#i currently DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY to get materials for a project like this
ravengales-glade · 9 months
*If you had the money to pay a small business
Please answer assuming you had the money! This is hypothetical, I simply want to see if there is a market for myself (IN THE FUTURE) or other people ^^
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snifferz · 2 years
man fuck a level art SO SO MUCH, fuck that shit and send it to hell for a thousand years
i love art but im genuinely so sick of my sixth form art classes bc ill get advised to do one thing, change up my whole ass artstyle and genuinely rlly ruin my motivation for personal art
and then get a C and get told everything was a load of shit for ten minutes straight by another teacher i didnt get the advice from
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sophiamcdougall · 9 months
You're a reasonably informed person on the internet. You've experienced things like no longer being able to get files off an old storage device, media you've downloaded suddenly going poof, sites and forums with troves full of people's thoughts and ideas vanishing forever. You've heard of cybercrime. You've read articles about lost media. You have at least a basic understanding that digital data is vulnerable, is what I'm saying. I'm guessing that you're also aware that history is, you know... important? And that it's an ongoing study, requiring ... data about how people live? And that it's not just about stanning celebrities that happen to be dead? Congratulations, you are significantly better-informed than the British government! So they're currently like "Oh hai can we destroy all these historical documents pls? To save money? Because we'll digitise them first so it's fine! That'll be easy, cheap and reliable -- right? These wills from the 1850s will totally be fine for another 170 years as a PNG or whatever, yeah? We didn't need to do an impact assesment about this because it's clearly win-win! We'd keep the physical wills of Famous People™ though because Famous People™ actually matter, unlike you plebs. We don't think there are any equalities implications about this, either! Also the only examples of Famous People™ we can think of are all white and rich, only one is a woman and she got famous because of the guy she married. Kisses!"
Yes, this is the same Government that's like "Oh no removing a statue of slave trader is erasing history :(" You have, however, until 23 February 2024 to politely inquire of them what the fuck they are smoking. And they will have to publish a summary of the responses they receive. And it will look kind of bad if the feedback is well-argued, informative and overwhelmingly negative and they go ahead and do it anyway. I currently edit documents including responses to consultations like (but significantly less insane) than this one. Responses do actually matter. I would particularly encourage British people/people based in the UK to do this, but as far as I can see it doesn't say you have to be either. If you are, say, a historian or an archivist, or someone who specialises in digital data do say so and draw on your expertise in your answers. This isn't a question of filling out a form. You have to manually compose an email answering the 12 questions in the consultation paper at the link above. I'll put my own answers under the fold. Note -- I never know if I'm being too rude in these sorts of things. You probably shouldn't be ruder than I have been.
Please do not copy and paste any of this: that would defeat the purpose. This isn't a petition, they need to see a range of individual responses. But it may give you a jumping-off point.
Question 1: Should the current law providing for the inspection of wills be preserved?
Yes. Our ability to understand our shared past is a fundamental aspect of our heritage. It is not possible for any authority to know in advance what future insights they are supporting or impeding by their treatment of material evidence. Safeguarding the historical record for future generations should be considered an extremely important duty.
Question 2: Are there any reforms you would suggest to the current law enabling wills to be inspected?
Question 3: Are there any reasons why the High Court should store original paper will documents on a permanent basis, as opposed to just retaining a digitised copy of that material?
Yes. I am amazed that the recent cyber attack on the British Library, which has effectively paralysed it completely, not been sufficient to answer this question for you.  I also refer you to the fate of the Domesday Project. Digital storage is useful and can help more people access information; however, it is also inherently fragile. Malice, accident, or eventual inevitable obsolescence not merely might occur, but absolutely should be expected. It is ludicrously naive and reflects a truly unpardonable ignorance to assume that information preserved only in digital form is somehow inviolable and safe, or that a physical document once digitised, never need be digitised again..At absolute minimum, it should be understood as certain that at least some of any digital-only archive will eventually be permanently lost. It is not remotely implausible that all of it would be. Preserving the physical documents provides a crucial failsafe. It also allows any errors in reproduction -- also inevitable-- to be, eventually, seen and corrected. Note that maintaining, upgrading and replacing digital infrastructure is not free, easy or reliable. Over the long term, risks to the data concerned can only accumulate.
"Unlike the methods for preserving analog documents that have been honed over millennia, there is no deep precedence to look to regarding the management of digital records. As such, the processing, long-term storage, and distribution potential of archival digital data are highly unresolved issues. [..] the more digital data is migrated, translated, and re-compressed into new formats, the more room there is for information to be lost, be it at the microbit-level of preservation. Any failure to contend with the instability of digital storage mediums, hardware obsolescence, and software obsolescence thus meets a terminal end—the definitive loss of information. The common belief that digital data is safe so long as it is backed up according to the 3-2-1 rule (3 copies on 2 different formats with 1 copy saved off site) belies the fact that it is fundamentally unclear how long digital information can or will remain intact. What is certain is that its unique vulnerabilities do become more pertinent with age."  -- James Boyda, On Loss in the 21st Century: Digital Decay and the Archive, Introduction.
Question 4: Do you agree that after a certain time original paper documents (from 1858 onwards) may be destroyed (other than for famous individuals)? Are there any alternatives, involving the public or private sector, you can suggest to their being destroyed?
Absolutely not. And I would have hoped we were past the "great man" theory of history. Firstly, you do not know which figures will still be considered "famous" in the future and which currently obscure individuals may deserve and eventually receive greater attention. I note that of the three figures you mention here as notable enough to have their wills preserved, all are white, the majority are male (the one woman having achieved fame through marriage) and all were wealthy at the time of their death. Any such approach will certainly cull evidence of the lives of women, people of colour and the poor from the historical record, and send a clear message about whose lives you consider worth remembering.
Secondly, the famous and successsful are only a small part of our history. Understanding the realities that shaped our past and continue to mould our present requires evidence of the lives of so-called "ordinary people"!
Did you even speak to any historians before coming up with this idea?
Entrusting the documents to the private sector would be similarly disastrous. What happens when a private company goes bust or decides that preserving this material is no longer profitable? What reasonable person, confronted with our crumbling privatised water infrastructure, would willingly consign any part of our heritage to a similar fate?
Question 5: Do you agree that there is equivalence between paper and digital copies of wills so that the ECA 2000 can be used?
No. And it raises serious questions about the skill and knowledge base within HMCTS and the government that the very basic concepts of data loss and the digital dark age appear to be unknown to you. I also refer you to the Domesday Project.
Question 6: Are there any other matters directly related to the retention of digital or paper wills that are not covered by the proposed exercise of the powers in the ECA 2000 that you consider are necessary?
Destroying the physical documents will always be an unforgivable dereliction of legal and moral duty.
Question 7: If the Government pursues preserving permanently only a digital copy of a will document, should it seek to reform the primary legislation by introducing a Bill or do so under the ECA 2000?
Destroying the physical documents will always be an unforgivable dereliction of legal and moral duty.
Question 8: If the Government moves to digital only copies of original will documents, what do you think the retention period for the original paper wills should be? Please give reasons and state what you believe the minimum retention period should be and whether you consider the Government’s suggestion of 25 years to be reasonable.
There is no good version of this plan. The physical documents should be preserved.
Question 9: Do you agree with the principle that wills of famous people should be preserved in the original paper form for historic interest?
This question betrays deep ignorance of what "historic interest" actually is. The study of history is not simply glorified celebrity gossip. If anything, the physical wills of currently famous people could be considered more expendable as it is likely that their contents are so widely diffused as to be relatively "safe", whereas the wills of so-called "ordinary people" will, especially in aggregate, provide insights that have not yet been explored.
Question 10: Do you have any initial suggestions on the criteria which should be adopted for identifying famous/historic figures whose original paper will document should be preserved permanently?
Abandon this entire lamentable plan. As previously discussed, you do not and cannot know who will be considered "famous" in the future, and fame is a profoundly flawed criterion of historical significance.
Question 11: Do you agree that the Probate Registries should only permanently retain wills and codicils from the documents submitted in support of a probate application? Please explain, if setting out the case for retention of any other documents.
No, all the documents should be preserved indefinitely.
Question 12: Do you agree that we have correctly identified the range and extent of the equalities impacts under each of these proposals set out in this consultation? Please give reasons and supply evidence of further equalities impacts as appropriate.
No. You appear to have neglected equalities impacts entirely. As discussed, in your drive to prioritise "famous people", your plan will certainly prioritise the white, wealthy and mostly the male, as your "Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin and Princess Diana" examples amply indicate. This plan will create a two-tier system where evidence of the lives of the privileged is carefully preserved while information regarding people of colour, women, the working class and other disadvantaged groups is disproportionately abandoned to digital decay and eventual loss. Current and future historians from, or specialising in the history of minority groups will be especially impoverished by this.  
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hypodermicfroggy · 2 months
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(I've posted a guide like this on Steam, but I figure it couldn't hurt to put an updated version on Tumblr, too. Also, a warning: This post is going to be very, *very* long.)
Hello, current Project Moon fandom and future/want-to-be fans!
Do you enjoy Limbus Company but don't know how to get into the other games and media to appreciate the greater lore of the series? Do you not actually have the money, time, or patience to endure a brutally punishing (and sometimes even janky) roguelike management sim, deckbuilder, or gacha game because we live in a capitalistic hellworld like the one this very series criticizes? Struggle with getting access to supplementary materials due to controversies and language barriers?
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(Pictured: PM Twitter and the Limbus Steam Forums, on any given day. Seriously, what is wrong with some of you people.)
And especially important: hate how Reddit and Steam are full of dudebro coomers who are openly hostile to F2P, non-day one players who might grapple with all the previous issues on top of being more invested in story than waifus?
Then read on under the cut!
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This guide contains a comprehensive list of resources for you to be able to enjoy the Project Moon series to its fullest, including links to wikis, playlists, and more. Even if you can't play the games, I personally think those who can actually appreciate the series shouldn't be gatekept from the truly fantastic story and world that the games hold. Except Canto 6, we don't talk about Canto 6.
