#i cried in a good way. i need 2 clarify
mrmannequinmark5000 · 7 months
Opinions on somethin’ stupid by frank sinatra
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i uesd to sing tjis song all thge timde to hgim..
(translation: i used to sing this song all the time to him..)
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slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. fighting/violence. a lil angst. lots of fluff at the end. can be read as a continuation to nosebleeds. warnings. blood. somewhat graphic fight scenes(?). crying. spoilers for the uncanny counter s2 ep 3-4.pairing. so mun x counter!reader. wc. 2.5k. a/n. requested by anon!
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Jeokbong was trying his best, you knew he was. But everyone was stressed and it would be really nice if he was able to get a grip on his ability. You couldn’t lie that you were getting annoyed. There were 2 evil spirits to deal with and the team had already split up. Jeokbong’s constant mixed signals were causing stress to the whole team. You sat in between Mun and Hana, watching as Jeokbong tried to sniff out the window to instruct where the evil spirit was.
“Hey, you punk. What’s the matter with you? You’re distracting me.” Motak complained, and Jeokbong quickly replied with a shake of his head.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s got to be something if you keep sticking your nose out the window.” You muttered under your breath, dismissing the warning look your boyfriend gave you.
“Jeokbong. You have something to say, right?” So Mun asked, in a more patient and nice tone compared to your comment.
“What?” Jeokbong seemed hesitant.
“It’s okay. Feel free to say it. It’s only natural for your new power to be unstable.” Mun reassured, and you wondered how your boyfriend managed to be so sweet all the time.
Jeokbong hesitated for a second longer before turning to face Mun, “To be honest, the smell seems worse towards the west.” He stuttered.
“West?” Motak echoed, “That’s towards Mount Dongin. Wasn’t that a level one?”
“Yes. The art museum had a level one. The reeds had a level three.” Hana clarified.
“Na Jeokbong, stop making us anxious.” Motak said seriously. 
“T-that’s why I didn’t want to say anything. But this smell keeps-” He stammered, sniffing aggressively. You exchanged looks with Mun, both of you becoming more concerned.
“This won’t do. Ms. Chu.” Mun started talking through his earpiece, “Ms. Chu? Ms. Chu!”
“Mun?” Your eyes were wide and you placed a hand on his shoulder.
He turned to you, “I can’t get in touch.” The tension in the car was rising. You and Motak were already stressed by Jeokbong, and Mun seemed to be getting anxious from not being able to reach Ms. Chu, now. Hana was always good at keeping calm, but you saw her clench her fist— she was feeling uneasy too.
“Na Jeokbong, get it straight!” Motak yelled.
“Which one’s the stronger one?”
“I-” Jeokbong almost seemed close to tears, feeling the pressure of a mission for the first time. “I think it’s the one at the museum. Wait. Is it the one in the reeds?” He stumbled over his words, sniffing and trying to differentiate the two. 
Motak gripped the steering wheel tighter, jaw clenched. You fisted pieces of fabric from your tracksuit pants into your palms, which only Mun seemed to notice. He placed his hand on top of yours in an attempt to ease your stress, fingers brushing over yours until they laced together.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know!” Jeokbong cried, “I really don’t know.”
“We have no choice.” Hana interrupted, “Jeokbong and I will go to the reeds.”
“I’ll go too.” You said suddenly, “It’s a level three. You can’t take that all by yourself and this is Jeokbong’s first mission.” 
“Y/n, are you sure?” Mun whispered, his grip on your hand getting noticeably tighter.
“We’ll be fine. Just go to the museum with Motak.” You exchanged nods with Hana and Motak stomped on the gas.
As soon as you arrived at the reeds, you and Hana were sprinting and Jeokbong struggled to keep up. You made it to a small clearing in the centre of the field, coming to an abrupt halt when you saw a man lying on the ground. His throat was slit. 
“The evil spirit is dead?” Hana asked hollowly. 
“That can’t be it.” There was no way you came all the way here just for the evil spirit to have killed itself.
“What? Hold on.” Jeokbong exclaimed, sniffing the air frantically. “The smell. The smell!” He sounded panicked.
“What about the smell?!” You shouted.
“It’s… It’s getting closer.” He stuttered.
“Which direction?” Hana demanded. 
Jeokbong turned around abruptly, “Over there! No, wait!”
“Jeokbong!” You urged, eyes darting around in circles, expecting the evil spirit to appear from any direction.
“Jeokbong, calm down.” Hana instructed.
“Hold on! It’s getting closer!” He yelped, stammering through his sentence, “Hold on! I think it’s coming from over there! It’s getting closer! Where is it?”
You didn’t even see the evil spirit coming before Hana fell to the ground. She got up as quickly as she fell, her face having been scratched by what looked like claws. 
“Where is it?” You pressured Jeokbong, preparing to freeze time once you knew the direction it was in.
“What?” Jeokbong stuttered in reply.
“Where is the evil spirit!?” You shouted at him. “I can get 30 seconds maybe but I need to know where it is!” 
“The smell keeps moving!” Jeokbong complained, eyes clamped shut.
“At 2 o’clock!” Jeokbong finally exclaimed, and you turned swiftly, catching the evil spirit right as she was about to claw at you, successfully kicking her to the ground. It gave you and Hana enough time to see the direction where the evil spirit ran and you both charged after it.
“I’ll freeze so you can land a hit!” You shouted, focusing your energy enough to prepare as soon as the evil spirit was in view again. 
“Hana? Y/n! Hana!” You could hear Jeokbong’s cries from a distance and in the corner of your eye you saw a flash of white hair. You cursed and started running in the direction of Jeokbong’s voice.
“Y/n!! Hana!!” 
You froze time, giving yourself some extra seconds to sprint back to Jeokbong and get there just before the evil spirit could reach him and attack. Manipulating time took almost all your concentration, especially if you wanted it to stay stalled. In order for you to land a punch to the evil spirit, you couldn’t keep time frozen. You had no choice but to unfreeze time as you landed one satisfying blow to her face, knocking her to the ground.
By this point, you were separated from the other two. It was just you and the evil spirit. You did your best to block every swing of her arm, the clawed knuckle gloves that she was wearing a scary addition to her punches. But, no matter how many times you stopped time, landing punches and kicks, the evil spirit was able to land more. 
You were able to keep fighting despite the dozens of hits she got on you, but after one hard punch to your stomach— her claws digging into the flesh of your stomach and ripping through— you fell to the ground, allowing enough time for the evil spirit to get away. You coughed up blood, clutching at your stomach where the wound was.
You stumbled, trying to get back up on your feet. The fight wasn’t over until the evil spirit was summoned, even if you died trying. As soon as you were standing again, you got knocked back to the ground with scratches to your legs and side. You groaned in pain. She was too fast, speeding through the reeds and landing blows before you could even register where she had come from. 
There was no way you would be able to beat her on your own and in your current state, so you decided on a different strategy. You focused all of your remaining energy on stopping time for you and the evil spirit, hoping that it would allow Hana enough extra time to find you.
It must’ve only taken a minute or two for Hana to find you, but it felt longer. You were strained trying to keep time frozen as you could feel the evil spirit resisting. You were exhausted and it was sucking more of your energy to keep time stable. As soon as you saw Hana in view, you collapsed, no longer trying to keep up your time manipulation. You vaguely heard their fight in the distance before you completely blacked out.
So Mun was more than panicked when he didn’t see you in Yung. He had an intense battle of his own, even taking a bullet to save Mr. Choi, but you were always his main concern. He needed to know if you were okay. At the soonest appropriate moment to do so while still in Yung, he took Hana aside.
“Where’s Y/n?” 
Hana sighed, running a hand through her hair, “She took the worst of it. She was already passed out by the time I really got a solid blow on the evil spirit.”
“What?” Mun’s voice was quiet as his breath was caught in his throat. You had passed out? 
“She must’ve tried to fight the evil spirit by herself. She stopped time in order for me to get there in time.” Hana explained the rest of it, sympathy in her eyes as she watched Mun’s face grow more worried and panicked.
“How was she when you came to Yung? Is she okay? Is she still hurt?” A flurry of questions escaped from Mun’s mouth.
“I wanted to wait until Ms. Chu could have a look at her. I didn’t think Ms. Chu would already be in Yung or I would have done a better job at patching her up before we left.”
“I have to go back. I’ll take care of her until Ms. Chu can get there.” He told Hana impatiently. As soon as she nodded, he transported back, opening his eyes with a start. 
He rushed to your room where he found you still passed out, lying on your bed. Tears welled in his eyes almost instantaneously. He knew you would be okay, you had to be okay. He didn’t know what he would do without you, and everytime you got hurt he was reminded of the risk of being a counter. If he lost you, he wasn’t sure what he might do. He always felt painfully mad and saddened seeing you in any sort of pain. 
So Mun had always felt very deeply, and his emotions for you were delicate. He was happy when you were happy, sad when you were sad, pained when he saw you in pain. Just seeing you lying there with blood stained clothes felt as if he had just been delivered a thousand blows. 
He carefully sat down on the edge of your bed, eyes tracing over your figure slowly. He reached for your hand and gently threaded his fingers with yours. He swallowed an uncomfortable lump in his throat when you couldn’t squeeze his hand like you always did. 
He loved holding your hand, loved how it fit so perfectly in his, loved how you could have a communication just by holding hands. He would squeeze your hand gently as if to say “I love you” and you would squeeze back, giving your own answer. 
So Mun didn’t mind the dried blood that coated your fingers or the wet tears that fell down his cheeks. He didn’t bother to wipe either of them. He didn’t want to leave your side. He knew you would wake up soon— you had to.
The rest of the team came back from Yung before you woke up. Ms. Chu joined Mun by your side and healed you with the help of his territory. But you still didn’t wake up.
“Shouldn’t she be awake by now? Is she really okay, Ms. Chu?” So Mun asked, never leaving your side and never letting go of your hand.
“She’ll wake up, So Mun. Give her time, she’s probably exhausted. As for injuries, there was nothing too serious. She’ll be perfectly fine when she wakes up.” Ms. Chu reassured, patting Mun on the back as she left the room.
“Hey,” So Mun’s voice was soft, “You really scared me, you know?” He smiled as best he could, watching your sleeping face. How did you manage to still look pretty with all those bruises and cuts? “I know you don’t like it when I get hurt… You know I feel the same way, right? I wish I never had to see you like this, but it’s pretty unavoidable, isn’t it?” He laughed a little, trying to make fun of the situation but he was struggling.
There was a long pause as Mun tried to find the right words, “I need you. I don’t think I can live without you anymore. No… I know I can’t live without you. You won’t leave me, right? I need you.
“It’s funny how people can miss someone who’s right in front of them, but I guess that’s how I feel right now. It’s only been a few hours but I miss you so much. I miss your hugs and your kisses. I miss your smile. I don’t think I’ve told you enough how pretty your smile is. But you probably already know, don’t you? Everything about you is pretty.”
He sighed. He had been talking to you for almost 2 hours and it was late now. He was starting to get tired, though he didn’t want to admit it. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep until you woke up. He decided he would stop talking and at least close his eyes. You wouldn’t hear what he was saying anyway, and it only made him emotional saying all these things out loud. He had been mindlessly tracing his thumb in little circles on your hand while speaking, and he gave it another squeeze.
He felt you squeeze back. It was very soft, very faint, but it was there and it was you.
All the tiredness that he had felt for the past hour left his body and he opened his eyes again. You blinked at him once… twice… thrice. He almost felt like crying again but he held it in, instead leaning forward to cup your cheek.
“Hi.” You mumbled, not sure what else to say.
“Hi.” So Mun laughed, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay. Are you?”
He nodded, “Just took a bullet to my arm, nothing much…”
“Oh my god, please tell me you’re joking.” You said, sitting up.
“Not really… But I’m really fine. Those evil spirits are no joke, huh?”
“She was so fast that we couldn’t even keep track of her in those reeds.” You groaned, “Next time I go up against her, I am fighting in a cleared area.”
