#i cant speak for everywhere but the two schools i went to where you could buy lunch just like. didnt have a debt system
lycanthropdyke · 1 year
How does american school lunch debt work. Why does that exist
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meow-sic · 3 years
they call you annoying
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𓆝 includes : joe , langa , reki x !gn reader !
𓆟 genre : angst to fluff !
𓆞 authors note : back to writing! :)
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joe / kojiro
you followed behind kojiro with cherry. today was supposed to be a nice day, if joe didn’t have to flirt with every girl he saw.
you and cherry talked about mindless things until you and kojiro got to the car. you hugged cherry goodbye and he told you to text him later.
you got in the car, kojiro didn’t even notice your off behavior. he put a hand on your thigh in the car and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
“today was fun, yeah?” he turned on the car and began to back out of cherry’s driveway to go home.
“mhm,” you mumbled back, looking out the window. he was confused, but he brushed it off maybe thinking you were tired from the day.
“so…when do you think we should do that again? maybe we can invite langa and reki next time?” he tried to lighten the air.
but you kept shutting it down, only replying with a: “yeah” or “mhm” or sometimes, just a nod of your head.
once you got home you instantly went to your shared bedroom with a slam of the door. he huffed and threw his arms up in the air in confusion.
he mumbled a few curses under his breath in frustration, but he walked up to your room and knocked.
“hey, you okay?” he asked as he opened the door and walked in. you were sitting on the bed.
you knew you couldn’t stay mad at him forever, not when he’s wrapping his arm around your shoulder sympathetically.
you wiped the few tears that threatened to fall. “i just- i don’t like it when girls are constantly around you,” you expected endless apologies and affirmations.
but instead, he unwrapped his arm from your shoulder and scoffed. “what? i cant help that girls are around me all the time.”
your mouth dropped agape and your eyebrows furrowed. “e-excuse me? i’m trying to tell you how i feel and you’re literally dismissing it! what, because you want-what? female attention!”
“just because you’re insecure that doesn’t mean i can’t hangout with other people,” he scoffed. “you’re being so annoying right now.”
he didn’t look back at you until he heard sniffles. “wait i’m- i-“
“i’m going to go since, you know, i’m annoying,” you got up and walked out the room. joe sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
after a while, once he talked to cherry about it, he goes to talk to you to apologize for the way he was acting.
you sat on the couch, arms crossed with your cheeks puffed as you watch tv. he smiles, he thinks you look adorable.
he comes up behind you and hugs you. “m sorry. you’re not annoying, and you weren’t being insecure. i’d be the same way seeing guys drool over ya.”
you simply sighed, not quite ready to forgive him yet. “you’re forgetting something.”
he made his way around the couch and layed his head on your chest. “and i love you.”
you ran your fingers through his hair, “mhm. i love you too.”
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langa hasegawa
he’s usually so calm with you, patient, always waiting and willing to listen to your view of the story to make sure you’re most comfortable with him at all times.
but when he started to practice more, then he started to invite reki everywhere.
you adored reki, but you wanted some time with you and your boyfriend to yourself. you barely have any time anymore to yourselves.
you met him at his apartment, his mom was gone at work and you studied while you waited.
when he came back, it was pretty late. you turned towards him and gave a soft smile. “hey hon.”
“hey, you’re here late,” he hung up his work shirt on a hanger and changed into what he usually would wear to S.
“wa-wait are you leaving?” you asked, standing up. he furrowed his eyebrows. he usually leaves once work is done.
“i just thought we could spend some time together,” you said quietly. he paused, “but we spend time together already.”
your heart paused for a moment. it was clear already he wasn’t going to see your point. you hesitated to reply, “yes.. but when we do, reki is always along. i thought we could have time to ourselves, maybe to watch a movie and something?”
“i fail to see your point.” he shot your statement down right away. “we hang out everyday, with reki or not we’re still together.”
you swallowed the thick lump in your throat. “langa, you don’t understand-“
“look, i really don’t have time right now and you’re being quite annoying about this topic. i promised i would meet reki and miya five minutes ago. you’re being quite a handful right now.”
and with that, he left. you rubbed your face in frustration and decided to leave. you didn’t even bother to leave a note or shoot him a text.
you were really upset that he excused his feelings. but, to avoid further argument of you being a ‘handful’ you decided to give him some space.
langa wasn’t that affectionate in public to begin with. a small hand hold, or head kiss was fine enough. but now, it seemed like you would want someone in between you two when walking.
one day, he asks you to come over. you were scared, you didn’t want to break up, and you figured that’s what he wanted to talk about. you just wanted to give him space.
so when you made your way into his room and sat next to him, you just broke down. the whole week of avoiding him was hell enough, but too add to it your mom was mad at you, you had too much homework, and you were overwhelmed with work.
he wrapped his arm around you and comforted you. “hey, hey what’s wrong? why have you been avoiding me all week?”
“because—“ when you went to explain yourself you realized how stupid you felt. you put your face in your hands. “i feel dumb saying why.”
he shushed you and rubbed the side of your arm. “it’s not dumb if it made you avoid me for a week. you can tell me, promise.”
“last week you called me annoying and a handful. i just didn’t want to be annoying to you so i thought giving you space would help. i was scared to tell you how i felt since when i did you just went off to skate with reki after i told you i was upset about that.”
he pause for a second to take your words in, then he sighed. “i was being a jerk, and i didn’t mean any of it. i’m sorry for dismissing your feelings, how you feel is totally valid and i’ll try working on it. you aren’t annoying, okay?” he pushed your hair away from your face to cup it so he could kiss your nose.
“how about we watch the movie you wanted to last week, yeah?”
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reki kyan
reki was back into his seasonal depression episode. it usually happens towards the winter, where school gets stressful, skating also gets stressful where he wants to do nothing but lay around.
langa and miya have told you about his seasonal depression, but you didn’t think it would be as bad as it is.
his mother stood in the doorway, “oh, good, you’re here! reki is in his room, he’s going through a tough time right now.”
you nodded and walked past her. you creeped open the door and knocked on it with your knuckle.
he didn’t look good. his hair was a mess, his clothes were dirty, and it looks like he had just woke up.
at 12:10pm.
“reki..” you sighed and walked over to him. you sat by his legs and brushed his hair with your fingers. “honey i know it’s tough, but why don’t you take a shower?”
he groaned. “no. cant.”
you weren’t sure how to comfort him. you wanted to give him what he wanted, and leave him be, but you knew he would never get better then.
before you could even say anything he spoke up. “why are you guy even here?”
“langa told me that you were having a tough time..” you trailed, still playing with his hair.
something in him must have snapped, because he wacked your hand away and sat up abruptly. “i am, so i think you should leave.”
you scoffed slightly. “reki, i know you’re going through a tough time but you can’t speak to me like that, i just want to help.”
“we’ll clearly you’re not helping so leave,” his eyes stared you down. your entire happy mood of trying to help him and being excited to be with your boyfriend was ruined.
“bottling up how you feel won’t help reki!”
he groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. “fine! you want me to tell you how i feel?” he yelled.
you flinched slightly at him yelled and swallowed the lump in your throat. you just looked down at your lap while he stood up in front of you.
“how i feel is that you’re annoying and clingy! i cant ever have a moment to myself, you always try to act like you need me! you don’t need me and i don’t need you!” his breath was heavy and his voice cracked as he yelled at you.
you sobbed. you didn’t-couldn’t say anything. you just got up and left. he sighed, irritated and ran his fingers through his hair again. he felt the warm spot in the back of his head, the spot where you were petting, trying to comfort him.
he knew he screwed up. so the week after that, he gave you flowers, apologies, kisses, and affirmations to make you feel how you did before.
but it could never heal what he did say to you, those words stuck with you. so now you always try to give him space. you try not to be annoying, and clingy like he said. the week of sweet things he did for you wasn’t enough to fix the wounds he’s caused.
“you’ve been really spacious recently. is everything alright?” he asked one night while you two were cuddling in his room. you were actually quite far away from him.
he was feeling pretty touch starved, and craved your touch. but all you replied with was a “mhm, i’m fine.”
“are you sure? you can always talk to me.”
all the emotions you tried to keep from him finally let out. you covered your face, embarrassed, as you cried.
he quickly hugged you, “hey you can tell me what’s wrong.”
“do you really think i’m annoying and clingy?” you asked.
he remembered that night, making him upset you believed his words that he didn’t even mean. “no! oh, God, of course no! honey, you’re not annoying or clingy.”
“you sure..?”
“yes! i’d never mean it, ever in a million years,” he kissed your head. he continued to hold you until you relaxed into his arms, and eventually fell asleep.
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crossingtoes · 3 years
Haikyuu Hc || Breaking up with him
TW: Angst, cursing sad ending
-> Ushijima
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Ushijima has always been a hard person to figure out.
He rarely spoke by the time you two met, and that didn’t seem to change as you two started darting either.
In the beginning that seemed to be completely fine for you! His quiet nature didn’t bother you all too much, it was even in a way fun to figure him out, unwrap him like a little present.
Yet..as time passed by, and you noticed there where to many layers to unwrap, it became tiring. Home didn’t feel like home anymore. You were tired of guessing his moods, his desires. Home became nothing more but hell.
It was another one of those nights, the tension between the two of you was thick and uncomfortable. At least thats what you felt like. The past weeks have been more than exhausting job/school was exhausting, you and your family had a pretty big fight recently, and wakatoshi? He was the same as always. And that was exactly the problem...
He was as quiet as always, almost absent.. his pretty greenish eyes which you had loved to admire just stared at you in such an empty apathetic way, it slowly started to make you feel sick.
“Wakatoshi, what would you like to eat? Should we go for gummies or dried squid?” You asked as you rose from the couch, looking down on his broad figure. The two of you had one of those movie nights that once again, you had to suggest. You truly hoped some time off with your boyfriend, away from all duties would do you good. Sadly.. that wasn’t the case. As you had asked him if he’d like to watch a movie, he said he wouldn’t mind. Once you asked him what kind of movie he wanted to watch, he said he didn’t care. Being with wakatoshi had become a dutie as well. Everything was up to you, choosing what was for lunch, what you two did, what you would talk about. If it wasn’t for you carrying this whole relationship, Ushijima would probably never say a single word to you, or rather speak the bare minimum, be just a stranger in this house.
You waited for the male to answer, already able to feel your knuckels turn white from clenching your fists so tightly. And as you suspected, he didn’t care. “You choose, i am fine with either” and that, that was the last straw. “Is that all you have to say? Just pick! Fucking pick one, its not that hard!” You bursted at him. The stress and neglected feelings of your own were overflowing. “Its just food y/n ... “ Ushijima said after a little pause of listening to your heavy breathing “its not about the food, wakatoshi! This is about you! This is about all the things that you didn’t do!” He looked a little puzzled as you yelled at him, as the redness of anger and frustration rose to your cheeks which he had always loved to caress in your sleep. You two had your good times, a lot of them.. but lately, the past months.. the bad ones took over and made it hard for you to look him in the eye.
“This is about you! You and your damn apatheticness! I dont even feel like coming home anymore! This..This doesn’t feel like a safe place, a place to escape anymore. This is hell! Its just like everywhere else!” You were loud and rough, brabbling while he listened “i- cant keep guessing anymore wakatoshi! I cant keep making every decision for you! I..I need a partner, someone who can comfort me! Not a doll, not a subordinate! I cant do this anymore!” You vented to him, speaking out all the negative thoughts that had gathered up the past months of him just being there.. physically, but no more than that. Did he stop loving you? When did it change? Was he always like that, why had you only noticed now? When did it become too much for you to handle?
Silence filled the space of your appartement, the place which had held so many memories. The first steps of growing up, worrying about money and taxes, cooking your first meal together, breaking the laundry machine. A place which was nothing more but a memorie. Ushijima just looked at you, how you tried to catch your breath, hide the big tears stinging in your eyes. And as always, he didn’t say a word. It broke you more than it would have if he had tried to defend himself, try to make up excuses. Anything would have been better than this unbearable silence “i can’t do this anymore..” you repeated yourself in a shaky tone, and that was it. Ushijima had packed up enough things for a few days, deciding that it was better to give you space, until you were ready to talk it out. Because it had been always you who came back, you who talked, you who apologized. But this time there was no call back from you, no pleading..nothing. You went just as silent as he had always been, and wakatoshi started to wonder how such silence could feel so suffocating all of a sudden.
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: classmate!sunghoon x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: you felt like park sunghoon was way, WAY out of your league... what happens when the teacher tells him to move seats and sit next to you?
*didnt proofread
becoming friends with park sunghoon was not something you expected to happen this year
throughout high school you had a small group of friends and never really stuck out
so when your teacher told sunghoon to move seats..
the seat happened to be the empty one next to..
guess who *cue the evil laugh*
your first thought was
‘this entire year is just gonna be him completely ignoring my existence or awkward interactions’
now you’ve heard of park sunghoon.... its basically a guarantee at your high school
he has this group of friends and theyre labelled as the popular kids i guess you could say
and the only reason he had to move seats in your two hour long class was because he and his friend jake goof off in class too often and your teacher deemed them “too distracting”
so eventually sunghoon was forced to move all the way across the classroom
right next to you
you were shocked to say the least
obviously he was handsome
too handsome to the point where you questioned how someone as good looking as him went to your school
he sighed and got up from his chair next to jake
but he still had a small smile remaining on his face indicating he wasnt that upset about him having to leave his friend
your heart began to beat quicker automatically as he walked towards your desk
even if you didnt have a crush on him like alot of people did, you still felt nervous around popular students like him for some reason
he ran his hand through his hair and sat down next to you, setting his bookbag on the floor next to him
he didnt look at you, nor acknowledge you
but nonetheless the lecture began again and the class sat in silence
taking notes on their laptops or sleeping
there were around 30 people in your class and your seat was in the middle row next to the window so you often gazed outside from the 2nd floor during class
you glanced to your right and noticed sunghoon slouched back in his seat, twirling around a pencil in his hand while his laptop remained open on his desk
it was just a white screen so he didnt take any notes
you were surpised because you knew he had fairly decent grades
you ignored your thoughts and continued taking your own notes
soon enough the bell rang and sunghoon stood up immediately and walked over to jake
‘yup’ you thought. ‘we are definitely not going to be having a single conversation this year.’
fast forward a couple days!!!!
you were sitting in class next to the boy
as normal
and you still have yet to talk to him.. mainly because you never initiated conversations ESPECIALLY when its a really really cute boy
ur teacher is like
Ok class im assigning a project and ur partner is the person sitting next to u
yay!!!!!! (can u sense the sarcasm)
you sit in silence while everyone in the class starts discussing with their partners
the project is you have to make a presentation on a world issue of your choice
“um...” u start
sunghoon starts pulling out his laptop and binder
“what do you wanna do?”
he doesnt even look you
u didnt know sunghoon and his group of friends very well but u definitely thought they were more... friendly than this
its silent for like 5 seconds
“huh? oh sorry did you say something?”
“uh yeah.. i asked what you wanted to do for the project.”
God u tried so hard not to laugh
you think he noticed because his cheeks turned a really light shade of pink
he looked so innocent
“yeah we have to make a presentation” you lightly chuckled
he was very amusing without even trying
“oh sorry haha.. i zone out easily”
“its okay.. but its due in less than 2 weeks so”
so you two spent the next hour choosing a topic and working on the project
it was kind of awkward for the first 10 minutes but then you warmed up to eachother
u were lucky that he was an extrovert too
(sunghoon is an extrovert for the sake of this story OK)
u were also lucky that he was smart
it was easy for you to talk to him.. he just felt comfortable
contrary to ur prior belief.. sunghoon was actually a really really cool guy
u used to think he was just a guy
now u think hes a really really cool guy
“can you please stop putting penguin clip art on the slides” you giggle
then he puts parrot clip art instead
“do your work!!!!” he was supposed to keep researching but he was trying to balance his pen on his nose
“shhh y/n... im doing something important.”
you roll your eyes
he was always doing something that was Not work
but you found it entertaining
and he’d make dumb little jokes that made you both hide your faces in your arms on top of the desk to hide your laughter
“hey y/n”
“what do you call an old snowman”
“i dunno.. snowgramps”
“no.. water”
you both made eye contact before bursting into laughter and then forcing yourselves to be quiet before u got in trouble
but that made everything funnier so you both were just covering your faces while trying so hard not to make a sound
this was so weird
u have never clicked with someone so fast before it honestly felt exciting
you were talking to sunghoon as if you’d been friends with him since birth
Very Very weird because you had only talked to him an hour ago and now u two are acting like besties ?!?!
jake noticed from across the room too
hes like ‘Why is sunghoon having fun without me🙄🙄’
the bell rings and so far you only have 2 slides
“we didnt get anything done” you note as you pack your bag
“yeah yeah i know. we can work on it more tomorrow”
“right.. see you tomorrow” you’re about to head out until jake walks up
“hey bro” he and sunghoon do some kind of made up handshake before he turns to look at you
now you know jake
everyone knows jake
you used to think he was the sweetest out of all their friend group
and he definitely lives up to that!!!
“hey y/n!” he gives u a smile
AWE hes so adorable
“hi” u reply
you were trying to speed up this conversation though so you could go eat lunch with your friend
“hows the project going?” he asks
“bad. sunghoon doesnt know how to do anything.” you deadpanned jokingly
sunghoon looks at you with an offended look that makes you wanna snort
“hey! you’re the one who doesn’t know how to add text to the slide!”
“what the hell sunghoon?! don’t tell him that, it’s embarrassing!” you give him a dirty look before walking out the classroom door with a smile on your face
days passed and you and sunghoon would only speak during that class but whenever you did it would be a mess
“sunghoon, y/n, quiet down! there is no reason for my classroom to be this loud!” your teacher scolds you two after sunghoon slapped his desk after you accidentally snorted
u two had such a weird relationship
u were almost strangers outside this one class but besties when u were in it
jake noticed too
one time he asked sunghoon during lunch why ur relationship was what it was
“i dont know.. thats just how we are” he answered
but jake kind of suspected sunghoon had a crush on u
*wiggles eyebrows*
it had only been a week but jake was determined to set u up together
“y/n you look cold, heres sunghoons jacket!”
“y/n sunghoon needs help with his homework, can you maybe do something about that..”
“sunghoon, y/n looks sad go give her a hug”
needless to say it worked!!!!
because a week after you presented your 2 weeks worth project
sunghoon asked u on a date
let me recite how it went
u were walking out of class together because jake wasnt there that day
sunghoons bookbag was slung over one shoulder and u were stood next to him with both hands on ur straps
“hey.. do u wanna maybe go grab something to eat with me for dinner..? or something” he quickly asked
“what, like a date?” you joke
“uh.. yeah” he replied looking down at u
u stop in your tracks
No way
“wait what? seriously?” you look up at him with wide eyes
“yes u little munchkin” he pinches your cheeks exaggeratedly and pulls them to make your face sway everywhere
u swat them off so fast
“um.. okay” u answer and ur face heats up
you cant even look him in the eye
like u cant say u DIDNT see this coming but it was still a shock
“awe is y/n blushing” he teases
“go away stupid”
yeah he doesnt go away
ANYWAYS u are the cutest couple ever
everyone wants to be u two so bad!
couple goals literally
jake is so proud of himself honestly
whenever u get into a silly little argument his rebuttal is always
“remind me who got u the best boyfriend ever? thats right, me. dont try me y/n”
and ur like
“ooohhh jakey im so scareddd”
he cannot stand u
but Yeah sunghoon bestest bf ever
takes u on dates whenever u want to
makes u laugh very much
almost too much
and ur parents LOVE him
mhm sunghoon very awesome guy
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doyumacy · 4 years
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*gif not mine
SUMMARY: You, at such young age made your way in business becoming a successful one. With that a lot of jealousy and rivalry came. Your mother finally convinces you to hire a team of security just in case someone tried to hurt you. And that’s when Donghyuck becomes your personal bodyguard, following you everywhere you go. You don’t mind at all since you find him very entertaining and nice. What you don’t know is that he’s the one that has been hired to keep you close and kill you.
