#i did not have a stuffy nose before but i DEFINITELY don't have a stuffy nose now
theradicalace · 1 year
it is my god given right to eat a meal with a ferocity that leaves me wonder if it was me consuming the food or if the food was consuming me
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girlgenius1111 · 8 months
don't doubt us.
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ingrid x mapi x reader
r gets sick. mapi and ingrid get overprotective. r pushes herself too hard, but her girlfriends know what she needs better than she does
18+ smut!
It started with a rain game; everyone had gotten a bit of a cold from it, but it spiraled into something worse for you. Maybe because, at first, your girlfriends were sicker than you, so you'd ignored your own, milder symptoms, in favor of waiting on them hand and foot. As they got better, you got worse.
You'd gone to bed the night before with a slight fever, a dry cough, and a stuffy nose you were definitely playing down to Ingrid and Mapi. You woke up, however, to a hazy darkness around you, and one of your girlfriend's soft voices in your ear. You couldn't really focus on what she was saying, or really who was talking; all you could think was that you were too hot.
Ingrid had shaken Mapi awake a few minutes before, after waking up herself to the sound of you wheezing in your sleep. They'd listened carefully for a minute, before rolling you onto your back to try to improve your airflow. When you kept wheezing, Ingrid gently tried to rouse you.
"Elskling, wake up for me please," she said, watching as your eyes fluttered open and shut. You only groaned in response, turning on your side to roll into Mapi's chest. It was comfortable there, soft. Mapi smelled like... Mapi, like trees and fresh air, a scent you deeply related to feeling safe, and you weren't very interested in leaving that feeling behind.
"No, princesa, you need to wake up," the Spaniard said easing you again onto your back.
"Nooo," you whined pitifully, voice a raspy whisper, eyes tightly shut again.
"Sí, amor, venga," Mapi murmured, running a finger lightly over the creases in your forehead, wincing at the heat radiating off your skin. You cracked an eye open, about to tell your girlfriends to leave you alone, but instead, you broke into a violent coughing fit. The other girls hauled you up into a sitting position, hovering anxiously as you coughed, wheezing on every sharp inhale.
"Breathe, love," Ingrid said, rubbing her hand up and down your back. You could only shake your head at her. Your expression was one of panic as you realized you couldn't stop coughing. A hand on you cheek coaxed you to look away from Ingrid, and towards Mapi.
"Relax, mi niña, do not panic," Mapi encouraged, holding your face to keep your eyes on her. She over-exaggerated her own breaths, and your coughing slowly stopped. It took you a while to catch your breath, and your girlfriends seemed to be having a silent conversation around you. Ingrid handed you a glass of water, which you drank carefully. When you were done, you handed it back to Ingrid, leaning heavily into Mapi. Her tattooed arms wrapped around you, pulling you into her, and she couldn't help but notice the way your body shook, or the sound your chest made every time you breathed in. The Norwegian scooted closer to the both of you until you were squished in between them. You'd relaxed slightly, but you tensed back up at the words Ingrid spoke into your ear.
"We need to go to the doctor, love," she stated delicately. You opened your mouth to argue, but Mapi was talking before you could.
"No, no arguments. Your breathing sounds awful, you could have pneumonia."
You rolled your eyes. "I don't have pneumonia, don't be ridicu-" you were cut off by another coughing fit. Once you'd stopped coughing, you looked between the girls next to you. It was dark, and you couldn't make out much of their expressions, but both of them seemed to be looking at you expectantly.
You did have pneumonia, it turned out. How you were so sick was beyond you, but you couldn't argue much about the fuss Ingrid and Mapi were making over you, laid in a hospital bed with an oxygen mask pulled over your face. You thought it was overkill, and you'd tried to take it off, but Ingrid had looked like she might tape it to your face if you removed it, so you left it.
You were sleepy, but not quite comfortable enough to sleep. The IV pulled at your skin, and your lungs felt like they weren't expanding all the way. Mapi was dead asleep in a chair on your other side, her face resting next to where her hand held yours. Ingrid sat in a chair next to the bed, her fingers tracing patterns over your forehead. Your eyes kept fluttering shut, and you would start to drift off, but something would wake you; a pinch of pain from the needle in your hand, a beep from the monitor you were connected to, a loud voice from down the hall. You had startled back awake multiple times, and Ingrid sighed, knowing you needed to rest.
"Can I do something to make you more comfortable?" she whispered, minding the Spaniard's sleeping form on your other side. You briefly pulled the mask away from your face to answer her.
"You could get me out of here." You whispered back, ignoring the way Ingrid's expression tightened. Your inability to admit you weren't well was something that came up often in your relationship; it annoyed Ingrid and Mapi to no end, but they couldn't be mad at you, not really.
"Not gonna happen, elskling." Ingrid responds, kissing your cheek as you pout slightly. Struck with an idea, though, a smirk finds its way onto your face.
"Watch," you instruct Ingrid, before turning to Mapi.
"OW!" you cry, jerking your hand away from Mapi's. She jerks awake, sitting up in her chair, looking around frantically.
"What? What is it? What hurts?" she demands, eyes scanning you. You laugh, and Ingrid scolds you lightly. Mapi's eyes narrow, and she leans back in her chair, glaring at you. Ingrid pulls the mask back over your face, allowing it to snap into your skin just slightly. You're still laughing, and Ingrid shakes her head.
"Is that what I get for making you come to the hospital?" Mapi questions. You pull the mask away again, ignoring Ingrid's annoyed huff.
"No, that's what you get for sleeping when I'm the sick one, and I can't fall asleep." You're kind of joking, but Mapi's expression softens entirely, and she stands, gesturing for you to make room on the bed. With a confused look, you do, scooting over to the edge. The defender slips onto the bed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you until you're nestled against her.
"Better?" She asks. You turn to look at her, and melt a little at how adoringly she looks back at you. You nod in response, and she smiles, satisfied, kissing your forehead lightly. "Good. Rest now."
You nod again, resting your head against her chest. Your eyes find Ingrid, who is watching the 2 of you with a loving smile on her face. You reach your hand out, and she takes it, lacing her fingers with yours. You let out a long sigh, allowing your eyes to drift shut. They don't snap open this time, and you're sure it's because your girls have done everything possible to make you comfortable, and feel safe.
Your hospital stay is short lived, and your sent home with antibiotics after a day. Ingrid and Mapi take the following days off of training, insisting on staying home to take care of you. This, you get used to. They return to training a full week before you're even allowed back in the gym, and you quickly miss their doting care, kind touches.
By the time a week has passed, you're desperate to get back to normal with them, feeling heavily left out when they return from training together, even though they're always ecstatic to see you.
You think that returning to training would make things better, but you spend your days in the gym, while they are out on the pitch with the rest of the team. They got to spend all day together, while you were alone inside. You'd been so exhausted from being sick that you'd been sleeping more than usual, meaning you had even less time to spend with them. Combined with the fact that they'd been together before you'd gotten with them, you couldn't help but feel insecure.
You know you're being ridiculous, really. It's your job, and they're doing nothing, absolutely nothing, to warrant you feeling so neglected. Obviously, their care and concern for you had faded since you'd gotten better. You weren't really sure why you felt so distanced from them, but you're extremely tired of the feeling.
So, when the team doctor tells you that, technically, you can return to team training that afternoon, although another few days of light work wouldn't hurt, you jump at the chance. You expect your girlfriends to be excited for you, but when you tell them the news, making your way outside during a water break, you're met with frowns. They both think you should give it a few days, and your chest burns with hurt and embarrassment. Again, you know, in your brain, that they really are just concerned for your health. It still feels like rejection, though, and you replied harshly to them, storming off to the outdoor gym for the second session of the day, this time with the team.
Your frustration fuels you, and you fly through the workout. Ingrid and Mapi are watching you so carefully, which should make you feel better, but doesn't. You only push yourself harder, like you have something to prove. By the end, your girlfriends are staring daggers at you from across the gym, and you are sweating heavily, chest heaving as you catch your breath. Your teammates catch the tension between the 3 of you, and leave you all alone to deal with it.
You ignore Ingrid and Mapi completely as they try to check in with you, marching right past them into the locker room. You barely speak to them on the car ride home, at which point you can tell Ingrid is holding her anger back by a thread. You expect the slamming of the car door to be the last straw, as Ingrid has never been a fan of brattiness. You're right; Ingrid is whirling you around the second you get into the house, Mapi sighing and leaning back, a mere spectator for now. You go back and forth with Ingrid in circles, until you're both shouting, and not really listening to a word the other is saying.
"Because, elskling, you are supposed to be taking it easy," Ingrid yelled, not doing well to hide her frustration. Mapi sighed from where she stood against the wall, arms crossed, watching your guys' argument.
"I was cleared by the doctor, Ingrid, I don't need you hovering over me every second of everyday," you shouted back.
"Y/n-," Mapi started.
"- Do not speak to me like that, y/n. We are only looking out for you. I do not understand why you are being so reckless with your health, throwing yourself back into training like that."
"Jesus Ingrid, the physio said it was fine."
"The physio also said it wouldn't hurt to wait another week!"
"I couldn't wait any longer! If you just want to spend time alone together the 2 of you, you can just tell me that, instead of trying to force me into staying out another week," you cry, tears beginning to fall from your eyes.
"Y/n, what are you talking about? Of course we want to spend time with you," Mapi cut in, stepping inconspicuously next to Ingrid, and laying a hand on her arm. Ingrid looked stunned into silence.
"Well it doesn't feel like that. Both of you can just fuck off, and leave me alone, I don't need your permission to start training again, and I don't need you guys monitoring my every move," you snap, marching off towards the bedroom.
"Y/n!" Ingrid grabs your wrist as you pass by her, but you don't turn to face her. "We are not done here. You know what happens when you speak to us like that. We have rules for a reason, elskling, and you have broken several of them today." The Norwegian reminds you, speaking dangerously softly.
Instead of answering, you pull away from your girlfriend, stomping into the bedroom and slamming the door. You head right into the bathroom, turning the shower on, before sinking to the ground.
You know you're in for it when you leave the bathroom. You'd been rude and dismissive of your girlfriends all day, even though you knew, rationally, that they were just acting overprotective because they cared for you.
When both girls suggested you take another week to heal, and really give your lungs a rest, it felt like they just didn't want you at training with them. You hadn't even really heard them out before snapping at them to mind their own business, in front of most of the team. This, they probably could have let slide, but you kept up the attitude all the way home, culminating in a shouting match between you and Ingrid.
Your frustration also had another factor- your girlfriends hadn't touched you since you'd gotten sick, and you were aching for them. So, you used your frustration with them to fuel an argument, and acted in a way which you knew would mean a punishment. A punishment was what you thought you wanted. So, you shower quickly, trying to wipe your tears away before they stain your cheeks, preparing yourself for whatever Ingrid and Mapi have in store for you.
When you leave the bathroom you are met with your girlfriends waiting for you on the bed, speaking quietly to each other. They stop talking as soon as you walk in, and they don't miss how your eyes drop to the ground, or the way you're dressed in an assortment of their clothes. They hadn't realized, until your outburst, how neglected you'd been feeling. They were wrought with guilt over it, and determined to make it better, make you feel better. They weren't sure that a punishment was what you needed though.
Silently, you walked into the room, hesitating before opting to stand by the bed, instead of taking a seat next to them. You honestly didn't know how mad they were, but you expected them to be pretty upset at your behavior. Ingrid surprises you, though.
"Y/n, come here, darling," she says, and it's not what you're expecting. Ingrid's kind, gentle voice, not the voice she uses when she's about to punish you. Normally, that voice fills you with arousal, but today, this soft voice has the same effect. This is perhaps your first hint that you need something gentler than you are expecting to get.
You walk over to Ingrid, standing in between her legs. Even sitting down, she's almost eye level with you. You look at her, meeting her eyes for the first time that day, and once again don't find what you are expecting to. Her hands flutter over your cheeks, fingertips dancing around the dried tear tracks. Instead of saying anything, she pulls you in for a kiss, her lips meeting yours. It's sensual and heavy, her hands threading through your hair as she tries to put her love for you behind the kiss. Her lips work against yours steadily, tongue slipping in to press against yours, and Mapi watches as you melt against your girlfriend, almost boneless at her touch.
The Spaniard moves to stand behind you, pressing herself up against your body, sweeping your hair to the side and beginning to suck light marks into your neck. You moan into Ingrid's mouth, a sound she swallows, one hand dropping back to hold Mapi against you. You're breathless already, and Ingrid moves her lips from yours down to your neck, her and Mapi working hickeys into your skin from either side of you.
"Don't understand," you get out, trying to determine what their game is. This isn't normally how a punishment goes, especially not when you've broken multiple rules.
"What don't you understand, bonita?" Mapi whispers into your ear, and you suck in a breath at the feeling of her warm exhales on you.
"You're supposed to be punishing me," you say, tilting your chin down in accordance with Ingrid's suddenly insistent hand on your face.
"Do you think that's what you need, elskling? To be punished?" she husks. If they're trying to distract you, it's working. You can barely focus on anything either of them are saying, especially when the other's mouth is hot on your skin.
"Doesn't matter. I broke the rules, I should be punished," you say, not really understanding what they're getting at. Ingrid reattaches her lips to your skin as Mapi speaks again into your ear.
"I don't think you need to be punished. I think you need us to remind you how much we love you."
At this, you step back, sliding out from between them. They look at you searchingly, the panicked look on your face.
"I can take my punishment, I can be good," you say, and their faces melt into understanding.
"We know you can, bonita. You are so good for us."
"We haven't been paying you enough attention, that's why you broke the rules. We want to make that up to you, okay?"
"But the punishment,"
"Forget about the punishment. We only care about making you feel good, reminding you how much we need you."
You look between them, surprised. They are rarely on the same side in the bedroom, one preferring to be rough while the other prefers to be soft. They switch off in these rolls, letting the other take control when they want to. Today, though, they seem to be on the same side, convinced you need them to remind you that they love you. Which, you suppose, you do. You've felt the opposite this week, something they've figured out.
"Okay" you whisper, stepping back towards them. They both smile at you, allowing you to slip back between them. You're leaning down, intent on resuming your kiss with Ingrid, but she stops you.
"Is this what you want, darling? We don't have to do anything, we can just cuddle and talk, if that's what you need." she says, stroking your cheek gently with the pads of her fingers.
"No," you say, breathless at the thought of them stopping. "No, I want you both, please,"
"You have us, niña bonita, always." Mapi promises, lips pressing lightly against your ear as she speaks. You shudder at the feeling. Ingrid's lips meet yours again, and she kisses you harder this time, teeth nipping at your bottom lip, tongue sliding aggressively into your mouth. She takes full control, running her hands up and down your sides. You pull away, reaching back for Mapi, and guiding them towards each other. They comply, lips finding each other in a hot and messy kiss. This is about you, yes, and there’s nothing more that you love than watching your girlfriends together. Watching them take each other apart. Unlike with you, Ingrid does not immediately dominate the kiss. Mapi's hand wraps lightly around Ingrid's throat, other arm possessively holding you against her, and Ingrid shudders, allowing Mapi to deepen the kiss.
You watch them for a couple minutes before you can't help the needy whimper slipping past your lips. They break away from the kiss at the sound of it, both turning to you, cheeks swollen and pupils dilated.
"Don't worry, beautiful girl, we haven't forgotten about you," Ingrid assures, voice deep and filled with arousal. "Let us take care of you, yes? You just relax, let us fuck that pretty pussy," she continues, tugging your pants down your legs. You nod, unable to form words. They both smirk at you, before Ingrid is tugging your top off, leaving you completely naked, and Mapi is darting off to the drawer where you keep the toys.
The Norwegian doesn't waste any time, guiding you onto your back on the bed, and settling in between your legs. Ingrid sighs at the sight of you, already wet and ready for her. She lazily strokes a finger up and down your center, smiling up at you. Mapi returns to the bed, in just a sports bra and shorts, strap and dildo in hand. She sets them on the bed, sitting down next to you. She spreads your legs farther for Ingrid.
"How does she look, princesa?" She asks Ingrid, hand stroking across your chest.
"So wet for us." Ingrid replies, before diving in, mouth attaching itself to your cunt. You let out a keening wine, back arching at first contact.
"Already making such pretty sounds for Ingrid, hmm?" Mapi hums, fingers moving to tweak your nipples. "You must have needed us so badly, bebé." Mapi say sympathetically.
"So bad, need you so bad," you reply, barely coherent as Ingrid's mouth works against you. Her tongue is dipping inside, pressing in and out of your entrance, nose rubbing just slightly against your clit. Your hands find their way into Ingrid's black hair, intertwining with the thick strands. Ingrid increases her pace, encouraged, and you're close embarrassingly fast. She moves her mouth, focusing her tongue on your clit, before taking it into her mouth and sucking.
"Fuck, Ingrid," you try to warn her, but your words are cut off as the waves of pleasure begin to increase in intensity.
"Are you gonna come already?" Mapi whispers in your ear, just a hint of teasing detectable in her voice. You can only nod, as Ingrid sucks harder on your clit, pushing you over the edge. Your legs clamp down on her head, and your whole body shudders as she works you through it. Mapi has attached her lips to your nipple, suckling lightly as you come down from your orgasm. You blink your eyes open after a minute, looking down to see Ingrid resting her face on your thigh, face smeared with your slick, lips upturned as she watches Mapi work at your chest.
Your orgasm has done very little to satisfy you, and you reach for Mapi almost desperately. She looks up as your hand tugs on her face insistently.
"Sí?" she asks, pretending to be exasperated at being taken away from one of her favorite activities.
"I need you," you whine, and Mapi takes pity on you, pulling away from your chest. She nods at Ingrid, and you are amazed at their ability to communicate, without words. Ingrid stands, tugging her clothes off, before climbing back to settle against the pillows. You're busy staring at her, at the way her fingers move down to lightly play with her own pussy, when Mapi pulls your legs, until they're hanging off the edge of the bed. She's strapped up, and she's peeling her bra off. Her breasts sit perkily, nipples pebbled, on her chest as she looks down at you hungrily. Ingrid has a perfect view of you both, you realize.
"You want my fingers first?" she asks, knowing that sometimes you enjoy the stretch of her cock in you, loving when she fucks you open, slow and steady. This is one of those times.
