#i checked my bank to be sure my payment arrived
qqueenofhades · 3 months
IT IS NEW MATTRESS DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thankskenpenders · 3 months
An update on The Lara-Su Chronicles: Penders has announced on his blog that, at long last, the books have arrived from the printer. Unlikely as it may seem, they're real. Going on 10 years since I started this blog, 13 years since the project's announcement, and 18 years since his last Archie Sonic stories, the first (small) part of the Lara-Su Chronicles included with this new hardcover version of Mobius 25 Years Later has finally been printed... and he's got over 200 boxes full of the things. He'll soon be shipping out preorders, and we'll finally get our first real taste of what the hell he's been cooking up all this time when left to his own devices.
I will, of course, be covering this.
...I sure hope I actually get mine, because while my bank says the payment definitely went through, his site never sent me any sort of order confirmation or tracking info to check on it lmao
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dinodanicus · 8 months
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you can skip this wall of text its just about the scam this illustration was involved in.
This fairly ordinary illustration of two hands holding was involved in a very weird and convoluted scam. Last month I was commission to illustrate this image for invitations meant to go out for a supposed wedding anniversary coming up in March. The whole commission seemed odd to me I mainly draw dinosaurs and aliens. Not many people know I also draw people but the buyer who called himself Petterson Reid was offering to pay 300 up front and 200 after the work was finished. A nice offer for what was a very simple illustration. I took the job and sent him a very rough sketch of the hands to show him what the final image might look like. He liked the sketch and told me to finish the image after he sent the first payment I went ahead and finished the image that night. I held onto the picture to see if he would really send the 300 dollars first. The buyer wanted to send a check by mail which is weird but I thought he might have been a boomer who didn't understand how to use PayPal. His emails and text seemed like something my grandmother would write very proper and overly polite. I was fairly suspicious of him and waited to see if a check would actually be delivered. To my surprise a check did arrive a week later from Petterson Reid except it was for 2,790 dollars. knowing this was far too much money I asked him if it was a mistake. He said the extra money was for a PayPal invoice to the printers involved in the invitations. He wanted me to use the extra money on the check to pay the printers on his behalf. Again very weird but I chalked it up to an old person who didn't know how to pay online. I cashed the check the next day, since it was from an out of state bank they were putting it on hold for 3 days to see if the funds would clear. I told the buyer about the three day waiting period and asked for the invoice I was suppose to be paying and he went absolutely ape shit. He claimed I was trying to steal his money and was threatening to pursue legal action I was completely shocked by the change in attitude. I had to mute my phone because he kept sending wave after wave of threatening texts. At this point I was 90% sure this was some sort of scam but when I called the bank they said there was nothing to do until the hold expired. I was confident it wouldn't then to my surprise the check cleared and the money was in my account. At this point I had the finished artwork and the money so I wanted to get this crazy asshole on his way so I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. I told him to send the invoice for the printer and I would pay it with the money on the check then I would send the picture and our business would be done. This prick sends some half assed looking invoice with a payable link on PayPal. When I try to pay, it says payment will be held till Feb 7th. Apparently this date is too late for the printers so now that processing payment has been canceled by the printer in favor of a new payment process through Zelle. I was trying to figure out what was going on, if its a scam what is the take the entirety of the check was still in my account it didn't even say it was pending. I go to pay on Zelle and discover the 2,790 dollars has been rescinded by the bank. I call and learn this ass hair had sent a forged check to the bank in an effort to have me pay these fake invoices with my own money. He guessed the bank would deposit the check without fully vetting it for the standard 10 days since I'm a long time member. He knew he had until about five a clock that day before the bank would catch the discrepancy. He was posing as the printer in order to scam 4,740 dollars from me through both attempted payment methods. luckily for me I'm broke as hell right now and didn't have the money in my own account to cover either payment with out the check. everything has been taken care of now I just thought I better share this story since I've never seen a scam like this before. It took an entire month for him to essentially get nothing I really don't know what to think of any of this its such a weird scheme.
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hey, Sam! Glad you're enjoying your euro trip! I'm traveling internationally for the first time this summer (Canada), and I had a question about currency exchange. At home, I use a credit card for most transactions on a day-to-day basis, but I like to keep some cash on hand just in case. Should I do the same while I'm in Canada? Seems like a good back up in case I lose my card or I want to but something where they only accept cash. Any general tips?
I think it's always a good idea to carry some cash; it certainly helped me out a few times, particularly in Amsterdam where I was shopping at a street market, and Rome when a couple of places didn't want to take card for small purchases. Post-pandemic pretty much everywhere takes contactless cards, I think, but it's not always the best way to go. When I went to Europe, I took 50 pounds sterling for 3 days in London, and 100 euro for seven days across mainland Europe. I changed the remaining 20 pounds for euros in Amsterdam, and spent most of the cash in Rome, once I was sure I wouldn't have any major emergencies; I came home with a 10-euro bill and about another 10 euro in coins.
In general, for travel, I have a pretty specific setup. After a couple of times where I lost a debit or credit card (genuinely lost, they weren't stolen, which just makes it more annoying) and had to change a bunch of website payment info, I started carrying a preloaded debit card for travel, one that doesn't attach to any websites anywhere. I just throw a few hundred dollars on the card and use that, and if it's lost it's way less hassle. It's the only card I have out of the wallet while in transit, although depending on where I'm going once I arrive, I'll add a credit card as a backup.
So I have a wallet in my luggage with my normal debit/credit cards, and then in a holster on the strap of my messenger bag I'll have my debit card and phone (and ID if I'm flying, though I try to move the ID back to luggage as soon as I can) and maybe a backup credit card. When in Europe I had most of my cards in my luggage, a wallet with only cash (usually not all of it) in my bag, and the debit card in the bag strap holster. I could afford to lose the cash I was carrying if I got pickpocketed, but I didn't want them to get my cards, so those stayed in the luggage as much as possible. I doubted that I'd actually get pickpocketed, but being able to write off the cash and not worry about my cards lowered my anxiety about the possibility.
(In case anyone is curious, the debit card is from Betterment; I have a savings account with them and they offered me a checking account attached to it with a debit card. So I have a few grand in savings, and can pull a few hundred at a time from that savings into the checking account, but the debit card can't access the savings side. If I need to "reload" the debit card I can do it instantaneously from the app, unlike a bank transfer that can take a few days. The only downside is if I don't track what I'm spending, the card can run out and give an insufficient funds error, at which point I have to reload it while standing at checkout, which irritates everyone behind me.)
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astrojulia · 1 year
Mermaid’s Guide to the Stars: Astrological Predictions for May 2023
May Calendar
May 1st - Pluto Rx in Aquarius
May 5th - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
May 7th to June 5th - Venus in Cancer
May 12th - Waning moon in Aquarius
May 15th - Mercury in Taurus
May 16th - Jupiter in Taurus
May 19th - New Moon in Taurus
May 20th to July 10th - Mars in Leo
May 21st - Sun in Gemini
May 27th - Waxing moon in Virgo
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Reminder: The dates are dd/mm/yyyy!
