#i collect the videos; you just need to watch and tag them and i'd send you my system so it's basically fill-in-the-blank
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kbsd · 1 year ago
while we're on the subject of spn videos: are there any dedicated fans still active in the fandom that would be willing to help me regularly tag and queue videos for the @spnamvs archive?
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watermelons-whump-game · 9 months ago
The Challenge
I've enjoyed whump for as long as I can remember, when I was a kid I rewatched my favourite scenes in movies and reread the whumpiest parts of books I liked, later on I discovered listening to music and watching music videos and such to scratch that itch in my brain. I've been collecting whumpy songs (lyrics, lines and videos) since 2020, and the list just keeps growing, and now that I finally organised it, I thought I'd share it in the most fun format I could think of; the challenge was born, in a format that suits my personal quirks the best, which I hope you'll find to be easy to work with.
The format
You can join the challenge in two ways:
Prompt List
Get What You Get
Prompt list: 13 songs, each assigned 1 to 3 tropes, the format resembles a bingo
Get what you get: 1 song with it's assigned trope(s)
How to participate
Send a PM/ask
Choose if you want a list or a song
I'll send you the prompts ;)
Post your work
I'll reblog it here
I'm open for requests as well, for that send me a number between 1-100 and I'll write something for the song with that number on my list.
Have fun with writing!
Use the title of the song as the title
There is no minimum word count or a time restriction
Tag this account in your work @watermelons-whump-game
Use the tags #MusicWhumpGame and #MusicWhumpList or #MusicWhumpGWYG
Important Info
Using any of the tropes is optional, up to you if you use all, some, one or none/song (im saying this for like heavier tropes specifically or personal squicks, otherwise the challange is in using them all ;))
There are explicit/suggestive songs and tropes on the list, writing NSFW/noncon scenes is allowed, but it needs to be tagged appropriately as such!
Songs with gory/NSFW lyrics will be indicated by being written in red, if you want to avoid these on your list lmk
The List will look like this:
Songs and artists can be found in the image description!
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The GWYG looks like this:
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Tagging those, who said they were interested:
@mousepaw @written-by-jayy
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d0urifz · 2 years ago
Introductory Post!
Updated to include a DNI, and links to important posts to this blog! Please read the entire post to see this account's DNI terms, and see other things that are important to introducing the owners of this account.
Basic Information
⛥ ... Hello, and welcome to my blog! I'm not entirely sure why I've not done this yet, but today I'll finally be making a post introducing myself formally.
⛥ ... I am Alister / Graves / Mortis, (he/it 🏳️‍⚧️) the host of a diagnosed dissociative disorder system. This means we have alters (seperate identities that exist within one body) and I am simply one of many here, although I am the main person who will be posting here. Our bodily age is 20!
If you have any questions feel free to ask them either by DMing me, or communicating with this post in some other way, but here is a link I've found to be very helpful explaining what alters are, and a bit about how our disorder works:
More About Me
⛥ ... I am autistic, and Brad Dourif quickly became one of my special interests as he looks and sounds extremely similar to one of the main members of our system! My interest started with human Charles Lee Ray in Child's Play, but not long after watching that, I started binging most of the movies, shows, and other various media that Brad has starred in.
⛥ ... Aside from my interest in Brad Dourif, I enjoy things in the horror genre in general, goth and horror punk music, dark cabaret, and I spend my time writing, drawing, and playing video games. I practice some forms of magic / spiritual practices and am very passionate about it!
I also very much enjoy clowns (I collect porcelain clown dolls) and taking walks in nature, especially in wooded areas.
⛥ ... I enjoy making friends, and having conversations about my special interests, so if you're also into Brad Dourif or horror in general I'd love to talk to you, just send this account a message!
Have a wonderful day!
You're allowed to like or reblog our posts (save for content that's about ourselves) but please do not message us if you're somewhere on this list! Thank you :)
• You won't view our members as real people, even if they are formed off of fictional characters. We are all real people with identities, memories, and feelings! Please be respectful of us, we are just as much of people as you are.
• You refuse to be patient and respectful of our health conditions and trauma.
• You are bigoted in any shape or form. (Racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, etc.)
