#i cannot begin to explain how tired i am of this 'hot take'
fictionadventurer · 9 months
thoughts on Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games (2008) actually being a rip-off, or at the very least a semi rip-off, of Koushun Takami’s Battle Royale (1999) and therefore not truly deserving of being credited for creating a new sub genre
The accusation is complete and utter garbage, and after more than four years of tags, that's one of the takes I'm most tired of seeing. "Middle schoolers chosen to fight to the death on television as societal punishment for juvenile delinquency" is a completely different story than "post-apocalyptic society selects 12-to-18-year-old children to fight to the death on television as retribution for a war." These are completely different stories involving entirely different themes, and one is in no way a copy of the other just because they both happened to combine the idea of reality television with gladiator fights and star child characters.
Everything Suzanne Collins has cited as inspiration for her series--Greek myths, Roman history, an American map puzzle she had as a child, news coverage of war, reality television, her experience in the television industry, Enlightenment philosophy--accounts for everything that is included in her stories, and is much more likely to have served as inspiration for someone critiquing Western society than a cult classic Japanese novel and film would be. Unless Battle Royale is also a metaphorical exploration of Just War Theory--which it's not--there's zero reason to suspect any connection between it and The Hunger Games.
As far as "starting a new subgenre", I've already addressed this. The Hunger Games did not invent YA dystopia or even "televised fights to the death between children". The subgenre it started was "books that are similar to The Hunger Games". It started a publishing phenomenon of authors rushing to copy the very specific tropes and tone and style and atmosphere of this specific work, making a new subgenre--the same way that there were fantasies before The Lord of the Rings, but that series sparked a subgenre of epic fantasy involving elves and dwarves and quests.
The thing is that people writing in this new Hunger-Games-like subgenre only understood the surface trappings of The Hunger Games and didn't understand the deeper themes and message underneath. These are the type of people who think that The Hunger Games and Battle Royale are the same story, and that extremely superficial read of the series is why their takes are so vastly inferior.
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between-two-fandoms · 5 months
10 JoshxEddie hcs because I rewatched s5 and am delulu
This largely takes place in a season 5-adjacent AU, but I have various hcs that span across the show. And also Marisol doesn't exist. If it gets enough interest I'll write it.
PS: their ship name is Riaz(?)
Before they get together Eddie sees a creepy guy harassing Josh at a bar one time when they're all out for drinks after most of the main squad leaves and pretends to be his boyfriend to intimidates the fuck out of creepy guy until he leaves Josh alone. Josh has a panic attack about the creepy guy because of his trauma. Eddie helps guide him through it, then gets him home safely.
After that day Eddie starts feeling Things whenever he thinks of Josh and he can't put a name to it but he wants to make sure Josh is safe in a Overprotective Black Cat sort of way so he begins texting him regularly to make sure he's alright.
They've always been aware of each other, they work in the same circles just different environments. When Eddie starts working at dispatch he finally starts noticing Josh. Actually noticing him.
Josh and Eddie can't STAND each other at first when Eddie joins dispatch. More so Josh, because Eddie is a hot firefighter with a big heart and Josh knows needs to tread carefully. Rivals to lovers hands down.
Their first date happens when Eddie gets tired of being single and takes Hen's advice on a speed dating event at one of her favorite bars. She forgot to tell him it was a Queer bar but hey, Eddie isn't homophobic. His bestfriend is bisexual and has a boyfriend. Maybe it'll be fun. When he matches with Josh they're both painfully awkward about it until Josh and Eddie start gossiping about the other speed daters like they're watching telenovelas or the bachelor.
The infamous "You're a guest in this house, act like it!" scene ends up with Eddie rushing forward and kissing Josh against a wall because he cannot stand this man. Eddie thinks he's so smug and cocky and he thinks he hates him so much with his eyes and his soft lips. They've had all this tension building up between them, all Eddie wants is to kiss his stupid face. Imagine his surprise when Josh kisses him back.
Eddie spends weeks searching for sexuality labels, trying to find the right one. He invites Josh to go out for a beer a couple of times during his questioning phase just to spend time with him off the clock again, and Josh helps explain the idea of not needing a label unless it's something Eddie connects to. Eddie doesn't have to identify as anything specific unless he wants to. Eddie cries a lot when he gets back home.
When he finally does discover the term demisexual it suddenly feels like everything makes sense. All the puzzle pieces are perfectly aligned. Something tight unspools in his chest. He tells Josh, who celebrates with him after work. The 118 shows up too, so Eddie tells them as well and it becomes a night of celebration.
Eddie likes when Josh bosses him around.
Once they become established Eddie realizes how much he loves Josh being in control in the bedroom and loves how easily Josh can make his head go quiet and everything feel still.
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been a hot minute and nobody asked for it but it’s back
top ten songs that i feel were written for the sole purpose of ending me
Ascension by Natalie Holt. i watched the loki finale. yeah i’m still mentally stable (lie). this SOMG. my GOSH. i cry almost every time i hear it /gen. and not just cus of the finale. this was composed so beautifully and i. guys. help me(don’t help me i will not shut up about this song)
when the flies fell by Sub Urban. i can’t explain this one it’s just. yeah. the contrast of the gentleness and aggression in the song is so. and the lyrics. his voice is so SOMETHING that it feels like a conversation and y’all. a gentle ‘i want to be here, but i’m so tired. i don’t have any more in me to give.’ i can’t even today
Sick of the Silence by Mother Mother. sigh. when i say this is what it feels like to want to scream i MEAN it. this song encapsulates that helpless feeling of being trapped in your head and having no words or knowledge of how to fix it. and the whole ‘i don’t wanna know what’s buried underneath’ about being afraid of introspection because you don’t know how (or what you’ll find) is so. UGH. sob
We Don’t Speak Anymore by Bears in Trees. it’s so soft in the beginning but then it gets loud and yeah. that’s how it feels to say ‘i miss you’ quietly but what i mean is ‘you took a big chunk of my heart and now it’s not beating right and i want you to tell me what went wrong so i can fix it and you can come back but i know that nothing went wrong and you’d go either way’. who let them do that
the back of the moon by Cavetown. it’s one of the songs that reverberates so deeply that you can truly feel the emotion in it. ‘the glow might remind her of me’ excuse me? i love how it’s so soft and lavender and sweet and loving and ‘i’m so proud of you! go do great things! (just remember me. please.)’ yeagh. this song stabbed me
POWDER by Melanie Martinez. it’s so perfect. some people don’t like how it’s vocoded but that’s what makes is good. like, ‘i can’t go on like this, i can’t help you anymore but i wish i could this is something you have to do on your own. i still love you.’ who gave her permission to do that.
Be by Hozier. GUYS. this song is so violently tender. and also he yells at politicians? plus religious imagery? i could talk about the vocals for years. ‘when the sea rises to meet us, and there’s nothing left for you and i to do, when there’s nobody upstairs to receive us, when i have no kind words left, love for you’? *loudly coughinh*
Meteor Shower by Cavetown. i am violently sobbing. it’s so. i cannot get enough of this song. ‘my heart and the earth share the same rule, it starts with love and it ends with you’. DAMN. that’s the line. everyone else go home. how else can you say that? i cannot help but to love you, it’s in my nature, and in nature itself? i’m never writing again because i can’t ever live up to that
Hurricane by Panic! at the Disco. listening to this song as a kid fundamentally changed me as a person. i’m being so serious, this song changed me. sneaking my tablet, speakers to my ear, eyes wide, realizing that there was other music made me a little bit different. ‘fix me or just conflict me, cause i’ll take anything’ SOB. guys i. who would i be without this song
All Eyes On Me by Bo Burnham. did you think you’d make it through this list without Bo. this song is. i don’t have enough words. it’s underwater, it’s drowning, it’s choking, it’s the fifth state of matter. i cannot explain how this song feels.
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dragkbluire · 6 months
It is I! The Wizard!
The sounds of the Metro grew Loud in the Ears of Bruno Bucciarati. He opened his eyes and jumped in his seat. His seat was a wooden bench, ans he was in an underground tunnel that was made for the metro. How did he get here? Wasn't he laying on the ground in the Collosum? Wasn't he just. . . Wasn't he dead?
If he was dead, how come he could feel the beating of his heart, why could he feel the warmth if his hands through his pants. ..
He was clean of blood and free of injury, as clean as if he had come out of the shower.
This didn't make sense. Why was he in a metro tunnel?
Why did he not see an exit sign anywhere?
Was this. . . death? Not some grand fields of heaven, not a burning hot Hell? Just some underground metro system?
He stood, and looked around. He'd only ever been in a system as clean and fancy as this when visiting his mother in the city. And the last he'd ever been in one, he had seen a set of teenage twins on the tracks in what seemed to be black school uniforms with caps on. He had instinctively jumped to get them. but his mother stopped his before the large killer transportation system had passed.
He didn't like the metro as much anymore.
It was cold as he walked down a flight of steps. The signs in Japanese, English, France, Italian, German, Arabic, any other language he could think of, yet he had a feeling that all said the same thing reading the Italian part of the sign.
"Last Stop, Eternal Rest?" He muttered aloud. He continued to follow the arrow against his better judgement, yet something pulled him- told him to go down farther.
Jumping over toll booth spinners and through desolate underground stores, he finally ended up at the main platform. It was empty, and bars lined the edges of the platform, as if keeping something out. The wind picked up and suddenly the ground shook, the air turned icy as a metro train flew past the way he was facing, scowling down with the sound of the iron breaks bringing it to a halt.
He paused as a door opened and a teenage girl with wings stepped out. Her eyes were soft yet full of business, wearing a black and gold uniform with a knee length skirt and a black, gold and red cap, clipboard in hand. "Bruno Bucciarati, yes?"
"That would be me." he said, Bruno summoning his stand in alert. The girl sighed.
"Sore, please, no need for fighting. There is no point in it." she said, annoyed. "Please, if you would listen, My name is Iyashi Fireheart and I am one of the conductors of this metro. It is My brother's and I'm job to help you get yo the afterlife in one peice."
"What?" he asked, stunned. "Is this a stand ability?!"
"No, sir." she said. "I cannot have a stand, as I am not a living entity like you are. Well, I am, but it is. .. complicated."
"Explain to me" Bruno began. "I know I am dead, but this is not what I had-"
"It isn't what anyone imagines to be then." Iyashi said. "But we are not the afterlife, we will take you there. I understand your frustrations, however, please, wash those away. .. it would be rude to be upset when meeting your father again."
She moved aside a bit and showed. . . Bruno father, looking tired and smiling.
Bruno's breath caught in his throat as he saw his father's smile. "Hello, Son." he said softly.
In a flash. Bruno dashed forward and hugged his father tight, his father hugging back just as tight. The doors closed and Iyashi smiled at the pair's reunion as she crossed a name off her list and grabbed the speaker Mike next to her. "Please grab onto something as the Metro begins to departed again."
A friend and I made a thing called "Last Call: Children of the Ferrymen" a while back and I wanted to write with It, please enjoy.
The uniform is based off of Hanako's from Toilet bound Hanako kun
I was listening "Serenity" from the RE4 Remake and it set the mood perfectly!!!!
Bucciaratti reuniting with his father in the afterlife is one of my favourites tropes and always makes me cry. (You hit where it hurts xdxd).
Also I love the way you managed to represent the afterlife. A train explaining everything in all languages.
And if Reimi exists then an Angel would be posible too. I liked how you portrayed them too!!
iufjvhidfhbvikfughbiufgbhiugfbfgi Such a good writing, it was too immersive xD
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perpetual-fool · 2 years
Maybe the real abusers were the friends we made along the way. (03/06/23, 1.2k)
   That I recall, no one has actually told me (to my face) that I should kill myself. Not even channers. Nor has anyone told me that I'm a piece of shit. I've gotten "you're being [something I don't understand]" a couple of times, but never directly anything like "you are [a bad person]". So they must've been conclusions I came to naturally as a consequence of others' responses.
   It's probably no different from anything else. Say I'm trying to figure out how to cook eggs. I don't want to use nonstick pans but I don't know how to keep the eggs from sticking. First I'd just try something and observe what happens. Next I'd form some guess as to what's happening based on those observations, and then test those guesses. Ideally I'd isolate variables as much as possible and try it from opposite extremes. Say I think keeping the pan from dropping below a certain temperature would keep things from sticking. First I'd get the pan *really* hot so I can be certain it's enough, and see if that works. Then I'd try the opposite, doing everything else 'correctly' while making the pan far too cold, and see if it fails. If that all goes well, then that's one variable I understand. Finally I'll put it into practice, and if things don't go the way I expect then I start over with a new guess. Observation, analysis, testing, and application.
   And if anything isn't going how I expect, I'm wrong. They eggs can't be wrong, they just are what they are. This has never been a problem with how 'things' work or how the world works. But when considering how people work, they don't. Starting from the beginning, observation, I cannot form any coherent guess as to why they do what they do. Without fail, I run into contradictory elements.
   I am both compelled to try and explain, but also feel.. a hollow panic? from the relentless invalidation I've received every time I've tried to broach the subject with others. I've very much internalized it and I doubt my own sanity. I suspect I would be sure I was insane if the invalidation was actually, well, valid. As it is, it's not my premises or my conclusions that others invalidate. Although that's more unsettling, I think. It's like, premises: someone did a thing (which was bad), they deliberately chose to take the actions they did, and they knew what the outcome of those actions would be. Conclusion: they did the (bad) thing on purpose. And why would they do that? But the response might be something like "maybe they were tired", which has no bearing on anything I've stated. And again, I'm inclined to try and clarify further, as this too has gotten nothing but non sequitur invalidating responses. The excuses are endless. Some of them reasonable, even. Say, "they probably just ran out of time/money", or "this was their first attempt and they didn't know better yet", or "they had a brain fart and just forgot how to do it for a moment". But there isn't a single thing I've seen that doesn't need excusing. And despite bringing this up countless times no one will even acknowledge what I've said. At best people will repeat my position back to me wrong. And they will absolutely argue with me that their version of my position is correct and that my version of my position is wrong. (There was one person that at least appeared to comprehend what I was saying, but they demonstrated that that was entirely superficial the moment I started trusting them.) It doesn't make much sense that everyone else would be insane, so I'm inclined to think it must just be me. And I would probably be convinced of that if others' responses were anything more substantial than "nu-uh".
   So, I've received nothing but relentless invalidation from anyone and everyone. Not that I always saw it that way, being naive. I can't find anything wrong with my reasoning or my observations, and it doesn't make sense that everyone else would be wrong, so I must just be innately invalid.
   Although, I'm not sure why that means I should kill myself. I guess I must've internalized the alienation and abuse. I think in that how others seem to feel about a thing determines how I should feel about it. But only if it's bad, else they either don't know what they're talking about or they're lying; that sounds like it's just an irrational assumption but it isn't. The only 'praise' I've gotten has been for things that don't make sense to me or for something I wasn't doing. Lying, simply that claims don't match actions, as well as just making conflicting claims.  And any 'acceptance' has always come with a threat, demanding that I fit into some kind of role. But intuitively, without any explanation and allowing no questions or mistakes. I think this is just the natural consequence of trying to connect on those terms.
   I've been desperate for genuine understanding, which would be one way of fixing things. But gosh, it's been two decades of trying and I haven't gotten anywhere. Alternatively, maybe I could make myself immune? Not that "stop wanting the thing I'm desperate for" hasn't occurred to me, but I wasn't free to think my own thoughts before. For instance, I've noticed on my bass that notes played on the low string fluctuate substantially, making tuning and playing in tune difficult. I know it's a problem with tension/string gauge because if I tune it up a half step the problem goes away. But it's a standard size bass, with standard sized strings, in a standard tuning. So I'm wrong, the problem must not exist. But I've been practicing with my tuner, training my ear. And I can see the needle wobbling back and forth. It can be as bad as ±20 cents, but if I play too hard that can be as much as 30 cents. In contrast, the other strings fluctuate less than 5 cents, or as much as ten if I pluck hard. The tolerance of my tuner being ±1 cent. Meaning, the phenomenon objectively exists; vindication. I'm tempted to say: to be fair, maybe it's not that people deny its existence, they deny that it's a problem. But I have had people directly deny the existence of phenomena like this. I only get the "you're a piece of shit" voice when I'm trying to connect with someone or something someone has made. Maybe if I only build relationships with objects and otherwise try to stay in 'analysis' mode, then life won't be torment?
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bakuvantea · 3 years
slime tensei imgns!
- synopsis: sneaking in the hot springs to bathe with the best boys
- includes: rimuru, benimaru, and souei
- special appearances from: shuna, shion, gobta, hakurou (for the shts and giggles lmao)
- warnings: slight nsfw implications in beni’s part
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r i m u r u
oh to be the lover of a man loved by many, it can truly be a bother at times
example being your current situation
rimuru was in his human form, trapped between shuna and shion who were giving him remarks and praises about how well he gave his speech to the delegates from yuurazania
now, how will you take your man for yourself
using thought communication, you said to him, “i invited you over here for us to have a moment to ourselves, do explain why shuna and shion are also here with us, hmm? oh great rimuru-sama.”
you saw him flinch, slowly looking over to you who was sitting down a good 5 meters away from where he was
he smiled, making you scoff and roll your eyes
also using thought communication he replied, “(name) i’m sorry! i didn’t think anyone saw me come in here, but alas they followed me to the bath and before i had a chance to explain it was already too late! im sorry (name)! i really am!”
you then looked over to the two kijins, an idea suddenly appearing out of thin air, you smirked and said out loud, “oh dear, it seems rimuru is hungry from bathing for far too long. shuna, shion, would you two be a dear and grab some food for him? you have my utmost thanks.”
you then listed all sorts of rare and hard to cook cuisines to keep them occupied for a good five hours or so
the two kijins smiled and replied, “of course (name)-sama!”
they then glared at each other, immediately running out of the bath to fetch some food and be the first one to give them to rimuru
you smiled victoriously, “finally!”
rimuru swam closer to you and hugged your side, sighing he said, “you’re so warm.”
wrapping your arms around him, you kissed the top of his head and said, “love, we’re in a hot springs, what do you expect?”
dismissing your sarcastic reply, he kissed your lips, parting just enough for his lips to still touch yours, he said; “your hugs will always be the best.”
