#i caught it right before sending though 👍
teleported-bread · 7 months
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He's taking his eleven children to dunkin donuts after school
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"Hi can I get a lahge iced regulah, three big things uh assorted munchkins, an'... eleven small strahberry coolattas. With whipped cream."
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vnamps · 4 months
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love a boy , love an ocean.
pairing: bangchan x reader
synopsis: in which the author gives a small romantic writing of you and bangchan enjoying the waves.
contents: fluff , prompted by maya hawkes "to love a boy", late night writing , not proofread I just wanted to write
the waves were calm as you and chan sat comfortably together on a beach towel.
notably, you lived very close to this beach and not many people came at nighttime since it got quite cold, but to you and chan, it was the perfect scenery for a night out as the waves weren't constantly attacking you.
you were in chans arms , snuggled close as your head lay in his shoulder, his head rested on top of yours as you began to pick up a conversation
"I love the ocean like this, so dark, pretty, and mysterious." you spoke softly, causing him to look down at you, his eyes seeming heavy and tired.
"Are you sleepy?" you whisper in question, getting only a small shake of his head and chuckle.
"No, are you?" He asks, replicating your tone, earning a hum in denial from you.
It was silent for a while, the waves starting to pick up a little, keeping both your attention. It was only a bit before you perched up again, admiring his gaze on the waves.
"You're pretty" This caught him off guard, an embarrassed smile appearing on his face as he tries to shy away.
"Not as pretty as the ocean, right?" He questions jokingly, another soft chuckle leaving his lips before you hum again.
"You're way too pretty to be compared to the ocean, love" You join in on his small laughter as he pulls you closer, feeling comfort in your touch and words.
AUTHORS NOTE: I hate this so much I just felt the need to write though as soon as I saw 90's boy vibe chan AKSJHGD I love bangchan. send in requests please so I can write not on impulse but on plot 👍
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meorb · 1 year
HIII i found u through the graves tag>:) can i get some graves x gender neutral reader nsfw. go crazy you choose whatever whether it's dark or not!!
I literally love Phillip Graves ugh 🫶 it's kinda short, but I hope you like it!
Warnings: NSFW obviously, gender neutral character being (implied) forced into a housewife role, Phillip Graves is not a sex god, dont sex him, he ignores protests but no one seems to care 👍
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You were never really a marriage person. You went to weddings you were invited to and you liked the posts you saw of friend's weddings, but you never pictured one yourself. But now sat that pretty little band on your left ring finger, a dull ache filling you as you looked at it. If you knew he was going to propose so quick, you would have ran.
The scent of food and lemon soap filled the house as you stood over the counter, humming as you wiped and dried the marble. It was your place, after all. Phil worked, managed an entire company, and you got to stay home and cook. Not that you really had a problem with that, you hadn't even gone to college, so this life would've been way more comfortable than what you could've lived without him. You were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't even notice Phil coming in the front door. You let out a yelp as his hands fell on your waist, and he instinctively covered your mouth, letting out a breath into your neck as he slowly pulled his hand off your mouth.
"Fuck, Phil..." He lets out a whine onto your skin in response, pressing a soft kiss to your neck and slipping his hand under your shirt to rub his fingers over your skin.
"Something as cute as you shouldn't be saying things like that," he murmured, letting out a low growl and lifting you up, laying you face down on the counter. He plays with your waistband, pulling it down partially until you looked back to stop him.
"Not now. Dinner will be done soon." He always wanted you at the worst times, and he wasn't seeming to care about your protest as he pulled your pants the rest of the way down your thighs, a cold finger pressing against your hole and pushing against it, making you let out a small whine.
"You know who's in control here, darlin'..." His lips were warm against your neck, contrasting to the cold finger slowly pressing farther into you, making you flush and press more against the counter. He pulled your shirt up with his free hand, pressing messy kisses to your spine.
"Pretty little thing..." he murmured against your skin, slipping another finger in you, and when you try and struggle again to get back to cooking, he curls his fingers, making you scrape your nails against the counter as he pressed against your g-spot, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You cried out, putting one hand over your mouth, which he abruptly pulled away.
"Fuck, Phil!" You groan, feeling him pull his fingers out of you and unzip his pants, the sound of his zipper being the only warning before his sticky tip rubbed against your hole, teasing you even though his wet kisses on your back clearly meant he was the desperate one.
"I love you. You know that, right? You know I'm never gonna let anyone touch you except for me. You're mine. My pretty little cook," his voice is low and scratchy, and he groans, no, moans, as he pushes into you, his hard cock scraping against your insides as he pulls back and lurches forward, your body hitting against the hard countertop. It hurt, but he didn't care. You were his to take. It's what you agreed to when you married him. Even if you had only been married for a couple weeks. He quickly starts to desperately rut against you, pants and grunts spilling lewdly from his mouth, the sound mixing with yours as you whimper from the pain of the counter and the filling feeling of his cock in you. The familiar building feeling in your stomach continues, even after the oven beeps to signal the food is done. His thrusts get sloppy and desperate, and he moans lowly as he feels you clench down on him.
"Fuck... c'mon baby, c'mon baby," his tone is high and quiet, his hips desperate as he kisses your spine, then bites down on the flesh, filling you as he cums and holds you on his cock for a second, then pulls out. He puts his cock away, completely oblivious or otherwise indifferent to the fact he had just stopped right before you finished. He pulls you off of the counter and sits you on your shaky legs, sniffing the air and grumbling at the new, burnt smell coming from the oven. He peeks into the oven, your pants still down around your thighs as he turns to you.
