#i couldn't get over the way dean reacted when
morphids · 3 months
break up with your boyfriend, ellie williams
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pairing: bestfriend!ellie x afab, curly haired,bi!reader (college au)
chapter: one shot (8k words whoops my finger slipped got my asd diagnosis today lol ig that explains that) proofread but if there's errors idk what to tell u
warnings: explicit sexual content, 18+ so minors dni, subish!ellie, loserlesbian ellie, poc friendly!! drug mentions, marijuana usage, friends to lovers, angst?? ellie gets her coochie ate, so does reader, fingering, ✂️✂️, all that good stuff, they essentially worship each other, cheating (not by reader but sus behaviours n thoughts fs) (tw::: men bf’s a dickspawn imsorry) homophobia.
summary: you have a horrible boyfriend, ellie’s always hated him. 
a/n: full word vomit im sorry if its ass but also i kinda lost my composure writing this 🤭🫣😵‍💫
AS ALWAYS FUCK DRUCKMANN AND ALL ZIONISTS, resources for Palestine and the daily click linked on my pinned post!
You were tired, drained. Hours had passed and you and your boyfriend were still at it. Angry words and misunderstood sentences all throughout the day had resulted in yet another fight between you.
"Dean, I've said it so many times, I can't go through it again,"
Dean, your boyfriend of a few months had a rocky track record, from keeping in close contact with his ex, to not telling interested girls that he's not single. The situation was always the same, you'd express your discomfort with something and he'd get angry, defensive. Then, eventually after so much arguing would get you to 'realise' that it's no big deal, that you shouldn't have reacted that way at all and in fact, you should apologise to him for making him feel like a cheater.
You had considered breaking up with him, so many times, in fact. Yet, you simply couldn't bring yourself to do it, still holding out with hope that things will improve.
"Baby, I swear nothing is going on, she's just my friend."
"Fine, okay." You ceased, feeling mentally drained by hours of conflict, "I have to go, need to meet Ellie, we have that test soon."
"You're leaving?" Dean said, clearly still agitated and pumping from the fight,
"Yes, Dean," you sighed, glancing in the mirror to double-check that your makeup hadn't been ruined from the previous crying, "I told you, this exam is really important," In other words, you have more things to be worrying about than your issues with him.
Gathering your books and piling them into your tote bag, you felt Dean's eyes on you, silently steaming as he saw you pick up your books.
"I'll see you later," Without looking back, you grabbed your keys from the side of the door and headed out.
He always had a problem with Ellie, which you couldn't understand, she was always supportive and kind to you. What reason would he have to dislike her?
You had been friends ever since that first physics class three years ago, you had sat in the row in front of her, over fifteen minutes into the lecture had passed until you felt a tap at your shoulder. Turning, you were greeted with green eyes and a smiling face adorned with light freckles.
"Hey, you got a spare pen?" She looked bashful, almost embarrassed that she hadn't been prepared even for the first class of the year. A half smile was placed on her lips. Amused, you gladly handed her a pen, pleased that you had an abundance of pens neglected at the bottom of your tote bag. You were always prepared, just not the most organised.
At the end of the lecture, she tried to hand you back the pen, but you refused and insisted she kept it, was she planning on asking someone for every class she had? That was just inefficient.
When you wouldn't accept the pen back, she ripped out a rough square from a page of her notebook, scribbling her number quickly so she could pay you back for the pen. 
You had been friends ever since, there was something that just worked. She had been there long before Dean and you would be damned if he was to get in the way of your friendship.
You had reached Dina and Ellie's place, they both shared the accommodation whilst you lived in a one-bed en-suite in a dorm. Dean lived at his fraternity, which you always hated going to meaning you spent most of the time at your place instead. 
Knocking, you only waited for a few seconds until the door swung open, revealing Ellie, clad in a white tank top and some grey sweatpants. The open door had caused a draught to haze through the air, the faint scent of smoke and music softly playing at a low volume.
"Hey, you." She spoke, smiling that usual smile that was seemingly tattooed on her lips. Ellie moved out of the doorway to let you in, closing the door behind you as you stepped into the familiar, comforting living room.
"Hey," your tone must have not been well received, as it prompted a,
"Well, what's gotten into you?"
"I've had the worst day, Dean-" you were interrupted by a slightly exaggerated groan, with an added,
"What has he done this time?"
"Ellie.." you sighed, dropping your tote from your shoulder and to the floor, kneeling down to pull out your books and pens.
"I'm serious," she threw her hands up, leaning against the edge of the desk where her work had been all set out already, "He's always up to some bullshit."
Ellie was confused, annoyed actually as you explained the situation to her. In her head, as a lesbian, the solution to these kinds of issues was so, so obvious to her; break up with him, he's not worth it. She had repeated this rhetoric to many of her men-loving friends, all of which refused to listen to her only to turn out heartbroken in the end, anyway.
"I wasn't exactly being rational either," you tried to explain, not that you were making excuses for him, but you felt a certain need to defend your relationship with Ellie. She was always so judgemental of the people you dated. You knew deep down that it was her way of looking out for you, she had consistently been the one to bring you comfort during your relationship breakdowns. And there had been a few of them.
"Don't do that, that's exactly what he wants," She spoke sympathetically, her words very soft considering that, mentally she was currently fighting Dean, and winning.
What was wrong with these guys? Ellie thought, you had dated some specimens before, but this new fraternity bro, Dean? She couldn't stand him.
Seemingly fuelled by his returned distaste towards her, but she knew the real reason why.
He was a pig. Flirting with any girl that'd give him attention, Ellie had caught him at parties with drunk girls hanging off his arms, inches away from their faces, centimetres away from cheating. Only for him to charm his way out of it when you confronted him. It pained her to see you go through this, especially when there were so many options out there. Like her, for example.
To be frank, Ellie's asking for that pen three years ago hadn't been entirely innocent. Whilst, it wasn't a lie per se, as she did, in fact, not have a pen on her first day, making her feel like the worst student on the planet.
She had taken notice of you when you first walked into that physics class. Eyeliner, framing the outer corners of your eyes and tight curly hair that lay perfectly around your face caught her attention. You were so beautiful, she knew she had to talk to you.
As you two had gotten to know each other over those first few months, her little crush had evolved from simple attraction to a full-blown, 'would rip the sun out of the sky if it meant seeing you smile', feelings situation. Whilst her initial intention had been to try and flirt a little bit, over time (really didn't take that long) Ellie realised that you were something special. The bond and groove you had as platonic friends was too great to risk ruining it all. So she decided, her feelings shouldn't be the thing to damage it. Ellie being Ellie, didn't know how to deal with said feelings, so she had made a pact with herself to never act on them, never expect anything other than platonic behaviour on your part, and never, ever let you find out. So whilst you dated, so did she.
"Anyways, can we talk about, literally anything else now? Like our exam that we have in a few days, perhaps?" You hummed, kicking your shoes off and sprawling on her couch, reaching down into your bag for something you had saved for this exact moment.
"Right, 'cos studying is the reason why you're laying dead on my couch right now." Ellie chuckled, joining you and holding your legs up to settle her body on the couch as well, before placing your legs on top of her lap.
"What are you even looking for?"
"Just wait, you'll see." You responded, still rooting through the bag, god where is it?
"Well, not if you can't find it in that damn bag, how do you even find anything in those?"
"Shut up," you chuckled, feeling better already. That's something you loved about Ellie, no matter what would happen to you, a few minutes with her and you'd feel like you had taken uppers.
"Ah, finally," you breathed out, fishing out a single joint that had become embarrassingly bent in the trauma that is, being an object lost inside the bottom of a tote bag.
Ellie laughed when her eyes caught sight of the bent joint, rubbing her eyes as they started to tear from the entertainment.
"You didn't have to go through that much effort to pull out that monster, plus you know I always have enough here, we don't need to smoke yours."
"It may look unfortunate, but this is the best shit in town right now." You tried to sell, "Got it from Xav,"
"Xav? How did you manage that?"
"One of Dean's frat brothers put in a huge order with him and sold me some, thought I'd save it so we could smoke it together." 
"You truly know the way to my heart," Ellie gushed, before leaning over your legs, to grab the closest ashtray and a lighter, passing it to you, roller's rights, after all.
"This doesn't look like studying, though," Ellie spoke, eyes falling to your lips as they wrapped over the end of the joint, sparking and taking a drag. She excused her thoughts.
"I just want some peace before I have to focus on work, you know?" You said, exhaling out the smoke.
Ellie sighed, knowing Dean was truly taking a toll on you, she watched as your face fell, obviously being reminded of the previous events. She wishes there was more she could do, how many times could she say leave him, before it sounded too obvious? Too pushy? Too out of line?
"Fuck him, don't worry about that for now. You're with me, this is a Dean-free zone." Ellie cheered, taking the lit joint as you passed it to her.
You felt her fingers trail random lines and shapes on your leg as she smoked, probably not even aware she was doing it. It was comfortable and set off a wave of sleepiness to hit you.
Ellie passed you the joint back,
"You going to that party tonight?" She asked,
"I don't know, I think Dean wants to go but I was planning on sitting this one out,"
"Why don't you come? Dina and Jesse will also be there, so you don't have to spend the whole party with him,"
"Fine, only because I haven't seen Dina and Jesse for a while,"
"I can live with that," she chuckled.
Deciding you were no longer comfy in that position, you lifted your legs up off Ellie, before manoeuvring your body so that you were sat side by side. Passing the joint back to her, you rested your head on her shoulder. What you didn't notice was Ellie's visible tensing the second you laid your head on her.
It wasn't like it was unusual behaviour from you, yet she reacted like this every time. 
"What do you think of it?"
"Fuck yeah, it's good," she swallowed, head turning to glance over at you resting your head comfortably on her shoulder, "You falling asleep down there?"
"No..." you mumbled, your voice visibly getting quieter as you were getting sleepier. You were just so tired. Constant arguing with Dean, working or studying. You needed a break, plus Ellie had a habit of being super comfortable to nap on.
"You sure?"
"It's alright, have a nap, we’ll study later."
Ellie chuckled, she continued smoking the joint to its ends, relaxed by the sound of your breathing as you fell asleep. She took the opportunity to observe you for a minute, you looked peaceful, a hell of a lot more peaceful than you were when you first entered. She wished that you could always be that content, at peace. Ellie wanted you to be happy, whether with her or not, she just didn't want you so stressed and drained by yet another unhealthy relationship.  
It was then she took time to think, how messy the situation had truly become.
After your nap, you and Ellie actually did finally study, spending a few hours going over the course material and sharing notes. With a few distractions here and there, but successful nonetheless.
You were back at home, Dean seemingly long gone back to his own place, as you got yourself dressed for this party. Texting Ellie that you were ready, you awaited her knock on your door, as your place was a bit closer to the party you decided you'd make your way there together and you'd crash back at your house later.
Once she arrived, you two made your way to the party, it was in the next block of student accommodation, so it was only a quick walk.
Before long, you had reached the party, greeted by its loudness with thumping music and loud chatter.
"It's fucking packed," you complained, already nervous. The bass of the loud music echoing in your chest, exacerbating the anxiety you felt.  
"It will be okay, let's go find Dina and Jesse,"
It took a few glances to land on them but they had been settled in a corner with two other girls. One with short black hair and the other with long, blonde hair.
Making your way towards them, Dina spotted you and Ellie and eagerly waved you guys over to their spot.
"Bitch! Where have you been?" Dina questioned, and truly it had been an unreasonable amount of time since you'd seen her, which is weird considering how often you were at her and Ellie's place.
"Don't get me started," you sighed, whilst smiling at her and wrapping your arms around her.
"Well, it's good to see you, we missed you!" Gesturing towards herself and Jesse, who took his cue to also greet you.
Dina introduced you to her friends who were also sitting with them, the one with black hair was introduced as Cat, and the blonde was called Abby.
They were nice but you weren't too sure about the dark-haired one, she seemed a bit standoffish to you, only, but welcoming and friendly to everyone else in your group, and especially to Ellie. You noted it and placed the thought at the back of your head for dissection later.
In the ten minutes you had been there, Dean had spotted you and walked over. Causing an eye roll to come from Ellie,
"Hey, you're here!" He was drunk, words slurred and eyes heavily lidded. How much had he already had to drink?
Wrapping his arms around your waist, and nuzzling his face into your neck, the scent of alcohol lingered on him and you found that you didn't want him to be that close to you.
Your eyes met Ellie's briefly before she quickly looked away and took a long sip from her cup, which had been filled up with some vodka and whiskey mixed with some chaser by Dina. She turned her head away from you and began talking to Cat, faces a lot closer than most people. 
You tore your eyes away from their interaction, turning to face Dean.
"I have to go to the bathroom," Dean shrugged, too incapacitated to care too much before making his way back to some of his frat brothers. Yuck.
You were making your way to the bathroom, hoping to find the right door, but you weren't successful the first time, the second or the third. You were starting to wonder how many goddamn rooms were in this place until you finally reached it, and it was of course labelled with a stupid little diy frat sticker that said 'bathroom' featuring other, more immature graffiti. Apt, you thought.
The light was on but the door was slightly ajar, thinking nothing of it you walked in believing it to be empty. The room was also, of course, occupied. You mentally laughed at your own bad luck as you saw Abby sneaking a cigarette out the window. Her body perched up on the windowsill as she breathed the smoke out the open gap.
"Shit- oh it's just you," she chuckled, holding her hand on her heart indicating that you had slightly frightened her, clearly from her doing something she isn't supposed to be doing.
"Sorry, thought it was empty," you said, turning your body towards the door in an effort to leave her to it,
"You don't have to leave I'm just smoking this before any of my team sees me,"
That brought a smile to reach your lips,
"Why are you sneaking cigarettes like a 16 year old?"
"Athletes aren't really meant to smoke, but shit happens. I just don't want to hear it from coach." She mumbled taking her final drag, throwing the butt out the window.
"I'll take it to my grave," You promised, making a little zip motion on your lips.
"All yours," she smiled, making her way out of the bathroom.
"I won't take long, we can head down to the group together,"
So you did, exiting the bathroom, Abby smiling at you,
"Let's go?"
You had travelled down the stairs, engaging in random, friendly small talk until you had reached everyone. Abby sat back down next to Dina and Jesse, who were ranting amongst themselves, whilst Cat and Ellie had been left to their own devices. Now, you and Ellie had been friends for a while, you kinda knew what she looked like when she was flirting with girls. And this was definitely that. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by Dean respawning in your face again,
"Wanna explain that?"
That completely broke you out of your little trance, explain what?
"Why were you in the bathroom with her?"
"She was-" you remembered your promise to her, "We were just chatting, nothing weird happened, if that's what you're thinking."
He grabbed your wrist and walked with you to a quieter corner of the room,
"Why are you lying?"
"Dean, nothing happened we were chatting because she was in there when I walked in,"
"Do you know what she is?"
"I just met her today, Dean," You didn't want to deal with this right now, Ellie had said she was going to try and help you escape Dean tonight and instead she got annoyed by his presence and began flirting with Cat.
"What is with you and hanging out with all of those d-...", he trailed off,
"Those what, Dean?" You were beyond angry at this point, you didn't like what he was implying.
"You know, all those le-"
"Hey," your altercation was interrupted, "Everything cool?" Ellie was looking between you both, eyebrows furrowed as she looked you over, gauging the situation. She knew you could fight your own battles, but when a drunk man is getting too handsy on someone it's always good practice to remain vigilant.
"We're fine." He said, his words less slurred now, a bit more pissed off. Egged on by the fact that his very point had just interrupted him.
"Oh yeah?" She pressed, making sure to look at you when she asked, having watched the interaction since he dragged you away.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you added, trying to give her a grateful look with your eyes, whether she got the message or not wasn't confirmed. Ellie wasn't one to let things go, but then she asked you if you wanted to be left alone with him and when you simply said 'Yeah I can deal with this," there was nothing more she could do without being too out of line. 
Sighing to herself, she dragged her feet back to the group, silently warring with herself over her actions, wondering if she put her nose in someone else's business or whether she didn't act enough. She had decided that was enough for the night, she'd try and focus on something else.
Whilst you were frustrated; you didn't want to explain the situation to her yet, at this point.
"Dean I don't like what you're trying to say, I don't want to be near you right now, we can talk about this at home."
"Sure, whatever." He walked off. You exhaled a sigh that had been festering in your chest for a while.
Wandering back to Dina, Jesse and Abby, noticing a considerable lack of Ellie and Cat. But at least you could clear your mind, Dina offered you another drink- which you gladly took.
You were in conversations with your friends, a good amount of minutes had passed and you finally caught sight of Ellie. You felt your heart twitch, your stomach churning at the sight.
Ellie was engaged in some heated make-out with that Cat, her hands tightly wrapped around the back of the girl's neck. The lights of the room bounced off her skin, illuminating them in deep reds and blues, as their lips moved against each other. It was hot, you couldn't lie. Perhaps the alcohol had hit you a lot more than you thought. You had seen Ellie in action, but not in action.
You felt yourself start to stare, lost in the sight of Ellie until you felt your breathing start to quicken and your legs fidgeting. You had to pull your eyes away, shaming yourself in your head for even looking that long, like a damned pervert.
Taking another sip of your drink, your thoughts trailed, you wondered what it would feel like to be in Cat's position, to feel Ellie's passionate grasp and soft lips against yours. You wondered if her kisses would feel loving and warm, not cold like you were used to.
You quickly dismissed your thoughts, blaming it on the alcohol, wondering what was spurring this on, all of a sudden.
You soon decided it was probably time to head home, the party had lived its course and you were in a worse mood than when you first got there. Mission failed, indeed.
Saying your goodbyes to Dina, Jesse and Abby you made your way through the dance floor to Ellie.
"Hey, I'm gonna head out," You interrupted a conversation occurring between Ellie and Cat.
"Oh, you sure?" She glanced between you and Cat, "Will you be okay getting home?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm gonna find Dean and we're gonna go,"
"Oh," her face soured, "You're really still going home with that guy?"
"Well..." you stilled, you didn't exactly want to, but you knew he wouldn't give up until he got to say his piece, regardless of where you were, "We have stuff to talk about, I guess." Your voice and tone sound beaten, tired.
"I see," She glanced you over, hesitant, as if she was about to say something but then changed her mind. You could almost see thoughts flying in her eyes. 
"See you later," Cat smiled at you, though it didn't quite reach the corners of her eyes, no crease of skin. Everything seemed polite on the surface, but there were weird undertones in her voice, indifference. The vibe of that was definitely weird, right?
With that, you found Dean and left to go home.
Panting, you were panting. Heavy breaths mixed with sloppy touches in the darkness of red and blue lights.
You pulled away, glancing at Ellie, the corners of her plump lips curling into a smirk as she caressed your thighs. Fingers teasing near your entrance, you were completely ready for her touch, dripping, waiting.
"I can't wait to taste you, baby." she spoke, her words soft but with a hint of a growl that excited you, eager for what was about to come.
Then your eyes split open, and you were lay on your bed, hours had passed and you had been fast asleep. Sleep came easy, induced by the alcohol you had consumed, as you realised you had just been dreaming.
It took you a few seconds to stir and become conscious of what you had been dreaming about. Then the shame hit. What the fuck was that?
It didn't last long though, before you heard Dean's voice,
"That was hot,"
You slightly jumped at the surprise of his voice, not expecting him to have been awake and especially aware that you were having a dream of such nature, about your best friend of all people.
"You got me all hard, babe." You suddenly felt too overwhelmed, flashes of Ellie's lips and fingers cursed your mind as Dean's voice was mixed into your thoughts.
Confusion and panic hit your senses, you didn't want to look at Dean's expecting face when your mind was still reeling with the faint remnants of being under Ellie's warm and comforting touch, even in the astral plane, your body still warm and wanting. But not for him. Disgust overwhelmed your veins, poisoning the air in your lungs as you realised you couldn't think of anything worse than him touching you. It was as if that dream had been a message, a sign that this wasn't what you wanted. Or deserved. A sudden unexpected epiphany.
You quickly shot up and ran to the bathroom, no words spoken between you as you closed the door. Ensuring space between you both.
You sighed and grabbed at the roots of your hair, thinking of how utterly fucked this is.
You thought back to Ellie, would she be disgusted at your thoughts? Would she feel weird and uncomfortable if she knew you had been thinking of her that way? Her best, and very platonic, friend. She definitely isn't interested, you thought, remembering the way she had grabbed Cat closer to her and embraced her in a kiss that could only enflame your very being. Jealous. You realised, that's what that feeling was. It seemed to occur a lot regarding Ellie, that feeling.
Dean's voice blared through the door, reverberating through the walls.
"It's about that blond bitch isn't it?" Your eyebrows pulled together, fucks sake.
"Dean, please." It was stupid o'clock in the morning, the last thing you wanted was yet another argument.
"I knew those fucking lesbians would fuck with your head, you've always been a stupid woman, following whoever gives you attention."
His words hurt, and doubly pissed you off. How dare he? Those were your friends he was talking about.
You opened the door, Dean all blotchy and red in the face, fuelled by the past months of his bullshit and borderline abuse, this was the final nail. He was not about to say disgusting things and expect no repercussions. Lifting your hand, you put your entire back into connecting your palm with his cheek, made real by the smacking sound of skin, loud as a gunshot in the dark hours of the night contrasting the silence of no other surrounding sound in the dorms.
"Fuck you, Dean. I'm over this, get out." You stared him right in the eye as he rubbed the throbbing skin of his cheek to alleviate some pain. You couldn't help but feel a hint of relief that it had actually hurt him, as horrid as that sounds. You weren't a violent person, by any means, yet the continuous accusations, the newly exposed homophobia, his vile behaviour - it had to be done. You were done letting him treat you like that.
"I don't need you anyway, can find ten other girls that'd give me what I want."
"Go do that, then." You huffed, wondering why you hadn't done this earlier.
"Already have, sweetheart." He smirked, eyes glinting as he finally lifted the shroud of lies he had been filling your head with. You always knew deep down, you just chose to ignore it. Worms in the brain feasting at any rational thought and your self-respect. You didn't find it in yourself to get angrier.
