#i could have watched si many more weird anime if i had just put my comfort above others feelings
scorpioniccompound · 1 year
I could have been so cool (played more weird VNs) in hs if I hadn't been so lame (obsessed with what other people thought/caring too much about boys)
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squeiky · 4 years
!!!List of papyrus things!!!
(Update 3! mini update.)
For anyone who needs more info on the guy! Since you usually dont see alot of info about him!
A list of stuff thats just papyrus's tid bits i've collected overtime!
(Disclaimer: some things can be taken off of memory, though I did search most of the stuff up, so you dont have to worry too much. But if your feeling unsure, search it up! And correct me while your at it.)
his room doesn't play/have music.
(If you have reunited playing at enter his room, it'll disappear forever. Untill you go back and let it play again. Even without reunited, a song that plays no matter what room your in, doesn't play any music.)
Never takes off his battle body.
(According to sans, he only takes it off if he has no other choice too. Otherwise he'll just put clothes ontop of it, or just repaints it if needed. He does how ever, change his pants but never takes off the top.)
the minute "royal gaurd " is out of the picture, he's got nothing.
(It was the one thing he worked up for. When the royal gaurd disbands He says he "working hard on doing absolutely nothing". Then again this can be interpreted as papyrus does say he is working on something, despite not being a royal gaurd yet.)
He lies. (And can manipulate)
(Though he is really bad at lying, he seems to manipulate just fine, though its usually not out of malice. He gets undyne to befreind you by mentioning "challenge", which is a weakness of hers, since she never can turn down a challenge. And has lied about floweys name to her to. Has lied to sans or atleast mislead him about the things he knows about. Pretended he didn't know what a lab was during a call in hotland, but if you call him when sans isn't there, papyrus mentions the lab as if it was common knowledge instead of saying "Labrador-y?" As if he had no idea.)
Changes up his attacks
( if you get captured a few times, you see variation in his attacks. If you do it right, you can get him too skip half of his entire attack.)
Calls his own puzzles "Awful"
(This happens after battling papyrus, he says "WHO KNEW THAT ALL I NEEDED TO MAKE PALS... WAS TO GIVE PEOPLE AWFUL PUZZLES AND THEN FIGHT THEM??" This could be interpreted in many ways.)
Spikes, fire, traps, fencless bridges: are all safe for children, according to papyrus.
Has "talked" with asgore before.
(Sadly, asgore and papyrus has crossed paths. Asgore advises him not to but dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. Papyrus wants to put dangerous puzzles around town, for the children. This results in them bickering over saftey laws, with papyrus usually winning.)
Tried to start a flowey fan club
(On multiple occasions calls flowey "his best freind" and shows genuine love for the little guy. He even gave flowey a little red scarf to match his, during the 5th anniversary winter alarm clock.)
Has photo-graphic memory for phone calls.
-call in the room where undyne chased you. He seems nervous, or atleast stressed out during this call. I'll leave any and all interpretation to you.)
(Ps: papyrus has bad memory, but good photographic memory?)
His disliking for grease
(Says this during a call with undyne in grillby's place. Undyne says she loves grease, and he quickly dismisses his opinion in favor of hers. Of course, papyrus HAS visited grillbys before, as the dogamy and doggeressa mention him with sans. )
Calls alphys "great"
(During the first tile puzzle, he praises alphys by calling her "THE GREAT DR. ALPHYS" )
Knows about undynes crush on alphus
(He teases undyne a few times on this, leading to the "hot voice" and "audible wink" papyrus lines. He's not oblivious to the things around him, unless he chooses to be.)
Put limes in his eyes!
(Conversation in hotland! The guy thought limes where cucumbers and stuck them in his eyes. When. He thought it wasn't working he put more limes. It burned like hell but he says it was all to have "mettaton's bishoning eyes")
Knows about mtt's eyes
(Nobody seems to know that mettaton has eyes?! Undyne confirms this fact. Papyrus is the only one who outright mentions it.)
He got mettaton to do the tile puzzle thing
(FOR SOME UNEXPLAINED REASON- mettaton was the tile puzzle robot alphys built. The puzzle robot papyrus had during his own tile puzzle. Infact, during mettaton's tile puzzle in hotland, he says that you'd is this a few hundred rooms ago. If you call papyrus, he starts rambling on all the instructions again. Hehe.)
he likes dinosaur oatmeal
(According to the undertale tumblr, flowey response to "whats papyrus's favorite food?" Is DINOSAUR OATMEAL!! YAY!)
really enjoys mtt's show and mtt in general.
(and mtt even helped him with a tile puzzle)
enjoys cars
Owns a car bed
(Want to drive one)
really freaking artistic!
(Paints a whole bridge, makes a snowpapyrus, made his own costume/battle body, built a okay replica of a sentry station)
The red book on the table in the skelebro's house is infact his!
(For specifics, the quantum mechanics book with infinite books inside of it. It isn't specified who reads it, but both brothers should be capable as jokes and puns are not out of papyrus wardrobe.)
has his own shed and tools.
(Also known as "the punishment shed, doghouse, cpature zone, guest room, a garage" or undyne's pun which was "the coolshed". Ah, to be enriched by shed puns... Wonderful.)
tried to learn the "horoscope"
(Got "stumped" according to sans)
thinks junior jumble is harder than crossword
wants a 6 pairs of hot pants and 6 pairs of legs to wear those pants
has a dream of owning a shop where he just sells flames
(Call near in waterfall, near the turtle man shop.)
He's very influential
(If he's the only one killed in a neutral run, even without undyne, a revolution will still occur. Look into it yourself if need be.)
Called himself a genius
(During the instance, where he talks to you after turning the light on in sans's room.)
Can't really tell when someones mad
(He couldn't tell when undyne was mad at him during a call. He asks us too.)
Doesn't watch anime.
(He thinks its like cartoons for babies. Jokes around with undyne for awhile before taking it all back once he knew she watched anime.-during one of the calls.)
Brutal kind of guy
(He says this himself, i don't exactly know WHY he thinks this of himself, but he does.)
Owns a bookshelf
(He has a book Its where his vast dictionary comes from.
Knows about the time and space manipulation tactics sans uses.
believes you can be a better person, if you just try.
(And he's right. Even if you kill him he still believes this, beacuse well.. Its true. Undyne wont forgive you and try to kill you, sans won't fight you, bht he's still right either way)
Knows about river person
(He asks about how river person is doing. No body seems to know about river person, and its unsure if undyne knows about their prescence.)
The days in his date scene (Monday, Tuesday, weekday, Thursday,e.c.t ) changes depending on your computer. Even though the date in undertale is always Monday.
(River person has a scheduled thing that matches up to your computer date as well, but this is about papyrus, not river person.)
Weird abilities
(Flying and super speedy twirling, flying backwards. He doesn't even hide it.)
He's pretty freaking tough!
(According to undyne, the person who defeated asgore.)
His "absolutely normal attack" is a giant cluster of bones.
(In theory, his attack could be the size of the entire area, including the giant bone at the end.)
Papyrus can lower the giant bone at the end of his "absolutely normal attack"
Has Collection of bones (or was planning to make one.)
(The room behind the sink was made for.. His attacks/bones. Before toby(dog)came in and made a shrine instead.)
Is annoying dog's favorite target.
Has a cannon, spears, fire thingy, and a dog at his disposal.
(Displayed during the bridge scene)
One persistent dude.
Likes to say "NYEHEHE!"
Has alot of MTT items.
Owns makeup!
(Mtt brand of course!)
Never dated anyone before.
(He says it himself.)
owns a dating manual
Not much of a sleeper.
(To the point where he just calls sleeping "naps" which aren't that long. He outright says he's always working, so he doesn't sleep.)
Dislikes hotland
dislikes hotland x2
Dislikes hotlands puzzles
Dislikes hotlands ethics.
Doesnt know much about hotland
(Says he knows it like the back of his hand!)
Says he never taken off his gloves, so he has no idea how his hands look like.
(He wears gloves or mittens on top of his gloves. And refuses to take it off, like his "battle body")
Calls hotland's steam puzzles garbage.
Dislikes hotlands conveyors
Thinks L1 and R2 stand for left and right
( Of course, it takes him awhile. He starts making puns, and tries to compare the words to pasta, and THEN comes to the conclusion that its left and right. Its Trail and error.-)
Knows about death.
(Said he wanted to meet death one time during a waterfall call.)
He pauses when speaking as a lost soul.
("I MUST CAPTURE A HUMAN! THEN EVERYONE WILL. ...." This is unusual as he is the only one that pauses. This can be interpreted, but it is rather interesting nonetheless)
Alright this is a bit more interpretive. Things may not be 100% facts down here.
Disclaimer: i will be putting "Interpretive" in red coloring for things that have may my interpretation or opinions in! Please do be mindful in your search, and take it with a grain of salt. It doesn't make it comepelty wrong, it has facts! Just muddled with oppinions.
self-worth problems.
( can be called interpretive: He always feels very unimportant, as if he doesn't actually matter. During a call in waterfall, with the puddle hallway, papyrus talks about not letting it "get to you" or something along the lines of that. Since undyne speaks from her experience with the puddles, then i'd assume papyrus would too.)
(I think its just a sign of self doubt or insecurity. Someone once said its dysphoria, which is a cool headcannon for paps or something. What ever it is, he has some demons that he doesn't want to let out.)
( according to the genocide description)
( Interpretive: Other than that, he's not even noticable. Though, there are a few people that appreciate him, most dont really acknowledge him. Unless you kill him of course!)
( interpreitive as well:Before the human showed up, sans explains how his brother was feeling quite down lately. We see a.. Happier side of papyrus through out our journey.. He vents out to us, the player/human, about things he dislikes, or troubles he faces. Hes like a froggit. Life is hard for a froggit.)
Smiles through things.
("This is where I tried to capture you! What a bad memory." -quote he says as he smiles through it all. He does have a sad emote, but so far i have only seen it during a call in hotland, where the CORE was shown. As your adventure is coming close.. To an end.)
Uses his playful "OUCH!" emote when you straight up kill him. Instead of his hurting/in pain emote when flowey catches him off guard before absorbing everyonesones souls.
(The reason is unkown, but that emote is normally associated with more of "light taps." Examples are, toriel's fireballs at asgore and flowey. Unless... Cutting off his head was considered a "light tap" then, but flowey wrapping him in painful vines is considered more painful than getting his head chopped off and still having enough consciousness to joke about it.)
He knows his cooking sucks and that nobody likes it.
(He's not naive. He knows. He even says it. "Nobody has like my cooking before!" - QUOTE. This isn't some hidden fact. He's trying his best, "mabye next year, he might even make something edible." -sans quote.)
That was all the stuff i gathered for now.
Feel free to tell me anything i haven't added! :)
yeah, hes a pretty cool dude, ain't he?
(Edit: i've added some new things to the bunch, and fixed/deleted ome opinions or unrelated junk. Please, continue helping me add!)
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chaoticevilbean · 4 years
Voltron Humans are Weird 4/?
"What the heck, Coran?" Lance's shout echoed through the hallways. When more, less coherent shouts continued from the Blue Paladin, probably directed at Coran, the other Paladins followed the noise curiously.
In the middle of the medbay, laying on the floor, Lance was struggling to get Coran's hands off of his leg. The Altean seemed to be trying to drag the boy into a healing pod, only stopped by the death grip the human had on a nearby table. It was definitely a good thing all the tables were magnetized to the floor to avoid movement.
"Coran, I told you, I'm fine!" Lance screamed at the alien. "I don't need a healing pod!"
"You shouted gibberish and didn't react to something shocking!" Coran countered. "For you, that's all that is needed to warrant at least a scan!"
"That was one time! We were in the middle of a battle!"
"You didn't come in afterwards!"
"GUYS!" Shiro hollered over the two of them. The duo froze, staring at the Black Paladin. Both seemed extremely hopeful that he would support their side of the argument. "What is going on? Lance first, mostly because this might be another 'humans can do weird things'."
"Coran and I were just cleaning the healing pods, and you're not supposed to keep using one of the rags if it gets to a certain level of dirty. So, I'm over here," Lance pointed to the left-most side, "Coran's over there," he pointed to the right, "and he's got the bucket we're supposed to put the rags in when they're done. And I just finished my rag, and I don't want to walk all the way over there, then all the way back, just to put it in the bucket. So I ball it up, toss it into the bucket from where I'm sitting, and shout, 'Kobe!' Coran turns right as this happens, and his eyes went all wide, then the next thing I know, he's tackling me and demanding I go into the healing pod."
"Coran, what's your side of the story?"
"Why aren't you questioning his side?" Coran asked instead.
"What d'you mean?"
"He claims to have thrown something from there to there and hit his target," the Altean gestured as he spoke, "and says he shouted some form of gibberish as he did, and you aren't challenging it."
"Well, sure, it's a bit hard to believe someone made that shot, but Lance has good aim. And 'Kobe' is what some people shout when they throw and make the shot. It isn't that strange."
"So Lance has been trained in throwing?"
"... I'm beginning to think this is something that has to do with us being humans and you being Altean."
"What is this about throwing?" Allura walked into the room, pausing to give both Coran and Lance an appraising look.
"OF COURSE!" Pidge yelled suddenly. The entire group turned to stare at her, confused. Seeing this, she launched into an explanation.
"We've already learned that humans are a lot different than most aliens, maybe all. We have high tolerances to things that are considered deadly, we adapt to new environments and temperatures with ease, we literally consider living with other predators that aren't sentient to be completely normal. It would make sense that Alteans..." Pidge paused for the drama, "...are like primates." Lance, Hunk, and Keith all let out noises of understanding, though Shiro, Allura, and Coran remained confused. Lance clicked his tongue, ignoring the weird looks he got from his alien peers, and instead started his own explanation.
"In the Garrison, we had an entire biology unit dedicated to the fact that humans are extremely unique compared to Earth animals. One of the biggest discussion topics was the one about how primates, our closest biological counterparts, can't throw things very well. But humans..." Lance stopped, jerking his leg from Coran's grasp, and stood. He grabbed a small roll of bandages, then turned sharply.
"Catch!" Hunk caught the roll, tossing it to Shiro quickly. The leader snatched it from the air on reflex, chucking it at Keith's head, who then lobbed it at Pidge. The motions quickly escalated into a game of hot potato, though there was no timer. Lance almost dropped the bandages when Hunk faked throwing it at Shiro again, before instead flinging it towards his buddy. The Cuban caught it with his foot, bouncing it up into his hands and launching it back at his bro.
The Alteans watched on, frozen in abject shock. They had been so sure that most of the Paladins had never completed their training, but here they saw that the humans could throw with extreme speed and precision. If it was something they all could do, then it was no wonder Shiro didn't question Lance's accuracy.
"When did you all learn to throw?"
"Two! Booyah!" Lance cheered as he flung the roll into the bin where it was meant to be.
"You are very skilled for having learned two decaphoebs ago. Or rather, less than two, given your strange times," Coran praised. The humans shared weird looks with each other, preparing themselves for what was about to happen.
"Um, Coran," the Blue Paladin began. "I didn't learn two decaphoebs or two years ago."
"Then what did you mean by two?" Allura inquired, curiosity piqued.
"I learned when I was two years old."
"You learned... how to throw... with speed and accuracy... at less than two decaphoebs old?"
"Yep. It's a little early, but my brothers wanted me to start practicing so I could join some sports when I grew up. Probably why I'm the sharpshooter now."
"How do you say that so casually?" Allura demanded. "It takes decaphoebs of experience to learn to throw with even a little accuracy. Alteans and Galrans can throw with some speed because of our strength, but even then, we cannot throw much more than a few meters. Coran can throw due to practicing since he began his training, but he misses a quarter of the time."
"Well, humans have the natural ability to throw with a bit of speed and accuracy, and we have a lot of activities that are based on that fact. Sports like basketball, baseball, football, ultimate frisbee, all of them require being able to throw. I learned to throw better at a younger age, but things like a simple game of catch is pretty simple. What we just did was easy because we aren't that far from each other and there are only so many directions that we'll aim for." Hunk shrugged as he finished his answer. He had been the most involved in that unit of the Garrison.
"You all can throw because of biology? Not training?"
"I mean, if we want to throw better, we still have to practice, but yeah, that's the basics of it all. Watch. Lance, go long!" Hunk tugged off his shoe, waited for his bro to reach a certain spot, then hurled it through the air. With a small jump, the Cuban caught the shoe and threw it at the ground.
"Lance enjoys catching and throwing things more than a lot of activities. Do it enough and he's basically a dog. I once literally played a game of fetch with him because he was having a depressed day. Perked right up and I could barely keep up for the rest of the day."
"Perhaps we should include throwing in our training, then," Coran suggested. The next moment, the Altean was receiving a hug from behind as Lance laughed ecstatically.
"¡Gracias, gracias, gracias!"
"He's saying thank you. Lance, let go and I'll find a stick for you."
"Puedo ser humano, pero mi alma es un perro."
"Si hermano. Now let go of Coran." Lance did so, racing out of the room with Hunk trailing afterwards. Pidge and Keith followed, wanting to see if their comrade would actually play fetch with a stick, and Shiro hesitated before tagging along, not keen on an actual injury happening.
"Coran, I believe it is yet again time to update the guide."
Humans have the ability to throw with amazing speed and accuracy, developed from a young age. They are born with a larger natural aptitude for throwing, and improve upon it as they mature. If the word 'Kobe' is heard, assume that a Terran has thrown an object and most likely hit their target. Some humans enjoy throwing and catching objects more than is considered usual. These humans are likely to be more proficient at throwing, and should be given many opportunities to practice their skills.
Terrans also sometimes participate in competitive games called 'sports' or simple recreational games called 'catch'. These are based off their throwing abilities, and often including passing a specific item between players via throwing. Do not get directly between two or more players, as, while humans will often change their targets, they may be attempting a pass at that moment and the speed at which they throw could cause physical harm. Do not distract a player for this same reason.
Both Alteans and Galrans would need to train for over twenty decaphoebs to be at the same skill level as many mature humans are naturally. For an example of this, a clip is included of the Paladins of Voltron, who are all Terran, playing a game of 'catch'.
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep19
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Nice! It’s a Clara-centric episode with some bonus Azz trying to impress Iruma! I mean I don’t have anything against Ameri and I’m happy she got lots of moments with our protagonist but I just want Azz and Clara to get their chance, too you know?
This episode is fun and cute! Plus there are songs in it, too since it’s about Clara’s family.
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Clara’s house! Iruma and Azz are staying over for a while after what happened in the last episode. The Valac residence is located at Gaya-Gaya Forest where lots of strange creatures and plants live! According to Clara, her family knows the place really well.
And I just realized that this is the first time the boys got to visit Clara. It���s just they’ve shown us Clara’s family and this house a lot that it slipped my mind that to Iruma and Azz, this is the first time they’d be seeing it.
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The typical welcome in the Valac home! They did chants, too weirding out the boys especially Azz. Urara isn’t home again this time so he’s represented by a drawing. I wonder which school he’s in since it seems theirs isn’t on vacation like Babyls.
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Clara’s mom tells the boys to relax and feel at home. She says she’s happy because Clara brought friends home for the first time (and sorta mentions this is a first overall for their family or something). In a way that’s kinda sad that it either meant not many people wanted or thought to visit or Clara just didn’t have anyone to invite before Iruma and Azz.
On the other hand, this is almost the same reaction my own family has whenever I brought home some classmates to do school projects. I don’t have irl friends lol so they’re like “Big sis has friends?!” because my classmates would introduce themselves as friends instead of just classmates.
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Iruma and Azz give Clara’s mom some souvenirs from the Walter Park trip as a present (I dunno about everywhere else but this is a Japanese thing if I remember correctly and people here in the Philippines do it to whenever they visit sometimes). Iruma gives a small box of sweets and Azz gives them a huge replica of Walter Park's castle made out of chocolate. The kids immediately crowd at Azz for the chocolate until told to calm down.
I could understand them though. My siblings and I too would do the same cause that seriously looks cool and also it’s chocolate. We could devour that in a few days.
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After being let in the house, Clara’s brothers immediately asked the boys which one is their sister’s boyfriend which freaked them out. The brothers think that Azz would be a good catch (cause he is with being good-looking, rich, smart and popular. They don’t even have to know all these things cause Azz just looks it) but remembers that their sister is already interested in a guy named-
Clara promptly cuts them off and drags them away.
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We get some glimpses of what’s inside the Valac house and see a lot of strange-looking objects. Clara’s mom explains that those are brought home by her adventurer husband and that they came from those trips.
