeking out of your shirt. "We'll talk in here." Namjoon barely pays your timid attitude any mind as he ushers both you and Jin into his office. "You couldn't get yourself a turtleneck before you came?" Jin teasing whispers in your ear as you both follow behind Namjoon. "Shut up." You spat at him as he looks at you with a shit eating grin. "At least you're okay." He muttered patting you gently on the arm. "I have set up the evidence I've gathered on my pin board," Namjoon says while pointing towards his pinboard which was covered in articles, photos and papers. You feel your heartache painfully when your eyes land on a photograph of Jungkook on there.
"There is security footage of Brooks leaving full moon…she appears to be with Jeon Jungkook. Although the club refused to give us the actual footage there are numerous witnesses that have identified Jungkook as a potential suspect. I have also gathered some past articles on the Jeon family and their past criminal history doesn't look very good. I used to investigate this family and to be honest, I'm not very surprised that it's Jungkook."
The more Namjoon talks the more you feel the need to cry.  Jin notices your expression falter under Namjoon's stern voice and he exhales inaudibly not being able to bare your hurt expression. "Jungkook took a few anatomy classes in College which makes sense on how he knows where to slice his victims and he was under arrest a couple of times in the past on several drug and assault charges but was released on bail every time. Even though, I'm positive that Jungkook is suspect we still need to interview a few close friends. This case is going to be one of the most difficult cases to deal with appropriately. The reason why I chose both of you as detectives for this case is that you are both experienced and smart enough to handle it. I have high hopes for the both of you. "
“Yes, sir.”
"At this point of the investigation, I am certain that Jungkook is the one killing all these women and men. What I need from you both now is to go home and get some rest up for the day and to come in tomorrow with a fresh start so we can come up with an appropriate and more efficient strategy on how we are going to handle this situation. You both look extremely exhausted and won't be able to work to the standard that I need from the both of you right now. Do not be late tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?" Namjoon's stern voice and face doesn't leave any room for disagreements. He peers at both you and Jin with the same serious and superior persona.
“Yes, sir!”
“You are both dismissed.”
"Father, why do you hate me so much?" Jungkook asks meekly as he lets his father beat him to a pulp. Blood gushing out from his nose and a bruise forming on both sides of his face. Jungkook is merely a child who was getting used to his father’s abuse. He cries as he tries to fend off his alcoholic father. “It’s all your fault…” His father mutters while hiccupping, as he swings his bottle of whisky at a terrified Jungkook who barely dodges the bottle. The glass shattering everywhere and slicing Jungkook’s skin on his arms and legs. “F-Father Please!”
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A SON!" His father shouts in resentment as he wobbles over to Jungkook, who tries to scramble away from but ends up cutting himself even further from the glass shattered on the ground. "It's because of you that she died. You were a murderer at birth. I fucking can't stand you. I fucking hate you."
Jungkook sits up on his bed waking up with a start. His chest heaving up and down as he inhales and exhales harshly. His heart racing in his chest as the built-up sweat on his forehead drips down the side of his face. He shuts his eyes grimacing from the sunlight streaking through his large window. "Fuck…it was just a dream." He murmurs to himself in relief as he steadies his breathing with a racing heart. Placing the palm of his hand over his eyes as they adjust to the daylight.
"Jungkook! You up man?" Jimin walks into Jungkook's room standing his door with a cup of coffee his hand. He smirks at the latter before leaning against the door frame while crossing his legs. "Jimin? What the fuck are you doing here?" Jungkook asks barely acknowledging him as he stretches out his tense muscles. Jimin chuckles before taking a sip of the coffee in his hands. "Had a good night last night?" Jimin's questions make Jungkook recollect his memory. "(Y/n)." He glances down at the side of the bed, frowning when he finds it empty.
"If you're looking for (Y/n), she left early this morning. She was a complete mess when I saw her. I can imagine you had a good time last night…huh, Kooky?" Jimin says smirking at Jungkook who pulls up his covers, sliding out of the comfort of his bed. "What time did she leave?" Jungkook asks bending down and putting on some sweatpants. He was incredibly pissed that you had left without his knowledge. Jimin tenses his face as he thinks. "About 5 in the morning." Jungkook retraces his memory and his smile is unknowingly warm as he thinks about you and what you both experienced the night before. Jimin peers at Jungkook with a shocked expression on his face. Almost dropping his cup at the sight. Jungkook's smile was so sincere and radiant.  Jimin was, in fact, witnessing right now one of the most genuine smiles he's ever seen coming from Jungkook in a very long time. "I didn't want to kill her…I didn't want her to leave me, to be honest with you." Jungkook mutters as a grin spreads across his lips. "I love seeing you this happy Jungkook…but I wouldn't be so fond of her just yet." Jungkook raises an eyebrow at Jimin as he sighs with unease. "There is something that Hoseok found out this morning about Jin and (Y/N)…and I don't really think you're going to like it." Jungkook stares at Jimin with hooded eyes. His jaw tightens as he grinds his teeth in thought. "Where's Hoseok?"
"He's downstairs eating breakfast with the rest of the crew."
"I actually liked Seokjin. It's honestly such a pity." Taehyung chuckles as he chews obnoxiously loud on his blueberry pancakes. "We were pretty close in college," Jimin says pouting slightly. "So how are you planning on killing them Jungkook?" Jungkook barely grazes his food as he stares at his plate lost for words. The whole table is tense and Jimin exhales in discomfort for what felt like the 10th time that morning. “I can’t believe they work for Namjoon of all people.” Yoongi murmurs after downing his glass of orange juice. “Yeah, Namjoon has been investigating the Jeon family for years. Wasn’t he the one to place both you and your dad in jail before? He’s a really good detective.” Taehyung murmurs as he continues to chew his food. “(Y/N) must be a good detective too if she’s working for him. Namjoon is a perfectionist.” Yoongi adds as he glances at Jungkook with a raised eyebrow. “If they didn’t work for Namjoon, Jungkook probably would of let them go…” Hoseok smirks as he stares at Jungkook, who glares back at him in response. “What are you gonna do Jungkook?”
Jungkook couldn't help but feel disappointed but he didn't really know what he was expecting from you anyway. Even if you didn't lie to him, why would someone like you want to be someone as messed up like him?  Jungkook wanted you though and that was something he couldn't completely deny. "Don't tell me you got a little crush on the detective?" Yoongi mumbles playing with his breakfast. "Hey, she was hot though." Taehyung states chuckling which causes an irk of irritation to bubble in Jungkook. "Jungkook…don't forget that she works for Namjoon," Hoseok states as he observes Jungkook's conflicted appearance. "I know that." He mutters before abruptly standing onto his feet. "Hoseok give me a copy of her details. I'm going to handle her myself."
“Whatever you say, Bro.”
"Wow, Namjoon can be so scary sometimes," Jin mutters as he is driving you home. "I can't believe its Jungkook. I knew he was messed up but not that messed up. It was kind of awkward after you left the club with him. Jimin had this weird change in personality and the others just kept snorting cocaine and getting drunk. I'm honestly surprised they didn't die of alcohol poisoning." You glance out the car window not really in the mood to be talking about last night. "Let's just not talk about last night." You murmur resting your chin on the palm of your hand. "Okay…But I'm curious to know how you and Jungkook left together last night." Your breath hitches your throat at Jin's words. “Please...let’s just drop this conversation.” You murmur as you watch Jin glance down at your phone charging in his car.  
"I think your phones vibrating (Y/N)," Jin says not taking his eyes off the road and you nod your head in response even though he couldn't see you. Someone was calling you on no caller id and you were praying it wasn't a scammer or something to annoy you even more than you already were at that very moment.
"Hey, babe…I missed you this morning." Your eyes widen in shock at the sound of the familiar pet name and husky voice belonging to the very person that was occupying your thoughts.
"J-Jungkook?" You exclaim and Jin swerves on the road. "WHAT? JUNGKOOK? AS IN JEON JUNGKOOK!?" Jin exclaims and you glare at him while placing an index finger against your lip to shush him in response. "It's me, baby. It's so good hearing your voice. I'm getting hard just remembering you screaming my name over and over again last night…" Your face flushes at his shameless response and Jin looks at you mortified. You open and close your mouth not really knowing how to respond to his lewd comment. "I owe you a shirt and don’t forget that you owe me morning sex." Jungkook chuckles. Your fingers clench your phone harder in response. "I-I-Jungkook- Forget about the shirt and I-I don't really owe you anything…"
"Is something wrong (Y/N)? Is there a reason you left so hastily this morning?" The questions catches you even more off guard and when you don't reply he breaks the awkward silence with a chilling laugh. "I supposed you don't owe me morning sex but it really is a pity…I really wanted to get my hands on you and pleasure you past your breaking point just like how I did last night…I know you want me (Y/N) …However, it really is a shame that you do in fact owe me one important explanation…"
"Explanation? I-I don't know what you are talking about." You hurriedly say to him with your chest squeezing in agony. "Tsk, Tsk. Playing dumb now, are we? Oh, beautiful (Y/n). What am I going to do with you?" You gulp embarrassingly loudly as you ponder over his words. He didn’t know you were a detective? Did he?
Jin glances at you multiple times, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. You glance at Jin in distress. "Jungkook…H-How did you even get my number?" There is a slight pause on the line before he exhales in annoyance.
“Listen, I’ll be frank with you (Y/N). I know that both you and Jin lied to me last night. I just want you to know that you ought to be careful when playing in my wicked games…who will win I wonder?”
You feel your breathing become heavier as he sighs into the phone. "Be very careful baby girl. You shouldn't be messing with the wrong kind of people. It will be a shame if something bad was to happen to you. We wouldn't want you getting hurt now do we?"
You hang up abruptly. Your chest contorting painfully as become overcome with emotion. Jin is the first person to break the silence by clearing his throat. "So…you and Jungkook really did hook up last night?" You exhale quietly, in a pathetic attempt to calm your nerves before glancing at him gloomily.
"Yes, Jin…We hooked up."
The silence returns as Jin averts his gaze back on the road. You watch him silently as he presses his lips tightly together face looking like he was deep in thought. His index fingers tap lightly on the steering wheel as he puckers his lips. You knew that familiar cheeky expression on his face.
“So…” He starts glancing back at you with a not so discrete smirk forming on his handsome face. “Was he good at least?”
You have never felt so physically and mentally exhausted as you enter your home, nearly dropping dead asleep on the hard floor. First, you had endured everything that has happened with Jungkook and then has to survive Jin's teasing the whole drive home. You slept for a solid 3 hours before you were stirred awake from the ringing coming off your phone. You groan as you groggily search for your phone by tapping on your bed with your eyes closed. Once you made contact with it, you answered it without even bothering to look at the caller id. “Hello?” You sleepily respond, getting agitated by the silence coming from the other end.
“Open your front door, sweetheart.”
Your eyes widened at the sound of Jungkook’s voice. Your whole body jolting forward now fully awake. “Jungkook-“
You were interrupted by the sound of beeping. He had hung up on you. You grew tense as you debated whether or not to open your front door or contact someone for help. There was a subtle knock on the door which made you flinch in fear. You quietly crawled out of bed, rushing to your side table, opening the top drawer to grab your handgun which was fully loaded. You were trained for these sort of events. You crept towards your front door, holding your pistol in both hands. You were silently baffled by the absence of a shadow outside your front door. Your heart races as you felt the adrenaline kick in. Your grips on the door handle it tight and you say a quick prayer before swinging the door open and pointing your gun to nothing. You stood there with your hands trembling as you scan your surroundings completely bewildered at no one being in sight. You keep your gun in your hands as you step forward eyes landing on a single package in front of you. You peer at the package with suspicion as you read the note stuck on the front.
“I hope you like your new shirt baby girl. I had to get you only the finest of quality. Think of me.”
-      Jeon Jungkook
The call with Jungkook leaves you feeling scared and exhausted. Only he could play with your emotions as much as he did. He even had the nerve to write ‘Think of me,’ at the end as if you weren’t thinking about him enough already. One minute he was making you drown in pleasure the next minute he leaves you sobbing in fear on your cold bathroom floor. Only a few hours after you got home a package came from Jungkook with a brand new designer dress shirt in your exact size. The shirt is branded and is something that you have never ever imagined yourself owning. Not only did he have your number, he knew where you lived as well. How he got his hands on this information makes you terrified.  
“What the fuck are you playing at Jeon Jungkook?”
After the package came you decide to call Jin and let him know of the events that have happened tonight. Jin was apologetic, to say the least after informing you that he was at the hospital with his girlfriend who was experiencing immense pain in her abdomen and couldn't stay the night with you.  You felt your heart race as you told him it was fine and that you were fine when you really weren't. Hanging up the phone you open your laptop instead, reading through every one of Jungkook's suspected murder cases. You felt a panic attack start to happen as you felt emotionally wrecked. The gruesome details of what he has done to his victims has you feeling nauseous. You weren't as terrified of the thought of Jungkook harming you as terrified as you were at the thought of yourself having some deep feelings for him. You almost felt emotionally attached to him and in a way, you haven't felt towards anyone else before.
"Am I spending the night?" You ask cautiously and Jungkook's rested eyes fluttered open quickly after those words leave your lips. "Yeah. I don't want you going anywhere."
Thoughts of Jungkook comes to you in waves as you retrace the places Jungkook kissed and caressed on your body. You are almost breathless as run your needy fingers over the parts of your body that showed attention which was almost every part of your body. You felt a familiar heat rush to your core and you tried your hardest to resist touching yourself at the thought of him pleasuring you. You exhale in shakily as you slide your fingers inside your shorts. Right before you could circle your clit there was a slight knock to at your door. You are startled when a knock at your door pulls you of your thoughts. You quickly remove your hand that was inside your shorts. Your thoughts become clouded as you swing your legs over the side of your bed. Your feet padded on the ground quietly as you make your way to the front door. It could be Jin and (B/F/N) but as your hand makes contact with the door handle and you pause in your tracks. What if it was Jungkook?
You are frantically rushing back to your room to grab your hand pistol when there is another knock at the door. Swallowing your fear you grasp onto your pistol with trembling hands. You hurriedly rush back to open the door, you point your gun at the persons face and you are wide-eyed at the sight of Jungkook standing leisurely at your front door wearing a suit. He is wearing an even fancier looking suit than last time, which looks absolutely dashing on him. He smirks when he sees your stern face. You almost falter at his gorgeous appearance. Your hands shaking at you point your gun at him. "What the fuck are you doing here?"  You question him breathlessly and Jungkook chuckles quietly. "I came to see you of course," Jungkook answers you with a laid-back demeanour, not even a little bit fazed by your gun is pointed at his face. "J-Jungkook…" You stammer as he steps forward. "You look just as inviting as the first night I met you," Jungkook says sighing quietly as his eyes roam your appearance. You weren’t wearing anything fancy. Just a t-shirt and a pair of comfortable short shorts that you wear to bed. You almost blush in embarrassment at how underdressed you were compared to his attire. "Absolutely gorgeous." You flush at his compliment your stern expression cracking as you falter under his intense gaze. "Leave here! Before I-I shoot you. I won’t hesitate to shoot." Your attempt at scaring him didn't seem to work as he chuckles again this time a little louder as he lunges towards you. You pull the trigger missing him as he lifts your hands above your head. Your eyes widen in shock at his speed. His hold on your arms begins to ache as he squeezes your flesh tightly.  
