#i could call it something cool like dragon lair tho
wis-art · 1 year
to whoever read my tags yesterday, i have done it, i cleaned my house and even cleaned the oven from all the burnt gunk and also cleaned my dishwasher filter (YUCK!) i am the most powerful gay woman on this earth.
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B2:S - Chapter 5
Much of this series will be about the differences and additions in the novel version, and how they contribute to my understanding of story canon. But there will be character appreciation, the odd theory and headcanon, and suchlike as well.
Here be lots of Viren deets, Best Boy Soren deets, some writing/continuity stuff, worldbuilding appreciation and half of a theory, Detective Rayla, Moon Temple geeking, Claudium and dark magic, and more!
Spoilers for Book Two: Sky below.
(I know for darn sure that I wrote up a post for chapter 4, but I can't find it anywhere so I guess Tumblr ate it and I'll have to redo it at some point, but today is not that day)
Viren, my evil dude, my bad guy, coming in clutch with the worldbuilding and backstory again! If you want to know decades of information, you gotta talk to Viren. Or read his scenes, at least. Here, he seems to not sleep much when he has a big problem to analyze his way through. Solutions trump pretty much everything else in this guy's life, and he's had a really hard week with a lot of new and complicated problems. Of course he's getting sleep-deprived trying to find his way through them all.
Harrow put so much trust in Viren when he made him High Mage! He just threw himself extra hard at that Lady Justice blindfold, didn't he? Didn't really want to see what Viren was doing in his magic study, so he left Viren to his devices. And Viren has a lot of devices.
Also, this is fascinating: Viren made the secret passage to his "less official study" in Katolis Castle! And he was inspired to do so by the way his own mentor kept the Puzzle House. What else could a Puzzle House be, except a place with secret passages? Yay! secret headcanon that "the Puzzle House" is just "Katolis Castle" from Kid Viren's perspective tho
So either Viren built all of those passageways, or at least the ones to his dungeon. Which means he has to have, or know where to get, a stash of those glowing blue Moonshadow crystals. Hmmm.
I can't wait to learn more about Kpp'Ar and young Viren, btw. From this description of Viren and all his literal secret ways, it feels like another parallel between Viren and Runaan, with the whole "secretive paths, members only, insider knowledge" type stuff. Only the really cool members of this cult club get to know the secrets, and guess what, kid, you're cool now but you can never tell anyone, okay? Our secret.
Yeahhh, that'll never backfire in any way for either of them.
Kpp'Ar calling puzzles and secrets "man-made magic," though. Yes sir, knowledge is indeed power.
This chapter mentions Runaan by name, from Viren's perspective. Generally that would imply that Viren knows his name, even though assassins do not share their names, and Runaan didn't seem to give his to Viren in the first book. However, there was a scene in book one where the last paragraph switched perspective from Viren to Runaan - a technique that's very common in visual media like movies and shows and gives you that "ohoho they left the room and didn't notice this, but you do!" vibe. Using Runaan's name there in book one, where Viren couldn't see it but readers could, helps them keep track of the assassin's story arc while maintaining Viren's racism.
So in book two, in which Runaan has no onscreen scenes (alas), using his name in a scene that calls back to the events in book one helps us remember what happened in that dungeon cell. It would be a bit muddier to recall the specifics if Viren kept thinking about Runaan as "Elf." So I'm cool with the perspective nudge because it serves a narrative purpose: clarity. But I'm also enjoying the angst of considering that, somehow, Viren learned Runaan's name either during or after the coining spell. Mwa ha ha haaa. (Obligatory "Keep my pretty name outta your mouth" goes here)
Okay, back to Viren's scheming! He took the mirror because it was human-sized in a dragon lair. He knew it didn't really fit there, and that made it interesting, so he stole it. But he realized it was really powerful when Runaan wouldn't tell him squat about it - the assassin's instinct to protect Xadian secrets from human hands meant that Viren was holding a very powerful Xadian secret. And that just made him want it all the more. Ah, Runaan, if only your relationship with lying was, like, the exact opposite of what it is. Nyx could've spun Viren a believable tale in 2 minutes flat.
Also of interest: Viren considers his cursed coins to be a final fate. He expects Runaan to remain in his coin forever. With the Chekhov's coins still extant in the storyline, we can assume that they'll come up again eventually, but Viren has no current plans to do anything with his elf money except carry it around.
It's worth noting that Viren admits that he got impatient when he trapped Runaan in the coin. Runaan's first fate in Katolis was supposed to be death at Soren's hands, but Claudia "saved" him from that. His next fate was to become spell components, but Viren's frustration with his stubbornness "saved" him from that fate, too. So now he's in a coin, where no one can chop him up at all. Yay? No, boo!
We get one last line about Runaan before Viren shifts gears: he makes a point of noting for us that Runaan's shackles are still locked shut. However much of Runaan made it into that coin - body, soul, hair care products - he was magicked there, pulled right out of his restraints.
The creepy black liquid that Viren pours right into his eyes is the last of a powerful potion he got from Kpp'Ar, and its recipe is ancient! Humans used it back in the age of Elarion to see through the illusions of the world. And we get a delightfully creepy bit of description about the preparation of this serum, which makes it abundantly clear that it's a Moon magic-based concoction, harvested from eyeless vipers on a moonless night, with the threat of irrevocable madness ("madness" by whose definition, though) if it's done wrong-
Hang on. Hold up. This is a Plato's Cave reference. OH MY GOD.
No no I'm fine, this is brilliant. Sorry, sorry, I couldn't figure why there was so much description for a potion prep that Viren didn't even have to perform himself. But now I get it. I see the light. HA. I should make a separate post for this, it's amazing.
Anyway, for reference, the humans who used this serum were called the Oracles of Ophidia, and Ophidia is a taxonomy group that includes all modern snakes. Can you say "creepy ancient snake rites"? I can! Woo!
Viren activates the serum with a spell, but apparently he's never done it before. He's not sure if it's supposed to be hot and bubbly, and he worries that it's been tainted by moonlight.
Oh, I do hope so.
The magic potion hurts, a lot. Viren will do just about anything, to himself or anyone, to do what he believes is necessary. He just risked madness and blindness to find out what this mirror does! Viren. Can you just. Take a nap or something. Have a Snickers.
This chapter gives us a fun clue that I don't remember from the show: when Viren's vision clears and he can see, his reflection has white pupils and the room reflected in the mirror has inverted colors. You know where else has inverted colors?
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You know who else got white pupils for a hot second?
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Okay, now it makes sense! Viren and Lujanne were both seeing into the realm beyond life and death. Him with his moon magic potion, and her with her moon powers on a full moon night at the Moon Nexus. Which is Very Interesting! Is it a direct hint about Aaravos's location, or just a separate cool detail? Orrr, does it look like a direct hint because Aaravos is actually trapped in the world beyond life and death, but it's actually separate and we'll see something about white pupils again later on?
Viren really does have self-esteem issues, we all picked up on it with his rant at his reflection. He throws a fit when he catches himself wondering if he's actually worthless. In the book version of his tantrum, he shoves the mirror and hurls a candelabra instead of flipping a table. He didn't need to shove the mirror to set the fire, but it's in here. Foreshadowing that perhaps, if push comes to shove, Viren will choose himself over Aaravos? Giving Aaravos time to peek through and see that the coast is clear?
Soren, my boyyyyy. He has a rough night at the Moon Nexus because two sides of him are fighting with each other. He struggles to understand Callum's friendship with Rayla, and he also fantasizes about chopping off Rayla's head. One of these is a pretty ordinary thing to do. The other is Soren's internalization of what he needs to do to gain his father's approval. If he brought his dad a chopped off elf head every week, he'd probably feel a lot more confident because Viren would praise him a lot more.
Okay, okay, omg, is it just me, or does the "Moonshadow Madness" story, as it's told in the book, seem like Soren just doesn't know what a monsterfucker is? He thinks an elf bite puts humans under a spell. But vampires are sexy, and some people want them to do more to them than just bite them. A passionate kiss under the moonlight could look very bitey, especially if one of the participants has horns and you're already culturally trained to hate them. No yeah, I'm already headcanoning an actual human-elf kiss that got misunderstood by an observer long ago.
it's Lujanne isn't it, we all know, because what is a love spell but a sweet soft illusion, I mean how else does she get supplies for her Caldera, I ask you, and also Corvus was totally sent to investigate once and he told Soren at camp what he saw
And then back to magefam angst: Soren pretending that his sister's nose-tapping is stupid, even though he actually thinks it's cool, just because their dad thinks it's stupid. Viren, istg. Let your kids like harmless things. It's so cute that Soren taps his nose back at her, though! Like they have their own sibling code. I hope we get to see the nose tap again, especially now that they've chosen different sides. It could mean so much, that they're not too far apart yet.