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Aries Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, it looks like you might still be adjusting to the new events brought by the powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. Pluto will begin to retrograde on May 1st and will remain that way until October 11th. Although Pluto's fame can be scary, it affects the world more than the individual. On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is coming. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio comes in a tense aspect with Uranus, so be attentive to your financial matters and regularly check your bank account and credit card to avoid strange charges. It's possible that you may need to insure your beloved belongings before the eclipse arrives. Alternatively, you may have a large pending payment related to a loan, taxes, or repair bills. Additionally, it's possible that you may discover an employee or partner is embezzling funds if they work for themselves. Another possibility is that this eclipse activates the subject of surgery in your life.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, allowing you to feel comfortable and pleasurable in your home. If the expense brought by the eclipse referred to the purchase of a property, now you may be thinking about how to decorate that new space.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in Taurus, helping you have more clarity on financial matters and ways to make money. The following day, on May 16th, Jupiter will ingress into Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, bringing great blessings to your financial and material life.On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus that comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates material matters, indicating that to grow financially, sometimes you will encounter instability. However, this moon opens a door for money to flow, indicating the birth of an idea or project of a new source of income in your life.Mars begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and will remain in this sign until July 10th, helping you accelerate a project or idea that involves increasing your earnings. However, be aware of excessive authoritarianism and individualism, which can turn into selfishness and generate fights in relationships.On May 21st, the Sun will ingress into Gemini, and you will turn to matters involving lectures, courses, and studies. In summary, May 2023 will be intense and full of events, from financial events to opportunities for growth and learning.
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Taurus Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might be adjusting your life to the new patterns painted by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. It was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur between 2023 and 2024.Pluto starts retrograding on the first day of May and will continue until 11/10. Before settling in Aquarius, Pluto will briefly go back to Capricorn from 11/06 to 20/01/2024. In 2023, we will still experience a kind of transition, with Pluto allowing us a free sample from 23/03 to 11/06 of what it will do in Aquarius and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.This Lunar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on 05/05 in a tense aspect with Uranus. This eclipse could reveal someone close to you who is not honest. Make sure everything is going well in your relationship, as someone close to you may not be honest, and you would find out at the time of the eclipse.Two days later, on 07/05, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until 05/06, and this movement will help you with any unresolved conversations or issues in your life.On 15/05, Mercury will resume its direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you express yourself and communicate better. The next day, on 16/05, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until 24/05/2024. Jupiter makes everything it touches grow, and it will be pouring blessings directly on your head, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead where luck will be on your side in countless ways, making you live one of the periods of greatest personal and material growth of your life.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on 19/05 that comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon marks a new chapter in your life, a new version of you being born, a new way of presenting yourself to the world. Pluto will be supporting this Moon and from where it is, adds a touch of power and glamour to your image.In a month where everything fits, there is also room for a change in Mars, which begins to transit through Leo on 20/05 and remains in this sign until 10/07. Mars will help you get involved with a property or make repairs and improve your home. Alternatively, if you are not involved with your physical home, you may be focusing on a family matter.On 21/05, the Sun will enter Gemini to stay until 21/06, and you will focus on matters that involve your earnings and material resources, trying to understand how to achieve more success in this area. In a month where everything happens, there is room to move money too, and thus ends the intense and eventful May of 2023.
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Gemini Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting your life after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur in the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 1st, Pluto will begin to retrograde and stay that way until 10th November. Pluto is already in Aquarius until 2043, but before settling definitively in this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from 11th June to 20th January 2024. In 2023, we are still in a kind of transition, as if Pluto allows us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from 23rd March to 11th June, and then returns to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is waiting for us. This lunar eclipse occurs in Scorpio and is tense in aspect with Uranus. Full moons are more emotional than new moons, and eclipses carry the strength of three full moons combined in one. Something will end and something will begin related to your work and health.Changes are happening in your work. If you own your own business, make sure no one is diverting money that belongs to you. Be careful with co-workers, perhaps they will reveal a secret of yours or you will discover something about them that shakes the relationship and it won't be possible to see them the same way as before.Your home life will also suddenly become volatile. It is possible that suddenly your house needs some repair due to a leak, breakage, or structural repair needs. If you have pets, keep a close eye on them around this eclipse.Uranus works to find a weak link in your health. Watch out for anxiety and try to relax in the days surrounding the eclipse, keep your schedule free and flexible.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, bringing material prosperity into your life. It can bring salary increases, increases in the value of your products and services in the market, and even a rewarding and quite profitable promotion.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you organize your life and routine to preserve your well-being. The next day, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a great gift for your physical, mental, and spiritual health.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates spiritual matters and the focus on self-care and well-being. It marks a beginning, a first step.On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo until July 10th, bringing a series of trips and moving writing and speaking tasks. If you work writing or speaking in public, you will be highly sought after now.On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini, bringing a recharge of strength and vitality to you.
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Cancer Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you might be adjusting your life to the new designs painted by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. It was the first of a series of eclipses happening on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 1st, Pluto will begin to retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling in this sign for good, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th, 2023 to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we will still experience a kind of transition, as if Pluto allows us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, and then goes back to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. You might be thinking, "Another one?" And the answer is yes, we usually have four eclipses per year, and in some rarer years, even six eclipses are possible. This eclipse will affect two important areas of your life: romance and children. There is a possibility that you may hear something worrying about the person you are romantically involved with, or that a casual incident may reveal something that prevents the relationship from continuing as it was before. If you are in the midst of a separation or divorce, you may be in conflict with your ex about children if you have them. Of course, this eclipse is not inherently negative. If your dating or marriage is strong and happy, the surprise that the eclipse brings may even be highly positive, making you cry with happiness and emotion.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, bringing peace and well-being. Venus will help you feel good in your own skin, making you calmer and more diplomatic, more graceful and courteous. Venus will also make you a more vain person, and this is a good time for aesthetic treatments or changes in appearance.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a great gift for the realization of your dreams. Jupiter makes everything it touches grow, and it will be pouring blessings on long-held dreams, such as having children, visiting a place, living a great love, or simply acquiring a property or a certain lifestyle, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead in which you will realize a great dream, be it material or personal, making you live one of the most fulfilling periods of the decade.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus that comes together with Uranus brings a novelty, which can be an invitation or a proposal. It is also supported by Pluto, indicating that you will be relating to important people in your circle.Mars begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th. Mars will help you earn more money from now on, adding strength, courage, and speed to your earnings.The Sun will enter Gemini on May 21st, and you will turn inward, to your intimacy and privacy, wishing to be more behind the scenes.
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Leo Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you'll still be adjusting to the changes that a powerful solar eclipse in Aries brought to your life. It was the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year will occur, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This eclipse will activate matters involving your family and home, and you might be surprised by unexpected repairs and maintenance needs. Also, if you live in a rented space, keep an eye on your rental contract. You might also receive unexpected news from someone you live with.However, Mars and Saturn will be oriented towards the eclipse, creating a comforting and stabilizing vibe amidst the unpredictability.Two days later, on May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through the sign of Cancer, adding emotional well-being and comfort. On May 15th, Mercury will resume its direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any work or career-related issues that were at a standstill or some kind of misunderstanding.On May 16th, Jupiter enters Taurus and stays until May 24th, 2024, ushering in a 12-month period ahead where you'll see your career shine brightly. You'll be making a name for yourself! May also holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th that is conjunct Uranus, well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This moon also activates career and professional life matters.In a month full of movement, there will also be a change in Mars, which begins to transit through Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th.On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini, and your focus will turn to events, social gatherings, and friendships.
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Virgo Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting to some new changes in your life due to a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This is the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 5th, Pluto will start its retrograde phase and will remain retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling definitively in this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we'll still be in a kind of transition, as if Pluto allowed us a free sample of what he'll do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th and then return to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year is waiting for us. This lunar eclipse will occur in Scorpio. The family of eclipses on the Taurus-Scorpio axis began in 2021 on November 19th with a lunar eclipse in Taurus. Two new eclipses have recently arrived in this axis on October 25th, 2022, and November 8th, 2022, as a solar eclipse in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Taurus. This lunar eclipse that occurs in Scorpio on May 5th comes in a tense aspect with Uranus, which means its own nature is to be completely unpredictable and the ruler of chaos. This eclipse will shed light on matters involving contracts and written documents such as subpoenas, correspondence, or notifications.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until June 5th, adding a touch of fun to your life. On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any pending issues or delays involving travel, foreign affairs, and academic pursuits. The next day, on May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus to stay until May 24th, 2024, and this is a big move for you and the place you live in. Jupiter brings expansion, advancement, and going beyond boundaries and will be pouring blessings on foreign affairs and travel, inaugurating a 12-month period ahead in which you will be traveling a lot.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, which comes together with Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates matters involving travel and foreignization, and it touches on issues involving academia and university education. It may mark the moment when you receive news of a visa or foreign residence approval or at least, a trip to a state or country different from your own.On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo and remains in this sign until July 10th, which may be an uncomfortable period for you. Mars will be activating matters involving silence and retreat, which can be stressful and unsettling. On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini to stay until June 21st, and you'll focus on your career and professional life because this will be a phase of success and recognition in this field.
