#i could go on for days singing him praises and comfort and cuddles
kakushino · 1 year
Imagine making breakfast in bed for Giyuu. His tired eyes widening as the scent of fresh made food hits him and he looks up seeing a warm smile he loves so dearly being the one behind it. Warmth in his chest would bubble up and a tired smile would come to his face as he looked up at you, love glimmering in his ocean eyes as you kneel beside him. He always felt lucky to have you.
I am in tears (happy)
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“Good morning, love,” you whispered, mindful of his sensitivity in the morning. You set the low table beside him, his favorite breakfast food spread out on it.
“Mornin’, pearl.” The rasp in his voice sent shivers down your spine. His hand reached for yours, intertwining your fingers and caressing your knuckles with his thumb, the warmth of his skin much more intense than yours, yet it only served to relax you. “You prepared breakfast f’me.”
You smiled, leaning down to bestow a kiss on his forehead, but the action proved to be treacherous as he tugged you down, and you tumbled into his arms with a yelp. His arms embraced you, rolling away from the food with you to cuddle.
“The food will get cold, Giyuu,” you told him as you relaxed in his hold, nuzzling your face into his collarbone, kissing it gently. He placed his own onto the crown of your head.
“What ‘bout me?”
You pulled back slightly, confused, “What do you mean?”
His lips were pulled into an adorable pout, one he refused to admit he always did when upset, or faux-upset in this case, “I got cold while y’were gone from m’arms.”
You could only giggle. “Sorry, sorry, I’ll make it up to you.”
Giyuu’s embrace tightened around you, closing his eyes as he relaxed. “Mhm, y’better.”
It was silent for a short while, the birds’ song the perfect background music to your intimacy.
“But y’know, I am hungry, so we will cuddle after food. Did you eat already?”
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djljpanda · 8 months
Lucifer Morningstar X Fallen Exorcist Reader
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Ever since his split from Lilith Lucifer has been a reck feeling like no one can love him, need him, or understand him again
You have been an exorcist for a couple of thousand years now being one of the best exorcists Heaven could ever ask for
But deep down you always felt bad for those you had killed feeling like yes Hell is for those who have done wrong but what about those who did the wrong things for the right reasons
So on the next extermination day you tried to run away from it all but when Adam found out he took it upon himself to kill you
You were able to get away before Adam could finish you off but nothing could prepare you for meeting Lucifer himself
For some reason Lucifer took you in and helped you out and yes you did come out to him about you being a “fallen angel” and your ideals on heaven, earth, and hell
Lucifer just sat there and listened and for the first time since Lilith someone understood him
Now at first you two became roommates in a way, mostly helping him out with his work, giving him duck ideas, being his bodyguard and secretary, and you did try to push him into talking to Charlie more but you understood on why he couldn’t do it himself
You did face palm as when he called her all he did was tell her to have that meeting with Adam, at least it’s a start
Charlie dose know of you but saw you more as her fathers secretary or his best friend, like an aunt, she is happy how you think there is a way to get sinners in to heaven and how you told her if she ever needs help or to talk to someone you are just quick call
Lilith dose know of you and you may have never seen her face to face she is happy someone is keeping her ex happy
Now if you ever get together it would be the best for the both of you cause I’m sure you would want to confess first but with the thoughts of you killing his people and Lilith, it just made you hesitant but with a simple duck jester (making a duck quack an “I love you”) Lucifer confessed his feelings to you
Charlie I think would be happy for her dad to have found someone and yes at first she did see you as her aunt but she is happy to call you her step parent sand she isn’t afraid of telling everyone that either
That’s one of the major reason on why Lucifer likes you, his daughter loves you like a parental figure
This Lucifer is just a sad boy so if you just sit there and cuddle him he would love you forever and if add words of praise he is just melting
Definitely will vent to you cause he is that comfortable around you and he is happy that you feel the same way when you vent
You always support his duck creations and yes late nights would consist of you two role playing with the ducks, when you two started dating he made three duck versions of you, him, and Charlie all matching clothes sitting next to each other, this man had a whole collection of duck versions of you and he was embarrassed when you found out but you called it cute
When extermination day hits he could see how tense you get and when you told him on what happened before he found you he couldn’t help but hate Adam more and so every Extermination day Lucifer would hold your hand and comfort you may even play a little music and it just grew more loving when you two started dating
You do help out with Lu Lu World as it’s one of Lucifer’s passion projects and no one could believe how upset you were when Mammon created Loo Loo land, you almost put your exterminator skills to use but Lucifer stopped you and let Mammon have his way cause he didn’t want to argue with Mammon so you just had to let it go
You both do play music together as when you were both angels all you did was play music, duets and you can’t tell me you, Lucifer, and Charlie didn’t sing together once
You remember seeing Lucifer’s wings for the first time and how amazed you were as you kept complementing him and that just made his face all red and what made you stop was when he commented o how your wings could have been more pretty then his, you just smile at him
Now here you two have more of a bodyguard/ secretary and famous person kind of relationship even though he may not need it he likes keeping you around and that just help made his feelings grow for you
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
Can I request headcanons for Remy, poly! Logan, and Wade reacting to gn crush telling him that they had been told by their crushes that they're not good-looking and interesting please?
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Poly! Wade and Logan
Bullshit! That is such utter bullshit! You’re so sexy don’t cry! - Wade
The idiot doesn’t know what he’s missing out on if that’s how he thinks - Logan.
Want me to kill them?’ - Wade
Logan would smack Wade on the arm ‘pack it in.’
Both of them didn’t like the prick, they never did but didn’t say anything about it for your sake.
Now? They’ll gladly drag that bastard through the mud and more for making you feel as though you weren’t shit. You are the shit when Logan and Wade are concerned.
Wade will be your hype man during this sensitive time but his affirmations were mainly things like:
You are sexy, you are fierce, you will crush that fuckers skull with your thighs the next time that fucker opens their mouth!
Dog pool likes you more than that fucking disappointment.
Emotions are neither of these men’s strong suit so they’re not going to be the best in comforting you but that doesn’t mean they don’t try to take your mind off of the whole thing.
Logan would be your shoulder to lean on for the teddy bear of a man wouldn’t bring himself to move as you openly ranted to him and Wade about the now former crush.
‘What did I do wrong?’
‘You didn’t do anything wrong and you know it, so stop trying to find a plausible way to blame yourself when the fault falls upon the fucking idiot who rejected you.’ Logan would say as Wade hums in agreement while painting his nails.
Pookie is right- Wade
Don’t call me Pookie- Logan
Pookie and I don’t want to see a cutie like you cry over yesterday’s news, if anything you should be strutting down the hallway to show that you don’t give a fuck.’ - Wade continued with a smile. ‘You don’t need someone like that who’ll abandon you upon the first sign of hardship and instead people who’ll gladly get their hands dirty regardless.’
These two may not know what they’re doing or whether they are doing it right but they’re doing their best to make you feel better and make you feel special, which they already do with Wade’s surprise cuddle piles, but that’s all that counts for you.
Out of the two Logan gives the better advice out of the two whereas Wade will want to trash your former crush’s stuff without getting caught. They both show their care in vastly different ways but you always come out of them with a smile and tad more confidence in yourself.
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Remy LeBeau
‘They lie mon Cher, you are far from what they say and more.’ Remy would say while trying to bite back his own tongue.
This crush, or former crush now, must’ve been the most stupidest person to have ever lived to have called you uninteresting and not good looking.
To Remy you were by far the most beautiful souls he has ever come across and had nothing but love and respect for others you acquaint yourself with, not to mention you had anyone and everyone paying close attention on what it was you had to say.
He didn’t like seeing you become so unsure of yourself from one persons words and would do anything and everything just to prove that they were a bunch of lies made up by someone who doesn’t see you the way he does.
Remy would shower you in affection and praise that didn’t overstep any boundaries.
He’d spend all day and night with you if he must to show that you were more then some words made by someone else, he’d look at you as though you hung the stars in the sky, he’d look at you as though he could see you rather see through you.
It was beautiful to be seen and or looked at the way remy looks at you that it made you forget all about your former crush. He’d remember everything you’ve ever told him, would greet you in the morning with a tender kiss to the back of your hand while comparing you to the most beautiful rose in the garden.
How are you not meant to fall for him when he’s done nothing but sing your praises and listen intently to everything you’ve ever said.
‘Don’t let people like them get to you mon Cher, that’s what they want. They want you to be as miserable as them instead of flourishing like you should be.’ Remy said as he held your hand.
‘But I thought they-‘
‘Were the one?’ Remy asked. ‘We all think the first people we met are the ones for us, until we are proven to only have been blinded by the sweeter aspects of the relationship that we forget that the person we think we will love forever is as flawed as every other human.’ Remy adds as he lets you rest against his side, pressing a reassuring kiss to your forehead. ‘You’ll find your person.’ He smiled at you.
‘I hope they’re like you then.’ You said as you melted into his side.
‘Or you could just have me yourself.’ Remy would reply.
What’s your answer, will you have him Or wait.
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baby-yongbok · 2 months
OT8 x Reader
Genre - Comfort WC - 746
Summary - These are ways that I think the boys would help you to get over your mental and/or physical struggles Content Warning - Themes of mental and physical illness/struggles, mention of hospitals, mentions of medications/needles, mentions of food
A/N - I wrote this on my living room floor just now because I’m sick of being sick. I’m sick of being chronically ill, and I needed some comfort, so I thought I’d share it for anyone else who could use some comfort, too. I based these off of my experiences with my illnesses/disabilities. If you can relate then I just wanna say that i see you and you're strong. Keep fighting 💕+ I tried to write this to be gender neutral, I think I nailed it
✧ Masterlist ✧
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Hugs from Jisung when your panic attacks have subsided. He whispers sweet praises of “You're okay” and “You're so strong” while he rocks you in his lap. You're still on the floor where he found you. His shirt soaks up every tear and his soft kisses on your forehead bandage every wound. You tell him that he can go, you apologize for causing a commotion, but he just holds you closer.
Laughing with Changbin while he tries to distract you from your symptoms flaring up. He's loud and silly on the couch with you. He's careful not to go overboard, he watches you to make sure that you're still comfortable while he makes silly voices and dances around for you. He's not ready to watch you cry yourself to sleep from the pain but he'll be ready to make you laugh again when you need it most.
Kisses from Chan while you're at your doctor's appointment. Your leg is shaking and he's soothing gentle circles into your back while he kisses your knuckles. He knows that you're scared, he is too. You have no idea what the doctor will say but he knows one thing for sure, no matter what the results are he'll be right by your side. He'll fight with you every single day and he'll kiss the pain away.
