#i desire not to enter the gates of hell so quickly on this day
frosteee-variation · 2 years
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those damn old ladies with those swords
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onskepa · 1 year
Can I get a Mother Mo'at x female human reader.
Where Mo'at found the reader when she was a baby. Then Mo'at I dunno does some sort of ritual for the reader to be able to breath on Pandora without using a mask.
I think it would be kinda wholesome to see Mo'at treating the reader as if she were her own child 🥺
Neytiri probably being the overprotective big sister over the reader, especially since she is human.
Imagine Jake's reaction to seeing the reader on Pandora and breathing without a mask or an avatar as if it's normal-
I just imagine Neytiri dragging the reader with her while she has to teach Jake and the reader laughs at Jake when he does something wrong.
Stxeli series
A daughter for a daughter
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Mo'at wasn't herself after the death of her first born daughter. Sylwanin. Her daughter was truly a wonderful na'vi, one with so much potential. Yet the sky people took that away from her.
After her death, mo'at forbade all na'vi from getting anywhere near hell's gate or any sky demon for that matter. For months she wouldn't let neytiri do anything outside of the territory, in fear she lose her only other child too.
Eytukan tried his best to coax and ease his mate's inner wounds. Yet he himself suffers from the lose of his child. He may be leader, but he too, is a father. To see his sweet child be born and grow, hopes and wonder's of what Sylwanin was to become. Yet they took her from that.
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Mo'at needed to clear her head one day. And left to go beyond the clan's territory to search for herbs and other materials for medicine. It was to clear her head, but nothing was working. She prays to Eywa every day and night, she doesn't question her great mother's reasons, but desire this inner wound to ease.
Suddenly, a woodsprites appeared, not just one, nor two, not even three!! but many slowly make their way towards mo'at. She gasps and carefully looks and listen. Trying to understand the message Eywa is bestowing on her. The seeds began to make a line, a trail, they wanted her to follow, so she did.
As she moves, she began to notice the seeds were leading her to hell's gate. Daring not to question, she slowly moves forward, making sure the sky demons dont notice her. Luckly, night approaches so the ecosystem disguised her well. Still following the woodsprites, they led her to a window of a tall building. She peaked inside and saw a baby who was crying its little heart out. She was amazed by how tiny the baby was. Must be only a few days old.
She looked around in the room, and didnt see any other sky demon attending to the baby. She may not not much of sky demons customs but she is sure they dont leave their little ones unattended.
The baby cried for long minutes, it tugged mo'at's heart. How is it that no demon has come to attend the baby? Where is the mother? Mo'at desperately wanted to help the baby. Its cried wailed deep into her soul. She now understands what Eywa is telling her. If no one will take care of the baby. Then she will.
With a half baked plan, she looked around to search of the only human she can ever trust, Dr. Grace Augustine. Much to Grace's surprise and delight, she approached mo'at, and much to her great surprise, mo'at wished to enter hell's gate. Grace didnt know any better, only that she missed speaking to the Tsahik.
Using Grace's trust, mo'at made sure to mesmerize every single route of hell's gate and pin point every possible exist. When suddenly her ears picked up the familiar cries of the baby. Grace didnt look, so Mo'at quickly left to find the baby. Basically busting through the door, she entered the tiny room where the baby layed. Carefully picking it up, she sees under the blanket. It was a baby girl. The cutest baby girl she ever seen. Her little cries died down, and snuggled against mo'at. Her mother instincts kicked in, the sudden feeling to protect the baby. She softly kissed her tiny head and made sure to wrap the baby securely against her chest. Quietly, and by miracle of Eywa, she managed to leave hell's gate undiscovered and heads back to her clan.
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By following morning, every na'vi knew of Mo'at bringing home a human child. Many dare not to voice their concerns, as they would be silenced by Eytukan. But even he is confused. For last night, while looking for her, he saw her run as fast as she could, not to their shared hammock, but to the tree of souls. He went after her to see if she was alright but to his shocked, he saw her place the a human baby down by the base of the roots. There, mo'at saw him, and asked to join her in prayer. A prayer to save the child. As she didnt think her plan through. Their native air was toxic for fully grown humans, she didnt think how it would affect the baby.
So that is what they did. Praying to Eywa in hopes to bless the baby girl to breathe their air. By sunrise, the baby was giggled and looked at the na'vi in wonder.
Mo'at and Eytukan explained to the clan that the child is a gift from Eywa. For she was born to be with them. Human body but na'vi at heart.
Neytiri was a bit perplexed by the news. But had come to her own conclusion, the humans took away a na'vi daughter, so its only fair that the na'vi takes away a human daughter.
They given her the blessed name Stxeli. And she fitted right in with the others, neytiri loved her new sister. Became rather protective of her. And much to her surprise, Tsu'tey had come to accept the new born. Would be there for the little one whenever he can, and would often play with her. Mo'at felt her inner soul be at peace, and healed from the dark past.
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At every given chance, mo'at, neytiri and Eytukan would tell their young one of their older sister, Sylwanin, so that her memories be never forgotten.
True that Stxeli cant do everything a na'vi can, but she makes up for it in her skills at weaving and music. She did not need to hunt, or tame a banshee, she is fine how she is. Never felt like an outsider.
However, when Jake Sully arrived to the clan, he was shocked to see a human amongst the na'vi, a human who can breathe their air. Stxeli didnt trust jake not one bit. And would keep her distance from him. But when it came to neytiri training him, she and tsu'tey would watch him fail and laugh together.
But much like neytiri, jake warmed up to her, and would give him tips on how to better his skills. Demonstrate her own skills flawlessly.
Jake would report of to Grace of the Omaticaya human, and how its strange she is accepted. Grace knew who he was talking about. Despite all these years, she still turned a blind eye of what happened that night. And would go on like nothing happened. So long as she get still interact with the tribe, the incident would forever be with her under her very last breathe.
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Stxeli = gift
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Thank you so much for this request! I loved writing it!
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yootaesowlwrites · 2 years
The Prince - Dawon
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Warnings: AU, Prince!Dawon, semi-cocky!Dawon, slow burn, angst, explicit language, descriptive scenes, smut, nipple play, fingering, clit stimulation, oral(?)(female receiving), unprotected sex, first time, slow sex, aftercare, happy ending.
W/C: 6.2K
Age Warning: I will not take responsibility because you wanted to read this, but if you’re under the  age of 18+, DO NOT INTERACT OR READ. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction!
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“He’s so handsome, he has every right to be so confident,” One of the villagers says as you walk past them, you wanted to roll your eyes at the gossip, but you, yourself, couldn’t deny that he was good-looking, but you didn’t agree about his cocky attitude he carried if he had respect for other’s you might have liked him, but you wouldn’t dare that you disliked him out loud near any of his fan club members.
You had always heard the stories about him spread through the village, how he had once told a man that he could take his wife if he really wished to, how he could have any women he desired, and along with that, he wasn’t the kindest either. You had heard how he would push men out of the way, order them around and waste their time as well. You had seen it happen once as well, he had visited the village and some poor man had accidentally bumped into him, and you had watched the young prince order him around for the three hours he was visiting.
And right now, as you were walking past the villagers, feeling like you were walking towards your end as you walked towards the palace gates, about to apply for a job, no one in the village was hiring and to move away from your friends and family, that wasn’t an option for you, you would rather go live in the palace and visit them during the weekends. What were the chances of you running into the young Prince while you were working?
“You will personally be helping Prince Sanghyuk get ready during the mornings and evenings, and if there is a meeting during the afternoons,” Those words had made your heart sink, and you felt like you had to prepare for a life of hell just to provide for yourself and your family. “You will be bringing his food to him, and if he wishes, you must feed him as well,” You swallow and slowly nod your head. Maybe moving to another village wasn’t that horrible of an idea. “You must always look presentable to the young Prince unless you wish to be eaten alive by him,” Was it too late to quit? “You will be wearing this, we will come and collect it every night and bring a fresh one as well,” You nod your head and take the uniform from your senior. “Go get changed, and I’ll show you around, I’ll follow you for the first day until you know where everything is, I hope you have a better memory than the last person,” You swallow and quickly move into a room to change.
You keep your head low as you enter the room you were to meet the prince in every morning, you basically had to follow him around like a lost puppy every single day, aside from each end of the month weekend, when you would be allowed to go visit your family for a day unless stated otherwise.
“This is your new server, my Prince,” You were introduced. “She will quickly learn the ropes and please you in any way you desire,” You almost yelped at that part, what included this “Please you in any way you desire”? You swallow as you hear footsteps approaching you.
“What is your name?” You hear, and fuck, you should have known his voice still sounded so nice since you had last seen him in the village.
“He-” The person that was supposed to guide you begins, only for Dawon to lift his hand and make them quiet down.
“I asked her, not you,” He says. And right with those words, that sounded so cold and rude, you want to run back home. “What’s your name, servant?” You watch his hand move into your view before it touched below your chin. ‘Don’t flinch back, don’t flinch back,’ You thought to yourself and allow him to raise your head. “Is it perhaps pretty servant girl?” He teases with a smirk, one you almost wanted to smack off his face.
“Y/n, my Prince,” You say. You silently padded yourself on the back when your voice didn’t waver. You watch his eyes roam over your face, inspecting you like some prize, and you were starting to think the previous person wasn’t fired but left willingly.
“Such a pretty face…” He mutters and turns your head to the side. “I’m excited to have you work for me, I hope you feel the same towards me,” He releases your jaw, and you immediately look down at the floor again. “Hmm…”
“I can’t wait to serve my prince,” You say, hoping to please him. You watch his feet move out of your vision as he walks past you, you could feel his warmth suddenly touch your back, making you freeze.
“Do you know what would please me more?” He asks. You feel his hands on your shoulders before feeling them slide towards the side of your neck. “If my servant would look up, so her face can be seen,” He lifts your head, forcing you to look up from the ground. “It would please me the most out of all the tasks you must do,” He pulls his hands back from the side of your neck, and waits to see if you were going to lower it again. “Faster learner, I already enjoy your company.”
“I will show her around tod-”
“No… I will, she must learn it through me,” He cuts the person off once more. “Because I will be asking her to go where I want her to, and she must follow me wherever I go no matter what,” You swallow as you saw the person nod their head before bowing. “You’re excused,” You watch as they leave the room, leaving you alone with the Prince, which left your heart beating erratically with nerves and anxiousness. “Calm down, I swear I can hear your heart beating all the way to here,” He walks around you and stops in front of you. “I want to make myself clear,” You swallow, getting ready for crude comments. “I won’t be ordering you around, not while we’re alone, when we’re alone, please, be casual with me, be yourself around me, I am after all a normal person,” He gently smiles at you, and you felt your heart flutter, not once have you ever seen such a soft and warm smile from anyone.
“Yes, my prince,” You softly say, still mesmerised by his smile. He couldn’t help but softly chuckle at how cute you looked while being mesmerised.
“Are you sure you heard me?” He asks. You blink rapidly and shake your head to clear it up. “As long as you know that you should just put up an act in front of other people.”
“I, yes, I… I understand, my prince,” You say. He nods his head and moves towards the seat in the room, maybe you were just like those village women, a fool for suddenly thinking he was adorably handsome.
“Oh… and call me Hyuk when we’re alone, it’s much more… comfortable,” He says as he turns around to look at you. “I’d prefer that when we were alone,” You nod your head and bring your hands together in front of you. “I didn’t… make you uncomfortable earlier, did I?”
“Earlier…?” You trail off, the comments from earlier practically gone already.
“My comments, on pretty servant?” He asks. “If I did, I wish to formally apologise, although you are very beautiful,” You could feel your heart fluttering for a moment at his words. “Am I forgiven?” He sits down on his chair and gives you another warm smile. “I would completely understand if I’m not.”
“You’re forgiven…” You whisper, a smile starting to form on your lips. He couldn’t help but be mesmerised by your smile this time.
Days quickly pass, and you find yourself enjoying the time spent with the Prince, you were slowly getting to know him through the time you were alone, and you had quickly learned that he had a second personality in front of everyone, his demeanour changed drastically when someone else was with him, and he became cocky and confident, the type that had you wanting to smack him. But as soon as the person left, he would switch back to the side he never showed to the public. A side you almost found yourself lucky to be able to see and experience. And not long after... Weeks had passed since you started working in the palace, for him.
As you were following him one afternoon to accompany him to lunch, one of the visiting princes approaches him in tow with their concubine. Something inside you was nervous, like your gut telling you that something was about to happen, and you wouldn’t like it.
“Afternoon, Prince Sanghyuk,” He greets him as he stops in front of him. You lower your head and look at the ground to avoid eye contact with the Prince and his concubine.
“Afternoon,” Dawon greets him, purposely not saying his name just to anger him a little bit. “If you’re looking for the meeting hall, it’s all the way back that way,” You could hear the boredom in his voice.
“I was looking for you,” He says. “I wanted to see if you have found yourself a lady?” You could feel eyes move over you. “Although… I expected better.” You bite the inside of your cheeks, not daring to show any kind of emotion. “This surely isn’t the lady you keep at your side at night, is it?”
“Of course not,” Dawon says without hesitation, and you knew it’s an act, but his words cut a little too hard and too deep for your liking. “Why would I have my personal servant warm my bed when I can get any women I want?” Another stab, fuck, you shouldn’t be taking it seriously, but you would be a fool if you didn’t admit to yourself that you had developed feelings for the Prince. And hearing this… those words from him was hurtful and hurting you a lot. “I can even have yours if I wished,” You hear a huff in front of you. “But I don’t want her.”
“You really are as nasty as they say you are,” The other prince says. “Come, love, let’s go before I lose my temper with him,” You watch as their footsteps disappear. You could hear Dawon breathing loudly, and decided to keep your head low.
“Fucking idiot,” Dawon mutters before starting to walk again, you follow him towards the spot where he would have his lunch, keeping quiet. You stayed quiet as you were serving his lunch, and you stayed quiet during the duration of it, your mind was swirling with thoughts, and you couldn’t find the energy to pretend that you were okay. He quickly picks up on it, but decides not to say anything or comment on it.
He had hoped by the time dinner arrived that you would have said something, anything, but still… you stayed quiet. And it was starting to worry him, any question he would ask, you would answer with the shortest answer you could muster up and add “My Prince,” To it, which made him wonder… if anyone had heard you. Surely not, you had been with him since morning and hadn’t left his side aside from when you had to use the bathroom.
As night settles in, and you were with him in his room, discarding his clothes, avoiding eye contact. His eyes focus on you as you undo the bindings, pushing the first layer open before moving to undo the second layer.
“You’re quiet…” He softly states. “What’s bothering you?” You pause your movements and stare at your own hands that held the bindings in them. “I can see something is bothering you, Y/n…” Gotdamn, your name from his lips sounded so good.
“Nothing, my Prince,” You whisper. He takes your hands in his, pulling them away from the bindings, you could feel your heart rate picking up.
“There it is again…” He sighs. “We’re alone, you should be calling me by my name,” You blink as you try and keep your breathing steady. “And why are you avoiding eye contact?” You swallow as his words from the afternoon fly through your mind. “Was it something I said?” He feels your hands squeeze his softly, if he wasn’t focused on you, he would have missed it entirely. “It was…” He sights. “What was it? I need to apologize for my mistake…” He reaches up with one hand and places it underneath your chin and slowly lifts your head to have you look at him.
“It’s nothing,” You whisper. His thumb moves over your chin, gently caressing it.
“It’s not nothing if it’s bothering the hell out of you,” He says. “What did I do?” You lick your lips and swallow. “I won’t be hurt by your words, but I obviously hurt you,” You take in a deep breath.
“This afternoon, with… With the visiting Prince,” You begin to say and watch as his jaw clenches.
“The visiting asshole,” He mutters and nods his head. He takes in a deep breath and his gaze softens. “Is it what I said?” You slowly nod your head. “I see…” He lets out a slow breath. “You know I did not mean those words… I actually wished to have rubbed it in his face with how beautiful my servant is, and that you are more fit to be my queen than any other women in the kingdom,” Your breathing stops at his words. He picks up on your behaviour change and quickly realizes his confession. “I… well, that is now out in the open,” You swallow as you feel your mind go into a spin.
“I…” You whisper. What were you supposed to say? How could you respond to that? He was royalty, and you were a commoner, it would never be accepted. “Excuse me for the evening, my prince,” You say and practically bolt out of the room as fast as you could while still remaining respectful of it, he watches as you leave, his face falling as he begins to wonder if he should have just kept it to himself.
He barely slept that night, rolling around as he thought about you possibly not returning, of your face when you left his room in a hurry. His fears were confirmed when someone else entered his room to help him prepare for the day. Had he caused you to quit? Did you end up going back to your family? You always did speak fondly of them, so he wouldn’t be surprised if you had.
The day was tortuous for him, he hadn’t heard anything from you, he hadn’t even heard the staff talk about you, perhaps they were ordered not to… He should go ask the head staff, they would surely know what had happened to you, you had to have informed them of your departure if you had departed. His mind ran all day, and he was quiet as the day went by, by the time nightfall reached, he still hadn’t gone to talk with the head staff and made a note to have that be the first thing he does in the morning.
“You may go,” Dawon softly says to the person helping him undress. They nod their heads and back out of the room, he quietly begins undressing himself but pauses his door slides open once again and closes, he looks over his shoulder and quickly turns when he sees your face. “Y/n…” He breathes out and steps towards you before stopping. “I thought you left…”
“I was… taking a day to myself,” You say. “I had to think about your confession and let it sink in,” He nods his head, happier that you hadn’t left the palace, hadn’t left him.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, the confession was bound to come out,” He says, hoping it will ease your mind. You lick your lips and take a step forward.
“But… what if I do feel the same?” You ask. “What then?” He stares at you for a moment, taking in your words.
“Do you?” He asks. You nod your head, and he immediately moves closer to you. “If I go too far, push me away,” He quickly says before he places his hands on the side of your face and pulls you in for a kiss. Your eyes shut as you feel his plush lips against yours, you want to reach up and run your fingers through his hair, but you resist the urge to do so, in case he wouldn’t want that. He turns you and begins moving you back towards his bed, only stopping before he lowered you down on the bed, he pulls back from the kiss, both of you breathing hard. You slowly open your eyes and found them already open and staring into yours.
“We can stop right here…” He whispers. “That felt good to do,” You suck your lips between your teeth as you try and hide the smile threatening to form on your lips. “That felt wow,” His hands slowly move away from the side of your face and rest on your shoulders. You tilt your head and press your lips against his, kissing him once more, this time he does guide you to sit down on his bed, breaking the kiss to look down at you. “If we continue…”
“I want you to continue,” You whisper. He didn’t need to be told twice before his lips were back on yours, and he was pushing you to lay back on his bed with him climbing on top of you, his hands sliding down from your shoulders and beginning to slowly undo the bindings on your clothes, you reach up and grip onto his robes and slowly push it down from his shoulders and toss it aside before moving to undo the rest of his bindings. His lips move away from yours and slowly begin moving along your jaw and down your neck before he pushed your clothes open, exposing you to him.
If he wasn’t on top of you, you were certain you would have reached to cover yourself. His lips move down your neck and pause at your collarbone, leaving small kisses behind on it. Your hands undo the bindings, and you push the cloth from his shoulders before you move your hands down to his trousers, your fingers curl into the elastic, and you slowly push it down. He lifts himself to make it easier for you.
“Allow me to climb off and make it faster,” He says. You quickly release his trousers and grip onto his shoulders, your eyes wide as you stare up at him. “What’s wrong?”
“I… I’m sure I can get them off like this,” You say. He smiles and leans down to kiss your nose before standing from the bed, your hands fall from his shoulder, and you move your arms over your chest. His eyes move over your body, his lips part, and you could feel your cheeks starting to heat up.
“Are you shy?” He asks. “Worried about something?” You swallow. “Worried that I won’t like something?” You slowly nod your head, he leans over the bed and takes one of your hands to pull it away from your chest. “I’ll be the judge of that,” His tone was soft, and it made you move your hand with his, exposing some of your boobs to him. “Move the other one for me,” You nervously lick your lips and slowly slide your arm away from your chest, completely revealing yourself to him. His eyes slowly move over every part of your body, taking in everything of your upper half. “Beautiful…” He squeezes your hand before releasing it and moving his hands to his trousers. “Let me show you what you do to me,” You swallow and watch him push his trousers down along with his underwear, revealing his semi-hard cock.
You lick your lips and quickly lift your gaze to look at his face, he couldn’t help but chuckle at your reaction before reaching for your bottoms and slowly pulling them down, his knuckles constantly touching your skin as he does, his eyes follow your legs as he slowly exposes them, he discards of it, his lips touch the inside of your ankles before slowly moving up your legs, leaving small kisses behind on your skin as he ascends your body. He cups your boob and slowly traces his thumb over your nipple and watches as it slowly hardens underneath his touch.
“Hyuk…” You breathe out. His thumb moves over your nipple again, slowly rubbing over the bud. He leans down and drags his tongue along your other nipple, making sure to give both of them the attention they deserved, his fingers gently dig into the side of your boobs, his eyes fluttering as he feels blood rushing down to his cock. You could feel his cock poking against the inside of your thigh as his tongue and fingers work on your nipples. “Hmm,” His lips slowly wrap around your nipple, and he gently begins sucking on the nub, his forefinger moves towards your nipple, and he takes it between his fingers and slowly rolls it between his fingers, the sensation going straight down to your clit. “Hyuk…”
You could feel him starting to suck a little harder and his fingers working a little rougher after a while, pulling and pinching the bud, his teeth begins to graze against your nipple and your breathing was only picking up. Your mind was in a haze at the feeling, at what he was doing to you, you had never experienced such a feeling before, and fuck… it felt so good, almost addictive. And then you remembered something.
“Hyuk, Prince Hyuk…” You whisper out, he slowly pulls at your nipple with his mouth before releasing it with a pop, making your walls clench around nothing.
“Hmm?” He asks, aimlessly toying with your nipple with his fingers. “What is it?” You lick your lips, trying to find the right words to say, you didn’t want him to stop, but you had to get this out.
“I… could I ask… of you to be gentle?” You whisper. “I’ve never… no one has ever,” His movements pause at your words. “I… I’ve been touched before, but never went…”
“Then are you sure you wish for me to continue?” He asks. Concern in his eyes and his tone as he watches you. “Because I can stop,” You quickly shake your head.
“Don’t stop… please don’t stop,” You say. “I want you to continue, but I want you to be aware of it and be gentle,” He reaches up with his other hand that wasn’t playing with your nipple and slowly runs his fingers through your hair.
“Of course, I will be,” He whispers. “But I wish to also erase any memory of others that have touched you like this,” You swallow at his words. “And I’ll do that by replacing any feelings they gave you with my own.”
“You’re already succeeding,” You whisper as you stare up at him. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride inside of himself. “Exceeding it all, erasing it all and replacing it,” He dips his head down and brushes his lips against yours, softly kissing you before pulling away and moving lower.
“Good… but there is still plenty to erase and replace,” He says and kisses down your sternum, his fingers leaving your hair and moving down along the side of your body while his lips peppered kisses along your stomach, over any marks covering your skin, until he reached your mound. He glances up at you before placing a kiss on your mound. He uses his shoulders to spread your legs for him as his lips descend lower until his lips found your folds and his hand slides away from your boob and down to cup your pussy.
“Hmm…” You moan out. His lips take one of your folds in his mouth, and he begins sucking on it while his fingers trace along the inside of your pussy, spreading your arousal. The sound of your wetness was only getting louder, your breathing was only getting deeper as you felt them move from your entrance to your clit. His nose was rubbing against the crease of your folds, and you could feel his breathing tickling you as it blew against your hair. His finger traces over your clit, playing with the nub as it started to throb from the attention, you could feel your insides pulling together. “Ohh, oh.”
His fingers split around your clit before he presses his knuckles together against it and pulls at it, rubbing the nub between his fingers as he pulls at it before releasing it and taking the nub between his fingers and rolling it slowly while his teeth were gently nibbling at your folds, pulling at it and then sucking on it, fuck, you were certain he would leave behind a mark there.
“Hyuk, oh, ohh my…” You breathe out, your lids fluttering at the sensation, your lips part as you breathe loudly in and out, and your skin felt on fire. “Oh, Hyuk…” You swallow and lift your hips and feel your clit slip through his fingers, his lips release your fold.
“Hmm, I know what you want, I know exactly what you want,” He says and slides his fingers down to your slit, slipping one digit into you at first, feeling around and moving his finger before he slips a second digit into you.
“Oh, oh, my fu—” You gasp and lift your hips, his fingers sliding deeper into you and your eyes shut as the tightening feeling inside you builds. You feel his fingers curl inside you, your wetness squelching as he does. “Oh, uhhh,” You could feel saliva pooling inside your mouth and slowly slipping from the corner of your mouth. Your walls clench around his fingers as you feel the light stretch inside you, fuck, it felt so good. “Hyuk…”
“Hmm, does it feel good?” He asks, his tone husky-like as he spoke. “Should I stop? Slow down?” You reach down and blindly reach around. “Hmm, what do you want?” Your fingers find his hair, and you twist his locks between your fingers.
“Don’t… stop,” You whimper out. You feel his fingers spread inside you as he does a scissoring motion. “Ohh, oh, my fucking…” You press your head into the bed and swallow, your fingers tugging at his hair. He chuckles, and you feel a third finger probe at your entrance before feeling it slip into you. “Oh, ohhh my…” You swallow your gasp as you feel your walls stretch and a light burning feeling going through them. “Oh my fuck, oh my fuck, oh,” Your toes curl as you feel a warm feeling going up your legs and towards your abdomen.
“Still good, Y/n?” He asks softly, curling his fingers inside you, your hips lifting off the bed and his fingers sliding deeper into you and almost reaching that sweet spot inside you. Your walls squeeze down around his fingers, and he lets out a low hum. “I’ll take it as a yes,” He slowly slides his fingers from you before pushing them back into you at a faster pace.
“Oh!” You gasp. Your hips begin lifting and lowering against his fingers, slowly starting to ride them as he pumps them in and out of you. He licks his lips as he watches you, watches your movements and watching sweat starting to glisten on your skin. His head dips down, and you feel cold air being blown on your pussy. “Hyuukk,” You could feel the tension threatening to snap inside you. “Hyuk…” Your eyes roll to the back of your eyes as you feel his lips touch your clit, specks of dust begin forming behind your lids. His lips latch onto your clit, and the tension snaps inside you. “HYUK!” Your back arches as the specs quickly turn into stars, your entire body shakes with pleasure, you press your legs together against the side of his body and he couldn’t help but moan against your clit.
“HYUK! HYUK!” You moan loudly and reach for the covers with your other hand, tugging at it as your entire body threatens to turn on its side with the pleasure going through you. His fingers move faster in and out of you, easing you through the high as he sucks on your clit to get you through it, you tug at his hair before releasing it and reaching upwards to grip onto the pillows. “OH!” Your toes were starting to hurt from how long you’ve had them curled, but the feeling just felt so good, everything felt so damn good.
Your hearing slowly returns to you as you begin to come down from your high, your body felt clammy and hot at the same time, you open your eyes and blink several times to adjust your vision before lifting your head to look down at him, you find him sitting on his knees, licking his lips and licking his fingers clean, a noise leaves the back of your throat, and you see him smirk as he realises you had come down completely.
“You taste good,” He says. You quickly sit upright and stare into his eyes, seeing how dark they were and how much lust was dancing around in them. You slowly reach out and wrap your fingers around the head of his cock, watching his eyes widen and his throat move as he swallows, you slowly slide your hand along his length, spreading his pre-cum along his cock. “Hmm,” His lids flutter as he feels your hand glide along his length, and twist around the base of his cock before you slide your hand back to the head of his cock. “Ohh, fuck, that feels so good,” You couldn’t help but smile at his words.
“I’m glad to hear,” You say and twist your hand around the head of his cock. You press your thumb against the slit and slowly twist your hand back, making him let out a low groan at how good it felt.
“Fuck… Fuck, I…” He groans out, his eyes fluttering for a moment before he takes hold of your wrist. “I need to be inside you,” You slowly nod your head.
“Yes,” You whisper. You slowly lay back and he releases your wrist. “You can be,” He smiles and shifts closer to you, his cock pokes against your clit, and he wraps his hand around himself and slowly slides it down your pussy and pushes it against your slit, slowly pushing it into you. Your lips part and you let out soft gasps as you feel him slowly sliding into you, inch by inch. His hands move to the crease of your hip as he slowly continues to push into you, his hands begin sliding up your body as he leans over you. “Oh, uhh.”
“Uhh, hmm, so good,” He grunts out, feeling your walls suck him right in. “Hmm,” His stomach touches yours and moments later his hips were against yours, and he was fully resting inside you, his forehead hovering just above yours.
“Hmm, oohh,” You moan out. Blinking rapidly as you adjust to the feeling of him being inside you. “Hmm…” You swallow and slowly begin to close your lips. “Move… please,” You feel his cock slowly sliding out of you, pausing when he was halfway out of you before slowly pushing back in. “Hyuk, oh…” Your walls clench around him as you feel him lift his hips once more before sinking back into you. You wrap your arms around him, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades, while your other hand moves into his hair.
“Hmm, so good, ohh, uhh,” He groans out, his breath ghosting over your lips, his eyes staring into yours with such love and passion you could feel it send a shiver up and down your spine as he thrusts in and out of you at a slow, but reasonable pace. His forehead touches yours, both of you breathe hard and moan almost in sync, the sound of your wetness fills the room along with the sound of your moans and groans. “Fuck… so good.”
“Hmm, fuck, oh…” You moan out. You could feel his stomach rub against yours each time he lowers his hips and his chest press down against your boobs, and with each movement, you could feel your insides twisting and knotting together.
“Let me know if this is okay,” He whispers. It felt so slow and so sensual, your mind was spinning at the feeling of it all. “Is this still okay?”
“Hmm, more than okay,” You whisper. You feel his hips move a little faster and let out a low moan. “Hmm, it’s okay, ohmm,” He smiles and tilts his head, pressing his lips against yours, capturing your moans into his mouth. You whimper into his mouth and lift your hips, meeting his thrusts halfway, earning a groan from him. He breaks the kiss, and you feel his thrust falter for a moment.
“Good, good, fuck, you feel so good,” He breathes out. And you swear you can feel him holding back for a moment, your fingers graze against his scalp.
“It’s okay…” You whisper before feeling a harsh thrust into you. “Hmm, yes, oh,” Your nails dig into his skin, imprinting moon crescents into his skin.
“Hmm, mark me like that, hmm,” He groans out. You could feel your walls clenching faster around him, your high was quickly approaching as his pace was quickening. He had started to feel a throbbing feeling in the head of his cock and couldn’t control his movements as he wanted to chase that feeling. “Hmm, so good…”
“Hmm, Hyuk… Hyuk, oh, my fuck,” You gasp out, your muscles tensing and twitching as you feel your high building and building. “Ohh, oh,” You swallow and squeeze your eyes shut, stars quickly begin dancing behind your lids, and you grind up against him.
“Hmm, that feels so good, ohh,” He groans out and presses his hips down against yours, pinning yours down to the bed. “So good, hmm,” You feel a hand move between your bodies and slowly slide over your mound.
