#i didn't put a lot of effort in making Adam look dead
lealikestodraw · 4 months
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What Alastor fr thought was gonna happen when he fought Adam
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Anyway, I didn't really like how Adam and Lute ended up looking like so here's my favorite parts of this drawing. If I miss a tag please let me know
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paradoxcase · 9 months
Chapter 34 of Harrow the Ninth
I sat on this for a while, because I was trying to work out exactly what was going on. Then I wound up getting my Sims 2 back into a playable state and inadvertently spent a lot of time playing the Sims 2 haha
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Is this just because BOE is in a constant state of fighting against the Nine Houses and thus all their stuff is a bit battle-scarred, or was this shuttle in particular involved in a fight recently?
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So Palamedes will become an animated skeletal arm instead of a talking skull. I should have realized that this story puts too much effort into having accurate anatomy to have talking skulls with no attached lungs or vocal tract
Also, I guess Palamedes is either not attractive enough or not female enough to get a sexy arm-creation scene with Harrow
If Camilla would get in trouble with BOE if they found out Harrow was making animated skeletons possessed by the ghosts of dead necromancers for her, that means they probably don't know and didn't plan for her to meet up with Harrow on this planet. But she knew Harrow was going to be there, she was specifically looking for her in the exact right part of the planet and everything. Probably only Harrow would do - regular non-Lyctor necromancers (like for example, Judith) can't do necromancy on thalergenic planets or in space without a bunch of people dying to generate thanergy, and the other Lyctors have no particular reason to want to do Camilla a favor (most of them don't even know who she is). So, somehow Camilla found out that Harrow was going to be on this planet at this time without BOE finding that out (since I'm sure that BOE would probably have objected to Judith being within range of a Lyctor they don't trust) and convinced BOE to let them go to this planet (I'm guessing, since Camilla later says they are still with BOE, and therefore they didn't like, escape from BOE in this shuttle or something). Based on Judith's dialog about a BOE mole, that leads me to suspect that the mole is Mercy, who is the main person who would be able to engineer Harrow being on this planet by herself for this period of time, which makes some sense, since we know that Mercy has some secret that she is bribing Augustine to keep from John. But if that's the case, I'm not sure why Mercy would share information with Camilla and friends that wasn't shared with BOE proper, since as previously stated, Mercy has no particular reason to do Camilla a favor that I know of
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This seems to be suggesting that the poster is of Gideon, but no one was making posters of Gideon, and also, I wouldn't describe her as "unsmiling" and "adamant". But if Commander Wake was Gideon's mom, it both makes sense that there would be a poster of her inside this BOE shuttle and also that her appearance would remind Harrow of Gideon strongly enough to cause this reaction
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What dangerous information could per-Work Harrow have thought that Judith (or for that matter, Corona) would have that Camilla did not? Or was there more to the letter that Camilla received that asked her not to talk about certain things?
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This is hilarious, I can just see them fighting over the pen here
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Is this the rapier that Gideon brought with her to Canaan House, and then abandoned during the fight with Cytherea in favor of her two-hander? Ianthe obviously took Naberius's rapier for herself, but there were several other dead cavaliers whose rapiers were never mentioned again, and whose necromancers weren't around to collect them (Magnus, Jeannemary, Colum) that she could have taken from, and I think Colum's would have even been in the same room as her after he died, and based on the early scene in Gideon the Ninth where they were trying to find a decent rapier for her, those others would probably have been in better shape. I wonder why she took Gideon's
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On this read-through, this makes me think that Camilla's letter probably did say something about not talking about certain subjects, and that she conveyed this information to Judith and Corona while Harrow was in the River
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So, after the last chapter of Gideon the Ninth, but before the epilogue when Harrow was rescued by the Erebos, BOE arrived at Canaan House, rescued/captured all of the non-Lyctor survivors, including Judith who would have clearly been an enemy officer, and stole Gideon's body. Why? I guess since Judith used regular EM-frequency radio to contact the Erebos and tell them about what had happened, that could have been intercepted by BOE and maybe they thought there would be something useful there? I guess they could have already been in the system, given that Commander Wake probably went to Pluto and died there at some point in the not too distant past. I guess they probably know something about Lyctors, and also how to recognize Lyctors, if they left Harrow and Ianthe alone - Ianthe might have seemed too injured to still be alive, but I don't think Harrow was that injured at the end of the book? And also there's the thing where Commander Wake probably knew Gideon the First personally. I guess they might have just taken them all because they couldn't leave them alive to inform the Erebos about them, and they maybe aren't the sort of people to just kill people like that, but why take Gideon's body? Did they recognize her as Commander Wake's daughter?
John said before that he thought that Cytherea was working with BOE, which sounded like a conspiracy theory back then, but if Mercy is working with BOE and BOE turned up at Canaan House just after Cytherea died, that might actually be a sensible conclusion to draw. BOE probably does benefit from that, there could have been potentially eight new Lyctors as a result of the Lyctor trial, which would have tripled the number of extant Lyctors. Cytherea's main damage seemed to be about the nature of Lyctorhood and not stuff that BOE probably cares about, but I guess she could have been both working with BOE and also doing it for her own reasons
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wjforever · 1 year
Shatter me again. Chapter 92
We are moving towards the exit, Adam does most of the work himself. He's only leaning on me a little. But at some point I notice with horror that Adam begins to sink slowly to the ground. His feet stumble and he almost collapses to the floor. I frantically look around and see a box, to which I lead Adam.
"Just give me a minute." He exhales. But I understand that we don't have this minute. It's only going to get worse. 
"I'll be right back." I answer and step away from him.
I'm trying to find at least something that would make our movement more convenient. And I can't believe my eyes when I see a cart. I guess they used it to transport meat. It looks pretty heavy and I'm not sure I can push it, especially with Adam, but there aren't many options, and I should at least try.
A quick inspection lets me know that everything is much better than I feared. The cart is in good condition, at least it has all the wheels. It seems that before it could move automatically, but no matter how it functioned it no longer works. However, I'm attracted by the inscription, which implies manual control. It takes me a few seconds to figure out what I need to do. There is a lever that switches the control to manual mode. Apparently this was done in case the automation suddenly fails. Very thoughtful, and very valuable to me now. I move the lever, and the cart starts rolling, smoothly, and quite easily.
I manage to get the cart to Adam, who has already dropped to the floor. It takes a lot of effort to get him to pay attention to me, and then relocate him on the cart. 
Although it's much more difficult to control the cart with Adam, I can still move it. Even if with some  with difficulties, this is our chance to get out. At least to get to the exit.
Adam is almost unconscious. I don't know how I know this, but I know for sure that I shouldn't let him sleep, so I'm trying to get his attention one more time.
"Adam, we'll be out of here soon. And then we'll try to find a car. The main thing is to get out of here before they come back."
He doesn't answer, and I'm afraid he won't answer me anymore, but Adam gathers all his strength and tries to fight the weakness attacking him.
"He… He'll be back… He'll definitely be back."
My heart skips a beat. Because I know for sure that Warner isn't coming back. Perhaps never again. This thought makes my head spin, and I try to distract myself from this.
"We can't know that."
"I know." Adam croaks. "They told me… He wanted to kill me himself… It's not an accident that they shot me in the leg… He just wanted me to put out of action, didn't interfere with him… didn't interfere with him dealing with you…"
A cough prevents Adam from continuing, and I swallow convulsively. Because I know he might ask me how I managed to get out.
I know I have to talk to Adam to keep him awake, but I can't find the words. Adam continues himself, speaking with great difficulty, in a kind of semi-delusion.
"He wanted to take you away… drag you away... come back for me later… Wanted to see me die slowly and painfully…" Adam winces and my heart begins to ache. "Said he didn't want to rush. Wanted to enjoy this moment… The rope… Have you noticed? This is the same rope… Our rope… This is his revenge…"
I'm breathing hard, swallowing. Warner was going to kill Adam. He told me Adam was already dead. But the true is that, he was going to kill him brutally, slowly. After dealing with me. And I'm afraid to imagine what he was going to do to me. Once again, for a moment, I allowed myself to believe in his sincerity. But it was all a lie, of course. He wanted to bully me first, and then Adam. And my decision to fire no longer seems to me as terrible as before. I did the right thing, I prevented the murder of an innocent person.
"So they just tied you up and left you here?"
"Yes… This place seemed symbolic to him, apparently… I'm just a brute to him… We all… He was supposed to come back for me when he was finish… I'm so glad that you managed to escape, that you're fine…"
Adam doesn't ask me for details, and I'm glad of it. I'm not ready to tell him what happened right now. I myself need to comprehend everything, understand what it was, and how I should present it all to other people. Because what happened there was terrible. From the very beginning to the very end.
I just smile at him, even though I understand he can't see me. 
"It's me… I should have been the one who saves you, not the other way around…" Adam whispers.
"Don't think about it, okay?"
Adam is silent, and I'm not sure he hasn't passed out.
Getting to the exit turns out to be much more difficult and longer than finding Adam. Firstly, pushing the cart is pretty hard. Secondly, it's wide, and therefore I often had to bypass obstacles that are not easy to immediately distinguish in the dark. But we have done it, and we are a few steps away from freedom. Although this big word is still very far away.
Adam doesn't talk to me anymore, but I'm not trying to get him to speak. It's bad if he falls asleep, he might not wake up anymore. I heard about it somewhere. But he didn't respond when I called his name a couple of times, and I know I shouldn't waste time stopping.