Adventures with Hyunjin when he realizes that you're avoiding going outside again. He knows that you get paranoid. He knows that every corner that you turn feels unsafe so he holds your hand. He skips across streets with you and dances on the white lines of the cross walks. He pulls you into shops that you've been too scared to visit yourself and buys you everything that you touch. He molds new memories with you with his bare hands. He'll do it everyday if he has to.
Cooking with Minho when he sees that you've been watching your diet too closely. He's gentle with you. You taste test everything together, he feeds you with silver spoons and kisses your nose with every hesitant swallow. He stands behind you while you stir the contents in the pots and plucks flour at you to see that pretty smile that he loves so much. He feeds you from his fork and he wipes away the mess. He makes it feel like it all goes down easy.
Reading with Seungmin when he comes to visit you in the hospital. He knows that you feel like you're going mad in here. He knows that you want to get up out of bed and walk out of here with him, that's what he wants too. Instead he holds your hand while you rest your head on his shoulder. He reads you each word with a softness that somehow drowns out the beeping of your monitors and the commotion on the other side of the curtain. He transports you to a place where you aren't sick. To a place where it's just you and him.
Cuddling with Jeongin when you feel that dark cloud consuming you again. He knew what was wrong when you let your alarms ring on for the third day in a row. You're huddled under blankets together, unmoving and quiet. His arms circle your waist and he pulls you closer. He weighs you down to reality. He makes you feel something besides the bubbling emptiness in your chest. He hums to you when the tears start to fall. He hums and holds you tighter. He won't let you drift away.
Singing with Felix while he helps you with your medication. There's so many to take that you've been overwhelmed with it all so he puts on a playlist and grabs all your pills. He lays them out and organizes them just how you need them. He uses the TV remote as a microphone, passing it to you when he sees you staring at the medicine littering the tabletop. He has you sing for him when he gives you your injections. He makes them as quick and painless as he can, always joining you for a high note as he sticks the band-aid on for you. He spins and hugs you once you're done for the day. He doesn't have to give you any praise, you can feel the love in his touch. You can hear it in his voice and see it in his actions. He's always going to be there to make it all feel easier.
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rickysvxr · 6 months
nsfw a to z - ricky
warning - just smut, ricky x f!reader
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a - aftercare
ricky's the sweetest when it comes to aftercare. he would immediately turn into lovelicky :(( he would ask you if you're alright and if he didn't hurt you too much. he would definitely clean you both and make some food. if you prefer sleeping - he would cuddle you to sleep and sing for you.
b - boobs
ricky's a boob guy - you can't tell me otherwise. when he sleeps he's cuddled into your boobs. he really likes squeezing them. while you ride him he likes sucking on your nipples and leave some hickeys.
c - cum
he would cum into your pussy unless you don't want him to. ricky wants you to be comfortable with anything he's doing. also he's really into cumming into your mouth or on your face.
d - daddy kink
he will definitely make you call him daddy. or maybe sir??? he'd be so into roleplay. he'd call you his little kitten or something. call him daddy and he'd immediately get hard.
e - experience
you both weren't really experienced but ricky knew what to do to make you feel the best. he's open to trying new things.
f - fingering
he'd finger you while you're visiting your family.. he's such a bitch and he knows that. he's also into fingering you when you're studying/working. he really needs your attention :((
g - gagging
he knows you can't take his whole dick to your mouth so he won't force you to anything and he would try not to hurt you. if he would - he'd do it unintentionally.
h - hickeys
for him - he likes leaving them on your boobs or tights so places that only him (and you) can see. you like giving him hickeys on his neck (right on his tattoo 🙈).
i - intimacy
when it comes to real sex he'd like to do it in your bedroom so you both have that private place. but he would also fuck you in the backseat of his car.
j - jerk off
he would definitely send you videos of him jerking off. he would tie a little ribbon on his dick :((
k - kinks
overstimulation, praise kink, daddy kink, pet names (idk if it counts), scratching, roleplay.
l - locations
bedroom, his car, couch, floor.
m - making out
ricky likes to make out late at night when he wakes you up just to make out with you :(( you'd be so sleepy but he loves it so much.
n - no's
he definitely wouldn't force you to anything. ricky wouldn't like to make you cry :( but besides that he's open to anything that you want to try.
o - orgasms
ricky would cum A LOT. it doesn't matter how you make him do that - he would cum a lot. he does at least 3 or 4 rounds (it's minimum for him btw).
p - pet names
baby, darling, sweetheart, my kitten, good girl, princess, sweetie, cutie, slut.
q - quickie
he'd be so into quickies. like before his performance? he would really love it. but still he likes to take his time with you.
r - relationship
in the bedroom - he's really wild and hot. he'd be the bitchest bitch to ever bitch. still he would give you whatever you want (he likes teasing a lot tho).
outside the bedroom - he turns into lovelicky. he's the sweetest person on the earth and you want him to know that! you both love when you're babying him. just give this man some attention and he'd be the happiest person in the world.
s - stamina
as i said before - ricky would do 3 or 4 rounds with you and it's his minimum! he would literally fuck you all day if you both could 😭 he still makes sure he's not hurting you or something. he always asks you if you want to go for an another round.
t - toys
vibrator and that's it. he doesn't like when something other than him is making you feel good. and he lets you know that.
u - unfair
he would make you cum every time. he doesn't like leaving you unsatisfied - it just hurts him. he's into teasing but he'd definitely make you cum before he's done.
v - volume
he likes when you moan so loud - it's music to his ears. he would groan and sometimes even moan. but don't expect it from him unless you're on top.
w - i can't think of any, sorry 😭
x - x-ray
he's BIG. and he knows that. (still he fits perfectly into your pussy).
y - i can't think of any!!!
z - zzz...
he won't fall asleep before you. he always makes sure that you're sleeping, then he would go to sleep. (he's so sweet i can't 😭).
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billys-pretty-babe · 6 months
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Sex in the back of the Camaro
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Warnings : swearing, smut [fingering (fem! receiving), handjob, unprotected piv, praise, breeding kink, crying], aftercare
Word count: 3,092
A/N : smut for the birthday boy 💙
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The crickets were singing outside of the car, the wind blowing the water of the lake, the bushes swaying with the trees that were covering the car. Billy held you close, cuddling in the back of his Camaro as you played with his hair, his head on your chest. His legs were cramped, having one knee on the leather seat, the other on the thinly padded floor.
He hummed softly, digging his head against your breast a little. Your nails scratched his roots as he groaned a little, moving against you a little. He had you pinned to the leather seat as you felt the little cracks in it from the sun. "I love you," he said, kissing the top of your breast through the fabric of your shirt.
You hummed, "I love you too." He smiled, his mouth still at the top of your breast. His eyes flicked up to yours, smiling a little. His eyes were heavy with lust as he brought his left hand up to your stomach, pulling up the shirt right under your breasts.
"Can I," he asked, waiting for your permission. You nodded, "Yeah, B." He smiled, moving out of your hold as he leaned forward and kissed you, holding your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. "Fuckin' love you," he murmured against your lips before placing another peck to your lips. His hand moved the shirt up so your breasts were on display.
He pulled away from you to bring your shirt over your head, putting it on the floorboard. He trailed sloppy, wet kisses down your neck, sucking bruises on and around your breasts, his eyes continuously flicking up to yours. "Love these tits, baby," he said before placing a kiss to your nipple.
You moaned, hands immediately gravitating to his hair, yanking the ends. "Shit B, that feels good." He smirked, letting his teeth graze the raised peak. He watched the goosebumps arise onto your skin. "Cold baby," he asked teasingly. You whined, digging your heel into the fat on his waist.
He chuckled, kissing down your stomach and kissing the button on your jeans. His fingers came up, messing with the zipper, zipping it up and down a few times. "Can I take these off, baby?" You nodded and he unbuttoned the silver button, grabbing the waistband as he shimmied them off of you, the pants turning inside out.
He let out a low whistle at the sight of your lacey underwear before he placed a kiss to where he knew your clit was. Billy knew your body like it was the back of his hand, you could blindfold him and you could guarantee he'd be able to get an orgasm or two out of you.
He sat up on the seat, his knees needing a break. He moved you around, your feet knocking against the door as he moved you so your back was against his legs. His hand trailed down to the front of your underwear as he kissed the back and then the top of your head. "Can I touch her? I'll be gentle, I swear."
Your hips thrusted up to his hand and he smirked, "Words, pretty girl, you know that." You cleared your throat, "Please touch me, please I need you." Your voice was laced with desperation, you didn't need him, you had your fill of him once that day already, but something deep inside of you needed him to satiate it.
"I got you baby, don't need to beg. You know that." You nodded, watching his hand go into your underwear. The pad of his index finger quickly found your clit and began rubbing little circle on it. You squirmed a little, if you were in the bed he would have pinned your hips down, but he was helpless in this situation.
"Easy, I know you're sensitive but don't rush it, just feel," he softly said to you. Billy was rough around the edges, but he was a gentle guy especially with intimacy, he always wanted you to feel safe and comfortable, especially when the two of you experimented with kinks.
You stopped squirming, relaxing against his warm body. He gently grabbed the roots of your hair, tilting your head back as he leaned down and kissed you, a soft and sweet kiss. His finger stopped circling your clit as he used his middle and ring finger to slowly penetrate you.
You whimpered against his lips and he kissed you again. The palm of his hand rested just above your clit but you knew as soon as he was knuckle deep in you, he would rub his palm against the nerves. "Good girl, pussy's sucking my fingers in." You moved your legs a little to give him more room and he hummed, kissing your neck and sucking the skin, gently nipping a few spots.
"There you go, let me do all of the work, gorgeous." You nodded, reaching behind you and grabbing his thigh, letting your nails dig into the denim. He curled his fingers, letting the tips of his fingers drag up your front wall, hitting your sweet spot each time.
Your breathing picked up, getting heavier and Billy picked up on it. "That's it baby, let go when you're ready." He moved his fingers a little faster, the car filling with the sounds of your wetness and he began rubbing your clit with the palm of his hand.
"Billy," you whimpered, your teeth clenching shut as your body went rigid, your nails really digging into the denim on his legs as you chased your high. "There you go, good girl." He slowed down his movements, his palm still rubbing your clit and once your body went pliant, he pulled his hand out of your underwear. His fingers were wet, you should see the way the pads were pruned along with the strings of your arousal, connecting his fingers together.
He lifted his fingers to his mouth, sucking the wetness from his fingers, humming and groaning a little. You sat up completely, catching your breath. You ran your index finger along the waistband of his own jeans.
He took his shirt off, pushing his hair back when a few pieces got displaced. "Take 'em off, babe." You unsnapped the button, pulling the zipper down quickly. He planted his feet to the floorboard as he lifted a little for you to pull the pants down to his knees as he took care of the rest.