"You should probably remake that," he mumbles, looking at the burnt bread in the oven. Of course you should. It was your place. That's what you agreed to when you put that pretty little band on, huh? :)
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123pixieaod · 1 year
pilot!Max x backpacker!Daniel 👨‍✈️✈️💼
Part 3
Part One; Part Two here!
Hey. It's Max, from the bus. Sorry, I'm going to have to turn my phone off now, but when we land in Qatar I'll turn it back on and we can arrange somewhere to meet
He stares at the message, and then feels mortified. It's not a business meetings he's trying to "arrange" for fuck's sake, it's breakfast with the hottest man he's ever met who he's not completely convinced yet wasn't a figment of his own imagination.
He backspaces.
Hey. It's Max, from the bus. I'll be stuck in meetings until the plane takes off so won't be able to respond to your messages, but once we land in Qatar we can message and find somewhere to meet👍
There. That's good. That's friendly, right? It looks like one of the texts his sister would send to her friends, it looks fine and standard and not awkward or tense. It's fine. It's fine. It's-
He hits send before he can delete it all over again. The ticks turn blue almost instantly.
Hey Maxy! Perfect, sounds like a plan :)) have a good flight and sweet dreams!
He stares at the message, and then brings his left hand up to his mouth and bites down on his thumb knuckle. Teeth in skin, pressing hard. Not enough to draw blood, but just enough to distract from the sensations in his chest.
"Did you hear the goose, Max?"
Max clicks his phone off and slides it into his pocket, as if being caught doing something unlawful.
"What?" He frowns at Lando, dropping his hand from his mouth.
"A goose," Lando repeats. He's meant to be going over the flight data but the ipad has been discarded on his lap. Wordlessly, Sebastian leans over and takes the device, clicking on the screen to reveal rows of neat graphs.
"What goose?" Max asks, annoyance growing. Being around Lando is like becoming pavlov's dog. After a while, there stops being a reason to become annoyed with him - it's just a natural response to his presence, a preparation for the undoubtedly nuisance Lando is preparing to be.
"On the bus," Lando insists. Max looks over at Sebastian, but he's either too busy reading the graph to notice or a fabulously good actor at pretending to be too busy reading graphs.
"A loud goose. Honking away. I think," -
"Oh", Max says flatly, finally figuring it out.
"It was flirting," Lando continues regardless, acting mystified. "And I've never even heard a goose flirting before, but this one was honking laughing away, it was-"
"Right," Max says.
"And unluckily, " Lando continues, "I couldn't hear any of the details, but then -,"
"Can we finish this?"
"I realise the goose must've been successful, because," with reflexes that Max always forgets is hidden under Lando's relaxed and easy going persona, small, tanned figures suddenly shoot out, wrapping around Max's wrist with an iron grip.
"For the record, my laugh is not the same as a honking goose," Max complains, trying to tug free. Lando ignores him, twisting his fingers so Max's hand goes palm down.
"The goose was successful!" He crows, using his free hand to gesture at the now faded numbers scrawled on Max's skin. Max slaps his hand away.
"You're a child," he says with no heat. He looks at Sebastian for help, but he's still gazing down at the tablet, ostensibly too engrossed in the data to notice their bickering. His lips are curving into a private smile, though.
"You're both children," Max corrects himself.
"Apparently so! I didn't even consider getting the number of my seat mate!"
"That's because your seat mate is married," Max tells him flatly.
"Hey, that's never gotten in the way of a torrid love affair. Right, Sebastian?"
"Exactly," Sebastian agrees, flicking to the next page of graphs.
"He's also your boss. Goes against the rules of conduct at F1 Wings I'm afraid."
"That is a good point," Sebastian says. Lando just waves his hand dismissively.
"Enough about my lost chance with one ravegously attractive Captain Vettel, let's-"
"You flatter me Lando."
"Not a word of a lie."
Max rolls his eyes. "You know, obsequioussness won't get you that promotion."
"Obsequiou-what?" Lando repeats dubiously, as if Max has just spoken Dutch.
"It means servility," Sebastian explains.
"Servility? Like to be polite?"
"That's civility. Servility is to be overly attentive and ingratitating."
"It means to be a bootlicker," Max informs him, deciding to put them all out of their misery.
"Right, first of all, by simply proclaiming the truth of our captain's fabulously good looks does not make me bootlicker, fuck you," Lando says lightly, ticking one finger down.
"Language," Sebastian says, flicking to the final sheet of graphs.
"And secondly, how come I'm the native speaker and you two are foreigners and know words like that?"
"Maybe your private school wasn't all it was cracked up to be," Max says, unable to resist the easy dig. Lando scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Right, let's move away from civility and -"
"Servility and bootlicking and let's get back to the pressing matter at hand."
"That we're piloting an eight-hour journey and need to start doing some security checks?" Max asks, and Lando shoots him a look.
"No. The fact that you got the number of someone in the bus! I've never known you to even talk to someone outside of the work setting, let alone flirt and get numbers scribbled on the back of your hand."
"Gee. Thanks," Max deadpans before turning to Sebastian. "Isn't part of your job as captain to get us to stop talking and start doing checks?"
He glances up from the ipad, blue eyes sharp and bright. "Yes," he says after a beat. "But in my books Lando is right, this is a very important topic to discuss."
