#i could see her saying eleven or jane tho
madwheelerz · 1 year
I think Karen would call Max "Maxine". She'd call El "Jane" too.
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besidesitstoowarm · 7 months
"The End of Time part 2" thoughts
happy valentine's my bf and i ate indian takeout watching this ep and both teared up when wilf saluted the doctor. there is so much going on here
so we open on the time lords convening and one of them says "the doctor still possesses the moment" a detail i did not recall. i can't wait to get to "day of the doctor" and track the throughlines. there's a seer predicting "gallifrey falls" again i say. apparently many people in the time war just die over and over on repeat, which is rough. rassilon describes the doctor/master relationship as "enmity of ages" their impact.
the master taunts the doctor about wilf saying "your dad's still kicking up a fuss" and wilf says "well i'd be proud if i was" it hurts me. the doctor calls donna his best friend and then says "you could be so wonderful....you could be beautiful" to the master hello? girl? the master says "i don't know what i'd be without that noise" and the doctor says "wonder what i'd be without you" HELLO??? GIRL??? the doctor tells the master he's dying and the master snaps back "this body was born of death, all it can do is die" we love inevitability!
so we get THEE laugh, the one repeated on echo from the last part, and it's the moment where the master realizes the time lords planted the drumbeat in his head. that's the moment that plays in everyone's head, the realization
ten and wilf are stranded in space. ten says he's 906, meaning only like 3 years have passed as ten?? the fucking second doctor was 450, two doctors (and two had more life to live after that convo) had 450 years and ten had THREE?? damn this bitch was busy. he and wilf trade war stories. wilf says they must all seem so tiny to him and he says "i think you look like giants" then he gets all melancholy again. "sometimes i think a time lord lives too long" yeah dude i remember lazarus too. he refuses wilf's gun until he realizes the time lords are coming back and then he SNATCHES it up
star wars ass scene shooting missiles out of the sky. wilf says basically it's okay if they're about to die but please tell him. ten does not say anything and they crash to earth instead. rassilon and the other time lords come back and everyone says exposition out loud. one of the dissenters was the woman who appeared to wilf in visions last ep, she clearly recognizes the doctor and the doctor clearly recognizes her. wilf even asks at the end who she was and the doctor doesn't answer. prevailing wisdom 10 years ago was that this was the doctor's mother but i don't think i believe that. if she is anyone we've met before, it's 1000% susan. before the war he was a father and grandfather and now he is NEITHER!! but he is STILL A DOCTOR!! it's rich to me. i want to ask russell if this was supposed to be anyone in particular i'd give anything. "vale decem" plays a little when they lock eyes
anyway the master shoots rassilon w force lightning for making him this way and they all get exploded i think? they all disappear anyway, time lock restored, just the doctor lying in a broken heap on the floor. wilf is locked in the radiation room and the doctor screams and cries and throws up knowing he has to save wilf (or feels like he does). "my reward" and all that. this doesn't really feel like rose to me, i'm not sure where this attitude comes from. closest analogue i can make is eleven snapping in "a town called mercy" where he even references the master as one of the lives lost because he showed mercy. he does save wilf tho, of course. he engages in his favorite pastime of "dying of radiation poisoning" and goes on his farewell tour
martha and mickey are married which is bullshit. he sets jack up with alonso which is cute. hi sarah jane and son. he stops by donna's wedding and gives her a lottery ticket (winning) w money he borrowed from her deceased father. wilf salutes, crying, and we both choked up watching. ten says "i'll see you one more time" did russell know? did he know. i'm glad it was true at least. then rose and jackie!! it's new years 2005!! i bet you're gonna have a great year!!
ood sigma plays him out. "vale decem" in full swing, it's a banger of a track. iconic "i don't want to go" and eleven's introduction by crashing his on-fire tardis. this episode was a wreck and made no sense. it's amazing and i love it dearly. gonna try and do a specials/era retrospective in the airport tomorrow
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stat1cstarz · 2 years
𝖺𝗋𝗀𝗒𝗅𝖾 𝗑 𝗏𝗂𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗇𝗂𝖺
𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗌 𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇☃️
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Me, argyle,and the Byers decided to stay in Hawkins with the others for a few days, we had been staying in a motel near the wheelers house since nobody could afford for us to stay with them, and the wheelers house was to full. Johnathan,will,and el had a room, and me and argyle had a room. Whenever we weren’t in the motel room we were at the wheelers house in the basement, watching Christmas movies,wrapping gifts for eachother,normal Christmas stuff, which leads to now
𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺❄️—————
Me and the rest of the group headed outside while it was snowing, to mainly entertain the younger kids, all though they didn’t seem to interested. Since Eddie seemed to pretty close to them he tried encouraging them to make a snowman or have a snowball fight with him, and while the guys didn’t seem to care much, Jane decided to throw one at his back while he was rolling up the base for the snowman. Afterwards he picked up a snowball and threw it at her, which started a chain reaction,starting with Mike,will,than Dustin. Nancy and Steve were sitting on the back patio together holding hands,and Robin was inside watching a movie. I decided to go finish Eddie’s snowman for him, and bent over to roll the snowman more to make it bigger, until I felt a hard push from someone, I wasn’t sure who tho. But I had rolled over the snowman and landed on my back “You alright?” I heard Steve yelled “Not cool man” I heard Argyle yell, he was pretty chill luckily so no one got hurt “I’m fine Argyle” I said “Sorry Virginia” Eddie yelled, standing near me “I just don’t want you taking my credit for making Bartholomew” I blinked slowly at him “What did you say his name was?” I asked “You heard me” Eddie replied “I wish I didn’t” I said, as I felt someone put their cold gloves under my armpits. I looked up and saw Johnathan going over to help me up, since Argyle and Steve seemed busy play-fighting and covering each-other in snow. The younger teens were making snow forts for the snowball fight that had escalated into a war. They each argued who should be in who’s team, almost everyone wanted Eleven on their team due to her powers and others said that was called cheating and El should be on her own. Finally they put themselves into their own teams, Lucas,Dustin,and will + Max, El, and Mike. I heard panting behind me and saw argyle and Steve sitting on the patio completely out of breath “You guys alright?” I asked them, running over to check on argyle “You don’t care about me Virginia?” He asked “I think he’s had to much eggnog” Robin insisted “The wheelers don’t own eggnog Robin” Nancy added “The Harringtons do, I’ve been at Steve’s place and they got a good stash during the holiday” Robin said “Can I have some?” I asked jokingly. “You’re to young” argyle said “that would be irresponsible for me as an adult to let a 16 year old drink” argyle said “definitely lost his surfer boy accent” Nancy said “I’m ready to go in, can you guys watch the kids?” I asked “Sure, Eddie’s in great care.” Steve added “Fuck you to” Eddie yelled. I opened the sliding glass door and went back into the basement, I peeled off my winter coat and hung it over a rack, putting my pajamas on and getting under a blanket on the couch. I heard running down the stairs and decided to look back to see who it was, and saw argyle coming downstairs. He did the same as me, crawling over the couch and decided to be the big spoon, and continued to watch whatever Christmas show had been left on
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grapesodatozier · 4 years
Rating Stranger Things Characters Based on How Many C’s are in Their Names
hi welcome to my post Rating Stranger Things Characters on How Many C's are in Their Names. i’m gonna be rating stranger things characters based on how many c’s they have in their names (:
1. coming in first place is lucas sinclair. a few characters have 2 c's in their names, but he's my favorite of them, so he gets first place. 2. next we have scott clarke. could've won with three if it weren't for that pesky k. still love the consonance tho, and his vibe is impeccable 3. erica sinclair comes in last of the 2 c's bc unfortunately her c's stand for capitalism ))): but honestly that's the fault of the writers that is not on her we still love her
okay i'm gonna preface this next section by saying that every character with one c in their name is an absolute queen and i would wife any and all of them
4. okay actually would not wife michael wheeler but i kin him and he's still a queen so my previous statement still mostly stands. yes i did have to use his full name to make this count yes it is bc he's my favorite and im biased but honestly it counts 5. nancy wheeler. also kin, and love of my life, spicing things up with a soft c, we love to see it 6. joyce byers. beautiful, amazing, show stopping, brilliant, im in love with her, also has the gentle soft c and i think that's fitting 7. robin buckley. icon. hot as hell. smart as hell. gay as hell. has a c in her name. could not ask for more. 8. becky ives. is anyone else like weirdly in love with becky or is that just me? like, i would do anything for her. she is in two episodes and she might make my top 10. something about her just screams lesbian. im deeply in love with her. like. like im in love with her. 10/10 would wife. trusts the american government a little too easily but i think she would get over that if given actual info
9. okay so the top of the no c crew is max mayfield, she doesn't have a c in her name but the x kind of makes a c sound so she's close 10. same goes for karen wheeler, who i would also wife in a heartbeat. karen you were so close i still love u 11. kali, same thing as karen. close but no Cigar (ha it has a c) 12. alexei, same as max, nearly there, but he didn't quite make it. just like at the carnival.