"Get out of my house, Dean." You finalised, arms crossed over your chest, you just hoped he'd go willingly.
"You're not worth it, anyway." He cements, body turning to put on his shoes, chuckling as his heavy presence finally leaves your door.
You let out a breath, relief, shame and anger seeping into the deepest part of your being.
You were glad he's gone, truly. You just wish you had killed it sooner. Ellie was right, he ain't shit.
You sat on the edge of your bed, suddenly finding that the dark, empty space in your room was doing you no favours.
Pulling out your phone, you drafted a text to Ellie,
3.47 a.m:  you awake?
It was a long shot, you almost gave up on a response for tonight until you felt your phone buzz.
3.49 a.m:  ..always
3.49 a.m:  whats up?
Your lips tilted into a weak smile, before responding,
3.50 a.m:  u should be sleeping rn!
3.50 a.m:  umm so should u
3.51 a.m:  whats wrong?
Sighing, you had to bite the bullet, already started it now.
3.52 a.m:  he's an asshole, i broke up with him
A few minutes passed, and you wondered what was taking so long even though in the grand scheme of time it was only a few seconds, really. It was just anticipation, time felt dragged out awaiting her response. You didn't know that Ellie was laying on her bed feverishly typing, deleting and re-typing, overthinking how to respond. She wanted to say, 'I knew this' and how she was happy he was gone because he was a loser who didn't deserve you anyway. How she never liked him. Ellie didn't want to be insensitive, though, lest she hurt your feelings further. 
3.57 a.m: how are you feeling?
3.58 a.m:  im just glad he's gone tbh
3.58 a.m: had to be done
Ellie couldn't help the hint of a smile that fought its way onto her features, she typed her response. Picking at the dry skin around her thumb with her teeth as she sent her next message, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
3.59 a.m: he didn't deserve you anyway, you're too good for that.
You felt a warmth rush through you, stomach tightening as you read into her words. You wished that she meant it, that her feelings matched yours. Your mind thinks back to Cat, instantly murdering any hope in your heart.
You don't remember when your feelings for Ellie began to change, but looking back on it, you had felt so unsatisfied, seldom comfortable with your past lovers. Ellie was the only person who knew you, truly. Who had loved you and made you feel so safe, her comforting presence always soothing you, you felt like a person around Ellie. Whole. It had just taken some time for life to knock some sense into you to realise. It has always been Ellie. 
4.01 a.m: want me to come to you or you wanna come here?
4.01 a.m: it's so late you don't have to! i'll be ok promise
4.02 a.m: hah good one.. gimme ten mins
Ellie was not messing, not much time passed before she was knocking on the front door of your dorm. 
"Hey," Her voice was soft, gentle, her eyes shining with such a tender glint. She's always had such pretty eyes, you thought. 
You moved a few steps to give her space to enter,
"How you doing?" She wrapped her arms around you, holding you tighter than you expected,
"Honestly, I'm okay," Ellie took a look at you, gauging your overall mood and believed it, you already looked lighter, less weight (*Dean) holding down your shoulders. 
"Think I mentally checked out a long time ago," you added, sitting down on your bed and lifting your laptop screen to load a show, acting somewhat as a buffer amongst the silence.
"So what happened?"
You couldn't help the audible groan that escaped your lips, "He got pissy when he saw me leaving the bathroom with Abby and accused me of cheating,"
"Abby?" Ellie had taken off her coat and shoes, joining you on your spot on the bed.
"Yeah, she was smoking in the bathroom hiding from their coach, we walked down to the group together, it was only small talk. I was so confused, he started saying things about who I was hanging out with,".
"He's a fucking homophobic prick,"
"He said hanging out with 'all those lesbians was fucking with my head', said I follow whoever gives me attention," you sighed, "then I slapped him."
Ellie couldn’t help it, she felt a swell of pride that you slapped him, stood up for yourself. He deserved so much worse, she thought.
Ellie couldn't hide the smirk that reached her lips, as much as she tried to suppress it, it still came.
"That's my girl,"
You didn't expect your stomach to twist when those words left her mouth, opening something up deep inside.
"He finally admitted to cheating, and then it was over," You sighed.
"I'm proud of you," Ellie muttered, fidgeting with her nail-beds, failing to meet your eyes.
"You don't have to say that, I know how pathetic this is,"
Resting your head on the headboard, you brought your legs into a cross,
"Hey, I mean it, it must've been a lot," She paused, her hand coming to rest on your knee, rubbing her thumb over the skin absentmindedly, like it was second nature to her. Perhaps, it was.
You looked over at her, eyes trailing down her features, freckles and the green eyes that still weren't meeting yours, suddenly shy.
"You're amazing, you deserve to know that," she paused, eyes finally meeting your own, determined.
"So are you," Your voice lowered, trailing back to the pretty brunette from earlier.
“So what’s going on with you and that girl?” You shouldn’t have said anything, but it was out before you could stop it. Clearly, your brain kept thinking about it.
“It’s..” Ellie thought about what to say, it would sound extremely horrible to say Cat was mainly a distraction, unfair as she is a lovely person, but it’s true.
“Nothing more than what you saw,”
Vague, was that best response to that, Ellie thought.
“I saw quite a bit,”
“Honestly, she’s great, we get along and all but..’ She’s not you. “I don’t think it’ll go any further.”
“She seemed to really like you, why not?”
Ellie almost wanted to laugh, it was so painfully obvious to her, how could you not see it?
“I guess.. I want something different.”
Her eyes connected with yours, the contact between your eyes felt different now, charged. You caught yourself stealing a glance at her lips, which slightly parted as she spotted where your eyes had fallen.
“Like what?”
She had no response, it was either avoid the question, or firm it. Ellie didn’t know which was the right answer.
"Ellie.." You paused, words caught in your throat, as scenarios rushed through your head like a rolodex of different possible outcomes. Heart tugging at your brain to do something, anything.
"Yeah?" Her head leaned closer to yours, your breathing slowly becoming heavier, the room's environment growing thicker, harder to inhale. Her hand still on your knee, unmoving now, frozen in place.
You could almost make contact with her lips, if you moved just a tiny inch closer. Her hand trailed slightly further up your leg, just a little above your knee, almost as if to test the waters. You wondered if she felt like you did, if she could also feel her veins light up and her body inflamed. Were her lips just as eager to touch yours? Were her hands longing to feel you just as well?
Before you realised, it was out.
"Ellie, can I kiss you?"
A beat, and no response. You felt your heart start to panic, already thinking over how to pretend that had never happened. You almost regretted it, until her hand reached for the back of your neck, reducing the distance between your faces.
Lips meeting yours, shyly at first, hesitant. Ellie’s mind was whirling, feeling her heartbeat pump aggressively throughout her body, there was no way this was reality, she thought. No way that you were here in front of her, asking to kiss her, after all this time of her yearning, feeling like a useless lesbian who would never ever make a move on you.
She could almost feel herself kicking her feet in the air, as she decided to firm it. Scared if she waited any longer, the opportunity would cease to exist, pass her by and join one of those regrets she’d think about as an elder.
Your lips met hers back, eager to push for contact, eager to push closer. Your zeal spurring hers on, as her hands clasped the back of your neck, keeping you in place. Not like you wanted to be anywhere else.
This was it. This is what you should’ve been feeling in the past.
Ellie’s soft, plump lips melted over yours, taunting with a bite and pulling your bottom lip out before entering her tongue into your mouth.
Fuck. That was hot.
You felt yourself getting hotter, damper by the minute as the kiss continues, Ellie’s hand getting more comfortable and trailing down to your thighs.
You pulled apart for a second, taking the time to catch your breath as you looked into her eyes, usually green but now much darker, enhanced by enlarged pupils as she glazed her sights over you. An unreadable expression on her face,
“Are you okay?”
“You’re so hot, and amazing and I-I really want to keep going, I just- I don’t know, I don’t want this to be like a .. rebound thing. I really care about you but I just, don’t want to feel like that, you know?” She rambled on, her thoughts getting ahead of themselves as she was pondering if it happened, then if it was too late to return to what you had been, before things got all naked and messy.
You understood, of course you did. You had literally broken up with him just maybe two hours ago. But it didn’t matter, you had to say it. Let her know and reassure her that it was only her.
“Ellie.. you could never be a rebound to me,” You stammered a little before the next part, “You’re the one I’ve wanted this whole time. It’s always been you.” You pecked her lips, grabbing her face, looking into her eyes hoping she’d see the seriousness in yours.
“I’ve wanted you for a really long time,” she broke contact, “I just didn’t wanna fuck shit up,”
“I mean it, Ellie, I’ve never felt as certain about something as I do this,”
Her stature relaxed, you continued, “I love you, Ellie. I didn’t love anyone else,”
“I love you,” she answered, the corner of her lip tilting up, eyes brighter.
“I’ll just have to show you how much, if that’s okay with you.”
Her gaze turned curious, before nodding, watching as your hands danced down her sides and ever so slightly underneath the fabric of her shirt.
“You can do whatever you want with me, honestly,” she murmured. You caught her body tensing, almost shaky as you lifted her shirt. Warm hands covering the sides of her defined stomach, you squeezed a little, just enough to rile her up.
Which it did, Ellie’s eyebrows furrowed as she anticipated your next move. Losing control of her lungs, she was about to explode.
“This okay?” Your hand met the band of her sports bra, digging scarcely into her skin beneath it.
“Yeah,” she exhaled, stuck in place, watching, her cheeks becoming flushed, “Shit,”
You hands pressed over her breasts, tightening pressure around as she let out a content sigh. You dipped your head down to wrap your lips around her nipple, licking laps over the tip and softly blowing air over them when you decided you were done, chuckling to yourself at the goosebumps that now raised on her skin,
“Don’t tease,” She murmured, composure dwindling.
“Sorry, can’t help myself,”
You kissed down her stomach to her pelvis, feeling her restlessness grow as her body refused to stay still, itching for you to do more.
You leaned back up, placing either leg over her torso and looked her over, making sure she was okay as your hand moved lower down, seemingly in a mind of its own as it crept past the waistband, meeting her skin as you held eye contact.
Ellie folded, shutting her eyes as the waiting became too much, you tapped her leg with your free hand,
“Eyes on me,”
When she held your eye contact once again, you teased a finger past her folds, almost letting out a groan at how wet she was, at how easily you could feel her arousal.
“Fuck Els,” you sighed, struggling to contain yourself as your thoughts grew more indecent, slipping a finger in further as Ellie writhed underneath you, head hanging back.
“More fingers, please,” Her voice was strained, breathy as she closed her eyes, embarrassed to be feeling this undone already.
“Yeah?” The side of your mouth curled up, goaded by the sound of her voice. She nodded impishly, covering her eyes with her wrist, as her other hand reached to grip around your hip. A tight squeeze followed on your skin.
“I can do that, baby,” Following instructions, you slipped two more fingers into her, falling into a rhythm as you felt her clench around you. She glanced over your body, legs spread over her midsection as you leaned your arm back, hips gently grinding over hers- an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure building up.
Her hand grabbed at the hem of your shirt, pulling it slightly and groaning when the tight material pushed against your breasts, she always loved how you never wore bras, stiff nipples poking through the fabric.
“Fuck, clothes off, now,” she let out in soft grunts, as she broke your wrist from her to take off your shirt, rubbing her hands over your newly exposed skin “Always fucking wanted to see you like this,” She spoke, your fingers meeting her centre again, “So fucking pretty,”
“You feel so good, Ellie,” You gasped, your hips involuntarily grinding on top of her stomach, “So fucking good ‘n wet for me,”
“Fuck-“ Ellie’s voice cut off as she bit into the back of her hand, her own hips rolling your hand in deeper, hitting her walls more than before as she let out a mewl. “Feels so fuckin’ good, angel,” she whimpered, voice strained as she continued to ride into your hand.
It was the hottest noise you’d ever heard, and you wanted to keep drawing it out of her. To keep hearing her moan for you, and your actions only.
Suddenly, you had something you prove, both to her and to yourself. Flashes of Cat in your mind as you wanted her to forget other women existed.
You unwrapped yourself off her lap, removing your fingers, kissing her stomach as you pulled her pants and underwear down, grabbing her legs and holding them open, exposing her even further.
“Damn,” you said, glancing over her wet inner thighs as they glistened, all for you.
“Shut up,” she spoke, voice tight as a side smile swept over her features, as she grabbed the back of your head, pushing you closer to her pulsing core, throbbing and dripping waiting for you to make contact.
You licked a line up her heat, moaning to yourself at the taste of her. You grew light-headed, thinking you could die happily just between Ellie’s legs, becoming addicted to her moans as you ate her out, head in a daze as she squeezed her thighs tight around your head, almost cutting off your air supply- her moans growing more frequent, as she reached closer. Your free hand moving up to wrap itself around her breast, squeezing tighter around her nipple.
Deciding to have a little more fun, you slipped two fingers into her wetness as you continued to lap your tongue around her clit, pushing up into her as you sucked. Dragging her delicious sap on your tongue as it marred all over your face, cheeks glassy with her warm sleek.
Ellie had lost control over her vocal cords at this point, moans slipping out from between her sweet lips no matter how hard she tried to suppress them. Hell, you were moaning too, despite not even being touched yet, dripping all over yourself, ass up and needy as you rolled your hips over thin air as you continued to soak yourself into Ellie.
There could be no coming back from this, you thought, not now that you had been exposed to the delicacy that is Ellie Williams. You were holding on to her and not letting go.
You felt Ellie’s moans get shorter, cutting themselves off from its full power before the next one came, her hips moving more haphazardly up to meet your tongue, she was close.
You glanced at her, her eyes closed, brows pinched up and mouth agape, a slight sheen to her skin from sweat, she’s so attractive, you thought.
With your free hand, your fingers guided themselves onto your own folds, rolling over your own clit for some release, the lack of hand on her caused Ellie’s eyes to lull over at you, the sight of your arched back, wet cheeks from her slick, spread legs as you touched yourself all whilst still fucking her into oblivion.
The damned sight of you, just as undone as Ellie, without her even touching you, was enough to cause the coil in her abdomen to twist, before she came all over your face, breath slowing into heavy pants as her body twitched. You lapped her up her residue, finally removing your face from between her legs as she looked at you. Wordless.
“Wh-what the fuck..” Ellie’s weak voice trailed, before laughing and forcing a kiss on your lips, hands wrapped around your jaw as she tasted the remnants of herself on you.
There was no way you were about to give her the best orgasm of her life and expect her to not do anything back? Funny joke. Ellie was ravenous now.
She placed you underneath her, biting around your thighs before bending her head down, her tongue having been desperate for a taste since that first day she saw you. “I wanna fuck you so bad,” Your legs tightened around her as the air from her voice hit your centre, “Been dyin’ for a taste,” You looked at her, tip of your eyebrows raised up as you took in her words, how long had she wanted you back? Her words caused you to shudder, whimpering as she continued.
“Fuck,” You said, voice breaking as her tongue rippled over your pussy as your hips shook, slurping up the honey that had been left neglected. Long, slender fingers meeting your centre that had felt so, so desperate and needy for her to touch.
“G’na show what you’ve been missing,” She hummed, as her fingers picked up pace working harmoniously with her tongue as she fucked into you. Warm muscle rolling over your pulsing clit. Fingers rubbing over your velvet walls which sucked her further in, skin dragging out with her soaked fingers when they recoiled out, the image obscene. “What was waiting for you this whole time,”
“Els- shit, wanna feel you,”
“What you want, baby?” She gasped out, in between breaths as fingers toyed with your clit.
“Wanna feel you, y-your fucking pussy on mine-fuck,” you cut yourself off, embarrassed. The desire was simply too strong, you were dizzy just from the thought of it. Ellie seemed to share your enthusiasm, her heart skipping a beat, the thought kindling her veins with heat.
This was truly a gift from the heavens, she thought.
“Shit- yeah, okay.” Ellie exhaled out, as she got you into position, grabbing one of your smaller pillows to cushion underneath you as she placed her legs over yours, getting into place as she rubbed her clit over yours, hips lolling over your pelvis.
The sounds were debaucherous as they filled the room, hot and wet, as if the spirit of Dionysus, himself had possessed you. Invoking you with bacchanal, carnal desire as you could think of nothing else than the sublime vice that is Ellie Williams.
“Fuck, Els, I’m gonna come,”
Ellie groaned, rocking her hips over yours, her defined abs on show, breasts working with Earth’s gravity as they sprung up and down to match her movements, hair falling out of her half-bun, causing some strands to stick to her face, completely dishevelled. You looked at her, eyes attached to yours, lust ruling over them, then looked back down to where you were both intertwined. You trapped your bottom lip with your teeth at the sight before you.
Her sap mingling with yours, leaking out from her cunt as it folds over your own, Wrapping you with her warmth, pulsating around yours. Ellie’s body still trembling from before.
“Then come for me, baby,”
You were gone. With her words, you felt yourself spilling out against her, not being able to hold back the climax of your arousal spurting out from you, splashes reaching Ellie’s legs.
“Fuck, Ellie!” Your voice drawled out, as the wave ran through you,
“That’s it, angel, come all over me,” She smirked down at you, breath heavy as she watched your eyes glaze over, lips parted and chest heavy as you finally came down. A ardent glaze over her eyes.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” She gaped, eyes transfixed on your figure as her reeling mind came down from the high.
“Shit, neither did I,” you laughed, covering your mouth, suddenly shy. With your head still in the clouds, you weren’t feeling as overly self-aware.
“That was fucking hot, and I’m not done.”
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zepskies · 1 year
Hey could I please request headcanons for how Dean would react to reader texting him "she's busy" as a joke, yk kind of like
Dean: Hey baby
Reader: She's busy
I really hope this makes sense and isn't so confusing 😭😭
Ooh I think I know what you mean. 😏
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F. Reader Word Count: 850
Imagine: Texting Dean when he's on a hunt.
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Once again, Dean sighed while he waited on his brother.
They were stopped at a 7-Eleven gas station after a hunt, but Dean had long ago filled up Baby's tank. Sam was inside, grabbing a few snacks for the road tomorrow. Supposedly.
Dean fished out his phone from his pocket and texted him.
Hey, Driving Miss Daisy. You good in there?
A couple of minutes later, Sam responded.
Yeah, just getting a few things.
Dean rolled his eyes. Right.
For half an hour? What, you taking a shit or something?
Sam's response was testy, just as Dean predicted.
Dean, give me a minute. Jesus.
Dean sighed, with a roll of his eyes. He scrolled back into his texts and found your name. He was a couple of states over from Lebanon, but still within the same timezone. You should still be awake back at the bunker.
He decided he wanted to hear your voice, let you know that he and Sam were going to catch one more night of rest here at the motel before they made the long drive back home.
But...you didn't answer when he called.
Weird. You were typically a night owl, either watching something or plugging away at your laptop. He tried texting you instead.
Hey, baby. You up?
He eventually saw the three gray dots pop up. You were typing...
She's busy.
Dean frowned. What the hell?
Had you invited someone over? Like Jody or Donna?
But neither of them would've replied like that...so he texted back.
Stop messing around.
Dean tried calling you again, but it went directly to voicemail this time. In came another text from "you."
She'll call you back, dude.
Dean's jaw ticked with annoyance. And despite himself, unease began to creep in and churn his stomach.
What the fuck is this?
She's in the shower. I'll tell her to call you back, no worries.
All right. WHO is this?
Ooh, are you the boyfriend? Yikes lol.
A deep, slow breath made it through Dean's nose. He closed his eyes, counted to ten, reminded himself that he did, in fact, love you.
Then he responded.
Babe, if you don't call me in the next 30 seconds, there's gonna be hell to pay when I get home.
Dean checked his watch and actually counted. About ten seconds passed before his phone rang with an incoming call...from you. He answered.
"Promise?" came your teasing voice. When it ended on a giggle, Dean rolled his eyes and rested his head back on the seat. He blew out a frustrated breath.
"Oh, trust and believe. You're gonna fuckin' get it this time," he said, though his lips curved on a reluctant smirk. You full on laughed at him then.
"You make it too easy," you replied.
He knew this. It wasn't the first time you'd teased him, and he knew it wouldn't be the last.
Still, he couldn't help being a bit irritated this time.
"You know, how would you like it if I did that to you?" he asked. "Wouldn't be so fucking funny then, would it?"
"...Okay. You're right. I'm sorry, baby," came your more contrite voice. But he could still hear your smile. Could imagine the way you might soothe a hand along his arm, if you were here.
"How about I make it up to you?" you offered.
That worked a slow smirk onto his face. "Yeah? What did you have in mind?"
For the next few minutes, you purred into his ear about all the things you'd been thinking of while he was gone. Daydreaming about the talents of his hands, lips, and tongue.
In particular, you reminded him about a certain birthday wish that he still hadn't claimed from a couple weeks ago, when he and Sam got wind of this hunt.
Two weeks really was too damn long, in your opinion. (He agreed with you.)
Now with a half-straining bulge in his jeans, Dean licked his lips and tightened his hand on the leather wheel of the car.
"All right. Sounds like a plan to me, sweetheart," he said, deceptively breezy. As if you'd just told him you planned to make tacos for dinner.
"When are you getting home?" you asked.
He heard the tone of your voice, like black silk. It sent a tendril of heat down his spine, raising the hairs on his forearms.
"Tonight," Dean said. Deeper, a note of gravel in his words. "I'll see you tonight."
"Good." Once again, he heard the smile in your voice. "I love you."
He sighed, and raised a hand to card through his hair.
"Love you too...even though you play too fucking much," he muttered the latter bit.
Your laughter once again reached his ears, reluctantly making him smile.
He hung up with you just before Sam finally opened the passenger seat door and climbed in with two hefty grocery bags. Did he do a whole damn shopping spree in there?
...Whatever. Dean shook his head and started the car.
"Change of plan," he said. "We're heading home."
"What? Thought we were gonna catch a few hours of sleep. It's a long drive, Dean," Sam said, earning his brother's gaze.
"Yeah, well, you'll live," Dean snarked. A more devious grin spread across his face. "I've got a date."
