#i couldnt wait any longer
the-redcrate · 1 year
Happy Fic Update Friday! Have a new chapter featuring shitty parental expectations, Eddie helping Steve get dressed, and Eddie wanting to murder Steve's parents.
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spacedlexi · 2 years
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leave them alone!!!! leave them alone!!
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coredrill · 7 months
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better luck next time
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ph-cutie · 9 months
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ancient reptilian brain voice: remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
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aurorangen · 6 months
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Vincent caught up on some work with Isaac and Renee came along to get some fresh air! "I'm just heading to the t-toilet..." for a second Renee thought she had peed herself, but it was her waters breaking. "Isaac drive the car over!" Vincent tried to control his breathing. Nothing could prepare him for this sudden panicking; he had to be strong for Renee. He was grateful his brother was there to calm him down and control the situation. The following moments felt like a whirlwind, but they travelled safely to the hospital and welcomed their new bundles of joy!!!
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tsukishimahajime · 1 year
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gif of tsuki falling from the latest episode
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and here's it cropped into a square for discord emoji use
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sniperdadmaccready · 16 days
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water bottle is decorated babey
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bedazzlecunt · 3 months
my period finally seems to have ended so i have a dildo inside me and my whole body breathed a sigh of relief as soon as i filled myself up
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cipherhunter · 1 year
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#the blissfully frenzied unraveling of reynaud's sanctimonious worldview as soon as that speck of chocolate hit his lips #liberating himself from his self-imposed shackles... such an iconic scene #whenever i indulge in too much chocolate i think of him 💖 #morally righteous characters who come face to face with what they perceive to be a corrupting force #where the more they try to oppose it #the more it reels them in; slowly but surely; until they finally yield #letting the catharsis of it all consume them in one fell swoop #gotta be one of my favourite genres
Alfred Molina as Comte de Reynaud in Chocolat (2000) bonus:
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thelikesofus · 2 years
As It Slips Through Your Fingers
Buddie 6x07 coda/sperm donor future spec fic
9-1-1 on Fox | 2370 words | buddie re-relationship, angst, fluff, forehead kisses, christopher diaz has two dads, hopeful ending, they finally talk about the will
tw miscarriage
Read on AO3
“So you’re obviously finished with your juice cleansing. You inhaled that burger.” Eddie teases.
“Ah, yeah. I had my appointment last week so technically my job is done. I’ll admit that green juice wasn’t as bad as it looked but having them for every meal got old pretty quick.” Buck laughs and takes another swig of his beer. 
“And how are you feeling about that?” Eddie asks. He tries to sound as perfunctory as he can but he’s curious. For all of Buck's secrecy, he thought that maybe now he knows about the sperm donor thing that Buck might be more open to talking about it with him. He still doesn’t know why he felt he couldn’t talk to Eddie about it in the first place. Maybe if he’d known sooner he would have tried to talk Buck out of it, or maybe he wouldn’t have but even now, Buck’s barely said a word about it. 
“It’s good! They're excited, ready to move on to the next step and–.”
“Buck,” Eddie puts his beer down and turns so that he’s facing Buck front on. “I asked how you feel about it.”
“Oh,” Buck stops like he hasn’t really thought about that himself yet and Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t. From the sounds of things, getting as far as this appointment has been a debacle in itself and so Eddie can’t blame him for being relieved to have it behind him. But that doesn’t mean that Buck has stopped to think about what the next step is for him. Really, now that he’s given them what they need–so to speak–there probably isn’t much for Buck to do. “Good, I guess. I mean I’m excited for them. As soon as my ahh, contribution passes all the needed testing, they can move on to the next stage.”
“That still doesn’t really tell me how you feel.”
“I don’t know, Eddie. How am I supposed to feel?” Buck throws his hands up before leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest. “I jizzed in a cup and handed it over to some lady. It’s quite literally out of my hands now. It’s probably the most hands-off parenting experience there is.” He laughs again like he’s said something funny but Eddie just hurts for him more.
“You're not parenting though, Buck.” He doesn’t know how to put it less bluntly but when it boils down to it, Buck is right. It’s out of his hands. He’s done his part and now the rest is up to Connor and Kameron. They get the excitement of doctors' appointments and ultrasounds, hearing the baby’s heartbeat for the first time and holding him or her when they’re born. Buck most likely won’t be a part of any of that. 