Rayla knows what buttery pancakes smell like. I love this. Do Moonshadow elves have butter and pancakes, does Rayla eat a stack of eight giant pancakes in the morning? Orrrr it is just illusion food? I don't care, let Rayla have pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes. Pancakes will save the world. this message brought to you by the fact that I can't eat pancakes rn, send help
I love that Rayla is both sus of the pancakes and hungry, and that combines into a very motivated "I will get to the bottom of this" attitude. She kind of goes into Poirot Mode when she inserts herself into Soren and Ellis's conversation about Ava, explaining about the wolf's illusion leg and segueing into her claim that the pancakes taste sus. Claudia confirms she used dark magic, and Rayla is furious. It's different than the show's version in that it puts Rayla in detective mode, as the only Moonshadow elf in the scene, and boy does she take that role seriously. Also, she doesn't actually swallow the dark magic pancake bite. It ends up on the ground just like Lujanne's grubs from that earlier meal. These poor kids are so nutrient-starved. You guys gotta eat!!
Rayla's determination and prejudices and the fact that she super knows Harrow is dead all dovetail to make her try repeatedly to persuade Callum that Soren and Claudia are Not To Be Trusted. It's nice that the book keeps taking the time to point out that Rayla is Well Intentioned But Flawed, just like Callum and pretty much every other character in the show. No one is Right All The Time, no one Knows More Than Everyone Else.
Callum loving the sound of Claudia's unique voice is so wholesome. When you like someone, it only makes sense that you like all the things about them that they can't change - like the sound of Claudia's voice. Her choices with dark magic, not so much!
Claudia seems to have the same concerns Soren does about Callum's relationship with Rayla, but she comes out and asks him. The inherent possession implied in "your elf" is interesting, though. Elves are not people to Claudia. They're enemies who can be disassembled for the magic inside them. So maybe more like robots than living beings, if she knew what a robot was. Maybe she heard Soren's "Moonshadow Madness" story and realized he totally missed the kissing implications - but she didn't, and now she's genuinely worried that Rayla could kiss Callum under a full moon and enchant him to do her will. Good thing it's only a half moon, then!
Okay, Callum nervously making a puppet hand and then not knowing what to do with his hands and freaking out about itching and moving and pointy elbows is such a ND mood. The sudden stress of knowing that someone else is noticing your existence and maybe you're Not Existing Right, amirite? Ugh, poor Callum.
The Moon Temple! Omg it's so pretty in the description! Made to be beautiful and useful, full of knowledge but also allowing light and life inside (butterflies and vines). Lujanne, when can I move in, please? Also, it's all the more angsty because Lujanne is the only one who gets to see this beautiful place, but it has lots of chairs and shelves and tables, and it was meant to be used by lots of people. :(((
Claudia knows some of the runes on the walls. She isn't in a hurry to copy the rest of them down or anything, either. Her spellwriting is very precise, and she's a skilled mage. Her father would have made sure she was aware of the dangers of drawing sloppy runes, as much as he made her aware of the dangers of doing dark magic wrong. And the whole point of dark magic is that it's easier to learn than primal magic. Claudia supports her dad and their shared knowledge and life path. She's not gonna go nuts over an elf library she can't translate.
Side note: Between Claudia knowing some Moon runes and Viren building a secret passageway and a dungeon and lighting it with the same blue crystals that Lujanne and Ethari use for light--and Claudia exclaiming that she loves ruins--I wonder once more if there are really Moonshadow ruins somewhere in Katolis, which Viren has found and looted. Father-daughter relic hunting trip, maybe while Soren is away at camp? Omgsh that would be so wild!
Callum out here having a Viren moment with his "I feel powerless unless I've got magic that lets me help" vibes. God. I love their complicated mirroring. One of the hard differences between them is that Callum is very sure dark magic is bad because you have to kill stuff and take its power to cast spells, and he doesn't want to be a person who kills and takes like that. The line he walks to be nice to Claudia on their tour of the Cursed Caldera because he likes her, while telling her that he doesn't want to do her magic, like, ever, is so fine that it might as well be a shifting shadow on the ground. It's a very fitting conversation to be having during the half moon, with its tricks and little white lies.
Callum being out of the castle and his comfort zone, having to deal with the fact that the Claudia he loves is not quite the Claudia who's chasing him down across the kingdom, but of the two of them, he's the only one with a problem with this.
They say that if you really want to get to know someone, you should spend time with them outside their comfort zone - in heavy traffic, with a small baby, taking care of a new pet, trying a new skill, following unfamiliar directions, etc. While the castle is familiar territory for them both, Callum's never really found his comfort zone yet, while Claudia is pretty comfortable with her growing skill set. The creepy part starts to kick in when Callum begins to realize that Claudia's comfort zone encompasses a whole bunch of stuff that seems like it should make her uncomfortable... but it doesn't. But that'll be for a future chapter!
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2 big posts in one day? it’s more likely than you think!!!
Moze gameplay breakdown babey here we go
shit sorry i forgot my tl;dr the first time i posted this: the tablet is big important and might have eridian writing on it, it ties into the temple, the loot gun, the tablet in tannis’s infirmary on sanc-iii, and the planet holograms in Eleseer from TPS. also you get a special melee tool to break the purple crystals that i'm like 70% sure are Eridium and also, you’re never gonna believe this, but I talk about Atlas for a little bit because of it.
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“lair of the harpy”
ah harpies. I’m shifting into Percy Jackson mode
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just putting this out there
anyway as for what “Lair of the Harpy” means in bl3? Well we’ve seen in the We Are Mayhem trailer a bunch of flying Maliwan bots (i am assuming rn that those are Maliwan, anyway)
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these green fucks
(u can tell that’s Jakobs Manor cause of the railing on the left) so i imagine that’s why it’s called the Lair of the Harpy. Could also be the lair of some evil woman character, idk lmao. 
Far more interesting than the Harpy thing, to me anyway, is this:
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i wonder if that’s gonna lead us to the psycho basement with tv heads being hanged where the Hammerlock siblings are standing in front of the fireplace
i wonder...
nah but for real. I would almost bet money that the Vault on Eden-6 is in that giant volcano/mountain area. It just feels right. we’ve seen it both dormant (the leaked footage) and active (the 3rd trailer) so I imagine opening the Vault would cause it to activate. Tho I’m still hoping onto the hope that it’s a moon pool. Just saying, Randy, if you’re reading this... just saying.
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we also see this glowing sparkle icon again, which I think pretty much confirms from the We are Mayhem trailer that those will show us where the Moxxi crew quests are.
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we see an enemy called “Shredder Fanatic”, personally I’m a fan of Splinter, but to each their own. Uhhh but for realsies they probably deal some blade damage or have a high RoF weapon. 
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a cool detail I noticed about the minimap is that elevated areas won’t get discovered until you reach that level. Thank god lol
part of this camp is made out of an old sailboat, which i think is pretty fuckin rad
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makes me wonder if we’re ever going to see the areas of Pandora affected by the flash freeze again. How long do seasons last on Pandora again? I swear it was like 5 years or smth. oh well lol
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i wanna know what this big thing is!! it looks cool. they mentioned that eden-6 was going to have a shitload of broken-down ships, so maybe this is related to it?
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another look at what i'm assuming is Jakobs Manor. this is very hard because I keep getting distracted by the gameplay lol I’ve seen this video seven times! it shouldn’t be that enthralling!! and yet!
the combat music in this area is so fucking solid btw i am jamming the hell out
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in awe at the size of this place. I’m digging the elevated hallway. i am very much getting a hogwarts vibe from here. the far right looks like an observatory, even.
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“Big Donny’s Chop Shop - Open 7 Days” lmao
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a gramophone and it looks like we can interact with it! i hope it plays classical music while we go on a murder spree
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some sort of bridge? i assume that’s how you actually get up to Jakobs Manor. that may be why our quest is “go to Jakobs Manor”, we gotta fix the bridge before we can.
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A Typhon journal!!!
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No audio, though :( 
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From the radio: “catastrophe lead [???] to a lets play (flay?). Craving some meat in a bite sized package? then try festy flesh meats with a bandit on the go. hey, we know you want it, but do you have the time to hunt it down? ...”
-moxxi speaking about her crew challenge i can’t understand the radio here-
[different voice] “... for an exciting announcement from the CoV’s own ministers of murder: Pain and Terror! Those guys are cooking up one hell of a sh-” [player turns off radio] I gonna assume he was about to say “show” cause they’re a Penn and Teller reference. These are the guys from the arena with the giant skull thing, i think i have talked about them before?
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Eden-6′s version of the shock cactus?
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El Dragon Jr.
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OwO are those the same purple rocks as Promethea?
They look like they are growing out of a stone tablet, i mean look at the green light. also they have that same star pattern inside them as Amara’s arms and Maya’s phaselock!!! Which makes me think it’s raw Eridium just... growing out of a stone tablet. which IS WILD!!!
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that is not her normal melee weapon, BY THE WAY
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she normally uses her Stab! knife!!!
when u try to break the purple rocks on Promethea, iirc the player character can say something to the effect of “have to come back here later”, so it’s possible later in the story we get something (the glowing red/orange/yellow) energy sword to break the purple rocks (eridium???). and yes you KNOW i pointed out the colors because Atlas.