I wonder what kind of adventures and if any of the items are magical or cursed. I mean this is the Demon World so it’s possible.
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The mom finally brings out a photo album! She happily shows the boys Clara’s baby pictures. Azz notes how baby Clara looks like her own baby siblings. The resemblance isn't just with looks but with personality as well! Clara is embarrassed of course but Iruma says the photos are cute which made Clara happy.
That said, she’s still embarrassed letting Iruma see the photos and takes the album away. Her mom immediately brings out another one! In an attempt to stop her mom from embarrassing her any further, she reminds them that it’s shopping day.
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Iruma, upon hearing it’s time to buy food, says that he’s hungry so perfect timing. Clara and Azz, upon hearing that Iruma is hungry decides they’d make the food for him. It seems we might get shokugeki part 2!
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The idea of shopping at the forest baffled Iruma and Azz as they didn’t think there’s any supermarket here. Clara and her family explain that the so-called “supermarket” is actually what the entire forest basically is. They could get fresh produce from here and there’s so many kinds! The entire family, along with Iruma and Azz go “shopping” and are all armed with baskets to fill.
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A song number! As expected from the Valac family lol. I knew there’d be one. The song explains the stuff they could get in the forest and how the place is akin to an actual supermarket. There are many types of food and some which looks like regular food could be found in the unlikeliest of places. I mean, they get their meat from trees. But it’s also dangerous in here so they have to be careful.
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When shopping is done, Azz and Clara compare the stuff they got which they’d use for their food battle. Apparently, the stuff Azz got which looks good are actually terrible tasting compared to the weird ones Clara had gotten.
Clara’s mom tells them that there is a creature in the forest that is called Shabu-Shabu which is known as the “Ultimate Ingredient”. It could be found in the Cave of Rewards which is shown in the map up there. Iruma thinks it must be delicious and so Clara and Azz decided they’re gonna get it for him.
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The main trio plus Clara’s brothers all go to the cave (Clara’s mom went home cause the babies are asleep) to find this creature. The brothers tell Iruma and Azz that they should stay back as they think they shouldn’t trouble the guests. Clara immediately tells them that Iruma is actually pretty strong as he’s the Hero of Walter Park after all (Azz agrees). Iruma downplays this and says everyone did their best so he’s not the only strong one. 
The brothers are amazed and asked Azz what he did at the Walter Park incident. Azz remembers what had happened with his fight alongside Sabnock and how they had to retreat and with this, he wasn’t able to give them an answer.
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The Shabu-Shabu appears! It looks like a chimera composed of shark, pig and lots of vegetables - the complete meal! That's why it's called Ultimate Ingredient lol. Almost everything you’d need in the kitchen all in one large and dangerous package. It even has seaweed mustache. XD
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Their prey is also a predator and so the Shabu-Shabu captures Clara’s brothers using his mustaches in order to eat them. Azz tries hitting it with his fireball but it kept deflecting it with a Chinese wok lol. With that not working, Clara uses all the ingredients she got from their shopping trip in order to distract the creature. Once it was busy eating, Azz cuts off the mustaches and frees the brothers.
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Azz thinks of what to do next. He wants to defeat this creature for Iruma and it doesn’t have any hostages anymore so he’s free to try but he knows it’s too strong. He remembers the stuff Sabnock told him at the park and decided it’s best to just retreat for now. He summons his familiar to help them escape but he thinks to himself that he’d try and get stronger after this.
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As they were leaving, Clara’s mom arrives and instant KOs the Shabu-Shabu for what it did to her kids. The kids are of course, surprised by this.
I’m happy they’re still acknowledging that adults are stronger than the kids. Most other shounen anime would go with the “these kids are special and they could totally win this without much proper training” but this one decided to be a bit on the realistic side. Sure the kids aren’t strong yet but they do realize this themselves one way or another and strive to be better and stronger. If they continue trying to grow then they’d end up really strong, too. It would be fun to see that development especially for the kids of the Abnormal Class who didn’t really think much of themselves before as they’d prove to others and themselves that they are capable of amazing things.
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They were able to go home safely and Clara’s mom cooks while Clara watches and Azz takes notes. Oh and they did use the Shabu-Shabu as it’s shown that it’s skull is outside the house haha. Iruma was able to eat a ton of food!
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The day ends and it was time for bed. They were tired after the long day so they declines Clara’s invite for a pillow fight. Clara then offered to do a sleeping ritual to them which is something she does for her siblings which always works. They had to lay their heads on her lap though which they immediately decline for obvious reasons. Clara doesn’t pick up on this and pulls Azz down to lay on her lap and he quickly falls asleep in the middle of complaining. Iruma gets pulls down, too and Clara starts singing a lullaby. Her singing sounded really good, too! Iruma falls asleep to this and Clara bids them good night.
Aren’t they cute? It looks so sweet.
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The next morning, the Valac family plus Iruma and Azz went out to gather food for their breakfast. While the trio is getting vegetables, Clara’s mom takes a photo to put on another album about her daughter. It’s so cute!
Also, Azz who was weirded out by the events of the day before seems more comfortable now and is happily participating in the stuff the Valac family does.
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Overall it was a peaceful time. And then we get this cliffhanger showing us that Ameri’s dad is on his way to the Valac residence for unspecified reasons.
That episode was really fun! Its more slice-of-life-y becoming the sort of breather episode after the previously intense battle heavy arc. It also lets us know more about Clara’s family and about Clara herself. I hope Asmodeus gets an episode like this, too.
Despite the episode being a bit more on the relaxing side, it has moments that continues Azz’s development that was happening in the previous episodes. He did take to heart the stuff Sabnock says and decides to be better. I think it’s a fun cycle that Sabnock, the self-proclaimed rival of Iruma, learned to become a better person cause of Iruma himself and taught this same lesson to Asmodeus, the self-proclaimed greatest ally of Iruma. Many shounen anime rivalries like this end up with the person learning the lesson because of their rival to be a bit bitter about it but here, they actually really appreciate it and don’t hold any grudges. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate how it’s done in other stories. All I’m saying is that seeing something different from time-to-time can be nice, too. It shakes things up a little.
I did feel a little bad when Azz couldn’t give an answer when the brothers asked him what he did during the attack on Walter Park, though. But he actually thought about it and didn’t try to lie or anything. He admitted he needed to get stronger and promises himself that he absolutely will.
I went “Aww~!” at the many heartwarming moments in this episode especially when it came to Clara’s mom. Seeing the phot album near the end made me smile so much. The scene where Clara sings to her friends is really nice and sweet, too.
The previews show that the next episode would be Ameri-centric again. This anime has so many ships revolving Iruma that it makes me wonder if this could count as a harem anime (but since that’s not exactly the overall focus of the story, it doesn’t seem like it and I only remember when the show hints that the girls like Iruma). So far Iruma has got Ameri, Clara, Kerori, and Eiko who has blatant crushes on him (with 3 out of 4 admitting it to themselves). If you’re wearing shipping goggles then there’s also Asmodeus and Kiriwo-senpai. But the one who gets the most focus when it comes to romantic development is Ameri. She gets moments and sometimes episodes that gives a spotlight to her feeling for Iruma (and there are moments where Iruma looks like he’s close to feeling the same way).
I’m wondering if this means Ameri would be the official love interest. Like, I guess it makes sense with all the development and I don’t hate it but still... it kinda makes me sad that the ships I do support for Iruma are shot down already haha. Ameri fans are so lucky! I wish Clara and Azz are given this much fighting chance, too cause so far, Iruma only thinks of them as friends.
Alright, this has gone on too long. Thanks for reading!
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seeing-the-light · 4 years
New Dream Appreciation Week Day 4: AU
@gleamful-lanterns @autumn-ravenclaw
A View Like This Read on AO3 “Excuse me... sir? Are you okay?”  Eugene blinked, startled at the sudden address. He’d spaced out a bit, and must’ve been scowling thinking about his stupid father, and this stupid train ride in the snow to get to him, because of stupid reunions or whatever, and-  “Fine.” He muttered, before he looked up from his seat to see who was addressing him- and froze.   The emerald eyes of a woman - younger than him, but not by much, he guessed - stared back at him, brimming with concern. He cursed, internally - this wasn’t the place to let himself slip like that - and straightened, abruptly, “Sorry. That was terribly rude of me, I-“  “Oh, no it’s fine!” She said, hurriedly. Her gaze darted up and down the train corridor as the man behind her coughed, impatiently. “In fact, I’m... sorry for disturbing you, actually, it’s just that... you’re sorta in my seat?” 
The words were delivered in the most apologetic way, but Eugene’s brow furrowed. “Oh? No, I’m pretty sure this is my- ah, drat.” He realized, looking over his ticket. “You’re right.” Stupid window seats.  Why would he want those, all there was to look at was- 
 “... You don’t want the window.” She guessed, tentatively, breaking him out of his thought spiral again. There was something... bubbling underneath her tone, now, and Eugene looked up at her again, from gathering his belongings to shift to the inner seat. 
 “Not particularly. What’s there to se-“ 
 “Can I have it please, then? I’d love to look outside and see all the people and lights and sheep and-“ She cut herself off, abruptly, and gave an awkward laugh, trying to compose herself. “Sorry. But. Would you mind if I took it, then?”
 Something of a smile had begun to cross his face at her enthusiasm, and he found himself rising to let her in and gestured as if he’d just opened a door for her. “Be my guest.” 
 This made her give a tiny giggle, as she squeezed in past him. The man behind her was practically glaring daggers at her for holding up the line at this point, and something made Eugene decide he disliked him instantly. 
 He sat back down as she moved to arrange her belongings. Mostly, he just stared at his hands, and the rest of car- for some reason it felt like watching her do that would be awkward, which was weird, because awkward wasn’t a feeling Eugene Fitzherbert felt very often. 
 ... correction. Awkward wasn’t a feeling Flynn Rider felt very often, and Flynn was all that mattered to most everyone, because he was far more exciting and charming, without any of the fears and insecurities. In short, Flynn was the much better option. 
 “So, Blondie-“ 
 She gave him a slightly annoyed look, and Eugene raised his hands up in a gesture of surrender. “My name is Rapunzel.”
 “Rapunzel.” He tried it around in his mouth. “Rolls off the tongue, surprisingly.” His brow furrowed in thought, thinking back to his attempted university days. “Say, isn’t that some kind of flower?” 
 “It is!” All at once, her animation was back. Eugene was just relieved he hadn’t made another misstep - for some reason, he was already beginning to care what she thought. 
 That’s dangerous, Rider. He told himself, internally. Letting people in was dangerous. Pretty soon they’d find the cracks in your armor, and stab, hard, when the moment was just right. 
 But he wasn’t going to think about Stalyan, right now, and how she was why he was on this stupid train ride to begin with. 
 “I can’t believe you know that! Most people just think it’s... weird. Or random.” She shrugged, playing with her braid instead of looking at him 
 “I don’t think it’s weird or random, it’s kinda pretty.” He responded, before he could stop himself. Dangerous, Flynn, he thought, as her face flushed lightly because of it. “Well,” He amended, trying to recover. “It’s a little weird. But in the unique way, not the bad way.”
“Pretty and unique, huh…” She gave him a small smile. “I think I’ll take it.”
 “Great, because I regret to inform you I don’t offer refunds.” He quipped. Wasn’t his best work, but it made her laugh, so he counted it as a success. Not that he quite knew what he was trying to succeed at.
“So, Mr I-Hate-Window-Seats, you have my name, it’s only fair that I learn yours.” “Now that’s just not fair-“
 “You called me Blondie.”
“Because you actually have blonde hair!” Some of the passengers nearby turned to look over at them, so Eugene lowered his voice, though it did nothing to diminish his indignation. “I don’t hate window seats.”
“You seemed awfully keen to give yours up.” “Yeah, well, that’s because-“ Eugene gave a dramatic, long-suffering sigh. “I hate snow.”
 “How could you hate snow?” The look she gave him was borderline horrified. “It’s so white, and pretty, and it makes everything sparkle, and you can go sledding and make snowmen and snow angels and have snowball fights and then later on when you’re tired out you can go inside and wrap yourself up in cozy blankets and sit by the fire- snow is magical.”
“Some of us don’t have much cause for magic, Blondie.” Eugene said, in a much more subdued tone, staring at his hands. Stalyan used to make a show of being cold, sometimes, so he’d be obligated to give her his jacket. In retrospect, he thought she just liked watching him shiver.
 But his comment had left the conversation at an awkward pause- he had to save it, somehow. “It’s just cold, and wet, and it gets everywhere…”
 “…did you just use your hatred for snow to make a Star Wars reference?”
The small smile Eugene gave her could only best be described as dorky. “…maybe.”
 “Oh my god.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “You know, you still haven’t told me what your name is.”
 “Hm….” Flynn Rider or Eugene Fitzherbert. Eugene Fitzherbert or Flynn Rider. It should’ve been an easy choice. It should’ve been easy, second nature, Hey, the name’s Flynn Rider, rinse and repeat.
 So why did he have this overwhelming, annoying urge to tell her the truth?
 “Flynn.” He said, before he could second guess himself, though if anything the answer he’d chosen just made him feel more like a coward. “Call me Flynn.”
“Flynn.” Rapunzel’s eyes twinkled as she said it, and somehow in that moment it sounded better than any time anyone else had ever said that name. “I like it.”
                                                          * * *
 Eugene – no, Flynn, he supposed, because of that split-second decision – had a big problem.
 He was trapped.
 Now, most traps weren’t really enough to hold him down for long. He’d been in and out of enough cells and vaults to know a thing or two about breaking out.
 His current predicament, however, was … rather more delicate.
 You see, he and Rapunzel had chatted about things for about an hour or so in fits and starts, when she’d decided to put her headphones in and journal for a bit. Flynn, being the gentlemen that he always was, had pulled out a book, to give her some privacy and  make it obvious that he wouldn’t be reading over her shoulder.
 But somewhere in there, she’d fallen asleep. Fallen asleep, and now she was resting her head on his shoulder.
This is dangerous, Flynn, He reminded himself, again. If he knew what was best for him, he'd wake her up right now. But he didn't. Honestly, more than any personal discomfort, he just... wasn’t sure how she’d react when she woke up. But she’d whimpered in protest when he’d tried to move her off, and he didn’t have the heart (funny, really, that he still had one of those) to try that again.
 And he’d picked up a few things from their conversation – she was an art major, at university, who was somehow trying to cram as many additional majors and minors into her degree as humanly possible. She truly seemed to enjoy learning, just for learning’s sake, and that outlook… well, it was refreshing. It wasn’t an attitude he came across often in his own circles.  But this was her first big trip on her own, without anyone – hence the pent-up excitement that’d released in sporadic outbursts, earlier. She was juggling a lot, and she had a lot ahead of her, so maybe it was best to let her rest.
 She’d tried to turn some of his questions on him, too. Not in an intrusive way – he didn’t know how to explain it, but he didn’t think she was manipulating him. It seemed more like she was just… genuinely interested in learning more about him of all people, which was bizarre.
 So he’d told her a few things. How he’d recently had a bad breakup [leaving out the altar part]. How she’d retaliated by exposing his whereabouts to the father who’d abandoned him as an infant out of some misplaced desire to protect him.
 You know, just the light material.
Her eyes had grown round and wide, even at that much. “Maybe you should give him a chance, though. What if he really was trying to protect you?”
Flynn’s eyes grew harder, but Eugene could only think about hungry nights and always being on the run. “If he was,” He found himself saying, in a low tone. “Then he was just as shitty at that as he is at being a father.” Rapunzel had gone quiet at that. From what he’d gleaned, her parents were a shade overprotective – her father, in particular, seemed borderline stifling – but on the whole they were fairly supportive of her interests. There was something darker hiding behind that, he thought, something in her past that cast shadows over everything she said if you squinted for long enough – but she never alluded to it, and he wasn’t going to pry.
 His thoughts were cut off by the train jolting, abruptly. Rapunzel gave a startled yelp, looking around frantically, before slowly coming to rest on him. She glanced at his shoulder, then back at him. “Was I-“
 “Don’t mention it.” Eu – Flynn said, moving to stand slowly to see if he could glean any information on why they’d stopped.
 As if on cue, a voice came crackling over the intercom. “Good evening, passengers. It appears our passage forward has been blocked by a fallen tree. We’re going to do our best to resolve this as quickly as possible, but in the meantime, please sit tight. We appreciate your patience.”
“Great.” He muttered, aloud. “Just great. As if the snow wasn’t enough when it was rushing past us, now we’re –“
 “Flynn, look!” Rapunzel said, giving a tiny gasp. She pointed out the darkened window, and at first he was confused about what she was even seeing out there.
 But when he carefully leaned over to peer through it, and look up at the sky, his eyes widened, too.
 “Whoa…” He said, softly. Aurora Borealis lit up the night sky – he remembered that from when he’d tried a few university classes, too. The ribbons of green and blue and purple light danced across the atmosphere, and for a moment it was easy to feel like this was a private show, meant just for the two of them.
“Isn’t it amazing?” Rapunzel’s voice was filled to the brim with excitement, and despite the circumstances and not knowing what’d come after this, he couldn’t help smiling. Maybe it was okay not to think about names, or plans, and just live in this, brilliant moment for once. “The stars are coming out too, in the background –  I could probably point out some of the constellations, too –”
 “And I could tell you the stories about some of them.” He found himself responding. Maybe being stuck wouldn’t be the worst thing…
“I’d love that, Flynn.” Something about the way that she said it so earnestly twisted something in him, and he felt compelled to-
 “What?” Rapunzel blinked at him.
 Eugene ran a hand over his hair, self-consciously. “It’s Eugene, actually. My real name.”
 He braced himself for accusations, questions about why he hadn’t told her the truth to begin with… but she just smiled at him, softly. “I like it.“
 “But-“ He said, baffled. “But that’s exactly what you said when I said my name was Flynn.”
 “It’s not about what your name is, Eugene,” she said, turning back to the window to begin sketching a rendition of the lights still visible through the window. “It’s about liking what I know about the person behind it.”
She said it so casually, as if it was a fact, and he wanted to protest. He wanted to insist that there were demons in his past she didn’t know the first thing about, wanted to tell her that she was better off attempting to befriend practically anyone else. Most of all, he wanted to tell her that he was decidedly not a good person.
 But maybe there was such a thing as magic, because something about the train car and leaning out the window to look up at the sky together, as she drew, with the prospect of sharing the stars and stories long after the northern lights died down stilled any words to that effect that he might utter.
Instead, he let himself accept what she said, for the time being. He let himself smile, a little, and relax. “You know,” He said, quietly. “I could get used to a view like this.”
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squibbles-gubwee · 3 years
In which Fortune and Spooks have fun at the mall.
@thelazyhermits here u go more Fortune Spooks shenanigans
"Man, I can't remember the last time I went to the mall… Thanks for inviting me, gatita."
Fortune smiled and shook her head, grabbing the much taller man's hand as he looked around in awe, pushing his glasses higher on the bridge of his pierced nose. 
"Thank you for coming! I know how much you hate the heat, you could have refused…"
"Bah, like I could disappoint my lil sis like that. Besides, the walk to the station wasn't bad. Probably good for me, if anything." The hand she held squeezed hers, a happy smile donning the white haired villain's face.
It was quite kind of him, she thought. He was incredibly sensitive to the sun- not due to any quirk drawback or his poor eyesight, but rather a medical issue he told her about. A very nasty heat stroke he had when he was a child gave the man, as he put it, a 'permanent debuff during the warmer seasons'. 
Apparently, once during an outdoor class, he had overexerted himself and ended up fainting due to heat exhaustion. It had put the whole class in a frenzy and he was forced off for two days. Yaomomo and Todoroki made sure Spooks frequently had either water or frozen towels to cool off with now.
"You'll tell me if you start feeling weak or hot, right? Here, let me take your vest, I'll put it in my bag-"
Huffing in amusement, Spooks let go of the concerned lady's hand to shuck his denim outerwear, leaving him in just his tattered crop top. He passed it to her and watched as she folded it, mindful of the patches as she packed it up. 
"You didn't have to do that, gatita." The man took the backpack, slinging it over his shoulder much to Fortune's protest.
"I can carry my own bags!"
"Yeah but anyone who has eyes can see that stealing from me is asking for an ass kicking." Spooks proceeded to motion to his boots, these not being his very tall platforms but what they lacked in height they made up for in spikes and studs. Fortune rolled her eyes and brushed her hair from her face, green eyes locking with monochrome ones. Out of habit, Spooks stiffened and tore his gaze away before remembering he had his glasses on, cancelling his quirk out.