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b e n i m a r u
benimaru sighed in content as he dipped further into the hot springs designated for gentlemen
it was a pretty rough day, some overconfident human visitors thought it would be wise to try and pick a fight with him
he scoffed, it seems that their survival instincts needed some tweaking, seeing that they failed to see the murder seething from his eyes
after that encounter he had to train the kurenai elite troops in order to prepare for upcoming battles and to strengthen the defense and offense of the jura tempest federation
it truly was such a tiring day
benimaru opened his eyes, he was now standing in the bath, looking to every direction trying to determine the location of the noise when he suddenly felt a heavy weight from behind him, his body plunged forward into the hot springs and he heard laughter as he gasped for air
finally escaping from the deathly grip, he turned around and saw you giggling, saying “sorry” and “oh jura, you look like a hot mess”
he groaned, “(name) what are you doing here in the men’s bath?” yet even as he tries to look annoyed, one cannot deny how his eyes softened when he saw you
“i was looking for you, then i bumped into rimuru-san, he told me he saw you walking here and so i followed suit,” you replied as you scooted closer to him, beginning to play with his dampened locks
“dearest, someone could come in here any second now, we are sure to be teased by the others if they saw our current predicament!”
flicking his forehead and receiving an ‘oi!’ from him, you then replied saying, “oh don’t worry your pretty ‘lil head love, i asked rimuru-sama if we can have the baths to ourselves for the evening and he agreed, he even told us to have fun.”
benimaru shook his head, pulling you closer to him he said, “well then, if rimuru-sama said so, then who am i to disobey?”
trailing kisses down your neck to your chest he thought to himself, ‘its going to be a long evening’
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s o u e i
you were already in the women's bath when you heard rimuru and souei's voice from the other side
he wasn't one to indulge himself, always claiming that he'll be on the look-out for enemies and anything out of the ordinary in the jura tempest territory
you assumed that rimuru may have scolded him and ordered the kijin to go take a break in the hot bath. hearing rimuru bid farewell, you then started to speak, "souei! are you alone over there?"
"(name), i didn't know you were there. to answer your question, yes i am alone. rimuru-sama left since he has urgent business to attend to."
you smiled
"i'll go over there!"
"this is the men's bath (name). it is not appropriate for a young woman to be seen bathing with a man like myself."
"oh you and your uptight self! relax for a bit okay? if anybody sees us, then they'd know better than to interrupt, and when have i ever followed tradition?"
"hmm, i guess so"
you stood up and used shadow motion to go to the men's bath
appearing near a bamboo tree, you smiled at him and walked over to where he was sitting, dipping yourself in the water you sighed in content
just as he was about to embrace your figure, he heard a shriek and a chuckle
"i-i'm sorry! (name)-san and souei-san!" the both of you saw gobta kneeling down holding the towel covering his body tightly as he continuously bowed and asked for forgiveness
beside him was hakurou, smirking at souei as if saying, "ayeee, my man getting that-"
"oho ho! me and my student will leave now, it seems that we have disturbed you two," dragging gobta by his ear (he was still saying a barrage of apologies) the master and student then left you two to your own devices
souei sighed, this wasn't really how he envisioned a 'relaxing evening' to transpire to
but with you now wrapped in his embrace, he doesn't think its half bad
yep, it really wasn't, he thought when you started nuzzling his naked chest
hope ya’ll liked it!!
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y0urlittl3ang3l · 2 years
NSFW Garrance Headcanons!
*if you're under like 15 you probably shouldn't be here- but I mean I won't stop you from reading it*
Garroth is a soft dom and I stand by that
Garroth lives for praising Laurance
Garroth can't decide on a single name to call Laurance so he just says whatever comes to mind, "Darling", "Sweet boy", "My love", "Angel", "Pretty baby", "Honey" and "Rose" are the main ones(do not bring up how they're almost the exact same as the normal petnames)
Laurance loves it when Garroth is rough with him, grabbing him roughly by the waist, pulling his hair, gripping his neck. But Garroth doesn't always do it, it's only when he need to blow off steam he does it
Garroth wants to be gentle and loving with Laurance, but he also just wants to completely wreck him too
Laurance cries when he feels really good, so you can bet that whenever he and Garroth do it he's straight up sobbing
At first Garroth got really worried about him, but he stopped when Laurance explained he was just crying because of the intense pleasure
Laurance likes to fight for dominance, but it doesn't mean he wants to be dominant
Laurance talks back occasionally, Garroth just smiles though and says "Just watch your mouth for me, okay Angel?" In such a sweet tone that Laurance just melts
Garroth likes to overstimulate Laurance until he's crying and begging for it to stop
" Please Darling, just a little longer for me.."
" Aw, you look so pretty when you cry My Love~"
God I'd love to hear Garroth say this-
Laurance loves how Garroth can fuck him into a drooling, crying mess and still look at him and tell him how gorgeous he looks with the sweetest eyes
It's rare but Laurance still loves it whenever Garroth calls him his Precious little slut
Laurance is super vocal during sex, and after keeping the village up one night Garroth decided that maybe they should do it somewhere else
There are days though where Garroth gets tired and just wants someone else to take control and Laurence always takes good care of him
Garroth is so sweet with aftercare, he'll clean up Laurance with a warm towel and pepper kisses on the skin where bruises begin to blossom. And he'll also just hold Laurance close to his body, whispering quiet confessions and sweet nothings into Laurance's ear until he falls asleep
Can you tell how desperate I am for someone to be like Garroth?
Sometimes Garroth will indulge Laurance and blindfold him with a scarf or tie his arm behind his back and tease him with kisses and sucks at Laurance's sensitive areas
Garroth does really enjoy watching Laurance fall apart for the gentle kisses and sucks^
Laurance likes biting into Garroth's skin with his sharp ass teeth because of the breathy groans Garroth makes
If there's one thing Laurance enjoys riding other than Garroth's..y'know..it's Garroth's thighs
Garroth loves it when Laurance begs, there's just something about looking down at the brunette on his knees begging tearily for Garroth to fuck him senseless
Garroth will and has fucked Laurance until the Shadow knight's thighs are shaking, is babbling nonsense and can barely let out a moan, a look of pure bliss all over his face
God is it wrong for me to think that Laurance would love for Garroth to just spit in his mouth and command for him to swallow it?
Why is that so hot to me-
Garroth kisses Laurance each time he's super close to coming, it's comforting to him in a sense
Laurance lowkey wants Garroth to degrade him but he doesn't bring it up
Laurance also just really wants Garroth to slap him, but Garroth would never🥲
Laurance really, really likes the idea of being bred..even though he is very much male and cannot get pregnant
Laurance has a size kink and can't get over how hot he thinks their height difference and how Garroth's buff body easily overpowers his own skinny one
Bulge kink.
Garroth is a very possessive man, he definitely growls "You're mine, and only mine." Into Laurance's ear whenever he gets rough
Garroth also marks Laurance up a lot, making sure there's hickeys all over Laurance's neck and shoulders
Laurance is a scratcher so Garroth has scratch marks all over his back from Larance
Garroth will also edge Laurance as well on some days as a punishment for when Laurance misbehaves
By the end of it Laurance is a crying mess, babbling out apologies and begging to cum
Dante and have walked in on them before, he blushed furiously before running off to try and forget about what he saw
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spencestyles · 3 years
The Other Woman
summary: spencer and meave have a toxic relationship after saving diane and the new agent doesn’t help
pairing: meave x spencer, spencer x BAU!reader
warnings: angst (lowkey), cursing, broken relationship, fluff
words: 4k+
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Ever since the team and I stopped Diane from killing Maeve, things were different. When I dreamed about meeting Maeve, I thought things would be perfect, we would be a match made in heaven. But after finding out important things she felt to leave out (like she was engaged), the spark was seeming to fade and just genuinely getting to know her personality. Of course our new agent wasn't any help either.
y/n y/l/n
She was different from any other girl I had met. She was smart and a great listener, she was determined to keep learning. She didn't try to outsmart me like Maeve had begun to do. Her biggest talent and asset to the team was her interrogation skills.
"Brian, I know how you are feeling," y/n said to the unsub. "You are upset your dad left you and upset that he left you with your mother."
"She was never a mother," Brian screamed. "That dirty whore didn't know her left from her right."
"The girls?" y/n asked. "Did they know their right from their left?"
"I wouldn't know, I didn't do anything to them," Brian said.
"Well I do, I looked into their background, all single mothers, husband left. They weren't dirty Brian, they were doin-"
"YES THEY WERE. They are all whores. I tried to help them, to help their children. But they were just like she was, a whore."
Since the first day she arrived, I've been enthralled by her presence. Maeve asked to move in around a month ago, I said no. She was so upset it was almost pitiful. It had been an argument that continued for weeks and was heated tonight at our at home dinner date. "Why, Spencer, why can't I move in with you?" She yelled at me.
"Because I barely know you," I yelled back, quickly calming down. "We may have been talking on the phone, but we have known each other in person for five months. I just, Meave, I'm going through a rough time at work. It wouldn't be good for you to move in right now." I made a large breath as Maeve roughly stood up from the table.
"Is there someone else?" Maeve asked. "That new agent, (wrong name), or whatever-"
"Like I said, whatever. Are you talking to her, is there something going on?"
"Maeve, there is nothing going on between y/n and I," I explained. "She is a new agent, she is young, she is like I was when I joined the BAU. I am just trying to help her get settled."
"Why can't JJ do that? She was young when she joined."
"Because JJ was the communications liaison then, she didn't become a profiler until two years ago."
"Whatever," Maeve said, grabbing her purse. "I'm leaving, I need to think."
Thank God
"Ok, we need to talk about this," I said. Maeve muttered something before slamming the door.
Moments like this made me question the relationship I created with Maeve. Maybe it's because I never really knew her. I knew her job and that she was smart, but I didn't know how clingy she was or bitchy and competitive. I don't blame Diane for being so upset. Why was she so upset about y/n, I mean y/n is gorgeous and smart. But she is so young, she's only 24. Tomorrow was going to be a good day, tomorrow I was finally going to make some decisions about Maeve.
Waking up the next morning felt like a chore. The sound of my phone going off was much worse than my alarm clock.
"Spencie, it's y/n," the angelic voice I was longing to hear was music to my ears at 3 in the morning. "We have a case, JJ called me and told me to call you. Which thinking about it is a little strange- wait that's not the point of this call. I need you to pick me up."
"Yeah I can come get you," I said rushing around. "I'll be there in twenty minutes."
"Thanks Spencie, I owe you big time."
Running around my room, I tried to pick my best outfit. y/n loved when I dressed in blue or purple, so I decided I would dress in blue this fine morning. My light blue button down and my tight navy pants, made me look a sexy professional as I would say, so would Derek (and hopefully y/n). I hated driving, but I would never tell y/n that, she is too cute when singing in the car for me to say no to her.
On my way to her apartment (which was very small and in a terrible area), I began to think about what y/n said on the call. JJ called me and told me to call you. Why wouldn't JJ just call me. I mean I do tell JJ about my problems with Maeve and my schoolboy crush on y/n, but she was so upset when I first said it.
"Maeve is literally your dream girl Spence, why are you trying to stop that? And for y/n, now I know she is smart and wow, she is hot, but Spence, she is 24. She still has a lot of growing up to do. Also, I didn't work my ass off to save Maeve for you to end things with her."
JJ was right, y/n was too young and too naive to know what she wanted. Hell, I didn't even know what I wanted. I fell for a girl over the phone and then realized she's not at all what I thought. I should have known.
Arriving at y/n's apartment building I texted her a quick 'here' before noticing her car tire had been slashed. The passenger door opened and y/n sat down handing me a large coffee in her typical reusable to-go cups. "y/n you didn't have to bring me coffee," I said.
"Spence, it's three in the morning and you are driving," you said with a straight face. "I brought you the coffee so you wouldn't fall asleep at the wheel and we would die." I laughed before taking a big swig of the drink and heading to the office.
"I saw your tire had been slashed, what happened?"
"I don't know, JJ called me so I went out to get my go-bag from the car because I left my good mug in it and I saw the tire was slashed. I have no idea how it happened or why, it's really annoying though, I just got new tires." The situation with y/n's tire was strange, I mean she lives in a complex where nearly twenty cars are out front if they aren't in the back lot. Why only her car? Maybe it was nothing special, just a coincidence.
y/n heard my phone ring and looked at the screen, "It's Maeve," showing me the screen. "Why is your girlfriend calling you at 3:30 in the morning?"
"I have no clue y/n, leave it to ring out. I'll get to her later."
This has happened before. When I drop y/n off from a case that ran late or after a night with the team. I get calls and texts from Maeve enraged. Does she honestly not understand we work together. We live less than six minutes from each other, so when we ride together it's not like either of us are going out of our way.
After spending most of the car ride singing to Taylor Swift, we arrived at Quantico and rushed to the elevators. We weren't late, but y/n liked to be early so she didn't look sweaty for the team.
"Why do you hate looking sweaty?" I asked her.
"Well, when our Unit Chief is a TOTAL dilf, I'd like to at least look nice," she said smiling. I frowned. "Kidding Spence, not totally, but I like to look nice because I am still proving my spot on this team and good hygiene is very respectable."
Of course she has a crush on Hotch, not that she has daddy issues or anything. But they are so close and the validation he gives her is a bit too much to be work appropriate. I'm honestly just so glad its not Derek she has a crush on.
"That makes sense, I'm going to call Maeve to she what she needed," I said stepping towards the conference room. "She's been calling me non stop." y/n nodded as she rubbed paper towels on her armpits.
Right as I was about to dial Maeve, her name flashed across my screen, "Hello."
"Spencer, what the hell," she screamed. "Why were you at y/n's at three in the morning."
"Maeve, tell me where I am right now," I said.
"You are at work Spencer," She answered. "But that is besides the point. Why did YOU pick her up?"
"BECAUSE WE WERE GOING TO WORK AND SHE LIVES SIX MINUTES FROM ME," I yelled, tired of her assumptions and bitchy, clingy behavior. "JJ called y/n and told her to tell me we had a case and her car's tire was slashed so she asked for a ride. There is no harm in that."
Maeve let out a large breath, "I don't want you around her anymore."
"What, I can't do that, we work together," I laughed.
"Quit," she said shortly. "Or tell Hotch that she is terrible to work with and isn't qualified for the team."
"Maeve, you are angry. I'm not quitting and y/n is very qualified at her job, Hotch wouldn't believe me."
"Then why do you help her if she's qualified?"
"I told you that last night, this conversation is over." I hung up the phone hearing her protests. I looked over and saw the team looking at me, they obviously had heard the interaction. y/n looked confused. Why was she being brought into this?
The team walked into the conference room, "Garcia, you can begin," Hotch said. Turning to me he said, "We will talk about this before we leave." I nodded. I didn't listen to Garcia presenting the case, but I looked at y/n. She looked like she had been crying, I don't know why, hopefully it wasn't me. After the presentation, Hotch gave us thirty minutes to gather ourselves before we needed to be on the jet.
He pulled me into his office, "What was that in the conference room?"
"Maeve thinks I'm cheating on her with y/n," I said. "It's not a big deal."
Hotch looked at me sternly, "Well it becomes a big deal when our newest agent tells me she should transfer because she doesn't like that she's interfering with your relationship. Now y/n cannot be transferred, she is an asset to this team and the team loves her. You need to sort your shit out with Maeve." I nodded and walked out the door over to y/n's desk where she was getting her small things together.
As soon as she saw me walking over, she began to walk away, "y/n wait."
"I'm going to see Penelope," She said, not looking at me. Even without looking directly at me, the tear stains were evident.
I looked over at JJ who had seen the whole interaction, "JJ what do I do?"
"Well Spencer, you need to either break up with Maeve or get over your crush on y/n," She said sarcastically. "In my opinion, you should break up with Maeve anyway. After hearing that phone call, I think she sounded toxic and manipulative. Give y/n some space, she just got a lot thrown at her. She thinks she's a homewrecker."
I sighed, "I know I need to end things with Maeve, but I feel so horrible."
"You feel horrible even though she treats you like that?" JJ asked, shocked.
"I just don't want her to think I led her on or I actually was cheating on her with y/n."
"You may not be cheating on her with y/n, but Spence," I looked up at her. "You like y/n, you can't deny that. y/n still is the other woman, whether its intimate or not."
JJ was right, I was about to walk up to Penelope's office when Derek reminded us we had to leave. Looking ahead, I saw y/n talking with Hotch. She looked upset and Hotch looked concerned, but when he looked over at me, he was pissed.
As we made it to the entrance of the jet, I told JJ and Derek I would meet them on the jet, wanting to talk to Hotch, "Hey, what did y/n say to you?"
"She told me this was her last case," Hotch said. "She gave Strauss resignation forms and is going to be an elementary art teacher. Now she isn't even transferring. Fix this now or you will be suspended from cases and you will be staying back and doing paperwork until I see fit. You and your relationship problems should not have led to y/n leaving the team."
To say I was shocked was an understatement. y/n was leaving the team. She was leaving because of me. Because I was so enchanted by her smile and the slight gleam in her eye.
Worst of all, she isn't even staying in the FBI. She is going to do the job she said she always wanted to do after the FBI. y/n always told me she wanted to stay in the FBI and then when it got to be too much, she wanted to teach art.
You may say I'm a terrible person for basically emotionally cheating on Maeve, but Maeve and I would never work in the long run. She may have been my back then, but she will never be my forever.
Walking onto the jet, I felt the hostile stares of my teammates. y/n sat at the corner of the jet, alone, reading her favorite book, Little Women. While the book is very boring in my opinion, I understand the appeal to y/n. A strong female lead who doesn't believe in the common standards in her time period. Much like Jo March, y/n was strong willed. She always put up a challenge to the ideas she opposed.
I unfortunately, was Theodore Lawrence in this situation. In love with Jo March, but I needed to show it to her. The only and strongest difference was that I am in a relationship.
I need to end it with Maeve.
That however, will be easier said than done. Maeve is much like Amy March: annoying, greedy, easily angered, jealous, and most of all the one that is settled for.
But no, I, Spencer Reid, will not settle for Amy, I am going to get Jo.
I was walking over to y/n when I was stopped by Rossi, "Don't make it any worse than it already is, kid." Appalled, I looked at him and then the team. Their faces all said the same thing only Rossi was able to make into words. I decided to sit not near them and not near y/n. I sat by myself and created a plan to keep y/n at the BAU.
The plan went as so:
1. Convince y/n to stay and explain relationship problems with Maeve
2. Break up with Maeve
3. Tell y/n what truly happened with Maeve (phone calls, kidnapping, and after)
4. Tell y/n feelings (and pray she feels the same)
This plan was definitely going to be easier said than done. The hardest part being breaking up with Maeve.
The case wasn't eventful and easy to figure out. The unsub was killing people who looked like his wife that left him at the altar. Not once did Hotch put me with y/n, understandably. Instead, y/n spent her time with JJ and Hotch.
I decided to not talk to anyone because I needed to devise my plan. I needed to break up with Maeve, but make sure I kept y/n out of it. That was going to be the challenge, Maeve was going to blame the break up on y/n. I decided to text Maeve a quick 'jet is landing. I'm coming over. We have things to discuss.'
I turned off my phone, knowing Maeve would start blowing it up. The jet landed and I went to begin step one, but Derek stopped me from going towards her further, "Pretty Boy, I know you want things to get right with Pretty Girl, but give her space. Just a little and sort things out with Maeve. After hearing what JJ and y/n have said about her, you should end things.
