#i can't wait to rewrite this now that i find myself putting more thought and effort into it
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hamburgerhelpersotherhand · 10 months ago
Infatuation Rewritten - Chapter 1
Joe Goldberg x Reader (ft. Love Quinn)
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Summary: Love's longtime friend moves back to LA. Fortunately, Joe (Will) never had too much trouble adapting (Season 2).
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (we're all adults here), Joe actually loses his mind a little at the end.
Now for something nobody expected! The long-awaited rewrite for Infatuation... I have 40 pages of this, by the way. I'd like for *some* of them to see the light of day... and so I've told myself: If I wait for it to be perfect, It'll never be posted. I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to share your thoughts! xoxo Ona
My eyes roamed the list of names by the front door of the apartment complex. There were about four total, so finding yours was the easiest part. The hardest step came in the form of mustering up the courage to press the buzzer. But, was it really a trouble with courage? The more I thought, as my finger hovered over the button, the more I began to consider it to be uncertainty.
I pause and reach my other hand into my pocket. My fingers slide across the screen of your phone, and I remind myself why I'm here. Simply put, I’m here to give you your phone back. I found it on the passenger’s seat of my car and almost thought to tell Love… Instantly, a part of me knew she would’ve pried it from my grip to give to you herself – and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for us to speak again, this time unmonitored by her perceptive gaze and sharp ears… and without the alcohol in your system.
Last night, you clung to Love as she touched you tenderly, playing the role of your dutiful sober saviour. She hosted a dinner and she invited her friends. One of them was you.
“A good friend,” She had called you. The last she’d spoken to you was ten years ago, and I guess I hadn’t realized good friends stay out of reach for a decade at a time. It didn’t matter how much time had split you two apart, though, because Love embraced you with a warm smile and open arms. There wasn’t any malice, no judgement either. She was just happy to have you back in her life. When you got too drunk to take public transportation, Love tried to coax you into staying the night. You wouldn’t budge, even with a slipping tongue, fluttering eyes, and a head too heavy to stay upright. So she compromised: you let her coddle you, sober you up just enough, and I drove you home. It wasn’t even that late, Love just couldn't stop pouring you wine after wine after wine. You seemed like you needed it, though. Tense as you were. Pent up little thing.
“What’s your relationship like with Love?” I asked, feeling rather bold with your inebriated self. The image of her hand resting on your thigh flashed in my mind. I laughed. “She hadn’t mentioned you until you’d moved back to LA. She practically can't shut up about you now.”
You shifted in your seat like a child. No position in my car seemed comfortable for you, and you had made it more than obvious.
“She’s a good friend.” You responded and looked out the window like it meant something. Love had said the same thing — I believed you both — but I felt as though you were withholding something else from the conversation. The annoying bell on your purse jingles as you tuck it closer to your side.
“You two seem close. Should I be concerned?” I then asked teasingly, laughing to fill the awkward tension of a silent car ride. I wanted to spark something in you, but you brushed it off as you curled your arms around your waist.
“I think I had too much to drink…” I glanced at you, and I was suddenly nervous. Your coat was askew, hanging off your shoulders. I knew you were drunk, but your direct announcement sounded to me as a warning.
“Tell me if you need to throw up, okay?” You slowly nodded before slotting your forehead against the cool car window. We remained like that until you got home, choosing to stumble your way for a block to feel a semblance of privacy – but I watched you walk up those steps. I knew your building, and you were still too fucked up to realize.
I pull your phone out of my pocket and look it over one more time. My thumb runs over the plastic case before turning it around and looking at myself in the black reflection.
Your phone is dead. Has been since I found it. None of my chargers fit into the port, unsurprisingly. It’s one of those phones where the keyboard slides out, for Pete's sake. Your phone is more than a few generations old. A brick. I chewed my fingers raw trying anything I could to get it started again – I wanted to pry, really. I’ll be honest with you here, I really wanted this glimpse into your personal affairs.
I wondered, exasperatedly, about what you were hiding behind this screen. Clutching it tighter into my palm, I lift my free hand and press the buzzer.
A few long moments after the sound, I hear a click.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Will –” I begin to say, ready to explain myself in the same manner I had rehearsed at home, eating breakfast, in the car, and on my way up the steps. However, you cut me off immediately.
“Do you have my phone?”
My heart skips a beat and I’m momentarily stunned. I blink a few times before speaking.
“Yeah, actually.” I replied. “I found it on the passenger seat this morning, I guess I didn't see it when I got home last night.”
“I’m going to buzz you in.” Perfect.
After hearing the buzzer, the door clicked. I made my way inside. The stairs were wooden and creaky, the walls showing obvious water damage, and the lights hummed obnoxiously. Obviously, none of this was of your doing. Your landlord just didn’t care.
Your door’s paint was chipping off, revealing the cracked wooden layer underneath, but the rusted numbers on your door somehow looked worse. I knocked.
I heard the shuffling of your feet from behind the door before it opened. When your head peeked out, you gave me a smile and extended your hand.
I momentarily look at it, thinking… Right. I drop your phone into your awaiting palm. I almost thought you wanted me to reach out as well. That would’ve been too good, right?
“May I use your bathroom?” I ask.
Your mouth opens momentarily, as you look away and off to the side. There’s nothing there, you’re simply thinking it through and disappearing into your head again.
“Sure.” You then reply, reluctantly scooting back and giving me my first glimpse into your apartment.
If only you knew how ecstatic I was to slip through the crack of your front door. My heart thumps excitedly, as I waste no time looking around. By the door sits a coat hanger with a few pairs of shoes around its feet.
“Should I take off my boots?” I ask.
“Yeah, actually. I’d appreciate it.”
I untie the laces and slip them off my feet. Then, just as I drop them by the coat hanger, you beckon me to follow.
Your apartment is a fair size, with one large space making up both the kitchen and the living room. Right of the front door, a short hallway leads us to a room. As you continue past the door, I slow myself and look to my left. Your hallway has a little louvred closet, and I can’t help but reach out and open it. There’s nothing exciting inside, only white bed sheets.
“The bathroom is over here.” I suddenly hear you say from within the bedroom. I close the closet and hurry along, hesitantly making my way into your room.
I examine the layout of your furniture: your bed is made, your dresser tucked away in the corner, your desk by the window, and your small bookcase right by its side. I take another look toward your window: It overlooks the front of the building, I think. I want to look around more, but I’ve already entered an uncomfortable silence through this simple observation… you’re bound to find it weird. Hell, you’re already finding it weird – my being here – if your reluctance to me using your bathroom is anything to go by.
“Thanks.” I tell you, nodding in your direction and scooting by to enter the bathroom. I peer over my shoulder, however, and take another peek into your bedroom before shutting the door.
In the bathroom, I made my way to the toilet and listened to your shuffling from the other side of the door. I lifted the seat without paying much attention, and stilled when I heard you leave the bedroom entirely. I didn’t really need to go to the bathroom, but I wasn’t lying when I said I needed to use it.
I waited a moment, lowered the toilet seat again, and didn’t bother flushing or washing my hands. The sound could set you off that I was finished, and I definitely wasn’t finished. I needed the opportunity to snoop just a tad bit more. I unlocked and creaked the bathroom door open, observing the quiet room with more attention than I had before.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I leave the door open. My head snaps in the direction of your bedroom door and I pleasantly find it shut from the rest of your apartment. You’re making this too easy. I make my way around quietly, being careful with my steps as I approach your nightstand with a familiar object glinting in the natural sunlight of the room: your phone, on its charger. When I press the button on its side, the logo appears as it powers on.
I take the time needed for the phone to boot up as an excuse to look about your room. The bookcase, which I had only glanced at before, takes shape infront of me. My hand drifts along the spines of the books… and I feel unsatisfied. You have a small selection of kitschy modern romance novels. My judging eyes shift to your dresser, the framed pictures sitting on top catching my attention. I don't recognize anyone, but a weird feeling washes over me. You’re not in any of these pictures. I feel a… disconnection… from the room. My eyes move elsewhere and I catch sight of a few unopened cardboard boxes against the wall near the bedroom door. They’re folded. Unused. I wonder briefly as I look back down to your phone. It’s open.
Unlocking it was easy, no password. You know, the good thing about an older cellphone model is how easy it is to just… get in. I flip your phone over and pop the back right off. I slide the chip out of my pocket and right into place. Once everything is back in its place, I unlock your phone and fully install the hardware. As much as I would like to start snooping about your phone now, I close it and set it back down on your nightstand. I make my way back into the bathroom, pulling my phone out all the while. I open the freshly installed app and bite at my lip as I see the device sync up. Done.
I flush the toilet, wash my hands, and make my way out of the bedroom. When I step back into your living room kitchen, you’re seated at the short island, your back to the small living room.
“Thanks for letting me use your bathroom,” I say, making my way back to the front door. You swivel the chair as I walk by and watch me duck for my boots.
“Thanks for bringing me my phone. I was almost going to head out to Anavrin–”
“Oh, I don’t work Saturdays. You would’ve missed me entirely.” I say all matter-of-factly, like an asshole. You shrink.
As I loop the laces around, I look up at you. Your brows knit together and you avert your eyes from me. I watch you for another moment, smiling to myself. You’re nervous.
“What’re all the boxes for?” I ask, looking around the apartment. They’re a little sprawled out everywhere, but most of them are still folded up. I chew my cheek as I wonder – are you packing up to leave already? You just got here not even a week ago. Is that what’s gotten you so nervous? Cause I caught you? I bite my tongue and choose to rephrase my thoughts. “Still unpacking?”
“No, It’s… complicated.” You respond.
I nod my head and stand. Your eyes fleet to me for a second before drawing away. Is it me, Y/N? Am I making you nervous?
“Thank you again, for my phone.” You mumble, drifting off somewhere. I smile wide, and huff. You’re not a threat. A pest, likely. But not a threat.
“Yeah, no problem.”
I’m out the door not a moment later, spinning my keys while on the way to my car.
Back at my apartment, I notice the door’s unlocked.
I'm cautious as I walk through the threshold, peering ahead only to notice Love behind the counter.
“Love, I didn’t expect you to break into my apartment.” I tease, taking off my boots and shedding my jacket.
“I thought you’d be home,” she whines. “Besides, it’s not breaking in when you’ve got a key.”
I make my way into the kitchen, to her side, and slip my hands around her waist. She turns her head to look at me, a big smile on her face.
“Where were you?” She mumbles, still looking down at the counter.
“I went over to Y/N’s apartment,” I began, rolling the hem of her shirt between my fingers. “She forgot her phone in my car last night.” I kiss her shoulder.
“Mmh,” Love hums. “That was nice of you.”
I look over her shoulder, noticing the restaurant brochures infront of her.
“What were you doing here?”
“Looking for something to order. I don’t really want to cook again tonight.”
I lift my hands off her hips, placing them on either side of the counter. I press forward, and slide one of the menus into view.
“This one seems good.” I whisper, inconsiderate of what I’m pointing to. I’ve got one thing on my mind right now, and it isn’t the brochures.
Catching onto my carelessness, Love turns around and faces me. She tilts her head and observes my face for a moment before sliding her arms around my neck.
“How did it go?” Love suddenly inquires about us again.
“It went well,” I tell her, keeping it short. Still, she pries.
“Tell me more,”
“Well, she showed me to her bathroom,” I look around, as though I was recalling the few minutes I stood in your apartment. I’ll keep the snooping to myself. “Aaand, that’s about it.”
Love thins her lip. She’s pensive for a moment. She thinks, and I watch her grapple with her thoughts as she looks about the kitchen. She clears her throat before speaking.
“Will,” She starts, her hand taps my chest and I watch it circle around. “I wouldn’t be asking you this if it wasn’t important, but… can you do me a huge favour?”
My hands find Love’s face, cupping her cheeks, and pressing her forehead to mine. My eyes search hers, and I pout.
“Anything for you,” I tell her. Anything.
“Forty has this thing tomorrow… I didn’t think ahead, and my plans are jumbled. But, this is really important.”
For a second, my stomach drops. I try not to let the horror show on my face as I’m convinced she’s about to glue me to Forty’s side for a day. But she continues.
“Y/N needs help clearing the apartment,” My eyes narrow, and I nod as I continue to listen. “You see… Will. It isn’t really my place to say this, but I thought you should know her mom passed away a few months ago. She’s been trying to sort through the estate, and they finally gave her the green light to clear out her old apartment. I can’t be there to help.”
Love’s hands slide over mine, cupping my fingers as I cup her cheeks.
“Are you free sometime tomorrow? Would you be able to help her out?”
With this revelation, the framed pictures sitting on the dresser make sense.
“I mean… yeah. I can do that.”
Love lights up at my response, hopping up for an intimate kiss. My hands fall to her ass, but she pulls away too soon. Always too soon.
“Thank you, Will,” She grins, tapping my chest again. “I’ll let her know.”
As Love pulls out her phone, I watch her tap away at the screen.
“You know, that entire complex looks unlivable. The place might have a rodent problem, too.” I say as she hits send.
“I know! I told her she could stay with me,” Love leans her head against my chest with a frustrated huff, slipping her phone onto the counter.
“You both already spend so many afternoons together,” I begin, sliding her head up to look at me. My fingers brush her cheek, and my next words come out hushed. “If she was around any more, I’d never have you to myself.”
Her eyes flutter as my hands brush baby hairs out of her face. I hum, and lean in for another kiss.
“Will,” she starts, pressing her palm into my chest. She pushes me back, and I let her. “I’m not in the mood right now. Is that alright?”
I purse my lips… a little agitated, but I understand. I’m in the mood, but I understand. She doesn’t want to have sex, she wants to talk about you.
“Of course, Love,” I kiss her cheek. “Some other time.”
With a smile, she returns her attention to those stupid brochures. I agree to whatever she wants, whatever she’s in the mood for. I always do.
Once dinner’s sorted, we pair it with a movie on my tv. We cuddle, and it’s nice. During an intimate scene, a quiet one with rustling bedsheets, Love decides to speak.
“I’m glad you’re getting along well with Y/N.” She says with a hum, rubbing her face into my chest. I grunt when her hand squeezes my knee. “She appreciates it too, I know it. She doesn’t know many people in the city anymore.”
I tear my eyes away from the sex on tv to look Love in the eyes.
“Are you doing anything tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I have that thing with Forty. Someone seems a little forgetful tonight” I laugh and apologize, scolding myself. Of course… Tomorrow. I did forget. She turns her attention back to the movie. When I reluctantly return my own attention to the screen, I can’t help but scrutinise everything I see. Love seems pleased, watching the protagonist and her girlfriend lounge after what felt like the most drawn-out fucking I’d ever witnessed on tv. She’s probably thinking to herself: what a nice couple, happy, in love, and all tuckered out. But I feel differently. I see something I’m missing. We could be them, Love and I. But, instead of being wrapped in each other with more to do than to SAY, I think about the brick phone, I think about the lunch dates, I think about the selfishness of only reaching out when things became convenient, and I think about YOU. I think about the rust on your door, think about your dead mom, I think about how Love wants me to help you pack her things – like I’m some tool to be borrowed and Love’s the kind neighbour willing to lend – and I think about how Love touches you and I can’t help but wish I could crawl into your skin and rip you up from the inside.
The bell on your bag rings in my ears, jingling as you tap it over, and over again. Should I feel threatened by you? Because I do, even when everything about you proves to me you’re no threat at all. You’re meek, small, pathetic. Despite it all, you’ve stepped into my yard, trampled the very bushes I’ve trimmed and watered to perfection, and made yourself cozy against the love of my life. And, like a call to battle, the bell stirs something in me.
But you’re innocent, I cry in my head. You’re not Peach. You’re no evil mastermind, and stepping into someone else’s yard doesn’t mean much when you’re a helpless rabbit. Your mom is dead, you’re grieving. I think about you, in my car, curled in on yourself, skin exposed. Scared. I grit my teeth at the thought.
When Love departs, just after the movie ends, I spend some time catching up on your messages. That’s all I can really do, actually. With such an old model, your system doesn’t allow access to anything, anywhere, anytime. Just the text messages. I scroll to find your mention of me dropping by earlier.
‘Left my phone in Will’s car. He dropped it off.’
‘He’s the best <3’ Love responded.
About twenty minutes after that, Love let you know I’m replacing her tomorrow.
‘We can reschedule.’ You tried, but Love tells you the plans are already made. You can’t run from this. Neither can I.
I recline on my couch, huffing as I read as far as your messages go. I couldn’t get the older logs but anything you send from here on out, I have access to. When the late hours of the night finally catch up to me, I look out my window at the flickering street lights, and I head to bed.
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captainlunaxmen · 5 months ago
Panic 2.0
Dodge Mason x fem!reader x Ray Hall
Chapter 2
This is a rewriting of my old series on @lunamadhatter99 , I decided to rewrite it because the series wasn't completed, and I didn't like it that much anymore.
Let me know what you think and also if you want to be tagged in the next chapters❤️❤️
Chapter summary: first challenge.
Warnings: none that I can think of.
Tag list
@stuckinthesmalldoor @once-upon-an-imagine @idontevenknow1359 @queensunshinee @daughterofthemoons-stuff @avengersheart @aleemendoza2425-blog @jensenrossing @ninaaaa9 @igotmajordaddyissues
I'm sorry if I can't tag everyone😔🥺
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The next day I'm not the first one to arrive at work, when I enter I find Dodge already cleaning the tables.
"Did you leave something to do for me too?" I joke.
"No, I did everything. You can go home" he says jokingly.
"Nah, I'll stay so I can pretend to work and earn my checks" I reply.
"Ooh smart" he says looking at me.
"As always" I wink at him.
I go change and get back to tidy up behind the counter and check the coffee machine.
"How was the party?" He casually ask while he re-fills the sugar jars.
"Eh.. a party. Not really my place, but Natalie insisted all week for me to go" I answer with a small chuckle, "so I couldn't exactly say no."
"So nothing interesting happened?"
"I might have made a bet" I mutter under my breath.
"You.. you made a bet?" He asks, holding back a laugh.
"Don't tell me" he's really trying not to laugh.
"Ray challenged me... if he wins panic I'll be his girlfriend" I explain.
"Oh god" he fully laughs now.
"Don't laugh" I tell him, holding back my own laugh.
"We're gotta make sure he doesn't win then" he says, casually.
"We? Would you help me?" I ask, feeling warm at his offer to help me.
"Sure, I won't let you ruin your life with a dick like him" he jokes, though his smile is almost embarrassed.
"You're a lifesaver" I say, as I finish cleaning, just in time for the clients to start to come in and order.
As I'm preparing a coffee to bring ti an onld lady at the table I see Heather coming in.
"Hey" I greet her. "What's that defeated face?"
"I got fired." She simply says.
"What?" I'm actually surprised. "But you're-"
"The only one who actually does anything? I know"
"I'm sorry to hear that, screw them you can do better," I sternly tell her as I bring the coffee to the client, "can I get you anything?"
"Just a coke thanks" she answers, I can feel the defeated tone in her voice.
"Coming" I say grabbing a glass.
As I'm putting the ice in the glass Dodge comes out, starting to pour the coke for me.
"Hi" he says "You're Heather, right? Dodge"
"Yeah, I know who you are. You're the new guy" she answers lightly.
"Well, it's been year" he looks at me, laughing softly and I smile at him, shrugging and serving Heather the coke.
"Everyone here has known each other from diapers, so the new guy is pretty big news" she explains and I chuckle knowing it to be true.
"Told you, nothing happens around here" I agree."Carp is actually the-"
"Capital of nothing. Nothing happening, nothing changing" Heather finishes for me, to which I nod, then I turn around to clean the cups the customers left before.
"What about panic?" Dodge asks, casually.
"There is no such thing" Heather says, but I can sense her eyes on my back.
No one talk about panic. No one wants to. No one can, actually.
"Then how'd those two kids die last summer?" Dodge asks raising his voice. He wants to know more about that.
"Whoa, keep your voice down" Heather shushes him.
"Oh so it is real" he lowers his voice again "you know I thought Ray was just shaking me down at first" he turn to me when I turn around myself, then look back at Heather" 'a dollar a day, everyday that school is in session' but then when I saw that everyone else had to pay in.." he looks at me "so, how does it work? When does it start?"
"We wait for the judges to send out a signal, which is different every year" I explain, earning a glare from Heather.
"And what.. we're just supposed to wait until then?" He asks.
"Pretty much" I nod.
"We're really supposed to forget about it" Heather speaks up, still glaring at me.
"Why?" Dodge look at her again.
"We're not supposed to talk about it, the cops know about the game and they know that Jimmy and Abby were competing. You could get in trouble for just watching" she says the last part looking at me, probably to convince me not to play.
Suddenly the door bell jingles and the Sheriff himself enters walking towards us, Dodge grabs the menu to give to him and grabs a glass for the water.
"Miss Nill" he greets Heather, while taking his hat off.
"Sheriff" she answers smiling awkwardly.
"Miss L/n" he nods to me.
"Hi Sheriff" I greet him back.
"Dodge" he greets him too "may I sit with the cool kids?" He jokes.
"Go for it" Heather answers after sending me an awkward look.
Sheriff Cortez sits and asks Dodge about his mother.
"She's working the night shift" Dodge answers quickly "can I get you something?"
"Let me get a root beer" he points.
I give Dodge a glass and turn back to the Sheriff who's looking at Heather papers.
"You job hunting?" He asks her.
"Begging" she specifies.
"You know, I'll bet your luck is gonna change when they finish the warehouse. I keep hearing they're gonna break ground any day, so.." he assures her.
Heather and I chuckle.
"They've been 'breaking through ground any day' since we were in eight grade" Heather say standing up to get out.
"Well good luck" the Sheriff tells her.
"Better get back to it" she answers.
"Good luck Heather" I tell her, smiling.
"Thanks, bye" she waves at me before exiting the caffè.
"What about your aunt, uh?" Cortez asks me.
"The usual, she's somewhere... doing... something" I answer simply.
"I see.."
"Yeah" I say wiping the counter.
There's silence for a while, me and Dodge cleaning and the Sheriff drinking his beer.