"So, where first? I haven't been in years."
Tapping her foot, Fortune thought for a moment before remembering the entire reason for going. "Oh yeah!! I wanted to get something nice to wear for that big staff party coming up!" Fidgeting, her mind was drawn back to Aizawa, Hizashi, and Bakugo who all didn't like clothes shopping. "Oh, um, if it's okay with you, I mean. I don't want you to be bored, sitting and waiting-"
"Psh, what? And miss playing dress up? Not a chance." Fortune huffed and batted his hand away as he ruffled her hair.
Hearing the words 'dress up' made Fortune gasp. "Wait, you're staff too! You need something nice to wear to the party too!"
"Hah! Yeah, no. I'm not going."
Frowning, Fortune stopped, looking over at Spooks as they stood outside the first stop, a nice clothes shop, full of business-y and formal outfits galore. "Wait...what do you mean?"
Blinking, Spooks tilted his head, an unreadable expression on his face. "I'm...not going? To the party?"
Fortune couldn't help the frown deepening, gently holding his hand in both of hers. "Why not, though…? You're staff, are you not?"
She watched Spooks stiffen, worrying his lip rings in a way she knew was a tell that he was getting anxious. "I just...Look, I know I'm not welcome, gatita. I'm not a hero, I'm barely a teacher, and I don't get along with...anyone. The invitation wasn't extended to me." Sighing, he closed his eyes, steeling himself before opening them, giving a smile. "Listen, I'll be fine. I'd rather help you anyway! This is important to you, and it'll be fun. Ellos no me quieren allí- ah, I'm not wanted there."
"That's not true!!"
Fortune could barely contain her shaking, anger and sorrow mixing in a miasma at how someone could speak of themselves like that, especially someone she cared so much about. 
"It's not true, Spooks! I want you there! I know you don't get along with everyone, but it wouldn't be the same without you!" Putting her hands on her hips, the TA huffed. "Besides, I want a partner to dance with, and everyone knows you have the best moves~"
Her flattery made him laugh, the villain nodding and rubbing his eye. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I'll go."
"That's what I thought! Now come on, we got to look our best!"
"I can't believe you bought a skirt!"
They had hit up several stores, Spooks ending up with a shin length black suspender skirt coupled with a pinstripe button down. Fortune went with a cute tartan overall dress and a peachy turtleneck sweater.
They also had swung by the cute shop that Aizawa, Nemuri and Hizashi had brought her to before, where she picked up a necklace with a cute cat pendant that she planned on pairing with the outfit along with some darling kitty print stockings to match. It was while they were there that Spooks had saw the backpacks, zeroing in on the raccoon one and immediately falling in love with it. It was now settled next to her own cat backpack, the two of them buying keychains of the other's animal and attaching them to their packs.
Spooks grinned at the astonishment, pointing a fry at Fortune as they ate at the food court. "What? Nothing more punk than giving gender norms a big ol "fuck you"! Did you think it was weird or something?"
"No, it's cool for guys to wear skirts and dresses. I'm just shocked you found one that made it look like you actually have the hips for it."
The insulted gasp was Fortune's only warning as a fry hit her cheek, making her burst into a fit of laughter. "You're getting too catty!! Maybe I should ask Koda to send the cats off for a few days so you can tone it down!"
"Noooo, stop! You're bullying me! I'll call Aizawa crying, don't test me!"
The white haired man cackled, gently pinching her cheek. "Alright, alright! No tattling now!" With that, he went back to his fries, the milkshake he sipped on colourful and sweet. He offered a taste which Fortune accepted.
"So, are you starting to get excited about going?"
"A bit...Make sure to remind me of that seam in your dress when we get back to the dorms, by the way. I can hem it!"
"I will. And good!! I'm glad you're getting more into the idea!" Fortune beamed, leaning forward a bit on the table as she took a bite of her mango chicken. "So, are you going to dance with anyone but me? Not that there's anything wrong with it, I'm just trying to picture it." She couldn't help the snort when she thought of Spooks, a towering 6'4, dancing with Principal Nedzu.
"D-Dance? Oh um, I don't think this is one of those kinds of parties, but I still wouldn't mind dancing with you! Not many people I could think of that I would want to dance with, after all! Keheheh…"
The redhead cocked her head, green eyes looking over the man in front of her. He was behaving…odd. His bravado was dampened, eyes shifting nervously, he was fidgety and toying with his piercings… Fortune narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
"Hey, Spooks-nii-san, were there any other reasons you didn't feel like coming to the party? Like, I know you said you didn't feel welcome, but...were you also maybe...scared of seeing someone there?"
"H-Huh? No, um. It's not that, I mean a little bit it is but, I also just...didn't want to ah… aye, dios…" Fortune waited patiently as he cursed under his breath, seeming to argue with himself about something. "I did not want to um...make myself embarrassed...in front of another?"
"You didn't want to humiliate yourself in front of someone?"
"Yes! Bah, that."
Fortune was quiet as she studied the long haired delinquent, the other quietly sipping his shake as he looked around, his glasses occasionally catching the light. 
...He didn't want to embarass himself. He was nervous about going, he could think of very few people other than her that he wanted to dance with…
Lightning practically shot down her spine as she gasped, piece after piece clicking into place as she pointed a finger at him. "You…"
"M-Me?! What? Listen I said sorry about eating the last piece of taffy-"
"-YOU have a CRUSH on someone!!"
The rate at which the older man paled was hilarious, the only colour being the red that bloomed on his face and ears as he stuttered, panicked. "What?? I!! I just, um! I don't want to talk about this topic! I refuse!"
"Too bad, I'm your little sister! Now tell me who you have a crush on!"
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Um my name is Emma I'm 5'10 with thick glasses and shoulder length brown hair (I'm also getting an undercut on the right side bc ya girl E D G Y) I'm awkwardly skinny, like a stick, ID PUT FLATTYKAWA TO SHAME 😭. And since I'm awkwardly skinny and have long limbs I crash into everything within a five mile radius. I'm a mess but I'm cute so it's ok.
I'm a hufflepuff, Taurus and an INFJ. I can be either really observant and understand why people act a certain way or do the tings they do, or completely oblivious. There is no in-between. I really like finding unique or weird things and love going to antique and thrift stores to find them. I'm really crafty and my head is always in the clouds with ideas for something I'm writting....which makes me a target for any kind of ball. I'm always getting hit in the head with balls, it's low key a meme at this point. I'm kind of awkward but I've been putting myself out there more often bc I don't want to regret all my time wasted being worried about what others think. I'm really nice and like to make people smile. I do nt have many friends (people are scary) but the ones I do I hold very dear to me and would fight for them till the ends of the earth. I can be kind of blunt sometimes and sometimes I don't get jokes but I mean well. And by mean well I mean I'm terrified of accidentally hurting people's feelings. I may be ✨soft✨ but I'm not a pushover and will call people out if needed. Around people I don't know well I'm pretty quiet but if you ask me about something I'm interested I could talk for hours upon hours. I can be pretty extra around my friends and have chaotic energy.
I love cute things and animals. I have these cats that I will NOT shut up about. I really like bright, kind of chaotic things
Romantic Matchup
Semi Eita
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How Y’all Met
Ok so Semi has a weird complex where he wants to be at least decent at EVERYTHING
So when someone pointed out that his serves could use some work
He just HAD to work on them
Unfortunately you being the ball magnet you are walked into the gym JUST as he served the ball
What happened next you may ask?
hit you right in the face
Apparently this particular serve was very powerful
Cuz sis you passed out 🤠
Now Semi was #panicking
So he picked you up bridal style and started walking you to the nurse
In the middle of this little journey you woke up
In his arms
Looking up at his beautiful face
He got you to the nurse
And turns out you were fine 😃
The nurse advised you not to be watched over for at least a couple of hours
And since semi felt super bad
He offered to watch you :)
Now in order to make this time less awkward
He asked you what you wanted to do to pass the time
To which you responded with....
Ahh yes the art of shopping for cheap 😌
Now semi did not know what thrifting was
So it was your job to show him
You took him to one of your favorite thrift stores
Picked out a few outfits for him
And a few for yourself 😗
And held a mini fashion show!
Honestly semi was having the most fun he felt in a while
And after y’all picked out some clothes
You dragged him over to the nick nacks
And that’s when you found
These guys!
You decided to buy them, taking the smaller one for yourself
And giving semi the other one :)
It was to “mark your newly found friendship”
That’s when semi fell in love with you
So when it was time to drop you off home
He decided not to waste the opportunity and asked you on a proper date
Y’all have been dating ever since ;)))
Favorite Things To Do Together
Ok honestly you got him REALLY into thrifting
It doesn’t Mayer if it’s clothes or just random items
He LOVES thrifting
Especially with you
Because you buy a shit ton of random little things
And they always remind him of you 😊
He also really likes to do crafts with you
He’s burned himself one to many times...
Random Hc
He would 100% get an undercut with you
Y’all can be edgy babes together 😌
He doesn’t allow you in the gym anymore 😀
If his spike was able to do some damage IMAGINE the damage Ushijimas could do
No hurt s/o on semis watch
And I just wanna end these random Hc with the fact that this man would spoil you 👀
You see something you really want at the thrift store
He buys it
Honestly you stopped paying for things all together since you’ve started dating him
When Taurus and Scorpio come together in a love affair, their union is nothing if not intense, whether that’s in a positive or a negative way.
They are opposite Signs in the Zodiac, giving them a special, complex connection.
They can combine to make a whole, each partner’s strengths balancing the other’s weaknesses.
Their sexual attraction is likely to be off the charts!
Taurus and Scorpio have tons in common, but because their personalities are so powerful, they often swing between passionate love and passionate disagreement!
Taurus and Scorpio both have deep desires, Taurus for possessions and Scorpio for power.
They’re both concerned with wealth and resources, and they’re both intensely passionate about all sorts of things.
Taurus is a bit more self-focused than Scorpio, who is more concerned with their lover and immediate family.
Both of these Signs have a great, deep-rooted need for security in a relationship, but with slightly different focuses.
While Taurus prizes honesty and forthrightness and abhors infidelity, Scorpio loves to be mysterious.
A Scorpio’s need for security is more about the need to be constantly reassured that their emotional connection with their loved one is strong.
The good thing is, Taurus needs this reassurance too — and is also willing to provide it for their Scorpio lover.
Their powerful connection that can shine when obstacles to intimacy are cleared away.
When Scorpio realizes that Taurus is there for the long term and won’t create the misery that some Scorpios attract to their lives, this relationship can blossom.
Overall Aesthetic
More Than Friends- Aidan Bissett
Listerine- Dayglow
Scrawny- Wallows
Thrift Shop- Macklemore
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silverrstarrr · 4 years
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Sorry for such the big delay for chapter 2! Since this took some time, I made this chapter longer. As I said before: please be nice, this is my first fanfic. I would LOOOVEEE feedback or even tips to better my writing. I made a little playlist for you guys can listen to while reading. Please enjoy!
○Part lll- crumb
●Recently played- crumb
○Big sis- SALES
●Ghost-Machine girl(I'll put an ◇  when to play this song)
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꒰ Nails ꒱ؘ ࿔*:・゚
Chapter 2:
Horns honking left and right, men in suits exiting the train. Women sitting on benches holding their phones with their shoulder–typing away on a laptop. High school girls walking around in groups, giggling and smiling at one another. Obviously they were having a good conversations. Tourists and visitors checking out pastry displays, hands on their chins- undecided on what to get.'Tokyo sure is busy, huh.'  Y/n said to herself.
Y/n was currently strolling throughout the streets, glancing every now and then at food restaurants— trying to see what she was in the mood for.  Tapping her phone screen once again, she checked the time. In a thin helvetica font, the numbers "3:25" were written along with the words "pm" right next to it in a smaller font size. Dropping her hands down, her arms drooping right along- a sigh left her lips. She's been walking around for 15 minutes and still couldn't find what she wanted to eat. She stopped by a bakery, checking out what they had to offer, didn't really liked what she saw and left. Then went to a classic sushi restaurant— that also served Ramen. Once again, she turned her head and walked out of door. From there, she just began going back and forth through restaurants— which leads her to right now. She went deeper into the city, wandering further away from the school's location. To be honest, the whole mission even slipped her mind- she had a new job now: finding where the fuck to eat. Being really the indecisive person she was, this whole thing took another hour. Yeah...a whole HOUR.
At last, the woman was finally making her to an empty table carrying a black tray, filled with her meal order. Placing her order on the beautiful round tan wooden table, she pulls out the chair tucked under—sitting herself down. Y/n glanced down at her food and honestly, it looked good as hell. Kinda reminded her of how those anime food gifs looked like that you search up on Google. What was her food choice? Well, it was Ramen:
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I know, I know- early she said she wasn't in the mood for Ramen but shut up! People can change and y/n's appetite craving sure did.
Picking up the pair of wooden chopsticks with her right, slowly watching as the steam from the noodles rised up only to disappear within the air—y/n began to eat her meal. Grasping the thin long lines of unleavened wheat dough between her chopsticks, she silently blew on before placing them into her mouth. Using her left hand, she grabbed the chirirenge—dipping it into the bowl, scooping up a spoonful of the well seasoned broth. Y/n brought her left to her lips and slowly drunk the liquid. She continued eating, placing the tender mushrooms into her mouth, savoring the flavor. Taking more sips of the broth with her chirirenge, her right hand going to her bowl again to grab a piece of sliced meat then taking another chomp. She was enjoying this a little more than she should but so what? She deserved it. Still,  time was going by pretty fast actually and she still yet to remember her mission.
Three hours have now passed since "3:25pm". Y/n was now finishing up her glass of water, as a waitress came to pick up the empty bowl along with the tray. Grabbing her phone, she made her way out of the door. It was now 6pm. It was less crowded now, but since it wasn't dark yet, people were still around checking out the city. It was the beginning of summer after all.
Y/n was now walking down the streets of Tokyo, before she head back—she wanted to stop by the convenience store to get a few things. Taking a sharp turn to the left, then pushing through a sea full of people— she made it to her destination. The convenience store. At this moment, y/n was ready to take in on her indulges of just buying snacks like crazy. She barley had enough time to eat a proper meal because of her crazy schedule, so she always just ate a quick snack to pass her hunger over to complete her mission.
Placing her hand on the door's handle, pushing it forward and stepped into the store. She stood there in awe for a few seconds until a small smirk appeared on her lips, she was now in her snack buying heaven. Automatically going towards the back of the store, she grabs herself a few drinks. Next, she went to an aisle and grabbed a few packets of candy. Moving onto the next aisle, where all the chips, cookies, instant Ramen,(etc) were at—y/n just stood there. She had such a wide variety to choose from but first she grabbed a couple of her favorite cup Ramen and her cookies as well. Now, what type of chips did she want? When it came down to these, y/n always liked to look at the flavors and see if there were any new ones. And if they were? Well she'll try them. Shrugging her shoulder, she went up and grabbed a few of the ones she always ate then a few of the new flavors. It was now time to check out, she had enough snacks to last her a decent month or two. Carrying all of her items to the front counter, she casually dropped them as the cashier began scanning. Y/n stood there looking at the small monitor, watching as the numbers went up after every beep—she hoped that she'll be able to pay for everything.
The cashier placed all of her food items into white plastic bags and placed them on the counter.
"Your total is ¥2664.19." The worker said. ($25.19 in USD)
Immediately, she goes into her pocket and pulls out the cash needed to pay. She hands it to the cashier and grabs the white bags resting on the countertop. A 'Thank you' leaving the person's lips as y/n nodded her head and walked out the store. Now it was time to head back! Today was a victory. She got to wander around Tokyo, Eat a decent meal, and not to mention got snacks. Y/n smiled to herself and pulled out her phone. Since she had snacks, she was gonna shoot Megumi a message to see if he was willing to eat some with her. Maybe they could find a good sho–wait a minute. At this moment, she froze. Megumi? Letting out a gasp with a surprised expression, she came to realization.
In less than a second, y/n was on her feet, dashing down the street. she was pretty fast, considering she was a Sorcerer and running was a common thing.
Unlocking her phone with her thumb, she went to her contacts and immediately called her partner.
"please, please, please... pick up." She said to herself. Even though she knew he was a Sorcerer and could handle himself, her gut told her something wasn't right and this threw her into a panic.
"The phone number you are trying to re-"
It was no use, he wasn't picking up. How would she know where he was?  He could be anywhere—they spilt up to look for the finger, to see if it was in a different location. So many thoughts were running through her head, she didn't even know where she was heading to. The only thing she could think of was her friend's safety.
She finally came down to a decision to first check the school. If he wasn't there, she wasn't sure what she'll do but she'll leave things up to future her. Making a sharp turn to the right, she went into an alley way. Jumping on top of trash can, y/n used this as little boost to pull herself up to a building's rooftop. Since she spent so much time doodling off, it was now dark. Which was a good thing—so people wouldn't see her leaping from building to building. It would be weird as hell if they did.
Going through hellish missions of fighting curses did pay off. She had agility and was able to pass over buildings with ease, swiftly taking a right turn—next a left as she went further down. Pushing her foot upwards off of the concrete roof, she leaped into the air, grabbing onto a branch from a tree. She then released her grip and landed on the sidewalk, proceeding to sprint towards the school.
At last, she was at the school's gates. Instinctively, her eyes began examining the area. Checking the ground, she saw a few broken shards of glass, this must have meant something happened. Y/n looked up and her heart almost dropped into her stomach. There were multiple broken windows and she felt lingering curse energy oozing out from the school. Without wasting anymore time, the woman ran into the school. Busting through the doors, she swiftly headed to the staircase and started ascending the steps with speed.
Seeing that there were nobody on each floor, her last step was the school's roof.
Making it to the last set of stairs, y/n prepared herself—she took into caution of a cursed being present. Gathering and focusing on her curse energy, she was ready to take on the curse at any moment. Steadily, she made her way up steps and pulled the roof's door open. To her surprise, it was nothing was she intended it to be.
On his knees, completely worn-out, covered in injuries head to toe, uniform in a mess, and the obvious bleeding from his head. She knew it, Megumi was hurt.
Immediately, dropping her plastic bags, she rushed over to him- completely ignoring her sensei. Lowering herself down to his level, and before she could speak- her friend did.
"I'm fine, no need to worry." He said with his eyes closed, looking away from her direction. He wasn't fine, he was holding his torso—blood was dripping down from his hand. Y/n blamed herself deeply, it was her fault that he was in such a state. Grabing his right arm, she slung it over her neck as it rested on her shoulder. She then slider her left arm around his waist to help him back on his feet. Megumi wanted to protest but he knew thay she wasn't planning on letting him go. Now they were both on their feet, she finally looked up and noticed a tall man with a stupid blindfold—Gojo Satoru, their teacher. She didn't only notice him but a shirtless boy hanging over his shoulder? He had pink hair with a black undercut, she swear she saw him before but couldn't put her finger on it.
"Aww! Y/n you missed it!" Gojo said with a pouty voice in attempt to sound like an innocent school girl.
"Miss what?" She responded.
"Nothing." Megumi spat out in an annoyed tone.
Gojo was opening his mouth to speak again but y/n cut off him.
"Who's that?" Y/n was looking at the boy who was knocked tf out on Gojo's shoulder. Her sensei only hummed in response, this irritated her because he didn't answer her question. Megumi noticed this and sighed,
"I'll explain later."
Y/n glared at her injured partner, not liking that the two were being secretive but megumi did say he'll tell her soon, that was enough. Both of them started walking towards the roof's door. Bending her knees down slightly, she leaned to the side and used her free to pick up her snacks. With this, she completely lets go of megumi as he fell onto the ground with a harsh slap. Before megumi could literally curse her out for dropping him after she offered to help him, she quickly picked him up bridal style. Fushiguro was silent. it wasn't that he accepted what she was doing but more like in shock and didn't have words.
Satoru just stood by with a dumbfounded look on his face and only was able to say "O-"
Y/n didn't really care, it was bothersome to carry him on her shoulder all the way down some stairs. As she said before, she's a Sorcerer.
Megumi looked up at her with an angry expression, it seemed like he was gonna pop a vain. She only smiled in response and simply said, "Hold on." And with that, she jumped off the school's roof, heading back to the dorms.