“Hyuk, oh, Hyyuuukk,” You whine out as you feel his fingers glide over your folds, so close to your clit, so close where you needed it to be sent over the edge. “Hyyuuuukk,” You gasp and clench around him as his fingers touch your clit, slow circles being drawn over your clit before it quickly picks up, you lift your legs and wrap them around his waist, digging your heels into his lower back. “Ohh oh, my…” And suddenly it snaps loose, you release around his cock, and he feels the heartbeat in his cock worsening. You could feel his hair dampening from how hot the room felt, and from what you were both doing.
“That’s it, fuck, that’s it, milk my cock, milk me,” He groans out, he could feel that he was getting closer and closer with each passing second. “Fuck, almost…” He groans out, his fingers suddenly clamp down around your clit, and he tugs on it, your walls clamp down hard around him. “OHHH, fuck, yes, fuck, Y/n…” He groans out, his muscles twitch and pull, and you feel your walls being painted with his release as you were slowly coming down from yours.
“Oh, ohh,” You whimper out, this was a side that only you were allowed to see… and you fell in love with it, and he… he fell in love with you… all of you, even the bits you had tried to cover up when he had started to undress you, he fell in love with them, and he couldn’t wait to discover more of you, more about you.
He slowly moves his hand away from pussy and moves it to the side of your leg, slowly pulling it away from around him before moving to lay on his side, pulling you with him as he made sure to keep your other leg wrapped around him, keeping himself buried inside you. He stares at you and knew that there would be no point in fighting his love for you.
The following morning you woke to his fingers tracing along your side and him watching you with admiration, you turn to lay on your back and look up at him.
“Morning, sleepy head,” He whispers. “I have a new position for you,” You tilt your head to the side, his hand moves up to up your cheek and his thumb slides over your lips. “To be by my side, but in a much different way,” Your eyes slowly move past him and saw the clothes, they certainly weren’t his, it was fit for someone that would be a queen. “Do you accept?” You slowly move your gaze back to him.
“… Yes,” You whisper. He smiles and moves his hand into your hair as he leans down and kisses you deeply.
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thenovelartist · 2 years
Revenge is Best Served Upside-Down - Ikemen Prince
I'm sorry to all my followers who don't even know why they follow me anymore when all I do is dump randomness here. XD
I blame @scorchieart 's stories "Table for Ten" and "Lot of the Leopard" for giving me a BAD plot bunny that turned into this. I'm sorry. XD
“The hellcat is on the rampage again, I see.”
From his office, Sariel glared out the window where a sopping wet Yves was screaming as he stormed towards the castle with an extremely unamused Licht in tow. Yesterday had been Leon and Jin covered in flour, along with half the front corridor. Then the day before that, Luke and Nokto had been caught unawares by an ink trap.
That had been a disaster to clean up, and Prince Nokto was still sporting black hair.
With a heavy sigh, Sariel turned back to his desk, propping his elbows against it as he pressed steepled hands against his lips in thought. That damn hellcat. Something was most certainly wrong in his life at the moment if he had not only the time but hard driving desire to hit everyone in the castle.  
Which meant Chevalier would be hit soon. And Emma. And likely the dog, too. Although, Sariel was forced to give Dog credit: he would not be so easy to catch unless Emma were somehow involved. And Chevalier was far too sharp to have the wool pulled over his eyes so easily.
And Sariel himself knew everything that happened in this house. At least… he liked to think he did, but hellcat had successfully pulled these last few tricks without Sariel knowing where they would occur.
He sighed again, tips of his fingers tapping together.
Footsteps alerted him to the impending entrance of a visitor. “Prince Clavis.”
“Oh? You knew it was me?”
Sitting up straight, Sariel turned his attention towards the door where a smugly smirking hellcat stood, leaning against the door frame. He gave Clavis the most devious smile he could muster. “I always know when you come for a visit. Why, the gates of hell themselves scream as they open, and I hear the anguished wails of your victims behind you. You’re not as quiet as you’d like to believe.”
Clavis looked even more pleased with himself upon that description. “Ahh, and here I thought snakes only have sharp eyes. They seem to have a sharp pair of ears, too.”
“They also have dens a normal person would not so quickly enter. Which begs the question as to why you’ve decided to grace mine with your presence.”
“No reason in particular.”
Sariel felt a muscle in his jaw twitch. This hellcat had a reason. Only Luke and Dog would drop by “for no reason”. Not even Emma, in all her naiveite, would come without some purpose.
Even if that purpose was as simple as delivering tea.
Reason: yes. Wisdom: questionable.
Well, Sariel thought a reason ought to appear soon enough. And as such, decided he was going to pull down a document off his stack to be handled and start reading it.
“Clavis! You will show your dastardly face this instant lest you desire me to remove it from your body!
From the deep bellow echoing down the hallway, Sariel instantly realized the reason Clavis decided this office was a safe haven. “Chevalier is calling for you… by name.”
Clavis grinned, stepping further inside the office and shutting the door behind him. “Oh, I know! My brother remembers my name. It’s it so kind of him!”
However, the door did not stay shut for long. But it did not fly open, threatening to break the hinges and henceforth could not be Chevalier. Rather, it was a quick open and close, signaling that someone else had come to take refuge here.
Such as, a little bunny.
The woman whipped around at Sariel’s voice, hand on her chest and face white as a sheet. However, as soon as her eyes landed on Clavis, her face flushed with color, turning immensely red.
Oh, this was sure to be amusing. Unfortunately, all of Emma’s scolding would do nothing but amuse Hellcat, but it was still better to let that woman run herself breathless with scolding than try to get her to stop.
“You decided to pull a prank on Chevalier?” she growled with impressive ferocity for a bunny.
With a fake pout, Clavis clucked his tongue as though chastising her. “Prank is such a naughty word. I simply… tested Chevalier’s skill to anticipate an attack.”
“Isn’t he your favorite brother?”
“He is! Which is why I decided to keep his skills sharpened. Aren’t I such a kind brother?”
“What is wrong with you?!”
“Well, that is still to be determined.”
Ignoring Clavis’ answer to her hypothetical question, Emma began listing off Clavis’ sins and the resulting assistance she’d had to offer the other princes because of it. Seeing as there was nothing else to be done, Sariel decided to return to the pile of paperwork until his office was silent again. Only then could he forcefully remove Hellcat from his office to face the wrath of a tiger.
And if that meant a bloody red foyer and a hellcat pelt to hang on a wall, so be it.
With no small amount of irritation, Sariel snapped his pocket watch shut. Emma was late for her lessons. However, it would be unfair to say he was irritated directly at her. He doubted she would have the audacity to be half an hour late lest she had a good reason. She was not the kind to test him like that and knew full well the consequences she would face if she did.
Now, it was fair that one of the princes held her up, in which case he could not be too upset with either of them seeing as Belle was doing her job. However, knowing the state of things, it was far more likely that Clavis had gotten to her.
A shame, really.
The door finally opened with a loud creak, but it was not Belle who appeared.
Sariel narrowed his eyes, taking in the disheveled state of Dog.
“I apologize!” Rio said with a bow. “There was an incident with Emma and jam and her falling down the stairs. She’s currently getting cleaned up. However, I will advise you allow her to rest her ankle. It looked very red, and I doubt it was the jam.”
A muscle twitched in Sariel’s eye. Of course. Damn Hellcat.
“Go change your suit,” Sariel instructed, taking in the wrinkled clothing stained with a deep red-purple. “I won’t have you walking around the castle looking like that. And instruct Belle that if she has been injured, I will make an exception for today and come to her for lessons.”
“You got it, bossman.” With a wink, Dog scampered out of his sight, tail wagging all the way.
Sariel was going to make Clavis’ life living hell for hurting Belle, because that meant Sariel had to go out of his way to accommodate her. After all, it certainly wasn’t her fault she fell down the stairs, particularly if Dog was following her heels. There was no doubt in Sariel’s mind that Dog had done his best to catch her and assist any way he could in that incident.
After collecting a few things, Sariel left his office, locking it this time for good measure before making his way to Belle’s room. He took a slight detour to instruct a servant bring tea. He also commented that if a bottle of liquor were to find its way on the tray, he would not be upset in this one instance.
When the servant left with a bow, Sariel almost wondered if he was being too hasty. Day drinking? Just what was he thinking.
Well… apparently, he was planning ahead because even he froze at the red-purple cascade that coated an entire half of a formerly pure white staircase.
What a shame that was not the hellcat’s blood. For once, he’d look the other way if one of the princes just so happened to be murdered in such a spectacular fashion.
 Ignoring the throb of exhaustion pressing behind his eyes, he carried on to Belle’s room. Devil with manners that he was, he did knock before entering and was greeted with a grumbled permission from the other side.
Pushing the door open revealed Emma resting on her bed, her ankle wrapped and elevated while she looked none too happy about it. If looks could kill, Sariel would unleash her on the hellcat. She’d work wonders.
Upon seeing Sariel enter, Emma visibly deflated. “I’m sorry.  I should have been more careful.”
“Normally, I would advise you to keep a closer eye out for such things,” Sariel lightly admonished, closing the door behind him. “However, upon reflection with what happened regarding Chevalier two days ago, I doubt you could have foreseen this.”
“I was paying attention!” she cried. “I promise! Clavis has a prank streak going, so I knew to be careful, but…” She bowed her head, cheeks puffed in frustration.
He came over, patting her head. Only then did he realize her hair was damp, likely having been washed after getting jam in it. “There there. I will see to it Hellca- er… Prince Clavis pays dearly. Particularly considering there was an injury.” There were many things Sariel could overlook, knowing Hellcat would always be Hellcat and there was only so much one person could do to control eight fully-grown, purely chaotic princes in tandem. However, injuries were not to be overlooked. Particularly since he’d run into the maid who’d treated Belle’s injuries and was informed it would take several days to heal with how swollen it had been.
That had not been what Sariel wished to hear.
“Well, I suppose running away from my lessons are out of the question now,” he teased, dropping his armful of paperwork at her side.
“I do not run away from your lessons!” she cried, growing huffier by the second.
Sariel took a moment to admire the adorable flush of red in her cheeks before—
Ahem. Back to topic.
“Shall we start where we left off yesterday?”
Son. Of. A.
Very dead Hellcat.
Sariel looked at his desk. The third prince had gone from simple pranks to destruction of property. And Sariel would make sure Third Prince Clavis Lelouch, resident Hellcat of the entire Rhodolite kingdom, would literally pay to replace the top of the desk that now sported several dents that made it impossible to write anything upon the surface.
This man was going to get skinned alive.
And how convenient that the hellcat in question was gone for two weeks traveling along territory lines.
Sariel let out one dry chuckle. Then another. Then a deep string of them rolled from his devilishly curled lips as he stared out the window.
The door creaked open, stopped, then slowly closed.
“Enter, Belle,” he commanded.
Behind him, Emma tentatively cracked the door open wider. “I… should have knocked?”
“No, no,” he said, turning around to face Emma with a smile. “Please. Our lessons have been postponed for long enough so your injury had time to heal. But now that it has, we have much to catch up on.”
Cautious as a bunny walking into unknow territory, she stepped inside and slowly closed the door behind her. It shut with a very soft click. “Um… has there been another incident?”
“A casualty, unfortunately,” Sariel said, picking at one particularly large dent in his desk. It almost could be taken for a smiling face if you thought abstractly enough. Sariel could almost picture Hellcat’s grin as he had done this.
“A casualty?” Emma squeaked, turning pale. “He didn’t…”
Silence rent the room for a moment before Emma’s gaze went to Sariel’s desk. Her eyes widened. “Oh. Do you mean…”
Sariel got his fingernail under one of the dents, picking at it hard enough to crack a new chip out of it. That smiling face was no more as he flicked the new chip across the room in frustration, listening at it hit the wall with a soft click. Quite out of character for him, dare he say, but he didn’t quite care at the moment. With a forced grin, he turned his attention back towards Emma. “Shall we start your lessons?”
Emma looked down at his desk, then up at Sariel. Then, hands pressed together as though in prayer, she lifted them to touch her lips in thought. “Um, before we begin, could I… possibly…”
Sariel quirked a brow. “Could you possibly…?”
Upon his prompting, she finished. “Suggest a… not wholly un-destructive prank to play on Clavis?”
Sariel felt a grin stretch across his face as he sat down in his chair. “Go on,” he slowly purred. “You have my undivided attention.”
This was not nearly enough to punish Hellcat.
But damn if it wasn’t a wonderful place to start.
In his office, Sariel had gathered most of the princes. Even Chevalier had been convinced this meeting would be worth his precious time, which spoke volumes to how fed up every last one of the princes was with a certain hellcat.
“So, the plan is to turn his room upside down?” Yves reiterated.
Leon chuckled. “Literally.”
“And this was Emma’s idea?” Nokto asked, smirk curling up on his lips.
“Belle can even surprise me, it seems,” Sariel answered, his grin maybe a little too wide. He remembered when Emma had told him her idea. To say he’d been caught off-guard by her suggestion was an understatement, and he’d been even more so when she’d informed him she’d once pulled this prank before. Although, it was less “prank” and more “revenge” at the time.
No matter; those words currently held the same definition in this castle.
“Is helping you a demand?” Licht quietly inquired.
“No, it is not,” Sariel assured. “But I thought I should inquire of Prince Clavis’ victims if they’d like to assist in this prank against him.”
“I’d be more than willing to offer a hand,” Nokto spoke. The ink had almost all come out of his hair, leaving it slightly mottled but mostly ashen. “Particularly if this is Belle’s wish.”
“Clavis needs to be taught a lesson,” Yves agreed, crossing his arms and lifting his chin in indignation.
“As much as I agree,” Jin spoke up, “Are we certain this will not backfire and encourage him further?”
“If anything,” Chevalier interjected. “It will take up his attention so we could actually have a moment’s peace. He’s been wreaking havoc on any possibility of consistent productivity.”
“Is a moment’s peace before a hell storm worth the work, though?”
“Then think of it this way,” Sariel offered. “When has Prince Clavis ever gotten punished for his crimes?”
Jin paused in thought.
“Not often enough,” Leon answered, grinning all the while. “I think this would be a perfect opportunity to return the favor. I’m in.”
“Fantastic.” Sariel leaned back in his seat. “Prince Luke, Prince Licht, Prince Jin? What say you?”
“I’ll help,” Luke piped up. “This seems like fun.”
“Fun it may be,” Jin said, continuing to play devil’s advocate. Sariel did not blame him; he himself had not gathered the princes here without giving this much thought in the first place. “I’m still uncertain it’s the best idea to provoke him.”
Yves huffed. “May I remind you that Emma was injured due to Clavis’ pranks? Inconvenience is one thing, but hurting an innocent bystander is another.”
At Yves’ outburst, Jin sighed. “Fair enough. I will assist this once.”
“Which just leave you, Licht,” Leon spoke up, glancing over at his brother.
His gaze was locked on the floor as he thought. After a moment, he lifted his head. “Fine. Just this once.”
Sariel grinned. This was going swimmingly. “Excellent. Emma will be pleased her idea was supported by a majority of the princes.”
“Speaking of said lady,” Nokto spoke. “What of her butler?”
“I’m absolutely going to assist!” Rio chimed up from a corner of the room, surprising half the people gathered. “Prince Clavis will pay dearly for hurting Emma.”
Yves huffed. “When did he even arrive?’ he muttered.
“He’s been in that corner silent the whole time,” Licht commented. “It’s easy to underestimate him.”
Nokto grumbled, “And I thought Clavis was sneaky.”
“One, two, three!”
Emma watched as the princes did the heavy lifting to execute her idea. To be honest, when she spouted it off, she thought for sure Sariel would instantly shoot it down. Instead, he’d gotten a wicked gleam in his eye that had started to worry her. And now…
Now, they were all gathered in Clavis’ room, turning it upside down.
Some of the princes definitely looked like they were enjoying it more than others. Which didn’t say much because they all seemed pretty keen on this idea. For goodness’ sake, even Chevalier was assisting in this endeavor. With a smile, even. And he never did anything he didn’t deem absolutely necessary.
Sitting on the top of a ladder, she continued gluing the books one by one to the shelf. Sariel had instructed her on the few books and belongings that ought not to be touched or risk being damaged. The rest were able to be replaced. For her part, Emma had also used her best judgement on what could and shouldn’t be ruined in this endeavor of theirs. This was “teach Clavis a lesson,” not “ruin Clavis’ irreplaceable personal effects.”
The sound of two hammers pounding in unison echoed in the room, along with the princes’ mumuring back and forth.
“They’re really going at it,” Rio said, handing her more books off the floor.
“Thank you,” she muttered, taking the books before looking over at the seven princes and their leader, Sariel. “They really are. It’s… impressive.”
“The place looks good. I think this is a huge improvement, personally.”
Emma looked back down at her friend. He was smiling, but this smile was… tense. Rio had been on edge ever since she’d gotten injured, which was fairly par for the course. Any injury she sustained, no matter how small, had Rio fussing as though she was going to die. He’d thankfully stopped his smothering, but forgiveness was not something he’d extended to Clavis just yet. Or… anytime soon, to be frank.
“And to think,” Rio continued, that mask of a smile still on his face. “That some of the princes were hesitating.”
“Dog, we could use your assistance with the last piece.”
“You got it, bossman!”
After handing Emma the last stack of books from the floor, Rio bounded over towards Clavis’ bed with all the others.
Emma couldn’t help but watch at the teamwork transpiring between so many men who often seemed at odds. Strange as it may sound, it felt… inspiring. The princes could unite for a common goal if pressured.
She went back to gluing the books. It seemed that no matter who she ultimately chose to be king, Rhodolite would be in good hands, with many more backing it.
It took a full day, but it was worth all the effort.
Sariel grinned every time he passed Clavis’ room. What a beautiful sight it had been. What a beautiful sight it was. And Prince Clavis would be returning today to see the handywork of all his brothers.
Ah, what a wonderful day it was.
“Sariel,” Clavis said, striding into his office. “It’s been too long.”
Sariel snuck a glance behind Clavis to where Belle was sitting. She’d tensed up upon the hellcat’s arrival but kept her head down. Wise of her. Acting was not her finest of skills. Not in the slightest.
Although that did leave for some very honest and highly amusing reactions from her…
Sariel schooled his expression as he stared at Hellcat. “You have returned. What do you have to report?”
“Nothing too exciting, as unfortunate as that is.”
For a while Clavis was more or less serious about his report. It appeared that whatever wild streak that had been running rampant through him had been exhausted during the trip. Or was he on edge because of the trip?
Either way, it had Sariel debating whether Jin had been right to worry about executing this prank. If Hellcat had run out of wild, then they should not have provoked—
Emma shifted in her seat, and Sariel caught her skirt riding up just enough to expose her still wrapped ankle. But it soon vanished under the hem of her skirts that she smoothed out.
No, this had been the right course of action. For Emma’s sake. No prince had been happy to hear of Emma’s injury. Not even Prince Chevalier. However, Sariel would assume it was because said injury spoke to the burden she would create for others.
But still, the point stood.
“That is the last of it,” Clavis said with a grin.
“Very well. You are excused.”
“With pleasure.”
Sariel watched as Clavis strode from the room with a proud air about him. But before he left, he did pause to sneak a glance at Emma.
Hmm? Was he possibly feeling guilty?
For her part, Emma gave him a firm glare, the pout on her face plenty real and plenty cute. “Welcome back, Prince Clavis,” she spoke. “I hope your trip was… pleasant.”
Maybe Sariel was too harsh on her acting skills, or maybe she was still upset, because it was clear her tone still held some bite to it.
Unphased, Clavis smiled. “I’m glad to see you’re still as lively as ever.”
“I would say ‘likewise’, but that is not the case.”
With a boisterous laugh, Clavis strode from the room.
A long moment after the door had closed, Emma turned to Sariel. “How long until you think he finds out?”
“Fear not, Belle,” Sariel assured, his smile wide. “We’ll know.”
That night, not a single prince didn’t hear the hysterical laughter that filled the castle. And not a single prince didn’t smile at the sound. As did a Devil, Dog, and Belle.
After the cackling had stopped, Sariel welcomed a particular hellcat into his office with a certain amount of glee. “Good evening, Prince Clavis.”
“Well played.”
Leaning back in his chair, Sariel grinned. “Why, thank you.”
“I’ve never seen such a brilliantly executed prank.”
“It was, if I do say so myself.”
Clavis nodded in amused agreement. “But I do have a burning question.”
“Oh? I would love to hear it.”
“Just who helped you nail all my furniture to the ceiling?”
Sariel just grinned. “You’re too smart to not know.”
Clavis chuckled. “Ahh, it seems I’ll have to ask Belle for clarification. And maybe a place to sleep tonight.”
“Oh?” Dog spoke up from the corner of the room, catching Clavis off guard. Sariel had to admit, Nokto had had a point when he’d made the comment of Dog’s slyness. “Then I shall escort you to her room. And after she slaps you for your brazenness, I shall happily escort you far from it.”
Clavis turned to face the smiling Dog, taking a moment to stare him down.
And Sariel simply watched with no small amount of amusement.
“On the contrary,” Clavis spoke, gracefully backing down. “I should ask my dear brother Chev. I’m sure he would be more than willing to allow me a space.”
“I’m sure,” Dog piped up, false smile still stretched across his face.
As Clavis disappeared, the door clicking shut behind him, Dog’s expression calmed, but Sariel knew well enough that it was just a mask.
“You would make a great apprentice,” Sariel commented, chalking his urge to dish out compliments to his good mood. “Shame you are so firmly attached to your owner.”
“Thanks, bossman!” he chirped, grinning like a fool. Sariel swore his ears had perked and tail was wagging.
Although still grinning, he scoffed. “Don’t you have a bedroom to guard, Mutt? If not from Prince Clavis going, then from him hiding from a rampaging Prince Chevalier.”
In an instant, Dog was out the door. “Don’t have to tell me twice!”
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jovnie · 3 years
The devil's desire | Yoongi
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You fell in love with a man of many pasts, however he desired more than a relationship. He wanted your soul for eternity.
Words: 13k
Devil yoongi! Demon au! Human reader
Very Dark themes
Warnings: religious concepts, gore, porn without plot, death, big dick yoongi, clubbing, kidnapping, non-con touching, blood, cnc, prey ( y/n ), stalker yoongi, drugged, drugs, chains, cutting, rough sex,
"She's almost ready sir!" a winged creature announced. Nodding in his throne, he took the mirror and looked through it. There you were getting ready to meet a mysterious guy at a club or well hoping to once again. He smirked devilishly knowing you remembered to come back to this particular club.
He previously brought you to this nightclub in Korea, hidden through an alleyway in the darkest part of Busan. There was danger and a constant fear of being robbed, kidnapped. Even if Korea was a safe place, things like kidnapping and murder still happen and even more so at night.
He remembered that you kept a knife and a taser with you, he liked the vulnerability you had going to a place not meant for angels let alone humans at night. He found it charming how oblivious you are to your surroundings as well. He was a man of darkness and hell for sure, but one thing was for sure. He only craved humans who were pure and light energetically. 'Suppose you did know that the Club was own by the devil himself, would that really stop you' he thought.
He watched her put on clothes and noticed how delicate she was in his eyes. No, this wasn't the first time he'd watch her. Not the last either, it seemed like a generational curse in his eyes. He wasn't mad he placed it on the females to feel tempted by his actions, however, each one passed the test. you however failed it the first two times, making it the third time.
Sighing, he put the mirror down and stood up. Stretching, he allowed his black feather wings to elongate and move around before putting them away. Looking at his watch it was a quarter past 11 pm, he'd knew you want to be early and try and catch a good table. However the little worry of what if someone wanted to take you before him, hurt you before him. The thoughts riled him up, making him grab his keys and wait by the portal. Besides the gate doesn't open until 11:59, so his intrusiveness can calm for now.
While waiting, he took out the cute little human hand mirror you'd gifted him a while back. He looked at himself and the scar over his left eye, "maybe this is what attracts them" he chuckled softly.
As time fastened, he waited for the lock in the air to appear. He waited long and hard for that little red lock and once it appeared, he opened all the portals from his underworld to the human world and the other one which lead stright to his club.
Formally known as 666 plaza to hadians, the chosen humans only knew it as void 218. To you it was just another club on the holy day of Sunday. Although you were never brought up with Christianity, you had the basics that everyone knew, loved, and hated.
Waiting by the gates or humanly known as "doors" you pulled out your phone to realize there was no battery or charge. Confused as you could've sworn it was full when you left, you herd the doors open and the mini line began moving. Your eyes wandered the room to find the stairs that led to the upper level where you would meet and see Yoongi. You knew it was stupid to keep doing this, but with yours and his schedule it wasn't at all.
Passing by the few people, you found upstairs and walked up seeing there were already people inside which confused you, but you paid little attention to it. Waiting by the usual black velvet seats and area, you head a familiar voice.
"Is this your regular peach vodka with light ice?" yoongi asked loudly over the now loud music playing. Nodding, you sat up and greeted him before getting your drink. Little did u know about his plans with you or what tonight was gonna be.
Smiling softly, yoongi was gentle eyes admired your beauty as he get down with his own drink. He took a sip of his own drink that was laced with a sleeping drug, one that'd do nothing to him and more to you.
"So what are you doing here?" He asked knowingly.
"Well, it's a Sunday and I have nothing planned so I thought I come by" you lied, hoping the white lie would slip. Nodding, yoongi put his hand on your thighs and moved closer to talk to you about life and each other week. You mentioned something about the campus or school you were studying and he lied about his "forensics" job and how hard it was to see how people died. Continuing, he bought the two of you more drinks and when the timing was right offered one of his. Thanking him for the kind jester, you took a sip. He smiled and also took a sip after you, then placed it back down.
"Good isn't it?" he said, reaching over to his phone and at the time. Noticing he did so you hummed and snuck another sip. Then another. Whatever was in had you almost drinking his entire cup down.
"Omg what is this, what's making it so good. I can't put my finger on it" she said as her words slowed down and her eyes blinked slowly. He watched her body start to feel tired, then at the right moment whispered in her ear "apple, cherry, lime, it's a light alchcolic drink and right, drugs."
Soon as her eyes closed and body dropped, he mustered enough strength to pick her up and sling you over his shoulder. "Another one taken by the devils favorite drink, poison apple," he whispered knowing nobody cared to stop him not could. Well not if they wanted hells punishment if not worse death, even if they were immortal. Walking up the last set of stairs he opened the portal and handed the keys to his servant and told him to look after.
Noting the girl, the servant nodded and knew the king was gonna take his time and would be in a long "meeting." Taking charge of the place, yoongi walked up to his Castle surrounded by blue flames in the middle of nowhere and walked in. He demanded for total privacy, meaning nobody in or even near the castle or be banished for eternity and with that everyone wondered what that soul did to get his undivided attention. From there gossip spread about you from one to another creature and it traveled fast.
Meanwhile, he laid you on the bed and looked at his watch. The drug last about 30 minutes and about 20minuets have gone. From there he requested one trusted worker with a list. The list was :
The devils list
Body Chains and rope
Salt and a black cross
2 Robes
Black paint
Sheep's blood
Lube any flavor
Nodding the worker flew off and yoongi allowed his wings to expand out his back and eyes to turn a dark blue color as his hair contained white strips. He watched your sleeping body, before checking the time and seeing he has 5 minutes left before you wake up. Taking that in he stretched his neck and before activating his speed and undressing you, cleaning the area around the bed, making sure the chain locks are stable and if not changing them, turning off lights and lighting candals all around the room and the whole castle and finally sitting down at the edge. Checking the time once again, he had 3 minutes left and so did the worker before he'd get pissed and with that thought the worker came to drop everything off before yoongi told him to get lost.
With the activation of speed he quickly undressed, sat the cup near the bed and filled it with sheeps blood, put salt near the edge without touching it as it stung him, put the cross around his neck and began drawing a ritual circle around the bed then finnaly the walls. To end everything he placed the chains on your hands and feet then connected to each end of the bed. The rest of the stuff he just put next to the bed and laid naked above you waiting for you to wake up.
He knew the drug was strong, but he didnt think it was that strong so he checked the time again and 10 minutes had passed by. Sighing, he began taking the knife and cut a slit on his wrist and placed the wound to your mouth. After a few blinks, you began to wake up and within a second you panked and a minute later realised you were chained.
Weak, scared, targeted, blood covered lips, chained and his favorite vulnerability he finally felt aroused at the sight. With lust in his eyes and an aura darker than night himself, he slowly kissed your cheek.
"Welcome to hell baby" he greeted, confused you closed your eyes and for once prayed you'd be able to wake up in where you left to only get the image of him drugging you and making you pass out. To then opne them and see the same sight.
"Wouldn't that make you?" She paused trying to yank the chains.
"Hades, satan the devil or whatever you humans call me for ruling the underworld. Then yes that's me and as you see, you're caged like a bug trapped in a spider's web. How cute. How naive to trust anyone you've properly met either. " he whispered the last bit in your ear as his lips traveled around your chest and neck leaving hickeys as he moved.
Groaning, you tried yanking the chains hearing a noise and hoping it ment it broke to realise no he fooled you with the sound of his nails knocking on the wood.
"Got you" he chuckled as you began scared, moving his lips towards your breast he sucked softly getting slight moans from your mouth. "Mm good girl continue with it an d maybe I'll spare your soul" he joked, sucking and groaning your other breast with his hands. Ignoring him and forcing your mouth to close. He raised an eyebrow and sat up, he then looked at your mouth and then his length.
"That wasn't smart now was it dsrling?" He asked, as his crouch hovered your mouth and his length being rubbed on your face as the other hand rested on the wall. "Noe open wide and if not, I can allways just shove it. Dont think about biting as i can manually remove teeth of needed" he mentioned as tears rolled down your eyes as he slowly entered his length.
"Good girl, suck it like that" he groaned, slowly moving his hips all the way in and out. With doing so he admired the trlaclesnt salty wetness driping from her eyes that he took a finger and wiped it. Caressing her face as he continued thrusting and groaning till he felt hard enough and then pulled out. Wiping her eyes again he grabbed the lube and posed the non negotiable question of
"May I pretty angel, take this as mine?" He whispered softly as he leaned down to her ear. Nodding yes a tear ran and he licked it clean, causing a slight shiver down her body. "Good" he replied, putting lube around his own length and stoking it on.
"If you cum on me will I get pregnant?" You asked shyly.
"Mm, well yes and that's my goal princes or should I say queen. Your body is mine after all." he tells, taking his fingers and tracing a cross between your chest as he watches a dark mark appear in a mini cross between your chest.
Crying harder knowing you've not only been kidnapping, but there was an even little chnace of seeing your family friends and well your little pet. "I love when you cry my love" he said softly as his fingers softly rubbed against you clit and his lips attach to yours. Knowingly you kissed back and surprisingly it felt like comfort but tasted like sin and poison. One your body will soon adapt to. As your mouths moved in unison, his fingers rubbed softly around your bud and you were finally able to relax and enjoy the feeling. He had an undeniable hold on your body, one your soul started to grow a liking too the longer her rubbed and kissed your lips. Soon you became hungry for more and grinded against his hand and with the hint he rubbed quicker as you moaned down his throat and his free hand now snaking behind your back. Moaning more you called his name, in which he loved begging you to say again.
"YOONGi!"you moaned louder as his stomach and cock felt it making it twitch slightly. stoping his finger he guided his tip and put his chin on your neck and slid in slowly, taking his time as you adjusted before moving faster. You pulled the chains trying to hold onto him but he shook his head no and softly held your body up with the help of the chains and began pounding into you.
