#i can't remember the last time i read fic but goddamn HERE I AM NOW
bluenotemagpie Β· 3 months
a jake simmonds/mickey smith fic recommendations post
hello, it's me, who for some reason set up camp in this particular corner of rarepair hell back in, like, 2012 and has not left. i've tried, but i live here now. all because i watched age of steel and thought:
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there are 80 fics in the jake/mickey tag on ao3, and a handful scattered on ff.net. here are the ones i've returned to over the years. <3
The Spiral by LetThemRot
Harriet Jones is on the tele, like she's been for the last ten nights, saying that yes, the Cybermen are gone (it's taken three years for the information to get out - the factories have been sealed off and uninvestigated for so long that none of the public noticed), and no, it's not information that the public has access to. Everyone should understand this and get on with their lives. The Cybermen have been separate for a long time - now they're just gone for good. Let the authorities handle this.
But she is Jackie Tyler, and she knows the authorities. She's living with three of them.
summary: The Doctor is in one world, Rose Tyler in another, and the Void stretches between them. Life in the days following the Battle of Canary Wharf, told by those stranded in Pete's World.
thoughts: on any given day there is a 50% chance that i am thinking about this fic and chewing on the walls. this was the first jake/mickey fic i ever read and i might have to credit it with how unhinged i am about this ship. it follows rose, mickey, jake, pete, and jackie after the events of doomsday, and it is so canon in my brain that getting through the immediately post-doomsday parts of my own fic was a real challenge because i wanted to just go "look, go read The Spiral and come back, that's what happens." it is in my writer DNA. i could not choose one of the actual jake/mickey parts of the story for the excerpt because i just want you to go read it and experience it. i love it so much.
These Conversations We Have by LetThemRot
Rose turns away once Jake presses his lips to Mickey's. It's not the jealousy of what they have, or the daydreaming - so she tells herself - it's the roommate-kissing-your-ex-boyfriend factor. It's not the unfair way that they can be happy and know (roughly) where the other is at all times and whether they're safe. It's just the roommate-and-ex-boyfriend factor - that's all. She plants her chin on a jumper-covered fist and stares resolutely at the screen, not seeing a single atom of it.
summary: Things said and heard in Pete's World. Life is hard when everyone has a different idea of what's right. Post-Doomsday, pre-Journey's End.
thoughts: like the above, this fic is in my writer DNA. rose, queen of burnout, is determined to get the dimension cannon working even if it kills her. rose & jake are besties and flatmates, which is truly a delight because they're both goddamn disasters. this is also a fic which doesn't shy away from how - even if jake & mickey get their shit together and decide to date - the ghost of ricky smith will never be easily disregarded.
Not Made of Tin by Nope
Three years before this, he comes awake, startled into the sudden chill of the back of the van. He can't hear, can't remember the noise that brought him out of the dark into this bleary half-light, tinted, smeared windows and Jake snuffle-snoring in the front seat, but there are seabird screeches and the faint rough hum of traffic and he has the strangest craving for ice-cream, proper fake soft Mister Whippy style ice-cream, all chemicals and sugar buzz cold. They should sell that on the sea-front, he reckons. That's what people do, even in foreign parts. Assuming they even have ice-cream in this damn dimension and, if they don't, he's going to invent it and make a fucking fortune. How hard can it be?
thoughts: this is a dark fic - I'd add a warning about non-con & rate this E - but it also has some really excellent, prickly characterization & an intriguing narrative structure. ymmv depending on your tolerance for the aforementioned warnings. but i love fics that put the characters' flaws front & centre, so on the list it goes! (this was also written in 2009, so there's some ableist language that wouldn't fly today, fwiw.)
Guy Fawkes Has Nothing on Us by misspamela ( @miss-pamela on tumblr)
It was three days before Mickey got himself together enough to freak out.
He woke up an hour after he'd gone to sleep, with Jake sitting first watch up front and the communications equipment turned down to a dull hum. The van was dark, not the dark of his room at home, ringed with fluorescent lighting, and not the whirring, yellowish dark of the TARDIS. Cold dark. Alien dark.
Next thing, he's thrashing about and yelling, knocking wires and ammunition to the floor.
"You're not losing it, mate?" Jake scrambled into the back of the van.
All Mickey can think of to say is, "I've never even been to Greece."
thoughts: this hits my favourite tone of "lighthearted banter with some emotions & growing fondness" <3 i'm very fond of fics where there's clearly an action movie plot happening in the background, but that's not the focus dammit the feelings are the focus
Rain Like Ghosts by carolinecrane
Jake shifted against him, somehow moving closer without touching any more than he had to. Like he was afraid what Mickey would say if he noticed how close they were. Like it would be possible for Mickey to miss it. And it was probably just as well the French blokes had given them a room of their own, because Jake's arm had landed on top of him somehow and his hand was pressed against Mickey's chest, heat radiating from his fingers and making Mickey feel in a way he hadn't for a long time.
thoughts: god bless carolinecrane for writing many of the fics in the jake/mickey tag. idk where you are now but i salute you 🫑 in any case, who can resist a "there was only one bed" fic
Birds by carolinecrane
He liked the way Mickey kissed him -- different from Ricky, less intense but sweeter somehow -- and he liked that Mickey needed him more than Ricky ever had.
He didn't think much about what that said about him until Rose crashed back into Mickey's life, dragging her mum with her and suddenly Mickey didn't need Jake so much anymore. And he'd never really thought of himself as selfish until Jackie and Rose turned up, but as it turned out, he didn't like having to share.
thought: you might be noticing a recurring theme, which is that i really enjoy fics where jake is a bit of a bastard. this one is set around the trip to bad wolf bay & is very cute
sorry for the runner-up by carolinecrane
"Look, mate, I know it's different for you and me. You and Ricky…well, it was different, anyway."
"We got shot at a lot less," Jake says, and Mickey knows he's trying to be funny, but he doesn't feel much like laughing.
"Maybe that's your problem."
"You think I should get shot at more?"
thoughts: jake's "you think I should get shot at more?" joke to avoid discussing his own feelings is so canon to me that i did end up putting a reference to it into my own fic while editing a chapter recently. mickey's down bad in this fic, which is sometimes a challenge when you're stuck together in the back of a zeppelin. 10/10 very fun times
(carolinecrane has other v good jake/mickey oneshots, but these three are my favourites!)
Possibilities, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bananas by rosa_acicularis
β€œSuppose I don’t have to ask how it went last night, do I?” Pete Tyler said from the doorway. Unconsciously, both Mickey and Jake straightened in their chairs.
Rose gave him a wan smile. β€œHe was an idiot.”
β€œI don’t doubt it,” Pete replied evenly as he walked to the coffeemaker, ceramic β€˜World’s Best Dad’ mug in hand. Rose and Mickey exchanged an amused look; a man as powerful as Pete Tyler hardly needed to fetch his own coffee, much less travel the three floors down to Recovery and First Contact to get it. Yet two or three days a week he spent his five minutes of precious free time with a woman who was not his daughter, a man who was not her boyfriend, and a man who may (or may not) have been his boyfriend. Pete poured his coffee and sipped at it gingerly. β€œSo,” he said, leaning back and resting his elbows on the counter just as Rose had done moments ago. β€œShould I be forming a taskforce to deal with an imminent invasion of alien fruit and veg?”
β€œNo,” Mickey said.
β€œMaybe,” Rose said.
Pete looked to Jake, who shook his head. β€œI’m just sitting here, reading my paper. I am opinionless.”
β€œSpineless,” Mickey muttered, and Jake arched an eyebrow in his direction. Rose watched them and sighed inwardly; their epic saga of will-they-won’t-they had recently resolved itself (to neither man’s satisfaction) as they-will-but-just-the-once-because-apparently-they-are-both-idiots. They rarely let the tension interfere with their working camaraderie, but it was beginning to get under her skin nevertheless.
thoughts: genuinely one of my fave fics. rose-centric, takes a different path from journey's end. all the character relationships are spot-on and crack me up, including rose's little brother - HOLD ON I JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE AUTHOR HAS A BUNCH MORE DOCTOR WHO FICS, BRB I GOTTA GO READ THEM ALL RIGHT NOW
Interlude (The Space Between Breaths) by freefall
Later, when the fight is over and the wounds are bandaged, and it’s just you and Mickey again in the hull of an abandoned warehouse, the only light coming from some flickering candles and the only warmth from the slow heat of cheap gin in your stomach, is when he asks. β€˜Course he asks, and you realize that somewhere along the way he had learned you just as well as you learned him (and how is that even fair when he didn’t have the advantage of knowing his parallel universe self, but he did it anyway. Bloody Mickey.)
thoughts: this fic fucking slaps. i don't read a lot of second-person stuff, but the second-person here has such a strong voice to it. short but sweet with a lot of that good good subtext.
a parisian sunset by @lesbiandonnanoble
Jake pulled his thermos out of his bag. In the middle of winter, with just a van and just the two of them, it really was the only source of warmth. It usually held some kind of tea - spiked, more often than not - or cider. He unscrewed the cap, which also functioned as the mug, and filled it up. He looked down at it, swirled the liquid around in the cup, and passed it to Mickey. β€œCheers.”  Mickey didn’t know what Jake wanted him to do. Logically, it was a drink for him. He should drink it. But there was only one cup, and Jake had been very hesitant to share anything with him insofar. Did Jake want to share it? β€œFor me?” he asked.Β  Jake laughed. β€œYes, man. You look cold.”
thoughts: CUTE SHIT. i love a good jake-and-mickey-have-emotions-in-paris fic. and as someone who gets cold very easily, i'm obsessed with helping people get warm as an act of love.
so there we have it! the jake/mickey fics that have haunted my brain like my mind is a cursed cathedral!! my own fic is still a WIP - it's a long one, currently going through edits - but you can check out the beginnings of the first draft here if you want more. or i post about it with the my dw magnum opus tag, because i have had this fic rattling around in my brain for over a decade and was finally compelled to put it to paper.
happy reading! <3
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sharkneto Β· 1 year
i think someone’s already asked you this, but do you ever get writing inspiration from music? or have certain songs you associate with certain characters?
for me, 39 by Queen, Slipping Through my Fingers by Abba and Asleep by the Smiths are such Five songs!
also wanted to say i love your writing! i think you’re absolutely brilliant, you write in such a beautifully grounded way and i literally want your fics to be made into movies they’re so amazing! i hope your writing brings you as much joy as it does me!
Oh, I don't know if I've answered that specific question. I've talked before about how I write to music/the kind of music I write to (shoutout to my playlist oh for it's sad vibes, it does such heavy lifting). But songs that have inspired scenes...
