#i did ultimately decide to make it his arm
whorewriter-lol · 1 day
Explosive Love (Bakugo x Reader)
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Create Those Ultimate Moves (Pt.2)
Since Aizawa walked in on mine and Bakugos’ fight, we were both sent to our dorm rooms early. I seethed in my bed, my earbuds blasting music in my ears while I tried not to burn my blanket with how hot my hands were. What the hell is his problem anyways? Aizawa wanted us both in his room early the next morning, so I decided to turn over and get some sleep.
I woke up groggy and still mad from the night before. I put on my uniform and got done with everything else before making my way to the main building. I sighed as I approached Mr. Aizawas’ room. Entering through the blue sliding doors I glanced around to find Bakugo sitting at his desk with his legs stretched across the table. I rolled my eyes and sat down waiting for Mr. Aizawa to show up. When he finally did arrive he called us both to come up to his desk. Then he started speaking.
“I want you both to understand that what you did was insubordinate. I should be suspending both of you, however, I’ve come up with a compromise. Today's class will be geared towards battle training and discovering your own  special move, something only unique to you, something that can't be copied.” He paused, stopping to study our faces “You two will be training together, since you’re so eager to fight one another. You’ll fight in a way that’s beneficial to myself and the both of you, and help each other learn more about your quirks.”
Are you, FUCKING kidding me? I was staring at Aizawa, face twisted into a look of shock. Before I could even gather my thoughts the living firecracker next to me interjected with his loud mouth.
“No way in hell I’m doing that! I-” Mr. Aizawa interrupted Katsuki before he could finish whatever bullshit he was going to spout out.
“You’ll cooperate or face expulsion.” He stared coldly at Bakugo, who seemed to back down with those words. Then, his angry red eyes turned to me. Katsuki inched his face closer to mine.
“I won't go easy on you” Then he shoved me with his arm “Out of my way.” My eyes fell onto Mr. Aizawa, I scoffed before quickly exiting the room.
About an hour later, we all met Mr. Aizawa at the training center. They were new so none of us had seen them. When we entered we found all types of different terrains, as we gazed around Aizawa started to speak. “These are your new training grounds, there’s things here that both suit and challenge your fighting styles. Your goal today is to…” I tuned him out since he had already told me and Katsuki what our goal was. I snapped my head at the sound of his familiar, annoyingly angry voice.
“Looks like you were more worried about your costume being revealing instead of durable, typical of you to want all the attention you can get” He glared down at me. 
My eyebrows knitted together “Don’t get jealous now Kats” I smirked, batting my eyes at him devilishly. I watched him recoil.
“The hell did you just call me!? I’ll blow your fucking head off if you ever call me that again!” He raised his arms angrily and I laughed.
“Yeah right, my head is too good to be blown off” I smirked.
“Shut the hell up and let's get to work!” He grabbed me by my arm, dragging me over to the city landscape “We’ll start with the most common and work our way up” He turned to look at me, his eyes drifting over my figure before he rolled his eyes. Next thing I knew he was slipping his gauntlets off and pulling his shirt off.
I covered my eyes “Woah hey what the hell are you doing!?”
“Shut up! I don't want your suit getting completely blown away while we’re fighting, I know for a fact it’s not fireproof!” He was right. My costume wasn't fireproof, only heatproof, I should probably change that. He threw the shirt my way.
“Put it on and let's get to work.” He turned away from me, leaning back to stretch his arms above his head, my eyes were drawn to his back muscles and the way they flexed. I turned my head away observing his shirt in my hands and the material before I sighed and reluctantly pulled it over my body, it was more of a tight fit than my own costume since it was compression material. I rolled my eyes before turning to face him.
“Well, are you ready or what?” I crossed my arms over my chest when I caught a glimpse of Mineta in my peripheral. I didn't get a verbal reply, instead I gasped when a blast of heat shot past my face. I turned to watch it hit a wall before turning to face Katsuki. I glared as I felt my hands getting hot again. This absolute prick. “You didn't even warn me!” I shouted, my eyes widening when I watched him gear up for another hit.
“You wont get warnings on the field, freak” He had a wicked smile on his face, eyes widened from the adrenaline. I grunted before raising my hands, pointing them towards him and shooting out large blasts of fire, one caught his leg and he groaned as he fell over. I smirked, satisfied. Our fight raged, His explosion catching my shoulder and pushing me back against a building. I was able to get close enough to jump onto him, my hand grasping in his hair as I fought him to the floor, the both of us throwing kicks and punches. As I was getting ready to pull myself over top of him, he blasted me in the arm, I fell backwards onto my back, he wrestled me onto my stomach, knotting my hands behind me and pinning his knees into the back of my legs.
Then a voice rang out from behind us, both of us snapping our heads to see Mrs. Midnight “Your goal today is not pointless aggression babies. Both of you, stand up.” We looked back at each other before I shoved him off of me, standing up in front of her with Katsuki falling suit. “You’re supposed to be helping each other discover new ways to use your quirks, you can't do that with all sorts of adrenaline flowing through you now can you?” She smiled sharply “be more intimate! Talk to each other, come up with ideas together. I want to see the both of you having developed your ultimate move by the end of this class.” She put her hands on her hips sternly.
“Well I’d try that but I don't speak narcissist” I crossed my arms, shooting Bakugo a harsh glare.
“Yeah, just like I don't speak crazy bitch” He muttered.
“What did you just call me!?” My eyes widened, and Midnight gasped as I turned to look at him. I raised my hand and smacked him, immediately we were back to fighting, kicking  and scratching amongst other things. I was preparing to hit Katsuki right in his stupid face with a flame when suddenly it was extinguished. We both paused to gaze at my hand in confusion before we heard Aizawas’ voice. 
“You two are ridiculous, stand up.” We both stood from the ground, I crossed my arms and turned away from the blonde. “Since you cant act like adults and do as you’re asked, I’ll be supervising you for the rest of this class duration. You’ll be bettering your quirks without using them on eachother. Katsuki, we’ll focus on you first, then Y/l/n.”  Aizawa hopped up onto a rock, looking down upon us with midnight standing to his left. 
I sighed before turning my gaze back to Bakugo “Show me your best move as of now.” I spoke reluctantly. He nodded silently before turning and releasing a sequence of quick blasts, similar to gunfire. He paused and looked back at me, dust swirled around his face and a small bit of blood was drawn from his nose because of our fight earlier. Something in his expression seemed like it was seeking approval? No. I smirked “Really? Is that it?” First, his eyes widened and I was prepared to hear him yell again so I crossed my arms but he faltered, recoiling like maybe he felt…insecure? I readjusted, the look on my face turning soft as I uncrossed my arms. “Hey, it's not so bad” I thought for a moment, biting my bottom lip softly “Maybe try this?” I approached him cautiously. He flinched when I moved behind him, holding onto his hands to move them around. “Make your right one into a circle and then put it in front of your left one. Then take your left one and blast through the hole, like a beam? Do you get it?” After I got his hands into the proper position I stepped back.
“Yeah I get it, do I look like a damn idiot to you?” He glared at me.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” I deadpanned, crossing my arms before gesturing to the wall of a building “Try it, see if it works.” He rolled his eyes at me before glancing back to Aizawa and midnight. Then, taking aim he fired and- “Holy fuck it worked!” I cheered, jumping excitedly.
“Language mrs.y/l/n” I heard Midnight shout.
Katsuki stopped then looked from his hands to me, a slightly shocked expression on his face before his expression hardened again “Not half bad, I guess. You’re still not better than me.” He crossed his arms, standing across from me.
“What are you gonna call it?” I asked, clasping my hands together.
“I don't know! You name it, you’re the dumbass who came up with it!” He chided.
“A.P. Shot!” I shouted. Throwing a fist into the air. 
“Tch.” He clicked his tongue “Stupid.” He stretched his arms out, looking down at me “let’s get to work on your ultimate move, I don't want to be around you for longer than I need to” I rolled my eyes, slouching over slightly. “Well? What are you waiting for? Show me your best” He crossed his arms and I nodded. I focused on the wall in front of me, I ran towards it then used my flames to push myself to run up the side of the building, flipping  off of the wall and blasting a circle around him before falling to the ground with a thud, groaning. Bakugo stepped up to me, grabbing my arm to pull me up. “It’s good, but you need to work on your landing, or don't jump off so high. Try it again but roll to land.”
“I’ll have you know I quite enjoy planting myself on my ass” I joked before readying myself to go again, this time When I went up, I tried to slowly douse my flames down for a slow landing, smiling when I was able to. I looked at Katsuki who nodded his head.
“Good, but your landings are too slow, try to extinguish your flames gently but still quick” He then gestured for me to do it again. We did it over and over again, with a few screaming matches in between but by the end of class we both had our ultimate moves prepared.
After class was over, everyone headed out of the building, mindlessly I walked up to Mina and Kiri. They kept looking at me like something was wrong, it made me feel weird so I questioned them “What?”
“Is that- Bakugos hero shirt?” MIna asked, studying the cloth. Fuck.
“Uh, oh! Yeah he didn't want to ruin my costume with his quirk so he had me put it on.” I began scanning everyone to figure out where he was, now that I remembered I had it I wanted to give it back. Spotting him I quickly came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder “Hey, want your shirt?” I removed the black compression top and handed it to him.
“Wha- oh, whatever” He held it in his hands, looking me over before shaking his head “put it back on, there’s some freaks around here and I’m too tired to want to hurt anyone.”
“Huh?” I questioned. Since when did Katsuki care about that?
“Are you deaf? I said put it on!” He shoved it at me so I slipped it back on “Just give it back to me once you’re changed out of your costume.” He mumbled before walking ahead of me.
“You know, if you don't want to wear his you could always borrow mine?” Kaminari coolly slipped his arm up onto my shoulder, giving me a cool, playful smirk.
I laughed and shoved his face, pushing him away from me “Shut up Kami!”
After we had all showered, everyone decided to hangout in the common space to unwind. Kirishima brought his Wii down from his dorm room and we all took turns playing Mario Kart and JustDance. I slowly approached Bakugo, tapping his shoulder lightly from where I stood behind him. “Hey, here’s your shirt back” I set it down and then started to walk away to sit with Mina before he spoke.
“Hey, do me a favor and rub my shoulder would you?” He asked, his head twisted to look at me.
I raised an eyebrow, holding back a laugh “What?”
“You’re the one who nearly pushed the damn thing out of socket!” He shouted. 
I rolled my eyes “Okay! Just shut up already” I sat down next to him and gently placed my hand over his shoulder, rubbing my thumb over it with a soft amount of pressure. My brows furrowed uncomfortably but after a while I got used to the feeling. I relaxed against the couch, sighing. I yawned, stretching slightly. I felt my eyes getting heavy, my head fell against Katsukis’ shoulder, he didn't move. He hardly even flinched as my eyes closed and I felt myself drift off to sleep, leaning on that bastard.
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heartshapedmisery · 2 months
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𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 | art donaldson
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summary ― .゚‪‪ ˖ in which you and art can't seem to keep your hands to yourself after your first victorious win in weeks.
warnings ― .゚‪‪ ˖  MINORS DNI ! ( 18+ ) | language, graphic smut, unprotected sex (please stay safe y'all), art references to being turned on by watching reader play tennis, power dynamics?, switch!reader, switch!art, semi-public!sex, praise kink, hair pulling, oral (fem!receiving), obsessive!art (he is literally obsessed with the reader omg), p in v sex, art and reader almost get caught lmao, lmk if i missed anything!
word count ― .゚‪‪ ˖ 3.1k +
pairing ― .゚‪‪ ˖ standford!art donaldson x fem!stanford!reader
author’s note ― .゚‪‪ ˖  if you haven't read part one, please do so before reading this! also i am a firm believer in art giving you aftercare after sex, no matter where it is in case you couldn't tell ;) i kinda rushed the ending sorry i just wanted to get it out in time :/ hope you enjoy!
publishing date ― .゚‪‪ ˖  may 17th, 2024 | © HEARTSHAPEDMISERY
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A breathy groan escaped your lips as your racket smacked the tennis ball across the net, your final attempt at winning points in the match. You intensively watched your opponent—some hot-shot blonde from North Carolina—as she darted to hit the ball back to you. Your breath hitched as you saw her ankle roll from the impact, making her legs give out beneath her and ultimately miss the ball.
The air was knocked out of your lungs as the ball bounced out of the court. The game was yours.
"Game, (L/N)," the announcer sounds over the PA system, cheers erupting from the stands. Your eyes searched for Art, before seeing him standing on the sideline clapping his hands proudly with a smile.
Ever since his visit to your apartment, the two of you had been inseparable. Your preceding professional relationship had blossomed into a personal one within the blink of an eye, and your once light-hearted repartee had become rather flirty and intense.
He couldn't seem to keep his hands off of you, and you couldn't seem to ignore how much you loved it. Whether it be at his place, in the locker rooms, or even on the fucking tennis court (it was late at night and dark, and of course, art had been adamant to make sure everyone had gone home before he proposed the idea.)
You were addicted to each other. Drunk on each other's touch, and you never wanted to get sober.
"You did great out there. Congratulations," his lush voice cuts into the sporadic ringing in your ears when you finally make your way over to him, your chest still buzzing after your win as the two of you walk off the court.
Your heart was beating out of your chest, and not just because Art's hand didn't leave the small of your back until you were out of everyone's view and walked down the somewhat empty hallway of the athletic center.
"You think so?" you pondered lightly, still trying to catch your breath as you caught his eye. You recognized the look on his face; it was one you had grown to know all too well. The way his lips parted slightly, and his eyes seemed to darken as they drank in your elated state.
It was a look of lust.
"Oh, I know so," he corrected you, his voice low. His arm snaked around your waist as the two of you came to a stop outside the women's bathroom, your chest flush against his as he pulled you into him.
"I couldn't take my eyes off of you," he admitted. "The way you lose yourself when you're out on that court, it's mesmerizing."
His gaze trailed from your face to your chest to your ass, drinking in your appearance. He had always loved the skirt you had decided to wear for today's match; just a simple, white tennis skirt that seemed to be just a little bit shorter than the rest and hugged you in all the right places.
"Oh yeah?" you tested, a small smirk tugging at your lips. A giggle escaped your lips as his hand ran down your hip before settling on your ass, giving it a good squeeze as he leaned into you.
"Yeah," he whispered against your lips, before pulling you in for a hungry kiss by the back of your neck with his free hand. You let out an excited moan from the back of your throat the second you felt his tongue slip into your mouth, completely enveloping himself in you.
"Fuck, you're killing me, sweetheart," he muttered to you once he finally pulled away, grasping your arm and pulling you into the women's bathroom behind him. Thankfully, there was nobody in there, or else it would've made for a very awkward conversation.
"You wanna do this now? Here?" you ask unsteadily as the two of you stumble over to the sink, looking around at the highly impractical place he had chosen to hook up with you.
"You did so well today," he told you sweetly. "You deserve a reward, baby."
The spot between your legs dampened at his words, your thighs rubbing together as he pushed you up against the sink with his hips, searching for any sort of relief.
"Yeah?" your worries washed away. You decided to have a little fun with this.
"You wanna be my trophy, baby?" you played lightly, running your hands through his hair. A slight gasp escaped your throat as you felt his erection press against your thigh, a dazed grin on his face.
"Always," he growled in your ear, his nose nuzzling the soft skin of your neck as he left sloppy open-mouthed kisses along the side of your jaw.
Carefully, his hands ran up and under the hem of your skirt, caressing the softness of your thighs before he hooked his fingers on your panties and tugged them down in one swift movement. A smirk cracked across his face as he tucked them into the back pocket of his shorts, the pale lace hanging out messily.
A surge of excitement ran through your veins as your eyes fell on the unlocked bathroom door. Anyone could walk in on the two of you and see just how well your tennis coach really treats you.
The mere thought itself drove you wild.
Quickly, he set you up on the sink and nudged your knees apart, giving him the perfect view of your soaked core as he sunk to his knees to be level with your lower half.
His eyes poured into yours as he pulled your legs over his shoulders, grasping your thighs firmly to keep them in place. The mere sight of him before you made a shaky whimper blow past your lips, your fingers moving to brush the stray strands of hair that hung over his light eyes.
"So, so pretty," you whispered, his eyes fluttering shut as his lips met your soft skin.
He pressed wet kisses along the inside of your thighs, slowly making his way to where he wanted you most. You shuddered deeply when you felt his tongue finally lay flat against your wet core, his nose budding against your clit as he delved into you as if you were his last meal.
"Oh my g-god," you whined, digging your heel into the muscle of his back, his grip on your thigh tight enough to leave a mark. He held you in place as you squirmed around at his touch. You simply couldn't keep still as his lips sucked at your wetness, his tongue lapping at you mercilessly.
A groan reverberated in his chest when your legs tightened around his head, your ankles interlocking and pulling him closer to you.
"Please," you whimpered, the vibrations of his low moans stimulating your core. Your eyes peered down as his hand moved to the crotch of his shorts, palming the erection he had gotten from the sweet taste of you.
It no doubt sent you over the edge, a moan falling from your lips as you watched him pleasure himself. You couldn't take it anymore; you needed to feel him.
"Art," you breathed, pulling him away from your core. His head lulled back lazily, his pretty eyes meeting yours as a dazed smirk bloomed across his lips. His chin was glistening with your slick. "Please fuck me."
He didn't hesitate to stand to his feet, his lips smashing against yours exasperatingly. Despite how much he loved pleasuring you with his tongue, you didn't need to tell him twice.
You could taste yourself on his tongue as he slipped it into your mouth, moaning against your lips. His behavior was obsessive, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you as close to him as possible as his clothed hard-on rutted against your bare core.
"See you what you do to me?" he whispered to you with a sigh, bringing your hand to the front of his shorts to feel him. You couldn't help but moan, taking it upon yourself to dip your fingers into his waistband and grasping him.
"It's a good thing I know how to control myself when you're the court," he laughed lightly. "Otherwise we'd have a real problem."
You nodded as you gently pumped him, excited at the thought of Art getting a boner while he watched you play. "Yeah? Do you like watching me play, Coach?"
He groaned into your neck at the nickname as you continued to jack him off, his balls stiff and his tip reddened. You were being such a tease and he hated it.
"I like watching you win," he suddenly pulled you off the counter and spun you around, bending your body over the sink.
"And you're a winner, right baby?" lips brushed against your ear as he caged you between his body and the counter. You could feel his dick pressed against your ass, eager to feel you.
"Yes," you whined, white-knuckling the counter as you could feel him moving around behind you, running his tip along your wet slit.
"Yes, what?" he was having fun with you now.
"Yes, Coach," you groaned, meeting his gaze in the mirror. His eyes were dark, and you could've sworn you saw a mischievous smirk flash across his face before he pushed himself into you swiftly.
