#i cant stand seeing her hurt herself to bring in something i cant lift :( thats gotta stop
caffeinatedopossum · 1 year
I can't relapse, I gotta eat well so I can get stronger and help my girlfriend carry in the groceries
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randomsevans · 4 years
maid to be part 3
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Ransom made his way back to his family with a small smile due to you being on your mind . He slipped into the living room , where his family were waiting for him . The food long forgotten and not eaten  in the room next door .As most of the family were stood up with a glass of what ever drink was going around . 
Ransom didn't want to hear the pathetic whines from his mother nor his uncle . So he made his way over to the corner , where he spotted his younger cousins Jacob and Megan . Yes he hated his family , but his cousins was the most bearable .With Megan hating the family just as much as him , and well Jacob just sits their quietly on his phone ... so Ransom never really fought with him , Apart from this one time when Jacob made his way upstairs and almost caught you and Ransom . But Ransom played it off by shouting at both you and Jacob in his cruel dickhead way .But of course you didn't take it to heart , it wasn't the first nor the last time  he acted that way to you with his family around . 
Ransom sighted , straightening his blue knitted sweater before sitting down on the oversized ,chair , that was so unconformable . He moved around on the seat , eventually getting some what comfortable places his armed on each side , bring one of his fist to lean against 
“is she okay ?” Megan looked up  from her college book for a second to Ransom , only to go back to it 
“huh !” Ransom responded , tired from his family already , he had some much on his mind , and you were at the front of it as always , as well as the pressure he already feels from soon to be a father . 
“Y/N is she okay ?” Megan asked once again closing her book , Megan made it her job to know all the helps names , she didnt like having other on her beck and call , and calling them “the help “ 
Ransom decided to play dumb and show off his arsehole personal “who ? the maid “ 
Megan glared at him in annoyance “you know their have names right Hugh , not just maids or the help “
Ransom just simple shrugged his shoulders “oh well “
“why did you even help her , she only hurt her self a little i dont see you do that with anyone ?” she narrowed her eyes at him , it caught the attention  of Jacob bring his head from his phone looking from one cousin to the other 
“oh well you know me Meg i see something pretty , i wanted it and i take it “ he let out a little  dry chuckle “its amazing how a girl can open up to you if you show them a little bit of kindest “ Ransom smug smile played  happily on his face . 
Megan looked at him in disgust and her face scrunched up , while Jacob snicked at his older cousin “your disgusting Hugh , she would never go any where near you , she actual has self respect you know !”
Ransom chuckled at his self , if only she knew , if only all his family knew , That you were indeed already his , and he is your ever since he wanted you , he couldn't get enough , he never looked at another girl since , and that was well a year ago . But Megan was right you do have self respect which is why you wanted nothing to do with Ransom at first , but after months , And Ransom means MONTHS , 4 long ones , you finally agreed to allow him to take you on a simple date . You didn't wanted anything fancy or expensive . So you and Ransom spent your first of many dates at a park , just simple walking and talking . 
“sure its never stop me before i always break them in the end . And its RANSOM and the help calls me ...
“HUGH ! yeah i know “ Megan said getting up from her seat . “ you really are vile piece of work “ she barked as she walked away exiting the room 
“why thank you very much “ Ransom said amused , watching Megan walk towards the kitchen . His eyebrows shoot up curiosity , as his lips tighten 
“why does she need to go into the kitchen ?“ 
Ransom shot up and made his way back to the kitchen he was in moments ago . 
as he  got closer he heard mumbles of voice , as he hide around the corner 
“ i mean it y/n “  megan’s voice boomed 
ransom sighed shaking his head “what is she still doing down stairs she needs to be up there resting “
Ransom heard you delicate laugh that fluttered his heart  , he took  a quick glance and saw you standing at the sink , with your hands in the water , scrubbing away at a plate  “god she never listen , so stubborn ,she  needs to learn that its not just her she needs to look after now its our baby too “
“dont you think i know that Megan “ you giggled 
“y/n his a fuck boy okay , if you let him near you , he will use you and then leave you and move on to the next chase “
Ransom let out a snicker , but he couldn't blame his cousin he was indeed like that ,   that was before you , and Ransom hoped and prayed you knew he would never leave you especial now you and him were staring a family together 
“ Megan i know okay “ you dawned out “ i promise okay im not foolish enough to follow under the charm of  Hugh Drsysale okay “
 A smug devilish smile came to Ransom lips as he thought “but thats exactly what you did ! look at my girl lying so well , im rubbing of on her , well  she is growing a miniature version of me anyway “
if you had told Ransom a year ago that he would be in love and looking forwards to becoming a father , he would of laughed in your face , And if you said it was to the help well , you would simple end up in ER by the end of it . 
“ but y/n he has he eye on you “ megan stated 
and i was true , and its all Ransom would until his last breath 
“hes not going to st... “ 
“Who has an eye on y/n “ Joni interpreted her daughter as she stumbled in the kitchen from the other entrance 
“who is y/n anyway ?” she asked , megan pointed towards you as she rolled her eyes at her tipsy mom “oh the help ... who would want you “ she snarled . Ransom felt his blood began to boil at the way Joni was speaking to his girl 
“Ransom “ Megan simple answer . You cheeks become blushed with embarrassment , as you turned away from the sink , and began fiddling with the end of your apron and you become nervous . Ransom wanted nothing more then to wrap you in his arms and take you home , To spend the rest if the day sleep on the couch as Ransom babbles on about plans for the baby . As much as he tries to hide it Ransom cant help but be exited over the baby . That why his is so protective because if anything happened to you or the baby Ransom would loss the only happiness he has ever known . 
“pfff Ransom is many thing , a low life is one of them . But at least he has taste he wouldn't dare for for a fat , trampy ...” 
 before Joni could finish Ransom busted into the kitchen 
“say one more thing about me or her , and ill knock the Botox of your  face “ Ransom snarled ,fist  formed on his side . As everyone in the room , you , Megan , Joni and the rest of the help looked at him with wide eyes 
“pfff what ever you'll just get the STDs “ Joni wobbled 
“MOTHER !” megan shouted 
“you should know , how many people you passed it on to “ Ransom rage showing , as he stood right in front of Joni blocking her view of either you or Meg 
“WHY YOU LITTLE .....” Joni began to screech at the top of her lungs 
“What is going on in here !” Richard voice boomed throughout the kitchen , everyone glanced his way , seeing the rest of family moving into the kitchen 
“nothing “ megan answered as she went closer to you 
“pff doesn't sound like nothering “ Linda snirked downing the rest of her drink placeing her glass on the counter . starring at her son , who was clealry anger , as he starred daggeres towrads Joni with his fist still by his side turning white 
“son whats going on ?” Richard asks 
“yes id like to know that to “Walt questioned placing his hands on his hips  
Joni lened away from Ransom as her lip began to tremble “ i ... i dont know .. he just started ... on me “ Joni was trying to act all innocent , but it wasnt working on anyone as there all snirked , giggled with “ oh god “    “ here we go “    “ who is ready for the preference of a life tme “    “ oh mother “ 
But Ransom only lerned down towards his aunts ear , so only she could hear him “ i mean it joni say one more thing and ill tell Harlan were Megans college money realy goes “ he barked . 
Joni slapped Ransom full force around the face . The whole room fell slight , watching Rasom  wipe the little blood , form the small cut on his  bottom lip . Ransom smiple nodded his head and wnet to step forward with his fist ready , he didnt care if you were his family , his aunt , a women , she insuled his girl , called her fat when she is carrying his child . 
But just before Ransom could swing , you stepped inbetween Ransom and Joni , placing a hand on his chest while the other wrapped your hand around his fist and brung it down . While she starred into his blue eyes , that were iceberge forced on Joni , only to glance down at you and soft in to the blue ocean , that flashed with , conserin , guilt and above all love 
As the two of you stood there locked eyes with each other , the family looked at you two of you, squinting there eyes , amazed and confrussed on how you so easily calmed down  the short tempered , play boy . Harlan was rolled into the kitchen by Martha he looked around his family . He heard the screaming of couse , but he was beyonded confused on how silent his family , were as there all looked at Ransom . Harlans once eyebrows shoot up , at the way Ransom was looking at you . He shot at look up to Matha , who shrugged not knowing herself
“ oh great his fuckin the help “ Walt broke the silents lifting his armes in the air , shaking his head 
“fucked a baby into her too “ Ransom snarles , with a lovly smile , as he looked upon your shocked face , eyes wide month wide open . He just told everyone your biggest screate , you didnt know if you was to be anger at him or found it all funny . But how could you be mad at him and he locked eyes wit you stoking your cheek , as one hand went to you small blowed stomach , with love and effection . the room was quickly filled with screams , shouting and gasped 
“what !”