The answer is definitely Yes, but can I remember them... For the Post-S3 Five And Allison Talk Fic haven't shared, a specific scene of that I haven't officially written vibed hard with The King by Sarah Kinsley (lyrics half fit), although I think that was more I was thinking about it and that song came on and turbo'd it. I think that's the closest one I've got off the top of my head. EDIT: Back to say how the fuck did I forget about Kokomo. Iconic. Included here for Obvious Reasons for any JT readers. The entire goddamn Amanda and Five road trip came from Kokomo coming on in my car during a commute home.
For songs that I associate with characters, absolutely. I've got a whole playlist of Number songs and songs Five likes (made with @non-plutonian-druid, linked HERE and HERE if anyone is curious). I've got my Five and Delores/Five Apocalypse Playlist HERE. You'll notice a theme, here. Gonna go do a listen for the Five Vibes of your recs, can always use more Five Songs. Do I have songs for other characters...? Not... really?
I feel like music is more fic based than character based, I've got songs I associate with fics (from listening to them while writing or vibing about them). Time Is On My Side (Irma Thomas) and Hotel California (Eagles) for Searching for Good Times. Night Shift (Lucy Dacus) for Nice Things Can't Last Forever (They Still End Too Soon) despite those lyrics not really working at all, but the Vibes. The Vibes. This section would be more fun if I could remember more of them right now, but there are three examples rip
And thank you so much for the kind words. This is a low time of the year for me, so your love was really well timed. I'm late to replying to this, but I've come back to my inbox to read them many times. I see my fics playing out in my head like a movie while I have a narration going that is what ends up getting written, so I'm so glad that translates back to you as Could Be A Movie :) My writing brings me so much joy, even when I'm in a little bit of a slump like I am now. I think my favorite thing about getting into writing and sharing is the shared enjoyment of it all - we're all just here having a great time together
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holochromatic Β· 2 years
people are reblogging my stucky edit and now i guess i'm back on my bullshit
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elegyqv Β· 3 years
πͺ𐑂 pairing β€” theo raeken x mccall!reader
πͺ𐑂 summary β€” y/n finds out that to theo, her ex boyfriend, had returned from hell. β€Ή angst β€Ί
πͺ𐑂 warnings β€” slight violence
πͺ𐑂 a/n β€” this is my first ever fic! please give me tips and advice on how to write better, i'd truly appreciate it! if there are any errors, feel free to correct me <3 thanks 4 reading!!
πͺ𐑂 masterlist
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I couldn't focus on my homework. I knew the pack was coming over but they were being more hectic then they usually would be, and trust me, pack meetings are always pretty intense. I tried to refocus, but I heard loud banging and fighting noises from downstairs. "Yep, this is definitely not normal." I mumbled to myself as I rushed out of my room to check out the commotion downstairs.
"He remembers Stiles." I heard Liam say as I went down the stairs. "Who?" I asked. The whole pack turned up to look at me at the same time, except for Malia, who was still arguing with Liam. "Scott remembers Stiles, Lydia and I remember Stiles." She snarled.
Scott tapped Malia's shoulder and pointed at me. Her face immediately changed from a frown to a cute dorky smile, trying to play it off as if everything was okay.
"Who remembers Stiles?" I repeated my question louder and firmer. "I thought you said you were busy with, um, homework?" Scott stuttered nervously, while clearly angling himself to block me from seeing something kitchen. "Yea, but how am I suppose to focus with boxing match in my living room?" I replied sarcastically.
"He was like that too, you know? Stiles was always so goddamn sarcastic, sucks that you picked up on that." said a familiar voice.
It can't be him. His sister dragged him into the depths of hell. God, I really didn't want to deal with him now, the ghost riders were already enough trouble. The last thing I wanted was to face my feelings that I've been avoiding for months.
But it was him. Theo Raeken was back from hell. "Why is he here?!" I asked furiously. He looked the same as he did before he left. That perfect hair and that killer smile. Honestly, I wanted to not-hate him so bad. I turned to the Liam, who was holding Noshiko's sword and shot him a death stare . "Now, that's no way to talk to your only solution, right?" Theo taunted confidently. "Shut up!" The pack shouted in unison.
I walked up to Theo and kneeled down to get closer look of him. I softly cupped his face and used my thumb to gently caress his wounds. He was confused but grinned, thinking he still had me wrapped around his finger.
Then I punched him. Hard. In the nose. A punch was nothing compared how much he hurt me. How he had manipulated me and the others to turn against each other, how he played with my feelings, and especially how he murdered my brother.
The pack gasped, except for Malia, who was cheering me on like a proud mother. I stood up and smirked, turning my back at him and walking back to my room.
Some part of me wanted to turn back. Some part of me missed his touch. Some part of me wanted him back. But I could never let him know that.
"You've changed, huh?" He said while wiping the blood from his nose. I forgot that he still saw me as the "true alpha's vulnerable younger sister". "For the better." I replied, not turning back to look at him.
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galacticgraffiti Β· 3 years
β˜™ A Loveletter to Creators ❧
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G'day my sweet darlings, I am finally, finally getting around to another Follower Celebration!
Last time, I took requests as a thank you to my wonderful Followers. This time, for my 700 Follower Milestone, I want to appreciate to creators who inspired me with their writing, their art, and their beautiful edits.
This is in no way, shape or form a complete list of the content I have enjoyed, there is so much more! I did have to decide on something, so I am picking one fic, one artwork and one gifset per character that has been particularly inspiring and/or delightful to me.
Feel free to make your own version of this, to add onto this one, to recommend other collections. Appreciate creators, go buck-fucking-wild with the praise and comments! We can all use a little compliment every now and then.
!!! NSFW/18+ !!!
Please heed the individual warnings for each work as well as tags on the artwork and GIFs.
✀ Boba Fett ✀
Behave by @thefact0rygirl
This is fucking filthy and I love it. I have nothing else to say for myself than I just love Boba and I love the way you write him. The possessiveness, the praise, the absolutely everything about this.
He did his best to remain stoic, but he couldn’t stop his right foot from tapping, the movement causing the spur on his boot to jingle. His hands no longer gripped his knees as he kept cracking his knuckles.
✀ Din Djarin ✀
Revelation by @the-scandalorian
Literally the fic that started my obsession with daddy!Din and no one is more grateful for that than I am. Everything about this made my mind spiral - the kink, the characterisation and the way it is written. It's just so goddamn beautiful.
Daddy. You liked the sound of it, liked the satisfying smack of its consonants, the command and the care wrapped in its two syllablesβ€”especially when it was growled in his deep, rolling baritone.
✀ Captain Rex ✀
Can't Let You Go by @book-of-baba-fett
This fic destroyed me in the best way. The dynamic is so well written, the yearning is so hardcore and the moral nuance is just fantastic. This fic broke my heart into a million pieces and then sewed me back together, more beautiful than ever.
β€œI know, and I thought it was something I could live with until I saw you here tonight,” Rex confesses, stepping closer to you until your back is pressed against the wall. β€œI know I can’t be the man you need, the one you deserve. I can’t make you promises for a future that I might not be around to keep.”
✀ Commander Wolffe ✀
No Strings Attached by @cyarbika
Listen, we all know I love a good ole two-idiots-in-love-won't-admit-it story. I love it even more when it's Wolffe, and I love it most when it's by Bee. This is a masterpiece, from the premise to the filth.
Wolffe raises his eyebrows at you. β€œWon’t even give me a chance, huh? Am I that bad?” It’s not even a matter of whether this guy can take a fucking hint anymore. You’re past hints, and you’re way past your tolerance threshold for the evening. You stare him directly in the eyes, giving him your full, undivided attention, and say, β€œYeah, you are.”
✀ Commander Fox ✀
Candy Girl by @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi
As I've often mentioned before, Persephone was the whole reason I started writing for Fox, and it was specifically this fic that made me fall in love with the Corrie Guard. This whole concept... Yes. Just huge, capital Y Yes.
It takes you a moment to process the fact that Fox took his bucket off in front of you. The sheer weight behind the simple gesture isn’t lost on you. You know that it means a lot. It implies so much. Fox looks at you. The corners of his mouth twitch slightly, an eyebrow raising as well.
✀ Fives ✀
Reflection by @damerondala
I remember reading this and thinking- I want to write like that. I want to make people as happy as I was reading this fic. Fives is one of my favourites to read because he is so much fun with the bonus of great sex appeal.
It bloomed from your belly and shook your entire body in his arms, your face lighting up in the most delightful way. Fives was fucking beaming. His eyes crinkled and he grinned the toothiest grin you’d seen since you told him you loved him for the first time.
✀ Paz Vizsla ✀
Calm by @maybege
I don't often read A/B/O fics but this one... this one seeped into my bones and made me warm and tingly and well- calm. Before it made me feel all other emotions as well, mainly intense yearning.
Being away from Paz felt a little like having the worst hangover of your life. Everything from your tiptoes to your fingertips seemed to yearn for him and you had half a mind to simply thrown on your dressing gown and join him at the negotiations table anyway.
✀ Plo Koon ✀
Battle Scars by @milf-obi-wan-kenobi
I may have a thing for cowboys. I may have a thing for Plo Koon. But Cowboy!Plo? That sent me to a whole other dimension.
He was eloquent too, with a voice that would make the most devout nun consider sin.
✀ Multiple ✀
Pretty Little Thing by @rowansparrow
I have never - and I mean NEVER - wanted to get railed as badly as I do every time I reread this fic. And it has been often, believe me. Also, just from a writer's perspective: Gangbangs are so fucking hard to write and you did an absolutely incredible job.
β€œMy men have made quite a mess of you.” He mused. β€œIs this what you get up to? You rile them up, play games with them? Always such a little tease.”
✀ Pure Delightful Fun ✀
The Great Jedi Lightsaber Hunting Quest by @fivesarctrooper
This fic combines my two great loves of television with one another: Brooklyn 99 and Star Wars. What more could I possibly ask?
"What do you mean you tackled the youngling?” Padme yelled, tending to the crying little one. Anakin threw his head back and let out an exasperated groan. β€œThey’re fine, Padme.”
Art makes me feel things. These are the ones that made me feel the most ever since I started collecting them. I don't know how to talk about art the way talk about writing, so I shall let the works speak for themselves. Visuals are the backbone of imagination, and I cannot express how grateful I am for those who create those visuals for us.