After meleeing it, Moze says “let’s open you up” so im wondering if maybe those stone tablets come into play later? the (eridium?) crystals explode into sparkly purple powder
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glowing green!!!! It’s weird, I feel like these are eridian ruins/tablets growing eridium or some shit. we’ve seen the ruins have lines of color across them before, but never strictly on one side. and also never saw them grow eridium. i wonder if that is a reaction to us opening the second vault on pandora? eridium grew on pandora from the 1st one, now it’s spreading because of the second? I deffo think Eridium is from the second dimension (it started growing on pandora after the opening of the Vault) and it’s our key to getting there. 
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hey doesn’t that look familiar? I’ll give u like
10 seconds
yeah it’s the symbol from the gun
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OKAY SORRY I GOT EXCITED but uh yeah idk if that writing/those symbols being the same was intentional or not but it exists and i'm losing my mind over it
i also just wanna know why the rocks are growing eridium and glowing green like what the fuck are your SECRETS 
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Aurelia shows up as you cross the checkpoint at the bridge, so it’s pretty much 100% confirmed the Hammerlocks are helping us with the jakobs thing. considering Aurelia is contacting us and not Alistar, im REALLY worried about the shot in the We Are Mayhem trailer where he has red eyes. please don’t hurt him. also i love how Aurelia calls herself a rich bitch. she makes that shit rhyme lol
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another look at that big tower thing. May be a different one, actually. idk!
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round the corner and see a little camp on the left. through that tunnel up ahead leads us here
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we head to the right and Zer0 ECHOs us, asking us to kill someone to complete a crew challenge
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The target’s name is Heckle (and his rage name is Hyde)
Interestingly he has a megaphone strapped to his mouth
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Lots of stuff! Zer0 sends you mail for killing the target and you are informed that the Crew Challenge is completed. You also get a challenge completed for doing it. You ever notice the actual gameplay of borderlands is very tied to yellow and blue? the color of the title is yellow and the vault symbol for it is red (except for TPS). just odd to me idk
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looks like a little envelope icon appears under your minimap when you have mail in your inbox!
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we can see some cryo freezing the swamp water here! that’s my favorite thing. the electricity is cool, but ice is cooler.
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i love the way this dude runs. also we now know that his pickaxe is to burrow his way into the ground
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looks like it will create a huge pink cloud so you know when its about to happen, giving you time to stop it. nice.
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getting closer. guess that wasn’t an observatory after all. Awww mannn
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lootsplosion from the loot tink
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bigger lootsplosion from his bag
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i believe this is our first look at an ‘artifact’ which are replacing relics from bl2 and oz kits from tps. and like the interviews said, they’ll be effecting movement! this one turns your slide damage into cryo damage, lets you deal more radiation damage overall, and allows you to slide faster and further. i wonder how broken this can get on a downwards slope with a super high level slide relic. let’s break the sound barrier!
anyway, that’s all i saw that caught my eye. I still haven’t completed my Mask of Mayhem analysis, I was kinda hoping something during E3 would help me figure out who those mystery robed maliwan guys are on it, but alas we got nothing of real substance. oh, i also gotta finish that mural piece... aw fuck
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
c2e22 reactions
I’m afraid no ad will ever top th animated one sorry Sam you’ve hit Critical Ad Coolness it’s all downhill from here
“It’s a bullette. A female bullet!” I facepalmed so hard
Matt’s face when they came back from the intro. He looks like an exasperated dad
One of these days Nott’s warnings about “we shouldn’t sleep here there are a million bad guys around us” is going to be legit and everyone’s going to regret not listening to her
Fjord teaching Beau to apologize. These are the moments when I love Fjord.
Everyone being sweet about Kiri is still just my favorite thing
Plz don’t kill Frumpkin again??
Oh thank god Matt’s letting him poof Frumpkin out
“He tried to kill our cat” OUR cat? Did he say “our” cat?
“You could just say be quiet...”
“Nott please be quiet”
They get a sneak attack round and half their attacks miss
Oh it still died tho okay
Yasha and Caleb going down the hole alone is probably going to be a disaster
“Are you still alive? You can reply to this message.”
Okay good Yasha is hiding the bodies that’s smart good call Nott
Caleb asking Yasha for advice awwww
Tasha’s advice is killing me
Y:” If someone talks to me I... try to... talk to them... and have a conversation... Chew with your mouth closed...”
Liam: “I start writing these things down.”
I like how Liam took the whole “Caleb is FILTHY AND SMELLY” thing and turned it into an actual character thing
Anyway listen Caleb and Yasha talking is my favorite thing ever?
if Nott doesn’t scream like “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO CALEB” when she sees him then Sam is gonna owe me money
C: “this means we are friends?”
Y: “....yes.”
oh thank god she managed to do it without cutting his head off
Sam owes me money
“Caleb’s inner monologue is ‘I want to shrivel up and die’.”
Kiri: “it’s an am-phi-bi-ous assault.”
What are we going to do about Kiri
Nnnnnn I don’t like them leaving Nott and Kiri. I know it was Nott’s choice but I’m worried. Don’t kill my goblin daughter or my sweet babby bird.
That miracle Nat1 after Fjord’s 2 omg
There had better be something REALLY good in this lair for them to be risking all this
God I love the play maps they have. This one lights up wtf that’s so cool!
fight time
The way Matt says “oh snap!” makes me happy
I haven’t said so this episode so here’s my obligatory reminder that Yasha/Ashley are my favorites
Awww Laura/Jester with the HDYWTDT
Fuck them uuuuuuuup, Yasha!
Reinforcements oh joy. You guys should probably consider retreat.
Caleb using the dodecahedron luck to save himself thank god
Nott just suuuuper doesn’t want to go in the water lol
Caleb has what like 1hp left??
All the ladies getting a HDYWTDT tonight!!!
Jester giving Caleb a healing hug
what about Kiri tho??
If my bird child gets killed I will never forgive you Matt
lol poor Nott
Fjord just blinking in and out of existence lol
Caleb cat paw heeeeeellll yeah!
Caleb is down nooooooo!
Poor Laura is having the worst dice night
Fuuuuuck failed saving throw for Caleb
Duel HDYWTDT with Yasha and Jester hell yes.
Anyway hey listen where is Kiri because if she’s alone in the tree and a troll or something gets her I will literally not be okay at all
Oh Laura you poor thing
Matt don’t you fucking scare me like that ever again
Kiri stabbed the dead marrow and was so proud
Please find Caleb’s books
I can’t believe he didn’t ask Jester to keep them in her bag to keep them dry rather than leaving them in the first place
Oh thank goodness she brought Kiri back with her
I heard that Dragon Age reference Matt (“enchantment?”)
DUUUUDE two Traveler symbols!
Drunk Nott is fun Nott
Molly is REALLY into this sword lol
Wow it’s just a chest of various different patrons/deities/whatever
Jester we do not grab random stones from magic pools what’s wrong with you
What was Fjord trying to do tossing that symbol into the water...
He’s such a shifty fuck I literally suspect everything he does now xD
Caleb is trying so hard to be open and share with the group......I cry......
Broken enchanted sword
Oh my goddddd that sword sounds amazing
Holy shit Fjord
Wtf wtf wtf wtf wtfffff
“Consume” why consume why is that the word why
akaljsjsjskslalljskallalalajalajslajaljs what the fuuuuuuck is going ooooooonnnnnn
“You ever have that dream——-“
Jester is so worried and I’m just so fucking excited this is so good
I have so many conflicting feelings about Fjord I hate him but I love him but I hate him
The pool water is salt water
Okay this whole “let’s shove Fjord under the water” thing was great
Jester’s concern for Fjord is so cute and sweet
Groups of shady nerds don’t look at explosions
Awww Beau’s apology
Awwww awkward Caleb hug
THE MOST AWKWARD HUG I’m glad they made up
“Welcome to the mighty nein!” My babby birb daughter
“And I walk away”
Nott we are not going after the troll no
Damn this was a good episode!
I’m going to have to figure out my feelings about Fjord because I started out loving him and then he kinda pissed me off and now I’m just torn like do I love you I hate you what are we Fjord
Anyway damn what a way to end that episode. Well done Matt.
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gengarnips-fr · 7 years
Drunk Lair Review: Kael
definitely almost spelled that kale, so thanks for participating! :D Let’s hop right into this, I know I kept my fans waiting ;) @fr20866 its your time to shine!!!
Okay, I want you to know, that I was sincerely stumped by your lair. I was seriously wondering if my internet was shitting out on me. But no, a SIGNIFICANT PORTION of your lair is dressed in the goddamn invisible cloaks and it fucked me up. Jeeeeeezuzzuuz. and based on my understanding (please correct me if im wrong) everyone labeled Rock is kind of a filler space. Like you like the V shape pattern you’ve got going on so you have these dragons called Rock to fill in your lair space. That is so creative and I’m very into that!!! That said, I’m gonna grade your Non-Rocks :D and also is everyone a gen one? Because that’s POWERFUL. 
