#Rin Itoshi x reader
saeist · 1 day
“set me up with rin”
you slammed your hands against the hard wood table. scaring the shit out of shidou and aiku
“jesus fuck!” shidou puts a hand on his chest
“feisty. i like it!” aiku reacts, doing a little finger gun
“you didn’t say the magic word” sae murmurs, completely unbothered by your whole ruckus. you could say he’s used to it at this point
your eyes widened hearing sae’s response. did he finally agree to help you out?
“pretty please” you bat your eyelashes at your best friend, who wasn’t even looking at you by the way. he was currently reading something off what seems to be the latest edition of a sports magazine
sae silently flips the magazine onto the next page before looking at you dead in the eye. you watch his mouth open, ready to hear a certain sentence you’ve been wanting to hear for the past few weeks
“no.” he says flatly before turning his attention back to the magazine
both shidou and aiku break into boisterous laughter. only to be silenced by the librarian
“shh!” the librarian shushes. “one more ruckus from your table and i’m kicking the four of you out!” she whisper-yells, typing away on her computer
you dramatically slide into the seat next to sae, leaning on his shoulder as you reach over to tug his hand
“sae c’mon! you know i like him! so do me a favor as your favorite friend and set me up with your cute little brother” you cried out, tugging on his hand again and again
sae clicks his tongue in annoyance and snatches his hand back
“that’s exactly why i won’t set you up with him” sae
“and that is?!”
“that you like my little brother” sae says casually. closing the damned magazine and tossing it to shidou who was busy laughing at something on his phone with aiku
“that’s barely a reason” you point out, “would it kill you to help your friend that's desperate for a lover?" you add, dramatically falling limp onto his lap
sae pinches the bridge of his nose in sheer annoyance. he's heard of this dramatic monologue of yours for a hot minute. ever since he introduced you to his brother, you have not shut up about him since.
it was a mistake on sae's end. he shouldn't have brought you, along with shidou and aiku along for dinner back at his place but it was his mom who pestered him into bringing you guys over for dinner as his mother wanted to meet who sae's friends at college were
"i didn't know y/n-chan was into younger men" shidou quips, poking your nose as you glared daggers at his face
"rin is just like a year younger than sae, let alone me" you retort
"point still stands, y/n-chan" aiku chimes in a sing-song voice, "why do you like him anyway and not the hotter, better and wiser older brother here?" he continues
you dreamily sigh, still on sae's lap as you think about rin
"well first of all, he's a cutie. second, he gives me tsundere vibes but then again, his brother right here is the same kind so i'm pretty sure it runs in the family and... i guess that's about it" you list off the nice things you can say about rin from the top of your head, "no offense sae, i think you're hot and all but just not my type" you poke your tongue at your best friend who only flicks your forehead in retaliation
"that's it?" shidou asks, feeling a little anti climactic about the whole thing. to him it sounded like you had a good reasons on why you were crushing hard on the other itoshi
"oh! and the fact that he's 6'1" you clasp your hands together, "and also that he's trying so hard to be the star player at our local college team and i find it really cute" you gush
"he obviously doesn't have a choice but to try and beat his hotter and better older brother. right, rin?" sae nudges someone beside him.
wait a second, did he just call out to rin?
you quickly scramble off sae's lap, bumping your head against the table in the process
both aiku and shidou let out an "oof, that's gotta hurt" making you more embarrassed than you already are. you glared at them for a brief second before turning your head to the side to see rin looking all confused and to be honest, a little weirded out
"hey rin. what brings you here?" you sweetly wave at the younger itoshi in front of you.
from the corner of your eye, you can see sae rolling his eyes and mumbling "dumbass" under his breath. before you can smack sae, rin speaks up
"my brother" rin nods his head towards sae who only gives him a look of annoyance before motioning him to spit out whatever he came for
"coach says there's been a change of plans regarding the away games and wants to have a team meeting later at the field" rin reports all stoic
sae huffs, "you couldn't just texted me this information or?"
"you blocked my number, remember?" rin rolls his eyes, gripping on his sling bag.
you let out a little gasp and smacked sae on his shoulder upon hearing the news that your best friend has blocked his little brother's number.
"sae! why would you block your brother?!" you nag, wagging your finger in front of sae's face. sae swats your hand away before he attempts to grab rin for pushing him under the bus like that when you're around
"anyway, that's all. also, mom wants you home for dinner. bye guys, bye y/n" rin shyly waves at you before he trudges away out of the library, away from his brother's impending wrath
as rin disappears from sight, suddenly an idea pops into your mind. it's just a simple favor. the next time you see him, you'll ask rin for his help, and maybe, just maybe, it will lead to something more.
"that little runt.. he's gonna get it from me" sae hisses, pulling out his phone to probably unblock rin now that you know that he got his brother blocked. sae looks over at your face in case you were about to yell his ear off but instead he was greeted with a little smile on your face
oh no. he knows that devious smile of yours
"my dearest beloved sae.. put in a good word for me to rin, would ya?" you wink
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chateaaa · 3 days
"he probably hates me" x "i love you so much"
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pairing: Rin Itoshi x fem! reader
warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
req: "he probably hates me" x "i love you so much" Trope with rin is so true! Mau I request a one-shot of this pls? If u do make it, Tysm! ❤
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Rin Itoshi was bad with his feelings and emotions. He knew that but deep down, he is actually a very fragile and sensitive man. Whose heart has been shattered into a million pieces because of how his brother left him.
Ever since you met Rin, your life has changed by becoming his girlfriend, Rin may not seem like it but he would be your typical act of service guy at the start of your relationship
Rin Itoshi, who after blue lock changed, his demeanour changed, his attitude changed and more importantly, your relationship changed. It's like he hates you, he never cares for you, Rin who after blue lock didn't even spare a glance at you.
You knew about Rin's ideals to beat his brother, but you still continued to support him, such as watching how the blue lock won against the football team of japan.
After the U20 match, you received a message from your cold beloved boyfriend, who asked if you can both meet at the park near the stadium because he has something to tell you, which you replied agreeing.
You walked to the park with a small frown, fully expecting that the Rin Itoshi is planning to break up with you.
You sat down at a swing in the park waiting for Rin.
An hour has passed after he messaged you, and he was still not at the park, you then thought positively about how Rin is probably being held up for interviews because of the victory of blue lock.
you saw a stray cat coming near you, and you gently picked it up as it purred when you petted the cat's head.
The park was silent, the only person was you (and the cat) and you were completely thinking about how Rin probably ditched you.
"Hey Mr. cat, do you think my boyfriend hates me?" you suddenly asked the cat, the cat then purred as you chuckled thinking how stupid you look talking about your boy problems to a literal cat.
"You see, i really love him, however i know that i'm a hindrance to his goal so i think it's time for us to break up" you continued talking to the cat.
"My boyfriend is the best, i love his smile and how passionate he is to football and i think i won't be needed in his future" you chuckled bitterly.
You then stood up from the swing, prepared to leave the park then suddenly you saw a figure running towards you.
And that was your boyfriend, The Rin Itoshi, who was now in front of you, still in his jersey, sweat beads going down his forehead as he looked into your eyes.
There was an awkward silence in the air, with Rin catching his breath, you decided to break the silence by speaking up "Rin, how are you? Congrats on winning the game!" you smiled genuinely.