So Mun smiled, “I’m glad you’re awake. I was starting to think you were going to sleep forever.”
“Who do you take me for? Sleeping beauty?” You both laughed.
“You could pass as sleeping beauty. Then I get to be your prince, right?” He asked, eyes shining with an excitement he couldn’t hide.
“You’re such a dork. Come here.” 
So Mun gladly cuddled close to you, more than happy to be back in your arms. He kissed your forehead, and then your cheek, and when you turned your face towards him, he kissed your lips. The two of you stayed like that for a long time, not talking unless in soft murmurs— though whatever discussion you were having always got interrupted by Mun sneaking in another kiss. You stayed in his arms until you both drifted off to sleep, which always came easily whenever you were close to him.
↳ k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts (abp & tuc only),, @tempobaekh (tuc only)
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brbsoulnomming · 11 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 24
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | AO3
Rating: mature
The next morning, he and Robin drape themselves over a pair of pool chairs to get their lounge on while Steve works on getting the pool in good enough shape for their upcoming party.
It means watching Steve in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of cut off shorts, so Eddie's very on board.
Robin scoffs next to him. "I am so glad you got your shit together so I don't have to tiptoe around you drooling right now."
"I'm not drooling!" Eddie insists, though he does wipe his hand over his mouth just to check.
No drool.
"Metaphorically," Robin clarifies, grinning at him. "By all means, oogle away. Just know Steve's probably showing off a little on purpose."
Eddie squints at him, and sure enough - there's probably no need for Steve to be lifting things that often.
"I hate that it's working," Eddie grumbles.
"Of course it's working." Robin rolls her eyes.
Right, of course it is. Eddie's always known that Steve was very attractive - it used to irritate the hell out of him, that he was susceptible to the same allure as the rest of the masses of Hawkins High. The fact that he thought Steve was a douche used to counter it, but, well.
Now he's pretty much in love with the guy.
Eddie leans forward a little, fiddling with some blades of grass by his chair. "Steve's, uh. It's true, right, that he's had a lot of sex with a lot of girls?"
Robin nods. "It's true. He was in a slump when I first met him, but before - well, before you, he was complaining about all his meaningless relationships that were just about sex when he wanted a real connection."
That's… Eddie doesn't know exactly what that is, actually, or how he feels about it. He thinks it should be weird, talking about this when they're both dating Steve, but - it doesn't feel weird, not really. "That doesn't bother you?"
"Does it bother me that he's been with more girls than I can count before I even got my first kiss? Not really. I mean, sure, I guess a little, in an ugh why is it so easy for him and so hard for me, but, you know. We both had our different ways of finding our other soulmate. Apparently neither of them were successful, since the Upside Down brought you to Steve, and I'm still striking out." She pauses, then adds, "Plus he's like really good at eating girls out, so I'm not going to complain about getting to benefit from him demonstrating his technique."
He takes it back, it's weird and uncomfortable and that was way too much information about their sex life.
Whatever face he's making gets her to laugh at him, eyes crinkling.
"Don't worry, it probably translates over decently well. Besides, I've seen him practically deep throat a banana so you're probably good. Oh, has he gotten to do that thing with his tongue yet?"
Eddie squeaks. He's pretty sure his face is bright red, considering how much it's burning, and Robin's laughter turns into a cackle.
Steve overhears the laughter and turns towards them, hip cocked as he squints at them.
"What's so funny?" he calls.
"Just asking Eddie if he's gotten to experience your tongue skills yet!" she calls back.
"Robin!" Steve yelps, dropping the pool net to come over to them.
"What?" she asks. "Weren't you the one who was whining at me about how you wanted to choke on his dick and then eat him out until he cried?"
The blood that had been flooding his cheeks immediately rushes south, and Eddie has to lean over to adjust his pants and try to make that less obvious.
Yes, please, sign him up for all of that.
"In confidence! I told you that in confidence!" Steve sputters.
Eddie leans back, tipping his head up at Steve with a slow smirk. "I'm feeling a little hurt, here, Harrington, how come I haven't gotten a fruit demonstration?"
Steve gapes at him for a moment, just long enough for Eddie to start to regain his footing.
Then Steve's eyes narrow.
"If I was demonstrating for you, Munson, it wouldn't be on fruit," he replies.
Steve turns his back on them and returns to the pool, leaving Eddie to make a protesting noise - that is not a whine, no matter how much he can read that in Robin's eyes while she laughs at him.
"Do I need to shove you in the pool to cool you off?" she teases.
"Shut up," he mutters, adjusting himself again.
Then he tips his head back and closes his eyes, because if he looks at Steve again in the next fifteen minutes or so, he might need to take Robin up on that.
They eat lunch all jammed together on the couch, plates balanced on their laps. Steve's eating with his left hand, because his right hand is holding Eddie's left. Their fingers are laced together, and Steve refuses to let go, and Eddie's pretty sure his cheeks are flushed red, but he's really not going to complain about it.
There's a little bit of sauce on the corner of Steve's lip, and ridiculously, it makes Eddie want to lean in to lick it off.
Fuck, he really wants to kiss him. Is he allowed to kiss him, is that weird? Steve and Robin haven't kissed in front of him, but Eddie kind of figures that's because they knew he had hang ups about the sharing thing.
Ugh, if he wants kissing Steve when they're like this to be on the table, it's probably going to be on him to talk about it.
Eddie clears his throat. "Hey, uh," he starts, but has no idea where to go after that.
Robin makes a little encouraging noise.
"I appreciate you guys holding back on the PDA around me while I figured all this out, but you don't have to anymore," he says.
Steve's eyebrows raise. He looks down, where Robin's toes are shoved under his thigh and he'd been in the middle of eating the olives off of her plate. "I hate to break it to you, Eds, but we haven't been holding back all that much."
"Well, yeah, not for that, but-" Eddie pauses, switching to come at this from another angle. "Not a lot of people know about me. And I'm guessing - not a lot know about Steve?"
Steve nods when Eddie looks at him for confirmation. "Just Robin and you, and Max and Lucas."
Eddie smiles a little. "Same, but Uncle Wayne knows about me."
"Just you and Steve, Max and Lucas for me," Robin adds, which -
Eddie hadn't known that, actually, but it makes him smile brightly at her. It makes it even better, knowing that Robin's in the same boat as him and Steve - that she gets it. "You're the only one who knows about me and Steve, and me and Steve. I don't know how you feel about telling the others who know?"
Steve considers that. "I feel okay," he says finally. "But if we tell Lucas and Max, we have to tell the rest of the party. It's not fair to have them keep that secret."
Eddie doesn't disagree, but - "Table that for now, then. So yeah, just you. And I'd really, really like to just kiss Steve without thinking about it when it's just the three of us, so it'd be really shitty of me if I told you not to."
There's a moment of silence as Robin and Steve look at each other with near identical expressions of confusion.
"Eddie," Robin says after a moment. "I like girls."
Eddie frowns. He thought they just covered that. "Yeah?"
"Only girls," she clarifies.
"But Steve-" he starts.
"Is not a girl," Robin finishes.
"Definitely not a girl," Steve adds.
"Wait, so you - so you're not -" Eddie stammers.
Jesus fucking Christ.
"Oh my God, Eddie, have you thought we were dating this whole time?" Robin shrieks.
"Yes! Of course I did! Look at you!" Eddie gestures at them.
"You said you told him!" Steve hisses at Robin.
"I did!" Robin protests.
"I think I would have remembered that!" Eddie counters.
"We were sitting in the kitchen! I told you that Steve has two soulmates, a platonic," she gestures at herself, the motion just as exaggerated as the word. "And a romantic!" She gestures at Eddie this time.
Eddie closes his eyes, fights the urge to just keep repeating Jesus Christ, and opens them again. "Buckley. I wasn't looking at you while we were talking."
"You weren't - well that's just rude, Munson! What were you so busy staring at that you couldn't pay attention to me in the very important discussion we were having?" Robin demands.
Eddie's eyes cut to Steve.
Her gaze must follow his, because she groans. "Of course you were looking at Steve. See, look at that, another person ignoring me because they're obsessed with you."
Eddie squawks. "I wasn't obsessed with-"
His jaw snaps shut as he realizes that might not be a lie.
Steve grins at him, looking just a little bit too smug. "It's okay," he says. "I'm kind of obsessed with you, too."
Robin groans, face planting onto Steve's shoulder. "How did we miss this?"
"I thought we were being so mature," Steve agrees. "So open and communicative."
"In my defense, you two did shower together," Eddie points out.
"Not like that!" Robin says.
"How do you shower together but not like that?" Eddie demands.
Steve shrugs. "The same way you wash someone's hair but not like that?"
Eddie makes a face at him. "Yeah, that doesn't count, I wanted to jump you the whole time."
Steve opens his mouth, then closes it again. "Yeah, okay, me too," he admits. "You kept making these little sounds, I just-"
Eddie waggles his eyebrows. "Keep going, Stevie, you just what?"
"Get sidetracked later," Robin cuts in. "The point is - technically, Steve showered while I was brushing my teeth, and I showered while he was doing his hair care routine. We're soulmates, it's not like it matters what we see."
"But - there was giggling, and smacking, and - other noises," Eddie protests, but it's a weak one now.
Steve shrugs. "My back was all fucked up, man, you know that. Rob was helping me with the bandages."
"And Steve was doing his stupid shower characters," Robin adds, rolling her eyes. "He makes himself a dumb beard out of shaving cream or a stupid hairstyle out of shampoo and does terrible voices, and it's awful and I don't hate it at all."
Eddie - Eddie can imagine that perfectly, actually, and fuck, something so stupid shouldn't make him want so badly, but there it is.
"Stop," he whines. "I'm already in love with you, stop making it worse."
Both Steve and Robin freeze, but it still takes him a moment to realize what he just said.
Oh shit.
Eddie swallows, building up his courage for a moment before he sneaks a look at Steve.
Steve's looking back, just a little bit awestruck. "You love me?"
Eddie can't pull his hand free to fidget with his wrist brace, so he plays with Steve's fingers instead. "Well, yeah. I kind of thought that was obvious."
Then again, apparently some things all three of them thought were obvious were very much not obvious, and he grimaces.
"Yeah," he says. "I really do."
Robin kicks Steve in the thigh, leaning over and snatching their plates out of their laps. "Upstairs, now," she informs them. "I know that look, Steve, and if you're going to make out with him you're not doing it sitting next to me on the couch."
"Upstairs?" Steve asks, and who the hell is Eddie to say no to that?
"Just remember you're supposed to pick Dustin up for patrol in half an hour!" Robin yells up after them. "And I will not be stalling if he walkies asking what's taking you so long!"
"Guess we shouldn't waste any time." Eddie turns to Steve with a smirk, one eyebrow raised, only to find himself pinned to the wall in the upstairs hallway.
Steve crowds in against him, kissing him in short little bursts, like he keeps trying to pull back to say something but can't make himself stop for long.
Eddie doesn't make it easy for him to pull away, chasing him every time he does to kiss him again. He drags his teeth along Steve's bottom lip the next time he pulls back, but this time, Steve actually does stop long enough to speak.
"I love you, too," he pants out against Eddie's lips, the words muffled by how close they are together.
And Eddie - yeah, part of him had known. Like he told Uncle Wayne, it was obvious that Steve cared about him, and it was just as obvious that Steve was really into him.
But mostly knowing about it and hearing it confirmed are two different things, and Eddie surges forward to kiss him again.
Steve presses him back against the wall, one thigh wedged between Eddie's legs - still in those cut off shorts, and if Eddie could bring himself to break the kiss long enough to look down, he's pretty sure he'd get more than a flash of hairy skin. Eddie groans, rolling his hips up so he can at least grind against his thigh.
"Yeah?" Steve asks, before his tongue slides into his mouth at the same time his thigh presses up and up, giving Eddie more friction to rut against.
Which he immediately takes advantage of, grabbing Steve's ass with both hands and holding on as they rock together.