First off, I rather enjoy Meleo! The Abyss Skink color gene combo just gets me right. you know what i mean? that shit gets me RIGHT. I LIVE FOR THAT SHIT. I love his bio art! How neat is that! and he’s even got stats, which as a DND player, I can always appreciate! And the little bit of lore you have in his bio hints at an ability to change color at will! Can I just SAY HOW AMAZING THAT IS JEEEEEZ I want more of him. Make him important!!! All of your dragons are soo cool and im so into whatever aesthetic you’re cultivating! I want more!!! Tell me about how he uses and abuses his color change abilities. Tell me about how he hides in the darkness or blends in with the earth rocks. I WANT IT ALLLLLL.
Next I’ve chosen Sethen, who can I just say is one of the brightest, cutest boys ive ever seen. Like what a fucking peach. I feel like hes the dude that takes you out on a museum date and buys you ice cream. Never done anything wrong in his life. Look at his bio art!!! A GOOD AND PURE BOY and I will take nothing less! I also really adore his minimal apparel. I can definitely appreciate when apparel doesn’t cover the whole dragon but rather accentuates its features. I mean I cant relate but you pulled it off so well (I love apparel so much I just want dragons head to toe covered, help me)! Also this bitch is fucking stacked like hes a colosseum lvl 25 get #rekt. You don’t have lore for him yet, but I really just envision him as a cute little man (maybe some sort of historian? Lore keeper? I cant shake the nerd from my mind) who serves his clan somehow. Don’t let me influence your decisions tho ;P 
Omg next is Ark, who is by far one of my faves. I look at him and I just feel the Paladin mojo emanate from his form. I feel POWERFUL when I look at him. He could definitely hold his own in a fight and honestly? Id let him save me from a fire. And I don’t say that about a lot of dragons ;) He’s also super old (love itttttt) at a hot and spicy 4 years and I love that. I’m trying to spoil some of my older dragons too. I want them to feel all the love. Stern, conscientious, loyal. YESSSSSS I feel it!!! And im sorry, but im such a lore slut for complicated backstories involving secret trysts with hidden eggs. A lot of my dragons have weird complicated headcannons like this because I LOVE IT. Also his colors are awesome but that’s a given. And I love his bio header. Okay I need to move on before I drool 
Wow, I love Numedha. Like, love love. I love her. She’s so badass. I can tell on ONE glimpse that she knows what she’s about and I adore it. I LOVE HER CHARACTER ART IN HER BIO OK THAT’S GOALS and im definitely not biased towards red dragons, no way, shape or FORM I swear. And her stats are so fitting omfg. I just love a rebel without (maybe with) a cause and I want her to have a bad attitude, just middle fingers out, fuck the cops, fuck the rules, cause same. God. Any character that can make me feel like this deserves all the love and attention I have. ESPECIALLY LADIES. We don’t see enough ladies that can hold their own in combat or story telling. But I guess that’s a rant for a later date lmao. Anyway, her aesthetic is my aesthetic and I love her to bits! 
Last but certainly NOT LEAST is Tyrane. I, personally, would love if Tyrane just came in a ran my clan for a while. This girl is hella organized, just based on first impression. Her little bio says shes sarcastic and shit, and I adore it. LOVE IT. Gooooood character. Also AMAZING GENES can we just discuss the power of skink/alloy. It’s underrated. Two of my fave genes for sure. Like, not to be weird, but I’m pretty sure Tyrane owns my ass in some way shape or form. She found it at an auction and bought it for cheap. SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING MY DUDE. Everyone, please go look at her. She is absolutely gorgeous and if you want to see an excellent execution of purple/pink go LOOK AT HER BODY. 
Also at the end of the day please make an RPG with these dragons as the main characters. Or something. Give me a story because I love all of your dragons so far and I would die to see them all in action. And maybe an explanation for the Rock trend???? It’s amazing, and leaves me in confusion, so you know its modern art. That’s iconic. Thank you so much for your time and I hope this was at least a little entertaining. I loved looking at your lair!
2 notes · View notes
Clone Wars    Episode 10
        Lair of Grievous
An interesting     episode title
 For sure
  Most powerful is he who controls      his own power
I really    Like       This      Quote
Being a fan of ... accountability
“Vice      Gunroy
   I mean?
 The        Episode      Before       Was      (Marginally)         Better        ....         
   To         It’s    Pre      de   cessor
 Why     do       I         Get        The         Feeling             This          Is        Gonna           Be           A         Long        Run..?
    Any       way
    That’s         Going
    Only       that         one         Guy
    No...       -Body         Else
  Kit        Fisto
   His      design        Looks           Neat
    And          No         Ahsoka!       (The         Bad       Parts.)
 “And     Return    Him       Just-”
Ena     bling!      Where       he’ll      be     put        in      a     cell       with   other     inmates   that   don’t    deserve     that
And       a     distraction      from   reckoning       with       the     consequences       of     his     actions
(And    the     hope     of     getting      out)
“ I know we’re in the middle of     nowhere,”
 I like this   guy
He sounds cool
Has a personality
(An over involved        one?”
But generally good
This might help my     nerves     after     last     episode
Very     chill
- Oh spoke     too     soon
So has your old Padawan       Dolved
Seriously, does everyone keep track of everyone else’s       Padawan
Obi-Wan, it made sense because he’s an   over involved       dick
But, seriously
Shouldn’t that     be   left    To   Yoda as the grand high   Jedi?
He is the guy that okay’s these requests, right?
It’ll   be   great   to   see   Nadar   again
Dude,     he’s   busy
“ i’ll   transmit      the   coordinates      for      the     ren      dez      vous     point,”
Hey     they   got   Ahsoka right!
Maybe     this     episode     won’t   be     a     headache
(Also they just casually    help him      stalk    his apprentice?
 Like,     that   should     be     his   choice
Like yeah  two heads are better than one but that doesn’t mean he agrees   to be a two- headed dragon
Dick   move
And-       It’s    Gone        (to be fair,       it’s only       slightly         too     much         Tone         Than      Ne    cess     ary
“Good hunting”
Well....         It’s       Over,
Nice     backgrounds,
This is a really neat   land
Oh, now     they’re     landing
Oh,     cool
Fog     -gy
Po   -or     Be     -epy              Ro      -bot
 He   can’t     see     any       -thing
“you’ll     be    fine      R6,”
You   have   legs
Not   pleas   ed
Hav   ing         A               Good      Time
Dear   frick   who   invited   him   here?
Like,     Dude
Even     if     the     Gen   shares     the   same   inspiration     as   you,       you   still   have     to     obey         by    the   rules     of       tox
 Aka   you   don’t     get     to   be    a   dick   just   because     it’s      a     differ     ent      gen
You   get   kicked       to     the   accoun   -t- ability     curve,         just      as   well
Walk                Ing        into            Some’s      bus    -i      ness      un   warrant   ed    And   un    -ask-      ed     For     Is      Tox
  And     then,           to    follow       it      up,      with       hey          you        did        well       on the           test          we make         you        take!”
    To     prove        we     can’t     assume    authority        over      you
 [Jedi   master     ship         I     believe]
  I’m surprised dude doesn’t say      ‘yeah       your     stupid   club         sucks,”
 “ i’m     sorry        the      war    pre      -vented     me       from   seeing     your      train    ing   through     to    the   end”]
wait   dude’s        Mentor     bitched    out     and      he      still      had       to      take         the         test?!
Murder      is       now      on      the      table!*
   Note; this is a joke
    I   never   advocate   death   over   account   ability
But, geez       Dude got     screwed      over
   You     were      missed    master
 How    old       is     he?
 I’m   going    with   adult-
Knight     Ok      he    has   enthusiasm   
We’re   all   good!
Then    let’s    have     a     look
Allow       me     to     show        the     way
Trans   lation;      Stop    ass    um      ing    
au     tho  rity
Good     for      him
Pretty    pow.
Also   yeah   just   casually   found
That’s      a   back   -handed   compliment
Like   calling   something   “quaint”
 Dude     if     you’re   going   to      be    on          this             Quest,        Be      Nice,
 Look   after    the   ships
Oh     those     poor      guys
What       happens     to them?
  [Also     ships?]
 So,     Sith     mon     astery
No      Guards
It’s a Sith   mon    as     tery     surrounded   by     fog
Clearly       they      were      going       for      stealth
[And     it       Is    pretty      re       mote]
The   ent       rance     looks   sealed
 Yeah      It’s    Old
Possibly     -came in the      back    entrance
 And hoped       no one     wou ld    suspect
[We   specialize     in   ma   king   entrances]
Should     n’t     Dude          (Jedi)     Know       That
  Their,       Jedi
   Also        yeah       the      place     clearly      built       for    stealth
    Let’s       bomb       open        the       front       door
     Not        like        they         could       sneak        out            a          back          way
     This           will        make         less         noise
      Thank            you      common          sense
       But,              It           will            still             allow           them                 a              lot              of             time               To              Es              cape
This why staking out is     important
Patience     the both        of you
 THE      NERVE!
  Dude       he got here         First!
   You        wanna         help?
  Be     back up!
 “ A second look     usually      pays       off,”
   On hand,     yes- scouting      ahead       is      good
  On the    other-
   DICK           way        of        put      ting       it
   You      want        to        explore?