PAIRING: reader x bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of jaemin and taeyong. swearing, blood (i’ll let you know when there are parts with blood mentions), smut, violence, angst
7 am. Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast and rush to the office. That was your daily routine and you were used to it. But no that morning. You were getting ready to go to your interview with the TIME Magazine. They were working on an article that would be called “Women Under 30 Are Leading the Pack in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.”
4 years ago, you’d wake up around 9, get ready to go to class and have lunch with your friends, but how does time change, right? Now you were a CEO of your own company with no time for your friends or even yourself. It’s not like you hated it, you liked being a CEO and being recognised by your hard work. It made you proud and wanted to show people that if you really want something and if you work hard for it, you’ll get it.
At the main entrance, you were greeted by the staff and one of them guided you to the room where they interviewed you and took some pictures of you.
That wasn’t your first interview, but you couldn’t feel nervous because you wanted to say the right words to encourage other people.
“Lia, I will be back in ten minutes. Can you sort this papers out on my desk?“
“Okay, Boss.”
It was a beautiful sunny day and the office was busy as usual. You were reading the contract at the table trying to get some order into them when the door opened. Nobody just walked into your office without knocking, so of course it had to be…
“Hi mom...” you greeted her.
“Hi sweetheart,” she smirked at you. “How are you?”
“I’m great,” you nodded and placed the papers on the table, “what brings you here, mom?”
“I can’t visit my beautiful daughter?” She put her right hand on her chest.
You giggled. “Of course you can, but I’d love you to call me first.”
You stood and walked towards her, hugging her. “You want some coffee? Water?”
“I’m fine, darling. I just had brunch with a friend,” she smiled and sat in one of the chairs in front of your desk. “Speaking of which, she told me something that got me really upset at you.”
“Why?” You frowned and sat in front of her.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re getting death threats, (Y/N)?” She looked at you.
You sighed. “Because they don’t matter. You know I don’t pay attention to that. It’s pointless.”
“We’re not talking about hate comments, (Y/N). Someone is threatening you with killing you.”
“Mom, you don’t have to w-“
“Of course I can, and I will. That’s why I contacted an old friend who used to be the Prime Minister’s bodyguard. He’s gonna meet you tomorrow,” she informed you.
“Tomorrow I can’t, I have a meeting.”
“Then you better make some space or you’ll be seeing me here everyday,” your mom smiled. “This is serious. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. You’re my baby.”
“I can take care of myself, mom. Please, I don’t want a full team of bodyguards,” you sighed.
“You will only have 2 and you won’t even notice they’re there,” she said and placed a hand on yours. “Please.”
You stared at her for a couple of seconds and then sighed, nodding. “Okay, fine. But it’s temporary.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Later that day, after going home you went to the supermarket to get some groceries and went home. You loved cooking, but you weren’t exactly the tidiest when it came to prepare your delicious meals.
After you ate, you checked your email and realised that your mom’s friend had sent you a file with the two people that would be working with you. Somehow you expected an army of people and that annoyed you, but you thought you could with two people. You didn’t even bother to check the profiles since you knew what their work would be.
You closed your laptop and went to your bedroom. Sometimes you thought your life was boring because you barely talked to someone else. Your last relationship didn’t end well and you were still a little bit hesitant to know someone else. Or scared.
And friends? You didn’t have many, but Lena, Taeyong and Jaemin were always there for you. And so were you.
You knew Lena since you were a toddler, your mother was good friends with her parents and you two got along very well. You met Taeyong in high school when you were trying to find the science room and since he was a senior, he helped you. Everyone used to think Taeyong and you dated, but in fact, you never loved Taeyong that way. You saw him as your older brother and he as his younger sister. And last but not least, you met Jaemin through Taeyong.
At first both of you didn’t get along well since he was all an extrovert and didn’t quite understand you were a little introverted, but he with time understood and stopped forcing you. Then you became the crackheads of the group, always laughing and going out and sometimes getting drunk.
You loved college days.
And love? You met Jaehyun during your first year of college, he was in your economics class and you couldn’t help yourself falling for him. He was charming, funny and so handsome.
Jaehyun was your first everything: your first love, your first boyfriend, your first kiss and the first guy that broke your heart.
You two dated for almost 2 years, but ended when he told you he didn’t love you anymore and didn’t want to hurt you and left.
Months after that, you took the opportunity to go as an exchange student to Japan where you met Yuta. You were never a thing, but both of you had feelings for each other but never went official since you would stay there only for 6 months.
You came back to Korea and graduated, and had no time for love since you were too busy starting your business. But Yuta would come on business trips to Korea sometimes and meet you.
But the last time you saw him was a year ago.
The next morning, a tall man showed up to your office holding a black folder. Everything about him was intimidating and you knew he was your mom’s friend.
“Good morning, Miss (Y/L/N). I’m Kim Hyunwoo,” he extended his hand.
“Hi,” you greeted and you shook hands with him. “Yeah, I’ve heard about you. Please sit.”
“Thanks,” he said and sat in one of the black chairs in front of your desk. “I sent you an email yesterday, did you read it?”
“I saw it, but didn’t read it. Sorry,” you apologised.
“It’s okay, that's why I brought this,” he placed the black folder on the desk and tossed it to you. “These are the files of the people that will be working with you.”
“Why is it important to check them out? I mean, they’ll be around me 24/7.”
“Because I want you to know their abilities and their tasks.”
You sighed and grabbed the folder opening it. You saw the first man around his 30’s, no emotions showed in his face. Kang Sungho. According to his file he was specialised in driving and trained in evasive driving techniques, such as executing short-radius turns to change the direction of the vehicle, high-speed cornering, and so on.
You passed the next page and saw a picture of a man with tanned golden skin, brown hair and dark eyes. He looked intimidating. He was trained in pretty much everything, from every type of knife to every type of gun.
Suddenly, the door from your office opened and the air left your lungs momentarily when his eyes met yours, dark and calculating. You expected him to offer you a polite smile as most people do, but his face remained in a stern mask. You somehow prayed he wouldn’t be your bodyguard because the less thing you needed was a distraction.
“Miss (Y/L/N),” the voice of your Hyunwoo forced you to switch your gaze to him and you shoot him a questioning look. “This is Lee Donghyuck” the boy nodded slightly in your direction at the mention of his name, “he’s your new personal bodyguard.”
You couldn't help but let your eyebrows raise comically. The world somehow hated you.
“You would not even know I’m here, Miss,” Donghyuck said.
You nodded.
Donghyuck awoke to the steady patter of rain upon his window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. He realised he had awoken up ten minutes before his set alarm, which made him grumble.
He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, took a cold shower and after that, Donghyuck put on a black pants and before putting the white shirt, he put on a bulletproof vest making him look thicker and then continued with a white interior t-shirt, a white shirt, put on his tie adjusting it and lastly, he slipped on the black jacket.
Donghyuck gave himself a quick look in the mirror and sighed. He placed his hands on the countertop and asked how did he end in that position?
Yes, he was an assassin.
No, he didn't kill women.
But the money he was offered to do so was such a big amount that was almost repulsive. And he needed the money.
Donghyuck had never pretended to be someone else before, he just showed up and took down his task and then left. Now he was stuck with some random woman and follow her until she was in love with him and kill her in the worst way.
What was with people these days? He didn't want to know.
Jeno was already awake and had made breakfast, “you gotta eat well today in case you die protecting your boss,“ he  joked and sat down in front of him.
Donghyuck and Jeno had known each other for many years and were roommates. There was kindness in his smile, a good man. He knew what ‘Haechan’ did for a living, but decided to ignore it since he rather thought his friend was also a good man.
Donghyuck rolled his eyes. “I cant believe I'm doing this.”
“You can't still say no, you know?” Jeno looked at him.
“I know, but I need the money,” Donghyuck said and had a sip of coffee, “I will retire after this.”
“Yeah. I don't wanna do this anymore,” Donghyuck shrugged.
“Well, then get the job done and get those millions,” Jeno said and then shook his head, “that sounded awful. Ignore it.”
Donghyuck laughed. “Are you sure you don't wanna work with me?”
“One hundred percent.”
A perfectly collected black-haired woman, dressed in a skirt under her white knee and a pale pink blouse appeared in the room. "Good morning, you must be Lee Donghyuck, right?" She asked kindly.
"Yes," Donghyuck replied, "Hello, you are....?"
"I'm Yun Somin, Kim Hyunwoo personal assistant," she smiled nicely. “You’re the new bodyguard we hired a few days ago.”
"Nice to meet you,” Donghyuck expressed.
“Please, come with me so I can give you  your equipment,“ Somin said.
Donghyuck followed her to a room that was an office painted beige and champagne, and it had only one wall-sized window, which faced the buildings. On the dark brown desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. A bookshelf, bursting with books was behind the dark brown desk.
Somin opened a desk drawer and pulled out a black box that contained a small stainless steel knife, a Beretta Px4 Storm and finally a earphone for a walkie-talkie.
Donghyuck put the earphone on his ear and the walkie-talkie on the waist band. He put the gun away by placing it on the waist band as well and the knife inside the inner jacket pocket.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s codename is Sunflower. Whenever you’re public, that’s the name you’ll use,“ Somin informed.
Donghyuck nodded, “Sunflower. Got it.“
Somin opened the door for him and let him in. You were if anything was better looking than Donghyuck expected. Your face told of a leaned body beneath your wintry garb and your expression was serious but not unkind.
You were hot.
Fuck. Donghyuck thought. He was so screwed.
“You would not even know I’m here, Miss,” Donghyuck said.
You nodded and cleared your throat.  “Well, let's keep going. We have a long day coming,“You said, walking to the door.
Donghyuck walked behind you and raised his arm above his mouth and spoke into the mic, “Sunflower's going out.“
You were the smile, or at least that was what Donghyuck thought of you. Everything about you was a soft and understated joy as you greeted each person at every event. You really cared about the people and their interest and could see in your eyes your uprightness. People loved you and Donghyuck didn't quite understand why someone wanted you dead. Your kindness couldnt be the reason, could it?
“So, Donghyuck, what do you think?”
He turned back to Sungho. “She's different from every shark out there. Yeah, I’ll bet they’re lining up to off her.”
“Well, someone’s been sending some pretty disturbing emails. The NIS can’t pin the guy down.”
“They’ll find them.“ Donghyuck addressed.
The eventful day was over. You all spent the day going to different meetings with several people. You were exhausted but you were happy to see your friend Taeyong, after not seeing him for almost two months.
The black car stopped at a red light and you took the opportunity to take out your phone and reply to some text messages. You realised Donghyuck was looking at you and Donghyuck quickly looked straight ahead. “So, Donghyuck? You have been doing this for so long?”
“Not really, ma’am,“ he responded.
You considered him. He didn’t look like his concept of a bodyguard, big and beefy. He wasn't that tall. Slimy built, with a very attractive face, enigmatic yet intelligent dark eyes and dark hair. “And what did you do before?”
“I… used to train some people at a boxing gym,“ Donghycuk lied.
“Cool,” you smiled. “Maybe you could show me some movements.”
You quickly regretted saying that because of how red your cheeks got. Donghyuck smirked without looking at you.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, Donghyuck got out of the car and opened the door for you and you entered the restaurant with him following you.
"Sunflower's in," He spoke into the mic.
A young woman, with loose hair dressed all in black, took you to the restaurant's private lounge, where Taeyong was already waiting for you.
You hugged your friend and smiled, "The Bahamas suited you."
"Thank you, Woman-Under-30-Leading-the-Pack-in-Entrepreneurship-and-Innovation" Taeyong beamed and looked at Donghyuck, who stood with his back to you right at the glass door, "who is he?"
You looked at Donghyuck  and spoke as you sat down, "It's my personal bodyguard."
“Why do you have a personal bodyguard? Did something happen? ” He asked worriedly.
"Don't worry, everything’s fine," you calmed him down and grabbed the menu, opening it.
He sat in front of you and still looked worried, “how do you want me to be calm? Something is going on and you don't want to tell me. "
You smirked a little and shook your head, "really, Taeyong, everything is under control. There’s nothing to be concerned about.“
Taeyong sighed and nodded, "Okay, I will believe in your words."
You smiled satisfied and began to read the menu. Taeyong did the same. Jaemin stood in front of the door of the restaurant's private lounge but Donghyuck prevented him from entering.
"Identify," Donghyuck demanded, looking at him.
"Na Jaemin, owner and chef of this restaurant," he replied, frowning, "who are you?"
Before Donghyuck responded, you opened the door and looked at Jaemin, “I'm sorry, he's my new bodyguard. Lee Donghyuck, all right, he will have dinner with us too. "
Donghyuck nodded, “understood. Enjoy your meal, guys. "
“Thank you,“ Taeyong  responded as Donghyuck closed the door.
“I can't believe the two most influential people of Korea are here in my restaurant,“ Jaemin joked as he sat.
You chuckled, “let’s see if it’s as good as people say.“
Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as Sungho drove onwards. You watched the raindrops race down to the windows. You had been with Taeyong and Jaemin for almost three hours, and now you were on your way to your house.
"Sorry for staying there for a long time, you haven't even eaten," you  apologised.
“It’s fine, ma’am. It's our job,“ Donghyuck replied.
“You can call me (Y/N). We’re almost the same age,“ You said
“Even so, you’re my boss. It’s not right,“ he responded.
You chuckled and looked at him in the rearview mirror, "Well, then as your boss, I order it to you."
Donghyuck smiled and you noticed it, “I'll try it.“
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
Secrets chapter 3
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Summary: ellies birthday and mothers day is coming up as emotions and pent up anger are spiraling between you, negan, and jack while more and more secrets begin to unfold.
Warming: nsfw, fluff, kink, depression, abuse
Sorry for the late update on this chapter its kind of a short one ive just have been going through some personal things and havent found the motivation to finish this one yet.❤ i hope you all like it!❤
You and negan haven't spoke in a few days ellies birthday is today and you have been busy decorating. Negan is suppose to be picking up the cake at the store. jack has returned back from his "business trip" withq an odd hickey on his neck that keeps gawking at you everytime you speak to him. You want to avoid conflict because you arent so innocent yourself after what happen with negan last time you saw him but thats just not who you are....you have to confront him but you also dont want to ruin ellies day infront of everyone.
"Hey jack, do you mind helping me with this streamer" you called out to him from the ladder
"Sure hun" he took the streamer from your hand taping it up to the wall
"Thank you.....uh negan should be here soon with her cake" you said folding up the step ladder
"I could of went and grabbed it" he scoffs
"I uh..well sorry i didnt know it was a big deal" you try to laugh it off politely
"Dont even worry about it...." He walks past you ramming his ahoulder into you heading outside
Negan had arrive with the cake and so did a few of ellies friends and your mother. You and your mothers relationship really has never been that great but you try to make peace with it for ellies sake. Negan came in with a huge gift box all wrapped in pink with a bow.
" i thought we agreed nothing crazy" you whispered to him
"Whaat...can i not spoil my girl" negan grins at you
Ellie runs out of her room her eyes light up at the size of the gift her dad got her.
"Mommy look at this...its humongo!" She says messing with the bow
"I see honey..dont mess with it yet" you giggle
"Where is your boy toy.." His tongue slides across his bottom lip
You kept silent while negan stared you down waiting for a response but nothing came out his eyes were burning a hole through you he always knew when shit was up.
"Ah i see....the silent treatment" folding his arms
Negan walks off to go play with ellie and say hello to a few people when your mother walks up to you.
"Hey mom..." You say emotionless
"What is negan doing here.." She asks
"Mom...please dont. Thats ellies dad. I told you we are trying to work on things for ellies sake" you say annoyed.
"Well...once a cheater always a cheater. Im just saying" as she sips on her cup of wine walking away
A few hours have passed and ellie got to blow out her candles and eat cake. Jack still hasnt said much to you throughout the whole party and its more than obvious that negan is starting to catch on im just hoping he doesn't notice the hicky on his neck. Ellie has been bugging you about negans gift so you were going to let her open it.
"Ellie open it up over here sweetie so everyone can see" you say smiling
Ellie quikly rips the hot pink rapping paper off and squeals in excitement as she realizes its a electric scooter that she has been wanting. Negan was standing by your side with his hand sneakily rested on your lower back with a huge smile on his face.
"Oh my god you got me that scooter!!" Ellie begins jumping up and down
"Negan....those cost alot" you whispered in his ear
"dont worry about it....i got it taken car of" he says sternly
"Lets take it outside!!" Negans runs over and picks it up in excitment with all of the kids following him outside to ride on the scooter. You were throwing away dirty plates when jack came up to you
"So you want to explain why you and negan have been so close" he quietly says to you
You instantly start to burn with rage as he asks you that knowing he has been keeping things from you too and the fact his assistant melissa has been speaking to him inappropriately. You were holing the knife in your hand for cutting the cake reminding you of the incident that happened between you and negan once you found out he was cheating. you froze and gripped tightly on the knife thinking of how to approach this.
"You're a fucking whore..." He spat at you
"Jack.....get the fuck away from me" you quietly say
"Yeah i bet thats what you want.....so he can fuck you" he says through gritted teeth
"Its. Ellies. Birthday.....fucking knock it off we can settle this later" you slowly set the knife down unclenching your fist
Jack stands there glaring at you with his jaw clecnhed before giving up and walking away. You let out a sigh of relief and pour yourself a glass of wine. You take a sip closing your eyes feeling like everything is going in slomotion in that moment when you here yelling outside and notice its negan and jack. You drop your glass spilling your wine everywhere running outside.
"Back the fuck off man!" Jack yells with his fist balled up
"Ohh...you really want to go there dude..." Negan laughs
"You are fucking (y/n) and i know it!" Jack lunges towards him throwing a punch hitting negan in the face making him stumble
Negan catches his balace reaching up to his face touching where jack punched him in the mouth realizing he is bleeding negan licks the blood off his lips and lets out a sinister almost scary deep chuckle.
"Oh...you fucked up." Negan lunges towards jack football tackling him to the ground he starts punching jack over and over again blood all over his fists
"Negan!!!...no! Stop!" You rush over trying to pry negan off of jack
"Negan stop for ellie please!" You begin to cry struggling to finally get him off causing you to fall backwards with negan on you
"You are a dead fucking man!....now get the fuck off my property..." Negan threats
You push negan off to go check on jack you try to get jack to respond to you and see if he is okay but he just spits in your face shoving you away causing you to fall before you know it negan charges back over and starts beating the shit out of him all you can do is scream at them and cry. Through tear filled eyes you notice the cops rushing up the street pulling into the drive way the last thing you remember is the cops pulling negan off and everything went black.