okay now things become arbitrary and i just rate characters on how much i like them 13. jonathan byers (yes yall can bully me for this, i get it) 14. dustin henderson 15. will byers 16. steve harrington 17. terry ives (seriously im begging for becky and terry content in s4) 18. bob newby 19. holly wheeler. icon. those trees were moving 20. murray bauman 21. sam owens 22. jim hopper (bitch) 23. ted wheeler 24. ***** ******** 25. martin brenner
now's probably the point where you're beginning to wonder, cami, where is el?
26. unfortunately. she's here. i love el so this really breaks my heart but she does have to come in last bc she has so many names to pluck a c from (Eleven, El Hopper, El Byers, Jane Ives, Jane Hopper) and absolutely none of them have any c's anywhere. i promise she's my favorite character other than mike but the parameters for this post have been set im sorry ):
okay thank you for reading! lmk what letter i should rank characters on next!!
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Thursday 28 December 1826
6 3/4
1 3/4
my bowels quite right this morning - I do believe it was the tightness of my stays that disordered them - In my salon at 7 55/60 - from 8 to 10 20/60 writing to Mariana breakfast at 10 20/60 then read the whole of the paper of today and yesterday which took me till 12 - then finished dressing - at my desk again at 12 1/2 - 1/2 hour hour reading over all I have written to Mariana the whole 2 3/4 pp. [pages] very small and close - from 1 to 3 10/60 finished page 3, and wrote the ends of my paper very small and close to Mariana
then washed
&c [etcetera] went to speak to my aunt, and set off (to dine with Mrs Barlow) at 4 - I had before sent George with the remainder of the bonbons of Monday for Jane, and an iced plum cake (of 7/.) for Mrs Barlow on her birthday - she wondered why I had sent it - not obliged to me at all - I had sent a cake to Madame Galvani could not bear to be treated like other people - cared for nothing to eat - explained that it was customary enough to give a plum cake on a birthday - certainly had never dreampt that because I had sent a cake to Madame Galvani I therefore ought or ought not to send one to Mrs Barlow would do so no more - never ever give her anything eatable - Dinner at 5 1/2 or perhaps 5 3/4 - pear soup - vol au vent, filet de boeuf piqué, gateau de rie, and a crême glacé (ice) the four last from a traiteur and respectively 5/. 6/. 4/. and 5 or 6/. - for dessert a plate of raisins and blanched almonds, Saint Germain pears, at 4 sols each, little almondy drop cakes (stale) and rice and savoy biscuits - Beaune rouge at 4/. and claret from Madame Droz’s friend, Monsieur Lambert, at 3/. good of its kind - Madame Alexandre her late porter’s wife (her husband a joiner - ordered a pasteboard and rolling pin) retained to wait - what nonsense! and so I told Mrs Barlow who said she thought I liked a good dinner, and was determined to see what she could do -
it was meant to return the dinner she had with us I saw thro this the feeling was not thoroughly ladylike it had too much of the not bearing to be outdone and after all it was hugger poor madame ci devant porteress being shockingly gauche potter came in at first and set the dishes on wrong Mrs B hugged her and she appeared no more I cannot think Mrs B good tempered thought I all this would never suit me -
Jane had scarce swallowed her soup before she was called off to go to the play with the family below Monsieur and Madame and Madamoiselle Pouciègle - I took a little Beaune and water (very dear at 4/. like ours as well at 2/.) four glasses of the thin claret and we went to the drawing room at 6 3/4 - I had really had too much dinner and felt oppressed by it -
but she sat on my knee and I had soon the right middle finger up as usual and she said she came down better to me and felt more than she had yet done since my return tho she had been poorly all the week and thought she could do nothing for me she said she felt more when sitting on my knee when my thigh was next to her the feel of it went thro her -
we had tea about 8 -
then at her again then rested and at her again having latterly both second and first finger up being too full of dinner it was really an exertion to me and in fact the pleasure to me is no much merely the excitement of exciting her and having a woman to grubble who likes it so well I almost feel as much now at the moment of writing as when with her towards eleven she began to be pathetic and cry a little we must part she felt as a wife but what was she &c [etcetera] &c [etcetera] wanted her letters not safe with me surrounded as I was with friends alluded to π [Mariana] if I died my aunt would give her all my papers to read said I would pledge my existence that what ever might be π [Mariana] s curiosity I could leave one of Mrs Bs [Barlow’s] letters open before her a whole day and she would not read a line of it Mrs B [Barlow] said she was a woman and she would not believe said I come come give the devil his due she said I loved π [Mariana] might praise her as I liked but why should she Mrs B [Barlow] say what she did not think said I would give her her letters by and [by] she must give me mine no mine were quite safe her aunt was too blind could not read them nor would she if she could I thought they ought on both sides to be burnt Mrs B [Barlow] said mine could do no harm people might read and not understand them I protested they were such as only a husband would write but for myself individually I cared not the world would not blame me so much as Mrs B [Barlow] they would commit her much more than me I could not have written such without encouragement she said her aunt would forgive her if she knew what had passed but she would be angry at her going on with it when I was engaged to another but I had said we could not go on as we did and she had rather I sinned with her than with another ‘but if I have not your letters I have nothing three years hence you may say you never loved me you have your journal I could gain nothing by shewing your letters or boasting of you regard r love for me’ I merely answered no certainly not and declared it was impossible I could ever deny my regard for her but these words of hers ssand deep in my heart I mused on them all the way home and determined I never would give her her letters without getting back my own -
Jane returned at 11 40/60 - the poor girl had a wretched cold when she went and it seemed worse - took their fiacre (George had been waiting upstairs with Potter I know not how long perhaps an hour), and got home in 1/4 hour at 12 -
Mrs B [Barlow] forty today -
Dawdling and musing - very fine day -
Marginal Notes
very fine frostyish morning
Fahrenheit 37o at 8 a.m. 41 1/2 at 12 p.m. 41 1/2 at 3 1/2 p.m. 37 1/2 at 12 midnight
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(I'm sure someone will have already asked but) Doctor Who? PS: Ily hope you're having a nice night
Aww thank you love! I am having a lovely night, thank you! I hope you’re having a good night too! <3 
Favorite episode and why
Me: [slams fist on table] HUSBANDS!! OF !~!! RIVER!!! SONG!!!!! RIVER!!! BEING!! BADASS!! RIVER!! CENTRIC!!! RIVER!!! BEING!! IN CHARGE!!!! 12!!! BEING JEALOUS!!! PINING!! VULNERABILITY! VALIDATION!! BEAUTIFUL SPEECHES!!! TWENTY! FOUR! YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachael: [also slamming fists] HUSBANDS! For obvious reasons. 