• You are anti-xenogenders or anti-neopronouns.
• You fakeclaim others.
• You participate in cringe culture.
• Discourse blogs. (LGBTQIA+ discourse, system discourse, etc.)
• You participate in DDLG/B/variants.
• You are a paraphile / or you excuse, romanticize, or support paraphilias. (MAP/pedo/zoo/etc)
• You think that intrusive thoughts are the same as impulsive thoughts; intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts that the afflicted cannot control, and are often extremely distressing.
Other Important Posts
Links will be added here as needed as Tumblr only lets you pin one post to your profile! This is for easier navigation for us.
Each original post we make will include tags that tell you who made the post!
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lemon-boy-stan · 3 years ago
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Beomgyu sighed frustratedly, pushing his hair back as Officer Park shuffled through her notes, lips pursed.
"So, take me through it again." Beomgyu groaned loudly, ruffling his hair, rolling the beads of the bracelet on his wrist and took a deep breath.
"We went to bed prety late because hyung suggested we watch a movie and play a few games. We did; we watched a horror movie and played a few rounds of Truth or Dare, Cards Against Humanity and one round of Monopoly." Beomgyu took a breath, sighing.
"After playing Monopoly, we all got pretty grumpy so we headed to our rooms. We didn't clean up because we were all pretty tired. Soobin and Yeonjun shared Yeonjun's bedroom because it was his house. They slept at around midnight because I could hear them laughing and talking.
Hueningkai and Taehyun slept in the guest room across theirs, and were playing video games until around one o'clock.
I was in the living room on because Y/N doesn't like me to use my laptop in the bedroom because it's too bright. When I got tired and went to bed, it was around three am. In the room, Y/N was still fast asleep in her bed. I woke up in the morning, and she was gone."
"Right," Officer Park scribbled something down, "you said that you didn't like the fact that you and Y/N were in the same room. Is there a reason for this?" Shit, Beomgyu thought to himself. This is how it starts.
Beomgyu sighed again, "no. I mean yeah, but. Not anymore. I mean, we had this really big falling-out when we were kids. It was like, ages ago. I guess she held a grudge, you know? | tried to forget it, but she'd always find something to pick at me.
Choosing Taehyun over me, ignoring my jokes, giving me annoyed looks over the table... and I just couldn't take it any more. I mean, we were still friends, but I kind of picked on her, too. Sure, I'd do anything for her. Man, this one guy, he was a dick. The way he cried... and anyway, I pranked her a lot. Some of it was mean, some of it wasn't, but we hated each other eventually. She can't stand being in the same room as me any more. I couldn't either. She just made me so angry..."
"Angry enough for you to kill her?" Officer Park's words made Beomgyu want to puke. He frowned, "What? No. That was last time, before she went missing. Now... god, I'm so in love with her. I just," he sighed and put his head in his hands.
"I just really want to find her. This bracelet," he held up his wrist, "she made one for all of us. We - we call ourselves the Losers' Club. I know the other guys still have theirs. She didn't have to make me one, because I was pretty much a dick to her, but I always wear it. The last thing I said. The last conversation we had was an argument. God, if anything happens to her..." The officer sighed, checking her notes.
"Okay. I think that's it. You're good to go. For now, at least. Do you need us to get you a cab, or..." Beomgyu shook his head, "no, I'm going to ride back to hyung's house. There's - I just have to do something." Officer Park nodded, "stay out of trouble, kid." Beomgyu smiled and nodded, "I will." then he turned around and sighed. If only she knew the half of it.