"AH! Let go of me!" You cry out in pain as Jungkook walks you backwards, back into your home. He kicks your door close with his foot as he steps inside. Your hold on the gun becomes weak and Jungkook hits it out of your hands. You yelp in fear as you watch the handgun slide across your living room. "That's not how you greet someone baby girl." You struggle in his hold and Jungkook exhales in annoyance. "LET ME GO! YOU-YOU MURDER!" Your words make Jungkook heart twinge in pain and he glares at you with hooded eyes. His jaw tensing as he pushes you down onto your couch. "L-Let me go! Get off of me!" You screech, feeling warm tears slide down your cheeks. “Just leave me alone!”Jungkook's eyes widened at the sight of your tears, your face contorting in pain. His hold on your wrists loosens slightly as he stares at you dejectedly. "J-Jungkook…" You whisper as he moves his face closer to yours. You stare at him wide-eyed as the tears stop running down your face. "J-Jungkook what-" You watch his handsome face inch closer as the familiar smell of his cologne sets you surprisingly at ease. He shushes you and you watch him completely mesmerised as his thumb soothes the skin at your wrists that had a red mark on them from him squeezing your wrists too tightly.
"I'm sorry…" He whispers before pressing his lips to yours. It takes you a moment to realise that he was kissing you. You stop struggling altogether as you slowly close your eyes shut, completely immersing yourself into the kiss. His taste and the familiar sensation of his lips on your own has you seeing stars. You felt warmth rush to your heat and he deepens the kiss when he realises you weren't going to resist. He smiles against your lips and you feel your heart flutter at the action. When you both pull apart he peers at you with a surprising soft expression. You scan his face, taking in every single detail you possibly could and imprinting it into your mind. "(Y/N)…" The way he says your name makes you weak and you look up at him curiously. "Yes?" You whisper, unconsciously smiling as Jungkook intertwines his fingers with yours. He looks conflicted as he debates whether or not to continue with what he was about to say. You usher him on by tightening your hold on his hands. Jungkook looks down at you surprised by your actions and you force a small smile up at him in response.
"I-I think I'm in love with you."  He confesses just above a whisper and you feel butterflies begin to form in your stomach as he presses another soft kiss to your temple. "I can't stop thinking about you…" He continues eyes taking in your appearance as you look up at him nervously. "I-I have done a lot of bad things in the past to both men and women. I know you know about everything that I have done and I am not mad at you for resenting me because of it…I thought about everything and I thought about you." His words make your eyes water as you let him continue quietly. "I-I love you. So I'm not going to hurt you…but I do need one favour from you." You raise an eyebrow at him confused by his words. Jungkook waits for you to respond and you ponder over his words feeling nervous over what that favour could be. "And what exactly would that favour be?" You ask trying your best not to stutter and he smiles down at you sorrowfully. His expression is similar to the one he was making when he was having a nightmare the night before and it was painful enough to make your heartbreak. "What is it Jungkook?" You ask quietly waiting patiently for him to respond. "I need you to be the one to kill me." Jungkook's words leave you speechless and you felt your heart constrict in your chest painfully. "W-What?" You ask praying that you heard him wrong.
"I don't see any other way around it (Y/N)…If I get caught by police I'll serve multiple life sentences, or get sentenced to death either way…I don't care if I die. I do not value my life but I value yours. I don't want you to lose your job and If I am going to die anyway I need you to be the one to kill me. Please (Y/N)…Kill me. Put me out of my misery. I don't want to hurt anymore."
You both stare at each other silently, you feel tears stream down your face as you untangle your hands from Jungkook’s. Jungkook’s eyes widen in shock and disappointment but that is quick to change as you wrap your arms around his neck instead. “Let’s just not talk about this right now…Just please kiss me Jungkook." You bring his face closer to yours and you passionately press your lips against his. His lips curl into a smile as he kisses you back with just as much passion. As you both continue to lip lock, your thoughts drift. Jungkook had everything. He was smart, good-looking, wealthy, practically good at everything he did and he even had lots of friends. Even people like him can be unhappy and that was a huge eye opener for you. You weren't the only one suffering, even people like Jungkook had their own fair share of problems. Pushing his past mistakes aside for the moment, all you wanted right now was the comfort and you wanted nothing more than to comfort him too. You despised yourself but it looks like Jungkook despised himself even more.
“Can I stay the night?” Jungkook whispers against your lips and you nod eagerly. “Please don’t go anywhere.” You whisper back before smiling up at him. “Stay with me.” Jungkook kisses you fervently, your tongues meeting and his hands run down your body. The familiarity of the situation makes you feel hot and anticipating eagerly for what’s to come. It was the same Jungkook just this time he was being more gentle. His hands slide up your shirt and he groans into your mouth at the feeling of your bare breasts. “I want to put my arms around you. I want to hold you.” Jungkook murmurs against your lips as he kisses jaw and trails wet kisses down your neck. “Look at you. You look so pretty with my marks all over your body. Do you know you left scratches on my back too?” He smirks at the sight of the hickeys he left the night before. “Fuck…” Jungkook growls feeling his heart race as he retraces his steps and you want nothing more than to feel him buried inside you. “You left way too many marks, you idiot.” Jungkook chuckles sweetly and you grin down at him as he curls his fingers at the bottom of your shirt. “Lift your arms up beautiful.” You smile at his command and lift your hands up, so he could easily tug your shirt off your body. He groans at the sight of your naked chest. “I love everything about you.” Your nipples perky and breasts covered in his love bites. He is quick to latch onto your right nipple, his other hand grabbing and fondling with the other. You moan shamelessly loud as he gives the other the same attention. He is unfazed by your hands grabbing at his locks and he smirks against your chest. “Just like that baby. Let me hear you. Let me hear how good I’m making you feel.”
"Jungkook, please…I need you." Jungkook growls as he kisses his way to the waistband of your shorts. "F-Fuck… you're so fucking hot." He groans as he pulls both your shorts and panties off in one swift motion. You are laying there completely bare below him and his eyes filled with lust as you sit up to tug off his blazer and unbutton his white collared shirt. “What’s the rush sweetheart?” Jungkook chuckles at your eagerness and helps you unbutton his shirt. “I can’t be the only one naked.” You flush under his intense gaze and he shrugs everything off besides his tie. You unbuckle his belt and pull down the zipper of his dress pants and he stands up momentarily to tug his pants and underwear off. Your mouth waters at the sight of his thick and long length. You still can’t get over his size. He winks at you teasingly before tugging his shoes and socks off his feet. You tug him back down onto you with a pull to his tie and he bites his lips at your sexy appearance and actions. You make him sit on the couch as you straddle him keenly. Jungkook lets you push him down and he grabs your hips.
“Fuck baby are you going to ride me?” Jungkook smirks as you look up at him through your lashes. Your fingers are wrapped with his tie as you align him to your entrance with your other free hand. Your wetness starts coating Jungkook’s length and Jungkook groans at the feeling. “Are you sure you don’t want me to eat you out?” Jungkook asks stroking a hand over your thigh. Making goose bumps appear on the skin he caresses. The offer was so tempting but you were in desperate need of his cock stretching you out more than anything.  “No. I just really want your cock.” You teasingly murmur, causing Jungkook to bite down hard onto his bottom lip.“Fuck, take my cock baby. It’s all yours.” You pressed together chest to chest and you feel your sensitive nipples make contact with his strong muscular chest. You both moan loudly as you sink down on him. You take a moment to adjust to his size. The stretch is incredible. Jungkook peers at you with lust filled eyes.
“S-Shit.” Jungkook huskily moans as your mouth hangs open. He bites onto your neck and you hold onto his shoulders tightly. "You are so fucking tight." He groans throwing his head back as he holds your hips. "And you're so fucking big." You moan as you start to bounce. Jungkook eggs you on by meeting your hips with his thrusts from below. You feel his length stretching you out deliciously and Jungkook loves the way your sucking him right back up. You continue riding him sensually and Jungkook moans as you tighten around him surprising fast. "F-Fuck you feel so good." Jungkook groans and you nod your head as he meets your thrusts. You gyrate your hips as he hits your spot every single time. You feel your orgasm approaching and he uses his thumb to rub at your clit. You shudder and tremble as you become overwhelmed in familiar pleasure. “Fuck Jungkook!” You cry out in pleasure as your orgasm hits you hard. He holds you steady as you began to quiver uncontrollably in pleasure. Jungkook feels himself chase his own orgasm at the sight of your orgasm and he growls before pulling his length out of you and releasing all over your stomach. You both pant against each other. Your gaze locked on each other. You feel emotions build up in your chest as the adoration you already felt for him starts to grow.
You sit on top of him as you catch your breath. You watch Jungkook's chest rise and fall as he breathlessly chuckles. You smile down at him chuckling with him. Your hand still wrapped in his tie. Jungkook's grip on either side of your hips loosens as he watches you with hooded eyes. "I'm not gonna lie…" You say kissing Jungkook softly on his swollen lips. "I'm kind of liking this wicked game of yours. Even if it does end up killing me."
✎ to be continued ...
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dimpled-gukkie · 5 years
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moodboard by @euphoriajjkook
Pairing: Surfer!Park Jimin x Coffee shop worker!Reader (feat. sarcastic commentary from Jeon Jungkook)
Genre: fluff, college au and coffee shop au
Warnings: none 
word count: 5k
Summary: You work at the local coffee shop in an empty seaside town. Jimin is a local surfer that has an affinity for buying coffee even though he doesn’t really like it. In a series of shameless flirting, does he get the girl?
A/n: Happy birthday @i-am-today-we-will-survive!!!! Thank you for being my ghost bestie and someone who I could always go to if I needed advice. I’ve talked more to you about my feelings than anyone else and I couldn’t ask for a better first online friend. Anyways, I love you and I hope you have a great day! P.s. I had this planned before you told me about the Tae fic and when you did I laughed really hard bc we really are the same 
The early morning breeze curls around you, tangling itself in your hair as you walk to the small cafe to start your opening shift. The sound of crashing waves fills the air and you sigh, getting lost amongst the beauty of a seaside town. Although many find places like this only suitable for the summer, you love it. You welcome the quiet mornings of the fall, when the snowbirds are gone and you can get lost amongst your thoughts without worrying about running into someone. Unlocking the shop, the bell tinkles above you softly, something you’re grateful for since it is only five o’clock in the morning. Turning on the lights you get started on the day, grounding the coffee beans and setting up the machines. You expect to be alone for a few hours since most of your town just consists of college students now and no one wants to wake up this early but you’re surprised by that familiar chime. Turning around, you’re faced to with a sandy haired boy, both literally and figuratively, beaming at you as water drips from the ends of his hair onto the polished floor. A wet suit clings to his frame and you almost choke on your spit at his defined abdominal muscles and taut arms. Quickly avoiding his gaze you hurry towards the register, keeping your gaze facing towards the keys rather than the boy to hide your frazzled nature. “What can I get you?” You ask, still refusing to meet his gaze. 
“What would you suggest?” He replies flirty, leaning against the counter to press his chin into his palm. You glance up at the movement and a chesire cat-like grin stretches across his face as he takes in your flustered state. 
“Uh…Caramel Macchiato?” His laugh sounds like literal angels and you can’t help but want to hate him for being so perfect. 
“For someone who works in a coffee shop, you sure do seem unsure about coffee.” His eyes twinkle, glittering as brightly as the silver rings on his fingers. Chubby fingers that seem like they’d be so nice and warm to hold that you almost want to reach out and- what are you saying? You’ve just met this boy, you don’t even know his name, and yet you’re already thinking about holding his hand? 
“What can I say? I’m only intelligible after two coffees.” The boy’s grin grows even wider, teeth pearly white like ocean foam, and his eyes turn into sweet crescents. You can’t help but smile back when faced with such an ethereal sight. 
“I’ll take three caramel macchiatos to-go then.” 
“Jimin.” Fitting. A cute name for a cute boy. The conversation cuts there, although Jimin does hum while you make the drinks. Normally you’d be rushing to make them, clumsily clanking dishes together in an effort to get the customer out of the shop to kill the suffocating silence but with Jimin you feel fine, relaxed even. Maybe it’s because of his warm honey hair and eyes. When the drinks are made, you bring them over to the counter where Jimin twirls a stick meant for stirring your drink between his fingers. 
“Here you go.” You smile, gently pushing them towards him. Your smile falls however when Jimin places his hands over yours and pushes two cups back towards you, only taking one for himself. “Did I do something wrong? Do you not want them?” You ask, crease between your brows defined from your confusion. 
“Nope.” He smiles, taking a sip of his drink before groaning. “Damn that’s good. See you around…Y/n.” Your hands remained wrapped around the drink and only after he’s out of the shop, waving at you through the window when he stops to pick up his surfboard leaning against it, do you bother taking them away. A napkin flutters gently against the counter, one you didn’t even realize he stuck onto your hand. Picking it up, you can’t help but laugh and look away, all while grinning bashfully. ‘Hold onto this until you finish the drinks. Wanna make sure you remember me once you’re intelligible. -Jimin”. It’s complete with a wink and a heart placed delicately in the corner.  
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You hurry out of the shop after your shift is over, running off to your first class of the day. When you get to the lecture hall, Jungkook pats the seat next to him and you slide into it, taking a deep breath to relax your rapid heart. “You look like you just ran a marathon.” Jungkook remarks, reaching down to hand you his water bottle from under the table. 
“That’s because it feels like I did.” You tell him, guzzling down half his water causing him to whine. 
“Y/n, don’t drink it all.” You roll your eyes and pull your lips away from the bottle, offering to buy him a new one after class. 
“How about boba instead? Don’t you have a thirty minute break between classes?” Jungkook’s doe eyes become increasingly wider as he gives you his best puppy dog eyes. 
“I see. When it’s your money I can’t even drink half your water but when it’s mine you want a $5 drink.” You tease, already kissing goodbye the last few dollars you have to your name. At least you get your paycheck at the end of the week to replenish your dry bank account.
“Is that a yes?” Jungkook perks up, disregarding your sarcasm. When you nod he cheers, a bunny smile dimpling his cheeks while he claps his hands excitedly. You can’t help the fond smile taking over your face as you watch the him do a happy dance in his seat. Jungkook is like your excitable little brother. The type where you just want to pinch his cheeks and protect him from everything bad in the world. 
“Thanks Y/n!” He chirps, before falling silent when your professor enters the room. As he drones on about the Psychosexual stages you can’t help your mind drifting on to the new patron from this morning. The one with the iron-clad thighs and bright smile. 
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You don’t expect to see the object of your daydreams at the boba shop when you enter but yet here he is. He’s not in a wet suit anymore, instead in a pair of what you assume to be board shorts and an oversized white shirt. It amazes you how despite the lackluster outfit you still can’t help but stare completely enraptured with his beauty.  Jungkook nudges you to break your attention from Jimin and you lick your lips nervously at being caught. “Wipe your chin. You’re drooling.” He snickers and you hastily wipe at your chin only to discover nothing is there. 
“You brat.” You growl loud enough to gain Jimin’s attention. 
“Oh hey!” He smiles, cheeks doubting in size as the corners of his mouth push them up. 