I walk up to the door I entered through, but the hole I somehow created is too small to carry a cart with Adam. And I understand that he won't be able to get out of here on his own. So I'm trying to find a lock or a latch. There must be some way to open this door.
It's almost dark outside, but there's still more light than indoors. And I understand that these are actually two doors. One is small, and the second is double, apparently for consignments. The second door is painted in the color of the walls of the building, so I didn't pay attention to it when I tried to get inside. Back then it wasn't too important then, because both doors couldn't be opened from the outside.
But now I'm almost overjoyed, because I see that the double door is closed with a metal crossbar and a latch. Warner's soldiers must have exited through a small door. This is an old, abandoned building, and obviously no one really cares about its safety. 
This all doesn't matter now. The main thing is that I can provide us with a way out.  
I turn around abruptly and look at Adam.
"Adam, are you okay?"
"How did you…"
I look in confusion, and then I see that Adam looking at the hole in the door. The metal turned into a mangled mess. It looks like this was attacked by a wild animal. And that animal was me. 
"I don't know. I just punched it…" I honestly admit.
"You just punched it?" 
Adam sounds startled. And I can understand him.
"And kicked a little. I really needed to break through to you."
Adam smiles weakly and I want to cry, I want to drown in his arms. I hate myself for not appreciating it before like I should, because now I would give a lot for it. I wish reality wasn't so cruel. But it's cruel.
"Ready for some fresh air?" I tell him encouragingly and open the door.
It's much more difficult to roll a cart on what's left of asphalt than on the concrete floor of the factory. But I have no choice. I roll Adam out and go back to close the door. I don't want it to attract the attention of soldiers who may be passing by. Let everything seem normal from afar. Although, of course, I won't be able to hide the hole, but still. When the door is closed again, I squeeze through the hole and return to Adam.
Of course, it would be ideal if I could find a car and Adam could drive it, because I myself have no idea how to do this. Maybe I should have asked him about it earlier. But now it's too late to reproach oneself for what haven't done.
I'm trying to decide what to do next. I understand that it's unlikely that I'll be able to find the car. While we were running through the alleys, and while I was getting to Adam, I didn't see any. But we need to reunite with Kenji and James. To make sure they're okay, and then try to get to that safe place Kenji was talking about. We need help.
Adam is quiet again, and I'm struggling to roll the cart, trying to find some kind of safe place for him. It's obvious that I won't be able to bring him to the place where we left half of our group. Firstly, it's too hard, and I have almost no strength left. Secondly, it's too noticeable, loud and not maneuverable enough. If there are soldiers nearby, it will be impossible for me to quickly hide myself and hide Adam. And thirdly, I just have no idea where I need to go. We did a lot of twisting and turning out of the way, and I'm not too good with orientation on the terrain.
It brings me almost to tears. Not only do I need to find Kenji and James, but then I need to find my way to Adam again. And I'm not sure that Kenji will be able to do anything, considering that he was also badly injured. But what else can I do.
I manage to find a building with an unlocked door wide enough for me to roll a cart in. This is an industrial area, and thank God, most buildings here are like this.
"Adam," I whisper, not expecting him to answer me. To my surprise, he answers.
"How are you?"
"I'm fine."
Of course he's not fine. And I can hear it in his voice. But he's trying to hold on, saving up his strength, and I know I have to hurry. 
"Adam, I'll leave you here to get help. Please be fine when I return."
"I love you."
My heart is breaking into pieces and I can't hold back the tears. They rush to my eyes treacherously and my throat is squeezed in a vice of desperation. It's like Adam is saying goodbye to me. I don't want to accept it. I'm in denial. But I know that I will never forgive myself if I hope for a miracle, and I won't take the opportunity to tell him what I have to. I should look at the world realistically.
"I love you, Adam."
I want to bend down and kiss him, but I remember that I promised to do it when we would be safe. And I don't want him to think I've given up. So I turn around and walk out of the building, even though my heart is screaming for me to stay. I can't. I can't just sit back and watch Adam die. I have to do something.
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auncyen · 2 years
a very old ff7 fic scrap I found and still like
even though it never got around to what's actually wrong with Cloud. (spoiler: he was gonna grow a wing lol) I just like it for some AVALANCHE interactions.
Cid had known for quite a while that Nibelheim was always going to be a hurt for Cloud and Tifa. This was his first time being in the village himself, but Yuffie had blabbed about AVALANCHE's drive-by of it to him years ago, back when Cloud had gone--shit, there wasn't a good word to describe it--he'd gone and handed the black materia to Sephiroth, then disappeared in the collapse of the crater. The little oddities that had been there all along and the big fucking neon signs of underlying weirdness had come to the forefront of everyone's mind and they'd all talked about Cloud. Even him, newest to the group as he was, he'd noticed some things. But he hadn't known about the cover-up job done on the past Cloud had claimed to have, that Tifa had been adamant they'd shared. "So they said it was gone, and we get there and hel-lo! Totally there. And I was thinking yeesh, I know someone said fire--what, like a kitchen fire? Because nothing was missing. It looked like your perfectly ordinary yawn-and-put-it-on-a-postcard dinky town. But then we got further in, and...some of the things there..." The fact that Yuffie had then started to go quiet had told Cid a lot more than a thousand of her babbled words would have, and certainly more than her faltering conclusion of "there was seriously bad mojo" had. ("No shit, you found Vincent there.") When even the loudmouthed brat was tiptoeing on a subject, you knew it was sensitive like a sunburn.
So he'd known it had hurt back then, and that was why about a year ago, when a sweet, stubborn, didn't-know-how-to-take-a-load-off-even-when-she-was-dead flower girl gave them a way to heal Geostigma and he suddenly had a fuckton of transportation jobs ahead of him, getting victims all over the world to her church, Cid had mentioned to Cloud and Tifa as an aside that in the first batch, along with some folk from his town (and he didn't give a damn if that was unfair bias or not: it was his airship, and it was The Shera for a reason), were going to be people from Nibelheim, if they had any sick to send. Casually, just letting them know so they didn't get surprised if someone mentioned it later on, or if they saw a face from a bad run-in. Tifa's pleasant smile had gone pinched, like she'd just bitten into a lemon--or she was debating how hard she needed to punch something--while Cloud's shyer one didn't exactly change so much as get left behind by his suddenly remote eyes. They'd been talking about cleaning up Aerith's church after the mess of fights with the Sephiroth remnants, and keeping an eye on it with the influx of strangers sure to come, and somehow Cid had just known that they were thinking something neither of them would ever say: nothing from their hell of a hometown should touch the church's sanctity, Aerith's memory. They both knew damn well they couldn't say it because they were talking about sick people. But they'd faltered, and Barret had blundered in to say he'd be the one there to meet the airship and make sure everything went smoothly in the church, and that had pretty much said it all to Cid. Nibelheim, and the concerted effort of scores of actors to bury it under a replacement, was always going to one hell of a sore point for them. So being in Nibelheim now, Cid had known there was going to be some weirdness with Cloud. Especially with them going up to the reactor itself, a structure that AVALANCHE had given healthy distance in their traveling. He'd even offered the guy an out before the airship had touched down: they'd checked every other reactor across the continents and hadn't found a hint of anything insidious like Deepground had been--the former, literally underground organization being the reason why they were globetrotting now, checking every old Shinra structure, reactor or otherwise, and making sure there was no way they were hiding something that would fester and blow up in everyone's face later. The town was the last place they could think of to check, and Vincent and some WRO crew had already swept through mansion once, probably wasn't anything up in the reactor if the other reactors were clean, so in that case he and Vincent (and oh, yeah, like Vincent was going to have barrels of fun in the mansion, but he was more cool about it) could handle what was simple recon-- The younger man had straightly looked Cid back in the eye like he was a fucking moron for taking chances where Nibelheim was concerned and reminded the pilot that the whole excursion had largely been his idea to start with. "I'll be...fine. Just tell me if I'm acting off." Well, shit, what was off when it came to re-experiencing the place where your life had gotten flushed down the drain? That required honest thought. Cid figured it'd be off if Cloud didn't act weird at all. So tension could slide. Tight-lippedness around the current residents could slide, even if Cid loathed doing all the talking since Vincent sure wouldn't contribute more than his bare minimum of a chipped two-gil. When the blond's head jerked to the left and the woman who'd emerged from a shop in that direction did a double-take, that was off. It quickly grew to 'worrying' as the woman, who looked a good few years above Cid's age, shrank against the entrance and held her handbag against herself like a shield, while Cloud's look continued long enough to be reclassified to stare without seeming like he was truly seeing her or remotely considering the effect he was having on her. Cid knew from his days as a Shinra pilot that a SOLDIER's glare was
commonly intimidating; ignorance about the mako glow didn't keep a person from seeing an inexplicable, disconcerting quality in an insanely strong man's eyes. The fact that Cloud hadn't really been SOLDIER didn't make a difference there. Most folk didn't know that tidbit. They did know his name and face for having been able to kill the world's strongest one. "I doubt you're staring 'cause she's a looker, so quit it," Cid muttered out of the side of his mouth. "Huh?" Cloud sounded as lost as someone hit by the confusion spell, his eyes wide as he half-turned to Cid. The lady must have thought she'd been in a stare-down with a bear instead of a man; as soon as Cloud's eyes were off her she scurried across the open space of the village to what was presumably her home, an unremarkably humble one-story, and rushed to get in. "She looked like a hag to me, personally." "...Cid." Heh. Guy was definitely back on the ground with them if he could get prissy over a little language. Though when the front door of the house slammed closed, Cloud reacted to the sound, wincing and just barely managing to check himself from looking to it. Vincent did observe the door, apparently drawing thoughts similar to Cid's about the possibilities of the residence. "You seemed to recognize her." Well. Vincent wasn't much for conversational gambits, but Cid figured that broached the question fine enough and just quirked a brow at Cloud. They could talk about it or keep moving; the guy's call. Come to think about it, he'd recognized her. One of the Geostigma passengers. Probably Barret had been a smart man, then, relieving Cloud and Tifa of any greeting duties for that batch. "...I went into my mother's house," Cloud said slowly, confirming their thoughts, "and she was there. She said I was sick, for saying--" He laughed, quick and mirthless, and ducked his eyes from any scrutiny. "I was sick, yeah." Sick from having his head fucked around with, and even if Nibelheim's reconstruction had just been icing on the cake at that point, it had still been shit icing. Cid summed up his feelings with a hocked loogie and thumb of his nose. "With that kind of act, she knows what she said was a load of crap. Don't think about it." Easier said than done, no one could pretend otherwise, but Cloud nodded, his pained expression smoothing into a more familiar focus. "Yeah. Let's get this done." His tension actually eased in the mansion. Not completely, but Cid snorted to see the kid's shoulders loosen, his arms move a bit more naturally--ready for a fight and probably anxious about memories, but not scared of a confrontation he couldn't handle. "Cid?" "What?" he drawled back. The younger man's brow wrinkled in confusion before he shrugged it off and turned to Vincent. "You okay?" "Of course," came the predictably toneless response. "I know these nightmares well." ...He was putting on the airs again. Two pairs of blue eyes met each other and rolled. It was a fucking hoot: sometimes, Cloud and Vincent were perfectly on the same wavelength. But sometimes? Cloud was definitely more on Cid's. Which was a good thing, as Cid was pretty sure he would've pitched both his friends off the Highwind years back if they were always swapping talk of sins and guilt and shit. Vincent was a decent guy, but the world didn't need two of him. This kind of exchange was so familiar to the three that the melodramatic ex-Turk simply ignored both blonds, stalking further into the mansion. Cloud picked up his pace to cover Vincent's side, while Cid had their backs. Granted, nothing was likely to get the drop on Vincent or Cloud in the first place. If anything, they'd hear the monster before Cid saw it, so the pilot was more literally watching their backs, idly watching to see if they were more bugged than they'd let on. And after a few more minutes and a fight with those weirdass chain-danglers--almost human, but not, with strong arms to swing by and blades instead of legs--Cid realized he'd caught something off, if not what he'd been looking for. "Huh. The hell is that, kid?