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Libra Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might be adjusting to life after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first in a series that will happen between 2023 and 2024. Pluto starts going retrograde on May 1st and will be retrograde until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius, but before it got to this sign, it briefly went back to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, we'll be going through a transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample of what it's going to do in Aquarius before going back to Capricorn. On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. We usually have 4 eclipses per year, and in some years, up to 6 are possible. Eclipses always come in pairs. This eclipse will bring news about salary, economy, or an unexpected expense. Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned for the eclipse, highlighting career and financial help. Venus starts its transit through Cancer on May 7th, indicating that prestige increases in career. Mercury resumes direct motion in Taurus on May 15th, helping you to have more clarity on how to deal with money. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16th and will strongly move material issues such as profit, investments, and acquisition of material goods. May holds a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, conjunct Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon speaks about a new investment, an acquisition, money that you decide to invest in something so it can grow. Mars starts transiting Leo on May 20th and remains in this sign until July 10th, helping to increase outings and move social relationships. The Sun enters Gemini on May 21st, and you will turn to matters involving travel, vacations, and new experiences.
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Scorpio Rising and Sun
Hey, in May you might be adjusting to the effects of a powerful solar eclipse in Aries, the first of a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.On May 1st, Pluto will begin its retrograde and stay retrograde until October 11th. Before settling in Aquarius until 2043, Pluto will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. In 2023, this means a kind of transition, allowing Pluto to show us what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, before returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.Pluto has a scary reputation, but its forces are felt more collectively than individually. On May 5th, we'll have the second eclipse of the year, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. We usually have four eclipses per year, and in some rare years, up to six eclipses are possible. Eclipses come in pairs, and the Taurus lunar eclipse of November 19th, 2021 marked the beginning of the eclipse family on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The subsequent solar and lunar eclipses in Scorpio and Taurus that occurred on October 25th, 2022, November 8th, 2022, and October 28th, 2023 take the themes to a more advanced level of discussion.The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th brings a tense aspect with Uranus, making it hard to predict what might happen. However, you can expect this eclipse to bring your attention to a romantic or commercial relationship that could become closer and more exclusive.On May 7th, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, and you'll feel a strong desire to try new things and break the routine. Additionally, if you're open to love, look beyond borders as you may find a passion in your life.On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in Taurus, helping you to talk and establish the terms of a relationship. The next day, Jupiter will enter Taurus, bringing blessings to your partnerships and inaugurating a 12-month period where you'll take further steps in committed relationships.On May 19th, a New Moon in Taurus marks a new chapter in your life, whether in a commercial or romantic relationship. Pluto will support this Moon, indicating a major transformation for the better.On May 20th, Mars will begin transiting through Leo until July 10th, promoting your career and helping you achieve professional awards and accomplishments.On May 21st, the Sun will enter Gemini, leading you to focus on material investments and profits, which will be reflected in your career thanks to Mars' hard work.
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Sagittarius Rising and Sun
Hey there! May is bringing some pretty big astrological changes that could have an impact on your life. The second eclipse of the year is set to occur on May 5th, a lunar eclipse in Scorpio that might reveal hidden enemies and secrets. It's important to stay calm and flexible when dealing with the situations brought on by the eclipse. However, the good news is that Mars and Saturn will be nicely oriented for the eclipse, which could bring a comforting and stabilizing vibration amidst the unpredictability.In addition, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer on May 7th, which could increase your material power and bring in some extra cash. On May 15th, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you clarify situations at work and improving your health.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus and kick off a 12-month period where it supports good professional opportunities and healing and improvement for your health.May also brings a New Moon in Taurus on May 19th, which could mark an important new beginning in your professional life or bring in a new client for your business. Mars will also begin transiting through Leo on May 20th, which could help you seek professional development.Finally, the Sun will enter Gemini on May 21st, which might lead you to look at your partnerships and value those who are loyal and stand by your side.
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Capricorn Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might still be getting used to the changes brought on by that powerful solar eclipse in Aries that happened earlier this year. Pluto, which has been in Aquarius since 2023, will briefly move back to Capricorn in June 2024. It's a kind of transition year where we get a free sample of what Pluto will do in Aquarius, and then it moves back to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.The eclipses always come in pairs, and on May 5th, we'll have the second eclipse of the year, a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio that comes in tense aspect with Uranus. This eclipse will affect your friendships and the groups you're a part of. You might accidentally stumble upon a secret involving one of your friends. Or you could experience a difficult situation or even a separation from a friend or group you belong to. But don't worry, there's also a chance that something good could come out of this eclipse, like a pleasant surprise related to your friendships.On May 7th, Venus begins its transit through Cancer and will stay there until June 5th, bringing happiness and lightness to your close relationships. On May 15th, Mercury will go direct in Taurus, helping you to see romance and fun grow even more in your life. On May 16th, Jupiter will ingress into Taurus and stay until May 24th, 2024, bringing considerable happiness and personal fulfillment to your life. This will be one of the most enjoyable periods of the decade for you!In May, we'll also have a New Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus and well-supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon will also activate the areas that Jupiter will help grow, and bring some exciting news. On May 20th, Mars begins to transit through Leo and stays there until July 10th, activating money, inheritance, wills, and investments. On May 21st, the Sun enters Gemini until June 21st, and you'll be taking a closer look at your daily routine and professional life.
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Aquarius Rising and Sun
Hey, in May, you might still be adjusting to the new changes brought about by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was the first in a series of eclipses that will occur on the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024.Pluto has already moved into Aquarius for a long stay until 2043, but before settling into this sign permanently, it will briefly return to Capricorn from 11/06 to 20/01/2024. So in 2023, we'll still be going through a kind of transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample from 23/03 to 11/06 of what it will do in Aquarius, and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.The second eclipse of the year will happen on 05/05. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio will be in a tense aspect with Uranus, activating issues involving your career, reputation, and professional progress. Unexpected changes at home and in your family life may be affecting your work and professional development. Try not to overload your schedule because when this eclipse arrives, you may find yourself in a situation where your career needs you as much as your family does.Uranus can be unpredictable, but Mars and Saturn will be beautifully aligned with the eclipse, touching on your ability to reinvent yourself, survive crises, and even profit from them. With Uranus involved, it's impossible to say exactly what an eclipse will bring, but I can tell you that Mars and Saturn will create a comforting and stabilizing vibration amidst the unpredictability of the eclipse.On 07/05, Venus will begin its transit through Cancer, where it will remain until 05/06. This movement will come to resolve setbacks and even conflicts that the professional environment may be experiencing.On 15/05, Mercury will resume direct motion in the sign of Taurus, helping you resolve any family issues that have come to light and have been worrying you or even harming your career and work. The next day, on 16/05, Jupiter enters Taurus to stay until 24/05/2024, and this is a great gift for your family life as well.May holds a New Moon in Taurus on 19/05, which comes together with Uranus, well-supported by Pluto but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates issues of home, family, and household, and you may be inaugurating your new home on this date or very close to it.Mars begins to transit through Leo on 20/05 and remains in this sign until 10/07. Mars places a lot of emphasis on close relationships, whether they be work or romantic, so you may be very focused on forming a bond or committed relationship with another person, whether it be in love (marriage) or in a business partnership or collaboration.The Sun enters Gemini on 21/05, and this is a period when you may start thinking about the subject of children, and a growing desire to make your mark in the world may also emerge.