His hips stuttered at the sound of the moan that fell from your lips, his grip on your hips tightening mercilessly.
You whimpered pathetically as he bottomed out inside of you, his pelvis bone flushed with the round of your ass. You stretched around him sweetly, watching his face contort in the mirror with pleasure.
"God, you're so tight," he breathed out, but his tone was almost desperate. His hips slowly began to move, which you were thankful for. The sweet burn of his cock sliding in and out of you was something you had only dreamed of, especially after the night at your apartment.
His free hand moved from its spot on your hip and reached around you to squeeze your right breast, his large and veiny hand cupping it perfectly. You couldn't help but moan at the dense feeling as it heightened your pleasure, your core clenching around him subconsciously.
"Feels so good," you mumbled as his hand moved from your chest to your hair, his slender fingers combing through it before giving it a harsh tug, the force pulling your back to his chest roughly.
"That's it, baby," he groaned in your ear, not letting up on his rhythmic thrusts up into you. "You can take it."
He watched you through the mirror as your eyes rolled back, his grip on your hair still tight enough to hold you in place against his chest. He took the opportunity to attack your neck with kisses, trailing from the spot right beneath your jaw down to your exposed collarbone.
His lips sent you into a frenzy, the sensation making the familiar coil in your stomach tighten as it mixed with the pleasure between your legs. You wouldn't last much longer at this rate, and Art could feel you coming undone with each thrust.
"Gonna come for me, baby?" he cooed gently to you as he met your gaze, holding it intensely as you nodded lazily. He wasn't far off either, so he quickened his pace to bring the both of you to your climaxes.
"So good," was all you were able to say, the words tumbling out of your mouth in a chant as he panted behind you from his relentless momentum.
Before you knew it, warmth spread throughout your lower belly as he pulled your orgasm out of you with a helpless cry, your head lulling back against his chest as your muscles tensed. An unsteady groan ripped from his chest as he sighed into your hair, his eye screwing shut as his release washed over him as well.
A string of incoherent pleas fell from your mouths simultaneously, the both of you in utter awe of one another. It took a moment for both of you to come back down from your highs, speechless from what had just unexpectedly unfolded in the women's bathroom.
Art helped you look presentable again after he tucked himself away, moving the stray hairs from your face and slipping your underwear back up your smooth legs for you. You watched him with a smile, elated at the way his hands lingered on your hips as he flattened your skirt down.
"Good as new, sweetheart," he placed a kiss to your temple as the two of you moved to walk out the door until it swung open.
You were met with a disgruntled old lady as the two of you stood awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom, unsure of what to say.
Oh shit, you thought. You would guess Art was thinking the same thing based on the deer-in-headlights look that he had on his face.
"Excuse me," she brushed past the both of you with a confused look, before disappearing into one of the stalls. She wanted no business with whatever she had just walked in on.
You looked at Art, finding it hard to hold back the laugh that bubbled up from your chest.
"Let's get out of here before we traumatize more little old ladies..."
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ang3l0fthursday · 20 days
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author note: i couldn’t come up with a name!
Matt Sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: first time with matt😴
warnings: | p in v | first time together but NOT virginity loss | sub! matt x soft dom!reader | no use of y/n | slight overstimulation? | riding | hand job |
lmk if i missed anything! (pretty please!)
word count: 1.5k
matt is blue
reader is pink
you and matt had been dating for around a month now, you were both comfortable with each other but everything was still very new.very new.
you had yet to be intimate, sure there was kissing and making out but nothing passed clothes.
it’s not that you hadn’t ever done anything, you have experience, not a lot but enough to know what you were doing.
—— first person
matt and i were watching a movie, i had tuned out what it was, deciding to go on my phone instead. matt had switched back and forth, ultimately deciding on his phone
“this movie kinda sucks huh” matt sighed, his hand that was wrapped under my lower back started mindlessly stroking my side
“i wouldn’t know i quit paying attention a long time ago” i laughed
he simply smiled before lowering his head down to meet me, his lips landed on mine in a soft kiss
i leaned up slightly to get a better angle and matt’s hand slipped to the back of my head, pushing me into kissing him deeper
his hand left my head and made its way under the bend of my knee, bringing me forward onto his lap
i pulled away and simply smiled before leaning back in for another kiss
i adjusted my hips, making matt let out a groan
i pulled away to look at him with a curious look, his cheeks flushed in a soft apple-y color
i moved my hips again shyly
matt’s eyelashes fluttered shut and his breath hitched
my hands found their way to the sides of his face and pulled him back in for yet another kiss
i slowly started to move my hips back and forth across his length
matt let out soft noises against my lips
holy fuck.
i let a hand slip down to his waistband
“can i?”
i hadn’t stopped my movements so he struggled out an “uh huh”
his eyes were shut tight and his mouth hung open as i slipped my hand below both his sweatpants, and boxers waistband
i shuffled back slightly, allowing myself room
“sit up a little for me baby”
he pushed himself up a little, while he did so his hands gripped tight down beside him
“thank you baby.. are you sure?”
“i’m sure”
i pulled his length out of his boxers, hesitating a little at his size
“you’re so big matty” i giggled
he grabbed the neckline of my shirt, pulling me into him, and placing his lips on mine. as he did so i stroked slightly up his length, he shuddered underneath me.
my hand slowly started speeding up, grazing over his tip
he let out a whine when i let go
“come here baby”
he leant forward and i grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head
“don’t wanna messy up one of your shirts do we?”
he simply shook his head, i grabbed his length again and his head flew back when my thumb when over his slit. he let out a strangled moan and i tilted his face forwards me while i started stroking him faster
he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me forward, his forehead laid down on my shoulder and his whimpers and moans got louder.
“fuck m-“ he started, before going silent again
“what was that matty?”
“fuck mama f-feels so good”
his arms gripped tighter around me, he bucked his hips up
“shh it’s okay matty”
he panted and panted and i stayed the same pace, not wanting to change the way he was feeling.
“please- please please oh- my god!”
“please what matty?”
“fuck don’t stop”
“i wasn’t gonna baby”
he lifted his head up to kiss me before laying his head in the crook of my neck, he bit down only slightly before bucking his hips up again
“i’m so close please don’t stop- fuck oh my god”
“shhh it’s okay matty you’re doing so good”
he bucked his hips up one last time before white spurts flooded out of him and onto his chest
he panted and whimpered and i slowly let off of his pretty cock,
as soon as i let go he pulled me in for a kiss, the kiss felt as though it was filled with more. with want.
before the kiss ended i felt something at my pants, i let go of him and looked down to see his soft fingers tugging at my pants
i looked to his face to see him already looking up at me in a sort of plea
“what’s wrong matty?”
“want you to feel good too mama”
i glanced down at his length to see he was already hard again
“okay” i smiled
“are you sure?” he asked, his demeanor changing as if there was no way i’d agree
“of course matt, i promise you im sure”
i kissed him before standing and pulling down both my bottoms and my panties, as well as my shirt. After, i pulled matt’s pants and boxers down all the way off of him and threw them next to my own clothes.
i got back on the bed and hovered above matt’s lap
i pecked his lips before grabbing his cock and moving his tip in a line through my folds.
he gasped slightly as his head leaned back and his jaw went limp
i slowly slid down his length and he immediately let out a loud moan.
i settled in and breathed before slowly shifting my hips causing matt to whimper out loudly
“shit! oh my god”
i sped up my movements,matt’s arms went to wrap around my waist and i wrapped my own around his head, bringing him into my chest.
he panted into my breasts as i moved my hips back and forth. i could feel his length pulse inside of me
“f-fuck im so s-sensitive” he whimpered into my chest
“it’s okay matty- fuck!”
i couldn’t help but let out a loud moan, he just feels so good.
“god you belong inside me matty”
“fuck- mama i’m close”
“not yet matt you can hold out for me can’t you?”
he nodded his head against me and bucked his hips up. he moaned out, begging for his release
“fuck please mama please i need to- to cum so bad please”
“im almost there matt hold on”
i sped up my hip movements, my clit bumped against his skin, causing me to let out a loud noise
everything was so tight inside of me, i clenched down onto his cock and threw my head back.
“fuck cum with me matty”
as soon as i uttered those words i felt him cum inside me, i clenched down unintentionally from the wave of pleasure that came over me, my mouth hanging open silently
matt on the other hand was being anything but quiet, he moaned and whimpered incoherently, i could only make out quiet curses and he slowed his movements, as did i.
i kept my eyes closed as i calmed my breathing
i carded my hands through his soft hair for a minute before kissing his head and going to pull off of him. As i tried doing so he held his arms around me tighter
“i gotta get off matty” i giggled
“just- just give me a minute” he spoke through deep breaths and pants
“okay matty” i smiled and kissed his head a bunch before wrapping my arms around his head once more
i waited a few more seconds, and as i was about to ask matt why we wanted to wait to pull out, i felt him move in my core and shuffle slightly
“matt? are you h-“
“uh huh” he admitted shyly
he was hard. again.
“please ma one more- just one more”
he faded out of his sentence as he kept moving my hips down onto his
he lifted my hips up his length before slamming me back down onto him
“fuck! matt- oh my god!”
his hands made no attempt at pausing as he sped up his movements on his cock
“oh shit matt”
i felt like i was in bliss. the way his hands gripped at my sides, the way his cock fluttered inside me, and the way he whimpered and moaned my name.
i suddenly noticed that matt had been doing all the work this time so i grabbed his hands and placed them together, holding them down on his chest and moving my hips and the same rhythm that matt had already set. my face was inches from his, his face looked so pretty with his eyebrows knitted and his jaw slack
“god- fuck! mama you make me feel so good- i’m so close oh my god”
“me too baby- fuck” i muttered under my breath before i snapped my hips forward a little quicker then i had before, and at that- matt struggled out a moan and came inside me, my walls fluttered down onto him and the band in my core snapped with his
matt’s hips twitched and kept bucking up as we both came down from our highs together,
he panted before kissing my neck and biting down, holding back one last whimper.
he panted against my neck before pulling back and just looking at me as i took my own deep breaths
he smiled giddily and just giggled. his hand came up and slipped my hair behind my ear and pulled me in for a kiss
i pulled away, “do you think chris or nick heard?”
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Prettiest Witch at Hogwarts (Theodore Nott x fem!reader)
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Warnings: small italian!thoe, friends to lovers, comfort, angst, cussing, flirting, bad writing
a/n- this was not a request, but I did have a really good time writing it! I love this fic so much for no reason
word count- 847
“You, my dear, are the prettiest girl I have ever met,” Pansy said, dropping her voice an octave, reenacting what a boy had done to you today in an attempt to woo you. Her hand brushing your cheek the same way the boy had attempted to do makes you burst out in a loud laughter, causing the rest of the group to follow along.
“The poor bloke! Did he seriously think that would work?” Mattheo cackles, wiping a tear from his eye.
“I swear, I can never get a break! You four are the only boys that don’t chase after me!” You sigh, leaning back into the cushion of the couch, unbeknownst to you Pansy sends Theo a small smirk with raised eyebrows. Pansy was the only person that knew about your mild crush on Theodore Nott, your best friend. Pansy and Mattheo both knew that Theo has been in love with you for years. To everyone though, it was obvious that the lingering glances meant more than friends to the both of you.
The group decided to spend the rest of the night making fun of all of the boys that have tried to get with you since your growth spurt in 4th year.
“You’re gonna let me take you out to Hogsmeade, right?” Adriand Pucy, a boy you have rejected over and over since day one, asks you, leaning up against the exit of the Slytherin common room.
“Haven’t I told you no already today?” You reply, stopping and looking up at him with disgust present on your face.
“I know you don’t have a date, so why don’t you just give me a chance, let me take you out,” The boy says, pushing off of the wall in what was supposed to look attractive, ultimately failing in the end though.
“Who told you she doesn’t have a date? Come on bella, lets go,” Theo says, slinging his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer into him, engulfing you in the smell of his expensive-smelling cologne.
“Out of all the boys she could choose you really think she’d pick you? You wouldn’t even be on her top ten,” Pucy says, glaring at the taller boy.
“Merlin Pucy, have some self respect! If you ever thought you had a chance with me you certainly have less of one than before,” you say, giving him the dirtiest look you could possibly muster, and pulling Theo away from him and towards your dorm.
You knew Theo almost better than you knew yourself. Even though Theo was the most handsome boy in the school and had his fair share of women, you knew that the mean words Pucy had said would get to him atelast a little bit. He was a Slytherin, but deep down he was still the sensitive boy you’d known for years.
“Are you alright, Theo?” You ask, sitting on your bed and scooting over so he could have room.
“I should be the one asking you that,” He replied with a sad smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“You know that Pucy is just an asshole right? You would definitely be in at least my top 3,” You say after a couple of seconds, attempting to lighten the mood and make him feel better. 
“You don’t have to lie to make me feel better,” He says, looking at you with his sad blue eyes.
“Theo, I’m not lying,” You answer, scooting towards him to show your sincereness.
“Did one of them tell you?” He says, hurt filling his eyes and his body language rigid.
“Did who tell me what?” You ask, putting a hand on his back to comfort him, his posture relaxing a little.
Theo looks up at you, his eyes softening a little, “You’re so amazing,” He says softly after a couple of seconds of looking at you.
“Oh come on Theo,” You say, blushing slightly, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
“It’s true. You’re so beautiful,” He says, putting some hair behind your ear, and giving you a smile, showing you his beautifully crooked teeth.
“And you are a flirt. To think you’d never chase after me,” You say, giving him the same smile.
“Would I- um, would I really be in the top three guys?” He asks, looking at you with a serious expression.
“I would date you before I even gave another guy even a look,” You reply, giving him a soft look.
“Are you sure about that though? You know I’m kind of a mess up,” He says, looking away from you.
“It means more to me that you think that I’m amazing and beautiful. I don’t think I would even be able to explain to you how it makes me feel when you call me by your stupid Italian nicknames,” You reply, waiting for an answer. You don’t wait long and you don’t get a verbal response. Theo pulls you in and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. It’s not how he kisses girls at parties, it’s soft and full of love and adoration.
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melzula · 3 months
Ok hear me out. Reader and Zuko go on a run for supplies .Reader makes a mistakes and almost gets seriously hurt/ near death experience. Zuko gets pissed at reader, maybe yells at her. Reader laughs it off and acts like she doesn’t gaf. Zuko later finds reader all shaken up and crying by herself. Love if you don’t, love if you do!
a/n: ty for requesting and hope you enjoy anon !
summary: zuko apologizes and receives something in return
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What was meant to be a simple trip into town for supplies had quickly turned into a disaster, and Zuko believed it was your recklessness to blame.
You’d been too preoccupied in admiring a local merchant’s vast collection of sea shells to notice the Fire Nation soldier creeping up behind you, and if not for Zuko shoving you out of the way to take on the man himself you surely would have been burnt alive. Your failure to stay aware of your surroundings and lackadaisical attitude had almost gotten you killed, and the Prince made sure to point this out to you afterward.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” He scolds you after dragging you out of the marketplace by the arm and back towards camp.
“I was looking at shells, actually, before you so rudely interrupted,” you correct with an impatient roll of your eyes, but the act only seems to annoy him further.
“This isn’t a game, y/n! We didn’t come here to mess around, we came to quickly get more food and go, and we couldn’t even do that because you were too busy looking at stupid shells to notice your surroundings! You could have been hurt or worse!”
“Relax, ‘your highness,’” you dismiss him defensively, harshly yanking your arm away from his grasp. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not dead. I’m fine. You need to stop overreacting and leave me alone!”
Zuko watches with a scowl as you stomp away from him and towards your tent, ignoring the quizzical looks your friends send your way as you shut the flaps closed.
“What’s her problem?” Toph asks with a raised brow from her spot beside the campfire.
“What did you do?” Katara snaps at the boy with an accusatory glare.
“I didn’t do anything!” Zuko exclaims defensively. “As a matter of fact, I just saved her life and now she’s mad at me!”
“Saved her life? What happened out there?” Aang questions with a worried frown. “Was anyone hurt?”
“A Fire Nation soldier snuck up on her while she was distracted and was about to strike before I pushed y/n out of the way and fought him myself.”
“So… what you’re saying is you guys didn’t get any food?” Sokka notes dejectedly only to receive a scolding smack upside the head from his sister.
“If you saved her life, then why is she so upset?”
“I may have been a bit harsh with her after,” Zuko admits reluctantly, awkwardly grasping at the back of his neck. “I didn’t mean to snap at her, but I was just frustrated that she wasn’t taking her own safety seriously.”
“Look, that’s just how y/n is sometimes. She’s too trusting of her surroundings sometimes, but you have to gently remind her to be careful,” Sokka explains to his friend. “Maybe if you hadn’t yelled at her she would have taken you seriously.”
“Just give her some time to cool off and apologize later,” Katara advises the fire bender. “She just needs her space.”
Frustrated, Zuko lets out a long sigh before ultimately relenting. Katara is right. He just needs to give you some space to process before bothering you again.
By nightfall the moon has risen in the sky and the rest of your group has called it a day, retreating to their tents to sleep and rest for whatever tomorrow may bring. You still haven’t set foot out of yours since Zuko yelled at you, and the Prince has spent the better half of his day groveling outside waiting for you to emerge. He’s beginning to grow impatient, but he’s also extremely worried. You missed dinner, and no one has been able to get you to come out.
Deciding enough is enough, Zuko takes it upon himself to barge into your tent and check on you. Better you be mad at him for invading your space without permission than for something to be wrong with you without anyone knowing.
When he enters your tent the last thing he expects to find is your figure curled up in your sleeping bag crying. Your body trembles under the blankets and your quiet sniffles are the only sound in the space. If you notice his presence you don’t acknowledge it, and Zuko hesitates before carefully sitting himself beside you.
“Y/n?” He calls out softly, gently pulling the covers back to get a look at your face. Water marks line across your cheeks from tears that had managed to dry off your skin, and it takes you a moment to finally meet his gaze.
“I’m sorry for making you mad,” you whisper meekly, voice cracking with effort after hours of minimal use.
“No, you don’t have to apologize. I should be apologizing for how I acted,” he assures you sincerely, carefully wiping away your remaining tears. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I was just worried about your safety- I’m not sure what I would have done if something bad had happened to you.”
“You really mean that?” You sniffle, looking up at him with doubt clear in your eyes.
“Of course I do. I know it probably didn’t seem that way when I was yelling at you, but I’ve come to care a lot for you, and I’d hate to see you get hurt.”
“I didn’t know…” you murmur quietly as you carefully sit up from your sleeping bag to reach eye level with the Prince. “I always figured you just saw me as some annoying girl you had to babysit.”