Your shoulder still acting up?" "...Sometimes," Cloud admitted as he re-holstered his fused sword. "You could tell?" "I asked, 'course I could tell." Actually, he'd nearly missed it. It'd only been a momentary tensing of the shoulder, tell-tale because Cid realized he'd seen the gesture back in their visit to Gongaga as well. "Shit, you're only twenty-three--" "Twenty-four." "--yeah, okay. Too young to be fallin' apart. Next you'll be bitching about your hips coming out of place." Cloud pursed his lips, looking frustrated that this was even a topic for discussion. "I don't know. It started after the fight with Deepground. I must have gotten hit there, and not realized until it was too late to catch with a Restore." "Well, if anyone could pull off something that boneheaded..." Dumbass had probably gotten too distracted in the worry over Vincent's disappearance. Cid hadn't worried at all, because he had a full crew to bark out search and rescue orders to. Still, it was strange that injury would be bugging Cloud even now. Deepground had been weeks ago. And then Vincent was either perceptive or just plain pessimistic enough to ask a question the pilot hadn't even considered. "Is it getting better, or worse?" And judging from Cloud's hesitance, pessimism was justified. Incredulous, Cid glared first at tall-dark-and-morbid, then turned on short-blond-and-stupid. "Why the fuck would it get worse, and why the fuck haven't you said anything?" Cloud (currently dubbed dumb knucklehead in Cid's train of thought) gave an exaggerated sigh. "We'd already crossed the Corel mountains by the time I realized it wasn't going away. I want this done, and then I'll--" He pursed his lips, obviously having to think, obviously having originally planned to just mosey on home without even thinking about it. "--I'll check at WRO headquarters if Dr. Watts is there." Of course. Watts had been one of the first medical personnel invited to work with the WRO in providing charitable public health services, as Reeve had been well aware of both the man's altruism and resourcefulness in caring for Cloud when he washed up as a vegetable on the shore of Mideel, only peripherally aware of the world around him. Which was the same reason the man had found himself in the odd position of being the sole medical personnel willingly visited by one otherwise notoriously doctor-shy Jenova War hero, like he'd managed to bypass part of a crippling fear of chemical smells, scalpels and needles simply by not being cruel to a helpless human being. ...Not that anyone particularly liked thinking about Cloud's previous experience with doctors; they focused on the fact that there actually existed one he would go to see before being completely incapacitated by injury or disease. "All right?" Though with his stubbornness, he'd still wait until he was half-blind with pain. "Pft. Making me sound like a worrywart..." "I killed half a dozen monsters yesterday, Cid. I don't think you 'sound like' anything." "Hnf." Cid chewed on his cigarette and had to grudgingly conclude the kid might be right. It seemed odd with how quick he usually healed up, but Cloud's fighting ability was at its usual par despite the injury. They'd fought through worse. "...What, you too, Vincent?" Vincent quirked a dark eyebrow at Cloud's plaintive tone. "Merely thinking." When Cloud cocked his head, he added, "it might annoy you, but the concern should be appreciated." The way he said 'concern', might as well just make it 'motherhenning'. Cid spluttered. "Jump off a cliff and fucking--I'm not--" Vincent had to be smirking under his mantle, the way he dipped his face, and Cloud didn't have anything to hide his amusement behind. Assholes. Cid told them as much before demanding they get their lily-asses in gear again. He didn't let his crew keep them waiting, so like hell he'd let them keep the crew waiting with their precious little chit-chat.
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY @ocetevasgirl: Hola preciosa! Can I request prompt 8 from the fluff list with Voight? Love you 💖
❚❙ PROMPTS: “You're jealous, aren't you?” “You're calling that jealousy? If she/he can still use her/his legs, I'm not being jealous”.
❚❙ WORDS: about 2k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to my amazing @sonsofeorl.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @sophie-writes. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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Since you saw this morning Olivia Benson walking downstairs accompanied by Voight, your good mood got burned into ashes just in a sight. He hadn't told you that she was going to come and, actually, he hadn't why to tell you. For him, it's only part of his job. But you know it's something else for her. You have seen her how she looks at your man. The unjustified and unnecessary touches on his back, on his arm. The stupid smiles she draws to him, that you would be delighted of erasing using your fist.
You have never, ever, been the kind of jealous girl. You trust your boyfriend blindly, but you don't trust her. You can't. You have tried it with all your efforts, but then you heard her laughing for no reason and Hank responding with a fleeting smile. You haven't talked him about how you feel, because the age gap between both makes you look stupid sometimes. Fortunately, you're professional enough to not let these things affect your job and your relationship. You have learnt how to hide your emotions, even if sometimes your friends suspect that something is going on by the tic that makes you blink your left eye unconsciously.
Aware that he must be there with his amazing friend, Kim places a hand on your shoulder trying to encourage you to cross the entrance and come into the Molly's. Licking your lips as you calm yourself a little, you nod pushing the door to be embraced by the warm atmosphere inside it, covering you from the cold breeze of Chicago. Letting your eyes travel around the place, you greet some of your friends waving a hand, before landing your gaze on your boyfriend. He turns at that exact moment, not even trying to contain a smile. You show him another back, but his disappears when he sees you passing him away straight to the Unit's table without greeting him. And Olivia notices it, but you don't care.
“What's up, trouble?” Jay pulls down your hair, earning a laugh from you.
“Platt said you crashed a patrol”. Wrinkling your nose in a funny gesture, after Adam's words, you take a seat next to him.
“These aren't the things you have to learn from us, you know it, right?” Antonio makes you all chuckle, calling to his sister raising a finger to ask for more beers.
“I caught the bad guy, didn't I?”
“Yeah, crashing a car”. Atwater raises his eyebrows, leaning over the table.
“But I caught the bad guy, that's my job not to take care of the cars. I'm not a mechanic…”
“BUT A COP!” You all say in unison, as always, like a famous quote.
As soon as the beers arrive, you make another toast for your car lost in action. And everything is fun until you feel a presence behind you and the silence gets installed around your table. Gulping and licking your bottom lip, as your friends drink from their bottles trying to pretend that you all weren't doing what you were doing, you turn around over your stool forcing a smile.
“Having fun, officer (Y/L/N)?” Platt's voice gives you the kind of shivers you can hide.
“No, no, n— I mean… yes”. The look on her face causes you to swallow again. “I me—mean, no?”
“It's a simple question. Yes or no”.
“Trudy, leave the kid alone”.
Saved by the bell. Your hero.
“Crash a car is part of our tradition, ain't it?” Hank tries to put some humor in the situation, traveling his eyes from her to you.
“Hm”. The woman just replies, before walking away.
You don't know about what kind of tradition he is talking of, but at least he has saved your ass. Again. Not being able to look at him, you sip from your beer trembling yet. Probably, tomorrow Crowley will ask for a convincing explanation. I caught the bad guy will not work with her, that's for sure. Feeling a soft touch in your lower back, you raise your orbs from the bottle to your boss, who makes a brief move with his chin to point at the back door at the end of the bar. You don't want to go, you know exactly what it's going to happen and you just want to forget the intense day you have had. But he raises his eyebrows with that cockiness usual on him, about to drag you if you don't put down from your stool.