After the Sheriff says his goodbye and all the customers are gone me and Dodge are alone to close the café.
Once we get out, we hear fireworks outside.
"It's starting" I tell him. "Guess I'll see you at Pilot's Point" I take a deep breath.
"Definitely" he send me a reassuring smile before we go separate ways heading home so I can put on my bikini for the challenge.
I'll meet Natalie and Bishop there for sure, maybe Heather too.. if Natalie convinced her to come.
"Hey" I say to Bishop and Natalie when I finally spot them.
"Hey yourself" Bishop smiles.
"Hi, nervous?" Natalie asks me, clearly nervous herself.
"Actually, no. You?" I ask, even though I know the answer to that, I just need to look at her.
"A bit" she answers.
"This is the easiest challenge, no need to be nervous" I reassure her.
"Yeah.. yeah you're right. It's gonna be fine" she says, trying to convince herself.
"Yeah, I wish you two change your mind, sure, but it's gonna be fine" Bishop tells her.
"No turning back now" I say.
"Well.. technically you still can... not jump" he points out.
I slightly shove him.
I see Dodge standing by himself, as we lock eyes I wave at him, he waves back nodding his head encouraging and I do the same.
Before I could even think of walking towards him, Diggins' voice through the bullhorn catches everyone's attention.
"May I have your attention?" He starts "welcome to panic!"
Everybody cheers.
"My name is Diggins, and this summer I will be your host with the most. This year the winner of Panic is gonna take home the grand prize of $50,000!" He enthusiastically announces.
More cheering.
"That's the biggest pot ever, last year was only $30,000" Natalie says, excitedly.
"You all know the rules" Diggins continues" what happens at a challenge, stays at a challenge, so I don't want to see any posting, tweeting or gramming about it, no exceptions. Anyone found in violation risks losing game privileges. First challenge is the Jump." He points then towards the cliff "remember kids,you want to go out and down into the swimming hole. You miss it, and it's gonna be the rocks that break your fall."
He definitely knows how to reassure people.
"Take a leap from the Lookout and grab yourself 100 points, courtesy of this year's friendly judges, whoever they may be." He explains "let the games begin!"
Everyone cheers loudly.
"That's our cue" Natalie says, unzipping her dress.
Bishop looks at her. "You know, I have the same suit"
He's probably trying to lighten Natalie's mood. I laugh at that, but Natalie couldn't seem to hear it.
"Let's go" I tell her, once I got my shorts off too.
Summer is responsible for listing the players.
Natalie takes a deep breath looks at me, I give her a reassuring look.
"Hit me" Natalie tells Summer.
"Hey Natalie, You're number 11" she replies.
Natalie looks at me one last time and I nod to encourage her onve again, before she can head for the cliff.
As I'm letting Summer writing the number on me Dodge arrives too. We share encouraging looks and I start to walk to the cliff too.
I hear everyone cheering.
"Contestant number one, announce yourself" Diggins says through the bullhorn.
"You know my name, Diggins. Your mom screams it every night" hearing Ray's voice makes me roll my eyes, of course he would've been the first one to jump.
After him one by one the other players jump.
It's my turn.. and I decide to go for the High Point.
"Oohh High Point ladies and gentlemen" Diggins announces.
"For all you virgins, out there, a quick reminder: a jump from the high point will get you a 25-point bonus." Diggins explains as I get there.
I look over the edge. Taking a deep breath.
It's gonna be fine. I tell myself.
"Contestant number 12. Announce yourself!"
"Y/n L/n!" I scream, immediately.
I keep looking at the edge.
Not the time to get scared now. Shit.
"You can still go back to the lowest jump. No judgment here." Diggins tell me.
"Fuck off, Diggins! Thank you." I reply.
"Always a princess" he jokes.
"Want me to do a flip?" I joke back.
"Don't play with fire, Y/n" he warns. I can feel he's worried, he's one of the few people I can stand, I can call a friend.
I smirk, take a few step back and then run to jump.
I keep my eyes closed until I hit the water and swim back up again.
"And another one, everybody!" Diggins exclaims. "The Princess is playing!"
I flip him off as I swim back to shore where Natalie and Bishop are waiting for me.
"Great jump" Natalie hands me a towel to dry myself.
"Thanks" I say breathless.
I turn around and see Dodge going for the High Point too.
"Another High Point!" Diggins cheers. "Contestant number 13, announce yourself"
Dodge doesn't answer.
"Announce you-"
"Dodge Mason" Dodge cuts him off.
He then throws the flare in the water and jumps.
Everyone around me cheers, I can't until I see him emerging.
"High Point is popular tonight! Way to rise the stakes, Dodge."
I walk with Natalie away from the big crowd.
"Weren't you scared?" Natalie asks me, "that's pretty high."
"For a minute, I think" I tell her "but then... nah, it's just a jump"
I spot Dodge and walk towards him
"Hi" I say, still out if breath.
"Hi" he's putting his shirt back on.
"Great jump" I say.
"Yours too" he smiles.
"You got scared up there or?"
"Not to jump no. It's the landing that gets you in trouble" he chuckles.
"Agree" I smile.
"Do you need another towel?" He asks me, ready to hand me one.
"No, thanks I-"I stop as I see Natalie walking to.. Heather? What?
"You okay?" Dodge asks.
"Yeah.. yeah don't worry" I smiles again."I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I gotta go."
"Sure.. sure see you tomorrow, princess" he teases using the nickname Diggins used earlier.
"Don't push it, Mason" I reply with a chuckle, rolling my eyes.
I walk up next to Natalie, watching Heather walking to the cliff.
"What's Heather's doing?" I ask her.
"Playing" she says emotionless.
She seems angry, Heather always said she would never play, she also tried to talk us out of playing ourselves. So why would she play?
I'm not angry, I'm not as competitive as Natalie, I'm more worried. I'm afraid something happened to Heather.
I keep my eyes focused on the cliff untill I see her, not moving by the edge of the first cliff.
"Contestant number 23. State you name"
Heather doesn't even move.
"Heather come down" Natalie screams.
Then she moves, as if something snapped in her head. She's walking to the High Point... no... Devil's Drop.
Something definitely happened.
"What's she doing?" Natalie sounds furious.
"She's playing" Bishop says.
I hear people trying to convince her both to jump and to come down.
I look at Diggins, he seems uncertain on what to do, but he ask her to say her name anyway.
"Heather.. Nill. Heather Nill"
"C'mon Heather!" I scream, which grants me a glare from Natalie.
She then jumps.
Holy shit. She actually did it.
Heather's jump definitely got people talking, she didn't stay for long after that, she disappeared almost immediately. I need to check on her as soon as I can, something doesn't seem right.
"Want a ride home?" Dodge appears beside me, as everyone is leaving.
"Oh, I thought you already went home" I say confused, "it's fine, I can walk don't worry " I assure him.
"Are you sure?" He says nodding to my left.
I look that way and see Ray with his friends, looking at our direction.
"Yeah.. actually, I think I'll accept your offer" I tell him.
"The carriage awaits" he replies holding I'd arm out to point me in the direction of his car.
"Thanks" I laugh.
We walk together to his car, as I sit I'm thankful I'm not walking, I realise now how my feet are hurting.
"How does it usually work? What happens next?" He asks as he drives.
"Well whoever jumped tonight is a player with 100 point, except for us with a 25 bonus and Heather with a 50 bonus and immunity for a challenge. Now we wait for any clue from the judges for the time and place of the next challenge. It could be anything, a crossing, labyrinth, animals.. there's really no scheme" I explain.
"That's..." he starts, hesitating.
"Fucked up? Kinda, but it's the only way to get out of here" I say.
"Is it really?"
"Well.. if you think about it no, but $50,000 helps." I chuckle.
"Yeah you're right" he says.
"Hey.. I know we're kind of competing against each other, but we're still friends right?" I ask.
"Sure. Why would I have offered you a ride?" He smiles.
"Out of pity?" I joke, "or to murder me."
"Oh definitely" he says sarcastically.
"I knew it.. you don't care about me!" I say dramatically.
"I care about you, more than you know" he says seriously. "Princess" he quickly adds teasingly.
"I'm not punching you only because you're driving" I laugh and he does too.
It makes me smile, I'm happy he opened up to me like this, at first I was worried to work with him since he seemed so uninterested in talking to everyone else and I am not much for talking myself, but with time we both opened up to each other. It's nice.
He told me about his sister, his family, his father... And, of course, I told him about my family too.. that talk was intense for us both, but it helped us get close, I'm happy about that, now that I think about it.
"Here we are" he stops the car in front of my house. "Can I tell you something?"
"Don't get me wrong" he's nervous, "I know you're okay with it and all, you're independent.. but I really don't like knowing you alone in that house" he confesses.
That took me a little by surprise
"I'm used to it..it's not that bad, you know. There's always some lights on, since I'm not the one to pay" I joke trying to reassure him.
"The fact that you're used to it doesn't make it right" he says, almost angry, though I know he's not mad at me.
"I know, but there's not much I can do.." I shrug. "You really don't have to worry though, I'm fine, I mean I have your mother's number, I'm basically untouchable."
That made him laugh, at last.
"You're unbelievable" he says, rolling jis eyes."you promise to call? Even for the smallest thing?"
It's the first time I see him worried about me like this.
"I promise" I smile at him, patting his hand to reassure him, but he grabs my hands to squeeze it slightly, then lets go.
"Okay then, sleep well, you need energies to pretend to work" he jokes.
"Oh yes, that sucks all my energies. I need at least 12 hours of sleep" I joke back getting out of the car."Goodnight to you too"
"See you tomorrow Y/n"
I walk to my front door unlocking it when I open it I hear Dodge's car moving. He always waits for me to enter the house before driving away.
He's a sweet guy..very sweet. I shake my head, I can't catch feelings now.. can I?
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sheikfangirl · 9 months ago
your puppet zelda headcanons are definitely making me reconsider her as a concept!! i agree she felt very underdeveloped but has a lot of potential. from a gameplay perspective, if you had your way in integrating/rewriting puppet zelda into totk's narrative, how would you do it? i feel like you'd make her infinitely more developed lol
Hey @pitchblackespresso Thank you for your patience! I know, your question has been in my inbox for a couple of days now but I thought it was so interesting I really wanted to take the time to think about my answer before replying. Obviously, I would've looooove if the dev team added more depth to Puppet Zelda, I mean, she's a walking horror movie trope just waiting to ooze angst and hurt!! hdkjlsgjsjniosdgv!!!!! I happen to be a game dev in real life and I play games with a game dev point of view... I always put myself in the team's shoes and I have empathy for them. Making a game is hard work and what they achieved with TotK is insane. Obviously Puppet Zelda wasn't their priority and I can't wait to learn more from the Masterwork book... I would never ever pretend I would've done a better job than them!! Buuuuuuuut! We are here to brainstorm and have "what if" fun! Here are a couple of confused ideas that will, hopefully make sense :) Find a way to boost the "confused Link" narrative. Puppet Zelda was so obviously NOT the real Zelda, I wish the writers had played with our skepticism a bit and made us doubt and consider that she might just be the real Zelda. I want to be manipulated by Puppet Zelda dammit!!! (and be stepped on, but that's another story)!
Trigger Puppet Zelda encounters!! Going to a specific place on a Blood Moon and trigger a Puppet Zelda encounter !
Picture this: Blood moon ambiance, 100 times worse! She could've made Gloom Shrines appear, full of hellish puzzles or just straight up old school dungeons? But...scary dungeons!  Who here is OoT Shadow Temple PTSD? I sure am! Picture The Shadow Temple, but black, red and on Steroids....the kind of weird shit straight out of the original Hellraiser or a PG-13 version of Berserk's Eclipse. Evil Quests? Something that would've been super dark but sadly impossible without the integration of some kind of morality system like games such as Dragon Age and Mass Effect (Games I'm also obsessed with by the way) : Having Puppet Zelda give Link Dark quest objectives that would have made us question her sanity and intentions and have consequences on Link.  A Good old fashion Battle We should have had the opportunity to FIGHT HER!!! That would've been HEARTBREAKING!!!!  Bonus: This one is not about Puppet Zelda, but about Link. It seems like a detail but..I wish his model changed as we progressed throughout the story. The closer you get to the end, the more dirty and tired Link would have looked, like Wander in the influencal masterpiece game "Shadow of the Colossus." I hope you are not disappointed by these couple of proposals :) Welcome to the cult! Glory to Puppet Zelda ✋ Cheers!!!
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kuu-stuff · 17 days ago
13th February 2025
There is a period that comes back every few months where I kind of drift away. The end of the year/start of the next is always brutal on this regard, I overwork myself in October, then spend a month relaxing where I start noticing my art mistakes more then the next one I try desperately to improve my level but I just can't reach the skills I want so I feel frustrated, then in January I take commissions and they often overlap on February. And now I'm just so tired. I feel like I haven't drawn for pleasure in a while and it drives me away from my tablet. It's always nice to work on commissions but it's certainly not the right season for it and I take too many of them. I can't really work freely on anything until I finish them all, or it makes me feel bad for making my clients wait. But at the same time, my motivation is just dropping down day by day. Right now I still have 5 commissions to work on, and not small ones. And all this puts me in automatic drive and I just kind of work on my commissions then play video games and I don't think about anything and stop writing in my diary or work on my projects. Usually it helps to start new ones, since my current ones are kind of out of my mind at that time, but then it just gives me more work for the rest of the year. I'll try to start finishing what I can this year. I think I'll erase "Here, within reach" since that whole scenario will start in the main series soon and that one gets a lot of hate for some reason and it kind of demotivates me on Contained itself. I should try to finish "Remnants of our memories" since it's a shorter story. I want to redo the last part, I really didn't like how it end up looking like and it makes me feel like I broke the perfection of it. I'm coming to a part of Contained where I need to rewrite some scenes but the next part will be very short and it's the first thing I'll work on after I finish the next 2 commissions. Then, oh well, I'll see. Until then I'll try to work on my essay on Silas in between each commissions steps to keep me sane. ✰✶✰✶✰✶✰✶✰✶✰✶✰ Those last months were so empty and annoying that I have nothing to say even. Oh, right, I started "Cherished Nightmares" since last time. I started it on a whim, as always. I wanted to make it into a black and white more manga-esque quick series like "Remnants of our memories" but I ended up coloring it so it doesn't take me less time at all... I did change the format tho, I thought that it's nice to have at least once comic that could be printable. Tho I made each pictures a bit too big, the writings too, but so if you ever want to print it at home, having 2 pages on each side will be well readable. Paper saving. On the concept, I classified it as horror/drama. I'd have chosen psychological if I had the option. I certainly shouldn't spoil but I was heavily inspired by the video on time travel rendering you inhuman, as well as the again and again music. I had similar scenarios in my mind but I went for something more painful. As always the character has no self-esteem and want to save a character she loves. More as a sacrifice than hoping to ever being with him. The issue is that it's way harder than it seems and no matter what she tries, she can't find a way to do it and of course she blames herself. Feeling guilty, trapped in a world where she doesn't belong, trying to save someone she believes would hate her, she spiral further into insanity. Will it have a good ending ? I'm not sure yet. That's what "This time I can share it with you" is for after all.
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imagine-that-one-thing · 1 year ago
Her majesty || The Re-Write
Snippet of “her Majesty” rewrite. I have absolutely loved re-writing this fanfic in my spare time and it has been one of my favourite secrets to keep, as I have changed the storyline. It has taken me quite a while to write the chapters I have, but I have throughly thought this process out. I’m still trying to figure out some details and plots but I’m ready to share a small snippet of what arose today. I’m not entirely sure I want to keep the title as “Her Majesty” or if I want to change the title to “Veil of Glass.” Feel free to let me know your thoughts and ideas!
Also, I adore the new portrayal of Anna and Harry. He’s soft but not too soft and she’s determined to stand on her own two feet and not have Harry save her every time she needs a saving grace.
Snippet of chapter 4
He walks back towards me, his steps deliberate, his gaze unwavering. Taking my hand in his, he speaks softly, his voice filled with a depth of emotion that tugs at my heartstrings, "If you want me to stay, tell me now."
It feels as though the tenderness of his voice is ripping me open to my core, forcing me to fall within his trans, and my turmoil threatens to boil over me.
A whirlwind of conflicting emotions swirls within me. I yearn for him to stay, to wrap me in his embrace and chase away the shadows of doubt. Yet, I hesitate, unable to articulate the tangled mess of thoughts and feelings that hold me back.
Caught between the desire to be strong and the fear of revealing my vulnerability, I falter. The words catch in my throat, a silent plea lingering on my lips, as I struggle to make sense of the tumultuous storm raging within me.
As I watch him step back, a wave of panic crashes over me, threatening to drown me in its suffocating embrace, breath my breath, slowly drowning me. I've always prided myself on standing strong, on never needing anyone to lean on. But now, in this moment of uncertainty, I feel the ground beneath me slipping away, leaving me teetering on the edge of an abyss I never knew existed.
What is going on? I’m suffocating on my own air.
Amidst the opulence of this royal court, where every move is scrutinized and every word is weighed, I've never felt more alone. The weight of my position, the burden of expectation, it all presses down on me, threatening to crush my lungs beneath its relentless force.
And yet, amidst the chaos of my own inner turmoil, one thought burns brighter than all the rest: the fear of losing him. Not to the monarchy, not to the whispers of court intrigue, but to the vast expanse of uncertainty that lies beyond these gilded walls. What if he walks away and never comes back? What if I'm left to face this world alone, with nothing but memories to keep me company? What a painful and sorrowful life that would be to live.
The answers elude me, slipping through my fingers like grains of sand, leaving me grasping at shadows in the dark. All I truly know is that I want him to stay tonight, to chase away the demons that haunt my dreams and soothe the ache that lingers in the depths of my soul. But I can't bring myself to ask him to put off his plans, whatever they may be, to sacrifice his own desires for the sake of my fleeting whim.
So I stand there, silent and still, my heart aching with a longing I dare not voice, as he waits for my answer, his eyes searching mine for a glimpse of the truth that lies buried beneath the surface of my stoic facade.
Finally, I find myself. I swallow hard and I shake my head, “I will be just fine,” I fake a smile, praying to the man upstairs that I can compose myself and keep my integrity intact. I am not going to stumble over my own emotions. “You’re going to miss your flight if you keep standing here waiting for me to break down, telling you that I need you to stay.”
He heavily sighs, aware that not only am I lying, but I am also telling the truth— a true paradox and conundrum of unknown, undesired emotions that I cannot piece together.
End chapter
I would like to add that I played around with an AI to help convey the emotions more effectively and to escalate the tone I was trying to persuade. I’m utterly impressed at how much it truely helped and how it guided the vision I had and helped articulate it into words. All of these chapters, I visually see in my head and sometimes it’s hard describing the exact emotion my characters are feeling or describing exactly what I see. Anyways, if you’ve managed to read this far, thank you! I hope you have liked my sudden sharing of a chapter I’ve kept hidden for over a year. Oops.
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ljandersen · 1 year ago
whats ur status on sideways 👀? No joke i think abt it daily.
Thank you for reaching out, Anon! It means a lot to me, knowing that a story I wrote is thought about every day. I think about it every day, too, being the author! It's still the story I'm proudest to have written.
As for the status on Sideways, it currently exists as a hand-written, rough first draft stored in a fire-proof safe. It needs massive changes -- complete scene rewrites and a ton of new scenes (mostly for the paragon timeline). It's currently on my back burner while I focus on an original project.
All the adjustments I made editing the 750k words in Part 1-4 has culminated in a major undertaking editing Part 5.
For instance, the reason Shepard joins the Alliance on Rannoch is different after my changes in Part 4. Before, I didn't have a very good reason for her being there and, because of that peripheral role, she wasn't directly involved in a lot of the things happening. Now she's acting Counselor. She's front and center.
It's a good change, the right change, which is why I did it. However, now a lot of the plot-centric happenings, which were only heard about or referenced through another character, need full scenes with Shepard being impactful and altering the outcomes (much better than being a removed observer).
This will require several new scenes and throwing out old ones that are now unnecessary. Then I need to relocate any extra bits of vital information not in the new scene, to other places in the story.
In addition to whole new scenes, I need to majorily revise whole scenes. There's a party scene on Rannoch, which now the goal behind it and what Shepard is doing during it, has changed. That series of scenes need rewritten.
That example of Shep's purpose on Rannoch changing scenes downstream is just one -- and a mostly spoiler free one -- of the dozens of changes I need to accomodate.
Also, the paragon timeline in particular requires a lot of new writing, maybe 50 k words of new scenes (so, the equivalent of a full novel).
Toward the end of writing the first draft of Sideways, I was starting to get worn down. Writing four storylines sometimes made it feel like I was spending weeks going nowhere, because I wasn't moving forward in the main Renegade timeline. Because of that frustration and wanting to reach the end, I chose to focus less on the paragon timeline, knowing I would need to add more to it during the editing. I left myself with some major work to do on that storyline to do it justice.
All of those reasons aside, the main reason Sideways Part 5 isn't ready is because I shifted focus for the time being. I'm serializing an original sci fi series and trying to establish myself an author. I intended to do this after I finished posting Sideways, but with the emergence of AI, I don't think the opportunity will be there for me if I wait.
Visibility for writing is going to become impossible and slow human writers, like me, will be washed away under the tide of AI mega production. There's an influential author in the indie world, for example, who has stated his intention to produce 10k novels a year, on par with the big publishing houses. That's one person, who with a handful of contractors previously put out a few dozen books a year, if that many, who now intends to do 10k a year!
My opportunity to find readers is now, while AI is still clunky and not universal, before people selling a back catalog of 100k books and with the ad spending to match drive human writers out of the market.
Because of this new priority, I've had to funnel my creativity and focus into my original writing. I'm not someone who can do two things at once. I'm all in on one project at a time. That's probably apparent from my fanfic, where I've only posted one WIP at a time, start to finish before the next. I can't divide my passion on concurrent WIP.