“Hi.” You wave shyly, looking behind him at Jungkook’s smug smile. It’s moments like this where he watches your suffering that you wonder just why you’re best friends in the first place. 
“I was hoping to see you tomorrow but this is much better.” Despite his blatant flirting and confidence seeming to exude from his very being, a small blush rises at his words. Your heart stumbles a bit, endeared by his newfound bashfulness. You two stare at each other, you unsure what to say and Jimin smiling softly at you before Jungkook interrupts. 
“I hate to break this umm.. moment but I’m thirsty and she needs to get to class.” 
“Oh right sorry.” Jimin apologizes, immediately stepping aside to let you reach the counter. You glance back again at Jimin to find him still staring, smilingly shyly at you when you make eye contact again. “I guess I should go. See you tomorrow Y/n?” His gaze is somewhat hopefully and your heart starts racing at the implication. 
“Yeah sure. See you then Jimin.” His smile brightens as his name passes your lips and you’re sure in that moment you gave him the key to his heart. One he gladly took as he slowly walks over to grab his drink, winking at you one last time before finally leaving the shop. 
“I think I’m going to die of dehydration by the time I finally get my drink.” Jungkook whines, looking longingly at the poster of the latest special.
“You could’ve ordered yourself you know?” You roll your eyes at his dramatics, checking the time on your phone. You have ten minutes to get to your next class, surely that’s enough time? Except Jungkook orders the most complex thing on the menu which you’re sure is a punishment for “nearly making him die of thirst”, so you end up sprinting across campus, your drink remaining untouched until you’re panting in your seat, cursing Jungkook’s name with each sip you take. 
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Jimin surprises you by actually showing up the next day, once again in his wetsuit. His hair curls as the ocean water clings to it, a few tendrils plastered to his forehead that he tries to brush away with his hand. Tickles of sea water run down his face, curving around his jaw to trickle down his neck and down the planes of his chest. You lick your lips and swallow rather loudly, embarrassed because you know Jimin saw you and also because you’ve never wished to be a drop of water until this moment. “I missed you.” Jimin says, leaning against the counter and placing his chin into his palm. 
“That so?” You ask, struggling to hide the smirk on your face. Jimin’s confidence is infectious and you feel yourself becoming more emboldened by his affection by the second. 
“Did you miss me?” He asks coyly, lips curling into a smirk as he expects the answer to be a yes. Too bad for him you’re stubborn and refuse to give him the satisfaction. 
“Nope.” You pop the p for extra emphasis, busying yourself with one of the machines to not have to look at his growing pout. 
“Pouting won’t get you anywhere, you know?” You tease, turning back towards him to pinch his jutted bottom lip between your fingers. 
“Not even when you’re this cute?” He places his hands under his chin and flutters his lashes at you, eyes puppy dog wide and full of innocence. 
“Afraid not.” You pat his head sympathetically. 
“Hmm… you’re a pretty good liar but I can see it in your eyes.” Sinking down onto your elbows you make direct eye contact. Jimin’s face os mere inches from your and it takes everything in you not to turn away. Tension begins to cloud the air around you but you’re too stubborn to break it. 
“And what just do my eyes say?” You cock your head slightly to the side. 
“That you find me attractive. Angelic even.” He winks, grin spreading so far across his face that his cheeks become bread-like and oh-so-pinchable. You stand up then at his words, too flustered at the fact that you’re caught to pretend that you don’t think Jimin is the most attractive man you’ve ever seen. You’re many things, but a liar isn’t one. Let alone a good one. 
“Maybe I do.” You mutter and he freezes like you just took his breath away, the same he does to you every time he enters the cafe. His cheeks dust a light rose color, similar to the one making its way across your own face since you weren’t expecting him to hear you, and you fiddle with the stack of to-go cups to divert your attention away from the beaming boy. “Anyways,” You say, clearing your throat. “what can I get you?” 
“Two caramel macchiatos.” You’re grateful that Jimin doesn’t bother to tease you about your slight confession but can’t help deflating a little because you were hoping he’d say three. That he’d buy you coffee just so he could leave you a greasy note on a napkin that leaves you a happy mess for the rest of the day. Maybe this was his subtle way of rejecting you?
“Oh, okay.” Grabbing the two cups, you turn to head to make the drinks but Jimin’s voice stops you. 
“Aren’t you gonna write my name on it?” He whines and you roll your eyes. 
“Honey bunches or babe?” Jimin asks and your head snaps up in confusion. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Which, which would you prefer? If someone were to uhh…call you that? Hypothetically of course.” He turns shy under your gaze, fiddling with his fingers and chewing his lower lip between his teeth. His new shy demeanor is endearing, although you may have to charge him for physical therapy with this whiplash he’s giving you. It’s hard to keep up with the changes in demeanor. 
“Honey bunches. It’s cute.” 
“Write that then. On both, please.” You nod, scribbling the name onto both cups, silence falling between you two as you make the drinks. Jimin doesn’t bother humming this time, opting to instead inspect everything he can see. Which means he accidentally screws up the entire set-up for the creamer area with his fiddling but you’ll let it slide this time. 
“Here you go.” You say, faking a smile like you didn’t spend the entire time you made the drinks wondering just who this one cup was for. Just who was he calling honey bunches? Was he just being nice yesterday? He seemed too flirty to just be friendly but maybe you read them wrong. 
“Thanks. Well, have a nice day…honey bunches.” He says hurriedly, smiling shyly at you before running out of the shop. You stare at the spot he was just in like he’s still there, too stunned to comprehend what just happened. It takes you a few seconds to process everything, and you’re left standing there staring at two cups in your hand while grinning like an idiot. 
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Jimin has stopped by your cafe every morning for the past week, buying you two coffees despite your protests and each day your affection for him grows. Not only is he striking, but he’s also funny and kind. He helps you set up in the morning now, setting aside at least an hour each morning just to spend time with you. You’ve never been much of a morning person but with Jimin by your side you’re starting to grow fond of them. “So what’s your plan for today?” You ask Jimin, writing down the new week’s specials on the chalk board. 
Jimin sits next to you, doodling little images onto the board to make it look prettier. His tongue peeks out slightly between his plush lips, brows furrowed in concentration and you almost regret speaking and breaking him out of his trance. Seeing him so engrossed in his work is mesmerizing. “Probably going to head back out for a little while before going to class.” 
“Class?” You ask, completely dumbfounded. To be honest you thought Jimin was a bit of a beach bum, the only time you’ve ever seen him being after his morning surf and that one time in the boba shop. Plus on your small campus you surely would’ve seen him around. 
“Yeah. I’m studying pediatrics at the local university. Why do you seem surprised?” 
Your cheeks burn in shame, not wanting to tell Jimin why you were taken aback. “Didn’t realize you went here.” You mumble and Jimin nods. 
“You thought I just lived at the beach didn’t you?” He asks bluntly and your eyes blow wide at his words. Are you that easy to read? Gaze cast down to avoid his own, you nod your head slightly and Jimin laughs. 
“That’s alright, I know I give off that vibe. I like to surf in the morning for exercise. Gotta stay fit to be a doctor.” He smiles, patting your knee in assurance that he isn’t mad. Your body relaxes under his touch and even though his hand is gone within seconds you can still feel the weight of it on your skin. It’s comforting and you wish you had the courage to tell him to do it again and keep it there next time. But you don’t, so you just end up daydreaming about his hand on you while finishing the menu, eyes occasionally flicking to him every once in a while. 
When the sign is done and placed outside by the open door, you do one final sweep of the shop checking the clock for the time. It’s 6:50 which means the morning rush of college students should just begin trickling in. “Do you want anything to drink? For you this time.” You ask him and he nods, ordering a blended mocha. You immediately get to work, startling when you feel a presence behind you. Turning your head slightly you relax when you realize it’s just Jimin behind you and continue making his drink. He places his chin on your shoulder suddenly causing you to almost drop the entire container of milk.
“Woah! Careful there bunches.” His hands are placed over your own, his front pressed into your back since he rushed into you to catch the milk jug. You’re sure your whole face is on fire, Jimin’s warmth and scent encompassing you. He smiles at you when you turn your head to look at him, like he isn’t the culprit of your pounding heart and clammy hands. “You okay?” He asks softly, eyes roaming your body for any injury even though the assaulting item is in his hands, having not even really touched you. 
“Yeah.” Your voice is nearly a whisper, your mind still lost in the haze caused by Jimin’s body wrapped around your own. Swallowing thickly, you turn back to Jimin’s drink to try and get a grip on your thoughts. Jimin says nothing the whole time and you have to glance behind you just to make sure he’s still there. His hands are presses against the counter that he leans his back onto, eyes never leaving your frame as you rush around. Only when you finish, placing the drink in his hands does he bother to say anything. 
“Have you ever thought of surfing?” He asks, popping the straw in his mouth to busy himself while waiting for your answer. It almost seems like he’s nervous. 
“Yeah…” You mumble fiddling with your fingers. 
“But what?” Jimin pushes himself off the counter to stand upright and moves closer to you, making you look up to face him. 
“I’m scared of sharks.” You whine, covering your face with your hands and Jimin can’t help but chuckle. 
“Bunches, you’re so cute.” He coos, gently pulling your hands away from your face. “Hey it’s okay. I’ll protect you alright? I mean, have you seen these muscles?” Jimin flexes his bicep and pats his stomach like you don’t know he has abs under his wetsuit. The same wetsuit that nearly gives you a heart attack every time he comes in from the way it clings to his frame. The fondness in his gaze captures your attention rather than his body because you’ve never seen him look at you like that. It’s almost like you hold all the stars and you stay silent, wanting this moment to last forever. “Is that a yes?” He asks, hope swirling in his irises. 
“Yes.” His grin is as blinding as the sun outside and he hugs you in his excitement. You tense for a second before relaxing into him, wrapping your arms around his lower torso to pull him closer to you. He smells like ocean water and coconut, likely from the sunscreen he uses, and so distinctly Jimin that you can’t stop yourself from burying your nose into his chest. You miss the way he grins down at you and tightens his grip on your body, completely enraptured. 
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“Can you two just confess your love to each other so I don’t have to sit through your endless pining anymore?” Jungkook whines, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. You’re too busy watching Jimin teach the little kids how to surf to hear him. Several baby surfboards lay pressed into the sand as Jimin demonstrates how to properly paddle and jump up on the board. The children giggle as he must make some sort of joke and your heart warms at the sight of him laughing along with him. Your mind wanders to what Jimin would be like as a father and just when you’re getting to the good part Jungkook dumps half his water bottle on you. 
“Kook!” You scream, lurching up from your towel to scramble away from him. Your outburst gains the attention of some of the other visitors and you blush, especially when you hear Jimin call your name. 
“Just thought you needed to cool down.” He winks, nodding his head to Jimin who is now heading your way.
“I hate you.” You growl, flipping him off behind your back as you meet Jimin halfway. This feels almost like an episode of baywatch as shirtless Jimin jogs to you across the sand. muscles rippling under the sun, his hair gracefully flowing in the slight sea breeze. Except you have Jungkook cackling as your soundtrack. “Hi.” You say, becoming breathless when Jimin is only a few feet away. His bronze skin looks tantalizing, like he’s some sort of greek god and you wonder if maybe he is. 
“Hi.” Jimin sounds just as breathless, but you assume it must be the exertion of running in the sand. “What are you doing here bunches?” He asks curiously, cocking his head to the side. 
“Kook and I wanted to get some sun. Plus I thought I might take you up on that surf lesson.” You fiddle with the strands of your hair as you say it, the fear of rejection much too real. What if Jimin didn’t mean it? What if you read the signs wrong and he only likes you as a friend?
“Oh! Yeah okay. The lesson with the little ones is over in a half hour so I’ll just meet you afterwards.” You nod and Jimin smiles back at you. Eyes flicking to Jungkook who you’re sure is filming this whole thing to show you just how embarrassing it was later. “Is he gonna stay around the whole time?” 
“Maybe. Actually probably not. The separation anxiety between him and his video games is strong.” You laugh and Jimin seems to relax a little. 
“Good. I was hoping we’d be alone.” He smiles innocently, yet you can’t help but lick your lips in anticipation. His eyes dart down at the movement holding on your lips so that you bite on them anxiously. If you didn’t know any better you’d think he let out a small groan at the action. “I’ll see you in a bit okay? I-I have to get back to the littles.” Your heart grows two sizes as he jogs back to them and they tackle him into the sand in a hug. 
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You might throw up. Looking out into the crashing waves, a surfboard tucked under your arm, you can’t help but wonder what lurks beneath the waves. You know realistically you’re probably fine, that Jimin has surfed his whole life and hasn’t seen one but you can’t help the ominous feeling bubbling in your stomach. A warm hand is placed onto the small of your back and you jump, startled from your own thoughts. “I’ll be right here the whole time okay?” Jimin assures you, eyes boring into yours to show his seriousness. The hand on your back moves to grasp your own lightly, fingers intertwining as Jimin leads you to the water. You glance back hesitantly to where Jungkook sits and he throws you a thumbs up. Taking a deep breath you face back forward and tighten your grip on Jimin’s hand, letting him drag you into the depths. 
The water is slightly cold, similar temperature to your iced tea back at the shore that only has a few ice cubes in it since the rest have melted. It wraps around your hips, the waves lapping against you as the sea foam licks your skin. Jimin lets go of your hand and you whine, reaching out for him for comfort. “It’s alright bunches. We just gotta get on the board now. I’m still right here.” Jimin holds onto you board as you clamber on, knuckles nearly white from how tight you grip the edges. The water feels like it’s trying to buck you off as you move along with the wave and you realize this was a mistake. Just what did you get yourself into all for Jimin’s sweet smile and cute laugh? “Relax bunches.” Jimin says, leaning down onto the board you’re sprawled across to press his face right next to yours. His hand moves up to caress your cheek, pushing stray strands of hair of your face before roaming over your shoulder and down the slope of your back where it rubs small circles. You close your eyes at his ministrations, focusing on his touch rather than the movement of the waves. “You good?” Jimin asks after the rigidity in your body melts away. 
“Yeah. I’m ready.” Jimin grins back at you and you’re jealous by how relaxed he is. You guess it’s because this is his element, the same as you in the cafe. He backs up off the board and drags you out further into the ocean where the baby waves are. 
“I’m going to count to three and when I get to three start paddling okay? Stand up when you can feel the wave under you like we practiced out on the sand.” 
“I feel like this is a good time to mention I suck at skateboarding.” Jimin giggles, throwing himself into you, arms wrapping around your shoulders and face digging into your neck through his fit. You don’t know what to do so you just lay there on the board, blaming the blush on the sun and not the fact that he’s curled around you, and pat his arm hooked around your front. 
“Okay no more fun and games.” Jimin pulls away, suddenly serious. It’s go time baby.” Turning your board around so you’re facing the shore, Jimin holds onto the board as he watches the waves trying to pick out the perfect one. You wait for a minute, nerves buzzing in anticipation, before you hear him begin to count. You paddle as hard as you can and when you feel the wave begin to crest you scramble to your feet, well one foot since your other knee is on the board, but you don’t care because you’re surfing! Too caught up in the excitement you forget how to stop and tumble off the board into the water, pushing up off the sand to break the surface. 
