#i didnt hate it when i watched it but its much more an adaptation of the plot than of the characters if that makes sense
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penny-for-your-past · 2 years ago
I'm about to say something controversial I think, but I'm not really into the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. For me, the very premise of the show is a non starter, because I cannot BELIEVE that ANY version of Elizabeth Bennet would record people without their knowledge or consent and post those clips online to a large viewing audience. I'm not being a protagonist moral purist; if Lydia was our main character I'd totally roll with it. But it is, objectively, reprehensible behavior that would FIRMLY put Lizzie in a category with "the lack of propriety" shown by her parents and younger sisters. This is a woman who, in the original story, didn't even tell her sisters that Wickham was bad news to protect Georgiana, and you think she'd post Jane's private moments online??? No. Elizabeth has character flaws but invasion of privacy and airing other people's business are never part of them.
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itsss4t4n · 1 year ago
How long is Forever? - Harry Hook x daughter of alice in wonderland
Headcanons but the longer version of this post:
a/n: this is based more on tim burtons aiw adaptation as it is the only one that i know, and i might have misremembered some of the story/ characters so i apologize if its inaccurate to wonderland or its characters in any way. I got way to invested in creating the character and story and almost forgot that that wasnt the point. At some point i think the character just completely changes and i low key hate it. Im really bad at writing headcannons instead of full fledged fics.
Trigger warnings: fighting, she /her pronouns used, slight angst toward the end but happy ending, not proofread
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-being alices daughter you are considered kind of weird by the aks, (think luna lovegood), you are kind of dreamy and constantly in your own thoughts but you still have a very strong own opinion on everything. You say what you think even if others might not like that. 
-You also have a very different sense of style than most girls in auradon. You played alot with different colours and textures always looking slightly crazy (you took inspiration from your godfather, the mad hatter). Your blonde hair was cut to a short messy bob with short bangs, and always changing coloured streaks throughout.
-you dont have the same view of good and bad as most others , and you dont think the vks should be judged by what their parents did and immediately try to befriend them and continuesly defend them
-when mal runs away to the isle you insist on joining the other vks and ben, as you do well in new and different invironments and later because you are an incredible sword fighter, your mother having thought you all she knows, just in case you ever needed to fight a jabberwookie type beast yourself.
-Due to your personal style not being very auradon, you didnt really have to disguise as much as ben when going to the isle. 
-On the isle you felt surprisingly comfortable, as you liked the weird and almost liminal athmosphere that it had 
-the first time you met harry was right after bens kidnapping, when harry came to tell you all about it.
-Harry has this theatrical almost a little eccentric way of talking and moving, which intruiged you pretty quickly. Of course , You didnt like or trust him, he did just kidnap one of your best friends, but you were intruiged non the less.
"And who is this little lassy?"
You told him your name with a glint of interest and mischif in your eyes. "Daughter of Alice in Wonderland."
"How interesting."
"I was just thinking the same thing. Whats your Name?"
"Harry Hook." He introduced himself with adramatic bow, before making fun of jay and barking at carlos.
- The other three had watched the interaction in confusion and wonder. They knew you were a little odd but seeming this confortable with harry after knowing what he did to ben?
"What was that?!" 
"Dont be nice to hook! He just kidnapped your best friend!"
"yea.. But he is quite interesting." And as an afterthougt: "and kind of pretty dont you think?"
"NO! Concentrate please. He is the enemie alright?!"
"Yea whatever, lets go tell mal about this shit."
-You go with Mal and evie to see dizzy, and instantly get along.
-Later while Mal and Uma are talking (singing), you cant help your eyes from glancing over at harry every few seconds. He did look good, with his red coat, the old silver jook on his left hand, and the messy black eyeshadow around his striking blue eyes.
"He is really beutiful dont you think?" That question was mostly directed towards evie who just shot you a dissapproving look. "I'm just saying. purely aesthetically."
-You simply shrugged and watched the situation continue to unfold, swordhand on the hilt of your sword at your side. When the fight breaks out you stand against harry. For better of for forse.
"Hello Pretty boy." You raise you swordand get into a defensive position.
"Wonderland girl."
-You kept making little comments about his looks and his sword fighting which he of course returned in his own flirty way. You quite enjoyed going back and forth like that. Witty comments, smirks and flirty smiles, and fighting more for show at this point instead of actually trying to beat each other. Trying to make this surprisingly pleasant moment last as long as possible.
-until you heard an urgend shout of your name from Mal.
"Sorry in advance." In a quick movement you snatched harrys hook and threw it down into the water. Before a shoked Harry can jump after it you catch his arm and talk to him in a slightly hushed voice.
"I really hope this wasnt our last meeting pretty boy." Before running off with the others.
-You dont see each other again until Audrey turns evil, but you do still think about harry. Is it stupid considering you met like twice and he was you enemy? Yea. Did you care? not really. He was georgeous, funny, good with a sword. Your dream guy. Except for the fact that he was supposedly your enemy. but then again when had you ever cared about that kinda stuff.
-His black lined blue piercing eyes were burned into your brain.
-In the six months until you saw him again you had become mal and bens unofficial bodyguard, spening most of your time with them or with evie, your sword has taken permanent residence at your side, only taking it of to sleep or shower and even then it was always in grabbing distance. Mals paranoia about uma had actually started to get to you.
-You are at evies house when audrey shows up and spells mal. You join them in going back to the isle to retrieve hades ember.
-When your bikes get stolen you cant help but smile at the sight. Yea its shitty but he is still beautiful.
"Pretty boy!"
He drawls you name in his scottish accent and you mentally swoon.
"Thats my bike!"
"Oh yea? Come and get it back then." Before driving of.
-You run after them (except mal and celia ofc),and at one point you split upbecause the boys on the bikes did so. You follow harry and when the others are out of sight he slows to a stop. You catch up to him with a grin.
"Nice to see you again Hook. I was hoping we would meet again."
"I was too Lassie."
-The next 10-ish minutes are filled with flirty banter and tales of what happened in the last six months. It felt like you've known each other for years (as clichee as that sounds). 
-You almost forgot why you were there until you heard jay shouting your name.
"Where are you, Mal got the thing come on."
You quickly turn to Harry again.
"Go! Before they see you and make it a whole thing."
"What bout your bike?"
"Keep it pretty boy, i doubt the others got theirs back so it would be weird if i did."
With a last sly grin harry leans towards you "I will see you again very soon." 
Before you could question what 'very soon' meant, he had already driven of. 
Just in time because Jay and the others turned the corner behind you.
"There you are! What are you doing? come on!"
"Sorry. Was chasing after the bike." You Give them a small smile before walking past them. "You coming?"
-To say you were surprised when harry and gil jumped through the barries after them would be an understatement.
"Pretty boy?!"
"'ello Darling. we're just coming for a wee visit" 
-You tried , just like evie, to get the two groups to work together. Harry mostly walked next to you or Uma. At some point you hung back so he culd walk in between you and doesnt have to kep switching. He caught up with uma but still kept the constant flirts towards you up.
-Everyone was really confused on why you two seemed so good and almost comfortable around each other, not to mention the flirting. Evie was the only one who knew of your little crush so she send you a few knowing smirks.
-During the knight fight you and harry fought as a team. Incedibly well might i say. 
-You were somewhat enthusiastic about evies icebreaker idea, enjoying the idea that the two groups could finally work together.
"Harry great accent."
"Shes right. It is a good accent."
-The flirting just wouldnt stop, comments thrown at each other, bumping shoulders while walking, even brushing your hands against each others on occasion. You had joined the boys in looking for ben.
"To make sure jay and harry dont kill each other."
-Gil doing the icebreaker and bonding with jay. 
meanwhile you and harry in the background:
"We should do that icebreaker pretty boy."
"oh yea?"
"Yea. You've got really pretty eyes."
"And you are really good with a sword lass." His hook just slightly gracing your cheek before something in gil and jays conversation sparks his interest.
-When finding ben you had immediately pushed harry behind you and unsheathed your sword out of instinct. Jay has to pull both of you out of bens way because both of you got distrcated by how close you were standing to each other. After making sure ben was alright you made sure harry was too.
(instead of flirting with jane he flirts with you)
"Well well well, thank you for trying to protect me there darling." The hook was under you chin this time.
"No problem pretty boy." You smirk back.
Ben had his little freak out. Jay and carlos had one too for slightly different reasons.
"when did this happen? you and hook?"
You just shrugged and started walking off.
The boys just looked at eachother thouroghly confused.
-After everyone reuniting and you secretely updating evie on the harry situation you all made your way to fairy cottage. When you found chad you had to half hide in harrys shoulder to hide your laughter because god was it good to see chad taken down a few pecks like that.
-Then Mal dropped the bomb. Closing the barrier forever. You couldnt believe it. You were always a firm believer in the vk programm. And you had honestly hoped that even if harry etc were send back, they would get out someday, or you might go visit them. You considered them freinds at that point. But now that wasnt possible.  You tried to comfort harry and uma in some way but it was to no avail.
"Im so sorry you guys... I didnt know." You had tears in your eyes yourself.
"Dont worry about it Darling. Its nae your fault." Placing his hand, his actual hand, on your cheek for a second, to wipe away the tear that had fallen. Before he walked of with uma.
Mal was shocked to see your tears at the fact that harry was leaving. she had absolutely no idea this was a thing. It wasnt really. you didnt have enough time for it to actually become a thing. You watched harry and uma leave before evie walked up to you to hug you. 
She talked to mal but you didnt want to listen.
suddenly there was a bright light before it went dark for a bit. When you came to again, Mal was gone. It didnt take you guys long to piece together what must have happened. so you went to find mal.
-You and harry were both incredibly relieved to see that the other was okay. *cue big hug and an almost kiss that turned into a kind of awkward cheek kiss before another hug * 
-Harry announcing that he is actually going back to the isle felt like another punch in the gut. Again that sounds dumb considereing how little you actually knew each other but you didnt care. 
-Harry and you talked before he left. He gave you one of his rings "so you wont forget me darling". So you give him one of yours "then dont you forget me either". *cue more crying and hugs, between all of you *
-Mal announcing that the barrier will be taken down during the engagement party was the best thing that couldve happened to you at that point.
"Looks like you get a chance with your pretty boy after all." Evie.
Uma to harry on the isle: "Now you can get your pretty girl, pretty boy." While bumbing his shoulder.
As soon as you could spot eachother on the bridge you ran into each others arms.
-like a lot of em
-Your friends from both sides were incredibly happy for both of you.
