#i can't explain it but my interest has reignited
bunnymi1k · 4 months
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i'm very normal about damien bloodmarch
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this is years old, but i absolutely am going to draw my dadsona x dames again very soon. i used to redraw my first drawing of them every year after the game's release, for like three years. time to bring it back. i'm goin hyperfixation mode!!!!
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Just a rant.
I just, I don't know what's been going on with me, I sit down to write yet I can't type a single word in without hating the sentence I've written. I just don't have the motivation for some reason, and my schooling education are hectic too.
I genuine apologize for those who are waiting for my fics.
I think it might be writers block, but it's also the fact that I'm not as passionate about the show anymore? It mainly has to do with the fact on how the writers ruined the entire plot, it's just really disappointing to see your favorite show you were once passionate about get shit treatment with the plot. I wish season 2 never happened, sure there were good things but after watching it I genuinely lost all my interest in the franchise.
Dont get me wrong, I love the show and the characters, but idk how to explain it. I've looked forward to season 2 for two years, starting contributing to the fandom after one year of the shows release because I liked it a lot.
I am probably gonna rewatch season one or read the books again to reignite that once f&b fan in me.
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wundrousarts · 1 year
Various Wundersmith thoughts and things I've noticed after rereading the book for yet another time:
This one is significantly longer and a little bit more random than my recent Nevermoor reread, but who cares 🤷 the more the merrier!
There are things both serious (theories, thematic parallels, etc.) and silly (jokes, personal reactions). This time around I discovered the annotations feature in Apple Books and had a lot of fun with that, so I'll try to include the bits I highlighted when necessary. Enjoy!
— I don't mean to have a shippingbrain, but it feels impossible to view Jupiter and Israfel as anything but exes/folks that had a Thing in the beginning, omg.
—— Israfel throwing the "old friend" back at Jove..... my note for this one was "#gay"
— I like the interest Mog has in Bohemia, and I'm interested based on that one Silverborn snippet for her to return (and eventually explore other parts of the city as well)
— Jupiter referring to the junkies as "they're not patrons of the fine arts" feels like a nice little set up for the Museum later on. Thought of and admired as an art piece, but the rich folks at the auction don't actually care about the work put into it.
— Do you think the folks at Wunsoc that organize the little show that welcomes 919 are a little peeved that the Fireblossom's being reignited means that they can't perch creepily in them anymore lol.
— I wonder if the Wunsoc Oath has a pre- or post- Massacre origin
“The nature of Miss Crow’s unusual –" she paused, seeming to catch herself before calling it a ‘knack’ – "situation.” (Ch2)
—— Elder Quinn hesitates to refer to Mog's power as a knack, so I wonder if that's just a general thing of Wundersmithery being different, or if knacks are a post-Massacre categorization
— I love how this book really starts to solidify the theme of family in Nevermoor... Wunsoc, her Unit, the Deucalion, Wundersmiths, the Crows, her mother..... AAAHHHH!!! I can't wait to see where it all goes.
— A "note sealed with silver wax" from "the Celes-" ..... YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!! 😁😁😁
—— Likely about Cassiel but even that and beyond could tie into a lot of other Silverborn Theories..... Noelle..... The Silver District....... I will keep this all in mind
—— Also, updating my SIlverborn Masterpost posthaste ✍️✍️✍️
— It likely doesn't matter and will never be explained, but I wonder if the room between student's houses and their hometrain station is part of the Gossamer, and like a thin place between worlds
— Miss Cheery's first outfit is so y2k I need to draw her. It makes sense because she's like 20 in this book.
— The Wunsoc circle diagram has always interested me since I first read it. I wonder if the size of the circles ever means anything??
—— Could it relate to the probability (?) of the knacks? Mundane is the most common to occur, Arcane more specialized, and then Wundersmiths are very, very rare
—— Something I often forget is that folks in Wunsoc that weren't Wundersmiths have always existed. Were there more than 9 of them in each year? Were there always 9 non-Wundersmiths? Did the trials always exist? What was the relationship between non-Wundersmiths and Wundersmiths like?
—— On that note, did C&D only become the Wunsoc motto / purpose post-Massacre? Or did they do that before as well? If the motives of Wunsoc have changed over the years, has what they look for in students changed as well?
“Everybody at Wunsoc has a job to get on with – every junior and senior scholar, every graduate, every teacher, every patron, every Elder and every Master.” (Ch5)
— I am still forever curious about what Masters are, and why they are on the same level or possibly even slightly higher than Elders
—— Are they previous Elders? Are they people who excel in their craft? I'd like to say there could be a connection to Wundrous Apprenticeships but 1. those seemed like a natural given, 2. likely aren't really around anymore, and 3. I'm not really sure why they would have so much authority if so.
—— I like to headcanon that senior scholars do internships/apprenticeships
— Something that makes me laugh is that I will famously agonize over something, in this case the Wunsoc academic school year, only to discover upon a reread that it is explicitly stated how it works. lol.
— Brilliance Amadeo and her predecessors are referred to as "First-Line Wundersmiths." This likely relates to the chambers in the Liminal Hall in Sub-Nine that we see in Hollowpox.
—— Knowing Jess, I bet that either Mog or Squall are part of the Ninth Line
“Your kind are … all … dead," continued Professor Onstald. "And if they’re … not –" he blinked his watery eyes at her and took a long, rasping breath – "they should be.” (Ch6)
“My duty is not … to save you … from yourself. It is to show you … that you are … beyond saving. All of your … kind … are beyond …” (Ch6)
“If you were half the Wundersmith you ought to be by now, it wouldn’t be possible for me to tap into your power like this. (Ch24)
— I've had a theory post on the progression of Wundersmiths in society towards the Massacre in the works for awhile that I've postponed until after my Hollowpox reread, but:
—— What if it was a group effort?
——— There's a part in one of the books that's like, "Squall led his fellow Wundersmiths in a coup, and then turned on them" and as much as Wunsoc likes to spin and fabricate things, I think that this could also be true. What caused Squall to turn? That's a mystery we'll have to unravel later...
———— This book is heavy on Squall controlling and manipulating folks, both literally with Wunder but also mentally with words, so could be interesting if that played a part in the revolt
— Regardless, something spooked Onstald enough to turn from admiring and studying Wundersmiths and their ways to hating them, and I'll forever be interested in what happened.
—— I think there could be some slight truth in him viewing all Wundersmiths as bad, because some stuff, like Mathilde's Morbid Museum (lol), could indicate some darker inclinations by folks other than Squall
— Maybe I'm an idiot for not realizing this before, but I don't think it was Jupiter that got Mog/919 into the Maps class.
“I have dedicated my life to taming this monstrous city, and I love her with every fiber of my being.” (Ch8)
“Goodness. You’ve only been here a year? And yet you and Nevermoor seem to go hand in glove. It’s almost like this place was made just for you.” (Ch8)
—— So Squallish. I wonder if anything he said was coached.
—— Do you think this is how he got him on his side? Did they bond over both being obsessed with Nevermoor?
— I think a lot of Mildmay's problems would have been fixed if he had simply been more proactive about networking instead of turning to a life of crime. I mean, he's only 19, just out of school! Way to quit early, dude.