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(re)Watching Magia Record S1 - part 1
Hello and welcome everyone to the first post on this watch-along commentary of the first season of Magia Record! Whether you are just now watching it for the first time, or are re-watching in preparation for the second season, or have only played the game and are curious about the anime (in which case I'd be surprised you even exist) I hope you can have some fun reading these ramblings as I try to put my thoughts into words  (actually turned more into narrating the show) throughout all 12 13 episodes.
Before we can get to it, though, I have a few warnings to give:
1 - As much as I'd love to be able to memory swipe so I can watch this fresh all over again, such an ability is sadly still beyond my grasp. In other words, this isn't my first time watching (or second, for that matter; more like the sixth… or seventh…). That being the case I can't claim that these are my first impressions and it's very likely this commentary will be somewhat biased by my previous knowledge. However, I can guarantee one thing: I will do my best to keep this spoiler-free, so you don't have to worry if this is your first time watching.
(I will, however, be assuming that you have watched the OG series and Rebellion, so beware of that).
2 - Please don't come into this expecting it to be Madoka 2
Also no, this is not a continuation of the OG, it’s an alternate universe spin-off.
This one's for first-time viewers.
Well, ok, this sounds like vague tweeting and I'm kind of whining here, but I have seen a number of peeps on the internet saying that Magia Record is bad only for their argument to boil down to "because it isn't OG Madoka!"
Yeah it isn't. I'm pretty sure there's "Side Story" written somewhere in the title too.
Leaving aside the matter of nostalgia glasses and whether the original series was that much of a masterpiece or not (it's been over five years since I last watched it, so I can't say anything either way.) it seems kind of weird to me that someone would bash a spinoff on the grounds of how close it is to the original. Because here's the thing: to me, the whole point of spinoffs is taking an already existing scenario and putting a spin on it to make something new. That's exactly what makes them fun!
MagiReco didn't need to be a Madoka clone or to try hard and beat the original. That would probably have made it bad, actually. What it did need to do was to create an interesting story using the world set up by the OG Madoka and the other spinoffs, and that, in my opinion, it did, so I hope people can give it a chance and judge it on its own merits rather than only compared to the original. I'm not saying you can't hate it, either, I myself have my own problems with it, it's just that I want to see more reasonable reasons than "it's not the OG so it's bad".
3 - As you can probably already tell from these warnings, these posts are bound to get looong, so I'd recommend setting aside a fair amount of time and getting real comfy if you're gonna read it all. I also don't mind if you just skip ahead and only read the interesting parts, I'm not the internet police.
3.5 - I don't want to use it as an excuse, but I think I should make it clear that English is not my native language, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes and awkward/stilted text. It's hard to tell by myself, so feel free to correct me if you find something.
SO, with that out of the way let’s get down to what’s really important:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record Episode 1
Whew, now that’s a mouthful.
You know, in my mind I always thought a “side story” was something that happened alongside a “main story”, like another POV, so I’m not sure that’s the most appropriate title, but who am I to judge?
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So here we go, we’re off with some beautiful futuristic scenery already, that’s the Madoka series I know.
As the classic Sis Puella Magi plays in the background, two unseen narrators tell us the tale of the so called “magical girls” as we are shown the reality of being one, meeting our first witch for this series.
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Risking your life to save a cat doesn’t seem like the smartest of things. Rather, witches eat cats? That’s mean.
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No, you really, really don’t. This narration definitely seems made to make everyone who saw the original say this, particularly with how silly are the wishes these girls suggest. 
And hey, look, even this girl who supposedly had her wish granted doesn’t seem very happy.
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Hang in there, this is only the first episode.
Man, this scenery really is pretty though.
After an exciting fight with a witch in the train, our girl here silently goes home to find
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Whatever the heck this is.
So, our girl here seems to be having strange visions whenever she enters her room, that is very very suspiciously cut exactly in half. Protagonist, you sure have an unique sense of interior decoration.
She goes on with her day, makes two lunchboxes and… oh, it seems she’s all alone.
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Is this something you should be telling your own daughter?
Long story short, Iroha’s parents are abroad right now (as is suspiciously the case with many a anime protagonist parents). I actually love the parallel this scene draws with OG Madoka: whereas Madoka’s parents seem responsible and Madoka even looks up to her mom and they’re a happy united family, Iroha comes off as being the responsible one in her family and her parents are gone from the get-go. This way, the lonely atmosphere of the previous scene also starts making sense.
So, it seems like there’s something Iroha wants to do here, and that’s why she decided to stay behind.
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Perhaps. Did you wish to save a black cat?
Wow, this teacher is speaking fast. Calm down lady, we’re not here to speedrun the content, geez. Though I guess we should be happy she’s at least giving a proper class, unlike a certain other teacher…
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Oh great, it's this guy.
Ok, Iroha doesn’t remember what she wished for and Kyuubei doesn’t know either, although he knows she used her wish for the sake of someone. Kyuubei theorizes that the reason she doesn’t remember might be that not remembering was part of her wish, but Iroha doesn’t think she’d wish for that. I don’t think you’d ever think to wish for something like that until you had to wish for something like that though.
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She’s got a fair point. After all, wishing in this universe is basica— the heck is going on in the background there?! O-kaaay…
Iroha was having a weird think-spot mental conversation with Kyuubei there, and missed speedrun teacher’s lecture entirely. Being meguca is suffering.
We get some school motto propaganda, and now we’re on the roof. Oh? Where did all the friendship stuff from the propaganda go? Seems like Iroha’s not following the school spirit. Unless she considers the white weasel a friend, so that’s why she gave him her extra… wait, Kyuubei can EAT? I thought he was some alien machine-like being. H-Huh...
Classmate A: Tamaki-san, maji tenshi!
She’s probably just shy. According to her classmates, Iroha used to be busy doing something or the other, but no one can remember what that is.
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But maybe don’t do that somewhere someone could easily walk in on you, Iroha.
Iroha gets a call by the girl from the combat scene from before, whose name is Kuroe. I couldn’t tell from their conversation if they’ve known each other for a while or if they just met each other for the first time in the fight before.
On the train, although she’s the one who called her over, Kuroe remains silent. Iroha, clearly uncomfortable, tries her best to make conversation. Poor Iroha, I know the feeling.
We learn from her that the number of witches around has been decreasing. She comments that being unable to get Grief Seeds is troubling, but it’s better than having witches causing trouble. Poor girl has no way to know just how much of a bad news it is running out of Grief Seeds.
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What’s with pink-haired girls and lacking self-esteem? Iroha, are you sure you didn’t wish to save a black and forget that you did? You did save a white one just before.
Kuroe finally decides to talk, and she tells us this:
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If you go to Kamihama, you’ll be saved. To anyone that saw the OG, the first thought that comes to mind is that they’ll be saved from their destiny of turning into witches, but it seems Kuroe doesn’t know the truth yet. She just doesn’t want to fight witches anymore. I think.
The train lights up, and…
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...this is extremely unsettling considering the truth about witches and the conversation they’re having right now. There’s a lot of this, but this just hits different having watched the original.
Iroha’s not inclined to believe what Kuroe’s saying. Of course, despite not remembering her wish, she’s the type that’s happy with fighting witches if she can save someone, and Kuroe’s not being very convincing either. The whole thing is apparently a rumor spread by some girls who saw a dream that told them that.
Except that Kuroe actually had the dream too.
Like most magical girls, Kuroe made a short-sighted wish, and regrets it. She now wants to be saved, so she’s going to Kamihama.
...or she was, but before that, they’ll have to defeat the witch they let escape the other day, ‘cos she’s back for more.
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I actually have so many questions about this scene. Weren’t Labyrinths pocket dimensions? How come this one’s moving in physical space? We know witches themselves move and their Labyrinth goes with that, but I thought it was more, like, the entrance to the Labyrinth moves. Then how come witches can escape if magical girls get carried with their Labyrinth when they move…? Just... just... what?
The answer to all of that is probably “magic”.
Like that, Express Witch Labyrinth crashes right into what seems to be a train station. Labyrinths don’t have brakes, confirmed.
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Looks like it’s not only magical girls who have territorial disputes going on. Although it’s nice that they won’t have to fight two witches at the same time, this is not exactly a relief when you consider these two were already struggling with the previous one, and this one just ripped it apart like crab.
As expected, Iroha’s arrows do no damage at all. When all seems lost…
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A wild singing mini Kyuubei appears! Is this a shiny?
The singing Kyuubei distracts the witch and jumps towards Iroha, who uses her pro white cat catching skills to grab it, and… something happens. Whatever this Kyuubei did, Iroha’s having some flashbacks now. Sadly, the middle of a battle isn’t the best time to be having a BSOD and, despite Kuroe’s attempts to snap her out of it, they’re sitting ducks right now, a black and a white one.
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Thankfully for them, though, they’re not alone in this barrier. This mystery blue haired girl spams flying spears and makes short work of the witch Iroha’s arrows didn’t even scratch earlier. She’s clearly at a whole ‘nother level.
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Also, chibi Kyuubei’s gone. Totally not suspicious. Nope. Not at all.
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So, from this OP miss get-the-heck-out-of-my-territory, who didn’t even bother saying her name, we learn that not only there is no salvation in Kamihama, there are more, stronger witches, and there are currently no Kyuubei. She gives them the Grief Seeds from the two witches before, and passes on a warning to them. Not the friendliest of magical girls. Though if you consider what happens when you run out of Grief Seeds, one could understand why it’d be undesirable having too many magical girls in the same place.
With this, Iroha and Kuroe take the train back to their town and things are totally awkward again.
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Welp, seems like Kuroe doesn’t want to chat anymore, so we’ll have a dream sequence instead.
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Forgive my lack of words, but this scene doesn’t need them. This is just… you couldn’t ask for a better representation of what being a magical girl wishing for salvation is like. Everyone has their own reasons, but in the end, having known despair, these girls are desperately clinging to this last hope called Kamihama. It’s almost a pilgrimage.
“Let’s go to Kamihama. We’ll be saved there”
And in the midst of all that is the mysterious girl from Iroha’s dreams.
(the track here, Paradero de Memoria, is also great btw)
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Now, with various wishes written all over in the background, we get Kyuubei’s spiel about magical girls. I think this is word-by-word the same from the original too.
We now get to finally know what our protagonist’s wish was.
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So Iroha wished to cure her younger sister’s illness, but the sister in question is now nowhere to be found. Worse: everything related to her is gone. Even Iroha, who made a wish for her sake, didn’t remember her existence until now. Oh man, that’s no normal disappearance. What happened? Guess that’s what Iroha will have to find out now.
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With that, we conclude the first episode of Magia Record(’s s1)!
This is a really strong first episode in my opinion. It decently introduces our protagonist, sets up the mysteries we will be dealing with from here on and also manages to trace connections with the original, while using the viewer’s previous knowledge to give a whole different impression to some scenes. You wouldn’t be like “hell no” at the rumor there at the start if you didn’t know the truth about magical girls, and I doubt that final scene would hit that hard either. It’s just really good at this and it’ll continue doing that from now on. I love it.
Speaking of the final scene, me having watched the original over five years ago might also be part of it but that is really my favorite scene in Madoka overall. I just really really love that scene. (Seriously, I’ve watched this scene so many times I know it by heart now. Help.)
Alas, I lied, the episode’s not over yet, we still have our classic anime first episode ending-opening to watch. So let’s listen, to Gomakashi:
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This logo’s real pretty.
So yeah, pretty standard anime opening. If you pay attention, there are some references to Connect too, what with the selfcest and whatnot. Although I managed to mistake this when I first watched, this one’s actually sung by the trio TrySail rather than ClariS. That’s the VAs for Iroha, Asakura Momo; Yachiyo (the get-out-of-my-territory girl), Amamiya Sora and Natsukawa Shiina, whose character we’ve yet to meet. TrySail has a lot of cool songs, so do check them out if you haven’t already. (free ad)
This time, in fact, the episode is over! Whew, I did say this was going to be long, but not even I thought it’d be this long. By the time this is posted I should have a backlog of these, so my plan is to post one everyday until we are done. I hope you had fun reading this here rant and I’ll be looking forward to meeting you guys again tomorrow, same place, maybe same hour, so we can go on and watch episode 2 together!
(P.S.: I am considering doing a series of posts at a later date comparing the anime to the game, but we’ll see. The first few chapters are fine, but the game is stupidly long, so I feel it’d take a lot of motivation and stamina I’m not sure I have at the moment. There’s also the possibility watching the first arc again would bring back my yt copy-apocalipse grief back and that’d suck, definitely don’t wanna go through that again.)
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RWBY vs Comic
Alright, I said I was gonna do this back when the comic first started getting published but I got so frustrated reading it that I couldn’t actually keep up with it enough go through with it. I think I stopped around issue 4 because that was when I just got angry and threw my comic back into the plastic. I figure now’s as good a time as any since I’m actually rereading it now. My whole issue with the RWBY DC comics is that they’re super canon divergent but somehow still canon material. It’s so frustrating that this is the case because we’re supposed to take into account things that happen in the comic as gospel- things like Adam revealing he’d always been genocidal, Bumbleby’s bottlecap, Weiss’ zoo animal arc, etc, but a lot of these different story arcs don’t make sense in our current canon. So I’m gonna talk about them because why not.
 Issue #1:
The first issue actually isn’t that bad- mostly because it’s just an intro to the series- but there are still some huge inconsistencies between the comic and official canon.
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These two panels are a fucking mess.
1) Ruby was passed out when she was delivered to Patch by Qrow. She’d just used her Silver Eyed Warrior powers for the first time, hurt Cinder, frozen the dragon, and passed out. We were literally forced to listen as Qrow carried Ruby out of the rubble and back home, because she was unconscious. But the comic has her just arriving back home all on her own. “I came back to my dad’s house.” No you didn’t, you literally woke up in your bed after what must’ve been days of being unconscious.
2) We know Blake didn’t get to Menagerie on a little wooden boat. We all watched the episode. It was a decent sized ship with multiple crew members, dozens of passengers, and literal armaments designed to destroy Grimm. Sun can’t hide in a robe for 3+ days on this boat. This boat wouldn’t have survived a Grimm attack in the first place. Idk why they decided to draw this boat instead of just drawing the Pride the way it was designed in the first place, but whatever I guess.
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RNJR didn’t tell Taiyang they were leaving. Ruby and her team just left. There was a whole scene dedicated to showing the shock and horror on Tai’s face as he saw Ruby’s letter and ran out of the house hoping to catch up to his daughter before she left. Also not as important but still relevant, RNJR left during winter. There was snow on the ground. I don’t see no snow in this panel- that tree looks real green. That last issue is mostly a nitpick- who cares what season they left in tbh. But the fact that they just wrote this panel into the comic despite the fact canon shows Taiyang had no idea of Ruby’s departure- and the fact that Ruby’s departure is actually really important to a bunch of later scenes in this show is really fucking weird.
Issue #2:
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I know we know next to nothing about Raven Branwen, but holy fucking shit do I wanna believe this is ridiculously out of character for her. You’re telling me that Raven actually did come visit Yang and Tai and Ruby, but the one time she ever made her presence known to any of them was to berate and terrify Ruby the one time she’d learned anything about Summer?! Like BRO. This is so fucked up! This is too fucked up! This is straight early 90′s level villainy right here. What was even the point behind this?! This scene tells us that she felt so negatively about Summer Rose that she was willing to break her silent cover just to disillusion Ruby for no other reason than to tell her she was weak. Which makes no fucking sense because when we finally meet her during season 5 Raven has nothing bad to say about Summer at all! What did Qrow say to her after they spoke? “Hey sis why the fuck are you flying around your ex’s home scaring his daughter who just lost her mother? You realize you’re talking shit about the woman who raised your child too right?” Like, this is so wildly terrible, that if we’re meant to take this into account, I don’t see how anyone who reads these comics could say anything positive about Raven ever again. This is strike one, two and three for her entire characterization.
Issue #4:
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I’ve said it already but fuck this boat.
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Not so much an issue with the comic as it is with RoosterTeeth’s sometimes sloppy storytelling, but we really need an exact age on Adam. Is this man a pedophile? We know Blake is about twelve here, meanwhile- besides looking maybe a little scrawnier- Adam looks the same as he did during the show. How old is this kid right here? Fifteen? Seventeen? Was he 20 during the events of volume 1? Was he 25? I really dislike this specific problem RT has created because at no point during canon were we led to believe that Adam was significantly older than Blake or our other characters, but here in the comic we’re getting huge pedo vibes. Idk if this was RoosterTeeth retroactively trying to throw Adam’s character even further into question but... Idk man, RT y’all need to hurry up and carbon date this kid because I’m really not liking this.
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I’m not gonna harp on the whole “Adam as a revolutionary vs Adam as a genocidal maniac” issue again. Most of y’all already know where I stand on this and have either made up your minds that either, yes, Adam’s sudden change towards being genocidal after being forcibly conscripted by Cinder doesn’t make much sense, or, no, Adam’s behavior is entirely in line with what little we’d seen of him up to that point in the story. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinions on this issue, I’ve got about a dozen other posts for that. My issue with these panels specifically is that this is the moment Blake discovers Adam is genocidal. This is the moment Blake realizes that Adam never wanted peace, never wanted coexistence, never wanted what the White Fang actually wanted in the first place. He wanted Faunus supremacy- a goal entirely removed from the White Fang’s goal of equality between Faunus and humans. This is the moment Blake realizes that his ideology is so far from what it is she herself wants. If this is correct, why does Blake never mention this AT ALL when she’s talking about Adam. When the conversation comes up during season 3, she specifically states that Adam’s change was gradual. Not that he’d been hiding who he really was from her but that he’d become a completely different person from the man she’d originally known. I recognize that a lot of people say that this could be explained away as evidence of Blake’s abuse- oftentimes abusers don’t even realize just how monstrous their abusers are, even after they’ve escaped from said abuse. But this is just such a monumentally larger issue than manipulation and abuse. Adam is outright saying that he wants genocide! He’s not trying to hide it, he’s not trying to lie, he’s not trying to manipulate her! He’s telling her explicitly that he wishes he could kill as many humans as possible. But during the Black Trailer she’s still asking Adam about the crew members as if they hadn’t had this conversation hours ago! During season 2 she’s drawing him in her notebook as if she misses him! During season 3 she’s explaining that he’s simply misguided! This is apologia of the umpteenth level that is absolutely inexcusable. If I’m honestly supposed to be made to believe that Blake knew Adam was genocidal from before the events of the Black trailer and season 1 but still had feelings for him... I’m sorry but I’ve lost any and all respect for her entire character. You can’t have feelings for someone who’s genocidal- who you know is genocidal- and expect sympathy. No amount of abuse would forgive someone for having feelings for Hitler.
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I recognize the comics aren’t supposed to be a shot for shot recreation of the show, but what the fuck is this panel? The frame of Adam dismembering Yang was such a good, amazing, impactful frame. The black and red framing, the yellow of Yang’s hair and weapons, the red of Adam’s sword. Why would you not even try to recreate that?
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Leaving nitpicks for the end, really wish they hadn’t used “sunflower” here. That’s Yang/Ren. But again, the comic is made by people who aren’t in the fndm and don’t interact with the RWBY community at large in the first place, so of course they wouldn’t know.
Issue #5:
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Why does Blake seem so ooc here. Like, the fact that she’s trying to make Weiss feel guilty for “cheating” in a “win by any means necessary” free for all match is really??? Weird??? When we know Blake isn’t above using underhanded tricks herself considering what she did to Reese during the tournament and her Semblance in general??? But whatever, that’s mostly a nitpick as well.
Issue #7:
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My issue with this story is that it ends with Yang like, wistfully thinking of spending more time with Blake. But this is before she even put the prosthetic on. This is before she even got to talk with Weiss after meeting up with Raven. This is so early on in her healing process that I find it extremely difficult to believe that Yang is fondly remembering any time she spent with Blake. When Ruby talks to her during 3.12, she was angry that Blake had left her! Abandoned her! And then in the conversation she has with Weiss that happens after this event in the comic she’s still frustrated with Blake for leaving. So like... did she suddenly forgive Blake just a few weeks into her recovery and then relapse back into feeling like she’d abandoned her? Wtf is this?
Issue #9:
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I know she’s obviously supposed to be drunk here, and we barely got to know her during the short scenes she had, but like... she never struck me as this kind of person. To literally forget how old her daughter is? Like...???? The same woman who was so perceptive she was able to recognize that Whitley was acting out because he’d felt lonely and abandoned by his sisters? Doesn’t know how old one of her children is? This is silly.