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sunsetling-12 · 1 year ago
i loved the adaptation btw, of course its the hunger games franchise that we're talking about here
anyway, spoilers ahead
we dont see him making the infamous cabbage soup, but we do see the snows apartment falling apart
tigris is still everything to me, they pulled her lines straight from the books — unfortunately we don't see much of her, but hunter schafer slayed every time she was on screen
i was very confused abou the plinth prize being a thing since the beggining, but i think it made sense... idk a lot happened in the movie after coryo rescued sejanus from the arena so i dont know if they had the time
i was also very confused that the thing about the academy students mentoring the tributes was unknown until that moment in the movie, again, i think they did this to expose the most things at once
lucy gray singing after her reaping was everything to me
oh, and the snake on mayfair's back too, very girlboss of her
the scene in the zoo, when he's parading her around is a copy of the book, i liked it very much
unfortunately coryo and lucy gray barely interacted, not like they did in the book, but the scenes they had before she went into the arena were very good
i though they were going to skip arachne's death, but they didn't — they skipped her funeral, though, but thats fine
they did the scene with clemensia and the snakes but she dissappeared right after, we never got to see her skin changing to scales which i think was a miss
the explosion didn't kill as many of the mentors as it did in the book, not that they showed anyway, the only name mentioned was felix ravinstill
i loved that we got to see more of the arena than in the books
the scene where coryo rescues sejanus is the exact same and i wasn't expecting less
lucy gray doesnt kill wovey :D
she does kill dill D:
i kind of hate the fact that coryo gave her the compact with the poison inside already, it just... idk it didnt had the same impact
i missed that they cut lucky interviewing the mentors as their tributes got killed, i would've liked to se lysistrata talking about jessup and humanizing him for the capitol
the snakes scene is awesome, a lot more people die in this — including reaper, which i think was a better ending for him than the one he got in the book, he embraced his death and it was quite beautiful
lucy gray singing to the snakes was AMAZING, everything that i ever wanted
i kinda loved how coryo gave the handkerchief with her scent to the snakes, it was a very deliberate choice and not like the book that he "did without thinking straight"
viola davis as dr. gaul was PERFECT, everytime she stole everyone's moment, she's just as unhinged as she is in the book, we dont see as much, but its implied
i wished they showed her expetiments with the avoxes to get the point across on how she is, but thats fine
casca highbottom was also a little shit, love it
coryo and sejanus meeting on the train to go to twelve caught me off guard, but i like it
rachel sang a lot in the movie and i was there for it, it was perfect everytime
their reunion was sweet, i'll admit it
i wished they've show it where the covey lived in the seam, but we cut straight to where he meets her in the meadow
i loved their scene in the lake and lucy gray singing "lucy gray" (lol) but i wished she'd sing the valley song to maude ivory instead
i also loved that they made movie coryo be the only one — technically, she most likely sang it to the covey, but anyway — who heard her sing the hanging three since you know, in 65 years he'll be shitting his pants with katniss
the hanging of sejanus was so heartbreaking, him crying out for his Ma... i cried, i knew i was going to cry and i did it anyway
seeing lucy gray realize coryo also killed sejanus was pure gold, i loved seeing her visibly tensed up and starting to see him with an entire different lenses
the whole ending in the woods was just like the books, i think it made a little less ambiguous about lucy gray's end, but i liked it
(and also i always believed she lived anyway)
maybe im reading waaaay too much into tigris, but her calling snow by "coriolanus" instead of "coryo" made me think she's starting to see the man he'd become — and this man is nothing like the little cousin she loved
"snow lands on top" is the last line of the movie, perfection, if you asked me
the only thing that i didn't like was that i dont know if they made coryo as unhinged as he is in the books, because we're not in his head and reading his line of thought, in the movie he does seem very genuine and it does seem like he really likes and cares about sejanus and lucy gray — we don't see him comparing her to an object or the excuses he gives himself to like her because she's not "really district" therefore not a second class citizen — until the very end when she finds out about the whole sejanus-being-hanged-because-of-him thing
idk his breakdown kinda feels rushed in the end since we dont have the context of what was going on in his mind beforehand and i think people who dont read the book would think it came out of nowhere
aside from this, i loved the movie and im totally going to see it again as soon as i can lol
EDIT: i just fucking remembered that they dont say anywhere that the 10th Games were erased ????? why ????? is the whole point !!!! oh i would've love to hear him say "goodbye lucy gray, we hardly knew you" i would've gone insane
and also, she doesn't say "the show is not over until the mockingjay sings", and it makes me a little annoyed — like, idk where they couldve put this line, but i whish they did
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melonteee · 1 year ago
When opla was announced I was guarded, but trailers and learning that Oda would have first and last word about everything made me hopeful.
But I knew that live action are never for the actual die hard fans.
Too much need to be cut because of time, as real actors cant look like they only age two years for 26 years, and some cartoon stuff doesnt translate well to live action *cough* garps fist of love *cough*
So I was able to convince my friend to watch opla with me.
She had read the manga when she was little, up to syrup village, so she was excited to see Kuro because she actually liked him back when she read it.
I was mostly there just to observe my friends reaction to it instead.
My favorite moment was watching her freak out after the "grandpa?" reveal.
I dont like that Garp was included that early on, I didnt mind him being there at rogers execution. But more than that seemed too much. I watched some Netflix guy explaining that they wanted to add a reason why the strawhat had to keep moving from island to island, but no marine would do because who would bother chasing a pirate crew with no bounty. I understand that reasoning. Still dont like it, but I understand.
But my friends reaction made it all better.
Did you know netflix wanted a romance between Nami and Zoro? Thank god Oda was there to stop it.
Also my friend and I quote "Oregano is for savages!" a lot now.
I'm truly glad you liked it anon and I do understand the excitement that came with it, but I honestly could not stand it. Nearly every scene and every line was like "Sanji wouldn't say that. Nami wouldn't do that. Why is this happening? Luffy definitely wouldn't say that."
An adaptation must adapt to its medium, true, but that is not what this did. This was an insanely loose reinterpretation that took so much charm away for me. I've talked about it on this Tumblr tons now but I've finally had the time to watch through all of it now that the hype's died down, and it just made me angrier per episode?
They had to shorten things down, but they included so many new scenes that added nothing? They had to explain the Strawhats going from island to island... WHY? They literally had a spine to go off, the original property had them going from island to island to find a crew and get to the grand line. That's literally a very solid reason. WHY did they need any marines chasing them? It just sounded like an excuse to add a fan favourite character so the Garp fans could scream about it.
And I've said this many times, but Oda being part of the process genuinely means nothing to me. Netflix infamously do not listen to their creators, and not only did they admit Oda HATED the Garp addition and they STILL added him, you can tell so much of his original vision was thrown aside for non-anime fan audience convenience. Usopp and Sanji felt like side characters for god's sake, Buggy felt comically evil for a LIVE ACTION, Mihawk's fight was literally so empty due to the fact no one was THERE? NAMI was the one who yelled she believes in Zoro and they'll always be friends??
I truly do not believe Oda would agree to most of that, and considering we know he was ignored for Garp, we know for sure he was definitely ignored for many other things.
As always, if you loved it, great! I'm glad the excitement was met. Maybe I'm cynical, maybe it's not to my tastes, but it screams Netflix cash cow to me and the whole time I watched it I thought "This is not One Piece at all."
As a reinterpretation? Great!
As an adaptation? It failed miserably. None of the characters felt like themselves and the additional scenes were so nothing. Sorry for the sour reply anon but for those on here who know, I indeed have a sore spot for that entire production.
I honestly think a lot of people got blinded by the pretty actors and the millions of dollars that went into production and promotion to really look at it for what it was trying to be.
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lunalikesalotofstuff · 10 months ago
so the mutant mayhem series...
look im happy to get another show and im open to watching it and i will give it a chance.
but some stuff in the trailers really rubs me the wrong way.
april saying "isnt your whole thing a costume" in reference to ...just their bodies is icky and im dissapointed her kinda being mean to them is gonna continue. like- its not an initial shock thing like with 2003 and 2012 april its just "sure we're friends but im gonna call out how different you are even though your WHOLE goal is to fit in and be accepted.". i like her design and her story seems interesting and i hope she gets a real arc unlike a lot of aprils but like- the comments are un-necessary and it feels like shes making fun of them instead of being a supportive friend. [if theres an episode where the guys get fed up and talk to her, possibly having a lesson about expressing to your friends when youre uncomfortable with what they do then ill be overjoyed because that message NEEDS to be in kids shows and it would clarify april just didnt know it bothered them and would tone it down because she doesnt wanna hurt her friends]
in a trailer the others got praise and when it was mikeys turn someone was like "oh what do you do?" and mikey doesnt have a real answer. as a mikey fan i just cannot stand the constant dismissal he gets. if the series is gonna expand on that and take it seriously im totally in though.
i didnt mind the movie artstyle. its not something i enjoy and it kinda gave me a headache in theaters but objectivly there is nothing weong with it and a lot of work and talent was put into it. the show style is...ehhh? i dont like it. i dont hate it. i dont really enjoy the color palette. its not appealing to me and an art style can really change how much i enjoy a show.
and why does leo sound so much older. i cant be the only one hearing that right? like i know thats fairly standard for the shows but the movie had all this hype about the guys sounding and acting their age so???
and structure wise i feel like this is going to feel more like kim possible and spiderman instead of tmnt? cause like ...a HUGE part has always been theyre a secret and they work in the shadows cause theyre ninjas and now theyre just in the open. im ok with change- all franchizes NEED to change and adapt but im not gonna get hopeful till i see it done well int he actual show
speaking of that this is a reminder i by no means think the show will be bad. i want it to be awesome and fun and make its mark like other tmnt shows and films have! i just had to get this off my chest cause it was bothering me. im sure the show WILL be good cause i havent watched a tmnt show i outright disliked yet. the trailers just rubbed me the wrong way.
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vwoop-prince · 1 year ago
spoilers for the pjo show episodes 1-7
as of 10pm pst 25/01/2024 i have finished watching episode 7 of the pjo show and i was going to wait and see the final episode before posting my thoughts but i feel like critisism is fine at all points of a show so. this accidentally turned into the majority of my points & some are just poking fun/funny notes
some notes before i get into complaining: im having fun. this is fun for me. complaining about differences is fun for me. if its not for you, dont read this. i also havent even read mark of athena EVER and the last time i properly read a pjo book was in 2021. ive been skimming the first book alongside watching the episodes. and i am not seriously pissed off about the show as a whole. there are parts im pissed off at. there are parts that i think are fucking hilarious comparatively. there are parts im neutral on. i dont hate this show on principle just bc its not the books.
anyway the funniest takeaway from this adaptation is that we can literally complain down to a single grain of sand. if that vibe isnt what you like, maybe dont open the read more
yeah its hilarious how they changed the "grover nearly falls into tartarus" scene from gravel floor in the books to a sand floor in the show. idk why they did it but i can complain down to a single fuckin grain of sand. this is hilarious
look okay i love hades. just. period. in the actual myths, in the pjo books, how most people characterize him as a whole, and how i worship him as a pagan. notice how i didnt mention the show. like. show!hades is fine. hes just not book!hades. not even CLOSE. wheres the yelling? the "and I will have my helm back!" wheres the "He was the third god I'd met, but the first who really struck me as godlike." in the show hes just flamboyant. in the books hes a drama King and rightfully angry and complains about the state of his realm. whyd they do this to him. what the fuck
on the topic of godly gods. only hermes and hades have seemed like gods. hermes more than hades. ares, dionysus, and hephaestus are all just Guys. just some fuckin dudes. and the only reason hermes and hades actually seem like Gods is bc of their attitude/dialogue/mannerism and the scenery around them respectively. not combined. respectively.
i would LOVE to see the mental gymnastics percy had to do to guess that kronos is behind this shit. in the books there are five times kronos is mentioned. 1: as the first mythological being ever mentioned. 2: talking about the big three's dad before percy gets his prophecy. 3: when percy questions what it was like before the gods' time just before going on the quest. 4: when percy is speaking to zeus and poseidon alone on olympus. 5: when percy realizes who luke serves. they do NOT explicitly state that its kronos in the underworld. percy doesnt even finish his THOUGHT of who gave him the bag with the bolt before he tries to make amends with a pissed off hades. hes not able to explain to hades that it was ares EVER.
typical "oh percys so much smarter in the show than in the books" except its the kids are so much smarter about the myths than they should be. and like i Understand okay? i get it. sally made sure to grow percy up on the myths so hes prepared. annabeth has been at camp for five years, learning all she can as a child of athena. grover is in his mid twenties and a satyr. a protector. of course they should know shit. but figure it all out before even meeting the monsters? they knew it was medusa as soon as they saw the 'aunty m' sign. they knew it was procrustes before even ENTERING the building. why? why not have the kids be blindsided by shit? especially with medusa, who is meant to have either an enchantment-type thing like cc's island or who can bend the mist to have an enchantment-like thing that fooled annabeth. and crusty worked so fast they didnt have time to compare notes before grover and annabeth were trapped on their beds. why do they immediately know whats going on? wheres the suspense? wheres the showing not telling?
i always thought sally wouldve been yknow Normal just frozen in time and with gold dust around her similar to the sulphur of monsters disintegrating. not that she Was Gold. its like they really wanted to show off their fake gold statues idea
remember how hades looked in the show. now heres a screenshot of percy describing him. they are not the same (yes im salty about it)
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How Fucking Dare they skip Persephone's garden. Why. absolutely Why. yes i do worship her too and im so damn salty theres not even a MENTION of her in ep 7
did i mention that the area around the pit to tartarus is meant to be gravel and not sand? bc its meant to be gravel. and they sure as hell couldntve leasurely stuck around it to chat bc its meant to INHALE. ITS MEANT TO TRY AND SUCK THE KIDS IN.
btw the 4 pearls? im fine with that. grover shouldve lost his on the tumble towards tartarus and we shouldve seen it fuckin fly away and watch the kids watch it plummet to the bottom. hell having a little after credits scene at the end of ep 8 where a random monster gets sent to the beach bc the pearl landed on them and shattered wouldve been HILARIOUS.