With an imperceptible sight, you end up obeying in silence under the attentive eyes of your friends. Hank walks behind you with both hands in the pocket of his jeans, as you wear your jacket to zip it above your chest. The fresh air hits your face once you reach the Molly's back alley, resting your back against the wall with your face bowed to your military black boots. Placing himself in front of you, he studies thoroughly your gesture, your lips pressed and the lack of eye contact.
“What's the matter?”
Shaking your head slightly, you cross one leg behind the other, putting your hands on your lower back.
“You're jealous, aren't you?”
Letting go an exaggerated chuckle, you roll your eyes before gluing them on him. “You're calling that jealousy? If she can still use her legs, I'm not being jealous”.
“It ain't a good moment to be sarcastic, sweetheart”.
“I'm not. She is just a colleague, right?”
Hank nods in silence tilting his head closer and you're sure he can hear your heart speeding up under your skin. He always does that, putting you nervous only to prove the power he has on you, on your body, on your senses. And you hate him. You hate how proud he feels because of it. The grin on his face causes a chill down your spine, standing up from the wall to pretend that he is wrong, that he doesn't control your reactions.
“Hm… Good to know you're conscious of her position. She's gonna stay in my house tonight. We didn't plan to need more than one day and she doesn't have a place”.
For a moment, the image of you punching his face runs your mind, keeping your hands inside the pockets of your jacket to close them in two fist until you feel your nails hurting your palms. There are a lot of replies to his words stuck in your throat, but if it's a proof of trust, you would fail miserably. This is a clash of titans and you're not going to let him win.
“That's fine”. You respond squinting at him, taking a step ahead almost facing Hank. “Anything else?”
With a feigned smile, you turn to the left to leave the alley and come back to your private party, which means to get drunk until Burgess and Hailey have to carry you home.
“What an interesting night is gonna be”. Hank whispers seeing you grabbing the doorknob, teasing you as only he knows how to do.
Kissing your lips as your steps stop dead, you turn your head about to lose your calm.
“If I see her putting a hand on your leg again, I'm gonna break every single fucking bone of her body”.
You couldn't help it. He knows exactly which words he has to use to push you to the edge. The worst part is the fun he usually has doing it. Walking towards you moving his head as if he was nodding, Hank caresses his bottom lip with a forefinger looking thoughtful.
“I didn't think of you as someone violent”.
“Fucking watch me, Voight”.
Containing a laugh, he opens the door for you, pointing at the inside with a hand. Clearly challenging you. But before you can pass him away, the sergeant grabs your forearm to push you back and lean his lips over your ear.
“She booked the hotel yesterday”. His raspy voice touring your head makes you feel your cheeks burning in shame.
He has won already and you know it. Wanting to leave him again, he pulls you back again hearing the heavy snort escaping your mouth.
“She knows who you are. Told her this morning”.
Did really he? Arching up one of your eyebrows, you can't help but turn your face slightly at him. Your parted lips reveal the surprise and the confusion. Why can she know it, but not your friends? Just because she doesn't work in Chicago? It isn't fair. At least, under your opinion. It's not like you're going to act like Voight's girlfriend and take the advantage of what it means. But it allows you to smile at him when you cross your eyes in the hallways, it allows you to don't have to hide if you want to have lunch together, it allows you to not have to drive two different cars and leave his house before him to work. Small simple things that for you means a lot.
“Cut off the show, boss. Everybody is looking at us”.
It isn't the first time that Hank can't avoid touching you somehow in public, finding the stupidest excuse just to feel you. And he really enjoys putting you nervous, watching the way you lick your lips and bite the bottom one, feel the way your body gets tense when he lays his hands on you, the short frights he gives you coming behind you and whispering ‘officer (Y/L/N)’ in your ear.
Actually, there's no reason why you decided to hide your relationship. You haven't even talked about it. You haven't thought if it's because of the age gap, because of his past, because he is your boss (...). You haven't given it any importance, till you met Olivia Benson a couple months ago. That kind of sergeant who comes from New York and thinks that she runs the Chicago police department. Hank hasn't told you how they met, imagining they did when he was working on the Gang Unit.
“Admit your jealousy”. Tilting his head enough to look into your eyes, the challenging grimace comes back to his face.
Knowing that he's not going to stop, you simply nod. “It isn't fair that other women can… touch you, and I have to wait more than twelve hours just… simply to smile at you without looking suspicious”.
Hank can hear to perfection the hopelessness in your voice, feeling your fingers loosening his grip around your other forearm. It's not a question of possessiveness, but of insecurity; and he's discovering it now, thinking about since when you feel like that.
“Do you wan'me to take you home?”
You shake your head, now with guilt running under your skin because you know it has ruined his night.
“I'm okay, boss. Gonna have some fun with my friends after a long day”.
“Will you have some fun with your boss after that? End the night in my house playing pool, drinking whisky? I will let you win”.
You can't help but show him a fleeting smile, almost curving your lips. That's a yes for him and Hank feels satisfied. Holding your right hand on his, your boyfriend brings it to his mouth placing a tender kiss on the back of it, before letting you go.
Hailey and Burgess are squinting at you, knowing that their suspicions weren't wrong at all. Not saying a word and pretending normality, you sit back on your stool to have a sip from your beer. You're literally sweating right now, and it isn't because of the jacket you are wearing but because of the petty smiles appearing on the other cops.
“You know that we work in Intelligence, right, little trouble?” Antonio is the first one talking jokingly.
“Yeah, and we don't need to be detectives to know what's going on”. Hailey hums resting his arms over the table.
“How is Voight in private? I've always had curiosity. He takes off the stick of his ass when he comes home, or…?”
“Halstead, I can hear you”.
“Yeah, that was the intention, Sarge”. He replies, lifting up his beer in a silent toast.
Turning at Hank just for a second, you can't help but shrug with your eyebrows briefly frowned in a funny grimace that makes him giggle. It was inevitable, since they have seen the way and how close he has talked to you. But now, the pressure within your chest is dropping down, feeling better.
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auroras-blend · 3 years
Sick Day
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Summary: Vittoria is struck with a cold.
Notes: Told from Leonardo's POV
“Mr. Borghese, your daughter is completely fine.”
“She has a sore throat, a cough, and a-
“All symptoms of a cold,” Dr. Voglbaum reassured.
“A common cold’s symptoms can mask more serious conditions. It very well could be tuberculosis. Or bronchiectasis, polio, smallpox, or pneumonia…” Leonardo insisted, “Have you run every test?”
The minute her symptoms had started, he had done everything correctly. He had called their private doctor, put her to bed, and done thorough research on everything that might be wrong with his little girl. And then Dr. Voglbaum had the audacity to chalk it up to a cold.
The doctor sighed, which Leonardo found quite rude. Does he want my daughter to drop dead? “No sir, but I’m adamant that it’s just a common cold. Vittoria doesn’t even have a fever. I’m really quite certain your daughter is not dying.”
The pure apathy from this man. “Quite isn’t one hundred percent, doctor.”
“She’s your only child, yes?” he asked.
No. “Yes.”
“It’s absolutely normal to think the worst when she’s feeling unwell, but I promise you, if I were truly concerned then I’d let you know. There’s no need for antibiotics. Just lots of rest and fluids. She’ll be fine in about a week,” his doctor smiled.
“Dr. Voglbaum-,”
“Vittoria hasn’t used any word other than, what was the adjective you used dear?” he called out to Vittoria, who was reclining against her pillow.
“Icky,” she said, then sneezed.
“Ah yes, icky, to describe her condition. She’s not dying,” he laughed, “Are you dear?”
“No, sir,” she giggled.
Leonardo’s temper flared, though he made his best effort to hide it. The doctor’s dismissal of his beyond reasonable demands and theories irritated him. It was as if he was laughing at the plausibility of something being wrong with Vittoria other than being simply struck with a common cold. “Mr. Borghese, just give her a Contac- one every twelve hours- and some cod liver oil. Vapo works wonders. It’s nothing you can’t treat without the items in your home,” he grinned as he snapped his bag closed.
“What about her sedatives?”
“Shouldn’t be a problem. If you are worried, then give her a half of the dose for the day. A fourth of a tablet in the morning and the other quarter at night rather than the full dose,” he recommended before turning to wave at his patient, “Good day, Vittoria. Feel better.”
“Have a good day Dr. Voglbaum,” she said pleasantly.
And just like that, he gave the father-daughter duo a farewell. His posture was stiff, full of irritation and anger as his concerns were played off in such a callous and apathetic manner. “Papa,” Vittoria giggled, “You have a funny look!”
He instantly relaxed hearing her amused voice, “Oh?”
“Uh-huh,” she giggled before sneezing again, her nose running.
Ugh. He did his best to hide his grimace as he passed her a tissue. “Bless you.”
Then she sneezed again. “Bless you again…”
Then again, “Bless you times three!”
Her sneezing didn't, and disgustingly some even sprayed in his face. “Vittoria,” he said before his lip curled as she sneezed into her hands!
“Sneeze into your elbow principessa,” he said and watched her wipe her little hands on her nightie, “No, Vittoria don’t do that.”
When the cough started, he instantly had her pop a cotac to prevent her from spraying her germs around the room. This is disgusting but easier than people make it seem, he thought positively and indeed too soon.