Your fingers automatically went to his underwear, and he laughed. His skin was warm against the back of your fingers, two of your fingers brushing against the happy trail that had started to grow back. The hair wasn't prickly, having grown out over the past few weeks.
"Take what's yours." That was the green light for you, dipping your hand into his underwear, your hand immediately grasping at his base, squeezing a little as he groaned, his large hands grabbing the edge of the seat, digging his fingers into the leather.
"Wait a sec, babe," he said, groaning a little. He removed your hand from his underwear, fixing his underwear, pulling the material to show a hole in the material. "There, just pull it through there, easier access and it won't hurt your hand." You nodded, doing what he instructed.
"Is that what that's for?" He laughed, shaking his head, "I think it's to piss." You hummed, putting your hand under your mouth, spitting a little before working your hand over him again. His head fell back when your thumb rubbed over his slit, swirling the little glob of pre-cum.
His left hand held the small of your back, trying to pull you closer to him despite you being pressed up against him. His chest was heavy with his panting, little moans slipping out of his mouth. "Come 'ere," he said, grabbing your chin with his right hand as he kissed you.
You squeezed his tip a little and he moaned against your lips, the vibration lighting up every nerve in your body. The kiss was nasty, tongue, teeth and a string of saliva connecting the two of you. Billy's hand on your back was squeezing you, his blunt nails digging into your skin.
His stomach twitched and he pulled away from your lips, "Need your hand off, babe." You nodded, taking your hand off of him as his breathing went back to normal. "Would've let you continue, just need you on my dick." You nodded again, kissing him again and he pulled you onto his lap, his hands feeling down the expanse of your back.
His hands moved fast, grabbing anything and everything, he was desperate and in dire need of you. He stopped the kiss, moving you to the seat, adjusting his underwear as he leaned up and over the middle console, grabbing the seat levers on each side and pushing the seats up as far as they would go.
He balled up his shirt, using a discarded hair tie and tying it as best as he could. He put the makeshift pillow in the corner of the backseat, "Lay down." You nodded, laying down, wondering how this would work since the backseat wasn't very spacious.
"No idea how this is gonna work, but I'll make it work." You laughed, nodding. He pushed his underwear down, leaving them on the floorboard, on top of his jeans. He moved your legs so you were spread open, your knees bent as he situated himself between your legs as best as he could.
He planted one foot on the floorboard, putting his right knee on the leather seat as he leaned over you. Your hands immediately went to his shoulders as the ends of his hair tickled your neck. He put your right leg over his shoulder, leaning down a little more so he was completely pressed against you. He managed to snake his hand between the two of you, tapping the head of his dick on your clit.
He moved his tip through your slick, letting it sit right at your entrance. His eyes flicked up to yours, "Ready, pretty?" You nodded, "Ready," you affirmed. He nodded, using his hand to guide himself. Once he was confident he wouldn't accidentally slip out, his hands grabbed at your body, moving your leg from his shoulder down to his waist.
Half of your body was hanging off of the seat as your nails dug into his skin. He let you adjust, knowing you had tightened back up from earlier in the day. You let out a moan and he smiled, "Does that feel good?" You nodded.
Sex with Billy was and never would be bad, sure you had never had sex before him but he was well endowed and definitely knew how to use it, always bullying that sweet spot that would have you seeing stars and crying.
He moved his hips slowly, not wanting to move you too much and your head smack the plastic side panel. The way he moved was passionate, your back was already arching into his body, your hands greedily grasping at him. His breath hits your face as you felt the slight bite of his spearmint gum from a few minutes before the two of you had gotten into the backseat.
Your breath was in his face as well as he smelt the sweet-smelling fruit flavored gum that you had been chewing throughout the day. He cradled your face in his hand, his thumb rubbing your cheek. He snapped his hips, testing the durability of the makeshift pillow.
A breathy moan left you, eyes fluttering shut for a moment before opening them once more. "Did you feel the side panel?" You shook your head and he moved his hips a little faster, not too much to not shake the car.
The two of you knew no one ever came to the woodsy clearing near the lake, everyone preferred the dock which was across the lake from the car. No one would be able to see the car, Billy knew how to hide it from public view, plus it was nearing two in the morning, no one was out.
You clenched around him and he moaned, his own eyes fluttering shut as his head hung low, trying to get himself together. He quickened his hips just a little. With each punch of his hips, little "uh, uh, uh," sounds were leaving your mouth. He knew how to make you tick, knew what spots to hit. His right hand moved down your body, his fingertips slightly cold as they touched your clit, making you jolt.
"Cold," you whimpered, wanting to snap your legs shut but his body was blocking that from happening. "Sorry baby," he said, leaning down and kissing the corner of your lips in apology. He flexed his fingers a little, getting the blood moving through them again before touching your clit again, watching your face as he rubbed circles on the nerves.
"Billy, it feels good," you said, moaning once your sentence was over. It wasn't long before your eyes were shut, nails really digging into him as you clenched like a vice around him. "There you go, that's it. Fuck, baby," he moaned before getting himself together to finish his sentence, "Look so fuckin' pretty when you're moaning my name."
If you hadn't already succumbed to the pleasure, that would have thrown you over the edge headfirst. He watched when your eyes opened, heavy and hazy. He smiled, pecking your lips before picking up his pace slowly.
His own muscles were tightening, his biceps and triceps were starting to bulge as he held his own orgasm back. He continued snapping his hips against yours until he saw a few tears roll down your cheek. "Hey," he softly cooed, using his thumb to wipe a tear away, "Am I hurting you?" You quickly shook your head, "Feels good, a little too good."
He nodded, he was walking the line of overstimulation and pain. "I'm almost done, baby. I promise." You nodded, looking up at him with teary eyes. Your eyes were pretty when you cried, you looked like a crying angel to Billy, and although he hated seeing you cry from pain and sadness, seeing you cry because you felt too good did something to him.
He was twitching inside of you, his abs contracting as his thighs hit the back of yours. "Fuck, baby, I'm almost there. Where can I cum?" Your head was a little foggy from pleasure but it immediately cleared up at the question and you answered with no hesitation, "Inside."
He nodded, "Of course you want it inside. You wanna have my babies huh?" His hand came up to your breast, pinching your nipple, "These are gonna get so fucking big, might have to keep you pregnant." You shivered, eyes rolling back and he cooed. "Another one," he asked, speeding up just a little, wanting to feel you clench around him again.
"Let go for me baby, come on." His breath was nearly knocked out of his lungs when you began to sporadically clench around him. "Good girl, that's good." He was trying to get air into his lungs, his body was going numb, his nerves were practically shutting down but on edge at the same time.
You came down from your high and as he felt smaller clenches, he slammed his hips into you once more, holding his spot, moaning your name. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, baby," his moan was a borderline whine. You felt the warmth inside of you, moaning a little at the temperature difference.
Billy came down from his high, gently lowering himself down onto you, catching his breath. He kissed your stomach, "Who would've thought you of all people would have a breeding kink." You gasped, "Me? I was surprised you started saying all of that stuff." He laughed, "I could tell, fucking soaked my cock, my seats are probably soaked too." You rolled your eyes, pushing his hair back.
He got up, leaning in and kissing you, humming against your lips with each breath. "I love you," he softly said against your lips. You smiled, trying to pull him closer, "I love you too." He smiled, giving you a few more kisses before getting up and groaning. "I'm never fucking back here ever again, I think I aged twenty years." You laughed, poking his side with your toes.
"Silver fox, that's hot." He gently thumped your thigh, "I won't be gray at thirty-nine, you ass." You laughed and he joined you, smiling down at you as he rubbed your thighs, knowing that they were burning from being stretched open for a long time.
"So, either we sleep here or go back to my place." His place was nearly twenty minutes away, having moved out right after he graduated high school. You hummed, "Is the blanket in here?" He nodded, "It's in the trunk." You nodded and he helped you put your clothes back on, leaving the jeans on the floorboard. He got out of the car once he was dressed as he opened the trunk, grabbing the blanket and he shut the trunk, climbing back into the car.
He pushed the locks down on the doors, turning the key in the ignition to roll the windows down a little. He shimmied his jeans off and took his shirt off, laying on the seat as you laid on him. He kissed the top of your head, resting his hand under your shirt, rubbing his fingers into your back, being gentle with the pressure.
"Are you about to fall asleep?" You grinned; your eyes already shut. "You know me so well." He laughed, holding you closer. You kissed his warm chest, humming softly. "I love you." He smiled, "I love you too." He kissed the top of your head again. "Happy birthday," you softly said, nuzzling your head against him.
He smiled, completely forgetting his birthday, "Thank you baby." You smiled, "One year closer to buying your alcohol legally." He laughed before you tacked on another sentence, "Now it's nineteen years until you hit your Silver Fox stage." He rolled his eyes, swatting your ass. "Blah blah blah, that's all I hear. Go to sleep." You snickered, cuddling up as close as you cold to him.
He pulled the blanket over you, his heart was slow and steady, his breaths were deep and slow. He was content and it lulled you to sleep along with the night sounds.
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tagging people who may want to read this : @billysbot @floredaqueen @nameless-ken
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fictionfordays · 1 year
Domestic Life HCs
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Suguru Getou x Fem!Reader
CW: Mentions of periods, affectionate Sug', kisses, piv sex, marking, light choking, use of pet names like "good girl," oral (f receiving), orgasm denial, cum, hair pulling, slight size kink, praise, creampie, Sug' is the king of aftercare istg
A/N: Mina bby, I hope these are sufficient!<3 I wanna sit on his face
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❀ He loves to be in the same room as you. You could be cooking in the kitchen, and he’s leaning against the counter waiting for you to let him taste test whatever it is you’re making as you guys chat away - though tbh he’d be the one cooking dinner. Or breakfast ;3
❀ Hugs are mandatory for him. Even if it’s first thing in the morning and you’re standing on your porch with a hot cup of coffee/tea in your hands, he’s coming up behind you and carefully wrapping his big arms around your waist, inhaling the lingering scent of your shampoo and committing it to memory (he really loves when you’re not fully awake, just a silent bliss as you both take in the sunrise)
❀ He can be a distraction. Not to the extent as a certain someone, but a distraction nonetheless. It’s cleaning day, you’re dusting the ceiling fan with music playing from the tv when he’s suddenly taking you by the hands and twirling you around the living room and singing along to whatever song started playing from the shuffle. He’ll plant playful kisses all over your face as he pulls you close to him. He walks away like he didn’t just do that (“Dammit, Sug’ I’m trying to clean!” but he just smirks at you and continues cleaning in the kitchen)
❀ He LOVES cuddling with you. He usually makes you initiate since he likes to tease you. (“Aw, ya wanna cuddle, baby? Why didn’t you just say so?”)