Buck stops, takes a mouthful of his beer, picks at the label on the bottle for a moment, and then sets it down next to Eddie’s. “I know.”
Eddie watches him quietly, imagining the ways the cogs will be turning in his best friend’s head. 
“I’ve thought about it, I have. And I know, Donor not Dad. And that will suck, it will. Some days more than others but at the same time, knowing that I got to help them, that by giving them a small piece of me I was able to help bring this whole other happiness into their lives. That's a good feeling.” He smiles softly and Eddie can feel the pride emanating from him. “And besides if I never get to have my own kids, kids that would truly be mine, I mean, then just knowing that out there is a kid who is a little bit of me and gets to have this whole life with two loving parents who wanted them so badly. I think that's okay too.”
Eddie waits for a moment and lets Buck’s words sink in. “What makes you think you’ll never have kids of your own?” 
“Well,” Buck laughs. “I haven’t exactly had the greatest dating track record. I mean, even if Taylor and I had stayed together, she didn’t want kids so there is always that possibility that maybe one day I do find someone else and they don’t either. Maybe I’ll just have to learn to be okay with that.” 
He picks up his bottle again and takes a long drink. Eddie does the same and then his bottle is empty. He stands up to go get two more from the fridge. “Well, I know it’s not the same but you’ll still have Chris.”
“Yes, Eddie. Tell me again about the child I’ll acquire when my best friend dies. That will definitely make me feel better.” Buck rolls his eyes and passes Eddie his empty bottle but Eddie’s feet are suddenly rooted to the floor.
“Buck.” He says firmly.” What are you on about, you don't seriously–, that’s not what I meant by that at all.”
“You didn’t? Wait– then what do you mean?”
“Jesus, Buck. Is that really what you've been thinking this whole time? That me putting you in my will was just some sort of contingency plan?” He watches the confusion continue to spread across Buck’s face and his heart sinks, a lump forming in his throat as he puts both of the bottles back down on the table and rounds the corner to crouch in front of Buck. He hesitates for a second before taking Buck's hands between his own and looking up at him carefully. Buck looks down to meet his gaze and his blue eyes are wide and pleading. “Buck. Buck, you are already Chris’ Dad. It’s hard to explain what you mean to him, to both of us but that’s the best way I can describe it. When I said that I trust no one with my son more than you, I meant it. And not just in some hypothetical scenario where I’m dead, because God forbid it ever comes to that, but now Buck, already. 
“Putting you in my will was a formality. I wanted to make sure that there was no legal way that anyone could try to change what you already are to him because you are what I want for my son and I know that if it came to that then you would continue to love him the way that I do, the way that you already do.”
There are tears forming in the corners of Buck’s eyes and Eddie gently reaches up to wipe them away. Internally he’s beating himself up for ever letting Buck believe that Eddie would write him in as a contingency plan. Let alone that Buck has been walking around believing that for months. But watching the way that hope seems to blossom across Buck’s face right before his eyes, warms some not-small part inside him.
“You mean that?’ Buck asks and Eddie gets to his feet again, and before he can think better of it he presses a kiss to Buck’s forehead and collects the bottles once more.
“I do.” He says and then hurries into the kitchen.
Six weeks later Buck calls him all excited to tell him that Kameron got a positive result at her blood test. She’s pregnant. Eddie expects this to be the moment that it hits Buck but he still sounds genuinely excited. He proceeds to tell Eddie all about the probabilities involved in IVF.
Eight weeks after that there’s another excited phone call and Buck raves about the ultrasound image that Connor had sent him. 
“I’ll bring it to work on Monday and show you. They're so tiny, Eddie!” Eddie remembers the first ultrasound he ever saw of Christopher. He missed the appointment because he was away at basic training but he remembers staring at the grainy photo for hours after Shannon sent it to him. How amazed he was that something so small would ever grow into a human being. 
