#i didn’t actually wear this today but i wanted to lmao
greeniery · 1 day
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happy freak on a leash fridayyy
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strawbeelemonade · 1 year
ROMANTIC IMAGINE: Miguel O'hara visits you when you call in sick
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i know how to write things other then headcannons i swear. theyre just so EASY. you can request actual fics lmao. promise! This was intended as romantic btw, but you can interperate this however you want!
WARNING: descripion of wounds/blood, description of burns, overprotectiveness,
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Miguel lands on your balcony with a heavy thump, his landing was a little awkward from trying to swing with only one hand, but he managed well enough. The Tupperware in his hand looked a little worse for wear, though.
Almost every fibre of him wanted to turn around and forget about this, but he knew he couldn’t bring himself to, he needed to know you were ok.
You had called off sick from work yesterday, and you didn't show up today either. In all the time you were working at Alchemex you’ve never done that before. The secretary had told him you sounded like you were in a lot of pain over the phone, so it was obvious you were unwell in some way or another. He���s been worried ever since.
This felt stupid. Over dramatic, even. But he’d gone to his brother for advice, and this is what he had given him: Their moms classic Pozole recipe, The same recipe him and his brother ate while growing up. Obviously Miguel protested, adamantly. he hadn’t cooked for anyone in a very long time. He wasn’t even sure if he’d still be able to… His brothers response?
“Do you want my help or not?”
So Miguel scrounged around the kitchen for what he needed. He squinted to read his mothers old chicken scratch from all those years ago. He put in the work, as uncomfortable as he felt, And He packaged it and come all the way here.
And now he didn’t know how to go forward.
He had never felt more out of his element in his life. As he Stood outside your window with the soup in his freakish claws he realised he didn’t know where to go from there. He hadn’t thought further than this point. What would he say when he gave it to you? What would he even do after that?
He had to awkwardly shimmy through the window with the Tupperware in one hand, almost stepping on a cable stretching across the floor. “Fuck—“
the hinges creaking offensively as he pushed down your open window and he cursed, shutting it as delicately as possible. When he heard your voice ring out from behind him he tensed.
“Uh, Hey Miguel!” You call from the bathroom. He breathed out the puff of air he was holding in. No turning back now.
“…Hey,” he called, not knowing where to begin. “…I brought you a little something.”
He makes his way to where he heard your voice coming from, and pauses briefly by your kitchen counter. He looks down at the soup in his hands.
…He could just leave it here, that would be less humiliating for everyone, wouldn’t it? He knew you were ok, now. He heard your voice, so you were alive. He did what he came here to do. He could turn around right now and escape while you were still in the bathroom.
But something stops him. A little smell wafted by his nose briefly. It was brief. It was faint. But it was there and it made him pause.
So he sits the soup on the counter quietly, but he doesn’t turn around. He walks further down the hall and takes a deep breathe. The smell is clearer now. Miguel gets a bad feeling.
He picks up the pace and pulls off his mask to get a better whiff, and suddenly he’s hit with the all too familiar stifling stench of blood.
“Y/n!” He runs up to your bathroom door and starts rattling the handle, but the door is locked. He pauses when he hears your voice on the other side, clearer and more effective at preventing him from tearing the door off its hinges—.
“D-Don’t come in!” You yell. “I’m... ngh- I’m a bit busy in here!”
“Y/n, what do I smell?!” He doesn’t need you to tell him, He already knows the answer. It’s pungency rings clear from his side of the door. The tanginess was so prominent that even someone with normal senses could pick up on it.
“N-nothing!” You stutter. You always stutter when you’re nervous. And when you're lying.
“Are you bleeding? Where’s it coming from? Open up!” He starts banging on the door again, his fist unintentionally rattling the frame.
“You don’t smell anything- stop that!” You snapped, annoyance ringing clear. But there was a certain strain to your voice, a painful whine that made his heart drop. “I-I’m just, uh- changing! will you give me a minute? Please, Miguel.”
“Don’t lie to me! What’s wrong, can you not get to the door?” He starts backing up to gauge the frame of the door and… Yeah, he could kick that in, easily.
sensing what he was getting ready to do, you spring up from your spot hunched over on the side of the bath tub and amble to the bathroom door. “No no no!” You lean against the door, heaving. “Don’t do anything drastic, I’m right here!”
He paused and waited for you to open it, but your hesitation makes him start losing his patience. “Y/n-“
“I’m ok, Miguel. S-seriously. I just took a little tumble on the way home.” You swallow back a painful grunt as you lean on the door frame for more support. “Look…” you started. “Now’s really not a good time—“
You shut your mouth. ‘Oh, shit.’
the tone of his voice hid a warning. Miguel knew what you were going to suggest even before you said it, and he refused to let you finish. The fact that you were bleeding as much as you were for him to smell you across the house, And you were trying to hide it from him? It must be bad, there was no doubt about that. His brain began racing for answers, for explanations, for names. He didn’t know where you were hurt, god what if it was somewhere vital? Who did this to you and where? Why were you trying to hide it? Did they threaten you? Something must of happened. there was no way he would leave you here, No. There was no getting rid of him now.
“Open this door.” He says one final time. And you can tell it’s the final time from the tone of his words. His voice quaked with fury at even the mere insinuation that he’d ever leave you when you were wounded. That you were even wounded In the first place.
There’s a beat of silence where neither of you say anything. And for a second he thinks he’s going to have to break the door open inwards just to avoid plowing over you to get it open. But then he hears you apprehensively turn the lock and he almost breaks the handle from how fast he rips it open.
You stumble a bit, reeling at his strength. and then youre taking a tumble from being thrown off balance, but before you can even yelp out a cry he swoops in to catch you in his arms before your body can even comes close to hitting the floor. “Lo si—! Sorry! Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
from being so close he could tell immedietely that you were running warm, did you really have a fever too? He perches you on to the toilet seat and you wince at the ache washing through your body. God, your back was killing you... and Miguel's hands were all over you. you tried pulling your arms out of his grip, but he wasn't budging. he scoured your front for bruises, cuts, anything.
"what happened, where does it hurt, Y/N, please." he lifted your arms, checking your sides. nothing there... You couldn't bring yourself to answer, all the jostling around was making you go really dizzy... so much so that his words seemed to bounce off your ears. you squint at him. were there two of him before?
"Oi, mami/papi. focus for me. tell me where your hurt." he pats your cheek, snapping you a little out of your stupor. you blinked. his faced was pulled taught with worry, lines creased his skin in places that looked almost painful. and his eyes...
"Miguel... hhhave... your eyessschanged?" you weren't sure if it was the delirium from the pain finally setting in, or if your bathroom light just highlighted the underlying hues, but his tired brown eyes had shifted to a shade of... dare you say red.
they flicked back to your face, they had this wild look in them, like he was angry. but his voice wobbled like he was scared. "tell me where the pain is."
"... M' back.." you mumbled. he tugs on your shoulder to twist you around, making you whine. he apologizes quietly, before turning back to the red stains that were crawling up the back of your shirt.
you both descended into a tense silence. Miguel looked cramped, hovering over you in your tiny bathroom. he had to draw in his arms to not knock into your shower. not the most ideal place to play nurse... but he would manage. Miguel unshealthes his talons and cuts open the fabric like its warm butter. all you feel is a cold draft hit your back, and you shudder.
when he gets a good look at the state of your back his heart drops, what he finds isn't what he was expecting. your lower back is marred with an explosion like mass of burned skin. the center of the wound is deeper and more bloody then the rest, like something fast, blunt and burning hot struck you there.
"Y/N, what the hell happened?" he glances at your bathroom bin and spots your old, scorched shirt lying inside. so you really were changing... that explained why the shirt you were wearing didn't have a massive gaping hole in it.
"Lyla. whats the aetiology for this." she flickers into view next to him, screening your back, and she winces.
"the lascerations have been caused by 1st and 2nd degree burns, the wound has become infected and needs to be treated immediately. the depth of the wound is telling me that the collision was hard and fast, likely a projectile."
"they were shot?."
"most likely. not by any normal weapon though, obviously." she confirmed, "it... doesn't look like the infection has interfered with the spinal collum." she optimistically added.
"will it scar?" he tilted his head towards her, but didn't take his eyes off the wound.
the Ai assistant didn't respond, calculating the most nerve settling response to his question. her silence told him everything he needed to know. "yeah, don't answer that." a snarl was building in his throat, fighting its way to the top.
he spots the first aid bag and its contents sprawled across your counter. most of it was over the counter painkillers, light ointments and bandaids. nothing in there that would help you.
"ok." he drags his hand down his face looking around the room. "Hijo de puta-!" his fist banged against the wall in a burst of anger, the pathetic thin walls rattled underneath the force. "Y/N, what the hell were you thinking?!"
you were stuck in this apartment by yourself, barely able to move or, jesus, even think. the fact that he could have never come… No, that he had come but couldve left here without knowing you were going through this on your own... the thought made him sick. why did you let it get this bad? what had happened?
you don't answer his question, your breathing has started to grow heavier, fevered. the sheen of sweat on the back of your neck had grown thicker as well. miguel reaches out to hold you steady. his mind racing. you can't stay here.
he knows he has to make a call. literally. he lifts his watch to his face.
"Jess, get someone on the medical team to prepare for my arrival." he picks you up carefully and fights to keep his voice from rising, he wasn't thinking clearly. all he could think about was getting you somewhere safe.
it wasn't common for miguel to ask for medical assistance, even at times when he probably should. he didn't like calling for help, he prefered to do things on his own, even to his own detriment. the idea that something could shake miguel up like this, making him ask for assistance, was new. Jessica could hear the tension in his throat as clear as day.
"whats your condition." she responded, concern shining through in her voice.
"no, no. i'm fine." he answered. "i've got an injured with me, they've been shot and need first aid immedietely. its a second degree burn that been left for over 24 hours, its infected."
"...done." she answers. "are they a new recruit?"
"they're a friend."
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Pozole: a traditional soup or stew that is made from hominy with meat, you can put in things like shredded lettuce/cabbage, chilli peppers, onions, garlic, radishes, avocado, salsa or limes. (this sounds scrummy ngl i'm so hungry bro)
"Lo siento": i'm sorry (this is when he goes "Lo si-" but cuts himself off)
"Oi, mami": hey, Mama (i learned that mami or mamita can be used in a lot of different ways. native spanish speakers can use it to adress parentel figures, friends that give motherly energy, or it can even be used as a funny nickname for kids. i've seen a lot of people use it sexually in fics, but apparently thats not always the case!)
aetiology: kind of like a diagnosis, but different. its the cause of a desease or condition. idk if it's applicable to wounds, though.
"Hijo de puta-!": son of a bitch-!
I put these here so if anyone has any corrections i could make to the terms I’ve used to be more accurate then I can change them accordingly. I used online translators and articles… if anyone has any good websites for translating languages let me know! i'd be really interested.
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slut4thebroken · 9 months
Doctor’s Orders
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jonathan Crane x patient!reader
Summary | Jonathan Crane wears a weak dose of fear toxin as cologne to his appointments just to put his patients on edge. He’s particularly fond of how you react to it though.
Warnings | Smut, 18+, sexual content, manipulation, inappropriate use of fear toxin, obvi, very dubious consent, painful sex, fearplay, HEAVY breeding kink, forced breeding, technically housewife kink?, overstimulation, abuse of power?, ionno lol.
Words | 3.3 k
Notes | Based on this post. Credit to @lasagnebats for the idea. (Lowkey the plot kind of deviated from the whole fear cologne thing tbh but it’s still very relevant so whatever lmao)
Ao3 link | <3
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It’s not mentioned in the actual story but it’s very important for the plot so incase you didn’t read the summary I’m going to say it again lol. He wears a weak dose of fear toxin as his cologne.
“How are you feeling today?” He asked as he walked in and sat down across from you, putting his briefcase at his feet. 
“Better.” You said with a small smile. After only a moment though, your heart started beating harder and faster, and your breathing picked up. You swallowed thickly and cleared your throat before adding, “I- I think.”
“You think?” His voice sent a shiver through your body. You weren’t sure if he was purposely trying to sound threatening, but that’s how you heard it. 
“I…” You couldn’t look at him as your stomach started churning. 
“Please look at me when I'm talking to you.” He sighed, making your gaze snap back to him. “We won’t get anywhere if you continue to overreact to even the simplest questions.” 
“I know— I know. I’m sorry.” You started bouncing your leg incessantly, trying to get rid of some of the nerves you were feeling. “H-how are you?” You asked in return to his original question. 
“Always so polite.” He said with an amused smile. “Why is that?”
“I don’t know… That’s just how I was raised I guess.” You shrugged, not having a better answer for him. 
“It has nothing to do with how terrified you are of upsetting me?” He asked curiously, tilting his head as he looked you up and down. 
“I- I’m not…” You cleared your throat and wiped your sweaty palms on your pants. “I was just… taught to respect people with more authority than me.” You said nervously. But it was true. You were always taught to show respect to people above you no matter what, especially if they were older than you. 
“I see. And you feel I have power over you right now?” 
“Yes.” You said quietly. Doesn’t he always?
“Well I don’t want you to fear me. These sessions are pointless if you can’t be completely open and honest with me.” You looked away from him again and swallowed the lump in your throat. “I promise you, nothing you say will upset me. I just want you to be truthful with me… So I can help you to the best of my ability. Do you understand?”
“Good.” He paused, seemingly coming up with the next topic of conversation. “You’re still having nightmares?” Your blood ran cold and your heart was almost starting to hurt with how hard it was beating. And all just because of a reminder of it. 
“Yes.” You whispered. 
“The same ones? Or something different.” 
“The same… But I noticed that they tend to happen more after our sessions than on days where I don’t see you…”
“Yes, that’d make sense. Since we talk about it, it’s only natural your brain would be thinking about it more.” 
“Right. Yeah— You’re right.” You said through a breath. 
“May I see your hand?” He suddenly asked, making you stiffen. 
“Your hand.” He held out his own, waiting for you to place yours on top. With a shaky breath, you wiped your hand on your pants again, then placed it on his open palm. He turned it over so your palm was against his, then let out a quiet hum. Before you could ask what that meant, he grabbed your wrist and held your hand up, watching it tremble. He released you and you placed it back in your lap. 
“Why are you so scared?” 
“It… it's probably just because I started thinking about the nightmares.” That was the only explanation that made sense. It’s not like you’d be scared for no reason.
“Really? What were you thinking about?” You froze and looked away from him, trying to recall, but you never actually thought about them, more so just… remembered them. 
“I… I’m not sure.” You said absentmindedly, still trying to figure it out. He sighed quietly and took off his glasses, examining you closely. 
“I like to think that we’ve grown a bit closer since our first session. Wouldn’t you?” All you could do was nod wordlessly. “Almost like we’re more than just doctor and patient… Do you feel that way as well?” 
“I- I think so.” You said quietly. It was hard to tell right now. 
“Which is why I think we can try something that might work better for you.” He stood up and dragged his chair around the table, the loud screeching sound making you flinch. He sat down next to you and you waited nervously for what was next. 
“I think… if your brain is half focused on something else— something pleasurable…” he placed his hand on your thigh and leaned closer to you, “then you might be able to talk freely about what’s troubling you. What do you think?” Your chest was heaving as you stared at him with wide eyes, not able to respond. It felt like your throat was closing up and the speed at which your heart was beating made it feel like his hand was on your chest instead of your thigh, pushing down as hard as he could.       
“Is something wrong?” He asked once he noticed your reaction. 
“I-” You choked out, not able to say anything else. 
“Hm?” He waited, giving you a chance to respond. When you didn’t, he sighed. “As your doctor, if you’re in a state that leaves you unable to think or communicate clearly, it is my responsibility to do what I think is best.” His hand started snaking up your thigh, moving toward the center as it climbed higher. His touch was burning a trail on your skin and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. 
“Just relax. You want to actually make some progress, don’t you?” You gave him the tiniest nod, unable to do anything else. “Good girl. If you can control your emotions, then we can talk like civilized people, but for now, we’re going to have to try this.” You weren't even sure what exactly was making you feel this way, but you trusted Dr. Crane. He would only do what’s best for you. 
“Take off your pants.” He suddenly ordered, making your body go completely rigid. “I won’t repeat myself.” He warned and you immediately scrambled to take them off. Once they were on the floor, he grabbed your hips and guided you so that you were straddling his thighs, sitting on his lap. “Now, this might be a bit overwhelming for you, so I don’t mind if you need to keep your face buried against my chest or neck. Like this,” he gently grabbed the back of your head and pulled you into him, “see?” 
“Thank you.” You whispered, bringing your hands up the grab at his suit jacket. It felt like your entire body was trembling now. “Dr. Crane, I- I don’t feel very good.”
“Shh. Your body’s just excited. That’s why your heart is racing and your breathing is shallow.” He explained calmly. You’ve never felt this ‘excited’ before in your life. “Are you going to let me do my job now?” You nodded, burying your face into the crook of his neck to comfort yourself. “Thank you.” His hands started dragging up and down your thighs, just getting you used to his touch, but all it was doing was making you more anxious. His fingertips felt like claws on your hypersensitive body, but when you looked down, you saw no marks left behind. 
“I know you’re excited but you need to try and calm down.” He said calmly. “Take a deep breath through your nose, then out through your mouth.” You complied, though it wasn’t nearly as slow as he actually wanted. But it was an improvement. “Again. Deeper.” You inhaled again, trying to let the smell and warmth of his body soothe you. But it was like the deep breaths were making everything worse. 
“Dr. Crane, it’s not— I…” He sighed and your stomach churned when you realized he was disappointed in you. “No- I’m sorry. I’ll try again. I’ll keep trying.” You rushed out, taking more deep breaths. 