"Wanna make you feel good," Steve says, dropping little biting kisses along the line of Eddie's jaw. "Want you to tell me everything you like."
Eddie huffs out a shaky little laugh. "I, uh. I've never done this before, Stevie."
Steve tips his head back to look at him, brows furrowed for a moment before he seems to get that Eddie means, like, ever.
Despite the fact that he's mostly sure Steve isn't going to make fun of him, his stomach still drops when Steve groans and drops his head down into Eddie's shoulder.
"Steve?" Eddie asks.
"We gotta stop," Steve replies, muffled. "We've only got like twenty minutes left now, and that's really not enough for everything I want to do with you."
Eddie's dick throbs where it's still pressed against Steve's thigh. "It's enough for something, though, come on."
Steve pulls back to look at him. "Eds, your first time is not going to be a quickie in our hallway with Robin downstairs and Dustin waiting on me."
Eddie considers that, then rolls his hips up again, grinning smugly when it makes Steve inhale sharply. "Yeah, I'm pretty okay with that for my first mutual orgasm experience."
Steve makes a face at him, the impact of which is a little ruined by his slightly glazed eyes. "I'm not."
Eddie grunts. "I'm not a girl," he manages to growl out.
Steve looks down between them, where Eddie's still very hard and very pressed into him. "I noticed."
"Then don't treat me like some delicate little virgin," Eddie snaps.
Steve huffs. "It's not like that, it's - fine, why did you tell me, then?"
"What?" Eddie asks, thrown.
"If it's not a big deal, why did you say anything?"
"I… I don't know," Eddie admits. "I just - thought you should be aware, I guess, in case you were expecting something else."
Someone who knew what they were doing.
"Eds," Steve breathes out, tipping his head in to kiss him again. "I'm not expecting anything but you, I promise. Just you, that's all I want."
"That's all?" Eddie asks, and he means it to be teasing, but it comes out a little shaky.
"I want - look, I know it's crap about virginity being special and your first time being perfect and all that, but… it's also not crap."
Eddie raises an eyebrow.
"It's - it should be good, Eddie. You deserve to have something go right. I want to take my time with you, not be thinking about how we have to rush."
Well when Steve puts it like that.
"You're such a romantic," Eddie teases.
Steve's ears go a little pink, but he shrugs. "Yeah, I guess I kind of am."
Eddie pulls him back in for another kiss. "I love you," he whispers against his lips, part because he does and part just to see if he can get Steve all riled up again.
"Not fair," Steve mutters back.
Eddie can't help but laugh a little. "It work?"
"Yes." Steve kisses him again. "But it didn't change my mind."
He steps back, though Eddie's pleased to note that he looks both rumpled and reluctant. Eddie sighs, then reaches out to fix Steve's collar, run his fingers through his hair. Steve does the same for him, and it feels -
Well, pretty fucking good, actually.
They head back downstairs. Robin cheers for them, shouting, "Three minutes to spare!"
Steve rolls his eyes, leans over to kiss the top of her head.
Then he drags Eddie to the front door with him so they can kiss again, long and lingering, before Steve finally heads back out.
Eddie drifts back into the living room to sit down next to Robin again, trying not to look too dazed.
She huffs at him, and it's only then that he realizes this is the first time they've been alone since she told him she was coming back for him.
"You still pissed at me?"
Robin rolls her eyes. "No, you fixed that last night. For the record - it wasn't at you, not really. Steve was miserable, which gets my hackles up. I know, he said he was happy no matter what, but I know him. He would have been hung up on you for ages. Plus, the boy likes sex," she adds matter-of-factly. "It would have been awful dealing with him pining and all pent up from not getting laid."
Eddie snorts.
"What?" Robin asks.
"Nothing," Eddie replies. "Just - I'm really glad we don't have to work out a schedule for both of us having sex with him."
Robin lets out a sound that's some unholy mix between a giggle and a shriek. "Okay, first, thanks for putting that mental image in my brain, I need at least three shots later tonight to get that out. Second - oh my god we would run him ragged, he's pretty insatiable but I'm not sure even he could keep up with the two of us."
Eddie cackles, head tipping back in a laughter there's no way he can contain. "I really love you, Robbie," he says quietly when he's managed to calm down.
Her eyes are soft as she looks at him. "Yeah," she says. "I do, too."
"I can't promise that I won't ever hurt him," he says. "Because, you know, sometimes I get up in my head about stuff, and sometimes I miss things. But I love him. It's always going to be him. I won't - I won't ever leave him, or give up on us."
Robin's quiet for a long time. "You and I aren't really soulmates, you know. I can't tell if you just lied to me."
Eddie knows what his knee-jerk reaction to that is. But he sits with it for a moment, breathes in and breathes out, and then decides knee-jerk was the right reaction. "Yeah, you can."
Robin smiles at him, reaching out to tug on a lock of his hair. "Yeah, I can," she agrees.
He opens his arms, and she hugs him, then shoves him off.
"Come on, Steve left us to do the lunch dishes."
Steve brings home pizza for dinner when he gets done with patrolling.
"Hey, I was thinking - do you want to head out to Forest Hills when we're done?" Steve asks while they eat. "There's not really anyone there anymore, we could see if there's anything left of yours you want to get."
Eddie considers that. Part of him isn't sure he wants to go back there, ever, but the other part kind of feels like he needs to see it. To make it real again, and not just a thing in his nightmares.
So he agrees, and they head out after they clean up dinner - Robin refuses to get stuck with it this time.
It still feels strange, driving around in the front seat of Steve's Bimmer, but mostly a nice strange. They don't pass many cars on the way out there, and Steve's got Trooper's Thick as Thieves album playing quietly, and Eddie can just lean back and alternate looking out the window with looking at the beautiful boy in the driver's seat.
Steve pulls a couple of empty boxes out of the trunk when they get there, and Eddie sees him hesitate over the nail bat that's still in there from his patrol earlier.
"Here," Eddie says, taking the boxes so Steve can grab the bat.
There hasn't been any sign of Vecna or the Upside Down on their patrols yet, but Eddie's pretty sure they'll both feel better if Steve's carrying it.
The trailer is barely holding together, a huge chunk ripped out of the living room, and Eddie swallows back a surge of tears.
He knows they have insurance, knows what Uncle Wayne said about the stuff in the trailer, but - it was the first place that ever really felt like home to Eddie. Even though the home was more about Uncle Wayne himself than the physical trailer, it hurts seeing it like this.
"Hey," Steve says softly. "We don't have to do this tonight, we can wait."
Like it's just a guarantee that whenever Eddie does decide to look through the shattered remains of his life, Steve will be right there with him. No question.
It shouldn't be, but it's still a little bit of a surprise to realize that Eddie believes it.
"No," he says, though he does lean in for a kiss. "I want to get this over with. Come on, let's look in my room."
His room isn't as bad as the living room, but it's still pretty trashed. He gets to work rifling through the debris while Steve hangs out in the doorway, nailbat on one shoulder and keeping an eye on the dormant but still not closed gate in the living room.
Eventually, Eddie manages to find about a couple of boxes worth of clothes, most of his jewelry, some D&D things, a few other odds and ends. It's not a lot, but it's more than Eddie thought he might have, which lifts his spirits a little.
"I can stop borrowing your clothes all the time," Eddie tells Steve.
Steve makes a face like he's trying not to say anything.
"What?" Eddie asks.
"…I kind of like you in my clothes," Steve admits.
Eddie barks out a little laugh, then sets down his box so he can sidle into Steve's space. "Oh yeah?" he asks, cocking one eyebrow. "You want me to wear your letterman jacket?"
Steve tips his head, which Eddie is pretty damn sure means yes, but I don't want to say it.
"Steve Harrington," Eddie teases as he hooks his fingers in the waistband of Steve's jeans and gives it a tug. "You wanna be my boyfriend?"
"I'm your soulmate," Steve replies, rolling his eyes, but he doesn't stop himself from being reeled in.
"You wanna be my boyfriend," Eddie repeats, voice sing song, and steals another kiss.
"You were the one who said you wanted the full Steve Harrington experience," Steve teases back.
"I was joking!" Eddie replies, but he realized the moment he says it that - well, no, he kind of wasn't.
Steve grins widely at him. "No, you weren't," he retorts, with all the confidence of someone who's just felt a new lie being written on them.
Eddie raises his eyebrows at him. "So what are you going to do about it, then?"
Steve leans in to kiss him one more time. "Come on. Let's get out of here first."
And, well, all right, Eddie can't exactly protest that.
He picks up two boxes, leaving Steve to grab the third and his bat, then the two of them head back out of the trailer.
They're not too far from what's left of the front door when the sound of footsteps crunches on the gravel nearby.
It's probably just one of the handful of folks too stubborn to leave Forest Hills, but - it's dark, and Eddie can't see anyone, and he can't help the rush of panic that he feels. It must hit Steve the same way, because when he turns back to look at him, he sees that Steve has gone still, head tilted like he's listening.
The sound of a gun cocking rings out far louder than it should.
"Don't move," Jason Carver says.
Tag list (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
At least all three of them are finally on the same page?
Part 25
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apomaro-mellow · 7 months
Hot for Teacher(s) 3
Part 2 / AO3 Link
After school practices for the Thanksgiving performance was only for the students who wanted to put a little more time into it. Apparently a bulk of the rehearsal happened during their music class and that made sense. Still, Steve was glad to put a face to some of the kids his son mentioned. The first night there had been a girl who's lip trembled at the slightest upset and Steve knew that had to be Yasmin.
"She's a crybaby who cries over everything", Shawn had said one time.
"Hm, need I remind you of all the times you've cried? Why I remember just last week-"
"We don't need to talk about that", Shawn said, properly chastised.
Even so, Steve could see how it could get a little frustrating to be in a class with someone as sensitive as that. And yet, Mr. Munson never let on that he was frustrated or anything like that. Every time the tears came, he talked her down. Which was quite the feat since he had probably been doing it for eight hours at this point.
"You're really good with the kids", Steve complimented when Mr. Munson took a seat near them to rest.
Third grade was working on their performance piece on the stage now while the smaller kids got a break. Mr. Munson smiled a bit as he scratched at his head.
"Yeah, well, patience is key, as I'm sure you know. Actually, how old are the kids you teach?", he asked.
"Middle school", Steve answered, laughing a little when he saw the other teacher's eyes get wide in fear.
"Braver than any marine, I swear. I will take spilt milk tears over the raging hormones going on over there."
Steve's brain decided to highlight the word 'hormones' which made him delayed in his response. He cleared his throat to try and cover it up. "It's not as bad as all that. I've got the babies of middle school, the sixth graders, but don't tell them I said that. And I'm lucky I've got a group there that's absolutely obsessed with science."
He met Mr. Munson's eyes and was met with a million watt smile. One that he knew was on his own face too.
"That's the best feeling, ain't it? When they wanna soak up as much as you can give?"
"The best", Steve agreed. It wasn't always candy and roses but it was all worth it for those days when everything just clicked. "Speaking of passions, did you get that approval for your ideas for the show?"
"They said I could play guitar, but they vetoed my pyrotechnics idea."
That night, Mr. Munson walked him and Shawn back to their car. And as such, became a routine for two days out of the week. Through it all, Steve commended himself for only drooling a little over him and only when he was alone.
At home, one Saturday, Shawn was humming his class' song while Steve made them lunch. He looked to the calendar and realized the show would be that coming Monday. Well, he knew that but it hit him that in less than a week, Thanksgiving break would start and then there wouldn't be much of a reason for him to see Mr. Munson anymore.
Just as the thought came to him, he looked at the school events calendar he had put in his phone and saw that there would be a Winter Dance but that it was for 4th and 5th grade only. He held back a sigh. Oh well, maybe if he got particularly antsy, he could schedule a confere-no, nononono.
He wasn't going to waste a teacher's time over nothing. Just because, what? He wanted to see him?
He said as much when he talked to Robin the next day. They were sitting in his living room, Shawn was up in his room, reading on this lazy Sunday.