"Y/n listen i—" Rin tried to talk to you.
"Let's break up, Rin" you smiled sadly.
"What...?" Rin replied genuinely shocked.
You closed your eyes, with the fear of getting the look of hatred from Rin as you spoke "Listen Rin, i know that you hate me, it's very obvious and i know i'm an hindrance to your goal in beating your brother, so it's okay and let's break up, thank you for being my boyfriend, Rin, Goodluck on your journey" you smiled, when you opened your eyes you saw something very shocking
You didn't expect the reaction from your boyfriends face when you said that, It was the first time you saw your boyfriend sad, looking like he was about to cry.
"W-What's wrong?" you replied in a panicked state, clearly not used to how rin expresses his emotions to you.
He then hugged you very tight, hands gripping your waist silently pleading for you to not let go, his head resting on your shoulder inhaling your sweet scent.
"I love you so fucking much, Please don't leave me"
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changed my theme! hehe hope you like this! tysm for making a request <33
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bluelockmaniac · 1 day
𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 — 𝜗𝜚 dad! itoshi rin x mama fem!reader
interested in a dad! itoshi sae x mama fem!reader? click here !
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“i’m home,” rin’s faint voice echoed through the foyer of his house as he stepped inside and hung his jacket on the coat rack. he trudged down the hallway without hurry, finally arriving towards the two distinct sounds of carefree laughter in the living room. the corners of his lips subtly curled upwards as he took in the sight of you and his two-year-old son sitting on the playmat near the couches.
“now, can you tell me where the firetruck is?” you ask with a smile, watching as your toddler’s little finger confidently shoots out and points to the bright red toy on the side. “there it is! look at you, such a smart boy!” you chuckle, gently sliding your hands under his arms, lifting him effortlessly on your lap. his infectious giggles fill the room as you plant soft kisses all over his chubby face, but his laughter soon dies out as he watches a familiar figure approach the both of you.
“what’s wrong, baby?” you lift a brow, following the direction of the child’s gaze and turning your head around. you gasp in surprise as you find your husband leaning down unexpectedly, pressing a tender kiss on your lips. “woah— rinnie, you’re back from practice already?” the words slip out of your mouth more panicked than you had intended, questioning his early return. “i didn’t think you’d come this early. you scared me.”
“mm’, players were trash, i got bored,” he muttered, rising to his feet again. his attention shifted from you to the miniature version of himself nestled on your lap. a harsh glare met him, those identical teal eyes were tinged with intense resentment toward the man who stood in front of him and his mother. rin furrowed his brows, lowering himself to eye level with his son, returning his glare head-on. “and what’s wrong w’you, huh?”
you roll your eyes playfully at rin’s pettiness, but it seemed that your child had different ideas and seized the opportunity of the closed distance between him and his father, raising his arm. before rin could react, he felt a palm connect mildly across his cheek in an audible smack. his flinch synchronized with your loud gasp, expression hardening. his own flesh and blood had just slapped him across the face. “you little–” his voice trailed off as he was interrupted once again.
“...’tay away ‘fom mommy!” your son babbled in his adorable, angry tone. but upon noticing rin’s scowling expression, he fell silent and curled his fingers into the fabric of your shirt, burying his face into the security of your chest. your hand instinctively found its way to support his back, and he let out a brief sigh of relief before a pair of larger hands wrapped around his waist. 
“your mommy’s mine,” rin mocked bitterly, picking him up and settling him on his thigh. he reached out, gently pinching the boy’s plump cheeks. “she sleeps with me every night, not you.” the child squirmed in his father’s grasp, and as if sensing rin’s (feigned) serious tone, his face scrunched up and loud wails echoed through the room. his chubby legs kicked out, and tear-filled eyes pleaded for your help as he desperately stretched his arms towards you.
you let out an exasperated sigh, shaking your head at your husband. “rin, you’re so petty. fighting with your two-year-old over me? really?” you chuckled softly, “besides, you’re wrong, he sleeps beside me whenever you’re abroad for your games.” he huffs and rolls his eyes, struggling to keep his wriggling son within his grasp. 
“he’s been ‘givin me that lukewarm long face every time i see him.” rin grumbled.
you moved closer, carefully prying the boy from rin’s grasp and reassuringly cradling him against your chest. his sobs gradually softened into sniffles as you whispered soothing words into his ears. turning around, he met his father’s frown again. this time, his eyes were shaded with a mischievous glint, grinning insolently as he stuck out his tongue and blew raspberries at rin.
rin sighed. he had given up. he reaches his arm and affectionately pokes his child on his forehead. “i love you, you little rascal,” he mutters awkwardly. to his surprise, the boy giggled and extended his arms towards him, to which he unhesitantly took him into his embrace, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
your heart fills with warmth at the innocent interaction between your husband and son. you watched fondly as your little boy babbled incoherently, tiny hands playing with rin’s strands of hair as rin held him securely by his waist. rin caught your gaze and subtly smiled, resting his other hand on your cheek before leaning down to press a kiss on your temple. however, his little bundle of… joy… raised his hand, and much to his shock, landed a perfect yet angry smack on his unsuspecting cheek.
“i take it back, take this little shit away from me!”
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© 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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aventoru · 1 day
when you take pictures in his phone
character(s) : sae, rin, kaiser
warning(s) : none
a/n : this is another repost from my old acc!!
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usually, sae itoshi would be pissed off if someone touched his posessions without his permission
but with you, it’s a different story
maybe it’s partially his fault for inviting you out for dinner after his practice session
he shouldn’t have asked you to come to along with him knowing full well you would get bored
but he did, and that’s how he ends up scrolling through his photo album, dozens of selfies of you fill the 3x3 layout
if it’s anyone else, sae will not hesitate to insult their…photography techniques and immediately delete the photos
but this is you, his long-time friend and maybe—sae wishes in his heart— something even more than that
he looks up at you with a deadpan expression, trying to formulate the words to tell you off, but he doesn’t have the spirit to do that
“y/n, what is this?” he starts
“well, y’know, i got bored so i decided to pass time by messing with your phone. i didn’t get the chance to delete the pics but you can delete them now,” you admit
sae feels his heart drop for making you feel guilty about something seemingly harmless. but to be fair, he has no rizz doesn’t know how to react to situations like these, you are simply too cute
from the look your face, sae knows you think he’s mad at you when in fact, it’s quite the opposite
he finds your pictures stunning. you are softly smiling in them, sometimes even winking playfully
the poses and hand gestures in the photos are iconic, although the 0.5x zooms are his favorites
he has to resist the urge to set one as his lockscreen (but sadly you two were only friends for now)
sae decides, that one day he would tell you his feelings but until then he’ll continue giving you…hints
“why would i delete those pics? you look cute,” he locks his phone and stuff it in his pocket
sae’s decision to keep the pics is final as he beckons you out of the facility and into his car
you follow along with a blushing face and a stuttering heart
and oh- is that a smile on his face?
rin is scowling when he catches you red-handed as you take selfies on his phone
in your defense, it’s a joke, and you are planning on deleting the pictures
you’re good friends with rin, and naturally, you assume it’s okay for you to do that. you do that to all your other friends all the time, so there shouldn’t be a problem with rin, right?
you’re midway through pressing the round button for another selfie when you feel a presence next to you
you don’t even need to turn your head to know who it is, considering rin’s black hair is in the frame of the camera
you hurriedly put down the phone and immediately start to select the previously taken photos with the intent of deleting them
“what are you doing?” he questions as he peers down at your administrations
you regret your previous actions, considering this is itoshin rin, the most blunt person you know.
perhaps he doesn’t find this as funny or casual as you think he will
“i’m deleting these photos, sorry for invading your privacy,” you unconsciously pouts and he notices it
“what? hey, no, don’t do that,” he snatches his phone away from your grip
“why not? you’re obviously upset,” you gesture towards the scowl on his face
“i’m not upset, i just have a resting bitch face,” he clarifies, not daring to look at your face.