the missed deadline however? no. bullshit. 'its so the lotus can be even more dangerous' my ass. percys determined to see this quest through to the end, determined to stop the war before it fully starts, and yet theres no urgency. id even say theres LESS urgency than the books where they had a DAY to get the bolt & get to zeus (with added helm to hades & ares fight). sure it didnt make much sense for ALL THAT to be within a DAY but yknow what? time is fucky and they couldve had the underworld take like three overworld minutes yknow?
speaking of the war theyve know it could happen since the WINTER SOLSTICE. its now passed the SUMMER SOLSTICE. 'your father must rally his men' WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN DOING FOR HALF A YEAR??? SITTIN ON THEY ASSES TWIDDLIN THEIR THUMBHS???
lets go back to hades's aura btw bc ares didnt even have his. not a single fucking deity has had their aura. there was nothing with dionysus about madness and grapes (no scared reaction from percy), no war and fighting with ares (no weird anger from percy), and no hades feeling like he owns your very soul. why? whys there no aura? that might be the biggest reason none of these guys feel like gods to me
where's perseus "sass & improv" jackson. theres no "lord and uncle, i come with two requests". theres no "who said anything about dreams?". theres no fucking "big bathtub" no "circus caravan" not even fucking "you look taller"
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why didnt the other flying shoe kick them on the head. cmon guys
the souls in asphodel arent ALWAYS bound with regret and their choices (or lackthereof) in life. sometimes thats where the ordinary go. thats where the regular ass people go, or the people that dont want to even have a chance of going to the fields of punishment. you got this right in the books, why did you revert to this in the show?
also no hint of hazel? i dont care if we never get to hoo. we might not get to titans curse, making the nico & bianca hint useless. im not sayin they shouldve casted someone as hazel for that scene, im not sayin she shouldve been the only root-bound spirit talking (dislike that idea, btw, what happened to wandering spirits thatre not spooky. theyre just sad.). one of the root-bound spirits just having fucking crystals sprouted up next to them wouldve been good enough.
also yeah wheres elysium and the fields of punishment
charon would never turn down that much money
book sally and show sally are two different people
also not once has there been a mention of a monster smell?? of the underground smelling like monsters, of grover's distaste for being under ground, for anything like that???
speaking of grover. why isnt he eating shit. wheres his tin cans. his diet coke cans. his pinochle cards. his hacky-sack apple that he accidentally eats that gets the kids to be kids. whyd annabeth have to throw shade at him in the lotus scene about eating shit when hes not eaten a single non-edible thing in this entire show.
oh have i mentioned that they just got rid of every single fucking bit of foreshadowing the books ever have btw? bc holy shit lemme rant and this is somethin im GENUINELY pissed about
annabeth doesnt realize it could be kronos on the cab ride bc theres no cab ride. theres no 'its hades. it has to be'.
kronos is not the first mythological being mentioned
all these dreams??? not a single one was even important nor was luke even in one as a voice like i remember most of the first books dreams i dont remember any of the show.
no thalia hint in a dream which. okay i guess. dont want to cast her too early. but cmon man casting a thalia and changing her actor when she gets out of the tree wouldve been like an easter egg to messing up her eyecolor in the books. it wouldve been funny for the readers. cmon guys
the only hint we have of luke disliking his dad is when percys just about to leave for his quest and not? throughout the weeks percy spends at camp? Why
LUKE DOESNT EVEN THROW ANNABETH AND GROVER UNDER THE BUS IN THE SHOW. WHY. no 'youd have to be invisible' no 'maybe this time no one will turn into a tree'???
also dislike how we get all of the thalia lore basically Immediately wheres that slow release story that we gotta piece together alongside percy
oh gods another thing i fucking HATE: THERES NO SWORD TRAINING SCENE. theres also no showing that percy is rejuvinated via water/rain/is good with boats/horses that is like small foreshadowing that hes a son of poseidon but THERES NO SWORD TRAINING. THERES NO 'lukes the greatest sword fighter in decades!' compared to the final book where percys the best sword fighter now, theres no 'really difficult sword technique done first try' theres NONE OF THAT. WHYYY
the whole annabeth and percy were each other's tethers in the lotus casino is an early percy using annabeth as his tether in the styx and them sticking together in tartarus yes but also. why they gotta figure out the lotus immediately. wheres the fucking charm and enchantment though? wheres the ''its 1977' 'its WHAT'' wheres annabeth playing her architect sims wheres grover killing polluting humans wheres the fun. wheres the dawning horror that somethings not right. wheres the terrifying realization that percy nearly forgot his mother's name, that they have a quest, that they dont remember how long its been
hot take: lin manuel maranda is a fine hermes. i didnt even know who he was until i asked my dad btw. hes a jumpscare for yall hamilton nerds. im built dif (dislikes musicals)
take this copy-paste from my discord notes bc tumblr is lagging as im writing this:
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they made grover smarter here than the books and i do like that tbh. him manipulating ares into giving some answers. him realizing that theyre not eating lotuses and augustus is still forgetting even new shit. and then grover forgetting what he was doing before augustus & pan in the same breath. i feel like theyre just using grover in place of longer and more drawn out back-n-forth convos & scenes though and that i dont like
also can they stop splitting up the kids. look i think the fields of asphodel was like that bc scheduling conflict with leah? right? why split aryan up from them TWICE tho with waterland and lotus tho. we dont need percabeth shit rn guys theyre TWELVE and prob didnt have crushes crushes until the next year at the earliest (spoken from someone that didnt ship percabeth until the kiss at mt st helens)
oh yeah have i mentioned that them blaming clarisse is Awful. its Terrible. they owe that girl the biggest fucking apology. yes i know percy threw clarisse out in his talk with ares on the beach but im pretty sure its never stated ever again and not before that
also? clarisse being a bully bc she cant fathom that percy fucked up the minotaur? why? why isnt she just a bully for the sake of it?
i dont think theyve even named her spear though. no ones called it lamer. no ones said it was a gift from ares
also im pissed at them saying ares doesnt care for his kids/hates them. no he doesnt. (insert that one myth people were throwing around about him killing his daughters assaulter) as well as clarisse being is favorite daughter in a while. she got the chance to get that fuckin chariot thing from her godly brothers or whatever i read that mini story once an wasnt paying too much attention. is ares a good dad? no. no mythical being is a good parent period. does he hate his kids? no
logic issue: how the fuck do the roller coasters in the lotus work. when they first pan up to look at the outside theres people on roller coasters and theyre on the OUTSIDE of the building. does the time bubble extend to them? then why are they normal-paced when the lotus moves far slower than the outside world? or are the roller coasters outside the bubble, but because of the time fuckery, it kinda just looks like they blip out of existence for less than a blink and are straight back inside the casino? and the lotus in the air makes them not question the rapidly changing outside world's appearance?
"we take a zebra to vegas" no zebra
writers stop writing monotheistic views into polytheistic worlds challenge. WHY dont monsters attack on sunday??? huh??? bc i dont know that historical connection to ancient, before 1AD, greece. please. enlighten me as to why ancient greek monsters from the ancient greek polytheistic religion wouldnt attack demigods on something known as 'the lord's day' anytime after 1AD. enlighten me. and then explain to me why MONSTERS care
i will say im glad they kept annabeth's mess up with the IM. "show me camp half-blood. chiron's office." compared to "half-blood hill." she was a bit more specific sure and it could bring the question of why luke was in chiron's office in the show.
first: how percy tossed the coin was shit and shouldntve gone that far. second: was that a reference to jason grace.
is getting an IM signal a new thing? as in "not percy jackson and the olympians" thing, and a "heroes of olympus and higher" thing? bc ive never heard of that, and it makes sense for a prism. which also makes sense for them to have since IMs are very important. just sucks that the water mist isnt gonna foreshadow sea of monsters when percy creates a mist so lukes confession has more witnesses (& the like dozen other times that percy makes mist for an IM, showing his power & control on such a minute scale, showing that hes way out of almost anyones league in power scale)
idk why they didnt have ares hoard knowledge on sally over percy's head to try and get him to do the quest. whyd they have him use poseidon ("your dad had plenty of kids he stopped caring about once he lost interest") to rile percy up? oh thats right bc theres no fucking aura
i dont see the point in changing hephaestus's trap. maybe it wouldve costed too much to do the spiders and water and net or somethin (what else is the 12-15 mil per ep being spent on? hope its not that fancy screen thing that honestly was kinda obvious in some scenes and not good oops). anyway i didnt like the change to the throne, didnt like the self sacrifice (theyre really hammering that in), and i didnt really like them changing it to immediately showing it was hera that threw hephaestus off olympus? i feel like having one more thing against zeus for a while wouldve been good, or at least waiting until annabeth and hephaestus somehow got on that topic so hephaestus can correct annabeth
speaking of correcting annabeth: the medusa scene? where annabeth is all 'youre wrong bc my mother is just'? they shouldve had conflicting myths. i can understand doing the most modern retelling of medusa's myth (bonus points for it being roman in origin) bc the gods and monsters are heavily susceptible to belief. if enough people believe that retelling of the myth, then of course its gonna become the "true" one. they shouldve had annabeth argue that thats the roman myth and this is greek, or that medusa's story was modern and she knows the most ancient version we know of (ie: medusa & her sisters were always monsters). them talking about the same myth? doesnt really make sense, unless that was the only surviving medusa myth that just so happened to be the "truth". doesnt help the 'constantly shifting capital of power' thing
speaking of that: was that even mentioned? in the show? that the gods shift to the place with the most power? i dont think it was. why.
back to hephaestus and the shield tho: wheres aphrodite's scarf.
percy EXPLAINING myths to ANNABETH??? the seat myth with hera n whatnot??? WHAT. book 1 annabeth would NEVER
"it's like people only see what they wanna see and ignore anything at all that doesn't fit the story they like to tell themselves" / "exactly! like you being the one to find the lightning thief and not her." i didnt understand that leap in thought btw. very confused.
percy saying 'from an orthodontist's office maybe'. ow. gods. im not that much older than him and i recognize that from my dad playing it. an ortho office. oof (couldnt tell you the title or artist tho dont care that much bout it)
oh yeah this is the ONLY time we get a 'satyrs dont eat meat' thing. "satyrs eat tofu" ares says. like i know percy & grover swapped something on their sandwiches in the first episode but do you really think id be able to recognize what they swapped?
oh yeah speaking of the first ep: bit disappointed they didnt do the digenerative leg disease thingie as a cover for grovers legs. i mean. makes sense. dont want to downplay that disability. also consider though: grovers legs arent human legs & he needs a cover for why he cant do some things & shouldnt do others, and a leg issue wouldve been the best choice
also the no mist on his legs throughout the entire quest? dont like that tbh. i dont care that this isnt in JUST percy's pov anymore. the mist should affect shit outside camp
speaking of the mist. where the fuck is it. was it even mentioned once. its not a thing in the show for some fuckinggg reasonnnnnnnn
annabeth trying to rile ares up btw? what the fuck? plus grover not being scared shitless & doing the beach talk on his own in the diner? dislike. this is what happens WITHOUT THE AURA
oh yeah the diner is just called 'diner' in the show btw and that was hilarious bc theres so many places just called 'place'. ive seen small walk in clinics just called 'clinic'. diners called 'diner'. bars called 'bar'. place for hearing aids LITERALLY CALLED 'HEARING AIDS'. its funny
take this discord screen shot about some of the ares diner thing bc copy pasting as straight text would make this longer and rewriting it is not in the cards (yes i numbered all my complaints and made live notes to myself)
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not aging the show. name drops twitter. like im sorry guys if you show a car or a phone then youre aging the show but did you have to name drop TWITTER of all things???
have i mentioned theyre meant to IM luke before ares btw. have i also mentioned that the kids get to the diner first and ares appears then. small timeline changes i no likey (only half joking)
imma be real i dont like that they changed it so annabeth witnesses the fates cut the string. dont like it that grover doesnt pay attention until its passed. dont like that percy is NONCHALANT about it when hes told. be chalant man. book percy knew it was a big deal even when he didnt know shit.
