#i didn't intend to rant that much on to the victor
doctorofmagic · 2 years
I know this wasn't the point of the Wanda post but I feel like this should be said: Introducing things from the movies into the comics is not always a bad thing like how Blade wasn't half vampire until after the film trilogy and everything that happened with comic 616 Nick Fury. But I could be wrong and those are actually terrible examples.
I agree with you! I don't think adaptations and new concepts are bad, but it really depends on every circumstance.
Cloud!Galactus will forever haunt the second FF movie. Let alone that *points at Victor von Doom as a whole*
On the other hand, some concepts are super welcome, like what they did with the Eternals, making most of their personalities waaaay more interesting (I suppose my only exception is Sersi. Comics!Sersi is/was so full of sass and I missed that. But Ikaris? Makkari? Druig? *chef's kiss*)
Nick Fury, imo, is a very unique concept because he only exists thanks to the Ultimates artist who used Samuel L. Jackson for his design. The actor saw that and wanted to be part of the MCU, which turned him into a very popular character, leading Ult!Fury to the 616, while 616!Fury is currently *whatever happened to him in Slott's FF run idrc* (correct me if I'm wrong on this, I read that info a long time ago)
Oh, and I can't say much about Blade because I'm just starting to read his chronology. But I think it's cool that he's a daywalker, as far as I know.
In short, it's okay if the movies introduce something cool to the character.
But back to Wanda... (and I know you didn't mention her, this is just me ranting, so please feel free to ignore that part, I'm just seizing this opportunity)
Nothing about her MCU characterization added good things to her comic book version. She was whitewashed, worked for Hydra, had a terrible storyline about grief and mental health (tipically stereotyped and twice as problematic since she's a woman) and finally had the "woman goes crazy with power" trope. She was never able to control her powers (as seen in Civil War) and let her emotions warp reality to fit her fantasies while being manipulated by both people and her own emotions (again, women are often called overly emotional, and I'm not excusing Bendis here because he did the same in comics). She became a villain during HoM and the times she was possessed by Chthon, but she was never meant to be *THAT* scary and evil. There's altruism in her essence (this is why the narrative of killing a teenager is just so off to me).
Wanda is a brown romani woman who was often persecuted due to her ethnicity, religion and skin color, as well as her mutant genes. And yes, the many reboots that tried to erase her identity. Even in modern day, she still has to deal with ill-intended writers who ignored the implications of her character as a hero of color and the double effort she has to perform in order to be accepted as an Avenger, (former) mutant and overall hero. Not only that, the fans have to BEG to artists to make sure she isn't whitewashed, while 0ls3n stans will mock and diminish those who ask for representation.
This is why it's so problematic for Wanda to be like that. Her entire characterization is made to please a toxic fanbase and use her as a symbol to promote their racism (as seen on my previous post).
In short, they don't like Wanda. They just idolize 0ls3n because she's white and plays a derranged woman filled with power. And that's kinda enough for them.
Don't get me wrong, I do love my fair share of female villains (I'm literally in 300 different fandoms). But Wanda was not meant to be that, especially knowing that there are so few female heroes of color on screen (it gets even worse when we only count phase 1, 2 and 3).
In any case, my point is, fans cannot accept the influence of MCU!Wanda to be translated to comics because it's erasure of her identity and plain racism. The new team is working very hard to portray a woman of color as she was supposed to be ever since her roma heritage was established in comics, and it's infuriating that people will turn a blind eye to all that.
Like, this kind of shit keeps happening over and over.
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Even when Wanda is a brown woman like she's supposed to be, they still find a way to erase her through 0ls3n's whiteness. This is not different from those derranged people who pick white actors and photoshop them over Black Panther's characters (I've seen one just yesterday).
Sure many minorities were poorly portrayed back then, often depicting problematic characterizations, but here's an excellent case of how comic books allow room for growth (I was talking about HP and JK but it also fits this post)
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Agatha was just the last bit of bad influence from that accursed TV show. She was deaged, which is absurdly ageist. There are so many few elderly and middle-aged women in the Marvel universe. There's less now because women can't be old (ask me about the anons that stated Charlize was too old to play Clea and watch me burn in rage).