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Pisces Rising and Sun
Hey there! In May, you might still be adjusting to the changes brought about by a powerful solar eclipse in Aries. This was just the first in a series of eclipses that will take place along the Aries-Libra axis between 2023 and 2024. On May 1st, Pluto will begin its retrograde motion, which will last until October 11th. Pluto is already in Aquarius for a long stay that will last until 2043, but before settling definitively into this sign, it will briefly return to Capricorn from June 11th to January 20th, 2024. So, in 2023, we will still be in a kind of transition, as if Pluto is giving us a free sample of what it will do in Aquarius from March 23rd to June 11th, and then returning to Capricorn to give us time to think about it.On May 5th, the second eclipse of the year awaits us. This lunar eclipse in Scorpio comes in a tense aspect with Uranus and will affect one of these areas for you: long-distance travel, immigration, citizenship and foreign residence, publishing and broadcasting projects, college and graduate school opportunities, and legal issues or lawsuits. You may need to make an unexpected trip or rush to solve a problem involving travel or immigration documents.On May 16th, Jupiter will enter Taurus and stay there until May 24th, 2024. This is a great move for you to further increase your ability to express yourself and reach an incredible number of people willing to listen.On May 19th, there will be a New Moon in Taurus, which comes together with Uranus, well supported by Pluto, but tense with Saturn. This Moon also activates matters involving communication and business. Any attention you receive in May can attract some rivalry and competition at work, which can ignite sparks of conflict and friction in the professional environment. It's best to ignore it.On May 21st, the Sun will enter Gemini and stay there until June 21st, and your focus will be on your family and home.
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(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
[24] Astronalia | Mariane Chagas. Disponível em:https://www.youtube.com/@astronalia . Acesso em: 29 mar. 2023.
Dividers Arts//Dividers Wings
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loona-catcher · 1 year
INFO - read before DM
General info/rules
Name: Thil
Age: October 2000
Pronouns: She/They
Country: The Netherlands (Europe)
All prices are in € (euros)
I hold items for max 24 hours after my initial reply to a DM.
I am not responsible for lost or damaged mail once it is sent out.
I do not have set send out dates.
Do not offer me sales for anything outside of my high prio wishlist or ISO posts
Payment methods
I accept:
Paypal f&f
Bank transfer (NL only)
Tikkie (NL only)
I can accept PayPal g&s if you pay for tracked shipping as well as the fees.
I do not ever accept CC
Sale rules
When DMing make sure you are 100% willing to buy. Backing out of a sale without reason is considered time wasting.
Trade rules
Under 25 proofs I will ask you to send first.
I only trade with collection/trading accounts unless you are willing to send first
When you send first I'll send out after receiving a shipping proof video. If a video proof isn't possible I'll send out once your end of the trade arrives.
If we agree on a date to send out at the same time, please send me packaging proof and address check at least 24 hours in advance so I have time to reply.
GO rules
No blackout unless you find a replacement
I only accept joiners with a trading/collection account
Pay before the deadline. If you don't pay before a given deadline and you don't communicate with me about this your items will be back up for sale with no refund. For initial payments the deadline is never less than a week unless specified beforehand.
For domestic shipping I'll hold your items for max 1 month if you want to combine your items with other bought stuff. If you do not pay for shipping within that month you'll lose your items with no refund.
As groupchats are (currently) not a thing on Tumblr, you have to have an Instagram as well to join so a groupchat can be made there. So for the inconvenience... The instagram doesn't have to also be a kpop related account, as long as it's public so I can add you.
Proof I provide
Damage check video with flash and a note showing my username.
Packaging proof
Address check
Shipping proof. This would be a video if it's a letter, receipt if it's an untracked package, tracking information with confirmation note from the post office if it's a tracked package.
If you want any other types of proof, feel free to ask. I'm more than happy to provide more proof to help build trust.
I package photocards and other small items in a sleeve, inside a toploader, and secured to a card using washi tape
For mail with 4 or more photocards I use a shipping shield instead of a toploader (unless you specifically ask me to use a toploader instead).
Larger items that can't fit inside a toploader will be secured to cardboard
Albums will be packed inside a box with bubble wrapping, or a bubble mailer
I calculate shipping when packing as the weight of the specific photocard(s) and the difference between toploaders and shipping shield can change the price of shipping. This means I give you an estimate of how much shipping would be, and once you agree to buy I'll pack and then send you payment info for the item + shipping. Once you agreed to buy based on the estimated shipping, you can't back out (unless the difference is drastic) as I already packed for you at this point.
Shipping through vinted is possible for most European countries that have international Vinted available.
Giveaway rules
Do not immediately sell/trade a price after you receive it. If you do this and I find out you will be blacklisted from all future giveaways. If your intention to join is to make a profit from selling it, don't bother joining and give other people the chance instead.
Any other rules will be in the giveaway post
Miscellaneous other info
I have a cat. If you're allergic please let me know so I can be extra careful when packing for you.
I have a (quite long) list of diagnosed mental health issues. Some of these can prevent me from doing trade related things like replying to dms fast, or leaving the house to send out. If this makes it so I can't send out on an agreed upon date I'll make sure to let you know immediately. Sometimes my mom can send out for me, but not always. I ask for your understanding as I try my best.
Please don't include any food/drinks in my mail as freebies. I have multiple allergies, some airborne.
If you don't give me proof of sending out/address check and also don't dm me about this beforehand, I will not give proof of arrival either. Communication is key in this community!
If you don't want to give me proof of arrival because you didn't agree with something I did in the process that's totally fine, however, let me know how I can improve in the future! No proof of arrival without communication and not letting me know you think it might be lost in mail will result in you being blacklisted from future sales. Again, communication is key. I'd rather get feedback than being ghosted...
If you read everything, please send a caterpillar+microphone emoji (as listed in my bio) in your DM. If you don't know what I mean, just send the word caterpillar hahaha
Sorry for the long read! I wanted to be thorough!
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darkicedragon · 1 year
I went to the shops on Saturday to get some tops online but they didn’t have them in store. Okay, I’ll just order them online, and have them delivered to the store so then there’s no shipping cost.
I don’t waaaaanna give another site my details though - but there’s a paypal guest option! Yes! I’ll go for that!
...Well. The paypal window just disappeared and the basket is cleared now, so I guess I paid for it?? Except I don’t have a confirmation email.
Hm. Well, they must have gotten my details from paypal, so they’ll probably email or text me once it’s arrived.
Monday I’m checking to see if it’s arrived at the shop since that’s when they said it would, but I get nothing.
On the way home, I drop into the shop just to check anyway since it’s on the way.
I don’t have an order number, my name doesn’t come up and searching for my email address doesn’t show up in any of the orders either. :(
Get home, and double check bank, and yeah, the payment is pending, but it’s definitely there.
Today, I check bank after I get home and the payment’s been processed, so okay, I need to talk to customer service.
I get through and they ask my name, email and order number and I say the same thing, that I wasn’t asked for those details and I don’t have an order number.
I check my paypal account while I’m chatting with them, just to double check it’s my name email attached to it, but I’m SURE it was.
Is my name coming up as DARKICE DRAGON.
My primary email there is my burner fandom email.
That’s why they couldn’t find me.
SO YEAH, I’m going to be giving my order number when I go pick up my order tomorrow and not my fandom name. 8′))))
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burlesblog · 1 month
Protect Yourself from eBay Scams: Simple Steps
Introduction to eBay Scams
eBay has great deals. But it is also the haven of scams. These scammers trick and con money out of unsuspecting customers. So, knowing the signs will keep you safe. Many people get scammed annually. This guide will show how one can be safe. I will give examples and tips to protect yourself.