That doesn't mean I don't think about Sideways though -- I do, daily! -- and I intend to finish it. For now, though, unfortunately, Sideways is a draft in some notebooks in a safe. It's not a simple undertaking to edit it, and I need to focus on a personal goal.
Your interest in Sideways is something I treasure, though, and appreciate beyond words. I'm so glad my story isn't forgotten. I love knowing it's still on readers' minds. It makes me feel like, what had so much meaning to me as its writer, truly must carry that meaning through to the reader, too, which is the greatest joy in sharing a story.
Thank you for taking time to check in on Sideways and for letting me know how much it still means to you.
Also, here is a picture of my new puppy as a tiny consolation for not having Sideways ready:
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synergysilhouette · 11 months ago
"Mean It" (Villain song from "Stargazer")
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To clarify: this is one of my villain songs. That's correct, ONE of them. I currently only have two (but maybe I'll do a duet). To follow with the radio sound I was going for, I kinda going for a pop-rock/alt pop vibe for this. I'd actually been putting this song on the backburner, but I felt inspired today! Note: I'm still working on Act I of my rewrite, and this is in 2 or 3 (haven't decided yet), so lyrics may change as I go on. I also made a little mood board at the bottom for the vibe I wanted to replicate.
(Verse 1)
You bought me flowers
When no one else could ever buy your time.
You bend to authority so easily,
I guess that's how I made you mine.
I said what I thought you'd like,
Turns out it's what you needed.
The illusion of autonomy,
Who cares? You like the way that you're treated,
I tripped you up,
You fell in love,
Gave me your heart,
That wasn't smart!
Now it's all done,
I've had my fun,
You left your team,
Find a new dream!
Promises, promises,
I tell you what you wanna hear.
How can you get it though your head?
We all want you to disappear!
Broken doll, marionette,
You've outlived all your usefulness.
You're a liability,
Trust me, I've seen it.
Think about the things I've told you.
All that praise, I didn't mean it!
(Verse 2)
I've got admirers for days,
What made you think that you were special?
All those years waiting in the wings,
You failed when I tested your mettle.
You hurt others to get ahead, can't say I blame you.
But what do you have to show for it?
Meaningless letters, a blissful kiss,
Your green eyes grew so wide.
Burn it all, send it back,
I don't care about the feelings you have inside.
So look at them,
And then look at me
My friend or foe,
What does that mean?
I threw you out,
You crawled right back
I treated you like you did them
What good's a wolf without the pack?
(Do I get a discount? Hahaha!)
Promises, promises,
I tell you what you wanna hear.
How can you get it though your head?
We all want you to disappear!
Broken doll, marionette,
You've outlived all your usefulness.
You're a liability,
Trust me, I've seen it.
Think about the things I've told you.
All that praise, I didn't mean it!
My heart belongs to myself,
I put yours up on my shelf.
I wonder how it must've felt.
To have your frozen heart melt.
Red flames dance before my eyes,
I still remember it, to my surprise.
That fear, it makes you so small.
Now here I am, taking it all.
Promises, promises,
I tell you what you wanna hear.
How can you get it though your head?
We all want you to disappear!
Broken doll, marionette,
You've outlived all your usefulness.
You're a liability,
Trust me, I've seen it.
Think about the things I've told you.
All that praise, I didn't mean it!
(Outro; slower)
If I came running to your arms
Crying with guilt from all the harm
I had to do to keep you far,
Would you buy it, that you're my star?
"I didn't mean it, let's forget
Nothing is written, nothing's set"
If you do, I hate you even more
Than I thought I ever could before.
But if you were crueler, more abusive,
Dedication, I could use it.
Make your destiny, let me see it,
And I'll be your queen,
This time I mean it.
Lemme know what you think! Like I said, revisions may happen, but when they do, I'll be sure to highlight it when I post the appropriate arc.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year ago
hello, since you oferred advice to the other anon can I get some words of wisdom too? you don't have to, I understand it can be a lot to ask. or maybe just a ear to listen? idk I'mhaving mixed emotions right now because somet things made me realize that even though I like writing, it's only gonna be ever for myself. which isn't a bad thing but I wanted to one day publish something but I find out now that writing is really hard and I don't have the discipline or even much interest it studying how to do it "right" like all the technicalities and stuff. so really I just like the finished product and how it "looks" in my brain more. I do like trying to figure out how to make a story make sense and all the behind the scenes stuff, but I'm rarely able to get to that stage due to being tired and unable to focus/ discipine myself to work.
I was wondering if there was something I could do about it? I mean I guess I need to accept that now when I write it's just gonna be as a hobby and for myself. though, similar to the other anon, I would like to share my writing, I mean I think we all want to share something we make at some point. but I probably have to give up wanting to make any kind of career or even part time thing from writing. I'm just not built for it I guess.
it's hard to accept. I tried developing templates for myself to follow to make it easier but I failed. I've tried many tips and suggestions and advice to write better but I just can't seem to grasp the craft. even reading doesn't help me.
I've thought about writing poetry instead, like you. but even though I like reading it I don't really like writing it much. I prefer to have characterts and drama, typical story stuff. but I struggle when it comes to putting everything together and actually crafting/building the story rather than just tell it.
sorry this got too long, I'm not really sure what I was trying to say, just need to go on a rant. I'm sorry if this was rude of me. thanks for reading if you do and I always like your responses so that's why I reached out, but let me know if I shouldn't do it like this
Had to wait until I got home from work.
So it looks like you understand your situation pretty well, actually, which is great to see.
Writing doesn't have to be a full time thing for you to go the published route. We have several published authors on here who have other jobs! You don't need to devote your whole career to it. It's fine for it to be a hobby and for it to be a hobby that you'd like to pursue a final result in.
If writing is something you enjoy, keep doing it, and if you'd like to progress, you can do it. (You can probably do it. Not everything is achievable for everyone. I will never be able to do advanced math, no matter how hard I try. My brain can't process it. But from what you're saying, your braincan process writing.)
You already know stuff you like or dislike, right? You know the story, just not how to tell it? Here are a few things that have worked for me and my discombobulated brain.
1. Bullet point lists. Just listing off major plot beats in bullet points. It's not an outline, it's not a plan, it's just a list of stuff that happens.
2. Rubber ducking. I pick somebody from something I've watched recently - for a whole there it was Keanu Reeves - and I explain my story to them multiple times so I understand myself how it works. Or not.
3. Draw a map. Not just a land map, but a map of where the characters go and notes on where they're from and what they're doing in each place.
4. Ask games. I make up so much stuff for ask games and some of it even stays canon!
5. Don't try to fit yourself into one mold of one type of writer. Just write whatever. Write one wip or 17. Write short fiction. Write fanfiction. Write one paragraph stories. Write comics with stick figures or rambling prose that goes nowhere.
5. When you read, rewrite it in your head. Edit those books! Pull out a trope you notice and stick it in a story. (A trope is anything as general as "enemies to lovers" and as specific as "traumatized tall girl with a big sword.")
6. Actually rewrite scenes, from any media you like. Choose a new pov. Focus on a particular sense, like touch, or write it in future tense, or change the setting.
7. Write descriptive prose that's not a story. Write something that's only dialogue. Write journal entries. Switch it up.
And sweetheart, if you are unable to focus or enjoy this hobby that is usually a good time for you, I think think the hobby is the issue. There's something else going on in your brain and taking up the space and you don't have room to create.
For instance, I work retail, full-time, and it’s the holiday season, and I'm fatigued and stressed and not currently writing anything. But I was also not writing when it wasn't the holiday season. And I was too fatigued to create then, too. And it's probably because my depression is acting up.
This might not be the case for you. I can't know. But everybody learns differently, and if you're willing to try new ways of learning, you might find the one that works for you! I hope so. I hope that you sit down with your brain and parse through it, taking the time to figure out the style that suits you best.
But mostly I hope you understand that regardless of how your brain functions or doesn't, that you are amazing and trying, because you like this thing, and you don't want to give up on it. So good job. As long as it is a thing that you like, I hope you keep trying. Somewhere there is a method that speaks to you, some way that helps you find the dawn after the dark. I believe you can find it.
Keep going, love.
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normalcei · 2 years ago
okay so now that DDatSIB is complete, I wanna talk a bit about it (WIP playlist is in here too!!) spoilers for the fic below cut
So first: I knew all along that Scara had to be the protagonist, but I spent ages deliberating over the ship. It was very nearly ScaraMona, but as I considered the parallels between Scara and Kazuha it became more apparent that it had to be Kazuha
The 'Kazuha finds out Scara is the prince' reveal was a LOT earlier in the initial fic. As in like... I think he found out in C4?? But it was still like, C10 (which was at that point the final chapter) before they got together, there wasn't as deep a sense of betrayal to go along w that either. I'd fully written the fic, was reading over it, and went "wait, why is the primary conflict THIS early??" and restructured EVERYTHING and it was so worth it imo, much more impactful
Until the day I posted C4, I was THIS close to rewriting it so that Scara DIDN'T put the condom in Lumine's jacket pocket hahaha I thought people would hate it
The earliest scene I wrote was the star gazing and the first kisses on Kazuha's balcony. It was such a clear vision in my mind, the two of them in each others arms and watching the skies. There were other scraps here and there, the intro, the KaeyaScara scene, but the balcony was such a huge visual for me.
I've started to write a sort of epilogue chapter, and it's basically turned into an epilogue sequel! It'll be about 5 chapters following the first year of Kuni and Kazuha's relationship. Having a bit of a block w it right now, I've got all the ideas and a lot written, but I need to edit back and write forward, so there's no prospective timeframe rn. Until then I might write some rarepair oneshots based on an AU my friend and I have been working on
The Weinlesefest chapter was maybe the hardest. As I've said before, this fic was a way of me working through some stuff, and the dissociative episodes and the lingering words from years ago are so difficult. There's so much self doubt, it's so hard to shut it off sometimes. But I'm trying. The sequel is a lot about recovery, healing, learning, and that's where I am. I'm healing, and I want to take the character I've seen myself in through that journey too. We deserve to heal. We all do.
Finally, here's the playlist!! I'm not a huge music person but I've been trying to get back into it, so here's just a few songs that made me think of the fic :) Most are KazuScara, some specific to Kazuha or Kuni, and there's some TomoKazu mixed in there too
Thank you everyone who read, commented, kudosed, reblogged and shared in any way. I'm so happy to be writing again, feel a bit insane that I jumped back in w a multi chapter fic like this, and I can't wait to write more
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cudan2 · 3 years ago
Vampires Aren’t Part of the Curriculum
Spring Break Shadowing Part 6.1
Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Word Count: 3,185
Summary: Finals have come and gone, and it's time to bid farewell to another year of college. As fate would have it though, a certain doctor unexpectedly reappears in your life again.
Warning: Death, implied canon-typical violence
A/N: I don't typically write things that warrant a warning, so feel free to let me know if anything else should be added/tagged!
If there’s one thing you never hear living in the city, it’s silence. Even if the semester is over and your roommates gone for summer break, the reliable cacophony of cars honking, police sirens wailing, never-ending chatter from the sidewalks, and the unmistakable thumping coming from your neighbor’s bed above will always be there to keep you company. At least they waited till finals were over.
Your phone vibrates on your bed where you tossed it earlier, and you groan from two feet away. Lying on the floor in your apartment bedroom is the first real break you’ve had this whole week. You roll over and stick an arm up high enough to grab your phone. It’s a message directed at you in the group chat with your friends.
Y/N what’s the ETA? We’re all at the restaurant.
In the midst of getting back from your last exam and attempting to simultaneously pack and clean your apartment, the small get-together everyone planned the week prior had slipped your mind. Shit. You scramble up from the floor, tripping over your open suitcase in the process and stubbing your toe. Pain radiates from your toe up through your foot, and you let out a string of incoherent curses. Double shit.
A few minutes later, your outfit is changed, your hair is semi-presentable, and you no longer resemble the bum you were earlier. You throw on the first jacket that you find in your closet and grab your keys and wallet on the way out the door with your phone in hand.
Sorry guys! I’ll be there in 20!
Even though exhaustion slowly creeps up on you, you’re glad to have spent your last night as a college junior with your friends. After dinner, the party migrates back to one of your friend’s apartments where you end the night with a movie and some board games.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to walk you to the station?”
It’s nearing 11:00 pm. The night is still young – for college student standards, that is – but you really need to finish packing up everything before heading home tomorrow afternoon.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine! It’s only a ten-minute walk from here,” you tell everybody. Your friends look skeptical, but you reassure them. “Really, guys, I’ll be fine. It’s not that late out yet, so you can keep playing without me.”
“Okay, but text us when you get back to your place!” You agree and shrug your jacket on before giving everyone one last goodbye.
The route home is simple: walk ten minutes to the 14th Street/6th Avenue Station, and the train would take you directly from the Village back to Bowery where all you have to do is walk another two blocks to your apartment. Despite the simplicity of it though, the exhaustion you felt earlier is pushed away by a gnawing sense of foreboding by the time you are halfway to the station. The hairs on your body stick up, and there’s a sinking feeling developing in the pit of your stomach. Something feels off.
You stop dead in your tracks and look around. Greenwich Village is fairly lit from restaurants still serving people or closing up for the night, and there are enough people walking about for you to not freak out… yet.
Nothing around you is overtly suspicious, but you can’t shake that gut feeling that something is bound to happen. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to walk back alone after all.
You start towards the station again, better to get home quicker than to make yourself a target anyways. Sticking your hands into the pockets of your jacket, you feel the comforting plastic of the pepper spray attached to your key chain. There is also a slip of paper in the pocket that you never had the courage to remove.
Doctor Cullen’s – Carlisle, you have to remind yourself – phone number still remains where you first placed it. There were plenty of times where you considered sending him a text in the last two months, but there never seemed to be a good reason for it. Carlisle is a busy doctor, and busy doctors shouldn’t have to waste precious time over frivolous things like messages from a college student with a stupid crush.
If it weren’t for the bout of uneasiness that sprung out of nowhere, the urge to facepalm for even thinking about him again would have overwhelmed you. He is a surgeon you shadowed for a week – nothing more, nothing less. Or, that’s what you keep trying to tell yourself. You like to believe life would be easier if the god-like doctor wasn’t popping up in your thoughts every now and then like… like a bad zit.
Great, now you were comparing Carlisle to a pimple of all things. The sentiment does serve as a good distraction from the otherwise less appealing option of anxiety though.
A block later, you see the signature globe lamps at the top of the subway stairs and nearly let out a sigh of relief. Abandoning the growing darkness of the Village behind, you make your way into the bright fluorescent lights of the station.
Flying past faded advertisements as you navigate to the correct platform is second nature to you at this point. The distinct smell of sewage and the questionable water dripping down from the ceiling reminds you of a dungeon, an image only further maintained by the variety of rust stains splattered across the rundown tile walls like a mosaic. The only thing this station is missing is its own Pizza Rat.
At the platform, there are a number of other people waiting for the train along with you. You breathe a little easier knowing you won’t have to stand here alone, yet the gut feeling still won’t dissipate. Could it be the exam you took earlier in the day? Did you forget to lock your apartment door? Your mind jumps to a dozen different reasons as to why you’re possibly feeling this way, but nothing clicks in your head.
The deep rumbling of the train soon arrives and you board, taking a seat in the corner of the car. It thankfully ends up being a more uneventful subway ride, but the sense of foreboding grows with every minute that slowly crawls by. Fifteen minutes pass for the train to finally pull into your station. By then, you’re ready to tear out of the subway and just get the hell back home as fast as you can.
You realize a little too late that your station is virtually empty once stepping off the train alone and facing nothing but the sounds of cricket chirps and the mechanical clanging of the subway that quickly grows further and further away. Clenching your hand around the pepper spray again, you warily take a deep breath and try to ignore the resounding thumping of your heart. The fluorescent lights flicker above you, and every step you take towards the exit echoes off the walls of the empty halls.
Then, a loud thump slices through the silence.
You freeze on the spot. Alarm bells go off in your head. You’re on edge more than ever now, and every fiber of your being is telling you to run. And yet, you don’t. Your feet refuse to move from where they are. There’s a part of you – the part that aspires to help people and save lives, the part that yearns for the chance to make a difference in this world – that part wants you to seek out the source of the noise. Your brain releases epinephrine, sending you into fight or flight mode. You know you’ll regret it if you don’t check things out though.
“Screw it,” you mutter under your breath. You only hope this doesn’t backfire on you.
Around the corner is an alcove in the wall where you spot the crumpled body of a woman on the floor. Time slows around you.
For the first time that night, you feel a sense of clarity. You aren’t one to believe in fate, but something deep inside you knows that every decision, every choice you have ever made, led you to this very moment. There’s a reason the universe brought you here and you know that reason is to save a life tonight.
You jump into action.
The steps to providing first aid run through your head at the speed of light, and you’ve never been more grateful for your CPR training. The cold tiled floor of the station collides with your knees as you drop to the ground to roll the woman onto her back. Despite no visible signs of injury, her body, still warm, remains lifeless. You shout and tap on her shoulder in an attempt to rouse her from unconsciousness.
She doesn’t wake up.
Your head moves of its own accord, tilting an ear towards the woman’s mouth to listen for signs of breathing while your eyes are trained on her chest, looking for the rise and fall of her lungs.
She’s not breathing. You pray she isn’t dead already.
Calling 911 is the next priority. Your phone is in hand before you even process it, and you’re about to dial the last digit when a silvery voice you haven’t heard in two months diverts your attention. He doesn’t need to say more than your name before your head snaps around, relief washing over you like a wave when you see him standing there in the grimy subway station hallway with you.
If the situation wasn’t so dire, you would’ve thought you were imagining things.
“Doc– Carlisle!” Words tumble out of you before you even get a chance to think. “I found this woman unconscious, and she won’t wake up. She isn’t breathing, I–” Carlisle cuts you off, but what he says isn’t what you expect at all.
“You need to leave.”
You need to…
His words almost don’t register in your head, but when they do, it sends you reeling.
And that’s when you finally see. His hands are balled into fists by his side, his jaw is clenched, and the golden eyes you sought out in your dreams avoids the body on the floor. You realize he has no intention of helping.
“You need to leave, now. It’s not safe for you here.” He takes a step closer to you and offers you a hand, reminding you of your first day of shadowing with him. “Please, Y/N, I beg of you.”
You want to acquiesce, oh how you wish you could give into his pleading eyes, but you can’t understand why Carlisle is refusing to provide the help this person clearly needs. Your brain grasps at straws for an answer, even for possible excuses, anything to make sense of what he’s saying.
“How can you leave someone here to die?”
His lips press into a thin line, a pained look passing over his features. “This woman is already dead. Over fifty percent of her blood volume has been lost, and her organs have already begun shutting down. There is nothing more we can do. When the authorities discover her body in an hour, she will be declared dead on arrival.”
You don’t want to believe him, but the same gut feeling that led you here to begin with tells you otherwise. You turn back to look at the woman, and his words hit you like a wrecking ball.
Already dead…
The clatter of your phone hitting the floor reverberates through the emptiness of the station. You gasp and fall back off your knees, your hands meeting the ground behind you as you try to scramble away from what you now recognize as a corpse.
A strangled “How?” slips out of you. You don’t know what answer you’re looking for exactly; there are too many questions running through your head. How did she die? How does Carlisle know? How was he even here to begin with?
Within a blink of an eye, Carlisle crouches in front of you, effectively blocking your view of the woman. His voice is low but clear. “I know none of this makes sense, and I wish there was more I could tell you, but your safety is of the utmost importance right now. Y/N, I need you to listen to me. I need you to stand up, and we will leave here together. Can you do that for me?”
Against your better judgement, against all common sense, you go with what you heart wants, and your heart has always told you to trust Carlisle. Foolishly, and perhaps even dangerously, you nod meekly and accept his frigid hand to pull yourself up. He hands you your phone.
“I’m sorry you had to get involved. This never should’ve happened,” you hear him say. What did you get involved in? His firm grip on your hand tightens, as he urges you towards the exit. “Come, we must hurry before–”
“Before what? Please, I…” You want to demand answers from him, but your voice falters. You’re far out of your element here. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”
And just like that, his finger is on your lips, shushing you into a forceful silence. His eyes widen, panic striking across his features. Suddenly, he turns around. The hand you held lets go and pushes you behind him away from the exit.
Over Carlisle’s shoulder, you see a man that wasn’t there seconds before. He’s wearing a haphazard collection of worn-out clothing that almost appears to be held together by threads at this point. He stands casually, unconcerned with the heavy tension that lingers in the air, with a blank expression. He takes a step forward into the direct lights that illuminates the pallid, ashen tone of his skin. It’s the way his eyes are a shade of unsettling red and the streak of blood on his chin that sends the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. You unconsciously wrap your fingers around the pepper spray in your pocket again, but you have a strong feeling that it won’t do much here.
Carlisle is the first to speak. “My name is Carlisle. Allow me to extend an apology for interrupting your meal; we’re not looking for any trouble.”
Meal? Your eyes dart from the other man to the one in front of you, boring holes into the back of Carlisle’s head. The beating of your heart thunders rapidly in an incessant crescendo. You desperately want answers from him now. You want the missing puzzle pieces to what you conclude is a game that you never signed up for because no… there is no freaking way Carlisle is implying what you think he’s saying.
The other man purses his lips in mild contemplation. “Consider your apology accepted.” His lips curl into an unsettling smile, and you inhale sharply at the sight of his blood-stained teeth. “Excuse my manners, I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure to meet. I’m Theo. Now,” his crimson eyes flicker over to you briefly before meeting Carlisle’s again, “I’m not personally one to play with my food, but if you’ve brought dessert, I don’t mind sharing.”
All color drains from your face. Not only is it bad that you’ve managed to stumble across a dead body, but now a cannibal too? Your stomach churns and you can feel the bile rising in your throat. To make it worse, Carlisle is somehow involved in all this, shattering your illusion of the perfect surgeon you thought him to be.
There isn’t time to dwell though. Once hearing what Theo had to say, Carlisle lunges into a low defensive stance. His movement is faster than anything you’ve ever seen, a speed that shouldn’t be humanly possible.