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summary: derry, maine, 1989. there have been a collection of missing persons cases, but that doesn't stop the losers club from having fun. y/n and her friends are determined to have a good time, and nothing is going to get in their way. genre: fluff, crack, it 2017 au. pairing: choi beomgyu x reader
prev <- next -> series masterlist -> series playlist -> add yourself to the taglist! (or send an ask to be tagged)
tags: @fictional-character-whore; @fourthirtyone-am; @sweetrainwrites; @pinkheadflowers; @wonclusion; @wh4txium1n; @yolk-ashi; @kac-chowsballs; @chillfilms; @epiphany-beom; @erosoobin; @soobin-chois; @the7thcrow; @solarswonderland; @yeonwon; @biuebinnie; @strawbrinkofdeath; @jenowithjaem; @wonyofanclub
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duckydae · 2 years ago
exo-l tag challenge
so now that exo's coming back to properly celebrate their 10th anniversary, thought i'd send this around so we can have a wee giggle and reminisce
dunno if any of my moots are still active anymore so feel free to do this whether or not you follow me! also feel free to tag me, need some new exo-l blogs to follow as my dash is very exo-less
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when did you first learn of exo?
this is really cringy but i first saw exo in twenty-fourteen on a 'youtubers react to k-pop', they were reacting to "overdose" and i kid you not, i was so put off their styling i wanted nothing to do with it. i hated it (and i still bloody do)
and then, a little while later they put out a 'teens react to exo' and i hadn't connected they were the same group. anyways, i saw yixing with that blonde hair and my mind went "that one, i like that one"
so don't let anyone ever tell you a visual is a stupid position
(it was probably a lot to do with the fact the boy i really liked had the same hairstyle)
turns out, my friend at the time was vaguely into them (she was more into super junior & shinee) and we just clicked over that and the rest was history
who was / is your bias?
yixing was my first bias ever, and i vaguely remember bouncing around yixing + luhan but i think like a month in jongdae committed the cardinal sin of a bias wrecker and became the ult bias
don't ask me how, it might have been showtime? but yeah jongdae's been my ult since twenty-fifteen. oh god.
where you team exo-k / exo-m?
i was pretty openly exo-m, because yixing was my bias and would only exclusively listen to their versions of the b-sides, until "the war" and it's funny that jongdae became my bias because i really don't think it was his vocals that sold me on him because i was too busy thinking "i wish lay would get more lines"
now looking back, yeah jongdae (and yixing) were my bias individually but as a collective, i preferred exo-k (also, "candy" and "mirotic" were better than "sorry sorry" + "happiness")
favourite m/v?
"lotto". not my favourite song in the world but the aesthetics, the 'plot', jongdae in the white smashing up that table with a hammer? ugh, love it. jongdae and baekhyun's era.
i love a music video with a plot, i would love to see them do a "now" or "365 fresh" but i don't think my heart could take it lol
honourable mentions: monster & i love 'love shot' probably because its in the same vain as "lotto" if it were less plot, more vibes.
also chanyeol with no shirt and that black leather, ugh.
the music video isn't my favourite, but i love the 'alice in wonderland' aspect of "love me right"
favourite album?
i think it really depends on what day you ask me, also my favourite album isn't always the one i think its their best. i'm really enjoying the obsession album right now but the "love me right (exodus)" is exo's magnum opus and dare i say "lotto (ex'act)" is the best sequel since shrek two.
but i really didn't like "love shot (don't mess up my tempo)" and it killed me inside but i only liked two of the b-sides
top ten tracks?
my lady
cosmic railway
white noise
christmas day
favourite soloist / subunit?
unit is absolutely exo-cbx. their "hey mama" mini-album is a no-skip album, their second mini wasn't really for me but "vroom vroom" is amazing also jongdae's "watch out" is brill but i can't listen to it without remembering him decking it on stage
that said, i still mourn the concept of chenbaeksoo unit and i'm still really disappointed sment didn't milk the shit out of that trio like kry or tts before them
favourite performance?
it feels a bit cliche to say the "wolf (remix)", the olympics or "artificial love" so i think i'll have to go with twenty-fifteen's mama set it was fantastic, show stopping and a bit chaotic
but shout-out to baek's "monster" in tokyo dome. y'all baby exo-l missed out on the shitstorm that was tumblr / twitter.
also, not a 'favourite' but cbx in "run this" at the golden disk awards being visibly pissed-off and screaming into their mics because of the "lip-sync" rumor
your exo hot take?
not an unpopular "hot take" but i know folk get stick for it
i really dislike superm, like seriously. i really dislike sm's management of it. sm had a perfectly good group to go up against bts on a global stage and they screwed it up. they weren't rookies like most of nct, they weren't too "out there" like shinee and the less said about suju the better.