“Well, maybe at first,” he admits with a sheepish chuckle only to immediately stop when he catches your unamused glare, “but now I look forward to being sent to the market with you. I enjoy your company even if it means having to be more vigilant of our surroundings on your behalf. Can you just promise me that next time you’ll be a little more careful?”
“I promise,” you nod earnestly and, much to Zuko’s surprise, pull him in for a tight hug. He stiffens at first, unsure how to react to the close contact, but eventually he’s able to allow himself a chance to enjoy your warmth and reciprocate your embrace.
Only you could have the grumpy Prince wrapped so tightly around your finger.
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy
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propertyofwicked · 3 months
lando x fewtrell!reader (cos who doesn't love a bit of brother's best friend?). no content warnings for this part. pls lemme know what u think of this pls and thank u.
part 1 -> part 2 -> part 3 -> part 4 -> part 5 -> part 6 -> part 7!
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y/n was a bit of an enigma in the fewtrell family. yes, she’d grown up karting with her older brother and his best friend, but it wasn’t a career for her. not like it was for max, who took his love of karting to championships and content creation and especially not like lando, who made it all the way to F1.
no, y/n fewtrell wanted a career, for now at least anyway. which leads us to now, she’s sat in a second year lecture, not listening to a single word as a slew of messages from her brother almost vibrate her phone off the desk.
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she didn’t really need to think about it at all, of course she’d be there. whilst she had no interest in her actually involvement, she loved motor sports, and loved supporting lando. the amount of times she’d been recognised in her uni towns sports bar, watching the F1, was getting concerning. not to mention the time she’d finished a 10 hour shift and somehow fell asleep in said sports bar, made worse and more recognisable to lando fans by the quadrant hoodie and LN4 beanie - max had not let her live it down since the moment the photo came on his twitter feed. it just seemed odd that lando all of a sudden wanted, no, needed her presence - after all, he'd had minimal contact with her for almost a year.
but, she weighed up in her head, getting to see lando was somewhat of a reward. yes spending the day with her brother would be good, although she could sense her summer would potentially be spent with him anyway. but lando, what could she say about lando. he was always around growing up, and yes admittedly there had been a few moments shared in her early adulthood that would indicate something more but it always remained unspoken. lingering touches here and there, the night they spent dancing together in a club, though written off as drunk friendliness, and most notably an interrupted moment where he whispered “max would kill me if he knew the truth”. y/n never got to find out what the truth was, as max himself came barrelling into the room, equally as drunk as everyone else at the gathering. from that night on, she barely saw or heard from lando, well, until now supposedly.
ultimately, y/n decided that dwelling on what could’ve been, whilst lando jets off around the world, was simply not worth it. she focused on her studies, and began declining offers to watch lando race on the other side of the world. y/n fewtrell was a strong independent woman who did not need the validation from her brothers best friend.
didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy it.
as predicted, the academic year ended and y/n found herself moving a bag of clothes into max’s spare room. people started spotting her in the background of streams again, fans excited to see the fewtrell’s back together and in full force - y/n now adorning a lovely bruise down the side of her arm from where max had shoved her too hard off a chair and onto the floor. sore losers run in the family.
“MAX! that hurt,” y/n whined from her new found position on the floor.
“oh did it,” max asks mockingly, “sucks to be you i guess” he adds with a shrug, although letting her use his arm to pull herself back up.
he moved back to playing his game when a text popped up on her phone making her giggle.
“what? what are you laughing at?”
“lando said “push him back”. lando,” y/n said, looking at the camera, “if i could, i would - but i quite like having somewhere to live and my own personal chauffeur,” she laughed, max laughing with her.
a month later she was in the passenger seat of max’s car, him pulling in to park outside the silverstone track. it was hours before the public would show up, so she instantly spotted the curly haired man. yes, the bright orange jumper was like a bat signal for lando, but y/n’s eyes were immediately drawn to him naturally. max had just about pulled the handbrake on when lando bounded over to the car, pulled the passenger door open and lunged himself around y/n.
“you came! it’s been too long since ive had my little lucky charm in my garage,” he says, looking directly into her eyes. a red flush runs up her cheeks, hoping that the boys will put it down to the loss of air conditioning. any awkwardness she had anticipated between the two dissolved almost instantly.
“i know, i’m sorry. i should just drop out of uni and follow you around the world, i know. forgive me,” she jokes holding her hands up, and lando quirks an eyebrow up, as if saying “you should”.
“don’t do that, y/n. one of the fewtrell’s needs to be properly educated,” max jokes, ”besides, not having his lucky charm around all the time keeps his ego in check.” lando chuckles in response, finally moving to stand fully out of the car and allowing y/n and max to climb out and join him.
“so, home race in 2 days - how you feelin’ mate?” max asked lando, raising his hand to do one of those bro hand grabs. they continued talking, y/n trailing just behind them as they walked into the building and around to the mclaren area. it was always a spectacle, coming to races. the teams, the drivers, the media, the celebrations - it was somewhat overwhelming. it was weird to see the place so empty, then again, it was 7am on FP1 day so the only people walking around were the odd driver and mechanics.
they continued to walk through the paddock, y/n just listening to the boys discussing an upcoming quadrant project, eventually reaching his drivers room. the sofa looked so inviting, especially to the girl who was dragged kicking and screaming out of bed at 5am. whilst lando distracted max, showing him his helmet for the home race, y/n crawled over to the sofa, curled up in a corner and shut her eyes.
“y/n? you good?” lando asked, after clocking her new found position.
“shut up.”
“she threatened to rip my eyeballs out and shove them down my throat this morning when i tried to get her up. being told to shut up is nothing,” max laughed, ruffling the top of his sisters head and messing up her hair, “she just likes her sleep.”
“yes, she does, please let her have it,” y/n mumbles bluntly, met with chuckles from the boys.
“we’re gonna get breakfast. ill bring you back something if you want to stay here?” lando asks, her eyes perking up at the thought of food.
“yes please,” she says, with a soft smile directed towards him.
“next time, me and you are getting separate hotel rooms,” y/n groaned, rolling around the sofa of her hotel room trying to get comfortable.
“next time, tell me you want to come with me early enough for me to book you a separate hotel room, y/n,” her brother grumbled back.
“i’m gonna see if there’s a gym here. i need to tire myself out if i’m going to sleep on this…thing,” she said, poking at the solid leather of the sofa.
max didn’t respond to his sister, instead he rolled over to face the door and shut his eyes. y/n grabbed her key card and her shoes, and walked out the door, happy to be away from her brother. she loved him, she really did, but after spending the entire day in lando’s small driver room with him - she really just needed some brother-free air.
she barely reached the lift at the end of the hallway when she got a text, diverting her entire plans for that evening.
i’m bored. come on a drive with me?
going on a late night drive with lando was not out of the ordinary, but usually max was there. had he sent max the same message? either way, she responded with a quick yes and thumbs up.
cool. im outside btw. hurry up.
have you just turned up assuming i was going to say yes?
was i wrong?
shut up im coming down now
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aycius · 7 days
feat. satoru gojo, toji fushiguro, & nanami kento
warnings. none! just a whole lot of fluffiness
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if you can’t go to sleep, SATORU will definitely try to help or (for lack of better words) force you to go to sleep. when he feels you shuffling around, he’ll grunt before placing his body on top of yours, hugging you tightly before mumbling “sleep” in your hair. 
“i’ll try if you get off of me. you’re crushing me to death!” you say and he contemplates for a few seconds, but ultimately decides that you’re a really comfortable body pillow. from how he’s laying, he can feel your heart beating and your soft, steady breaths and it makes him wonder why he never thought of using you as a mattress before. 
“promise?” and even though you nod your head, satoru can feel your smile on his collarbone which easily gives away that you’re not telling the truth. regardless, satoru still rolls off to the side and stares at the ceiling with you. 
“what’s bothering you,” he whispers, it’s soft and genuine and that alone is enough to make your heart throb at 2 am. it’s also really funny seeing his concerned look right now because he doesn’t know he’s overanalyzing the whole situation. 
you see, you didn’t eat dinner tonight. satoru ordered you takeout on his way home because he assumed you’d be hungry, but you weren’t, so you let him have yours. what you failed to realize though, is how hungry you’d be later on and now you’re facing the consequences. you finally sigh and turn your body so you’re face to face with him on the bed. 
“toru,” you bite back the laugh that wants to come out because of how serious satoru looks right now. you figured that you should tell him straight up to ease his mind of any possible negative thoughts he could be thinking. “i’m really hungry.” 
and satoru sighs, (you can’t tell if it’s of relief or disappointment so you choose the latter), and props his head up so his elbows are supporting him. “i am too.” 
“but you ate your takeout and mine.” you mirror satoru actions, propping your elbow to get a better look at his face and he blinks twice. you can’t tell if he’s lying or not.
“do you want food or not?” 
with that, you roll off the bed before stating, “i’ll get the car keys!”
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it’s not until you tap TOJI on the shoulder for the fifth time that he blinks and slowly comes to his senses. poor guy, he can hear your mumbles but he isn’t fully able to process what’s going on because of how drowsy he is. at this point, you’re staring at him with teary eyes and all toji can do is deadpan, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. 
“i told ya not to read the ending of that book this late, y'know. if ya read it earlier, y’could’ve had more time to recover. ” he grunts. 
you sniff once and nod your head and all toji can do is roll his eyes as he brings you into a tight embrace. he can act irritated all he wants, but he finds it so entertaining that the book he recommended you to read really took this much of a toll on you. You guys went on a library date, (your idea of course), and he chose a random book for you without much thought, and boy was that a bad idea. 
“they didn’t end up being together, toji.” you wail, arms wrapping around his torso even tighter. 
“i know, baby. i know.” he sighs, planting a kiss on your forehead when you sniffle again. 
“toji, we can never break up. if i couldn’t handle the book’s break up, i won’t handle ours.” and he only chuckles, because honestly, why is this book putting thoughts like these in your head? it’s fiction, toji thinks, but then again, it’s you we’re talking about, so he smirks and let’s out a chuckle.
“can’t get rid of me, i’m in it for the long run, babe.”
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NANAMI knows you’re not asleep. if there’s one thing you know most about kento, it’s how light of a sleeper he is. that’s why, even though you’re struggling to fall asleep, you try not to twist and turn around the sheets, though that fails. it’s only when you hear him clear his throat (even though he did it on purpose just to let you know that he was awake), you decide to gently tap his shoulder. he responds immediately, shifting to his side so he can face you. 
“yes, sweetheart? what’s up?” he asks, voice raspy and all. although it’s 2 am, you can perfectly make out kento’s beautiful face with the help of the moon light, via the sheer curtains in the room. you find yourself getting lost in his eyes and it’s not until he gently grabs your hands and intertwines it with his that you finally get the courage, (or at least attempt to), speak to him about your restlessness.
 but he understands – he always does. 
“i’m not feeling that tired either,” he winks, “let me make us some tea and talk.” 
you want to tell him that you know he’s completely exhausted, but he’s already pushing the both of you out of bed and to the kitchen. you figured that he may not mind staying up for a bit more.
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jake-webber · 5 months
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anon: “maybe hcs or a fic of reader being sam, colby, and jake’s childhood friend where you’re like the designated teddy bear that everyone likes to cling on?” (UNEDITED)
PAIRING jake webber, sam golbach, colby brock x platonic!reader
BEFORE READING use of ‘brother’ but not towards reader but is used by reader, gender not specified, i acc dk if they’re called traphouse trio or not but lemme know
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You couldn’t tell the time when you woke up or when Jake suddenly came into your room to bother you by tangling himself in your covers and limbs to, and you quote, ‘hangout’. You’ve been friends with this guy for God knows how long but his idea of hanging out with you was never something you understood completely.
Unable to go back to sleep, you decided it was a good idea to indulge your best friend. You let him wrap his long limbs around you; his leg were overlapping with yours under the covers while his arm was on your shoulders, ultimately locking you up in a soft headlock as he scrolls through his phone with his free hand.
You, on the other hand, had your head on his chest from all the times he’s been pulling you closer.
“You think I should dye my hair like this?” Jake suddenly asked, showing his phone opened on instagram. “I think I’d look good.”
You didn’t have to think twice on your answer as soon as yours eyes were looking at a picture of someone’s hair dyed at the brightest green you’ve ever seen. “And what? Become bald and live your whole life being called a highlighter and Mr. Clean?”
You heard, as well as felt, Jakes low chuckles resonating to your head. “Dude, you’re so mean. Can’t even support a brother.”
“I probably would if my brother didn’t wake me up to cuddle ‘till the afternoon.” You deadpanned, eyes going back to your phone.
“You planned on sleeping ‘till afternoon anyways.”
“Not in your arms.”
Jake faked a sniff. “So mean, so mean. This is probably why you’re Sam’s favorite.”
You could only roll yours eyes at this. “Whatever you say, brother.” You pulled yourself off of Jake, hearing his whines of protest as you walked inside your bathroom.
“Why did you leave me!” Jake screamed from your bed, hearing a small ‘thud!’ and groan soon after.
As you were about to leave the bathroom, you saw your door open by Colby. “What’s the commotion in here?” He asked with an accent.
“Nothin’” Jake said. You closed the door to your bathroom with a snort. “More like, he fell.” You responded, kicking on the fallen blanket over Jake’s head and hearing a silent ‘fuck you’ before making your way towards the newly arrived boy.
As soon as Colby was a inches away, it was like his arms were magnet and your poor neck was the refrigerator getting unwanted accessories on it. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a lung squeezing hug. “Did you just wake up?”
You couldn’t even lift your own arms to hug back from how tightly you’re being held. “Nope, been awake for a while thanks to that guy.” You nodded your head towards Jake who did an awful job of sneaking up behind you, making him pause.
Colby didn’t say anything at first and gave you one last squeeze before removing himself. “Well, thanks to him, I didn’t have to do the honors of getting hit by a pillow because…” He grabbed his phone from his pockets and showed you his conversation with Sam.
“We’ll be having lunch with the others before we take off tomorrow.”
“Right, we’re filming oversees tomorrow.” You recalled, absentmindedly staring at Sam’s text ordering Colby to wake you up before the scheduled lunch– it felt more like brunch to you but whatever.
“That’s right, so we’re either going to force you to get dressed or you do it yourself.” Colby ruffled your already horrid bed head with a mischievous grin. “Oh, I don’t mind doing the first one.” Jake quipped from his place behind you, listening on the conversation.
“Save it, brother. I can only have so much patience to let ya’ll sleep on my bed.” You walked past them as your head scandalous gasps when you did. “Or maybe I’ll only allow Sam, who knows, he’s been the nicest to me all morning.”
Colby raced to your side with furrowed eyebrows though a smirk on his face, “But he’s not even here!”
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Sam wasn’t able to go home and freshen up before lunch so the four of you decided to meet at the restaurant instead.
“And what time did he exactly leave for his meeting?” You opened the door of the passenger seat and stepped out as you spoke. Colby, who volunteered to drive the three of you, locked his car before he answered. Jake, who sat on the back, walked towards you with his eyes still on his phone.
“I think, 6 o’ clock? He’s been preparing for it for like a week— if he acts weird, just don’t ask.” You and Jake nodded at his words. You were all used to Sam’s antics when he’s tired, especially you. You had to specifically wear clothing that doesn’t wrinkle easily because of him.
Sam rarely shows affection in front of other people who’s not in the same house as all of you but that all goes away when he’s brain is too foggy to think. You were his victim most of the time. Colby, being the one he’s usually with, experienced it too and as well Jake if he’s unlucky but it’s always you at the end of the day.
“Golbach at 12 o’ clock.” Jake whispered before departing from your side to Colby.
The three of you stooped on your tracks towards the restaurant and saw Sam walking out with his phone. He still looked alright from a distance, his poise was as normal as ever, but it only took you one look to see the way his eyes swayed at the sight of his friends. Sam walked, or was it trudging, towards you and you already had your arms up when he got closer.
Both his arms circled around your torso and placed his head on your shoulders. Colby’s hugs were tight— tight enough to cut the air from your lungs— but quick and Jake’s loved to put all his weight on you. Sam’s, on the other hand, he likes to lock you in his chest and hug you like a teddy bear, as if he was inches from sleeping (which he probably was, to be fair).
After a few seconds of silence, having to penguin-walk away from path of the restaurant so you both wouldn’t block the entrance, Sam sighed. “God, today’s been a long day.”
“The day’s only half finished, Sam.” You said with an amused smile, patting him on the back.
“Still long.” He retorted almost immediately. Sam began rocking you back and forth for some reason. You realized Jake and Colby were already inside the restaurant when you Jake’s text on your phone about saving you both seats.
As much you enjoyed being their personal teddy bear, you’re already getting hungry from the smell of the dishes from inside, making your stomach grumble over the silence. “Time’s up, the only thing I’ve had in my stomach is air today and I am hungry.” You said as you tried to release from him.
Sam was quick to remove himself off of you, except for one his arms on your shoulder still. “Dibs on sleeping next to you in our hotel room.” He said before he began walking, looking at you with his tired yet mischievous smirk.
You chuckled, “You were already first on the list, brother.”
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livinginshambles · 7 months
Hear me out, please |James Potter
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Pairing: James Potter x Slytherin!Fem!Reader
Word Count: 7.5k
Summary: The aftermath of when James found out you were his 'cinderella'. James tries desperately to get your attention to get you to hear him out. A tiny twist.
Notes: Not proofread, grammar mistakes. Timeline might be a little off, but magic so whatever i guess? Sorry for the long wait, I hope you guys will think it was worth it!!
Masterlist Part one Part two
A lot of things went through James' mind as he stood there in the Great Hall. You could hear a pin drop before Regulus finally shot into action and dashed out the hall to go after you.
The murmuring started to continue now that the first silence had been disturbed.
"Oh gosh, she's so dramatic," your sister laughed. And she put a hand on James' shoulder to pull him back to his seat.
James turned his head slowly. His attention zeroed in on the hand on his shoulder. He coiled away.
"What the fuck have you done," he spat at her.
Marla's eyebrows shot up. "We did you a favour," she stated, as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
It sent James over the edge. He grabbed her upper arm and harshly shook it.
"A favour? A favour!?" He asked incredulously. His voice raised in volume. "What on earth is wrong with you!" He screamed and looked around; his eyes blown out. "With all of you!"
"You mean what the hell is wrong with you, James?" Your other sister, Alyssa, piped up. "Why are you defending her?" That last word was spat out with so much disgust that it opened finally James' eyes to what you must have endured. He fought the urge to slap her expression off her face.
James let go of Marla's arm and pushed her a few steps back while doing so.
No, he needed to fix this. He just had to. If you would just listen to him, he would explain it all. And then he'd protect you. From every hurtful comment out there.
If you would just let him.
"Regulus," James grimaced. The boy was blocking his path and view, standing in the doorway. You were out of sight, or at least out of James's sight.