(insert the continuity error of waterland near denver colorado and the arch in like illinois or somethin and theyre now WALKING in the show when its a two day TRAIN ride in the books that everyone already talked about)
i do like the change that percy doesnt pray to poseidon when he gets off the arch. i was going to say jumps off but then i remembered that he fell off in the show which was definitely a change that im not neutral on but im not 100% on if it was positive or negative
what happened to the clear sighted mortal btw
i dislike how echidna and the chimera were handled. again. what happened to being blind sided. what happened to shock and sudden appearances. i dont care if the chimera was learning to hunt. the realization that echidna was a monster with her forked tongue was great.
i was going to write "wheres the suicidal thoughts" (ie percy thinking the monster wont attack mortals if he dies/jumps out of the arch) then remembered that this isnt 1st person and theres no voice over (which wouldve made this show 1000% better)
okay. so. they dont show percy nailing the difficult sword technique, but they DO show him getting hits on the chimera. when in the books he doesnt get a single hit on the chimera. to quote my disc notes: percy gets precisely ZERO hits on the chimera. first slash at neck, deflected by a collar that name-drops Tartarus. second slash at the mouth just after the tail stabbed his leg, tail wrapped around leg and pulled him around dropping riptide down the hole. again, poison Immediate
right the poison not being immediate. im. why
the rivers meant to be way more polluted btw
i do like the accurate change to the arch tho. showing that the water reached up and grabbed him was kinda the "duh" answer but if you read this scene plainly without much thought then yeah in the books the arch goes over the river so. it wasnt even that much of a discussion point bc pjo universe architecture was different i guess
anaklusmos is meant to fall out the arch during the fight, not further in, and percy's meant to have a good length of time standing on the arch without the sword returning to his pocket
have i mentioned that so far all these monster fights are disappointing and lackluster
oh btw the taxi scene after lotus? fucking hate how thats MORE dramatic than the actual MONSTER FIGHTS
the arch being a temple to athena or whatever? nice change, dont really like how it replaced more architecture talk tho. shouldve been an add-on in the middle of annabeths geeking out bout the math n structure that percy tries to focus on but annabeth shrugs it off and goes on about the perfect balance of the lean-to stuff (i dont know architecture)
her "so poseidon can't ruin it" about the earthquake protection plate things though? rude and not what show annabeth shouldve said since theres been no/little "poseidon vs athena" rivalry talk (besides annabeth praying to her mom and getting shunned & percy not praying and getting saved. that was a good parallel).
adding indigenous folk to grover's talk of genocide & erasure was good, just wish there was more on it & throughout more of the quest
them throwing in the "not all monsters are monsters" and "not all demigods are heroes" talk seemed kinda half-assed and like they didnt really know where to go with it. i like it bc itll be expanded on with like circe a bit & zoë & ethan nakamura / luke / the demigods on the titan's army & especially with tyson all throughout sea. but like. if i hadnt read the books then id think they added those points just bc they were expected to, especially since its not even brought up again in later episodes
wasted opportunity for not saying "Isn’t that a kind of anteater?" what happened to my sassy boy you didnt have to change the sass guys that line is still funny pleaseee
rip gladiola & rip the signs of life whenver pan is mentioned
okay so i could understand the centaurs in the first book not partying bc maybe rick didnt think of that until the next one but? the show centaurs not partying? sure maybe its not the party ponies maybe its another sector/group but like. cmon. i wouldve laughed if they had those glow stick necklaces & a disco ball & shit
what latched onto the outside of the train car btw. what monster was that. i couldnt tell
1st what does froofy mean 2nd that was good dialogue on grovers part
annabeth & percys talk about thalia/luke/her dad... genuinely i dont have much thoughts on it (good or bad) besides that i reread lukes diary after watching that episode & luke & thalia were fine with annabeth joining them. thalia was proud that luke acted how he did with her. didnt really like that she said she had to "earn it" with thalia
ah yes. the dream just before the thalia talk. what the hell did kronos mean "she is coming" was he, for some stupid fucking reason, warning them about echidna??? the nereid??? OR DID HE MEAN GAEA. DID HE FUCKING MEAN HIS MOTHER. WHAT IN THE HELL
how they showed that olympus is connected to the empire state building at the end of ep 3? dislike that. doubly dislike how hermes already knew what was in the box before anyone opened it
"hermes express" hermes, walking to the elevator in the empire state building when we know for a fact they can just beam anywhere:
them not showing DOA at all & not showing the address to the underworld in medusa's area? didnt like that at all, felt less like a scavanger hunt & more like a fetch quest (ik getting the bolt is a fetch quest, but this is like double fetch quest instead of one part fetch one part egg hunt)
ANYONE LEARNING ABOUT THE BETRAYAL PART OF THE PROPHECY BTW??? DIDNT LIKE THAT. PREFERED WHEN PERCY WAS TRYING TO GO AROUND THE PROPHECY/NOT THINK ABOUT IT. also the betrayal hasnt been mentioned since except when they decided to blame clarisse, but that was as the lightning thief & not friend betrayal
okay so the bus scene & them turning a fury (alecto?) to stone. didnt like the changes. i feel like they changed it so percy's mortal kill count doesnt start so young (half joking) but it kinda gets rid of the whole "the gods dont take into account how their emotions/reactions affect mortals". plus the hurricane isnt sudden in montauk, it builds since percy uses the fountain
them shortening the yancy time btw? will agree it makes sense, dont agree that its better/even a neutral change. it gets rid of the gaslighting, the mist, the first instance of the winter solstice, this:
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have i mentioned they got rid of all the fucking foreshadowing GODS IT PISSES ME OFF
okay back to medusa. her not being able to get you if shes invisible? isnt how i imagined her eyes working in pjo & the myths. also i understand not wanting to show beheading in a "kids show" but also why invisible you can just have it happen just off screen until they get it in a bag (which yeah wouldve been fundementally the same as invisible but cmon)
dislike the medusa plan change. 'i'll get in the air & draw her attention' thats literally the opposite of what they wanted in the books
WHY WAS THERE FIRE ON THE STAIRS WHY DID THE BASEMENT LOOK LIKE THAT WHY WAS IT A BASEMENT & NOT LIKE A BIG GARAGE-TYPE THING (my dad explained that the fire could have been a reference to the 1981 clash of titans with the flickering suspense kind of scary but may i point out: that would be a reference to a 1981 thing in a modern kids show)
good to know her veil material is enough to block her gaze btw though. like that was a thin material and it was ENOUGH??? you didnt even have to make her invisible you probably couldve just worn your shirt on your head & saw through the tiny holes
mother/son possible relationship between medusa and percy WAY BETTER than the grooming that happens & i could definitely see as a possibility. a wild possibility but its possible
the cgi for the nereid was terrible btw. the sound for the sizzling in the percy & medusa convo was so fake. the straw empty noise grover does drinking his lemonade should not be possible with how much was actually left in his cup. that pastry grover ate should not have crunched.
copy paste of a disc note: "and you are a liar" telling the person who is centuries older than you. from a time where the gods were actively worshipped. that they are a liar about what happened to them???? what in the FUCK
another copy paste note: "my mother is just. always" is your mother the goddess of what is just??? the goddess of justice??????? no. what the fuck
the slow release of medusa's "true" myth annoyed me bc every time new info came up i was like "oh so its this myth" and then more came up and i was like "okay its this iteration" and then more info came and i just about yelled in frustration
"i dont like bullies" giving percy's lines to medusa
another copy paste: theres a reason aunty em in the books used fast food containers for her food and NOT REFLECTIVE SHIT. WHAT IS THIS SILVER COVER. YOU SPEAK OF THE MEDUSA MYTH AND THEN MAKE HER HAVE REFLECTIVE SHIT THATS NOT A CAMERA LENS
another another: "you are concerned that i would hold a grudge against you simply because you are a daughter of athena?" that. is what happens in the books yes. you hold a grudge against annabeth and you try and manipulate/groom percy bc you loved poseidon
grover was the only one not enticed by aunty em's magic/mist/food, which was odd, bc hes eaten most everything before and hinted that something was off. bc yknow in the books they DIDNT KNOW IT WAS MEDUSA TIL THEY ALMOST DIED
why was there a bell on her home door. why is her home next to her store
sally empathizing with medusa? fine. her not telling percy all of the different myth versions? not fine.
"i think we can trust her" is literally medusa
have i mentioned the poor travelling orphan circus bc i miss that
oh right zeus just not striking down the two vehicles. makes sense, he doesnt have his bolt for a precision strike, but come on
was this where we got "names have power"? i dont remember if its here or not at all. especially since they continue to say names. and yes this was in the book i know its both funny and smack-my-head-against-the-wall worthy throughout the series
copy paste: "youre not the frightened little girl i came for all those years ago" yeah you didnt go for annabeth. you went for thalia. you got what you wanted (maybe not entirely but whatever). the fuck are you ON about alecto
annabeth not knowing how to function in a gas station was good and funny and sad
carrying the shoes in the box btw? terrible. shouldve immediately given them to grover before leaving camp. or. better yet. luke shouldve had witnesses for giving the shoes to percy so it wouldve been immediate
copy paste: "do exactly as i say" im not sure i like how theyre trying to portray the bossiness of annabeth. its different but its still the same level of bossiness. "are we clear?" honey you havent been outside camp since you were SEVEN. youre TWELVE. get OVER YOURSELF
"she met a pinecone's fate" was fucking hilarious and i will not hear otherwise
annabeth saying goodbye to thalia is fantastic
"i thought about choosing you before i chose grover" I HATE THE CHANGES THEY DID TO GETTING THE QUEST. percy chooses grover IMMEDIATELY and is all "oh jee willikers i wonder who would be stupid enough to volunteer for this surely deadly quest" and annabeth rips her hat off and half forces herself on the quest (she was pushy but percy did agree so. half.). there wasnt the 'telling the entire head of cabins' there wasnt 'debating on luke' THERE WASNT ANY OF THAT SHIT
poor canada. that shade is meant to be next season with the cannibals and oh wait theres probably not gonna be cannibals bc "kids show". right. chuck e cheese was a good fuckin joke tho
chiron isnt that straight forward that he suspects hades and that the entrance to the underworld is in la. small thing but D: hes a teacher he should still have the 'lead the kids to the answer' instinct
now for eps 1 & 2 i didnt make live notes, i did it hours after watching them, so ill definitely miss shit
no myth to make zeus thinking poseidon would genuinely want to unseat him actually make sense
no storm getting past the barrier, no campers reaction to that, no calling zeus crazy
i hated that there was nothing between his claiming and the quest. wheres the alienating. wheres the dislike. wheres the new expectations & disgust & fear. WHERES THAT DAMN NEWSPAPER
also hated how there was NO HELLHOUND
no nemesis foreshadowing (ik rick got her wrong at first, saying she was a god n not a goddess, and it might not have been intentional but ethan nakamura sure was important)
no talking about zeus, hera, artemis, & hades cabins??? for some reason???
no balanced sword talk
no monsters stoked in the woods, no harpies, no naiads, no "Not a single living thing."
no talk about how monsters revive, no talk of the move west, no mention of chiron age & still being needed as a teacher of heroes. also NO STELE. WHYYYYY
there was no pull to poseidon's cabin
why did grover have to TELL percy that his mom might still be alive. percy IMMEDIATELY thinks that when he gets the idea that maybe this greek shit is real. or, at least, he thinks he can get her back
the hermes cabin was not NEARLY crowded enough. its meant to be FILLED. its meant to be BARELY ANY WALKING SPACE. not. like. maybe three kids on the floor. plus no laughter at percy asking when hes gonna get claimed
no mention of the romans???
percy didnt really??? go through a denial phase in the show??? for some reason???
personal opinion: i couldnt even get through the dionysus talk btw. too awkward. i skimmed the subtitles & didnt have my headphones on
the only mention of capital G god & the metaphysical & the Gods was when percy thought he was the second coming of christ. that was funny ill give you that. however. wheres the overwhelming lore dump
was there? a science talk? i dont think there was. whyy
for some reason they didnt get into mr d's restriction all that much
no ambrosia no nectar no grover bleating
theres been no cursing in greek or latin so far btw. why. i feel like you could ask plenty of people for a good translation, if the ogs sucked. and im sure the kids could get a good enough score from people who speak greek/ancient greek and latin
there was no memory of poseidon seeing percy as a baby???