One bite brought on the specific sensation of bittersweet late-summer nostalgia … which sent Francis straight back to the test kitchen, as he’d actually been aiming for the carefree abandon of a mid-summer music festival. (Ch9)
— I wonder how much of Francis's knack/what he cooks/cooks with has a Wundrous origin. I'm also often reminded of the Smoking Parlor.
—— I like to relate it to my Communication "Art" but alternatively... does remind me of Israfel's voice. Curious about how Celestials and Wunder interact.
—— Alice Frankenreiter of 915 is mentioned as a shapeshifter..... how Masquerade-esque. Another point for the "knacks being related to Arts" theory?
——— I also have to point out how funny to me the "Franken-" is with the knack. lol. (makes me think about Frankenstein)
— There is a "noise like a thousand tinkling bells" when the Ghastly Market is revealed. This noise also shows up in the other two books during the Christmas Eve battle. In a world where magic by Wundersmiths heavily involves singing in order to use Wunder, I like the further comparisons of magic and sound. Will keep an eye out for more during Hollowpox.
—— We see this as well with this line:
Her fear and revulsion and rage swelled inside her like a symphony (Ch16)
which I just annotated as "music/art comparison. slay."
——— On that note, I feel like the connection between Wundersmiths/Divinities and the Celestials being explored more could be interesting, as both of their powers involve singing. I'm curious how/if their magic overlaps.
— The fact that the Loyalty Trial was from the Elders and thus they were the ones who asked Cadence to humiliate Baz will never not be funny
— Chapter 18 mentions a "Polaris Hill." Named after Griselda Polaris?
— Have to say: Between being excited about a killer flytrap and teaching 919 swears, an underrated Mahir trait is that he is actually very silly.
— If you've ever seen me call the Gossamer-Spun Garden the "Wundergarden", please know that the Murdergarden is 100% why lol
— I hope hope HOPE!!! we get some proper definitions someday for the Wundrous Act Classifications. Like Spectacle, Phenomenon, Singularity, etc... I hope we get to learn what they each are someday!!!
“To do just what a Wundersmith does," One corner of Squall’s mouth twisted into a quarter-smile.” ... "To grant your fondest wish. To give you the thing you want more than anything else.” (Ch19)
— I feel like this line is often overlooked and is an underrated hint at what a Wundersmith's role in society was like
— I'm a bit of a pessimist (SORRY) about the movie adaptation, and once thing about this book is that I'm mourning that it'll probably never get adapted.
—— I think that the idea of Nevermoor as a movie musical works so much better with Wundersmith because there's so much more magic and music and singing in this one, with both Israfel and the first Nocturne lessons. I could see it the integration of the non-diegetic (?) songs that the characters sing and the themes of the movie/books work better with this book than the first one just because of that.
—— Also the theatricality of characters such as Squall and Mildmay is off the charts in this book! I'd even throw Dearborn and Murgatroyd in there as well. I think they could make for more interesting characters in a movie musical than the general supporting cast of the first book.
—— I'd say that perhaps they could mix and mash stuff from both books 1 and 2 into a single movie, but I don't know if they have rights past the first book.
Squall cocked his head to one side, a deep frown etched into his forehead. ... Squall took a step towards her. He looked like he was remembering something. (Ch19)
— I wonder why he recognizes the song!
—— Curious if anyone else has their own theories on this they want to share. I brought this up in the discord a few months ago and have yet to make a proper post but here's my idea:
——— Squall's song and Mog's song are very similar in a few ways, so perhaps one of the songs was influenced by / is “descended from” so to say from the other, or they have a common ancestor.
——— Could explain why Little Crowling is familiar to Mog and Morningtide’s Child is familiar to Squall
... into the cold embrace of a capricious and unknowable city. (Ch19)
— This is like, baby's first comparison, but I do enjoy how this refers not only to Nevermoor but also Squall just a moment earlier. They are sooooo linked. I wonder if there's other moments like this in the book that I've missed.
— The Jemmity Park stuff is interesting to think about because I think Odbuoy is the youngest Wundersmith present at the time of the Massacre.
—— The idea of him being the youngest I feel then fits with him making the park only work for children, as that seems appropriately mischievous.
——— Because of my (outdated tbh) Eventide theories, I had a silly theory he was 7 when he made the park, but when you think about that more, it falls apart. A little funny to think about though, ngl.
— Anyone else think that the Elders should have told Jupiter about Sub-Nine in case he wanted a part in that? I feel like as a patron and adoptive father figure of a Wundersmith, he might want some access to Wundersmith history and culture. His excursions to the park and Cascade Falls really prove an interest and he could be helpful to the group.
— Morrigan compares Squall's Séance Synchronicity to Coven 13 in the Fright Trial... are these magics connected at all, or will we learn more about the different magics in the world at some point?
Squall held his hands out – palms downward, twisted into claws – and made his fingers dance like a puppeteer twitching strings. (Ch24)
— I find it so funny how the Puppeteering (also known as Marionette) parallels– the statue in the Elder's hall, the stunt with the Charlton Five on the platform, and this scene– were so obvious, and yet it took a solid 2 years after Wundersmith's release (right before Hollowpox was out!) for somebody to bring it up for the first time. And now everyone accepts it as basically canon lol!
— Wonder if the Wundrous Arts sign got changed to Wretched Arts before or after Squall's exile, in order for him to know about it. I have some theories on the timeline of all that that I'll share at a later date.
— I often forget and I think it's often overlooked that the Magnificub growing was Squall's doing, not just Mog's.
—— Wonder if he was stalking her that night as normal OR detected her intention and swooped in OR was there already due to the auction
— The way that Squall bows dramatically to tease Mog and then Mildmay does the same a chapter later is so funny.
“There are far greater monsters –" his eyes flashed – "and far greater dangers. Miss Crow, we have a shared enemy you could never imagine. If the Wundrous Society doesn’t take you off the leash, if you aren’t given the freedom to grow, to become the Wundersmith I need you to be … then terrible things are coming down the line. For both of us.” (Ch24)
— War in Arc 3 pleaseeee
—— It's interesting because it seems that Nevermoor/Free State has been relatively peaceful ever since restructuring… but the Wintersea Republic has had the same amount of time to build up! And now they’re looking to take the last slice of the pie…..
“There. That feeling. That fire in your heart, that spark of anger and fear. Focus on it. Feel it. The flickering, burning anger inside – THAT is Inferno.” (Ch24)
— What if each of the Arts are bolstered by an emotion? Doesn't seem so but 🤷 could be a fun AU idea perhaps
— A lot of the description of Inferno in this book– a flame or firework in Morrigan's chest– reminds me so much of Howls Moving Castle (2004) that it's on my eternal to-do list to draw.
— Between Mog's lessons in this book and Goldberry's circular breathing, I think it's interesting how much of Inferno relates to breath
—— "Breath of life" ?
—— Could relate back to music/singing, which is needed to summon Wunder
—— Do any of the other Arts (excluding Nocturne and Inferno) have any connections to breath that we know of? Or even are just aligned with a specific part of the body? If anyone has any thoughts on this, please do share!