✀ Mandalorians ✀
✧ The Fett Family by @maygalodon Jango in the blue shirt ⋆ Post-Sarlacc Boba
✧ The Mandalorian by @pedrosgirlx Sinfully shiny Mando ⋆ Welding Mando ⋆ Mando & Grogito
✧ Boys in Crop Tops by @intricatecakes Din Djarin ⋆ Boba Fett ⋆ Cobb Vanth
✧ Din in his armour by @heatherbelart
✧ Din Unmasked by @shuploc
✧ Broad as fuck Mando by @frying-panties
✧ Father & Son by @maiseey
✧ Thick Boba by @bobas-tea
✀ Clones ✀
✧ Vogue Inspired Clone Prints by @zoruui Rex ⋆ Cody ⋆ Wolffe
✧ Neon Boys by @deathstixdealer Rex ⋆ Rex, Wolffe & Fox ⋆ 79's Strip Club
✧ Thick hairy clones by @thiccumz Wolffe ⋆ Fox ⋆ Fives & Echo ⋆ Rex ⋆ Wrecker ⋆ Tup & Dogma
✧ Winged Clones by @cc7567 Cody ⋆ Rex ⋆ Fives
✧ Sweet sweet double filth by @samrubio
✧ Fives in neon by @mousechuckles
✧ Thick Commander Bly by @thatfunkyopossum
✧ Bounty Hunter Wolffe by @aesnawan
✧ Gregor by @cyareclones
✧ Skate or Die by @keldabekush
✀ Women (because they deserve their own category) ✀
✧ Modern Ahsoka by @cyareclones
✧ Nightsister Merrin by @yatskari
✧ Fennec Shand doing the Chin Touch by @sunfishstick
✧ Jedi Leia by @means1974
✧ This wonderful edit of Padmé by @jaigeye
✧ Ar'alani by @jun-c
✀ Jedi & Sith ✀
✧ The Skywalker Twins by @nibeul
✧ Shaak Ti by @conniferuswhite
✧ Pissed off Mace by @cobaltbeam
✧ Plo study by @phantom-path
✧ Quinlan Vos and tiny Aayla by @symeona
✧ Maul in a Santa Hat by @sambrin
✧ Big tiddy Savage Opress by @vertropolis
✀ Ship Art ✀
This wonderful collection of Bobadin moments by @nim-lock Din Djarin x Boba Fett
Landoboba by @nibeul Lando Calrissian x Boba Fett (aka the ship I never knew I needed)
Foxiyo spice by @countessofbiscuit Commander Fox x Riyo Chuchi
Hyperspace Face Sitting by @literallydontlook Din Djarin x reader
I'll be honest, I have no idea how GIF-making works. I still try to appreciate creators as much as I can, especially because I often use GIFs for my fics to convey a mood or set the scene. You all are doing the aesthetic work thirst over and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it. I can't imagine the effort that goes into these wonderful creations.
✧ The Fennec Shand Collection by @marvelsaos Fuel for my sapphic ass
✧ Smiley Clones by @cassiian-andor Tugs on my heartstrings to see the boys smile
✧ TBOBF era Boba by @rexsjaigeyes He is beautiful. That's all I have to say
✧ Jedi Badassery by @elivanto TCW deserves all the appreciation
✧ Din being a Dad by @fettboba You! You is a dad!
✧ Boba Fett by @saradika Just... these two. As a family. And then Boba in the armour through the years? w o w
Congrats if you made it all the way down here! There are hundreds more creators that I have not mentioned and I shall discover so many more. Until my next follower celebration, I hope you all have fun with these. I am so grateful to every single creator out there, whether their stuff gets hundreds of notes or not - you are amazing and you deserve the world for simply being you and creating what you want to see in our little corner of the fandom. So, to literally everyone out there who consumes content- take this as a start and make it your own. Add on, mention your own favourite creators, leave the ones on here a reblog, a kind message in their inbox, a like, a follow.
And always, always remember to appreciate creators! β™‘
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tojikai Β· 2 years
*Tojikai has an update
I read it all in a span of 15 to 30 minutes and I'm regretting it now bc I want more. This chapter is like the calmness before the storm and because of that, us reader defenseless ass (and (Y/N)) is about to be caught off in it once again. Truly, another "sike" moment from Kai.
First of all, if PM!Gojo is a frog, I would like to put him on the operation and dissect him on it just to see what's going on with this man. I know PM!Satoru is very egotistical and selffish but this chapter really shows it.
"He wanted you to open your eyes just to see you look so lovingly at him for the very last time before he runs away with someone else." This part makes me want to reach through the screen and slap this hoe silly bc while I understand that is just his wishful thinking, it shows that a part of him still wants to have his cake and eat it too. He still can't make up his mind about his feeling for her but he still wants her love despite being the one betraying her and still wanting to return to his side hoe. Pray to god that those thoughts are just thoughts bc I might gone apeshit if it happens otherwise.
β€œAfter all, you’ve always wanted her, right?”  THIS GODDAMN LINE, FOR SOME REASONS, GIVES ME SO MUCH WHIPLASH I ALMOST DISMISSED IT AS A THROWAWAY LINE FROM SATORU UNTIL I WAS LIKE "HOLD ON". Is this a confirmation from our beloved Kai? That Suguru still has a part in the competition? I know some readers want Y/N to heal first and maybe, just be happy by herself at the end of this fic. But I can't help it. Suguru has shown how much of a chad he is in this chapter for truly caring for Y/N as a friend first and putting his personal feelings aside for the sake of it. He's not like you, Satoru so maybe, keep your advice to yourself?
Y/N... Girl... Oh man, seeing her just struggling around with her wrecked mental health is just so heartbreaking. She's still yearning for Satoru and I'm pretty sure if the asshole suddenly pulled up, she would go back to him right away. She's still too weak against him. Y/N is definitely the type to get herself easily into a toxic and abusive relationship, and this is just Satoru we're talking about here. But I was glad to see that she has learned (or at least tried to) to accept that Satoru is no longer hers and tried to get used to it, and maybe move on... until the very last part which gave me so much dread bc it could regress all the deveplopment she has gone through. Satoru is going to fuck it all up and I just know it in my heart bc the bar for Hoejo is in hell. It always a party whenever you're around, Hoejo.
I never expected to be free from the hoe Rie and this entire chap gave me that false sense of security before you popped it off with the Satan herself showing up right at her stolen man's best friend's house???? Like what tf is she doing here? Okay, but I think there are two possible reasons for it.
1. Rie, being a clingy bitch herself, wants tag along and be with her boyfriend 24/7 for some reasons and maybe uses this chance to befriend and win over Suguru, his best friend, and to make up for the bad impression she has made.
2. Hoejo is just that brazen and insensitive and as far as I remembered, he, Suguru and Y/N used to have their own bonding moment which is playing billiards? And Hoejo wants to visit him to have their bonding too but with Rie this time.
....Or maybe, and I really hate for this to be true, since you have incorporated the underboob tattoo from an anon, you have also decided to give either HoeRie or Hoejo the idea of getting matching tattoos or some shit. I lean towards Rie more (I'm not biased here bc this couple can always do so much worse together) bc she's probably so insecure that she wants a physical mark, a reminder that Satoru will always be hers, and she wants to push their relationship to the stage. Also, getting matching couple tattoos feel too much of an intimacy and a level of commitment for the current Satoru to be able to handle. I mean, look at his discarded 5 years relationship with Y/N. Do you think this hoe feel comfortable enough with that towards his nearly 2-month infatuation? But he will probably go along with it anyway bc of Rie's insistence and reassure her.
I hate Rie and I know I sound like I'm being biased against her bc of that, but from what I've seen of her so far, the above feels like it can become a reality. Maybe I'm just being paranoid and thinking it up like conspiracy theories, but we will never know when it comes to you here, Kai :).
Finally, Hoejo's reaction in the last part. His seemmingly outrageous reaction... Very curious, indeed. He's shocked and mad probably bc he has misunderstood the situation (again), and it's either bc:Β 
1. He warned Suguru not to take advantage of Y/N in her vulnerable moments and this scene is his worries and fears becoming true.
2. Combined with the first reason, he's also jealous of Suguru. I have noticed that Satoru always emotional when it comes to Y/N and Rie, but it's even clearer in the former's case. And his ego and pride took a massive hit from seeing this.
All in all, shove its up your ass, asshole. You have no rights to be mad. You literally came to Suguru's front door with your side hoe next to you when he hasn't shown any sign of being comfortable with her yet. Do you even know shame? And although it's just a misunderstanding, you are going to take it and suck it up if you just so happen to walk into Suguru and Y/N getting it on for real.
Okay, but... OMG! NOT CLICKBAIT! SUGURU VS SATORU BRAWL IS REAL!??! Are we getting it in the next chapter??? I know it's too god to be true but with how the last part is, it's a perfect set up for that sfadghkjjljljljljljkjeas. THIS CHANCE IS HARD TO COME BY SFSDSOJPKPKPKK
There are too many possibilities for what about to happen so I will refrain from saying it in this ask bc it will be very long and it's all speculation anyway. But I know for sure how Satoru will deal with this will be incredibly important. His irrational anger was what caused Y/N to be sent to the hospital after all. And it might affect his relationship with both Suguru and Rie if he does jump into conclusion this time. I really want Y/N to stand her ground and calmly explain the situation to him but the sight of him with Rie combined with his impulsiveness probably won't allow that to happen :((. He better not getting mad at Y/N 😠. She and Suguru are innocent. Kai, when will my girl get to have her own peace? This just can't keep happening to her. She won't be able to move on if the thorns named Gojo Satoru is not getting rid of. LET HER FIGHT BACK.