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This isn’t the same woman we met during season 7. This isn’t the same quick witted woman who immediately directed Weiss to the cameras she’d hidden around the house when it was time to spring the trap on Jacques. This isn’t the same woman who was so honest when she admitted to her own faults just a few short months after this scene supposedly took place. You could argue that the events of this comic are what led Willow to become the person we meet later on, but like... That’s an absolutely ridiculous amount of offscreen growth you’re expecting me to just assume has happened. These aren’t the same people. This is ridiculous.
Issue #12:
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This seems so ooc for Sun. Why is he literally begging her to run away and not face a problem when his entire relationship with Blake up to and past this point is him teaching Blake to love herself enough to face her problems head-on in the first place? This is so weird and gross imo because it just feels like they’re warping Sun’s character to make it look like Yang is the only good influence in her life when that’s simply not the case. Every conversation Sun has with Blake from season 1 to season 6 is him telling her that she deserves happiness, love, and to forgive herself. There are multiple songs about this aspect of their relationship! Sun has helped Blake grow just as much as Yang has. Why is Sun taking this approach to manipulate Blake into staying silent about something that’s bothering her? On top of that, Sun’s never been the brightest banana of the bunch anyway, why the FUCK is he smart enough here to recognize that if Blake tells the truth and makes those people feel bad, that they’d draw more Grimm? He’s never been this intuitive before. It really feels like they made him smarter than he normally is just to make him scummier than he’s ever been so that we could feel that Blake’s relationship with Sun is less than her relationship with Yang. Awful writing and characterization from the RWBY DC team here
Issue #13:
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This is so wrong and despicable and manipulative and terrible. Again, this isn’t the same woman we met in the show. 
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Willow never made excuses for herself or her actions like this. Not once during the entire time she was on screen did she do anything like this. She knew she wasn’t a great mother and she took full responsibility for her actions- and inaction- I don’t know WHY she’s trying to excuse herself here. This is more Cruella De Ville than it is Willow Schnee.
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I’m not gonna explain how lumping this “prized menagerie” story with “Faunus slave labor” story together is godawful but just recognize that it’s Black History Month and this plot point they decided to write in is not MLK approved.
Anyway, that’s the whole RWBY DC run. All in all it wasn’t the worst adaptation of an established series, but goddamn. I’d rank this up there with Eragon or Percy Jackson or the end of the Soul Eater anime or something. This is such a slap in the face by people who obviously only ever skimmed through the show for the explicit purpose of writing this series that I’ve read fancomics and fanfiction that handle canon better than this. It’s really frustrating too because this comic run is like, beloved by certain people in the fndm who are only in this for the ships, and people who refuse to see anything wrong with this series ever. The healthy servings of Bumbleby and crumbs of Monochrome and White Rose are apparently enough to make people go “fuck all the inconsistencies, this comic is great.” Cannot express how much these people make me wanna slam my head into a wall. 
I did this just to highlight all the issues I have with the run, but I’m sure other people have other issues with this comic than I do. Have fun in the comments I guess.
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「致斯卡提的情诗」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: A Love Poem to SKADI Translation (陆景和偶遇 : Chance Encounters with Lu Jinghe)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
理想城堡 Castle of Ideals
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Location: Beach of the Night
MC: Lu Jinghe? Here to build a sandcastle?
MC: I’ve never built one on a beach with black sand before!
Lu Jinghe: Okay then, what kind of castle do you want to build?
Lu Jinghe: How about the kind with big French windows and the really tall chimneys, just like something right out of a fairytale?
Lu Jinghe: I seem to recall you saying that you really liked that sort of castle.
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MC: I do like it a great lot; but you can literally just see how hard it is to build one like that…
Lu Jinghe: Don’t fret the small things; you have me, don’t you?
Lu Jinghe: I guarantee you that I’ll definitely be able to recreate the castle of your ideals!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
海鸟 Seabird
Location: Beach of the Night
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MC: I haven’t really noticed it before, but there are really a lot of seabirds down here.
MC: And they seem to be pretty docile around people, despite how they’re supposed to be wild animals.
Lu Jinghe: How about you try patting one of their heads? I think it should prove to be a rather interesting sight.
MC: I’ll only get pecked by them if I do something as rash as that.
Lu Jinghe: What are you so afraid of? I can teach you the right way to do it.
MC: Really?
Lu Jinghe: Of course! When have I ever lied to you?
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Lu Jinghe: Then without further ado, let me teach you the right way to do it, lawyer sis!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
海妖的歌声 Siren's Song
Location: Sattifoss
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Lu Jinghe: (Y/n)? What are you doing standing down there in a stupor?
MC: I’m trying to see if I can hear a Siren’s Song.
Lu Jinghe: A Siren’s Song? You actually want to hear one?
MC: Can’t I? I’ve been hearing everyone around me talking about it...
Lu Jinghe: So you’ve really not heard of that rumor before?
MC: What rumor?
Lu Jinghe: Sattifoss is said to be a corner forgotten by the Elves; buried here in the high mountains, are the remains of a Siren.
Lu Jinghe: Two days ago, someone claimed that he and his companion heard a Siren singing; his companion consequently disappeared after.
MC: W-What? ...He disappeared!?
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MC: I didn’t- I didn’t hear anything at all! I’ll be leaving first!!
Lu Jinghe: There’s nothing to be so panicky about; it’s fine, I say.
MC: How can it be fine!? ...What if I disappear?
Lu Jinghe: Don’t you still have me? I’m with you.
MC: With me? You’re going to be disappearing with me?
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Lu Jinghe: Yeah. I’ll always be with you, even if it warrants me disappearing off the face of this very earth itself.
Lu Jinghe: I’m definitely not letting go of that hand of yours.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
时间尽头 The End of Time
Location: Sattifoss
MC: Hey, Lu Jinghe? I was just searching up some information when I came across something interesting; guess what?
Lu Jinghe: Let me see… Sattifoss was previously filmed in a movie, perhaps…?
Lu Jinghe: And was dubbed the place “closest to the End of Time” subsequently?
MC: Geh, you knew!? And here I thought that I could surprise you with my knowledge...
Lu Jinghe: You’ve really got to remember who I am.
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Lu Jinghe: Okay, it’s my turn now since you’ve asked me a question.
Lu Jinghe: Are you aware that there’s another legend about this “End of Time” thing?
MC: What is it?
Lu Jinghe: If two people can reach the “End of Time” together, then they’ll never be separated, forever and ever more.
Lu Jinghe: Are you...
Lu Jinghe: Are you willing to reach the End of Time with me?
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
石碑上的秘密 Secrets on the Stone Tablets
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Location: Town of Elves
MC: I noticed that there are a lot of Stone Tablets in this place...
MC: And the characters engraved onto them are very weird, like very unique symbols.
Lu Jinghe: Some of this look man-made; and some of them look like they’re remnants of the past that has been passed down.
Lu Jinghe: And as for the content on it… The local legends say that they’re the legacy that the Elves had left behind.
MC: ...If they’re really what the Elves had left behind, then what do these writings mean?
Lu Jinghe: Wanna know?
MC: You mean… You know of a way to decipher this?
Lu Jinghe: But of course! Not to mention that this is a wish of yours.
Lu Jinghe: I’ll make everything you wish for a reality, so long as it’s something you want.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
向精灵献花 Offering Flowers to the Elves
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Location: Town of Elves
MC: Why are the kids putting flowers in front of the Elves' Huts?
Lu Jinghe: That's just some sort of game that the local kids often play; just think of it as how some of us hang stockings by our beds during Christmas.
Lu Jinghe: They say that you’ll get something you really, really want in return if the Elves accept your flowers.
MC: Why, aren’t you familiar with it; it can’t be that you did it yourself before?
Lu Jinghe: Like heck I would.
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Lu Jinghe: The reason why you’d even offer flowers up to the Elves, is because the thing you wanted most never came to be; but it’s different for me.
Lu Jinghe: What I want most, has already appeared before me.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
来自拍吧 Let's take a Selfie
Location: Sagya Fjyord
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Lu Jinghe: We meet again, lawyer sis.
MC: Oh, it’s you.
Lu Jinghe: You’re holding onto a selfie stick… Are you trying to take a photo with this scenery as a backdrop?
MC: Yeah, but I’ve not been getting any good results.
MC: Could I bother you to take a photo of me together with the waterfall?
Lu Jinghe: ...How boring it is for you to just be taking a photo alone with a waterfall; how about we take one in front of it together?
MC: But I just-
Lu Jinghe: Don’t worry! My selfie-taking skills are just as good as my painting skills; they’re excellent!
Lu Jinghe: You just have to listen to my que and flash your best smile.
Lu Jinghe: It’ll definitely get way better results than the photo you just tried taking.
Lu Jinghe: Why are you still standing over there in such a daze? Hurry and come over here. I'll count to 3 before taking the pic.
Lu Jinghe: 1— 2— 3—!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
释放压力 Relieving Stress
Location: Sagya Fjyord
MC: Is there something in the bushes in front of us?
Lu Jinghe: Looks like an Arctic Fox. I recall there being many animals like this down at Sagya Fjyord.
MC: Come to think of it now, we did see a lot of wild animals along our way here.
MC: This place feels like a Nature Reserve… So, it must be easy and comfortable living down here...
Lu Jinghe: From the sound of it, have you been very stressed out lately?
MC: Just a little...
Lu Jinghe: Mind sharing with me about it? Don’t go bottling it up like that.
Lu Jinghe: You can always share anything with me, whatever it may be.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
流星雨 Meteor Shower
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Location: Vikya City
Lu Jinghe: (Y/n)? What fate we have to be meeting each other again.
MC: Are you here to see the Meteor Shower too?
Lu Jinghe: Mmhm. I was originally going to invite you, but somehow, I had a gut feeling that I’d be running into you for one reason or another.
Lu Jinghe: Looks like my gut’s pretty accurate.
MC: I-Is that so...
Lu Jinghe: Okay, never mind. I’ll stop teasing you now; how’s the Meteor Shower? Beautiful?
MC: Yeah. It’s especially so, with such a vast expanse of nature as the background.
MC: I feel like such beauty cannot be completely captured and preserved, even if we were to use the best SLR Camera.
Lu Jinghe: How about I paint a copy of it for you then? 
MC: There's no need for you to do that… It'll be way too troublesome for you if I made you do that.
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Lu Jinghe: Painting for your sake's never too much trouble.
Lu Jinghe: Just look forward to it.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
落日约定 Sunset Dates
Location: Vikya City
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MC: The sun's about to set… And night is about to fall in Vikya City...
MC: I don't know if it's just me, but I can't help feeling as if the atmosphere of the suburbs are a tad different from being in the City itself.
Lu Jinghe: Then what do you think of Vikya City now? Is it pretty?
MC: Yeah, very pretty! It's really worth the trip here!
Lu Jinghe: If that's so, then how about watching the sunset with me?
Lu Jinghe: Not just on Skadi Island, but every other day, in every other place; together with me, always. How does that sound?
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅A Love Poem to SKADI⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Parkner Bingo Card - Quarantine feat Morgan Stark
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To Forgetting to Mute and Love Advice
Morgan is in virtual class while crushing on a friend. Luckily Peter and Harley are staying with her. 
Ao3 Link here
Morgan Stark was an interesting student. Everyone knew that. She had a lot to say and she was really smart. She was a lot like her father, Tony Stark. She had way too many ideas. Her teacher was used to her talking on and on about whatever she was working on. Her classmates didn’t know what to think of the daughter of a dead superhero. Madalyn told her what her classmates said. She knew what they talked about. She was now under quarantine because the whole world was in panic because of some illness and she was in class watching along with her class when it happened. Peter and Harley were staying with Morgan and Pepper during Quarantine because Harley was taking over SI and Peter was taking a break from fighting crime since he didn’t know how his mutation would react to the virus and he rather did not know if he could avoid it. She hadn’t thought about how they might show up in one of the videos. Actually it was Mayday, their daughter who was running in the background. Madalyn was watching as she saw Peter Parker-Keener run behind Morgan before grabbing a two year old who was giggling. Peter seemed to realize he was caught and hurried away as Morgan missed everything that happened behind her. Her classmates were confused by what happened but chalked it up to some weird animation. Morgan wouldn’t be living with a known avenger. Especially with social distancing happening.
The next time it happened it was Pepper and Harley who walked behind her as she was answering a question. The conversation was light but words like Mayday and nap time could be heard. Now the class was interested in what was going on but the teacher wasn’t going to let them ask Morgan. So the class was going to have to use the morning before class started to ask her. 
Morgan always got on first thing in the morning. Except the morning after Harley and Pepper walked behind her in the morning. She got on right on time and she was talking with someone and had forgotten to mute. The teacher was about to say something when they all heard the other voice.
“Look Morgan, you can’t mess with the web shooters.” The class all watched as Morgan complained that she could make them better. Peter muttered something about being just like her father. Maybe she was just like her father. Her classmates hadn’t met him but they heard the rumors.
“Just because I’m smart and rich doesn’t mean I’m just like dad,” Morgan said.
“Always want to make things better for others. Sounds like Tony,” Peter mocked her. She rolled her eyes.
“Umm.. Miss. Stark… Can you mute yourself?” Her teacher finally asked. Morgan turned to realize that not only was her camera on and that she had entered the call but her microphone was on for once. She apologized and put herself on mute as she shooed Peter away so she could pay attention in class. The rest of the class was boring but everyone was now interested in what was happening at the Stark household. 
Morgan Stark got on before class started and was sitting there looking over the reading when James decided to ask her about why Peter and Harley Parker-Keener were living with her. She seemed shocked before she explained that her brothers, and yes she used the word brother which surprised Madalyn, were staying with her and her mom during quarantine since Peter was taking a break and Harley was working with her mom. The family of three had moved in during quarantine though they already had rooms there but her classmates didn’t need to know.
“What is it like knowing Spider-Man and Harley Parker-Keener?” Branden asked her.
“They are pretty normal,” Morgan said.
“They are both H-O-T,” Kenzie said. Morgan looked at her disgusted by the comment.
“Those are my older brothers who are married, might I add,” Morgan reminded Kenzie. 
“Whose the little girl?” Georgia asked.
“Oh that is my niece Mayday. She is two years old and she is a handful. I have to watch her from time to time but it's cool. I enjoy it,” Morgan told them. As if on cue Mayday appeared and asked to sit in Morgan’s lap. Morgan let her as the little toddler cooed at the screen. The teens all awed and talked to Mayday until the teacher showed up. Then everyone muted as the teacher began their lecture. 
Mayday began to make more appearances as Morgan would hold her until Peter or Harley showed up. Occasionally Rhodey and Pepper would get her or Happy and May, but normally it was one of her dads. She seemed to smile at the kids as she loved the attention.
“I hope we never go back to in person class,” Madalyn told Morgan when they were on call. Morgan was surprised by that. 
“I figured you would want us to be back sooner,” Morgan said, sounding upset. Madalyn was surprised.
“Why?” Madalyn said.
“Hard to flirt with me or give me your little present if we are on the phone,” Morgan pointed out.
“I can flirt just fine on the phone, but not seeing your pink cheeks does make it harder to know how much it is working,” Madalyn admitted. Morgan ended the call not long after that groaning.
“What’s up?” Peter asked. He happened to be passing her room.
“How did you tell Harley that you were into him?” Morgan asked.
“You mean how did I tell the guy I’m married to that I like him like him,” Peter said. Morgan nodded. “I accidentally told him while on painkillers after having a pole go through me.”
“You are kidding,” Morgan said.
“Nope,” Peter said. “You know who would be the best person to ask.” Morgan didn’t. “Harley because I didn’t remember telling him and he told me the next day that he liked me.” Morgan nodded as she went to go find Harley. Peter sent a heads up text to his husband before letting Pepper know she might want to give Morgan the talk soon.
Harley was in the lab. Sometimes he would go down there just to get away but today he seemed to actually be working on a project.
“I have a question,” Morgan said.
“I might have an answer,” Harley told her.
“How did you tell Peter that you liked him and liked him,” Morgan asked.
“Well Peter had told me sort of but I was planning to ask him out. It was kinda the nudge so the next day he was actually awake with no memory of what he told me and I sat down grabbed his hand and asked him what he thought of going out with me. Then we went out the next week,” Harley told her.
“How do you go out while quarantined?” Morgan asked.
“Maybe do a skype date,” Harley suggested. Morgan nodded, hugging Harley before running off to call Madalyn. Peter slipped down as he went behind his husband wrapping his arms around him.
“You know Mayday will be asking those questions someday,” Peter said.
“Don’t remind me,” Harley whined. “I’m not ready to scare off people who want to date my little girl.” Peter laughed as he kissed Harley’s cheek.
“Pepper is already telling Rhodey and trying to figure out who Morgan will be asking out. I give her five days to guess Madalyn with how close they are,” Peter said.
“One day and if I win you will do what I say for a day,” Harley said.
“You are so on Parker,” Peter told him before moving away, sending him a kiss as he left. Harley just smiled thinking about how their little sister had gotten so much older from back when he first met her. He couldn’t imagine Mayday as a teen, but hopefully she wouldn’t grow up too fast on him and Peter. For now he had a sister who was about to go on her first date even if it was virtual because of quarantine. 
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
Happy Holidays - BTS Style
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3. “Quote ‘The Grinch’ one more time, I dare you!”
15. “Psst.” “What?” “You look pretty.”
Pairing: Jin x reader
It’s the second day up on the slopes with your best friend Jin, and he’s having a great time showing off his moves on his new snowboard that sports a giant BTS logo on the top and an ARMY logo on the bottom.
“Did you see that?” He shouts as he speeds past you, goggles reflecting your laughing face. 
“Yeah, you nearly died!”
Jin laughs, coming to a sudden stop in front of you, causing you to fall over him. 
Sputtering as you receive a face full of snow, you smack him on the chest. “What was that for?!”
He’s still laughing from where he lays beside you in the snow, slipping his goggles down as you do the same. “Just thought we should take a break.”
“You know you have to help me up, right?”
Jin rests his head back against the snow, oblivious to the cold. “I will. When I decide to get up.”
That’s your cue to smack him again.
Laying there in the snow, far away from the trail most snowboarders are taking, you stare up at the sky that’s quickly turning darker. You fight a shiver as the sun slips behind the mountain, instantly making the temperature drop. 
“Aren’t you cold?” You ask.
Jin does his best Grinch voice. “I’m all toasty inside.”
You knew it was a mistake to watch The Grinch last night. 
Groaning, you sit up and attempt to get up on my feet. Jin watches on with amusement, knowing that you’ll just land right on my butt in a moment. 
Gritting your teeth, you’re able to get to my feet by some miracle. Wobbling there, you turn to look down at Jin.
“See? I don’t need you any-”
Another snowboarder takes that precise moment to take this trail, coming dangerously close to you and giving you a full face of powder. 
Falling right back to where you were before, you groan, rubbing your tailbone. The snow is soft and powdery, but it’s only so forgiving.
Jin leans up on one elbow, looking down at me with a grin. He waves at the snowboarder who continues on his merry way, and you let out a sigh of relief. 
“Thanks for letting him leave,” you whisper as the snowboarder gives you a long look as he continues down the trail. “Saved me from the embarrassment of explaining my taste in fiends.”
Brushing the snow off my beanie as you try to rid it from the rest of your face, Jin attempts another Grinch impression. 
"Saving you? Is that what you think I was doing? Wrong-o. I merely noticed that you’re improperly packaged, my dear." To add emphasis to his poor impersonation, he goes about fixing your coat, zipping it open higher and pushing your hair back. 
You grab his hand before he can sneak snow into your hood like you’re sure he’s planning, glaring at him. 
“Quote ‘The Grinch’ one more time, I dare you!”
He has the good sense to look a little afraid, dropping the snow he held in his glove that was going to end up in your hood. 
“Fine,” he gets up in one smooth maneuver, making your jealous. You love snowboarding, but you’re not nearly as talented at it as Jin is. He extends his hand to you, hauling you up.
You’re quite close, the darkening skies smoothing out the edges of Jin’s face as he studies your face. 
You’ve never been blind to Jin’s good looks, and you can’t deny that your heart skips a beat whenever he looks your way a little too long. It’s a feeling you’ve never acted on, seeing that it would be pointless. 
Jin is your friend, nothing more. Besides, you hardly ever get to see him as is. You’re barely clinging to friendship these days. This three day trip on the mountain was something you had to plan nearly a full year in advance. You’re not really in the mood to schedule confessing you undying love for him with Bang Si Hyuk. 