How to Identify Suspicious Sellers
First of all, check the feedback of the seller. Any low rating should be a red flag. Always read reviews. My friend once bought a laptop from eBay. The seller had very few reviews. They were all positive, but something didn't seem quite right. He asked for payment off eBay. My friend used a bank transfer to pay. Of course, the laptop never arrived. A $600 lesson learned: always pay using eBay's system.
How to Avoid Fake Listings
Fake listings abound. They look real, but they're traps. High-value items at low prices are suspicious. I once saw an iPhone for half of the usual price. The pictures were clear, and the description was detailed. But the seller was new with no feedback. I didn't buy it, and later the listing vanished. Many people aren't so lucky. They pay and get nothing. If the deal looks too good, it probably is.
Trust Your Gut
Sometimes, your gut knows. If something feels wrong, don't proceed. Quite often, scammers rush buyers. They want you to make a decision fast. Take your time. Research the item and seller. If you are not sure, then walk away. There are millions of listings within eBay. You will find another safe deal soon. Remember, it is better to miss a deal than lose money. The bottom line is: always follow your instincts and be vigilant.
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vivalasestrellas · 4 months
Today was a lot. In a good way I think.
Started out normally enough, working on prepping for the next school year. I got a message from my phone carrier saying that my service would expire today. That's a little odd since I have it on autopay every month. So I go to my carrier's website and everything seems in order (card wasn't declined, password was still the same, next month's payment queued up) so I decided to check my bank account. That's when I had a mini panic attack. You see, my account had [redacted] in it. I'm more accustomed to having [redacted] in the account so the much lower level was a bit of a shock. I know I've done quite a bit of spending recently but I didn't think it was *that* much. So I went back through my statements and, yeah, there are some unnecessary spending I had done but everything else seemed to check out. In fact, taking this month's coming paycheck into account, the money level seemed normal enough. Still, probably gonna have to watch my spending and maybe make up a budget of some kind to keep things in check.
Then I went to make lunch. Now, I've been dealing with ants crawling around outside on my patio and near the gutters for a while now but I didn't expect to see them *in my kitchen*. Yep, as I was getting dishes prepped, I noticed an ant crawling on the counter. Then a second, then a third and a fourth, and that was enough. I put lunch on hold and cleared everything off the counter. Sure enough, missed grains of rice, crumbs from the toaster, small pieces of ramen became visible - as did the cavalcade of bugs. Granted, they weren't lining (I kept looking for one but couldn't find one) so that told me it wasn't a complete infestation. I wiped down the counter, cleaned it with some Clorox and that seemed to take care of the problem. I then thought back to the gutters and put two and two together: the ants are probably nesting in the gutters. So I committed to the afternoon to cleaning out the gutters. I asked a friend over to help (someone needs to hold the ladder) and finished up lunch.
While I was waiting for my friend, I went outside to scout out the gutters and get an idea of what tools would be needed. I saw that the ants weren't just crawling around the gutters and patio, they were forming a pure line right to the kitchen window from two different directions. I got some spray and followed the lines as far as I could see. I then checked the gutters and while there was some debris, it wasn't disgusting. This might be easier than I thought!
Friend arrives. We hit up Walmart because I need to get some gloves, a snake for the gutters, some more bug spray, and a bucket. Walmart was out of buckets. We got everything else and headed back home where we set up to clean out the gutters. Slight snag; the snake I bought needs to be attached to a drill and of my two drills one needed to be recharged and the other wasn't compatible with the snake bit. Great. Well no matter, we'll make do with what we can. I do feel a bit bad because the first gutter we went to, the debris was dry and loose and I was pulling it out with my hands - and it got all over my friend which is not cool of me. I cleaned out the gutters and the drop spouts seemed free of debris so we did a water test. The water came out just fine so we called it a wrap on that part of the house. The next part, near the front porch, was pretty good too. in fact, there wasn't any debris at all. Sweet! As long as the last section of the house is just as good, then the chore is as good as done. I go to check the last portion of the house, the east wall, and... swamp. The gutter was filled with water, mud, leaves, and debris, culminating in a stagnate, swampy sludge. Alright. We'll definitely need the snake to drain this. But the drill is charging so we'll have to wait a bit.
Back inside, I take a shower while friend declines due to not being that dirty to begin with. Of course, after I get out of the shower, the drill is charged. If only I had waited. We decide we'll take a break and finish the gutters after dinner, closer to sunset. We hang out, chat, make dinner, and then decide to get back to work. We swing by Walmart again to get some spades - I don't want to touch the sludge if I can help it.
I start by using the snake to clear any clogs in the drop spout. It wasn't super effective, but you could definitely hear water beginning to drain. So I get a spade and begin to shovel out the wet debris. Problem: where am I gonna put the sludge once it's out of the gutter? I have my friend go back inside to get the trashcan and I start to shovel out sludge and dump it into the trashcan. Work is pretty steady: I shovel out some sludge and push what I can't shovel further along until the end of the wall where I use the edge to help get the rest of the sludge out. Thankfully, we were smarter this time around and friend was not splashed or hit with any of the gutter fillings this time. Friend then points out that there's actually one last section of gutter - it's part of the east side but not connected like I thought. Fortunately this gutter, though full of debris, was dry and compact. Once the gutter itself was clear, we did a water test and the water came out just fine. We go back to the east-wall gutter and I realize that, while slow, the water had drained and the drop spout looked open. We did a final water test and it wasn't perfect. Friend knocked the drop spout in a few places and that seemed to loosen it up well enough.
Clean up still had a few surprises. The trash bag broke so the bottom of the trashcan had some swamp water get in. The side of the can was also splashed. We get some Clorox and wipe it down, get some water and rinsed out the inside. We packed up everything else and we were done.
I profusely thanked my friend for the help and they went home. I figured that this was a full enough of a day that writing it warranted writing down.
And now I'm gonna go to bed because I am exhausted.
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cashappreviewus · 8 months
What time does Cash App direct deposit hit 2024 update?
Your Cash App direct deposit filing time may vary based on your filing timing.
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How long does cash app direct deposit take?
Cash App direct deposits hit the receiving bank by 5 pm Pacific Time on the paycheck date. Standard direct deposits are typically received between 2 pm and 4 pm on scheduled days.
Once you have provided your Cash App account and routing number and set up Direct Deposit with Cash App, it will take up to 1-5 business days from the scheduled date for direct deposits to be deposited in your Cash App account.
You must come to this article to –
How to set up and do Direct deposit to my Bank or linked Card
How to set up direct deposit to receive Paychecks or benefits
How to get the cash app direct deposit Form?
Open Cash App
Tap the Banking tab.
Click on Direct Deposit
Select “Get Direct Deposit Form.”
Fill out your employer information for the paycheck to be deposited.
Get your paychecks or government payments automatically transferred into your Cash App account.
What time does direct deposit hit on Wednesday?
Direct deposit, in general, gets deposited in your account at midnight on the payment date. Your funds are credited before you arrive at work on payday unless there is a holiday or your transaction goes out after business hours. In that case, it can take a few extra days to process.
The length of time of the Posting Routine will be different from bank to bank and is influenced by many variable factors such as the size of the Bank. In the case of your local “hometown bank” with only a few branches, it will have a fast-running routine.
However, when we talk about a “big” bank (Wells, BAC, etc) with hundreds of branches & customers across the country, it will have a process that may involve millions of transactions. Hence, it automatically takes longer to process.
For instance, If your paycheck is supposed to be credited to your account on a Tuesday (or on the 20th of the month) the funds will most likely be transferred to your bank sometime on Monday (or on the 19th).
At this point (on Monday or the 19th) you could check your account online, and it will probably display as “pending”. It will likely remain in that pending state until the nightly posting routine applies all the transactions – after which it will be referred to as “Posted” to your account.