“I’m afraid that won’t be possible. I suggest you keep your hands off what isn’t yours.”
Theo puts both of his hands up in mock surrender. “Tsk, no need to be so aggressive. If you don’t mind leaving me to it, I have unfinished business,” he nods over to the body on the floor.
“Of course,” Carlisle regards him coolly, the dangerous inflection in his voice never wavering. He grabs your free hand and starts moving towards the exit with you in tow. Before you ascend the station stairs to the street, he stops and turns his head back to Theo. “Do clean up after yourself. The last thing we would want is for the Volturi to descend upon the city.”
“Duly noted.”
Silence is something you never hear in New York City, but after going through the deafening silence of that subway station, you were ready to welcome the noisiness of the surface with open arms.
Your self-preservation finally kicks in when a car horn pulls you out of autopilot mode. You’re nearly to the end of the next block in the opposite direction of your apartment by the time you realize your hand is still in Carlisle’s. A chill runs down your spine, and you try to yank away from the man leading you to the unknown, if you can even call him a man.
“Carlisle, stop!” You refuse to run blindly anymore. It takes another few attempts of tugging until the cold fingers wrapped around your own let go.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Carlisle lets out an exasperated sigh, the present crease between his brows deepening as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Are you hurt?”
Beyond all the fear and anxiety, anger flares within you. “Hurt? No, I’m not hurt. What I am though is confused as hell!”
“I know. There is much I promise to explain, but there are far too many eyes and ears here for me to do it now. Do you have anywhere safe to go?”
Carlisle managing to ignore the elephant in the room yet again does not escape your notice, but you humor him anyways. “My apartment is three blocks away.”
“No, no, no,” he shakes his head. “That’s too close. Is there anywhere else?”
You don’t say a word. What could you even say? Your roommate was gone, your actual home is no where near here, and you can’t bring whatever this is upon your friends.
He takes your silence as a no and says, “I see.” There’s a brief interlude, one that Carlisle spends in deep thought before asking, “Y/N, can you find it in yourself to put your trust in me one last time?”
Could you? Would taking the plunge into the deep end be worth putting everything you’ve worked for so far at risk? You’re angry – angry at the situation, angry at Carlisle for not doing more for the poor woman, and for not telling you anything. Above all else though, you are most angry at yourself because despite every red flag and what all logic dictates, you still hold a sliver of trust in him.
“Fine.” The word falls off your tongue before you can even stop, and you can already imagine the headlines: NYU Student Gets Eaten by Cannibals.
“Please close your eyes.”
And so you do.
Tag List - Please message me if you would like to be added or removed to either this series or the rest of my fics!
Carlisle Cullen
@jelly-fishy-babie @anxiousgoldengirl @mindlessstories
Spring Break Shadowing
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borahaerhy · 2 years ago
Dealer ch6
First of Wow. Second of I'm sorry I am a bit late I've been a bit busy but read it as soon as I could. So let's get into it🤭
It was so thrilling, the action and the suspense is amazing. You have me on the edge of my seat every time and this time was no different.
The flashback for jin was truly amazing. I loved the way you introduced it and after I read that I had to put my phone down for a second. It was so well written and it litteraly gave me chills.
I really like your writing style, you always get me sucked into the story and then I can't put my phone down and I can't stop reading. You always have just enough and just to little info and details to keep me on the edge of my seat and to keep me wanting more and more. I can not get enough.
I am really curious to know more about jungkook's backstory. Because when yoongi threw him against the wall he didn't react much. And there have been a few other scenes where you make it know that he doesn't show much emotion. So I'm curious why that is.
Also even though he was not mentioned this chapter, I am still rooting for jimin to join them.
Ow ow and I want yn to kick zeke his ass. I want her to become a full on badass and take revenge on him with yoongi by her side to support her and teach her some fighting and shooting. That would be so cool.
Sorry for my rant I will end it here😅.
Well if it wasn't obvious yet I really love this series, I really loved the chapter and I still think you shoul write a book😁
Thank you for this chapter, I can't wait for the next one (but I will, so take all the time you need) and lots of love😘
DON'T EVER APOLOGIZE! I'm so glad you even take the time out of your day to read it, please don't ever feel like there's a time requirement to read it! It's on the internet forever, so you can read it whenever you like or are able to :))))
JIN'S FLASHBACK GAVE YOU CHILLS???? Damn, I knew that scene was good, but you always find a way to inflate my ego :))
I loved writing that scene, I mean obviously it's terrible and heartbreaking but I've had the idea for it since I started character mapping, and the more I wrote his character, the more it kind of developed on it's own.
And thank you so much, I try my best now to give as little answers while still keeping the questions relevant, I used to write just whatever was on the top of my head, but now that I think through and map out where I want stories to go before I start writing them, I find it's a lot easier to hold that suspense in place, you know?
And both Jungkook and Taehyung have very interesting personalities, and I'm very happy about that. I feel like a lot of fic's (no shade, because it's definitely something every writer has done, myself included) don't really put a lot of thought or depth into anyone but the protagonist and main love interest, but I really wanted them to all have full stories and complex personalities, so the actions they took to help y/n made sense, and wasn't just something thrown together for the sake of the story.
But Jungkook is very interesting, and I'm so glad you're curious to know more!
There will definitely be a Y/n kicks Zeke's ass scene. There's no way around it, she's a badass and he's a lil bitch and there's genuinely no way I could finish this story without that taking place.
Good thing about my new job is that I quite literally have upwards of 6 hours of downtime a night, and so far, I take turns between reading and writing, so I should be uploading more often than I have been in the past!
The next chapter is already mapped out and half written, though tbh I might rewrite it because I'm not in love with it, but with that being said I don't see a reason I shouldn't have it ready to upload within the next week or two!!
Have a lovely day, I hope you're doing well :))))
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becausethathappens · 4 years ago
Will you please write a super angsty fic where Link is freaking out because he thinks the wedding vows he has written aren't good enough and Rhett helps him go over them and make corrections and says they're perfect but also, just says the vows he would say for Link if it was them like it should've been because he's heartbroken and Link can tell but their hands are tied and they don't know what to do so they soldier on without saying a word, but wordlessly communicating lifelong love and misery and everything, maybe comfort as well?
i'm really really sad and i can't shake it off and i really want some good angst and hurt/comfort and i really love you, maura, you're awesome
I don't do unhappy endings, anon. I'm confident you don't either. In fiction or otherwise. So, pardon this if it’s not what you expected.
Please enjoy? This was done a little hastily to share it with you (and I should be writing other things per usual) but I've had a rough week and I want to hopefully make someone smile. (I have way angstier stuff in the drafts and I will be sure to get those out eventually, too.) You’ll feel better soon.  🤞  Thank you! 💞
now or forever
4k - Rhett writes Link vows.
If you were my boy, Blue
I’d bathe you in honeys (sp?)
I’d sing write you a love song
I’d shoot you a star**
If you were my boy, Blue
There ain’t nothing in this life I wouldn’t give
From my heart, to my toes, to my fingers, my nose (**)
Whatever it takes just to watch you live 
continue to ‘ ’ grow with you like a vine ‘round a rose 
If you were my boy, Bue
I wouldn’t want you all for myself
There’s no star bright enough to match your lightin’
In sickness, blue, so certainly while we have health
Hand in hand, no longer fightin’
What’s destiny (**)
You and & me
If you were my boy, Blue
I'd marry you
Thank God for Rhett. Giving him, delivering him, blessing him with Rhett.
Link is in the middle of a spiral (what he’ll later recognize as a panic attack) when Rhett arrives, the eve of his wedding. Bailing him out of this with pen, paper, and a smile.
Link has always been good at improv.
Though Rhett tended to find the words to start. These were his own vows and Link has been putting time to sit and start them off for weeks. Now that he has to, he’s dumbfounded, despite being deeply in love.
Amidst all the planning and chaos, writing his vows was such a given that Link left it as priority sixty-seven on a list of many more.
Unfortunately, even as busy as they’ve been, that list was shredded with the “who gifted what�� tracking sheet (both literally, accidentally, and figuratively) back around the bridal shower and it’s been anarchy ever since.
So he thanks God for Rhett, who’s here, to stop another needless disaster from happening.
That same generous God, however, watches him plagued with thoughts of utter devotion at Rhett’s willingness to drop everything on a weeknight and rush over to help Link find his words.
His lyrics, really, is what Link has in mind. Since they used to write songs together and this felt much the same. He’s been floundering all night and now that Rhett’s here, he knows he’ll at least get what he needs done. Even if it’s not all he wants, right now.
That same God seeks judgment on his every decision or flinch against His will, for any reason, to spite him.
For this reason.
He wants to smush Rhett’s face and kiss him. Deeply. He doesn’t.
Even if there were sometime in the past that he could get away with a platonic smooch, now he can’t. He simply could not prevent that from escalating.
So, he merely tightens his grip on the wrinkled scrap paper in his hand and scrunches his eyes.
“Why can’t it be you up there…” Link bemoans, loudly, in his frustration.
Rhett’s eyes widen, in horror, and Link slams his other hand at his mouth, rolling his eyes. “Not like - I mean - why can’t you go say my lines for me. You’re so much better at this kinda thing.”
“Let me read what you’ve got,” Rhett says.
After some review, Rhett sighs, not unkindly and sits down next to Link. “Let’s just talk through what you’re trying to say because, yeah, this reads like liturgy.”
“Ain’t is supposed to? It’s in a chapel!”
“What do you like about her?” Rhett asks, ignoring his nitpicking. “Christy?” Rhett stares at him, waiting, too upset for Link to chastise but clearly wanting to.
“She’s patient,” Link says, reminded by the similar. Rhett folds over the book to an open page and clicks the pen in his hand, writing that down. “A-And she’s kind. Like considerate, ‘specially with babies and little animals. Sh-She does this thing where she immediately drops to their eye-level to make sure they don’t feel unheard or seen. Probably ‘cause she’s always been so tall…”
Rhett’s still writing.
“Then when I’m sick, she forces me to rest. You know I hate that,” Link says, voice rising a little, at the memory. “But you know I need that. You won’t be the last to make me stop and smell the roses or take a break, once in a while.”
“Her hair, write, her hair - the way it looks in the sunshine. Like warm caramel with flecks of gold. She’s a vision, an angel. Especially when she’s wearing all white, like,” Link says, pausing to point to Rhett’s undershirt and pale grey sweats. “Makes blondes look ethereal-like, always has.”
“Oh, and her voice. Sometimes, the way her accent catches, well, you know she don’t like to sing like us, never has, but when she says certain things, asks a question the right way - it’s music. The way it harmonizes with my answer, reminds me of singing, reminds me of us.”
Rhett keeps writing, quiet, and focused.
After a short time, Link can’t stop and wants to crane over to see what he’s come up with. Rhett hands it over after crossing a final “t” somewhere on the page.
“Those’re good, Link, but I think you need to keep closer to what I wrote, leave out the stuff about me.”
“Stuff about you?” Link asks, having spoken in a stream-of-conscious style, Link forgets most of what he even said
Rhett looks away, shakes his head.
Distracted by the desire to read the rest, Link abandons the lingering questions he has about Rhett’s suggestion and response.
“These are great, man, thanks,” Links says, pushing a soft hand into Rhett’s side.
His eyes scan to the bottom where Rhett’s added a few lines about the journey, the marriage, all the ceremonial aspects of the day for him to close with, but then something more.
Something about him.
Rhett catches him catch it and looks further away. “I know Christy pretty well, too, y’know. Y’all are just alike, in that way. She might need some back-up vows, to have and hold.”
Link reads them.
“You know, just in case.”
Link looks up and tries to laugh.
He doesn’t laugh.
He goes back to reading them.
Rhett shifts uncomfortably, touches the back of his neck, and shuts his eyes.
“Rhett, these ’re…”
“I know, bo, you can forget ‘em,” Rhett excuses, still not meeting Link’s gaze. “You want me to… I can rewrite the others on a different - I can turn the page and write ‘em there so you can just…”
“Hey, hey,” Link interrupts him, mad at Rhett putting down his best friend, and eager to explain his actual thoughts. “Rhett, these are perfect. These are… I’m sad I can’t say anything as nice in return to you.”
Rhett finally looks up to acknowledge that and their gaze heats and lingers.
“Not that I…” Link stutters to clarify. “Y-You’d have to be a - if that’s something that was gonna - you know - if that was gonna work…”
His mind does it’s usual jump to a visual for the worst case scenario depicting the implication he stumbled across. Him out eight grand on the wedding. Not to mention a wife, a family, a future, a faith -
a friend -
Link gulps, pushing that back away, pushing them both forward, in his estimation.
It’s too much to bear to think about for another second. When he glances at Rhett, he can’t get a read on his face what he thinks about it, and that’s scary enough for him to want to abandon the concept altogether.
“Christy’s gonna love them.”
It’s enough, saying his fiancée's name, to ground him again. Enough to make it okay for him to grab Rhett’s palm and squeeze it in thanks, between them.
Rhett’s made his choice to give up on film school.
Link’s made his choice to give up on whatever schoolboy obsession he has with monopolizing all of Rhett’s days and nights. 
He’ll stick to the days or every other weekend, however they can still fit time together, is fine by him. This ceremony, tomorrow, feels as much about his graduation from friend to husband, and all that that entails.
They’re adults.
They both know there’s a lot of sacrifices to be made and this feels like the first time he’s really acknowledging how hard they’re going to be to make. He hopes they’ll still see each other.
He hopes their kids will get along.
He has a lot of hopes.
All of them involve Rhett.
There’s a lot he should write down for when Rhett finds his own bride to wed.
Link notices, suddenly, that Rhett is crying. The same part of him that's nearly broken the headwind of these conflicting emotions turns back to comfort him.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Link soothes, realizing he’s also still holding Rhett’s hand.
“‘M sorry,” Rhett intones, the words bubble up and out of him simultaneously, sounding like water draining in a filled sink. “And the night before your wedding, good Heavens.”
“Hey, I’ve been crying all week,” Link says, waving a hand at the stress that planning a wedding has kept put on him. “Nothing I haven’t seen in the mirror.”
Rhett laughs, rubbing a thumb over his own thigh in a way that brushes upwards against the place Link’s clasping his hand. Link nearly pulls his hand back, thinking Rhett’s trying to get him to sense his want for space, but when he meets his eye it’s clear he’d like nothing less.
“I think I’m just -” Rhett starts to say, trailing off. The light from the lamp on the far coffee table is the only thing on in the room. Link drops his gaze a few inches to try and see more of Rhett’s downturned eyes as he hems and haws. He squeezes their hands together, again, this time clasping it more firmly, still pressing Rhett’s large palm down from above. “I think I’m just a li’l jealous, is all.”
It’s the quietest admission he’s heard from Rhett since he told him he failed their chemistry mid-term in eleventh grade.
Link is also so lost at the innocence of the admission that he can only think of follow-up questions. “Of me?”
Rhett looks at him for a long, long minute and finally, when Link’s gaze remains confused for the whole length of the pause, he shakes his head, no.
Then he waits. 
He waits for Link to realize what he means.
But he’s still waiting when Link, oblivious, moves onward trying to comfort Rhett, instead of understanding him fully.
The tension in the room is palpable as Link talks, but only to Rhett, it seems. Only Rhett pictures air bags being deployed in a car safety video as metal hits cinder block. Only Rhett moves his hand, though it’s all it takes to dislodge them from each other completely.
“I know you’re gonna make an amazing husband some day.” Link is saying.
Rhett’s hand aches where cool air now surrounds it.
“I know your wife is gonna get to hear you say such wonderful things about her.”
Rhett wipes his hand of the misunderstanding on the cotton of his pants.
“I know she’s gonna say the same kind of things about you, when it’s your turn up there.”
Rhett mourns the idea that this would ever be requited.
“I know she’s gonna love you, just as much as I do, so she’ll have plenty to say.”
Rhett looks away, wiping the last of his tears from his eyes. 
 “I’ll make sure she has plenty of ideas where to start.”
Rhett pats Link’s leg, in camaraderie, and nods.
And that’s it. They shoot the shit, they make a plan to meet up at a donut place for the groomsmen’s breakfast to thank them for their help, before the ceremony, and they’ll talk things through if Link’s feeling jittery still. Then Rhett’s gone.
It’s not until the next day at eleven on the dot (everyone has an agenda to follow and every moment is accounted for) that Link understands Rhett’s pain.
His mother straightens his tie and flattens the edges of his suit. “You’ll wanna know I heard Christy looks like an angel in her dress, from the girls upstairs.”
“Those actual angels you been talkin’ to, Sue?” Rhett jokes, where he’s twisting his cummerbund around every so often, bored.
“Very funny, honey,” Sue ribs back. “From the cousins, Beth and Hailee Sue. Remember they’re friends with the hairstylist you got to do the curls for Christy’s hair, today? She was over last night getting Christy ready for bed with how to wash and dry it a special kind of way. They were there, too.”
Link starts to tune her out, since there’s a lot on his mind, but then she says more.
“She says the hairstylist was talking about how jealous she was of Christy, all night, getting to marry you,” Sue relays.
“Oh, mama, please,” Link dismisses. The compliments he’s been getting have felt faker than the toupee on his uncle Bruce. That girl has never even met him. “I’m the only person here people should be jealous of, who would be jealous of Christy,” he says, trailing off, muttering his reasoning as he did. “Marrying a trainwreck like me.”
Link looks up in the mirror where some of his friends continue to mingle in various states of undress. Rhett is already dressed, however, and staring straight at Link like he’s been caught with a hand in a cookie jar.
Link’s about to ask what’s wrong when he remembers his words. Then looks again over the planes of Rhett’s face.
Last night’s words slam back into his mind and Link’s mouth drops open.
The church organ belts out an opening flurry of notes before Canon in D begins playing loudly through the sound system built into the rafters above them. Link looks up to see one of the church staff at the door instructing them to join the bridal party to line-up.
Link’s mom dashes off to where she’s paired with her nephew, Link’s favorite cousin, to be escorted down the aisle.
Rhett sees Link’s face rushing through a wash of emotions from a distance, he nods to the staffer in silent understanding that he’ll handle it, and then they’re alone.
He walks up to Link and takes his hand. He squeezes it.
“Hey, you gotta go. We gotta go. It’s showtime,” Rhett insists.
Link looks around like a bomb went off, since in some ways it did, and he doesn’t know what to do.
Rhett seems to pick up on that. He squeezes Link’s hand again.
“I’ll get over it, Link, it’s okay,” Rhett whispers, on the verge of desperation.
That confirmation is enough to fully shatter Link.
Only for a moment. 
The music continues and Rhett keeps his hand hold.
They are adults. They are in love. They have to marry. 
None of these things can be helped.
“I’m gonna be so jealous of Her, too,” Link whispers back. He squeezes Rhett’s hand one last time, as they part.
They leave.
They walk straight.
They part again.
Until later.
They move houses and cities and states.
They move mountains, inside and out.
They move together.
Much later.
They join again.
They run crooked.
They return.
To one another.
Link has spent years worrying a ring that means too much to too few people.
In the beginning, when he cries himself to sleep at what he thinks has been the mistake of a lifetime, it’s His talisman. It reminds him of the expectations upon this life he’s made.
As the years pass, however, the adherence to the bogeymen of their childhood’s rules wears thin. It starts to strictly represent love and patience.
It begins to feel like a burden. A representation of what’s been lost, not what’s been found.
He contemplates taking it off, but believes that to be a betrayal of all that it stands for to the people he stands for. 
Then, one day, (surely mid-spin) he hears Rhett tell a story about wanting to change his ring.
He watches the silver twirl as Rhett explains.
He believes he was rushed into a certain type of marriage and a certain type of life by a certain type of person.
It’s a life that he’s grown to love but the ring represents a union forced by custom and not one that’s grown through devotion. 
His ring reminds him of that too often to be good for him.
Link twists his again at the admission.
So, Rhett’s thinking about replacing the ring.
Link returns home that night in a stupor. He’s sure he said one too many things to Rhett to emphasize how wild it felt to hear him talk about changing rings.
Any memories of that day, their wedding, bring up a rush of emotions that he’s never been good at sorting through.
Today’s admission makes him feel the same spur to make use of idle, betrothed hands he feels when he cleans the fridge.
He wants to clean the slate.
He finds an old DVD copy of their wedding ceremony that he paid to have converted from miniDV some years ago. Now he struggles to find a place to watch that DVD. How quickly time has flown by.
Eventually, he ends up in his son’s room - no one’s home for the remainder of the night but he and Christy - now, he’s sitting on a bean bag, squinting at the game console’s controller trying to get the joysticks to move to “play” on screen.
The ceremony bursts to life and, like it was yesterday, Link’s nerves fizzle awake.
About halfway through the video, Christy finds him like that and sits down next to him in a thwump absorbed mostly by the stuffing of the chair.
They watch themselves smile happily at each other and Christy takes his hand.
“Should I be happy or scared to find you alone watching this on a Saturday night?” she asks, wryly, squeezing his palm.
Link doesn’t know what to say. He’s caught up in Rhett’s bygone script being spoken on screen. Words about Christy and about Link that were not their own, declared loudly in front of the congregation.
“I don’t know,” Link admits, shrugging. He doesn’t. He squeezes her hand back.
“You wanna tell me what’s eating you?”
Link hesitates, but relents. He wants that clean slate, after all. “Rhett’s getting his wedding ring replaced.”
“Replaced?” Christy asks, balking.
“Replaced, yeah,” Link responds, sure he didn’t misspeak.
“With what?” she asks.
“Oh, some new one. Fancy thing, very cool, made of trees or something. Honestly he wears the other one, the slick black one more than his wedding band half the time. He says it feels like the old one? It’s the kind of ring you get in a bauble at a vending machine crank. So, he wants a new one.”
“Jeesh,” Christy says, making a face at the screen. The camera catches Rhett stealing glances at the couple, then at the crowd, beaming at all with unbridled pride.
“Wouldn’t you be mad if I did that?” Link inquires, still baffled at the idea.