Gently pushing away from him, you look down the darkening path, slowly gaining speed. A moment later Jin follows.
That night when the two of you arrive back at the lodge you can’t fight the seemingly permanent blush in your cheeks as Jin sits beside you at the long wooden table. 
“The food here is great,” he comments with his mouth full. you push your stew around in the bowl, feeling completely starved yet losing your appetite at the same time.
“Yeah, it is.”
You force yourself to take a few bites before getting up. 
“Are you finished already?” Jin asks, staring down at your bowl and then back at you. “You hardly touched your food.”
You shrug. “I’m more tired than hungry, I think. I’m gonna head to bed so we can start early tomorrow.” 
Jin watches you leave, pulling his baseball cap down lower so people can’t see the obvious emotions rippling across his face. He finishes his stew, staring at your empty bowl almost as though he could get it to speak. When a waiter shows up and offers to take the bowl, he asks if he can get it to go.
You’ve just slipped into your sweats and the warmest sweater you can find, and you’re in the middle of putting on your wool socks. You’ve nearly finished when someone knocks on the door. 
Jumping up, peek through the peephole to see an extremely nervous looking Kim Seokjin standing outside your door, a styrofoam cup in hand. 
Taking a deep breath, you crack the door open.
Jin gives you a small smile, holding up the cup. “Hey. I brought the rest of your stew, you should really eat it before you head off to bed.”
You nod, opening the door a little wider and accepting the cup which was still warm. That’s when your stomach takes the time to growl like a feral animal, your eyes going wide as Jin freezes in your doorway.
“I knew you were still hungry!” Jin shouts, pushing his way into your room. You back up, utterly appalled that Jin is seeing you in your grungy pajamas, not a hint of makeup on your face. I mean, who brings makeup on snowboarding trips anyways? But this time you don’t have any snow goggles to cover up half your face. 
Sitting on the edge of your bed, Jin looks at you expectantly. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, a little annoyed. 
Jin smiles again, gesturing to the food you hold in your hands. “Making sure you eat. By all means, dig in.”
You pull out a chair, sitting at the table with your back turned to your unwanted guest. Jin doesn’t take long to come and sit in the chair opposite you, resting his chin on his hands and he watches you shoveling food into your mouth. 
When a bit of the stew drips down your chin, you scramble for a napkin but Jin beats you to it. Raising the corner of the napkin to your face, he dabs lightly.
Your face is burning in embarrassment, and when Jin realizes what he’s done, he goes red as well.
“Oh, I-sorry.” Handing you the napkin, Jin crosses his arms in front of his chest. “That was weird of me. Sorry.”
You shake your head, trying to laugh it off. “Don’t worry about it. I looks like we’re both embarrassed.”
Jin smiles, noticing your bright red cheeks. “Psst.”
You glare at him, dreading another Grinch quote. “What?”
Leaning forward, Jin gives you his best smile. “You look pretty.”
Eyes going as wide as saucers, you nearly choke on your stew. “Why would you say that?!” You shout, making Jin raise his eyebrows. 
“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I?” He becomes defensive, sitting up straight as he stares you down. “You look pretty, do you have a problem with that?”
You mumble something incoherent, making Jin lean forward even more. 
“What was that?” He pries. You glare up at him. 
“I said you can’t just say things like that.”
If Jin wasn’t confused before, he certainly is now. “I don’t understand, why can’t I-”
“Because!” You try not to raise your voice, but it doesn’t work. “You say things like that and it makes me think too hard! Which is stupid, because there’s nothing to think about between you and I but still I think about it!”
Falling back against the chair, you pant and hide your face in your hands. The stew sits completely forgotten by the two of you, Jin watching you with wide eyes as he processes what you said. 
“You...think about us?”
The way he asks it makes you want to crawl into a hole, but you nod.
“...I do too.”
You forget to breathe as you peek out at your best friend from behind your hands, too many emotions right at the surface. Jin is staring down the at the table, drumming his fingers against it. 
“I think about us when we snowboard, I think about us during interviews, I think about you right when I wake up and right before I fall asleep.” He has a faraway look in his eyes as he looks up at you, noticing that you’re still partially hiding behind your hands. Rising, he comes to kneel beside your chair. 
You aren’t sure what to even think right now, but you’re pretty sure it doesn’t matter as Jin cups your face in his hands and takes your breath away in a kiss that’s sure to melt the snow falling outside. 
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 38
One more til Heroes Day! So I'm really happy with how this turned out. I think adapted it well. Though this didn't need as much changing as a few of the others. Also the nickname Luth that Anatis gives Leatherback. It is actually another name for the Leatherback turtle as it is sometimes known as either the Lute Turtle or just the Luth. Yep, I did my research. Anyway, hope you peeps like this chapter :D Keep an eye out because I'm able to start work on Ikari Gozen so that should be out by the weekend if I keep going on this little roll I have :D
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Anansi
"Look at them go," Adrien grinned as Nino and Alya danced around the living room. He had managed to sneak out of the house with Kagami again, who nodded as she watched them. Ivan and Mylene were sat next to them on the sofa and Rose and Juleka were curled up next to each other. Marinette was sat at the kitchen island, next to Luka, who was writing a song. He would occasionally glance up to see what was happen but was mostly focused on his song. Not that anyone minded. They all knew that's how Luka was. Sadly, Nathaniel and Marc couldn't make it, due to having to finish the next comic of the Adventures of Anatis and Lady Noir and neither could Chloe or Alix but that was ok. They would hang out with them on the weekend. Alya and Nino slid across the ground before finishing the dance with Nino posing like a ballerina, causing everyone to laugh. The screen on the TV told them that they had beat their high score.
 "Nice!" Nino grinned, happily. "Ok, who's next?! Adrien, Kagami... you up for it?"
 "Oh, you guys know I have two left feet," Adrien laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "What about... Marinette and Luka?"
 "Adrien, I'm more clumsy then you," Marinette pointed out, making everyone laugh. "Besides, he's writing,"
 "I'll say. Poor Luka will end up with a flying Marinette as a dance partner," Alya grinned cheekily, causing Marinette to gasp before they both began to laugh. "How about you and Mylene, Ivan?"
 "Sure, we can give it a try," Mylene smiled, getting up as Ivan nodded. The two of them began to dance as the door to the apartment opened as Alya's older sister, Nora, came in and glanced around.
 "I didn't know we were having a gathering of fly weights today," She mumbled before dumping her gym bag on the floor as she looked around.
 "Nora!" Alya gasped as she looked at her. "Is your match over already?"
  "First round! Totally knock out!!" She grinned, holding her arms up before lowering them and pulling Alya over to her, hissing something at her before straightening up and glancing at everyone. "I recognize Cappy and Baguette but who's the rest of the gang?"
 "Oh, I'm Adrien," Adrien smiled before gesturing to Kagami. "And this is Kagami,"
 "It's a pleasure to meet you," She replied in her calm voice, making Nora rise an eyebrow.
 "Uh huh," Nora nodded before glancing at the rest of the gang. "And who's the emos and the pink one?"
 "I'm Mylene and this is my boyfriend, Ivan," Mylene smiled as Ivan waved. However, Nora didn't look impressed as she glanced at them. Rose grinned at her.
 "I'm Rose! It's really nice to meet you!!" She gasped as Juleka played with her hair.
 "Juleka... um... I'm Rose's girlfriend..." She mumbled, quietly as she twirled Rose's hair in her fingers. Nora nodded and turned to Luka, who was scribbling down some notes. Noticing Nora in front of him, he glanced up as Juleka cleared her throat. "That's my older brother Luka,"
 "Hmm, don't seem like much to me," She replied, making him frown before gesturing to herself. "The name is Anansi! Like a spider,"
"I prefer Ladybugs over spiders," Luka muttered quietly, making her frown but everyone else giggle. She narrowed her eyes and glared at him. "Just saying,"
 "Well, no one asked for your opinion on it, Tips," She stated before walking over to the fridge. "Anyway, what are you all still doing here this late? Shouldn't you be heading back home? Don't you have school tomorrow?"
 "We're waiting for it to get dark," Alya stated as Nora took out a carton of milk and began to drink it. "It's the world cup fireworks display tonight and we're going to watch it from the Place de la Concorde Ferris wheel!"
 Nora spat out the milk and turned to face Alya, causing everyone to glance at them.
 "Oh no! Baguette and Cappy can go with the rest of your little gang if they want but you are staying here!" She declared, pointing at Alya before crushing the cartoon and crossing her arms as she gave her best stern look. "It's far too dangerous!"
 "But Nora... I mean Anansi... you can't do that!" Marinette gasped, causing everyone to agree.
 "Yeah, no way, dude," Nino gasped. "Alya has to come with us,"
 "Yeah, we're not going without her," Ivan added, making Nora frowned deeply. 
 "Look, Sis, I appreciate you worrying about me and all but I'm not a little girl anymore," Alya gasped, causing Nora to face her. "Besides, Mum and Dad are cool with it and we've been planning it for a while,"
 "I don't care. You're not going," Nora declared before shaking her head. "There's been way too many akumatized peeps in Paris recently. Literally just a few days ago, you were captured by that weird musical one. Desperate or something,"
 "Desperada," Luka pointed out, making her glare at him. "Again, just saying,"
 Nora rolled her eyes and ignored him, turning back to Alya.
 "Just look at how many times you've been in direct danger," She pointed out, making Alya frown as she remembered. It had been quite a bit. "So you're staying home safe and sound period!"
 "That's ridiculous! The twins were akumatized right here, at home!"
 "Well, that never would have happened on my watch!" Nora growled back, slamming her fist on the table. Luka flinched a little and grabbed his notepad, putting it in his bag before moving over to where the rest of the group were. Marinette moved over to him and asked him if he was ok, getting a nod of him. Not that Nora noticed. "I won't let anyone mess with my family!"
 "You mean like the other day in the square?" Alya pointed out, making everyone look at her as Nora looked nervously. Luka frowned a little before turning to Marinette.
 "I'm a little afraid to ask what happened," He mumbled, getting a nod of agreement from Mylene and Rose. Alya sighed and pinched her nose as Marinette glanced around nervously.
 "What happened?" Adrien asked, causing Marinette to look over at him.
 "Well, we came across a man handing out flyers..."
 "And Anansi here thought the man was akumatized and wanted to turn me into a banana zombie," Alya stated, glaring at Nora.
 "Uh... well, how was I suppose to know that it was a stupid costume?!" She pointed out before turning around and holding out her hand. "Anyway, what if the ferris wheel stopped working because some akumatized dude decided not to pay?"
 "Uh... that's not how akumatizations work..." Luka mumbled, causing Nora to spin and glare at him.
 "Oh and I suppose you're the authority on akumas, Tips?!" She growled, making him frown but he bit his tongue. He would love to turn round and say 'well, I should know since I'm Anatis' but he couldn't reveal his identity plus that would be petty. Funny but still petty so he remained quiet, making her smirk before crossing her arms. "Once you flyweights can actually defend yourself, like me, we'll talk about it,"
 She then proceeded to show off by kicking and punching the air.
 "Well, it doesn't matter because Anatis and Lady Noir will save us if there's any problems," Marinette pointed out, causing everyone to agree. Nora rolled her eyes and glanced over at her.
 "And what if Miss Whiskers is chasing a mouse and that beetle's been sprayed with bug spray," She pointed out, causing Luka to frown and take a quiet breathe. It took all of his strength not to point out that they weren't really those animals but he could imagine Lady Noir trying to catch a mouse. Knowing her, she would probably keep as a pet instead of trying to eat it... unless she got hit by Malediktator again. Then she would probably try and eat it. "What you gonna do then? Rely on Cappy to protect you?"
 "Well, I'll try," Nino gasped, causing Nora to laugh.
 "That's sweet but who's gonna protect you when you fail?" She grinned, pressing her finger in his chest. He frowned and glanced down but to everyone's surprise, Ivan stepped up.
 "Hey, leave him alone," He gasped, making Nora look at him. She ran her eyes over him, clearly not impressed. "If it came to it, I'll protect my friends!"
 "Uh huh," She grinned. "The only thing you've got going for you in your build but build isn't enough. You need strength and speed. Think you got that, Big Guy?"
 Nora laughed, causing Ivan to growl a little.
 "I do anything to protect my friends!" He declared, making her nod.
 "Alright, Alya can go out with you guys..." She stated before walking over to the table and placing her elbow down on the table. "If you or Cappy can beat me in an arm wrestle.. you know since you two are so determined to protect everyone,"
 "Please, don't arm wrestle on my account," Alya sighed, clearly embarrassed by Nora's actions before she looked at her. "Nora, I don't need to be protected,"
 "No offence, Nino but you're not strong enough to go against Anansi," Adrien pointed out, making Nino frown.
 "But neither is Ivan!" He pointed out, making Ivan also frown.
 "But if we don't go soon, we'll miss it," Marinette gasped, looking at her friends. "We have to do something,"
 "Forget it," Alya sighed, looking down as her shoulders slumped. "You guys go without me,"
 "Huh?" Juleka gasped as Rose gulped like someone had destroyed the color pink.
 "No way!" She gasped, causing everyone to stare at her. "We're not leaving you behind!"
 "Yeah, you're our friend so you should come with us," Mylene nodded, causing Nora to snort as she laughed.
 "That's all cute and all but Alya ain't going unless one of you flyweights beat me in an arm wrestle," She grinned, causing Marinette to grin as she got an idea. She caught Luka's eye, who gave her a knowing smile. 
 "You'll honor that if you're beaten no matter what right?" He asked, making her glance at him.
 "Yeah, I'll honor it, Tips," She grinned, clicking her neck. "Not that I'll need to though. None of you have a chance,"
 "Ok, Nino? You wanna go? Or should Ivan?" Luka asked, causing Nino to rub his neck nervously but Ivan stepped up and sat down. He wasn't sure what the two bluenettes had plan but he trusted them. He took Nora's hand and nodded. She grinned as Adrien stood by them and held out his hand. 
 "Alright! In position!" He called, causing everyone to gather around. He lifted his hand as the two looked at each other. "Ready... set.... go!"
 He swiped his hand down, causing Ivan to try and move her hand. Nora yawned but then her eyes widen as he managed to move it, causing her to push against him. His arm returned to it's position before Luka glanced at Marinette, who grinned in a mischievous way.
 "Oh no! An akuma!" She gasped, pointing at the window and causing Nora to look that way. Seeing a chance, Luka grabbed Ivan's hand and pulled it downwards.
 "And the winner is Ivan!" Adrien called out, making Nora look back.
 "Huh?!" She gasped, making Marinette gasp.
 "Oops, it was just a fly... my bad," She grinned, causing Ivan to grin and get up. He gave Marinette and Luka a knowing look but didn't say a thing as everyone grinned. "Come on, guys, let's go. If we leave now, we can get there on time,"
 "You're a bunch of cheaters!" Nora growled, slamming her fist on the table and causing everyone to flinch before she pointed at them. "There's no way I could have been beaten! If I hadn't been distracted, I wo-"
 "You said you would honor the agreement if he won regardless of what happened and he won," Luka pointed out, causing her to glare at him.
 "Stay out of this, Tips! Or I'll crush you!" She growled, causing Alya to pinch her nose.
 "That is it, Nora!" She shouted, making everyone look at her. "You lost the challenge so deal with it! I've had it with your overprotective, big sister smothering! I'm going out with my BFFs and I don't care what you think! Alya out!"
 "Uh... we should all go too...." Luka pointed out, causing everyone to nod and begin to leave but not before Nora hissed at them. The gang left outside and began to head to Place de la Concorde before Nora decided to intervene again. Alya turned to them and gave them a smile.
 "Thanks guys for sticking up for me," She smiled as they walked over. It didn't take them long to get there but as soon as they did, Rose grabbed Juleka's hand and rushed over to the wheel, causing most of them to follow but Luka, who decided to go over and listen to a street musician who was playing. Alya gently nudged Marinette and gestured towards Luka before heading up into the wheel. Marinette walked over to him, causing him to look down at her.
 "Aren't you gonna join the others?"
 "Nah, I've been on the Ferris wheel before plus it was Alya's idea. She wants to film them for one of her blogs," She replied, making him nod. "What about you?"
 "Fireworks aren't really my thing," He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I kind of just came along because I get to hang out with you... and everyone else too... you know it's not very often we get to hang out with Kagami or Adrien so yeah... plus Juleka and Rose insisted I come by,"
 "Yeah," Marinette nodded, smiling a little at his comment. "Well, I'm glad you came along. I like hanging out with you,"
 "Really?" He asked, looking at her with a little surprise. She smiled and nodded, making him smile back before she gently nudged his arm.
 "You're my friend, Luka and I like spending time with my friends," She smiled, causing him to smile back as the fireworks went off. She looked up and waved at Alya and the rest of their friends who were currently riding the Ferris wheel. However, she stopped and frowned, making him frown as he looked at her. She looked confused and a little pale.
 "Marinette, are you ok?" He asked, making her glance at him before she frowned.
 "I thought I just saw-" Before she could finish her sentence, people began to scream and run away from the Ferris wheel. Both teenagers glanced over and gasped as they saw a super villain crawling on the wheel and covering it in webs like a spider would before it glanced up at them and hissed. "Um... Luka, I think we should run...."
 "Agreed..." Luka stated back in a way before jumping out of the way as the spider spat webs at them. She turned towards Marinette, stalking towards her. Luka frowned and glanced around. He noticed a store selling hula hoops and ran over. He grabbed one and looked around. His luck vision lit up another store and the hula hoop. He smirked and threw it at the tent, causing it to bounce off the material and fly over to the villain. It landed around her arms and distracted her enough for him to run over and pull Marinette to her feet. The two of them ran off as the akuma tried to break free from the hoop. They went down into the metro before stopping as they let out a breath. Luka straightened up and glanced at her. "Are you ok?"
 "Yeah," She nodded before gently kissing his cheek. He blushed a little before clearing his throat.
 "Uh... I need to g-go find Juleka and the rest... they might be in danger..." He mumbled, making her frown. He thought she would argue with him but to her surprise, she nodded. Both of them knew that arguing would be pointless anyway. Marinette played with her hands a little.
 "Just... be careful ok?" She asked, making him nod.
 "I will," He replied before he ran off. As soon as he was out of sight, Marinette rushed over to the steps of the platform and headed down them, away from prying eyes. She opened her purse and Plagg flew out, stretching a little before he glanced at her.
 "Did you have to wake me from my nap, Dollface?" He asked, causing her to nod.
 "Sorry, Plagg but Paris is in trouble again," She replied, holding up her hand. "Plagg, Claws Out,"
 Plagg yelled out a little as he was sucked into the ring before a green light engulfed Marinette, transforming her into Lady Noir. She jumped out and ran up the stairs, just in time to see the Ferris Wheel roll away and Anatis chase it. She ran over and caught up with him, causing him to glance at her before pointing ahead to the two lion statues. She nodded and took out her baton before extending it and throwing it at them. It landed perfectly in their mouths and stopped the Ferris Wheel. The two of them rushed over and helped everyone get off it.
 "Thank you, Anatis and Lady Noir," A woman gasped as they got off, causing Anatis to turn to his partner.
 "I'm glad you turned up when you did," He smiled before throwing his yoyo around a car and dragging it over to the wheel. He placed it so the wheel was leaning on it and grabbed Lady Noir's baton before jumping back over to her and handing her the baton. "Not sure how I would have stopped it if you hadn't turned up,"
 "I'm sure you would have worked something out," She grinned, taking it before glancing up at the wheel. "But there's one booth missing from the wheel?"
 "Yeah, the spider took it just before I got there," He replied before taking out his yoyo and throwing it. It wrapped around one of the flag poles on a building. "It was this way,"
 He swung off, causing Lady Noir to jump up and follow him before they jumped down and landed near the booth. Juleka was stood shaking, jumping as Anatis and Lady Noir landed near them. Luckily, Kagami and Adrien were stood with her but Rose and the others weren't there. 
 "Anatis," She gasped, rushing over. He frowned at her panicked expression. "It's Alya's big sister. She took Rose!"
 "Who's Alya's big sister?" Lady Noir asked, frowning as Kagami walked over.