And she's about to get punished.
The Impala's tires screeched as Dean pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
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AN: Ha! This one was fun. 😘 Thanks for the prompt!
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Dean Winchester Imagines
Dean Winchester Masterlist
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apocalypseornaw · 9 months
What If
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You make assumptions after a night in Dean's bed that prove to be false
Warnings: Mention of steamy times, cursing, hurt feelings
Heat was the first sensation that hit you. The heat of a warm body curled up to your back. A strong arm laid across your stomach and warm breath hitting the back of your neck as he slept. How the hell had you ended up in this position when the two of you had simply set out to watch a movie last night after Sam had gone to bed?
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You'd been in your room, laid across the bed reading a book Alex had sent you for your birthday. It was pretty good so far but you knew you wouldn't get far in it when you heard Dean singing lightly as his footsteps got closer to your open door.
You slid a bookmark in place and laid the book on your nightstand before your green eyed best friend ever Madeira to your door. You glanced up about the time he knocked “What's up Dean?” He smiled slightly “Well Sammy's gone to bed but Claire sent me a list of the top five rated horror movies. The top two we have on streaming”
A grin split your face “Go get them up, I'll grab drinks and meet you in the TV room” he winked at you “that's my girl” then turned to walk off down the hall.
You let out a sigh if only he knew what it did to you when he did shit like that. That wink, calling you his girl. The way he always invited you to watch movies, go for late night drives or how gentle he was patching you up after hunts. You shook your head to clear those thoughts out, he was your best friend. Yeah he was drop dead gorgeous but you couldn't help that you had eyes. You wouldn't ever cross a line he'd never acted as if he wanted to cross and risk that relationship.
You were sitting next to Dean on the couch, your feet were curled up under you and Dean's favorite blanket was draped across you both. About halfway through the second movie a jumpscare actually got to you and without thinking you curled into his side, hiding your face in his chest.
He chuckled lightly as he tucked his arm around your body “Oh come on sweetheart. I've seen you take on shit a lot scarier than that and not blink!” You looked up at him and stuck your tongue out, trying to ignore just how close your faces were “Bite me Winchester. Real life doesn't bother me because if it can touch me and hurt me I can touch it and hurt it”
He shook his head “You're something else” you raised an eyebrow “What you mean by that” he raised his hand that wasn't curled around you to push your hair back that had fallen into your face “Beautiful, smart, badass. Pretty damn close to perfect” you could feel your cheeks warm slightly. It wasn't unusual for Dean to compliment you but it always made your stomach flip. “Oh shut up” you pushed against his chest hoping to turn this semi flirtatious moment into a teasing one but damn him if he didn't cup your chin gently and lift your head to meet his eyes before a smirk slipped onto his face “Make me”
You don't know what came over you at that moment. Maybe temporary insanity? Regardless you found yourself moving forward until your lips met his. It was just a simple kiss but something you'd dreamt of for far too long. It didn't take him even half a second to react. His hands went down to your hips, pulling you over into his lap and when the action caused a light gasp to leave your lips he slipped his tongue into your mouth rolling it against yours in a way that had you melting into him.
When you ground your hips down against his and a deep groan left him that was when reality set in. You were currently straddling your best friend, making out with him and damn near dry humping on the couch. You broke the kiss and damn near jumped off his lap. “I am so sorry Dean. I don't…I don't know what was going through my head”
He stood up, adjusting his jeans as he did so and your eyes flicked down to see a bulge that made your legs weak. The look in his eyes, damn how many waitresses and barmaids had you cussed over the years for having that look focused on them and now you couldn't think straight. “I wasn't exactly shoving you off” he replied taking a step closer and when you didn't back up he quickly covered the space between you pulling you into his arms “You're my best friend Y/N. Besides Sam no one on earth means as much to me as you do but that kiss was….fuck…if you want then this never happened. We'll turn on a different movie and nothing more”
“Or?” You asked, feeling your heart leap into your throat. A smirk slipped back onto his lips “Or we could go to my room and talk” “talk?” You repeated and he nodded “nothing has to happen”
A moan of Dean's name left your lips as he kissed a trail down your neck, his fingers slipping inside of you easily. “Fuck I love hear you say my name like that” he teased. It didn't take him long to find that one spot inside of you that had you clenching around his fingers and your legs shaking around his wrist.
He continued to pump his fingers lazily in and out of you as he worked you through the orgasm. When you weakly pushed at his wrist he caught your eyes before licking his fingers into his mouth, those sinful lips working as he sucked your juices off his fingers. “Taste as good as you look” you shook your head with a laugh “Take your pants off and get up here Dean” he grinned “Yes ma'am”
He stood long enough to slip his pants off then crawled up the bed, kissing his way up your body until he got to your lips. He caught them in a searing kiss that let you taste yourself on him. He pulled back enough to meet your eyes “Are you sure about this?” You nodded and felt his hardness pressed against your inner thigh “I want this”
He pressed another kiss to your lips before lining himself up with your entrance. When he slipped inside of you a moan left both of you at the feeling. He dropped his head down against your chest once he was fully inside of you to give you time to adjust. His lips left a trail across your collarbone “you feel so damn amazing sweetheart” After a moment the discomfort of the fullness of his gave way to pleasure so you turned his face to kiss him “Move Dean”
He began to roll his hips tentatively against yours and when your reaction was your eyes rolling back slightly at the feeling that was all the clearance he needed. “Eyes on me, beautiful. I want to see you come undone” it took you a minute to focus your eyes back on him and when you did he smiled almost shyly “look at you Y/N. Damn you're perfect” he pulled almost completely out of you then slammed back in. Your hands went to his shoulders, fingernails cutting into the skin as he sat a grueling pace that filled the room with the sound of skin hitting skin and both of you moaning the other's name.
When you felt yourself reaching that peak he bit down gently on your neck “Let yourself go baby. I'm not far behind. I want to feel you come around my cock, please” Dean Winchester of all men begging you to come? Christ, that pushed you over the edge with a scream of pleasure ripping from your lips.
His thrusts faltered slightly and through gritted teeth he asked “Don't you have an iud?” You nodded and he buried himself inside of you with one final thrust. The feeling of him coming worked another small orgasm out of you that had your legs shaking around him.
When he pulled out you whimpered slightly and he apologized with a light kiss “Just gonna grab my shirt to clean you up some baby ok?” You nodded weakly and felt the bed dip before Dean was knelt between your knees “Open up for me beautiful” you slowly spread your legs and he smiled “you look so fucking gorgeous like this. All fucked out” he used his shirt to clean you up as best as he could before tossing it back to the floor.
When he laid back down next to you he ran a finger down your side which caused you to squirm. “I'll go to my room once my legs work” He slipped his arm around you to pull you back against him “Take your time. No rush”
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Every insecurity and what if started to flip through your head. Dean wasn't a settling down type. He didn't like attachments because he knew that put a target on them. He cared about you enough as a friend to put himself in danger. This wouldn't work. Either he'd not want this and feel some sort of obligation from your years of friendship or worse he would feel for you what you truly felt for him and it would end with him getting himself killed to keep you safe.
It took some work to slip out the bed without waking him but you managed it and slipped your clothes on quickly. You needed a shower and to get the hell out of the bunker for a few minutes. You just needed to clear your head. It was supply run day. Groceries were needed and mail needed to be checked. You'd tell Sam to let you handle it. That would give you breathing room.
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When you parked your car back at the bunker Sam came out to meet you and help with bags. When you glanced behind him he shrugged one shoulder “Can I ask something that may not only be none of my business but may be uncomfortable too?”
You nodded “We've known each other for a good chunk of our lives so I'd say yeah” he grimaced as he ran a hand across the back of his neck “I heard you and Dean last night so I thought…I don't know what I thought but did something happen? Because he seemed upset that you left while he was asleep”
“Sam, I didn't want to make things weird for Dean. You know my feelings” he nodded “but did you ask him his or just assume?” You didn't have to say anything Sam saw the look in your eyes. “He's in the library cleaning guns. I've got the bags”
You could hear the clinking of metal when you got closer to the library. You stopped right inside the doorway and watched Dean for a moment. The way he handled the guns was a thing of beauty. He could probably break them down, clean them and put them back together in his sleep at this point.
He didn't look up from the colt before saying “You made it back in one piece” you nodded lamely “Dean can we talk?” He laid the colt down and raised his eyes to meet yours “Let me guess where this is going. You had a good night but don't want nothing to change”
You swallowed hard under the intensity of his stare “Can I talk without you putting words in my mouth?” He waved a hand to say go ahead “Dean you're my best friend and I love you, I fell in love with you. Last night was fucking amazing but I don't want to make you regrets things, you don't do love, you don't do relationships”
“because why? Dean's a man whore that just bed hops? Because Dean is incapable of love? Because despite us being best friends for over a decade there's no possibility that I fell in love with you too? There's no possibility i fucking wanted to wake up with the woman I love in my arms?” You flinched at his tone despite your heart flipping at his words “You love me?” He stood up and walked around the table “How could I not?”
You took a step back putting your back to the wall. He stood right in front of you, leaning a hand on the wall just over your head but giving you room to move “I love you Y/N. I'm in love with you. Last night was everything. Now what other demons are lurking in your head cause you know I don't mind taking on each and every one of those sons of bitches”
“What if you get hurt protecting me?” You asked and he smiled “baby I'd do that now but I know for the most part you can handle yourself and don't act like you're not self sacrificing either” you laughed despite yourself “What if you get bored of one woman?” He grinned “unlikely but we can always role play sweetheart. Believe me I mean it when I say you're fucking perfect for me”
“What if…” he cut you off by saying “What if you stop giving me excuses and let me kiss you? We could both die tomorrow and if that happens it happens but I'd rather have a day knowing you were completely my girl then live the rest of our lives just having part of you. I'm yours, you mine?” You nodded “Always. Now kiss me” He grinned “Yes ma'am”
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jessjad · 5 months
More than this
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Summary: Y/N and Dean have been together for a while now, but she's not sure if this is going any further. More and more it feels like he only wants one thing from her and Y/N isn't sure if she can continue to give it to him.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word count: 4417
Warnings: 18+ only!!! some smutty smutness (a little rougher in the beginning), a little heartbreak, some angst, fluff and some realizations
A/N: Hello! 😊 So, I had this idea in my head and I really wanted to write it out, but I had to redo it a couple of times until I got it right. Get ready for some feelings. All mistakes are mine!
My Masterlist
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"You like this, right?"
Dean murmured roughly into Y/N's ear while he kept pounding her hard into the matress. She was laying underneath him, legs around his hips and taking his rough thrusts with accompanying moans. Yeah, she liked it. Dean knew just how to make her come, how to manhandle her, but she could not answer him. In a way she just wanted it to be over. He kept talking dirty to her and started to grib her throat lightly. With his other hand he took one of her calves and brought her leg up on his shoulder to change the angle, to get even deepr into her heat.
"Oh, I know you like this, sweetheart. Hitting every sensitive spot insight you while I fuck you really hard. Just to keep you on edge." he increased the pressure on her throat a little and started to circle her clit with his thump.
Y/N began to feel a little anxious about the hand on her throat and gripped his wrist with some fear, but that was something that Dean didn't notice while he was chasing his own release. Y/N was sure that he would never hurt her, but that was something knew. Something she actually did not like.
She felt the pressure build in her core and the heat that started to rise up in her body took her mind of the current situation that bothered her. Dean lavished on her nipples with his tounge, intensifying the pressure and in the moment when he let go of her throat, the coil snapped and she came hard on his cock. Screaming his name, Dean's movements began to falter and he too came undone, releasing his sticky seed and filling her to the brim.
The Winchester rolled down of her and layed himself right next to her. Relishing in the feeling of the post sexual bliss, both their breahts came hard while their racing hearts were trying to calm themselfs down again. He closed his eyes and smiled before he turned to the woman next to him, to see how she felt. With one arm drapped over her stomache he gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek, but Y/N didn' react in any way.
"You okay there, sweetheart?" he asked and looked closely at her.
Upon hearing his voice, a smile appeared on her lips and she turned her head to Dean. "Yeah, all good."
To not have to look him into the face much longer she scooded over to him and buried her face in the crook of his neck. Now, laying in his warm embrace and hearing his heartbeat, she felt safe, good. Once this rough side of Dean was gone, she wanted to be as close to him as she could. This is what she wanted to experience more with him and she probably should just talk to him. But she didn't know how. And if she was honest, this was somehow all her fault.
When she met Dean for the first time, she was hooked right away. He had put on a charming smile that reached his beautiful green eyes and right away she felt like a fly who was drawn to the light. Although she couldn't really believe that he was actually attracted to her. She was no model and definitly not perfect, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. And so she had no problem to share her bed with him the first night and it was really beautiful.
A string of dates followed in which they got to know each other better and better and they also kept up their nightly activities underneath the sheets. After a month it felt right and Y/N started to fall for the tall man. Her heart began to yearn for him and she could only hope that he was starting to feel the same way. She felt so comfortable with him, because he seemed to genuinely like her just the way she was. And that led to the situation they now found themselves in.
One night, while they were about to make the bed shake again, she had brought it up that she likes it a little harder sometimes. And Dean, the gentleman that he was, tried to do justice to her wishes. In the beginning they tested it out and at some point they found a grove with eachother. It was fun.
But now, over six months later, this was all there was left. Hard, rough sex. No sweet feelings or romance. And also no emotional intimacy. Even the dates had stopped. They only met at her place or, like right now, here in the bunker at Dean's place.
Y/N knew about his actual job and eventhough she didn't want to get involved with it, it didn't bother her. Dean was saving lives, he was a warior. A frecking hero! And that just made her fall for him even harder. But after all this time, she still didn't know if he was falling in love with her too.
Long after Dean felt asleep, Y/N was still lying awake in bed. There was to much going on in her head. She looked over to Dean and tears began to burn in her eyes. As much as she liked the man next to her, this was not what she wanted. Sometimes he was so secretive and she felt like she didn't even know him. It was as if he didn't want to let her into his heart. As if he didn't want to let her share his feelings.
And so, Y/N knew what she needed to do. She needed to get out of here for a while. Needed to get away from Dean and this entrenched situation. A little distance would probably be the best for now. And with this resolution she stood up. Quietly, to not wake up Dean, she put on her clothes and grabbed her stuff. With one last glance back she decided to write him a little note and a minute later she was out of his bedroom.
On her way out of the bunker she passed by the kitchen. The lights were on and when she looked into the room, she saw Sam sitting on the table, his laptop infront of him and a fresh cup of coffee next to it. He looked up after hearing steps, but smiled as soon as he saw it was Y/N.
"Hey! You still awake?" Y/N asked as soon as Sam noticed her.
"Yeah! Yeah, Cas just called. He is on a case in Michigan and needed some help. So, I try to find him some answers."
Y/N only nodded as she took a few steps into the kitchen and smiled. She admired the cohesion the boys shared. They always helped eachother out if needed. Sam on the other hand noticed her backpack that hung from her right sholder and frowned a litte.
"Are you going somewhere? It's still early in the morning?" the younger Winchester asked and directed his attention fully to her.
"Oh, ehm..." Y/N needed to think fast, 'cause she didn't want to lie to Sam. "... I totally forgot that a good friend of mine invited me to her birthday party tomorrow. And since she lives in Jamestown..."
Upon that realization Sam nodded his head. "... it's a long drive to North Dakota."
"Yup." she agreed.
And it was not even a lie. Her friend Lizzy would celebrate her birthday, but just not for four days. Y/N had already texted her friend to let her know, that she would be there a little earlier and when Lizzy would read the message in a few hours she definitly wouldn't mind it. Since they haven't seen eachother in a long time.
"You know, you could've taken a flight down there too." he suggested and stood up from his place.
"Yeah, but I... actually like to drive. You know? Blasting my music, rolled down windows and the wind blows through my hair..."
"Alright, alright." Sam chuckled. "Dean says the same things, so I get it."
Now it was Y/N who laughed a little. But just the thought of the man who owned her heart, stung to some degree. Maybe she should've just talked to him, instead of running away, but she really didn't know how. The one thing she didn't want, was to mess their relationship up. If this even was a relationship.
"Doesn't Dean at least say goodbye to you?" the tall man questioned, while he looked out into the hallway.
"No!" she blurted out way to fast, what gave her an confused look of Sam. "No, but it's okay. We... have been really busy... you know? So... he needs his beauty sleep."
She said and did some randomly gestures with her hands, so that Sam knew right away what she exactly meant. He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head, getting a little shy.
"Okay, alright. I don't wanna know... that... actually."
They both laughed and inside Y/N were relieved, that he seemed to believe her. Both of them fell silent again and before she could change her mind, Y/N moved forward and hugged Sam goodbye.
"Don't be up to long. Get some sleep, okay?"
Sam hugged her back, the weird feeling in his gut ignoring for now.
"Don't worry, Y/N. I will."
And without looking back again, she made her way down to the garage to get into her car and leave Lebanon behind her.
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Dean didn't know what startled him awake, but when he opend his eyes, the sun had just begun to rise over the horizon. He searched his bedside with his hand automatically, but his eyes followed right away. The place where Y/N had slept just some hours ago was already empty. And cold. Only a little note was laying on the pillow, saying that she was gone for a few days. He sat up and noticed right away that her clothes and backpack were gone, too. What was going on?
The older Winchester got out of his bed and went out into the hallway to look for his girlfriend. But he didn't get to far before Sam appeared infront him on his way to his room, yawning his heart out.
"Hey!" he made himself known. "Have you seen Y/N?"
"Oh, hey Dean." answered Sam a little confused and stopped in his tracks when he reached his brother. "She... went out to her friend. Did she... did she not tell you that?"
Dean huffed. "All I got is this little piece of paper." holding the note up to show it to Sam.
"Dean... did something happen between the two of you?"
"What? No!" he blurted out right away, but the look on Sam's face got him a little worried. "Why?"
Sam relaxed his shoulders a little and shook his head in thought. "I don't know... I've met her in the kitchen before she went out and... I had a weird feeling. You know? She... she didn't seem herself... in a way. As if she... was a little on edge?"
"What?" now Dean was confused. "But eveything was fine when we went to sleep."
To that Sam had no idea what else he could say and a weird silence fell between the two men.
"Alright. I'll try calling her. Thanks, Sam."
"Oh, not... not at all."
But Dean didn't hear that anymore. He was already back in his room, grabbing for his phone.
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Y/N was finally able to breath. It was a freeing feeling that she had really needed. Lizzy was surprised that she came over so early for her birthday but she didn't complain either. They had know each other for so many years now, that she was happy to get some alone time with her dear friend.
The only times that Y/N felt a little bit guilty was when Dean texted or tried to call her. She was still not ready to take his calls, because she knew that she would give in the second she heared his beautiful voice. She missed him, though. A lot. She missed him so much, that her heart hurt and screamed his name. So that's why she only answerd his messages, eventhough her answers were short and vague. He knew now where exactly she was, but she also asked of him to wait for her to come back. That she just wanted to spent some long needed time with her friends. And he accepted it.
Now, the birthday party was in full swing and banished her bad thoughts. They all laughed, drank a little and just had a really good time. The girls were sitting outside in the backyard of Lizzys house and enjoyed the fairly warm weather. The hours were passing by quickly and for the first time in the last months Y/N felt carefree. But the later the evening got and the more alcohol flowed, the more intimate the conversations became.
Late at night, there were only Lizzy, Y/N and Cathy, another good friend of the girls, left. And Cathy was very expressive, especially about men. She had just told some funny anecdotes about her past relationships and they were all laughing a good amount. But she also talked about her problems with the new man in her life, named Mike. He was older than her and they came from two very different backrounds. But love had still struck them.
"So, it's all good now? With you and Mike?" Lizzy asked.
"Yeah! Yeah, I talked to him. I just had to and he understood it."
Lizzy saw the lightly confused look on Y/N's face and explained. "Cathy had a little problem with their sexlife and she was debating for quite some time if she should say something or not."
'Huh...' Y/N thought. As it seemed she was not the only one who had those problems.
"Our sex was really boring, you know? Like, reeeeaaaally booooring. I mean, I like it slow and intense sometimes, too. It's not a bad thing. But I also really needed the rough sex. You know? When you're just so pent up and you need to release some stress... a good hard pounding can do wonders, right? " Cathy continued speaking and laughed. "And you two know me. I've always been open about what I like and what not. But with Mike... it was difficult, you know?"
"And how did it... go?" Y/N asked.
She didn't know why she asked that, when she didn't even want to talk about it. But maybe this was the right moment. Maybe she should take advantage of this moment and talk to her friends about her problems too.
"Good, actually. Well, I was really nervous in the beginning, 'cause I truly like the guy, you know? But That was also the reason why I wanted to talk to him."
"Yeah..." Y/N agreed, but had to think about her own situation with Dean. Maybe she made this all into a much bigger thing than it acutally was. "...yeah."
But Lizzy noticed the change in her friend right away. She saw the change in her mood and it got her worried a bit. She had asked Y/N about Dean and how their relationship developed, but she didn't fully answer her question.
"Y/N? You okay?"
That question brought back her attention to her friends and she sat herself up a little straighter.
"Yes... I am." she tried to mask it, but Cathy saw right through it.
"Well, THAT sounded convincing..." Cathy turned around and asked silently for an explanation.
"Y/N, girl... you can talk to us." Lizzy tried and then Y/N just felt the urge to talk to her friends what was on her mind.
"Okay, okay, ehm..." now she felt ridicoulous in a way. "Dean and I... it's mostly good, you know? We get along really well and he swepped me of my feet right away..." she smiled, but that faded quickly.
"There is just one thing... and I don't know what to do abut it..." she shook her head and took a sip of her wine, like trying to steal herself. "I get what you're saying, Cathy. About the rough sex and all. I do like that too, but..."
She felt so awkward talking about this, but she also knew that her friends would not judge her or talk her down in any way. And maybe they could give her advice on how to navigate that ship safely into the haven.