“hes joking right !” 
“that explain why his being acting weird “ 
“oh just like him to do that i bet she not the only one his knocked up “
“the help , and our family !”
“ you better be fuckin lying “ 
“OH SON !”
“hes not fit to be  a father “
“there better get ride of it , “
“ Are you fuckin kidding me the help “ 
“so much of not going near him “
“of couse shes up the duff “
“ i never knew his stands where so low 
“really y/n “ 
you and ransoms just starred at each other slowing giggling with each other , that quickly turned into a booming laugh from the pair of you . the family grew slight , snarking at you and Ransom childish behaviour. While Ransom grabbed your hand , interwinding your fingers , as he gave you a knowing look , you simple nodded knowing what he was going to do  Moments later . You and Ransom were ranning through the halls of the manner , as Ransom held tight your hand as he dragged you behind him heading towards the front door , ignoring the shouts of the mad family 
But may add an odd one shot or two to the story in the future
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Unexpected Arrival -5
Pairing: Eventual Bucky x Reader, Possible Steve x Reader
Summary: As if working with the Avengers wasn’t exciting enough…. an unexpected visitor is about to change your life forever.
A/N- If you would like to be tagged in this just drop my ask/message and i will add you ⭐️
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Switching off the TV i got out of bed and stretched feeling my body crack in various places, i quickly checked on Evie who was fast asleep in her rocker before grabbing the baby monitor and heading to the kitchen for some tea and something to eat.
"Hey" Bucky says from the sofa startling me, it was nearly 9pm and i thought he'd still be out on his date.
"Hey" i replied quietly as i continued making my tea and grabbing some food.
"Where's Evie?"
"Sleeping in my room"
"You sure she's okay by herself...."
"She's fine" i nodded looking at the baby monitor that had a huge screen showing my sleeping baby girl "take a look for yourself" i pushed it closer to him.
"Did stark make this?"
"Of course!"
It was suddenly so quiet, you could of heard a pin drop!
"So why are you still here? Thought you had a hot date?"
"I never wanted to go on that stupid date. I kept trying to tell Sam that but you know what his like"
"I just wanted to be here, spend more time with you and Evie. But you've been locked away in your room for hours"
"Sorry, i feel asleep" i shrugged "then i watched a movie, i didn't know you were still here and i didn't want the team fussing...." i lied, i couldnt tell him that the truth was i had been sitting in my room crying over him!! I finished making my tea and poured out a cup of black coffee for Bucky knowing he would never turn down coffee.
"Here" i gave him a quick smile as i placed the steaming hot mug on the table in front of him. As i turned to go back into the kitchen Bucky reached forward taking my hand stopping me from leaving.
"Are you really okay?"
"Im fine" i nodded forcing a smile, i could already tell by the look on his face he wasnt buying it.
"Come here" he pulled me down next to him pulling me into his side so that i was curled up against his chest "you know you can talk to me"
"You sound like Steve" i mumbled rolling my eyes.
"Steve? When did you talk to Steve?"
"Earlier, he came by to check on me"
"He heard me crying and let himself in i didn't invite him in"
"Crying? Why were you crying?" He asked looking down at me with worried eyes.
"Im just hormonal, I'm literally crying at everything. Im a mess right now...."
"Thats understandable after what you've been through doll, it'll get better soon. Its not even been 24 hrs yet"
"Yeah i know" i nodded in agreement giving him a small smile.
"That why you got pissy about the whole date thing?" He suddenly asked making my heart start to race.
"Honestly? I don't know.... part of me was angry that you'd even consider going on that date when i had just given birth to your daughter. Then you said you felt like you need to be here, i wanted you to want to be here for her. I don't want to feel like me and Evie are ruining your life"
"What?? Y/N how could you ever think you and Evie ruin my life??" He looked down at me like i was crazy "You have given me the best thing I've ever had in my life. I know we didn't plan for this to happen but, I'm happy it did. And I'm glad that it was with you"
My head fell against his chest in an attempt to hide the fact i was crying again!!
"Doll..... are you crying?"
"Yes okay! I cant help it!" I moaned then we both started laughing at what a mess i was.
"I should get back to Evie, i don't want to leave her alone for too long" i said finally pulling myself out of Bucky's arms.
"Can i come and say goodnight? Is that okay?"
"Of course it is, you don't need permission Buck" i smiled at him before grabbing my tea and some chips and heading back to my room.
Evie was just waking up and starting to cry when we walked into my room, Bucky was straight over there lifting her into his arms.
"There's my girl" he cooed quietly, he loved her so much already it was clear from the way he looked at her, Evie instantly curled up against his neck and started falling asleep again.
"Come and sit down with her Buck, you cant stand there all night" i nodded to the empty side of the bed. He nodded before walking over and sitting next to me, as he got comfy i started a movie on Netflix and opened my chips leaving the bag between us so he could have some if he wanted.
"If i fall asleep wake me up at 3am for her feed" i said to Bucky like it was something we did all the time.
"Sure doll" he smiled down at me before his eyes focused back on the TV.
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Bucky woke me up at 3am as promised for Evie's feed, I don't even remember much of it to be honest, i felt like a zombie most of the time since having her. It became a regular thing over the next couple of days, Bucky would stay in my room with us and wake me up when it was time to feed Evie then we'd wake up cuddled up with Evie sleeping in her basket at the side of the bed. I could almost fool myself into thinking we more than two friends who had a baby together.
Waking up this morning i found myself alone in bed and Evie's basket empty, Bucky would probably be out in the common room with her letting me get some more rest. As i sat up i felt the front on my top was wet and looked down to see my breasts had been leaking!
"Really....this is just fantastic!" I groaned throwing back the covers and getting up, my breasts were hurting and feeling so full i could cry! I grabbed Bucky's hoodie that was on the back of my chair and went off to find Evie.  When i got to the common room Bucky was sat alone reading on the sofa, i looked around but there was no sign of Evie.
"Buck, where's Evie??" I asked needing to know where my baby was.
"Steve and Nat have taken her for a walk outside, trying the new stroller Tony made"
"Shit..." i muttered shifting uncomfortably "okay" i nodded before quickly heading to the room next to mine that was currently being decorated for Evie's nursery. I started rummaging through the many boxes looking for what i needed, i remember seeing one here somewhere!!
"Doll, what are you doing?" Bucky asked from the doorway, i turned to see him casually leaning against the door frame watching me.
"Looking for something....."
"What? If you tell me i can help you"
"I need the breast pump.... like now!"
"Why? Are you okay...."
"This is why!" I quickly opened the hoodie showing him my wet top, Bucky's eyes went wide and he actually blushed a little.
"i cant wait for them to bring Evie back, it hurts too much! I need to do this now"
"Okay, go wait in the bedroom i'll find it"
When i heard Bucky come back a couple minutes later i had already shed my wet top and was standing in sweatpants and my lilac nursing bra Nat had gone out to buy me.
"Shit sorry! I should have knocked" Bucky mumbled turning around quickly.
"Come on Buck its not like you haven't seen me in less" i rolled my eyes at him reaching for the box in his hand.
"My god how does this thing even work!!" I yelled getting frustrated with the damn thing.
"Let me see, just try and calm down" he said taking the pump and reading the instructions.
"I have no idea.... this is talking about nipple sizes!" Bucky said looking horrified shaking his head at me.
"Having this baby has left me with no dignity at all! pass me one of those bottles..." i pointed at one of the bottles that attaches to the pump "Bruce and Tony have literally seen everything! And now this!" I said taking the bottle from Bucky and turning my back to him while i unclasped the cup of my bra.
"Ow ow ow!" I cried as i tried to put pressure around my nipple "this is ridiculous!" My head dropped as i started crying at how hopeless i felt.
"Hey come on now, you can do this" Bucky said from behind me, i hadn't even noticed he was that close until i felt his chest against my back, his hands resting on my stomach.
"Do you want me to.... i could try and...."
"Im already humiliated Buck" i shook my head at him. I rested my head back against his chest and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. When i felt Bucky's hands slowly moving up from my stomach to cup my breasts my eyes flew open, my heart racing.