I nodded and sprinted to my car, seeing as y/n got a ride with Penelope. The ride over to Maeve's house was tense, even though I was alone. I couldn't stop thinking of the outcomes that could occur tonight.
Making it to Maeve's apartment, I kept reciting all the things I could say to her.
"I don't feel a spark anymore." Decent.
"You are a controlling bitch." Too harsh.
"I never really knew you." Getting there.
"I think we need to try new things." Fuck. I had made it to the door and I didn't know what to say without the possibility of hurting her. Breaking up with her is the only thing I can do to save my friendship with y/n. Its also the only thing I can do to save myself from this toxic mess of a relationship.
I knocked on the door and it was immediately opened by a very angry Maeve, "Spencer, finally you are here. You were taking so long I thought something may have happened, were you with y/n?"
"No Maeve, I wasn't with y/n," I sighed. "In fact we aren't even talking."
"Well that's perfect," Maeve said. "Why do you look upset about that?"
I looked at her surprised she didn't understand, "Because Maeve, she heard our fucking fight yesterday morning over the phone. She isn't talking to me because she thinks she ruined our relationship-"
"She did-"
"NO SHE DIDN'T MEAVE!" I screamed. "y/n is leaving the team because you are jealous of anyone in my life. First it was JJ, so I pushed JJ away. Then Derek, so I pushed Derek away. You have ruined all of my friendships with my coworkers and are now making work a living hell. y/n didn't ruin our relationship because it was already fucking ruined Maeve. How did you not see it?”
"What? Spence?" Maeve went to touch my arm.
I stepped away, "No Maeve, this is over. We are over. After we stopped Diane, I thought we would be perfect. But we aren't, we aren't good for each other at all. Whenever I accomplish anything at all, big or small, you fucking disregard it and talk about something you did. I am helping y/n, I like y/n. y/n is nice and she listens to my facts and she doesn't judge me for having feelings."
"Spencer, do you think I do that?" Maeve asked with a fake sweet act.
"Think? No Maeve, you do all of those things. Yesterday you told me to quit my job or tell Hotch y/n wasn't qualified. You should be supporting me. This relationship is not good for me. I am leaving, none of your stuff is at my place so you don't need to come over ever again." I quickly left the apartment, ignoring Maeve's pleas for forgiveness.
Sitting in my car, I quickly drove off to y/n's house. I needed to see her, to explain to her what had been happening.
When I met Spencer, he was my mentor. Very quickly after that however, he became my best friend on the team. Since we lived so close together, it was common for us to carpool to and from work and work events.
I quickly learned about Maeve once I began to get closer with Spencer. Spencer's manipulative, psycho bitch of a girlfriend that was out to ruin my life. I had never done anything to try and involve myself in their relationship, but when they have problems it's always my fault.
After hearing Maeve and Spencer's phone call, it was a no brainer for me to leave the team. However, I knew that wasn't enough for me to get rid of the taunts I had been receiving from Maeve. And by taunts I mean she slashed my tire. I was offered a job at one of DC's most prestigious private schools to teach art and after the phone call, I decided to take it.
Now, I wasn't upset that Spencer didn't like me back. I was upset that Maeve was making him decide between us when nothing had ever happened. I thought Spencer was cute, definitely, and there were times when we were a little too touchy or flirtatious. But, I saw it as Penelope and Derek and I'm sure he did too.
I sat in Penelope's car trying to focus on the road whilst she was screaming at me, "WHY ARE YOU LEAVING? You can't leave y/n. You just got here and we like you here. Maeve and Spencer have had problems for a few months, it's not because of you. JJ and Maeve also got in a fight because he thought Spencer was too handsy with her and I've barely ever seen them touch.”
"Pen, I'm leaving because I have a great job opportunity," I tried to reason. "I was eventually going to take it, but I don't want to hurt Spencer's relationship." Penelope sighed, giving up her attempt to have me stay. We got our Wendy's before Penelope went to drop me off.
As Penelope drove up to my apartment, I noticed a figure standing in front of my house. It looked familiar.
"Pen, so you think I can stay over tonight?" I asked.
"No, go talk to pretty boy, have him explain," Penelope responded.
I walked up to my apartment, Spencer looked at me. His face lighting up under my front porch light. He had flowers in his hands. Daisies. "Spencer, what are you doing here?"
"Spencer, what are you doing here?"
"If you'd let me in I think you need to know what has been happening," I said handing her the flowers.
"Okay, come in," She said grabbing the flowers and unlocking the door. "That you for the flowers."
"Daisies are your favorite," I said quietly. "You never told me, but you always said you liked the name Daisy for your daughter and I just assumed."
"You guessed correctly Spencer," y/n said putting the daisies in a jar.
I sat on her couch, the one I had sat on to watch countless episodes of Dr. Who when I needed to get away from Maeve.
"Can I explain?" I asked as she walked over with a coffee.
"Sure Spencer, but I don't think any explanation will make me stay," she answered.
I sighed, "Well you know the whole Maeve back story right?" she nodded. "Well after we saved her things were great. I was happy, so happy and so in love. But around the time I started to die down from the holy shit you just almost died phase, I began to notice all the flaws and toxic traits in her and our relationship."
y/n nodded, "And you couldn't see any of that before because you only ever talked over the phone?"
"Correct. Maeve, she is very smart. So smart that she often would say things to undermine the fact I went into the FBI and as she would say instead of something useful. At first I thought it was a harmless joke, but when she began to say things like that in front of the team, it crossed a line. When I confronted her, she accused me of lying, saying she never said anything like that. She has always been decently jealous, she was jealous of JJ and even jealous of Alex Blake. Blake's spot is the one you filled, she was like a mom to me. Now, she is jealous of you.”
y/n looked motionless, "Why is she jealous of me Spencer?"
I looked over at her nervously, "y/n we are very close right?"
"Yes, Spencer, you're like my best friend."
I nodded, "yes and Maeve didn't like that. She was very jealous of you because at one team dinner before you joined, Garcia showed us a picture of you from Instagram. When everyone saw the picture, everyone was like wow she is so pretty and you know, you are very gorgeous and I'm a bad liar so I agreed. Maeve and I got into a huge fight because of that. Ever since, she is like really jealous and then we sorta became a mentor, mentee relationship because you are so young and I was so young when I joined.”
y/n looked surprised. Did she not know the team thought that about her. However, y/n nodded, telling me to continue.
"Then I realized how close we lived and we started to carpool and hang out. This was when the aggressive texts and phone calls began. The team knew I needed to break up with her, but I didn't want to make it look like we were seeing each other, you would never like someone like me.”
y/n laughed, "She was jealous because we carpooled? Did you know she was the one that slashed my tire that morning, I got a clip of it on my Ring doorbell."
"Seriously? Sounds about right. Anyway, I broke up with her. She isn't what I want y/n. I want to be with you. And I know you might not like me and-"
y/n cut me off with a laugh, "Spencer are you serious?" I looked at her confused. "I have had a crush on you since I first met the team. I was heartbroken when I found out you had a girlfriend."
"Spence, why would I lie to you?"
"Will you come back to the BAU?"
"I'll talk to Strauss, but I think if we want to do anything we should wait. I don't want people to actually think we were having an affair."
I laughed, "Definitely not. You were the other woman though. Kept me up all night thinking, dreaming. You infatuate me y/n y/l/n."
"Well I am very glad we got that done with," y/n said. "Watching you with Maeve was like watching the end of Derrick and Addison's relationship on Grey's Anatomy."
"Never mind Spence, we will have to save this topic for another day."
in light of the recent allegations against mgg, i will no longer be posting mgg content. however, mgg is not spencer reid, spencer reid is a character. please understand that at this moment i am working on a new username
* IF ANYONE HAS NEW USERNAME IDEAS PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME or i may just be changing to spencerscumslut
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randominagines · 3 years
hiii could you please write something for Bucky where the reader takes care of him because they think he’s been working too hard? Thank you
Thanks for the request!
I'm adding some spice related to this lovely prompt idea a friend of mine gave to me ;)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes X neutral reader
Warning: fluff, slightly smut
GIFs belong to their creators.
Being with Bucky is actually heaven to you;
You love him and he couldn't be more in love with you too;
But when he is on a mission you spend most of the time being worried;
You know that you're boyfriend is a badass, that he is skilled, that he is strong and knows how to fight;
But you're just human, you worry. That's all;
There are periods during which he is so busy with his work that you barely see him;
And this is one of those;
Bucky and Sam have been struggling with a group of murderers for weeks;
Untill they had to follow them in another country to find them;
You obviously know that he cannot text or call you while he's on a mission, so you simply go on with your quotidian stuff, just waiting for him to call you and warn you that the operation is over;
One evening, you're chilling (for how much your mind allows you to) on your couch while waiting for the sushi delivery when you hear some knockings at your door;
You enthusiastically stand up and walk to the door;
"Good even-- BUCKY?!"
The biggest smile appears on your boyfriend's face: he's standing right there, looking tired but happy, and holding a bad with your order of sushi in his hand;
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You throw your arms around his torso and hug him, your eyes getting watery;
"Oh my, are you okay? Why haven't you warned me?! I haven't seen you in weeks."
You whisper while looking at him in pure happiness;
"I wanted to surprise you, doll."
He softly says and kisses you while you pull him inside;
He kisses you back while authomatically putting the bag on the floor, his hand grabbing your hips to caress them;
"God, how much I've missed these lips."
He whispers while tracing your lower lip with his thumb;
You smile while caressing his face, your hands shaking;
"Where have you been?"
"IN ITALY?! Oh my... How was the mission?"
You ask while you both sit on the couch and he begins explaining you everything about the last weeks;
You carefully listen to him while running your fingers through his hair, his hand constantly on your leg;
"...so, I decided to run to you as soon as we arrested them all. I couldn't wait to be with you, I missed my love. I love you so much."
"Babe, I love you too and-- wait a minute, does this mean you haven't slept or eaten in hours?"
He chuckles, you're always so thoughtful with him;
"I'm okay, doll. I want to be with you now."
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He softly says and pulls you toward him so you can sit on his lap;
You cross your arms on his shoulders and smile;
"Let me take care of you, you've been working so much. I bet you have some wounds."
You say while touching his chest and he shrugs.
"You know me too well, doll."
He says and finally lets you take your ad kit and take off his shirt;
After a brief moment of distraction that he surely notices, you proceed to disinfect his some superficial scratches on his arms and also clean a pretty big cut on his pectoral;
He lets you delicately cure him while he relaxes under your touch;
He wasn't very fond of someone touching him, untill he meet you;
Your touch makes him feel safe;
You gently caress his chest once you're over and stand up;
"Hey, where are you going?"
"Baby, you need to eat."
You say and grab the bag he brought inside, sharing the sushi you ordered with him;
You slowly see him looking more and more relaxed, sometimes you need to remind him that he's human too and he must take a breath from times to times;
Once you're done eating, you caress the back of his head;
"What about a hot bath?"
"Doll, I am okay, I swear, come he--"
You slowly remove your shorts and t shirt, exposing your body to him. He looks at you in shock;
"Shit, you look stunning."
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"What about that bath now?"
He smirks, perfectly knowing that you know how to be persuasive with him;
You grin and take his hand, pulling him toward the bathroom with you;
He looks at you turning on the water and his eyes scan your naked body while you prepare the bath;
"Are you gonna help me or what, Sargent Barnes?"
You provoke him while lighting up some candles;
He mischievously smile and licks his lower lip;
"Actually I am a bit tired, now that I think about it, and I'm enjoying the view: the most beautiful creature ever is naked right in front of me."
You bite your lower lip and shake your head while checking if the water is hot enough;
You walk to him and slowly caress his chest, your fingers sliding under his belt;
"What I'm about to do, is not approved by the Vatican."
You whisper while playing with the edge of his jeans;
Bucky looks at you with eyes filled with both desire and infinite love while biting his lips;
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"I think I'm going to approve that instead."
He says and pulls you toward him, his lips crushing on yours and his hands finally travelling on your skin.
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hopeamarsu · 3 years
Hello m'lady! I'm so excited to see you're accepting prompts! If this strikes your fancy, may I request : “What happened to us?” and “I can be your reason why.” for our Frankie??? ANGST HOTEL HERE WE COME...MAYBE?!? Thank you for your time 💚🌿💚
My darling lady, I'm so happy to get your request! 💚
One huge dose of angsty Frankie coming right up. Oh, this one has a happy ending too. I hope you enjoy this, I'm sending a lot of hugs your way.
I can be your reason why
Frankie Morales x gn!reader
Word count 1,4k
Warnings: Hospitals, accident, mention of drunk driver, mention of death (Frankie was in the army), angst, sad sad sad, pining, hopeful ending
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The room is so white, right down to the bedsheet that covers your lower half.
The white machines hooked on your body, keeping a check on vitals and making sure you are fine, look like something out of a sci-fi film for Frankie. He hates that he has to see them in multitudes as well as the monitors above your bed drawing lines as you breathe and your heart pumps blood and medicine all over your body, healing you.
To say he’d been surprised to get the call from the hospital at 4 in the morning was an understatement when he’d been shocked to the core. Ever since you had had a big fight with him all those months ago, something that was still unsettled and gnawed at his guts, Frankie had been certain he’d been crossed off the list for good and he had only himself to blame.
He had tried to scrub the yelling, the insults, and the low blows out of his mind, but every time he’d glance at his phone and see his wallpaper of you and his daughter smiling together and it would all come back.
“Fuck you, Frankie! I can’t believe you out of all the people would say this! You were supposed to be my friend!”
“Cariño, please…”
“NO! No Frankie, just no. You’ve gone too far this time.”
“Please, please let me explain. Please.”
“Absolutely not. I heard you loud and clear the first time Francisco and, God, what happened to us? Where did we go wrong? I thought you’d… I thought you understood… I thought...”
He can still hear the sniffles, feel the pain in his stomach as he watches you slam the door on his face on the film reel in his mind, and the desperation that creeps up his spine as his texts and calls go unanswered for weeks. He remembers asking the guys to call you and the mountain of ice spreading through his veins when Will told him that you had blocked his number and didn’t want him to contact you.
Frankie contemplated going to your house after that, but what good would it do? He was broken, beaten and lying breathless on the ground. Nothing would help him rise from there. Definitely not you. He is still all those things and more because he doesn’t have you beside him to weather out the stormy seas.
Getting cut off from you hurt him on levels he had trouble comprehending. Frankie had gotten used to you being around, comfortable in the knowledge that you had always been there as his friend and would always be there and that was his grave mistake.
All those moments in the playground swing back in teenage years when he escaped the yelling and shouting in his house, turbulent times in college where he began experimenting with his sexuality and life all the way to his high-risk career in the Army, the coke rap and losing his lady to another man. You had always been there for him.
You had been his rock and his most ardent supporter, Santi hot on your heels but never reaching the level of trust and intimacy you shared with Frankie. All the times he fucked up, needed a shoulder to cry on or a couch to sleep off his desire to go out and find one of his bad habits for a visit, you opened your door to help him. And what had he done for you? Fuck all but trouble and heartbreak and pain in measures he can never pay back.
He hangs his head, his ballcap twisted between his fists as he wrings the fabric to give himself something to do. He would do anything, everything to take back the last 3 and half months and just hold you tight and tell you that he believes in you and will stand by you in all the ways you want him.
But you are sleeping, eyes closed, hooked up to all the machines that monitor your body and Frankie cannot do that. He’s not sure if he’s even allowed to touch you, because just being in the same room as you without your permission feels like an invasion of sorts.
“Cariño, if you can hear me, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry for all the words, all the insults thrown in your face and all the pain I’ve caused you. I wish… I wish I could take it all back.”
He whispers, placing his hand next to you where it lays on top of the bedsheet. The difference between them shocks him still, your elegant fingers next to his calloused and battered ones. The way your skin is unmarred by scars where he has all these silver lines criss-crossing his knuckles.
Taking care to avoid the IV line, he gently moves your hand into his and sighs at the first connection in months. The softness of your hand against his roughness is still something out of a dream; how something so beautiful and lovely and gorgeous could ever want something so dark, drenched in the blood of people he’s killed and lost count of is a mystery Frankie never hopes to have to solve.
Like a thief in the night, he steals yet one more moment with you as he squeezes your hand gently. And like a greedy one too, he rises from the creaky plastic hospital chair and kisses your forehead, pushing his luck a little further. Frankie begins talking, his deep timbre bouncing off the walls as he tells you stories you’ve heard a thousand times already but which bring him comfort.
His thumb strokes your knuckles softly, a soothing gesture more for him than you, while he continues telling you things. Time ticks by and Frankie’s voice grows tired and gravely, but he refuses to stop. He talks about Will, Benny and Santi, the ways all of them get together weekly and he talks about Olivia, his pride and joy, and how she grows and how she misses you. How he misses his friend.
The tone tinges with sadness as Frankie starts to talk about your accident and what has happened in the past couple of days. “They caught him, the drunk bastard that ran the red light. He’s in custody and the traffic cameras have him on tape. You are not going to have to see him, he’ll be locked up for a good time. You just need to get better, cariño, so you can kick my ass in softball again and tell me Oreos taste superior when dunked in cold milk.”
He takes a deep breath, blinking away to keep his raw emotions hidden. Had you not changed your medical info and your contact in case of emergency details, he wouldn’t even be here with you, known about your accident, and the mere idea breaks him, wounds him deep. He hides his tears in his sleeve as he tries to gather himself up again. Frankie needs to be strong now, you have a long recovery ahead of you and he will do his best to help you.
“Te amo, mi corazón y mi alma. Por favor, vuelve a mi. I want to kiss you and tell you I belong to you, that I love you more than as a friend. You hold my heart already and I will gladly give it to you if you come back to me. Smile for me again. I can be your reason why, I’ll do anything to see your soft lips grinning at me, with me...” It becomes too much and Frankie folds in half, draping his upper body on the bed as he cries uncontrollably.
He doesn’t know how long he weeps, the seconds and minutes all blurring together as the sleeves of his shirt go from damp to soaked but he doesn’t care. Frankie loves you and he almost lost you for good and he cannot hold it in anymore. He loves you and he needs to tell you.
He’s so deep inside his mind that he doesn’t recognize the weight on top of his head first. But when fingers card through his locks repeatedly and the motion registers, he’s shocked into reality. Frankie lifts his head carefully, eyes blurry and almost afraid of what he will see.
Your eyes are droopy but the small upturn of the corners of your lips as you regard him softly forces another sob from his chest and it takes all of his willpower not to kiss you right then and there. Your hand doesn’t stop moving as you look at each other in silence, fingers in his curls and Frankie is finally back home, breathing freely.
His lips move, though no sound comes out, telling you te amo over and over again.