"Okay, I'm just gonna say it." with a deep sigh Y/N kept talking. "When I first talked to Dean about the things I like in bed I also told him that I do like it rough sometimes. And with a charming smile he tried to live up to that. We tried different things until we found a grove we both liked, you know?"
Lizzy and Cathy shared a quick look as if they already knew what was coming next over her lips.
"But since then... rough and hard sex is all that's left. It's like... nothing else is existing anymore. We stopped going on dates, we are not talking to eachother anymore like we did in the first few months... all we do when we meet is eat something and then... on into the bedroom."
"Y/N..." Cathy said, but the woman continued talking.
"Don't get me wrong: He is not hurting me or forcing himself on to me or any of that. Not at all. I do like that kind of sex and he knows my body like a violin. But... it feels like it's just sex and nothing more. No romance, no emotional intimacy, no... connection. You know what I mean? And I miss that. I miss the slow, passionate sex. The lingering touches and the soft kisses... we don't have that anymore."
"Do you love him?" Cathy asked after a moment where noone knew what to say and Y/N did not have to think about it.
"Yeah. I do." and that truth hurt.
"Then you should definitly talk to him. Tell him how you feel and that you need more. This is not something you can just... sit out, you know?"
"But... that's the problem. I... I just don't know how. He seems so content and I don't wanna ruin our relationship by causing an maybe unnecessary problem."
"But it's never unnecessary to talk about the way you feel and try to improve your relationship with him. And when Dean loves you too, then he should have no problems with that, right?" Lizzy asked.
Y/N wanted to agree. It made so much sense hearing this from her friends and now she was wondering why she did not just try it. She was even questioning her behavier right know in leaving Dean and not telling him why. Her mind was racing and she felt tears starting to burn her eyes.
"Dean does love you... right?" Lizzy wondered.
But Y/N could not reply right away to her friend. She wiped the tears from her cheek that were now rolling down her face.
"Honestly, I... I don't know..."
After that relevation the other two girls came over and embraced Y/N into a big hug. But none of the three ladies saw the green eyed man that stood in the shadows, looking into the backyard and balling his fists, while he eavesdropped the whole conversation and tried to hold back his own tears.
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"You need to talk to him, Y/N."
"I know, Lizzy. I will."
"And if he doesn't understand it, then he is not the right guy for you."
The little goodbye scene kept playing over and over in Y/N's head. She had really awesome friends who tried to help and protect her and in the end, this little hide out was what she had needed. Because one thing became really clear to her and that was that she loved Dean. Her heart was his and she wanted at least fight for it.
But now, sitting in her car in the bunker's garage, nine hours later her nerves were starting to get to her. Maybe Dean was angry with her for leaving him so suddenly. Maybe he didn't wanted to talk to her anymore. Maybe, maybe, maybe...
She took a deep breath and stealed herself before she finally got out. With her bag over her right shoulder Y/N stepped into the war room, but the bunker layed erriely dark and quiet. Putting her bag down she went to look for Dean or Sam, but could not find any of the men right away. Which was weird, because she had told Dean that she would be back this evening. When she went down the hallway to the bedrooms she saw a light after turnig the corner to where the Dean Cave was.
Her heart started to race a little, but when she reached the door and opened it, she didn't know what to say or think. The room was enlightened by a lot of candles. The two armchairs were standing on a wall and a big pull out couch had took in their place. On a sidetable were some brugers, fries, drinks and an apple pie, ready to be eaten. What was happening?
By the sound of Dean clearing his throat Y/N was startled a little, but her eyes found him only seconds later. He was wearing dark Jeans, a black shirt and her favorite brown and grey checkered button down. He smiled, but also he seemed almost a little shy.
"What..." Y/N couldn't quite believe it and was touched at the same time.
"To much?" he asked with a wry grin.
"No! No, I... love it."and she really did, her heart was mealting on the spot. "But... why?"
Dean sighed. "Okay." he came over to her and took her hands in his.
But he did not really know how to start this conversation. In his mind he had time to think about it and in the end he had decided to just wing it, when the moment came. Only now this idea was probably not the best one he ever had.
"I'm so bad at this..." he grumbled to himself, but Y/N had still heared him. "I'm sorry... Y/N."
The woman furrowed her brows a little in confusion. "What?"
"I should've noticed something. I should've realized that... something was not right between us."
"I know I've been really busy lately with my work. We didn't have a lot of time for us and... god, I should've at least noticed the signs during our sex...."
Now Y/N took a step back and looked at the man infront of her questioningly. "What do you mean?"
Dean's eyes widened. "Crap..." he uttered and scratched his head. "I, ehm... after you'd been gone for four days, I followed you to Jamestown to see you."
"You did?"
"I felt like I had to. You didn't answer my calls and I had the impression that you were pulling away from me. That I was about to lose you. So I wanted to talk to you one last time."
"But..." now she was really confused. "I did not see you. You weren't there..."
"I was... but I didn't get the chance to make myself known. You were sitting outside... with your friends..."
She needed a moment before she realized what he just had said. He was there and had heared everything she was explaning to Lizzy and Cathy. He knew it now. He knew what was going on in her.
"Oh god..." an uncomfortable feeling rose within her and she touched her forehand to collect her thoughts. "I wanted to talk to you, Dean. I really wanted to. But I just didn't know how and I didn't want to..."
"I love you." Dean cut her off. "Y/N... I love you."
His words started to sink in and tears began to build in her eyes.
"I should've told you that way sooner, but... like I said, I'm really not good at this. But that's not a good excuse either. And I don't wanna lose you over something that we can fix without any problems."
He touched her cheek and tried to catch the now falling tears with his thump.
"You are so important to me... and I hope you will never feel like you can't talk to me again.
And to prove his point, he kissed her. A little cautious at first, but Y/N gave in right away and so he could deepen the kiss. It felt so good, she had really missed that, but she was still a little nervous. She layed her arms around his neck and buried her hands in his hair. Dean embraced her into a tight hug and moved from her lips to her neck. She moaned softly and goosebumps rose all over her body.
His hands slowly made their way down to her hips and landed on her bottom. He gentle squeezed and massaged her ass, while she rubbed herself on him. It felt like they were back at the beginning months ago, when they started dating. The lingering touches, the soft moans. As if they had all the time in the world.
Their clothes fell slowly piece by piece to the floor and after Dean brought Y/N down on the couch, the underwear was all that was left. But Dean kept holding her tightly in his arms, kissed her slowly but very passionately. Legs and arms intertwined it felt like they were trying to become one, not just physically but with their minds, too. Like Dean tried to connect their souls with eachother.
When the rest of the fabric fell, Dean kept eye contact while he entered her with slow and deep strokes. He moved with passion and desire as he put his hand under her hip to change the angle, to be even deeper connected to his girl.
"I love you." he said again, after he picked up some speed.
"I love you, too." Y/N answered as she came closer and closer to her climax.
And while they both came undone, her heart was bursting with love for this man, who loved her back just as much.
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A/N: I don't know why, but I really loved this. 🥰 I hope you liked it too. And to anyone who came across this, let me know what you think. I'd appreciate it. 😊
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@lyarr24 @leigh70 @k-slla
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
Stitches of Trust
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Pairings: Dean x Reader
Summary: After an incident in the woods, Dean is the only one who can save me.
Warnings: Attacked reader, knife, blood and lots of it, stitches, swearing, comfort ❤️
Check out my Masterlist here!
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The path beside the bunker was my favorite place to be, the way the sun dipped below the horizon casting long shadows through the trees always calmed me down. It's been a tough week, and this walk was my brief escape from everything I had to deal with.
My feet stopped abruptly when I heard a loud rustle in the bushes. Before I could react, a man stepped out in front of me, eyes cold and menacing. I tried to grab my gun, but it was too late. He rushed forward and pulled me to his chest, knife pressing roughly against my throat.
"Give me everything you got." he hissed.
Panic surged through my veins. My mind raced, but my body was frozen still. When I hesitated, the knife moved down and slashed my side. Pain flared, hot and intense. I gasped and tried to fend him off, to get a head start and run home but his grip on my arm was too strong.
He ripped my bag from my back and shoved me on the ground, another slash landing across my arm. The world blurred as he disappered into the shadows, leaving me there to bleed out.
My hand clutched my side, blood seeping through my fingers, my phone slipping from my pocket. With trembling hands, I tried to call Dean but I couldn't muster up the strength and the phone fell beside me. I reached forward, managing to type out a quick message before the world started to go dark, my eyes shutting heavily. "Help..."
Back at the bunker, Dean heard the faint ping of his phone. He glanced at the screen, his blood turning cold instantly at my message, "Help..."
He stood from his spot as his chest tightened, different scenerios playing through his mind, but he knew he needed to focus, he needed to find me. He grabbed his keys and bolted out the door, muttering to himself, "I'm coming sweetheart, hang on."
He drove frantically, scanning the pathway as he called my name but heard no response. Finally after what felt like forever, his headlights caught a figure lying on the path, bright blood all around it causing his heart to nearly stop.
Slamming on the breaks, he quickly kicked the door open and rushed towards me, dropping on his knees beside my lifeless body. "Y/N! He shouted, panic filling his chest at the sight of my blood covered body. "I'm here, it's okay, i've got you."
My eyes fluttered at the sound of his voice, slight relief washing over me but the pain was still overwhelming. "D-Dean... I.."
"Shh, don't talk sweetheart." he spoke urgently, "Your safe now, I gotcha."
His eyes widened at the sight of the wound on my side, blood seeping out into the dirt below me. Without hesitiation, he tore his jacket off and pressed it to my side to stop the bleeding, earning a hiss of pain to fall from my lips. "I'm sorry, just keep breathing, okay? Stay with me."
My breath came in quick, shallow gasps as the attack replayed in my mind, the fear and pain twisting my thoughts like torture. "I-I couldn't stop him, I wasn't quick enough" I whispered, my voice trembling.
Dean's eyes softened with a mix of concern "Hey, look at me" He spoke firm, but with a hint of comfort behind it. "You did everything you could. None of this is your fault."
He took my hand tightly, his touch warm and steady, "We're going to get you through this, just keep your eyes on me alright? Focus on my voice."
Very gently, he lifted me into his arms and carried me to the Impala, every step was incruciating, but I trusted him with my life. He drove faster than I've ever seen him drive, face twisted with concern, hand pressing on my wound as much as he could.
When we arrived, he rushed towards the couch and laid me down, apologizing underneath his breath when I groaned in pain. The first aid kit was placed beside me, Dean's shaky hands pulling out the gauze and antiseptic.
I watched with half closed lids as he cleaned and stitched my wounds with practiced skill, he's done it many times for me before but this time his touch was so gentle, his focus unwavering despite the worry etched on his face.
"It's going to be okay." He murmered, more to himself than to me. "You're okay now, your safe."
I couldn't stop the tears that rushed down, a mix of pain and gratitude overwhelming me. He glanced up, eyes wide with panic as he quickly stopped what he was doing. "Shit, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"
I shook my head rapidly and grabbed his hand, pulling it to chest for comfort. "Thank you. For saving me, for being here."
He smiled softly, hand tightening on mine, "Don't thank me. I'll always be here for you, you know that right?"
I nodded and relaxed my head on the pillow, wiping the tears that stained my cheeks. As he finished stitching my wound, he cleaned up and bandaged me carefully, pressing a gentle kiss against my head as he stood up to pull a chair beside the couch where I lay.
He stayed by my side, hand gripping mine tightly while I stared at the ceiling, eyes filling with tears.
"I thought I was going to die out there." I looked towards him, my voice barely above a whisper.
Dean's expression softened, his hand moving to my forhead to brush the hair from my face. "I won't ever let that happen." He stated, voice thick with emotion. "I'll always come for you, Y/N, always."
I nodded, tears flowing down my cheeks as I bit my lip. "I was so scared."
He leaned forward, thumb brushing away the tears from my cheeks, "I know. But you're safe now. You're here with me."
"Dean.. can you lay with me?" I whispered.
He smiled warmly and nodded, climbing beside me on the couch before opening his arms and hugging me tightly to his chest. His heart was steady and relaxing, a reminder that I was alive and safe.
As I drifted off to sleep, Dean remained by my side, watching over me with fierce determination. In the quiet of the bunker among the shadows and stitches, our friendship turned to love, forced by trust, care and the unspoken promise that we would always find safety and comfort in each other's arms.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
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dianawinchester03 · 11 days
₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ chapter three | leave it to me ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊
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chapter three is more filler because I had to split it into two due to being too long. but chapter three and four are coming out at the same time so enjoy!
word count: 6069 words
warnings: fighting (off screen)
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The week flew by in a blur, and the day of the gala night had arrived. Y/N was currently slaving over a hot stove while her brother finished getting ready. It was still early so they had time for breakfast, “Billy, get your ass out here or I’m eating all the toast!” She called out to her brother.
Billy emerged from his room moments later, a mischievous grin on his face. "Why are you rushing me? You know I like to take my time" he teased, plopping himself down at the kitchen table.
“Your hair doesn’t need that much jelly, you half wit” Y/N quipped, plating some toast and eggs for him. Handing the teenager the plate before pulling the fridge door open, getting out the orange juice.
Billy chuckled at her comment, taking the plate from her with a grateful smile. "It's hair gel, not jelly, you idiot" he retorted playfully, but he couldn't help the smirk playing at the corner of his lips. He dug into his breakfast, his appetite evident.
“Potato, potato. Eat up” She sassed, pouring the glass of OJ before settling next to him at the island, digging into her own breakfast. Billy rolled his eyes at her comment, but continued munching on his food. He took a sip of his OJ before speaking, his eyes fixed on her.
"So..." he began, "Are you excited for your date tonight?" Y/N rolled her eyes at her brother’s insistent need to pry about her personal life. “It’s not a date, William. It’s a work event that I am going to with my boss” She stressed on the word ‘boss’, shooting her brother a sly look.
Billy grinned cheekily, ignoring her pointed look. "Yeah, sure, a ‘work event’ that’s fancier than your school prom. And your ‘boss’ is the hottest bachelor in Ohio." He emphasized the words in a teasing tone, clearly not buying her argument.
Y/N gasped playfully, tossing a piece of toast at him. “You watch your mouth, young man” She chided in a motherly tone. Billy let out a burst of laughter as the toast hit him in the face. "Hey! No fair!" he protested, a wide grin still plastered on his face.
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Y/N pulled into the parking lot of the high school, parking near the main entrance. “Have a good day, bud” She said to Billy as he got out of the car, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. She pointed to her cheek with her index finger as he made her way around to the driver's side window.
After Billy gave her a loud, exaggerated smooch on the cheek, she playfully shoved his head away. "Ugh, get out of here you weirdo" she said with a laugh, while he cackled and walked into the building. “Love you sis!”
“Love you too bud!” She shouted back, with that, she peeled out of the driveway. Once Y/N was out of the parking lot, her thoughts wandered to the gala that was to happen that evening. Excitement and nervousness bubbled within her. She wondered what Jo had picked out for her to wear and, more importantly, how Dean would react when he saw her.
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Y/N arrived at work, walking through the familiar halls of Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc. The place was bustling, colleagues rushing about, getting ready for the busy day ahead.
She headed straight to her office, setting down her bag on her desk before taking her seat. She had barely sat down when her phone rang, ‘Principal Jenkins’ the contact read. Y/N’s brows furrowed in confusion as to why Billy’s principal is calling her before she even got into work.
She picked up the phone, her mind racing with worry. "Hello, this is Y/N L/N speaking" she answered, her voice laced with concern. The voice of Principal Jenkins came through the receiver, serious and stern. "Ms. L/N, we need you to come down to the school as soon as possible" he informed her. "It's regarding your brother, William."
“I’m sorry-“ She stammered, her heart racing, confused and concerned. “What happened?” Principal Jenkins sighed on the other line, sounding genuinely sorry to be telling her this. "William got into a fight at school this morning" he explained, "And he won’t give us any details about it."
Y/N shot up from her seat, almost stumbling over. “Come again?!” She almost shouted, Billy was far from an aggressive kid, sure he played football but he never in a million years had gotten into a fight. Concern and anger raised in her head, “What do you mean he won’t talk?!” She spat, logic leaving her mind.
Principal Jenkins remained calm on the phone, trying to ease her panic. "Ms. L/N, please calm down" he implored, his voice steady yet firm. "We've tried talking to him but he refuses to tell us what happened or who started it. Please come down as soon as possible” With that, the principal hung up.
Y/N was fuming. The thought of her little brother getting into a fight and not telling her the truth filled her with a mixture of worry and irritation. She grabbed her jacket and purse, hastily making her way out of her office.
She made a beeline to Dean’s office, knocking on it a bit harshly. Startled at the sound of loud knocking, Dean looked up from his desk, his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Come in" he called out in a commanding tone.
Y/N pushed the door open, the frustration and anger was evident on her face. “Hey, I’m sorry to do this so early, especially today. But can I take a couple of hours? It’s important and I can’t call it off” She asked him, swallowing back the fumes that were ready to barrel out of her ear.
Dean quickly noted the urgency in her voice and her tensed body language. He sat up straight in his chair as he nodded, his expression serious. "Of course, take all the time you need," he reassured her. "Is everything alright?" he asked, his eyes roaming over her features, concerned.
She bit her lip, nodding firmly. “Can I explain after?” Dean nodded in understanding, his gaze softening a bit. "Of course, go take care of what you need to" he said gently, his tone more comforting now. "Just... let me know if you need anything, alright?"
“I will, thank you” She said gratefully before locking the door. Once Y/N was out the door, Dean found himself a bit concerned. It was rare to see her so flustered and troubled, and he couldn’t help but wonder what had gone wrong. He leaned back in his chair, his gaze unfocused on his desk, waiting for her return.
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Y/N stormed into the principal’s office, her frustration and worry evident on her face. Principal Jenkins stood up from his desk, his expression a combination of concern and disappointment. “Ms. L/N” he greeted, gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. “Please, have a seat.”
“Where’s my brother?” She demanded in a gruff tone, her nostrils flaring. Her eyes darted around the room to see Billy nowhere to be found. Principal Jenkins held his hands up in a placating gesture, trying to calm her down. "Your brother is currently in detention for the rest of the day," he explained, his voice steady.
"We had to separate the two boys involved to prevent further escalation." Jenkins explained. “Is he hurt? Is he bleeding? Get him here” She demanded again, her tone firm. Principal Jenkins took a deep breath, understanding her concern. "Ms. L/N, your brother is fine. There were no serious injuries. Just a few cuts here and there, but nothing major" he reassured her.
"He’s refusing to talk to us about it." Y/N huffed, taking a seat on the chair. “I don’t understand how this can happen” Y/N scoffed. Principal Jenkins sighed, taking his own seat behind the desk. "Neither do I," he admitted.
"Your brother is a well-behaved kid. He's never gotten into trouble before, let alone a full-blown fight. It's puzzling, to say the least." She shook her head, rubbing her temples. Y/N had no idea how she was gonna explain this to Belinda, their mom. “I just- Jesus” she stammered.
Principal Jenkins leaned forward in his chair, his expression empathetic. "Ms. L/N, can you think of any reason why your brother might have started this fight? Is there something going on at home that we should know about?"
“I’m sorry” Her eyes snapped up to the principal with offense. “You think Billy started that fight?“ She scoffed, “The kid volunteers at a soup kitchen every Sunday for crying out loud! He’s a better person than me” Y/N defended, “If anything, I have no doubt in my mind that the other kid started that fight”
Principal Jenkins held up his hands, attempting to placate her. "Ms. L/N, I apologize if my question came off as accusatory. That was not my intention at all. I'm just trying to gather all the facts and get to the bottom of this situation." He paused briefly, his gaze scrutinizing. "But surely you must know that your brother is not completely blameless in this? It takes two to tango"
“Yeah, but it takes one provocation to get someone’s teeth knocked in” Y/N spat back without thinking, she blinked rapidly when she caught her words. “I’m sorry, Mr. Jenkins” She apologized immediately. Principal Jenkins held up his hand, waving off her apology. "No, no, it's quite alright" he said. "I understand this is a stressful situation for you."
He leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desk in front of him. "But we need to approach this sensibly. I need you to have a talk with your brother, see if you can get him to open up. It might be easier for him to express himself to you, rather than us."
Principal Jenkins smiled slightly, appreciating her cooperation. "Thank you, Ms. L/N" he acknowledged. "I know this isn't an easy situation for you, but we really need to get to the heart of what happened. The sooner we do, the better it'll be for your brother and the school."
“He’s not going to get suspended, right?” She asked hopeful that he wasn’t, because her brother has been dreaming of getting drafted to play pro one day, and she wasn’t going to let a stupid high-school fight get out on his permanent record to mess up his chances.
Principal Jenkins shook his head in reassurance. "No, no. Given your brother's clean record and the circumstances, we're not considering suspension" he reaffirmed. "However, he will be facing some sort of discipline, such as a detention or loss of privileges, to make sure this doesn't happen again"
“Okay, that’s understandable. Thank you sir” She said gratefully, a weight being lifted off of her shoulders. Principal Jenkins nodded, his expression warm. "You're welcome, Ms. L/N" he replied. "And please, take your time with your brother. Don't rush him to talk before he's ready." Y/N nodded again, “Of course, can I see him now?”
"Certainly" Principal Jenkins nodded, standing up from his chair. "I’ll get him for you" He opened the door to his office, gesturing for her to follow him.
They made their way down the halls, the sound of students chattering and lockers slamming filled the air. Principal Jenkins led Y/N to a small room off to the side, where Billy was seated in a chair, looking dejected.
Y/N’s heart dropped when she saw the bleeding cut on his lip, she immediately rushed to his side, holding his face between her palms. “Oh, sweetie” She gasped, quickly rummaging through her satchel, pulling out an antiseptic wipe.
Billy’s eyes widened in surprise and shame as he felt the cold touch of the antiseptic to the cut on his lip. He winced slightly at the sting but didn’t pull away, allowing her to clean the wound.
"It's nothing" he mumbled, his voice low and resigned. “You’re bleeding,” She shook her head, “What happened, bud?” She asked gently. Billy’s gaze dropped to the ground, avoiding eye contact. He fidgeted with his hands on his lap, clearly uncomfortable discussing the incident.