— Anyone else like to think about the Hunt of Smoke and Shadow and the way the Hollowpox hunted? No? Just me? Okay
—— I think that Wundersmiths definitely probably have specialties– and these are based on natural affinities, NOT lineage– and Mog's is likely Inferno whereas Squall's is likely Veil
He took a deep bow, still laughing. (Ch25)
— My note for this line and the whole scene was simply, "🖕 WORST 19 YEAR OLD EVER" lol
“You saved my life tonight. I find myself in your debt." He watched her for a moment, pressing his mouth into a line. Morrigan could tell he wanted to say something more, but wasn’t sure if he should … or perhaps he couldn’t quite find the right words. Israfel breathed a deep sigh. "You’d do well not to mention that to the folks at Wunsoc. I shouldn’t be in your debt.” (Ch27)
— What does this all meannnnn
— Interesting how Jupiter mentions that he thinks Cassiel's disappearance is unconnected to all the Ghastly Market stuff
—— I've mentioned before (maybe not on here, sorry) that the timing could perhaps line up in order for Cassiel to be the Celestial that Noelle's knack is stolen from, if we want to go with that theory
— Mog saying that Squall said something funny, as in weird, yet Jupiter's first response is to ask if he said something "funny haha" is so funny to me. Why is that his first response.
— Folks have mentioned it before, but I'd love some more bonding between Mog and Lam based on the fact that they're both from the Republic
— Elder Quinn refers to Mog as "our Wundersmith" as in like, just another brother and sister in Wunsoc, but it could be interesting if that wording is ever brought up again to try to use Mog, or make her do something no one else can because of her powers, like in the days of old
And finally (about 3k words later):
— Lam is referred to as "the smallest of all of them" in terms of 919. Not to me! While I wholeheartedly believe she is certainly short, she's not the shortest for me. #ShortMogSupremacy.
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whencallstheheart · 1 year
Brian Bird via Twitter: Just like none of our lives ever goes in a straight line... so it goes in Hope Valley. My advice to #Hearties is open your arms wide to whatever transpires. This show has always been more about the forest than the trees. It will make sense soon and I believe it will be transformational for all, as long as our hearts are open.
Oh no we’re back to Brian Bird’s insanely cryptic messages.
BB has definitely gotten Team Nathan’s hopes up before so this wouldn’t be anything new from him, but since the post he was replying to stated that Nathan and Elizabeth would never be together, “transformational” was an interesting word to use. He also asked everyone to “open your arms wide to anything that transpires”.
I suppose this post could be taken either way, maybe he’s trying to reassure Lucabeth fans that despite the weird path they’re taking this season, by the end it will all be ok?
I have never been more confused in my life, at least in season 8 there was a chance that it wouldn’t be Nathan. Whereas now it all seemed so final in season 9, so this change of tone in season 10 is so confusing.
While i’ll always be open to a flip (Nathan and Elizabeth are just incredible together!!), it would be naive of me to think it could be done in a way that would make the hardcore Lucabeth fans happy because at the end of the day, as seen with Team Nathan in season 8, their guy not getting picked even if he’s treated like absolute GARBAGE by Elizabeth is a loss. (I am aware she was grieving so I suppose you can’t really blame her? Maybe a little?)
Could be entirely a ratings thing at the end of the day, whether it was the Nathan hostage situation or the sort of reigniting of the Triangle, episode 9 did get 2 million viewers (I believe). Is that the highest this season? While I wouldn’t take total credit for Nathan bringing in the viewers, the drama of it all CERTAINLY does.
I've gone a long time not seeing a post from that man. I can't stand him. We can't really go off anything he says since it could definitely be taken multiple ways and he loves to stir the pot.
I read an article (this one) that had some snippets from an interview with one of the writers and he sort of had the same message about trusting that things are going to be okay... however they end up being.
“When we were trying to figure out what to do with Elizabeth this year… (we thought) let’s not make it such a straight line,” he said. “Let’s just explore how she gets there. There are no wrong answers. Of course, the fans will read into everything that happens with her, but … she’s an interesting character… Without giving anything away… (that’s) the journey that we’re on with her.”
“I hope it ends up in a position where everyone is supportive of Elizabeth and happy for her and excited about the future,” he said. “…And I think the resolution…is the right way, and hopefully the fans are happy too… Again, we’re mid-season, we’re trying to create questions…”
They've certainly created a lot of questions! I honestly have no idea what's going to happen. Maybe we won't know until next season. I could see them ending on some big cliffhanger where things are left undecided and that would be really frustrating. Hopefully that's not the case.
It would be a really huge deal for them to break up Lucas and Elizabeth but I feel like there's been some seeds planted this season that they might be using as a way to explain it. We see them being pulled in different directions and not always on the same page. She clearly has doubts about the wedding that seem like more than cold feet. It wouldn't be a shock for them to break up if this were the real world. She has her son to consider as well. There's also the whole issue of maybe she's in love with another man. That's a good reason to end things. Her grief could explain why she didn't pick Nathan but it could also explain why she was drawn to Lucas as the safe choice. Are we able to trust her judgement either way? Maybe she wasn't ready at the time to pick Lucas either but felt like she had to make a choice. I think it has to apply to both men in a way if they're going to throw that reasoning around.
It'll be really interesting to see how this all unfolds. Neither side is necessarily all that happy right now. Team Lucas fans are upset with how Elizabeth is acting and rightfully so. Team Nathan can't trust any of this and we always think he deserves better than what he gets.
I really don't think they did this plot for the ratings but it's giving them a little boost because of everyone freaking out, surely. Maybe they predicted fans would react this way but it's also a gamble. They might get some people to tune in again but if they get screwed over they're not coming back. I think ratings would be higher if they just let Nathan be happy and have a decent relationship. It doesn't have to be with Elizabeth but it's almost like it needs to be at this point since they won't let him be happy with anyone else when there was literally no reason why. Maybe Elizabeth is the reason.
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signalwatch · 11 months
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Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Watched:  10/21/2023
Format:  Amazon
Viewing:  Second, I think
Director:  Francis Ford Coppola
Firstly, this isn't Bram Stoker's actual Dracula.  This is Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992).
I very much remember Coppola, with whose work I'd just become acquainted at age 15 or so, announcing he was going to remake the Universal Monster stuff using the source material.  And as a teen, I was jazzed.  Let's kick the dust off, ditch the stuffy 1930's stylings (I'd never seen the movies at this point) and lets make a Dracula for the 90's!  
All I can really remember from that first movie is that it was... a lot.  The reviews were mixed, but everyone was going to see it, and I was in a packed theatre when I watched it myself.  
Honestly, I remember thinking "well... that was a lot.  And I get why the reviews were mixed."  Halloween night of '93, I went to see the original, and was like "oh, wow.  This is rad.  I get why people love this." and, in fact, my interest in horror movie monsters I'd had as a kid was reignited (along with a VHS copy of Phantom of the Opera) to the point where I'm annoying about it to this day!
Over the years, I've not returned to the Coppola movie because (a) I didn't like it all that much to begin with, and (b) there's so many Draculas.  And one gotta catch 'em all.  