“I did it! Jiminie did you see?!” You yell as Jimin hurries towards you, eyes slipping behind his grin. When he gets close enough he pulls you into him, strong arms wrapping around your lower back and pushing you into the air. 
“Good job baby!” He coos, eyes alight with pride. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it.” Your face flushes at the new pet name and you smile shyly at him. 
“Baby huh?” Jimin unwraps one hand from around you to scratch the back of his neck, nervously chewing on the bottom of his lip. 
“Well, yeah. If you want to be.” 
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend Park Jimin? Even though we haven’t been on a date yet?” You can’t help the grin taking over your face, elation pounding through your veins. Park Jimin likes you back. Park Jimin likes you. This beautiful boy who you’re pretty sure is actually an angel wants you. 
“Why do you think those mornings in the cafe were?” Jimin winks, giggling at the bashful look on your face. 
“So will you? Be my girlfriend I mean?” Jimin licks his lips and your eyes follow the movement wondering how they’d feel against your own. Well, you guess you better find out. Pressing your lips softly against his own instead of replying, you tighten your grip around Jimin’s neck, pulling his body closer to yours. His hands tangle into your hair as he kisses you harder, prying your lips open with his own, groaning when you tug onto his hair then- 
“Finally!” Jungkook screams causing you to break away startled. Turning around, Jungkook has all your stuff in his hands, dumping it onto the sand ten feet away from the ocean. “I have a feeling you’ll be here for a while and I’m bored so I’m leaving. See you later.” 
Turning back around you bury your face in Jimin’s neck, relishing in the warmth while also hiding from the world because you really just made out on a public beach. “So was that a yes?” Jimin asks and you roll your eyes but smile nonetheless. Pulling away you give his neck a light peck before moving back and kissing his nose. 
“Yes Jimin, that’s a yes.” 
“Wow, who would’ve guessed I’d have the world’s cutest girlfriend?” 
“Who would’ve guessed I’d have the world’s hottest boyfriend?” 
“Eww, that was greasy.” Jimin whines but the way his grip tightens around you and his grin grows you know he liked the praise. You’re about to say something else, something snarky, but a shadow catches your attention. A rather large shadow that’s moving slowly through the water and heading right towards you. Your body goes stiff and your hands shake as you point the shadow out to Jimin. 
“Jiminie is-is that what I think it is?” Your voice trembles and Jimin rolls his eyes until he notices the figure and bolts out of the water, you wrapped up in his arms. “I told you there were sharks!” You scream, wrapping your legs tighter around Jimin’s frame as he makes it to the safety of the sand. 
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lacheriedesole · 4 years
lost town
The announcement echoed loudly from the speaker on the wall. I blinked several times, hazy, unsure of where I am and what is going on. I realised that the train have stopped moving. The wagon that I’m in was nearly empty, hushed, except for an elderly couple walking out toward the left exit door. I gathered my conscience, relieved that I travel light―with only a small backpack―for a week I’m going to spend in this town. No, a town is an overstatement. This small region consists of a single area wide enough for a large family of three or four generations to live nearby.
I took out the crumpled map from the front compartment of the backpack, and studied it one more time. I have been memorising the map days before my travel, but I suggest a quick peek for a final shot won’t be much of a nuisance. This town―it will be much easier if I dress this area with the term―is so small and the borders blurry, the digital map on smartphones won’t be much of a help. Besides, the old map has scribbles and notes on it, a handiwork of my dad who have spent couple times here in his youth. I had no idea why, of all the interesting places and spots to choose for holidays, he chose this godforsaken spot.
The station is quiet and lifeless. Apparently, apart from the elderly couple, I was the only passenger that took off here. This is the last station before the train’s final journey, that explains why the wagon was deserted. There was no station workers, no taxi drivers, no merchants, nothing. The station looks exactly like an empty house that the train happened to stumble to drop off three lost passengers. Except that I am the only one who’s lost.
I recall the pathway to Mister Halcyon’s house, my supposed destination, and confidently marched on. Though the roads were perfectly tranquil, I do not want anyone to notice that I had never been here before and most likely to get lost. Mr. Halcyon is my dad’s senior of his earlier spiritual commune. They were really close, dad admitted that he looks up to Mr. Halcyon a lot, especially since a near-death occurrence that binds them close. Dad sees him as his saviour, long lost brother, almost like his own blood family. That must be why dad spent a lot of time here. This place must held a special meaning for him.
I was pretty sure I traced the right path, when I realised that each and every houses I passed are devoid of sound. It was a perfect silence, the one so loud that even my heartbeats sounded like an uproar. There were movements, of course, but aside from the blowing wind and swaying trees, there were no noticeable human sounds. No hustle bustle of everyday routine, no cries and screams of children, not even a whisper. Even the stinging sun has its own sound here. Well this is weird, I thought. I think I should wait until I get there, to his house, then I can make a judgement. I should hold.
Then I found his house. A serene-looking, medium house with subtle earth colour. Even the materials are natural, mostly woods and rough stones, unpolished. A very humble home. The house has no fence, just like any other houses in the town. The borders are immaculately trimmed berry bushes, or patches of hydrangea. This town sure is peaceful, huh? The people are definitely not concerned of thieves. I stepped on carefully set stones atop the lawn, which I assumed the only place I could set my feet on to. I knocked the door, the brass number plate shows 33 and a small carving reads HALCYON. 
I waited for a response, but there was none. I knocked again, louder this time, and I felt like a total idiot. My knocks sounded notoriously loud compared to the stillness wrapping the neighbourhood. I knocked again, still no response, but the door was slightly creaked and opened. I hesitated. It seems that no one was inside. “Hello? Mr. Halcyon? I am Sever’s daughter. My father sent me here. May I come in?” Still no response. My voice echoed faintly to the deep parts of the house. I felt it. “Mr. Halcyon, I am sorry if this is a bad time to visit. I will search for a stay-house nearby and visit you later.”
My brains must be playing tricks on me. I thought I heard a faint ringing of a bell from the inside, beckoning me in. I felt uneasy, turned my back as I made up my mind to leave. The door creaked. I turned to find a still empty house front, the doorway opened wider this time. I was perplexed. My mind was so numb and exhausted that I went in, hesitantly. It was middle of the noon, leaked sun rays illuminated the interiors. The lively living room was hushed, as the other parts of the house. This is peculiar. The house was empty, and yet I went in, barging in. Somehow, the bell rings sounded like an invitation.
I seated myself on the grey sofa, waiting. Anxiously, I opened the map, closed it, opened it again. I did not dare to count the time. I waited and waited for what feels like a day, and I realised that the noon had shifted to dusk. For all the time I was there, everything was still wrapped in the same thick silence. The first noise was on exactly 5 p.m., so sudden that I jumped on my seat. It was coming from the collective ringing and clanging of the clocks in the neighbourhood. Then the lamps switched on, followed by hum of machines turning on, faint television mutter, and glasses clinks. The noises were building up, and suddenly there were distant chatters of people. The first human noise. They were coming from the station.
I had cold sweats and shifted uncomfortably on my seat. I had a terrible feeling about this. Something feels wrong. How did this happen? My thoughts battled whether I have to stay or leave immediately. My brains singled the latter. I snatched my backpack, sneaked out of the house and closed the front door, carefully and soundlessly ran into the shadow of the house side. I crouched and waited.
I could not believe my eyes. The insights felt flurry, hazy, like something out of a dream. Or a nightmare. There were about a dozen men and women, all adults at working age, wearing suits and formal clothing, casually chatting. They seemed to come back from a faraway job. Their faces have feline features. No, they are totally and absolutely feline. The paws with its claws, the round eyes, the triangular ears, the whiskers. They walk completely upright, their tails swaying and lifting on their own. I held my breath.
The group dispersed at every house passed, it seems that every house belongs to one (cat)person. Finally a slim grey cat wearing black suit waved to the rest of the group, heading toward the house. Oh no no no no. I must’ve been dreaming. I must’ve been on the train. This can’t be real. It’s not happening. Right in front of the door, the grey cat turned to my direction, its sharp green eyes piercing the wall I hid behind.
“You must be the daughter of Sever. Come on in, you must be waiting for quite some time.”
Contrary to his sharp appearance, the voice sounds relaxed, friendly, with a hint of modesty. It was really strange. I can’t tell if it was really him who talked as I hid and obscured my whole body. My sweats soaked the back of my shirt.
“I understand it must be strange, scary even. But for you to be able to see us, you must have undergone something grand. Something like near death experiences.”
“Us?” My reply came out as a squeak. “Near death... experiences?”
“Yes. Us. Near death experiences. Please, I can explain your confusion inside. I can’t bear it if my neighbours are watching.”
I gathered what was left of my courage and stood up. I brushed the bottom of my shirt, and stepped into the light. I found myself standing face to face with a standing cat as tall as I am.
“There you are, come in, come in.” His face lighten up and oh well, he really talked. His whisker sways with every syllable, his smile faint.
I felt giddy as I followed him inside, and plunged myself into the same grey sofa.
“The bells let you in, right? I told them there will be a visitor today. That’s why the doors opened.” He explained as he hung his coat and stored his briefcase.
“I must be a poor housemaster, am I not? Let me introduce myself properly then. I am Halcyon, a close friend of your dad. Can you please send him my warm regards when you get back?”
I found it hard to find my voice back. “I will, Mr. Halcyon. And I, I, my name is Nasca. Nasca Sever. It’s been, uh, a pleasure to finally meet you.”
He laughed softly. I swear I heard the bells ring when he laughs. He opened a small fridge and took out two bottles of dewy cold water. “Please, call me Hal. I take it your dad has not explained you thoroughly. You must be really, really surprised. And thirsty. Here’s water. Do you need something to eat?”
“No, thank you. I am not hungry yet.”
He explained the situation in a simple, straightforward facts, as if it’s nothing out of the ordinary. The townspeople are cats, they are working with human only if the specific terms, specific time, and specific conditions are fulfilled. Apparently they have something to do with the state of mind, a mental point accessible to those with traumatic and threatening past that interfere their current state. Let’s say we’re mind healers. No, not really. But you can take it that way. He explained it with a plain bluntness. Supposedly that was how dad and Hal met.
As I sat there on a plump grey seat, dumbfounded, half-full water bottle in my backpack pocket, I wondered, How the hell did my father discover such a strange world?
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danganheckimagines · 6 years
ndrv3 boys with a s/o that is always being criticized by their mom?
I’ve rewritten this imagine three times, so I hope this draft is to your liking! (Also I made it long again so under the cut it goes!)
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~Mod Angie
V3 Boys with an s/o who’s constantly criticized by their mom!
Shuichi Saihara:
-You two lean on each other a lot since you both don’t think highly of yourselves.
-You have a nice little support system going on where you try to build each other up.
-Still, your mom always manages to reverse that progress with her criticism. 
-Shuichi’s taken notice.
-He’s worried about you.
-One day while you’re sitting together, he asks you about why your mood consistently seems to change from one day to the next.
-You get anxious and try to brush off his question.
-”Please, s/o, you can tell me. I’m not going to judge you, I promise.”
-He’s got that look in his eye that he gets when he’s interrogating people, but it’s much softer with you.
-You cave.
-You tell him how it’s no big deal, your mom just always seems to find something wrong with you.
-Shuichi lets you talk, nodding in understanding.
-He takes hold of your hand and tells you that all the things your mom tells you to bring you down are wrong.
-As time goes on, he makes sure you know that.
-He gives you plenty of compliments and soothes your nerves whenever your mother’s words start getting to you.
-He does a little bit of research to see if he can get you out of that situation.
-He wants to help you heal, and is going to try his hardest to make sure you do.
Rantaro Amami:
-Rantaro’s always been careful with you.
-He keeps his voice steady around you so you don’t get anxious, comforts you whenever you get anxious about making a mistake, and spoils you in general.
-He wants you to know how much he loves you.
-Yet all your mother’s criticisms keep repeating in your heard.
-You’re cuddling at his place one day when you tell him.
-”Do…do you really love me?”
-Of course he immediately begins to reassure you, listing off everything he loves about you in the process.
-He loves every single thing that your mother would rag on you for.
-You appreciate his words, but…
-”It’s just, my mom says that…”
-He holds you a little tighter as you explain everything that your mother would tell you.
-Once you’re done, he kisses your forehead and tells you that your mother was wrong about you, and how it was horrible that she would even think of saying those things to you.
-He tops it off with a really sappy speech about how much you mean to him.
-He pampers you more from there, and makes it his mission to teach you how to love yourself.
-He also wouldn’t back down from a chance to confront your mother about her behavior towards you.
-The thought of someone actively trying to bring you down disgusts him.
Kaito Momota:
-He tries to help you break out of your self-conscious shell!
-He’s already trying to teach you to have more confidence and that it’s okay to make mistakes.
-He’s always in your corner, cheering you on!
-He’s a little dense so he doesn’t notice the hints that someone is tearing you down for a while.
-So he finds out about your mother when a more obvious tell comes by.
-You ended up pushing yourself a little bit too hard during training.
-Kaito had to intervene and make you take a break.
-Now he’s concerned.
-It was nice that you were trying so hard but he doesn’t want you to go too far!
-While you’re catching your breath, he asks you where this sudden determination came from.
-You explain that your mother had insulted your weight and you wanted to live up to her standards.
-Kaito instantly gets upset.
-What kind of mother is she?!
-He asks you how she could say such a thing.
-You end up telling him all about how your mother always criticized you for anything that you’d do.
-Okay now he’s angry.
-He goes off on a rant about how terrible your mother is, but he calms down once he notices that he’s scaring you a little.
-He rests a hand on your shoulder and gives you an encouraging smile.
-”Your mom doesn’t know what she’s talking about! You’re not doing a single thing wrong, s/o!”
-He pulls you to him for a big, warm hug.
-You thought he was supportive before? Now it’s cranked up to 11.
-He’s determined to give you all the positive reinforcement that you can’t get at home.
-He totally spoils you with affection even moreso!
-(Lowkey would fight your mom).
Kokichi Ouma:
-Y’know how Kaito was dense? Yeah the opposite of that.
-Kokichi picked up on all the signs right away and put the pieces together.
-He knows you’re having some issues with family, specifically your mom.
-For a while, he doesn’t bring it up.
-He just goes a little bit easier on you than he would others.
-He makes sure that all of his jabs at you are clearly jokes, and even then his teasing isn’t as harsh as it would be normally.
-Overall he’s…softer with you.
-Everyone assumes it’s because he’s your boyfriend, and while yes that’s partially true, he also doesn’t want to strike a nerve.
-(It took a bit of trial and error to find out what he shouldn’t mess with you about).
-One day, he notices you aren’t in a good mood.
-He tries to make you laugh, and you do, but he can tell that alone isn’t making you truly feel better.
-So instead he takes you outside.
-”What did your mom tell you now?”
-You freeze.
-”H-how did you know?”
-”You’re really bad at lying, s/o~! Now, what’d she say to you?”
-You’ve been found out, so you just go with it, telling him all about what your mom would tell you.
-Kokichi’s surprisingly mature about the whole thing.
-He holds your hands and looks you right in the eyes.
-He deconstructs all your mother’s criticisms flawlessly.
-Afterwards, he grins and latches onto you, nuzzling his face against your neck.
-”She’s more of a liar than I am!”
-He makes sure you know that you can come to him if your mother’s words start getting to you again, and he’ll chip away at them.