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For those who can't read the text on the image, some of the common trigger warnings for this series includes:
Animal Cruelty
Drug Use
References to Alcohol and Tobacco
Injury and Dismemberment
Homicide and Suicide
Violence and Torture
Kidnapping, Abduction, and Captivity
Diseases, Seizure, and Dyspnoea (aka shortness of breath)
Familial Homicide and Domestic Violence
Reference to Clowns (Coulrophobia)
Themes of Occultism and Spiritualism
Audiovisual Depictions of Gore
Uses of Sharp and Pointed Objects
Hospital and Medical References
References to Gaslighting and Bullying
Body Modification and/or Deformation
Flashing Lights (Photosensitivity)
Disorientation Induced by a Shaking Camera
Strong Language and Demeaning Words
Reference to Traffic Accidents
Uses of Guns and Instruments of Violence
Discriminatory Violence
Religious Torture and Violence
Enforced Ideology and/or Actions
War and Mass Conflict
Anyway, if all that didn't scare you off, on to the guide!
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When in doubt, there's always the wikis for being references and useful sources, from gameplay to story elements!
>>Cogitopedia - A WIP wiki run by members of the community, working on adding in-depth content for all of the games and supplementary materials.
>>LobCorp Wiki - Has data on every abnormality, including inaccessible ones and cut ones (such as Price of Silence).
>>Library of Ruina Wiki - Has the lore from key pages, and also has cut content like the CGs from the original planned ending.
>>Limbus Wiki.gg - Has ID Uptie stories and info about Mirror Dungeon encounters. (DO NOT USE THE LIMBUS FANDOM WIKI, IT HAS BEEN ABANDONED/VANDALIZED.)
>>Library of Project Moon - A WIP fan blog whose purpose is to consolidate translations of the literary source novels and related works for Limbus Company and the PM games as a whole.
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Summary: Lobotomy Corporation is the first game in the series. It is a roguelike management sim where you play as "Manager X", tasked with handling employees and various monsters known as Abnormalities in order to generate daily quotas of a power source substance known as Enkephalin and a mysterious "Seed of Light" project. You are aided by an alleged team of AIs known as the Sephirot, and your very own personal assistant AI, Angela. It's often been likened to "anime SCP Foundation."
This is the game where everything begins, and without it, we wouldn't have the plot of Limbus (or anything else for that matter). This is where the Golden Boughs come from, this is where Abnormalities come from, this is even where Distortions come from - but we're getting ahead of ourselves on that front.
>>This playlist will allow you to watch all the cutscenes from the game, in order, for the canon ending.
>>This video also has the cutscenes, albeit not in order, HOWEVER, it does have the alternate, non-canon endings A and B (which are timestamped in the link for convenience).
>>WordsmithVids (also on YouTube) also has what is generally considered to be the most popular summary of the game.
(NOTE: Some people disagree with WordsmithVids and his interpretations of some of the characters as well as his content being "meme-y," so I advise you to watch at your own discretion and draw your own conclusions. That being said, if people have better recommendations, please send them to me instead of just complaining and bitching without offering solutions like that one guy on Steam did, thank you.)
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Summary: Wonderlab was a webcomic by the artist MIMI/Whitezombies, originally posted on the Project Moon Postype account. It follows the adventures of several employees - often called "nuggets" in fan parlance - Catt, Taii, and Rose, in a Lobotomy Corporation branch facility as they go about their day to day activities.
This webcomic was taken down after the Summer 2023 Incel Controversy, when incels stormed the Project Moon office in Korea and made enough credible threats that the former Limbus CG artist known as Vellmori was fired, and it is currently part of a second conflict over copyright. However, primarily for archival and personal reference purposes, the comic has been saved and rehosted in several forms.
>>Internet Archive version. This has just the comic in an on-site readable format.
>>A backup archive on Google Drive. This features the individual pages, a downloadable .zip of the archive, and a readable Google Docs version.
For those who may have ethical concerns about downloading a webcomic that was pulled due to controversy (understandable), once again, >>WordsmithVids has a summary.
(NOTE: This is NOT the place to discuss either the Summer 2023 incel controversy *or* the current (Summer 2024) copyright conflict. There are far better places to do that with people who are far better informed on the topic than I am. This post is solely for providing references and archives of lore material to help guide people into this series. DO NOT attempt to bring up the controversies here, I will not be acknowledging them outside of mentioning why certain supplementary materials may have been pulled and have had to be mirrored. I am just an archivist, not a lawyer or discourser.)
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Summary: Library of Ruina takes place some months after the events of Lobotomy Corporation. A "Grade 9 Fixer" known as Roland finds his way into the mysterious, tower-like Library that has sprung up in place of the former main facility of L Corp, where he encounters Angela and the other Sephirot (all now Librarians). He begins assisting her in finding "the perfect book", which involves enticing people to come to the library through the sending out of curious invitations.
Now, unfortunately, there is not a playlist that splits up the cutscenes or puts them in order for Ruina.
>>These two videos have them all in compilation.
HOWEVER. A wonderful and dear friend of mine (@citroncynique <3) has allowed the guide they sent me to be reproduced/copied.
>>As such, there is a guide on how to watch the cutscenes in the order that makes the most sense, utilizing the timestamps of the previous two videos. It is not a perfect system, but it works at least.
>>WordsmithVids also has at least two summary vids out.
However, due to financial issues at last update, he has not been able to continue his summary of Ruina. I am including them regardless. >>As well as his Patreon in case people want to support him in hopes of making it easier for him to work on the vids again.
>>There is also an almost FOUR HOUR LONG video essay that delves into Angela's character specifically after the events of LobCorp and Ruina. It is not required viewing like the rest of the materials here, however, I think it still deserves a mention just for the amount of effort and care that went into it.
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Summary: Taking place at roughly the same time as Library of Ruina, two Fixers known as Ezra and Moses and an N Corp. Taboo Hunter known as Vespa investigate the Distortion Phenomenon that is rapidly starting to spread across the City after the events of the previous games.
Originally released as a webnovel on Project Moon's Postype, Distortion Detective has 42 chapters and is technically incomplete/on hiatus. Project Moon, surprised at how popular the webnovel was, decided they wanted to potentially make an entire game based on the story. As of this writing, that has not happened (yet) but at least one character from the novel has appeared in Limbus Company, so there is still hope yet.
>>The DD series in its original form on Postype. This version was posted chapter-by-chapter, on Project Moon's Postype account and is (as of this writing, at least) still readable there.
>>A backup archive on Google Drive. This has the entire webnovel in a single document format (both Docs and downloadable PDF) featuring NishikujiC's official chapter illustrations up to Ch. 26, and includes the now-cut comic adaption of Ch. 19 by the artist Monggeu/koug99.
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(Lord, this one. Like it wasn't a big enough pain in the ass already.)
Summary: After the events of Library of Ruina, and operating as a direct prequel to Limbus Company, Leviathan follows the Color Fixer Vergilius (aka the Red Gaze) as he grapples with his own personal traumas and comes into conflict with the Ring Syndicate, before being recruited as a guide for the LCB.
Leviathan originally started as a webcomic by Monggeu/koug99. Health issues with the artist resulted in the comic being discontinued and turned into a webnovel, whose translation was never completed and had to later be finished by fans. The comic portion has since been taken down as of the Summer 2024 copyright conflict and controversy, much like Wonderlab was. Once again, however, this has been mirrored for archival and reference purposes.
>>Original source of Leviathan on Postype. Due to the copyright conflict and the translation hiatus, the only chapters available are Ch. 12-15. The link is still included for posterity reasons and just in case the copyright conflict results in the chapters being restored.
>>A backup archive on Google Drive. This link includes the comic chapters, as well as the SnakeskinFS English fan translations for the last five chapters that were never completed, all in PDF form.
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Summary: After all the events of the previous games, a mysterious up and coming business known as Limbus Company has taken it upon themselves to send a group composed of 12 "Sinners" and their mysterious clock-headed Manager Dante to delve into the now-abandoned L Corp facilities in search of mysterious artifacts known as Golden Boughs.
Finally we come to the end of the shrubbery maze. Limbus Company is the latest chapter in the currently unfolding story of Project Moon and the City, a gacha game being used to fund other projects under the company umbrella.
Many people, once again, have ethical concerns about patronizing a gacha game. I for one agree with them, even as one of those patrons.
>>This playlist features all of the cutscenes for each part of the game story released so far (up to Intervallo 6.5-2/Murder on the WARP Express as of this writing).
>>There is also this site, which operates as a pure datamined text archive of all the story content.
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This section, liable to be updated at any given time, is for links to materials or fan-creations that don't necessarily fit with the strictly canonical story materials found in the games and webnovels themselves but which otherwise provide useful resources or analysis. Note that the vast majority of material here is supplementary and not required, but recommended.
(Except the literary sources. You will read those, and that is a threat. I can't take another Wings-forsaken illiterate opinion on Canto 6, I'm going to start Distorting and biting people if YOU PEOPLE DON'T READ THE DAMN SOURCE NOVELS.)
YouTubers and Video Essayists:
Frey Chaqma - Frey has done lots of work for the PM community, such as spearheading the Absolute Pride Resonance charity event for Pride Month 2024 as well as discussing the lore of the games and the City as a whole.
Tsunul - Another YouTuber who discusses lore but who also often delves into more interpersonal matters relating to the fandom and controversies that can affect the game community as a whole.
Esgoo - Although Esgoo does not necessarily get into lore so much, they are often tauted as one of the biggest names in the fandom for, if nothing else, their meta-analysis and basic gameplay/strategy material, as well as their community involvement.
hydrojoy's essay on Benjamin - in addition to Angela, hydrojoy also did an in-depth analysis on Benjamin, aka B, aka Hokma, from Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina and their impact on the story.