"No, please, your cock," you beg, gazing up at her with desire written clear across your face. Mapi smiles, before flipping you onto your stomach. Your legs hold you up, and your eyes meet Ingrid's, who is settled on the bed just a couple feet away from you. Her eyes are dark, trained on your ass pressing back into Mapi.
Mapi quickly covers the dildo in lube, before running it up and down your core teasingly. She presses into your hole achingly slowly, centimeter by centimeter. The stretch burns perfectly, and you grip the sheets in your hands, letting out a low groan at the feeling.
"How does she feel?" Ingrid husks, carefully watching Mapi as she teases her own entrance with one finger.
"So tight, so fucking perfect," Mapi grunts, pushing in further and further.
"And you elskling? How does María feel inside of you?" The Norwegian questions. Ingrid loves this, really loves this. Watching Mapi fuck you, making you both tell her how good the other feels.
"Perfect, she's perfect," you manage to stutter. Mapi speeds up then, bottoming out inside of you. Normally, this position is one in which Mapi rails you. It doesn't seem like that's her goal today, though, as she keeps her strokes deep and hard. She's hitting your spot with every stroke, hips audibly smacking into your ass.
"I want you to come with me, elskling, understand?" Ingrid questions, and you force your eyelids open. Ingrid is working two fingers in and out of herself, other hand playing with her clit. You nod, and Mapi speeds up, just slightly. Her hand is on your ass, then, and she's spreading your cheeks, finger stroking over your second hole. You've played around with anal before, but never spontaneously like this, and Mapi pauses, finger pressed lightly over your asshole, waiting for the go ahead.
"Yes?" she asks, leaning down to leave a kiss on your shoulder blade.
"Yes, jesus, yes Mapi," you moan, and she presses her finger into you, knuckle by knuckle. She moves it slowly, and you're tight enough that one finger is perfect. You feel her in your ass and in your pussy, and you feel yourself hurtling towards the edge. You're looking at Ingrid, who's fingers are fucking into herself fast, and you can tell she's close. She's letting out little moans, inhaling deep breaths. Behind you, Mapi is apparently close too, as she's now grinding the strap into you slightly, something you know she does when she's trying to get off.
"I'm close," you cry, "please, please can I come," you beg, and Ingrid bites her lip, watching as pleasure takes over your face, eyes shutting, mouth falling open as Mapi fucks you.
"Come." Ingrid says, and you do, walls tightening around Mapi's cock until she can barely move inside of you, finger in your ass stilling as well. Mapi presses in one final time, holding you tight against her as she comes too, with a long moan of your name. Ingrid finishes on her fingers, body jerking as she works herself through the aftershocks.
You're exhausted, whole body tingly, and you go limp on the mattress, breath stuttering. You whimper as Mapi pulls out and disappears into the bathroom. Ingrid pulls you up the bed, waiting until you come back down a little to hand you water. Mapi returns, 2 washcloths in hand to clean you both up, which she does with soft care, leaving light, loving kisses to each of your thighs and stomachs, finishing with a light peck to your lips.
Your head is empty, laying on your stomach on the bed, face turned towards Ingrid. You feel Mapi settle on your other side, and she presses up against you, nuzzling her nose into your neck. Ingrid slides down on your other side, hand cupping your cheek.
"You feel better?" she asks, and you know she doesn't mean physically.
"Yes." They'd successfully made you forget what you were upset about It seems ridiculous, suddenly, that you worried that either of them didn't want you around. "I love you both."
Both girls murmur the words back to you, and Ingrid tugs the covers up over your bodies. Your limbs are all tangled with each others and you don't know where you end, and they begin. It's always like this, after sex. You feel so connected to them, as they've reminded you that they know your body better than you do. It was exactly what you needed today, and you're even more reassured. They knew you didn't need to be punished, even though you were acting as you you were. They've made their care for you evident. You promise yourself that you'll never doubt it again.
i’ve been writing this for so long you don’t know how happy i am for it to be done
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Despite being a hopeless romantic omega Steve thinks that the whole true mates thing is bullshit. Your true mate is supposed to smell like home. But Steve can't imagine anyone ever smelling like the Harrington residence. The big, empty house reeks of stale air and cleaning supplies, artificial and chemical. Acrid and acidic almost reminiscent of the way an omega in distress smells. But it's just bleach keeping the unused kitchen counters pristine and the cold hallway tiles spotless. Steve really can't imagine anyone's scent smelling like that. Scent blockers are mandatory at school and Steve doesn't really interact with enough adults to be 100% certain but from the few scents he has smelled, none of them have had that hint of bitter bile.
Nancy smells like geraniums and gunpowder in the air like sparklers lit ten seconds to midnight on New Year's Eve, like possibilities and giddiness. Even after they break up there is some comfort in her scent. It's the first time Steve learns that an alpha's scent can be soft and gentle and not smell sharp like burned milk and suffocate the entire room the alpha is in.
At some point Steve becomes glad that his father is never home, relishing being able to breathe. His mother's scent isn't any better. Where is father's scent is biting, hers is overtly sweet. So sweet it's almost sickening. Something's always smelled off about it, fake too. Like artificial violets and stevia. Not that artificial always smells bad.
Robin's scent is a mixture of blue raspberry and newly bought books and Steve hopes that whenever he finally has the guts and the means to move out his next apartment is going to smell like her. They'll never be true mates, he knows that. But as far as platonic soulmates go Robin definitely is the one.
By far Steve's favorite but also most confusing scent is Eddie. Because Eddie smells just like his trailer. Like literally exactly like his trailer. Any room he walks in instantly fills with the scent of fresh coffee and beans on toast. Sun-warmed air and hints of weed. Laughter, if laughter had a smell. Drug store brand hair products and denim and leather. Corduroy cushions and cold crispness that nightfall at the end of summer brings. It's lovely and always mixed with the kids' scents or Nancy's or Robin's. Occasionally, Jocye's and Jonathan's too. For some reason, it all just clings to Eddie like cookie crumbs to syrup-soaked, sugar-sticky fingers. Steve never met anyone who's smelt so much like other people. When he mentions it to Robin she gives him an odd look.
"I think Eddie smells just like Eddie?" she says before adding slowly. "But ya know, beta nose, I don't smell much."
"But you agree that he smells exactly like his trailer right?" Steve asks. Robin's look grows even odder.
"People don't smell like the place they live in," she says slowly. "Scents are more complicated. Maybe Eddie's place just smells a lot like him because it's small and stuffy and he is always in."
"The trailer isn't sticky!" Steve has the need to defend Eddie's trailer. Robin has never been at the Harrington house when Steve's parents have been home, she has no idea what stuffy means.
Robin just hums and thinks for a second. "Does the trailer ever smell like Wayne?"
Wayne smells like gasoline and tobacco, laundry detergent and asphalt that has been rained on, what did Dustin call that smell? Petrichor? It's as comforting as a blanket and hot chocolate during a thunderstorm, reassuring words and fairy tales read in silly voices. Wayne smells like a childhood Steve never had. But the trailer doesn't smell much like Wayne. There is always a faint hint, the same way there is always a faint hint of the rest of their mismatched pack. But that's only because Eddie smells like pack and Eddie's trailer smells like Eddie. Just like Eddie!
Steve tells Robin exactly that and she grows quiet. It's always worrying when she grows quiet, usually always so quick to chatter. She doesn't share her thoughts, says she only has a thesis, not ready to share it yet. Or maybe Steve is not ready to hear it yet. He gets an idea hough of what her thesis might be when they lock up family video.
"You headed straight home after dropping me off" Robin asks as she puts the last returned tapes back on the shelves.
"Yes, Eddie said he is making chilli, so hurry up," Steve says, his stomach already growling.
"Is he cooking at yours?"
"No, at the trailer, why would he be cooking at mine?" Steve asks, wondering where Robin got such a weird idea that Eddie might be - oh. Steve had kinda referred to the trailer as home, hadn't he? It's like a row of dominos toppling over, revealing a beautiful picture once the very last one has fallen. Eddie is at the trailer. The trailer, which Steve thinks of as home. Home, that Eddie smells of. Steve is well aware of his feelings for Eddie. Has been crushing on him since Eddie pressed a bottle to his throat, but somehow despite the smell of alpha in distress filling the boat house, there had been something comforting about Eddie's scent. Something familiar, like coming back as an adult to a place you last visited as a child and the smell of memories hanging in the air. The buzzing feeling sitting at the bottom of Steve's spine, I have known you before.
Steve has never rushed so much to drop Robin off before breaking several speed limits on his way to Eddie's trailer. He basically runs inside, not bothering to knock, knowing the door is open. The smell of home engulfs him like the arms of a beloved would. Steve's beloved stands at the stove, string chilli, looking up and smiling so sweetly at Steve as if Steve's presence has been that one missing piecing, the special ingredient, all along.
"Hello sweetheart," Eddie says and it makes Steve's breath stock.
Eddie calls him sweetheart all the time, it doesn't mean anything. But what if it does? Steve is always quick to throw himself at danger, the pack gets hurt over his dead body. He takes it all, the punches, the drugs, the monsters. It makes him seem brave. Self-destructive, self-sacrificing, stupid but brave. Only that he isn't brave, not really. He loves too much to think twice about things, but if he took his time, weighed out whether he should really jump in front of a gun, Steve would be shaking with fear. Fortunately, there is no gun in Eddie's hand aimed at him, only a wooden spoon and the ask to taste, see if anything is missing. Steve lets himself be fed, has to suppress a moan because the chilli is perfect. It only makes Eddie smile more and despite Steve's breath becoming shallow he decides to be brave.
"Hey, what do I smell like to you?" Steve asks. It's a taboo question, frowned upon by most people, you don't just ask about your own scent. But Eddie isn't most people and happily indulges Steve.
"When I still lived with my parents," he says as he starts plating their food. "My mum would take me to this diner around the corner every time she and my dad would have a fight. There was this waitress, Franny, she'd always come over and bring me a piece of apple pie and crayons and coloring books while she was trying to talk my mum into leaving my dad probably. I don't really know, I was busy coloring. Like I knew something bad was happening and things were shitty for my mom, but I loved going to the diner. It was my little bubble of comfort when I was a child. That's what you smell like: apple pie heavy on the cinnamon and crayons. Little bit over strong filter coffee every now and then too. You kinda smell like..." Eddie stops, suddenly realizing what exactly Steve smells like.
He looks at Steve, mouth gaping slightly. There are tears in Steve's eyes. All his life he thought he smelt just like his parents' house. Like murky water and dust-covered floors. Like the rot of something falling apart. Like something broken. Eddie is crossing the room in an instant, gently wiping Steve's tears away with his thumb.
"You smell like home to me too," Steve confesses and suddenly he no longer is the only one crying.
He is in the arms of the alpha he loves, the alpha who loves him back, surrounded by the smell of home. They don't say I love you, don't have to. You are home already conveys all the emotions they are otherwise unable to put into words. Instead Eddie almost shyly asks,
"Can I kiss you?" And when Steve nods and Eddie's lips meet his, Eddie finds out that Eddie tastes just like home too.
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sammy-is-not-smiley · 2 years
Let It Hurt (Pt 2)
Steve Harrington x fem!reader (afab)
Summary: Steve has been your best friend for years despite his douchery in early high school. You would tell him anything... well, anything except for the fact that you've been feeling his physical pain since elementary school. The way he finds out is less than ideal. But he's been keeping secrets of his own...
Word Count: 5.2k (I went nuts lol)
Warnings/Tags: Soulmate au (kinda), language, no use of (y/n), depictions of severe pain, depictions of torture, injuries mentioned, crying, kind of a breakdown, angst, a period is mentioned so reader is afab, set in season 3, soulmates to lovers, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort (yes there's eventually comfort this time, I promise)
A/N: GOOD GOD Y'ALL I did not expect the last one to absolutely blow up. I've gained like an extra 100 followers from all this so thank you so much. I wouldn't have written something so loved if I hadn't gotten a request. If you have an idea you wanna entrust me to write, don't hesitate to jump in my asks! I love hearing from people. (p.s. angst is my favorite to write) Now here's your part 2!
Part 1: Right Here!
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You awoke to echoes of screaming. You didn't want to open your eyes, the light in the room behind your eyelids was already making your head throb with a vengeance.
"Help!! Someone, help!" Robin's desperate voice rang out, the sound bouncing off the walls and judding into your skull. It was then you realized you were sat up, straps compressing your legs, arms, and chest. You were bound even more than before.
"Hey, would you stop yellin'?" You heard Steve's voice grumble behind you.
It took you a moment to register it was him, but when you did, a small light of hope lit up in your chest. You lifted your head up slightly, trying to take in a breath. The pain in your head stemmed down your neck now. In fact, it encapsulated your entire skull.
"Steve! Oh my god," Robin exclaimed, still a bit too loud for your taste.
"Steve?" You croaked out.
"Oh my god! Oh my god, you're both awake," She chuckled slightly, simply out of disbelief. "Both awake. Um, are- are you okay?"
You shook your head no as if she could see from where she sat behind you.
Steve took in a breath. "My ears are ringing, I can't really breathe, and my eye feels like it's about to pop out of my skull…"
"That checks out," You muttered, not intending for anyone to hear. Nobody seemed to.
"But you know, apart from that… I'm doing pretty good." He finished, his nose sounding stuffy. They really liked hitting his nose.
Robin let out a breath. "Alright, well, the good news is they're calling a doctor for you both."
There was a moment of silence before Steve registered her words. "Both?" You felt him turn slightly in your direction. "They hurt you?"
"No," You quickly replied.
"Wait, I thought-"
"Robin, shush," You snapped too loud, making your head throb again.
It was silent once more as Robin connected the dots. Steve didn't know, and you didn't want him to know. "Right, no, I meant… I meant just for you Steve."
"They didn't hurt me," You tried to reinforce. "Robin's just… tired."
"Oh." He uttered, clearly confused.
"Hey, guys," Robin changed the subject. "I have an idea. Steve, you see that table to your right?"
You felt Steve turn his head to your side.
"No, your other right."
"Oh," Steve looked the other way. Apparently the table was behind where you sat.
"You see those scissors?"
"I think if we moved at the same time, we could move over there, I could maybe kick the table, and knock them into my lap."
You snorted, turning your head in her direction. "They left scissors in here with us?"
"What morons," Steve laughed. He was definitely letting on that he was doing better than he felt.
At the count of three, you all scooched in unison, Steve and Robin to their side, you backwards. Just as you finally were seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, only a mere few feet from the table, you all over shot your momentum. All together as a unit, the chairs slid out from under you and you all fell to the floor with a hefty clank of the chairs.
At first you groaned, but then a grin slowly spread across your face. "Shit," You giggled with no choice but to look up at the ceiling as you laid on your back. This was all insane. Absolutely insane.
Robin was obviously feeling the same as she began giggling as well. She shook under you, small squeaks bubbling from her.
"You- You guys okay?" Steve asked, clearly not gathering what could be so funny to you both.
"This is fucking ridiculous," You half suppressed a laugh.
You felt Robin nodding. "I can't believe I'm gonna die in a secret Russian base in a sailor costume." You could hear the smile on her face, jovial despite the situation. The comment only made you laugh harder.
Just as your giggles died down, the door burst open once again and men flooded the room. Your giddy moods were cut short, instantly replaced with terror. Over you now stood a man in uniform, obviously some sort of high ranking official, probably the man in charge. He towered over you, shaking his head and tutting.
"You wake up too, eh? Good," He smirked, looking over the predicament you three had gotten yourselves into. "Where did you think you were going?"
He gestured with his hand, motioning the men in the room to lift you all back upright in your chairs.
"P-please-" You nearly whimpered when sat back up, nothing on your mind but to simply beg. What for, you weren't sure yet, but you were scared and desperate.
"Let us try again," The man said, ignoring your plea. Slowly, he circled around you all, like a predator observing prey, before making it back around to Steve.
Your eyes followed the man as he brought his hand up and thumbed Steve's busted lip. Not only did it elicit a wince from Steve, but you as well.
Your stomach dropped as soon as it happened, making you quickly turn your head away from the man hoping he didn't notice. However, the tingling on your neck told you he had, and he was staring right at you.
"Don't touch him," You breathed. It came out a lot less menacing than you intended.
The man hummed, standing up straight again and murmured something in Russian to one of the men. You watched as the guard walked over to Steve, grabbing him by the hair and raising a fist.
"Wait, stop!" You jolted, fighting against your restraints.
Steve struggled as well, gritting his teeth. "No, no, no, no-"
"Shush!" The general yelled, driving a spike of pain into your skull. He leaned down in front of you, eyes squinted, analyzing you for a moment. Then a question. "Who do you work for?"
"Scoops Ahoy," You responded like it was obvious.
Without hesitation, the guard over Steve delivered a swift blow to the eye socket. You yelped in pain as Steve groaned, now being held up by his hair. You on the other hand were allowed to drop your head, once again tasked with withstanding the pain.
Your breath stuttered in your throat. "Please, s-stop, it… It hurts…"
The general tilted his head, then grasped your chin roughly, tilting your head up and tilting from side to side as he examined you. There were no notable injuries on your person. Other than squinting the same eye as Steve's bruised one, not a scratch was on you. You wanted to kick yourself when you realized he took notice of it, glancing between you and Steve.
His brow was together in thought as he once again gave a command you didn't understand.
Another punch to Steve's jaw made you flinch in the general's hand, pitifully letting out a sob.
Another command, another punch, right into Steve's aching ribs.
If not for the straps holding you upright, you would have once again doubled over. Instead you only moved slightly against the mans hand, your abdomen visibly tensing.
"Stop! Stop it, you bastards!" Robin screamed, however to no avail as she was promptly ignored.
The general let you go as you silently suffered again, standing upright and smiling down at you. "Very interesting…"
The men scattered around the room as soon as another command was uttered from the man's mouth. Hands surrounded you all as the men tugged and removed the straps holding you as a unit only to strap you down again, individually in each of your chairs this time. They pushed Robin into the corner of the room, then grabbed Steve and slid him in front of you to face you. Only then did you see the extent of his wounds. Dried blood smeared on his face from an obvious nose bleed, uniform stained red, his eye a deep shade of purple and nearly swollen shut. Anger bubbled over inside you at the sight, making you finally find your voice.
"Don't touch him, he's had enough!"
The general simply smiled at you as he pulled a red handkerchief from his pocket, then circled around behind you.
The last thing you saw was Steve, worry written all over his face. Then you were shrouded in darkness as the handkerchief was pulled over your eyes, secured at the back of your head.