Anyways, thank you for another exciting chapter and preparing us for the next ;). Also, please don't let yourself feel pressured about updating. Everyone on here has been nice so far but I know some people are more impatient than another, but they should use this chance to learn how to wait. Write at your own pace and you won't feel burn out that way. Have a good day and good week, Kai 😘😊
ooooh im loooooving thisss :> your analyses are always on point !! πŸ‘€ about yn's healing process, she has progressed a lot, albeit not even in the half, considering what happened to her, she's a lot better now. she's more carefree and her acceptance of what happened between her and satoru helped a lot with leaving her vices behind and instead focusing on whatever she has beside her, like shoko and sugu !! and yeah, the couple tattoos for rie and satoru is not impossible πŸ‘οΈ and if that happens, that would definitely break yn, bc in 5 years that satoru and her were together, he never got something like that w her :(( it might take her a few steps back. and yes, how Satoru will deal with that situation can really change a lot but how yn deals with it can affect things a LOT too !! :> this is such an interesting read, you never miss!!
thank you so much for the kind words, bb~πŸ₯Ίβ™₯️ much appreciated !! please, take care of yourself as well and i hope you're having an amazing week !! <33
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nobodycallsmerae Β· 3 years
Hi! I came across your top 5 tropes list and now I can't stay still!! Our taste in reading is so similar! Can you please share any (at least oneeee!!) webtoon, book or fic recommendation which contains those tropes?? Thank youuuu!! <3
Hey!! Thanks for reaching out! I’m pretty sure you’re talking about this list, and I’ll be happy to give recommendations, though, truthfully, I myself haven’t read many things which have all of those tropes lol. It has been a hot minute since I've read a good multi-chapter fic, and even so, I don't remember any fic which has all those tropes, though I do have book and webtoon recommendations! Warning: I haven’t read that many (romance) books or webtoon, so this list is relatively short οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½οΏ½
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To Love Your Enemy (Completed) Grumpy x Sunshine/Opposites Attract ● Office Romance ● Fake Dating ● Enemies to Lovers (I’m not adding AU to the list because… y’know) One of the most beautiful and visually appealing webtoon I’ve read!! The art is stellar, I love the characters, and it fits almost all of my favourite tropes!! But,,, Not giving away any spoilers, but, it begins strong with the Enemies-To-Lovers thing; ML (Yikyung Lee) hates the FL (Yeonhee Bae) so the FL basically hates the ML because he hates her… also because of something else but as I said, no spoilers. Season 1 revolves around the Fake Dating trope, and the FL is an extrovert while the ML is introverted (and so freakin’ cute!), so we have the Grumpy x Sunshine thing going there. But with Season 2, everything gets kinda messy. Not the β€œtoo-much-drama-and-revenge-and-death-in-the-family” messy, but it just takes a different turn… But anyway, the story is an amazing read, I cannot stress enough on how amazing the art is, and overall, I really enjoyed reading this. Though a disclaimer, don’t go into this highly expecting these specific tropes, the story is great, but the tropes kinda fade away over time.
Β A Good Day To Be A Dog (Completed) Grumpy x Sunshine/Opposites Attract ● Office Romance (they’re teachers soo..) ● Fake Dating ● (not-exactly-)Enemies to Lovers ● Kinda Fantasy-ish AU ig? Okay.. so this one doesn’t really fit in with the tropes, but it’s just so goddamn amazing that I’m recommending it whenever I get the chance *nervous sweating* The FL and ML are both teachers, so technically this is an office romance… the FL didn’t really like the FL at first so enemies β€œI Didn’t Really Like You At First but after getting to know you turns out you aren’t such a dick after all”-To-Loversβ„’Β  And we have a subtle Opposites Attract with our always as happy as a puppy (this may seem weird now, but you’ll get after after you check out the β€˜comic) FL and closed off and introverted ML. I don’t have much to say about it here, but please, just take my word and check it out!! It will not disappoint! I’m running low on webtoons now, so for the last rec, the ultimate office romance!!Β  Β  A Business Proposal (Completed)Β  (15+) This one is available on Tapas and not Webtoon Opposites Attract ● CEOxFL/Office Romance ● Fake Dating ● Enemies to LoversΒ  I doubt that you’ve yet to read this β€˜comic, but if you haven’t already, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?! GO AND GO READ IT RIGHT NOW!! If you’ve read the og trope list, you’ve seen my justification for office romances right? THIS. THIS is the ultimate Office Romance. With Fake Dating being the main trope, believe me, this isn’t something you wanna miss. The characters are amazing, a classic rom-com at it’s best and it even has a super entertaining side romance!! And of course, even if you happen to not like this story, it scientifically can’t happen, but if it does happen, I can tell you one thing, you will never be disappointed by Taemu Kang's (and Secretary Cha’s) pleasing visuals.Β  Honorable mention: Sixth Sense Kiss (Webtoon - on-going) //Office Romance// because I am in love with Minhu Cha and that’s a good enough description :P
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Moving on to the books..! (goodreads links)
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne Opposites Attract ● Office Romance ● Fake Dating ● Enemies to Lovers
I'd just finished this book last weekend, and I'm in love with it!!
Classic enemies-to-lovers with juicy sexual tension, this book is the best!
I know a movie of this book is going to be released this month, and I have watched the trailer for it, but if you want the best experience, DON'T WATCH THE MOVIE BEFORE READING THE BOOK. If you reaaally wanna watch the movie, please at least consider reading the book first. I can already tell the remake isn't going to be as good (book-to-movie remakes usually aren't. especially romance books.) by how un-shiny the office is, and Josh literally smiles more in the damn trailer than he does in the whole book and because Lucy's eyes are not blue. No spoilers, but there's some reveal regarding her eyes at the end, and it was one of the most wonderful things I'd read (seriously, it was magical), so I have no idea what they're gonna do with her brown-ish eyes. (I know what they could do, but I wish they would do something different in the movie otherwise [retracted] is going to be very bland :/) But anyway, please read it, this book is a treat! Also, honestly, I don't think there's anyone who hasn't read the book yet, but if you haven't, I promise it won't disappoint!
Tweet Cute by Emma Lord Opposites Attract ● Office Romance ● Fake Dating ● Enemies to Lovers ● though not mentioned in the list, one of my other favorite trope, Falling In Love... Anonymously
I had read this book earlier this year, and this is by far one of my best reads yet! Just as the title suggests, this is such a cute book!!
All the characters have such amazing personalities, and all that bickering between Jack and Pepper is so entertaining! They're one of my top 7 frictional book couples 😌 This book is suuuper cheesy, I admit, but I guess that's what you'd expect from a grilled cheese sandwich fight lol! Also, I love opposites attract, but I love it even more when the girl is serious while the guy is carefree, and unlike the other recs on this list, this book portrays just that!!
I 100% recommend this book, and I can assure you it's going to be one of the most heart-warming, cheesy reads you're gonna read this year!
If I Never Met You by Mhairi McFarlane Opposites Attract ● Office Romance ● Fake Dating ● Enemies to Lovers
Though it falls in the enemies β€œI Didn’t Really Like You At First but after spending more time with you turns out you aren’t such a dick/jerk after all”-to-loversβ„’ category, this book has it all. It's my most favourite romance book yet. I read this waaaay back in May, but I still remember how much I love this.
Rather than only romantic love, this book also shows the protagonist, Laurie, come in terms with self-love, which was another thing I loved about this book. As an excerpt from the book reads:
"In this moment, she made herself a promise: In the very unlikely event she found herself in love with anyone again, she'd assert herself. If that made her a bitch at any point, so be it. There were no rewards being a walkover."
But worry not, there's more than enough of romantic love here! With fake dating we get forced proximity, and the infamous "there was only one bed" trope! And to my benefit, serious girl x carefree guy! This is an amazing book, and you should totally check it out! and thank me later!!
The UnHoneymooners by Christina Lauren Opposites Attract ● Office Romance ● Fake Dating (posing as a MARRIED COUPLE!?!) ● Enemies to Lovers
I haven't read this book. It's been on my TBR since forever but I haven't read it yet (probably gonna read it later this month tho!) but since it fits most of the tropes and I've heard good things about it, I thought I should mention it so you could check it out for yourself!
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So, this was the list!! I hope you found something that you'll enjoy reading and please, you're more than welcome to come talk to me about these or any other books/webtoons!! I'll be happy to give more recommendations, and even happier if you want to share any of your favourite books/webtoons!
Lots of love, Stay safe and thank you! πŸ’Œβœ¨
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lightlia Β· 4 years
And it breaks my heart
Pairing: Dream x reader (irl!Dream x reader) [They/Them] [mentioning Wilbur a bit]
Synopsis: What has gone wrong? Is it the fact that they are pretending to be happy or they’re never meant to be?
Inspired by:  LÉON -  And It Breaks My Heart [stream LÉON music!!]
Words count: 2.6k
A/N: My first fic on this site, yay! Hope you like it! It could be cringing but bare with me, uwu! Feedbacks are accepted so if you have sth to say, pls do so. I literally didn’t save the damn thing and I had to type it all out again. Fuck me. I didn’t proofread it cuz i’m lazy and tired so enjoy reading this.
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β™ͺ Think of days when I was yours
Seems so long ago β™ͺ
Y/N moved in their last stuff into their new home after successfully putting everything in their new place. They looked around the living room before sitting down on the floor. Holding in their am was a box with stuff that they were going to decorate. As they opened the box, it wasn’t the stuff that they would decorate with but a photo album, a sweater and a necklace in it. They held back their tears as they took out the sweater and the necklace and wore them. The sweater wasn’t theirs but it was Clay’s.
β€œBabe, have you seen my sweater? I can’t find it anywhere.” Clay shouted from their wardrobe, opening each drawer to find his sweater.
Y/N skipped towards their room,Β β€œWhich sweater? You have like so many sweater.”
β€œThe one with dinosaurs on it. The green--” Clay then turned around to see Y/N was wearing what he described.Β β€œ--sweater.”
Y/N looked at Clay then down at their clothing.Β β€œThis one?”
Clay then walked towards them with a grin on his face.Β β€œWell, never mind. I’ll find another one to wear. And by the way, you look cute in it. So keep it.”
Y/N was flustered and hid their face in the sweater. Clay wrapped his arms around them and his chin was on their head.Β β€œBut it would look even better when it’s on the floor along with my clothes.” He smirked, causing Y/N’s cheeks to go red.Β 
Y/N hit Clay hard with their sweater paws but to him, those hits were like patting. Clay then remembered something and jogged to their bedside drawer and took out a box. He took the necklace out and went back to Y/N. Clay went behind them and put it on for them.
β€œI saw it when I was out strolling with Nick. He said to pick the one withΒ β€˜Daddy’ on it but I’ll buy next time if you want.”
Y/N tiptoed to give Clay a kiss since the man is 6β€²3. β€œThank you, Clay. I love it.” 
β™ͺ Now we're standing in the cold
Nervousβ€…whenβ€…we talkΒ β™ͺ
β€œGoddamn it! I forgot to bring my umbrella.” Y/N cursed under their breath. They decided to walk through the park but the rain ruined it. They looked up to the sky who decided to rain on the day that they wanted to be away from the loud noises and they wanted peace and quiet before they went back to their workplace tomorrow.
β€œShould’ve had a roommate so they could pick me up when I call them.” Y/N took shelter under a big tree. Their clothes weren’t helping them shield their head and they were soaking wet from the immediate rain. They hung their head down and kicked the dirt beneath them, cursing the rain.
Then something shielded them from the rain, making them look up to see Clay with his umbrella out over your head. He got wet a bit now that the umbrella was above them.Β 
β€œHey.” Clay opened his mouth.
Then silence surrounded them both. Y/N shifted around awkwardly to ease the silence around them.Β 
"How are you?”
β€œI’m doing great. How about you? Find someone better yet?” Y/N asked back.