Everything taglist @clydesducktape @wayward-rose @themuseic @miraclesabound @clydesfavoritegirl @a-true-janian-reply @10blurredsmoke10 @caillea @mind-p0llution @mariesackler
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Mea Culpa
Summary: To apologize, to beg--simple actions that Emet-Selch simply could not bring himself to do.
But as he emerged in your room after things have soured between you both, he is willing to make amends.
In his own way at least.
Connected to “Late Night Visit”
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: DFAB!Reader/Emet-Selch
No matter how acclaimed and revered by countless souls across the realm, the Warrior of Light was just that.
A single warrior.
A single individual whose power, strength, and tenacity served to protect the weak and reprimand the wicked.
But from your eyes, you couldn’t have accomplished so much without the help of your friends: The Scions, House Fortemps, and countless others. The time you spent with them, whether during the heat of a dire battle or a merry night of feast and camaraderie, was something you held so dearly to your heart.
Still, as much as you enjoyed the company of your friends, it was the still calm of your empty room after a busy day that soothed your weary soul like nothing else.
And as the weariness from journeying back from Yx'Maja to your suite in The Pendants, more than ever were you relieved to be alone.
Especially for reasons that you were much too annoyed to begin recounting.
Sighing, you were in the midst of undoing your armor, but the fatigue from today made even attempting to undo the binding components an even bigger drain.
“Need some help?”
You froze.
And then your teeth grit from irritation as your eyes shifted away from the mirror of your suite’s vanity upon turning around.
The reason for your weariness was standing right in front of you.
Arms folded behind his back, lips curled into a smirk, eyes glinted with amusement, Emet-Selch made his presence known as he emerged out from the shadowy portal that was conjured into your room.
There were plenty of reasons as to why this mere action immediately drew your ire.
From the past week alone, it was already a journey through hell as you traversed through Yx'Maja and fended off sin eaters while providing assistance to the Viis of Fanow with your fellow Scions. However, with the unwelcomingly present Emet-Selch insisting on commenting on every move you made and every word you said with the most smug grin on his face pushed you far beyond your patience.
On the other end, Emet-Selch had just emerged into your room.
As he had done all those many nights before that resulted in the two of you being tangled together upon your bed.
He was your enemy.
And yet you allowed him to linger between your thighs nonetheless.
It was something that you were far from ready to reveal in the slightest to the rest of your companions. Any hint of the ongoing tryst you had with him was to be kept absolutely hushed, which he was well aware of.
But Emet-Selch treaded that boundary all throughout your time at Yx’Maja in front of the rest of the Scions. By your honed reflexes from all the time spent training under Widargelt, you were glad to stop his wandering hand from squeezing your behind while you awaited for Urianger and Y’shtola to finish decrypting some text chiseled on a temple wall, your fingers immediately seizing hold of his wrist while your eyes shot his pouting face an icy glare.
From that moment on, you chose to outright ignore him. Any quip was met with indifferent silence, your expression blank whenever he attempted to draw your attention.
And you were in no mood to change that now of all times as you promptly faced your vanity once again, your focus returning to removing your armor.
“Now, now, is that how you treat a guest who just arrived?” He hummed with the click of his tongue.
You did not respond, only focusing on trying to work on a stubborn tie with your armguards. Though, without needing to look back, you knew his expression had fallen to something of a pout.
“Mmm--onwards with the silent treatment then, I see.”
There was no desire for you to be the bigger person on your end. If cold you must be, then icy you would become.
At least, until you felt the unfortunately familiar warmth of Emet-Selch’s body press against you from behind.
The heat of his breath fell by your ear, the sudden sensation eliciting a shiver from your body as you felt his nimble fingers reach for the tie of your armguards, undoing it with absolute ease. As the sound of your armor fell to the floor with a clank, he continued with an amused hum, “The sight of a celebrated hero struggling with a mere strap irritates me to no end.”
Your instinct had your body moving to flip around to face him, but the arm that immediately slunk around your waist kept you in place.
At last, your silence was broken.
“If you think sliding up to me like this is gonna get you off the hook, you’ve got another thing coming!” You hissed as you craned your neck to glare at him while your fists balled at your sides.
“‘Off the hook?’ But whatever did I do wrong?” He hummed innocently, only to then sigh with feigned exasperation. “Do you think us Ascians to be so committed to the role of villain that you think we cannot tease and please at the same time? I don’t ever remember you being this callous, sweet hero.”
Your eyes rolled. “Again with your remembering?”
“Again with your forgetfulness?” He shot back, his tone taking on a surprisingly biting edge as his gaze narrowed ever slightly.
However, noticing your astonished expression, his features calmed, shifting from tension to teasing as he reached for your chin, his thumb stroking over your skin as he inspected your face. “Goodness, you really must be tired from your endeavors, huh, hero?” His head moved closer to yours as he hummed, “All that tension has you so fussy~ Let’s ease those shoulders, huh?”
Without another word, his lips planted right onto yours, kissing you fully while his other arm circled around you, his hold around your body complete.
Your instincts made you want to push back at him, to not allow yourself to concede so easily.
Yet, the expert probe of his tongue into your mouth combined with his roaming hands as he groped you freely to his heart’s content now that the two of you were alone was just so damn hard to resist. 
While the two of you had been plenty intimate up until this point, you barely knew much about him.
And yet, he knew your body like no one else.
When your mouths parted, the tension on your face had eased, your skin hot and flushed, your lips parted in a pant, all as your body continued to quiver from his hands fondling you all over.
Looking as pleased as could be, Emet-Selch chuckled wickedly as he admired your current state, “There we go--such a precious look on your face. Recollection can wait for another time--come hero, show me more of those lovely expressions of yours…!”
That cold expression you had earlier, that damned armor you were so focused on.
He saw to it that neither were in his way as he brought you over to your bed.
With your clothes soon joining his on the floor, your exposed body was for him to enjoy whole-heartedly. His lips dragged along your skin, circling over your nipples with soft suckles, kissing along your battle-toned torso, lavishing your clit with focused attention as his tongue lapped against your center.
The look on your face was far from icy at this point, now melted with pleasure as he continued his ministrations, furthered all the more once he was sheathing the full length of his cock inside of you.
Moments before, he claimed to help you relax, but the pace by which he was pounding away into your core was far from delicate, his hips pummeling you right into the mattress while his hands squeezed your breasts.
Mainly because he knew that an acclaimed warrior like you could take it.
Along with the fact that he had to make up for a week’s worth of lost intimate time between you both.
For as quiet as you had been around him, he dared not to kiss your lips, wanting your moans to leak out freely as he simply minded himself with marking up your neck as much as possible with kisses and bites--whatever would be hardest for you to try to hide or explain around your companions.
He would not have you silent around him.
Not when he still had yet to hear you refer to him by his true name.
Not as the Warrior of Light.
But as his beloved Azem.
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justmypartner · 3 years
Make it Work: Chapter 8
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Summary: When offered a permanent position with the FBI, Hailey agrees to take it under one condition: Jay comes too. As their personal lives and work lives begin to change, the two partners find it increasingly difficult to navigate their complex relationship and manage their feelings for one another.
Writer’s Note: This is my favorite chapter so far. I cried, I smiled, I felt a lot of emotions while writing it, and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. There are a few warnings for this chapter, so see those below. Not to give anything away, but if you didn’t like Walker before, you really won’t like him after this chapter. Thanks to everyone following this story, I appreciate each and every note so much! Prepare your tissues and please enjoy!! 
TW//: mentions of assault and attempted sexual assault
Tagging: @angelsjedi , @brookerz122493 , @cpdfan2014 , @the–carousel , @maya-asturias , @itsdesiree86​ , @tvshowsaremyhappyplace 
Read on AO3 or below
A light patter on the window woke Jay long before his alarm did. He threw his duvet from his body and rose from the bed, stretching out his tired limbs before moving to the window to watch as rain fell from the sky. It was his first rainy New York City day, and his mood certainly matched the weather. Unlike the day prior, he was hangover free, but he had a strange dismal feeling in his chest he couldn’t explain. He chalked the feeling up to the dreary weather and slowly began to get ready for the day.
He walked to work, maneuvering through the sidewalk traffic carefully as his umbrella bumped into those around him. When he made it to the office, it was uncharacteristically quiet. He went to the break room to make a cup of coffee before settling into his desk. He had been quietly catching up on things when Walker walked in. Jay’s attention shot up when he noticed the red and purple bruises scattered across his face.
“Dude, what the hell happened to you?” Jay questioned, suppressing a snicker that leapt out from the back of his throat. Walker only replied with a scowl and a shake of the head. Jay threw his hands up in surrender, but he wasn’t planning on fully letting it go. Whatever happened, he figured must have taken place sometime after he left work the night before. Then it hit him, Hailey went out with him and would surely know the story.
Jay pulled out his phone, clicking on her contact and typing her a message.
Cannot wait to hear about what Walker got into last night. He’s being tight-lipped about it, but I’m sure it’s a story you’re just itching to tell ;)
He sent the text with a concealed smirk before slipping his phone back into his pocket and bringing his attention back to his computer. Not long after Walker showed up, Daisy walked in, immediately taking note of the bruises on Walker’s face and chuckling to herself.
“What happened Burrows, sleep with the wrong guy’s wife?” she mocked with a sneer as she settled into her desk. He silently shut her down the same way he did Jay. Daisy’s eyes met Jay’s, widening with curiosity and amusement. He shrugged, shaking his head with an entertained grin.
After a while, Hailey still hadn’t shown up, causing him to worry. She was never late, so he decided to call her. No answer. He texted her again, this time asking if she was alright. By the time Drake had come in to brief the team on the day’s case, she still hadn’t shown up and she still hadn’t responded. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew something was wrong. After the briefing, he pulled Walker aside.
“Do you know where Hailey is?” He asked him. The man twitched at the sound of her name, causing Jay to look at him crossly.
“No clue,” Walker replied bluntly.
“Did something happen last night?” Jay questioned, anxiety building as he surveyed the man’s beaten face, his imagination beginning to run unhinged.
“Look, Halstead. I have no clue where she is, leave me alone,” he spat, pushing past him to end the conversation. Something was up, and every word that left the man’s mouth only made Jay more concerned. His gut told him her absence and his bruises weren’t mutually exclusive, the thought sent a hot anger through Jay’s body. Before Walker could get far, Jay grabbed at his arm, pulling him back around to face him.
“What the hell happened?” He hissed. Walker tried to yank his arm away, but Jay tightened his grip, preventing him from doing so.
“Back off, Halstead,” he bucked up, trying to get in his face.
Daisy noticed the scrap, rushing over and inserting herself between the two of them.
“Woah, okay what’s going on here?” she raised, pushing against each of their chests to separate them. Avoiding the question, Jay shook his head, moving towards his desk and snatching his jacket from the back of his chair.
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll go find out myself. It better have nothing to do with you,” Jay threatened, pushing a finger into the man’s chest.
He turned to Daisy. “Tell Drake I had to take care of something. Also, don’t let him out of your sight,” he told her softly, nodding his head towards Walker. She nodded skeptically, and he turned to make his way towards the elevators.
His heart practically leapt out of his chest as he trudged through the rain on his way to Hailey’s apartment. In his rush out of headquarters, he left his umbrella, leaving cold rain pouring over him, soaking in his clothes down to his skin the entire walk over. Yet, it did nothing to cool down the fire that filled his body with rage. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but the twisted feeling in his abdomen went from bad to worse after his confrontation with Walker.
He reached her building, desperately punching the buzzer for her apartment. It took several minutes, but eventually, she answered.
“Yes?” her soft voice echoed through the speaker, causing him to lean a hand into the building in relief. The comfort of hearing her voice dwindled quickly when he realized the defeated tone she carried.
“Hail, it’s me. Let me up,” he said as calmly as possible, raising his voice slightly to be understood over the thrumming of rain around him. There was no response and there was no buzz. He repeated his words once again.
“Let me up, please. I need to see that you’re alright,” he begged, the rain continuing to seep into his suit and cling to his skin.
A few moments later, there was a buzz and the lobby door opened. He made his way through it, ignoring the slippery mess he was creating all the way into the building and rushing up the stairs to her apartment. When he made it to her door, he took a beat, preparing himself for whatever he was about to see on the other side. He knocked. The sound of light footsteps approached before the lock clicked and the door opened slowly.
His heart fell in his chest the second he caught sight of her. His eyes travelled up and down her body, taking in every heart-wrenching detail. She wore an exhausted, somber look on her face and her eyes hopelessly avoided his. Her curls were a tangled mess framing her face, her bottom lip was split, the low cut of her tank revealed bruises along her neck and collarbone, and despite the way the long sleeves of the open flannel she wore covered her hands, he made out defensive wounds along her nails and knuckles. Without thinking, he reached out his hand, trailing his fingers gently along the red and purple bruises lining her neck and chest. The cold rain dripped down from his sleeves and onto her skin, sending visible shudders through her body.
“Hailey…” he whispered. Something broke in him when he noticed the way her eyes slowly fluttered closed as she relaxed under his touch.
“I’m okay, Jay,” she muttered, continuing to avoid eye contact with him. “Let me get you a towel, you’re probably freezing,” she said, moving away as he became aware of the way his body was shivering, the rainwater dripping down into a small puddle in her doorway. He stood there frozen, his eyes taking in the room from her door, noticing the knocked-over lamp and shattered picture frame on the floor.
What the hell happened here? He thought to himself before she reappeared in front of him, holding out a towel for him to wrap into. He stood a statue, only his eyes moving from the room and back to her, tears blurring his vision as the image of her battered body tore him apart inside. When he didn’t take the towel, she moved toward him, rising on her tiptoes to wrap it around his shoulders. She stepped back out of the way, and he stepped inside, just enough for her to close the door.
“What did he do?” he questioned, trying to remain soft with her even though his ire toward Burrows was spilling over inside of him. She sighed a shaky breath before turning around, finding a spot on the arm of her couch, flinching in pain lightly when she crossed her arms. He remained in the entryway, waiting for her to speak as rain droplets from his hair left trails down his face. He watched as she bit down hard, clenching her jaw as she concentrated on her thoughts.
“We went out last night,” she began, Jay taking note of the way she avoided saying his name. “It was getting late, we had a lot to drink. He had way more than me, way more than usual, but I didn’t oppose when he offered to walk me home. When we got out front, he emptied his guts into the bushes and asked me if he could come up for some water. I agreed, and he came up to my apartment. I pulled a glass from the cupboard, and when I turned around he was pressing me against the counter,” she said, the shakiness in her voice building up as she continued. Jay felt like he was going to be sick himself.
“He was trying to kiss me, holding me against the counter with one hand… groping me with the other. I told him to stop, that he was drunk, that I wasn’t interested. I tried pushing him away, but I was drunk myself… weaker and clumsier than I usually am. His hands were still on me, pulling, squeezing…” her voice trailed off as tears rolled from her cheeks. Jay was fuming with anger, ready to go kill the man with his bare hands that second.
“The more I struggled to get away, the more he laid into me. Punching me, choking me, putting his entire weight into my body as he forced himself on me,” her breath shuddered and she groaned as tears escaped her eyes. Jay’s head was pounding from holding back tears and vexation. The more she said, the angrier he became.
“Did he?” He asked fearfully, unsure of whether or not he wanted the answer. He felt that same heart sinking feeling he had when he asked her the same question so many years ago when he found out what Booth did to her. The same way it did back then, his voice broke with the words. He only hoped she didn’t notice the way he was completely falling apart with her. She shook her head as her puffy eyes blinked closed, sending tears down her cheeks.
“I was yelling at him to stop. Telling him no and pushing with every part of my body to get him off. He was so drunk he wasn’t even registering my words, but I was able to get a hit in, leaving him vulnerable for a split second. Long enough to catch him off guard. I laid into him until his face was so swollen I didn’t even recognize him. He got up and stumbled towards the door, falling into that table. I was able to shove him out of the apartment… and I just... I’m okay. Really. It’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before,” she said, looking down into the floor. Her words stung deep because he knew it really wasn’t anything she hadn’t had to endure before.
She was quiet for a moment, swallowing hard almost like she was trying to stomach every emotion that had to be consuming her. She stifled a series of whimpers and despite her best attempts, she fell apart completely. She clutched at her body with her arms as deep sobs shook her entire being. He wasn’t sure if he should approach her, wasn’t sure if touching her would trigger her, wasn’t sure what she needed in that moment.
So, he slowly made his way towards her, close enough to touch her, to remind her he was there and she was safe, but holding back as sobs continued to escape her mouth. She reached an arm out, trying to steady herself as she attempted to catch her breath. That was the affirmation he needed, so he carefully grabbed her by the arms, wrapping her up in his body slowly. She nestled into him and despite the cold and soggy mess he was, she clung tightly to him. They dropped to the floor as she fell apart. He rested his chin against her head as his arms squeezed her as tightly as they could. The rain droplets fell down his face and blended with the tears that spilled out of his eyes.
“Shh. I’ve got you. You’re safe. He won’t hurt you again. I got you,” he said, repeating the last three words over and over again in whispers. He felt her fingers clench tightly around his back and they sat like that for a while, huddled together on the floor until she had come down from it all.
She pulled away from his hold, keeping her fingers gripped against his back as he cradled her in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” her voice cracked with the words, and Jay responded instantly by shaking his head.
“No, don’t do that. You have nothing to be sorry for,” he whispered tenderly.
She reached a hand up, brushing a loose, wet curl from his forehead as he lost himself in her glossy blue eyes. Her eyes steadied him, casting out all of the rage that previously filled his body, and bringing him into an unexpected state of peace despite everything that just happened. She was all that mattered. Regardless of the trauma she had went through, in that moment, she was okay, she was safe, and she was in his arms. As she looked up at him, the pain and sadness that filled her eyes somehow coexisted with that familiar glimmer she only reserved for him, sending a fluttery feeling in his chest and a stroke of courage through his body.
“I love you,” he whispered, the words escaping his lips before his brain could even realize it. Her face fell with surprise, and tears refilled her eyes as he brought a hand to cup her cheek. His thumb swiped fragilely against her jaw as silence filled the room.
“I love you, Hailey” he said again, almost like he didn’t believe he said it the first time. Her mouth fell slightly agape as deep breaths sent her chest up and down steadily. Her watery eyes travelled from his eyes down to his lips, training themselves there for a moment as he took in every movement, every reaction to those words in the silence of her apartment.
In a flicker, she reached her head up and closed the space between them as her lips connected with his. She kissed him slow and steady. Her lips moved meticulously, delicately connecting and disconnecting from his as they each remained mindful of the wound on her bottom lip. It was a short kiss, but the feeling of her lips against his lingered long after she pulled away. She rested her forehead against his and stayed there as they each caught their breath. Silence surrounded them, and he felt like she could hear his heartbeat broadcasting loudly in the quiet.
“I didn’t sleep last night,” she blurted out as her eyes remained closed and her forehead stayed pressed against his. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting his as she pulled away ever so slightly. The interruption caught him by surprise, and he became nervous. He worried that it was all too much, that he had ruined things by confessing his feelings, that the kiss was just a reaction to her emotions, and that her next words would be to send him away.