-Your relationship doesn’t change much since he’d already known this for a while now.
-However, now that he has confirmation, he’s going to try pulling a couple of strings.
-He doesn’t want anyone to get away with hurting you like this. Not anyone.
Korekiyo Shinguji:
-He’s noticed how you dive head-first into your studies.
-He thinks that’s great! He wants you to succeed, after all.
-However, he’s noticed other things that he thinks are…less great.
-Your anxieties, your extreme fear of failure or mistakes, your rock-bottom self-esteem…
-Something isn’t right.
-No matter how many times you try to say that you’re fine, he doesn’t quite believe you.
-He wants you to shine, yet your light is stifled.
-There has to be a reason.
-He figures out that it’s probably family problems, but he doesn’t get the specifics until you tell him.
-One evening before a test, Korekiyo studied with you.
-He was already prepared for the test, he was just going to help you study and also wanted to make sure that you got to bed at a reasonable time.
-You took to his advice, studying your hardest.
-However, any time he offered for you two to take a break, you declined.
-He didn’t mind at first, but he eventually started pushing for you to please just take a break already.
-Eventually you snapped at him.
-”Mom’s gonna go after me if I don’t get an A on this test!”
-So there was the family problem.
-He insists that that’s no reason to neglect your health like this, and reassures you that a five-minute break isn’t going to cost you an A.
-Finally, he convinces you to rest for a few moments.
-He takes this chance to ask you more about your mom.
-It turns out she expects you to be perfect in every way–not just grades–and puts you down when you aren’t.
-Korekiyo can’t help but feel a little disgusted.
-He rests his hand on your back and tells you that no one can be perfect, and that it’s your imperfections that make you wonderful.
-Your mother’s demands for you are too high, and he insists that you don’t push yourself so hard just to please her.
-If you really want to be perfect, you’re already perfect to him. Flaws that your mother hates and all.
-After that evening, he gives you more compliments, and generally makes sure that you know how much he cares about you.
-He also checks in with your mental state every now and again, wanting to make sure that your mother’s words don’t take root in your mind ever again.
-He doesn’t notice that anything’s wrong at first.
-He just accepts all your little quirks as part of you and never questions it!
-He already gives you plenty of support since he wants you to be happy.
-His more logical reasoning is very good at soothing your nerves whenever you get anxious.
-However, he’s no miracle worker, and your mothers words still sink in anyway.
-Kiibo finally starts to notice this pattern of how you always get more self-conscious after leaving home.
-He consults the internet for answers.
-Oh? An overly-critical parent, maybe?
-He needs to touch base with you to be sure.
-So one day, he confronts you about this.
-”S/o, does your family criticize you often?”
-You tense up. Sure, you figured you’d have to answer a question like that eventually, but still…
-”I mean…my mom does sometimes, but it’s okay, really!”
-You end up saying how all your mom’s criticisms are your fault anyway since you’re the one “messing up” and “being a bad person.”
-Kiibo interrupts you by grabbing your shoulders.
-”No, s/o! That’s wrong! That’s not okay!”
-He expresses how he hates seeing you so miserable all the time all because of your own mother.
-He then asks you what things exactly your mother said to you.
-You list off some things, and he counters them all.
-”You’re not the bad person, s/o! Your mother is!”
-After this, he’ll check in on you often, making sure that you’re doing okay.
-He tries to give you more affection and compliments and just spoil you in general, though he’s a little awkward at it.
-He wants you to know that you’re wonderful and that he loves you, no matter what your mother says!
Gonta Gokuhara:
-He already spoils you rotten with more affection that you know what to do with.
-What kind of gentleman would he be if he let his own s/o feel sad?
-Besides, he loves you lots and wants you to smile and be happy more than anything in the world!
-If he even suspects that you’re feeling down, he’s gonna suddenly sweep you off your feet and shower you in compliments.
-Yeah he aint subtle at all.
-But still, you keep getting upset again.
-You also get really anxious whenever you make mistakes.
-He wants to know why!
-Is someone doing this to you?
-Who must he fight.
-He can’t figure out how to ask you, though.
-So for a while, things just continue like this.
-Finally, when you’re both bug-hunting in the forest, he just kinda blurts it out.
-”S/o, is someone hurting you?”
-You’re confused. Hurting you?
-He elaborates as best he can. He wants to know if someone is hurting you mentally.
-You tell him that it’s fine, but Gonta brings up how you keep getting so down and how you’re always so hard on yourself.
-You can’t lie to those eyes of his.
-You confess.
-You tell him about your mother.
-Gonta immediately bristles.
-”S/o’s own mother hurt s/o?!”
-You reassure him that it’s fine, and that you’re used to it, starting to get anxious.
-Gonta notices that he’s scaring you and calms down, immediately apologizing.
-He just can’t believe it! How could she say those things to you? It’s awful!
-He doesn’t even know how he can help you.
-You just say that as long as he’s by your side, you’ll be fine.
-So he stays by you as much as he can!
-He tries his hardest to reassure you that the things your mom tells you aren’t true whenever that topic comes up. He’s a little awkward about it, but he does his best.
-He shows you plenty of bugs too, saying how they aren’t perfect, but they’re still beautiful and he still loves them! 
-Just like how he loves you!
Ryoma Hoshi:
-He knows something’s off about your behavior, but he doesn’t question it.
-Everyone has their demons, including him and including you.
-Why should he intrude?
-So he doesn’t bother you about your anxiousness or low self-esteem or anything.
-Instead, he just reassures you when those things pop up.
-”You have to be a pretty wonderful person to want to be around someone like me.”
-However, he learns of your mom’s critical words eventually by complete accident.
-You’d ended up not getting as good of a grade as you’d like to have gotten on an essay, and you were freaking out about it.
-Ryoma ended up noticing and quickly rushed to your side.
-”S/o, s/o, look at me. Look at me. You’re alright. What’s wrong?”
-You blubber out your answer.
-”I didn’t get th-the grade I needed on this project! Mom’s gonna get me for this!”
-”S/o, what do you mean?”
-You explain how if you don’t get the highest possible grades, your mom berates you for your failings.
-Ryoma’s face hardens, but he doesn’t say anything.
-He keeps trying to comfort you to the best of his ability.
-After you’ve calmed down, he tells you that your mom’s opinion shouldn’t matter to you if that’s how she acts if you don’t meet her standards.
-”She’s setting you up to crash and burn, s/o. Do yourself a favor and don’t break your back for her sake.”
-He lets you know that if she starts getting on your case for anything else, he’s always going to be there for you.
-After that situation, Ryoma sticks by you more often.
-He’s not good at giving affection in the first place, but at the very least he holds your hand more often.
-He would confront your mom about her behavior towards you, but he doesn’t want to make a scene.
-Or make you feel like you needed to pick a side.
-He helps you to the best of his ability, at least making sure you don’t stress yourself out over her words anymore.
-He wants you to live for yourself, not live bound in your mother’s chains.
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kim-seungmine · 7 years
here’s to our future
summary: On your graduation day, you and Seongwoo realized that breaking up may not be the best choice for you two.
genre: angst, slice-of-life, fluff
characters: (fem) reader x ong seongwoo of wanna one (ft. kang daniel)
word count: 1621
a/n: hope you guys like it!
You stared at the tall building in front of you, feeling relieved that you managed to get out of this hell called university just in time. But you somehow felt sad too; everything that happened inside that building had been nothing but amazing for you. Well, most of your days as a university student consisted of you looking half-dead after pulling an all-nighter and you cursing out heartless professors who seemed to forget that they were once students too. However, you were happy. You were hopeful; that everything would be worth it, that your future would be bright enough for you to live well.
Now, you were terrified. Terrified of your future job, terrified of your future co-workers, terrified of days without Ong Seongwoo.
Ong Seongwoo, you tested his name in your head. You almost never thought of him as you didn’t want to make yourself with memories of the two of you together, but you never moved on. You tried to make yourself believe that you did, but a voice inside your head always told you to avoid thinking about him.
“You’re so dumb how did you lose your cap  when we’re not inside the hall yet!” Kang Daniel, your best friend slash partner-in-crime, appeared out of nowhere. He dumped one of the graduation caps he had on your head, ruining your hair that you spent two hours styling. Curse words were already on the tip of your tongue, but you decided to hold back. Today is a happy day, you chanted.
“Can you be just a little bit more considerate I woke up at 5 to do my hair,” you retorted, fixing the cap while trying to save your hair. “But thanks,” you added. Daniel only chuckled, eyeing you from head to toe. “Wow, you actually put some effort to look decent today,” he teased, pulling you inside the building as other graduates started to enter the hall.
“Seongwoo found it, though. Not me,” Daniel continued, causing you to stop on your tracks. “I see,” you answered sheepishly, your eyes caught Seongwoo’s as the latter entered the hall with his friends Hwang Minhyun and Yoon Jisung. He gave you a small smile, and you could almost hear him say, “How are you going to live without me, Y/N?” in a playful tone that you loved so much.
Yeah, how am I going to live without you?
The graduation ceremony ended faster than your expectation. You and Daniel snapped as many selfies as you could since you two wouldn’t be able to see each other often after this. Daniel decided to go back to Busan to teach at a dance academy, a decision that caused his parents to flip out since he spent 4.5 years to study marketing but didn’t even bother trying to look for a job in that field. You, meanwhile, were recently hired as a member of the creative team for one of the biggest entertainment companies.
“You really should talk to Seongwoo,” Daniel suggested, looking dead serious all of sudden. You groaned, not wanting to have this useless discussion again with him. You and Seongwoo were over. He was the one who wanted to end things with you, he was the one who left you. Why would you talk to him again?
“Don’t you think that he probably, you know, regret his decision?” Daniel asked again, but you only shrugged. Only a few steps away from you, Seongwoo was busy striking silly poses with Kim Jaehwan, and you started laughing before you could stop yourself. Seongwoo was funny, not because what he did was funny, but because he was Seongwoo. He was always being himself.
That was why you never tried to ask for explanation from him after he broke up with you. If he did it, then he meant it.
You just stood there with Daniel for a while, watching Seongwoo took a few more photos with Jaehwan, Jisung and Minhyun. At one point, you felt Jisung’s eyes on you. You panicked when he suddenly stopped posing to whisper something to Seongwoo’s ear. You immediately started dragging Daniel away when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.
There he was, standing so close to you, staring into your eyes. You felt weak; Seongwoo always did that to you. One stare was enough to melt you. To mess up with your whole system. Everytime he looked at you like that, something big always happened. The last time he did, you two broke up.
You wondered what would happen this time.
“Yeah, sure,” you mumbled after he asked you to talk to him. He led you to the audio visual room on the sixth floor, where you first met him. Seongwoo closed the door after you entered the room before sitting down at one of the seats. You sat beside him, trying to figure out what made him do this months after your breakup.
Seongwoo pulled out a little blue box from his pocket and put it on your lap. You looked up and met his eyes. This time, his eyes told you that he felt nervous. You slowly opened the box, a silver bracelet that you had always wanted was inside. You turned to Seongwoo, feeling your eyes brimmed with tears. You remembered seeing that bracelet during your last date with Seongwoo, just an hour before he destroyed your heart and everything inside.
“I’m sorry,” he broke the silence. “I didn’t break up with you because I stopped loving you. I never did.”
“What the fuck, Ong Seongwoo,” you snapped. “Don’t play with me. You clearly said that you couldn’t imagine yourself being with me anymore. You said that you felt nothing when you were with me, now you’re saying that you’re still in love with me?”
“Yes,” he answered. “Yes, I said those things. Yes, I wanted us to be over. But I lied. I was afraid.” You frowned at his last sentence. Afraid? You were never a romantic, but you always believed that as long as you two were together, things would eventually be okay. There would be bad days, there would be disastrous days, but you would be able to go through them. Because you were you, because Seongwoo was Seongwoo. Because you had each other.
“You got a job before I did, and at that time, I didn’t know whether I would get one before we graduated. You know I took a semester off after my father passed away. I took part-time jobs instead of doing internships. No company wanted to hire me because of that,” he confessed. “I really, really wanted to make you happy. I want you to be proud of me, and I just couldn’t tell you how little I felt compared to other people.”
“But then I realized I was just ashamed of myself. It was me, my stupid pride, that made you suffer. And I’m sorry. I know you’re disappointed in me, but give me a chance to try again. Only if you want to,” Seongwoo concluded while reaching out to envelope your hand with his. He tightened his grip on your hand when you didn’t resist, his eyes piercing straight through your heart.
“You really know how to mess up with my heart, Seongwoo,” you said as you lifted the bracelet he gave you. It had the word “hope” carved on its inner side, and that was why you fell in love with it at the first place. Seongwoo glanced at you as he slowly took the bracelet from you. You watched him fasten the clasp on your wrist, and you honestly didn’t know whether you wanted to thank him for being honest with you or yell at him for hurting you.
You were still trying to sort out your feelings when your phone rang. It was Daniel, probably wanting to tell you that your parents were looking for you. “Come on,” Seongwoo stood up, his hand was still holding yours. “We’ll talk again later. I’m sure you still need time.” You nodded and followed him, staring at your intertwined hands.
“Seongwoo,” you called him. He turned back, and you couldn’t help but feel breathless. You knew how much he suffered, how much he wanted to be strong for both of you. He failed once, but you knew how much he wanted to try again.
You circled your hands around his waist, burying your head in his chest. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he muttered into your hair, his hands hugging you so tight. You nodded, letting his warmth that you had missed conquer your senses. You loved him, and maybe he loved you too.
“I love you,” he whispered as if hearing your doubts. He repeated those three words again and again and again until his voice cracked. “I won’t give up on you. I’ll work hard. I’m sorry if you think I did. I love you,” he said while letting you go. He grabbed your face with his strong hands, brushing your bangs in the way that always made you weak on the knees. “I really want to kiss you right now, but if I do I don’t know when I’ll stop,” Seongwoo murmured, his fingers tracing your lips softly.
You only chuckled, pulling him closer to close the gap between you. As you felt his soft lips against yours, you promised yourself that you wouldn’t run away from any kind of challenge that the two of you could possibly face in the future. Seongwoo gave you his brightest smile when he pulled away. “Anyways, I’ve bought that bracelet even before you saw it. I planned to give it to you as your graduation present,” he said, before adding, “You’re my hope.”
You cringed at his words, but he knew you loved it anyways.
Hey guys! I hope you like my first attempt of writing scenarios! Feel free to request, and I’ll try to finish it as well as I can. Thank you!
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keywestlou · 4 years
DAY 22…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 18, 2012 by Key West Lou
I am never going to get out of Mikonos!
The Greek gods are working against me.
First, I wanted to go to Fourni. No way. The boat to Fourni had been discontinued. I decided to stay in Mykonos a few extra days.
Tomorrow, I was planning on leaving for Amorgos. Someone told me there is a monastery worth seeing. The monks provide water and food to visitors through a hole. The monks never see nor speak to anyone from the moment they enter the monastery. Also, Amorgos is considered one of the prettier of the small islands.
I went down to get my boat ticket for Amorgos this morning. Down by the waterfront. I wanted to leave tomorrow. No boat to Amorgos today or tomorrow. Everything cancelled. Even planes. The weather.