No it was not a speed nor length you were used to, but the feeling you could by a heartbeat. You legs became weak, your back arched hard, your mouth could only stay open and your head was in a daze as he fucked you without mercy. His length was big enough to make you scream from the top of your lungs and beg for more. He loved that and too started moaning which soon started to sound like deep breathes and heavy grunts. He loved the warm, pulsing feeling of your pussy on him as it dripped with cum around him.
"Ah, fuck, That's hot!" he moaned loudly. Moving his hips closer, he pushed his length in deeper and the sounds of his hips crashing into yours echoed the room. You were now at a point of no return, all you could do was moan and take him, which only increased his horniness and overall arousal.
"I'm close!" yoongi groaned and panted as his hips movements slowed down, but the deepness was still there. Shopping, yoongi's body out of tiredness fell on top of yours and he kissed your neck softly. Without enough energy to pull out, he came deep, groaning in your neck and laying still. Both overly fucked out and deep breathing, laid there until yoongi got enough energy to unchain your hands and drink from the cup of blood that started to reek and fill the room. The room that once smelt like lavender and vanilla now smelled like sex and sheep's blood. Leaning down to kiss you, you kissed back with your body begging to ache like hell and body starting to contort you screamed in pain. Whispering something into your neck, he held you close to his chest as you grabbed and scratched his back till the blood came from it.
"Submit and it'll go quickly." he whispered tired as can be. Taking his advice, you closed your body and let it take over. Suddenly your eyes and hair became white as a dove and the pain stopped. Not only did he claim you as his, the kiss of blood crowned you queen of the underworld.
They laid naked as each could no longer have the strength to get up, but hold each other in a soft hug. Comferting and relaxing, considering what had to happen. They slept wedded that night, perfectly times as the full moon was now full and the ritual circle could light up red as the two came into harmony.
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jessikahathaway · 3 years
Ambrosia - Prologue
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Park Jimin (Aphrodite) X Reader
Genre: GreekGod!AU, Genderbent Aphrodite!AU, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Slow Burn and Smut (Future)
Warnings: Mentions of terminal illness, Jimin in a SUIT, Namjoon being a lil nosy, profanity (if I forgot anything please let me know!)
Summary: Cast out of Olympus with the task to find his one true love, Aphrodite is certain his match will come to him. But as the years drag on, what happens when the God of Love, gives up?
Days in a flower shop in the middle of a decent sized town can pass by fast or slow. There can be days with what feels like hundreds of orders coming through the tiny store, and then there are the days where the employees just wind up looking at their phones the whole time and not one soul passes through the door.
But on special days, all it takes is one person to walk through those doors and everything changes.
This is a story of one of those days.
Tuesdays could seriously go fuck off for all you cared. This particular Tuesday was proving to be a test on every ounce of your patience and every single time you heard that door bell ring as the gates of hell opened, your shoulders sagged a little more. Something about their flowers wasn’t right. The blue wasn’t like the sky but like the sea and that’s an issue. The flowers look wilted. Always something.
But, like you did every day you turned to the customer and gave them a huge smile, ready to help them with whatever they needed. Even if it meant losing your sanity little by little.
The day passed this way, going on and the clock didn’t seem to be moving at your desired pace. So, you sat on the chair behind the desk at the front and gazed out the window.
It was a warmer spring day.
The trees were budding and life was returning after a long winter. You loved this time of the year. Everything becoming new again, alive and welcoming. But, it also means more work for you. It’s never been a problem, but this past year has been particularly hard.
Your younger sister passed away.
She’d been fighting a long illness, one with a poor prognosis. At a young age you and Sana were placed in the foster system, living with a decent enough upbringing. The foster parents were never mean or cruel, but they weren’t your parents. Whom you barely remembered now. So when you turned eighteen you asked if you could become her legal guardian. Your foster parents had agreed, wishing you and her the best of luck...
But luck had never been on you or your sister’s side.
Her illness started to rapidly progress, causing more and more doctor’s visits and more money being pulled from your measly savings. It wasn’t enough. You were having to take out loans and everything just to keep the lights on in your apartment.
Sana, however, kept her spirits high no matter the situation. She was the positive one. The bright one that everyone gravitated towards in school. She was your light. And now your life is duller. Your sister loved to go through the streets in her wheelchair, looking at the budding leaves and flowers that were growing on the trees.
“Look Y/N!” she’d squeak. “They’re so beautiful. I want to open a flower shop, and I’m going to sell the most beautiful flowers to people.”
As her birthday present you decided to open the flower shop.
It was her last one.
Looking out at the spring blooming in front of you it was hard to be happy, knowing how much your sweet Sana would’ve loved it. Life often wasn’t fair, but you hadn’t expected it to be so. You weren’t a bad person, but bad things had happened. But you were alive, and had a life to keep living.
As much as the flower shop was Sana’s dream, you couldn’t sell it when she died. It had become your safe haven. A little place to call your own. Even if it was Sana’s dream, you had made it real. Real enough for the both of you, and now you gotta keep it going. Even if the loan to open it made your wallet want to cry, it was enough. Plenty.
Because it was yours.
A single tear fell down your cheek as you thought of your beloved sister, and her cute cheeks and beautiful eyes that never held an ounce of fear or regret. A few petals fell from the blossoming tree outside in the wind and fell to the ground in a swirl of pastel hues that made you smile.
More tears moved down your cheeks and you wiped them away in frustration. She wouldn’t want you to be upset, she’d want you to be happy and to continue with your life. Keep going and make something of yourself.
Sana used to say that you were always Y/N the big sister and never just... Y/N. And you knew it was true. You were supposed to take care of her, but now that she’s gone... T-There was no one to care for but yourself.
You’d have to be enough.
Suddenly, the bell above your door ran proudly, making your teary eyes refocus on the person entering the store. Those tears were quickly replaced with a look of wonder.
A man walked through the door, head held high and his eyes scanned the area like he was inspecting it. Wiping your already sweaty palms on your apron you approached him with a gentle smile.
“Welcome to Sana’s flowers, how can I assist you?” you asked, coming towards him. The man took in your appearance and a calm expression steeled over his face.
“Hi, are you Sana?” he asked, referring to the name.
“No, Sana was my sister,” you said, swallowing hard. The man seemed to understand.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to impose,” he said, bowing lightly.
“You’re fine, no worries. How can I help you?” you asked, looking at his apparel.
He was dressed in a fine suit, tailored to his every inch, must’ve been expensive as hell. You could probably open a whole new section of your shop with the money he was dripping in.
You weren’t known for having an upper class clientele, not that the occasional businessman came in and asked for a bouquet of your finest flowers. Sometimes two... Shaking your head you focused on the man in front of you as best as you could. But, his features were so striking it was hard to keep your eyes from wander...
“Park Jimin,” he introduced, holding his hand out politely.
“Y/N,” you said, extending your own hand and taking his in yours. Shaking gently he gave a smile that could rival the very stars in the sky. This man was more breathtaking the longer you looked, making your palms start to sweat even more.
“A pleasure, Y/N,” he said. “I’m having an event to celebrate my family's company. It’s the 125 year of it’s business and we are looking to source from the local populace instead of corporations to provide a more intimate setting for the investors and other members of the company,” Jimin said, rambling off a lot of information for your sleep deprived brain.
“I see, so you’re looking for floral arrangements?” You asked, heading towards your book of options. Jimin followed you over, leaning towards you so close you could smell his cologne. A spicy scent that wasn’t overpowering but more... alluring? Inviting?
Shaking your head you pulled up your options of centerpieces and the like, showing him what styles you had available and Jimin paid close attention to each set. Asking questions about what flowers would look good in what vases and if they did better in foam or water.
“For events I prefer the foam personally. Less likelihood of someone knocking a vase over and water getting everywhere. But the flowers are more mobile in the water, so it’s about what you’re looking for in regards to the feel,” you said.
Jimin seemed to weigh his options for a moment. “I like the traditional styles you showed me. The simple little flowers decorating around the larger arrangements, it looks classy and provides the color I’m looking for,” he said, nodding.
Making a note you grabbed a notepad to start writing all the information down.
“So when is your event? A month, two?” You said, throwing out a few different times.
“Two weeks,” he said. You froze, swallowing hard.
“Ah, I see,” you said, biting your lip.
“Is that a problem?” He asked, looking up at your pained expression.
“It’s just, the flowers might take a minute to get here. And I arrange everything by hand, so it takes me a little longer. How many tables were you going to have and the garlands for the stairways as well?” You asked.
“Well as for tables I have 150 dinner tables, 50 cocktail tables and 8 large banquet tables. There are two main stairwells that wrap around to the main area so there will be about 400ft worth of garland necessary,” he calculated slowly.
“Okay,” you said, rubbing your temples slowly.
“How many people do you have on your payroll?” He asked, looking around and noticing the empty space.
“Just me. My friend Namjoon likes to come and help sometimes but he’s a full time nurse so,” you shrugged.
“Would you be able to do this in two weeks with just by yourself?” He asked, raising a brow.
“I can always try,” you said, giving a gentle smile.
“How much would it cost?” He asked.
“Depends on the flowers you want, you already picked the style so one second,” you said, grabbing your calculator and running the numbers really quick. “I can do expedited shipping on the flowers to get them here faster but then you run the risk of stems getting broken and not having enough. But I can order more to compensate but then that’s more money,” you said.
Finally you had a total and you frowned.
“It would be around $2,156 if we did the expedited shipping and ordered more flowers to compensate for the potential broken ones,” you said, biting your lip. That was a lot of money to spend on flowers for a simple dinner event. You knew it, but with everything he wanted and the time frame it was the best you could do... You didn’t even charge him for the probability of Namjoon helping. Because then it would jump up to the 3,000 dollar mark and you weren’t going to push your luck.
After a few moments, Jimin pulled out his checkbook and started writing the check out. Your eyes bulged when he pushed the piece of paper towards you, his pen clicking with a sense of finality.
“What kind of flowers should we get?” He said, a smile on his face. You looked down and almost flung the check right back at him.
This man had just dropped over five thousand dollars without blinking.
“Th-This is too much,” you said, trying to push it back towards him.
“You charged me for base flowers, and it’s super short notice. Take the extra as a tip,” he smiled.
“I-I can’t accept over two thousand dollars as a tip. If I get audited I’ll be screwed,” you said.
“No you won’t, it’ll be fine. Please, take it,” he encouraged, placing the check back in front of you.
You swallowed thickly, trying to keep yourself from panicking. You did have a large loan payment coming up, and this would lessen that blow significantly...
But wasn’t it wrong?
“Alright...” you trailed off, taking the check and stamping it before putting it in your deposit bag.
“What type of flowers do you recommend using?” He asked, looking at you with a gentle gleam in his bright eyes.
“Peonies and hydrangeas are a great combo with complementary color palettes. I always love doing grass pieces as a nice natural moment but, baby's breath is a classic and more traditional if that’s what you’re looking for,” you said.
“Can we do the soft blue hydrangeas and white peonies?” He asked, looking at the sample photos you had.
“Yes, the white peonies would bring a nice fullness and the hydrangeas can add the color,” you explained.
“Perfect, let’s do that then,” he said, nodding.
“Okay! I’ll get the order to go in and get the expedited shipping and we should get them by the end of the week. They’ll go into the fridge and that should help keep them fresh,” you said.
You turned around to see a small card placed on the table in front of you.
“What’s this?” You asked, lifting the small thing to your eyes.
“My number,” he said, grinning. “Message me when the flowers come in.”
“O-Okay, absolutely!”
Jimin smiled then, a bright dazzle expression that had your mouth drying in longing.
“I look forward to hearing from you, Y/N,” he said.
“I look forward to it as well, Mr. Park,” you said politely. Jimin tutted and shook his head.
“No, Jimin will do just fine. Have a great day Y/N,” he waved, turning on his heel and heading out the door.
You looked at the numbers and sighed.
God you were so fucked.
“So, let me get this straight,” Namjoon said over the phone. “Hot guy in a suit comes in and orders a fuck ton of flowers you know you can’t do yourself and you agree because he dropped an extra few grand in the check? Y/N! You can’t do that, I’ll only be able to help you arrange the bouquets the day of. So you’ll have to put them all together yourself! When will you sleep? Eat? Poop!?!” He yelped.
“Firstly, my bowel movements are none of your concern,” you stated. “And second of all, I can’t refuse that kind of money! The next loan payment is going to fuck me over if I don’t have this padding. Please Joonie, tell me you can help me at least the night before,” you pleaded.
“I really can't Y/N, I’m working night rotation. So, I could maybe stop by in the morning but then the flowers have to sit longer,” he reasoned.
“Yeah I know... Can you switch?” You said, a soft voice replacing your whining.
“I wish I could, but there’s hardly any staff that night as it is. And we’re all pulling hours we don’t like. I can’t ask them to do more. Poor Taehyung has already covered me this month and I would rather throw myself in front of a car than ask again,” he said.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re busy and I’m desperate, but... I’ll figure it out,” you said, rubbing your face in exhaustion.
“What kind of asshat doesn’t come in until last minute to order a huge ass amount of floral arrangements?” Namjoon asked.
“An asshat named Park Jimin apparently,” you said, twisting the stem of a flower in front of you.
“You-You mean the Park Jimin?” Namjoon stuttered.
“I don’t know how many of them there are, Namjoon. I just know what this one looked like,” you said.
“Doesn’t he have like, neon pink hair or something?” He asked.
“Um, no? It was blonde-ish when he was in here,” you said.
“Plump lips?”
“Eyes that command the panties of women to drop?” He asked.
“Sir, my panties stayed firmly in place so I don’t know what the fuck you’re on about,” you huffed.
“For now, Y/N, for now. Anyways,” he said dismissively. “If this is the Park Jimin we’re talking about you need to be very careful.”
“What? What are you talking about,” you whispered.
“He’s like a sex God or something. He’s got game better than Jordan, okay? But he never commits to anyone,” he said, seriously.
You rolled your eyes, even though the man couldn’t see you.
“My heart isn’t in danger here, Namjoon. We’ll be fine. I can handle an attractive businessman,” you said.
“Yeah, but can your cum thirsty twat handle it?”
“Sir, I’m gonna hang up,” you warned.
“As a nurse I demand to know the last time you got laid,” he said. “It’s for you health of course.”
“That should be a HIPPA violation,” you complained.
“Yeah, not a friendship violation though. Tell me when was the last time you were left boneless between the sheets my guy,” he said.
“I don’t see how this has to do with floral arrangements,” you sighed. “But since your bitch ass needs to know it was about a year ago.”
“Well, maybe it is time to get back in the ring,” he reasoned.
“Namjoon, there’s no need to get me a suitor. You’re not my dad trying to get another cow on the farm or something,” you joked.
“Do you think Park Jimin would give me a cow if I gave him you?” He asked, sounding too serious for your liking.
“I’m really gonna hang up now,” you said, pulling your phone away from your face.
“Just, be safe Y/N! Don’t work too hard, I love you!” You heard screamed from the receiver.
“Yeah love you too Joonbug,” you said, hanging up and looking at the clock. The numbers glared back at you like they were judging you for being up this late. But you simply shrugged and went and took a much needed shower.
That man had you sweating like a sinner in church.
As you bathed you tried to think of your next plan of attack, but the water was too warm and soon you found yourself relaxing into the stream happily. Once you were done you cracked open a can of beer and sat down in your living room ready to start the night right, when a message floated across your screen.
Joonbug: IS THIS THE CULPRIT?!? Jpg.1013
You stared at the screen with an unamused face, but picked up your device anyway. Namjoon had sent you the picture and you could tell the fucker picked the first one off of google images like the lame hoe he was, but you looked regardless.
And, surprisingly, it was him.
The cherubic cheeks and wide smile, bright eyes and an alluring body. You sighed and texted him back.
Y/N: Yea, that’s him.
Y/N: I hate you so much.
Joonbug: You can’t resist. THIS.
Y/N: I’ve resisted your rat poison for years, I think I got it.
Joonbug: EXcUSE MEEEE??? I am at least some kind of like, sexy poison???
Y/N: I’m dying either way, why do I care if it’s sexy or not?
Joonbug: :((((((
You left the conversation at that, but your mind began to wander. How were you going to finish this order and not embarrass yourself in front of a multimillionaire?
Maybe you bit off more than you can chew...
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Tapped Into Your Mind & Soul Chapter 5
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WARNINGS: It’s an Alfie fic, so obviously SWEARING.
As always, i am a complete comment whore so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE drop me a line to let me know what you think of the story so far.
All Things are Subject to Decay and Change
Alfie's red Bentley barges it's way through London- a city of vibrant smog which is helping Arabella feel at ease.  There is plenty of beauty to her in the soot-hazed stone of the passing buildings and even the Londoners who hunch by with sour faces and their misery reflected in the colour of the sky.
She is glad of the car's padded seats which absorb each of his sharp turns and brutal stops.
'It's like a circus round here', she comments with optimism, pushing her head further out of the window. Miles upon miles littered with curiosities - street artists providing depictions of escape on the cold pavement, costermongers shouting their trade and yards of train advertisements pasted onto lampposts in every colour. Alluring as the sound of jazz and the sight of the Charleston might be, London shrouds itself in so much more potential for her than flappers and frivolity. His irked voice snaps her from her thoughts.
'It's fuckin' 'orrible, too many animals in this circus'.
His knuckles are white from his grip on the wheel, intense focus directed to the trams and wagons weaving ahead of them. The car agitates over the metal tramlines, as a brown Hovis truck cuts in front of the car, coercing Alfie to slam on the breaks.
'Oh fucking hell!'. His tone is booming as  he reaches into his pocket , pulling out a pistol to aim at the offending driver. Arabella's mouth slowly drops open, capturing his arm and pulling the gun under the dashboard, obscuring it from view. With narrow eyes she quickly looks around to scan the area.
'Have you lost your mind, Alfie?'
'Treacle, these idiots, they only understand one language.'
'Well, lets not have you arrested on my first night in London, eh?'
A small grunt emits from his throat. He yanks his hand easily from her grip and stashes his gun back into his coat pocket.
'Suit yourself,' he grumbles. The car has been overtook now on more than one occasion, another headache to add to his list. Still, best not to piss her off on her first night  and so he turns his eyes back to the road ahead and daydreams of shooting the bollocks off the Hovis driver.
Twisting an unstrung strand of hair repetitively around her finger, she can't help but think about where they are going. It's going to be her new home for the foreseeable future and given the volatile looking environment of his work place, Arabella isn't holding out hope.
Moments later, the noise level begins to filter away as if they have turned down a road that is miles from any civilisation. Thriving with colourful flora within well tended gardens, regency era town houses stand majestically at three stories and with the fanciest of facades. A short and  stoutly older woman canters down the pavement, before turning right into one of the houses and desperately trying to manipulate two heavy shopping bags in order to open her gate. Alfie slows the car down to a stop and beeps his horn, making the poor woman almost jump to the moon, she briskly turns around.
'Oh, vey Alfie! Are you trying to bring me closer to God?' Alfie opens the car door and takes the bags from her hands, opening her cast iron gate with ease.
'What did I tell you Mrs Goldman, mhm? No lifting and carrying these heavy bags, eh? Ishmael can take you to the market and bring you back.'
'Ah Alfie that poor lad does everything, I don't need him helping me as well. I ask God not for a lighter burden but for broader shoulders'. She simpers at him with a twinkle behind her brown eyes that Arabella did not observe before the lady spoke with Alfie.
'Worryin' about you yeh, will be the death of me! Now, tell me that landlord of yours 'as sorted that broken light fixture?'
'He's getting round to it'.
'So, that'll be a no then?' Alfie furrows his brow, making it crease with line after line and tilts his head to the side. 'You need me to have a word with him?'
Mrs Goldman chuckles earnestly before pinching his cheek between her thumb and forefinger.
'Don't be a Schmuck Alfie, the last time you did that my rent went up to pay for his hospital bill. Now, who is this beauty you're sharing your car with hmm?'' Looking around Alfie's broad shoulders, her gaze falls on Arabella who feels rather sheepish under her matriarch stare. Sighing, he pinches the tension from the bridge of his nose. The last thing he needs is for Mrs Goldman to start shooting her mouth off at her knitting circle and have the whole of the Jewish community gossiping before he has had time to formulate how he can position Arabella into his life.
'It should be fuckin' noted right, that nothing gets past you'.
Catching Alfie unawares, she uses her now free hand to provide a sharp whack to the back of his head, making his eyes scrunch. Arabella's eyebrows curve upwards as she swallows down the urge to laugh.
'This is Arabella Shelby, the sister of one of my close business associates. She's going to be staying with me until she gets settled in London'.
So, that's how he plans to play this. Arabella exits the car.
'Nice to meet you Mrs. . . erm...'
'Goldman, dear'. She shakes Arabella's hand, her light touch and weak grip showing just how delicate she is. Alfie was right, she shouldn't have been carrying those bags.
'Please accept my apologies for Mr Solomons lack of manners, I assure you dear, he does possess them somewhere'. She sends her a wink.
'I'll let you know when the search party I've sent out, actually find them.'
This tickles the grey haired lady who stomps her foot letting out a huge guffaw and patting Arabella on the arm.
'I like her Alfie, she is sharp of tongue as well as looks'. She flashes him a knowing smile, one that makes him shift from foot to foot. Much as he likes Mrs Goldman, he can muster no interest in her insinuating words.
'Right, well as much as I'd like to stand here as if i'm fuckin' not and be insulted, we have to get going. Miss Shelby here 'as 'ad a rather eventful day so, goodbye Mrs Goldman'.
She throws a harried glance at Alfie before returning a polite smile at Arabella.
'Now my dear, just you remember that I am but five doors down and that makes us neighbours. Should this  Mazik get to you, just pop on to my door and i'll make sure you're always greeted with a cup of tea and a listening ear.'
Alfie knew that her words served only to aggravate him. He places a hand on Arabella's arm to lead her back to the car and curses his poor decision making for stopping here in the first place.
'Lovely to meet you Mrs Goldman, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of one another'. Alfie's gentle push to the car, turns into a shove.
'I'm sure we will my dear, and it's Nelly to you.'
Alfie watches to make sure Mrs Goldman enters her house safely.
'Sister of a close business associate? Dread to think how you'll introduce me to people when I'm your wife.'
'Arabella, that woman has a mouth wider than the Thames, best to give her as little detail as possible and save her choking on gossip'.
Crossing her arm over her waist and tucking it in at her elbow, she turns toward her window. With a roll of his eyes, he starts up the car. They don't have to travel far before the vehicle is once again stationary. Straightening  up in her seat, she observes the building in front of her.  All of the houses on the street were identical in their architecture, stressed in uniformity – this one however,  was built with a desire for individuality.  
'There ya go, look. Home, sweet-fucking-home'. He walks around the car to help her out. She is mesmerised by the grand blossom tree that pushes the house into almost obscurity due to it's size, looming over the black front door. Pale pink pieces that have been wooed from the tree by the spring winds, gather under her feet, a reminder of life's fickleness. Concealing herself behind Alfie, her cautious spirit holds an inner negotiation with her resilience as they walk up a black and white tiled pathway.  Inside the warmth of the house engulfs them both along with a nauseating charcoal smell. Her foot suddenly slides on something slippy on the marble floor. Bending down she picks up a folded piece of paper that is lay in the doorway. Alfie's name is written on it in the scrawled handwriting.
'Alright now, let's have a look and see if your suitcase has been dropped off... what's that?'
'You tell me, it's got your name on it.'
The blithe and animated Alfie Solomons she is getting to know  is barely recognisable now as an ashen and turbulent man stands across from her, a wrathful look in his blue-green eyes. Frantically he grapples the paper from her hands and faces away from her to peek at the contents.
'Must be something awfully important'. She says, standing on tiptoes to see over his shoulders. The note buckles into pieces as he folds it in his fist, harshly.
'Who's asking you?' his quick-tempered reply takes her by surprise and she narrows her eyes at him, making him clear his throat.
'It's a betting tip if you must know. As an occasional bookmaker, I do need to keep a sharp eye out for the fastest horses'.
He stashes the note into his deep pocket. They both stand facing one another, Alfie towering over her by a good few inches. Neither of them speaking, just eyes setting fire to the other pair. The door at the end of the hall bursts open and commotion on four paws comes bounding excitedly towards his owner.  
'Oh, 'ere he is look, the behemoth with a wagging tale. Ello mate, did you miss me?' Placing his hand onto his right hip, Alfie slowly bends down to fuss and stroke the solid bulk of his bull mastiff.
His incensed constitution replaced with playful humour by his four-legged friend. As if sensing the presence of a stranger, his dog bolts into an alert position and begins to bark anxiously and warningly at Arabella. Alfie prepares himself to calm down his probably panicked fiancé. He's not expecting the hand that comes to his elbow, pushing him aside as she crouches in front of the slobbering beast, offering her hand to smell.
'Hello, you. I've heard so much about you, don't you know?' She strokes her hand roughly over the top of the dog's head, which he immediately cocks and begins to excitedly wag his tail.  'See, your gruff and tough owner here is a huge softy when it comes to you, he doesn't shut up about you'. Alfie watches on as  she undauntedly makes a fuss, not caring about the amount of froth being drooled onto what looks like an expensive, if not gaudy, coat.
'Well, his name is Cyril and he's supposed to be an all powerful and protective breed, but I will acknowledge that it appears I was fuckin' lied to about that'. He crinkles his forehead as he watches Cyril gracelessly roll onto his back so Arabella can rub at his belly.
'Well I think he's just perfect., i'm sure we'll get on like a house on fire.
'Let's see if you're still saying that when he's all over you at five in the morning because he wants to go out for a piss'.
Arabella looks up at him and shakes her head. 'I can see Cyril here holds all the power in this house'.
'Oh yeh? An how do you work that out?'
She pushes herself up to standing and offers him a condescending smile. 'Because Alfie, power lies in loyalty and I can see how dyed-in-the-wool you are with him'.
'That so? Well, lets see where my loyalty gets him tomorrow when Edna sees these muddy paw prints on her mopped floor'.
He scratches Cyril behind his ears as he steps closer to her.
'My maid. Lovely woman she is, reminds me of me Mother. You'll meet her tomorrow. Now, do you wanna see your new home?'
Arabella piano-plays her fingertips on the dark walnut dressing table, listening to the rain outside as it pelts the windows and drips from the alien roof. She could float half way to heaven as she kicks off her slippers and the plush carpet hugs at her swollen feet. Alfie has spent some of the evening showing her around his impressive home. A big house, one she dreamed of owning as a child with it's polished wooden floors and graceful bannisters. Nothing like her Small Heath dwellings. Is it possible she is beginning to get homesick for a place she isn't even sure exists? One with love and where her soul is understood. However, when he had shown her the fully plumbed copper bath tub, she was ready to say 'i- do'  post haste.
Alfie is steadfast becoming a curious paradox – his abode is a beautiful palace, gleaming with a spotless silence. It's king, all the same is harsh and unpredictable with a flare of intelligence and good looks. Although she is hasten to admit it, he intrigues her.
Until Tommy sorts  the delivery of the rest of her things, all of her is compacted into the small suitcase that she pulls from the bed to put away She puts on her nightie, a soft cream silk slip – although well worn, still immaculate.  After an argument with Alfie regarding sleeping arrangements, they finally agreed that they should be adult enough to share a bed to make their relationship more realistic to his house staff. Standing in front of the floor length, mirror she watches as his mother's locket swings off her neck like a stranger. She pats the soft garment over her stomach - full from a delicious stew his maid had prepared, which she enjoyed alone. Alfie has secreted himself in his downstairs office and she has not seen sight nor sound of him all night..
The sound of smashing glass makes her jump, she can hear the thundering voice of Alfie barking out words she can't make out. Whatever the furore is, it's emanating from the upstairs landing. She quickly steps out of the room and sees the bathroom door ajar. Inside Alfie is desperately trying to wrestle Cyril inside a large fluffy towel. The floor around him is immersed in water and Alfie's shirt is saturated.
'Cyril, keep-the-fuck-still'. His fractious tone echoes off the bathroom tiles as he battles against his dog.
'Alfie, do you need some help?'
'No we've got this under control, ain't we boy'. As Cyril succumbs to submission, allowing his master to begin to towel dry his fur, Alfie looks up to acknowledge Arabella, his eyes immediately give her a once over and he feels the inside of his throat dry up as he spots her legs. Cyril takes advantage of his master's distraction and bounds his way out of the towel, bouncing his head off the copper bath in the process, before galloping his way to Arabella.
'Cyril! Ya daft, mad cunt! Get back 'ere now!' Taking not a ounce of notice, Cyril jumps frenziedly onto Arabella, wet paws pushing away at her.
'Get off 'er now ya demented lad! CYRIL! Fuck sake!'
Uncontrollable barks bite their way back at Alfie who is now tugging at his dog's paws, trying to gain purchase to pull him off her, flattened and trapped as she is against the wall.
'Fuckin' hell Cyril, what are you playing at, get off. . . stop trying to wrestle . . .CYRIL! I'm warning y. . . '
'SIT!' Her voice is loud and stern as she points to the floor with a free hand. Cyril obeys and sits down, Arabella following him to the ground, untwisting the towel from  around Alfie's fisted hands and slowly patting down Cyril's blubbery body. The dog sits calmly, with his head held up majestically as if he is content in being obedient for her.
'Right fuckin' turncoat ya are Cyril. Get one whiff of a woman and you forget about me, eh?' He folds his arms and leans against the door frame, watching as Arabella softly finishes drying.
'It's all in the tone, Alfie. You have to be stern not erratic'. She stands up smugly in front of him.
'S'at so?' He looks her up and down once more, only this time he notices just how wet Cyril has made her and he swallows hard. The light fabric of her night dress is now translucent and he can make out the shape of her ample breasts and the enticing colouring of her nipples. The quick glance he gets before looking away is like a blow to his chest. Her body is certainly holding his interest but he knows he can't take any more of her in. He does not want to look at all, but this was unavoidable.
Clearing his throat and picking up the towel from Cyril, he gestures to her chest.
'You might need this, to erm cover . . . ' She looks down and immediately covers her chest with her arms, taking the towel from him to dry off.
'I'm sorry about Cyril, he can be a right lunatic when he wants to be.'
'They're just tits, Alfie', she says as she notices how he has turned his body away from her.
'No, they're not just tits- they're yours and it's not up to my maniacal dog to expose them because he can't keep bloody still'. He moves past her into the bedroom and reappearing a few seconds later.
'You can wear this if you like, whilst you dry that off. I promise it's clean'. He hands her one of his white shirts which she gladly accepts.
'You're nothing like I thought you would be, Alfie'.
'Yeh?' He moves closer to her. 'That's because, right, true power lies in the unexpected'. They both stare at the other, as if taking notes, before he breaks the chain and walks away toward the staircase.
'Cyril, come on', he pats his leg and Cyril follows, leaving her flustered on the landing. Was it possible that Solomons possessed a more human side that contradicts his reputation? She turns away from the stairs and hurries into the bathroom to change. Closing the door, she notices Alfie's black wool coat hanging from the hook. The coat he placed his secretive letter in earlier. An uneasy feeling washes over her, she always respects privacy, to her far too many people can't live in silence for fear of missing applause from an audience who don't even care. She has to see what has him so vexed though -  if she wants to be ahead of him and her brother then she has to do some necessary digging. Before she can talk herself out of it, she plunges her hand into his pocket and pulls out the piece of paper. As she turns it over she can see that this is not the same note. This is a pink betting slip- after further rummaging, she realises he has moved the note elsewhere.