“it’s just…if you do this again, i want to take pics with you, too.”
“oh,” you raised your eyebrows, dumbfounded
“so you wanna take pics with me, huh?” a smug expression appears on your face.
rin stares back unimpressed
“i’m deleting these pics,” he selects all the pictures threateningly
“no don’t!!!” it was your turn to stop him now
kaiser loves to tease you at any chance he gets
so when he catches you taking selfies on his phone, he is ready to make an embarassment out of you
but considering he’s head over heels for you himself, he thinks maybe he won’t embarrass you too much and let you off the hook for once
and besides, you’re quite bold for taking the michael kaiser’s phone and filling it with pictures of yourself, if he isn’t intrigued by you before, he definitely is now
so when you hear kaiser’s laid back tone calliing for your attention, you immediately hide his phone away from view, hoping that you would be able to delete your pics in time
but kaiser is faster, and he easily snatches the phone away from your seemingly vice grip
“daring to take pictures of yourself on my phone, i see?” he smirks and you so desperately want to wipe it off his face
“just delete those pics then,” you retort back knowing full well you’re in the wrong
“i never said anything about not liking them,” he teases, handing the phone back to you
“since you wanna take pics so much, let’s take one together,” **he continues after seeing the perplexed look on your face
your eyes widen but you obey nonetheless, extending your arm to capture both of you in the frame
meanwhile, kaiser takes this opportunity to make you more flustered than you already are
he gingerly wraps his arms around you waist and pulls you close and proceeds to hide his face in the crook of your neck
the only thing visible to the camera was his side profile and the cocky smirk that still adorns his face
the proximity made you nervous and you hope he doesn’t make out your quickened heartbeat
you could feel kaiser’s hot breath on your collarbones and since when did his cologne smell so good???
“are you gonna take the picture or not?” he speaks up, breaking your train of thought
“of course i am,” you clear your throat
you internally hold your breath as you snap a pic and try to detangle yourself from kaiser right after
“hey, where are you going? i never told you to take just one,” kaiser holds you back in place
the way he looks at you tells you everything you need to know : he’s already figured out your little crush on him, hasn’t he?
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bgyuus · 1 day
hii! i’m trying to get my writing spark back 😭🙏🏻 pls bare with me i really wanna write again :(
“rinnie, rinnie! i passed my computer test!”
you squealed excitedly as you waved your results in his face.
“what’s this computer test about about again..?” rin mumbled, his eyes scanned through the sheet of paper.
“for my driver’s license! that way you don’t have to drive me around anymore!” you said proudly, puffing out your chest.
rin gave you a small smile but frowned right after as he realized that he can’t drive you around as his passenger princess anymore.
you of course were quick enough to noticed his sudden change in demenour. flicking his forehead gently, you asked:
“something wrong?”
“tell me.”
rin huffed slightly, brushing out his bangs from his eyes. he took a quick glance at you, taking in how adorable you were in your outfit today.
“since you’re gonna be able to drive soon, guess you won’t be my passenger princess anymore.” he said quietly as he looks away, avoiding your gaze.
you exploded with laughter. rin wasn’t the type to be really showing off his emotions but hearing what he confessed, you couldn’t help but chuckle. his cheeks felt hot at you laughing as he flicks your forehead with a grumble.
“shut up or i won’t drive you home.” he walked away and entered the driver’s seat of his car as you hurriedly sat on passenger’s seat, still laughing over his poutyness.
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frosted-hyacinth · 3 days
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Feat. rin itoshi Tags. fluff cw. none, i think (if there are any, please let me know) note! please read! i have run-on sentences.. also this is not at all proof read so any grammar mistakes, just ignore them or let me know
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        As soon as you spotted a flake of snow from the sky, you jumped up from the couch, running towards Rin’s room to drag him outside. There were so many things you could do with snow, you could make snowmen, snow angels, but most importantly, you could skate. Well it wasn’t really because of the snow that you could skate, but that meant that the temperature was cold enough outside that you could do outdoor skating with your boyfriend. It was fun skating outside, the soft feeling of snow against your skin made you feel calm so now, you wanted to share this experience with Rin! 
        You burst open his room door to be met with the sight of the ravenette reading a book.
“Rin!! Rin! Let’s go out!” “Where?” “To an ice rink or something!” From Rin’s point of view, you practically looked like you were bursting with energy, hoping that he would agree to your suggestion of going to an ice rink. It wasn’t like he could refuse you anyway. 
        “...Fine” “Okay then! Um… where should we go?” 
        It was clear that you didn’t even search any rinks at all that you could skate on outside so Rin simply gave you a deadpanned face then pulled out his computer with you hovering over his shoulder. He searched just simply, ‘ice rink’ but you quickly intercepted the keyboard and added the word ‘outdoor’ since in this weather, if you weren’t taking advantage of it, you’d definitely be missing out. After you added the word, you clicked enter and up popped multiple locations. 
        Your eyes turned to the first location you saw so then Rin checked it and it was quite a nice ice rink, so off the two of you went, packing your skates in a pack then hopping into the car to drive to the rink you selected. 
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙    ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
        You let out a little excited squeal when you got out of the car, feeling the small gusts of wind blow you over, you shuddered a little before rushing towards the benches to put on your skates, dragging Rin with you along the way. Your boots slid along the snowy floor, almost losing their grip along the way making you trip and slip slightly before you regained your balance and continued running towards the benches at a steady pace.
        Once you finally reached the benches, you plopped onto the wooden bench along with your bags while Rin just calmly sat down. In front of you was the small ice rink, surrounded by large pine trees with a nice aesthetic and energy. A comfortable area to skate. You grabbed both your skates and Rin’s from the bag you were carrying earlier. You took off your skate’s soft guards, slipped your foot in and tied them into a little butterfly knot. 
        You stood up, doing a little spin with your puffy jacket then Rin stood up, skates completely tied so you walked beside him, stepping onto the ice. At first it was a little slippery for the both of you, but Rin being a soccer player naturally had a better sense of balance than you did so as you were waddling through the ice, he stayed behind you making sure that you didn’t fall backwards. 
        After a while of you trying your best to get balanced, your effort finally payed off and it worked. Your eyes lit up seeing that you were no longer wobbling around so you turned around to face your boyfriend, hands behind your back and smile on your face. You gestured for him to glide beside you and who was he to deny you? With Rin now positioned beside you, you grabbed one of his arms, head resting against his shoulders.
        “Hey, Rin…” It was one of your… interesting questions again, wasn’t it.
