#i do apologies for how late this is. i um i well i somehow got the plague and my head was literally spinning.
bbbrianjones · 2 years
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rob hirst of midnight oil - red sails in the sunset era (1984-1985)
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corroded-hellfire · 7 days
what about like an angst with reader, eddie, and Chrissy and maybe ends happy. like a romance type thing but lots of angst
Somehow this got lost in my drafts, so I deeply apologize it took me so long to get it out! I tried to angst it up for you.
Warnings: mentally and emotionally abusive parents, Eddie’s a jerk but he comes to
Words: 3.8k
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“Are you sure you’re okay?” 
Nancy’s voice betrays her worry over the phone, and you have to assure her for the fifth time that you’re all right. 
“Why do you keep asking me that?”
Annoyed isn’t a word you would’ve used to describe your mood before, but it’s certainly fitting now that Nancy keeps interrogating you. 
“You just sound different,” Nancy answers. “You sound off.”
“I’m fine,” you lie. 
“Why don’t you go and see Eddie?” Nancy suggests. It’s not a secret that your best friend can make you happier even when the world is turning to shit. His presence hasn’t been quite as helpful lately since it’s a constant reminder that he has a date with Chrissy Cunningham coming up—and not one with you. 
“Yeah, maybe I will,” you tell Nancy. 
“Good. Call me if you need me.”
“I will, Nance. Bye.”
After hanging up the phone, you stroll into the bathroom and survey the damage on your face. Digging through your makeup bag to find your trusty makeup remover, you make a mental note to stop off at Melvalds on the way home to pick up some more. The skin beneath your puffy eyes is tender as you use a cotton swab to clear away the smeared mascara. Hisses of pain leak through your teeth as you gently dab at your waterline, trying to make all traces of your sob fest vanish. 
Makeup worked for the most part when hiding your irritated eyes and the raw skin around them from crying so much. But when you cried while already wearing some, it made the evidence plain as day with the black streaks running down your cheeks. The only person who knows that your mom and her boyfriend treat you like garbage is Eddie—which means you have to take extra precautions when trying to hide the signs from him too. Eddie threatened many times to kick the shit out of your mom’s boyfriend. There have been a few times when he was high that you had to physically restrain him from heading out to find the prick. He hated how your mother treated you as well, but Eddie could never threaten a woman—even one as horrible as her. 
Once you’re satisfied with the cover the makeup has given you, you grab your keys and head out to your car. This had been one of the worst beratings you’d ever gotten and there was still a ringing in your ears from the vitriol they spewed. 
You think you’re better than us? Just because you graduated high school? Think you’re some big hot shot? You’re nothing. No one gives a shit about you. I gave birth to you and am obligated to love you—but you even make that difficult!
You imagine Eddie’s reaction if he found out. He’d again be trying to talk you into getting into your car or his van and just driving off together. Somewhere, anywhere. Most of the time the two of you said you’d drive to the beach, seeing as neither of you had ever seen the ocean before. The fantasy of Eddie kicking the ass of the douche your mom is dating and then whisking you away to the beach keeps you company on the ride over. 
Wayne’s truck isn’t parked beside Eddie’s van when you arrive, which means the older man has left for work already. The usual blaring of Eddie’s stereo that you can hear from outside doesn’t meet your ears as you step out of your car. You hoist yourself up the few stairs to the front door and rap your knuckles on it. There’s no answer. Leaning in, you definitely hear shuffling going on in there, though. You knock again.
“What?” comes a muffled bark from the other side of the door. Frowning, you push the front door open and step inside of what has become your second home. 
“Um, Eds?” His back is to you as you shut the front door behind you. By his hunched position over a lower shelf and the shuffling and scraping sounds reaching your ears, you can tell he’s looking for something. Frantically, if the frazzled eyes he gives you in the briefest of glances over his shoulder are any indication. 
“Oh, hey,” he says, turning immediately back to the task at hand. 
“Can I, uh, talk to you?” One of your hands twirls a keyring around your finger, while the other comes up to gingerly touch your swollen lower eyelid. 
“Now?” The groan accompanying his words takes you aback. There’s never been a single time that he’s made you feel like a burden or inconvenience. But the way he’s acting now is sure giving you that impression. 
“Are you busy?” you ask in a soft voice. 
“Trying to find that ring with the skeleton hands holding the stone.”
“Because Chrissy likes that one.” He says it so absentmindedly, like he’s giving 99% of his efforts into finding the piece of jewelry, and 1% of them talking to you. 
“What’s it matter what ring you wear right now?” Frowning, you cross your arms over your chest.
Eddie groans again and opens another drawer. “To wear on our date tonight.”
The air rushes out of your lungs faster than when your mom landed a verbal gut punch at home. You thought you had a whole week to mentally prepare for Eddie going out on a date with the queen of Hawkins High. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Something came up for her next weekend, so we rescheduled it for today.”
“Oh.” It’s all you can say without bursting into tears or punching a hole in the wall. 
“Yeah,” Eddie says again, turning around to finally face you. “So, you know, if you could just…” Eddie gestures towards the front door, obviously hinting at you leaving. 
“O-Oh. Yeah. I-I just need to talk to you about something,” you say weakly. “It will only take a minute. I-I promise.”
Eddie groans and rubs a hand over his face. “I don’t have a minute. I need to find this ring. You and I can talk whenever. The date is tonight, though—it’s important.”
And I’m not, your mind adds. The pain in your eyes seems to throb even more, as if Eddie’s words are irritating them further. 
“Right,” you say. “Okay, I’ll go.” 
“Thanks,” Eddie mumbles as he continues his search. It burns like a branding iron down your esophagus. You can’t count all the times that Eddie said to come to him whenever you felt low or like you wanted to run away or when you couldn’t take being at home any longer. It made you feel special. Now, he doesn’t even have the time of day to listen to what you have to say. Even if you shouted, “Hey, this is about the people who I live with that abuse me!” it probably still wouldn’t get his full attention. You’re not going to use that as an excuse, either. Not going to use it to get your best friend to talk to you when he clearly doesn’t want to and has better things to do. 
An idea pops into your head and it’s planted itself before you really even have time to consider it. Slowly, you walk back to the front door. But before you open it, you turn back to face him. 
“Can I just ask one f-favor first?” you say, doing your damndest to keep your voice from shaking. “And then I’ll leave, I promise.” 
Pausing his perusing, Eddie heaves out a sigh and turns to face you, hands on his hips. “What?”
“Can I have a hug?”
Eddie takes the few steps towards you and pulls you in for a quick squeeze. It’s not exactly what you wanted, but you still let your head rest against his shoulder, scrunching your eyes closed as you try and savor this moment with Eddie. Usually, his hugs are like a balm for your soul. But this one is rushed and half-assed. It’s clear he wants you to be gone. So after one last squeeze of him in your arms, you grab the front door knob and open it to the warm late spring day outside. Over your shoulder, you look at Eddie. He’s back to shuffling things around, pink tongue poking out of his pretty lips as he focuses on his task.
“Goodbye, Eddie.”
There’s no response. You didn’t really expect one, anyway. The two of you have been best friends for years. But you know the place that Chrissy holds in his heart and there’s no room for anyone else in that spotlight. It’s not the kind cheerleader’s fault, though. All she did was agree to a date with the best man you know. How could you blame her? 
Taking a deep breath, you step out of the trailer and close the door behind you. 
The first thing you do when you get back into your car is turn up the radio as loud as your eardrums can stand. Hopefully it’ll be enough to occupy your mind so it doesn’t wander and you don’t spiral even further. Melvalds is on the way home from Eddie’s, otherwise you probably would have skipped it. But, you think, you can also grab a candy bar or two to drown your sorrows in if you stop by the store. 
Luckily, no one you know is working at the store this evening. It makes it easier for you to grab the things you need and get out without having to have a conversation with anyone. On your way back to the car, the dumpster on the side of the building catches your eye, as it’s overflowing with garbage. They must have gotten a delivery earlier in the day because empty boxes also pile high out of the large green bin, many littering the floor around it as well. Without giving it much thought, you pop the trunk of your car before grabbing as many boxes as will fit in the cramped space before shoving them inside. You slam the trunk, giving it enough oomph to make it close despite the amount of cardboard you managed to cram in.
No one is home when you get there, which isn’t a surprise. Eddie would be occupied the whole night, so you know you’ll have no interruptions. Because who else would call or show up to see you? No one, of course. So, you lug the empty boxes into your room and take a look around the small space. Most of your belongings should fit in the boxes and the small suitcase, duffle bag, and backpack you have in your closet. 
Heaving a sigh, you get to work and start to pack up your room. What’s keeping you in Hawkins anymore? High school is over and your only college plans so far were community college—and they have those just about everywhere. Family was a mark against staying in Hawkins, and your friends were either going away to college or dating pretty cheerleaders that’ll have them forgetting all about you eventually. Why not have your own new start? 
There’s not a whole lot in your room to begin with, so most everything you own ends up in a box or a bag. It’s nearing three in the morning by the time you shove the bags containing your clothes behind the driver and passenger’s seats in your car. Figuring you’d end up sleeping in your car for the foreseeable future, you pack all your bedding into the backseat, creating a nest that you could curl up into when you were tired of driving. 
The boxes are heavy, but you manage to haul them to the driveway all by yourself. After stashing most of them into the trunk, you realize they’re probably not all going to fit. Gritting your teeth, you decide to give it the old college try and force them all in. Headlights turn down your street and you have to shield your face as the beams blind you. None of your neighbors are particularly friendly, so you know none of them will stop to see what’s going on. To your chagrin though, the vehicle starts to slow as it approaches your home. The closer it gets, you begin to hear the familiar squeak that churns out as the tires roll up. Eddie. Ice floods your veins as your mind scrambles to find something to tell him. What possible explanation could you have for loading up your car with all of your belongings in the middle of the night? But how do you tell him that you planned on skipping town without giving him a heads up first? 
You run out of time as the van comes to a halt and the thump of Eddie’s boots hits the pavement.
“Uh, whatcha doing?” Eddie drawls. The lights on the front of the van finally fade out and you can see him approaching you. There’s a confused yet amused furrow on his brow as he slips his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. He’s wearing the same t-shirt as he was when you saw him before, but now his leather jacket is thrown over it. 
“Nothing,” you say lamely as you throw your weight behind your attempts to close the trunk. 
“Really?” Eddie raises his eyebrows as he leans against the side of your car. “Nothing? Because you always load your car up with boxes in the middle of the night. How could I forget?”
Deciding to just ignore him, even though you know that won’t work, you put your focus back on the task at hand. Eddie gives you a few moments, watching in amusement as you try to leap on top of the trunk. 
“What, are you getting rid of a body? Come on, who’d ya kill? You know I’ll help you out.” There’s a playful smirk on his face as he pushes off of the car and his eyes catch on the bedding you have in the backseat. “Wait.” He points at your comforter and pillows bunched up on the old worn seats. “Are you…going somewhere?”
“Maybe.” It’s petty and immature of you, but you’re still hurt by how easily he dismissed you before. 
Eddie’s jaw drops and he lets out a scoff. “And what? You just weren’t going to tell me?”
“Honestly,” you huff out, momentarily giving up on closing the trunk, “I didn’t think you’d care very much.”
“Excuse me?” Eddie’s eyes practically pop out of his skull. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, forget it,” you mumble. “What are you even doing here?”
“I came to tell my best friend about my date,” he says, irritation clear in his tone. “But it seems like she’s mad at me for some reason.”
All you can do is stare at him. He seriously doesn’t know? He can’t figure out why you’re so upset with him? Anger boils your blood, thawing out the ice that previously resided there. 
“Well, I’m busy, Eddie. So, you know, if you could just…” Your eyes flicker over to his van, not so subtly quoting him from earlier in the day. 
It takes a few moments, but it finally dawns on him. He drops his arms to his side and has the good sense to look embarrassed.
“Oh, shit.” Eddie groans and rubs his hands over his face. “I’m an asshole, aren’t I?”
Some of your anger turns to irritation as you see his body deflate. You cross your arms over your chest, refusing to give up all your vexation towards him. 
“You are.”
“I’m sorry.” He steps towards you, letting out a sigh. “You wanted to talk to me about something and I just brushed you off. I’m a pretty shitty best friend.”
Not quite trusting your voice, you nod your head. Eddie comes even closer and tilts your chin up so you’re looking at him. His lower lip is jutted out and he’s made his eyes somehow even wider. 
“Can you forgive me?” he asks.
You have to bite your lip from letting a small smile peek through. Even when he’s been an asshole and an idiot, he can still find a way to cheer you up. 
“Maybe,” you say with a shrug.
Eddie heaves an over dramatic sigh that you know is meant to keep the atmosphere around you light. 
“What about we talk about whatever it was you came by for, hmm?”
The suggestion suddenly sours your mood again. You’d managed to get the venom hurled at you pushed to the back of your mind, too focused on Eddie hurting your feelings. Now the vile words come back to you and your best friend immediately picks up on the shift in your demeanor. 
“Fuck,” he grumbles under his breath. He knows the reason your body would tense up like that. It only serves to make him feel even worse about shooing you away before. Eddie lifts his eyes and scans the driveway before looking back at your house. “Are they here?”
“No,” you say softly.
“Good, I’d fucking lose it on them.” He takes a deep breath before ducking his head to meet your eyes. “How bad was it?”
The question is what gets the tears prickling in your eyes. You try to hide it, but your trembling bottom lip gives you away. Eddie doesn’t hesitate to tug you closer to him and pull you into a hug. 
“Whatever they said, it isn’t true,” Eddie mumbles against your hair. 
“D-Did you know it’s almost impossible to love me?” you say with a hoarse voice. You clear your throat before you speak again. “And that I’m a pathetic waste of space that nobody wants around?”
“I do.”
You can’t help but look up at Eddie when he says that, skepticism written all over your face. At first, the look puzzles Eddie. Then he remembers what he did when you originally came to see him and talk about the shitty things your mom and her boyfriend said to you. Eddie had just brushed you off, made you feel unimportant and that he cared about Chrissy more than you. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You mean everything to him and the fact that he made you feel anything less than is absolutely eating him alive inside. 
“I promise I want you around all the time,” Eddie tells you. “There’s never a time I don’t want you around. I’m so sorry about before, sweetheart. I clearly wasn’t thinking. Is…is that why you were leaving?”
Without meeting his eyes, you nod your head. “Figured no one wanted me around. Was tired of being here,” you say, gesturing to your house behind you. 
Eddie nods his head and presses a kiss into your hair. You think he’s going to say something, but instead he walks around you and picks up one of the cardboard boxes you were trying to get in your trunk. Instead of assisting you with it, he steps away from your car with the box, and you look at him in confusion.
“What’re you doing?” you ask.
“This was never going to fit in there,” Eddie says, nodding towards your car. “Gonna put it in the back of my van.”
This confuses you more than anything. You watch him in silence, a frown etched into your brow, as he yanks open the back of his van and slides the box inside. 
“Why your van?” you ask.
Eddie gives you a look like the answer should be a no-brainer. 
“Because the boxes weren’t fitting in your trunk, and I have plenty of space in mine.”
“What?” Your brain feels like it has whiplash from everything that’s gone on today. Maybe Eddie was the one making sense and you’re just not getting it. “How’s it going to help me in your van?” 
“Well,” Eddie says as he walks over and picks up another of the boxes that you couldn’t make fit. “We’re going to have to stop at my place, anyway. I’ll have to pack up some shit to take.”
“Take where?” Your voice sounds about as flabbergasted as you feel. The fact that you’re becoming more and more sleep deprived isn’t helping either. 
“Wherever we’re headed,” Eddie says with a shrug. He slides the second box in beside the first one in the back of the van. “The ocean, I presume.”
“What?” you practically shout into the quiet, dark night. 
“You wanna leave, right?” Eddie asks as he closes the back doors of the van. “Finally leaving these assholes you live with, yeah?”
“I, um,” you stutter, not completely sure of what’s going on or what you should say. “Yeah. I-I’m leaving.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow at you and tilts his head.
“And you really think I’d let you leave without me? Bullshit. We can crash at my place tonight then head out in the morning. Maybe plan a route over breakfast.”
“Wha—Eddie, no.” 
The refusal seems to confuse him. His brow pinches together as he leans against the side of his van. 
“What?” he asks.
“You can just pick up and leave. You have Wayne. And the Hellfire guys. And…Chrissy.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says with a humorless chuckle. He shakes his head and makes his way over to you. Gently, he picks one of your hands up in his own and laces your fingers together. “The Hellfire guys still have the club when they head back to school in the fall. Wayne’s been saying you and I should get out of Hawkins for months now. And as for Chrissy?” Eddie shrugs and a knot forms in your stomach. “We’ve only been on one date. And yeah, I really like her. But I’m not going to pass up being on the road with my favorite person.”
Not only does the knot untie itself at your words, but it also seems as if the rope turned into little butterflies that are spreading their wings all throughout your abdomen. 
“O-Okay,” you say, trying to fight back the tears in your eyes. 
“I’ll meet you at the trailer, yeah?” Eddie asks, slinging an arm over your shoulders. “Don’t go getting a head start without me.”
“I promise.”
Eddie holds his pinky up to you. “Pinky promise?”
Smiling, you lock your pinky with his before letting your hands fall to your sides. Eddie takes one last look at your former home before striding over to his van.
“Thank God you’re leaving this place,” he says, eyeing every little detail of the house with disdain. Memories of all the times you called him crying because of something that happened within these walls flood you. It’s the reminder of all the kindness and love he’s given you over the years that really allows you to forgive him for his rude behavior earlier. It still hurts, but expecting Eddie to be perfect wasn’t fair to anyone. 
“I’ll see you in five minutes?” you ask as you finally get your trunk closed.
“Then you’ll never be able to get rid of me.” Eddie throws you a wink before closing himself in the van.
Grinning to yourself, you slide into your own driver’s seat. 
“I’m gonna hold you to that, Munson.”
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joonsmagicshop · 7 months
Stress Relief Series Part 3- JJK
 Summary: A couple weeks ago Taehyung asked a favor. For you to have sex with his bandmates to relieve some tension and stress. How can you say no to that
Paring: Jungkook/Reader
Rating: 18+/M
Word Count: 5K
Tags: Smut, Dom Jungkook, hair pulling, cock sucking, fingering, eating out, denied orgasm, degrading name calling.
Authors Note: This is part three of stress relief. Boy did I have fun with this one. Thank you to everyone who is reading this series I very much appreciate it.
Part 1 (intro)
Part 2
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Your phone buzzing on your bedside table woke you out of a deep sleep. No one ever texted you this late, let alone called you and you fumbled in the dark to reach for your device feeling disoriented and slightly panicked as you finally grasped it, and without even looking at the display you answered the call.
“Hello?” You said trying to keep the phone against your ear as you sat up to turn on your bedside light.
“Um Hi.” Came an unfamiliar deep male voice.
You froze, hand on the phone as you tried to figure out who the heck was calling you.
“Um, who is this?” You asked as you finally flicked on the light to bathe the room in a soft yellow glow.
“It's um…Jungkook. Did I call at a bad time?”
You sat up straighter and tried to smooth down your hair as if he could somehow see you through the phone.
“Um hey? Sorry, I just… What's up?” You said trying to orient yourself to what the hell was going on as the numbers on your alarm clock changed to midnight.
“Um, not much. Are you sure you're okay?” He asked as you could hear his voice echoing through what sounded like an empty parking garage.
“Yeah, I just… You woke me up that's all.” You admitted biting your lip.
“I did? Wait? Oh fuck.” He said, which made you giggle. He must have just realized the time and you could hear shuffling and cursing on the other end.
“I'm so sorry we just got done dance practice and it was…well something… and I didn't even check the time I just called wow I am so sorry.” He said in a rushed apology.
“It's okay. Really.” You assure him as you kick the covers off your body, suddenly feeling hot knowing the reason he was calling.
“I am so sorry for real. Today was just a really bad day.” He says with a pause as you lift an eyebrow. You know what he is hinting at which makes you grin.
