#i did go for shane that one time but that was more for his chickens
trophyposting · 9 months
i always married alex in stardew valley. even before the trophy obsession developed. i'm just born for loving guys who very clearly peaked in high school
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stardewremixed · 3 months
We need better marriage candidate advantages! Gifts, dinners, and occasional chores on the farm are nice, but....
Shane - starts taking care of the chickens and you get more eggs (double or triple from one chicken) or an extra chicken every year. Plus discounts at Marnie's. Oh and give me a room for Jas on the farm!!! Also he starts working at Pierre's after Joja closes and leads weekly AA meetings at the community center. Marnie also visits occasionally and brings gifts. Wanders into the forest sometimes and brings back forage.
Abigail - discounts at Pierre's, shopping on Wednesdays, and she goes adventuring with you in the mines (for some rare drops). Discounts at the Adventurer's Guild after she becomes a full-fledged member. Her parents visit on the farm and you get occasional gifts from them. Breaks up rocks on the farm (actual rocks in your inventory and occsisonal geodes).
Harvey - discounts at the clinic for the amount of times you're injured in the mines and he is the one who finds you and carries you home so you don't lose any items. Weekly energy tonics. And sometimes he plays jazz (Unlocks new music). Discounts at the bookseller (1.6) because he befriends the hot air balloon operator. And the man gets over his fear of heights and gets his chopper license. Can take you to Ginger Island for free.
Maru - weekly energy tonics since she works in the Clinic (yes, she should keep her job) and battery packs, plus her dad visits the farm cave and you get better drops in there. Robin visits too and says things like "oh, I saw such and such needed upgraded or repaired, so I did it. " Seb visits and might bring a gift. She also creates a working robot that can automate some farm chores at random. Joins the aerobics class at Caroline's.
Sebastian - discounts from Robin for upgrades and her shop, he occasionally goes adventuring with you in the quarry (for rare drops), and brings in a side income from his incredibly popular indie computer game. Brings gifts from his trips to Zuzu City. Hosts weekly jam sessions with Abigail and Sam on the farm. Organizes DnD game night at the community center - friendly to beginner's.
Leah - chops wood for you (actual wood in your inventory), crafts beautiful decor for your farm, and brings you delicious forage from the forest. Brings in a small income from her artistry. And she would also adventure with you in the secret woods (rare drops and better protection). Might buy you a drink or salad at the Saloon on occasion. Would absolutely dance with you at the Stardrop on Friday nights if you asked her.
Alex - Builds a ramp for George and then his grandparents occasionally visit the farm, bearing gifts. He chops wood and breaks up stone on the farm (actual wood/stone in your inventory). And let's start a food truck. Sells at his stand year round (and more than just ice cream), bringing in a small monthly income. He would be an excellent ally also on difficult adventuring levels (preventing you from getting surrounded). If you do go down, he's carrying you home so that you don't lose any items. Runs bingo at community center for the older townies (including his grandparents). Finally fixed the damn leak in Evelyn's roof.
Elliott - let's upgrade his beach cabin for a vacation getaway! He brings you home from the library with all sorts of useful knowledge. The man brings in an income selling his stories and poetry. Establishes a regular reading event at the library. Teaches writing classes at the Community Center. Discounts at Willy's (Willy is Elliott's great uncle in my headcanon). He would occasionally adventure with you on Ginger Island. Oh and I think you'd adopt Leo together and build a little treehouse on the farm.
Sam - income from Joja (or the movie theater), builds a skate park for the kids on town (a new post marriage heart event), and travels occasionally with his band (bringing in a sporadic income). Oh and he writes new songs for the jukebox at the Saloon. (Unlocks new music). Probably plays for the locals on Friday nights. Vincent would come stay with you on the farm, on occasion, so he would have a room. Plus Jodi would bring you dinners on Sundays. Kent would send you regular gifts in the mail. Also unlimited free games at the arcade (Sam's always buying).
Haley - has a photography show (like Leah does with her art) and decorates your farmhouse with occasional prints (new decor), plus an income from selling her services as a photographer. I like to think she works with Seb on the town website and adds her images. Brings gifts from her trips to Zuzu City. Scythes grass on occasion on the farm (actual grass and sometimes mixed seeds in your inventory). Would plant flowers in a farm garden with Evelyn. Emily would visit and bring gifts.
Emily - discounts at the Saloon, a small weekly stipend, and sells her clothes online, plus you get to join the weekly aerobics class at Caroline's with her (and if you have high hearts with Clint, you get discounts at the blacksmith too). Sometimes misc clothing, shoe, hat, and ring upgrades show up in your inventory. Haley would visit and bring gifts.
Penny - special events at the community center (she helps establish family-friendly activities and the community center is more active). She goes back to school for her official license and brings in a small income from teaching. Discounts on bus rides thanks to her mom, or cheaper bus repair if you aren't done yet. Better rewards at the library/museum when you donate items because of her friendship with Gunther. And she creates a playroom at the farm for Jas and Vincent (and your kids, of course). Pam might visit on occasion and bring gifts (and like Shane, Pam would attend the weekly AA meetings).
Okay... confession time... who are you marrying based on the above advantages?
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Hi there, i feel like our spouse doesn't react much to all the magical weirdness on our farm
Can i get some hc for Sdv+sve spouses one day waking up and being able to see an army of juminos recolting crops (farmer have like 4/6 juminos huts and lots of crops)
And the farmer just say "oh you can finally see them" while giving the juminos some raisins.
Heya 👋 Thank you for your ask, dear anon! (and I apologize for taking a little longer to answer 😅).
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Alex can't believe his own ears! Spirits? For real? No way! The athlete dropped everything and quickly walked over to one of the Junimo and started poking at them, causing the little creature to squeak. "Alex, don't be rude. At least offer them raisins first." "Oh, sorry..." But he can't help himself because... a real spirits!
"Hey hon, I made you coffee-" Stepping out onto the front porch of the farm house, Shane found an army of apples with eyes and arms and legs following Farmer around like little chickens following mama hen. With a "fuck this shit, I'm out" face, he walked back home, thinking it was all from lack of sleep.
Sam's eyes nearly popped out of his orbits when he saw Farmer surrounded by apple-like creatures that were jumping and reaching for the raisins in Farmer's hands. The guitarist approached his spouse with an obvious question, but his stomach rumbled treacherously. "Do you have any raisins left for me?" Breakfast first, question later.
"Huh." That was all Sebastian expressed as he treated Junimo to some raisins. This creatures kinda cute, actually. "Sebby, dear, didn't it surprise you at all?" *Sebastian looks at the huge slime hutch, the coop with void chickens, the giant golden clock and the four tall warp obelisks* "Nah, not really, why?"
Not believing his own eyes, Harvey wiped his glasses and looked again, but what he saw before him had not changed. Farmer was still standing over the strange leaf house, and the apple-like creatures were still jumping around them. The doctor felt a little uneasy. He wants to ask. At the same time, he doesn't want to ask anything, lest he break his mind completely.
At first Elliott couldn't understand why there were different apples lying around his spouse. Red, yellow, green... blue and purple? Until those apples had eyes, arms and legs. "Good morning, Elliott, did you sleep well?" Apparently not, because the writer feels that sleep deprivation is making him see some... jumping apples.
Why would Magnus be surprised by the existence of Junimo? In fact, he's the one who introduced Farmer to these creatures. Interest in how his spouse had made friends quickly with the forest spirits, yes, but surprised? He is a wizard, he'd seen more stranger things than that in his life.
Well, that.... explains why Farmer refused Victor's advice to hire some helpers for the farm. Turns out his beloved spouse already has helpers... Little, apple-like helpers. Victor knows magic exists, but he didn't think he'd see something like this in real life. This is great, actually. Very interesting.
Does Lance see Junimo? *Chuckle* Of course, dear Farmer, and not only does he see them, but he even managed to ask the little forest spirits a few questions. For a good portion of raisins, because they love this treat so much. When else would the gallant adventurer have a chance to chat with Junimos, hm?
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
It had been about half a minute, and Maru couldn't let go of the idea that what she was seeing was the work of magic, and not Farmer's little robotic assistants. Magic, spirits... No, that somehow doesn't fit in her head. She's determined to study these 'Junimos' to see who or what they are. Erm, if the Farmer and the creatures themselves don't mind, of course.
You know that state when you have a lot of conflicting emotions bubbling up inside you, you don't know how to react to your own cognitive dissonance about the "magic" that is right in front of your eyes, but you try to stay positive for the sake of the person you love? That's what Penny was experiencing when her spouse was showing her forest spirits.
"Oh, so cute!" Abigail has a bit of magic in her, so of course she can see Junimo too. She's in awe of these forest creatures! And they are such wonderful helpers, harvesting the crops. "My spouse pays you well, yeah?" And the little Junimos jump around happily with tasty raisins in their little hands.
"Eeew! What is tha- Ah, okay, at least it's not rats." Apparently Haley can excuse cute magical forest spirits, but she draws the line when it comes to rats. Because she's terrified of those rodents, yuck. Junimos at least help her beloved Farmer with work, and they smell like forest freshness.
Merciful Yoba! Emily felt the presence of someone's unusual aura, but she couldn't explain who it was coming from. It turned out that all the time the little apple-shaped creatures had been at the farm and had helped her spouse! Kind spirits, how wonderful! And they like raisins? Oh, she sure has a treat for her new forest friends!
Huh, when Leah mentioned that Stardew Valley is "full of magic," she meant that it's full of inspiration for her future works, not literally... Oh, well. Yes, strange little creatures live with her and Farmer, so what? They're cute, kind, and hard-working. Great neighbours (not like she had when she lived in the Zuzu City).
Olivia thought all week that there were a bunch of mice running around the farm, stealing the ripe wheat. After expressing their fears to Farmer that their crops might be destroyed by pests, Farmer showed their wife that it wasn't mice, but little helpers, Junimos, who live there. ...She need a glass of wine. Maybe two.
"Oh, do you see them too, dear?" To be honest, Claire would rather not see them. Not that she minded the cute, erm, creatures, just... Eh, you know what? Why should she be surprised at all? There are so many unusual things and creatures (golden chickens, slimes) on her spouse's farm that there's no point in her being surprised.
Sophia was stuck somewhere between the "Adorable lil apples!" and "Eeeeep! What is that?!" when she saw her spouse surrounded by a dozen magical Junimos. The pink-haired girl floods Farmer with questions and tries to take pictures of the forest creatures on her phone, to show Scarlett (only they've scattered now, awww!)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
pleeeeaaaasee do more shane x reader (preferably gender neutral). Your writing is so good and the "After everything we've been through, you still don't think that I love you?" one broke me. You're a hurt/comfort master
HAH you've given me another idea from this ask alone (insp by my farmer getting alex's 8 heart event while married to shane)
Sorry gang I swear fluffier stuff with Shane is coming
It was just a few days into summer, and Shane already had plans to change up his usual routine once again.
Ever since moving onto your farmland, he found himself getting more motivated to take longer walks. This morning, he planned on doing so after ensuring the crops were watered and the animals were well-fed.
He greeted the cows, rabbit, pigs, and chickens as they filed out of the coop and barn one-by-one, not letting any of them miss their daily pets. Seeing the ostrich and little green dinosaur emerge didn't faze him as much as it did the first time he saw them--he still had no clue how you acquired their eggs (especially one from the skull caverns), but you didn't treat them any differently.
They were both lovable creatures. Just like the blue chickens he introduced you to several months ago.
Knowing you raised some and kept them on the farm made him beam with pride, glad he got to stay here and help run things in your steed.
He wouldn't trade it for the world.
You set off for the beach earlier than usual today, having left a note on the table, and Shane opted to just hang back and repair some of the fences that were looking a bit worn out.
According to the TV, it was a "good luck day", and you hoped to find fortune in the form of a rainbow shell washed up on the coast. You certainly loved foraging them, but even if there weren't any around, you figured you'd go fishing.
Your husband wasn't the best at either skill, although a few hours after you left, he felt a little bored and decided to go visit the beach. Maybe you could use his moral support since other people--mainly Willy and Elliot-mentioned hearing you curse like a sailor when you were wrestling with a fish...or when said fish escaped your line.
He could be there to cheer you up, or teasingly bet on how many joja cola cans you'll fish out of the ocean.
That would be pretty funny, he thought.
So he headed off on his usual walking route, but instead of going to Cindersap Forest or stopping by Pelican Town's river, he ventured towards the beach, greeting whoever said "hello" to him.
Upon arrival, however, Shane stopped in his tracks as he noticed you weren't entirely alone on the beach.
It wasn't Willy, Elliot, Leah, nor that parrot kid you rescued from Ginger Island, but Alex.
He wouldn't have minded that so much....if not for the fact that you two were sitting awfully close together on the coast, overlooking the foamy waves. You were totally oblivious to his presence, so he hung back with suspicion.
Of course, he knew you were growing more sociable with the rest of the villagers, and he didn't want your marriage to be the reason you stopped talking to people.
Even so..something didn't feel right about this, especially as he watched you move closer to Alex, putting an arm around him. And when the younger male put his head on your shoulder, Shane's heart dropped.
You were talking, but obviously he couldn't make out what you were saying thanks to the noisy waves and annoying seagulls.
At this point, however, it became clear what was going on.
And it made him feel utterly sick to his stomach, his mind constantly circling back to one conclusion. Only one explanation as to why you'd ever be that close to Alex, and perhaps why you've been frequently leaving the farm earlier than normal:
You were seeing him behind his back, thinking he'd never find out.
He didn't know how else to interpret that. How else could he?
But of everybody in this town, why did it have to be the guy who reminded him of his youthful days in gridball?
The guy who radiated positivity and was always in high spirits?
The guy who wasn't old and weak and depressed...like him?