"What are you doing?" Steve panted as he watched. "Don't you dare hurt her, I swear, if you do anything to her-"
"Oh, not to worry," The man behind you interrupted dismissively. You could hear his footsteps walking around you back to Steve. Your teeth began to chatter as your adrenaline was surely hitting its peak now.
What did they not want you to see?
"We will not hurt her. Only you will."
"Just sit. Watch your friend carefully, hm?"
It was silent for a moment before there were footsteps again, then Steve burst to life. "What is that? Wait, no, stop, get that away- Agh!"
Pain instantly webbed over two of your fingers as if they were slowly being crushed by a tool. You fought your restraints and flexed the hand in question, small whimpers emitting from you helplessly.
The pain gradually got worse as Steve yelled and begged, as did you. Then it steadied to a single ongoing pain. "Stop-" A cry slipped from you.
"Where is the pain, little one?" The man called over to you.
You shook your head, mostly in confusion, but the man interpreted it as resistance.
The pain fluctuated, making you lurch. "Agh- Th-the hand! His fingers, the first two fingers," You sobbed in defeat. "Stop, stop, please stop, make it stop…"
The pain was relieved then, if only enough to assure you they weren't going to break Steve's fingers. The ache of a bruise would remain and you flexed your hand again as if it would help. You still let out a sigh of relief.
Light stung your eyes when the blindfold was pulled off, now soaked with tears. When your eyes adjusted, you looked up to meet the half swollen gaze of Steve. Realization, hurt, sympathy, horror, all of it was draped over his face like a thick veil as he stared back at you. You looked down and saw the red impressions on his fingers from whatever had been clamped down on them. Next to him stood a man in white, a metal tool held in his hand.
The general stood there, holding Steve's head up by the hair to watch you. The man's grin was borderline psychotic. "Congratulations, you were correct."
You closed your eyes and lowered your head, teeth still chattering. The jolly expression on the official's face told you he planned on using this new information completely against you. Especially the longer you overstayed your welcome.
The man in power looked over to the man in the white overcoat, the man you assumed was supposed to be the doctor Robin mentioned. Another command in Russian, and the doctor walked to the table behind you. You couldn't bring yourself to look up at anyone, especially Steve.
"Now, try telling the truth this time, yes?" The general asserted as he wandered his eyes over each one of you. They pulled Robin up next to you both again. "It will make your visit with Doctor Zharkov less painful."
Your body swayed slightly before you let yourself lean back onto the side of the ambulance, watching the smoke rise. The mighty Starcourt was completely destroyed. Destroyed by a-… Well, you had yet to fully comprehend what it was and the events that had even transpired. All you were able to understand clearly was that you were alive, along with a couple adults, a group of middle schoolers, and your co-workers…. Could you technically call them co-workers now? Maybe just leaving it to friends was safer to say.
Your stomach was still a little queasy from whatever drug that doctor had injected you with, and your muscles ached from overexertion. Your eyes were so heavy they felt swollen, yet you knew if you laid down, sleep wouldn't come to you easily. Watching the last remaining flames and the smoke ahead of you was mesmerizing. Like you were sleeping with your eyes open.
The moment was broken as your face twitched a little in pain. Steve must have accidentally scratched his stitches again.
You hadn't looked at him since you all threw up in the bathrooms together. In fact, once you were sober, you had walked out claiming to need another drink of water from the fountain. After that, events happened so quickly you could hardly keep up. You were grateful at the time to have had something to distract you both with. Even now you were trying to distract yourself.
Bringing your hand up to your face you rubbed your forehead, a headache still refusing to leave you and Steve be. You'd come to accept that the pain probably wouldn't subside for a while.
Robin rounded the ambulance, wrapped in a security blanket. Her eyes were still red and it was clear she needed sleep as badly as you. Yet there you both were, still up and running.
"Hey… They look over you already?" Her voice was more gravely than usual, most likely from all the yelling she had done while you all were held hostage.
You nodded, still gazing at the wrecked mall. "Other than a couple bruises, I'm fine."
"Mm-hm," She hummed, clearly unconvinced.
She rested her shoulder on the ambulance, leaning in closer. "Look… I don't fully understand a lot of what's happened, but I do think you need to talk to Steve. At least before we go home."
You sighed begrudgingly. You knew that was probably what you should do, yet all you wanted to do was hide from him. "What would I even say, Rob?" You mumbled.
She snorted then, causing you to look at her. "Dude, all you'd probably have to say to him is 'hi' before he'd do all the talking. He always has shit to talk about."
It was your turn to snort. "Yeah, sure…" You sniffled then, guilt blossoming in your chest. "It's… It's because of me they hurt him more…"
"Yeah… I-I mean no!" She caught herself, making you smile. "That all was just…. It was…. A lot. What was all that? With the Russians I mean, and the blindfold?"
By this point, and with everything you had gone through together, you thought Robin could handle what you've kept to yourself for so long. After all, your empathy with Steve was by far the tamest secret of the night.
You let your head rest back on the ambulance and closed your eyes. "I've been able to feel his pain ever since I was a kid," You let out in a breath.
When it was silent for longer than you liked, you looked to her worriedly. She was simply staring at you, looking as though she were thinking.
"You can feel his pain? Like, all of it?"
You nodded. "Physical, yeah."
It took her a moment more, hugging herself in the blanket as she thought. "That…. Makes sense actually." She snapped her fingers and pointed. "That's why they did that stuff, they tested you!"
You nodded, a shadow of gloom over your brow.
"And that's…. Why you passed out. Because he passed out."
Another nod.
"And he doesn't know, does he?"
You couldn't help but give a grin then, not one of joy, but more out of nihilism. "Of course not."
"And why, exactly?"
"I don't know, I just…. Got into the habit of keeping it from him. I think in general I was just scared. Scared I would scare him away or make life harder somehow." You hugged yourself, finding it hard to look at even Robin now. "I couldn't lose him… or bear him not believing me."
Robin began giggling, catching you off guard.
She shook her head, dragging a hand down her tired face in exasperation. "I seriously doubt he would do any of that, especially after tonight. Also, you weren't in the bathroom when he talked about you."
"Talked about me?"
"Mm-hm," She nodded. "You're not the only one keeping secrets."
Your eyes widened and you pushed yourself off the ambulance. "The hell does that mean?"
"Nope, no more," She put her hands up defensively, "I wash my hands of this, I'm not enabling you any further."
"Oh, come on, Rob-"
"No! The only way you'll get more is if you talk to him yourself," She smirked. "Or do I have to actually drag you over there?" Her thumb thrown over her shoulder, she pointed to Steve in the neighboring ambulance, speaking with the paramedic. For the first time you looked past her to gaze at Steve, his shoulders sagged as he had an arm wrapped around his abdomen. You could feel the bruised ribs he was cradling.
You looked back at Robin, giving her a small pout. She returned it, although much more sarcastically. Simultaneously, you both broke out in smiles and giggles.
"You're a dick," You said, shaking your head.
"Only when you guys are idiots."
You rolled your eyes, turning to glance at Steve again. This time you caught him already looking at you, swollen eye and all. He raised his hand ever so slightly to offer a tiny wave, as if he were scared he would drive you away again.
You gave a tiny wave back.
"Fine," You muttered, walking past Robin and making your way over to him, eyes trained in the ground.
From this angle, the police car lights flickered blue and red over Steve's face, almost hiding the fact he was covered in purple bruises. Slowly you slipped next to him, sitting on the bumper between the open doors. Loose gravel crunched under your feet on the asphalt.
A shiver ran up your spine, but you weren't sure if it was from the breeze or your nerves.
"So, uh, Robin said I should talk to you."
He nodded, a single strand of grimy hair bouncing to his forehead. "Yeah, she told me to talk to you too."
You blew a puff of air out of your nose in a laugh. "Was that when you wouldn't stop talking about me in the bathrooms?"
Steve let out a laugh then, scratching the back of his head. "She told you what I said, huh?"
"Nah. Only that you said stuff. She left me on a cliffhanger just to get me to come over and talk to you," You dryly chuckled.
"Hm," He replied, "So you were kind of ignoring me after we got out."
You grimaced, looking down at your beat up shoes. "Yeah… Look, I'm sorry, I really didn't wan-"
"Why didn't you tell me?" He interjected, turning to look right at you.
"... Tell you...?"
He scoffed and shook his head in disbelief. "That you can feel this," He lifted his arm and pinched it.
Your hand balled into a fist at the pain and you looked away. Why were you still so scared? Why did you still feel so shameful about all of this?
"You figured that out, huh?"
Steve shifted himself closer, close enough now that your shoulders were touching. "I'm not upset, okay? I just…" He sighed. "It's all so crazy. How long have you been able to feel it— When I hurt?"
You chuckled lightly. "A while. Since like elementary school."
"Shit," His hand reached out and grasped yours. "Look, if I had known, I would've-"
"I know-"
"No, you don't," He turned himself to you, bare knee bumping yours. "You really don't know. You don't know how much I would have done differently. How much more I would've cared, how I would have treated you better, how I would have… How I would have stood up to my dad somehow…" He paused, then cleared his throat. "I wouldn't have thrown myself into fights as much if I knew you were out there feeling everything, thinking you couldn't say a thing about it. If I had known, I would've realized you understood me more than literally anyone I've ever met."
You could feel your nose begin to tingle, a clear warning of tears threatening to bubble up. You pursed your lips, not trusting yourself to reply.
Steve scooched even closer, his knee now pulled up and resting behind your back, his other on the ground. He smelled of sweat, smoke, and blood, yet somehow a small wisp of his cologne still lingered. It all mixed together into a scent that would only ever remind you of this night.
His warm hand left yours to delicately glide up your opposing cheek. You sniffed as he pulled your face to turn and look at him.
"If you had told me, I would have told you that I've felt things too."
Your brow softened when your eyes went round, your heart sinking to your stomach. "Things?"
His face went downcast for a moment, as if in some sort of regret. "Remember when you dislocated your wrist in 3rd grade? And I went and got help?"
You nodded. You remembered the teacher had come to help you after Steve ran off, but then he didn't come back. The next time you saw him wasn't until school the next day. You had been upset that he hadn't come back with the teacher to help or even come over to your house to see if you were okay after school. He had apologized when you went off on him, but that was all. As kids, it was easy to just forgive and move on. Play the next game of tag.
"You were pissed at me… I ran and hid from you because I felt it too." He scratched his chin, looking off at the demolished mall. "That was the first time. It freaked me the hell out. I felt when it happened, and I felt when they popped it back in a few hours later at the hospital. I could tell when you bumped it wrong or strained it. I could feel it all." He looked you dead in the eyes then. "And everything after that."
You shook your head, your brow laden with confusion as you put your hand over his on your face. "You never said anything either…"
He smiled softly and shrugged. "I didn't think you had to know. To be honest, I thought it was all just some weird hallucination or something."
Your expression shifted into one of disapproval.
"Oh don't you even," His smile grew at you, "You're just as guilty for not telling me."
"Yeah, I…. I know… I'm sorry," You muttered, the wounds scattered over his face taunting you again. While only a few hits had been delivered upon the discovery that Russian general had made about you, all of the injuries hurt the same. Both physically and otherwise. "I guess we all have our secrets."
Steve moved his other hand to cradle your face fully, his face moving closer to nearly rest his forehead on yours. While smiling only a second before, his eyes were now filled with something more serious. Something you had never seen directed at you before. It made your attention on him freeze and heat rise to the back of your neck.
"Well, while we're confessing secrets… Can I let one more slip?"
You couldn't tear your eyes away from his, which you quickly noticed kept darting down to your lips. Was he really doing this?
"You… have another?" You squeaked, voice barely audible.
He nodded. "If you'll let me show you?"
You dumbly nodded back, your mouth slightly agape and eyes as round as a couple of full moons.
He leaned in, finally resting his forehead onto yours, one of his hands sliding down to the nape of your neck. When your noses bumped he turned his head slightly, fitting your faces together like a puzzle. His breath brushed over your lips, puzzle pieces almost completely flush.
A jolt went through you like electricity by a single thought. "Wait-" You pushed him back slightly at the chest.
His eyes shot open, gazing at you in anticipation.
You didn't continue, only stared at him a moment, trying to get a handle on the speeding thoughts swirling your mind. Your pause was just long enough to watch sorrow cover his features.
"I read it wrong, didn't I?" The hand on your neck slid down to your shoulder in dismay, the weight of it heavy.
"No… No! God no, I just…. There's…." You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to think. "You don't… Have to do that… if you dont really want to."
He tilted his head. "Who says I don't want to?"
You shook your head, biting your lip nervously. "You don't have to be close and sweet like that just because you feel bad for me." The tingling returned, tears now visibly welling.
Steve leaned back further, far enough to be able to start analyzing you. His eyes darted around, trying to pick apart what you had just said. "Because I feel ba-?… You think I want this just to make it up to you somehow?" He challenged, his thumb stroking your cheek in an attempt to possibly keep you calm.
Alas, a tear still escaped and dripped down your face. "Yeah you don't have to get with me like that just because you feel bad for a few fights, okay? I'm not upset that you-"
"That's not why," He deadpanned.
"That's not why I want to kiss you."
The tears froze, as did the internalized denial of the situation at the utterance of those words.
I want to kiss you.
"I mean, it's part of it," He admitted, "The whole pain thing I mean. But I don't want this because I pity you or anything or because I feel bad for getting beat up. I mean sure, I never want you to feel that again, but… You have to know those aren't the only reasons, right?"
All you could do was stare back down at your lap, fighting the additional tears threatening to spill and flood the whole parking lot.
"Shit, you really don't…" He muttered, letting the hand on your cheek slide upwards into the roots of your hair. "You're so much more than just that empathy to me. Really, you are, you hear me?"
You sniffled, once again squeezing your eyes shut causing a round of tears to fall down at rapid fire. Steve caught all of them with a gentle brush.
"Seriously, you're one of the funniest people I've ever met. You have the prettiest eyelashes, the most adorable laugh, and you're hell of a lot smarter than I am," He lightly joked, reaching down to grab your hand once more. "You've helped me be better, forgave me when I didn't deserve it, and let me rant to you about whatever shit would piss me off. And you care so much about Henderson and his nerd friends. My life would be so sucky without you... even if I do have to feel your god awful period cramps." He snickered. "I want you in it more for as long as possible. I want you closer."
Despite the joke, your body shuddered in a frame wracking sob. The emotions were now pouring out from you in violent waves. The tears weren't just from Steve, it was buildup from the whole damned night. A dam of hurt, fear, sorrow, anxiety, disappointment, horror, regret, sadness, and pain had been building up over the course of hours and hours. Suddenly, this was the pressure that made everything come flooding out… and you couldn't stop it.
"Oh, babe," Steve cooed, his soft hand hooking your neck and pulling your face into his chest. The pet name sparked something inside you, but it was quickly engulfed by the absolute tornado of intensity ripping you apart from the inside.
Steve couldn't feel your emotions, true, but he could feel how hard you bit your lip trying to stifle any noise that tried to escape. He could feel your body shudder in his clutch. He could feel the wet tears you rubbed into his shirt. And he could feel his heart breaking, not because he was hurt by you— hurt that you thought he would do such a thing to you out of guilt. No, it was because you had genuinely thought he couldn't love you like that. He could see the denial in your face, the false belief you must have come to adopt over time.
Steve waited patiently for you to calm, rubbing your back and resting his cheek on the top of your head. Your lungs began aching with each breath, your throat was going dry and burning. Eventually your choppy inhales slowed and your whimpers began to cease. Deep breaths became easier to take in and the blur in your vision cleared. When you came back to the moment at hand, you realized you had brought your legs up off the ground and to your chest, leaning against the warm body beside you. In a ball, Steve had wrapped around you like a shell, rocking you ever so slightly.
Your body shook again, this time in a small laugh. "I should be the one comforting you, you know. You're the one with broken ribs and stitches in your face."
You felt him chuckle against you, the sound rumbling your ear against his chest. He smiled, relieved to hear you joke around again. Tilting his head, he looked down at you trying to see your eyes. They were finally open again.
When you caught his gaze, you stared back up at him in attention, eyes red and nose runny. While you were sure you looked like hell, all he could see was the damp sheen of tears and sweat highlighting his favorite parts of your face.
"Can I please kiss you now?"
You let out a breath as you sat up, wiping your nose with the back of your hand. "I'm all gross, though."
He grabbed the back of your neck again and gently yanked your face to his. "Shut up and just let me kiss it better."
You rolled your eyes. "You're such a dork-"
His lips greeted yours, warm and soothing, the obvious pain of his busted lip cast aside just to feel each other's being. Your chest exploded once again with overwhelming feeling, but this time it was manageable. It was more than manageable, in fact, it was welcome. It was no longer a spark sucked into a gloomy tornado, but a ray of light, casting a sensation of healing rays from your chest outwards. Both of your movements melded together like clay, as did your breaths, creating a back and forth that you had been longing for. It was as if you were charging each other with hope after a night full of negatives and hopelessness. It was like being at home again after being gone for so long.
He was the first to pull away, his hands holding your head with a slight tremble in them. It made your heart swell. He was just as worked up as you.
"Ouch." He said under his breath.
A woozy smile burst over your face, rays of light reaching the surface. You brought your hand up to lightly brush your thumb over his bottom lip. "I think this should heal more before we try that again."
He shook his head, eyes drooped with lovesick admiration. "Let it hurt," He mumbled before leaning in once more, pressing his mouth to yours.
You accepted it with a grateful hum.
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A/N: Thanks again for reading! Seriously loved the new people flowing into this blog and the comments you all leave. It means a lot. My confidence is boosted <3 Requests are open!
Tags: @solarbxby @mxcheese @junglecoxk @iheartmyguitars @freezaz123 @love-kurdt @johnricharddeacy @fangeekkk @kategables @thehybridprincesshatedchild @eternallyvenus @wenddsmuks-blog @spideyharrington @basketcaseeeeee @carinacassiopeiae @impossibelle @artsyjazzs @xjessmorley @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @alana4610 @reidsgubbler @let-the-music-take-c0ntrol @mynameismothra @munsonzzgf @biscuitbeater15 (if tags are in red, then it would not let me tag you, I'm sorry 😔)
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Heroes Don't Get Sick
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〚 Notes - Hey, just a little fluffy comfort fic :) Not really much else to say! 〛
〚 Pairing - WandaNat x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - After your sick girlfriends push themselves too hard in training without your knowledge, you take it into your own hands to take care of them 〛
〚 Wordcount - 2070 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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“Is that the grim reaper?” Was the response that was croaked out after you knocked loudly on the wooden door the changing rooms, announcing your entrance.