“Yeah. Do you need to come over? Maybe let me… help you out.” You purr as you can hear him groan on the other end.
“Yeah, please. Fuck. Hobi was on my ass all day and I could really use some help. As long as it's not too late for you.” He says.
It was already past midnight and you knew you had an early work day tomorrow. The reasonable part of your brain told you to tell him that it can wait until tomorrow and you could be well rested for the upcoming day. After all, Jimin had just come over two nights ago.
The words that came out of your mouth were a different story though.
“I'm sure you know the address?” You whisper already getting out of bed and trying to clean up the place a bit.
“I do. As long as you don't mind that it's kinda late. I have my motorcycle so I can be there pretty quick.” He says and the image of him driving through the dark city on a bike to get to your place is so hot it makes you gasp.
You hear him chuckle through the phone and you steady yourself.
“As long as you don't mind I'm in the clothes I sleep in.” You tease as you make your way to the kitchen and flick on the light.
“Mmm and what kind of clothes do you sleep in beautiful.” He coos. You grip the kitchen counter and bite your lip.
He was good.
Too good.
“Well, why don't you come over and find out Kook? I'll give you a hint though. It's not much clothing.” You admit as you hear him groan and you giggle as your stomach flips.
“God this is so fucking hot already. I haven't even met you and you're already making me hard.” He says lowly.
You feel your stomach turn at that little fact.
“Yeah. You like it when I talk dirty?” You say already feeling your body heat up under your too-big tee shirt and black booty shorts.
“And here I was thinking I'd be the dominant one tonight,” Jungkook responds as you can hear some shuffling around on his end.
“I mean if you want to be dominant you can be. Nothing stopping you. I don't mind.” You hold your breath as you wait for his reply.
“Today was a pretty rough day. I wouldn't mind taking some frustration out.” He says in a low voice that sends shivers down your spine.
“Then do it. Come over.” You respond feeling your core aching already.
“Fuck your perfect. Okay, I'm leaving now. I'm maybe Fifteen minutes away.” He says as you can hear his bike roar to life.
“Drive safe!” You yell over the bike's noise as the line goes dead.
You stared at the city below as you waited for him, keeping an eye out for a black motorcycle among the Sunday night traffic but your gaze kept flicking upward to the almost cloudless sky and the stars that were peaking out against the beautiful black backdrop.
Exactly fifteen minutes later you hear the distinct knocks at the door which sent your heart racing as you walked over to answer it.
When you opened the door he was standing there, in black jeans with a black unzipped motorcycle jacket over top. His hair was a stylish mess and he was nipping softly at his lip ring as you stepped aside so you could let him through.
He shucked off his jacket to reveal a tight black tee shirt underneath and he put his helmet on the floor by his shoes.
You stared at him in awe. The pictures you had seen of him over the years didn't do him justice. He was absolutely stunning in person and when he shot you his signature bunny smile with his nose scrunch you swore you could have died happy right there.
“Hi.” He said softly as you watched his doe eyes trail from your toes to your head.
You kept on what you had worn to bed and suddenly felt shy under his piercing gaze. His pink tongue darted out to lick at his lips and you squirmed.
“Hi.” You said back to him.
You both stood still sizing each other up, time seemed to stand still as well as neither of you made a move.
“God you're…wow.” He said, finally breaking the silence which made you blush and shift on the spot.
“Well thank you. You are pretty wow yourself.” You teased as he grinned and you reached out a hand. He took it and you slowly led him through your apartment to your bedroom.
As Jungkook crossed the threshold you let go of his hand and waited as his eyes shifted around taking in your bedroom.
He finally stopped gazing around and his eyes fell on yours once more, the air was thick with tension and you felt goosebumps rise on your skin as you stepped towards him.
You laced your arms around his shoulders and you looked up into those beautiful doe eyes.
“Heard you had a rough day?” You said softly as his gaze dropped to your lips.
You smirked.
“Yeah.” He muttered biting his lip as he stared at you.
Your hands carded through the soft hairs at the nape of his neck and Jungkook melted into your touch.
“Wanna take your bad day out on me? Take out all that frustration” You asked keeping your voice low as you stood closer to him and continued to play with his hair.
You could tell he was nervous so you did your best to ease him into it, make him feel comfortable, making him feel like whatever he wanted to do was allowed.
“Fuck. Yes, please. I want to….be a little rough with you if that's okay. ” He almost choked out as you pressed a soft kiss against his jawline, his eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of your warm lips against his cold skin.
It was still a little too early to bring out his motorcycle but he just couldn't wait any longer. The boys had advised him against it saying he could not afford to get a cold before the tour but Jungkook had missed riding so much he said screw it and took it out a couple of days ago.
He will admit, that the ride tonight was chilly, it didn't help he was going over the speed limit rushing to get to you.
Jimin hadn't said a word when he came into the dance studio a couple of days ago but by the subtle nod he gave Taehyung and the silly grin he wore on his face Jungkook knew what had happened.
And there was just something about the choreography that was giving Jungkook, who is usually good at everything, a really hard time.
So after Hobi scolded him for the sixth time today he decided tonight would be the night.
He did feel bad for reaching out to you so late but Hobi was getting on his last nerve and he could feel frustration brewing deep inside of him and he didn't want to say something he would regret.
He loved Hobi, he loved all the guys, but something about this dance was just not clicking with his brain and it was making him frustrated and annoyed.
“You okay?” Your soft voice brought him back as he stared at you.
“Yeah, I just. Sorry, I was thinking about today.” Jungkook said as you slowly spun him around and backed him up until his legs hit the bed.
You slowly placed a hand on his chest and pushed him down so he was lying flat. Without a word, you climbed on the bed and straddled his jean-clad thighs shivering at the feeling of his jeans against your bare skin.
He sat up to wrap his arms around you as you pressed soft kisses to his cheeks and jawline. Peppering them slowly and taking in the scent of his skin.
Your hands worked under his tight tee shirt as you ran them up and down his toned torso. Jungkook let out a sigh as you continued to kiss down his neck sucking lightly as you went.
But something was wrong.
Jungkook wasn't doing anything. At all.
His hands remained on your hips holding you steady. No moans or sighs were leaving his mouth instead his eyes were closed and his brows were furrowed as if he was trying to remember something.
You pulled back and he opened his eyes.
“Jungkook? You okay?” You asked scooting back on his lap and staring into his eyes.
“Yeah, I just. Fuck Y/N I'm so sorry. I'm still thinking about today and how I just can't get this dance right and how Hobi kept getting mad at me.” He said hanging his head.
Your heart ached for him. You knew Jungkook was too much in his head to enjoy himself. That he was having a hard time letting go of what happened today.
He was a perfectionist at heart and you knew he worked hard, they all did, which was why you agreed to this in the first place.
“Do you want to just hang out? We don't have to do anything if you don't want to.” You say softly cupping his face and running your thumbs along the apples of his cheeks.
He pushes his face into your shoulder as you stroke his hair.
“I want to. Fuck Y/N I want to so bad you're so fucking hot and I'm so pent up I just can't stop thinking about today. I'm so damn trustfrat- no frustrated.” He corrects which has a smile tugging at your lips.
You knew what Jungkook wanted. He wanted to be a little rough and finally have control. He was just having a hard time getting into that head space so you decided to help him.
“It's okay Jungkook. It's not your fault Hobi is pretty good at a lot of things. I mean he's a great dancer, he's really pretty, and he has nice fingers long and so delicate. I'd imagine he would be a good fuck too.” You say ticking off your fingers as you list all the things you imagine Hobi is good at.
You knew you were riling Jungkook up which would hopefully get him out of his head.
He stared at you, mouth parted as you smiled down at him, hands tangled in his hair as you slowly played with it.
“You think he's a good fuck?” Jungkook asks, his voice dangerously low which makes goosebumps break out on your arms and legs.
“I mean I wouldn't know, but I'd imagine he would be.” You tease as you stare down at him, seeing him get madder by the minute.
“You think he's a better fuck than me? Just like he's a better dancer than me?” He asks voice lower and tongue nibbling at his lip ring again.
You didn't want to hurt his feelings, you really didn't. You also didn't want to say the wrong thing so you simply shrugged.
Which set Jungkook off.
He pushed you off his lap in one swoop and spun you around to pin you to the bed.
You gasped when you felt his hands grab your arms roughly and shove them against your back, pushing your face into the mattress as his body caged yours, breath fanning over your cheeks as you squirmed under him.
“You're such a fucking brat you know. Do you think Hobi is a better fuck than me? A better dancer than me? I'll ruin you so when Hobi does get his chance with you it won't even compare.” Jungkook growled low in your ear as he pressed his warm body into yours.
You whimpered under him as he released one arm to grab at your chest and pull your body up so you were pressed flat against him.
His breath was ragged in your ear as he let go of your arms, keeping one hand pinned to your chest and the other hand playing with the hem of your big tee shirt.
His fingers slowly slipped under the shirt and you gasped when they made contact with your warm skin. His hands were calloused and cold as he traced an invisible line up your thigh. His fingers trailed up up up, thumb flicking over your hipbone which caused you to jolt against him.
“Jungkook. Please.” You said barely above a whisper as you felt your core throb with a need so severe you almost cried out.
“Please what?” He asks darkly as his hand finds its way up your stomach and to the underside of your breast. He softly groans when his thumb flicks over the sensitive nipple and you moan out still caged against his body.
“Please touch me.” You plea feeling his hard cock press against your back. You try to shift your hips back to grind against him but he pushes out his knee stopping you from getting any closer.
“I am touching you.” He teases as his hand comes to squeeze at your breast and his lips descend upon your neck as he starts to kiss and bite at the skin.
Sweet moans leave your lips as Jungkook works both your breasts in his hand. Alternating between left and right, keeping you pinned against him with his other hand pressed firmly against your collarbone as you whine and cry out.
“Mm, you sound so sweet.” He coos as he releases his hold on you and flips you around so you are facing him, you shrink under his dark gaze as he puts a hand on your shoulder and forces you to the ground.
The second your knees hit the floor he is already tugging your hair back and you know what he wants.
Even in the low light of your bedroom lamp, you can see the hard strain of his cock in his jeans and your hands come up to fumble with the button and zipper.
You are quick to get them undone and pull his pants and boxers down. His hard cock spring free and slaps against his stomach. It's long and veiny and the head is stained a pretty red color that has your mouth watering and your core throbbing.
“Your going to suck my cock like a good girl got it. Then I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll forget your own name.” He promises as your tongue darts out and you lick at the precum which is oozing out of the head of his cock.
“And no hands. You're going to use your mouth only and suck me off.” He says which has your hands staying pinned at the side of your body as you suck his cock head into your mouth.
He lets out a loud groan above you as you suck him. Hallowing out your cheeks, you flick your wet tongue over the head making his legs slightly shake. His precum is salty in your mouth and you widen your jaw more as you take him down inch by inch.
His hands are tightening in your hair and you feel tears pool in your eyes as your nose finally hits his trimmed pubes.
Jungkook is moaning above you and you gag on his cock, trying to relax your throat as much as you can as you swallow around him.
“Shit” He cries above you as you stay right where you are. Breathing deep through your nose and fighting every instinct in your body that's telling you to pull off and get some air.
His hands tighten in your hair and he forcefully pulls you off his cock.
You gag as it slips out of your mouth and you look up at him.
His cock is wet with your saliva and hanging right in front of your face. You move towards it to suck him off again but he pulls you back by your hair forcefully, just that action alone has your scalp stinging and your pussy throbbing.
“You're too good at that.” He admits as he helps you to your feet and you grimace slightly when you can feel the amount of wetness that was pooling between your legs. You were surprised you didn't leak through your shorts.
“Take off your clothes. Now.” He demands as you scramble to pull your shirt over your head and your shorts down at the same time.
Your body was thrumming with need as you stood fully naked in front of him.
“Still think Hobi would be a better fuck than me?” He asks with a tilt of his eyebrow, challenging you to say the wrong thing.
You shiver.
“Still not sure about Hobi. Taehyung however…” You said with a smile as Jungkook frowned and grabbed at your wrists again. You smirked when he threw you down on the bed and crawled up to meet you. His body between your legs his eyes dark and locked on yours.
You felt caged and trapped but in the best way.
This man was about to wreck you
and you couldn't wait.
“What am I going to do with you? I tried to shut you up with my cock down your throat and that didn't seem to work out too well because you're still acting like a fucking brat.” He says as he places both his hands against either side of your head caging you in and pressing his naked body against yours.
His cock curves up against your stomach and you moan.
“Maybe you should finally fuck me. Or do I have to wait for Hobi-Hyung?” You taunt shifting your hips and trying to get his cock head closer to your leaking core.
“Nah I'm gonna tease you and edge you until you beg to be fucked by my cock and my cock only. Then I'm going to fuck you so hard it will ruin anyone else fucking you for the rest of your life. Got it?” He asks.
Swiftly he moves down the bed and to the floor as he throws your legs over his shoulders. You gasp when he wastes no time and plunges his tongue into your wet core.
Your whole body arches off the bed as he smacks a tattooed hand down on your hips to stop you from thrashing under him as he licks and sucks at your pussy.
Your hands are gripping the sheets as you force yourself to keep your eyes open as you stare at his mop of black hair in between your legs. His tongue licks at your folds in a way that has your legs shaking and you can feel your body start to spasm at his movements.
Your orgasm approaches fast and you are a whining squirming mess as you try desperately to push your core closer to his mouth, to get him deeper, to get him to dull the ache that has been between your legs since he walked through the front door.
“Jungkook pl-please.” You whine above him feeling your orgasm approaching quickly. You want to cry when he pulls away and stares at you darkly. His tongue darted out to lick at your wetness coating his lips.
“Fuck!” You yell out frustrated as you sit up to look at him. He looks so smug, so happy with himself.
He presses soft kisses to your legs as he lets you come down from your almost orgasm. Your body is still throbbing and you squeeze your eyes tight as you let out several deep breaths.
Just when you feel your heart rate start to slow Jungkook plunges a finger in your pussy without warning, causing you to jolt and sit up to stare at him, eyes wide when he adds another finger and starts to pump them in and out of your body slowly.
You grip the sheets once more as you moan out his name. You grind your hips down to meet his thrusts and you are glad to see this time he isn't stopping you, instead letting you fuck yourself on his fingers which is hot as hell and has your stomach twisting.
When he curls his fingers against your front wall you moan out and arch into his touch. You are close again and feel your body tensing and shaking.
“Jungkook! Fuck. Please.” You beg out as the start of your orgasm begins to show itself but Jungkook is too quick and he withdraws his fingers which has you groaning and complaining above him.
“You gonna stop acting like a brat?” He asks as he sticks his fingers in his mouth and licks them clean.
Your pussy throbs at the sight.
You want to push him a little more.
Poke the bear one more time.
You could tell he was holding back slightly.
You wanted him to take full control.
So you opened your mouth and said the words he most definitely didn't want to hear.
“I bet Hobi would have fucked me by now.”
Jungkook's eyes widened at your disobedience and he stood up off the floor and climbed on the bed.
He was quiet, too quiet as he stared down at you.
“You really don't know when to shut the fuck up do you?” He asked voice dangerously low as he stared you down.
“On your knees face the headboard I won't be asking twice.” He demanded as you scrambled to do what he said.
You felt him get off the bed and reach for something in his jeans. You turned your head to see him grabbing a condom and when he climbed back on the bed he sent a hard smack to your ass which had a surprised gasp leave your mouth.
“Didn't say you could turn around did I?” He asked as you shook your head.
He rolled the condom on and teased his hard cock head against your slit.
You tried your best to stay still but your core was aching to be filled so you tried to subtly shift your hips back, which didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.
“You want my cock so bad? Fine.” He growled as he plunged into you with one deep long thrust which had you burying your face in your pillow and crying out at the stretch of his cock against your soaked walls.
Your body arched off the bed as Jungkook gave you merely seconds to adjust to his length as he began to pound into you.
His hands were rough against your hips as he held you steady and used you as his own personal fuck toy. You were whining and begging as he fucked you hard and fast, the sounds from your mouth and skin slapping were making you dizzy with arousal.
“Fuck you're so tight and wet.” Jungkook grits out as he grabs your hips harder and slams into you with such force you have to hold yourself steady so you don't go through the headboard.
You are strung too tight, Jungkook's earlier teasing has you closer than you thought you would be and when he hits a spot deep inside of your body you cry out completely breaking down.
“Jungkook please-fuck-fuck-please.” You beg and plead as the coil of pleasure gets tighter and tighter and you feel yourself start to lose control.
“Nu-uh you can't cum until I say so.” He demands as he slaps your ass once more and slows his thrusts.
The whole thing is maddening and you are a mess under him as your arms collapse and your face pushes into your pillow.
Tears are streaming down your face as he keeps his thrusts slow and shallow.
You just want to cum
Every cell in your body feels on fire and you feel like you will completely unravel in minutes.
“Please Jungkook Fuck please make me cum. Please” You cry out as he traces small circles on your hips and kisses your back.
“Now that depends. Do you think you've been a good girl? Do you think you deserve to cum after what you said to me?” He asks, hands gripping your hips and forcing you to get back up on all fours.
“Please Jungkook. I'll be good. Please fuck me. Please.” You cry out not even aware of half of the words coming out of your mouth as his thrusts start to very slowly pick up the pace.
“Then say it. Say, I'm the best fuck you've had.” He says darkly giving your ass another smack and massaging the tender skin.
Your brain is foggy, your arms are shaking and you are pretty sure you'll die if you don't cum soon. Your walls flutter weakly around his cock as he is giving you just enough to keep you horny but not enough to make you cum.
“Jungkook you are the best fuck I've ever had-shit!” You cry out when he grips your hips and slams back into you.
Your body is shaking as you thrust back on his cock desperate to get to the peak and finally orgasm.
“Fuck your body is made for me. Say it!” He cries out as his thrusts become erratic and you know he is just as close as you are.
“My body is yours! Jungkook! Only yours! Fuck- c-close so close.” You warn him as he smacks your ass one more time and that sets you over the edge.
You cry out his name, half sob half scream as you finally cum. You are a spasming mess as you ride out your own high, you hear him curse above you and he pushes his body into yours as he kisses your shoulder blade and cums hard into the condom.
You finally collapse as your arms give way and your face pushes into the pillow as you cry out in relief.
Jungkook is still inside you but also collapses on top of you as you both breathe heavily and try to come back down.
After a couple of minutes, he slides his softening cock out of you and you whine at the soreness between your legs and your ass as you flip over to face him.
You watch his retreating back as he throws the condom out and heads through your apartment to the bathroom.
You take several deep breaths and stare at the ceiling trying to process what the hell just happened when he returns with a warm towel and a shy smile.
“I figured we could get you kind of cleaned up while I run you a bath.” He admits as he hands you the towel and reaches for his discarded clothes on the floor.
“No no bath tonight I'm so tired and it's… shit.” You finally look over at the clock to see it is almost two in the morning.
You were surprised no one came knocking on the door voicing a noise complaint.
Jungkook's gaze followed yours and he cursed under his breath, face breaking out in a smile as he carded his hands through his slightly sweaty and definitely messy dark hair.
“What time do you work?” He asks softly as you finish cleaning yourself up and throw the towel in the direction of your laundry basket.
That would be a tomorrow problem.
Well, I guess a today problem.
“Um, I have to be up in about four-ish hours.” You say with a soft laugh as you reach for your big tee shirt on the floor.
“How about this? Instead of a bath and dinner, I order you coffee and send it to your workplace. Is that okay? I feel bad for keeping you up so late.” He says as you nod and he smiles.
“That would be great Jungkook. Also, I want to apologize. I wanted to get you out of your head and rile you up to help you feel comfortable with taking control. I didn't mean anything I said. Honest.” You admit as he shoots you the softest and sweetest smile.
“I know that. And I want to thank you for helping. Really I feel… Well fuck I feel amazing honestly.” He says with a laugh as he gets up from the bed and you follow him to the front door.
“Coffee tomorrow…well, I guess later today I promise.” He says with a wink as you open the door for him and he collects his things.
“Sounds like a plan.” You say as he stops and stares at you.