❀ If you’re sick, not feeling great, on your period, or whatever, prepare to be coddled. He loves you so much and he wants you to feel better! Feverish? He has a cool, damp towel for your forehead and will bring you whatever medications you need (with a glass of water!) Not doing great today? Don’t worry, y/n, he’ll make sure to get your fave snack, and your fave comfort movie queued up and ready to go. Period stuff? He’ll rub your tummy, your boobies, or your forehead if you need! (Chocolates and your go-to product will be waiting for you, too)
❀ Man loves sketching. Idk I just love the hc of him being some kind of artist. HOWEVER, don’t try to romanticize this shit bc he’s definitely a fan of horror media. He’ll draw a picture of you if you’d like, but you might not like the result. If you want something cute or nice, you may have to request it specifically. Occasionally he might draw something with you as his muse that’s actually really lovely, but usually it’s when he’s feeling a little down and looking for inspiration (“You just looked so pretty today, baby~”)
❀ I hc him to be a gift giver and an acts of service type of guy. He’ll gift you little treats or small trinkets that remind him of you, especially if you two get into an argument and he feels bad about it. He’ll rub your back, your feet, wherever you need his hands, you got it
❀ Sug’ takes really good care of his hair. His hair care routine is I M P E C C A B L E. Hair masks (the fancy ones or even diy) are applied weekly and oils (usually argan or tea tree) are used nightly. He also uses a heat protectant on the warmer days of the year. He swears by his silk scrunchie that you keep forgetting to return (he ended up buying a new one), and adores his silk pillow case. He’s very insistent on you doing his routine with him, or even for him when he’s feeling lazy. He just loves when your fingers massage his scalp and when you gingerly comb through his pretty locks. He feels so relaxed when you spend this time with him.
❀ On the weekends or on days neither of you are working, you both like to laze around in bed for the morning. He loves being lazy with you but he also needs his exercise so he may go for a run or do a quick body weight work out while you’re laying in bed. If you’re not up by the time he’s finished, he’ll come wake you up with a plate of your favourite breakfast and a hot cup of coffee/tea, and leave soft little kisses all over your face until you wake up
❀ Man is so sexy and he knows it. Will wash your car for you and smirk every time he catches your eyes trailing his shirtless torso
❀ Enjoys singing in the shower or humming while he’s doing chores. #FACT and he has a lovely singing voice
❀ Loves to read while sitting on the balcony. If it’s too cold outside then he’ll sit near a window. But his favourite spot to read is laying on the couch with his head on your lap 
❀ If you’re tired, he’ll lay next to you and softly trace your facial features until you fall asleep. Loves staring at your face
❀ Back to his hands, he’ll rub other places for you too. If you’ve had a stressful day, he’s carrying you to whatever comfortable surface is closest (the couch, the bed, that comfortable rug in your room?) and set you down on his lap, your back pressed against his chest. He’ll nibble your earlobes while whispering praises lowly, one hand groping your breasts, the other traveling further south
❀ While it’s not his go-to, lazy sex is his favourite. He doesn’t care how you’re positioned as long as you’re both laying down, but missionary seems to be what happens the most. The intimacy and closeness really gets him. He moves slow, hitting those sweet spots nice and deep, holding you close. He likes to tell you how much he loves you right before he cums
❀ Pleasure-dom for sure. He gets off on going down on you, humping the bed while his tongue explores your folds. He groans so lowly that you almost come undone right then
❀ He loooooves going down on you, but don’t expect to finish any time soon. He can be really mean, denying your orgasm a few times, praises falling from his lips too (“Look at you, so pretty for me. You really wanna cum don’t you? Be a good girl and ask for what you need, baby~”)
❀ Absolutely loves your pussy. Will absent-mindedly rub your clit while you two are watching a movie. Or while you’re reading a book. He’ll even stand behind you while you’re washing your face. Doesn’t matter where you are, he’ll find a way
❀ Shower sex. I mean… Have you seen him??? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t
❀ He likes wrapping his big hand around your throat. You? Trust him?? Gets off on that fact alone. Plus his hand looks SO BIG wrapped around your pretty neck
❀ Loves to shove his fingers in your mouth. Your mouth is so warm and wet and inviting. The way your plush lips wrap around his thick digits and your tongue swirls around the pads of his fingers while his eyes hold your gaze. You get to watch how blown out his pupils get as the tent in his pants grows bigger
❀ When he’s about to cum, he bites down on your neck or your shoulder with a deep groan rumbling from his chest
❀ Loves marking you. Bite marks, hickeys, bruises in the shape of his fingers on your hips
❀ Cumming inside of you is his favourite place to release. He just loves filling up his sweet baby, and seeing it leaking out around his cock gets him hard again
❀ Pull his hair
❀ Pull it
❀And lightly scratch his scalp. While he loves this for self-care days, it makes him groan like a desperate bitch if you do it while making out
❀ Ooh and if you scratch his scalp and pull his hair while he’s inside of you? Oooooohhhhhh boy, you’ve never heard a prettier moan come out of his mouth before
❀ Suguru is the king of aftercare
❀ He’ll lay on top of you for a few moments while you catch your breaths before getting a wet rag from the bathroom to clean you up. If it was an exceptionally messy session then he’ll carry you to the shower and give you a gentle wash. He’ll wash your hair if it needs to be washed, and he’ll gently rub soap over your skin. If it was a tiring session then he’ll lay behind you in the bathtub to clean you up
❀ Once you’re both cleaned up and in pjs, he’ll get you some water. If you fall asleep before he gets back, he’ll try to gently wake you up and make you hydrate, but if you don’t wake up then he’ll set the glass of water on the nightstand for you
❀ He cuddles you pretty tight. Even if it wasn’t especially rough this time. He’ll leave some kisses on your skin along with sweet praises and an “I love you” or two. He just wants you to know that he loves and cares about you
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Tags: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @nanamis-wifey-reye @enchantedforest-network
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2023.
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ohworm-writes · 6 months
Hi!! Im back (Same anon who requested the soft!dom Nikolai), hope your day/night is going well ^^. Okay, for the life of me I cannot stop thinking about Nikolai with a virgin reader, and every time I do it makes me go crazy 😩😩 like, he already knew about the fact she’d never been with anybody intimately and he couldn’t care one bit, simply content with just kissing and cuddling, even being around her. However, one night the reader comes to him and says she’s ready to lose it, and Nikolai couldn’t be more excited. Honestly feel like he’d be nervous, not wanting to hurt her, even as he’s slowly opening her up with his fingers and she’s moaning, or when she’s begging for him to put it in already as he shush’s her and tells her to be patient.
Ultimately I think I’d be the softest experience ever, and he’d be nothing but gentle and attentive to her, do you think you could write something like this?? (Sorry for it being long again omg but I had sm to say 😭) and obv take ur time <33 🫶🏽
I'm so obsessed with your soft dom Nik thoughts anon like you have absolutely no idea. They wrack around in my brain like a pinball machine. I can't explain it to you any better than that, and I absolutely adore it.
PAIRING f!virgin!reader x Nikolai RATING R - Restricted [ Content warnings: 18+ mdni, soft dom!Nikolai, fingering, soft sex ]
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He definately wouldn't care whether or not you're a virgin. To him, it isn't something that really matters much to him. If anything, when considering the act itself, it almost brings up, like you said, a sense of nervousness or anxiety to him in the fear that could possibly come with hurting you.
He isn't a small man, after all. In all aspects.
But when you come to him one night when he's lying down on the couch, spread out comfortably and ready to watch a movie with you, hearing you whine and keen out to him about how you need him... who is he to deny you? You - his sweet, precious, beautiful girl, needing to be taken care of.
That's his job as your boyfriend, after all. Is it not?
He brings you onto his lap, hands on your hips gently kneading the flesh of your thighs, keeping it simple at first as he kisses along your skin, slow and calculated, ensuring he lavishes all the attention he can possibly give to you. To worship and adore you in all of the ways that you deserve.
Hot, heavy, messy kisses, nothing short of tongue and teeth. Sloppy. Wandering hands that grab and grope, your flesh spilling out between the gaps of his fingers. Uneven, shaky, gasping breaths from the both of you, so desperate for more, yet equally trying to keep the situation controlled.
But you need more. And he gives it to you.
He switches your positions a bit, making you lay with your back to his chest, one of his big, warm hands shimmying itself beneath the waistband of those pretty, loose shorts that you had been wearing, two fingers gently teasing around your sex.
You're so fuckin' wet and it drives him absolutely crazy.
He'd use two of his fingers to spread your folds apart, his chin resting on your shoulder as he listens to all of the pretty sounds you make as he teases your cunt. Even with two separate layers of fabric separating your pussy from the open air, both of you can still hear just how wet you are.
One of his fingers is about as thick as two of your own, after all, so after long minutes of waiting, even one of his fingers makes you cry and whimper. And fuck, the way he just explores your insides, all slow and calculating, and then, when you're ready, sinking another finger into your drooling pussy.
Nik's singing you praises all the while, too. Pressing soft kisses to your shoulder as your head falls back onto him, whispering about how warm you are, how you're making such a good mess of his hands, how nice you sound, how you look fucking gorgeous falling apart because of him when he's barely even do anything.
You can feel him getting hard under you, too. Especially with the way his free hand presses down on your lower tummy, molding you into him as he slowly finger fucks you until you practically have tears in your eyes. As loving and caring as he's being, he's going so fucking slow, never giving you enough to be able to cum.
Whimper and whine all you want, but he's exploring your pussy! He wants to make sure he knows how every inch of your insides feel, the way your slick drips down his wrist, the little squeezes you make around his fingers. Let a man have his fun. :(
"Patience, апушка (sweetheart)."
He stresses, tutting you softly as you beg for him to go faster, for him to make you cum, and for him to just fuck you already. It's like he's patronizing you, almost - but the honey coating his voice is too similar to a siren's call, and it simply encourages you to listen.
And oh, is it worth it.
Nikolai is a man of many talents, but making you cum in record time and with such accuracy and precision is, in your humble opinion, his most impressive one.
He moves his arm that holds that hand that was inside of you under your leg, his other moving down to your clit as he presses you into him - even if you thrash, it won't stop him - as he just abuses that poor little pussy of yours, fucking his fingers in and out of you with one hand, curling them against and targeting that spot that makes it hurt to breathe while his other slaps and rubs your clit until you're seizing.
He makes you cum so hard you swear on you forget how to breath properly, cries so high pitched you can't even hear them, drool slipping out of the corner of your mouth, foot cramping, sweat coating every inch of your body.
Every sensation is just too overwhelming but gods, does it feel good.
That's why it almost pisses you off when he asks if he went too far and if you're okay, helping bring you back down to Earth with gentle kisses and a concerned voice. He brings his hands away from your sensitive pussy (not before licking his hands clean and almost cumming from the taste), tracing gentle figures across your skin as he waits for you.