However, Cash App direct deposit can differ. Read on below to find out.
How does cash app direct deposit 2 day early access work?
Cash App makes direct deposits once they are received, up to two days earlier. Certain employers and payroll providers may send funds through Cash App Direct Deposits 1-2 days in advance of payday. It is up to your employer to submit paycheck information early.
Please note that the availability and timing of your Cash App direct deposit can vary based on the payor.
Can I have a paycheck deposit to cash app?
Yes, you can have your paycheck deposited to Cash app directly using Cash App Direct Deposit feature which allows users to add all or a portion of their paycheck to their Cash App account electronically. Setting up Cash App Direct Deposit allows you to avoid the hassle of waiting for and cashing paper checks.
Time Schedule
Most employees can expect their payroll direct deposit on Cash App to arrive in their account at midnight the day before the pay date. You may also receive your money well before you arrive at work on payday.
For example, employers use payroll software to make sure that their employees get paid according to their set pay dates. Once the employer processes and deposits your paycheck, the money can be expected to arrive in your Cash App wallet at midnight the day before the pay date.
Direct deposits for employees typically hit accounts between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. (EST) on the day that your employer sends the deposit (Monday through Friday).
However, that is not a concrete timeline and doesn’t apply to all cases.
Does cash app direct deposit come early?
Cash App makes direct deposits are deposited once they are received and can take up to two days earlier than many other banks.
In the case of a traditional bank, the deposit money can be credited into your account around 11.30 pm which will allow you to withdraw it before midnight on benefits payday.
While, in other cases, the funds might be released at midnight, and in some instances, you will need to wait until 2 am to 3 am.
If you are the one doing the Direct deposit and not your employer to your bank account, there are two options – Instant deposit and standard transfer.
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ladyscroogeblr · 8 months
Weird day,
I should of known it'd be a weird day when I kept waking up and wondering when the alarm was going to go off! Then when I got up I had a weird feeling something was going to happen. Yes it did! Found out one of my credit card payments never made it! I know I mailed it out and of checked around to see if I forgot to mail out the payment. I did ask on line if they received my payment and said it did! Now I find out I'm slapped with a two month payment! I need to dispute this problem! When my phone stops dropping my phone cat to the bank I will find out if the check was cashed. I'm so pissed off and bummed out at the same time! I've had troubles getting payments on time to my credit card company! Same with buying cloth on line! I send the checks out with enough time to get to those places on time! I'm pretty sure the payments arrive late because of the fucked up post office! I'm going to have to theses credit card companies take my payments out monthly out of my savings! I can't handle any missed or late payments! I got really bummed out when I took a quick look at Instagram. I see Chris Hemsworth was in Japan with his wife and kids! I felt so jealous and envious! I want go on trips but I have to do it alone I don't want to go with other people! I'm pretty much a loner. I could probably afford going to some other states but not over seas. Mexico, Central or South America. Writing about this is making me feel better! I'm glad I can vent here!
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directdepositvenmo · 10 months
What information do I need for the Set-up of Venmo Direct Deposit?
Direct deposit lets employees receive their earnings directly to their Venmo accounts, thereby saving time and effort while avoiding fees that come with checks made on paper. To set up Venmo direct deposit, workers must follow the instructions given by their payroll provider or employer. There are additional steps they should take to ensure that their money is processed as intended. To make the most of this option, knowing the details required to provide seamless setting up is essential.
For Venmo's direct deposit service, customers must submit their address, birth date, and account number to authenticate themselves and stop the possibility of fraud or unauthorized access to the bank account. Also, they must accept all terms and regulations with direct deposit Venmo. After providing all required details, the payee initiates a direct deposit. It usually takes a few days based on their process; the funds will be reflected on the user's Venmo balance, which can be used to make transactions or transferred directly to their bank account if needed. So, let's start by learning more about the process.
How do I set up Venmo direct deposit?
These are the steps you must follow to set up direct deposit on Venmo:
• Open your Venmo App on your smartphone.
• Within the app, search for and click on the app, click on the "Settings" selection. It is usually represented with a gear icon.
• In the Settings menu, search under the settings menu and look for the "Direct deposit" option. Click it to start the process of setting it up.
• Venmo will require you to enter essential details. This could include the name of your employer, your Venmo account number, and your Venmo routing code. This information is necessary to route the direct deposit towards your Venmo account properly.
• Examine the data you have entered and confirm the configuration. This may require further security steps to verify the legitimacy of your direct deposit application.
• After you have completed the set-up, wait for confirmation by Venmo to confirm that the direct transfer has been successfully set up. The warranty usually arrives by email or via the Venmo application.
How can I check the status of my direct deposit in Venmo?
You can check the status of direct deposit on Venmo with the help of below-mentioned steps:
• Start on the Venmo application on the device you are using.
• Check for your way to "Transactions" and the "Activity" section in the app.
• Venmo lets you sort transactions that are specific to direct deposits. Choose this option to see the information and the status of your deposit.
• Venmo often sends you notifications on the status of transactions. Be sure to check your messages for any updates regarding your direct transfer.
What should I do if my direct deposit does not show up in my Venmo account?
Direct transfers into Venmo are processed during business hours (Monday-Friday except for holidays). After submitting the deposit, it will appear in your bank account in the morning by 9:00 am; after that, it can be transferred directly into your bank account. This can take three to four business days, depending on the timetable. If your Direct Deposit Venmo is not showing up with the help of the below:
• Check the information you were given when setting up. Verify that the account numbers and the routing information are both correct.
• Please verify with your employer that they completed and received the correct direct deposit details.
• Please note that ACH cannot settle payments on bank holidays or weekends; therefore, when Venmo's direct deposit occurs during these dates, the funds might not be available until the next business day.
• If the issue persists If the problem persists, contact Venmo support immediately. They can assist you and investigate any issues with direct payment.
How long does it take for funds to be available after a Venmo direct deposit is made?
The Venmo direct deposit time can vary from user to user. Venmo generally processes direct deposits in 3 to 5 business days. The direct deposit to Venmo process typically takes a day; however, the exact timing can be contingent on many variables, including working days, when your employer or other payment source transmits their direct deposit instructions, bank holidays, and the general timing of business days.
When your direct deposits are set to go through, you can begin using them immediately on your Venmo account. The deposit will appear within your history of transactions, so you can either withdraw it or transfer it to other users in one go. To track your direct deposit optimally and ensure it is on time, it is essential to check your Venmo transaction history daily to see when funds will arrive. Doing this will reduce delays and help ensure everything works as planned.
Can I use Venmo direct deposit for my paycheck?
Venmo direct deposit is indeed an excellent option for getting your salary. Many people find receiving their Paycheck directly to the Venmo account beneficial, allowing easy access to funds and seamless integration with Venmo's other features. Venmo direct deposit is an efficient and straightforward method for people to deposit money directly into Venmo accounts, avoiding the bank's processing timeframes.
Your direct deposit via Venmo will be in your account between two hours to two days, depending on when your bank or employer made it. However, for the best results, check the transaction history, push, or email notifications, and keep in touch with the payer to know more about their deposit procedures and timelines.
What is "Venmo Direct Deposit 2 Days Early"?
Venmo is among the most popular payment apps for swiftly transferring money between users. Millions of people around the world use it. The service is free, and a direct deposit feature has recently been added that allows users to receive their paychecks or unemployment payments two days before they have access to their app. This is a huge relief for users who require funds in a hurry.
"Venmo Direct Deposit 2 days early" is an option that lets users get their money before the payday date. Venmo typically makes direct deposits before the payday date, allowing users to access their money up to two days before their payday. This option is especially loved by those who want flexible financial options and early accessibility to their earnings.