"Shhh just relax" he whispered as his hands started to massage my breasts.... god he was good with his hands! I let my eyes fall closed again as i felt myself relaxing.
"You feeling okay?" He mumbled close to my ear.
"Yeah it feels better actually" i replied opening my eyes, i looked down to see Bucky holding the bottle in his metal hand whilst his right continued putting pressure in all the right places on my breast.....The bottle already filling slowly.
"This is so embarrassing..... i feel like a cow!" I moaned, Bucky just chuckled and kissed the side of my head "Thank you" i said quietly, as embarrassed as i was right now i was so grateful that he had helped me with this.
"No problem doll".
"You know this is a good thing, i get to help feed Evie now!" Bucky called through to me while i was in the bathroom cleaning up and getting in fresh clothes.
"I'll try and work that thing out so i can express too. That way you can feed her more"
"Thanks" he beamed at me at i came back out into the bedroom "you feeling okay now?"
"Yeah I'm good" i smiled "embarrassed but I'm okay"
Bucky pulled me into his arms and held me tight, his hands gently rubbing up and down my back.
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about sweetheart" he mumbled "we make a pretty good team you and me"
"Yeah we do. We always did though, thats how we got here Buck" i laughed thinking back to that mission in Alaska, we had been paired for that mission for that exact reason.
"Thats right, Steve said we were perfect for the job because we worked well together..... maybe we worked together a little too well" he said putting his arm around my shoulders "I mean, what are the chances that the one time i get you into bed i get you pregnant!"
"Must be those damn super sperm of yours!" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Must be" he chuckled "come on lets go find our girl".
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louisfrecklesss · 6 years
LCH [5] | Louisentine
Description: Clementine gets confused with her feelings while she’s spending so much time with Louis, especially after babysitting baby AJ together.
Words: 1,757 
Ship: Clementine x Louis
Warnings: make out session
Genre: Fluff, High School AU
A/N: it’s so fucking cold here in London, yes I live in London for those who don’t know. everyone seems to like this fic better than the other one? at least you like one of them because I don’t like my writing at all aH. anyway, I love you all. thank you for reading!
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
It’s been a or two week since Clementine has agreed to this deal with Louis, and not for one second has she thought it was a stupid idea. She could see from hanging out with his friends that they do pick on him a lot, Mitch the most; they’re not bullying him but he is the joke of the group only because he is the lesser of them. Clementine knew that if she was in his shoes she wouldn’t know if she would be as strong as he is.
So, here they all are in the common room of the school. Mitch, Aasim and Marlon sat opposite the couple who were seated on one of the large body bean bags. Clementine sat crossed legged in between Louis legs as he rest his chin on top of her head, her hands held his fiddling with his fingers while she scrolls through her phone with the other. 
“When are your friends getting her, babe?” Louis brushes his thumb over Clementine’s hand to get her attention, the girl switches tabs on her phone to their conversation reading the answer for Louis.
“I think they’ll be here in five, I’m not sure to be honest with you.” She looks up at him meeting eyes with him to which he winks at her causing her to look down smiling. Every time he winks, event though he has done it so many times, it still seems to make Clementine blush like crazy.
Clementine meets eyes with Marlon who is vaping the whole entire room up. “Brody?” His eye brows frown at the question before looking towards the door of the room; just in time, Brody walks into the room with Clementine’s friends. Louis knows them but they haven’t all chilled together as ‘friends’. 
“Baby!” Brody practically screams as she sees Marlon in the far corner, he opens his legs up on his seat inviting her to sit on his lap. It wasn’t too long before they were all over each other.
Aasim turns away from the couple. “Looks like it came straight out of a porno.” Violet, who came in with the rest of Clementine’s friends, high fives Aasim before taking a seat next to him. 
“Oh right, guys, these are my friends. Violet, Sophie an-”
“Ruby!” Clementine is a little shocked when the rest of the boys know who Ruby is. “Darling.”
Ruby giggles when Mitch and Marlon continue to shout her name. “Don’t y’all darlin’ me.” 
“You know each other?” Louis questions.
“We always pretend to be sick so we can pay our little Ruby a visit, right Aasim?” Marlon hits Aasim with his elbow a couple times before he is rewarded with a punch on his arm. “Or is it to see that asian guy that is always sick but never fuckign speaks?”
“James?” Ruby questions sitting on the other side of Aasim who physically tenses in his seat, Louis tap Clementine lightly pointing at Aasim before smiling down at her. Clementine saw what he was talking about and mouthed the ways how cute before engaging back in the conversation. 
“James is pretty fucking hot.” Clementine states nodding her head along with her fake boyfriend. 
“Oh yeah, James has my heart.” Louis clenches his chest and Clementine lifts her hand to high five him behind her. The group just break into a fit of laughs including Aasim himself. It was only recently that Aasim came out about his sexuality so it was hard for him to joke about it still.
“Too bad his gay Clementine.” Mitch adds pointing at the girl who frowns slightly earning a hurt expression from the boy behind her. She tilts her head back looking at him who pecks her lips quickly earning a surprised expression from her, nevertheless, she grins.
Sophie is almost glued to Violet’s side not knowing these people enough to really fit in; Clementine notices this telling her to come sit opposite her which happened to be right next to Mitch. Mitch offers her a small smile to which she returns before saying something to him which Clementine can’t hear, she’s just glad that she has someone to talk too. 
“So, party tonight? My house, everyone has to be there because I said so.” Marlon says standing shortly after, he goes round getting everyone number and adding it to a group chat, not too long after everyone receives his address.
Louis admires his girlfriend as he sees her shaking her head softly. “I don’t do parties.”
“Clementine does not do parties.” Violet says to clarify the point that Clementine just made. Louis did not seem too happy about this, he stood up making Clementine fall back onto the bean bag slightly. 
“No, princess, you have to come.” Clementine smiles to herself before standing up to placing her hands on her hips. 
“Nope, sorry.”
Louis flutters his eyelashes at her, bringing out his puppy dog eyes before moving closer to Clementine. He hopes this works on her because it works on most people, he can even see in the corner of his eye, Violet crumbling and slamming her hand on Aasim’s leg. “Come on Clementine, please.” Clementine looks back at her friend briefly before looking back at him. 
Everyone boo’ed and complained as Clementine grabs her stuff and Louis hand. “I have to babysit my baby brother, and you’re going to help me.” She addresses the last part of the sentence to Louis who rolls his eyes gently, following behind the girl. 
“We all know that’s code for sex!” Marlon shouts as they both start to leave the room. 
“Louis is going to have to wait longer than that!”
Lee runs around the house picking up all the mess as well as trying to find his car keys, AJ is screaming in his highchair not wanting his Dad to leave him. 
“Daddy, it’s here.” Clementine hands Lee his car keys, he thanks her kissing the top of her head. 
“I’ll be back in an hour, I just really have to finish that paperwork sweetpea.”
“I know Dad, go.” She tries to push him out of the house. 
“And thank you too, Louis.”
“No problem, Paps.” Louis returns to feeding baby AJ who stops crying once the spoons meets his lips; Louis makes funny faces at the baby causing him to giggle almost choking on his own laugh. Clementine loves watching Louis play with AJ and call her Dad ‘Paps’. It makes it so real, a little too real. But she never bring up the fact that this isn’t real because she wants to feel like it is even when it isn’t.
“Everyone is going to be there, and I have to go because it’s my bro’s party. Open up AJ, woosh.” Louis guides the food into AJ’s mouth before turning to Clementine for a reply.
She sighs before laying down on her couch. “Fine, but I swear to go you can’t leave me alone Louis.” 
He turns to her almost jumping up and down. “Of course I won’t babe, thank you so much. You’re amazing. Isn’t she amazing AJ? She’s so great right?”
Clementine smiles at them closing her eyes to rest slightly, without Louis she would have had to babysit AJ all by herself and she’s been so stressed and tired from school she just can’t function. She’s unsure of how long she’s been laying there with her eyes closed but Louis joins her on the couch laying beside her with half of his body on top of her due to the lack of space. 
“AJ is sleeping, I put him to bed.”
“I don’t know what I would do without you Lou.” Clementine opens her eyes to meet Louis staring at her; she can see all his freckles up close, even the opens that overlap each other creating and even bigger freckle. Louis could see that Clementine was avoiding his eyes, he wants her to look at him even though she was but not at him. His hand grabs her cheek brushing thumb against it slightly, her eyes flutter shut slowly enjoying the feeling. 