    Do          it      your        self
  You      just     assu      med       author        ity       over        a  wh-          ole      group          of      people
      Stopping             them              from             doing              their              thing
[I’m     fully       expec        -ting        him         to       snap          at         five
Like he’s being   pretty   enab-     ling
But   Dude’s       being         a      prick
  [pla  -ying by the        rule of      “But,”         Inst         ead         Of       “Or,”           Or        “And,”
   During          their      re    latively       func   -tional   mission
[dude     never     said      he    couldn’t      blow      up        the        mon     astery
  Just    stated         the fact         and        went        about          his           biz
A nice     factor
 “What’s       this,”
    A      stone
   Bull         -shit
   Smug        Ass
    You        smell         that?
 Arro   gance?
[let him     get    caught     in     a      trap]
“ smells        like     droids,”
 Metal      Does      -
 It’s     too dark to see      anything
   There’s       white       bulbs
Also     [Forgot to     mention],      Chek       Ov’s         Gun?
[For     the    Gun]
  They          Have        Lights
 [Also,            Dark       side      shadowing]
    Hey         at least        there’s not as much point
[I sense     there’s something     here]
 Was          that       not          the whole point?
 A rusted     out      old      factory
    Poss-          Ibly
    Watch-           Ing
      You         sure        about         that?
  “Well     that was   some thing,”
   Jedi,         you gonna            do anything      about that?
    Dude          Taking         point
     Aga       -in
 Ordering      someone else’s     troops
  [I seriously hope        that       comes to bite him         in the ass]
     Roger          Roger
     Crud         it’s the moon                             clones!
No,      just droids up the stairs
They     don’t see     that?
 Vice   Roy
What’s    going          on
  They     robots;      they’re        already     designed      to protect     you
Also;        BAIT!
The Jedi        are here
Also they’re     walking         side-by-side      Nice
 That’s     totally        someone      else     I       call        it
 “ I know       they’re             near,”
    Voice    recording?
    They’re          right       behind         you
    What,       where        do   something?
 Def       -initely       a   diff      -erent   per   -son
Taking    longer     than     expect     (ing)
“ Have      you ever killed a Jedi?”
 These    guys have time for    this
When   fighting to fully trained adult       Jedi
Those basic      clankers
There the  basic mooks   that gets mowed down   in the hundreds
Good   Commentary
Bad     timing
Oh   now   it speeds   up
Good for   them
They   were   loo   -king   pretty   lame
Stop   playing    with     them!
Republic     Dogs
Shut    the     fuck      up
  It took hours
“restr       aint,”
Mach      inery
 “ i’m   sorry     master,”
Don’t   apologize
  He’s     being       a     prick
  Like      even       by      my     stan-      dards
  [ignor-         ing        the       war]
     He      turned        a fun       exercise       again        st        machinery     boring
       By           micro         managing          every           one
    -carried         Away
     This          -dick
      Those that have power       should restrain themselves          from using it
     Against         machines?
      I stick pretty closely to one          moral code
       And there was nothing even remotely     reprehensible
       About           That           Deal
      Yeah,        if they were sentient
       But, they act just like normal   robots               Running on         prot      ocol           Alone
    Giv         ing        no       hint          to       sen     tience
    Your complaint        literally         comes          down
    To        chopping them into          one           or more pieces
        That’s            extremely              overcontrolling          and              overbearing
        Not to mention to       reprimand        someone....
       Dick            Move 
      That’s          the         point
    Least        it        had       dark       ened      lighting
 “Lieuten        ant,”
Called    it
  Also     way      to      go     dip shits
  You left a com that can be traced back to your exact location
  The tracking          beacon
They knew   we were coming
 And   didn’t send a trap
Instead sene a thing     that can be traced back to the location
Should’ve known   Gunnery wasn’t here
 No,   you should’ve exercised caution
Well at least he isn’t blaming-
Yes   he   would’ve
That    was     the     first     tip    off
Also;     clones?
 I apologize     for the deception
 Bull shit
I apologize for my     colleagues
 How easy are you trying to make it for them to find   you?
Count      Dooku  
Why      Dude?
Oh   Wait   enablers   
Guess   this is their     tea     sess
 Okay    hit us     with        that       snark   
   Light     Roast
   He   honestly     seems       so       sad
    This          has        got          to            be          a        trap
    No shit
   “Catch         Some          One,”
   No   not the vibe I got
  Also     there’s      the     clone
 Wondered     where      he     went
  “To      Catch,”
  Looks      like     someone      likes    creepy      statues  
   (I know       there’s       likely       some       deep        lore)
   Dude this whole place looks like a   monastery/castle?
   You’re just        figuring out        This might be some     ancient     something     or another
 It’s on a foggy     planet,         Huge,       Em-bedding      And   desolute
It basically screams     basic cult
 I was going with   barbarian, but   that   works
Nope        Metal
 Grievous      Cult
This is the lair of   General Grievous
 Are you sure it’s not    a cult?
 Like   I don’t know
But    I wouldn’t keep     Reminders     of how I was        brutally dismembered       Around
Maybe I’m just not that    extra
Whelp     Dear     Frick
Back     to    the   thing
Also   yeah   don’t     leave
Get    Rein    force    ments
(I know I roast   Plo   about this all the time)
But    A few more Jedi      Might be useful      Against       a guy      With   multiple   hands
(Or at least     tell them       Your       Lo      cation,         What         a       quick    summary)
  So   they know what they’re getting into   if you disappear under   “mysterious   circumstances,”
Oh, plane
Oh,   Grievous
Looks   like     he’s doing   good for   himself
Seems       happy
Never    mind
Guess where  ignoring that   thing
With     The     Comms
Stale      mate
He   honestly   looks    sad
You   have   lost   your   focus
I mean   so far   he hasn’t   won shit
I’m honestly     surprised   he got it this far
Especially considering you’re the   negative overinvolvement side
Sidious       demands   more     dramatic   results
“ can’t   believe   I came   back    to   working   here,”
More   dead   Jedi
Did    he    kill     a   bitch?
(I would say   good for him          but    death<   Acco untability-)
You   expect   victory     over     Jedi
   Is battle        Droids
   It does    require      a brain
   And     a willingness     to escalate
 Seriously,     Just       leave
  These        must be   trophies
  Jedi      he’s   murdered
  Isn’t the str- the Ed-    braid!        Thing       only     for   Padawan’s      Like,        you      don’t      seem        to       have       one
   So yeah       Grievous     probably killed a lot of children
     There    are        so      many
  Maybe      don’t      send     children       to fight       your battles
 Why      Would Dooku        want to set a        trap for his best general
    Minion disposing       Tea?
     Also, why are you      playing         into it?
   Like,         fair enough,           don’t turn down free      Intel
  But,      you could set a trap         and          be doing other things
   Like hunting down     Vice Roy   it doesn’t     make     sense
 “Are       we     the     bait      or      is   grie      -vous     the   -bait,”
Good   question
Definitely grievous though
 He was clearly      offered up      as a   distraction     From   Vice Roy
We    must    consider     who the trap          is for
  You’re      supposed    to     take     him      out
 Your   droid     is   track       ing      an     in       coming      ship
  Here      we     go
Match       es       the   descrip     tion
 Keep     out      of    sight
Whoa   whoa    hold     up
Why    are    they    calling     and     answering      to     you
These     are   Raden’s   troopers
Dude    has   literally   hijacked     his    whole      life
Dude       just     kick     him
 Like   fourth    time    but   ,seriously;
Capturing        him     could      turn      the     tide     of the   war
They’re      literally   handing     him      to you      on a       silver       platter
Dude - needs a break
If      he doesn’t know we’re    here
Instantly down to     do    Dooku’s     Dirty     Work
 “We     need        a      plan,”
  That’s     what      he     just   said
That’s   neat
Mood   lighting   works
Does he even know what   happened?
Or   did      Sidious/Dooku     set up      this   elaborate      trap     while       he      was      out
   And       he’s      just    coming     home      like;
   Why        is       the     place       so     heckin    trashed
 Dude      didn’t sign up for this
  Welcome      home     general
  Half willing to give it to you
Cough        ing
 Don’t     let     him       cut     the     line
 He’s       Trying
 “ Don’t make me destroy you,”
 If they try to foreshadow that ear     lier
   No            Bad
   Ter         rible
 Seriously    did they just    reattach his    legs??
 Also,           They really did not bring anything else to capture him   with
 Besides   cables
To      Grab
 And nothing to tie him up   with
How did they    think     this was going to   go?
Just got     slap   stick        ed
“Pack     him      up”           ?
  Dude       they      are     just   knocked     out
Walking   a little   funny
The clones get in the way
No   you        didn’t         bring   anything      to   restrain    him   with
“Taken     him,”
   Dude he just said       “taken”
   Not like he said    “killed”
   The most objectionable thing he said    in that     was     blaming   the clones   for his failure
  And   clearly    that     isn’t   your   issue
Narrowing  of the eyes was a    good   reaction
(Pretty sure the darkness is     Him putting unwonton pressure   and guilt tripping      (Gas        lighting)
 He’s just too much of a   coward     to say anything     because he can be held     accountable            At the      fifth      thing
 Let’s     tend      to     the   wounded
 Good      job   reflect     ing   mate
Docter   where are you?