“You're staring Kook.” You tease him as he blushes and bites his lip.
“I know I just… Can I text you again… sometime? Like can we do this again?” He asks looking nervous.
Your heart melts a little bit. You just can't help it.
“Of course Jungkook. Anytime.” You say with a smile as he winks at you and leaves you with a silly grin on your face and a soreness between your legs.
And when the coffee came the next day around ten in the morning from a very expensive coffee shop you'd never dream of ordering from you couldn't help but grin when you saw a little note taped to it with a winky face.
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missyandthemisfits · 1 year
Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata - Big Sis Baji
A/N - Hey so got a couple different headcannon ideas floating around for this one, but I feel like Baji might only really approve of his sister dating a few folks - Souya is one of the few. Couldn’t stop writing this I love Bluebell so much 💙
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Souya ‘Angry’ Kawata x Baji’s Older Sister 
. • . O . • .
• It goes without saying that Souya would not only fall hard, but pretty damn quickly after a friendship has been established- but let’s backtrack a bit-
• Souya meets (Name) at a Toman meeting one evening, the meeting adjourned pretty quickly due to the low, consistent growl of Mikey’s stomach
Good thing it was informal, just the Captains and Vice Captains of each division, maybe one or two others 
But honestly, that begged an even bigger question; who was this vaguely familiar dark haired beauty? And what was she doing talking with Mikey and Draken so casually?
He was just about to shrug it off when Baji approached 
“There a reason you tossin’ that mean mug at my sister?”
Baji was half joking … but also half serious
He knew Angry meant no harm but it still sort of ticked him off - he’s very protective of his own when it comes down to it
- Is what Angry said, vein popping as he stuck his neck out. Now what he meant by that was ‘Was I really?’ 
We all know this boy is kinda bad at communicating with people
“There a problem here?” Nahoya chimes, already itching for a fight, any excuse would do
“Keisuke! Are you picking fights again?”
The dark haired beauty in question huffs over, stern look, hands on her admittedly curvy hips
“Relax-,” She reaches up, yanking on his ear with no remorse 
“How can I? God, all this time and you’re still causing me trouble!” 
Nahoya is hysterical at the sight of Baji’s embarrassed, defeated face. Souya on the other hand starts to grow flustered, finally putting the pieces together 
“I’m sorry about him!” She bows a bit in apology, an ear still between her soft fingers, “You’re um… Souya and Nahoya, right?”
Souya opens his mouth to speak but Nahoya beats him to the punch
“Yea, what of it? Who the Hell are ya, anyway?”
Souya gives his brother a look but she only laughs, completely unfazed 
“She’s in our class, Nahoya…,”
“Oh yeeea, must’ve been catching some Z’s or somethin’. My bad!”
Souya shakes his head and she suddenly grabs his hands in both of hers, successfully startling him
“Well it’s nice to meet you both again. I hope we can be friends!” 
He’s flustered, eyes on the ground, but stutters out a small “yea…”
From then on, at least when they decided to show up to class, she makes a point to eat lunch with them, occasionally walking them to Toman meetings 
She’s much kinder and more bubbly than what they expect, not to mention a total Otaku - something Nahoya found hilarious but Souya silently found cute
She was also very stubborn but that apple didn’t fall too far at all
Doesn’t take Nahoya too much longer to start making excuses as to why he can’t tag along - Souya is seriously confused, and honestly worried his brother has an issue with (Name) - he could be fickle like that
“Nah, she’s cool. For a girl anyway.”
Blue is even more confused
“Then…what’s up?”
Smiley starts to snicker, Angry’s brow furrows 
“Ya like her, don’t you?”
Souya feels something tug at his heartstrings-
Did he…?
He definitely enjoyed her company - the evening visits to Convenience Stores, the late night chats about the latest chapters of whatever manga, even the study sessions were pleasant. 
And at some point he’d gotten used to it- pretending his palms weren’t sweaty, ignoring his racing heart rate, chalking up the absent minded stares to ‘looking out for her’ in his mind, somehow oblivious to the fact he couldn’t keep his eyes off her-
It…was starting to make some real sense
He took a moment to exhale shakily and nodded, face the color of beets. Nahoya shrugged 
“Sooo…ask her out already.”
He’s panicking at just the thought, rattling off a million and one excuses like ‘She probably already has someone’ and ‘Her friendship is more than enough’
UGH so sweet, so obviously smitten
Only takes a few more days for Nahoya to lose patience & snatch his phone, typing up a message and hovering over ‘send’ devilishly 
“Either you send it or I do - what’s it gonna be?” 
Souya is mortified as he begrudgingly hits ‘send’, burying his hands into his thick hair after dropping his phone to the carpeted floor
“I can’t do this-,”
“Seriously? All you did was send ‘Can we talk’ - quit bein a wuss.”
They start to get into it and almost miss the vibration, both peering down at the screen
‘Sure! Your place or mine?’
He scrambles to get his phone before his twin, barely getting a ‘I’ll come to you!’ in before having his phone stolen again
“Wear something cute~,” Nahoya mouths the text out, pressing send before tossing the phone at his brother 
Doesn’t know  whether to be pissed, scared, or excited at this point- so be settles for a jittery combination of the three
Puts on his cleanest pair of khakis and a semi-formal, sleeved shirt because??? Reasons??? So cute bless him 
She put on just a little bit of makeup, flowy dress stopping mid-thigh, as if this wasn’t difficult enough for the boy
So nervous he’s having trouble standing - but manages to squeak out something -
His face is covered by his shaking hand and his eyes are squeezed shut, his other hand in a death-grip on his trousers
“I’m sorry…? I didn’t quite catch that one, Souya-,”
Blurts it out louder than he meant to this time, backpedaling IMMEDIATELY in an attempt to take it all back
“I- no- what I mean is- ah-,” starts to give up, “You can just…go home now…I already know it’s a long shot. Sorry I wasted your time…”
Refuses to look up
She’s hugging him close in the next moment tho burying her face into his shirt.
“Please don’t make me leave…not before I tell you I like you too.” 
He is SO shocked
Like his legs start to give out
Eventually wraps his shaky arms around her and buries his face in her sweet-smelling hair
They’re there like that for a while 
Neither of them wants to let go but eventually, a text comes through from Nahoya and Souya jumps
“S-sorry,” she waves it off, “I can…walk you up stairs if you’d like? I-I mean if that’s s-something you want!”
She shakes her head and smiles, glancing back at the apartment window
“I’ll be okay from here. Besides, my dad would totally kill me if I brought up a cute boy, or any boy for that matter-,”
His heart starts beating faster if you can believe it - so much so  he almost thinks he’s having a heart attack 
“Well… Goodnight.” She squeezes his hand before reluctantly letting go and waving, practically running back into her apartment building
He’s just…on cloud 9
Total romantic though so eventually he decided that the confession wasn’t nearly enough for this girl
Writes an entire love letter and places it in her locker, finding officially asking her out much easier that way
Before he knows it, she’s racing to embrace him outside the school gates, pulling away just enough to hold his hands gingerly with a laugh
“Honestly, I thought we were official already, but yes a thousand times yes, Souya.” 
His face heats up like it has many times before
Can’t help but tear up a little
…Keisuke is one of the last people to know funnily enough
Shocked but not bothered so that’s good
Dassa green light
In The Relationship 
Souya is so very sweet, everything done with timid, thoughtful care
Long before they even started dating, she happened to try his bento once and loved it - made mental notes on her likes and dislikes about it and started curtailing it specifically for her enjoyment 
So yes absolutely he starts making her lunch for her twice a week - she promises she’ll be just fine without it, he swears he enjoys doing it for her - he really does tho 
Random food based games like ‘Guess the secret ingredient’ after he’s comfortable enough to know she wouldn’t mind it
Grocery shopping dates, because he loves the market
Dates to anime cafes because a) she’s really into anime and b) he finally has a reason to go and try the food there - Nahoya promised he would but he’s far too easily distracted and forgetful 
Also yea, Baji’s sister? Kind of flirty when she’s interested in someone so like she flusters him on accident AND on purpose?
Definitely super cute when he’s all blushy and squirmy tho
Takes MONTHS to get to the FIRST kiss - and she’s most def initiating it, no way around that
Typically will initiate all the kisses but there are telltale signs when he wants one
Starts to play with his hands, his eyes darting from her lips, to the ground, to whatever’s in this distance, back to her lips 
Teasingly presses her nose to his, nuzzling and lying in wait occasionally 
“You’re gonna have to kiss me at some point ~”
And he does eventually work up the nerve to close the very small distance 
She becomes the official taste tester for both twins, quite the honor 
His love language is light physical affection and words of affirmation 
Absolutely melts at the lightest caress to his cheek, subconsciously leaning into it every time 
Compliments are NOT something he’s used to but boy does he love them, all of them 
They make him all tingly but the real personal ones about how pretty his eyes are or how soft his hair is or how cute he looked in that outfit last night?
He could just die and go to Heaven on the spot 
Petnames include “Angel, Honeybee, and Sweetness” 
Apologized profusely the first time he let one slip out
But she reaches for his hands, removing them from his face, and places gentle kisses on each fingertip, something she often did when he was overwhelmed - and once again he finds himself melting into her touch
So very, very soft for this girl 
Keisuke honestly had no idea his sister was into one of the ‘ogres’ - granted he didn’t get to see her much after the divorce
He was fairly curious as to why she chose him
“He’s so very kind and honest…always going out of his way to help his friends and family selflessly. And have you tried his cooking? It’s so good! How could I not fall for him?”
He smirked from his spot on the swing set, satisfied with answer
“Yea alright…just don’t go having any babies, I’m not ready to be an uncle.”
“What the Hell, Kei?!”
He laughed as she punched him square in the arm
As long as she was cared for and happy
. • . O . • .
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kteezy997 · 8 months
Between Two Strangers//t.c.
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Warning: slightly suggestive material
Time to get up. Work. Again. It was Wednesday and you hadn't been to the coffee shop all week, so you were going to treat yourself this morning. If you were late to work, so be it. They could fire you, sure, but good luck to them in finding your replacement. It was a crappy job, kinda crappy pay, but it was close to your place, and it wasn't super demanding.
This was going to be the highlight of your day. Iced caramel coffee with extra espresso. It was so damn good. They got it so right every time. You gave the workers a nice little tip in their jar and made your way out of the shop, suddenly smacking right into something-or someone, rather. Your coffee spilled, the other person's coffee spilled, it was an absolute mess.
"I'm so sorry!" you exclaimed, the Midwesterner in you was always the first to claim fault and apologize, not matter who caused the issue.
"No, no it was all me." said the young, curly-haired gentleman you had bumped into.
Your leg was cold from your ruined drink, but you felt worse for him. His coffee was hot, and it was splattered on his shirt. But he took it well and didn't say a word about the discomfort.
The workers were kind and came over quickly to help you both up off the floor. They insisted on cleaning up the coffee mess, and that it happens all the time.
You and the stranger thanked them most humbly and looked at each other. Wow, he was really cute. The kind of attractive that almost demands you to stare. He had the type of beauty that you don't come across often. Rich, dark curls, laying naturally on his head, black hoodie, gray sweatpants, and tall white socks tucked over the pant legs with sneakers. So normal, but somehow you could tell that he was so unique at the same time.
He was pretty for a man, eyes that screamed the color green, high cheek bones, sharp jawline, pale, nearly flawless skin, but he had a contrast of faint, dark stubble along his upper lip and chin that did a fine job of reminding you of his masculinity.
You smiled at him, and he smiled back, and you noticed a small smear of coffee on his cheek. "Oh, here, you got.." you took your napkin, folding it some and dabbing at the liquid spot on his cheek.
"Coffee." he finished for you, letting you blot it away.
"Yeah." you grinned. Wow, the eye contact. Fuck.
"Let me buy you a new coffee, please. It's the least I could do for running into you like that." he laughed softly.
"Okay," you nodded, "sure. Thank you."
You hoped that the staff wasn't too annoyed by having to remake both drinks. But hey, they were all paid for, and Timmy gave them a hundred-dollar tip. You didn't know anyone who left that big of a tip for anything, much less a couple of cups of coffee.
Timmy. He told the cashier that the name for the order was Timmy.
You walked out of the coffee shop together and prepared to go your separate ways.
"Well, thank you for the coffee. It was nice meeting you." you said, sort of reluctant to leave this beautiful stranger, but you did have to work.
"Yeah, of course, of course. I'm sorry for all that in there. I'm Timmy, by the way." he held his hand out to you.
You smiled and shook his hand lightly. His hand was soft, which was a bit odd for a man, but perhaps not a man living in New York. Maybe he had an office job, like you. "I'm y/n. It was great meeting you as well." I wanna see you again.
He smiled too, showing you his cute and slightly imperfect teeth. "Enjoy the day, y/n." He said kindly, turning away to leave the coffee shop storefront.
"Wait, Timmy." you blurted. Maybe he'd want to hang out?
He turned back and looked at you, a tiny smile again.
"Would you want to grab lunch? I mean, you probably have plans today, and probably a girlfriend, but... I don't know, you seem really nice."
He chuckled, "Well, I don't have a girlfriend, um, but I have a meeting today, but yeah, I can do lunch. How about 1:30? You live around here?"
"My office is like five blocks away. 1:30 works for me."
"Okay, cool, give me your number, and I'll text you the address. I know a great place for us to meet." he put his hand out.
You happily handed your phone over. You were certain that he would probably leave you hanging, and not text or anything at all, but it was worth a shot.
He took your phone, furrowing his brow as he typed away, "You like sandwiches?" he asked.
"I love sandwiches." you answered.
"Perfect." he handed your phone back to you. "I'll be seeing you, y/n, gotta run."
You felt like a schoolgirl with a crush on the new kid in class. Your brain was foggy at work. You couldn't think, at least not about anything work related.
Your phone buzzed at 1 in the afternoon. It was from your newest contact: Timothee. It was an address to a local sandwich shop. You were so ecstatic that he was going through with it. He seemed so genuinely nice that you believed that he would really meet you for lunch.
You got to the place a tad early, maybe it was just because you were excited to see him again. You hoped it wouldn't come across as tacky, being so early. you picked a table and waited.
1:30 came, but he was nowhere to be seen.
You ordered a drink to keep you occupied, but your spirits went down as the minutes kept passing, and you remained alone at your table.
Your phone showed 1:45 on the clock. No message from him, no sight of him. Disappointed, you sighed. You did one last look around the restaurant, before you stood up to leave, and you were completely shocked. There were the pretty, dark bed of curls.
"Hey, y/n!" Timmy called to you, rushing over to your table. "I am so sorry." he said, sitting down across from you. He seemed out of breath. "My meeting ran over and I pretty much ran all the way here."
"I thought you just decided not to come." you said with a shrug and a kind smile.
"Oh, no, no, I'm sorry. Please, let's get some food. I wanna make it up to you afterwards."
"That's really nice of you, but really, it's not necessary. Lunch is totally fine." you insisted.
"No, please, let me bring you over to my place this evening. I'm sure you have to get back to work soon but let me pick you up after. I promise I won't leave you hanging again."
You giggled, "Timmy, I don't even know you. You'd really pick me up?"
"Yes, I want to. We'll hang out, we'll do whatever you want."
"Hmm." you pondered, maliciously, "Whatever I want, huh?"
Timmy shrugged his shoulders, smirking, he said, "Look, I'm available for whatever service you might need."
You pursed your lips, "Okay."
He smiled, "Great. Have you ordered?"
You shook your head 'no.'
"Alright, I'll go order two of my favorite sandwich. Don't worry, I don't like any weird condiments or vegetables. You'll like it, I promise."
A/n: this isn’t my best but if I do a part two, it’ll be better lol
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl
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Another Great day of Saving the sharks.
Intro Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 <- You are Here AO3
Chapter 4 A New Fish in Town
A set of blue eyes stare at you in the dim lights. 
“What do you think?”
He looks over at you then the new fish floating in the tank, then at you. His expression is unreadable. 
“He’ll wake up soon.” you chime. “I think.” 
He stares at you some more before he goes over to Neo and pokes his face. 
You have to wait until he’s awake to put his monitor on, you’d do it while he slept but the anaesthetic would mess with the monitor and it would scream at you until he was awake. 
“I could tell you how we found Neo?” 
He tilts his head at you.
“Come here.” you beckon him.
 He swims over. You’re not crazy, you tell yourself, that article said telling stories could help…
“So, we got a phone call…. I don’t think you’d understand that um…. Someone told us he was in danger, so we went to see him and a bunch of nasty fishermen.”
He seems to understand that as he frowns a little. You were trying your best to also tell the story with gestures as well as words, swinging your arms about.
“They were the ones that hurt him, but then they dropped him and we, me and a friend, we saved him.” you finish with a smile. 
You think he understood that. 
He suddenly spins around and zooms over to Neo. You notice Neo twitch as Ray swims around him checking him over. Ray then takes Neo’s face in his hands. 
“I’m not sure that's a good idea…” 
Neo slowly opens his eyes, blinking… his eyes then spring open, his pupils pinprick as he shoves Ray off himself.  
Ray shrinks partially under the water, an apology maybe? 
Neo backs away, he scans the room frantically. 
“Hey, it’s ok.” you try to sound as soft as possible. You can tell this might not be as easy. 
Ray tries to take his hand but Neo drags him down into the water. 
You can’t quite see what’s going on from here so you head down the stairs to watch from the front of the tank.
It looks like a pretty heated conversation, Neo does not look happy. Was this a bad idea? Was finding a luna for Ray a bad idea? Was he an outcast? Did they know each other? They were found not too far from each other… you just hope they weren’t in rival villages or something… Neo leans closer to a nervous-looking Ray, seemingly scolding? Shouting, arguing? You can’t tell you just know it’s too much. 
“That’s enough.”
You grab your goggles and jump in the pool. You get between them and push them away. Somehow unscathed. You’re not having them fight like this. 
Neo scowls at you and Ray hides behind you. You resurface for air and they both follow. Eye contact was never lost.
“No fighting,” you demand. 
Neo backs away. 
You then turn to Ray. “Are you ok?” you check over him, no injuries. 
“How about some food?” You swim back over to the ledge and drag yourself out of the water. 
Ray eagerly followed, seeming already familiar with the word food.
You throw a fish to Ray and he happily eats it. You throw one across the tank to Neo. It splashes in front of him, he doesn’t even flinch and it floats there in front of him as he crosses his arms. 
You’ve never had a lunas attitude directed at you like this before, you’ve only heard of it. You’re just a little scared. 
Ray seems to notice and puts his fish down going over to Neo. He picks up his fish and offers it to Neo. Neo shakes his head and pushes it away. 
Great just great, you save a shark and he doesn’t even want to eat the food you have for him. Ray drops the fish with a dramatic splash and swims to the opposite corner of the tank in a sulk. 
Double great. You are so close to pulling out your hair. “It would make my life easier, he said.” you sigh. All you had to do tonight was make sure both fish were settled and feed them before you could go home and catch up on all the sleep you’d missed. It’s already getting late. 
They both stay that way for a moment before you see Neo’s resolve crumble as he lowers his arms and glances at Ray… he swims over and taps Ray on the shoulder before lowering in the water so only his eyes are poking out. 
Ray crosses his arms looking over his shoulder at Neo before turning away in a big humph. You see Neo seeth for just a second before he grabs the fish and swims back. Ray finally turns to him as Neo thwaps his shoulder with the fish. But Ray stares him down.
Neo rolls his eyes before he bites the fish's head off. 
Ok, he’s eating. You feel a little tension leave you. 
Ray keeps staring at Neo until he’s eaten the whole fish. 
Once Neo’s finished Ray pulls him into a hug and spins him around with a big smile. 
You really hope the clinic cameras caught all of that, it was so interesting. 
Neo doesn’t look too happy with the hug but he just casually brushes it off. Ray then finally finishes off his previously discarded fish. 
Now… how were you going to get Neo to wear a monitor… maybe you should have chosen to suffer the incessant blaring siren the monitor would have screamed at you while the anaesthetic was active in his system. 