“Well, no, but don’t you love your ring? Heirloom and all that,” she says.
Link cringes. “Yeah, yeah. Honestly, I do.”
“So, I still kind of want to and I’m not sure what that means.”
They watch the screen together.
“Do you wanna stay married?” she asks, in a small voice.
“Yes,” he breathes out.
There’s a long pause.
“To me?” she asks, her voice even smaller.
“Yes,” he breathes in.
She squeezes his hand, her confidence built back up. She begs him to join her.
“And him?” Christy whispers.
They both look the screen, the lens centered on the two of them, but their gaze is mutually torn to where Rhett stands wiping a tear from his eye at Christy reciting the last of the vows that he wrote her. Wrote him. Wrote them both.
She squeezes his hand again.
“Yes,” he breathes out.
She leans her head on his shoulder.
“You should probably get another ring, then,” she jests. “We shouldn’t have to share everything.”
The slate is clean.
There’s a lot he wants to say to Rhett about it, but just as before, he’s relied on Rhett to give him the right words to say. So, instead of words, he starts wearing Rhett’s ring.
Then, a new one, when he realizes he can match him separate from the other, all told. Have something of Rhett’s, all to himself.
In his unspoken push towards something more, their hands now match along with their steps, as they walk forward.
On the last week in July, they get ice cream at the fifth place that month to mistake them for husbands, but the first one he hears Link crow an affirmative in response.
Rhett waits for him while he triple-tips the cashier (for the guess) and pays for their cones.
“Bad joke,” Rhett says, softly, but firm.
“Who’s kidding?” Link parries back, a smirk dancing it’s way across his lips.
Rhett watches him with a wistful look of disbelief.
“Link, we’re married,” Rhett warns him.
Link shrugs. “I know. I’m just waiting for you to figure that out and minding my ice cream here, all right?”
He’s got a mouthful of vanilla bean and extra cookie crumble, the next second, so his vow ends there.
Later, at home, Rhett startles Jessie awake when he fully realizes Link’s words.
He shakes her awake. He shakes them both awake.
“I’m in love with Link,” he says, like it’s a confession.
She kisses him because so is she. So are most people.
“What’s wrong?” she asks.
Rhett repeats himself.
So does she.
They stare at each other under the cover of silk and moonlight.
“We’re married,” Rhett whispers, touching his hand to hers. Their rings clink, new and shiny.
“Yeah, and so are we,” she whispers back.
They fall asleep smiling.
The next day, Rhett sneaks up behind Link while he’s working and causes him to spill his cup of coffee. He gets the stink eye for only a minute because it’s the same length of time he can stand Link’s grumpy mug before he has to swoop down and kiss him on the lips.
“You figured it out,” Link says, grinning.
“I did,” Rhett chirps as he kisses Link more.
They take a car to their house. It’s filled with their love and the history of it; before, during, and after.
“What’s this?” Link asks, dazed in their post-sex glow, naked and alive.
He spots an old chord book of theirs from last time they wrote music.
“Oh,” Rhett says, bashful. “I came looking for you here this morning, hoping you slept over again, but, uh,” Rhett stalls, looks away and tries to take the songbook from Link’s hand. Link pulls it far enough he can’t reach. “You were already at the job.”
“And?” Link asks, using his spry, sinewy body as an advantage to slink away from the bed out of Rhett’s grip. He still has the book in hand.
“Those are your vows,” Rhett explains.
Link looks down and squints, confused. These aren’t the vows that Christy read at their wedding. He’s seen that video only a few months back and is sure of it.
“Our vows,” Rhett whispers, explaining further, at Link’s puzzled look.
“It’s a love song,” Link notes, marveling at the gesture. What it means to a young version of himself that once felt like they had surely cut out and mourned the possibility of this - all of this - ever happening. To have that thought coexist with the image of a nude, hulking tree trunk of a husband laid before him smiling up adoringly felt panoptic.
“So are you.”
Link begins to cry.
“Play it for me.”
Rhett wipes his cheek.
“Get my guitar.”
They sing twice more that night, always in harmony (not always in lyric), then spend the rest of their lives together doing much the same.
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sweetestlamb · 4 years ago
Still, I Rise
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Summary: Damn teenagers and their angst. 
Author's Note: Back with another chapter, if you didn’t already know it I will be revealing our mystery character from the last chapter LOL please put down the bats and weapons (jk take them out it’s hilarious!) With this chapter we are getting closer to the “climax” and I am so excited to write the fun chapters I have planned ahead, one scene that I am really looking forward to writing is the camping trip, I had so much plans and events that I wanted to see that didn’t because TVN woke up and chose basic, we hate to see it. I can’t wait to rewrite history honestly also can’t wait to just move to onto regular schmegular teen problems, I swearrrrrrr. 
"Don't you dare embarrass me this time. You aren't ugly why can't you get these damn little rich brats to like you? Are you truly this useless? Don't come home if you can't make this one fall for you!"
Those had been his father's final words right before his hand split his lower lip open with a razor sharp blow that made his head whip in recoil. His father's footsteps faded as he walked away leaving him crumpled on the ground, anger and embarrassment raging in his blood. He hadn't chosen this life at all, never wanted to be a bargaining chip for that despicable man. First with Eun Dan Oh and now this new girl, Kang Sujin.
She'd initially stood him up and he had felt foolish sitting in the lavish restaurant by himself, checking his phone but no calls or messages arrived.
His father had been livid that night, more vicious than usual his stepmother's weak screams served as the soundtrack for his brutal beating. Why couldn’t she just be quiet? Did it make her feel better when she acted as if she actually gave a shit about him? His brother coming into his room after with those pathetic weeping eyes and a bandage had only made him angrier, he shoved him away slamming the door in his face, refusing his help. He didn't need anyone, nobody could save him from his horrible fate. 
It hadn't taken much research to find out her school and on impulse he'd gone there without her knowledge, watching from afar at first. A tiny girl with short hair framing her face had ran giggling into a taller girl with long dark hair and a classically beautiful face, they walked side by side smiling and laughing and that's when he'd heard her call out , "Sujin we should get something to eat!"
It wasn't love at first sight or anything ridiculous and disgustingly romantic like that, but he felt a connection to the girl for some inconceivable reason as if they were kindred spirits or something, maybe it was the remnant of a bruise he saw on her wrist hidden beneath her sweater. 
It seemed they had more in common then he had initially believed, it was a grim similarity. 
He'd gone home feeling less burdened than before, and his father's smile had been terrifying when he'd told him that he would work hard to win the girl over, only because he knew how quickly that smile could evaporate and his father could become the monster he was accustomed to. He tried not to flinch as the older man clapped him on the shoulder, his body already in fight or flight mode.
His father had merely smirked at his apparent fear.
So he'd taken to following the other girl around, she was going to be his fiancé anyway so he saw nothing wrong with it. And that was how he learned about the other boy, a tall slender boy who looked like someone that would grace an idol magazine cover. They were together more often than he liked, and it seemed more than platonic if the glances and subtle touches were a sign.
He wasn't jealous per se, but this would be a roadblock in his plan that he couldn't afford. He was getting used to not being beaten. 
The day he'd followed them to the hospital presented another challenge for him, he hated hospitals and what they represented with every fiber of his being. He'd spent too much time in them growing up and then again for a girl who couldn't care less about him, she was another reminder that he wasn't worthy of love. He had thought he loved her but still hurt her whenever she disobeyed him, he knew he was no better than his father.
Unexpectedly Sujin had burst through the hospital doors, surprising him and forcing him to hide lest she spot him, peeking out from his hiding place behind a tree he saw her distraught and near tears running the opposite direction. He stood in shock merely watching and waiting to see if the unknown boy would follow her, but thankfully he never came.
Pushing down his own wariness and discomfort he walked into the hospital immediately feeling a cold chill on his skin, he refused to call it trauma that made it sound like something was wrong with him. He was fine and he could do this.
Thankfully the nurses were too busy and nobody noticed him walking by and he froze when he spotted another man who was capable of making him flinch. Doctor Kang, he looked anything but approachable in his gleaming white lab coat and he remembered watching the man laugh with his father as they both sold their children without remorse. Instinctively he hid watching the man glare into a hospital room, he almost feared for whomever was the recipient of the ice cold gaze.
Minutes melted by before the doctor finally walked away, his steps clipped and echoing on the linoleum floors and he finally let out a sigh of relief when the other man disappeared around the corner.
Stealthily he rounded the corner and took the doctor's abandoned spot, peeking into the room through the small window in the door. It was that boy again, the idol wannabe but this time he wasn't alone there was a young girl with a bouquet in her arms and a older woman lovingly patting him on his cheeks.
His mother.
A loving one, at that. 
His blood seared watching the domestic scene, jealousy ripping through him like a tornado. There was no way he was letting this asshole have Sujin too, he already had too much. More than he, Baekyung would ever have.
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                                                                The motorcycle roars under her thighs as they whip down the road. It only serves to remind her of the first time she was on a bike with another boy, his cologne and the scent of leather infiltrating her senses and making her heart jump through hoops. This time she feels nothing but annoyance and extreme frustration, barely holding onto the stranger in front of her as she leans forward to yell above the engine, "Pullover!"
She knows he heard her based on the immediate tension in his body but he continues to ride ignoring her request demand. With a grunt she grabs onto his waist only to bodily drag them to the side not caring if they both crash at this point she cannot stand another second on this bike with him, instantly he straightens them before skidding to the side and finally pulling the brakes bringing the motorcycle to a halt, the moment the bike stops she hops off in a frenzy.
Thrusting the bottom piece of his helmet up he screams at her, "Are you insane? You could have hurt us!"
She bares her teeth at him, ready to unleash her full anger on him now without an audience. 
"Who the fuck are you? And why did you come to my school?" She bellows glaring poisonously at the strange idiot who had single handedly upended her day.
Moving calmer than she's feeling, he dismounts finally pulling his helmet off and then squeezing it under his arm looking down at her. 
With a condescending look he stares at her, "You know exactly who I am, don't play dumb it's beneath you."
He's right. She does know who he is although she had never seen him or known his name, she had truly thought she could ignore him and he would disappear. Just like with her father that was proving to be an erroneous dream that would never come true. 
"But I'll formally introduce myself since we are going to be engaged soon after all, Baekyung. You can call me oppa though."
Engaged soon.
Her head spins from his words, she feels terror shift over her like a thick suffocating blanket.
"You don't even know me. Why would you even agree to this?" She stares at him in disbelief, at a loss to his acquiesce to their tragic fate.
The look in his eyes haunt her, it's like staring in a mirror and gazing back at the person she was months ago. Somehow without her knowledge or consent she'd changed, grown even and therefore started believing that her life was just that, hers.
"You act like we have a choice. Don't be stupid, we have to just do as we're told. It's easier this way for everyone." He repeats those words that she herself had uttered to Seojun not so long ago, a sense of deja vu washes over her. 
"How is letting ourselves be used easier? Don't you have your own dreams or aspirations? Isn't there someone you actually like?" She knows the error of her argument immediately as she says it, his eyes narrow into thin enraged slits and she can practically feel the anger vibrating off him.
"Don't pretend to care about me. This is about you and your little boyfriend," he spits the word like acid and immediately she remembers those chilling words he had whispered in her eyes earlier, "Do you think he'll be safe?" That was all it had taken for her to go with him, he couldn't get hurt she wouldn't allow that to happen ever. She had no idea what those ominous words meant and how this boy could pose a threat to Seojun but she knew she had to hear him out and protect Seojun anyway she possibly could. 
"He's not the only one you should be worried about." The smug bastard continues with a humorless grin on his face and suddenly the dots connect, her father outside of Ms. Han's hospital room and that calculating look on his face. Her stomach drops.
"Leave them out of it!" She screams embarrassed at the urgent plea in her voice but she can't help it, she's so scared more than she's ever been for herself.
"Well that all depends on you doesn't it? Your dear father will have no reason to do anything to them if you listen like a good daughter and date me as expected."
She stands frozen once again feeling helpless, it kills her inside all her growth slipping down the drain in a matter of seconds.
"Why are you doing this?"
He stills at her question, his cold mask dropping and leaving something numb and unreadable in its place. It feels familiar to her, she awaits his answer with bated breath.
"I want to live, even if I have no control over it. I'd rather be alive."
Thunder clashes above them, the previously sunny day shifting into a gray dark distortion, heavy storm clouds ominously loom above them and the first raindrops land perfectly on her cheeks, crying the tears that she refuses to let fall. She has no more left to cry.
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Confusion is an understatement to express Su-ah's true feelings following the mysterious boy on the motorcycle, when she finally gets Sujin on the phone the other girl is quiet and mumbling, evading all her questions and as soon as she mentions Seojun, Sujin shuts down hastily ending their conversation with some nonsensical excuse. 
That was not going to be the end, Sujin might want to play dumb about the true nature of their relationship but she wasn't part of the circus. She was no clown, she had eyes and it was clear that they liked each other and it was only growing the more time they spent together. She wouldn't let her best friend sabotage something that could be great for her, she deserved happiness and Seojun made her happy. So it was truly that simple. 
Stomping up the slight incline to school, she huffs and puffs determined. She was going to talk some sense into the other girl.
Those thoughts come crashing all around her when she sees Sujin coming out of a car, a car that she has never seen before and her questions are answered when the boy from yesterday steps out after her. Every eye in a ten mile radius is watching them, captivated by this new school scandal. Girls already squealing and giggling, envious of Sujin and doing very little to hide their true feelings. 
“Why is he with her? She isn’t even that pretty. He should be with me.” 
The lies people told themselves to sleep at nights, sad. 
Accidentally knocking the gossiping girl to the side with a rough shoulder check, ignoring her dramatic cry she sprints the rest of the way, once again pushing through the crowd to get to Sujin.
Immediately their eyes lock and she begs Sujin for a answers, What happened? Why are you doing this? What’s going?,  she flinches at the cold emotionless stare she gets in response. She watches in dismay as the tall boy bends down as if to hug Sujin and that's when a loud grumble fills the air, she turns around to the all too familiar sight of Seojun on his motorcycle. He revs the handle bar causing the crowd to part like the Red Sea, then he rides slowly until he's right next to Sujin bike inches away from touching her.
With a practiced motion he tugs off his helmet, those sloping feline eyes already on Sujin in a hard stare.
The tension is insurmountable and cloying and Su-ah watches transfixed before Sujin breaks the impasse, tugging her bookbag over her shoulder she stomps into the school without a word to either boys. But then the interloping boy calls out, “Have a good day. Princess,” and Sujin stops immediately at the word, turning around with a ferocious look in her eyes, “Don’t call me that. My name is Kang Sujin to you. That’s all.” Su-ah sees the way that Sujin’s eyes almost subconsciously seek out a certain cat eyed boy and feels like she misses an entire conversation between the two before Sujin finally walks away. 
The mysterious boy glares at her retreating back before shooting a cold glare at Seojun and then promptly hopping back into his car, the backseat as he's chauffeured away.
"Oh my god! That was so hot! Princess?” 
"Who is that? Does Kang Sujin have a boyfriend? Wow, she’s mean to her boyfriend too. What a bitch.” 
Why do you think Seojun looked so angry?"
"Maybe he's worried about losing his bad boy title!"
The crowd erupts around them in loud voices, all curious about what they've witnessed and already creating rumors to appease their curiosity. Suddenly a loud motorcycle screech causes them all to jump silence falling over the crowd before Seojun rides away, the tight clench in his jaw visible even from her distance.
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Lunch is a step above awkward, bordering into painful. The easy conversation that used to be a staple of the table is all but decimated, instead everyone eats quietly chilled by the cold air permeating from both Seojun and Sujin. They only speak when spoken to and avoid all eye contact, especially each others. It's painful to be a witness to and she notes regretfully that neither are eating home made lunch today, opting for the school lunch instead.
Sujin had never officially told her but she knew that they were making food for each other, their smiles watching the other eat made it too obvious.
This was serious. Looking at them now they looked like complete strangers, everyone was too nervous to question the elephant in the room. Everyone except poor Chorong.
"Why is everyone was so awkward today? What did you two fight or something? Why do we all have to suffer because of your lover's quarrel? Just kiss and make up already."
The table all looked on with opened mouths except Suho and herself who both looked worried instead.
And people thought she was slow, how had they all not realized what was happening? It was clear as day.
She flinches at his well-meaning words that are evidently not well received by either teen, watching them both glare at the table unmoving and the silence drags out painfully before Seojun breaks the stalemate. Standing without preamble he glares at Chorong before placing the stare on Sujin, it does nothing to change her unaffected stare. With a loud sigh he stomps away, despite his friends dismayed shouts of his name.
She continues to eat her lunch, watching Sujin in her peripheral.
She looks like she has the weight of the world on her shoulder and Su-ah for the first time in their friendship has no idea what to do.
But when they all start to funnel out of the cafeteria she follows the other girl anyway, tugging her into an enclave where they are hidden from the rest of their classmates Sujin cries out at the sudden jerk but loses her defensive stance when she realizes it’s just her. 
“What’s going on? Why are you letting that punk bring you to school and why are you and Han Seojun acting like you broke up before you even started officially dating? Sujin-ah, please tell me what’s going on.” She pleads latching onto the other girl’s arm peering up at her with puppy dog eyes, they have never failed her before. 
“I can’t tell you yet, I’m sorry.”
There’s a first time for everything and she frowns at Sujin feeling like there is a mountain between them. She can’t help the hurt that she feels knowing the other girl doesn’t trust her enough to tell her what’s going on. She thought they had moved past all the secrets and hiding but obviously she was wrong. 
“I really am sorry. But I will tell you everything soon enough.”
She releases Sujin’s arm, ready to walk away. She hates being in the dark. But before she can walk away, she feels Sujin hand on the bottom of her sweater tugging her backwards, she looks back with a perplexed glare. 
“Do you trust me?” 
She stares at Sujin and the soft tilt of her head as she asks the question, and her answer is easy, although she has no idea what’s going on and none of this makes any sense to her she doesn’t have to think about that answer. 
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"You shouldn't do this to him. It's too cruel." Suho expects a biting retort or even a call for him to mind this damn business, so he's shocked breathless when instead the other girl smiles at him, a tiny almost indecipherable thing that makes her lips thinner. 
"You two have come a long way." Sujin responds unexpectedly shaking her head and walking over to the couch, before beckoning him over too.
He stares feeling suspicious but ultimately he follows, curiosity winning.
"I think I'm ready." Sujin expels a deep breath, twisting her hands nervously in her lap. Before he can ask her what exactly she's ready for she continues, "I want to tell your father what happened if you really think he'll help me."
He's too late to swallow the strangled gasp that escapes from his lungs and he leans back in surprise. He wants to continue his conversation about Seojun but he’s scared to do anything to make the other girl retreat or change her mind now. That conversation will have to wait for another day.  
Sorry Seojun. 
"Are you sure? You're really ready to do this?"
There's a long pause and he watches a myriad of emotions run across Sujin's usually expressionless face until something that looks suspiciously like hope blossoms making her glow brighter than the sun.
"Yes. I want to try living just for me."
Blinking away the moisture in his eyes, he pulls out his cellphone sending his father a message.
Please come over.
It only takes seconds but it feels like an eternity before his father replies, he smiles at the message.
On my way.
He stands up to put the kettle on the fire, he knows that tonight will be a long night and he needs something to keep his hands occupied.
When his doorbell rings he's shocked when Sujin stands up looking at him with a serene gaze, "I'll get it." He only nods at her in reply, watching as she greets his father and man recovers quickly at the unexpected visitor, smiling warmly at Sujin before pulling her into a warm embrace.
Even more surprisingly Sujin doesn't flinch, allowing herself to be wrapped up.
His father embraces him as well, patting him on the back and again on the head when they break apart. He can feel Sujin's eyes on them and he moves away guiltily. Now isn’t the time to rub his burgeoning relationship with his father in her face. 
"Have a seat Dad, thank you for coming so quickly."
His father lifts an eyebrow at the sudden serious tone of his voice but he follows his directions nonetheless folding his hands on his lap and looking inquisitively between the two teenagers.
"Is there something you both want to tell me? Perhaps you two are....." His father motions vaguely between them and he stares back not comprehending until his father smiles slyly and Sujin beats him to it, protesting ardently.
"No! No, it's nothing like that. There's someone else...I mean no. That's what what we wanted to talk about."
He raises an eyebrow at Sujin's slip and his father chuckles at her stuttering and the red blaze across her cheeks.
His father waves his arms in appeal, apologetic grin on his face. "Sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you both. I just always hoped you two might one day. A father can dream."
He scoffs at his father, "Give up on that dream she's like family to me. We would never see each other that day."
Sujin nods passionately in agreement and his father shrugs easily, now looking even more curious than before.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Sujin stills on her spot on the couch, the determination in her bones seeming to melt away with every passing minute. He fears this won't go as planned and he has no idea how to motivate her.
Then a loud vibration rumbles from the couch and it takes Sujin a moment to realize it's her phone, he watches curiously as she looks at the message and then a single tear runs down her round cheek. The determination curls back around her like armor, he watches in amazement as she sits taller turning to look at his father with newfound courage or maybe it wasn’t newfound but suddenly uncovered by whatever she had seen on her phone. 
“Suho asked you for help for me. I’m really the one who needs your help.” He can hear the slight quiver and hitches in her words but she gets them all out and instantly she has his father’s undivided attention, he even turns his body to fully face the girl. Pride swells in his chest at the sight, he was worried his father would only be adamant about helping him directly as a way to get closer to him but now he can see that he was wrong about the other man. Genuine concern fills every line and wrinkle of time on his face. 
“What is wrong? What do you need help with and why can’t you tell your parents?” It’s a innocent question, and logical too but he fears Sujin’s reaction, when she feels like she is backed into a corner in the past that has led to her lashing out with dagger sharp remarks, he watches with his heart lodged in his throat.
“Because they are the ones hurting me.” 
His lungs deflate releasing all the air that was trapped in the sacs, she said the truth without hesitation and he turns to glance at his father watching him process the bomb that she has just dropped on him. His father opens and closes his mouth several times, before finding his voice it is but a whisper when he responds to Sujin. 