Since seeing this back in '92, I've since read the novel, watched the 1930's original many, many times, seen some sequels to that, watched the Hammer films, watched a clutch of other vampire films and Dracula adaptations - including stage plays, read Carmilla, and basically laid down what I think is a solid foundation.
This movie is super strange.
Like, look.  It's got some amazing ideas, and beautiful visuals.  My exposure to the movie in the internet age has been largely through stills and gifs, and given the dedication to the visual that this movie embraces, its a reminder that the film has some stunning photography, FX, design, costuming, etc....  It's an absolute "spared no expense" endeavor.  
I actually love the fact that the movie uses weird edits and dissolves - the peacock feather to the sun, etc... 
You can't ask for a better cast in 1992.  This is a post Silence of the Lambs Anthony Hopkins getting to play all the cool roles, a height of her fame Winona Ryder, Richard E. Grant, Cary Elwes, Billy Campbell, Keanu Reeves, and fucking Tom Waits as Renfield.  And, of course, a young Gary Oldman showing everyone what Gary Oldman can do.
Look, the movie isn't the book, full stop.  Since Lugosi made women swoon in the stage show of Dracula and then in theaters (no, really), the story of Dracula has become weirdly morphed from "agent of Satan slowly murders virgins" to "eternal love story".  
The book provides nothing like the pre-credits sequence to explain why the Count became an agent of the devil other than it sounded like a fun sort of thing to do.  There's no suicide of a wife, no war with the Turks.  There's no attempt to humanize Dracula by giving him a reason he might turn to the forces of darkness with which the audience might sympathize.  
There's just no love story between Dracula and anyone else in the book.  There's Mina having a mix of shocking sympathy for her tormentor (because she's a good person) and a bit of Stockholm Syndrome in the final chapters.   I have read that a lot of the past lives stuff is borrowed from a different Stoker novel about mummies, but it feels straight taken from the Boris Karloff movie The Mummy.  Which makes me wonder what Coppola planned to do for his remake there, had they proceeded as planned.  
There's nothing wrong with making the story a romance - that's what vampire stuff does, I guess.  But Bram Stoker's Dracula essentially turns the story of Dracula into Mina cheating on her boyfriend while he's at work with a dude with no job and a soul patch.  She'll insist they made such a connection (and, ironically, he's also juggling three other ladies she doesn't know about) and she's going to act nuts about it because she's invested so much into her secret little fling when she should write her dude and admit she's banging someone else.
The end result is that no one in the movie is anyone you care about except for maybe Van Helsing.  Mina seems like a dupe, Jonathan is wishy-washy, Lucy is narrative cannon fodder as the horny girl in a horror movie, and the three suitors are stripped of any qualities other than they sure are in the movie, and one has a hat.
Because the movie leans into Mina and Vlad's secret affair, it chews through a lot of plot time and also sets the pacing of the movie somewhat different from the novel.  By necessity, this means - so the movie isn't even longer than what feels like a very, very long two hours - the other characters get some short shrift and plotlines get condensed.  And that's... fine?  
Surely this movie's love affair works for someone out there, just as the Bella/ Edward romance works for a lot of people.  And I'm not opposed to it on its face, I just don't think this movie pulls it off in a way that makes you (a) cheer for the romance or (b) be horrified by Mina's seduction.  It just sorta rolls out, and the dramatic irony of Mina having no idea what's really happening becomes tedious.  And tedious is not good for movies.
I don't blame either actor here (even if sometimes Ryder's Ryderism in her voice gives the game away).  Oldman is maybe at an 8 at his lowest and an 11 for good chunks of the film, but that's what's called for.  Ryder is playing what she's got, but it's hard to know what that is.  We don't get much of who Mina is until she's already in crisis.
What we clearly do get is the idea that this is sexual repression, Victorian style.  And Dracula is supposed to prey on the unspoken horniness of the women - with Mina clearly trying to push Jonathan's Victorian sensibilities, and of which Lucy seems keenly aware as she uses the barest hint of a sexual nature to keep three dudes with options on the line.  
At the time of the movie's release, between fighting prudishness and lots of blood, this was seen by some as a movie for the AIDS/ HIV era, which... I don't think Coppola probably thought about even once.  It's the sort of observation made that is more about how the movie reflects the times, and what the viewer might bring to the film.  I don't think (but don't know) it was made for such a comparison - especially when the novel is clearly about science wrangling with unknown diseases, and the movie skips a lot of that element.  Except...
Our intro to Van Helsing has him discussing syphilis in a medical classroom, and making clear connections between STDs and the moral nature of man, which was quite the rage in the 90's.  I doubt that bit would make the cut in 2023, and it's an odd tie to Van Helsing as mystic scientist and Dracula-chaser. 
Flipping the script of the seduction of Mina is the imprisonment and seduction of Jonathan.  What is curious is that the movie never deals with what Mina knows about Jonathan's time away, how he delivered that info, etc... as it seems she's fully aware of the situation, and  we are robbed of her own reaction.  It's a lot, and she just seems like she's taking it all in stride.  Which, I guess if you've been shtupping a mysterious Eastern prince, you don't make a lot of fuss when your man tells you three hot women forced him into sex daily for a month.
What the movie does offer is spectacle upon spectacle.  And that isn't necessarily wrong.  The portion of the novel that's Jonathan's POV gets really weird, really fast.  But it can be the difference between Jonathan seeing a glimpse of what seems to be wolves in the woods and us seeing Jonathan's wagon from the shoulder POV of wolves, as the movie does.  The suggestion that the count moves unnaturally versus the obvious floating and zipping around the count does on screen that leaves nothing for the viewer to share Jonathan's uncertainty.  But this is a matter of taste.
I do enjoy the "this is a soundstage" look and feel to the exterior shots and the swing-for-the-fences design, including some of the stuff that's a bit risky to try as it can *feel* like it's trying.  The movie really is gorgeous, and there's a reason the stills that people post every Halloween have made me want to revisit the movie.  
Is it scary?  I mean - I think it has its moments.  And it embraces the weirdness of Renfield and Dracula himself as well as any version.  But without really *caring* about Mina or Lucy, the horror of what's happening is more indicated than visceral.  The scariest bit is probably, really, the dudes going into Lucy's crypt, with the first fifteen minutes in Dracula's castle a close second.  There's a lot of space in-between those scenes and after.
What's odd is that this is really considered the other Dracula film, the primary version still the 1931 Lugosi version or the Spanish version.  There have been innumerable versions before and since the 1992 version, but no one really seems interested in just telling the story in the book.  That said, this one is certainly closer than most.  
With endless streaming services, it seems like *someone* would just give it a go.  
By the way, I still think the guy who played the best Dracula in a movie in recent years was Nic Cage in Renfield.  I can only imagine if Coppola had cast his nephew for this what we could have had.
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genericdecay · 1 year
I've been focused on the fine arts for the past decade and never allowed myself to get too involved in drawing fanart until recently and like, I'm so amazed at how much it's helped me as an artist in just the last few months.
It's given me new challenges and new artistic interests and appreciations. I've learned so much, and I've seen more improvement in my art in the last couple of months than I've seen in years. Most of all, I'm having so much fucking fun and I've met so many wonderful individuals in the fandom community whose art and posts help me get though each week.