“PAPA!” screamed the hoarse voice that was amplified by the bell he had given her.
My mistake. He leaped out of his seat to go see her, immediately worried that his valid concerns had come to life and she was coughing up blood. The minute he was in her doorway, he saw herself cocooned in her covers, only her small doll-like head peeking out. She was several feet away but he could actually hear her teeth chattering. “I-I’m-I’m co-cold!”
Is that all? It was a simple enough fix and after spending the next few minutes wrapping her up like a mummy, he thought it was over. “Pa-Papa…” she shivered, “I’m-I’m st-still freezing!”
“Ca-can y-you turn up the hea-heat?”
“No,” he said firmly.
She was much too young to understand this but their home had the best heating installation in the entirety of Garland City. Naturally, that cost him a pretty penny, not that he couldn't afford it mind you, but he wasn’t about to raise their bill on a whim. Besides, their home was the perfect temperature. Vittoria will just have to be content with blankets. “But Papa-!” she coughed before he gave her a hard look.
“I’ll be right back with more blankets,” he said, forcing himself to go to each room to find the warmest ones, including hers.
When Leonardo stepped in, his eyes rested on the bed where he took her mother hundreds of times. The very spot where he may have conceived his first child with her. His chest ached as he remembered his boy. I’m taking very good care of your sister, Andrea, he thought warmly before his own mood turned as frigid as Vittoria’s temperature, La tengo in vita, puttana senza cuore. Leonardo aggressively ripped the duvet off the bed and left the room, closing it with a slam that vibrated against the walls. It was an inconveniently short walk back to Vittoria’s room, but thankfully slipping on his mask in the span of a second was something he had been well-versed in for decades.
As he stepped in, he had to catch himself as he stumbled over the layers of blankets scattered on the floor. Vittoria had stripped off all of the linens on her bed and her robe lay sprawled on the floor and was in the midst of tying her hair up in a high ponytail. How did she kick the blankets all the way across the room? “What-”
“I’m really hot now, Papa!” she whined, her eyes brimming with tears.
She seemed even more miserable now than she had a few moments ago. Vittoria stood up, her legs shaking, “I feel so weak!”
Her desperation to cool down her body temperature led her to grab the glass of water on her bedside and dumping it all over her head. “Vittoria!” he scolded, dropping the blankets on the floor.
“Now I’m freezing again!” she cried, her skin instantly erupting into gooseflesh and her teeth began to grind hard against each other.
“Well of course you’re freezing,” he admonished as he went over to pull her into her bathroom, “You just dumped water on your head.”
He thought her soft sobs were a tad too dramatic. “Vittoria, if the water seeps into the carpet it can grow mold,” he lectured (not that she cared) as he went to grab her a towel.
“I want my daddy!” she sobbed.
“Vittoria, I’m right here,” he said with a blank expression.
“Noo, hold me!” she whined, leaning her snotty face into his neck.
He had to refrain from cringing and pushing her off in fear that she’d spread her germs and get him sick. With a grimace, not that she could see it, he picked her up and wrapped her in the towel. Vittoria clung to him with fervor, her legs, and arms wrapped around him tightly as he carried her to get changed. She had always been clingy and he typically indulged her whims, but now was a time he preferred his space. She’s sick. If I spurn her while she’s ill she’ll never forget and never forgive. Begrudgingly, he let her invade his boundaries and comforted her while she whined and moaned. “This is the worst,” she cried raspily.
I agree. He got her changed, soothing her the entire time, before putting her back to bed. “Now I have a headache.”
I have a headache. Leonardo pulled the covers up to her chest, only for her to push them away. “Papaaaa! Will you cuddle with me until I fall asleep?” she asked, blinking sadly.
“Vittoria, I think it’s best if you just try to go to sleep on your own.”
I’ll definitely get sick. Her frown deepened before she let out a short, congested, and disappointed breath. He could feel some part of him ache from the sound alone, knowing that she was feeling unwell. “Th-that’s okay. I can do that,” she said, “I-I took care of myself when I lived with Mama.”
She sadly turned over, facing away from him. Leonardo couldn’t help but linger by her bedside. Of course, she made Vittoria take care of herself. My poor principessa. Bitterness and competitiveness battled within him. Well, as the better parent, I have to show Vittoria she’s loved. He cast a quick glare downwards, towards hell, you unsympathetic bitch. He sighed, “Oh sweetheart, you shouldn’t have had to.”
Leonardo removed his shoes and slipped under her duvet, using his arm to pull her close. Vittoria eagerly snuggled into his side, entirely pleased and smug with herself that her Papa took her bait. “Thank you, Papa,” she smiled.
“Anything for you, principessa,” he cooed, brushing her damp curls away from her forehead.
And it was true. He’d do anything to make her happy and it just so happened the easiest way to do that was to give her affection and attention. It took time, but Leonardo had noticed that presents weren’t necessary, although they certainly were not detrimental, to winning her love. It’s too easy to win her heart. Martha had given her nothing but smiles and company, and Vittoria had already latched on like a duckling.
As he looked down at his little angel, he felt a swell of love for her. Vittoria was leaning against him, her face buried in his side and her breathing even, but raspy. She’s depending on me. He had always been afraid to tell his father he was sick knowing it wouldn’t do any good and bring nothing but pain. But she knows she can come to me.
If he were being honest with himself, he had never expected to do all of the dirty work that came with being a parent, but it was truly perfect this way. Not without its challenges of course, but Leonardo never had to compete for her affection. She loves me more. When she had admitted that to him, he had felt his heart soar. I never have to share that love.
There was Martha of course, but at the end of the day, she was nothing compared to him. She has her uses but is overall insignificant. Leonardo was happy to have her babysit, particularly because Alberto didn’t want him to. He had sent over a list of nanny agencies and private girls' schools for Leonardo to select from, not that he would. Meddling old man.
Leonardo had been sure that a slight cold would kill Cardinale, but no such luck. He had survived a bout of pneumonia, a cold, a trip down the stairs, and just recently a car crash in the months since he was released from prison. At this point, he wasn’t sure if a hit would off the old goat. His darling daughter on the other hand acted as if this cold would be her end. Her dramatics are amusing twenty-five percent of the time.
“Thank you, Papa. For taking care of me,” she said hoarsely.
“Of course. It’s my pleasure.”
“I’ll take care of you when you’re old. I won’t put you in a home, Papa,” she said softly, lifting her head to look up at him, batting her eyes sweetly.
Leonardo smiled, “Thank you very much.”
I’ll be damned if I end up in a home. “I wish you wouldn’t get old. I don’t want you to die.”
Well, that escalated quickly. “Vittoria, I’m not going to die.”
“What if you do? What if you do and I’m still here?”
“If that happens, you’ll be all grown up. Don’t worry,” he said, trying to move on from the dark topic.
He wasn’t particularly keen to talk about his future death. “Mama died. I was still little,” she said.
Leonardo shushed her, “Don’t get yourself worked up. I promise you I won’t leave you.”
On purpose, went unsaid. Vittoria was silent for a moment, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “I’m glad I live with you,” she whispered, congestion lacing her voice, “I’m happy with you.”
His heart warmed. He truly was her everything and if he were honest with himself, despite everything, he was happier with only her as well. Mia principessa, just her and I against the world. “Oh I’m happy with you too,” he smiled and began to kiss her head and tickle her sides.
In hindsight, it wasn’t the best idea considering she laughed so hard she began to cough, one of those coughs ended up spraying his face. Christ. “Sorry,” she coughed.
“It’s fine,” he said, grimacing as she wiped her nose on her sleeve, “I think it’s time for a nap.”
Vittoria, even when she was tired, never admitted she’d want a nap. Leonardo chalked it up to some pride thing, well, as much pride that could come from a nine-year-old girl. Thankfully, there were times when she did want a nap and when he asked if she needed one, she just silently followed him. No nodding, no comment. Now was one of those times as she cozied up underneath her covers, “Will you still stay with me?”
Leonardo hummed, “Until you fall asleep.”
He reached over and grabbed the lavender mixture, spraying it into the air and ritually said, “Brutti sogni, brutti sogni, vai via.”
Her eyes closed and her face softened as he began to stroke her hair. For a moment, he began to think of what he wished he had his mother do when he was sick. He remembered the fantasy he used to have to get himself through the random bouts of childhood illness, before the cold reality crashed upon him like the frigid icy sea. “Penso che un sogno così non ritorni mai più,” he began to sing.
I wish she’d be this age forever. Forever my little girl. He watched her face grow peaceful as he continued to sing, his voice different but still angelic as it had been all those years ago.
“Mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu
Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito
E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito...”
You are so loved. My perfect principessa. No one loves you as much as me.
“Volare oh, oh
Cantare oh, oh, oh”
Vittoria was everything he wanted her to be. Everything he expected his daughter to be. God truly had blessed him. In his mind, she was perfect because that was what he deserved. After everything. Admittedly, the circumstances were different than he had originally wanted them to be, but it was perfect for him. Their own little family, he and his daughter against the world.
“Nel blu dipinto di blu
Felice di stare lassù
E volavo, volavo felice più in alto del sole
Ed ancora più su…”
Your Papa will always be here for you. No one will come between us.
“Mentre il mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiù
Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me...”
No one.
“Volare, oh, oh
Cantare, oh, oh, oh,”
He didn’t know how many times he ended up repeating the song, but even when he finally finished, he stayed with her, watching her and listening to her breathing to make sure she was alright. Leonardo had no idea how long he was with her, but eventually, he managed to pull himself away. “Feel better principessa,” he cooed and then closed the door.