“No, look at me.” Louis whispers against her skin, she doesn’t listen at first until he says it again this time in a more demanding tone. As soon as he eyes meet his, she slams her lips against his;. this is the second time that they have shared a kiss during this entire relationship. But it’s the first time that they’ve kissed because they wanted too and not because someone was coming and they had too, like the first time. 
Louis’ hand grips her face firmly as he pulls her into the kiss more, the uncomfortable position makes Louis move on top of her instead. Clementine’s arms wrap around his neck pushing him onto her to the point that if it was any further than it would stop her breathing. They pull away from a second only to get air before Louis mouth is on her neck, leaving soft kisses everywhere. A soft breathe of air leaves Clementine’s lips as she bits her lips, one leg moves around Louis waist as she moves him back to her lips. 
Clementine’s hands grab onto his shirt pulling him in closer, Louis lets out a small groan feeding more into her lips. She parts her lips asking for more to which he gives her, it wasn’t just a dry kiss anymore as their tongues met each other. Clementine could barely control her breathing before the front door slams open and Louis rolls off Clementine almost as quickly as he rushes towards the kitchen. 
Lee walks in with his back turned towards the door trying to get all the shopping bags into the house. “Hey kids, I did some shopping.”
Clementine is breathing heavy trying to compose herself and reply to her father; Louis can see that she is no state to reply muttering the best response he can. 
“That’s great Paps.” He shouts from the kitchen taking down a large amount of water from the glass in his hand. 
“W-we’re, um, going to a party Dad. Don’t wait up!” Clementine grabs her coat and rushes out of the house. Lee looks to Louis for an explanation, who has a red face, shrugs his shoulders and rushes after Clementine.
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AIGHT SO I’m like super high on caffeine and chocolate rn so I mighty write a lil Christmas one shot (it’s still December let me be pft)
But first a lil song I found a few days ago and has been stuck in my head ñon stop!
It’s from a musical called 35MM, they make up songs and stories from photos this one guy took, they’re amazing!
The song of called “Leave Luannne”
Warnings! There are mentions of abuse, r*pe, and such! So if you feel uncomfortable by that please don’t read this!
Now on to the song;:
Luanne's fat lip is drying, The bastard's bacon frying, The shiner on her eye's gone bust and bleeding. He shouts, "Girl, set the table!" But he knows she ain't able. Her arm's done broke, Hung limp like yolk,
AHHH we get the picture pretty clear from the beginning. i can always imagine Luanne on the floor, all bruised up and close to tears....
And softly she's repeating...
"Leave, Luanne. Why don't you march out that door? Southern woman, he ain't no good to you. Leave, Luanne. Louisiana wants war, But it's you dying on her ruby plains."
And yet, loyal Luanne remains. Ever since he got him laid off, His sanity's just made off. No, he was never nice, but now he's cruel.
So first, ahhhhfhrjehrn THE VIOLINS ARE AMAZING AND THE VOCALS TOO also we can see why Luanne doesnt leave the dude. I can see her internal debate, telling herself to leave but not being able to.
He rapes her, and he beats her, She don't 'fess how he treats her, 'Cause a Bible verse Says it won't get worse, And she won't be a fool. "You won't never leave, Luanne,
And then theres this part about the bible, i dont exactly know what verse theyre talking about, but we see that Luanne is super religious, which makes her internal debate even harder. Should she leave or stay? She has been taught probably her whole life with that idea, and probably doesnt want to end up in hell due to her beliefs and what she’s been told.
'Cause if you walk out that door His truck will be gunning for you.
No, you won't leave, Luanne, Or he'll give you 'What for?' You got heart where you should have had brains."
This part always makes me sad bc Luanne may still love that asshole, which sucks, but she still does and is pretty loyal to him makes it even harder for her to make a decision too
And so, loyal Luanne remains. Someone's howling, Screams like sighing with battered breath Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. But months of such conditions Turn laymen to logicians And tonight the bastard's sleeping like a log. So she plucks the kitchen cleaver,
Creeps up toward his roped-up lab retriever,
AND THE VIOLINS MAKE THE TENSION AMAZING. It makes you so nervous about whats going to happen. You can imagine Luanne finally making a decision, tired of everything. Its dark at night and she slowly makes her way to the kitchen, trying so quietly to not wake him up.
And she cuts the rope, And hope on hope, She starts to shout, "Your dog's got out!" She's got her chance. With no back glance She runs out to the bog, Screaming, screaming: "Leave, Luanne!" "Leave, Luanne. You've got a life left to live In a house hanging off the Golden Coast! Leave, Luanne. You won't forget nor forgive, " And she don't feel the stings, the rips, and scrapes As finally Luanne escapes.
And the way you can FEEL the tension, the way you can see her running and your heart starts speeding up, wishing she can escape, that she can lead a better and happier life, shes doing her best, not feeling the pain. You can tell how desperate she is. You can see her running through the woods, leaves and branches getting tangled in her hair, sometimes cutting her, but she still keeps going due through sheer determination, ignoring how her feet hurt and how much shes running out of breath. All the way through shes making a promise to herself, that she will NEVER let go what the asshole did to her.
Swim, Luanne! Swim, Luanne! And in the swamp of beeches, Oh, as the preacher preaches, As the light In the night Holds through the marsh and brushes As the blood inside you rushes Left and right, Hold on tight—
And then you can feel the hope, the relief that she has managed to get out, the violins making a sort of country dancey song (?) pft and youre like YAS GIRL RUN AND LIVDE YOUR LIFE its amazing, its so happy from the depressing music we heard before, Luanne gets out of the place, some people help her, she becomes happy again, meeting people and dancing all night at parties, maybe she even finds someone new and starts dating them, having a new life with someone who loves her....but then....
—Until you reach the bank And you crawl onto the bank, 'Til you feel a little yank on your hair And, stricken, stare at the bastard Who beat you there.
the guy just yanks her hair and gives her a horrible smirk, and Luanna can only look in horror, her heart breaking and all her dreams vanishing as she realizes that she...she didnt make it.
The bastard lies in bed now, Half-sad his wife is dead now. She drowned herself in a swamp in wild despair.
I actually want to know wether if he killed her, or if she killed herself. To make it more angsty i like to think she actually drowned herlsef, because its so heartbreaking to see how her hopes die and she just...gives up. Gosh its so friggen, ahhhh. Once Luanne sees the guy she shrieks and tries to pull away, falling backwards. Either the bastard hit her, or something but she ends up  being paralyzed and unable to move. She reacts desperatly but the bastard refuses to help, and then she slowly gives up, letting the water fill her lungs, and slowly closing her eyes and accepting her faith.
He thinks he used to love her, But push it came to shove her, A wife disposed, A wife case closed, And no one seems to care,
And the violins are amazing. He doesnt care. No one knows shes dead. Luanne is left without no one there to remember her, to grieve her. Its just....so heartbreaking.
To grieve Luanne. Now no one's on his shoulder, But his mattress don't feel colder,
And in fact, it's hellish hot, and the air is dank and steaming. Yet his body starts to shiver When the window cracks a sliver And a fiery fog From the miry bog Pours in the room In a sticky gloom And there the man Sees dead Luanne.
Luanne makes her way to the house, fulfilling her promise of getting her revenge, of not forgiving the asshole for everything he did. And then, when she gets there, dripping, the bastard only stares.
He's terrified, But he keeps his pride, 'Cause he knows that he ain't dreaming. And he starts screaming, "Leave, Luanne. Hell sent you back here for more, 'Cause ain't no one ever loved you."
THIS, THISSSSS. ITS BY FAR MY FAVORITE PART. When hes the one telling her to leave, when its HIM. Just- the nerve of this man. And i know i keep saying this byt LISTEN TO THE VIOLINS. They are perfect, the tension, the way they just- the way they make you feel, the way they always give you shivers and make you go oh fuck shits about to go down.
He is just cockily smirking trying to act as if hes not afraid. And then he has the audacity to tell her to LEAVE. The thing shes been trying to do for so long, but now...its too late. Her eyes widen in rage and she stands straight, lifting her chin and glaring at him.
But said Luanne, "I've come to settle a score, " And she shows him her feet are bound in chains.
Shes stuck there. But this time, the roles are reversed. This time Luanne will be the one feared. She will now hold the power.
