#i cant afford therapy ok
dirtytransmasc · 1 year
this video is so aegon coded, in my mind (I am the eldest child, I technically ruined my mom's life, but she tries so hard to love me, she DOES love me, but our relationship is so strained because of the way she's treated me due to her own pain. I think I'm a good enough reference on this)
like. him and alicent. with all their messiness. at the end of the day, that's HIS mommy, and no matter what, even when he feels like he hates her, she is beautiful and perfect and no one can say a bad thing about her because he loves her and she loves him and that makes everything ok at the end of the day.
sometimes he's mean to her, she's too rough, he feels like he hates her, she can barely look at him. but god forbid someone insult her in his presence, he will actually have a breakdown. that's his mommy and he loves her and forgives her and hopes she can forgive him and just wants her to be happy so they can all be happy.
like little kid aegon, he was always playing with her hair and her jewelry, telling her she was pretty. gently poking at her face, like toddlers do, when she was upset, trying to figure out what was wrong. he'd hug her clumsily and tell her it was alright. and he remembers that, he remembers wanting his mom to be happy and to know she was beautiful and that he was there (again, in the way a toddler does) and he stills wants that. he wants to be small and to make his mom smile and feel better. that's his job! he's supposed to protect her and make her happy!
I especially imagine this happens frequently cause of how her father and his father treat her, how the court treats her, how everyone treats her. they all so mean to her, even in ways that are quiet and seemingly mundane. he must hate it. hate the way they tear her apart with their words and their eyes. the way they subtly mock her. he must feel so angry but so helpless and conflicted.
and it all boils down to him becoming a sobbing, snotty, (in his case) drunken mess and I love that for him (I mean I feel really bad, this shit sucks, but you know what I mean)
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chrisbangs · 1 year
the in space with markiplier music is crazy... all i have to hear is the first note from the trailer for it and my eyes start to involuntarily water... like what tha hell...
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sapienthouse · 2 years
love fucking up my own data (not recording any of my lows)
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humbugg · 2 years
every day im like… ok ill just allow myself this one day to be sad and then tomorrow ill be better. then tomorrow isnt better lol
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existentialfailure · 4 months
ok fans
i got my daughter into JJK months ago like "yeah this will be great mother/daughter bonding". she is a huge Megumi fan, thats her boyfriend, she has a shrine and everything. She also really likes Gojo and Sukuna, they have smaller shrines.
who has a fucking time machine she is ten and i cant fuckin afford therapy
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scaredofskeleons · 5 months
holy fuck au stuff finally hai guys!!
i hope you guys dont hear "redemption au" and think its gonna be all happy ending and silly and happy nah im gonna torment him first 😈 so many issues to project . . . SO MANY HE WOULD HAVE OK- also hope you guys know in my au he cant even afford therapy this is so evil im so evil mwahahahaha I HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW I AM . . WRITING STUFF WITH A FRIEND BUT ONLY SO I CAN MAKE COMIC PANELS WHICH I MAY MAKE RN . . . and it will not be a full comic only some scenes of the au teehee!!! maybe ill make a post that talks abt the au more... just know the daddy issues are out in the open with this one guys . . . ALSO KNOW AT SOME POINT BEANIES IS INVOLVED HE WILL BE GETTING A JOB LETS GOOO
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definitelynotnia · 8 months
sorry i have to rant or i will cry i hate when im so angry that the anger comes out as tears
tw: random guy being a general asshole abt lgbtq and trans ppl so if you dont wanna deal with that today, cz ik there's already enough hate literally everywhere online, then please save yourself from this burden and move along, i hope u have a nice day bcz if i cant then someone should
i just spent my whole afternoon arguing with this guy- it was such a waste of my time i haven't slept properly last night and i wanted to take a nap but my nap time is GONE i hate this i told him im done with this conversation and that i dont give a shit about him enough to want to educate him on things and have him change his opinion i TOLD HIM IM DONE i told him that he can keep his opinion shoved up his ass and as long as he doesn't bully people i dont give a shit i was READY TO GO TAKE MY NAP but nooo this bitch is like "just say you've run out of valid points" like BITCH NO.