Strong winds today. The kind we get in Key West when the water breaks against the White Street Pier and splashes 20-30 feet high. I was on the waterfront this morning. Ten feet from the water. Hitting the beach and shooting up and over all nearby. Including me.
I am becoming knowledgeable about Mykonos weather.
When I first arrived, it was hot and humid. No breeze at all. The last three days big winds. No humidity.
Natives tell me that is the way the weather is this time of the year. Three days humid. Then three days of wind.
I also started hearing that today’s wind is unusual for June. It is September wind.
Who knows? I just want to leave Mykonos. I have been here too long. It is not my type place. Too touristy for me. Key West is mild by comparison. The flavor and grandeur for which Mykonos is known was in the 1960s and 1970s. Gone. Today’s tourists are wannabes to that life style.
A great place to visit for a few days and leave.
Wednesday is my scheduled departure day now.
Yesterday was Paradise Beach. The place I had been seeking. All my desires were satisfied. I saw it all! I was a little embarrassed. I never showed mine.
Stayed in last night again. Dined in the hotel’s dining room.
I have been eating Greek food for more than two weeks now. I yearned for something else. I enjoyed a huge portion of spaghetti bolognaise.
Christina is in charge of the dining room. She does a top notch job. Great service, great food and the right touch with personal amenities.
Christina is 35 years old. Looks 25. A short lovely blonde. Fair skinned. A single mother of a 4 year old boy.
I asked Christina where she works in the winter. Mykonos is a summer town. Closes down for the winter months. She says she can always find work somewhere in Mykonos in the off months.
A hard worker. A talented person. I wish her well.
The Greek election. Yesterday. I called it right. The euro supporters won. It was close. The euro people got 29 percent of the vote. The non-euros 26 per cent. Several other minor parties grabbed anywhere from 12 per cent of the vote downward.
Twenty nine per cent is not enough to control. A coalition is required. It is anticipated the winners will form the coalition with the party who got 12 per cent of the vote. Still not enough to make a majority. However, under Greek law the party receiving the largest number of votes automatically gets an additional 50 seats in the national legislature. That puts the euro people over the top. A crazy country!
Forget what you read in the papers and on TV today. This new government is not going to work. The Germans have already suggested they might ease some of the time payment dates. But that is it! The big hard dollar payments still remain. Greece will not be able to make them. The new government and the euro will fail. I give it three to six months.
To put it all in proper perspective, this election is not even a band aid. Some one took a rag and merely brushed the blood aside. A very temporary solution to an ongoing aggravating problem.
I noticed yesterday that many of the older Greek homes have what I thought was some religious design on each house. All alike. A bunch of small triangles set in a large square. The square sits on one of its points. There apparently is space behind the openings. I noticed the newer buildings did not have the design. My initial thought was that whatever it was was intended to keep evil spirits away.
I was wrong. The triangular openings were for doves.
At one time there were many white doves flying above Mykonos. Predatory birds discovered the doves and came in large numbers to feed upon them. This was many years ago. The citizens of Mykonos enjoyed and favored the doves. Ergo, as homes and buildings were constructed, these triangular openings became part of the construction. The doves could fly inside and evade the predator birds.
It must not have worked. I have seen no doves in my time here.
Terri White makes national news again! She was selected by GO Magazine as one of the 100 Women We Love. Take a look at the 6/15/12 edition of the magazine. A terrific pic of Terri and a concise litany leading to her success.
I survived yesterday’s hit and run. Woke this morning with a swelling half the size of a golf ball on my arm. No pain.
I have a pretty good tan. The sun is strong in the Greek isles. Much stronger than Key West. Between walking around and a bit of sun bathing, I am getting dark. Very dark.
I have only shaved once in the four weeks I have been gone. I look pretty bad. I apologized to one woman I met for having such a sloppy growth. She thought it looked sexy. I may never shave again. I wonder how I will look if I do not shave the balance of this trip. Another three weeks.
Enjoy your day!
Moving up to mid February 2021, a lot is happening everywhere.
Texas has been hit with a major snow storm. Power outage greater than ever before. Texas  was not ready for it.
Texas’ major power company, serves 26 million people. The company says it may take a month to get everything and everybody going.
At the moment, Texans at each other’s throats with blame. Heads will role.
Some believe it is climate change. I do also.
When it comes to weather generally in recent years, the only consistent has been and will continue to be unpredictability.
Texas’ present deep freeze has presented an unseasonable demand from residents trying to heat their homes. The demand has stripped Texas’ energy supply.
Following are some happenings not previously considered when a winter storm of the Texas magnitude hits.
People are dying of carbon monoxide poisoning trying to heat their homes by running their cars inside their attached garages.
Thousands of COVID-19 vaccine doses are at risk of spoiling.
Crops planted ahead of the spring harvest are dying under the snow and ice, burdening farmers already struggling after years of Trump’s trade wars.
Texas is not the only place where snow rarely falls that is getting buried this week.
At the moment, snow is blanketing Acropolis. The snow fall heavy. The Acropolis and Parthenon looked strange under snow in the photos I have seen.
Athens is not generally cold in the winter. You recall my friends that owned the cave dwelling I lived in on Santorini closed their facility for the winter. Santorini too cold. However, Athens generally not. If so, my friends would lock up their Athens home and take a 1-2 month vacation somewhere in the Caribbean.
The snow which fell on Athens and continues today is heavy and freezing. Many highways around Athens are closed.
Ferry service in the 800 Greek isles is like bus service in the U.S. Ferry service has been cancelled. As have all flights in and out.
Two major automobile accidents. One involving 800 vehicles. The other 600.
Not a good time to be in Athens. Note however the extreme cold and snow was not expected.
I mentioned a few days ago Trump had come out on top in his second impeachment trial. Worry not, I explained. He will have his Las Vegas as O.J. Simpson did.
In fact, over the next two years Trump is going to be buried in all kinds of lawsuits no one has heard of as yet.
The first one hit yesterday. Bennie Thompson is a Democrat Representative from Texas. He has joined with the NAACP in filing suit against Trump, Giuliani, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
The suit a civil one for money damages. Compensatory and punitive. A violation of the Klu Klux Klan Act of 1871 claimed. The suit has to do with the defendants’ interference with Congress’ certification of the Electoral College count.
The Klu Klux Klan Act is intended to protect Black citizens from violence and intimidation. The grounds set forth in the Complaint are basically the same as those made by the House Managers in the Impeachment trial.
Trump may have to pay in the end. He also has another expense he was rarely confronted with while President.
There is a law that where a President is named in a law suit while President, he is entitled to be represented free by the Department of Justice.
The free ride is over. Trump is no longer President. He will have to pay private counsel to defend him in the lawsuits sill pending and those that will now come.
I mentioned yesterday that I was not in favor of Biden’s Child Tax Credit in the stimulus bill. Too much money going out to certain individuals. The size of the government dollars to each recipient will easily discourage many from returning to work.
There is a benefit to the Child Tax Credit, however. It is projected it will cut poverty by 54 percent. Five million children will be removed from the poverty classification.
Jared and Ivanka seem to have closed out there public White Hose careers on a positive note.
First, they purchased a lot on Billionaires Bunker near Miami for $31 million. Note, an empty lot. House till must be built. It was reported last week in some federal statement they were required to file that their gross earnings for last year was $120 million.
There is more.
They have no where to live till a home is built. They are presently renting in top of the shelf Arte Surfside near Miami Beach on a yearly rental. Not cheap. A 4 bedroom condominium unfurnished rents for $39,000 a month. A 3 bedroom furnished $60,000 a month.
When they both went to work for Donald in the White House 4 years ago, things were financially tough. Especially for Jared. Very high debt.
The $1 a year White House job worked out for them. Look at how much they are now spending and take into account the $120 million jointly earned last year.
All earned while on the White House payroll.
The shame of it all. Florida Governor DeSantis is being touted as Presidential timber for 2024. Amazing. He is totally incompetent. Danced 100 percent to Trump’s tune. Florida is not in the best of shape.
Apparently, it no longer requires competent people to run our country. Don’t say it cannot happen. Trump got nominated and then elected. Surprised everyone. Incompetency rises to it highest level with regard to recent political leaders.
Jim Brown. A fine individual. On top of which regarded as one of the best professional football players ever.
Brown played exceptional football while at Syracuse University and with the Cleveland Browns. In 2002, The Sporting News recognized him as the greatest professional football player ever.
Why do I write of Brown? The Syracuse connection a partial reason. However Brown had left Syracuse by the time I started in 1957.
The primary reason is Brown’s age. His birthday is today.  The man is 85. Louis is 85.
I end with May Johnson.
My information re her diary publication soon coming to an end has not been precisely accurate. I recently said her last diary entry would appear February 18.
Today is the 17th. No May diary entry.
I hope the Citizen can work problems out and return her very interesting 1897 life style to us.
Enjoy your day!
STUCK IN MYKONOS was originally published on Key West Lou
0 notes
somevirtualnolife · 7 years
If You’ll Have Me
2690 Rating: M Pairing: Hawke x Cullen Rutherford Summary: Aerianne and Cullen finally make their feelings known. Previous Chapter: Truth And Denial Author’s Notes: Well, a slowburn gotta heat up at one point. *Sweating* So here's... a smut... with feeeeeeelingssssss. I've mentioned many a time before that Cullen can be fun, but difficult to write sometimes. That has never been truer than while I was writing this scene. Shout out to all you smutty Cullen fic writers who manage to keep him incredibly consistent in personality. Y'alls the real MVPs. I am not sure how in character or consistent he is in this chapter, so apologies in advance.But ultimately, I happy reading! (More Notes After) 
Aerianne listened to Cullen carefully as he spoke. He took his time with his words, being mindful of what and how he was saying them. It was clear that it had weighed on his mind for some time. It was a relief, in a way, but also made things more difficult. She had told herself, if he didn’t feel the same way, she could get over it, move on. But here he was, laying his heart out for her. It made her heart swell, but she also didn’t understand he could feel this way for her.
“I’m difficult,” she couldn’t help but say, an apologetic smile on her face. “I’m headstrong. I might disappear. I’ll probably cause you so many headaches. More than what I do now,”
“You’re also kind and passionate. You fight for what’s right,” he responded. “As for headaches, I assure you that I’ve dealt with much worse,”
She was at a crossroads. She wanted to jump into his arms and tell her that she was never happier to hear his words. That she was willing to put her feelings on the line for him if he truly felt this way. After all, they’d come this far.
But she couldn’t. Not just yet. Because Aerianne, as selfish as she could be, as she wanted to be, still put someone before her at all times. And because of that, one of the first sentences that she ever heard Cullen say, would ring through her ears.
Mages are weapons.
“My father was a mage. My sister is a mage,” she said, feeling her chest tighten. “And I love her so much, Cullen. Her and Merrill, and even Anders,” she could feel tears forming in her eyes as she quickly fumbled for the door handle behind her.
It hurt. Oh Maker, how it hurt. She wanted this so badly, to push aside all her doubts and just go for it. But no matter how much she cared about him, she couldn’t put herself through that again. She just needed to know that she wouldn’t have to go through that. That she wouldn’t have to choose. Because when it came down it, it would always be Bethany. She would always try to protect her little sister. How could she not after everything that has happened?
Cullen cupped her cheeks into his hands, tilting her head slightly upwards. His thumbs wiped away the tears that fell. His expression was soft and calming as she stared into his brown eyes. This wasn’t the first time she’d been this close him, but it was now that she had noticed things that she’d never really considered before; his height, the flecks of gold in his eyes, his features that had sharpened since Kirkwall. He was always handsome, she could never deny this, but this was the first time that she ever really let herself be taken in by him.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, continuing to caress her cheeks. “For… so much. I know I did and said a lot of things back then. I’m not proud of who I was back then. I’ll keep trying to do better because of that,”
Her grip on the handle weakened at his words. An apology. A desire for change. It only made her want to cry more, but not for the same reasons. Maybe this time, things could be different. She choked out a laugh.
“Commander Cullen Rutherford,” she began. “I never thought I’d see the day that you would have a reply for everything I’ve thrown at you,”
“I have my moments, Aerianne Hawke,” the commander replied, a small smile forming on his lips. He then leaned in closer to her, closing the gap between them. “And… if you’ll have me…”  
He was hesitant at first, if not a little nervous. But once his lips locked with hers, any doubts they had seemed to leave them. Cullen’s lips were strong, warm, wanting. She’d forgotten the feeling. A dizzying, melting sensation, that also made her heart swell and her knees buckle. Her hands crept up and gripped at the furs around his armour as she returned the kiss. She then felt his hands leave her face and instead, wrap around her body in an embrace. This was what she wanted.
And then there was a knock on the door.  
“Commander? Is everything alright?” a voice asked from the other side; One of guards on night duty.
“Everything is quite… fine,” Cullen broke the kiss and coughed, trying to hide his annoyance.
“I thought I heard a noise,”
“A book fell,” he continued. “Is there anything you need?”
“Well, actually commander. If you’re not busy, I have a few questions about…”
Aerianne covered her mouth, trying to muffle her laughter as Cullen’s expression quickly become a mix of irritation and worry. He then tilted his head and motioned for her to climb the ladder. Aerianne gave him a bit of a confused look, but then let go of him and made her way up.
To her surprise, the room was not filled with the books and reports. Not a storage room, but a bedroom.
“Of course, he sleeps in his office,” she shook her head, chuckling quietly to herself.
Well, at least he had a bed. She wouldn’t have put it past him to sleep at his desk. She looked at the hole below one more time as she heard Cullen open the door and talk with the recruit. The man really was on a twenty-four-hour shift. Slowly, she made her way towards his bed. Neatly made, as expected. Once she sat on it, she looked up at the ceiling, it was then that she noticed it; a hole in his roof. A little concerning, but at the same time, the way that the stars sparkled in the night sky and the moonlight crept through was rather beautiful. This night was turning out far different than she expected. Her fingertips brushed her lips and smiled to herself.
Different, but it felt right, for the first time in a long time.
She then heard the creaking of the ladder as Cullen made his way up as well. He looked embarrassed and annoyed.
“My apologies,” he said, shaking his head.
“Ever the hard worker,” she rested her hand on the palm of her hand. “Such is the life of a commander,”
“Indeed,” he raked his fingers through his hair, looking discouraged. “Andraste preserve me, of all the times…”
“Cullen, it’s fine,”
“I really wanted this to go right and…”
“I should’ve just ignored it, though I suppose he probably would’ve come in and-”
“Cullen Stanton Rutherford,”
It was then that started to undo the buckles of her leather armour and kicking off her boots. “Are you coming to bed, or will I have to go back to my room for the night?”
The commander stared at the rogue, who leaned back, a smirk appearing on her face. He then snapped out of any thought he had before he quickly stripped off his own chest plate and armour as quickly as he could before he joined her.
Their lips locked once more as Aerianne felt one of his hands fumble and slide up underneath her cotton shirt. She let out a small gasp as she felt him cup one of her breasts. His lips trailed down from lips to her jawline hungrily, until he reached the crease in her neck and lightly nipped at the skin. She gripped at his shoulders, arching her back. She buried her face into his hair, breathing in deeply.
Aerianne could then feel Cullen’s other hand tug at her breeches, pulling them down and then sliding in between her legs, exploring her folds, until he slipped inside. Her moans becoming louder as his pace quickened and his thumb rubbed against her nub.