And loyal Luanne remains And remains And remains And remains!
I like to think that shes also got it stuck in her head that she cant leave, and shes now torturing the bastard by STAYING, the way it just changes fro, what it was at the beginning, HOLY SHIT AHH. And as the remains get louder she gets angrier and the room start getting hotter and hotter, and Luanne just smiles and you see the bastard cowering more and more in fear.
Someone's howling, Screams like sighing With battered breath. Grating, growling, Never dying In a fate worse than death. Luanne, She cries her miserable wail So the bastards will never sleep again!
And she is CRYING. Tears make their way down her face, crying and asking how dare he, why would he, all she wanted was to be happy.
No, no reprieve, Luanne, She brings their souls down to hell, A caution to the cruelest of men: God loves Luanne! Praised be! Amen!
The ending is so good, she gets her revenge, makes the guy regret what shes done. i always imagine the whole place setting in fire and Luanne getting angrier and angrier, thr bastard finally realizing what the hell hes actually done. This is amazing, i love this song so much. Not only the story but also the way you can imagine and feel everything. this song is so freaking good istg
Theyre in HELL. She used to be so religious, and thats the fate she didnt want. She never wanted to be in hell, yet there she is, getting her revenge. I dont know if God went like aight here ya go gurl, get your revenge, or smth like DAMN, so good.
In conclusion, amazing song, so good, i swearrr. This musical is amazing, they have other amazing songs like Sarah Berry, or Piece of Me.
Some of them range from being depressing, to adorable, to HILAROUS like Caralee lmfao that one is amazing lol
I really hope yall take a listen hehe, im sorry for rambling so much, im just trying to keep myself distracted from everything going on at home and with my dog. Hope yall have a good day and ill write more things, I promise!
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adultteamharmony · 6 years
What's the worst fight you all had?
“The worst fight? Oh no... I... think that one was a while back, when we were still teens.”
FlashBack Time~
(slight warning, this is long, like sorry guys)
“Ok, that’s it! I’ve had enough of this punk, going around and giving people a ‘reality check’. Well, I think its his turn to have one.” Zackery huffed, his lips drawn back into a snarl as he began to pull his hair back into a ponytail.
“Zackery, no! You are not going to do anything except sit down and cool off.” Kodo stated, standing up and crossing her arms, her vines sprouting out and wrapping tightly around his waist. “Zackery, you are part of Team Harmony and you’re trying to become a hero, going around and punching anyone and everyone who pisses you off is only going to end up hurting you in the end and it wont solve anything.” She added, huffing out hot air from her nose and narrowing her eyes at him.
Zackery simply snarled before yanking at her vines, forcing Kodo to stumble toward him. “And what about you?! All you end up doing is just shut down and get all passive, basically rolling over whenever a problem comes up that you cant figure out how to solve! Dont you care at all that the guy you, supposedly had a crush on, told you to fuck off?? Doesn’t it bother you that he’s happy with someone else while you did absolutely nothing and just sat out in the background?!” He shouted, waving his arms around, clenching and unclenching his fists over and over as his anger start to boil over.
“Yes.. no... I dont know dammit! I failed and messed up and made things worse, so just let me forget about it and move on already for Christ sake! As long as he’s happy, I’m happy, who cares? Whatever. Besides, the key word here is HAD. I HAD a crush on him, right now, I dont, so I dont care. And why do you care anyway? None of this involves you, none of this is about you!” Seemed anger was contagious since Kodo was starting to engage Zackery in a screaming contest. By now, her vines had released Zackery but they were flinging around, mimicking Kodo’s arm movements. Finally, she stood on her toes, chest puffed out and glared up at Zackery, fists balled up and at her side, shaking.
“Why do I care? Why do I care?! Kodo for fuck sake, has over 10 years of friendship mean so little to you that you have to question why I would care about someone telling you to fuck off? What am I to you? A knight, your brother, or just a fucking joke?!” Zackery trailed off, having started off yelling and stomping closer to her but has he started to piece things together, his shoulders sagged, lips forming a small and thin line, eyes glancing at her and then at the ground before he just sighed and shook his head.
With a huff, Zackery spun on his heels and stomped over to the door, only for Tachi to have had enough of this screaming contest and stepped in, blocking Zackery’s way.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Tachi asked, looking down at Zackery with arms crossed.
“And just who the fuck do you think you are? You really think you’re something all high and mighty huh? Look at you, looking down at me as if I was nothing more but just a nuisance... thats what I am to you people, right? A good for nothing nuisance that does nothing but brings trouble?”
“Zackery, please, lets just talk about this.”
“Zack, you’re a major nuisance right now. Just turn around and sit down before you blow a fus-.” Tachi ordered, only to get cut off by a sudden punch to the face. The sucker punch was strong enough to knock Tachi back and bump against the door before he regained his footing. Rubbing his now sore jaw, Tachi glared at Zackery, clenching his fist.
“So I’m a major nuisance huh? Finally glad that we can have some fucking truth around here. You want to know what I think about you!? All you do is walk around as if you own the place, all high and mighty just because you have a real special quirk, AND YOU DONT EVEN USE ALL OF IT! Not to mention, you never really talk to us about anything that goes on in that thick skull of yours. If we’re supposed to be a team, you sure do have a funny way of showing your team spirit.” Zackery ranted, getting all up in Tachi face, who was doing all he could to stop himself from knocking the fireball out.
“Zackery please, that’s enough. Can we just cool off and move on?” Kodo asked, hesitantly approaching her friend only to jump back when he spun around to face her.
“Dont think you’re getting out of this scot-free. You’re just as bad as he is when it comes to your secrets. I get it, I’m a dumb fuck, I know I am, and its clear thats how the two of you see me, but I’m not blind. You like to go around pretending that you’re this open book, almost as if you’re better than all of us, but I know the truth, you hide so many things in between the lines. I am just so sick and tired of you two keeping everything a secret and treating me like I’m the dumbest fucking hazard there is in the world!” As Zackery ranted and scream, Kodo slowly backed away, wanting to keep as much distance between herself and her angry friend.
Finally, Tachi just grabbed Zackery and lifted him up to eye level. "So you think you’ve done nothing wrong? Look at you. You’re just a walking fire hazard. Its a wonder how you made it this far in life without someone else coming around and dealing with you. With either of us, you’d probably just end up sleeping under a bridge somewhere!”
The two dived into a heated argument between each other, Zackery’s hair slowly growing in temperature with smoke rising up from it, while Tachi was just shaking in anger.
As Kodo watched her two friends just verbally rip each other apart, a lump formed in her throat as her eyes watered up, stinging and making it hard to see until finally, “I’M SORRY!” She shouted, causing the two to pause in their own argument and looked at her.
“Wait, what? Why are you apologizing?”
“I’m sorry! I dont tell you guys anything, I just bottle everything up, I feel like crap every single day, I’m just so jealous of your amazing and strong quirks while I got stuck with something weak, I’ll never be able to match anything you two do, I never meant to make either of you feel stupid, being smart is all I’m good at and even then I still mess up, I’m not worthy of being your leader or friend...” Kodo continued to just spill her guts out as tears cascaded down her red cheeks. Her voice cracked and shook in several places, but she continued to just spill it all out.
Tachi immediately dropped Zackery and the two scrambled over to her, a little unsure of what to do. After a while, the two decided to just let Kodo let it all out, tissues and a water bottle ready for her. After several minutes, she finally calmed down enough, that or she just ran out of things to say.
The room was just filled with this heavy and thick silence, the two brothers awkwardly looking at each other before one of them spoke. “Look, Tachi I-”
“No, I’m sorry. What you said... I... I think I really needed to hear it.”
“But dude, I shouldnt have yelled or said those nasty things... I mean, I’m sorry too.”
“But you were right. You two are family to me, when I lost my sight in my eye, everyone else just turned their backs on me but you two, you were there for me, helped me, and look at where I am now because of you two. I really should open up more, it would only help all of us, right?”
“Just because I was right doesnt mean that I should have said it in the way I did. I just, I just get so mad. Like I can clearly see that something is bugging your two guys, but no matter what I do, I cant get either of you to talk to me. It just made me feel like that I didnt matter to either of you and that you guys must hate me I’m sorry.”
“Zackery, you do matter. No matter how angry I get, or frustrated you make me feel, I could never hate you, and I will never stop loving you. I promise that from now on, I’ll try to open up more. You guys are my family.” Kodo chimed in, her voice a little scratchy from crying.