 "It appears that Nora has been akumatized," She explained, making both heroes frown. "She took three victims. Alya, Mylene and Rose. I imagine she took them because they are the 'weakest' in her eyes. While we know Alya can defend herself, Nora considers her weak as she is her little sister. As for the other two, I'd say that's pretty obvious,"
 "Nino and Ivan went after them," Adrien gasped. "Juleka was going to join them but we told her to stay here and wait for you two,"
 "A good suggestion," Anatis nodded. "Stay here. We'll rescue your friends,"
 "My brother, Luka, is also missing... I don't think Anansi got him but I haven't seen him," Juleka gasped, causing Adrien and Kagami to nod.
 "And our friend Marinette," Kagami added in, making Anatis frown.
 "Luka is fine. I ran into Luka on my way here and told him to hide in Tuileries Gardens," He mumbled before frowning. "But I haven't seen Marinette..."
 "She's ok!" Lady Noir gasped, making everyone look at her. "I also bumped into her on my way here. She was hiding by the metro station but I advised her to hide in the platform. Anyway, we should try and capture us a spider. Stay here and be safe, kay? Annie, let's go,"
 "Right," He nodded before the two heroes jumped away and followed the trail of webbing. The two of them heard a yell and frowned as they saw Ivan flying across the sky. Anatis threw his yoyo to create a web and caught him in it before letting him down. He jumped over and landed next to him as Ivan got up. "Are you ok?"
 "I'm fine, Anatis but my friends are in real trouble," He frowned, glancing over to the Arc de Triomphe. Anatis glanced over and frowned as he saw a huge web between it's arc. He took out his yoyo and zoomed in. Alya, Rose and Mylene were trapped in the middle with Nino next to them, making him frown. He put it away and turned to Ivan.
 "Stay here and leave this to me and Lady Noir," He ordered, making Ivan frown. "I promise we'll get your friends back,"
 "But Mylene... she's so special to me, Anatis," He muttered, looking a little love stuck before he shook his head. "I won't let anything happen to her,"
 "And I admire that but I wouldn't forgive myself if you got caught so please stay back," He ordered again before swinging towards the spider's web with Lady Noir. Ivan frowned and chased after them. The two heroes landed in front of the spider and took out their weapons as Anansi glanced at them and smirked.
 "So it's two vs one now?" She asked before holding up her six arms and bouncing side to side. "Fine by me! Round two!! Fight!"
 She threw a punch at Anatis, who dodged and ducked. Lady Noir jumped up to hit her with her baton, causing her to punch her into a car before she swung at Anatis. He dodged and backflipped over to Lady Noir, who was rubbing her jaw as Anansi laughed.
 "On the floor already? We just started," She laughed, punching the air a few times. Anatis landed by Lady Noir and offered her his hand, helping her to her feet before he lifted her chin to check for an injury. He was honestly worried that her jaw had been broken.
 "Are you ok, kitten?" He asked, concern covering his features as he gently touched her jaw. She blushed a little and gently pushed his hand away, making him frown a little.
 "I'm fine, Annie," She grinned, making him look relieved before they turned round. Anansi was bouncing around, punching the air as she waited for their next attack, causing Anatis to frown. "Where do you think the akuma is?"
 "I'm thinking it's in her head gear," He mumbled, causing Lady Noir to frown a little.
 "I agree but she's so strong that I don't think I can get close enough to destroy it," Lady Noir admitted, making Anatis frown but he nodded never the less. "Got any ideas?"
 "How about a change of plan?" He suggested, making her to look at him. "I'll distract Anansi and you rescue the prisoners,"
 "Of course, that might distract her enough for her to drop her guard and for you to restrain her,"
 "Exactly, then you use your cataclysm to destroy her head gear," He grinned but he suddenly pushed Lady Noir out of the way as Anansi threw a car at them before picking up another one.
 "Ding, ding, ding. Bell's ringing!" She declared, holding it above her head before she threw it at them. "Round three! Fight!"
 They jumped out of the way, causing Anatis to dive at her and try to kick her. She blocked and tried to get a hit on him before he blocked her attack and moved under her arms before wrapping his yoyo around her legs and pulling her down. She caught herself and threw her fists at him but he grabbed them and used them as leverage to land a kick to her face before backflipping down and dodging another one of her attacks. Seeing Anansi busy fighting Anatis, Lady Noir to the chance to jump and begin to climb up the web but her hands got stuck on it. She frowned and tried put her hand free, only for her other hand to get stuck once she had free the first.
 "Seriously," She gasped, pulling that one free and trying to climb up but her feet had gotten stuck too. She tried to pull free but she ended up rolling on her back and getting completely stuck. She tried to pull away but was completely stuck. "Uh... Annie! I think I've gotten myself into a sticky situation,"
 "Looks like I've already got a catch," Anansi laughed evilly as both her and Anatis looked up at Lady Noir before she turned her attention back to Anatis, who was spinning his yoyo. "You'll be next, Beetle,"
 "I don't think so!" He declared, blocking her hits with the yoyo before throwing it at her. She moved her head to the side and grabbed it before spinning him around and throwing him away from the web. He hit a car and bounced off it, rolling on the floor. He groaned and looked up, trying to get up but found his foot stuck on some of the webbing. Anansi smirked before jumping up onto the web and stalking up to Lady Noir. Anatis frowned and tried to pull his foot free as Lady Noir to tried to hit her with her baton but Anansi grabbed it and threw it aside. It landed by Anatis just as he got his foot free. He grabbed it and looked up as Ivan rushed over.
 "Anatis, are you ok?" He asked, helping the hero up. 
 "Yeah but I'm gonna need some help," He declared, glaring up at Anansi. He hooked Lady Noir's baton to his belt and threw up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!"
 He caught the candle and rose an eyebrow as Ivan watched him.
 "A candle? What are you gonna do with that?" He asked as Anatis glanced around. Nothing lit up so he glanced back at it before his eyes widen in realization. "Anatis?"
 "Of course... but I don't have time to do that," He muttered, glancing up at Lady Noir.
 "Well, maybe I could help," Ivan suggested, causing him to look at him. "Uh... I mean... Nevermind... I'm not exactly a hero... I tried to save Mylene and my friends but I'm not strong enough..."
 "Ivan right?" Anatis asked, making him look at him and nod. "Been a hero isn't about how strong you are. It's about determination and courage,"
 He took out Lady Noir's baton and held it out to him. 
 "We can't let Anansi get Lady Noir's miraculous," He declared, placing it in Ivan's hands. "Use this to defend yourself and distract her from getting the ring. I won't be long,"
 "Alright, Anatis!" Ivan grinned before turning to face Anansi as Anatis threw his yoyo and swung onto a rooftop. He ran across it as fast as he could then jumped off the edge and swung through the city. He landed in the ally near Master Fu's and detranformed, catching Tikki before rushing Master Fu's shop. He ran up the stairs as fast as he could and burst through the door, causing Master Fu to look up startled.
 "Master, Ivan won't hold off Anansi for long," He gasped, holding his knees as she sucked in a breathe. He looked up as Master Fu gasped. "She has Lady Noir caught in her web and she's able to get her miraculous,"
 "We can not allow that to happen," He gasped, getting up as Luka gave Tikki a macaroon. He moved over to the phonograph and put in the combination as Tikki began to eat the macaroon before taking out the miracle box and placing it in front of Luka. "Luka Couffaine, pick an ally you can trust to fight alongside you this mission,"
 He opened the box, allowing the draws to pop open as Luka glanced at them.
 "Choose wisely. Such powers are meant to serve the greater good," Master Fu stated, causing Luka to nod and reach out for one of them. "Once the mission is over, you must retrieve the miraculous from them and return it back to me. Do you have one in mind?"
 "I need a protective miraculous..." Luka mumbled, glancing at all of them yet none of them called out to him. He glanced to the side and noticed Master Fu's bracelet before pointing to it. "That's the one I need, Master... uh... that's if it's ok with you and Wayzz?"
 "I'm fine with it as long as you are," Wayzz nodded, causing Master Fu to smile and take it off.
 "Do you have someone in mind, Luka?" He asked as he held to Wayzz, who disappeared back into it before handing it to Luka. Luka picked it up and walked over to the draws before taking out one of the small boxes and placed it inside.
 "I think I've found just the right person," He grinned before placing the box in his pocket and bowing to Master Fu. "Thank you, Master,"
 "Good luck, Luka," He replied as Luka rushed out. Once back in the allyway, he re-transformed and jumped up onto the rooftop before heading back to Arc de Triomphe. He got there just as Anansi threw Ivan across the sky again. He swung by and caught Ivan, landing on the roof with him. Ivan let out a sigh of relief.
 "Thank you, Anatis," He smiled, leaning against his legs. "I thought I was gonna be toast then,"
 "No problem, Ivan," Anatis nodded as Ivan straighten up.
 "Did you get what you needed?" He asked, causing Anatis to nod.
 "CATACLYSM!" Lady Noir shouted, making both boys look over as she glared at Anansi, who growled and flipped back. She placed her hands behind her and closed her eyes, making Ivan frown.
 "What's she waiting for?" He asked as Anatis frowned.
 "For Lady Noir's transformation to drop," He replied before turning to Ivan and gesturing for him to move. They jumped down to a slightly lower roof but it was one that took them out of the sight of everyone. Once they were on it, Anatis turned to Ivan. "I'm gonna need help to defeat Anansi so are you still willing to do anything to help save your friends?"
 "Of course," Ivan nodded before glancing at him as he reached into his yoyo. "Why?"
 "Because I need you to be a hero," He replied, taking out the box and holding it out to Ivan, who blinked in surprise. "Ivan Bruel, this is the miraculous of the turtle that grants the power of protection. You will use it for the greater good,"
 "Me?" Ivan asked, pointing to himself. Anatis smiled and nodded, causing Ivan to smile back and take it. He opened it and jumped a little at the bright green light that circled around him. "Whoa,"
 Anatis smiled as Wayzz formed and looked at Ivan, who blinked in surprise.
 "Hello. My name is Wayzz,"
 "Uh... I'm Ivan...." Ivan muttered in a shy manner before looking at Wayzz. "Are you like a genie or something?"
 "Oh, no. I'm a kwami," Wayzz explained as Ivan listened. "I can't grant wishes but I can give you super powers,"
 "Once the mission is done, you must return the miraculous to me," Anatis stated, causing Ivan to look at him while he put on the bracelet. "Can I trust you?"
 "Of course, Anatis," Ivan nodded, making both Anatis and Wayzz smile.
 "Then all you have to say is Wayzz, Shell on," Wayzz explained, causing Ivan to nod before he took a deep breathe and held up his arm.
 "Wayzz, shell on," He declared, causing Wayzz to be sucked into the bracelet, charging it up. Feeling the energy build up, he stomped on the roof and pushed his arms out, causing a green energy to creating his outfit. His main suit was a forest green with brown sides and he had armor across his chest that resembled a turtle's stomach. His gloves were brown and matched his boots but his transformation wasn't done yet. The green energy burst from the center off his chest, creating an emblem that resembled a turtle's shell attached to a harness that was green and brown in color. On his back was a shield that also resembled a turtle's shell. The energy traveled down his arms, leaving a gray strip in it's place before causing green spikes to burst from his gloves before he pulled down a pair of goggles over his eyes. At the same time, the blonde tuff of his hair turned a forest green, completing his transformation. He glanced down at his hands and turned around as he checked out his new look. "Whoa... this is so cool..."
 "Don't get carried away," Anatis stated, making Ivan face him. "Normally, I'd give you a whole brief but time is of the essence today. We need to save Lady Noir and the others before her transformation drops. To that, we'll need your power and mine,"
 "How do I use mine?" Ivan asked, following Anatis as he climbed back on to the higher roof. 
 "You'll need to lift your shell and use the magic word, Shell-ter," Anatis explained, glancing around. "It will create a force field around you for roughly six feet and is basically indestructible but before you use your power, I need to use mine. Lucky charm!"
 He threw his yoyo up in the air and caught the boxing gloves that were created, causing Ivan to frown as he looked at them.
 "You're not going to try and fight her, are you?" He asked, worried as Anatis looked around in his luck vision. Ivan lit up, followed by the Arc de Triomphe then finally Lady Noir.
 "Why not? It's a simple plan after all," He grinned, hooking the gloves onto his belt. "I need you distract her while I make us a boxing ring and then when the time is right, you'll need to protect all of us. Can you do that?"
 "Uh... I'll try my best, Anatis," Ivan nodded, causing Anatis to smile at him as they dived off the building and ran towards the web. "So are your plans always this crazy?"
 "Well, this one is pretty simple compared to some of my other ones," Anatis replied as he took out his yoyo. Ivan nodded and threw the shield at Anansi, causing her to jump down and land in front of them before holding up her arms.
 "Change of pet? You replaced your kitty with a turtle?" She asked as Anatis grinned at him and Ivan caught his shield.
 "What can I say? I love animals but I'm not overly keen on spiders!" He replied, throwing his yoyo. Once again, Anansi moved her head to the side and grinned at him. 
 "You missed,"
 "Did I?" He replied, grinning before Ivan dived at her, getting her attention. Anatis ran around them, wrapping his yoyo's string around the pillars of the Arc de Triomphe as Ivan fought against Anansi, giving her as good as he got. He used his shield to block her attack and protect himself before landing hits as well. Anatis jumped over the string and put on the gloves once he had finished making the ring. "Anansi!"
 "Huh?" She called out, causing Ivan to jump back as Anatis grinned at her before he pointed one of his hands at her.
 "I challenge you to a fight," He grinned, causing her to raise an eyebrow at him. "One match. You win, I'll surrender my miraculous but if I win, you free your prisoners,"
 She remained quiet for a second, causing Anatis to continue.
 "Come on, what have you got to lose?" He asked, making her look at him. "Lady Noir's only got a few minutes until she transforms back anyway,"
 A purple butterfly mask appeared around her eyes, causing her to shake her head.
 "Don't worry, Butterfly man," She stated to Hawkmoth before clicking her neck. "This nasty bug is no match for Anansi... alright, bug boy, you're on,"
 She walked over to the middle and held out her arm. Anatis walked over and tapped his fist against it. Anansi smirked at him as Ivan took out Lady Noir's baton.
 "I'll devour you, little nasty bug," She declared as Ivan hit his shield, signaling the beginning of the fight. Anansi charged at him, pulling her arms back. "One hit will be enough,"
 "You can't punch the wind," Anatis replied back, dodging her hit before jumping over the other side of the ring. She growled and ran back at him, punching him. He ducked and slid over before backflipping out the way as she tried to punch him again. He jumped over to another side and grinned as she cornered him.
 "It's over!" She shouted, throwing her fist at him. Only for him to duck and roll out the way before flipping back to his feet as her fists hit the pillar, cracking it. 
 "Not by the looks of it," Anatis replied, holding up his arms, causing her to growl and face him. "So much for that one punch huh? Course it would be nice for you if you could actually land one,"
 "Why you?!" She growled, trying to punching him again but he moved around, dodging her hits as he continued to back chat her. "Shut up!"
 "Why? Having trouble doing two things at once?" He asked, jumping back and landing by another pillar. She growled and charged at him, throwing her fist but he jumped out of the way again, causing her to growl as the pillar cracked. "Missed me,"
 "Uh! Stay still!" She growled, throwing fists at him again but once again, he dodged and she hit another pillar cracking it. She turned around and dived at him again but he flipped out of the way. She growled again as he did. She threw her weight into the next punch but he ducked and stepped out the way, causing her to crack another pillar.
 "Wow. All those hits and you didn't hit me once," He grinned, bouncing on his toes. She yelled out and threw more hits at him but none of them hit. "Missed me! Missed me again! Wow, Anansi, you're really bad at this!"
 "Why you?!" She growled, kicking him and grabbing him. She threw him onto the other side of the ring and landed before stalking over to him as he leaned on the rope. Ivan looked extremely worried as he did. "You can't win this, Nasty Bug so just give up and give me your miraculous,"
 He laughed a little as he glanced up at him.
 "You wish," He grinned, pulling back on the rope and causing it to cut into the pillars. It was enough to causing it to collapse. A piece of brick fell and caused Anansi to dive out of the way as Anatis took off his gloves and fixed them back on his belt. He then grabbed his yoyo and pulled back the string, freeing the Arc de Triomphe. Ivan rushed over as Anatis placed his hands to get. He jumped onto it and Anatis pushed him up, causing him to land onto the web. He climbed over to the girls and Nino as Anatis threw his yoyo and pulled himself up onto the web, moving over to Lady Noir. "This is where we need your power. Everyone, get ready,"
 "Shell-ter!" Ivan called out, throwing his arm up while holding the shield. A green light burst from it, creating a ball of force field around them and cutting them free from the web as they fell to the ground. Nino grabbed Alya and Ivan held Mylene. Anatis caught Rose and Lady Noir, making sure no one was hurt as the Arc de Triomphe fell around them.
 "Everyone ok?" Anatis asked, getting nods of everyone. "Excellent,"
 Ivan lowered the forcefield as Lady Noir dusted down her ears before grinning at Anatis.
 "Are you creating a zoo?" She asked before a fearful expression appeared on her face. "Wait! You're not placing to replace me, are you?"
 Anatis opened his mouth to answer but before he could, Anansi broke through the rumble and growled, running towards Anatis.
 "You cheater!" She screamed, going to throw her fist at him but Lady Noir kicked out her feet, causing her to fall on the ground and before she slammed her hand onto her helmet, destroying it and releasing the akuma. She stood up straight and flicked her braid with pride as Anatis smiled.
 "Thanks, Kitten," He grinned before taking out his yoyo and capturing the akuma. He released the now purified butterfly before throwing up the boxing gloves. "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
 The gloves burst into the magic ladybugs before swarming over Paris, fixing everything their path. Anatis smiled as Anansi turned back into Nora and looked around confused. 
 "The beetle and Miss Whiskers?" She asked, looking around. "What's going on here?"
 "You were akumatized but everything is ok now," Anatis stated, making her look at him in surprise before he knelt down. "Look I know you were just trying to look out for your sister but she's not a little girl anymore, Nora..."
 "I... I know..." She mumbled, looking to the side. "I just worry about her you know,"
 "I get it," He smiled, standing up and offering her his hand. She took it and he helped her onto her feet as Lady Noir's ring beeped. She gasped and nervous waved before running off, causing him to look at her. "Lady Noir!"
 She stopped and looked at him.
 "You know you're irreplaceable," He smiled, making her blush before she ran off. Ivan was stood with Mylene but before he could say anything, Alya squealed and held up her phone.
 "This is a first for the ladyblog! A brand new hero!!" She gasped, moving around him and causing him to blush a little from the attention. "So what's your name?!"
 "Uh... I'm...." He looked towards Anatis, who was smirking with his arms crossed. He gave him a nod of approval before Mylene cleared her throat, making everyone look at her.
 "Um... you call call yourself Leatherback... as in a Leatherback turtle... they're a vulnerable species you know and your suit looks like one... so maybe you call name yourself after one..." She mumbled, making him smile.
 "Leatherback... I like it..." He grinned, making Anatis smirk. 
 "Come on, Luth. We need to get going," Anatis grinned before saluting Alya and the video. "See ya, bugheads,"
 The two heroes ran off and jumped onto the building before disappearing into the city. The two of them dropped down into an ally and Ivan called off the transformation before taking off the miraculous and handing it back to Anatis.
 "Thank you for choosing me, Anatis," He smiled as Anatis put away the miraculous. "If you need help again, just let me know,"
 "Thank you, Ivan. It means a lot," He smiled before throwing his yoyo and disappearing into the rooftops. Ivan smiled and ran off to find everyone else. Anatis grinned as he looked down before swinging off into the city to return the miraculous.
 ~Later That Night~
 Luka gasped as he heard the sound of something been knocked down, causing him to frown as he got up. Tikki was still asleep as was everyone else in the boat so he carefully moved through the living area. He moved up the stairs and carefully sneaked onto the deck as he heard the person move by. He frowned as he saw their silhouette before grabbing one of the guitar cables and throwing it at them. They hissed and caught it as he turned one of the stage lights, causing the person to gasp and fall over covering their eyes. He quickly moved over and blinked as he saw Lady Noir.
 "Lady Noir?!" He gasped, rushing to turn off the light as she got up and dusted herself down. "What are you doing here?"
 "I came to see if everyone was ok. I've already checked on the others but I was worried... about... you..." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her neck. He blinked in surprise. "I know Anatis said you were safe and it's not that I don't trust him cause I do. I trust him with my life and I don't think he was lying... I was just worried..."
 "About me?" He asked, generally surprise. Part of him was afraid that she had worked out his identity. "Well... not that I'm not grateful cause I am but Lady Noir... it's 3 am..."