i can't have valid points to counter you with because all the points ur giving me are utter bullshit like how the fuck am i supposed to reply to "ppl assigned male at birth wearing skirts and make up is worse than war" like WHAT???? DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF??? ARE YOU INSANE? what the fuck am i supposed to respond to that with? except that trans people aren't hurting anyone and war is, and he's like "at least war can be contained, these people are spoiling the mentality of the youth" like YOU ARE THE SPOILED YOUTH not the other way around, im like listen if you were really pressed about children and how trans inclusivity impacts children then you would have at least read more about that but if your first point is only "they're doing surgery on children" then clearly you have not even done as much as a simple google search so we both know that you just heard that in some random reel and went with it and you dont give two shits about the supposed 'children being made to undergo surgery', which they're not, and all you actually care about is looking cool and edgy by hating on the lgbtq community because thats whats in trend right now in india. he's like these people are too privileged why cant they just shut up and enjoy life they are rich like first of all rich people can have problems too??? also being able to afford therapy and gender affirming care does not equal to rich thats like saying if someone in ur family has any chronic illness ur automatically rich like ??? also poor people are trans too? and im so sick of these ppl thinking being trans is just an american thing or a first world problem like brother no? you are literally living in india trans people are mentioned in the FUCKING SCRIPTURES are u KIDDING ME? being trans is not a new sudden occurence its been there for longer than you have. like literally after 2 hours of conversation the only points he could think of to hate on lgbtq for no reason is
they are rich and privileged so they shouldnt have problems
if they have a problem with their gender they should keep it to themself and not fight it (??????)
they are running from their problems (they are literally solving the problem thats the part which everyone is mad abt its when trans people try to solve the problem by being okay with expressing themselves freely and to counter i said that even alcoholics are running from their problems ive never seen any of u andrew tate cocksuckers ever make a "joke" bullying alcoholics he's like thats different like literally all his "points" are him just saying whatever and then if u try to explain it with logic he'll be like no but thats ok bcz i said so and this is wrong bcz i said so like fuck you dude)
they shouldnt have rallies and stuff because there's more important things like war that the government should focus on (he was the one who said "war is a beacon of peace there cannot be peace without war" when i had first mentioned that its ironic that out of all the bad things happening in the world rn LIKE war the biggest thing he's worried about is a "man" wearing a skirt but ok sure now all of a sudden war is a big boo boo and we should all be focusing on that, so basically when he wants to hate on ppl war is irrelevant but when a marginalised group wants to fight for their rights that time war is the most important point and no one elses suffering is valid bcz there is war)
it is spoiling today's youth (im not even gonna talk about this because i do not see how people living their lives and just existing is considered "spoiled" and "corrupt" but people regularly hating on, bullying and degrading a whole ass community just because they are uneducated swines lacking critical thinking skills and a spine that saw some 'famous' youtuber or influencer or wtv or maybe a reel with 'dark humor' dissing on lgbtq and pronouns and 'blue haired girls' and now they thing they're oh so cool and edgy and dIfFeReNt and "not like those woke snowflakes" just cz they degrade and bully a whole community of people every chance they get)
im so done im SO DONE with this bullshit its EVERYWHERE its a trend now to be hateful and mean and an asshole to anyone who isnt "normal" according to heteronormative standards. i understand not having an opinion, to some extent ok i get it you're young you don't need to be involved in this yet but no, they want to have an opinion but they will do no research they physically shudder at the thought of reading a book and god forbid they actually google up a trustworthy article to confirm some of the bullshit they believe they will do none of this but they will scream and shout about how lgbtq is the problem and magically that is the only "social issue" they care about and they care soo vehemently apparently that they have to post about it and make dArK jOkEs about it and use slurs and degrade them every chance they get because THEY are harmful yes sure you who are actively spreading hate are the angelic saviours of society and a community of people JUST EXISTING are the ones that are harmful, right.
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Personal share: I just needed to vent this out to a void of some sort.
Nobody warns you about the 'literal' COST of Living you face once your born. I feel like my childhood was me being scammed into spending a bunch only to be later slapped in the face with the receipt and expected to pay it. "What?You can't pay it? Well let's make it a debt you owe me, now get to work bitch"
I'm sharing this here because honestly, I think if anyone I know and love in my real life were to hear me out they'd tell me what I already know "That's just Life".