"Potter," Regulus curtly nodded at him.
"I need to talk to her."
"You've said plenty."
James 'brows furrowed, and his jaw flexed. Why was everyone deciding everything for him all of a sudden? Why couldn't everyone just mind their own bloody business? If they had, none of this would have occurred.
He would be patrolling with you in the evening, and you would make him laugh about one of your dry remarks. He wouldn't have known that it was you who he was looking for, but in time, maybe he would've figured it out. Or maybe he would've pushed his mystery girl to the back of his mind to let you and all the new feelings in.
"Actually, I haven't. I haven't said enough because everyone is saying things in my place instead. But I never got the chance to say what I want to say, and every time I do, it seems too late. I just want to talk to her." The words flew out of James' mouth, built up regret, anger, and disappointment from how things had escalated.
"Perhaps you haven't said much." Regulus looked James up and down and weighed his words carefully. "And maybe that's part of the problem. But right now, she's certainly heard enough. She doesn't want your grand words."
James closed his eyes in frustration. He wanted to protest, he wanted to scream at himself and pull his hair out, but ultimately, he just wanted yet another chance.
He hadn't expected it to be you. Not at all, but the longer he thought about it, the more it made sense, and the more it seemed... right. And he didn't know why he had been so adamant to form some sort of relationship with you, but the way his heart blossomed when you were around only pulled him further in.
James looked at the ground, as if the solution to his problems would be written down there.
"Okay," he relented.
Without a moment of hesitation, Regulus went to slam the door in his face but stopped at the box that James held put to him.
"What's that supposed to be?" He flatly asked James.
With a heavy heart, James showed Regulus the pair of glass slippers that you had left behind at the Yule ball, and that he had so carefully carried around with him.
James searched for his words his. "I've been holding on to these to return them to their owner," he made an attempt at a smile but dropped it, feeling pathetic. He wondered if he looked as pathetic to Regulus as well.
"Well, I suppose I should return them, now that I've found her." James pushed the box into Regulus' hands, threw one glance past the boy in hopes to catch a glimpse of you, and rubbed his face with both hands as he dejectedly walked away from the Slytherin dormitory.
Perhaps he could try again later.
You stared at the glass slippers in your hand. It felt cool to the touch and looked so beautiful, but you couldn’t help the bitter taste left in your mouth. With one smooth movement, you threw and smashed one of the slippers against the wall opposite of your bed. It shattered in pieces, and you had to smile at that. Even with every spell to reenforce the glass so you could actually walk on it, it broke. Then you gathered every bit of frustration you had in you, and you screamed as hard as you could, tears flowing in frustration.
You hated that you were crying. But the sheer defeat and powerlessness that you felt was too overwhelming, your voice cracked mid-scream and you threw the other slipper to pieces in anger as well. It wasn’t even about the gossiping amongst the students anymore.
You were so tired; you actually couldn’t bring yourself to care about what everyone must be thinking right now. But your sisters and James. You dug your nails into your palm.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror and straightened your posture. With your hands, you smoothed out your frown, fixed your hair and put on a wide smile. All in all, you looked psychopathic, but anything was better than pathetic. You turned on your heel and got ready for your first morning class.
James watched your empty seat in Divination class. This was the only class in which the last two years were put together. He wondered if you would show up. But he knew you. Possible more than anyone. So, he knew that you would never miss a class, because you wanted perfect grades and a perfect attendance rate. You were just like that. Ambitious.
James mind replayed your words again. He was every worst characteristic of Gryffindor; you had said to him. ‘Arrogant, prideful, and reckless’.
Next to James, Sirius was also lost in thoughts. Your words resonated in his head as well. Prejudice creates a vicious cycle. It was true. Sirius’ eyes flickered towards the other empty seat where Regulus was supposed to be. He had completely abandoned Regulus, giving his brother the cold shoulder, and despising his elitist thoughts, undoubtedly created by his mother. Because he had abandoned Regulus.
Sirius wondered what would have happened if he had tried to maintain a good relationship with Regulus after having been sorted into Gryffindor. He wondered if he would have been able to convince Regulus to run away with him.
There was a knock on the door and Regulus walked in with a blank face. He nodded his head in apology at the Professor and took a seat. The door opened again, this time with a little more force.
“My sincere apologies, professor.” You wore a smile that sent chills up James’ back. His body almost involuntarily shot up to go up to you, but he caught himself, and he longingly looked at you as you passed by instead.
After having gotten used to your discrete gestures of acknowledgement in the form of waves, smiles, nods or even winks, James’ heart tugged when you didn’t spare him a glance. You graciously took a seat and motioned at Professor Trelawney to continue.
James jumped up when class was over. His belongings had long since been packed, and he dashed towards your leaving figure.
“Y/N!” he called out to you.
You turned around and looked him in the eye. All the words that James had prepared during the rest of class escaped his mind. James felt those chills again and he finally understood that in all his years with fights between the two of you, you had been petty, threatening to take points away. You had been angry, throwing insults back at him, and you had very much been a major asshole in general. But you had never been this hostile.
“Let me say this once, so we can all be done with it, and never talk about this again, Potter,” you sharply stated. “I am sorry that I wasn’t who you wanted me to be. However, let me make it clear that this was my secret and mine to share. And I made perfectly clear that I was not going to, so your blatant disrespect to publicly call me out the way you did, is simply appalling.”
Remus called James’ name and James made the mistake to look back. When he turned to you again, you were already further down the hall, turning the corner with a steady pace.
James didn’t see you around anymore until Thursday morning. His eyes basically lit up and he repeated his apology in his head. “L/N, wait,” James tried, and he chased after you. Unlike last time, you didn’t stop. Curious students watched you two pass while James tried to match your pace.
“Hear me out, please.”
“I said all I wanted to say, Potter. Let’s stay out of each other’s way from now on.”
“After you let me explain,” James pleaded.
You laughed. “Nothing you tell me will change my mind. I won’t believe anything that comes out of your mouth.” You gave him an annoyed look.
Still, James was not planning on giving up. You weren’t the only determined one here. He grabbed your arm and dragged you into a room. Your eyes squinted and gave him the dirtiest look they could. James immediately let go of you, hands up in defence, a string of apologies following suit.
You glared at him and went to walk straight out of the room when James pulled you back again, and this time, he cupped the sides of your face, and pressed his lips to yours.
For a moment, you hesitated, utterly confused and surprisingly rather okay with the unwarranted kiss. And then anger hit you. Did he bloody think this would woo you, and sweep you off your feet and make everything alright? How dare he kiss you in attempt to manipulate you. You slapped him across the face in shock less than a second later. James blinked back at you in horror at his own actions.
“Godric, no- I- I am so bloody sorry, I shouldn’t have- I’m- I don’t know what went through my head, please wait-” You slammed the door in his face when you left. James hit his head softly against the door. And then he hit it again but a bit harder as he cursed. “What the hell is wrong with you mate,” he groaned to himself. “You bloody git.”
He stared at the dark wood of the door in front of him reluctantly. To be honest, he wouldn’t mind just staying in the room to rot away, how was he going to face you now?
“Lily, please go in my place,” he begged the redhead. “I’ll take your Tuesday shift, I promise.”
Lily shook her head. “Stop being a baby, James. You reap what you sow and I’m not patrolling tonight.” She walked past James and then turned back around.
“Some friendly advice, James, stop being so pushy. No is no, and it might have been cute as 11-year-olds, but not anymore. We’re no longer kids. But good luck.”
James reluctantly dragged himself towards the Great Hall where he could see you pick your nails in front of the door. He felt ashamed, guilty, and absolutely not ready to look you in the eye.
“Hi,” he awkwardly managed. “So about-“
“You’re late. Let’s get a move on it.” You cut him off.
“Right, yeah, we should do that- patrolling.”
It was quiet, not a word spoken between the two of you as James trailed half a step behind you. He glanced at the side of your face. Shadows and light flickered across your face every time you passed a torch.
The silence of the castle did him good, he realised. He’d much rather walk in silence next to you, than be in the midst of all that chaos that was going on right now. He smiled and stuffed his hands in his pocket happily.
“What are you smiling about,” you asked, a frown on your face.
“Hm? What? Oh, sorry.” The smile dropped of James’ face.
“Well, you don’t have to stop smiling because I said so,” you shot him a strange look. “I just wanted to know what’s so funny.”
“Oh, it’s nothing.” A beat. And then, “Lily told me to stop trying to apologise to you if you don’t want to hear it.”
You considered his words. You supposed you mostly wanted someone to be angry at. You didn’t want to hear James out and then maybe see that your anger was misdirected. You wanted to stay bitter.
“I don’t.”
“Okay, well, I’ll stop.”
Despite the fact that he hadn’t been able to apologise, and nothing had been cleared up between the two of you, both of you felt yourselves relax a little more. You continued to roam the corridors in silence.
The next three patrols were spent in the same basked silence, occasionally one or two words exchanged. James had so many things he wanted to tell you, but he didn’t want to ruin anything. And then you suddenly spoke up again.
“Good luck tomorrow.”
James perked up at your words. “Thank you,” he grinned at you gratefully. “Are you going to watch the game?”
You shook your head. “No, I’ll be helping out in the infirmary.”
“Did you finish your herbal research then?”
Your eyes flickered up at him in surprise. “Yeah, Madame Pomfrey and I will put it to test.” James nodded along.
“Well, if you ever need a patient, I’d volunteer,” he joked. He watched in triumph as you shook your head in amusement.
“Better check your broom for hexes tomorrow,” you replied. “wouldn’t want you to fall off your broom and break a bone or two.” James snorted.
You pulled the curtain to the side with an exasperated expression. “I was only kidding Yesterday, Potter. What on earth are you doing here.”
James gave you a weak smile, trying to hide the pain in his arm and ribs. “Volunteering to be your very first patient, of course.”
“Tell me you didn’t break your bones on purpose,” you squinted your eyes at him.
“I didn’t break my bones on purpose,” James obediently replied. He shifted in curiosity as you rummaged through a cabinet. “Is this not fixable with any spells?” He pondered when he saw you pull out several vials.
“Externally, yes. But you’d be in the same excruciating pain as if they were still broken. You motioned towards the vials. “Hence the herbal potions.”
“Is that the one with the Nettle and Dittany?” James nodded his head to the bottle on the left.
You hummed in approval, not bothering to hide the fact that you were impressed. “Who knows, Potter. Maybe you have a future of a healer as well.” James beamed in pride at your compliment.
“Just keeping my options open.” James sighed happily. He was glad that he could joke around with you again. You tapped a bottle against his cheek. He let you pour the potion into his mouth.
“Now what?”
“Now we wait.” You pulled out a stool and sat down with a notebook in case you needed to take notes of the effects of the potion. At one point, you must have fallen asleep with your face buried on James’ infirmary bed. A strand of hair was tickling your nose and you huffed to get it out of the way. James shifted to tuck it away with his non-injured hand.
You opened your eyes and jumped up. You looked around disoriented and when your eyes landed on James, who had tilted his head, you felt embarrassment creep up on you. “I’m terribly sorry, that was unprofessional of me. Are you feeling any better?”
James nodded. He sat up to prove it, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. “All better. And if you get to apologise, so do I, right?” He looked at you hopefully, internally praying that you wouldn’t just march out straight away. “Will you hear me out?”
You sighed, knowing what would come next, but this time you sat down on the stool again instead of walking away.
“I didn’t know.” When you didn’t respond, he repeated himself. “I didn’t know it was you, and I didn’t know it was going to be published in the newspaper because I wouldn’t do that- you know that I wouldn’t.”
He looked at you and saw you staring back at him. He took it as a sign to continue and cleared his throat. It felt so dry all of a sudden. You quietly reached for a cup of water and handed it to him. James took a sip, a deep breath, and started to ramble on without breaks.
“Sirius found your parchment and then you sisters found it too, but I didn’t. I really didn’t. Sirius said they had already run off and he tried to fix it on his own, so he didn’t tell me, and I only found out right before you did and I would never have written such a mean article about you, because we’re friends- well, at the very least I considered us friends- and I just wanted you to like me because-” James stopped.
“What, you fancy me?” you rhetorically commented. 
James’ heart stopped and his face flushed. “No, of course not! I just- Well, I don’t know- It’s, uh I guess I just,” James tried to form a coherent answer, trying to weigh what answer would scare you away.
You frowned and let your eyes flicker across his face. “Stop it,” you shook your head in denial.
“Would it be so bad?” James murmured. “I didn’t know. But I know I liked the girl behind the paper. And I know I liked my patrol partner.” He hesitated and took a step forward. “I think you liked me too, before you knew my name.”
“Yeah,” you replied. “Before I knew your name. Once I learned it, I no longer did,” you lied. “Because we would never work. Every student said so. All the whispers and comments, insults and rumour were right.”
James shook his head.
“So, date me to spite them. Prove them wrong,” It was a pathetic attempt, but he saw the consideration flash in your eyes, and the more he thought about it, the more he started to get convinced that this was a decent idea.
“You’d have us enter a fake relationship to spite everyone?”
“It wouldn’t be fake to me,” James shrugged, getting more confident by your open attitude. “And who knows, maybe I can convince you that the guy from the paper is still inside of me.”
“This is so stupid,” you shook your head.
“Guess what,” Sirius asked Remus, he covered the page of the book Remus was reading to capture his attention.
Remus slapped Sirius’ hand away. “What,” he replied curtly. Sirius moved to sit on the table of the library. “Are you angry?”
“Mildly annoyed, yes.”
“Because…” Sirius trailed off unsurely. He hoped that Remus would finish the sentence for him, which, luckily for Sirius, Remus did.
“Because I think it’s time you guys stop pestering her. I know you planned to get James in the infirmary. Leave her be, you’ve done enough damage as it is.” He sounded disapproving. Sirius dropped himself back on the table, laying across it as if he was a sacrifice on an altar.
“Prongs likes her.”
“Yeah? Well, he’s handling it terribly,” Remus drily remarked. He took off his glasses and started to wipe them with the hem of his sweater. Sirius patted his pockets, reached into his left one and handed Remus a cleaning cloth for glasses.
“Why are you guys nice to me,” Remus asked quietly.
“What are you talking about Moony, you’re our best friend?”
“I know, but why?” Remus lowered his voice. “I’m a werewolf, aren’t I? I’m a literal monster. So why are you nice to me. But somehow feel the need to keep pranking and bullying Slytherin students? We’re in our last year. Don’t you think we should grow up?” And with ‘we’, he meant ‘Sirius and James’.
‘I know, Moony.”
“Do you now?”
“I think I’m going to talk to Regulus.”
Remus choked on his spit. “I’m sorry, Pads, you’re what?”
“I just don’t want to be like L/N’s siblings. I know I sort of am, but I don’t want to be. And you said we should start being nicer right?”
“Pads, last time you said something to him, he literally hexed you.”
“I insulted him,” Sirius heard himself say and he felt weird for a moment.
“He’s after your ass during every Quidditch game, trying to knock you off your broom.”
“Well, that’s just the point of Quidditch,” Sirius defended again.
Remus smiled at Sirius. “Alright, just be careful. Mid-terms are coming up and I’m too busy with studies to fix you up again.”
Sirius grinned. “If all goes well with Prongs, I could ask L/N to patch me up.” Remus threw a quill at him. “I think I’ll go find L/N later, see if she knows where my brother is.”
The door opened and Remus looked behind him. He did a double take and put his glasses back on to make sure he was seeing things correctly. Sirius was still laying on the table, looking at the ceiling.
“I think I’ve found her,” Remus remarked, uncertainly.
Sirius sat up and gaped at the sight on you and James, walking into the library together while talking. James was holding a pile of books and by the colour of the cover, he knew that those were not James’.
“I’m sorry, did I miss something?”
You looked up in alarm at the words and found Sirius and Remus sitting at a table in the corner. “We talked it out,” you nonchalantly mentioned. Remus gave you a smile and Sirius just stared at you. Then; “Hell yeah, Prongs, I knew you had it in you to confess.” Sirius jumped off the table and patted you on the back with a grin.
You laughed back uncertainly and looked at James with questioning eyes. James looked back at you, reassuringly. He moved all of your books to one hand and guided you to a seat with the other.
“Where’s Regulus,” Sirius asked immediately as soon as you sat down.
You raised your eyebrows. “He’s in the astronomy tower. Didn’t want to join James and I to the library.” You smiled at recollection of the younger Black’s reaction to you and James.
“No way.” He had replied. “What are you two planning?” James had looked at Regulus with an offended look. “What are you talking about? I fancy Y/N and she fancies me, so we decided to make it official.”
“Yeah, I’ll believe you fancy Y/N, but there is just no way she would enter a relationship with you of all people. What’s the deal.”
Sirius nodded. “Well,” he started, “I mean, if he wants to, he uh, the library is a public space, so he could join. If he wants.” Sirius awkwardly sat down on a chair. You squinted your eyes at him. “I’ll be sure to let him know,” you said. You watched as Sirius puffed out a sigh in relief.
You glanced down at the messy scribbles on Sirius’ paper and raised your eyebrows. You’d imagined that the elder Black would have a better handwriting than that. “Anyway, do you need help with Transfiguration as well?”
The news of your relationship spread like fire. Your sisters both received it with a sour look on their faces. “He’ll see we were right, and he’ll leave you again,” they said, purposely loud enough for you to hear it. James had just entered the room and walked straight past them towards you with a flower. He dropped it next to you and sat down beside you.
Against your will, your heart made a small jump and the corners of your mouth tugged upwards. James’ eyes flickered towards your lips and quickly looked away happily. Then he leaned in a little and whispered, “We’re not breaking up if it’s up to me.”
He shifted in his seat, subtly scooting over closer to you. “Go on a date with me tonight,” James whispered.
“We don’t have time tonight. Patrol, remember?” You argued back.
James grinned and shook his head. “Afterwards.”
“It’s past bedtime afterwards. I will not-”
“Sneak around the castle and get caught, I know. But you forget that I have an invisibility cloak.”
You laughed this time. “I’m almost tempted to take 20 points off Gryffindor for your outrageous plan.” Your eyes twinkled and James joined in. He put his hand over his heart in fake shock. “You wouldn’t do that to your boyfriend,” he squinted his eyes, challenging you.
“If he misbehaves,” you answer amusedly. But then you hummed in thought. “Fine, I’ll bite, what do you have in mind.”
James’ grin widened. “The lake’s still frozen,” he whispered. You deadpanned. “I can’t skate.”
James leaned his head against you. “Exactly, it’s the perfect chance for me to show you my gentlemanly skills and woo you.” You turned your head and breathed in the smell of James’ shampoo. "You just want an excuse to hold my hand," you mumbled in his hair. You could feel James smile against your shoulder. “I’m your boyfriend, I don’t need excuses,” he joked.