MetiNotTheBadGuy's PM Character Essays - Meti has done several excellent character breakdown videos on some of PM's most notable villains/characters, including Roland, Kromer, and Dongrang.
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Citroncynique. For being a truly amazing artist, putting in the effort of making a watch guide for Ruina's cutscenes, and getting me into this series and ruining my life forever by jingling a bugman with PTSD in front of me (<3).
MIMI/Whitezombies, Monggeu/koug99, NishikujiC, and Vellmori. Although several of these artists have left PM and the community on bad terms, I still think their efforts should be appreciated and supported, now more than ever.
SnakeskinFS. For finishing Leviathan's English translation.
Folex, Bek, WordsmithVids, hydrojoy, and the Lobotomy Corporation Archive. For posting their cutscene and summary/analysis videos.
NeedsMoreDoge. The Steam user who provided the original guide and backup on how to read Leviathan that I myself utilized.
The less than pleasant members of the community who spurred me into making this guide in the first place, out of pure spite.
And of course, readers like you and those members of the community who make me so happy to be here and be a part of this fandom. Genuinely, thank you all, I have never felt as welcomed as I do in the Project Moon circles I run in.
In addition to the references included here, I recommend you get involved in your PM community as well! Join communities and Discords, support content creators on social sites, help contribute where it's needed and in whatever way you can! The best way to counteract the worst elements of any fandom is to be a guiding and helpful element in your own right.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope this guide helps you out!
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the-clumsywitchtarot · 3 months
Pick-a-Card Reading: What Makes You So Loveable?
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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Two of Wands (Reversed)
The Devil (Reversed)
Ten of Swords (Reversed)
The Lovers
King of Wands
The Hermit
I didn't necessarily intend for these readings to be about what makes you lovable romantically but that is what came out. I see that you are someone that has great boundaries when in a relationship or you are currently working on developing strong boundaries before entering your next relationship. I see that you aren't someone that let's a relationship bind you or change who you are, you remain true to yourself and wish for the other person to do the same. That's one of the things your partner loves about you, you don't change yourself to please them and you don't expect them to change themselves to please you. You prefer a relationship where you can help each other grow and become better versions of yourselves but you aren't looking to remake them just as you yourself aren't looking to be remade. With the hermit I can also see that you aren't clingy in relationships and you enjoy your alone time and pursuing your own hobbies but at the same time you are still capable of showing love and passion towards your partner. I keep hearing that you are the dream partner! You're not detached but you also allow room for your partner to breath and not feel guilty for not calling or being with you every second of every day.
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Five of Wands
Queen of Pentacles (Reversed)
Four of Swords
Four of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles (Reversed)
Ace of Wands
I see that this pile is willing to fight for what they think is right even if it is futile or unlikely to have the outcome you are desiring, you still go for it. I feel like some of the people that chose this pile are into activism. With the queen of wands and ace of pentacles in reverse I feel like you are someone that isn't super into material wealth and would much rather focus on what feels good to you. This is one of the things that makes you so loveable, you would gladly turn down an opportunity to make money if it meant compromising your ethics or hurting someone. Even though the four of pentacles typically means holding onto money, I can see this more so being about you holding on to experiences you've had and valuing that more than having lots of money. I feel like you have recently been gaining a new zest for life or something you've just discovered and it has made the energy you project even more amazing than your energy normally is.
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The of Cups
Ten of Wands
Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)
Five of Pentacles
Eight of Pentacles
The Sun
I see that this pile gives off a joyous energy no matter what they're going through, the three of cups is really standing out to me I can see you being the life of the party. For some of you this comes out in a very flamboyant wild way and for others it's like a get together just wouldn't be the same if you didn't show up. I see you being the kind of person that could even make a funeral more pleasant as strange as that may sound. For half of the people that chose this pile, your wild vibrant energy is what makes you loveable and for the other half that chose this pile your peaceful energy is what makes you lovable. I'm getting that some of you are like taking an upper and some of you are like taking a downer (in the best way possible).
Please let me know if your reading resonated and always remember not to make a decision based on a reading unless it's one you feel completely comfortable with. Thank you for visiting my tarot page!
All the best to you,
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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celticcrossanon · 1 month
BRF Reading - 22nd of August, 2024
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 22nd of August, 2024
Question: Why Does King Charles want Prince Andrew out of The Royal Lodge?
Note: The energy of this reading is very heavy. I feel like I have a huge burden on my shoulders, weighing me down, as I shuffle and draw the cards. There is also a reluctance to ask the question and interpret the cards, as if it is too much work. The moment I walk away from the reading, that energy vanishes, so it is definitely connected to these cards.
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Interpretation: It is part of a change or set of changes that The King wants to implement.
Card One: The Five of Pentacles
This is the card of being in exile or being in disgrace, which is Prince Andrew's current situation. It can also be a card representing abandonment, loss, and isolation, and I think that is how Prince Andrew feels at the moment - abandoned by his family.
The energy of this card is that Prince Andrew is not exiled enough - he needs to be exiled more, to publicly suffer more, It is a strange energy to have about someone who is already exiled, but that is what is coming through the cards - he needs to be exiled more and it has to be done in a very public way.
Card Two: Death
Death is the card for Scorpio, which is the sun sign of King Charles, so this sense of Prince Andrew needing to be exiled more is coming from The King.
Death is a card of endings, change, and transition, which represents Prince Andrew leaving The Royal Lodge. The push to get him out is definitely coming from The King himself, and it is part of a transition to something else, a change or set of changes that The King wants to happen.
I drew a clarifier for this card and it was the Ace of Pentacles. Aces are new beginnings, and Pentacles are about wealth, social status, material things, so this change is to do with money and with status. Of course it will be cheaper for The King if Prince Andrew is not in The Royal Lodge and he is not paying the security bill, but it could be a way to reduce Prince Andrew's status within the Royal Family, or have something else to do with the general area of money and status.
The Death card can be a literal death. I think that whatever change/s The King wants to happen, he is feeling his mortality and he is pushing for the change/s to happen before he dies. There is a sense of tidying everything up before he passes.
Card Three: The Eight of Cups in Reverse
The Eight of Cups is about walking away from a situation. When the card is in the reverse, you can't walk away, you are stuck in the situation.
The energy of this card is that The King is stuck with the situation of Prince Andrew and what to do with him. There is a reluctant energy to this card, as if The King would rather walk away and leave the situation to others to deal with, but he can't - it is his responsibility to solve this problem.
The Eight of Cups is one of my death cards, because of the picture on it (Psyche descending to the underworld), so again there is this sense of death around this issue - it is something that The King wants to resolve before he dies. Again, I feel that regardless of how much time he actually has left to live, The King's mortality is weighing on him very heavily at this point in time, and he feels like he has to deal with outstanding issues and tidy them up before he passes on.
Underlying Energy: The Two of Pentacles in Reverse
The Two of Pentacles is about balance, about investing your time and energy wisely, deciding which projects will give a good return and which will not. When it is in the reverse, things are not balanced. You are putting too much time and energy into one area of your life and not seeing a return for it, or you are overextended, or things are unorganised and chaotic - there is an imbalance somewhere that needs to be addressed.
The energy of this card is that The King feels that things are not in balance. He feels like he is giving too much and not getting enough in return. Removing Prince Andrew from The Royal Lodge and implementing whatever change/s he has in mind is his way of trying to right the balance and make things equal again.
Dominant Suit: Pentacles. This is about money and status. The only major arcana card is the Death card, so the focus of the reading is The King and whatever change(s) he is trying to bring about.
The push to have Prince Andrew leave The Royal Lodge is coming from The King. It is related to a change or set of changes that The King wants to implement before he passes on. The change/s have to do with money and status.
The King feels that things are out of balance - he is giving too much and getting too little in return - and he wants to right that balance. Removing Prince Andrew from The Royal Lodge is part of the adjustments necessary for making sure that things are balanced.
The King feels that he is stuck with the situation about Prince Andrew and it is his job to fix it. He doesn't want to do the actual mechanics of fixing it - he would much rather hand that over to someone else and have them do it - but he can't, he has to remove Prince Andrew from the Royal Lodge himself, and that has become part of this change that he is pushing through.
There is also a sense that Prince Andrew has not been exiled enough and he has to be seen by the public to be exiled more.
This reading isn't 100% clear. I will come back to it in the future if necessary to see if I can get more details about why Prince Andrew has to leave the Royal Lodge and what this change is that The King wants to manifest.
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farmerlesbian · 2 years
Hi! Leather anon back again. I would absolutely love the shop list, Mod Alfalfa, if you have the time! Thank you all for helping out a (wannabe) leather dyke here, I probably won't have the time and money to really get into the subculture for at least another year but in the meantime... I can look!
Hi sorry finally getting around to this! Been busy!
First, I'll give the caveat that I have not purchased from any of these shops so can't vouch for them. One exception, I do have the Camryn harness from Switch Leather co. which I like and would recommend! I like that it's custom sized so I could get it with long enough adjustable straps so it can be cinched to fit both me and my partner, I also liked that it was relatively locally made by hand and is made with real leather so it'll wear nicely and last a long time if I care for it.
Okay let's get to the list of links! These are various styles and aesthetics, things they specialize in, materials, locations, price points, types of kink and bdsm. These are in no particular order at all. As I went through my bookmarks and saves I made sure to stay focused on leather shops specifically, so this list is not including models or influencers/popular people, publications like zines or blogs, photographers or artists, kink things of other adjacent varieties, sex toys, or other assorted things like that. Hard to limit it but I have to keep this list focused! Shop around see what you like. Reblog and add your recommendations or thoughts!