Anyways, I wanted to make this about Wanda again because it's not just a case of bad adaptation. It's a political statement -- and a bad one. And I don't want ANY OF THAT in a media that is so political and means so much to minorities. I feel like it's important for us to talk about this ALWAYS. So yeah. I don't know how to end this post. Representation matters. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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wcters · 29 days
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pairing: nate fick x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k+
summary: you and nate hated not being able to act like a couple sometimes, but you never broke the rules . . . at least you tried not to
warnings: established relationship, angst, weapons, swearing, sexual innuendos, some outdated wording, war, war language, wounds, blood, violence, etc | this is based on the fictional characters from the series generation kill, not the actual war veterans. this is no way intended to hurt or disrespect the veterans
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You knew what you were signing up for when you joined the marines: stress, rough work, misogyny, mostly men, and passing moments.
You had met Nate Fick when you were a teenager. You had met in high school through mutual friends and you had clicked. Soon enough he got the courage to ask you out and it's been the same ever since. You'd been through everything together. You'd graduated together, you moved with him to Dartmouth College, and signed up for the marines together. Seemed fit that you were stationed together.
You felt good knowing you were fighting for a good cause, but you never thought it would be this hard. Yes, you see and work with him everyday, but you don't get to kiss him, hug him - even hold his hand. Sometimes, when you both managed to sneak away, you'd get some time to catch up and act like a couple, but after that it's back to coworkers. You hated that, but you never broke the rules.
The sound of the Humvee's engine lulled you into a sense of calm. It never really was calm, but it did feel nice being in the one place you recognized. Ray was rambling about something stupid while Brad looked like he was just about ready to shoot him. Trombley was with the gun, probably tired of Ray's rambling too, and the reporter was asleep beside you.
"How much ripped fuel have you ingested?" Brad's voice broke you from your trance. You snorted, "too much. He's going to be shorting out pills." Ray laughed, lack of sleep clear, "I'm on it like a motherfucker Brad! At this point, I think my whole stomach is those fucking pills!" You looked to Evan and rolled your eyes. "No more of that shit." Brad told Ray. "Yeah, you'll overdose. Even though that would be great, we need a driver."
Ray started ranting again while you got into the least neck-breaking position you could and tired to fall asleep. You had gotten used to his insane rambles and it lulled you to sleep.
When you finally work up, the sun was out and you were still in the vehicle. "Y/n, you're finally awake after 50 fucking hours." Brad said as he saw you sit up. "Damn, I thought you were dead. I wanted to put Rudy in your place so I could see his beautiful gay face every time I looked back there instead of your hideous one." Ray added, looking at you through the mirror.
“Hideous? Wow Ray, that's a big word. I didn't know you knew words like that, let alone speak anything other than the simplest terms out there." Before he could rebuttal, Brad was on the radio. "Hitman Two, this is Two One. Do you want my victor to provide overwatch on the northeast corner of the M.S.R?" "Roger that. This is Hitman Two. All Hitman Victors align of Two One." Nate's  voice was heard through the radio and you smiled when you heard it.
“We're not done this conversation you bitch." Ray pointed at your reflection. You just posted back.
Your Humvee pulled into the group of cars and it stopped. You opened the door and got out, stretching your arms and legs as you did so. You had seen Nate when you passed by so you made it your mission to find him. Right when you got close, you heard the sound of tires on cement. You turned your head towards the sound and saw two white trucks coming towards you.
“Sir, I observe men with A.K.S. They're in the lead vehicle." Rudy explained as you leaned down with your gun out. "Hitman, this is Hitman Two. We have two victors with armed Iraqis approaching. How copy?" Nate spoke into the radio. "Hitman, solid copy." "Hitman, I am seeing armed Iraqis in civilian clothes in white pickups marked with red diamonds."