"So, you're just going to avoid him?"
"It's not avoiding. I'm just not going to go out of my way to seek him out", Steve clarified. "And maybe this little crush", he whispered the word 'crush' like tiny ears were listening, "will die down."
"Mhm", Robin nodded, unconvinced. "You know they say absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"
Steve leaned back against the couch. "There's at least one absence I'm not missing."
"...Don't tell me this is all because of him?"
"It's not because of him but...", Steve's eyes traveled to where Shawn's baby book sat on a bookshelf. Inside were the only pictures of Shawn's sire. And honestly, Steve wouldn't even have those if it were up to him. But he wanted to leave the door open just for when Shawn got older and could decide how much he wanted that man in his life.
"I don't think Mr. Munson is anything like him. Of course I don't. But I can't make a mistake like that again. If Shawn got hurt, I could never forgive myself."
Robin gave him a pat on the leg. "If you really think it's for the best."
It was. Steve knew that what was on the surface could be hiding something ugly underneath. He wasn't going to expose him or his pup to anything like that again. Mr. Munson was nice but these feelings weren't deep enough to swim in. Steve was barely getting his toes wet. He would stay high and dry and then Shawn would go on to second grade and then he would only see Mr. Munson in passing, if that.
Steve had all these affirmations in mind as he settled in to see Shawn's performance Monday. Planning ahead, Steve had told his school a couple weeks ago that he had a doctor appointment and wouldn't be coming in until later. Just long enough to pop in and see Shawn sing. As he had planned and rehearsed, Mr. Munson sat on a stool to one side of the stage, acoustic guitar in his lap.
It was all the school would allow and seeing as the kids' singing voices weren't super strong, it was for the best. Steve recorded the act, phone focused on Shawn while every once in a while, his eyes drifted to Mr. Munson.
After the song, Steve waved to Shawn, who waved back. He had told him ahead of time that he'd have to go back to work after seeing him, so that his son wouldn't be disappointed. When they saw each other at home later, Shawn's adrenaline from the day hadn't waned.
"So a lot of the other kids' parents took them home, so Mr. Munson let some of us play with his guitar!"
"Did he now?", Steve smiled.
"Uh-huh. He even taught us how to play. Do you think he teaches guitar?"
"Would you like some lessons?", Steve asked.
"Only if Mr. Munson is teaching it. He makes everything so cool."
Steve watched as Shawn ran ahead to go into the corn maze. Most of the corn was gone, so he wasn't worried about him getting lost as Robin went to get them hot ciders. Shawn scurried through the maze when he found someone familiar.
Robin had come back with two ciders that she and Steve sipped on while Shawn made his way through the maze.
"Dad! Look who's here!"
Steve looked up, expecting to see one of his little friends. Not Mr. Munson.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket.
Not Mr. Munson in ripped jeans and a leather jacket with chunky rings and his hair let loose, spilling over his shoulders.
"Dad look! It's Mr. Munson! Dad?"
"Mr. Munson! What a surprise!", Robin came in for the save while Steve was speechless. She gave him a subtle nudge that really wasn't all that subtle but that was okay because Mr. Munson was having his own crisis.
Because here was Mr. Harrington, enjoying a harvest festival, shoulder to shoulder with a beautiful alpha woman.
"H-hey, didn't expect to run into you here", Mr. Munson stuttered.
"Me neither", Steve said, voice a little breathless. He cleared it and remembered himself. "This is Robin, she's my neighbor. Robin, this is Shawn's teacher."
"Heard so much about you", Robin grinned.
Steve wanted to kick her in the shin.
"Hey, Shawn, how's about we go and pick out a pumpkin or something?", Robin suggested, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the other two, leaving them alone.
Mr. Munson looked like a deer caught in headlights and Steve couldn't blame him.
"Jesus, she couldn't be anymore obvious."
"Did you want to talk to me about something, Mr. Harrington?"
"No, I didn't. But, I think...I think we should have this conversation anyway." Steve ran a hand through his hair.
They went to a little sitting area the farm had set up near the food booths so that they could talk. Eddie's mind ran a mile a minute, thinking of what this could be about. Both good and bad. He'd gotten a hot chocolate both to keep his hands warm and to give him something to do with said hands. Hands that Mr. Harrington was staring at right now.
"I um", he shook his head and pushed a lock of hair behind his ear. "I just wanted to-god this is hard."
"Well, let's make it easier", Eddie said. "Is it about Shawn? Is he having problems in school?"
"No, it's not about that. It's about us-I mean, there is no us but I-goddammit", Steve hissed, cheeks getting red in embarrassment. He let out a breath. "Mr. Munson, I'm having..." don't say feelings don't say feelings don't say feelings "-sensations, that aren't entirely professional. About you."
"And I know nothing can come of it, but I just want you to know that, to know that I'm aware of them and if I ever come on, I guess too strong, please just let me know."
"Um, for how long?", Eddie asked, hoping he wasn't vibrating in his seat because it sure did feel that way.
"Uhh, pretty much since I first met you", Mr. Harrington admitted. "And I don't know if it's because you've been looking after me and Shawn when we walk back to the car, or if it's something else but you just smell...you feel safe. And it's hard for me not too....", he trailed off, voice getting soft.
He didn't know how much that meant to Eddie. His first year of teaching, Eddie had gone on scent blockers, not wanting to overwhelm the little noses in his room. But one day he'd forgotten and things just seemed to run more smoothly when they could get a whiff of him. For Mr. Harrington to say his scent made him feel safe...
"It hasn't exactly been easy for me either", Eddie finally said. "Me too, since that first day I... But you already said nothing can come from it."
There was a hesitant look in Mr. Harrington's eyes. "Well, you know, why not?"
"Why...not?", Eddie echoed.
"I have my personal reasons for not pursuing this, but they mostly involve Shawn. If he doesn't know about it, I mean if we can hide it from most people, you won't get in trouble with the school. And we won't, you know get Shawn's hopes up if it doesn't become serious."
"Why, Mr. Harrington, are you propositioning me?" Honestly, Eddie didn't give a flying fuck what this principal thought about his private life. At the end of the day, it really was just Shawn he was worried about. He didn't know what happened to the other half of his DNA, but he knew that kids with only one parent sometimes longed for a second. He couldn't make Shawn think that was him unless this was the real deal. And he wouldn't know that for sure if he didn't give this a try.
"For starters, when we're not on school grounds, you can call me Steve."
"Eddie, would you like to go out with me sometime?"
Steve's face was a mix of hopeful and confident that Eddie wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. "I'd love to."
Part 4
There is absolutely some angst with Steve's baby daddy comin down the line. I came up with it where I come up with all my best ideas, half asleep when I wake up in the morning.
Tag Team
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @lololol-1234 @hippieg1rl420 @gregre369 @attic-cat-blog
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moodymisty · 1 month
Hey sickly anon here. I feel like I should explain myself a little. I was really worked up last night and just kinda sent that ask without any context and I know it must look like a troll ask.
I get that there is a lot of content focusing on thin readers/women(I don't much like those either)
It's not really that I'm super bothered by protrayals of different weight, it was just the phrasing that hit a nerve last night I think. I got sick in highschool and soon legitimately looked like a gaunt skeleton(still do tbh :/)
So not the cute desirable version of thin. More of the "is she terminal? poor thing.." To this day I get people doing horrified double-takes at me because of how I look so I guess it's slowly made me ultra sensitive about it.
And last night I had a guy get in my face and legit SCREAM because I couldn't process his return since he didn't have a receipt. And then had to do basically 3 people's jobs because 2 different coworkers decided to go to the club last night instead of work. A typical day in retail I guess.
So I get home and go straight to your blog because its a big comfort for me and I just kinda crumpled being reminded of my mess of a body.
But it wasn't really your fault. Like when you have a REALLY bad day and one more barely noteworthy little thing goes wrong/feels bad (like you drop your spoon or something) and you just McFricken lose it and can't stop the tears.
That was me last night lol. A little embarrassing in retrospec after I slept it off. I hope you don't think I was attacking you personally or anything. I was overwhelmed and just felt hurt and had to express myself somehow (did a terrible job of it I know lol. I was flustered.)
TL;DR: had a really bad day at work, getting reminded of my health condition and appearance was the last tiny nudge I needed to become a crybaby, cried about it, went to sleep, woke up feeling better and a little embarrassed I let it bother me so much.
Anyways, shenanigans aside I hope you have a good weekend :)
Hey, thanks for coming back to clarify, I preciate it. It’s no big deal, this is all a bunch of fictional stuff on the internet after all.
I grew up with a mother with severe eating disorders that put her in the ER multiple times. The way she views being fat as the ugliest thing you can be to the point she would rather die than be that way has become my inner voice for a long while and I’ve only just started to deal with my own eating disorder. The Fulgrim chubby chaser thing was just a fun meme that I was encouraging because so much of reader insert stuff has the “thigh gaps and running fingers through your hair, tiny cocktail dresses and picking you up” and it’s fun to pretend that maybe someone might like the way I look XD
And just because I answer a few asks about chubby people, they all exist in their own universe and it’s not like that’s canon. I have plenty others that don’t mention anything at all.
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veescorneroftheworld · 2 months
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Awkward - Quinn Hughes x Reader
Synopsis ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ The beginning, middle and end of reader's happiness.
Warnings ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ really short, Angsty-ish, use of y/n, sad Quinny
Authors note ⋆✴︎˚。⋆this was kinda fun to write and it's VERY loosely based off of a situationship that recently VERY abruptly ended bc he's an ✨️asshole✨️ so yeah....also lmk if you want a Pt. 2!!
Taglist ⋆✴︎˚。⋆ nobody yet!
Quinn thought you were gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous, even. The first time he talked to you he thought you were too cool for him, and he still does. But not the same way.
You were are perfect for him. Did he see that? Yes. Is he an idiot? Also yes.
You guys made it past the talking stage, which how Quinn Hughes was your first 'successful' talking stage, you'll never know. Making it past the talking stage was unusual for you especially since you hadn't ever even had one, to be honest.
The talking stage with Quinn was nice but for a while you were bored of just talking. You wanted to get coffee or lunch with him. You wanted to go to the mall randomly with him because you were both bored. You wanted more.
Quinn loved talking to you but wanted more too. He finally asked you to lunch after a whole 4 WEEKS just texting. Of course you said yes because who wouldn't want to go out with their favorite hockey player, let alone the one they're completely infatuated with.
Once you guys went out you were both having an amazing time. You'd even go far enough as to say you were falling for him after one lunch.
He decided different though.
"Hey..." he mumbled, trying to get your attention "can- can we talk?"
You looked at him confused "We already are, Quinn..."
"I- I know but this is more...important" he sounded almost...guilty?
"Quinn, what's going on? Talk to me."
"I-...I don't think this is a good idea..."
You looked even more puzzled "I- what do you mean?"
"I mean...this....us...I don't think it's good to continue" he said almost quiet enough you couldn't hear it.
You had tears forming as you spoke "Quinn....what do you mean?"
"If we dated...we'd needed see each other and I don't want to do that to you...you're so amazing and I wish we could do this but I don't want to hurt you more"
"I.... I thought we had something..." you mumbled sadly.
"We did! We- we do...I just...I go on a lot of trips for work..."
"It's fine...it-it's fine. It's your choice...I respect it." You smiled weakly at him "my lunch break ends soon, I need to head back to work."
"Wait, pretty girl, hear me out-"
"Quinn, I liked you....a lot. Probably will for a long time...but you hurt me." You said bitterly before walking out to head back to work.
You heard a knock at your front door later that night and went to open it to see Quinn standing there.
"H-hey..." he extended his arm to hand you the flowers he got you.
"What are these for?" You asked harshly.
"You...look, I'm sorry, I don't want things to be awkward between us...I'm so sorry, pretty girl." He said sincerely.
"But you dint take it back...you're just apologizing...?" You asked to clarify.