Jack and negan were both arrested but were soon let go apparently i had fainted due to stress and dehydration they kept me in the hospital until i was better. You kicked jack out of the house and you haven't spoke to negan since ellies birthday. Things have been rough being alone for ahwile and ellie was getting upset about not seeing her dad.
Text from negan:
Hey....im coming by
You looked at your phone to see a text from negan but you just ignored it and continued to cook some food for ellie. There was a knock at the door you sighed annoyingly before unlocking the deadbolt and opening the door to negans innocent brown eyes staring back at you. before you could give him a chance to speak you shut the door in his face but he quickly caught it in time with his foot in the doorway before it closed.
"Negan...ellie should be home. She is still upset" you sigh
"Thats okay i want to make it up to you two" he says pushing the door open coming inside
You just stand there silent with your arms crossed untill you hear ellies bus coming down the road and before you know it she busts through the door yelling.
"Mommmyyyy! Happy mothers dayzz!" Ellies runs up to you handing you a picture she made at school
"Awe...thank you sweet heart its gorgeous" you took the pink paper from her smiling and when to hang it on the fridge
"Look i want to take you two out to dinner...its mothers day and you deserve it..look i know i fucked up but that asshole had it coming" negan says
"Negan dont.....go ask Ellie she is the real one you need to be apologizing to not me" you stare at the ground avoiding eye contact.
"Ohh ellie daddy wants to talk to you!" He walks off to her room
You, negan, and ellie were all out at dinner at your favorite steakhouse enjoying your meal when the waiter brought a bottle of wine
"Negan....i cant afford that" you quietly say
"Ah ah....you deserve it i mean you are the best mom ever" he winks at you popping the lid off pouring wine into your glass
"Thanks..." You shyly say before taking a sip
"So.....the school fired me" negan cleared his throat
You choked on your drink hearing the words that had just came out of negans mouth
"What?..how come" you say wipping wine off your chin
"Well....they dont want me as a coach anymore since what happened at ellies birthday. They say its wildly inappropriate and against policy to still have me there" he bites in his steak
"What are you going to do..." You ask worried
"Ohhh no biggie i always have things taken care of" he smiles at you
"If you need anything im here..." You look up at him
" i know....thank you" he reaches across the table holding your hand
The three of you finish up dinner afterwards you all go for a late walk through the park. It felt nice to get out and have some fresh air after what happended at the party. Your phone kept buzzing off the hook of texts from jack you kept trying to hide it from negan to not let him worry. You felt bad hiding it from negan but you knew it would start a fight but you also didnt want to let jack go without some talking. Negan took you and ellie back home ellie ran inside and got ready for bed.
"I know he is talking to you..." Negan says sternly while placing one hand against the wall beside your head
"Negan....can we not talk about this right now" you say turning your head away from him
"No!...you will look at me when im speaking to you" negan grabs ahold of your chin forcing you to look at him
"Yes....yes im still talking to him.." You say embarassed
"Why....he is such a load of whoreshit....im standing right infront of you (y/n)...im here now! Take me back please. Im an honest man now!" Negan growls
" get...off of me!" You scream and shove him away from you and begin to walk angrily down the road
"(Y/n) get back here now!...where the fuck do you think you are going!" Negan trys to catch up with you when it suddenly starts raining
"Negan stop trying so hard!...this is going nowhere!" You say crying
"Why do you keep saying that!...i want this to work!" Negan finally catches up to you grabbing you by the arm spinning you around
"......well i dont..." You choked on those words as they slipped out of your mouth it felt like your heart had just stopped for a split second it killed you to say that to negan but it had to be done
"You....dont want this." He said quietly and upset with rain drops running down his perfect face
"Negan....i.... I cant. You have to let me go" you say caressing his face" you said giving him a half smile with a single tear rolling down your cheek
"W....what about ellie.....thats my babygirl" Negan begans to tear up pulling you into a hug
"You can still be in ellies life.....i start therapy next tuesday" you say ending the hug
"You can talk to me (y/n)" negan sniffles
"There are just things that just feel easier letting out to a stranger sometimes..."
"I love you....." Negan says bresthlessly
"....i love you too but from a distance.....i have boundaries set now negan"
You and negan began to walk back to the house getting inside you hand him a towel to dry himself off. Negan follows you to the bedroom.
"There are still some of your clothes in the closet...." You say facing away from him
"You still have some of my old clothes here...." Negan opens the door seeing his shirts still hanging in the same spot before he moved out
"I didnt know if you still wanted them or not..." You say nervously
"Its okay. Thank you" negan takes off his soaking wet shirt switching it out with an old faded band shirt
"You can sleep on the couch if you would like..." You offer him
"You sure you are going to be okay with that?" He raises an eyebrow at you
"Yeah....plus its been lonely here just me and ellie" you chuckle handing him a blanket
Negan takes the blanket from you before turing around to open the bedroom door to leave. As soon as the door shut you quietly sobbed making sure it wasnt loud enough for negan to hear. You wiped your tears away before getting yourself ready for bed. You tossed and turned for most of the night your head filled with unnecessary thoughts and cenarios. You just wanted all of this pain to go away you dont know what you are doing with yourself anymore the only thing that keeps you holding on is ellie and negan.
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iris-westallen1 · 3 years
The Happiest Day Of Our Life
‘’Well today was the worst day ever’’ iris said as she dove right on the couch. Barry just sat there staring at his beautiful wife so mesmerized he didn’t even realize she was talking to him but he couldn’t help it he was married to the most gorgeous woman on the planet he still doesn’t know how he got this lucky to have her in his life… ‘’ BARRY!!’’ he was immediately withdrawn from his thought blushing and rubbing his neck a habit he had formed since he was little.    ‘’ are you even listening to me’’ iris said with a slightly annoyed face mixed with concern.
‘’ sorry honey but it’s your fault I wasn’t paying attention’’ Barry cheekily replied.
‘Look at him looking so smug with that cocky smile ugh I could just slap him and fuck him at the same time, gosh why is he so hot making my ovaries explode’’ iris thought to herself.
‘’ you know honey cocky is not a good look on you’’ said a smiling iris
‘’oh, you love it and me’’
‘’ well, I supposed that is true’’ iris slaps his knee as she get’s up from where she was laying on the couch to come snuggle into Barry’s side ‘’ hmmm I missed you today’’ iris said as she coos into Barry
‘’ babe I am sorry your day didn’t go as you wanted it to.’’ Barry strokes her arm and side ‘’ do you want to tell me what was going on’’
‘’ I know it might sound petty or whatever but its team citizen if I can even call it that Kamilla’s gone and Allegra she’s never there she’s always at star labs and I get that she ha powers and whatever but I would like her to take her job more seriously and not for her personal gain, I feel bad for what happened to her cousin I seriously geniounly do but the only time you hear her talk about the citizen is if she needs something from us and its making me seriously regret promoting her.’’ Iris took a deep breath she knows how this might sound and it might just be her hormones but she is seriously tired of Allegra’s behavior.
Barry saw how distressed his wife was about this so he decided not to say anything until she has gotten it all out her chest.
After taking a deep breath iris continued ‘’ so today I was in the office getting ready to go investigate karma, Kramer whatever the fuck her name is and I find myself missing and employee so I called her just to learn she is hanging around frost and Caitlin for what reason I do not know I’m her mentor not them I’m not paying her to hang out with them and I was just like you know what its fine so I just left her and went about my way to go investigate Kramer in doing that surprise surprise my dad is investigating her with Cecil when I was the one who brought this case to him and he brushed me off like it was nothing. And that’s another thing I am so fed up with my dad.’’ At this point iris is bawling her eyes and all Barry wants to do it take that pain away from her.
‘’ my dad hasn’t been acting like my dad for a while now and it took me getting stuck in a mirror to realize it. You know he never once asked me how I was doing when I came out of the mirror, he just brushed it aside like I wasn’t gone for 3 months he could at least show some emotions.’’ Her voice was cracking at this point ‘’ h- ho- how I- is it * sniff sniff* that his more of a father to you than he is to meeeeeeee’’ her chest and shoulder moving frantically.
Barry finally goes in soothing her ‘’ I am so so sorry you feel this way, how long have you been holding this in and I didn’t even notice, I am so sorry baby, just let it all out’’ Barry said as he rubs his hands in soothing circles on her back ‘’ just let it out I’m here’’
When she is calm enough she continues ‘’ I just feel so neglected as a daughter by him and Cecil Cecil doesn’t even try to bond with me, she’s been with my dad for so long and I don’t even know anything about her and when we do talk she always uses her powers to invade my privacy and when she does that she can’t even be subtle about it she always has to my extra and do to much’’ by this time iris is finished crying now what she feels is rage towards these people. ‘’ she is literally everywhere when there was still  a team citizen was still a thing she became our ‘lawyer’ and no one even asked her to no offence to her but she suck as a lawyer’’ Barry starts laughing and nodding his head because it the truth. ‘’ I’m serious hahaha but it’s funny though but seriously I don’t even know why we hired her as your lawyer for your trial she couldn’t even win it she had to use ralph pretend to be devoe for her to win and I thought she was the best Caitlin and frost are dumb to hire her as a lawyer she couldn’t even win their case and if she cant win any of our case what is her use at star labs her powers are useless there no offense she could be home with Jenna and speaking of Jenna it sucks that we never see her they never talk about her unless its to say they are talking to their babysitter so instead of her to go take care of her child she’d over here acting like a child and sticking her nose in everyone’s business. I am so sick of her.’’ Barry just sat there looking at iris and after hearing all she said he can’t help but see the truth in what she’s saying, how could he have been so blind to this. As he continues to rub her back iris gathers even more courage to finally let this all off her chest ‘’ after cisco left the one person at star labs besides you I could stand was gone he was my sunshine twin he would always try to cheer me up when we lost Nora and even when I lost you to the speed force he was always there for me and I miss him and I miss Kamilla because she understood me we where becoming close friends before we got stuck in the mirror together and now we have an unbreakable bond because of that experience and now she’s gone too not only did I lose my best worker but I lost my best friend too. All of a sudden Iris seemed to get angrier Barry didn’t know why but his about to.
‘’ Caitlin and frost’’ she said their names with as much annoyance as she could muster up ‘’ they are the biggest entitled people I have ever met before frost was a thing it was the way Caitlin always looked at me like I was beneath her or something like she couldn’t get rid of me fast enough then frost came and bitch tried to kill me because she wanted dick and some other issues I had never did anything to her never spoke to her but all of a sudden she wants to kill me why I have no idea and what pisses me of is the way we just forgive her just because she did the right thing in the end and blasted Savitar she came to h.r funeral and she left to go find herself or whatever you went into the speed force and she abandoned me, Wally, cisco, and dad to fend of the bad guys on our own. Then Caitlin came up in her in her high horse to bring you out of the speed force like she’s been here all along, then she lost frost with the whole devoe thing Caitlin literally put your life and gypsy’s life in danger all because she wanted frost back and despite my better judgment I went up to her during the baby shower we threw for Cecile to offer up my help to find the bitch frost for her and she was just snarky with me saying no she will find her I just gave up on that hoe what still confusing is how she can perform all this surgery’s she’s doing since she hasn’t done them since med school like isn’t she a bio scientist or whatever like how did she become team doctor she literally has no experience in that field all she does is just stitch you up with pretty much all of us can do now and she acts like she has the most important job there dragging Allegra and Cecile along with her.’’ Iris shakes her head ‘’ you know what’s do funny’’ iris asked Barry ‘’ what’’ Barry genuinely curious ‘’ that whole frost trial and how Caitlin was like we have to get her out she’s my sister, since when though, anyways they arrested frost for a crime that she actually committed its not like she didn’t commit them she literally tried to kill me and she wanted her to go Scot free when you went to prison for a crime you actually didn’t commit it just pissed me of and instead of dumb bitch to just take the cure she volunteered her self for life in prison thinking she was doing sum, I might not like Kramer but what she did to frost was not a bad thing she all she did was try to make frost take responsibility for her actions. But she never does like always she literally gets out of prison after like two days.’’
‘’ and another thing that pisses me off is the way they treat Chester that boy is so sweet and deserves to be treated with kindness so that why it irritates and makes me so angry to hear that Caitlin was yelling at him for getting hit even sue warned Allegra not to pursue after her cousin but she did anyways and brought her to star labs without our permission knowing she’s a dangerous criminal when her and Allegra get into it she blast Chester who was just there to bring them snacks and somehow Caitlin made it Chester’s fault? Like how does that even make sense. I am just sick and tired of all of this. I am supposed to be happy right now basking in love with my husband trying to conceive our daughter and we can’t even have the privacy of knowing if were pregnant or not because of Cecile invading your thoughts once again the negative result you got was meant to be shared with me not her and I know this is wrong but I am glad that the test came negative because it would be so unfair of her to know that I am pregnant before I know all because she’s nosy.’’ Iris finally finished her rant with a deep breath, she looks up at Barry and all she finds in his eyes are adoration, understanding, anger, disappointment, and love.
‘’what?’’ iris asked
‘’ you are the strongest person that I know’’ Barry whispers to her ‘’I don’t know how you let this in for this long because one thing I know for sure is that I certainly would have burst long ago.’’
‘’ I am so sorry that you’ve had to keep this all in for this long’’ Barry said caressing her cheeks ‘’ and I’m sorry If you felt like you couldn’t tell me, thank you for bringing it to my attention and after listening to you things need to change for one our personal life needs to stop being discussed at star labs where everyone can hear and the second is that Caitlin needs to not be our doctor and she is certainly not going to be delivering our baby and most importantly we need to set boundaries for Cecile’’
‘’ thank you, babe, for listening to me and letting me get this rant of my chest, I feel so much lighter.’’
‘’ its my job iris there is no need to thank me I will always be on your side ALWAYS.’’
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thequeenb · 4 years
Hey! Can I request poppy x mc where poppy finds out ab what happened between mc and ina at the bar and gets jealous and tells ina to back off? You can end it however you’d like ty 💕💕
Poppy x MC
If there is one thing everyone knows in this university is that you don't mess with Poppy Min-Sinclair. The woman who can make your life heaven or a living hell. She is the Queen of the school but this ice cold Majesty has her eyes on the price even though she will never admit it.
It was all over her text messages. The moment she read that phrase was the one where her blood was basically boiling. I didn't knew Miss perfect was the jealous type
Bea DID slept with Miss Kingsley, i am coming there ASAP
Who knew a text message could have so much effect on the Queen herself? Veronica was the one delivering the news but she did as Poppy said and kept it a secret for now. Would she use it as a weapon against Hughes or..who am i kidding of course she will
Bea has been around only a month and her success is extremely massive. She is top 15 on the rankings and everyone just seem to be drawn to her. Even though she wont admit it Poppy caught herself thinking about her more than she should
After half an hour of pacing around the room with a glass of wine and a face mask she decided to pay a little visit. Oh no
Her heels clicked on the marble floor as she approached Miss Kingsley's office. The door was wide open and welcoming so she casually walked in without knocking.
Miss Kingsley looks up at her in confusion as she gestures at her to sit down and she does so
"That is unexpected, what can i do for you?" Miss Kingsley smile but Poppy is not having it
"Oh nothing professor i am just here for a negotiation"
Her eyebrow raise as she takes her glasses off crossing her arms. Ina has been here for quite sometime and oh does she know about the Queen Bee
"If you aren't in my class I don't think there is anything more we can discuss thank you'
Poppy chuckles then sits straighter on the leather chair. They lock and for a moment, her anger is about to slip out
"Are you familiar with Bea Hughes?"
Ina nods, concern written all over her features
"I know when you make eachother's acquaintance that it isn't very pleasant"
"Correct. But i am here to discuss about you two" her smile can cut diamonds. Inside her she just want to give Bea a taste of revenge but her feelings come onto the surface and her tone is filled with jealousy
"I don't understand what you are implying" Miss Kingsley says, slightly trembling
"Oh? Aren't you two close? How sad"
Ina studies Poppy's features to search for answers. But all she can see is an ice cold smile. She can't quite figure out what is happening but her patience is running out today
"I--" ina tries to speak but she stops when Poppy holds her hand out on her direction
"You listen here and you listen carefully, do i look stupid? I run this place and you Ina are on my bad side"
There was a challenge on her voice, a power radiating from her body. Why was she even bothered to confront Miss Kingsley? Her and Bea were enemies right?..Right??!!
Ina's posture remained the same as her voice slipped into a more dangerous tone now
"I am very busy, if you came here to have a pointless conversation you can leave"
Poppy chuckled. How cute Professor but she has the upper hand now and it just needs one small simple phrase to make your whole world crumble
"I know you slept with her"
The tension in this room is insane but Ina's face is calm, composed but how long can she keep this act? Her foot starts jiggling and her heartbeat quickens, trying her best to dismiss this accusations
"Min-Sinclair this is highly inappropriate! Its absurd to think a woman in my position would abuse the power she has"
Aw i think you made her nervous, good job Pops. In response Poppy stands up, leaning against the desk looking deep into her eyes. Trust me its a scary glare
"Don't play coy with me because whoever play games with me end up getting burned" She now reach her ear whispering "you were incredible"
Ina jerks away in total shock, she cant contain it any longer, her eyes widen as her breath is increasing rapidly "What do you want?"
Oh nothing much just to leave my girlfriend to be alone. Oopsie maybe i do expose Queen Bee after all. She doesn't want much she just marks her territory
"What i want you to do is to leave Bea alone, better yet make her quit her TA position and don't try anything funny Professor, i have eyes everywhere"
Her blood was now boiling. Everytime she imagine Bea screaming another woman's name is driving her crazy. Her hand slams on the hard wood desk and Ina jumps surprised
"I have ten lawyers ready to destroy your whole career Kingsley" Poppy now walks towards her, every step more angry than the last, her expensive heels making deadly sounds
Miss Kingsley backs away, trying desperately to hold on to the last piece of her composure
"And trust they can take everything away from you. What about your lovely job?"
Her smile is sharper than a knife. At this point she stopped questioning why she was even here showing openly her jealousy, all she could focused on was destroying what's left of this affair
"What about this very fascinating research of yours?" Ina is backing more and more away but her back hit the bookshelf and she is now swimming in a sea full of sharks.
Poppy smirked enjoying how helpless she looks, how guilty "My advice is to play by my rules, otherwise i can destroy your whole life"
Ina swallows hard avoiding any eye contact. Her chest is tight, filled with regret and shame "Everything will go your way, is that what you want to hear?"
Ha! Hilarious Professor you got me too. Of course you have to play by the Queen's rules, she is the one who gives commands here, the one who can start a war or bring peace, its her choice
"Did i shutter darling?" She now took a step back adjusting her perfect clothes. Her posture as powerful as ever as she takes one last glance over Ina who is on the verge of tears, shock written all over her features
"Right then thank you so much for negotiating with me Professor, i will see you around"
Just then Bea knocks at the door "Can i come in pro--" but she stops her tracks when she notices Poppy and Miss Kingsley close
"Am i interrupting?"