“That’s a good girl. Nice and slow.” His hands snaked up your thighs to your hips, then up the sides of your body, under your shirt. 
“W-what are you doing?” You choked out, when he dragged his hands up even more until he was touching your breasts. 
“Just feeling your heartbeat.” He explained. You gasped when he gently squeezed your breasts, groping them in a way that made your entire body feel hot. 
“Dr. Crane?” You whimpered and he shushed you. So you clung to his suit jacket and buried your face into the crook of his neck even more, seeking comfort. 
“I’ll need to remove your shirt. It’s obstructing my examination.” You hesitantly agreed and he pulled it over your head, then guided you back into the same position, now only in a pair of panties. “Deep breaths.” He reminded you as he continued. He only groped you for a few seconds before focusing his attention on your nipples. You let out a strangled moan when he gently pinched, rolling them between his fingers. You’ve never been overly sensitive there before, but right now, just the barest touch sent a shock through your body. 
“Your heart is racing.” He commented, flattening his hands on your chest and sliding them down your stomach. He reached your hips and gripped them tightly, then pulled them forward to grind your clothed heat on his bulge. You gasped at the sudden movement and when you felt the obvious sign of his arousal. 
“When’s the last time you’ve been fucked?” His tone remained the same; clinical, unemotional. It took you a moment to register his question, but once you did, a blush took over your face. “You’ve been a patient here for a few months now so I’m assuming at least a few months ago?” All the work you did to calm your breathing was gone in an instant. Words couldn’t form in your mouth, so you just nodded against his chest. “How long before that?” 
“I… I don’t remember.” You choked out, finally able to speak. 
“Poor thing. It’s been that long since you’ve been filled?” He cooed with faux sympathy. 
“Dr. Crane.” You sobbed, fisting his suit even tighter to ground yourself. He was still guiding your hips and you started to feel arousal pooling in your stomach. 
“Is that why you’re not making any progress? Your cunt’s been craving a cock so bad, you can’t even think?” You whined and started moving your hips on your own now, desperate for more. “Yeah I think that is the reason. You’re in your prime child bearing years, it’s only natural you’d be longing to breed.” You let out a strangled moan, feeling both humiliated and aroused by his words. “A few more sessions like this and you might actually be able to use that pretty little head of yours again.” 
“Please,” You whined, tears of desperation brimming in your eyes. Your heart was still pounding and your breathing was still shallow, but it started feeling different. Before, you weren’t sure what the cause was, but now you know it’s arousal. At least it mostly is. He suddenly gripped your chin and pulled your head so your face was only inches from his. As his eyes trailed all over your face, taking you in, he hummed in thought, still staring at you with his piercing gaze. 
“Misattribution of arousal truly is a fascinating subject.” He smiled. You had no idea what that meant. “Take off your underwear.” He suddenly ordered, making your eyes widen. When he stared at you, giving you a warning gaze, you scrambled off his lap to remove them. He started unbuckling his belt, then opening his pants. When he took out his cock, your breath caught in your throat. Where is that supposed to fit?
“Sit.” You tentatively got on his lap again. He sat back in the metal chair a little, dragging his eyes down your body. “Put it in.” You swallowed and looked between his face and his length, feeling your heart start pounding even harder. “Now.” Biting your trembling lip, you grabbed his cock and put it at the right angle, then slowly and apprehensively lowered yourself onto it. You whimpered when he first breached your opening, immediately feeling the burn of the stretch. 
“You won’t like it if I have to take over so I suggest you do better than this.” He warned and you whined in response, but forced yourself down lower. 
“It hurts, Dr. Crane.” You whimpered, hoping for sympathy from the cold, apathetic doctor. 
“Enough.” He growled, grabbing your hips and lifting you off of him. He stood and spun you around to push your torso onto the cold metal table with a hand on the back of your neck. Holding you down firmly, he pushed his cock back in, this time going all the way. You cried out and scrambled for purchase on the table as he immediately started thrusting. 
“W-wait, Dr. Crane..” You choked out, the burning stretch bringing tears to your eyes. Not bothering with replying, he removed the hand from your neck and you heard clothes rustling, then he was putting his tie between your lips and wrapping it around your head to secure it. Almost instantly those feelings flared up again. Your chest heaved as you panted, trying to ignore how much it was hurting from your heart beating so fast and hard. 
He put his hand on your head this time, forcing your cheek onto the cold metal as he held you down and started moving faster. You sobbed out a moan and squeezed your eyes shut, trying to focus on calming down but everything was just so much. 
“Is this what you needed? Have you been playing the role of the dumb little patient this whole time just to get me to fuck you?” You tried to shake your head, but you couldn’t move it under his hand. “I can feel you pulsing around my cock. Is it really that good?” The way he was mocking you had you squeezing your thighs together, but he couldn’t have that. He lifted one of your legs and placed it on the table, keeping you from getting any real stimulation on your clit besides his balls smacking against it with every thrust. 
“Please!” You cried, the word being muffled by the tie. 
“I know. You’re probably so eager to come right now, aren’t you?” You did your best to nod, despite him holding you down. “Is the thought of finally getting bred making you all needy?” He asked condescendingly and you let out a strangled whimper. “Should I let you come on my cock?” 
“Yes!” You yelled, trying to make it sound coherent through the gag. He released your head and grabbed your shoulders, starting a brutal pace that made you almost scream from the intensity. The table was screeching against the floor with each thrust and you could start to hear his quiet grunts as he neared his orgasm.
“Go ahead then. Show me how needy this pathetic little cunt is for my cock.” He said and, despite the degrading words, you almost cried in relief. You’ve only made yourself come maybe a handful of times since being admitted to Arkham, so it did not take much longer for you to get there. You all but screamed around the gag when it hit you, making your legs turn to jelly. His thrusts didn’t even waiver, but you could hear groans coming from him. Wave after wave of pleasure washed through you, so intense that it bordered on painful. 
When it was finally done, you sagged into the table, but your body immediately went stiff when the overstimulation kicked in. You cried out and squirmed, trying to escape it, so he grabbed your hair and yanked you up, wrapping his other arm around your stomach. 
“I know.” He pulled your head back until it was resting on his shoulder, then turned it so your face was up against his neck. “Just breathe through it.” But you couldn’t. Everything was just too much. You sobbed loudly and buried your face in the crook of his neck as he fucked you, moving both hands down to grab your hips. 
“Just be a good girl and take it. This is what you wanted, isn’t it? To be fucked and bred like a bitch in heat.” You let out a strangled sob at the degrading words. “No… It’s what you needed.” He growled, making you whimper. “Don’t worry, we’re going to keep doing this until I finally fuck a baby into you. Maybe then you’ll be less cock hungry. But we’ll probably have to keep this up while you’re pregnant because of all the hormones.” After your orgasm, everything your body was going through started to feel like it was from fear again, rather than arousal. His words were making you spiral into overthinking. You can’t have a baby yet— you’re too young. And also there’s the fact that you’re in an asylum… 
“And I think… I might make you my little lab rat. You respond so well to such a small dose, I’m eager to see how you’ll react to something more potent.” Now you were truly confused, but you were also too fucked out and overstimulated to try and understand. “God— that’ll be a fucking sight.” He choked out, rutting into you more frantically. Tears started streaming down your cheeks as he kept fucking you, getting more painful with every thrust. But based on the way his sounds kept getting louder, you knew it’d be over any second now.  
You cried out when he roughly snapped his hips into you and stayed there, wrapping his arms around your torso to keep you close and letting out a low groan. His hips bucked forward with every spurt of come that left his cock, despite the fact that he was already completely inside, pressed up against your cervix uncomfortably. Even after his orgasm ended, he remained buried inside you, keeping you plugged up for now.  
“That’s better, isn’t it? Now you’re nice and full.” He spoke softly, turning his head to kiss your neck as his hand rubbed over your lower stomach. “Mm… I can’t wait to see your belly all big and round— your tits swollen with milk. You’re going to look so beautiful.” Even though everything calmed down, you still felt anxious and scared. “And I’m sure once that kid is out, you’ll go back to being a brainless little bitch in heat so I’ll have to fuck another one into you.” You let out a weak sound, unable to do anything else. Your whole body was shaking. With how you were currently feeling, his words sounded like a threat. 
“Still can’t use that pretty head?” He asked curiously. You didn’t answer, but it didn’t seem like he expected you to. “You must need more, then.” You whined at the thought. He gently pushed your torso back onto the table and you hissed in pain when he dragged his cock out. When his come trickled out, he cursed under his breath. Using his thumbs, he spread your puffy, abused folds, giving him a better view of your gaping hole. You flinched when he used his fingers to scoop up his come and push it back in. “Lucky for you, I cleared the rest of my schedule today just for this session, so I can keep giving you load after load until you drain my balls completely. Maybe then you’ll actually be able to fucking think.” 
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deadghosy · 7 months
Prompt: sinner! Reader teaches the gang how St.Patrick day is like when they were alive.
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I can see you just wearing hella green and pinching the others. Now only if you survive Alastor. Cause it’s cannon that he hates touch. But if you are like his child, he may spare you and want to know the tradition you did.
If you aren’t like a child to Alastor, you better pray to Lucifer that you aren’t getting eaten tonight cause you dipped the hell out of his room seeing his eyes turn to radio dials.
You dress the egg boiz up fancy in green suits and a nice leprechaun hats.❤️ it’s so cute as they just smile at you and hug your legs
Charlie had to talk to you about the pinching today, you softly pinched her as she talked. But you told her how in the modern world that there’s a day where people pinch each other if they don’t wear green on St.Patrick’s day. But once you told Charlie that a green four leaf clover meant good luck.
You better believe she went to Charlie Morningstar, to “GOOD LUCK CHARLIE”😭😭😭
She’s literally going to try and find one so her good luck can help the hotel. She dragged vaggie into this which made vaggie glare at you. You just smirk holding a green flower.
Charlie would go crazy with this small holiday thing as she makes you decorate the hotel in green for it. Hell, and you don’t hate as you help her out with doing the decorations and green painting.
After that, they all started to wear green during that March. Plus, your pinches are like death themselves because you actually accidentally paralyzed husky in his neck
Husk didn’t like the whole holiday until you told him about the drinking. The mf smiles and switched so fast it made you side eye him.
You’re giving the meanest, tightest, skin ripping pinch to Valentino in his damn sleep.
Heaven isn’t safe either 😈
“SURPISE MOTHAFUCKA!” And you just dip like that throwing down a green smoke bomb.
After that hell and heaven both had a meeting to make st.Patrick day a thing, cause how the tf did you get to heaven..no one knows. You are secretly a god/j
You also teach the residents it, like you teach the old school and probably the new school sinners what St.Patrick’s day is like for you.
Who knew a minor like you in hell was such a damn menace, cause straight after St.Patricks Day. People were scared to get pinch whilst you just walk around the hotel and pride ring.
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inkdrinkerworld · 9 months
i was thinking about poly!marauders seeing r’s natural hair for the first time? i’ve got curly hair but i straighten it most of the time bc it’s so annoying to take care of, i was wondering if you could write something abt this??
i’ve never requested before lmao i’m sorry if i did this wrong
Omg babe I too wear my curly hair straight 9/10 cos the volume?! Insane!! I actually just did a keratin treatment too cos I could manage
You’re fresh out the shower- well in a bathrobe when you hear the signs of your boys being home.
There’s some arguing- which you know is James and Sirius, and some softer words, Remus trying to placate them.
“We’re home angel!” Comes James’ voice, you listen as you put on some clothes.
“We got that soup you wanted.” Remus supplies- you wait for Sirius’ voice and don’t find it.
Instead, you’re met with the black haired man, scruff and all, present as you pull your towel from your hair.
“Hi puppet,” his lips meet your forehead, and then your lips. “I like the curls.” Sirius inked hand hovers just below the curls at your shoulders, fingertips collecting the water like dewdrops.
“Thanks Siri, I like ‘em too. If only they weren’t so finicky.”
“What’s finicky?” James asks at the door, pausing swiftly after looking up. “Your hair looks lush, angel!”
Your cheeks heat under both men’s attention and you know you don’t have long before Remus comes in and is making it hard to stand before them all.
“I brought the soup in here, didn’t want it to get too cold.” He’s holding a tray with two bowls on it- one for you and him you presume, James and Sirius prefer pho to yours and Remus’ wanton soup.
“Thanks Remmy, though you didn’t have to I was coming out soon.”
He shrugs, sets the tray down carefully and then fakes you in. “Are you wearing it curly this week?”
“Today and tomorrow,” you say, an almost insecure hand reaching to touch the curls.
“Looks good, dove.” Remus stalks towards you, hand cupping your cheek as he pulls you in for a kiss.
“Think you ought to keep it curly if you’re gonna get kissed like that, huh angel?” James flirts, all three of them taking turns kissing you silly before you find the voice to remind them about your food.
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impyssadobsessions · 7 months
I don't have much time but I wanted to share this with you while I can! I can't draw but I can write and this is the only way I can share this imagery with you!
The world is passing by in a flurry of colors.
Which usually isn’t that unusual for Clark…usually though it’s because his flying of his own accord. Now…now it was because he was hurdling who knows how fast in piece of metal that was more of a mobile armory then an actual RV then it supposedly was.
There were no support handles to hold on to for just a bit of comfort, no, that was replaced by a handle that would pull down and release a fog horn sound.
So all he could do was pull his knees up to steady himself against the front console, using his size to squeeze himself into a cannonball form in hopes he didn’t get dislodged on a particular rough bump.
Then again if he did, maybe he could get propelled forward and through the front and take the engine out on his way.
Wishful thinking…at least he was doing better then Bruce.
Who was currently sprawled out on the floor of the RV looking like a disheveled cat hanging on to whatever and however he could. Maybe it would look more natural in his Batman outfit but at the moment both if them were in civilian wear and seeing the ‘Prince of Gotham’ doing an impression of a deranged starfish just added on more to today’s bizarreness.
Jack Fenton was giving him a large smile as he drove through another wall, “Don’t you guys worry! I’ll get us to our boys! No speed limit or any barrier can stop a Fenton!”
Clark could only let out a groan of despair as a response...
AMG THIS IS LOVELY LMAO!!! Bruce just imitating one of his sons to keep himself from being thrashed around.. or worse... throw up. ahhhh imagine they both slump out of the rv when they arrive, shaking and so grateful to touch the ground. Bruce is definitely calling for a private jet after this and Clark might agree to ride with him just to have a slower ride.
Danny gives them pity pats when he learns... Jon and Damian like how bad could it be. Damian thinking his father been in a space ship and Jon like we fly that fast every- Only for them to be overheard by Jack by their curiosity, so they all end up being drove back by him. Which bruce and clark like OH GOD please- which becomes a little relief when it turns out Jack drives safer with children.... still deranged but one they can handle. Damian still doesn't see what got their fathers so twisted up. Danny knows though and then asks dad how long it took them. "Regrettably 3 hours son. I was hoping it would be two." Damian frowned and done the math then asking if there was a flying feature in the... rv? "AHA! Nope, but I've been trying to convince Mads to let me install one. She said it would cost too much in gas though, and take up room for the ghost scanner." Damian does the math.. then realizes why his father and clark are shaking in the rv.. even by the tiniest of amounts. "That's my dad! :D" Danny grinning. "He's cool." Jon says innocently enough, not realizing the horror of that statement until it takes them over five hours to get home. Jack decided to play it safe and follow SOME speed limits and road signs. Jack is never allowed to drive again next time they hang out. Bruce or Clark always gets the keys =w= or has limo. ahh sorry got inspired. I LOVE this snippet ;w; !!!! <3 Thank you for writing this. <3<3<3
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itsnevercasual · 9 months
Look Into His Angel Eyes
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pairing: harry styles x zoologist!youtuber!reader
summary: harry takes his niece to the san diego zoo, and you just so happen to take care of the animal she’s obsessed with. koalas.
warnings: zero knowledge of zoology LMAO, not edited, a few curse words
harry had expected a lot more fuss when he went to a very famous, very popular zoo. he expected at least someone — one person! — to notice him or recognize him.
nobody had even given him a second glass.
those kids movies were right. change your har (put on a beanie) and wear sunglasses (because even if it was a little chilly, it was bright), and you were a whole different person!
well, until gemma’s little girl, rosie, who was usually a gem and the best kid ever, started crying. over what, you may ask?
she demanded they find the koalas.
granted, she was only five, but.. he was still worried people would see him and recognize him.
when he had graciously offered to drive rosie to san diego to go to the zoo because gemma simply didn’t have the time, he forgot it was a public, normal people zoo.
so, he asked someone where the koalas were (and then four more people after that on the way there, all of which informed him that he better hurry if he wanted to catch the koala talk, which was supposedly a big hit for some reason), and made his way to the other side of the zoo.
who the hell made this place so big?
you’d been living in san diego for five years, since you were eighteen. you’d been working with the koalas at the san diego zoo for that same amount of time.
18 and fresh out of high school, you moved far, far away from your horrible hometown and even more horrible people, and went to san diego to both go to college for zoology and work your dream job.
well, technically, it was an internship at first, but still!
like most little girls, you were obsessed with animals. however, instead of dogs or some other basic animal (though, koalas are still pretty basic, you suppose), you were obsessed with koalas. and then, it never went away.
your mother tried anything to talk you out of it, into a safer career path, she’d say. more secure.
well, fuck secure because you were about to go talk to little kids who were just like you when you were younger and feed a baby koala.
you had also started a successful side career as a youtuber. you made regular videos like vlogs and hauls and whatnot, and also educational videos about koalas. some of your vlogs were at work, such as today.