James swore his heartrate sped up an unhealthy amount when you confirmed, “No you don’t.”
He was absolutely beaming next to you as you were patrolling down the corridor, hand in hand. Your eyes flickered over to James once in a while. It was suspicious to you that he’d been quiet the entire time. James on the other hand was just looking at your intertwined hands with interest.
“Never held hands with a girl before, Potter?” You laughed, but no venom was found in your voice.
James nodded. “Never held hands with a girl before,” he confirmed, not ashamed at all for it. Why should he. You looked at him with curiosity. “What about Lily?”
James snorted. “Have you ever seen us hold hands?”
“Nope,” you popped the ‘p’.
“I was stressing a lot about being a good boyfriend, my hands got really sweaty,” James bashfully explained. You lifted both your hands and squeezed his hand a few times. “You don’t stress about being a good boyfriend for me?” you couldn’t help but ask. You immediately groaned internally and looked straight to the floor, intently watching your feet as they simply fascinatingly put one in front of the other. I mean, have you ever seen something so-. James wasn’t having it.
“’m not stressing with you. I have a pretty good feeling about us.” He sighed contently. You huffed. “Well, I have high standards, and I’ve been told I’m pretty high maintenance, Potter.” You stuck your nose in the air haughtily.
“First, you should stop calling me Potter,” he remarked.
“James,” you nodded. A chill ran up his spine. “And second?” you inquired.
“Second,” you looked at him expectantly.
“Oh! Right, second; I didn’t know you had a relationship before?” And just as soon as those words left his lips, he cussed himself out in his head. Great, now he seemed either a twat as if he couldn’t believe someone like you could have a relationship, or a twat who was jealous and obsessive. And it’s only the first week. James averted his eyes to the wall on his left. Ah yes, the wall seems to be made of stone. Very sturdy, very wall-like-
“No, I’ve been single pretty much my whole life.” You put on your usual sour face, and vaguely gestured to it. “Not very approachable, as I prefer.”
“Then who calls you high maintenance?” James thought bitterly, feeling the need to defend you. “Calm down, prince Charming,” you reassured him with a laugh. Maybe you could see the charm in his recklessness. “I can fight my own battles. And basically, everyone calls me high maintenance.”
The two of you walked side by side in silence again, making your way to the prefect room. You rummaged through a drawer, pulled out a document and started to fill it in. James leaned against the table. “Where do you go during Spring Break? Do you stay at Hogwarts? Because I can also stay at Hogwarts to keep you company, you know.”
“I have my own apartment.”
“You’re not even of age yet,” James pointed out, trying to hide his disappointment unsuccessfully at a missed opportunity of spending time with you.
“Professor McGonagall vouched for me,” you replied. James’ eyebrows flew up. “McGonagall?” He asked in disbelief. You just hummed in reply while you flipped the page to continue filling in the report.
“Well, if you want you can come with me?” You stopped writing and looked up at him intently. As if you were searching his face for any hidden intentions. When you didn’t find any, you gave him an apologetic look.
“That’s kind of you, James,” you smiled. “But I have Regulus staying with me.”
“He doesn’t stay at the Black manor?” James was surprised. You tilted your head. “Tell me, does Sirius stay at the Black manor?”
James quickly shut his mouth as realization dawned on him. Oh.
“Well,” he awkwardly shifted. “You’re both welcome,” he offered. You shook your head in laughing at the mental image. The thought of Regulus and Sirius living together for two weeks was just hilarious.
“I’m done, we can go.”
“Alright, I just need to pick up my invisibility cloak from the Gryffindor common room.”
“I’ll wait here,” you nodded. James offered you a strange look.
“What?” You asked, looking up at him.
“You’re not going with me?”
“What all the way up to the third floor? I think not,” you snorted, plopping down on a chair, and making yourself comfortable.
James huffed and didn’t move. “But what if something happens to me on the way there?” He dramatically sat down next to you on a different chair.
“What on earth could happen to you on the way to your room. This is Hogwarts, you know. The safest place in England probably.”
“What if a monster attacks me, and then I can’t come back, and you’ll think that I stood you up?” James retorted with a pout.
You shook your head and pinched the bridge of you nose. “There are no monsters in this castle, James, where do you think we are? You’re not going to run into a Basilisk on your way.”
James squinted his eyes at you. “But can you promise me that with 100% certainty?” You rolled your eyes in response. “Of course not, but would you take me with you and expose me to such dangers?” you sarcastically retorted.
“Well, technically speaking, and I’m not saying all Slytherins,” James held up his hands at your narrowed eyes. “Snakes are kind of your thing, right?” You closed your eyes. “Charming, you are. Let’s just go,” you sighed.
James grinned in victory as he held the door open for you. “For the record, I would totally protect you from a Basilisk.”
“If you say so.”
Sirius sat up in bed when the door opened, but no one came in. “Hey Prongs, how was ice skating?”
James removed the invisibility cloak to reveal your shivering form. Both of you drenched from head to toe, water still dripping from the locks in front of his eyes. “Got pulled under,” he stressed. “I didn’t know where to take her, I couldn’t let her clean record be tainted for being out past bedtime because of me, and I don’t know the Slytherin password, so I brought her here,” he started to ramble in a loud whisper.
Remus grumbled as he sat up too. “Bloody hell, Prongs, did you take her to the black lake or what?” And when James didn’t respond, “Mate, what is wrong with you.” He got up and walked to the bathroom to get a few dry towels to wrap you in.
James discarded his soaked clothes and dried himself off before putting on pyjamas. Then the three of them stared awkwardly at each other. “Well, she needs to get out of those cold clothes,” Remus remarked. Sirius stepped back. “Yeah, not my girl, not my duty,” he walked over to his bed and dropped down on it.
You woke up and the first thing you noticed was the red colours all around you. You sat up suddenly and blinked a few times. What happened? Oh, right. A hand had broken through the ice, wrapped itself around your ankle and harshly pulled you down into the freezing depths. So that means you’re either dead, or James got you out and brought you to the Gryffindor dorms instead of the infirmary because he kept your clean records in mind. Your heart filled with appreciation at the thought of that.
You looked around and found James on the floor next to you. He was curled up in an extra blanket, but it must be uncomfortable. You went to pull out your wand when you realised that you were wearing his sweater. The little shit changed your clothes, you huffed.
You quietly got up, found your clothes drying in the bathroom and slipped out your wand. With a quick levitation spell, you gently tucked James back into his own bed. Your eyes fell on the two parchments on the nightstand, and you allowed a nostalgic smile to adorn your face. You moved his hair out of the way and let your eyes rest on his peaceful face. Realising you were being creepy, you hastily turned around and snuck out of the room with your clothes and a rolled-up parchment.
“And where have you been,” Regulus sat on the common room armchair in front of the door. He looked like he hadn’t properly slept, and his tone was sharp. “And what atrocity are you wearing. Tell me you didn’t sleep with him?”
“You’re my brother, Regulus, not my mother,” you teased him. You pulled out a chair to sit next to him. “And no, I went skating, fell into the water, blacked out and woke up alive in the Gryffindor dorm. So don’t hex James, if anything you can thank him.”
There was a beat of silence. “I’m glad you’re okay, I was worried.”
“I’m sorry for worrying you. Did you stay up all night?”
“Yes, but mostly because I wanted to tell you something.” You didn’t immediately reply, waiting for Regulus to continue on his own instead.
“Sirius came up to the astronomy tower yesterday evening,” he quietly said. His voice sounded confused, as if he was still unsure of what had actually occurred.
“Are you okay?”
“Of course, I’m okay,” Regulus immediately said. “It’s just that he apologized.” He shrugged. “You think he meant it?”
You thought it over. “I think he did. He asked me last week you know. Where you are, and that if you ever want to join us in the library, you can.” Regulus nodded deep in thought.
“You know, James actually invited both of us over for the Spring Break.” You looked at Regulus to gauge his reaction to that. He looked slightly interested, though he tried to hide it.
“I suppose it’s still a month away, so we’ll see what we want then.”
You nodded and then got up off the chair. “I’m going to change into something else, before my fellow house students want to jinx me,” you said.
“You’re dating James Potter; people already want to jinx you.”
You winked at him. “Well, I’ll be damned, you’re absolutely right. Isn’t that funny? You know what, let them try,” you challenged them as you smoothened James’ sweater.
James woke up and sat up straight in bed, confused. How did he get here? He Looked at the end of his bed and saw it still neatly tucked in- hospital corners. His lips twitched up. You had left, he realised, but you’d tucked him in. He let himself fall back onto his pillow and turned his head to the side. Then he frowned, put on his glasses, and grabbed the parchment. In your lovely handwriting was a message.
Maybe not a Basilisk, but you protected me as you said. Thank you, James. (All things considered, I enjoyed last night.)
James’ eyes traced the words before he carefully placed the parchment under his pillow with a giddy feeling in his heart.
James found you in the library with Remus. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that you were still wearing his sweater. Red looked out of place on you and James absolutely loved it. Sirius shared a look with him and then the both of them decided to sneak up on the two of you, simultaneously stealing your books from under you.
You and Remus narrowed your eyes at the both of them. “I am this close to kicking you guys.” You held up your hand to show your thumb and finger pressed together. James shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “But they’re touching,” he hesitantly responded. Sirius elbowed him in the ribs and quickly handed Remus both your books back.
You sarcastically faked a gasp. “Oh, Merlin, you’re right, they appear to be.”
James cheekily grinned and pressed a kiss to your temple. “You wouldn’t hurt your knight in shining armour,” he bragged, but without any real arrogance laced in his tone. You flipped him off with a grin and pulled out a chair for him next to you. “You’re late,” you airily said.
Sirius suddenly straightened up, his attention fixed on someone behind you. You turned around and waved Regulus over. “Come join us, Reg.”
Three weeks flew by in a blur, but- even though you’ve said this so often now- your were really enjoying your time at Hogwarts again. People’s gossips and predictions about yours and James’ relationship had turned into quiet whispers and envy.
James stood up for you on multiple occasions- after letting you have a go at the imbeciles of course. You had finally gone to a Quidditch game to support James, though of course not when they were playing against Slytherin. You had spent more time in the infirmary and James had joined you a few times by hanging out on one of the empty beds, occasionally handing you an ingredient such as Wolfsbane.
After having established that you absolutely loved hugs, James was always less that a step behind you, ready to give you the affection that you were too proud for to admit you wanted. You had been a frequent visitor to the boys’ dorms as well, making yourself comfortable in James’ arms as you dozed off for a nap. On other nights, you have even managed to persuade Regulus to join a handful of times as well. You wondered what would happen when James would graduate before you, but tried not to think much of it.
“So, we are definitely going to Hogsmeade together this week, right?” James popped up behind you and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“How scandalous, are you asking me out on a date?”
“Yeah, why? You have a boyfriend or something?” James humoured you.
“Or something,” you joked. The innocent comment hit both you and James at the same time. A reminder that you two were in fact technically not really dating. You shook the thought away.
“I’ll see you at 11 o’clock,” you replied.
James grinned, “I’ll be there five minutes earlier.”
True to his words, he was waiting for you in the courtyard when you arrived on the dot. James offered you his arm and you linked yours through his.
“James?” James hummed in reply. “Does your offer about Spring Break still stand? I mean, I know it’s next week already, and it’s sort of short notice-”
James perked up. “Yes!” he said, a little too quickly and enthusiastic. He cleared his throat and lowered his volume. “Yes, you and Regulus can still come.”
You sighed and nodded in relief. “Right, because Reg and I have been talking and we might take you up on that offer.”
It was evening by the time you and James made your way back to Hogwarts. James had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you held his hand. James pressed a kiss to your temple every now and then. “What happened to the glass slippers?” He suddenly asked.
“They broke.”
“They broke?”
“But didn’t you enchant them?”
“I did, but I was so angry at you that I smashed them to pieces against the wall like over two months ago.”
“Oh… But have you changed your mind since then?” James decided to finally ask you.
“About what?”.
“Me, and us.”
You looked at James and quietly admired him. James kept his eyes straight in front of him, too scared to look at you and see your reaction.
“Well, we are walking together, coming back from Hogsmeade. There’s not a student in sight and yet we are still holding hands,” You light-heartedly replied with a teasing smile. You squeezed his hand for good measure. It seemed enough to make James look at you.
“I’d say we’re pretty good friends-”
“I’m in love with you.”
You froze in your tracks and let go of James’ hand. Well, that took you by surprise. Fancying someone and claiming to be in love with someone- not loving but being in love- that was a next level. You smiled amusedly, successfully hiding your insecurities. “James, you’re not in love with me.”
James frowned at your response. He’d accept your rejection, but not you doubting his feelings.
“Yes, I am,” he stubbornly responded.
“No, you’re not,” you retorted, equally stubborn.
“Am too.”
“You’re not, James,” you exasperatedly said. “You’re not in love, you just fancy me because you’re comfortable.” You shrugged awkwardly. "And you only feel comfortable with me because I know so much about you. Because you poured your heart out to a stranger, and it so happened to be me.”
James bit his cheek, considering your words. Then he grinned and nodded. Your heart dropped, but not as much as it could have, because you had already prepared yourself for this. The joy behind setting yourself up for disappointment by never letting yourself get your hopes up.
“Yeah, I’m really comfortable with you.” He agreed. “Isn’t that great? Isn’t that love too? Being comfortable to the point you don’t feel the need to keep secrets anymore, where you feel the most accepted? The most at ease?”
You stared at James then cleared your throat. “So, when did you start being all knowledgeable and romantic?”
James snorted. You were adorable when you were awkward. “I’m the most comfortable with you,” he earnestly confessed to you. He carefully, as if to not scare you away, put a step forward and reached for your hand. He squeezed it softly. I mean it.
James felt you pull your hand back and bit his lip, forcing it to curl up into an accepting smile. “Right,” he cleared his throat as he tried to form a reply. But you weren’t done yet. You pulled back your hand and then threw both your arms around James’ neck as your brought him in a tight hug. You dipped your head down into the crook of his neck.
“And I’m the most vulnerable with you,” you mumbled against his skin. James sighed in relief, happiness, and love. He wrapped his arms around you protectively, as if to shield you in response.
You tilted your head sideways as you looked at James who was in front of you, down on one knee in your garden. James looked beautiful. His cheeks were slightly coloured from the cold and his hands held a small box with a ring.
“Love?” He asked, waving his hand in front of you, trying to get your attention. He didn’t sound nervous at all, in fact, he felt the most relaxed he’d ever been. This was definitely the future he’d imagined when he’d watched you laugh with his dad while bringing in the groceries. “My knee is getting numb from the cold, love. So, if you could just say yes or no,” he cheekily grinned.
You hummed in thought and then you replied, “Well, isn’t marriage a little too soon?” Your grin widened and spread across your face. “I mean, you’ve yet to officially ask me to be your real girlfriend.”
“Wait what-”
The end :)
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gojotojis · 7 days
XO pt.1
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“In the darkest night hour
I search through the crowd
Your face is all that I see,”
synopsis: a fellow classmate offers to pay you to teach him how to have sex only things get far more complicated than you could’ve anticipated
pairing: virgin choso x fem! reader
content MDNI 18+: onlyfans, angst, fluff, fingering, light choking, sex 101, sexual conversations, virgin choso, oral (m receiving), dacryphillia, overstimulation, college au
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Most people have always considered you a smart girl, but even smart girls make stupid choices.
You’ve always been confident in your sexuality, so confident you didn’t see the harm in profiting off of it. You had made your twitter and onlyfans a few months ago and though it’s not famous, it has built some traction. You never show your face, too afraid of the consequences that would inevitably follow but you’re desperate for money. So desperate that when your fellow classmate Choso Kamo approached you with the most absurd question, you ultimately decided yes.
“Will you teach me how to have sex?”
The question rings in your ear, you blink at him and laugh. You instantly regret it by the embarrassed expression that takes over his features.
“Why would you ask me that?” You question as he follows you out of your lecture hall. You’re familiar with choso in the sense that you two have a few classes together.
“I heard about what you do, I’m willing to pay” he says and you stop in your tracks, head turning sharply to stare menacingly at him.
“What I do? What is it that you think I do?” you ask, your voice extremely defensive.
“I saw your twitter, I recognized the butterfly tattoo on your back”he says scratching the back of his neck and you feel dread. You must of forgotten to photoshop it out.
“So are you going to blackmail me?”you ask, voice cracking.
“What? No! I just figured you could help me. I haven’t told anyone about it and I won’t ever” he assures as you start to walk and he falls in step beside you.
“To teach you how to have sex?”you ask making his cheeks turn red. His hair covers his face like a curtain and you feel amused, he looks like he could beat the shit out of someone for just looking at him funny but here he is implying he’s a virgin. You eye the sleeve tattoo that paints the skin of his right arm to the metal rings on his fingers. He’s extremely sexy, you can’t lie but who the fuck asks someone that.
“Yeah…”he says and you can’t help but laugh again.
“I’m sorry, I’m just having an extremely hard time believing you’re a virgin” you admit and he frowns, it’s odd that this man two times your size can make something look utterly adorable but he does.
“Why do you want that anyways?” you ask skeptical as you make your way toward the library.
“There’s this girl I’ve been talking to, we aren’t dating but it’s obvious she wants to do stuff but I don’t want to fuck it up”he confesses making your brows raise as he follows you between the bookshelves into the fantasy section.
“So your idea of impressing the girl you like is by having sex with another girl?”you ask skeptical and slightly appalled.
“It’s complicated, she’s talking to other people but I really like her and I know she likes me”he says as your fingers graze over the spines of the books.
“I don’t know, I’ve never been put in this situation before and I hardly know you. I’m not the kind of girl that just goes sleeping with strangers” you say turning to face him.
“I’ll pay you, you’d be helping me and once it’s done you’ll never hear from me again,” he offers.
“How much of my content did you see?” you ask feeling self conscious for some reason. On twitter you simply post pictures in lingerie, onlyfans is another story though.
“Just your twitter, it was in my suggested” he admits, embarrassed. You’re doing slightly well for yourself now that you started onlyfans but extra money wouldn’t kill you.
“If I say yes, then there has to be rules and I get $350 per lesson” you say and he simply shakes his head which surprises you. He must really like this girl.
“One, no means no which goes both ways. Don’t push me to do something I’m not comfortable with and I won’t either. Two, absolutely no one can ever know about this. Three, I get paid directly after each lesson. And finally four, we can only do this on Fridays” you say.
“Okay that’s fine, there’s no rush” he says and pulls out his phone, he hands it to you to see a new contact waiting so you type in your name and number, hoping you don’t regret this.
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The first Friday rolls around and you’re embarrassed to admit you’re nervous. You’re not by any means a virgin but this just feels wrong and strange. The feelings grows worse when Choso shows up at your apartment.