I've enjoyed drawing fanart so much that the aesthetics are becoming more intertwined with my paintings and drawings. It's definitely going to be a new era for me artistically, and I am so grateful that this has reignited a sense of leisure and imagination back into my art, like how it was when I was a kid.
I'd have to type paragraphs more to even begin to explain how this has helped my mental health...
Thank you so much to everyone who has shown some love to my fanart. It means a lot, and I can't wait to share much more with you all. 💓
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im-traumatised · 2 years
Man I really am ocd huh... The only symptoms you ever hear about are they 'obsessively wash their hands' and 'obsessively clean'. Which my adhd, mentally ill, disabled ass ain't keeping shit clean in the standards the internet deams ocd. But really I'm very ocd, it just isn't represented properly on the internet. It can be far more then cleanliness. (And even so for those that it is manifested in this way, people really need to lay off them)
In a way adhd, for me kind of makes the ocd in certain areas all the more blatantly stand out. People would however interpret it as, you can't be adhd you have areas you're very "together" but then flipside wouldn't even consider ocd because I was too forgetful, disorganised, hyperactive and so on.
For example I struggle with all forms of personal hygiene. Remembering, executive dysfunction, motivation, energy. But without fail. I am rigged in having to brush my teeth before bed. Like it's so blatant and it always confuses people how I can be so adhd and yet always remember, and not just remember but actively have to brush my teeth before sleep only. I'm also an absolutely meticulous perfectionist. Which is apparently a large way my ocd affects me and if anything my adhd makes the ocd in these areas worse. Because adhd makes me fuck up by accident, which reignites the obsession with needing to not fuck up anything. They feed off each other. Not too mention the way my traumas can also intersect into the ocd at times.
I mean the way my psycologist explained it, ocd is like a kind of anxiety disorder. So the more another disorder is going to cause anxiety about something the more the ocd may latch onto that as something to obsessively resolve.
I don't know is just interesting I guess. Explains a lot about myself, and really makes me realise that nobody truly knows what ocd is. Were not properly taught about intrusive thoughts, and the reality of what the disorder is like. Its just sterotyped to hell and back as a person being ridiculous and we should all shame and laugh at them for it. So people like me a left to try and figure it all out well after the ocd has escalated to a point that could have been avoided.
Maybe I'm overthinking all this but, if anyone else has things to add please do. I'm very new to my ocd and am just trying to figure out how it's triggered and understand how I can have adhd and ocd simultaneously.
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croren · 3 years
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I never tag a post that is not related to it (I find them a bit annoying myself), but I gave myself a pass for this. Don't let this scare you away though! Now I know there are many people out there who usually stick with one or two fandoms and are just constantly involved in it *cough* Harry Potter. I also know many people simp over one or two characters obsessively *cough* Draco *cough* (this is me as well, so I don't get to talk). So like I currently have done with myself, I decided to help out a bit.
Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between, may I introduce James Norrington.
Now James here, if you didn't know, is from Pirates of the Caribbean. I haven't watched these movies in literal years and years, so I decided to revist them on D+. Sadly this franchise is slowly dying and this made me become a bit down, this was after all a big part of my childhood, but I'm still happy I revisted them after all this time and there are still fans out there.
Of course rewatching them has caused some consequences for me. The major one being reigniting my old crushes on these characters. More specifically the one on James.
I literally love this character so much, I can't even explain it. He reminds me a bit of Draco, prehaps that was just in the back of my head the entire time. (It's probably the fact that this man deserved so much better as well). Honestly the lack of fanfiction for him makes me cry lol. I don't want to give too much away just in case someone sees this who hasn't watched the movies before wants to now.
I hope this has intigued someone to rewatch the movies or even see them for the first time. Once again, I'm apoligize if this somehow annoys someone because it's under an unrelated tag, but I only wish for it to bring another person a positve reaction and prehaps a new interest!
𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬:
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This post is a bit of a hint to my new AU writing for Draco though. Keep an eye out for that if you are interested. First part will come out soon after I've finished planning. ;)
Please don't repost or use my art without my permission, I promise I'm not scary. :)
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infinite-wanders · 3 years
After the Storm,
Something Was Born ...
Devi had struggled with Paxton's latest homework assignment for woodshop. She was grateful that PE did not allocate homework as that was also a subject not in her forte. Staring at her sad attempt of a birdhouse, she initially did not notice that Paxton had appeared beside her. The uncertain look in his face caused her to panic. 
"It's really heavy because it's filled with birdseed... but I forgot to put a hole in it for the birds," she said pathetically, shifting the poor craftmanship in her hands. 
"Yeah, I actually don't want you to do my homework anymore," he said, shaking off her explanation.  
"Is it because of how bad the birdhouse is? I get it," she grimaced.  It was time to accept his desire to end their tutorship.  
"No, no. It's not the bird house-" he paused mid explanation. "Wait a minute, is there a roof on the bottom of it too?"  
"I panicked," Devi meekly replied.  
Paxton continued to explain that he didn't want cheat his way into college. There was the Paxton she knew and believed in. She wondered what made him change his mind. He asks to start with their upcoming Facing History test next Friday. Her confidence regaining as that was definitely in her forte. 
"Of course," she agrees eagerly to tutoring him 'for real.'  
It felt like so long ago when she last smiled, but that moment was short lived. The base of the bird house snapped mid-reply to her telling Paxton that she'd love to start there. 
"Whoa," Paxton exhaled as they watched a pound of birdseed scatter loudly across the hallway.  
Devi was now accustomed to embarrassing herself in front of Paxton, and this was just another to add to her list of fond memories.  
They both bend down to start scooping up the mess.  
"You don't have to do that. You only have one free arm," she tells him.  
"How about I go get the janitor to help?"  
"Thanks. Actually, do you even know where the janitor's office is?"  
"Uh, no."  
"Hey, all good. I can see Fabiola has already got him for me. Thanks anyway. I'm free this afternoon if you are."  
"Bet," smiles Paxton.  
As he walks away, she is joined by the janitor and Fabiola.  
"You okay, Devi? You're making a weird face," Fabiola says puzzled. 
"I think I'm gonna be in trouble again, Fab," sighs Devi.  
 She had spent the past week on accepting that they would never get back together, let alone be friends. Now she found herself battling the hope that was reigniting inside her.  
When they arrived to Devi's house that afternoon, they found the dining table was covered in Pati's current project, but she did not seem to be home.  
"Umm, guess we'll have to work upstairs. Can I grab you a drink?" she asked him hesitantly.  
"Sure, whatever you're having," shrugged Paxton.  
This definitely was an improvement to the last time he had come over.  
Devi grabbed two sodas out of the fridge. Kicking off her shoes before heading upstairs, Paxton followed suit before she could even ask him. She still had to remind Fabiola and Eleanor from time to time. The little attention to detail filled her heart whether he meant to or not.  
She noticed him taking in his surroundings as she took her usual spot on the floor. Devi needed to focus on tutoring him and stop dwelling at the realisation that this was the first time they had been in her room together. 