You put your hand out like you did for Ray, in hopes Neo would catch on. 
You instead got a yellow hand placed into yours. 
“Well done Ray.” you pass him a small chunk of fish you prepared earlier. He seems happy with that. 
“Neo?” you look over to him. He doesn’t recognise his name yet, of course, you’re not sure Ray does yet either, but they won’t learn if you don’t use it. You look expectantly at him. He glances over while picking fish bones out of his teeth and then looks away. Oh, come on. 
Ray once again places his hand in yours. You feel a glare your way. 
An idea… it could fail or be a great success. 
“Ray, could you.” you point to him, “Give this.” you hold the monitor, showcasing it to Ray, “To Neo.” you point to Neo. 
Ray takes the monitor and looks it over, it looks like a little black box on an elasticated band. He looks to the one on his arm, back at the monitor back at you. 
“Put it on Neo’s arm?” you point to your arm, then to Neo again. “Please?” 
He looks around, at you, Neo, the monitor… 
“It’ll help him get better.” you point to his, “and you’ll match.” 
He seems to get the idea and swims over to Neo and holds his treasure up in the air. 
Neo shifts to the side. Ray holds his hand out to Neo. Neo shakes his head. 
You did not expect what happened next. 
Ray tried to put it on Neo but he dipped under and past him. And blew bubbles at him. Ray took the challenge and lunged for him. You think the mood has been lifted but you’re not sure. 
They playfully jump and swim around the pool, Ray chasing Neo like kids playing tag. Finally, Ray corners Neo. They both jolt left, then right like awkward people trying to scoot past each other. Neo makes a move, trying to slip past but Ray instead blocks his escape and slides the monitor over Neo’s arm. A champion, a victor! You actually cheer. 
They pop up to the surface to see the commotion you made. You happily toss some fish bites to both of them, Neo actually accepting your offering. 
Checking their vitals they both seem stable, even after sprinting around the tank a few times. 
You decide to push your luck. 
“Neo, come here.” you point his way and beacon him. 
He looks around.
“Come here.” 
Ray swims over eagerly. 
“Alright, you can have one.” you toss him a fish chuck. Hopefully, it will distract him. 
“Neo,” you call showing him the treat. He slowly swims over. Getting closer and closer. 
You really want him to take the fish from your hand. You hold it out to him.
He’s pushed out the way as Ray takes the fish eating it in one gulp and then holds your hand with a smile. 
“That was rude Ray.” You let go of his hand and give him a disapproving look. “Take turns.” 
You move over to the side Neo was shoved to and offer him some fish. He takes it and swims off. 
That was good progress. You sigh. “You two, look after each other ok?” 
It was definitely time to head home before the lights turned off. You’ll be back in the morning just as Ray wakes up but before Neo heads to bed, you might extend dawn for a little. Maybe then you can see about starting language lessons.
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roguelov · 1 year
Yes, hi, it's me. Thanks for your response. Got me smiling at my phone and all, and I'm less depressed now. Heh.
"Dream continued to smile at you. Just one day at a time, he thought. He would have you soon enough. You would soon understand his desires for you, his sweet guest."
It'll be a shame if she didn't show up at all for the entire evening and night. It'll be a shame if she's so skittish, that she's decided to hole up at the quarter that she's been provided with. He thought she'll be late, but nope. She's just not showing up. She doesn't know why she's like this, she reasoned that there's just something wrong with her, so she made the genius decision of just staying in and hoping it'll all just go away by its own. What will the Dream Lord do? Decisions, decisions...
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Interesting anon very interesting 😌 (Part 1 is here!)
You worriedly glanced at the clock in your room. You winced internally. Nearly a few hour later since you agreed to meet Dream.
Why didn’t I go?
Why would I go?
A knock cut through your panicked thoughts. Without needing to answer it, you knew who stood on the other side.
Don’t answer it.
Answer it, have we not offended him enough?
Pushing down your fears, you shakily grasped the door knob and opened it revealing the Dream Lord. His expression was neutral, and somehow that was worse. You couldn’t understand how he felt, or what he was thinking behind his icy blue eyes.
“Dream, uh, hi,” you meekly said.
“You didn’t come.”
You winced, “Ah, right, um, apologies. I - I … uh … I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t.”
You groaned internally. His concise tone, and quick responses left you floundering. “Right, well … it’s getting late perhaps I should turn in -“
You began to close the door, however, Dream swiftly grabbed it. He pushed it further opened, and took a small step now hovering in the doorway.
You whimpered quietly. “Dream, please, I’m sorry for -“
“I told you you needn’t apologize.” He stepped closer to you, closing the space. “I simply wish to understand. Why? Why did you not come?”
You quickly tore your gaze away from him. “I - I don’t know.”
He tilted your chin, forcing your eyes up on him. “You do know.”
You swallowed.
His thumb barely brushed over your bottom lip. “These lips do not lie, so tell me: why did you not show tonight?”
I was scared. I couldn’t hope to think you see me in such a way. I am only a guest, a temporary visitor.
“I -“ you licked your lips, trying to find your voice - “I am unworthy of your attention.”
Now, that was the whole truth. He was Dream of the Endless, a being of such power and status. You, however, was a lowly fae only here to strength the bond between your realms.
Dream’s lips thinned. Anger flashed over his features. You flinched, and nearly stumbled back. But, Dream still had a grip on your chin. He closed his eyes, and sighed deeply. When he opened his eyes again, the icy anger was gone.
“Oh, my sweet little guest,” Dream whispered, drawing you closer. “You are so much more.”
Your breath hitched.
His hand moved, cupping your cheek. “If anything I am unworthy of such a kind soul such as yourself.”
Your eyes widened. “No -“
You shut your mouth at his commanding tone.
His eyes scanned over your face. “Please, let us put tonight behind us. Join me for breakfast in the morning.”
He wanted to say ‘you will join me’. He wanted to demand, he wanted to enact his kingly rights, however he needed you to come to him. He will not scare you off, not anymore.
“Okay,” you muttered. “I’ll be there, I promise.”
He smiled. Good girl. He leaned in, kissing your forehead. A warmth spread over your chest. “Wonderful, I will see you tomorrow, little one.”
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wonopia · 2 months
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[WC] . 1700 prev ! mlist ! next
misaki walked onto the school campus with ryu and wonie on both her sides, yapping about how fake she is. they couldn't believe she could hide such a big secret from them.
“i still can’t believe you’ve been talking to sunghoon all this time,” wonie said in disbelief, “how couldn’t you tell us?”
“uh..” she laughed nervously, “well i guess there wasn’t really a good time.”
“right..” ryujin mumbled, shaking her head. 
“i’m really sorry about keeping it a secret,” misaki apologized, stopping in her tracks to bow. 
the two girls turned to look at her, exchanging a glance at one another before telling her it's okay. 
“okay but i’ll tell you everything that's upcoming!” misa called out, widely grinning. 
“yeah, you better,” wonie commanded.
the two girls’ eyes fixated on something behind misa, but before she could turn around a pair of arms wrapped around her lower stomach. she looked up to see sunghoon hovering over her, blush creeping onto her face.
“good morning,” he smiled as he released his grip on her, moving to her right side.
“good morning,” misa played along, “um..”
she looked back at her friends, who had shocked expressions.
“this is park sunghoon.. my boyfriend.”
he averted his gaze from misa to the two girls in front of them. he smiled, waving at them, “good morning. you’re jang wonyoung and shin ryujin, right?” he asked.
“yeah,” ryujin said, crossing her arms across her chest.
somehow it looked like she was trying to one up him, making misaki laugh. she interlocked her hands with sunghoon’s, dragging him past her best friends, “i’ll see you guys in class, yeah?”
he let her tug him behind her before bringing him to stand beside her as they walked. 
“what was all that about?” misa asked, avoiding eye contact. 
“the contract, greeting each other with a hug every now and then,” he reminded. 
she nodded, attempting to get the feeling of his touch off of her mind. 
“when do you want to meet my friend’s?” he asked. 
“hm,” she hummed in thought, “i’m down for whenever, especially since i already showed you to the girls.”
“why don’t we study with them today?” he suggested, “it’ll be fun.”
she gave him an unconvinced look, “studying shouldn’t be fun.”
“oh right,” he immediately shut his mouth, unconsciously squeezing her hand lightly. 
misa looked up at him, a smile tugging at her face, “okay sure. right after school, library, and don’t be late,” she said strictly as they arrived to her class.
“yes ma’am,” he nodded with a sheepish smile, “have fun in class.”
she shook her head in disagreement before making her way to her desk. the girls were nowhere to be seen. 
class had just ended and lunch was beginning. 
“you,” a voice called out from the doorway of the classroom, “i can’t believe this betrayal.”
misa sighed as she turned to the older boy, “innie, i’m sorry alright. i’ll tell you guys whatever else happens and so on.”
“i’ve heard that one before,” jun commented, from behind him. misa was completely unaware he was even in the room. 
“let’s just eat here,” hyuka added as he dragged a chair beside misa before sitting down. 
her lips shaping into a straight line, feeling guilty for lying to them. to be fair, she hasn’t officially broken their promise yet. they all began to eat, having mixes of different bento boxes. 
misa couldn’t believe herself, she seriously chose to fake a relationship with park sunghoon. he was just a spoiled brat that got everything he wanted, and she just gave in. her head fell into her hands as she thought more about it. 
“misaki?” hyuka spoke, snapping her back into reality, “jay’s looking for you.”
“what?” she mumbled, glancing at the door before excusing herself. 
she and jay stood along the hallway wall, “can you please break it off with sunghoon?”
she couldn’t believe what he was telling her. jay, sunghoons best friend, tells her to break up with him.
“i’m sorry?” she said, wondering if she heard him wrong. 
“please end it with sunghoon,” he said, emphasizing it out, “i don’t ask for a lot but i don’t want him getting hurt.”
she furrowed her brows, “are you applying that i’m going to hurt him?”
“no, it’s just..” jay paused, trying to find the correct words, “if you’re joking around with him, don’t.”
she sighed heavily, unsure on what to say.
“are you messing around with him, misaki?” 
for some reason, she couldn’t say anything. 
“please think about it,” jay urged, the idea sinking into her skin like needles.
misaki brushed all of her thoughts aside, in hopes she could just get through this semester without any worries. when she agreed to fake date sunghoon, she only thought about the benefits. 
“hey babe,” he waved, his smile beaming her direction, a couple of his friends following slowly behind him, “i hope you weren’t waiting long,” he added as he pulled the seat to her right out, sitting beside her. 
“no, i just arrived,” she said truthfully. 
his friends approached the table, greeting her, “you must be misaki, sunghoon talks about you a lot,” one of them said, he immediately got shushed but continued to speak anyways. 
“i’m heeseung,” he smiled, sitting down, “that’s sunoo, jungwon, and tae.”
“where’s jay?” misaki asked her boyfriend, as everyone started to take out their notebooks. 
“he has work.”
her mouth fell open, she forgot, nodding in acknowledgment. 
“so misaki,” one of them said. she recalled their name was jungwon, “what grade are you?”
“i’m a grade 2, same as sunghoon. how about you guys?”
“sunoo and i are grade 1’s, tae and heeseung are grade 2's,” he informed her while writing on his answer sheet. 
about half an hour had gone by, they were all busy doing their individual work. sunghoon tapped his pen on misa's paper causing her to look at him.
“can you help me, please?” he asked, slightly embarrassed.
“of course,” she said while nodding, sliding the paper closer to her, “is it this problem?”
He hummed in response, “i can’t differentiate past or present tense,” he confessed, bringing his chair closer to her.
“okay so when it comes to the present, it doesn’t normally have a “d” at the end,” she attempted to explain, “it’s easier when i write it down.”
she pulled a paper out of her binder and pulled it between them, scribbling down some notes. he watched her do so, his elbow on the table with his hand prompting his face up as he examined her writing.
“you have almost the whole thing correct, you just tend get the past tense and present mixed up,” she circled various different words that were written incorrectly, “i’ll let you rewrite them. are there any other questions you have?..”
misa looked up at him, he was inches away from her face. shortly after holding eye contact, he averted his gaze to the paper between them, quickly erasing the wrong answers and replacing them with what he assumed was the correct one.
“no.. i uh don’t have any more questions,” he whispered.
she stared at his profile, unbothered by the fact that they were in public. he wrote quicker as he felt her eyes burning into him, his face growing pinker by the second. she extended her arms, resting her head on them as she admired his beauty.
sunghoon was pale with light pink lips, a mole on the left side of his nose and a mole on his right cheek, as if his nose was made by the gods his side profile looked nearly perfect.
“hey sunghoon,” she mumbled quietly, he hummed for her to continue, “when are you going to teach me photography?”
finally, he glanced over at her.
“when do you want to learn it?” he asked, using his right hand to hold his face up again. his elbow relaxing against the table.
“Hm,” she thought, looking away from him.
“let’s go on a date after school,” he suggested, his hand now behind his neck. She tilted her head at him with an unconvinced expression, “i.. i could teach you how to take photos then.”
her expression changed, transforming into a pleased smile, “okay. now finish your work, then we can go.”
they all decided to leave the library together, as it was around 4 in the evening. sunghoon and misa waved goodbye to the group of teenage boys. his arm around her shoulder as they walked to her car. 
once she opened the door to her car, the heat sucked her in as she sat in the driver’s seat, sunghoon beside her as the passenger.
“so where are we headed?” she asked, rolling down the windows of her car.
“i was thinking we could go to the cafe next to mission park, do you know where that is?” 
she nodded while saying, “oh yeah, i live by there.”
misaki reversed out of the parking slot before driving out of the lot and off of the school campus. sunghoon connected to the aux, playing whatever he desired.
it wasn’t long until they made it to park. sunghoon had never been there before, it was bigger than expected. there were a couple of people walking around but it wasn’t crowded. sunghoon explained how to take pictures on her phone, since they didn’t have a professional photo camera on hand, he showed her the best settings to have on.
“i could show you around since you’ve never been here,” she smiled,”i went here a bunch of times with my mom and my twin brother.”
she led them off of the trail and down a mossy hill, brushing past the trees and bushes to see a little pond.
“you have a twin brother?” he asked while looking at her with a surprised face on, “i didn’t know you had siblings.”
“uh yeah,” she laughed, “he doesn’t attend the same school as us though. there’s no way you’d know him if i told you his name.”
she didn’t look back at him, she just kept looking at the pond. misa took her phone out and flashed a couple photos.
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© wonopia 2024
open TAGLIST. @coffeeprincejaehyun @hoonatic @i03jae
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my-st0ff · 1 year
Chapter One
Fandom: American Horror Story
Pairing: Dandy Mott x female reader
Chapter Song: Curse of the Balckened Eye - Orville Peck (lyrics in bold)
Story Summary: When you, a devoted to work detective, are put on the case of the Motts, you rise to the challenge. Though you do your best to focus your attentions on all aspects of the case, the son of Mrs. Mott seems to be doing all he can to take up your time.
"Why and how did you leave Aubrey, Miss Mott?"
You hold focused eye contact with the woman that sat on the velvet couch opposite the one you warmed. One leg crossed over the other, and a notepad rested upon your thigh.
Mrs. Mott: "Please, again Detective, it's Mrs. Mott. I'm still lawfully wed"
You: "My apologies... So, about Mr. Mott"
Mrs. Mott: "Yes, of course. Well, by 27, I was planning on how I would get away. I always said, "I should work on my escape" to Dandy but stalled so much"
You: "Dandy was, what? Seven?"
You knew how wrong it was to try and have a child process their parents' separation. But you were not here to express any sort of opinion. So you remain stone faced.
Mrs. Mott: "Two"
You couldn't have heard her right. You think.
You: "Hm? Sorry, I didn't catch that?"
Mrs. Mott: "Little Dandy was two"
Her gaze drifts from yours, images of her son as a toddler replaying in her mind. This was only when your pupils flickered up to the topic of discussion. Dandy stood behind the sofa with a hand resting on the back of it, one by each of his mother's shoulders - a few inches from them. His towering stature had to lean a little for his palms to reach the back of the sofa. He had not yet said anything, as you had made it clear you had to talk to Mrs. Mott first. But it still felt so much like he was in charge of this whole ordeal.
You: "Okay, so"
You clear your throat.
"I must bring us back to topic. How and why did you leave Aubrey?"
A glimpse of offence flashes over her eyes before they join yours again in a polite manor.
Mrs. Mott: "He was suspicious, and it made me nervous in my own home. Coming home late in a scruff, yelling and hitting"
Though hearing things like this disgusted you, it barely had an effect on you after all the cases you had dealt with.
You: "Was this around the time he had committed his first murder? Is that correct?"
Mrs. Mott's jaw clenches, and as it does, Dandy's sinister glare you had been doing your best to ignore finally drops from you and lands on his mother.
Mrs. Mott: "My Aubrey did not murder anybody"
She says, avoiding eye contact. Urges to argue were drowned out by professionalism as you mustered up your next question.
You: "Did you have any other children, Mrs. Mott?"
Mrs. Mott: "No, I've been hiding out, running from the curse. I wouldn't dare bare another child. I got so very lucky with Dandy"
She answers instantly.
You: "The curse?"
Mrs. Mott: "Oh, don't play coy, detective"
She smiles down her nose at you.
"You've heard what people say about this family"
You: "You believe in the Mott curse?"
You felt silly asking something like this.
Mrs. Mott: "How could I not. Every man related to Aubrey displayed concerning behaviour similar to his. I was so lucky to have him, and not one of them"
The repetition of 'lucky' was curious.
You: "What about the women? Have any of the women in the Mott family tree been known to become violent or even just very abrasive?"
Mrs. Mott: "No, dear"
She smiles sweetly.
Mrs. Mott: "More tea?"
You peer down at the tea you had forgotten about and not touched once. Now presumably cold and staining the china.
You: "Um- no, thank you, ma'am... and what can you tell me about the disappearance of Tomas Mott?"
Dandy: "Oh, please, don't upset my mother"
The mystery chips in. Though you needed him to remain quiet until it was his turn to be interviewed. You were somehow so intrigued by him that you did not become irritated by this. You only realised after the fact how out of character it was for you to agree to him being in the room for hers. Dandy Mott held a threatening authority in this household, and the moment you entered the grand doors you could feel it.
You: "I understand this is a very difficult topic, for the both of you. But this would be so much easier for all of us if you would provide me with anything you know so that I don't have to dig deeper"
You return your now empathetic gaze to his mother.
"Either way, I fully intend to find out what happened to your son, Mrs. Mott"
Mrs. Mott: "I don't want to- I won't discuss this. I think I have given you enough, detective"
Her voice pitches up a sylobal.
You: "Of course, but I will need to hear more about your son from you personally at some point or another, ma'am"
Dandy: "Goodie, my turn"
He rolls his eyes and moves impatiently around the sofa as his mother leaves the room.
Mrs. Mott: "I'll be reading in my bedroom if I am needed"
She calls back without giving a second glance.
Dandy finally enters the light upon stepping in front of the couch and then sitting. He had glass skin and stiff-with-jell hair. His thin lips lay permanently downturned, and his hands clasped together between his lap. His legs a bit apart. You smile at him modestly.
You: "Right, let's begin"
You clear your throat once again.
You: "As you already know, I am Detective y/n y/l/n. I am here today to ask you a few questions regarding the disappearances surrounding the Mott family"
The fail to continue when you notice Dandy's yawning habit.
Dandy: "Why are you telling me all this crap?"
You smile and huff in a laugh. Remaining polite and professional.
You: "I have to, Mr. Mott"
Dandy: "Yes, but I've just heard you give this whole schpiel to my mother. I was in the room, remember?"
He continues, his bratty tone grinding on you just a little.
You: "You really weren't supposed to have been but-"
Dandy: "My house, my rules, right?"
He smirks.
You: "Of course, I can make small exceptions to make sure I am respecting people's comfortability"
Dandy: "It is appreciated, detective"
He gives a small stirring smile. No clear signs were given as to if it were genuine or not. Before you could voice any questions, Mott leaned forward, his elbows on his knees.
Dandy: "May I ask you a question before we begin?"