What happens if my Venmo early direct deposit is delayed or does not arrive as expected?
Although Venmo strives to give you early accessibility to money, unexpected circumstances could cause delays. If your direct deposit is not received or fails to arrive on time:
• Venmo usually informs users of any issues or delays with direct deposits made early. Be sure to check your email notifications for any updates.
• If the issue persists If the delay continues, contact Venmo support to get assistance. They can give you insight into the state of your bank account and advise you through the following steps.
• For questions regarding direct deposit transactions or inquiries regarding direct deposit payments, you can speak to Venmo's customer service team. They will give you more specific details on the transaction's status and provide suggestions to address any issues that might arise
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designaday · 1 year
Discover Less
I’ve been using Discover Bank for several years now and have been quite happy with their service, by and large. The design of their website is better than most financial sites I’ve used. Last week, they made a change to their bill pay service that really pissed me off.
I manage my accounts responsibly. I keep track of what’s coming in and going out. I try to keep a minimum surplus in my checking account, putting my extra money in my savings account, where it will earn more interest while remaining liquid. I very rarely have overdrawn my account, and when that has happened, I’ve immediately transferred money from my savings account to make up the difference. The accounts are connected, so Discover doesn’t bounce checks or charge me fees when that happens. This is a feature they call “overdraft protection.”
I prefer not to set up automatic payments, especially for large payments like my mortgage and car loans. I like knowing exactly when they will be paid and having the flexibility to adjust them by a day or two so that they fall after a paycheck is deposited. I like having my bill payments planned out weeks ahead of time, assuring that payments arrive by their due dates and having the peace of mind that my finances are all in order.
So, every weekend, I take time to go through every bill that has come in and schedule payments through Discover’s bill pay. I may be scheduling payments a full month ahead of their due dates. This means that I’m often scheduling several thousand dollar’s worth of payments well before the paychecks come in that will cover them. This has never been a problem.
But when I tried to do this the Saturday before last, I was presented with a message stating that I can’t schedule payments for amounts that I don’t have the funds to cover. Discover won’t let me schedule my mortgage payment for the first of the month and my credit card bill on the 11th unless I have the sum of those amounts in my checking account at the time I’m setting up the payments.
This is a ludicrous policy that makes their bill payment service pretty much unusable. I called them and told them as much, for all the good that will do. I can’t imagine they did any usability testing on this change and received positive feedback from users. I told them that too. The support person I spoke to indicated that mine was not the first complaint she had received.
Since I wasn’t able to schedule my payments ahead of time, and I didn’t want to have to set reminders to schedule payments at various points when I would have the money in my account and the week lead time required to get a payment in on time, nor to transfer that much money from my savings account just to allow me to schedule the payments, I made the effort to set up automatic payments with all of the companies I had to pay. This was a pain in the butt, as some of them required paying the balance owed before auto-payments could be turned on, and others had a period of time before auto-payments would start, requiring a manual payment be scheduled for the next one.
I’m guessing this was a business decision that UX designers didn’t have a say in, and I’m sure it’s based on some problematic behavior they are seeing, but from my perspective, it’s a stupid decision.
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copperbadge · 2 years
Hi! I have a fundraising question for you, after I accidentally donated to a charity via check instead of Paypal. What are the consequences of someone agreeing to pledge a certain amount and then not giving the money to the charity? Can that have legal repercussions? At what point can someone still ask for their donation back, if the money hasn't been transferred but was pledged? 1/2
Mailing a check obviously means there's a delay between agreeing to donate the money and the money being processed, and I was thinking about all the potential ways that could go wrong. Like the check bouncing by the time it arrives to be processed, or being lost, or someone claiming they'd mailed it when they hadn't. Is that a major issue at your charity? Thanks! 2/2
So, the simplest answer is that it’s not a particular issue; if an ordinary everyday person pledges an amount, even after the amount is paid they can still request it be returned, within a reasonable timeline.
(This got long, so I'm putting it under a cut...)
I'm not sure what the time limit is but I know we've had people who had a payment taken out of their account by mistake and it took them a week to notice, and we've sent the refund. We don't want to be dicks, and until you get at least above ten thousand dollars, the amount you gave and took back doesn't have significant impact on 99% of nonprofits. A bounced check is irritating, so it'd be good manners to call the nonprofit and say "Hey I sent you a check, it's going to bounce," but I've never heard of that happening at ours (I'm sure it happens occasionally).
In terms of donations being lost in the mail, we're usually not aware those donations were incoming because most people who mail checks put the form in with the check, they don't tell us ahead of time. If a check is lost, whether the person did mail it or simply claims they did, we ask them to cancel the check and send a new one, then make a note that if the old check shows up, shred it. If they sent the check, it was cashed, and we have no record of it, we dig back through the paperwork and if we can find no evidence of it, we advise them to start a fraud complaint with their bank. This is rare; generally if they paid us and the check got cashed, if they're not getting credit for it, it's a data entry issue on our end.
In the nonprofit world, "pledge" has a specific meaning; it means a promise of payment, and generally involves some kind of structured plan (ie you can't "pledge" $20 by sending a $20 check, that's just a gift, but you can "pledge" to pay $20 monthly for the next year). Pledges are not legally binding until big, big sums of money get involved, because at that level you're signing legal paperwork about them. Even for high-level donors, if they can't or won't pay, litigation is generally not the first option. Unless you deliberately knew you didn't have the money and used the promise of it to defraud the organization, there's no criminal consequence, and most nonprofits won't bother suing over smaller-level accidental over-pledging. It's bad optics, and generally a waste of time, and also I think we consider it rather cruel.
My old nonprofit once had a guy who had pledged $500K ($100K/yr for five years) fifteen years ago. We still have the pledge active in his database entry, we just added a note saying "unlikely to pay" and "do not accept further pledges". We would still accept a gift from him, we simply wouldn't accept any structured payment promises.
Very rarely, a large nonprofit might get into litigation with a donor, but even then usually it's the donor suing to get money back rather than the nonprofit suing for full payment. A nonprofit at that level usually just shrugs, takes their name off the building, and finds a new donor to fill their place. If the donor demands back money they've already paid, the org might enter into mediation or litigation, in which case the donor may be blacklisted from further giving.
It takes a lot to get a donor to do this; one reason people give large sums is that it's good PR, and suing for money back from a nonprofit is extremely bad PR, so generally it's only done when the nonprofit has committed extreme malfeasance with the money or the donor believes they have. There are a couple of very wealthy people in Chicago and New York who now find it extremely hard to give at the higher levels because they've made gifts, then demanded the money back for various and generally specious reasons; they're known to have that pattern and a lot of places either won't touch them because they don't want the legal headache, or will only accept gifts under extremely strict contracts that the donors generally refuse to sign.
So yeah...TLDR it’s usually not a problem, and when it is, it’s a problem only for billionaires, who could use to have a few more problems in my opinion :D 
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ozma914 · 1 year
Murphy's Law Is Very Clear
 Murphy’s Law is very clear on certain points. Most of us are familiar with Murphy’s Law #1, which states that if anything can possibly go wrong, it will. There’s also Murphy’s Corollary #14, which says that if Mark Hunter attempts any manner of mechanically based activities, Murphy’s Law #1 is immediately in effect.
#Then there’s Murphy’s Law #27, which was added to the list in 1923 by Murphy’s grandson, G.C. Murphy. I discovered Murphy’s Law #27 several years ago, when I paid off my car. It's the one that states, “Immediately after making the very last payment on something, it will break.”
I looked forward to paying off my car with mixed feelings. My car had been very good to me, and I didn’t want to see the poor thing fall apart just because I didn’t owe anything on it. Still, I figured as long as the cost of repairs didn’t exceed the payments, I’d break even.
Maybe “break” was a bad way to put it.