With how sensitive i am right now, I'd break down into a sobbing mess and I can't afford that right now......
- Im on the verge of feeling numb again, like brittle and so ready to disappear.
-Im struggling to feel passion and feel stuck in an endless cycle of work, sleep, eat repeat.
- I feel empty and a constant thrum of nausea at everything I say, do or when I see my reflection.
-Ive tried buying my joy and short bursts of satisfaction but it always leaves my bank account empty and fades too quickly.
-I miss my parents, but I'm a adult now and they expect adult things from me. They don't have time for my mood swings because I'm "just too much"
-My sister is drained from work and I don't want to be an additional burden
-My best friend is preparing to fight for her new career and I don't even have my liscense to drive. (I have no idea why she still keeps me around when I'm so unambitious)
- My cousin has lost so much weight and im growing jealous of her confidence. (She's married and has 3kids!! I'm jealous that she's found someone she trusted to start a family with and I'm still a lonely sob)
-My brother is moving out to live with his long term gf and start his studies. (He has no loans thanks to my sis and I, Obvs doesn't respect or care for me as much as he does her. I deserve it honestly, but it still stings sometimes)
- I struggle to speak most days because I just don't think. I have anything worth saying. (But my job requires me to call ppl and I cant afford to lose this gig)
-I struggle to eat because I just can't find the balance between starving and overindulgence. (I love my body. But there are parts of me I feel I need to change because society or loved ones say I should)
-I struggle to socialise because I just don't share the same interest as those around me or my work colleagues. (Is this because I don't know who I am some days? Or because I just don't have the energy to be contradictory to somebody else's opinion?)
-Im constantly sick and feel guilty for taking days off and still getting sick leave pay. (My job caters to this!! It's in my contract so why can't my brain stop making everything feel like doomsday!?)
- I don't often make mistakes but when I do their huge and I feel immense shame and guilt everytime. I'd offer up my limb if it would make the bad feeling go away. (These are the moments I wish I could read minds, I just want to know what I'm doing wrong so I can fix it!? Is it actually ok or are you just saying that then talking shit bout me behind my back?)
Honestly..... I just don't think I value myself enough right now, I don't think Im seeing my worth and I desperately need to fix it before it becomes worse.
I've had this fight before and I won, I'm not doing it again.
I'm tired.
God am I tired.
If this doesn't ease up before my next one to one with my boss, I'll ask them to send me to therapy (work benefit is that'll be free)
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kasaneteto · 9 months
sorry i simply must complain for a moment
ive been complaining about my roommate too much on instagram so im doing it here instead 🖕 fuck you
MOTHERFUCKER CANNOT TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF!!!! tell me why this man is turning 26 NEXT WEEK and can’t remember to pay me back for the bills. won’t do any chores unless he’s asked to or HE has friends coming over. i literally feel like im living with a teenager.
i’ve recently realized just how much ive coddled him and made excuses for him because of his mental health struggles and the way his parents treated him his whole life. ive also realized that its entirely up to him to recognize that his mental health struggles & trauma are HIS problems to deal with and i shouldnt have to temper my expectations because of that. i can only tell him he needs therapy so many times before it’ll just go in one ear and out the other like every other thing i say to him. he is so incapable of any kind of self-reflection or self-awareness, has no concept of how his actions might affect others, can’t make any compromises without throwing a fucking tantrum about it. it’s exhausting. he requires so much attention and validation in order to be happy. being in the same room is like an invitation to talk to him. AND HE SAYS THE SAME SHIT. its like ive exhausted all dialogue options. he always makes the same stupid jokes that are just *goofy or purposefully obnoxious comment about what im doing* and i DONT have the energy to entertain that shit every day. but it RUINS his mood if you dont partake in his humor and then he just sulks. he cannot be serious. everything is jokey goofy fun time. when finn and i told him she’s trans & that we broke up his response was just to stare at us like a deer in headlights and go “oh. okay. sorry thats just a lot to process” which is like. just such a perfect prime example of how he cannot handle anything serious or heavy. when he got cheated on he was inconsolable and would not leave finn and i alone (and we wanted to help!!! we care about him!!!) he literally would follow us to our room and we would have to ask him for alone time!!!! he’s like a baby!!!! he’s so deadset on finding a new partner and i just wanna scream in his face NO RELATIONSHIP YOURE IN WILL EVER WORK IUT UNTIL YOU WORK ON YOURSELF AND UNPACK YOUR TRAUMA!!!!!!