"My love life is not an important -"
"The discovery that you actually have one is -"
"Alright," Max says loudly. "As fun as this has been, I'm actually going to be a responsible professional pilot and -"
"We still have an hour and a half to complete checks which will at most take an hour," Lando says dismissively. "Come on, we need details!"
"Of what?" Max asks bluntly.
"Her name! How old is she, what's she doing, is she hot? How does she like her eggs in the morning," he adds with a smirk.
Max suddenly envisions it. None of your business, none of your business, yes, he's very attractive, and no, don't know.
That would be it. Just a simple change of pronouns, and it would all be done. Lando's eyes would widen, and Sebastian would continue to look at the graphs, poker face hiding his own shock, but it would be done. He? Lando would say, questioning, and Max would nod and change the subject, and that would be it. Finally. And it would only be his two coworkers, but it would be something. It would mean that his truth exists beyond this confines of his mind, that others knew it too. He. Not she, but he.
"Yes she's attractive", Max snaps, brusque and harsh and cold.
"Geeze, I thought you'd be pleased about it. You sound pissed off she isn't some ogre," Lando says. Max looks away. He brings his hand to his mouth, biting down on his thumb knuckle again. The pain of teeth into skin is a welcome destraction, taking away from the surge of self-loathing rising inside.
"Alright," Sebastian says firmly. "That's enough chit chat, time to start earning our paychecks. Lando, read the graphs. There's nothing unusual there, but -"
"Why do I have to read them if you've already gone over them and know there's nothing unusual?" Lando complains, but after one sharp look from Sebastian, wordlessly accepts the iPad.
"I'll help you with the configuring the altimeter," he mutters, well used to Sebastian's routine. He drops his hand, looking down at the pale indentations carved around the joint. He presses it into his crisp pilot uniform, hiding it as he slides past Lando to sit beside Sebastian.
Hey, breakfast in Qatar can't come soon enough
He texts it while waiting for the airhosts and hostesses to finish welcoming the passengers abroad. He's technically not supposed to have it on at this stage, but Landos blatantly scrolling through a video game subreddit on his latest apple device while Sebastian is taking the opportunity to read another few pages of the Anna Karenina copy he's been working on since they last flew to Moscow.
Daniel opens the message immediate.
Why lol, hungry already?
No, not hungry.
Is all Max texts. It takes longer for Daniel to respond, and Max watches the three bubbles bounce as he types.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again too :)
Part 4 here!
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science-lings · 1 year
feel free to talk about your totk role reversal if you want to 👍 I wanna hear it!! :)
okay so, first change that spirals everything out of control is when Link and Zelda get attacked by ganoncorpse. At that point, Zelda had casually handed off Rauru's secret stone to Link to hold, so it is now in his possession. He still tries to protect her and gets his sword broken and his arm fucked up. but when the castle rises from the ground, he's the one that falls. Zelda tries to jump in after him and uses her time power to send him back without realizing it. she gets caught by Rauru's arm and gets sent to the great sky island to start her quest.
Link wakes up in the past, his arm had to be amputated there's no magical replacement. Rauru and Sonia had found him passed out and dying from the gloom attack and knew it to be Ganondorf's doing so they took him in no questions asked. But they also noticed the secret stone (an item that only they possessed at the time) in his possession (I'm thinking it attached itself to one of his hair tails through some kind of cuff or other type of decoration, it also turned that champion/ luminous stone blue when he touched it)
So he's clearly very confused and just wants to go back to Zelda to make sure that she's okay (she's also doing the whole song and dance of trying to find Link, this time ganoncorpse is using him as the puppet to string her along).
before i get to the stuff im not sure about I'm going to explain what Link's secret stone amplifies, I mean he doesn't have any magic power like the sages or Zelda, right? WRONG! THIS IS WHERE I GET TO FUCK AROUND! NECROMANCER LINK IS BACK BABY! I'M GIVING HIM A GHOST ARM AND THE CHAMPIONS CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO HIS SPIRIT THROUGH TIME! either that or he gets some facet of time power from his flurry rush ability and he could still be the sage of time but idk how that would work amplified, would he just be able to slow time whenever he wanted? idk the ghosts sound cooler and I want to give him a ghost arm that he has to learn how to manifest and use while he's in the past because I think it would be cool and not just some magic fix to losing his arm.
Now because Link doesn't have the light power in order to restore the master sword, I realized that the sword would still exist in the past, since no matter when you think the founding of Hyrule happened, the master sword existed before that. So he goes on a quest to find it, but he has to build his strength first (idk if the shrines exist at this point or if he just has to endure light magic treatment from Rauru lol), I do think Zelda would have fun with them though so he'll probably get to hang out with his in-laws for a while.
(this could also be fixed by Rauru becoming the light dragon to heal the old master sword, but he would have to do that before the final battle and idk how that would work, Sonia is the one with the goddess blood so maybe she would be able to do it, so maybe when Ganondorf tries to assassinate her, Link is able to save her with some funky death shit and she could become the light dragon after Rauru seals himself and ganondorf away. I also want Link to be a dragon to get back to the present and it would look real cool but again, idk how it would all work or if the reasoning makes any sense at all)
that last part was me just brainstorming lol but if any of those ideas interests anyone I can turn it into the canon of this au that I won't be able to do much with lol
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ageless-aislynn · 6 months
2, 4, 6, 13, 26, 27, 30!