"It'll only be awkward if you make it awkward. Yeah, so what if I cried because I had real feeling for you....and I probably always will..."
"Oh....oh my God I'm so sorry...please forgive me"
"I do forgive you, Quinn....but what's done is done and I can't change the past. You made a decision and I respect it." You stated firmly but kindly. "But what you did was so....shitty. it hurt, quinn
"I know and I'm so so sorry, pretty girl....so...so...sorry. Please forgive me, Y/n, please. I'm so sorry" he pleaded quietly.
"Quinn..." You trailed off. "I said I forgive you and I accept you apology....but I'm over it already... "
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putaposyinyourhair · 1 year
Slowly but Also Like All at Once
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
noah diaz x mirage (they’re def boyfriends)
warnings: goddamnit noah cheer up dude (also death/bodies mention)
mirage tones it down with the pet names but then comes in hot at the end with a big one + dad doesn’t seem to approve
“Is the rider part of Arcee?” Noah inquires, watching as the Ducati ahead navigates the curved exit ramp of the Sunrise Highway— Noah is kind of transfixed honestly, awed by the way the early morning light shines off of the pink and white finish of Arcee’s altmode.
“Nah, that’s holomatter,” Mirage reveals offhandedly.
“It’s a projection,” the mech clarifies. “Can be light or solid. We use them to draw less attention to ourselves. Be kinda weird to see a bike drive itself, right?”
Noah nods. Definitely weird. His lips pout to one side, watching Arcee and mulling over the idea of hologram-like projections for a moment before he starts, wide gaze flashing down to Mirage’s radio.
“Wait, can you do that?” he questions pointedly.
“Yep,” Mirage pops the ‘p’ cheerfully, before his radio makes a small, muted buzzing sound. “Well… I used to.”
Noah stills.
“My projector was damaged pretty badly after Peru,” Mirage admits softly, kind of wistfully. “I can project light. I mean, sorta. It doesn’t last very long and it’s really buggy but…”
The mech trails off for a moment.
“I can’t do solid anymore,” he confesses finally, faintly.
Noah sinks into the seat, forced down by the sudden, all-encompassing guilt.
“Ratchet tried to fix it but it’s just one of those things, y’know?” Mirage goes on, his pitch rising in volume as if in response to Noah’s physical reaction to his admission. “Bumblebee can’t talk. I can’t use holoforms. No biggie.”
The bot isn’t a very good liar, Noah realizes.
He has zero doubt in his mind that losing a piece of yourself like that has got to be terrible. But he’s not going to acknowledge that out loud though. Not when it’s probably his fault.
Damn it.
The inward confession makes his chest sting.
Noah shakes his head, not wanting to think on it anymore. He’s already cried once. He’s not about to do it again. Mirage is going to start thinking he’s some kind of giant wuss or something.
He sucks in a sharp breath and forces himself to lift and drop a shoulder.
“Who needs hologram—form…things,” he stammers out a bit awkwardly. “When you’re already cool as fuck anyway, dude.”
Mirage chuckles, the sound vibrating through the seat beneath Noah. The leather warms up for a moment and Noah realizes that comfort is exactly what that sensation is supposed to convey.
He’s just not sure it’s working this time around.
The seconds crawl by and neither of them moves to speak again and so they fall into a strange, sort of unsettling silence. Noah, for as much as he tries to not think about it, can only do just that; stew in the guilt.
Because it is his fault.
Mirage had almost died for him.
Mirage had to be rebuilt and repaired from practically the ground up because of him.
Mirage had lost parts of himself because of Noah.
Noah’s a walking, talking hazard around the mech.
He frowns, pulling his feet up onto the seat so he can wrap his arms around his legs and curl into himself— ignoring the way the seatbelt kind of digs into the skin of his neck. In the distance, amidst fog and cloud-cover, he can see Manhattan’s skyscrapers reaching for the heavens.
“Hey, Noah?”
He glances down at the radio— it’s backlight cycling through a few different colors; blue, yellow, green, and red, before it settles on its usual light blue.
“I’d do it all over again in a sparkbeat, y’know,” Mirage claims boldly. “If it meant keeping you safe.”
Noah’s eyes widen so quickly, he half expects his eyeballs to drop right out of his head for a moment. His breath catches in his throat and his chest heaves— his heart stuttering over a couple beats.
Oh, fuck.
Noah’s not one hundred percent sure, but he remembers Mirage once saying, ‘Cross my spark, hope to die,’ and so he assumes it to be the cybertronian version of a heart.
The declaration is… overwhelming, to say the least. In a good way.
But also in a way that Noah feels he is undeserving of.
It compels his own heart to keep pounding away, essentially doing somersaults underneath his ribcage. Which— under the recent revelation that Mirage can actually feel it thumping away— is embarrassing as all shit. But Noah can’t help it.
He’d do it all over again.
Noah doesn’t think Mirage even realizes how much that one sentence means. Or maybe he does. And he actually means it. Noah hopes that’s not true.
He never wants Mirage to do it again.
The radio warbles and Noah watches the backlight flicker again.
“Mirage,” Arcee’s voice comes through, clear and urgent. “We’re needed back at base-ops stat.”
Immediately, Mirage groans— in a long and suffering kind of way that reminds Noah of Kris every time he starts whining about how he still can’t get past Bowser.
“I’m gettin’ my aft chewed out for breems,” Mirage gripes with a sharp huff. “Fraggin’ Ratchet, man. Messin’ with my game. What a hater.”
Noah has no idea what half those words mean but he’s pretty sure he understands the gist of it all.
Which is why he isn’t all that surprised when, instead of driving back into Brooklyn, Arcee leads the way north into Queens and then across the East River into the Bronx.
Noah shifts quietly in his seat.
His ma’s gonna be so mad when he does eventually make his way home. He hasn’t checked in with her for hours, which is unlike him. And Breanna Diaz don’t play when it comes to her kids.
But at the same time, he thinks he can understand the sort of urgency a call from Optimus Prime himself might instill in the autobots.
Both he and Mirage are silent as they make their way into a neighborhood of the Bronx known as City Island— a fitting name. At this point, the sun has risen high up into the sky and the inhabitants of City Island are starting to slowly make their way outside in preparation for another day.
Arcee and Mirage pull into what looks like some kind of junkyard marina at the far end of the island, where old boats have been left to rust in every corner of the property, shadowed by dilapidated warehouses. At the water’s edge, a rickety dock bobs in response to the waves below it.
Noah reaches out and white-knuckles the Porsche’s door handle as Arcee and Mirage roll slowly over the surprisingly sturdy wooden slats of the dock. There’s an antiquated ferry at the end, and Noah does his best to hold in a frightened little yelp when both bots lift off the dock— only half-transforming for a second— so they can step onto the ferry.
Once they’re safely aboard, Arcee’s holoform swings her leg over the Ducati and heads off— Noah assumes to start up the ferry.
“You want out?” Mirage inquires, the driver side door popping open with a muted click.
Noah bites into his bottom lip, thinking for a moment. He thinks he knows exactly where they’re heading.
Hart Island is located just to the east of City Island. It’s a place that’s pretty much synonymous with death, with deserted buildings from different eras lying in an array of ruins all over it— the island having been left abandoned to its’ own destruction since the late seventies.
Honestly, it’s kind of the perfect place for the autobots to hide out.
Noah’s not going to lie and say that it doesn’t freak him out though. Supposedly, there’s thousands of bodies buried in the ground at Hart Island.
So he shakes his head and shimmies away from the open door— not ready to step out quite yet. Mirage quickly closes it with another soft click.
“Okay,” he acknowledges. “I gotchu.”
Noah decides he really needs his friend to stop reminding him of that fact.
He knows.
The ferry sputters to life beneath them and after a moment, it rocks forward— pulling away from the dock lazily.
Noah inhales deeply then blows it out through his nose. And forces himself to think about something else, anything else— aside from the fact that he’s currently on a rusting metal death trap headed towards a possibly haunted island to face alien life forms that probably don’t even like him.
His distraught gaze lands on the Ducati parked off to the Porsche’s right.
“Arcee help you sneak out?” he questions. If a holoform is needed to operate the ferry, it has to be the only explanation. Right?
“Yeah,” Mirage admits, but not like he’s shy about it— more like he’s proud of it. “She’s a real G.”
Noah can’t help the smile the words pull from him.
He’s glad that, despite what he thinks is a clear disdain for him on the part of Optimus, Arcee doesn’t seem to hold any negative opinions when it comes to Noah.
He knows Optimus sees him— them, humans— in a different light now. That the battle in Peru— and both Noah and Elena’s drive to fight for their planet— had changed the giant mech’s opinion of the human race.
But the surly leader of the autobots had only begrudgingly allowed Noah to try and fix Mirage, at first, at the behest of Arcee and Bumblebee. When he’d failed, Optimus had been quick to change his mind, quick to take Mirage away.
Leaving Noah wondering, for months, if he’d ever see his friend again. His best friend, probably.
He’s quickly starting to realize Mirage means that much to him.
“Aw, scrap,” Mirage grumbles suddenly, his altmode shuddering slightly around Noah.
Noah looks up from the steering wheel— from the spot he’d been staring at whilst in his head— to see another dock gradually approaching. Rusting, multi-colored shipping containers stacked at its edge, providing cover for the two autobots standing just beyond them; Optimus Prime and an unfamiliar blue and white autobot with a star of life insignia across his chest plates.
Noah assumes he must be the infamous hater; Ratchet. An immediate thought tickles at the back of Noah’s mind as he recalls his first contact with the autobots in that warehouse months ago.
He frowns.
“How’s Ratchet ‘round humans?” he asks warily, just as the ferry gently bumps into the edge of the dock, their short trip across the water coming to a, thankfully, safe end.
Mirage’s radio drones out a low buzzing sound and Noah takes it for exactly what it is: Ratchet is not a fan of Earth’s native species.
“It’s okay, though!” Mirage advises him cheerily as Noah watches Arcee’s holoform return. “I got your back, bro.”
Noah isn’t all that convinced. Not that he doesn’t trust Mirage or anything.
And it must show on his face because as soon as they’re off the ferry— Mirage gently pushing him out of the Porsche’s cabin, so he can transform into his natural rootmode, Arcee doing the same beside them— he leans down closer to Noah, who is staring up at the clear disapproval on the faces of both Optimus and Ratchet.
“He’s not as mean as he looks, I swear,” Mirage testifies in what Noah thinks is supposed to be a whisper but is clearly heard by the others, including Ratchet who scowls at Mirage. “I won’t let him mess witchu, cariño.”
Noah absolutely freezes.
… what.
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loving08 · 9 months
I Love You
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Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Summary: Y/N has been working in the BAU for a year now, she is satisfied where she is along with her crush on her Boss Aaron Hotchner, but the entry of a new person would broke her or will she be able to be with man she love.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Epilogue
After Jack was properly tugged to sleep Y/N came out of the room and saw Spencer waiting for her. Hearing sound of door opening Spencer looked up at Y/N and gave her sad smile, seeing him Y/N finally broke down, Spencer goes towards her and hugged her tightly, cooing her to stop crying.
"What do I do Spence, I never thought that Jack thought of me that way, how did he even thought of something like that I can't even understand" and cried more clinging to Spencer, he rubbed her back gently and said "Everything's going to be fine". Y/N broke the hug and looked at him and said "No Spence, nothing is going to be fine, what will I say to Hotch now, how do I even face him".
Spencer puts his hands on her shoulder and said "Hey stop thinking like it's your fault, it is not, no one is blamed for this and I don't even blame Jack, I mean obviously he will think of you like his new mom", Y/N looked at him confusedly and said "What do you mean he will obviously think of me like that??", Spencer let out a sigh and said "You always take care of him, always ensure that he has eaten, have done his homework, even if you are on a case and away from him you call him to make sure his safe and all".