You curled your lips inwards, as you did when thinking, for a moment.
You: "Go ahead"
Dandy: "Are you being paid for all aspects of what you're putting into this case?"
You: "I beg your pardon"
Your brows knit softly in confusion.
Dandy: "Are you just doing what you're assigned to be, or are you doing, how do I say vigilante work on this case also? Since police and detectives have been investigating this family for years, they don't seem very interested anymore. But you do"
He studied your whole form as he spoke like a fish in a tank.
You: "I just take my work very seriously, Mr. Mott"
You choose a short and non-fuffiling answer. You pushed on to keep this interview professional.
Dandy: "That I see... just wondered"
He retreats back from his lean.
Dandy: "Please continue"
You: "You and Tomas were twins, is that correct?"
Dandy: "Yes"
You: "Were you close growing up"
Dandy: "Very"
Though he answered you promptly, his attentions had already been stolen by the window behind you.
You: "How so? What sort of things did the two of you get up to together? How did you bond?"
Dandy: "We went fishing"
He smiles fondly.
You: "Sounds nice. And do you remember exactly how old the two of you were when he went missing?"
Dandy: "16."
You: "What year was it?"
Dandy: "42, 1942."
You: "And what month was it?"
Dandy: "March."
His eyes flick back into yours.
Dandy: "What the actual hell are these questions?"
He laughs. You push on.
You: "And where were you the night he disappeared?"
Dandy: "At home, asleep. It was in the middle of the night."
You: "Was it?"
Shit, you think. Shouldn't have asked that. That surely made him nervous. This isn't an interrogation, y/n.
Dandy: "Oh, please, we both know he ran off in the middle of the night"
He come backs strong.
You: "How are you sure?"
Dandy: "He was to be married in a month's time to a servent lady, realisation took him a while I'll admit but when it hit him that he was bringing that sort of dishonour to the Mott name he thought his only option was to run."
Your almost impressed.
You: "You've had a lot of time to think on it, and you have been using it, I see"
Dandy's face screws into a disappointed glare.
Dandy: "Of course I have. He was my twin brother, for heavens sake"
You: "The whole ordeal hurt you alot then, yes?"
Dandy: "To this day, detective. It hurts. I sat around wishing so many times that I would die... but I learnt that eventually, there really is no point dwelling on the past"
Dandy stands with dominance.
Dandy: "That's all you need, yes?"
You: "As a matter of fact, no. May I ask you to sit back down, sir?"
Dandy: "As a matter of fact"
He mocks.
"Look, it's true, if that is what you want to hear"
You stand as well, notepad in hand and pen in the other. In an attempt to catch up with his movements.
You: "What is, Dandy?"
You accidently use his fist name in a state of urgency.
Dandy: "True it follows me around. The Mott curse, I'm sick like the rest of the men that have come and gone"
He gives you a side glance from where he stands away from you.
Dandy: "I'd keep an eye on me if I were you, y/n"
He repeats the use of informal referral. Then casually leaves the room.
Dandy: "Dora will show you out"
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lykaios2 · 1 year
Here's a request:
Platonic or romantic, your choice, Leo showing off some skateboard moves.
omg when I say I got so into writing this
I stayed up until 6am writing this yesterday. I am not kidding. I just really wanted to finish it so I could post it asap
anyway I hope you like it, this is the longest fic I've written so far
Sweet Tricks and Sweeter Feelings
leonardo x reader, friends to lovers
cw: literally nothing
word count: 3838
One evening, you started on a walk, or rather a ride, to a new skate park you had just recently discovered. While doing some business over on that side of town, you had a bit of free time to yourself, and decided to explore since you didn't go to that side of town much. You eventually stumbled upon an abandoned building, and your curiosity got the better of you. After looking around for an entrance, you somehow found an unlocked door that led inside. After making your way around to what seemed to be the main area, you found yourself looking at what seemed to be a well maintained skatepark.
“Woah, what is this? I've never seen this before…must not have been taken down when this place was closed. Someone's certainly been working hard to keep this place nice.”
Now, returning here, it was certainly a different vibe at night. Walking around to the unlocked door, you heard noises coming from inside, as if someone was also using the skatepark. As you made your way inside, you looked around for the source of the noise. You could barely make out a dark figure skating around the park. As you sat and watched in awe at all of their amazing tricks, they came a little too close and noticed you standing there.
“Oh! Hello there, you-”
“Augh! I'm sorry, I-I'll leave-”
“Wait, no, you're fine! I just didn't expect to see anyone else here.”
“You could say the same here. Those were some sweet tricks you were hitting, uh… what's your name? Don't think you mentioned it.”
“Oh, my apologies, you can call me Leonardo, or Leo for short. How about yourself, mysterious friend?”
“I'm y/n.”
“Well, y/n, since you're here, would you like to join me for some late night skating?”
“Yeah! Let's do this!”
After a couple hours, Leonardo announced that it was time for him to return home. It was pretty late, so you decided to head home yourself.
“When are you planning on being here again?”
“Oh, my brothers don't like me being out this late too much, so really only once a week.”
“You have brothers? How many?”
“Just 3.”
“Do they ever come out here?”
“Not that I know. I haven't told anyone about this place.”
“Not even your brothers?”
“Nope. I love them to death, don't get me wrong, but when I'm with them all day every day, a little time away can be nice.”
“I understand that. Well then, I'll see you next week, same place, same time?”
“Only if you show up.”
“It's a deal!”
Next week, you entered through the doors of the abandoned building and sure enough Leonardo was there, skating just as before.
“Yo!” you called out.
“There you are, I was getting a bit worried that you had bailed on me.”
“Sorry, I live on the other side of town. Yeah, no, I would have felt terrible. I wouldn't have even had a way to tell you, which would have made it all the worse.”
“You want my number? Easiest way to contact me.”
“Oh, sure.” You and Leonardo exchanged numbers, but while he was typing his number into your phone, you noticed some red marks on his face through his mask he was wearing.
“Is that…blood?”
“On your face there.”
“Oh, um…no…”
“Then what is it, if it's not blood?”
“It's, um…I'll show you next week. But you have to show up.”
“Aw, what? Fine. Is it like a personal thing?”
“Kind of. A lot of people are often surprised when they see what it really is.”
“It can't be that bad. C'mon, lemme see!”
“Next week! If you show up.” You begrudgingly agreed as Leonardo started skating again. Realizing you hadn't yet even touched your skateboard, you followed suit.
After another long night of skating, Leonardo headed home, and so did you. On the way home, you texted Leonardo, thanking him for his time and reminding him of his promise.
-you better show me what's under that mask next week
-chill bro, all you gotta do is show up. I'll have you know I'm not one to break my promises.
-we'll see about that
-we will, won't we?
You smiled as you looked up from your phone. The curiosity was killing you, but you trusted that he would show you.
The next week passed slower than usual. If you weren't doing something, your mind would eventually drift to Leonardo. What was hiding that he couldn't show you immediately? You theorized about many different possible options, but you couldn't truly know until you met up with him again.
But slow as it was, the week finally passed and it was time to see what Leonardo had been hiding. You walked through the new familiar doors and looked around for Leonardo.
“Augh! You- stupid- whatever.”
“C'mon, just a little joke. You aren't mad, are you?”
“No, I can't really get mad at you for that. I just get easily spooked.”
“I can tell.”
“Oh, shut up about it. Now how about we see what's under that mask?”
“Right. Now, before I do this, I should warn you. Whenever I show this to someone, they usually don't want to associate with me anymore. I've heard it all, so whatever you say probably won't hurt me. And whatever you think it is, I can guarantee it's not that. Do you still want to see?”
You paused and thought for a second before saying yes. He made you close your eyes while he took the mask off. When he said he was ready, you opened your eyes to see…
“A…stripe? Wait, you're a…turtle?!”
“Yep. What do you think? Be honest.”
“That's, like…awesome! I can't really think of a better way to put it.”
“So…you like it?”
“Totally! What would I not like about a walking, talking, skateboarding turtle?”
“Well, most people see me and think I'm sort of a rejected lab creation, and while they're not wrong they usually carry a negative connotation with it.”
“It's probably just because they don't get to know you. You're awesome!”
“Aw, thanks.”
“Wait, does that mean your brothers-”
“Are turtles too? Yep.”
“Woah. Can I meet them?”
“Uh, maybe next week? I don't think they would exactly be fond of me bringing home a human unannounced.”
“Do they even know about me? Have you told them?”
“Well I've mentioned you once or twice, but they don't even know anything about you. They don't even know that you know I'm not human.”
“Oof. Well, you better tell them because I totally want to meet them now.”
“Haha, I think I can work something out. But for now, I wanna see your cool tricks! We keep getting distracted.”
During your late night skate session, you had to stop for a second because you were hungry. Leonardo stopped as well and walked over to where you were standing, slouched over.
“Hey, you good? Looking a little weak there.”
“Yeah I’m okay, I just forgot to eat before I came here.”
“Woah, that’s not good. Hm…oh! I know this good Asian place down the road from here, it should still be open.”
“Oh, I love Asian food, and I totally would, but I don’t have any money on me.”
“Eh, I can cover you.”
“What? You don’t have to do that.”
“Please, allow me. I would feel bad if you were to faint from hunger under my watch.”
“Well, if you insist, I’m not going to refuse.”
“Come on, then. Follow me, I’ll take you there. You need some help?” You nodded as Leonardo grabbed your hand and started leading you out of the building. He slowly led you out of the building and down the streets.
“You doing okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine-” You were silenced by the sound of your stomach growling from hunger.
“Maybe not. Here, stand back.”
You stepped back as Leonardo pulled out what seemed to be a sword. He started moving it in a circle until a portal appeared in front of you.
“You can make portals too?!”
“It’s a long story. Maybe I’ll tell you one day, but for now we need to get you food. Come on, this should lead us straight there.”
You cautiously followed Leonardo through the portal, and stepped out on the other side right next to the restaurant.
“Wow, that was impressive. Can your brothers do that?”
“No, but they have their own special abilities. And anyway, how are you not focused on your hunger? You’re nearly starving.”
Leonardo led you inside, and the lady behind the counter greeted the two of you.
“Hello, you two! Out on a little late night date, are we?”
You just chuckled at the comment, but Leonardo was quick on his feet.
“A date? I mean, one could call it that. Only if you want.” He looked at you as he said that.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” Leonardo ordered for the both of you, and you sat down at a table to wait for your food.
“You should ask your brothers if I can meet them. I’m really curious about them.”
“Man, you are quite insistent on meeting my brothers, huh?”
“Well, it’s not every day that you learned that you’re actually friends with a mutant turtle, let alone that he has brothers who are also mutant turtles! And you’re super awesome and nice, so I bet they are too! Why would I not want to meet them?”
“Well since you have to be so nice about it, I guess I can ask them. I have no clue if any of them will be up this late, though, so I can’t promise a fast result.”
“That’s okay. Oh, but when am I going to meet them? Or where? I have no clue where you guys live.”
“Well, we’re pretty free, so whenever you have time during the day probably works for us. As for where…”
“What about your place? I think it would probably be a good idea to meet them in their natural environment, y’know, so they don’t have to feel stressed or anything like that.”
“That’s not a bad idea. Although, nothing about our home would be considered normal.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, for starters it’s pretty big. And it’s underground. We’ve got a lot of cool stuff as well. We have an arcade room, a humongous garage, a skate ramp…”
“You have a skate ramp inside your home?! No wonder you’re so good at skating.”
“Oh, stop it.”
The waiter came over with the food, and made another comment about the two of you.
“Here’s your food, nice and hot. Don’t stay here just talking too long now.” Leonardo took this opportunity to show you how sharp his wits truly were.
“Nice and hot, huh? The food’s not the only nice and hot thing here.”
“Are you…talking about me?”
“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll never know.”
“Oh, you’re so stupid. I’m eating, you have fun doing whatever you’re doing over there.”
You and Leonardo finished up your food, and finalized your plans to meet up with his brothers. Much to Leonardo’s surprise, all of his brothers responded before you finished eating, and all of his brothers had agreed to meet you in their home.
“Thank you so much for everything tonight. Definitely one of the best nights I’ve had in a while.”
“It was my pleasure, only the best for my best skateboarding friend.”
“You’re too kind. I’m excited to meet your brothers.” You and Leonardo started walking out after saying good night to the employees.
“I’m sure they’ll love you. Have a good night!”
“You too, Leonardo!”
A few days later, Leonardo texted you to help you get to his home to meet his brothers.-now turn left and you should see an alleyway down the street. once you get there, just wait a couple of minutes and I’ll be there to lead you the rest of the way.
-I better not be getting kidnapped
-wow, I buy you food and this is how you treat me? you’re lucky I even let you in at all.
-okay, okay, I trust you. happy now?
-I guess
-how about dinner on me next time?
-wow, making moves huh? you’re slick
-...I don’t even know what to say anymore.
During the texting, Leonardo had snuck up behind you. He scared you when he spoke up.
“How about you come say hello to my brothers?”
“Damn it Leo- would you stop scaring me?”
“It’s so cute the way you react when you get scared though. And I don’t mean any harm, I hope you know that. Now, come on, you’ve been waiting a while for this, haven’t you?”
“I sure have. Where are we headed?”
“Look down.” Confused, you looked down to see a manhole at your feet. You looked back at Leonardo, and he gestured you to move out of the way as he lifted the manhole cover.
“It’s not as bad as you think.”
“Well, I’ve gone this far.”
As you climbed down into the manhole, Leonardo started to lead you through the sewers. He seemed to know these dreary hallways like the back of his hand. After several minutes of walking through the sewers, you eventually saw a light coming from somewhere up ahead. You followed Leonardo down the hall, until eventually reaching the end, where he began something of a grand introduction.
“Welcome to my humble abode. Hey guys, they’re here!” As he presumably called to his brothers, you stood in awe as you took in everything that was in front of you. It was bigger than you could have ever imagined. There were so many rooms, so much graffiti all over the walls, string lights everywhere. Leonardo grabbed your hand and pulled you along to somewhere else though.
“C’mon, it’s time!” Your excitement could hardly be contained as Leonardo led you to the bottom layer of the area. Leonardo stopped in front of what you assumed were his brothers.
“y/n, meet my brothers. This is Raphael.”
“You can just call me Raph. Leo’s mentioned you a few times, but it’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“This is Michelangelo.”
“Hello! I’ve been super excited to meet you! Leo says you’re really good at skateboarding. You’ll have to show me your moves later!”
“And this is Donatello.”
“Hello, nice to meet you. I do have a nickname, but I reserve it for people who are close to me. I mean no offense with this, as I’m sure you’re a kind individual, but I just don’t know you very well. With time you should be able to call me by my nickname.”
“Well, hello, everyone. My name is y/n. I’ve haven’t really heard much about any of you, but assuming you’re anything like Leo, then we’ll probably get along.”
“Well, how about we show you around? I’m sure you’ll get to know them along the way.” Leonardo and his brothers proceeded to show you around the very large area in which they lived. Along the way, you managed to pick up a few tidbits of information about each of his brothers. Raph was the oldest and seemed to be the leader of the group, but he also had a very soft heart. Mikey was the youngest of the four and was definitely the creative one. Donatello was the smart one, and was often very direct about everything.
“So how did you meet Leo, anyway?”
“Well, one of my hobbies happens to be skating, and one night when I went out to skate, he was the only one at the skatepark I went to. Then we kinda made plans to meet up there every week.”
“So that’s what you’ve been doing! Leo sometimes comes home late at night with a big smile on his face and just a little happier than usual, but he never mentioned you when he did that. Now I’m starting to put some dots together.”
“Well, that can happen when you hang around such an amazing skater such as myself.”
“How about you live up to that claim, huh? Show us some moves.” Leonardo finally spoke up. You took it as a challenge, and everyone headed over to the skate ramp.
After showing everyone what you could do on a skateboard, and a couple more hours of just hanging out with the turtles, you eventually had to head home. After saying your goodbyes, Leonardo showed you the way out.
“See you soon!”
“Yeah! If you ever want to come back over, just text me!”
“Will do!”
However, you would remain oblivious to the conversation that was about to follow.After walking you out, Leonardo started walking back to his room, but little did he know that Michelangelo was following him.
“Ah, man, that was nice. Now time to lay back and-”
“Oh, Leo~”
“Mikey? Did you need something?”
“Mmmm, not exactly.”
“Then what’s up?”
“I should be asking you that. Seems you and y/n have a little something going on.”
“Yeah, we hang out quite a bit. It’s been pretty nice.”
“Leo, I’m going to get straight to the point. I think it’s pretty obvious you like them.”
“Woah, that’s quite an assumption. Care to run me through your thought process here?”
“Well first off, you regularly went to hang out with them, a human. That doesn’t happen very often. Next, you revealed the fact that you’re a mutant turtle. You don’t exactly do that for everyone. And they told me about your little “date” you went on. Listen, Leo, you know I’m the expert on these things, you can’t hide them from me.”
“…Fine, I’ll admit it. They’re just so…I don’t know how to describe it. Something about them just draws me to them.”
“I think it’s because you guys are so similar. You bounce off of each other. I’d give it a bit more time, but you should tell them how you feel.”
“Ahh, I don’t know. It’s hard. I think they just see it like a normal friendship.”
“You never know until you try. Like I said, give it some time and we’ll see where it goes. I’ll be your wingman, give you tips and tricks. And I’ll keep on the down low, but I can’t promise that Donnie and Raph won’t find out. That’s out of my control.”
“Heh, thanks.”
A few weeks passed, and you hung out with Leonardo and his brothers more and more. You learned more about each of them, but you noticed Mikey being particularly weird whenever you and Leo were hanging out.
“Raph, have you noticed anything weird going on between Leonardo and Michelangelo?”
“Yeah, but I haven’t been able to figure out what they’re up to. I think it might have something to do with you, though.”
“Well I can’t be sure, but I feel like I often overhear your name in their conversations.”
“Oh, that makes me all the more nervous about what they’re doing.”
“Eh, knowing them, it can’t be anything bad. I wouldn’t worry too much.”
“If you say so. I’ll trust your judgment on this one.”
A few months had passed now, and you were a lot more comfortable with your turtle friends. You were allowed in their home at any time, and Donatello had even come to know you well enough for him to let you call him Donnie. Leonardo made his classic one liners. Raph and Michelangelo often cheered you on whenever you showed off your moves on the ramp in their home. But nothing ever came of Leonardo and Michelangelo’s scheming, and over time you forgot about it. However, it never stopped and you would soon come to learn what it was all about.
One night, Leo had texted you, asking you to meet up at the entrance to their home.
-make sure to bring your skateboard, I’ve got a little surprise for you
-it’s pretty late leonardo, you better have something good
-I think you’ll like it
You arrived at the meeting spot, with Leonardo already waiting for you.
“Hop on your board, we’ve got a long ways to go.”
Leo started, leading you through all the secret alleyways and tunnels. You managed to keep up, but your legs were starting to get tired from the distance you were riding.
“Are we there yet?”
“Almost, just another minute or two.”
By this point, you were on the outskirts of town. Leonardo was headed further and further away from the city. You were becoming more and more curious as to where he was taking you. Eventually you stopped at the bottom of a hill.
“I won’t make you ride up this. Follow me.”
Again he pulled out his sword and made another portal. You trusted it would take you to the top of the hill, and it certainly did. What you didn’t expect was a little area hidden in the brush which had a perfect view of the city.
“Woah, Leo, this is insane. How did you find this?”
“Spots like these are my specialty. Come, sit.”
He invited you to sit next to him and watch the city, which looked very different at night.
“Is there a reason you brought me out here?”
“Uhm, yes, actually. I’ve been reserving this spot for a special occasion. Y’know, we’ve been hanging out a lot these past few months, and we’ve come to know each other pretty well. But there’s something about myself I haven’t told you, and I think it’s pretty important that you know.”
“Okay, go ahead. I’m listening.”
“I-I really like you. You’re just a cool person, and when we hang out or go skating together, I don’t know, something about you just seems that much cooler. And the fact that you’re even willing to hang out with me in the first place is already amazing. I understand if you don’t return the feelings, I just-”
“Wait, so all of those stupid pick up lines were actual attempts at trying to get with me?”