β™ͺ Such aβ€…sadness in your eyes
And now you'reβ€…looking down
You try your hardest not to show it
Yeah, I can't hold you, give you hope
'Cause I'm not coming homeΒ β™ͺ
Clay then casted his eyes down but Y/N caught the look on his face, sadness. Y/N immediately apologized,Β β€œI’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you that.”
β€œNo, no. It’s fine.” He gave a fake smile to Y/N.Β β€œI couldn’t find one and I don’t need one.” He wanted to hug Y/N and asked them to rekindle their relationship but he couldn’t.
β€œSo you’ve been single now for 2 years?”
β€œYea. Do you like someone at the moment?”
β€œYea, I found someone I like.” Y/N gave him a smile.Β β€œBut I don’t want to tell him though.” 
Clay thought immediately of Wilbur. His initial thought was about Wilbur, probably Y/N liked Wilbur. Of course, they would like him. He was there for them, not physically. But Wilbur would call them to see if they were okay. Wilbur would also talk about Y/N a lot while he was streaming with Clay and others andΒ  Β told them that Y/N doing fine now, getting the job that they wanted and was in search for a new place to live other than her friends’. Y/N didn’t want to bother them so that’s why Y/N searched for a new place.
But what Clay didn’t know was that it was a lie. They couldn’t tell him that they still need him a bit. However, they moved on because they knew they weren’tΒ  meant to be.
β€œLet me take you home.” Clay offered and walked out the park with Y/N under his umbrella.
β™ͺ And I wish that I could give you more
When you're leaving me an open doorΒ β™ͺ
Clay had been neglecting Y/N a lot lately. They knew about his streaming career and they were very supportive of him. But lately, he had been neglecting Y/N and his food because of his streaming and uploading a YouTubeΒ video. Y/N would bring the food up to his office just for him to yell at them for entering his office. He would start missing out on their date nights and the most important ones, the anniversary. He would forget about them and go and hang out with someone Y/N didn’t know. While Clay was having fun with his new friend, Y/N was lying on their bed and crying to sleep. When he was given free times, Clay would be on his phone, typing something. Y/N would peek to see what he was texting but Clay would get up and go to his office, feeling annoyed at their behavior. Clay was never like this so what made him to be like this?Β 
Then one day, Y/N walked past his office to overhear his conversation with George.
β€œNo, George. You don’t understand. Y/N was never like this. Now they’re annoying. They would ask me whenever I got home like where I went and who I was with. They even brought up Olivia and I told them every time that she’s just a friend but they wouldn’t believe me.”
Feeling annoyed, Clay pushed his hair back and getting frustrated every time he mentioned Y/N.
β€œYes, we are happy, George. No. George, you don’t understand. Yes, I know. I’ll talk to them whatever.”
This pushed Y/N to the limit. They tiptoed to the bathroom and just silently cried.
β™ͺ And I wish that I could let you know
How it hurts me, too, that we're moving onΒ β™ͺ
Clay and Y/N walked down a couple blocks then turned the corner, arriving at Y/N’s place. Just as they had arrived, the rain stopped.
β€œSo this is my stop. Thank you for walking me home, Clay.” Y/N smiled and he nodded.Β β€œOh and the rain stopped as well. How convenient.” They looked up to the sky and laughed, making Clay laughed as well.
β€œNo problem. Don’t want you to get sick after all.” 
β€œNah, I think I’m gonna get sick cuz I’m soaking wet.” Y/N pointed to Clay.Β β€œYou’ll get sick too.”
β€œI’ll be fine.”
Y/N unlocked the door and got in. They were about to invite Clay inside but he held his hand up.Β 
β€œIt’s fine. I need to get back or Nick’s gonna starve.” Then Clay’s phone went off with someone calling him. He pulled out his phone from his inside of his jacket and he laughed. Clay answered and turned on the loudspeaker.
β€œClay, where are you? I’m starving like I’m gonna die.” Nick shouted into the phone and they giggled at his antics.
β€œI’ll be there in about 15 minutes.”
β€œClay, you’ve been out for about 2 hours and I’m literally gonna--”  Just that, Clay cut off Nick’s nagging and hung up the phone.
β€œHe’ll be furious.” Y/N giggled.
β€œHe’ll be fine. He’s just being too dramatic. I’ve lost a challenge against him and I had to buy his favorite.”
He held up the food package for Y/N to see.Β 
β€œYou’d better get home quick before he call you again.” Then Clay’s phone rang and they both knew it was definitely from Nick. They laughed once more.
β€œAlright, I’ll get going then.” Clay said and turned around but stopped to say the last thing.Β β€œIt was great seeing you again.”
β€œYou too, Clay.” Y/N waved their hand and Clay did the same thing, walking off to the distance.
Y/N watched Clay walking off until he was no longer in their sight. They closed the door and sat down at the door, not worrying about the dirty floor. Clay seemed like he had moved on and got a hold of himself. He was not taking well about the break up at first. So they were happy for Clay that he moved on but they were hurting themselves that they had moved on as well because Clay was everything to them.
β™ͺ Oh, where do love go?
It's right in your hands, then suddenly gone
Oh, no, nobody knows where it disappears
And it breaks my heartΒ β™ͺ
Clay and Y/N sat at their dining table, eating peacefully before Y/N decided to break the silence.
β€œClay, we’re not meant to be.” 
β€œWhat?” Clay furrowed his brows and moved his hand to place on top of their hand. Y/N shook his hand off and continued talking.
β€œWe’re gotta stop pretending we’re happy when actually we’re not.”
β€œBaby, what are you talking about?”
β€œClay, don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about. We both know our relationship is dying.”
β€œY/N, I don’t understand.” Clay grabbed Y/N’s hand, caressing it.
β€œYou neglected me, you forgot about our date nights and our anniversary just to hang out with Olivia.”
β€œBaby, I told you many times that we’re just friends.”
As calmly as they could portray, Y/N shook their head and pulled out their phone and slid it to Clay, showing him all the messages Olivia had been texting them.
β€œNo, we’re just friends.” Clay shook his head this time.
β€œWell, have fun with her. I’ll move out tomorrow. You don’t have to send me off since I’m gonna annoy you.” Y/N got up and walked towards the door.
β€œYou said I’m annoying so I hope me not being here would no longer make you feel annoyed.” And then they walked out the door to find their friend parked their car outside, waiting for them.
Clay on the other hand, was shocked from the event. He didn’t finish his meal as he hurried to his office and dialed George’s number.
β™ͺ Empty station, 2 AM
See your name on the phone
Sayin', "So good to see you, but it made me really miss you
It's hard to be alone"Β β™ͺ
Y/N got off the train at 2 am after a night out with their friends at the newly opened bar. The station was empty and quiet, enough for Y/N to concentrate. They were sober as they found an empty seat and sat there, remembering that they had seen Clay at the bar.
Their phone lit up with a notification. Clay’s name was shown on their screen, showing that he has texted them. Y/N opened the text, readingΒ β€˜So good to see you, but it made me really miss you. It's hard to be alone.’
Y/N teared up and started to type back. They were about to send long sentences to him but decided against it and just sentΒ β€˜It was great seeing you again.’
β™ͺ And if I only could, I'd go back in time
Take back every word, say I've changed my mind
But no, nobody knows where it disappears
(And it breaks my heart)Β β™ͺ
Clay was there as well with his friends because they didn’t want their friend to be sad anymore. They had seen him sad for the last 4 months after the broke up so they dragged Clay out for a night out. Clay downed all shots into his system and got a bit drunk but he was conscious about his surrounding so when he turned around to look at other people, his eyes saw their figure a couple table from him. He couldn’t avert his focus elsewhere.
Y/N after downed the shots into their system, looked around the table to see Clay looking at them. They too couldn’t tear their eyes away from Clay before hanging their head down.Β 
Clay wanted to go to their table and just talked to them once again but he knew he would mess up again so he just sat at the table and downed some more shots.
Y/N wanted to talk as well and maybe take back their words and want Clay back into their arms but they didn’t want it to happen again because they had gotten back together before, they had sworn that they would never hurt each other feelings anymore and if they break up again, they would let it go for real.
β™ͺ And you want answers, but I don't have them
Say we were happy, so what happened?
Now you're acting like it's nothing, but it was something
You can't erase me, all the memories, you can't changeΒ themΒ β™ͺ
Y/N went back to Clay’s house to get their stuff out. They still got the key of his house and unlocked it. They opened the door and stepped inside. They walked to the stairway and turned to the living room to find Clay sprawling on the couch with booze on the table and their pictures scattered around the living room. He was asleep so Y/N took the opportunity and ran up to their room and organized their stuff.
As they finished packing the last box, a cough blurted out. Y/N didn’t have to turn around to see Clay standing by the door.
β€œY/N, I don’t understand. We were so happy together. What went wrong?” Clay uttered.
β€œI don’t have the answer for that. You can find it yourself.” 
β€œNo, tell me. Why is this happening? I want to know why.”
Y/N sighed before getting up and walking out the door. But Clay grabbed their arm, preventing them from leaving the room.
β€œLet go, Clay.”
β€œY/N, tell me.”
β€œI can’t tell because I don’t have the answer. Now if you excuse me.” Y/N tried to wiggle their arm out of his grip.
β€œClay, we’re done.”
β€œClay, we fell out of love. You just didn’t realize that yourself. Thanks for the memories, Clay. I don’t think I can’t erase them out of my head and IΒ hope you won’t erase our memories or change anything.” With that, Y/N freed their arm from his grip and walked out their shared bedroom.
Clay dropped to the floor and let his tears flow down. Y/N could hear him sobbing from downstairs and left the house with their stuff.
β™ͺ Oh, where do love go?
It's right in your hands, then suddenly gone
Oh, no, nobody knows where it disappears
And if I only could, I'd go back in time
Take back every word, say I've changed my mind
But no, nobody knows where it disappears
And it breaks my heartΒ β™ͺ
Even though they wanted to get back together.
β™ͺ (But I don't have them)
(And it breaks my heart)
(Say we were happy)
(So what happened?)
(And you want answers)
(But I don't have them)
(Say we were happy)
(So what happened?)Β β™ͺ
They both knew they weren’t meant to be together.
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caranfindel Β· 3 years
Episode recap/review: Walker 1.14
I didn't expect to recap 1.14 and yet here I am, still avoiding my unfinished Summergen fic. I'm actually writing this in real time, as I watch the episode. So for once I'm not pretending I don't know what happens. I literally don't know.
We begin with Cordell and Grandpa clearing up the crime scene. How much do I love Cordell saying "Daddy?" A lot. And not in that way, you perverts. It just really brings out the Texan.