Y/N shook her head and said "So it doesn't make much difference, I just do that because I just wanted to make sure he's okay and all", Spencer nodded his head at her and said "Yeah that's true but it makes a big difference Y/N, tell me do you take care of Henry like you do for Jack". "I know I don't do the same for Henry but he has his dad with him when JJ goes on a case or something", "Yeah but so does Jack, he might not have his dad with him but he has his aunt to take care of him but you still make time to call him".
Y/N stopped talking and thought about what Spencer said and now it does make sense, she do all those things all the time, Spencer saw how much of a dilemma is she in and said in a soft voice "You are overthinking everything and it will not do any good to you, just stop thinking and go talk with Hotch, you both need to have a real talk Y/N, to clarify everything".
Y/N nodded and they both goes to the living room area where everyone was still gathered. When they entered, the room become totally silent, Y/N looked at Spencer and he nodded his head in encouragement, she looked down at her hands and when she looked up, she locked eyes with Hotch, she cleared her throat and asked in a small voice "can we talk". Hotch nodded his head and they both goes to the garden.
Upon reaching there Hotch sat down on the bench and motioned for Y/N to sit as well. She sat down with a little distance and for some minutes they both stay silent. Hotch was first to break the silence "I never knew Jack had those thoughts, he never indicated anything like that before so I never had any idea at all" said Hotch while looking forward, Y/N also didn't looked towards him and said "I also thought the same but after I talked with Spencer I realized that due to my own actions he might have thought something like that".
Hotch let out a sigh and turned towards her, while she was looking at the sky and said "It's not wrong of him to think of you like that, it's true you go out of your ways to take care of him and gave him the motherly love he was craving".
"I might have done all those things but I assure you Hotch I never wanted anything out of it, I never wanted to replace Haley, I never meant for anything to happen at all" said Y/N with a sad voice while still looking at the sky. Hotch moves a little closer to her and said "Well I don't blame him for thinking of you like that when I also wanted you be like a mom to my son", hearing him Y/N turned towards him when she realized he was already looking at her, with a emotion she has never seen on his face, not for her "what, what are you talking about Hotch??" asked Y/N.
"After Haley died I thought I will never move on from her, like everything has ended for me, we may have been divorced but I still loved her so it was very hard for me to move forward in life without her. Rossi would try to make me go for dates, would tell me to make loose myself a little but it was hard, and I always thought of that like that, until......until you came into my life" said Hotch looking directly into Y/N eyes, she gulped a little feeling nervous and broke the eye contact not knowing what to say anymore.
He gently touch her chin and turned her face towards him and said "After you came, you changed everything for me, all the walls that I builded around myself, just so no one could broke those walls but you.....you broked those walls without even knowing what you were doing, I was also a fool not realizing what I had been feeling for you, denying all those feelings but who was I fooling, even a stranger could tell what I was feeling for you", Y/N looked at his eyes and hesitantly asked "wh-what are you trying to say Hotch?", Hotch smiled at her and cupped her face, while softly stroking her cheeks, he said "What I mean to say that I fall for you even before I knew, I didn't realized the feelings that I was feeling for you was not gratitude or something but it was love, I loved you even before knowing myself, what I really wanna is......I love you, I love you so much that I can't even described it in words, I can't pretend anymore and act like I don't feel anything towards you when it is totally the opposite".
Now Y/N was full on crying mode, she was crying so much that even when she opened her mouth to say something all that comes out are sobs, she can't believe what she's hearing, Hotch loves her just like she does, she never expected her feelings to be returned and now that it does she can't bring herself to grasp the reality.
Hotch gently wiped the tears from her face and said "Whenever you smile in my direction my heart skips a beat, I feel so much happiness, I always thought that I was broken, my love was broken, my heart was broken but now I realized that my love is perfect and my heart is perfect too because....you are inside my heart so how can that be broken. I love you not because you are perfect, but because you are perfect for me, I really do love you.....so mu-" he was cut off by Y/N lips on his, Hotch for a second froze but when he realized what was happening he dived in, one of his hand goes to her waist and pulled her closer while his other hand cupped the back of her neck to deepen the kiss, it was magical, it was like the sensation of a warm blanket on a chilly winter's day, her lips felt like the velvet petals of the most beautiful rose, their lips were telling a story without words, it was like the world disappears and only those two were the only one present.
Y/N was the one who broke the kiss, Hotch joins his forehead with her, eyes still close, still feeling her lips on him. Y/N opened her eyes and smiled at him lovingly and said "I love you too, I love you too Aaron", hearing her he opened his eyes and now a broad smile took over his face. They continued to look at each other and then they both broke into a laugh, finally feeling content with each other.
Hotch gently pulled Y/N towards him and wraps his arms around her, resting her head on his chest and let out a content sigh, they both were gazing at the stars when Y/N broke the silence and said "what will happen now??", Hotch pulled back a little so he can look at her and said "what do you want to happen", He wants to go with her flow, if she wants to take time then he will wait for her, he's not in a hurry to put a label on their relationship if she not ready for it.
Y/N looked at him and said "I-I want to be with you, I don't want hide my relation with you", he gently pulled down her head and kissed her forehead and said "okay then we will not hide our relation in front of anyone", Y/N smiled hearing him but then suddenly a frown took place on her face, "what else is bothering you?" questioned Hotch when he saw the frown, Y/N looked at him and said "will you not get in trouble if we go public with our relationship, the higher ups may make trouble for you too if you dated someone in your own team", Hotch just nodded his head knowing that she's right.
"What do we do now??" asked Y/N pouting, Hotch smiled when he saw the pout on her face and lightly pecked her lips and said "now we will have a long talking session with Strauss, it doesn't matter what trouble came toward me, I don't want hide my feelings anymore, so yeah I'm gonna confront them and at some point we have to tell them anyway so why not now, sooner than later right" and winked at Y/N.
Y/N smiled at him fondly and hugged him and said "so should we tell Jack bout this too??". Hotch immediately nodded his head and said "obviously now that I have you I want to show you to everyone, just think how happy Jack gonna be when he gets to know that we really are dating, I can't wait for the morning to come", They both laughed at his remark and just stayed there, enjoying their alone time.
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milkbreadtoast · 3 months
its been a while since i read the orv webtoon and i still havent started the novel but was randomly thinking about orv(specifically kdj) again this morning... sorry this isnt deep analysis or anything but i just wanted to archive my #thoughts.. sorry seasoned orv fans if i didnt cook (i may have cried typing this tho)
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edit: clarifying the wording: it works BC he perceives them as not real, not "makes him perceive"
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(^ *of his trauma response... + i forgot the word "identity" while typing this lol that wouldve fit better)
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in conclusion yea i need to start the novel but i alr think abt orv a lot... its so good. i don't even know how good it really is... I CANT WAIT TO HAVE THE FULL EXPERIENCE SO I CAN PROPERLY DISSECT KDJ'S BRAIN LMFAO
edit: also the way kdj can't see his own character profile bc the 4th wall also blocks him from being read by others (ANOTHER CLEAR METAPHOR MANIFESTED LITERALLY AAAH HIM PUTTING UP WALLS AND NOT OPENING UP SO OTHERS CANT READ HIM)... him being able to literally read the minds of others w ORV but can't read/understand his own self the same way (and has to gradually find out more abt his abilities and by extension himself on his own)...
edit2: obv this isnt a full analysis bc this was just my quick frenzied rant but... his powers don't just come from emotionally distancing himself... i want to add on that his ORV skill also rewards him by being able to understand and connect with others..? like when he successfully is able to understand/empathize w others points of view his skill grows stronger... but even with that it's complicated because even as he gains understanding of others he still doesnt fully open up to them and distances himself from them... (like how kabru from dunmeshi analyzes others and understands them well but doesnt open up to them himself)... its as if he's analyzing charas in a book... but that doesnt mean his own heart is unaffected... ...is it fitting to say that the ORV and 4th wall skills are 2 contradictory aspects of his chara? ...No, i don't think so... they work together in tandem because he still can observe and analyze others and gain an understanding of them while completely removing himself from the narrative... just like a reader would... which he is. He is literally The Reader... dokja... aldjsldjsk 🫠
....sorry im not articulating it well bc i havent fully developed my analysis myself... i def have to read the novel and refresh and let the thoughts cook😵‍💫 i havent read the webtoon in over half a yr (+ the earlier parts yrs ago since i was following the weekly updates..)
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marzmeltdown · 1 year
Familiar Taste of Poison - PT. 1
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⌦ Pairing: Wonwoo x Reader ⌦ Genre(s): series,, angst,, fluff ⌦ chapter specific genre: fluff,, angst ⌦ Warning(s): !!TW:Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse, mentions of depression!!, reader kinda uses Wonwoo, a lot of this will be in multiple pov's(I will clarify when it changes pov's), some mention of being sick, swearing ⌦ Word count: 1.43k ⌦ Summary: You and Wonwoo have been friends since childhood, though you're both a little estranged from one another, the only contact being when you call Wonwoo for help. ⌦ A/N: I got the name for this from another rock band. This chapter is a bit shorter than what I'd normally write, but there will also be more than one part, so hopefully that makes up for it. Sorry to anyone named Chelsea, it was the first name I thought of. If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on this story and everything else I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:) ⌦ Since this series has some very heavy themes of mental health and substance abuse, I will be attaching a link to a website with help hotlines around the world. ⌦ International Mental Health hotlines ⌦ Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
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⌦ (Reader's POV) Cold laminate pressed itself against your cheek as your world spun inside the confines of a small half bath in some house owned by someone you didn't know, in a location you had never been to. The toilet that lied next to you to accompany you in your faded state stood in place to catch any of the waste that you poured into it. Groaning, you grabbed your phone from the spot next to your head, the group chat you'd shared with a few friends having been a ghost town since you asked for their help in the bathroom. The last message you'd read was your own, and your friends seemed to ignore your frantic messages for help as the contents inside your stomach found their way back into your mouth.
Despite feeling as though you were on an amusement park ride that spun itself fast enough to press your body to the metal you'd been standing against, you sat up, the screen of your phone feeling like a thousand flightlights were being shown in your eyes, causing you to squint. The sound of a notification rang through your ears. Quickly, you opened it after seeing that it was a message sent to your group chat.
⌦ You: Can you guys come into the bathroom? I don't feel good (read 2:54 am)
⌦ You: Please? (read 3:00 am)
⌦ 3:35 am
⌦ Chelsea: We went home; you'll have to find a way back to your place (read: 3:45 am).
"Fuck!" You cried, throwing your phone against the wall, and brought your knees to your chest to comfort yourself as you cried into your hands. There was a bang against the locked bathroom door, shaking you out of wallowing in your own self-pity. You had every right to be upset; however, these friends leave you high, drunk, and stranded all the time. At some point, you have to start facing the truth, but today wouldn't be that day.
The bang repeated itself, rushing you to your feet as you grabbed your phone from the floor. They banged against the door one last time, and you opened the door with a huff before pushing past the girl, who looked just about as fucked up as you were. You needed fresh air and a caring shoulder to cry on. Stepping outside, you sat down on the front steps of the house, staring down at your now cracked phone screen, pondering whether or not you should call him.
Before you knew it, you had clicked on his contact and pressed that blue call button under his contact photo. You chewed at the skin on your thumb nervously as the phone rang.
it rang
and rang
and rang
Only on the fourth ring did he finally pick up, giving you a half-awake greeting of something that sounded vaguely like a hello.
"Wonwoo, did I wake you?" You asked, and you could tell that you had, but he lied and said you hadn't anyway.
"What do you need?" He asked, and the sounds of him moving around followed his question.
"I know it's late, but would you pick me up? My friends left me stranded at some party; I don't know where I am, and I'm scared." You began to cry again. You couldn't tell if it was because you were stranded or because you knew for a fact that this was going to happen again. Your words slurred from your sobs and drunken state, but it seemed that Wonwoo knew exactly what you said by the sounds of his keys rattling in his hand.