no nature magic thing with percy replicating the thing grover did on the bus at gabe and having the door slam him. maybe bc rick didnt think that made much sense since its never shown again but that was Funny
gabe seems less like an abusive drunkard and more like a dirty loser (yes ik he restricts/feels entitled to all comunication & financial whatnot & that is abuse but so far (AS OF EPISODE SEVEN (7)) he doesnt deserve to get turned to stone for that)
ive basically already mentioned everything else previous except: percy vaporizing alecto bc anaklusmos just so happened to be opening in a way where alecto was in the way? and that made her die? wheres the instinct??? i dont care if percy's visibly shit at swinging that sword, there shouldve been the instinct to get up and swing
lastly: anaklusmos shouldve been given back after alecto & returned before quest. using her during the minotaur was useless and, again, didnt show the power boost percy gets from all water (rain)
now on the names topic: im not saying br-oo-ner. its spelt brun-er, i say brun-er. they also say th-augh-lee-ah. i will still say th-AH-lee-ah
i will just reiterate this is for fun. this is fun for me and if youve read all of this then it should be fun for you, too, to complain/discuss this. if its not and youre genuinely pissed off with my observations: i do not care. barely anything you say will change my opinions/observations, and if youre aggressive im immediately throwing your opinion away. this is fun for me. this is how i have fun. this is a saltwater fountain to those that also have fun discussin/breaking shit apart. if you dont find it fun, then go enjoy your olive branch away from here
to anyone that also has fun with this: tear my observations apart. tell me everything that i got wrong bc i only read some books years ago. dont worry about spoiling me. i dont care about spoilers. i prefer all the info upfront instead of gatekept behind "but itll ruin your experience when you read it for the first time!!!!" i spoiled myself about who nico's dad was when i was on sea of monsters okay im fine. i know jason's circumstances in trials of apollo. i might not know everything that happened in house of hades (or anything about trials and later) but that shouldnt stop you.
ill state again: i like the show. the show's alright. im not sure id call it good because ive read the books & i do prefer book lightning thief to the show. but i like it and am hoping it gets more seasons. i hope we at least finish last olympian, but i would like to see hoo get adapted.
some of these are complaining for the sake of it (down to a grain of sand), some of these are actual criticisms about the adaptation (the removal of the foreshadowing that was in the books & abscense of groundworks for later books & hoo (yes i saw the kids with purple shirts in the lotus scene thats not enough)), some mightve been criticisms of it as a show (plenty of people have mentioned that the pacing is bad, i didnt want to focus on it). it's all in good fun
i do have a thought though: This could've easily been a rewritten book. In fact, it would've been far better as a rewritten, first-person limited book. I think it would've taken less time (able to just write your vision and not have barely any stage directions as your only descriptors & run it by writers, directors, actors, etc.), less money (12-15 MILLION usd per EPISODE??? compared to a writing program & looking for someone to publish it???), and would've taken less time (writing, waiting for approval, casting, booking, filming, post production, waiting, uploading, waiting for renewal, repeat. compared to writing at your own speed & publishing whenever (possibly even waiting until enough books are done?)). My reading fanfic more than traditional books/watching shows/movies definitely affects my opinion, I will readily admit that. But I think my own imagination of the happenings in the book would've been fine. Would there be new fans? Probably not as many. Would old fans come back? Again, probably not as many. Would it have been better? I think so.
TLDR: there were more neutral changes than good ones, a lot weren't good (comparatively), some were funny, some got rid of the funny, this is fun for me and if it wasn't for you then L. die madge. i want to hear other's opinions though. and i think this show should've been a rewritten first-person book and not a tv show.
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eddseddede · 2 months ago
i HATE mary shelley's frankenstein (the movie)
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(Very long rant under the cut)
First off im gonna be clear im absolutely NOT talking about the novel frankenstein written by mary shelley. This book is my favorite story ever and i could rant for hours about how much i love it. Im specifically talking about the movie titled "mary shelley's frankenstein". If you ask literally any frankenstein fan they will tell you that most movie/show adaptations are relatively inaccurate. Thats why when i found out that "mary shelley's frankenstein" was considered to be the most faithful and book accurate adaptation, i was super excited to watch it. I was incredibly wrong.
At first, i didnt really know how to feel. The movie was fairly entertaining, i liked how they expanded on a few characters and made a few story changes, but thats about it. What makes me dislike this movie SO MUCH is the fact that it feels like instead of actually reading and analyzing the book, the creators just read the sparknotes of frankenstein and tweaked the story a bit. It removed some details/plot points that seem insignificant at first glance, but any further analysis will show those "small details" were super important story-wise. It lacked so much of the depth that i was hoping for.
One thing i noticed from the very start was the portrayal of victor and his family. I will say that i dont really mind how william and elizabeth were written. I tgink my main gripe would be that they feel so flat and one dimensional (especially elizabeth), but i kind of understand since they arent really given much depth in the original story either. i thought it was cool that they made justine have a little bit more depth and they showed her close relationship with william, i thought that was cute. I think they couldve done that better without having her have a one sided crush on victor though. It just felt like a lazy attempt to make her seem more interesting.
What i HATED was how victor was portrayed. No hate to the actor, but he is NOT victor at all. Some of my gripes are personal things (blond hair, beard, etc) but others just straight dont make any sense. Like... he just seems so much more outgoing and friendly than og victor. It wasnt the vibe he had in the book and was a very.... interesting creative choice. And WHY in the world did he have ABS. Victor spent 2 whole years making his creature and its obvious he barely takes care of himself in this time. Even if he was well built beforehand (even then. does he really seem like the type to work out) i really dont think he'd still be in shape after the trauma his body goes through during the creation process. The narrative also lowkey felt very... apologetic towards victor. A lot of scenes that highlight victors selfishness and flaws are cut from the movie, which made me really upset because it takes so much away from victors character. Victor's complexity and moral gray-ness is what makes his character so interesting and appealing to me, so this victor portrayal just overall felt very flat and bland.
One of the two things that really frustrated me was the lack of justine's trial. The trial is SO incredibly important because it is the first scene where victor truly has to face the consequences of his actions, yet he lets another person take the fall. However, in the movie, william is killed and justine is found next to his body. The town immediately carries her with pitchforks to the town center (?) with victor and elizabeth chasing after them yelling to stop. Justine is immediately hung without any questions or anything. This change is so terribly detrimental to the plot, i was shocked they changed it. The fact that the trial in the og novel spanned several days gave us time to see elizabeth spiraling into depression, justine eventually accepting her death, and most of all, the guilt eating victor alive. We see him contemplating saving justine, but in order to save himself, victor stays silent the entire time. This conflict highlights victor's selfishness and his tendency to run away from his consequences. Victors guilt does not purify him.
The other thing that infuriated me was henry clerval's lack of importance. Basically all he does in the movie is lighten the mood at certain parts. This is such a superficial way of portraying his character, and i was super disappointed as someone whose favorite character is clerval. In the movie, Frankenstein and clerval meet in college, both studying science/medicine. This immediately gave me a bad feeling, since the whole point of victor and henry is that theyre opposites, but love each other nonetheless. Victor is into science and sees everything very matter-of-factly, while henry is into poetry and sees the beauty in life. The two balance each other out and their opposite traits give them great chemistry. Them being childhood friends is also super important, which is taken away in this movie adaptation.
I wont go into depth because if i do ill ramble for hours, but clerval is so incredibly important to the story, especially victors character. He represents victors happy and relatively carefree life before his obsession with reanimation, and provides comfort when victor is at his lowest. One of the most important clerval scenes is actually his death. Victor is left absolutely devastated by the death of his best friend, to the point where hes pushed to thw brink of insanity. Why? Because the death of clerval symbolizes the death of his old self. The consequences of his neglect and selfishness have ruined his life so much, to the point where he can never be happy like he used to be. Clerval, the man he describes as the most pure being, the (literal) light of his life, is gone forever because of his actions. As you can tell, this effect is not achieved when victor and henry only know each other for their short college careers, and it's definitely not achieved when clerval doesnt die. It feels like they only added henry just to say they had a character that is typically forgotten by adaptations in their movie (btw if you really wanted this achievement then add ernest frankenstein into your movie cowards). If thats your motive, then id rather you a stereotypical mad scientist frankenstein movie instead.
If you like this movie, absolutely no hate to you at all. I can def understand why and i really liked some parts of the movie. The reason why i hate it is mainly because it is advertised as a book accurate, faithful adaptation, when many crucial parts of the book are discarded
(Please dont bully me about grammar/structure im writing this purely off passion 😢)
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digitaldoeslmk · 1 year ago
Hello there! I hope your month has been kind to you. This is the blog that deal with LMK, right? There's a theory floating around that MK is gonna shatter Wukong's staff in the middle of their predicted fight or at the start of it in the canon show. How do you feel about that?
On an unrelated note, what are your thoughts on the staff that Wukong uses? I'd say it's name but fear incorrectly saying it Have you watched the Netflix Monkey King movie? In that movie the staff is shown to be very obviously sentient with its own thoughts and options, and isn't shy about vibrating, humming about them. Do you consider this with your thoughts on Wukong and his staff too?
Have a good month, do not skip your meals and enjoy them, drink plenty of water and sleep early regularly.
this is the blog indeed! :3
hmmmm I'm not sure how I feel about that, exactly. I'm not much a fan of destroying such an iconic (and basically indestructible) weapon for the sake of shock value, since I don't really see any other reason for such a narrative decision. same about FFM being destroyed; its literally glazed over and, I kind of hate that /gen
you gotta keep in mind that yes this is just an inspired story but, FFM is a sacred mountain. in jttw its described in a way that it could easily be Mt Sumeru, the axis that sits on the center of the world and holds up the Heavenly realms. its, A Big Fucking Deal. same for the Ruyi Jingu Bang, it's the rod of celestial iron that held down the oceans by the Great Yu, it prevented floods during a time where those almost ruined the middle kingdom (China).
destroying them brings nothing to the story imo besides maybe Lego gaining the window to showcase another locations so they can sell more toy models. which, yes is the entire reason the show exists, to sell toys, but also..... eugh. in my ideal scenario, we gets to see FFM being restored and fixed up, thanks to everybody's efforts.
as for the second question, yes I've watched it though i gotta say, i am very much not the target audience x.x besides the first few minutes in Huaguoshan and the 2D sequence, i didnt like much about it. That said, im a sucker for sentient weapons hwbdhshbsbe
in the 1996 liveaction series of Journey to the West, Jingu Bang is also sentient and despite the dated graphics, it's some fun sequences when the staff gets to to its antics! plus 96 Xiyouji is just, such an emotional and genuinely good time of a series, I def recommend it to folks even if it changes A Lot about the canon and narrative. that's one adaptation that i think did the whole changes to the book source INCREDIBLY right.
while the staff is not much given sentience in the book, it does seem to Know that Wukong is its fated wielder and responds to him exclusively, which does give some credence to sentient weapons interpretations. that said, i do view the staff as an extension of Wukong rather than i suppose you could call a partner in arms. it's his signature weapon, what defines him as Him in iconography and depictions. same goes for Nezha with his artillery sash, fire-wind wheels, and fire-tipped spear!
thank you for the ask, and a good month to you too!!