Funniest/crackiest/it’s-terrible-but-I-still-love-it episode/scene
Me: I think I’m gonna go with Vampires of Venice. It’s not OBJECTIVELY good, but it’s Helen McCrory and space vampires and Rory dropping truth bombs and “let’s not go there” and Amy and Eleven nerding out and Casanova owing the Doctor a chicken I just. Delightful. 
Rachael: The Unicorn and the Wasp. I fucking love that episode. 
It’s-terrible-and-I-hate it episode/scene
Me: I really hate the Robots of Sherwood, The End of Time, Love & Monsters, and virtually all of s2 except for the episode with Sarah Jane because she is lovely and The Girl in the Fireplace. 
Rachael: Honestly I really hate the Waters of Mars. They’re creepy and 10 is a dick. (But also I don’t like Clara or Rose.) (Also Love & Monsters!! I retract what I said that’s the worst one!!!) 
Best episode/scene for my favorite character
- TATM: “The wrist is pretty bad too” YOU TELL HIM BB I’LL HOLD UR FLOWER
- SITL/FOTD: When she die i cry
- TIA/DOTM: When she’s talking to Rory in the tunnels!! When she flirt with 11 while killing Silence! When she bust out of the TARDIS and scream “They’re Americans!” When she on screen!!! 
- TOA/FAS: “I lied”! “I’m a complicated space time event throw me in”! “you. Me. handcuffs.”! USES THE DOCTOR AS A TAXI SERVICE 
- TNOTD: “He left me, like a book on a shelf. he doesn’t like endings.” DRAG HIM
- AGMGTW: “WELL THEN SOLDIER HOW GOES THE DAY” the most epic roast + peptalk ever 
I will think of more later and come back to edit this post with every single moment she is on screen k 
Best episode/scene for my favorite ship
- TATM: When she slap
- SITL/FOTD: “you and me time and space you watch us run” i am in pain ur honor 
Rachael: Husbands! The Kiss in TWORS is also good. The scene in AGMGTW when he finds out who she is!
Best episode/scene for a particular supporting character
Me: I LOVE Amy in Amy’s Choice and The Beast Below so much. And I love Idris in The Doctor’s Wife. And I love Rory in A Good Man Goes to War. And I love BILL in EVERYTHING. Also Nardole when he’s harassing the Doctor lol.
Rachael: Vincent and the Doctor and The Doctor’s Wife. Also Partners in Crime! Donna is excellent. (Companions aren’t really supporting characters but we just went with characters that aren’t River lol)
Best episode/scene for a character I don’t usually like
Me: I don’t like Clara much but I love the Rings of Akhatan so I’m gonna say that one. Missy is also the only incarnation of the Master I can stand. 
Rachael: I like Rose in the episode with Sarah Jane Smith. 
Most visually beautiful or interesting episode/scene
Me: Vincent and the Doctor is beautiful, SITL/Forest of the Dead, THAT LENS FLAIR in The Eleventh Hour, The God Complex, The Girl Who Waited, Smile - I could keep going the cinematography is often really good!, River’s face
Rachael: Vincent and the Doctor, TEH, The Pandorica Opens, The Impossible Astronaut (that scene where River shoots his stetson!) 
Most emotionally affecting episode/scene
Rachael: Forest of the Dead
Most powerful use of music in an episode/scene
Me: MURRAY GOLD IS A GODDDDDDD. + FOTD, AGMGTW (reveal), when they play the SITL theme in Husbands I died and did not recover, also the song in TATM when Amy and Rory jump and when Amy says goodbye is ouch. + I Am The Doctor is a BOP
Episode/scene that changed my perspective on the show
Me: I tried to watch it from the beginning (with 9) a long time ago and couldn’t get into it and then my friend sat me down and was like “Listen. There is a hot space archaeologist you need to see. Trust me.” And I did. And my first ep was SITL/FOTD and I never recovered. 
Rachael: The first season that i started watching from the beginning was S5 so I started with Matt Smith 
Episode/scene where the acting stands out
Me: OKAY SO. I was gonna list a bunch of River moments but honestly just ALEX KINGSTON ON SCREEN STANDS OUT. + Matt in The Eleventh Hour + The Doctor’s Wife + The Rings of Akhatan and... basically everything else Matt is wonderful. Also Peter in Husbands, Return of Doctor Mysterio, Twice Upon a Time, and all of S10. 
Rachael: Anything with Alex Kingston OBVI + Karen Gillan in The Girl Who Waited 
Overall best-written episode
Me: Ayyyyyyyyyy so many good ones! Maybe The Doctor’s Wife? Or SITL/FOTD? Or The Eleventh Hour? The Pilot? Time Heist? Fugitive of the Judoon? The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances? 
Also Husbands shut up it’s good.
Rachael: There’s so many good ones! ^^^^^^^
[ send me a tv show! ]
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Tuesday, 23 April 1839
8 5/’’
12 55/’’
Rainy morning – Had Mr. Shackleton (A-[Ann] had him first) at 8 3/4 she for 1/4 hour and I for rather longer – Dressed – Breakfast 9 3/4 in 35 minutes then had Mr. Harper – Before settling with him about windows &c. wrote and sent by George note as follows:
“Mr. Gray junior Petergate
Mrs. Lister and Miss Walker would be glad to see Mr. Gray at 12 at noon today, if that hour will not be inconvenient to him –
George Inn. Tuesday morning 23 April 1839”
 Note in answer would come at 11 1/2 having an engagement soon after 12 – Settled with Mr. Harper about windows and a long list of items to be done in our absence so that we might find all comfortable on our return – (Vide rough book entry of all directions) –
Mr. Gray came at 11 1/2 and staid till 12 20/’’ – Old G-‘s[Gray’s] money when paid in to be invested in the funds – So that there will be no difficulty about A-‘s[Ann’s] paying it in a little sooner or later – By the way sooner was not hinted at – My estate safe from the mortgage till some one should come into possession who could cut off the entail, and pay off the mortgage – The money not likely to be wanted during Miss Jane Preston’s life – And if wanted Mr. G-[Gray] will transfer the mortgage without giving me any trouble whether I may be in England or abroad desired him to prepare a little codicil to my will giving A-[Ann] and him as executors and trustees the discretion to sell all or part of my property in H-x[Halifax] to pay off the mortgage – He gave me a sheet form of agreement for letting the colliery from year to year – To see him again on our return from North Cave – He will be at home all the day on Thursday – But not after 10 tomorrow morning –
An agreement to take requires only a 20/- stamp – An agreement to let requires a stamp according to the amount of rent; but if the amount is altogether uncertain, vide Kearsley’s Tax Tables what the stamp will be – Something considerable –
Mr. G-[Gray] went at 12 20/’’ and then seeing that we could not get off till Thursday wrote and sent as followed (on 1/2 sheet of note paper) to Mrs. Oddy, Shibden Hall, near H-x[Halifax] to be delivered immediately:
“York – Tuesday morning 23 April 1839.
Mrs. Oddy.