“That time you needed a doctor.” The statement is directed to Suho and with a sober nod he confirms what his father already knows, with a loud sigh his father sinks into the couch quiet rage on his face. “I should have known, you always seemed so scared of him but I thought it was just his parenting style I never thought...never expected that he would....I should have done something!” 
Sujin laughs, it is pained and small but he hears it and immediately turns to look at her, “He sounds just like you like father like son I guess,” Sujin directs that at him and he blushes in memory, he can’t deny the claims. Then she turns back to his father with surprisingly soft eyes, “Don’t blame yourself, just help me now if you can.” 
“I will use all of my resources to make sure he spends his life in jail.” 
Suho jumps in his seat looking over at Sujin, that is way more than they had ever discussed that was what he truly wanted for the monstrous man but it always seemed like too much to ask for but here was his father saying it as if it was completely plausible. 
“Jail? Do you really think he can go to jail? It would be his word against mine, I never took any pictures. I was stupid.” Sujin berates herself, and before he can dismiss the self inflicted insult his father is already moving closer and putting a large hand on her trembling shoulder, only then does he realize how the girl is shaking like a new leaf. 
“No, it will be my word against his. I will also get that report from Doctor Kim, that could be used as evidence. You’re just a kid and a victim, I’ll handle this you don’t need to do anything else. You’ve handled enough on your own, we got you now.” His father looks over at him as if waiting for his approval and he moves onto the couch with them both, after a moment’s pause putting his hand on Sujin’s other shoulder. 
“We got you.” 
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Jukyeong glances over nervously at Seojun the aroma of coffee thick in the air as she sweeps up the beans she had clumsily spilled on the ground, she waited for Seojun to playfully scold her as he often did when she messed up at work but the reprimand never came and when she glanced over at him he had been staring longing at his cellphone. 
Su-ah had been the first to notice how weird him and Sujin acted around each other and despite not having a lot of experience with relationships, especially those of the romantic kind she could see that they didn’t hate each other as much as Sujin tried to drive the deceptive point home. They were always teasing each other and Seojun found any excuse to be near Sujin and soon he wasn’t the only one, they just seemed to naturally gravitate to each other at times bickering so much it was like they were the only two people in the room. 
But all that had come to an abrupt end with the sudden appearance of the boy on the motorcycle, the entire school was in a uproar over him, Baek Kyung, she had heard the other girls whispering his name. On paper he seemed very similar to Han Seojun, same bad boy persona and affinity for motorcycles and glares. But the biggest difference she noticed was Sujin's reaction to them both, she had heard from some gossiping girls how vehemently Sujin had declared that Baek Kyung not call her “princess”, a moniker she had commonly heard Seojun use to refer to the girl.  Sujin never stopped him these days, instead rolling her eyes and speeding up to escape from him, he would chase after all calling her the sweet nickname all the way. 
When Seojun would use it to refer to her in passing such as, “Are you gonna eat that princess?” Those were times that Sujin didn’t react at all, simply handing him whatever food in her container had caught his eye that she had ignored. 
They were casually domestic in a way that they never seemed to realize and she couldn’t help but categorize. Seojun liked Sujin that was becoming clearer and it seemed like the feeling was mutual, even if the girl wasn’t yet ready to admit it. 
Which was why this new development came as a complete shock to her, why was Sujin suddenly giving her attention to someone else? 
“Did you guys have a fight? Just tell her you’re sorry.” She offers out of the blue, and Seojun turns to her with a puzzled look drying a mug with a cloth, “What are you talking about now clumsy?” 
Thankfully the shop is empty, she quirks at eyebrow at him folding her arm when he continues to play dumb. 
“Sujin. You guys clearly had a fight, you’re both so hot tempered. Her temper is probably worst than yours though so just apologize okay? It’s better than fighting.” 
He stares at her with a blank face before turning away, rubbing firmer at the mug in his hands and she worries for its safety. 
“Why should I apologize when she’s the one who’s with another guy? Don’t worry about me, I will be fine. Clearly this was one-sided. She doesn’t like me.” 
She openly laughs at him now, looking at him like he has two heads. “What are you talking about? If she didn’t like you then why did she follow you to your mom’s hospital? She tried to be all sneaky but Chorong told us everything. Plus she always gets jealous when other girls give you food at school and don’t think we don’t all know that you guys make food for each other!” 
He whips around looking at her with huge eyes, “Wait you all knew? So when I said that someone special made it for me? You knew?” 
She smiles brightly, “Yep. It wasn’t subtle at all.” 
He sighs in annoyance, turning away to hide the pink on his face. 
“I’m not apologizing. I didn’t do anything wrong.” 
She sighs at the boy’s words, knowing that this fight might go on longer than it needs to and she wishes she could just shake some sense into both of them, why were they choosing to suffer like this? 
Damn teenagers and their angst. 
Grumbling she goes to take a customer’s order, glancing over at Seojun with a final sad smile. 
Hopefully they can figure this out without falling apart. 
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Time seems to move slower than usual today and he almost pumps a fist in  triumph when he sees that it’s finally eight and they are free to leave. 
“Do you want to me to walk you to the bus stop?” He offers Jukyeong out of politeness but she shakes her head no, telling him that she is going to meet with her older sister for dinner running out before him and hailing a cab, he smiles at the sight that’s one girl who loves to eat. 
Turning off the lights in the shop, he turns over the “open” sign and locks the door behind him. The cool spring night air brushes against his cheeks and he makes his way to his motorcycle, mounting in one motion and sighing as it purrs to life before he speeds off his destination already in mind. He bobs and weaves through traffic, smirking at idiot drivers who blare their horns at him when he inches too close to their precious car but even they are not enough to rain on his parade. 
When he finally arrives, he bounces off the bike throwing the helmet onto the handlebar carelessly before bounding over to the figure he sees waiting. 
He can’t help the smile that tugs against his lips, ultimately setting it free as the figure turns around at the sound of his boot stomping on the ground. 
“Did you wait long?” He asks moving closer until he can feel the heat wafting off the body in front of him. 
“No, I only just got here too. Why are you smiling like that? You look deranged.” 
He smiles wider, feeling mischievous after what a certain klutz had revealed to him with a smirk he leans closer to her, grinning harder when she leans back looking at him with a confused glare. 
“I heard from a certain birdie that you followed me to the hospital and that you get jealous when other girls give me food. Is that true princess?” 
Sujin growls at him, shoving his shoulder hard before stomping away to the park bench. He eagerly follows after her, throwing his arm over her shoulder smiling at her wearing yet another one of his sweaters, this time a black one that reaches the bottom of her knees and completely hides whatever she is wearing underneath. She looks equally sexy as adorable and it makes his blood boil in a way he has been trying harder and harder to suppress around her. 
“I knew you would try to milk the situation. This isn’t why I told you everything.” 
He smiles recalling what Sujin is referring to. 
Just a day go.....
He stares angrily at his phone in utter disbelief that she would have the gall to call him after what had just happened. She had left on another boy’s motorcycle even though he had asked her not to, he didn’t know what was going on but seeing her leave like that, he wished he knew how to turn off all his feelings for her. No other human should have this kind of power or control over him but here he was ready to burst because she had picked someone else over him. 
“What do you want?” He barks out answering the call with a hard press of his finger and immediately he starts to lose some of his fire when he hears her soft staggered breaths on the other line. 
“Seojun, can you meet me somewhere?” 
He wants to say no, to bitterly hang up on her and tell her that he has someone new too but that would be a lie and he desperately wants to see her and hold her and find out why she decided to rip his heart out and stomp on it.  
Feeling pathethic he answers her with a sigh, “Where are you?”  
Songnisan park. It’s not too far from their school and he hangs up without answering hopping on his bike and riding to her. Maybe it’s stupid but he can’t turn his back on her just yet, he still wants to hear her out even if she’s going to break his heart. 
By the time he reaches the park it’s raining, pouring down in sheets despite the warm weather and he immediately sees Sujin sitting under the downpour while other park goers are running and using picnic blankets as makeshift umbrellas. 
The scenes feels all too familiar and he wonders if this will be their end? Would life be that poetic to have them end the same way they became? 
Sighing he tugs his sweater off, walking quickly to close the gap between them before sitting beside her and thrusting his sweater above both their heads, protecting them from the rain. 
She turns to him with a gasp and he realizes how closely they are sitting beside each other, he can feel her breath when she exhales and it washes over in an intoxicating breeze. He has to forcibly put some distance between them before he does something that he knows he shouldn’t, especially not now. 
“My father knows about us. He saw me at the hospital and I’m scared he saw your mother and sister too. I don’t think I should visit anymore.” 
He pauses to process her words and he feels his chest tighten with anger at the mention of that sub-human, if he ever tried to harm a hair on his family’s head that would be the last thing he ever did. But once the rage passes by he thinks of the rest of Sujin’s sentence, my father knows about us. 
They were an us. 
There was an us for people to know about? 
“Us?” He replies stupidly, unable to stop his heart from fluttering. 
With a sound of exasperation she looks over at him, “How is that the most important thing that I said?” The pretty blush on her face does not go unnoticed but he responds to her statement staying focused, “My mom was discharged today. They said it was just a scare and nothing serious. He can’t do anything to us, if he tries I’ll kill him.” 
He means it, every single word falling from his lips. 
He’s not prepared for Sujin to sob and drop her head onto his shoulder, he drops their sweater umbrella at the sudden pleasant weight feeling the rain drench his hair and shirt instantly. 
“I’m so happy to hear that. I was so worried about all of you.” 
A bubble of happiness explodes in his chest and he’s so close to just letting go of all his anger and holding her, seeing her so worried about his family is almost enough to undo him. 
But, he can’t forget the image of her riding off with someone else. His heart will never forget that ache, that indescribable pain.
“So you care about me now? Is that why you left me like that today? Because you care so much?”
He is being petty, he knows that but he can’t stop the jealousy that is fueling him right now. His green eyed monster is raring its ugly head. 
“That’s the guy you told me to stand up, remember? That’s the guy my father is trying to sell me to. He’s been following us and he knew about you, he threatened you. I did what I had to, I have to do this until I speak to Suho’s father. I think.....No. I’m ready now. I’m going to tell him everything and ask for his help.” 
His heart is pounding erratically in his chest, he can barely hear the rain over the loud thumping of the organ and he can’t believe he ever doubted her, feels guilt twist around him but he pushes that aside to take in everything she has confessed to him, without saying the words she has all but confirmed everything Jukyeong carelessly exposed to him in the coffee shop, she cares about him too enough to want to protect him at any cost. But most importantly she was starting to care about herself, she no longer saw her life as expendable and was willing to ask for help even at the expense of revealing her darkest secret and getting her hopes up. 
Fuck she was the bravest person he knew. 
Without thinking he tugs her into his arms, wrapping her in a tight hug before he realizes what he’s doing but by the time he starts to move back she’s already hugging him back, her arms tight around his shoulder and her head in the dip of his neck and it’s too perfect to stop now. Absently he strokes her wet silky smooth hair and when they finally draw apart, the barest amount of space between them he takes another risk, glancing at her eyes pleading and then smiling when she nods, giving him permission even without knowing what he plans to do, simply trusting him, he leans forward and plants a soft butterfly kiss on her forehead, she hisses in response but instead of moving away she latches on to him tighter. 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” He kisses her again, firmer this time putting all the love and pride he feels for her in that gentle kiss to her brow. 
He expects a lot of things in response to his bold move and the new nickname, a punch, a kick, her loud denial and rejection, he is emotionally prepared for any and all of those reactions, but instead she steals his breath away when she smiles up at him, looking into his eyes and he realizes that she’s looking for permission too and he nods, nervous and anxious to see what she will do. 
With a moment’s hesitation she tugs him down and he goes easily, his heart in his chest and he closes his eyes as her face draws closer to him, his heart is pattering now a crazy thundering mess filled to the brim with anticipation. 
He feels her plush lips against his cheek, the rain making the skin slick and he hums in encouragement as the kiss lingers before he opens his eyes and immediately they are lost in each other’s eyes and he can feel their faces moving closer as if opposite ends of a magnet and he waits for her to stop them, to push him away and run off but she is just as lost as him, moving closer too and when only centimeters separate their lips, a loud crash of thunder booms high above their heads making them jump apart, both flying to opposite ends of the bench. 
“We should...um get out of this rain before we catch a cold.” 
The ride home is awkward and he can barely breathe with how tightly she’s holding his waist but he smiles through the rain, taking care to move carefully on the wet streets not wanting to hurt Sujin and then they are in front of Suho’s apartment, much too fast to his disappointment. 
They both sit unmoving for a few seconds before Sujin releases his waist from her death grip and gets off the bike. 
“Let’s talk over there for a minute.” He states dismounting too and walking over to the scaffold so they can escape the torrential rain for a moment at least. 
They stand awkwardly shivering from the cold in their wet clothes, it’s obvious that Sujin is embarrassed about what happened- their kisses-but he can barely contain his joy, if he were alone right now he would be doing backflips. 
This day as made a complete 180 turn for the better. 
“I have to pretend to date him. We already agreed to come to school tomorrow. He agreed to stop following me if I let him take me to school and go on dates. He has to put on a show for his father too.” She says talking so fast that the words slur together and he wonders absently if she’s nervous? And if so, why? Was she nervous about his reaction? 
He nods in understanding, “Okay. I forgot to say it earlier, but thank you for telling me and not leaving me in the dark. I appreciate it.” 
That’s the logical part of his response, he knows what it took for Sujin to involve him in her plan and how huge it is that she hadn’t wanted him to misunderstand her feelings and motives. But she’s still the girl that he likes and he can’t help the illogical things that flood his mind too. 
“Not on his motorcycle though.”
She looks at him with a deep searching stare and he simply stares back, nonplussed. He knows what he sounds like, a bargaining jealous boyfriend. That’s exactly what he wants to be so he sees no reason to attempt to explain himself, whatever she’s thinking is true and he isn’t the least bit ashamed to admit it. At his unabashed stare she crumples looking away with a barely hidden smile, “Okay. Not on his bike. Even though I never told you that you were allowed to have conditions, this isn’t a negotiation.” She complains but the sting is gone because she has already agreed to his request, he flashes a smile at her. 
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. I will have to act jealous, that shouldn’t be too hard.” He winks at her and this time she does try to punch him, he barely dodges her fist. 
Such a violent little thing. 
“I never said you had to do anything.”
He shrugs, “It makes sense. I like you so it would only make sense that I would be jealous if I thought you were dating someone else, plus he will probably want to see that too.” 
She’s as red as a strawberry as she sprints away from him without another word, waving at him over her shoulder. 
He smiles all the way home, before falling into bed after a much needed warm shower, his toes and fingers were like ice chips when he finally got home. 
Remembering one more thing, he grabs his phone shooting a quick text message. 
Don’t let him call you nicknames. Only Sujin. 
Reading it back he determines that the message is a bit too...commanding and if he wants to keep a certain boot out of his ass he better fix it so he swiftly adds:
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Present time....
“I didn't do anything. She just suddenly started telling me how much you adore me and how you can’t live without me and that I should just forgive you and take you back.” He sniffles dramatically watching amused as Sujin rolls her eyes, before angrily pulling out her phone, he laughs suddenly worried for Jukyeong so he snatches the object from her hands, much to her chagrin. 
“I might have exaggerated about what she said, a teeny tiny bit.” He demonstrates the small amount with his fingers and she glares at him biting out, “Liar,” before snatching back her phone and stuffing it in her pockets with a grumble. 
Getting serious he turns to look at her with anticipation, “How did it go? Were you able to tell him everything?” She is staring out at the horizon, despite him boring a hole in the side of her head begging for eye contact. 
“I hesitated. I lost my confidence.”
He can hear the defeat in her voice and without a pause he opens his mouth to comfort her and tell her how strong she is and explain why this is just a minor setback but next time they can go together and if she needs him to he will hold her hand the entire time and give her every last drop of his support and--
“But then I got a message and it gave me courage. So I told him everything and he agreed to help me. He wants to send my dad to jail, not just emancipate me.” 
She did it. 
She really did it. 
He smiles at her wider than the ocean. 
“You did it, Sujin.”
She stares at him in palpable shock, he immediately knows why it’s not often he uses her name and he expects her to be happy that he isn’t calling her the nickname she is always dismissing, she’s always so adamant that she is not a princess much less his princess.  
“Don’t call me that.” She says finally turning to meet his eyes and he stares back confused because he had only said her name, why was that a problem? Wasn’t that what she had been trying to get him to call her since the first time he dubbed her princess? 
“What do you want me to call you then?” 
He is truly asking but the look she gives him makes him feel like the dunce in the corner of the room and realization unfurls in his body like a slow moving tsunami and he smiles unbridled at the epiphany. 
He hasn’t wanted to get his hopes up by making assumptions about what this is but maybe it’s time that he have some confidence now, he was someone important to her. She had already proved that in so many ways these past days. 
Taking her hand in his, he smiles brightly at her. 
It’s the first time that he has held her hand, and he can feel the damaged skin in his own smoother hand. His heart aches for only a moment, her hands are just like her they might look bruised and pitiful at first glance but beneath the broken surface lurked unimaginable strength and power and just like the rest of her, they were imperfectly perfect. He never wanted to hold another hand, this was the only one he needed. 
“Good job, you did it Princess.” 
She smiles up at him, looking gorgeous-heart stoppingly so-and he can’t help the way his chest constricts as if he didn’t know it already he knows it now unequivocally . 
He, Han Seojun belongs to Kang Sujin. 
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tinyboxxtink · 4 years ago
"Doppelganger" *Part 8*
Okay ladies and gents, this is where I'd say you really need to have read Black Magic to understand this chapter. You can read it here.
Or, y'know I guess just accept that magic is real in this universe. Whatever. STILL READ IT. YOU WON'T REGRET IT I PROMISE.
If you read this last night, I did rewrite it and reuploaded it. Don't freak out, it's better now I swear.
I did make this signifantly longer though, but I won't lie to you kids-- it's not good. Angst wise, not plot wise. 😉
Part 7
Part 9
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The next day Rafael decided he needed help, and if he couldn’t go to the squad, he only had one choice.
"....WHAT?!" Chloe screeched after Rafael told her the whole story after meeting up for coffee.
"I know, it's insane I just--" Rafael shook his head.
"I have so many questions. So many--" she started.
"Look I just wanted advice, and maybe …" he trailed off looking in the distance.
"Maybe what….?" She looked at him suspiciously.
"Supernatural help?" He sipped his coffee.
"Oh good God like what? Do you think that's what he used on YN?" Chloe sipped her tea.
"No doesn't need to, he can imitate me perfectly. I'm pretty sure it was just your standard date rape drug." The words made Rafael's fist clench and his lip curl at the thought of Nevada using date rape drugs on you.
"We have to get her out of there, Chloe. We have to," His voice trembled in fear for you.
"Well no shit Sherlock" Chloe pointed out. "You sure it's not the mind control stuff Liv used on you?"
"Liv didn't use mind control potions. She just used an ultra unhealthy amount of love potion. Although I wouldn't put it past her to get some more potions,” Rafael rolled his eyes.
Nearby Alex was listening in on the conversation, since Rafael knew what Javi looked like now. He listened to the rest of your conversation, then bolted before the two of you noticed him.
“Magic potion?" Nevada laughed. are you fucking kidding me?! Dime qué tienen been smoking?!”
"I don't know Vada, he seemed pretty sure about it. And I mean look at the two of you, you're identical and there's no explanation for that. So I don't know, anything might be possible." Alex shrugged. "He said it's how they got together. Some chick named Olivia tried to tear them apart but their "true love" prevailed"."
"Oh , these two are even more fucking pathetic than I thought.” Nevada scoffed. “What do they live in, a fucking Disney movie?" He shook his head, but then had an idea.
"…. Seems like we might have to check with this Olivia," He smiled evilly.
"Rafael" showed up to the squad room to talk to Olivia the very next day.
“Hey Liv” He nodded at her with a sly smile.
"Rafa!" Liv exclaimed. She was excited but nervous to see him. Mostly because she hadn't seen him since the whole 'wedding; debacle.
"Liv, I need you to tell me where you got your mind serum,” “Rafael” told her straight out. Olivia was shocked he was so flippant about it, and being so loud.
".... It wasn't mind serum Rafa it was love serum and-- wait why do you need it?" She looked around nervously, then quickly realized something must have gone wrong with the two of you.
"I think I'll be asking the questions here Liv, you're the one that fucked with me first." “Rafael” crossed his arms.
"You know if you need to control YN with potions, it may not be worth it Rafa.” Olivia told him softly, touching his hand. “I love you just the way you are...." She put a hand to his chest and gave him a sweet smile.
"Why do you think I'm asking? She's getting too wishy washy for me, I just want her to forget about us." Rafael put a hand to her face. "Just tell me where you got it, and we can be together."
"Ok!!" Not questioning it, Olivia started to text the address to Rafael's phone.
"No, I need you to write it down for me." “Rafael” grabbed a notepad and pen from off her desk.
"Why…?" Olivia raised an eyebrow at him.
"....So if my boss decides to do a random sweep of my phone he doesn't think I'm insane, Liv." He replied in a “duh” tone.
"...He can do that?" Oliva’s mouth dropped open.
"...The government can do a lot of things, Liv. Don’t trust them,” “Rafael” sneered. Sure Olivia should have taken that as a red flag, but she was so happy she might get her happy ending with Rafael she didn’t care.
"Right…." She wrote the address down and slipped it to "Rafael".
"Thanks babe," he grabbed Olivia in a giant kiss. Then he strutted out of the office leaving her with a huge smile.
Not even a few hours later, Nevada took the address to an old antique shop. He walked in to see an old woman cleaning an ancient looking broach.
“An old antique shop, bruja? Were you going for totally predictable, or are you just lazy with fronts?”
The woman stopped cleaning and glared at him. “And who the hell are you?”
“Let’s just say I’m a friend of Olivia’s.” He smirked. “And as such, I’m going to need a favor…”
“Oh great are you a cop too?” She sighed.