"It doesn’t matter," he muttered, his tone flat. “William” She chided in a stern tone. Billy flinched at the sound of his full name being used in that tone. He knew the disappointment and worry was evident in his sister's voice. After a moment of tense silence, he sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat.
"It’s stupid" he muttered, his voice just above a whisper. “Try me” She challenged. Billy took a deep breath, his eyes still fixed on the floor. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, gathering his thoughts before speaking.
"There’s this kid in my class - Tyler” he began. "He’s always been a dick. Always picking on the smaller guys, making fun of them, starting fights. I never really paid him any mind before."
“You stood up for another kid?” She asked, a bit of proudness in her tone. Billy gave a half-hearted shrug, his shoulders still slumped. “Yeah, I guess” he admitted grudgingly. “It was just some freshman kid. Tyler was giving him a hard time, pushed him around, y'know? I stepped in, told him to back off. Then he turned on me instead."
A small smile tugged at y/n’s lips, her mind going back to when she was Billy’s age and she pulled up on some footballers from troubling Sam, the process earned her a life long friend. She felt proud of her little brother, granted, he got in a fight. But she was still proud, “Hey, look at me” She said softly.
Billy raised his eyes to meet hers, his gaze still weary and dejected. The cut on his lip stood out more now against the paleness of his face, making her heart ache. "You're a good kid" She said softly. "Sticking up for someone like that. Proud of you."
Billy's expression changed, from dejection to surprise. He swallowed, his Adams apple bobbing visibly. "You're not mad?" He asked, his voice sounding unsure and small. “I’m not mad, a bit disappointed…but mom on the other hand..” Her voice trailed off.
Billy flinched at the mention of their mom. He knew how strict she could be. "She's gonna kill me" He groaned, burying his face in his hands, his voice muffled. “She can’t kill your from a thousand miles away, bud” Y/N chuckled, pushing herself up back to her feet.
Billy huffed a small laugh, a hint of humor in his eyes now. "Still gonna yell at me though" he grumbled. "All the way from the freakin' middle-east" Y/N snorted, taking his school bag from him. “You’ll hear her yelling in tongues real quick” She threw her head back laughing as they made their way to the parking lot, y/n was never quite religious but her mom was practically obsessed with God.
Billy groaned exaggeratedly, rolling his eyes playfully in the same manner a dramatic teenager his age would. "Not lookin' forward to that" He drawled, trying to sound annoyed. He then chuckled softly, looking at her. "You really ain't mad?" He asked, making sure.
“I ain’t” She assured him, opening the door for him to hop in. “I’ll do you one better, I’m not going to the gala with Dean tonight again. He’ll have to get another date. Me and you are gonna stay in and pig out”
Billy shook his head frantically, the idea of pigging out and playing video games with his sister all night was enticing, but he was not gonna let her miss out on the chance of going out on a real date. From the short time he met Dean, he could tell that Dean was a genuine guy, compared to the other halfwits his sister dates in the past.
"No way, Y/N!" Billy protested. "You can't skip out on the gala with Dean! The dude’s like a golden retriever in human form. I've seen the way he looks at you. You can't bail on him!"
Y/N was taken back by this, her hand with her keys stopping midway, inches away from the ignition. “You’re passing up on pigging out?” She gaped, “And he does not look at me in any way!” She denied.
Billy gave her a deadpan look, his disbelief evident on his face. "You really gonna try and deny it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "That dude had heart eyes for you when you looked like a hot mess and threw up in our bathroom at 3 am, it's painfully obvious. Don't give me that 'he doesn't look at me in any way' bull crap."
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up at his pointed remark. She knew deep down that Dean was fond of her, she wasn’t a complete idiot, he was her boss and she wasn’t risking her job but hearing her little brother say it aloud was more than a little embarrassing.
She shook her head, trying to dismiss it all. "It's not like that, bud" She protested weakly, avoiding his gaze. "Uh huh, keep lying to yourself" Billy teased, a wide grin on his face. “Shut up before I call Tyler for you” Y/N huffed, peeling out of the driveway.
They spent the rest of the drive back home bantering back and forth, Billy occasionally teasing her about Dean. It was a warm and light-hearted exchange, and Y/N found herself thankful for it despite the lingering heat in her cheeks.
“Alright, there’s left over food from yesterday in the fridge. I’ll be home later, Jo’s gonna come over to help me pick out a dress and she’ll be staying the night to babysit you since I’ll be gone most of the night. Shower, do your homework and clean the kitchen okay?”
"Yeah, yeah I know the drill" Billy rolled his eyes, a small smile on his face. "Have fun with Dean. But don't come crying when I beat your high score at Halo" He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.
Y/N laughed, giving him a playful shove. "Don't you dare touch that game, kiddo. I will kill you" She warned, the empty threat filled with a mock seriousness. Billy shot her a playful middle finger as he strode over to the front door. When he locked it behind him, y/n peeled her Jeep out, now headed back to work.
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Y/N returned to work, the hustle and bustle of the office filling her ears as she made her way to her office. She passed by coworkers and fellow employees going through the day, each engrossed in their work.
As she settled in her chair, her mind began to wander to the upcoming gala. The thought of spending the evening with Dean sent a flutter through her chest and she quickly pushed the thought aside.
She then realized she should tell Dean that she’s back, so she pushed herself up from her chair and made her way to his office. Y/N approached Dean’s office, knocking softly on the door. After a moment, she heard him call for her to enter.
"Come in" His voice was deep and smooth, as per usual. She pushed the door open, stepping into the spacious office. Her eyes caught sight of Dean seated behind his desk, his green stare flicking up to her as soon as she entered.
“Hey” She greeted, a small smile on her lips. “Just wanted to let you know I’m back and thank you for giving me a couple of hours to deal with everything”
Dean leaned back slightly in his chair, his fingers drumming on the arm rest. “No problem, is everything sorted out?” He asked, his voice tinged with concern. The cut on her brother’s lip came to the forefront of her mind. “Uh…it’ll be okay” She assured him.
There was a pause, his gaze boring into hers, before he spoke again. “You didn’t sound so sure” He pointed out, the concern in his voice deepening. He leaned forward, resting his forearms against the desk, his fingers interlocked. “Everything okay?” He pried gently.
She sighed, stepping into his office before closing, “It’s just- Billy got into a fight, which is unlike him, so the principal called me down to deal with it” Dean’s expression of concern morphed into surprise, his eyebrows shooting up. “He got into a fight?” He echoed, his eyes widening slightly. “What happened? Is he okay?”
“He’s okay, just a busted lip and a bruised ego. But he was defending a kid from getting bullied, so that’s that” She shrugged, but she couldn’t deny the weight on her chest. Dean listened intently, his gaze flickering over her face as she spoke, taking in her troubled expression. “Defending a kid…so he’s got a bleeding heart huh?” He commented with a light chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/N chuckled softly in response to his attempt to lighten the mood. “Yeah, he’s always had a bleeding heart” She sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Kid volunteers at a soup kitchen every Sunday”
“Sounds like a pretty good kid” Dean mused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “But it seems like you’re worried about something other than a fight” He pointed out, his voice gently prodding for more.
“It’s more my mom,” She shrugged, “She’ll probably yell at me for not doing a proper job at taking care of him, but it wouldn’t be the first time” She snorted, shaking her head, she’d be lying if she said that her mother’s strict attitude didn’t hurt her, especially when she was truly trying her best with Billy.
Dean’s expression darkened when she mentioned her mother being tough on her, a protective gleam in his eyes. “Your mom sounds like a piece of work, no offense” He said, the words blunt yet empathetic. A smile broke out on her face at this, “That she is, but we love her” She laughed, throwing her head back at Dean’s bluntness.
Dean chuckled, his mood lightened at her laughter. “Still, she shouldn’t be making you handle all that on your own” He asserted, his tone firm yet full of care. “Family should support each other through tough times, not criticize each other” Y/N smiled again, twiddling her thumbs as he spoke. “I appreciate that, truly,” She said softly.
Dean’s gaze softened at her soft words, his expression filled with understanding. “Anytime” He replied, his voice gentle. He then leaned forward slightly, his forearms resting on his desk. “That being said, are you still coming to the gala tonight?” He asked, his expression turning serious.
She fidgeted slightly, her heart skipping a beat at his question. The thought of the gala had been on the back of her mind since she walked into his office. “Yeah, I am” She assured him, “I was actually gonna cancel on you but Billy insisted I go” She chuckled.
Dean’s smile widened at her response, his gaze lingering on hers for a moment. “Well I gotta send my thanks to Billy for that then” He quipped, a boyish grin tugging at his lips. His expression then softened again, becoming more sincere. “But in all seriousness, are you sure you’re up for it?”
Y/N paused, her eyes flickering over his face. She was touched by his concern for her, his genuine care making something flutter inside her chest. “I’ll be fine” She said after a moment, her voice soft. “It’ll be a nice distraction”
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Later that evening, Y/N was now entering her house. Jo was patiently waiting in her living room, currently watching Real Housewives with Billy on the couch, an array of elegant dresses piling all over their living room.
As Y/N entered the room, she was immediately met with the sight of Jo lounging on the couch, watching reality TV with Billy. The living room was in a state of chaos, with an array of beautiful dresses scattered all over, hanging off the back of chairs and furniture, with some draped over lamps.
“Jesus, chick, I said one or two, not your whole damn closet” Y/N laughed, taking off her heels as she tossed her keys into the bowl on the counter. Jo shot Y/N a sheepish grin from her spot on the couch, “Hey, a girl’s gotta be prepared” She defended herself, waving a hand. “Besides, I brought options for your hair and makeup too”
“Of course you did” Y/N muttered, opening the fridge to get out two beers. As Y/N grabbed two beers from the fridge, Billy chuckled from his spot on the couch. “She’s more excited about this than you are” He teased jokingly, earning a light smack in the arm from Jo.
“Did you do your homework?” Y/N narrowed her eyes at her brother while handing Jo the beer. Billy rolled his eyes, turning fully towards her. “Yes, I did my homework, mom” He replied sarcastically, a hint of a smile on his face.
She gave him a side eye, knowing damn well he was lying. He chuckled in response to her knowing look, raising his hands in defense. "I'm being honest!" He protested, although his smirk told a different story. Y/N didn’t speak, she just pointed to his room door, a stern look on her face.
Billy slumped back against the couch, a exaggerated pout on his face. "Oh c'mon, Y/N" He whined melodramatically. "I promise I'll finish it after the show"
“You can watch Real Housewives reruns tonight, homework, now. Andale!” She said sternly, snapping her fingers. Billy let out an over dramatic sigh, dramatically clutching his chest as if shot. “You’re no fun” He grumbled. He then stood up and headed off towards his room, throwing an exaggerated wave over his shoulder.
Jo chuckled as she watched the interaction between the two. Y/N shook her head and chuckled as well, rolling her eyes. “He’ll never change” She muttered as she took a seat next to Jo on the couch, beer in hand.
Jo nodded in agreement, a smirk on her lips. "It's because you spoil him" She teased, nudging Y/N playfully. Y/N rolled her eyes, a smile on her face. "Yeah, yeah, you two team up on me" She replied, shaking her head. She then sat down on the armrest and looked at the array of dresses on the floor.
"So, which one should I wear tonight?" Y/N asked. Jo quickly placed her beer on the coffee table, excitedly clapping as she squealed. Y/N chuckled at Jo's giddiness, placing her own beer down on the coffee table next to Jo's. "Okay, okay, calm down" She chuckled, watching as Jo began to rummage through the dresses.
"Let's see, you should keep it simple yet chic..." Jo muttered, lifting up a few dresses from the pile. She then held up a navy blue, off-the-shoulder gown, "What about this one?"
“Ehhhh..” Y/N tilted her head, tapping her chin. “I don’t know, seems a bit revealing?” She muttered, an idea crossing her mind. “Oh, why don’t I ask Dean what color he’s wearing and we can coordinate” She suggested, reaching into her bag to pull out her phone.
Jo lowered the dress, a smirk spreading across her lips. "How wife material of you.." She teased, a wicked glimmer in her eyes. “Joanna Beth.” Y/N glared at her as she dialed in Deans number, which she had memorized, putting it on speaker.
"Just sayin'!" Jo defended, raising her hands up in surrender, a cheeky grin on her face. Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking her head, a small smile on her face as she waited for him to pick up. After a few rings, Dean's voice came over the speaker, smooth and deep.
"Hey doll, everything alright?" He asked, the sound of papers shuffling in the background. Jo had to hold back a laugh from Dean’s response, “Doll” she mouthed, a knowing look on her face.
Y/N flipped her friend off before beginning, “Hey, I don’t mean to bother you but I was just wondering. What color tie are you wearing tonight?” There was a pause on the other end of the line as Dean pondered her question. "Uh..I think it's a dark charcoal grey" He answered after a momentary silence.
“Okay, one sec” She turned to Jo, “Babe, you got anything in dark charcoal grey?” Jo immediately sprang into action, rummaging through the pile with more enthusiasm than before. Eventually, she let out a triumphant shout. "Found it!" She exclaimed, holding up a gown of charcoal grey fabric.
The dress Jo held up was made of luxurious charcoal grey fabric, the shimmering material falling gracefully down into a figure-hugging shape. The back was exposed, that would accentuate the smooth plane of Y/N's back in a way that was both elegant and alluring.
Y/N tilted her head again. “I don’t know, don’t you think it’s too much skin?” Jo rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her beer before speaking, "Oh c’mon, you’re young and single. You gotta show off the goods" She smirked, gesturing with the beer.
Y/N scoffed a laugh, “Ignore her” She told Dean apologetically, “What other color ties do you have?” There was a crackle of static on the line before Dean replied, "Uh..I have a purple tie as well" He said, his voice slightly amused at the exchange between Y/N and Jo.
“Got anything purple?” Y/N asked Jo. Jo immediately began sifting through the pile again, her fingers combing through fabric, searching for the purple dress they needed. After a few moments, she let out another victory noise and pulled up another gown, holding it out for Y/N to see. This one was a deep, rich purple, the color of a fine wine.
The dress that now hung up in front of Y/N was made of a rich, deep purple fabric, the color dark and luxurious. The same figure-hugging shape as the charcoal dress accented her body, with a slit up the thigh to allow for movement. The neckline was modest, but it revealed just enough skin to be tantalizing.
“Damn…” Y/N muttered, eyeing the dress up and down. Her mouth going dry. “See, I told you!” Jo said smugly, a satisfied smirk on her face. Dean’s voice crackled over the line once more. “That one good?” He asked, curiosity evident in his tone.
Y/N flashed Jo a wink before going back to Dean. “It’s amazing, I love it” She squealed. “So are we meeting up at the office or the party?” There was a soft rustle of papers on the other end of the line before Dean replied, "I'll pick you up from your place, is 7:00 okay?" He suggested, his voice a mixture of professionalism and warmth.
“Wha- I- You don’t have to do that” She stammered. Dean chuckled on the other end of the line, the sound warm and amused. "It's no problem, doll. I insist" He said, his tone firm yet gentle. Jo smirked as she heard the exchange, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she mouthed 'doll' to Y/N once more.
Y/N rolled her eyes once more, “Seriously, Dean. It’s too much to ask” She groaned. There was a pause on the line as Dean considered her protest, a small sigh coming through the speaker. "Listen, you're doing me a favor by being my date tonight. Let me do this for you, please" He requested, his voice taking on a more persuasive tone.
Jo coughed loudly beside Y/N, beer spraying down her chin as she choked on it from Dean's words. She then started laughing, her hand wiping away the liquid dribbling down her chin.
Y/N quickly tossed a pillow at her, pressing her fingers to her lips harshly. “Fine, but I’m paying for gas” Y/N said firmly. There was another pause on the line, followed by another amused chuckle. "Of course. I'll see you at 7." A pause, "And doll?" He asked, his voice suddenly low and sultry.
"Wear those heels I like" He added, his voice going even huskier, before the line went dead, leaving her with the silence of the room.
Y/N's eyes widened as the call disconnected, her jaw dropping at Dean's last request. Jo, on the other hand, was struggling to catch her breath, tears streaming down her face from laughter.
When Jo finally sobered up, she and Y/N shared an eye wide look before both bursting out in a fit of screams. “AHHHHHHHH!!!!” Both women gripped each others hands, jumping up and down like a bunch of teenage girls.
“OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD” Y/N shrieked, her hands gripping Jo’s tightly, the two of them jumping up and down in excitement. "HE LIKES THE HEELS!!" Y/N added, her voice rising in pitch with each word.
"Oh my God, he said- he said-" Y/N stammered.
"Oh my GOD!" Jo squealed.
Both Y/N and Jo were screaming, still gripping each other's hands as they bounced up and down, their excitement uncontainable.
The sound of a door flinging open suddenly interrupted Y/N and Jo's screaming. In an instant, Billy, Y/N's younger brother, burst from his room, wielding a baseball bat.
The teenage boy had an expression of both anger and confusion on his face. Assuming they were in trouble or someone broke in. He burst straight into action. Upon seeinv the two screaming women, he raised the bat a bit higher, a confused frown on his face.
"What in the fuck is going on here?!" He demanded, his grip on the bat loosening a bit once he saw that there was no intruder. Y/N and Jo, who were still clutching each other's hands, took a moment to recover from their initial shock of Billy bursting in on them.
When they finally caught their breath, they both broke into a fresh wave of giggles, the sight of Billy with a baseball bat held high making the situation all the more hilarious. “Nothing, it’s not important” Y/N chuckled, covering her mouth.
Billy lowered the baseball bat, a bewildered look on his face as he observed the two women. "Then why were you screaming like banshees?" He asked, eyeing them both up and down with a perplexed expression. “Dean just flirted with Y/N!” Jo squealed again. “It was soooooo hot” She cooed.
Y/N's cheeks were practically a deep shade of red as Jo blurted out the truth. Billy was now intrigued as Jo continued to explain. "He also told her to wear special heels!" Jo added, her voice dropping an octave lower, mimicking Dean's tone perfectly. It was now Billy’s turn to squeal.
Billy let out a high-pitched squeal that rivaled Jo's, his eyes widening in surprise. "HE WHAT??" He exclaimed, the baseball bat momentarily forgotten in his hand. Y/N and Jo bursted out into a fit of laughter at his reaction.
The sight of Billy, a sixteen-year-old boy, squealing in response to Dean's gesture was priceless. Y/N and Jo could hardly contain their laughter, their giggles growing louder as Billy's reaction became more comical.
“Alright alright, go finish your homework. I’ve gotta get ready” Y/N instructed her brother. Billy let out a frustrated grumble, lowering the baseball bat and rolling his eyes. "Ugh, you're such a buzzkill, Y/N. Just let me enjoy this moment" He whined, his voice filled with teenage sass.
“Homework. Now.” She snapped her fingers. Billy groaned, clearly not pleased with Y/N's strictness. "Fine, fine. I'm going" He grumbled, reluctantly shuffling back into his room, the baseball bat resting on his shoulder.
Y/N then turned to Jo, a wide grin on her face. “So, you staying to help me with my makeup and hair?” Jo's face lit up, mirroring Y/N's excited expression. "Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't dream of missing the chance to style you up. You're going to be a goddess tonight." She said, grabbing Y/N's hand and pulling her over to the vanity.
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k-slla · 7 months
You'll forever be my always
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A/N: So this was supposed to be posted for Valentine's day, but here we are, almost week later😅
This also turned out differently than I had initially planned, but I still hope you'll like it! 🩷
Big big thanks to @nescavaneck for helping me choose the song for this fic! 🤍
Warnings: smut, bit of language, food foreplay (nothing major, just a little cream and cake), fluff and that's it I think
WC: 2.6k | My Masterlist
All mistakes are mine!
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You had a plan. An ironclad plan to make Dean love Valentine's day. You were 99% percent sure that it would work, because Dean loves you and Dean loves food. Maybe even a bit more than he loves you. He had done some shady things for a piece of pie before that you'd rather try and forget. But right now he was not a fan of the aforementioned holiday and you wanted to change that.
Everything had been set already in the Dean cave - you tried to create a romantic atmosphere with small string lights and a couple of candles and you even put on some music in the background.
You kept it simple and light on the food side, since you weren’t really sure how Dean would react to this and you still wished to get to the “main course” later on without feeling too full - so onto the table you had chosen strawberries & whipped cream, mini raspberry cupcakes and finally couple of mini champagne bottles. It was still a night of celebration.
Sam had agreed beforehand to leave you two alone in the Bunker and went to a motel nearby. You felt bad about driving him out, but you knew you couldn't fully let yourself go, knowing that Sam was home. So he was just dropping Dean off after the hunt before leaving.
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You had just gotten changed into your dark red lingerie and a matching robe and were waiting for Dean to come home, when you heard the door close with a loud thud.
“Y/N? Where are you?” Heavy stomps followed his call-outs for you. You knew he'd check for you first in your bedroom, so you left there a little note “follow the kisses” and lead the way across the Bunker with Hershey's kisses to the room, where you were waiting for him with all the desserts. You knew it was cheesy, but that's what tonight was all about. After a little time, you heard Dean getting closer to you.
The anticipation was sky high as he stood on the door, eyes darkening with immediate desire as he saw you half-naked on the plush carpet. “I thought we agreed..” he started protesting, but you cut him off quickly. “I know, babe, but I still wanted to do this for you. Us. It's for both of us.” You said with a sweet smile on your lips. “It's nothing much, just some snacks.”
He looked around the room, biting his lip, before throwing the bag off his shoulder before lunging towards you, pushing you down to the floor. He hovered above you, eyes running all over your body. “You are a snack, Y/N.” You bursted out laughing. “You're so cheesy.” He lowered himself down, catching your mouth into a slow, sensuous kiss, making you dizzy immediately. When he finally pulled away, you felt like you could breathe again. “Yeah, but you love it.”
You smiled up at him widely. “I do.”