Switch Leather Co. / Instagram (I have the Camryn harness)
Nocturne Leather / Instagram
Riverqueer Leatherwork / Instagram
Fruit Leather Fetish / Instagram
Leather Coven / Instagram
Kolby Brianne / Instagram
Relena's Vegan Bondage / Instagram
Boundaries Leather / Etsy / Instagram
BDSFemme Leather Instagram
Little Death Leather Instagram / Kofi
Theirs + Theirs / Instagram
Emma Alamo / Instagram
Transform Leather Co. / Instagram
Daddy's Leather Shop / Instagram
Ocelotl's Trade / Instagram
Leather Archives Instagram - not a shop but nice to follow
Black Bone Co / Instagram
Ryce NYC / Instagram
Doghouse Leathers / Instagram / Craftingroom Instagram
Current Lace and Leather Instagram (I have a hanging plant holder! It's super cute)
Shop Tina Villa / Instagram
Lupine Leather Co. / Instagram
Yama Craft Space / Instagram
Fleet Ilya / Instagram
Toxic Vision / Instagram
Agate Leather / Instagram
Creepy Yeha / Instagram
Cassandra Von Creep / Instagram
Spill Adornment / Instagram
Peg n Pedal / Instagram - not leather, but repurposed bicycle tubes
Rodeoh / Instagram - not leather, but fabric harnesses
Leather Dyke Club / Instagram
Gnat / Instagram
Leonard Condemine Instagram
Church Leather Instagram
Love Lorn Lingerie / Instagram
Dewy thee occult Instagram - not seeing a way to purchase but felt worth including
Manmade Skins / Instagram
Naassene Leathers / Instagram
Cabbage Cottage / Instagram
Activest Project / Instagram - not leather, but polypro webbing straps
Devil's Remains / Instagram
Pansy Leatherwork / Instagram / @thyfleshc0nsumed
Also, all this said, don't be afraid to buy a hide or some vintage leather items and work with it yourself! You could get an old bag and rip the seams out and use the leather for something new, or find an old jacket and turn it into a vest and add spikes, or get a hide and have a collars and floggers making craft party with your friends!
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bts-0t-7 · 1 year
Slithered | JJK | Chapter 1
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Pair: Mafia Jungkook x F Reader 
Summary: Jungkook was wandering the streets in the middle of the night and coincidentally passed the little flower shop you work at. Due to your odd working hours, you don’t have much socialising on a daily basis much less customers. So just imagine your shock when a handsome man, clad in all black, entered your shop in the ungodly hours of the night. Never would you have thought that the polar opposite of the worlds would collide and cause such a trouble. 
Genre: Fluff, mafia au, soft reader 
Chapter Warnings: mild violence, mildly creepy JK watching reader close up shop (if anybody does this irl, please smack the living shit out of them. Stay safe!), rape (I won’t go much into detail of this during the scene but it is implied. Do not be insensitive on this topic. For those who are sensitive on this, please do not continue reading)
A/N: Bold is for flashback.
WC: 2579
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >
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Jungkook didn’t know how he ended up in an alley that sells flowers in the dead of the night and neither did he know why he was here. He was taking a stroll in, spending some time to himself when he smelt the citrus scents of the flowers, following them to where it currently led him. Most of the flower shops in this area are closed for the night or temporarily not receiving walk-in customers. 
However, there are some shops where they are open and busy. There may be no customers in the shop but orders seem to be piling on the desks where the arrangements are made. Jungkook spotted a swift-moving medium, constantly running from place to place in the shop. He stopped right outside it. The interior was made in a way where the arrangements of flowers made the whole shop seem like a home. 
A home full of plants.
But even from outside, Jungkook could clearly see the neat arrangements and lining of the labels. You, on the other hand, were running around the shop, trying to get the necessary flowers and stocks to make the last arrangement before the driver arrived and collected them. This project was big on money and your boss would be furious if you were to ‘fuck it up for him’.
Jungkook entered the shop, doorbell chiming as he pushed open the door. Your head whipped up from your working station, instantly greeting him at the front door. 
“Hello! Welcome to Fior Arrangements!” You chirped. It may be two in the morning but you worked the night shift while your other colleagues work the morning and evening shifts. Most of them did not want to work night shifts so you took on the initiative. 
Not that you minded. 
You never had much of a social life due to your personality and you had always been quite a night owl. Most of the time, there were fewer people at night, which means that packaging orders would be easier than in the daytime. 
“Hello.” The young man bowed. 
“What brings you here?” You asked, honestly curious as to why a man wearing a full suit with a coat over, would come in the middle of the night. Anybody could see that he was stocked.  His boots were, his hair slicked back, and the material of his clothes looked soft to the touch. “Any flowers in mind? 
He shook his head. 
“Well, every flower has a meaning.” You pointed to the labels on the walls. These are the names and meanings of the flowers. Feel free to look around and call me if you need help!” 
Jungkook nodded at you. 
As he walked around, reading the labels, he spied a few blurry-looking men walking into the shop. Instinctively, his hand shot to the gun hidden under the lapels of his jacket only for you to cheerily greet them. It shot a pang of jealousy through him.
Why was he jealous? He just met you!
Jungkook silently shook his head to clear his thoughts. With half his attention to his surroundings, he overheard the conversation between you and the men. You seemed to know them very well, conversations easily flowing between you. 
“Yep! There are more at the back. You know where that is.” You laughed and Jungkook’s heart felt like it stopped. And started. And stopped and started again. It was so pure and melodious that he would do anything to keep you laughing like that. 
“How are your kids, Peng?” 
“Not too bad. Just refusing to study as usual.” The guy in the black shirt and oversized jeans told you. 
“I mean… It’s kids these days. Plus, I’m sure when we were at their age we didn’t want to study either.” You snickered. 
Peng laughed. “True, true. Very true.”
The four men spotted Jungkook walking towards the cashier as you signed the papers and stamped them. Handing them the customer copy, you waved them goodbye and finally headed over to Jungkook. 
“Hiya, need help?”
Jungkook nodded. 
“Well, what is the occasion?” You asked. 
Jungkook didn’t come here for a specific reason. In fact, he didn’t even come up with a reason. So he just shrugged and answered, “Just wanted something calming in the house. It’s far too empty.”
That could by far be the worst lie he ever came up with. 
But all you did was nod and head over to the pails of flowers, picking up stock after stock. You then carefully cut off some of the stems and plucked some leaves, arranging them in a glass bottle. Your body covered most of the work at times and Jungkook stayed at where he stood. He didn’t want to spoil the surprise for himself. 
You didn’t take long, expert hands moving nimbly to arrange the flowers prettily. You turned over to him with the glass bottle in front of you, walking over to give it to him. 
“How’s it?” Jungkook could see that you were nervous. The little ticks of indication like the furrows of your brows and wringing of your fingers behind your back. 
“Do you always do this for customers?” Jungkook gently smelt the flowers. Lavender was the most prominent scent. 
His favourite and you didn’t even need to ask. The scents weren’t strong and it did was already doing wonders to calm him. 
You looked back at him, humming and shaking your head. “Just you and a few other more privileged customers. Seems like you’re one of them on the list now.”
Your eyes sparkled as you turned to him. Perhaps you knew the brands he wore or perhaps you guessed that he was more than rich. But as he brought out his card to pay, you declined him. 
“No need. You looked like you needed this. So it’s on the house.” Your smile was blinding and at that moment, Jungkook knew that he would have you even if it took years and years. He would protect you. 
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You were closing up that day. Usually, the shop is 24 hours and the next colleague of yours who would be doing the morning shift would be the one to clean up the place. However, it was a public holiday and the flower shop was closed. Your boss had given all employees two days’ break so after your shift, you had to tidy up and ensure that all the flowers are placed in their exact locations a the back of the store so that they do not wilt by the time the shop re-opens. 
Honestly, you couldn’t be happier. While your job was fairly simple and relaxed, going without a day’s break even on the weekends can truly drain your energy. You don’t have much time to yourself and it can affect you when you are overloaded with your senses. 
Turning off the lights, you shut the door and lock it, the door code being with an indication that it has been locked. Scanning your surroundings and patting yourself down, you hummed, glad that you did not forget anything. 
As you started to walk back home, you felt an eerie feeling in your gut. One that warns you that something is most certainly not right. The hair on your neck started to stand as you got goosebumps, making a sharp 180-degree turn to walk back to the store. You were instinctively aware that there were more than three pairs of footsteps following you. And every time you sped up or slowed down, they would keep the same pace.
So you did the next best thing your overdriven brain thought. 
You ran. 
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Jungkook was driving his car up the little hill to visit the flower store. He wasn’t sure if you were still on shift then. He knew from silently watching you the past few days that your shift ends at five in the morning. And currently, the time was 5.30 am. 
The road got too narrow for Jungkook to continue driving up so he threw his car into parking mode and left. 
He was only going to take a while. 
But as he got out of the car, he sensed that something was wrong. The air did not feel right and as much as he wished that his sensitivity would not follow him when he was off work, life has its way of throwing stones at him. 
A shrill scream broke him out of his trance. If it was anybody else’s scream he probably would have just continued with his plans and walked up the the store. But he recognised the voice - the sound. 
Your scream - filled with terror and pain. 
Without thinking, Jungkook ran towards the approximated direction where he had heard you. Your second scream for help was abruptly cut off making him pump his legs and arms faster. He didn’t want to think of all the horrid things that you might be going through right now. He needed to get to you. 
Jungkook came to a stop the moment he saw you, held by your throat, against the wall. Your hair and clothes were in a mess, eyes bloodshot, and valuables strewn everywhere. But the most avergrating thing was the six males standing there, choking you as tears streamed down your cheeks, laughing. 
Blood rushed to his head. 
How dare they. 
How dare they touch you. 
Jungkook didn’t care for consequences as he pounced on the men. 
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You tried to run but they were too fast and too silent for you. You were pinned against the wall and stripped down against your own will. 
“Now pretty lady, how about I do the talking and you do the answering?” 
You didn’t want to but all you could do was struggle and struggle as they manhandled your body, stripping you bare of your own dignity. You cried and struggled as they took their turns, your body betraying you.
“Hey now, why are you crying, pretty?” They laughed, gagging you. “You’re enjoying it, see?”