He's so worried that, even from fingering you, he might have hurt you in some way. Even when you reassure him that you're okay and that's the hardest you ever came and that you still want more, he's so worried and hesitant even if he doesn't outwardly show it. You're his girl, and he'd never want to hurt you. :(
Beg him a little more and a little harder, though, and he'll cave. After all, he still hasn't taken care of his own arousal, his cock so hard he swears to himself that it hurts, and you're pussy is all stretched out and wet and waiting for him, right? And you still want his cock to fill you up, right?
And he does just that. He pulls his cock out from his own joggers that he had been wearing, shimmying them down just enough as he pushes the fabric of your shorts to the side. And fuck, the way you're drooling from your little hole has him weak - even seeing your pussy has him on the brink.
He's so cocky and smug all of the time, so he can't help himself than to be a bit of a tease, tracing his tip along the outside of your pussy, tapping it against your clit and tracing it down towards your hole, never pushing in, just having his fun. But even he can't take it for long, having to bite his lip and just go for it.
He's so careful, distracting you with a hot and heavy make-out session, hands at your hips, gently massaging them as he sinks you down onto his cock inch by inch. Not only is his cock thick, but it's so big that even a few inches in has you whining and needing a rest before he tries to keep going.
"So good for me... doing such a good job, yeah? Look at you. Look at how well you take me."
He's talking to himself and he knows it, but he doesn't care. Not when you're so warm and wet and willing to take him.
When it comes to him actually fucking you, he takes his time - similar and different to earlier. His fingers are different from his dick, obviously, so now he's especially careful and considerate about your comfort - always checking in, always making sure you're okay and that you're feeling good as he bounces you up and down on himself.
Have you ever heard that thing that guys will avoid looking at you and do things like a times table in their head to stop themself from cumming so quick? No? Yes? Whatever the case, lucky for you, that isn't Nik.
He's so obsessed with the facial expressions you're making, the sounds that are coming out past (both of) your lips that his own climax climbs up with such suddenness and force, slamming into him as he does you.
A broken curse in Russian falls from his tongue as he can't help himself, his balls emptying out into you without warning, the faintest whimper coming from him as he fucks himself into overstimulation just to make you cum. :( He doesn't care how sensitive he is, he just wants to see you fall apart.
And just... ugh. Aftercare king >>>
He makes sure you're comfortable and gets you all cleaned up (even though he himself has trouble walking from how hard he came), bring you some water and some pain killers and something to eat if you ask, and makes sure you get all the praise and love you could ever ask for. <3
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bhaalbaaby · 1 year
Title: i must make you the perfect evening (829 words) Pairing: astarion/tav Warnings: angst, first time I love yous lol A/N: finished astarion's companion quest and I'm feeling things ;-; this would be before they confront cazador. still feeling fragmented at least with how I write so lol anyways brb crying :")
Sarnarei misses his touch, but sex isn't required. Never was. She flashes a smile at Astarion as they settle in for the night, in a proper camp. They didn't make a verbal agreement about their sleeping arrangements. She just didn't go back to her tent, their bedrolls side by side, cuddled close, arms wrapped around each other.
Tonight is no different. He starts reading more to occupy his mind with the tomes Gale brought along. Sarnarei writes in her journal about their day, trying to remember the details while their mind flayer friend gently reminds her.
She glances over at Astarion, comfortable with his silence, and his presence. He glances up from his book, a smile slowly spreading along his lips. "Yes, my love?"
She leans over, pecking him quickly. "Nothing. I am happy I have you." She says, suddenly sentimental. Time is ticking down. They've made it back to their hometown, the goal clear. The thought terrified her, but they all need this tadpole out of their heads.
Astarion nods, "I'm glad I have you too, my perfect girl."
She scrunches up her nose, "I am far from it."
Astarion sets his book to the side, his hands snaking around her waist as he brings her closer, "You're selling yourself short, Sarnarei." He pauses, looking far away, sighing deeply. "I don't know how to be a good partner without sex." He confesses, his brows lowering. "But you're being so patient with me. You're understanding. You say really sweet things and I don't get it." Astarion whispers quickly, afraid the others could hear him.
She props her head on her elbow, his hand trailing along her jutted hipbone that peaks between her clothes. "You're the best partner in the world, Astarion." Her brown eyes search his face as he looks everywhere but her eyes. "Despite everything going, I wouldn't change anything. I would do it all again to be with you. Sex or not." Her hand rests on his still heart, her hand slightly warming with a silent spell. "My heart calls out to you, sings your praises, even on the rare occasion we're apart." She smiles, removing her hand, her mind working overtime for her magic to stay under control. She would hate if it backfired and she hurts him in this intimate time.
He holds her wrist before she can fully withdraw, pressing his lips against her heated palm. He lets out a soft moan as he shakes his head, swallowing hard. "You say pretty words like that and I want to believe them. I want to believe that you love me that much."
She sits up, resting on her knees. "How do you feel about me?" She asks, tucking an auburn strand behind her ear.
His breathing quickens as he sits up as well. "Hard to put into words. You're the first person I've been vulnerable with. The only person I could afford to be. My thoughts are my own… I don't have Cazador telling me to seduce you, bring you back to him." Anger bubbles up behind his words, but he keeps it at a simmer. His anger is directed at his master for controlling him. Making him into this monster, unable to be his person.
She rests her head against his, her hands resting on his neck now cooler to calm him down. "I know… I know how you feel." She pulls away, staring into his red eyes. "We have all the time in the world. Well, once we get the Absolute under control. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, Astarion. I will never force you." She whispers, hoping her words would soothe him for the evening.
He nods quickly, closing his eyes as he takes in a deep breath. "Sarnarei." Her name sounds like music on his lips, the perfect melody. "Thank you." He looks away, shame and regret washing his face quickly. He hides it, flicking his eyes back to the watchful Tiefling. "I love you."
For a moment she ponders if he does, not because of his situation, but because of her traumas. Her heart falls over itself as she blinks quickly, realizing she's said nothing. "I love you too." She smiles softly, letting her hands fall from his shoulders to her lap. "I love the way it feels to say it out loud," She confesses, feeling her eyes start to fill. She looks down at her hands, focusing on not letting any tears fall.
When she cried in front of him before, Astarion awkwardly would tell her there, there, and swap someone else in for the emotional labor. But he couldn't do that to his partner, not now. He takes in a shuddered breath, putting his hand on her waist, bringing her closer to his side, "I'm glad we have each other. Thank you for your patience." She doesn't say anything back, quietly sobbing into his shoulder, so grateful for this love that blossoms between them.
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yanderelovlies · 2 years
Hi there! Here's a thought I wanna share.
Jack singing "You are my Sunshine." because you are indeed his Sunshine. ❤️
Idk when he would sing it, but it would be sooo nice when he does.
Also, the line "Please don't take my sunshine away." could be angsty or full of anger for him. Angsty because if his sunshine is taken away from him, he's gonna go back to the tape and anger because you should never try to take his sunshine away.
Thank you for your time!
𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮, 𝓶𝔂 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮.
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It had been a nice relaxing day after the hell that was last week's work schedule. Jack had taken to spoiling your rotten all day. Making whatever meal you asked, running baths for you, cuddling whenever you asked, and just did whatever needed or wanted him to do. No task was too big for the clown.
Now it is Sunday evening, and you knew you had work in the morning, which only caused you to have an anxiety attack while trying to sleep. Jack knew how much you hated your job and always praised while comforting you.
"I'm so proud of you for being so strong. This job won't last forever. Just give it time." He petted your hair as your breathing began to even out. You were calm, but you weren't asleep. Jack remembered that the kids used to find his singing voice to be calming. So he decided to out it to the test.
"You are my sunshine. My only sunshine." He could feel you cuddle closer to him as his arms tightened around you slightly.
"You make me happy. When skies are gray, Jack smiled as he ran his fingers through your hair while massaging your scalp.
"You'll never know, dear. How much I love you." He kissed the top of your head. He could feel your breathing slow down. You were asleep finally.
"Please don't take. My sunshine away." The last part came out more as whispered plea. He didn't like the thought of losing you. Not to anyone. He will do anything to make sure he keeps his sunshine.
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loving-apparitions · 11 months
Hey um,, I’m unsure if your asks are closed or not- but I wanted to put this here for any time your okay with doing it-
Would you mind doing DJSS (and maybe even neon J) with an S/O that has issues with low self asteem/wanting to live? I don’t mind if you don’t get to this, or it’s too dark to do— I just have been having problems with these for a while now and I’d be extremely greatful for this as comfort :”)
He has lots of cosmic, poetic phrases to give you anytime you’re feeling down (many of them come from what he’s had to tell himself).
“This universe is over 13 billion years old, made of billions upon trillions of tiny, tiny little atoms. In all that time, with all that matter, do you realize how extremely unlikely it is for an individual life to be made? For you to exist, as you are? You beat all odds just to be here. Isn’t that amazing? Isn’t it a gift that you are on this Earth?”
He makes an effort to praise you whenever he can. He does appreciate you, after all, and it really is very special that he could meet you in this vast universe. He makes sure to express how loved you are.
If anyone is making you feel shitty? Nothing but insults for them. According to DJSS, anyone who looks down on you is clearly a closed-minded imbecile. They’re not worth your time.
As for you thinking poorly of yourself on your own, well in that case he says you just need to learn to see yourself better. You already are a radiant treasure, you’re just having trouble seeing that. One day, he hopes, it won’t be so difficult.
If you’re in the public eye at all, he tries to shield you from criticism. Usually in the form of blocking and reporting haters online, or physically shielding you from onlookers as you travel. On the other hand, every time someone is praising you, he likes to show it to you - holding his phone out to you with positive comments on social media, or quietly pointing at someone staring at you starstruck.
When you're feeling low, he wraps you in his arms and holds you close. He'll stay cuddled with you for as long as it takes for your mood to lift.
He usually stops you if you begin to hurt yourself. If that's saying something negative about yourself, he interjects with an objection or a contrasting compliment. If you have a habit of doing anything physically destructive, he takes both your hands in his and directs your attention elsewhere.
"Life is a fleeting thing, so short in eternity. I'd like to spend as much of mine with you as possible."
You actually get him to start paying attention to all the little beauties of life. He tends to be caught up more in the big picture, but as he's done to know you he's started focusing on how precious life is. It is pretty impressive that people made the buildings around you, isn't it? A cozy shirt really is something to be happy about, isn't it?
He tends to treat himself a lot, and so he treats you, and especially he gives you little gifts if he thinks it will help. You deserve happiness after all.