he always uses money as an excuse like “ohhh i cant afford it” motherfucker. you can’t afford anything that isnt something you want. so you cant afford to pay me bills on time but you can afford a new monitor for cyber monday? you can’t afford therapy but you can afford to get a shitty fake christmas tree because THATS what’s important to you? he lives so fucking hedonistically and acts like he lives paycheck to paycheck when he makes 22 DOLLARS AN HOUR. MOTHERFUCKER YOU MAKE MORE THAN ME. YOU CAN FUCKING AFFORD IT YOU JUST DONT BUDGET OR SAVE AT ALL.
ok sorry i had to get that shit out because im so frustrated with him. i had a party the other night and he just sulked around until his friends came, hung out with them and only them the whole time, then continued to sulk and complain once they left. then sat around scrolling on his phone while my friends helped me clean everything up. my friends who actually are responsible and arent just in their own world with no consideration for others.
its not like he’s a bad person or even a bad friend because he truly isn’t. he’s just so emotionally immature and does not have the strength to look inward & realize that he is the source of most of his unhappiness in his life currently. its really hard to live around given the stage of my life im currently in.
i wish i could tell him all of this to be honest but hes so fucking sensitive. i HAVE tried to talk to him about a lot of these issues too (him needing to he asked to do chores, not paying me back etc) and its always the same thing. he gets better for a couple months but it quickly goes back to how it was before. im just like so done acting like his problems are mine. done asking him for favors. i hate that living with him has made me lose so much respect for him (he has no moral backbone) because like. i can see that he wants to be better. he just isnt strong enough to admit that hes the problem in his life right now. anyways. thanks for reading this if you did lol
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Depressive moods:
- How hard do I gotta beg the universe to give me a break I'm struggling this isn't fair
- wait I dont actually care because everything is pointless and the apathy has set in again
- I Am Going To Pass Away Right Now
- yeah no im fine *chugs alcohol*
- *googles how to cure depression without medicine because i cant afford healthcare*
- my dog loves me so maybe I'll be ok
- nevermind everything is garbage again
- *reaches for weed*
- i wanna talk to my like 3 friends but theyre all probably busy
- 'no one actually likes me and theyre all playing an elaborate prank on me' followed by 'no you idiot thats stupid and youre paranoid' followed by 'ok but what if they are?
- I haven't slept in my bed in 3+ days vs I haven't left my bed in 3+ days
- I wish I could afford therapy 🥲
- *flops over*
- what if I just... disappeared? Just bloop, gone??
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softertoday · 6 months
i'm going to rant for a moment about therapy and insurance so please forgive me, and feel free to scroll on past this lol
it's very frustrating trying to find a new therapist. a lot of them are out-of-network with all insurance providers. my insurance doesn't cover out of network providers at all, so when they say they offer a superbill to file on your own with insurance, that doesn't help me because my plan won't reimburse me at all. some of them offer a sliding scale option, which is nice, but not all of them do. i am not currently working while i'm in school. so i just cant afford to pay $150 - $200 per session with a therapist.
i just want a therapist who has experience working with neurodiverse adults, and i would really love someone who offers art therapy. but that doesn't seem to be an option for me because they are all out of network.
the only one i could find that has a sliding scale is located 3 hours away from where i live and i would need to do telehealth with her, which is fine for regular talk therapy, but art therapy would be a little different (weird) over telehealth.
i'm frustrated because for one, i really honestly believe that every provider, whether they are a medical provider or mental health provider, should be in network with all insurance providers, and file the claims for you. its bad enough that some people cant even afford insurance, but if you're lucky enough to have insurance, you should be able to use it with everyone.
and secondly, i'm frustrated because my insurance plan doesn't cover out of network providers at all and i don't have any chance of getting reimbursed for any of the payments i would be making. i would take the superbill and submit the claim myself, i don't care about that extra work and time, but it wouldn't even matter with the plan i currently have.