Tears streamed down your face. You weren’t. You weren’t. 
And yet, you knew that nobody was going to come help you. To come stop these men from doing more than they already did. You were so close - so close - to resigning to your fate when you were suddenly dropped to the ground. 
Too tired to keep your eyes fully open, you watched through hooded lids as a mass of black pounded onto the males. You should’ve been scared - you should’ve cowered back, pleading with him to not come for you as well - but you didn’t. 
Especially as that mass of black picked you up into his arms, snarling and hissing words that seemed incoherent to you, you felt safe. Perhaps it was the adrenaline doing the job but you curled yourself deeper into him. His hands were gentle, unlike the ones that handled you earlier. These hands were calloused - probably seeing worse days as they skimmed over your naked body - but they were respectful. They did not venture where the rest did and you found yourself wrapped up in a jacket before being lifted up once again. 
Unable to keep your eyes open any longer, your head rolled to the side as you blacked out. 
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Jungkook has seen many things in his short life. Twenty-six years and he has seen death one too many times.  But nothing has scared him more than seeing you black out and going limp in his arms. Pressing two fingers on your neck, Jungkook confirmed that you were still breathing. In shock you most certainly were but now Jungkook needed to bring you home and he did not know your address. So the next best thing was to bring you to his home. 
As Jungkook’s black Mercedes Benz GT63S pulled up to the front lawn, he hurried out, passing the car keys to the butler and carrying you into the house. 
In the midst of the whole case, it completely slipped his mind to inform his family that he was bringing somebody home. All he had done was hurriedly call the group’s private doctor, not caring what the guy was up to. 
“Kook, what the hell! You can’t just bring a random person home like this!”
“Oh shit -”
“Fuck that girl is naked!”
“Jeon Jungkook, what the shit is wrong with you?”
“Did you fuck a girl out?”
Jungkook couldn’t be bothered. He’ll explain later. Right now, he needed the doctor to check you over and ensure that other than the physical and psychological trauma you’re going to have once you wake up, you were fine otherwise. 
“A little bit of a bump on the back of her head, scratch marks and bruises. That’s about all.” The doctor placed some pills on Jungkook’s bedside table. “I suggest you give these to her, twice a day after meals. Antibiotics. You can give her paracetamol if needed. Ensure that she is kept hydrated.”
Jungkook thanked the doctor and leaned over to cover you with the sheets when the doctor stopped him. “It would be best to clean her up first.”
With that, the doctor left, leaving the six men standing at the threshold of his bedroom door. They watched as he got a few clothes, cleaning you up, making sure to use soft cloths so that you would not wake from the oversensitivity. Only after Jungkook deemed you clean enough did he take out his silk pyjamas and tug them over you. 
The boys had silently excused themselves, only leaving Jimin as he helped Jungkook dress and tuck you into bed. Closing the curtains, he turned off the lights, leaving the moonlight on so that the room would not be encased in total darkness with the possibility of scaring you if you woke up without him there. 
Jungkook knew that the topic at hand would not be easy to talk about and he most certainly knows that he was in the wrong as well. Well, a little bit in the wrong. 
He would never apologise for bringing a person in need home, much less you. So as Jimin and he entered the living room, the boys were all seated, faces holding stoic glares. 
“Jungkook -” Hobi hyung started. 
“She works at the flower shop. She was the one I told you about - the reason why my room has a glass of flowers.”
“Still, you cannot just bang her up and -”
“She was raped.”
The silence in the room was pregnant and suddenly everybody’s breathing sounded too loud. 
“I parked the car in the middle of the hill as it was getting too narrow for me to pass through. I couldn’t get there fast enough. By the time I reached, she was already taken.” Jungkook harshly rubbed his face with his hands. He wished that he could’ve been there earlier - faster. If only work hadn’t kept him up, the whole situation wouldn’t even have happened. 
A soft hand landed on his shoulder, patting him gently. “Don’t beat yourself over it, Kook. It was good that you made it there.”
“But I couldn’t stop her from -” His throat choked up. He just couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence. 
“Some things are inevitable.” He looked up from his crouched position to look at Namjoon Hyung. “What matters is that you got there.”
Jungkook nodded. 
“I think today was more than enough of a fulfilling night. Let’s go to bed.” Seokjin Hyung called out and grunts of agreement were heard as everybody got to their feet. 
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britt-kageryuu · 1 month
At the Purple Dragons, Genius Built Tech Workshop~ A.K.A The Dragons Den!
The former Purple Dragons are working on their current projects, making some prototypes, programming some new apps, playing Rock, Paper, Scissors on who takes the call for Tech Support. The usual day working under their former Enemy and Current Employer.
Though this changed up when Kendra asked for some more work, and ended up becoming the one to run the official VTurtles! clips channel. Kendra had been pretty annoyed until Donnie presented her with the contract for this new job on top of her current work.
Who was she to turn away having more money added to her paycheck?
The only downside was just going over the streams for good material, which meant she would tend to listen to the VODs while working on other stuff. And making notes on what would be good parts to edit together, and what effects to add.
Jeremy and Jason were at first a bit jealous that Kendra was getting more work, but then realized she would has less free time between projects. The VODs can get pretty long, especially the random insomnia streams.
They had all customized their Mini Turtle Droids to act as helpers, and help them keep track of time mainly. The three are only considered cousins of Shelldon and River, but not as equipped for the extensive AI updates of the originals.
"How mad would Othello be if we set up our own VTuber thing? Pretend to be a VTurtles manager. Like how that one company has a manager also be a VTuber?" Jason asked with some hesitation, not really sure about the idea himself.
"Nah, it would be a lot to do on top of the big projects on schedule." Jeremy answers while he was working with a later prototype of the AR Glasses, "Even if we already have models in the system, Othello hasn't told us what they are for. And if we misused them, well we might get fewer projects sent our way."
Jason paused and quickly turns to Jeremy with a frantic look, "Wait, we already have models?! Like fully rigged and everything?!"
Jeremy just raises an eyebrow, before bringing something up on his computer, "Yeah. Found them pretty shortly after we got moved here. Did you really not check out the files we have access to? Way to lose some Purple Dragons Pride."
On the screen are to open files labeled P.D. Jace, P.D. Jer, and P.D. Ken, all three show 3D models of winged humanoid Purple Themed Dragons of different body types. Each file also has a sub section labeled 'Preset Outfits'.
Before they could continue with a slight freak out, Donnie comes in talking to a camera being carried by Shelldon, with River running around to move anything that might trip him.
"And here are the Top Three Techs in this department. Now don't think you'll get their true identities, I made models to hide that. And I know you want to question why Purple_Wyvern is here. She works for GB, and yes she's paid extra for the Clipper Stuff." Donnie kinda rambles while showing some of the workshop.
Kendra pauses what's she doing to glare at Donnie, but lets her droid join the other two as they go greet their older cousins.
"And greetings you three. Are you having a good time in the Dragons Den?" Donnie leans back, while swiveling his head, to ask the three droids.
The three were a mix of chatter and digital chirps, trading head bonks with River, and Shelldon, then going to almost ram into Donnies head in excitement.
"Calm down, and go back to helping the Dragons. Okay you three we'll do individual interviews later if you want. This is going to be just a prerecorded section I'm going to add to a stream later. Now to head to the next location! Leo is you please?!" Donnie doesn't wait for any of them to answer, and just leaves through a blue portal like he didn't just randomly disrupt them briefly.
"Well that might explain why we have premade models." Jeremy says with a bit of bewilderment. "To hide our identities with the AR filters."
Jason meanwhile was freaking out for a new reason, "Did you hear what he said?! He called us the 'Top Three Techs'!!" He collapsed onto his chair from the rush of what happened in such a short time.
Kendra just scoffed, "Of course we are. The other techs in this company don't get their own workshop. They're in a different warehouse in a different burrough." She gives her droid some pets after it returns to her station, "And I know they don't have personal AI bots to work with, just a couple lone bots that Othello with control remotely to check on things." She starts back up she was working on, "Now back to work, Othello sent word that we get to show off the new tech on the next company broadcast."
The two follow her lead, after closing the files with the models on them, and get back to work. With some effort from Jason because of just the wild 10 minutes of rushed chaos.
Just another exciting day in the Dragons Den.
Was a bit bored and thought 'I should write some more behind the scenes types posts' for my AU.
The three droids don't really have names yet. I can't figure what the Dragons would name them.
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p5x-theories · 2 months
Merope's Confidant
(last updated 9/17/24!)
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This post documents the fully filled-in information on Merope gained through progressing her Confidant! It contains things that could be considered spoilers for her Confidant, as part of the information is a summary of its story.
Merope is available in the evenings most days, when it isn't rainy. Her Confidant isn't tied to any social stat, but certain rank-ups do require the player to possess a particular Persona with a specific skill. The required Personas are: Jack Frost (with Lucky Punch), Neko Shogun (with Tarukaja), Lilim (with Attack Enhancement I), Unicorn (with Treatment Enhancement II), Byakko (with Bufudyne), Daisoujou (with Spirit Drain), and Dominion (with Matarukaja).
Favorite Presents
(An asterisk (*) marks the special presents added with (and unlocked through) Miyu Sahara’s Confidant, which are liked by all Confidants currently in the game.)
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AMN005's First Album The first album of the legendary female idol group AMN005 has collectible value.
Coasters The coasters on sale at maid cafes are popular with many people.
Penlight Glow Stick A penlight glow stick that emits soft yellow light will make your idols pay attention to you at a glance.
Idol Keychain An idol keychain made of acrylic material.
Maid Model This expensive maid model was once a popular product in maid cafes.
Cat Hairpin This kitten-shaped hairpin is very cute.
Luxury Sunglasses Sunglasses that can effectively block ultraviolet rays.
Latest Digital Camera The latest digital cameras not only have a higher resolution, but are also easy to operate.