'I knew it..they finally got bored of me. But why would they do this?' Scowling, he felt like storming over and saying something, but he couldn't will himself to freak out here and now.
Why bother?
Instead he decided to turn on his heel and storm back to the farm, nearly tripping over a rainbow shell as he did so. The saloon was closed, so he couldn't escape there...but he'll settle for rotting in bed until you come home.
You'll be back, and he'll confront you then.
Coming back to the farmland around noon, you frowned a bit as you didn't see Shane anywhere outside. He wasn't at the mini coop like he normally was, and poor Charlie was looking for him.
"Where did he go, Charles? Hm?" With a soft coo, you kneeled down to pet the chicken. She clucked, her beak pointing towards the cabin, and you thanked her with a small handful of corn before continuing inside.
However, as soon as you stepped into a rather quiet house, all the excitement sapped out of you. You'd normally hear him playing video games or watching a Tunneler's game, but as you entered your shared bedroom...you found him just laying down, his back turned to you.
"Hey, honey." You sighed, relieved as you sat down on the mattress. "All that farmwork got tiring, huh? I understand. Thank you for doing it."
"..Shane? You still asleep?"
There was a long silence, only for it to be broken by a quiet sniffle, and your heart sunk, wondering what happened. "Hey, what's wrong-?"
As you put a hand on his shoulder, Shane flinched and rolled over to face you, his eyes red and watery, and his expression full of disgust...as though you did something wrong.
You've never seen him get this angry at you. Not since your first meeting with him. "Baby-?"
"No. Enough petnames, [y/n]." He huffed, sitting up and staring at you with contempt. "You don't get to act like everything's fine. Like I don't know what's really going on."
"Why were you with Alex today? Did he convince you I wasn't good enough for you anymore? That I'm past my prime?"
You blinked in bewilderment, wondering how on earth he knew that and why he was getting so upset. "Wha..you were at the beach? Why didn't you tell me?"
"That's..not important." He grumbled. "If you love him more, fine. Just tell me. I was ready for the day you'd finally get sick of me. But..to do that behind my back...I just..." Fresh tears brimmed his eyes as he clutched the mermaid pendant with a shaky hand. "I thought you were different..but I was wrong."
Now you were totally lost, heart racing as you tried to wrack your brain for any reason he'd assume that you were cheating on him with Alex. You knew he had some major jealousy issues, and he's been actively working through them with his therapist, but it was never this bad.
"Listen, I promise that what you saw isn't what it-"
"You don't have to lie. I get it. He's young, better looking...he's everything I used to be. So why don't I just go and you can have him live on this farm with you? At least he won't be a burden. At least he won't-"
"Shane just stop. Stop." You raised your voice, growing infuriated. "What in the hell made you think I wanna be with Alex when we're married?! When I've been nothing but there for you since I moved to town?! If you let me finish, I'll explain everyth-"
"Oh I'm sure you have a "perfect" explanation already lined up." He rolled his eyes. "Unless you can tell me why you were that close to him, I don't see why I'm even-"
"Today's the anniversary of his mom's death."
Shane blinked once.
Then twice.
Then three times.
"She passed away 12 years ago." Frowning slightly, you watched his expression shift wildly. "Alex was sitting there, crying his eyes out, and I just...wanted to comfort him. Like any friend would do. That's all."
At this moment, Shane felt like the biggest piece of shit in the valley, and his shoulders sagged. He didn't know what to say.
"We just hugged, and he told me about the good memories they had," you continued, moving closer to put a hand over his own. "Cross my heart, absolutely nothing was going on between us, honey. You really think I'd do that to you? To the man I love?"
"....I....I didn't know he lost his mom.." He mumbled, still at a loss for words.
"Well it's not exactly something he'd share with the whole town. And I was gonna keep it between us, but you wouldn't let me explain myself." You reminded him with a small huff, and he looked down in guilt.
As quickly as your anger rose, however, it was quick to disappear as you watched him. He seemed very torn up and ashamed for accusing you of cheating, but you could understand his perspective and why he saw it in that light.
You would've been suspicious, too.
"Look..I know it did look like something else was going on. And I'm really sorry-"
"No, no..I should be sorry for acting like a total dickhead." Shane gazed back up at you, and his face tore your heart to shreds. "I didn't mean to freak and accuse you of anything. You were just comforting a kid who lost his mom and...I got angry for no reason. Without hearing your side. I shouldn't be like this..yet I feel like some bitter old man.."
"Hey, you're not old." You shook your head, cupping both sides of his cheeks and giving him a gentle kiss. "You're barely 30."
"Still..my body feels that way." He lightly chuckled, enveloping you in a tight hug. "And again, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, [y/n]...I promise I'm working on these stupid jealousy issues."
"I know you are, and I forgive you." Smiling, you squeezed him tight. "We're gonna be okay."
"Mhm..also..um..I found something for you." He let you go and dug into his jacket pocket for an unknown item, and when he presented it to you, the grin on your face was infectious.
"Oh my god..you found one for me?!!" Your eyes lit up, as you now held a beautiful rainbow shell in your hands.
Shane nodded. "Iridium quality."
"You're the best. I love you." Laughing, you brought him back into a hug, giving him a few more kisses. "And you said you sucked at foraging, huh?"
"Ah, well..just the "chopping trees" part. Picking stuff off the ground is easy." He shrugged, his smile bashful. "Glad you like it, sweetheart. Take it as my apology for that..um..misunderstanding."
"I forgive you a thousand times over. Now..I think I'll display this beauty in our aquarium. What do you think, Shane?"
"I think I'll go with and see."
You both hopped out of bed and headed over to where you kept the aquarium tanks, with Shane in better spirits than he was before.
He still felt guilty for acting that way towards you, but your everlasting patience and persistence with him prevails.
He's glad he picked up that rainbow shell for you.
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inc0gnitoo · 4 months
first off the list…
stardew valley <3
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harvey x reader- doctors orders SMUT
youve been dodging your appointment for months now. an embarrassing amount. so, lucky for you, your neighbor shane is helping you out by forcing you to go!! aren’t you just lucky. now you have to try and pretend you DONT want to have sex with your doctor. have fun!
a screeching cry from your horse woke you from your slumber, bringing you a shocking way to wake up. shooting up from bed, you shoved yourself into some pants and scurried outside, the brightness of the lovely 6am sun blinding you. sure, farm life was great. the responsibility, the freedom, the cute animals you would take care of, it was nice.
your neighbour, shane, not as nice. especially on mornings like this, where his idea of helping out was trying to clean out your poor horses nails.
“y/n!! did i wake ya?” he chuckled a bit, knowing damn well what he started. he pulled himself up from the ground he held your horses shoes at, as it let out a huff of frustration. wiping his forehead, he grinned at you.
“thought ya wouldn’t mind if i helped you with your horse this time around. i usually deal with the chickens but..”
sighing, dramatically, you raised a brow. what an idiot. but, he was your best friend, and had always been since you first moved here. sure, he wasn’t doing so great when you first met, but he’s cleaned himself up a bit. thankfully. for your sake, and for jas.
“shane..” you laughed a bit, almost in disbelief at his attempts. “thanks, but i don’t think poor maverick deserves any of what you’re trying to do.”
giving you a somewhat cocky, but pouty expression, he practically dropped with sarcasm as he whined, “you don’t appreciate my hard work.” he strolled over, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
“need me to give you something to do?” you asked, gesturing your head towards your coops, full of clucking creatures that would be oh so grateful if you decided to give them their morning due.
“actually,” he began, pulling out a crumply letter that you assumed he’d pulled from your mailbox. “the doc wants you to go for your checkup.”
“you went through my mail?” you huffed, crossing your arms. he had a tendency to do that, especially when he was the one sending it. he was confident in his ability to give you good gifts. like pizza. or that weird bun recipe? which you’ve never tried? and probably won’t?
his grin turning into a more mischevious smirk, he nodded his head. “sure did, farmer. i’m sure he’s gonna have a very important conversation with you today,” he wiggled his eyebrows, childish as ALWAYS.
sometimes you wish he stayed the emo alcoholic he was before.
“shane!” you began, flustered as you snatched the sheet from his hand, scanning it quickly. just a nice, quick and brief letter. no connotations whatsoever. but shane knew you would overthink it. that little crush you had on your doctor was no secret.
“and it’s first thing in the morning too. must’ve been thinking about you all ni-“
giving him a hard tap on the shoulder, you smacked him away, making your way past him, burning with embarrassment. steam practically seethed from your ears. “i. will deal with that. after YOU deal with the chickens, kay?”
rubbing his arm while wincing a bit, he began his walk to your coops. “boo. you’re no fun.”
no fun? no fun??
sitting in your doctors office, bouncing your leg with anticipation and nervousness was definitely your idea of fun.
the clock in harvey’s clinic was broken. not in the way that you couldn’t read the time, but the sound it made. the incredibly clacky ticks it would make like it was on its last legs. which it basically was. speaking of last legs..
“come back as soon as you need it, george!” harvey’s voice came from behind the door, creaking open as evelyn, pushing george through the door that harvey held for them.
“thank you, doctor harvey. you are too kind.” evelyn, the sweet old lady she was, always so generous with her words. it made poor harvey so bashful. it was cute.
she smiled to you, the anxious little farmer sitting in the waiting room, ignoring the shaking of your leg. “good luck, dearie.” george, much unlike his wife, completely ignored your interaction, crabby as always.
harvey snapped his head to face you. “ah, y/n. early, i see?” of course, you had shown up 25 minutes sooner than you had to. shane was starting to push your buttons, what else were you to do?
nervously, you cleared your throat, the ringing bell or the door to the clinic closing filling the room. you spoke, “y-yeah, haha. i just was excited to-“ he raised a brow, allowing you to pursue your sentence despite your obvious hesitation. “ah, see what you wanted from me.”
“excited?” your doctor had a smirk creeping on his face, “i surely haven’t heard that term before when used in my office, but it does have a nice ring to it.”
you were just as shocked as him, listening to yourself talk. sometimes you wondered how you even managed to speak to people with the things that came to your mind in conversation.
“glad to hear..” you breathed, standing up from your seat. “so.. you called me in for..?” you inquired, hands stuffed into your pockets uncomfortably as you shuffled over to him.
“mm, yes.” harvey hummed, making room for you to walk into his office, almost pressing himself into the wall. he was too polite for his own good. nonetheless, he spoke, “i just had a few things i needed to discuss. nothing to panic about.” he reassured you, knowing how you felt in his office. ever since you’d first moved to pelican town, you’d always been nervous going to his office. sure, 5 years living here, you’d think that you would be used to it by now.
maybe it wasn’t just the office..
oh, for sure. it was him.
you couldn’t help it. he was so gentle with you. the way he’d make sure you were comfortable with everything he was doing, everywhere he was touching. always asking questions, and he was so, so charming. and his hands-
“take a seat, please.”
his orotund voice instructed you, his hand held out towards the medical bed. as you made your way over, he grabbed his clipboard and set a sheet of paper under the clip.
“okay…” he mumbled, mostly to himself, sliding his pen down the sheet, almost as if he was observing a checklist. your leg, subconsciously, began to bounce.
sliding a chair up to the bed, he took a seat, huffing a bit as he did, almost getting relaxed in the chair and slumping his hips forward. he clicked his own, and gazed up at you through his glasses.
“just going to ask you a few.. introductory questions, as usual.” he looked back down at his sheet, taking a moment of pause before speaking up once again.
“what has your diet been like?” he asks, genuinely. he had a way with his clients, his patients, you supposed. he always cared, perhaps due to the size of the town, being so small and insignificant if you weren’t apart of it. he was interested in the lives of the people he worked with, or maybe he was just interested in you.
“ah, since it’s summer, i’ve been having lots of strawberries from the farm. corn, too. lots of corn..” you sighed, feeling a bit sluggish at the thought of returning to your farm and ripping off those corn stems again.
“so, mostly your own crops, then?” he raised a brow, curiosity swirling in his eyes. he’d always been so fascinated with the idea of living on a farm. it was appealing, being in control of your own business. to him, at least.
nodding your head, you looked at him, for the first time this appointment, already feeling your face grow hot at his intense eye contact.
“yes, usually.”
scribbling a note into his clipboard, it felt like the silence was collapsing in on you two. it was hot, you felt hot.
he clicked his tongue, seemingly satisfied with whatever he wrote down, and looked back up.
“i’m assuming you’re good with exercise, of course. your body is great.”
he hesitated, a bit, seeming to overthink his words.
and with good reason, the implications of his sentence gave you a chill down your spine, feeling flustered and uncomfortable in your seat, suddenly. like you had to jump up, go for a run.
“uh, health wise, i-i mean. not that you don’t look great.” he corrected himself, a bit breathless as he spoke, knowing damn well he’d just made it worse. he couldn’t help but put emphasis on his words. either way, he hurriedly moved on, observing his sheet once more.
you sat in anxious silence, still bouncing your leg. there wasn’t much in his office. not much noise, except if you listened, his breathing. it was heavy, much like your own. like he’d been the one being examined this entire time. yet, he was the one with his eyes on you.
“are you.. sexually active?”
feeling yourself grow hotter by the second, you cleared your throat. “um, n-no. not currently.” why did you say it that way? why did you overthink your words so much, too? he’s asked you this question a dozen times, every appointment, and for some reason, you felt so, so, on edge just from his voice. the way he asked you. his voice was low, as usual, but it was gruff. like he’d been talking too much.
“mm.” he hummed, again, scribbling on his board. his face was pink, his ears mostly. which really sold him out. he’d like to think he was more nonchalant, especially when it came to appointments with you. he was glad nobody else had to come in today. he could take his time with you.