Ooo, thanks so much! 😎👍
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
The answer can change at any given moment but I just recently rewatched Moana and it left me feeling happy. 💖
That also reminds me of the time when I was trying to respond to a wrong number text on my laborious-to-type-on flip phone (where you have to press the number keys so many times to get different letters) and for some reason the autocorrect kicked in at the end and turned "Wrong number" to "I AM MOANA" (yes, in ALL-CAPS even). Luckily, I caught it before I sent it, lol! 😂
4. what flower would you like to be given?
Sunflowers are my all-time fav, though roses are, of course, a classic for a reason. 🌻🌹
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
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13. what’s your comfort food?
Pizza, chocolate and coffee are all very solid choices, lol!
26. what movie would you want to live in?
Lord of the Rings, after all of the Sauron business was taken care of, lol!
27. which character would you want to be?
Nameless Hobbit woman number 3, lol! I'm not cool enough to be any actual named character, but I wouldn't mind a quiet little life in a Hobbit hole. 😉
30. what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
The smell of chocolate chip cookies baking never fails to send me back to the days when my dad would come pick me up from school because his job shut down because of rain (he worked construction), and my mom would stay home to bake cookies and as soon as we'd open the door, that wonderful smell would just hit me and that was home right there. 🍪💖💖💖
Soft asks to get to know people
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
hello this is unit 4402 let's do a matchup trade :D
i'm one of those people that enjoys their alone time but when i'm with someone i'm comfortable with, i'm super noisy and goofy. i like to make people laugh! and i like walking to the beat of my own drum too. it's easy for me to fixate on the things that interest me to the point that i forget to take care of myself even though i want to take care of others. i prefer to take the lead and make moves first, but i'm tsun as much as i hate to admit it lol
ty for the request! feel free to send one in and i'll do one for you 👍
-unit 4402
We Interupt your regularly scheduled program for.......A MATCHUP TRADE WITH
@brisquad-unit-4402 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thx for the trade I hope you’re not disappointed. Took me a good minute to decide who to match you with i had a handful of options but I like the potential of this pairing so DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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(Srry if you wanted Sonny or Ike I know they’re your oshies but i just think this a nice balanced pairing)
I think you guys would work really well when it actually came down to it. Just a unique vibe of chaos and comfort. You and Fulgur both have a tendency to take care of others while both still being absolute chaos gremlins who know how to have fun.
You guys are like the fun aunt and uncle of the family, but you both make sure to take care of each other and not let the other get burnt out. You’re definitely the more chaotic or the two of you however Fulgur does like to indulge your goofy nature. He’s just happy that you’re happy being yourself
You guys met after he joined niji. you were part of a (non existent) earlier wave and were assigned with Ike to host the new wave debut program. You had gotten a little bit of a chance to talk to the new wave before, but only exchanged a few words. However you were pleasantly surprised to find out how completely unhinged the new guys were. You had to admit you were intrigued.
You had arranged for you to collab with one of the Noctyx members named Fulgur Ovid. Up until them he seemed kinda quiet to you, but when you guys were collabing it was like hanging out with old friends. You were making jokes and bantering like there was no tomorrow. Your fans even started shipping you guys which jump started your will they won’t they campaign.
Since then all of your interactions would be slightly flirty, suggestive, and/or teasing. You two did still get very close though, even met up irl after he moved to the states and did and off collab.
When Fulgur’s health declined a bit and he had to go take a break for a little bit you took care of him, and that’s what led him to falling for you. After that his flirting had a lot more feeling behind it, He would be genuinely flustered whenever you flirt back, and sad if you dodged his advances.
One day you were over at his house playing valorant. He thought you were so hot when you were focused he could barley focus on the game. When you guys won your last match you turned to him with a proud smile on your face and that destroyed him. You two stared at each other for awhile as the sexual tension grew until he asked if he could kiss you and you said yes (let’s just say you found out how about Fulgur’s detachable part worked) (this is how sexual tension works right?)
Since then you guys became a real thing. Going for walks with dog, playing games together, drinking together, and just chillin and hanging out.
He takes care of you when you get caught up in your fixations, but still encourages you and tries to learn more about it so you guys can share it together.
You guys aren’t super cuddly but you have your moments especially at night or watching a movie. He has a lot of movies to show you (with some help from Vox)
Speaking of which you 3 (+ Aia) play dnd together every weekend. Your party is a group of absolute murder hobos, but at least you all are having fun and try out other ttrpgs when you can.
You guys all in all are a pretty chill and playful couple, and the new parents of Nijisanji EN.
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This one is less lore connected and kinda short because I’m still not 100% sure on Fulgur’s lore so idk how to integrate it into the story so I just wrote about after he started streaming. Anyway hope you like it.
Runners Up: Luca Kaneshiro, Ren Zotto, Sonny Brisko, Kyo Kaneko
Disclaimer for anyone else reading this: all of my nijien writing and fics are fictional and don’t pertain at all to the streamers behind the model. Please respect them and others in the community thank you.
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gallantblade · 4 months
sending this as an ask rather than continuing that rb chain but 👍👍👍 merry continuation of your homestuck travels! i feel like i should also warn abt the controversial content tickbox actually BECAUSE I FORGOT WHEN I MADE MY REPLY.... which is that the final thing it unlocks (after completion of the comic) called "skaianet_systems" should be like... mostly ignored. (i say, with a harrowed look) it's old lore notes from like 2009-2010 that are very offensive and juvenile (even for early homestuck standards) and i believe were never actually officially released, just leaked? that hussie disavowed once they were public.