“Kind of? Most of them were jokes, but they did actually mean I liked you.”
“Well, funnily enough, those pick up lines kind of worked…”
“What do you mean?”
“Well when we first met, I did just see you as a good friend. But I think your sense of humor accidentally made me like you too. I didn’t say anything because I thought that was just you being you, and I didn’t think those stupid little pick up lines meant anything. So I just left those feelings alone, destined to be banished to the recesses of my mind for the rest of eternity.”
Leonardo paused for a moment, before wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. You returned the gesture.
“So, are we like, together now?”
“Only if you want.” Leonardo smiled.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” You smiled back at him before turning your head back to look at the city. This was certainly a surprise you liked.
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scarl3ttjpg · 1 year
Back to Square One (04)
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Clyde came into my room and coughed dramatically as I sprayed my hair with product. I rolled my eyes at him as he continued to fake cough long after I set the can down on my desk. He laughed at his own antics and closed my door slightly to use the mirror that was hanging on the back of it and began fussing with his hair.
"And you say that I'm dramatic about my looks... At least I don't take three hours to pick an outfit and do my hair," I laughed at him as he shot me a nasty look.
"At least I... um... You know what, you don't deserve a response."
I laughed at his lack of a come-back. "Okay, well, anyways are you done? I don't want to be late and if you aren't ready I'm leaving without you."
He opened his mouth to argue but I was already making my way down the stairs, texting butters that I was on my way. Clyde closed my door behind him as he quickly followed behind me, shouting a 'bye' to our dad. Now that he was actually moving, I rushed to the car and plopped down in the driver seat. Clyde and I both had out licenses, but Dad had only gotten one car for the both of us to share. Something about teaching us responsibility? I don't even know, he got really lucky that Clyde and I somehow ended up going to the same college.
Clyde watched this and frowned as he walked over to the passenger seat.
"Why do you get to drive," he whined as I began backing out of the driveway.
"Because I'm a better driver? Besides, you could have driven if you walked faster." I flashed him a smug grin as I drove off toward Butters' apartment.
After a few minutes, we were already stepping off the elevator and watching the door swing wide open, revealing a Butters who had already clearly been drinking a bit. As I stepped into the apartment, Bebe rushed over to me and engulfed me in a tight hug.
"Y/N!! Hiii," she smiled. "Do you want some Malibu? I saved some for you!" Bebe laughed as she talked. Knowing her, the 'some' she saved was maybe two small sips that she had missed when she chugged the bottle.
"Can I have some," my brother quickly asked before I could even open my mouth to respond. Bebe rolled her eyes and flipped him off as she pulled me over to the couch, still hugging me. I smiled and waved at Wendy who also rushed over to give me a hug. The three of us sat on the couch as I filled them in on how it's been out of town. Clyde and Butters made their way over to us, and sat on the coffee table across from us. Butters handed me a can of strawberry lemonade Truly, which I cracked open in no time at all. It was gone in under a minute.
"Clyde, go get me another one of these," I smiled at him, handing him the empty can. He walked off to the fridge, mumbling about me treating him like a servant. I continued rambling about my experiences at school when I saw Wendy mouthing something to somebody across the room. I glanced over and my smile dropped when I saw the glaring eyes of Stan Marsh.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'll be right back," Wendy apologized as she stood and walked over to her boyfriend. I watched them talk for a moment. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but Stan looked frustrated. Clyde came back and shoved the new can in my face, interrupting my very bad attempt at eavesdropping. Again, I drank it quickly.
Just seeing Stan's reaction to my presence was enough to remind me of why I was so unsure about going to this party. Butters looked at me with a concerned smile before speaking loudly over the bass-boosted music.
"I'll go talk to them." He stood up and pushed through the crowd over to Stan and his friends. I watched as Butters made his way over there, recognizing each of the people surrounding the dark haired male. I saw a blonde who was already drunk off his ass, and I figured that had to be Kenny. I saw another blonde with a black haired guy, both of whom looked like they wanted to be anywhere else. I wondered when Tweek and Craig started hanging with Stan... Then, between people drunkenly bumping into each other, I saw a pair of irritated eyes practically staring through me. Annoyed, I chugged the rest of my drink. Clyde sighed before I could even say anything, and walked back to the fridge to get me another one.
"Y/N," Bebe started. "Drink one more and I'm making you move. You're so boring right now!" She dragged out each word, slurring her speech. I couldn't tell if she was actually drunk or just matching the vibes of the atmosphere. Either way, I was glad she was here with me. I needed to get my mind off the eyes glaring at my every move across the room.
Before I knew it, the coffee table and floor around my feet was littered with empty cans of Truly and beer. Bebe pulled me off the couch we stumbled into the bulk of the partygoers. I laughed as we danced, feeling like we were in some cheesy '90s coming-of-age movie. My fun was cut short, though when I tripped over my own feet. If it weren't for Bebe catching my arm before I could fall, I would have landed right in the lap of the very person who had been glaring daggers at me: Kyle Broflovski. He opened his mouth to say something to me, but Bee twirled me around, pushing me away from him. Somehow we ended up right back there next to him again, though.
I let out a sigh. I, for one, was ready to move on from what had happened all those years ago. I stopped Bebe from dragging me away again and smiled at her. She gave me an unsure look before stumbling off to the kitchen to find some more liquor that she didn't need. I leaned back against the wall next to Kyle, crossing my arms to mimic his annoyed manner. He continued to stare at me, raising an eyebrow as I began to talk.
"So... How have you been, Kyle? It's been a while, huh?" I offered him a friendly smile which he did not return. In fact, he continued to stare blankly at me, almost scowling at my presence. I continued to try to have a little bit of small talk, but the most response I got was a couple of eye rolls and irritated sighs. I opened my mouth to continue to attempt, but he spoke bluntly before I had the chance.
"Drop the act, Y/N. We both know that you were invited to this out of pity. Not a single person actually wants you here. It's a miracle that Butters is nice enough to give you another chance. You don't deserve it." His words were cold and sharp and stung deeply. I knew that he was still upset, but he had never been so cold... It just made me wonder what had been said about me that I never got to hear.
"You know, out of anyone I'm the most surprised that you believed him. I'll never understand that. I thought that maybe after a whole ass decade, you would have moved on, but I suppose you always were one to surprise me, Kyle." I pushed myself off the wall before he had a chance to respond and walked quickly out the door. My eyes stung and my head was spinning as I opened the door to the stairwell and sat down. I took some deep breaths as I heard someone coming down the stairs. I scooted myself closer to the wall to let them pass by me, but instead, they sat beside me.
I wiped my eyes and looked over to see who this mystery person was, and smiled in surprise. I had never been very close to them in school, but it was refreshing to see somebody who didn't care enough about rumors to hate me. After a moment of silence and me trying to curb my sniffles, they spoke up.
"Is everything okay?"
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abbzworld · 2 months
First Impression
AN – Here’s the fifth story! I hope you enjoy!
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When Link had been told that he was to meet with Princess Zelda, he’d been apprehensive to say the least.
Despite the urgency of the situation and Navi’s reassurances, dozens of questions went through his mind. What was she like? Was she a stuck-up princess or a kind one? Would she actually believe him if he were to somehow get an audience from her? How would he even reach her?
After two long days of travelling across Hyrule Field and fending off the Stalchildren that enjoyed harassing him at night, he finally made it into Castle Town.
And it was already an incredibly different environment compared to what he was used to. It was noisy, crowded and there were very few trees around.
It was rather overwhelming, to say the least.
Thankfully, his fairy companion Navi was there to help keep him on track.
“Come on, Link! We have to meet the princess!”
A small part of him wanted to explore but he knew that he shouldn’t waste too much time. After stocking up on supplies, he eventually made it to Hyrule Castle and was then forced to sneak around the guards, as he couldn’t get anywhere near the front gate without being escorted away.
It was both confusing and anxiety inducing, since he didn’t always know where he was supposed to go.
It took a couple of hours but finally, he arrived in the courtyard…
…and he saw the princess.
She hadn’t noticed him yet, intensely gazing through window. Feeling anxious, as he had no idea what he should do or say, he quietly asked Navi, “So… what should I do?”
“Introduce yourself to her! That’s the best course of action! And stop worrying so much! The Great Deku Tree knew what he was doing when he sent us here!”
He swallowed his nerves, took a deep breath and then cautiously approached her, hoping this encounter would go as smoothly as Navi said.
Once he’d reached the steps, he stopped, uncertain how he should get her attention.
That turned out to be unnecessary, though, as she heard him approach and turned around with a gasp.
“Who are you? How did you get past my guards?!”
And almost immediately, Link was struck speechless.
She was around the same age as him and she was very pretty. Sure, Saria and that strange red-haired girl Malon were pretty too, but this was the first time he’d really noticed that about someone.
She had a regal beauty to her that he’d never seen in someone before. It made sense, seeing as how she was a princess and all. But still, he was awestruck.
“Psst! Link!” He heard whispering from his hat, causing him to remember where he was and almost all at once, that anxiety came flooding back. He swallowed an uncertain lump in his throat.
“Um… M-My name is Link, your Highness. I was instructed to come and meet with you by the Great Deku Tree.”
“Great… Deku Tree? I’ve only heard mentions of him in passing. Isn’t he the guardian spirit of the Kokiri Forest?”
Link nodded.
“And by any chance… do you happen to have the Kokiri’s Emerald, as well as a blue guardian fairy?”
He nodded again as Navi poked her head out from under his hat to wave and then he showed her the emerald before safely stowing it away again.
“I knew it!” She happily exclaimed.
“Erm… knew what?” Link asked, feeling confused.
“Oh, I apologize. I’m getting ahead of myself!”
She then went on to explain about the prophetic dreams she’d been having lately, and how everyone had been dismissive of her thus far, even her own father!
She then showed him a dark-skinned man dressed all in black through the window she’d been looking through. At first glance, he appeared to be swearing allegiance to her father. However, as soon as Link got a good look at this man, he suddenly realized that this man was the very same figure haunting Link’s nightmares!
Zelda wasn’t the only one having prophetic dreams, it seems…
“I’m certain he’s up to no good!” Zelda finished, looking distressed. “But no one listens to me when I try to explain this to them!”
She then looked at him and asked, “But you believe me right?”
Link didn’t even hesitate in nodding. “Of course.”
Zelda grinned, overjoyed. “Oh, thank you so much!”
Link smiled back as she continued with, “For now, we need to keep Ganondorf from getting into the Sacred Realm and stealing the Triforce. And to do that, we need the spiritual stones from the Goron Tribe and the Zora Tribe next.
She then gave him a piece of paper to show the guard in Kakariko Village in order to ascend the mountain.
“I won’t be able to join you, unfortunately, but I’ll gather up as much information as I can to help!”
“Thank you, Princess.”
“Please, just call me Zelda.” She smiled at him, making his heart do flips.
She giggled before saying that her Sheikah attendant, Impa, would help him out of the castle.
He nodded and then stepped away.
Once he did, Navi appeared in front of him, giggling. “See? I told you it would go well!”
Link smiled at her. “Yeah. Thanks.”
She then got a mischievous look on her face. “You like her, don’t you?”
“Oh come on! You were totally spellbound back there! She was pretty, wasn’t she?”
She just giggled and hid underneath his hat again before he shook his head, blushing before going over to Impa, who was standing in the corner.
Hopefully she hadn’t heard all of that…
AN – lol poor Link.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and see you tomorrow!
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moni-logues · 2 years
A Fine Line - Epilogue 1
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Pairing: Namjoon x reader but this is mostly about Hoseok
Word count: 2.5k
Content: none!
Summary: The apology tour continues…
Chapter Eleven | Masterlist | Epilogue 2
Epilogue 1 - Hope
y/n: Hey! 
y/n: Would you like to get a coffee or something with me tomorrow? 
y/n: Short notice I know!! 🙈  
y/n: Completely understand if you don’t!  
y/n: But I’d really like to speak to you 
Hoseok: Sure 
Hoseok: Can you do 11:30? It’s the only time I have 
y/n: yes! That’s fine for me 
You read the messages over and over again on the subway, trying to work out what they meant. No emoji, no exclamation marks; you hadn’t known it was possible for him to send a message like that. But he had replied. And he had agreed to meet you. That was positive. That was a good sign. The apology tour continued; this stop: Hoseok.  
You hadn’t planned what to say to him because you had no idea who you’d find when you got there. Would he be angry? Would he be sad? Would he be over it? Would he want to be your friend or not? You didn’t know. You felt like you didn’t know him well enough to make a prediction and that thought, alone, shamed you. With the amount of time you had spent together, you should have known, should have been able to guess. But, then, that’s why you were there: you had a lot of apologies to make.  
You approached the front desk with trepidation. When Hoseok had asked you to meet him at work, you hadn’t expected such an enormous, intimidating building. 
“Um, I have a… a meeting with Hoseok?”  
The person sitting at reception looked at you with a vague smile and asked first for your name, then for some ID which they looked at for so long you were suddenly worried you’d handed over someone else’s or you weren’t who you thought you were. Then they handed it back to you with brisk instructions to return to the front desk upon leaving and hurried directions to where you were supposed to find Hoseok. Too anxious and embarrassed to ask again, you wandered off and stepped into the lift, knowing you had at least remembered the correct floor number.  
You were grateful for the little windows on the doors, allowing you to glance in and stopping you from walking in on anyone else. The building was enormous, somehow even bigger than it had appeared from the outside, and it didn’t take you long to feel completely lost. You wished there had been someone else walking the corridors so you could ask but they were all empty. You could feel sweat prick on your skin as you were getting closer and closer to being unforgivably late without apparently getting any closer to Hoseok. You were already a little late because it had taken much longer to get past reception than you’d expected, but this was pushing it.  
With your stomach churning, you did the only thing you could think to. 
y/n: I think I’m lost!  
y/n: I’m on the right floor but I can’t find you! 
You stayed put, like your mother always taught you, and waited, clutching your phone tight. It was probably only seconds but it felt like minutes before you heard the swish of a door opening. 
You span around and followed the sound around one corner and then another and there he was. He smiled sweetly and held the door for you. You had been expecting some kind of meeting room – a table, some kind of complicated teleconferencing set-up, but, of course, he was a dancer. It was a small practice room, mirrored along one wall.  
“Sorry I’m late,” you offered, quiet and shy and completely unsure of how to act.  
“No worries. Sorry about this; I know you said coffee but I don’t actually have any to offer you. I can probably ring for some, if you want? Don’t know when it’ll actually get here, though.” 
“Oh. No, no, it’s fine. I’m fine without coffee.”  
You had actually forgotten about that part. You weren’t sure it had been a good idea anyway; your stomach already felt too unsettled. It would be better without it. 
He looked good. His hair a little longer and dark now where it had been sun-kissed before. He was flushed and a little sweaty and you could sense him adjusting, moving out of work mode as he settled on the floor and gestured for you to sit down, too. 
“Sorry, no chairs.” 
“Oh, I’m fine. Floor is fine.” 
It was awkward but not hostile so you were taking that as a win. There was a pause before you both started to talk at the same time. Then you both stopped. And started again. 
“You go,” you said. 
“No, no, you go.” 
You took a deep breath because you actually didn’t know where to start.  
“I want to apologise to you.” Seemed as good a place as any. “I want to apologise but there’s also other stuff I want to tell you and I’m not really sure what order to go in or how to fit it all together or- I don’t-… I didn’t even know if you’d want to see me so I haven’t really prepared. I knew I’d spend forever stewing about it and I didn’t want to give myself time to chicken out, so that’s why I asked you so short-notice.” 
Hoseok nodded. 
“Just tell me everything,” he said with a shrug, as if it were that simple.  
You tipped your head back and contemplated the ceiling while you tried to gather your thoughts. You wanted to start with the apology, to get it out of the way, to open with it so he knew that you knew that you were in the wrong, but it didn’t fit right. You had to start at the beginning. 
“Last December,” you began, slowly, because there were still very few people you’d told. “I left my husband. We had been married for five years – technically are still married, actually, but anyway – but we hadn’t-… We were really only married on paper even then. It had been a long time since we were-… we were intimate.”  
You could feel your face burning and you rolled your own eyes inwardly at your embarrassment; this was a man who had to coach you when you first slept together; there was really no more embarrassment to be had with him. Yet there you were.  
“The night that we met-“ you gestured between the two of you, “I-… You were the first person I slept with since my husband. I was not kidding when I said it had been a while.” 
You could see Hoseok trying to keep his face neutral, trying not to be surprised, and you found you couldn’t look at him if you wanted to continue. 
“I am so grateful to you for that night, I can’t even begin to tell you. I could have met anyone but I met you and you were so kind and patient and giving and caring and… I don’t know what I did to deserve that, ’cause lord knows even then I was not on my best behaviour. You were the most perfect person I could have met and, honestly, I really should’ve just fallen in love with you.” 
You didn’t miss the way his eyebrows raised at that and you tried not to guess what he was thinking. 
“But I was already… distracted, I guess. And you were right, I used you. It’s not any defence but I genuinely didn’t really know I was doing it. I genuinely didn’t know it was about Namjoon, at least not entirely. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong? I liked you- I like you; I enjoyed your company and the sex was great and I… I … I’m sorry because I did not deserve you and you certainly did not deserve me. I wasn’t honest with you, just as you said, because I couldn’t be because I wasn’t being honest with myself.” 
“And now?” 
You let out a very long, deep breath.  
“Now… I’m trying to be. I’m trying to be honest with everyone. And nice to them. I’m trying to apologise and… I don’t know, just…  
“It’s been a very weird year and I haven’t been myself for most of it, not really. So, I am… trying to find out who that is and I guess, be them? Be a good person? Be some approximation of who I used to be with a little bit of who I’ve been since and a bit of someone new? I don’t know but I’m trying something.” 
“What about Namjoon?” 
It felt fragile. Your hummingbird heart fluttered in your chest when you thought of him. It felt weird talking about him, about you, about what you were. You had told Lina, obliquely, because you could do that and she would know what you meant; apart from that, it was like your little secret. You felt protective of it, scared for it. You didn’t want to speak its existence in case that somehow extinguished it, broke the seal around it and let all the monsters in. But you could hardly hide from it; you didn’t want to hide from it. You wanted to be worthy of it and were scared of telling anyone because they would know that you weren’t and you didn’t want them to try to take it from you.  
“Namjoon and I… are… It’s sorted. I’ve apologised to him, too, been honest with him, too.” 
“We’re together.”  
He chuckled and his grin split his face in two. 
“Well… that took you a really long time!”  
He laughed and the wave of relief that washed over you was enough to drown you. 
“I do have a question.”  
A single note of anxiety pierced through the relief. 
“Did you know that you liked Namjoon when we were fucking?” 
“What? No! I hated him. I thought I did, anyway.” 
He laughed again and looked at you in that kind, amused way he always used to. 
“Oh, love, you are so fucking stupid. I think I’d have been less annoyed if I had known at the time that you were this stupid about it.”  
“Hey! Are you telling me you did know?!” 
“YES! And I thought you knew! How could you not know?” 
“Because I thought I hated him!” 
“You spent all your time thinking about fucking him!” 
“NOT fucking him, actually!” 
“That is the same thing.” 
He had a point.   
“It wasn’t all the time…” The weakest of weak arguments.  
“I’m not even going to pretend that you didn’t think about him when we were fucking and I mean, that doesn’t feel great for me, but at least I know you weren’t doing it on purpose.” 
You groaned and put your head into your hands. You couldn’t deny it. 
“I told you I didn’t deserve you,” you said from your hiding place. When he was silent in response, you emerged and he was looking at you – always still looking right at you. He shrugged. 
“Water under the bridge. What’s done is done-” 
“I definitely wasn’t thinking about him all the time, I promise you that much. Even most of the time, I wasn’t thinking about him… That’s why I liked you so much: because you got him out of my head.”  
Hoseok considered this for a moment and shrugged. 
“Eh, it doesn’t really matter anymore anyway.” 