also, they're a 'global group' yet all their best songs are mostly korean.
but they squandered it, they prioritised the nct brand both with the group itself and superm and tacked exo + taemin into their daft group to make older fans give a shit and they took away exo's chance at their final ot8/9 comeback before enlistment.
also, whilst it was for the better, kris leaving exo really stilted their international growth as a unit and individuals, honestly just the china line generally as they are collectively a lot stronger in their english as opposed to the korean members
showtime, ladder or arcade?
overall, ladder but i love showtime, especially episode eleven. i think that's when i first thought "hey that really fucking loud guy is pretty cute"
collab you'd like to see (western + k-pop)?
in regards to sm, i would love to see taeyeon, wendy, kyungsoo and jongdae take a shot at either a jazz or r'n'b collab track.
k-pop generally, baekyeol + dreamcatcher
western, bruno mars & kyungsoo
what would you like for exo to do next?
sm please! give me an english version of their title! almost everyone else at sm has one! hell, there was literally an english version of "the eve"!
but also, royalty concept (they've bloody earned it and exo-l's can't keep suggesting it every comeback)
but personally, it'd love to see a twenties or thirties "great gatsby" concept
funniest exo moments(s)?
"say hey!" that entire performance is a disaster, baek getting interrupted, then spooked by a pyro and finally jongdae decking it in the dance break of "growl"
the water fight during exoluxion
jongdae's outbrust at sehun on knowing bros
exomentary's bowling episode (rip chanyeol)
sehun and the beluga whale
the exo-l screaming "yah baekhyun!"
jongdae scaring the shit out of doni on weekly idol (deserved)
everyone yelling that baekhyun picked 'i got a boy' and not ‘gee’ like a normal person (personally luhan made the best choice)
baek, tao and luhan's haunted house run
heechul's various impressions of kyungsoo on knowing bros
favourite line?
chingu, we never get to see them anymore but they (especially the beagles) were always tied to the hip, that said i've defo gone soft for the maknae line
who's the traitor? is there one?
kris it's absolutely jongdae. i know folk think it's baekhyun but or chanyeol but after "lotto", i feel like that rules out chanyeol and baekhyun after "monster".
jongdae seems to be doing the opposite to everyone in these music videos whilst still being 'apart of it'
like: the white shirt in "lotto", standing at the 'last supper', the cameras in obsession, the smashing of their earnings in "lotto" the 'no fucks given attitude' when the swat shows up, unlike the rest of the group
favourite pathcode?
baekhyun, its so pretty but i also love sehun's as a resident scot
favourite cursed moment(s)?
"my name is baekhyun, but you can call me bacon" stfu bake-hun
suho meeting jedward
chanyeol's nick mask
exo: next door (side note: why was exo-m + jongin just not in the show?)
baekhyun's 'best looking' ranking on weekly idol
"wolf" demo
who's "baby-girl" are you picking?
kyungsoo's in "call me baby" but shout-out to jongdae's underrated one in "juliet"
favourite exo collab?
i've got a few, probably "lil' something" with jongdae & heize or his collab with ailee
it kills me that taeyeon was unwell whilst singing with jongdae also, chanyeol's collab with far east movement
favourite cover?
vocal line + sehun's "why so serious"
exo & yuna kim's "happiness" (vocal line sound brill in this)
sunday morning
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In case you'd like to add to this collection, here's a list of prompt games I've reblogged!
Fluff prompts
Incredibly specific AUs
Prompts to shake things up
Send me a made-up fic title and I'll tell you what I'd write for it
Little-used words prompts
Childhood friends prompts
Fanfic writer questions (not a prompt thing but an ask game nonetheless!)
You can also find what I've written here under #starry's skies!
Also if you'd like to learn more about Sunshine, here are her introduction post and her tag as well as an ask game and an additional bonus!
Who the hell is Sunshine
Her tag
Ask game
As mentioned in the "who the hell is Sunshine" post, I actually started with her on tiktok and I've made a page here on tumblr for hers! (Most of them, at least. I think there's a few that got lost somewhere)
You can also now buy me a coffee!
I'm cross posting all my ficlets to ao3 btw!
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