“Anthony Nespoli and Matteo Spadoni are good choices for the parole board. I talked to Alberto and he said-” Sawyer continued, not that Leonardo could focus.
Leonardo hadn’t slept for the past three days. Vittoria had made a swift recovery, but the minute her coughing ceased, his cough began. Unlike his daughter, he couldn’t put his life on pause and recover. There was no “day off” for him between his business and his full-time role as a father. He considered calling Martha to care for Vittoria for a few days because if he were honest with himself, he didn’t look or sound his best. Leonardo’s eyes were red-rimmed, his nose stuffed, and his ears plugged. I haven't been sick in over a decade. It felt like he was swallowing pins and needles as he waited for the contac to kick in. Nothing was going through his mind but the thought of how awful he felt.
Perhaps it was because he was older, or maybe it was because he had more responsibilities than he used to, but this cold felt worse than any he'd ever had before. Dammit. “So what do you think…” Sawyer asked before Leonardo held up his hand to cut him off.
With exhaustion lacing his body, he picked up the phone and dialed Martha. Pick up, pick up, pick up. When the line finally clicked, he didn’t bother with pleasantries. “I need a favor.”
“Hello to you too,” she said sourly.
“I need you here at the end of the hour to entertain Vittoria after her nap and until this evening.”
“I have plans tonight.”
Leonardo internally rolled his eyes, “And I’m sure as riveting as they are with a respectable crowd, you’re on the payroll. Earn it.”
“Tony will let you in,” he said as the phone quickly met the receiver.
Leonardo turned towards Charles. “Come by tomorrow and we’ll talk about it,” he said off-handedly as he tried not to groan when he stood up on his aching muscles, “I’m going to bed.”
“It’s two o’clock!”
He ignored that comment and left, leaving Sawyer sitting with an exasperated expression. It hadn't been the best idea to lay with Vittoria while she was sick, but it had been a bonding moment that sealed trust between them, and that had been very well worth it.
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lost-eternity · 4 years
Match Up Requests: CLOSED Please read the pinned rules before requesting
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Match up for: @ happythoughtfulstarfish
Okie dokie. I match you with...
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Peter Parker/Spider man!
First of all, girl, you're very pretty :). Just thought that I would say that. Right. On to the match up.
Like, from appearances alone. You two would compliment each other so well. 🥰
With heels on, you'd most likely be taller than Peter Parker. 
Like. How dare you! He would do his best to one up you.
You occasionally catch him standing on his toes to try and match your height. And you look over at him like "???"
Cue mumbled excuses and awkward laughing
Then one day your heels go missing. And as you're looking around, you notice Peter is standing surprisingly tall. Upon further investigation you notice that he put on your heels. 
Would this guy actually steal your own heels just to one up you? He'll, yeah he would. It's all in fun and games though and he isn't too serious about it. 
But personality wise? Even better.
You are both serious nerds
It's not technically official but I head-canon that Peter Parker is a theatre nerd as well. I could just be Tom Holland seeping through but he gives off those theatre kid vibes.
You know how I mean.
He'd be wholly supportive of your hobbies. He would love to go and spontaneously buy random tickets to musicals on Broadway, even if you two don't get the best of seats. 
Just be prepared to watch a lot of cult classics with him.
Like. A lot.
Especially Star Wars. You two will watch those movies so many times. And every single time he will be dramatically (poorly) mouthing the lines along with the film because let's be real- he has all of the movie scripts memorized. 
He would also love to learn how to play an instrument from you. He'd be really bad at it. Honestly, he would be playing horrendously with this puppy-like jubilation that makes up entirely for his horrible pitch. It's adorable, really. 
Your morals also align perfectly and that works out very well because the both of you are incredibly stubborn and steadfast in your resolve. You both strive to see the best in people, even if it puts you in jeopardy. Critics would call it gullibility. But you would be able to keep each other in check.
You would be a massive headache for those in SHIELD or anyone assigned to manage you.
I can imagine Peter roping you into one of his elaborate schemes after getting hyped on caffeine and the two of you raising hell together. With the best of intentions, of course.
Like, "no. You cannot kidnap an ice cream truck and drive it to the orphanage for the kids. That is called theft and that's illegal."
"I don't care if it will make the children happy!"
You both have an incredible drive to help others. Peter's just manifests in a way that is a lot more... potentially lethal. Whereas you are content enough to simply volunteer your time. 
Just. Don't ask to go with him on one of his super hero missions.
Trust me.
Peter has already lost people in his life. The poor boy would never forgive himself if he lost you as a result of his ineptitude on a mission. 
Don't put him through that
Because he is awkward as well, you two would do very well to motivate each other and encourage one another to step outside of your comfort zones.
Meet to new, make new friends
Honestly, you’d be perfect together
You probably met Peter's sophomore year of College.
It's a funny story actually. 
You volunteered with a charity service who was hosting a musical, "The Adams Family" The ticket revenue collected during the performances would be put to relief and conservation efforts in foreign countries.
Everything was extremely low budget. All of the cast members were volunteers and very few actually had much theatrical experience. 
But you did not mind too much. You were cast to play the role of Morticia. So no complaints there!
The venue you were performing in was actually lent to you for free. It was on a college campus, and the auditorium was actually decently sized.
The previous performances went off rather smoothly. The turn-outs had been decent as well, thankfully.  
It was closing night. Your final performance for the night. The audience was slowly filling into the room, that was when it happened.
One of the crewmembers on hair and makeup, completely new to the theatre environment actually asked out loud: "Wait, why can't we say 'Macbeth' again?"
Dead Silence 
So quiet that the muted chatter of the audience could be heard from behind the heavy oaken doors of the female changing room.
The shit storm that followed would have been absolutely hysterical if everyone were not so panicked.
Those in the cast who actually had experience in theatre arts were whisper-shouting at the offending crewmember.
The others looked on, an expression of complete confusion plastered onto their brow
It's not like you could have sent her out to run around the entire college campus. You were on in 5.
Collectively,  you all decided to let it go.
It was just a legend after all.
"We'll be fine."
At least, that is what everyone told themselves. 
The night, surprisingly, went off without a hitch. There were a few technical difficulties with the lighting (the spotlight "affectionately" named Big Bertha refused to fully open its iris) and a few missed cues, but otherwise, the performance did not terribly fail as many feared. 
You and the rest of the cast were now hurriedly darting back from the bathrooms after intermission. It was a frenzied sprint around the back of the building to avoid the audience catching a glimpse of you. 
That was when you heard something that caused you to peel off the rest of the group.
It was this peculiar scuttling sound, followed by a darting figure.
You initially thought it was an audience member who had lost their way and turned down the winding path.
The narrow road itself was completely innocuous and actually just led to a dorm site. However, under the dark of the new moon, illuminated by few stray streetlamps, it felt kinda ominous. 
Having to remind yourself that you weren't actually in a horror movie, you continued down the path towards the figure, asking him if he were all right.
Then he stepped into the flood of light from a lamp, his movements kinda janky and angled.
This "person" was not a person at all. Rather it was a humanoid beast covered completely in rippling grey fur. Like 'Cousin It' jumped right out of the play and appeared on the street. But this wasn't your cousin. You knew the little girl who played him and she was much... much shorter. This thing cleared 213 centimetres! 
You wisely decided to run. 
And it gave chase, scuttling after you like some malformed beast.
So here you were, still in complete costume, being chased down the street but a Cousin It lookalike and screaming your lungs out.
You didn't get really far because Morticia's sprawling mermaid dress did little to help you move your legs. 
Cousin It caught up to you, a clawed appendage swiping against your ankles.
With a loud rip the dress tore and you fell. Pain flared through your elbows made contact with the grated pavement. 
Rolling onto your back,  you gazed up at the creature. Its purple fur glowing dimly under the backlighting of the street lamp.
For the first time you noticed its eyes, multiple gleaming plates meshed together to form one bulging eyeball,  like a fly or moth. Its mangy hair, overgrown and matted, reeked with a permeating stench you can only describe as rotting eggs. 
So maybe you were in a horror movie. And the horror movie was 'Mothman'... or maybe the curse of Macbeth was here and this creature was coming from retribution.  
Regardless of the reason, you did not have too long to think about it as the creature took a lumbering step towards you.  Then another... and a third... then it paused. 
It pulled against something, like a dog heaving against its leash. But it couldn't move another step 
"Stay where you are, Mothra." A trilling voice called. 
Blinking, you noticed a figure perching on the top of the lamp post, hanging upside down from a glistening web. Another web was attached around the creature's waist, preventing it from advancing. 
The blue and red was unmistakable. 
This was spider man! 
But why is he here? 
Cousin it gave a roar of complaint and swiped for the spider. He nimbly dodged out of the way, laughing the entire time. 
It was not long before he had Cousin It wrapped up in a thick cocoon of webbing, and was absently dialing something on his phone. 
You heard him mumble something about how much of a nuisance "A-Chiltarians" were. 
What was that supposed to be?
Spiderman seemed to notice you for the first time, and apologetically offered to escort you back to the play.
Which was practically ruined as intermission was over and no one seemed to be able to locate you
The audience was beginning to get antsy
To make up for lost time, Spider man grabbed you round your waist
Before you knew it, the two of you were flying 
Swinging from tree to lamp as you glided across the ground back towards the theatre. 
He dropped you off, literally dropped you, onto the stage, just in time for your next scene. 