“I’m sorry. I really, truly am so sorry.“ 
He smiled, kind again. 
“Thank you. I appreciate that. I’m glad you have finally seen sense and I hope you and Namjoon are happy.”  
You nodded. For the first time in a very, very long time, you felt like you actually were.  
You left the building feeling considerably lighter than you had going in. In some ways, this had been the most nerve-wracking apology to make; Lina was your best friend and you had years of friendship behind you; Namjoon liked you and those rose-tinted glasses could brush over worse things than those you had done; but Hoseok? He didn’t have to give a shit any which way. He had no investment in you; it would be no skin off his nose to kick you to the curb.  
But he hadn’t. Because, you could see it now, of course he wouldn’t have. He’s not that guy. He had laughed when you had asked if you could be friends – not because you couldn’t but because ‘obviously’ you could. He was as gracious and generous and loving as he had ever been and you couldn’t believe you had doubted him for a second. 
When you got back to the apartment, Namjoon was coming out of his studio. 
“You look happy,” he said. “Where’ve you been?” 
“I went to see Hoseok.” 
He paused, mid-step, and a flurry of emotions crossed his face. 
“Oh! No, not like that! You and Lina weren’t the only ones I owed apologies to.” 
There was a pause as he moved into the kitchen, filling the kettle and flicking it on. 
“And it went well, I guess?” 
“It did. He said we can be friends. He’s really nice guy.” 
Namjoon shrugged. 
“I really don’t know him that well. I haven’t worked with him; I don’t tend to have much to do with the dancers – not my area.” 
“So how come you talked to him that day?”  
Your curiosity had been burning you up for weeks and weeks. You still didn’t know what they spoke about – or rather (because you knew they talked about you) what they said. 
“Very last-minute lyric changes on a music video shoot. I don’t really know why I had to be there in person but my presence was demanded so…” 
He looked at you and, by the glint in his eye, you knew he knew what you were really asking. And you knew he wasn’t going to tell you.  
“Will you please tell me what you said? What he said? What you both said?” 
“Didn’t I say at the time? He said you didn’t know what you wanted. I made it pretty clear that I did.” 
You groaned. That much you knew. And you knew he knew you knew. And you also knew that he was going to keep this little secret for as long as it annoyed you, which is to say, for the rest of time.  
“I’ve changed my mind: I don’t like you.” 
He chuckled and grabbed you around the waist, pulling you close to kiss your cheek.  
“Don’t think that little lie is going to work anymore, is it?” 
You wanted to protest, argue a little longer, pretend a little more that he wasn’t the brightest light in your life, but he was right, you couldn’t anymore. That rush of feeling, the fizzing in your fingers and toes, it was all too new, all too strong to deny even in jest. You took his face between your hands and kissed him firmly on the mouth. 
“Fine,” you said. “I do like you. And you are so annoying.” 
Chapter Eleven | Masterlist | Epilogue 2
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rukia-writes · 2 years
Rukia. I have a question. Please do not feel stressed or forced by this. I know you're bound to get a lot of requests and I can understand that because you're the queen. 💥👑 I'll try to explain briefly what my request would be: In Greek mythology, Ares was very much in love with the titan Eos. And somehow I would find it cute if there was an Eos reader who also develops feelings for Ares but some gods laugh at Ares because they don't believe that Eos reader would fall in love with someone like Ares because he is the god of war. (Could well imagine Adamas making a fool of him and then maybe in front of the assembled team) So that Ares becomes very uncomfortable...and then Bäääm Eos reader comes and teaches Adamas and all the others who made a fool of Ares how to behave. But like I said, it's just a small wish. Don't feel pressured. Take your time. And if you don't feel the topic, that's totally okay. Anyways love you Rukia. You make tumblr so much nicer and reading from you makes me so happy every time. ♥️♥️♥️
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A/N: I’m so sorry this was late ⏰ but I hope you enjoy it ♥️
Eos! Reader (fem) x Ares
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The Gigantomachy.
Ares was having his wounds tended to by the nurses as his rescuer waited impatiently outside the door. Worried about his fellow comrades Ares wanted to go back out and join them in battle against Gaia. However, he also wanted to thank his rescuer a winged goddess that brought the dawn every day and also his long time love interest. Finally, (Name) was able to check on Ares. The bandages covered his whole chest, and even though Ares was still in pain he played it off the best he could when (Name) entered.
But, (Name) wasn’t fooled and lightly tickled Ares abdomen with her right wing making the god chuckle here and there as he tried to get her to stop, even though he enjoyed her smile. In truth, (Name) wanted Ares to stay put for awhile before going back to the fight. Luckily, (Name) was able to convince Ares to stay with a smile and asking sweetly.
“What happened out there?”
“Gaia and her army! They’re too powerful, we need to come up with a plan.”
“That would be wise. I fear, Zeus may not have a plan.”
Deep down Ares knew his beautiful love interest was right, his father wasn’t a thinker but he was a fighter and he too was one. Also, Ares was fighting not only for the realm but for (Name) as well. While (Name) kept Ares company, Poseidon, Hades and Adamas had arrived as well. The brothers weren’t too fond with how things were going so far in the war and wanted to discuss what to do next after Hermes gave the reports.
Once, Ares joined in the council meeting Hermes began to report how the war was going. Which wasn’t good from what (Name) could here from behind one of the doors and that seemed to only flame her worry for Ares and just as she was thinking to herself how she could help a familiar voice broke out in the meeting.
“You look like hell Ares! I bet even the sweet (Name) wouldn’t look at you now.”
“On the contrary, she um, came to my room and helped me recover. I’m thankful for her kindness.”
“Ooo, Does my son have a crush?”
Zeus decided to quickly tease his son about a possible love interest and to Zeus’ surprise seeing Ares blush only confirmed and it was finally Hades turn to speak.
“You should confess after the war, love is a beautiful thing-“
“As if, brother Hades. The sweet and beautiful (Name) would never get with someone like Ares. Besides, he’s most likely to bite it in this war-“
Hades believed Adamas said too much as he and everyone watched the winged beauty tickle Adamas with her wing while on the floor telling him to apologize as she stood above him. Ares was amazed yet the red on his cheeks told he was happy to see (Name) defend him.
“That’s it! Of course! We should pummel our enemies to the ground! Hermes! Tell everyone that!”
Zeus got the idea that he should just crush his enemies as he expanded his muscles happy at seeing (Name) “attack” Adamas, everyone agreed and began to leave, leaving Adamas yelling for help as he was still being tickled. The only reason (Name) stopped was to check on Ares and make sure the god of war was okay as he still had his injuries.
“Are you okay, Ares?”
“Hm, oh yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good, let’s get you to bed so you can fight in the ear at top condition.”
Ares nodded his head as he wanted to fight but once he noticed his sweet and beautiful love interest place a kiss on his cheek made the god of war turn a bright red and became bashful. Neither noticed but Ares wounds seemed to be healing, thru the power of love Hermes later called it.
Hermes, informed Zeus that (Name) hadn’t left Ares bedside yet and that she was still with him. Zeus was going to ask about something else, someone important but he forgot and asked if he thought (Name) and Ares were a perfect match. Hermes believed the two had chemistry and also firmly believed anyone who disrespected Ares had a fight with (Name).
Hermes suggested maybe she should fight for them as she easily handled Adamas.
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Ooo!!! Could you maybe write a soulmate au where it's the first thing your soulmate says is tattooed on your arm or wrist and maybe have it be Alador or Hunter?
Complete creative liberty I'm just a sucker for soulmate aus 😭
I'm so sorry if I responded to this to late i actually started to write it earlier but my phone turned off and i lost all of my progress and i just lost motivation 😭
But i hope you enjoy this either way
I decided to write for mah luv Hunter, i don't know why i said it like that. The reader uses they/them pronouns
The reader has two mum's cuz why not, even though it's confusing as hell to write
Maybe spoilers for thanks to them? Don't really know, doesn't describe what happened just mentions some parts but not in detail if that makes sense
Oh and i made it so that only the two soulmates can see the words each other's wrists, for everyone else it's just gibberish :)
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"Um, hey Luz?" Hunter called out, walking through the hallway of the owl house, his left sleeve rolled up as he scratched his wrist with his left, trying to get something off
"What is it Hunter?" Luz asked as she sat on the couch, arm wrapped around her girlfriend, Amity, with king sitting on her lap
"What's this thing on my arm?" He asked as he sat down next to Luz, showing him his wrist
"oh that must be your soulmates first words!" Luz said, Amity's head got off of Luz's shoulder to see what was happening
"a... Soulmate?" Hunter questioned, he looked at them for help, he didn't know what a soulmate was
"Oh, um a soulmate-"
"A soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural like affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust." Amity said, cutting Luz off
"You usually get it at the age of ten if i remember correctly." Luz said as she scratched her chin
"Oh, then why did i get mine now?" He asked a he looked down towards his wrist
"Uhm... I'm guessing the... Things that happened back at the human realm you somehow magically gained a soul?" Amity said, though it sounded like she was questioning herself
"But we're still happy for you." King said trying to change the subject, but failed
"Question, when do i meet my soulmate? And how am i supposed to know their first words?" Hunter questioned
"Well the only way you can meet your soulmate is by time, there is a specific place, time and day where you meet your soulmate, you just don't know when it is. And it's not your soulmates actual first words, it's the first words they say to you." Amity said with a warm smile
"What does it even say on your wrist?" Amity asked as Luz and King lifted thier heads to listen
"It says: 'Oh my Titan, I'm so sorry are you okay?' long sentence but okay." Hunter says
"Oh! Maybe you bump in to them and they apologize! Maybe that's how you meet your soulmate!" Luz proclaimed
"Luz- Hunter just try not to think about it too much, remember there already is a place, time and day chosen." Amity said as she tried to calm down his nerves, but it didn't help
-Meanwhile in the town of Bonesborough---
"Mom! Mother! Guess what!" Y/n yelled as they ran in to the living room of their house, waiving their wrist around in the air
"What is it honey?" The mother asked as she turned towards her child, looking away from the book she was reading, while mom washed the dishes but listened to what her child had to say
"I finally got it! I finally got my soulmates words!" They yelled as they lowered their wrist slightly and excitedly painted to it
"Oh that's wonderful news Y/n!" Mom said as she turned the tap off, took off her gloves and hugged Y/n
"See Y/n, i told you you would get a mark, what does it say?" Mother asked as she laughed slightly looking back at her book
"Oh uh, it says: 'Im fine, it's no big deal'." They answered quickly
"Well maybe you did something? Like tripped them over accidentally?" Mother said as mom glared at them and rolled their eyes, looking back towards her child
"Remember Y/n, there it already a place, time and day set to when and where you meet your soulmate, so don't try to rush!" Mom said as she got back to doing the dishes
"Got it mother!" Y/n said as they pointed finger guns at their mom and mother and went to their room, plopping in the bed and screaming with happiness in to the pillow
---time skip---
A few weeks have passed since he got his soulmates first words, three weeks and two and a half days to be exact, Hunter has been just sitting in his bead, occasionally helping around the owl house, helping clean Hooty, god... Those... Those three hours are never gonna leave his head... And overall never going as far as ten meters away from the owl house
'Why?' you may be asking, well, he was scared, yes, he was scared of meeting his soulmate, not because he didn't want to meet you, oh no, he was scared on heat you would think if him
Would you think he was weird? Would you think he was too tall, or maybe even to short? Would you think he wasn't muscular enough, or that he was too muscular? Maybe you would hate his face? The scars all across his face and his nose? He wasn't going to take any chances
"Hunter! Leave your god-damned room! You haven't left for four weeks!" Luz yelled as she banged on Hunter's locked door and fiddled with the door know like it was going to magically open
"It's been three weeks and two and a half days, be precise if you're gonna yell at me!" He argued back
"Hunter leave your room or I'll call Darius!" Luz yelled, and just like that, hunters door opened
"You know what, i think I'm gonna take a walk to the knee." He said as his coat was already in his hands
"Really, you're gonna pick the most least likely place to meet your soulmate?" Luz questioned
"Yup." He said as he already started walking downstairs, Luz right behind him
"You never specified where i sould go out to so I'm going to the knee, have fun!" He waved as closed the door and started to walk towards the knee
"Whatcha doin'?" Hooty suddenly appeared, hunter seemed to forget Hooty was the actual house he was living in
"None of your business bird worm, now if you'll excuse me, i need to take a want to the knee." He said as he started to walk towards the direction of the knee, Hooty didn't seem to stop following him, but at at least halfway towards the knee Hooty got bored and left, now it was just Hunter, in the cold air with his coat, walking in the woods, no one else was there except the creatures lurking around and of course him
As hunter saw a clearing he saw some sort of magic being shot, when he leaned from a tree to get a closed look, that magic hit him, it wasn't something that serious, just a strong gust of wind manipulated by magic, but it still hurt when he fell
"Oh my Titan, I'm so sorry are you okay?" The person asked as they ran towards hunter, holding out a hand to him
"Im fine, it's no big deal." He said as he took the person's hand and pulled himself up
"I'm so sorry i didn't mean to hit you i was just practicing magic on my practice want and-" the person rambled but Hunter seemed to tune out the things they were saying as he repeated the word in his head that they said, 'Oh my Titan, I'm so sorry are you okay?' he felt like he heard it before, maybe even read it.
Hunter's eyes widened when he realized
"Oh my-" he mumbled as he looked down towards the person below him, they are his soulmate, and gosh were they gorgeous
"what, did i say something... Dumb." They said as they as well looked up towards the person, the words he said repeated in their head in an instant as one thought crossed their mind, well multiple thoughts, he is my soulmate, and gosh why does he have prettier eyes than me! I mean I'm not complaining
"Uhm, i didn't think i would meet you like this heh, you know, in the middle of the forest with snow surrounding us while i blasted wind at you knocking you to the ground and oh my god you're my soulmate."they panicked as hunter laughed lightly
"No it's alright, now that i know you're my soulmate i will spear your life." He joked, they laughed lightly as they spread their arms out
"want a hug." They asked as hunter looked at them for a minute confused, god this is awkward
Hunter gave in and wrapped his arms around the person
"what's your name?" He asked as he still held them, feeling warm and fuzzy inside by their touch, and in his stomach it was like a swarm of butterfly's just let loose
"Y/n, what about yours?" They asked, as well not letting go, Hunter pulled his face away and loosely held his hands around Y/n's waist as they held thier arms loosely around his neck
"It's Hunter." He said
"Well I'm glad to meet you Hunter." They said as they stood there for a minute looking in to each other's eyes
"I don't know if we're doing this in a platonic way or romantic way, i prefer the second one- what u didn't say that-" they rambled again, managing to make hunter chuckle as he pecked their lips (woah that's a bit fast author, why m i talking to myself)
"Does that answer your question?" He said
"Mhm!" They nodded as their whole face turned red including their ears
"Now, you say you were practicing magic? Mind if I helped" hunter said as he let go of your waist and grabbed one of your hands instead
"Yeah you can help." They said as a big smile spread across their face
The two soulmates walked to the clearing and practiced magic together for the rest of the day
You can make up the rest yourself since I'm too lazy ;)
Hope you enjoyed this cuz I'm writing this on a school night 👍
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Ren Jinguji (Repeat)
Translator: Becca (Twitter: futureduelistgx)
Proofreader: Lala (Twitter: i_am_gamer), Raz (Twitter: agnadance), Nadie (Twitter: nmoniag)
Editors: Snail (Twitter: herbert_snail), Lacey (Twitter: fairyharp), Mae (Twitter: itoshikimaegirl)
April — Clumsy Étude
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You reall~y are a dazzling person.
People that aspire to be idols really are different.
Ren Jinguji: Hm, what’s wrong, My Lady?
When he notices that I was staring, Jinguji-san smiles back at me.
Haruka Nanami: It’s nothing.... Um, well....
Oh wow, he’s too dazzling. The more I look at him, the more I feel as if he's someone from another world, so I turn away.
Ren Jinguji: Oh, stay right there. Don’t move....
He puts his hand on my face and gently traces my cheek with his finger.
Ren Jinguji: Your exquisitely beautiful face is marred by this dirt.
Oh, perhaps some got on me when I was looking for the key….
Ren Jinguji: There, perfect. Hmmm. You are indeed beautiful.
While he's staring at me, he smiles.
Select the phrase!
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I am t-truly sorry! (+20 Love +0 Music)
Ren Jinguji: What are you apologizing for?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, well, I troubled you... and for that I sincerely apologize.
Ren Jinguji: Not at all. I would have done it without a second thought.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, um…. You said that too, that moment at the car, when you helped me… I don’t know what to say....
Also when you found and returned my handkerchief… Jinguji-san, you are really kind... I wonder if I can repay your kindness somehow.
Ren Jinguji: Don’t worry, it wasn’t a problem. I couldn’t stand around doing nothing after seeing you being so charming....
Come on, let’s go. We’re going to get scolded by the Boss if we’re late.
As he casually holds my shoulder, we continue to walk.
He gently guides me as a gentleman would escort a lady.
He is a complete natural at this, acting as if this is something normal, however….
Haruka Nanami: Oh, u-um....
H-his hand... i-is resting on my shoulder... my heart is beating so fast... will it ever stop?
Is this really okay…?
Ren Jinguji: What is it, My Lady? Is something wrong?
Wow.... His smile is dazzling.
Haruka Nanami: ... Oh, it’s nothing.
You don't have to walk with me. It’s okay. I want to say that to him, but no words come out.
My heart continues to pound in my chest until we arrive at the assembly hall.
I’ve never been this close to a man before, especially one so gentle... there are so many first times occurring today that it’s making me dizzy.
Jinguji-san.... Not only is he beautiful, but he is also very kind... and his voice....
A unique, seductive voice with a strong presence, but with a bit of melancholy buried within.
I want to hear him sing. I want to feel his music.
Even though you’re not doing anything... your very existence inspires me to create something. You’re an amazing person.
I'm pretty sure we'll never talk like this again.
He is a person whose existence is far beyond my reach.
Nonetheless, I think it’s a miracle that someone with such a brilliant aura would want to talk to someone like me.
Oh, thank goodness! This school has many wonderful things in store!
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After that, the entrance ceremony ends and I find myself walking alone in the hallway....
Tomochika Shibuya: Oh, oh no. Uwa...!
A girl carrying a bunch of flyers falls right in front of me.
Haruka Nanami: U-um... are... you alright?
I hold out my hand for the girl.
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah. I guess I’m okay. Thanks.... Gosh, how am I the one forced to do these tasks as soon as I get to this school?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, let me help you.
Tomochika Shibuya: Really, are you sure? Thank you. You’re a nice person. What’s your name?
Haruka Nanami: Um... I’m Haruka Nanami.
Tomochika Shibuya: I’m Tomochika Shibuya. You can call me Tomochika. And I’ll call you Haruka.
Haruka Nanami: Okay... then, Tomo-chan.
Tomochika Shibuya: Tomo-chan... huh. That’s fine too. Well? What class are you in, Haruka? I’m in A Class by the way.
Haruka Nanami: Oh... I’m in S Class.
Tomochika Shibuya: Really!? Wow. Are you in that course as an idol?
Haruka Nanami: Actually... I’m in the composition course.
Tomochika Shibuya: You’re joking! Really? You’re even around the same age as me.... Wow, you’re impressive! ...
After that, we talk a lot and I discover Tomo-chan and I are in the same dorm. On that day, we become good friends.
For the first time in my whole entire life....
I actually made a human friend!!
Ah! I’m being blessed by so many happy things! ! I’m glad to be alive. Thank goodness!
From there, we deliver the flyers safely to the staff room. However, while we're walking down the hallway back to class....
Female Student A: Ah~. Jinguji-sama... I just watched that TV special ‘The World’s Amazing 100 Richest People’!
Of course, the interior of your home was beautiful, but I became a fan immediately after seeing you give the viewers a tour.
Female Student B: Ah, about this... I heard Jinguji-sama was enrolling in this school, so I baked you cookies....
Jinguji-san is surrounded by many girls.
Ren Jinguji: Thank you. I’m flattered.