“just to confirm, you are aware this is a physical exam, yes?” he cocked his brow, almost inquisitively. like, he knew you weren’t aware. he was dying to touch you already, even if it was strictly kept professional. something about the way you would shiver every time his hands grazed your skin gave him a sense of superiority. he liked it.
but you, a tad shock stricken, nodded your head. “ah, i’m aware now.” you murmured, fiddling with the ring on your finger, feeling awfully shy, worse than before. now he has to touch you, and oh god, you weren’t sure how your body would react.
“i did give you a warning on the letter, don’t stress about missing it,” he said as a gentle reminder, setting down his board. he stood up, adjusting his jacket before taking it off, smoothing it out as he set it down on his desk.
slowly, almost trying to antagonize you, he began rolling up his sleeves, buttoning the cuffs. looking back over at you, shaky leg and all, he chuckled a bit. he grabbed another chair, sliding it in front of you. this one was a bit more at your level. when he sat on it, he was taller than you now.
“no need to be nervous, y/n, we’ve done this before.”
harvey attempted to put you more at ease, which was of course, helpless. he knew you wouldn’t relax. as much as he wished you would. not like he could help it though, he knew how you reacted around him. it’s not like it was a secret.
every physical between you two was the same. his cold hands against your warm skin, giving you the chills. he’d apologize, and you’d breathlessly apologize back, for being so nervous. and he’d say, “no, please, it’s okay.”
as you began snapping back to reality, there he was standing in front of you, pulling on a pair of medical gloves. leaning down to your level, he made himself face to face with you. a snap came from his wrist as he gave you a smile. voice low and pleasant, he spoke,
“i’ll be gentle.”
your helpless attempts to keep yourself still were.. to say the least, pathetic. he started off normal, as most appointments go, but the moment his hands went to feel your waist, you lost any sense of normality.
as soon as harveys hands grazed your waist, your back seemingly out of reflex, arched forward, causing you let out a gentle gasp. he looked up at you, again, through his glasses, raising his brow. frantically, you immediately went to apologize,
“i-im sorry. i get-“
he squeezed your waist a bit, almost teasingly, like he was scolding a dog for stealing a treat off the counter.
“ah, ah, no apologizing anymore. doctors orders.” he was stern, commanding. that wasn’t a recommendation, that was a demand. and you weren’t about to ignore it. especially with how he looked at you as he spoke. his eyes were slightly hooded, almost as if he was tired and had just woke up moments prior. but he was focussed, hyper aware of every movement you made, and even more hyper aware of every apology you’d been mumbling each time you’d make a sound.
saying nothing, you nodded your head, making a slight ‘mhm’ in response. his brows furrowed a bit, as he sat up. suddenly, it didn’t feel like you were in the doctors office anymore. he seemed on the verge of cracking, feeling a sort of lack of confidence in his professionalism. one more word from you and he was sure he’d break.
“good job.” he purred, pulling his seat in closer. he set his hands on your knees, he was above you now, from this angle, looking down at you as he spoke,
“i’m going to have to get a bit more invasive, i’m sure you don’t mind, do you?” he inquired, knowing full well your answer. taking a large breath, a shaky one, you spoke,
without a moment of hesitation, you were kissing your doctor. every time you’d thought about it, you’d never imagined it would be like this. his hands on your thighs, locked lips so hotly you could barely breathe. the both of you didn’t want to separate, feeling so nice together. harvey refused to let go of you, his hand sliding up your hip to grab your waist.
he took his time feeling you, letting his hands praise your body. it was different than during your check ups, now. he was able to go wherever he wanted, however he wanted. learn your body more than just how the textbooks said it would feel.
“ah, i’ve felt this.. aching, for months.” harvey crooned through kisses, only taking a bit of a pull away to look at you, admiring the redness of your cheeks, and how hot you felt, and how beautiful you were.
“i cant believe i let myself take forever to touch you like this.”
god, he was making it difficult to stay quiet. your mind was foggy, swarmed with thoughts of what he was going to do next. where his hands were going, how hard he was going to kiss you, and where. and how his lips tasted when they were connected with yours. and how he’s just as desperate as you are, and how you wanted him more than anything right now.
he stood up slowly and almost hesitantly, keeping his head down to yours, not allowing your lips to keep themselves apart. his breath was minty, fresh and it tasted just the same. it was delicious. as he stood, his knee slid between your legs, moving his hand to your back to push you further into it, more against the edge of the medical bed. “mm, much better.” he whispered, mostly to himself, feeling the heat between your legs against his knee.
quietly, you let out a little noise, taking hold of his arm and gripping his dress shirt with your nails. harvey, sucking in air through his teeth, pressed you further up against him, your chests together.
“please don’t stop grabbing me like that.” he whispered, placing a final kiss on your cheek before lowering his head down, nuzzling himself into your neck. his hand was teasing you, pressing and rubbing circles into the nerve in your hip, sending waves of pleasure into your groin. he knew the body so well, and man, were you grateful for it.
his knee left your thighs as he pressed his tongue to your neck, giving you a shiver of arousal down your spine and earning a gentle moan from you. “ah, so you’re sensitive there?”
“e-everywhere, doc.”
he felt the hairs behind his neck rise as you spoke, “doc? you want to keep me in charge, do you?”
whining a little, you nodded, “i want you.” your voice was so scratchy, feeling weak and unable to breathe. but in the best way, knowing it was him that could make you feel like this. vulnerable.
“mm.” his voice was lustful as he crooned to you, “you do, do you? how about you get on your knees then? doctors orders, y/n.”
a chill crawled up your neck, arousal burning through your veins. you were so willing to listen to him, immediately making your way to the floor, sitting on your knees with your hands set on your lap.
he tilted his head to the side, strumming his thumb across your cheek. “good,” he whispered to you, sliding his thumb across your jaw. you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and just leaving yourself there, only for a moment, before took his hand away.
slowly, harvey began to unbutton his work slacks, looking down to you. “you’re okay with this?” he asked, his hand stuck on his zipper. how sweet of him. he was so reassurance, always fining you a way out. even in his appointments, your check ups, he would always make sure you were doing okay.
of course, this situation was.. much different.
“yes. of course, harvey.” you purred, looking up at him with hooded eyes. “i’ve been wanting this just as much as you.” you insisted, unable to calm the giddy feeling in your chest at the thought of pleasing the man you’ve been obsessing over for the past.. way too long.
he groaned, a slight whine in his eagerness, unzipping his pants and pulling them down, revealing the tent that you gave him. you leaned forward, taking the initiative, and allowing yourself to take his cock yourself.
lucky for you, he was the perfect size, something you had problems with other men before. as you gazed up at him with admiration, he was holding his hand against his face, redness pouring into his cheeks. he was looking away from you, hiding his gaze.
you chuckled a bit, wrapping your hand around his length. “shy?” you teased, before opening your mouth and teasing the tip with your tongue.
“haah..” he breathed, immediately looking back down to you. your eyes, with batting eyelashes, were sending him spiraling, he could barely contain himself. “beautiful, y/n.” he whispered, placing his hand on the back of your head.
you teased him for a bit longer, not wanting to give him the satisfaction just yet. it was payback for all those times he’d done this to you during your check ups. all those times maru had interrupted just as his hand would slide up your thigh. all those times he’d murmur in your ear, knowing the implications behind his phrases.
“ng, no more of that.” he grunted, pushing your head further onto his cock. you hesitated, just for a moment, before finding a steady rhythm, swirling your tongue around him. his low and guttural moan told you he liked it.
“that’s good, that’s sooo good, don’t stop.” harvey sighed, rocking his hips back and forth slowly, but surely, as he found grip on your hair, pulling it up into a bundle in his large hands. each time your hand would twist a certain way, it would elicit a content moan from your doctor, and a mumble of praise. he knew where he wanted you to touch, where he wanted your mouth to go. and he would lead you there, pushing your head down, filling your mouth more with his length. it was addicting, his praise. his touch. you were willing to do anything for him at this point. anything to hear that pretty voice of his call you perfect.
“ha..” he chuckled, running his fingers through his hair, ruffling it a bit. “y-you keep doing that, i don’t know how much longer i can-“ he groaned, through his teeth, his brows furrowing. you had found a new pace on his cock, one that he particularly enjoyed. “ahg, last..”
you smirked a little against him, finding a sick pleasure in his weak points. seeing him made humble. it didn’t last long though, as his grip on your hair tightened, pulling you in.
“y-yeah? like seeing me all bent out of shape because of you?” he gasped, feeling himself drawing closer to his finish. “wanna make me.. nervous?” he panted out, a whine laced in his tone. he was less confident now, his voice shaky and weak.
pulling away with a pop, you smirked, “i really really do-“ you said with a mischievous grin, feeling proud of yourself.
sadly, that pride didn’t pursue much longer. he took the opportunity of you soaking in your pride to take you by the jaw and pull your face up to look up to him. you gasped in shock, though he had a soft expression, he had a smug smile smacked on his face.
“your turn.” harvey purred, helping you pull yourself up with the grip on your jaw and allowing him to hold you closer, wrapping his hand around your waist and squeezing it as he spoke, “go on, sit. you don’t need me to make you, do you?”
“no, sir,” the words fell out of your mouth so effortlessly, like you weren’t thinking before you spoke. and you weren’t. it was humorous, really, how you could go from so confident to needy and obedient so quickly. he loved it.
the nickname ‘sir’ gave him chills, giving him that sweet feeling of superiority over you. sure, he had his fair share of sex in college, but he was never confident enough to be able to actually execute the fantasies in his mind.
but now, he had you.
and you were all his.
with zero hesitation, you were pressed on the bed, the plastic sheet crinkling beneath you. your back was already arching just from the thoughts rushing through your head. what was harvey going to do now? how much better was it going to feel? your eyes went to his hands, watching him as he slowly removed his gloves.
“cant have those..” he mumbled to himself, tossing the gloves aside before crawling above you on the bed. his shadow fell over you, enshrouding you in him. his hip bones pressed up to your own, leaning his head down to your ear, mustache brushing against your skin as he whispered,
“stay still.”
as harvey found his place with his lips buried in your neck, you could feel his hand slide down your waist, sensitivity making you suck in from his touch. you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you, just from knowing what he was going to do. it was like a dream, you felt crazy. your brain couldn’t comprehend anything now, except how badly you wanted his hands to keep going.
and they did.
harvey tugged on the hook of your farm slacks, giving you the opportunity to pull them down yourself, and wrap your arms around his back underneath his own. feeling your hands on him, he let out a sigh. “i love when you touch me, y/n.”
“i love touching you.”
letting his mind wander for only a brief moment, harvey groaned, his thoughts going everywhere but appropriate places. he was glad he was living it, instead of just imagining it. sitting at his desk, thoughts of you invading his mind. poor maru, asking why he was so zoned out.
he was teasing you, holding his hand just above your crotch and the brink of your panties,leaving it there. your legs shook, and you bucked your hips slightly forward and up against his palm.
“please.” you whined, feeling an overwhelming tightness building in your groin. it was paralyzing, almost, the way you felt so weak. and it irritated you, how he was treating you like this. of course, it was him doing it, so you didn’t mind. he was spoiling you just by allowing you this opportunity.
just as much though, you were spoiling him. he was so grateful he was able to touch you like this.
harvey chuckled a little, pleased with your whimpering. he slowly pressed his finger against your clit, the fabric rubbing up against it as he slowly drew circles on it. you gasped, your back immediately arching up. you cursed a bit, under your breath, gaining a sinful sigh from him as he smiled at you in satisfaction.
you tugged on the band of your panties, hoping he’d get the hint to remove them. “harvey..” you whispered, pathetically.
he raised a brow, a straight expression screwed to his face. “hmm?”
“take these off.” impatiently, you spoke, in a slightly stern tone, finished with all this teasingly vague touch. harvey, startled at your sudden tone, blew up in red, clearing his throat. “ah, aha.. if you insist,
you had to admit, you liked how flustered he became. how you could feel his grip tighten on the sheet beneath you. how his brows furrowed because of how flustered he became.
as harvey slid down your underwear to your ankles, you kicked them off the bed urgently, adjusting your position to be further up against his hand, earning an amused hum from him. he was reminded of you, and your position beneath him, and it gave him a delicious feeling of warmth in his groin.
his hand returned to his place between your legs, beginning a sort of circular motion on your clit with his thumb before slowly sliding a finger inside, eliciting a sweet moan from you. he hummed, quite satisfied with himself, and created a gentle rhythm.
harvey was talented with his hands, there was no doubt about it, you thought, grateful that your doctor was the man he was. you were lucky, for sure, having such a dexterous man being the one finding his place inside of you. and you showed him your gratefulness, rewarding him with moans of ecstasy just from his hand.
he got comfortable, inserting another fing-
“doctor harvey?” a knock came from the door.
you jumped, breath catching in your throat, causing his finger to twist upwards pressing into your g spot, causing a moan you couldn’t help to begin to slip from your lips. harvey hurriedly slapped his free hand to your mouth, giving you a stern expression.
“y-yes, maru?” he stuttered out, his thumb almost subconsciously continuing to massage your clit, screwing your eyes shut in pleasure.
“i was just wondering if you needed any extra support with your paperwork.. i know you’ve been busy..” she sounded hesitant, like she had more to say.
“no, no. i’ve got it all covered,” he said, so casual, despite the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead and the occasional hard swallow. he looked back to you, the smallest and most mischevious smirk on his face.
slowly, he put another finger in, curling them up into your g-spot, making you buck your hips forward up into his hand, almost on instinct, like a reflex.
“ah- harvey-!” you gasped into his hand, and he simply pressed it harder onto your mouth.