“W-wait…” she said, her hands fumbling to grab at his arm. He obliged and removed his fingers.
“Sorry,” she said, her cheeks flushed, trying to catch her breath as she sat up. “I just, um. Sorry, it’s been awhile. And this is a little… different,” She was well aware of the stories of templars who made regular visits at the Blooming Rose. Not all were quite so considerate of their partner’s wants and needs. Then there was always the image she had of Cullen. She always pictured him to be shy and reserved, considering that he could hardly string to words with a pretty girl. She was just a little caught off guard, and wanted to savor the moment.  
“You’re more giving than I thought you’d be,”
Cullen gave the woman a bit of a confused look, clearly trying to process her comment. “Is that bad or…?”
“It’s good,” she said, patting him on the shoulder reassuringly. “Trust me that is excellent. But, give me a chance to have my fun with you too,” the commander couldn’t help but laugh slightly, but nodded.
After kicking off her breeches entirely, Aerianne then grabbed at his shirt and fumbled slightly as she pulled it off, exposing a view that she always suspected, but was now completely confirmed.
“Well,” she couldn’t help but say, her eyes not shying away from looking at his toned muscles. “You’re… very fit,”
“I believe the last time you told me that, I was carrying you back to your estate after one of your evenings at the Hanged Man,” he laughed and then helped her out of her own top. His own eyes then rested upon her, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed again. It was different, having him watch her with such desire. Not that she was complaining. He was probably thinking the same thing about her. Still, it was flattering.
“Well, apparently, my comment still stands,” she responded with a grin, placing her hands on him and slowly, pushing him to lie down on his back as she sat beside him. Upon closer examination, she noticed a few scars upon his chest and abdomen. Her fingers lightly traced them.  
“Stories for another time,” he said quietly. She looked back up at him and nodded before softly pressing her lips against his again. Right, she wasn’t the only one who had scars.
Her kisses made their way down his chest, as her hands then slid down past his abdomen and releasing his cock from his trousers. He let out a slight grunt at her airy touch. She wrapped her fingers around him and stroked the length of his shaft until it was completely erect. She could feel him trying to stop himself from bucking his hips. Aerianne couldn’t help but smile as she looked back up at his face. She felt his hand creep of her side and pull her over above him. His eyes fluttered as he continued to look at her up and down, taking in her curves, her expression, the moment.
“I’m just… realizing that you’re here. Really here,”
“Are you saying you’ve had this fantasy before?” she couldn’t help but chastise as she caressed his cheek.
“There may have been a moment or two in Kirkwall that my mind may have wandered,” he said, turning his head and kissing her hand.
Cullen held her at her waist, as she lowered herself onto him carefully. She winced slightly, now fully realizing that it been quite some time since she had done this with anyone.  
“You’re alright?” Cullen asked, sliding one his hands up to brush her hair away from her face.
“Mm,” she responded. “Just… slowly at first,”
He nodded, resting his hands on the side of her thighs as she started to move her hips up and down. She bit down on her lower lip, as she felt him hit her core. Aerianne couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. As much as she wanted this, he was still new to her. There was so much she already hadn’t expected from him, she couldn’t help but wonder if he thought the same. If he expected her to be more forceful and bold, or perhaps even more docile. Come on Aerianne Hawke, where was your confidence?
Perhaps he sensed her hesitation, for she felt him lightly squeeze her thighs.
“Don’t worry,” he said, reassuringly.
“I’m supposed to be the witty experienced one, yet here I am fumbling,” she couldn’t help much let out another short laugh. She wasn’t used to it.
“Well, that’s part of the fun, isn’t it?”  
“You really are a different man out of your armour, aren’t you?” but he wasn’t wrong. She needed to get out of her own head. She took deep breath and smiled, pulling one of his hands up to her cheek.
Once the rhythm of her hips started to speed up, Aerianne could feel Cullen’s hands start to explore her body again, pulling her in close to bury his face into her breasts, lighting nipping at her skin.
“Maker, you’re beautiful,” he breathed. His voice was rough whisper, almost a growl. His words dizzied her head almost as much as his touches. She wanted more.
Her anxieties started to leave her, the faster they moved, and the more he reacted with his facial expressions and groans. She felt herself starting to lose herself again as he felt his hips start to thrust upwards to match her rhythm.  
“Cullen…I’m…!” she cried as she felt a surge of pleasure rush from her core to the rest of her body.
He pulled her in close one more time, crashing his lips against hers, swallowing her gasps and moans. It was then that she also felt him throb and release as well. Eventually, his thrusting slowed down to a stop. Aerianne collapsed onto his chest, breathing heavily, hair sticking to her face and forehead from the sweat. Eventually, Cullen slowly removed himself from inside her and gently rolled her beside him and sliding them both under the covers.
For awhile, they did not speak, but they kept each other close, their fingers interlocked as she rested her head upon his shoulder.  
“That was… nice,”
“Nice?” Aerianne’s turned her head up to look at him. She saw him wince and rub his temple, clearly regretting his choice of words. There was the man she knew
“More than nice,” he corrected but he realized that sounded just as terrible.  
“Well, I think that you’re more than nice too,” she joked before kissing him lightly on the cheek. He was right though. It was nice. She’d forgotten how it felt, to be in someone’s arms, to be cared for like this. To have someone enamoured with you. She missed the feeling. Though little did she suspect to find it again with the commander after all this time, a former templar.
“I’ll admit, I didn’t expect tonight to go like this,” he continued.
“How did you expect it to go?”
“At best, we’d share a kiss. At worst, you would laugh in my face, maybe slap me across the face. The middle ground was that you’d let me down easy,”
“Have you ever seen me slap anyone across the face?”  
“Lord Hayes at the Viscount’s birthday soirees,” he said without skipping a beat. “You could hear it echo in the halls,”
“Ah, right,” there was that one time. But that was an exception rather than the rule. Lord Hayes had a very slappable face.
“Well, we’re here now,” she continued. “And where do we go from here?”
“Where would you like for it to go?” he asked her, squeezing her tightly.
Now that was a question that she wished she could answer. They both knew that no matter how they felt about each other, there was still a lot to overcome. There was no guarantee that she would stay at Skyhold after this mission. And there was no way he could leave his position. And while she was okay emotionally at this moment, there was no certainty that she would always be like this. That the doubts wouldn’t seep back in again.
Aerianne’s eyes started to grow heavy. She knew there was much to discuss, but for now…
“Hopefully somewhere nice,”
This was all she wanted.
Soooo, it's been a personal goal of mine to be okay with writing more 'intimate' scenes. I don't necessarily think that romance needs to have sex scenes to make it work, but I still think that they can add another interesting aspect. Also I just wanted to see if I could get over my own weird embarrassment. The result? Sort of.
Is there more planned for the future? We'll see. As embarrassed as I was, it was also fun. Thanks you all again for reading this far.
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tf-guru · 4 years
Basic Transformation. Tf story featuring woman -> pig, woman -> ????, man -> ????, man -> ????. MC
"What group of motherfuckers know how to pass an exam?" Derrick shouted to the group. His girlfriend Makenna replies
"It was a semester of basic biology, it's not like it was anything insane"
"I know I know but still, I'm proud of us!" Derrick respondes.
The group of four consisted of two couples, Derrick and McKenna, and Hailey and Joe. The group had just finished their biology exam and had decided to celebrate with a trip northward from their small llinois college. Derrick was the light hearted guy you'd always want to be around, his girlfriend McKenna had a bubbly personality as well but also would attempt to curb Derricks zeal.
"So you said your uncle owns a cabin up in Michigan?" This question came from Joe, a soft-spoken realist who often served as the groups leader. He was dating Hailey. Apart from Joe Hailey was probably the only genuine hard worker of the group, having been one of the biggest reasons they had passed their bio class.
"Yeah you guys are going to love it. My dad would take me their sometimes in the summer." Derrick said. The group continued driving for another half hour when suddenly, as if by magic the car came to a stall and Derrick began to pull over.
"What the hell Derrick?" Questioned Joe. Confused, Derrick responded
"I dont know? Everything seems to be fine! Let me go check the engine." Derrick, accompanied by the rest of the group got out and headed to the front of the car. While the rest of the group examined the engine Hailey inspected the area they were in. Looking ahead a shimmering sign at the side of the road caught her eye. She adjusted her glasses as it came into focus and came to read 'Pan's Haunted Museum and Auto Mechanic Shop' the auto mechanic section hung off to the side and Hailey could almost swear that part shimmered for a brief time longer than the rest. Upon finding the sign she called to the others
"Guys! Let's just head to this place, inform the owner of our problem, and be back on the road in no time?" The other two looked to Joe.
"I agree with Hailey, lets go check this place."
It didn't take long to reach the road the attraction was on. The area contained what was advertised, a small shop, a strange circus tent looking area, and a small farmhouse. When they arrived a small, hunchbacked man carrying a small bundle on his back sprang out at them. He had one crazy eye and a chin covered in black and white stubble. He looked at the gang and said
"Who might you be? Peculiar attractions have yee come to see?"
Joe, unshaken by the man's strange odd appearance or weird speech simply said
"We would like to see the mechanic sir." The man began to turn to the house and informed the group
"Hes out. I'll go call him. Feel free to check out the haunted musem over yonder."
After around fifteen minutes McKenna started to head over to the strange tent. With nothing better to do the group entered with her and found themselves in one of those cheap fair booths with "freaks of nature" including fake mermaid and pixey skeletons, magical rocks, and so on.
"Well this is... soemthing." Mckenna said, inspecting the fake mermaid.
"It really is isn't it." Derrick responded only half sarcastic. After throughly inspecting the room McKenna walked over to the far end of the room where a tarp covered an almost hidden door.
"Guys, lets head through here" Mckenna said
"Mckenna we should prob- and she's already gone. Lets go get her and make sure she doesn't get into trouble." Joe instructed as the remaining three went through the door.
The next room was a simple barn area with some hay scattered around. Upon seeing this Joe said,
"Alright, its probably just a staging area for the haunted attraction. Are you satisfied?" Mckenna turned around to retort before abruptly collapsing onto the ground.
"Mckenna!?" Derrick shouted before rushing to her side. He then continued
"She seems fine but just asleep, lets try and drag her back to the other room." Hailey went over to open the door but as she looked for the handle she couldn't find one, or even any sign there was a door at all. She was going to call out when she heard two distinct thumps behind her. She turned around to see both Joe and Derrick had collapsed on the floor. Before she could say anything she suddenly felt extremely dizzy.
As she collapsed on the floor Hailey saw the hunchbacked man before...
Hailey awoke, standing up in a completely different place. While still on a farm she was now outside standing in front of a man. The man was saying something when Hailey focused in
"You okay there? You look dazed." The slightly rotund man carried a pitchfork and wore a pair of blue overalls. Hailey replied
"W-wheres Joe and McKenna and D-" the man cut her off
"My-My friends we were on a vacation trip and and"
"Vacation trip? You've been here for a while. Remember the extra credit opportunity for your veterinarian class?" She did remember vaguely about applying for something along those lines but it seemed almost blurred in her mind.
"Sorry I must have just been day dreaming ha ha."
"Well, time to get to work. I'll show you where I want you today." The man led her into one of the long barns. This one contained a single area for pigs. In the opposite corner was a large mysterious container next to a dolley. The man then informed her
"Okay, I have you on trough refill duty. Fill the pig's trough with the slop and come find me in the farmhouse when your finished. Any questions?"
"No, I can do it." With that the man exited the barn and Hailey got to work.
She first went over to the barrel in the corner, lifting it onto a dolley. Bringing it over to the pig trough she undid the large plastic lid and started to pour the strange slop mixture into the trough.
"Damn, you'd think this would smell horrible but its not that bad!" She thought as the other fat pigs in the pen started to waddle over and treat themselves to the slop.
As she finished pouring a bit of slop spilled out onto her arm. Pulling the barrel back Hailey looked at the gloop on her arm and did a very un-Hailey like thing. She licked it off her arm.
For some odd reason the slop tasted amazing!
"Holy shit! That was so good! I need more!" She ran her finger along the edge of the barrel and consumed it once again. Realizing there was still some at the bottom Hailey poured it over and grabbed some by the handful.
As she ate her body reacted to the slop. Hailey always had had a thin figure but now she was teetering pass chubby. Her small breasts became bigger and her ears grew slightly larger. When she had emptied the barrel a wild hunger overtook her, causing her to go to the only other place near her with slop. The pig pen.
She entered, ignoring the mud starting to cling to her legs. First she simply grabbed slop and ate it but soon found it easier to just eat straight from the trough. With every bite she was less concerned about the other pigs and only focused on eating. She grew plumper and burst from her clothes.
"Will need to grnnt buy clothes, after grnnt eat this delicious..." she said, her feet crusting over into pig hooves, her mouth slightly pushing out into a pig snout, making it easier for her to eat more and more slop. This caused her glasses to fall off and to the side. She was on all fours. Each bite made her eyes fog slightly more and more. She didn't even notice when a tiny curled tail sprouted from her thick lower back.
The farmer walked in to see the piggish Hailey eating from the trough. He walked over to the pen and shuts the door, he calls to Hailey and says
"Damn, thought you were going to make it." Hailey turned around at this, still on all fours.
"Never seen anyone wake up from a sleep spell that fast. Well, don't worry well take care of you as a pig, Pan will be happy to see you." With that he exited the barn and made his way to the farm house.
"Me... me piggy?" Hailey sluggishly thought her famed intellect slipping by the second. Something about what the farmer said confused the pig as she shook her head in an attempt to focus but this only caused her fat cheeks to jiggle and her large ears flop out and down. She turned around to go back to the slop when she spotted her glasses laying atop her shredded clothes.
The sight of her clothes next to the other pigs made the sow-to-be strain and think hard.
"Im not pig... grrnt right? I h-h-human? Or hungry?" She let out an annoyed snort and went to touch her temples with her still human hands. As she raised them she brushed by her snout and came to an epiphany.
"I am Hailey, a human!" This jogged her human memories, her getting to the attraction with her friends, seeing Pans Museum. This realization cleared the fog from her eyes as she finally got a look at herself.
"Im grnnt, turning into a grnnt pig!" She grabbed onto the fence and with her strong will, pushed herself onto two legs. With this act of constitution some other changes receded as well. Her hooves began to soften and return to human feet, some of her fat receded until she was back to a chubby state.
"I... am... a... human!" She thought defiantly and with that she returned to a semi normal form. While still chubby her snout receded and her curley tail snaked back into herself. She quickly exited the barn and headed up to the farmhouse.
She ran to the door of the farmhouse, her new fat giggling as she went. Sneaking up to it she grabbed a shovel that was lying by the door and entered. Inside she found a simple farmhouse and peculiarly a pair of overalls and a straw hat on the ground.
"What the hell?" She thought as she moved further into the house. After a quick inspection of the house she didn't find anyone. She once again went into the main bedroom and opened the closet, hoping to find something to cover her much larger and curvier body. She opened the closet and found around twenty pairs of overalls, all different sizes.
"Thats weird, why would you need so many in so many sizes?" She went through them before finding one that would cover her new frame.
Finally dressed she headed into the kitchen, she opened the door she assumed was for the pantry and then stepped back in shock. Instead of a pantry there was a massive room akin to a warehouse with many rooms and hallways splitting off.