After an hour of revising, she moved onto quizzing him. 
"Alright, who coined the term Cold War in the British Press in October 1945?"  
"I don’t know? Russia?"  
"No, George Orwell," she corrected him, not hiding her consternation. "You think the whole country of Russia sat down at a typewriter and wrote an essay?" 
"I don’t know. This stuff is hard. Can't you at least try and make it more interesting? Like rap the facts like they did in Hamilton."  
"I can’t do that," Devi denying his request to rap the facts like in Hamilton. "I don't know ... how," she replied meekly. Was Paxton really giving her puppy dog eyes? Was he actually smiling at her? Devi felt weak all over, and succumbed to his charms. 
“Uh! Yeah. Brrrrrrrrr...” she starts, to which Paxton joins in and starts to beat box a rhythm. 
“Soviets – put – out – Sputnik. But they can eat a diiick...” 
Paxton’s head whipped towards her, laughing at hearing her curse.  
“I can’t. I'm bailing. I'm bailing,” she stammers, putting an end to her embarrassing attempt to rap. 
He was still chuckling as she complimented the fact that he remembered who Sputnik was. It was cute to see him so surprised in himself. 
Their nice moment was interrupted by her mom walking in. 
"What is a boy doing in your room with the door closed?” Nalini exclaims.  
“Mom, I’m just tutoring him. Relax,” she explains calmly. 
Nalini blinks in surprise with her usual hint of doubt. “He wants tutoring?”  
She eventually accepts this reasoning for them being in her room, but not before making them sit further apart. “It’s studying, not tango class,” she scolds them as Pati also appears in the doorway. 
“Oh, you’re so handsome,” gushes Pati. A paradox to all the times her mom has greeted him. 
“What’s your ethnicity? Let me have three guesses,” Pati pleads. Appalled, Devi looks at Paxton, both with mouths open and speechless. Ushering out Pati, Nalini grabs a chair and props it in front of her bedroom door. 
“Devi, door stays open,” she tells them firmly. Paxton waves awkwardly as they leave her room. 
Internally, Devi just wants to crawl into a hole and never see daylight again. A least two of the three women in this house liked Paxton Hall-Yoshida. 
“That... that right there is why I'm good at school. I live with an army of badgering Indian women,” sighs Devi. “My mom will threaten me with bodily harm if I make anything below an A. It’s highly motivating.” 
They both laugh, and she can feel the mood lighten again. Then a brilliant idea comes to her. 
“Oh my god, I’ve got it. I will be your overbearing Indian mother!” 
Paxton looks are her confused, rather than thrilled at her genius idea. “That could work, but isn't it a little messed up for you to act like my mom?” 
“Why?” snorts Devi.  
“I don’t know, because we used to hook up,” he says with a wry grin. He leans his head back onto the edge of her bed and Devi remembers what it was like to be seen by him again. She felt her mouth gape for a moment. 
She was all too familiar with those bedroom eyes. Those eyes were not really for her, Paxton’s DNA was programmed to be charming so of course he couldn’t help himself. She took this nice moment and locked it up in her memory box. She had one job – to be his tutor. That was the code she had taken, and she could not fall back into old habits. She was a changed woman … right?  
The study snacks she had brought up caught her eye, bringing her out of her Paxton trance. Tapping the Pop Tarts into his chest so she wouldn’t have to maintain eye contact. A second more and she would be lost in them again. 
“Oh nice,” chirps Paxton has he tears it open with his mouth and able arm.  
Wow, boys are easily distracted by food and shiny things.  
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kino-rogers · 2 years
psst, here's an excuse to infodump. Go wild friend
hey nonnie!! thanks so much for this! feel free to reveal yourself, if you feel comfy!
fun fact about my brain and fixations atm: i have 3 fully fledged ones and 2 developing ones going aha
actually, after i got this ask, i've reignited another one so. that's 4 current ones in total! imma put it all under a read more akufh
alrighty, so, the one that's been running for the longest so far (almost 2 years now) are some idiots that are involved w/ a silly Twitch stream that went on throughout the lockdowns, here in the UK, called Escape the North! it was a dnd style escape room thing that would bring regular viewers in to play through a dystopian Manchester to try and find our Nan and/escape the city. the specific part of this show I'm still fixating on are a duo called Foxdog Studios.
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they're IT technicians turned comedians! (i actually have a tattoo to do w/ one of their pieces of work. Robot Chef) Robot Chef combines their knowledge of computers and programming. they use AR (to bring the audience into it so they can interact w/ the kit too, as it is an interactive show) it's... difficult to explain, so, lemme being another picture in.
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here's a fantastic picture of Pete being an idiot at the second live show i've seen them at. anyway. the rigging of Robot Chef. there's a rig on which sits a.. tractor, of sorts, it has a magnet attached to it and down bellow is a pan and a camping fire. the audience has control of the tractor and the magnet using AR buttons that are projected onto the table! it's fascinating stuff, imo.
what's their connection to ETN (escape the North), you ask? well, they built the Motherbrain, the website the whole show is ran through. she's a custom programmed piece of kit that is amazing and I still can't quite get my head around it all, but even little snipped I can get about her, i'm happy ehe
moving onto the next fixation: Ant and Dec! i... kinda lied when i said Foxdog are my longest fixation atm ig. but not quite. Ant and Dec are more of a special interest that has been around for me since 2012. and recently, it has picked back up, into a fully fledged fixation again, it feels like i'm back in '12 all over again aha
the reason it picked up again was that faithful first ep of series 18 of SNT. Lady Antionette and Miss Donna Lee have turned my world upside down and goddamn I cannot stop talking about Ant and Dec since then. they looked absolutely stunning and since then, i've been hopelessly lost in the world of all their work since then.
I mean, just look at them!!!
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and here we have one of my fave pics of Ant and Dec in general ;_;
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(nb: i also absolutely adore Stephen Mulhern, but i tend to put my fixation on him under the same umbrella of 'Ant and Dec' tbh. my brain seems to think they're a three and there is nothing anyone can say that would make it think otherwise.)
thirdly, we have BBS (Banana Bus Squad). oh boy, this is gonna be long winded too aha
so, BBS is a YouTube collective, made up of a bunch of let's players that got kick started by VanossGaming. we have BigJigglyPanda, Wildcat, Moosnuckle, H20Delirious, BasicallyIDoWrk, Terroriser and DahitiDeNogla who are officially part of the collective. we also have BlargMySchnoople who is also associated w/ The Misfits but does a lot of stuff w/ these guys too. oh and also BigPuffer, i love himb too, but again, he's not officially part of the group either (he's also not twitter verified yet but that's a meme outsiders probably won't get out of context like this pfff)
but the original reason of me getting interested in these guys was Smii7y! he's not officially part of the group but many peeps in the community basically consider him to be an honorary member.
he's a silly lil Canadian who didn't reveal his face until 2018 and, to this day, keeps his identity mostly hidden behind his lil avatar, a milk bag.
i mean, just look at this lil dude!! (sorry for the crappy quality of the pic pff)
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Smit's actually the reason i got into Warzone, his content is just too good.