A Friday in late May finds the two of them at the beach with Christopher, the weather is barely starting to warm up again but Chris insisted that they spend their evening down near the pier. Eddie is still in awe of how far Chris, and Buck, have come since the tsunami. Not half an hour ago the two of them were splashing about in the shallow waves, giggling and screeching almost as loud as the seagulls. Buck’s phone had started ringing on the towel next to Eddie and he had called him in from the water to take the call. He’s been gone for a while. Chris soon got cold and Eddie had bundled him up in Buck’s sweatshirt and towel off his hair before he collected up the buckets and shovels they had brought with them and set off with great plans to build a moat. 
When Buck comes back he looks hollowed out, like someone took a spoon to his insides and scooped him out like a jack-o-lantern. “Buck?” Eddie says softly and glances over at Christopher quickly but the boy is occupied with his sandcastle a little further up the beach. Buck’s hands are shaking and he almost lets his phone slip through his fingers.
“Kameron lost the baby. She– umm.” Buck chews the inside of his cheek and his glassy eyes flit everywhere but at Eddie’s face. “Connor just– he just wanted to let me know and he said– said they're probably not going to be trying again.”
“Oh, Buck.” Eddie’s not sure what to say. What do you say? He remembers how excited he’d been when Shannon had thought she was pregnant again, once he got over the initial shock. The idea of having another little Christopher in his life had sprouted in his chest and already made a home for itself by the time she told him that it was just a scare and then washed it down with divorce papers. “I’m so sorry.” Is what he eventually settles on and Buck raises his hand as if you wave off Eddie’s apology.
“No, umm. It’s okay, I’m fine, just for Kameron and Connor, I–.”
“Buck. They were your kid too.”
“No, they weren’t–.”
“But they were. You can try and convince yourself otherwise but I know you, Buck. You loved that kid from the moment they existed and even if you had never met them you would have loved them still. You’re allowed to be upset, Buck.” Eddie steps forward and tentatively rests his hand on Buck’s shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly across his collarbone. 
Buck looks back up at him and his entire person crumbles in an instant as he falls against Eddie’s chest and buries his face in Eddie’s neck. His shoulders shake with sharp gasps as sobs wrack his body and Eddie can do nothing but wrap his arms around him and hold him up as Buck clings to him.
Eddie tries to convince him to pack up and go back to the house but Buck insists that he doesn’t want to worry Christopher and that he looks like he’s having fun. So instead they sit on the towels they laid out earlier and Eddie tucks Buck firmly against his side as they watch the sun slowly sink over the horizon. 
Buck becomes pretty withdrawn over the next few weeks. Eddie doesn’t blame him and he tries to be there for him wherever he can. He invites him around regularly even though he usually turns down the offer. He takes him a few home-cooked meals, courtesy of Bobby’s assistance. He has Chris send him video messages every now and again just to check in and tell him about what he’s been working on at school. At first, he worried that hearing from Chris might be too much but after the genuinely grateful message Buck sent him back after the first one he knew that those little things were helping as much as they possibly could. 
There’s a knock on his front door one evening almost a month after their trip to the beach and Eddie opens it to find Buck standing on his doorstep with a duffle bag hooked over one shoulder and a resigned look on his face.
“Hey, I– is Chris home? I just wanted to see him. If– if that’s okay?” Buck has the effrontery to look bashful about asking.
“Of course,” Eddie says and opens the door wider to wave him in. “He’s in the living room.” 
Eddie slides a hand carefully across the span of Buck’s back as he passes him and he could swear that the other man leans into his touch even just a little bit. He follows Buck into the living room and watches as Christopher’s eyes widen in excitement when he sees Buck standing next to the sofa. The kid quickly pauses his game and pulls the headphones off just in time for Buck to sink to his knees on the floor next to him and they both drive into each other’s arms. 
“Hi, Buck.” Christopher’s voice is muffled against Buck’s shoulder but Buck just squeezes him tighter and buries his nose into Christopher’s hair.
“Hey, Buddy.” He whispers just loud enough for Eddie to hear from where he’s standing in the doorway. He catches Buck’s eye over Christopher’s shoulder and Buck flashes him a grateful smile which Eddie returns. 
The late evening sees the three of them curled up together on the couch, one large blanket thrown across their laps as a reasonably recent David Attenborough documentary plays on the television. Christopher is leaning back against Buck’s chest as Buck presses himself into Eddie’s side. Slowly, throughout the evening, all of the tension in Buck's face and muscles has drained out until he has been left pliant and warm under the arm that Eddie has wrapped around his shoulder. 