End of part one.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Courtney’s Infinite Search for Love Ch. 13 (Witney) - Grinder
AN: Apologies it took so long to update. I’ve been trying to get my life together by getting a job which I’m still in the process of but very hopeful. Anyway, enjoy the update.
~ Grinder
It hasn’t even been a week since I started my shifts at The Tap, the bar in which Adore performed, the place we held most of our staff do’s. Although the memories made here were not necesserily the best due to recent events, it was somewhat comforting working in a familiar environment. The sound of the drunks singing along to the mellow sounds of Adore’s voice makes me smirk with amusement.
“Kiss me…beneath the milky twilight…” a man serenades me as I pour him his fifth drink for the night.
“You having a good time, mate?” I ask beaming a smile at him.
“Ohhh, the lady…” he pauses to point a finger to Adore twirling on the stage, “…brilliant singer…brilliant singer…”
“I know, right? That’s Adore. She’s my friend.” I stated handing him the pint of beer.
“Beautiful - beautiful…” he slurs, “You know?”
“Yeah…” I look to Adore as she gently sways to the rhythm of her song, fairy lights reflecting their glow off her hair. “…she really is…”
My eyes turn to the drunken man as he hands me his money and stumbles away with his drink. He trips on the way causing everyone to look in his direction. His friends help him up as he begins laughing and cheering at his foolishness.
Adore has even stopped singing for a moment, she’s distracted by the scene.
“Be careful, man. Glad you’re having fun though. Damn.” She giggles before continuing on with the song.
I watch her as she sings so smoothly, the audience sway from side to side captivated by her performance. She has such an amazing presence.
I’m so glad she got me into this job. Not only is it extra money but I still get to spend time with her. Ever since I told her about the Willam situation she’s been nothing but helpful. She’s visited everyday, even Bailey is convinced she has a second mom. Her company has helped a lot.
I suppose I feel better that I patched things up with Alyssa but there was still Willam. I know in my heart I should just forgive her. But there is still some level of hurt there. Not as much as it was before. I’ve learned to kind of forget about it and get on with life.
But when I’m in Adore’s company I just seem to forget about everything. All the bad feelings leave my mind. No Willam. No worries.
Snap. Snap.
I’m pulled from my thoughts as I look to the source of the snapping.
“Anyone home?”
It’s a man clicking his fingers in my direction, his other hand holding a few coins. “I’m sorry. What can I get you?”
“Just a strawberry and lime cider. You distracted?” He teases as I get to work on his order.
“No…well, yeah actually. She’s my friend. She’s a great singer.” I speak trying to focus on finding the right bottle from the coolers. Once I find it, I bend down to grab the bottle.
“Oh, she’s yours then?” He smirks.
“My friend, yes.” I reply before grabbing a glass and filling it with ice. I turn back to him and place the glass down.
He’s silent for a while but still smiling. He breaks the pause, responding with, “nice.”
Feeling awkward in the strange moment, I take his money, grab the change from the till and return to the man.
“Keep the change.” He smirks, walking away.
“Thanks.” I reply.
Well that was weird.
The music, stops making me turn to look to the stage.
“Thank you all for having me. My name is Adore Delano and you can’t buy any singles yet ‘cause I’m such a busy bitch but come see me more. You’ve been a great audience!” Adore kisses her fingers and gives the audience a sign of peace before leaving the stage. She practically skips up to the bar, squealing with excitement. “Oh my gosh, that was the best gig I’ve had so far. I’m so glad I wasn’t roped into that Friday gig. That shit’s messy.”
“I know, girl. Well congratulations! You did great. Trust me; watch this place start to fill up with crowds over the next week.” I beam a smile as I work on pouring her a drink.
“Holy shit, you’re like my number one fan girl, I love it.” Adore laughs. “So how was your first night working as a bar tender?”
I pass Adore the bottle of beer and she takes a sip.
“Not my first night. I did some at college. Remember? But I suppose this place is nicer compared the last place I worked. Better atmosphere. Nice lighting. Friendly customers -even though some are kinda weird-” I mutter the last part. “And I get to watch you perform as well so that’s a big plus.”
“Yeah, ‘cause why wouldn’t you wanna watch this bitch sing other peoples music for a couple of hours.” Adore’s smirks, taking another drink. “I swear, man, one day I’m gonna write my own stuff. And I’m gonna be sooo…fucking…cool.”
“Well I’m gonna hold you to that.” I say leaning my elbows on the counter.
“You better.” Adore replies.
“So what are your plans now?”
“Well I was just gonna hang out here until you finished your shift. Maybe I’ll get drunk. I dunno. I just wanna hang out.”
“Well I’m very glad you find me entertaining enough despite all the whining and crying I’ve been doing.” I stifle a laugh.
“Girl, shut up. You’re so fucking awesome. I love you and don’t you forget that.” Adore points a finger in my face and uses her other hand to grab mine.
“I love me too.” I say with a cheeky smile.
It’s been over 3 weeks since I started the temporary bar tending shifts at The Tap and let’s just say it’s no longer temporary. Dick offered me a full time position due the lack of workers he had as well as my “charismatic personality”. So here I am making more money than I had when working for Tune 105. I took night shifts as I didn’t want to give up working for the radio station that I loved so much. I still worked on writing the news scripts so I had the opportunity to meet our two new presenters. They were nice. Very smart and approachable. I helped them prepare for live news readings along with Dela even though the only experience I have with it is from watching Adore and Alyssa.
Speaking of Adore and Alyssa, they were promoted as reporters of the morning and news programmes. They work with Katya and Trixie now, the clowns of the station. It’s fun to watch Alyssa get frustrated with them as they goof around when their supposed to be out finding stories. Adore just encourages them which makes it even funnier. But the final product of the programmes always turn out perfect. If only our station had a wider audience. I feel Adore, Alyssa, Katya and Trixie deserve more recognition.
And more news on Alyssa, she talked more with Tatianna after she received the promotion. It was to be expected after all what with Alyssa being a reporter for the noon news show which Tati presented. At first they seemed really professional around each other, working together on how a story should go and what should be said. Alyssa wasn’t so nervous around her anymore.
And one day I just so happened to walk in on Alyssa having a mini break down over how her story was failing to go anywhere. Tatianna gave her tips and ideas of how they could make it all work. Alyssa would brush them off but Tati pushed her to do it. What a professional.
I know it seems like I was eavesdropping. I tried so hard to focus on my news script. But I couldn’t help but glance over from time to time to make sure Alyssa was OK. And about the third time I looked around, Tati had just kissed her, pulling away and squeezing her shoulders. I kept in an excited squeal as I felt a rush of happiness for Alyssa. She finally got the one she really wanted. It turned out that they had been seeing each other now that they were working so closely. It just felt right seeing them so happy.
And my happiness? Let’s just say I’m 100% content with life right now. I haven’t properly spoken to Willam yet. We’ve said a few things at the station like when we’re in meetings we share comments on ideas. And sometimes she’ll ask if I want tea to which I don’t turn my nose up at her but gratefully accept. I don’t know where we stand right now. But I’m happy with the way things are.
Adore comes around my place religiously. She says it’s because she likes hanging out with me, but I know the other reason is because of Bailey. Most of our days consist of sitting on the living room floor, talking about random things while playing with my puppy. I love Adore’s company. She’s so quick and witty which never fails to make me laugh. I’m glad she exists. Everyone thank the lord for Adore.
“Sorry. What?” I snap out of my train of thought looking to Adore who’s being attacked with kisses from Bailey.
“I said let’s go to the mall and play hide and seek.” She proposes.
Am I a child or a 30 year old woman?
“Sounds great.”
Adore and I giggle like two idiots as we walk around the large shopping mall. Alaska is looking after Bailey just so we can play hide and seek in such a large space. What dorks. But honestly, it sounds fun right? Again. Thank the lord for Adore.
“OK, bitch!” Adore practically shouts feeling very obnoxious (but in a good way.) “I’m gonna go hide now. Gimme a minute before you come looking for me.”
“A minute??” I exclaim.
“Yeah. Maybe 2. Have you seen the size of this place?” Adore’s eyes widen as she looks around.
“OK. I’ll be in that store over there. I’m giving you 2 minutes. Better make it count.” I smile mischievously.
“Oh, I will! I already know where I’m hiding.” She laughs taking a few steps away.
“1..2…” I begin.
And she’s off. Literally running and trying to dodge the people. I shake my head and laugh quietly at the immaturity we possess.
I wander around the clothes shop about 2 minutes, admiring the items on display. After the 2 minutes is up, I’m on the hunt.
Now, if I was Adore…where would I hide? Maybe her favourite clothes shop? Nah, too easy. Well she could be hiding behind the clothes. No, too obvious. Maybe somewhere big. Some difficult to find anyone.
I make my way to the store, determined she will be there. Why wouldn’t you hide in IKEA? Yes, it’s predictable but difficult to find anyone. I mean, how many times have you seen a parent looking for their lost kid in IKEA.
I search around the display rooms, looking in every shower and cupboard. So far no where to be seen. Yep, this was definitely hard. There are so many display rooms. Would she choose one that she likes? Or would that be too obvious. What about one absolutely terrible looking? Or is that also too obvious.
I continue looking around the store, getting strange looks from shoppers as I inspect the display rooms carefully. After a few minutes, I’ve found her. There’s a bed covered in a red satin sheets and clearly there is a person underneath. I cautiously approach the bed making sure there’s no peek holes she could be spying from in order to plan an escape. Oh my gosh, it sounds like I’m a kidnapper or something.
I grab the top of the covers and pull back hard to reveal that it indeed was Adore. She yelped out in surprise and covered her form with her arms.
“Get out of my room, you heathen! I am without clothing!” She practically shouts.
I laugh and shush her looking around to see a few people shaking their heads. “People are going to approach us.”
“Well who wouldn’t wanna approach us, man.” Adore giggles pulling me down on the bed beside her. “Two very good looking women in a red satin bed is a fucking magical attraction in my opinion.”
I laugh and playfully slap her hands off of me. “Come on, let’s get out of here fast!”
My ears prick up as we both turn our heads to the abrupt voice. Oh shit. A member of staff.
“What do you think you two are doing?? Get out of that bed and get the hell outta here before I call mall security.” He threatens with a pointed tone.
I hastily get off the bed with a face red with embarrassment. But honestly I’m also dying laughing.
“Fine.” Adore sulks standing up. I try to make the bed again as Adore continues to talk to the man. “Me and my newly wed wifey will just go else where to find our new bed. Come on, Courtney.”
She extends her hand to me which I take and walk away as people just shake their heads.
“Oh my God. We just got kicked out of IKEA.” I speak in a quiet voice as exit the store.
“I know. How punk rock.” Adore laughs aloud. She let’s go of my hand and turns to me. “OK, you’re turn to hide now.”
“You really wanna keep playing after what just happened?”
“Yeah, duh! I’m giving you 2 minutes.”
“Are you sure we should?”
“1…2…3…” Adore smiles as she begins to count.
All I can do is smirk as I run from her. I try to think of a place to hide. But I can’t stop thinking about the fact we just got kicked out of IKEA for testing a bed. I swear being with Adore, you just forget about what everyone else thinks. It’s good to let yourself go sometimes.
The smell of coffee hits my nostrils and it smells so good. I look around and find a Starbucks. How long has it been since Adore started counting? Better hide now than worry about being caught too early. I make my way inside, sitting at a two person table that just so happens to have a newspaper laying there. I hold the paper up pretending to read. While I wait, I feel nervous about being caught at any moment. Ever get that feeling while playing hide and seek when your stomach is in a knot and you don’t want to breathe. That’s me right now.
I hear the seat in front of me pull out. A bag is placed on the table. How could she possibly have found me already??
“What’s with the paper cover up? You got a zit or herpes, girl?”
My newspaper flies down at the sound of the familiar voice. It’s not Adore. It’s Willam.
“Oh, no.” I reply nervously tucking my hair behind my ear. “I’m just…hiding.”
Willam looks around cautiously. “From who?”
“Oh, just Adore.” I stifle a laugh. “We’re playing hide and seek.”
“Really? Sounds great. So she’s looking for you right now?”
“Well, maybe I should go sit somewhere else before I make it obvious where you are.” Willam says as she begins to stand up.
I don’t let her get too far though. My hand shoots out and grabs hers. “Wait a second.”
Willam looks puzzled for a few seconds before sitting down again.
I just look at her for a while, thinking of something to say. I open my mouth but close it again. And repeat the action again. I guess it’s best to come right out with it. “I just want to let you know that I forgive you, Willam.”
“Really?” Her eyes widen as she looks bewildered.
“Yeah, the past few weeks I’ve felt happier in just living my life as it happens. I needed to stop feeling so sorry for myself and get on with things. And when we started talking again at the station, maybe not a lot but…it just felt things were back to normal. And it makes me happy. But I just want you to know up front that I accept your apology and can move on from what happened.”
Willam sighs out relief. “Well thank God. I kinda still thought you were mad at me and didn’t really know what to do. I thought we were doing that 'lets-be-civil’ bullshit. But I’m glad.”
“Maybe we can just see what happened as a learning experience from now on.”
“Yeah, sounds good.” Willam smiles to which I smile back. “Thanks, Court’.”
“No problem.” I reply. “So- -”
“There you are!”
Adore is now standing beside us at the table. “I looked forever man. I thought you’d be in the pet store or Victoria’s Secret.” She then looks to Willam. “Oh hey, girl.”
“Evening.” Willam replies. “To be honest I’d probably see Courtney hiding somewhere difficult like a parking lot.”
I curse as the idea didn’t even cross my mind.
“Oh me too. But you’d find me either smoking weed or offering services.” Adore laughed.
“Count me in then.” I say rolling my eyes at the thought of it.
“And me too.” Willam agrees.
“How about you join us, man.” Adore offers Willam. “When was the last time you played extreme hide and seek?”
“I don’t know. I’m kind of hungover and need a coffee.” Willam replies.
“Oh come on it’ll be fun!” I whine giving Willam puppy dog eyes.
“Guys, I know I live my life on the edge but I’m not 10.” Willam retorts.
Adore and I look to each other, smirking. And then back to Willam.
“1…2…3…” We chant in unison.
A smirk creeps onto Willam’s face as she shakes her head. “Goddammit.”
And with that she gets up and quickly leaves the cafe out of our sight.
“I feel like she’s gonna be really good at hiding. Let’s give her one minute to hide.” I suggest.
“OK, I won’t tell her if you wont.” Adore says sitting down.
Adore and I discuss the possibilities of where Willam would choose as her hiding space and I smile all the while. Not just because of the current situation but also because of the overwhelming sense of relief. That remaining sense of sadness can finally leave my body as I breathe out. And it’s so uplifting. And now is the time for a new chapter in my life to begin. No more searching for someone who I believe is the only one when there are so many more opportunities out there waiting. No more being fooled by an emotion that tricks me into behaving like someone who I am not. No more thoughts of life being over in moments of heartbreak. No more negativity.
I guess this is the end to my infinite search for love and the beginning to living life as it happens. Who knows what will happen? I could find my true love tomorrow – next week – next year. I’ll never know. But I just got to wait. And while I wait, I’ll make sure to live life to the fullest.
AN: The end…?
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