“We should smoke 'em, sir!" Someone called out from behind you. You did a slight chuckle. Only a marine would be this desperate. "Hitman Two, this is Hitman. Interrogative. Can you . . . Can you wave them off? Over." A voice replied back. You looked to Rudy in front of you and raised your eyebrow. He did the same. "Hitman, this is Two. These are armed Iraqis in marked Victors with weapons pointed at us. Over." Nate was persistent with what he was saying and probably thought the same thing as you and everyone else did.
“R.O.E. States uniformed soldiers only, and they should be firing at us." This time, you turned back around to look at Nate and made eye contact with him. "This is Two. I'm requesting to at least snatch one victor, find out who these guys are. Over." "Negative. Wave 'em off." "Hitman out."
A couple of voices rang out saying things like "this sucks!" and "what the fuck?" until it was silenced with the sound of A.K going off. You stayed still while the marines shot at them while they drove off, and didn't realize anything was wrong until there was a hand on your shoulder. "You okay, y/n? You haven't moved." Right when you turned to face Nate you felt the pain in your side and groaned. You dropped your gun on the ground and instinctively put your hand to you side, then pulled it off. Red.
Nate must've realized this too as he caught you before you fell backwards. He sat down and pulled your head into his lap, his hand going to where your bullet hole was. "Corpsman! Shit, shit, shit. Corpsman!" You moaned in pain as he hand pressed harder and his yelling caused a headache. "I know honey, I know it hurts." You mumbled out a Nate as you started getting delirious. He slapped you cheek lightly to keep you awake. When your vision was clear for a couple seconds, you saw Doc Bryan.
“Hey y/n. You doing okay?" He asked as he grabbed a bandage from his bag. "Great." You joked with slurred speech. That was the last thing you said before you passed out. While you were out, Nate was worried. Probably the most anxious he had been in his entire life, but he managed to compose himself and lead his group. He watched as you were taken away in a stretcher to the Doc's Humvee.
Nate didn't see or hear from you again for a week or two, which felt like forever. He hated not knowing how you were. Doc Bryan had assured him that you would be fine, that it wasn't too bad, but Nate being your boyfriend worried no matter what the man said.
He was sitting and talking to Brad while the mail had finally arrived. He didn't really expect anything, and was surprised when one was dropped on his lap. He picked it up and noticed the handwriting on the front. It was yours.
"Y/n?" Brad asked him. "Yeah. At least I think so. That's her handwriting." Nate replied. Brad patted him on the back and got up. "Well, if you right her back let her know we miss her. And that we need her back to get Ray to shut the fuck up." Nate laughed at that and began to open the letter.
"Dear Nathan,
It's me. I think you would've figured that out from the handwriting on the front. Sorry I couldn't write you sooner, I've been in the hospital and haven't been able to get stamps. I'm doing good. It hurts, but doesn't hurt more than being away from your stupid face.
As much as I hate to say it, I miss Ray's stupid rambling about how pussy would solve the war and Brad's hate for country music. Hope they're doing well, and hope Brad can get Ray to shut the fuck up.
I also hate to say I miss out passing moments. They kept me sane out there. They were what I was waiting for everyday. I miss your touch, your smell, your face.
I've been wearing your shirts to bed. They still smell like you, without sweat and dirt. It feels weird being home, especially without you. I've been keeping up with the news and it's sounding like it'll end in the next couple months. I don't think I'll be able to come back. I'll keep writing you though, and when you get internet, maybe send you something else.
Don't let your hair out too long, and don't get shot. Who else is going to keep those stupid fucknuts in line.
Love you,
He smiled and closed the letter, shoving it in his pocket. God he couldn't wait to see you, in real life, or in a picture that he would make good use of.
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bountyman · 7 years
(whispers all of the above for the canon questions thing :3c)
questions for muns of canon muses! || x || no longer accepting || 1-9
What is the biggest headcanon deviation from the canon material that you have incorporated into the way you write your muse? Why did you come up with it?