        “Would you still love me if i was a worm?” " Of course." A simple and straightforward answer, something expected of Rin but it was a good answer. At least one that you couldn't complain about but your mind didn't stay on the question for long as it soon wandered elsewhere. You stared at some children who smoothly glided past the two of you. You stretched out a hand pointing in the direction of those children, hand slightly moving around to follow their movements.
"Do you think we could do that?" You said, still staring at the people skating who were obviously much more advanced in skating than you. Rin glanced at you, blinking. He seemed to think a bit before providing an answer. "Sure." You suddenly let go of his arm to hold his hand then slid to an empty surface of ice in front of him, starting to attempt gliding around. But then suddenly, you lost balance then belly flopped.
You continued sitting there just staring around until Rin decided to extend a hand towards you. You didn't take it though. He didn't want you sitting around on the cold ice so he lifted you up, careful not to let your skate blades hit anyone or anything. You held onto his neck until you started speaking up again.
"Rinnie, do you think that the egg came first or the chicken came first?" You started rambling. "I think that the chicken came first because... fried chicken tastes good..."
Oh. Not again.
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fictional-gf · 3 days
rin x reader, no warnings, just pure fluff and quite cheesy (maybe a bit ooc idk)
rin has a soft spot for your hair. when you two are alone, he'll often find himself playing with it absentmindedly, especially when you're both relaxing after a long day. whether it's running his fingers through it, gently tucking a strand behind your ear, or just resting his hand on your head, it's his way of feeling close to you. he might not say it often, but these small gestures show how much he cares. it's in these quiet moments that you see the softer side of rin, the one he doesn't show to the world.
after a long day filled with the usual drama and running around, you and rin finally find a moment to unwind together. the apartment is quiet, with only the tv for background noise and soft hum of the air conditioner. the two of you are settled comfortably on the couch, your legs stretched out on the coffee table watching a game together.
you feel rin shift slightly beside you, and you glance over to see him looking at you with a small, almost undetectable smile. he reaches out, his fingers gently brushing a loose strand of hair from your face and tucking it behind your ear. the touch is light, almost hesitant, but it sends a warm, comforting feeling through you.
"long day?" he asks quietly, his voice soft and soothing.
you nod, leaning your head against his shoulder. "yeah, but it's better now."
he doesn't respond with words, but instead, his hand moves to rest on top of your head, his fingers starting to comb through your hair in slow, rhythmic strokes. you close your eyes, letting the gentle motion relax you. it's in moments like these that you see a side of rin reserved from the public, a side that he keeps just for you.
the two of you sit in comfortable silence for a while, the weight of the day slowly melting away. rin's fingers continue soothing their way through your hair, and you find yourself closing your eyes and sinking deeper into the couch, feeling utterly content.
after some time, you feel rin's hand pause, and you open your eyes to see him looking down at you, his expression soft and affectionate. "you know," he begins, his voice barely above a whisper, "i don't say it often, but i care about you a lot."
your heart swells at his words, and you reach up to place your hand over his. "i know," you reply, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "and i care about you too."
rin's eyes soften even more, and he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "thank you, for being here with me," he murmurs, his lips lingering against your skin for a moment.
you smile, feeling a rush of warmth. "always," you whisper back.
in that quiet, shared moment, surrounded by the comfort of your home and the warmth of each other's presence, you realise that it's these simple, intimate gestures that mean the most. rin might not always be vocal about his feelings, but his actions speak volumes, showing you just how much he cares. And as you sit there together, you can't help but feel grateful for the love you two share, finding solace in the quiet, tender moments that keep you going each day.
an: i hope this wasn't too cringey, i have a crippling fanfiction addiction and zero clue what i'm doing <3
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scarletevening · 2 days
asked for it.
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r. itoshi. | my drug, my addiction.
cw: suggestive, jealousy, teasing, gn & bratty! reader, wc: 458. notes: og prompt was for a party but i'm gonna tweak it a little so it doesn't get repetitive. this is gonna be like, a 'bonding trip' he was forced to go on, and he brought you.
The debate of PDA for Rin, who believed against it, was a losing battle.
His eyes honed in on the way his teammates fawned over you. Your beauty. Your elegance. Everything about you was perfect, of course it was. No lukewarm person could possibly be with Rin. And you couldn't ever be with some lukewarm mutt of a teammate.
Staring at the way you smiled and laughed with Bachira, lightly snacking on your tea sandwich. He felt irritated, jealousy swirling in his belly as his lips met the edge of his cup, wishing it was the warm kiss of your lips. His eyes unceremoniously glanced over your figure, taking you in for the nth time in the past hour since he had brought you here.
You had pleaded, begged, whined, and moaned, not like that but he wished, about how you wanted to accompany to his trip. Rin wanted to say no, desperately, but how could he say no to you when you wrapped your arms around him, puppy eyes making him melt. He nodded with a sigh, glaring at the wall with rosy cheeks.
He wished with every ounce in his body that he simply close his eyes and held his ground. Now he was stuck with you purposly stepping closer to Bachira, the mindless idiot not taking the hint of your mock flirtation. It was obvious it was empty-handed, it meant nothing. But that doesn't draw a line for Rin, his heart still burning with envy as your gorgeous smile graced another's eyes.
His nails dug into his palms as his eyes forced themselves away from you, buch to your dismay.
You huffed, crossing your arms as you whined to Bachira, who you were openly whining to about Rin,
"See! He doesn't even care."
Laughing in confusion, and a hint of amusment, Bachira grins,
"Make him care!"
So maybe it was a scheme. But, schemes are supposed to have an ending that gets you out of the vault with the money and with your head on, right? Apparently, not all heists for love and attention are so successful. Or at least in an sweet sense.
Luxury cars were greatly comfortable, perfect, expensive, cushiony seats that dipped under your weight. Then they dipped against as Rin pinned you down to the backseat, lips dragging down your neck,
"You want attention? right?"
He asks, more of a demand, for an answer, eyes glaring into yours. He hovers over you, hands on either side of your head, one knee to your left, the other between your thighs. You tried to respond, voice caught in the lump of arousal that clogged your throat. Your silence, intentional or not, did nothing to quell his burning jealousy,
"You get what you ask for."
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notes: i hope this doesn't get repetitive...
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hanrinz · 5 hours
ᰔ. — your boyfriend, rin itoshi worries too much about you. a party can never stop him anyway. f reader.
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“c’mere, sit down.”
your boyfriend, rin said as he tugged your hands gently as he led you to a bench. grabbing you by your shoulders to let you sit. dropping on his knees, dirtying his expensive pants that he had recently bought yesterday.
reo had invited the both of you to his party, something about a celebration of sorts for their recent victory.
though your boyfriend didn’t want to attend, with it being a pain for interrupting his time with you—his words not yours—a little convincing on your part did the job anyway.
the party was great and all, well you had expected it anyways. reo does have the knack for these kind of things, knowing he’s been doing this for as long as he can remember.
as the night goes on, you meet familiar faces, namely your boyfriend's teammates, who seemed to be overjoyed. you really had a great time, and you're pretty much sure rin did too.
(even if he was pretty much stuck by your side and if he was ever apart from you, his hands always seem to find it’s way to any expanse of your skin.) but soon enough the party just drained the life out of you. your dress sticking uncomfortably on your skin, the music just blasting in your ears, a headache pounding in your head.
and you really, really tried to stay for a little more—just out of courtesy, but rin noticed.
he always does.
finally, he thinks to himself.
a reason to bail out, he’s sure these losers can understand if the two of you leave early, he just can’t wait to come home and just have the night together all to yourselves.
and so he did, he gently dragged you towards the dooor out of reo’s house, taking your purse and phone as he whispered lowly in your ears.