'Fuck' she says, annoyed. One final glance and she sees what looks like a phone number on the back.. She leaves the bathroom in a hurry, her hand concealing the slip.
TAG LIST: @clintbartoris  @gameofpot @doomwhathouwilt @lokigirlszendaya @inkinterrupted @misselsbells06 @sunshineyourethebesttime​ 
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Breeding Season (11 vs 1) ~NSFW~
You knew the brothers had been acting strange for the past few days but this was just ridiculous. First it started with excuses to avoid hanging out with you, then they began ignoring your messages and calls, and now here you were sitting in the dining hall for breakfast with none of the brothers in sight. You could expect this kind of behavior from Mammon or Levi but Beel? You knew he wouldn’t miss breakfast for the world so the fact that he wasn’t at the table inhaling a stack of pancakes was more than enough proof that something was wrong.
Mammon wasn’t in your room that morning either and you know Lucifer would never wake up this late so you started searching the house for any clues that would shed some light on your current circumstances. You tried calling them and checked all of their rooms but none of them were there, not even Levi which only made you more concerned. After spending an hour scouring the house you ended up back in your room, exhausted and not a single step closer to finding the reason behind the brothers’ disappearance. It wasn’t until you collapsed on your bed that you noticed a red envelope sitting on the edge of your nightstand. Your name and today’s date were written on the back of the envelope. It wasn’t there when you went to sleep last night which only made it seem even more suspicious. Tearing through the paper covering, you pulled out the letter from within and began to read.
“MC, as a valued exchange student your presence is requested at the Demon King’s Palace for further instruction in the program. We hope you have enjoyed your stay in the Devildom so far but due to recent developments we believe you need additional guidance. Sincerely, RAD Student Council.”
Well, that explained why they were nowhere to be seen that morning. Still, the whole situation felt rather odd. Diavolo would never call the brothers out so early unless it was some kind of emergency and even then he would have made at least one of them stay with you for safety’s sake. Not to mention it didn’t clear up why the brothers had been giving you the cold shoulder for nearly a week now.
Following your only lead, you decided to go through with Diavolo’s request, hoping to get to the bottom of this mystery somehow. As you approached the gates of the palace you were surprised to find Solomon waiting at the entrance as well. You could only assume the demon prince wanted to have a word with all two of the humans involved in the program which made you feel a little more secure knowing that you weren’t the only one being put on the spot. As you walked past the gates towards the front doors you started to feel anxious. Diavolo’s vague letter and the brothers’ dismissive behavior made it impossible for you to shake the feeling in the back of your mind that something was wrong. Solomon was quick to notice your apprehension and reached out for your hand, lacing his fingers between yours to settle your nerves.
“Don’t worry, there’s no way Diavolo would harm either of us. It would go against everything he worked to establish. Just calm down and try to relax….trust me you’ll need it more than you think....”
You flinched for a second, unsure whether to feel comforted or concerned over his words. Just as you were about to question his last comment, the doors of the palace suddenly parted revealing Barbatos on the other side. He welcomed you both and immediately led the two of you down a number of hallways and stairs until you found yourself standing in front of another set of doors. Following his lead you entered the room only to realize you weren’t brought to a meeting room but Diavolo’s private chambers, the demon prince himself along with the rest of the brothers stood in waiting. They stiffened and fidgeted as their gaze fell on you but they quickly reigned themselves in as Diavolo began to speak.
“I’m truly glad you could join us today MC. I’m sure you must have many questions but I’d like you to take a moment to remember your last….exchange student review.”
At those words your mind quickly flashed back to that fateful day you spent in Diavolo’s office. You remembered how you toyed with him until he snapped and bent you over his desk to ravage you to his heart’s content. Your face started to grow heated as the memories came flooding back.
“Since you were so eager to help me last breeding season, I assume you have no objections to being a little more generous with your body this time around?” he continued as he slowly drew closer to you.
Your eyes scanned the room. Each demon seemed like they could jump at you at any moment, their restraint held back by a thread as your intoxicating scent permeated the room. It all made sense now. Why they were acting so strange, why they were ignoring you, why they distanced themselves from you at every turn. They weren’t avoiding you out of spite or hatred, they were avoiding you because every single one of them was in heat.
You gulped silently before nodding at Diavolo’s proposal. It amazed you how one small gesture instantly changed the demaneor of everyone in the room. They all looked at you the same way predators stared down their prey, each of them just as ravenous to have you for themselves. You heard the doors of the bedroom shut and lock as Barbatos smiled back at you, his placid expression perfectly hid his true intentions. Before any of them could lay a hand on you, Solomon cleared his throat and straightened up to face the small crowd of demons in front of you.
“Aren’t you forgetting something? Or perhaps I should remind you all of our little agreement?” His smug expression drew out curses and looks of disdain from the others, but even then Solomon simply let out a chuckle at their reactions and proceeded to pull out a worn piece of paper from his pocket, “Why don’t you tell MC about our deal, Diavolo? After all it's only fair that they know what you’re about to put their body through. Don’t you think?”
You could feel the tension in the room start to rise but Diavolo proceeded with his explanation regardless, “Breeding with a demon is one thing MC, but to breed with several demons at once we needed a spell strong enough to induce the human equivalent of a heat cycle within your body to make it capable of breeding with all of us without the risk of over exhaustion. And while the spell does exist, it’s so rare that we weren’t even able to find it within Satan’s mountain of spellbooks. Solomon was kind enough to lend us the only copy left in the three realms but on one condition...”
“Go on...” the sorcerer smirked and playfully prompted the demon prince to continue despite the dirty looks he was getting from around the room.
“.....he gets to have you first...” Diavolo’s voice trailed towards the end as he crossed his arms and took a step back allowing Solomon to move closer to you.
You understood now why everyone was on edge. Standing before you were the seven rulers of hell and the demon prince himself and yet Solomon, a human, was holding them all back telling them to wait their turn. Each of them were beings made to give in to their deepest desires so the fact that they could only sit back and watch while they supressed their heat induced urges felt like nothing less than torture for them.You’d be lying if you didn’t admit this was the most clever and twisted power move you’ve ever witnessed.
After giving you one last look of reassurance, Solomon pulled you in close and began reading the incantation scrawled on the paper. You could immediately tell something was different as warmth began pooling at the center of your core, quickly spreading to the rest of your body. It was starting to get hard for you to stand so Solomon carried you to Diavolo’s bed, placing you gently onto the sheets as your body adjusted to its new heat cycle. Once you got used to the new sensation coursing through your veins, Solomon started undressing you until you were bare for all to see.
Meanwhile, Diavolo, Barbatos, and the rest of the brothers started shifting into their demon forms from the side lines. Your scent was already irresistible but now that you were in heat, it was impossible to stand there and watch without letting some tension out. Claws, tails, and wings all began manifesting as each of them shed their clothes and approached the bed. Even though they couldn’t indulge in your sweetness just yet their desperation drew them as close to you as Solomon would allow.
The sorcerer was just as affected by the spell as you were, his restraint long gone as he eagerly left kisses and hickeys all over your body. One of his hands played with your nipples while the other dipped between your legs letting your arousal drip onto the sheets. As shady as Solomon was he wasn’t malicious by any means so he allowed the demons a bit of solace to satiate their lust. Without stopping his administrations, he took your clothes and threw them off the side of the bed. It wasn’t much but the fabric had your concentrated scent and they were eager to take in as much of you as they could while they rubbed themselves off.
You were already so wet from your heat but Solomon’s teasing was far from over. Removing his hand from between your legs he took a moment to admire your arousal coating his fingers before bringing them back to his mouth, moaning as the salty taste hit his tongue. He didn’t have to look away from you for a moment to know how badly he was tormenting the others. Grumbles and hushed remarks could be heard throughout the room but they did little to relieve that passionate fire burning deep within each demon present. Still longing for more, Solomon spread your legs apart and peppered your thighs with kisses before plunging his tongue into your deepest part. You could feel him smirk against your skin as he drove the rest of the demons to the brink of their jealousy. Your hands delved into his silver locks bringing him closer and making it easier for him to curl his tongue around your weak spots. When his mouth moved away you groaned at the lack of contact but soon realized he was only stopping to give you something much better. Positioning his cock at your entrance, he rolled his hips forward coating his length in your arousal while he grinded against you making your eyes roll back reflexively as you let out a loud moan. Your voice, your scent, your body, it was all too much for the demons to bear and yet it felt so far away, so out of reach from where they stood.
After than moan, there was little left to hold Solomon back. He snapped his hips forward, shoving his length deep inside of you with a single motion. He was going to give you some time to adjust but with the way you were rocking your hips against his you were basically begging to be fucked. He wasn’t gentle. There was no need for him to treat you so delicately while your voice and body cried out for him to ram his cock into you until your mind went blank. With every thrust a new wave of pleasure hit you stronger and more intense than the last. The ecstasy of it all made you unable to do anything but move in sync with Solomon’s hips and moan his name endlessly much to the envy of the demons that surrounded you. After grinding against a particularly sensitive spot, you could feel yourself tighten around him as the heat inside your stomach continued to build. After several more thrusts all the tension in your core was suddenly released as you came, your walls closed in on his cock driving him past his limit and milking him until every last drop was either inside you or spilled on the sheets.
As Solomon pulled out of you and rolled off the bed you could feel the mattress immediately dip under new weight. Before you had the chance to fully ride out your orgasm you found yourself being flipped onto your stomach as another cock was shoved inside of you. The feeling of having your walls suddenly stretched from such girth made you dig your fingers into the sheets, tears welling up from both pain and pleasure. Diavolo hummed to himself as he rubbed your back and left a trail of kisses down your spine in an attempt to calm you down. Even though he wanted to start moving as soon as he entered you he gave you a moment to get used to his size. Being a demon, he was much bigger and thicker than Solomon so he had to be careful if he didn’t want to break you, he could always do that later anyways but for now he wanted everyone to get a chance to feel as good as you made him feel last breeding season.
Once your breathing settled down, Diavolo’s hands left your back. His fingers now traced up your neck and pushed into your mouth, padding over the soft flesh of your tongue as you feebly drooled and licked his digits. “Lucifer, why don’t you take the other end?” Upon hearing those words your half lidded eyes shot wide open. You felt a sharp pain as your hair was gripped and pulled, forcing your head to be level with Lucifer’s dick. He pressed his member against your cheek, precum already dripping from the head. Diavolo’s fingers left your mouth only to be replaced with Lucifer’s cock, his length reached far deeper than any fingers could as he grabbed your head and pushed himself further and further down your throat.You flinched and struggled beneath him while your throat stretched to accommodate his girth which only increased due to being in his demon form.
Through all your tears and quick shallow breaths you were finally able to take in his full length, your lips now wrapped around the base of his dick. With your body penetrated from both ends, you tried to calm yourself for a moment but found yourself suddenly choking as you felt Diavolo’s hips suddenly crash into yours. Neither of the demons before you could wait any longer. You closed your eyes and braced yourself as claw-like nails dug into your soft thighs while Diavolo pounded into you from behind. Ever the sadist, Lucifer proved to be no easier to handle. His hips bucked and thrusted into you while his hands remained buried in your hair ready to give you another sharp tug for every second you failed to service him adequately.
Despite being preoccupied with two demons, the others felt no need to restrain themselves from having a taste, a touch, a small piece of you to help them ease the tension that coursed through their bodies. While Lucifer and Diavolo’s wings made it hard for the others to come near you, it sure as hell didn’t stop them from trying. At first, you couldn’t quite tell who was where but you were certain you felt hands roam up and down your back and stomach. You felt teeth drag across your chest, only stopping to bite and pull at your nipples. You could only assume Beel started getting impatient and wanted to sneak a nibble while Lucifer was focused on face fucking you. At the same time you felt something smooth and cool brush past one of your legs. You looked down only to realize Levi’s tail had coiled itself around your thigh giving you a good squeeze every few seconds. Every part of your body felt like it was being ravished from different directions, the tension inside swelled once again as you drew closer to your second orgasm.
Diavolo’s hips were now moving at a reckless pace, every inch of his dick rubbed against your walls as he slammed into you mindlessly chasing the climax that was just beyond his reach. Lucifer was just as reckless and twice as merciless compared to Diavolo. His fists tightened around your locks as he spent every bit of energy he had shoving his cock down your throat over and over again. At this point he didn’t care if you choked, if anything seeing you gag and cry as you sucked him off was probably just what he needed to push past his breaking point. If only he knew he was about to get exactly what he asked for.
As the three of you grew closer and closer to cumming you suddenly felt teeth sink into the crook of your neck, striking one of your weak spots and sending a jolt through the rest of your body. Your ass backed up against Diavolo, inadvertently causing him to ram his dick directly into your deepest, most sensitive parts. At the same time your stifled moans made your throat vibrate around Lucifer’s cock. The stimulation was so amazing he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into you as deep as he could, hitting the back of your throat and making you choke in the process. Your body tightened and convulsed around both of them sending all three of you off the edge at once. Neither of the demons moved an inch until they released everything they had inside you. Your legs trembled as you felt Diavolo spill his hot seed deep within you, the thick fluid only made the warmth in your core grow and intensify until it was almost unbearable. Meanwhile Lucifer took pleasure in watching you squirm and struggle to breathe as he pumped his load down your throat, his hands gripping either side of your head as he forced you to swallow every last drop.
When they finally pulled away you barely had enough energy left to stay on your hands and knees. Your body fell onto the sticky mess of sheets as you focused on steadying your breathing and preparing yourself for the next round of demons. From the corner of your eye you saw Mammon smirk to himself as he approached you. You thought nothing of it at the moment until your eyes met his and the realization finally hit you. The sudden bite that triggered your climax earlier wasn’t just a random act in the heat of the moment, it was planned! The last time you and Mammon got it on he covered your neck in hickeys and accidentally stumbled across one of your weak points. He never mentioned the incident again so you thought he had forgotten all about it. You never expected him to use it on you to make his turn come sooner. That sly bastard!
Still, you couldn’t complain when he swept your hair to the side to kiss your face and comfort you as you tried to calm yourself after being dominated by two of the strongest demons in hell. You let your mind slip for just a second and in that small amount of time you found yourself now lying on your back. Mammon left a trail of kisses and hickeys down your body starting from the weak spot on your neck and leading down between your legs. His mouth only left your skin to growl and hiss at his brothers who were far too pent up and eager to wait for the second born to finish toying with you.
"Damn it..l was your first so I should have been...well whatever it doesn't matter. I wasn't your first this time but l'll be damned if l'm not the best guy you get today!!"
Greedy as always, Mammon kept his wings outstretched making it hard for the others to even get a glimpse of his precious human. Even so his victory was short lived as a certain envious demon finally had enough of his brother monopolizing your attention. Once Mammon positioned himself between your legs and started entering you, Levi made his move. In one smooth motion he crawled on top of you and straddled your torso, effectively blocking Mammon’s view of your face with his back. Before the avatar of greed could retaliate you wrapped your legs around his waist forcing his cock to sink deep inside of you before he even had the chance to react. You could feel your walls stretch once again but the slight amount of pain was worth it seeing the great Mammon reduced to a sensitive quivering mess. Payback never felt so good.
Once you adjusted to Mammon’s size your focus soon turned back to Levi, he licked his lips while his eyes roamed between your face and torso as if deciding which to indulge in first. A low rumble came from his chest and erupted from his throat as a deep, almost deranged laugh.
“Ahhhhhh....hahh....ahHahAhHAHAHA!!!! I’ve always….ALWAYS!!! WANTED TO TRY THIS!!!!!” Without any hesitation, he moved his dick between your breasts, placed his hands on either side of your chest, and pushed your soft mounds together until they pressed against his shaft. He always dreamed of rubbing his hard, slick cock against your chest and now he could finally fulfill that desire. Seeing you in such a lewd, needy state must have worked him up more than he led on as his tail coiled around your wrists, securing your hands and forcing your arms above your head. As restricted as you were, you still found a way to tease the demon before you. Levi continued fucking your chest, rocking his hips back and forth when suddenly you leaned your head forward to take the tip of his dick into your mouth. Your tongue caressed the underside of his shaft and flicked across his slit as you bobbed your head in sync with his thrusts.
Before you got too caught up pleasuring Levi, Mammon slammed his hips against yours to pull your attention back to him and make you remember just who was fucking you. You had never seen either of the boys become as possessive as they were right now. Greed and envy manifested in their purest forms, dominant and unwilling to yield so much as an inch of you to anyone else. Mammon’s thrusts were rough, erratic, and sloppy but still managed to hit all of your most sensitive spots. Every time your insides twitched and clenched around him he pounded into you even harder, gripping onto your thighs for leverage until dark red marks appeared on your smooth skin.It wasn’t long before you felt yourself being driven to the edge once more, your core tightened around Mammon while you moaned against Levi’s cock. The avatar of greed truly lived up to his name as he pushed into you as far as he could on his final thrust, marking your deepest parts with his seed. Levi on the other hand did the exact opposite, marking you in a completely different way. At the last second, he pulled away from your mouth and chest and started stroking himself instead. You were confused for a moment but soon realized what he wanted and stuck your tongue out eagerly taking in whatever cum coated your mouth as he came all over your face. Neither of them were willing to part from you but they knew they couldn’t keep the others waiting. After coming down from his high, Levi uncurled his tail from your hands and moved off of you before wiping the remaining fluids off your face with one of the sheets. Mammon on the other hand wanted to enjoy the feeling of you wrapped around his cock for as long as he could but once he pulled out he couldn’t help but smirk as he watched his cum slowly drip out of you.
As soon as he took a step back Satan took his place, not wasting a single second as he rammed his full length inside of you and started thrusting. You winced at the sudden intrusion but quickly adapted to his size and pace once the dull pain you felt melted into pleasure. Seeking a bit more leverage, he hooked one of your legs over his shoulder and turned you on your side making it easier to pull you close and shove his cock into the deepest parts of your core. You were so busy keeping up with Satan’s reckless pace you almost failed to notice something hot and wet drip onto your cheek. When you finally had the strength to realize what was going on you found yourself just inches away from Asmo’s dick, his arousal already leaking onto you. Your throat still burned from Lucifer and Levi’s abuse but that didn’t stop you from taking him into your mouth. You immediately began sucking on him, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock before moving down to his shaft.
You had to admit though, it was hard to stay focused on Asmo with Satan fucking you at the same time. The moment he entered you his hips kept going at a rapid pace, mercilessly pounding into your core without a single shred of restraint. However, the avatar of wrath still wasn’t satisfied. Holding onto your leg in a vice, he craned his head down leaving deep bites on your inner thigh. It made you shudder to think about the amount of scratches, bruises, and bite marks he would leave behind when he was done with you but at the moment you couldn’t care less. Your mind started to drift from the pleasure when suddenly out of nowhere, Satan stopped moving and pulled out completely. Confusion was apparent on your face as you shook your hips for him to continue, wondering why he stopped in the first place. It wasn’t until you saw him realign himself with you and shoot you the dirtiest look imaginable that you understood what he was planning. You closed your eyes and braced yourself as you felt him thrust into you again with full force. His pace was different now, as he pulled himself out each time only to slam back inside you with all his strength. His movements were so rough every part of you jolted and trembled each time his body collided with yours.
Meanwhile, even with Asmo’s dick still in your mouth you had trouble staying still long enough to service him with how erratic Satan’s thrusts had become. If only you knew how royally fucked you were for neglecting the avatar of lust during his heat. Asmo paid no mind to his brother, he was no excuse for you to stop paying attention to him and he was going to make sure you knew that. Asmo’s hand brushed away the tears and sweat that formed on the side of your face before tilting your head up. His smile was sweet but only skin deep. You could tell from his eyes there was nothing but carnal desire and jealousy behind that pretty face.
“You know MC...if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s being as perfect as I am and STILL BEING IGNORED!!!” Yanking your hair by the fistful he held your face in place, forcing you to look up at him while he fucked your mouth however he pleased.
You didn’t think things could get any rougher until you felt several sharp teeth bite into your back, right between your shoulder blades. The pain made you jolt and squirm but you could barely move away with Satan and Asmo gripping onto your body. Beelzebub was beyond starving now, he wanted to sink his teeth into anything and since you were the tastiest thing in the room you had his full attention. As Beel left bite marks and hickeys down your back you felt a firm tug on your wrist. The bed was already crowded but Belphie wasn’t about to sit back and let everyone else have fun while he was left to pleasure himself on his own. He took your hand and guided it back to his erection forcing you to stroke him as he thrusted against your palm.
The stimulation from all four of them was too much. Before you knew it the heat and tension within you built up until it all came apart as you passed your limit once again. Even as your walls tightened around Satan he still wouldn’t stop pounding into you until he poured every drop of his thick load inside you and rode out the afterglow of his orgasm. Asmo was just as relentless, waiting until you swallowed everything and licked off the remaining cum that dripped down his cock.
Once Satan and Asmodeus pulled out and stepped back, Beelzebub and Belphegor were quick to trade places with them. As Beel hovered over you he started licking, sucking, and biting all the parts of your body he didn’t get a chance to put his mouth on yet. There wasn’t an inch of you that wasn’t grazed by his teeth and tongue. The ecstasy of it all made you feel like you were melting. Too preoccupied with Beel you failed to notice Belphie slowly slip his body under yours. After positioning himself beneath you right where he wanted, Belphie nodded at Beel signalling him to continue with the next part of their scheme. In one effortless motion Beel wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, your head rested against his chest as he moved to seat himself on the bed and lower you back down….onto both his and Belphie’s dicks.
You flinched as you felt their hardened lengths poke at your entrance and feebly clung onto Beel’s torso as you braced yourself for what was about to happen next. Tears started welling up in the corners of your eyes as the twins pushed your hips down stretching your insides until you took in every inch of them. Your arousal and all the cum that had been pumped into you made it easier for them to slide in but it was still an arduous task nonetheless. You tried to adjust as best as you could but neither of the demons had any patience left to spare. If you wouldn’t move, you were simply going to be moved. Burying their fingers into your hips and thighs they moved in rhythm, Beel lifted you up while Belphie forced you back down, both of them thrusting into you in sync as they bounced your hips. You couldn’t do much aside from wrap your arms around Beel’s neck and bite down on his shoulder as their pace got faster and rougher. Seeing you so vulnerable was such a turn on for Beel and after covering you in bitemarks he found it cute that you tried to leave your own little mark on him.
Meanwhile as Belphie continued pounding into you he became fixated on your back, a clear view of all the bruises and bitemarks that peppered your skin caused a devious plan to form in the back of his mind. Facing Beel there was no way you could see what he was up to, making it all the more enjoyable for Belphie. Without warning he raised his tail and brought it down on your lower back. A sharp pain ran through your body making you curve your back from the sudden contact as your hips jerked forward unconsciously. At first Belphie only did it to tease you but after feeling how you tightened around him as he whipped you, he now had all the more reason to continue. Several loud slaps echoed throughout the room as Belphie delivered strike after strike leaving dark red stripes down your already battered back. With each successful hit your back arched and your walls squeezed tighter and tighter until the two demons on either side of you reached the end of their ropes. Both of them gripped onto your waist forcing your body down while they thrusted into you as deep as they could one last time. Having taken in so much already you could feel your belly start to swell as even more cum was pumped into you. With barely enough strength left you slumped against Beel’s chest for support as both of their cocks twitched and pulsated inside you still dripping semen into your core. Once they pulled out of you, all the cum that had been poured inside began dripping down your thighs and onto the sheets.
You were so full you didn’t think you could take another load, luckily that’s what the spell was for. By now your body had nearly gone limp from the ceaseless pleasure you were subjected to but even so your heat gave you all the energy and libido you needed to last as many rounds as you could take. Each of them had their chance to fuck you but it was far from over. As long as they were still in heat, they would need to breed with you until the season was over or until your body gave out. Which ever one came first. Too tired to move you noticed a familiar figure step into your field of vision once again. Diavolo looked down at your bruised, bitten, cum covered body and merely smirked while his hands reached to cup your face, planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Such a good, obedient human....I knew we made the right decision choosing you.”
For the rest of the afternoon, they each took turns sharing you. There wasn’t a moment when your mouth, chest, hands, or entrance was left unoccupied. You weren’t sure how you were able to fit Beel’s girth down your throat or how you managed to survive both Satan and Lucifer taking you at the same time but you attributed it to the effects of the spell. In the heat of it all your mind grew hazy as you struggled to process who was doing what to you. All you could comprehend was the feeling of pleasure washing over your body as the demons bred you to their heart’s content. Your body had been marked by each of them in one way or another; be it scratches, bitemarks, or semen, not a single inch of you was left untouched. You weren’t sure when it happened but as passion and desire pushed you past your physical limits you lost whatever consciousness you still had and drifted off to sleep.
When you woke up you were startled to find you couldn’t see, speak, or even move. You were blindfolded, gagged, and bound with ropes; still naked and just as sore as you last remembered but now you were clean and no longer sticky with saliva and cum. You fought against your restraints until you felt the familiar feeling of leather strike your skin causing you to groan helplessly into the gag as you tried to process what was going on.
“They were quite the handful weren’t they?” A familiar voice rang out from the silence.
“Being a butler is never an easy job you know. Always following orders, barely having any time for yourself, putting all of your desires aside for the whims of your master. Though I must admit there is one rewarding perk Diavolo promised in exchange for taking care of you...”
As his words trailed you felt a hand run through your hair seconds before it formed a fist pulling you up to face him.
“....I get to have you all to myself”
With that he dropped you back onto the bed enjoying the sight of you struggling futilely against your bonds. As you stirred on the sheets and tried your best to loosen the ropes around your wrists and legs you noticed a faint sound just beyond earshot. You stilled yourself for a moment to figure out what it was only to realize it was your own voice, moaning and crying out in ecstasy as wet slapping noises played in the background. Confused and embarrassed you began to writhe once again, wondering just what kind of game Barbatos was playing.
“Hehehe….you always act like such a perfect, innocent little human. To think in reality you’re nothing more than a dirty cockslut who’s only desire is to be bred over and over again. Now I admit, it would be easy to use my powers to rewatch your little performance as many times as I like but having a video copy at my disposal makes it much more convenient.”
As his words ran through your head it finally dawned on you. Diavolo, Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor, you had sex with all of them but not Barbatos. You realized now he wasn’t holding himself back or letting the others go first simply out of duty or courtesy as a butler, he was getting off on recording every shameless, perverted thing you did that night. Now he had a full uncut video of you drunk on sex, mindlessly sucking and fucking several demons at once without a care in world. As the video played you soon became too embarrassed to respond or struggle any longer, accepting your circumstances and lying silent on the sheets.
“Don’t worry, I won’t share it with a single soul. In fact, I’ll even delete it if you want! But only if you behave and be a good little slut for me just like you were for them last night. Now does that sound fair?”
You didn’t have much of a choice so you accepted his offer, nodding with the blindfold and gag still in place. In the background you could hear the rustling of fabric and the sounds of a belt being undone as footsteps drew closer to you. The gag was the first to go, only being removed to be replaced with Barbatos’s cock. He made no effort to be gentle with you as he immediately forced his dick down your throat. He had enough watching and waiting. He’s served the needs of Diavolo his whole life and now it was his turn to be serviced. Taking out all his tension and frustrations he quickened his pace, ignoring your pleas for air as he let his hips move as rough as he wanted. It was hard to use your tongue with how fast he was going but you managed to rub a particularly sensitive spot on the underside of his shaft. You couldn’t see his face but from the way he was groaning and twitching in your mouth you could tell he was close. With one last thrust he reached his limit, coating your throat with his hot seed before pulling out and letting the rest of his load spill onto your face. Attempting to catch your breath you lied on your stomach, panting and coughing from Barbatos’s rough treatment. You barely had time to recover before you felt the ropes around your legs come undone as he gave you your next order.
“Lift your ass and spread your legs. Now.”
His tone was cold and stern, an ever present reminder of what was at stake if you failed to obey him. As you curved your back up and parted your legs you felt the same sensation from just a moment ago, a whip. The strike was just as harsh and unforgiving as earlier except now it struck you right across your ass. One after another Barbatos laid into you until your supple skin was marred with red, swollen welts. Still under the effects of your heat your arousal had dripped down your legs and stained the sheets by the time Barbatos was finished toying with you. You were more than ready for him now. As he joined you on the bed you could feel his weight shift on the mattress. It was the only warning you got before he pushed his length inside of you and started moving at his own pace without a single moment to spare. With one hand on your back and another on your hip he pushed you against the bed as he plowed into you harder and faster with each passing second. Unable to see with the blindfold on, your senses intensified making every thrust rack your body with unimaginable amounts of pleasure. While Barbatos ravaged you from behind you stilled yourself under his grip, panting and moaning out his name as you drooled on the sheets. The familiar feeling of heat pooling deep within you was a clear sign you were close causing you to start rocking your hips in rhythm with his as you tried to get as much friction going as possible. You could feel yourself start to tighten, your release just seconds away when Barbatos bent down, his lips softly brushing against your ear.
“Don’t cum until I say so. If you really aren’t the needy slut that you appear to be you can at least do that much.”
Tears dampened the blindfold around your eyes as stray droplets rolled down your cheeks. You were already teetering at the edge of your own limits but now you no longer had a choice. Gripping at the sheets till your knuckles turned white, you pressed your legs together and hoped beyond all hope that he would give you permission to cum before you surpassed your breaking point. As you finally managed to calm your breathing down it felt like you just might have a chance at completing Barbatos’s order until…..*SLAP* You felt his hand strike your ass just as hard as the whip from earlier. It wasn’t fair by any means but he never said he wouldn’t play dirty. Each strike was harder than the last and just as satisfying. The heat and tension inside you built up much faster than before. With one last slap everything you were holding back came undone. You finally had the relief you desired but all at a price.
“Such a shame. And I was just about to let you cum too. Oh well...” his voice feigned pity as he picked up the pace once again.
Despite being sensitive from your climax Barbatos had no restraint or mercy left for you, overstimulating you until your moans became incoherent and your mind went blank. It wasn’t long until Barbatos joined you in your ecstasy, letting his hot seed stain your insides before pulling out and covering your body with the rest of his load. Once he pulled out he undid the ropes and the blindfold but you made no effort to move from where you were. You failed and now that video was proof of it. You expect Barbatos to reprimand you, tease you, or degrade you but to your surprise he did none of those things. Moving to sit beside you he brought out his D.D.D. and deleted the video before your very eyes.
“I know I said I’d only delete it if you behaved for me but I don’t think I’ll be needing it anymore… after all you’ve just given me something far better.”
As he stood from the bed you soon understood what he meant. Scattered around the room were several video cameras. Each of them immortalized your little breeding session with Barbatos in different views and angles. You weren’t sure if this was better or worse, you could only sit there in shock as Barbatos collected the cameras and excused himself from the room leaving you behind with your thoughts.
You closed your eyes and tried to get some rest before any more demons came but you were only successful in getting a few minutes to yourself before the door swung open once again. This time however it wasn’t a demon intruding on your peace, quite the opposite actually. Rolling onto your side you were once again greeted by Solomon who was now dragging a blushing Simeon in by the collar.
“I bet you didn’t know this MC, but angels actually have breeding seasons too! They’re just really good at hiding it. Isn’t that right, Simeon?”