“Am I promise to try opening up as well. Zack, I’m sorry for making you feel like you were below me. You’re not, but I failed in making that clear.”
“I’m not exactly guilt free either. I really need to stop doing all of this fighting... and that sucker punch was just really uncalled for, I’m sorry dude. How about your punch me back and we call it even?”
“Zackery, if I did that, you’d end up in the hospital, so no. I kind of deserved it, so we’re fine.” Tachi added before ruffling his hair.
“Can... can we just stay like this for a while, please?” Kodo asked, referring to the cuddle pile that they had formed.
“Yeah, its rather nice... Maybe afterward we can head out and get some food?” Tachi offered, shifting a little until he was a little more comfortable.
“Sounds good to me, and I’ll pay since I started all of this.” Zackery stated, not letting any of them counter it. And with that, the trio just relaxed for a while, until Zackery said one last thing. 
“I’m still kicking that punk’s ass, hard.”
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Autumn (part 18)
Bron didn't hesitate, he instantly jumped in. He dives in and sees Autumn slowly sinking down into the water. He makes it to her and wraps a arm around her and swims back up. He lifts his head from the water breaking the surface bringing Autumn up with him. He makes it to the rocks and River is already there leaning over and taking Autumn in his arms to place her on the grass. Bron gets up and leans over her, he listens for a heartbeat.
He hears nothing...
"No not now!" Bron leans in and starts to give Autumn mouth to mouth. He  presses on her chest to get her heart going. He doesn't stop and River and Tomis watch him not knowing what to do. Bron keeps going but still hears nothing. "You Are Not Doing This To Me!!" Bron is getting frustrated.
Footsteps rush to them. Sharon gasps and Katherine rushed beside Autumn's side. "Why is this happening... Why wasn't I with her... Don't do this Autumn please.." Katherine is shaking and tearing up.
Lori walks in soon with Missy and Penny. She looks at Bron frantically working on Autumn with little success. "Your highness you need to stop. Her heart has stopped beating for a while now."
"No!" Bron gives Autumn air again.
"Your Highness please. You need to let me work on her now." Lori speaks calmly.
Bron refuses. "If I stop I will lose her! I cant pause for a second." He refuses to listen to anyone stuck in his own bubble.
Lori sits beside him and give him a look. "Bron please. Let me do this. I know it will hurt her but it has to be done."
Bron stops reluctantly and Lori has her hand over Autumn's chest like she did with Tomis. She slowly moves it up and thats when the pain hits. Autumn feels a shock that makes her conscious again and feels a heavy mass forming in her body. Like all the water she took in is gathering together in one spot. The pain was that Lori moving it up to her mouth slowly. She felt like she was choking and started kicking. Bron was holding her down so she wouldn't move and Katherine was holding her legs down to keep her still. If she were to move to much Lori could lose control over the water and it could flow back into her body, choking her more and killing her. It felt so painful feeling the ball of water make its way up her throat and she had tears coming down her face. It felt like hours and then finally Lori had the water out and had it in her hand in a orb. Autumn had taken in so much water from the pond and Lori tossed it and it spattered on the ground. even if the water was out Autumn instantly went back to her original limb state and her heartbeat died off from the shock.
Bron scooped her up in his arms and cradled her moving her hair out of her face. " Why don't I hear a heartbeat... Lori her heart should be beating now."
"The shock must have stopped it. She is human so this is very painful procedure. Humans are more fragile than us." Lori saids softly.
Everyone is waiting for Autumn's heart to start beating. Every second is agony and makes them worry more. Katherine is tears pouring out and Sharon is holding onto River. Tomis is hoping for something while Penny and Missy are huddled together. Bron puts his had on Autumn's cheek, she feels so cold. He feels like he can't breathe and is slowly losing it every second that goes by that he hears silence. "Please wake up. Please..." Bron whispers to her.
Bron hears it.
Thump Thump
Everyone looks at Autumn eyes wide. After what seemed like a century Autumn takes a breath. Her chest rises and falls slowly. Her eyes flutter open slowly. Everything she sees looks like a blur but can make out figures. She feels something hold her close and move her to hold closer but softly. She feels a hand running through her hair slowly and carefully. She wants to speak but cant feeling so weak. She cant make out the voices she hears and they sound fuzzy to her.
She feels herself being lifted and cared off but still can't make herself fully wake up. While being carried off she knocks out again. She tries to wake up again but can't still but feels she is in bed and can slightly hear others around her. She feels someone holding her hand softly and patting it. It could be Sharon Autumn thought, because she always does that to her. Then she knocks out. She has her eyes slightly open but still cant bring herself to move. This time she feels someone laying beside her and another person brushing her hair from her face then giving a kiss on the head. It would be Katherine laying with her, she always did that when Autumn would get sick and she look after her at night. As for the other person she smelled fresh baked bread so that could have been her brother. Soon she felt a hot cloth on her head and could head two sets of footsteps walking around moving things. that could be Penny and Missy taking care of her. She then feels someone tug the covers on her more and another person lays a hand on her head. From that hand her feels calmer, Autumn realizes this must be River relaxing her and Tomis is trying to keep her warm.
One feeling she always has constantly is that someone is holding her. Someone is nestling into her neck and had a arm wrapped around her. Sometimes a hand continues to brush her hair and stoke her cheek with their thumb. She would feel a kiss on her cheek or her head too but she knows its not from Katherine because it feels different. Autumn does not know who this could be.
Finally she wakes up. She opens her eyes fully and blinks a couple of times to adjust. Looking around she is in her room in bed and a set of night clothes. The curtains at the window were closed so there was hardly and light. She sat up slowly, her head feeling slightly heavy. Autumn moves to get off the bed but when she tries to stand her knees buckle and she plops on the bed again. Her legs feel weak for some reason like she hadn't walked for weeks. Her door opens and Penny and Missy are surprised to see her.
"Autumn your awake!" Missy is surprised at the door and Penny comes to Autumns side to help her stand.
"How long have I been asleep?" Autumn looks at both maids. They don't answer right away but Penny looks at Autumn carefully.
"It has been two weeks..." Penny said as gently as possible.
"Two weeks!" Autumn feels like she is panicking. "Why was I asleep for so long?"
"Well when Lori treated you it took more out of you than we thought. For demons this will only make them sleep for three to four days if most. Tomis is really strong so he recovered faster." Penny explains. When she mentions Tomis she is slightly pink.
Just as she finished Katherine walks in with Sharon. Katherine doesn't speak and only rushes to Autumn and hugs her. "Autumn... your ok... I thought I lost you." Katherine snuggles her.  
"Im ok Katherine." Autumn hugs her back rubbing her back. "It's ok now."
"We were so worried about you. Every day you didn't get up be grew more concerned." Sharon saids softly.
"Im fine now. I feel weak though." Autumn holds onto Katherine for support.
Bron walks in looking at Autumn. He doesn't say anything nor show any real expression. But he has the biggest urge to push everyone out of the way and hold her. "You are wake." He saids slowly.
"Our sleeping beauty has woken from her slumber." River leans in at the doorway.
Tomis peaking in the room smiling happily. "Autumn im glad your awake now."
"How are you feeling?" Bron asks seriously.
"My body feels weak but other than that I'm fine." Autumn smiles weakly. "Actually I would like to take a bath if anyone doesn't mind."
Bron wants to help her walk but before he can say anything Katherine already helps her out. Bron watches as Autumn is led to take a bath by Katherine and Sharon, missy and Penny following behind. They go into the bathroom with her and close the door. Bron instantly remembers seeing Autumn's bare back, he holds in his feelings on that.
"Are you jealous Sharon get to see your wife before you." River teases Bron.
Bron sighs. "No."
"Sure. Just asking because I can feel your emotions right now and they are screaming with love." River nudges Bron.
Bron glares at River. River puts his hands up in surrender as Tomis chuckles softly.
Bron walks away from them and they follow behind. He doesn't say it but he is very relieved that Autumn is awake now. However now that she is up he will miss one thing. He will have to get used to not going into her room at night and keeping an eye on her to see if she will wake up. He didn't mean to start laying beside her but for some reason he just felt like doing it. Snuggling up to her and brushing the hair from her face. Every morning before he left he always stopped and gave her a kiss on the head or cheek. So many times he was going for her lips but he stopped because if he was to actually kiss her he wanted her to be awake hoping she kiss him back. 