and the other thing that really really makes me upset, is that i've had to start over with a new therapist 5 times in less than a year. I've had 5 different therapists since this time last year. most of them have been throughout my different treatment stays since june of last year, but regardless, i've not had a steady therapist for more than a month or two in a whole year.
i met a really nice therapist here when i came home from treatment, and he worked at a place that offered a really significant sliding scale, so i could afford to see him. he was really great. we only had sessions for a couple months and then he moved to a new practice and didn't take his clients with him. he helped me more than any other therapist i've ever had in such a short amount of time and i really liked him. i'm sad that i have to start over again.
the new therapist that he recommended to me is at the same practice, so i can afford it, but he doesnt schedule weekly sessions. he will only schedule 2-4 weeks out. and that might be ok, im not sure yet (we'll see how it goes i guess?) but im just... sad.
i'm gonna stop looking for an art therapist. its pointless. i cant afford it. i will just continue to bring a coloring book and markers to my regular sessions.
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spasticarkayl · 1 year
I run into this conundrum semi-frequently, and its something that always absolutely tears me to shreds.
I dont know who to turn to when Im having a big mental health drop over useless things. I have a handful of friends that im ok talking to about them, but they hear it so often or theyre so busy that i wont be able to get interaction that would help curb the bad brain.
I cant afford therapy and even when i could, both of my therapists sucked and essentially told me to get over it point blank.
Im just stuck in a rut and leaving me by myself always causes my fears and negativity to spiral until i exhaust myself so bad I sleep for 20+ hours for several days
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I haven't forgotten. Since my last post, my sister boxed up all my stuff from my parents house so she can move in there, and under the cover of night without a word to me, dumped 5, yes FIVE, SUV carloads of my stuff in my driveway. And when I called her out on how shit that was to do without texting me, she sends this whole effing diatribe on how me being on a single income isnt her fault, me being a hoarder isnt her fault, me being LAZY isnt her fault. Apparently, leaving my stuff there when I was forced to move into a TENT was TAKING ADVANTAGE of my parents. I started moving stuff into a storage unit and even though Dad told me not to and that it could stay, I still did move out what I could fit in the storage unit. I continued paying board for MONTHS after I left because my stuff was still there, until Mum DEMANDED I stop. But yes, I'm 'taking advantage'. She decided she wanted to move in by the end of July but renovate first and I told her straight up that I had my first house inspection June 28th and couldnt move anything before then, I was still unpacking and cleaning my new house right up until the moment the agent arrived for the inspection. I even called in sick the night before and worked through the night to have it ready. My fibro and arthritis make me epically slow. I try my best but I cant just try the pain away.
Anyway, she 'gets' that I have pain but that doesnt excuse me 'making other people wait until I can be bothered'. I dont have a problem with her boxing up my stuff. So its out of her way. I dont have a problem with her bringing it over. I have a big problem with her not saying a word and sneaking over in the middle of the night to leave it all in my driveway. The driveway of my rental, on a main street where my landlord could drive past at any time. Just a simple text it would have been fine and she could have saved both our backs by not bringing the stuff that was to go in the trailer for the tip ( a trailer I couldnt fill with my stuff myself because it was still full of HER stuff).
Mum and Dad are putting the house in mine and my sister's names with a granny-flatting clause, so we can inherit the house while they are alive, not have stamp duty or capital gains tax on it, but we have to keep a roof over their heads the rest of their lives. It doesnt have to be THAT roof, we just have to house them. It surprised me when my sister said she wanted to buy ME out because she had always been clear that she didnt want it. But I'm glad because I could no longer live with Dad and wasnt in a position to buy her out. She asked if she could not pay me out until next year when she came back from Japan and I was like "hey thats fine" she was putting a lot of money to the renovations before moving in so why not have her being able to live rent free for a few months to save up for a nice holiday before having to buckle down under a mortgage. See, once the house is in joint names, if one of us is living there, the other is entitled to their half of the rental value. But she's my sister, I wasn't going to ask her to pay rent to me just because my name is on the title. Besides, I knew it would take me a long time to finish getting my stuff out. I even offered to leave the bed, TV, and a couple of cabinets, so my old room would already be set up as a guest bedroom. She never said no thanks, she actually said "ok, cool." Then, when she dumped everything here, it included those things, things she KNEW were never coming here. But I digress. Half rent for my parents' place would be about what I'm paying for rent in the tiny house I'm in now. It would make my life so much easier. I would be able to afford the physical therapies that I haven't been able to in a long time. It would do wonders for my life and my health. But it was money I wouldn't have had anyway, so I could wait another year to get my health back on track, if it made it easier for her. My only sister.