The angel gave no response in return only shielding his eyes with his hands once the heat in face became unbearable.
“You were so adamant about holding yourself back even though I was kind enough to invite you from the beginning. I can only guess you were trying to protect your virtue as much as theirs but after what the demons did...well...why don’t you take a look at what’s left of them?”
Reluctantly, Simeon did as he was told parting his fingers just enough to get a glimpse of you. What he saw next made his heart sink. Over the past few months he’s spent with you, you’ve gained a special place in his heart. He treasured you more than anything and now here you were, his precious little lamb lying before him covered in countless bruises and bitemarks while your body was marked with the scent of demons. Words couldn’t describe the emotions that ran through him as he stared at you, a dull twinge of pain slowly spreading across his chest. A part of him couldn’t believe what they had done to you and yet….another part of him couldn’t believe what he missed out on. As soon as that notion crossed his mind Simeon shook his head as if doing so would realign his morals and purge himself of all the sinful thoughts that slowly crept into his conscience.
“It’s not too late you know. They’re just as eager as you are and besides the effects of the spell won’t go away for about a week. Don’t you want to help them?” Solomon’s words were as sweet as honey but Simeon wasn’t going to let himself be swayed so easily.
“I-I...I....” Simeon’s lips trembled as he turned his head to the side, fighting the urge to give into his desires and take away whatever innocence you had left.
“Hmm...the way I see it you have three options. You can leave now and let me have MC to myself, you can stay and watch me have my way with them, or….you can fuck them like you’ve always wanted...” Solomon’s words tempted the angel more than anything he’s been through before. Still withholding a proper response, Simeon remained silent where he stood, his fists clenched so tight his nails dug deep into his palms. Solomon’s persuasion had worn him down to his core, however the sorcerer still had one last card up his sleeve. Striding towards the bed, Solomon began removing his clothes before pulling you into a deep kiss.
“Well Simeon...whether you choose to leave or stay it seems you’ve already decided not to lay a hand on them...and if that’s the case then I’m sure you won’t mind if I go ahead and just-”
Raising his voice for the first time, something inside Simeon had finally snapped. The room went silent as Simeon pushed past Solomon and joined you on the bed. His heart was heavy with guilt and jealousy but that didn’t stop him from cupping your face and claiming your lips with his own. Though filled with passion, the kiss was softer than anything you experienced these past few days. His touch was just as delicate, gracing the surface of your skin to avoid causing you any more pain. After carefully massaging your chest he bowed his head down to lick and suck at your nipples while his free hand travelled between your legs. In all his gentleness, he never let his mouth part from your body, tenderly kissing over every bruise, bitemark, and lash until no part of you was left untouched by his lips. Slipping in a finger then two more he worked you up slowly until he was pumping and curling his digits inside you at a steady pace. When he finally shed his clothes and positioned himself between your legs he couldn’t muster the strength to look you in the eyes, too shy and embarrassed at how far he had fallen into his own desires.
Placing your hand on the side of his face you stroked his cheek with your thumb, making him turn to face you once again. As you gazed into his eyes you noticed something, a feeling that went beyond any form of lust or perversion. Love. You had seen glimpses of it in the others before him but it seemed to radiate off Simeon as naturally as light from the sun. Wrapping your arms around him you pulled him into a warm embrace, the sudden contact made him shudder due to the effects of his heat but he accepted your affection whole heartedly. It wasn’t until Simeon’s hardened length pressed against your thigh that you both recalled the situation you were in. Moving back between your legs he eased his member inside you until you took him in from tip to base. His pace was slow as he thrusted into you, cradling you in his arms as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“MC...my sweet little lamb...you have no idea how much I’ve longed for this...for your body, for your love, for you….”
Simeon’s breath was hot against your ear as he whispered sweet nothings to you between his moans. His thrusts soon became faster and rougher as he finally gave in to the effects of his heat. In a split second you felt a change in the air and a quick flash of light. Looking up, you realized the source of it was none other than Simeon, his snow white wings now visible and outstretched on either side of you. You felt so heavenly to him he didn’t have the restraint to hide his angel form any longer. While he pounded away at your core you felt yourself getting close once again, your walls tightening around his cock until he reached his limit with you. As you came together he pulled you close against his chest, letting his wings envelope you in their warmth as he finished inside you.
With both of you collapsed on the bed Simeon cuddled up against you unwilling to let you out of his embrace for even a second. It took awhile for you to notice but as you looked away from Simeon for a moment you realised that Solomon was nowhere to be found. His clothes weren’t there so he must have left in the middle of your lovemaking. You considered telling Simeon but you had a feeling it could wait. You were literally resting in the arms of an angel, there was no need to ruin it with some trivial detail. Closing your eyes you laid your head on Simeon’s chest enjoying his warmth as you began drifting off to sleep...until an irritated voice pulled out of your slumber.
“Who let the angel in?” Lucifer’s brows furrowed as he stood at the doorway, his brothers just a few feet behind him.
“I did!” Solomon piped up from behind them, “Consider him my plus one.”
Once they entered the room their eyes widened in shock as they got closer to the bed. All the marks they left on you the other day had healed. Not a single scratch was visible on your skin. They all stared at you for a good minute before shifting their gaze to Simeon. Turns out those angel kisses were more than just a sign of affection. None of the brothers were all too happy with what they saw. All the scratches, bruises, and bites they marked you with were gone, as if they never happened at all. The tension in the room started to grow but luckily Diavolo arrived just in time to resolve the situation.
“How kind of you to finally join us Simeon! Up until recently it seemed like you had no interest in our little meeting but from what I’m seeing now I guess it’s safe to assume you’ve changed your mind?” Diavolo took a step towards the angel, his demeanor still calm and composed while Simeon’s face flushed red as he stared at the floor and gave a quiet “yes” in response. Diavolo chuckled at his shy display of honesty before gesturing for the others to come closer. Taking your chin in his hand Diavolo tilted your head to meet his eyes once more, “This isn’t quite what I had imagined when I said I wanted to unite the three realms, but then again who am I to turn down such a golden opportunity...”
A million different things ran through your head as each of them drew closer to you, surrounding you from all sides, however one singular thought remained in your mind, “This is going to be a very long breeding season.”
For the next two weeks, all classes at RAD were postponed under the order of Lord Diavolo. None of the students could complain about a sudden two week vacation….except for a certain exhausted exchange student….
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alighieri-sparda · 4 years
Cann you headcanon about Vergil holding nero as a baby. But the s/o died while giving birth to him.
I just want angst heh
Vergil in Fortuna Headcanons: Nero and his mother fates.
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➤ Masterlist | Rules 
Hello, my dear anon. I am sorry for my usual delay, I hope you are still here to read this.
That’s my first time writing DMC angst, I guess. So yeah it might be kinda shitty I’M SORRY, but I tried so hard. ;w; Hope you like it, my dear. I really do. If you’re not satisfied with its results, however, don’t be ashamed of asking me to rewrite it. I’d do it gladly for you.
Devil May Cry 3 gif because there were no good gifs of him in 4.
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WARNING: Angst, mentions of death and blood. 
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A one-night affair was not something Vergil imagined he would find in the old city of Fortuna. In fact, the population of Fortuna was also not known by its good reception with outsiders; so, when that woman in red approached him and gently declared to be grateful for his work of slashing those demonic creatures, Vergil was more than certain that her words were not about gratitude only. He hesitated to proceed as soon as he found himself succumbing to her subtle proposal, but in his deepest thoughts, he had no real intention of letting this unique opportunity pass by.
Neither of them was completely sure of what they were doing. It was not like Vergil or the woman were uncertain about the decision they made though. Oh no, the point was definitely not that. It felt more like they were just following their pure instincts and deep desires, not giving enough credit to their insecurities or lack of experience on carnal knowledge. Specially Vergil got his mind all blank of important precautions since he was the one who was most aware of what that could turn into later. Besides, they had a wonderful and unforgettable night.
“Unforgettable” is, indeed, a precisely chosen word to describe the consequences of that night in Vergil’s life. He had no intention to come back to Fortuna at all: once his research was done, he would leave that antiqued island and keep his way on his unstoppable pursuit of power. His recklessness would have later consequences though since someone forgot to pull out even when neither he nor the woman had any kind of protection.
He tried his best to ignore his thoughts on the woman and yet her gentle words haven’t disappeared from his mind, not showing any possibilities to go away that soon. Those memories were pleasant of course, but nothing worth his attention, in his opinion. After four months of research and no expressive results, Vergil pretended not to be interested in that ordinary lady and left the old city. But it didn’t mean he didn’t leave something behind: among the crowd of hooded worshippers of the Savior, a humble woman had an accentuated belly bump kindly growing under her red dress.
All of his attempts to forget the woman were all in vain, however. During his lonely and self-destructive path of pursuing endless power, Vergil did remember her several times and wondered uncountable things about her current situation at the time. It started slowly: firstly, Vergil pondered if that gentle lady in red was doing right without him, due to danger caused by the demons who would show up in her neighborhood like on the day they met. Then, he remembered all the lovely words she said to him even after their night, and how her face contorted in sadness when Vergil sharply warned: “Thanks for the good time we had, but do not expect to see me again”.
But Vergil would not submit that easily. Oh, he stubbornly struggled as much as he could not to take another ship and go to Fortuna just to see if she was doing well. If she was safe. And when he finally figured out that the woman was almost certainly pregnant and his direct descendant was completely exposed, everything got even worse inside his mind. Those foolish distractions were driving him crazy, but for how much longer could Vergil run away from his responsibility? Would the consequences of his foolhardiness be that severe for his main goal to be worth his attention and time?
Vergil just made his decision when the memories about his childhood crossed his mind; his tricky subconscious focused specifically on his mother, Eva. After years of feeling abandoned, thrown to the cruel claws of the merciless demonic world with nothing but Yamato and his survival instincts when only being a child, the good remembrance of his calm and happy childhood alongside his family hurt like hell. What wouldn’t he do to have a happy life again? Maybe that woman and his child would be his unique chance to start again. To reconstruct what has left of his broken heart and give his descendent the happy life Vergil couldn’t have. To protect his family at last.
At the same time he missed those old times though, something deepened into his soul was blaming him to feel like that. Foolish weaknesses of his powerless human side, Vergil heard himself saying to no one more times he could’ve counted. 
After nine months of negligence and self-struggling, Vergil finally went back to Fortuna. He was still a bit annoyed about the decision he made, but he couldn’t help it anymore. Even if the woman didn’t want to accept him as her mate, Vergil would try to protect and support his kin regardless. His heart finally embraced at least a part of his humanity; Vergil realized after he stepped into the old gates. This would not distract him from his path of pursuing power, not even close to it; and they could even be something to motivate him to actually proceed.
Thus, the young son of Sparda lost himself among the dusty and antique streets of Fortuna in a search for the lady and the child who filled his thoughts for months straight, and after an hour walking through the common hooded crowd of Fortuna, he found himself in the same quiet street where the woman’s house was placed. Everything was just like it has always been since Vergil left, except for the wild and distorted growling coming from the said house.
No way it was happening again.
Vergil entered the house quickly, but he was too late. Even slashing those demons in the blink of an eye as he’s done uncountable times already, his main reason for being in Fortuna again was laying there: a lifeless cold body covered in blood. Why was she attacked by demons? Did they feel that a Sparda descendant was about to be born, or was she just another unlucky and random citizen of Fortuna who was a victim of the insatiable bloodlust of the demonic creatures? It didn’t matter at that point. Vergil failed on protecting someone who he cared about once more. He was still weak. 
He didn’t even get a chance to talk to the woman again. That sweet voice calling for him, the only one in the world that could make him feel loved? Vergil would never hear it again. 
Although, near the woman’s corpse, a little creature surprisingly was still alive. A defenseless baby was crying his lungs out to no one in that dark room. 
Yet still shocked with the woman’s dead body sight, Vergil immediately crossed the number of demonic carcasses and took the baby in his arms carefully. He had no experience holding a baby, but that fragile and innocent body fit perfectly in his embrace anyway, just like Vergil had done that instinctively. When Vergil put his eyes on his son and realized what was happening at that moment, he couldn’t hold back his tears. His son was alive in his arms, being warmly held and protected after a tragic loss of his family — something Vergil wished had happened to him when he lost his mother. 
However, the guilt Vergil felt due to his huge failure impeded him to keep his son with him. He could not take care of his son, he didn’t deserve it. Vergil didn’t have enough strength to protect him, not yet. But before leaving his son and keeping him away from the dangers of being related to a son of Sparda, Vergil gave him the name “Nero”. The name he would keep in his mind even in his darkest times to remember why he chose to obtain more and more power.
Wrapping Nero in the nearest black blanket he found and gently kissing his sweaty forehead, Vergil lost part of his soul when he basically abandoned his newborn son in front of the orphanage’s door, at the mercy of those who took care of and protected the defenseless children of Fortuna. Next to his wrapped little body, a grimy piece of cardboard was placed to not confuse anyone who would find him: he was Nero. His name would be the only thing Vergil allowed himself to give to him before leaving, no one could ever take it from him.
Once more, Vergil left Fortuna. But this time, he was certain he would go back: but only when he was worthy of it. He needed more power. More power to go back and protect Nero properly. Until that day, Vergil wasn’t confident enough to stay with him, no matter how badly he wanted to do so; it might be too risky. And if when he returned his son wasn’t there, alive and well, Vergil would shatter that city to pieces for pure vengeance.
Bonus: When Mundus turned Vergil into one of his puppets, he had access to his memories and found out about Nero’s existence. Then, Mundus decided to name his new creation as “Nelo Angelo”: to always remind that pitiful descendant of Sparda who he left behind and would never see again for being just a weak and miserable half-demon.
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foilfreak · 3 years
Beauty and Her Beast: Chapter 4
Warning: This fic is rated NSFW and contains graphic depictions of things some people may find disturbing or alarming, including, but not limited to: violence, gore, unhealthy family relationships, Oedipus complexes, gratuitous amount of pornographic literature, ableist language, physical, mental, and emotional abuse, etc. If you are someone who does not enjoy fiction with these elements in them, then I suggest you refrain from reading this, because this fic will have all that, and probably a lot more. So, this is your first and final warning to turn around and go somewhere else if stuff like this just isn't your vibe, because from this point forward, your emotional wellbeing is in your own hands, and I will not be accepting blame if you disregarded my warnings and ended up reading something you didn't like. Idk why I feel compelled to write one of these despite this being Resident Evil fanfic, but I figured I'd cover my ass just in case.
(Link to ao3 version in comments below)
Upon returning to the surface again, Mother Miranda seems confused, but mostly relieved, that Salvatore did not show interest in lingering in the village any longer than necessary. Though Salvatore did end up needing to stay for one last brief conversation, in which he and Mother Miranda discussed various parts of Nadine’s file, as well as finalized the date and approximate time in which Salvatore could expect the villagers to arrive at the reservoir gate with his gift in tow.
2 days from now, was the final agreement, as it would ensure that Salvatore would be the first of the Lords to receive his gift, making up for the fact that he was the last of them to pick. It also permitted him the luxury of some spare time to prepare a new permanent living environment of some kind for his gift. Whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.
Regardless, Once their conversation finally concluded, Salvatore bid his beloved Mother a quick, but appropriately appreciative thank you and goodbye, before closing the large wooden door to the meeting room and trudging back out into the cold, harsh winter snow. Despite a lack of improvement in the weather since Salvatore’s initial journey into the village, the mutant man maintained a solid pace through the snowy paths, seemingly uninhibited by the forceful winds attempting to throw him from his course.
With little time remaining, Salvatore wanted to return to his reservoir as quickly as possible to begin making preparations; though, what exactly it was he was supposed to do in order to prepare for a tiny, beautiful, and apparently violent cadou-mutant woman to begin living in his reservoir with him, once again, Salvatore still had no idea.
Grimacing in frustration, the hooded man wracked his brain for something to do, some way for him to make a good “first” impression with his new gift when she finally arrives. Something that would catch her fancy and hopefully convince her that, despite his terrifying appearance, he wouldn’t harm her and merely wanted to be friends.
Well… technically speaking Salvatore wanted a great deal more than just friendship from the young woman, however given how low his chances are of ever achieving the former, the mutant man decided that he’d happily squash his vile and disgusting desires down deep within himself if it meant he’d gain at least something similar to a friendship with Nadine.
He’d been doing the same with Mother for all these years, so it wasn’t like it was going to be difficult… hopefully.
Upon returning to his reservoir finally, Salvatore retreated from the harsh weather, deciding that he’d likely have a much easier time cleaning if he waited the snowstorm out and got started in the morning, instead. Once the skies had cleared and the sun had just begun to peak over the mountaintop horizon however, Salvatore immediately set to work cleaning up the areas surrounding the reservoir.
It wasn’t until after several hours of diligent gathering and disposing of the numerous unsightly piles of rotting wood and garbage lying around, that the unusually bright and hopeful atmosphere surrounding the reservoir was rudely disrupted by a surprise visitor Salvatore would have never seen coming in a million years.
“HEY, FISHFACE, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU? I gotta talk to you about something, so hurry up and crawl out of your sewer system so we can get this over with, already” Karl’s rough and booming voice echoed out from somewhere within the reservoir.
Salvatore flinches in fearful surprise at the demanding voice, wondering what on earth could possibly have brought Karl, the notorious recluse of the family who never left his factory unless bribed or threatened, all the way out here to the reservoir. And to speak to HIM, on top of all that too.
Despite not feeling like subjecting himself to Karl’s recent tendency toward physical abuse disguised as “brotherly affection”, Salvatore sighs and swims his way toward his younger brother’s voice anyways, knowing that ignoring Karl would only prompt the younger man to actually enter the reservoir in search of him, which was the absolute last thing Salvatore needed right now.
“Mornin’, brother! It’s about fuckin’ time you answered the door. You were taking so long I was beginning to wonder if you’d finally decided to run away and live out the rest of your life as an actual fish, like I suggested to you at the last “family” meeting” Karl says bluntly, clad his characteristic attire of green sunglasses, a brown hat atop his head, a long tan trench coat covering his day clothes, various items strung around his neck, and large titanium hammer.
“H-hello, Karl... W-why is it th-that you’re h-here for?” Salvatore asks slowly, peering at the younger, but taller man from behind the only partially opened gate.
“Hey, hey, come on now, Sal, what’s with the cold welcome? Am I not allowed to visit my favorite older brother without a specific rhyme or reason. I think you’ll be surprised to know that I was actually already in the area, and wanted to stop by and see if you were in the mood for a chat. You know, like old times?” Karl says defensively, placing both his hands up as Salvatore narrows his eyes at the younger man.
Salvatore was a lot of things, but stupid most certainly wasn’t one of them, regardless of what other people thought. While it might be true that, when Karl was first introduced to the family as a child following his successful cadou mutation, they had something of a positive older-younger brother relationship that lasted a good many years into Karl’s adulthood, that relationship has been growing progressively shakier and unstable over the past few years, at least it has during the times Karl has acted like Salvatore wasn’t the only one to reach out and attempt to connect with the emotionally volatile, but secretly terrified young boy, when he first arrived.
Deep down, Salvatore still had something of a soft spot for Karl, a soft spot that he occasionally allowed himself to indulge in whenever Karl wasn’t acting like a royal asshole, but those moments of peace and solidarity between oldest and youngest brother had been few and far in between recently. Not to mention that Salvatore would be lying if he said he wasn’t growing increasingly more suspicious and distrustful of Karl and whatever secrets the younger man was hiding in that factory of his. He hadn’t the slightest idea what he could be up to, but something told Salvatore that Karl had more reason to be here than just pure coincidence.
“P-perhaps… what i-is it that you w-want to t-talk about?” Salvatore replies curtly, not wanting to just go along with whatever Karl wanted, but for some reason still willing to give the younger man a chance to prove himself.
Taking a brief moment to look over both his shoulders, Karl places the heavy end of his hammer on the ground and leans inward toward Salvatore, lowering his voice as he whispers, “You see your gift from Mother yet?”
This question took Salvatore by surprise, not expecting the gifts Mother Miranda had given them to be the reason why Karl was here.
“I… I h-have… why?” The disfigured man asks curiously, pushing the gate open a little further so that Karl, despite Salvatore’s earlier reservations toward the younger man, could squeeze his way inside.
Upon entering through the gate, Karl immediately takes 2 cigars out of his back pocket and lights the first one. “Curiosity mostly… but also cuz I think there’s more to this whole “gift” thing than Miranda wants us to believe,” the bespeckled man says, blowing a lungful of smoke out his nose as he offers Salvatore the second cigar. “You still smoke, old man?”
“I-I… I r-really shouldn’t” Salvatore says, turning his back toward Karl’s outstretched hand, even as the wonderfully woody scent fills his nose and his mouth begins to water.
“Oooooh, but something tells me you want to” Karl teases, sauntering over to the older man so that he could wave the fresh cigar in Salvatore’s face, chuckling in amusement when the fish mutant’s gaze locked onto and followed the unlit stick like a dog would a slab of meat.
“B-but it… M-Mother has s-said… m-many times… th-that she d-doesn’t like… doesn’t like when we s-smoke… because… uh, b-because...” Salvatore trails off, trying to remain strong for Mother Miranda, even as his self-control slowly continues to crack.
“Come on, lighten up a little bit, old man. It’s just one cigar. You smoked a pack of these things a day, like they were the only things keeping you going, both throughout my whole adolescence and, if what Duke says is to be trusted which we both know it is, well after I left for my factory, too. When the hell did you start being such a stick in the mud? No wonder I stopped hanging out with you, you’re like a fuckin’ parrot that repeats everything than goddamn woman says, it’s like I can’t escape her no matter where I fuckin’ go” Karl groans in a slightly childish tone of voice as he trudges forward to sit on one of the docks overlooking the calm water below.
Salvatore slowly moves to join him as he says, “S-she’s right th-though… it r-really isn’t good… f-for you… I smoked e-everyday for m-many years... an-and now I’m p-paying for my i-ignorance… Mother o-only nags at you… b-because she c-cares… and s-she’s always r-right… in the e-end...”
“Oh, fuck what Miranda says, I’m tired of that woman. Always telling us what to do and then thinking that pushing a couple of failed experiments onto us as “gifts” will make up for the fact that she’s disappearing off the face of the planet without a single trace and not telling us when she’ll be back. As far as I’m concerned, when Miranda’s not here, she’s not the boss of me. And the same goes for you, too” Karl says, roughly punching Salvatore in the shoulder.
“I-I don’t… I don’t think th-that’s how this w-works, Karl” Salvatore counters. “Even w-with Mother l-leaving us… f-for a t-time... we still h-have to make s-sure that th-things c-continue on… continue on as p-planned… or e-else we’ll really b-be in trouble… w-when she g-gets back.”
“Maybe,” Karl says thoughtfully, before taking another drag of his cigar. “I don’t know… I just have a sinking feeling that there’s something weird going on behind the scenes and these “gifts”, that she’s giving us, are nothing more than distractions to keep us entertained while she goes and does… whatever the fuck it is she plans on doing while she’s gone.”
Salvatore pauses for a moment, briefly remembering back to when Mother first told him that she’d be leaving the village to go “visit someone”, who she believed could be very important to their mission of reviving Mother’s long lost baby, Eva. Although he hadn’t thought very much of it at the time, the mutant man also remembers Mother saying something about how well Nadine would do at “keeping him occupied” until she finally returned, and maybe even after that, too. But why would Mother Miranda want or need him to be “occupied” when she got back? Wouldn’t she want to share her findings with him so they could work toward creating a vessel to revive Eva in? Wouldn’t she want to see and speak to him again after being away for so long?
Or maybe… could… could Karl actually be onto something here? Salvatore felt terrible doubting Mother Miranda, but he’d be lying if he said that Karl didn’t have a point about Mother’s behavior seeming odd, now that he was in the proper headspace to go back and analyze the memory properly, at least.
“B-but… if Mother h-has gone o-out of her w-way… to make sure that w-we won’t be l-lonely... w-while she’s away… isn’t th-that a… a good th-thing… doesn’t that m-mean she c-cares a-bout us... enough to… e-enough to do something l-like this?” Salvatore asks nervously, watching the younger man intently as he contemplates his response.
“I guess so, at least when you word it like that, it does. But something tells me there’s more to this than she’s led us to believe. She’s got something planned, and she’s definitely after something, and once she gets her hands on it, who the hell knows what’ll happen… whatever it is though, I doubt it’ll be very good, for any of us.”
“D-don’t say th-things l-like that… I-I’m sure M-Mother has a-a reason… a reason w-why she’s leaving… an-and if she d-doesn’t tell us w-what it is… b-before she leaves… th-then Im sure… I’m sure sh-she’ll tell u-us when she g-gets back… she’ll l-let us in o-on her p-plan… wh-when she’s ready… an-and then… once e-everything is… said a-and done… we c-can revive… r-revive Eva… and b-be a real f-family… a-at long l-last… isn’t th-that what w-we a-all want, after a-all… a f-family?” Salvatore asks, hoping this was doing something to ease the younger man’s clearly agitated mind.
What on earth it was that was causing so much turmoil as it flew around inside Karl’s head, Salvatore had no idea. But something about the bespectacled man’s unusually contemplative and concerned mood, coupled with the fact that he’d only punched Salvatore once since his arrival, was beginning to leave an acidic taste in the deformed man’s mouth.
Karl really and truly thought something was wrong, and the younger man’s continued insistence upon this fact was beginning to make Salvatore very very anxious.
Perhaps it was the unusually good and excited mood that Salvatore was in due to the near arrival of his gift, or maybe it was that soft spot for Karl I mentioned earlier, but regardless of the reason, Salvatore felt the odd need to help alleviate the younger man’s bad mood, just like he used to do for him back when Karl was still barely taller than his shoulder.
Mother Miranda certainly wouldn’t be pleased if she found out that Salvatore had broken his mandatory sobriety despite her explicit orders to avoid smoking so his experiment results wouldn't be hindered. That being said however, Miranda always seemed to want her 4 children to get along and be close, like real siblings, so Salvatore supposed that he could allow himself a break from his smoking break so long as, if Miranda did manage to find out somehow, he could get himself out of trouble by spinning it as a rare moment of sibling bonding between the oldest and youngest siblings, rather than the reality of the situation.
“I… I’ll t-take that cigar… if you’re n-not gonna smoke it… th-that is” Salvatore says, a small chuckle escaping him when Karl cheers in delight, practically throwing both the lighter and the cigar into the deformed man’s hands.
Salvatore’s first breath of the cigar is nothing short of heavenly once he finally lights it and takes a drag, and its moments like these when the mutant man finds himself secretly grateful that Karl hasn’t listened to a goddamn word Mother Miranda has said in nearly 4 decades.
A long period of silence passes as both brothers merely sit beside one another and secretly enjoy each other’s company.
“Miranda let me pick my gift first, so I didn’t get to see where the others went. Who did you end up with?” Karl asks, finally breaking the silence.
“T-the… the sh-short one,” Salvatore replies, “with b-blue skin, black h-hair, a-and, uh… oh, an-and white d-dots… all o-over her… l-like freckles… fins t-too”
“Oh ya, I remember that one. Gorgeous little thing, she was” Karl says, nodding his head in appreciation as a devilish smile spreads across his unshaven lips. “With quite the… voluptuous figure too, if I remember correctly.”
“I… well… I-I don’t know i-if… I d-didn’t... shut up...” Salvatore mumbles under his breath, taking a long drag from his cigar as Karl throws his head back laughing like a hyena at his older brother’s sudden bashfulness.
“Ah, come on, Sal, don’t be such a downer all the fuckin’ time, I’m just teasing. I know you still think about shit like that, too, even if you’ve managed to convince Alcina and everybody else that you’re just an innocent little follower who hasn’t had an independent, or dirty thought of his own since the cadou took hold. You used to be a fuckin’ doctor for crying out loud, and you’re still annoyingly the person Miranda goes to first whenever she has a new experiment in mind, cuz you’re smart AND she can trust you. You might look like you fell off the truck that was taking you and your fishy friends to market, but I’ve known you too long for that bullshit act of yours to work on me.”
“Act?” Salvatore asks, genuinely confused by what Karl means.
“You know, that stupid fuckin’ “moronic freak” act you do whenever Miranda’s around. The one where you act like you don’t know what the fuck is going on or what something is so that she’ll take pity on how stupid and childish you’re acting and give you more attention. It’s pathetic to watch and I’m gettin’ sick of seeing you do it all the time. Knock it off, you’re better than that.”
“I’ll… um… b-be sure not to… to m-make it s-seem as… uh… I’ll k-keep that in m-mind” Salvatore finally says, casting his gaze down to his pants for a moment, unsure how to feel about how… friendly and kind Karl was being all of a sudden. Salvatore knew Karl secretly cared about him, the brat does far too many conveniently nice things for him throughout the year for him not to, but hearing the younger man voice his surprisingly high opinion of him was definitely shocking, though still quite touching, all the while.
“W-which gift… d-did you end u-up… getting, Karl? I d-didn’t get t-the chance to… to s-see the others… M-Mother only showed me Nadi-er… my g-gift” Salvatore asks, deciding, at the last second, against using his gift’s real name lest Karl be given even more artillery to tease and riddle him with.
“Eh, just some tall dark haired broad. I think Miranda said something about her being Indian, or something along those lines.”
“O-oh… d-did Mother say a-anything about… whether she’s actually f-from here… o-or did she immigrate… f-from India?” Salvatore asks, tilting his head curiously as this new information about Karl’s gift piques his interest.
Karl stares at Salvatore with a look of confusion for a moment, his mouth opening and closing silently like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words for it. Until, “Aren’t Indians from America?”
The sound of Salvatore’s right palm making firm and painful contact with the back of Karl’s head echoes across the reservoir almost as loudly as the following cry of pain from the man himself.
“OW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?” Karl roars angrily, pushing himself to his feet while he rubs at the back of his head, hat lopsided and barely hanging on to his head and green glasses no longer perched upon his nose, likely sinking to the murky lake floor just below the docks they were sitting on.
“I d-didn’t spend… th-the better part o-of 15 years… p-pounding an education... i-into y-your th-thick head... for you t-to say… f-for you to b-be spouting dumb shit… l-like that” Salvatore growls in annoyance, eying the taller man with a look that even he wouldn’t dare argue against, at least not with Sal he wouldn’t.
It’s moments like these when Salvatore is very happy that Karl, for as strong and fearless as he is now as a fully grown adult, is still just a little bit afraid of him after all these years. Not because of anything bad or horrifically traumatic of course, especially considering how often Salvatore had gone out of his way to ensure Karl had the least traumatic upbringing he could possibly provide the young boy, given both their situations. As much as he hated to admit it, even Karl would agree that Salvatore had done a pretty decent job of not fucking him up anymore than he already was, which the younger man would secretly always be thankful for. However, even a person as naively patient and serving toward others as Salvatore had his breaking point, and all it took was one especially bad day, resulting in the one and only time Salvatore has ever left a mark upon the younger man’s skin, for Karl to realize that Salvatore was the last person in this godforsaken village he wanted to purposefully make an enemy out of.