And if you are insecure about your appearance? "Who cares?" He asks bluntly. It's a house for your mind, as long as you feel good and healthy in it, what does it matter what anyone thinks? He thinks you l're attractive anyways, no way is a change to your appearance going to turn him away.
Neon J:
He often pulls you into activities. There's no time to dwell on dark thoughts if you're busy, he reasons. So he frequently invites you to join him for fun or for errands. Sometimes it's not so much an invite as it is him just showing up and saying "Get ready we're doing this, you have 10 minutes."
His ideal choice for an activity is something creative. It doesn't matter if it's new to you or how good you are at it. Neon finds that having an outlet and evidence that you've been working helps to pull you out of what-ifs.
Draw, write, sing, whatever. Neon encourages you to do it passionately and not give up until it's done. And then, you can look at it and say "I made this."
He isn't one to voice his own self doubts much anyways, but he's on extra alert to not talk down about himself around you. He doesn't want his problems to worsen yours.
If you're ever doubting his love for you, Neon sits you down and takes your hands in his. "Look at me," he'd say before telling you there's a hundred reasons he thinks most people wouldn't like him. But you don't see flaws in him. So why would he see so much wrong with you? Is it so hard to believe that the love you feel for others can be felt for you?
"I'm glad I'm still alive. That I survived to meet you. That you're alive now, here, with me. If you can't stick around for yourself yet, do it because I'm not done loving you. Someday you'll be glad you did."
He assures you that all of his compliments directed at you are genuine. He really thinks you're wonderful, inside and out, and he'll tell you that as much as he needs to until you believe it.
"Just one more day," he tells you when you're having a really rough day. "Just get through today and then see what tomorrow brings."
He gives you a lot of surprises - material gifts, tasty food, fun experiences. Breaking up monotony has helped him before, so he hopes that it will help you as well. He can also coax you to wait for a day or two, or to complete a task, or to say something nice about yourself so that he can give a little reward.
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sunshine-n-raccoons · 2 years
cg!eddie helping you regress after a long day of being big
oh man I have so many ideas for this one 🥺 I especially need this idea because this has been a horrible week for me.
Big Long Days = LONG Little Times when you are in the Munson residence.
Eddie could immediately see how much of a toll being big had on you the moment you walked into his trailer with your shoulders slumped. He reads you like a book
Eddie slathers in the praise and pet names like crazy
Like “there’s my beautiful princess. My strong brave baby who was so perfect at being big today hm? Does someone wanna be all cute and small for Teddy? Let Teddy take care of his sweet little baby?”
He loves to praise you and baby talk you because you get so embarrassed and cute when you’re on the verge of regressing. Even though you want it and need it, you still struggle sometimes. This is when he gets his shit eating grin when you aren’t looking because he knows he’s winning.
When you refuse to look at him or answer, he’ll gently take your jaw and make you look at him in the eyes. “Remember our rule sweets? Look Teddy in the eyes when he’s talking to you hm? It’s okay to forget sometimes. It’s a big and hard thing to remember”
His softened eyes staring into yours instantly make you melt and feel safe. Whenever he touches your face to have you look at him you oftentimes hum and lean into his hand, that’s how he knows it’s working.
When he sees the glassy look in your eyes once you’ve finally regressed he immediately will tend to every need and every inch of you. Kissing you all over your face, helping you pick out comfy clothes, making a pillow and blanket fort in the living room (or his bedroom, depends on the day) all of it.
Lots and lots and lots of cuddles! Eddie loves making his baby super duper small so that they’re clingy.
It’s because he’s secretly extremely clingy and physical touch starved.
He’ll make you your favorite comfort foods and snacks, and makes sure you’re eating, and will gladly help feed you too.
Movie nights are a must after long days.
He also will theatrically come up with fairy tales to share just to make you laugh.
Loves to bounce his baby around, on his knee, his hip, you name it.
He will also sing you to sleep or just to comfort you. Holding you close so you can feel the vibration of his voice in his chest.
If you are a pacifier user, Eddie loves plopping one in his baby’s mouth and he LOVES PACI KISSES. it gives him so much joy just because of how much it makes his baby giggle.
Eddie would do anything to help his little one feel better. Whether to be fully going little the second they walk in the door, or talking it through and staying big, or talking it out and then going small. Whatever it is. He’s there for it all.
He’s just so proud of how hard his baby works and loves to care for them no matter what.
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peekapen · 9 months
Into the Deep Chapter 6
With you under a spell it’s easy to get the answers to their questions, and with their trust earned you find out something incredible.
Sun anxiously watched as you slowly fell under Moon's spell. Oh, he hated doing this, he really, really hated doing this! But if they didn't do this, then they'd never find out what happened between you and Clide and he had to find out why Clide's smell was all over you! When you came in, smelling like that and so, so nervous it just didn't make any sense to him. Where was your usual smile? Your lovely scent? In an effort to calm you and remove that terrible scent from your skin, he immediately rubbed his scent glands all over you, making you smell like him, but he didn't care! You needed to be okay and he wanted, no needed, to know what happened!
He'd hoped you would casually mention it as they hung out, but you didn't say anything outside of praising him for being able to solve the puzzles while you couldn't. When Moon woke up he knew that after his morning swim, he would come to you and would smell Sun all over you, so Sun had to explain what happened before Moon found out. That's why he told Moon before he came by you so he wouldn't be surprised and Moon had been livid! Even though Sun protested that you had done nothing, Moon was convinced that you were up to something and said he would ask you himself and Sun knew what that meant. The only reason Sun went with it was because he needed to know what had happened to make you smell like that.
He could tell Moon wasn't pleased when he smelled Sun all over you as he put you under his spell. Sun could tell because his tail flicked around, irritated, but he had been gentle as he put you under the spell. As soon as Moon stopped singing and your breathing evened out he rushed up and hugged you close, cuddling you and inspecting your still form as he did so, both unnerved and fascinated by the peaceful, blank expression on your face. Were you okay? Did the spell cause you any pain? Were you dreaming nice dreams?! He couldn't take this worry and immediately turned to Moon with big, pleading eyes.
"Moonie, please wake them up, I changed my mind. This isn't okay! If they wake up and figure out that we put a spell on them they'll be so upset!" Sun said nervously as he gently hugged you close to his chest like a kid does with a teddy bear, but Moon only sighed before shaking his head.
"No Sunny, we need to know. If Clide tried to do something through them we need to know for our own safety. Besides, if they knew what we could do, you know they'd just be super fascinated, right?" Moon asked and Sun giggled. Moon was right, you'd be far more intrigued and excited than scared, it was one of the many things he liked about you.
"Alright, but they're not hurting or having nightmares right? Last time you did this that human had horrible nightmares and went insane!" Sun asked anxiously but relaxed as Moon shook his head.
"Don't worry Sun, I wouldn't do that to them. Not after they helped us out the other day. Just a normal sleep spell before I enact the truth spell." Moon said with a sigh before his eyes changed to spinning red and white spirals. "Now, let me do my job."
Sun nodded nervously and unwound himself a bit from you. Not completely, he could never leave you alone when going through such an intrusive experience! Instead, he lay down and made sure you were comfortably supported by his tail before he nodded to Moon who went closer to you. Was it just Sun, or was he closer than he needed to be? No, Sun, focus! He needed to make sure you were okay, that was priority number one!
"Now (Y/n), I have a few questions for you. Can you be an obedient little thing and open your eyes for me?" Moon asked and you opened your eyes and Sun started. He'd seen human eyes before after being put under Moon's spell, but it was worse now that you were the one under the spell. Your usual bright (E/c) eyes were dulled and cloudy which made him shiver. He tightened his grip around you as Moon continued talking. "I need you to answer a few questions for me, can you do that?" You nodded and Moon continued. "Why was Clide's scent all over you?
"Clide's...Scent?" You asked slowly, confused and Moon grumbled in response whilst Sun giggled. The only drawback to the spell was that you could only ask questions your victim could understand, so of course a question about scent meant nothing to you, a human.
"Did you meet with Clide today and did he get close to you?" Moon tried again and this time you nodded.
"I ran into Clide...At the library...He was angry so I left...But he followed me...He assaulted me and threatened to kill me...Something about me stealing his job...? I'm...Not really sure what it was about...He wasn't making any sense..." You explained, your voice oddly monotonous and slow. Once you were finished Sun sighed in relief. He knew it! Heknewitheknewitheknewit! You weren't betraying them, you had been attacked! Oh, thank heavens! Wait, no! Clide attacked you?! How dare he! Sun growled, his claws coming out at the thought of that horrid human coming anywhere near you again.
"Hmmm, looks like that curse we made a while back finally came into effect." Moon murmured and Sun flinched before drawing his claws back in at the memory. Right, he had completely forgotten about that Curse of Madness they had placed on Clide for being a generally terrible human being so that he would get fired. In their defense, he had tried to separate and hurt them and the curse hadn't seemed to work, but maybe him losing his position caused him to snap and if he had tried to, you would've been...Sun whimpered and gave you an apologetic hug with his tail.
"Oh, Sunshine I'm so, so sorry! We should've been there to stop him! If we hadn't cursed him this might not have happened! So, so, so sorry Sunshine." Sun said and Moon rolled his eyes.
"Sunshine? Really Sun? Why do you care so much about them anyway? Before long they'll just abandon or use us just like all the others!" Moon growled out and Sun turned to his brother in disbelief.
"Of course! They're like a ray of sunshine when they smile! And you can't seriously think that Moonie? After everything they've done for us, how could you think they'd even think of doing such a thing?! They saved me and have been nothing but nice to the both of us."
"You only got into that situation because of them! And even though they did help you, how long is that going to last, hmm?" Moon asked and Sun's eyes narrowed in frustration.
"I don't know but I'm sure they care about us! They always bring us nice things and treats and indulge us in what we like! You've seen their weird metal thing, it's full of things catered to us! Maybe they don't have an ulterior motive, have you thought of that? Maybe they just want us to be happy!" Sun yelled out and Moon growled, fins bristling before his eyes flicked to you and a smug smile came over his face.
"How about I ask it right now?! No matter how cute or innocent they may seem there is a black heart hiding behind that stupid smile of theirs!" Moon said with a hiss and Sun bristled before pushing himself up to his brother's level with a growl.
"Then ask! Let's settle this once and for all! If they are plotting something, we'll do something to make sure they won't ever be able to hurt us, but if I'm right you need to start treating them nicely." Sun said exasperated and Moon nodded, that smug smile only growing wider.
"Deal! Now you," He hissed before snapping his attention back to your blank stare. "What are your plans with us?"
"With...Who?" You asked and Moon growled in frustration.
