crossingtoes · 3 years
request’s :: open !¡
headcanons . . .
->Angst, Fluff, Smut etc.
3 people max for a request
Keep it gender neutral
No specific race, nationality, skin/hair color requests. (example: reacting to a black/white/asian/blonde/ginger significant other)
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crossingtoes · 3 years
Haikyuu Hc || Breaking up with him
TW: Angst, cursing sad ending
-> Ushijima
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Ushijima has always been a hard person to figure out.
He rarely spoke by the time you two met, and that didn’t seem to change as you two started darting either.
In the beginning that seemed to be completely fine for you! His quiet nature didn’t bother you all too much, it was even in a way fun to figure him out, unwrap him like a little present.
Yet..as time passed by, and you noticed there where to many layers to unwrap, it became tiring. Home didn’t feel like home anymore. You were tired of guessing his moods, his desires. Home became nothing more but hell.
It was another one of those nights, the tension between the two of you was thick and uncomfortable. At least thats what you felt like. The past weeks have been more than exhausting job/school was exhausting, you and your family had a pretty big fight recently, and wakatoshi? He was the same as always. And that was exactly the problem...
He was as quiet as always, almost absent.. his pretty greenish eyes which you had loved to admire just stared at you in such an empty apathetic way, it slowly started to make you feel sick.
“Wakatoshi, what would you like to eat? Should we go for gummies or dried squid?” You asked as you rose from the couch, looking down on his broad figure. The two of you had one of those movie nights that once again, you had to suggest. You truly hoped some time off with your boyfriend, away from all duties would do you good. Sadly.. that wasn’t the case. As you had asked him if he’d like to watch a movie, he said he wouldn’t mind. Once you asked him what kind of movie he wanted to watch, he said he didn’t care. Being with wakatoshi had become a dutie as well. Everything was up to you, choosing what was for lunch, what you two did, what you would talk about. If it wasn’t for you carrying this whole relationship, Ushijima would probably never say a single word to you, or rather speak the bare minimum, be just a stranger in this house.
You waited for the male to answer, already able to feel your knuckels turn white from clenching your fists so tightly. And as you suspected, he didn’t care. “You choose, i am fine with either” and that, that was the last straw. “Is that all you have to say? Just pick! Fucking pick one, its not that hard!” You bursted at him. The stress and neglected feelings of your own were overflowing. “Its just food y/n ... “ Ushijima said after a little pause of listening to your heavy breathing “its not about the food, wakatoshi! This is about you! This is about all the things that you didn’t do!” He looked a little puzzled as you yelled at him, as the redness of anger and frustration rose to your cheeks which he had always loved to caress in your sleep. You two had your good times, a lot of them.. but lately, the past months.. the bad ones took over and made it hard for you to look him in the eye.
“This is about you! You and your damn apatheticness! I dont even feel like coming home anymore! This..This doesn’t feel like a safe place, a place to escape anymore. This is hell! Its just like everywhere else!” You were loud and rough, brabbling while he listened “i- cant keep guessing anymore wakatoshi! I cant keep making every decision for you! I..I need a partner, someone who can comfort me! Not a doll, not a subordinate! I cant do this anymore!” You vented to him, speaking out all the negative thoughts that had gathered up the past months of him just being there.. physically, but no more than that. Did he stop loving you? When did it change? Was he always like that, why had you only noticed now? When did it become too much for you to handle?
Silence filled the space of your appartement, the place which had held so many memories. The first steps of growing up, worrying about money and taxes, cooking your first meal together, breaking the laundry machine. A place which was nothing more but a memorie. Ushijima just looked at you, how you tried to catch your breath, hide the big tears stinging in your eyes. And as always, he didn’t say a word. It broke you more than it would have if he had tried to defend himself, try to make up excuses. Anything would have been better than this unbearable silence “i can’t do this anymore..” you repeated yourself in a shaky tone, and that was it. Ushijima had packed up enough things for a few days, deciding that it was better to give you space, until you were ready to talk it out. Because it had been always you who came back, you who talked, you who apologized. But this time there was no call back from you, no pleading..nothing. You went just as silent as he had always been, and wakatoshi started to wonder how such silence could feel so suffocating all of a sudden.