At the time I had a foreign car, a Nissan. Well, maybe foreign. Since many foreign cars are assembled in the U.S., and many American cars are assembled from parts made in other countries, the only way you can be sure of having an American vehicle these days is to build it yourself.
That I wasn’t prepared to do – see Murphy’s Corollary #14.
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The first winter after I paid it off, the gas line froze. But in its defense, I don’t handle winter well, either.
 I’ve owned one other foreign car, but it was made in France. The French car started almost every single time I turned the key – but whether it would then go was a crapshoot. It was a safe car, because cars that won’t leave the driveway rarely get into accidents.
I’ve also owned Fords, Chevys, Pontiacs, and a funky looking white Dodge Omni that my ex-wife sacrificed to the gods of utility poles. I have only one real requirement: They should start when I turn the key, and go where I steer. That’s about it.
My Nissan did that. Then, two months before it would be paid off, I was surprised by a letter from my friendly bank, informing me my loan had matured, and they would like all the rest of their money. Now.
I had no idea loans matured. I thought they came out of the bank fully grown.
I sent the money, then the bank sent me another letter to inform me I overpaid, and here’s my refund. Wasn’t that nice of them, to spend $2.67 on paper, envelope and stamp so I could get my $1.43? They were probably imagining the look on my face when I opened the envelope.
Now, from the moment I sent in that last check I had the feeling a huge, steel toed shoe was hovering over my head, ready to drop. To my surprise, the doors didn’t fall off when I sent the check. The engine didn’t explode when I received the refund. By the time the title arrived, I was so nervous I scheduled an oil change, just so I could say I’d taken care of the routine maintenance and was in no way at fault for whatever was about to happen.
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The car I bought after the Nissan. This was taken after it was paid off.
 As I sat in the waiting room, contemplating the pluses and minuses of buying a moped, the maintenance guy popped his head in and said cheerfully, “Your car is done!”
 My voice rose five octaves. “Oh my gosh! It’s done? Finished? Over? What happened? I need to be with it, to say goodbye–“
“No, no, you don’t understand – I mean, we’re done changing the oil.”
“Oh … thank goodness, I thought –“
“And you’re going to need new brakes soon.”
I refer you back to Murphy’s Law #27.
“How soon?” I asked. “A few months? A year or so?”
“Within two weeks, unless you live for thrills and close calls. You could buy an anchor, but depending on what it hooks onto, that could cause more harm than good.”
The new brakes – and I doubt I need to tell you this – cost the same as a car payment. But that’s hardly surprising:
Murphy’s Law is very clear.
(Postscript: My Nissan was later demolished by a hit and run driver. My next car was paid off, then totaled by a hit and stay driver. In my current vehicle, I twitch whenever I see any other cars come close. I’m sure that’s covered by another of Murphy’s Laws.)
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My wife in our current car. Which we just paid off, so … it’s just a matter of time.
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Reasons due to which Cash App direct deposit is having issues right now?
If you’ve ever tried to make a deposit using the Cash App app, you might have seen your deposit a day or two later than it should have been. It can be frustrating to have your pay deposited a few hours early and not receive the funds you need to make purchases. However, you can do a few things to get your cash deposited quickly.
The most logical first step is to consult your bank to see if there is a reason why Cash App direct deposit pending. Next, you’ll look into whether you need to add a new debit card to your account or if you can reroute your funds to another account.
Getting your cash deposited can be tricky, but if you follow these simple steps, you should have a smooth ride.
Make sure you have the correct account number, and if you’re using a linked debit card, you may need to wait a few days before depositing the money.
While it’s not uncommon for your paycheck to be delayed a couple of days, this should not be a cause for alarm.
Most companies will give you a few days before they stop delivering your payments. Sometimes, this is a temporary delay, and you can find a way to speed things up. Fortunately, the company that created the Cash App has a wealth of information on its website to help you determine if the problem is due to your bank or something else.
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As with any new technology, the Cash App has had its share of bugs and glitches, but it’s still a worthy contender for the best online banking experience. Luckily, the company has a strong support team to help you resolve any issue. The company also offers free standard deposits, a great way to get your hard earned money into your pocket. Compared to many other banks, however, Cash App offers a few extra benefits, including free international payments. This is one of the reasons why Cash App has more than 36 million users.
What time does Cash App direct deposit hit?
Although there is no hard and fast rule of thumb, the most accurate Cash App direct deposit time is between 2 and 6 a.m., with your payment arriving on a Wednesday at the very latest. Likewise, you may have to wait a little longer if you’re getting your first direct deposit. Regardless, following these simple steps will go a long way toward making sure you receive your direct deposit on time.
The Cash App has many features, but one of the most impressive is its direct deposit capability. As long as you are signed up for the service, you should be able to direct your employer to deposit your check via the app. A standard deposit will take 1–3 days, while an instant deposit will be deposited in minutes.
What Do I Do If My Cash App Direct Deposit Doesn’t Go Through?
Direct deposits through Cash App are easy and fast. However, they can sometimes fail. If you’re experiencing trouble with this service, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem.
First, check your bank account. Then, make sure it’s set up to receive direct deposit. This is important to ensure that your bank can send and receive money to your app.
If your direct deposit is not working, you should contact your bank or employer to discuss the issue. They can help you manually process the payment.
You should also check your device’s settings. For example, the internet connection might be too weak for the app to work correctly. In these cases, you should switch to a different device.
Checking your routing number can help you determine why Cash App direct deposit failed. A common cause of failure is insufficient funds or a mismatch of information. It’s best to avoid sending money to a stranger.
Another reason your deposit might fail is that your bank account is closed. Your bank might be using a different bank for its direct deposits. To avoid this, consider opening another bank account.
You should contact the Cash App if you’re still having problems. They can help you resolve the issue and provide further assistance.
The app has a support team, but you’ll need to contact them through the app. When you contact them, you’ll have to describe the problem. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to wait two to three days for a response.
5 Reasons Your Cash App Payment is Pending
If you are using the Cash App, you may have noticed a “Cash App payment pending” message on your mobile device. This could be due to several reasons. It is essential to know what the issue is. You can do several things to remedy the problem, including contacting your bank or getting a new payment method.
The first thing you should do is check the status page of your Cash app. If you are having trouble, you must click the “Pending” tab. In the status section, you will see a list of all the pending transactions.
You can also view the activity feed to see how to complete the payment. However, if the problem persists, you can reach out to the Cash App support team.
The cash app has flaws, but a few simple steps can help you get your money where it needs to be. For example, you can transfer the funds to a local bank branch to expedite the process.
While the Cash App has a solid reputation for security, you can’t expect everything to be perfect. A few factors can affect the process, including your internet connection, the payment method you choose, and the snag in the system.
If you are trying to make a payment and the transaction has failed, you can contact your bank or Cash App support to try and resolve the issue. However, you will likely need to wait a few days to receive the funds.
How Do I Fix When Cash App Direct Deposit is Pending?
There are many reasons behind Cash App direct deposit pending. For example, you may have entered the wrong information, your bank may be down, or your device’s internet connection might be too slow to process the payment.
However, there are several other things that you can do to improve your chances of getting a timely payment. Some of these are obvious, and some are a little more involved. For example, using a different bank, switching to a credit card that accepts payments through the mail, or even trying to make a large payment in two smaller transactions may help you get paid on time.
One of the best ways to check if your cash is moving is to look at the bank’s website. If the website isn’t clear, consider calling their customer service center for assistance. Or, if you don’t want to speak to a human, you can always use the app’s online chat feature to see if someone can help you.
If you have trouble with a payment, you can find out if your employer accepts Cash App payments. For example, check out their direct deposit history if you are an employee at a company with multiple locations.
Sometimes, your employer is more than willing to work with you and can resolve connectivity or payment issues.
The most important thing to remember is not to panic. There are many reasons why your Cash App direct deposit may not process.
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