"Sun and Moon, the Mers you're supposed to 'take care of'. What are your plans with them?" He asked and for a moment you were silent. Every second that moment took felt like an eternity to Sun who shook nervously as he awaited your answer. Please be good, please be good, please be good-
"I want to...Protect them and...Care for them...It's my job and I...Care about them." You said in that same strange voice. For a moment the two Mers absorbed what you had just said before Sun squealed happily and picked you up, spinning you around as he cheered. Of course, you did! This was you they were talking about! Of course, you were good! Oh, he knew it! You were so sweet to care about them! So cute that you want to protect them! Such a little beam of Sunshine!
"Yes! Yesyesyes I knew it! See Moon! I told you that I was right! Sunshine would never harm us." Sun cheered and Moon snarled before suddenly taking you from Sun's grasp and holding you close to his face, teeth bared in frustration and, Sun knew, a hint of desperation.
"That was just one question! Even if they don't have ulterior motives, they most certainly don't think as highly of you as you do of them! What do you think of Sun?" Moon snapped and you were quick to answer.
"Sun's just a sweet boy...Baby boy...Fish puppy...Really cute and pretty...Reminds me of the sun...Smart and cool...like that he likes me and his hugs...even though they're wet..." You said slowly and Sun let out a flustered squeak at your sweet words. He had no idea what a puppy was, but he could tell that everything you said was meant as a compliment. You thought he was cute? Him?! Really and truly?!
"Wait, you think I'm cute?! Oh, you're the cute one! How sweet is that Moon?" Sun cooed at you and tried to take you back, but Moon pulled you away before he could and bared his teeth at you.
"They might think that of you but they surely don't think that about me. Tell me, what do you think about Moon?" He demanded and once more you answered quickly.
"Stunning like the night sky...Funny like a fishy cat...Mysterious boy...Wish he liked me more...Glad he trusts me at least a tiny bit...Want to help him...Hurt..." You mumbled out and Moon froze, staring at you as you stared right back at him blankly. Sun could tell something snapped in Moon, but he wasn't sure what. He tensed as he watched the two of you stare at each other before relaxing as Moon finally broke the silence between you.
"...Do you truly think this way about Moon?" Moon asked, his voice far quieter now than it was before and you nodded, making Sun giggle as he looked at his brother's shocked and confused expression.
"Hehehe! Well, Moon, looks like you've got a fan~" He teased before yawning loudly. Right, it was starting to get late and he didn't want to worry you again by staying up too late again! Before he went to sleep though he realized something: You were still asleep and probably wouldn't wake till morning! That meant that you could stay for a sleepover! With that thought he giddily turned to Moon and did little grabby hands with stars in his eyes. "Moonie, can I have them back, I want to sleep with them tonight for our sleepover!"
"No way Sun. They can't breathe under the sand. I'll keep watch over them, don't worry. You can look after them after they've woken up." Moon promised and Sun perked up at that, excited.
"Promise?" He asked for confirmation and Moon nodded.
"Promise." Moon responded. With one final nod, Sun went to his usual resting place and as he dozed beneath the sand he couldn't help but notice the strange, fuzzy feeling that went through him as he thought of the things you had said about him. He squealed softly before curling in more, trying to keep this wonderful new feeling in his chest as he dozed off to dream about the two of you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you woke up you were very confused. Why were you so warm? And why were you hearing whining and growling nearby? With a groan, you opened your eyes before immediately closing them again with another groan. Why was it so bright in your room? That wasn't right, you always kept the blinds closed!
"Sun, we know you're worried about Moon, but we need to get (Y/n) out of here." You heard and that woke you up immediately. Your eyes opened quickly and you finally took in that no, you were not in your room but in Sun and Moon's enclosure! Shocked at how you got here you moved to get up, but before you could stand you were pulled back down again. You let out a little 'oof' as you fell back against whatever you were leaning against, catching a certain Mer's attention. Sun let out a squeal as he happily turned to you and gently butted his forehead against yours before licking your face making you giggle groggily.
"G'morning Sunny." You said with a yawn. Sun let out a few happy chitters in response to you before abruptly turning around. He hissed lowly, his fins flaring up so that he could appear bigger than he actually was, a usual defense mechanism, but why was he doing that? You tried again to get up, but once again you were pulled back down. You let out an annoyed huff and turned to what could possibly be keeping you trapped there and what you saw made your eyes widen in wonder and shock.
It was Moon. The reason you felt so warm when you woke up was because Moon was curled up around you, tail hanging over your legs and arms around your waist whilst his head lay by your stomach. You stared down at the Moonlight Mer before grinning like an idiot, happy as heck that you had somehow found your way into this position. Speaking of, how did you get here? The last thing you remembered was lying down when you suddenly got tired...You shook your head in frustration as you realized you must have fallen asleep. How or why you have no idea, but you decided to just chalk it up to having had a very stressful day and left it at that. Right now your top priority was to get out of here and figure out what Sun was making such a fuss about.
"Hello?" You called out as you thought you remembered hearing someone speak earlier.
"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" You heard Charles' voice ask from behind Sun causing you to smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine! Just getting cuddled by Moon." You said before gently stroking over Moon's nightcap-shaped fin and smiling wider as he started to purr.
"Oh thank heavens! The feeders came in this morning and saw you unresponsive in Moon's hold. We've been trying to get you out of here for an hour now, but Sun isn't letting us come close to Moon." Charles explained and you let out a quiet 'oh'. So that's what was going on!
"Ah, gotcha! Sorry for the scare, I'm okay though! I'll be out soon, but I first need to convince Moon to let me go." You said with a chuckle. You heard Charles sigh before he responded.
"Alright. If you do end up needing some help just give us a yell and we'll be here, okay? We'll be by the door to escort you home once you're ready." Charles to which you nodded even though he couldn't see you.
"Okay!" You yelled, waiting until Sun had relaxed before turning your attention back to Moon. "Hey Moonie, can you please let me go?" Moon grumbled at this before burying himself even deeper into your stomach and letting out a long exhale, causing you to giggle from the ticklish air on your stomach. "I know Moonie, but I need to go! I can't stay here all day."
"If you want to you can." You suddenly heard a voice say. Startled, you perked up and started looking around, but found no one nearby except for Sun. Maybe they were behind Sun?
"Hey Sun, baby, can you move? I think someone behind you might be talking to me." You said to which Sun shook his head.
"Nope! Sorry Sunshine, but that's one try missed! You've got two tries left!" Sun said with a wide smile and your eyes widened in shock. No way. Nowaynowaynoway! This is amazing!! Wait, wait, this is too good to be true, you needed to check something else first.
"Is it someone using a microphone attached to Sun?" You asked to which Sun shook his head with a chuckle.
"Nope! One last try-" He started, but you interrupted him in your excitement.
"OH MY GOD YOU'RE TALKING TO ME?!" You nearly screamed with stars in your eyes before quickly covering your mouth as you realized how loud you were being.
"Everything alright over there?" You heard Charles say and you scolded yourself in your mind before removing your hands and answering him.
"Yeah, just peachy! Thought I heard something, but it was just one of the announcements." You said.
"Ah okay. Any further with freeing yourself yet?" Charles asked and you shook your head despite knowing that he still couldn't see you.
"Getting there, just need a little more time." You said to which you earned an 'okay' before turning back to Sun.
"You can talk?!" You whisper-yelled and Sun giggled before nodding.
"Of course we can! We've been around your kind for so long, it was only a matter of time before we learned how to speak your language." Sun explained and he chuckled at your starstruck expression, but you just couldn't help it! This was incredible!
"This is so, so cool! Why did you keep this hidden for so long?" You asked Sun curiously, but before he could answer someone else cut in on the conversation.
"Because your kind would have kept us here and used us as attractions. It's just safer for us to pretend we can't speak your language." A raspier voice said and you turned in shock to find Moon talking into your stomach. Your heart sunk at the words, but you knew he was right. Human beings weren't always that great, you knew that from first-hand experience...
"I get it. I'm guessing you two don't want me telling anyone else, right?"
"If you could Sunshine that would be great! I'm so, so, so sorry for not talking to you sooner! I really, really wanted to, but I didn't want to get me or Moon in trouble or-" He started but you cut him off by gently cupping his large face in your hands with a reassuring smile.
"Hey, don't worry about it, I completely understand! If anything, I'm glad you waited! If I was someone who was easily influenced, you guys would've had to suffer so much and that's not fair to either of you. And you don't have to feel obligated to talk to me from this point forward, it's up to you guys. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable works for me." You said resolutely and Sun smiled before leaning into your hands even more, making you giggle at the cute sight as he purred.
"You're truly one of a kind Sunshine." Sun said dreamily and you blushed a little from the compliment before smiling sheepishly.
"T-thank you, but I'm not doing much outside of my job." You said to which Sun perked up with wide eyes before gently taking your hands in his.
"You're kidding?! Sunshine, no one has ever done anything like this for me or Moon! You're the only one who's ever been so kind and lovely to us both! And you're the first one who's ever given us a choice! So please, don't try to brush my words off, you're an incredible human being!" Sun insisted as he gently squeezed your hands and you blushed even brighter, becoming flustered from the sudden barrage of compliments as an awkward but grateful smile stretched across your lips.
"T-thank you." You squeaked out before Moon spoke up again.
"Sun, leave them be. At this rate, they'll overheat from all of those compliments." Moon teased you as Sun pouted before he turned to his brother.
"I'm just telling the truth!" He whined before he seemingly remembered something and glared and Moon. "By the way, can you release them? I want to hug them before they go and you promised I could!"
"...Fine." Moon said as he slowly uncurled from around you. You gave him a small 'thank you' as you stood up before yelping and laughing as Sun suddenly picked you up. You happily hugged back and you two stayed like that for a little while before he put you back down. You smiled up at him before seeing the group of people that came with Charles to pick you up and you winced a little at the memory. You wanted to stay longer, but right now you really had to go.
"Sorry guys, I need to go, but I'll probably be back tomorrow, alright?" You said and Sun nodded whilst Moon gave out a grumble which made you giggle.
"Of course Sunshine! We'll see you tomorrow, please come back soon!" Sun said happily before licking your face as usual. You giggled again before petting his head and walking over to the people waiting for you. As soon as you started walking towards them Charles broke off from the group to hug you himself, worry evident on his face before he pulled back, but he kept his hands on your shoulders.
"Thank God you're alright (Y/n)! I was so worried we might have to tranq Sun to get you out of there!" Charles said and your eyes widened before you shook your head.
"Oh, there was no need to do that! I must've fallen asleep after everything that happened and Moon fell asleep on me, so I was trapped. and you know how protective they are of each other, I'm sure Sun was just worried you guys were going to separate him and his brother." You explained and Charles sighed before nodding.