“No darling, unfortunately it's just me.” You sighed, seeing Wanda sat panting as she tried to get her breath back after her long few hours of relentless training, slick sweat dripping down her face as she leaned back against a row of lockers.
“Baby, what were you thinking?” You continued, your voice calm as you came to sit next to her on the bench, “Since when do we train this hard when sick? Nevermind, better question, who sparred with you when you’re obviously this sick?”
Wanda looked down the the floor, avoiding your gaze as she gave a few liquid sniffles, “It was just me and Natty.”
“Nat let you train with her?” It was hard to disguise the surprise in your voice. But nothing could’ve prepared you for what came next. The door swung open loudly behind you, causing to jump a little but before you could turn around to see who it was that had came into the room, a series of loud sneezes answered that question for you.
You called out, turning around to see Natasha standing in the doorway, red-faced and sniffling. It seemed that Wanda wasn't the only one who had been training while sick.
“Hey,” Natasha greeted, her voice sounding painfully raspier then usual, “Sorry, didn't mean to startle you baby.”
You shook your head in disbelief, “You two are unbelievable. You’re both sick?”
Nat sighed and went to disagree but the constant tingling in her nose reached its peak and she ducked away from the two of you, shoving her head down into her elbow.
“Hh-Hutshoo! Hhi’htshoo! Heh…Hh’iiitshoo!”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise as your girlfriend rubbed at her nose, “Bless you sweetie, you definitely sound like you’ve come down with the same bug as poor Wands.”
“No, no. I’m not sick.” Natasha sniffled as she tried to defend herself, “Lil’ witchy is sick, poor baby, but I’m fine Y/N.”
Wanda whined at the nickname, “Natty there’s no point being stubborn now.”
“No. I’m fine, still good for another few rounds.” She mumbled as she stretched out her arms trying her best not to groan at the aching settling in her muscles.
You sighed deeply, shaking your head in disbelief, “Both of you are in no condition to be training, let alone sparring with each other.”
Natasha leaned against one of the large pillars in the changing room, “We had to train, there's no way around it.”
“You two need to take care of yourselves first, your health is more important than training.” You scolded, gently placing a hand on Wanda's forehead to check her temperature.
Truthfully, you couldn't help but feel a bit frustrated at the situation. Both Wanda and Natasha were both clearly sick, and they had been training like nothing was wrong. As much as you wanted to scold them further for their ignorance, you knew it wouldn't do any good. Instead, you decided to take charge of the situation.
“Okay, okay. First of all,” You huffed as you turned to the sniffling redhead, “You. Sit.”
There was a stuffy groan in complaint, but nevertheless Nat obeyed, and she came to sit next to Wanda, letting the exhausted witch lean against her, wrapping her arm around her comfortingly when it became clear she could no longer keep herself awake much longer making Nat begin to regret going so hard on her during the session.
“Right, I have questions.” You started, “When did you both get sick? You were fine yesterday so, when did this kick in?”
Nat frowned up at you, ready to dispute your claim, “I'm not sic-“
“This morning.” Wanda interrupted before coughing against Nat’s shoulder, too tired to move her head, “Woke up just feeling all icky.”
You nodded, taking note of the information before turning to Nat, “And you?”
Your girlfriend didn’t respond this time, instead she chose to stare blankly forward, not making eye contact. You knew that normally Nat never would’ve let Wanda train when sick, especially to the point of exhaustion so it was obvious something was wrong. You took this as a sign to kneel down to make meet her hidden gaze whilst simultaneously reaching up to press your cool palm against her forehead, “Oh, Natasha.” You sighed as you registered the heat blazing from her skin.
“You’re burning up, love. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You scolded but kept your voice calm as you brushed back her slightly sweaty hair from her face.
Natasha only replied with a weak shrug knowing there was no denying it now, “I didn’t want to worry you.”
You sighed, knowing all too well how stubborn she could be, “You should’ve told me, baby. It’s not like you to keep things from me. Now did you wake up sick too?”
“I know, I’m sorry... I woke up like this.” Natasha sniffled, leaning further into your touch before quickly turning away to muffle a set of desperate sounding sneezes, jostling the witch still resting against her.
“Bless you, my love. Right, well, there’s no way either of you are training anymore today. You both need to rest.” You declared, standing up and pulling both Wanda and Natasha up with you.
“Y/N, I have to train still. I have a mission coming up soon.” Natasha protested weakly before skulking off to go tear off some paper towels to blow her running nose with.
“No, you need to rest and get better. If you go on a mission like this, you’ll only make things worse.” You countered firmly, “Plus that rough tissue can’t feel good against that red nose of yours, I can get you something softer back in the room.”
Wanda nodded in agreement, “They’re right, Natty. You need to rest and if you feel as crappy as I do then theres no way you shoul- Hh’iishuu! Hhi! Hii’tshoo!”
She broke off from her sentence, ducking her head into her hands as she sneezed, grimacing at them in slight disgust afterwards.
Natasha looked at both of you, her expression softening as she realised the truth in your words, not only that, she could see the plain exhaustion settling behind her girlfriend’s tired eyes, “Bless you Wands. Now I’m not saying I’m that sick, that’s not at all what I’m saying, but maybe just this once resting could be good.”
You smiled, feeling relieved that she’s finally given in at least a little, “Good. Now, let’s get you both back to our room so you can get some rest.”
With a little bit extra of coaxing, you managed to get both Wanda and Natasha back to your room and into bed without much of a hassle. Albeit you had to practically carry the poor brunette there.
Once they were settled in bed, you went into full nurse mode. You grabbed a thermometer and took their temperatures, handed out water, and made sure they were both comfortable. Wanda had fallen asleep almost instantly, but Natasha was still wide awake, her eyes droopy but refusing to close.
“Hey,” you whispered, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her and running a hand through her hair, “What’s on your mind sweetheart?”
Natasha sighed, “Just thinking about all the things I need to do. I hate being stuck in bed like this feeling all weak and miserab- Hhh’tshhoo!”
“Bless you darling, I know you do, but you need to take care of yourself first. You can’t do anything if you’re not feeling well.” You told her, tucking a loose strand of fallen hair behind her ear.
“I know,” Natasha conceded as she accepted some tissues that you offered out to her, scrunching up her red nose as she rubbed it, “I just feel useless.”
“You’re not useless,” you reassured her, “You’re taking care of yourself, which is important.”
Natasha nodded, sniffling again before settling further into the pillows. You sat with her for a while, running your fingers through her hair and letting her rest. After a few minutes, her breathing evened out, and you knew she had finally fallen asleep.
And that would’ve been great, if she hadn’t accidentally disturbed Wanda back awake when she buried down into the duvet.
Wanda grumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily, “What’s going on?”
“Sorry, Wandie. Nat just fell asleep.” You explained softly, trying to soothe her back to sleep.
Wanda nodded, sniffling slightly, “Can you stay with us until we I fall back asleep? I don’t like being alone when I’m sick and I don’t wanna wake Nat up.”
“Of course, love. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.” You promised, pulling the blankets up higher around them both.
If a perfect world they’re slumber would’ve gone on forever, waking up hours maybe even a day later feeling much better, but this isn’t a perfect world. The small hand on the clock had barely made two full circles before your two girlfriends began to stir.
Natasha was the first to wake up, blinking sleepily and rubbing her eyes. “How long was I out for?” she asked, her voice still groggy.
“Not too long, love. Just a couple of hours.” You replied, sitting up from the chair you had been dozing off in.
Wanda stirred next, letting out a small groan as she opened her eyes. “Ugh, I still feel terrible.” She muttered, sniffling and wiping her nose with a crumpled-up tissue.
“I know, sweetheart. But you both need to rest and let your bodies fight off these colds.” You reminded them gently.
Natasha nodded, sitting up slowly and glancing over at the sniffling Wanda. “How are you feeling baby?” she asked, concern etched on her own fever flushed face.
Wanda shrugged, “Not great, but not worse either.” She leaned into Natasha, seeking comfort and warmth, “you?”
“Pretty much the same.” Natasha wrapped her arms around Wanda, holding her close. “We’ll be okay though, I promise.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. Your girls were going to be okay, and you would take care of them every step of the way.
As the day progressed, you made sure to keep a close eye on both Wanda and Natasha, checking their temperatures and making sure they were comfortable. They both slept on and off, and you were thankful for the moments of peace and quiet.
By evening, both of your girlfriends were feeling a little bit better, and you suggested watching a movie to take their minds off things. You settled in bed with them, blankets piled high, and pillows propped up, and started the movie.
In all honesty, the film hadn’t even gotten 5 minutes through before you finally felt the exhaustion of the day catch up to you.
You tried to fight it off, determined to stay awake for the sake of your sick girlfriends. But the warm, cosy bed and the gentle hum of the movie were too much for your tired body. Soon enough, you found yourself dozing off, your head resting on Natasha's shoulder.
Wanda noticed first, giggling softly as she nudged Natasha to look down at you. Natasha smiled, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "Looks like someone's tuckered out," she whispered.
Wanda nodded, snuggling closer to Natasha. "We should let them sleep," she said softly.
Natasha agreed, reaching over to turn off the movie. You stirred slightly but didn't wake up as your girlfriends settled in next to you, the three of you wrapped up in blankets and each other.
As you slept, your girlfriends talked quietly, discussing everything from their favourite movies to their plans for the future. They occasionally checked on your temperature, hoping you’d managed to avoid catching whatever bug had them feeling so crappy, and made sure you were comfortable, but otherwise they let you sleep peacefully inbetween them.
The sound of coughing and damp sniffles still filled the room, but despite the discomfort, there was a sense of closeness and love that permeated the air. Eventually both Wanda and Nat began to grow tired again, cuddling up to either side of you as they rested their heavy feeling heads against their soft pillows. All the three of you were cuddled in each other’s arms, embraced in the warm hold of love. Who could ask for more than that?
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 6 months
Lost and Found ♧ | 3.
Leon S. Kennedy x reader (ft. Ashford Graham)
《A/N》: FINALLY THE LAST PART!! I really like how this one turned out. You can definitely tell that my writing has improved if you look at the first parts lol. I do plan on remastering parts 1 & 2 just to clean every up a little! Enjoy <3
~ Fi 🐝
《Warnings》: mild panic attack, PTSD, mentions of Raccoon City, R and Leon being huge fucking geeks/nerds (I love them) LADY the bernese mountain doggy <33 + Dot, the convenience store cashier.
《Word count》: 5.9k
Part 1 ♧ Part 2 ♧ Part 3 ♧
This series is a quick read with only a little over 10k words in total :)
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The little bar hangout you had with Leon lifted your spirits beyond expectations. It had felt so good to see him again, not within your stressful line of work or distant and painful memories, but in normal surroundings, just like it used to be.
Despite the high emotional tension that lingered after you'd returned his police badge to him, the night lightened the heavy weight that rested on your soul, making it that much easier to get out of bed in the morning.
You'd now left your little apartment on more occasions, not only when you had to. When taking Lady out for her walks, you'd stop by a local Cafe and enjoy a warm drink or frequent the little antique shop that had always caught your eye. It felt like a fresh breath of air, a new start to a life you didn't think you'd be capable of having.
It's not like everything was magically fixed, not even Leon had such power, but things were better. And right now, better was more than enough for you. Certain things changed in your living space as well.
You'd open a curtain or two, and finally put up the new mirror you bought. Even things as little as letting the sun into your living room had improved your overall well being.
And there was someone that was ecstatic that you were doing better. Lady had really been your lifeline the past few years. She gave you a reason to keep going, to not give up and maybe even let the small flame of hope in your heart burn without extinguishing it immediately. She was your best friend, really, always keeping you company and distracting you if you ever got lost in your head.
She'd always be there if you woke up from a bad nightmare, by your side in the blink of an eye. Lady would whine and nudge at you with her nose or lick your cheeks that were tear stained from yet another excruciating replay of that night. She'd cuddle close to you and lay her head on your chest, something that helped you steady your frantic breaths.
In return, you did everything in your power to make her life as best as you could. She deserved that and so much more in your eyes. Dogs really were a blessing.
"I don't know when he's getting here, Deedee. I'm sorry." You cooed at your wiggly pup. She'd pace around the living room and sit in front of your door with her beloved stuffie tucked between her teeth. Lady looked back at you with big eyes and whined, though the wagging of her tail never stopped.
"C'mere. Come on." You softly called for her, patting the spot next to you on the couch. Lady trotted over, the quiet 'pat pat' of her paws on the floor accompanying her until she reached you and jumped onto the sofa. She laid her head in your lap and looked up at you expectantly.
"You're excited, huh? S'not often we get visitors. We'll just have to wait a little bit longer, okay-"
You were cut off by the sound of your doorbell. Lady perked up and let out a hearty bark before she was sprinting to the door.
"Alright, alright, calm down, sweet girl." You chuckled, leaving your cozy spot on the couch and taking a peak through the peephole. A smile etched onto your face when you spotted that familiar head of blonde hair and those lovely blue eyes. He was swaying slightly, hands in his pockets. He looked quite nervous. It cut into your heart just a little, knowing that the comfortable atmosphere that you two had around you was gone after everything that had happened.
To an extent, you were basically strangers, and you needed to start from scratch, building a new friendship. Both of you have changed, to no surprise, so what was, will never be again, though you were certain that you still fit together like you used to. Or at least that was what the ever growing sprout of hope inside you told you.
"Leon." You smiled gently when you opened the door, being met with a kind smile of his own.
"Hi." He replied softly, pulling you into a hug. You melted into eachother, craving that familiar and comfortable touch. "I missed you." He mumbled, followed by a relieved sigh.
"I missed you too, blondie," you giggled softly,
"has work been hard on you lately?"
Leon chuckled as he pulled away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"How do you always know?" You gave him a nonchalant shrug with a small grin before stepping aside, beckoning him into your home. Lady was sitting by your feet with her tongue out and a wagging tail, waiting to finally meet this guest you'd been talking about for weeks. There was a smile on his face as he stepped onto your doormat and knelt down, holding his hand out for your pup to sniff.
"Hi there, Lady. I'm Leon." He spoke softly as you watched in awe, your heart beating faster at his gentleness. Leon's gentleness was nothing new to you, but you've missed it after Raccoon City. You craved it, that soft and warm tone that never failed to make any worries fade away.
Seeing him being so soft with your dog was a bittersweet sting in your chest when you realized you wanted him to be that gentle with you again. Lady nudge her wet nose against his palm a few times before the wagging of her tail picked up, gentle drumming against your leg, before she surged forward and whined, excitedly sticking her face wherever she could.
Leon shifted his weight backwards a little so Lady wouldn't tackle him and he laughed and cooed at her, petting her face and scratching behind her ears.
"Such a sweet girl, huh? Who's a good girl? You've been keeping her safe and happy for me?" He leaned in closer for the last phrase, as if telling her a secret and he chuckled when he was met with a series of barks and huffs.
"She's absolutely infatuated with you." You smirked, your arms crossing in front of your chest. 'And so am I' you tried not to entertain the thought for too long, but every refusal you made about loving Leon, really loving Leon, slowly drifted away, letting your shoulders slightly slack and just feel the warmth of your love for him in your heart.
So what if you were in love with him? It wasn't hard to fall for him, but instead of tripping and stumbling forward a little, you fell off the highest mountain peak and landed straight on your face. But who could blame you, with that cute smile, those ocean blue eyes and a heart so pure it hurt. You'd think about it more later, maybe talk to Ashley about it, too. Right now, you wanted to keep the promise you made in the bar and enjoy an evening with your best friend. A measly attempt to feel normal again. To forget all the things you've seen, to feel whole again.
There always was a lingering darkness that shuddered through you, and it only seemed to be bearable when you were with Leon. You imagined what it would be like to live with him and Lady, to share a bed and wake up every morning with him, with that lingering cloud of gloom getting smaller day by day.
The sound of Leon's voice slammed that drawer of dreams and fantasies shut and snapped you back into the moment. He softly called your name, a worried crease between his brows. "Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah, sorry, I just kinda... space out sometimes." You chuckled awkwardly. He cracked a small smile. "I get that. You're not alone." He said quietly, placing a firm hand on your shoulder while his other was scratching your pup's head.
Lady was whining quietly, her stuffed toy hanging from her mouth, upset at the lack of attention she was getting from Leon.
"Neither are you." You spoke gently, but with a sincere firmness. Leon's hand slid down your arm until it reached the faint scar on your forearm. He took your arm into his hands and drew circles into the skin surrounding your scar.
The gesture made the butterflies in your stomach flutter uncontrollably and you cursed them in your mind for making your cheeks heat up.
"How's your arm, hm?"
"It's good, all healed. It doesn't hurt, it's just... hard to look at some days." You gave him a tight lipped smile.
"Scars make you a survivor. You made it out of that shithole with your life, and that's one hell of a thing to do."
"I hope you talk that kindly to yourself, too."
Leon's head tipped forward slightly, exhaling sharply before swinging one of his arms over your shoulders.
"I don't know about you but I'm starving. And if I remember correctly, I was promised cuddles." He grinned, making you roll your eyes with a smile.
"I don't have much in the fridge but we can go to the convenience store right around the corner, they have decent hot dogs."
Lady perked up and barked at the mention of hot dogs.
"Hot dogs it is, then." Leon grinned, petting Lady again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The walk to the little convenience store was quiet and pleasant, making casual small talk about your daily life and any hobbies that you'd both spend time on outside of work. Lady was happily walking on her leash between you and Leon, him being on the side closer to the road, of course.
He insisted, and there was no arguing with him. Not that you wanted to, but he couldn't know that, so you feigned push back until you 'relented' with a sigh, and you walked on with Leon having a triumphant smirk on his face.
Lady was excitedly looking around at all the colorful light up signs and street lamps. You never took her out this late, you never felt safe enough to do so, but with Leon by your side you've never felt safer.
There was a quiet splat sound as you stepped through a puddle, courtesy of a downpour earlier in the day.
You could spot the familiar sign of the store further down the street when Leon spoke up.
"What movie did you pick?" A small grin crept onto your face at his question.
"You know how you're such a big fan of the Lord of the Rings hexalogy?"