I actually try pretty hard not to deviate from canon material, especially since Josh lives in a time where a lot of the problematic things presented in the show are fairly accurate. Fortunately, even in a problematic era, Josh is pretty liberal about a lot of things. Despite serving in the confederacy (he was drafted, not serving by choice), he isn’t racist and treats minorities with a heckuva lot more respect than the other characters, even if he doesn’t understand them or their customs completely. He’s very protective and defensive of them. There are a lot of times when he goes out of his way to fight for native tribes, etc. BUT I’m getting off topic… 
Despite Josh being more liberal and generally accepting and open-minded for his time, he’s also pretty sexist. I don’t try to cover that up in my portrayal. BUT I totally retconned the “To the Victor” episode from my RP canon just because it’s so ridiculous and out of character half the time. Josh is forward with women and, yeah, sometimes a little forceful, but he’s only that when he feels something spark between himself and that woman. He doesn’t force them into a kiss and hold them there when they obviously don’t want him to. And he CERTAINLY doesn’t give a crap about whether or not women wear dresses or jeans. Sure, he has his views on what’s ladylike and how he thinks women should look and act and so on, but in the long run? It doesn’t phase him that much and he keeps his views to himself.
Maybe I’m not scholarly enough to appreciate the nod to the Greek play Lysistrata, but I could rant for days about how much I hate “To the Victor”. It’s the only deviation I’ve made to canon. Everything else, I try to stay true to.
Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
Considering there isn’t a talkative fanbase–if there’s a fanbase at all–for Wanted: Dead or Alive, not really?
What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
Why Josh started bounty hunting and what happened to his parents / the majority of his younger life. I’ve also developed the relationship between Josh and Susan far more deeply in my headcanons than canon gives us. Namely, having them travel a while longer together before falling in love. I might make proper HC posts for that.
Have you made any outright changes to the canon material in order to write your muse the way you wanted (entire scenes you chose to omit, chapters you say never existed, things you assume were never said, etc.)?
Ahh, I guess I sorta answered that in the first question. I omit the “To the Victor” episode. Just because it peeves me off that much.
What is an aspect of your muse’s canon material or canon existence that you never had the opportunity to explore but really want to?
Answered here!
What is the general opinion of your muse’s fandom about them? Do you agree with it?
I don’t know what the general opinion is of my muse within the fandom since the fandom is so tiny. We all probably think Josh is a great guy, though. How could you not? 
For movie or TV muses, what is your muse’s favorite scene? Why? Can you show a screenshot?
This one is hard to answer because there are SO many scenes that I love. Practically any scene in “The Twain Shall Meet”, “BaaBaa”, and “The Cure”, all three are fantastic episodes. But I think one scene that always stands out to me the most in reflection of Josh’s character is a scene in “Surprise Witness”. We see Josh get angry a lot over the course of 94 episodes, but the scene where he visits Domingo in the jailhouse… man, it’s CHILLING. I could do a whole breakdown of that scene alone, gushing about McQueen’s delivery and the intensity in his eyes and voice. I won’t, but because I love this episode so much, I may go into more depth in a separate post later on.
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Just know that this scene ^^^^ and the steel in Josh’s voice when he says “I’m gonna watch you hang” is absolutely incredible. Better yet? How you can SEE Josh mentally trying to pull himself out of that moment of boiling anger and hatred before he leaves. It’s the first time we see real murder in Josh’s eyes. If he wasn’t so tied to his own morals, I’m certain he would have beaten Domingo within an inch of his life for killing Leon and he would have enjoyed it.
"Surprise Witness” may not be an episode with the most fascinating plot (it’s actually sort of slow in comparison to other episodes), but it’s still a great episode that adds much needed depth and insight to Josh’s character. I love it.
For movie or TV muses, what is a scene with your muse that you hate? Why? Can you show a screenshot?
Literally anything from “To the Victor”. But specifically this. I think I already explained why I hate this part. Unfortunately, it’s not the worst scene of the episode, but it is the worst scene that involves my muse’s characterization.