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iampinksim · 7 years
An untitled Fairy Tail fanfic I’m working on at the moment. Dont know if I’ll finish it or not. I think I’ve spelled some names wrong, maybe some spells even but like I said, its not finished.
"I hope this bruise goes away soon." Lucy whines. "Its so annoying." "What bruise?" Gray asks, sitting down across from Lucy at the guild hall table. "I got a bruise on our last job and it still hurts." "You should embrace it." Erza says walking up next to the table. "It shows you've done a job well. A warrior's wound if you will. I have a few myself." "Yeah but its huuuurtsss!" "Come on Lucy, would you stop whining already? Geez." Gray says rolling his eyes. "Uhm darling..." Juvia starts. "Where are your pants?" "What!?" Gray looks down. "Ah!" Erza smiles and walks away.
"Hey guys whats up?" Happy asks as he flies up to the table, Natsu behind him. "Lucy says she has a bruise." Gray answers. "A bruise?" Natsu repeats. "Where?" "On my side." Lucy answers. "Its - wha- HEY!" Natsu grabbed the hem of Lucy's shirt and began to lift it. Lucy blushes and then stands up quickly. "Hands of perv!" She yells and kicks him. "Oww!" Natsu says. "What was that for? I wanted to see how bad it was. Was just gonna tell ya to get it checked out. You didnt have to kick me." "You didnt have to pull my shirt up!" Lucy screams. "You could have just told me you idiot!" Natsu pouts and rubs the back of his head, now sitting two tables away on the floor. "Hey Natsu," Wakaba comes up behind him. "Yeah?" Natsu continues to rub his head. "There's someone lookin for ya?" "For Natsu?" Gray asks. "Who is it?" Natsu asks too, standing up. "I dont know. Just went into town to grab some new smokes and I heard someone say there's been someone walking around asking for you." "Hm. Wonder who it could be." Erza says. "And what would they want with Natsu?" "Dunno." Wakaba shrugs. "Natsu, do you have any idea who it could be?" Lucy asks him. "No idea." Natsu turns to Wakaba. "Was this person a person or dragon?" "You really dont hear yourself talk do you?" Gray says shaking his head. "Hm, wellll. No one's said anything about a dragon." Wakaba rubs his chin. "So its not Igneel." Natsu says to himself. "I wonder-" The guild hall doors open then. Natsu's group and Wakaba look over. A girl with dark skin, reddish black hair, black pleated skirt, a red bralette and black books walks in. She's also wearing finger-less red gloves. There's a guild symbol on her stomach on the left side but Natsu doesnt recognize it. She looks around the guild, right hip cocked to the side with her hand resting on it. "Whose that?" Gray speaks up. "No idea." Erza says. She steps forward. "Excuse-" The girls eyes landed on Natsu. She stands up straight then and smiles wide. "Natsu!" "Huh?" Natsu says, taken aback. Who is this? "Natsu!" She starts to run towards him. "I've been looking for you!" "Uhm..." Natsu watches her as she gets closer. Do I know her? Her brown eyes lower, she smirks and then she brings her left hand up, fist curled and swings at Natsu. The blow sends Natsu hitting the bar. The guild is now watching on and some of them gasp and start murmuring. "Who is that chick?" "Did she really just hit Natsu for no reason?" "Knowing him its probably for a reason." "Yeah, you're probably right." "Who walks into a guild and attacks one of its members?" "Whats going on?" "She sent Natsu flying! Who is she?" The girl crosses her arms and smirks. "Are you just gonna sit there and stare at me?" She says. "Do something. I dare you." Natsu blinks a few times. He jumps up and roars. "Alright," He growls taking his fighting stance, glaring the girl down. "You want a piece of me?" She scoffs and shakes her head, hip cocked and hand on her hip. "I just told you to hit me." "Fine." Natsu says. "You asked for it!" Natsu rushes her and his fist is on fire. He stretches his arm out to hit her but she dodges it. Natsu growls again. He continues to try and punch her but she dodges every one. "Stop running away and fight me!" The girl chuckles. "You cant even touch me!" "Oh yeah!?" "Fire dragon - talons!" The girl quickly moves to the side and laughs. "Argh, face me like a man!" Natsu yells. "I know she started it but she's a girl Natsu." Lucy says exasperated. "Who the heck is this crazy chick?" Gray says. "Why did she just come in here and sucker punch Natsu like that?" "It is quite strange." Juvia agrees. "Do you think they know each other?" Lucy asks. "She was smiling before. Then all of a sudden - AHHH!" Lucy jumps to the side. "Hahaha!" Natsu laughs. The girl crashes into one of the tables, breaking it. She groans and sits up. "Fire dragon - Brilliant Flame!" The girls eyes widen. She covers her face with one of her arms. When the flames disappear, she's covered in a few scratches but otherwise unharmed. Some of the guild members notice and began to wonder who she really is and why it didnt affect her. Natsu of course pays no mind. He lands in front of her, looking down, arms crossed a grin on his face. "Had enough yet?" He asks her. The girl makes a growling noise in her throat. She's up in a flash and her and Natsu go crashing to the ground together. "Natsu!" Gray yells. The girl has her arms around his neck. Natsu was one second from pushing her off to continue to fight but, She has tears in her eyes. "Wait, are you crying?" Natsu asks, befuddled. "Did I hurt you?" The girl lowers her head and shakes it. "No I ... I'm fine its just ..." Natsu sits up and the girls drops her arms. She curls her hands into her skirt keeping her head down. "I just missed you is all." She says. "I probably should have greeted you more properly." There was silence and then, "HUH!?!?" Coming from the whole guild. "Thats what she calls greeting!?" Natsu hums. He crosses his arms and legs. "You're really tough." Natsu says. "I saw you raising your arm up to hit me but I didnt think I would go flying into the wall." "Sorry about that." "He doesnt care!?" "So who are you?" Erza says. "I demand to know why you charged into our guild and attacked one of our members? Who sent you?" "No one sent me." The girl stood up and dusted off her skirt. "I came on my own. I've been looking for Natsu." "Why?" "We're old friends." She answered smiling again. "Old friends? Who punches their friend in the face when they've not seen each other in a while?" Lucy says. The girl laughs. She puts her hand on the back of her head. "Sorry. I just got so excited when I saw him. I couldnt help myself." "Excited!?" "Whats your name? Where did you meet Natsu?" Gray asks. "My name is Kaia." She bows. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. Forgive me." "Its fine." Erza says. "Now tell me how you know Natsu." "Well see, I was out one day on a job and I...kind of got in over my head." She chuckles. "I was supposed to find and get rid of some forest vulcans that had been disrupting a village. Normally, I'd have no problem fighting them but I ... I caught a cold. I took on the job anyway though. I found them and beat them but then...they called for backup. I thought I could take them on but there were more than I could handle I guess." She looked down at Natsu who was still seated on the floor. "Then out of nowhere, Natsu came. I dont know why he was there but if it wasnt for him, I might have been a goner." "I see." Erza says. "Natsu you did that?" Happy asked. "I dont remember doing that." Natsu shrugs. The girl laughs. "You're so silly Natsu." "He's not joking around ya know." Gray says. Natsu stands. "So we've met before huh?" "Yeah." "And I saved you from that pack of monkeys?" "Yeah." "So I rescue you and you attack me!? Who does that!?" Natsu growls, pressing his forehead against the girls. "You're the one who went and got me all excited!" She yelled, pressing back. "That doesnt make any sense!" Natsu yelled. Natsu and the girl continue to argue. Everyone in the guild turn white with exhaustion but confusion. "Its hard to believe he doesnt know her when he's fighting with her the way he does with Gray." Macao says. "Yeah." Wakaba nods. "I have to say it is weird." Gray says. "Gray your clothes!" Juvia screams. "Crap!" "Alright thats it!" Natsu yells. "You and me! Bring it on!" "I'm not holding back this time!" The girl yells back. Erza's eye twitches. "Knock it off! Both of you!" Natsu and the girl stop bickering and look to Erza. "Now, Kaia. You still have not told me why you're here." "Oh." Her face goes sullen all of a sudden. Lucy seems to be the only one who notices. "I..." The girl composes herself and smiles. "Natsu told me to come visit him!" "Did he? Is this true Natsu?" "I dont know!" "After he helped me with the monkeys -" "What do you mean helped!? I'm the one who kicked all their butts!" "We talked for a while." She