"O-oh no Bea, me and Poppy were discussing about her rejoining my class" she turns back to her normal professional self fixing her hair
Poppy gives her one last knowing look before walking towards the door. Bea rolls her eyes as she watches her exit "See you soon loser"
Aw i think she likes you Bea. I mean you already have a nickname don't you? You should have seen how she went all mad and jealous lately
"Is everything ok Professor?" Bea now approach closer "Did she really come here to harass you? she is unbelievable"
Ina sighs as she gestures at her to take a sit. Her eyes are filled with pain mixed with anger, not towards Bea but her own self.
"We need to talk about your position Bea" she says crossing her arms. Poppy's words repeat themselves inside her mind and she wince thinking about the consequences. Only if you knew.
Taking a deep breath she starts talking as professionally as she can and just then with the corner of her eye she catches a glimpse of Poppy outside of the office smiling victoriously. No one touches what's hers, and Professor Kingsley learnt that the hard way.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @jayrnada @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (4) | T.H.
Summary: Y/N & Tom speak to each other for the first time in 3 weeks! Tom is in talks of doing a new movie. Lots of yelling, painful pictures being sent. Harrison and Harry go on a trip. Does Kate finally tell the truth to Y/N?
A/N: Hmmm....seems like Natalie & Matt is everyone’s favorite/hated suspects. More theories lets hear em!!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a word often used to protect those within a troubling world. For some it’s a church, a home, sometimes a family and friend. For Y/N and Tom, sanctuaray was no where to be found. Three weeks it’s been since the world felt like it collapsed on Y/N and Tom. Three weeks of feeling left in a troubling space that they could not get out of...until now. As soon as they heard each other’s voices on the phone, it gave them a moment of relief, but only for a moment.
“So...how are you?” Tom asks nervously. He wanted to pick his words out carefully in hopes that he wouldn’t upset her.
“Im okay.” Y/N responds quietly as she looks back at her phone. No message yet, maybe she was in the clear and that gave her a small boost of confidence. It was going to be okay. “How about you?” She asks back, not really sure how to carry the conversation. In any case, how does one continue talking to an ex without making it awkward? Let alone how does one talk to someone without the fear of being blackmailed.
“Yeah Im great...really great.” Tom lies and chuckles nervously.
Y/N could tell by the tone of his voice how nervous he was. A habit she always found to be adorable for him. Y/N rolled her eyes with a slight smile before she questions him in a serious tone “Why did you call Tom?”
Tom closes his eyes, letting out a stressed sigh. “I miss you Y/N and I dont care what you say or what you said to me that night, but this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I miss you too but things happen beyond our control, Tom. Sometimes it just can’t be helped.” Y/N responds nonchalantely, staring at her phone again. No messages still.
“Thats a load of bullshit and you know it. We were supposed to get through anything. Fuck the rumors fuck everything! This isn’t like you Y/N!” Tom vents out every feeling and thought he had since she left. “You say you miss me but then what are we doing? Why are we continuing to hurt ourselves like this?”
Y/N shakes her head, knowing deep down the reason why but could never say. Not unless she wanted to ruin his dream. She could never. “It’s not that simple.” She croaked.
“We would have found a way to get through it, but you gave up so easily. I know for a fact my Y/N never gave up without a fight.”
Y/N looks again at her phone, and no messages were to be found. Maybe she could tell him, and they wouldnt know, but Y/N knew better. Somewhere out there there was someone always watching her every move. “I cant do this right now. Goodbye Tom.” Y/N hangs up as she continues to cry herself to sleep. So much for sanctuary.
Its the morning after, and as Y/N heads downstairs, she hears soft laughter and conversations echoing through the halls. For a second it almost sounded like Tom’s, and she hurried toward the room only to be disappointed. In the living room was Matt and Kate as they made small talk awaiting for Y/N’s arrival.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Kate exclaims as she gets up from the seat to give her a hug. “Look who decided to drop by!”
Matt looked up at Y/N and gives her a shy smile and wave. He’s dressed in his navy blue LBI shirt and cream colored shorts. It was typical high school Matt...nothing had changed with him.
“Yes I see that....I’m sorry did we have plans and I forgot?” Y/N asked confused.
“No actually uh I invited him over because I knew you wanted to catch up with him after last week..so I pulled some strings.” Kate whispers.
“You..what?” Y/N asked annoyed, her eyes glaring and her brows furrowed. If there was one thing Y/N hated it was blind dates. She had stressed that over and over throughout the years that she hated it, especially with people she used to have romantic feelings for. The keyword..USED.
“Cmon Y/N. Remember this was the time for you to move on and forget. Plus you wouldn’t want to send him away after he came here just to see you!” Kate tries her best to sell it, she had to...there’s wasnt really a choice.
Y/N looked back at Matt and groaned silently to her best friend. “Fine I’ll go, but this is the last blind date you’re ever setting me up on AND you’re doing the dishes.” She emphasized as she got ready and grabbed her purse.
To say Y/N was surprised was an understatment. For sure, she had a feeling this was going to be awkward in so many ways like any other first dates, but this...wasn’t too bad. Though she realized it wasn’t a date this was just two old friends catching up from the past.
She learned a lot about him and how his younger brother Steven was working on becoming an engineer and how his little sister Emily was also grown up and working towards becoming a physical therapist. As for Matt, he was working in the city too as an accountant for a finance firm. While they continued to eat their lunch at Chelsea’s Market, she couldn’t help but make the comparisons.
Matt didn’t dress up like Tom, didnt make her laugh like Tom does, didnt make her blush the way Tom does, didnt smile like Tom, and when he touched her hand...she didnt feel the goosebumps the way Tom would. It was clear. He wasn’t Tom and could never be Tom.
The date came to a close, but Y/N hadn’t really gathered much from it since she was so focused on Tom. Every word Matt had said to her barely made it through. She’d be lying if she didnt say the date was okay but she’d be lying even more if she had said she’d enjoy it.
She looked into his blue eyes as he looked into hers. Matt tried to lean forward to give her a kiss, but Y/N moved away. She couldnt. Not when Tom was still present in her thoughts and her mind. “Im sorry...I just got out of a serious relationship and well —” Y/N whispers feeling guilt in her heart.
“No no. It’s fine really. Maybe I was too forward with this and I had no idea....I’m sorry.” Matt laughs, feeling heavily disappointed. “I’ll uhh I’ll see you around?” Y/N nods as she waves him goodbye.
The next day, Tom wakes up in his bed still praying that this whole phase was just a nightmare he’s still having trouble waking up from. Today was not that day. He got up and dressed appropiately knowing that today would be a meeting for his upcoming project. He had forgotten all about it especially with everything going on. When he arrived and entered the room with Harrison, Natalie also appeared sitting in one of the chairs with a smile and coffee on hand.
“Jesus you’re like everywhere now.” Harrison speaks out taking the seat across from her, while Tom takes the seat next to Harrison.
“Well I mean I do live with you guys temporarily until my flat gets fixed, and I did get cast in the same movie as Tom.” She laughs pointing out the obvious.
Tom looked up, his eye wide open and brows raised. He completely forgot the fact that she was going to be playing his love interest for the film. He tried to recall if he had told Y/N about it before and if maybe that’s why she was also mad. Maybe if he told her now, that would make her feel better? Tom was lost in his thoughts he didnt hear the other publicists in the room calling out to him. “Tom are you listening?”
Harrison quickly hits his best friend to wake him up from his thoughts. “Huh? Uh..no sorry.” Tom confesses, looking down at the table.
The publicists, both roll their eyes in annoyance. “We’re telling you that you need to do a lot of PR for this movie in order to boost the sales, and recoginition for both you and Natalie. This means..you’re going to have to pretend you’re in a relationship for some time.”
Tom and Harrison are now fully attentive and furious. “What?! Im not doing PR for this. That is low for the both of us. We shouldnt have to fake a relationship to get our work across” Tom yells out fury burning in his brown eyes.
“I know Tom, but no one watches it for the films nowadays it’s about the image, and right now we’re trying to help both of yours and Natalie’s. You’ve been looking liek a depressed bloke this past month and Natalie is trying to get some exposure in the business.” The publicists expalin. “Harrison, help us out here.”
“Look mate, Im just his assistant. It’s up to Tom if he wants to do this or not.” Harrison speaks out as he points to his best friend. He faces Tom and whispers, “You don’t have to do this mate, there are other projects out there.”
Tom nods, as he looks at the room of people. He closes his eyes, but all he could see was Y/N. Deep down, Tom knew he couldnt do this to her. “I..I don’t think I can do this.”
Natalie and the publicists’ eyes shot up in fear, unhappy with the response given. They knew there was only one thing they could do now. “Ah I understand. It’s because of a girl isn’t?” Natalie’s publicist speaks out. Tom looks at her and then down at the table, as he slowly nods his head. “Yes well Natalie’s told me all about her. Seems like a bright girl, but believe Tom she doesn’t love you as much as you thought she did.”
Tom’s eyes dart towards the publicist as his eyes continue to stare down in anger. He was angry, pissed off that they could ever make that assumption. “Fuck you! You don’t know anything!” His tone set in anger.
“Oh..but we do. See you think Y/N is remaining as faithful as you after a breakup, but why is she already out with another guy.” The publicist continues. She hands her phone to Tom as he swipes through the pictures of Y/N and Matt’s date. He saw Y/N smile at Matt, laugh with him, and touch his shoulder. Yet, the one picture that broke him the most was the one where Matt almost kissed Y/N. While Tom didn’t know the backstory, he could very well imagine how it went. Everything in him shattered, and his eyes started to well up.
“Mate..there’s gotta be an explanation for all of this. Y/N wouldn’t move on from you that quickly. You know her..she wouldn’t. This is all rubbish.” Harrison tried to reason to his heartbroken best friend. For once, he couldn’t rule out Natalie. She didn’t blackmail Y/N, someone else did.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” Tom grumbles as he gets up and walks away.
The world was quiet for the next two days, and it almost seemed like a break from all of it. Back in the New York, Y/N was minding her own business in the apartment with Kate, when she got a text message.
Answer the next phone call. ❤️
Y/N’s phone rings and it’s Tom. Her hands are shaking, afraid of what was going to happen. “Y/N.” Tom says shortly, tone filled with disappointment.
“Tom” Y/N replies, her voice shaking.
This wasn’t sanctuary anymore. This was hell.
“Tell me it’s not true.” Tom speaks out, needing to hear the truth. “Did you go out with another guy?”
Y/N hesistated for a moment, unsure of what to say. She could either lie or tell the truth but it didnt matter at this point she was fucked either way. “Yes.” She breathes out. “But — ”
“It’s not what I think? Right?” His tone getting louder. “So it’s okay for you to judge me with Natalie, but not okay for me to judge you with some bloke you’re with?”
“Matt is my friend and I had no choice in that matter!” Y/N yells out, unhappy with how Tom was confronting her.
“Did he threaten you?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, not him but someone was threatening her. “No.”
“Then you did have a choice.”
As soon as Y/N was going to speak, she got a new message. This time it was a picture from Unknown. One of Tom and Natalie getting cozy as they walked out of a building. Natalie was smiling and Tom had his arms wrapped around her shoulder. “Yeah, guess you made yours too with Natalie.”
Tom was in shock, did she know about the him and Natalie. “Y/N it’s not what you —”
“What? What I think? Yeah that makes two of us, but you want to make assumptions? Fine. You look like you already moved on yourself, but moving on with a girl you know I can’t stand...that’s an all time low for you.” Y/N hangs up and throws her phone across the room. Kate quickly comes to comfort her best friend.
“He...he moved on.” She sobbed quietly in Kate’s arms.
“I know...it’s going to be okay.” Kate whispers. Tears started to also fall on Kate’s eyes as she saw how much pain her best friend was in. She looked at her phone and quickly deleted the pictures she had taken of Y/N and Matt. “Im so sorry. I..have to tell you something.”
Y/N had fallen fast asleep, exhausted from crying. Just when Kate was ready to tell the truth...the door rang.
“Kate!” Harrison and Harry said spoke out in relief as they hugged her.
“Hey..what are you guys doing here?” She asked surprised but also relieved.
Harrison and Harry looked at each. “We want to help find out the truth.”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco
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shadedrose01 · 5 years
Hey There Delilah
Ship: Parkner (Harley Keener/Peter Parker)
Summary: Peter misses Harley, and can't sleep.
Tags: Febufluff, Day 12, Sung to sleep, Bittersweet, Longing, Long-Distance Relationship, Peter misses harley so much, Harley misses him too, And sings him to sleep, Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's, Light Angst, Sadness, hurt/comfort???, maybe???, i think so, I'm Bad At Tagging, Gay Harley Keener, Bisexual Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Sad Peter Parker
Day 12 of Febufluff: "Sung to Sleep"!
Peter turns in his bed for what feels like the hundredth time, squeezing his already shut eyes as he tries to force himself into unconsciousness to no avail, feeling frustration add to the many already swirling emotions in his chest. Adding to the ache that feels like a chasm in his body, open and gaping, like someone took a piece of his heart away, and hid it where he couldnt find it.
The only issue with that was that Peter did know where that piece was, where that piece is. It's in buttfuck nowhere, also known as Rose Hill, Tenneesee, placed in the hands of one country boy, of the love of his life. Placed in the hands of one Harley Keener.
Peter tosses again, groaning and rubbing at his face as tears begin to well up. It has been exactly three months, 12 days and 10 hours since he's last seen his boyfriend, and Peter wants to believe that he was doing okay, was living life to the fullest even without his other half by his side, but today, for some odd reason, that small hole in his chest that was there since the day Harley got on that plane had turned into a big, ugly, infected wound that he couldnt ignore no matter how hard he tried to. And trust me, he had tried. He had gone to school as normal, talking with Ned and MJ about everything and nothing, gone to his classes, practically aced his tests. Hell, he had even gone on an extra long patrol afterwards, helping an older lady cross the street and stopping a burglar before it was too late. He did so much today, so much good, and yet, here he is, crying over a boy a million miles away, and wishing, hoping, longing to hold him in his arms. To kiss him goodnight and goodmorning, to laugh with him, to watch movies with him, and play board games, to just see him again. And sure, they video called and regular called almost every night, and texted whenever they could, but it just wasn't the same. It didnt make the ache go away, it only made it more pronounced, more noticable.
He missed Harley, so so so fucking much, so much that he didnt know what to do with himself, that he couldnt concentrate completely in school, that he would mess up his moves slightly during training, or would slip easier on patrol. He could feel it everywhere he went, from Queens to New York City, from school to his apartment, from Delmars to the Tower. He could feel it everytime he took a step, everytime he breathed, everytime his heart pumped, it was there. He couldn't escape it, or make it go away, and now that he was lying in bed, doing nothing, left alone to his thoughts, it was so much worse.
Memories flooded his mind, of lazy summer days spent doing nothing but being cuddled up to each other, a movie playing in background, or days of activity and fun, where they would go out to fairs and parties, hang out with their friends. Of warm nights spend out by a campfire, playing cards and laughing their asses off, drinking out of stolen beer bottles, before they all calm down and just sit back, watching the fire, Harley pulling out a guitar and playing a song, his features illuminated by the glow of the flames, his eyes sparkling in their light and making him look ethereal, and Peter would slowly doze off to the sound of his silky soothe voice, his country twang coming through more pronounced and making the words sound even more gorgeous, even more perfect.
God, Peter misses it. He wants it back. He wants all of it back.
His body shakes with a sob that he couldnt contain, before he reaches out without thinking, grabbing at his phone laying on his bedside table. He rips out the charger, ignoring the bright white numbers telling him that it's almost 3 in the morning, and presses the call button on Harleys contact, begging that he picks up.
It rings out three times before his boyfriend picks up, his voice groggy and rougher than usual. "Pete, everything okay? It's 2am."
Peter tries to speak, to reassure him that yeah, he is okay, that he just needed to hear his voice, but the only thing that escapes his mouth is another sob.
Harley sounds much more awake and alert now. "Peter, baby, what's wrong? Did something happen?"
"No!" Peter is quick to reassure, even as his tone is thick and nasily, even as he sniffles and tries to stop the onslaught of tears that keep running down his cheeks. "No, no, I-I just," he sniffles, before whispering, hiccuping, his voice cracking, "I just miss you so much."
"Oh, sweetheart." Harley sounds breathless, heartbroken as Peter makes another pitiful noise, his body trembling. "Oh baby, it's okay, please don't cry. I'll be back in a few weeks."
He will be, Peter knows that, knows that Harley will be back for christmas break. "I-I know, I just-" He shrugs helpless, staring up at the ceiling with blurry vision and burning eyes. "I miss the summer," he admits shakily, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. "I miss the warmth, and- and the sunsets, and the campfires, and- and you- and now, it's so cold, so so cold, and I-I cant sleep, and-"
Peter whimpers, breaking off into sobs again, hearing a small noise coming from his speaker. "Shh, oh Pete, I'm so sorry." And he does sound apologetic, sounds so sad, like he's aching too. "I miss you too baby, so so much. I wish I could be there now, so I could calm you down, and hold you close, kiss you again and again." He sighs wistfully, and Peter hiccups again, curling in on himself and trying to imagine it, Harley coming in through his bedroom door, his long arms wrapping around him and pulling him into his warm chest, tucking his face into Harleys neck as he kisses the top of his head... "Only two more weeks, Pete."
"Two more weeks." Peter echoes back, sounding empty, wiping away the snot and tears on his face. Theres a moment of silent between them, as they both imagine the day they can reunite, the day they can be in each others arms again. "...can you- can you maybe sing me something?" Peter asks softly, still shaking, but starting to calm down as exhaustion starts to pull at his limbs. "Just until I fall asleep?"
"Yeah, yeah I can do that." Harley clears his throat quietly, pausing to think of a song before the soft, soothing tones beginning to ease into the room.
"Hey there, Delilah, what's in like in New York City? I'm a thousand miles away, but girl tonight, you look so pretty, yes you do." Peter's eyes start to droop more and more, unconsciously shifting around to get more comfortable. "Time Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true." A light smile grows on his face as he listens, just allowing the soothing sounds of Harleys voice to flood over him.
"Hey there, Delilah, don't you worry about the distance. I'm right here if you get lonely, give this song another listen, close your eyes." Peter finally allows his eyes to close, his body starting to relax, his breathing starting to slow. "Listen to my voice, it's my disguise, I'm by your side." Peter could almost feel Harley beside him, singing gently into his ear, his breath brushing against Peter's cheek, and he smiles even wider, feeling himself slipping away into the deep lull of sleep.
"Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. Oh, it's what you do to me. What you do to me."
Peter doesn't hear it, but Harley sings the song through, and at the end, falling upon deaf ears, a soft murmur of "I love you" and a faint click echoes throughout the moonlit room.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Wanna harass my girlfriend?
TL;DR at the bottom
Back in high school I was dating my current GF. Shes gotten better throughout the years but in high school she had bad anxiety, Im talking fear of public speaking so bad she can't present in front of people at all , shes overly concerned with her appearance and what others think of her and a bunch of other stuff. Now theres this girl who has been harassing my GF (we'll call her becca) since day one of high school for no reason, we will call her FB(use your imagination for what it stands for),
It all started on the first day of school at an assembly, while a person was giving an important speech FB and her friends were being obnoxious and loud, Becca then turned around and very politely asked them to keep it down, FB then proceeded to verbally attack her and Becca just said stfu no one cares and turned back around, FB proceeds to be an obnoxious prick the rest of the assembly by shit talking her and kicking her chair, FB and Becca lucky had no classes together as Becca is in all honors and FB is in all 'slow' classes. Nonetheless after school when FB would see my GF she would harass her and call her names and shit.