“keep it down, y/n.” he whispered, “cant have maru hearing you whimper like that, can we?”
slowly, maru wrapped her hand around the handle, beginning to twist it, “are you sure? i can-“
“i-im quite sure! thank you! i believe you have work to do, don’t you?” harvey rushed, a shot of fear running through his body at the thought of his assistant catching him like this with a patient.
with you, at that. yet, a rush of excitement ran through his mind at the same thought.
“if you insist..” she let go of the door, her footsteps clicking across the floor as she made her way back to the office.
you let out a sigh of relief into his hand as he removed it, boiling up a bit of anger. “h-harvey! what were you-“
“sh.” he whispered, “don’t act like you don’t like the rush.. i know i do.” he sighed, breathing a huff of air. “as nervous as it makes me..” he mumbled the last half under his breath, as if you weren’t sharing your most vulnerable parts together. he still wanted to be perfect for you. taking his fingers out, causing you to sigh in frustration, he fumbled a bit, grabbing your hips.
“can i…?” he asked, his eyes trailing down to his length, feeling overwhelmed with the idea of being inside of you. he’d been waiting too long, and knowing now that maru had the potential of coming in, he didn’t feel like waiting anymore.
any anger you had against his insane ideas washed away at the thought, and you whined a bit. “oh my yoba, please, yeah.” you groaned, letting your head knock back.
he positioned himself, taking a moment to ensure you were comfortable. “is this… okay?” harvey whispers, only a tad on edge from the almost immediate loss of his job earlier.
“yes, yes, please! how many times are you gonna make me ask?”
“i like the way you say please.”
with that harvey was eager, eager to finally feel himself inside of you. slowly, he began to push his length into you, as you immediately squeezed on him, unable to control how your body naturally reacted to his cock. it was mesmerizing, and thanks to his treatment of you earlier, you weren’t in pain.
“mmgn.. yes..” he whimpered quietly, his head cocking backwards in pleasure just from feeling how you wrapped around his cock. “ahh.. ah- i don’t know..” he whispers, slowly beginning a steady but sloppy pace, “how long.. i can last with you.”
you moan softly, placing your fingers over your mouth. “please please just fuck me while you can.” you gasp, breathless as the feelings overwhelm you, but in the best way. harvey was big, and you didn’t realize it until he was inside of you. but god he felt good.
with absolutely zero reluctance, harvey sped up, panting out gasps and moans, and little whines in between. he lowered himself down to your ear, his breath hitting the cusp of it hotly, his whimpers crisp for you to hear. it was intoxicating. he was intoxicating.
“y/n.. y/n, y/n, y/n..” harvey murmured, the words coming out of his mouth slurred and seductive, bringing a tightness to your groin that made you clench around him.
“don’t stop.. please, doc.” the nickname slipped from your lips again, earning you a satisfying groan in your ear from your lover above you, his thrusts growing faster and harder. his hips grinded against your own, as you brought them into his in a passionate rhythm.
his moans began to sound more like whiny gasps, his confident demeanor diminished. he was so entranced, so desperate to feel good, feel you. and those moans of yours and how tight you felt around his cock and the feeling of your bare skin touching and how hot-
“y/n.. so..so close!” he begged, almost expecting those cries to get you to help him cum, and his voice brought you closer to your finish yourself.
his name left your mouth thoughtlessly, reaching your arms up to pull him close to your chest, nails clawing into his bare back. “yes! yes! like that-ah!” you cry, your legs wrapping around his waist as you cum on him, and he joins in unison.
harvey slows his pace almost immediately, growing quick with fatigue as he pulls himself out of you, shivering at the feeling.
about as exhausted, you shift yourself slightly to sit up, feeling an apparent ache in your body. letting out a huff, you become increasingly aware of how loud the crinkling was on the bed. and then it hits you.
“y-yes?” he gasps, breathless.
“you.. DO have sound proofing right?”
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farmerstarter · 4 months
Alex is my fave bachelor. Any random headcaons for him? Please and thank you! ☺
ʚ🏈ɞ ˚ · . Random Headcanons
tags: alex from sdv x gn! reader
Alex supremacy !! I love the personal headcanon of Alex being one of the best cooks in the town. Our favorite sports boy 🥰💞
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𐙚⭑To your surprise, Alex is an amazing cook. When he moved onto the farm, he brought with him his grandmother’s many cookbooks. He promised to cook for you every day, and he made sure you had eaten enough before you started working. “Your body needs the fuel!” Alex would exclaim, sliding another pancake onto your plate. Without your knowledge, Alex contacted your parents to find out what your favorite foods were. Your mother did not waste any time and immediately sent her cookbook in the mail for Alex to skim through.
𐙚⭑He took it upon himself to help you on the farm, more specifically when it came to the chickens. After getting some tips from Shane, the brunette insisted he take care of the coop while you handled the crops. He was very adamant about it too. For his work, he only asked for an egg (which he slurped down his throat, much to your dismay).
𐙚⭑You, Alex, and your pets would always find the time to play catch on Saturdays. It’s Alex’s favorite day of the week.
𐙚⭑To make it easier for George and Evelyn to visit the farm, Alex fixed up the path towards it, laying down paths and shoveling away any roots and rocks his grandparents might trip over.
𐙚⭑Alex wanted to go with you whenever you went to the mines. It goes smoothly most of the time, save for that one time Alex’s jacket was absolutely ruined by a slime. He was so bummed out about it because Evelyn had sewed it for him. But his grandmother reassured him she could make another one for him. You were the one that actually sewed his new jacket under Evelyn and Emily’s guidance. You gave the garment to him on his birthday. He may, or may not, have cried buckets after the small birthday gathering. Both yours and Alex’s names are embroidered on the inside of the right sleeve.
𐙚⭑Alex gets REALLY into decorating the farm for each season and holiday. He loves putting up lights for Winter Star, setting up spooky decorations for Spirit’s Eve, and putting flowers all over the farm for the Flower Dance. You have the aching suspicion that he got this little quirk from Evelyn.
𐙚⭑Consider: Alex and Harvey being jogging buddies and Alex is the most aggressively supportive gym friend, ready to scream encouraging words whenever Harvey starts to slow down.
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lilypadeater · 9 months
Break Me Down
Rick Grimes x Fem!Reader
Summary- Rick and Hershel's oldest daughter can't keep their eyes off each other. They go to retrieve some walkers for the barn. Rick is kind of an asshole so ig this is angsty too. Enemies to loves
Content information: unedited, 18+, smut, p in v unprotected, choking i guess, enemies to lovers, age gap (mid 20s and early 40s), angst, plot, asshole rick, flirting, pet names, making out, fluff, some walker killing
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Your eyes scanned over Rick as he helped your father with farming chores. You already disliked the idea a group of strangers living on the farm, but their leader's cold behavior towards you made you hate it. You didn't understand why Rick was so harsh to you compared to the rest of the family. He treated your younger sisters, Maggie and Beth, completely normal. But whenever you tried to strike up a conversation, he would try to immediately end it or give you dry responses. He wasn't like this with anyone else, so you couldn't understand why he was like this with you.
The strangest part of it all was how he would look at you. Was is in a murderous or flirtatious way? You couldn't tell. What you did know though, was that you found him attractive. Guilt ate at you whenever you caught yourself staring at him.
'He has a wife and a son. And I'm pretty sure he hates me.' You remind yourself when you noticed you'd been glancing at him too much. He was cleaning the stables with Daryl. You decided to take one more look at him before directing you attention back to feeding the chickens. But as you took your last peek, you accidentally lock eyes with him, making it obvious that you were staring. You quickly turn your head and go back to sprinkling seeds around for the chickens.
Rick's eyes roamed over you as timidly looked away. A smirk was plastered on his face when he realized you'd been staring. Hershel would probably kill him if he found out how much he wanted fuck you. Rick would never risk his group getting kicked off the farm just for some girl.
The problem was, in his eyes, you were a diamond in the rough. You weren't just some girl. Seeing you help Carl when he was shot, caring for the animals with so much love, and your kindness towards everyone made his realize just how rare you really were. This kind of naiveness wasn't something you could find in the apocalypse. You were beautiful inside and out and you were the perfect distraction from Lori and Shane.
When you finished up feeding the animals, you were approached by your father. "I was gonna show Rick how to retrieve the sick and put them into the barn, but it's much too hot for me. You're the oldest of your sisters and most experienced at this, so I need you to take him down to the swamp and rescue our neighbors." He explains.
You sigh in irritation. You disagreed with your father when it came to the subject of walkers. You believed they were no longer the people they used to be and they couldn't be saved. You've tried to explain this to him multiple times, but it always ends in an argument. "Fine," you agreed. You hated having to go near the walkers, but on the bright side, you were going to be able to spend some time with Rick and find out why he didn't like you.
You led Rick into the forest with the leashes. There was an awkward silence between you two. "I know my dad explained his version of the world to you already, but I just wanted to tell you that I don't agree with his ideology." You announced, breaking the ice.
"At least you have more sense than him." He replied. You nodded and guided him to the swamp that had trapped with two walkers with it's mud.
You took the leash and carefully approached one of them. You began to explain how to catch one, "You have to get it around their neck, and hold them about and arms width away otherwise-'" You slipped on the mud and and accidentally let the walker loose. It immediately lunges for you but Rick shoots it. It falls into the mud and you scramble to your feet. "Oh my god, thank you." You tell him with a panicked and breathless voice.
"Was that a part of catching them?" He mockingly asks. He crosses his arms in impatience and watches you get up.
You furrow your eyebrows in disdain and and feel you face flush with embarrassment. "Yeah it is. Probably the most crucial part." You reply sarcastically. 'He looks so hot, such a shame he's dick.' You thought to yourself as he took his leash and captured the second walker.
Rick loved getting under your skin. Seeing your flustered face made his heart race and forget all about Lori and Shane. Your witty remarks back to him would make him forget that the world's gone to shit. He decided to further your irritation and say, "So all you do is look pretty and feed the animals?"
Your heart jumped when he called you pretty. You retorted, "You just sit around while your wife get knocked up by other men?" You realized what you said was harsh and might've crossed a boundary, but you were sick of his attitude towards you.
"She ain't my wife anymore." He mutters, keeping his focus on the walker he's leading.
Guilt crept up on you. Sure, he was an asshole, but you weren't. You couldn't swoop to his level, so you sigh and say, "I'm sorry. That was rude of me, I was just bothered by what you said."
He smirks and shakes his head. "S'alright."
You tried to walk the rest of the way in silence, apart from the snarls of the walker Rick had on the leash. But the question of why he was always cold to you played in your head. 'If he wanted to murder me, he would've let the walker eat me. Is there a chance he might be, interested in me?' Now you just had to know.
You came to a sudden stop and turned towards him. He was confused by your actions and stopped along side you. "Why'd we stop?" He asks, annoyed with you.
You ignore his question and ask him, "Why do you hate me?"
He was taken aback by your bluntness and shrugged. "I don't hate you," he replies and takes a step closer to you, meeting your doe eyes with his piercing blue ones. "I think you're beautiful."
Your eyes widen with surprise and your cheeks heat up. You glance to the ground then look back up. "Then why are you so mean to me?" You quietly asked.
He smiles before leaning in closing to you. "I like seeing your pretty face all red." He replies as he pushes a strand of hair away from your face. "I hate that I can't have you." He mutters as he kisses your forehead.
Your body is rushing with adrenaline and serotonin. "You can." You whisper before wrapping your hands around his chiseled face and kissing him. His free hand wrapped around your waist as he deepened the kiss, but the snarl of the walker brought you both back to reality.
He back the walker up against a tree and smashed its head with the metal part of the leash. "Whoops." He said as it fell to the floor.
"Why'd you do that? My dad's gonna be pissed." You complained, ready to scold him, but he grabbed your head and crashed his lips onto yours. You lean into it and gasp when one of his hands traveled from your face to your thigh. You could feel yourself getting wet as his hand creeped up to the hem of your shorts. You break away from the heated make out session to catch your breath. "Fuck, let's go somewhere else." You tell him in between breathes and he lifts you into his arms.
You directed him towards a nearby abandoned cottage. He checks the area out to make sure it's safe before taking you inside. You push him onto the bed and climb on top of him. You pull his shirt off and admire his toned body. "You had your turn," he smirks and flips you over so that he's on top. He takes you shirt off and it reveals your bare breasts. He leans in and kisses your neck, slowly making his way down. You shivered at the feeling and your hands gripped his back.
His hands slid down to the waistband of your shorts, making your skin tingle under his warm touch. He pulled your shorts off in a swift motion and looked amused when it revealed your soaked underwear. “S’this all for me, angel? I barely touched you and look at all this.” Rick teased as he yanked it off you and threw it to the the side. You whimpered in response, blushing in embarrassment and wrapping your hands around his muscular torso.
His fingers went up and down your slit, causing you to whine in anticipation before he began rubbing your clit. The new sensation produced whimpers and moans from you, but he was clearly going slow as a form of torture for you. You tried you grind against his fingers in order to reach your release but his other hand quickly held you hips down. You squirmed around but his hold on you was strong and he took pleasure in seeing you hot and bothered. You cry out in frustration, craving more friction and speed.
“Use your words, sweetheart.” He mutters with a sadistic smile. Two fingers enter your pussy as he continues to tease your clit with his thumb.
You breathlessly manage to whine “I need you in me” as he edges you. He feels his cock throbbing in his jeans as the words leave your mouth.
“You’re gonna be grateful I’m getting you ready for it” he hissed and added a third finger, stretching your needy cunt. You arch your back and moan loudly as your pussy clenches around his fingers. After you come down from your high, you sit up and your hands quickly work to undo his belt. Your eyes widened when you saw his rock hard cock under the denim of his jeans. It was massive. Before you could unbutton his jeans, he grabbed you and flipped you onto your stomach.