So. literally just because i remembered it does exist in the collection. and if you're all first time readers it should be um, noted, that they are considered bad and noncanon even by hussie.
as for why i say to activate the controversial content box after act 6, that's just because the few changes before act 6 it activates are just music changes. the first two are because a guy had a falling out, and the third because it was literally plagarised. all are (imo) worse and less iconic than what replaced them anyway. it's just so you don't accidentally catch those in their worse state. the SINGULAR piece of controversial content that it activates post act EoA5 (but BEFORE the end of the comic) is. the funniest rescinded joke in homestuck. (page 5723)
i have other random wisdoms to dispense but! i dont want to feel like im intruding lmaoo. though if you wanna know when you'd catch up to my first ever readthrough i caught up on page 5421. so past that i was Present For The Fucking Discourse. If You Are Ever Curious. On Like Fan Reception To Anything After That. hmu i guess.
Sure thing, and thanks for the heads up! Right now we're in the middle of Act 5 Act 2; I don't remember what page but the last time we got together we spent the session going through Alterniabound. So page 5421 is a bit of a ways off but I'll try to remember to poke you when we get there :)
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starport-seven-five · 3 years
For the fanfic ask!
👍Favorite trope is probably enemies to lovers. My first ship was Harry/Draco so it holds a special place in my heart. Overall I’m not huge into tropes except maybe some fandom specific ones.
⭐️ I already answered this in another ask and said balancing fandom and real life. That’s definitely the HARDEST, but since I went into detail about that there, I’ll throw this one here- trying not to repeat myself/being okay with repeating myself. Not within the same fic but across all of them. I have certain phrases I just love for smut, and even though the context is different, I find myself using those phrases anyway. (I should really count how many ‘long, low moan[s]’ I have in so my works combined 😆) But also I realize that we all do it- some things are just necessary or just that good of a description- and that’s okay. As long as it isn’t so glaringly obvious that you’re just reusing the same things over, it’s fine. So I’ve been working on just accepting that.
💜 if you’re sure you want it, this is probably my most heartbreaking passage-
Loki felt an urgent question building in him but he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer; he wrestled with it as long as he could, before the query came spilling out in a choked sort of voice that ripped its way out of him in such a way that it physically pained him.
“Where is she?”
Mobius looked at Loki as if trying to discern something about his expression. “Do you really want to know right now?”
Loki could feel his resolve breaking. He did; he desperately wanted to know, but there was something inside of him that was equally as desperate to run away from it. “No, I—I…” Loki’s body betrayed him, choking off the words before they could come out. “Was she left behind?” he finally managed to whisper, distantly feeling foolish and embarrassed for how weak he sounded.
“Shit, Loki, of course not!” Mobius said it gently, but swiftly, making it immediately clear that that had never been an option. “I will tell you that we did the best we could, with what we had, to give her as close to a proper Asgardian send-off as possible. I know it wasn’t perfect, but I made damn sure that we tried, Loki.”
Loki wanted to thank him, but if he so much as breathed the wrong way, let alone opened his mouth to speak, he knew everything would escape and there would be no hope of stopping. So he just nodded.
“And… I did save some of her ashes. I thought… if I ever did find you… alive…” Mobius’s voice caught, and he took a steadying breath. “…I thought you’d want to have that.”
And then Loki absolutely did lose control, after all. He managed to breathe out a hasty but painfully sincere “thank you” before falling sideways into the solid comfort of Mobius’s shoulder, shaken by silent sobs.
Sorry, I only have the one angst fic and I went all out with it 😂
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soraenun-archive · 2 years
(shannon game song plays as I make my way to the stage) Ladies and gentlemen, this is a first in the history of the shannon game! Shannon has been 100% correct for two consecutive weeks. A round of applause for her 👏👏👏 Unfortunately for her, the difficulty will increase over the weeks (just because I want to make sure she knows me as much as I think she does)
There are so many things I want to say about them (suzy & krystal) that I don't know where to start >3< If I had to recommend some songs, I'd give you this list (sorry if you already listened to some of them):
touch, love song, I caught ya, breathe, if I were a boy (miss a)
yes no maybe, satellite, holiday, sleeplessness (suzy)
love, airplane, shadow, butterfly, dracula, rude love, when i'm alone (f(x))
As for their acting career, I haven't had the time to watch all their dramas/movies so I won't give any recs because I'm so far behind and need to catch up. I think the common factor between them is they both are dorks and they make me smile whenever I feel sad. I think of them as my safe place. I'd also recommend any running man episode suzy was on because she was super funny in those :D
YES I DID LISTEN TO BE MINE BECAUSE OF YOU <3 I think we have similar taste in music so I trust you :) Don't worry about giving too many song recs. I relate to that a lot! I can't give just some songs, I always end up sending a whole book and then I wonder why I don't hear from anyone after that lol I'll make sure to give the songs a listen and let you know what I think about them ^^
You are absolutely 100% correct about all your answers 👍 Some of my fave rv songs are (but aren't limited to) bamboleo, something kinda crazy, love is the way, sunny side up, rbb, butterflies 💞 I now realise I'm an open book. You know every single thing about me... You should definitely think about being a detective as a career option. I'd most definitely go ask for your help if you decided to do it ;)
Well now it's time for the difficulty to increase a little (just a little though)
Question #7: What is my favourite non-ghibli animated movie? (it's a very specific french movie, i'm sure you haven't heard of it so let's go with disney/pixar for this question)
Question #8: What is my favourite elo song? Now that I have listened to most of his discography, I can ask you this question (you can give out several answers because it's possible that there are some songs i still haven't listened to)
Question #9: Can you list some of my favourite 2nd gen girl groups? (4 to 5 groups is enough)
That concludes today's episode of TSG (the shannon game for those who didn't follow). Let's hope Shannon continues with her winning streak. I'm cheering you on! You can do it Shannon.