She doesnt think she's done anything wrong. And is now saying she doesnt want to move in there and she'll tell our narcissistic father that I'm coming back. I dont think that apple fell far from the tree. I cant get it through her head that ALL SHE HAD TO DO WAS TEXT ME TO ASK WHAT TO BRING AND WHAT TO PUT IN THE TRAILER INSTEAD OF SNEAKING AROUND. Now, according to my father and her partner, I'm the one in the wrong. Because I said that's shit and disrespectful behaviour and if she doesnt have enough respect for me to send me a simple text message, why should I give up a year of rental income that's almost as much as I earn in a year. Oh that's right, because it's not HER fault I'm poor.
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yeahyeahwhateverrr · 2 years
ok, to get to the point, i have a huge problem with men that Is causing me a daily obstacle/actually hindering my life at this point. And i guess I'll talk about that, but I'd like to make a point first before anything, that even though there is an explanation for my actions, there is no justification whatsoever, never will be. Men deserve delicacy and kindness just like everyone else, even if they may or may not be bad. But if they're bad, obviously I'm gonna be a shithead. Like bad, bad. Not normal bad, nobody is always morally correct. Even though my own triggers with normal men over small things make me not trust them easily, so i try to suppress rage and resentment towards them. And it's just healthier to tackle that and just talk about it, not to them, unless it's necessary i guess? But at least to someone not involved that sees a different perspective and is able to help, and God knows i can't afford therapy right now lol. So that's a long ways ahead. I'm doing what i can with the tools i have, but they're obviously shit and work sometimes. "I" statements and DBT therapy wasn't enough ok lol. That's on me but obviously i need some more intervention there. Bc i get unbelievably fucking mad out of nowhere, not even bc of men. Idk, but anyways -
I have a lot to work on, and I'm gonna make mistakes, so i should probably withdraw for periods of time. (even though that's proven bad for me, bc then people find me having episodes where I'm crying uncontrollably and talking incoherently about a lot of shit and i cant remember those. Then I'm fucking embarrassed, like i don't even drink when those happen, like do i get sleep deprived...? Wtf) but maybe during those times, I'll have have to take here and there to avoid, so i can still do self introspection and coach myself somehow? Or ask people how they deal with that personally, something that at least shows I'm trying to make the effort to change for the better. But men absolutely deserve to be nurtured and loved just like anyone else, and to feel security. And they shouldn't have to shut out their own emotions, and they definitely need people to be patient with them bc obviously men are taught at a young age to bottle shit up/ignore it/it's whatever, you're a boy, etc whatever fucking bullshit. I was raised the same way, but that's besides the point, really? But men really do deserve to have their inner child healed and dealt with appropriately as well. Eventually I'll have to work my way up to therapy though, and work on that one super hard and see if i can break through it. Bc it's been my strongest barrier my whole life, when i shouldn't be holding my problems against certain people against all men. They're not all aggressors or monster, they're people just like me. And when i act and do things a certain way i make myself unsafe not only to men but others as well. And i want to acknowledge that and apologize for that sincerely for anyone I've hurt. An apology will not mend or fix that hurt, but i want to at least realize the pain I've caused + as well as apologize bc i feel remorse, not bc i don't want to get caught. But bc it's not being fair to others, it's not giving people a chance, and it's just really fucking unnecessary, quite frankly. So i am sorry for that, and i don't expect to be forgiven.
Now i will talk about my examples with men, but as i said, not a justification, but merely an explanation for my behaviors. My experiences in life with men, so at least there is some understanding there.