You hear the sound of his jeans falling to the floor as you get onto yours knees and elbows. Your pussy was on display for him. His large hand wrapped around your waist as he brought the tip of his cock to your entrance. You turn your head to see and nearly gasp when you see how large he his is. “There’s no way in hell it’s gonna fit” You whine and squirm.
He comfortingly rubs your back with his hand and replies “it will, baby. It’ll only hurt a little, but I’ll be gentle.” His words gave you some comfort and he slowly pushed into your drenched cunt. It was uncomfortable and painful when he stretched your walls with his huge cock, but the pain was eased as you adjusted. He filled you up completely and groaned when he felt your tight count wrapped around him. “I’m gonna start moving, ‘kay baby?” You nodded in approval and be began slowly thrusting. He gripped your hips roughly as he rammed into you, definitely bruising you. You moaned in ecstasy as he met your g spot in every thrust.
Rick had thrown his previous statement out the window as he roughly fucked you into oblivion. He wrapped his hand around your neck and it sent chills down your spine. It sent you over the edge as your walls clenched around his cock. Your legs trembled and gave out, but his hand quick grabbed your hip and held you up.
“Fuck, you’re so tight” He hissed, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You mewled at the overstimulation of being fucked through your orgasm and clenched around him again. His thrusts finally stopped as he finished inside of you, filling you up with his cum. He pulls out and you stretch out the bed, exhausted. He lays next you, gently stroking your hair.
this is my first time writing smut
give me requests!
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wrrrenff · 10 months
How the Stardew Valley Bachelors React When the Farmer Injures Themselves
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TW:// slight injury
Ahh... The crops have all been watered and the animals all have been fed. I deserve a snack!
The farmer starts their trek back to their farmhouse, thinking about what they might throw together in the kitchen. Suddenly you adorable pet bolts in front of you trying to chase a bird, and trips you! You land hard on the ground. You groan, your body feeling sore but overall fine, and get up. You dust yourself off only to notice that you landed on some sticks and they scraped up your arm pretty bad. It honestly didn't really hurt. It did look pretty ugly though. Hopefully no one will notice it once it's all cleaned up...
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'Hey Far-'
I mean c'mon of course he does. HES A DOCTOR
Doctor mode activated
Asks if he can take a closer look and fully inspects your arm
Asks what you used to clean it and scolds you when you say you just rinsed it off
Drags you back to his office and properly washes and bandages you
He's been so worried about what caused this the whole time but doesn't ask. He want you to share the cause only if you're comfortable
Let's out the biggest sigh of relief when he finds out it wasn't anything serious that caused this
Is on your ass making sure you are properly cleaning the wound and changing your bandage
Will softly kiss your bandages and forehead
'Thank yoba you have such an attentive doctor to take care of you'
Despite how tough and nonchalant Alex may seem, I think he would be pretty worried and maybe even a little squeamish toward your injury
He does get injured sometimes playing gridball but the man is clueless when it come to caring for those injuries
He would usually just go to his grandma for help... which is exactly what he did with you
'Grandma can you help the farmer? They're hurt pretty bad. I-I just want to make them feel better'
After Evelyn patches you up, he grabs a blanket and something from his room then suggests you two go take a walk on the beach
Once at the beach he lays out the blanket and you both sit
That's when he pulls out his mothers music box and opens it, letting the soothing music play
'Mom would hum this while taking care of me and it always help me feel better. Maybe it'll be the same for you'
He will hold you and kiss you to help you forget about your pain
I feel like he wouldn't notice immediately. Maybe 2 or 3 days after it happened and it's already pretty scabbed over
'Woah farmer, did one of you chickens get you?'
Tries to keep it together but is freaking out inside
Buys you a drink to 'help with the pain'
Gets a drink for himself to calm the fear of other things that could hurt you
Starts taking more 'walks around the valley' just to stop by the farm and make sure you stay safe
'How'd you get that mean scrape farmer?''
He wasn't even fazed
He almost immediately assumed you just hurt yourself farming
He knew it couldn't be serious since you were still acting like your usual self
Sam has had some nasty injuries from skating around so he was a PRO when it came to cleaning and bandaging
Kept on you to change you bandages
Once he got a bad infection from not cleaning his scrape enough and he DOES NOT want you to have to deal with that
Will force you to hang with him and watch movies/eat snacks to keep you from overexerting yourself
If he sees your injury fresh I fully believe this man would faint
'Oh darling what happened? Did someone hurt you? Was it an animal? O-oh it was some... sticks? Those dastardly sticks!!"
Man will treat you like you broke you arm
I'm talking, making your food for you, drawing you baths, tucking you into bed, even doing your farming for you
You insist your fine but he wont hear it
Will cover your arm in kisses to make you feel better
Stays on top of cleaning your wound
He will definitely take inspiration from this moment for his novel
Noticed it as soon as you walked into his room
He didn't want to say anything about it but you noticed his eyes were basically glued to your arm
His mind immediately went to the mines since he's seen you go in and out many times while he goes out to smoke
Is so relieved that is was just from some stupid sticks
He will absentmindedly rub the injury lightly when he's sitting near you
Lets you lay in his bed while he works to make you feel better, definitely not because he wants to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't hurt yourself more
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bekaroth-reads · 1 year
Stardew Valley Shane x Reader
[based on the fact that most of the time when he asks why you’re bothering him, his avatar is still smiling.]
Pelican Town was a pretty nice place to live. There weren’t too many other people living here, and your farm was far enough from the actual town that you didn’t get to see the other residents too often. But, you did still see them enough that you were friendly with all of them and actually starting to be friends with some of them. Everyone here seemed to be naturally friendly, even if they were on the more quiet side personality-wise.
And, then there was Shane.
He always looked like he was about to keel over any minute, and half of the time that keeling looked to be by choice. Not that you could really blame him seeing as he was working at the Joja Mart. You had worked for that company long enough yourself to know how much of the life it can suck out of someone. Not to mention he was dealing with a retail job, which was difficult to stomach even if it was somewhere other than Joja. Not that there were too many other people outside of Pelican that went there and would treat him poorly. Shane did have the advantage of living in a smaller town so that even if someone had a problem with him, it would be less likely for it to be blown to a large proportion as that would cause a ripple through the whole population; not to mention that everyone respected Marnie too much to ever do something to cause her grief. No, what most people felt about Shane was pity. They all gave him space though and he seemed to like that.
Regardless, you were always sure to at least wave at Shane when you saw him. For the first month or so you would simply wave or maybe give a, “Good morning,” as when you usually saw him as you were passing each other in the town square on mornings you had to stop at Pierre’s. This was usually met with complete silence or an annoyed grunt. It didn’t bother you too much. You weren’t much of a morning person yourself and understood not wanting to have a full conversation that early in the day. Things changed a little bit once the two of you were properly introduced; perhaps not properly, but there was an introduction. You were over checking prices on things with Marnie as you wanted to be sure you could afford everything you needed if you bought some chickens when Shane came walking in from the other room. “Oh, this is my nephew Shane. I’m sure the two of you have seen each other before.” She offered when he didn’t say anything to you. “Oh, we’ve met before.” You offered as an explication to ease the scolding tone that she was giving Shane. “I don’t know you,” was all that Shane said before walking out the door before Marnie could say anything about it.
After that, you would be a bit more forward about talking to him. Nothing too much past what you were already doing, but instead of just, “Good morning,” you would ask, “How are you?” Or, you would even do something as simple as addressing him by name. Shane in turn, evolved from ignoring or grunting at you to talking back. Of course, it was things like, “Why are you talking to me,” or, “I’m busy.” It was still talking though, and when you talked to Marnie about it to make sure you weren’t making him uncomfortable, she first apologized for how curt he was being, but then seemed floored that he even said that much to you. She said the most he ever talked to anyone that wasn’t her or Jas was when he ordered a drink at the pub or when he was forced to give one to two-word answers at work. There was still a feeling that he was a bit out of his comfort zone, but Marnie assured you if there was a real problem you would know about it; that or she would, and seeing as she didn’t want her nephew to be any more unhappy than he already was she would tell you herself.
Things were really changed last night. It was Friday night, and you decided to go to the pub. It would be nice to just relax for an evening and since that was the night that most of everyone else went to the pub as well it would be nice to catch up with some people you hadn’t seen in a while. When you got there, the usual crowd was there as well, some of them waving as you walked in the door. You ended up spending most of the night talking with Leah with Emily popping in from time to time when she wasn’t helping Gus. You noticed Shane standing in a corner by himself. It seemed that Leah saw you glance in that direction, and commented, “Poor guy. Everyone hates to see him feel so down and out all the time. But, there’s not much anyone can do to help him. He’ll choose beer over help anytime.” There was a bit of derision in her voice, but nothing too uncalled for as it did look like he was at least partially doing this to himself. Before the conversation could continue Emily stopped by on her break and started talking about something completely different.
As the night went on more and more people made their way home. Eventually, there was only a fraction of the people left in the bar. This led to you sitting at the bar. And, only a chair away from Shane. The positioning wasn’t planned, simply from you both taking what seats were available at the time and not moving when others opened up. You were drinking your last drink for the night while Shane was halfway through his third tankard of beer. Not that it should have been impressive, but you found it morbidly amazing that he could have had that much and still be as relatively sober as he was; Gus’s tankards were by no means small. You looked at him from the corner of your eye as you took another drink. “Hey,” you greeted and you saw his tense shoulders slump, seeming deflating because you were bothering him. But, with a few drinks in him, Shane found his tongue loosened more than usual.
“Why do you talk to me?” He asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?” You respond.
This made Shane stop and think for a minute. “It…” he huffed and mumbled so quietly that you almost missed it, “People just don’t.” There was another pause of neither of you talking. Finally, Shane broke the silence again. “Look, if you really want to impress me then buy me another drink.” It surprised everyone, who neither of you noticed were at least glancing at you both frequently because of how odd it was to see Shane out of his corner and talking to someone. It surprised Shane as well when you looked up from your drink and called, “Hey, Gus.” He came walking over, pretending to not have just been talking about the two of you with Emily. You nodded toward Shane and requested, “Get this man a water, if you don’t mind.” Gus did his best to hide a laugh, relieved that he didn’t have to explain to you that he had already cut Shane off for the night. Shane’s face scrunched up moments before he hid it under his hood, and hissed, “Are you serious?”
“Hey, you said a drink. Never said which one.” You chuckle as you catch the glass Gus slid at you. “Besides, you could use it before you walk home.” You gave his shoulder a few pats before standing up to leave. Even though most of his face was covered, you could see the slight twitch of a starting smile threaten to make its way onto his face. You paid Gus and said goodbye to Shane. Everyone sat there like they were witnessing an impossibility when he waved back.
This morning while you were waiting for Pierre’s to open for the day, you saw a certain Joja Mart employee making his way to work. “Good morning, Shane. How are you?” You greeted as he walked by you. He paused a moment like he was thinking about saying something else but eventually grumbled out, “Busy. Why are you talking to me…” as he kept walking past. However, you noticed that little smile start to invade his dower face once again. Maybe Shane didn’t mind you talking to him as much as he acted like he did.
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brainwalk3r · 6 months
Sdv Bachelor hc's
Prior note, these are my own personal opinions :D also not doing Elliot because I don't really have any hc's for him tbh.
These hc's do not include the farmer and are all sfw
Will be doing the Bachelorettes later <3
Sam is trans, I believe he came out at a young age and while jodi was confused at first and thought that he was going through a phase she eventually came around and has became really supportive of Sam and his transition.
As Sam got older he made friends with Sebastian and Abigail, he didn't intentionally come out to either of them but rather forgot about it and casually mentioned one day how much periods suck only for them all to go silent before Abigail broke the tension with a "fuck yeah they do" before ranting about how period products should be free. Sebastian came up to him a bit later and gave him a hug before telling him how he was glad Sam was comfortable enough to tell them (even if it was an accident)
I think that Shane is also trans however it took him far longer to realise, accept himself and then come out.
When he went to live with Marnie, Marnie had been expecting a girl rather than the scruffy broken man that showed up however she very quickly got over it and did her best to try make him feel safe and comfortable. Shane had expected Marnie to turn him away however when she instead hugged him and told him how glad she was to see him and how big he had gotten he broke down crying.
Over time Shane accepts his gender identity more and also comes to accept his bisexuality, he eventually starts therapy after Harvey refered him and starts to improve his mental health and even gets sober. After talking with Marnie he quits his job at JoJa to start working with her at the Ranch, raising his chickens and enjoying his life.
Sebastian is autistic, he was diagnosed fairly young and while Robin did her best to support him she was too busy with work to really build a relationship with him. When she remarried and moved to stardew with Demitrius and got pregnant with maru Sebastian felt isolated especially with demitrius's favouritism of his daughter.
Sebastian never hated Maru and while I don't think he will ever be that close with her, he doesn't blame her for Robin and Demitrius's actions.
Overtime he became friends with Abigail, with him bonding with her over their mutual distaste of their parents. The pair then also became friends with Sam through a mutual love of music (though more of an obsession on Sam's part)
Sebastian started developing feelings for Sam early on into their relationship though they weren't that strong, more of a casual crush, however as they got closer and he came to trust Sam more they grew stronger and when Sebastian took him out for a ride on his motorcycle Sam ended up just blurting out that he was in love with him, with Sebastian responding that he loved him too. (Abigail noticed them holding hands the next day and congratulated them both for "taking so fucking long")
Harvey is a bisexual man, his sexuality has never really bothered him and he accepted it quickly however I think he is probably on the aromantic spectrum. Not any specific identity but rather he has a complicated relationship with romance and romantic feelings for people.
While his dreams of being a pilot never came to fruition he moved to pelican town and set up the clinic, he wasn't that torn up about it and became far more interested in the engineering of planes rather than the idea of piloting one. He's also a total history nerd.