“we’re leaving.”
“already? but what about reo?”
“he wouldn’t mind,” he interjects as he walks slowly beside you, your hand still laced with his. trudging as you try to navigate your way despite the alcohol taking its effect into your vision. as you open the door, the cold air of the night greets you, and it was rather nice.
you can finally breathe.
the still quietness of the city had quelled the storm in you, the dark lonely city offers its comfort to you. and you really like times like this, just this moment of the two of you alone with each other. hand in hand, aimlessly walking in the dead of the night. you turn to the man beside you, a small tired smile creeping up its way in your face.
now that you think of it, you don’t mind escaping everything if you could always have a moment like this with him.
“thank you for accompanying me tonight.” thank you for agreeing to you to come even though he doesn’t want to—is what translates to rin’s dictionary that was made for you.
rin looks at you briefly and looks away just as fast before responding.
“you don’t need to thank me, it’s nothing.”
noticing the tip of his ears all flare up as the color of a rose, you suppress the laugh in your chest as he plays it off as something as ‘nothing’. your boyfriend is totally like a cat who hates showing affection, sometimes you just want to kiss him.
you would’ve run or just go wild in the street just from the millions butterflies that flutter in your stomach if not for the incessant pain in your feet—your heels are killing you. it has been two hours since it’s been bothering you, trying to ignore it the whole time you were in the party.
not being able to keep up with his long strides despite his slow pace.
it’s definitely because of his long legs.
rin noticed once again, as always. which led you to this present moment of him kneeling down for you. his hands working on unclasping the straps of your heels, taking it in his hands as he stood back into his height.
he stares for a moment, tilting his head a little, that kind of reminds you like a cat.
suddenly, putting your phone in his pockets, taking off his jacket and tying it around your waist. taking you by surprise, but you let him do it anyways. turning around, his back facing you as he kneels once again.
this was a rather unusual gesture from your boyfriend, is he offering you a piggyback ride? you wonder what has gotten into him.
might as well savour this opportunity, don’t you think?
you got on his back, his hands coming around your thighs and his jacket acting as protection on your lower body. rin was warm, always been so cuddly and huggable. you lean into him, with a small smile hanging on your face.
“thank you, rin.”
he scoffs at that, “i told you, its nothing,” yet the heat that reaches the tip of his ears never gone away.
“i know,” you whispered. “but still, i had fun today and i really wanted to go out with you. you didn’t have to do all of this for me.”
you were met with silence, but you dont take any offense in it. because it’s just him—its just rin itoshi, it’s just the man you know of for years and have come to love.
“...we can always go out if you’d like,” he pauses. “and i did it, because i want to. don’t you ever forget that, idiot.”
you laughed at him once more.
“okay.” you promised, with a wide grin forming on your face, that rin can imagine even if he can’t see you from his back and it feels good.
everything was good when he’s with you.
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◞♡ likes & reblogs are highly appreciated! i miss rin like crazy guys this draft is like from march last year lmfao
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nknoxe-n · 2 days
*♡∞:。.。HOLD ME BACK*・῾ ᵎ⌇ ⁺◦✧.*
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Synopsis; You can't seem to control your temper sometimes, good thing Rin knows exactly how to save the person at the other end of your wrath
Warnings: [Implied male reader] [established friendship] [pining if you squint]
w.c: 1.4k
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Rin watched carefully as you sat on the bench during their break, hair clung to your forehead from sweat glossing your skin, the nozzle of your water bottle being brought to your lips taking greedy gulps making your adams apple bob with every swallow. His eyes raked over your face, taking in your body language with ease.
The two of you had been friends before Sea had left him meaning you were the only person he allowed to get so close with him, there was a time of falling out after his big brothers disappearance in his life where he tried pushing you away but instead of falling behind you pushed even harder, you even joined the soccer team to prove you could keep up with him and wouldn't vanish from his side.
With all your time spent together it wasn't hard for Rin to pick you apart piece by piece, besides the fact you'd confided in him plenty of times he didn't need your words to understand you, Rin often prided himself in his ability to dissect someone based off of a single glance but when it came to you, it took effort and time before he was able to meet your gaze and understand how you felt.
His sharp teal eyes laid locked with yours while you huffed dropping your water back onto the bench, it was easy to tell, you were, undoubtedly, pissed off.
Rin didn't speak, he knew exactly why you were angry, there was no reason to ask if you were 'okay' if he was already sure of the answer. The team you were up against wasn't good by any means, just another group of lukewarm idiots for Rin to use as stepping stones for his pro career, he didn't even bother to pay them any mind, not a single drop of his attention.
You on the other hand, Rin knew you were somewhat of a hothead, and it wasn't hard to rile you up, It's not like you had anger issues or anything you're just a little bit more emotionally oriented compared to him, you cared about other peoples opinions on you which could only be justified since you were an extremely social person.
Rin never understood how the two of you could even stand each other, you were loud, obnoxious, hell you knew everyone in their high school by name and were almost always surrounded by a group of people practically begging for your attention which you'd happily give them without a second thought, you were observant of everyone you spoke with and considerate enough to remember so much about those useless NPC's.
You were constantly doing the polar opposite of what Rin would, you were way too trusting he'd consider it naivety, but it's not like you were blind to people trying to take advantage of you, he would barely speak in class besides answering when called on while you would actively make stupid jokes and dumb answers for the audience of idiots considered their classmates.
When the two of you were alone it was an entirely different story, the emotional whiplash he got the first time he spent a whole day with you at school after you'd become popular and then walking home alone together later on, he didn't even recognize you with the difference. There was a soft-spoken gentle side that you'd reserved just for him, a vulnerable, frustrated, angry, hardworking kid always putting on a show for other people so they'd enjoy your company and in return Rin would be vulnerable with you as well.
He snapped back into reality when you got up now that the break was over, he felt a pit of worry in his stomach but trusted you enough to not throw hands with player '4' on the opposing team who'd been shoving around petty insults to all the players, the same player that'd leached onto you seeing how much you reacted to those meaningless words.
The first time one of your passes to Rin was blocked, and it'd costed them a point that lukewarm bastard started rambling on about your skill and how you seemed like newer player, he'd constantly been talking shit the entire game even if his team was losing 3-1, and it was affecting your ability to think clearly as you started messing up more and more which only fuelled the fire.
Rin stepped out onto the field his eyes only leaving you to glance at that shitbag who was grinning from ear to ear at you, their team only needed two more points before he could get you two away from each other, he knew he wouldn't have to coddle you afterwords or anything, but he also knew this was taking a blow at your self-esteem, and he made a mental note to take you somewhere to eat to cheer you up after he wins this.
The game was over quickly enough after all it wasn't hard for Rin to score two measly goals he was their schools sports prodigy as he made his way over to the sidelines where you followed not short behind him letting the rest of their team cheer amongst themselves in celebration, the two of you standing in silence.
He glanced over at you, frustration still evident on your features, brows furrowed, mouth pulled into a thin line along with a distant glare he would often see you take on when you were zoned out. Rin was about to grab the shoulder fabric of your jersey and tug, dragging you out of the trance that you'd nestled in, but someone else beat him to the chase.