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crossingtoes · 4 years
Hey! Could i maybe get a haikyuu match?
I am 5’0 with long brown hair and long bangs! I have 2 facial piercings, a septum and a medusa and wear big glasses due to my terrible eyesight. Usually i wear comfortable clothes in the colors brown and black!
People usually call me the dad friend of the group due to my laid back nature. I seem to have a fairly calm and chill atmosphere which is why people tend to feel comfortable around me quite quickly. Usually people tend to think i am dull and boring though it just takes a while for me to open up! My sense of humor is rather dirty and dark, i also tend to have a foul mouth and speak my mind in most cases! I am an infj as well as sun virgo and rising/moon scorpio!
My love language is quality time! I enjoy to be around people that can just stay with me in silence but also push me a bit out of my comfort zone without being too pushy. I cant stand a too loud not too quiet person. I value honest people who can cheer you up and give warm hugs and support !
Ꭲhᥲᥒk ᥡꪮᥙ ƒꪮɾ ɾꫀqᥙꫀ᥉tเᥒg!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
I match you up with
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝕊𝕒𝕨𝕒𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕒 𝔻𝕒𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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Think this is a lazy matchup because you’re both parent friends? Think again!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
: ̗̀➛ When he firsts meets you, he enjoys how laid back and content you are
: ̗̀➛ But he just prefers how you are when you’re comfortable
: ̗̀➛ You’re gonna look at me and tell me that Daichi will pull a Steve Rogers and be all “>:0“ when you make dark dirty jokes? He’s in high school, I think not.
: ̗̀➛ ADORES your height. You’re great to be around and you fit in his arms? He’s lov???
: ̗̀➛ They would look so big on you and it’d look so cute ><
: ̗̀➛ Matching outfits? Brown and black seems like a color scheme you both could go with
: ̗̀➛ Will spend as much time with you as he can
: ̗̀➛ Need encouragement to get out of your comfort zone? Daichi’s got you.
: ̗̀➛ Daichi gives THE BEST hugs. This is backed by science, so don’t even deny it.
: ̗̀➛ I feel like the team would LOVE YOU! (Picture this: You get introduced to the team, everyone’s excited for Daichi and happy for him while Nishinoya and Tanaka will be patting his back hard like “GOOD JOB ON YOUR S/O :DD”)
: ̗̀➛ You two are just adorable
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Ꮖ hꪮρꫀ ᥡꪮᥙ ᥣเkꫀd thเ᥉
𝕊𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕖: 𝕂𝕖𝕚𝕛𝕚 𝔸𝕜𝕒𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚
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crossingtoes · 4 years
Hey! I would love to get a haikyuu daisy ship for your flower event!
I am female, 5’0 with long brown hair and long bangs as well as piercings and big glasses. I am an infj, hufflepuff, virgo sun & moon/rising scorpio!
People often tell me i am a fairly laid back person and kind of the dad friend of the group. I apparently give off a very calm and collected vibe which is why a lot of people feel comfortable sharing their concerns with me even though i can be fairly blunt and speak my mind. I make decisions more based on logic than emotions in important situations therefore too. People often think of me as pretty boring and dull at first but i promise i can be funny 💀 i have a fairly perverted as well as darkish humor with a foul mouth at times. I am an insanely unorganized and messy person, sometimes my place looks like i have just been robbed in fact.
My love language is quality time for both romantic as well as platonic relationships. I love spending time with people who are alike me and can sometimes get me to go out of my comfort zone without being too pushy about it. I always try to keep the mood lighthearted and playful so everyone including myself feels comfortable! Some other things i like are winter, plants, printing and collecting pictures, anime, manga, crime shows, poetry, frogs and farms!
@tofutendou Hihi! Thank you for your request and patience! I hope you enjoy your matchup!
I match you with, 
Kiyoko Shimizu
We have another "peace in similarities" attraction (it can also be a good mix if you really squint and look)!
Relationship Dynamic
☆ your laid backness and calm vibes go really well with kiyoko's silent, shy personality!
☆ both of you are good at making logical decisions and being blunt, and that gives your friendship amazing communication!
☆ at first glance this will appear to be a very silent, boring friendship, but your humor and kiyoko's kindness comes to save the day! You guys can have fun too! Maybe you're not out doing stupid but memorable stuff, and maybe you're not goofing around 24/7, but you guys both value quality time and both your personalities and vibes can go with that!