Eddie leans forward to press his nose against Buck’s temple and waits for Buck to press back before he drops a soft kiss against the delicate skin there. Buck sighs softly and flashes Eddie a grateful smile as one of his hands finds Eddie’s beneath the blanket and squeezes softly, Eddie twines their fingers together and they turn their focus back to the animals on screen. 
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wiltking · 6 months
im so glad i finally acquired the taste for pickled tomatoes
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redrobin-detective · 2 years
its not easy (to be me)
With his hearing, there was no way for Conner to escape the arguments. Especially when all the arguments were about him.
It had started two weeks ago with a question, a simple question but a big one. The Kid knew about the Batman of course. Seen him and his dorky sidekick in passing during battles. But they’d never, like talked. Bats had asked who was taking care of him, who was training him and frowned when he’d said no one. He asked about Superman, if he was helping. Kid had shrugged and told Batman the truth, that Superman hadn’t even given him a name much less any help.
Batman frowned in a way the Kid would soon learn was his Fixer Frown. A frown that said there was a problem in front of him and he would fix it however possible. His solution was to bring the Kid home and give him care, training, a name. A family. As much as the freedom of Metropolis and later Hawaii have been, the Kid was lonely. He loved his powers but wanted to belong somewhere, to someone, to be more than a gimmick in a leather jacket. He said yes.
And that’s when the arguments started.
“What the hell are you playing at, Bruce?” Superman yelled at Batman, who he now knows is Bruce Wayne. The man applying for custody of a recently invented, on paper and in reality, young orphan named Thomas Smith soon to be Wayne. The Kid mouthed the name to himself hundreds of times and it never fit quite right. He supposed he’d get used to it soon enough. They’re at the Watchtower while the Kid has been staying while they got all the paperwork settled. He’d been studying a map of Gotham when his ears picked up raised voices a few halls over.
“What do you think you’re doing? Do you think this is a game? That you can just steal any child that crosses paths with you?” Superman yelled
“He was living on his own in another state with only an unscrupulous manager and a reporter who made uncomfortable advances on him caring for him,” Bruce said in a clipped voice. “I understand the circumstances of his existence are uncomfortable to you-”
“Uncomfortable? Lex defiled my dead bodied and used it to make a- make a-”
“A child,” Bruce explained. “A child who is not at fault for the circumstances of his birth and deserves care, respect and a place to call home. I stayed my hand this long because I expected you to step in.”
“What? So I don’t get time to cope with coming back from the dead? I need to put my own life back together before I can handle this, Bruce!” Superman exclaimed.
“You had options, your mother has been fighting with Alfred on the phone for days to get Thomas to Smallville. But you didn’t, you left him alone.” Bruce said in a menacing tone, the Kid is kind of awestruck. He doesn’t know much about Batman but he does know the guy is human and he’s challenging Superman. For the Kid. Someone is defending him for the first time ever. It makes his chest hurt in a weird, but good, way.
“You are allowed to see him, Thomas will need your help with his powers. But he will be my son, in my care not because of any petty reasons but because someone has to care about him. He doesn’t deserve to wait for you to decide if you’re ready to be a parent. I didn’t with my other two children and I won’t now.”
“Fine,” Superman huffed and a part of the Kid broke a bit. Some part of him still hoped that the man he was cloned from would fight for him but well, you can’t have everything. “You’re a good man, a good father, you just don’t have to be an ass about it. I’ll talk Ma down down but she’s insisting he visits the farm at least once a week.”
“Of course, he can come over this weekend and you, me and your mother can come to a workable arrangement.” Bruce nodded, “If you’ll excuse me. I’d like to check in on him. I’m sure he’s been listening in to this conversation.” The Kid yelped and ducked his head in guilt though Bat- Bruce- couldn’t see him.
“Oh, right, of course,” Superman said clearing his throat. “Thank you, for taking care of him.”
“He’s a good kid,” Batman replied. “We’ll be in touch.”