Player number '4’ had somehow snuck over to the two of you without Rin noticing, pulling you out of the long stare only to glare at the player in turn.
"Didn't think you'd win, you're lucky you have that prodigy on your team, or we would have crushed you"
You huffed in annoyance turning to the boy "But you lost so stop bothering me douchebag and run back to your mommy"
"Wow, some defensive, did I hit a nerve? So you're aware of how much skill you lack, my bad I took you for an idiot newb-" He couldn't finish his sentence before you'd grabbed his jersey angrily, Rin was certain if you gripped the fabric any tighter you'd rip it.
"I think it's damn time you learn to shut your mouth before I make sure a cast does the job for me"
"Aw, you're really threatening me in front of a crowd?"
Rin almost felt sympathy for the boy as you went straight for a nut-shot, kicking him square between the legs before shoving him to the ground, Player 4 even though in breathless pain had hauled you down with him. You'd efficiently straddled the guy's waist and clearly started getting reading to punch his face in before Rin firmly clutched one of your wrist's and secured your other shoulder, hauling you up.
"Just leave him, this NPC isn't worth your time"
Rin grunted as you struggled and thrashed against him, clearly not finished with the task at hand, it wasn't generally hard to hold you back, but he almost wanted to make it seem like he was struggling, seeing the fear in that boy's eyes when Rin almost let go.
Some of player 4's teammates had come over hastily helping him up and stringing his arms around their shoulders while Rin attended to you, he'd simply thrown you over his shoulder with a sigh and a hint of annoyance at the odd looks he was getting for doing so. You'd ultimately given up when he did this, making it much easier for him to carry you off the field.
"I can walk you know…"
"Like I'd trust you to not start attacking people on sight" There was no change in his tone, but he knew you'd understand he was teasing you lightheartedly, it wasn't only you that'd wanted to punch that nobody.
He'd finally gotten the both of you to the empty locker rooms their teammates still outside on the field or had gotten picked up by family already, he glanced at you only to see you were already staring while he slipped his jersey off.
"So are we still going to that place you love that serves 'the best' Sea Bream Ochazuke or…?" He perked up slightly at the mention of his favourite food before sighing.
"No shit Sherlock"
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ninibeingdelulu · 5 hours
Date at the museum with him ft. rin itoshi, sae itoshi, ryusei shidou, oliver aiku, michael kaiser
{ Forcing them to go to the museum with you. }
Would act super uninterested at first, grumbling about how boring and lame museums are.
But once you start geeking out over cool exhibits, his curiosity gets piqued.
Ends up getting weirdly into it, asking tons of questions and studying each display intensely.
Gets hilariously competitive trying to absorb all the info faster than you .
By the end, insists you quiz him to prove he learned more random museum facts.
Sae would love going and soak up all the history and culture like a cute nerd.
Excitedly reads every single exhibit description out loud in his deep voice.
Wants to stop and analyze literally every piece thoroughly from every angle. So patient and will happily re-explain anything you're confused about.
Holds your hand the whole time, dizzyingly happy just to share the experience with you.
The charismatic showman lives for any chance to impress you with his vast knowledge.
Spouts off tons of extra random trivia about exhibits before you can even read the placards.
Strikes all sorts of dramatic poses while recreating famous artworks and sculptures.
In general, just an amusing goof making the whole thing fun and unpretentious.
But has an endearing childlike sincerity when something genuinely dazzles him too.
Stoic and quiet at first, you worry he's just going to be bored the whole time.
But slowly warms up, speaking in that entrancing low rumble to point out subtle artistic nuances.
Gets this intense, studious look as he analyzes the deeper themes and messages behind it all.
Almost starts giving zen-like lectures on the human condition and creative expression.
You tease him for being such an unexpected art snob, making him all grumpy again.
Honestly, he prooobably only agreed to spend quality time together, not so into museums.
Still, makes an effort by listening attentively when you enthusiastically explain exhibits.
Every now and then, adds his own surprising insights with that matter-of-fact bluntness.
Mainly focused on you though, shamelessly drinking in all your passion and delight.
Hugs you from behind, nuzzling into your hair between exhibits like 'this is cute and all, but you're the real masterpiece'.
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ode2rin · 2 months
new boyfriend rin would never ever, under any circumstance, admit that he likes the pet names you call him. well… unless you would stop doing it. (also me pushing the bffs to lovers pipeline)
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You must be upset with him, Rin is convinced so. It’s the only logical and sensible explanation behind this unusual behavior. 
And he's going mad about it. Itoshi Rin is going mad any second now if he can't get to the bottom of this, he’s certainly convinced.
Every instinct screamed that your recent behavior was a reaction to something he'd done, but what? Was it the late replies to your text messages? No, you knew he was at practice and you told him you didn’t mind. Was it about the souvenir he brought back home to you from Paris? Sure, you teased him about its impracticality, but nothing that warranted this icy distance.
Or maybe it was something he said now? It must be, right? Everything boils down to his reckless poor choice of words, he supposes.
Slowly, Rin approached you by the couch you’re seated in. With your attention preoccupied by the selection of shows you’re browsing, you settled on looking at him briefly through your peripheral vision. Amused by how he’s slightly tiptoeing around, you let out a half-suppressed laugh to yourself. 
He looks like a cat sometimes, you thought from the sight. And acts like one too. Like a big black cat who would hiss at you if you looked at him funny, or one that would bite your hand if you stopped petting him to sleep. Funny how Rin could be like that too.
The moment Rin settles into the plush comfort of the couch, he gazes at you through lowered lashes, trying to read the play of emotions on your face, if there’s any. 
There’s nothing worth noting, and he doesn’t know if that should assure or bother him.
“Are we… alright?” he drawled.
What the fuck. He did not just sound like that. 
He did not just ask that and sounded like an anxious pathetic wet cat who just had a new home waiting for its owner’s permission over anything (highly specific because he’s a bit dramatic). Just what kind of loser have you reduced him into, really.
Oblivious of the internal turmoil in Rin’s mind, you turn to him, “Hmm? Yeah? Why’d you ask?”
“Nothing,” he grumbled. It’s enough that he already humiliated himself for the way he asked if the two of you were cool— doing it again by exposing himself that he thinks you’re mad plainly because he hadn’t heard you call him a pet name (like you always do) would be mortification in its final form.
“Okay, Rin.”
That’s it. This needs to end. Forget humiliation. He would rather choose to feel pathetic over any day than continue with this charade.
“Are you mad at me?” 
“Why would you think that?” you asked back instantly, shocked and extremely confused because of your boyfriend’s question. You’re literally just looking for a movie the two of you can watch— how is that any indication of being mad at him?
“Just answer the question,” he fumed, impatience settling on the furrow of his brows.
You said in the beginning of your relationship that you didn’t appreciate the silent treatment and guessing games, so don’t you think it’s hypocritical of you to do the same to him? (You’re not, but he just doesn’t know that.)
“I’m not mad at you, Rin.”
“You so are!” 
“I am not! But you, yelling and instigating it are making me right now!” you countered, voice hinted with irritation, “What is your problem, Rin?”
There it is again. Rin rose from the couch to face your sitting form, as if standing would better prove his point. “See? You’re calling me Rin!” he blurted.
