#i cant be tamed
bellswlw · 11 months
sorry in advance
somebody put her AWAY. she’s coming out
of hibernation. hold me back
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itseghost · 3 months
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collection of some molly sketches :] im obsessed with drawing him smiling hugely looking mischievous
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exhaustedalien · 1 year
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this is my horse, he has every disease
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ganondoodle · 13 days
im watching a (slow) streamer play thorugh elden rings DLC and have barely seen anything more but ... i have seen some vague hints on twitter that theres something up with radahns lore and now im WORRIED/FEAR TM
hes my fav and thought that the lore in the base game was all he would get and i was honestly fine with that (heyo another unpopular(?) one to add to my list of favs lol) and was just happy he was mentioned by name bc that one lady NPC at the start-- BUT NOW??? i dont even know if its true but .............
im not gonna say anything more dw, ... i dont even know more anyway, but feel free to tell me bc the not knowing and then see it get discovered on stream might be worse than any spoiler could be (i dont even care about that much anymore)
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secretmellowart · 11 months
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Jean Valjean, Javert, and Thenardier are character foils in Les Mis-- and are all heavily associated with wolf and dog imagery. In the symbolism of Les Mis, 'wolves' usually represent criminals/outcasts who attack society, while 'dogs' represent the outcasts who choose to lick the upper classes' boots.
Thenardier in the novel is compared to a vicious wild wolf. Javert is compared to a hunting dog who is the son of wolves; he is a 'domesticated' wolf who is tolerated by society because he hunts down the 'wild' wolves. And Jean Valjean gets both comparisons at different points, because he is somewhere "entre chien et loup," between dog and wolf. Anyway here are my rough takes on their Wolfdogsonas (yes, I know these crosses might be impossible in real life. It's about the symbolism!) Maybe I'll draw more Les Mis furries in the future....
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vilsoo · 1 year
tame me if you can⌇phone guy <3
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phone guy’s been so needy for you it’s almost pathetic. being away for a few days made him ponder the ways you’ve been treating him. he loves the attention you give him. he feels special and appreciated when you call him your good boy. he knows his only purpose is to be used by you and make you feel good whenever you have your way with him. you don’t allow him to think for himself at all; being treated like a dumb fucktoy is all he’s ever known.
but where is his reward for being such a good boy for you? a needy, deprived, desperate fuck toy like him couldn’t bare the lack of attention he’s been getting. his cock has been pulsing and aching so terribly; one hand slowly stroking it through his pants while the other holds the phone, letting out soft sighs and groans. he knows he’s not allowed to touch himself when you’re gone, but it just wasn’t fair that you haven’t been returning the pleasure he deserves…
you haven’t been picking up the phone, so he would leave a voice message. “you thought this was just me constantly begging for you to use me like the needy slut i am?” he taunted into the phone the way you taunt to him. “i may be needy, baby, but i need attention… i wanna feel good… so i’ll be giving myself what i deserve. if you don’t give me as much as i give you, i won’t behave. it’s up to you to decide what you’re gonna do to me.”
he could feel the precum already drooling down from his tip and onto his hands, fisting his cock faster for you to hear the lewd and sloppy noises. it turned him on much more knowing that you’re gonna come back to him after hearing the voicemail all pent up and mad from how disobedient he was. putting him in his place for being a greedy slut, taking your frustrations out on him, and reminding him who he belongs to. he fisted his cock faster as he thought about it, purposefully overstimulating himself silly over the phone like a mindless, pathetic whore.
“everyday you use me like your dumb breeding toy, baby. but not today. you only get to listen as i pump and milk myself so fucking hard over the phone while you get nothing.”
he made sure you can hear every staggering moan, every hitching breath, every muttered curse, every pretty little whimper and whine of his. he kept squirming uncontrollably on the sheets as he felt his cock tighten from his orgasm nearing. this was exactly how you would punish him. but it was too bad you couldn’t do it yourself. it was too bad you couldn’t see the mess he’s making all over himself. and he couldn’t fucking wait to see how you’ll react; how you’ll punish and use him until he literally can’t think for himself.
“by the time you finish listening… i’ll be waiting for you when you come home.”
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ALL WORKS BELONG TO VILSOO © 2023. do not steal, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works outside tumblr. inspired by the sluttiest, most submissive and breedable audio i’ve ever heard in my life 😋 (nsfw, headphones required)
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kakujis · 1 year
leaving love bites on u 💜
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aka i have a huge thing for baji and his fangs 🥺
ft: baji, chifuyu, mikey (idk how he weaseled in)
warnings: biting/marking lol, blood mention, possessiveness, reader is gn but dress/skirt mention, all the boys are timeskip. MINORS DNI.