Alex is also bisexual but with a preference for men, he had alot of internalised homophobia and while he loved Haley growing up with a 'girl best friend' had resulted in everyone around them expecting them to be dating or to start dating even if they insisted that their relationship was platonic.
Evelyn was never too bothered about his sexuality however when Alex accidentally slipped to George that he thought one of the gridball players was handsome George had told him that it wasn't right for him to think that. While George would eventually come around to accept Alex's sexuality it still puts a significant strain on their relationship.
The first person Alex came out to was Haley, after she came round for dinner one night George and Evelyn had talked about how good of a housewife Haley would be, how they'd make such a good couple, ect; all while the pair looked extremely uncomfortable with Haleys eyes looking considerably damp at the mention of her being a housewife.
After dinner they both went to Alex's room where Haley started crying and told Alex she was sorry but that she could never be that for him, Alex (also crying at this point) hugged her and told her he never expected her to be. Once they both stopped crying, sat on the floor of Alex's room in silence, Alex quietly spoke out that he thinks something is wrong with him continuing to talk about how he knows that he probably should have a crush on her but instead he can't stop looking at the poster of the strong armed gridball players he has up. (It took Haley a moment to get it, once she did she harshly told him that there wasn't anything wrong with him before muttering out about how if he was wrong then she was too. After that Alex noticed how much she stared at the purple haired girl who seemed to always be staring back)
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Stardew Valley Bachelors playing Overcooked with the farmer
I played overcooked with my brother today and it gave me this idea. It’s a bit niche but who cares? I don’t ✨
-will scream the entire time
-starts off chill, grows more and more stressed the longer you play
-has no fucking plan whatsoever, don’t even try to explain a plan to him
-just go with the flow with him… it is all chaos anyway
-overall not the best at the game, but he is the most fun to play with out of all 6 bachelors
-he is the opposite of Sam…maybe not entirely
-so he’s really strategic
-will scream the entire time as well (don’t take it personally, he’s s just very passionate about it)
-he’s the grumpy dark cat lol
-loves the very hard levels with the changing kitchens because then he can plan out how you go about it entirely. As I said, he’s a very passionate gamer
-you’ll play the levels over and over again till you have 3 stars…so buckle up 😼
-the last time he played any video game was when he was a child and had a Nintendo 64 🤷🏼‍♀️
-sooo,,,he’s really not good 😭
-he is a well-tempered person, but OH BROTHER
-run for the hills when he loses at video games
-such a sore loser, he’s so eager to beat the levels but he isn’t that good at coordinating his character which puts him in a very rarely-seen temper tantrum
-“WHAT THE?! I DID THE THING SO WHY ISN’T HE DOING WHAT I WANT FOR FUCK’S SAKE !?” (He never says ‘fuck’, so it means he is MAD ANGRY)
-he’s the squirrel with the nice moustache…you know why 😘
-he’s not really the gamer type, soooo he has no clue what he’s doing
-but surprisingly, he is not too bad
-in fact, he gets the hang of it really fast for a guy who never plays video games
-not related to the game, but he loves it when you sit in his lap while playing 🥰 he likes having you close
-since there isn’t one character that really looks like him, he’s taking the narwhal or some other sea creature,,, he just thinks they are neat 🤷🏼‍���️
-will be so proud of you when you manage to beat a level with 3 stars
-“we make such a great team, right y/n? 😄”
-old-school gamer, baby
-like Harvey, he started his gaming career with Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis, but he never stopped and it became one of his main hobbies
-is a sore loser as well, so he’ll complain about fucking up…A LOT
-stress snacker. If you have snacks on the table, he’ll grab in the bowl and eat them all while you’re playing
-when you win a level, he’ll be way too enthusiastic…I’m talking giving you an aggressive kiss on either the lips or cheeks and being like “WOOOOHOOO WE FUCKING RULE THIS BITCH”
-plays as either the eagle or the calico cat. If there was a chicken, he’d be that lol
-he’s one of the younger bachelors, but video games? It’s not his forté
-he was the kind of kid to play outside, he was rarely in his room doing something…so he isn’t that good 😅
-he is like your grandma who just got her first smartphone
-he doesn’t really get anything and is really just bumming about, so you carry the both of you to at least 2 stars
-he’s very competitive though; so he’ll still try to be good for you (and his ego)
-he sucks ASS sorry baby boy 😭🥹
-his favourite character is the guy with sunglasses 😎 because he looks like him
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wrightingdungeon · 4 months
Cliff side talks
This takes place in Shane's 6 heart event with mentions of 2 and 4 heart scenes
FIRST THINGS FIRST - You are loved, You deserve to be safe, Eat/Drink Something, yes you can eat cake and drink jucie, its edible and makes you happy eat/drink it, Let yourself feel what you feel, ASK FOR HELP YOU NEED IT, We all need it, I needed it
Warning: A curse word or two, Self Hate, Looking over a cliff, Depression, might hit close to home, Kinda personal, Listened to Hollywood Undead “Bullet” to remind me how i felt when I married Shane the first time, loose canon, Shane has brown eyes fight me - look at this https://sdv-community.tumblr.com/post/170012882859/the-person-confused-by-his-purple-hair-here-he-has 
Walking towards the cliff where you had helped that Racoon/Tanooki thing clean up the beach under the cliff, you felt numb. You had told everyone you moved here to take over the farm after Grandpa died, that was a half-truth. Working in that cube farm of Joja’s was mentally and physically killing you, looking up only to see a camera pointed directly at you, that dull buzz of the blinking work light. You had no purpose, a twenty-something-year-old slaving away just to make enough to wake up the next day.
Yes now you lived in Pelican town and everyone was so nice, besides a few off-put people when you first moved in, but you should be happier now, right? You shouldn't be walking to the cliff just to stare down at the waves crashing into the shore, to dream about not hurting, just to chicken out and go home. No today you wouldn't chicken out, you had grown tired of the feeling you traded a cube farm job for being a lap dog for the town. No one really batted an eye at how you had cleaned up the town, and no one said anything about you fixing the bus line, it was like they loved you fixing their town but they couldn't show it for some reason.
Did you not deserve it, you must have been selfish to want more praise than a pat on the head and a "You did your job.". Hell, you have been keeping your lips shut about Lewis and the golden statue that he has, that he definitely spent town funding on. You kept your mouth shut about what you had seen in Pierre’s room, his own wife had no idea what he was hiding. Well, you were going to be selfish tonight, the rain soaking to your bone, the grass squishing under your feet. You have wanted to be selfish long before moving here, this was just a last effort and it seemed an effort lost.
As the cliffs came into focus a body lying at the edge surrounded by cans did as well. You froze for a second, no one really came out this late or hung out that close to the cliff, you thought you'd be alone. Walking closer the features became clearer, Shane. He was lying face down his shoulders and body shaking. His cries became clearer and louder as you came to stand above him. 
“F-Farmer?” You heard him weakly call looking up at you, his eyes puffy and bloodshot, his face beet red, the smell of beer somehow clinging to him not allowing the rain to wash it off. “Shane….” You said softly as you set next to him, feet dangling off the ledge of the cliff. “I…..I’m Sorry…” He cried quietly and threw hiccups. “M….My life….It’s a Pathetic joke….Look at me…” His hand came off the ground in a half-assed gesture, and his words came out of him almost like your minds had been attached, he said everything you had been thinking about yourself. “Why do I even try?” A larger sob rang out “I'm too small and stupid to…to take control of my own life…I’m just a p…piece of garbage flittering in the wind…” 
“I don't think that…” You whispered stopping yourself from reaching over to touch and play with his hair. You knew from your own thoughts though that the self-hating was tough, to be your own enemy, to tear yourself down so effortlessly. “I’ve been coming here often lately….looking down…Here’s a chance to finally take control of my life….these cliffs…” You both have been doing the same thing but you had never run into each other till now, ‘Life works that way sometimes…’ you thought looking down at the depressed man who had caught your eye.
His past words playing in your mind, that night on the dock, Shane had given you one of his beers. “You ever feel like…no matter what you do, you're gonna fail?” You had just moved to Pelican Town barely had any crops, had just stopped working in IT….The last time your hands had touched soil you were a child visiting Pelican town for ONE summer, yes every night you fell asleep to thoughts of failure and disappointment. “...Like you’re stuck in some miserable abyss and you’re so deep you can’t even see the light of day?” 
You could see Shane looking at you from the corner of your eye, how do you respond? This was an actual conversation you were having not just him telling you to leave him alone, he was opening up to you, and it felt like a cat ran away with your tongue. “I just feel like no matter how hard I try…I’m not strong enough to climb out of that hole.” Bringing the beer to your mouth you began to drink maybe some liquid courage would help you tell Shane you know what he is feeling, it may not be the same, but similar. 
You didn't even register you had chugged the whole beer when Shane began to chuckle at you. “Heh… fast drinker, huh? You are after my heart aren't you.” He said lord, you were so happy your face was red from chugging or he might have caught on to your crush. “Just don’t make it a habit… You got a future ahead of you still.” The slight pain you hear in his voice and the downward look in his eyes make your heartache if only he knew. Shane had reached over and pat you on the head a few times before standing up. “Welp… My liver’s beggin’ me to stop. Better call it a night… See you around Farmer.”
Pulling yourself back into the moment you looked back down at the soaked depressed man lying next to you. “B… Bu…*blaap*... but I’m too scared, too anxious. Just like always…” A mix of sobs and belches left him in between his words. “Farmer… All I do is work, sleep, and drink…t… to dull the feelings of self-hatred…” You knew how that went, remembering the days when you'd dragged yourself to the office, worked all day, skipped lunch because you couldn't afford more than a meal a day, went home, and fell onto the couch watching whatever was on the TV, far too tired to change the channel. 
Another flashback began to take you remembering when you and Marnie had to break into his room because he had drunk himself halfway into a coma. “You wouldn’t understand…” Those words cut into you because you did understand if only you could tell Shane that yes, you get it, yes you wanna stop as well, you are just as low as he is. The cry that left Jas when Shane said “Hopefully I won’t be around long enough to need a ‘plan’...” You and Shane hadn't seen her walk in, but you both did see her run away in tears. Marnie followed her while you stayed with Shane as he began to have a panic attack.
“Why should I even go on? Tell me. T...tell me why I shouldn't roll off this cliff right now…” His cry for help breaks you out of your memory. “Shane…” You couldn't help yourself you let yourself be selfish and work your fingers into his hair. It was greasy and definitely needed to be washed but who has time for a shower when you are busy trying to get out of bed, you definitely knew what that felt like, your toothbrush being almost abandoned because you had no time really for self-care. 
"Jas needs you. You’re like a father to her…” You said brushing his hair up and out of his eyes, his brown eyes looking up at you filling with tears, he was biting his lip but you could still see it was quivering. “...You’re right… Jas… Ugh, Fuck, God….I’m a fucking horrible, *hic*... Selfish Person… Now I feel even worse…” He weakly and unsuccessfully tried to remove your hand from his hair, before giving up and leaning into your touch. 
“I’m horrible…” You whispered feeling Shane move to peek up at you, your eyes locked to the bottom of the cliff. “I was going to be selfish today… I… I don't….I’m so tired Shane…” From seeing Shane's face you knew the rain was doing nothing to hide that your eyes had begun to puff and tears ran down your cheeks, falling and getting lost in your soaked clothes. “What…” Shane said looking up at you. “I do the same thing… I come to this ledge and think about just... leaning over and falling off…” Looking down at Shane you could see surprise but also…fear? In his eyes. “I don't know how we have never run into each other…” A laugh escaped in between tiny sobs as you tried to wipe the tears away with your free hand. 
“I…I guess I… I’m tired of trying to get everyone to like me….I’m tired of giving Vincent cookies when his own mother could make them, Pam hasn't actually said thank you for me FIXING HER bus, Haley always has something to say about my appearance and it feels like she really knows how to put a person down.” It was all coming out, what you wanted to say at the docs, what you wanted to say as you held Shane and calmed him down in his room, everything you wanted to scream out over the cliff into the ocean air…just came out. 
“Farmer….I…I’m sorry…” Feeling Shane’s hand slide across your lap and grip your side, a calmness came over you, Shane saw you and you saw Shane, both of you at the bottom of a barrel with a shotgun pointed at you two. “Farmer…I think you should take me to the hospital now…” He groaned his face turning a slight green. “Oh fuck, yeah!” Helping Shane up and letting him throw an arm over your shoulder, leaning a bit on you, you both made your way, soaking wet and shivering, to Harvey's.
A split second you looked back at the ledge, who had talked who away from it, who pulled the other back to safety. Both of you, both had.
The next morning you woke up to someone at your door, and a panic had set in. It was Harvey coming to tell you Shane had finally drunk himself to death. Rushing to the door and opening it, you smiled seeing Shane standing there holding his arm where Harvey had IVed him, his eyes burning holes into his feet. “Shane…You're ok…” You said smiling softly. “Hey… Fuck…uh… How do I say this… I’m really sorry about what happened at the cliffs…. It was… embarrassing…” He said his eyes looking up to meet yours. “I’m glad I was there to help.” You said carefully reaching out to place your fingers on his hand. “...I’m glad you're here too…I…I mean…Ye-yeah, me too.” He said, blushing and laughing, looking around to save a bit of his dignity. “I… I’ve decided I want to see a therapist. Harvey got me in touch with a colleague of his…I…I'll tell you how it goes… I think… I think you should try it as well.”
He was looking right into your eyes as he said you should give it a try. “I… I know I'm a pot calling the kettle black….but…I…I really want you to stay…” Your cheeks lit up, this was the first time he said something like that. “Y…Yeah…I’ll give it a shot…” You said not leaving his gaze. “You know Shane… I just woke up… Do you want to stay, and help feed the chickens?” Seeing him smile wide was all the coffee you needed today. “That sounds like a great idea.”