“Well, maybe because it’s your name?!”
“Not to you, it’s not!”
A beat of surprised silence. Until your lips grew to such a wide smile that made Rin physically feel his heart melting. 
Yet, in Rin’s true fashion, he’ll never let you know how much air you knock out of him because of your beaming smile. Instead, he’ll say something along the snarky lines of, “Stop smiling like that.”
“Did my big bad grumpy Rinnie here thought we’re on a fight because I hadn’t call him baby?” you ask, purposely stressing out the words to disarm him more.
With a feigned exasperation, he comments, “I forgot how annoying you are.” 
“And I forgot how childish you can get sometimes,” you countered.
“I’m not childish.”
“You don’t mind me calling you Rin then?”
Rin rolled his eyes at you, but you know better than to put meaning to it. He lowered himself onto the couch beside you. With a swift tug, Rin pulled you closer, closing the distance between you effortlessly. His arm found its way around your waist, drawing you snugly against his chest.
“But I don’t see why you need to…” Maybe he could be a bit childish.
“I thought you didn’t like it,” you shyly muttered, drawing shapes in his arm. “The pet names, I mean,” you clarified, sensing the confused look he’s probably giving you behind.
“What the hell are you talking about?” He is baby. He is Rinnie. Fucking hell, that’s so loser of him to even voice it out in his own mind. 
“What? You call me by my name!” you defensively pointed out.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t like your nicknames of me,” he mumbled, the words barely audible.
The pet names— they were more than what they served. It was important to him more than what he would admit. 
They were a secret language, a way you marked him as yours. A reminder that he wasn't just Rin anymore— just your friend.
He was now something more, something special.
A ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Besides… I love your name,” he whispered, his voice velvet against your hair.
It’s tender— no, it makes him tender. Saying your name has been the softest, kindest, and most tender way he’s used his words for. 
Maybe it’s a little pathetic, feeling this undone by a name. But then it’s you. 
It was your name— a name he could whisper with adoration, a name that belonged only to him to claim. 
You melt to his words, leaning deeper into his chest. A contented sigh escaped your lips, the sound swallowed by the warmth of his embrace.
Looking up at him, your eyes held a softness he often found himself getting lost in, “I love your name too, but I also like calling you pet names. Is it okay?”
“Whatever you decide.” He’s yours, either way.
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note. this is basically rin being "my nameeee is whatever you decideeeee and i'm just gonna call you mineeee i'm insane but i'm your baby!!!!" yeah that song basically.
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verysium · 7 months
attractive things bllk characters (unintentionally) do?👀
i received this ask and decided to write this entire thing through a caffeine-powered fever dream. may have gone a little overboard. please pray for both your sanity and mine. thank you anon for your strong sense of imagination (or delusion, whichever you prefer.)
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nagi lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and you accidentally (or not so accidentally) get a good look at the droplets running down his abs and v-line. he also does the doorway lean while waiting for you to get ready. since he's so tall, he puts his one arm up on the top of the door frame while scrolling through his phone. when he feels drained of energy, he clings to you like a koala, face buried into the crook of your neck.
rin pushes his hair back when his bangs get in the way, and it shows off his ridiculously sharp side profile. sometimes you have to pause mid-conversation because the direct eye contact gets too intense. he has the brightest turquoise eyes in existence, and they stare right into your soul. pair that with the height difference and him towering over you. hang onto your ovaries because this man is about to snatch them. if isagi or sae are anywhere remotely close within your vicinity, he will personally drag your chair closer over to him. you know, the whole nick jonas chair pull thing? he also unintentionally clenches his jaw when pissed, the vein popping out and everything.
barou is polite to his elders. he holds the door open for others. he tips extra at restaurants. he is kind to service workers. he's just a gentleman overall even though he likes to act tough. he rolls up his sleeves while cleaning or cutting up vegetables, and you can see the veins bulging in his forearms. wears those form-fitting aprons where you can see the outline of his waist and the muscles in his back. he is not immune to raging pit bull moments, but he will calm down immediately when you ask him to.
kaiser requires physical touch to function. all concept of personal boundaries goes poof in his little ego-driven brain. he holds your chin so you look up at him while he's talking. also has that husky growl when he wakes up in the morning. he speaks german. what else is more attractive than that? if you stroke his ego, he will puff his chest out like an emperor penguin and flash that movie star smile. does not slow down his pace for you, and will laugh at your expense when you trip in heels and fall. but then he feels guilty about it and begrudgingly picks you up and carries you home. however, before that he will make you swear on everything holy to never tell isagi about his moment of weakness. (tbh kaiser is a menace and has some serious self-esteem issues. pls avoid dating a man like him in real life until he is fully mature. i still love him tho.)
reo mansplains but not in the condescending way. he does so in the "omg i'm so excited to finally get to share something with you and you're never going to believe it" sort of way. rambles on and on about his interests and gets that little glint in his eye when he's passionate about something. also not sure if this counts but he gets extremely depressed when you don't message him back within five minutes. what do you mean you were busy? he was out here dying from a literal famine. he needs your affection to survive. last but not least, he is good at styling. he knows what colors work best for you, and he will put together three new looks for you in record time.
hiori dreams that you left him for good and wakes up crying with his arms around you. will refuse to let you leave the bed even if it is just to get a glass of water. his rare moments of emotional vulnerability are what gets to you.
shidou does not condone any of your bad decisions. you want to get shit-faced and party until early morning? no complaints from him. you want to wear sexy outfits to the club? say less because he's about to enjoy the view and knock out the front teeth of every guy who dares to ogle you. i don't know if this qualifies as being attractive, but he would never be the controlling type. you can dress and act however you want. unfortunately for you though, this is also a textbook case of the blind leading the blind. if you get horrendously hungover, so does he. if you get pulled over, he's going to be too blackout drunk to even comprehend the officer's words. you can count on him for a good time, but not anything else. do not take any of his advice at face value.
oliver likes to show you off even if he doesn't notice it himself. any talk with his team, and he will find a way to make the entire conversation about you. at this point, the entire u-20 team is done with him. they placed bets that you two wouldn't last more than a month due to his philandering reputation, but the universe seems to think otherwise because you and oliver hit the six-month mark and are still going strong.
ness guards your drink with an unnecessary amount of protection. while you left to go use the restroom, he was looking left and right, and the hairs on the back of his neck were prickling every time someone even came close to your cup. he also shoos away any person who opens their mouth while standing next to your drink because apparently the condensation from their breath could be dangerous. definitely covers your cup with both hands even if it has a lid. no suspicious shit is happening on his watch.
yukimiya is well-read, and he wears glasses. he has a copy of every single classic out there in existence and will fangirl along with you over your virginia woolf collection. he was written by a woman with two cats and a wine glass. not much else to say.
loki absolutely clears the entire carnival/arcade game. you want that giant teddy bear that costs over three hundred ticket points? say less because he's about to win the whole damn pot. of all characters, i would say he's one of the only green flags. like celery green.
isagi always looks for you when he enters the room. intentionally or not, he always seeks your presence. if someone says a funny joke, he turns to you to see if you're laughing or not. also does that somewhat creepy stare thing where he just looks at you quietly while you do mundane tasks. internally he is screaming cus what do you mean you actually like him?