Thankfully, their relationship never suffered negatively from that one-off event, but it did force the two to come to a mostly unspoken agreement that has remained present and active, if slightly ignored at certain times, from that point forward. Agreement or not however, Salvatore could never bring himself to harm Karl like that again, even if he wanted to, which was probably the main reason why Karl was still the most comfortable around him, even after all these years. It was a secret they shared between them, and them alone, and it would be one that he would cherish for the rest of his life, as Karl would secretly cherish the kindness and brotherly love Salvatore had treated him with for all these years. They were brothers, regardless of whether they got along or not, and nothing in the would world would be able to change that.
That being said however, Karl was about to be in for a very rude awakening if he thought he could just do and say whatever the hell he wanted around Salvatore without there being any consequences.
“‘A-aren’t Indians f-from A-America?’ G-good grief... I o-oughta throttle y-you for th-that one” Salvatore grumbles through another drag of his cigar, shaking his head in utter disbelief and disappointment. Karl was so intelligent, and yet he could be so stupid sometimes that it physically hurt Salvatore to think about.
“But there ARE Indians in America, aren’t there? I know I’m not wrong here” Karl defends aggressively, his anger quickly giving way to embarrassment when Salvatore raises his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration and annoyance.
“Th-they’re called N-Native Americans... f-first of all... they w-were only c-called I-Indians... b-because the g-guy... the moron who f-first sailed t-to the A-Americas... w-was actually... looking for I-India... the r-real India... b-but back th-then... you h-had to go all th-the way... a-around Africa... to g-get there... but he th-thought h-he could do... d-do it a d-different w-way... he thought h-he could f-find India... by s-sailing straight f-from S-Spain... and g-going around the whole w-world... until h-he came b-back around... an-and hit Asia” Salvatore explained slowly, hoping to maintain his delusion that Karl had, in fact, paid attention to at least some of the lessons he gave the boy throughout their time together, even if it wasn’t actually true.
“But he didn’t. He hit the Americas and started calling the locals Indians cuz the guy, what’s-his-face... Columbine... Columbus... whatever, was dumb enough to think he was in India and not a totally different landmass” Karl finishes, looking like he at least remembered hearing about his information before, which was good enough for Salvatore.
Despite the grimace still etched onto his face, Karl groans in annoyed defeat and slinks back down to sit next to Salvatore, still cradling the back of his head.
“Anyways, as i was saying before I was so rudely interrupted with a goddamn history lesson-”
“You w-want another s-smack?” Salvatore threatens, mildly amused when Karl pauses his dramatic retelling, before sliding just a few inches to the right, away from Salvatore’s preferred disciplining hand.
Coughing slightly, Karl continues. “Anyways… going back to my “finding the silver lining” idea, or whatever the fuck its called. This whole “gift” thing might actually work out kinda nice for me in the long run, especially since the one I got looked like she was strong and could handle herself in a rough and tumble environment. If she proves herself, I’m planning on turning her into my assistant” Karl explains casually. “As much as I hate working with other people, normally, I’ve got some projects that would really benefit from a second pair of hands, so I’m attempting to make a “silver lining” moment out of this bullshit “gift” thing Miranda’s tryin to do and just hope and pray that things work out in my favor. Though, to be fair, if things with this girl don’t go well, I could always use her body for a cool idea I’ve had cooked up for a while now. What about you? What are you planning on doing with your new little toy once it finally arrives?”
Salvatore merely shrugs his shoulders. “It w-would be nice… i-if we c-could be f-friends… somehow… but…”
“Ya… you’re not exactly working with the latest and greatest set up, huh? Even a mutant girl might need a little bit to get adjusted to a face like that” Karl says.
“That’s c-certainly one way o-of p-putting it” Salvatore replies dejectedly.
Karl flinches slightly, which surprises Salvatore, since the younger man has a habit of caring very little for how his words affect those around him. Why on earth was he being so considerate, all of a sudden?
“Look, uh… what I meant to say was that… ok, so maybe you’re not like, the best looking guy ever, but like…” Karl stammers and stutters, trying desperately to figure out what he wants to say but seemingly coming up short every time.
Salvatore narrows his eyes again, suspicion returning. “You’re h-hiding something f-from me… w-what are you a-after, Karl?” Salvatore asks seriously, fixing the younger man with a stern look that he knows Karl recognizes.
“Hey, don’t you give me that fuckin’ look. I am too fuckin’ old for you to be looking at me like that, what am I, 12?” Karl asks.
“You c-certainly act l-like it… most of th-the time” Salvatore grumbles under his breath.
Karl clearly heard him, but knew better than to argue with the water not even a foot below where the two were currently sitting, his sunglasses having already taken a nice little dive as punishment for his big mouth. Salvatore might have only agreed to speak with Karl because the latter had demanded it, but they were still very much in Salvatore’s territory, and it wasn’t even a question of who had the topographical advantage should an “argument” actually break out between them.
Karl is strong, nobody can deny that. But Salvatore has the home advantage, and they both know it.
After a moment of tense staring, Karl finally breaks first, sighing heavily before tossing his finished cigar cap into the water below them, a crime Salvatore briefly contemplates knocking the younger man in for, before deciding against it, knowing, with his luck, that it would only come back to bite him in the ass later.
“Alright look,” Karl finally says, a look of frustrated determination on his face, “I don’t know what Miranda really has planned past her whole “get a suitable vessel for Eva” obsession, or what she’s really after on this mission of hers… but something about this whole situation going on recently just doesn’t feel right to me, and I think we need to do something about it before something bad happens and we all somehow end up dead. Now, I'm not 100% sure why I’m talking about this with the head of Miranda’s fuckin’ fanclub, but considering what my other 2 options were it wasn’t like I had much of a damn choice. My only saving grace right now is the fact that you’ll at least occasionally listen to fuckin’ reason, given your gaping maw can be yanked from Miranda’s tit long enough to hear me out, that is. It’s certainly better than my chances with Lady Super-sized Bitch and Crazy Psycho Doll, over there.”
“Are you s-sure you’re n-not just being p-paranoid?” Salvatore asks slowly, not wanting to offend Karl by outright stating he didn’t believe the younger man’s hunch, but also trying to figure out if Karl actually has something to be concerned about, or if he’s just looking for an excuse to badmouth Miranda.
“No, no no no, don’t you do this to me too, Sal” Karl begs in frustration. “You can go about the rest of your life loving the absolute shit out of that crazy woman if you want to and I won’t say a goddamn thing about it, but I need you to promise me, and I mean promise me, that if you see or hear something weird regarding Miranda and this little “trip” she’s about to go on, you come tell me so that we can at least make sure our own asses are covered when shit hits the fan.”
“Well… I-I uh…”
“Come on, Sal. None of these psychotic assholes have ever had my back like you, and that’s exactly the reason why I’m telling you all this” Karl says honestly, catching Salvatore off guard with the oddly familiar wording.
“I know I can be a royal fucking pain in the ass most of the time and that I’m not always the… nicest to you… even though you did kinda do... a bit for me here and there when I was a little tyke... But none of that matters now, because even if Miranda isn’t trying to hide something from us, with the two of us banded together, we could do whatever the hell we wanted while she’s gone, and neither of the other shitheads would be able to tell us otherwise. What do you say, Sal? Come on, you and me, together, just like when I was a kid, remember?” Karl asked excitedly, his eyes shimmering in boyish glee as he spouts off all the things they’d be able to get away with when Miranda finally left, the torment they’d be able to unleash upon Alcina being a particular favorite of Karl’s, it would seem.
Salvatore remained silent for a moment, contemplating the deal he’d just been given.
It’s… not a terrible deal, at least compared to some of the previous deals Salvatore has been offered in the past. It wasn’t like him agreeing to “ally” himself with Karl was a direct declaration of war against Mother Miranda or anything like that, merely a mutual effort that would guarantee safety for both him and Karl should Mother’s plan not go exactly as she wanted, which scientific experiments were known to do. Not to mention that giving Alcina a good messing with did sound like quite a bit of fun.
Maybe… maybe Karl was right. Maybe Salvatore was being a bit too much of a stick in the mud. It was just Karl after all, who Salvatore had practically raised, starting from the boy’s arrival into the family at 6 years old and more or less up until his factory was completed just after his 22nd birthday. Karl could certainly be a handful for even the most powerful individuals, but even on his worst days, he always found some backwards, convoluted way to apologize for his behavior.
“W-well… I-I’m not s-sure… I d-don’t know how I f-feel about… about d-doing things th-that Mother… wouldn’t a-approve of… just b-because sh-she’s gone...”
“But...” Karl continued for him.
“B-but I suppose… k-keeping each other u-updated… when we f-find… or h-hear s-something weird is… wouldn’t be… wouldn’t be th-the worst idea… in th-the world… e-even if it just t-turns out that… we w-were just being p-paranoid.”
“Excellent! That’s just what I was hoping to hear” Karl says triumphantly, standing up.
“A-are you l-leaving, already?”
“Ya” Karl affirms, “I’ve got work to do at the factory, and based on the look of things here, you were busy with a project of your own it looks like.”
Salvatore nods, pocketing his freshly finished cigar cap for later, proper, disposal. “I c-can’t even remember… the l-last time I… p-properly cleaned this p-place… it l-looks so m-much nicer… even w-without being f-fully finished…”
“Good for you. My own property could probably do with a good cleaning of its own now that you mention it. If nothing else though, I’m sure your new little lady friend will appreciate that you picked up the place for her arrival.”
“Y-you think s-so?” Salvatore asks.
Karl shrugs his shoulders. “Who knows with chicks, they’re unpredictable, but I suppose it’s possible. Then again, maybe not considering who you ended up with. I don’t know the full story or anything like that, but based on what I heard from Miranda, that blue bitch you went with was the craziest one of them all. Practically tore her pod apart the first time Miranda tried to put her in it, and caused all sorts of other damage throughout her mutation phase too, not that I blame the poor girl. I’d tear that whole lab right out from under the surface and set it ablaze if I could. Going back down there after so many years… I was puking like you for the rest of the fuckin’ day when I finally got out of that hellhole. Stomach still feels a little nauseous if I’m being honest...”
“I-I’m sorry… to h-hear that” Salvatore says, though Karl is quick to brush him off.
“Eh, don’t worry about it. I’m a big boy and I can handle myself. But do we have a deal? Keep each other in the loop whenever we hear anything… strange or abnormal about Mother Miranda or her special little mission?”
Salvatore pauses for a moment, thinking one last time about whether this was a good idea, before finally shrugging his shoulders and nodding. “Y-yes, we h-have a deal… b-but just remember something, Karl… 40 years d-didnt do… nearly as m-much for your p-poker face as i-it did for your s-smart mouth. If I c-catch you lying to m-me-”
“Ya, ya, ya, you’ll chop up my body and toss my remains in the lake to feed the fishes, I’ve heard that one a million times before” Karl interrupts. “Don’t worry, Sal, if I was planning on lying to you at any point throughout this process, you’d have already caught me by now. Even I know better than to try pulling a fast one over the walking fuckin’ lie detector.”
“I’m h-holding you to th-that, Karl” Salvatore calls over his shoulder as the younger man stands and begins heading toward the gate to return to his factory, chuckling lightly when Karl returns his warning with a middle finger.
“Take it easy, old man. And let me know how that crazy fish bitch you ended up with turns out. If all else fails I’ll turn her into a nice stuffed pillow for you” the bespeckled man says, throwing his head back in laughter as though he’d told a funny joke, before adding, “And I’d better get my sunglasses back within the week, or else I’m draining the whole fucking reservoir so I can find them myself. Don’t think I won’t do it, old man.”
Salvatore merely returns the middle finger, a response that Karl seems to appreciate, if the wolfish howl of laughter the younger man let's out says anything, at least.
‘Cheeky brat. Always plotting something’ Salvatore thinks fondly to himself as he slips back into the water to continue cleaning the reservoir, quickly grabbing the green sunglasses that had sunk to the bottom and pocketing them to return to Karl later. He pauses for a moment when a thought crosses his mind.
Within the past 24 hours, both Mother Miranda and Karl had been… unusually kind and affectionate toward Salvatore, which pleased but also confused the twisted man.
Karl was easy enough to explain away, the younger man has been flip flopping between periods where he likes and spends time with Salvatore, and periods where he’d sooner set himself on fire than be in the same room as his older brother, since the day they met, so as far as Salvatore was concerned, Karl’s behavior was hardly breaking news, though perhaps a bit surprising given everything going on with Mother’s gifts. Mother Miranda, however, was a different story.
Usually more distant and hands-off in her parenting ways, Miranda had been uncharacteristically affectionate toward the disfigured man the night before, going as far as to openly praise Salvatore for all his hard work and even hold him without being asked to. It had been such a wonderful experience at the time and yet, the more Salvatore thought about it, the stranger and stranger the behavior seemed, especially now that Karl had confronted him.
Speaking of Karl… Mother seemed quite upset with him when she spoke of him the night before. Going as far as to badmouth him specifically, calling him a ‘conniving little snake’, despite the younger man usually being her favorite by a country mile. Had Karl done something to incur Mother’s wrath? Is that why Karl came all the way over here to make that deal with him? Is he trying to rally the 4 lords to rebel against Mother Miranda?
No... No, no no no, that couldn’t be true, there’s no way.
Even Karl, for all his incredible intellect and hunger for power, was too afraid of Mother Miranda to ever try anything as drastic as that. That being said however, even though Salvatore doubted that Karl would ever try to rebel against Mother Miranda, it did seem like the younger man was trying very hard to get Salvatore onto his side for some reason. In fact, both Karl AND Mother Miranda appeared to be trying to sway the eldest Lord in their favor, though for what reason, he still had no idea.
It was definitely something that made Salvatore slightly wary of the both of them, though.
There’s nothing in this world that Salvatore hates more than doubting his beloved Mother, but even he couldn’t write this oddity of a situation off as a mere one-off incident or sudden change of Miranda’s tune. Mother has been acting very strangely recently, doing things she wouldn’t normally do and acting overly affectionate as if to try and throw everyone off her tracks, and the longer Salvatore thought about it, the more he couldn’t help but wonder, as painful as it was to admit, if maybe Karl was actually onto something.
Logically, he knows that Karl is just being Karl, looking to stir up some trouble for his own, and supposedly Salvatore’s, amusement, and that Mother Miranda is likely just trying to enjoy the time she has left with her children before she leaves on her mission. However, something in the back of Salvatore’s mind can’t help but wonder if maybe there’s more going on than he’s been led to believe by either of them. And as if this situation couldn’t get any more confusing for the deformed man, now his overly anxious and analytical mind was beginning to understand what Karl meant when he said there was something strange going on, no matter how much the rest of him practically screamed to just listen to Miranda like he always has.
Shaking his head of his scrambled thoughts and turning his focus back to his work, Salvatore decides that the best thing he can do right now is keep an ear to the ground on both Mother Miranda AND Karl, just to be fair. He still isn't sure if he plans on being 100% honest with Karl regarding their deal, but he supposes that maintaining a good relationship with the younger man wouldn’t hurt in the event he turned out to be right and Mother’s plan backfired on all of them.
Besides, if Karl did turn out to be right, and Salvatore was ready for if things took a bad turn, he could still be there to rescue Mother Miranda and ensure she’s brought to safety along with them. He’ll have successfully fulfilled his family duties to both Karl and Mother Miranda, without ever having to actually choose which side he was definitively on. A perfect plan if the mutant man says so himself. Now the only thing left to do between now and whenever things started getting interesting was work on the reservoir and wait for his gift to finally arrive, his mood regarding this whole situation greatly improved thanks to Karl’s visit.
Hopefully, if things went well, he’d have some exciting news to tell the younger man the next time they met up.
Maybe he’d even have a new friend to introduce.
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angelanika · 4 years
How Bizarre Pt2
<<<< Part 1                                    Part 3 >>>>  
Chapter warnings: cursing, sugar daddy/baby relationships, sexual themes
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A couple hours after you left, Bakugou had finally woken up. He rolled his tired body over and his drowsy eyes peered at the bed-side clock,“tch. Already noon.” 
His red eyes looked sleepily around the luxurious hotel room, noting your absence. A teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy, micro-minature part of him wished that you were still there.
 He pictured how your skin delectably contrasted the white bed sheets below him and how your pretty eyes gazed up into his own full of lust and desire. If only you had stayed a little longer...maybe he could’ve gotten another round in...
He groaned as he threw himself out of the bed and strolled towards the shower. The stress of the previous weeks were nothing some good drinks and hot sex couldn’t fix and as the water streamed down his toned body, he was already feeling more and more refreshed.
You, on the other hand, were as busy as a bee. 
After rushing home to clean yourself up and diving into a crowded train, you arrived at the Hara Estate with 2 minutes to spare.
You had only begun setting down your belongings in the small room near the massive kitchen when the lady of the house yoo-hooed out for you.
“Y/N!! Y/N!!”
You appeared in front of her.
“Oh great! Glad you’re here. I have so much for you to do today, everything has to be perfecttttt,” she sang while slapping a to-do list on the counter, “Hurry up and change dear then get to work. Ok?”
Her smile faded and she stared at you sternly.
“Yes Mrs.Hara,” you corrected.
Her matte pink smile returned as she gave the to-do list two light taps on the marble counter, “Well chop-chop.” 
Your blood boiled.
She turned on her pointed heels and she pranced away leaving you burning holes in the back of her dark, silky hair. 
Ma'am, you're grey roots are showing 🙄
Your job definitely didn’t start off like this. Hell, you weren’t even obligated to lift a finger but...shit happens...
You had met the witch's husband, Mr.Hara, at the daycare you used to work at. He wouldn't always be the one to drop his son, Prince, off but he made sure to pick him up in the evenings.
You worked at the tiny front desk, so you were always able to catch a glimpse of the visibly wealthy man when he came in.
Mr.Hara was a tall, slim Japanese. Fit and paired with shiny, black hair, always trimmed to perfection and silver streak in the front just for show. 
He worked somewhere behind the scenes in the Hero Commission...or Association...or something like that…. Let’s just say the man had impressive connections and money to spare!
He was clearly older than you, probably by a decade, but that didn't stop your eyes from roaming and your mind from wandering.
Saying that he hadn’t been eyeing you as well, would be a blatant lie on his part. 
One afternoon when he was signing the book after collecting Prince, he suddenly spoke up, "How much longer do you plan on working here?"
"S'cuse me?" You said, taken aback by the sudden and almost intrusive question.
He slipped his sleek, black and gold pen back into his suit pocket before closing the check-out book and handing it back to you, "Well I know that working here can't pay you that well and I'm sure you don't plan on doing this the rest of your life," he explained.
"My career plans are none of your concern Mr.Hara."
He chuckled at this and you cracked a small smile but you both knew that he was right.
You would think that working at a daycare for the rich and privileged would pay you just as elegantly, but boy were you wrong! It was minimum wage with a few toasted breadcrumbs and as much as you tried to deny it, you would soon need to find a new job.
"I'll tell you what," Mr. Hara began, " You come work for me at my place and I'll pay you ten times as much as you get here."
Your ears perked up. 
"Work for you?"
"Yeah. Trust me. It's not bad at all,” he stated while leaning over the counter and lowering his silky smooth voice, “Just come to my place a few days a week, cook, clean...entertain me."
Instant butterflies!
Your eyes went wide, “Entertain you?! I’m sorry Mr. Hara but I cannot sleep with you!!”      
   ...at least take me out for dinner first😏
He quickly straightened back up and waved his hands dismissively, “No No not like that. It just gets a little lonely in the house. That’s all...”
You stared at him suspiciously.
“I’ll tell you what,” he declared, “Here’s my personal number, we can discuss it more over the phone. You don’t even have to do the housework but just give me a call ok?”
“Oh..ok..thank you Mr. Hara,” you mumbled softly as you accepted the little note..
After fixing his dark sunglasses back in place and calling for Prince, who had been completely enchanted by whatever game he was playing on his tablet, he made his way to the exit, leading Prince through first.
 Then he suddenly stopped midway and turned back to you with a smirk...
“Oh and please, call me Kenji.”
Before you could even reply, he had disappeared through the heavy glass doors and into his BMW.
D-Did you just cop yourself a sugar baby position???
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Two days later, you gave him a call. 
He answered all of your questions effortlessly as if he had done this a thousand times and flattered you with the absurd amount he was willing to pay you for just keeping him company.
“...and what about sex?” you whispered timidly into the phone, ensuring that even the ghosts in your empty apartment couldn’t hear you.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he laughed. “So Y/N? What do you say?”
Exactly one week after that, you’re striding through the mansion gates.
Seeing that your new “job” had extremely flexible working hours, you decided against quitting at the daycare. The extra income was now seemingly unnecessary but the more the merrier right?
 It also grants you an easy answer to the inevitable question of “So what do you do for a living?” rather than having to explain your relationship with Mr.Hara or trying to avoid the question totally. 
You straightened out your burgundy blouse and picked at the little fluffs on your jeans, before entering the house.
He had told you to just let yourself in when you got there and that’s exactly what you did. 
When you finally strolled into the house, your jaw immediately dropped. 
Girls! Girls! Girls!
Girls of all different shapes, sizes and colours were littered around the living room, relaxing in the pool and snacking in the kitchen.
“Lonely my ass,” you thought. 
Your presence had quickly caught the attention of a particular blonde who sprinted towards you at lightning speed. Her piercing green eyes and strikingly long legs had even you mesmerized. 
You were definitely in the presence of a Victoria Secret model.
“OHHH you must be Y/N, Daddy told us to look out for you!!”
“He’s in his office. Come! Come!” 
After giving the door a few light taps, you heard the low timbre of Mr.Hara’s voice beckoning you to come in.
“Ah y/n. I see you’ve met Lada.” he chirps. 
The girl in question whose accent you have picked up to be Russian smiles down at you brightly. 
As Mr.Hara dismisses Lada, he calls out to another girl who suddenly appears from under the desk.
You nearly had heart failure.
She strides out with Lada, patting down her purple lingerie.
You physically had to bend over to pick up your jaw from the floor.
Mr.Hara smoothly turns to you in his chair, totally unfazed. 
“Glad you made it Y/N, welcome to your new job.”
* * * *
This chapter gives a lot of background but sit tight, the drama is comingggg 🤪
@jazzylove @blkirishima 
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omlwhatamidoinghere · 4 years
Mr. Moreno
Chapter 1: Mr. Moreno
Summary: You're struggling in a class but fortunately, the new teacher is extremely kind and offers a helping hand...
Warnings: A little bit of smut but not much, flirting, teacher x student kink I guess but you can tell by the title
Word Count: 1459 words!
See MASTERLIST for the rest of the series!
"Ugh, c'mon! You've gone over this topic so many times with Mr. Louis!"
 You yell at yourself as your head looms over your notes, the pages illuminated by the warmth of your desk lamp as the clock strikes 12 am. Rubbing your stress-crusted eyes, you decide to call it a night and ask for help yet again in class the next day.
After a long night of frustration stealing your Z's, you find yourself staring at the door to your dreaded class, caffeine holding your eyes open. Hesitant, you stretch for the handle and open the gate to hell. A weight remains on your shoulders though you've set your bag down, "I should have just slept in today and called in sick instead of humiliating myself again." A tsunami of negative thoughts floods your head. Class is about to begin when you hear them, the footsteps of the devil himself walking out of his office, or so you think. You turn to your notebook to avoid the piercing glare of your teacher but something is different. 
You sniffle to keep your nose from running, taking in a new scent...a new cologne. A friendly voice fills the room, gently grabbing your chin and lifting your head as it welcomes you, "Good morning class! I will be filling in for a while for your teacher. He is absent on personal matters and will be gone for an unknown period of time," a melody dancing about in your ears, you feel as if you've indulged in 10 energy drinks. He continues as he writes his name on the board, "My name is Marcus Moreno and yes, I am the leader of the Heroics but for now, I will be your new teacher so for formalities, I ask you call me Mr. Moreno in the classroom. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to raise your hand! If you feel uncomfortable with that, I am more than happy to stay afterwards and answer any questions in private." His words course through your veins as your heart jumps to your throat. You can't believe it: the leader of the Heroics is your substitute! 
He paces the room as he begins class, your mind drifts off, "Mr. Moreno...I like that name." It feels so natural falling off your tongue. His deep, hickory eyes glance over, locking onto your shy gaze, "Did I say that out loud?" you mumble to yourself. His smile snatches your breath from your lungs as he moves closer. Leaning down toward you slightly, "What's your name, miss?" His lips stretch across his tan complexion as he speaks to you, revealing his perfect teeth. His question finally registers in your love-struck brain, "Oh, it's...uh..." You trip over your own words, your name stumbling out of your mouth like you're trying to spell it. "And what is your last name?" you answer a little more quickly this time. He repeats your name, making sure he gets it right, flowing from his lips like honey. "That's a lovely name..." He stands upright keeping eye contact, minus the wink he just gave you. Oh how he seemed to tower over you. His arms, strikingly large, and his hands...oh his hands. You come to your senses, "What the hell? He's your teacher! Yes, you're both adults and he's an older man... that could take care of you ...and could easily push you over onto his desk to- what am I doing?!" Your cheeks, slightly red from the thought. "... it is such a pleasure to meet you."He continues; his smile, still glowing beneath his mustache, as he turns to the rest of the class, a glare hitting his glasses. 
He leans against the podium, his  sleeves quarter-rolled, allowing your eyes to peek at his forearms...- are you okay? You're fantasizing about how strong Marcus is just by looking at his forearms! Get a hold of yourself! You quickly snap back as he calls on you,
 "Yes sir?" 
"Do you know the answer to number 7?"
"N-...No sir. I do not. I- I'm sorry."
"No worries! If you need help just ask!"
Glances, winks, and grins shared between the two of you throughout the lecture. Time seems to fly when the clock signals the end of class. The last student left the room, your clammy hands flip back to the start of the notes from the class, "Hey, would you mind staying afterwards?" you blurt out before your lips can stop the words. His smile returning to his face, "Absolutely! What can I do for you sweetheart?" Words become difficult to process again, "I, uh, I'm still...umm...I'm still kinda c-confused on the...the topic." His strong figure rises from the podium and signals for you to follow him into his office. 
Holding the door open for you, he closes it after the both of you enter, taking a seat behind his desk while you sit anxiously in front of him. His finger carefully follows the bridge of his nose as he readjusts his glasses. You cross your arms as if to prevent his eyes from seeing your heart beat out of your chest as his voice eases through you, "What's causing you issues, sweetheart?" That's the second time he's called you sweetheart in a matter of minutes. Does he know what he's doing to you? "I don't know why but I just can't grasp the subject. I can't tell you how many hours I spent going over it with our teacher after school and I still don't get it. I barely get any sleep because I try to study the material. I even stayed up late last night to try and prepare myself for class today so I didn't embarrass myself but that clearly didn't work and it's really frustrating..." he cuts you off "Well I'm not Mr. Louis." His voice soothing your frustration. "Yeah, that's true. I just...I-I'm not the best at this subject." He stretches his arm across his desk and opens his hand, "Can I see what you're having trouble with?" Your hands trembling as you hand him your notebook, open to the page that sits at the root of your struggle. His dark eyes glance over your material, refreshing himself on the information, writing in more things he believes will help you. Rising from his seat, he walks around to the front of his desk, leaning against it as he picks up his gaze to meet yours. Words pour from his mouth, illustrating the topic from a different perspective, your brain filing away the information. He goes on for a few minutes as you absorb more and more from his lesson. 
Looking up from your notebook, he hands it back to you, "Any questions?" 
"Um..can you go over the stuff you wrote? I just wanna make sure I got it. This is really helping."
"Absolutely! I'm glad you're starting to get it! Here, let me explain this stuff a little more..."
Heat rises in your face as he kneels next to you, peering into your notes. His cologne embraces you, "Hang in there, c'mon, he's explaining this to you...but he's so close to you." Shaking your head back to tune into Marcus, you try and get a little closer, leaning towards his strong figure. You notice a difference in his breathing as he follows your lead, moving in closer, "Did you, um, did- did you have anymore questions?" his eyes remaining on your notebook. Curious, you face him. He turns just as you do. He's so close to you; Marcus Moreno is inches away from your face. "Say something! Your hot teacher is totally into you too!! But what if he isn't?? No. He is one-hundred-percent into you!" Reaching up, he covers your hand with his, carefully squeezing it. "I...um, I-"
"Shhh...quiet, sweetheart."
His eyes make their way down your face, landing on your lips. Air stutters as it leaves your chest, the tension pushing it out of you. Marcus wets his lips before leaning in, your mouths almost touching, his warm eyes peer to yours slowly. The sensation of his thumb, rough and calloused, sliding across your delicate lips sends a shiver from your spine to the warmth between your legs. You moan at his touch while you grind yourself into the seat, gasping at the touch of his free hand gliding up to your heat, rubbing you through your denim as his pants grow tighter. The desire for him becomes unbearable, "Please, Mr. Moreno..." His mouth now lightly against your ear, his breath raking down your neck. How much more of this can you take? You need him now, "Mr. Moreno-" His voice, husky as it rests in your ear, his hand tugging at your zipper, 
"Call me Marcus"
Tag List: @absurdthirst @autumnleaves1991-blog
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Quidditch and T
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Pair: Ron Weasley x Reader; he/him; transmasculine reader.
Summary: Harry surprises Ron with tickets to the Quidditch World Cup after the war, after Hermione and after finding out Ron has a crush on the first professional trans masculine the Chudley Canons or the World Cup has ever seen. 
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol, tiny amount of transphobia?? super long, focuses on Ron more than it should, super long and probably really bad.
Notes: Trans masculine reader again! We love to see it- No one asked for this but I liked the idea. Also, Ron has long hair because I love him and Harry is a good friend. The bestest of friends.
Even with the second wizarding war years behind them, everyone struggled to regain control over themselves. Loved ones were lost far too soon, strained relationships came crashing down and businesses all but shattered like glass, but that was a year or two after. Families were beginning to recover and move forward, but some struggled. It was only natural, that was why the Ministry decided to bring at least a tiny bit of normality back to everyone's life with the Quidditch World Cup. They thought it would bring some light in the barely lit times everyone lived in.
While life for some was morphing back to a semi stable state, times were transitioning to a new era. Of course, no one batted an eye or fought against her when the Hermione Jean Granger demanded rights for wizards, witches and sorcerers who were, for lack of a better word, different. Not after everything she’d done for the world with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and especially not after S.P.E.W.  The world really was shifting for the better.
She created two acts for equality. If house elves can have it, why can’t magical humans who just- feel different. Hermione called it S.P.L.A.T.E.R, also known as Sorcerers Lover Protection Against The Everyday Routine, and it was meant to protect wizards and witches who desire relationships with the same sex against discrimination. The talented witch went on to create a similar movement against portraying gender and identity; The Sorcerer’s Typical Identity or Gender May Alter Shield, better known as S.T.I.G.M.A.S. Both were very welcomed by the public, which happened a good year before the game would be returning, and that led to you gaining your dream job.
You were able to join the Chudley Cannons, your dream team despite their reputation. You were naturally talented on a broom and weren’t afraid to pull some risky stunts to get the golden snitch, plus it fueled your ego to hear the crowd gasp, go silent then cheer loud enough to be heard from Mars. The team and their fans didn’t care that you were the only trans masculine player, in fact, they loved you! The team was very proud to have you be their seeker and it was even better when the Cannons got into the World Cup. You basically carried the team, and they fucking knew it.