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baji likes to bite and mark u everywhere. seriously, everywhere!! this isn’t just for your body either, it’s for places. he’ll mark u in the pet shop behind the counter, at a restaurant, amusement park, u name it and baji is there biting and sucking away <3 especially since u told him u love his lil fangs! he suckles hickeys into your neck all time, littering your collarbone with them as well. kissing ur hand turns into nibbling on your fingers. its not a secret that u biting him back turns him on, especially if it’s his finger or thumb that somehow found its way into ur mouth. if ur fucking, hes a little harsher, sinking his teeth into ur shoulder blade and lapping at the lil pricks of blood <3 honestly, the marking has become so distracting chifuyu and kazutora have asked him to ease up. he can’t help it, he just thinks ur so pretty all marked up and all his!!
cutie pie chifuyu only marks you in places u can hide, but he marks them all over. your chest, your stomach, your back, thighs, are covered with chifuyu’s hickeys. fuyu is actually pretty possessive over u, but would be very embarrassed if any of his friends called him out on it. he cant deny the way his heart races when he sees u wearing clothes u normally would knowing his handy work is underneath. he can’t wait to take those pesky garments off and give u some fresh marks <3
bonten!mikey likes to bite u in places that are juuuust barely hidden. as much as he would love to show them off, since you are his and his only, he finds it more thrilling this way. if u were to stretch, shirt pulling up, u can just barely see the bruised skin underneath. if u were wearing a skirt/dress and bent down, his mark would be there too, just barely visible on the back of your thigh. it's sort of a game for him! he loves the awkward coughs and throat clears when a glimpse of your pretty purple flesh catches the eye of one of his subordinates. where should he mark next?
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qualityrain · 4 months
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love how shinpei can say the most insane off putting weird intense yandere bullshit and all it takes is for satoko to give this specific look for him to backpedal like crazy
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nicky-jr · 8 months
Hehe UM for the requests- early S1 Glenn in this piece if you please! 👉👈
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(Presumably altered a bit at the bottom lmao)
🫡 thank you for sexualizing that old man o7! 💜
[Also if you'd rather not like full-on lingerie just lmk and I'll send you something else hahaha]
proud to serve my country o7
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also ermm demon version under the cut bc i straight up missed that u asked for early s1 glenn until i was about to post it. so i just quickly edited out the demon features and called it a day HAHA
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'the queer community is getting out of hand, it's too weird and bizarre why can't we be normal' buddy you wouldn't have lasted a day in the 80s
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jellyjaws · 9 months
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do you know how crazy making it is to be in Bark Bark Bark mode for a character for whom it is VERY difficult to make indulgent niche kink art and have it be both fitting and in-character. how i have been pounding on this anvil until i wound up with something i like
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windydrawallday · 1 month
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I don't fear my demons because I tamed them. I named and put faces on them. I tore apart the walls of their cages and rearranged their shapes. By taming my demons I found that now I can wield them as wards against all those who used them to hurt me. Some demons need to be killed, that's true. But is equally valid to want to understand and tame them. And that's the path I choose.
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spiribia · 7 months
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sophfandoms53 · 11 months
Y’all remember in BB7 when Dr. Will stood up during a veto meeting and told his houseguests he hated all of them and to vote him out?
Or in BB10 when Dan played puppet master with 4 of the houseguests at the veto meeting to get his nomination roulette game into motion so he could put Michelle up and take some of the blame off himself?
Or in BB12 when Brendon won the veto and in his veto speech Andrew told the house he was going after Brendon and Rachel and then proceeded to still ask for Brendon to use the veto on him?
Or also in BB12 when Brendon called Britney, who had the veto, a spoiled brat during a veto meeting?
Or in BB16 when the second veto meeting became an entire house meeting to expose Devin’s game?
Or in BB3 when Marcellas’ dumbass decided to not use the veto and got himself sent home?
Or hell even LAST SEASON in BB24 when the Leftovers formed to protect each other, and especially Taylor, so they concocted a speech for Turner to use in the veto meeting where he called out the houses dogpiling and mistreatment in regards to Taylor and how he shouldn’t have to call out that kind of behavior to a group of people all older than him and he proceeded to blindside the other side of the house by putting up Ameerah and Terrance?
Hisam’s speech wasn’t even close to any of the chaoticness or hilarity or iconicness of any of these past veto meetings tbh.
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blorbopolis · 7 months
did i buy the $100 gale themed dice despite not playing d&d in person? would a galewife do anything less
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i don't even like video games so why have i been playing Red Dead 2 for the past eight hours gay
#i think me brain likes the Reward of successfully one hit killing things with a bow and arrow#i was born in the wrong generation (should've been a hunter gatherer)#i dont even care about the story!!! the tutorial / first chapter was tedious as fuck!#im only completing missions to unlock things so that i can Keep Fucking Around!!!#also my horse's name is wizard and if anything happens to her im killing everyone in this game#thankfully when the fuckin. asshole odriscolls Ambushed me i was riding a backup horse i'd just tamed#so THAT one died instead of my darling wizard. but still. cmon#she was a gorgeous buckskin... her name was gonna be Egg... i was on my way to the stable to name her...#BUT YEAH I DONT EVEN LIKE THIS GAME ALL THAT MUCH WHY CANT I STOP PLAYING#maybe my brain is like 'oh my god finally something New. something other than the same shit we've been doing'#killin turkeys and deer#i tracked an elk into a train tunnel AND HIT IT!!#but it didnt die!!! and ran out!!! and then i couldnt find it!!! cmon!!#this game is so infuriating Why Cant I Stop#absolutely unprompted#though i have been thoroughly entertaining myself with my own antics#'i want to be nice to people 🥺'#ten seconds later im killing a man i couldve easily saved purely bc there were no witnesses around <3#well! he would'a talked! i got a camp to protect and provide for!#oh ok yeah i also think my brain likes being able to be a rugged western man w a beard#riding horses and Providing in a slutty little outfit i picked out#most of the game is Such A Drag (as my darling shikamaru would say)#but there are some good bits. addicting bits. sigh#like the allure of open world. optional story. yeah <3#no rules <3
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