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⌦ (Wonwoo's POV) The sound of Wonwoo's phone filling the room pulled the man out of his slumber. He groaned as he debated whether or not he should answer it. There was only one person who would call him at this time, and it was his childhood best friend. He knew that if he didn't answer, you would wake up in some bathroom somewhere with no memory of how you got there. He didn't bother rolling over; instead, he reached behind him to play some game of claw where his phone was the reward.
Bringing the phone to his face, he squinted as he looked at the caller ID, swiping the button to answer the phone before pressing it to his ear. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he began to speak.
"Hello?" He asked, pinching the bridge of his nose to force the sleep from his head as he listened to you speak, begging for him to pick you up for the second time this week.
"Yeah, send me your location, and I'll be right there," he said groggily as he slipped his glasses onto his face, getting up from his bed to grab his shoes, sweater, and keys. His heart sank into his stomach when you asked him to stay on the phone until he got there; he agreed and locked his apartment as he left.
The drive to where you'd been essentially abandoned was quiet, apart from your soft sobs and the rain that had started as soon as Wonwoo began driving. When he pulled up to the house, the sight was kind of sad: one lonely person sitting on the porch of a house that was rattling from the loud bass coming from the speakers inside. The rain had drenched your clothes, and it was apparent that the chill from being soaked by a cold night's rain was the least of your problems.
"I'm here; I'm going to hang up now," Wonwoo said, hanging up the phone as he turned off his car. He slipped his sweater off while walking across the yard towards you. As soon as Wonwoo was at the steps, he leaned down to gently tap your shoulder, smiling weakly once you looked up at him. Wonwoo held you close when you jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly.
"Wonwoo, I'm so sorry to make you do this again," you cried, effectively soaking the already rain-soaked shirt he'd been wearing. He pulled away after a moment, putting his sweater in your hands.
"Of course I'd be here; have I ever not been there for you?" Wonwoo said as he led you to his car, opening the door for you before getting in once you'd slipped into the passenger seat.
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⌦ (Reader's POV) The heat in Wonwoo's apartment was a nice contrast to the chilling rain you'd sat in for the better part of an hour. You tried to go to bed when Wonwoo gave you a change of clothes and enough water to fill two and a half water bottles, but lying in the dark in his living room only made you feel worse about yourself. The tears just kept coming, and you tried to silence your sobs so as not to wake the man who was gracious enough to loan you his clothes and a warm place to sleep for the hundredth time this month.
Staring at the ceiling caused your mind to fall down rabbit holes that you would have preferred to walk around, but the thoughts kept coming. Finally, you'd had enough and looked at the time on your phone.
⌦ 6:15 am
Sighing, you sat up and got up from the couch. The journey to Wonwoo's room felt like a game of operation as you maneuvered around objects to prevent any loud noises. Wonwoo's door was open just enough for you to peek your head in; he was sound asleep, his back turned to the door as he lied there.
Tiptoeing into his room, you gently tapped his shoulder, chewing the inside of your lip as you felt him begin to stir. It took another few taps for him to finally peep an eye open and turn toward you, sitting up on his elbow when he noticed the look of worry that was on your face.
"What's wrong?" He asked; his voice had been deeper from sleep, and his messy hair made him look oddly attractive.
"I couldn't sleep; could..could I stay in here tonight?" You asked, resting a knee on the edge of the bed. He looked at you for a moment, wondering if he were in a dream or not.
Your heart felt as though it were doing back flips when he scooted to the side and lifted the blanket for you to slide in. Just as he began to turn, you grabbed ahold of his arm to cuddle yourself into him. He hesitated for a moment before fully wrapping his arm around you.
Finally, you could sleep comfortably.
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
I love this chapter so much despite how things ended. I know most of y'all want OC and Jungkook to be done with the drama and just date but all that only happens in the movies. Real life is sooo complicated and I get the part where both of them don't date even when they KNOW both of them have feelings for each other despite all the insecurities thrown in there. AND MIMI'S WRITINGS ARE NOT DELUSIONAL. Love that mimi 🩷
And I'm SO HAPPY OC finally quit🎉 Because no matter how cheesy and romantic it sounds, dating your boss is. not. cool. I feel they really need the time apart to grow and understand their feelings and themselves. Maybe they both will get into different relationships, maybe they won't, maybe Jungkook will go back to hook-ups or maybe just maybe he'll go into therapy? 🤷‍♀️ We don't know but whatever happens, they'll grow and they'll understand each other eventually. They will(hopefully) and can date even if they're not working at the same place and that's definitely NOT problematic at all compared to when they're in boss/assistant dynamic. And OC definitely needs this if she has to find herself and define herself outside the company. She deserves to be happy too and that happiness should not depend on anyone but herself. And it's so important to know where your happiness lies and OC being aware of that and working towards that also shows she knows herself to atleast some extent.
We finally got the answers to the Mr Ri's regrets and why OC is indebted to the Jeon family yayy.
And ukw mimi, I kinda freaked out for a mili second when Mr Ri said that OC's mother and Jungkook's father were like OC and Jungkook. I was like WHATT they're half-siblings or what??!!!?? Oof- good it's not like that😅😂
And I have a feeling we'll have Jungkook's ex back in S2? Maybe OC will date Jimin? (But their friendship is too precious to risk it?? I don't know)
And and and, 'I WANT YOU TO STAY' may have nothing to do with Jungkook wanting her to stay in the company as his assistant but him wanting her to stay in his life, in his bed and after they uk do stuff. The girl Jungkook hooks up with in one chapter says that she hopes that someone will stay for him so I think that's what IWYTS says?
And damn, the kiss, their first kiss, not to mention in HIS OFFICE was like that. Imagine the tension and the things that'll happen when they finally get together when they clarify all the misunderstandings and when their NOT in a place where they're not supposed to do the deed 🤭🤭🤭🤭 Will probably take a long time but I'm here and ready to wait and of course we need the angst ukkk🫠
"You let the tears fall, a reminder that you’d done this, and that for the first time in your life, you’re crying over losing someone, even if he was someone you didn’t have in the first place." I almost cried at this because this is so similar to what happened to me.. and I felt it's so beautifully written mimi 🩷🩷
I have no regrets whatsoever with how the chapter ended Mimi. And I'm waiting to read more but please take your time and don't feel pressured. Take care of yourself and yess sublock is really important no matter what the weather is and please stay hydrated too🩷🩷🩷 I'm going to re-read IWYTS too once I'm done with exams
PS: This reminded me of the plant OC got for Jungkook🪴
Hiii I LOVE THIS thank you for letting me know your thoughts and your theories moving forward 🥹🥹 And true, the slow burn continues beyond the feelings being revealed haha but also, who says there won't be drama even when they date? Hehe (there's a planned season 2 for a reason) 🤭 Which again, points to them still being flawed individuals even if they finally grow up and stop being scared and talk things out.
And yes to all the things you said about OC and finding her happiness, which can be different things at once. Could be a job, a person, a way of life, a refreshed mindset.. And the thing is, she's also about to learn what those are and that's also going to take some time. I'm loving all the different ideas u guys are thinking up about what happens after! Makes me wonder how you'll take what actually happens hehe 🫣🫣
But lol an earlier version of t huhu flashback conversation made it seem like their parents had an affair hahaah but no, I don't want things to be that complicated. We'll go for the other painful one, and idk it made sense for me to go that route bc of the parallels between those love stories. 💔💔
The title would actually mean different things at different points in time! Even in earlier chapters, JK would have thoughts of OC wanting to stay close to him but he could never say it. And then he says that in this chapter, asking her to stay in the company but eventually we see it's more than that.
Glad you enjoyed the kiss! JK out here teasing and it won't be the last for sure 😏😏 but yes, imagine when nothing's holding them back anymore! It's gonna be funnnn! 🫠🫠
Thank you so much for dropping by! It's always so encouraging to know you guys appreciate the characters and the story in all their complexities. I hope you enjoy the remaining of the story and that it doesn't disappoint! Sending you love, anon! 💕
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Okay, listen– Listen! Seeing videos like this I can’t dislike Ran, she’s a strong and powerful female character. She’s badass and she’s iconic and an inspiration for little girls. (Not kidding.)
She can fight, she powers through, she can knock down guys like houses of cards. She is a certified badass woman and inspiring both due to her femininity combined with her martial arts proficiency. Because she is feminine and still wipes the floor with your average criminal.
She is whiny at times, pining for “her” Shinichi but that’s fine, I can handle a whiny main girl and strong lead woman character if they are one and the same.
I am not much of a fan of her pining and her getting whiny/ crying for Shinichi every chance she gets. Still, I respect her as a strong female character.
However, towards the end of the video… those are the scenes why I – personally – consider ShinRan to be toxic and borderline abusive.
I had originally posted this in a reblog on my KID movie poll but finding this video gave me an incentive to make it its own post.
Aside from this video, one example is the after-credit of movie 3 with Ran straight-up threatening to physically abuse Shinichi. Like, folks, that’s my main reason I dislike her.
Ran started out as a strong female character, which is awesome, but over the years she descended to 1) “Save us, Shinichi!~” and 2) physically abusive
I get that she’s whiny at times and while I generally dislike whiny characters (see Martin from TMA), I can handle that
I can handle the Main Girl(tm) being whiny and pining for Shinichi
But that drive to keep her a strong female character who needs no man lead to her being increasingly physically abusive. She cries and pines, fine.
But then Shinichi does show up and what does Ran do? Either first thing, she hits him for being away for so long. Or she slaps/ hits him when he tells her he has to go back to his case and can’t stay. I understand her upset, I understand her pining.
Nobody has a right to vent their upset through physical abuse, though.
But a girl who can knock down a lamp-post, who can kick a man trough a window, ESPECIALLY has no right to raise her hand against her love-interest!
That’s one of the first things every martial art ever teaches you, do not resort to violence if there is even a sliver of another safe option.
I get that Kogoro knocking Conan about was played for shits and giggles, it’s a thing of that time when the manga/ anime started out. And accordingly Ran venting her upset through physical violence also was a product of that time and result of portraying her as the strong/ physically tough lead girl.
But she is his love interest for crying out loud and among many other scenes the after-credit of movie 3 emphasises that Shinichi is scared of her hitting him as soon as he gets back.
That’s not funny!
Physical abuse is not funny. And a strong female character directing physical abuse at her no-show love interest doesn’t make it funny.
My main ship always has been and always will be KaiShin. But I also know that would never become canon because DCMK doesn’t do queer. It’s “kid-friendly”, it can’t do queer.
But for goodness’ sake do I wish – desperately wish – the Main Couple became MasuShin instead. Masumi is on-par with him, she’s quick-witted, she’s silly, I love her queer vibes, and she understands/ encourages Shinichi every step of the way.
That’s another thing! Ran despises Shinichi’s work. It’s a common motive in fanfic (hence played up) that she forbids him from taking cases. But her dislike for his work – his passion his calling – is there.
I just can’t see ShinRan be healthy. And that opinion hasn’t changed in the 14 years I have been watching Detective Conan.
Edited to add:
I also want to clarify that I am not basing my opinion off the movies (alone), in fact, any DCMK movie outside the KID movies, movie 3 specifically, and movie 18 onwards, I haven’t watched in years. I am referencing movie 3 specifically because I recently watched it but this behaviour certainly is in the anime/ manga/ canon as well. The London Arc, that restaurant date in a skyscraper where he stood her up and Conan had to apologise (which also got used for an opening/ ending), the early episodes where Shinichi makes a comeback, the “Murder Suspect: Kudo Shinichi” Arc where he hides from Ran, and that’s just off the top of my head because I was on a fandom-hiatus for around 2 years and don’t care enough for ShinRan to rewatch these things.
I’m so sorry (sarcasm) that I didn’t provide receipts for my critique of Ran. But I’m also not about to go through the series for the entire purpose of making an itemised list of Ran abusing/ hitting Shinichi. If I do a rewatch from the early episodes on, I might keep a notepad handy and jot down the instances of Ran smacking Shinichi but don’t hold your breath because I tend to avoid the romance-heavy episodes in general, no matter the pair.