You could hardly act through the confusion of WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO ME
The rest of the night, you were understandably preoccupied 
After the performance, the cast stood along the hallway, allowing the audience to meet and greet with them and pass out gifts.
A young man garnered your attention in particular 
With hazel eyes and mousy hair, he introduced himself as "Peter" and handed you a bouquet of flowers
And you find yourself looking at him like "Do I know you?"
He seemed rather apologetic for whatever reason and praised your performance 
Getting suspicious, especially after the events of that night, you had a feeling that he knew something he was not letting on to.
So you asked for his number.
And to your complete shock, he actually gave it
So. Over the course of one night, you were saved by the legendary spider man and got the number of a cute boy.
Maybe the curse of Macbeth is not so bad after all
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dsmadmin · 3 years
Written by and posting order: @ForgotAboutAdam @DeanWinchester_ @SamWImpala83 @TridentHunting
Adam has been out of the cage for the last few days, he was still trying to get his head around the freedom. he knew he had many issues going on but he wanted to try and be normal as he could < possibly be. okay, he might have Michael in his head but he quietly sleeping for him. Adam had headed up to put some flowers down on the local lake as he knew they weren't an actual burial place when Dean and sam burn her remains of his mom. he wasn't ready to deal with the hatred he had for his family especially his older brother Sam. if it wasn't for him he wouldn't have ever been in the cage. noway, I was going to let him have the satisfaction of him knowing I was out just yet. they say revenge is best served cold. adam was angry and hurt at his family but he knew one day will come and he will face them all. he just wished he could forget them as they forgot him for many years.
Colt - Colt was oblivious to Adam and Michael's escape from the pit. He sat at the office finishing up some paperwork which he'd rather avoided and sent it off with the secretary. He stood looking out at the window at downtown Austin. There was a lot on his mind and he didn't know how to deal with it all. Jo was gone, he and Ethan were fighting regularly. Plus he hadn't seen his father in a few days and that always made him worry. He knew the ole man could take care of his own but he worried still.-
Adam had made his way home on this home he once shared with his mom. He knocks on the door go find a young family that had moved into the home that he shared some happy memories with his mom and dad, the family had settled into their home now. Adam couldn't call it anymore. With his prison sentence, he had in the cage. He was locked up and everyone in this world just moved on with their lives. No one ever had a second thought of me. When he stood talking to the couple who owns the house. He explains that he was born and grew up in this house He shared some stories of the house go them. When they let him in just to have one last look at the old place. Since his dog was buried out the back under the big oak tree. Adam had a coffee with the family after taking a tour of the old place. When they came out with a box of items that they have found in the attic. Adam had smiled and taken the box of memories with him when he left the house. He made his way into the truck putting the box on the passenger seat. When driving off to the motel that he had checked into. When he reached the motel he picked up the small box putting it under his arm. Making his way out of his truck locking it up and going inside to his motel room. He threw the box on the table sitting next to the window. Before taking a seat to look throw the box of pictures and letters that his father John had written to him over the letters. When he came across A photo of his dad with Dean and Sam. The photo made him see red he crumble the photo in his hand. You are all going to pay especially Sam.
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Colt - -Things hadn't gone as planned, Sammy had been cremated and he hadn't bothered telling a bunch of people he couldn't handle it. He'd been buried out on the property under an Oak tree. John was off on a hunt down in Colombia and couldn't make it back. And his Dad had bailed without a word leaving Colt to deal with it. So the remaining Winchesters were pretty far from being close and he, in particular, knew that he'd have to get his shit together for his kids if nothing else. Asher was a big help and he was happy but somethings you a gotta break on your own. His /issues/ could get pretty severe so he'd chosen to start seeking professional help. It was a step in the right direction, he couldn't expect anyone else to save him from himself. Ethan wasn't gonna come sweeping in to save the day either so he'd need to take things seriously. He was devasted but he pushed that down and refused to wallow in it anymore. Going on back to the office he made his rounds to see what was going on in the world according to their analysts. -
Sam - Through a wild turn of events, Sam had managed to not only escape his dying world but land in the same one as his brother. Luckily, they’d found each other as well as Dean’s doppelgänger and his family. Colt and the rest of the family had been very welcoming, even allowing
Sam to move into the family house back on the ranch. Sam had found it easy to get along with everybody and was glad to see his brother was happy. But . . . Sam couldn’t be just yet. According to Colt, multiple worlds were collapsing for some unforeseen reason. Sam was sure it had something to do with Chuck, but when he joined the firm’s analysis team, they seemed to have a handful of possible causes. Sam tried to follow his brother’s advice to relax and let it go. Their world was dead, so it wasn’t their responsibility anymore. But deep down, he knew Dean was just pushing down his true feeling. But Sam couldn’t do that. He needed to figure out what was happening and why everyone he ever loved and cared about, besides his brother, was dead.
John - John had decided to send a text to the boys to have a get together at the headquarters building so that Sam and he could meet one another. They'd lost one Sam and gained another in a short amount of time. John couldn't fathom what the big guy upstairs was doing but they had to make a plan get everyone on the same page. So as he sat with a hot cup of coffee waiting for the boys to show up he read through the mornings briefing. Specifically about the rifts showing up here and there, depositing at this point Winchesters but he had his suspensions more was going on that they didn't understand.-
Adam - Adam had been quiet for a few days. he hadn't had any control over his body for the last few days, to be honest. Michael has put him in his trance. as the last few days were kind of a blur. as he never knew what going on with his so-called family. he logged onto his laptop to track on his family to see where in this miserable world where exactly they would be. living their perfect lives. he could see his elder brother has gone up in the world living in texas Austin. when he google him to see what's going on with the three Winchester his father didn't even care about him. it was always about him and dean and sam from the minute I meet him as a child. adam knew if he could track his elder brother sam and his father wouldn't be too far behind him. so he made a plan to head to Austin texas the following day. he was booked into this crappy motel for one more night.
Colt - He'd gotten a message from his father about meeting up with him and Sammy. Looking at his watch, he had somethings to do but he text'd back he'd be there but late. A local haunting had caught his attention when the guys mentioned it. Normally he didn't roll on things like this anymore, honestly didn't get the adrenaline pumping and he lived off of that. Since booze and sex had been quelled adrenaline was pretty much all he had to get through the days. Of course now with Asher in his life and again was a good thing for him and the kids. He worried about them, he knew he wasn't grade A father material but he made efforts to become more of what they'd need. Adapt and survive that was what he did.
Lost in thought till Justin reached over and slapped the back of his hand against his arm. "We're here Colt." Looking up at the old abandoned mental institution with a laugh. "Hope you did your homework Justin, hell, place like this could have multiple spirits haunting it. What did the construction workers say exactly about this place?" Listening to Justin describes a young teenage girl bloody and bruised up dragging a bloody axe down the corridor. And that the lead formen clutched his chest and dropped right there in the floor. they described the young woman like he flickered like an old movied projection glitching something out of horror movie. One of the guys had grabbed the guy by the wrist and trying to get him into the elevator but the girl snarled at them punching her small hand into the foreman's chest, like he was squeezing his heart literally. They guys ran for it and managed to get out of there, but they said when they looked up at the window she was standing there dead and pale staring at them. Fire, EMS and cops rolled and they searched the place best they could but couldn't find no trace of the young woman. EMS starting CPR right away but the foreman was DOD (dead on arrival) at the hospital.
Rumors had gotten out and apparently, no one wanted to take a stab at the renovations. So the recent owner called in a Catholic Priest, Father Gentry. He went in and never came out. Fire and cops searched what they could again but they didn't find him. Colt grabbed his duffle and shotgun. There was a chance the priest could still be alive so he slung the bag over his shoulder and went in, Justin guiding with top of the line GPS and map configuration of the building plans but as soon as they crossed the threshold the equipment began to falter. Colt didn't need EMF to tell him they had a very real problem here but one of the guys held one holding it up. It's was going off like crazy. "Okay stick together, this place has been searched twice but we're looking for anything out of the ordinary. Be suspicious of everything. These places used to do underground work trying to find ways to fix people and who knows what kind of evil went down here. Gotta be a place big enough to hold a grown man but if he's already dead it may be smaller. Check for hidden rooms, panels in the floors or ceilings etc. Break into teams of two. Work back to back if anything goes down and make damn sure to use your training. Everyone's going home tonight and hopefully the priest as well."
Sam After settling into the ranch, Sam had tried to spread out, get to know a few people here and there and actually go out on cases with the crew. It was still jarring working, talking and hanging out with people he recognized from his past, but didn't have the same history with him. He'd found that out a lot of the people still had the personality, some for the best and some . . . not so much. Either way, he was glad to at least have found his brother.
Sam was sitting in the kitchen at the main ranch after just having another hacking lesson with Ali when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw there was a message from one of the John's floating around this universe, requesting he and some of the others meet him at the main headquarters downtown. He quickly wrote back, letting John know he could be there in about an hour before tucking his phone away. Sam headed upstairs to change, grabbing an apple as a snack, before saying bye to Ali and heading towards the meeting.