We shall not be at home at home till Thursday, but expect to be there on that day in the course of the evening – You need not sit up later than eleven o’clock at night – We shall not want dinner –
A Lister”
Kind note this morning from Miss Henrietta Crompton enclosing the card of ‘the Miss Cromptons’ for A-[Ann] regretting that the rainy morning prevented her calling – Had just written so far at 12 50/’’ – Then did up our imperials &c. and got all ready for being off to North Cave, to see Marian –
Had ordered up luncheon (our cold loin of roast mutton of yesterday and bread and butter) at 2 and had nearly done when I[Isabella] N-[Norcliffe] came soon after 2 and staid above an hour – Determined to go abroad this summer but unfixed when and where – will be away the Winter –
Off at 3 48/’’ to return to dinner tomorrow – But took all with us – Changed horses at Bamby[Barmby] Moor at 5 10/’’ – Passed the Inn (Devonshire Arms) at Market Weighton at 6 1/4 – 6 miles from there to Mill Cottage N.[North] Cave but they charged using (at Bamby[Barmby] Moor i.e. 6 miles B.[Barmby] Moor to Market W-[Weighton] and 8 from there to N.[North] C.[Cave]) and it was 7 22/’’ before we alighted at Marian’s door – 
I had not written – She had no notice of our going – She was upstairs – Lucky – Mrs. Button dangerously ill; and she had only left her and returned home yesterday – The girl woman servant did not know me – I gave no name –
Marian soon came down looking thin, and pale, and nervous – I soon set all parties at ease – I had done right to give no notice – Marian owned if I had written she should not have known what to do – Should have feared she could not make us comfortable – Should have sent to Hull for things the bed had been slept in last night – 
No trouble to re-sheet it and light the fire – We had perfumed Russian tea, and good coffee and bread and butter and toast &c. and reindeer’s tongue and all very comfortable in a few minutes and I believe poor Marian was very glad to see us – We never stirred till A-[Ann] went upstairs to bed at 10 20/’’ and I followed at 11 50/’’ –
Talked over everything – It seem she did not expect A-[Ann] to give £600 for Lee Lane – Thought it was only £500 she had bid before – Marian would have taken £550 as Mr. Parker knew – Mitchell had valued the place (coal and all) at £500 – all parties behaved very handsomely Marian in telling this and A-[Ann] in rejoicing that she had the £600 to give as she thought the place worth it –
Marian had had some trouble in determining but had at last made up her mind to sell High Royds – Mitchell’s valuation of it = £2268, odd – Had told Mr. Parker to offer it to me first – And then to Holt at £2300 he having to pay for Copperas House which Marian bought and for which a title is now about to be made – But she would take £2,000 of me – No! No! Sorry I could not give her the valuation – Sorry I could not buy it – She wants £2400 for immediate use – But not necessitated to sell High Royds at the moment as the £600 for Lee Lane will pay the bank debt – Had this money towards the end of last month – Knows that borrowing at a bank (a new and said to be liberal bank at North Cave) costs one way or another 6 p.[per] c.[cent] – Has £200 of Mrs. Button who cannot continue long, and Marian would like to be prepared to pay this off – Expects a legacy but only of one hundred – The debts on Highroyds = £1600 – These 3 sums = £2400. Skelfler is at the same rent as in my father’s time – Not quite £600 a year? Or not more than £600 her present income net from £200 to £300 per annum – And yet she every year lays out money in [marling] &c. to say nothing of accidents –
The great wind (7 January last) blew down the barn at the Grange – Butterworth End cost above £120 - £10 of damage done by the great wind at High Roydes (chimney blown down) – And she gives £20 a year to Mr. Edwards of Market W-[Weighton] for looking over the Skelfler Estate seeing that the drains are kept open &c. for she herself receives the rents which she says are now paid at the day –
I remonstrated on this over payment to Mr. E-[Edwards] for doing nothing – Yes! He would look after the barn building up again – He said it was more than he expected but Marian herself offered it because Mr. Robinson the attorney employed by my father had had this sum (independent of law expense) for receiving rents and doing everything –
Poor Marian – The thought of all this makes my heart ache – But what can I do – She will not hear of giving Mr. Edwards less – I said a professional land agent would go over the estate and note its state of management and repair – (its condition and value) 2 days per annum at 2 guineas a day and expense which could not exceed 3 guineas a day –
I advised the letting the tenants farm in a proper husbandlike manner without her laying out one sixpence more especially as she says the rents are very low – And in the case of Skelfler she is so persuaded of the hundreds that the tenant has in the land that when she made her will on going to Market W-[Weighton] on my fathers death (the summer of 1836) she willed that the tenant had the farm for ten years from that time at the rent he then paid –
She said however that tho’ she had consulted Mr. Robinson about this (and she did not say he had made any objection) that the tenant himself knew nothing about it – I advised her to sell – The Estate nets under £600 (I should think from my remembrance of the outgoing drainage &c. &c. above £30 per annum that the net income is about £560) she says (in spite of this hampering about the tenant right) she would not take less than £20,000 for it!
How can I help her – Advising is quite in vain – I urged her selling – Said she might in the course of a few years (which I believe) make her income a clear £500 a year on which, with her knife and fork at Shibden, she might live without being buried alive –
Her cottage here is damp, and too near the mill-dam – (Originally a paper mill, now a corn-mill) But pretty enough – The house is sufficient 4 rooms on a floor – 2 sitting rooms below with bedrooms over them and at the back good kitchen and pantries and rooms over them – A small cellar – A little sheltered nice bit of garden ground about 25 or more? x 15 yards and a little island (perhaps 60 to 70 square yards) in the midst of the water on which island she grows her potatoes – Good ones –
The man who does her garden, finds her all seeds and sets, and does all, for £5 a year – He might suit me – He is to speak to me tomorrow – Clerk, too, of the parish church – Ivy-covered and very picturesque – Close to here, and to the entrance gate to Hotham (Mr. Burton’s) – Marian pays £20 a year and has all taxes paid for her –
I congratulated her on her escape from her thought of marriage – I thought she had been much mistaken in her judgment in this matter – Mr Abbot not a gentleman mentioned his having called here          she did not explain how the thing was off             I conclude he let it die a natural death         she shewed neither pain nor pleasure on the subject – but said it was all off –
Light gentle rain in the morning fair the greater part of the afternoon – Poor A[Ann] had thought me long but behaved very well about it she got in to bed soon after my getting upstairs –
[symbols in the left margin:] ✓       N       N       ✓       L         N         ✓c
[in the margin:]          Mr. Harper
[in the margin:]          Mr. Gray
[in the margin:]          stamp for uncertain rent
[in the margin:]          Mill Cottage North Cave
[in the margin:]          Highroyds
Page References:  SH:7/ML/E/23/0026 and SH:7/ML/E/23/0027
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drawacharge · 6 years
Hi!!! What's your opinion on Steve and Billy's relationship with the group and how the group would react to Steve and Billy being together?
oh man, ok, this will probably be long so.... strap in. also this will be assumed like after billy get his shit together and becomes like, apart of the group in some ways. 
( dustin ) i mean, we basically know steve and dustin’s relationship ( and i really hope the duffers expand on it in season 3 ). steve is like the big brother dustin’s never had but has probably lowkey always wanted. as a only child i can tell you, as kids we spend a lot of time day dreaming about what it’d be like to have siblings, and i bet dustin did that and now he has one. and even though he can be a total nuisance sometimes, steve would die for him. 
look, dustin’s annoying, we can all admit that. he’s loud and opinionated and a fucking tween and that is just... billy’s worst nightmare. however. i also think billy is a secret nerd, just the kind that doesn’t go around advertising it like the party does. so. seeing as billy is also very opinionated, i feel like he and dustin’s relationship would be a lot of bickering about comic and movie facts and theories. 
also dustin would 100% give billy the “if you hurt him i’ll hurt you” talk,  which would just endlessly amuse him.