Was with dad and his friend downtown, i was maybe 13-15 range, we used to listen to music every Saturday downtown. My dad wasn't drinking, not specifying for anonymity reasons. His friend was. My dad was standing beside him, listening to the music, his friend was behind me, uncomfortable close as i was sitting down in those fabric lawn chairs. Just excited to be with my dad, and his friend started leaning forward, and i felt something hard against my neck, and maybe he was just having a hard time keeping himself up. But wouldn't it be soft? Like idk, how do dicks work, i could definitely feel that shit on my neck, and i remember freezing up when i realized. He's just a drunk though so that has to be it, but every other of my dad's friends didn't like me. And he was the only one that actually went out of his way to talk to me.
Was with my dad outside his apt at the same age range, while he was working on his motorcycle, dude came walking from the bar, stopped by to talk to my dad, kept looking at me, and was like, "you have a really beautiful daughters, i have daughters myself." And just kept staring at me the whole time. Mf looked like Lester off of GTA 5 i shit you not, just skinnier. my dad didn't really acknowledge him, and then the dude walked off, and my dad didn't tell me to go inside or anything, it was night and summer. He drove off to test his motorcycle at the time, leaving me outside. And i was feeling weird, so i locked the door and went upstairs, looking out the window on the main street we were on, and the dude was walking across the street slowly (like the other side this time, he was lingering for a while actually.) and looked up at me and didn't pull away his eyes.
My stepdad and his SIL were drinking one night, and i came out. I was the same age, i used to get hit on a lot as a teenager. (Surprisingly, I'm not conventionally attractive, but i was really, really skinny at the time) and his SIL who was and still is with his daughter, started calling me cute and picking at me. And started joking that he wanted to take me to McDonald's so he could get me a "big Mac". i may be Autistic, but i understand fucked up social cues when i hear them. I'm not that retarded, not saying anyone is, but i wish people wouldn't undermine me. Constantly. My stepdad was coaxing it on, and he actually opened up the garage, and his SIL was trying to get me to come outside with him, very insistent. It didn't feel like a joke anymore. He had his keys ready and everything and wanted "to just take me for a ride." (Same man that put a gun to my stepdads daughters head btw threatening to kill him and her) i was like NO. And kept saying it over and over, my stomach was definitely churning that night. Something felt wrong, i don't think he wouldve raped me, i don't think he's that vile, but i felt really aggressive bc my boundaries weren't being respected. If you don't listen to me, sorry but idgaf about your feelings at that point. Maybe I'm looking too much into these experiences
First ex (cheated on me, admitted to it later bc i wouldn't give him what he wanted) i was 14 and didn't care about sex. And it was my first relationship. When we eventually got back together like 2 years later ish, he wouldn't even talk to me, acknowledge me, brushed me off and would actually push me off of him. Completely cold. I cried and said i was gonna go home, and he said what are you gonna do? Walk all the way home to your dad and tell him where you were? So i stayed and i don't really want to talk about it, not traumatizing. Can't say it was, not going to insinuate or say anything there. He wasn't a bad guy, just high sex drive. Did he make me cry a lot that night and got actually vocally shitty at me for crying? Yes lol
Being flirted with at gas stations when my dad used to send me down to them, with money so he could get 2 liters and maybe some candy lol. That's definitely a lot less malicious, not so bad. Having a man whisper to you in your ear some nasty shit when you're literally at the register is a different story though. I was 16 lol. At least when i told him he backed tf off. He was like oh shit nvm. So a respectful gentleman for that at least, definitely not traumatizing, just a funny story now.
My friends uncle hitting on me and looking me up and down heavily when i was at her house, i was definitely not 18 yet. But he also really flirts with any woman, to be fair. She was uncomfortable as fuck too. I remember when i went home with her one day in high school, her brother and uncle both picked us up, nothing said weird about me. But were saying the high school girls were jail bait and. Yeah. That's not really traumatizing, just made me feel gross.
Obviously i also have trauma with women, i was molested as a kid. But that has no relation to this. I will not explain further than that, bc I'm not mad at who did it to me, does it hurt and make things awkward? Yes. Absolutely lol. But i will never put it against them.