“Would you lay with me?” She uttered. He breathed out a sigh of relief. In any other context, he would’ve teased her for the suggestive nature of the question, but in that moment he knew exactly what she meant. She needed rest, a moment to forget about everything that happened, and just as comforting as it was to have her in his arms, he realized the feeling went both ways.
“I don’t mean-“ she began before he interrupted.
“I know,” he told her, nodding his head softly.
“But my clothes…” he said, becoming suddenly aware of the way his damp suit was stuck to his skin. She stood, offering him a hand to stand with her. His heart stopped in his chest when she pulled the towel off of him and moved her hands to his shoulders, sliding her fingers under his blazer and dragging it down his arms. Her small hands moved to the buttons on his shirt. He nodded when she sent him a silent question of consent. His breath came out in nervous shudders when her fingers slid across his bare chest, peeling his wet shirt from his body and letting it fall onto the floor. She continued undressing him slowly. It wasn’t sexual, it wasn’t awkward, and to his surprise, he didn’t even blush when he was left standing before her in only his boxers. It was intimate, sweet even, and his breath remained unexpectedly stable through it all. She grabbed the towel from the ground with one hand and his hand with the other, leading him to her bedroom. She settled him at the end of her bed and she brought the towel to his head, gently drying the loose droplets from the ends of his short, unruly curls. His gaze remained on her eyes the entire time, trying to convince himself that what was happening was real. She climbed into her bed and he climbed in on the other side, feeling an unexpected sense of comfort despite it being their first time sharing a bed, in just his boxers no less. Under the covers, she curled her body into his side. He wrapped his arm protectively around her and her hand came to rest against his chest. He grasped it in his, noting how small it was, rubbing his thumb gently over her bruised fingers.
“Thank you for coming here... making sure I was okay,” she whispered into his chest.
“Thank you for being okay,” he muttered back. She looked up, bringing her lips to the side of his jaw briefly before settling her head back on his chest. They laid like that for a while, and eventually she succumbed to sleep.
He laid awake with her head against his bare chest, staring at the ceiling, in complete disbelief of everything that had happened. Part of him was still full of anger, ready to find Walker and put him in the ground for what he did. Another part of him wanted to lay there with her in that moment forever. Walker would get what was coming to him, but in that moment she needed him, so that’s where he’d stay. It didn’t go unnoticed that she didn’t say the words back, but he didn’t care. He finally told her how he felt. He confessed his love for her with nothing but emotion and sincerity, and he finally knew what it was like to be kissed by her, to be wrapped in her warm body, and consumed by everything she was. They certainly needed to talk, to figure out what everything that happened would mean for them, but for him, for that moment, being there with her was enough.
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
My Fault (Jeno x reader)
a/n: semi angst - fluff- happy end!
trigger warning : mentioned drunk scene, break up, nothing too wild i guess
tag list @neopalette @yutahoes (it's jeno your little boy) and idk who else hahaha
It's just another day in the big study room and you're busy looking for motivation to start preparing for your upcoming tests. Life has been great for the first few weeks, parties, strolls, games, picnics and boom midterms! Your boyfriend has been a great moral and mental support for the last three months and you cannot exchange him for anything in this world! Not even extra sleep.
“Where should we sit?” Jeno, your lover for three months, asks you with his trademark smile on his face.
You look around the room, there's not many people studying. Afterall it's Friday and people usually go partying or go for a movie night but you can’t. Not when you have test next week.
“That table has a chair for two and it's next to the window! The sun is still bright and we can open the window if you want some air.” You point to the spot that looks warm with the sun and no one seems to be around.
Jeno nods and just walks to take the other seat when you quickly drag the chair to sit down.
You begin to open your laptop and Jeno also opens his own laptop. He agrees to come with you tonight not just to accompany you, but he also has a paper due by the weekend and he hasn’t started yet.
In the comfortable silence both Jeno and you are submerged in your own focus. Occasionally you see Jeno typing furiously on his keyboards but sometimes he just has his hand on his face while his eyes scan through some journals maybe.
You giggle as you take a sip from the cold fruit tea you bought along the way. Your slurping sound makes Jeno looks up from his screen and raises a brow.
You hand over the drink and shake it in front of him. He knows what you mean and just simply take it from you and sip some to refresh his mind.
“Ooh I like that! What's that again?” he asks since every time you order a fruit tea it’s always a different flavor.
You reply to him as your eyes continue to read your slides and textbook “Mango?”
He hums in respond and you just ignore him.
It goes on for an hour or two. With your foot occasionally bumping his under the table and Jeno's groan when you accidentally kick his shin. You're still on the last chapter when you feel a big warm hand holding your free hand on the table and giving it a soft stroke.
You glance from your notes and blush at Jeno. Who still has his eyes glued to the screen but his hand is holding yours and his thumb is slowly caressing you. You squeeze his hand, knowing this is something Jeno always do when he feels nervous or worried about something.
You pause your reading and rub your thumb on his hand “Jeno? What’s the matter honey?” your calm voice grabs his attention and you can see how tired his eyes look.
“I run out of ideas or journals that can support my argument.” He sighs and slumps on his chair.
You only smile and hold his hand harder “Come on, let's just wrap up for today hmm? The sun is pretty hot outside maybe we can just lay down and chill under the heat.” You give his hand a jiggle and that brings a smile on his face.
“Gosh you really know me.” He says as he saves his work and turns off his laptop.
You wink at him “Of course I know you! Let me turn this off and we can go.” You keep your notes and book then close your laptop.
Jeno stretches when he gets up from the chair and offers you his hand when you already has your bag on your back.
“Did you bring a mat?” he asks you, worried if you’ll get itch from the grass
You nod “I happen to have one”
“Let's rush!” he pulls you excitedly to look for an empty space.
Both of you settle somewhere near a tree where the shade is also saving you from sunburn. Jeno opens the mat and after placing your bag and his to keep it from flying, both of you lay down on the grass side by side and close your eyes.
You feel his hand creeps to hold yours and you only smile. Jeno is always shy in public, but at times like this, he can turn into a pda boyfriend.
“I love the sun… and you… and oh the pretty flowers.” He breathes in the fresh air and watches the trees filled with colorful petals.
You turn your body to face him and put a hand over his trained muscles “I love you too, don’t ever leave me.”
He turns his head to face you and smile “I'll never leave you.” He presses a quick kiss on your lips and you turn red.
“Life sucks.” You throw your plushy to the wall and that makes Renjun and Jaemin duck away from you.
“Come on, it's been a month! Move on (y/n)!” Renjun groans when he has to spend another Friday night comforting you in your apartment.
Jaemin lays down on his back and stare at the ceiling while his limb dangle off the sofa “Moving on is hard Renjun. Especially for (y/n)! Jeno has been super sweet but ooof suddenly-" he pauses because you threw him a pillow which hits his face.
“don’t mention his name ever again!” you feel your eyes wet again and Renjun only rolls his eyes because oh well here goes the same routine.
Jaemin and Renjun are your bestfriend. They are the men who introduced you to Jeno and now when Jeno and you are no longer a thing… you hog Jaemin and Renjun to accompany you every weekend.
“He's a jerk.” You punch your doll and Jaemin flinches “Can you not punch that rabbit! I feel bad.”
You force a laugh but end up tearing down “Jaemin why did he do this to me.”
Renjun stands up and sits by your side. He taps his shoulder twice and you directly cry on his shoulder.
Jaemin sighs, all of you have discussed this for a lot of times. Jaemin tried to explain but you never listened. However today he'll do it again.
“Look Jeno was not the wrong one. He was unconscious (y/n) when that girl kissed him.” Jaemin massages his temple. “And you saw the wrong thing at the wrong time. You blamed Jeno since you're also not in your right head and you broke up with him before giving him a chance to speak.”
“But he could’ve begged me to stay or explain. He didn’t even try to explain!” you blame the poor guy again.
Renjun chimes in “He tried okay the next day, but you were both hungover and you don’t give him a chance at all. You blocked his number duhh.”
You punch Renjun “I block him coz he was wrong.”
“He was drunk (y/n)” Jaemin pulls his own hair in stress “He was drunk and that chic just lost her mind and kissed Jeno.”
“Even when he's drunk he should’ve remembered he has me!” you don’t want to let the boys blame your fault. Well you did break up with him but he was the first one to play with fire. Right?
“Oh come on! Both of you are stubborn. You were not on your mind neither was Jeno and boom you didn’t allow him to tell you what happened and you just storm out of the door saying it's over.” Jaemin can still remember the picture in his brain because first it was his party and second he felt guilty because it happened in his party and third both of you are his bestfriends.
“So you're blaming me?” you scoff at Jaemin which makes both of the guys in your room groan.
“This! Look you're always blaming others.” Jaemin loses his cool. He's tired of dealing with you every Friday to Sunday. He and Renjun also want to enjoy their weekend but they can’t because you force them to be here while threatening them that you'll go drink by yourself if they don’t want to come. And oh boy Renjun and Jaemin knew better to never let you go anywhere by yourself.
“Renjun back up please?” you groan when Renjun shakes his head “Jaemin is right. Maybe this is your time to learn that sometimes you have to admit you're wrong.”
You freeze at that point, you don’t know what to do. One part of your heart screams you're not wrong but the other part of you is considering listening to the boys… coz after all you really did not give Jeno a chance to explain at all.
You sigh and close your eyes as you lean to the big cushion. “I'll think about it. Fine… let me try to listen to what Jeno has to say.”
Renjun pats your shoulder “That's so cool of you. Sometimes in a relationship, you can’t always be the right one. It takes communication and dialogue not a monologue (y/n).”
You nod “I miss him so much, but he probably hates me already.” you wipe a tear that left your eyes
Jaemin scoots closer and pulls you to a hug “Hey listen, tomorrow just come to him and say what your heart wants to say. He'll listen and he won’t hate you okay.”
You push a small smile and glance at two of your best friends “I am so lucky to have you guys.”
They pat your shoulder “We’re glad we can help.”
The boys were right, a two way communication works and solves the problem. Jeno really explains how sorry he is about that night, although it was not his fault.
“Shh I forgive you already. I know you're angry well if that’s me. I'll react the same way, maybe I'll let you explain though.” He smiles and pinches your cheek
You turn red “Sorry. I am so immature in this relationship."
Jeno takes your hand “Well, you're lucky I am willing to teach you to be more mature in this relationship.”
You gasp “You're giving me a second chance?”
Jeno pulls you closer and tuck your hair away “I never stopped loving you.”
You snake your arms on his waist and pull him to a hug “Me too. I love you so much Jeno. Thank you for everything.”
“Promise me we'll solve things by talking okay and not just by judging the scene.” He ruffles your hair
You bury your red face in his chest “Promise.”
In the corner, Renjun and Jaemin give each other a fist bump
“Looks like it’s our turn to find each other a girl.”
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Stressed Out (Sunset Curve x Reader)
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A/n: So starting off I've made a master list that I'm posting real soon for you all to access my stories without the scrolling. In order to post it I have to update my post about my requests/taglist and soon because I do get a lot on that comments that ask for more Charlie or more Owen and I wanna give you guys that but I also wanna make sure that I get through the requests that you guys send me with plots and storylines. It just makes it like a thousand times easier to have something to work off of. Opposed to me coming up with my own storylines that I have to do a lot of reading on my own to get my gears working! But again thank you guys for the comments! And finally I wanna say thank you for sending in your requests and your feed back. It is much appreciated!
Disclaimer: Alex is bi in this one not taking away from the fact that he's gay in the show it just runs best for this storyline! There is no Bobby btw! Haven’t written a foursome with 3 guys before so it might suck ass. And it’s not much but it’s something so enjoy my fellow fantoms!
Warnings: Smut (18+)
I internally groaned walking into school. I wasn't the worst student. But by far I certainly was not the best. Which is why I had a reputation since I first arrived to high school.
That and I was in a band with 3 of my best friends. Who all happened to be guys. Hot guys at that.
Which automatically made me the schools slut. It was fine with me but the boys didn't like the label.
No matter how true it was.
"Hey y/n heard you gave Mike Dawson a blowjob this weekend. Just when I thought you couldn't be anymore of a slut"
"Mind your fucking business Hayley" I heard a familiar voice speak up for me. A smirk spreading on my face as I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.
"Did she come to you right after Patterson? What's it like to be her sloppy seconds?" Hayley Becker spoke with a wicked evil smirk plastered on her face.
"Fucking amazing actually. God the long nights we have. It's so great" I heard another familiar voice from my left. A large hand intertwining my fingers with theirs. She rolled her eyes clearly not expecting my boys to speak up for me. But then again neither was I.
"Bitch" I spoke as the bell rang.
"Just watch your back y/l/n" She said before turning around and walking away.
"She will!" Reggie shouted after the dark haired girl. The three of us expectantly looking at our bandmate.
"What? I didn't even get to tell her we would too" I sighed shaking my head at the boy.
"Thanks for sticking up for me guys but I can do that myself"
"We know. But your our girl. And apart of this band so we're kinda obligated" Alex spoke as the four of us walked to first period.
"Your really not"
"Come on y/n you know we're still gonna do it"
"I know and I only let you today cause I can't deal with that bitch at this time of day. I mean seriously it's 8:00 o'clock in the morning. Does she not have anything better to do than spread rumors about me?"
"Apparently not. So you and Jake Mills behind the church?" Reggie asked.
"Didn't happen considering I was with you idiots all weekend. You know your the only guys I touch" I bit my lip hearing the three of them chuckle.
"Yeah well it better stay that way. I don't wanna hear Trevor O'Connor bragging about banging you in the boys locker room again"
"Schools golden boy?" I questioned.
"He tried starting the rumor yesterday during p.e but we quickly shut it down" Reggie explained as I stopped a few feet away from the science room to continue talking.
"So Hayleys boyfriend wants to bang me? Wow"
"Yeah but don't even fucking thing about" Luke said pushing me up against the lockers beside us.
"I wasn't. Unless you guys piss me off" I grinned pushing him off of me. Opening the door a few feet away and walking in.
"Gentlemen. And Ms. y/l/n. Your late"
"Sorry Mrs. Daniels we had to deal with something"
"And did this something give you tardy passes"
"It did not"
"Detention. All of you"
"That's nothing new to them Mrs. Daniels"
"Shut the fuck up Hayley" I scoffed taking my seat beside Alex.
"Ladies stop it before I send you to the principal"
"Yes Mrs. Daniels" Hayley and I spoke in sync.
"I can't believe Luke dated her" I whispered towards Alex glaring at the blonde bimbo.
"Why would I be? I already have him. And I could have her boyfriend too if I wanted him" I said taking down the notes on the board.
"Mrs. Daniels I can't focus on the lesson because they're distracting me with their talking" Hayley spoke pointing an accusing finger at us.
"We are not!" I shouted sitting up.
"Yes you are probably talking about who your gonna whore around with next"
"Yeah it's your boyfriend if you don't check yourself Hayley"
"Trevor would never do that!"
"I'm pretty sure he would"
"Ladies principal office right now" I scoffed standing up.
"Wait!" Luke shouted standing up. Everyone's heads whipping toward him. He made his way over to me groping my left boob.
I scowled at how hard he squeezed glaring at him.
"Dickhead" I muttered.
"Mr. Patterson! You too principals office" We looked at the other two boys expectantly. Alex immediately rolling his eyes before standing up.
"We could do this the easy way or the hard way Mrs. Daniels"
"If she goes we go"
"I cannot send you two away for absolutely no reason Reginald" Mrs. Daniels spoke challenging the boys.
I close my eyes preparing myself for what came next. Alex was quick to slap my ass while Reggie pulled me in for a sweet kiss. Immediately earning gasps from my classmates.
"Now I can do it. Office all of you! And detention today after school!"
I groaned walking out of the principals office with my bandmates.
"Detention for 3 weeks. Seriously?"
"To make it worse we have to spend 2 of those with Hayley" I spoke seeing the blonde talking with Trevor just a few feet away. Being sure to send them a harsh glare, I finally turned back to the boys.
"Hey you'll be with us everything's gonna be fine" Reggie said throwing an arm around my shoulder leading me away to our next period. That we conveniently had together.
"No it won't. I also have to chaperone the stupid homecoming with Hayley" I cried wanting nothing more than for the day to be done for.
That afternoon we spent in detention not leaving until late afternoon. Due to the fact that my detention went on longer than the boys.
I walked into the studio behind Luke not really in the mood to practice.
"What's wrong y/n/n? You seem down" Reggie asked as I plopped back onto the couch.
"I'm just tired is all. And a little stressed out"
"But we've gotta practice baby, for our next gig. Sunset Curves so gonna rock that book club" Luke said picking up his six string. I watched as Alex and Reggie sent him a glare, the boy immediately putting it back down.
"Or we could take a day off" He spoke coming to sit to my left while Reggie was on my right.
"That sounds amazing" I mumbled feeling Alex begin to massage my shoulders from behind. I craned my neck allowing him more access. Now feeling a little more relaxed than before.
"So tell us y/n/n why are you stressed out?" Luke asked as I shut my eyes.
"Well for starters I'm so gonna get my ass beat when I get home" I sighed feeling Reggie begin to rub my arm to comfort me. Something he did often with how anxious I got.
"And there's just nothing I want to do more than run your ex girlfriend over with a bulldozer" I mumbled hearing a chuckle escape their lips.
"Sounds like a plan" Alex said as Luke intertwined our fingers.
"We'll make a day out of it. Just us four and a bulldozer" He joked making me giggle. The laugh got caught in my throat as I felt a soft kiss on the side of my neck.
"Seriously guys? Not today. No way" I spoke opening my eyes.
"We just wanna help you relax"
"That's what you said last time. I couldn't walk right for 2 days" I mumbled the last part.
"We'll be gentle" Reggie spoke.
"I know you will Reg. It's them I'm worried about" I spoke earning a pointed look from Alex.
"Okay Luke"
"Am I that rough?" He asked a frown forming on his face.
"Sometimes" I admitted feeling a little bad.
"Gee I'm sorry baby" Luke spoke kissing the back of my hand.
"It's okay. I like it when I'm in the mood" I said watching as Alex walked around the couch.
"Well then boys why don't we help our girl relax for today" Alex said bending down in front of me. I bit my lip as he spread my legs open feeling a slight breeze hit my covered core.
"Well there's no need for your skirt or these" Alex spoke toying with the waistbands of both my skirt and panties.
I shimmied out of them with ease leaving me exposed to my best friends like I'd been many times before.
"She just gets prettier every time"
"And wetter"
"Mind if I taste baby?" Luke asked. I nodded my head, watching as he dipped his long fingers in between my folds. Moaning as he pulled them back up to see them glistening with my cum.
"So good" He whispered putting them in his mouth.