Female Student A: Well, I-I brought a lunch box. If you want, maybe we could have lunch together....
Ren Jinguji: Did you... make the lunch box yourself?
Female Student A: Y-yes!
Ren Jinguji: That’s wonderful. I’m honored to receive your affections. Okay, let’s all go to the rooftop at noon.
Female Student A: O-okay. Thank you very much.
The girl stares at Jinguji-san, mesmerized.
Tomochika Shibuya: Whoa.... Look at that crowd! And in the center of it... Ren Jinguji...? I listened to their conversation and.... Wow.
Haruka Nanami: Tomo-chan, do you know him?
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, well, he’s famous. He’s part of the Jinguji Group, right?
Haruka Nanami: Yes.
I think the Jinguji Group is a huge Japanese company whose corporate power rivals the Hijirikawa Group.
Tomochika Shibuya: He’s the third son of that family and incredibly wealthy. Moreover, because he’s good-looking with that demeanor, girls naturally flock to him.
If one’s selling point is being a celebrity, as long as they got good looks, the mass media and the entertainment industry will latch onto them.
Lately, he’s been in specials about celebrities and appearing on TV and in magazines, so he’s pretty popular. That’s why he’s got fans right after he enrolled.
But with family connections, he should just go ahead and debut. Why did he even bother coming here?
Huh? What’s that about? For some reason, she seems pretty irritated.
Haruka Nanami: ... Tomo-chan, do you dislike Jinguji-san?
Tomochika Shibuya: I don’t hate him as a person, it’s just troublesome how girls around him start bickering with each other when there’s somebody like him around.
I've only heard rumors, but he really is impressive. It bothers me that he seems naturally that way.
However, even though everyone knows that there’s no hope if you end up liking that sort of person, people end up getting serious anyway.
In the end, you only wind up with a broken heart and being completely hurt, but of course it usually ends up being my job to comfort for some reason.
I would be fine if it was just that. I don’t mind mediating fights between girls or saying complaints directly to whomever, but....
People called me a meddlesome hag behind my back when I was in middle school and it was just sooooo annoying!
Haruka Nanami: That seems like it was d-difficult.
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, it was difficult! That’s why I don’t have a good impression of that type.
And, because they’re kind to everyone, you can't monopolize their time.
If you can enjoy it for what it is, it’s fine, but if you get serious with that sort of person, then you’ll just suffer.
You don’t seem like you would get involved with that type and that’s okay, but I still think you should be careful.
Haruka Nanami: Th-there’s no reason for me to be careful, I am not worthy for Jinguji-san, I feel like I shrink whenever I try to talk to him....
I think Jinguji-san is kind, charming, and wonderful, but....
We come from different worlds. I admire his brilliance and aura, but he is unreachable like the sun.
Tomochika Shibuya: So... you admire him? Everybody suffers because it doesn’t end with just admiration....
Haruka Nanami: ???
Someone appears.
Ren Jinguji: Hi, ladies. You two look like you’re having fun, what are you talking about??
Haruka Nanami: Oh. Jinguji-san. We were talking about you just now....
Tomochika Shibuya: Ah, you dummy!!
Suddenly, Tomo-chan covers my mouth. Why?
Tomochika Shibuya: Er... yes, actually, I was just talking about how Jinguji-san is really popular. Must be hard to be surrounded by girls every day, right?
But with excellent looks and substantial wealth, it’s probably not easy for you, right?
Tomo-chan talks smoothly while putting on a face.
It’s true though. If you are surrounded by so many people then you will surely have no time to relax.
Ren Jinguji: That's not true! It pains me to think that I am unable to pay attention to all girls equally.
Tomochika Shibuya: Hmm. So what you mean is that you love everyone equally?
Suddenly, Tomo-chan's eyes narrow.
Ren Jinguji: Of course. You two as well~.
He winks while saying that. Every single one of his gestures are so beautiful that I find myself gazing at them.
Tomochika Shibuya: When you take your equal love for everybody too far, don’t you get tired of all the trouble that follows you?
Ren Jinguji: I spare no effort to make sure that doesn’t happen. I don’t want to cause unhappiness for any of you lovely ladies.
Tomochika Shibuya: I see…. It seems you’ve been thinking about this, more or less. I guess you’ve got it all worked out for yourself.
Ren Jinguji: Thank you. I’m pleased that you approve. I certainly want to get along well with you both.
Jinguji-san looks at us and smiles.
Haruka Nanami: Eh, ah, well, that’s more than enough. Because Jinguji-san’s existence is... already like a miracle. So, um....
Get along well?! I’m fine just gazing from afar from a corner of a room!!
Haruka Nanami: You have a brilliant aura, especially your voice! Your voice is so lovely… and your singing voice... I think it’s very dazzling….
Your tone is brimming with confidence, sophistication, and is on point, but it’s not just that. There’s a depth there as well, tinged with a little sorrow.
T-this is strange. Usually I don’t talk so much. Now I can’t seem to stop.
Haruka Nanami: From when we first met, there is this melody still playing in my head, so… what I mean is… that you’re just that amazing of a person....
I want him to sing this way. This melody would suit him. These thoughts keep looping in my head.
But I'm sure I won’t be able to make the most of his talent, with my current ability.
However, I am very drawn to him. My wish to create a song for him is unreachable and yet grips my heart.
Haruka Nanami: I’m not the kind of person that should come close to you....
Ren Jinguji: That is completely untrue…. And this is the first time I’ve been praised for my voice. Thank you.
Haruka Nanami: Huh!! Really? Even though it’s such a lovely voice....
I wonder why?
When I tilt my head while thinking that, Tomo-chan looks at me with a strange look on her face.
Tomochika Shibuya: Wow, an ordinary girl would pay attention to looks or the status of being the son of a distinguished family. Rather, people not interested in those things are rare I think.
Haruka Nanami: Well, because, I think voice is important! A voice this wonderful is rare!!
Ren Jinguji: I’m pleased to hear you being so passionate about me. But, is my charm... only in my voice?
Jinguji-san, amused, smiles at me with a slight chuckle.
Haruka Nanami: Of course, that’s not all. There are lots of elements that provide excitement musically, such as your presence, atmosphere, and aura.
I feel like all of these things are part of your voice, and thinking about how many different expressions your voice is capable of is so exciting.
Ren Jinguji: Musically...? I guess the voice is the most important part.
Haruka Nanami: Yes! I don’t understand anything other than music.
Ren Jinguji: Is it possible you don't understand love either?
Haruka Nanami: Love?
Ren Jinguji: If that’s the case, shall I teach you?
He smiles sweetly at me and entwines my hair around his finger.
Select the phrase!
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Yes, please do! (+20 Love +0 Music)
I nodded cheerfully.
Ren Jinguji: You’re rather enthusiastic.
Haruka Nanami: Yes, I’m happy that you’re teaching me things I don’t know. I should listen carefully because you’re going out of your way to teach me. Oh, let me take some notes....
When I take a notepad and ballpoint pen from my bag, Jinguji-san laughs at me for some reason.
Ren Jinguji: I’d rather you write in the notepad of your heart.
He says that and takes the notepad out of my hands.
Tomochika Shibuya: Ah! Erm, u-uh.... We have to go do a thing.
Haruka Nanami: Huh?
Tomo-chan pulls me away to the other side of the hallway.
Tomochika Shibuya: Phew, that was a close one. I told you to be careful earlier and yet that happened. You’re too careless.
Haruka Nanami: Wait? What?
Tomochika Shibuya: To someone that's honest and inexperienced in love, the more dangerous someone like him is....
I think he was simply teasing you a bit, but.... That was dangerous. This is less about him and more about you....
Haruka Nanami: Um... what do you mean?
Tomochika Shibuya: I’m telling you not to fall in love with him.
Haruka Nanami: I’m not in love with him, I just think he’s wonderful. Is it bad that I think that? People with a voice like that are so rare!
Tomochika Shibuya: It depends on the type of love but... it’s probably pointless to say this to you now, but you shouldn’t get too close to him.
Judging by our conversation earlier with him, he’s far more talented than I thought, and well, I guess he’s doing a fine job. I wonder what would happen… when he’s up against an airhead....
Actually, you’re an unknown variable. Even if he plans on going about doing his usual thing, there is a chance that you would fall in love with him unexpectedly.
Well, I hope you won’t get heartbroken....
Haruka Nanami: Thank you, but don’t worry about me. Jinguji-san is such an admirable and dazzling person that I’m afraid to get close to him.
Tomochika Shibuya: Really? We’ll see, but... if something happens, tell me.
Taking care of you is a piece of cake for me!
Tomo-chan pounds her chest while saying that.
Haruka Nanami: Thank you!!!
Tomochika Shibuya: Well then, my class is here. I’ll see you later.
Tomo-chan says that while waving goodbye and enters her classroom.
Haruka Nanami: She was such a nice person…. We’re going to be roommates for this year…. I’m so glad.
As long as I’m here at this academy, I feel like I can finally fulfill my wish to have a normal school life.
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Ryuya Hyuga: Hey you guys, get seated.
The teacher comes in as soon as I get to the classroom.
Ryuya Hyuga: I think some of you already know, but I’m the homeroom teacher, Ryuya Hyuga. I’m currently an active idol.
Well, right now I’m taking more acting roles. I’m not really the type to be an idol to begin with.
He says that with a shrug.
Hyuga-sensei is an amazing person who is also a director of the Shining Office while actively working as an idol.
He is a person with a very strong sense of justice who won’t overlook wrongdoings and slams them down with the hammer of retribution.
And, it is said that a person will not be able to work in the entertainment industry if he dislikes them.
Ryuya Hyuga: There’s a reason I’m not doing singing work now, but I do have a track record as a singer.
Also, I’m familiar with the sound equipment around here, so you can always come and ask questions if you don't know something.
Don’t be shy, and don’t think about procrastinating either. Just confront it head-on.
Your future will be determined by how hard you work this year. Don't cut corners, and put all your power into learning. Got it?
Hyuga-sensei starts explaining about Saotome Academy and how to use the facilities on campus.
Although our school is an idol training school, it specializes in developing idol singers.
That’s how, by providing a composition course alongside, it becomes a way for idols and composers to debut immediately after graduation.
From this time starting in April, composers and idols form a pair, aiming to debut together.
And in most cases after debuting, the idol will sing the songs made by the composer who teamed up with them.
Of course, the composer creates songs, but the singer must produce them.
A person's life will be in my hands. That thought scares me a little.
Everyone who came to this class is highly talented, it wouldn’t even be weird if a lot of them debuted right away.
... Am I really good enough though...?
Ryuya Hyuga: Well, that's enough explanation.
Starting today you should decide on a partner to compete alongside you for this year… no, for even after you debut.
Of course, you won't understand everything about each other after just one self-introduction.
With that, only "luck" can tell if you get along with your partner or not.
However, you can increase the probability of your "luck."
That doesn't mean you can slack off in your introductions. You all have a choice, but don’t forget that you also have to get chosen!
Everyone in the class responds Yes! with a loud voice.
And so, the introductions begin.
Tokiya Ichinose: I’m Tokiya Ichinose.16 years old. My special skill is... well. If I had to pick one I guess it would be singing.
Ichinose-san doesn't say anything that seems to self-promote but only mentions his age and name.
However, immediately after, he sings a song a capella. That song is just too wonderful.
Everyone understands that he doesn’t need to say anything more after his song.
His skill as a singer to firmly captivate the listeners would put even professionals to shame. I think it's strange how he hasn't yet debuted.
And then there's Syo-kun.
Syo Kurusu: Alright. Yours truly is next.
He declares that he will become a big idol in the future and for some reason begins to perform karate.
I don't really understand the relationship between idols and karate, but Syo-kun's movements are still amazing.
At first, Syo-kun shows off his stances by himself, then all of a sudden Hyuga-sensei gets interested and joins in with Syo-kun's movements, so the tension increases.
It isn’t a match, so their moves aren't used on each other.
I think for a moment their fists will collide with each other’s faces if they stop just a second too late.
Everyone in the class gulps as they watch their dueling performance unfold.
The two don't exchange words, but when everything is finished, they smile with satisfaction at almost the same time.
There is a special air between the two of them, as if they were old friends.
And then, it's Jinguji-san’s turn.
Ren Jinguji: My name is Ren Jinguji. I’m an Aquarius, blood type B, 17 years old. My hobby is....
While saying that, Jinguji-san takes the hand of the girl who is sitting next to him and kisses it.
Ren Jinguji: Pleasing women~.
High-pitched squeals resonate throughout the classroom.
Ren Jinguji: And my special skill is... the saxophone.
Ryuya Hyuga: Ooh, the sax, huh? Can you play it right now?
Ren Jinguji: Of course. I thought something like this might happen so I brought it along~.
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It is a very sexy performance. Maybe one could say that there is mellowness in the sound?
In Jinguji-san's case, he has an amazing presence and he is naturally sexy to begin with. That is also reflected in every note he plays.
Besides, his face while playing the saxophone is very serious, it's very... very attractive.
His voice is so enthralling too but... the way he makes that sound.
His presence, aura, voice… and this expressiveness and musicality.
It’s as if he was really born to become an idol.
Stealing everyone’s hearts. Like a true idol that everyone can’t help but worship.
Then, as I watch Jinguji-san intently, he seems to notice my gaze and winks at me.
... Ba-dump.
My heart thumps. For some reason, it’s beating really fast....
Ren Jinguji: How was it? Did my melody reach your heart?
Select the phrase!
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That was cool (+10 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: T-that... was so... cool.
Ren Jinguji: That’s good to hear. It looks like you were pleased with my melody of love. What I played just now... was dedicated to you, My Lady.
With that said, Jinguji-san’s smiling face looks really happy.
Haruka Nanami: T-thank you very much!!
Ren Jinguji: You’re very welcome.
Jinguji-san smiles brightly with a slight bow of his head, looking almost like a divine being.
Wow, a supreme smile.
And then.... Finally, it's my turn.
W-what on earth should I say in front of such a large number of people...?
Haruka Nanami: Hu....h, uhm....
Ryuya Hyuga: What’s the matter? Nanami, hurry up.
Select the phrase!
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Talk about composing. (+0 Love +10 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Y...yes...well, I’m....
I came to this school because I want to be a composer.
Why can't I just say that?
Ren Jinguji: It’s at times like these when I have to step in, right?
Suddenly, Jinguji-san smiles and stands up.
Ren Jinguji: This Lady is Haruka Nanami. She's a lovely girl who desires to become a composer.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, o-oh no, I’m sorry I made Jinguji-san go through that trouble....
I need to do something myself before making any more trouble.
Haruka Nanami: U-um... I’m Haruka Nanami. I am 15 years old. I-I look forward to working with....
I bow so vigorously that I hit my head on the back of the chair of the person seated in front of me.
H-huh...? I feel... so... dizzy.
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Haruka Nanami: Hngh....
Ren Jinguji: Good morning. Are you finally awake?
When my eyes open, the first thing that jumps into my view is Jinguji-san’s smiling face.
Haruka Nanami: !!!
I am so surprised that I jumped out of bed.
Select the phrase!
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...Is this a dream? (+20 Love +5 Music)
Ren Jinguji: Why do you think that?
Haruka Nanami: ... I-I should have been in the classroom, but now I’m here in my room... with Jinguji-san in front of me....
Ren Jinguji: I see, so you even want to meet me in your dreams. I’m charmed, actually. But this is no dream.
You hit your head and lost consciousness so I got worried. Are you feeling better now?
Haruka Nanami: Y-yes, somehow.... B-by any chance, did Jinguji-san carry me here?
Ren Jinguji: Yes, that’s why I’m in front of you right now.
Haruka Nanami: O-oh, I am very sorry. Thank you very much for that!!
Um. I'm all right now, so we should head back quickly. I mean, there is also the thing about choosing a partner after all....
I don’t want to cause you any more trouble....
Ren Jinguji: You don’t have to worry about that. Because you’re my partner.
Haruka Nanami: Wha.....? What did you just say?
Am I getting deaf? I feel like he just said something really amazing.
Me, Jinguji-san’s partner? No way! No way! No way!
There is no way something straight out of a dream like that would ever happen!
I'm sure I misheard him. That is what I’ve decided.
Ren Jinguji: Idols and composers are of one body and mind. Two as one precious whole. That is me and you.
Haruka Nanami: ... Oh? R-really.... B-but why?
So I didn’t mishear?? Is this really real?
This is impossible.... Jinguji-san and I are like the day and night.
Our entire existence is too different. Standing next to each other cannot be good.
Ren Jinguji: If I had to say a reason then maybe "fate"?
Haruka Nanami: F... fate?
Ren Jinguji: You and I ended up like this because of "fate." You don’t have a reason to object to what the gods have decided. Am I right?
Haruka Nanami: ....
Is there really such a convenient "fate"? I wonder if this is a dream and I will return to yesterday once I wake up.
Ren Jinguji: I have decided on the Little Lamb....
Jinguji-san says this while gently narrowing his eyes.
Haruka Nanami: ....
Why did Jinguji-san choose me? There is not even one thing I have to offer to make this fair....
While I'm deep in thought, Jinguji-san sighs deeply.
Ren Jinguji: What more can I say to convince you to believe me...? While I was carrying you, Ryuya-san asked me what I’ll do about my partner.
Ren Jinguji: So I told him, “I've decided that my partner will be this girl, you know.”
Oh, I see... so that’s how it happened.
B-but, putting that aside, I don't think it's a good idea to decide on an important partner like that.
Not to mention, it was my fault....
Haruka Nanami: T-that would cause a lot of trouble for you... but, you know you can still change....
Ren Jinguji: A man doesn’t go back on his word. You are my partner, Little Lamb.
Besides, I couldn’t just leave you after you had collapsed.
While saying that, Jinguji-san kisses the back of my hand.
Ren Jinguji: And to tell you the truth, you saved me a bit. If we had begun to select partners there would have probably been a fight to a greater or lesser extent.
Seeing a hurt woman is a painful thing. However, if I make the decision before they ask me, then I’m sure they shouldn’t object.
I imagine walking out of a classroom with an unconscious girl in your arms would leave quite an impression. In any case, that should’ve convinced everyone.
Haruka Nanami: But is it really okay if it’s me? Jinguji-san’s idol aura is amazing, so will my song live up to that....
O-of course, I will do my best! But... I don’t have much talent... so I’m sorry….
You could choose a more talented person, if you wanted to....
Ren Jinguji: I don’t care about that actually. I'm not interested in music or idols.
I came to this school because of family circumstances. It was never my intention to come here. It’s fine, even if I don’t become an idol, I don’t care about music either.
So, the Lady shouldn’t worry about me and just write a song she likes.
Haruka Nanami: ....
He doesn’t care? About music?
Haruka Nanami: Um, I can’t do anything other than write songs but.... If you reject music, I think I can't be of any help so….
Ren Jinguji: Don’t say that about yourself. There is infinite potential hidden in you, Lady. You will surely blossom someday.
There is no guarantee that the talent heaven granted you is only one. You should know more about your own charm, don’t you think? Anyway, I look forward to this next year with you.
Haruka Nanami: Oh… I'm an incompetent person, but I look forward to working with you as well.
I reply, kneel and bow while lightly touching the floor with the tips of my hands.
Ren Jinguji: Me too. I have high hopes for you. For all sorts of things… okay?
As he says that, Jinguji-san smiles sweetly at me.
Even so, is it really okay for someone who has such a great presence to team up with me who is so extremely plain?
Jinguji-san told me it would be okay, but I must do my best to not drag him down.
Mini Game
Ryuya Hyuga: Alright, let’s start this private lesson~. That’s right. We’ll test your sense of rhythm before starting the composition class.
For composers, rhythm is the most basic of basics. From here on out, study hard and learn all you can!
First I will show you the pattern. After that, you’re gonna continue.
So, let’s begin.
S Rank
Ren Jinguji: Amazing. I don't think it's mere coincidence that I ended up choosing you. With your compositions and my singing put together, don't you agree that we're unstoppable?
When I tell Jinguji-san about my test results, he's very happy for me. I want to get good results next time too.
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Chapter End
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