Now i will explain things a little more, but this should absolutely be taken with a grain of salt, and just moreso weird experiences. I do not want to incriminate anyone, i do not want to point fingers or even insinuate anything. I'm fine, im cool, the brain is just a weird thing. i used to have dreams of having sex as a kid, even though I didn't know what that was. Only explanation i can think of is accidentally being exposed to porn, but i can't say for sure bc i was really small. Someone would be on top of me, my vision would be blurry/like looking through a fishbowl lens, couldn't see the person's face, so maybe even sleep paralysis. But I'd feel someone on top of me, and then the motions of missionary. I'd have no thoughts at first, like just the vision and looking up. And then it was like a melting, like i was slowly becoming aware, and then i started to feel a spike of adrenaline and slight panic (?) (Only way i know how to explain that, and then i blacked out. I would just black out.) I remembered that when i got older, and then when i first had sex ever, it reminded me of it. I was like woah, this is familiar. But i can't quite pin my feelings on it. I talked to my sister about it, she used to have the same dreams all the time apparently. But she thinks it was spiritual warfare/spirits raping us, but she was also really whacked out of her mind on meth at the time. She's clean, at least she says she is now. Then asked, "what happened to you child?" Idk bro but we talk about something else now lol idk. Nothing happened I'm fine, repressed memories aren't real. Repressed Emotions are, however. But memories can be falsified and made up. So it was just dreams. I'm fine, I'm ok. I'm fine. Did i get night terrors apparently as a teenager? Yeah haha, but i got a few of them at my dad's. My mom never said anything. My stepmom and dad were watching a movie one night, i was asleep already in my room, and she heard me screaming and crying, just screaming NO and STOP over and over, so she came to check up on me i guess, and was thrashing about looking like i was trying to fight someone off and sobbing hysterically while my eyes were wide open. My dad said he heard nothing, so idk lol. The next morning, had no idea, she confronted me quietly, and was like, did something happen to you? Like who hurt you? Like why are we getting really quiet? 😳🥹🥹 I definitely woke myself up to sobbing quite a few times, like really heavily. Feeling pain in my chest. But that's not night terrors. I remember another dream i had as a kid, where i was sitting on the floor in front of my mom, the living room was dim, only one light on that she was sitting beside. I was in front of her sitting on the floor, in my Dora onesie. And she told me to stay out of the darkness and stay away from the ghost. (? Lol this sounds so fucking cliche or made up sorry, it's just an uncomfortable dream so it's sat with me forever) and sure as fuck a ghost comes down the hallway towards me, picks me up, starts taking me down the hallway, and started to unzip my Dora onesie, and the ghost started to rub around my nipple in a circular motion, and walked me into My parents bedroom, which it was at the time. Now it's just my mom's. And has been. The bedroom was dramatically dark in my dream lol. I had the weird sex dreams and that one literally both when i was In elementary school still. Funny how the brain works, right?
My sister i was talking about earlier actually is getting night terrors to this day apparently, and she's older than me. If that's saying anything. But she was an actual victim of molestation and rape in the same house. I didn't know about the rape until way later. She doesn't like to sit in silence or be with her thoughts or anxiety. So she usually needed something to occupy her mind. So now she's literally on sedatives and hardcore meds. I don't blame her, life has been tough on her. I love her and care about her, and i worry about her everyday. I don't think she's doing anything bad, we just been through a lot of shit together. She is my best friend.
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this is my personal online diary. i need to get these thoughts and feelings out somehow and i have no one. im not doing this for anyone else except for myself. im gonna use shorthand im not gonna care about typos. i have no one to talk to about my inner thoughts. basically this is just me talking to myself. im gonna have to change the names of everyone in my life. hmm...
i guess thats what ill start with now. i really need nd want to do this for myself everydy. ok, M will be LUNA, JT will be Fern, JM will be andy, L will be Paul haha idk why these names are just coming to me, JRM will be harley, IP will be Sonia, BI will be Danny, JM2 can be mark lol.
im sure ill add more later as i talk about my day and shit. i hope this helps me somehow. i cant even afford for Harley to go to therapy weekly so i defintly cant afford it for the both of us and he comes first.
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
moon knight: *is just a fun little show based on a comic*
me: “hmm true but it also is a gateway for me to confront my undiagnosed autism as well as making me reflect on the abusive relationships i had as a child….. free therapy? perhaps??”
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