I hate how he INTIMIDATES this woman, circles her, gets up in her personal space, close to her ear, and tells her what makes a “real woman”. 
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Like??? Okay. Josh is known for bluffing and being threatening, doing whatever he can in order to scare or force information or reactions out of criminals so that he doesn’t have to use actual violence. I can let that slide… EXCEPT SHE’S NOT ACTUALLY A CRIMINAL??? ALL THE MEN IN THE TOWN ARE JUST PISSY BECAUSE ALL THE WOMEN LEFT THEM AS PROTEST AGAINST THE OWNERSHIP OF GUNS (which admittedly is really silly given the time period and fact guns were a necessity then) BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE HER OR ANY OF THE OTHER WOMEN CRIMINALS. Josh!! Wouldn’t!!!! Do THIS!!! TO A CIVILIAN!!!!!!! And did the writer of this episode completely forget that Josh has traveled with women who regularly “acted like men” by wearing pants / shooting guns / fighting / etc.??? Did they forget that Josh didn’t so much bat an eyelash at any of those women??? THAT HE LITERALLY COULD NOT CARE LESS???????????? THAT HE HAD RESPECT FOR THEM REGARDLESS OF NOT LOOKING OR ACTING LIKE THE SOCIALLY TYPICAL WOMAN???????????? And!!! If that isn’t enough!! HE DOES THIS AFTER SHE SLAPS HIM:
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EXCUSE ME. I know he’s getting paid for this crap, to try to bring the women back, but what the heck, Josh??? I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that Josh thought forcing a kiss on a woman who obviously does not like him or want to be kissed would somehow “bring her to her senses” to start acting like a “real woman” OR the fact that the writers thought it was necessary to have a moment after where Strata looks like she’s considering it, like one nasty kiss changed her mind. I think if it had actually worked, I might have screamed. Thank heavens the actual resolution of this episode–though weak and still excruciatingly stupid–isn’t quite that stupid.
I won’t pretend that W:DOA isn’t a product of its time to some degree in most every episode, but “To the Victor” is just an OOC train wreck that I can’t forgive. 
For movie or TV muses, what other character played by your muse’s actor/actress has a lot in common with your muse?
I haven’t seen many of Steve McQueen’s films, but I can say that Vin from The Magnificent Seven is basically Josh. They’re practically the same character personality-wise. They’re both drifters, quiet, use really bizarre metaphors / idioms / analogies, they’re generally caring and understanding, and have an eye for pretty women. Vin just speaks more clearly and isn’t a bounty hunter.
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semisentient-entity · 3 years
So you know tha old Frankenstein rant where I was talking about this idea of Victor and Henry being gay for each other, but Victor is a clueless bisexual who was forced to marry his cousin/adopted sister becaus of his stupid parents? Yeah, I got some more stuff on it :)
Like I said before, Victor and Elizabeth have no romance between them and I don't think Mary Shelly even intended for them to be shipped. They realize that this whole marriage thing is weird and call it off, much to Alphonse's distaste. Most of the story is pretty much the same; Basically everyone dies, Victor doesn't, I'm putting in a smooching scene with Justine and Elizabeth and no one can stop me, definitely adding angst because Henry died and he is too precious for death- like goddammit I love him too much to leave him dead ;(
Anyway, Victor doesn't die, he beings his loved ones back to life, Ernest is on one hand like "wtf" and judges Victor but on the other hand he's also happy to see his family again. The Creature is pretty pissed though.
So yeah, that's all I got ._.
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space-malex · 3 years
I didn't like all the fighting between Benji and Victor either, it frustrated me, but I honestly think that was a deliberate writing choice. A bad one, I might add. There was this interiew with the showrunner who basically said that people don't like to watch couples be happy together for too long because that becomes boring real fast (I don't agree with this, especially because drama can be created in other ways, not just through relationship issues, but it was this interview that made me start dreading the second season). So I guess he decided there should be barely any happiness and mostly misery. I don't even blame people for prefering Rahim at this point. The writing for Rahim (and Rahim/Victor) was much better than for Benji (and Benji/Victor). I just don't think they thought this through very well and maybe underestimated how this could affect the audience, because most of us (?) tend to prefer more happiness and less misery, especially when it comes to queer couples, because believe me, I've definitely watched enough misery in queer cinema to last me a lifetime.