 "Yeah... I couldn't sleep..." She grinned, cheekily. He chuckled and shook his head.
 "You know my friend, Marinette, is exactly the same," He replied, failing to notice her panicked expression. "Do you want me to get you a dish of milk or would you prefer some tuna?"
 "Ha, ha. Very funny," She stated before tapping her finger against her chin. "Though some cream sounds really nice,"
 "Only cream we have in is Irish cream and that belongs to Ma," He replied, making her shake her head. "Are you ok though? I know you said you were worried about me but you've never turned up here before,"
 "I guess... I guess today's akuma kind of hit close to home in a way..." She replied before letting out a sigh. "Not that I should be bothering you with this. God, Anatis would probably tell me off if he knew I came here today,"
 "Hey, I don't think he would and isn't it better to talk to someone then bottle it up?" He asked, making her smile at him before sitting down on some of the boxes. He sat next to her. "So what's on your mind, kitty-cat? Did you know the akuma?"
 "Yeah... I can't tell you how but yeah, I do..." She replied, nodding. "And it's not like I'm emotionally invested in her you know but if she got akumatized then anyone can and I worry that maybe one day, Hawkmoth will claim someone really close to me and I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my cool like Annie does. You know he's so strong and brave. If I had been the one choose to take down an akuma like Princess Justice, I don't know if I could do it,"
 "I think you're stronger then you give yourself credit for," He smiled, making her look at him and blush a little. "And Anatis is lucky to have a partner like you,"
 "You think?" She asked, looking over at him. Her ears twitched a little as she played with her braid before she looked to the side. "I think it's the other way round. I'm the lucky one to have Annie as a partner, which is kind of ironic since I'm never been that lucky..."
 She let out a little sigh, causing Luka to frown a bit.
 "You sure you're ok?"
 "Oh, yeah, I'm fine," She grinned, nervously. "Just having self doubt again. Honestly, I don't think I could do this whole hero gig without Annie,"
 "Really? Cause I think you do a great job," He smiled, making her blush. "You're both really good heroes and I think you'll could do this 'gig' as you put it solo but the point is you don't have to. You have Anatis's back and he has yours,"
 "You understand this quite well," She grinned before tapping her chin as she made a thinking face. "Say you're not one of the other heroes, are you?"
 "Me? Oh no... I'm not..." He gasped, a little surprised as she cackled. "It's just... well, it's like been in a band right? Like Kitty Section... you've got me on guitar, Juleka on bass, Ivan's our drummer and Rose sings... each one of us can play on our own easily. Probably do good as well but we work better together. It's like our individual songs come together and work in sync with each other. The drums help keep the timing of the song going but the bass keeps the rhythm. The guitar brings it together and acts like a glue and the lyrics breathe life into it... on their own, these things are good but together they create something amazing. I guess that's how I see it with you heroes. Alone, you both are good and can save people but together, you become a powerful melody that gives people hope and save the whole city. However, for that melody to be heard, it requires both of you so you say you couldn't do this hero gig without Anatis but I think you're wrong. I think you would be a hero even if you didn't have the miraculous,"
 "Yeah... the miraculous is like an amplifier and you're the melody that is played. In your every day life, you play your melody on an acoustic guitar. It's loud enough to be heard but sometimes people miss it but when you become Lady Noir, your melody is been played at full volume on an electric guitar but it's the same melody that's been played. The only different is that it's been amplified and played a full volume. It's still you but just played in a different way,"
 "Wow..." Lady Noir gasped, looking at him with amazement. He gasped and rubbed his neck as his neck. "That actually makes a lot of sense. You're really wise you know,"
 "I dunno," He mumbled, looking to the side shyly. "Music just makes sense to me,"
 "Yeah? So I'm guessing you're a musician then?" She asked, making him smile and nod before he yawned. 
 "Sorry," He mumbled, rubbing his eyes a little. 
 "Oh no! Don't be! I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm gonna get going so you can get some sleep," She stated, jumping up. She went to walk away before she stopped, causing Luka to look at her. "Thanks for listening and talking to me..."
 "Anytime, Lady Noir," He smiled, making her smile back before she jumped off and headed into the city. He smiled and shook his head as he went back inside. "Silly kitty, you're my best friend. I couldn't do this without you,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/637262678330589184/miralcous-rise-of-anatis-39
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thrillridesz · 4 years
saw this around and i was wondering if you could assign your mutuals w a tbz song each?
Hi! Sure, of course ^^ I’ve seen this around too and fair warning... this post is LOOONNGGG so I’ve placed a ‘keep reading’ tab!
Also I’m really sorry if we’re mutuals and your name isn’t here >< I might be forgetting some maybe because we haven’t been talking..? but honestly if you want me to assign you a tbz song privately, just dm me 💙
@chaoticdeobi - Giddy Up
ok so bea is honestly a ray of sunshine wherever she goes and she’s one of the few people that I’ve really really gotten close to here on tumblr >< talking to her feels so easy, fun and comfortable which is exactly how I feel when I listen to giddy up! It’s upbeat like she is and the positive vibes that radiate from them is insane 🌟
@atbzkingdom - Tattoo
Tattoo is deep and meaningful and so is Dee. She’s the one I turn to for advice and I look up to her a lot! She’s the sane one of the chaotic idiots LMAO and I think tattoo just really suits her aura as well as grace 🖤 ily dee
@heartyyjeno - Bloom Bloom
I’ve once said alesha reminds me of Eric and I still stand by that ^^ bloom bloom is a song that encompass youthful radiance and excitement and I believe that’s Alesha to a T. This girl is just a huge ball of floof and uwuness that I just wanna squish her cheeks sometimes 😆
@experimentalwrites - Whiplash
talking to nabi feels like I’m talking to a close friend even though we haven’t been mutuals for long. There’s just something about her that makes me feel really safe and just content around her? It’s the exact feeling I get from listening to whiplash 😊
@sankyeom - Spring Snow
belle to me seems really intimidating at first and almost untouchable. but once I started talking to her, I realise that her presence is just so soothing? she’s the sort of friend that you can talk about the things that are most dear to your heart and she’d listen intently and you know that you can trust her. shes gentle and subtle but makes a deep impact, like Spring Snow ✨
@moondustaeil - Ego
this is surprising even for me but after much thought, I still think amber would do well being paired with Ego. she’s straightforward and tells it like it is which is honestly very refreshing to see. she’s like an older sister to me but like the super cool, edgy sister I’ll never live up to lol 😂 but yes ego has the same edge to me hence the pairing!
@thepixelelf - Checkmate
checkmate is a song that screams boss lady and fierceness which are terms I associate with casey. she has such boss like vibes that I’m sometimes a little afraid to approach her but at the same time, i admire her for how woke and down to earth she is. A true queen 👑
@mae-gi-writes - Clover
mae strikes me as someone who is very driven and ethusiastic! the vibes that Clover has is the same so tbh this was a little of a no brainer HAHA its clean, catchy beat suits her aura as well! ⭐️
@aniyawoos - Shine Shine
when I listen to Shine Shine, I think of yu. It’s has this effortlessly sexc beat to it that also screams deep, velvety maturity that yu has as well! It’s a beat that really makes me feel really powerful and when I think of powerful and dynamic, yu comes into mind hence the pairing 💗
@badwithten - Stupid Sorry
stupid sorry is one of my favourite tbz songs EVER >< I paired zoe with stupid sorry because of how seemingly unassuming but inexplicably meaningful and cute the track is which is the impression I have of her as well 💞
@lovely-kpop-writer - DDD
crazy yet fun and so full of liveliness... That’s Jasmine! I listen to DDD whenever I wanna feel hyped and that’s why I think my brain subconsciously links jasmine to ddd because talking to jasmine even if it’s just over asks is extremely invigorating ❤️
@tidalstorm - Scar
scar is SUCH AN INTENSE AND HOT SONG OMFG it’s got this sexc dark vibe that I feel like always associate with amal as well >< Amal and Scar has this really dominant aura to them and I’m like if scar as a song was a person, Amal and Scar can kick me in the gut and I’d thank them ( too weird? I’m sorry but it’s the best way I can put it lol ) 👀
@blushwoo - The Stealer
honestly, this song is so sexc yet so cute at the same time imo like the concept?? but with that theme?? bruhh talk about a paradox lol tbh anie gives me that very same feeling! like before I got to know her, I thought she was just this really soft, cute mutual but when I really started talking to her, she’s actually surprisingly intense in a good way 😳
@jacobies - Boy
boy is just such a classic yet sensational song and to me, it forever represents the og. dani seems that way to me and honestly in a way even though we’ve never actually talked, I feel like her blog is one of those that laid a foundation to deobi tumblr and she has really brought so many deobis tgt with her deobiccbattle among other things. I look up to her a lot 💕
@aethalen - Reveal
ailea just seems so classy and out of league sometimes! I paired her with Reveal because of the mature and sophisticated vibe that the both of them simply exude... tbh talking to ailea ( on that one occasion lmao can we talk more >< ) I felt like was talking to an idol 🖤
@ukiyoexo - Insanity
i feel like i didn’t think i would pair emma with insanity but honestly, i feel like it’s kinda fitting! emma gives off a very edgy, badass vibe which made me really inclined to pair her with ego at first but after thinking it through, i think insanity’s unique beat suits her more? it’s not as intense as say ego or scar but it still has that very strong, powerful vibe to it 💫
@2hyunjae - Salty
salty is such a classic song and also one of my favs XD it’s just like luna - soft yet fun, intimidating yet so gentle... it’s a song that really grows on you and you feel warm listening to it just like how I feel warmth in my own heart when I see her posts on my dash 💘
@uwu0clock - Wings
we don’t really talk a lot but idk why when I thought of L, I think of Wings! Seeing her on my dash feels very familiar and whenever we do talk, I enjoy all of our conversations ^^ there’s something about them that is so wholesome, just like the vibes from Wings 💓
@fairyoftbz - Break your rules
I’ve never actually had a real conversation with soph but she’s always a joy to see in the collab discord chat ^^ her presence is subtle but it sure is calming and from what I know, she seems like a pretty chill and friendly mutual! 🧡
@jyeonvoir - Goodbye
elsie I’ve said before gives me regal, royalty vibes like that of a queen. I know you probably don’t expect me to pair you with Goodbye but hear me out lol that song is just so iconic?? the smooth ballad instantly makes me feel so comforted whenever I listen to it and it’s the exact same way when I’m interacting with elsie. Ily tumblr big sis 💖
@minfuwa - No Air
no air has such senpai vibes, don’t @ me for this HAHA I haven’t really talked to fuwa much lately but I still see her around and it strangely feels like you know how you watch animes and the protagonist girl is always so shy around the senpai? Yeah that’s kind of me at fuwa and I think it’s because she has this regal vibe to her like elsie and that since no air is such a masterpiece like all her works... this pairing goes without saying 😋
@fluffytbz - Daydream
just like daydream, rosie is an absolute dream as well lmao ( too corny? Sorry I’ll stop ) but fr tho... although we haven’t talked in awhile, I always remembered how lovely and friendly she was to me when we first started talking and when I thought of daydream, I thought of her too because of its sweet melody 💝
@tbzwurld - 4Ever
I think I’ve mentioned that I’ve felt intimidated by bee before >< but I feel like when I got to know her for a bit, she’s actually rly friendly yet there’s a certain fiery spark in her that I’m getting for some reasons? Like 4Ever, it has a very casual beat to it but there’s a little oomph to it that you can’t put your finger on but know it’s there 😉
@sunwuism - Right here
I haven’t actually had a full conversation with neha yet but she just seems so sweet and lovely! Right here is a song I associate those terms with so it felt natural to pair her with it 💛
@todeobi - Water
water is one of those songs that has a pretty sweet, endearing feel to it like the vibes that gus gives me and from my conversation with her, she seems super nice to talk to and just hang around! she’s so awkwardly cute that i just wanna hug her sometimes HAHA ❣️
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mrsgaryrennell · 4 years
hiii! 6, 8, 15, 18, 23, 25, 26, and 28 for both chloe and dicky! (sorry if these are too many lol) 💕
Oohh hii sis 💛💛💛miss you a bunch but thanks for asking 👀which btw don’t worry about putting to many lmao 🤡 
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Just beware of my lengthy essay 💀 alright so Dicky and Chloe
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6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Dicky: This man was a problem as a child lol And no nothing tragic about his backstory, he’s just a chaotic mess 😂He was never a bully or anything, it’s just that he was really intimidating and really mean if ever approached lol but if he liked you enough, he’ll definitely be a chill guy to hang around with haha he’s not antisocial either. He hated school lol Dicky just never paid much attention and there were even times when he would skip class because he simply wasn’t interested 💀So you could say that he didn’t like the majority of the school material. Nonetheless, he did finish secondary school lol
Now, there were a few subjects he did enjoy or in his language were “alright” lol He didn’t mind staying for math class since it’s something he picked up pretty easily on lol I can see the teacher all 😯the first time because they didn’t expect Dicky to be so amazing at it and he’s very nonchalant about it, too lol I feel like math is something he’s naturally really skilled with but he doesn’t really see that in him haha And another school activity he enjoyed was a debate class lol he didn’t like learning laws and all but he really liked sitting across from someone and winning the debate every time 😂 mechanic boi has great argumentative skills 😌 
Chloe: She was a very bright child in school. People were always impressed because of her talent and wit. And kids loved partnering up with her for school projects because she was great at leading the team to create great outcomes. Although, I can’t say that she was too popular in school nor did she make too many friends because they just thought she was a little weird for their taste lol Chloe tells herself that she didn’t mind being alone since she likes her alone time but she’s always been self conscious of being the oddball of the group 😭
While in primary and secondary school, she didn’t mind any of the classes like science, math, literature, etc. She did find charm in each subject but her most favorite subject in school was and still is history lol She’s fascinated by historical figures that committed stupid decisions 😂and she actually enjoys to sit down and watch history documentaries of anything really. Other than history, cello girl also found her love for music and performing arts 💛Music has always been kind of like her escape to peace 
Lastly, she did go to uni and attended Juilliard School in New York for her musical career 🎶 Chloe has always enjoyed music and arts ever since she was a child so expanding her knowledge in this and making it into her professional career has become a huge highlight to her life 😌Of course, she came as one of the top of her class for her creativity, talent, and uniqueness!
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Dicky: So he didn’t have any pets while growing up nor does he have any right now. Jason doesn’t mind animals but they seem to not like him lmao So he rather stay away from nature 😂 
Chloe: She didn’t have any pets when growing up either! She honestly had a lot going on during her childhood and asking for a pet was probably the least thing in her mind. And this could be a little be spoilery lol but it’s okay! Chloe does currently have a beautiful little boy named Frédéric, or Fred for short lol but named him after one of her favorite composers Frédéric Chopin!
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15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Dicky: We all know how much this grumpy man loves his food lol so he does know how to cook! I want to think that he does enjoy cooking since he knows he’s about to devour all of that within seconds lmao so he likes the anticipation. At this point in the story, I’m not sure anyone has tried Dicky’s cooking actually 🤔I guess we’ll see what others think of Dicky’s food later in the chapters 👀
Chloe: She is great at cooking, she loves it! She views it like a form of art so there’s a lot to appreciate for the uniformed ingredients for her 😌In fact, Chloe loves to cook in her spare time and learn more about it from other cultures. Cello girl also has a fascination for food so all the love and care she puts into the meal, it really comes from the heart 💛 So far, the people that she’s fed in the Villa has been the Chatham boys, Gary and Dicky, and they definitely approve of it haha 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else?
Dicky: I don’t think he really reads lol but he loves going over magazines with old fashioned and retro vehicles. He likes to learn about the evolution of cars, that nerd 😂With music, I think he has a liking for alternative rock, mellow rock, maybe a little of metal lol Although, Dicky did listen to some cringey emo music when a teenager but he doesn’t like to talk about that lmao He’s not into any TV shows but likes to watch Fast & Furious movies to trash on it but lowkey likes admiring the sports cars lmao And lastly on video games, he like horror types 💀He has a collection of horror video games and likes to sit down in the dark and play them lol
Chloe: Well, Chloe likes her history lol so she will gladly sit down to read about WWII or something like that 😂 And aw man lol music! This girl appreciates all types of music, but good music. Even though she’s really elegant and a classical musician (which still adores the classics ofc), she really appreciates the modern music like pop, hip hop, indie music, rock, you name it! So Chloe listens to anything and everything and her I’m sure her spotify is random af haha She’s not really into TV shows either but as far as films, she’s a huge nerd: Star Wars! She first fell in love with John Williams’ movie scores and came across the Star Wars one and was infatuated 😌She found out about the trilogy when she was a little older and loves to marathon the movies 💛And no video games lol she’s not really into that haha 
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Dicky: This guy will only have a good memory if he cares lol So if he has any interest in anyone, he will remember names and faces but if he doesn’t care, then you’re out of luck 💀 you’ll be pretty forgettable to Jason lmao Overall, I think he does have a great memory if it’s regarding his job ofc and with the people he cares about and that’s about it haha 
Chloe: She has a great memory! Because of her career and learning all those musical sheets by heart, Chloe gained a photographic memory 😌It will only take a couple of chats with someone for her thoroughly remember your name and face. 
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Dicky: He has dark humor okay 💀he enjoys to mess with people for his own amusement. And he because dark humor is part of his personality, Jason doesn’t realize that he will say something dark and it’ll seem like a joke so people find it funny lol Overall, he is a funny guy but his humor isn’t for everyone 😂
Chloe: Cello girl is a sucker for bad puns lol And when anyone delivers a bad pun and no one laughs, that’s what she finds funniest lmao Her humor is the dry type, very “The Office” type lol I don’t think she’s aware of the US show but when she finds out, it will become one of her favorites lmao Chloe is also unintentionally funny, too. She’ll say or do something weird or random and it’s very humorous for others 
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Dicky: Oooh Dicky, Dicky, Dicky lol this man always has a poker face hah But, you can still determine what his gestures are when he’s happy 😌Dicky may not be a very expressive man but he has a lot of micro expressions and mannerism. It’s really hard to spot it but if you’re an observant person, you’ll be able to determine when mechanic boi is in a good mood! Dicky’s eyes are a major give away lol his eyes will have a little bit of a shine and the outer corner of his eyes will squint a bit. Because he doesn’t wanna show too much of his smile, if he catches himself cracking a smile, he’ll run his hand down his face lmao that dork 💛
Chloe: The humming! She will instinctively start humming a song whenever she’s in a good mood. Like Dicky, Chloe has expressive eyes. She may not say she’s in a happy mood but just looking into her eyes, you’ll be able to tell that there’s something different to the shade and brightness. She doesn’t necessarily hide her emotions when she’s happy since she already has a calm and composed nature but her tone of voice is more friendlier than usual if she’s in a great mood, too. Another way to determine if she’s in a good mood is hearing her giggle a little more often than usual lol but more sore just little short giggles! 
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Dicky: lmaoo Jason would act like he’s a tough guy and say nothing scares him 😂 But he does have his moments where his voice will mildly crack after gasping if there’s ever a jumpscare lol 
Getting a little real and serious about fright tho lol Dicky is afraid of failing able to protect the people he loves. That’s why Dicky is so protective of Gary since he knows Gary has body issues so he tries his best to be as supportive as he can for his friend. Another thing Dicky is scared of is losing a near and dear friendship. Again, he’s not one to make a lot of close friends, so if he ever screwed up and notices that they’re getting distant, this is something Dicky gets anxious about. 
Chloe: She isn’t that type of girl that gets all scared of anything or everything lol she actually finds those type of girls a little annoying 💀She does have a fear for the ocean lol Chloe loves going to the beach, soaking in the sun and even taking a little bit of a swim but the thought of sailing scares her lol A way someone could tell that she’s scared is if her hands unevenly tremble and this is also a mannerism she has if she’s worried about something, too.
Now, a more serious fear she also has is trusting the wrong person. Chloe is a loyal person and can be devoted to them but if she’s always afraid of investing all of her energy into someone that doesn’t reciprocate the same devotion. This is why it’s really hard for her to let anyone in so easily and though she’s still a super friendly and polite girl, it’ll take a lot for someone to make her open up about her life, dreams, aspirations, etc. 
Damn that was long and I apologize girl 🤡 but I hope you enjoyed it 💛 appreciate you asking about these dorks haha and if anyone is still interested in asking, here’s the link to the questions. I got another one to answer and I hope I get to it either tonight or tomorrow!
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