“I’m also glad to see you’re doing better,” Superman said suddenly. “After, well, you know died. I was really worried. Robin has really helped you, I uh, I hope you take care of that kid in kind. I mean with the all changes happening.”
“Robin will be fine, this adoption should not affect him.” That said, he left and his footsteps approached and the Kid went back to studying the map upside down.
“What’s your angle with this B, please explain it to me so the world starts making sense again!” The Kid tensed up at the sudden screaming coming from down in the Cave. He was hanging in his room, his real, proper, all to himself room when he was distracted.
“Nice to see you too, Dick,” Bruce said sarcastically.
“What the hell are you doing adopting another kid and a Super at that? Uncle Clark sounded miserable on the phone, what are you playing at?”
“Clark is wrestling with his guilt and sense of relief, he’ll get over it,” Bruce explained blandly. “The boy was in need of help no one was proving, I could walk away.”
“Of course you could have!” Dick yelled. “You don’t have to take in every sad story you come across! And you don’t but this one is special, isn’t he, Bruce?”
“You’re still barely standing after Jason’s death and now the next kid you slot into place has super powers and is practically invulnerable. I bet you’re already cooking up excuses to oust Tim and put that brat into the Robin costume. No more worrying about taking your little bird out, no more chances of losing partners.” Dick scoffed.
“That is not true!” The Kid curled in on himself a bit on the bed. He put his hands over his ears to try and block out the fighting but his hearing was too good.
“Don’t bullshit me, Bruce, I’ve known you pretty much my whole life. I know how you think.” Dick sighed. “Look, you probably think you’re doing the right thing. You want to help this kid, that’s great but you can’t save everyone. Nothing’s official yet, you can send him to Smallville or the Fortress. I probably can swing to have Cy and Gar watch him at Titans Tower. You don’t... an invulnerable kid won’t bring back Jason or help Tim, who’s doing a great job as Robin and doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.”
The Kid had met Robin once or twice but he’d only heard about Tim. Tim hasn’t come over since this whole thing began. Tim probably hated him for replacing him even though that’s totally not what he was doing. He buried his head in his knees. He just wanted some place to belong.
“Thomas is staying Dick, he is my son as much as you and Jason are,” Bruce said sternly. “I know you admire Clark and I respect his right to admit this isn’t what he wants but Thomas still needs this. And he’s not going to be Robin, Tim earned that position and it will stay with him as long as he chooses.”
“Yeah, well, how much will he want it when you’re parading a newer, better model in front of him,” Dick grumbled. “You keep making the same mistakes, B. Lets hope this one doesn’t end with a body count. I’m headed back to the ‘haven. I’ll send a card when I read about your new addition in the newspaper.”
“Thomas? Dearie?” The Kid looked up to Martha, “call me Ma”, Kent. “You alright, son?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled, towing with the ends of the homemade sweater Mrs. Kent had given him. It’s warm but big in the shoulders and a bit itchy. He looked around the small but cozy kitchen. Looked past the walls to the sprawling farmland of Kansas and a little beyond that to the tiny specks of Bruce and Super- Clark- talking about him just out of earshot.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” he wriggled in his chair. “It’s just a lot to take in, y’know?”
“I do,” She sighed and pet his shoulder. “I know Bruce has a huge heart and I can see he already cares for you but it is your decision if you want to go with him. Living in his house means a lot of responsibility, both in public and private.”
“Yeah,” He shrugged.
“You could stay here,” she offered tentatively. “Smallville High is only a few miles down the road, lots of open space for a young boy to spread his wings.” He a second, he could almost see it. See himself helping out with chores, helping Ma cook, practicing moves at night in the empty fields. Maybe one time, but not now.
“I’ve had people give up on me, ignore me, use me but I’ve... only had one person fight for me and mean it. I appreciate it Mrs. Kent but I wanna go with Bruce.” She smiled and grabbed his hands to kiss.
“I understand but no matter what you are to Clark, you’re my grandbaby. No matter what happens going forward, you’ll always have a place here with me.”
“Thanks,” he sniffled and she patted his hands again before standing up and turning so he could collect himself.
“Now those cookies ought to be done by now. I know Alfred has been spoiling you but I make a mean snickerdoodle myself and you’re not leaving until you tell me who does it better.”