chigiri gives you that thankful little smile whenever you stand up for him. i feel like people don't understand how goofy he can get as he's canonically good at doing impressions/impersonations. also has the prettiest laugh. if he ever cuts his hair, i think i'm going to get a nosebleed.
noa unconsciously says yes to every question you ask of him. he'd be giving bastard münchen a hard time (and denying isagi's requests) but then immediately once you come over, he's automatically acquiescing to everything you say. the rest of the team is low-key shocked you can win him over so easily. when they confront him about it, he just shrugs and goes "y/n is always right."
kurona's entire existence is attractive. he's just perfect. nothing is ever wrong with him. will let you check out his shark teeth and lightly pokes your finger to leave an imprint. hopefully you'll always remember him that way. he's also quiet so he will listen to everything you say and give ample weight to your words.
sae is my baby girl so he gets a whole section dedicated to himself:
absentmindedly plays with your hair. when you're sleeping in his lap, he'll gently run his fingers along your scalp. sometimes in the morning when you're sitting up on the edge of your bed to do your makeup, he'll come up from behind you and brush back your hair. might also press a kiss to the back of your neck.
helps you put on your face mask. when he's shopping, he will buy you lotion along with his own skincare products. says that it was just a convenient store run but you know he personally made sure to get you the best quality ones.
this is canon because i said so: when he gets out of the shower, he slings the towel over his neck or his shoulder. he also involuntarily flexes his biceps when he bends down to grab something. has the world's most defined deltoids.
when you're stuck in large crowds at the airport, he puts his hand in your back pocket to keep you two from getting separated. if the TSA pat-down is anywhere too personal for his liking, he will openly glare at the officer once you've passed the security checkpoint.
bonus point: when you two brush your teeth early in the morning, he has that little bed head where his shorn-off bangs stick up in cute little tufts here and there. will have a dead look on his face, but his eyes soften when he catches your gaze through the mirror.
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levenlike11 · 7 months
''... and! did you know otters hold each other's hands while sleeping to not get carried away in the water? i think it's so adorable - they look so cute all cuddled up and sleeping like they're almost hugging their loved ones! i bet they feel so soft and fluffy too-''
they cup your face with both hands and stare into your eyes. just as you were opening your mouth to ask what's up, they press their lips on yours. when they pull back, after seeing your surprised face, they think you were annoyed at them kissing you without your consent.
''please forget this ever happened. i'm sorry.'' they pout.
''already forgotten then.''
they analyse your face intently, with a gaze that feels like they're staring into your soul instead of your eyes. confused and not knowing what to say,
''i enjoyed that.'' you smile.
''oh. okay then-'' they proceed to crash their lips on yours again.
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nagi, rin (blue lock) levi, annie, hange (aot) todoroki, kirishima (mha) giyuu, tanjiro, obanai (demon slayer) megumi, geto, yuuta (jjk) draken (?) hakkai, yuzuha (tokyorev) kageyama, akaashi, kenma, suna, osamu (hq) and anyone else you'd like!
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yeonniesblog · 8 months
— bllk boys reaction to you pranking them with nudes/exposing picture and telling them it wasn't meant for them.
nsfw words used. slight ooc remarks but it's just for fun | masterlist
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this was requested by @joyfulenthusiastwitch
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bluelockmaniac · 25 days
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▯ synopsis. how bllk boys propose to you ★ ft. sae, rin, kaiser, nagi x fem!reader
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itoshi sae. private, no words, & silent romance.
sae taking you out on late-night, fancy dinner dates was a regular occurrence. what was unusual tonight, however, was the way his sharp gaze lingered keenly on your every movement as you slid on your thigh-high stockings.
the mattress dips next to you, and you glance up innocently to see your boyfriend, dressed in a simple yet elegant beige suit. he appeared as calm and composed as ever, yet there was something unfamiliar about his approach that you couldn't quite pinpoint.
to your surprise, he takes your hand, caressing it gently with his thumb before sliding an intricate diamond ring onto your ring finger. your breath hitches as he lifts your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on your knuckles. he peers up at you through his thick lashes, lacing his fingers through yours, chuckling softly at the sight of your ridiculously wide eyes.
but you feel something else, this time resting in your other hand's palm. two tickets to spain.
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itoshi rin. also private, but awkward.
it had been an entire hour since rin had asked you to leave your shared bedroom. you had complied without question, assuming that perhaps he needed time to analyze a football game to prepare for an upcoming match, and you perfectly understood how important his career was to him.
suddenly, you heard your boyfriend's peculiar, startling voice calling out to you from the room. you immediately turned off your television, dashing to the sound of his urgent words. you burst open through the door, only to abruptly collide into his firm chest. your hand flew to your face to rub your nose in pain, but you quickly noticed the slight quivering of his fingers as he shut the door behind you.
his eyes take you in with uncharacteristic nervousness, before strangely glancing away as his hand digs into his suit pocket . . . suit?
your mouth hangs open in shock as he fishes out a velvety crimson ring box. however, much to his dismay, his attempt at trying to open the small, lavish box fell short of his expectations as it slipped from his restless grip and hit the ground with a soft thud.
"fuck," he curses under his breath.
the white-gold tapered ring spun in its place momentarily, before coming to a rest in front of you.
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michael kaiser. semi-public, romantic.
you thought you would never catch kaiser dropping down on one knee to slip a pretty ring onto your finger. and you were right— you wouldn't.
a pair of cerulean eyes were glued to you as you gave your order to the waitress. their owner swirled his glass of champagne, a subtle, persistent smirk resting on his lips. you felt him brazenly intertwine his fingers with yours, gently rubbing your knuckles as you made an effort to quietly ignore his gesture.
kaiser took this opportunity, while your attention was on the waitress, to deftly maneuver a three-stone rose quartz ring onto your finger. you hadn’t even noticed the cold touch of the metal band around your skin, assuming it was just his cool fingertips.
as the waitress left, you glanced back at kaiser and furrowed your brows in embarrassment when you realized he had been staring at you intently this entire time. “what? is there something on my face?" you asked, tilting your head to the side.
he grins, setting his glass on the table before pulling out a red rose and tossing it to where you hand lay. “no, meine liebe,” he teased, pointing to your hand, “but there certainly is something on your finger.”
curious, you glanced down and almost immediately, a loud gasp escaped past your parted lips, drawing the attention of diners around you.
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seishiro nagi. straight to the point.
"mmh, baby, 'was your ring size?" he mumbles, adjusting his head on his comfortable pillow (your lap) slightly. your hand freezes, halting the pleasant motion of your fingers raking through his snowy white hair.
"heyyy..." he whines, poking your thigh gently, "keep going, don' stop..."
you quickly nudge his head, eliciting a low groan from the large man. "sei... are you planning to propose to me?" you ask, meeting his gaze with hope.
he pushes himself up, sitting cross-legged on the bed, then pulls you onto his lap. he blinks sleepily before sighing, then resting his hands on both of your cheeks. "i thought we were practically married, but reo kept nagging me about buyin' you a ring or something..."
he leans in closer, forehead meeting yours. he strokes your lip with his thumb before taking you by surprise with a lazy kiss. he pulls away and looks back at you, eyes wordlessly demanding answers.
"well?" he tilts his head. "will you marry me?"
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a/n: me personallyyy . . . all four will be accepted but a girl can dream .
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© 2024 bluelockmaniac — do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform !
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