“so.. we have jess here to record as i do a koala talk. and.. it is officially 1:30, so let’s go!” you exclaim, handing your coworker, jess, the camera.
you pushed open the door (more like gate) and walked out. there was a fairly large crowd today, including the cutest little girl with a pink dress on right in the front row.
you set the crate (don’t yell, it’s a big crate. and it’s simply to take them from their exhibit to the talk area, which is a distance of maybe 50 feet) down on the wooden table.
the talk area was pretty much their enclosure, but instead of a glass wall, it was open and the kids could see better.
you opened the crate and slowly coaxed the bears out. you’d only brought two today. mila, and her baby charlotte (you always called her charlie, though).
once they were out and climbing on the branches, you turned to the crowd.
“hi, guys! my name is y/n, and i’m basically in charge of the koalas here! who here has been to one of my talks before?”
a few hands raise.
“good! well, today, we have a new guest… who remembers what was happening with mila last talk? was anyone there?”
one little boy raised his hand.
“yes, the.. little boy in a blue shirt?”
“jackson!” he told you.
“jackson, sorry. what was going on with mila? for everyone who doesn’t know, mila is that big one right there.”
“she was— she had a baby in her tummy.”
“she did!” you respond enthusiastically. “and a few months ago.. four months ago, actually, she had her baby! who wants to meet her?”
all the little kids screamed me! me! me!
you laughed, “alright, let me grab her.”
you walked over to mila, petting her head as you slowly took charlie away.
“hey, mila.. can i take her real quick?” you ask as if she can hear you, before speaking to the crowd. “mila and i have a special bond, if you ask me. she had her baby right around the time i had mine. so we are both new mothers,” you laugh. “but, anyway! i’ve been with mila since she got here, so she really trusts me. which is why i can easily just..”
you grabbed charlie off of mila, and put her on her shoulder like you did your baby.
“so, everyone, this is charlotte, but i call her charlie! now, i have a very special job for one of you.. but i need someone who will be very careful, because charlie is still a delicate baby.. can anyone hold her for me while i feed her?”
and finally, the adorable little girl interacted. she started jumping and raised her hand.
you walked over to the fence separating you from the crowd, crouching to be eye level with her. “and who might you be?”
“rosie!” she responded. and oh, she had a baby voice and she was british.
“rosie! well, do you think you can hold her for me?”
“yes! yes, please!”
“alright, we’ll get you and dad back here—“
“ehm.. uncle..” her uncle, not father, responded in a british accent.
“oh, sorry! you and your uncle back here. and what’s your name, rosie’s uncle?”
he hesitated, before— “harry.”
your brain slowly put two and two together as you glanced at his tattoos.
harry styles.
“oh, i see,” you respond, “well, let’s get you guys back here!”
you opened the gate they were thankfully standing right in front of, and they walked into the talking area before you shut the gate.
you led rosie to the center, crouching down to her again.
“alright, we’re gonna do this in a funny way. can you stick out your arm for me?”
she did.
“i’m gonna put charlie on your arm, alright? she’s gonna wrap herself around it, and her claws might scratch you, but it’s fine, yeah?”
“yes, ma’am!”
“aw, you’re so polite. alright.. charlie incoming!”
you slowly adjusted charlie to curl around rosie’s arm.
“it tickles!” she squeals with a laugh.
“yeah?” both you and harry — harry styles — respond at the same time.
“alright, i’m gonna grab her bottle! stay here!”
you ran over to grab it, and while you were shaking it so it was ready, you felt something wrap around your leg.
“hi, mila!” you exclaim to the koala wrapped around you.
you carefully walk back over.
“i’m gonna feed her for a minute, and then i’ll let you and your uncle try, yeah?”
you started feeding charlie as you spoke again.
“so, the reason we feed charlie instead of having her feed from her momma, who is clinging to my leg, is because charlie was born a little early and needs a little more nutrients!”
you talked a little more about koalas and their behavior before rosie wanted to feed her. and after a few minutes of that, you glanced to harry.
“you wanna give it a go?”
“sure, why not,” he shrugs.
“charlie seems pretty cozy.. so, i’ll give you mila. she’s a little heavy, though.”
you bent over and took mila off your leg, handing her over to harry.
“hold her like a baby on your hip.. it’s kinda like a.. odd hug! a koala hug, if you will. i’ll grab her bottle.”
you ran over, and when harry began feeding her after you returned, he asked a question.
“so.. why do y’feed mila? i know charlie’s a baby and all, but..”
“that’s a very good question! so, mila is getting a little old, and she was also brought to us injured. that, paired with giving birth four months ago, we just have to give her some more electrolytes… her bottle is actually just white gatorade. we tried green, but she hates it. she’s very picky.”
“well, that’s cause y’gave her green.”
“hey! who has the degree here? yeah, shush.”
“yes, ma’am,” he laughed.
once the talk was over, you told rosie and harry to stay back.
you let charlie and mila climb about the branches while you spoke to them.
“i just want to make sure you both are alright with being in a video.. also, you need to wash your hands.. jess should be back with the sanitizer soon.”
“can i ask what video?”
“oh! right, sorry. i’m a youtuber, and i sometimes film my talks to publish and whatnot. i’ll blur your faces, of course. i blur everyone in the crowd’s faces for privacy reasons, but i figured you’d be.. more.. concerned about that than most.”
“you know?”
“i mean.. voice is a giveaway.. i also follow gemma’s instagram, so i recognized rosie,” you shrug. “but anyways, you’re good with the video?”
“yeah, of course.”
you then turned to rosie to answer her bajillion questions about koalas until jess came back with the hand sanitizer.
“so, just use a lot of this, and you’ll be good,” you explain, putting a few pumps into each of their hands.
once they were all clean of koala germs, you told them they were free to go.
rosie ran forward, but harry lingered.
“thank you,”
“oh, yeah. of course. i figured you wouldn’t want koala germs—“
“no, i mean thanks for giving rosie that opportunity.”
“oh! of course. i love seeing little kids who love them as much as me.”
“she’s bloody obsessed with the things.”
“mm, yeah. they’re easy to love. word of advice, don’t shoot her love for them down. it doesn’t exactly work. i mean.. look at me,” you laugh.
“i will keep that in mind,” he smilez. “what was your name again?”
“y/n.. y/n l/n.”
a/n: enjoy
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guiltyreverie · 5 days
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x reader
content tags: slow burn, enemies to lovers, gojo being an ass (what’s new lmao), arranged marriage, clan issues
Warnings: NSFW mdni, toxic relationship, heartbreak, self doubt and insecurities, rough oral sex, m!receiving, f!receiving, praise kink, light punishment kink, rough blowjob, no actual sex yet, this is my first time writing smut so bear with me ok 😔, not proofread tbh, buckle up this is one heck of a ride :))
A/n: I’m not sure how many parts this will have as of now (kind of going with the flow)
Summary: When Gojo confessed his feelings for you, you couldn’t have been any happier - you were a fool
Word count: 8.3k
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“Shut up, Satoru. Or we’ll get caught.”, you giggle into his neck.
“What are you gonna do, hmm?”, he grins and his hands wrap tightly around your waist pulling you closer towards him, the giddy feeling in your stomach only increasing with every minute you guys spend together.
The both of you have rarely spent time apart, ever since your engagement party three months ago, almost every day, you’d hang out and go on several dates. It’s almost too good to be true but here you were all shits and giggles and embracing whatever comes next as long as he’s here, with you.
Right now you were in an unoccupied class room, skipping a class, prefering to hang out with each other more.
You roll your eyes at his mischievous smile and kiss him: “I can do that?”, you plant several kisses down his jawline up to his neck, his grasp tightening around you and you were sure you almost heard him whimper when you reached a spot right above his collarbone.
He chuckled nervously: “Now, come on, sweetheart”, he clears his throat and takes a step back, his face flushed and a certain uncertainty sparked in his eyes.
You take that as a cue that you were breaching a boundary and awkwardly step back as well; the slight sting in your chest was almost like a slap to the face, an insecurity you thought had vanished is gnawing at the back of your head but you respected him and his wishes - if he wanted you to stop, you would.
“Hey,”, he stares at you contemplating, something for a second - did he see the doubt building inside of you? If yes, he chose to ignore it, because soon after he grabs your hand and nudges you to follow him outside, his reasoning being ‘we wouldn’t want to miss all of our classes today.’.
You shrug the gnawing feeling off of you, not wanting to be so insecure in your relationship so early on and cause unnecessary drama, you just need to get yourself sorted out. You let him drag you outside to your next class, in the meantime you try to dissolve the mess inside your head - maybe if you ignored it, it would disappear.
When Satoru turns towards you, you quickly smile at him and he winks at you; he lets go of your hand and instead wraps his arm around your neck.
“There’s this nice restaurant in Shibuya, if you want to we can go check it out after school. Maybe a little shopping beforehand?”, he kisses the side of your head, “How does that sound?”.
“Your treat?”, you grin at the mention of a date and were already gushing about what to wear in your head - you had to call Haname for help later.
“Of course, my treat. Anything for my girl.”, he smiles at you, your cheeks flush and you slightly hit him as some sort of compensation; you were so flustered at being called ‘my girl’ you fail to notice the slight guilt glimmering in his eyes.
Right now, you were so content with everything, you almost start to skip in your steps (girl is head over heels istg 😭).
If somebody had asked you, when did you fall for Satoru, you didn’t have the answer, it had just been building up over the years - heck maybe you always had cared for him you just didn’t notice? Maybe it was hidden behind the teasing you had grown to adore him. But even that seemed unimportant in the face of the warm spring breeze, it made you think, no matter what, the flowers would always end up blooming, despite whatever they are going to face.
When the classes are over Satoru drops you off at your dorm and you immediately go take a shower and call Haname over.
“This dress?”, you show her a black shoulder free dress that went up to your knees with a small slit reaching the mid of your thighs, “or this dress”, now you held up a baby blue colored dress with slightly loose sleeves at your hands with a heart shaped neckline that reached mid thighs - the black one is elegant, the blue one more cute.
She contemplates both options: “You’re also going around the mall, right?”
You nod.
“Baby blue.”
The anxiety in your chest gnaws at you: “What if it’s really fancy and I end up being underdressed?”
She gives you a quick glance - probably questioning where you left your head - before shaking her head: “You can still style it with your jewelry because if you guys are gonna walk around first the baby blue one is the better fit. I can imagine it gets very uncomfortable in the black one really fast.”
You sigh in frustration and bite your lip: “I’m overthinking this, aren’t I?”, you sat down next to her, you were being completely irrational but you just wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
She gives you a small sheepish smile: “Just a teensy tiny bit.”, she gestures with her hand to show you exactly how tiny and you chuckle with a slightly nervous undertone.
“I just- I don’t want to make a mistake, make it go back to the point we didn’t talk for months.”, you look down playing with your fingers, you felt like you had just cracked open the window in the cold winter night; exposing your ugliest and deepest thoughts you had so desperately tried to ignore.
She quickly wraps her arms around you in comfort: “Do you really think Satoru is so shallow to break up with you over a dress?”, she holds you at arms length now and stares at you, analyzing you, “there’s more to it, isn’t there?”
You nod slightly - god voicing it out loud makes you realize just how ridiculous you probably sound right now - you let out a shaky breath: “What if I’m not good enough? I’m not her and no matter how hard I’ll try, I will never be her.”
“Did he tell you that? Because I swear to-“, she immediately gets up, preparing herself to beat up Satoru but you quickly grasp her hand and stop her from doing anything reckless.
“No, he didn’t, he never would.”, you shake your head violently, “I just feel like I have to compensate because he gave her up for me.”
She scoffs: “Dear, I love you, but you are being very dumb right now.”, her hand runs through her hair in frustration, “he didn’t give her up for you, he chose you. There is a difference.”
“I know, I’m being ridiculous but I can’t help but feel that way.”, the stone in your chest keeps getting bigger and you start to wonder when you’ll finally burst.
“Did you talk to him, tell him about this insecurity?”
You shake your head and you swear she’s about to hit you for your idiocy but decides against it, instead she firmly grabs your arms and shakes you.
“Talk. To. Him.”
“Gods, no.”, your eyes widened as if she was the one being ridiculous now.
She deadpans: “You’re hopeless.”
“Thanks.”, you reply sarcastically.
“Why won’t you tell him?”, she asks in such confusion - he’s your boyfriend, you should be able to tell him how you feel.
“It’ll pass, he doesn’t need a confirmation seeking, untrusting girlfriend.”
She sighs, like she gave up: “You should really work on your self-esteem.”
“Can we drop it now? It’s just passing thoughts, by tomorrow they are gone.”, you clear your throat unsure if you could even believe yourself right now.
“Are they really gonna pass or will they be buried so deep, you won’t ever acknowledge them again.”
You wink at her and then stand up to grab your curling iron. Your hair doesn’t get done by itself.
She gives you a look of disapproval but takes the curling iron out of your hand.
“I’ll do your hair, you can focus on your makeup.”
You smile at her and get yourself ready.
Once you’re finished you give yourself a nod of approval.
“You look hot and cute- if he doesn’t eat you out today i don’t know.”, she grins.
You bite the inside of your cheeks - will he? Or will he stop like all the other times you initiated something?
You shake your head in a weak attempt to get rid of your intrusive thoughts, he isn’t ready to go all the way with you, you shouldn’t push him.
“You’re right.”, you grin, maybe if you pretend to be fine, you’ll actually be fine in the end.
When you’re done you message Satoru, that you’re ready to go out and a few minutes later he’s already knocking at your door.
You glance at Haname, she gives you a thumbs up and you finally manage to open the door, your heart thumping so loudly, you can barely hear your own breath.
Upon the sight of you Satoru halts mid-greeting: “You look absolutely stunning.”, he kisses your cheek and hands you a bouquet of black dahlias.
“Thanks”, the tension in your shoulders slowly dissipates, “you look very handsome yourself.”, you grin at him and smell the flowers: “They look so pretty and smell so nice.”
“Just thought they looked pretty, like you.”, he grins smugly.
Your face flushes and you cough a little out of embarassment; you gesture for him to enter while you quickly put them in a vase.
He smiles at you and waves at Haname upon seeing her before he grasps your hand and drags you out of the door and yells: “I’m kidnapping this one.”
You shake your head at his antics and laugh: “You never change, do you?”
“Never.”, he smiles but the cold glint in his eyes betrays him.
You felt like an idiot - of course you just had to say the wrong thing - you knew what he went through when Geto decided to walk away.
“I’m sorry if I hit the wrong button.”, you squeeze his hand as a form of apology.
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”, he smiles and squeezes your hand back in return.
When you both reach the car, he opens the door for you and walks to the other side and sits down beside you in the backrow. He tells the driver to drive to the mall and pick you guys up at 6.
The drive takes longer than you had initially expected, the city bustling with people and cars due to the weather getting warmer, you don’t necessarily mind, still fascinated by the little things in life.
Your gaze follows the children playing around with each other, friends talking together - having fun; sometimes it just shakes you up that each one of these people had their own life, their own stories and you wish you could hear them all.
“What’s got the cogs in your head all running?”, Satoru shakes you out of your thoughts.
“All of them, out there”, you nod towards the crowd, “they’re all living their lives, have their own perspectives, they’re their own main characters. It’s nothing new but the realization is so odd sometimes.”, you shrug at him, secretly you hoped he’d understand, even join you in such a philosophical topic - get a glimpse inside what’s going on in his head.
He smiles at you and leans his head towards you, one of his eyebrows raised: “You mean, like realizing not everything revolves around you?”, you inhale a sharp breath, he said it with such a sweet tone and yet it felt like such a passive aggressive dab at you.
You stay silent for a few seconds, considering your next words carefully, it seemed like that’s all you do around him recently - walk on eggshells - your inner self laughs at you demeaningly - is this how you’re supposed to feel like in a relationship? You interrupt yourself before it gets worse - no bad thoughts tonight.
“I didn’t mean that.”, you almost scoff, slightly offended, but you hold it in, maybe he didn’t notice how provocative he sounds.
He raises an eyebrow: “maybe you didn’t say it outright, but you clearly meant it.”
You sigh: “Let’s not start fighting about a mere observation.”, you tense up slightly.
He chuckles: “Your wish is my command.”
Finally the driver pulls into the parking lot and you’re more than happy to get out of the car and get a fresh breath of air. Distraction is what you both probably need right now.
Satoru waves goodbye to the driver and you quickly fix your dress before you step in, Satoru close behind you.
“Anything specific you want to check out?”, he grabs your hand and gives it a small kiss.
“I was thinking about new dresses. We have to attend many family gatherings this month and then there's our annual big sponsor announcement - we need to get you a suit.”, you contemplate if there’s anything else you need but decide that’s it for today.
He groans: “Can’t we just stay at home and cuddle instead?”
You chuckle at him and squish his face: “No. If it’s any consolation, though, we can cuddle afterwards.”, you grin.
He sighs playfully: “At least something good is coming out of these family events.”
“Y’know we don’t need family gatherings to cuddle? You can just come over.”, you suggest, maybe he would finally be the one to initiate some romantic action.
“I’ll think about it.”, he hums playfully; leaving you incredibly frustrated again - the nagging sensation that had been nestling in the back of your head had reappeared - why did he always almost entirely refuse any type of intimacy between you?
You nudge him while you roll your eyes - don’t show him your worries - you repeat almost like a mantra in your head.
“Is there anything you want to check out?”, you ask him, completely open to anything he wants to do, really, you just wanted to finally cross the bridge that’s almost always holding you at arm’s length away from each other.
“Not really, just want to spend the day with you.”, he smiles, “Now let’s go get you some pretty dresses.”
You smile, albeit, a little more coldly than you’d like to admit and you both look around the different shops.
Several shops and try-ons later you had a few dresses, Satoru’s suit in several different bags, all held by Satoru. You still were in the cabin trying on your last dress - a long red backless V-cut dress - you’d probably wear this to the sponsor event, it’s a little eye-catching but that’s how it’s supposed to be and it looked good.