Liam is in bed, recuperating. He gets a call (note that he calls himself William professionally, which is news to me, and I like it for whatever reason) from someone asking for a comment, which he starts to angrily refuse before Gramma Walker grabs his phone and hangs up. Gramma Walker going all Mama Bear for Liam is also interesting, and unexpected. But Liam says "I can take care of myself" and she says "No, you can't. None of you boys can." And then looks sadly out the window, where Cordell and Grandpa are taking down the crime scene tape. I just have to think "none" and not "both" means she's thinking of poor dead Hoyt, who she obviously loved like a son, if not more so. (More evidence for the Hoyt is her lovechild file? Maybe.)
Geri shows up, wearing an unnecessary cowboy hat and Hoyt's old jacket. She's bearing Hoyt's last will and testament, written on a bar coaster! Oh, my heart. And in case you can't read it:
If I get shivved in the shower or some old horse kicks me upside the head. For real Liam stamp it and everything - I leave everything to Geri/"Geraldine Broussard"/angle [sic] face sweet lips etc. So that plot I bought over in Tanglewood is for her and whatever I got in my pockets or elsewhere. See ya in the next life.
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Angle face!
I'm not sure this would stand up in court, since he didn't even sign his last name, although it is witnessed by William Walker. Anyway, it's a moot point, because the land Hoyt intended to give Geraldine "Angle Face" Broussard is transferring to new owners, effective tomorrow. Which makes no sense. The deal fell apart because he died, and yet it's so soon after his death that the police tape is still up. New owners wouldn't be in the picture that quickly. Reverting to previous owners, because it was owner-financed? Sure. But not new owners. (Whatever, Caranfindel. Move it along.) She asks Cordell to go with her to gather his personal belongings. And to bring the kids. Hmmm, let's see how Stella can mess this up. (Tanglewood is 71 miles from Austin. Of course I looked it up.)
But first, Cordell has to sign paperwork to begin his leave of absence. So he didn't actually intend to quit. I mean, we all knew he'd be back, but I kind of thought he was, at the time, intending to quit for good. Does Connie the HR person have a big old crush on him? There is hand touching and deep, serious gazing.
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Touch him, Connie. Touch him for those of us who cannot.
Micki is sitting right outside the conference room where he signs his papers but still acts surprised that he's in the building. Did she not smell the rosemary mint shampoo as he walked by? He thanks her for the flowers and apologizes for not calling her back. And then cancels their lunch plans so he can go off with Geri and the kids.
Someone said this on Tumblr, and I think it bears repeating here. It's interesting comparing Cordell's grief, over his wife and now his best friend, to Sam's grief. Cordell is clearly deeply affected, and is also clearly moving on. Sam is just unhinged.
Elsewhere. The gang stops for lunch and reminisces about Hoyt dressed as Santa, wearing assless chaps. Well. That's memorable. (Also, I know people who did the whole leaving horse manure and pretending it's reindeer poop thing. Some people are just a lot more into Santa than I was.) Trevor (Travis? Whatever) called Stella. She's apparently avoiding him. Probably a good call, sis. Maybe the only one you've made in 14 episodes. (To be fair, I didn't watch the first four.)
Micki shares tacos with her boyfriend, whose name I can never remember, having been stood up by Cordell. She tells him Cordell seemed "off," which is great now, Micki. Why didn't you pay more attention to that feeling last week? The BF thinks Micki herself might be off, because she misses her partner. And she calls him family. Captain What's His Face comes to talk to Trey (that's his name, dammit) and asks if he knows a guy who goes to the same physical therapist's office. Friends, when I've done PT, I don't even know people who go to my therapist, let alone just go to someone in the same office. But maybe folks in Austin are just friendlier than they are round these parts. Oh, wait. The guy is missing, and was last seen in a heated discussion with Trey? What's up with that, Trey?
Tanglewood. Cordell asks the nice lady (realtor? owner?) about Hoyt's "personal affects," and she says "they are probably out grazing." Because Hoyt's personal effects are four horses and a llama. Which Geri owns now. "Where am I going to board four horses and a llama?" she asks. Cordell is oddly befuddled (and adorably, cause y'all know how I feel about befuddled Jared), as if he didn't live on a ranch. With horses. The family business, remember? The kids are entranced. I would be too. It's a damn cute llama. One of the mares actually nursed the llama, so they're family. (Watch out for falling anvils.)
Micki's house. Trey says the "heated discussion" was the missing guy showing him a judo move. Captain asks Trey to ride along and help him investigate, and poor partnerless Micki asks if she can come with.
Tanglewood. Apparently Hoyt's personal affects also included gear for the four horses, because everyone is saddled up. Geri doesn't seem like an experienced rider - she keeps her hand on the pommel of the saddle, which I always heard was a rube move. (At least she's not clutching the saddle horn. No shade. It's hard not to. It's a perfect handle and it's just right there.) Cordell, of course, rides perfectly, as he does everything perfectly.
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Everything except his job. And raising his kids. But do I care about those things? Not so much.
Geri thinks the llama looks unwell. What is she, a llama expert? A veterinarian? And what are they doing on this trail ride anyway - taking the herd back to the Walker ranch? It's 71 miles away! It's an hour and a half driving! How will they get the truck? Why didn't Cordell just say "let's go back to the ranch and get Daddy's cattle trailer?" WHY.
(No one cares. No one but you thinks about these things.)
Stella is on her phone, but it turns out she's (allegedly) re-reading Hoyt's last text, not chatting with friends. And then she says she was "responsible for everything." Oh, wait. We're going there? Stella is finally going to face the music? Cordell says it's not her fault, but they're interrupted by the llama, who apparently is in distress. Cordell wants to leave him at a random homestead. Permanently? Like, "excuse me, ma'am, but can you take this llama?" Or just while they get the horses home? I dunno.
August doesn't like this, because the llama and the horses are family. Geri distracts him by claiming Hoyt wanted him to have the jacket she's wearing, although I find this rather dubious, because why did she wait so long to mention it? Why is she wearing it herself? It's a lucky jacket he won from a tarot card reader and card hustler named The Mystifying Mehar, who was "infamous for getting out of trouble because of that jacket." Cordell then asks Geri to go off with the kids while he hangs back and tries to ditch the llama. Oh no, Cordell, don't do that. He's family!
Back at the ranch, Grandpa chases off some more journalists. He also ignores Gramma's concern about his cancer.
Trail ride. We skipped the whole bit where Cordell found someone willing to take in a goddamn llama, caught up with his kids, and told them what he did. They're mad that he wouldn't even try, and then Stella impulsively rides off, almost falling into a revine.
Team Sassyboots 2.0 questions the missing guy's wife. Turns out he left a note. Doesn't sound like he's as missing as they thought. He said he would "fix everything," i.e., their upcoming foreclosure. They check his workshop and find evidence that he was a military contractor, and apparently this means he should have no money problems whatsoever, because they don't understand how money works. His gun safe is empty, so they figure he's on some kind of "black ops" job. And if it's going to be complete by Monday, I assume it's something local, and not a military operation.
Walker Ranch. Someone who is Liam's "political opponent" comes to take care of him? And he's bringing barbeque? Is it poisoned? Gramma says Liam can't have barbecue because he's on bedrest, as if one had anything to do with the other. And... Grandpa wants to go mushroom hunting with her? Is that what the kids call it these days?
Trail ride. Cordell found someone to keep the horses. Temporarily? I'm still confused. Stella and Geri talk about Hoyt, and Stella asks about her forgiving him. Thinking about some forgiveness toward your own bad boy, Stella? She says "the two of you were always kind of like the dream to me," which is odd considering they were off-and-on, while her parents were very much on, and definitely seem more like couple goals. But okay. Stella confesses again that she is responsible, and Geri says "you let love in, maybe; that's your worse crime." I wonder if Stella blames herself for the fake truck crash that started the whole domino effect, or if she even realizes that's what happened. Obviously Geri wouldn't. Hmmm, I wonder what August thinks about all this?
Walker Ranch. Whoever this political opponent is, he must be a family friend, because he gave a toast at Cordell and Emily's rehearsal dinner. "Hey, when did your brother have such long hair," he asks, looking at a picture of the happy couple. Liam is growing facial hair again. I like it. Opponent suggests the spicy barbecue will put hair on Liam's chest and Liam tosses it aside and says "no, dammit, after I spent all that time waxing?" And Liam might drop out of whatever race he's in. I don't really care about that part. Let's talk more about Liam's chest.
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I love that they can use actual Padalecki family photos as Cordell and Emily photos. No bad Photoshop needed!
Team Sassyboots 2.0. I don't really care about this missing guy either. Skipping it. You know, I understand this is meant to be an ensemble show, and Jared Padalecki and his stupid pretty face and long legs are not going to be in every scene. But Micki working a case with her boss and her boyfriend just bothers me and I don't want to be a part of it.
Trail ride. They're bedding down in the barn for the night? What the fuck? Where are they? Why didn't they just drive home? I'm so confused! Cordell and Geri talk about Hoyt some more. Cordell makes an awkward comment about "us together" and then amends it to mean all of us together, as in you and me and the kids camping right now, not, like, you and me together together, and then does a little eyebrow thing like whoo, good job, talked your way out of that one. NO, CORDELL, YOU ARE NOT AS SMOOTH AS YOU THINK YOU ARE. Anyway. There's a lot of guilt about poor dead Hoyt. Cordell tells Geri her name is still on the Sidestep lease (lease? I thought they owned it?), as if being part owner of a bar is always going to be a good thing, with no liability at all. And they don't kiss, for which I am grateful. The horses are really acting up. I hope nothing's happening.
Cordell checks on the horses and apologizes to the mare for leaving the llama behind. He realizes he made the wrong choice. "You know what," he says. "Let's go fix this."
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I adore him.
Walker Ranch. Grandpa and Gramma have been mushroom hunting and are now getting silly. Um, what kind of mushrooms did you two find? And then Grandpa says "tonight's about Hoyt," which I do not understand. "I saw the joy he gave you," Grandpa says. Yes, Grandpa, and do you not find that even a little bit fishy? And then he decides to build something.
Trail ride. Cordell went and retrieved his llama! He is precious. I love him so much. He has some pratfalls in the same ravine that almost caught Stella, and then his family shows up and rescues him. (Can I point out that his "a-ha-ha" laugh is the same one we heard when he opened his gift from Dean in "A Very Supernatural Christmas" and I'm not sure it appeared in any other episode?) August offers the Lucky Jacket to use as a llama harness to haul the little guy out of the ravine. Oh, and it turns out the llama is about to give birth.