 Don’t    be upset with me     master
Dude does need a   break
Even     his     own     lair      is   toxic
Spare       parts
Body   guards
Remotely   deactivated      for       a    re-charge
Oh   so they weren’t killed
Gosh   dude came back to      A bunch of droids   laying   dead on the ground        Like;
“These.. aren’t. mine,”
Dude      is    having      a    tough     day
 Not   good
Lock down the   Perimeter
Good for   him
Looks,     Better
Yeah, those guys are dead from   grievous
He wacked  them with metal claws
Those     guys   don’t   have   a   single piercing mark on them
Nor     dented   helmet
Not ready to take on grievous
No one is
Dude has   robotic      arms
It’s time   we   retreated
Make sure to bring something to       restrain him   next time
Grievous isn’t doing anything
Good     for him
“ You are    not going anywhere,”
Well, he tried
He WAS   just given          An ultimatum   from his boss
Gotta       stop    caring     about     those      things
“ Guess    we’ll have to fight       after all,”
 Or       blow open the                                door
Or   sizzle     it     open     with   your   light   sticks
 Lots     of   options
Bring      scout
Whelp     those guys are dead
Also   how did they even find   them?
Okay, that one makes sense because he was parked literally 5 feet from the base
  Fair   Game
Get out of there R6
Good for him
That one   guy...
Good     for     him
You told him to   leave
You surprise attack him
Call hypocrite, fair fight
Aaw, he’s   nice
Straight to the point
Doom       Man      -sion
Here        we     come
Dude with the force       can’t lift one guy
Dude one trap   and you’re ready to call it quits
We’ve seen the lower levels of your home
No you haven’t
You were on ground level
And you only just saw anything below that   now
“ we’re not impressed,”
Dude speak for   yourself
Also,    fun
 Good     way       to        heal
   “Good, Good, Jedi,”
   This should be entertaining
        - way to heal-
   “You shall provide    sport for me,”
Like;           That
   Good        time            to       entertain          our        guests
        He’s             a           good            host
      Dude          has            a         dinosaur
       And       bots
     Dude         level       spiked          for           a          moment
    That       sounds     painful
   Armor       Patches
  “Contrary to your belief     I have other things to do,”
       Good              for            him
 He rans    a med channel
 “ go see to it my   repair,”
   Implaments            (?)
*Impale     Ments
   There may be   some discomfort
  But I’m pretty sure   he was already uncomfortable
No sedatives
Weak       link
Surprised     his  pistol    did anything
Like seriously   even the swords would take   a few   whacks
There we go stabbing it with a sword
Your   knight   instinct
And that clown just became the damsel
Guess     he’s   dead
 Or   broke     something
Splat noises   are kind of   humorous
So it could just be a   broken   nose
Grievous is going to pay for this
Dude he made a humorous   “Splat” sound
“Splat”  is not       a     death   sound
   It      is      a     broken     nose   sound
“Destroy      him,”
I understand your pain
No, this is the time to take the kid away from the   bad situation
(Or actually give him the        don’t kill things talk)
   That’s the better option
   (Since he is still an adult and         can make his decision)
“ but you forget your teachings   Nadar,”
Not like that
  That is how you get       hit in the face
But in this war   strength prevails
 He literally   does have a point
  You two survived because of     “superior genetics”
You’ve literally been   hustling him since day one
And revenge is fine   in terms of accountability
 If someone stabs you,      You’re allowed to stab    him back
   Abusers?        Get their        abuse        back
Specifically in Murder
 The dead      isn’t alive     to take revenge
 And while he is right       that accountability is better
  That murder doesn’t   equal murder
   Because of         the belief          That all (human)         Sentient life          Inherently makes       the world better        By the possibility of them        contributing good
    Which is why         I advocate        accountability
     The way         dude is handling it          is shitty
      Firstly; all those present to the body are considered   enablers, if   they      enable     murder
And   everyone     who     sees      the     body       has       to        be          on       high      alert
  And   accountability      on     sight
 Because        if       you     five rules           A       Murder         -er...
  Point being dude should.     shut the fuck up and     help him find this dude
   The rules have changed
  Yes, yes they have
“ perhaps you are the one that has changed,”
  Shut up toxic
    Enabling selfish dick
 “ come now,”
   He realized he fucked up
 “ We   need to move    now,”
  There’s         no     saving      that
  Skipped       past       that
   Looks      better
    He      named          it
   Where       are      they
 Yeah wait what happened with the   doors?
 Aww       He     sounds     so    sad
That     pissed him off
Incoming     message from Count   Dooku
 Oh,       Good
 The Jedi have infiltrated your Lair
 He   really   didn’t     tell     the     man   about   anything
Your   recent   defeats      at    their   hands
  Wow,         Dude can Literally not get a   break
   You just called him    five minutes     ago
 Fuck you
  He looks so       Tired
     And          Done
“Reassess      your    effectiveness,”
  Oh     that’s bound to piss him        off
 That you actively did   that
I’m expecting a face   Heel turn
 There      we      go
  “ you   deactivated       my     Guards,”
[I assumed he just    forgot]
“ You let the Jedi      in,”
  No actually   they found a magic brick
  Unless Count Dooku  just so happen       to press    the button           at        the       same       time
Which      if so      nice
  Makes       dude’s overconfidence   even sweeter
“ so you would testing me,”
 And he’s starting to look     It
He’s pissed now
 Like I know this is     culminating in a fight scene
  But I would just love     if  just walked downstairs.        And was like     yes      I will go with you
 Out     of     Spite
“ i’ll play your little game,”
  In your condition you need your   rest
  I will rest when the Jedi     are dead
 Oh so that’s how they capture   him
 Maybe after he kills the   young one
Those robots do     nothing
Control      Room
 He’s         Done
Oh,        what do we have    here?
Oh,    this is what he does?
Master      the Jedi are about to enter the control room
  Snarky      little     shit
“Nadar,     get   inside,”
 Yeah,         No
Cutting       out      the    abuser
Absolutely       can       kick        ass
Surprised       no     one      who   understands   accountability
“Greetings     young      Jedi,”
 Greetings Boomer
“How       Ex       citing,”
And   Meta
 Defeat       us       all
You’re one person   but I accept the understanding
  Get him     Master
Oh    he gets to see his apprentice die on the   big screen
Wait, where is the other   Jedi
Oh no
 But that wouldn’t kill a     determined
Whelp he accepted death
Yep, he’d rather die than live in the world   you made
(Technically;    Both of you)
 Welp I will kill you all
Do you hear me Jedi
Do you hear me
Fair   game
Enablers       kill   enablers
  No     one   wins
“ R6      is that you?”
Meet me at the   south landing   platform
I’m coming for you next   Fisto
Whelp, i’ll be   gone by the time you get here
R6, I’m at the platform
Going     somewhere
But   also OK
Fan Technique should actually help in the   fog
Pawn In Dooku’s game
That power will only   consume you
Like you
Flaunting it
Right now
Unless his battery   gives out...
How   quickly   power      can   switch     hands
  Whelp  Enabled
 Expect      ed
Accom     plishment
 So   there’s   room   improvement
“His heart was in the right place,”
  Not      accountability
“ to answer power         with power                 It’s not the Jedi   way,”
    What’s the title of this     again?
  Star         WARS      The        Clone           WARS
It takes   two to tango
  Feckin hypocrites
  In this WAR
“ A danger there Is,”
I feel bad    for the   voice actor   that had to say that   with a   straight face
Nailed it   perfectly well
“Oof losing who we are,”
Oh, that scene
                I REALLY liked this episode
It was funny   self-aware   and even   had some good moments with the villains
   They killed a           motherfucking dragon
      *Named              Gore
      * excuse          language
0 notes
reliquiaenfr · 6 years
slam DUNKS questions at ur lore like uhhhhh.,, 1, 10, 11, 15, 22, 31, 38?
and the crowd goes WILD! thanks man! ♥ questions here. under a read more bc there’s a lot
Write from the perspective of an outsider ofyour lair, what is their first impression? How have they discovered this group?How are they greeted?
i have actually written a short story from the perspective of an outsider to the clan! you can read it here. i actually love writing from the pov of a guest bc there’s so much creepy stuff that goes on in the lair that the residents are like ‘eh w/e that’s just another tuesday’ about lol. just for you epher:
Something had guided his wings around to the west. Despite being sure he could see a canyon snaking through the red rock below, he circled around the grassy plainlands and thickly treed flats towards the strait in the north. He couldn’t explain why to himself even as he did so, and he won’t be able to explain why to anyone who ever asks him (not even the lair’s residents), but a tingle runs down his spine when he descends towards the treetops so he skims them rather than trying to find a place to land.
And he finds a cove. The canyon spits sand and rivers out from beneath the trees and into the ocean and here there are docks bustling with activity. The tingling eases and he drops lower before tucking his wings to his sides and landing on the loose sand with a puff.
At first he is met only by the wary stares of beastfolk as they trot along the docks and pack crates onto their slender skiffs. Then a dragon spots him. The Imperial is huge and blue and almost impossible to look at, shimmering in the sunlight as if she can’t properly be perceived by regular sight.