"Okay I want a taste now" Alex said opening my legs a little wider.
"Guys. A little help" I huffed as Luke and Reggie hooked themselves on each of my thighs to keep me still.
"Please" I begged getting more turned on by the second. The blonde didn't hesitate to latch onto my core. A loud moan escaping my lips.
"Oh fuck" I struggled to keep still as he moved his tongue skillfully through my folds. Lapping it inside and out as moans fell from my lips.
I whimpered as Reggie slowly began to rub my clit making the pleasure intensify.
"Use y-you're f-fingers" I mustered out Alex obeying my request sticking two fingers in my wet pussy. Picking up the pace. My eyes screwed shut as a familiar feeling of bliss coursed through me.
"Look at me baby" Luke muttered turning my head to look at him with his free hand. I opened my eyes looking into his blue ones covered with complete lust.
He was quick to smash his lips onto mine as the other two worked on building up my orgasm. Which wasn't far at the pace Alex was working on me.
"Holy shit!" I panted pulling away and throwing my head back at the amazing sensation of my orgasm hitting.
"You squirted princess" Alex grinned wiping away the liquids dribbling down his chin. I giggled at his swollen pink lips placing a quick peck to them.
"What now baby?" Luke asked rubbing his hand on my thigh.
I looked at the three boys before discarding any remaining clothes I had left. Watching as their eyes raked me up and down like many times before.
"Reg can you just fuck me today. I really need gentle" I begged as his cheeks turned bright red whenever I asked him to do something. Whether it was sexual or not.
"Sure beautiful" He smiled lopsidedly pushing his lips onto mine.
I sighed in content as he pushed me down on the couch. My head landing on Luke's lap giving me a little leverage.
"She's something else" Alex spoke to no one in particular.
"Your telling me" Reggie panted pulling away to undo his belt and jeans. I bit my lip looking up at the boy with the blue eyes. Who no surprise had a smirk plastered on his face.
"Condom" I heard Alex say presumably to Reggie. But I was too entrance in Luke's gaze wanting to include him. Upon hearing a ripping of a package I glance back at the boy who was hovering above me.
"I can do something for you after if you want" I bit my lip speaking towards Luke.
"It's okay baby. It's about you today" He said moving his hand down from my collarbone to my boob.
Reggie and I moaned simultaneously as he slowly entered me. Immediately stretching me out.
"So tight" He muttered beginning to move at a steady pace.
A squeal escaping my lips as Luke pinched my nipples paying close attention to each of them. He'd always been a boob guy.
I pulled Reggie down towards me our lips meeting in the middle as his speed began to increase.
Then there they were again. Fingers were now rubbing circles on my clit presumably Alex's sending my body into pure ecstasy.
I moaned loudly into Reggies mouth as I felt myself my inner walls clench around him. Earning a groan from the bassist. His thrust becoming more sloppy.
"Shit. Shit. Oh fuck" He cursed as his orgasm hit. Mine coming seconds after.
"Holy fuck Reg" I panted coming down from my high.
"That was pretty fucking hot princess" Alex spoke as Reggie got off of me to go throw away the condom.
"I try" I joked sitting up. Luke immediately removing his muscle tee and handing it to me.
"You do know this isn't gonna cover much up right?" I questioned him putting it on anyway.
"Who said we wanted you to cover up baby" He said pulling me under his arm. I sighed contently placing my hands on his bare torso.
"Anyways Reg why don't you go run her a bath inside the house" Alex suggested throwing me my panties that had been thrown onto the lazy boy.
"Got it!" Reggie said coming over and placing a chaste kiss to my lips before running out of the garage.
"I get to clean her up in the shower. Called it" Luke said as Alex wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Just as long as I get to put her to bed"
"Guys I've orgasmed twice today give me a break"
"Are you feeling more relaxed princess?"
Alex asked grinning at me.
"Much. Now if we could do that consistently for the next 2 weeks then I might be able to get through detention with Hayley without ripping her head off" I spoke earning a laugh from the two boys. Both of them knowing well that I wasn't joking.
Up Next: Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
Luke Patterson x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg
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ch4nb4ng · 4 years
Pairings: fem reader X hyunjin (a little bit of minho)
Warnings: oral sex, penetration, possible (?) harsh words (like rejection), masturbation 
Word Count: 10.3k
A/N: i have not posted for a while and i do apologise ive had a lot of family stuff going on. this took me a while to write so i hope you enjoy it :)
The sudden arms around your waist took you by surprise as you scooped the ice cream from the tub to your glass.
“Hi y/n,” Hyunjin giggled, his muffled breath dancing across your neck. Your body froze, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Yes, he had always been this touchy feely kind of person, but the amount of flirtation had increased recently; it was frustrating.
He used to be this cute little boy, full of life and innocence. Short black hair that used to flop over his eyes, bare, pale skin; pretty much as plain as they come. Hyunjin always had such a gentle nature about him. He supported you in whatever you wanted to do and dream of. He was the dictionary definition of a best friend. His personality didn’t change, but other things began too, especially for you. You were high school sweethearts. Always at each other’s hip, studying together, hanging out together at parties, after school; wherever. You both got into the same college, deciding to live together. That was when things began to take a turn. From growing out his hair, dyeing it blonde, getting a lip ring (and multiple other piercings), and, not to mention the multitude of tattoos he started to get carved onto his body was making you feel a different way. Even the way he dressed. You wouldn’t be able to lose him if you went out; the clanging of the chains dangling from his hips and neck was impossible not to hear. He wasn’t the pure, wholesome boy you used to know, and that had become a very, very pressing problem for you.
“Heyyyyyy,” you gasped, breath heavy from the slight scare attack he gave you. Your eyes automatically gazing at the slightly exposed skin showing due to the unbuttoned first button on his loose shirt.
“Oh my god Hyunjin,” your eyes widened, pushing his clothing to the side, “you got another tattoo?”
“Yeah what do you think?”
You ignored his question, starting to analyse it heavenly. A large, striking dagger; god, that was sexy. Biting down on your bottom lip, you giggled, lightly tracing your finger across the outline.
“I do like it actually.”
You smiled, looking up at him. How were the two of you suddenly so close? A hand was resting on your hip, you couldn’t help but feel the heat rush to your face. God he was such a fucking flirt, it was so irritating. Like he loved to play with you; see how much of a reaction he could get from you. You were clearly wrapped around his finger. It wasn’t like he wasn’t intelligent either. He began to know his way around girls, you would be completely dumbfounded if he hadn’t yet worked out the feelings you had for him. You wouldn’t even think twice, but when he’s looking at you, like that, inches away from your lips, it was hypnotising, leaving you wanting more every time. The cocky smirk fell from his face, spinning away from you and dropping onto the couch to watch some tv. He looked at you, playfully smiling as he pat the empty area next to him, inviting you to sit with him. Unable to refuse, you scurried over, legs slightly pushed against his as he flicked through the channels for something to watch. A comfortable silence fell over the room as you rested your head on his shoulder, a lively hum escaping his lips at the gentle contact.
“Are you doing anything tonight y/n?”
“I was going to ask you actually, do you think you could help me with algebra prac tonight?”
That playful smirk returned to his face, making your stomach swoon. How could he not know the effect his mysterious look had on you? You tucked your hair behind your ears, abruptly standing up and walking to your room, shutting the door behind you. Hyunjin’s eyebrows furrowed at your shortness; it somehow began to make his heart hurt. Immediate panic came over him as he ran after you, gently knocking on your door.
No response.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“Yes Hyunjin,” you reply, opening the door with a smile. A wave of relief flooded through Hyunjin seeing you happy. He wanted nothing but for you to be happy. It was when he became the happiest. If you showed him any sign of sadness or stress, he felt like he was losing his mind. You were his number one priority. Regardless if he had a million things going on, you being content was the only thing that had mattered. 
You snapped him out of his thoughts, clicking in front of his face as you let him come to your room and take the seat next to you at your desk. Opening your book made his eyes automatically widen. You felt puzzled, beginning to stress slightly. If he didn’t know how to do it, how would you learn? Hyunjin was the only one who could actually get through to you when it came to understanding the multitude of theories you had to memorise. You felt your shoulders, which were previously tense, relax once he stood back up, letting his hands rest on you, thumbs digging slightly into your muscles as he began to analyse your work. A muffled whine escaped your lips at the feeling of his touch; so delicate, yet so rough. Tilting your head, you pushed your hair to the side; nothing more needed to be said. Hyunjin chuckled, enjoying your playful antics. His fingertips traveled across your skin, slowly reaching up to your neck. Rolling your head forward, you became limp. It was so exhausting putting up a facade in front of him. Just this one time, you could give into his touch.
“Y/n you’re so tight-”
Your body froze. You weren’t sure if you had heard him correctly.
“Your muscles are so tight, is this really stressing you out?”
“Oh,” you replied, slightly relieved, “uhm, yeah it is. I honestly don't understand it at all.”
“Well we cannot work under these conditions,” he gasped, “get on your bed for me why don't you?”
You were flabbergasted. 
“Y/n, get your mind out of the gutter,” he snickered, causing you to playfully hit his arm.
You followed his instructions, stomach pressed against the quilt of your bed. Your eyes were closed, slightly becoming patient at the way Hyunjin was taking his time with you. 
“Are you ready for the best massage of your life?”
“Sure am Jinnie.”
You couldn’t stop the smile that was forming on your lips. The way Hyunjin climbed onto your bed, sitting on top of you, delicately moving your hair to make sure your back was exposed and bare to him. The way he was leaning down, lips almost pressing to your ear as his fingers began to sink into your skin. A small groan left your lips. Hyunjin had now grasped a good feeling of your body, knowing all the spots that were making you uptight. The temperature in the room was rising, whether you wanted to accept it or not. Your arousal was becoming apparent, core becoming hotter with each passing moment. Thumb digging into every place you longed for him. They began to travel, lingering under the edge of your shirt. It was obvious that Hyunjin’s only intentions were to make you feel better. You weren’t sure if it was the satisfactory chuckle that left his lips every two seconds, or the slight hard on that was becoming pressed against your thigh. Surely this was anything but innocent. Releasing the stress so he could help you with your homework. But the moans leaving your mouth was slowly but surely changing the atmosphere of the originally family friendly, helpful environment that was once created. 
“Your hands feel so good,” you blurted out, quickly burying your face into the sheets. You couldn’t believe you had just said that out loud. Your heart began to race in anticipation, dying for Hyunjin to say literally anything.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better,” he hummed, standing up. An almost whimper escaped your lips. Dabbing your fingers to your forehead, you gasped. You were already sweating. A blush creeping onto your face. If he could make you this hot from a playful massage, imagine what else he could do with those fingers.
Taking your previous position on your chair, your head was feeling dizzy. Hyunjin began to explain the equation, yet all you could think about was his hands wrapped around your neck, trickling down your sides and to your-
“So do you understand it now y/n, y/n?”
“Oh,” you looked up, avoiding his piercing gaze, “um, yeah, i do, thank you.”
“God,” he huffed, rolling his eyes, “you must be real tired huh?”
“What? No Im fine-”
“Let me tuck you into bed.”
“Into bed?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, walking over and pulling the sheets back, “you aren’t listening to me so I think you need to rest, come here.”
Unable to refuse him, you quickly hopped in. Your body was tense, waiting for Hyunjin to leave. But he didn’t. The feeling of his arms wrapping around your torso, muscular frame pressing into your back. Your muscles began to relax straight away, practically melting into him. God, he liked to make things hard for you.
“Let’s get some sleep, and we can go over this in the library, okay y/n?”
“Mhmm,” you hummed, all your senses shutting off for the night. The last thing you heard was his baby breaths, tickling the back of your neck
Your eyes were awake, feeling the dishevelled strands of hair sprawled across your face, bed sheets completely tangled. A slick smile spread across your face at the thoughts of last night's subtle, yet not so subtle actions. You slapped yourself across the face. Getting out of bed, you made your way to the kitchen, still drowsy from the good quality sleep, and company you had. Tensions were high all of yesterday, keeping you aroused for a prolonged period of time. Wanting to have some fun, you decided to change out of the clothes you were in, stripping off and wearing nothing but your silk robe as you made your way to the kitchen. 
“Morning sleepy head,” Hyunjin smiled, taking his tongue in between his teeth as he began to look you up and down. One hand on the frying pan, the other leaning on the kitchen bench, “you tryna put on a show for me or what ?”
“Pfft,” you scoffed, joining him in leaning against the bench, “you wish Mr. Hwang.”
“Yeah uh, anyways,” he interjected, followed by a small cough, “i’m gonna have a shower and then we can head to the library.”
“Uh sure bub,” you smile, stealing a piece of toast from his plate, “I’ll go get ready and grab my stuff.”
Sending a wink Hyunjin’s way, you headed back to your room, collecting your thoughts and self together. 
His jaw clenched as soon he saw your behind. A frustrated hand ran through his hair. “God,” he mumbled to himself. Quickly cleaning the frying pan, he headed to the shower, turning the water on, extra hot. Hands relying on the glass frame, he let the steaming droplets run down his body. Eyes closed, he began to think, hard, compartmentalising the many thoughts of you running through his mind. One hand began to trail down his neck, dragging down the center of his body. A small groan escaped his lips, letting his fingertips gently wrap around his base. The combination of water and steam filled his vision as he began to pump himself, images of your exposed body lying in front of him, having you all to himself. His grip became harder at thought, having you moan his name over and over, tongue dragging across his chest, marking the ink that practically covered him. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, “y/n.”
Hyunjin stumbled backwards, letting his back dig into the sidewall as he threw his head back. Grabbing the soap, he held it above his head, letting it dangle across his length. He was already sensitive; the feeling of the cold liquid sending a shiver down his spine. Letting both of his hands now wrap around his cock, he made his own jaw drop. Images of his hands imprinted around your torso, completely manhandling you was making him dizzy. He wanted it, you, so bad.His thoughts were warped on a daily basis; they were all about you. All the times he thought about grabbing your waist, slamming you against the wall as he double pumped himself, jaw dropping open as his hips began to buck up. He was becoming desperate to touch you, to feel you under him. He wanted you squirming, begging for you. He just wanted to make you feel good. 
“Ah fuck y/n, I’m cuming,” he whined, seeing his liquid cover the glass. He stood there for minutes, heavily panting as he came down from his high. Eyes wide open, head snapping forward, Hyunjin turned off the water, quickly dressing himself and heading out to the couch to wait for you.
“Do you get it now?”
“Yes,” you exclaimed, “finally, thank you Hyunjin.”
What felt like hours of studying was finally paying off. Having hyunjin as your teacher was another bonus of course. The subtle grazes against your leg, his small thumb rubbing circles on your back. You were surprised how your body never went into sensory overload. Hyunjin’s touch was delicate, yet so enticing. Like he knew exactly what he was doing to you. His daily entertainment; how flustered could he make you? You adjusted your posture, a nervous cough escaping your chest, making Hyunjin chuckle.
“y/n, are you okay?”
“Uh yeah,” you shrugged, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“You seem flustered?” he questioned, a hint of innocence in his tone. Placing each elbow on the table, he smirked, gaze strong on you,
“Am i turning you on right now?”
Face beginning to feel hot, you began to laugh, playfully hitting him to avert that fact that you actually were flustered.
“Hyunjin, dont be stupid!”
He began to laugh with you, making your heart hurt a little. You knew it was all fun and games for him and he was just mucking around. Most of the time you found it funny too, but there were moments where you wished that he was being serious; this was one of these moments.
“Hyunjin’s teaching skills are okay from what i’ve seen.”
A huge grin swiped your face as you saw Minho, Chan and Jisung approach your table.
“My favorite people,” you paused half way through the sentence, turning to Hyunjin, “how are you guys doing!”
“I’m doing great,” Chan winked, making you gag on the spot. The boys began an uproar of laughter, completely dying at the way you completely rejected him. He was always harmlessly playful with you; this was regular banter you shared.
“Anyways,” Minho interjected, “we are all doing good, studying of course, the usual. I wanna go out though.”
“Oh my god yes,” Jisung gasped, “that’s such a good idea!”
“We haven’t gone out in so long,” you sighed, “I’m down.”
All of the boys clapped. What felt like a stressful, exhausting energy became a peaceful, relaxing one. Going out clubbing with the boys was so much fun. Things sometimes went south, but nonetheless, when everyone’s drunk, everyone’s having fun. 
“We just finished studying actually,” Jisung smiled, collecting his books and standing up, “if you guys are done we can go out for dinner tonight and then go out?”
“Oh um, I'm gonna study for a bit longer,” Hyunjin interjected, “and then I'll meet you guys out.”
Nodding in response, the rest of the boys got up, making their way back to their dorms. Minho remained seated.
“I-I’m gonna study for a bit longer as well. We can get something to eat and meet you guys later?”
You smiled at them; that was until you felt a heavy blow to your backside, causing half the students to turn and look at you.
“Hyunjin,” you whispered, “what the fuck was that for?”
Playing with your fingertips previously, Hyunjin wrapped his fingers around your wrist, pulling you back down, letting his ink covered fingertips sit on your neck,
“You know I'm just mucking around,” he whispered, moving closer to your ear, “were you thinking of something different?”
Pulling away from him, your eyes widened, playfully hitting him once more before grabbing your stuff and finally leaving. 
Waiting for a cue of privacy, Minho coughed obnoxiously, steering Hyunjin’s gaze away from behind.
“So,” Minho began, “y/n looked real cute today all snuggled up against you.”
“Oh,” Hyunjin nervously chuckled, “i don't know what you're talking about.”
“You know,” Minho leaned closer to him, “I think i’m gonna ask her out.”
Hyunjin’s jaw clenched. A pang hit him at the base of his stomach.
“Oh,” Hyunjin mumbled, “since when have you been interested in y/n?”
“Uh, since she started hanging around us,” he scoffed, making Hyunjin's fingers curl into his palm, “I was just telling you because, well, you know, you’re the closest to her and incase you guys has something going on -”
“We don't.” 
“Are you sure,” Minho questioned, slightly enjoying how easily he could rile him up, “say something now because if you don't, she’s gonna end up in my bed tonight-”
“I told you, there’s no problem. I'm gonna go back to my room and have a shower, do you want to come then we can go eat with y/n?”
Both boys were now standing, close together. The atmosphere had changed from playful to territorial very quickly. You could cut it with a knife.
“Sounds good to me. She’ll say no though, I know her too well.”
Hyunjin wanted to punch the extremely cocky smirk spreading across Minho’s face. It was no secret that Minho’s reputation with girls was, well, extensive. From one night stands, to threesomes, foursomes, you name it. There wasn’t one thing that this dude had not done. It made Hyunjin nervous. Seeing the way Minho treated other girls made his skin crawl. He didn’t want you to be just a number on his list. You were naive, Hyunjin knew that. He always knew that you always saw the best in people. It was one of the many things he adored about you, but in this current moment, it was making his heart sink. He wasn’t sure why; he wasn’t sure if it was jealousy or Minho’s arrogant agenda, but he was definitely feeling uneasy. 