"Yeah..." his furrowed brows and the hesitancy in his voice almost made you chuckle.
"And you know how they made the books into movies a couple of years ago?"
"Wait, don't tell me-"
"Well," you interrupted him as his eyes widened, "I happen to have the entire trilogy at home. Extended editions. I figured we could watch the first one." You smiled, watching the light in his eyes grow.
"Are you serious?" He chuckled breathlessly.
"God, you're the best best friend."
"Right back at you, Lee."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The little bell attached to the top of the door frame jingled as you stepped inside, Leon and Lady in tow. Leon's eyes fell on the short, elderly woman that was seated behind the counter, glasses on the tip of her nose with a pencil in hand, seemingly solving a crossword puzzle or perhaps Sodoku.
She wore a pink cardigan, and there were a few rollers hidden in her short silver curls. She glared over the top of her glasses at the ring of the bell, but her forming scowl was replaced by a bright smile when she spotted your kind face. Leon smiled just a little at the observation.
Apparently, you had the habit of carving yourself a spot in others' hearts no matter how cold or grumpy they were.
"Why, hello, dear! It's so nice to see you. You've brought Lady, too, I presume?" She chuckled, being met with a proud bark from your dog.
The woman slightly stretched upwards to take a look at your pup that was hidden behind the counter and she wiggled her manicured hand in Lady's direction, a form of greeting, before she rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a treat. Lady tapped her paws on the linoleum floor excitedly, waiting for her to throw the treat. She did with a soft giggle, clapping when Lady caught it.
"Good to see you, too, Dot." You smiled, scratching Lady's cheek.
"And who's this, hm?" She gave you a smirk before letting her gaze run over Leon,
"have you finally got yourself a boyfriend? Oh, I thought the day would never come!" She sighed excitedly.
"Rude." You grumbled underneath your breath. Before you could answer her, Leon took the reigns of the conversation.
"I'm Leon, her best friend. Nice to meet you." He said with a kind smile, holding out his hand for Dot to shake. She glared suspiciously at his hand but decided to take it in the end.
"Best friend, huh? How come I've never seen you before? God help me if I find out you're only pretending to be her friend so you can take her to bed and break her heart like the rest of your generation-" she pointed a finger at Leon accusingly, stretching forward as much as she could, though never reaching for enough to jab at his chest.
"Dot, Dot!" You scolded with a small chuckled, taking her wrist and tugging it back at her side.
"He's not like that, I promise." You said gently, watching as Dot still glared at Leon.
"Ma'am, I can assure you, I have no intention of ever breaking her heart." He chuckled, placing a hand over his heart.
Dot sank back into her chair.
"Good." She said firmly.
"We lost touch a couple of years ago due to some... unfortunate circumstances in the town we lived in," Leon glanced at you briefly, "but we recently found eachother again on a work trip."
He explained, watching as Dot's judgemental facade slowly crumbled.
"Oh, alright. I suppose you do look like a nice boy." She relented with a sigh, making Leon grin.
"Quite handsome, too." She pondered before turning in your direction, "it's a shame he isn't your boyfriend, you know."
"What? You can't be alone forever. You've known him a longtime. Most boys are either pretty or decent, not both. He's the exception, it seems. Are you just going to waste that?"
You sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of your nose. You knew very well that Leon was smiling bashfully with a blush on his cheeks. He never knew how to deal with compliments.
"Dot. We've been over this so many times. And can you please not talk about him like he isn't here??" You whisper-yelled the last part, feeling a heat crawl up your spine when Leon chuckled.
"Fine, don't take my advice then." She brushed you off, turning to Leon.
"Maybe you should take her to bed-"
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You waved Dot goodbye, stepping into the cool chill of the night with some snacks you'd bought in your bag and the only thing warming your hands being that delectable looking hot dog.
You sat down on a nearby bench, Lady sitting patiently at your feet while you fed her a couple bits of the sausage.
"These are pretty good for convenience store hot dogs." Leon's voice came muffled from beside you, when you turned your head you broke into laughter seeing him basically inhale that hot dog.
"What? I'm hungry." He defended himself, still muffled and obstructed as he chewed on the bun. You took another bite of your hot dog and chuckled as Leon licked his fingers.
Your laughter was contagious to Leon, he couldn't help when the familiar rumble of laughter surged through his chest.
You sat giggling and laughing on that bench for a while, no real reason or purpose for your laughter other than the person beside you, a feeling the both of you had longed for for as long as you can remember.
The laughing didn't stop on your way home, watching fondly as Leon continously threw a stick for Lady who darted off before returning with said stick. The empty streets echoed of excited barks and heartfelt laughter.
And that carefree feeling that made you breath without a heavy weight on your chest was something you wanted to cling on for as long as you could.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon's eyes were glued to your TV as he attentively watched as the scenes of The Fellowship of the Ring ran across the screen.
The bright and lovely beginning of the movie with all the green hills and the Hobbithole made tears of joy sit on his lashline as he talked about how surreal it was to see the world he'd read of and imagined so many times before. Lady was asleep with her head in Leon's lap while he gently petted her, like it was second nature to him, his other arm resting on the back of the couch.
You watched as the colorful light of the movie ran over the handsome features of his profile.
Your mind drifted to a multitude of different scenarios. What if he was your boyfriend? Is that something he'd want? Is that something you'd want? That answer came to you quicker than you'd like to admit. You wouldn't mind if you were dating. No, you wanted to date him. You wondered, what if he had similar thoughts about you? Or were you just as foolish as the last times and end up having to pick the shards of your heart off the ground?
But how nice it would be.
Your own little life with Lady and Leon, your own little family. Your heart yearned for it, you could feel that aching pull in your chest. Before you knew it, the credits were rolling and you snapped out of your somewhat embarrassing daydreams.
You rested your chin on his shoulder.
"So, what did you think?" You asked softly. Leon smiled before trying to start a sentence a couple of times but failing.
"I... it was incredible. S'like my childhood came to life. I mean, it did every time I read the books, but... this is different. Thank you." He said quietly, taking your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Anything for you."
It slipped out before you could stop it. But instead of taking it back in a scramble of haphazardly formulated excuses, you let it linger.
You let it linger between the two of you, reveling in the warmth of it. Leon's arm slowly slipped from the back of the couch, settling heavy on your shoulders.
You let out a quiet sighed and subconsciously shuffled yourself closer to him to the point where your noses were almost brushing against one another.
"I'm so glad that I have you. Life's only been getting better since you came back into my life, it's like... all the color returned." He whispered, drawing circles into the back of your neck, sending both a searing hot feeling and a chill up your spine.
You could feel his warm breath on your face, and his blue eyes had never shone this bright.
You inched closer with half lidded eyes, enveloped and dazed by his embrace, his touch, his warmth.
Your lips brushed for a mere second before a loud bark from Lady snapped the both of you out of it, and you scrambled away from each other. You were pressed to the other end of the couch with burning cheeks as you kept your gaze away from Leon.
Lady whine and tilted her head, nudging her toy closer to Leon.
"You... you want to play?" He asked gently, a hint of disappointment tarnishing his tone. He got his confirmation with yet another bark and a wagging tail.
"M'sorry, but it's late. I should.." he cleared his throat and briefly glanced at you, making you whip your head away, "I should go home."
Lady whimpered sadly but Leon just gave her a few consolation pets before he got up from the couch.
You followed behind him, being the good host you were, seeing him out the door. The tension that hung in the air was thick and uncomfortable. Instead of the usual warm hug, you opted for an awkward wave. And with a stumbled promise of calling you in the coming days, Leon was out the door.
When you heard the click of the lock, you slid down onto the floor, back pressed against the door as you groaned, laying your face in your hands.
Your cheeks were a raging inferno by this point, and your pounding heart didn't exactly help either. There were so many things going on in your head at once. It felt like your brain was about to explode.
You wanted to cry and yell in frustration for having such a perfect moment ruined, but there was slight relief because were you ready for a change that big? Were you ready to never have your newly built friendship with Leon be the same again? All these unanswered questions were making your head spin.
You felt Lady's wet nose nudge at your hands and you pulled your head back, letting it fall back against the door with a soft thump. You sighed and closed your eyes.
"I love you, DeeDee, but what the hell was that?" You glanced at her, your voice being laced with nothing but defeat.
Your pup laid down beside you and looked at you apologetically and let out a soft whine. You cracked a small, soft smile and stroked her head.
"It's okay. I guess. I don't know. I need to sleep on it." You said quietly, followed by a sigh.
You retreated to your bedroom, tossing and turning. You spent most of the night staring at your ceiling or watching Lady take gentle breaths beside you.
Sleep didn't come easily to you that night. Though, you were lucky sleep came to you at all.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon let his head hit the steering wheel of his car with a sigh. He was finally so close to expressing his feelings for you without having to actually say it when it was all ripped away from him.
"Lady is lucky she's cute." He mumbled, starting the car and driving off to his home.
The growing frustration in his chest didn't go away as he drove on, to his dismay. He laid awake all night, staring at the empty side of his bed, imagining what it would be like if you were there.
If his bed wouldn't feel so cold anymore, despite his thick blanket.
He wanted nothing more than to hold you, to kiss you, to love you. Leon was certain you'd died that day. He remembered his cracked voice after screaming for you until he was dragged away.
The emtpiness in his heart when it sunk in that he had failed to save you and would now have to live with the overwhelming guilt of your loss.
The day you two crossed paths in that Spanish village, Leon swore to himself that he would do anything in his power to never feel like that again. He wouldn't lose you this time. Not again.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
"I don't know what to do! It was so awkward." You sighed frustratedly, pulling at your hair.
"You guys almost kissed! A kiss is a two-sided thing. Usually. He's totally into you, too." Ashley beamed through the phone.
Your contact with Leon had been kept to a minimum these past few weeks. You didn't know how to even start a conversion now.
It was just that embarrassing and awkward almost-kiss moment running on loop in your mind whenever you thought of him.
"I just... I don't know. He might be? I mean, I want him to be... but I've been wrong before and I don't think I could handle getting my heart broken by him." You spoke, albeit somewhat dazed as you seemed to be lost in your thoughts.
"I think you should talk to him. I know it's awkward and uncomfortable, but it's only gonna get worse if you two keep avoiding each other like this." Ashley said softly, making you sigh and drag a hand down your face.
Not talking to Leon was eating you from the inside. You'd missed him terribly, but the thought of having to look him in the eyes after that incident made your skin crawl.
You looked outside of your window, the moonlit streets littered with bright neon signs reminded you of that you spent with him and Lady.
If talking to him meant you would experience something like that again and feel that intoxicating euphoria that was freedom and peace all over, you'd swallow your nerves and the twisting churn in your stomach and do it.
"I suppose.. you're right. It feels different now, you know? I guess now that I look back I've been in love with him for a while. Saying it out loud just... makes it real." You laughed half-heartedly, chewing on the inside of your cheek.
Lady was laying by your feet as you petted her absent-mindedly.
"It'll all work out, I promise! You gotta have more faith in yourself. You're a real catch." She giggled, making you crack a lopsided smile.
"Thanks, Ash. I'll... I'll talk to him. Soon. I'm... really tired right now, I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, no problem. Keep me updated!"
"I will, Bye-Bye." You chuckled.
"Talk soon!"
You let out a heavy sigh when the noise of the ended phone call hit your ears.
"What a mess, huh?" You asked Lady, smiling slightly when she gave you an affirmative huff.
Your thoughts were running wild, but you were exhausted. So, despite your brain screaming at you, you eventually fell asleep, a weird dread settling in your stomach as your eyes shut.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Your limbs felt leaden, your mind slowly waking up but your body refusing to as tears nipped at your lashline. Your muscles ached and quiet sobs slipped past your lips as the horrific pictures of that night ran behind your eyelids like a movie on a screen.
The blanket that would usually soothe your anxiety with its weight suddenly felt too heavy, all too much like the rubble you were buried under after the building collapsed on top of you. You could feel the sharp edges of concrete and rebar digging and cutting into your skin all over again. Your throat felt dry, just like when you breathed in all the dust and debris back then.
Your sobs grew louder, and they turned into pathetic wails as the memories continued to flood your mind. Still, your legs and arms refused to move, your breaths turning shallow as panic set in. All you could do was lay there like a wounded animal, trapped in the literal nightmare that were your memories.
Your door opened slightly, and Lady came rushing in, alarmed by your cries. She jumped up onto the bed and licked at your cheeks before nudging your arm with her nose. Your fingers twitched, and you gathered all your strength before you reached over to your nightstand and felt for your phone, all while Lady whimpered beside you.
You sagged back onto the bed once you've had a steady grasp on your cell. With trembling fingers, you clumsily tapped at the screen, hoping you'd somehow call Leon. Lady laid her head on your chest, hoping to help steady your breathing.
Sobs tore through you when that familiar pain in your chest set in, the one you felt when you thought Leon had you left you behind. You were angry and hurt, ready to chew him out the second you'd find him in all this mess.
But once you got out and ran from all the resident evil, and all you found was his bloodied badge, your anger evaporated and all that was left was the heart wrenching pain of having lost your best friend.
You grew frustrated with yourself when your numb fingers refused to his the right button, but eventually you managed to click on Leon's contact and your panic was soothed just a tiny bit when you hit the call button.
You cried through the rings of the phone, mentally begging for him to pick up. It was the middle of the night. You were all alone, but you hoped he'd pick up.
You felt like you were dying, the pain in your chest, the heaviness in your limbs, the lack of oxygen caused by your hurried breaths making you light headed.
"Please, please, please..." You sobbed, your hands shaking. A particular unpleasant wail left your throat when it went straight to his voice-mail. Lady softly barked at you, beckoning you to try again.
You could see the worry when you glanced down into ber big brown eyes. You tried again, feeling exhausted as all the crying and fast breathing sucked the strength from you. This time, he picked up at the first ring, making you sob in relief.
"It's the middle of the night, what- hey, hey, what's going on, are you okay?" His voice made the ache in your chest lessen, and you could even muster up the tiniest smile.
"L-Leon...'" You forced out between sobs and hiccups.
"What happened? Where are you?" He asked firmly, a rustling sound in the background.
"N-need you... please.."
"I'm coming, okay? Just breathe for me." There was worry and panic in his voice, but he kept it soft and soothing for you to help you calm down. You slightly nodded your head.
"Yeah, y-yeah, okay-" your trembling hand accidentally hit the red button, ending the called. Your arm gave out and your phone fell onto your bed, just out of reach.
The crying had drained more of your energy than you thought and you weeped as your phone lit up again and again, Leon calling you. You watched for what felt like forever as he called you continously and all you could do was watch with no strength left to move.
Lady whimpered and pushed your phone closer to you, but you couldn't even lift your finger to pick up.
You've never felt so helpless and pathetic in your life.
So, you continued sobbing as the memories still wouldn't stop as you waited for Leon, feeling a pouding headache setting in already.
Finally, after what felt like some excruciating hours to you, you heard your front door click. You thanked all of the gods above that you'd exchanged spare keys with Leon. Lady jumped off the bed and barked, running towards the front door.
"Where is she?" Leon heaved urgently, following your dog who pulled at his sleeve, leading him to you. His heart shattered at the sight of you. Red and puffy eyes with heavy bags under them, cracked lips, and a heaving chest.
Your complexion looked all wrong, as if you were sick, and to be honest, you did look like you were about to pass out any second.
He rushed to your side, pulling you close to him and slowly rubbing circles on your chest to help you get more air into your lungs.
Leon's jacket was shrugged off, same with his boots and he climbed in next to you and sat you upright. You felt so weak, like your bones were made of jelly, so you awkwardly slumped against him.
"What's going on with you?" He asked softy, gently wiping away your tears.
"Nightmare.. Raccoon City..." Your sobbing picked back up when you uttered the name of your once beloved city, and Leon swallowed thickly.
"I-I thought that you-you left me again.." You wailed, grabbing onto his shirt. Leon pulled you closer with tears glistening in his eyes and a deep ache in his heart.
"I never left you... I would've never ever left you. They made me, dragged me away, and I couldn't... I couldn't go back for you." His voice cracked halfway through, and you gently shifted your head back to look at him.
The heart broken look in his blue eyes almost made your own shatter. You pulled yourself up and into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck in a tight hug. His arms tightened around you as he buried his face in your neck, rubbing between your shoulder blades to help you breathe deeper.
You cried in each other's arms, mourning the loss of the normal life you had before the incident and the pain of having been apart for 6 years. Lady watched from the foot of the bed, visibly relaxing as your sobs lessened. You pulled back and took his face in your hands, wiping his tears away. Leon melted into your touch, and the crease between his brows softened ever so slightly. You sniffled and took a deep breath.
"I love you. And not like a best friend. I'm in love with you, Leon Kennedy." His eyes shot open at your words and his jaw slacked slightly.
"I've loved you for so long it hurts. I was terrified, so I never said anything but when I thought I lost you I regretted never telling you. I love you so much." You sighed, stroking his cheek.
If you had any tears left to cry, you would be a mess right now. Or at least, more of a mess than you already were
"I just... you're the only one who... who can make it better, you know? Make it hurt less."
Leon's shocked eyes softened, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. You searched for anyhing; hatred, disgust, joy, reciprocation, anything.
"A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same but-"
You were cut off by Leon connecting your lips in a kiss so soft it made a tear roll down your cheek as you leaned into him. Cupping the back of your neck, he gently pulled you in closer in and sighed against your lips.
"I love you too. I never stopped, even when I thought you were gone. You... you make it hurt less, too." He spoke softly, a lopsided grin on his face. You chuckled softly and hugged him again, burning the feeling of his touch into your mind. Leon rested his forehead against yours and stole a few soft pecks from you.
"Will you stay?" You asked in a whisper, suddenly being hit with a wave of sleepiness.
"I'll always stay. Always, I promise." He said softly, kissing the tip of your nose. You smiled hazily and slowly slid down the headboard, dragging Leon with you under the covers. You realxed into his embrace, your face nuzzled against his chest as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
Lady, who had watched the whole thing with a slowly wagging tail, crawled up the bed between the two of you and nudged her nose against Leon's cheek repeatedly. He giggled, albeit with an exhausted undertone.
"I guess you finally have a Dad, DeeDee." You said quietly, earning a small huff from your pup and one last kiss from Leon along with an amused chuckle before you drifted off to pleasant dreams for the first time in years. He soothed your mind and kept all the bad memories away.