Leaving the cabin you were about to turn when you see Satoru on his phone; you call out his name and he slightly tenses up and quickly puts his phone away.
You narrow your eyes in suspicion but decide to ignore it and do a little twirl: “What do you say?”
He gets up from his seat and walks around you, blowing a whistle: “You look breathtaking, absolutely stunning.”, he grins, “no man would be able to keep your eyes off you and then in despair, they’d have to realize that she’s taken to this dashing young man.”, he gestures at himself and you let out an amused chuckle.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“You love it.”, he winks.
“Unfortunately.”, you sigh playfully.
“Now, hush.”, he rushes you back into the cabin, “we have a reservation at 6:30.”
You laugh: “Since when do you care about punctuality?”
He gasps in mock-offense: “Since always!”
“Sure.”, you hum in complete disbelief and quickly take off the dress and give it to Satoru to pay for it.
While he pays for it you change into your normal dress and get out, waiting for him outside. Soon he steps outside and you guys walk to the parking lot where your driver should be.
He whines as soon as he steps into the car: “I forgot how exhausting shopping is.”
“It wasn’t that bad. Besides, you suggested it!”, you nag him.
“Yes, I did, that doesn’t make it any less exhausting.” , he pouts in all his 6 foot 3 glory and you chuckle.
“You’re such a child.”, you grin.
He scoffs: “I’m not!”
“Of course you aren’t, my big baby.”, you coo mockingly and pinch his cheek like a grandma.
He lightly slaps your hand away and grins: “Don’t hurt the masterpiece.”
“The masterpiece should get a hold of his ego.”, you roll your eyes, a comfortable feeling engulfs you - when had you been this comfortable the last time?
He winks: “You can get a hold on this ego.”, you almost scoff - is this the same man that cockblocks you and himself all the time?
You decide to be bold, test the waters: “What if I do?”, your shoulders tense up slightly, the fear of another rejection never disappearing.
His eyes widen slightly and he starts to chuckle nervously: “Now, love, behave, our driver can hear us.” and your face flushes in embarrassment but it doesn’t stop you from not understanding the underlying subtone - another rejection.
You start to wonder just how long you’ll be able to hold in your feelings; it wasn’t getting any easier, not when any attempt to take a step he takes two steps back, it was frustrating to say the least, made you feel like he didn’t actually want you and it was slowly but surely suffocating you.
“When will you let me in?”, you mumble, tired of this back and forth you lean your head against the window and decide to close your eyes for a bit; maybe he had heard you, maybe he hadn’t, you don’t know - the rest of the drive is silent.
It seems like you dozed off during the latter half of your drive because you wake up to Satoru gently shaking your shoulder and telling you, you had arrived.
You nod and get up still slightly out of it so when you get out of the car, you’re a little dizzy and lean on Satoru’s chest, you can hear his breath hitch a little.
“You okay, sleepyhead?”, he chuckles and you nod.
“Just a second.”
“Take all the time you need, love.” , he smiles and wraps his arms around your waist to secure you.
After a few more seconds in the fresh air your sleepiness finally disappears and you’re ready to go in.
“Alright, I’m ready.”, he gives you a quick glance, probably confirming for himself, if you are actually ready and then guides you inside, his one hand not leaving your waist.
The both of you step inside and you’re fascinated by its glimmering aesthetic of black and gold, it was elegant and prestigious, absolutely beautiful, the tables each decorated with wonderful ornaments that suited the restaurant's interior design - just how did you never hear of this place?
A waiter welcomes you and asks for your name, then guides you to a table with Gojo’s name on it and leaves you to settle in and check out the menu.
You gush at Satoru: “Just how did you know about this place?”
He smiles, yet it was more of a painful smile: “I came here with someone once.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion: “Who?”, and then it hit you; her, it had to be Hiyori, he’d never take anyone else to this type of restaurant, your teeth clench together and you grip the edge of your seat tightly, you were absolutely furious - did he have to take you to a restaurant where he previously went with his ex? “You have to be kidding me.”, you deadpan, you didn’t want to fight, not today, never actually, but how much longer are you supposed to feel like the second option, the one that will always remind him of what he could have had, the one that will never be enough for him.
There’s only so much you can tolerate.
“It’s not how you think it is.”, he attempts to grasp your hand but you immediately slap it off.
“You were here with her.”, you raise an eyebrow, you were stating the obvious, hell anyone that knew him would figure it out.
“I- yes, but it doesn’t mean anything to me. It’s a nice restaurant that I wanted to show you. Nothing else.”, he justifies himself and you almost can’t believe him - he doesn’t even realize just what this implies.
“Satoru, the only thing, stopping me from immediately getting out of here, is that I don’t want to draw attention to us.”, you click your tongue, you knew this rage would turn into pain sooner or later but right now you’d rather feel angry than drown in self-pity and misery.
“Have you decided what you’d like to order?”, the waiter from earlier shows up and stares at Satoru with his notepad in his hand.
He starts to speak up: “No-“
“Yes, I’d like a glass of sparkling water and your Wagyu Steak, can you also add a Caesar Salad for the both of us?”, you smile at the waiter and for the first time this evening he looks at you instead of Satoru and you swear you can see him falling right here and now for you, as if his slowly reddening cheeks didn’t give him away.
“Yes, of course, anything for you.”, he smiles, from the corner of your eyes you can see Satoru clench his jaw and angrily tap his fingers on the table; you almost laugh out loud - he had the audacity to be jealous, now? The waiter's gaze lingers a little longer than necessary on you and you just keep looking back, normally you wouldn’t act like this - so immature but the bitter aftertaste his ex left on your relationship just made you act in ways you’d never had before. The waiter seems to finally snap out of it when Satoru clears his throat, absolutely furious at him or you - you didn’t care; let him. He smiles nervously: “And what can I get for you, sir?”
“Same as hers.”, he replies curtly, looks like he wants to get him away from the table as fast as possible.
The waiter nods and steps back but not without catching another glance at you.
“Could you stop playing into his desire for you?”, he scowls and you scowl right back.
You were about to play a dangerous game but god you wanted him to feel the same way you did, make him suffer just as much and the opportunity was handed to you on a silver platter.
“He was merely taking my order.”, you roll your eyes.
“Yeah, sure, he was.”, he replies, his voice dripping with sarcasm and he leans forward, “You’re mine, don’t think some small waiter has a chance.”
You gulp, fuck that was hot, you’d even tease him back if you hadn’t been so mad, so hurt.
“I’m not your property.”
“No, but you’re wearing my ring.”, his darkened eyes brimming with anger, jealousy, it might sound pathetic but seeing him like this, finally made you feel wanted, the feeling you had craved for so long, feeding the insecure monster inside of you - the amount of power you let him have over you was absolutely dangerous.
Soon the waiter comes back with your drinks, Satoru’s scowl only deepens upon his sight and either the waiter didn’t notice or simply didn’t care because he still gives you a friendly smile and you give him a simple ‘thanks’.
“Anything else I can do for you whilst the food is being prepared?”, he mostly looks at you, letting the ‘angry Gojo pot’ almost overflow.
You smile back and order two glasses of their finest champagne.
“Yes”, he clicks his tongue in absolute anger, and demands, “give me a waiter that doesn’t wonder what’s under my fiancée’s pants.”
“Satoru!”, and he looks at you with such intensity, almost daring you to speak up against him and for a second you wonder who the man in front of you is.
The waiter chuckles nervously, trying to calm down the situation but Satoru wouldn’t have any of it: “Unless you want to lose your job, do as I say.”, he was challenging him, Satoru was beyond pissed and some twisted side of you couldn’t get enough of it.
The waiter quickly leaves and you give him an apologetic glance, earning another angry glare from Satoru.
“You’re overreacting.”, you deadpan.
“I’m not.”, how his teeth haven’t shattered by how hard he’s clenching his jaw, remains a mystery.
“Are we ever gonna come here again?”, you cautiously ask.
“Fuck no.”, he shakes his head almost immediately, “never again.”
“Do you finally understand why I’m angry that you’re taking me to the same place you took your ex to?”
His eyes widened just slightly, almost unnoticeable, but you noticed and he nods.
You smile at him awkwardly: “feels shitty, doesn’t it.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”, he bites his lips, finally some sort of rationality is getting to him.
“Just don’t do it again.”, you sigh, wanting to get rid of the sour mood on the table, “you look incredibly hot when you’re jealous.”, you glance at him innocently.
“Don’t do it again, or I might end up killing someone.”, he groans.
You chuckle: “toughen up, loser.”
He rolls his eyes playfully: “You’re unbelievable.”
“You love it.”, you grin back.
He grins back, his eyes sparkling in the light of the restaurant and for a few minutes you forget the underlying issues, hiding like mines in the field, waiting for anyone to step on them and get them to explode, leaving only destruction behind.
You take a sip from your champagne and enjoy the bubbling taste swirling on your tongue.
„Any plans for tonight?“, the curiosity gnaws at your throat and you stare at him, slightly tensed; were you being greedy? Maybe, nonetheless it doesn‘t stop you from asking questions you‘ll most likely end up regretting upon hearing their answer.
„No“, he smiles gently, „only plans with you.“, you ease up, except the piling mass of frustration that chained you down like a madman, didn‘t really let you.
Even if the universe wanted you to be at peace, you‘d be its biggest enemy. Just why can‘t you have faith in his feelings for you; why did it always end up with you second-guessing him or yourself.
„Good“, you chug down the glass of champagne, letting the fizziness drown out your inner distraught.
He chuckles, oblivious to what is going on inside your head, „eager much?“
„It‘s just-„, you lick of the remains of it from your lips, „really good“.
He simply lifts up his hand and orders another one for you.
Your dinner is served very quickly and you enjoy the rest of the evening in the restaurant.
Time passes quickly and you‘re already about to step into your dorm, the question falls off your lips before you can even think about it: „Do you want to come in?“
He‘s hesitating, you see it in the way he glances outside and the way he is biting the inside of his cheek.
„You don‘t have to- mere courtesy, really.“, you spit out nervously, the feeling of walking on eggshells is washing over you again.
„No, I want to.“, there‘s pity in his eyes, you know he‘s lying, god you almost want to take back your question, you hated it when he looked at you like this, if you weren‘t so desperate for any type of attention from him, you‘d maybe actually respect yourself and stop begging for his attention, but you don‘t, you push it down for your next cycle of self-hatred.
You grab a pair of joggers and a shirt that are way too large for you and hand it to him, „in case you want to get into something more comfortable“, you mumble, not really looking at him.
He sighs and disregards the clothes in your hand, this time almost immediately noticing something is wrong with you, he grabs your face and gently strokes your cheek: „What‘s wrong, doll?“, concern fills up his eyes.
„It‘s nothing, really.“, you wrap your hand around the hand that is caressing your cheek and gently squeeze it, you don‘t want him to know about your ugly thoughts.
He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not believing you, „I can‘t fix what I don‘t know about.“, there‘s still that concerned tone in his voice but you can‘t deny the underlying annoyance hidden in between.
You bite your lip, an internal battle unfolds, you don‘t want him to be annoyed with you but your carefully manufactured armor of false self confidence was crumbling and any hit would be fatal to your general well-being.
After a few seconds, he seemed to grow impatient, with a deep sigh he finally slips out of the embrace.
No- in the spur of the moment you grab his arm, stop him from leaving you, the final hit shatters your armor and you take a deep breath.
„Sometimes I feel like this relationship is so one-sided.“, you gulp, you don‘t want to look him in the eyes.
„What the fuck do you mean, y/n?“, he asks softly, his voice laced with confusion.
„It feels like I have to beg for your affections, Satoru“, you finally muster up the courage to look him in the eyes but the intensity in them made you look down again, you‘re feeling way too vulnerable for your own comfort.
He grabs your chin, his breath heavy, forcing you to look him in the eyes. He analyzes every single aspect of your face: „For how long have you been feeling that way?“, he croaks.
„I don‘t know.“, you shrug.
„Why have you never told me? Have you ever even considered telling me? Or did you just plan to bury it down until you‘d be tired of it and simply break up with me?“, he didn‘t raise his voice but it sure as hell made you feel like he was yelling at you, scolding you like a child.
„I don‘t want to have to speak about this. Just what is so hard about showing me you actually care about me?“, you bite your lips, you didn‘t want your date night to end up in an argument, but you‘d be lying to yourself if you didn‘t feel good about finally spilling what haunts you in the late hours of the night.
He seems to contemplate his next action and you keep staring at him, waiting for him to decide, keep arguing or acknowledge what you‘ve been feeling and trying to suppress for so long.
You anxiously stare at him, the clock was ticking, the room so silent it equaled a firework, add in the light tapping of your foot on the floor, you sensed a headache incoming, especially if this doesn‘t get resolved fast now that it‘s in the open.
Another sigh, a step closer to you, you wanted to step back, but your body was not your own anymore, not really, you had just been a doll, in the hands of the doll maker, rarely acting on your own, always listening to his demands, boundaries and needs - putting him first because he mattered more to you than you mattered to yourself, a fool, really - discarding yourself in the pretense of love.
„I‘m sorry, doll, I‘m so sorry.“, he grasps your cheeks, the tenderness with which he embraces you, the soft look in his eyes, for a second you wonder how you could‘ve ever doubted him.
„It‘s okay“, you lean into his touch, why do you always crave him so much?
He gently kisses your forehead: „I promise, I‘ll do better, yes?“, you close your eyes and nod - a silent agreement, his cologne consumes you and you‘re ever so soft for him, your problems seeming almost irrelevant, overdramatic even.
Satoru grabs your face and leans down to kiss you, a smile on his face. You smile back and sigh in content, his breath lightly tickling your nose. The kiss deepens as he wraps his arms around your waist tightly and you reach up to wrap yours around his neck, the need to be as close to him as possible growing with each kiss shared between you. His hand starts to roam around your body, when it reaches the curve of your ass, he smirks lightly and squeezes it. A gasp leaves your mouth and you have to break the kiss, questioning his intentions but too light-headed and caught in the taste of him to actually judge him properly.
„What?“, he smiles at you and leans down to whisper in your ear, „Didn‘t you want this?“, he continues as he bites your ear lightly.
Your face flushes and your brain short-circuits at the possibility of what‘s next.
Satisfied with your bright red face, he continues, „Already blushing for me? Could you even handle what I want to do to you?“
„I‘m sure I can hold myself against you, get off your high horse.“, you scoff at him - you weren‘t sure, at all, your brain after all stops working whenever he‘s in arm‘s reach but he didn‘t need to know that, you had at least a little bit of pride left.
He hums knowingly: „Prove it.“
„Oh, I will.“, you scoff and before you can say anything else he grabs you a little roughly by your throat and kisses you, sending butterflies right down to your lower stomach.
Your fingertips trace around his chest slowly going lower and lower as you continue to make out, you felt like you were on cloud nine, Gojo Satoru is overwhelming you. The kisses turn sloppier, heavier, his hand squeezed your throat lightly and you gasp, drunk on him, feeling the wet spot in your panties you pull him closer by his belt, unable to control yourself any longer.
Satoru steps forward, not letting go of your throat and your lips and you stumble backwards, not expecting the sudden movement, until you reach the edge of your bed and he lets go of you and stares down at your flushed face and despite being fully clothed you felt very naked under his almost primal gaze.
„Sit down.“ he commanded, and you sat down, how could you not when he looked at you like he was about to eat the best meal of his life and it made you giddy, sending shivers right down your spine - you’d willingly let him do anything he wants to you.
He took off his shirt and your eyes widened, you had forgotten despite his seemingly lanky appearance he had muscles underneath. Hungrily you lean forward and your fingers reach for his belt, the need to touch him growing rapidly, he leans forward as your fingers start to undo his belt and he kisses you pushing you down further into the mattress, his arms caging you in, the size difference between you guys making you feel like a small rabbit in a lion’s den.
“You’re so beautiful, y/n.”, he whispers into your lips.
You reach forward to kiss him but he draws back a little and you almost whine at him in frustration like a little girl.
“Desperate, aren’t we?”, he tsk’ed and smiled, his lips trailing down the corner of your lips, to your jaw and finally landing on your neck.
He continues to leave kisses all around your neck while his hands trace all over your body until they finally land on the back of your thighs and spread them so he could place himself between them. His crotch met yours and you hissed at the sensation, your insides turning to jelly, too flustered to say anything else you grab his hair and tug at it lightly, especially when his lips reached a soft spot on your neck you couldn’t help the moan escaping your lips and dug your fingers even further into his hair, he was igniting a fire inside of you and you weren’t sure if you could stop this time. Satoru smirked at your soft spot and started to lick at your soft spot then continued to suck and bite at it, your eyes widened like a deer in headlights and you bit your lips, preventing yourself from moaning again.
When he was finally satisfied with what he had done, he reached for the hem of your dress, his cold fingers grazed your skin and he took it off and took in the sight of you.
“My pretty baby.”, he smiled at you, you looked away in embarrassment, “Aww, don’t be like this, look at me, sugar.”, he reached for your face and forced you to look at him, “This is only the beginning after all.”
It didn’t seem like he was actually waiting for a response from you because before you knew it, he was back down at your collarbone, his teeth slightly grazing against your skin, sending another shot right down to your core and your eyes closed in ecstasy, you felt so good right now. The only thing in your mind were his lips and wherever they could land next. His sloppy kisses start to trail down to your chest, his large hands following in and cupping them around the bra, before he continues he gestured for you to take it off, you immediately listened and threw it across the room, not caring where it would land.
He gently grabbed your left breast with his left hand, his right hand meeting the curve of your ass and giving it a light squeeze as well as he leaned forward to kiss you, you moan into his lips, your mind only screaming at him to touch you, a chant that has grown and grown, you don’t think you could ever have enough of this, of him.