And, while I'm skipping Team Sassyboots 2.0, it's hard to ignore that Micki is now in a UFC fight. That might have been an interesting story after all. Y'all can fill me in.
Walker Ranch. They're building a little stable. Because this big horse ranch doesn't have enough stables. Liam, who was bedridden to the point of not being able to eat barbeque yesterday, is now helping build. He gets a text from his former fiance, who wants to talk. And Grandpa has decided to treat his cancer. Happy endings all around!
Micki's house. She says she was passive-aggressive with Walker because she's afraid of losing him. I get it, sweetie. He's someone you don't want to lose.
Trail ride. August is carrying the newborn llama, wrapped in the Lucky Jacket. Geri wants to cut out before they get to the ranch. She's going to ride the bus home? Seriously? Isn't her car at the Walker Ranch? She and Cordell talk abou their unfinished business. Yeah, like the fact she was probably involved in your wife's murder? That unfinished business, Geraldine? Grandpa meets them before they get to the ranch and informs them he has a strict no-llama policy on the ranch. But luckily, he just built an alpaca stable. They’re alpacas, not llamas. So, Geri called him, but how did he know they were alpacas? Did she send pictures? I am so confused. Anyway. The new family goes into their new home. They name the baby alpaca Hoyt, of course.
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Little Hoyt, guys, he's the sweetest thing.
Breakfast. Political Opponent gives Liam a contribution. Oh, I get it. They're running for the same office, and he thinks Liam will draw votes away from his other opponent. Shrewd. Stella calls Trevor and says she might need to leave the past behind. And you are the past, Trevor. Cordell sees a truck pull up and runs out to meet Micki. She apologizes for holding a grudge over him leaving. She tries to shake hands and he hugs her instead. She thinks they can just be friends now instead of partners, and he says they're not friends, they're family. And then she oohs and aahs over the alpacas, which she recognizes immediately as alpacas and not llamas, and also points out that little Hoyt is actually a girl. Oops. Awkward. Cordell is surprised she can just tell. "Most people can." Yeah, you are the worst rancher's son ever. Then Cordell sees the fence is carved with a memorial to Hoyt. Aw.
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He is also the sweetest thing.
So. Less drama than last week. More warmth. A ridiculous B story that was as annoying as giving Cas his own plot. Will I still watch next week? Yeah, probably. I have questions. How did Grandpa know they were alpacas? Where is the baby daddy? Can Cordell and his rancher father really not tell the difference between a male and female alpaca? Why is Geri riding the bus home, when her car is at the Walker's? Why is she avoiding the Walker Ranch? Will August ever get his own plot again?
It's just a shame that this episode didn't have any shout-outs to Supernatural, like the last one did...
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tethered-heartstrings Β· 3 years
Fanfic ask game:
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with A Little Gold Goes A Long Way?
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
D: The only song mentioned in the story is β€œPalangos jΕ«roj", which is an old Lithuanian song. I spent a fair amount of time researching a song that was in Lithuanian with a theme that fit my story and Hannibal and Will's relationship. (I may have taken some slight creative liberties in its interpretation. Sue me.) But otherwise not really. Even though I can't listen to any goddamn album without thinking of those two idiots, somehow that doesn't translate to my fics at all.
F: Holy shit, I have too much material to read through. I also feel dialogue is not my strong suit. (P.S. sorry there are more than one I am extremely indecisive.) I'll leave which fic it comes from a mystery. I also took out some of their emotional/facial descriptions and stripped it to just the dialogue. (Edit: I forgot the second part of this prompt oops. I don’t know if I want to explain it, I think me dissecting my own work is a bad time.)
H: β€œLet me help you. I don’t want to hurt you, Will.” W: β€œYou will. You will because… I need you to.” H: β€œI don’t understand.” W: β€œI remembered. I need you to remember, too. You chose to hurt me once. Do it again. Hurt me now and… remember how it feels. Remember my face. My pulse. My breath in your hands. Remember now… so you never hurt me again. I want it to haunt you. Because I need it to end.”
H: β€œIs something the matter?” W: β€œHow do you treat a burn?” H: β€œNot much can be done for minor burns. Clean it and dress it like any other wound.” W: β€œThis… isn’t like any other wound, Hannibal.” H: β€œDamaged flesh is all the same, Will. Don’t make meaning where there is none.” W: β€œDoes it hurt?” H: β€œDo you need it to?” W: β€œPain is lonely. Whether its internalized or left to be expressed unaccompanied makes no difference. I know it hurts.” H: β€œThen why did you bother to ask?” W: β€œI guess I hoped maybe you were done lying to me.” W: β€œYou chose an easy target. A bird with broken wings.” H: β€œBroken bones can be mended.” W: β€œEven the best medicine can’t cure it all. What’s the quality of life for a bird that cannot fly?” H: β€œDomesticated birds can live their full lives with mended wings.” W: β€œWild birds don’t stand a chance at surviving.” H: β€œSome birds are not nearly as feral as they assume.” H: β€œAre you jealous of Mason Verger?” W: β€œThere is nothing about Mason even remotely desirable. I just think you deserve better than his fucking brand on your back.” H: β€œI cannot see my scar. My branding does not bother me. Blips in a bigger story. It bothers you, though. Did Mason ruin me for you?” W: β€œWhat?” H: β€œHe’s marked me. Tainted me, perhaps. A part of me forever.” W: β€œNobody can ruin you. Least of all Mason fucking Verger. Besides, not all my marks are from you, either. Does that make you jealous?” H: β€œYes.” W: β€œWhy?” H: β€œOthers have marked you but have caused less lasting agony. I wish I could be among the few to… leave their mark but not a scar.” W: β€œIf our violence had no meaning, we wouldn’t be here. Was I ruined for you?” H: β€œThere isn’t a thing on this earth that could spoil you for me.”
S: The only fic I seem to be able to write is hurt/comfort and angst/(some)fluff. Basically, enough fluff to keep the angst from being too painful. I unapologetically love showering/bathing together non-sexually. I can't explain in words how it makes me feel. But it is so vulnerable and requires so much care and love and attention. To wash someone's hair for them, fingertips tracing across the skin? Perfection. I will never tire writing about it. I also love wound healing. Similar feelings of intimacy as bathing but with darker origins. Cleaning blood, stitching wounds, the argument over of "I don't need local anesthetic/yes you do." I guess I'm a sucker for complicated intimacy and touch.
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monaownsmyass Β· 5 years
The Night We Met (Mona x MC)
Pairing: Mona x MC
About: Mona and MC meet for the first time since the Mercy Park Crew went their own way. They spend one last night together before Mona is on the run again.
Genre: Romance/ Fluff
Word count: 2103
Note: This story occurs after the final chapter of Ride-Or-Die but instead of getting caught by the cops, Mona is on the run. I have busy for the past few months but I also missed Mona enough to find time to write this short fic lol. My first time writing a fan-fic so please be nice! Thanks for reading! :)
Meet me tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. At our park. You know where.
I glanced down at the familiar writing on the scrap of paper I received just the night before. I took a deep breath and settled down on a bench under a street light at the park. Our park.
I was nervous. Having not seen her in 9 months made me feel a whirlwind of emotions. I was surprised, to say the least, when I found out she wanted to meet up.
Her on the run meant going under the radar. Going under the radar meant no hand phones. No hand phones meant that it was hard to keep in touch. In a way, I think that's what she wanted. Not for her sake. Never hers. She did it for me.
Exchanging random notes and letters every month or so was barely enough. Nothing is ever enough with her. I craved to talk to her more, find out what she's been up to and where she is now. All I get is the bare minimum, saying she's doing alright. I suppose I can't really be mad at that, seeing if the cops ever got hold of the notes she sent, she might as well just hand herself in.
I glanced at the tattered note once again and then at my watch. It was already 7:45p.m.
Maybe she's not gonna show up after all.
I sighed sadly and got up from the bench when I heard a rustling sound from behind me. That sound was then followed by a slightly husky yet smooth sounding voice.
"Hey, gorgeous."
I swirled around to find the girl I've dreamt about every day since we parted.
"I hope you weren't planning on leaving," she spoke with that stupid arrogant smirk that I missed so much.
"Mona," I barely whispered. I was too stunned to do or even say anything else. She was really here. This isn't a dream.
"Sorry for making you wait, I thought it'd be nice to get you a little something or whatever." She gestured to the bouquet of flowers which I've just only noticed.
I glanced at the flowers then back at her. Her willowy figure. Her black hair, now illuminated by the street light. Her jacket that I would so often steal before we ended up in this mess. Her lips. Her face. Her eyes. Her dark eyes which were now staring directly into mine, daring me to make the first move as I once did so many months ago when we kissed for the first time. All of her. It really was Mona. My Mona. And, wow, was she breathtaking.
Suddenly overwhelmed with emotions, I ran and jumped into her arms as my sight became blurry with tears.
"Woah, there!" Mona dropped the flowers in time to catch me. My arms were tightly secure around her neck and my legs wrapped around her waist, hanging on to dear life. I was. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and began to sob quietly.
"Well, looks like someone missed me," she stated in that cocky tone of her.
So overcome with emotions, I didn't even bother to reply with a sarcastic or witty response to fight back her arrogance.
"I did. I missed you," I breath out into her neck. I unwrapped my legs from her waist but still trapped her with my arms. Her arms were still around my waist too, not wanting to let go. "So goddamn much."
Hearing the sadness in my voice, she relaxed a bit in my arms and put away her facade and the wall that she has built around herself.
"I missed you too," sincerity and vulnerability dripping from her voice. "You have no idea how many times I wanted to walk up to your front door and throw all caution in the wind just to see you again."
My heart slammed against my chest at her confession. I pulled back and stared into her eyes only to be met with honesty and grief. I pulled her head to mine and kissed her with as much passion and emotion as I could. I could taste the tears dripping down my cheek, a reminder of the how bittersweet this moment will be when I look back at it.
But for right now, I was thrilled. So thrilled, it was dizzying. I pulled away from her lips with a small giggle, unable to help myself.
"Something funny?" She crooked a brow with a small smile on her beautiful face.
"Just happy to see you," I grinned. "Also, flowers and the place we had our first date and a rendezvous point? When did you become such a romantic?"
"Romantic? Is that what you call it?" she questioned with a playful smile. "I'm just trying to see how long it'll take to get you in bed again."
I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop myself from smiling at her comment. "You can lie all you want, I know you're a huge softly on the inside."
"Agree to disagree, gorgeous," she hummed.
Hearing her nickname for me made my heart swell with happiness. I leaned up and kissed her once again, not wanting this moment to ever end.
She kissed down to my jaw and eventually my neck. I let out a tiny whimper and my hands found their into her hair, tugging on it slightly.