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He looked at the table you had set up, clearly planning something for you, or more rather for himself. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he pulled open your robe, revealing your lacy lingerie. Goosebumps traveled along your body with his fingers moving over your breasts, pulling down the thin fabric covering them and squeezed lightly. “Hmm…a snack indeed. And all..” he kissed your left breast. “For me.” Soft pecks landed on the other. He really wasn't wasting his time.
Humming quietly, he reached for the whipped cream on the table, picked up a dollop with his finger and smeared it onto your nipples. A devilish grin appeared on his face as he slowly moved down, nibbling and sucking on your skin on his way to lick the cream away. “You're so beautiful, baby.” Lewd moans escaped from you as his tongue circled on your breasts. With a sigh you raised yourself up onto your elbows. “Dean..oh, fuck!” A quick bite from him, sent a surge of arousal straight through your core, making you arch your back reactively. “Dean..” you tried to speak again. “You're wearing too many clothes.” He didn't let him be bothered and continued on sucking on your breasts. You closed your eyes in pleasure, feeling his tongue flick on one nipple while your other tit was messaged by his large palm, cupping it perfectly. “Mmm, but I'm still enjoying my little perfect snacks.” He whispered against your skin.
You locked your fingers into his hair and yanked him up from you, making him grunt. Looking straight into his eyes, you smiled and locked your legs around his hips, quickly turning yourself over, so you'd be straddling him instead. You hovered above his face, whispering close to his lips. “You had your snack.” He had them parted, waiting for the kiss, but you moved down to his neck instead. “But now it's my turn.” Your lips were softly brushing against the sensitive spot under his ear. Without breaking the kisses, your hands started to blindly unbutton his shirt. Getting the final button opened, you sat up in his lap, quickly ordering him to remove his flannel and the t-shirt underneath it, before you moved onto his pants, removing them, but leaving his underwear on. “Shirts, off.” Dean pulled you into a heated kiss, before following your orders. As soon as there was nothing but his boxers left on him, you pushed him to lay back back down on the carpet.
You sucked on his bottom lip hard before slowly moving downwards on his neck and chest leaving a hot trail of kisses on his body. His breathing got deeper the more down you moved.
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But you took your time, kissing every inch of him before stopping at the waistband of his boxers. You looked up at him and watched the muscles in his neck strain before lowering yourself down again to peck his erection lightly through the thin fabric of his underwear. “Fuck..you're such a tease, babe.” He said, slowly exhaling as you moved back up to his face. “Mmm, I know...” You kissed him softly and whispered against his lips. “But you love it.”
“I do.” He pulled you back into the kiss.
You sat back up on top of him and your lips curled into a lopsided smile, when you reached out for the champagne bottle. You saw Dean's eyes, darkened with lust, following your every move as he laid there under you. You popped it open and took a swig. “I need a taste of that.” Dean sat up, but put his arms around to keep you in his lap. Just one look at him and you could feel yourself flooding with arousal, pure carnal need for him clouding your mind. He didn't even have to do anything, that was almost like your default setting around him. Aroused and needy for his touch. Dean didn't break your eye contact when he took the bottle from you. “Open up. Don't swallow.”
“Don't swallow? First time I've heard that from you.” Your laugh turned quickly into a mewl when he pinched your nipple. “Hey, don't sass with me.”
You then happily complied and opened up. He poured a little Champagne into your mouth and pulled you into a sensuous kiss, relishing the taste of it he got from your tongue. It dripped down on your chin, but Dean quickly licked it off, not letting anything go to waste.
Both of your hands were roaming all over each other. Dean's fingers dug deep into your hips, holding you in place while he slowly started to move his hips back and forth. “Oh, fuck..” You moaned loudly and pulled on his hair, while his cock pressed against the drenched lace between your legs. “Mmm, Dean..” You panted out heavily. “I want to say “fuck the foreplay”, but eating the cupcake off you, sounds just so divine. But..aah..fuck..” you couldn’t decide whether to keep going or whether to tell him to just fuck you right there. “There's no rush..We have the whole night.” He whispered softly against your neck, his warm breaths lingering on your skin.
You picked up a cupcake from the table and turned Dean's face up from your neck. “Mm.. cake it is then.” You bit your lip and gently pushed him back down to the floor. He looked at you, waiting for your next moves. With a playful look on your eyes, you started to break off small pieces of the cake, leaving them on various spots on Dean's body. A little piece under his jaw, on his chest. “It's cold, babe!” He laughed as watched you move downwards. “Mm, I'll take care of it in a second.” You kissed his stomach before smearing a little frosting just above his navel. With a low hum, you added little pieces onto his hips, where soft v ran down to his pelvis.
You sat up in his lap, admiring him covered in pink frosting, eyes sparkling with anticipation. You felt like a kid in a candy store, unable to contain a happy squeal. “Mmm..you look just scrumptious! Want a little taste of that?” Your eyes found Dean's as he nodded eagerly begging you to feed him. “Yes, baby, give it to me.” He breathed out heavily as his eyes followed your finger breaking off another piece.
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You decided to tease him again and lifted your finger up to your own mouth with intention to lick it clean yourself, but Dean suddenly grabbed your arm. “Uh-uh. Not letting you do this to me this time.” He pulled your hand towards him. His eyes never left yours when he slowly closed his lips around you, sucking and moaning loudly at the same time. “Mmm.. that is delicious.”
You smiled as he lowered himself back to the floor, watching you move onto his neck. Dean’s sighs and low groans made you feel the arousal pooling between your legs, wanting nothing more than him just to take you right there. To make love to him like he deserved to be loved. Slowly. Passionately. You felt him tremble slightly under you when you were kissing your way down to his hips to finally sink your teeth playfully into his hips and lick off the frosting. As soon as you pulled away from him, Dean turned you over to pin you under him, again, while he peppered you all over with kisses.
“I love you, Dean.” You murmured into his ear. “So much.” He turned your face back to him to capture your lips. This time the kiss was slower, sweeter, full of love for each other that your words just couldn’t express. “I love you, too, sweetheart.” He locked his green eyes with yours and whispered. “I have to do something.”
There was a sudden shift in the mood when he pulled away and walked to the shelf where you had your phone connected to the Bluetooth speaker. You sat up, looking at him curiously. “Hey, what are you doing?” He typed something into your phone before turning back to you. “You know how much I love you. I try to tell you that every day. But sometimes..” his words trailed off. Dean reached for your hand, to pull you up from the floor. He suddenly seemed so nervous. So vulnerable. Dean kept his eyes down on your hands linked together.
“Sometimes I have a hard time telling you what I see for us in the years to come. And I want you, Y/N. I want us to grow old together. As long as our hunter life allows us. That's all.. That's just all I've ever wanted. To have you next to me.” He continued softly and finally looked up at you. “I think this song gives you a better idea.”
“You're going to make me cry, Dean.” You said, listening to the song he had chosen.
I see forever when I look in your eyes
You're all I've ever wanted
I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise ‘til the end of time
We'll always be together
And our love will never die
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You and Dean hadn't really talked about your future together before. You were taking just one day at a time. But seeing Dean open up to you now..it just really meant the world. Both of you were only in your thirties, but even that was so much longer than you both had expected to have. You would've never thought that you'd find someone who loved you for who you were. A hunter - never fully healed from everything that you'd gone through in your childhood. But that's who Dean was, too. Just as broken and messed up as you.
He deserves to be happy. You deserve to be happy. And you knew that as long as you're together, you will be the happiest you could ever be.
What you had planned to be a fun, messy date night, had turned out to be something so much more powerful. You were not expecting to end up crying in front of him. That's what made it perfect though. That openness with each other where you didn't have to hide your feelings, emotions, tears that were brought to your eyes from his declaration.
“Dean..I-” you sniffled. “I love you so much. We have a lot to talk about our future, but I know one thing. I want to spend it together. You are the only person who I could ever imagine next to me. Only one who I'd want next to me.”
You stood up on your toes and kissed him again. Dean's hands rested on your hips as you stood still in the room, in each other's embrace, surrounded by the melody of the song. He lifted you up in his arms and instinctively you locked your legs around his hips. Dean started to walk out of the room.
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“Where are we going?” You asked between the kisses.
He took some turns in the hallway and you saw where he was leading you. “I'm taking you to bed.” He broke the kiss quickly. “Not that I wouldn't have loved having sex with you in there, but the cave? That's just for quick fuck. I'm going to make love to you.” You laughed at his bluntness, but he just continued. “I'm going to show you how much you mean to me. How much I really love you. Over and over and over..” He murmured into the kiss again.
Dean opened your bedroom door with one hand and walked inside. Sofly he placed you onto the bed, your head comfortably resting on the pillows, hair fanned out. Your breaths got caught for the short moment you and Dean were apart, both of you taking each other in, inch by inch, running your eyes all over each other. Not wanting to spend another second away from you, he climbed back to the bed, closing the distance between your lips.
The way you both spent it exploring each other's bodies made it feel like your first night over again with Dean. But at the same time you both already knew how to get one another to the absolute peak.
All through the night you got lost in each other's embrace, letting the desire, passion and your love for each take over your minds over and over again until the early morning hours. When you finally snuggled closer to him, entangling your legs, holding Dean as close as possible when you slowly fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling happy and loved, both of you knew it would last longer than just for the night.
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Tags: @jackles010378 @cevansbaby-dove @deanwinchestersgirl87 @alternativeprincess94 @il0vebeingdelulu @suckitands33 @nescavaneck
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kaywinchester · 3 months
Pairings: Dean & Sam x sister!reader
Word Count: 623
anon request: Hi!! I absolutely love your writing, and I was wondering if you’d write a fiction about Sam and Dean’s sister cutting her hair? Just a one shot story would be so cool:) (I just donated about a foot of my hair and was wondering how Sam and Dean would have reacted to their sister doing that) Thanks!
(not my gif!)
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Y/N had always loved her long luscious locks, no particular reason, she just always had preferred having longer hair. This is most likely because John always had her hair kept short growing up, because he did not want to deal with the maintenance that long hair came with. Once her father was no longer around, she just let it keep on growing.
Yes, it was a pain in the ass to wash, brush, and pretty much everything else. Keeping it out of the food she was eating, getting it caught in car doors, finding hair EVERYWHERE.
Despite that, she didn't mind keeping it long. It was always fun to see others reactions when they would see her hair sit at the base of her hips. Although it baffled her brothers all the time.
"Doesn't it bother you at that length?" Dean would question.
"You just wouldn't understand...Well, maybe Sammy would." Y/N would laugh.
"I think you'd be much more of a help on hunts if you didn't have that wizards hair holding you back."
"It does NOT hold me back! It's just hair."
Y/N had heard pretty much every comment there could be made about her long hair.
Lately, she had been contemplating cutting it, something she never thought she'd think about a few years ago. After turning 20, she felt that she wanted to make a change. So much of her identity was built around her hair, and she wanted that to change. With that, she booked a haircut. Y/N didn't tell her brothers, she didn't want to or need too. She knew right away they'd have their comments and make it a big deal, so she decided to make it a surprise, after it was all finished.
The ladies at the salon raved over her hair, and were excited to help Y/N with her desired new look. In the end, she had a little over a foot of hair cut off. Looking in the mirror, it felt so freeing, so much weight lifted off of her shoulders... And she loved it. It was not too short, it sat just below her shoulders with some new layers to add some style. She couldn't stop looking in the rear view mirror of her car on the way back to the bunker.
As she approached the door, she didn't know if Sam and Dean would be in the library or off somewhere else inside. Y/N took a breath and smiled to herself as she walked inside.
"I'm back!" She announced, coming down the stairs.
"Cool, uh... Where were you?" Dean asked, standing up from his seat at the library table. Sam glanced up as well. Y/N didn't say anything, instead she walked into eye view, shyly looking at them both.
"Wha- Y/N, when did you?"
"You cut your hair?" Sam got out, appalled.
"We don't know for sure, Sam. That could be a wig." Dean joked.
"No, yeah. I had an appointment today... been thinking about cutting it for a while."
"Wow." Both almost said in unison.
"Sooo, um. What do you think?"
"I think it's great!" Dean exclaimed.
"Yeah, I think it makes you look more grown up. It looks nice on you Y/N/N." Sam smiled, walking over to get a closer look. "Now you don't have to worry about it getting in the way all the time."
"Yeah, nothing or no one can grab onto it while you're running away........ it won't get dragged into your food... I won't be finding it in my food." Dean went on.
"Thanks. I really love it, glad I went through with it." Y/N giggled.
"As long as you're happy, we're happy." Sam grinned.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hello miss, hope your having a nice day
Can you write a lady lesso x female reader (both already dating) that reader find out that a few students are writing a fanfic of her and lesso, of course the students get in trouble but there was one she was interested about. So she's reading it(p.s. it's like a smut, fluff her and lesso fanfic) turns out lesso was behide her seeing ever single word. You can figure out what happens next
Reenact it 18+
*Authors note~ hehehe this is made my brain smile soooo much honestly I love this idea*
Trigger warnings~ dom l sub r enchanted strap oral daddy kink degrading praise
Prompt~ see ask^^^
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There wasn't much that went around the schools of good and evil that the two deans didn't know of. So when you caught wind of a story being written of two staff members you immediately went to Leo to see if she knew of it. She did not. But you and your girlfriend were incredibly curious humans so it was only natural you both began to look out for clues on what was going on. Just so happened you managed to over hear something being said about you and your girlfriend in the bedroom. Instead of reacting you waited to drag out more inform
"Leo! Leo? love?" You murmured as you entered your shared chambers. "Dove?" She muttered not really looking up from her work. "The story! It's about us" you blabbered on about all the information you'd heard, "and then I managed to find this!" You handed the written paper copy of said story.
Leonora took in every word that was written, it was really well written, the characters were very much accurate but the fact some students were writing of her and your sex life was a little intimating. However when she got to the bit about the enchanted strap on her mind began to wonder. You stood in front of her observing the reaction, after all you'd already read it and became rather needy for her. Leonora began to formulate images but soon enough images weren't enough she needed the real deal and she was going to have it.
Just like that, the fanfic was tossed aside as she stalked towards you. "Oh my needy little dove, did that story have an affect on you by any chance?" She purred continuously walking forward causing you to step back until your back hit the wall. "Fuck" you muttered looking into her almost jet black eyes, "mhm please" you murmured look from her lips to her eyes and back down to her lips.
You love when Leonora kisses are driven by her need for you, the way she take control and knows just the perfect amount of roughness to use as your tongues fight one an other. Ultimately, you lose but you don't mind, just kissing Leonora is a win in itself. You couldn't help but whimper into her mouth when she pressed her toned thigh against your soaked, clothed cunt. "Leo" you gasped int between kisses, "take me to bed... please" you murmured against her lips as she lifted you up to carry you to the bedroom without your lips leaving hers.
You were thrown to the middle of the bed with a squeal, "Leo!" You giggled feeling her magic working against your body, you soon lay bare. "Leonora!" You gasped causing your girlfriend to adopt her stern authoritarian voice normally used with the Never's, "no dove not Leo, you read the book what do you call me?" She purred crawling over your body. "Daddy" you whimpered not realising how much that word would effect you. "Good girl dove, so good for daddy aren't you?"
Your girlfriend was always an attentive lover, always making sure to shower you with compliments and kisses to all the skin within her reach, but she also knew how to bring out the rougher sides too. Tonight was clearly the latter, she sunk her teeth into the creamy white skin of your inner thighs before soothing it with her tongue. "Daddy please" you whimpered, "please more?" Happily obliging with your pleas she brought her lips to your pretty cunt. You both moaned as you felt her tongue rub teasingly down your slit, "oh fuck Leo" you whined only to be met with a pinch to your right pert bud of your breasts, "fuck daddy god" you mewled. "Not god baby just daddy taking good care of her best whore" she murmured before going absolutely feral on your cunt. Tongue lapping eagerly at your slick until you came all over her with whined and whimpers that honestly were loud enough to wake the neighbours, if you had any.
"Daddy please more please I'm good I please" you mewled in your post climax state, you watched your girlfriend adorn her strap. "Now dove, daddy's done something new here, and I want you to be a good slut and get on your knees for me" she barked her command as you scrambled to comply. "Tongue" she quipped and you obeyed as she rested the strap on it. The taste of a realistic cock hit your tastebuds and you moaned in sync with Leonora before wrapping your lips around her. "Oh fuck dove, your mouth feels soo god, can feel it wrapped around me" she muttered as she began thrusting the length down your throat. "Take it baby take daddy's cock in that pretty mouth of yours!"
The vibrations of you spluttering and sucking her dick had her hurling over that edge and realising her hot cum into your mouth, "don't waste it dove, god yes fuck we are doing this again" she moaned as she worked her way back down. By the time she pulled her semi soft cock from your swollen lips your jaw was aching and your eyes demonstrating just how fucked but needy you remained. "Daddy" you whined with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. "Oh dove we aren't done you know what happens next" she murmured stroking the member, coaxing it to become hard once more.
You decided to aid your lover and create a bit of a show, you made sure to get into position extra slowly. After all you were hers so presenting your body to her was rather thrilling, her new friend became rather strained due to your little show. "Fuck dove I'm so hard it hurts" she mumbled coming to settle behind you. A quick harsh smack was delivered to your perfect behind. "Oh fuck it jiggles" she muttered almost giddy about it like a child is over a toy. "Daddy" you whined, wriggling your ass teasingly.
With an animalistic growl Leonora gripped your hips hard enough to bruise before slipping her strap into your slick heat. "Oh fuck daddy yes god more" you whined as your walls stretched around her member. "Dove fuck you feel so good. So warm and tight god such a whore for daddy aren't you. A pretty little slut for me to use" she muttered to you trying to give you time to adjust to her length but finding it incredibly hard to focus on anything other than how amazing it felt to be inside your cunt. You rocked your hips backwards with your pleas, "daddy more move god please use me daddy I'm yours. Wanna be your cum dump. Make me take it daddy! Oh god fuck a baby in me please" you whimpered and whined not really thinking over what was spilling from your lips.
Leonora's thrusts we're perfectly timed and the way she felt inside you was truly amazing. You couldn't get enough of her, walls fluttering around her. "Good slut, let daddy fill that pretty pussy up with my load. Take it all for me my precious cum slut, Dove fuck I need to cum" she panted to you while thrusting in that little more forcefully. "Please cum daddy I will take it, I want it! Please! Wanna be pregnant with your baby please please pleaseeee" you mewled happily as your walls clenched around her cock, draining every last drop of her seed into your cunt. "Oh fuck daddy yes god more more gonna cum daddy" you whined before cumming all over her cock.
She began to slow her thrusts to work you both down form the highs you had. Only then when you were both fully satisfied did Leo slip from your core and quickly inserted a little vibe to stop her precious seed from seeping out your folds. "Now you're gonna have daddy's seed nice and deep inside you my good whore" she murmured to you. A dopey smoky adorned your lips as you remained well and truly fucked dumb. You almost missed your lover come to hold you and kiss your head while showering you with praises. Recreating and reacting the story was one of her best ideas, and that magical strap would be coming out more and more in the future.
Word count~ 1505
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I'm Not Sick
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Pairing: Dean Winchester X Reader (she/her)
Requested by: @nancymcl
Prompts: “Get back in bed, you’re sick.” - “It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. Just breathe.”
Warnings: mentions of sickness, the beginnings of a panic attack (or at least what I experienced as one in a mild form)
Word Count: 820
Summary: someone's got the flu and is not happy about it (hint: it's Dean). Naturally, Y/N has to convince him to take care of himself.
A/N: I don't know if this is entirely comprehensive or even living up to the prompts but oh well. I like it
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It had started out innocently enough. A few coughs here, a hidden sneeze there. Just a scratchy throat, no biggie.
Only that 'no biggie' turned into a silly little monster called 'flu'. That thing where you were supposed to stay in bed and let people coddle you.
Not swinging a machete. And yes, Y/N had learned that the hard way.
Yeah well, tell that Dean Winchester.
"I'm fine!" He insisted nasally, eyes barely able to track her movements as she reached over to feel his forehead. He was burning up.
Y/N studied his pale face pointedly. Followed a beat of sweat from his hair line to his neck. Dean was definitely running a fever.
"You don't look fine."
"But I am," he insisted and swung his legs over the bed, making to stand up.
Even from behind, Y/N could tell that the fast movement wasn't doing him any favours. Dean was swaying on his feet by the time he was standing straight. Of course, he was too stubborn to admit to it openly.
"You're not fooling anyone with the way you're supporting yourself on the night stand," Y/N pointed out softly and got up as well, "get back in bed, Dean. You're sick."
"'s jus' a little cold," he said and promptly started coughing.
It wasn't stopping this time. Long enough for Y/N to round the bed and pat his back, hoping to get him back to breathing.
When he eventually got enough air into his lungs, Y/N gave him the best bitchface Sam had taught her. "Just a little cold?"
"Get your ass back into this bed Winchester or I'm sicking Sam on you," she threatened.
That worked. With indignant grumbling, Dean got under the covers.
Y/N couldn't resist on tugging them a little higher and leaning over to place a kiss on his heated cheek. "I'll get you something to eat, okay?"
"I can do that myself, you don't need to-" uncontrollable coughing interrupted him once more. This time it sounded like something was caught in Dean's throat. That something snowballed as his eyes fixated on a point behind her head.
Y/N didn't know what was happening but she knew that she had to do something to help him. So she got him to sit up, hoping that his lungs were just too tightly squeezed together. But that wasn't working either.
Dean was just gasping shallowly, a panicked expression crossing his face as the oxygen didn't seem to stick. And that scared Y/N more than anything else.
"It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. Just breathe."
Y/N was leaning over him, hands hovering where he could see them as she took deliberate slow breaths. She just hoped that it would guide him enough to get back into the rhythm.
While fending off her own panic attack. What was happening? Why was Dean reacting that way? It surely couldn't be just the fact that he had caught something, could it?
Eventually it worked. Dean's muscles relaxed and he fell back into the pillows, face paler than ever but his breathing pattern back on track.
"Baby?" She asked tentatively, hands just shy of touching his face.
"'m sorry," he mumbled, and then, "shouldn't have been stupid like that."
"You're not stupid," Y/N said quickly and cupped his cheek, "what happened?"