( mike ) mike is... mike. he likes steve, he does not like billy. it takes him a while to like billy even a little imo. to be fair, billy is probably the meanest to mike so i don’t blame him. also,  mike is super protective of his friends. billy terrorized his friends. therefore billy is on his permanent shit list. i think mike holds grudges and for a while ( lmao same tho ). i think the only hope he’d have of warming up to billy would be will’s influence. and speaking of.
( will ) will is gay and the duffers can fight me. he is gay, and billy is gay, and when will realizes this ( whether he catches him and steve sharing a kiss on the byers’ front porch or what ) there’s this kinship that forms almost immediately. will has probably never met another gay person, after all, and he has questions and fears. questions and fears billy probably answers because shit, how can he not? how can he deny this kid when it was the exact thing he needed and didn’t get at his age? 
i’ve always imagined a talk going down between them maybe at some get-together at the byers’ that billy ( somewhat reluctantly ) attends. maybe will saw him and steve kissing a week or so prior and has been working up the courage to ask billy about it. billy, of course, is totally taken aback by it, and maybe gets defensive. up until he sees will like curl in on himself and almost shut down and thinks shit, because it all kind of clicks into place. 
after that they’re pretty close. billy would threaten anyone who tries to fuck with will. as for steve and will i think they’re chill. i think steve-- and everyone in the group, really-- are all a bit more protective over will than usual just because of everything he’s been through. plus he’s nice and quiet, what’s not to like about him? 
steve could do without those big knowing eyes that stare at him though. 
( eleven ) speaking of knowing eyes :/ el looks at you like she can read your soul, okay. it creeps steve out. he likes her, but she creeps him out a little. it creeps billy out a little too, but then he sees eleven throw something across the room and thinks fuck yeah. and el thinks billy is pretty cool. he has the earring, the style, the music. it kind of reminds her of her sister and her friends. she’d be weary of him at first, because she’s protective of her friends, but i also think el like... reads people really well and there’s some things about billy she’d just get. especially when she finds out about his father. el, billy, and will kind of become the “hey, we’re gay and have shitty dads” club. oh yeah, el’s gay af, fight me. 
( lucas ) lucas and steve have a good relationship. he’s the more realistic of the kids, the more rational one, and boy does steve appreciate that. he is, however, also very protective of lucas, and very aware of how some people in the town treat him. and then there’s billy.
billy’s relationship w/ lucas is.... rough. starts off rough, and even after billy apologizes lucas is weary. he’s a black kid growing up in the 80s, ya’ll. his parents have warned him about people like billy. even lucas’ own friends commit small microaggressions ( like mike assuming he’d be the black ghostbuster ). it’d take a while but.
i always felt like it’d only be a matter of time before neil found out about max and lucas. and i think when neil finds out, he would not only try to put hands on lucas, but max too. and billy’s an asshole, you know? and maybe, before steve and the others, he bought into his father’s prejudices a little too much. but things have changed, and he’s grown up some, and he’ll be damned if his father touches a hair on max’s or lucas’ heads. 
after an altercation like that, lucas would slowly warm up to him. plus, like with will influencing mike, he’d have max influencing him. max who like, despite all her and billy’s shit, has this protectiveness towards her step-brother.
( max ) max thinks steve is a fucking weirdo. she likes him, sure. but he’s a total dork who tries way too hard to be cool and she has no idea how any of the girls in hawkins ever fell for it. she also totally gives him the “hurt billy and i’ll hurt you” talk, but she also gives billy that talk about steve, so. yeah. he’s alright in her book. he took her brother on by himself for her and the others, after all. that earns respect. 
we all know max and billy have a complicated relationship. i think they got along better in california. i think he was a dick, but the kind of dick that somehow managed to endear himself to you anyway. he probably taught her to surf, took her out for food, ice cream, and movies. then they kind of lost that when they moved.
the now would be about getting back to that. finding that understanding in one another again. it would start with him apologizing, with him backing off ( some ) and kind like... respecting her for almost taking a bat to his balls and drugging him. that takes... well, some balls lmao, and billy would respect that shit. 
their relationship is them bickering, though, that’s something to understand. max and billy getting along isn’t jonathan and will getting along. it’s bickering, and calling each other names. but its also billy letting max have the remote when they watch tv, or billy taking max to get ice cream when neil and susan fight. or max sneaking billy dinner after neil banishes him to his room, maybe even offering to help him with patching up after particularly nasty incidences. or, more often, billy threatening anyone with in an inch of their life if they ever hurt her. ( sorry, lucas ). 
also, i hc that max eventually realizes she’s bisexual and that’s just another string that connects them. 
( jonathan ) jonathan is... fine. steve hates him sometimes, tries to, but its hard. and then he doesn’t hate him anymore, because he’s moved on and, honestly? he’s just happy jonathan treats nancy well.
billy thinks jonathan’s weird. he also doesn’t understand why nancy would drop steve fucking harrington for him either, but whatever. what’s her loss is his gain. 
( nancy ) lmao billy hates nancy, at least at first. i don’t think they ever become best friends, but they’re eventually amicable, giving each other advice on homework etc. before that, though, billy hates her guts. he thinks she’s a priss and that she’s an idiot for leaving steve. he also gets jealous because it takes him a fucking long ass time to get it through his big, dumb head that steve loves him, not her, and every time he sees them together before that his chest aches and his blood boils. 
we all know how steve feels about nancy. i think, eventually, they become best friends, which is healthier for them anyway. 
( joyce ) she loves them both :/ like everyone, she’s weary of billy at first, but, c’mon guys, she’s a mom. she’s the mommiest mom to ever mom. she finds out billy’s being abused, or suspects it, and it takes everything in her power not to just lock him in her house where he’s safe. she offers him extra food when he’s over and look. billy has a thing about moms ( no, not that thing ). he thinks all moms deserve respect ( susan to some degree, but only because she replaced his mom so he’s biased in that regard ). he offers to help with dishes, always says “yes ma’am” and “no ma’am” and joyce just eats it up. 
steve is similar if not the same. there’s never been a parent he hasn’t charmed. plus, he willingly totes her son around without payment ( despite her offering ) so she adores him. as far as joyce is concerned she has four ( 4 ) sons. 
when she finds out they’re dating, she reminds them that if they ever need a place to stay, her door is always open for them. 
( hopper ) i mean :/ hopper is a cop, how do you think billy feels about cops? not great. he doesn’t trust ‘em, doesn’t like ‘em, and the feeling is usually mutual. and it is here at first too, but damn is it hard for hopper to ignore the signs of child abuse. he even tries to approach billy about it, but he can’t do shit to neil without proof and up until neil goes after max billy just refuses to admit to anything. 
plus, jane loves billy and she’s so convincing :/ in the end, hopper is protective of all these kids, he’s just grumpy about it. 
also, he likes steve. or, more accurately, he likes who steve is becoming. remember, before billy, steve was probably the closest hawkins got to a troublemaker. how many times had hopper probably knocked on the widow of the BMW at lover’s lake and told steve and his friend to scram? how many parties either thrown by steve or attended by steve has he raided? and now here steve harrington is, maturing, taking care of kids, becoming an adult. that’s the steve hopper likes. he even thinks, maybe, that kind of kid would one day make a good cop. 