Your love acting like a shield, protecting you from nightmares. You'd been wandering in the dark for years, searching for all the pieces of yourself that you lost that night.
You were lost once, but with Leon, you were found again.
More Leon works here 💫
I have a lil something planned for 500 followers (we're almost there it's crazy!!) And it may involve my obsession with Victorian England, Bloodborne and AC Syndicate 👀
《Tag list》: (lmk if you wanna be added) @vampkennedy @k-fallingstar @dmitriene @valkyrurx
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Question? Remember the story you did called “soft kitty.” Would it be possible to do like a part two for that story? but with the rest of the LOV (separately) like Spinner, Mr. Compress, Shigaraki or even Toga? I bet they would appreciate it.😊
(Poor baby, her parents probably never comforted her because they were scared of the quirk she has🥺 she definitely needs a mother figure to comfort her😭)
A/n: I am SO sorry this took so long! I've been pretty overwhelmed, stressed, and exhausted from personal issues haha but I'm thankfully getting back into writing.
I don't write for Toga, but here's the rest! This is my first time writing for Mr. Compress so I hope I did okay haha <3
You Sing "Soft Kitty" to Them When They're Sick -MHA Villains
General info:
Genre: fluff/reverse comfort \\ characters: Shigaraki Tamura, Spinner, Mr. Compress \\ posted: 04/01/24 \\ requested
Part one: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa, Shoto, Tamaki
Part Two: Shigaraki, Spinner, Mr. Compress
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Shigaraki Tomura (381 words):
You frowned when you noticed Shigaraki wasn’t in the crowd to greet you. Your eyes swerve through the LOV as you look for your beloved, only to be met with disappointment gas you fail to spot him.  
“Are you looking for Shigaraki Tomura?” Kurogiri speaks up.  
“Yes, do you know where he is?” You turn towards your beloved’s number one comrade.  
“He is ill, he’s resting in his room. He was frustrated he couldn’t come out to see you himself. “ 
You smile at that, though you’re upset he’s sick. “Thank you, Kurogiri. I’ll go see him now.” You walk towards his bedroom door, ignoring the complaining as you ignore the rest of the league. 
You step into the room, spotting Shigaraki lying in bed. His ruby colored eyes finding yours in an instant. They soften ever so slightly, unnoticeable to the people who weren’t close to him. “Baby?” You smile, walking closer. 
“Took you long enough.” He grumbled, moving the blanket to fit you. You giggle, taking your shoes off before climbing in. He grumbles at the delay but relaxes when you’re finally next to him.  
You expected him to pull you into his arms like usual but was caught by surprise when he clung to you himself, burying his head in your chest. You smile softly, instantly flipping the switch.  
You gently card your fingers through his light strands of hair. He sighs, melting into your touch. “Welcome home, my precious.” He mumbles.  
You giggle, kissing his warm forehead. Kissing it again, you frown at the abnormal temperature. “You okay baby? Are you not feeling good?”  
He simply buries himself further into you. You smile slightly, pulling him closer as you caress his hair. “Shhh it’s alright my love.”  
After a few moments you can tell he’s getting sleepy, his eyes growing heavy as he tries to force himself to be awake. You stiffle a giggle, kissing his forehead and cheeks before beginning to sing.  
“Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur~,” you kiss his forehead, your hands in his hair, “-happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr~.”  
You sing the song a few more times before you look down, seeing his sleeping face. You smile softly, kissing in-between his eyebrows before settling down, ready for sleep yourself.  
(Shiggys masterlist)
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Spinner (148 words):
You smile up as Spinner enters the room. He’s obviously exhausted from all of the hours he’s put into work, his eyes dark and heavy. He seemed to be unwell too, his nose was stuffy and he looked horrible.  
“Baby? You okay?” You coo, stretching your arms out. He gratefully collaspes in your hold, letting you hold him as he disconnects. You stay silent, knowing that he just needs your support right now.  
After a few moments you decide to sing to him, knowing that it helps when he’s having a really hard time. 
“Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur~. Happy kitty, sleep kitty, purr purr purr~.” You sing quietly, caressing his head while you pepper soft kisses to his forehead.  
“Thank you.” He rasps, snuggling even closer as he completely melts into your touch.  
“Don’t even worry about thanking me.” You coo, kissing his nose.  
(Spinners masterlist- sorta)
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Mr. Compress (181 words)
C’mon baby, you’re sick.” You frown as Atsuhiro begins to get ready for a mission.  
“I must go darling; I will be back in the evening.” He leans down to kiss your forehead, breathing heavily from getting dressed. 
“No, you don’t have to you want to. Please baby. Stay, for me.”  
“Shigaraki needs me, darling.” He sighs, sitting beside you. His hand finds yours as he gently caresses the top of your hand with his thumb.
“I need you.” You pout, trying to guilt him into staying. His lips purse as he looks down at you skeptically.  
“Fine, but I’m not the one to blame if Shigaraki comes storming in here.”  
You giggle happily, pulling your beloved onto you as you lay down, letting him rest on you as you gently kiss his shoulders and cheeks. He begins to fall asleep in your arms.  
“Sing to me?” He whispered, causing you to giggle, but comply.  
“Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur~. Sleepy kitty, happy kitty, purr purr purr~.” You sing to him gently, smiling down at his asleep form.  
Part One, Dabi, Hawka, Aizawa, Shoto, Tamaki | Main masterlist | Navigation
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
A/n 2: I prefer how I did the first one, but I don't have the energy to rewrite it. I hope this doesn't suck:(
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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b00ks1ut · 6 months
I Got Your Back
Eugene Roe x GN!Reader
Warnings! Alcohol consumption, harassment, blood, mild violence, swearing, mild injury, my attempt at writing lol, I’m really hoping I got all the big stuff
This is based only off the tv series and I intend no offense to the real men of Easy Company or any veterans
Sorry if this is bad! I had such bad block while writing this and for some reason it’s taken me like 4 months to complete this short little thing😭 anyways I’m hoping it’s not horrible!
Also this was written for @executethyself35! Thank you so much for being so amazing and I’m so so sorry this has taken 5 and 1/2 years lol You’re amazing and literally the best <3
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The bar was loud and stuffy and crowded, but it was fully of paratroopers, what did you expect? You were sat at a little round table, crowed with too many men; most now at least tipsy and all thourally enjoying the rare weekend pass that Sobel didn't take from them.
"You need another drink?" Eugene barely had to lean over in his chair to reach your ear due to the cramped situation that was your table.
"Oh, yeah. I'll get 'em this time, you got the last ones." You told him turning towards the medic sat next you, your noses nearly touching, and you had to almost lean back to stop yourself from bumping into him.
"No, I ain't gonna make you do that." He began to reach for your now empty glass but you quickly stopped his hand from fully grasping the cup.
"Please, I've gotta spend all this extra paratrooper money," you joked, pushing his hand away and giving it a quick squeeze. You quickly stood and grabbed his mug, not giving him a chance to object.
You had made it hardly 6 feet away from the occupied table, through the impossibility close crowd, when an unknown man had stepped into your path. You had attempted to step around him but it was no use, this man was a wall unwilling to move.
"I'm sorry is there a chance you could move please?" If he wasn't going to read your very obviously uninterested body language then he could hopefully read you as equally uninterested lips.
"Now how about I don't do that and instead take you home?" He was handsome in his own way, he definitely wasn't ugly but was certainly not your type.
"Oh no thank you, I'm just trying to get a couple of drinks for me and friend." You again tried to step around him but he kept moving in a step in front of you. You looked around hoping to catch someone's eye but for how many people were the damn bar you couldn't seem to catch the eye of a single you knew. "I'd really appreciate it if you just let me get my drink."
"How about if I let you get your drink, you'll owe me a drink." He was smirking to himself like this normally worked for him, intimidating people into dancing and sleeping with him. Now that you thought about it, maybe he wasn't just not your type; maybe he just wasn't everybody's type so he had to resort to this sad creepy behavior that definitely was getting him nowhere.
"They don't owe you a damned thing." The familiar Cajun accented voice had reached your ears before you were even aware he was nearby. "How about you get a move on now and we'll all have just a fine and dandy of the night."
"I don't think so no." This man was either the biggest piece of shit or was denser than fuck and you were certain it was the former. Before you could think of a response he had grabbed your arm and began trying to pull you away. As if it were second nature you took the glass in your hand and brought down hard on his hand.
The glass shattered. Pieces flying in all directions but most of the pieces finding their home in the back of the man's hand.
"You fucking whore!" He had quickly ripped his hand away cradled it in his other hand.
"I'm the whore here? I'm not sure what Not want to have sex with you makes me a whore but if it means you'll leave me alone then I'll make it a badge wear it on my uniform." You weren't sure where this attitude was coming from and you had nothing else to blame it on than your last few drinks and the current adrenaline racing through your veins.
The man was still standing there dumbstruck when you turned around to find Gene standing there. His eyes scanned across your face before leaping down the arm the man had just grabbed you by.
His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes became increasingly more concerned when he noticed the cuts on my arm from a few stray pieces of glass. His eyes flicked back to yours.
“I’ll getcha patched up.” He hadn’t left any room for argument but you might as well try.
“I’m alright, it’s nothing I can’t handle on my own.” But by the time the reply had left your lips Eugene already had your hand in his and was walking towards the door.
“You can’t just leave them glass pieces in, it’ll never get better.”
“Fine, I’ll take your word for it.” Why complain when the most attractive man you’ve ever met was asking to take care of you. Only an idiot would pass that up.
Cool dark of outside was a welcome change from the stuffy pub and you relished in it, not having had a break from the heat of George in a while.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was just a low rumble and you weren’t sure if you were imagining it.
“I’m sorry,” he had now turned around and faced you, still holding your hand. “I shoulda gone with you to get drinks and I shoulda done more. I just-“ He ran his other hand over his face before rubbing the back of his neck.
“Gene, you have nothing the apologize for. I was the one who insisted I get the drinks, I was the one who couldn’t get myself out of the situation. It’s on me, not you.” You gave his hand a squeeze and his arm a little tug, causing him to finally look at you after staring at this boots this whole time. “But none of that matters anymore, he’s gone and now there’s nothing to worry about.”
“What about your arm? I can’t let you just ignore it.” He was looking at you with such concern and care and all you could do was stare. Yeah staring is rude but how could you not? His short hair was sticking up in different places from him running his hands through it and the light from the bar was casting a beautiful glow that made his eyes sparkle in a way you never saw them before.
He was gorgeous. Not that you’d never noticed this before, but the realization hit you like a truck and it completely stole your breath; he stole your breath.
“Ma joie?” His voice brought you back, a flush spreading across your face.
“Huh? Sorry.” You realized you were still holding his hand, and finally let it drop. The warmth of the rough skin of his was quickly wicked away by the night air.
“Where’d you go?” He was looking at you like you mattered, like you were more than a body. More than a number. More than the shell that Sobel had been working you down to.
“Sorry… um just distracted. What were you saying?”
“I was asking if you need help with your arm.” His eyes left yours to flick down to the still bloody and leaky cut of your arm.
“Oh. I can handle it on my own.” You were kicking yourself the moment the words left your mouth. The best man you’ve ever met wants to take care of you, and you can’t seem to let him.
“I really was just askin’ to be nice but there’s no way I’m letting you take care of this yourself. And I’m especially not letting you make your way back to base when filth like him are around.”
“I can hold my own, I was just wasn’t trying to make a scene in there.” You didn’t know why you kept making these excuses for him to leave you. You didn’t want him to walk away, every bit of yourself wanted to jump on him but a bit of you was too scared of just a little bit of rejection to have him just patch you up.
“I’m not doubting that you could but I am worried you might be a little drunk and that if I don’t help you get that arm cleaned up you’ll be nice and infected in a week.” He had a point, a good point he made a few times now. And what is there to be scared of with him. Eugene Roe is quite possibly one of the kindest most caring people you know what is there to be worried about, if you messed up and made a move he would react completely responsibly.
But for some reason you kept fighting it.
“I just don’t want to be a bother. Go have fun, Gene, I didn’t mean to upturn the night. I’m sure everyone is waiting for you in there.”
“Nope. Not a chance I’m leaving. You’re stuck here with me, and it’s cold and dark so while I’d love to continue this amazing little conversation I really think it might be our best interest to start the trip back to base.”
I was obvious he was done with the back and forth so you let it drop.
It wasn’t long until you were back where you needed to be. All of the light posts were turned on but no one was out and about save for the few drunk-ish men stumbling from barrack to barrack. Many of the lights to the cabins were on and laughter and conversation could be heard from the people within them.
Gene grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the dark, unlit medic tent. The walk a short and easy trek through the mazes of buildings, as he seemed to know where the tent was and could get you there with his eyes closed walking backwards.
You quietly arrived to the temporary shelter and are met with… nothing. No noise, no startling smell; just more dark. And the awareness that you’re all alone with Eugene.
He continues to tug you over to a table set up in the center of the room. A few crates next to them that he immediately begins to rummage through.
“Can I help with anything?” Your voice cuts through the quiet, just barely above a whisper.
“No, I got it.” He pauses briefly to look at you, never really stopping his hands from sifting through the supplies.
“Eugene, please. I want to help you, how can I help? Even just a little bit, I feel like I’m just in the way.”
“You can help by sitting yourself up on that table there and letting me take care of you. That’s all I ask, that you let someone take care of you; even if it’s just this one time.” His tone was soft, his accent showing through the caring tone. He had grabbed all of the items from the crate and was just staring at you. Looking at you.
Slowly, as if approaching a wild animal, Gene set the supplies on the table and stepped to you. His thighs brushing your knees
Everything about him was stunning. From his heavily disheveled hair all the way down to his spit shined boots, he was perfect.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice had come out uneven and hoarse, barely audible even in the quiet evening.
“What for?”
“You’ve been nothing but kind to me all night and I keep pushing you away. I don’t know why, I think I’m just scared. I mean… we ship off in just a few weeks and then anything could happen. I can’t go getting attached to anyone; especially you.” You averted your gaze to the ground so you wouldn’t have to see his face when he realized what a horrible coward you are.
But, instead of him lashing out and leaving you his hand gently came to your chin, tilting back up, forcing you to look at him again.
“I don’t blame you for that. We’re all terrified, but what’s the point of being here if we’re not going to make the most of it while we can. Why die regrettin’ what’s right in front of you when you all you gotta do is reach a little and grab it. I’m scared that some of the best people I’ve met are not going to come back and I might be included in that but I’m also scared that I’m not gonna take the beautiful opportunity I have right now… with you.” His gaze was soft and gentle. He looked quickly at your lips before taking a small step back. “But I should probably patch you up first.”
“I’m fine.” You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him to yourself until your lips met. Eugene didn’t move, he stayed completely still. You quickly pulled away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have- I didn’t ask. I just assumed-“
His lips swiftly covered yours. You returning the affection. His lips soft and gentle against yours, still tasting of the ale he left back at the pub.
It was all over before you could completely let yourself get absorbed into him. His soft breaths fanned over your face as his forehead tenderly connected with yours.
“Can I get you fixed up now?” A playful glint in his eye, and a blush so bright you could still see it in the dark, adorned his face.
“I suppose I’ll allow it.” Your smile morphing into a smirk.
He picked up a pair of tweezers, from the pile he had set next to you, pinching them at you jokingly.
“Let me know if I hurt you.” He gently grabbed your arm by the elbow and maneuvered it to where he needed it. The contact from him, although little, had a fresh blush creep up your neck.
“I’m sure that I’ll be fine.”
You soon learned that was not true. Once he had gotten all of the biggest pieces out of your arm, his search for the tinier shards started. You tried to muffle your winces but everyone he’d stop and wait until your face had returned to neutral.
“Ma joie, please let me know when I hurt you. I don’t have much left to get but I hate to be hurting you, so let me know so I can stop it.” Gene had set down the tweezers so he could hold your hands.
“I’m not hurting. I’m completely fine.” Your lie was obvious but he was doing enough for you already that why would you interrupt his process just because you’re not completely comfortable.
“Alright then.” He picked the tweezers up again and got the last few pieces out, still pausing whenever you flinched a little too hard. He then proceeded to do the most gentle cleaning and wrapping ever performed in history. He rinsed out the area, dabbing away all the water like if he pressed too hard your arm would fall off. Then he wrapped it all up in a sterile bandage, asking if it was too tight every two wraps around your bicep. “All done!”
You went to slide off the table but his hands held you in place. “I thought we were done?” He just stared, emotion clear in his eyes.
“Can I kiss you again?” You surprised yourself with the question. You had been thinking the thought since it happened the first time just 30 minutes before.
“Of course you can.” His hands came up to your face, cupping your cheeks and lead you together.
I was the same but different from the first kiss. This one wasn’t hesitant or awkward as you tried to find your placement, you meshed perfectly. Your lips moving over each others in perfect harmony. Little puffs of air from his nose tickling your lashes, and the way he smiled into the kiss had you melting into his hands.
Your arms went up his chest to his shoulders, stopping to loop around his neck; your fingers curling slightly into his hair. All of Eugene was surrounding you, his smell, his taste, his entire presence was all you could comprehend in the moment.
He eventually pulled away, breathing heavy. Eyes slowly opening back up to look into yours.
“Thank you.” You don’t know why you said it. You were saying for the man that left you alone when he arrived. You were saying it for the bandage snuggly tied around your bicep. You were saying it for the breath taking kiss you just had. But most of all you were saying it for the man that was going to be there for you in every moment he could be.
“I got your back; through it all.” He squeezed your hips, his eyes never leaving yours.
“And I yours.”
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raaorqtpbpdy · 5 months
Get Well Soon
Danny is sick and his powers are going crazy.
For the prompt: Danny comes down with a nasty, but totally regular cold. It's not the first time he's been sick since he got his powers, and normally, it's no big deal, but this time his powers are acting up, setting off randomly every so often. It's never very long, but it IS getting hard to hide, especially as he starts to recover. (AKA: sickfic with shenanigans) [from @gottacatchghosts]
Read also on AO3
[No applicable warnings]
Danny was dying. He was definitely gonna die. He was already half dead, but this vile infection was going to do him in the rest of the way. He moaned in pain and distress.
"Stop being so dramatic, Danny," Sam told him, rolling her eyes. "It's just a regular cold. It's not even a ghost flu or anything like that. It's a perfectly normal, run-of-the-mill cold, and you're gonna be fine."
"Are you sure about that, Sam?" Danny asked. 