Oh I so get you there. Queer misery is just…way too prevalent still and it’s 2021. The thing is, for me, I never felt that the writing for Victor and Benji was that developed, even in season 1.  Victor had a crush on Benji, it turns out the feelings were reciprocated, and they got together. And then we time jumped two and a half months. We never really got to see development. They hooked up and then we fast-forwarded into a serious relationship without ever getting to see how we got there. It felt unearned to me. So while I did not dislike venji at the time, while I thought they were cute, I wasn’t like…invested.
And then we got s2 which essentially made Benji an antagonist without any character development or insight into his life outside of Victor. Doesn’t exactly make me love their relationship. I agree that people can enjoy some conflict but don’t want to see constant arguing. There were a lot of things that I defended Benji for because I totally understood where he was coming from. Like I understood his frustration with Isabel for sure. But a couple of things he said were just…way too much for me. He made Victor feel guilty and ashamed for liking basketball for one. Like sports are inherently straight or heteronormative and Victor shouldn’t enjoy them? Like it’s some kind of compulsory heterosexuality thing and he was actually making fun of him in front of his friends. And then he made Victor feel like a burden on their relationship because everything is new for him. It was just…so unkind. He made the decision to date a baby gay. He should know the ramifications that go along with that and not make Victor feel bad about it. 
As for Rahim, I fell in love with him the moment we met him. But I assumed he was going to have a friendship with Victor and that was it. But then they started having these little moments. And I liked it.  I felt an unspoken connection there, even before they talked about their families. There’s something fun and playful about them. But they are also so quiet and soft and understanding with each other. They listen to one another. They feel comfortable opening up and are interested in what the other has to say. I like the way the development of their relationship happened, even if it’s still early. It wasn’t based on basic lust or physical attraction. Instead, it’s based on friendship and mutual understanding and liking each other as a person. Yes there is attraction involved, obviously, but it’s not where their feelings sprung from. They just connected.
I don’t know where Victor‘s head is at right now. I think he loves Benji. And I think he wants to make it work with him. But I also think he does have feelings for Rahim and he knows it. I think we see little things as early as 2x07 but Victor is so wrapped up in Benji that I think he doesn’t quite realize it at first. He keeps brushing it off and changing the subject. Partly out of denial but also partly distracted bc of his other relationship drama. But during 2x09 he definitely realizes there’s something there. I mean we get like 5 or 6 separate moments where they’re just LOOKING at each other like that for a prolonged period of time (and don’t get me started on the Simon/Bram karaoke parallel, Bieber song and all). And then, look at the way Victor reacts it 2x10 when he walks into the living room to talk to Pilar and Rahim is there. He gets immediately awkward and kinda shy and doesn’t really know what to say. There is absolutely no reason to act that way when someone is simply your friend with no underlying feelings. 
I completely understand people wanting venji to work out. Like…it’s been Victor’s main love story for two seasons. But I also think some people are very in denial about the fact that there are mutual feelings between Victor and Rahim. They not only don’t want Victor dating someone else, they don’t want him to even feel something for someone else. So they refuse to admit it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sorry for the rant! Anyway, I agree on the arguing being on purpose but not a good decision if they are intending to make Benji and Victor continue their relationship without major changes. But, if they are intending on demonstrating that they really aren’t made for each other, I think they’ve done a good job. I guess it all depends on what you think the writers intend for venji/vahim in s3. 
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mocacheezy · 3 years
Okay so, I saw a gif of Mike Johnson's and Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, and decided to rant about it because the song left quite an impression and even challened my view on the dying and death when I was very young, in the sense of not fearing ehat is to come.