"Stupid fever happened," Dean grumbled - or maybe his voice was just that wrecked. The fact alone that he admitted to being sick proved just how shaken he was.
And that in return shook her. God, her mind was a goddamn domino tower.
Y/N waited for him to elaborate this time.
"It's just-" Dean waved his arms around; a strangely helpless gesture on the hunter, "I thought I saw somethin' movin' behind you. Nd I can't do shit right now."
"It's okay baby." It took all of Y/N's will power to not climb into his lap and cradle his head to her chest. Because that would likely jumpstart another coughing fit. But oh, she wanted to so badly. "Nothing can get us here. We're safe."
"I know that!"
Dean threw his hands up, agitation in every unwilling bone. And winced when it shot straight through his chest. "Told ya it was stupid."
"But it isn't," Y/N insisted. "It's sweet and a little overprotective and you, Dean."
"If you say stupid one more time, I will spoon feed you for the next seventy two hours," Y/N threatened.
Because that was how they worked. If it wasn't her doing the threatening, it was Dean. To get her to eat, to get her out of the bathroom, whatever.
But right now, Dean was on the receiving end. And it worked.
"Fine, you torturess."
Y/N smiled sweetly. "And now you'll let me put a few pillows in your back and make you chicken soup."
Dean snorted. "Knock yourself out sweetheart."
Oh she was planning on exactly that.
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notanettelmao · 1 year
Code Breaker pt.1
Also on AO3
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(A Teen Wolf Rewrite)
Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Supernatural Warnings: usual TW and SPN stuff Pairings: Stiles Stilinski x reader Word count: 1,7k
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tags: @venomsvl  @celestair  @d64d-n0t-sl66p1ng
if you wanna be tagged let me know!
Stiles was securing pictures of the victims with missing hearts that he secretly photocopied from his father's folders to his board with magnets when Y/N ran into his room. 
"How did you get here so quickly? Peter lives on the other side of town-" Stiles eyed her curiously, but then he noticed Y/N breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath. The corners of his mouth twitched as he tried not to laugh.
"I ran," Y/N said in between breaths. Stiles shook his head and then turned back to his board to mark the places where the victims were found on a map. Y/N took a few steps closer to the board to get a better look. 
"He's making a circle around Beacon Hills, but slowly so it's not noticeable. These cases are all almost six months apart from each other. I don't know how my dad didn't realize they are somehow connected." Stiles said, showing her the dates on the files. 
"So he is smart. Which means he has to be sane. Which kinda makes me worried he is not rogue, just power hungry." Y/N sighed and pulled out her phone from her pocket, holding it in her hand and staring at it.
"Are you going to call your brothers to help us?" Stiles asked. Y/N bit her lip, thinking, and then nodded.
"I might have to. I don't know how they will react if they find out about me being friends with three werewolves. Especially Dean." She sighed and sat down on Stiles' bed.
"Castiel healed Peter, right? So if he comes with your brothers, he could tell them all three are friendly? Even though one looks like he could murder you with his eyebrows." Stiles smirked as he sat down next to her. Y/N rolled her eyes. 
"He looks like he could murder you even without those eyebrows. Have you seen him shifted? His eyebrows go missing. It's actually hilarious, but don't mention it around him. He doesn't like it." Stiles had to put a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing, while Y/N texted her brothers instead of calling them, even sending them a meet-up place because she just didn't trust Kate.
The black Chevy Impala took longer than expected to arrive in Beacon Hills. Two weeks, to be exact. Two weeks full of the friend group getting chased and attacked by the alpha.
 Y/N was impatiently waiting at the motel Dean told her about when they drove her here a few weeks ago. When she finally spotted the car, she stood up from the stairs she was sitting on and waved at her brothers. Both of them were smiling at her, as they exited the vehicle. She knew the smiles would quickly disappear when she would tell them why exactly she called them here.
"Y/N/N! You look like you are finally getting enough sleep!" Was the first thing that left Dean's mouth. Y/N rolled her eyes. 
"You look like you still drink way too much in your free time," she said back with a grin, spreading her arms to hug him. Dean squeezed her so hard she couldn't breathe, then took a step back and let Sam hug her. At the same time, Roscoe came into view. Stiles was sitting behind the wheel, Scott in the passenger seat, and the two grumpy-looking Hales were squeezed in the back seat. Y/N had to stop herself from laughing.
"So, will you finally tell us what is so urgent that we had to drive all the way here?" Dean asked as he pulled his duffle back from the trunk. Sam, who was watching the new arrivals, turned to look at his sister. 
"Yeah. These guys will help me with that." She waved her hand toward the blue Jeep. Dean finally turned to look at them. Scott was giving everyone his kicked-puppy look, Stiles was awkwardly rubbing his neck, Derek just frowned at everyone and Peter smirked when the brothers looked at him.
"Who are they exactly?" Sam asked. Y/N sighed. She then pulled the keys to the brother's booked room from her pocket, turned around, and walked towards the door while speaking.
"I will explain everything when we are inside, we don't need people knowing you are in town, even tho Baby will give you away anyway." All of them followed her inside the room. Sam and Dean each picked a bed and placed their duffle on it to claim it, then they both sat on their own bed. Scott and Peter sat down at the two chairs next to the small table that was in the room, Derek decided to stay near the door, Y/N guessed it was for a quick escape in case Dean decided to shoot them full of silver, and Stiles made his way towards Y/N. He had his arms full of the researched materials she told him to bring. 
Y/N cleared her throat and then looked at everyone in the room.
"So, Dean, Sam, these are Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Peter." She motioned to each of them with her hand.
"Everyone, this is Sammy," Y/N pointed to her long-haired brother, who was eyeing the Hales suspiciously. She realized he must have heard about them in the past, along with the pictures from when the fire happened.
"And that one there-" she looked at Dean, "- that will put the gun away!" She frowned at Dean when she realized he was holding his gun, ready to shoot.
"Is Dean." When he didn't put the gun down she sighed and walked up to him, taking it from his hands. She then proceeded to pull another two from his duffle, just to be safe. Stiles eyed the guns and swallowed nervously, realizing he was the only one without superhuman strength or hunter training in the room. 
"Y/N, why are we in a room with two werewolves?" Sam asked, not looking away from Peter. Dean was staring right at Derek, who was staring back at him with an even more intense stare.
"I always wanted a dog-" she started, making Stiles snort. Derek shot her an offended look. Y/N just grinned at him and then turned to her brothers.
"I know you guys don't like working with supernatural beings, but you made the exception with Cas, so now trust me with these three."
"Three?" Dean asked, immediately turning to stare at Stiles.
"Oh, not me. I'm just 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones," he motioned towards Scott. Dean gave his sister a look.
"Really? The one with the puppy eyes is the were?" He sounded so done with everything that Y/N wanted to laugh. 
"Okay, I called you here because we have a werewolf problem. And also rogue hunters problem. You pick which one is worse." Y/N said. She pulled a few folders from Stiles' arms and spread them on the bed behind Sam. Dean stood up from his bed and walked over to take a look. 
"There have been many attacks in the past month, starting with two days before we arrived here and I stayed. It started with Laura Hale, the one that became alpha after the fire. Derek felt the bond snap and arrived from New York the day after it happened. Overnight some hikers found half of Laura's body in the woods and reported it to the police, that's how Stiles got to know about it and he decided it would be a smart idea to go look for the still missing half, along with his asthmatic best friend. As you already know Scott got turned. The alpha bit him and no one since then, so he doesn't want to build a pack." Y/N started explaining, while the brothers looked through the opened folders. The Hales patiently waited for Y/N to explain everything. Stiles took a few steps forward so he was next to Y/N again. She nodded at him.
"He is trying to make it look like Peter did it, but we have evidence that it wasn't him. There were attacks around Beacon Hills where the dead people were missing a heart. Peter was still comatose at the time of those attacks, and even if he wasn't, he is a born wolf." Stiles continued where Y/N left off.
"Yeah, born weres don't feed on hearts, they don't need them to survive." Dean shot both of the Hales a look, before looking back at his sister. 
"What else happened?" He asked.
"Well, there was an attack at the video store in town, two of our classmates were present, but they don't know what it was. He has the powers of both, bitten omega and born alpha. He can fully shift into a wolf. But because he isn't a born wolf, the form is deformed. He looks like something from a really bad horror movie." Y/N cringed at the memory of the alpha running after them in the school a few days ago. 
"So you saw it?" Sam asked. The three teenagers exchanged looks. 
"We, uhm, we kinda.. were chased by it?" Scott said, but it sounded more like a question. Sam and Dean both looked at their sister with a look that could kill her, both taking a breath to say something, but she was quicker.
"Nu-uh, you don't get to say stuff. You guys get chased every single time you hunt something. This was one time only okay." She put her hands on her hips, frowning at her brothers. 
"Is there anything else that happened? Or is that all?" Sam asked after a minute.
"Oh, he actually bit the girl that was at the video store, but she didn't turn. She's currently being treated at the hospital because she is not waking up either." Scott informed the brothers. 
"I tested her. She's safe. Also from what Stiles, Peter, and I found yesterday, we have a name for the alpha guy. It's Ludensky." Y/N swallowed.
"Wait. Ludensky? As in the guy I shot last year, that thanked me for freeing him of the werewolf curse?" Dean asked, which made everyone look at him. Well, except for Y/N and Sam.
"Yup. That's the one." 
"Son of a bitch," Dean let out. 
"We need a plan to get rid of him. Anyone has any ideas?" Sam asked. The room was silent until Peter cleared his throat. 
"I might have, but I'm not sure if any of you will like it."
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hebrokein30 · 1 year
for @wincestwednesdays week 2 -- blood
They are a real weird bunch, is what they are. It's what all've been saying. Listen, I'm not into that whole...gossip, ya know. But hell...
I mean, Sam - he's alright, I guess. The Boss, the younger ones call him. Look up to him. He gets the job done alright. Gives those of us hope who've lost it or whatever. Spoke to him a couple of times too, seemed nice enough. Regular guy. Hands out a lot of books every time. Calm and collected. Twitchy. Though I've seen the look before. You get used to it.
The guy with the trenchcoat is...well. I've seen my fair share of angels. He seems like a kitten, compared to them. But I won't be fooled. I watch him when he watches us. Still like stone. Unnatural. He hides his power well though, when he talks to his humans.
Especially...listen, I don't wanna talk bad about someone who rescued us. Not my place, not my habit. Call it a hunter's wary instinct. That brother of Sam's seems a little off. Not in - I think it didn't help that he went all cozy on Michael the second we got here. Never comes out of his room too. Can't say I blame him, but it makes it a lot harder to get a read on him. Seen him in the kitchen a few times though. Sam says its 'his space'. Weird, right. What kinda hunter has his space in the kitchen. He tells us that a lot, Sam does. "Leave him be", "He is trying to...", that kinda thing. Always making excuses.
One day, I came out of my room to run into one of my guys, Dennis, laying it onto Dean in the hallway. Confused kid. He was real rough, all worked up, spitting venom like a snake. Accusing him of helping Michael, you get the drill. Weird thing is Dean didn't really step up to defend himself. Just stood there, ready to block an attack if there came one but. His face did a weird thing. Guilt, I know that well. Bitter too. It's when the guy clocked him - square in the jaw, I saw the blood flying, and fast enough for neither of us to react - that Sam stepped into the hallway. Couldn't even blink, he had Dennis pinned to the wall in no time. Do that again-, but Dean had collected himself and laid a hand on Sam's shoulder and talked him down and hell. Sam pulled Dennis away from the wall and shoved him into the library room Don't touch him again you hear me?. Message received. I remember the look in his eyes when he turned to Dean, jaw squared. Anger, but a brief one, born out of a pointless argument. They had seen worse fights. Worry, confusion. Protectiveness. Fierce protectiveness. That one sat deeper, rekindled more recently. Neither of them had noticed me yet, the way I was standing in the shadows.
What are you doing?, Sam had said, his eyes all over Dean's face, his busted lip where blood was dripping onto that robe he liked to wear. Can't block a lazy punch anymore?
Dude, not funny, Dean said and gingerly touched his lip, Kid's got me good, alright. Sam reached out a hand, pulled Dean's aside, tipped his chin up and thumbed at the cut, very gingerly. Difficult to read his face now, the way his hair made a shadow of his eyes. Loosing your touch? A little smile. Dean had gotten still the moment Sam's skin had touched his face. He hummed. Sam's brow furrowed and he stepped closer, right into Dean's space, close enough their bodies were almost touching. Damn. I knew it was time for me to get outta there. Good thing I was there to safe you then. Dean scoffed and swatted at him, but half heartedly, and then he pulled Sam even closer still and--okay. I looked around for the nearest door but the only one near enough was the one Sam had shoved poor Dennis through. No chance I was going that way.
Sam, the hunters.... I turned around to find Sam sucking on the thumb he used to wipe away the blood on Dean's face. There was a weird pressuring sensation in my throat. I wondered if I was gonna hurl. Sam's eyes were low and dark. He reached for Dean again and pulled him closer by the back of his neck. Dean's breath was coming fast, his face had gone very red. Sam laid his forehead against Dean's, who made a soft noise in his throat. Any moment now I was gonna hurl right there in this hallway. Sam tipped lower, pushing Dean's face up slightly. He...kissed Dean's chin, tongue coming out to, oh hell, lick at the drying blood there, lower, then up again, following the fine trail to the source and hovered there, mouths only barely apart. I dared not move. The last time I felt this inadequate in a place was...hell, since before the apocalypse. The times when I would use to walk into my parents doing things I didn't understand at the time. Damned I was if I didn't understand now.
My room, in ten, Sam said, low. He pulled Dean close and for a moment I thought-- But-, Dean was panting. Sam released him and leaned away a fraction. His eyes never left Dean's face, the trail of blood and spit he left there. Messy. Go.
He didn't have to say twice. I didn't care anymore if they saw me. Be surprised if they did. Turned tail and left the way I came. Don't know what took me so long to do it.
Weird bunch, like I said. Sometimes I wonder what the others saw to make them think the same. But gossip is not really my style. Make of that what you will.
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
August 2023 Angel Fish Awards!
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by Anonymous
Tangled Fates by @outofnowhere82
Nominated by @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Factory Reset by @talltalesandbedtimestories
The build up, the sass, the care she took, the pegging, the focus on description, the deliciousness... Mmmm I wanna eat him up!
Love; For the First Time by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Adorable first time fic. Good build, sweet and fluffy and steamy!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
An Imagined Life by @imagineteamfreewill
This is the fluffiest fluff to ever fluff AND IT HAS IKEA!!! I mean, I couldn't ask for anything more!! *heart eyes forever*
I'm So Sorry, Sammy by @bobwess
(AO3 link) ANGST!!! So much angst, man. Y'all know I love John Winchester, but even I can acknowledge he was not a great dad. Usually, I avoid fics with the "John's A+ parenting" tags because I have very strict ideas about his incompetence as a father. This story really shows a way that I can see in canon John would be especially crappy as a dad. No pairing, just a seriously angtsy genfic showing teenage Sam being a BAMF and Dean's heart breaking. (Sort of happy ending, though! You know me. lol)
Nominated by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Why I Do It by @kazsrm67
This drabble and it's companion piece (from Dean's POV) is short and incredibly sweet. It's a lovely little slice of life for the boys and the reader. I always love when we get to see Dean happy, and he is, in this fluffy piece. Happy, loved and taken care of - us Dean girls can't ask for more. A highly enjoyable read!
Nominated by @glygriffe
Imperfections by @thewritingspot /@troize
Seeing Lucifer in another light, as an insecure middle child in a big family fired my brain cells! And of course, Gabriel being himself even as a kid. (And also: Art!!!)
Never Say Goodbye by @zepskies
It's a soulmate AU series, but it's also a reader insert that stays close to canon. Sweet and angsty and smutty... A little bit of everything all rolled into one satisfying story.
Untitled ask prompt by @sugaraddictarchangels
This ficlet is the only Jess!Lucifer representation I've ever seen and it's so refreshing to see early seasons' Lucifer under that light!
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Between the Three by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell
This fic was written for me in all senses of the word, and I love how she characterized Arthur, Mick, and Dean and the different ways they react to being parents-to-be. Of course, the smut is great, but I also love how they clearly all love each other and want to be a family.
The Great 'Nah-Duh' of Dean Winchester by @ladyknightskye
I love this fic because it gave me Gadreel/Dean without having to write it myself, and also because it's well written and I love how soft Gadreel is... And the fact Dean has his Bisexual Awakening with him? LMAO!
Nominated by @iprobablyshipit91
Never Say Goodbye (series) by @zepskies
I’m an absolute sucker for soulmate AUs and this one was amazing. The reader and Dean's relationship was built beautifully and I loved how the ending ‘fixed’ things!
Baby Spoon (series) by @deanwanddamons
This really made me feel so many emotions. Seeing Dean so happy and having the relationship he deserves made me so happy despite everything.
The Prettiest One by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
This was literally so adorable and made me laugh so much. It’s such a good one to go back to and read over again.
Carry On (series) by @jawritter
This was just the perfect fix-it fic we all needed after *that* ending. It wasn’t rushed and it by no means sugar-coated what happened. There are some real struggles and a lot for both the reader and Dean to overcome but it’s damn worth it!
Pack (series) by @spnexploration
This is a story I’ve definitely gone back and reread a few times and it’s so close to the end, I can’t wait to see the final chapters. Overprotective Dean is always perfect but I really enjoy the pack dynamics in this and Maddie is a brilliant addition!
Heart of a Hunter Saga (series) by @muchamusedaboutnothing
Where to even start with this, every single stand-alone story in this saga is excellent in its own right and combined together this whole story is amazing. I love Dean and the reader's relationship and how they’ve managed to carve out a family life that works for them. Brilliant!
Baby, We’ve got a Problem (series) by @deanwritings
I love the unique concept of this, Baby getting turned human, and the implications this has particularly for Deans's relationship. I’ve read it a few times as it’s so easy to go back to and enjoyable to read.
Always You and Me by @deanwinchesterswitch
I just loved this story and how it built up. The dialogue is hilarious and while I did guess what was happening, it in no way detracted from how awesome this story is.
Hold On I’m Coming (series) by @ravengirl94
This was one of the first firefighter Dean fics I read and I loved it. The relationship the two of them have and the twists and turns are just perfect.
Captives of the Court by @impala-dreamer
This story instantly got my attention. I loved the way the story moved between what was happening now and what had happened to lead up to that point and how everything came together at the end. Amazing story.
The One That Got Away (series) by @pink-sparkly-witch
This story just hits you in the feels. It’s not finished but I’m so in love with Dean and the reader already and can’t wait to see how their relationship progresses!
Midnight Espresso / Devour Me (series)by @zepskies
There was something so sweet about these two stories that I instantly fell in love with the reader and dean in this. I connected with the plus-sized reader but Dean is so sweet and adorable. I just loved it.
Collared (series) by @spnexploration
I’ve been reading this story from pretty much when it started being posted and I’ve loved every second, I’m so excited and sad that it’s ending. It’s an amazing story full of protective Dean which I live for and it’s just perfect.
The Last Call by @kasimagines
I could have nominated so many of Kasimagines' stories but there’s something about this one that just really hits me and I’ve read it so many times. The loyalty Dean shows despite the years is beautiful and the effect John has on them all is heartbreaking.
Dream On (series) by @talesmaniac89
There’s something about this fic that I just absolutely love. It’s a comfort fic I’ve gone back and read so many times. Dean's overprotectiveness and worry and concern for the reader is just adorable.
Miscommunication (series) by @winchest09
This is another story I’ve read so many times. I love the story and the British reader really resonates with me being from the UK! I love the confusion between the same words meaning different things to British vs American, it makes for some interesting conversations!
If You Want It To Be (series) by @zepskies
This got me feeling so Christmassy in July! It was just such a lovely heart warming story, I adored it.
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
House of the Rising Sun by @kittenofdoomage
MAFIA AU!!!! This has been a joy to read for the first time and it's always a joy to reread!!!
Nominated by @thoughtslikeaminefield
The Hero Always Gets A Kiss by @fandomoniumflurry
I’m a sucker for ChesterVelle, heroes, and kissing. This is one of my old faves I like to re-read every once in a while.
No Title by @stusbunker
This is sooooo Sam, and it's sooooo swoony and real. It's fucking electric.
Factory Reset by @talltalesandbedtimestories
This is so. well. written. So sexy. So good for Dean. He deserves this so much. This writer did their research but this doesn't read like a manual. It's thorough and intimate and exactly what Dean should have every day — someone taking care of him.
No Title by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
For the love of god, he’s just Like This, isn’t he? Like always. In canon, in headcanon, in fic — ALWAYS. And I love the way this writer objectifies him.
Nominated by @inenochian
Restless Wanderer by intothesilentland (AO3 only)
This story is such a beautiful soft romance set in 19th C Cornwall. Beautiful portrayal of Dean and Cas!
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
The Talismen series by Lochinvar (AO3 only)
Gives us insight into people who helped the boys grow up into the men they became. Not always Hunters, more like strangers who sometimes didn’t know exactly how much they helped until years later, if ever.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Hunter’s Throne (series) by @ladyknightskye
It’s such a beautiful story and I love the angel-human lore. It’s so complimentary to each other and that bond is just so Cas and Dean. They have got to talk. It’s part of what’s we readers love about them because once they do, it only gets better and fluffy! I loved it so much I posted about it on my blog to advertise it because it is worth the read and keeps to the essence of the show.
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- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore, and @heavenssexiestangel!
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 33
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: The boys come back
Warnings: Nothing particularly in this chapter.
Word count: 1.6k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 32 <- -> Part 34
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A message came in from Dean: We got him
You stared at your phone. They were alive. They had Azaneth. It was... over.
You couldn't seem to think. Couldn't seem to function. You just sat there.
You stared off into the middle distance.
You didn't notice the next message on your phone.
Or the next.
You did, eventually, notice the incessant ringing noise. You looked at the phone. A second later you worked out how to answer it.
“Hello?” you asked.