Your face made the front page almost weekly, quoting comments from your games and showing off your merchandise like it was no big deal. While you caught the attention of many wizards, witches and magical humans in between, there was one who was absolutely fascinated, maybe borderline obsessed, with you. You somehow stuck in his head, causing him to repaint his room in his shared flat bright orange just like his childhood bedroom. The ex-auror even went as far as getting your newly printed poster. He would glance at it when he was writing letters to his mother, but then would spend a good few solid minutes staring at it, daydreaming about meeting  you and lose track of time. Life got a little harder with the moving poster in his room. Of course you had no idea the famous Ron Weasley was a die-hard fan of yours.
The youngest Weasley son ended up being the first out of three up everyday just to read the newest info about (Y/n) ‘Point Breaker’ (L/n) and the rest of the team. He didn’t want to admit it, but he knew enough about you to be considered a borderline stalker and couldn’t help but spew facts about you to his twin brothers. Those very twins would tease him about his newly found crush but were secrealty very happy that he was getting over his heart break.
Ron and Hermione, more Hermione, had decided splitting and remaining friends was better for them, leading to the poor bloke locked in the spare room of his older brother's flat for a solid week. They told everyone it was mutual, but it was clear to Fred, George and Harry that it was most definitely not a decision that they were both fond of. Harry could still remember the frantic howler he got from Fred and George saying their little brother all but stopped functioning as a human.
He only started eating and showering once he heard the team was up and running again. He figured that was why Harry showed up to the flat one afternoon with tickets to the sold out game. When Ron asked his best mate how he got them, he just smiled and said something about knowing people and favors being exchanged. The ticket was more like a bandage encased in clear plastic and stuck to a lanyard, which is what Ron was fiddling with the day of the game when his best friend suddenly appeared in the middle of the flat.
“Bloody hell, Harry!” Ron screeched out as he steadied himself in his chair. His hand gripped at the shirt on his chest and chose to ignore the head rushing to his cheeks. “Could’ve sent me a warning!” He let out a slow sigh, trying to steady his rapid heart beat. 
“Where’s the fun in that?” Harry laughed out. The professor had his hands in his jacket pocket, a sly grin across his face. “Come on then! Game’s gonna be starting soon!” The raven haired male all but yaned his freckle covered friend out of the chair.
“Ok! Ok, sheesh. Let me grab a jacket.” The red-head knew this was going to be a game that leaked late into the night. Both teams were itching to get the trophy and forget about their troubles- It was gonna be absolutely beautiful. 
Grabbing his coat and reaching into the pocket, Ron pulled out an elastic band and put his hair up into a messy bun quickly before tucking the jacket into his arm. He walked over to Harry, who was gazing at the photo-covered walls of the flat.
“If you want, I can take ca-” Harry was cut off by Ron grabbed his hand.
“No, it’s fine. I like it like this.” Ron shook his head back and forth causing the messy ball to swap back and forth. “Come on. You were the one rushing us.” Harry let out a simple chuckle before apperating them to the field. 
“Tadah!” Harry did a fancy little wave, gesturing to the crowded field and began to make his way down the hell, passing by the old boot. Ron looked down at it as they passed before looking back at his best friend.
“Damn, it has been far too long.” Ron sighed out. A smile broke out across his face when he saw little kids running around with paint covered faces and happy couples sharing tea outside of their tents. “Do we have a tent?” 
“Nope, won’t be needing one this time around.” Harry shoved his hands in his pants pocket.
“No ten- Blimey, Harry, this is a game! This is going to go on for hours-”
“Won’t need it my arse. Hours, Harry. Where are we going to sit? The damp ground?” Ron was flaring his hands about.
“We get to spend our time in the Minister’s Box, Ron, relax.” Harry shook his head in mock disapproval before adjusting his glasses and moving forward. 
“Minister’s Box-” Ron’s voice stuttered out.
“Yeah! Isn’t that cool? We’re gonna be in the middle of the action!” Harry waved to a child who had recognized him with a smile.
“Ministry box-” Ron was’t used to such luguries, even after working with his brothers at their shop. Harry figured he’d never get used to being spoiled like this. It made him choke back a soft snicker.
“Yes, Ronald, the Minister’s Box, now hurry up! I told them we’d get there before the game started so we can chat.” Harry grabbed the lagging boy’s wrist and proceeded to maneuver through the crowd with him. 
“How did ya score this, Harry?” Ron all but yelled over the crowd. Once Harry dragged them through the crowd and to the front doors of the stadium, he spoke up.
“Remember when we went on that assignment to stop LeStrange again? Just before her Dementors Kiss about a month before we quit?” He handed the ticketier his lanyard to check over. Ron did the same before they both entered.
“Yeah? What about it?” Ron’s blue eyes glanced across the crowded inside. Gods, it really had been a while since he’d been here. It felt normal, like he almost hadn’t lost Fred to an explosion, like Harry’s life wasn’t on the line everyday, like every day wasn’t terrifying. Ron turned his attention back to his friend when he spoke up again.
“Well just before that, I went on a loner mission. This one involved taking care of some dark witch who was claiming she could bring back the dead and threatened to bring back Voldemort and the Death Eaters, so they sent me down to check it out.” Harry led him to an elevator, where the gate opened allowing the pair to step in. There was an exhausted looking male standing in uniform, most likely a worker from the Ministry himself. “Ministers Box, kind sir. Thank you.” The gate closed with a shuttering rattle and soon they were moving upward. Green eyes turned back to blue to finish the story. “Anyway, turns out she was actually trying to resurrect the noseless twat, but instead of over time or promotion, I asked for this and the best seats in the house. Figured this would be a good gift for you.”
“Gift? Harry, bud, mate, my fuckin best friend.” Ron placed a hand on Harry’s shoulder. “You didn’t have to do this for me. You’ve already done your fair share of helping me. Blimey, I’m not worth this.”
The gate opened again, allowing the two ex-aurors to step out but not before tossing a few sickles to the poor man who looked bored out of his mind. Ron casted him a short wave before he was sent back down.
“You deserve more than a crummy game and a nice seat, Ronnie. You literally helped me destroy Voldemort.”
“I didn’t do that much and besides it’s not a crummy game!” Ron took his hand away from Harry's shoulder. They walked down the short hallway to the door leading to their seats, but paused just before opening it. “That’s fuckin wild, isn’t it?” Ron grumbled out. “Was she smooched by a Dementor in the end?” 
“Yup. All her research was swiped and burned. Anyone and everyone she knew was obliviated. Now enough talk about old work, let’s relax.” Harry spoke before opening the door and allowed Ron to walk in first. 
The room was bigger than Gred and Forge’s flat, Ron was sure of it. It had silvery blue walls and a huge open window in the front, showing off the screaming fans and showed the entire field which held the perfect view. He couldn’t help his eyes from darting across the fancy black leather seats and the buckets of ice holding expensive bottles of wine, flasks of firewhiskey and glass pitchers giggle water and suddenly Ron wanted to cry and simultaneously brag to Malfoy. Sure, he hadn’t seen the blonde in a year or so but it’d be nice. The red-head didn’t realise he was drifting toward the giant window until someone spoke up, snapping him out of his thoughts. 
“Ah! Mr. Potter! Mr. Weadley, I’m so glad you could make it!” A wizard dressed in a suit came scurrying over, his chapeign glass almost overflowing with foam.
“It’s Weasley, actually.” Harry didn't hesitate to speak up. “But of course! I was thrilled when Ron decided to come with me! I couldn’t have caught that witch without him. Anyway, where will we be seated?” Harry was using his Auror Voice™ while Ron stood there, trying to recall how on earth he helped his best friend with a case he wasn’t even on.
“I did wh-?” Ron was interrupted.
“Ah. My apologies. Of course, of course.” The man in the suit adjusted his tie before gesturing to the window in the front with his glass.. “Front row, just as you requested.” He took a sip from his glass before walking off to the seat he came from, talking to the witch next to him. 
Harry thanked the man before grabbing Ron’s wrist and bringing him over to their seats. He sat Ron at the seat right in the middle of the big opening. Harry could actually see his friends blue eyes gloss over with tears, causing Harry to chuckle into his hand.  It was so worth fighting that witch and staying in St. Mungos for a week with a concussion, broken hand and a stupid spell that nearly killed him.
“Bloody fucking hell, Harry. What did you do to get these seats?” Ron’s voice did little to hide his excitement. Harry released a chuckle over his friend's excitement, but the sound got louder when Ron literally threw his jacket haphazardly onto the seat only for it to fall to the tiled floor.
“I already told you. Don’t worry about it.” Harry took his seat as he grabbed a bottle of wine from the ice bucket on the coffee table at their feet. He examined the label before nodding his head and popping open the cork.
“Wish I had a camera. Ginny would’ve loved this.” Ron walked past the table to the window, resting his hands on the railing and leaning over, looking across the field.
“Ron, she’s a professional coach-” Harry rolled his eyes, testing the wine with a small sip. He set the dark, tall bottle down on the table with a clank.
“Fred and George then.” Ron turned back to his friend and walked over, plopping himself down in his seat with confidence. Harry snorted, almost dropped his drink all over himself. This was therapeutic; he got to spend time with his best friend without the ever looming death threat of Nose-less Snakey Man breathing down his neck. 
“Yes, I’m sure their jealous tears could flood the shop.” Harry’s voice was filled with sarcasm and it had Ron laughing too. Harry checked his watch while the giggling red-head grabbed an empty glass at the table in front of them and poured himself a shot of firewhiskey. “It’s about 5:53. Game should be starting at 6 something.” He turned to Ron, casting him a smile while he brought his glass to his lips. “Wanna talk about your newest boyfriend or should I ask him for the details myself?”
Ron almost spat out his drink, his hand coming up quickly to catch the dribbles falling off his lips. Blood rushed to his cheeks, ears and before he knew it, he was bright red. He wiped his hands on his jeans, his bottom lip drawn between his teeth.
“I’m sorry, my what? Harry, I’d be lucky if he gave me the time of day let alone be my boyfriend!” Ron ran his hands through his hair, his eyes cast downward into his drink. “I mean, have you seen me lately?” He gestured to himself. “I’m a bloody mess. He could do better anyway.”
“You’re not a mess, Ron, anything but. In fact, you’re probably more put together than I am. Ginny would beg to differ, but I’m sure it’s true.” Harry shook his head in disapproval before taking another sip from his glass. “Besides, you’re a good guy. You did get Mione to fall for you and you are kinda well known, aren't you? I say you got a better chance than most.” Once the niorette male finished, he turned to look at his friend who nodded his head in silent agreement before deciding to change the topic.
“How is Gin, by the way?” 
Harry answered with a long explanation that she was good, but one of her chaser’s kept giving her trouble and didn’t believe Ginny was good for the team. The Harpies would be starting their first game soon and Ron made a note to buy a ticket. The questions came around to his brothers, of course, so Ron 
“Hey! Good for them!” Harry refilled his drink once it was finished and put the glass back in the ice bucket. “And good for you.” Harry checked his watch again when it beeped out, indicating the change in hour. “Game time!” 
The room went silent as the minister walked over to the window, doing his usual speech, but no one was really listening. Ron's legs were bouncing with excitement while his eyes looked across the white, green and orange fans waving flags. Ron should’ve known it would've been the Kenmare Kestrels duking it out against the Chudleys Cannons.
The crowds were going absolutely ballistic over the Kestrels and the screaming only seemed to get louder once the Cannon’s made their appearance. He watched the players zoom past the window, felt the air rush past him and before he could control himself, Ron was back at the railing, practically leaning over. His eyes bounced around the orange and black colored players for the new seeker.
“Harry!” Ron gestured pathetically behind him. “Harry! Come here! Look-” Ron pointed across the field to the seeker who was taking circles in the middle, taking in the crowd. He couldn’t help but stare at your confident smirk as you pulled the goggles over your eyes, casting the crowd a wink. The red-head basically melted.
“Godric, your smitten, aren’t you?” Harry was leaning against the railing next to his friend, his glass still in hand. A smirk came across his lips when his friend turned red again.
“Shut it.”
“You a Cannon fan, Mr.Wealsey?” 
The two ex-aurors turned to see the man who approached them earlier coming to Ron’s free side. The man held a cocky grin and a new drink in his hand, most likely giggle water. The red-head turned back to the game once the whistle sounded.
“Yeah. Have been for years.” Ron didn’t take his eyes off the field.
“Huh, even with their sour reputation? I’m more of a Bats fan, myself. Wouldn’t count this game in favor of the Chudley’s though, new seeker and all.” The man scoffed before sipping his drink. “Good seekers are hard to find. Hogwarts was lucky to have you though, Mr. Potter. Should’ve played Quidditch professionally, if you ask me.”
The two males shared a look with each other and came to the conclusion it’d be better to not fight the man on his clearly biased opinion and clear ass kissing. The pair gazed on, ignoring the crowd forming behind them the longer the game went on. Ron almost shoved his friend over when the announcer yelled you spotted the snitch. Ron blinked and you were standing on your broom, balancing perfectly, leaned over, golden snitch just a few inches from your fingertips.
“He’s a risky bloke, isn’t he?” Harry spoke up, hands going to his chaotic locks. “Gdoric, he’s gonna fall!” He squealed out when your foot shifted just a little too far on the broom.
“He’s bonkers.” Sir Pompous sneered out over his fancy drink, causing Ron to audible groan. 
“Sod off, will you?” Ron was so fucking sick of this man. “Stop bein’ pissy he has more balls than you and he was born without them.” He shot the suited wizard a glare before turning back to the game.  He let out a cheer when you finally grasped the snitch, plopping yourself down on the broom. The freckled male turned to Sir Pompous and smirked. “So.. Wouldn’t put this game in their favor, huh?”
The wizard turned on his heel, grumbling what the two friends assumed to be insults as he walked shamefully to his seat. Harry and Ron clinked glasses, giggling like school girls as they took a victory shot. They sat back in their seats, discussing games and just over all basking in the win. 
“Godric, I could get used to living like this.” Ron sat back, spreading his legs and just feeling confident. Harry rolled his eyes.
“I can’t afford to do this all the time, Ron.”
“I can dream, can’t I?” Ron didn’t blink twice when the door to the ministers box opened or when two voices spoke up. He was busy relaxing.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Coach Dorkins! The Chudley’s have always been my favorite-” The same kiss ass from earlier, spewing the same pompous bullshit as earlier. Ron was gonna fake a gag, but he hesitated. Coach Dorkins? Coach of the- of his favorite team? 
“Ah, well, thank you, but I’m just here to drop off Point Breaker.” As your coach went on with his arm now wrapped around you. Ron whipped around, his jaw was dropping to the floor. “Got a favor to fill in for an old friend. Ah, there he is! Potter!”
“Nice to see you again.” Harry stood up and shook hands with the coach. Ron’s blue eyes bounced between his old friend, his favorite coach and his favorite player. What the fuck was going on? Ron shrunk into his seat when you glanced over. He was acutely aware of his messy outfit and hair and- did he brush his teeth? “Ah! I should introduce you to my good friend, Ronald Weasley-” Harry waved over to his friend, a smile on his face. Ron stood up as well, but almost fell into his chair when he saw you shaking hands with his old friend and suddenly everyone was turning to him.
“Uh-hi-” When did his voice get all high pitched and creaky again. He cleared his throat, wiping his hands on his jeans before shaking hands with the coach. “Sorry, big fan.” 
Dorkins shook his head, saying how he understood between deep chuckles. The male then turned to you, who was standing by his side. He introduced you to the red-head while you held a similar, nervous smile on your face. You held your hand out as you spoke up finally. 
“I know all about you, Mr. Weasley. Well, no not- Wait, not everything like.. Like everything everything, like um- I.. well- Ok, let me start again.” You cleared your throat, shaking the ex-aurors hand. “Hi, I’m (Y/n). I’m a fan, Mr. Weasley.”
Ron was just kinda shaking your hand, confusion filled in his brain. He was just running over your rambling and was so confused. 
“You’re a fan of me?”
“The famous auror? Of course!” You were grinning now and he found himself just staring at you. The two of you missed how Potter and Dorkins were chuckling about star struck fans and wondered somewhere else in the room.
“You played great today-” Ron almost blurted out, his voice turning prepubescent again.
“Thank you! You don’t think it was too much? Too flashy?” 
“No, no, I’d say it has the perfect amount of flash.” Ron shot you a lopsided smile. The smile allowed you to relax some, the star struck tension between the two of you almost dispersing completely as you joked back and forth. You soon found yourself sitting in Harry's abandoned seat, chatting away like you had been friends since your school years. 
“So then- then- hold on, stop laughing-Haha! No, shh! We stole my dad's car just to save him! My brothers didn’t even try to talk me out of it! The only thing my older brother said was “yeah, get the car. We’re gonna find out if it’s considered kidnapping if we’re children"! Mum really chewed us out when we got back that mornin’!” Ron finished his 7th story that night while you were enjoying a nice glass of cold water. You couldn’t get over his terrible impressions of his brothers. More than a few times his stories led to you almost choking on your drink or just letting out a loud laugh.
You told him some stories about your life at home too and only got encouraged by his snickering behind his own drink. You were so open with him, telling him stories of quidditch practice and the strange gifts you got from fans, his favorite being a bra with your face hand painted on it. 
More time passed by as you chatted, finally coming around to just playing 20 questions just day to day stuff. Now, it was your turn to ask a question and honestly, the game shouldn’t even be called 20 questions, it was more like 500 questions.
“Ok. Ok. Is it true that you had a thing for Krum?” You grinned when his cheeks turned red. “I heard from a chaser that you were here when we got on the field and our  keeper was willing to bet his life on this rumor that you had a fling with Krum.” 
“N-no, no fling! Just uh- more of a sexual awakening, if you will.” Ron snorted out, rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes turned away from yours for the first time that night, casting his gaze out across the empty field.
“Ooh! What is the great Ron Weasley’s sexual preference?” You leaned forward, your grin turning to a teasing smirk. You put a hand on his shoulder when he started stuttering over his words. “Come on! You can tell me! I don’t spill secrets.”
“Would hot quidditch players be an acceptable answer?” Ron was playing with a spare ponytail holder on his wrist now, his face turning redder.
“I’d say so.” You smiled, setting down your water glass. 
“What about you?”
“I told you mine. It’s only fair, Point Breaker. Spill it.” It was Ron’s turn to get cocky as you blushed. 
“May or may not be hot ex-aruros, but who’s keeping track.” You were not going to admit you’d been fanboying over the red-head since his face came across the Daily Profit. While he knew a lot about your game stats and quotes, you knew about the dark wizards he fought against, how he helped Granger and Potter and decided fighting was too much.
“Oh really?”
“I said maybe. Don’t get cocky. Besides, I could mean Harry-”
“I have a feeling you don’t mean him.”
“Well, what are you going to do about it?”
“How about a date?” Ron leaned back in his chair, gauging your reaction. He mentally sighed when you didn’t appear grossed out or scared.
“Hmm, let me think. “ You pretended to count stuff on your fingers before smiling at the red-head. “Leaky Cauldron?”
“Sure! Tuesday?”
“I’m free after 6.”
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m111nho · 4 years
What a shame
What if after you joined the scouts in order to help Eren get through his Titan experiments with the special operations squad you start getting close to the captain whom you've been bickering with all along?
(A/N) I thought about this while listening to "what a shame" by leyla blue so enjoy,,,I'll probably do sum parts lol.So I'm 4'11 irl,I didn't do it so Levi would be taller.
swearing,kind of violence, insinuated smut, agegap
around 4.8k words<3
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(F/N)'s POV
It's now been twenty four hours after the stupid trial they held for Eren and we are about to set off for the old scouts' quarters where Eren will be going under a number of experiments.Now don't get me wrong I love Eren but requesting me to join him with the special operations squad to help him get through it? Couldn't he have asked Mikasa or Armin instead?Well I know they chose me because I was the only one of age,still though at eighteen Mikasa is still stronger than me so I don't see a problem with her replacing me.Yesterday's still fresh in my mind,after the trial Commander Erwin and Captain Levi approached me while I was sitting with Sasha.
"Cadet (L/N) can you join us in my office?"I heard a voice behind me say,I turned around and I was shocked.Commander Erwin with Captain Levi were asking me to join them to Commander's office.Oh shit what did I do?
"Yes sir."I saluted and looked him in the eyes feeling intimidated,I didn't even look at Captain,hell he even scared me from what he did to Eren about an hour ago.He beat the shit out of him infront of everyone for god's sake!
I followed behind them through hallways taking a few turns to Commander's office.I was the last one to enter and I closed the door behind me bracing myself for what's to come.
"Please take a seat (F/N)."Said the commander and I awkwardly sat down in front of them.Then I took the courage to look at Captain only to find steely gray eyes looking back at me,however I kept looking at him while I felt my face getting hot.Now that I've taken a better look at him I don't understand why people don't find him attractive,his face is symmetrical with a straight nose and he has a killer jawline.His hair is pitch black and styled nicely and overall he has a good physique even though he is indeed short,he is taller than me by a few inches though.Of course I've heard the stories of humanity's strongest soldier and how incredible he is but to be honest after today I think that he's nothing more than an entitled ass.A very attractive entitled ass.
I turned my head around to face commander and before I could speak he started talking.
"Don't worry cadet you're not in trouble." I let out a breath I didn't know I held. "What we want from you,is kind of a command." he continued.
"Oh." I said and he probably noticed the glimmer of confusion in my (e/c) eyes.
"Well Eren Jaeger will be brought to the old quarters of the Survey Corps under the supervision of the special operations squad led by Captain Levi,"he motioned to the raven haired man who stood still with an expressionless face."And since Eren will be experimenting all the time I thought that it would be good for him to see familiar faces,so we handpicked you to join him."he finished and I was left speechless.
"Sir,I'm sure Eren would prefer for either cadet Ackerman or cadet Arlert to join him,they're all very close."I said and looked up to the intimidating commander.
"Nonesense the reason we picked you is because you're of age and on top of your class." he replied.
"It's actually cadet Ackerman who's on top,I come in second but okay.I will be joining Jaeger and the special operations squad if that's your command."I slumped down my shoulders.
He nodded and started filling me in on what I would be doing there for the rest of the month.
I sighed turning back to see Petra who was talking with Eld.Oluo was talking about something irrelevant with Eren while Gunther was just waiting for Captain's order for departure.I learned all their names yesterday at dinner since we'll spend quite some time together.Eld and Gunther were more quiet and laid back,Oluo was the one trying to imitate the captain so he talked a lot about past missions and himself.Petra was sweet and I could see she admired captain a lot.Maybe a bit too much but that wasn't for me to judge,she was a few years older than me so we clicked.
"Oi"we heard from the very front of our formation,"We're leaving,follow my lead."Captain Levi said with a stone cold face.
A couple of ''yes sir's" were thrown and we started our journey on our horses.By noon we could see the White castle nestled in between the green of the forest.I was chatting with Petra about her Father,he seemed very sweet like her,when captain spoke.
"So when we arrive we'll be cleaning the whole place,got it?" he said looking at me and Eren.
Both of us nodded frantically but I sighed internally.I never really liked cleaning,I found it boring but I always kept my body and clothing clean,I hated the feeling of filth on me it reminded me of the streets.
We continued galloping until we reached the gates of the castle,it was massive.Oh hell no we'd spend the whole day and night cleaning it,the place looked dirty and in no way shape or form fit for residence.
It was now starting to get dark, it's been a few hours since we arrived and we've been cleaning non-stop.Captain ordered me and Eren to clean the whole the left wing.Eren wouldn't stop talking and all I could do is mentally block him out of my head to keep going with the cleaning.A knock was heard from the door of the room we're now cleaning, a second later captain Levi opened the door and I had to compose myself so I wouldn't laugh.He wore a white bandana over his hair and a fucking mask.Both me and Eren saluted.
"Are you done here?"he asked eyeing the room.
"Not yet captain,we still have a room left but we'll get right to it."said Eren before I could speak,I was still trying to hold my laughter in.
"Eren go start the other room and leave (F/N) to finish this, you'll get it over with more quickly,she will join you when she's done."he ordered and Eren agreed,running off to the next room.
I picked up the rug I was working with on the window and started scrubbing, painfully aware of captain's steely eyes on me.
"I don't know why Erwin picked you to join us."a quiet voice said behind me.
"In all honesty captain neither do I."I said not loosing my temper or turning around,I was familiar with his rude remarks,having heard a lot of soldiers complain about it over the years.I didn't hear anything apart from the door behind me close,leaving me alone.
In what felt years later we were done and heading down to the kitchen to grab some food.I caught Petra by the stairs and we walked down to the kitchen meeting an already seated captain.Petra practically run to the table and I flinched at the noise her shoes made sliding on the rocky floor.
"Captain would you like me to make you some tea?"she asked while I sat two seats away from the head of the table.
"No thank you Petra,I am already aware that you know how to make tea.Cadet (L/N) will make some for all of us."he said looking at me and I returned his gaze slightly nodding.Standing up I made my way to the kettle that was already filled with water,placing it on the stove.A yellow light filled the room and I took the tray with the cups,placing it on the table infront of the captain.When I heard the water bubbling I walked over to the kettle,taking it off the stove and throwing three teabags in it,swirling it around and letting it steep.Minutes later I took the teabags out and held the kettle in my hands.Now back at the table I started with the captain,taking a cup off the tray and placing it near his hand.I could smell his hair from where I was standing,which by the way was kind of behind him and a bit on the left side while pouring tea in his cup.I looked down to him and found him starring sight back to me.
"Do you take it with sugar or milk sir?"I asked keeping the eye contact.He raised his eyebrows.
"No,thank you."I nodded and walked around the table pouring tea to every single one of the special operations squad,Eren and then myself.I could see from the corner of my eye captain holding his cup in a peculiar way,instead of holding it from the handle like a normal fucking person,he holded it from the rim,his palm over the opening.Pouring the last bit of tea to my cup as I sat down I looked at Eren who was talking with Eld,Eld was sitting both on my left and captain's while Oluo was sat at captain's right with Petra next to him on his right .Next to me was Gunter at my right and at the far end of the table was Eren.I drifted off looking down at my cup on the table,my hand wrapped around it when a noise was heard from the kitchen's entrance.It was section commander Hange Zoë.They were supposed to come in tomorrow but I guess they were too excited.
"I was examining two titans we caught alive in the city,I would love for you to help me with tommorrow's experiments.I came here to ask for you permission." they said to Eren.
"An experiment?What am I going to do exactl-" Hange cut him off before he could finish.
"What else except of the amazing thing you already do?"
"Well I can't give you the permission, you see someone else in charge for me."he replied and Hange turned to captain.
"Levi does Eren have to do something tommorrow?"they asked and Captain seemed displeased.
"He has to clean the garden."his reply was short.
"Fine then it's settled!Eren tommorrow we're going to collaborate!"they said taking his hand in theirs.Eren looked overwhelmed.
"Yes."he stuttered."But what kind of experiments to you do with titans?"he asked and their face lit up.
"Uhm,what exactly are this experiments?"he asked once again.Then Oluo spoke.
"Hey stop.Don't ask them this."he said and I looked back at Hange.
"Ah I knew it,your expression have away your desire for knowledge!"the captain suddenly sat up along with everyone else and I did the same.I waved Eren goodbye mouthing <<goodnight>>.I felt kinda bad leaving him there all alone with Hange but he asked for it.As I turned to the left where my assigned room was I was stopped from the captain.
"Since Eren will be accompanying Hange, you'll be cleaning the garden.Understood?"he motioned down infront of the window where an overgrown carden was.I sighed, tommorrow was my day off and I really didn't want to spend it this way.
"I'm sorry captain I'm afraid I can't, tommorrow's my day off."I said respectfully and his jaw clenched.
"I see Erwin hasn't informed you about this,that bastard always leaves the hard work to me."he whispered the last part,almost to himself."Cadet while you're with us here,you will not be having days off."he stated sternly.What?
"What?I never agreed to this."
"You don't need to,these are orders cadet."
"Then I don't want to follow orders."I am not loosing my long awaited day off for this shit.
"You see (F/N), you really don't have a choice so go to sleep and be up at dawn or there'll be consequences, besides it's almost curfew."he swiftly turned around and walked on the opposite direction.Great.
As if his orders were engraved in my mind I really did wake up at dawn.Groaning I dragged myself out of bed and in the bathroom,I doubt anyone will be awake at this time so I didn't bother to change off my nightclothes which consisted of a long white tank top,I noticed that the awaited morning cold had hardened my nipples,and a pair of loose fitting pants.I actually stole these from Reiner,he was about to throw them away anyway because of a rip on the left knee.I sewed it up and now it was my favourite piece of clothing I owned.The cold water run down my body and it waked me up instantly,grabbing the soap bar I scrubbed my hair thoroughly.It smelled like lavender.Finishing up cleansing my body,I run the cold water once a gain to rinse off.I reached for the towel and wrapped it around my body,with my left hand I clenched on the material in order to secure it on my body and on the other hand I had my nightclothes.Walkind down the corridor I shivered,I almost dropped my towel when a dark figure appeared infront of me whilst I made a turn.
"By the walls captain you scared the shit out of me!"I cursed forgetting the ultimately embarrassing situation I was in for a moment.But that moment didn't last long when I remebered my appearance.I felt captain's body tense up under the back of my hand.I was practically stuck on his front so I took a couple of steps back,my face now red from the embarrassment of my captain seeing me like this.I heard him clear his throat and he most probably regained his composure.
"Uh change,have breakfast and go start with the garden.I'll be joining you shortly after I make sure four-eyes doesn't kill Jaeger."he said and I nodded sprinting to my room.Unaware of the pair of bright brown eyes that just saw my entire encounter with captain.
Quickly I pulled on my chest wrappings,underpants and a white shirt with my military trousers.I didn't have to wear the harnesses today so I ditched them in the chair near my bed and I laced up my leather boots.I combed my wet hair with my fingers,they fell just bellow my shoulders in a middle part.The kitchen was empty but it looks like someone has already brewed some tea and there's porridge on the stove.I ate quickly,drinking my tea in a hurry and I left the kitchen.The garden was peaceful but also chaotic.It was so overgrown with weeds and it desperately needed organisation,the stone path was also cover in moss.I picked up the water/vinegar solution and a scrubber.I started working on the stone pavement,getting the moss off.
Some time later it was finally finished,the sun now brightly above my head.A few drops of sweat run down my forehead,my hand willing them off in an instant.
"Oi cadet!How is it going?"captain's voice said.
"So now you join me? It's been surely hours!"just breathe (F/N) don't let your anger take over you.He seemed to catch on my anger even though I tried my best to cover it.I felt a harsh grip on my chin,tilting it up where I met his cold eyes.I was still on my knees and his force hold didn't help.
"Why are you complaining cadet?I already told you I'd be joining you when it was possible."
"Couldn't you have joined me earlier,it surely wouldn't take you more than a few minutes to ensure Eren's safety."I spat at him.
"Now brat even if I didn't join you,you still would have to finish this garden.It's orders."he said releasing my chin from his grasp.My eyes shot daggers at him,only if he weren't my boss..."Anyways I'll help you finish so we can start training."he finished.Training?
"Training?Why?"I asked
"Because." he replied and began to pull on weeds from the garden.What an asshole.Having no other option I did too and almost an hour later we were done.
"Four-eyes must have finished now,I'll get the others,you though should wear your gear."
Truly in about a quarter of a clock we were standing all together for training.Apparently Eren didn't have any progress in transforming,now with a bangdaged hand.