Weight-Bearing Wristband Muscle training tool that can be used on both wrists and ankles. The weight can be adjusted freely.
Limited-Edition Keychain* This keychain has a unique shape, and is well-made, but there weren’t many of it produced. It has a certain collector’s value.
Bulk Snacks Value Pack* A combo pack containing a variety of traditional snacks that will remind people of the taste of childhood.
Advanced Essential Oil Combination* A value-for-money set of essential oils, with multiple functions to help you relax your mind and body.
Chestnut Cake* Fragrant chestnut cake with mild sweetness to suit most people’s tastes.
Musical Snow Globe* A snow globe that plays music, and can be shaken gently to make snow fall inside.
Desktop Incense Machine* A household incense machine that is small in size, so it can be placed anywhere.
Violets There are small violets hidden among the elegant white lilies, but they also have a unique charm to them.
Personal Information
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Birthday: ?? Zodiac Sign: ?? Age: ?? Profession: ?? Height: 174cm Weight: ?? Blood Type: ?? Interest: Chasing stars Features: Throwing heavy objects...?
Character Details A servant of Igor, the master of the Velvet Room, she faithfully and rationally carries out her master's instructions. Currently, she supports the activities of the Phantom Thieves as a dedicated receptionist.
Personal Data 1 Following Igor's orders, Merope searched in the human world for a way to help me, and creating the Phantom Idols was the answer she found.
Personal Data 2 As a dedicated receptionist, in order to better assist me, Merope developed a series of "special plans" to help me gain a deeper understanding of myself.
Personal Data 3 To Merope, an "idol" is an existence that responds to the needs of the world by creating a personality. She thinks that obtaining a Persona is similar to how an idol creates a stage persona. Her "special plans" were formulated on this basis.
Personal Data 4 But as her "special project" progresses, Merope seems to gradually realize that there are still some differences between me and an idol…
Personal Data 5 For the smooth advancement of her "special project", Merope hopes to find a role model for me to learn from by getting in touch with professional idols in Akihabara…
Personal Data 6 A girl named Narumi Nashimoto attracted Merope's attention, and Merope called her an outstanding idol. Merope launched a series of investigations into and contacts with Narumi, all in order to help me learn more about Narumi's job… at least, that's what Merope said.
Personal Data 7 In order to learn more about idols, Merope took me to participate in Narumi's photo session, and even did a lot of research into preparations beforehand. It's just that these preparations seemed to have little effect when she actually faced Naruru.
Personal Data 8 In the process of continuing to "observe" Naruru, we unexpectedly learned about Narumi's family background, and the fact that she was being exploited by an unscrupulous agent. In order to save Narumi, Merope commissioned me to change the heart of her evil producer.
Personal Data 9 I successfully changed her producer's heart, and the diligent Narumi finally received the treatment she deserved. She was so happy that she gave me and Merope tickets for her cafe's upcoming fan appreciation event. Seeing her smile from the heart, Merope was also very happy.
Personal Data 10 In order to better support Narumi, Merope taught me special CALL skills for idol fans. Through the advancement of her "special project", Merope and I have gained a lot. Though I don't know when it happened, it seems Merope also became a fan of me...
Voice Lines
Japanese VA: Yukari Tamura | Chinese VA: Hui Xu
(As I can only add up to ten audio files per post, I'll only include the Japanese lines below! Feel free to ask for the Chinese ones, though.)
I'm your receptionist, Merope. It's a pleasure to meet you.
I serve my master in the Velvet Room, the narrow place between dream and reality, mind and matter.
In order to avoid the coming ruin, I need to help you hone your desires.
My relationship with you...? I will make special plans for you, and you will put them into practice... Do you wish to have any other relationship?
You wish to know my arm strength...? Although this is not a difficult question to answer, please feel free to imagine for now.
Regarding my master, please forgive me for being unable to provide you with more information at the moment. Please understand.
As a fledgling idol, she also has experience in designing a persona... It's very lucky we met her. Please look forward to my next proposed special plan.
Confidant-Specific Bonuses
Rank 1 Road to Idols: The player gains access to the Contract function for summoning Phantom Idols.
Rank 5 Special Treat: Archangel's fusion is unlocked.
Rank 7 Ideal Image: Setanta's fusion is unlocked.
Rank 9 VIP Seats: Anubis' fusion is unlocked.
Rank 11 Under the Spotlight: Okuninushi's fusion is unlocked.
Rank 13 I Believe it is Justice: Narcissus' fusion is unlocked.
Rank 15 Fan Feedback: When fusing a 2- or 3-star Persona that's rank 4 or lower, there is a chance of gaining an additional Persona.
Rank 20 Dancing Alone in the Shadows: Kohryu's fusion is unlocked.
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valleyross · 9 months
Author's notes: For @rhetoricalsoapbox for the Smile for Me Secret Santa 2023, it took me awhile to finish this as much as possible after my life been catching up.
I hope that the Russian accent is done justice here and thank you @sfmsecretsanta
"First Christmas with you." (College student! Boris Habit x Genderneutral Reader.)
Summary: You finally visit your boyfriend, Boris Habit in the holiday season after getting busy with other responsibilities in life.
Words: 1,500
Content warning: Abuse coming from family relatives(mentioned)
You knocked on the door of the house that belonged to your boyfriend. Assuming that since it's Christmas, he possibly has the most free time after all, being in college must have taken a lot of energy.
It doesn't take a while for him to open the door to reveal the restless giant green man with the hair silhouette for tree leaves.
“Ouh!! Ets… Ets uuuu!!” Without a moment, Boris pulled you into a tight hug before smashing your lips into his, it's been weeks since you haven't seen him during this break.
“Leet's com insid-e! I know u were com!” Dr. Habit smiles very wide as much as possible whenever it comes to you, despite it being Christmas currently, he doesn't seem to over-decorate it either.
Over the observations, there are his finished paintings hanging over the walls that are intentionally for the secret project he rambles on multiple occasions with you.
Dentistry isn't his choice, as if his parents can let him breathe for once. It doesn't make it any better that he's nowhere easy to comprehend his human needs.
Coupled with unfinished paper pieces over the ground, an incomplete living paper has the head shape of a pentagon.
“Remember zecret project em doing?” Boris asked playfully as the rest of the papers were scattered around the corners of the room, the paperwork in front of the couch, and the materials placed on the coffee table.
“There zhe esss!” Boris introduced the unfinished project enthusiastically in front of you.
“Ah! Incredible ” You were amazed at his extraordinary skills so far after the progress that's being made.
“Esnt Carla beautefull?" Boris fidgeted his fingers through the paper pieces he made that were intact with the rest of the body.
“Yes, she is!” You caressed the top of her head while observing the texture and Boris himself as there's ongoing worry building up in your stomach.
“Steel been vorkeeng on zhe rest uf zhem! “ Boris rambles at the speed of light, while you're catching up with it.
“Zhey buh-ries frooom atteeeen-dants, to! Zher lik my beeebies!!” He's at the high stakes of energy that he's going to implode at any moment.
“Does this mean that I also raise them?” You raised your eyebrow curiously, considering that it feels like this is how both of you start a family earlier 
“Of course, wee can do et togedzher!” Boris chuckles faintly, as a result, he's getting more restless as this conversation goes by.
Meanwhile, It shriveled you up at the condition of his place where you noticed that he didn't look content. Under those circumstances, in this case, this looks recent with the way his plans have gotten in this state. 
You turn around to notice the fragments of his broken cup over the floor, before scanning at the rest, additionally, you can also see the many plates at the sink.
Although it may be true that other responsibilities exist in life, besides needing to get a part-time job just to pay enough money for survival.
“Es dhere somedheng I said wrong?” Boris asked concerningly after the long silence. 
“Are you okay?” You're fidgeting your fingers, noticing the tense eyes of your boyfriend who has been looking for every single thing he needs.
“Uh yes, Em owkay!” Boris replied shakily, something restraining him from responding properly.
“Boris, You trust me right?” You are reaching into his cheeks to caress them, your breath getting heavier at every moment you take.
Boris was shocked for a second, before looking down, just trying to come up with anything.
“Why didn't you say how bad it was?” You were noticing how severe his state is becoming.
He froze in place, his eyes widened from how he was able to make sense of this situation.
On the contrary, this is something he isn't always used to…  Not even a one bit when he started dating you from the hassles back in college to this.
Boris wanted to make this work for once, he already failed at anything else and he's not going to screw this one either.
“Doont knov eef u are fene seeng me leke dis.” There have been overlapping thoughts through his mind, he wonders what you are going to feel about it.
“Does eveeerydhing matter anymore if em a boorden to you?” The tears are forming in his eyes, he's having a difficult time with his thought process on how to unfold them.
“Boris, no!” You leaned close to him before his body crumbled down right in front of you.
“Even if em a faeluuure? Everytheeng I do is uuuseless!” Boris started hyperventilating, furthermore, the emotional strain that's been haunting him everywhere he goes, every time he's almost as fine as he claims himself to be.
“I-I'll neeevor beee able to make theem happy! Everything I do is just a waste of teeme! They're not happy!” He brought the dead flower from his lab coat, hugging it with his palms towards his cheek.
“I don't theenk I'll do same to uuuhhh…” Boris sinks to his knees, a couple of thoughts are coming through his mind at the speed of light, the heaviness of the trauma, and the fact that he felt that he wouldn't be able to find solace in anything.
“Boris, Listen to me.” You circulate his shoulders to ease him down for a bit.
“You still matter...” Your eyebrows furrowed with your fingers intertwined into his.
“H-Hooow cooomes? It's noot leeke I chose dhis…”
“Everything about you is admirable, nothing can change that.” You are caressing his auburn hair curls that are wrapping around your fingers although he hasn't taken a shower, you don't care about it at all.
“Whatever your parents say doesn't define you. Boris!” Your eyes began soaking further, before planting a kiss over his forehead.
Boris suddenly hugs you tighter, not to the point of suffocation, in addition to this… He never gets to feel something new whenever it comes to vulnerability.