“Thomas?” The Kid jumped at the voice behind him. He’d been so busy focusing on Bruce’s aggressive argument in the study below with the adoption lawyers on the phone he’d missed the boy sneaking up on him. They were in the second floor family room where visitors weren’t allowed, how’d he even get in? “Hey sorry, I just uh assumed you heard me.”
“No uh it’s okay I was uh-”
“Eavesdropping?” The other guy smiled, “You’ll fit right in.” The smile turned sad but reappearing. He stuck out his hand. “I’m uh Tim Drake. We’ve met technically but I was, you know,” he held his hands in front of his eyes miming a mask. “At work, I guess.”
“Oh!” The Kid lit up, “you’re Robin! That’s so cool. Sorry I was so rude that first time, I’ve been watching watching Youtube compilations to get a feel for Gotham and you have some sick moves. Good to finally meet ya, I’m uh Thomas I guess?”
“Bruce pick out the name?” Tim said with a grimace. The Kid shrugged. “No surprise there, kinda creepy to be honest. Plus you don’t even look like a Thomas.”
“I don’t?” the Kid moaned, Bruce gave him this name and if the name didn’t fit then maybe he didn’t fit.
“Nah,” Tim said thoughtfully, bringing his fingers to his chin in thought. “Thomas is kind of old fashioned, you need something cooler. Like Danny or Brad or uh,” he blushed. “Conner. That was my uh best friend when I was in elementary school. He moved to Canada the next year but I thought he was the coolest kid around.”
“Conner,” the Kid said, tasting the name. It sounded nice. It sounded right.
“Thomas Conner Wayne but because of the uncomfortable associations, you go by your middle name,” Tim smiled but once again it was kinda sad. “It sounds nice, I think you’ll be real happy here. Bruce was... struggling after Jason died, I think you’ll help him heal in a way I can’t.”
“What do you mean? You’re Robin dude!” Conner said incredulously.
“I’m the neighbor kid with weird hobbies who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer,” Tim deadpanned. “You’re the adopted kid with superpowers. You don’t need to be a genius to work that math out.” He ducked his head. “Look, sorry, that was rude. I get it, this is a good thing. I knew this gig was temporary, until Batman got himself together and now... now you can help him.”
“Tim, I’m gonna be straight with you, man,” Conner said, gripping Tim’s shoulders. “I’m happy to be here but I am also scared shitless. Your city is insane and Bruce gave me a gas mask the other day to carry when I’m out of the house. He asked if I wanted to learn to fight and that’d be wicked but I don’t know what it means and if I’ll still be able to be a hero if I gotta hide my powers and please.” He begged, “you can’t leave me alone. Superman doesn’t want me, Dick thinks I’m some sort of experiment and who knows with B. I need someone to help me. Please, Tim.”
“Oh I mean,” Tim blinked, “Of course yeah. I’ll show you what I know, I think you’ll be going to Gotham Academy same as me so I’ll help you there. Teach you how to live to Gotham. How to interpret B’s grunts and growls. And Dick is nice but he’s got a temper, you gotta know how to work around it.” He smiled, “as long as B lets me stay, we’ll be in it together.”
“Together,” Conner said with a smile feeling the tight ball in his chest start to relax. For the first time since this began, he finally felt heard. He grasped Tim’s hands and held tight. Tim seemed cool, willing to help someone he thought would replace him. He’d do anything to get Tim to stay, would beg B if he had to. Dick may not like him but Tim seems like he’d make a pretty awesome big brother. “
“Hey I found some secret passageways with my xray vision, wanna check them out?” Conner suggested.
“I think between Dick, Jason and I, not to mention baby Bruce, we’ve found them all but I’d be curious if you found an extra one. Let’s go, I’ll show you the squeaky floorboards to avoid when we’re sneaking around B.”
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
Learning stuff about behind the scenes of The Batman (show) really is just when seeing them not feature certain Batman villains or having to adapt Batgirl first and Robin as soon as Teen Titans was done with, just know it was likely down to the Bat Embargo.
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critterpick · 10 months
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Do we Vibe With Her
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hearty-an0n · 4 months
using tortillas to eat my butter chicken because we don’t have any naan
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kitwilsonsass · 10 months
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