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Oooh, I know this isn't exactly what you asked but do you think maybe write some HCs for Mike/Will/Eleven? I have a mighty need for some cuteness for you because let's face it you are AWESOME at it 💟❤💓💕
Um, YES. Anything for you. I just got back from outside where it is 900 million degrees, so even tho I just wrote a summer thing yesterday, here we effin go
its the last summer before college and it is fucking h o t
everyone has a lot to worry about - college, jobs, etc
but mike just wants to spend time with his bf and gf, he doesn’t seem to be stressing like most of his friends
will tries to encourage mike and el to be serious about college apps - will’s already been accepted into art school but mike never wants to talk about school stuff and el follows mike’s lead - frustrating to say the least
mike distracts will with kisses, which will is embarrassingly weak against
el whines the most about how hot the summers get
whenever the three of them spend time in mike’s basement, el strips down to her underwear cause she’s still hot
mike and will have stopped trying to tell her not to do that, she knows better and she just doesn’t care
they have a lot of instances of shoving el into her ever-present blanket fort when mike’s mom checks on them
mike’s mom has no idea the three of them are dating
(sometimes karen thinks mike might be dating el, he’s clearly smitten with her, but she’s also seen el holding will’s hand and mike never seems to spend time alone with el anymore so…)
mike’s parents are the only ones who have no idea about their son’s odd relationship… joyce pretends she doesn’t know because will is so happy, hopper isn’t the happiest camper but as long as el keeps her door open when they’re over and they treat her respectfully, then he’ll deal
its almost impossible to keep el away from water
sprinklers going? she’s running through it, no shits given
lake? jumping in. city swimming pool? she’s not opposed to using her powers to scoot people out of her way. bathtub? she doesn’t even lock the door, its led to a few awkward moments
mike thinks its cute most of the time and always attempts to grab her for hugs and, if no one’s around, he’ll kiss her face all over - its sickeningly sweet
will wishes she’d show just a little restraint cause sometimes she gets yelled at for running on people’s lawns and its uncomfortable, also she’ll grab will’s shirt and get it all wet
but they both love swimming with her when they get the chance cause she’s so happy, even in the public pool
el likes to wrestle in the pool, mike’s always up for it even tho people give them dirty looks
will doesn’t necessarily mind except that he always loses wrestling matches with el
el challenges will to contests like ‘who can hold their breath the longest’ instead
there’s always lots of fleeting touches in the pool cause no one’s paying that much attention to them, its thrilling
will especially gets a kick out of that cause he can’t hold mike’s hand in public or give him kisses, but if mike wants to touch his waist or hold his hand or even pick him up in the pool, no one even looks twice
dustin, lucas, and max like to make fun of them
of course they know their friends are dating, they’re not effing blind and at this point they’re used to it
so lots of joking around and fake gagging noises at pda and sometimes when they’re just hanging out around town, the whole group likes to debate who’s gonna take who’s last name when these three losers get married
(mike is not thrilled that his friends think it’ll be mrs. jane eleven hopper with her husbands, michael hopper and william hopper… that’s not even funny, you losers)
will always gets a little emotional when his friends joke about marriage cause he loves mike and eleven so much
el was really mad the first time mike explained to her they couldn’t all ACTUALLY get married
mike was really flustered about it cause the explanation also felt like a promise, a really big one…
el complains whenever their friends want to hang out outside or at the park
she and max are ultra awesome skateboard buddies now and el loves it but she also hates being hot so its a toughie
she’ll tolerate it though, as long as its a private enough place that she can lean on / snuggle / kiss one of her boyfriends when the sun tires her out
thankfully these nerds also like to hang out in mike’s basement and play d&d, especially since this is the last summer they’ll all be together
mike and will do stop eleven from stripping to her undies when their friends are around tho
el eventually cuts up a pair of her jeans to turn into short shorts to wear when she can’t strip
mike choked the first time he saw her in ‘em, its so far from her usual style and her legs look really nice and he’s kind of scared if she bends over that everyone’s gonna see way too much
but she only wears them in the basement and she always puts a blanket over her lap if mike’s parents check in, so its tolerated
will’s always been way more attracted to boys - namely, mike - so sometimes he gets overwhelmed with his feelings for el
he’s gotten used to seeing her in bathing suits and her underwear so that’s ok, but sometimes she still catches him off guard by little things, like when she smiles and his heart beats faster…
why her smile affects will more than her state of undress is a good question, and he used to worry about it, but he does want to kiss her and touch her and he likes it when she touches him, so he tries not to worry about it too much
on fourth of july, hopper takes them to downtown indianapolis for fireworks
(lucas couldn’t come because his mom wanted one last holiday before he moves away for college; dustin was excited about going but max offered to watch fireworks in town with him… cause max isn’t oblivious that mike, will, and el have a chance at a ‘date,’ if hopper doesn’t supervise too closely)
its more of a festival than any of them thought it would be, except hopper who’s been there before years ago
hopper gives el money and tells her where to meet him for fireworks later in the evening, but he’s giving mike and will some disapproving looks the whole time too
still… hopper leaves them alone, and mike wonders not for the first time if hopper knows more about the relationship than he lets on
festivals are fun… mike and will try to win teddy bears for el at various games
will has to explain to el several times why she can’t use her powers to win, but she still ends up getting mike and will a few teddy bears
they end up giving all their winnings to some little kids but will keeps one of the bears el won for him; no one asks questions, el just kisses him on the cheek when she notices
fireworks are fun
they have a blanket in a grassy area; hopper sits next to el, el next to mike, mike next to will…
if hopper notices that el and will are holding mike’s hands, he doesn’t comment
as summer starts to come to a close, will is low-key having an anxiety attack about college
mike’s been reassuring all summer that it’ll work out and their relationship is ongoing but will doesn’t even know where mike and el are going to school / if they’re going to school / where they’re going to live
mike is finally like ??? “we’ve known you were going to art school since junior year so i figured out what was nearby”
will could just hit him… but mike doesn’t see what the big deal is
mike’s going to school to be a doctor, which totally blows will’s mind - mike’s talked about it in passing before but he never sounded super serious
mike admits that he doesn’t know what eleven is gonna do, she keeps insisting on wanting to be a police officer but she’s also been hoarding pamphlets for some social work school
will is half-relieved they’re going to be close, half-mad that mike never just told him that
“i didn’t think it was a big deal”
yeah, mike’s an idiot
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
Michelmas seemed to be more celebrated than Christmas in Regency times. I think we only get the one mention of Christmas (in 'Emma'). How would Jane Austen's characters have celebrated Christmas? (I've been waiting since Halloween to ask this.)
Michaelmas was probably more notable in a legal and agricultural sense, as it marked a financial quarter when some wages would be due, and fell around harvest-time (A Big Deal) and saw the beginning of a term in the Inns of Court. It has liturgical significance in the Church of England, of course, but nothing like the significance of Easter or Christmas, even in the Regency. (And of the two, Easter was still the bigger deal.)
Now, Christmas…
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Naturally the Regency slightly precedes the glut of what are now cliches surrounding the notion of an English Christmas celebration, much of which was ushered in by Victorian fads and the burgeoning consumerist culture among the exploding monied-middle-class. Also, my problematic fave fuckboy, Dickens.