The usual ice droplets that soaked your body felt like fire. Hyunjin was always touchy feely, but the way he had been with you the past couple of days was affecting you so much more than it usually did. The thought alone made you feel lightheaded. A large sigh came as your body pressed up against the glass frame. Your frustration was growing, and you weren’t sure how much longer you could keep these Hyunjin fantasies in your head. 
Stepping out of the shower, you wiped the fogginess sticking to the mirror. Pushing your hair back, you looked at yourself for what felt like a really long time. Nerves began to bundle in your stomach. Something about tonight was different. It began to feel a different way. Your chest jumped at the possibility of something finally happening with him. 
“Pfft who am i kidding,” you yelled at yourself in the mirror, pushing your nose up against the foggy glass, “keep dreaming girl.”
Wrapping your towel around your naked torso, you walked out to the kitchen, finding a few snacks too much on. You had time to procrastinate getting ready. Turning on the tv, you happily munched away, enjoying your favorite show, Jane the virgin. The previous bundle of nerves dissipated as you let yourself sink into the couch. Going out with the boys was nothing out of the ordinary, but the tensions between you and Hyunjin felt the highest it had ever been. What was worse was that it wasn’t the first time that the atmosphere had been intense.
“Oooo,” Hyunjin yelled, quickly snatching your phone from your grasp, “who is this you're talking to now.”
“HYUNJIN IT’S NO ONE,” you screamed, standing up in front of him, “can you mind your business?” 
The swipe across his hands to get your phone back failed, causing him to begin running around the apartment, simultaneously scrolling your messages. Sure you entertained other guys from time to time. However, none of them made you feel hot the way hyunjin did. It was practically impossible. Even looking at Hyunjin made you feel like exploding on the spot.
Following his charade of nonsense, frustration began to grow. Chasing him around the house was no easy task. He was fast and flexible. There was no way you would be able to catch him. Coming to a stand still, you sighed.
“Hyunjin please,” you whined, waiting for him to come out of hiding, “if you give me my phone back, i’ll tell you.”
A loud gasp left your lips when you felt him from behind. Hands pinned to your sides, Hyunjin used his force, pinning you against the wall adjacent to your previous stance. Sticking his lips out, he chuckled, blowing the hair that was covering his gently frustrated eyes burning down on you. Nerves were setting in, especially once his cocky smirk began to form on his yet to be touched lips. Letting a hand roam, your mind was becoming dizzy, unable to control what your body was doing. That could’ve explained how your fingertips were spread across his clean chest, nearly half the buttons on his shirt somehow were undone. Were they already like that? Did you do it? You weren’t able to comprehend the situation at hand.
“Y/n,” he paused, “baby. Why are you talking to other guys?”
You could feel the lump forming at your throat. Intimidation was creeping in, lingering the longer he kept his hungry eyes on you.
“W-what do you mean?”
“Come on,” Hyunjin huffed, swiftly dragging his fleshy thumb across your bottom lip, “you don't need other guys. I’m right here.”
“What do you wanna eat?”
Minho's presence was putting Hyunjin off guard. All of his thoughts led to you right now. 
“Uh, I don't mind, it's up to you,” he mumbled. He could feel the blood running through his body becoming warmer with each passing second. Opening the door to the apartment made him nervous suddenly. Especially when he opened the door to you in nothing but a petite towel.
“Hey hyunjin-”
You spun around, tripping over the carpet in front of you.
“Oh.. Minho’s here too,” you stated, praying to the gods that you were still fully covered. Minho’s facial expressions conformed to those of concern as soon as your body hit the ground. Finger tips traveling to your legs, slowly up your arms, landing on your cheek.
“Holy shit y/n, are you okay?”
“Uh yeah,” you smiled, “I’m fine.”
Helping you up from the floor, Minho reciprocating the innocent smile. You sent a hard glare at Hyunjin after, causing hyunjin to huff, loud. Saying nothing, he walked straight out the fridge, finding any possible beer that was in sight, and, well, sculling it. 
“Hyunjin,” you yelled, running over, one hand keeping your towel secure, the other hitting him on the back, “what are you doing? We haven’t even eaten yet!”
“What,” he hissed, making you uncomfortably step away, “are you my mom?”
“No,” you replied back harshly, eyebrows furrowing at the way he was speaking to you all of a sudden, “God, what’s with the sulky attitude?”
You reached passed, purposefully brushing your barely covered chest across his torso, reaching for a chocolate bar.
“Minho,” you called, keeping your gaze fixated up at Hyunjin, “do you wanna come help me pick an outfit for tonight?”
The question made Hyunjin crush the now empty beer can in his grip. 
“Uh sure,” Minho answered, somewhat courteous about the interaction the two of you just had. He followed you to your room, looking forward to the way you were about to try on these outfits just for him.
“Okay so,” you began, “I have two,” you paused, making sure you were loud enough for the Hyunjin to hear, “you can sit here, and I'll go and quickly change into the first one.”
The look on Minho’s face was delectable. Like he was a kid in a candy store. Placing your fingers on his chest, you gave him a soft nudge, making him fall and lay back on your bed. You turned to your wardrobe, making sure to cautiously bend over and pick out the first outfit. You looked back at him as you walked out the door. The way he spread his legs right open, waiting in anticipation for you was fucking hot. 
A sigh of relief escaped your chest as you closed the bathroom door, finally able to drop this irritating towel and put some actual clothes on. This moment gave you a minute of peace, thinking about what you were actually doing. Harmlessly playing around with Minho to make Hyunjin jealous. Would it even work? Usually it was something you would question and/or doubt. However, it did not matter right now. Whether it made him envious or not, you were sick of having hopes that something would happen. Minho was very attractive, and he had shown previous interest in you before. A little fun wouldn’t hurt right.
You rolled your eyes hearing Hyunjin’s voice and knocked at the door. Shimmying into your dress, you sighed, opening the door for him.
“What do you want?”
“Nothing,” he paused, hesitating, “I’m sorry for acting the way I did just before.”
You said nothing, instead, letting him walk in while you began to do your makeup.
“I just don’t understand why you think you can talk to me like that, especially in front of your friends?”
“Because, uh, well.”
You huffed at his hesitation to answer.
“Of course you don't kno-”
His actions spoke louder than words, as they were pinning you up against the glass shower frame. You could feel the magnitude of shivers fall through your spine, yet your skin felt hot, especially in the place he was touching you.
“I do know,” he answered, eyes burning. He sighed, running a frustrated hand through his blacked locks.
“What do you know,” you smirked, looking up at him, bringing a hand around his neck, “tell me.”
The intensity had never been so heavy. Standing there in dead silence, eyes pouring into each other. Inches apart. It could be so easy for you to just reach up and finally, maybe finally, let yourself experience the feeling of those damn lips brushing your wanting ones. You could picture how this ended in your head right now. Legs wrapped around his torso, lips tickling your neck. Hell, you could even somehow reach around and just turn the shower on, give you not only a reason to be naked, but another reason as to why this should happen; right here, right now.
“Y/n, are you okay,” Minho yelled, making you break away from Hyunjin, “you’ve been in there for a long time just to put some clothes on.”
Brushing yourself off, you left Hyunjin to himself, absolutely gobsmacked like nothing had ever happened. He could do nothing, but walk out and see you standing in front of his best friend. Dressing up for him. Showing off for him. Saying that it made Hyunjin’s blood boil was an understatement.
“Wow,” Minho hummed in approval, “spin around for me princess.”
You did as you were told, allowing his eyes to linger on your figure. All Hyunjin could do was just stand in the hallway, jaw dropped. His brain was ringing with anger. Storming off, all he could do was look into the fridge, quickly sipping on another beer can.
Finally stepping out of your room with Minho, Hyunjin huffed, barely paying attention to him. But when he saw you, he could feel the tent in his pants beginning to form. Tight black dress, long hair cascading down your shoulders. You looked perfect to him.
“Ready to go Hyunjin?”
He blinked a few times.
“Um, yeah I am.”
“Good,” you smirked, grabbing Minho's arms and wrapping them around your torso.
The music was blaring through the speaker system as you barely stood at the bar, chugging down the 5th round of shots Chan had bought for all of you.
“To friendship!” he yelled.
“Friendship,” you slurred in response, humming at the way the liquid burned your chest. It’s painful the  first time, but after the 5th one, it's the fiery sensation that you want nothing more than to feel again. Everyone was loud and fun, having their time of life. Except for Hyunjin of course, silently sipping on his drink in the corner. You stumbled over to him, somewhat heavily slapping him on the shoulder.
“Hyunjin,” you smiled, feeling your eyes get smaller, “what’s wrong?”
“But you aren't acting like the Hyunjin that I know.”
You pouted, digging your index fingers into his chest.
“Nothing,” he snapped, “I’m fine.”
His response made you pissed off to say the least. But giving him a good scolding or fighting him was not even worth your energy. Why was he being so sulky? He was the one who pushed you against any hard surface whenever he was mad. The one who teased you with massages, lingering gazes, sinful touches. The thoughts of those many moments became a sudden sensory overload. You hurried away, quickly grabbing Minho's wrist and dragging him to the dance floor.
“Dance with me,” you whispered, grabbing his wrist and placing them on your sides as you turned to face away from him. Closing your eyes, you let the music pour into you, head lying in the crook on Minho’s neck as you let your body explore him. The satisfactory groans that left his lips and slipped into your ears felt like paradise. It felt so good, feeling someone finally reciprocate their interest in you. His grip on you was strong, thumb digging into your sides as he pulled you close, letting you feel his hard on from behind you. A deep hum left your throat, making him smile against your lobe.
“Feeling okay baby?”
“Mmmm yeah,” you chuckled, “I can tell you are.”
The deepness in your voice made him spin around. You threw your head back in satisfaction, allowing his lips to cover your neck in delicate, feverish kisses. Wrapping your arms around his neck made him chuckle, allowing him to pull you even closer than before. He wasn’t shy, that’s for sure. You shivered, feeling the hard grip he had on your left thigh, hooking it around and lifting your leg around him. You looked up at him, seeing the darkness pooling behind his eyes as he told you to jump, allowing him to carry you. Your hands were in the air, completely loose and carefree as you continued to sway to the beat of the music. This was the first time you had felt so light. Everything felt so easy at this moment. Minho was giving you the attention you had been craving from Hyunjin for so long. You looked down at him, the previous dark facade long gone as he looked up at you with nothing but joy and admiration present. It made you smile. 
“Y/n,” he yelled, bringing you back to his level, “let’s go sit at the bar, I want to ask you something.”
You didn’t complain, trailing him out of the human traffic of the bar. ‘Of course,’ you muttered to yourself, seeing the only two available stools being right next to hyunjin and some random girl that he was feeling up under the table. You rolled your eyes; of course he was entertaining someone else. You ignored him, putting a gentle hand on Minho's thigh.
“Did you say something?”
“Yeah,” he grinned, “did you want another drink?”
“Oh uhm, can you just get me some water please?”
“A-anything for you baby.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, not noticing till now how sloshed he really was. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, patiently waiting for the drinks he had ordered. You let your fingers linger on him, drawing sloppy lines along his inner thigh.
“So,” he began, taking a sip of his drink in between speech, “there’s actually something I wanted to ask you.”
“You did say this from what I recall,” you laughed, scratching your head with your index finger; an attempt at acting puzzled in front of him.
“Yes,” he smirked, placing a hand on the outer edge of your knee, “I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out on a date with me next week?”
His question knocked the alcohol right out of your system, completely sobering you up. You fixed your posture, slight panic settling into your body at his sudden question. It was just fun, wasn’t it? Just using him to make Hyunjin jealous? 
“Um wow,” you gasped, unsure what to say, “this is, well, um, I don't really know what to say.”
“What do you mean?”
Small dribbles of sweat began tapping on your forehead. Pushing your hair behind your ear, you lifted your hand, placing it apologetically over his.
“Minho,” you empathetically smiled, “I think that’s so sweet of you.”
You paused, quickly seeing the way the grin on his face began to turn down.
“And don't get me wrong, you’re a great guy and you have been nothing but sweet to me. But, I, well, I have feelings for someone else.”
The look on his face made you devastated. The hurt was evident in his eyes. Minho grabbed his drink, taking a big swig from it.
“Please say something,” you pleaded, beginning to feel uncomfortable from the painful silence.
“It’s fine.”
Heart beat beginning to race, you could feel it; the sudden change in atmosphere between the two of you.
“It is? Okay good because-”
“It’s fine because I was joking.”
A heavy pang hit you in the chest. Did you even hear him correctly?
He looked up at you, a slight chuckle came from him.
“Oh, you thought I was being serious?”
He grabbed you by the wrist, picking it up and pushing it off of him.
“You weren’t being serious?”
“Of course not,” he snapped, “you think I would wanna be with you?”
“Well why would you ask me out if you didn’t feel that way?”
He took another swig.
“Yeah well whatever, it’s a mistake. I can barely even look at you.”
You stood up, blood beginning to boil now. 
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
He rolled his eyes, following you and standing over you.
“Do I have to spell it out for you? I wouldn’t go near you with a ten foot poll. Let alone fuck you? Pfft, your dreaming girl; good luck with that.”
You felt dizzy, unable to comprehend what Minho had just said to you. ‘What a dick’ you thought, before lifting your hand and slapping him across the face. You could feel the tear prick your eyes. You just wanted to fall, break down on the spot. No one had ever said such hurtful things to you before. Hyunjin turned around as soon as he heard the sound. You didn’t want to look at him. You were fuming. Minho just stood there, laughing at you.
“Listen here,” you snapped, “I get that you’re upset that your advances didn’t work, but you have no fucking right to say that to me, or anyone, ever again. Unless you apologise, I never want to speak to you ever again.”
And with that, you picked yourself up, and walked out of there, alone.
You couldn’t feel anything but the painful throb in the back of your head as you rose out of bed. Taking your phone off the charger you gasped, seeing the multiple missed calls Hyunjin had left you last night. You threw your phone back onto your bed, sheepishly making your way to the kitchen.
“Hey babes.”
You looked up to see a dishevelled Hyunjin waiting for you at the bench. You tried to smile at him, hide the pain of what Minho had said to you last night. Your heart was hurting, so bad. It was hard not to believe what he had said to you. You just wanted to run into Hyunjin's arms, let him whisper sweet nothings and tell you everything was okay; but you knew that if that happened, you would never let him go.
“Morning,” you mumbled, turning your back to him as you turned on the coffee machine, “how are you feeling this morning?”
“Yeah I'm good,” he mumbled back slowly making his way over to you. You sighed, a sharp inhale as you felt his arms wrap you from behind. Luckily, his head was resting on your back; he wasn’t able to see the impulsive tears slip from your eyes.
“Are you feeling okay after last night?”
Your heart sank. Humiliation was settling in; he had heard exactly what he said. It felt like you couldn't breathe. You were gasping for air. Hyunjin grabbed your waist, spinning you around, encompassing you in his embrace. He could feel you. The way your body sobbed against him. Hands against your chest, head curled into his neck. Holding it in was impossible, especially from Hyunjin. He knew you like the back of his hand.
“My angel,” he whimpered, cupping your cheeks and looking down at you, “I’m so sorry about what happened last night. I want you to know that none of what he said is true. You are such a beautiful person inside and out, and you didn't deserve that.”
You finally fixed your gaze back onto him. You had never seen such softness to his eyes before. You felt yourself giving  yourself to him. Vulnerability glowing in your heart as you felt yourself slipping away. His touch on you became stronger, hypnotising almost. Your hands found their way onto his body, unsafely creeping under his shirt and messily being dragged across his stomach. The front he attempted to put on was priceless; you could feel his body tensing underneath your corrupt touch.
“y/n,” he paused, slowly taking his hand from your body that he so desperately dreamed about, “I have to, uh,  go to class, but we can talk about this when I get back.”
Hyunjin sloppily grabbed his back and stumbled out the door, leaving you utterly speechless. It was the first time you could sense his nerves from something you did. A frustrated sigh left your lips. Nails digging into your palms, you stormed to your room, slamming the door behind you. 
“God,” you growled, aggressively falling onto your bed. Your eyelids suddenly felt heavy, but your mind was nonstop. 
The possibilities of finally having him was on a constant loop. The way his pupils changed when he looked at you. The shiver you could feel when you touched him. The ideas of what could have happened if Hyunjin didn’t leave was driving you up the wall. His voice played in your head, as if he was right next to you, whispering the praising words you longed to hear. A moan slipped from your lips, hands now sliding down the sides of your body as your mind became more vivid. The ache between your legs becomes stronger with each drawn out breath. You chuckled, replacing the ache with the thought of Hyunjin's tongue. You sat up, quickly stripping down to under garments. You took a quick look at yourself in the mirror; leaving you feeling anything but delirious.
You bit down on your bottom lip, letting your hands roam once more. Feeling the heat dance across your cheeks, you giggled, making yourself nervous at the thought of his summery breath cascade down your neck, blonde tips to follow. It’s like he was an island of fantasy and desire. All you could do was touch yourself. Letting your fingertips under the hem of your panties and into your folds. A sigh of relief slipping as you felt your legs become weak, falling back once more at the already immense pleasure you got from yourself. This was your way to reach the destination. The island of fantasy; desire; Hyunjin. Your stomach tensed at his name. The smile on your face could not be wiped off at any moment. Eyes closed, you could finally picture it. Hyunjin standing over you, a sadistic yet admirable facial expression hijacking his features, wishing that his lips were on your clit instead of your fingers.
“Baby,” you groaned, “Hyunjin, touch me.”
The slight cringe entering your mind at the way your voice broke at his name. ‘God how pathetic,’ you thought to yourself. He wasn’t even there and the effect he had on you was that strong. You continued your playful assault, teasing yourself at your entrance. Index finger gently prodding, you became dizzy. You were already close. The cause as to why was unknown. Were you really that good at touching yourself? Definitely not, the manifestation of every single thought of him was coming together, almost becoming overwhelming. 
“Hyunjin,” you choked, “I just want to be such a good girl for you. Please let me-”
“You wanna be a good girl for me, don't you baby?”
Your neck snapped, eyes widening at hyunjin staring down at you. 
“H-hyunjin,’ you stuttered, grabbing your pillow and covering yourself, “I c-can explain, I-”
“Shut the fuck up,” he retorted. He said nothing, tucking his hair behind his ear as he began to undo the buttons on his shirt. There was nothing you could do, but, well, stare. You propped yourself onto your elbows, feeling him wrap his arms around your torso, gently pressing your lips to every inch of his skin marked in ink. Hyunjin’s gaze was strong, never leaving your eyes as his smirk grew wider. Things were moving slow, way too slow for both of your liking. 
“You like what you see?”