It’s extremely awkward when you let him in, both of you looking anywhere but eachother.
“You a horror fan?”he asks looking at the horror movie posters that line the walls of your living room to the shelf filled with horror movies.
“Yeah,” you say as he walks infront of your Suspiria poster.
“What’s your favorite horror movie?”he asks and you have to think because there’s simply too many.
“Currently Evil Dead Rise, made my skin crawl in the best way” you admit.
“It was pretty good, mines Saw” he says which isn’t too surprising.
There’s a meow and something crawls itself between his legs, tail wrapping around his ankle. He looks down and starts to pick her up.
“Oh she doesn’t like to be picked u-“ you say watching him lift your cat and she purs, nuzzling her face into his neck. He laughs at her affection and your eyes widen.
“She hates for anyone that’s not me to touch her” you explain.
“Animals love me, what’s her name?”he asks.
“Clover” you say watching the brown Persian cat make heart eyes at him.
“Cute” he says as you clasp your hands together, knots growing in your stomach from nerves.
“So, should we start?”you ask and he nods setting Clover down and following you to your bedroom.
Your rooms more muted than the rest of the apartment, you’re still decorating after only moving in a month ago.
He takes a seat on the edge of the bed and you cross your arms, staring at him.
“So have you kissed anyone?” you ask and he’s silent making your stomach churn. You feel like a super villain about to steal his innocence. He’s too hot to have never kissed someone.
“It just never happened, I just kept to myself in highschool and girls terrified me,” he confesses making your eyes soften.
“It’s okay, I just want to make sure you really want to go through with this. There’s nothing wrong with being a virgin, and if a girl truly likes you then she won’t have a problem with that. If we continue I’ll basically be your first everything, to a lot of people that’s serious”you inform and he looks up at you with a shrug.
“It’s fine, it’s just sex”he says, you don’t agree but it’s his choice.
“Okay so let’s just work on kissing for now” you say sitting beside him. His smell is intoxicating like mahogany teakwood with hints of vanilla. You’re trying to keep your composure because it’s just a kiss but you can’t help the nerves you feel. You shove them down and close your eyes.
You wait for what feels like minutes before they open and he’s just staring at you, you can’t help the laughter that bursts out of you.
“Choso, this is where you kiss me”you explain, watching his calm demeanor crumble into one of fright. It’s strange to be doing this with someone you don’t have feelings for, Choso attractive but you’ve at least had some sort of talking stage and feelings before doing this.
“Want me to kiss you?”you ask and he nods making you sit up on your knees to face him. You’re so much smaller than him, it makes him nervous.
Your hands grip his cheeks gently and close your eyes, pressing your lips to his. You hold it for a few seconds before pulling away. His lips are incredibly soft and plump, not like a lot of the guys you’ve kissed before.
“Kisses like that are more about affection to me, making out is more skilled more sensual” you explain to him.
“Can we makeout?”He asks and you smile, his softness and innocence mixed with his scary appearance only makes him so much more cuter.
“I was so bad about making out my first time, but just do what feels natural. I’m gonna let you initiate it” you say watching his hands shake slightly as they mimic your earlier actions and cup your cheeks in his hands.
His hands are freezing as you close your eyes giving him a few seconds to work up the courage to kiss you. You smile feeling his lips meet yours, it’s hesitant but soft.
He tenses when your tongue licks his lips and pokes at his mouth. He hesitantly opens his mouth and your tongue glides against his. He tastes like strawberries and it’s addicting but what surprises you is the tongue piercing.
His hands leave your face to squeeze your hips tightly, it makes you squeak but you pull yourself closer to him, hands moving to grip the back of his head, fingers tingling with his hair. He’s a fast learner because he’s dominating you, his mouth moving against yours like he wants to possess you. The piercing seems to only heighten the feeling.
You slowly crawl into his lap without breaking the kiss, he’s too into it to notice.
Reluctantly you pull away, needing air. A string of salvia connects your swollen lips as you take deep inhales before wiping it away.
He’s hard underneath you which he seems to notice because he’s starts to panic.
“Fuck I’m sorry” he says breathlessly and you shake your head.
“It’s okay, I get turned on from kissing too. You did really good though better than me my first time” you say making him blush.
“I liked it” he says and you laugh.
“I could tell, I was scared you were gonna be those people that kiss with their eyes open” you confess and now he laughs.
“Honestly I was but yours were closed so I followed you” he admits making you laugh.
“Yeah don’t do that or you’ll scare her,”you say making him nod.
“Want to try again or something else?” You ask. He’s incredibly shy, too afraid to answer.
“Choso, this is about you. Just tell me what you want,” you say gently.
“I don’t know it just feels rude if I ask, I don’t want to disrespect you” he says feeling guilty making your brows raise.
“Okay, then I’ll ask” you say moving your hand between you two to the bulge in his pants. He inhales and stiffens, looking down at your hand.
“Do you want me to touch you here?” you ask and he nods.
“With my hands?” You ask.
“Then with what?”you question.
“Your mouth” he answers and you climb off of him.
“You sure?” you ask and he nods making you drop to your knees. Your hearts pounding, even though you knew this would come, it still didn’t feel real till now.
He watches your every every move as you unbuckle his belt, black nails dragging his zipper down.
“Can you stand? It’ll be better that way”you say and he nods.
“If I tap your thigh that means it’s too much okay?”you ask.
“Okay” he says looking down at you, the look sending heat between your thighs. Fingers grip the waist band of his pants and slowly drag them down revealing muscular thighs, there’s no way he doesn’t workout.
He steps outside of his pants once they hit the ground and he stares awkwardly at the ceiling making you giggle. No bodies ever made you laugh this much without the use of words, he’s amusing to say the least.
He looks down at you frowning and you shake your head. “I’m sorry, you’re just incredibly funny without even trying” you say.
“I think you just find everything funny” he says fingers tapping nervously at his thighs.
“Trust me, it’s very hard to make me laugh” you say placing your hand over his to stop his nervous tapping.
“We don’t have to do this, there’s always next week or never. I honestly thought you’d maybe give up after the kiss” you say and he shakes his head.
“No, I’m serious about this. I just can’t help but be nervous” he confesses and you smile up at him.
“Just relax, if you want to stop just say the words. It’s just us and I’m not going to judge you” you assure letting go of his hand and he nods.
His eyes find yours when your fingers grip the waist band of his boxers, in all honesty you both are nervous now. You slowly pull them down and he tenses, he stared straight ahead at your tv too scared to see your reaction.
You’re grateful because your eyes widen at the sight of him, you’ve seen plenty of dicks and the word pretty has never come to mind till now. He’s thick and long, with a few veins and beads of precum pooling at the tip. He shutters when you gently wrap your hand around what you’re able to, your fist too small to completely grip him. He’s painfully hard and hot to the touch.
“Look at me, eye contact is everything” you tell him making him look down at you.
Your tongue laps at the precum and he hisses, hands curling into fists at his sides.
“You can touch me, grip my hair if you need to” you tell him, feeling him hesitantly thread his fingers through your hair. You give him little kitten licks, testing the waters and he’s so responsive to it. He’s biting his lip as he looks down at you, dark purples eyes narrowed in on you.
“Fuck” he breathes when your mouth wraps around him, your cheeks hollow as you slowly suck on him with your mouth stretching to accommodate him.
Your nails press into his thighs as you pull away to spit on him a few times. Taking him back in your mouth, you start bobbing your head, mouth watering with him inside.
His fingers tighten around your scalp as you take in more of him till his tip brushes the back of your throat. You look at him with watery eyes and he panics, pulling out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” he says and you shake your head.
“You didn’t, it’s a natural response. I would’ve tapped your thigh if it’s too much, remember ?”you ask and he nods. You’ve never met a guy that’s cared this much for your well being during acts of sex, it’s strange but comforting.
“Yeah, sorry. Can we try again?”He asks and you nod smiling as you take him in your hands. You kiss the tip a few times before taking him back into your mouth, feeling him gather your hair into a ponytail.
He hits the back of your throat, springing more tears from your eyes. His free hand reaches out to brush them away as you start gagging on him.
Your tongue moves to lick the underside of his cock which he must love because his hips slowly start to move forward. He releases your hair to grip the back of your head and starts fucking your throat.
His heads thrown back, losing himself in the feeling of the warmth of your mouth. Saliva drips down your chin as he hits the back of your throat with each thrust.
“Fuck” he moans and your nipples harden, he twitches a few times inside of you which you expected.
“I’m gonna cum” he says looking down at you and you nod around him, grabbing his large tattooed hand to wrap it around your throat. He can feel the bulge his dick is making inside of you and it unlocks something primal because he starts fucking your mouth with abandon. His desire overpowers his concern for you as tears roll down your cheeks while you greedily taking in air through your nose.
He’s rough, chasing his own release as your nails press deeper into his skin.
His hand presses down on your throat, obsessed with feeling himself move inside of you. He doesn’t feel concern for your tears anymore, he feels turned on. Your big watery eyes staring up at him with his cock in your mouth and his hand pressed on your throat, makes him see white and he twitches against your throat.
Several grunts leave him before he throw his head back and shoots thick ropes of cum down your throat, you simply swallow every drop as he continues unloading inside of you. When he finally stops, you pull away gasping with drool on your mouth and chin.
You wipe it away as he sobers up, fingers reaching to wipe your tears before he helps you up onto your feet. He bends down to put his clothes back on
“Did you like it?”you ask, voice scratchy from the beating your throat just took.
“A lot, is it always like that?”he asks making you bite back a laugh.
“Depends on the person I guess but you took control that second time really so that was all you. You did really good, I think we should stop here though for today,” you say.
“Yeah, thank you” he says making your cheeks tinge red, nobodies ever thanked you for giving them head but then again you’re quite literally doing him a favor.
“Don’t mention it, like literally don’t mention it” you say earning a laugh from him as he pulls out his wallet, handing you the money you were promised. This feels wrong as you take it, but you do and thank him as you guide him out of your room.
Clover jumps down from her cat tower and walks between his legs, rubbing her cheek against his pant leg.
“I think you’re her boyfriend now” you say as he bends down to pick her up.
“I don’t mind” he says scratching under her chin which turns her into a purring mess.
“She’s gonna fall in love with you if you don’t stop” you say watching her nuzzle him.
“I think she already has”.
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Much to your surprise Choso didn’t say anything to you when you saw him in class the next day. He simply took his usual seat behind you and followed along with the class.
In all fairness, you’ve never spoken to eachother aside from the times he’s asked you for a pencil or paper but it just feels odd not speaking to someone after something so intimate. Sure the guys you’ve hooked up with were assholes but at least they could muster up an emoji at the very least afterwards.
You internally cringe at the thought as you walk toward your friends, seated at your usual lunch table.
“Pookie!”your bestfriend beams as you take the seat beside her. She wraps her arms around you as you greet the rest of the girls.
“So guess who’s throwing a party tomorrow,” Yuki says making you pretend to be in deep thought, fingers tapping at your chin.
“Mahito!” You say with mock excitement. That guy throws a party literally every week, and you haven’t been to a single one. You don’t like him ever since you caught trying to take a picture up your skirt as you walked up the stairs.
“Yes, and I’ll die if you don’t come” she says dramatically.
“I can’t, I have plans,” you say. Your next lesson with Choso is tomorrow which seems far more interesting than a Mahito party.
“Like what?”she asks skeptical.
“I picked up an extra shift, I need the money” you lie and she shuts up, letting you eat your food while Utahime complains about Satoru Gojo.
When Friday approaches and lesson two is on its way, Choso is at your door with a bag of cat treats in his hand. It’s strange seeing him but not speaking to him for the entirety of the week, even though thats been your normal. You smile, taking the treats from him and offering him something to drink but he’s already lifting Clover up.
You take a seat on the couch and watch them, she’s tiny but looks even tinier in his arms.
“She’s making me want a cat” he says and you smile, you honestly want a second one but you’re nervous about how Clover would react.
“They’re the cutest, though she’s incredibly clingy,” you admit.
“I wouldn’t mind having someone obsessed with me”he says kissing the top of her head before putting her down and she jumps onto her cat tower.
“So I was thinking I could answer any questions you might have before we start,” you say and he sits down beside you.
“Okay, but I honestly can’t think of anything”he says and you chuckle.
“It’s okay, I have a few tips and advice. Now some people like when you let them cum first, but I’ve heard others like if you cum early. I guess to them it’s like you really like them you can’t hold it. No one’s ever made me cum so I don’t really have an opinion it,”you admit.
“You’ve never?”he asks.
“Nope, I mean I can make myself but nobody has ever been able to. I’d like to think I just haven’t found the right one because it’d be sad if no guy knows how to” you say feeling slightly embarrassed.
“If you don’t want to cum so fast, probably masturbate before hand. Always use protection, I’d assume you know that. And the clit is the key to everything, that feeling inside is great but add the clit into play and it’s incredible. Oh and aftercare, it’s nice when a guy helps clean the mess that was made. Some people have different prefences when it comes to aftercare but it’s about emotional intimacy, showing care and affection after the fact like cuddling for example” you explain, hoping you’re not overwhelming him.
“What are your prefences?” He asks making you think about it, you’ve never experienced it to be honest but you can at least tell him what you wish you had.
“Cuddling probably and eating together, I get really hungry after sex or just masturbating” you admit.
“Can I ask you something?”you ask making him nod.
“Have you ever touched yourself like to the point where you came?” You ask not sure what he’ll say. You’re just trying to gauge what you’re working with.
“Yeah and I’ve watched porn but I don’t know, it lacks intimacy and feels so fake that I’m bored watching it”he admits.
“I couldn’t agree more, when I was younger it was cool but now I hate it. I want something with love and affection” you say feeling hypocritical because neither of those components factor in to what you’re doing.
“Same, so what’s on the agenda for today?”he asks, cheeks turning pink.
“You’re gonna finger me” you say bluntly, standing up and grabbing his hand to pull him up. He doesn’t say anything as you guide him into your bedroom and shut the door.
Your hands reach up to pull him down to you as you stand on your tippy toes and kiss him, the peck turns into more and your proudly feel his mouth dominate yours. His hands grip your waist, pulling you into him as your tongues touch.
You pull away to lift your shirt off. Grabbing his hands, you place them over your breasts and tense at the cold touch as your nipples harden underneath him.
He wants to say something but he bites it down, letting his thumbs brush your soft skin. His thumb flicks a nipple and you moan. He watches you take his hand and drag it down your belly until it’s dipping in to your shorts. His pupils dilate when his fingers meet your wet cunt before you grip his wrist and pull him away so you can take off your shorts. He’s staring at his drenched fingers and you take them, slowly forcing them into his mouth.
He’s too distracted by the taste of you to notice you climbing onto the bed till you’re sitting up on your elbows with your legs closed.
“Touch me”you say as he turns to face you. You’re completely naked infront of him, something flashes in his eyes and quickly disappears. A little scream leaves you when he grips your ankles and drags you toward the edge of the bed before he kneels down between your now spread legs.
You sit back up watching him stare at your pussy and it makes you feel incredibly self conscious with how intense his gaze is.
He finally looks up at you and kneels to the floor.
His fingers slowly touch you, it’s more out of curiosity than anything. You can feel your arousal coating his fingers as he presses them into your clit and your belly tightens.
“That’s the clit, key to everything” you whisper as his little strokes against it have you moaning. There’s something about his touch that intensifies everything and you can’t understand why.
It feels really good, too good and you’ve barely started. You have the urge to fall back but you want to see when his fingers push into you.
You can feel them spread you, he puts two at your hole and you tense.
“Start with one,” you tell him and he retracts a finger. His dark purple eyes find yours as you watch his inked finger slowly sink into you.
His finger moves around, feeling the softness of your inner walls before he pulls it out and pushes it back in. He watches the way you bite your lip as he creates a steady pace, it’s agonizing.
“More”you whine and he obliges, inserting another finger and you gasp, arching your back. Your responses fuel him because his fingers start plunging in and out faster, the squelching of your pussy fills the room.
He surprises you when his free hand splays across your tit, grip it roughly. He squeeze the flesh as your hips grind against his fingers, feeling your juices trickle down the crack of your ass.
“You’re doing so good” you cry out and he snaps.
His fingers move brutally as he climbs on top of you, your eyes widen when his lips find yours and he swallows your cries.
He’s a fast learner, and you fear he’s going to be the first person to even make you cum. You’re certain of it when his thumb grazes your clit, his fingers buried inside you mixed with that feeling has your stomach coiling.
“Ahhh” you cry feeling yourself clench around him, droplets of squirt shoot out of you as he pushes you toward a release. Your arms wrap around him, clinging to him when the feeling becomes absolutely too much and you feel yourself cumming on his fingers, spraying your thighs and the duvet.
Your mouths wide, jaw slack as you twitch against him still feeling him fuck you through it. There’s no way he’s real, absolutely no way.
“Choso!” You cry at the assault of his thumb on your clit pushing you toward another orgasm as your stomach clenches painfully and your thighs press into his hips.
You’re too overstimulated to say anything when his lips brush your forehead and you cum again. You cry as he pulls his fingers out, the feeling too much on your sensitive cunt.
You fall back onto the mattress, too exhausted to see what he’s doing until you feel him cleaning between your legs with a rag he must’ve gotten from your bathroom. It makes you want to smile but you remind yourself that this is meaningless and transactional.
You hate when you feel him slowly start to dress you, sliding your shorts back on with gentle ease and pulling you up to help you put your shirt back on. It’s the bare minimum but no one’s ever even done that for you.
You’re like a ragdoll in his hold as he lays you back down, your chest still rising rapidly from your activities.
“You hungry?” He asks making you look at him and you nod which somehow ends up with the two of you now seated at the diner beside your apartment.
This is probably a bad idea for so many reasons but you are hungry, not just from the orgasm but you quite literally haven’t eaten today.
You’re tired but your hunger exceeds it, grateful you changed into sweats for some comfortability. The waitress scribbles your steak melt that you ordered and your cheese fries with a sprite before she takes down Choso’s order of chili cheese fries and a barbecue n bacon burger with a strawberry shake.
Once the waitress leaves the silence is incredibly loud a you pretend to be in awe of the salt and pepper shakers.
“Do you have siblings?”he asks making you raise your brows, you were afraid of this but you answer anyways.
“Nope, only child. You?”.
“Three, I’m the oldest” he admits.
“Yeah, I always wanted siblings but my parents kind of had me as a means to keep their marriage together which still ended up failing” you say, a subject you’ve never told anyone which makes him frown.
“I’m sorry” he says and you shake your head.
“It’s not the worst, at one point they became so competitive to prove who was a better parent that they spoiled me beyond belief. It was nice to for once have their attention even if their intentions were selfish” you supply.