"Warm up, we're doing hand to hand combat today.I'm pretty sure you know it isn't as important with titans but as a soldier you won't have to face only those.Hand to hand combat is something you should rely on when times get tough."said captain."Petra you're with Eren,Gunther you're with Oluo and (F/N) you're with me,I want to test your abilities."he finished,I suppose Eld was helping Hange with something.
Everyone got in a line,captain in front of me.I made sure to keep my ground while he was just there waiting for me to do something.I could hear everyone else grunting while they fought with eachother,yet me and Captain we're not rushing ourselves, circling around each other.
"Aren't you going to make a move on me captain?Afraid aren't we?"I said with a smirk and he scoffed.
"It's not my fucking skills that are being tested (F/N) so just start."he did have a point so with all my strength I went in with my right fist straight to his face,I already knew he'd avoid it so the moment he did I tripped him using my leg.He did however notice and he wasn't about to fall down,at least without me.His right hand grabbed my waist and I fell on top of him with a whelp.In my state of surprise he took both of my wrists,rolling over on my body pinning them over my head.I grunted,his smug face inches from my own,he really did have beautiful eyes.It looked as if I was defeated but I had another trick up my sleeve.Due to my years spent in the streets I had to learn how to adapt so I learnt how to slide over stuff,making me very flexible.Carefully, without him noticing I lifted my right foot from under him and brought it over his left side,me now rolling over him,in his now surprised state his grip on my hands loosened.I retrieved full control of my wrists so I yanked them off his palms completely.I grabbed each one of his hands and pinned them to his sides,now sitting on top of his waist.
"Shorty has lost finally!" a voice said,Hange.
"Tsk,you win cadet,now get off me."I did exactly as he said.He walked back into the castle after dismissing us.
"Oh my god (F/N)!Captain hasn't lost in hand to hand combat,like never!"Petra walked over to me.
"Really?"woah."Well there's a first for everyone,now let's go to eat I'm fucking starving."
After I showered and changed again,fucking Levi had to choose hand to hand combat the day I showered,I went to the kitchen to eat with the others,everyone was already in there eating.I joined in the conversation with Oluo about how wall Rose has little to no supplies left while eating.It wasn't so bad here after all...
Since Hange was joining us we had to add an other chair,with us moving around I ended up to the captain's left,a bit closer than I would have liked.I looked at Oluo across from me and flashed him small smile.After we finished I joined Hange to their laboratory,them explaining me what happened today,Eren and the others will experiment more in the evening.They asked me if I wanted to join them but I said no,I wanted to relax for the rest of the day,maybe read some more pages of my book.It was about a girl who was helplessly in love with someone she couldn't have,it was more of a diary to be honest.It tugged painfully on the strings of my heart for a reason.
"(F/N) I'm going to need your help in the library once four-eyes is gone."captain said opening the door of my room and I screeched.
"Captain what are you doing?I could have been bare!"who even does that?
"Nothing I haven't seen before now in about an hour I need you in the library, we're going to organise the books in alphabetical order and dust the shelves."I groaned but hid it with a cough.
"Yes captain."he nodded and left,as soon as he did I fell on my bed cursing at him.
It is now almost night,me and Levi have took out all the books off the selves.We are dusting the inside of the selves but I can't quite reach the top.Being 4'11 at eighteen isn't enjoyable,even the military's shorty is taller than you.
"What's wrong?"he asked,he must have saw me struggling to reach the top shelf on my tiptoes.
"It's nothing sir, it's just that I can't reach the top shelf don't worry though I'll just get on top of a chair."shrugging it off I started walking towards the end of the room where a stack of chairs was placed.
"Don't you dare step on a clean chair with your shoes.I'll just lift you."he said gabbing my waist with both hands and placing me on his right shoulder so easily,as if I weighted nothing.God how was he able to do it? Military training,the guy's probably shredded.No don't think about his body right now what the fuck.
"Uh alright,can you go to the left and as I clean move to the right?"I felt his head nod on the outside of my left thigh and I started moving.When I finished I felt the weight under me gone and in a matter of seconds I was on the ground with a big thud.
"What the fuck captain why'd you do that?"I said while getting up.
"Revenge for this morning."he walked off and towards the door.
"Asshole..."I said quietly to myself,or I thought so.
"What did you say?"fuck fuck fuck.
"Nothing sir."I replied my face getting red.
"Look cadet I don't know who you think you are but addressing your superiors like this is unacceptable."his words came off aggressively but his face stayed stone cold.
"Well I'm sorry but what am I supposed to say to someone who won't accept their defeat because they think they're so damn unbeatable?"I snapped and in seconds I was pinned to the wall next to the selves.
"This is the last time I'll go easy on you brat, I'm your captain and I demand respect."venom dripping from his words,his hands tugging hardly on my jaw.
"I only show respect when I know it'll be returned and with all honesty sir you've been quite an asshole to me today." I smirked and I felt a hand slap my cheek,not hard but enough to make me angry.
"What the fuck did you just say?"his eyes burning into mine.
"What the did you just do?"I bit back wiggling my way off his grasp,pushing him down with all my strength.I was on top of him now just like in training this morning.
He reached out to turn me around with his hands but I took them both and locked them behind my back.I knew I'd regret this later,but I was so damn mad.
"Cadet get off me right now and I'm willing to forget what happened today."he said scowling.
"There's no way in hell I'm doing that until you apologize for being an asshole."I replied smugly.He must've not liked that because next thing I knew I was under him,his nose grazing mine.I could feel his laboured breathing on my lips and a thought flashed in my mind.As soon as it did I pushed it away.
"Let me go!"my voice trembled from both fear and fury.His hand had clutched both my wrists in a tight grip,his other hand under my chin tilting it up so I wouldn't miss his eyes.I felt the steely gaze piercing through my (e/c) one.Without thinking I subconsciously looked down on his panting lips and returned my gaze back to his.His eyebrows slightly raised,his eyes now we're traveling down to my panting lips.I knew what was bound to happen any second right now.He slightly shifted, softening his grip on my wrists,his straight nose moved on top of mine,a ghost of a kiss lingered millimeters above my mouth.I closed my eyes waiting for him to lock our lips but that moment never came,on the contrary I heard a sound of steps nearing the door.Captain quickly rose to his feet,pulling me up with him.
"(F/N)! Captain!"Eren exclaimed.He seemed quite disappointed,I wondered if he failed again.
"Jaeger help (L/N) finish organising the books."he ordered and left the room.
Putting the books back in the shelves a realisation came upon me.He wanted to kiss me,and I was to kiss him back.
Dinner approached and everyone was in the kitchen eating except captain.
"Hey Petra do you know where captain is?"Gunther asked and she shrugged.
"He seemed angry so I don't know,he might not want to eat tonight."
"Why would he be angry though?"
"I don't know but (F/N) you were with him right?Did you guys fight?" Eren interrupted and I wanted to throw my spoon at him.We were great friends but he just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.All eyes on me now.
"Well we did kind of have a disagreement." I said looking at my plate."It's okay I, I'll get him some tea and apologize."they all seemed content with my reply.
The tray wobbled in my hands,I reached his temporary office.Knocking twice I heard a voice behind the door say <<come in>> and so I did.
His gaze didn't falter when I stepped in,walking in a straight line after closing the door,I placed the tray on the desk before him.
"Sir,I would like to apologize for today's incident,I shouldn't have been disrespectful to you and I definitely do not want to be the reason you don't get to enjoy this evening with your comrades."I said and the bastard laughed.He laughed.I've never seen him laugh.That's when I noticed a bottle of dark liquid on the corner of the window behind him.
"Cut the bullshit (F/N) we both know you don't feel sorry for anything that happened today."he said,now I understand,his laugh was a mocking one.I mean he wasn't wrong,I only said that to avoid punishment.He sighed and motioned for me to get to the left side behind the desk so I did.Standing up from his seat,his palm cupped the side of my neck,bringing us closer.He didn't get to do anything else though because I took his face between my hands and pressed our lips together.I sighed into the kiss.He kissed me back,forcefully,teeth grazing my lips.Bevuase of my surprised state of teeth on my lips he took the opportunity to lift me up from my waist,sitting me on top of the desk and slipped his tongue in my mouth.He grunted when my hands left his face and went straight on his hair,running my fingertips over his undercut and tugging at the longer hair on top of it.Humming I slowly tore my lips from his,placing small kissed from his chin to his jaw where I traveled down to his neck,leaving opened mouthed kisses all around until I reached the collar of his shirt.My hands trembled while I unbuttoned the first three buttons off his shirt,moving the collar out of the way I attached my lips on the base of his neck,where it connected with his torso and sucked on the skin,slightly biting it.I was no strangers to lovebites.He sucked in a breathe.
"Fuuuuck." a throaty moan came out of him.I smiled to myself and continued with my work,leaving a few more marks to spots I knew his clothing would cover up.As I pulled away from his torso,I looked up at him.His eyes were full of lust,just like mine.I smiled devilishly at him,kissing him once again.We left the office discreetly and he led me to his room locking the door,pinning me against it.
"After all I don't think you mind discipline."Oh boy.
Streaks of blinding gold twinkled over my eyes the following morning.My face twisted,turning around I let my hand touch the bedding but instead it hooked over a hard surface.Then it hit me.Shit,shit,shit.Last night me...and captain...my eyes widened.Red faced me looked up,captain was sleeping with his hands under my waist.Moments of yesterday's interaction flew through my mind when I heard a groan leave his red lips.His hands tightened around my waist bringing me on top of him.That's when his eyes opened up and found my head in the crook of his neck.The muscles of his stomach tensed up.I rose up using the sheet to cover my chest.
"Uh goodmorning captain?"I said unsure of what to say.He grabbed my nape and forced me on his hard chest once more.
"Shut the fuck up."so he didn't want to talk about yesterday,okay he's saving me the embarrassment.His fingers combed through my hair and I hummed kissing the surface of his chest.He tilted my head up by my hair,I felt something harden against my thigh.Morning sex?Count me in.
When I was about to make a move someone knocked on captain's door.Panicking I pulled away and covered myself in the sheets leaving him naked.
"Captain it's almost nine in the morning,how come you haven't gotten up yet?"Petra.
"I have a headache Petra,I'll come down once the painkiller (L/N) gave me starts working."he replied.
"Oh,I'm sorry to hear that sir.I'll go and make you some tea."her steps became less and less loud until they were completely gone.
I covered him with the sheets and started putting on my clothes.After everything was on I turned to the captain.
"I better get going,see you later captain."I smiled and he nodded.Opening the door and making sure no one was around I returned to my room.Now what the fuck was all this?
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luxekook · 5 years
THE SEVEN || prologue
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: supernatural au with action, angst, smut, and (trace amounts of) fluff
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader fights to survive, attracts a powerful group of demons, and causes general mayhem in a post-apocalyptic new world
⇥ word count: 1.5k
⇥ warnings: nc17, *this fic has scenes of graphic violence*, demons, bloodshed, anarchy, general apocalyptic things, cursing, eventual poly relationship, a made-up language, hints of desire to own, brief mention of abuse, an attempt at world-building
⇥ beta reader: heathy @shadowsremedy​​ - thank u so much!!! i was holding off on beginning this fic for so long, and you really helped me move forward! uwu<3
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The world has completely gone to shit, I think to myself as my blade slices right through my opponent’s eye. The responding roar of the crowd reinforces that thought as the lifeless body slumps to the ground.
Removing my bloodied knife from the man at my feet, I stand, exhaustion kicking in after yet another adrenaline-fueled fight. Gazing out at the surrounding crowd of humans and demons, I narrow my sights on tonight’s guests of honor – the seven demons who would decide if my performance was deemed worthy enough of payment.
Raising my chin in defiance, my eyes meet those of the pompous greed demon of the Ahgase Seven. Lim Jaebeom lounges on a provisional throne flanked by his six brothers. Their combined beauty is ethereal but leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. 
How is it that creatures so prone to evil can be so lovely to look at?
After glancing briefly at each brother, I finally make eye contact with Jackson Wang, the Ahgase’s pride demon. He inclines his head with a satisfied smirk, simultaneously permitting my payment and ordering my swift dismissal.
The callous disregard of my efforts never fails to ignite a familiar burn of fury within me. I fight to the death to earn a week’s worth of food and shelter, and all I get is a fucking nod in response? Complete and utter bullshit if you ask me.
My teeth grind together as I give the slightest and stiffest bow possible in the Ahgase Seven’s general vicinity and stalk out of the Pit. Reminding myself that I actively choose this fate never really helps, given that the alternatives are equally as shit – if not more-so.
Basically, since the planet lost three-fourths of its population in the Reaping, the old capitalistic way of the world is no longer. Now, the main ways to survive deal with what you have to offer as a resource – your body, your skill, your labor, your loyalty. I choose to fight because, for me, it’s the soundest option.
My prior life had been sketchy at best. I had taught Krav Maga, a form of aggressive self-defense and reflexive fighting, to teens and young adults. I also had used Krav Maga (and other more nefarious methods) on abusive parents or guardians, bullies, or romantic partners - the very reasons my students came to my classes.
My resulting ambiguously gray background probably had influenced heaven and hell’s decisions to leave me behind. Still, killing hadn’t come easy for me in the beginning, but now it seems like second nature. In this new era, there are no rules, no moral codes, no winners, no losers. There are only survivors.
And I’ll be damned if I am not one of them.
Last year, the Reaping left us all in chaos and confusion. The supernatural had become natural. Heaven took those deemed worthy and let Hell deal with the rest. But, as it turns out, Hell was just as picky.
For a few days, demons ruthlessly reaped millions of humans and dragged them below the earth. And then the reaping stopped. The humans that remained were left with burned cities, abandoned homes and a complete absence of law. They were a ruthless bunch with questionable backgrounds and ambiguous morals. It honestly made sense that they were left behind – myself included.
The short period after the Reaping brought with it a general mayhem which resulted in looting, fires, and general destruction. The remainder of society was bare-boned, with only the richest areas having luxuries like running water and electricity. I referred to this time period – the lull before the demon Sevens took over – as the pseudo-Hunger Games. I legit had to pull a full Katniss Everdeen in order to stay alive during those two weeks.
Then, finally, the demons rose again.
The demons that rose were power-hungry and desperate to prove themselves worthy to rule over the New Earth. They looked human until you got too close and felt the negative energy that emanated from them. It's almost a built-in warning for those lower on the metaphorical food-chain not to get close to a source of potential harm.
By possessing a demon of each sin category, Sevens were able to bond together and max out their powers. Often, Sevens took on courts and consorts to siphon additional power, but my intel on demons was mostly built on speculation and rumors. The general consensus seemed to be that humans joined demon factions because of the promise of protection, food, and other resources. However, no one usually survived leaving a faction led by a Seven once they had declared fealty.
I vowed to never willingly enter into a Seven’s territory. My freedom and independence were the only things I had left to hold onto. And that was how I ended up in my current situation as a fighter in the Pit, the rough, man-made arena where fighters battle to the death for winnings while the audience bets furiously on their selected victor. No one had bet on me at first, but they learned quickly.
The Pit’s existence sprung out of desperation for distraction. Humans and demons alike needed some form of entertainment away from the monotony and death embedded within everyday life. Located within the Neutral Zone, the Pit provided humans the ability to earn a living and to make a name for themselves. Those that fought in the Pit were only lower on the human totem pole to the Pit Master and to the merchants in the Neutral Zone. Below the fighters were the scavengers, the workers, the peasants, and the lost.
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Marching towards the exit gate, I nod to the next competitor to enter the arena – it might be the last I’d see of them. Pit Master Agra greets me as I step through the gate’s threshold and finally out of the public eye.
“Good work,” she forces a smile that only looks like she’s in pain, “But, next time make sure there’s more blood.”
I say nothing.
Agra takes my silence as acceptance and jerks her head at the empty hallway, indicating my second dismissal of the day. “You have one week until your next fight,” she predictably calls as I make my way down the tunnel towards my makeshift room located in the fighters’ dorms.
I wave a hand carelessly behind me in a sign of recognition. Damn, what I wouldn’t give to challenge her in the Pit.
Pausing outside my room, I struggle to unhook my necklace that held my key. The blood on my fingers still has not fully dried, and I grow increasingly frustrated. I just want to bathe, goddamnit.
“Allow me,” a deep voice purrs from behind me. I shudder as two hands suddenly brush my own away from their hold on the necklace. Warm fingers brush the nape of my neck as the sound of a slight inhale meets my ears.
Fuck, I hope this person isn’t smelling me because I am almost certain the combination of sweat and dried blood is extremely unpleasant.
“There,” the voice rasps, “All done.”
My necklace is gone from my neck, and I turn to retrieve it from whoever just assisted me.
“Oh, fuck,” I hiss, taking in the demon before me. His teal hair is wild and reminiscent of a blue flame. His black eyes are large and slanted, fixed on me with a peculiar expression I just cannot place. His clothes are expensive. I peer closer, inspecting the intricate details on his patterned top. Was that Versace? 
In this economy?
His arm extends to mine. My necklace dangles from one finger carelessly. “Here, mì shaìà (my pet).”
“My name is (y/n),” I grab the necklace and shudder when our fingers brush for a split second, “Not Mishaeya.”
The demon smiles. It’s large and boxy and completely predatory. “(Y/n). Mì shaìà. It doesn’t make a difference.”
Am I missing something? 
“Listen, demon-dude, I just killed someone like five minutes ago. Can you stop being cryptic and just tell me why you’re lurking outside my room?”
“Ah, yes,” he stalks closer to me. My back hits the door to my room. He licks his lips, “I was watching you. You are quite the fighter, little one.”
“Little?” I glance down at my thick and well-muscled self, “Mhm, okay.”
“Are you not scared of me, mì shaìà?” His hand cups my chin, thumb darting out to wipe some blood from the shallow cut across my cheek.
“Should I be?” I front like my heart isn’t beating out of my chest.
“Yes,” he smiles before sucking the droplets of my blood from his thumb. “Surely someone as exquisite as you should need protecting. I’m surprised no one owns you yet, (y/n).”
My back straightens, “No one owns me. No one ever will.”
The demon’s head tilts as he silently studies me for a few moments. He looks like he almost wants to say something before he steps back and bows. “Sleep well, mì shaìà. I will be seeing you again.”
I gape as he walks away from me. A thought strikes me. “Hey!” I call after him, “What’s your name?”
He answers without looking back or breaking his stride, “V.”
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a/n: i made up Deìthi, the language that the demons use in this story. i will keep a running list of translations at the bottom of each chapter as well as putting initial translations in parentheses following the first usage of the word.
Deìthi (The Language of Demons) Translation List:
Mì shaìà - My pet
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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loruleanheart · 3 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 14
Read on ff.net
Read on AO3
Zelda and the others were transfixed as they looked up at the spirit of Calamity Ganon writhing around the castle. The anguish of all Hyrule hung stagnant in the air along with the ambient gurgling sound of malice.
"It's here…" Impa was the first one who managed to speak. "The Calamity has already begun…" She said, at a loss.
"No, No…." Zelda gasped when she noticed malice enter one of the nearby Guardians and became animate. It made a horrible mechanical sound as it turned its 'eye' towards the princess, a red laser appearing on Zelda's chest. Link immediately sprang into action, deflecting the Guardian's blast back at it in a brilliant flash of light.
"Calamity Ganon is taking control of the Guardians!" Zelda lamented. "It's going to turn them all against us!"
"It can do that?" Said Revali in surprise, realization starting to dawn on the Rito champion, as well as the three others. The Calamity was far more cunning than any of them had imagined.
"There are still more on the castle grounds. It's too dangerous. Everyone, protect the princess as we make our retreat!" Impa called.
With that, Link grabbed Zelda's hand, pulling her roughly behind him as he ran down the brick path away from the Castle, which didn't go unnoticed by Astor, feeling an intense wave of sullenness he couldn't shake. They disappeared down the path and the Champions and Sheikah aide followed, no one paying him any mind in the frenzy the Calamity had created.
Astor remained, feeling out of sorts and alone, but determined to fully embrace his new destiny. Hyrule really was on its knees… Especially Zelda, who was being crushed under the weight of her duty. How had he ever been so blinded by Calamity Ganon to want this? To want to harm her? He had almost killed her for the sake of Calamity Ganon… HER! He was barely aware that his fists were clenched, wanting to make her his and spare her all this pain and suffering. The back of his neck was becoming sore as he glared up at the beast he'd once dedicated his life to serving. Calamity Ganon opened its maw to a right angle, and a thunderous roar of rage issued forth as if demanding the prophet make a blood sacrifice of himself to atone for his disloyalty.
Astor smiled up at the beast spitefully.
I wasted so many years of my life on you…. But serving you led me to her… I must thank you… I'm going to live on and create a legacy for myself, and you… You're going to be sealed away… Forever perhaps.
Astor's smile faded as he noticed King Rhoam emerge from the castle's sanctum.
"You're coming with me…" Rhoam said in a stern, matter-of-fact way., The King wielded a huge claymore single-handedly, flanked by three knight attendants.
Astor scowled at the older man, raising his hand to summon his orb, but then thought better of it, giving only a huff of defiance.
"I'm glad I have your cooperation, Astor," Rhoam said, coming close as he brandished his claymore in a vaguely threatening way. The sword was almost as big as he was.
Confident that Astor would not run or fight back, Rhoam nodded to his attendants. "Alright men, retreat!"
"Yes, Sire!" The three knight attendants said in unison. They were looking around wildly, in horror at the destruction the Guardians were bringing and a bit miffed that their king had apparently decided to take a prisoner at the worst time possible.
The five quickly, but carefully made their way down the path, Rhoam staggering a Guardian that blocked their path with a single swing of his sword. Astor could almost feel the brunt of that swing.
"Astor, I'm afraid we're going to get to know each other whether you like it or not. Had the Calamity not happened when it did, you would be in lockup now. However, since my castle is currently overrun with Guardians and all manner of Ganon's monsters, I will be keeping an eye on you myself. Suffice to say, I am not in a good mood."
Astor kept his gaze forward as they moved forward. The king's tone did not bode well for him. It wasn't lost on him that he was in a precarious situation. Still, this could be amusing.
"I know I'd rather not," King Rhoam continued, "but given that I fear you are encroaching on my daughter's divine duties, I must go above and beyond to perform mine as her father and as king." Rhoam noticed Astor's attention was elsewhere. "Look at your king when he's talking to you, you piece of filth!" Rhoam raised his voice, finding the younger man infuriating, despite knowing so little about him. The prophet had already left the worst impression on him, not that he stood a chance in hell of making a good first impression all things considered. Why would Zelda consort with this man, let alone trust him? He was scrawny, deathly pale, and dressed in rags. Everything about Astor was… off-putting. How had he and Zelda even met? Was the young knight he'd appointed to Zelda slacking off?
Astor turned his attention to the older man slowly, giving him a look of intense spite. He then saw the king's eyes widen, looking at something beyond him. Astor turned to come face to face with a Guardian's laser trained on him.
Rhoam and his men stood back, apparently obliging the Guardian to make short work of Astor.
The Guardian's laser rested on Astor for a moment, moving over the malice eye on his circlet before fading and readjusting to focus on the king.
Rhoam wasted no time in raising his claymore and bringing it down on the Guardian, giving a grunt of effort. Bolts and gears flew out of the busted machine, littering the brick pathway.
"Why did the Guardian disregard you?" Rhoam mused aloud. "How disappointing..."
"Thank you for looking out for me, Rhoam. Such a caring king and father, too… You're going to make a fine grandfather someday..." Astor said darkly, facetiously.
"How dare you!" Rhoam bellowed, giving the young man a ruthless slap across the face, causing Astor to stagger and fall. Astor simply returned a perverse smile despite the stinging sensation on his cheek. Astor began to laugh, chuckling at first and then breaking into an intense round of laughter, his yellow eyes going wide in a way that unsettled the old king - as if seeing beyond. "Yes, my children. Go harass King Rhoam and do not disappoint me!"
Rhoam was fuming. Astor was either very insane or intentionally provoking him, perhaps both. Either that or he had injured the prophet's mind when he struck him. Astor's antics were making it very difficult for the king to maintain his composure.
"You're very fortunate I am not a crass man, or I'd tell you what I think you deserve… Now tell me, how well do you know my daughter?"
"Well enough to know she is terribly lonely." Astor replied. "She despises you."
"What nonsense… Everything I've done has been for her! She was supposed to be Hyrule's pride, but it seems that the gossipmongers' words are coming true... Look around you. Hyrule is on fire. What sort of future does she have? 'Heir to a throne of nothing' if she does not awaken that power very soon. I can tell you're a lousy prophet by that alone."
"Bold words from a king who does not carry the blood of the Goddess."
"I may not carry the blood of the goddess, but I am still the rightful king of Hyrule in my late queen's stead. I was born into a noble family and my union with her was arranged by the former king and queen. The only thing I'm going to be arranging for you is an execution. Know your place, Prophet."
"An execution?" Astor almost laughed. He couldn't imagine what Rhoam's reaction might be when he learned he had formerly been trying to bring about Calamity Ganon's revival. "On what grounds?"
"Interfering with the Princess awakening her power to seal Calamity Ganon away for one. Also because it would bring me personal satisfaction. Now, get up, before I change my mind and grind my boot into your head. You're slowing down our escape."
Slowly Astor got up, dusting himself off, raising his chin to the older man in a testing manner.
"Wipe that smirk off your face. Move!" Rhoam said, giving Astor a shove with the side of his claymore.
Zelda looked back over her shoulder, her hair whipping in the wind as she ran. "Wait… Where are Astor and my father? We can't leave them behind…!"
Nobody seemed to acknowledge her question or nobody heard.
They ran through the chaotic town streets, witnessing horrifying scenes as the Guardians wrought havoc upon Hyrule's capital. Guardians were climbing the walls of houses and shops alike, some not being able to bear the weight of the mechanical wonders and the rooftops beginning to crumble.
They finally reached the main gate, crossing the threshold into Hyrule Field, as the Guardians had completely overtaken the castle and even the surrounding town. They stopped to look back, now a safe distance away. Zelda's eyes widened in horror when she realized more Guardians were appearing, being methodically ejected from the five columns that had suddenly risen out of the ground to surround Hyrule Castle. The same columns she had tried so hard to locate just days ago.
"Where did he go…?" Zelda said out of breath and sick at heart, but trying not to break down again. Hadn't she already cried all the tears she thought she had at the realization of her failure? She knew the Calamity was eventual, but experiencing it was beyond her worst nightmares.
"Little bird… How do you know he wasn't the one to summon the Calamity himself just by being present?" Said Urbosa.
"T-that can't be… " Zelda said, exasperated, not even willing to entertain the idea.
"His Majesty is missing as well… Did he remain behind on purpose?" Impa mused.
"The two are probably still bickering for all we know…" Revali quipped. "Hylian males…"
It would have been a humorous mental image in any other circumstances: Astor and her father too entrenched in their argument to notice as Guardians flooded into the Sanctum, but Zelda was vaguely aware that Astor had at least left the sanctum when the Calamity appeared.
Zelda turned her gaze elsewhere. Watching Castle Town burn was too much to bear. She happened to catch Link's eye, the boy wearing a severe expression.
You're fated to unlock your power because of him.
Zelda looked away from him and then at the back of her hand, giving an inaudible sigh, doubts about so many things clouding her mind.
This didn't go unnoticed by Urbosa, who came to stand behind Zelda, placing her hands on the princess's shoulders. "Don't give up! It's not too late."
"I know… We can't let the Calamity win. No matter what…" Zelda said, sounding downtrodden, but resolute.
"All is not lost. As long as I live I will fight. Just as you must." Impa reassured Zelda.
All the champions agreed one by one.
The group lifted their heads when they sensed others making their escape into Hyrule Field and out of Castle Town. Zelda's breath caught in her throat when she saw Astor standing in the shadow of her father's sword. He was unbound, yet it was clear from their expressions that he wasn't standing there on his own volition. Astor held her briefly in his gaze and then looked away, in shame. His face was more bruised than before.
"Champions, go to your Divine Beasts!" King Rhoam called in an official tone. "Astor will be coming with me, lest he interfere any further. Link… You are the knight to Princess Zelda. I trust you understand your duty." Rhoam said, shooting a disapproving look at Zelda.
There was a flicker in Zelda's eyes as they began to sting. "Where are you taking him?!"
Suddenly their hands held her back before she could rush forward. Zelda cried out for Astor as Rhoam and his attendants turned to leave, giving Astor another shove in the direction they were going.
A million horrible possibilities rushed through her mind. She was under no delusion that her father would deal with Astor kindly, especially if he were to ascertain Astor's former ties to the Calamity.
"What are they going to do to him?! Please, Someone, do something... Don't let them take him away!" Zelda implored pitifully, despairing because she knew none of them were going to defy her Father. Zelda dropped her head. "He's all… He's all I have…"
It was very soft, but everyone heard. Her pleas sounded all too familiar.. Rhoam halted, just for a moment to look back in irritation instead of pity as he had when she was young.
"Dammit, Zelda, show some self-control!" Rhoam said, angrily. "Your whining didn't work back then, what makes you think it will work now?"
Zelda looked hurt by his response, her shoulders shaking. Rhoam wondered if she remembered when he had confiscated the little Guardian she had named Terrako in a bid to get her to focus on her training. A decision that regrettably hadn't borne any fruit. Rhoam had almost cursed the late queen. Damn her for instilling such a love for Sheikah technology and relics in her daughter, which only proved to be a distraction for Zelda in awakening her divine power. That had been the most grievous flaw Rhoam saw in his wife.
Astor knew this was his moment to act. While the king was distracted, Astor phased past Rhoam like a restless spirit, knocking Rhoam off balance for a moment.
Zelda looked up and exhaled in surprise.
Astor came to a stop in front of Zelda, making a show of pulling her close. She clutched tightly to his robes, and for a moment everything else ceased. She was his and he was hers. She would have given much to live in that moment forever, relieved tears cascading down her cheeks.
"Her Highness is mine now. Have fun fighting the Calamity, Rhoam. You don't deserve her."
"Hylia on her throne! Stop him!" Rhoam ordered his knight attendants.
The men hesitated, fearful of the prophet's magical abilities. And in the blink of an eye, Astor raised his orb high, vanishing with Zelda in tow. Those that remained looked on in silent disbelief.
A short distance away, the scene was reflected in the 'eye' of Harbinger Ganon. Ganon knew it was winning, though that did not satisfy the being's intense all-encompassing rage. Its plans had still been disrupted. The weak-minded, disaffected Hylian man it had chosen to do its bidding in this age had somehow seen beyond the illusion of importance and power it had engineered for him. High above, the spirit of Calamity Ganon gave a shattering roar of detest for the goddess it knew was at work. And because of that vile goddess, the foolish bag of flesh was stepping out on him, even after all the power it had bestowed upon him. Ganon would simply take the man's ability to wield malice away. It would make sure the seer suffered tenfold for betraying him and choosing the girl who bore the goddess's blood. That pathetic mortal was supposed to remain loyal until his dying breath at its hand, for Ganon hated all life and showed no partiality even towards those who swore allegiance to it. It had been over ten millennia since Ganon had been mortal, and any memory of its past humanity or semblance of understanding human emotions had long perished. Calamity Ganon's inhuman hatred burned against the Hylian seer, rivaling its hatred for the hero and the young woman who bore the blood of the goddess. And so, the corrupted Guardian began to plot.
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