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Hey, I saw your requests open, and I had a thought. What would the bachelors/Bachelorettes do if they saw Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder (not drugs, just something from the wizard) into their drinks? I don't know much about all of them so I can't really imagine what they would do. Also, if they would punish the Farmer (not nsfw), what punishment would it be?
Oooo, drama :D Sure thing, dear anon! Enjoy some headcanons 🫰💕
(PS: My requests are currently closed for now. I'll open it again soon!)
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
Hey, what's that Farmer doing there- What the heck!? Sam's kind of a prankster himself, but this is out of line, and putting some stuff in his Joja Coke wasn't cool on Farmer's part. It's not "love powder," it's clearly some kind of laxative or something. Not cool at all, man. The young guitarist will stop hanging out with them for a while and honestly announce to the others why he and Farmer are avoiding each other. But if they apologise and don't do that again, Sammy will forgive them. Probably.
Shane with a distinct "are you fucking for real?" emotion on his face sizzled Farmer with his stare. He may have understood their weirdness before, but this is one he doesn't understand and doesn't want to. So the chicken man just takes them by the collar and kicks them the heck out of Marnie's Ranch. No, he ain't gonna listen to their excuses and their 'mad love' for him or whatever other bullshit they got going on. Farmer is forbidden to be around him or Marnie and Jas, or else physical violence will be involved.
Outrageous! This is just... unacceptable! Such disrespect and disregard for his persona! Elliott considered them a decent friend, but Farmer decided to stab him in the back by putting an unknown substance in his wine! And these excuses... Love powder? It's- were they trying to slip him an aphrodisiac?! No, Elliott won't stand for that. Out of his house, now! Begone, he said! Before he starts shouting at them more! The written is definitely gonna have to rethink his opinion of Farmer.
"I hope it was cinnamon in my coffee." Harvey already knows it's far from cinnamon, but he was curious as to what excuse the Farmer would come up with. Actually, no need to bother, the doctor doesn't want to hear anything. What he does want now is for Farmer to leave the clinic and to close the door behind them. At their pleading words that they love him, Harvey raised an eyebrow sceptically. Love is built on mutual understanding and trust, not this. From now on, they would only have a patient-doctor relationship, nothing more.
What kind of sick joke is this? What the hell did the farmer slip Alex? What... energy tonic? Pfffff, yeah! Stop lying to him. He saw them pour the strange liquid into the bottle. And now the athlete is demanding an explanation. Really, "love potion"? Very funny. Alex isn't three years old enough to believe in magic and stuff. He tells the Farmer to get out of his face, cos with his muscles he's sure to win the fight. He doesn't even want to look in their direction.
And the day was starting out so well for Sebastian.... Just when he thought he was going to have a good time and play videogames with his friend, Farmer, they slip some kind of drug into his mug. He's not even angry, just... disappointed. Sebby will just stare at them in silence until Farmer finally leave his basement. Then he'll shut the door (so he doesn't have to explain to his mum and the others) and text Sam and Abby that hanging out with Farmer won't happen and they also should be careful. Wow, what a day, huh...
Leah would be in a pure rage, and Farmer could count themself lucky if the artist hit them in the face with just her fist. Because if she had sculpting tools or anything else sharp or heavy around her, Farmer would be in a hospital for a long time. Leah genuinely thought they were her friend, but they ended up being another creep, and the ginger girl would stay away from them as much as possible. There can be no talk of any love. Moreover, she is unlikely to ever consider them a friend again. The trust is broken.
A cold shoulder from Maru. Why the heck did the Farmer decide that this behaviour was ok!? Slipping her some psychotropic substance (she believes in science, so the phrase "magic powder" is tantamount to naming a drug or poison to her) in her coffee cup while she was busy with her flasks in the lab? Maru advises them to leave, for if she calls her mom and dad now, things will get much worse. She may accept their sincere apology in the future, but for now Maru wants to be alone, away from all this drama.
Abigail will be shouting at them at the top of her voice about what the heck and what the fuck! Are the passing residents now looking at them? That's right! Let everyone know what Farmer just wants to do. And she's not going to stop at Pelican Town alone, oh no. So if Farmer is active in social media, the amethyst lover will soon mention them in her post-calling about them and that they can't be trusted. It's not very mature response from Abby, but she's too angry to think twice. Love??? Fuck you, Farmer!
L- love powder? Emily can't believe her own ears. Friendship and love are supposed to be pure and true feelings, trust and respect for each other. Was their friendship not enough? Couldn't they understand the joy in sharing and not just taking everything for themselves? Emily is very disappointed in the Farmer. She will just start ignoring them and seek spiritual healing in meditation. She hopes the Farmer will apologise sincerely and realise their mistakes, but she will be very careful with them for now.
Now Penny is afraid of Farmer, because... what if this isn't the first time? Maybe they've slipped her something before, since Farmer was so sure of what they're doing, thinking the young teacher wouldn't notice them. But the spirits were not on Farmer's side and Penny saw it all. Now the poor girl is tormented by paranoia and fear of them. No need to try to chase her and apologise or she'll panic and call her mum. And Farmer certainly won't want to deal with Pam.
Farmer couldn't imagine Haley being capable of so morally destroying someone, but here we are. "Love potion", huh? So they want to "speed up" the lovemaking process? Now she'd show them the consequences of their stupid action. In addition to scratches from her fresh manicure, Farmer will get a huge public condemnation from all the bachelors and bachelorettes. So that inadvertently no one (especially her sister) falls into this trap. Oh, and she'll pour that potion over Farmer's head. Loser...
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the-name-is-z · 6 months
SKELETONS | ch. 13
daryl dixon x f!oc
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Summary: Shane's role in the group comes into question, Carl is up and healing, and everyone seems to be pissed off at something. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; carl learns how to whittle, writer mentions whittling ducks (inescapable halsin reference), carl steals a gun, a few group members learn to shoot, maggie gets pissed after a close call, mentions of pregnancy, (suggestions of) infidelity and abortion (copious amounts of morning after) pills, death threats
Chapter 13 - Gunslinging
Carl was up and walking the next morning, taking it easy and helping Lori feed the chickens with Patricia. He seemed to be doing okay, but Iris noted a few cynical comments from him that raised some eyebrows. 
Glenn was hiding something, and it almost amused Iris more to follow him and watch him try to keep it to himself than to get him to come clean. He brought some fruit over to Dale and T-Dog while they were setting up the RV’s awning and had practically told them there was something dreadfully wrong.
Daryl was back in his tent, relaxing, though slightly annoyed he wasn’t out and about with the others. He knew better than to strain himself further. He’d forgiven Andrea already for trying to protect the group, but Iris was still annoyed that Shane gave her a gun in the first place.
Rick and Shane entertained Jimmy around their search map, Shane looking for spots for them to start training the others with guns. Even Patricia and Beth seemed interested in learning how to protect themselves.
Iris watched the interaction from the RV stairs, Carl standing beside her as she taught him how to whittle. He was mostly skilled in sharp, pointy sticks so far, but learning how to work the knife was the first step. He wore Rick’s hat around now that Rick’d ditched the uniform, and it suited him, despite being a little big.
“How’s it coming?” She asked, pulling her own knife away from the slowly-forming duck shape in her hand. Carl showed her the stick and she nodded. “See if you can make rings around the wood, try to make ‘em even.” He accepted the challenge, holding the knife carefully as Shane meandered over from Rick and their map.
“Nice lid, man.” He commented on the hat. “What’s going on?”
“We’re whittling.” Carl said with a grin. Shane nodded, observing the stick. He took a seat nearby, stretching out his legs. Carl put the knife into his pocket, turning to Shane. “I want to learn to shoot, too. Can you teach me?”
“Well, man, that’s up to your parents.” Shane replied with a chuckle.
“He asked me, too.” Iris stated, giving Carl a pointed look. 
“Can you talk to them? They’ll listen to you.” Shane laughed.
“We’ll see, okay?” He answered. Carl nodded dejectedly, turning away
“Hey. What you got there?” Iris asked as he turned, a flash of black peeking out from under his shirt. Carl lifted the shirt, displaying the small revolver he’d found somewhere tucked into his pants. Iris and Shane looked to one another, the former holding out his hand expectedly. 
They told Carl to go sit down at the camp and wait while Shane and Iris brought the gun to Rick and Lori. 
“How the hell did this happen?” Lori asked, checking the ammo before tucking the gun into the waistband of her own jeans. Dale had his hands shoved in his pockets, glancing over at the young boy.
“It’s my fault, I let him into the RV. He said he wanted a walkie, that you sent him for one.” Dale explained. Rick sighed.
“So on top of everything else, he lied?” Lori asked, looking to her husband expectantly. “What’s he thinking?”
“He wants to learn how to shoot.” Shane stated. “He asked me and Iris both to teach him, separate times. Now it’s none of my business, but I’m happy to do it. It’s your call.”
“I’m not comfortable with it.” Lori replied with a humourless laugh. Rick didn’t say anything, looking up at Shane. “Oh, don’t make me the unreasonable one, here, Rick.”
“I know. I have my concerns too, but—“
“There’s no but. He was just shot.” Lori interrupted sternly. “He’s just back on his feet and he wants a gun?”
“Better than him being afraid of ‘em.” Rick countered.
“Maybe you could tide him over with a little gun safety.” Iris suggested. “As a start. Once he shows he’s responsible enough, he knows the rules, you can decide if he should learn more.”
“There are guns in this camp for a reason, he should learn to handle them safely.” Rick agreed. Lori scoffed and shook her head.
“I don’t want my kid walking around with a gun.” She stated plainly.
“But how can you defend that?” Rick asked. “You can’t let him go around without protection.”
“He’s as safe as he’ll ever be, right here.” Lori snapped. Rick sighed and she put up a hand. “Look, everything you’re saying makes perfect sense. It just feels wrong. I mean, I didn’t feel good about him following you out into the woods and I wish I’d said something. I should have gone with my gut.”
“He’s growing up— thank God. We’ve got to start treating him more like an adult.” Rick protested.
“Then he needs to act like one.” Lori said loudly, turning to her son. “He’s not mature enough to handle a gun.”
“I’m not gonna play with it, mom.” Carl said, standing and walking over. “It’s not a toy. I’m sorry I disappointed you, but I want to look for Sophia and I want to defend our camp. I can’t do that without a gun.”
“Shane’s the best instructor I know.” Rick said quietly, turning back to Lori. Iris smiled down at Carl, giving him a wink. She was proud of him for saying that. “I’ve seen him teach kids younger than Carl.” Lori blinked at her husband, staring for a moment before clamping her jaw shut and walking over to Carl. She gripped his face in one hand lightly, turning him up to face her.
“You will take this seriously.” She said firmly. “And you will behave responsibly. And if I hear from anyone in this camp that you’re not living up to our expectations—“
“He wont let you down.” Rick said, looking to his son pointedly. Carl nodded, looking up at his mom.
“Yeah.” He agreed. She squeezed his face before walking away.
“Now if you’re gonna do this, you listen to Shane.” Rick said.
“Okay, Dad.”
“Alright? You be careful.” He sent him off toward the cars as Shane and a few others started loading up the SUV and station wagon. Guns, ammo, things they could use for practice.
“You coming?” He asked Iris as she followed Carl.
“Yeah, I can be on walker duty.” She replied and he nodded.
“Nah, I told Dale I’d help him… clean the spark plugs on the RV.” Glenn replied, clearing his throat to hide the nervous tremor. Iris snorted loudly. “He’s gonna teach me mechanics. I should probably go look for him.”
“You found me.” Dale said, leaning against the small bench swing near the RV, raising an eyebrow. “He’s a good learner.” Iris and Shane exchanged a smirk as they got into the car, Shane starting up the engine.
They drove quickly to the spot Shane had scouted with the others following, and Shane quickly set up a line of old wine bottles, some filled with a bit of water, along the fence. Each one of them had a gun, holding them forward and shooting to the best of their ability. Shane walked along behind them like a sergeant, correcting form and straightening posture. Rick came out to watch for a while, mildly impressed by a few of them.
“Jimmy. You’re not a gangster from New Jersey. Hold the gun straight.” Iris called, noting the fact that the boy on the end was holding the gun with one hand, and sideways. He glanced back at her, putting both hands on the gun and holding it up and down before firing. The bullet shattered the glass of the bottle and she nodded. 
Andrea was particularly enjoying the shooting lessons, with good enough aim. She mostly liked showing off in front of Shane, it seemed.
“I’d say she’s got the hang of it.” Shane stated.
“I’d say she’s ready for the advanced class.” Rick joked. “Might be worth your while after the rest of us head back to camp.”
“Sure, why not?” Andrea agreed, though Iris could see how giddy she was. 
“Better watch your back, Shane. She might shoot you.” Iris taunted. Andrea turned around.
“You got a problem?” She asked, annoyed.
“Yeah, a little bit. I got a problem with the fact that everyone apparently forgot that you shot one of us yesterday. You need glasses or something?” Iris spat.
“Oh yeah? Since when are you one of us?” Andrea retorted. “Daryl forgave me, okay? I said I was sorry, and I am.” Iris scoffed, shaking her head.
“Whoa, whoa, ladies, c’mon now.” Shane interrupted, coming to stand between them. Andrea backed off a little, but in all honesty she was somewhat frightened by the fire in Iris’ eyes. 
“I’m heading back.” Iris mumbled. “Gonna walk.”