His voice was low and nasally, thanks to his stuffy nose and sore throat, and he promptly buried his face in his blankets and burst into a coughing fit. 
When he looked up again, Sam was staring at him, wide-eyed.
He looked down at himself curiously, wondering what she was looking so freaked about. White gloves and black sleeves met his swimming vision.
"Just a normal cold, huh?" He looked at her and raised an eyebrow—probably both actually. His muscle control wasn't the best at the moment.
"It is just a cold," she insisted. "We've already run the tests, and there's absolutely no chance at all that this virus is in any way ghost related. It's a regular cold, Danny. You're just gonna have to tough it out until it goes away."
Danny groaned in despair and agony.
"But Saaaammm."
"I don't know what you think I can do about it. I'm rich, not magic."
He groaned again, and Sam shuddered as the temperature in the room suddenly dropped to freezing, and a thin sheen of frost formed on Danny's window.
He'd had colds before since getting his powers, and normally, it wasn't that big a deal. It sucked, sure; being sick always sucked. But nothing like this had ever happened before. His powers had never acted up like this before, and he'd never lost control of his powers.
Sam walked over and opened his window to let the cold air escape.
"I've gotta get going," she told him apologetically. "You should change back before your parents come in to check on you. Fair warning, your mom was making soup when I came in."
"Thanks for the warning," he grumbled, and sniffed.
It took more concentration than usual to shift back into his Fenton form, but it seemed he hadn't completely lost control of his powers... yet, at least.
It was only a few minutes later that his mom came in, carrying a steaming mug full of chicken soup.
"Hi sweetie, how you feeling?" she asked, her voice dripping with sympathy.
"I feel half dead," Danny replied with a small smirk. 
He felt a sneeze coming on, but held it in. He knew what would happen.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she told him pouted. "Do you need anything? Cough syrup? Hot tea? Marshmallows? Oh!" 
She turned to look in her utility belt, and as she did so, Danny let loose a sneeze, and the accompanying ghost-ray that shot out from him and scorched the wall opposite his bed, only narrowly missing his mother.
"Your dad found his old Game Boy," she said, pulling out a device lat looked kind of like Tucker's PDA, but way more eighties. "You don't have to take it if you don't want, but since you're stuck in bed right now, it might be fun, just to pass the time."
Danny put his mug of soup down on his bedside table, wiped his sweaty hands off on his blankets, and took the device from his mom. Examining it to figure out how exactly it worked. The controls were fairly intuitive, but he couldn't find the 'on' button. His mother laughed softly.
Well if that keeps you entertained, then my work here is done. She patted her knees, stood up and walked out the door with a gentle, "Get well soon, sweetie."
As soon as the door closed, Danny sneezed again. A ghost ray shot out and his the door where his mother's head had been a moment before.
Yeah... he'd better get well soon.
The Game Boy only had Tetris, Pac-Man, and the Ghostbusters 2 video game, so Danny chose to play the one game that didn't have ghosts in it, only to discover rather quickly that he sucked ass at Tetris. That didn't stop him from trying, even though his record at this point was 16 lines.
He was starting to get chills now, but he remained steadfastly focused on his game until his dad came into the room.
"Ah, the old Game Boy," he said fondly, sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to Danny. "You know, I can get all the way to level two hundred and fifty-six on Pac-Man. Spent a whole summer trying to get a perfect score, but I never quite got there."
"I'm playing Tetris," Danny said.
A chill wracked his body and he saw his hands disappear and gasped softly. Thankfully his dad didn't notice, or the man might've turned around to look and seen empty air where his son had been a moment before. Danny quickly turned himself visible again.
"Oh... yeah, there was a deal going when I bought the Game Boy," his dad explained, oblivious as usual to the paranormal activity happening behind him. "It came with a free copy of Tetris. I tried it a few times, but the best score I ever got was twenty rows before I finally gave up."
"Yeah," Danny commiserated. "I've only gotten up to 16 so far."
He shuddered again with a chill and turned invisible once more. Then his dad started to turn toward him and Danny desperately snapped back into the visible spectrum.
"Well, as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters," his dad said.
Danny smiled in response, just relieved he'd managed to turn visible again before his dad saw—or rather, didn't see.
They didn't talk long before his dad left, and he was in his room alone again, free to turn invisible as much as he liked—whether he wanted to or not.
It was more-or-less fine when he was mostly left alone in his room with no one to see his powers acting up. He was still sick, and he still felt like death, but at least he didn't have to worry to much about his secret identity being found out.
But a few days later, he started to recover. He could get up and walk around the house, and people spent more time around him because they were less worried about catching his cold. The problem with that was, even though he was on the mend, his powers were still acting up.
Once, when he was microwaving some soup, he randomly went intangible and fell halfway through the kitchen floor. Thankfully Jazz had been the only one to see, and she'd helped pull him back up, but if his parents had been there, he'd have been screwed. 
When he was watching TV with his mom, he'd had a light cough and when he looked up, he saw that he'd accidentally made the coasters on the coffee table start floating. Thankfully, she'd been too focused on the drama they were watching together to notice, but it had been a close call.
His cold was almost gone, but he wasn't out of the woods yet.
Truly, he couldn't get well soon enough.
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stormbreaker-290 · 3 months
Attention moots!! Guess who just got ✨injured✨
Ahem :3 so uhhh for starters: I've had a cold for the last couple days, nothing too major, just a sore throat and a stuffy nose. but i haven't really had an appetite for the duration of it, skipping out on meals and snacking on light foods. I also happen to have an Iron deficiency, which happens so make me lightheaded and dizzy if I don't get enough filling food
The problem becomes apparent pretty quickly when I put it like this, but just let me explain to you the events of earlier today:
Since I at least had the brainpower to know I needed to eat something besides trail mix and tea, I was in the kitchen making myself lunch like I normally do; when I suddenly felt myself becoming dizzy. I sat down as soon as possible to avoid fainting in the middle of the kitchen, and tried to steady myself. A few moments into this, I realized my food was going to overcook if I didn't get it out of the pot right then.
So I did probably the dumbest thing I could've done in that situation.
I stood up quickly, giving myself an immediate head rush, and blacked out.
I regained consciousness to see my step-dad cushioning my head with a hoodie he found, (I was on the floor) my mum kneeling next to him and frantically asking if i was okay while putting some kind of ointment on me, and feeling a dull pain on my right arm and face.
When I had blacked out, i was already reaching for the pot before toppling over, so as I did that, I splashed the entire right side of my face in boiling ramen water, along with grazing my knuckles on the high heat burner on my way down.
My mum took care of me after that, giving me some high-in-iron snacks to munch on and a painkiller for the burns.
All things considered, Im quite lucky that there were people around when I went down- my stepdad made sure I didn't completely faceplant into the pot, and if my mum hadn't put the ointment (honey) on me as soon as she did, i likely woulda had a gnarly burnscar on my face. My hand got the brunt of the trauma, and it most definitely will scar, but id rather it be my hand than the alternative.
Soo yeah ,:3 I'm okay now, but damn if I didn't scare the ever loving shit outta my family lmao believe it or not, this is,,,, not the first time I've straight up fainted actually- definitely one of the worst times, but yeahh ^^'
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beth--b · 1 year
Did you just sneeze?
Steve had a hectic week ahead of him.
He had a busy day planned.
It was because of the previously mentioned 'busy day' that when Steve woke up with a dry, scratchy throat and a blocked and stuffy nose, that he chose to ignore those facts and get ready for work.
He thought he had gotten away with it too.
Last he'd checked Eddie had still been passed out cold in their bed.
At least he had been, until he sneezed.
"Stevie? Did you just sneeze baby? Don't tell me you caught that bug Robin had last week?" Eddie called from the bedroom, voice sleepy but concerned.
"Ah no, it's nothing Eds I'm fine," Steve answered only to wince at how raspy, and distinctly not fine, his voice sounded.
Read it here on ao3
Eddie scoffed and rounded the corner, crossing his arms over his chest and looking Steve up and down.
"Ah excuse me, but I must have heard wrong just a moment ago when you said you were 'fine'. You don't look fine. You certainly don't sound fine. So I couldn't have heard you say that you were, now could I?" Eddie was now right in front of Steve, long pale fingers reaching out to press against Steve's sweaty forehead.
Steve ducked away from Eddie's searching fingers. "Look, I might have the start of a very mild cold, but I feel alright. I have to get to work, Eddie."
Eddie frowned and quickly moved in and pressed his whole palm to Steve's forehead, Steve not managing to get out of the way this time. Eddie's frown only deepened as he felt Steve's temperature.
"Baby I'm no thermometer but you are most definitely sporting a fever. Do yourself, and everyone you would potentially spread this to at work, a favour and call in sick. Then you need to go back to bed and I'll make you some tea to help your throat."
Steve turned away to face the door. He wanted to cave so badly, he really didn’t feel well now that he had been forced into thinking about it for more than half a moment while throwing clothes on and rushing out the door. But he had work, and then he was meant to taxi the kids around in the afternoon after his shift.
Eddie just crossed his arms and stared at Steve, while Steve stood frozen with indecision, one hand on the door handle. Then, he sneezed so hard he smacked his head into the door and his decision was apparently made for him.
"That's it!" Eddie threw his hands up before wrapping an arm around Steve's shoulder and steering him back towards their bedroom. "You sir are getting into some comfy clothes and getting back into bed. I will go make some tea, then after you finish you are going back to sleep. Have I made myself clear?"
Apparently struck momentarily mute all Steve could do was nod and do as he was told.
Eddie followed through and set about making tea while Steve got settled into bed. The sheets were still warm and he was honestly feeling worse the longer he was awake. It wasn't long before Eddie was setting a mug onto the bedside table and then sliding under the covers beside Steve.
"I put honey and lemon in the tea sweetheart, should help your throat. After that you get some rest, I already called work for you and told them you won't be in so you don't need to worry about that. I can cart the gremlins around later, but for now we are just gonna rest quietly, I can read if you like, and you just worry about getting better."
"Thanks Eds," Steve rasped, picking up his mug and taking a sip of the soothing drink within. "You take such good care of me."
Eddie huffed, giving a long suffering sigh, "Someone has to! But I'm always happy to do it. I love you."
Steve sniffed and leaned his head against Eddie's shoulder. "Hmm love you too."
Eddie took the mug from Steve's slackening grip and placed it on his own bedside table before pressing a soft kiss to Steve's forehead. "Rest up baby," Eddie said softly.
Steve just closed his eyes and pressed closer against Eddie's side. Maybe taking a sick day wasn't so bad after all.
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find-roronoa-zoro · 5 months
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Roronoa Zoro X CisFem Reader
"Law just pulled up!" Ace called from downstairs. 
"Are you sure you want to date this guy?" Sabo stepped into your room crossing his arms, "You were getting along with Zoro so well."
"Can you zip me up?" you turned your back to him, "Zoro is great and everything but he's young and doesn't need an old lady like me holding him back. I'm sure now that he knows how old I am he thinks I'm just desperate to have a husband and pop out a couple of brats."
Sabo scoffed tugging your zipper over your still bruised back, "That's why you should get to know each other right? Prove the desperate 30-something stereotype wrong."
"I've been here before remember James? It's fine. It was just a little crush." you turned straightening out your purple cotton dress, "How do I look?"
"Beautiful as always." he sighed.
"You always were my favorite." you winked ruffling his blond waves, "Don't tell the others."
This was your third date with the doctor. You got along surprisingly well and could sit and talk for long periods of time without awkward silences. He had moments where he could be a bit too honest but you found it a little endearing. 
"You look nice." his smooth voice complimented as you reached the bottom stair. 
"It's nice to have your hard work acknowledged."
"I'm sure you hardly had to try." he smirked. 
"Ugh," Ace gagged, "can you just go already please?" 
"Shut it." you snapped flicking his nose. 
"So, you haven't said what's on the agenda today." You murmured carefully sliding into the passenger seat of Law's '68 Super Bee. 
"Well, the last two dates were a little too stuffy...you know I'm still learning your preferences," the classic engine roared to life, "I thought today could be a little more low key. I know a great sushi place."
"Still sounds fancy." you noted glancing at him.
"It's a cozy little place, trust me you'll be comfortable there." 
"My comfort is in your hands then." you chuckled. 
It was a short drive to the small restaurant, you were still amazed by how much this town had changed since you moved away.
It was indeed a quaint family run restaurant, Law seemed to know the owners. You took your time to eat and talk, finding conversation topics quite easily. Law sort of put up a stern cold front, but you found him to be interesting, funny and warm. It did worry you a bit that despite his looks and personality you hadn't really swooned over him the way you had with Zoro. The greenette had done absolutely nothing and completely swept you away, Law on the other hand was actually putting in effort and nothing. Well, not nothing, you definitely liked him you just wondered how much of it was genuine. 
"Hm?" you hummed watching a smattering of stars become visible in the oncoming night sky. 
His phone rang interrupting whatever he'd intended to say. 
"Yes... Yes," he sighed glancing at you, "I'll be there as quickly as I can." 
"Duty calls?" you guessed. 
"Unfortunately, one of my patients may need another emergency surgery. Worse, I don't have time to drop you off." 
"It's fine. I'll just Uber or something." you gave his shoulder a weak pat. 
Once you'd arrive at the hospital, Law kissed your forehead a told you he'd text you later. You took a seat on a bench after slipping into your sweater and opened your Uber app to order a ride. It only took a few seconds to confirm your trip as someone was near by, you didn't even bother reading the driver info and put your phone in your purse waiting for the marked car. Not even five minutes later a black F-150 pulled up with an Uber sticker in the window. 
"Is everything ok?" A familiar voice called as you stood. 
"You're my Uber?" you scoffed at the irony. 
"Helps make ends meet." Zoro reached across the seat opening the door from the inside, "You didn't answer my question."
"Oh, yeah everything is fine. I was just hanging out with a friend who works here." you cringed at yourself for that one. 
Why were you even compelled to not be truthful?
"Well, you look nice for just hanging out in the hospital." he watched you climb into the cab and buckle up a light flush dusting your cheeks at his compliment. 
"I look nice compared to the last time you saw me looking like a beat up trash person." you chuckled trying to deflect. 
"No, you are a nice looking trash person too." 
You blushed harder. Since when was he a flirt? 
"Speaking of beat up, your face healed nicely." 
"Yeah, thanks for the medicine. It really helped." he breathed, "How's your back?"
"Ugh," you groaned, "still bruised and sore but it's getting better."
"Good. If you ever wanna pay Kid back let me know."
"Nah, you heard Pops. It's best to just move on." you frowned as you turned down your driveway. 
The truck came to a stop behind Thatch's car. 
"Wanna come in for a bit... the guys probably wouldn't mind a surprise hang." 
What were you thinking? You're dating someone. 
"I can't, I haven't met my goal for the night." he declined as you opened the door. 
What was he thinking? This was his chance!
"Have a good night then." you smiled.
"You too."
"Why is Zoro bringing you home from your date with Law?" Sabo inquired from the porch where he sat in the rocking chairs with his new girlfriend. 
"Well, hello to you too baby brother," you sneered and turned toward the brunette at his side with a smile, "Hey Al." 
"Hey F/N." she replied smiling sweetly. 
"And if you must know, Law got called in for an emergency and Zoro just happened to be my Uber driver." you reached for the door.
"So he just left you somewhere?" the blonde clicked his tongue. 
"It was an emergency Sabo, he couldn't make a patient wait. I went to the hospital with him and was safe the entire time." you ruffled his hair, "Though it's nice that you still worry. You two don't stay out too late you'll catch a cold."
"You're back early." Ace commented as you entered the house. 
"Yeah yeah," you waved him off and slouched up the stairs. 
As you got undressed and started to braid your hair your phone pinged in your purse.
A text from a coded number. 
530744 : Next time you need a ride just text me and I'll pick you up for free. 434.555.9946. 
You touched your lips in attempt to keep your smile from growing and saved the number in your contacts. 
Me: Thanks Greenie, I'll be sure to give you a stellar review.
Zoro: and don't forget to tip your driver
Me: shameless.
Zoro: a guys gotta eat.
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password-door-lock · 1 year
Unknown doesn’t really care about you. That’s been his conviction from day one, the truth to which he has clung with a vice grip throughout his acquaintance with you. He doesn’t care about you, he doesn’t care what’s convenient for you, and he doesn’t care about your feelings. He certainly doesn't care that you've been restless all night, waking up at odd intervals to sniffle for a bit before returning to your tossing and turning. He supposes that he does care if you’re able to help him fulfill his plan, though you’ve already thrown a wrench into it once by refusing to enter the code correctly at the apartment. He had no choice but to bring you back to Magenta, which may have been a bad call, but Unknown has about as much patience for surprises as he does for liars— which is to say, none at all— and your inability to listen forced him to make a snap decision on the spot. 
Presently, he's working at his desk, and you’re asleep on the couch, stirring and whining occasionally in what he imagines is discomfort. He wonders if you're experiencing something akin to the nightmares that plague him when he forces himself to rest, but then goes out of his way to dissolve the thought. Unknown doesn’t like to linger on his own pain. Why would he? So instead, he watches you sleep fitfully. After a few minutes of this, you blink awake. You sit up, looking around frantically. “Did you have a bad dream, prince(ss)?” Unknown asks, amused despite himself. You look adorable even in the faint light provided by his monitor, with your eyes wide and your head swiveling comically from side to side.
“No; don't worry,” you reply, “But my throat hurts, and my nose is all stuffed up— I think I might have a cold or something.” That much is obvious from your voice. 
Even so, Unknown’s fingers pause where they are above his keyboard. In fact, his whole body freezes. He’s stiff, unsure of how to handle the situation. If you have a sore throat and a stuffy nose, then you’re almost definitely sick— Unknown doesn’t have time to process all the reasons why he doesn’t like that thought. He only allows himself to acknowledge the fact that it irks him. “You’re sick,” he informs you, trying not to sound nervous. It’s important that he maintains a calm tone in order to maintain his iron grip on the situation. 