from 🐘💌 anon
hiiiiii !!! 🥰 thank you for the applause though i wouldn't get too carried away i think this round is going to be the start of my downfall if the questions are harder than last time :(
oo i have heard a few of these !! i really like the miss a colors album but i wasn’t familiar with the other songs! breathe was really fun though i liked that one! also yes no maybe is really good i haven’t listened to it in a while though! i did listen to satellite when it came out but i didn’t like it that much :( i just listened to all of the f(x) songs and i think i have heard a couple before like a really long time ago so i don’t really remember them but they’re all so good!!! i just never really got into them :( but they had some really great songs!! yeah i haven’t seen many of their dramas either but i enjoyed while you were sleeping and krystal was in prison playbook which is one of my favourite dramas of all time!! but the way you talk about them is so sweet :( they’re so lucky to have someone like you supporting them!! and i'm glad they make you so happy💗
ooo i can’t believe i was right about those!! but i forgot about sunny side up! thats one of my favourites too <3 but you really weren’t kidding about these getting harder 😭😭
literally the only french film i know of is amélie so if it isn’t that i have no idea! as for favourite disney/pixar movie i think this is finally something i don’t know… there’s just so many films to choose from maybe if you gave me a little hint or something i could take a guess but i really have no idea what it could be :( this is the question that has broken me </3
the fact you listened to elo enough to have a favourite song of his i’m 🥺😭 i’m not sure if you will have listened to his latest album yet?? so i’m not sure if it would be any of those.. (maybe falling dreams if you have listened to it though?) but i think maybe you would like rose? you said we have similar music taste so if i just name some of my favourites then hopefully at least one of them will be right... right? so maybe day n night or angel.. or perhaps osaka, melt or lip service. i don't wanna guess too many or that might be cheating so if its none of these maybe tell me which album your favourite song is on and then i can try guessing again asjdhakjsd
i would guess f(x) and miss a of course though those are probably too obvious so you might not count them... so i will also guess snsd (i feel like that has to be one right? everyone loves girls gen) maybe wonder girls?? or after school? i feel like i’m just naming very obvious or popular groups but i’m not sure! i’m bad at knowing what gen every group is too so hopefully these are 2nd gen asjdhjksd
those were some very tough questions i think my perfect score streak definitely ends here! but hopefully this doesn’t mean i’m eliminated or anything because the game is a lot of fun!! 💓💞
0 notes
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NSFW Alphabet: Nicholas Parker
A=Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
No matter how cruel he can be during it, he will always clean up his mess at the end. Nick is a bit of a clean freak in the first place so even if he fucked you to a pulp (whether it be angry sex or even a quickie), he will clean up. Sometimes, he will accept it if you help him out with it, but usually that wouldn’t be the case because good luck even walking 🤠👍 In that case, you can expect to be carefully lifted from the bed or couch while he either puts the sheets in the laundry or cleans whatever surface you both did it on and shower. Depending if you’re conscious or not, he’ll either let you shower with him or even clean you himself. He can be rough, but he’s always a gentleman ^_^
B=Body Part (Favorite body part of theirs and also their favorite part belongign to their partner):
Nick doesn’t have a particular body part he likes the most, though he does think he has nice hands, mainly because a lot of people have commented on them. However, he does take much pride in his hair as he takes care of it the most, making sure to bleach it every now and then to help it get that platinum blonde he had as a kid, washing it everyday, and keeping it trimmed nicely. On his partner, Nick tends to be attracted to eyes, but that’s on any person really. He loves looking into people’s eyes, so if his partner happens to have alluring ones, he’d be all in. In general though, Nick has a tendency for noticing the smallest things, so anything and everything could set him off as well :)
C=Cum (Anything to do with cum basically):
To get Nick to cum, you need to put in some effort, and by some I mean a lot. It takes a lot to send him over, but if you do happen to succeed in this seemingly impossible task, he cums hard *_* so expect to be absolutely be filled to the brim. He won’t just cum in you, though, he’s okay with cumming anywhere. On your stomach, back, mouth, in a condom, or his personal favorite, your face. Something about seeing him covered all over your pretty little face turns him on all over again. If you are blessed enough for him to do it in your mouth, do expect a big kiss from him, he’s not one to get worked up over things like that, especially if it’s dripping down from your chin. He’ll lick it right off and return the favor by making sure you’re in his mouth next. However, never expect him to cum before you. Ever.
D=Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs):
He secretly has a daddy kink, he will never admit it though. He also has an interest in public sex, or more specifically exhibitionism. Just the thought of being caught in the act…does something weird to him. He’s unsure if he’d go through with that idea though, it’s just a thought…
E=Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?):
Nick is unsurprisingly pretty experienced, in the sense you can definitely trust him to find the clit. In college, he was able to gain some actual first-hand experience (it was a phase that quickly died out). Though, he really was gifted when it comes to knowing what he’s doing as even for his first time, it was like it came naturally to him. So, you can not only trust him to be able to know what he’s doing, but to be amazing at it as well. He will also surely take his time with you either way, and if it comes down to where you’re comfortable enough, he’ll take it up a notch, little by little. In conclusion, never expect a bad experience when sleeping with this mofo.