Fast forward a year and there has probably been 15 separate incidents of verbal assaults on Becca from FB, I met her and we quickly hit it off and started dating, about 1 month goes by when me and my GF are hugging after school when we encounter FB, FB being well a FB quickly started talking shit saying shit like ew and go somewhere else and insulting me, particularly I didn't care and i said was "Can you stfu? If you don't wanna see it don't look or leave" now at the time i didn't know then history between my GF and FB. FB starts to insult my girlfriend and where as my girlfriend had always just never acknowledged her I was different, I went off on FB and we were in a verbal altercation for probs 3 minutes before my GF snapped and insulted her. The insults then went from focused on me to her. I finally said something that shut her up and she was silent. I could tell my GF was very upset and as we were walking away FBs friends came out of the bathroom and insulted her and that was the straw that broke the camels back
My Girlfriend had an anxiety attack for a couple minutes till I was able to calm her down. That combined with other unrelated events were pushing her towards a mental breakdown, lucky I was able to prevent it. This enraged me, during the fight she was constantly threatening me with acts of harm and it really did seem like she was about to hit me. I used this to my advantage.
Not wanting to cause Becca any harm I did this alone, I 'accidentally' tripped her in the hall. I did it in such away that it looked like an accident. She instantly started getting up in my face, shoving me and verbally assaulting me, I merely grabbed her hands and pushed them away as she tried to push me. This was all I needed to get her to hit me. She started punching me and I kinda let her. After she punched me several times I took her down and put her in a headlock and pinned her down till the hall monitor got there and took her to the deans office with me.
Me never once hitting her I got off scot free, however I wasn't done there, I knew my parents would press charges, I had a busted lip, a swollen eye and my nose was bleeding a little. Because there are cameras everywhere it was pretty much an open and shut case especially because I did nothing that deserved that kind of response and me pinning her was self defense, her family had to pay financial compensation for my injuries which also included headaches that lasted over a week as well as a fine. FB got charged with assault and battery but oh no, this wasn't over, this was just the beginning.
A while after, I think a month, FB being an idiot and probably forgetting that I would press charges again sees me and Immediately started attacking me because I got her charged with assault and battery. She did a little more damage this time, busting my nose and hitting my head against a wall giving me a minor concussion. She again got charged with assault and battery and even had to do a some time in jail or was on probation I cant remember. She also had to pay a hefty amount in compensation, I never knew the actual number but it was a lot more then before because my injuries were more severe. (Sorry if the legal details are vague but I was never really told anything more then she got charged with assault and battery, had to pay fines)
The school responded this time by forcing her to transfer to the other school in the district, this was great news not because she's gone but because of how horrible that school is to 'poor' people. To understand this my school was the 'poor' middle class school and the one FB was transferred to was the 'rich' upper class school. This school was known for bullying people of middle class especially those that are female and FB was just that. I found out from an old friend that goes there that she was harassed and bullied everyday till she graduated, thats 2.5 years of harassment.
tl;dr: girl was bullying and harassing my girlfriend for over a year and even caused her to have an anxiety attack and put her on the verge of a mental breakdown, so i got her charged with two accounts of assault and battery as well as getting her transferred to another school where she was bullied for two and a half years.
(source) (story by CampingStories)
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Chikara: Ikari (5/?)
Ikari roughly translates to anger or hatred. Ellie finds out about Nicks troubled past, after dealing with her own demons. Colt obtains an important source of information.
Rating: Mature. Warning, mention of sexual assult, death, Murder, sexual situations and violence.
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Ellie walked through the quad in the days following winter break, colts jacket pulled tightly against her body. Even with her wool hat she could hear the whispers, she felt eyes boring into her. Everywhere she went, they were talking about it, about her and what happened. She had kept to herself mostly,  just like the Ellie that showed up for summer session, broken and alone. Somehow Ingrid talked her i to getting some food with Kyle and Nick. She stood up to get a refill of her drink when she walked past two girls sitting at a table in front of the soda fountain. 
Thats her, the girl who got attacked. One if them said. 
Hmm shes probably just looking for attention. The other chimed in. 
Ellie had enough.  She walked up to the girls and stood in front of them "Excuse me, but have we met?" Ellie asked, the girls turned to look at her stunned. One of them rolled their eyes "ah no." She sucked her teeth and flipped her hair. "Oh? Because you seemed to know me enough to talk shit as I walked past." Ellie snapped. "We don't know you,  so keep it moving. Freak." The other rolled her eyes and motioned to move with her hands. 
Ellie felt the rage building within her. She tossed the soda in her hand on one of the girls, who shrieked.  She grabbed the other, the one with the smart mouth, by the back of the head and slammed her face down on the table. "Keep my fucking name out of your mouth, of the next time I'll break your fucking nose." 
She released her grip on the girl. "Come on, lets get outta here." Nick ran up, pulling her out of the restaurant.  They jumped in his car and speed off into town. They pulled up to a run down building, walked up a flight of stairs to a small apartment.  "Where are we?" Ellie asked as she looked around the small space. "Home. For now. Its not much, but its a place to lay my head." Ellie nodded, her time with the crew made her understand things most people never learned. 
"That was some display you put on back there." He chuckled as he reached in the fridge and grabbed two beers. "You just bring me here to lecture me on how not to act?" Nick shook his head. "Na, the opposite actually. " he held the beer towards her, she shook her head no declining.  Nick sat down on a chair, taking a sip of his beer. "When you were in the hospital, I heard you mentioned the brotherhood." 
Ellies blood ran cold, she could hear her heart beating in her ears. "No, I. I didn't." She lied, she was a terrible liar. "Ellie, I heard you. And If you know about them, if someone was after you because of them. Well, maybe we're not so different after all." Ellie sat down at the table with Nick, did he know something? Did he have a run in with them too? 
"Ok. So what if I did. How do you know about them?" She was cautious,  she never thought Jason would be a dirty cop, she trusted him enough since he was her dad's partner,  she never thought in her wildest dreams he would be the damned ring leader of the brotherhood. Nick let out a long sigh "I'll tell you,  but you gotta trust me enough to tell me your story too." Ellie considered his words, he did save her from being killed in that alley. "Deal." She held her hand out, which Nick shook. 
"I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, unlike most kids around I had both my parents,  and they loved each other. My dad, he was involved in some heavy stuff, he ran with a local crew. One day a powerful gang showed up and began to take over the smaller gangs, snuffing them out and forcing them to work for them. When they didn't comply, they punished them. My dad, he rose up, spoke out." Nick paused for a moment, Ellie watched the emotions flash across his face. "They killed him and a few others,  spared their families so they could spread the word, the brotherhood meant business." 
"Nick… im. Im so sorry." Ellie reached out to grab his hand.  "Don't be sorry Ellie. It happened a long time ago and ive made my peace with my dad's passing. What I want to know is how a smart, innocent girl like yourself, got tangled up with the brotherhood." 
Ellie took a deep breath,  nobody but the crew knew what had happened, not the full story. Yet she felt comfortable enough to bare it all to  Nick. "Well, it all started with a boy in a car and an asshole on a bike." 
Ellie filled him in on everything,  how kaneko sent Logan to gain intel to the take down, or so she thought, of Jason in the school parking lot." Visiting old wounds opened something within her, paired  with her new found aggression and drive she felt like she had awoken from a deep slumber. "I cant sit around and wait for the cops to not do their jobs. I have to do something,  to take that asshole Shaw down once and for all!" Ellie pounded her fist against the table. "I've been doing some digging into possible brotherhood operations in town, but my hacking skills are limited." She sighed. "You need a hacker." A smile formed on Nick's face.
Ellie turned facing him, she knew that look,  it was the same one Colt would give her when they hatched a plot, there was no turning back now.  Ellie knew exactly what she needed to do. "I need a crew." Nick leaned forward, hands on the table. "And I know just where to find one."
Los Angeles, California….
Colt sat in front of the Laptop, a red bull in his hand. He had been awake for 2 days straight, no signs of sleep in the horizon. Ximena had come to stay with him, they melted down her SUV so there were no traces for the brotherhood to find it. She immediately lifted a new one, black and bigger. They had made a little headway on hunting wallace down. The Kaneko name held weight, Teppei's self sacrifice spread through the alleys and back roads like wildfire. His courageous act, dubbed him as a saint amongst the crime world and left his heir to be feared by many. Colt was young, and more ruthless than his father. Everyone wanted to be in his good graces. 
A neighboring crew shed a little information about a possible underground operation the brotherhood had been running. An old sawmill on the west side of town had seen a lot more activity in recent months. Colt combed blue prints, scouted the location, the surveillance was an issue. It was old, easy to hack into but the picture quality was lacking. He tried to find A surrounding camera to view but hadn't had much luck.  "Fuck. This is ridiculous." he hollered, tossing the laptop onto the couch next to him. 
He rubbed his hands down his face in frustration.  He allowed his mind to wander there. Wondering what she was doing in that exact moment. He counted down the days until he could be with her, He had to be with her. Ximena walked in, a bag of takeout in hand. "You look like shit. You slept any since I left?" Colt shook his head.  "Cant sleep, not til I can get a better look at that warehouse." 
Ximena tossed a plate in front of him, a burger and fries,  She picked up the laptop and plopped down on the couch. "Ok, you eat. Let me see what I can do." 
After a few minutes she spoke up "got it. Just needed to position this camera that way and.." her eyes went wide. "Colt, you're gonna wanna come see this." Colt shot up standing over ximenas shoulder.  "That son of a bitch. He's there?" Before she could say a word Colt was already out the door and on his bike. He speed across town, weaving in and out of traffic. By the time he got there, the building was quiet.  He did find a familiar person. Colt grabbed him by the shirt and tossed him up against the brick wall. "Where is he?" He seethed. "Who. I don't know who you're talking about." 
"Wallace. Where the fuck is he?" Colt cocked his fist back. "I don't know. He left. He's gone." The man cried out. Colts fist connected with his face. "Ok, ok. I'll cooperate." Colt loosened his grip on him. The man opened his mouth to speak, then turned bolting for the door. Son of a bitch Colt huffed as he ran after him. He made it to the door in just enough time to see the guy get close lined, falling to the ground hard. "I don't remember asking for backup." He sneered "yeah, well looks like you needed it." Ximena snorted. Colt hovered over the man, Ximena knocked him out cold. "Were taking him." Ximena arched her brow. "Colt-" she warned. "Not the first time we kidnapped someone, probably won't be the last and We need answers.  You wanted in, this is in." Ximena shook her head. "Ok boss. I got rope in the truck. Lets get him loaded up before someone sees." 
Colt and Ximena pulled up to a run down house, it was one of the safe houses Kaneko had set up in case the heat got to bad in the city. It was outside of La and the best part it was remote. Ximena tossed. Bucket of water on the man as he jolted awake. "What? Where am I?" He fidgeted in his seat, trying to move his restrained hands. "Horacio Salazar." The man whipped his head to the other side of the room. "That's not my name." He spat.  "Sure it is. I know all about you Horacio. I know about your wife Maria. Your two kids Nico and Emalina. Even your little dog scruffy." Colts lips twisted into a sinister smirk as he watched the color drain from Horacio's face. "What do you want? 
"I just want a little information on a mutual acquaintance, Wallace. I want to know everything you know about him." Colt circled like a vulture. "I don't know nothin." 
Colt stopped, staring at the man before him. His hands crossed against his chest. 
"You aren't related to Emilio Salazar are you?"
Horacio lifted his head to look at Colt. "He was my cousin. Why?" 
"He helped my crew out with something. It's a shame what happened to him. I don't know if I would have the stomach to work for the crew that killed my cousin" He smirked "but that's just me." He turned his head, his smile twisted into a bone chilling curl. He was enjoying this more than he should, he knew he knee horacio would cooperate, but he needed him to want them dead, just as much as Colt did. 
A few minutes went by in silence before Horacio finally opened his mouth to speak. "Alright, fine. I'll tell you what I know." Colt flashed ximena a wicked smile.  "Ok Horacio, tell what you know."
Langston….. Nick led Ellie down a dimly lit hall of a warehouse on the outskirts of town. She could hear the bass thumping on the other side of the metal door. She gave Nick a questioning look. "You needed a crew, this is our first step." She nodded as he opened the door. She expected a cold, open space with some tattered old couches, and dirt. Instead the are was fully furnished with leather couches and chairs. A dj played some up tempo music as a few people danced.  They weaved in and out of people before they approached a large, muscular man standing in front of a sectioned off room. Nick whispered something in his ear, he nodded and let them pass. "Rubywrecker? We have a proposition for you." Nick spoke to the hooded figure sitting in front of 4 laptops with their backs turned to them. "Not interested. Who let you back here?" She spoke, not bothering to turn around. "Oh, I think you'll be interested. Especially when it comes to matters of a certain brotherhood."  
The woman stood, slowly turning around. "Not here. But if it has anything to do with taking them down. Im intrigued." She smiled. "Then I think you'll like what we have to say." Ellie stepped forward, it was finally happening. She was forming her crew, her vision closer to becoming a reality. The brotherhood was going to get what they deserved, one way or another. 
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater @blackcatkita @darley1101 @hazah @desiree-0816
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear  
@simsvetements @zaffrenotes @professorortegasstudent
@akrenich @ifyouseekheart @client-327 @choicelogansbitch @choicesarehard @paisleylovergirl @itskismetbb @itsmarleen
@rhischoicesfanfics @distinguishedsaladoperawinner @iplaydrake @coffeebeandragon @jasidu2 @charliezchan
@umiumichan @sarwin85 @skdskdskdskdskdsk @liamzigmichael4ever
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Sycamore High: The Auditorium  (Chapter 10)
A/N: So many characters! So many stories! So many perspectives! I LOVE WRITING TED. Also, I have only had Tommy for a chapter but if anything very were to happen to him...
summary: The gang goes through an odd morning before class
words: 1,690
warnings: Cursing, slight homophobia, mentions of yelling, implied abuse, VERY NEGATIVE THINKING
Ao3 link
So cute
He is so cute
I love him
WOAH WOAH, pump the breaks, Ted, you pump those breaks
Emma turned the corner sleepily, god had anyone gotten any sleep?
“I can't believe they have a coffee cart at this school… how fancy can you get?’ She mumbled to herself making her way towards the smell of sweet sweet caffeine. She reaches the eyesight of the coffee cart to be met with a very different scene. She finds herself staring at Paul and some unknown man who looks very angry. She can't hear what they are saying but the taller man's face gets very red and Emma decides that maybe she should intervene seeing as Paul looks like he could care less what happens to him. She stepped in front of the pair and held up her hand, catching a very sweaty fist in it. The man grunted and kept pushing his fist against her hand, she didn't budge. She gave him a look before he snarled and gave up, walking away followed by a very chatty crew.
“Emma!” Pauls perky voice shouted from behind her, she spun to see an equally sleepy Paul grinning like an idiot, so cute.
“Hiya Paul, what was that about?” She asked, scooching past him a bit to collect her own coffee and Pauls.
“Emma! My dear friend! The girl I met just a while ago! The girl who I might have a crush on!  I don't know!” Emma immediately shushed him and dragged him away from the overpopulating coffee cart. She huddled them into a corner still covering his mouth. “I am really tired” He said smiling, insane eyes shining through.
“Yeah, I can tell…” She paused examining him “How much sleep did you get last night?” She asked concerned
“Literally 0 hours” He said still smiling, she wanted to laugh he really was adorable “My mom was loud and fighting with my dad, we don't like him in this household” He whispered the last part. Emma felt like she was listening to a gossip session. “Anyway they were fighting, VERY LOUDLY” He shouted, Emma, nodded sighing… she was getting annoyed. Paul caught on and decided to continue. “Sister, having boy troubles or whatever… and… “ He suddenly got very sad, his face fell. Emma took his hand not thinking and giving it light supportive strokes “Ted… I was worried about Ted” He pouted, Emma nodded. She looked around her surroundings.
“Let's get you back to class” She decided to hand him his coffee. He took it and followed her lead towards the auditorium. 
“Hey how did you do that-” He paused gesturing wildly “Hand thingy”
“I take self-defense classes” She said, slightly leading Paul who was now full-on drunk/sleepy mode. He gasped loudly, jaw-dropping.
“You are so cool” He whispered amazed, she smirked before they reached the auditorium doors. He looked at the doors then down at his coffee. “Oh no! I forgot Bills coffee…” He pouted again and furrowed his brows “Eh, fuck Bill” He stated before the pair made their way into class.
“Ok, we can't keep doing this!” Charlotte exclaimed “This isn't like me” She said, furrowing her brows. It wasn't, she wasn't the type of person to sneak into a dark corner of the school and have a make-out session.
“God! Charlotte! You say this every-time, and then the morning comes and here we are” Sam replies frustrated. Charlotte winces at his yelling, she doesn't like yelling. “Look you need to figure out what it is we are doing ok?” Charlotte nods unsure before racing out of their corner, she feels a firm hand grab her and pull her back in for a moment. A warm kiss is placed on her lips and she cant help but melt into it. Sam pulls away after a moment before winking goodbye and making his way to class.  Her face flushed before she made her separate way towards the auditorium.
“There you are” The concerned voice of her best friend Emma calls across the room, she turns smiling at her friend
“Here I am” She says dreamily “What's up, buttercup?”  Emma rolls her eyes and drags her over to the seats.
“Ok I have so much to tell you but first why do you look high?” Charlotte's face fell immediately a sense of panic set in.
“High? I don't look high? Omg, do I look high?” She rambled, Emma squeezed her hands
“Kidding!” She said unsure at her friend, Charlotte pouted and hit her shoulder
“Not funny” She said
“You did it wrong” Emma joined in her pout “It's actually ‘Not Funneh!’” Emma exclaimed mimicking the John Mulaney skit.
“Ok nope, I'm not doing this, it's way too early-”
“Paul said he might have a crush on me” Emma blurted, softly enough for only the pair to hear.
“Good Morning class!” A voice echoed through the hollow theatre “Unfortunately Professor Chad is unavailable today so I have been asked to step in. I'm Professor Hidgens and that is what you can call me” The nervous professor looked at the students expectantly before deciding to begin roll call.
He is really cute though
Yes, but you don't love him! You don't even know him!
Still cute
“Enough!” Ted shouted out loud, the car stopped abruptly and Tommy looked over at Ted in a panic. Ted covered his mouth quickly as the pair made eye contact. “Sorry, I was… just thinking” He said, Tommy sighed relieved before continuing on. Ted cursed himself, idiot, He thought.
“So what's your first class of the day?” Tommy asked casually as he pulled into the school parking lot “Mines Equine Care and Management, I really love horses” He informs excitedly, Ted could listen to him speak for hours. Tommy parks the car looking over at the boy expectantly.
“Oh! Well it was Physical Education but somehow I got transferred into Musical Theatre with a bunch of my friends” Ted wanted to hit himself, he sounded so lame. Tommy's eyes lit up as he unbuckled.