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The celebration of Christmas in the Regency would have been, I think, a subtler affair than what was seen later in the century, though not necessarily less boisterous. In 1824, shortly after the end of the Regency, Christmas celebrations around Pall Mall were noted for their “rampant, insolent, outrageous drunkenness,” though more teetotal trends were increasingly apparent. Regency Christmas probably owed more to the Georgians than the incoming Victorians, so it’s safe to say that any establishment that could afford it would be well-furnished for booze during the holiday season. (In 1815, guests at hotels could regularly consume five bottles of wine a day, and there were many fashionable “three-bottle men” at regular dinner parties.)
In the spirit of the season, charity would have been an integral part of Christmas observances at the time. In the late 18th century, a good parson is noted as giving out gifts of money to poor housekeepers and single people in his parish on St. Thomas’ Day (21 December) and later inviting the poor for a meal on Christmas Day, later writing of it in his own records:This being Christmas Day, I went to Church this morn’ and then read prayers and administered the Holy Sacrament. Mr. and Mrs. Custance [the squire and his wife] both at Church and both received the Sacrament from my hands. The following poor old men dined at my house to day, as usual, Js. Smith, Clerk; Richd. Bates, Richd. Buck; Thos. Cary; Thos. Dicker; Thos. Cushin; Thos. Carr –to each besides gave 1/0 - in all 0.7.0. I gave them for dinner a surloin of beef rosted and plenty of plumb-pudding. We had mince pies for the first time to-day.Houses would be decked with seasonal evergreens, usually holly or laurel boughs. The same clergyman wrote, in 1791:
This being Christmas Eve, had my windows as usual ornamented with small branches of Hulver (alias Holley) properly seeded [with berries].
Genteel people would attend a religious service on the morning of Christmas Day, followed by a dinner with plum-pudding and mince pies. (’Plums’ actually being raisins or currants, in these instances.) On Twelfth Night, 6 January, a ‘Twelfth-cake’ would be baked and eaten, containing a bean and a pea (presumably dried) to chose the ‘king and queen’ of the night’s festivities, which were generally the singing of carols and a feast.
A newer custom was to give servants and tradesmen small presents of money, called ‘Christmas boxes’, but in general at the time gifts were more likely to be exchanged at the New Year, and many people still customarily celebrated Old Christmas Day on what is now Twelfth Night (calendars had been changed in 1752, losing eleven days.) One man complained of an employee:
The Clerk was here today carrying out dung tho not yesterday it being old Christmas day as he calls it and therefore a holiday; that is after he had kept a week of holidays for new Christmas day.
Personally, I think we should bring this cheeky Two Christmases back.
Christmas hymns and carols would be sung, and the Yule tradition of ‘wassailing’ would see singers visiting homes on January 5th or 6th (though some, keeping to the old calendar, would go on ‘Old Twelvey Night’ on 17 January.) Modern caroling is a practice distinct from wassailing, but they’re similar enough to often be conflated, as both involve house-to-house singing in groups in exchange for treats offered by the homeowner. In feudal times these would have been the tenants singing for the good-will and blessing of their lord and master, who would then offer the hospitality of food and drink in return. In some parts, this largely innocent tradition took on a rowdier tone, with bands of young men said to break into well-to-do houses and demand their free bite and sup, and if the household refused, vandalism and curses would follow. (Like hardcore Halloween trick-or-treating.) Wassail itself is a hot, spiced, fruity, wine punch (sometimes spiked with brandy or sherry because why the hell not?) drunk from a shared large two-handled bowl in a spirit of community goodwill.
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It was a time of flux in the traditions of English celebrations, as new industry and urban living began to shift focus away from England’s more pastoral observations of older Yuletide traditions, though people continued to mark the solstice with general celebrations and varying regional customs. The Christmas Austen would have known would have been primarily marked by the service her father would have given in church, charity for the local poor, as well as gifts to servants and labourers, and perhaps some quiet parties at home or a festive assembly or ball for friends and neighbours, with plenty to eat and drink.
Which still sounds like a solid Christmas, to me.
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God rest you merry, followers!
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rhaenyradragon · 7 years
More thoughts on Stranger Things season 2
While i agree that season 1 was really the most iconic, and it will be very difficult to top that, i think season 2 was almost a PERFECT sequel for me. 
In season 1 everything was really new and fresh, and now we already know the game and the players, but having this in mind, the duff brothers allowed the game to grow in some very surprising ways and one of the best things that season 2 did was to mix some characters and bring them together to one big purpose. The iconic duo made by Steve and Dustin, for example.
Also, i really like how they share the focus more between all the gang. Last season was more about Eleven and Mike, and now in season 2 EVERYONE had a key arc, and it was really good to see more of Dustin's family and Lucas family (lol Luca's sister). Not to mention that we also saw a lot more of Will (who was gone for the entire S1 btw), and had TONS of more screen time this season. And talking about Will, we have to talk about Noah Schnapp. 
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That little guy deserves EVERY AWARD out there. His performance in the entire season 2 was phenomenal, and out of this world.
p.s: This poor kid deserves a break from all demo-dog drama in season 3. :)
I have to say, Stranger Things really is special in all kind of ways. This cast, this group of kids. They are all so talented and their chemistry together is something so unique. They deserved all the sucess and the praise.
Steve Harrington. woah. Talk about a incredible development. Breaking Steve and Nancy apart was the best thing they could do for Steve's character. It allowed him to grow into his own character instead of having his motivations define by his relationship with Nancy. His interactions with all the kids and especially Dustin was for sure one of the BEST things of season 2, easily. We NEED more of this in season 3. Best babysitter EVER.
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And Dustin. Ah, is such a great character. He is the most pure ball of sunshine and i'm glad he had way more moments to shine this season. He deserves.
I also LOVED Eleven and Hooper's father and daughter relationship. In the end, Hoppers biggest fear was that he could lose Eleven like he lost her daughter. I'm glad they reunited and can't wait for more scenes with them in S3.
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My favorite reunion EVER has to be Mike and Eleven. How cute was that! He missed her so much. His reaction when he discovered that Hooper knew that Eleven was there..wow! Great acting by Finn. We could feel Mike's pain. And when they danced together in episode 9..my heart.
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Nancy and Jonathan. Well, i loved their relationship in S1, i'm happy they finally work things out and i still think they have great chemistry, but their relationship was way better developed last year tho.
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Lucas and Max. Well, they are cute, but that's it. Not a very interesting history or dynamic like Mike and Eleven. I think Max is okay, but they for sure need to develop her more. I don't like how they introduced her basically to create another love triangle and put some angst between Lucas and Dustin. Hope they develop her outside of the boys in next season. 
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(Billy) is really annoying, but i have to say that his scene with Mike and Nancy's mom was hilarious lol.
R.I.P Bob. That guy deserved better. I knew in the minute he was going for that suicide mission, but at least he died as a true hero. We all know Joyce and Hooper will be together at some point, and probably season 3. 
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Episodes 6, 8 and 9 were really fantastic and the best ones. I think episode 7 was not bad as some were saying. I think the episode had a purpose. It was a very different Stranger Things episode, so that's why people didnt liked much, but it was necessary i think, for a Eleven's arc point of view. And Eleven saying 'bitchin' was glorious lol. 
I only feel that Eleven's mom arc was a little too fast and felt rushed, but i guess not everything can be perfect. And about episode 7 again, I think the Duff Brothers will probably bring that arc back somehow in season 3. I mean, Eleven isn't the only one out there with some very powerful powers and that's something.
Also: The soundtrack. AMAZING, AMAZING. There's no other show with better soundtrack in these days, i tell you that. The 80s <3.
p.s1: I wish we had more scenes with Eleven and the group like in S1, but i understand it had to be that way.
p.s3: Jane is a beautiful name, but she will always be eleven.