You’re already starting to tremble so obviously that he can see it even from his vantage point across the room. What reason do you have to be trembling? Unknown wonders. He’s the one who might get sick as a result of your negligence— he’s been in here with you all night, breathing your air and touching things you’ve also touched. If you’re sick, then there’s a pretty solid chance that Unknown is going to be next— he growls, annoyed at the thought of losing progress with his work for something so pointless. If his head gets foggy with fever, he’ll work a lot slower, which will doubtlessly cause problems for him in his quest for revenge. It pisses him off that this is something over which he has no jurisdiction— you might be at the mercy of his whims, but your illness is not. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out. He should feel good that you’re apologizing, taking responsibility; he should enjoy the knowledge that you’re shaking in fear of how he might respond to this latest inconvenience. Yes, you should be sorry, shouldn’t you? You’re the one who brought some bug into the intelligence room, after all. 
But, inexplicably, Unknown does not feel comforted at all. “Don’t waste time apologizing,” he snaps. It’s always grounding to snap at people— it reminds him that he’s in control. Of course, you do that well enough on your own; you make your devotion obvious with every thoughtful gesture and every offhand word. It’s almost cute, the way you bend over backwards for him. 
Before he can tell you what you should start doing in lieu of telling him you’re sorry, you lapse into a prolonged period of violent coughing. “Sorry,” you choke out again once you’re finished. 
“Okay.” Unknown doesn’t even bother telling you not to apologize again. He’s annoyed that you’re sick, but he’s even more annoyed that he has to stop working to help you deal with your emotions. Can’t you handle your feelings on your own? Why would you rely on him for something like this? Wouldn’t it be easier for you to just sulk in the corner without making a peep? But Unknown concedes that in all other cases, your reliance on him is a good thing. It makes you easier to control. 
Maybe this is a necessary sacrifice, he decides, and that’s what’s compelling him to continue this discussion. If he handles your feelings neatly, you might follow his instructions better, and he can spend his time on more important things. If he lets you stew with your strange guilt, especially when you’re trying to recover from a cold, then he’s going to have to deal with it later, when your emotional and physical condition are both significantly worse. Unknown isn’t interested in that. 
“Is there anything I can do to help you?” You ask, as if he hasn’t already made it clear to you that there isn’t.
Unknown is beside himself. What are you talking about? How could you possibly help him? You can barely carry on a conversation without losing your train of thought in a fit of coughing. “No. You don’t need to worry about that,” he tells you flatly. “Just keep quiet and rest so you get better fast, hm? I don’t want to deal with a sick assistant any longer than I have to.”
“Are you sure?” You ask. Though he doesn’t understand why, Unknown is suddenly very glad that you’re feeling well enough to pester him. “There’s gotta be something I can do.” 
“I just told you what to do,” he reminds you, “So maybe you should start listening before you regret it.” 
“You’re threatening me? Even though I’m sick?” As if your feigned shock wasn’t annoying enough, you take the liberty of pretending to cough into your hand. Of course, this fake cough soon turns into a fit of very genuine coughing— good. It serves you right for trying to mock him. 
“Mhm,” Unknown hums, "Now, why don’t you try to follow directions instead of talking nonsense?” It puts him at ease to play this game with you. He doesn’t have to contend with any emotions he may harbor about the situation if you’re up for a verbal sparring match, and he’d never pass up an opportunity to assert his control. 
“Whatever you say.” You salute him, then sneeze obnoxiously into your elbow. For how long, exactly, is he going to have to deal with this behavior? “What did you want me to do, again?” 
“Now you’re just looking for attention,” Unknown decides. He has no idea why you’re so committed to the idea of working when he’s giving you not simply the license, but the direct order to rest, though it doesn’t really matter. He’s already told you several times that he doesn’t need you to work on anything, and besides, he wants you to feel better. But that makes sense— of course he would want his assistant to be functioning normally. His motivations are entirely justifiable. “Go lay back down and don’t bother me again.”
“Okay, okay,” you hold up your hands and gaze at him with adoration. “I get it! You don’t want me to work! Who are you and what have you done with Unknown?” He just glares at you, waiting for you to finish giggling at your own joke. “But, sure, whatever, I’ll try to rest. Feel free to wake me up if you need something, though. I want to help you if I can.” 
Unknown rolls his eyes. He’s glad to have such a loyal assistant, but you seriously need to stop challenging his authority like this. “I’m not going to tell you again,” he warns. 
“I said okay! Look, here I am resting.” After another prolonged coughing fit, you make a big show of laying back down on the couch and closing your eyes— and if Unknown finds himself smirking a little at your fake snoring noises, that’s none of anybody’s business.
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A/N: This one has been a long time in the making. I love you like Rocket loves collecting random body parts!
Series masterlist
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Includes: Fluff
Summary: You come down with the flu
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You wake up coughing, unable to breathe. Your throat is raw, and your sinus cavity is one swollen, immovable ache.
"Darling?" Loki rushes in from the other room. "Are you alright?"
You gulp down water before responding. "I'll be fine, just not feeling well. Probably the flu."
"You're sick?" his eyes widen. "I'm getting Bruce!" He rushes from the room.
You sigh and reach for a tissue. Ideally, you should head home, but your place is all the way up in the Bronx and you'd end up exposing a cabbie or everyone on the subway. 'Better ask Tony to put me in a guest room.'
You're unlocking your phone when smallpox blankets cross your mind. The flu may mean a few days in bed to you, but it could be deadly to someone who hasn't built up an immunity.
Loki returns with a haggard looking Dr. Banner. "See, she's ill," he pushes the doctor in your direction. "You must treat her before it gets worse."
"Loki," you say in a soothing tone. "I'm sure it's no big deal, but I don't want you to catch it. It's probably unlike anything you've been exposed to on Asgard, and it could be much worse for you because you don't have any built-up immunity."
"Darling," he scoffs. "Illness is the defining trait of mortals, not gods. I'll be quite alright."
Bruce pulls a thermometer from his black medical bag. "Did your symptoms just start?" he asks, slipping it under your tongue.
You nod.
"And have you had your flu shot this season?" Another nod as the thermometer beeps.
He takes it, disinfects it with an alcohol wipe, and takes a look. "Definitely a fever. What are your other symptoms?"
"Stuffy nose, sore throat, cough and a sinus headache."
"Sounds like influenza..."
"Influenza?!" Loki repeats, horrified. He grips Banner by the arm. "Bruce, you need to save her. Please, I can't lose her. Not like this, not now."
"Loki," Banner responds gently. "It's fine, it'll likely be over in a few days."
"A few days? How are you acting so calm?! You have seven Ph.Ds.! There must be something you can do. She can't only have a few days left to live. Her symptoms just started."
"I meant she should be feeling better in a few days."
"Banner, you must know that influenza is the deadliest disease in Midgard. It killed over 21 million people in the 1918 season alone!"
"And it's been almost a century since. We have better medicine now, and she's been vaccinated. She just needs rest, some Nyquil and lots of water." He puts a blister pack on the bedside table. "How about I talk to Cap and have him take you off duty so you can look after her until she's back on her feet?"
"Yes, that would be much appreciated," Loki sighs, beginning to regain his composure.
"Thank you, Bruce," you say, pulling the paper back to pop out the capsules.
The next time you wake up, it's late afternoon. Loki is perched nearby reading, a pile of medical texts and journals on the floor beside him. "Darling, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Achy, but that's normal," you smile at him.
"Yes, so it says here," he holds up the book in his hand. Influenza is written in bold letters across the front. "You should eat. Wanda made chicken noodle soup. I can get you some if you'd like?"
"Sounds yummy," you respond drowsily.
"I'll be right back," he marks his place in the book.
You look around and find your bedside table is set up with cough drops, Nyquil, tissues, water, and a humidifier steaming peppermint essential oil. There's a second comforter over your side of the bed and an extra pillow nestled beneath you.
Loki returns with the soup and a mug of chamomile tea on a tray. After you've eaten, he runs a hot bath to ease your aching muscles, cooling your forehead with a blue hand as you soak. Finally, he helps you into a cozy set of PJs and tucks you back into bed.
He hardly leaves your side until your symptoms are mostly abated and you insist that you're well enough to return to work. Even then he's reluctant but accepts there's nothing he can do as Bruce deems you no longer contagious. Things return to normal overall, but every few months you notice a new medical book has joined his library, as though to prepare for the next time you inevitably get the sniffles.
Taglist: @peaches1958, @javagirl328, @loopsisloops, @goblingirlsarah, @buttercupcookies-blog, @lovelysizzlingbluebird , @cakesandtom, @ladymischief11, @km-ffluv, @coldnique, @glitterylokislut, @eleniblue
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
sick reader and scarlett with “Okay Ms I’m-not-sick, tell me why you sneezed five times in the span of an hour.” and “I don’t get colds.” where reader is super sneezy but in denial as they try to shoot some movie scenes
By Your Side
〚 Notes - Okay I know Im posted less then usual, that'll probably be the case until my exams are over! Anyway, enjoy :) (also, have I even bothered to edit this? No of course not, so excuse the errors) 〛
〚 Summary - You're obviously getting sick, wether you want to admit it or not. And its obvious your girlfriend wasnt about to let you work for long once she found out. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 10023 〛
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As the cameras rolled, the set was buzzing with energy. The crew was rushing around, trying to make sure everything was perfect for the next scene. The other actors were getting into character, preparing themselves for the performance. Then there was you, playing the lead role in the newest hit rom-com that was predicted to break box-office records, and were you excited for the day ahead? Nope. You definitely were not – not with those aching sinuses and the constant need to sneeze looming at the back of your nose. 
Atleast you had Scarlett with you though. Your girlfriend had been hired as one of the leading producers for the film so the two of you were able to spend a lot of your time together. As you readied yourself for your scene, she took her place, giving you an eager thumbs up before ‘action’ was called.  
You tried your best to ignore the tickle in your nose and the pressure building in your head as you delivered your lines with enthusiasm. But then, in the middle of your monologue, you felt a sneeze coming on. You tried to suppress it, but it was no use – your body took over, and you sneezed loudly, causing the other actors to pause their lines and the crew to stare at you in surprise. 
“Bless you!” You heard her voice call out, causing you to look over in her direction offering a small scrunch of your nose as you mouthed a ‘thank you’ 
You tried your best to focus on your lines and immerse yourself in your character, but your body had other ideas. You’d only managed to get some take done before your nose grew annoyed once more. You could feel the tickle in your nose growing stronger with every passing moment, and you knew it was only a matter of time before the inevitable sneeze came. 
Sure enough, a few minutes into the next scene, you let out a loud, explosive sneeze that echoed throughout the set. You froze instantly, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. Scarlett shot you a concerned look from behind the camera, but you ignored it, determined to push through. But your sneezing didn't stop there. You sneezed again, and again, and again, each time feeling more and more drained. Finally, after what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes, the scene was over, and you collapsed onto a nearby chair, coughing into your elbow whilst trying to ignore the worried looks of your colleagues. 
Suddenly there was a hand rubbing against your back. “You ok, my sweetheart?” You felt Scarlett’s warm hand against your back as she rubbed it affectionately, “Something bothering that nose of yours?” 
You tried to give her a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a grimace as you cleared your throat - though it did little to hide your obviously raspy voice, “It’s nothing, I don’t know why that keeps happening.”  
 “You getting sick maybe? There has been something going round.” Scarlett worried, that worry only increasing when you turned away to cough into your elbow, exhaustion plain on your face. 
 "I don't get colds," you replied defensively, trying to mask the stuffiness in your voice. 
Scarlett raised an eyebrow. " Well, you're definitely sneezing a lot for someone who doesn't get colds. Why don't you take a break and rest for a bit? I can handle things here." 
"No, it’s fine. I really don't get colds," you repeated stubbornly, trying to shrug off her touch when she brought her palm up to your forehead, "It's probably just allergies or something." 
Scarlett gave you a skeptical look, but she didn't push it further. Instead, she went to talk to the director, explaining that you were feeling unwell and needed to take a break. Luckily your director was a kind soul and was more than understanding. Infact, he ended up telling Scarlett to just take you back the trailer – it was better than you accidently infecting anyone else with the cold you totally didn’t have. 
As soon as she was given the go ahead, Scarlett quickly ushered you to a quiet corner of the studio, where she sat you down away from the looming eyes of you colleagues and brought over a glass of water along with some tissues. "You're not fooling anyone, you know," she said gently as she sat beside you, handing you the tissues. "You're clearly sick, and I know you don’t get sick often, I know but you are right now, so you need to starting taking care of yourself more baby. This isn’t good for you sweetie.” 
You went to respond, ready to brush off her concerns but instead your nose spoke for you, “iishiew! Hih’tshoo!” 
"Bless you. Look, I know you're trying to tough it out, but I'm worried about you. You need to rest," Scarlett said as her palm touched against your forehead once more, her thumb brushing against your eyebrows this time as she used her hand to shield your eyes from the harsh lights, "You're really burning up." 
You groaned, feeling defeated. Scarlett was right - you were feeling worse than you wanted to admit. Maybe it was time to stop being so stubborn and take a break. "Okay, maybe you're right. You leaned further into her touch, feeling the coolness of her hand against your clammy forehead. "Okay, fine," you said, your voice a little hoarse now, "Maybe I do need to take a break." 
Scarlett smiled, looking relieved. "Good. Let's get you back to the trailer and make you some soup or something. Whatever we do we’ll get you tucked up in bed and have you feeling better in no time I promise sweetheart." 
As Scarlett led you away, you couldn't help but feel grateful for her support and concern. Even though you were stubbornly trying to ignore your illness, she was there to remind you that it was okay to take a break and take care of yourself. Maybe you weren't as invincible as you thought, but with Scarlett by your side, you knew you could get through anything. 
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scaralvr · 2 years
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04. lovesick idiots! chapter four to the secrecy of our confessions [masterlist]
synopsis: the admiration you two hide for each other strengthens even more through that one band practice.
scaramouche's heart continued to pound erratically against his ribcage with each step he took, drawing him closer to the music room. to think that you're going to let him see you practice. he practically had to clench his jaw in order to stop his teeth from chattering in pure excitement. in the meanwhile, you weren't in any better condition, either.
"it's a little stuffy in here, isn't it?" you nervously commented, your finger adjusting the neckline of your uniform shirt. ayaka put a hand on your shoulder, "not to worry, (y/n)! you'll do amazing, as you always are." yoimiya grinned, "hey, whatcha' say we go out for your favourite strawberry shortcake after, if you get through this?"
your mood did a whole three sixty as you exclaimed, "really!?" yoimiya nodded eagerly, "so make sure you do well, alright? no pressure!" hu tao played around with your drumsticks before tossing one in the air, "heads up (y/n)!" you cautiously stepped forward and caught both of them just as soon as scaramouche entered.
scaramouche internally fanboyed once more, cheeks a rosy red and eyes struck with awe, 'perfect catch, (y/n)!' ayaka pointedly said, "ahh, what did i say about being rough with our equipment?" hu tao shrugged with a giggle, "whoopsies." you quickly whipped your head around as yoimiya rushed over, "the student president's here! good afternoon!" she cheerfully greeted as hu tao stuck out her tongue.
you nearly dropped your drumsticks when you heard scaramouche speak with that brooding, amazingly sexy voice of his. "afternoon. i trust this won't be a waste of my time?" he asked, raising a brow at a raging hu tao that was being held back by ayaka. "oh, not a waste of time at all!" she said with a tight grin.
ayaka squeaked, "help me, (y/n)!" you jumped, "right!"
"eeeh? you seriously went to that band practice?" mona said, with a mouthful of dango. "what do you think? just tell mom i'm going to be home late." scaramouche snapped, standing outside the music room to take the call. fischl followed mona, eating her own dango, "is that scawamooch? allow mwe to twalk to him!" fischl whined as mona sighed.
mona gave the phone to her. fischl held it up to her ear, gulping down the dessert, "greetings, brother. may i join you?" mona snickered as scaramouche instantly shouted, "HAH!? don't you have homework!?" fischl pouted, "yes, no, maybe so. but the point is, i have never seen a live band performance before, and it would mean the world to me if i could!"
scaramouche groaned through his teeth, "urgh... fine! but hurry up, they're going to start soon." fischl jumped up and down, "i thank you for this opportunity, brother!" she quickly handed the phone back to mona and ran up the school stairwell. mona ended the call and sighed, "guess that leaves more dango for me."
yoimiya slung her bass over herself, "relax, hu tao. remember, this is for (y/n), right?" hu tao growled through her gritted teeth, adjusting her guitar's pegs, "he's lucky (y/n) likes him. i would've broken that asshole's nose by now if not for that." ayaka positioned her keyboard, "so what'll it be today, (y/n)?"
you coyly grinned, tapping your drumsticks against each other, "i was actually thinking if we could do fire bird by roselia, i always did like covering that song." yoimiya gasped, "great idea, (y/n)! he'll definitely fall head over heels for that." she cheekily tittered, causing your face to redden.
ayaka smiled, "you've returned. and it seems like you've brought along a plus one?" scaramouche sighed and placed a hand on fischl's head, "she's just happy to be here." fischl nodded eagerly.
✩ || 🥁.彡
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scaramouche rested his head atop his study table, smiling to himself. his earphones were tucked inside his ears as he listened to the show you previously performed just for him on loop. because yun jin was the main vocalist, he barely heard your voice on its' own, but witnessing the magic right then and there, scaramouche felt as if his life was complete.
"waaah, that was amazing!" fischl exclaimed, tears peeking at the corners of her eyes as she ran up to you. you paused, stunned for a few moments before shyly grinning, "thanks, fischl." scaramouche was still seated, eyes fixated on your figure as you conversed with your friends. his lips thinned out, indigo hues sparkling brighter than ever. he stood up and made his way to you with only one question in mind.
scaramouche took out his earphones and opened his composition notebook. flipping past several pages, he landed on a very specific one. your siganture adorned the lined paper, and a wide grin broke out onto his features. scaramouche began to laugh, holding the sacred page against his chest as he plopped onto his bed. not long after that, did he begin to kick his feet out of thrill.
you rushed inside your house, calling out, "i'm homeee!" kicking off your shoes, you ran up the stairs as your mother watched you do so. "how was cram school?" she queried, and you quickly replied while shutting the door to your room, "mundane!" you bit down on your lip, giggling when you jumped onto your bed.
your chin landed on your pillow and you squinted your eyes. "that performance wasn't disappointing at all. i look forward to seeing where you'll be in the future, (y/n)." you mocked his voice and laughed almost instantly, rolling about your mattress akin to an excited child.
"ohuhu..." you sighed out in between heavy exhales, hand resting on your stomach. scaramouche's thumb carefully caressed your penmanship, his cheeks a deep, crimson shade.
"i love them so much." "i love him so much."
© scaralvr.
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