John - -John checked his phone and laughed, might be different worlds but typical responses from both. He laid the phone down and went down the hall and into the Operations Command Room. Monitors up all over the places and people monitoring each hunt from their station. He talking to Gilbert to get an update of what was going on. John sipped his coffee as they rattled off several vampire cases, hauntings and a possible ghoul problem. They talked a little and he was about to walk out when one status came back "We've lost coms with Team 8." John walked over and watched them try to figure out any possible problems. "What's the case they are working and where are they?" The analyst looked up. "It's a haunting sir, one confirmed dead and one missing. John looked at the computer screen to see if he recognized any of the operators on the case. He recognized /Justin Hartgrove/ and then the next name /Colt Winchester/. He frowned and shook his head no wonder the kid said he was going to be late.- "How long have coms been down?" The analyst answered "Twenty minutes sir." John took a breath. "Keep me posted on the situation and send me the case file to my office." With that he turned around and walked out. Colt was a top tier operator but that didn't matter, everytime these guys went out in the field he worried. Not just for his son but all of them.-
Adam - The next morning Adam couldn't wait to check out of this motel. He liked to have his morning coffee outside watching the world go by. This might be normal to others around the enclosed motel with the busy parking lot. He stood watching the people coming and going in their lives. When they were doing the hustle and bustle. He had been locked up the cage of hundred of years with Lucifer and Michael. When somehow Lucifer managed to escape with some ease. Whereas Michael and himself took a lot longer. Now they were finally Free he had Michael for the company on his body and mind. This one thing that was on Adam mind was a showdown with his family. Since they never ever looked for him. They simply just forgot about him. It's so true out of mind out of sight. Both Michael and himself had issues that needed to be settled. Michael was helpful since he would often help Adam to track his so-called family with a location. He knew that the Winchester had moved on from Kansas now they have a headquarters n Austin Texas. This Is where he was going to be heading too. Michael had the offered to get him there in seconds but Adam wanted the surprise on his side. When he had chose to make the three days drive down to texas. But he may change his mind in due course. Adam finished his coffee-making his way back inside his room. Putting his coffee cup on the sink. When he turns to pick up his bag. Leaving this motel room, to head towards the reception area to check out. He stepped in placing the key card in the drop off box. saying ”Cheers” to the receptionist. Making his way outside. Walking to his truck. Unlocking the trunk throwing his bag in. Making his way into the driver seat. To begin the drive down to Texas.
Colt - -The top floors had been searched first and they'd found nothing now the team descended the stairs to what they believed to be the basement containing the bowler room etc. Dank and dark the basement was pretty damn big with rooms in itself. This was making Colt wished he'd called for a backup team but them again more men, meant higher possibilities of casualties. Signaling they split up, weapon at the ready he went point and led his guys down the east hallway looking for anything that stood out. Lights flickered overhead which could be a sign but could also show the date and faulty wiring of the place. Moving on coming up on a thick door to his right, Justin moved to the left and Colt turned the knob pushing it open. Quick scope of the room then pulling back, having not seen anything he moves around the frame and disappears into the darkness, Justing reaching for where normally a lightswitch might be flipping it on. Fluroscent lights overhead flickered and Colt moved further into the room checking it. Papers where strewn across the floor. He thought he saw what could be fresh blood on the floor and disappeared behind an old bookcase. Cast in darkness he thought he saw something in the distance. On the other side of the basement, the rest of the team was mirroring his actions with nothing in sight yet.-
Sam - Sam climbed up into the truck he had procured from Blackwater's operations for his personal and business use. Colt had really done a lot to make him feel at home and it was nice not to worry about the
little things sometimes.
He drove to the main office downtown and after clearing through security he was directed up to John's office. The fact that two John Winchesters were floating around here had him on edge. After all, his own father had been dead for over a decade and now to be thrown back into this situation with not one, but two of his twins, it was a lot for Sam to handle.
Sam was directed into John's office only to find him sifting through a pile of files and papers. Knocking on the door, he cleared his throat, "Um, John? It's Sam. I'm . . . I'm here."
John - John: -John looked up from over the frame of his glasses at the young man coming through the door. The circumstances could not have been weirder but the love he felt for his boys had his heartwarming at the sight of Sam, even if he wasn't technically his son. Standing he pulled his glasses off and laid them on the desk and walked around to meet Sam, offering his hand.- Welcome to family Sam. I'm hoping we can put your mind to ease and help you any way we can. Would you like something to drink?
Adam - Adam was taking his time his drive down to texas to go and see his family. Driving along the interstate. Sometimes the roads were busy and quiet. The road that was black in the day time just melted into the darkness of the night. When a car passed its headlights were reflected in the water that lay over the surface. There were street-lamps but they looked like they all had been sabotaged for their solar triggers. They rig things up with dirt over the sensor and then after some rain whatever they have rigged up explodes. roads are dark and the days are anxious, who knows what days would bring and what would strike would be next. The quietness of the traffic goes on his travel to Texas. He was getting tired from all the miles he was putting down. When he stopped off to a local gas station. When he needed to fill his truck up with some gas to make the rest of the journey. Stepping out of his truck. Cracking his neck side to side. ” wow that's felt good” asking the attending to fill her right with up. Throwing his keys to the attend. Making his way inside the station to pay for the gas. Taking a Break from the drive when he orders a coffee and bagel. He sits at the window. Nursing his coffee when he mind wondered to his recurring flashback that saved him from the torture of when he was in the pit. His dream as of the day when him Dean Sam and Father would have a day out with no stress. They dreamed of the day when all the guys. They were all on a fishing boat on the lake doing some fishing. Even when he had never gone fishing before, trying to catch some fish from a bbq when we're intending to have that day when the sun when down. Having a a real family day together with no worries and having some beers. Telling jokes and have some beers. He laughed when he could see the day ended end too well with himself falling in the lake trying to catch the bloody fish. But this was only a dream and he doubts this day would ever happen. With his family, all moved on with their lives in their own ways. Adam shaking his head to come back to this reality knowing he needed to get back on the road to get down to Austin. Where his father and Sam was. Taking his coffee and bagel with him. Leaving the gas station to walk over to his truck. Stepping in and buckling up his belt to set himself on his way. He wondered where his brother was. Michael sensed he wasn't with his father and Sam.
Colt -Moving forward he knew if this was a spirit they already knew they were here and where but if the priest was down here somewhere he wouldn't so Colt spoke loudly.- “Father?! You down here! If you can help me somehow let me know where you are it would help! We're gonna get you out of here!! -As he moved further into the darkened area books began fly at his head from around the room, concentration on avoidance of being knocked out he didn't see the teenage ghost until she'd rammed her hand into his chest squeezing his heart. Gun had dropped from his fingers as he gasped, face straining of the lack of blood flow. Seconds later Justin fired a salt round causing the ghost to disappear, Colt grabbed his own chest trying to recover, his other team mate handed him back his shotgun. “You okay boss? Looking peakish.” Colt laughed despite how bad his chest hurt and took the gun. “Spread out, look around. He's gotta be here somewhere.” They looked for a lightswitch, finding one but it didn't work. Cracking glow sticks they tossed out several. Looking things over Justin spotted some echoplasma near what looked like another bookcase. Colt came closer and listened looking the book case over running fingers under the shelves when he felt a cold rush of air go past him and behind the bookcase. “I think there's a passage back here.” Check the books as they did Justin pulled one and the lock clicked, the bookcase swung open. “Good job man, let's see if we can't find a priest and send casper home.” Colt tossed several glow sticks out into the darkness ahead and the three hunters worked their way down a narrow hallway.-
Sam - *Sam looked around the empty office and wondered how different his life might’ve been if this was his own world. He was still getting used to his surroundings and the people. Shaking John’s hand, he nodded.* Sure. Whatever you’re having to drink is fine by me.
John - -Pours them both a glass of whiskey and takes a seat.- So how are you doing with the displacement? I know all this has to be a shock to the system.
Adam - Adam stopped when he saw a woman hitchhiking at the side of the road. Letting down the window when he popped his head out the window with his shades on. Where Are you off too? When she wanting to get a break and get to Oklahoma. Deep down Adam was a good guy but never giving a break with his family. When he told the young woman to give in as they were in his direction he was going. The woman was grateful for the lift. When she was talking about her broken-down relationship with her boyfriend. When she needed to get moving. Adam just listened and kept his eyes on the road. In a few hours, he had reached the state of Oklahoma. When he stopped to let the woman #Toni to buy him a coffee. When she thanked him and asked him what's in texas for you. He relies simply upon saying payback on the decisions of his life. He wished #Toni a goodbye and wondered what to do next. Alex was in two minds to whether chase after his dipshit of a brother Colt or keep driving down to Austin go have it out with its so-called family members of His beloved father and Brother Sam Not. Michael was monitoring where Colt was. He had run off to be the goodie to shoe guy away running off trying to save someone else other than his brother. In that instant Adam was pissed. Loud and clear Colt he muttered to himself. You want to play two of us can play. When he turned up the radio when highway to youtu.be/ikFFVfObwss to hell was playing. Typical just my life in a nutshell. When he started up his engine. putting his foot down and speeding down to Austin.
Colt - Colt and the other hunters worked their way down the hall, he spotted a figure slumped over in the dark and went to him. It was the priest, checking for to see if he had a pulse he sighed a breath of relief. Turning things over to Justin he picked the priest up over his shoulder and carried him out. About that time backup from the firm had shown up and after the priest was checked out and cleared to go to the hospital he spoke with the backup team. Overwatch had done their jobs and they thought they knew who the spirit was and where to look a young girl had went missing and had never been found. One doctor had been suspected in her disappearance but they couldn't prove it. Blackwater had sent someone out to go talk to him and being in his nineties he'd caved to killing her and burying her in the back of the asylum. Colt joined the part of the team to dig and pulled the rest out for safety. She was going to be mad as hell when they salted and burnt her bones.-
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