F=Favorite Position (This is obvious):
As kinky as he might get, he’s a sucker for missionary. Looking into his partner’s eyes while they’re fucked over and seeing their face contort with pleasure as he ruts in harder is something that’s literally right up his alley. That connection is unbeatable in his opinion, it’s where he feels the absolute closest with them, especially since he has full access to their mouth, neck, chest, etc. A close second would probably be against a wall, whether it be from behind or in the front with your legs wrapped around his waist. Especially in the shower or on his office door, you can expect it. Though he also doesn’t mind the idea of you bent over his desk, it’s almost as much of a turn on as you bent over his knee.
G=Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous):
He’s overall more serious as he doesn’t take sex lightly, he thinks of it at something special, it’s not all for just fucks and pleasures (though he does make it seem like that). If it’s your first time, he’ll be a lot more light hearted and understanding with you, such as laughing off little mistakes and awkward moments. Though he might poke fun at you as a way of banter before you both get into it, you can expect that to change immensely when it actually goes down. Basically, don’t be expected to laugh too much when in the moment with him, he’ll make sure to fix that for you if you get too playful.
H = Hair (Do they pull it and do they like having it pulled / How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes):
Nick is definitely a hair puller, especially if you’re knelt down and giving him a nice BJ. He likes to tangle his fingers in a person’s hair more than specifically pulling it back, such as if he’s doing it from behind and knotting up your hair with his hands, close to your skull, almost as if he’s trying to grab the head more than the hair itself. Every now and then, he’ll let you do the same to his hair, such as grabbing it while he’s going down on you, but if you tug too much he can get annoyed, so beware of that. (He takes a lot of pride in his hair okay?? >_<) Speaking of which, the hair on his head isn’t the only thing he keeps well groomed, so don’t expect any hair down there for him. He doesn’t have anything against it, he’s just not a fan of it on himself, he prefers to be well shaved pretty much anywhere. He’d preferably want his partner to be reasonably groomed as well, so don’t go in with a whole jungle down there :D and you should be good for the most part.
I=Intimacy (How are they during this moment):
Nick is extremely intimate with his partner, no matter the moment or situation. It’s his favorite part about it altogether, to be close with the one he loves, and for them to be close to him as well. He will make sure every moment is shown through absolute intimacy, whether it be him kissing and marking up your neck, running his hand down your spine, or cleaning up after. He makes sure to do it with all his love and passion that he has (which is a shit ton). All he wants is to be close with the person he loves, no matter the position, place, or time. Rough, slow, quick, lazy, whatever, he will give all he has into that one moment. That’s what makes him so good at what he does ;) But do expect that he still has his moods, so he can be loving and romantic one day, kissing you slowly and sensually, interlocking his hands with yours and carefully marking up your skin…but then the next you’ll be screaming on his cock while he smacks your ass out of punishment, making sure you’re a crying and moaning mess by the end of it. He’s a duality king I suppose…
J=Jack Off (Masturbation):
He’s definitely not a fan. Being a sickly child, he never really even got a head-start in that stuff while he was blooming into pre-pubescence then. He might’ve tried it later on in life but just couldn’t find much pleasure in it, so he would much rather the real thing. Don’t try jacking him off yourself either, he’d prolly give you one of these faces: 😐
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks):
Where do I even start 🤠 he’s mainly very experimental and down for most things, with a few exceptions of course. All he asks for the most part is your trust, because he wants to be good at the things you’re into as well, despite the fact he’s naturally good in those fields.
BDSM (will tie you up if you let him, whether it be with ribbons or the very tie around his neck)
Edging (will tease you to the ends of the earth if it means you’ll beg for him)
Overstimulation (he gets off to you getting off…)
Praising (will call you cute pet names or tell you how well you’re taking him)
Degradation (you will be called a slut-)
Auralism (he loves hearing your moans)
Gagging (he won’t choke you unless you want him to, but he might gag you with his pp)
Body worship (will kiss your scars, stretch marks, whatever:3)
Impact play
Mild exhibitionism (it’s enticing to him, but he’s unsure if he would actually like it)
Sadism (he can be a tad sadistic..)
Lingerie (if he sees you in anything like this, have a wheelchair handy for the next day :D he might also buy you lingerie as a gift for the both of you lmao)
Breeding (though he would never do this without consent)
Dirty Talk
Pet play (won’t go too far into it, so don’t expect a cage or doggy bowl…maybe expect a leash though-)
Squirting (if you squirt, he will lose it)
Sensation Play
Katoptronophilia (aka mirror sex)
Light hair pulling
Brat taming
L= Location (Favourite places to do the dance with no pants):
Nick is fine with literally anywhere, in his office, the couch, the kitchen counter, a hotel room, the shower, his car, fuck it, even the public dressing room if he can. But he thinks nothing can beat bedroom sex, one of the most private and comfortable places one can do it in. Just the nice, soft sheets, ones he knows are clean and his own, one that you can just lose control in without worrying of anyone or anything interrupting that very moment. Unless the neighbors who come with a noise complaint, of course.