“....You could say that.” He chuckled.
“So what do you need?” She looked at him skeptically.
“I need a...mind control potion,” Nevada felt like an idiot saying it out loud, but the old woman’s face verifying that such a thing existed made him feel better.
“You people and your God complexes…” She rolled her eyes before disappearing into the back. After a few minutes she came back with an orange liquid in a vial.
“Think of the name of the person you want this to control, and then once they drink this, whatever you think, they’ll do.”
“....Really?” Nevada gave her a sarcastic laugh.
“Oh you doubt my majeria, pendejo?” She snarled. “Then why are you here?”
“Lo siento, señora,” He quickly apologized. “Gracias,” He nodded to the potion and sauntered out of the shop.
The next day Nevada texted Rafael to meet him in a warehouse on his side or town. Rafael immediately went to Chloe’s apartment for advice on what to do, since he didn’t have anyone else.
"This could be a trap." Chloe warned him.
"Of course it could be a trap but what choice do I have?!" Rafael argued.
"Ok but I'm coming," She insisted.
"Oh no you're not" Rafael shook his head.
"I'll stay out of sight, okay dad?” Chloe rolled her eyes.
"No, I don’t like it.” He protested while ignoring the 'dad' comment. “If something goes sideways in there I can’t protect the both of you,”
"I don't care if you like it, she's my best friend so you can suck it up," She crossed her arms. “And I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,”
“....What’s the chances of me talking you out of this?” He sighed.
“....Ehhhh slim to none,” She smiled.
“Fine, but you’re staying outside,” He warned her as they headed to the address.
Rafael and Chloe went to the address, it was a giant warehouse. Rafael went inside, ready for anything. The place was pitch black so he couldn't really see anything.
"Nevada?" He called into the darkness. Suddenly one light in the middle of the warehouse lit up. He walked closer to find you lying there unconscious.
"YN!!!" He screamed, running over and waking you up.
“...What? What happened?” You stirred awake, totally disoriented. Nevada must have knocked you out again.
"Baby! it's me," He picked you up in his arms, holding you so tightly you thought you'd stop breathing. "He let you go, I can't believe it," He was crying now, he was so happy.
"...What? That makes ZERO sense," you pushed him away, looking at him angrily. "....Wait no no, it does make perfect sense-- you're Nevada!"
"What?" Rafael looked at you in shock. "... I'm not Nevada, I'm Rafael, YN! It's me!"
"Okay look I get it,” You crossed your arms. “You can’t just keep me drugged up all the time, and you need new and innovative ways to "be" Rafael-- but this is just cruel,”
“Baby it's me I-- it's me! it's Rafael,” He put his hands on either side of your face, staring intently into them. You wanted to believe him so badly, but all you could think about was the first time this happened. How perfectly Nevada had played Rafael, even down to the look in his eyes. That’s all you saw now, an act. A façade.
“....You've done a hell of a job researching him and perfecting his moves Nevada, but I'm not going to fall for it and I'm not going to keep hurting Rafa,” You pushed him away further, crossing your arms tighter so that he couldn’t get a free show of your exposed breasts in the barely there clothes he dressed you in.
Rafael stared at you in shock and disbelief, how much did he fuck with your mind? How could this be happening?
“....It's me. How else am I--- what can I do to prove to you that it's me? Y/N how can you not see it in my eyes? Look at me!” He grabbed your hands and searched your eyes for some kind of recognition, some kind of feeling.
“Yeah okay it's ‘you’. You are going to save me, and then we're going to go to some ‘safe location’ right? And then we’ll celebrate being ‘back together’ by having some amazing sex. And it’ll be wonderful and amazing, and I’ll cry and tell you how much I love you and missed you, and then you're going to be like ‘hahaha I got you again!’ I’m Not falling for it” Tears came to your eyes as you thought about all the times he had tricked you, and how much it had hurt Rafael every time. You couldn’t get the heartbreak in his eyes out of your brain.
“....God, this is exactly what he wanted…” Rafael muttered. “Carino, it's me I swear to God you have to believe me-- Look I brought Chloe!” He gestured to Chloe who came running over to the two of you.
“...Oh my God, Chloe?” Your eyes widened in seeing your best friend for the first time in days. Usually you two were attached at the hip. He brought Chloe-- Nevada didn’t know about Chloe, did he?
“....Remember the penguins? I proposed to you with the penguins, and-- and I told you that it was my favorite place in New York, and I did that nutty musical number? I worked on that for WEEKS!!! Would Nevada know that?” You heard Rafael talking while you looked from Chloe to him. You took his head in your hands, searching his eyes. They were full of tears, searching your own eyes for the same thing. Love.
“....Rafa?” You whispered, wiping the tears from his cheeks. He took your hand and kissed the side of it.
“It’s me,” He pressed his lips to your forehead. “It’s me, mi amor,”
You grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. You could feel the difference now, between his mouth and Nevada’s. Rafael kissed you in such a loving, beautiful way. Nevada groped your mouth like a hungry shark. You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him several times on the neck, not getting enough of him. He ran his fingers through your hair as his lips did the same to your face and neck.
Suddenly, a lone clap came from behind you.
“Awwww. No es tan dulce?” Nevada came stepping out of the shadows. “The two lovers, finally reunited. Es tan hermoso,” He wiped away a non-existent tear.
“....What the hell …?” Rafael asked while he helped you both stand up, Rafael stood in front of you protectively.
“Well I had to get some ‘inside’ information didn’t I, cabron? I can’t have you feeding her information only ‘you’ would know to try and break a spell, ¿Correcto??” Nevada crossed his arms as several men came out of the shadows all around you.
“....Spell?” You blinked, trying to play dumb. How did he know about magic?
“Oh shit…” You heard Chloe whisper as she and Rafael exchanged a guilty look. They really should have thought about having that conversation in private.
“I visited your friend, Olivia. She told me where I could find some very interesting...concoctions,” Nevada smirked as he held up an orange vial.
“What? No...no no no!!!!” Rafael’s head darted back and forth as Nevada’s goons inched towards you. Two of them pulled out pistols and aimed them right at him while two more walked up and grabbed you, dragging you away from Rafael.
“No...No! RAFAEL!!!” You screamed, trying to get away from them. He tried to run to you, but two more grabbed him by the arms and put him on his knees.
“...I don't know what the hell it is but don't you dare give her anything else!!!” Rafael yelled as the two men that had you dragged you over to Nevada.
“Oh okay, well just because you said that SO nicely, abogado,” Nevada nodded sarcastically as he grabbed your face.
“Now, open up baby. I know you can swallow,” He smirked while looking between the two of you. You shook your head violently, but Nevada gripped your nose between his fingers preventing you from breathing. You held out as long as you could, but you finally had to gasp for air. As soon as you did so, Nevada poured the orange liquid down your throat. After a few moments, your irises flashed a deep orange.
“....Vada,” You looked at Nevada with dreamy eyes as Rafael stared in horror.
“Finalmente I can stop wearing those God awful trajes,” Nevada grinned, stroking your cheek softly before looking at Rafael.
“And y’know, your girlfriend Olivia really should have just opted for this mind control potion, it works so much more efficiently. Pero, if I had just made your little puta in love with me, I couldn’t get her to do this,” He turned to you. “Baby, go take care of that hijo de puta, para mi,”
“Anything for you, papi,” You nodded with a smile, then turned to Rafael with a deep raging fire in your eyes.
“Let’s dance abogado,” You growled.
“No! No, Y/N you can't do this! I'm not going to hurt you,” He pleaded with you.
“Well that sucks for you,” You lunged for him, but he grabbed you by your arms. “
“Hey no no no, look at me!” He forced you to look at him. “Remember the penguins? I took you to see the penguins and I--"
Nevada closed his eyes and changed your memory with his.
”Nevada took me to penguins and that's how we got engaged, you lying piece of shit!!!” You yelled at him.
“….Fuck that’s what he meant. Now he’s used that against me,” Rafael grunted in frustration as you wriggled in his arms. “Y/N you have to believe me you love me, not Nevada. You love me!!”
“No, I DON’T!!!!” You broke free and started to punch him, but he threw you to the ground.
“...You're going to regret that,” You sneered, getting back up.
“I already do!” Rafael began to cry. He didn't want to hurt you, but he had no other choice.
“Alright, break it up,” Chloe stepped in trying to reason with you.
“And who are you? His bitch?” You snarked at her.
“Oh God now what? I'm your best friend, Chloe! We’ve been friends since you moved to the city! forever I helped you get Rafael, remember? All the hijinks we had to go through? Y/N you're my best friend come on, remember!”
“....I don't know what the hell you're talking about bitch, but if you’re against Nevada, you’re against me!” You lunged for Chloe. Unfortunately for you, Chloe had no qualms about kicking your ass. She punched you, making you go down.
“Chloe what the fuck are you doing?!” Rafael yelled angrily at her.
“Wha-- she was trying to kick my ass!” Chloe defended herself.
Well as much as I enjoy this, I'm going to need a status on that transfer, Barba,” Nevada stepped in and helped you to your feet. You started to lunge for Chloe again but Nevada held you back.
“Down girl, you’ll get her next time,” He pulled on the collar of your dress like heeling a dog. You straightened up and walked into his arms. He draped one of them around you as he smiled triumphantly at Chloe and Rafael.
“Well if you would let me work instead of fucking with my emotions and fucking with my fiancé's head I might have some time to do it, tarado!” Rafael barked while glaring at the two of you. “Why are you even doing this, don't you want me to fight for her?”
“Yeah I thought about that,” He nodded, moving his arms around your waist and pulling you back into his chest as you smirked at Rafael.
“And having her on my side actually works out better for me, because you can't hurt me if I have her as my guard dog,” He chuckled, pulling you to face him as he gave you a hungry kiss.
“I swear to God, Nevada… I'll….” Rafael started to charge Nevada, seeing you all over him in person was ten times worse than having to witness it over a face call.
“You'll what?” Nevada challenged him with a laugh. "You gonna call your cop friends on your 'true love?!'” He air quoted true love with a mocking sneer.
“That's right she is my true love; and our love has beat stronger things than your manipulation or mind potions,” He spat as Nevada’s goons began to surround him again in case he tried anything.
"Oh I very much doubt that." He smiled wickedly as he looked into your eyes. "Go on baby, tell him why you chose me" He nodded at Rafael. You nodded back and stepped towards Rafael with hatred in your orange eyes. Nevada thought of the perfect speech to really destroy him.
"Nevada is a real man Barba, he's pleasured me in ways you can't even think of. Our love was fake, you just kept me under your own spell. Nothing we had was actually real, and you're just gonna have to get over this obsession you have with me." You crossed your arms and spoke with absolute disdain.
"No….." Rafael's eyes filled with tears more and more after every word you spoke. "No!" He grabbed you and pulled you towards him. Nevada’s goons started to go after him but Vada put a hand up.
"Ah ah ah, señores. This will be more fun," He grinned.
"Baby come on, look he's...he’s just going to let you go!” Rafael tried to get you to go with him.
"Please, carino…." He put both hands on your face but all he could see was orange in your irises. Now he knew how you must have felt at the church when he didn't remember you. But then he remembered how the real him was deep down inside, screaming to get out. You had to be there too.
“....Rafa…?” Your head began to pound, the orange in your eyes began to flicker as the real you tried to break through.
“Yes, yes Y/N Baby it’s me!” A small hopeful smile crawled across his lips. He started speaking as fast as he could to draw you out more.
"....Carino, remember you told me about your parents, and I told you about my dad, and-- We beat Liv, we've prevailed over anything that tries to tear us apart. And I know you are in there, because I know I was in my body too. Please baby please, oh god please, YN you have to remember!” He pressed his forehead to yours as he begged you with whimpers and tears.
“Baby…”? You bit your lip as you tried like hell to fight the potion. Rafael rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs.
“....If you go back to him now--I'll lose you forever. He’ll just keep using you against me, and I won’t hurt you!” He hugged you tightly, your arms slowly raised to hug him back. Nevada saw what was unfolding and quickly thought to himself “NO. YOU’RE MINE. HURT HIM.”
Suddenly the orange flared in your eyes once again, and you pushed him away from you.
“Well that's really unfortunate for you, douchebag. Because I can,” You took one swift kick to his stomach and he fell over to the ground
“Ohhhhh shit!!!!!” Nevada clapped his hands together happily.
"That was even more delicious than I could have imagined, this magic thing is the best. Thanks for the tip, bruja,” Nevada nodded at Chloe who just glared at him as she helped Rafael up on his feet.
"This isn't over," he growled.
"You're right, you still need to get me those transfers" Nevada reminded him. “....And I think that red head will help you out, I may have 'made up' with her for you," He added with a wink.
“Oh for fucks sake…” Rafael groaned. Now he had lost you and he'd have to break Liv’s heart all over again.
“Now I'd leave before I set my queen loose on you," Nevada cackled.
“Let's go Rafa, we'll figure something out,” Chloe pulled him away from you and out of the warehouse.
Rafael knew you were in there, he just knew it. He was going to get you back somehow.
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addictofsupernatural · 5 years ago
OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 3b
Beware of the Physical Exams!
Host Club x reader
Summary: When the hosts convince y/n to get help, she finds trouble instead.
Word Count: 5.4k
Episode Masterlist
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"Y/n, we've come here today to talk about a problem regarding you."
You looked around nervously, and began your verbal diarrhea. "Okay, um, first of all, I want to say I'm sorry. I know it's our number one priority to make the clients happy, and I was side tracked, and that's on me. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been unprofessional with Alarico and that's super my fault. I know I need to get 100 guests and I'm only at 39 but I can do better, and again I'm really sorry for everything about yesterday, and—"
"Y/n," Kyoya cut you off. "This has nothing to do with your quota, or Alarico Gonzalez's behavior."
"Oh." You said dumbly.
"This is about your anxiety attack."
"Oh." You grumbled, though you quickly regained your composure. "I'm sorry you had to see that senpai."
"It was no trouble, and I've read that they can be very sudden and frightening to those who get them." He stated.
"We're really worried." Hikaru said.
"Yeah," Kaoru agreed. "When Kyoya told us, we had no idea how to help."
"You have to take care of yourself y/n-chan." Honey clutched usa-chan.
"Yeah." Mori said.
"That is why," Tamaki said, pointing to you. "We've decided to set up an appointment with the school therapist today!"
"Woah, let's not take it that far. I'm okay guys, really."
"You didn't look okay when you had trouble breathing yesterday." Kyoya stated.
"That was just a little hiccup!" You explained. "Things happen. I'm okay now, which is more important, right?"
Tamaki stepped up to you. "You're going to therapy, and that's final!"
"No." You said forcefully. This struck his feelings, and he sulked in the corner. You sighed. "I'm sorry I worried you all, and I'll be careful next time. I don't want to waste time and cut any classes so a therapist can tell me depressing things. I just want to forget about sad stuff here."
You gave them a smile. "Well, she seems unmotivated." Hikaru stated.
"But how are we going to get her to agree?" Kaoru asked.
Mori then thought of something. "Squishy ice cream."
That struck a nerve. You gasped and carefully looked at them, and Tamaki then got up. "That's right~ You were so busy last episode that you never got to try any, did you~?"
"Did you hear that?" Hikaru whispered mockingly. "She's never even tried squishy ice cream before. Isn't that sad?"
"Talk about a tragedy." Kaoru whispered back.
You nervously laughed. "C'mon guys, you don't really think of me as such glutton because I'm poor and never had it that I'd force myself to go to some therapy for some ice cream would you?" You kept nervously laughing, and everybody else smiled at you. You then quietly asked, "What time is the appointment?"
"We knew it." The twins said.
You scoffed and smiled. "You guys are something else. Why do you even care about this?"
"Don't refer to yourself as this!" Tamaki exclaimed. "If you need anything, know that I'm always here for you."
"You mean all of us are here for her?" Hikaru asked.
"As I said before, you are all the homosexual supporting cast!"
You let out an involuntary laugh. "Really senpai? Supporting cast?" You asked, walking over to them. "That's a little self absorbed of you." You then thought of something. "Can you guys do me a little favor though? Let's keep the therapy sessions to ourselves. My clients get worried easily and I feel weird when they get curious and ask me about my issues."
"Well, your appointment is right after the physical exams," Kyoya explained. "So that might be an issue."
"Alright then," Tamaki announced. "Gentlemen, it's time to enact The Keep Y/n's Secret Safe Plan!"
Later that day you walked with the twins to the physical exam, though the line was going to be too long to not miss your therapy session. When you went in there, your mouth hung open. "What the hell is this?!"
"It's just a regular physical exam." Hikaru said.
"I've seen malls smaller than this." You whisper shouted, speed walking to hold each twin by the arm, timidly looking at all the people and fancy stations. "This is so out of place for me. I feel so awkward."
They paid no mind to you gripping onto them, or at least tried not to. "Seriously y/n, you need to stop being amazed and scared at everything here." Kaoru said.
"I was amazed and scared of the host club when I walked in. Look at us now." You offered. Neither of them said anything but looked down at you. You then saw Mori and Honey dressed up in doctor attire. "Wait, what?" They put their fingers over their mouths shush you. "So obvious." You muttered.
"I have those two for back up in case this plan doesn't execute properly." Kyoya came out and explained.
"Why are they in doctor uniforms?"
"It helps set the mood." He pushed up his glasses. "Disguises make our mission feel like a real espionage."
You watched the doctor encourage a girl as three other nurses clapped for her. "This is weird." You said. "All the staff here are actually nice."
"Of course." Kyoya said. "All staff is chosen by the chairman. It is a school, but it's also a business. He wants the students to be happy, and most students here already have their own doctors for their families. So this, is just a formality."
You quietly scoffed and shrugged, shaking your head. You and the twins kept walking when someone bumped into Kyoya, and Kyoya's gaze lingered on him.
"Huh." The twins then began taking off their shirts to do their exams, and girls started squealing. "See now?" Kyoya asked. "Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies."
"Hm. My physical exams in y/c had us also do exercise. Everybody was rude and just wanted to get everything over with, and that makes more sense than this." You then shook your head. "But girls here would probably still be squealing for that too because sweat is apparently attractive too."
The twins were being themselves and girls continued squealing. Mori and Honey took this as an opportunity to push you into a corner nobody was in. Tamaki then caught you from behind. "I've been waiting for you princess." He said in your ear.
"Tamaki senpai?" You turned your head.
He giggled in your ear. "You're so cute when you're surprised." He then stepped back. "This is it, the inevitable moment."
"What are you gonna do?"
He shushes you with his finger. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You felt your cheeks tingle. That was until he put on a wig and stepped into the exams area. "I am ready to take the exams." He announced in his best impression of your voice.
"Hey, is Tamaki trying to dress as a girl?" One girl asked.
Tamaki was shocked, as if he didn't realize people would notice. The twins then bursted out laughing. "He actually did it!" Hikaru laughed out.
"I can't believe he didn't know that wouldn't work!"
Tamaki blushed and angrily grabbed Hikaru. "Why didn't you tell me it wouldn't work?!"
"It's payback for calling us homosexual supporting cast!" He laughed out.
Tamaki looked over at you shyly with big sad eyes. "Um, listen y/n," he timidly said.
"Did you really think that would work?" You asked, and your tone showed that it was a genuine question. He said nothing but pouted, causing you to glare at him. "Big words senpai. Small execution."
"Come this way y/n," Kyoya said. "There's a private room waiting for you."
"Senpai, you look like your enjoying this." You smiled at him. Tamaki dropped to his knees in the background.
Kyoya was smiling as well. "Well, I did need to get my revenge too. I don't appreciate being called supporting cast, homosexual or otherwise."
You both walked away as Tamaki weakly reached for you while fading away. You then went into a room with a female nurse. "Good morning Miss Y/l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've been informed of your circumstances, so we can hurry along this process."
"Thank you ma'am."
"Of course. Step right this way please. You can undress in there." You nodded and stepped inside the dressing area.
The boys were listening to this girl cry about a doctor who supposedly made a pass at her. "I've never been so terrified." She cried.
"How scary!"
"Do you think he was a pervert?" This girls were huddled around her for comfort.
"I had a feeling this might happen." Kyoya thought out loud. "Earlier today I saw a strange man in a white lab coat, though clearly not one of our doctors.
"Shouldn't you have said something sooner?" The twins asked in an annoyed manner.
"I'm sure it's no big deal. I'm sure the security guard will catch him." Kyoya offered.
They still listened to the group in the back. "Tell me," said a doctor. "Did you see where this man went?"
"Yes sir, he was headed towards the private clinic down the hall." The boys were all silent as they realized that he was going to your room.
You had just unbuttoned your shirt, leaving you in your bra. You were about to take off your pants when a man went into your changing room and was peaking outside. It was almost like he didn't see you. "W–um, excuse me, but—"
He rushed over to you and covered your mouth with his hand. "No, it's not what you think. Please just be quiet."
"Y/n!" You both turned to see Tamaki in the air. "Tama-chan~ kick!" He kicked the man in the face and sent him flying into the wall. Tamaki then spun in the air a few times before coming down to the ground.
The twins then appeared. "One. Good looks that attract the public eye."
Kyoya then stepped out of the shadows. "Two. More wealth than you can imagine."
Mori then spoke up. "Three. Chivalry that will never be able to overlook,"
"The hideous wickedness of this world." Honey finished.
As you hugged yourself Tamaki gently placed his own shirt over you. "That's what make up the Ouran Host Club!"
They posed, with an exception of Mori and Kyoya, saying, "We're here, watch out!"
"Please don't hurt me! Spare me my life!" He bowed as you buttoned up Tamaki's shirt. He then got back up. "I run a small medical clinic in the next town over."
You were taken aback by the sudden fact. You looked at Honey, whispering, "Why is he telling us his life story?"
Honey shrugged, and you all listened. "My name is Yabu." You suppressed your laughter, since Yabu is another word for quack doctor. "You see, I came to find my daughter. My wife left me a month ago and took my daughter with her! I know that my daughter goes here."