"I understand, but please don't fall asleep here again, okay? We don't need the scare of thinking someone had died in the morning." Charles said with a laugh. You awkwardly laughed as well before you remembered that Clide was supposed to get shipped back to the mainland today.
"Hey Charles? I was wondering, has Clide been sent off yet or is he still in that holding cell?" You asked to which Charles winced before sighing.
"No (Y/n)...There's a reason we thought you might be dead and that's because...He escaped and is now somewhere on the island."
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melis-writes · 1 year
Imagine my *surprised face but not really surprised* face when I see you’re going to write Tommy Shelby 🥹 IT’S HAPPENING!!! Oh you better strap yourself in girl, reaaaaaal tight for the ride you’re about to go on for not only all the series but for the depth of this motherfucking character!
I’ve always been into mafia/mob/gangster either Films, Series or documentaries & adaptations. Peaky Blinders is hands down the best series I have ever watched and I still sing it’s praises to this day. This whole family will have you feeling all types of ways and I promise you won’t regret it. I love each character for so many different reasons, Tommy is the best character by far and was the reason I initially got hooked but the family unit is something so powerful ❤️
I’m so intrigued to see your writing for Tommy! Tommy’s character doesn’t change too much in terms of his mentality but his character grows so so much more throughout all the series. I often look back at series 1 and just want to cuddle & look after that man something silly. That man is infuriating and so lovable at the same time but I won’t spoil anything for you. I could talk about this for literal weeks and now I’m feeling I need to rewatch it all again for the 3rd time.
Good luck writing, although you probably won’t need it. Your writing is incredible as always! I’m also a ✨The Other Woman girlie ✨ so super excited for when you post that.
All my love ❤️
Ahhhhh, yes!! 🤭❤️ I'm still so new to the world of Peaky Blinders and Tommy's character that as soon as I feel comfortable with the storyline and get to know him better, I'll hop on getting his fic written for you! 🥴 I already know he's a hell of a character and his mannerisms are actually gonna be fun to write out fic wise... 👀
I've heard a lot of recommendations and praise for lots of gangster/mafia TV shows but Peaky Blinders is on the tip of everyone's tongues, I swear. 😭😭 I actually hate how little time I have to delve into new media so this one might take me much longer than I expect but it will happen for sure! The series more than just held my interest after the first episode, so we're getting there. 🤭
My goal and aim is the same: keeping it canon!! Tommy needs to be 100% as canon as possible to the fullest so just like my Godfather fics and everything else, you can feel immersed like you're actually speaking with Tommy and right next to him... 🥵 That's why I'm studying the hell out of him and his behaviour when I'm watching the show lmfao.
Thank you so much for all your continued love and support, my beloved!! 🥰✨ I'm so grateful and appreciative for it! Right now we got Chapter 5 of The Other Woman upcoming so we return tenfold to Michael Corleone's arms... where we belong. 😍
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innytoes · 2 years
Ok so many of these prompts scream caleb/ray/reggie and if I’m honest I haven’t even finished reading through the list yet but I absolutely cannot resist requesting prompt 3 for them please!
The storm had caught him kind of by surprise. He knew it was going to storm later in the day, but the weather app on his phone had been very clear they had two whole hours until the rain started. And since he knew Bucket was afraid of thunder, he wanted to give him an extra long walkies and some good quality ball-chasing time at the dog park, so he'd have gotten some of his energy out.
So when it had started raining five minutes after they got to the dog park, a whole hour and a half earlier than expected, he was annoyed. It was just a light drizzle, though, and Bucket didn't seem to mind, so they kept throwing the ball.
Except then it started raining harder. He'd had to chase Bucket around the field a little to get him back on his leash, and they started the walk back home.
And then the thunder started, and Bucket spooked. He'd kept trying to dash into other people's homes and into coffee shops, until finally Reggie picked him up and stuffed him into his hoodie. He was already soaked anyway, so the wet dog pressed against his t-shirt didn't really matter.
Then the wind picked up. And the lightning flashed. He cuddled Bucket close, keeping up a litany of praise and comfort as he power-walked home, trying not to jostle the poor, shivering pup. He was nearing their neighbourhood when his phone rang, he jazzy ringtone he'd set for Caleb.
"Hey," he picked up, just as the thunder roared.
"Where are you?" Caleb's voice came through the speaker. He sounded concerned. Reggie could hear Ray in the background, trying to find his car keys.
"Don't worry, I'm almost home," he soothed his worried Alphas. "Don't tell Ray his keys are under the mail, and I bet you I'll be home before he finds them."
"Sassy," Caleb muttered approvingly. Lightning flashed in the distance. "Are you sure you don't need us to come get you?"
"I'm passing Franklin as we speak," Reggie said. Bucket whined. "I know buddy, we're almost home."
By the time he got home, Ray was waiting on the porch with some towels, apparently having been told to stop looking for his keys. "Where's..." he started, before his eyes landed on the squirming ball in Reggie's hoodie. "Alright, I'll take the dog," he said. Reggie unzipped his hoodie gratefully, glad to see Bucket safe and sound in a nice fluffy towel in Ray's arms.
Before he could even turn, he had his own fluffy towel wrapped around him, Caleb gently wrapping another one over his head. "Oh, they're warm," he said, surprised.
"I put them in the dryer for you," Ray said. Reggie felt his heart flutter. Ray and Caleb had been worried about him, but had trusted him when he said he didn't need them to come get him. Instead, they'd focused all that nervous Alpha energy on... making sure he'd be cozy when he came home.
"Thank you," he said, leaning over to kiss Ray, laughing into the kiss at the bonus doggy kisses he got from Bucket along his jaw.
"Let's get you inside and out of these wet clothes," Caleb said. He let himself be lead inside, Ray setting Bucket down and singing the little 'dry the dog' song Reggie had come up with. Caleb very much did not sing along, but he was gently rubbing Reggie's hair dry with the towel along with the beat, so Reggie was counting it as a win anyway.
He toed off his soggy sneakers and slipped off his soggy hoodie, hanging it on the coat rack and biting his lip as it dripped on the floor. That wasn't good.
"I got it," Ray soothed. "Go upstairs and get dry."
He went up the stairs on wet squelchy socks, Caleb following him to their bedroom. He helped Reggie take his shirt off, which he didn't actually need help with, but feeling Caleb's warm fingers skim his cool, clammy skin was kind of nice. The wet skinny jeans were a different story, because that was very much a two-man job. In the end, they managed, Reggie breathlessly giggling as he toppled over onto the bed, Caleb staggering back with the offending wet denim.
He grinned, sitting back up and slipping off his socks and underwear, enjoying the way Caleb's eyes roamed over him. Half of it was concern, but the other half... well, Reggie got to preen a little, okay? He quickly toweled off, while Caleb turned to rummage through the closet.
He grabbed some dry underwear, snagging Ray's sweatpants off the chair in the corner of the bedroom. They were too big on him, so he tied the waistband off tightly. He liked how they pooled around his ankles, and how they smelled like Ray. When he looked up, Caleb was offering him a soft, deep purple sweater. It was one of the ones he'd gotten after Reggie had just come to live with them, in what Reggie now knew had been a tiny fit of envy at Reggie stealing Ray's clothes and not Caleb's.
He gratefully put it on, enjoying the softness and the subtle smell of Caleb, as he buried his nose in the collar for a moment. Then, he wrapped his arms around Caleb's neck. "Thank you."
"Let's get you warm," Caleb said, smiling and wrapping him up in a hug. "I'm sure we can get Ray to make his special hot chocolate as well."
"Sounds like a plan."
He ended up curled on the couch between his two Alphas, cozy under a blanket, a mug of Ray’s hot chocolate warming up his hands and his insides. Bucket was curled up under the coffee table at their feet, with Pockets grooming him thoroughly. Reggie couldn’t help but think how lucky he was, how this was everything he’d ever wanted and more.
“I love you,” he said to the room at large.
“We love you too,” Ray said, nuzzling into his damp hair, while Caleb squeezed him closer.
Yeah, he was the luckiest guy in the universe.
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐚 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
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I got a request for our dearest gentle sexy joshua, so here it is!
tbh I don't think joshua would think too much of getting in a relationship
just like the members, he is very focused in his career, so it would take some time for him to notice love for someone else.
probably a highschool friend, a coworker or a staff member he really gets along with
i don't think he'd be into meeting and getting in a relationship with brand new people around him, he needs to know them
maybe, if he sees that you're a foreigner that seems nice, then he'll approach you in the streets
being the gentleman he is he stays very polite and respectful, he doesn't want to bother you too much or invade your personal space.
he is a very warm person overall, very cheerful and open-minded. It's easy to talk with him, about literally anything.
since you get along things could go fast, at least for you.
since he doesn't know you that much, joshua will see you as someone he knows, no more no less
like he has to realize he spends a lot of time with you, more than with anyone else, because of the members
they'll be like "you're seeing them again? You saw them yesterday, and the day before!"
and he'd be surprised, because they are right, because he didn't notice, and because they noticed
he'll start acting weird around you lmao
and he'll ask help from the members, who told him that he could be in love with you
he was like "what? no, i don't know them since that long"
and the members would answer "well it's been a year now" lmao
idk if he'd actually ask you out, or if you'd do it
i think it would be just mutual realisation? if that makes sense
like he's at your appartment one evening and you talk about everything and nothing
you joke around and burst out laughing together
and you just look at each other like something just happened between you two
you don't really need to declare your relationship as official, you just both know that it'll work and that you're in love with each other
now hong joshua as a boyfriend
he gatekeeps you from the members
when they ask if you'll come to watch them practice, he'd be like no they won't meet y'all go away
at some point you go see them by yourself because you want to
the members love you ofc, and they're surprised that you can keep up with joshua's chaotic energy
hes just too much sometimes
game afternoons? he'll cheat for sure
he made you food? wrong, his mum did it for yall
he teaches you how to sing? okay but he will tell you that you sing well when you actually don't
crafty days? he'll make you a bracelet/canvas/other with a mistake when spelling of your name
cute nickame? he called you "sarcastic fringehead" on his phone (which is a weird looking fish)
anyways he's funny overall lmao
smutty part below
joshua knows SO much
like he knows more than you do about your body
a great talker as well
knows the right words to make your knees buckle
the right moves as well
he knows damn well where to put his hands to make you feel good
not on the rough side in bed tho, not a lot at least
he's a dom, but like a soft dom
very much into praising and admiring your body, you'll feel like a queen/king with him
very vocal man, when he's not praising you hes moaning
like moaning
doesn't care if people hear/see you (except if it makes you uncomfy)
is willing to try many things in bed, as long as you both are okay with trying stuff
definitely not into knife play
won't go for many rounds, maybe 2, 3 if he's at his best i guess
the best with aftercare as well!!!
comforting words, helping you washing up and cuddles with no end!
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