M = Motivation (What turns them on):
Though he doesn’t get hard by just anything, usually, he finds the littlest, most random things will get him as a hard as rock for you. Such as you stretching to where a little bit of your stomach peaks from your shirt, or tying your hair up in a ponytail, even chewing on your lips or a pen will send him over the edge. Like I said before, he notices the little things in others, and with that he knows exactly what gets him worked up. One of the main things, though, is definitely teasing and banter. He loves making fun of you and seeing you get all flustered in front of him, but if you manage to shoot a nice one-liner back and get him flustered, he might have to excuse himself for a second. Although this sounds a bit strange, he likes it when you’re polite to him as well. A little “please” or “sir” will fluster him enough to be quite turned on. Also lingerie. Oh my God he will have to fuck you right then and there if he catches a mere glimpse of you in it.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
He will never force you to do something you don’t want to, that idea alone turns him off extremely. He will degrade you and make you do some things, but if he can tell you really don’t want to, he would stop right then and there. Water play is also out of the question, along with orgasm denial. He would never deny you of an orgasm, his number one goal is for you to be pleasured before him, so he could never deny you of that (if you beg him enough to, though, he might). Also don’t expect him to ever be a sub for you. You will never be able to take control of him, it’ll make it weird for the both of you, so don’t even try. If you’ve been good, he might let you top him, but he will be in complete control either way. The biggest no of them all, though, would be threesomes. He could never share you, and vice versa. The idea is a huge turn off for him and he will get aggravated at the idea even being brought up.
O = Oral (Preference on giving or receiving, skill, ect.):
He 100% prefers giving more than anything. There’s something about you being pleasured by him and him alone that sends him over the edge so much. He never goes into sex thinking he’ll come before you or that you won’t come at all because that’s his top priority, in his opinion. And he’s damn good at giving you just that too. He will do his research on you, exploring you bit by bit until he has you wrapped around his finger, or more specifically his dick.
P=Petnames/Pace (What do they call you in bed/Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.):
Nick loves giving you cute little names of praise after taking him so well, such as princess, babe, sweetheart, love, and his favorite: pet. However, if he’s in a degrading mood, probably because of a long day or if you disobeyed him, expect to be called something on the lines of slut, whore, or even cumslut. He will never go too far with it though, that includes calling you “bitch,” a slur, or any self-deprecation towards yourself. He will shame you in a non-insulting way, though. He’s good at that. But in regards to pace, that can also depend on the day and mood as well. Nick is the king of duality, after all.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often would they partake in one?):
He’s not a huge fan of them as he’d rather give you all of his time and intimacy when in heat with you. But if you are both so incredibly needy for each other and there’s not much time, he might give in and give you a quick, but good, little fuck.
R = Risks (Are they open to experiment, do they take risks):
Nick is a very open-minded person by nature and as a result is very experimental and daring with this type of stuff, especially if it’s things that excite you in particular. So he is mostly down for anything as long as you are, though there are always exceptions to that, of course.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last):
Holy shit, this bitch, okay so when I tell you this motherfucker is absolutely unstoppable. He could go for round after round after round without tiring, it can be scary tbh (especially for your poor hole…) If it takes a good minute for you to cum, don’t worry one bit, cuz this mofo will not stop until your a cumming, spasming mess around him. He will never come before you either, so good luck with trying to get him to do that. At most, he will come the same time as you, but he will literally never stop unless you tell him or if he knows you will physically not be able to take any more.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?):
Nah, not unless lingerie and some forms of bondage count. He loves seeing the pretty ribbons on your skin as he ties your wrists to his bedpost. Same with his handcuffs he got from the police force, he might even take his belt or tie off as well if he needs to. As far as actively going to buy something for you both to use during sex, the farthest he’ll do is some nice lingerie for him to rip off you and buy again. He’s not into sex toys much as he prefers to give you what you need through him and him alone, but if you ask him to buy it for you, he won’t object. After all, his number one goal will always be your pleasure <3
U = Unfair (Are they a tease, if so how much?):
He is sooooo mean to you. He will tease you and tease you and poke fun at you until your a whining mess, begging for his cock. He loves seeing you come undone for him in such a fucked-out way. He will slowly run his hands along your sides, lightly pecking at your jawline, a smile forming on his face as you start bucking up into him for some type of friction. He knows how to tame a brat.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make):
He’s pretty subdued actually. He might make a few grunts, whimpers, or suck in air through his teeth every now and then. But don’t expect him to be too loud, it’s mainly because he wants your sweet noises to take the stage and fill up the whole room rather than his own. The most you can get from him is a low groan and even a growl every now and then. He’s mostly into dirty talk to fill his noises, such as:
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well, love.”
“You’re so tight and wet for me, such a good girl.”
“Don’t be such a whore, (Y/N)…be a good slut and take it!”
W = Weird fact (Self explanatory):
The smell of lavender turns him on a lot. He’s not sure why, but if he’s with someone and they smell of lavender, he can’t help but be a bit aroused. He also has a thing for piercings, he thinks. Lastly, he has a thing for gingers (ikr).
X = X-Ray (How big is it):
Its a good 9 inches (when hard), maybe around 7.5 when it’s not hard. It’s not too girthy, but it’s not exactly a skinny legend either. It’s actually very pretty and nice looking, 11/10 nice cock😎👍
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive? How often will they want sex?):
Though he’s extremely good at hiding it, he’s a very horny dude. His sex drive can be very high so please be aware of that, this man is like sex personified. Especially since it’s you, he’s gonna want to fuck you every second of the day. Whether it be in a loving or lust-filled way, all he can seem to think about his getting home and having you scream his name in bed.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
Just like when he comes, he will never fall asleep before you. Since he has extremely high stamina, you’ll almost always be knocked out before him. He’ll make sure to clean up the mess you both made afterwards, then scoop you into his arms, breathing in your scent as he slowly drifts off after you. If you happen to still be awake and conscious after it all, he will talk with you and cuddle you until you eventually sleep on top of him.
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