Iris needed to cool off, that was for sure. She was irritated. To be fair to Andrea, Daryl did forgive her. But Iris had a hard time with it. She was frustrated that they weren’t making progress, toward finding Sophia, toward Fort Benning, any of it. She’d heard Hershel and Rick arguing, she knew that Hershel wanted them all to leave. That they weren’t welcome. Except Rick kept that to himself, and Iris was growing impatient. 
There were things all of them needed to learn. Things Iris had to do the hard way. She lost everyone, and they didn’t know what that felt like. Maybe Andrea did, but she still had her group. And she almost threw them away like they were nothing, giving up, opting out. Iris had had plenty of opportunity to kill herself. But she wouldn’t. She felt an obligation to the world, to these people, now.
Maybe this was all just pent up emotion coming out. It probably was. But when Iris returned alone to the farm, she stuck to herself. She spent a few hours throwing her knives into a target she carved into a tree. Dale and Glenn asked if she was alright a while ago, and took her silence as an answer.
After a while, she started to sweat in the hot Georgia sun, and reached for her bandana to tie her hair back. She realized then that it was gone. She’d used it to prevent Daryl from bleeding to death in the woods. Iris would never said she regretted it, and she didn’t, but she did miss the bandana. It was Felix’s. 
Iris looked up from helping Lori fold laundry as Glenn and Maggie stormed through the camp. Well, Maggie did the storming and Glenn followed her sheepishly. Everyone else had dispersed across the farm, and apparently Shane and Andrea were out looking for Sophia.
“Hey! We got your stuff.” Maggie snapped, slamming the gate behind her, right into Glenn. Lori looked up, somewhat alarmed.
“Maggie, hang on, please.” Glenn pleaded. Lori looked around frantically for other people, glancing nervously down at Iris, who was very confused.
“Come on in here.” Lori called, gesturing for Maggie to follow her into her tent, but Maggie was not having it.
“Why? Nothing to hide, we got your special delivery right here.” She yelled, shoving her arm into the paper bag. “We got your lotion, got your conditioner, your soap opera digest—“
“Maggie—“ Lori breathed.
“Next time you want something, get it your damn self. We’re not your errand boys.” She hissed.
“Honey, I—“
“And here’s your abortion pills.” Maggie snapped, throwing them into the dirt before shoving Glenn away, storming off. Iris’ mouth fell open, and she stayed silent as Lori scrambled to pick the pills up off of the ground. Glenn shot Lori an apologetic look before running after Maggie. Lori had tears in her eyes as she crouched, a hand to her mouth. She turned to Iris with a pleading look.
“I won’t say a word.” Iris whispered, shaking her head. Lori’s tears slipped down her face. “No judgement whether you take them or not. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.” Lori murmured. She practically collapsed into Iris’ arms, breathing deeply. Iris rubbed her back comfortingly, staring after Glenn and Maggie. Something must have happened. Maggie had blood on her shirt, but they both seemed fine. Hopefully Glenn could make her feel better.
Glenn came back a little while later, Lori and Iris sitting at the table inside her large tent. 
“The blood on Maggie’s shirt?” Iris asked.
“She was attacked.” He confirmed.
“Are you guys alright? How bad was it?” Lori asked.
“It was pretty close.” He replied, stepping inside and taking a seat next to Iris, running his hands through his hair. She put a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.” Lori said, shaking her head. “I should never have asked you to go.”
“I offered.” Glenn replied, shaking his head.
“I thought the town was safe, but if you hadn’t come back—“
“But we did. I always do.” He assured. He had another bag in his hands and he messed with it as he looked down. “The morning-after pills— will they even work?”
“I don’t know.” Lori replied. “And I don’t know if I want them to.”
“Then, I got these too, just in case.” Glenn said, putting the paper bag on the table in front of her. She unwrapped the bag, pulling out two bottles of prenatal vitamins. Iris couldn’t hold back her small smile, and neither could Lori.
“That’s a hell of a choice.” Lori murmured.
“I’m glad it’s not mine.” Glenn stated honestly. “Lori… we’re friends, aren’t we?”
“With everything we’ve been through— yeah.” Lori replied quickly. He shook his head.
“I can’t tell you what to do— I could never tell you something like that. But your choice… maybe you shouldn’t make it alone.” He said nothing more before standing, putting his hand on Iris’ shoulder before ducking out of the tent.
“I’ll leave you alone for a bit. I’ll be nearby if you need me.” Iris said softly. Lori nodded, putting her head in her hands as Iris left her to think.
Shane and Andrea returned a little while later, with no sign of Sophia. They looked a little tired and had some walker blood on them, but no worse for wear. Yet, Iris could have sworn she saw a hickey. Dale seemed as equally suspicious of them. Iris nodded to Shane as he walked past, but Dale followed after him.
“Shane, I was thinking, you’ve got that nice new ride of yours, plenty of fuel, more than enough for you to get far from here.” Dale said sharply. Iris’ eyebrows shot up. Shane was… problematic, sometimes, but no one yet had outright asked him to leave. 
“What, you telling me to leave?” Shane asked, glancing at Iris before looking back to Dale. It appeared that Iris would witness many a-private argument today.
“I know you’ve been planning to.” Dale said simply. “Maybe now’s a good time.” Shane looked to Iris, who stayed frozen, before huffing a laugh.
“Is this about Andrea?” He asked, narrowing his gaze.
“I’m looking out for the group.” Dale answered.
“You think the group would be better off without me, Dale? Why don’t you tell that to Rick or Lori? Their boy would be dead if I hadn’t put my ass on the line.”
“They’d be pretty disappointed if they knew you were using that as an excuse to save your own ass.” Iris said lowly. She wouldn’t let Carl become a bargaining chip for this bullshit.
“You risked yours, and Otis’s.” Dale pointed out. Shane said nothing, shaking his head and turning away. “Yeah, you’ve been vague about that night, about what happened.”
“Otis died a hero.” Shane said simply, turning back around.
“So you’ve said.” Dale replied accusingly. 
“A little boy lived because of what went down that night.” Shane glowered. “I think you oughta show some gratitude.”
“I wasn’t there.”
“No, man, you weren’t.”
“But I was the time that you raised your gun on Rick.” Dale continued.
“What?” Iris asked, standing up.
“Come on. Jesus.”
“You had him in your sights and you held him there.” Dale continued. “I know what kind of man you are.” Shane stared down at the ground for a moment before looking up through his eyebrows. Iris had no love for the look in his eyes. His voice was barely above a whisper.
“You think I’d shoot Rick?” He breathed. “That’s my best friend. That’s the man that I love. I love him like he’s my brother. You think that’s the kind of man I am?”
“That’s right.” Dale replied confidently.
“Well, maybe we ought to just think that through.” Shane replied lowly. Iris stepped toward them slowly, her hand moving to rest on the handle of her knife. That sounded an awful lot like a threat. “Say that I’m the kind of man who’d gun down his own best friend. What do you think I’d do to some guy that I don’t even like when he starts throwing accusations my way? What do you think?”
Dale’s eyes were wide as Shane got close, looking down at him dangerously. Iris stepped forward, behind Dale, so she could remind him there were witnesses. And honestly, she would be much harder to kill. Shane stood there for a few seconds, hopefully contemplating what he just said, before turning away. Dale shuddered as he turned meeting Iris’ gaze.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.” She muttered. He nodded, refusing to turn his back on Shane’s retreating silhouette.
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ok since you mentioned stardew valley i have to ask: who do you think the m6’s favorite sdv characters would be?
The Arcana HCs: M6 playing Stardew Valley
~ dear anon, there is a reason for why I am known as brainrot. you have somehow combined two of my greatest obsessions and for that you have my thanks. please enjoy! - brainrot ~
(spoilers for SDV content)
He's got a special soft spot for George and Evelyn. He just wants to be their grandson (not by marriage though, Alex isn't really his type)
Lowkey freaked out by the wizard at first, learns to get along with him anyways because he made it possible to talk to the Junimos
Enjoys most of the game play besides the farming and crafting. He doesn't have the attention span for all of that
Initially falls for Leah, ends up marrying Shane because he told the farmer to leave him alone and Julian takes that as a challenge
It's also strangely cathartic for him to be on the other side of the "I can help him heal" trope
He likes Leo but learning about the shipwreck is mildly triggering for him, he's very happy once it's resolved and he can forget about it
Completely forgets about the Community Center at first because he's too busy romancing all the marriageables. Gets back to it after he's had two kids and befriended all the villagers
Convinced that Mr Qi is secretly evil
Gossips to MC about all of the lore between the villagers
Gets into it for the aesthetic, stays for the Junimos
Their farm is a jumbled hodgepodge of all the weirdest plants they could find, with random plots of crops needed for different quests
Spends so much time in the mines, there's just so many interesting creatures down there (and he likes all the gems and minerals)
Dislikes Clint so strongly that they end up dating Emily for the vibes and spite
Ends up having Krobus move in as his roommate, but his ideal is playing with MC so he can marry them
Doesn't put any effort into befriending most of the villagers until it becomes a requirement to achieve perfection, ends up stopping by Pierre's every Tuesday to hang out with all the moms
Likes Mr Qi for his aesthetic, gets a little hung up on the Wizard because that's not how magic works
Obsesses over finding all the artifacts, becomes friends with Penny and the kids from their frequent Library visits
Takes full advantage of using Lewis's shorts to mess with him in every possible way
Robin reminds them of their mom and they don't know how to feel about that
She has some very strong opinions about Lewis as a mayor and the more she plays and finds out about him the stronger those opinions become
Dedicates herself to the Community Center as soon as it's unlocked
Has a hard time deciding who to court at first. She likes to know her goal before she starts her journey, but it's hard to get a read on everyone right off the bat
Chooses Leah and knows she's the right one when she gets to help her spite her ex by living well and thriving
Perfection is her end goal as soon as she learns about it
Has a soft spot for Linus and Harvey
Her farm is impeccable. Perfectly planned out, greenhouse at max capacity, crops always timed to yield the most harvest per season
Takes a grim satisfaction in Haley and Emily's sisterly disputes
Always has the perfect present prepared for someone's birthday. Except Lewis. She hates that she has to befriend Lewis
Lowkey judgemental of Marnie for sticking with him
Maxes out crafting first and uses everything she makes
Thinks that Robin should be mayor instead
He loves Linus. He wants to live in a tent like Linus too
Does not like the mines at all. Too much animal killing
Avoids Shane at first because he clearly wants to be left alone, ends up befriending him for the blue chickens, is grateful he did once Shane gets his act together
Marries Penny to get her out of the trailer and because her interactions stress him out the least
Terrified of Emily, Alex, and Haley, doesn't go near that house
Hates Joja Co with a passion. It's what got him to complete the Community Center, because he wanted to see Morris's empire crumble at his feet. And to make the Junimos happy
Avoids all community events as much as he can
Loves fishing, foraging, and crafting. The first villagers he got ten hearts with were the Wizard and Willy
Fiercely protective of Leo, adores the parrots, tolerates Mr Qi
Prefers to play with MC and Asra, especially because he really wants the Golden Chicken from achieving perfection but he doesn't like talking to the villagers or going in the mines
Half of his farm is chicken coops
She starting playing it for the fun of a "build a new life" game and kept playing it for the mines and the villager drama
She's got the entire Friendship and Gifts page on the Stardew Valley Wiki memorized
Thinks the wizard is awesome because he teaches her magic
Has so many opinions on who should be with who that it makes it hard for her to settle down with someone. She ended up with Abigail for the swordfights and adventure
Hardcore ships Gus with Willy, waxes poetic about their shared scenes with the crab invasion and giant omelet
Wants Marnie and Marlon to date so badly, she writes tons of fanfiction about Lewis being brutally dumped and the two of them getting together and adopting Leo
Has a personal grudge against Sebastian because people keep rooting for him over his little sister and no she's not projecting at all
She'll reach perfection eventually because she's that good at managing her tasks, but it's not her main objective
Attends every single community event and comes up with so many headcanons about why this villager always stands there and what's going on with that dialogue
Accidentally went the Joja route at first and got ticked off when it meant he was the "bad guy" just because he has FOMO
He's all about the adventuring, his farm is mostly wild
Gets annoyed by Marlon's cautious advice, thinks the wizard is cool for giving him magic but wishes he could do more with it
Married Haley and subsequently lost all his hearts with her because he was too busy getting out the door each morning
Couldn't be bothered with the Community Center until he reached the bottom of the mines and heard that there were more levels elsewhere
Divorces Haley to marry Sandy, throws a fit when he finds out she isn't marriageable. Marries Elliot instead because he wrote a book for him
Hates fishing with a passion, especially the legendary fish
Really starts getting into the game once Calico Desert and Ginger Island are open
Obsessed with raising slimes
Doesn't meet Krobus for a long time because he couldn't be bothered with artifacts, brings him diamonds every week once he does
Also wants to be friends with Kent but can't remember his likes
Desperately craves Mr Qi's approval
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livingthesimplifd · 1 year
More Soft Shane Headcannons
Whenever you go out into the mines at night he stays up until you make it back home safely
He had a lot of social anxiety and he relies on you to do all the talking
He usually cuts his own hair but after you get married you offer to do it for him. You mess it up the first time and even though you know it looks bad he tells you that he loves the "new look"
He always makes note of everything he sees that reminds him of you and he makes a point to tell you becuase "I want you to know I'm thinking about you all the time"
He taught you how to shotgun a drink
He likes to go on walks in the early morning and visit all the chickens. You like to go with him and hold his hand
The moment he knew he loved you was one night at the bar you were wasted and you pulled him from his corner to force him to dance with you. You don't remember it but he'll never forget it
He loves to rest his head on your lap and let you play with his hair. Sometimes you put little braids in it and he leaves them in as long as possible
The first time he came to the farm with you your cat/dog came up to him right away and loved him immediately. You knew then you did too.
I will return in due time
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