“I love the theatre!! I really wanted to take that class but my…” He trailed off “Doesn't matter, that's super cool though!” His tone had gotten sadder, Ted felt a fiery ball gather in his stomach, he wanted to punch whoever made him feel this way. He just wanted to protect Tommy.
What is wrong with you?
I don't know
Get it together, man
What would your father think?
“Why do I care?” He mumbled to himself getting out of the car. He had dried off a tad bit so he wasn't slugging water everywhere. He grabbed his things and followed Tommy into the school, he couldn't help but stare the entire time. He was absolutely, head over heels, in l-
You aren't, you CAN'T be
You're just confused, it's just a phase
It's just a phase
Just a phase
“Could I walk you to the auditorium?” Tommy asked sweetly, no pun intended “I've always wanted to see it” Ted watched as Tommy's eyes grew wide with excitement, and a beautiful smile crossed his face.
“How could I say no?” That was supposed to stay up here, Ted thought. Tommy jumped, yes jumped, excitedly and latched onto Ted. He immediately froze at the sudden contact the two boys now shared. Tommy wasn't bothered, and Ted wasn't either perse but… he was confused.
“Lead the way Teddy” Tommy mumbled softly. Oh? Using my childhood nickname? NOT FAIR UNIVERSE! And so he did, Ted leads them through the almost empty halls right to the auditorium doors. Everything was going great, they talked and laughed. They were so close until-
“Got yourself a boyfriend Porker?” A gruff voice asked from behind. Ted felt his mood immediately drop as the pair turned around to be met with Billy. “Aww look, he even has pigtails, so you can pretend he's a girl”
Ok that's it, Ted roll up your sleeves lets get this motherfucker
Why? He's right, isn't he?
“I'm not his boyfriend” Tommy said calmly, why did Ted's heart hurt when he said this. “I'm just a friend, he's much too good for me” Both Ted and Billy were shocked by this. Ted felt a pang of guilt hit him.
Too good for you? No… no… you've got it all wrong Tommy
“Even if he was my boyfriend” Ted said, his voice wavered by this sudden participation “You would be the last to know”
Wow great job Ted, I’m sure that will get him going
“So what? You like boys Porker?” Billy said scoffing. Ted furrowed his brows, he went to answer.
“You interested Billy? Unfortunately, you're not my type” That shut him up, ted watched amused as Billy stuttered over himself before walking away defeated. “Also yeah I do!” Ted shouted, He just really wanted to rile him up. Tommy let out a giggle and covered Ted's mouth.
“Stop.. you're going to get yourself punched” The pair giggled, Ted felt happier than he had in a while.
“I've been through worse” He shuffled his feet, Tommy let out a breath before examining the halls once more.
“Sorry about that” He said, Ted shook his head furiously
“Not your fault, Billy has always had it out for me and my friends” He glanced over at the direction where Billy had gone “I guess this time it was justified” Ted said disappointed.
“What? Are you joking? It was absolutely not! So you like boys? Who cares?” Tommy said getting very defensive, ted was taken aback by this sudden anger he felt wash through him. “Look I don't know you that well but clearly you have some things you need to work on, but I meant when I said we were friends, ok?” he looked around again “It's ok to like whoever-” Tommy paused “Just don't like Billy ok? Cause… ew” The pair erupted into laughter once more “I should get to class… see you around Ted” Tommy smiled, that damn smile before disappearing, leaving Ted with a very hollow stomach and an awful feeling of longing.
So...Not a phase
What would your father think?
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toothedsmile · 5 years
The puppeteer: Chapter six
Chapter six: A hero’s job
Warnings!!: mention and the action of suicide, down talking and mentions of depression.
Please don’t force yourself to read if aren’t comfortable with these topics. If you need someone to talk to don’t be afraid to speak to me. I’ve been stuck and sometimes still am with these kind of thoughts so please. Don’t be afraid to speak to me. I care about you even if I don’t know you.
Once again you were awoken by the sound of your alarm in your ear. You stood up and cursed yourself for putting it on the highest volume even though you knew that if it were any lower you wouldn’t have woken up.
You did your daily routine and mentally prepared yourself for another day at hell school.
Once downstairs you noticed that your dad left you a message saying that he couldn’t be there in the morning this week and that your mother was working late. With a deep sigh you took your breakfast and decided that while your parents weren’t at home you could eat in front of the T.V.
Taking the remote you turned on the T.V and saw that it was still on the rerun from the news from last night.
Your eyes widened as you saw that they were talking about an attack from yesterday from villains at the U.A school in the location USJ, a special training place but you didn’t know the full meaning of the name.
It seemed that the attack was done to kill All Might and happened when the first years for the hero course class 1-A were there to do rescue training.
With furrowed eyebrows you kept shoving food into your mouth and soaked in the information the news gave about the villains, you know, in case you had to run for your life when you bump into a random person on the streets and they appear to be a villain trying to murder you for bumping into them.
Once you had done whatever was needed for your next day at school you packed everything up and decided to leave as you only had fifteen minutes before your class started and you didn’t want to be late.
Having arrived at school you looked around for your friend, as you were walking you heard people around you talking about the USJ incident. Some were worried for the class and others were speaking how they totally would’ve defeated the villains if they had been there even though anyone could see in their eyes that they were scared to even properly think about it.
Feeling something tap on your shoulder you turned around and saw your friend standing there with a smile.
“So have you thought about it yet? Becoming a vigilante?”
With wide eyes you slapped them on their shoulder.
“Are you crazy! Do you want people to hear this and get the police on my ass? What if somebody heard?”
Just as your friend waved their hand in a relaxed manner to try and prove you wrong you both heard a voice that silenced you two.
“Hear what if I may ask?”
With and audible gulp you turned around to look at the speaker and saw Ilya standing there with one of his eyebrows raised.
Freaking out a bit your friend grabbed your shoulder and started dragging you to the stairs leading to the hallway of your first class.
“Huh, hear anything?? Nothing! But oh no, would you look at that it’s almost time for the bell to ring –“
“-It’s still five minutes?-“
“-We should be going now, bye bye!”
And so you ended up standing in an empty hallway in front of your class in complete silence.
Except for the fact that you were glaring at your friend so hard that one might have been able to hear the laser coming from your eyes that bore into the head of F/N as they stood there with a bit of sweat dripping from their face as they tried to avoid looking at your general direction.
It was your last hour of the day and your friend didn’t bring the topic of you becoming a possible vigilante up again during the whole duration of the day.
“Alright everyone, this is it for today’s lesson about radiation. Be sure to look over what we’ve learned again and don’t be afraid to ask questions, I’d be happy to help you.”
One of your most favourite teachers this year said that you were all allowed to leave with a pleasant smile. Walking side by side with your friend towards the school gate wasn’t awkward.
The only thing awkward was that they kept walking with you to your house even though they lived somewhere else and had to catch a bus.
“Not that I don’t like you walking with me but don’t you have bus to catch?”
They shook their head with a small smile and looked you right in the eye.
“I’m coming to your house. I know your parents work late right now so we have some time to talk.”
Sighing you accepted your fate, you knew they wouldn’t let you go anyway and would just keep bothering you.
“Fine then, we’ll talk about your oh so important question.”
You both continue walking towards your house in a slightly awkward but mostly comfortable silence.
Once having arrived you went to your bedroom and sat down onto your bed.
“So, did you actually think about it?” Your friend questioned, head tilted slightly in curiosity.
You leaned back on your hands, looking upwards to the ceiling in slight thought. “I mean, I thought about it. I would like to be a vigilante. By the time I would actually get into UA or any other great hero school a year or more would’ve already passed at least. I think. Besides, it would show what hero work is you know.”
F/N nodded at your answer, they understood your reasoning. “I’ll help with it. Of course I won’t be a vigilante but I’ll do my best to help you out.”
Suddenly they stood up and clapped in their hands as they turned to you with an excited smile.
“Start today! I already thought that you would say yes so I managed to make a quick costume that is a actually a hoodie that modified to hide your…you know. And some pants that I thickened at your knees.”
With a deadpanned expression you turned to your friend that slowly turned into a ‘really?’ expression.
“Did you…Did you seriously? Oh my god, I honestly sometimes can’t believe you.”
Shrugging they took their backpack and took out a black hoodie, a pair of black pants and a basic black dust mask with no design or anything else that would be easily identified.
None of the clothes were visibly from any brands so you really liked that, it seemed that F/n had actually used their one and only braincell.
“I don’t know whether to be proud of you or to be slightly mad.”
They smiled innocently and batted their eyes at you. “Just be proud of me.”
You changed into the clothes and actually felt a bit badass in them.
“Alright, your hair cant be visible so just in case you’ll have to put up your hood and try to find some hairpins to pin it back.”
Slightly surprised you turned to F/N again, mouth a bit open with surprise at the fact that they seemed to talk so freely about you going out and being a vigilante with tips about your hair.
“Did you like research ‘how to vigilante’ or something?”
Smiling they avoided to properly answer you and just gave a shrug with a smile that screamed “maybe I did.”
You had put your hair back, even finding a headband that you put at the front of your head so the roots of your hair wouldn’t be seen.
“Alright, you still have some time before it becomes dark but I really have to go home or my parents might become angry or something.”
They gathered their stuff and said bye to you as they ran to a bus stop in the hopes of getting a bus so they could get home in time.
Sitting on your bed you rethought about your choice of becoming a vigilante. Perhaps you had made the decision to fast and hasty. While yes, you could get to helping people like you wanted while also getting experience in the job of being a hero that you wouldn’t get in and actual hero school but was it really such a good idea?
You had never done anything like this and you had yet to unlock new possibilities with your quirk.
Dropping yourself back onto your back on you bed you continued thinking about your totally ration decision.
Time had passed and it was now dark outside, deciding to go trough with your plan you readied yourself mentally and sneaked out of your house.
Walking on the streets at night knowing that there were most likely criminals and murderes roaming around waiting for a victim was very frightening to think about. But knowing that people who were required to walk around this time because of their jobs or other personal things could be in possible danger was enough to make you keep going even with the possibility of becoming injured.
As you were walking you thought about how you weren’t really able to see a lot of things around you, and that didn’t have anything to do with the fact that it was dark but it was because of the walls and many alleyways that were everywhere and blocked your sight.
Your eyes wandered around and suddenly you looked at a roof, your eyes kept wandering around to see if there was a fire escape that could give you access to a roof so you could look around from above with an even wider sight of where you were.
Sadly enough you didn’t find one that was in your physical reach but was most defiantly in the reach of your lovely strings.
Hoping that they wouldn’t snap you pulled yourself up and surprisingly you didn’t feel anything in your fingers and your string were quite strong.
Finally you got on top of the roof and looked over the side, the view was very pretty, the lights were shining brightly like earthly stars and the few cars riding around gave some movement to the picture.
Using the memory part of your quirk you captured the sight into your brain, but as you kept looking at the other roofs you saw another figure standing on the ledge of a very high building.
Your eyebrows furrowed with concern and you decided to go check out what was going on with the person.
With the help of your quirk you got to the other roof that was barely two minutes away and landed a few meters behind the person who after hearing the taps of your feet turned around surprised with wide eyes.
Their eyes locked with yours and you both kept looking at each other for a little while before they spoke up.
“Who are you?” They stepped a bit away from the ledge getting a little closer to the middle of the roof.
“I’m just someone who’s running around with a mask trying to help people. I saw you standing here and I got a bit worried.”
Confused they tilted their head as they looked at you with question. “Why would you be worried about someone you never met?”
Smiling softly beneath your mask as your eyes got a gentle look in them you stated answering them.
“It might seem selfish but I feel better when I help someone.”
They blinked, they hadn’t expected that you’d answer them honestly believing you to be some one who would pretend to be a hero just to stab them in the back.
“Why are you standing here?”
They seemed to get a bit uncomfortable at the question as their eyes looked away from you and their body turned a bit to the side as to hide way from  you.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me but do you mind if I guess?”
Your only answer was a shrug and an uncaring face that became devoid of emotion.
“Did you come here to kill yourself?”
Their shoulders tensed and they looked back to the edge, slowly stepping closer.
“Yes, I did. You actually managed to distract me for a little while but I really have to continue so if you won’t mind I would wish to keep going with I was doing.”
You started stepping towards them but stopped as they moved even closer to the edge.
“Wait please. Don’t, please don’t do this. This isn’t the right thing. I don’t know your life, I don’t know your thoughts but I can understand why you’d do this. I’ve been there myself but please. If you keep living you will find something worth living for.”
Their eyes looked at you from the side, hesitation was filled within him but they hardened and they looked down from the ledge. They lifted their leg over the edge, slowly leaning forward.
“I’m sorry but I can’t, I just can’t stay here anymore. It hurts so much.” Tears dripped from their eyes and they went.
“Wait! No stop! WAIT DON’T JU-!”
Their whole body tilted as they fell from the roof.
Everything seemed to go in slow-motion as you ran to where they stood, your strings shot out as fast as they could behind the person in the hopes of stopping them, saving them, helping them.
But you were too late.
They fell down to their death and there was nothing you could do about it.
Frozen and with wide eyes you looked at the red splotch on the ground far down from you that turned into a blur and vanished as tears came into your eyes.
You body felt empty, your heart seemed to stop and you couldn’t think about anything except for the fact that you were too late.
Your breathing became faster as you became nauseous, you clasped your hand on your mouth as you felt your food coming back up but you managed to hold it back.
On shaking legs you backed away from the ledge, slowly going faster as you ran home to the safety of your room and covers.
Getting there you changed yourself with shaking hands, they could barely hold anything.
Grabbing your phone you called the police.
“Hello this is the police, how may we help you?”
With a shaking voice you spoke. “I-I s-saw someone, they – they jumped. I –“
You spoke about the person, the place here they jumped.
The person on the other side asked for your name but you answered that you just didn’t want to think about it anymore and they understood as you said your age.
They spoke that they’d ask perhaps call you back for what you saw and hung up after saying goodbye.
Sleep didn’t come until a few hours before you would have to start for school but you didn’t think about that as the same scene kept playing in your head as if it wouldn’t leave you alone.
And so you stayed there, traumatised for the rest of the day.
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chongoblog · 5 years
Hey I know that you all see me as the Grand Authority on Movie Opinions in that I am correct and can never be wrong and also my opinion on things is NEVER unsolicited because I’m literally the most important person on the internet and you CRAVE my opinions.
So I saw Shazam last night and I’m gonna talk about it under this readmore because I dunno how long it’s gonna be and I respect y’all’s dashes like that (plus if y’all don’t care abt what I thought then you can keep scrolling). There will be spoilers but I will clearly mark them.
So I’ve been thinking to myself on whether or not Shazam was the best DCEU movie. All things considered, it didn’t have too high of a bar to leap over, seeing how Wonder Woman, which was originally my favorite, had a lot of incredible moments, but was bogged down by a few of the scenes around those moments and a frankly terrible final act. And if I were to put it into numbers, (which people seem to love) I’d put Wonder Woman at about 50% INCREDIBLE 20% ehhhh and 30% GOD WHY, plus add a few bonus points for being so inspiring within its social context as a female-led superhero movie that isn’t terrible, sexualized or both. Shazam, on the other hand, doesn’t get those bonus points of social context, but has about a 60% Pretty Good and 40% ehhhh with one small bonus point for having one scene that personally hit me pretty hard that I’ll talk about later. It doesn’t reach any of the LOWS that any other film in the DCEU had, but at the same time, it didn’t really hit any of the highs either.
Something that’s worth addressing is that as someone who likes to partake in any and all drama because I’m a gremlin who loves seeing complaining, I saw plenty of DC fans complain that this movie was falling into a sort of trap set up saying “ITS ONLY BEING LIGHTHEARTED BECAUSE IT THINKS THAT IT HAS TO BE MORE LIKE MARVEL AND THATS WHY MORE PEOPLE LIKE IT” and I do want to address that because it’s a stupid argument. While Shazam is a departure from the DCEU’s more serious tone thus far, it’s not a black and white deal. DC isn’t strictly defined by being “the more serious Marvel” or vice versa. Being lighthearted did help Shazam out, not BECAUSE it was more like a Marvel movie, but because unlike movies like Batman v Superman, it didn’t try (and fail) to tackle more complex themes and down to earth schemes that made it lose focus and become an enormous mess. That being said, Shazam’s schemes and themes were much simpler, and it made for a much SMALLER mess if/when it did lose focus.
Before I dive into the spoilers, I’ll give my two cents on the film as a whole. Like I mentioned, the light-hearted tone did help out the movie, and it took itself a little less seriously with things while still balancing out some emotion in the story, and the whole theme behind it, while not PERFECTLY drawn out, still had a coherent message behind it. Visually, the movie was definitely trying to break out of the Zack Snyder mold that had been set up back with Man Of Steel, and while it still chills out in Low Saturation City a lot of the time, it IS doing a better job. Zachary Levi definitely deserves a shoutout in this movie for probably being the second best actor in the DCEU closely behind Gal Gadot in terms of casting choices, perfectly encapsulating the idea of Shazam, and pulling off the role of a Big Billy Batson, however he seems to have taken away the acting talent from half of the rest of the cast, because some of the acting in this movie is.....not great. And that’s not counting the child actors who did alright considering they’re child actors (Freddy in particular was fantastic).
The dialogue in this is pretty solid and indicative of the situation, and they really tried to lean into the idea that it’s some middle school (or early high I cant really remember) kid who just got these powers, and they do a pretty good job of that in both the dialogue and in the first half of the movie. And like I mentioned, there is a bit of Emotion in this movie that they really tried to deliver and they did a pretty good job delivering it. That being said, it’s very clear that they’re going for a kinda cheesy sort of vibe. Which makes sense, since the concept is Kid Becomes Superhero, which is ripe for picking like some kind of Cheese Tree....orchard.....thing.....and it leads to just a fun experience. It’s something that knows it shouldn’t be taken too seriously, which is why I’m writing an incredibly long analytical review of it, because I’m a curmudgeon like that.
Lol alright so this spoiler section is gonna have a lot of negative points, so let me start with some positives.
The overall theme of this movie is sort of an idea of Found Family (which I’m an absolute sucker for), and there’s a subplot that follows this idea where Billy is looking for his mom. The movie starts showing a flashback where Billy’s mom gives him a compass saying “it’ll always help you find your way home” and then very shortly afterward, Billy gets himself seperated from his mother and had to be put into foster care and is now searching for his mother by looking everywhere he can to the point it causes him to run away multiple times. It’s not too surprising how this ends, with him finding his mother, only to find out that she just didn’t pick him up because she was 17 at the time and felt she COULDN’T take care of him. And that’s the point when he realizes “maybe my REAL family were the kids in the foster home all along”. Billy Batson sees that his birth mother’s life is tumultuous, taking on new lovers, working part time jobs, and not having time to even consider caring for Billy, moreso just hoping he turned out alright. Billy, as a sort of symbolic gesture, hands his mother the compass saying “you’ll need this more than me”. And then she replies with two words that just killed me for some reason.
“What’s this?”
I don’t know. It was a line that hit me. Kinda reflecting that sort of disconnect. Alright enough being nice, let’s talk things that are Alright but could be better.