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Thursday 24th March 1825
7 40/60
2 3/4
A long grubbling last night and the kiss she said that for the first time she had had her strongest before I had mine, mine was quite at the last – 
Breakfast at 9 – Mrs B- [Barlow] and I off at 10 3/4 to Miss Gauntlet (chez Madame Frederic, rue Saint Honoré) – we all went to the Elysée Bourbon – surprised to find our billet of no use – we could not see the palace for all the furniture was packed up to go to Rheims for the coronation – on our return saw l’eglise de la madeleine – Had it been allowed to remain as a temple de gloire, and had the original plan of the interior been allowed to remain unaltered, it would have been one of the finest buildings in Europe, but the alterations made to adapt it for a roman catholic church, have utterly spoilt it; and I told the woman who shewed us round, that, were I the architect, I should die of chagrin to see my work so ruined – the 2 colossal Corinthian columns from the bottom to the top of the building, intended I suppose to form the separation between the nave and chancel – and the apsis or [rotende] for the grand altar, to say nothing of the style of ornament chosen for the cornices – are totally incongruous with the magnificent but plain and severe architecture of the temple – the king and duchess of Berri have just been there and had decided on the cornice ornaments which traced in fresco to shew the effect – the church is to be finished as soon as possible for the church of the Assomption is too small – from my manner of regret, the woman thought I should like to see the architect M. [Viguen], rue Melée, no. 40 – Madame Galvani tells me they have worked at this building already 30 years – the fine exterior columns tout antou were in the original plan, much wider apart and much larger and of finer proportions, but the then government had them done as at present to correspond better with the peristyle of the chambre des deputés, whose columns are much too close, and whose faulty architecture is most conspicuous – 
At the stand in there rue de Luxembourg, took a fiacre, drove (along the boulevards) to rue Mont Parnasse, no. 3, and took up Jane – there to the Institute royal des Sourds-muets, and got there at 1 1/4, 1/4 hour after the séance had begun – the room was quite full – but a gentleman of the Institution very civilly shewed us across the tribune whence M.L abbé serrier was speaking and we were placed close to it – I had in fact a very good seat brought from which I could see and hear everything – the answers given in writing by 3 of the grown up pupils (quite young though) to the miscellaneous questions asked them were wonderful, [imaginative] as they bespoke the writers as well informed as quick and [lauding] ideas on the subjects as just and clean as any of our senior wranglers at Oxford the questions asked were numerous – moral, metaphysical, historical – [what is] eternity? this question M. Serrier said hed been asked 20 times and the answer given had been always nearly the same – the definition was altogether precise, ending with ‘c’est l’age de Dien’ – Ditto might be said of the definition of reconnaissance, which ended with ‘c’est la memoire du coeur – the question [Re boudeir] est il absolu ou rélatif? was very well answered, as also ‘what is the difference between the characters of Nero and Trajan – the séance which began at 1 was over at 3 – the room small too [slow] and unworthy of its purpose – En sortant – found 2 or 3 stalls arranged along the pass near the outer door, containing several little pretty things turned in wood by the poor boys – very well done – did not buy anything but a small book giving 2 answers given by a sourdenuet and giving also an explanation of the ‘Ecriture manuelle’, or the [manners] of conversing with the deaf and dumb of all [counts] by means of the fingers – 
We all 4 walked leisurely home (Mrs B- [Barlow] sent back Jane afterwards) – called at the shop where I bought my Pliny’s natural history – the man asked 14 francs for a delphin edition of martel with Smidt’s notes, and 9 francs instead of 8 as before, for a variorum edition – I offered 12 francs for the former – he said he would take 13 – perhaps I may go again about it – got home at 4 – Miss Gauntlet left us at the foot of the stairs – she said lady Charlotte Beauchere, (1 of the daughters of the duke of saint Albans) was going to Madame de Rosny for a year – Madame de R- [Rosny] had asked 400 francs a month for lady C- [Charlotte] and her dame de compagnie, but the French lady who made the agreement for her ladyship, and who had been in England, said this was not enough and that lady C- [Charlotte] would pay 500 a month for herself and 250 for her dame de compagnie making nearly double what was asked !!! 
Miss G paid two hundred a month Madame de Rosny made a pretty little income by her own industry a great deal of contraband going on in Paris ladies of rank carry it on Mrs de Rosny sent the thing by means of the Austrian thro the English ambassador to London Miss G would not recommend any single lady there nor would she on this account have staid herself because tho she does not all believe it yet Madame de R is so generally esteemed the mistress of the Austrian ambassador it would not do –
Went to look at the affiches at the corner of the rue de Beaune, finding Talma not to play tonight but tomorrow came home to find Madame Galvani here – sat with her tête à tête in dining room an hour – 
It is Mr de Mortigny who goes every Sunday who was her amant she and her husband were the making of him she loved him seven years but he then deceived her in something ill avait dementi she said she would see him no more and immediately left Paris and went to her fathers at Rome where she had so violent an illness. Her husband asked if he should send for Mr de Mortigny she said no and thinking never to recover. Made an absolute donation of all her property to her husband but for this she could not have been as she is now did she love Mr de Mortigny now she would never admit him but she does not yet his wife has a horror of her thinks her the most dangerous of women and that she is the only one who troubles Mr de Mortignys rest but Madame G has told him she never wishes to see him if it annoys his wife he might get her some place but tho he makes great professions about it he does nothing I said id not like him at all he was poltron which she seems to think true saying he is like all french men –
Madame G- [Galvani] asked what she should leave me if she died – said I, the picture of yours, you shewed me – she promised to do so –promised to see her tomorrow if I went on Saturday – if not to see her on Sunday – she will be 46 tomorrow – tis her birthday – 
On going in to Mrs B [Barlow] found her quite grave saw some thing was not right guessed she had not liked my being so long [tete-tete] with Madame G [Galvani] could make nothing of her went out thinking fits like these will never suit me. On returning I myself was very grave by after dinner she had come round she had fancied Madame G [Galvani] and I had ceased talking when she entered once I knew nothing about it joked her said she was fanciful she owned it and said she had thought if she was mine she might be very miserable I was so much admired and liked by the ladies in yorkshire and they had such opportunities of besetting me all this was because she loved me so much I laughed and we got quite right she lay down while I wrote all this page of today – 
From 5 to 5 40/60 sauntered through the gardened to rue de Rivoli no. 36, and bought a large plum cake for Madame G- [Galvani] to be sent tomorrow on her birthday – the man asked 24 francs but when I said it was a commission I could only give 20 francs and ordered one to be made at this price he said he would rather sell me for this price that at 24, and so let me have it – 
From 5 3/4 till it was too dark to see by day light wrote the first 29 lines of today – the servants being out made us not have dinner till 6 3/4 – at 9 25/60 had just finished writing the last page of today – very fine day – sunny – Fahrenheit 43˚ at 10 3/4 a.m. and 39˚ at 10 3/4 p.m. – tea at 9 3/4 – settling my accounts which took me perhaps 1/4 hour – sat talking – 
At about eleven and three quarters took her on my knee and began grubbling she having no support for her back lay her on the bed knelt down by her grubbled well and had the kiss. We both groaned over she declaring towards the last that the pleasure became pain I said she had never given me so good an one. We both got in to bed to have a little nap took about an hours doze then absolutely grubbled again and had another very good kiss the kiss tho not quite so good as the one before then another hours nap and got up about two [foundress] and go regularly to bed – each took a glass of hot weak brandy and water and after my doubting a moment whether to have still another kiss we both fell asleep about three –
Ɛ (two dots underneath) O (no dots)
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