“So you were neglected as a child?”he asks, those purple eyes staring into your soul.
“Pretty much. I had a nanny but she was usually sleeping and I just played alone. I moved out a little over a month ago, they haven’t contacted me which isn’t surprising but still disappointing. I don’t think they’ve ever loved me but at least for a while I deluded myself into believing they did” you admit, not realizing your eyes have started to water.
“Nobody deserves that, you’re the last person to deserve that” he says as the waitress appears with your drinks and you thank her.
“Can I ask you something?”you question, eager to change the subject as he sips from his milkshake and he nods.
“Have you ever been in love?”you ask, you’re curious. It’s an emotion you’ve never felt for another person and something about him seems like the epitome of love and affection.
“I don’t know. There was this girl I use to have a crush on, something about her just felt magnetic. Everytime she spoke it was with passion and this twinkle in her eyes. And when she laughed, it made me smile. I remember my first day of school, she let me use her textbook because I hadn’t gotten mine yet, she took and F so I could do the assignment” he says, his lips tugging upward at the thought of her.
“Is this the girl you’re talking to?”you ask and he shakes his head.
“No, I realized that girl was out of my league but the point is, if I could’ve been in love with anyone it would’ve been her, I’d want it to be her”he says as your food arrives.
He doesn’t comment when you take your straw and put it in his milkshake, before taking a sip. Maybe this is why he tastes like strawberries.
“How long have you had Clover?”He asks inbetween bites as you stuff a fry in your mouth.
“Three years, I really needed something to make me happy and when I saw her at the shelter I practically slapped my debit card at them. It’s sad but I think the only affection I’ve received has been from her” you admit, taking a bite of your melt.
“Well actually my bestfriend too, we met last year and it was an instant connection. It’s still strange getting use to her affection and her desire to talk to me, it’s hard not feeling like a burden at times” you say hating how much you’re over sharing but he listens.
“I don’t think you’re a burden, you’re the nicest girl I’ve ever met and your presence is comforting” he says making your heart clench.
“Your mom must be a really amazing woman” you say making his brows furrow with a laugh that spreads warmth throughout your chest.
“She is but what makes you say that?”.
“You’re just so nice, definitely written by a woman. You’re strange too, like I promise I’m not judging you it’s just fascinating that you’re this big tall macular guys with tattoos and a tongue piercing that looks like he could snap me like a pencil but you’re actually so soft” you say and his face scrunches up cutely like you’ve insulted him.
“I’m just as rough” he says as you eat another fry.
“Oh trust me I know” you say making him blush so hard that it reaches the tips of his ears.
“Shut up and eat your foot,” he says pressing his hand against your face making you laugh.
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Ever since the diner, you feel lighter around Choso like there’s a sense of understanding between eachother. You both still keep your boundaries but he greets you when you come to class now, even walks with you to your next class where you exchange idle chit chat mostly about Clover or him telling you stories about his family. You’ve gathered he absolutely adores his family, especially his brothers. It’s refreshing since you’ve never really had that.
“He’s so cute”you gush as he shows you a photo of his little brother Yuji as a baby. Your insides melt, you absolutely adore babies.
Choso smiles proudly as he show you more pictures of him and his family as he walks you to your next class.
“I hope my kids are that cute” you cry at another picture of baby Yuji and he laughs. No baby should look that adorable crying as they tug at tufts of their own pink hair. Your eyes water at the sight of baby Choso, heart melting at the little onyx pigtails.
“Babies really make you cry” he notes and you nod.
“Just so fucking cute” you sigh feeling baby fever. You’d love to be a mom eventually but given your lack of one and childhood neglect, you think you’d make a shitty mom.
You two stop at the front of your class and you wave goodbye to him, watching him walk off before you go inside.
Yuki’s waiting for you in the seat beside yours with a wide grin as Shoko rolls her eyes.
“What’s going on?” You ask skeptically, taking your seat.
“Yuki’s talking to three guys and needs your help telling her which one she should have sex with” Utahime says making your eyes widen.
“She says you’ll know the answer” Shoko says making all three turn to you.
“Well I need info” you say watching as Yuki quickly sends a text before looking back at you.
“Okay guy #1 kind of an ass but I’ve seen his dick and it’s really nice. Guy #2 is super sweet, shy but incredibly sexy and Guy #3 is hot but he uses way too many emojis every single text” she says with a frown and you laugh.
“The answer is incredibly obvious, guy #2. I’ve learned shy guys are kind of the freakiest,” you say your cheeks turning red as you think of Choso.
Your next lesson is in two days and you’re eager as bad as that may sound. You’ve never found oral enjoyable on you but considering he’s managed to make you cum when no man has, makes you feel like he might change that.
“Are you talking to someone?” Utahime asks and you’re quick to shake your head. It’s been a year since you’ve had sex, led alone talked to someone and after spending time with Choso, he’s starting to make you raise your standards.
Maybe if things had been different, you’d be the girl he’s so desperate to please, the girl he wants.
“Ugh he’s busy Friday night, what the hell am I gonna do now?”Yuki questions.
“Send him nudes, that’ll change his mind” Shoko advises and Yuki grins as she sends Choso nudes.
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cloudcountry · 7 days
I've discussed this with a mutual but I really need to read it: I'd like to request a confession scenario with Jamil where he goes through the 5 stages of grief.
Basically Jamil is fell head over heels into the Mariana trench but forgot that De Nile is a river in Egypt and pulled a page out of Kalim's book by being purposely oblivious about his own feelings.
The poor reader is also very much in love and has pining for WEEKS. One day, they decide to just tip the band-aid off. The pair are in the kitchen hanging out as usual when the reader turns to him and goes "I'm in love with you. You don't have to say anything and you can pretend this never happened. I just want you to know"
They're expecting a rejection but Jamil just stares a freezes for a good three minutes. While the reader is panicking trying to get him to snap out of it, Jamil is going through the 5 stages of grief.
Ultimately, Jamil's thought process ends with "If we don't kiss in the next 5 seconds I'm overblotting again" and the intrusive thoughts win.
SUMMARY: you confess to jamil. he doesn't know how to respond until he throws his inhibition out the window.
COMMENTS: I LOVE THIS REQUEST??? i decided to play off of the actual stages of grief for this even though its an expression hehe
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“Jamil, I like you.”
“Actually, no, I’m...I’m in love with you. And it’s okay if you don’t, it's okay if you don’t say it back, I just wanted you to know.”
Jamil stares at the fridge in front of him, mind blank except for your words. They repeat over and over and every emotion ever swells up in his chest because what!?
Since when? Why? What did you see in him? What did you see in your future with him? DId you even see one? Did he mishear you? Did you mean to say that to someone else?
No, there’s no way you did. You two were the only ones in the kitchen at the moment. Grim was outside in the living room, talking to the ghosts about something or other and why would you even say something like that to Grim anyway?
You didn’t mean it. There’s no way you meant it. even after he overblotted and threw you to the other end of his dorm? Even after he showed you all the ugliest parts of himself, the parts of himself that nobody ever should have seen because he wasn’t supposed to be a person, only an aid?
And he certainly didn’t like you back. It’s not like he wanted to do things for you to make you happy, it’s not like he got the slightest bit jealous when he saw you hanging out with Kalim, it’s not like he wanted to monopolize all of your time so nobody else could have it.
Okay, so he was lying to himself. Great. He can deal with this for sure.
It’s so unfair. It’s so unfair. If it wasn’t for Kalim and his parents and this suffocating life he’s sure he’d be able to accept your confession in a heartbeat. He’s sure he’d be able to comprehend his own emotions and bring you into his arms. He’s sure he’d be able to process his own emotions and be the partner you deserved, without all the jumbled mess that is his rage and jealousy and resentment.
He didn’t want to be someone else, he just wanted a different life. He just wanted to be free, to be able to exercise his own pure talent, to be able to rise above everyone else.
He wished there was some way to make that reality for you two. He didn’t want you to go be with anyone else, the very thought of it made his stomach turn and his heart brim with anger. He was a selfish, jealous person, but you loved him. How could he make this work? How could he keep you in love with him, keep you by his side, keep you controlled? Did you have to be controlled? You started liking him of your own free will, maybe he didn’t have to do anything.
But falling for him was one matter, staying by his side was another.
There was no way this was going to work.
He had to find a way.
He couldn’t find a way.
There had to be a way.
His mind is moving too fast for him to keep up and he’s still staring at the fridge, and your voice is calling his name and you look so worried, your visage in the corner of his eyes swirling. It’s like he’s not even rooted in reality anymore. How can he make this work? It almost feels hopeless...but Jamil is anything but a quitter. He’s never given up before, and he’s not going to start now.
“Jamil?” you say for what feels like the hundredth time, your hand resting gently on his shoulder.
He’s still not responding. Oh fuck, you didn’t think confessing was going to mess him up this much. If you’d known that, you wouldn’t have said anything and just kept it to yourself forever.
He murmurs your name and finally, finally turns to look at you. His hands grab your shoulders and he meets your gaze, pupils dilated and eyes wide.
“Be mine.” he says, and your heart flutters at how serious he sounds.
“J...Jamil?” you squeak, pliant in his arms and he pulls you close, clinging to you like he never wants to let you go.
“Be mine.” he repeats, words muffled in your shoulder, “I will...always do my best for you. Always. I don’t want you going to anyone else.”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else.” you murmur softly, placing a hand on the back of his head as he crushes you against him.
He shifts, bringing his face close to your neck. You barely have the time to wonder what he’s doing before he kisses the junction between your shoulder and neck, a soft smack of lips roaring in your ears.
“Good.” he replies, the word a hot gust of air against your skin.
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 months
Hello! Can you do a Damian and reader who are friends, and one day the reader goes over to the Wayne Manor and called Titus? Like both Damian and the reader got into a silly little joke about who Titus loves more? I think it would be funny if Titus went to the reader because they had treats or something in their pocket haha
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‘This is utterly ridiculous.’
‘What? are you too chicken that Titus might like me more.’ You taunted as you then started clucking like a chicken in Damian’s ear, to which he then shoves you away by the shoulder.
‘I am not chicken and besides it was only one time that Titus wrongfully ignored me for you.’ Damian replied but you weren’t buying it.
‘If you aren’t chicken then why are you trying to get out of our bet then? Hmmm? Seems a little suspicious there Wayne.’ You asked and Damian could only curse himself for acting so brash and accepting the stupid challenge you pestered him with as Titus patiently stood a good distance between you and Damian, tilting his head to the side as though to ask him what was taking so long.
‘Our bet? You mean your stupid-‘ you raised your brows at Damian as you started clucking again, though softer this time and Damian knew there was no version of this where he got out of participating in your bet. Not a single one because you wouldn’t let him live it down otherwise and Damian prides himself of being a man of his word, no matter how ridiculous it might seem. So Damian bites his tongue and swallows his pride before moving a couple of spaces away from you before muttering under his breath. ‘Let’s get this over with before anyone dares see me in such a state.’
You smiled and then looked towards Titus, who was still stood perfectly still in his spot, before dropping down to your knees and holding out your arms saying. ‘Titus! Come here boy! Come here!’ Damian scoffed at this display and looked at the Great Dane expectantly as he clicked his fingers and pointed to the spot in-front of him. ‘Titus. Come.’ He commanded. Titus didn’t move for a good couple of seconds, as though contemplating who he should go to, his owner or his owner’s friend who gives him the bestest tasting treats he’s ever tasted; which was saying a lot coming from a Great Dane who’s owner was the son of a billionaire.
‘Titus sweetie come to y/n!’ You called out sweetly.
‘No. Titus come to me.’ Damian commanded again.
Titus walked forwards a little, still hesitant on who to choose, but as though he was being chased by a bat out of hell, the Great Dane bolted over to you and rammed into you hard. So hard I fact that within a blink of an eyes you were knocked to the floor either Titus sticking his muzzle into your face, his rancid and warm dog breath cascading over you, as Damian stood over you with crossed arms and what looked like a pout.
‘You cheated.’ He said after a while.
‘No. I won.’ You replied pridefully at your victory over him.
‘No, Titus was coming towards me, only to stop and run towards you instead. You did something, I know you did and I’ll find out what it is.’ Damian barks, bearing his teeth at you but you were more than use to his occasional outbursts that ultimately mean nothing.
You shrugged as Titus then decides that he wants to lie down, but as he does lie down he goes and rests his head on your stomach and a paw on your leg, making it so that you wouldn’t be getting up anytime soon if Titus had anything to say about it. ‘You’re just a sore loser Damian.’ You tell him as you laid a hand atop of Titus’ head and rubbed behind his ear just the way he liked. ‘I won the bet fair and square. Titus likes me and there’s nothing wrong with loosing once in a while.’ You concluded and Damian grits his teeth.
‘Tt. Whatever, I’ll prove that you cheated one way or another and until then you can keep parading this so called victory because I can assure you it won’t happen again.’ He threatens as you and Titus visibly perk up at this. ‘So you’re saying there’s a next time?’ You asked and Damian throws his head back a groans before walking deeper into the Manor and away from you and Titus, murmuring under his breath as he goes. ‘That’s all you took away from that? Unbelievable’
You nonchalantly shrug your shoulders and dig into your jean pocket to pull out a dog treat for Titus, who engulfed it with one quick bite of his powerful jaw. ‘There was no rules against bribing your best friend’s dog with dog treats.’ You justified to yourself as you fed Titus another treat, ‘after all what Damian doesn’t know won’t hurt him, isn’t that right Titus?’ You then asked the Great Dane who only sneezed as he looked at you expectantly for more dog treats for his participation in your schemes against his owner.
‘Good boy.’ You praised as you continued to feed him treats to his hearts content.
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solkara · 6 days
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❛ 𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌'𝐒 𝐄𝐍𝐃 , lucerys velaryon ❜
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⌗ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 , that fateful day at storms end the velaryon boy indeed had someone watching over him but not in the skys above but the waters below
⌗ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 , lucerys velaryon x fem! siren! reader
⌗ 𝐬𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 , okie so, this is my first hotd fic and omg I'm so excited!! hope you guys like it cuz ngl kinda obsessed with this concept cuz justice for bbg luke ya'll </3
house of the dragon masterlist
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⌗ it's was another stormy day in storm's end. but there was something lingering in the air. a certain air of uncertainty that left you on edge for whatever reason. as if you were waiting for something to happen. though this didn't bother you much as being a siren was full of uncertainty from hunters to being spotted by humans.
⌗ though this didn't mean you weren't careful. as you were always ready to make you escape if you were under threat. though storm's end had become a haven for you. a place shrouded in stormy weather and dark mist with no shortage of food whether it be fish or human. with massive cliff faces that spanned as far as the eye could see and a vast labyrinth of underground sea tunnels. it was truly paradise to you.
⌗ and besides borros baratheon being an oaf and the odd few sailors who would drunkenly sing love songs which sounded eerily similar to a dying duck in an attempt to woo 'the siren of storm's end' life was peaceful. that was until the dragons came.
⌗ you had never seen a dragon before. you had heard of them of course and the house that wielded them. it was hard not to as sailors talked about them almost as much as they talked about sirens. but the fear of dragons was far more real to them. as no sane siren would let a human see them and live to tell the tale.
⌗ now normally in an instance like this you would have dived into deep water or slipped into one of the underwater caves until the incident blew. but something compiled you to watch. and you did with piqued interest. as you watched the smaller dragon flea from the behemoth that stalked him from above. it was clear the two dragons were far from friends.
⌗ and you held your breath as you watched the larger dragon rip the smaller in half with ease. sending both the dragon and his rider plummeting into the water below with nothing to break their fall. as the remains of the chewed-up dragon began to sink so too did his barely conscious rider.
⌗ he looked like an angel. with a halo of dark hair pale skin big dark eyes and a painfully innocent face. as he sank deeper and deeper into the depths of the sea. you couldn't help but admire him for a brief moment. and debated if he should be your dinner or not. though you ultimately decided against it.
⌗ quickly springing into action. you swam towards him. tail slicing through the water creating ripples in the process. grabbing his hand you dragged him to the surface of the water. holding him securely in your arms you couldn't help but silently hope that he wasn't coherent enough to know what was going on. as if he did you would definitely have to kill him.
⌗ as you pulled him to the rocky shore. you lay him on his back as you place your ear to his chest to hear his heartbeat. thank god he wasn't dead. but now you were unsure of what to do. should you just leave him here? or?
⌗ and just as you were debating with yourself about what to do. the boy began to violently cough up sea water. as he lurched forward with arms clasped around his stomach. before looking directly at you before speaking in what felt like a mixture of a tired mumble and a plea for help he said.
⌗ "I want my muña" and with that he passed out again out of his exhaustion. now from those few words he spoke you could deduce a few things. one he was either a targaryen or velaryon as they were the only house that spoke high valyrian. and two he wanted his mother and you would do your damnedest to help him get back to her.
⌗ as you sat next to the sleeping boy you though of your next plan of action. as you weren't too familiar with all of the house of the realm and where they resided. but you decided it would be easier to leave him at dragonstone. as it was the closest to you and was also the castle of house targaryen.
⌗ and with that you set off with the boy in your grasp. as you raced though the water under the cover of night. reaching dragonstone as the first peeps of the sun made it's way over the horizon. as you lay the boy on the shore in a place where he could be easily found.
⌗ as you turned to leave you felt a hand gently grab yours and a soft voice ask. "will I see you again?". and all you could do was softly smile at the boy who struggled to keep his eyes open as sleep threatened to envelop him as you waited for his eyes to close again before slipping out of his grip and disappearing into the water of the dark sea.
⌗ when lucerys velaryon woke from his slumber he was on the shores of dragonstone. he was confused about how he got here. his mind was a blurry mess. and then he remembered. aemond. vahgar. drowning. the girl who saved him. so many questions and yet no answers. as he sat next to the water all he could seem to remember were her piercing eyes and....a tail.
⌗ fast forward till this day long after the coronation of his mother the queen rhaenyra. and still till this day the lord of driftmark still tells everyone a siren saved him that fateful day at storm's end. and every sunrise he waits by the water. waiting for a chance to say thank you to the girl he owed his life to.
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minminyoonjii · 1 month
Omggg okay so I was wondering if you could an ot8 “ when you start becoming bratty. ” except Reader is usually a good girl and is well behaved. I’m sorry idk where this came from😭😭😭
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🧡Stray Kids Scenarios Masterlist
Gender Neutral! Reader|Oversensory|Cursing|Crying|SpankingImplied|Hair Tugging|PopsicleDeepthroat|Hurt/Comfort|Condesending Tone|Dom Drop||Degrading Praise Kink|Angry Caregivers|Disbelief|Force Regression|Implied Blow Job
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 1.4K
You clenched your jaw, feeling frustrated with everything. The clothes you wore, the way you looked, how you stood. Everything. "What the fuck is wrong with me," you grumbled, shaking your leg at the sudden sensory overstimulation. You took a deep breath and decided to scroll through your phone to pass the time. Your Caregiver Title came home, and the loud door closing knocked you off. You glared at the hallway, huffing in annoyance.