She kissed her way back up to my lips and kissed me with so much intensity, I felt breathless.
Before long, she pulled away and rested her forehead against mine. Both of us catching our breaths back.
"As much as I would love to stay with you here, I actually have another destination in mind," Mona admitted.
"Well then, just lead the way."
We walked to her car, arms around each other. When we got there, she walked over to the passengers side and opened the door for me.
"Wow, I could really get used to this," I teased her.
"Don't get used to it, princess," she replied with a small smile but I could hear the sadness in her undertone.
My heart sunk, knowing it was true. God knows when was the next time I get to see her.
"Hey," she began. "I know what you're thinking. Please, don't. Just enjoy the night."
I nodded. She was right.
"Alright, so let's make the most out of it," I smiled at her as I sat in the passengers seat.
The journey didn't take long but the whole time, Mona held my hand in hers. Her grip firm yet comforting, letting me know she wouldn't let go if she had the choice.
"Okay, princess, we're here."
She insisted on closing my eyes until we actually reached her surprise for me. With a bit of tickling and struggling, I finally gave in. While both of giggled and laughed with Mona's hand around my eyes, we made our way into what I assumed was a small hut or a cabin. I could tell from the squeaky wooden planks as we walked up to the porch and the sound of a door unlocking.
"You can open your eyes now," Mona chided with a smile.
Mona lifted her hands and I was greeted with a pleasant surprise. I was right, we were in a cabin. But it wasn't run down and dingy like what the creaky floor suggested. It was beautiful.
Fairy lights hung from the ceiling and ran down the walls. Bouquets of flowers were in random corners and rose petals were scattered everywhere. Scented candles lit up the room in a soft glow and fragranced the place with a faint smell of lavender. The same scent that was present the first night we spent together. I blushed at the memory.
On one wall of the room, I spotted a table with snacks on it. Above it, a banner with colourful balloons at its side.
PROM, the banner read.
Oh, wow!
"Mona," I said breathlessly.
"Is this... too much?" she questioned, unsure. "I understand if it is, but I thought it'd be nice since your prom was ruined by the Brotherhood and I wanted to make it up to you and-"
I cut her off with a passionate kiss, pouring all me feelings into it.
"Well," she said with a smirk, gaining her confidence back. "You're welcome."
I grinned, shaking me head. "You're too much."
"But you love me anyway."
I do.
She walked over to a radio that was sitting a stool. She played some music and made her way back to me.
"Care for a dance, gorgeous?" She stretched out her hand, offering it to me. I placed my hand in her palm and she brought it up to kiss my knuckles.
"You're such a dork, you big softie," I giggled at her gesture, my cheeks turning red.
"Am not!" She scoffed.
She brought my arms over her shoulder as she held my waist. A familiar song began to play as we swayed to the rhythm.
I am the only traveler, Who has not repaid his debt.
Not long after, my head was on her shoulder while her cheek was resting against my hair, breathing in the scent of my shampoo.
I've been searching for a trail to follow again, Take me back to the night we met.
"Do you remember when we first met?" I asked her.
"How could I not?"
I had all and then most of you, Some and now none of you.
"I always thought you were cute. But I never knew you'd mean so much more."
Take me back to the night we met.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I don't know what I'm suppose to do, Haunted by the ghost of you.
"How am I suppose to bear all of this when the night is over?" I whispered into her neck, tears forming in my eyes.
"I don't know." She said truthfully. "But we'll figure that out in the morning. Let's enjoy each other now."
Oh, take me back to the night we met.
We held on tighter to each other, our hearts beating against each other. With each other.
When the night was full of terrors, And your eyes were filled with tears.
"I was so scared I was gonna lose you that night," Mona said. "I hope you know I'm sorry for going against you and the crew. But I want you to know I'd do it all again if it meant keeping you safe."
I smiled sadly at her statement.
"I was scared I was gonna lose you too." I placed my hand over her midriff. The exact place where the bullet pierced through her skin.
When you had not touch me yet, Oh, take me back to the night we met.
I pulled back a little and looked into her eyes. Her dark eyes bore right back into mine.
"I love you. So, so much."
Her eyes glistened in the candle light. "I love you too. Don't you dare forget it."
We kissed. That kiss was nothing like I've ever experienced before. Giving her my all, and she giving me hers. It was fireworks and roller coaster but longing and regret. It was butterflies and melancholy. It was everything. It was a mess.
I had all and then most of you, Some and now none of you.
Our kiss became more heated as we slowly stumbled our way to the bed which was also covered in rose petals.
She gently pushed me into the bed and fell on top of me. Lips, hands and body, all clashing in a frenzy. Fingertips caressing one another.
Mona's fingers found their way under my shirt. She looked up at me, asking me if this was okay.
"Take me," I spoke breathlessly. "I'm all yours. Always. Especially tonight."
Take me back to the night we met.
She nodded and proceeded to remove every article of fabric from my body. I returned the favour and she took me to heaven and back.
"I love you," was the last thing I mumbled before falling asleep in her arms.
I don't know what I'm suppose to do, Haunted by the ghost of you.
I woke up to an empty bed and a note in Mona's place.
Morning gorgeous,
I'm sorry for leaving you so soon. I'll be back to you before you know it. I promise. Also, I love you too.
Yours, Mona.
Unable to help myself, I felt tears in my eyes and I lost it. I sobbed as I clutched the note to my chest.
Take me back to the night we met...
(More fics!)
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doriananonsblog Β· 3 years
I have very complicated feelings on wincest sometimes
(An essay from a firsthand personal perspective on codependent sibling relationships)
Now obviously I do ship it, I've written for it before. I didn't get it originally, but I was curious, and once I read some fics I did start to get the appeal and understand it. However I do still have the same protest sometimes that was my original No, because I just have issues with the suppositions a lot of the shippers MAKE about a relationship like that.
Another disclaimer: I know not all wincest shippers necessarily view their relationship this way, and there are certainly degrees of it (like with how young it starts), but it is certainly widely thought.
So here's the thing. You people just don't fucking understand. You don't understand what it's like to be in a relationship like that. I had an extremely close, codependent relationship with my sister because we went through childhood trauma and neglect together and had to take care of each other, a lot like Sam and Dean, and I'm telling you that you people don't understand what that type of relationship is LIKE. I'm going to tell you, and you're going to nod along and be like yes, yes Dorian, we know/could have guessed this, but then I am going to explain the parts you don't get, so just bear with me please. (Also yes, you will notice this is in past tense. We had a falling out. Does not invalidate the intensity of that bond. I mean even Sam and Dean didn't talk for several years sooo).
She was my EVERYTHING, literally she was everything to me. She was the only person I trusted. I wasn't sure if I could feel love for a while, but I thought what I felt for her might be or was at least the closest thing I had. And then when I found out I could after all, I realised I loved her above all else and it was immeasurable. The intensity of emotions, of ATTACHMENT I had to her was fucking insane, the loyalty, the idolisation. She was also so fucking beautiful to me, just one of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen. She was just perfect β€” I knew her flaws, and that was okay, because I loved her and she loved me. The sun shone outta her ass and I'd've done anything to protect and take care of her, and I thought she knew me better than anyone in the goddamn universe. She was my sister and best friend wrapped up into one, added together to make something that was MORE than the sum of its parts that I've never quite found a name for, and I didn't think I could ever bring somebody else as close as her (still don't. And I probably shouldn't). It. I mean it was kind of obsessive, but yeah, what did you expect.
Now what you don't understand is that as intense as that was, there were absolutely no romantic or sexual feelings. They just weren't there. And yes, we DID do a lot of things that maybe crossed lines, 'too close' shit that is flagged in wincest stories. Shared beds at motels, like up until there were no more motels, so 18 and 20yrs old was the last time I think. Told each other how beautiful they were/just sat and admired them sometimes. Cuddled just for comfort/pleasure. Were very touchy, all over each other sometimes. And this was at a point when I couldn't STAND people touching me, and I still can't, but she was the exception, for some reason her touch didn't feel bad the way everyone else's did, it was nice and I welcomed it, wanted it even. Didn't have a problem changing clothes in front of each other. Talking about our sex lives in detail, or before that asking questions about sex. Christ, I literally just remembered she was curious what I was doing when I learned how to masturbate because I was very little and we shared a room and I wasn't subtle, so I showed her that you could grind yourself against something and it would feel good. Can't remember how old exactly, but maybe 5ish? We held hands; I remember one time we went with family to walk around some public gardens for a few hours and we held hands the whole time, and we were 16 and 18 at that time, it couldn't be passed off as a cute little kids thing. But...despite ALL of that. I know how it sounds, but that's why it's not called a healthy relationship, it's codependent, but despite all of that nothing in me felt romantically or sexually attracted to her ever. I am gay, or I do generally just say I'm gay bc like I am 99%, but I have been attracted to a couple of women, so it's not impossible, that's not the reason (plus some people write Sam and/or Dean as straight and the other being their one exception, so). And due to some things I can't disclose, I'm POSITIVE my sister never had those feelings for me either.
So it just. It BOTHERS me. That like. These people who have no fucking clue what it's like come in and they just make all these assumptions just because of closeness, yes sometimes even somewhat erotic closeness, because that doesn't. It doesn't automatically MEAN that. And like, it CAN, I can see how it COULD, I can see how it could turn into that, or maybe they were just gonna be like that no matter what. But like. Just. The assumption that it HAS to be that kind of gets to me. The things like acting like it's SO ridiculous that they didn't realise that there were non-platonic feelings, when they were acting so 'overly close', when NO that's not ridiculous! Those things don't have to be incesty! Lines get blurry when relationships get WEIRD okay. It's just. It's NOT a normal relationship, and the way you feel about each other, the way you just NEED each other, crave closeness, sometimes feel like you want to just consume them like a black hole, merge into one person if only you could just phase into each other. It's obsessive! It's unhealthy! It's abnormal! But it's NOT inherently romantic or sexual, despite western society's emphasis on closeness always being about those things.
So I guess TL;DR I'm not hating on wincest, but I hate the assumption that their extreme closeness, and any close/codependent/homoerotic even behaviours they exhibit HAVE to actually be due to romantic and/or sexual attraction, because, speaking as someone with firsthand experience being in a codependent sibling relationship with a lot of probably 'too close' and some possibly erotic from an outside point of view interactions, I can tell you that it 100% Does Not Have To Come With Those Feelings, and you just Don't Understand the way the relationship is just Like That. In a way it kind of ends up having to be because there's just. There's no other outlet, there's no other way for the DEPTH, the INTENSITY of it to be expressed, and it just HAS to be.
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