“Please,” you scoffed, leaning your chin onto his stomach, “it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
The look in his face was priceless. Smirk rapidly dissipating from his lips; he was pissed. It was obvious. Jaw clenched, tightly gripped fists. Something you had never seen before on him. You looked down, noticing the purple covering his knuckles. You grabbed his hand, panic settling in you.
“Hyunjin what the fuck happened are you okay?”
He said nothing, ripping his hand from your grip and dropping to his knees. The smirk obviously returned at the way your legs involuntarily spread for him.
“Oh, this,” he questioned, flexing them out in front of you, “this is what happens what you’re a fucking dick to my princess.”
His fingertips traced your hem, violently teasing you. You lifted your hips, attempting to have 
Hyunjin’s fingers ‘accidentally’ slip over your clothed core. But he chuckled, hooking his arms around your legs and pushing them down, giving you no room to squirm. He chuckled; the level of power he had over you was something he had dreamt of. He began to chuckle; he couldn’t help it.
“Fuck y/n,” he groaned, snaking one hand from under your leg and onto your panties, sending a noticeable shiver down your legs, “you dont know how many times i’ve dreamt of this. Seeing you like this, all hot and bothered under me.”
You couldn’t help but groan at his words, feeling the edge of his middle finger press against your hidden clit.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, already on the brim of feeling overwhelmed.
“Am I making you too hot baby,” he pouted, increasing the pressure on your soft spot, “you like how I talk dirty like that about you?”
“Mhm,” is all you could manage to stumble out. Your body began to squirm, making Hyunjin smile at you. His hand trailed on your folds, gently travelling back to your hem of what felt like suffocating clothing covering your heat. Muffling groans escaped your lips, frustrated at how slowly he took them off. The way his pupils dilated was like a kid in a candy store. Tucking his hair behind his ear, he inched closer, lips moments away from having him where you needed the most. You let your eyes flutter shut, anticipating the moment you had been waiting for. Confusion hit when you felt hands balancing on either side of you, soulful kisses trailing up the center of your body until you opened your eyes, seeing his regard fixated, looking down into yours. You felt like a feather, his body hovered over you as he leaned closer, finally connecting his lips to yours. It was sloppily, lips out of time and teeth clashing. Not the kiss you expected, but you couldn't complain. Hyunjin slipped his tongue into your mouth, tongues colliding as he erupted a delirious fire inside of you. Your bodies began to collide, passions electrifying, lighting up the room as his hands wrapped around your hips, thumb kneading at your bones as your hands dug into his neck. Things were going slow before, but there were no more concerns about the pace now. Hyunjin’s lips were always nice to look at, but the way they felt was a whole different story. The cloud-like texture of them was making your head move in nothing but circles. You were in heaven, already thinking about how they would feel against your skin in other places you had become desperate fir. Such thoughts were interrupted when you felt him leaving your lips, sucking hard on your bottom lip. His eyes lingered on you, chest heaving, breath heavy as he lifted you up, tossing your, compared to his, small frame. A look of innocence played on your feature as Hyunjin pinned both of your hands above your head. 
“Hyunjin what are you doi-”
“Shhh baby,” he hissed, crawling back to face level, tilting his head to reach your ear, “don't move okay, I’m gonna make you feel so good,” he paused, pressing a kiss to your lobe, “just like the million times I imagined it.”
A satisfied whine left your lips as Hyunjin created a new trail, stopping at your neck. You wrapped a hand around his neck, wanting to push his lips into your skin more.
“Uh uh baby,” he chuckled, pinning your hands back to the ordered position, “be a good girl and keep them up there for me won't you?”
“Yes sir” you mumbled, a low hum of approval heard from him. He continued his savoury touches, harshly sucking on any skin above your chest that was left unmarked. His fervent touches were making you increase in sensitivity with each moment passing. A hand hooked around your back, effortlessly unclasping your bra and letting your breasts become exposed.
“Fuck,” he sighed, hunger increasing, “has anyone ever told you that you were made like a piece of fucking art?”
The compliment made you blush, hard. No one had ever said such complimentary things before.
“Uhm, no,” you whispered, scared that someone would hear you. Hyunjin frowned, eyes becoming hard as he looked up at you.
“No one’s ever told you that before,” he huffed, sticking his tongue out in front of your left nipple.
“No,” you inhaled, fear engaged as Hyunjin’s shift in demeanour appeared.
“That makes me so fucking mad,” he growled, attaching his lips to your nipple, “you’re the sexiest fucking girl ive ever seen y/n.” 
A choked whine left your lips at his words, and his tongue trapped around you, hands flicking the other.
“Fuck Hyunjin I-”
“Unfuckable,” he interjected, “how can you be when you fucking look like a piece of fucking art?”
He refused to rest. His fingers began to trail, teasingly grazing your sides as he let them travel, stopping right on top of where you wanted him the most.
“I had to add to the artwork that is you baby.”
He had now lowered himself back to his starting position. On his knees, lips in line with your pussy as he let a finger slips between your folds, your stomach jolting with electricity at the light, yet tantalising feeling he gave you.
“The marks all over your chest,” he puffed, almost like he was out of breath from just looking at you, “they are nothing but little flowers I added to a beautiful canvas.”
You could barely think about what he was saying as he pushed the finger into your entrance, a high pitched mewl coming from your chest as he began to pump.
“God Hyunjin-”
“Tell me princess,” he interrupted, adding another finger, “tell me all the dirty things you’ve wanted me to do to you.”
“Fuck,” you groaned. The cocky smirk on Hyunjin’s face, lips slightly agape,”there’s so many times when I have thought about you.”
“Tell me baby,” he groaned, letting his breath tickle the skin on your inner thigh.
“In the shower, on the kitchen bench, the couch in the living room. You doing me from behind, on top, letting me ride you,” you moaned, “but this, right now, this is my favorite.”
A grunt of thrill left his lips, an attempt and analysing the many thoughts you had about him made him feel completely justified. On the brink of pure anger, you thrusted forward, barely feeling the impact of his lips on your folds. 
“Shhh,” he whispered, curling his fingers, forcing you to lay still, “let me allow your fantasy to become a reality.”
A loud groan left your chest as Hyunjin finally allowed his tongue to plunge into you, harshly grazing your clit. The feeling made your body jolt, jaw fully lax as he your gave yourself to him. Hands running straight into his hair, you gasped, seeing him notice the way you constantly push the front strands his blonde locks behind his ears. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled against you, quickly sitting up, “this fucking hair is too long.”
Your legs shut, too weak to keep them open as Hyunjin frustratedly fisted his hair and teethed the string off his wrist, wrapping his hair into a high ponytail, front pieces gently left out, sprawling across his glistening face. As soon as he looked down, he couldn’t help but chuckle. Manhandling your delicate thighs, he bit down on his lips, aggressively spreading them open to regain his access to your sweet spot.
“Already so weak are we?”
You couldn’t help but feel humiliated as he kept his gaze on you, unforgivingly, letting his tongue rapidly circle around your clit. 
“Oh my god,” you managed to stagger out, another hum of approval entering your heat, vibrating and spreading to the rest of your body. God he was so good at this. Always making you feel good. Like you were the number one princess in the best castle. Even if it wasn’t sex, Hyunjin always found a way to make you feel better. But this. This was a whole new level of pleasure.
“Mhmm,” he grunted, replacing his tongue with a finger from his opposite hand, “how close are you baby?”
The clench around his fingers was enough, Hyunjin slightly amused. The combinations of the multitude of fingers and his extremely rough tongue on your clit was sending you to another dimension.
“Far out I knew I was good at this, but baby, you’re so easy to make cum.”
“N-no im not,” you whined, Hyunjin throwing his head pack in pure joy.
“It’s okay baby,” he cooed, picking up the pace of his fingers, “you don't have to put on a front for me.”
“Hyunjin c-cum,” you gasped, barely able to strangle anything out of your lips, “g-gon-na c-cum.”
“Yeah? You’re gonna cum for me?”
“You wanna cum for me baby?”
“Y-yeah I do.”
“Come on baby,” he growled, “cum for me like the good girl you are.”
His words couldn’t help but send you over the edge, strangled echoes of pleasure filling the room as he continued his pleasurable assault, loving the way your hips convulsed against his overstimulation.
“Fucking hell,” you cried, pushing his fingers out of you, “you made me cum so hard Hyunjin.”
He smiled, crawling back onto your bed, towering over you once more.
“There’s nothing else I want to do in this world apart from make you feel good baby.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, leaning into his lips to taste your sweet filled juices glistening his chin. The kiss was gentle, soothing from the intense orgasm you had just come down from. He created another trail, tongue dragging across your neck and back down to your chest, pressing an arousing kiss in between your breasts.
“I can't help it,” he smirked, “I just want to wanna mark you all over, let Minho know that you’re mine.”
His words made you feel light headed. Mine? Usually something like that made you wanna throw up. But the way Hyunjin said it, with so much hunger and vice, it was like you became bound to him. Anything he wanted to do with you would be impossible to say no.
“Then f-fuck me,” you mumbled.
“What was that?”
You slipped from underneath him, turning him around and pushing him onto the bed, hands firmly placed against his chest as you climbed on top of him. Hyunjin’s eyes became full. Full of fire, lust, hunger, anger. He played it cool at first, but now, now he was desperate. You let your hands now travel his body, one hand tracing the outline of his abs, the other behind you, palming his rapidly hardening cock.
“Fuck me like you own me, Like you want everyone to know I’m yours.”
The words were enough to send him into a craze. He quickly rid himself of the draw string, keeping a tight grip on his sweats, pushing down his pants to his knees. It came to your surprise when he had nothing else on, leaving him to follow your pursuit of complete nakedness. You lifted your hips off of his stomach, readjusting to let your clit sit on top of his pulsating cock that was lying flat against his stomach. A sharp inhale came from his chest, absolutely frothing at the way you rubbed your wetness against him.
“Fuck you’re so wet still,” Hyunjin chuckled, a deep grunt escaping leaving him.
“You like that?” You smirked, biting down on your bottom lip.
“Yeah baby,” he moaned, hands gripping your ass, giving you a soft blow. His hands were soft, icy, goosebumps becoming visible as you leaned back, gripping the base of his cock. the air was becoming desperate, and so were you. If you had a cent for every time you thought about this very moment, you’d be riding him in the royal palace.
A wave of goosebumps charged onto your skin as you lifted your hips. Hyunjin’s hands scattered over your ass, he helped guide you, excruciatingly slowly as your hand kept him still, allowing his cock to become buried inside of you. A groan of relief escaped each other’s lips as your walls became stretched, body feeling numb already. He was a big boy, causing your head to fall onto his chest. you needed time to adjust to the slight ache his length gave you, but you weren’t complaining. As soon as you bounced up and off of him, you felt as if your hole was whimpering, already desperate for him to be back inside of you. you continued with a light bounce, barely fitting any of him inside of you. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, tightening his grip on you, “go deeper.”
You did as you were told, increasing the intensity, sitting back up and letting your hips freely roll onto him. Your mouth became heavily agape, an open invitation for Hyunjin to shove his fingers inside. your eyes became closed, fingers wrapped around his wrist as you lapped his digits with thick saliva.  The way you effortlessly took his heavenly inked fingers made his head spin.
“you’re such a good girl,” he smirked in between throwing his head back, “i bet Minho would be fucking dying for this kinda treatment.”
The mention of his name was a slight bruise to your ego; nonetheless, it simultaneously gave you motivation, determination to prove what he had been missing out on this whole time. How he would dangle girls in front of your face at any moment. How he teased you to no end almost every single day. Everything was coming out, and it was completely out of your control.
“Far out Hyunjin,” you hissed, ripping his fingers from your mouth, “why are you so obsessed with Minho right now?”
“Because,” he grunted, wrapping his saturated fingers around your neck, “he fucking pissed me off last night, and this morning.”
The sudden connection in your brain became apparent. All thoughts leading to the possibility of Hyunjin punching him made you lose control. So much control that you couldn't recall hyunjin flipping your over, his figure menacingly towering over you as he began to thrust.
“I fuck you so much better than Minho could,” he grunted again, left thumb gently attacking your left nipple, “dont you think?”
You could barely respond. Nothing but a suffocating moan spilled from your throat as his grip on you became tighter. You were on the brink of actually losing your mind. The way Hyunjin filled you up was just, well, indescribable. He just continued, letting the now continuous beads of condensation from his forehead spread across your stomach. 
“Say it,” he growled, a slight punishment created at the way he left nothing but the tip of him inside of you, “tell me i'm better than him.”
“Fuck,” you whined, attempting to sink your hips further down his length. But hyunjin knew better; he was one step ahead. Your desperate, pathetic attempt of getting out of your retribution was nothing but a joke to him. 
Hyunjin scoffed, “I know you want me to fill you up again, but I need to know.” 
His voice was the deepest you had ever heard him speak. The hand that was previously wrapped around your neck had escaped, a tremble that was clear as crystal running down your torso at the feeling of the multitude of Hyunjin’s ice cold rings dragging across your skin.
“You-you’re better than h-him,” you stuttered, trying to gain your previously hindered consciousness from his strop grip, “better than Minho.”
The words alone made him groan. He sure did like to tease you, but even he couldn't keep it up. Your voice became electrifying in his mind, igniting him as rammed his cock back into you; no hesitation. His pace was unforgiving. The lewd sound of skin slapping filling the room at a sound that exceeded the maximum level of decibels an individual could take.
“That’s right I am,” hyunjin moaned, “that fucking piece of shit.”
Your head rolled from side to side, a hand violently gripping your bed sheet. Like your mind went numb, your senses could only follow. Nothing but the scent of Hyunjin’s heat occupying your nose, the sound of skin slapping filling your ears, and your vision hypnotised by the darkness that pooled behind his eyes.
“Mhm fucking hell baby,” you groaned, arching your back, “i can feel myself getting close.”
“Tell me baby,” he chucked, bringing his thumb dangerously close to your clit. You brought your fingertips high, gripping his wrist before he could make a decision that you know would make you fall off the edge and into the black hole that would be your orgasm.
“What is it baby,” he whined, tone laced with concern, “scared that you’re gonna cum already?”
“Yes,” you blurred out, “just a little longer please.”
“And why should i?”
All you could feel was your eyes locking shut, fingers spreading you open and touching any every sensitive skin he could get his hand on. He had transformed into satan. hard thrusts and a heavy hand; you could feel yourself clenching around him as he sadistically chuckled, satisfied by the pleasuring torturing spell he had you under.
“Fuck,” you gasped out, the sound of your voice tainted as your body lunges forward with each thrust, “i’m gonna fucking cum.”
“Hh come on baby,” Hyunjin grumbled, “just a little longer for me now why don’t you?”
“Just f-for you,” you giggled, noticing the way Hyunjin heart was practically about to leap out of his chest. He was working hard to make you feel good; even if you couldn’t tell from the shimmering black ink spread across his chest and down his torso. 
“Baby are you gonna cum?”
Your throat had become empty, completely forgetful of how to speak and use your words. The continuous and uncontrollable clenching was satisfactory enough to give him the answer he needed. 
“y/n, are you gonna cum with me?”
“Please,” you whined, “cum in me, I'm begging you.”
Your words were more than enough. You hummed in satisfaction as you felt yourself slip over, feeling the warmth of his liquid inside of you. His body collapsed, falling next to you as he watched you sit up, enjoying the views of his viscosity spill out of you. You let a finger fall down, picking it up and tasting him. His jaw dropped at what he thought to be such a ludicrous act.
“Wow,” you smirked, letting your tongue sloppily wrap around your finger, “you taste so good.”
Hyunjin threw his head back on your bed, ripping out his ponytail and running his hands through it.
“far out y/n, you don’t know how many times i’ve thought about you saying that to me.”
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daemoninwhiteround2 · 3 years
“Jason is wasted as a house maid” what kind of job would you have him do Bruce? 👀
Bruce has very little to do as the household descends into organised chaos to get everything arranged in time. He mainly assists by keeping out of their way and corralling Tim, Damian and Duke to free up Alfred.
But the usual household tasks must still get done, and so he finds himself a week later in his study, a stack of ledgers for Wayne Ent. to review on his desk, and Jason making his way around the bookshelves, dusting.
He has been hopelessly distracted ever since Jason knocked, and so takes the opportunity to observe Jason. For once, Jason's actions don't feel like an elaborate attempt to seduce Bruce: his skirts are short, yes, and far more of his decolletage is on display than Bruce has seen on the other maids. But it doesn't feel like an escalation. His skirt is just as short and his top as low cut as it was last week. Bruce watches his movements, they're not nearly as graceful and sweeping as they were last week.
And, most damming of all, his tail isn't the typical lush, resplendent bushel of fur, but ever so slightly ragged.
Bruce makes up his mind. He puts the ledger aside. "It must be tiring."
Jason turns around and yes, under his eyes there are the beginnings of dark circles. "Sir?"
"I know Alfred typically runs a tight ship, but there is ought to be a good balance of work time and off time."
Jason gives Bruce an almost calculating look. "Yes, compared to other places I've worked, usually the evenings and nights are ours, and Sundays too of course."
"But with this gala."
Jason bobs a nod. "There's more work to be done."
Bruce stands. "Come with me."
Jason doesn't quite back up a step but a look like he would want to passes quickly over his face. "Mr Wayne?"
"I. You need a." Bruce clears his throat and represses the ridiculous urge to blush. "You need a break. I thought. I could dust and. The bath in my rooms, it has hot water on tap. You could bathe and I would fulfill your duties."
Jason's expression shifts and eventually settles on the slightest of smirks. He leans back against the bookcases, twists slightly to highlight the press of his breasts against his top, flicks his tail to make the side of his skirt ride up. "Am I too dirty, Mr Wayne?" he purrs.
Bruce clears his throat again and doesn't think about Jason, wet and warm from a bath, smelling like Bruce's soaps and shampoos. Doesn't think about Jason wrapping himself in a towel and sitting at the vanity in Bruce's rooms intended for his future wife to use. Doesn't think about getting on his knees and brushing out Jason's tail until it's thick and shining and beautiful again.
"I've created extra work for you. This is all I can do to apologise."
Something in the set of Jason's eyes changes and he smiles, just a little. "I'd like that. But you're explaining to Mr Pennyworth, if he asks!"
"Of course." Bruce can't keep his tone from turning pointed as he says, "you know how to get to my rooms, yes?"
His pillow still smells of Jason.
Jason doesn't even have the grace to blush. "Yes."
They look at each other for a while. Bruce, usually so aware of his surroundings, cannot tell for how long.
Jason's eyes are a stunning hazel. He's never noticed before.
Eventually, Jason steps forward, and puts one gloved hand on Bruce's wrist. "Thank you, Mr Wayne."
Suddenly Bruce thinks he's do just about anything to hear Jason call him by his given name, but his jaw seems to have rusted shut, and Jason is gone before he can force his mouth open.
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