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zeethecatlady · 1 year ago
pjo tv show spoilers!!!
ahhhhh i just finished ep 8 and i have so many thoughts so be ready.
of course across the tv show there are things i love and things i dont necessary agree with but thats lofe and personal opinion so no hate from me here. cause if i too were rick and staftung reading through and adapting something i wrote about what 20 years ago i would change up plot holes and things that i thought would work better too.
i think all the actors were very talented and perfect for there roles.
i love the change of sally teaching percy mythology from a young age thats something i always thought that should of happened to begin with.
i didnt like the characterisation of gabe when watching the show if i hadnt read the books he was almost likeable i thought he was mildly funny i feel like they didnt make him cruel enough to justify the whole medusa thing.
loved the interactions between percy and grover before camp the lighting of percy in school without grover (blue toned) and percy in school with grover (warm toned) really showed how good of a friend he was. grover was so sweet and funny and had great lines cant wait to see him in a wedding dress.
loved percys interaction with mr d i thought it was totally in character and really was quite funny, mr d is just dying for that bottle of wine.
i didnt love the fact that everyone kinda avoided the topic that the gods igbored there children and arw pretty shitty for the majority of the tv show percy kept asking questions like the gods were like the average parent of anyone and no one thought to tell him 'hey percy the gods dont actually talk to their kids so thats why everyone gives you looks when you talk about there parents'.
thalia being pronounced the way it is threw me off but i knlw thats the actuall greek way of saying it so it dosent bother me (i will continue to pronounce it the way i do though)
i thought it was interesting that they had annabeth see the fates and not percy i don't have many comments on this just that it was interesting.
i loved the way they handled medusa and her story but still managed to make her a monster for percy to fight l, its a delicate line that i think they managed perfectly.
the arch i loved the way percy swapped places with annabeth great cinematic moment, i thought it was weird that they didnt have percy jump in trust of his dad xonsidering the way they have changed percys attitude towards gods as parents at the time during the show, but i thought the hand of posiedon saving him was great aswell.
also the arch being a temple of athena was a cool edition i thought they played athenas pettyness pretty good. i did like that annabeth wanted to go becuse architecture but i dont mind the change.
tunnel of love chefs kiss not more to be said really, other than hephaestus he gets it i always liked him as a god.
the way they had grover talk to ares and manipulate him into taking while also reading his emotions so cool i loved the edition so much and it really gave us an in look into both grover and ares as people.
the animal truck was nice i loved the percy and grover interactions about the animals thought it was funny. missed percy not talking to a zebra.
lotus hotel very cool loved the music choice, loved the design, cool that they know its the lotus eaters before they go in. loved the chat with hermes and grover meeting a satyr and playing his hunt the human game. the lost memorys gives a proper view into ehy people would stay there and not leave. also love the little 'bianca' and the two kids who ran past in purple shirts (romans??).
stealing hermes taxi to go to santa monica awesome, i questioned the choice of 4 pearls tp begin with cause i thought 'this will make the prophecy obsolete' but having watched it all now so good loved the choice cause of course posidon would never abandon his queen amongst mortals
the choic of them running out of time on there quest i dont understand was it necessary i dont think them having a day left still would have changed anything that still happened after show wise maybe a few conversations tweeked. (if anyone knows why let me know im curious)
crustys this was the only monster wich i didnt like the way they delt with, i think they had to do it this was as alot of this was percys thoughts in the book which they havent really been transfering to screen that well. i feel like we lost some of percts brutal fatal flaw here with him not killing him and his smarts of him convincing him to get in the bed and trap himself, thats percys thing see if annabeth has plan, persuasion, then fight.
also the underworld not being in DOA :( that was a cool idea so fun and its a pun but maybe for time issues they just resorted to crusty doesnt bother me that much but ill miss it.
percy not bartering with charon again taking away percys skill at persuasion. but not a big deal in long run (missed the drown in bath joke though)
the feilds of asphodel i thought jt was an interesting take, its described in the books as a really busy airports or station of some kind just loads of people standing everywhere. i tought ut was interesting that the souls became trees (does that mean hazel isnt a tree but just wanders amougst the trees?) the fact rhat they made it regrets aste what stick you in asphodel and turn you into a tree i didnt agree with asphodel is the place you go when your life is juat average not bad or evil and not heroic or extremely good, cause u telling me that any hero that goes to elysium dosent have regrets? also annabeth being the one with regrets weird take it should have been grover who regrets alot (thalia for example) but i get they did that cause like the books they were setting it up to look like annabeth was the traitor.
loved the inclusion story about luke hermes and may.
i loved the characterisation of hades i though he was quite accurate to how hades acts in the actual mythology and you can totally see where nico gets it from. just loved the whole interaction.
loved rhw choice of the pearls going back to manutak rather than santa monica.
the fight with ares loved kt was squeeling the entire time, ares beeing cocky and toying with percy, percy showing beast controll of the sea and finally the cut on ares ankle. but what aboutbthe curse! the curse ares puts on percys sword that bexomes relevent not onece but twice. that surely will mess up the fufillment if the prophecy for a possibel 3rd season as thats the whole reason he dosent fight atlas and takes the sky from artemis. so ill have to wait and see how they do that.
annabeth giving percy her beads 😊
calling children of the big three forbidden children its a nice edition that i like (kinda remids me of the fanfic son of seafoam)
the interaction with zeus pretty good liked it the way that zeus appears to be taking kronos somewhat seriously though, well we will se if that lasts.
posiedon stepping in and saving percy and then surrendering-- - my heart cant
pecry going back to camp and being celebrated great as he should. also live the percy luke flashbacks.
now my favourite way the show has changed the percy luke betrayal! i love the way thia changed i always thought that luke should have tried to recruit percy as he does in later books but percy dosent entertain as luke tried to kill him twice but i love that luke was all like percy we could run away and fight the gods. and thevlook on his face when annabeth throws a knife at him and the way percy sliced luke and immediately apologised because although hes angry he dosent acctually want to hurt him. and you can tell why people like luke and join him. obvs the way they have made the gods more likeable from the start means if you havent resd tbe books you probably dont understand lukes motivations as much but jes known the gods are shitty parents for much longer than percy as hed older and percy will get there one day but we all know how that ends up TLO.
percy annabeth and grover all making a promise to meet back at thalia next year so cute
percys dream about kronos really good gives information that made me jump with excitment as a book fan. sally coming to percy with a notebook to note down his dreams is telling in thats not the first time since camp that its happend. also is it his birthday i got the vibe its his birthday. percy telling his mum that kronos told him to tell her shes a good mum made me snort but its sweet that percy is trying to protect her.
over all i have many thoughts and opinions this isnt all of them and if anyone wants specific thoughts on certain things let me know.
i cant wait till s2 they just have to have a season 2!!!!!
sorry for the long post
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superchat · 7 months ago
hihi how are you liking magia record so far :3
its been aight! it def doesnt hit like madoka magica, i can kinda feel the Gacha Story in the adaption even if it does have some changes to the story, just like, how characters enter and leave plot points, how antagonists show up, etc. im watching and im like "oh this must be a chapter in the game where the final boss fight is this character" so im imagining like, CHAPTER 3-10 or something
it rlly does bum me out that yuki kajiura didnt compose for magia record, the new tracks dont rlly hit as hard but yuki kajiura is kind of a legend for a reason,
but overall the shows been pretty cozy. kind of like a popcorn show. its got SHAFT, its got madoka aes and magical girls and witches, i dont care much abt the World Building and Lore but the aesthetics that drew me into pmmm is still there for the most part
the new characters are all rlly good too, so far im enjoying them. my only complaint is that protag is like...really really dumb, to the point that idk how shes survived this long, and also characters seem to cease being important the moment the plot doesnt call for them...what happened to black haired girl from episode 1...what happened to blonde and red hair girls that are friends with the blue haired one...it is a big cast so i get that you cant constantly have them all relevant but they rlly do drop off fast and hard once the plot moves forward...
that sounds like a lot of negative but i am enjoying it, its very cozy, characters are endearing. also the emotional maturity for a lot of the stuff is like, rlly good.
like the reckless girl who just wants to kill witches cuz one killed her parents so shes homeless, jobless, and full of hate. and everyones criticising her for being too quick to jump into fights, and when everyones going around throwing Help And Tips when she never asked she snapped like "they took everything from me, so why cant i be angry? why do i have to be the one to hold back?" and iroha apologizes for throwing advice on her when it wasnt what she needed
sana having her family essentially call her a failure and verbally abuse her and the conclusion to it wasnt like "ahh but deep down her family still really loved her! they just werent seeing eye to eye!"
it instead ended with her saying a one sided goodbye, and leaving them to live with her friends, who became her new family. she never told her parents how they mistreated her, they never Got What They Deserved. they continued to live in their self rightous lives and she never got closure from it, cuz if she tried to, it just wouldve led to more pain and suffering for her. "i want someone to call my name. but that wont happen here. im going home." to her friends who care abt her
i think! these lil moments are really good, and powerful. i like that the series isnt trying to be as dark as madoka magica was. like, madoka magica has everything in a magical girl show, its got hope, and love, and friendship the triumphs over evil in the end. it just takes a long, long, time to get there. it goes to the darkest parts of the struggle before springing up into the light, but magia record has more moments of hope throughtout, so i do think this change of pace is good for anyone who wants more madoka. gen urobochi had his fill in torture porn, we dont have to recreate that for every installment to the madokaverse
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sleepyperefix · 2 years ago
Fundamentally I liked Season 2. I have watched it twice now and I do enjoy it but there was something bugging me the entire time and I think I figured out why I might prefer Season 1. Also mild spoilers.
I am fine with it being a mid-chapter. It is quiet comfort (except for the end). It makes perfect sense and I also like the more chill and quiet atmosphere, Neil Gaiman did amazing and my problem is not a problem with the show but a personal preference.
My personal problem is the big focus on aziraphale and crowley. I get why it is like this and it makes perfect sense. I cannot with good conscious blame Neil Gaiman for this choice as I do not know what is planned or what he wants. It's his show and he can do what he wants. I also get that many people loved the big focus. It is great for the characters and the supporting cast is perfectly charming.
However, I would have prefered more beelzebub/gabriel and more concerning the entire framing story sprinkled in throughout the season. Not just clues aziracrow find and follow but actual (obscured) flashbacks to Gabriel and Beelzebub. You didnt necessarily needed to know they were involved but flashbacks of them both scheming seemingly on their own with references to something big would have made the mystery more enticing. (Is hell/beelzebub actually trying to do good? Is Gabriel planning something bad?)
Also I think Beelzebubs new actress would have absolutely killed it with more screen time.
I would have also loved to see more Muriel. Like way more involved in the story. Them making notes in the background, maybe going in the bookshop to research how people fall in love or talking to Jim about love. It just would have been neat I think. Them trying to understand humanity.
I get that especially with covid, filming was restricted so I am not mad how it ended up. Again I like it. To me it just left some potential behind. Maybe it will be picked up in season 3 or I will consult fanfiction. This is Mr Gaimans version and it is great. If I want to fill some holes (perceived by me), I can.
I am also pretty sure I will like this season a lot more when season 3 comes out and the holes my brain sees are filled. Mid-chapters always have this problem (to me) and I am not going to unreasonably hate it for not being complete like season 1 since that one was made to be an entire shut and closed story. This one was not and it is fine.
To end this on a positive note: the bentley is a great character especially how it appears to be semi sentient and to adapt to its driver. The way it highlights their relationship is honestly perfect.
If I ever had a car, I'd want it even if it was not magical (and probably coming with tones of problems in modern times).
Crowley and Aziraphale were also fantastic and their respective actors killed it (how dare they??). I also loved Nina and Maggie. Seeing Nina's actress range from seaon 1 to seaon 2 was great and I am now official a fan. Maggie as well! Her actress did have much screen time in s1 but her acting stole the show for me in s2. Maggie is such a sweet character. I hope these two characters eventually end up together and have their happily ever after.
The diversity was also perfect. Mr. Gaiman as always manages to encapsulate how beautiful and diverse the world can be. I wanna live in this street now.
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jaccsonhyde · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Morrison's Doom Patrol
overall i really enjoyed the whole run, it had its ups and downs, and it particularly annoyed me when the stories were EXTRA incomprehensible (namely the story about rhea and the weird alien war), but when morrison got going in actually telling a whole narrative i really love the concepts and characters he uses.
i love the whole of the cast, cliffs fun as ever, rebis is really interesting and a very groundbreaking character in the medium (and to this day frankly), jane was probably grants favorite from the run, tho i think i like her better in the show, mainly cuz in the show theres more of a focus on the other alters that arent jane that morrison doesnt really care to develop much at all, the twist of the chief was of course famous and infamous, i have mixed feelings on it particularly as someone that loves the original pre-crisis doom patrol books but as someone that loves especially devious characters like that, dorothy and joshua were both incredibly underused. joshua basically did nothing the whole run and then was killed off which sucked, and dorothy barely got any panel time until the very end, but it looks like pollacks run gives her a lot more focus which im incredibly excited for. i still hate that rita is the only original member that wasnt brought back (until infinite crisis) and morrison in particular when they do bring her up is very.... almost spiteful of her, in trying to turn her into a sex object thats fairly exclusive to her in this book, and again sucks when compared to the original series where rita was probably the most daring member of the bunch. and danny of course is such a fun character, and i genuinely felt sad when candlemaker was destroying him (and yeah danny uses he/him in the book which i almost didnt expect cuz of the show)
for actual plotlines, the ones i liked were the red jack plotline, the plots involving NOWHERE and the ant farm, the second mr nobody plot where hes running for president which actually did manage to get quite a few laughs out of me, and of course the candlemaker plotline (which coincided with the evil chief plot)
the ones that i particularly disliked were mainly the first brotherhood of dada, and the rhea storyline mainly cuz theyre particularly hard to follow and on the longer side. theyre also some of the wordier stories in the whole run, and theyre mostly words that dont make any sense and arent meant to make sense which made them an absolute drain on the mind to even skim let alone fully read
for how the run compares to the show, id say the show takes the whole run, gets most of the message across, and actually manages to make it make sense and have a more cohesive throughline. it also surprised me reading the run after watching all the show episodes to date just how closely the show follows the book in specific storylines, especially in the story about cliff going to the underground and how close Jane Patrol is to that, and id say jane patrol even improves on it by expanding it the way it does.