His hand roamed around from your ass to your thighs until it reached the hem of your panties, he stopped kissing you and looked down at you.
“You okay with this, love?”
You nodded eagerly in response, not trusting your voice to speak normally.
“Words, love.”, he smiled at you and your neediness, he knew you were almost begging for him to touch you but he wanted to hear it from your pretty little lips.
“Yes.”, you huff, impatiently waiting for his fingers to meet your most sensitive area.
He hums: “Yes, what?”
You were going to bite his head off: “Please.. touch me, ‘Toru.”, you mumble, suddenly embarrassed at just how needy you were right now.
A small chuckle leaves him: “Good girl.”, and doesn't wait any further, finally giving you what you need, he touches you between your legs, your wetness already having soaked your panties and he hums in approval. “All for me, huh.”, he grinned while you gasped at his touch, your pussy pushed against him in response, craving the friction, the release, anything really.
He lightly rubbed your clit, watching for your reaction, those doe eyes of yours looking at him covered in pure lust, he didn’t wait any longer and took off your panties, taking in the sight of your wetness.
The cold breeze hit you and you instinctively tried to close your legs.
“Nuh-uh, don’t even think about it.”, he growled and his hands wrapped tightly around your thighs preventing them from closing them, not waiting any longer he dove in and started to eat you out.
At the first touch of his wet tongue against your clit you let out a big a gasp, your head fell back and chest rose in surprise, your senses were on the edge, so consumed by him and you closed your eyes in pleasure, your fingers clenched into the sheets and you wrapped your legs around his head, not caring anymore about any shame whatsoever only seeking the pleasure he gave you right now.
His tongue sloppily devoured you, his left arm pressed down on your lower stomach preventing you from moving and you’re left at his mercy when he inserted a finger inside of you, you groaned at the foreign but pleasing feeling.
When he started to move his long finger curled up lightly inside of you and your eyes rolled back almost immediately, feeling so full with just one finger, you had to wonder, just how would you be able to take his dick.
“More. Toru, please.”, you mustered up to say in your drunken haze, “I’m so close.”, you moaned at the tension building up in your core, ready to explode and he chuckled against your clit, making you almost cum undone.
He lifted his head up lightly, you could see his lips glistening from the wetness in your folds and you almost groaned at the sight, turning you on even more.
“Don’t cum, until I say so.”, he looked at you sternly, “I’m nowhere near done with you.”
You rolled your eyes at his controlling behavior, not being able to handle not cuming and groaned, “I can’t control it.”
He flicked your clit lightly and you gasp, flinching back a little at the slight cinch of pain, “Cum, if you can handle the consequences.”
You groaned, wondering what you got yourself into, you bit your lips and prayed for mercy, he’d wreck you and you can’t say you’d be completely against it, the idea of punishment exciting you even more.
“Are we clear?”, he asked, checking if you’d actually be okay with that.
You nod in response: “Now touch me.”, you whined, your pussy felt too empty right now.
He nodded, “good.”, and dove right back in, this time adding a second finger, curling them up while simultaneously sucking at your clit like a starved man, you were a moaning mess at the sensations, his long fingers filling you up so much in a way your fingers could never.
You were close to cumming, not caring about his earlier warning you didn’t even try to hold back but Satoru sensed it and took out his fingers before you could actually cum, you whine at him, feeling deprived and considered hitting him in annoyance, especially when you saw the glimpse of amusement in his eyes, he treated you like a cat playing with a mouse, nothing but a mere toy.
“Satoru.”, you moan, “please, I wanna cum.”
“You can do it, darling.”, he smiled at you and kissed you, his lips covered in your fluids they tasted slightly salty but not unpleasant, his hard and clothed dick rubbed against your vagina, “see how hard you made me? Now be a darling and don’t disappoint me, hmm.”, he hums.
You groaned into his lips, the sight of his hard dick made you feel so good, you felt like you’d be able to do anything for him.
“Mhm.”, you hum, so drunk on pleasure you didn’t want to speak proper sentences.
“Good.”, he smiled proudly, his hand went back down and he started to finger you again while he kept kissing you, his pace started to fasten with each second passing and unable to handle it you grip his back, your nails clawing into him the fast pace almost making you see stars.
He started to nibble around your neck, leaving bute marks and hickeys everywhere and when he finally reached another sensitive spot on your collarbone biting down on it, you couldn’t stop yourself anymore, your eyes rolled back, you felt dizzy and light headed, “I’m cumming.”, you manage to gasp out, your toes curled and your breath grew heavy forgetting everything around you, Satoru kept fingering you during your high taking in the sight of the mess you had become.
When you finally rode off your high, at least an ounce of sense coming back to you, Satoru groaned at you: “You’re so hot, when you cum, baby, you did so good.”, he praised you and took his fingers out of your pussy and licked his index finger, you flushed at the sight, “you taste even better.”, he hummed and pulled his middle finger in front your mouth, “Open up, baby.”, he demanded, you flushed even more in embarrassment but were still too light headed to protest so you obey him and open your mouth. “Now suck, love.”, and you wrapped your mouth around his finger, tasting yourself on it, sucking on it, while looking up at him, as if it were his dick you were sucking off right now you licked it all clean off your cum.
When it was all clean you let go of his finger, sat up and looked at him, “I also want to make you feel good.”, you reached for the hook of his pants.
“Are you sure, love?”, he asks.
You nod, “Mhm, wanna suck you off.”, you smile and look at him innocently.
His eyes darkened and he smirked: “Well I won’t stop you in that case.”, he stood up and you crawled towards the edge of the bed, feeling excited again, at the idea of sucking him off, you unzip his pants and help him take them off, the sheer size of his dick peeping through his boxer and you could see a drip of precum, you gulped - how would you be able to take him fully?
“Nervous?”, he chuckled at you in amusement.
“No.”, you huffed, “I was just surprised.”, you hide away your inner doubt, you’d do what you can to please him.
“Mhm.”, he hummed and you got off the bed and kneel down in front of him.
You hands reached for his dick inside of his boxers your fingers traced down his length and you heard him suck in a deep breath, your hands stroke up to his tip, teasing him and you could feel, that it took every ounce of self-restraint inside Satoru not to just jump you and take you - this made you feel powerful, confident.
With the new surge of confidence you massaged his dick lightly through his boxers and you looked up at Satoru, teasing him, your tongue glided up his dick through the boxers leaving a big wet trail on them and Satoru hissed and grabbed you by your hair, “Come on, love, take them off.”
In obeyance you nodded and took them off his length slapping into your face and you gulp - he really was big, you wouldn’t be able to fit in his entire length.
Hesitating was pointless really, so you convince yourself to be a big girl and return the pleasure he had given you, taking his cock you wrap your lips around his tip and swirled your tongue around it, sucking it lightly like a lollipop, due to his precum he tasted a little salty and you didn’t want to let him go without letting him cum inside your mouth tonight.
“Fuck, y/n.”, Satoru grunted, holding back from pushing his length immediately right down your throat and fucking the daylights out of your mouth, he grabbed your hair tighter in a weak attempt to hold onto his sanity.
“Hmm.”, you hummed against his tip, you could see the goosebumps appear on his skin at the sensation.
“You’re driving me crazy.”, he hissed as you finally went in deeper now sucking him off even more, you barely had a third of him in your mouth and you already were full.
Bopping your head on his dick you slowly take more and more of him, enjoying that Satoru is letting you be in control for now and you planned to tease him just as much as he teased you.
“Sucking me off so well, you’re such a good girl, darling.”, Satoru praised you, going straight into your core and you let go off his dick.
A little breathless you said: “Just for you.”, and looked up at him innocently, this would definitely get him going even more.
He smiled in approval: “Such a darling.”, the grasp on your hair tightened while he forced you to keep looking at him, he pressed his cock against your lips again and you opened up like a good little slut.
Now he was in control again, starting out slowly he forced his dick deeper and deeper down your throat until your gag reflex kicked in and he pulled out, fastening the pace, you let him fuck your mouth, grabbing his thighs for some steadiness.
You felt so used but it felt so right at the same time, right now you weren’t more than just a hole to him but the grunts and moans leaving his mouth felt like little praises towards you.
Saliva was starting to run down your mouth and he kept hitting your gag reflex so much tears started to come out.
“You’re so pretty when you cry, baby.”, the sight of you on your knees, crying while taking him without a single complaint was enough to edge him on, he was reaching his high point, making him fuck your mouth even rougher and faster.
You kept gagging on his length, the sheer speed of him not letting you form any coherent thoughts, the only thing your mind could focus on was the way his balls slapped against your face and the iron grip he had on you.
“Fuck, baby.”, he groans thrusting and thrusting inside of you, his eyes closed he threw back his head, “Hiyori, I’m gonna cum.”
It’s as if cold water was thrown against your entire body and you just woke up from a terrible nightmare, the realization of what was going on through his head hitting you hard, like a wrecking ball - destroying any resemblance of happiness, only leaving behind the debris of bitterness, sadness and anger. Anger at him, at yourself, for being so stupid and letting yourself be used as a mere rebound you tried to push him off - to no avail - he was in too much of a bliss hidden behind a fantasy you weren’t a part of to pay attention to you.
He finally came.
And you shattered, the salty taste of his cum down your throat scarring you deeper than any blade, any bomb could ever do
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majestichyuk · 1 year
Kutabare (くたばれ)
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Pairing :- Jeno lee x Fem!reader
Summary :- Just jeno in his simp era.
Genre :- college student!Jeno, college student!reader, kinda cute, flirting, never back down never what- 
Wc :- 876 words babe
WARNING :- cringy overload but that's just me 💀lmao. Nut groping because why not lol, A lil lick moment but nothing drastic CALM DOWN. 
NOTES :- No smut (unless you ask ofc 😀). This is my second story cause I couldn’t help myself honestly. Had to refrain from going overboard because ion got much of a big following and need to know what my ppl want, so I can deliver what they need ✊. I’m open to critique because I can improve by it and praise is always appreciated. LIKE, FOLLOW & REBLOG. 
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“Why are you following me Lee?” you asked for the 20th time today but he still continued to be on your ass ever since you transferred to this school 2 weeks ago because of personal reasons.  
“Because I simply can?” stating like it’s so obvious and as if you’re supposed to magically be aware of his odd innuendos. Ignoring him you continued to search for your next class.
Jeno of course had the same class as you and started playing with the little charms you have attached to your bag. You tried to fan his hand away but he quickly moved to your right and roughly pulled you to his side, his left arm resting on your shoulder.
“You need to lighten up more, putting up this persona isn’t gonna make me any less attracted to you,” He tightened his grip on you, whispered into your ears, and sultrily licked the side of your neck.
“It makes me want you even mor-” Before he could utter the next word you quickly pushed him off.
“EW WHAT THE FUCK JENO?!” you wiped the side of your neck, looking at him in disgust. You fixed your bag strap and pasted away to your class but Jeno swiftly leaped forward and grabbed your arm.
“Oh come on, don’t act like you didn’t like it,” He placed his other hand on your next arm and positioned you in front of him. 
You suddenly felt a ting in your lower stomach. You’ve always had a thing for Jeno but never wanted to act out those intrusive, unruly thoughts. You’d have to repeatedly remind yourself why you transferred in the first place, 1. To get a better education at a school with more open opportunities, 2. Start over and actually focus on the work and not make the same mistake you did at your previous school because failing is a feeling you’ve become to not like and you weren’t about the let Lee fucking Jeno distract you and get in the way of that. You’ve studied too hard to get accepted here, and he’s not going to make this whole progress a fluke. 
Jeno began to walk backward, leading you to a nearby janitors closet. “I just want to get to know you better, y/n,” He sang your name as he placed his hand on the back of your waist while stopping in front the door of the closet.
You roll your eyes and pull him by the ears. “I’ll allow you to get the know me better when I’m ready Lee Jeno,”.
He smiles seductively at you as he hunches over the more you pull on his ear groaning lightly. 
“Eh!?,” he let out a cute noise, tilting his head and looking at you as if you killed his dog the more he processed your words.
“But I know you enough,” he cupped your cheek whilst he removed your hand from his ear, leaving you stunned. He leans in closer to you, tightly wrapping his arms snugly around your waist. You could feel his minty breath brushing the tip of your nose, his bulging bicep digging into your skin in the skin-tight shirt he decided to wear, and his stone-hard chest pressed firmly against yours, feeling his rapid heartbeat, it almost made you blush. He smirked as he inched closer, but somehow, you felt something and got a little bold, so you held his gaze intensely. 
“You excited little boy?” you cheekily smiled as you groped him through his jeans. Jeno let out a strained moan as he looked you in the eye pleadingly. 
“Well you excite me by just being here. Simply can’t seem to help myself,” Jeno turned the knob of the closet door and pulled you inside.
The fourth-period bell began to ring indicating that class had finished and the next lesson was to begin. You halted your steps and backed out of the closet, leaving Jeno stunned.
“You’re gonna leave me here, bricked up in broad daylight?” Jeno braced on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest cocking his brow at you, waiting on your reply. 
“Well, yeah” you chuckled lightly at seeing his discomfort. 
“I’ve got to get to my classes, and I’ve already missed one,” You brushed down your shirt. “AND you’re not gonna make me miss the rest,” you held onto your bag straps as you slowly took small steps backward.
“It’s not like we don’t have some classes together,” Jeno retorted.
“Keyword some and now you know why I sit away from you,” You place your arm in front of you when you realize Jeno walking closer to you, stopping him in his tracks.
“Take this as your first lesson in getting to know me better, I like the color blue,” you passed him and quickly left to get to your scheduled class. Jeno called out your name, and you turned your head in his direction.
“I can buy you a blue teddy bear, you know?!, THIS BIG” Jeno shouted, opening his long arms to dramatically show you the size of the imaginary bear, gaining some odd looks from the other students in the hallways. 
“Bye Jeno.” You playfully rolled your eyes and couldn’t help but smile and his cute gesture and went into your classroom. 
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spikesbunny · 11 days
+ warnings: sub!afab reader, masturbation, panty stealing, nipple play, unprotected sex, spitting, biting, licking, breeding kink, overstim, having sex w glasses on, somewhat feral zhongli?
+ ft: pervy college au zhongli 
nsfw under the cut,, mdni !! 
i didn’t proof read, srry for any errors (also may i mention this is like, ancient?? like throw back post LMAO)
reposting from @/roronoaism, all content is mine!!
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zhongli knew he was fucked as soon as he got assigned you for the project. you. fucking you. you were the smartest (or at least, one of the smartest, since albedo held that title with a chokehold) students, and you was gracefully (or should he say devilishly) assigned his partner. 
that wasn’t the worst part. the worst part was the point of the assignment was to compare your anatomies (of course, excluding your “swimsuit parts”, as your teacher had called it). that plus the fact he had a nasty, large crush on you, proving to him that this assignment would be difficult.
zhongli had liked you for a while. actually, he first developed feelings in high school, when he saw you enter his home room. god, it drove him crazy (and still does), how you wear such short ass skirts that he could see the plush of your thighs pressed together. he’d rather it be him pressed in between them, devouring the sweet sweet pussy you hid behind your pretty lace panties, the ones he wanted to rip off so SO bad. 
he was so down bad, he’d even stolen pairs of your lace panties, and rubbed them against his aching dick, wishing it was use making his pretty pink head leak and cum instead of an article of yours. not that it wasn’t good, he just wanted you.
he had your number. he always had it, and always considered texting you, or god, sending you a picture of his monster cock leaking pre-cum and asking you to come and suck out his soul :( zhongli never sent those messages, and never even texted you - that is, until today. 
after all, you two did have to work on that project,,, even if it ment he would be rock hard and begging, practically begging, to bend you over his desk and stuff your pretty cunny with his dick.
trying to take his mind off of the nasty lewd thoughts swirling in his head, zhongli shot you a text asking if you wanted to come over and get a head start on the project. you responded instantly with a Sure, be right there!
lord it turned him on so much how you typed with correct grammar. and it brought another lewd daydream crashing down on the 6′2 male. fuck was the only thought going on in his head as he heard the knock on his dorm room. “c,come in” zhongli muttered out. fuck, he was already forgetting how to speak.
you opened the door, and smiled and your knew partner. “hello, zhongli!! it’s been a while since we’ve talked, huh?”
“y-yeah” was all he could say. god, his cock was straining against the fabric of his sweatpants. he pushed his glasses up, hoping you couldn’t see his massive boner.
“may i sit down on your bed? i was hoping to get to know you a little better since, you know, it’s been so long.”
you. YOU wanted to sit on his BED?? his mind was going a thousand miles per hour. he scooted over a little, making room for you. “sure, y-you can sit here”.
you took your seat next to zhongli, and it was instant over for him. he couldn’t stop staring at your thighs, the way they were pressed together and a little bit ready from the pressure, and oh, you skirt hitched up a little too high, exposing the top juicy part of thsoe precious thighs, the ones he wanted to bite and through over his shoulders.
“zhongli, i know you called me over here for the project, but i can tell u want something else” you looked over at zhongli, turning his brain to mush.
“and what do you mean by that?” he spat. zhongli hated how you could read him, yet it turned him on so much. 
“li, i can see you staring at my thighs. it’s okay, you know, if you like me.” you placed your hand over zhongli’s, causing him to lose full control of himself. 
“fine, since you apparently can see through me like glass. yes, i’ve liked you forever, and god i think you’re the sexist person to walk this earth. please, let me take you, im begging you”. zhongli grabbed your hand, and started kissing it and slightly up your arm, begging for an answer. 