It is also a very self-indulgent take on the whole song being something more than just a catchy tune to move the plot along.
(gif seen thanks to @halloweenskellington, do check the blog out if you want some more halloween goodies)
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[ID: a black and white looping gif of Victor Van Dort being swayed by two dapper skeleton characters, as they sing along to a musical number. He looks disturbed, afraid even. The subtitles read "Die, die, we all pass away. But don't wear a frown because it's really okay." /EndID]
Summary: The chorus of the jazz song that serves as introduction of Emily (the corpse bride), is not meant to be taken as depressing or dismissive of death itself, but serves as a way of comforting Victor (and perhaps the viewer) with the ineviatability of death.
The lyrics aren't exactly "positive". I mean when is death portrayed as something positive, unless refrenced by someone who wants to die, or someone who is struggling to the point that death "would be kinder" than the struggle of living?
But here's the thing: Victor is NOT dead.
He does not want to die, he didn't plan on coming to the Land of the Dead, or having his whole belief of afterlife challenged like this. It was all a misunderstanding due to a series of unfortunate events regarding wedding vows!
So we have a protagonist that is among the dead - but not by his choice.
The gif at the start of this post is only half of the chorus lyrics. In full, the message is:
The jazz music number is an introduction of our titular character, Emily, sung by a skeleton Bonejangles. Its main purpose is to explain to a - terrified and confused - Victor, who she is, since Emily didn't know where to start, simply saying that "it's a long story."
And what a story it is.
Die, die, we all pass away
But don't wear a frown 'cause it's really okay
You might try and hide
And you might try and pray
But we all end up the remains of the day
... Not exactly winning any hopeful points yea?
It's a catchy song, and the lively music helps with the heaviness of the main lyrics. The chorus also can either help with lifting the mood or not... Depends on the kind of viewer you are.
Now 5 year old me was pretty scared by good ol' Bonejangles here, even if I was the one that begged my parents to buy this movie for me, so I can't really remember what my emotions were while watching, but there was certainly an impact.
The musical number ends with the lyrics of how Victor proposed to Emily, and fullfilled her vow of how she'll "wait for her true love, to come set her free."
Now to the residents of the Land of the Dead, the ending of this song is on a hopeful, happy note. Of course it does, Emily is engaged and will finally be married, getting her happy ending despite her untimely demise all those years ago!
But, if we look at it from the perspective of Victor; he is shaken by his very sudden awakening among the dead, especially by the way he was brought here - that scene is absolutely chilling - he has every right to be terrified out of his mind.
And there is so much to be done among the living; he is supposed to be wed the next day, it is his duty as the only son, to save his parents from bankrupcy with this arranged marriage, and yet somehow he butchered the vow rehearsal and then managed to succesfully propose to a corpse!
He is also very reserved due to his upbringing and skittish, so being included in the dance routine and being spun around by his unintented bride surely didn't lessen his anxiety and terror at the whole situations. The grim lyrics of the chorus sung by such lively rowdy corpses was clearly overwhelming with how he flees at the end.
But the chorus was supposed to achieve the opposite!
The chorus, if we highlight the lyrics -
Die, die, we all pass away.
But don't wear a frown, cause it's really okay.
You might try and hide,
And you might try to pray,
But we all end up the remains of the day.
- is meant to bring comfort to the shaken groom. Don't worry, we - humans, communities, civilizations, every living being - all die.
No one is alone in death, just as no one is alone in life. No need to worry about it.
The fear of the unknown is one of the main reasons why people fear death. The fear of being alone in whatever follows.
It didn't work as intended, but the message can be comforting, once you pay attention to the lyrics and think about them for a while.
So, in case of Victor Van Dorf, a terrified newcomer among the dead (despite not being deceased himself) and accidental vow full-filler, this chorus WAS meant to be taken as a source of comfort, provided by people who know that their life and death aren't all that much different (and they actually seem happier and more free in death, among interesting people who are not so uptight and stuffy about their "life").
Also it really is a damn good song.
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