I'm also kind of infamous in the community for my genderbent edits of the boys, Terroriser has retweeted a couple i've done of him and.. yeaaaah aha
here's an OC design i have for Smit cause why not.
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aaand finally, my most recent fixation, Mass Effect. i finished the first game in 2 days and holy hell, i can't stop playing it. i don't have much to say about it, apart from the fact that it's an absolute masterpiece in video game making ngl
and, finally, the developing one at the moment is Our Flag Means Death. i've not watched it yet, hence why it's developing, but i have seen a gif set that has me obsessed and I know that if i ever get around to watching it, i'll be hooked tbh
anyway, thanks so much for giving me this chance and reading (esp if you read until now, thanks so much!!) if you wanna know anymore of about any of these things, lemme know ehe
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loving-villanelle · 3 years
im so sorry i know this is gonna be a lot to be read but ok. here's what i think about where they took the story post-bridge scene and why it was the right move
from season 2 to season 3, we see something change in their relationship. there was always attraction but it becomes explosive, irresistible. it was established in 3x03 when they kissed that their relationship had turned into something they couldn't control anymore. and then they didn't talk again until the finale where eve all but gives herself to villanelle! like she was READY on the bridge to go all in with her. but of course it's villanelle now who's struggling with her own journey and suggests they resist giving in to want they both desperately want (and know each other wants it).
but ok here's my point... the message season 3 leaves us with is that eve finds it nearly impossible to resist her desire for villanelle anymore. they couldn't even be in the same vicinity without eve kissing her, or asking her to slow dance, or nearly giving in altogether on the bridge. SO IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE for season 4 to start out with them not having much screentime together! hear me out like
if, after the bridge scene, they had just become buddies working together every episode, tension slowly building until they finally give in?... it would have totally undermined what developed in s3! which was this all-consuming desire and inability to resist each other.
4x02 clarifies that this is the case--since eve can't be in the same room with her without reigniting that flame, even after the months she spent trying to move on. so THATS why they haven't had many scenes together yet. seasons 3 and 4 of killing eve are doing something totally unique and different from any show i've ever seen--centering everything around the irrestistible desire these women have for each other, instead of doing the easy thing which would be just putting them on screen together. but when they do finally get screentime in these last 4 episodes, it will be totally consuming. like eve said.
so yeah!!! to me, the direction they have taken in season 4 is much more powerful and interesting and exciting than just having them be in a relationship in 4x01, or otherwise slowly building up to it. s3 showed that there's nothing slow or cautious about them anymore like how it was in season 2. and so far this season eve has been losing her goddamn mind over villanelle, and i can't wait for these last few episodes to see the walls she has so valiantly tried to build come crashing down. i promise it's gonna leave us speechless i'm so confident ok trust me!!!!
if the next couple episodes are shitty then you can i told you so 😂😂 i've got my clown suit on standby but. i truly believe they are going to bring this show home and its gonna be incredible
That does make sense from Eve's perspective, but not really from Villanelle's. I think Villanelle got to a place where she was selfless enough to give Eve the opportunity to walk away, but I don't think she would've been capable of walking away after Eve turned back. Obviously something happened where they start off the season apart (hard to say how they got that way since we have zero idea what happened post-bridge), but it just doesn't seem like Villanelle would've walked away from the possibility of Eve wanting more, which is what Eve turning around seemed to indicate...not wanting to let go.
That aside, it also doesn't really explain Villanelle's journey this season. We were told that she's been trying to be good so she can win over Eve, but that wipes out the acceptance that occurred on the dance floor and the bridge. So how did Villanelle get it in her head that she needed to be good or Eve wouldn't accept her?
It's details like these that drive me insane, because the writers probably don't want viewers to deep dive into that stuff too much, but we do. And again while what you said makes sense from Eve's side, I just don't see how we got to this place from Villanelle's end.
I do appreciate the perspective you provide and it makes sense in a large picture sort of way, but if I start looking at the details too much the pieces start to crumble a bit lmao. I hope we get a moment of clarity soon, because it's been rough to be Villaneve shipper so far this season
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eryiss · 3 years
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Ship: Freed x Laxus
Rating: Mature [References Bullying and Homophobia]
Prompt: AU Rivalry Teamup
Summary: Sent away to a delinquents academy, Freed knew life wouldn't be easy. That was proven to be the case when he met Laxus, a cocky, aggressive arse who used his fists over his words. At least, that's what he thought when they first met, but things can change over the span of a year.
Notes: This is the sixth submission for Fraxus Week, hosted by @fuckyeahfraxus. This one has a brief descrition of bullying and period typical homophobia.
Links: Event Masterlist ||| Archive of Our Own, Fanfiction
The London School for Delinquent Boys
Year 1890
Location: London, England
"We've a new boy in class today," The teacher – Mister Porland, that's what he'd called himself – said as Freed stood before the blackboard. "Freed Justine. I expect you all to behave and not cause any trouble with him."
Freed would have picked another way to be introduced if he'd been granted the choice. He would have much rather not had an introduction at all, and instead he'd slip into the back of the classroom, wave off all the questions that would be aimed at him, and try and get through the first day without any complaints. Instead, he'd been forcibly marched to the front of a class of about thirty sixteen-to-seventeen-year-old boys – all of whom had been taken from regular education and placed in a disciplinary academy – and been served up almost on a silver platter.
He had to wonder if this was a punishment in and of itself. A hazing from the teachers.
It wasn't that he was intimidated by them, of course. He'd earned his place in the school just like them, and he could more than handle himself, but he didn't care for the fuss. This was as close to jail someone of his age and social stature could undergo and, due to an enthusiast habit of reading and a slight flare for the dramatic, he'd decided prison rules might best serve him. Rule number one was to keep your head down.
A few jeers, exclamations and a patronising whistle filled the room, quickly quietened by the teacher. Freed made an effort not to pay attention to it. Animals, all of them. At least he could be safe in the knowledge that he held moral superiority over them, not that he'd state it out loud. Idiots tended not to like being told that.
Keeping his head down would be harder than he thought.
After he was allowed to take his seat, he was forced to walk through the lot of them to the back of the classroom. The jeering continued, albeit quietly, and someone tried to trip him as he walked. He ignored them, and nearly got to his seat when a particular classmate caught his eye. He wore an arrogant sneer, had a scar running down his face, and had shoulders larger and broader than a student their age ought to have.
Freed would have thought the boy attractive were it not for the look of challenge in his eyes, one Freed knew all too well. This boy was testing him, wanting to see if he would be a victim in the school or someone to be respected. To show him, Freed halted his step, made eye contact with the boy for a few moments, and then continued walking to take his seat.
A little 'hm' was the blonde's only response, but Freed paid it no mind.
Two weeks passed before the blonde actual did anything. The two weeks consisted of Freed getting used to his new surroundings, idiots trying and failing to one-up him in the hopes of looking tough in front of their idiot friends, and the blonde's presence being constant but in the distance. That changed when the blonde approached him in the dinner hall.
"Hey," The blonde grunted in greeting, storming towards Freed. His body was tense, coiled up and ready for a fight. "You think you're better than me or something?"
Freed didn't know why the blonde thought that, exactly, but his response was instant. "Better than you, yes."