The villain was alright. His character was pretty fun at the beginning, but after he got revenge on his father for Toxic Masculinity™ he became pretty boring, acting more like a CGI Monster Vending Machine. Of course it kinda leads into the whole Cheesy vibe they were going for, but it’s hard to make your movie seem like it’s gonna be campy and cheesy when your villain doesn’t really fall into the role once he actually fights the hero (also with the color palette). Just wish they would’ve sorta gone full Sam Raimi and just leaned into the campiness, with this movie kinda afraid to jump into the pool past its bathing suit.
And then there was the climax of the movie in the carnival, where I felt like it went a little bit downhill, not really being the best that it could be, but still pretty serviceable. The director seemed to be REALLY into using slo-mo, using it a little more than necessary to the point of being distracting, and while the Shazam concept was used in a few fun creative ways, there were some moments where it could have had more utility, or one moment in particular when he absolutely needed to change back and probably had time to say “Shazam” like twenty times over, but he didn’t, which was a LITTLE frustrating, but that’s way more nitpicky. Speaking of nitpicks, there were a few shots that were.....questionable (most notably the Santa.....moment? It seemed to be a clear funny moment, but it didn’t really land and didn’t flow either)
And also the climax has a bit of a fun twist moment that helps round out the Found Family moment where all of Billy’s adopted family also become superheroes, which is pretty sweet, but there was one SMALL nitpick that doesn’t overwhelmingly detract from anything but I found strange. Every character had a power, with one person showing the super strength, another showing super speed, another with lightning, another with flying, which were Shazam’s powers. And then Mary was there....and we don’t really get to see her powers? I did research and apparently she’s a character in the comics with all the powers of Shazam, but Mary was one of the only other characters with an arc and we don’t get to see her with any powers, which is a bit weird (we also don’t get to see her arc formally conclude. We can draw conclusions but still). So in the end it looks like Mary essentially kinda got Kairi’d. Oof.
But that’s really it for spoilers, in terms of the “bad” it’s really just that it didn’t really give it enough of an impact and while it knew what it wanted to be and isn’t disingenuous about it, it also doesn’t really commit to BEING what it wants to be.
Bottom line is that this movie is definitely flawed, and after consideration I don’t think I’d put it at the top of the DCEU, if only because Wonder Woman reached higher points than this one did, but that shouldn’t be a slight against Shazam at all. Heck, I would consider putting it a little bit above Captain Marvel if we’re inevitably comparing rivals.
So all in all I give it a Shazam/10. A good fun time. Not the BEST movie you’ll see this year, but you’re there to have a good time and you’ll have it.
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let-it-raines · 6 years
Second in Command (Epilogue - Part Seven)
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Summary: Life as the “spare to the heir” isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be when you’re the supposed screw-up of the family, but people don’t know what really happens behind closed doors.
Rating: Mature
A/N: You guys are totally going to be annoyed with me for how I left it on a cliffhanger when I totally didn’t have to except to show some character growth and how things change...which I guess is exactly the reason I ended it that way :D
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14| 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Epilogue Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 
Tag list: @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic @ekr032-blog-blog @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615@a-faekindagirl @mayquita @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @kristi555 @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @branlovesouat @dreadpirateemma @alys07 @andiirivera
“Can I come in, son?”
“Yeah, of course,” Killian answers automatically, the shock of his father just showing up at his door stunning him for only a moment. It’s not like he never visits. He usually just calls or texts first. “I didn’t know you were coming over, dad. Why didn’t you call?”
“Oh, I was visiting the kids and thought I’d drop by since I knew that the two of you had returned home.” His dad steps inside, squeezing his shoulder before leaning down to pet Indy. “Hello, darling,” he then greets Emma, kissing her cheek before wrapping her up in a hug. “How are you feeling today?”
“Good, good,” Emma insists, her eyes still blown wide as if she’s actually been shocked. He knows she’s still a bit rattled from the flight and her nausea. The same thing had happened when they went out sailing the morning of their anniversary, before the disaster of the rest of that day, and even though he had been wary of it, Emma insisted she was fine. She never said she wasn’t, but the green of her face told him otherwise. “How are you?”
“Kicking pretty high for my age.”
“You are not old,” she laughs, tugging on Indy’s leash. “Do you mind if I take Indy for a quick walk? Let her run around a bit. She’s been told she’s going outside, and I’m afraid she’ll freak out if she doesn’t get to go.”
“Of course, dear. I’ll chat with Killian, and the second you two come back inside, I want to hear all about how you’ve been since you left us to go holiday in the warm sunshine. I swear it’s rained for the past week.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Emma takes a step over toward him, leaning up and kissing his cheek, whispering that she’ll be right back before taking a step outside with Indy and leaving him with his dad.
“Do you want something to drink? Eat?”
“I’m fine.” His father begins walking to the living room, settling down into the recliner he prefers when visiting all while Killian sits down on the couch next to him, only a side table between them. “So how was your holiday?”
He almost chokes on his own saliva thinking of all of the things he absolutely cannot tell his father about their holiday as well as wondering if he should bring up the privacy issue just yet. He doesn’t know, is never truly sure about these types of things. He could have a nice, normal conversation with his father or it could turn into another tense, stressful one. He’s had enough of those for a lifetime, but he also knows that he doesn’t have all of the time in the world to fix this. He’s got fewer than four months, really.
“It was wonderful,” he finally answers, his lips ticking up on one side. It really was wonderful to get away with Emma and only have each other for awhile despite the disaster that was their anniversary. It got better, though. It wasn’t completely bad. They had the sailing trip and the takeout meal that was better than anything else they’d eaten if only for how comfortable they both felt. He felt his son move for the first time, which was bloody brilliant and most definitely his new favorite thing. “It’s a gorgeous island. Emma mentioned something about asking you to make our beaches like that.”
Brennan barks out a laugh, the wrinkles on his face all gathering together while his gray hair shakes the slightest bit. If Killian was a betting man, he’d guess his dad is getting his hair cut in the next two or three days, keeping up with his lifelong schedule of haircuts. “If only I could. That would be bloody wonderful. But I like the way she thinks.”
“She’s definitely a brilliant dreamer.” He trails off toward the end of his sentence, looking down at his hand and twisting his ring around his finger, his constant physical reminder of his lifelong commitment to Emma, as if he really needs one. “Can I talk to you about something, dad?”
“Of course.”
“I know, well, I know that things were different when I was a kid, that technology wasn’t as advanced, that I was a bit of a surprise child and that you were on the older side when I was born.”
“Well, why don’t you just call me elderly then, Killian? And you have absolutely no proof that you were a surprise child.”
His dad laughs when he speaks, but Killian isn’t finding a lot of humor in it, knowing that he’s likely going to upset Brennan with his words.
“What I mean is, I know you weren’t really, truly involved in my life. And I’m not blaming you or trying to make you feel…upset, but I need a very particular kind of advice that really only you and mum or Liam and Abigail can give. And I’m honestly not even sure you can give it.”
“What’s wrong, Killian?”
He takes a moment to collect himself, hundreds of words on the tip of his tongue but none of them feeling quite right. But he has to say something, so he might as well speak the truth.
“How the hell am I supposed to be a father in a world where I can’t protect the privacy of my wife and my child? There were, um, photographers who rented out a house and used scopes to take pictures of us on the beach. And Emma and I got into a pretty nasty argument about it. She’s worried…I’m worried about Andrew’s privacy. We want him to live a life as normal as possible. We don’t want photographers following him to school or to the park, and I just – I don’t know how to fix it.”
He’s been clenching his fist all while he talks, the tenseness in his hand almost painful while hot tears form in his eyes, every fault and every insecurity he’s had long before the fight with Emma coming back and assaulting his senses, making everything a dark, cloudy blur.
Brennan looks calm, secure, the blue of his eyes not changing while his eyelids rapidly blink, his brows furrowing and the lines on his face increasing. Has he said too much? Shown too much emotion? Asked for the impossible?
“The fact that you have very obviously beaten yourself up about this proves that you are a better dad than I ever have been.”
“That’s not what I meant, dad. I didn’t – ”
“I know, Killian. I’m not taking offense to anything. I was a poor excuse for a father for the majority of your life. I was focused on Liam, on my job, on the protocol and the way that my father raised Albert and me. All I knew was that fathers were not supposed to be close to their children, and as much as that hurt me as a child, I stupidly believed it. The fact that you have forgiven me is something I still can’t believe.”
He leans over and places his hand on Brennan’s knee, patting him before leaning back and wiping at his eyes. “I did it for me, but with the way you’ve worked to change, you deserve it.”
“Thank you, my boy.” His father smiles, settling back into his chair and crossing his hands together in his lap. “But this is not about me. This is about you and your family. So you don’t want Andrew in the public eye? At all? Is that what you’re saying?”
“I mean, we haven’t discussed it in serious length, but yes. I’m sure that Emma will be okay with releasing the occasional photo or having him join us when we go overseas so we don’t have to be apart from him, but I think we’re going to have to take a step back in traditions. And when he gets older, I think we may need to move somewhere much more private.”
The front door opens then, the alarm beep sounding at the same time that he hears the click of nails and the squeak of sneakers as well as Emma’s voice. He straightens up, fixing his hunched back and sitting against the couch in as much of a relaxed position as he can.
“Go find, Killian, girl, yeah,” Emma coos, her voice getting louder the closer she gets to the living room. And then she’s in view, Indy running in first and jumping up on the couch before getting down once she spots Brennan, less familiar people always more exciting than him. Emma walks toward him, sitting down in the seat Indy just vacated and reaching around him to tangle her fingers in his hair, stroking the strands. “What’s wrong? Your shoulders are tensed.”
How the hell does she always know?
“Killian and I,” his father answers for him, seemingly understanding that Killian wasn’t sure what to say, “were simply talking about how you two seem to be suffering from some privacy issues and are worried about your child’s future, that you want Andrew to lead a more private life than normal.”
“Oh,” Emma gulps, her hand stilling in his hair before beginning again, “well, yeah. I know that we all grew up differently and that my childhood isn’t really an option, but that’s what I want, what we want. We want him to be able to be a kid, you know? I don’t want him to be used to cameras everywhere he goes. I don’t know how we’d fix that, but that’s definitely my top priority right now. And forever probably.”
His hand finds Emma’s knee, thumb running back and forth over the material of her leggings while she speaks. He’s here with her, for her, consistently, and he hopes that she knows this.
“Why don’t you two give me some time to think things over? I’ll meet with security. We’ll work out some plans and ideas. You two should probably talk to Liam and Abigail. It’s not, well, it won’t be exactly the same. You have more freedom than them, and they’re not quite as private as the two of you. But they do have experience in all of this.” “Thank you, Brennan,” Emma sighs, leaning back into the couch and scratching at his neck, his eyes fluttering closed for a quick moment.
“Of course, but at the end of the day, above everything else, we’re a family. How you two feel is far more important than any sort of duty and tradition we have, even if I do ask that we stick to the important ones.”
“Actually, I have something else that I want to talk about.”
His head snaps to her, eyes searching for what she has to say, but she’s not looking at him, her gaze trained on the wag of Indy’s tail while her fingers tap over his on her leg, the hand in his hair having stilled.
“What do you want to talk about, love?”
She looks at him then, the smallest of smiles on her face that comforts him the slightest bit, before directing her gaze to Brennan. “I don’t want to walk out of the hospital all made up hours after giving birth. Kudos to Abigail. She is a badass woman for that, but that’s not what I want. Andy doesn’t need to be exposed to so many people as a newborn. I don’t need to be all dressed up when I’ve just given birth. I don’t care about tradition when it comes to this. This is what I’m doing, and I really feel like it’s the first step in taking a stand about him not being some kind of public property.”
He didn’t know she felt that way about any of that, nearly every word she said news to him, but he gets it, supports it. If that’s what Emma wants for this, that’s what they’ll do. He’s never quite understood that tradition anyways, and he likes the idea of a more private celebration with just them and their families while Emma heals and they adjust to the terrifying process of being parents for the first time.
“I’m not sure we can do that, dear.”
“What?” His head snaps over to his dad, trying to process the words. “You literally just said that how we feel is more important than any duty we have.”
“But that we need to stick to the important traditions, yes. New family members are an important tradition.”
“Brennan,” Emma grits, her voice strained as she tries to keep it friendly, “I respect our family and all of the traditions we have, but I am not some kind of human machine who’s only here to produce babies. Yes, of course this is a big deal, but it’s a big deal for us as a personal family, not as some part of the institution. You can still put the sign up, make any and all announcements you want. Hell, I’ll release a picture if we have to, but all I’m asking is that we’re allowed to leave and travel home in peace.”
“I agree, dad. I mean, really. Of all of the things we break and bend, of all of the things we change, surely you can let this one thing go? It’s not hundreds of years ago where people are faking pregnancies and paternities to keep the line intact, which was ridiculous then. I think letting family be family is the most important thing, don’t you?”
“Aye, it’s just…you’ll have to forgive me.” Brennan runs his hand over his face, visibly warring something within himself, the lines on his face stressing. “You were right earlier when you said things are different now. These are not things that I really went through with you, not as prevalent as you. Emma, dear, I’m sorry. I don’t…I shouldn’t have ever considered making you do something you’re not comfortable with. I love you dearly, and you and Killian know what’s best here, not me.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you,” Emma says, getting up from the couch and sitting down on the edge of the coffee table so that she can squeeze Brennan’s hand. “You are so brilliant, and you uphold this family so well. I know that I’m different, that it was difficult to accept me, but change can be good, you know?”
“I know.”
Brennan stays for a little while longer, hashing out a few more details with them before accepting a cup of tea and some food, finally listening to them talk about their holiday all the while scratching behind Indy’s ears, her eyes closed in bliss the entire time. It’s peaceful, relaxing, and he feels his shoulders loosen the longer the conversation goes on, Emma’s laughter and joyful voice sounding throughout the room. In the back of his mind, though, he keeps replaying the conversation, thinking of everything he said, everything they all said, and he’s amazed it all went as smoothly as it did, surprised that his father acquiesced to their private exit from the hospital so easily. He had no idea that Emma wanted that, and he wonders how long she’s been toying with the idea, how many late nights she’s spent worrying about bringing it up. He knows she didn’t just think of it now, that it wasn’t spur of the moment, and he tries to remind himself to ask her about it later, to make sure that there’s nothing else she’s hoarding inside.
She goes through enough, has gone through enough over the years, and she shouldn’t feel like she has to hold things back from him.
But he saves his thoughts for later, letting his dad leave and letting Emma take a nap, her eyes falling shut without her even laying down on the couch. He wakes her before she can get into too deep of a sleep, though, knowing that it’ll hurt her back, and helps her go upstairs to their room, ignoring the curses she’s muttering under her breath about him waking her up. While she sleeps, he goes downstairs to his office, answering emails and clearing out his inbox that he left alone while they were in Spain.
Summer is normally a slow time for them, June and July full of engagements while August is usually taken off to spend in Balmoral. Emma’s due in September, though, a few days after his birthday, and she’s not working after August begins. He is, though, doing his regular work and making a few short trips, making sure never to never travel more than three hours away in case he needs to be home.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have things to do now, organizing his files and reviewing the financials for Kidding a Goal until Indy comes walking into his office, her nails clicking against the wood until she’s staring up at him with her mouth wide open, tongue practically falling out of her mouth. He checks his watch and sees that it’s far past seven. He’s surprised she didn’t come and get him two hours ago.
“You ready to eat, my girl?”
That gets her tail wagging before she takes off, running toward the kitchen at such a pace that she’s probably there before he even gets up from his chair. Sure enough, she’s already waiting next to her bowl like the most well-behaved dog in the world, which is not something he expected when he and Emma decided to get a dog last year. But she’s done well, their training working most of the time, but Indy does have the tendency to lick his face when he’s sleeping. He’s not a fan of that.
But she’s his best bud and a constant companion on his runs, so it all evens out.
After feeding her, he hears footsteps coming down the stairs, Emma wandering into the kitchen with sleep-rumpled hair and pillow streaks on her face, her pajama top falling off of one shoulder. She immediately heads toward the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water and some yogurt before settling down on a barstool.
“How’d you sleep?”
She grunts in response, opening her yogurt and eating a large spoonful. “I hate being pregnant sometimes.”
“So not well then?”
“Nope. I felt like my guts were all being squeezed out, but do you know who’s not moving now that I’m awake and out of bed?”
She keeps eating her yogurt, quickly finishing it up before getting another carton. He should probably fix something for dinner so she doesn’t consume the entire yogurt supply in their fridge.
“Hey, sweetheart?”
“Yeah?” she mumbles, pulling her spoon out of her mouth and looking up at him, her hair deflating the slightest bit from when she came down.
“You want to tell me what that was earlier? With my dad. When did you decide you didn’t want to do the public announcement?”
“Oh, um, I first thought about it a few weeks ago, but it was really driven home after last week. Why? You have an issue with it?”
“No,” he laughs, leaning down across from her and propping his elbows on the counter. “I think it’s bloody brilliant, that you are brilliant. I like that you want to do things your way…our way. It’s very sexy.” “Oh boy, if you’re looking to get laid right now that is not happening.”
“Well damn. Now I have no reason to compliment you.”
“Shut up,” she groans, tossing her spoon over into the sink, the metal clanking. “But seriously, you’re okay with all that, right?”
“Of course. I want you to do what makes you comfortable. I’m not the one giving birth.”
“Damn right. I think I’m going to give your dad a heart attack though.”
“Aye, definitely. I know he’s trying and he’s being accommodating, but I could practically see the fear of breaking traditions rolling off of him in anxiety-filled waves. But he’s seventy-three. Some things just aren’t going to change.”
“So basically we hit the jackpot today?”
“Yep.” He walks over to the fridge, opening it up and seeing what they have left over from before they left. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Bloody buggering hell,” he curses, bringing his thumb to his mouth and soothing where he just jammed his finger on the wood.
Building a crib should not be this difficult, but it apparently is. He’s been following the instructions exactly, making sure that each piece is doubly secure, and he’s not sure how it’s taking this long. He should be finished, this crib should be made, and he should be able to move onto the shelves or Emma’s glider that she was insistent on them getting.
He’s spent more time in this room in the past month than he has in any other room in the house, June somehow running away with itself all while he’s been hidden away within these four walls. It took a month and a half for he and Emma to decide on a simple light gray, one that he’s pretty sure is also in their bedroom, but honestly, once they both agreed on the color (likely because they have agreed on it once before), he wasn’t going to say anything else. He did pick out the gray-ish blue that’s on the wall with the shelves (or at least where they’ll go once he gets to them), so he’s pretty proud of it.
Neither he or Emma are much one for designing, though they have gotten a bit more into it since the remodel of the apartment, but he’s pretty proud of how Andy’s room is shaping up, even if the lad will stay in the bassinet in their room for awhile. It’s a simple room, clean lines and clean colors. All of the furniture are different shades of white and warm browns, woods really, with natural accents. Abigail gifted them a large wooden giraffe along with some leaf and animal prints, so those are sitting in the corner waiting to be placed after all of this furniture is built.
His favorite part, though, is definitely going to be the little sitting area by the shelves and the changing table. He’s not under any impression that this is going to be a calm room, a place to relax, but he figures there have to be times when he’s rocking Andy back to sleep in that very spot, the shelves filled with colorful children’s books that’ll become routine reading one day as well as being filled with several stuffed animals and photo frames that he can’t wait to update with pictures. Of course, the cabinets below will be filled with the essentials, the things no one likes to talk about like diapers and nipple cream (that was something Emma did not want to know about, and he honestly doesn’t blame her), but they’re definitely still in the dreamy, picture perfect nursery phase where the messiness of a child isn’t quite a factor.