id say neither medium does amazingly with dorothy, and i wish the show included rebis at all, altho the influence is there, just replacing the transness and nonbinary aspect of rebis to a gay larry trainor, with a complicated relationship with the negative spirit. cliffs exactly the same between show and book they nailed him, niles as i knew is a lot less sympathetic in the book, but what really surprised me overall is how much less harsh jane is in the book. usually its the other way around where an adaptation will soften the edges of a particularly gritty/dark character but with jane they did the opposite, taking the base thats in the book, and giving her a lot more focus and making her downright meaner and less approachable than she is in the book, and i really love that take on her and think it makes her a much more interesting character, paired with the focus on the other alters the show provides.
even tho i cant get it physically i am starting to read pollacks run on dc infinite and 1. im excited to meet kate and 2. im VERY excited at the prospect of dorothy getting more of a focus than morrison gave her, hopefully i finish it and maybe a reread of other doom patrol runs before the shows last episodes premier
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transkeiichi · 2 months ago
i havent liveblogged a piece of media in so long but im reading Another 2001, the sequel (ok..like 3rd sorta cuz there was a weird interlude book between them?) to the novel Another. I didnt read the original novel, but ive read the manga adaptation and watched the anime 100 times. i read the like...prequel to the sequel?? sorta book Another S/0 and it wasnt really my taste, but 2001??? god 2001 is so good so far. im almost 300 pages in, right about to the half way point. i have so many theories.
if this ends up in a main tag pleeeeeease dont spoil me or confirm any of my theories! i just gotta get em outta my brain, theyll probably change as it goes anyway
ok so like. for one i love that we know whos dead from the beginning. akazawa was in grade 3 class 3 in 98 and died in every single adaptation - shes 100% the dead student and its such an interesting shift from the og where the dead student wasnt revealed til the very end.
since ive only seen adaptations of the original, i dont know how much character development akazawa had in it, but the manga and anime both portrayed her as so stuck up and bossy, and downright crazy and evil at the end. its really cool to see her in 2001 being so...chill. she HATED mei in the anime/manga for "failing" at nonexisting (even tho it was her fault not meis) but in 2001 not only is she chill w mei, shes chill with hazumi when she wants to exist again! she blames herself even. its so radically different, i love it. its like despite being dead for 3 years she still kinda grew up? also p cool her only unique characteristic is she likes to collect dinosaur figurines lmao
ok but my THEORIES
so like. i think there was a reason they tried to Start with 2 nonexisters. i think somehow akazawa - who is dead - instinctively knows theres TWO dead students. no idea why, but i genuinely believe there are two dead students. i think when hazumi gave up, it really DID make the calamity start, because sou is cancelling out akazawa and hazumi was canceling out the other dead student.
as to who the other dead student is...im not sure. i had a hunch it was sou himself at first, but itd be really weird for the Phenomenon to build him a whole fucked up ghost based backstory prior to being in 3-3
my other idea was its misaki fujioka. of course, the main issue w that is she looks so much like mei that sou would have mentioned that he saw a girl who looks just like mei considering his gigantic crush on mei lmao every single chapter would mention the girl in his class who looks exactly like mei. unless...hes never seen her. i think makise is off somehow...she feels like an obvious mirror to fujioka. shes hospitalized from the beginning of the year, and fujioka was sick and eventually dead in april, the first month of classes. why she would be going by makise I have no idea, but i think theres something abt her.
partly because when sou goes to the hospital he is drawn to see her room, but he doesnt go. kirika is seen exiting the same hospital occasionally - is she visiting her niece? finally, mei has a difficult time saying misaki fujiokas name all together, in general it was difficult to tell the story of her adoption. the end of it had a similar vibe as when akazawa meets mei or chibiki and the world does that camera click effect as the Phenomenon rewrites peoples memories. is there some reason mei was able to push through that to say her sisters name despite her being alive 3 years after her death?
i think thats really pushing it, tbh. it would be really fucking cool if fujioka was in the class alongside akazawa, but its more likely that if my first theory is right then its just a random other student from a random other year. even then, my 2 dead could very much Also be wrong.
right now thats where my heads at tho.
im at the end of june now, weve lost the class rep in her gnarly pipe to the throat, the other students mother, the biology club leaders insane centipede-bite-shattered-tank-to-the-throat death, and his brother and parents all in one go.
(i will say, having at least 2 deaths at once by now kinda makes me more sure of my 2 dead theory, but its also only the first 2 incidents and doubles have happened before for sure, and technically the club leaders brother and parents died a couple days later so eeeeeh maybe just a coincidence)
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misqnon · 1 year ago
hi one piece anon back again. i shall call myself march so that next time i send in an ask i dont have to type out "i sent the asks about one piece" (too wordy. much easier to just write a name)
i so appreciate ur 2k words ,, i think u have successfully eliminated my anxiety abt talking too much !! ur very sweet 🥹 thank u /p!! electronic pen pals!!! that is so fun !! :D
i went back to watch wano after catching up (im like halfway through the arc) and genuinely the animation is so good!! (its also rly funny because they made zoro super sexy at every opportunity.. they upped his fanservice by a million. i love it. as a zoro fan.) its probably worth it to watch the anime for that part if ur interested?? although the pacing is still super slow so it might be better to read the manga first and THEN watch wano if ur still hyperfixated on one piece at that point. i went back to wano cuz i was feeling sad about being caught up and not having any more content to consume.
ive seen clips of the fights and they look so fantastic and cool and hype and AGH . i havent gotten to any big fights yet but its been a lot of fun seeing the characters all colored and .. moving. its also kind of sad to watch though cuz you can TELL some of the voice actors are really struggling. my love franky.. i love his voice acting but he sounds so rough in wano :((. his is probably the most obvious example but if u pay attention u can tell with most of the voice actors who've been doing the show for a long time.
i havent watched the live action because netflix sucks (i dont live with the account owner currently and i HAVE TO if i want to use netflix) but i have seen how many people have gotten into one piece bc of it, and i have seen a lot of clips. and i know people love it and its very highly regarded. (also i kinda love what they did with sanji (i miss his twirly eyebrows though 😭)) so i have a lot of respect for it despite never watching it myself!! im also so excited for "the one piece" bc even though i know next to nothing about it, if its adapting this wonderful universe full of lovable characters in a way that actually HELPS the manga rather than HURTS it.. well. how could i complain.
i DO think u got into one piece at a really good time!! ive heard a lot of "if you want to get into one piece, this is your last chance" and "now is the best time to start one piece" and i think theyre right. although hearing its your "last chance" is kind of anxiety inducing personally LOL. i think itll be really difficult to avoid spoilers after the series ends though so in that sense.. theyre probably correct. at the pace youre going i dont think one piece will end before you catch up. oda's on a 3 week break right now too so imo you have plenty of time!! i think wano is about 150 chapters and theres a LOT going on so it might take you a while, but this is the final SAGA not the final arc dont worry!! im picturing the straw hats visit at least 2 more islands after the current arc. although obviously im not oda so i have no idea if thats accurate LOL
i think no matter what im gonna feel like i have questions unanswered when one piece ends, just cuz i am so insanely invested in . the whole world of one piece. i want to know everything about everything. but i DO think oda will answer the big questions, and i agree that he probably wont just leave us wondering. the newest arc is already kind of answering a lot of questions (and... developing MORE mysteries LMAO)
i hope i didnt make you feel like its WRONG to like sanji bc it isnt!! just cuz i cant get behind him doesnt mean that i think people who like him are bad people or anything remotely like that. i mean. i love doflamingo. and hes an AWFUL person. i hate his guts... but i love him. hes such an interesting character and i want to dissect him and analyze him and . i love to think about him. and hes comforting in some weird way.
so u loving sanji is no issue!! i dont want u to feel like u have to defend urself (although i DO like hearing ur reasoning behind why you like him because its interesting, and it makes me think harder about how i feel about him).
also personally i dont see an issue with consuming media that is problematic in some ways. if the creator is a bad person i think its fine as long as ur not excusing their actions!! i would kind of rather not support oda because i dont like him as a person (which is a personal decision, im not gonna criticize people who support him financially), but i do LOVE one piece and yes. his biases DO affect the story.. but since i dislike oda i usually say "fuck the word of god" and do what i want with the characters. i think its a lot more fun that way!!
sanji is such a mess (affectionately) so i can definitely see the appeal!! half the reason i love one piece characters so much is bc theyre all so SILLY. so unbearably silly. they all have stupid moments, they all have funny moments, and i adore silly people. my dislike for sanji is, mostly, resentment borne out of my intense hatred for being pushed into a box by society. it is almost purely personal. like yes him being a pervert is disgusting and annoying and i hate it, but i think i would be able to ignore it if i didnt feel so personally attacked??? by him?? LOL. i think thats kind of silly tbh . i would usually be able to brush his pervertedness off as a flaw of oda's rather than something to blame sanji for. but since i already have some ... *intense* feelings towards him, the pervert thing just serves to fuel my anger.
but all of that is just My Personal Feelings about him!! i do love him in headcanon/fanon most of the time, and even if i hate him in canon i still also love him purely because hes a straw hat and i love and adore all of the straw hats. they feel like real people to me. and i am obsessed with them. i root for them at any chance and i believe they will find the one piece... if they werent the main characters and therefore guaranteed to find the one piece i would still believe in them 1000%!! <- big nerd thing to say .
also one thing i wanted to ask u about is if u noticed the parallels during whole cake island between sanji taking luffy food and the flashback of sanji taking sora food?? i LOVED that moment. he runs through the rain, has to try to keep a dog from eating the food, and when he finally gives it to the person its all soggy and wet and he apologizes. but they say its delicious. and they smile. i KNOW he was thinking of his mom at that moment with luffy. and i just... ugh.. sanji . sobbing . maybe u talked about rhis and i just missed it but I NEED to know that u saw it.. my favorite sanji lover
this is way more than 4000 characters so i have one upped you!! haha!! [triumphant] (lets hope it all fits in the ask box .. ive never written this long of an ask)
that works, very slay 👍 hi march!!
answering under cut as per usual
first of all i missed ur message bc it came in on april fools amongst all the boops 💀 i’m glad i happened to check my inbox jdnjvnvhv
you can call me mont! (or just misqnon, if you want) i am so glad my rambling eliminated ur anxiety bc i literally do not judge whatsoever and also clearly i am. Just as hyperfixated LMAO
WANO’S ANIMATION LOOKS SOOOO PRETTY…i wont lie ive watched a few clips bc i couldnt help myself. Im still in the middle of WCI but i want to get to wano sooo bad. And i probably will just read wano first (bc . time) but i ABSOLUTELY want to watch it at some point. And yes they 100% picked up on the zoro fanservice my god (i am ALSO a zoro fan. Sanji, robin, zoro, and franky are my fav strawhats and i love them all immensely) he is so goddamn buff in wano what the hell did they feed that guy…they beefed all the guys up in wano though it seems DSJNJKD
Speaking of wano zoro @ dykealloy made this. absolutely insane edit of Zoro, Mihawk, and Katakuri to the song CVNT by sophie hunter and it has a lot fo clips from wano that make me froth at the mouth (link here - be warned of explicit language, obv)
YEA THE VOICE ACTORS MANNN 😭 I prefer the dub bc i actually like everyone’s voices and its what im used to (except luffy, i do prefer sub for him) but i know the og voice actors are getting up there in age…Part of the reason i don’t like the sub as much is bc you can tell the VA’s are way older than the characters they’re voicing and it’s just a bit. Odd (as much as i love the VAs and obvi it’d be weird to change it at this point)
netflix does suck !!!! i was living with my bro at the time so i watched it on his account but yea i dont have access to watching it anymore either :( taz skylar my fucking beloved. The live action cast is all insane. Theyre so cute and funny every single one of them. If u have extra time u should watch all the funny cast videos they did on youtube where they play charades and do little prompts together. The clips of them interacting at cons and out doing promo for the show is usually pretty cute too. Opla wasnt perfect or necessary but it was fun as hell and u can tell the showrunners had a passion for the show. 