“There there, love.” You continue caressing his hair, holding him close that you both aren't going to let go for a long period.
“Pleease doon't leeave mee…” Your lover sniffles, he knows that you are all he has, 
“Shhh, I'll stay here as long as you want…” It's been about an hour and a half together with the comfort that's being wrapped between you and Boris, Only the beautiful ambiance and the sweet melody you whisper as he listens.
You shifted your focus into your boyfriend's eyes as he's finally relaxed after the intense breakdown, Boris was almost embarrassed to show all of it but you didn't mind it in the slightest.
“Do you want hot cocoa with me?” You raised your head with curiosity before Boris formed a smile.
He agreed that hot cocoa causes him to feel warm inside whenever it comes to the sensation. It's an opportunity for both of you for longing intimacy.
You were lying down on Boris’ chest while resting on the couch together, he was almost going to fall asleep from the amount of bliss he felt just being with you.
It's been intimate time between them, just drinking hot cocoa together.
“Lof?” Boris caressed the hair of his lover,
“Yes?” You glance at him curiously.
Boris sighed before opening his mouth.
“It's that when it's between us.” He gives a genuine smile, keeping that contact steady.
“Someedhing fulfeelled mee more dhan before.”
“Oh…” You shudder swiftly 
“Soory, am foorward with zheese?”
“Nope.” You shake your head. “Well, I suppose that this special day must been this nostalgic for you.
“True enoough,  et's something I've been lackeng in a wheele.” Boris takes a sip from his hot cocoa. 
“I vanna espreess eveerytheng hov muuuch you bloomed my garden from the moment I saw you.” He leaned closer to you.
“Oh, Boris…” You were taken back by how passionate he gets, no matter how much he pulls this, it's always endearing to see him worship you.
“Ur only peerson vho has faeth en me, I make sure to neeever leet you down”
“There's been seeds being planted on how bright your future would become.” You grinned up at him. 
“You mean so much to me, I'll never leave you alone… Boris Habit.” You hold him closer before nuzzling up to him.
Boris almost tears up from hearing almost every single thing you say as both of you are spending the night that makes his Christmas bring him joy. He's grateful for meeting you from the college, over time he grew to show something that Boris hasn't done to others.
He's formerly someone familiar with the certain emotions that pent him up but also reveals the majority of the ‘ugliest’ side that he's not comfortable with at first.
He's happy to love someone that will cherish him for who he is, rather than being dictated to by his parents to prevent him from making any change in his life cycle, new flowers growing in the fields.
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the-lonelybarricade · 4 months
TheLonelyBarricade FAQ
I saw @whatishowedyouinthedark make one of these and have been debating making my own ever since! 💕
Do you have a posting schedule?
No. Currently none of my projects are pre-written, meaning I write each chapter from scratch before it gets posted. The frequency of my updates relies entirely on my available free time and mental capacity.
When will you update A Court of Faded Dreams?
I don't know! Each time I'm asked, my motiviation to do so curls and shrivels up just a little bit more.
Are you still working on A Court of Faded Dreams?
Yes! Contrary to some of the comments I've recieved, ACoFD is NOT abandoned. But wrapping up that project is a massive undertaking. Please, please be patient with me.
When will you update x fic?
Whenever my motiviation perfectly aligns with the emotional, mental, and physical contraints of the outside world
Do you accept prompts?
You're welcome to send me prompts, but please don't do so with the expecation that they'll always get fulfilled.
Why haven't you responded to my ask/message/comment?
I promise it's not personal! I'm just a girl with ADHD who can feel a little overwhelmed about answering a lot of messages (and who can be very forgetful). I'm so appreciative of all the messages I get in their various forms, and I wish I had the emotional capacity to answer all of them. In my head, I'm kissing anyone who's ever said something nice to me very tenderly right on their forehead.
As for my ask box, I encourage you to treat it like casting a letter in a bottle into the ocean. Half the fun is wondering if you'll ever get a response!
Are people allowed to translate your fics?
Not without my explicit permission.
Are you okay with people binding your fics?
I will only consent to my fics being bound BY HAND for personal use. That means I do not condone for any money to be exchanged in order to produce a bound copy of my fics. That includes online binding services like lulu as well as Etsy binders who claim to only charge 'for materials', both of which are infringements on SJM's copyright.
I've talked more about this here.
Are you okay with people making or comissioning fanart of your fics?
Yes, but there's one stipulation: if you do this, I'll have no choice but to marry you
What are your favorite acotar fics/authors/blogs?
I'm so glad you asked! I have a recommendation list here.
Where does your username come from?
It's a reference to Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserables!
What are your pronouns?
What sexuality do you identify as?
Alexa, play "Sweater Weather"
Are you and @separatist-apologist actually married?
Yes. In fact, my profile picture is from our wedding 😌 (but for legal purposes: no)
How did you and MB become friends?
it's a very emotional story that all started with a penis
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hsvh-hp · 5 months
Hi! Thanks for all the responses -- I hadn't realized how many chapters I'd gotten through since your last round until I saw the emails lmao
I was wondering, in regards to this:
And omg, I totally feel you on being a trans person in the HP fandom. It's very weird how my tumblr dash is set up. I have mutuals still from old fandoms who are queer, and I feel so ostracized from them at times when they toe the line of 'anybody in the HP fandom supports JKR, you're a bad person if you're still engaging with it'. I'll spare you the essay on why I disagree with that, but oddly the safest place I feel on the internet as a trans person is in the HP fandom. Which is weird at face value, I suppose, given what JKR is doing, but we really are separate from her. I've yet to see substantial evidence that fandom, which is infamous for generating zero revenue, is floating trans peoples' demise. It's just a thought crime, I guess.
if you would, perhaps, not spare me the essay? lol
I feel the same sort of ostracization which is especially frustrating when I am in such "thought crimes are fake!" circles, and I'm interested in your perspective, if you want to give it!
Sure, I’ll offer my perspective on it! This is probably best broken down into bullet points:
1. JKR was already a billionaire before she came out as a TERF.
There is nothing in the world that will change this status. Even if every single person currently engaging with her various IPs immediately dropped them, JKR would still have a billion plus dollars to drop on anti-trans movements and whatever. A billion dollars is immensely difficult to picture. The easiest way is to think like this: if you make $50,000 a year, the equivalent of her dropping $75,000 the other day is you spending $3.75. How often do you spend 0.0075% of your income and give it any thought? JKR’s wealth is not directly tied to ‘levels of fandom engagement’.
Which leads to…
2. Boycotts don’t work.
Sorry. They don’t. Not against someone this politically powerful. If they did, the flood of people out of the HP fandom in 2020 would have had a measurable effect. What did have a measurable effect? People not going to watch the Fantastic Beast movies (because they were hot trash lmao). Not giving JKR any more money works in the sense that it cripples her future projects, but it has zero effect on what’s already in her purse.
Also, think of boycotts this way: wasn’t it hilarious watching conservatives try to boycott the Barbie movie, Nike, Bud Light, and whatever else they’ve systematically locked on to? But so then why do progressives/the left/whoever think it’s going to work the other way? Like with Hogwarts Legacy? Just don’t interact with the media, dude. And if you do, pirate it.
3. Fandom is not mainstream. I have never seen any data to substantiate that participating in a fandom directly correlates to dollars for the IP. Copyright literally prevents that from happening. To bring up to popular saying, “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism”, fandom exists outside of capitalism—for me, at least, as a fan fiction writer. This is a hobby to me. I have never seen a red cent for any of the hours of work I’ve put into my fics.
And I can probably guarantee that no one has stumbled upon Harry Potter through me, lol. They didn’t read one of my fics and go, ‘you know, I should check out what source material this is coming from’. Harry Potter is so well-known that there’s no way they came in blind.
Also, the TERF discourse is very much an online thing. I work retail irl and I’ve had conversations with customers who’ll say “you know, I really don’t get all this hubbub against trans people” but are too boomer to be anything more than tangentially aware that Harry Potter is a Thing. Like, ‘oh yeah, my kids read those books when they were coming out, but I never bothered’. One of my employees bought a set of the HP books because they were on a wicked deal at Costco, and when we were discussing it I told her that while I still enjoyed HP, I wasn’t comfortable giving JKR more money because she’s extremely transphobic and donates a lot of money to anti-trans causes. My employee was horrified and said that had she known that, she wouldn’t have bought the books. Lots of people just don’t know!
Which takes me to…
4. This type of online activism isn’t effective.
I’m talking specifically about being anti-Harry Potter or anti-JKR. Falling into those two categories does not automatically make you pro-trans. This was pretty blatantly obvious back when the books were being burned for promoting witchcraft. As far as fighting for trans peoples’ rights, screaming until you’re blue in the face about how anybody who engages with Harry Potter is a traitor and JKR BAD is wasting time better spent doing something productive - something that could actually benefit trans people rather than…I don’t know…virtue signalling that their blog or twitter account is a safe space?
5. I personally do not feel welcomed or vouched for by these people.
Listen, I’m going to break myself down into all my stupid little categories. I’m trans. Autistic. Intersex. Aromantic. Asexual. Basically, all the things that people love to try and cast out of the queer community, whether that means they’re trying to split LGBTQIA+ at the T or Q.
The anti-Harry Potter stuff, as far as attacking the fandom, feels like the latest strain of purity politics to me. As I’ve laid out above, abandoning HP will not right the wrongs of JKR in any measurable or tangible way. Boycotts don’t work. Fandom does not feed JKR’s coffers, and destroying the fandom will not cripple her. There are trans people inside the HP fandom, and what of us? Are we traitors? Are we not ‘really’ trans, because obviously we don’t care about the current political climate? Are we just confused and need to be enlightened as to what harm we’re doing? Where have I heard this rhetoric before?
One small thing, tangentially related:
6. I don’t care what JKR says about how engaging with Harry Potter tells her about who her ‘supporters’ are.
Seriously? She’s a lying dirtbag, and I’m just supposed to take her word on this? This is the one thing she just so happens to be right about?