She is polite and cheerful and touches her heart with her hand when she greets him, a smiling dragon (he assumes, anyway, he can hear the smile in her voice but it’s hard to see when she’s so luminescent). She shows him along the beachfront, pointing out clan members and explaining their purpose. A guard is always along the docks - to keep fights from happening between guests, she tells him, but the look in her eye suggests something else. There are merchants to trade with, should he feel so inclined; her son among them. But when the little Nocturne speaks it’s with a lilt and a smile and a turn of phrase that make his hackles rise without even looking at the wares. She points out the Assembly, in case he has something he wants to take up with the clan’s leadership. And eventually they make it to the Lodge, a place for guests to stay - for a small fee - and run by a bright little light spirit the Imperial introduces as Passage.
As she turns to leave him to settle in, however, she imparts one last piece of information - advice, even - and the gravity in her voice sends his stomach plunging to his feet.
“Do not leave the docks.” Those are all her words, no explanation is given. But he shivers all the same.
And when the sun begins to set a faint mist rises around the Lodge, a soft song can be heard over the waves in the cove, a strange tug pulls at his ribs to draw him into the woods. Resisting the whispers is the hardest thing he has ever done. But he thinks, perhaps, to give in is to surrender one’s life to this place.
Are there any customs aroundhatching? Who is present? Is their any members who specialize in the care ofeggs or hatchlings? Are eggs ever hatched too early?
one parent is almost always present, but if not that’s okay too! the eggs are kept in an open sided series of rooms carved into the sides of one of the great big spires of rock that grow out of the canyon’s floor. it’s within the bounds of the lair’s magic so most outsiders will never see it. the lair is tended predominantly by inerri, but with help from select others including a collection of beastfolk who also use the spire to lay eggs/give birth when necessary. the nesting spire also doubles as the place where youngsters get their first education (dispensed by inerri, pencil, helix and anthelion).
there aren’t really that many eggs in the clan very often so when there are great care is taken to ensure they are tended properly. this often means making sure they are incubated to proper term. but yeah ofc sometimes an egg hatches early, some hatch late too.
Are there any gestures present? Similar to ourwaves, nods, etc 
i assume this means gestures specific to the clan? bc i haven’t really thought about that much haha. there is a gesture used to signal respect where the first two fingers of a hand are touched to head or heart. it can be used when greeting dignitaries too, crossfire and seven do it a lot as representatives.
there’s also a little tail swish like okay. i use it a lot in my writing anyway where a dragon might use their tail to gently brush the tail of someone important to them - usually a mate - so i guess there’s that too. it’s a soft little thing like a real personal sorta pda, kinda intimate when done in public like an acknowledgement that this dragon is real special to them. idk if it counts tho.
How do religious beliefs play arole in everyday life? Is there an organised clergy?
lmao they have fen and shiana so naw not really a clergy. religion is very individualised. there is what everyone calls the temple tree which has shrines built into the branches and around the trunk (it’s a huge tree) and it’s sorta just accepted that if you wanna do the worship thing you can go there and do that but if you don’t wanna then that’s cool too. there are no public services or anything. fen looks after the tree and shiana is referred to as a priestess but no one seems to care whether that means anything religious or not.
What, if any, foods are considered a delicacy?How is food prepared? Is there any forbidden or taboo foods? 
taboo? nah not really. cannibalism is a big no no though. and look. fiend ate her own children. so like. yeah big no to eating other dragons. no to eating beastfolk also. there are seasonal restrictions sometimes, piper, ravelin and osprey are always really careful and vocal about not overtaxing populations of any sort of animal so if the like... deer herds are small one year they won’t eat too many of them and all that. they’re p careful about it.
but they’re a clan that’s like super bound to the natural world and are big on their fruits n vegies n fishing n stuff like that. real classic hunter/gatherer type clan. so processed foods like sweets are hard to find in the canyon and osprey ships them in so they’re kinda like a delicacy haha. there’s no communal kitchen either, food is prepared by the individual in whatever way they prefer so sometimes that can be influenced by the flight they came from. the lair is real chill about that kinda shit tbh. ain’t no shits given. do what you like.
Are there any restrictions onmagic or spells? What and why? If not, does this cause any issues?
lmao no the clan is BUILT on magic. yeah this can be a problem tho like anthelion was all ‘yes guys i’m putting my magical alarm spell around this new lair so we don’t get surprised okay yes i’m doin this as we speak’ and they were all well MAYBE do smth different this time bc it didn’t stop fiend from killing HEAPS OF US LAST TIME and anth was all ‘fine then i guess i’ll do smth different’ and so she did some weird shit with the magic and now the lair is filled with magic that eats visitors????? like yeah that’s a bit of a problem.
sometimes the lack of restrictions means someone goes ‘oh fuck tarryn’s at it again’ and you look up and all the hatchling have grown like spines or weird purple blotches or dragons with fur are now all entirely BALD bc she put some shit in the water and now we all hairless great. or w/e like problems happen. it’s chill tho they live with it.
Are symbols a significant aspect of life? Ifthey are, what are symbols, what do they mean? Are certain symbols worn? 
mmmm not really. the clan is SUPER relaxed about stuff so eh. they do have charms they give to any dragon marked for exaltation. you can read about pilgrims here. but other than that nah not so much.
maybe one day i’ll think of smth and go OH SHIT YEA that’d be a cool symbol to have !! but today is not that day so all my dragons are like lazy bums and they just hang out n chill all day lmao.
0 notes
Runaan’s talking hands
Archers are very handsy. No, come on now. I mean, their hands are often in motion even when they’re not loosing arrows. They kind of can’t shut up.
Runaan is no different. It’s a most unfortunate tell for a Moonshadow. I kept noticing how his hands flexed in and out of fists in the one scene where he parks Rayla on a rock, and I finally found time to go back and look at exactly what’s going on with his hands.
It’s telling. Hence, why I called it a tell.
Let’s take a look, shall we? Let’s start with a couple of flashbacks for context.
Here’s Runaan, watching Rayla try to sneak in with berry juice on her swords. She can’t see him. No one else is looking. I’ve theorized before how impossible it seems that he’d be fooled by berry juice at that distance, but either way it doesn’t matter. He’s looking at Rayla.
And his hands are open.
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He praises her with his hands relaxed. He’s speaking from the heart here. This is Soft Runaan.
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Contrast that with the moment Runaan and Rayla came up against Marcos in the forest and had to deal with him.
Here’s Hard Runaan, gonna do hard-ass assassin shenaniganry like sending a 15-year-old to kill a random unlucky guard. Fists activated. 
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So: hand open = Soft Runaan, and fist closed = Hard Runaan. Pretty basic. But just watch his hands flutter all over the place in this scene.
*Right fist, left hand loose* “I thought you could--”
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*makes left fist* “--do it, Rayla. But I was wrong.”
He has to harden up as he imagines Rayla assassinating someone, as well as admitting he was wrong about something he probably should have seen coming.
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*left fist only relaxes when he’s done talking* 
Runaan’s telling her he’s not mad at her for failing. He literally lets go of his hardness for her. And that’s probably a big deal to Moonshadows. Failure isn’t usually an option for them. *coughbindingribbonscough*
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We don’t get to see his hands as he tells Rayla she’s the fastest and strongest of all the assassins. Her face says a lot, though, and he can’t see it. I wonder what his hands are doing then. I bet they’re both open.
He switched fists at some point while he was talking about instincts and moments of truth, and now his left is a fist and his right hand is loose.
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But he tightens up when he turns and tells Rayla she’s too soft.
“And in that moment, you hesitate.”
Hesitating is bad. It can get you killed. He’s probably seen soft assassins hurt or worse because they couldn’t harden up. Possibly has personal experience, too. His official bio says he’s “learned to put his mission above all else.” Which means there was a time when he hadn’t learned that yet, and it probably cost him.*eyes those scars on his chest*
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(Look at this pose tho, omg so cute! Like, Runaan, what are you doing, stop being so adorable, it’s hard to take you so seriously when you stand like that!)
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Ahem. The Pointy Finger of Authority comes out. It’s really just a fist with its blinker on. Runaan’s led Rayla out here to keep her away from the castle and from the camp which the humans have discovered, even if they don’t know it. He’s hiding his motive, though. Pretending he really is angry with her. Both hands in fists.
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Until Rayla sits. Then his right hand relaxes, where she can’t see it. He lets her see the Hard Fist side of him, and he hides the Soft Open Hand side. He’s relieved she’s agreed to stay out of harm’s way. Showing his feels, to us if not to her.
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And here are Runaan’s last words to Rayla before they meet in the castle. They sound abrupt, callous. Dismissive, even. But watch his hands again.
*hidden hand is soft and loose for Rayla, whom he adores* “If we’re not back by sunrise...” 
Translation: “If I never see you again, if I die saving you...”
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*tightens his soft hand into a hard fist because he has all the feels and exactly no time to indulge them anymore* “...go home.” 
Translation: “...do what I tell you and stay alive. I have a plan. I’m executing it. And possibly myself. It’s decided.”