continued. "He told me he was out catching fish for his friend because they got into a fight." "I must be that friend!" Happy says brightly. "I love fish!" "Yeah." The girl giggles. "I told him I was a bit inexperienced and about the guild I was thinking about joining at the time. He told me I'd get a lot stronger if I joined Fairy Tail. He said great things about this place. He told me I should come and visit sometime and then he left. "I dont know why but ... I meant to come a long time ago but ... Anyway! Here I am!" She said cheerily. "Well I'm glad you decided to show up." Natsu smiled at her. "He was just fighting with her!" Lucy looks on as her guild mates asks the new girl questions. Was she the only one to notice the girl looking upset when asked why she was here? Or when she paused in her story about her being sick? Maybe it was nothing. Of course it was nothing. She knows nothing about this girl. Maybe thats just the way she is. "If its all the same to you, I'd like to rest up now. I traveled a long way." Kaia was saying. "Natsu, do you know anywhere I can stay for a while?" "Well we have a girls-" Juvia started. "Can I stay with you Natsu?" Kaia asks him. Natsu blushes. "What?" Everyone seems to have gone about their business except of course Lucy's group, who are left stunned at Kaia's request. "You want...to live with me?" Natsu says. Kaia laughs. "No silly. I just need a place to rest tonight." "Oh. Right." "Honestly Natsu. I know we just rekindled and all but you're moving too fast." "What!?" "I'm not looking for a boyfriend right now." "I dont want to be your boyfriend!" "You're so adorable." Kaia giggles. "Shut up!" "Wow. Dont think I've ever seen anyone strike out that fast before." Gray says. "I didnt strike out! Shut your mouth frostbite!" "Dude, you totally struck-" Natsu took a swing at Gray and hit him in the jaw. "I said shut it!" "Oh its on!" Gray and Natsu started to fight, as usual. Lucy looked over at Kaia and she was laughing at the whole thing. It may be too early to say, but she seems like a nice enough person. Surely if she had some ulterior motive, something would have happened by now. She's definitely not afraid to attack head on if her charging on Natsu while he was surrounded by his guild says anything. "Ahhh!" Gray and Natsu have knocked over Kaia. They ignore her as she sits on floor holding her side. Lucy runs over to her. "Are you okay?" Lucy asks. "Yeah. Fine." Kaia doesnt let go of her side. "Can I help you up?" Kaia nods. She takes her hand off her side and Lucy takes that hand. Lucy looks down at her guild symbol but its not something she knows. Wait. Is that... "Are you sure you're okay?" Lucy asks once Kaia is upright. "I'm fine, thanks." Kaia flinches and grabs her side again. "Uhm-" "Natsu!" Kaia yells. Natsu and Gray have each other by the collars but otherwise not fighting anymore. "Where is your house? I'd like to go to sleep now." Natsu pushes Gray off of him. "Why do you want to stay with me anyway? Its-" "Please Natsu." Her eyes turning soft and pleading. "I just want to sleep." "Ugh! Fine! Its this way." Kaia smiles at Lucy and then follows after Natsu. Was that a bruise on her bruise? It didnt look like one though. But it must have been. Could it have happened when Natsu hit her? Or when he and Gray knocked her over? Possibly. But it didnt look like a bruise exactly. Who is this girl and why was she here? Why was she looking for Natsu specifically? What was on her side? "Something on you mind Lucy?" Erza asks. Lucy shakes her head. "Nah. Its probably nothing." The thing on her chest must be a bruise. She could have gotten into a fight before she came here. Or Natsu or Gray did it. There's no reason to worry. Lucy knows Natsu is more than capable of taking care of himself. Still though...
The next afternoon Natsu asked Lucy to go on a job with him. "Where's your friend Natsu?" She asked. "What friend?" "The one from yesterday? Kaia?" "Oh, her." Natsu puts his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers. "She's still in bed." "Still?" Lucy wonders. "She left here yesterday morning. Has she really been in bed all this time?" Natsu shrugs. "She told me it took her a couple days to get here. She's tired I guess. Are we going on this job or not?" "Yeah uhm... Sure. Shouldnt you tell Kaia though? What if she comes looking for you and you're not here?" "Then she'll see me when I get back. Lets go!" "Natsu! She came all this way to see you and you're just gonna leave her?" "Geez Lucy. If you want me to go tell her so badly I will. When I get back we're going on this job, deal?" "Yeah." Lucy nodded. Natsu left. Kaia seemed to be in so much pain yesterday. She only got one hit on Natsu and it seems like it took a lot out of her. She dodged every blow he threw at her. And then she got so easily knocked over by Gray and Natsu while they were fighting. She wouldnt stop gripping at her chest. She did say that she was sick when she met Natsu. Is she a sickly person? Could she be sick again? Is that why she's still in bed?
"Hey Kaia." Natsu calls as he walks in his house. "You up yet?" Kaia opens her eyes but doesnt move. "Natsu," She says softly. "I'm going on a job. Lucy wanted me to come tell you in case you got worried." "Okay." She closes her eyes back. "Good luck." Natsu blinks. "Are you okay?" "Yeah." "You sure? You look kind of sick." "No I... I'm just tired. It was a long journey." "Well... Alright. I'll be back later." "Bye." "See ya."
When they return from the job, Lucy looked around and didnt see Natsu's friend Kaia. Natsu didnt seem too worried so Lucy feels like she shouldnt be worried either. She wonders briefly if Kaia is some sort of spy but then...she seemed to be in so much pain today and Natsu had said that she's been asleep since yesterday afternoon. Either she's a really good actress or there's seriously something wrong with her. "Whats got you looking so bummed out Lucy?" Grey asks. "You didnt get hurt on the job again did ya?" "No. Its just..." Lucy puts a hand to her chin. "Natsu's friend. Its like she just...manifested out of nowhere. Natsu didnt even know who she was." "Natsu doesnt remember anything." "I know but...there's something about her. I dont know if we can like...but then she was in so much pain. That thing on her side..." Lucy trailed off quietly. "Yeah. That is kind of weird. And Natsu of all people. I think... I'm gonna go find Erza." Lucy sat there contemplating for a while. A few moments later she heard Erza yell Natsu's name so she looked up. Erza and Grey were standing in front of Natsu. "Take us to see Kaia." Erza commands. "Kaia? Why?" Natsu scratches his head. "Dont ask questions. Move." Natsu went rigid and turned to walk out the guild, walking stiffly with Erza and Grey behind him. Happy sat off to the side looking puzzled. Lucy decided to get up and follow. They arrived at Natsu's hut some fifteen minutes later. Erza slammed open the door. Lucy looked inside. There she is. Sleeping. Just like Natsu said she was. Except... It doesnt look like she's breathing. "Is she dead?" Grey asks. "I dont think so." Natsu says, walking over to her. "Hey Kaia! Kaia!" She didnt budge. Natsu shook her shoulder and called to her but she still didnt move. "Gross! Dont tell me there's a dead girl in your bed Natsu!" Lucy exclaim, covering her face. "She's not dead." Erza says. "There's a faint pulse. She's still alive. But for how long..." "What do you mean?" Lucy asks. "Natsu," Erza starts. "Grab her and lets go see the Master."
"Dear me," Makarov says. "Its just as I feared." "So I was right then." Erza folds her arms and nods. "You were. It was smart of you to bring her to me." "I dont get it. Whats going on?" Natsu asks. "Whats wrong with Kaia?" "She's been cursed." Makarov answers. "If we dont do something soon, I'm afraid she'll die." "What!?" Natsu yells. "There must be something we can do! What is it Master?! Tell us!" Lucy exclaims. "Get Freed. This is a dark spell. One I'm not familiar with. Perhaps he can assist us. Grey. See if he's here." "You got it." Grey runs out of the room. Lucy turns back to Kaia. "So thats why she came here." Lucy says softly. "Natsu helped her before so she must have thought he'd be able to help her again." "Too bad she chose the wrong guild wizard." Erza says. "Hey! Whats thats supposed to mean!?" Erza hits Natsu on the head and he falls over. "Master! I've got Freed." Grey says as he and Freed walk into the room. "Excellent. Freed, we dont have a lot of time. Do you think you can figure out what this curse is placed on this young wizard?" Freed nods. "I'll do my best." They all watch as Freed stare at the marking on Kaia's side and then he conjures up a book. He flips through the pages some. "Oh. Oh my." He says glumly.
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