You sat down to be at the same eye level with him. "Well now that I'm invested into the story, I gotta ask. What happened to make them leave?"
He explained that he kept giving people money and they don't usually pay them back. The latest time was the last straw, and they both left. "I can never say no to anyone. I don't blame them for not wanting to constantly live in debt. But I wanted to see my daughter one last time, so I wandered through the streets and was pounded by rain until I came here. But once I entered I was mistaken for a doctor, here to examine students!"
You smiled. "You mean they mistook the guy wearing a lab coat as a doctor? That's... wow."
"And then it happened," He ignored you. He then explained how he asked a girl for directions and she ran away screaming. "And before I knew it, there were all kinds of people chasing me!" He was bursting with tears.
"So tragic!" Tamaki was also crying.
"Pardon me," Kyoya said. "But I think you may have the wrong highschool. Are you looking for Ouran Public Highschool?"
"Yeah?" He stopped crying and looked up.
"I figured that might be the case. This is Ouran Academy, private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here."
He looked shocked, and the twins began to voice their opinions. "Man, you don't even know where your daughter goes to school? That's pretty sad." Hikaru said.
"Yeah, I bet your relationship's messed up because you don't pay attention to them, not because of some stupid debt."
"Wow Kyo-chan, you figured that out pretty quickly." Honey congratulated him.
"Well, the daughter of such a small business man could never afford to go here." You scrunched up your nose I'm response.
"Kyoya," Tamaki said. "Could you make a map of the public schools in this area? I'd like to help this man."
Kyoya looked surprised for a second, but smiled and regained his composure. "Whatever you say."
As the man got up you stepped in front of him. "If you'll allow me to give some advice." He nodded. "If you get there and school is still in session, don't just go in. Wait until she's finished with school, or else you're gonna look like a creep and she'll be too angry and embarrassed to talk." He said nothing and nodded, bowing. He left soon after, and you were all still in the private room. "Well, sorry to do this, but can you guys please leave now?"
Everybody looked surprised. "Y/n, are you still angry with me?" Tamaki said. "You're not going to quit the host club are you?"
You turned to him and smiled, patting his shoulder. "Don't be silly senpai. I need to get to that stupid therapy sesh and you need to put on a shirt. I just gotta take the physical exams and I'll give it back to you." You then turned around and smiled. "Let's get this straight though. I'm not doing it for some food, I'm doing it for my debt."
You giggled, and Tamaki smothered you with a hug. "I can see right through you! I know you're doing it for some squishy ice cream!"
He was smothering too much. "Okay, stop it! The shirt's riding up!"
"Red card!" The twins said in unison. They then dragged Tamaki out and everyone else followed.
You finished your exam fairly quickly and was guided by your nurse to the room of your therapist. "Good morning." She grinned. "Please sit anywhere you'd like."
You had decided right then and there that this was going to suck. There was fancy decor and expensive looking items. There was a nice looking couch and even nicer looking chairs. She had a desk that looked like it costed way too much, and she wore expensive clothing. This was all too much. You didn't belong in this room.
You silently sat on the couch. "I hope you feel your most comfortable self with me, so we can talk about anything you want." Her grin was still on and her tone was still chirpy. You said nothing. "Do you want to begin the conversation?"
You hesitated before speaking up. "May I ask about your background?"
"My background? Well that's an incredibly boring subject, but go ahead! Let's not have any secrets between each other, okay?"
You were silent for a moment again. "How were you brought up? Was it surrounded by things like this?"
You didn't try to smile. You didn't want to be here. There wasn't anything wrong with you, so there wasn't a reason to be here. Besides, this room itself was giving you anxiety. "Things like this? Well, I'm not really the materialistic person, but if you're asking me if I was born into a wealthy family that helped paved the way to my position, then yes. I was born into this."
Her smile never faltered, and you didn't like it. You didn't like the feeling of any of this. Exposed, you felt so exposed. It made you put your head down in shame. "Then don't you think you're a little overqualified to be talking to me right now?"
She was taken aback, but began writing in her notebook. She slightly nodded to it, as if she had decided something. "My, is that what you think?"
What the hell would she even write from that? That you have self esteem issues? That you're self conscious about yourself here? You deserved so much squishy icecream for this. You only shrugged.
"You don't seem very relaxed right now. Maybe we could talk about why that is." You shrugged again. Her smile almost left her face, but she hung onto it. "We can't make any progress if you we don't put in effort dear."
You sucked up your annoyance and smiled, bringing your head up. "If you want me to be happy about this, you could've just said so. And the reason why I'm uncomfortable is because this room is making me uncomfortable."
She then wrote in her notebook again. "I see. Is it the atmosphere? We can go outside to the garden if it makes you feel any better."
"Is this session a one time thing?"
She chuckled. "That's not how progress works."
"Then we can stay in here so I could get used to this feeling."
It was like she cornered you. She knew exactly where to strike. "Do you always feel like you need to comply to things? Like you have to be the one to adjust?"
You frowned. "Where did that come from?"
"Please answer the question dear."
"I don't know, I guess. I have to though. It's not like everybody else has to change their viewpoints to accommodate only me."
"Do those viewpoints make you upset?"
"I'd appreciate if didn't lie to me."
She seemed to have every one of your moves calculated. She suddenly knew how to outsmart you. "Sometimes, I guess. I don't know. They'll say a comment or two about how different commoners are to normal rich people. It's weird. I never considered myself normal, but I'm different for another reason here than before."
You wanted to slap yourself for saying that. She only wrote in her notebook again. "How were you different before?"
"It just sometimes felt like us against the world. The four of us were unbreakable and we didn't care that it was that way. I felt proud to be looked down on, in this weird way, because my friends were down there with me laughing at everyone else."
"And now?"
"Now I'm down there alone. Everybody looks down on me, but there's no one else to share that with. It just sucks sometimes."
"You have two separate friend groups that you mention. Do you feel differently towards the one back in y/c than here?"
"I never felt ashamed with my y/c friends, I guess. I don't know. They knew everything about me, and they still loved me for it. Maybe I feel like my friends here will just pity me if I open up more?" You brought your knees up and buried your face in between them. "Ugh, no offense doctor, but this sucks butt. I thought this was supposed to help me with my anxiety."
"And you don't feel anxiety when thinking about your new friends finding things out about you?"
You couldn't help but let out a laugh and fall to lay of the couch. "Damn it, you're actually pretty good."
"People can be more complex than you might think. Just as you feel like they won't understand you because of your background, you aren't giving them a chance because of their background." You looked up at her. She was still smiling.
You chuckled. "You really do suck." You then sat up straight. "Hey, how are other people like with your sneaky forwardness?"
She waved off the question. "Oh, I'm usually not like this at all. I normally have to go through this journey with them until they figure it out on their own. I figured you weren't like that and would prefer someone who wouldn't baby you. It's actually quite nice to get straight forward answers back."
You genuinely smiled. "I'm sorry doctor, I think I underestimated you."
She had a different smile on this time. "Hm. Tell me something that your new friends don't know about you."
"That's kinda hard. One of them ran a background check on me."
She chose not to push her luck and not ask about that. "Well, it can be a small fact."
You let out a sigh and looked down again. "I mean, I was at the store the other day and bought them all keychains. Once I brought them to school I realized how worthless this would be to them. So I just kept them.
"Pushing for a better relationship with your friends will maybe let them push with you. They might like the gifts. You don't know until you try it."
"Thanks doctor." You smiled at her.
"One last question, how did you act with your old friends? Were you touchy feely or more to yourself?"
"Um, touchy feely I guess." You then thought about how you and your friends never really had respect for each other's boundaries, though none of you cared. "Really touchy feely actually."
"Try to work on getting to that level with your new friends." She then checked the time. "Oh, it seems we just ended our session. I'm glad we got this far, and there's so much more to talk about. I'll see you next week."
"Yeah, okay." You smiled and got up.
"Oh, dear,"
You stopped. "Yeah?"
"Why don't you give your old friends a call? You seem like you miss them."
"Okay." You said, chirpy. "Bye!"
You walked back to the physical exam area, and everyone was just about finished. All your friends stared at you as you silently walked over to them. You didn't say anything and looked spaced out.
"Y/n," Tamaki quietly asked. "Are you mad at us for sending you to therapy? You're making a face."
"I'm just thinking senpai." You didn't look at him.
"About quitting the club?!" He grabbed you by the shoulders.
You gently poked his face and pushed it away with your finger. "About whether or not I should give you guys something." The bell rang and you looked at the twins. "Oh, let's go guys. Bye everyone."
Nobody said anything. You went to your class silently. "Uh, y/n?" Hikaru asked.
"Hm?" You turned to them.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Kaoru asked.
You smiled and hugged them both. "I'm sure."
After school you decided to use your phone and call the one person you know who also has a phone. The other two were also there, and the three were planning to see you as a surprise on Monday. Luckily, Jasmine can't keep a surprise to save her life.
You entered the host club with a big smile, setting down your bag to turn and see all the boys staring at you. "What?" You asked, still smiling. "Oh! The gifts."
"So you actually did get us something?" Kaoru asked.
"Yup." You brought them out of your backpack and walked over to Mori. You handed him a keychain of a small black belt. "I heard someone say you were in kendo, so I thought this would be nice."
He smiled and patted the top of your head. "Thanks."
You excitedly nodded and bent down to Honey, giving him a bunny keychain. "I thought it would kinda remind you of usa-chan if you two were ever apart."
His eyes shown as he held it in his hands. "Cute! Thanks y/n-chan!"
You walked over to the twins, handing them a tweedle dee and tweedle dum keychains. You didn't know how to explain this one, so all you did was nervously chuckle.
"Get it?" They only stared at it and back at you as you awkwardly walked away and went to Kyoya. You gave him a paintbrush keychain. "One of my clients told me you could paint?"
He smiled and took the gift. "Hm. Thank you y/n."
You grinned and walked over to Tamaki. He was like a puppy who was excited to get a treat. You didn't take any notice in the blush on his face, nervous yourself that he'd say something about the piss poor gift. You put a small bear keychain in his hand.
"I know you have a teddy bear like this, and I've seen your dorky led pencil with the bear on it." An arrow went through him. "So I thought this would be a nice addition."
"No offense," Hikaru said, staring at the gift in his hand. Everybody turned their heads to him. "But you know these are kinda useless to us right?"
You frowned, but quickly replaced it with a smile. "Yeah," you nervously chuckled. "I'm sorry. It's stupid, I don't even know why I got them. Sorry." You then quickly began to walk away. "I'm gonna get my stuff set up."
You made some special tea for your first guest since she mentioned last time it was her favorite. While you were doing this, Tamaki stormed over to Hikaru. "What was that about?"
"What?" He shrugged. "It's true. I don't get why everyone's acting like this is some treasure."
Kyoya began writing in his book. "According to my sources, y/n also gave her friends back home keychains. It's a gift that she can afford, but it seems to only be something that she only gives to those she holds dear." They all looked back at Kyoya, who was still writing. "Don't you think it's peculiar that right after she talked to her therapist, y/n said that she felt comfortable giving us each a gift?"
Kaoru didn't know what to say, and Tamaki grabbed Hikaru's shoulder. "Listen to me." He said quietly. "You have to apologize to y/n. She wanted to do something nice for you, and you showed your gratitude like a slap in the face to her."
He looked over to you in an annoyed manner, walking over and tapping your shoulder. You flinched but still mustered up a smile. Before he could say anything, the host doors opened.
He didn't get the chance to say anything for the next three hours, as you were always busy with a new guest. Over the three hours guilt began to plague him. Why was he feeling bad? It was a harmless fact. His chest felt heavy.
Finally when they were all gone, you began cleaning as quickly as possible. He tried to slyly get closer to you, but you noticed and kept moving to a new area quickly. It was annoying him. "Hey," he called out to you in a demanding tone. "Are you mad at me or something?"
You didn't look in his direction, busying yourself with cleaning. "No. Why do you say that?"
"Tch." He didn't have patience for the feelings inside him. "Why are you avoiding me then?!"
You, as well as the other hosts, were surprised by the sudden outburst. You let out a sigh, turning to face him and giving him a smile. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry that you had to raise your voice at me."
"Why are you still being nice?" He said in a quiet manner, embarrassed for yelling at you for no important reason. "I just yelled at you."
"Um, I'm sure you're used to having people's full attention." You offered a shrug, your smile still sticking. "People who're raised by hearing a lot of yes's are usually bound to be more demanding. It's only natural, so it's whatever."
"No it's not!" He raised his voice again. "You should be getting mad at others being rude to you. Don't be such a pushover!"
His words stung, and you dropped your smile. "Don't call me that." You said a little forcefully.
"You know what? Next time you go to therapy, work on that!" You didn't say anything and angrily continued cleaning while everybody stared at Hikaru. Tamaki was being held back by Kaoru, while Hikaru was just staring at you. Damnit. This was supposed to be an apology, but he made things worse. "Y/n—"
Your simple demand got everyone's eyes to you. Kaoru and Tamaki held each other from how scary you looked, while Hikaru stepped a few paces back. After a few seconds he was ready to retaliate with another comment, but before he could he was pulled back by Kaoru.
"Hikaru, try to calm down." Kaoru offered.
This got him angrier. "I don't even need her to forgive me! It's always been me and you, and we never needed anyone else! Why should that change now?"
They both stopped when they noticed you sadly staring at them. You then looked back at your cart full of dishes and rolled it away. When you came back you only saw one twin bashfully staring at you.
"Look y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said those things, and—"
You began to giggle. "Wow, I never knew people thought of me as so much of an idiot to really not think I can tell some twins apart. Nice try Kaoru." He looked at you, shocked. You kept walking, before stopping to quickly say "I appreciate you trying though."
You walked over to the other twin, who was tied up and squirming under Tamaki's foot. You motioned for Tamaki to back down, which he did as you sat down next to the tied up twin, pulling down the tie over his mouth. "What was that for boss?!"
"If you cannot respect a woman properly, you will have to handled improperly!" You flashed Tamaki a smile for the comment, and he began rolling on the ground and muttering about how cute you are.
You turned to look at Hikaru, who angrily looked away from you. "So, I get it now." You grinned.
"Get what?" He shyly looked over to you.
"Why you're so nonchalant about everybody. It's because you're used to only relying on one person your whole life." He looked at you in awe. You really understood that. "Honestly, it's pretty amazing to look at. I wish I had a life companion like that."
"But don't—"
"Nope, still not gonna talk about that anytime soon. The point is, I get why you weren't concerned about my feelings, and the important thing is that you're thinking about them now...kinda. As long as you're actually sorry then all is good."
He looked away from you and muttered a sorry. You nodded and untied him, standing up to face the others. You let out a sigh and bowed politely. "I sincerely apologize for the unnecessary drama I brought to the club."
You felt a strong hand pull on your arm to lift you back up. You looked up to see Tamaki gently smiling. "Don't think you have to put your head down for us, and stop thinking of yourself as an outlier. We all enjoy your company."
You smiled back, and remembered what your therapist and you talked about. Try to become touchy feely with them. They're all still your friends.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, quietly saying, "Thank you senpai." You pulled back and saw Tamaki as a blushing mess, causing you to quickly yank back. "Sorry! Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have listened to my therapist about being more touchy feely."
"Actually," the twins said as they came to each of your side, back to their flirty selves. "You can do that with us!"
You let out a breathy chuckle. "You guys are so bipolar and I love it." You then walked over the Kyoya. "Are we all still hanging out tomorrow?"
He wrote in his book. "Oh course. Have you decided where we'll go?"
"Yup!" You grinned. "The swap meet!"
"Swap meet?" The twins asked.
"Well, I think you guys call it a flee market here in Japan." You then looked back at the twins. "Call me tomorrow morning so we can pick everyone up and go."
"Roger!" They saluted.
"Wait, y/n," Tamaki said.
"I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable Tamaki-senpai. I'll be less touchy with you from now on."
"Wait y/n! I did like the hug, I promise!" He sobbed.
You giggled. "You don't have to lie to make me feel better. Well, gotta go. Bye guys!" And with that, you left.
"Is there a problem Tamaki?" Kyoya slyly smiled.
"What if y/n won't hug me anymore?! Who else would she hug?"
"Hm. Well, she could always come to any of the other host members—"
"Are you saying you would let my little girl hug you and smother you with love?!" He barked.
"Hm, if it helps her, then I suppose." Everybody else left Tamaki crying in the music room.
Author's Note: Well, I don't know about you guys but this chapter felt like hot garbage to me.
Tag List: @krustykrabbspizza @animefan7420 @strangerthingsholland @the-dead-fucking-sea @blue-eyez-7 @i-bitch-you-bitch @sylumsart
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nachotrash · 4 years ago
And how do we rewrite the stars?
- a Sugawara X Reader -
Summary: in a world where you can hear your soulmate sing, there are two types; one, where your soulmate is in the same world as yours. And two, where they don't belong in yours. Almost all your friends found their soulmate, will you ever find yours?
Warnings: Swearing, Suga is probably very ooc because the author wrote this at 2AM, Dumb author can’t write angst so bear with me please, 
A/N: If only all mothers were like this 😔🖐. Also I’m sorry if this seems rushed and low-quality. My english vocabulary is getting worse and I wrote this in the middle of the night. Aaand I still have an event to finish (sorry lili)
Reblogs are appreciated!
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Love is like that one song.
That one song which you really like but you can’t remember it.
That one damned song.
"Y/N! Y/N!" Chiyoko, one of your best friends ran up to you, eyes sparkling with excitement.
You chuckled, taking out your earbuds and rolling them up. "What's up?"
"You remember that music competition we participated in?" She asked, slightly panting from the running.
"Yeah, it's only been a week. Why?" You said, raising an eyebrow.
"The votes are in." She huffed. Your eyes widened, getting more curious by the second.
"And? And?!"
"We won, we're going to the quarterfinals!" Chiyoko exclaimed, jumping up and down from excitement.
“Alright!! LETS GOOOO” You yelled, fistbumping the air in victory. Some students turned around and looked at you, as if you’re crazy.
You were at your locker, trying to get all your books in your bag when someone came up to you. You groaned, realizing that it was one of your rivals from the music competition. 
“Aww, look here, it’s the weirdo who doesn’t have a soulmate!” She laughed, voiced laced with sarcasm. 
“What do you want.” You spat, looking her in the eyes.
“Oh, nothing much. Just checking if you have found your soulmate or not” She grinned, putting her hand on her waist. 
“Honestly, I don’t. But I do have an idea who it might be, or at least who it sounds like” You sighed, turning back to your locker. 
She grimaced, grabbing your arm and preventing you from getting your stuff. “Oh yeah? Well then, tell me.” 
You sighed again. Completely done with her bullshit. “His voice sounds like Sugawara. Y’know, that silver-haired 3rd-Year from Haikyuu” You said grinning .
“Of course I know who he is! But don’t tell me you think HE is the one! There is no way anyone like that will like you!” She snarled. Slamming your hand to the locker.
“I never said so, and who cares? It’s not like it’s any of YOUR buisness anyway.” You shrugged, pulling your hand back and closing your locker, ready to leave. “Now if you don’t mind, I have to go home”
“Stop lying! There is no way you have a soulmate like that!” She yelled, turning her back to you and storming off.
You sighed in annoyance. What’s her problem? Is she that pissed about you winning against her?
You started walking home. It was dark outside, and the sky was clear. So you could see the stars shining bright above your head.
Stupid asshole. You thought, kicking at the dirt. Getting so nosy just because of a voice.
You furrowed your eyebrows. He probably just sounds like Suga, Haikyuu is just a ficitonal world right? Jeez Y/N, stop giving yourself false hope. Suga is just a ficitonal character and there is no way he is real periodt. 
You sighed frustrated, grabbing your keys from your pockets and unlocking the door.
“Honey! Welcome home! How wa- Whoa! Why are you crying?” Your mother asked, her cheerful expression turning into a concerned one. 
“Wait- I am?” That’s when you realised there were wet streams running down your cheeks, dripping onto the floor. You quickly wiped them away and started walking up the stairs. “Mom, I’m feeling tired right now. I’m gonna rest for a bit” Your mom hummed back, telling you that she agrees.
Walking up the stairs, you suddenly felt really tired and annoyed. So you walked in your room, threw your bag on the ground, plopped your earbuds in, and started listening to some music.
Practice just finished, and I was on my way home. Kageyama and Hinata were getting along better, and Kageyama even asked me for some advice for studying. 
“Hi Koushi, welcome back!” Mom’s voice rang through the hallway “You’re right on time! Dinner is ready”
I put my bag on the ground, walking to the kitchen and helping mom with the dishes. 
After we sat down and started eating, mom asked me the question.
“So... Have you heard anything from your soulmate?”
“Well, this morning they were humming to a song, but that’s it” I said after swallowing a piece of tofu.
“Alright then, make sure to tell me when something happens!”
*30 minutes later*
I was rehearsing some of the english sentences for the upcoming test, when I heard humming. I recognised the voice immeadiately. It was my supposed ‘soulmate’s voice! 
There was something wrong with it. It sounded... hopeless? I’m not sure how to describe it. It kind of sounded as if they were on the verge of breaking down.
“Hold on a second. I know this song!” I thought to myself. I was sure that they needed help
It was calming, just you and the music. Or at least, it would’ve been so if you weren’t fighting yourself about the events of a few hours ago.
It was silent. Until a voice suddely popped up in your head and started singing. 
You know I want you,
It's not a secret I try to hide
A small smile appeared on your face, hearing the fammiliar voice of your soulmate.
I know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?
What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
You sighed. Knowing fully well that it has a small chance of happening. So, you answered.
You think it's easy..
You think I don't wanna run to you
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why because we're able to be
Just you and me within these walls
But when we go outside, you're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all...
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours
All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible
It's not impossible
Is it impossible?
Say that it's possible
How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours
At this point, you’re silently crying. To finish the song, you softly whispered the last four lines
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and my hands are tied
“Thank you..” you whispered, smiling softly
Author: Note to future self; Never use Lunar’s writing style again, it doesn’t mix with yours
Also part two?
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