When she started spouting TERF shit, I was really saddened by the writers who, upon leaving the fandom, also deleted their works in protest. Seeing as the majority of the HP fandom is queer, I’m sure that JKR was very pleased with the amount of queer media erasure that occurred. Why did we do that for her?
7. I believe JKR actually seethes and malds over the prospect of her fandom being queer and producing queer content.
As a writer, there’s a special kind of pain that comes from someone not quite interpreting your work the way you would have wanted them to. What do you think JKR’s first reaction was when she first learned about the Harry/Draco ship? The Draco/Hermione ship? If she didn’t live in a stone castle, I bet she would’ve punched a hole in the wall.
So, yeah. Transing and gaying all of her characters is a pretty nice way to get to her in a way that she can’t legally or financially retaliate. Every time she screams ‘WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!’ at the queer people in her fandom, a trans person’s crops are watered.
8. The HP setting is very welcoming to trans people.
Potions exist that can change your body. Enough said.
That the Harry Potter books never really says anything specifically about trans people (NOTE: obviously JKR’s prejudices even back then showed through, but this isn’t about that) leaves the question on the table. Obviously trans people exist in the Harry Potter setting, because they exist everywhere. So, how did they never get any page time?
Well, who says they didn’t? In a setting where potions exist to change your body, trans people are just…people. I don’t even think that they would have a marginalized identity because gender dysphoria would be something very easily treated. Think of it like someone who takes medication for blood pressure. They need the medication, it’s life-saving, and while there isn’t a magical pill to ‘cure’ high blood pressure, it can be managed. The magical world revels in being strange. Why would being trans, while being considered strange here in the ‘Muggle’ world, be anything other than normal there? Why can’t it be?
And then there are Metamorphmagi. People who can literally change themselves at will! If that isn’t a trans person’s dream, I don’t know what is. I would personally love the option of being the biggest, hairiest dude with a dick so big an erection would make me black out, and then ultra femme and delicate the next.
Last on this point, Harry never notes anyone specifically trans in the text (NOTE: touching on things like the physical descriptions of Rita Skeeter and Marge Dursley, JKR tends to do the ugly=bad person thing. Although she describes Rita and Marge as mannish in appearance, they aren’t trans characters. They’re women that JKR wants to frame as bad people. Like I said above, this is JKR’s prejudice showing through). If Harry never notes anyone as specifically trans, that probably means that it’s impossible to tell at face value. The same as blood pressure medication, to return to that analogy. How do you know someone is on them? They tell you. You see the pill bottle and happen to know what that medication is for. They complain about side effects. They complain about the symptoms that led them going to the doctor in the first place.
9. Queer HP fandom content can potentially be how a Harry Potter fan realizes that they’re queer (or that queer people are just regular folks).
Hey, the first one happened to me!
If someone comes into the Harry Potter fandom unaware of JKR’s politics - maybe they were gifted the books for their birthday or happened to catch the movies on TV - it’s good actually that this person doesn’t fall right into an echo chamber of JKR’s politics. I’ll be happily here to correct her record in a way that isn’t shaming or policing them.
Anyway, I think that’s everything lol. To summarize:
- The HP Fandom is a neutral setting. Engaging with it doesn’t help JKR, and not engaging with it doesn’t help trans people. Just don’t spend money on official HP merch.
- If you want to be a pro-trans activist or trans political ally, please just ignore JKR and put all your focus on the real world.
- There are trans people in the HP fandom who are left feeling awkward and uncomfortable due to virtue signalling.
- Generating queer HP content is good, actually.
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9800sblog · 3 months
Can you do the same with P1harmony?
p1harmony tarot reading
current vibes
Tumblr media Tumblr media
10 of pentacles, the tower reversed, wheel of fortune, the sun
they're all up to something, not about money, being the most famous singer or having the most likes, notice the 10 of pentacles is about the material, not money exclusively. some people don't notice that fandoms are alternative culture, they're making up their own society of people who think, feel and create similarly to them, so they're being careful of what they're letting out to the public, their fans get it tho. they're not underrated, messy or lame, they know what they're doing by not being completely mainstream yet ;)
shuffled song:
9 of pentacles reversed, ace of pentacles reversed, the star
"good luck trying to figure me out", I see a lot of research in here about things people may think don't affect him but are directly linked to him. he gives old money vibes, old school jazz clubs, etc. he's purposefully being messy and confusing, like how your room has a disorganization that you understand tho. I think behind the scenes people are expecting/asking him to build an empire he already has.
shuffled song:
4 of wands, 10 of wands, ace of swords reversed (hidden beneath the), judgement, ace of wands
may be preparing for a new comeback, hiding a lot of who he really is, his ideas and projects, "got plans we ain't made yet". he holds a lot of creative control, more than people think, which is interesting and very beneficial to him, he's connecting to family, blood or found and lying a lot!!!! hahahah
shuffled song:
4 of pentacles reversed, ace of cups reversed, the sun, the fool
also being misleading on purpose, their next release may have a lot to do with that + superheroes/60's science fiction concept. he's having a good time lately, chilling, lying, enjoying classics (things that never die), he may be reading a lot, drawing, and not really trying a lot, being lazy. as if people keep yelling at him for unnecessary things that have nothing but also everything to do with him. he may be excited for halloween.
shuffled song:
5 of swords, knight of swords, page of wands, death reversed
exactly the same vibes as jiung but in his own style, he looks like a very very lazy person, aka looks for the easiest, simplest ways to do incredibly difficult things, and relaxes while doing them. like fishing, demands a lot of knowledge, patience, time and physical strength, but you just sit and wait for the fish to do the work for you.
shuffled song:
6 of cups, the high priestess, 8 of pentacles reversed, the devil
first love vibes, this is one lazy group of people tho omg. he's doing a big big mess while doing nothing, he may be trying to get back to who he used to be as a kid, in hopes to have back what he used to have. the song explains the entire spread and vibes, just listen.
shuffled song:
3 of pentacles, the empress, 8 of swords, 2 of cups
they're very lazy, but I wouldn't wanna have them as an enemy, let that be a warning. they're working together, with other people, friends and family towards a common goal, "at the end, we only pursue the value of goodwill", will being the keyword here. consciousness is important business for them, he wants to live an easy and simple life, and that's what he's doing, "why aren't others just doing whatever they want?", yellow submarine - the beatles another relevant song.
shuffled song:
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meraki-yao · 8 months
What's your intake on the sequel? Do you think there's a real possibility of it happening? I know we've seen that guy who has inside info saying they're currently in talks with the crew to sign on and that guy is literally never wrong but being in talks still doesn't mean anything. Also what's weird to me is that other projects prime created got a greenlit for a sequel very soon after the first movie came out (My Fault for example) and it's been almost 6 months with rwrb and we've got nothing.
Ok here we go.
I'm optimistic about a sequel being made. And I've been optimistic way before the insider info was leaked.
At the bare minimum, a RWRB sequel will generate a hella lot of profit for Amazon, and we know that those capitalists love nothing more than money. I don't think they're gonna let such a lucrative opportunity go.
As for why is it taking so long, I think it might be because they didn't have a sequel in mind when they made the original, and there isn't original material for a sequel. And yes I know there's Henry's bonus chapter, but the bonus chapter is a collection of snippets of their future life and not a cohesive story (which is why I'm advocating for a sequel series-). With the reaction of the fans and how much (positive) attention the original movie got, they know they have to be careful with the sequel and not fuck it up, or else we're gonna kill them. Shows like heartstopper, My Fault, for those, the original was done with a sequel in mind and more source material to spare. Good Omens on the other hand, was initially released in 2019, but didn't get green lit for a sequel until 2021.
We'll see. Honestly I rather take a little more time to create something good than something mediocre.
What is driving me insane though is why Amazon won't release more deleted scenes of the current movie 😭😭😭😭
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the-fibre-stuff · 5 months
I've been keeping an eye on knitting lessons in town to share with the students at the school in case they want to learn more. But since the LYS moved out of town there really isn't anything. I did just find one that I can't recommend - it's for beginners, they provide materials, and it's $85. For two hours. (That's about 5 hours at minimum wage)*
Now, obviously my classes at Michaels aren't a good point of reference, because I probably should have been paid more (although a lot of that problem was because I rarely had more than one or two students), but my former LYS is currently charging $60 (so about the same instructional price) for a 2x2 hour class. The 2.5 hour beginner knitting class is $45 (AND includes materials). (Same 6 student limit).
And the list of what they're trying to cover in 2 hours is too long! cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch, "bind off", how to read a yarn label and pattern AND starting a project. (I get that the project is really a necessary selling point, but they really don't work in a short class, you need to do multiple sessions so people can go work on it at home). And I'm sure they're saying "look how much we're covering" to make it look like good value for money, but if even one of the potentially 6 students is struggling with knitting, either that one is going to not really learn anything, or if you do it wrong NO ONE will learn anything (it's really easy to spend so much time with the one person who's struggling that you don't have enough time for everyone else, but then still not manage to help the one).
You need time to actually practice the skills in a knitting class. At least if you want the class to not be a rip-off. I guess this class is intended more as a "knit a headband" activity thing, but it's one that you finish at home? This feels deceptive, in that it's charging people (a lot) to learn how to knit, but is more about a "come experience knitting" thing than a "learn to knit".
Also, where does everyone stand on teaching foreign knitting without billing the class as such? I know that the internet has lead to the Americanization of the terminology, but hopefully the instructor is teaching the standard terminology not just the internet/American terms? (I just discovered today that some of my books from the 1970s don't have a section with notes for Americans, so people who are hoping to use grandma's collection may be in for a surprise.)
*I am not trying to suggest that the knitting instructor should only make minimum wage, and I'm aware that the supplies and potentially the location cost something, this is only provided for those who don't want to have to look up the conversion to CND
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