“aww, you’re so cute like this, all flustered and shy!! i won’t lie, i’ve had my eye on you too, and i guess you can take m-” 
before you could finish your sentence, zhongli crawled ontop of you, smashing his lips into yours. he bit and nibbled at your lip, before slipping his tounge in and letting his hands roam your body. fuck, he’s good was all you could think right now. the makeout session was going so fast, and you felt his hard-on brushing your leg.
hongli was getting needier by the minute, his crotch grinding against your clothed cunt. he lifted off your shirt and unclipped your bra, just so he could start pinching and squeezing your nipples between his slender fingers. “f,fuck you’re so goddamn perfect” he moaned into your ear, causing a whimper to fall from your lips.
“l,li, please, just do it already”. you whined. oh, if only he could see how wet you were, you pussy was just drooling at this small touch. 
“i don’t know what that means, you might have to speak up, love~”. zhongli cupped your face in his hands, before moving off your lap and teasingly tracing his fingers on your thighs.
“i, i need you to fuck me, please!! fuck em stupid, please please!”. god, you were already whiny and desperate, and you hadn’t even seen his dick. 
“fine, just dont expect me to take pity if it’s too tight”. zhongli pulled down his sweatpants and boxers, and oh lord, was it the biggest cock you’ve seen. 
“uhhh, it’s big” you whispered, seeing him smirk down at you. 
“whats wrong love, you dont wanna do this?” he kissed your cheek and down your jawline, before tenderly biting your neck and shoulder. 
“l,li please, just put it in already!”. you whimpered, pulling his face closer to your neck. 
zhongli looked at you, moved between your thighs, and bite. hard. you squealed in slight pain, but it soon faded to pleasure, as he bit and licked all the way up your thighs and to your pussy. he peeled off the sopping wet panties, and put hid them. “those are mine now, princess” he hissed, before sitting up. 
he grabbed your thighs and spread them apart, moving his face closer to your ear. “be a good girl and keep them wide open for me, would ya?” he hissed, before returning to biting and licking your neck.
the next moment was a blur, as he thrusted his giant cock straight into your cunt. “f,fuck!!” you moaned, but the only response from zhongli was a grunt.
he was plowing into your insides at this point, and without any warning. his glasses were cold against your skin, and the love bites he left were covering your neck. the whole campus would know about this just from looking at you.
you moaned and whimpered even more, begging zhongli for mercy as he hit your cervix with no regards. “love, please, im giving you what you asked for.” he moved his face closer to yours, pressing his forehead to you. 
the lewd noises of him pounding your poor cunny filled the room, and it made him even more feral. “li, y,your going to fast!” 
a knot grew in your tummy, and zhongli’s thrust were becoming relentless and sloppy, showing he too was reaching his climax. "li!! i, im gonna cum!! ugh li please!” you moaned. 
“mm, f,fuck” zhongli grunted, before spilling his cum inside of you. you came shortly after, panting and shaking. 
he pulled out, watching his milky sperm spill out of your pussy lips. without any warning, he spit on it, then used his fingers to shove the flowing liquid back inside. 
“h,huh?? li, what are you-ah!”
zhongli pushed himself back inside of you, thrusting even faster than before. the room filled with your whines, mewls and protest.
“li, please, s’ too much!!” you were whimpering and drooling, his dick pounding and twitching inside your abused cunt. 
“s,shut up please, i, i need to breed you, need to feel you wrapped around my dick, fuck, please, just let me empty myself inside you”. zhongli grunted into your chest, taking on of your nipples and flicking it around with his tongue.
“a,ah!! li, please,, gah, you feel so good,!!” he looked up at you, his eyes hazy and his glasses lopsided. fuck, he was hot. 
“fuck, im gonna c,cum!” he pounded harder into you, completely stealing any chance of you speaking. all you let out was a small whimper to let him know you were close.
zhongli thrusted into you roughly one more time, before spilling his milky strands into your walls once again. 
the two of you panted, looking at each other.
“m,maybe we do work” you softly said.
he shook his head. “no, i, i need more of you”
you two definatly weren’t going to get anything done tonight.....
©2022 spikesbunny - please do not repost or translate my works on other media sites ♡
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wish-i-were-heather · 28 days
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ABOUT: 1685 words, no use of y/n
STORY: xander is assigned to be your lab partner for an assignment that neither of you really understand
WARNINGS: none!!
A/N: this is actually inspired by a real lab i did in my chem class bc my friend reminded me of xander. a lot of the dialogue is actual real dialogue we had lmao. so yeah fair warning that this isn't very well written just something i threw together for fun :) also i dont understand chemistry at all so sorry if anything's incorrect
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“Alright, you may begin.”
You were standing alone in the corner of your science classroom. Your teacher said she was going to randomly assign partners for the lab. But there was an odd number of people, so you were left alone. 
You looked around a bit to make sure there wasn’t anyone else who didn’t have a lab partner before walking to the front of the class.
“Uh, Mrs. Watson?” You asked. She looked up from her computer with a raised eyebrow. 
You cleared your throat. “I don’t have a partner.”
She frowned, standing up from her desk and looking over the classroom. “Oh, that’s my mistake. We’re missing a student today, I marked that in attendance. I didn’t realize that when giving partners. My apologies.” She pointed at a pair working at the table in the back corner. “Can I ask you to go join-”
“I’m here!”
The door slammed open and hit the wall with a loud bang! Everyone’s heads turned, and the class went silent. But they all went back to their work when they saw who it was.
“You’re late, Mr. Hawthorne,” Mrs. Watson sighed. “Again.”
Xander’s backpack was slung hastily over one shoulder. He closed the classroom door and nodded. “Yup! Third time this week. But, in my defense-”
“I don’t want to hear it.” She pointed at you. “Your partner will tell you what we’re doing. Get to work.”
He nodded again, turning to you and offering a wide smile. 
“So… that empty table in the back?”
Five minutes later, you had everything set up. There were strangely colored chemicals in different tubes, and you were both wearing the aprons and goggles that you were required to.
You looked down and frowned. The aprons themselves were ugly, plus the goggles. You weren’t wearing them, and you really didn’t want to. Part of you wondered if getting burned by a chemical was all that bad after all.
But you kept it on.
With a sigh, you slipped on the goggles and looked up at Xander. He was finishing tying the back of his apron too, and for a moment you just watched him.
His dark hair was tousled, like he hadn’t had time to brush it that morning. You could see just beneath the atrocious apron that he was wearing, that the tie of his school uniform was loosely askew. His tongue was poking slightly out of his mouth in focus as he finished tying the back.
When he finished, Xander’s eyes wandered from the supplies on the table before meeting hours. But at first, neither of you said anything.
You decided to break the silence.
“Nice eyebrow.”
“Thanks,” He grinned. “Grew it myself.”
“And the other?” You asked.
“I was left unattended.”
Xander motioned towards all the stuff on the table. Tubes, flasks, off-looking liquids. You didn’t know what you were supposed to be doing with any of it. You’d stayed up late writing an entire essay, so you were running on little sleep
Apparently, there was a reason you were given three weeks to write it instead of two hours. 
“So what are we doing?” He asked. 
“Honestly, I have zero idea,” you told him. “I wasn’t paying any attention.”
“Oh, well, I wasn’t here, so I couldn’t have been paying attention. This is kinda all on you.”
You stepped up to the table and picked up the instructions Mrs. Watson passed out that you hadn’t bothered to read. But reading them over, you realized you didn’t understand any of it.
“This is all, like, fancy chemistry stuff,” you said.
Xander took the paper from you. “Let me see that.” He looked it over for a minute, reading fairly quickly for the amount of small text that was on the paper. 
You studied his expression. “Should we ask for help?”
“No-” Xander snapped immediately. “She doesn’t like me.”
“I mean, you are always late.”
“But I am an excellent student!” He insisted as he put down the paper. “She just doesn’t know how to appreciate my gifts.”
“Did you gift her your eyebrow or something?” 
He stuck out his tongue at you. “Do you want me to help you finish this lab or not?”
“Fine, fine,” you said, unable to stop the corner of your lips from turning up. “So what are we supposed to do?”
“It’s simple, really,” Xander said, finally letting his tone drop to more serious as he turned to the table. “We’ve gotta take the pH measurements of each of the four liquids, and then mix them together to see if it’ll raise or lower the pH levels.”
You stared at him. “Huh?”
He sighed. “Just open your notebook. We have to hypothesize.”
You did what he said and opened your notebook. Rereading the instruction paper, it said you had to guess what happened when you mix hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.
“Is that gonna raise or lower the pH, Xander?” You asked without looking up from your paper.
“Raise,” he answered. “More of a base.”
Silence fell between the two of you again as you finished writing your hypotheses. You were pretty sure that yours was absolute nonsense, but at least you had something written. 
“Okay, thanks,” you said. Xander took both your and his papers and set them aside. “I’m not necessarily bad at chemistry. I’m just a bit… scientifically challenged.”
“Is that so? That just means I get to teach you. How exciting”
“That’s only half terrifying coming from you.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He shrugged. “So, let’s start before Mrs. Watson decides to get mad at me again.”
You quickly learned that “scientifically challenged” was actually a lie. You were, in fact, very bad at chemistry. 
pH scales made no sense. Xander had to do all of the measuring, while you just wrote down whatever number and color he gave you. The first was red, the second was a blueish-purple, the third was yellow, and the last was a greenish-blue. You promptly forgot the names of all of them the moment after he’d read them to you, but it was fine. As long as you wrote down the data and got the work done.
Xander smiled at you again, the corners of his eyes wrinkling behind the big goggles. He put his hand up in the air. “High five?”
“We’re not done yet.”
“Okay, but we did the first part. HIgh five me.”
You gave in. 
“Alright,” Xander clapped his hands together. “Next step. Mix them together.”
You practically jumped up. “Oooh, can I pour it in?” 
“The erlenmeyer flask, yeah.”
“Who’s Meyer?”
He sighed and pointed at the empty flask in the middle of the table. “Pour them both in there.”
“Oh, okay, got it.” You reached for the first tube with a white liquid and poured it into the flask. You then did the same for the pink one next to it. “Can I drink this?” You joked as you poured it in.
“No, you may not.”
You poured them in quickly and waited. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who you asked, there was no big explosion. Xander stepped forward again and measured the pH. 
“Eight,” he explained. “They almost neutralize each other. Key word almost.”
You nodded and the both of you returned to your papers. “So,” you asked. “What do I write in this box?”
He stared at you. “The box that asks for the color?”
“You put the color.”
“So… pink?”
Xander rolled his eyes, but he had a smile on his face. “Are you doing this on purpose?” 
“Perhaps.” You got to write the word pink in the box that asked for the final color of the liquid, and then number seven for the pH number.
“Perhaps,” He teased under his breath, putting on a very bad British accent.
You looked up from your work. “Are you bullying me?”
Xander gasped. “No, of course not. I love British people. My brother is half British.”
“What?” You exclaimed. “Who? Which one?”
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter, we need to finish the lab.”
“I’m trying, but I don’t understand,” you sighed, deciding to ask him about his family lineage later.
“Have you ever seen Breaking Bad?”
You frowned, that was the most random question. “No.”
“Hm. You learn a lot about chemistry from it. I did.”
“I probably wouldn’t retain any of it.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “You’re right.”
You nodded and turned back to both of your papers to work on writing the conclusion, whether or not your hypothesis was correct. Then you realized what he’d just said- that you wouldn’t retain anything. 
“Wait, what?”
The bell rang just as Xander handed you his paper, and you went to turn both of yours into the basket at the front of the class. “Thanks,” he said when you returned, slipping his backpack over his shoulder.
“Thank you, actually. I probably would’ve failed if you weren’t my partner.” You laughed. 
“Maybe this is your sign to actually pay attention.”
“Maybe this is your sign to show up on time.”
He shrugged. “Why would I do that? I kinda liked working with you.”
“Only kinda?” You teased.
“Sorry, I meant to say I’m obsessed with you and we have to do every single lab together for the rest of time or I will pass away,” Xander said, putting his hands on his chest dramatically. 
You rolled your eyes at him, just like he had before. “C’mon, we’re gonna be late for next period.”
“I’m always late,” he shrugged. 
You grabbed his wrist and began to walk towards the door. You were the last ones in the class, even the teacher was in a different teacher’s room talking to them. “Yeah, I’m trying to fix that. Let’s go.”
“We don’t even have the same next period.”
“I don’t care, we’re leaving now,” you insisted. Xander sighed reluctantly.
“Yes ma’am,” he muttered sarcastically.
But that grin never left his face.
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the writing above belongs to me. please do not copy, modify, repost on other sites or claim as your own. © 2024 wish-i-were-heather
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TAGS: (honestly im just gonna keep them down here because it makes the top part look more clean) @littlemissmentallyunstable @gretag13 @lanterns-and-daydreams @whatsamongus @alwaysthefangirl
@emelia07 @f4iry-bell @low-caloriesmonsterultra @that-daughter-of-hephaestus @maybxlle
@xoxo-vee @elysianwayy77 @midiosaamor @sheisntyou - lmk if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist!!
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teopatra · 1 year
tell a friend to tell a friend, she’s bacccck 🤭 🤭 🤭
~ 😗 pick an image 😗 ~
Todays topic is… DRUM ROLL PLZ 🗣️.. 🥁 🥁 🥁
Why do ppl hate on u?? 🤔
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Group 1:
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You’re the type of person that is very thorough and this makes other people compare themselves to you and automatically feel attacked bc it’s so obvious that they’re only working to achieve the bare minimum. Before meeting you most people did only what was expected of them in school and work until they met you and now they see you as the standard. If you were such a bad person then why would random stranger customers praise you??? give you gifts, buy you snacks, etc if you were such the bad guy like people make you to be.
You’re the type of person that people may pick on for no reason not bc they see you as weak but bc they WANT you to FEEL left out, these types of people were the ones crying and complaining on social media during quarantine about how lonely they were and sad bc they had to be by themselves and you was just there sipping your tea bc you did your shadow work years ago when everyone else was creating soul ties and being n superficial frenemey relationships . You’ve been ostracized since an early age, but they can’t seem to understand why no matter how cliqued up they are and you’re standing alone or with one other person who also stands alone, why you aren’t begging to be n the circle or why you aren’t trying to prove yourself to others. whole time you’re loved by your family, your community , your siblings and or you have a friend group outside of them that they’re not aware of. Needless to say, you’re pretty fulfilled in life.
Bc of your high IQ, whether you know or not, you actually are gifted in creativity. For most you prob are supppper stylish you’re Mr or Misses put that shit on .. like FORREAL, and you rarelllllly get compliments or you do but not publicly or people may come days later like I saw that pic you posted and you’re thinking to yourself liiiiike hmm I didn’t see you n the likes thooo hater if you seen it why you ain’t like it then?? 🙄 people tell on themselves and you’ll realize years later that the whole time you were really the IT girl or Him but you make people feel small so they’d never tell you. Silent stalkers, silent obsessed fans and hidden enemies & prob people who call themselves your besties bc they wanna be accepted by the masses and since your the unconventional baddie (really not unconventional it’s just everyone else is basic and unoriginal / you break the norms and people don’t know how to be stylish outside of following trends or recreating what they see on their FYP or timeline…) anyway the way you dress is original and you’re prob good at trend forecasting and when you say stuff people be like “shut up” cuz you’re always right and people are inept when it comes to being creative or original; at the same time if someone was to try to wear what you’d wear for some reason they’d look like a fool 😂 it’s giving that’s so raven vibes where you’re psychic AND fashionable like how you gonna be the whole package? Meanwhile they’re getting bashed by their own family members for being dumb as doorknobs lmao
School : you’re the type to actually pay attention and when simple questions are asked you realize how little common sense people have bc they’ll basically repeat what was just said and so many people are used to being pacified and not called out on their BS bc it’s “not nice” but you’re like eff that why did you just ask what we’re doing n class when we’ve been talking about it for the last 30 min like bffr?? Cuz atp you’re playing in MYYY face for wasting my precious time by having to repeat simple stuff. I see you being the type where you’re tired of the professor asking the class questions and the class just mute sitting there like 🥴😓🫤🫠😵‍💫😴 .. AGAIN WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS LIFE FOR WATTT EXACTLY? So you *sigh* (save the day Superman /superwoman) by , once AGAIN, answering.. the.. questions.. you feel a tap on your shoulder.. “how did you know that??” ARGHHHH you want to scream bc I’m sorry [TW] everyone at your school is stupid or slow and it be making you feel like you weren’t even supposed to be born n this time period bc it’s no way 😂 you’re the type to get a bad grade n an easy class like gym just bc you didn’t try or change out when in reality you don’t gaf bc you prob have a high GPA anyways. I see you overall being a nice person (I just seen 3:33) but you have a low tolerance bc you know what you want out of life and everyone is just going thru the motions.
Work: you exemplify great customer service and work ethic and most people may hate on you bc customers prefer your service over others not just bc you look good 😂 which people also try to say you have pretty privilege and that disgusts them bc you actually do but don’t get it twisted bc you’re handsome intelligent and you understand psychology really well which goes hand in hand with sales. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for being friendly or doing your job right. I don’t see you being like a stickler rule follower but rather someone who engages with customers to make the day go faster and honestly it builds rapport and makes your reputation even better bc you could be the youngest yet seem the most knowledgeable bc people who’ve worked there longer or have senior experience bc they’re much older feel like you should just take notes from them even tho there’s no notes to be taken bc you body the job. In fact you body everything you do like they wouldn’t hire you if you weren’t qualified. You’re the type to get the job bc of your experience then when you work your magic now all your coworkers are hating UGH I can relate
Alright group 1 we’ve been going in LMBO if you want more actually check the other piles bc this one is getting long , like 2 may resonate assswelllllll🫶🏽✨💕
Group 2:
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Okay girl people hate on you because they assume that because of how you dress you could come from a family that is a little more well off even tho you don’t flaunt it , tbh you are a lowkey kind of person and may be a bit timid. I see that you challenge yourself and put yourself out there because you’re a talented individual but your anxiety or shyness may get the best of you. You’re very intuitive and you can pick up on other peoples emotions you may be claircognizant or clairaudient or like the character in Charlie Bone who could touch objects and be transported back , so you sense things that most people don’t notice like subtleties and small changes n the frequencies.