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There are a couple more scenes where Runaan’s hands do some talking. The first is when Viren brings him food and asks him to do him a favor. Runaan’s pretty immobile in the dungeon, and he’s playing Already Dead™, so he uses a lot of facial expressions and head turning to show his dislike for and dismissal of Viren (which I’m totes here for). But there is a moment when he gets riled up enough to make one last fist.
His one working hand is open and loose here, despite being so close to Viren and his weird pragmatic nonsense.
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But then Viren makes his offer. “I simply want you to take a look at an object and tell me what it does. After that...”
Runaan stiffens at that moment. He knows Viren was present during the Winter’s Turn invasion. Probably killed Thunder. Definitely looted the Dragon King’s lair. So what object could a dark mage who made off with all the Dragon King’s cool magic things possibly be referring to?
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The next wide shot, when Viren finishes speaking the rest of his offer, shows that Runaan’s made a fist with his good hand. That’s how hard he had to go to deal with what Viren’s really asking him. What Viren’s really telling him. Moonshadow’s up in this dungeon playing Already Dead™, but just the hint of an accursed mirror belonging to a dangerous archmage, and Runaan’s had to harden up to handle it.
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Runaan gives Viren a Hard No, and Viren shifts gears, allowing Runaan (and his hand) to relax a little.
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But they both know it’s not over. The Mirror of Aaravos gets brought in, and Runaan is suddenly face to face with something worse than death. Despite his training and badassery, it really does catch him off guard. 
Look at his good hand in the reversed reflection. It’s soft, open. Sure, he could fist up at the sight of this magical artifact and what it represents to him. But I think he knows it won’t do any good. Whatever this mirror means to Runaan, it’s not something he can fight. Not the way he’s trained for, or possibly not in his current state of mind. He doesn’t even try. The mirror’s presence traps him like prey and keeps him soft and vulnerable.
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So soft and vulnerable that he admits as much to Viren. Though part of Runaan’s intent is to warn Viren off, his voice is so soft and startled that it feels like he’s speaking, once again, from the heart. Using the unvarnished truth as his weapon of choice because it will do the best job. Just as he did with Rayla the very first time we heard his voice.
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Runaan starts soft, hardens up, and is reduced to being soft again. Just like his hands. He’s a whirlwind of feels, but it’s so subtly portrayed. Moonshadow elves, man.
Not gonna end this post with Runaan in the dungeon, though. That’s no fun. Have a soft Runaan wink.
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readbythestarlight · 6 years
c2e21 reaction:
“Can we all just cry all night?”
“It wouldn’t be Critical Role if we didn’t!”
This Febron/Vebron/whateveron guy is a creeeeeeep
Kiri sleeping with her dagger SHES SO PRECIOUS
“Be with you in about an hour.”
pause, then everyone:
“An hour?!”
Caleb no omg
They are such children
“You’re blue!! :O”
“You’re not :)”
She’s so jittery and jumpy
Calianna is a nice name
“Is that you’re daughter?”
F: “...yeah.”
Nott, clearly choking on the words: “yeah, that’s.... that’s my dad...”
Kiri just echoing random things is so fucking cute
Oh daaaaamn she’s got scales
“Do you worship the Platinum Dragon by chance?”
Molly, lying through his teeth: “Oh yeah! Absolutely.”
“I’m like 1/10 dragon”
“You sure you’re just a tenth?”
The Kiri-Cali exchange of names so cute omg
Frumpkin and Kiri are gonna be the death of me
Fjord and Cali bonding over their anti-cat issues
Nott is constantly so proud of Caleb and bragging about him to everyone and it makes me cry
“Jester Fancypants”
I like how Fjord is like “you’d better pay us for our help” like damn they are So Mercenary
Nott’s gonna steal that charm thing for Caleb
“I’ll write a release form really fast!” Guys omg
“This may be really obvious but if you haven’t picked up on it already we’re kind of a pack of assholes” I feel like Caleb just always tells everyone this
Kiri please be careful
“You don’t have any dragon blood in you, do you?”
“Uh, nein.”
“Nine. Nine dragons.”
Beau @Jester: “I’m trying to wingman for you here!”
Fjord: “What are you talking about?”
Beau ships FjordJester pass it on
They wandered their way into the Fire Swamp from the Princess Bride only instead of fire jets it’s pollen jets
Now we just have to wait for the ROUSes
“Is it flammable, Mr. Creepy Pervert?” I’m crying
3 d12?? Daaaamn witch bolt is cool!
Are they bone charms I bet they’re bone charms and I don’t like it
If there’s a swamp witch or some shit I stg Matt...
On the one hand I want them to be smart and not mess with it but on the other hand I’m glad they’re being smart
“Here lies Salty Pete”
BEAU you should have STOPPED him xD
Cali bouncing Febron up and down mid air lol
Uh oh swamp shadow monsters?
...I’m trash I want them to fight an ogre in this swamp
I like how they tried to avoid the monster and came across it anyway
Beau and her ball bearings
Gross troll
lol poor Kiri don’t tell her to hush Cali!
“I’m disappointed in you, Mr. Fjord.”
“That means literally nothing to me.”
Something about this troll is legit freaking me out and making me uncomfortable Matt how do you do this?
I haaaaate stalker type monsters who pick off stragglers and drag them back to their lairs 0/10
Yasha immediately like “okay let’s put all the little ones in the middle, round them all up here we go” to protect them from the trolls
“so you haven’t actually gone past these...?”
“fuUUUCK NO” okay Febron is funny when he’s not being a pervert
lol Jester introducing Cari to the Traveler and Fjord just being like plEASE JESTER STOP JESTER
“Let me introduce you. This is Jester. Jester, this is a dead body.”
Just this whole thing with talking to the body it’s hilarious also Kiri continues to be adorable
“Swamp fish men from under the ground” they gonna fight the creatures from the black lagoon there we go
“Beau are you writing this down?” Laura you don’t even have to ask it’s Marisha of course she is
“If it bleeds we can kill it” KIRIIIIII
fuck the troll got Febron ajalajaldjalsjaldjslala i haaaaate the creepy troll
I like how Matt deliberately had Febron move back to have that happen and Nott figured it out like .2 seconds before the troll grabbed him
Beau I know you’re a melee fighter but he sprays acid don’t TOUCH HIM
Daaaamn Febron died horribly and painfully. I almost feel bad for him. He was a creep but I don’t think he deserved that.
BEAU IS OUT wtf Beau stay away from things you shouldn’t touch you idiot I love you don’t die
“Yeah I cast regret” pfft Fjord
god I’m so scared omg
don’t kill beau I love her
Kiri holds her dagger and shouts “fuck” same
Nott sending it prone with her dumb joke spell thing
lol them rushing back to the dead guy like “oh yeah we were talking to a dead dude!”
Caleb calling Beau his good friend is sweet and cute
As of right now I feel like the guest star might have been better off during another week? Aside from saving Beau that hasn’t been much for him/Cali to do? Although hopefully that changes as we get to the last bit of the episode here
N: “I feel like Caleb could have done it.”
J: “Caleb, can you...?”
C: “...No, no, I can’t...”
N: “He’s just being modest.”
C: “???? Noooooo I’m not???”
Nott vigorously pulls on the branch
Why do we always send Nott down into the creepy dangerous places
Fish people oh god
Please be careful when dropping Frumpkin
Kiri whispering “kill people?” like they’re going to make her a gleeful little murderer
“Sup, fish-fucks?”
“It’s fishkabobs!”
Yayyyy Fjord! Except there’s definitely more than 3
MOLLYMAUK DONT ugh did he cast “friends” on Cali sigh
Caleb is being sweet to Cali awww
Kiri just stabbing the dead body like “I kill people!” I cryyyyyy she’s so cute
WHY do they keep finding manacles?? Is Matt being a tease or is that somehow gonna be significant??
Nott don’t try to steal the bowl
The theme of this campaign has been manacles and skeletons
Yooooooooo Fjord’s patron is talking to him
Jester/Laura gets so worried about Fjord it’s so cute
Laura is ALSO like “NOTT AND CALEB STOP STEALING PEOPLE’S THINGS” like when Caleb stuck the bowl in the satchel she made such a frustrated face
I’m slightly frustrated too, tbh, but if Caleb tells the TEAM about it, because he’s like… concerned that it’s a really bad thing, I’ll be fine
If he just tries to keep it to himself and Nott I’ll be disappointed
God I’m so anxious about the fallout that I know is coming over Caleb keeping the bowl
Literally so anxious
It took me a week to finish the episode because I don’t liiiiiike what I’ve heard I’m so exhausted by the constant mistrust
Hnnnnnn okay Beau tho what gives you the right to make the choice to give Cali the bowl of Caleb can’t decide NOT to give it to her??
Also thank you, Cali, you’re sweet and I’m glad you’re not being angry with Caleb
Cali was a good sweet guest character and I’d like to have her come back
Aw Cali and Jester pen pals 5ever
Okay that wasn’t QUITE as painful as fandom’s reaction made me think it would be. Definitely not worth all the argument and fuss.
Although I’m pretty sure Nott may be getting ready to
Anyway here’s my reaction a week late and just in time for the next episode lol
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