Bang Chan
Chan hummed walking in, intentionally pissing you off even more. You sighed through your nose and tried not to snap at him. "Hello, baby. How was your day, hm?" he asked, setting down his backpack. You rolled your eyes, "Good," you replied curtly. Chan tilted his head at your tone, "What was that?" he asked, questioning if he misheard. You groaned, "What?" you asked, glaring at him. Chan straightened his posture, "You know better than to speak to me that way," he said, eyeing you down.  "So what," you huffed, wanting the silence back. Chan chuckled, sending a shiver down your spine, "I'm going to ask you one more time, little one. What's with your attitude?" he asked, gripping your jaw. Sobs bubbled from your throat, the over-sensory tipping off the edge. You explained to him as best as you could through your sobs. Chan sighed and held you close, "You surprised me, little one. Daddy knows you've always been good," he said, pampering you after. 
Lee Minho
Minho stood in the hallway, acknowledging your glare, "Who are you glaring at?" he asked, walking towards you. "The wall," you grumbled, rolling your eyes. Minho raised an eyebrow, "What did the wall do to you?" he asked, prodding at your grumpy behaviour. You huffed, "Can you shut up," you said, gritting your teeth. Minho's eyes widened, not expecting you to snap at him, "What's wrong? And you better not lie," he warned, cracking the joints in his neck.  You scoff in disbelief, "Nothing is wrong. You're just fucking annoying," you grumbled, scrolling through your phone to avoid his eyes. Minho hummed, "Say that again, I dare you," he said, clenching his jaw. You puffed your cheeks, "I don't want to," you muttered, gripping your phone. Minho chuckled, "Fine,"  he said, laying you across his lap. You yelped, "Fuck you," you cursed, squirming to get off. Minho held tight, "Maybe after a few spanks, I fucking will," he grunted, tugging down your pants.
Seo Changbin
"Agi-ah!" Changbin yelled, making you roll your eyes. Changbin smiled, instantly wrapping his arms around you, "Aigoo, Bin missed you," he cooed. You grunted, hating the feeling of warmth from the hug, "Get the fuck off me," you cursed, trying to push him off. Changbin paused at your tone, "Hm?" he questioned, thinking he heard wrong. "Ugh, get off," you huffed, squirming out of his grip. Changbin stood there with his jaw dropped, "What?" he whispered, processing the whole thing. You rolled your eyes and continued scrolling through your phone. Changbin clenched his jaw, "Why are you mad?" he asked, pushing his hair back. "Why are you mad?" you mimicked, sticking your tongue at him. Changbin scoffed in disbelief, "Are you going to talk properly or do I have to force you?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You glared at him, "Fucking make me then," you said, gritting your teeth. Changbin smirked, pushing you down to your knees and forced his thumb into your mouth, "Open," he instructed, unzipping his jeans.
Hwang Hyunjin
Hyunjin felt uneasy as he walked through the hallway, "Love?" he asked, flinching when he saw your glare. "Whoa. Why? Why are you mad?" he asked, confused by your behaviour. You sighed, "Nothing," you grumbled, hating the way your hair brushed against your neck. Hyunjin tilted his head, normally at this point, he would contact for back up but he decided to confront you alone. "Don't you want to tell Papa what's wrong? Maybe Papa has a solution," he coaxed, grabbing your sippy cup and filling it with juice.  Your anger wavered briefly, "Fuck off with that, I can handle my own problems," you said, looking away. Hyunjin gulped but remained calm, "Aww, but doesn't Papa always help you, hm?" he asked, noticing your eyes flicker. You lowered your head, "Don't want it," you mumbled, fidgeting with your fingers. Hyunjin smirked, "Fine then, Papa will just use your sippy cup. This juice tastes very yummy," he said, turning around. "Papa," you whimpered, jutting your bottom lip when Hyunjin knew you slipped.
Han Jisung
"Sweetheart, I'm home," Jisung sang, walking down the hallway. You groaned, "Shut the fuck up," you huffed, staring at him. Jisung flinched, "Is something wrong? Did I forget something?" he asked, reaching out to rub your shoulders but you slapped his hand away. Jisung's jaw dropped, "Okay. What the fuck was that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. You bit your tongue, “Nothing, just go away," you grumbled, clenching your hands into fists.  Jisung eyed your behaviour, "You know I can't help you if you aren't communicating right?" he said, guessing what's pissing you off. You rolled your eyes, "I don't need your help. Why is it so hard to leave me alone," you said, tearing up in frustration. Jisung sighed, "Do you want a hug? Or is that too much?" he asked, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. You sniffled, "Hug, please," you said, opening your arms. Jisung held you tight, "Silly little baby. Next time just tell Appa, hm?" he chuckled, rubbing your back.
Lee Felix
Felix's eyes widened at your glare, "Is everything okay?" he asked, careful with his words. You scoffed, "What do you think?" you asked, clenching your jaw. Felix squinted at you, "I think you're pissed off and I don't know why," he said, patting your head. You glared at him harder, furrowing your eyebrows so hard that your headache. "Do you want to talk about it?" Felix asked, seeing the frustration on your face. You rolled your eyes, "I don't know, do I?" you sarcastically asked.  Felix scoffed, pressing his tongue against his inner cheek, "I don't like that tone of yours, sunbeam," he warned, crossing his arms. You looked away from him, "Not my problem," you scowled, puffing your cheeks. Felix chuckled, "Isn't it now?" he asked, thinking of a punishment that would make you crumble. You stuck your tongue at him in response. "That's it, no more desserts and that includes brownies for you," he said, holding your jaw. Your eyes widened, "That's not fair," you whined. He smirked, "It definitely is," he said, patting your cheek.
Kim Seungmin
Seungmin raised an eyebrow at your glare, "What the fuck is your problem?" he asked, crossing his arms. You rolled your eyes, "None of your business," you grumbled, ignoring him. Seungmin glared back at you. "Are you sure you want to misbehave?" he asked, wondering if you were faking your attitude. You scoffed, "How is this misbehaving, Bitch?" you cursed, clenching your jaw.  Seungmin chuckled, finding your behaviour endearing, "Aww, the sweet munchkin decided to act up today, huh?" he said, grabbing a handful of your hair and tugging it upwards. You scowled, turning your hair to try to bite his wrist. Seungmin cooed, "Stupid little thing still thinks that they're scary," he said, gripping your hair tighter. You whimpered at the hold, tears welding in your eyes. "That's better. You should really know your place, munchkin," he chuckled, kissing your forehead. 
Yang Jeongin
"Angel, I bought some ice cream," Jeongin said, walking towards you. "I don't want it," you said, glaring at him. Jeongin froze in place, furrowing his eyebrows at your tone, "Hm, that's not how you should be talking to me now is it," he said, staring you down. You looked him directly in the eyes, "I don't care," you said, rolling your eyes. Jeongin scoffed, pushing back his hair, "Did you eat?" he asked, crossing his arms. You groaned, "No. Why the fuck are you asking?" you asked, gritting your teeth.  Jeongin chuckled, taking out a cold popsicle from the bag, "Open," he said, unwrapping the ice cream. You glared at him and pressed your lips tight. Jeongin rolled his eyes and covered your nose with his free hand. You gasped for air "Fuc-" you said, getting cut off by the cold treat filling your mouth. Jeongin moved the stick in and out forcing you to suck on it, "That wasn't so hard now was it," he cooed, seeing you suckle on the popsicle with a smile.
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doremimosasol · 4 months
𝐓𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 ☆
warnings: suggestive but nothing too much
word count: 1,5 k
summary: in the desperation of a better grade for potions you find the perfect solution: Theodore Nott
@thatdammchickennugget ‘s Hogmarch challenge prompt 1
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Potions class — you dreaded that class for the whole week just for it to be the last class on Friday. It's not that you just hated it, you absolutely despised it. Never passing any assignment, constant ridiculous remarks of Snape, the chills of the cold dungeon… You even began to wonder whether Professor Snape was the problem and not you. Everyone passed this class except for you, while you were the one who tried your utmost best.
You were beyond frustration, right now there was only despair left. As someone who scored top in almost every single class, a fail for potions was heavy on the heart. There was no denying it, you spent sleepless nights in hopes of improvement. Nothing, all hard work once again for nothing.
The Slytherins always scored top-class. Was it because they were good, or were they just favored? Snape couldn't possibly fail his precious Slytherins, of course not.
It was a rough week, the middle of winter, and now to top it off some more freezing in the cold dungeons for goddamn potions. How you wish you could just speed up time during these moments, to watch the minutes on the clock pass by faster.
You sat bored behind your desk, resting your head on your palm as you listened to the constant rattling of the teacher. Something about a new assignment. Why even try when you knew he'd fail you again like always? "... and it will be performed as pairs. Choose your partner wisely, no switching after today.”
Pairs? At the sound of that, you instantly lifted your head to find the familiar face of none other than Theodore Nott. It seemed as if his friends had already formed pairs and he was left standing, alone. He didn't look all too offended, just waiting for someone to approach him.
This was your chance. Finally, a chance to up your grades. Theodore Nott was the solution to your failing mark.
Without even thinking, you sprang up from your seat and approached him. You gave him a small poke in the side of his arm, his eyes looking up at you. You never noticed how mesmerizing his eyes were until right at this moment, it caught you off guard slightly. "Mind if we work together?"
He slightly frowned at your question, you two never spoke so this was honestly surprising to him. He looked around to see everyone partnered up already "Seems I'm left with no choice but to choose you." His brows were playfully arched as he looked back up at you.
Polyjuice potion. It wasn't an easy assignment, something that'd take weeks to brew. Which also meant weeks of working together. Snape explained that they didn't need to be strong, just for a minute; changing into the other.
"Make polyjuice potion." It was the only instruction that you got. Forced to find the recipe yourself, the ingredients, and a place to brew too. It was far from easy but at least you were smart enough to find a talented partner.
Theo had everything planned out; he made a schedule and found a place to brew. It was his own dorm but it was perfect, it was a large room and surprisingly cozy.
To your surprise, he used a lot of candles in his room. A lot of books lay scattered around too, from all different kinds. You often tried to read the titles, something Italian, while he made fun of your pronunciation. He corrected you, little did he know that was your goal: to hear him speak that lovely Italian language.
It was late at night when both of you decided to go look for some Lacewing flies in the woods. You didn't add enough in the beginning, which could mess up the ultimate potion.
"You know y/n, you aren't that bad after all. I can't deny I dreaded working with you, wondering why the hell you chose me as your partner. But you surprised me, in a good way." He looked down at you while you were next to him, looking around for some flies.
"Well, to be honest, I just wanted a good grade. That's why I chose you. You could say..." You thought for a moment before softly chuckling "…I used you to my advantage?" When you looked back up at him, he didn't seem all surprised.
"Is it that, or is it because you're in love with me?"
Huh? What was he even saying? In love? With Theodore Nott? No way.
Looking back on the past few weeks, you looked back on the feeling you got around him. The feeling you're having right now.
Like you can't breathe but feel like you're breathing better than ever before.
Like there's a whole storm going on inside your stomach.
The soft touches he gave you these last few weeks; touching your wrist, the small of your back, patting your head when you were doing something right.
The way your heart made a little jump when he said your name or when he called you princess. The little praises he gave once in a while.
Reflecting on those weeks, your heart almost dropped. Could it be that you were in love? Was that love? Was he in love with you? Why did he even ask that? He must be in love with you, right? No...?
"Ah, I hit right bullseye. I knew it! You are in love with me, isn't that right?" It startled you when you suddenly hit his hard chest. He must've just spawned in front of you or something. It was when you looked up that you noticed the look in his eyes.
You saw something flicker in his eyes when you didn't respond to that question he asked. Just when you wanted to open your mouth to say something he already covered it with his. A kiss?
A kiss?!
No response from your side, just eyes wide open and stiff like a statue. He tried to get some sort of reaction out of you by cupping your face with both of his hands but nothing at all. No reaction, just a deer in headlights.
"Come on y/n, try that again. I like a bit of enthusiasm." He pouted in a joking manner.
He pulled your face closer, caressing your cheeks with both of his thumbs before moving lower until one of them reached your top lip. He caressed the cupid bow before moving to your lower lip, slowly dragging it downwards. "I want you to kiss me back with those precious lips, princess. Please?"
He moved his lips closer, his breath fanning yours like a soft breeze in summer. "For those good grades, I'll be giving you, mhmm?"
You pulled back and now it was your turn to mess with him. "Well I don't see those good grades yet, do I? Guess I'll have to wait for some proof to kiss you back." You noticed some Lacewing flies a few steps ahead and approached them. "Let's go catch those flies for those good grades, shall we?"
He was dumbfounded. How could you have been so flustered some seconds ago to turn into such a tease now? But he would get you good grades, just for that kiss...
...and for that smile that now covered your face when Professor Snape announced the top grades. "Theodore Nott and y/n y/l/n."
He bumped your shoulder slightly at the announcement and whispered in your ear. "Guess who's getting a kiss tonight? Can't wait to taste those sweet lips of yours, princess. Have been craving them all week.”
And man did you both kiss... Hands in your hair, pushed against the wall of his dorm while working on the buttons of his shirt. He pulled away with a grin on his face. "A little eager now, are we?"
It took you by surprise when your feet left the ground and your back hit the mattress less than a second later. There was no time to respond before he had already crawled on top of you, his tongue devouring your mouth. You didn't even notice him pulling off your shirt and unclipping your bra until you felt his warm lips touching the middle of your chest.
His lips inched lower, leaving a wet trail in the middle of your chest. The warm touch sent shivers down your spine, this was new and you liked it. You liked him.
It felt like heaven. Being touched like this, being worshipped like this, you felt beautiful underneath the touch of his hands. This man knew what he was doing and there was no stopping him... It’s not like you wanted him to stop either, you wanted this to never end.
He looked up through his eyelashes with those piercing eyes, while sucking on your lower belly. "Do I have permission to show you heaven?"
And to heaven and back he brought you...
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thatsdemko · 10 months
junipers dad- g.russell
pairings: George Russell x albon!fem!reader
fc: lyssieloooloo (from ig and TikTok)
requested: y - “What about something to do with all the pets the Albion’s have?? I think it would be super cute if George was trying to soft launch the relationship but because he’s such good friends with Alex people just assume that he’s hanging with the Albon family. And then it just culminates into either Albon!reader (or maybe Alex😂) just getting tried of George’s moping that his long planned out soft launch isn’t going to plan so they just decide to hard launch.”
a/n: a little something to lighten to mood xx— ps happy non-red bull podium!!
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liked by albon_pets, gr63updates, lilyandalexlover, & 6,794 others.
f1updates: it seems like George is hanging out with the Albon’s this weekend after Silverstone! he posted this cute picture of an albon cat ☺️
f1lover22: I love that George and Alex hang out!
charleslechair: Alex and George two besties that can’t be separated
alblondo: is that y/n?! that’s so cute that George is friends with all of his sisters
princessgeorge: I’m also p sure that’s y/n’s cat juniper!
he sits cross legged in the chair, juniper sound asleep in his lap while he scrolls through Instagram for inspiration of his next launch. the last one was an ultimate fail considering half of formula one fans believed he was just hanging out with Alex. didn’t they know juniper was your cat?
“what’s got you so consumed online?” you peer over his shoulder, he’s searched high and low on the instagram tag ‘#softlaunch’ and it makes you giggle that he’s warped into introducing you properly to his instagram.
“why don’t you just post a picture of me and juniper? that way it looks more like you’re hanging out with me than with Alex.” you take the sleeping cat out of his lap, an alarmed grunt comes from her lips as you hold her in your arms for a picture.
“that outta do it right? Alex is nowhere to be seen.”
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liked by alexalbon, lilymhe, y/nalbon, & 77,931 others.
georgerussell63: spent some well needed time off
albon_pets: 🐱❤️
maxverclerc: omg did George spend the weekend with the Albons?!
lewrussell: obsessed over that he and the albon siblings are friends
mercedesgeorge: everyday George proves more and more that he and Alex are still besties
“I don’t get it, why does everyone think we are friends?”
“well to be fair you did post a picture from junipers birthday party and everyone remembers that day.” you say it in a matter of fact tone that makes him groan as he scrolls through the comments.
albonlover: george was adopted by the albon family and I think that’s so cute
britcedes63: does he regularly hang out with them? I wouldn’t be surprised! he and Alex are really close
he shuts off his phone and watches you play with juniper. the fish on the stick being her worst enemy as she attempts to tackle it down in the air when a brilliant idea comes to his mind.
“why don’t you post me? that way everyone will be suspicious on who you’re dating!”
you roll your eyes playfully at his comment, but when you look over at him he’s handing you your phone to take a picture of him and juniper.
“if this will make you happy, then why not?”
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liked by russbuss63, checorbr, yukisuzuka, & 7,250 others.
f1gossiplover: photo submitted by anonymous! y/n albon seems to have a new man who looks awfully similar to George?? what’s everyone’s thoughts!
hamilton44: that’s not George that’s some imposter
gaslycharles: too short to be George
gr63babes: I know George and that’s not him
“what do they mean that’s not me?! that’s so clearly me in the picture.” he huffs in annoyance, phone balanced against his water bottle as he eats breakfast. the recent topic of your posts for each other is all he seems to be able to talk about, and you’d had enough. you’d really thought that semi hard launch would’ve been enough to make fans suspicious, but nobody budged.
you curse Alex for being such close friends to George, that way it was ten times harder for you to actually post the relationship like normal couples.
“why does it matter so much to you again?” you sit beside him, reaching over you take his phone and toss it into the empty chair beside you. he’d spent enough time on the device than paying attention to you.
“I just want to do it right. I don’t want to hard launch you and you realize it was too soon.”
you smile at his concerns and reach to grab his hand, “you’re too cute, Georgie, but truthfully I don’t care how you post me, but it seems to be upsetting you very much, so I have an idea.”
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liked by albon_pets, georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, & 6,530 others.
y/nalbon: juniper enjoyed some sun with her dad @ Georgerussell63
albon_pets: uncle George has been promoted!
georgerussell63: daddy loves you juni!
roscoelovescoco: playdate soon?
mercedesamgf1: petition for juniper to join us in the paddock?
williamsracing: not on our watch!
lewishamilton: where do I sign up to get me and Roscoe matching sweaters?
alexalbon: don’t hold your breath she’s still making George and me our matching jumpers
tags: (sorry to lazy to tag everyone just gonna tag a few) @monzabee @lovelytsunoda @oconso @motorsp0rt
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