People hate on you for seeing right thru them.. it’s unfair to ppl that try to hide behind a mask or coverup their true intentions or emotions and you may innocently ask someone what happened or what’s wrong bc something did and they didn’t tell anyone. So they immediately project on to you and call you weird or try to embarrass you wen you were trying to put yourself out there by being nice. Sorry I got side tracked but you could also be the type of person that doesn’t have alot of money but you’re resourceful and people wonder how you look so stylish when you’re not wearing anything designer. Or if you do wear designer brands it’s not the mainstream designer that people are used to and even up and coming designers that you’re aware of as are most people who are into the fashion world but these people are basic so all they know is Gucci.. you’ll have something on and people like it and love it trust me but they’ll try to get you to doubt your choices by making you the joke but honestly if it was so bad then why y’all talking about it sm?? Like who’s the fan? they are 🤭
People hate on you bc you’re chosen and they have pick me energy.. like you have the ability to stay focus and you’re selective with your energy I see you have this one true friend you rely on and everyone can’t stand them bc they’re 10 toes down for you and there’s prob a lot of daily talk where you’re the topic of conversation and others wish that people talked about them sm like they do you so they’d feel important but you’ve prob stopped someone from telling you what others say about you to you bc it isn’t aligned with your higher self or the action of gossip is just low vibrational. you’re like why’re y’all talking sm about other folks like can y’all step your game up so you can be the topic instead ??? You’ve prob told people you don’t care to go to college bc you want to sing , dance, act or do art.. strong fire energy or Aquarius energy. Like you’re just different and in your own lane and if anyone tried to find their way into your lane they’d automatically get called a copycat.
You’re the popular loner; you mind your business and stay focused and people hate on you bc you’re not easily distracted, there are no rumors that can go on about you bc you’re authentically you even tho you’re to yourself everyone knows exactly what you’re about and you really don’t leave any room for confusion or assumption cuz a “bih knew better than to to let [me]/ you hear it” .. 😂
People hate on your bc they can’t try you and honestly you’re probably everyone’s crush and they’re all competing for you.. funny thing is people don’t converse about how hot you are to each other bc in everyone’s eyes they’re trying to get with you or you’re their imaginary gf or bf and they wouldn’t admit it bc they don’t really wanna know who you’d pick😂 BIG delusional energy , you don’t have mean girl vibes but you don’t play the BS games. You make people feel like they have to step their game up like they may act childish but when you come around everyone straightens up and fights for your attention even if it’s a friend group bc they’re all secretly in love with you and wonder what type of things you’d like so they can win you over
People hate on you bc of how classy you are it doesn’t come off as arrogant, it just gives boujee high standard vibes. you could have a very attractive parent or older sister and peoples older siblings and parents can have crushes on your family and that’s why people hate bc they ugly 😂 or if their dad has a crush on your mom it’s like 🙄 it seems like people cannot escape you bc you’re the talk of the town.. people also hate on you because people try to be like you wen they realize their crush likes you bc even if you were to like someone back you don’t make it obvious you like to play hard to get or you like to be chased (AS YOU SHOULD ).. you may catch people watching you or eavesdropping or trying to steal glances at your phone or Instagram.. people would love to be your friend to get advice from you but they’re jealous and jealousy consumes people.. you’re really the nicest person but you couldn’t care less who likes you or doesn’t cuz at the end of the day you have INFLUENCE. And with great power comes great responsibility.. years later these people may try to friend you on FB or tell you how inspired they were by you or they wish you were friends.. but like they couldn’t handle being your friend anyway bc their standards for themselves really aren’t that high and it shows 😂
Strong Scorpio rising or Scorpio placements but now Scorpio sun
Group 3:
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Bet y’all never heard this one 👇🏽😜 [explicit lyrics]
Okay last but not least pile 3 you should read pile 2 bc it’ll make more sense. you are also extremely talented and for some reason you have this karmic lesson that you have to overcome where everyone tries to put you into a certain box like oh you should just be a nurse o you should do this or be that but they don’t have the type of talent you have and with that type of talent that you have will attract a lot of naysayers but if you do music you either have a very angelic voice or your music tone or type is original like Kendrick Lamar’s flow when he first came out or like a mixture of alternative rap.. whatever it is don’t be shy try to live out loud. You’re not the type of artist that shoves your art in peoples faces and if you put your art on a platform like Etsy or SoundCloud I see the more intention you put into it and the more you believe in yourself the more attention you attract from strangers. People hate on you because you stand by your work whether it be tarot, pottery, resin work, herbology, makeup etc and people in your hometown may not support it as much as others do… like if you were to have a showcase I see people from other places hoping you announce a date so they can come to your city and support you aww 🥹 it MAY take years of hard work BUT that’s what people want us to think.. the Divine blessed you with a gift that you should love OUT loud.. the more you do the more resistance you’ll get from those around you but that’s bc Saturn, Rahu, Mercury, and Ketu want to challenge how hard you’ll work bc not everyone deserves to be famous which is why some famous people or people of notoriety flop or don’t last long bc it’s not genuine.. you don’t do it for the money you do it out of love..
people hate on you because you EXUDE love.. you ARE LOVE and there’s nothing bad people can say about you bc you don’t harm anyone you give people compliments but I see a lot of people from your family or hometown deal with generational trauma and they’re not used to Divine energy and true love so you trigger people bc you illuminate their shadows and you make them uncomfortable with how at peace you are with yourself.. you are an influence /influencer (in the making.. on a wide scale don’t think that you’re not an influencer just bc you’re it rich or famous or getting a bunch of brand deals baby you better live delusional cuz that’s how you manifest)
people hate on you bc they may secretly buy your products or listen to your music when they’re alone and it triggers something n their soul when they hear your voice and words and it may make them cry bc they realize how unhappy with self they are .. people wish they had your confidence to have a passion and a gift and to love it sm that you want to share it with the world they also hate how insecure they are.. they know your songs bar for bar and want to play it n public but feel embarrassed 😒
People hate on you because you’re funny and for some reason people wanna hate you sooooo bad for no reason lol what’s their problem and you make your haters and enemies laugh and they can’t help it to the point where they may try to be nice to you and even if they didn’t do anything overly mean or bully like to you you look at them like their dumb wen they do bc you’re like ummm didn’t you hate me last week ???? And now they have a reason to make you the bad guy (might wanna read group 1)
People hate on you for being the youngest 😂 they hate on you for dumb things like having small hands or being dainty .. people could hate on your for liking cute stuff (like hello kitty or computer games even if they’re violent or logical games) like you’re like a cute little angel baby even if you’re a guy and if you’re a guy people hate on you bc you’re sweet and quiet and you laugh to yourself and other guys feel like you should flex your masculinity some people (TW) may try to say you’re gay for liking certain things which you could be and so what if you are gay used to mean happy ☺️ but for most of you I see you’re severely homosexual lol and lowkey all the girls have crushes on you but even tho you’re a quiet angel baby you prob got lean muscles and dark hair and you just don’t look like the other guys it’s crazy how men deal with beauty standards like women too but even tho most people may not have an outward crush on you, if there was a vote most people surprisingly to you would actually say you’re quite attractive ..
people hate on you bc you wear simple clothes like graphic tees and joggers and you look so hot 😂 I see you may be kind of a clutz or accidentally wear mix match shoes bc you got dressed n the dark lmao it’s giving strong struggling artist hobo vibes lmao and people hate that about you bc you’re naturally alluring and radiant. You may like anime or like to tell stories, even tho people may try to act like you’re lame if there was a bonfire people would want you there and sometimes people may try to throw parties just to see if you’d show up but you never do bc ✨social anxiety✨ .. strong E girl E boy /goth vibes it reminds me of stefan salvatore from vampire diaries 🤭😍🤤😫.. you’re not actually a guys guy or a girls girl bc you prob have a lot of siblings that are the opposite gender or you and you’re the only one that’s a girl amongst brothers or vice versa or if you’re the only boy with a bunch of sisters you may have a baby brother that’s wayyyyy younger than you .. basically you see how people may use manipulative tactics due to gender
I keep seeing backpacks maybe you take transit a lot of you like to walk and you just got your backpack but what you got n there Dora? 👀 better not be a weapon of mass destruction lolz jk
Strong mutable sign vibes or check your Pisces /12th house and gemini houses or Mercury
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jeniuyn · 1 year
KISS ME ✮ 1610! miles x fem reader
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summary: y/n is one of the most popular girls at Visions Academy, so everyone thinks it's weird when she starts hanging out with the weird new kid... (just a ton of fluff lol)
a/n: my first post and i barely proofread this, sorry if it's bad LMAO
Everyone knew about the new kid Miles Morales. Miles had made quite the name for himself during his first few weeks at Vision Academy. Ever since everyone saw the incident between him and the new student Gwanda (hair incident lol), everyone steered clear of his direction. Rumor had it that he was even the reason for her sudden unenrollment from the school just a few days later.
You were one of the only very few people who didn’t believe this silly rumor. You had been partnered up with Miles a couple of times as lab partners and found him to actually be quite normal. He was surprisingly funny, nice, and actually kinda cute. During lectures he’d always crack jokes to you, resulting in you bursting into fits of giggles and being scolded by the teacher. Everyone questioned why one of the most popular girls at Visions Academy was smiling and blushing every time the new kid opened his mouth…
After a couple of weeks, you began to actually look forward to science class (a class you previously dreaded). You and Miles grew closer and closer and soon enough you found yourself taking extra time out of your day for your appearance before science. All your friends teased you for your little crush on the new kid, but nonetheless encouraged you to make a move. 
You took a deep breath and adjusted your hair before walking into class, taking a seat, at your and Mile’s shared table.“Hey Morales,” you said casually, Miles looked up from his sketchbook and took out his headphones, “Oh hey y/n, you’re here early.” He said quirking an eyebrow, “You look really nice today by the way, uh not that you don’t look nice every day but I mean you just look extra nice today. You got a date or something?” He asked trying to sound as casual as possible.
You giggled at his remark, “No, just wanted to put in the extra effort today…” You paused and looked up from the ground to meet his gaze, “Actually, I was actually wondering if you wanted to do something after school today…since it’s Friday I figured we could maybe go watch a movie or something.”
 Miles’ eyes widened, clearly flustered by the invitation, “Oh yeah sure I didn’t really have anything planned for tonight besides just staying in and playing video games with Gankee. There’s actually a horror movie playing that I really wanna see too.” He said with a hint of blush on his face.
Truth be told, you hated horror movies, but not wanting to fumble this amazing opportunity you decided not to say anything about it, “Okay cool! We can meet there around 7ish and grab snacks before the movie starts.”
Miles smiled. “Yeah cool.”
It was currently around 7:10 pm and Miles was nowhere to be seen. You stood in front of the movie theatre, looking a little too dolled up to be seeing a movie. You stared at your phone, Miles texted saying he’d be there in 5 minutes 15 minutes ago. Suddenly you saw Miles running full speed towards you, “S-Sorry I’m late I got caught up with something!” He panted, clearly out of breath. You playfully rolled your eyes, “Yeah yeah whatever, c’mon let’s just go and watch the movie.” You said before grabbing his hand and dragging him inside.
Throughout the movie, there was the occasional hand brushing and inching towards each other. Halfway through the movie, he saw you shivering and offered you his jacket, in which you happily accepted it with a shy thanks (it smelt like him lol). Sadly, just before Miles was going to make yet a move on you the movie came to an end. As you two were exiting the movie theatre you spotted a couple of boys who went to your school snickering and glaring at the two of you. 
“Damn, she’s wearing his jacket and everything it must be serious…” One of them said.
“How the hell did he pull her, he’s literally so weird” The other one said.
“What’s a girl like y/n doing with a guy like him…”
“She’s probably just using him for something I bet…”
Miles suddenly stopped talking and looked uncomfortably down at the floor. Your blood was boiling. Who the hell did these boys think they are? Suddenly, the perfect idea popped in your head.
“Miles can I kiss you?”
 His eyes widened and he turned beat red, “Uh what? You wanna kiss ME?”
“Yeah, we need a show these dickheads that they don’t know what they’re talking about…that and I also just really wanna kiss you..” The last part came out a little bashful.
Before you could say anything else, Miles crashed his lips against yours. It was pure euphoria, Miles tasted sweet and you quickly deepened the kiss. After half a minute or so, Miles pulled back.
“That should show them not to mess with us.” Miles said smugly
The boys stared at you both with wide eyes, you shot them a dirty look before pulling Miles by the hand towards the exit.
“Did you see the look on their faces? They looked so stupid!” You exclaimed, Miles nodded in agreement before the both of you burst into a small fit of laughter.
“That was really fun, we should do that again sometime,” Miles said, tucking his hands into his pockets.
“The movies or the kissing?” 
“Don’t play dumb y/n, you know exactly what I’m talking about,” 
You continued to play dumb, “Hmmm I really don’t know what you’re talking about Morales, I think you’re gonna have to show me.” You said smugly
“Oh yeah?” He asked before pulling you closer.
“Y-Yeah..” You said taken back by his sudden boost of confidence.
He pulled you into a deep kiss.
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orion4ever · 10 months
Cove Holden x mc? Cove gets heatstroke when surfing with mc, and mc and cliff take care of him? Thanks 😊
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Author’s note: I actually got heatstroke once while at a flea market , I had to sit down on the concrete lmao! I kept the step ambiguous enough, it could either be Step 2 or 3 depending on what you want! ^^
late note: i got this request so wrong 😦, I thought it said mc gets heatstroke..Whoops! Thats my mistake
Pairing: MC x Cove Holden
He starts noticing instantly if you start showing signs of suffering a heat stroke.
Leaves you alone when you wave it off as the sun just making sluggish.
If you look like you’re about to pass out then expect Cove to guide you to a chair and give you some of his cold water.
He gets so worried about you and thought it was something more serious :(
Luckily both him and his father are both very sweet.
It was the hottest day of summer, at a more populated beach there was a surfing competition where you and Cove would be competing.
The two of you were very excited about it, you had been practicing together every day that you could and were confident that you would OBLITERATE every surfer there!
Cliff had been the first to volunteer to drive the two of you out of town to the beach in the neighboring town to compete.
You all sat in the car, Cove tapped his fingers on his thigh as he looked out the window.
You leaned on your side of the car and stared out the window too.
Cliff was keeping his eyes on the road but decided to start a conversation.
“So, you two excited?” He asked with an easy smile, already knowing the answer. Cove turned away from the window and gave a half excited nervous smile.
“Yeah. It’s going to be great” he said with a chuckle. “This would be the first time I will be surfing with other surfers though. What if I do badly” He asked, rubbing his nape.
“Don’t be so down on yourself, we’ve been practicing every day. Even if we aren’t as good, we made an effort!” You had encouraged, giving him a pat on the shoulder.
“You basically live in the ocean” You had added with a chuckle.
“Hey.” He said with a raised brow.
“MC is right, Son. What matters in the end is that you have fun.” Cliff added, peering into the rearview mirror to look at Cove.
“I guess you two are right. I am feeling a bit better about this.” Cove had said, now with a more sure smile.
That's the spirit, Bud. And perfect timing too. We’re here.” Cliff finished, now pulling into the beach parking lot and finding a spot.
The three of you filed out of the car and stood around. Cliff pulled out the beach bag your moms had prepared for them. (knowing him, he’d probably sit on the sand and forget to pack sunscreen)
“Okay, guys. Let’s put on some screen and Zinc…?” He questioned the last thing when noticing a small new packet of Zinc Surfer Sunscreen.
Before Cove could comment or protest, his dad squeezed a good chunk of it in his hands and covered Cove’s nose and cheeks with it.
“Ah-“ he said startled but accepted his fate of being properly sun-screened.
When Cliff was done he motioned for you to take the zinc and sunscreen so that you could apply your own.
You shook your head. “Nah. It's good. It’s even that sunny today.” You protested. “I barely wear sunscreen or ‘Zinc’ anyway.” You continued, you didn’t like how either of those felt on your face.
“I dunno…” Cliff said a little hesitantly.
“Mr.Holden, I promise I will be fine.” You tried and reassured with a laugh.
“Well okay then. You know what works for you. Tell me if you wanna reconsider later though, okay?” Cliff caved in.
“Of course! Now come on, we got a surfing competition to win.”
It had been three hours of the surfing competition. You and Cove were able to get first place in your age category and were rewarded with a humble-sized trophy.
Since the three of you drove out here, you may as well enjoy this new beach until it was time to go home.
While you and Cove talked, you began to feel a little lightheaded and your vision began to feel like you were spinning. You began to fan your face a little, maybe thinking that your surf suit was making it feel hotter.
“MC, are you ok?” Cove asked, noticing your behavior change.
“Yeah... I think the sun is making me sluggish or maybe I am just tired from the competition..?” You questioned.
“Do you want to sit down?” Cove asked.
“Nah. I am good. Let’s keep going, I think they’re giving out hotdogs over there.!
The sun was trying to boil you alive today.
Maybe this was the sun’s revenge on you, for not heeding your neighbor’s warning and putting sunscreen on.
You swayed and held your head, you felt so dizzy and nauseous. You decided that you needed a break and flopped onto the warm sand.
“MC?! A-are you ok?” Cove asked, turning around to see you helplessly lying on the ground.
“Ughhhh…” you groaned, feeling Cove’s arms on yours and hoisting you up as best as he could before he put you on his back for a piggyback ride.