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streaminn · 1 year
Hozier has my brain stuck- save me please-
(I think of loss, and I can only think of you.)
Enid doesn't like death. It's nasty and gross and sad. Enid doesn't like sadness.
('I don't like it when good things go,' she'd told Yoko during lunch, recalling the life of her pet bird, 'I don't think anyone does.')
Wednesday does. Because she's weird. She likes rotting flowers and funerals and weeping, mourning people. Because she's weird.
Weirder still is that Enid doesn't dislike her. She wants Wednesday in most of the ways a friend should.
'Sometimes,' she thinks, looking at the Murder Board, 'I wonder why I got the weird ones.'
Wednesday likes taxidermy. She has a wolf's skull on her desk. She has a fucking scorpion on her desk.
For someone so loving of death, she doesn't mourn. Ever.
She's only cried when her scorpion died. She was 6.
Enid wants to see her cry- for scientific reasons. She pretty sure the tears would come out like a water gun for all of 2 seconds then stop completely. That would fit Wednesday's kookiness.
Enid wonders if she'd ever break her vow of dry eyes. She wonders what it would take.
Enid learns 3 things.
Wednesday broke her vow.
Wednesday cries for Enid.
Wednesday does cries weird.
They don't shoot out like a gun, much to Enid's dismay, but her eyes don't close. She just stares at the damage on Enid's body and stares unblinking as tears race down her cheeks.
She's touched that Wednesday cares enough about her to weep over her, but Enid's been hit in the firm of her abdominal and she'd really like it if Wednesday helped her.
There's a bruise on her stomach and it's big. It's sore.
She wonders if Wednesday would comfort her if she cried.
"I'm happy you're expressing yourself," she starts, grunting when she breathes because it's a bad hit and those muscles are needed, "but could you please fucking help me?"
Wednesday turns to her, still not blinking.
There's gold in her eyes.
"How?" It's sounds broken to Enid's ears.
Maybe death isn't bad. Things need to end. If nothing ended, things would just get worse.
But now, Enid has a new, fresh-out-of-the-oven dilemma that she isn't sure is even actually happening to her.
She's starting to see Wednesday in death.
The little house plant she got for the dorm died because she forgot to water it.
She wonders if Wednesday knows how to revive it.
(She does; for someone with a penchant for death she's an incredible botanist.)
She sees a dead crow in the woods she uses to try and wolf out in.
She brings it back so Wednesday can taxidermy it.
(She does, she displays the animal above her desk and has it in a frame. She adds the beautiful dark feathers to her green gem earrings.)
She notices crows and ravens around her more and more. She likes to imagine Wednesday's sent eyes to watch over her, keep her safe.
She feels safer.
Enid cherishes life. All the breathing animals and glowing light and sun-warmed flowers.
And she smiles when she finds a dead flower.
-Writer Anon.
i love the way Enid had to clarify that she wanted to see wednesday cry for scientific reasons, feel like she's used needing to explain context because someone (yoko) would tease her
Wants wednesday in the way most friends should.. mhmm sure enid, sure. Convince yourself but we know what you are
and just... Enid being weirded out and most likely uncomfortable with signs of death but slowly affiliating it with Wednesday has me HSKDJADA
she totally would and vice versa with Wednesday. Girl will be in the set during a show, see the colorful outfits and wonder if Enid would've love to wear those instead of looking away at the sear of bright.
She sees the bushes of flowers and instead of walking away, unbothered, she thinks enid would've looked amazing in a flower crown
these people are so in love istg
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on-leatheredwings · 3 months
Do you have any tips for writing smut? I can do hcs ok, but I'm not having any luck actually writing it in story format :((
cw nsfw nsft 18+
oh man i do i suppose!!
first, i'm sure youre doing better than you think!!! :^Dc writing smut is just like writing anything else! its just a lot of style and practice involved, its not so enigmatic ^_^
it's called "the bare bones" but idk this guide is rlly all you need to read (for penis-into-vagina sex)
a lot under cut because man i could talk about writing sex all day, i also want to get better at it.
i especially like this part in the link--
Sure, you could write “He kissed her roughly, bringing a hand up under her shirt to gently cup her breast, tugging at the fabric.” and it’s great, tells the physical story - but, bring some just a small bit of emotional flourishing into it, and it gives the reader a better look into your characters mind. “Fervently he kissed her, bringing a shaking hand up under her shirt to tenderly cup her breast, tugging anxiously at the fabric.” And if you really want to show the mind over body - because internal is JUST as important as external. “A nervous huff passed his lips as they pressed eagerly to the girls - this was it, this was the moment he’d waited for. Fumbling hands struggled to slide under her shirt, stumbling their way to her bra to cup her breast gently.”
--because its so true!! no matter how casual the sex is, its two people being vulnerable with each other so make sure to color all their actions with emotion... whether that's anger, passion, anxiety, excitement or even indifference.
also, when i write, i pause and wonder what i want the reader to feel from it? like if i want them to feel held, shoved, smothered, overstimulated, etc. that usually will bleed into the 'tempo' of my writing. when its really frenetic and quick, i'll prob use a lot of em dashes (LOL) to show ppl's thoughts or actions are colliding into one another. when i want it to be very romantic and visceral, my sentences will get longer, i'll probably use more flowery language.
if you need help describing pleasure/actions without being too repetitive: this thesaurus site is amazing. i use it for like all my fics... instead of saying 'moaned' for the 50th time you could say: whined, groaned, grunted, mewled, whimpered, cried... etc
i need to be a lil better about positioning characters physically honestly. but it helps to really take their actions step by step.
like: person 1 kisses > person 2 falls back > person 1 follows them down > person 1 knees and gives oral > and on and on...
make sure you have a good mental image of what's happening the reader will get confused and fast.
(AS I TYPE THIS I REMEMBER I NEED TO EDIT ONE SENTENCE IN MY JASON X READER because i said he was eye-level with Reader's pussy but did not clarify if he scooted back to see it or something.)
for body parts/genitalia: everyone's different... but i try to use words like dick/pussy and penis/vagina sparingly...
i find dick a little juvenile unless i'm trying to make the sex sound raunchy.
penis/vagina can sound rlly unsexy and scientific fast, but aren't BAD necessarily! i find clit/clitoris p natural sounding though lol.
sometimes helps to describe the form of the genitals! like "he traces along her folds", "she ducks her head and swallows his length", "his tongue laps at her entrance"...
everyone's different when it comes to that. just pay attention to what makes you cringe (tbh) and what doesnt :^Dc ....
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mitamicah · 1 year
Stories from summer camp pt. 11
This is part 11 of my stories from summer camp series - for better context you can check out
Masterpost | Previous part | Next part
11) Mission Cha Cha Cha week two: how I used my special interest to my advantage in a studio setting
I’d already explained how I tried to get people to play Cha Cha Cha with me the week before and how it didn’t work. Well luck would have it that the second week I’d signed up for a sound producer course where Leah, our teacher, suggested we’d make either a cover or a remix of a song so to not get lost in also writing a song while trying to record it. I immediately knew it had to be Cha Cha Cha that I’d cover.
That Sunday before the second week started I’d been up and excitingly record memos of myself explaining how to make a badass a capella intro (since very few at the camp knew the song my hope was to quickly have them learn the cha cha cha chant by singing it at them before the song even started).
Oh boy I had a lot of nervous energy and excitement to get started when we met out on the team that evening. I was honest from the get-go that I might have way too many ambitions. That turned out not to be an understatement. By the second day I still felt like I wasn’t far enough along (even though the plan was only to get started with the big project the next day) so me and Eva went to Leah and asked if we could borrow her key to get inside the sound studio to work on our stuff.
Here's where I need to clarify something. Normally all equipment would be available to us all day around yet the one room that got locked in the evening was the one I worked in. We’d been getting the short end of the stick with locations on the sound producer course by not having anywhere great to record vocals (except maybe one room that one person already had called dips on) and so we had no choice but to use the room that got locked up at night. Leah fortunately understood our concerns and locked us in. This was a free night with no event in the evening, so I used it to my advantage and recorded around 2/3 of the instrumentals. It took me until half past midnight aka five and a half hours.
  This wouldn’t be my only long night however since the next day I’d be back at the studio until 1 am recording the last part of the instrumentals. I’m glad I did that since on Thursday I wanted to record vocals and so I had to have a wip of the entire song ready to sing on top of.
Here I almost broke down again since as mentioned earlier there was no good place to record vocals, so we had to throw out the guy from the one room and that made me so uncomfortable. Then there was no microphone in the room (I managed to borrow one) and the program was an older version, so I had to convert the audio track to a wav file before being able to record. So, so many more things seemed to go wrong those first few hours. Poor Leah tried to help me in all of this but I couldn’t take it anymore: I cried some stress tears and she immediately backed off. Bless her soul, she later went with me on a walk apologizing for not realizing my stress level earlier.
From eleven o’clock and onward however, I basically got the studio for myself to record vocals (which I later learned almost drove my fellow producers crazy since all they could hear was me screaming CHA CHA CHA). I was done around diner aka 6 that evening. It got to be a long evening with open mic, so I was only back in the studio at 1 or 1.30 to record some acoustic guitar. The next morning, I didn’t go to any morning activity but went straight to the studio afterwards to record some piano.
After all of those long evenings recording, I finally had something presentable– not really as great as I wanted it but it was something – to work with at Friday only mere hours before the deadline. Leah was kind enough to help me make the kickdrum, bass and lead vocal sound great and otherwise I sprinted through a mixdown the best I could. I was done five minutes before the deadline. Had this not been my special interest I am not sure I’d been able to be this disciplined. On the other hand, maybe I wouldn’t have stressed this much either. Either way I was finally able to feel excited half an hour before the showcase started.
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hungryzomb1e · 10 months
gonna put this under a read more but just to explain why i wasnt here much yesterday
my mother, is very sick. i'd clarify to say like "not some life threatening illness" but it is quite literally life threatening. she's had congestive heart failure, been hospitalized at least twice because she's not getting enough oxygen in her system, has osteoarthritis, sciatica. she cant breath properly because of her weight putting pressure on her lungs. theres so many problems.
she stayed home yesterday(and today) because her sciatica was acting up intensely. for reference, she's over 400lbs/181kg, so she could quite literally not move out of bed to even use the bathroom. i had to push her thigh fat out of the way so i could position a pee dish under her so she wouldnt wet herself.
needless to say, its a wake up call. for me. i dont know about her. im around 20+ yrs younger than my mom. but i never want to be in a position like that. its fucking mortifying. my mom and i dont even have the best of relationships(an understatement, really) but it pained me so much to see her like that.
i was busy keeping an eye on her yesterday. she's doing amazingly today, and has been in much higher spirits.(she cried at least 3 times yesterday and even cried herself to sleep) but it just put so many things in perspective for me. ive looked it up and a lot of sources say sciatica can be greatly affected by diet. just this past weekend she ordered out 3 different times. and it sure as hell wasn't anything healthy. she was in the hospital a good portion of the summer, lost 40lbs by just being there, but im sure she's gained it back. she's so sedentary, and theres lots of salt and sugar in her diet, which i find strange because in my childhood she was very health driven(fruit and veg were absolute staples in our house). literally the doctor said "no salt" and the first grocery order we did when she got home included a massive jar of sauerkraut(which Does have some good benefits, but its loaded with salt)
im rlly just thinking about all of this and its been on my mind. i truly think my mom suffers from BED or some eating disorder (she's got so many issues from her own childhood that she's failed to address). but above all its just reminded why im doing what im doing. as fucked up as it is to say, i'd very much rather be on the opposite end of the spectrum regarding weight. ive no doubt picked up a lot of disordered habits from her as well. everyone in my family save for 2 or 3 people are fucking huge. we're all overweight, obese even, and its a miracle that none of us(including my mom) dont have diabetes or high cholesterol.
and sorry. this is such a word vomit but this... is also my blog? im gonna talk about personal shit. its the only space i have to do this. but yeah. thats about it. just needed to get that all off my chest.
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