Really to him, as much as he knows this is real, as much as he sees the physical proof, feels the physical proof (which holy shit is it incredible to be able to feel his son move), it’s still difficult for him to comprehend that in two months he and Emma will have a child. It’s something they’ve talked about for years, something they were planning on, but it’s difficult to put into words just how much love he has for his son.
And his wife.
She’s a rockstar in every sense of the word, and if he doesn’t mention it enough, Emma sure as hell will. He loves her fiercely, and that love is another thing that he can’t quite put into words. He honestly doesn’t understand men who moan and groan about their wives constantly. If anything, he finds it disgusting. Yes, you’re going to have disagreements with your significant other. That’s natural when you decide to spend your life with someone who has their own wants, needs, and opinions, but at the end of the day, his wife is his best friend. If there’s anyone he wants to spend time with, it’s her. No question.
If the answer to who your best friend isn’t your spouse or the person you’re marrying, he doesn’t understand why the hell you’d bother getting married. His mates are great, but they’re not Emma.
Maybe he is a bit of the cheeseball that Emma always claims him to be, but he likes it that way.
He’s definitely going to embarrass his kids. All of the time. He can’t wait. He’s got a few years, but he can’t wait.
“You know we can hire someone to do this, right?” Emma asks, a bit of laughter in her tone that makes him roll his eyes. His best friend, most definitely. The teasing is just a small part of that.
“Aye, but I’ve started it, and I intend on finishing it.” “Okay, but the crib doesn’t need to fall apart while there’s a baby inside of it, and the glider doesn’t need to fall apart while I’m sitting on it. That’s, like, a double disaster, and I know you lived by yourself for a long time, but I’m pretty sure you’re not capable of that anymore.”
“Oh, really? Because I was just going to make them as unsafe as possible so that I could live by myself again. I miss being able to stretch out in the bed.”
“You’re so funny,” she teases from the other side of the nursery where she’s putting away the washed clothes in the closet, organizing them by size. He swears they have enough clothes to last Andy for the first two years of his life, and that’s not counting the piles of things he knows David and Mary Margaret have at their house. “I think I may have bought him too much stuff. I don’t even think I own this many things.”
“You don’t mess your clothes up multiple times a day.”
“Good point.”
“I tend to make those.”
“Eh. Debatable.”
“Not at all debatable.” He turns back to the crib, looking at the instructions to see if he can remember where he left off before Emma distracted him. “Shit, this is impossible.”
“I can call my dad, babe. It won’t be a problem. He’s a bit handier than you.”
“Please, I am plenty handy.”
“Okay, well being handy with me is not the same as being handy when it comes to building things.”
“If we call your dad, he’s going to take over. I want to do some of this myself.”
“I will tell Dad just to help. Come on, babe, you love spending time with my dad.”
“Only now that he doesn’t give me the scary speeches anymore.”
“Yeah, I bet those were a lot of fun.”
“I mean, it’s been a solid half a decade since I’ve gotten one, but he still shakes me to my core.”
He hears Emma laugh, snort really, before she makes her way over to him, slowly settling down on the floor next to him and waving her hand until he gives her the instructions. She looks over them while looking at the crib, her eyes continuously darting between the two.
“You put part G in backwards. That’s why nothing after that is fitting.”
“Bloody hell,” he curses, reaching over and taking the instructions from her hand and checking to see if she really did just solve his problem, “how did you see that when I’ve been staring at it for the past hour?”
“Fresh eyes, my love. Fresh eyes.” She leans forward and kisses his cheek before falling back against the wall. “And that’s exactly why calling my dad and asking him to come over in the morning will be a great idea. I bet Mom will want to come too, and she does a mean job with a power drill.”
So Emma calls her parents who agree to come over in the morning. On top of moving, they’ve also begun to change around the hours of the pub, opening it earlier and letting Will close it out at night. And it’s because of this that they show up at eight in the morning, he and Emma both still asleep when their doorbell rings. Emma groans when she hears it, burying her face into his chest and making it impossible for him to get up without disturbing her. He can feel Andy summersaulting around in her belly, and he smiles to himself knowing that she’s going to have get up. She can’t sleep when he’s moving around like that.
He can’t sleep when Emma’s basically running marathons in bed, but that’s not something he’s going to voice out loud. He can get up and sleep in a guest room if he needs to. Emma can’t get up and walk away from the person who’s running marathons in her stomach.
There’s two human feet inside of her. That’s pretty weird if he thinks about it too much.
Okay, so really weird.
Slowly but surely he gets out of bed, letting Emma flip over into his spot, and heads downstairs to open the front door. David and Mary Margaret have a key, but they never use it, always waiting for either he or Emma to open the door for them, which he appreciates after one too many times having them walk in on he and Emma.
“Hi,” he greets, opening the door and ushering them inside. “Emma’s still asleep, but I’m sure she’ll wake up soon. Do you guys want some breakfast?”
“We ate at home, sweetie,” Mary Margaret greets, giving him a quick hug before David does the same. “So Emma said you guys were having some issues in the nursery.”
“I believe that it was more like Killian not being able to put together a crib in under three weeks.”
“So funny, Dave,” he bites, rolling his eyes and locking the door. “I did eventually figure it out. I just think this mid-July heat is obviously getting to me. Or maybe nerves. I’m not too sure.”
“Well, let’s go help then. We’ve got to be at the pub at two, but I think we should be able to get things done.”
After he fixes himself some coffee, not nearly as wide awake as David and Mary Margaret, they head upstairs and begin working in the nursery, assembling the shelves and drilling them into the walls in half the time that it would have taken he and Emma had they done this by themselves. So maybe help isn’t all bad. Before Emma even wakes up, they have the shelves installed and pictures securely nailed on the wall. There are books already being stacked, stuffed animals and knick knacks being placed, and all of the fun nipple creams and breast pumps being placed in the cabinet.
They’re working on the glider when Emma finally wanders in, her hair falling out of its band so that half of it spills down her back while the other half is piled on top of her head, and she’s got her glasses on, something she only does when her eyes feel too puffy to put her contacts in.
“Hey, sweetheart,” David greets, finishing tightening the screw he’s working on before getting up to embrace Emma. “How are you feeling?”
“Rough today. I think the little dude’s a giant or something because he crushes my lungs and my bladder at the same time. So I can’t breathe, and I have to pee. So, yeah, it’s fun.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Thanks, dad. It looks fantastic in here. You guys have done so much. I feel like we’re not going to have anything to do in the next two months if we finish all of this.”
“That’s kind of the point, love.”
“Yeah,” she yawns, covering her mouth, “I know. Mom, do you want to come and rest with me in my room? My back hurts today, and I just can’t sit on the floor in here with you guys.” “Of course, hon,” Mary Margaret answers, walking away from the closet and stepping over to Emma before she rubs up and down her back. “Are you sure you don’t want Killian to join you? David and I would be fine to work on our own.”
“No, it’s fine. I bug him all day, and I’m kind of thinking that you can paint my toes for me or we can watch movies or something. It’s been awhile since we’ve done that.”
“Text me if you need me, love,” he tells Emma, his eyes tracing over her in a bit of concern. It’s difficult watching her be uncomfortable or miserable on some days when he literally can’t do anything about it.
“Yeah, babe, I will.”
Emma and Mary Margaret walk out of the room, their voices fading away as they walk into their bedroom one room over, and he’s left with just David who promptly gets back to work finishing building the chair. Music plays in the background, an eighties’ playlist he thinks, and it doesn’t take longer before the chair is completely together and he’s sitting in it testing it out. It’s comfortable, probably one of the best seats they have in the house, and he can definitely understand why Emma insisted on this one after shopping around a bit.
“How does someone so small have so much stuff?”
“My child is twenty-eight years old, we don’t even live in her childhood home anymore, and I swear things of hers still pop up all of the time.”
“That’s likely because Emma leaves everything all over the place.”
He folds his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and rocking back and forth while Cherry Bomb plays in the background, which is definitely not a nursery appropriate song. Or maybe it is. Who needs Mozart when you can have The Runaways?
“So is Emma like that every day?”
“Like what?” he asks, popping an eye open to look at David who’s sitting against the shelves, which can’t be good for his back. God, how old is he getting if his first concern is for someone else’s back?
“No, not every day. She’s usually got a hell of a lot of energy, even if there’s always a nap. I think she had a restless night. She’ll tell me like it is, though. If she’s having a bad day, she’ll let us know.” “What about you?”
“Well, I don’t have a baby crushing my lungs and my bladder.”
“True,” David laughs, running his hands through his short hair. Killian swears it’s gotten more gray in the past year, the blonde nearly disappearing. David is only fifty-two, so he’s not exactly older. Hell, if it weren’t for the wrinkles on his forehead and the gray hairs outnumbering the blonde, he’d look much younger. “But I remember being a dad for the first time. It’s terrifying, so you’re allowed to be scared.”
“I am. It’s…” He reaches up and scratches behind his ear, his hair getting long enough that he knows he needs to get a haircut soon. “Emma and I try to make sure that we keep up our normal routines, that we have our normal conversations without talking too much about the baby, but it’s kind of hard, you know? It’s like we’ll be talking about going out to eat and two minutes later we’re making a list of middle names or speculating if he’s going to look more like me or Emma.”
“I know. But it’s an exciting time, Killian. There will never be anything like it, and if you want to talk about the fact that you’re having a kid, you should. You and Emma have been together for so long, and I really don’t think your relationship is going to struggle if you’re not sitting around making references no one else understands for hours on end.”
“Oi,” he protests, resisting the urge to pick up the toy elephant next to him and throw it at David, “that is your daughter you’re mocking, and she can still kick your ass.”
“Trust me, I know. Who do you think raised her to be like that?”
“Mary Margaret.”
“You’re walking a thin line.”
He winks at David, his lips ticking up on the right into a smirk. “I know. You and Mary Margaret did such a good job, still do such a good job, and even with all of the times you’ve messed up – ”
“ – which is a lot more often than even Emma has probably told you.”
“I just…you’re a good dad, Dave. To Emma, to me. I hope I can do half as good as a job.”
“You’ll be great, Killian.” David smiles at him, something genuine, and Killian’s reminded of how much David really has impacted his life in all of the best ways. “I promise. And as much as I love you, I do love my little girl more, and she’s going to be amazing. She’s always…she’s never been too open to a lot of people, but the people she loves, she loves so fiercely, you know? And she’s already doing so well at being a mom. She’ll call me at nights, and I can just hear the happiness and excitement in her voice. At the end of the day, that’s all you want, you know? For your kid to be healthy and happy.”
“Yeah, I know.” He smiles to himself, thinking of how happy he is. “Also, how dare you imply that you love your own daughter more than me. I thought I meant more to you than that. I thought we had something special, man.”
“I can still give you hell. I’d watch yourself.”
He and David finish up in the nursery for the next few hours until David and Mary Margaret have to go to work, leaving after the three of them eat lunch down in the kitchen, Emma staying upstairs for a nap. When the Nolans are gone and he’s finished eating, he heads upstairs, bypassing the nursery and walking into their bedroom where Emma is sitting up on the bed watching TV.
“Your toes look nice,” he compliments, grabbing onto her big toe and moving it back and forth. “Do you feel any better?”
“Yeah,” she sighs, twisting onto her back and scooting up the bed, “it’s just one of those days, you know? I’m not usually this miserable.”
“I know, but it’s okay to have bad days, love.”
“Come here,” she tells him, crooking her fingers and motioning toward him before she turns on her side and wraps her arms around her pillow. He does as she asks, kicking off his sneakers and crawling up into the bed, the mattress moving against his weight until he’s pressed up behind her, his knee stuck between her thighs and his arm wrapped around her waist while the other rests above her head. This is how she’s been comfortable lately, and he can’t say he minds. “Did you guys get a lot done?”
“Aye, it’s almost all finished.” He moves her hair off of her neck, placing a kiss there before resting his chin on her shoulder. “It just needs your finishing touches, I think.”
“And we have to unpack all of the boxes that are in the guest room and put them away in the closet.” “That too, but we’ve got time, Emma.” She hums, and he can feel the vibrations as well as Andy moving around under his touch, the movements following how he taps his fingers. “Has he been active today?”
“Not since I woke up, but he always responds to your voice.” “Yeah, he recognizes me?”
“Of course, you talk so damn much. How could he not?”
He turns his head and presses a kiss against her jaw, biting a bit just to tease her. “You are not a very nice woman, my love.”
“Oh please, I’m, like, the seventh nicest person you know.”
“I figured it was conceited to put me at number one.”
“Possibly.” He moves his hand against her stomach again, snaking his fingers up under her pajama top so that he can feel the warmth of her skin. “So he really does get more active when I talk?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty weird to think about, but it’s true. He likes when you talk. I think it’s because you’re a much better story teller than me.” “I mean, obviously.”
“And that he’s probably just glad to hear someone else besides me. Imagine being stuck with someone for nine months. Good God.”
“Well, I’m stuck with you for forever. Good God.”
She groans and curses him under his breath before she scoots over and turns in his arms, slowly but surely moving to face him. “Don’t be an asshole. Also, so I was talking to mom today, and she wants to be called Mimi. I think Dad wants to be called Papa, which I like as long as that’s not what you want. I know that’s what some kids call their dads.”
“Aye, it’s what Lizzie calls Liam, which is weird since Alex doesn’t do that. But I’m okay with dad or daddy, so David can be called Papa.”
“Yeah, I kind of like it. Mimi and Papa. And then your parents are Gammy and Grandpa, right? That’s what Alex and Lizzie call them.”
“Aye, but I know Mom didn’t want to be Gammy. It’s just what happened. She says it makes her feel old.”
“Your mom is not old.”
“I know, but considering your parents are barely fifty while my parents are in their sixties and seventies, it doesn’t help.”
“I’ll tell my parents to get older then.”
He smiles at her before closing his eyes and settling into his pillow, letting his head sink down into the softness. It’s calming in here, the lights turned off and curtains closed while the ceiling fan hums a steady rhythm above them. He could fall asleep like this even if he’s not the biggest fan of naps, always somehow ending up groggy when he wakes up, and it doesn’t help with the way that Emma is playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, her fingers scratching into his scalp.
“Are you working tomorrow?”
He pops an eye open, looking at Emma and smiling when her nail hits a particularly sensitive spot on his neck. “Aye, I’ve got the Investiture ceremony at ten. Why?”
“Just wondering. I was thinking we could go somewhere. Just us. Maybe take Indy to Berkshire and let her run around, spend some time outside.” “We can do it in the afternoon, if you want. I think the weather is supposed to be nice.”
“Yeah,” she sighs, leaning forward and sliding her lips over his for a brief moment, “I think that would be nice.”
The next day after he’s finished with the ceremony, he hurries home, changing out of his suit and into shorts and a t-shirt, slipping a baseball cap onto his head and grabbing something to eat for lunch while Emma does the same, her hair falling out of the back of her hat in a long ponytail. They’ve got all day, but the afternoon’s weather is pleasant enough that he’d like to go now so they can stop by a café for dinner, even if that’s the absolute last thing that Thomas will want them to do.
They want their privacy, but they should be able to go out to dinner.
So he and Emma load up into his car, letting Indy sit in the backseat with the window rolled down so she can feel the mid-July breeze blow through her fur. It doesn’t take long to get to Windsor, pulling into their parking garage less than thirty minutes later, and instead of going inside like they’d usually do, he hooks Indy up to her leash while Emma grabs some water bottles and they head to the private gardens, avoiding the visitors wandering around on tours.
As much as he prefers the spring, mild July days are near the top of his list of favorite things. Everything is brighter, more pleasant. The grass is actually greener, the flowers contrasting against their background to create a landscape of whites and shades of purple, while everything is covered in a clear blue sky, only a few white clouds scattered throughout. New life blooms, and he gets to be the one to appreciate it, to revel in it. England can be so dreary sometimes, the weather somehow reflecting the moods of most people on their morning commute to work, so he appreciates when it’s not. He’s always loved the outdoors, and if there’s any complaint he has about his home, it’s the small private garden that they have to themselves. He’d like something larger, more space to run around, and sometime in the future, he and Emma plan to spend more time in Bucklebury so that they have the privacy.
That’s what they’ve decided on since returning from Spain last month. There’s been more lengthy, draining discussions with his parents and their security team than he’s ever wanted, and as much as he feels like they haven’t really accomplished anything, he knows it’s a slow process. Of course, there are drawbacks to every positive. They’re still going to have to spend most of their time at Kensington. It’s closer to their work, to their families. Hell, Emma’s parents just bought a house so that they could have the ability to spend time with their grandchild, and now they’re going to move away from them. It’s less than an hour drive, but it’s not nearly as close as they currently are.
But everyone understands, and they don’t plan on moving any time soon, not until Andy’s a bit older. They want to be near all of their loved ones when he’s younger, and they’ve spent so much time working on their home, making it exactly how they want. It’d be difficult to leave full time, so it’ll be nice to have the option of both.
It’ll be even nicer to give Andy the most normal life that they can possibly give him.
Emma whistles next to him, her fingers between her lips, while Indy runs back to them from where they let her loose. She was about five seconds away from jumping into a pond full of fish, and as much as they’d usually let her swim, they don’t need to have a wet dog with them for the rest of the day. So she runs back to them as quickly as she can, her legs leaping in the air with her black and white fur bouncing the slightest bit. He’s convinced that she shouldn’t be able to be that quick, but she’s still just a young dog, less than a year old, and though her legs will get longer, he doesn’t think she’ll ever be full of this much energy again.
If she is, he and Emma are definitely in over their heads.
With the dog.
He’s going to choose to not think of what it’ll be like with a toddler than can run and a dog that he can run after.
After she calms from her almost pond dive, Indy walks along in front of the two of them, occasionally wandering off the stone path to sniff around in the plants, nearly tearing up several flowers until they call her back to keep walking. They stay wandering for a little over two hours, not caring where exactly they’re going or if they’re circling back around in the same spots. Indy and Emma get tired around the same time, so they settle down onto a stone bench with a patio cover that’s next to another small pond.
In the distance, he can see the Chapel where they were married, the steeple rising up above the other buildings and stone walls, and he smiles to himself thinking of that day. In the grand scheme of things, he knows that when it comes to he and Emma, as important as it was, they had so many smaller, inconsequential days that he holds just as fondly in his heart.
But that was a pretty damn good day.
He stretches his arm out over the back of the bench, wrapping it around Emma’s shoulder and tangling his fingers into the ends of her ponytail while she leans her head on his shoulder, the bill of her hat hitting him in the chin for a brief moment. He’s glad she suggested them getting away from London for a little bit, for suggesting that they change up the routine and spend a day enjoying summer, especially since they’re missing out on Scotland with the rest of the family.
A month in the same place as everyone is likely a bit long, anyways. He loves his family, but that’s a lot for anyone.
“I love you, you know?” Emma asks out of nowhere, her gaze never falling away from the rippling of the water in front of them, a fish leaping up out of the water while the lily pads float around.
He squeezes her shoulder, rubbing up and down her arm and kissing her head even if she can’t feel it through the hat. “I know. I love you too.”
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