“It’s fine, it’s fine! Let’s go get my dad” He tried and reassure you but you could hear the panic in his voice.
He carried you to where his dad had set up base, sitting on a towel that he had placed under an abandoned umbrella. When Cliff felt eyes on him he turned to Cove jogging towards him with you on his back and instantly got up.
“What's wrong?” He said, worried. He moved out of the way so that Cove could lay you on the towel. “I think they got heatstroke..”
Cliff got right into the action. “Cove stay here with them. I am getting a bucket of ice and water.” He instructed before quickly sprinting off to whatever lifeguard tower he could find.
Cove sat next to you and used the corner of the tower to wipe the sweat from your forehead. “Were you feeling sick earlier?” He asked, earning a slight nod from you.
“It's ok. We will uh get you something cold to drink, maybe you should unzip the top part of your surf suit.” Cove suggested.
You agreed and shed off the top layer of the suit, leaving you in your swim top/bare chest. Cliff had made his entrance again, this time with three bottles in a bucket of ice and a towel.
“I got the stuff- and good job. They need as much cold air as they can get.” He commended Cove before kneeling next to you and opening a cold bottle of water. “Here, make sure to take big gulps,” Cliff said, leaning you on the beach bag so that you could properly rehydrate.
It was just you sipping as much water as you could while Cove drenched the towel in the ice water and placed it on the back of your neck, after a while you felt much better.
Cliff had joked that the sun was trying to turn you to ash while Cove kept asking if it was you not wearing the sunscreen or if it was you not getting enough cold water in your system.
You felt better but you felt even more better knowing you had amazing guys around to help you.
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blazingstar29 · 10 months
Top Gun Work Outs - Goose
Well well well, everyone’s favourite (dead) RIO. Sorry this took so long life got busy but Goose has been in my head since day 1. It’s pretty obvious that despite Anthony Edwards working out for the film he didn’t stack on the muscle like the others. BUT I’m here to talk meta and make inferences so reality doesn’t matter to me lmao.
Disclaimer: in this series i talk about characters body composition and the exercises they do. Particular in this instalment there’s a little bit of a focus on weight so if this is triggering please give it a miss :)
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It’s fairly obvious Goose is pretty lean. In the photo above there’s next to know additional muscle in his arm. What’s interesting though is that he still has a broad back despite not having any muscle. That comes down just to the natural conformation of someone but also may be a sign of Anthony’s efforts of working out that he built his lats up a bit.
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as his bicep flexes we see some muscular definition.
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But the reality is Goose is quite lean. And we see that from multiple angles that he’s not lean and buff in the way Slider is, but almost more of a runner or cyclist build. (More likely cyclist because it’s low impact and I’ll explain more why.)
And you might be thinking, what are you going to talk about? Well steady on. Being buff is all well and good but I’m think in the the broader universe.
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Anthony Edwards is tall. He’s 6’4 tall. Y’all ever wondered why those crusty little dogs live forever but Great Danes don’t? The bigger you are the more your body has to work. Wether it’s pumping blood or your joints, tall people wear out.
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Goose probably knows this. He spends his days in jet planes going mach 2. That’s a lot of pressure of the body. And although Goose is pretty agile, as seen in his stellar leap into the air above (and consequentially getting his foot stuck in the net)
He has a young family with a son he wants to play catch with. He doesn’t want to add extra strain to his joints. Especially because orthopaedic surgery wasn’t what it is today. Even arthroscopes that were pioneered and popular (at least in australia) are now falling out of fashion because ‘cleaning up the joint’ actually added more problems.
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So whilst Goose isn’t skinny and looks like he could be pushed over by a breath of wind, he isn’t carrying any extra mass than he has to.
And this is something I noticed with Slider too, but it felt more prevalent with Goose.
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This photo is just for those who want him; I thought it’s be appreciated. Also slider basically one millimeter from lying in goose’s lap lmao.
Cycling! Low impact, good cardio. Mav follows him on his motorbike when Goose goes up hills and shouts encouragement but Goose just throws his water bottle at him.
Swimming. Again, low impact but he doesn’t swim as much as Ice, he’d have a bit more muscle if he did it multiple times a week.
Hiking. I see those calves mr edwards. And, fun family activity too!
So yeah, that’s what I make of goose!
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xfgpng · 11 months
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reader description :: petite asian female, 21, 5’0, medium length straight hair + pale skin
reader :: jackie lee
commissioned :: ✔️ (as in a follower’s oc lmao, not my own)
wc :: 3k
warnings :: angst, fluff, feelings realisations, mentions of blood, guns + murder
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despite the nagging feeling he had all morning, after seeing jackie in that state, he didn’t really want to think about what would happen if they decided to leave again without her.
for some reason, sebastian felt responsible for her though he didn’t know why or when it even began. ciel was upset and understandably so but they both decided it would be wise to let her join on their new mission. it was further away from the manor and it would be a few days so even if they did try to leave without her, sebastian had no doubts that she would not be too happy about it and he was starting to wonder why he even cared how she felt.
jackie had an unknown hold over everyone in the manor but no one wanted to dwell on that fact for too long. the point was that despite her insistent flirting and the short skirts she’d wear to torment sebastian every other day, she was trustworthy which was important in the phantomhive manor and most importantly, jackie was loyal to a fault.
“you need to stay by my side at all times, do you understand me?” sebastian says firmly, ignoring the warmth seeping through his uniform where she gripped onto his arm.
usually, the carriage ride was filled with a comfortable silence. they’d briefly discuss the mission and then ciel would nod off, as much as the young master denied it.
today, however, was different. the man ciel was meeting was their actual target. he had been kidnapping young women off the streets at night and leaving nothing but a shoe behind.
he was dubbed the cinderella killer and despite the police trying to find him, they’d come up short each time and finally, ciel had to step in. sebastian had found a lead just a few days ago and had secretly been tailing the man under ciel’s orders.
“cinderella killer?” jackie frowns, grip tightening around sebastian’s bicep, “how disgusting can someone be to just do such a thing?”
“it’s pretty normal around these areas” sebastian grins, “humans don’t seem to ever actually need a reason to behave so barbarically”
“not all humans are so cruel” jackie says, “I don’t think i’d have it in me to kill anyone”
“no?” ciel smirks, “not even if it was for me or sebastain?”
she doesn’t answer him. it was no use because she’d never been put in a situation where she’d have to do that and she hoped that if she ever were, sebastian would handle it.
“i see” sebastian chuckles at her lack of response, “he’s only teasing, don’t think too hard and worry that pretty little head of yours”
he was mocking her like he always did but there was no hiding the underlying truth. he was smitten by her and fond of her silly antics. anyone could see that but he was still in denial and she was just happy to be included.
“does he know that we’re onto him?” she asks after a moment, “the killer”
“i don’t think he’s stupid otherwise he would’ve been caught by now” ciel sighs, “but i made a deal with him”
“a fake one of course” he adds, “just to let his guard down”
“a professional serial killer who leaves no evidence behind other than a shoe” jackie says dryly, “even the police can’t seem to catch him. i don’t think his going to let his guard down at all”
“you’re too paranoid” sebastian laughs, “he seemed quite surprised to hear from us and he suggested a place to meet”
“you don’t find that weird?” she asks, raising a brow at the man. she knew they were smart but even a serial killer wouldn’t fall for their antics. people might’ve known who ciel was and most people were eager to meet him but word of his help and good deeds had gotten around pretty quickly.
there was just no way this man wasn’t suspicious of ciel.
“you can stay at the inn and wait for us if you’re so worried” ciel offers, “you could be a distraction if you’re too on edge like this”
“no” she says immediately, “i’m fine, i’m just asking questions, that’s all”
jackie had spent hours watching the show and reading the manga before she ended up here and she’d always imagine herself joining them on their missions. a silly daydream that had suddenly become her reality. she was not about to let them push her aside again.

she wanted to experience everything and prove that she was strong enough to handle these cases with them and that despite being human, strong enough to stand beside sebastian.
he had once called her a fool in love, not meant to offend her but because he truly couldn’t understand loving and trusting anyone so blindly. he was still just a demon after all and things could change over night in ciel said so but that didn’t seem to deter her one bit. it only motivated her to prove him wrong.
november evenings were chilly and wet. she was dressed warm but still insisted on keeping close to sebastian. it felt as though he was a natural furnace and she was drawn to him.
“he’s up in that building” sebastian says, glancing around before they walk across the street.
they were trying it be discreet about this meeting, choosing a time when the streets were quiet and everyone was inside their homes. the cold made sure to keep everyone inside and that worked in their favour, ciel wasn’t sure what would happen but he knew sebastian would handle it.
“young master” sebastian says as he opens the large glass doors of the hotel.
ciel enters and jackie follows, looking around in awe that the beautiful paintings and interior decorations. she wondered if sebastian would ever take her to a place like this when they had some free time.
he enjoyed sex in bizarre places but there was nothing wrong with a romantic night in with candlelit dinner. perhaps she was in over her head but she couldn’t help but imagine how romantic it could be if he just let her plan their evenings.
“this way” a man wearing a navy blue suit says, “my boss is upstairs, 3rd floor room 323”
ciel gives him a curt nod and sebastian steps in front of jackie when he notices the man staring at her.
she can’t help but preen under his attention. he was so jealous even though he denied having any sort of feelings towards her. whether it was just him being possessive or whether he truly cared, jackie couldn’t help but be happy for the attention he’d give her anyway.
these days, if he wasn’t busy in the manor or assisting ciel, he gave his attention to her. she’d heard from may-rin that before, sebastian would fool around with other women. while she wasn’t one to gossip, she knew that was true but she also wondered what else may-rin knew.
“stay close” he whispers and she nods, letting go of his arm. she knew she had to be professional and they were about to meet with a serial killer, something she didn’t think she’d ever do in her life.
“ah, please, come in” the man says. he’s a lot taller than she imagined and he’s dressed professionally, as though he is some rich businessman and upon close inspection, he seems to be someone very important.
an aristocrat of some sort which would make sense. they sometimes seemed to have weird hobbies and his seemed to be abducting and killing young women.
she recognised him from the paper. she’d read an article just a few weeks ago and he was being awarded. he was a big shot in the business world as well as the government.

it made perfect sense why no one would even suspect him, he was too much in the public eye and it was the perfect disguise if jackie could say so.
he was smart too, judging from the way he held the conversation going with ciel.
it was all too perfect really. he had no reason to be worried about the police because they all trusted him and he must’ve had connections.
she glanced around the suite. it seemed to be much larger than a regular suite would be and when she glanced back to him, he was watching her intensely.
“is this your helper?” he asks
“yes she is” ciel says, “this is jackie”
“nice to meet you” he smirks, reaching out to take her hand and out the corner of her eye, she can see sebastian twitch.
“you seem to enjoy collecting jewellery” jackie says, her smile forced as she moves towards a large glass case. it was displayed for everyone to see and from what she could tell, it was all women’s jewellery and the thought made her sick to her stomach.
these were not just any pieces, they were his souvenirs, souvenirs from his victims that he proudly displayed because he was that cocky and confident. he knew that he’d never get caught, not by the police anyway.
“i do wish you weren’t here this evening” the man sighs, “it makes it so much harder to do this”
“do what?” ciel asks
but before he can even ask anything else, a group of men step into the suite wearing black. the point their guns at the trio and the man laughs.
“i do apologise for this but you’ve brought this upon yourself” he shrugs, not looking sorry at all. “you didn’t have to meddle in my business, i wasn’t bothering you with my hobbies”
ciel doesn’t have to say anything before sebastian moves. he’s faster than jackie has ever seen him move and before she knows it, the room is eerily silent.
“you didn’t think you’d actually get away with this” ciel scoffs, “in fact, i think you thought you’d get rid of me and continue like nothing ever happened”
the man panics as he falls to the ground but as ciel is talking to him, jackie sees one of the assassins move for his gun and pull the trigger.
she can’t even remember what happened. all she hears is a loud scream, white noise and everything goes blurry.
her left arm feels numb, right where her shoulder is. her eyes seem to droop and the next thing she knows, she’s falling.
sebastian moves quick, tossing a knife into the assassins neck before he catches her. she can hardly focus on anything other than her heavy breathing and the man begging ciel to spare him.
“why the fuck would you do that?” sebastian yells, blood boiling at the sight of her shaking slightly in his arms. there’s a lot of blood, so much so that it seeps into his pants where she’s laying.
“i.. i had to” she coughs, “he was going to shoot you”
“so!” he snaps, angrily, “you know bullets have no effect on me, what on earth were you thinking jackie!?”
“i know but i was… thinking that you look way too hot in that uniform” she says softly, reaching up with her other hand to cup his cheek, “gun shots would ruin that”
“and.. i love you” she adds
“jackie!” he says but her eyes close after that and he feels his whole body going into shock.
he’s never had to deal with this before and ciel beside him, equally as panicked doesn’t help the situation. he couldn’t care less about the man in the room and he knows they have to deal with him.
love? if love makes you do stupid things then sebastian wanted no parts in it. he was right, humans were stupid and they never thought things through.
he doesn’t understand why he’s so mad, why his whole body refuses to move despite him knowing they needed to leave and get her to a hospital or something.
“no hospitals” ciel says, “she’ll be upset when she wakes”
“young master i—”
“everything will be fine” ciel says, remaining calm despite the way his hands are obviously shaking. they needed to leave, to get back to the manor where they were home and safe. where jackie would be safe.
“come” ciel says, “carry her out and be careful not to put any pressure on her arm”
sebastian knows that. he wants to tell ciel that he’s not stupid and that he knows what he’s doing but he can’t bring himself to move or to say anything else.
ciel can feel that something is off so he grabs sebastian’s hand and squeezes. it seems to work because they’re moving out the room and down the stairs, ignoring the elevator.
“jackie you need to stay awake” sebastian says, trying not to shout too loud, “we’re in the carriage so open your eyes for me”
“i’m tired” she whispers, barely registering anything. she knows she was shot and apart of her is glad her body seems to have went into shock because she can’t feel a thing.
“you can rest when we’re home” ciel says
“home?” jackie grins, a little delirious, “i do have a home”
“yes you do” sebastian swallows, “at the manor so don’t sleep until we get there”
“okay” she agrees easily but is already slipping back into sleep, head resting against sebastian’s chest where he holds her firmly against his body.
“stupid stupid stupid” sebastian says, squeezing his eyes shut. he wants to throw her off his lap, scream at ciel and her for putting him in this situation though he knows it’s not their fault.
he wants someone to blame and he knows he should’ve made her stay. she’d be hurt but at least she wouldn’t be shot. she’d be sad but she wouldn’t have lost so much blood.
the room is dimly lit when she opens her eyes. she tries to sit up but can’t, wincing at the sharp pain she feels in her shoulder.

sebastian is immediately at her side, forcing her to lay back down. he’s no longer wearing his uniform, dressed down completely which is something she’s never seen him do.

when she looks at his face, he’s frowning, something else she’s never seen before and she can’t help but smile despite the pain because it’s so obvious that he cares for her.
he could’ve had anyone else take care of her but he stayed even when she was unconscious. he hasn’t even showered, still covered in her blood and the sight shouldn’t make her so happy but it does.
“you’re an idiot” he scoffs, trying to hide how relieved he is that she’s awake.
“yes but i’m alive” she grins, “and you still look sexy, i’d say that’s a win in my books”
“well change the books you read because it’s making you stupid” he says dryly, helping her drink some water before wiping her face off with a towel nearby.
“i’m sorry” she says, reaching to hold his hand and she’s only a little surprised that he lets her.
“you know nothing can happen to me” he says, “but you… you’re different”
“i don’t know why i panicked and moved without thinking” she sighs, “it was stupid but i wanted you to be okay”
“jackie” he glares but he doesn’t let go of her hand
“yes i know” she shakes her head, “i won’t do that again”
“you’ve upset me” he admits, “but you’re okay so i suppose that’s more important right now”

she’s never seen him this upset before. they’ve experienced a few things since her time here but an angry sebastian directed at her felt different.
“i need some time” he says after a while and she looks up at him, eyes widening when he does let go of her hand.
“i need to shower and then the young master needs my assistance” he sighs, running his hands through his hair, “you need to rest”
she’s seen him blow up, shout and get even kill but him being so calm while being mad at her makes her heart clench uncomfortably. she knows she messed up and it would be a while before she’d be allowed to go with them anywhere that related to cases.
“you can sleep, i won’t be coming back this evening” he tells her, but he still leans down and grabs her hand again.
he kisses her knuckles gently, avoiding eye contact because he knew now that if he looked at her, he’d give in to those pretty eyes and she still needed to rest and also think about what she did.

if he was being a little petty, it was only because he still needed to understand why he reacted the way he did. apart of him felt closer to her than ever before but he couldn’t pinpoint why.
he knew how she felt about him, had come to terms with accepting that no matter what he did or tried to do, jackie wasn’t phased.
and besides, she was far too charming to stay angry at forever.
“i really am sorry” she calls after him, making him stop just before leaving her room, “you’re right, it was stupid of me and i should’ve been thinking before acting but sometimes we do things we don’t even understand ourselves”
“even if you’re not human, that’s something you must understand right?” she asks and he sighs
“jackie, you can’t—”
“i love you” she cuts him off, “i don’t need you to tell me that you love me, it doesn’t change how i feel and you don’t get to tell me how to feel either”
“i know you do” he sighs, turning to face her and despite being upset, he could never deny how beautiful she was even laying there with an injury she should’ve not had.
“so you can stay mad as long as you need to but i’m not going anywhere” she frowns, looking away from him, “i just need you to know that”
he rolls his eyes but he can’t stop the fond smile even if he tried to.
“no sex for a while but i’ll come back once i’m done” he says and she grins because she knew he’d never stay mad too long.
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