I keep making progress in chunks so hopefully i can catch up within the next few months 🧍ive been so busy i havent been able to read in a while! (and also. Whole cake makes me a bit emo) even 2 more islands like ur suspecting would be a blessing. I mean. They still have to go to elbaph right?? And raftel/laughtale so. Thats already 2. Okay i feel better already lmao)
Im so curious about egghead im going insane but i will refrain. Somehow i havent seen any spoilers for it YET (aside from some stuff about bonney and kuma)
ALSO YOU DID NOT MAKE ME FEEL LIKE ITS WRONG TO LIKE SANJI LMAO you were super nice and didnt imply anything i just have catholic guilt about liking him. No one has even ever said something to me in that manner i just know he’s. Complicated. And also sometimes he Sucks. So i’ve thought about it a lot (clearly). 
And coming off of that DUDE I LOVE DOFFY. I watch a lot of melonteee on youtube and even before i was anywhere near doffy they had me on the doflamingo train. He is so insane and weird and downright evil. i drew him one time 😶‍🌫️My last big fandom back in like 2014-2017 was JJBA and my favorite character as Dio and let me tell you. The similarities between their characters is insane (oda / araki crossover event when,) 
The only difference is that doffy is written to be downright evil, while sanji is supposed to be seen in a good/humorous light even though his worst jokes are uh. Not great joke material (momoiro island and all of sanji’s weirdest pervert gags appears behind me). Thanks oda 👍i still get what ur saying though!
And tbh i dont blame you at all for disliking his (or any) character for personal reasons. Its really not that silly. Having recently discovered i might be kinda trans does not do his bits any favors lmao. And as an afab person who hates gender roles and sexism with a burning passion (and almost minored in WGS) BELIEVE ME the treatment of women in one piece pisses me off in a personal way all the damn time. But again, i blame oda for all this. Attacking oda with my hooves at all times every day at every chance
Looping back around to oda/problematic material ur very right. Maybe its bc i was raised on tumblr from age 12 through the worst of the Social Justice Discourse Era but i still get iffy about even consuming content that promotes gross shit in any capacity. I know im bending to the will of randos on the internet who dont even deserve my time or worry, but alas, thats my own problem. I do agree that to some extent i’ll say fuck it and enjoy stuff for my own enjoyment over being “woke” or whatever but there’s always a line to be drawn imo. But for op? Yea fuck it im finishing this damn historic manga if it kills me
I AGREE ABT FEELING LIKE THE STRAWHATS ARE REAL PPL…CALL ME SILLY. Part of it is the fact they’ve been around so long that half of them have existed for as long or longer as their actual canon age. Like. THEY’VE EARNED THAT HUMAN EXISTENCE AT THIS POINT RIGHT, 
Nah but their characterization is pretty damn well done if youre one of the characters oda doesnt sideline coughrobinfrankychopperbrookcoughcough 
And YES. YES I NOTICED THAT PARALLEL. I DIDNT SAY ANYTING BC I’D SEEN IT BEFORE ONLINE BUT I. WAS SO EMOTIONAL OVER IT. the fact that luffy is so special of a person to the whole crew that he can mirror people as important as their late mothers and just. augh,/. Fuck. they say the same line with that same smile….it’s just great storytelling. I dont like oda either but unfortunately he’s damn good at what he does most of the time. (am. Am i your favorite sanji lover. Is that me. Im so honored. he is such a mess but he is My Mess. Please tell me ur fav characters in the next ask (strawhat and otherwise!!)) 
Also damn u totally did one up me. Uhhh here since ur apparently a zoro lover pls take some of these drawings i did of him that i keep forgetting to finish/post in an attempt to one up ur one up)
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ithisatanytime · 2 years ago
Abelard — Meta Valley [Music Video]
  you know i feel that the kill bill movies existed in this weird place where they fell a bit flat for most people but at the same time no one wanted to admit it, so it was just dropped similar to the many saints of newark, people didnt know how to criticize it, and it wasnt necessarily bad it was just passable. foxy brown was a b project and you can feel it from every fiber of the movie and it benefits from a weird sort of low expectations, its a good movie though, but pulp fiction was great, and so was reservoir dogs, and even though he hated them, his adapted scripts, true romance and natural born killers, were better than anything he produced past pulp fiction. i watched all of django, it really suffered for not having will smith in the leading role as was intended, i didnt know that going in but when i found it the movie made a lot more sense, it was just passable, no one really talks about it, will smith could have made it great, im not a big will smith fan but you can tell the role if not the movie was written with him in mind. i watched the first thirty minutes of hateful eight and i had to quit, the dialogue had just become too over wrought, it wasnt fun anymore, i get the joke of the movies title and what happens but it isnt even about that im not even against it, its the dialogue. hes been isulated for too long, this is not anything to do with his character, as a human i find him fucking despicable, loathsome even, but as an artist i feel that he fell off immiediately following pulp fiction and the success of kill bill was almost like a gift for how much we appreciated pulp fiction, we get it you love uma thurmons weird face but men and women dont really want to watch a woman kick ass or a black dude shoot slaves, we want to watch bruce willis kill someone with a samurai sword instead. these people, this tribe, are like chefs working in a kitchen, and when we order food they put poison in it, but the audience is wise to their tricks and has long learned to eat around the poison, the chefs invariably get frustrated and start making the sandwiches all poison but people refuse to eat. 
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sweetpastillas · 9 months ago
to hijack a five-centric post & make it more relatively? generalish because i love fanon vs canon discourse (vv good points tho i agree)–
half of the problem is genuinely due to the gigantic breaks in between seasons? i wont argue about production management but can say that because it takes a while to get to where the characters are next, we remain stuck at where they currently are. fandom can only imagine where their arc goes, but ultimately we stick to how their personalities are defined at its current stage
and like, there's also a combination of slotting the characters into archetypes and tropes. everyone or most are guilty of it, especially with s1 (it was in the marketing). so fandom establishes perceptions of these characters, and keep them consistent throughout the show's run.
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at initial watch, five is the stressed out wise one, and in hindsight everyone should have listened to him. we keep this in mind as we watch onwards to other seasons, and we always see him proven right about apocalypses nonetheless. but we forget or we dont realize it enough, that five is characterized as someone who was raised and Hired by the commission to look at the bigger picture, and when that's over with, he can focus on the interpersonal stuff; in comparison to his siblings, who in their pov never lived the older life he did and only Had the interpersonal stuff to consider.
again, we forget or dont realize it enough, so many end up perceiving it as: five has another apocalypse on his plate. of course the hargreeves are too dysfunctional to listen to him. i cant believe they didnt listen to him. i bet they never listen to him. rinse repeat
so, fandom perception. who didnt push takes post-s1 that were basically "luther's a moon obsessed uptight bastard, klaus is our lil sad gay junkie, allison is That bitch, etc."
but the show canon takes that and runs, pushing those images of them and stretching within boundaries. we went from family drama of s1 to family hijinks in s2; therefore we keep the pre established fanon perception in our minds
(for example, allow me to ramble – netflix marketing for tua once put out a post that basically said "this would be luther's playlist" and it was a bunch of songs with moon in the title. and its like, as an og luther defender, fuck off no hed have a bunch of 60s-80s songs with 90s guilty pleasure standalones. the moon was shit for him and as much as it was beautiful it was confusing and isolating and Thats why he was obsessed. shut up abt the moon i beg
and of couse the 'luther's stupid -> luther's a himbo -> luther's just plain dumb' pipeline :( )
but yes. show canon, and fanon perception of it. the further morphing into 'allison is a bitch, now', and, as said, 'five, the local cranky elderly'.
the third element to this are the comics, which might be where the weirder and colder takes of the characters come from. i only have a barebones memory of reading apocalypse suite (the first volume where s1 is based on) and already the differences are stark. its the royal tenenbaums with an edge – the hargreeves' genuinely dont see each other as siblings, so in that verse its written as ok enough for allison/luther and diego/vanya(as far as ik the comics version of viktor still isnt trans) to happen. adding to that, because they see each other as teammates more than sibs, the shit they say to each other and how they say it can sound more snappy and detached than half of diego's angry s1 dialogue 💀. reginald was hateful there, too, a stark contrast to how we see him executed with more depth and complexity in the show
so then, adding in ideas you can get from the comics, fandom further morphs the perception. then comes show canon last in the race to combine, and suddenly we scramble. its either 'hey, thats not how my idealized version of that character in fanfiction works in this adaptation' vs realizing that was never the case at all. five the grump no one listens to vs just five, struggling one more time, with his siblings beside him
oh no you guys. i’m going to spew things i’ve realized while rewatching umbrella academy. I’m realizing were all being too sucked into fanon things after being stuck without canon content for so long. We have convinced ourselves Five acts like a mean mean dude to everyone but rewatching, i’ve realized he’s only stressed and is saying things out of panicked anger, especially in s1 with the apocalypse dooming over them. he acts soft to his siblings multiple times, he’s really not as mean as we write him in fanfiction. he is a little crap though, that’s for sure, and i love him for that <3
also realizing that the siblings don’t hate five. they just literally don’t know him at all. he came back a completely different person after 17 years for the siblings, they don’t know five, he’s a stranger so of course they’re gonna be cold to him. it’s like, “i don’t know you well, but you’re always going to be my brother in the end”.
ALSO. for those who ship some of the siblings, uhm… i’ve seen a lot of you guys try to prove that they don’t see eachother as siblings and more like academy students, but they very much say in just about every episode that they see eachother as siblings. they don’t actually SAY that word by word but they say things like “she’s our sister”, or “our dad”. if they say OUR dad… bro. i’m not even going to continue, you can put it together yourself. But, i do realize why people ship the siblings. I am not defending incest shippers but with umbrella academy i can see why people have resorted to it. only 3 of the characters in the main sibling cast has romantic partners. people like shipping people, people love writing romantic relationships, but with only diego/lila, dave/klaus, and sissy/viktor, (i’m not going to count five/dolores for now) people are desperate with the need to ship the rest of the siblings with someone, and since there are only a few actual canon characters in the show that interact with our main 7, people start shipping them together… yikes. anywho, that’s all for that peice. i blame the show writers as well for shipping luther/allison, they did not have to do that, but i’m hoping it was only to convey the severity of what childhood trauma does to people.
ALSO THIS HERE SHOOK ME. I actually think Reginald cares for the siblings. i hate to say it, but it’s true. caring for them does not mean being good, though. he was a horrible father, and person, but he genuinely did care for the siblings, in a like, “being the best is the best thing for you, i will make you better, for your sake, even if you don’t know it now, you will see that i am right” kind of way.
also why has NOBODY MENTIONED THIS. in season 2 when diego first reunites with five in the asylum, while he’s walking into the visitors room, he’s staring at five with this heartfelt, soft look, and then says “five…” in the most soft spoken voice ever 😭 your honor i love them
ALSO UGHHH THIS. IM GOING TO FREAK OUT ABOUT CAMERAWORK AND METAPHORS HERE SO BARE WITH ME. we as a fandom complain about the lack of flashbacks five has due to his ptsd. we’ve seen his first flashback since getting back to his family in s1 during the van scene when he gets triggered by those kids playing and starts thinking about his own childhood, i’m guessing. i ate that scene up, and was sad to see that be one of the only deeply vulnerable scenes he has in the season, and during my first watch i thought they’d never bring it back up. but they do!! i may be stupid for not realizing but whatever. in season 2, when five is trying to explain at elliot’s with all his siblings around that another apocalypse is coming, everyone starts talking about each other. as someone who studies film and camerawork, i love this scene. we see the camera focus on five as it slowly zooms in. it doesn’t switch scenes at all as the siblings voices overlap and echo over eachother. this whole scene conveys him getting overwhelmed and he starts to zone out, starting to think of the nuclear war he saw his siblings in. the scenes of the war start quickly switching through, showing many different scenes of it before it switches back to five, who says “guys, you all die. i want to forget it but i can’t” which just UGH its so well done there. if you think about it, he was starting to slip into another flashback. he was triggered by talking about their deaths in the war but was handling it well until the siblings started fighting, where we see the overlapping voices happen. it portrays him losing control and being unable to pull it back together with too much going on for him to focus on grounding himself. we DO however, see that five was able to pull himself out before he fell too deep into the flashback. i love how they show this through them still having the scene showing the war, but then fives voice starts talking over the scene which is still focusing on the war as if he was pushing it back and forcing himself to come back to the present.
thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far, i will continue to freak out another time <3
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