“Thank Christ,” Dean said. “Are you ok?!”
“Umm, yes.” You shook your head, trying to snap out of your haze.
“Sorry if I woke you, we were just worried something might have happened.”
“I wasn't asleep,” you mumbled.
“Everything ok?” You could hear the mounting panic in his voice.
“Yeah, I'm fine. I was just... lost. For a minute there. But I'm fine.”
“Ok, sweetheart. We’ll be back soon.”
“Ok.” You hung up.
You stared around the room. It was like it was different, but it looked the same. You felt a bit relieved, especially at hearing Dean's voice and knowing they were safe. But it was like your body couldn't work out what emotion to feel, so had decided to feel all of them. All at once. You couldn't get it straight in your brain.
You sat and stared at the door.
Eventually, there was noise from outside. You suddenly panicked, remembering that Sam and Dean had told you that Azaneth would have other demons working with him. You tried to remember what they'd told you to do – hide! Stab!
You grabbed the angel blade and ran into the bathroom, breathing heavily. You got into the shower cubicle and crouched down, clutching the blade in front of you. Your hands shook.
You heard the motel room door open. You willed yourself to be still and quiet.
“Y/N?” you heard Sam call. “It's ok, it's us.”
You stood up and went to the bathroom door, still clutching the blade in front of you. You got there just as Sam did. You dropped the blade with a clatter and jumped to wrap your arms around him in a hug. His arms came up and held you, “Hey, hey, it's ok. We're ok.” You could see some cuts and bruises on him, but he looked generally ok.
He let you go and led the way back into the main room. “Probably should’ve taught her about holy water,” Sam was saying to Dean. You couldn't see Dean yet, Sam's broad shoulders blocking your view. He moved to get something out of a bag and that was when you saw Dean.
You sucked in a sharp breath. Dean's eye was swollen and blood was dripping down his face from a cut on his forehead.
Dean’s eyes flew to yours when he heard your gasp. “It's ok, sweetheart. Probably looks worse than it is.”
“I'm just about to get him cleaned up,” Sam said, bringing the first aid kit over to Dean. “If it makes you uncomfortable, that's ok. You could go wait in the bathroom if you want.” You shook your head and moved closer to Dean.
“Oh,” Sam said, almost to himself as he stood up, “I forgot the antiseptic.”
You reached out as if to touch Dean's face, but stopped yourself. Your breathing started to get shallower and faster as you stared at the blood. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Dean took your hands in his and held them. “Bambi, look at me.” You didn't react. He moved one hand to cup your cheek, “Y/N, look at me. Look at me properly.” You managed to tear your eyes away from the blood to look into his eyes. “I am ok, ok? I will be ok. Take some deep breaths for me, sweetheart. Sam and I are ok. Head wounds always bleed a lot, they're melodramatic. Sammy's going to fix me right up. We came back, and we're fine.”
You slowly nodded. “You came back.”
Sam had returned and was waiting by your elbow, probably waiting for Dean to finish. Dean dropped his hands and you returned yours to your sides. “Alright Mr Melodramatic,” Sam joked, probably trying to cheer you up, “Let's fix this before you cost us a cleaning fee on the room.”
Sam worked methodically to clean the wound and then glue it together with the special wound glue. He bandaged it carefully. You watched, half fascinated and half horrified. “Alright,” Sam said to Dean, “how about you go clean up the rest of your face in the mirror?” Dean nodded and headed to the bathroom.
Sam gathered up the rubbish from his ministrations and threw it in the bin. He then turned to you, “How are you going?”
“I'm fine, all I did was sit in a motel room.”
He looked at you critically, “Dean tells me you didn't sleep last night, did you get any today?” You shook your head. “Have you eaten anything?”
“A little.”
His look deepened.
“A Mars bar,” you admitted.
He went to the fridge and pulled out 3 ready meals he'd bought yesterday. “Which one do you want?”
“I'm ok,” you said, feeling awkward and a bit all over the place still.
“Y/N, you haven't slept, you haven't eaten and I don't think you've drunk much water. Your brain has no energy, no rest and a day of being flooded with stress hormones. It is no wonder you’re feeling freaked out and one step away from a panic attack.”
You wordlessly pointed at the one you wanted. He removed the plastic and put it in the microwave.
Sam offered one to Dean, who glanced quickly at you before accepting. You had a feeling they were only eating so that you would, but hey, if that made them eat then that was good too. The three of you sat on the floor, although you tried to tell the brothers to eat at the table.
You watched Dean wince when he twisted to the side to reach his napkin. “What happened?!” you asked, immediately worried.
“Jeez, you fuss more than Sammy and he is in peak form tonight,” Dean said with a smirk. He continued in a gentler tone, “I’m a little beaten up but I’m ok. I’ve had far worse.”
“What happened?” you asked quietly. “On the hunt, I mean.”
“Well, you know, fairly normal. Azaneth had quite a lot of defences and lackeys around, so we had to despatch them to get to him, and then we had to beat him. Plan worked well but, uh, I did have to distract him so Sammy could surprise him with the cuffs.”
“And getting beaten up was how you distracted him?” you asked, dual edges of amusement and worry in your voice.
“Hey, I was doing some beating up him too!”
Sam sniggered, “He landed a couple of blows, at best.”
“Alright, well, I’m gonna shower and get the rest of this blood off me,” Dean said, getting up and throwing out his empty container. He disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door.
“How about you get some sleep?” Sam said to you. “It’s super late.”
“I see what Dean means about your fussing,” you joked.
“Dean thinks anyone not actively attacking him is fussing.” You smirked at his joke. “Come on,” he said, “I’ll turn around and you can get changed.”
You got ready for bed at his urging and then stood awkwardly at your blankets between the two beds. Sam was busying himself repacking things into bags, which he probably didn’t need to do but you figured he was trying to avoid the impression he was staring at you. You were grateful. You got down on the floor and into your bedding.
You felt uneasy. You knew the boys were ok, you could hear Dean in the shower and still see Sam. But you couldn’t shake your fear, couldn’t relax. You tried to force yourself to close your eyes, to let sleep happen.
SCREEEEEECH came a loud noise from outside. It was probably just a car taking the corner too fast, maybe showing off for their friends. But it freaked you out. You sat up, heart racing and looking around wildly.
Sam came and sat on the floor at the end of his bed, near your feet. “It’s just a car,” he said reassuringly.
“I know.”
“How about you lay back down and try and get to sleep?”
“I’m too scared,” you admitted quietly, not looking at his face.
He reached out slowly and took your hand, holding it in his own. “I’ll wait with you, if you’d like.” You bit your lip and then nodded, slowly easing yourself back down on to your pillow. He gave your hand a squeeze and you shut your eyes.
He held your hand, sometimes rubbing gentle circles with his thumb, until you fell asleep.
“She ok?” Dean asked Sam quietly, seeing him sitting on the floor near you, your hand in his.
“Yeah, she’s pretty freaked out, but I got her to sleep.”
“She mention anything specific?”
“Nah, I think it’s just all of it. Stress of leaving the bunker, being left alone, worrying about us, worrying about him.”
“Yeah,” Dean replied. “Wonder how she’ll go overnight. We should get some sleep now, not sure how long she'll stay asleep.”
Dean looked at your sleeping face. He hated how scared you’d been on the phone, how worried about him and Sam. Hated that he'd had to leave you alone when you were scared. And then your face when you'd seen his injuries, he wished he'd been able to hide them from you.
He wanted to reach out and stroke your frown away, but that was a line too far. You wouldn't appreciate him doing that.
You were still so fragile, although you’d shown strength today that he hadn’t known you’d had in you. He was proud of you.
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aviradasa · 6 months
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I got you 🖤 to make this authentic I smoked a fat ass blunt just for you anyways I did the characters you requested plus a few extra and I decided to do small HC/ drabbles cause I have to many imagines atm 🤣 anyways also I added nuada from hellboy 2 cause he's pookie all the way @horny4bj-blog
Characters included:
Hellboy (2004)
Prince nuada ( hellboy 2, 2008)
Daryl (Alexandria timeline)
Sam (supernatural)
Dean (supernatural)
Castiel (supernatural
Lucifer (supernatural)
Let's get startedddd
Different characters react to you stoned/couch-logged
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Honestly was not surprised when he walked into him room one day to it smelling entirely of weed. Honestly he was mostly impressed because not only did it smell. But when the door opened all that came out was smoke.
Like damn.
When he went to venture further he was also not surprised when he saw you sprawled out on the couch with like 6 cats laying on you.
You didnt register him calling your name until he threw a candybar at your face
This is pretty much how it went
“Hey???” “…” “Hellooo??” “…” “Hey!” “Ow fuck what do you want.” you say as you open the candy bar and take a bite
Honestly he doesn't really care but he expects you to share you weed with him. If you don't he will lowkey just take it without asking and deal with you later. (no he won't pay you back hes always magically broke when you ask him to 😒)
As for you being on the couch he tells you to move over. If you don't he moves you himself.
He finds it funny to mess with you when you get to the point when you think everything is in slow motion And your basically not registering anything the way your supposed to
Like one time yall played Uno. And you were at the point you couldn't even read the cards and you were slumped over leaning on the back of the couch like a corpse thinkin the number 6 was the funniest shit on earth
And what did he do.convinced you to give him your cards so he could read them to you.in your state you agreed. That prick (this is based off a true story i have a lot of these adafia if you see this. Fuck you I should have one that game 🖕)
Yeah naw i dont have much for him he's just an asshole who also smokes so he don't really care yall end up watching a lot of movies though.
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Now he's interesting with this idea lmao
He's confused as fuck cause he don't really do shit that could alter his mind, he want to stay sharp and ready for anything (boring fuckaaaa)
He at first acts like a disappointed mother
“ now why would you go and do this to yourself knowing what we have to do.” “because I'm a whole ass adult and it makes it more fun.” “that's besides the point (name)” part of a real argument yall had at one point
Yeah like don't get me wrong he doesn't hate weed he just thinks it makes you act dumb
He's lowkey right though
But anyways back to the prompt. When he walks in and your just spaces out in your bed he just shakes his head and goes to do what he needs to do.
If you are logged somewhere is his way this man with nudge/kick you with his foot until you move and if you don't he will just use his foot to roll you out of the way.
He acts like he doesn't care and to be frank he doesn't have the energy to put into caring about something so dumb so he leaves you alone.
But then there was the one time that he accidentally ate an edible.
He took that shit like a champ though and was able to function decently, but for the most part he was just chillin just silently staring off into space
He says he would never do that again. But you decide not to say anything when you notice some of your edibles missing.
Bro thinks he's slick 🤣🤣
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Ok gonna be honest his brother is dean. Need I say more
He knows what to do he pulls up with the munchies and some red box movie
If your slumped on the couch this man will sit on the floor
Y'all can talk for hours even if he is sober
Or you pass out from him typing on the computer cause I mean that sound is just relaxing.
Honestly don't have much for him he's just a chill guy
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He don't walk in
He's slumped with you on the other side of the couch
He eats all the damn munchies
He refuses to watch anything besides old Scooby doo reruns.
(he has a crush on the hex girls)
He's literally just a grown up child when he's high (not much different then normal)
Yall are laughing high people
The jokes are hilarious
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He walks in and sees you on the couch looking half dead and he's confused
Like really confused
“Are you ok?” “huh?” are you ok??” “HUH??” “nevermind.”
He doesn't know what to do so he does nothing 😭😭
If you ask he will get you snacks
He's kinda hard to talk to so if you are laughing its at him not knowing anything
(these are getting short cause of my beautiful bong so its not my fault blame daisy that's my bongs name.)
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Ok let be honest here
He's lucifer he's hilarious
If you wanna feel like your gonna suffocate from laughing then he's your guy
He doesn't even try to be funny he just says out of pocket shit.
All the time
I haven't seen much of his character yet but he's already a favorite
I don't think he would light up with you unless you peer pressure him
Yes you have to peer pressurethe damn devil to smoke the devils lettuce with you.
If yall do he just spaces in and out while your on your phone on that couch unmoving
But during this spacing in and out he just says weird shit
I dare you to show him the dark crystal afterwords tho just trust me.
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This man could not give less of a fuck
He's used to seeing people on all sorts of shit so some weed don't scare him
He just goes about his day
He will sit and chat with you
He's a horrible high sitter tho
If you get to high he's your worst nightmare
Will throw fake spiders and shit at you knowing your on that couch to see you jump
He's lowkey funny tho 🤣
He might smoke with you once in awhile
It's rare tho he's more of a drinker
Anyways that's all for today hope you enjoyed dis shitz
Edit: sorry I sounded like a fuckin idiot here also sorry I forgot Crowley and carol 😭😭 I wrote for nuada took a break forgot it was nuada and gaslit myself into thinking I wrote for Crowley 🤣🤣
didnt mean to but its really late and I'm to lazy to write for them rn so I hope you enjoy what I got down please forgive me🖤🖤 also sorry nuadas there you didnt ask for him I was just living it up with daisy at that moment.
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pickinglilahs · 8 months
NB!Harry Ch 10
AO3 link, Chapter 1 Ch 9; Ch 11 Finally writing the scene I planned three chapters ago
After, they lay on Haze's bed, just holding each other.
Draco was on his back, Haze all but on top of him with their head on his shoulder and one leg hooked up on his thigh. The hand Haze had rested on Draco's chest was playing with one of his shirt buttons. Draco had one arm behind his head, while the other hand was drawing idle patterns over Haze's upper arm.
Content, the two could have lain there all night.
And then Pansy started banging on the door.
"Are you kids using protection?" She called.
Haze felt heat bloom across their face and turned to hide in Draco's chest. Draco just rolled his eyes.
From somewhere else in the hall, somebody—Dean? —told her, "Leave them alone, Pansy. I'm sure they can figure it out."
There was laughter, and it sounded like someone was shoved into the wall. As it seemed like they intended to stand around outside the door indefinitely, Draco moved to get up, holding a finger to his lips.
He didn't have to worry about being quiet on the way to the door, as no sound could get out, but he still crept slowly over. Once there, he glanced back at Haze—who had sat up to watch—and winked at them.
Yanking the door open, Draco scowled at the crowd in the hall. "Do you mind?"
They all jumped, and someone squeaked. Draco leaned against the doorway and braced on foot on the inside of the door, keeping it closed as much as possible so no one could look in.
Pansy recovered first, "Yes, actually. I came to bring you these." She proudly offered a large box of condoms.
Carefully maintaining his mask of disdain, Draco looked from her to the box and back. Unsure he would be able to speak without cracking up or dying of mortification, Draco simply arched a questioning brow.
She knew him too well.
Draco stared her down, unwilling to break, as she grinned back, very pleased with herself.
Pansy had just opened her mouth—to deliver what was sure to be the killing blow—when Haze stepped in. They moved between Draco and the doorframe, fitting perfectly under his arm.
With a split second to analyze the situation, Haze decided to roll with it. Feigning delight, "Oh! Thanks!" They took the box from Pansy before she could react. Haze glanced at Draco and back to her, "We were just saying we needed to get more."
Then, Haze kissed Draco on the cheek and slipped back under his arm and into the bedroom.
Draco smiled deviously, winked, and shut the door in Pansy's stunned face. He turned back to find Haze sitting on the edge of the bed once more, the absurdly large box of condoms on their nightstand.
Haze's eyes met Draco's and they both promptly collapsed to the floor in laughter. As in the hall earlier, they couldn't seem to stop laughing. Every time the two gained some semblance of calm, they would look at each other and crack up once more.
They were both on the floor, holding their aching stomachs, unable to contain choked mockery of the thirty-second conversation. In all honesty, both knew the interaction hadn't been that funny, but this, laughing on the floor together, was the best feeling in the world.
By the time they'd exhausted themselves, the crowd in the hall had long since dispersed. Lying with their heads together, legs in opposite directions, both looked up at the ceiling, breathing slowly returning to normal.
After a long moment, Draco looked over to Haze. "I should probably go."
Haze turned to look at him. They didn't want him to go yet, but they also couldn't bring themself to ask him to stay. Afraid he'd say no, even more afraid he'd say yes.
Draco reached a hand over, brushing their curls away from their face. "Some other time. When you're ready. We don't have to do anything till you're ready."
Propping himself up on an elbow, Draco leaned down to leave a gentle kiss on their forehead. "Goodnight, Mon Ange."
And then he was gone.
Haze vaguely recalled saying goodnight, assumed that they had gotten undressed, and supposed they must have made it into bed. But all they knew for certain, was that they couldn't stop smiling.
Draco didn't go to his own room.
In fact, before he could overthink it, he went clear to the other end of the hall and knocked on a door he had never in his life considered approaching.
Draco instantly regretted it. He contemplated running, but his own room was too far away, and there was no one else in the hall. After ten agonizing seconds, Hermione Granger opened the door.
Already in her pajamas, curls still dripping from her shower, she took one look at Draco and sighed. She opened her door wider and beckoned him inside with a tilt of her head.
She closed the door and went over to her trunk without a word, not even looking at him.
"Right." Draco was seriously reconsidering all of his life choices. "I, um, well..." He had never been this nervous in his life, and Hermione just dug a beaded bag out of her trunk and then proceeded to rummage through that. "So, I've done... things before but, like, not... and I was wondering if you, um..."
Hermione finally found what she was looking for. Pulling her whole arm out of the bag, she tossed it back in her trunk and held out a book to him.
Draco reached for it hesitantly. Mutual Pleasure was written in black letters across some very suggestive-looking flowers.
"It isn't a library book. I actually bought it for Haze, but I suppose you should probably read it too."
Draco could have hugged her. "Right. Um... Thanks."
She nodded at him and turned away. Feeling dismissed, Draco went to let himself out.
Before he made it to the door, however; she called after him. "And Draco,"
He turned back to look at her. She was standing at her bed, covers thrown back like she was about to get in, as if her next words were an afterthought.
"I'm really glad Haze has you now, but do keep in mind, they have six big brothers and two very scary sisters who will hunt you down should you ever think of hurting them."
She was smiling at him... which made her words all the more chilling.
"I'll... keep that in mind." Draco opened the door. "And, for what it's worth, I'm glad they have all of you too."
She gave an approving nod, and Draco left.
For as wonderful as the evening had been, Haze's nightmares hit even stronger.
Similar to the mental storm that came with an episode, memories of the past assailed them. The difference with nightmares was that, rather than their conscious being bombarded with the memories, Haze's unguarded mind was immersed in them. Reliving them moment by moment.
One minute, Haze was curled in on themself, shaking and crying in their bed, the next, they were in Draco's arms once more. They weren't exactly sure when or how it happened, but they were too grateful to question it.
Draco's soft humming and fingers in their hair were a balm on Haze's soul. They buried their face further into Draco's neck, hands tightening in his shirt.
After a while, Haze had the distinct feeling of moving, but they refused to leave the safety of Draco's neck long enough to check.
Haze woke again to Draco's fingers ghosting over their cheeks; their nose; their lips. Light was streaming in through their bedroom window and Haze felt so grounded, it took them a minute to realize Draco was lying on top of them.
Blinking blearily, they un-fisted one of their hands from Draco's shirt to rub their eyes. Looking down, they saw Draco smiling at them, one arm across their chest, chin resting on his hand. His other hand had moved to stroking their cheekbone.
"Good morning, Mon Ange."
If Haze had been any more awake, they would've blushed. As it was, they took the hand that had been rubbing their eyes and put it against Draco's face, pushing lightly and grumbling at him.
Draco laughed and kissed their palm. Then he moved his hands to rest on either side of Haze, lifting himself up to place a gentle kiss on their cheek.
Haze gave a soft sigh of contentment, then a sound of protest as Draco rolled off of them to sit at the edge of their bed. Lunging, Haze wrapped their arms around Draco's waist, refusing to let him move any farther.
Chuckling, Draco tried to turn in their grip, running a hand over their head. "Haze, it's time to get up. We have to get ready for class."
Haze made another sound of protest, burying their face in his side.
"Come on, Mon Ange, we both need a shower. I'll meet you in the common room in twenty minutes."
Haze whined at how long that would be. They knew they were being childish, but they couldn't help it. Draco made them feel safe and he was trying to take that away.
Sighing, Draco twisted, grabbing Haze under the arms and pulling them around to sit sideways in his lap. They went willingly, moving their arms to wrap around Draco's neck. Before Haze could lean into Draco's neck, however; he grabbed their chin, forcing them to meet his eyes.
"Haze, listen to me. You can shower and get dressed here and meet me in the common room in twenty minutes," He paused, making sure Haze was listening and understood, "Or you can come shower and get ready with me."
Draco watched Haze's face as they seriously considered it. They had come to terms with their body, for the most part, even if they weren't sure who they wanted to be yet. But Haze was still afraid Draco wouldn't like what he saw; that he would change his mind.
They needed the safety of Draco's arms, but the fear of losing him won out. Wilting, they slowly moved to stand.
Draco stood with them, not letting them go yet. He squeezed them tight for a moment, kissing their forehead. "I'll see you in twenty, Mon Ange."
He pulled back, watching as Haze nodded at the floor. Heart panging, Draco took their chin once more, turning their face up to place a gentle kiss on their lips.
Pulling back, he stroked Haze's jaw, giving them a gentle, reassuring smile until they gave him a weak one back. Only then did he turn to leave.
It broke Draco's heart to leave Haze like that, but he refused to push their boundaries.
He would have gladly carried them back to his room; showered them; clothed them; gave them as much love as possible. But he would wait for Haze.
This was still new to them, both the relationship and their self-exploration. Draco knew they needed time, and he was willing to give it. He had waited this long, after all.
Draco started. Pausing as he washed his hair, the thought hit him like the Hogwarts Express.
He loved Haze.
He has for a long time now.
As terrifying as that thought was, it also brought him a great deal of peace.
Draco resumed his shower, picking up his pace. While he knew it was far too soon to tell Haze, he was determined to show them.
He would worship them until they believed him when he told them they were beautiful. Would make them see that he would love them no matter how they looked, who they wanted to be, or what they identified as.
He loved Haze.
In any and every form.
@bradley-95147-blog @shyshadows430
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