What you guys do together
☆ as i said before, you don't need extravagant stuff
☆ maybe it's just laying down and talking with each other, doing a study night, walking around or just people watching together. Both of you value your time together, and what seems boring to others is worth every second to you two
☆ you have quiet hobbies/things you enjoy and I get the feeling she would enjoy those things too!
☆ and if she doesn't, she still sits by you and vibes, both of you doing your own things in peace and happiness
☆ she would definitely try your hobbies though to understand you better, and she might even enjoy a few! (I think she would like photography, poetry, and frogs too :D)
☆ although you can be very unorganized she doesn't mind, she can help you clean up if you want, and if you want to leave it, she understands and backs off, letting you do what's more comfortable for you
What they like about you
☆ kiyoko feels very relaxed around you, your calmness almost contagious to her, the lighthearted warm feeling you bring is very pleasant!
☆ she appreciates your opinions and bluntness as it reduces guessing and assuming on her part, and that makes it easier for her to bond with you
☆ what really sells her is how similar you are to her, but in your differences, you are willing to step out of your safety circle and try the things she enjoys
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I hadn't paired anyone with kiyoko before and I'm glad I did cause she's just so 🥰💞🤩. But in all seriousness, 10000/10 friend
I hope you enjoyed your request! I had a lot of fun writing it!
And now time for the message at the bottom at every post people are probably tired of- if you're new here, hi! I'm Rion and I have an event going on right now! So if you liked this, go check it out!
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crossingtoes · 4 years
Hey! I would love to get a haikyuu matchup if possible <3
3 good qualities
- most people tell me that one of my good qualities is that i make most of my decisions based on logic rather than emotions and therefore also feel free to call out close friends if i think their behavior is unjustified
- i suppose i am someone people often feel quickly comfortable with? Even though i seem fairly boring and dull at first people tend to open up with me quickly and enjoy coming over to my place
- i am laid back and able to sympathize with others fairly well. I am in a way the ‘dad’ of the group. Due to a lot of struggles growing up i am able to often sympathize well with others problems and lend them a shoulder to cry on along with some playful advices to lighten the mood
3 negative traits
- i am a procrastinator which always gets me in big trouble. I am lazy too, always extending things to do until i have no time anymore
- i am insanely unorganized and messy. Sometimes my room looks like someone tried to rob my place. I have a hard time keeping tidiness and organization in my household
- due to my insecurities and pessimistic nature i tend to self sabotage myself in a lot of ways, which is also often a pretty big bother for close friends, of which i only have a handful due to my very introverted nature
1 hobby
I mostly watch anime and cartoons in my free time as well as read manga. Crime shows and psychology also interest me
My music taste
I listen to pretty much everything except for pop and rap! I have a thing for more indie or grunge sounding music along with some anime openings mixed in to cheer me up
5’0 pierced, brown long hair with long bangs and big glasses?
Traits i like/ do not like in others
I like people who enjoy deep talk and can sit in silence with me, but can also push me a bit to go more out of my comfort zone. What i do not like in people is arrogance and selfishness, neither can i stand people who are constantly loud 💀
My hogwarts house is hufflepuff and my signs are sun virgo as well as rising&moon scorpio!
I’m matching you up with Konoha!
Is he organized? No, not any more than you are, but he’s also not the type to not call you out when it gets like, REALLY bad. This guy’s good for keeping an eye out for you and your own behaviour the way you do for others, since being pragmatic sometimes might not be the best way to go about things. You’re more logical, and Konoha’s more on the emotional intelligence side, you two balence yourselves out!
Is he loud? No, but god, HIS TEAMMATE IS— you and him are the Bully/Keep Bokuto in Line Team. Especially if you’re somehow linked to the volley club yourself.
Akinori loves, loves, LOVES how tiny you are compared to him. Hugs from behind are a must, and when he realizes he even has to lean down just to get his chin resting on the crown of your head, he’s swooning. He’ll keep bringing up your height difference and if it annoys you, all the more reason to bring it up! He’s a little gremlin who’ll find things to tease you with, and when you complain about it, he’ll always pull out the “but that’s what makes you so fun!” Excuse
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