He felt that was a fair way to think. The blonde had proven himself to be nothing of note intellectually, he barely spoke in lessons and when he did it was usually to make an unwarranted joke or to get an answer wrong, and he seemed quick to anger. More than once, he'd lurched at another student, looking ready for a fight he'd probably win. The fights never happened exactly, but they seemed like a constant risk. So yes, Freed did think he was better than him.
"This whole thing might 'a worked out in yer old school," The blonde growled, taking another step forward. Freed didn't flinch. "But actin' like yer hot shit and that yer smarter than everyone here ain't working. You're here like the rest of us, and you ain't better just because your pa's got money."
"I don't think I'm better than everyone here," Freed retorted, also taking a step forward. "But I am better than an idiot who can't shut up and takes his hobby by rolling around in the mud, somewhat like a little pig. My betterment was never in question."
The insult wasn't his best. The reference to the blonde's position in the rugby team tenuous at best, and Freed's supposed superiority complex might have shone through – but it annoyed the blonde, so it served its purpose.
He would have rather not been shoved in the chest, though.
Stumbling back slightly, Freed made a choice. He had been told in no uncertain terms that he wasn't to get into another fight, it was partially the reason he was there in the first place, but the blonde deserved a punching. He seemed to be something of an unofficial head-boy, and the fear of him was obvious to anyone who would look, and as such Freed felt a punch to the face was long overdue. He was a student like anyone else, and while others might want to lie down and take it, Freed didn't.
That was why he punched him. It hurt more than he thought it would.
Their fight was hardly that. It lasted less than a minute, and anger overpowered its elegance. Freed perhaps got another two punches in, and received one in return. Teachers were storming over the moment it started, and were dragging them away before it could get out of hand, but Freed felt good to hit the bastard.
"Laxus Dreyar, Freed Justine," Their head teacher yelled, voice filled with a rage that Freed felt was slightly exaggerated given the situation. "My office, now."
As Freed was dragged – literally dragged, which again was an overreaction – into the office, he was sure of three things. He'd already completely failed in his goal of not bringing any attention on himself; his father was going to find out and want him thrashed for getting into a fight again; and Laxus Dreyar had perhaps the most interesting name he'd ever heard.
"You heard what he did?"
"Nearly killed him."
"Apparently they're gonna kick him out."
"Nah, he's the team captain."
Freed didn't pay attention to the conversations happening around him as he ate. After three months of being in the academy, he'd learned it was best not to. Most of the people had nothing of interest to say, and the people who were interesting were the ones likely to try and start a fight with you if they knew you were listening. He'd learned that when a younger boy, Natsu, tried to punch him and Freed had ended up dumping a bowl of cereal over the man's head and temporarily strangling him with his tie. The detentions and lack of breakfasts for a week had been worth it.
In truth, he'd forged a comfortable place for himself in the school. He was known as the boy who gave Dreyar a black eye, and that title came with its perks. Mainly that most people would leave him alone. He and Dreyar had… something. He couldn't tell if it was a truce, or simply a stalemate. But either way, Freed would enjoy the calm and only reignite the fight should Laxus need another punching.
Other than that, Freed was forgettable in the school. People ignored him, he ignored them, and everyone went on as if he hadn't arrived. The school was fine – teachers were far too happy to punish, but that was to be expected – and their lessons were as good as his old schools had been. Had his parents been scammed, the tuition fee had been high?
His parents were an issue. They hadn't visited, but they were in constant communication with the head teacher, and apparently their 'donations' meant Freed was put under a spotlight by the staff. Maybe that was why they were so quick to punish: they were being paid to do so. Annoying, but it could be worse.
The food, however, was abysmal.
Mashed potatoes and sausages would be a good meal, but the potato was half cooked, and the sausages were tiny. He'd eaten as much as he could stomach within a minute, so he absently played with the food with a slight huff. The rain, as tended to happen in England, was heavily pouring and Freed knew the moment a teacher saw he'd stopped eating he would be forced into the yard for recreational activities. The eating hall was at least partially warm, and he had to admit that the conversation behind him was of interest.
"What's that got to do with anything?" One boy shrugged.
"They don't wanna piss off the rugby team, they all worship him," The other explained. "If they kick him out, everyone gets angry about it, and they fight back. They'll never do it."
"You didn't see the kid," The first dismissed. "Half dead. They've gotta do something."
"Doesn't seem like Laxus to just beat a kid up for no reason," The second argued, and Freed did have to agree. Laxus was an argumentative and aggressive man, but he did tend to stick to people his own age. Mainly those who knew how to fight back, as well. "The kid must have pissed him off."
"Romeo, nah," The first laughed, and Freed frowned. "Kid's nothing. Wouldn't bother Laxus."
Romeo. Romeo Conbolt. It took Freed a moment to put a face to the name, and when he did his fork stalled and his body tensed. He had heard the rumours of a kid being beaten half to death, of course he had, but he hadn't heard who it was. He wouldn't have cared, were it not for the fact he had seen days prior the beating Romeo had endured. Laxus hadn't been the one to beat the kid, it had been a group of six of his classmates.
Freed had stopped it, of course. They were all thirteen, he was seventeen and the boy who got into a fight with the school's toughest figure, so they scarpered when he yelled at them to stop. He told the kid to go to the nurse, and saw the issue as finished with.
Had the kid used Laxus as a scapegoat? Or had it been the group of brats?
Either way, Freed was a man of principles. As much as he wouldn't mind seeing the back of Laxus and his insistence of approaching problems with his fists, it wasn't fair to have him blamed for something he hadn't done. Especially when a grown man beating a kid was something that could get him taken from the school and placed into an actual jail. That wasn't fair. He stood, and quickly started to walk towards the head teacher's office.
"Enter," The headmaster, Mister Fernandes, said once Freed had knocked on the door. Freed entered, and waited in silence. "Mister Justine. It's rare you're here voluntarily."
"I suppose so, sir," Freed agreed, ignoring the insult. "Sir, I have a complaint to make."
"Of course you do," Mister Fernandes sighed, removing a pair of spectacles, and leaning forward in his chair. "You do know that this is a disciplinary institution, and I don't act on the word of my students. If you have issues with your treatment then it's not my concern."
"I understand that sir," Freed assured him. "But my complaint is more about the treatment of another student: Laxus Dreyar."
"You needn't worry about that," Mister Fernandes dismissed the complaint, despite the fact Freed had yet to make it yet. "I know that you and he have something of a… personal vendetta against one another, and I'm sure that the rumours about what he has done have reached you. I will be following a strict set of procedures which will likely end up with him incarcerated for what he did to a younger boy. He'll be out of your hair soon, so don't concern yourself about it."
"That is not my complaint."
"If this is something to do with your silly feud then I'm really not interested by it," Mister Fernandes sighed. "As I said, he'll most likely be out of here within the month. If you can't be civil for that long then that's a bad reflection on your own character. And boys your age really should be fighting their own battles."
Freed bit back a retort, wanting to point out that the time he did try to fight his own battle he was dragged away and reprimanded. Instead, he calmed himself and spoke again with the level of respect a teacher believed they deserved.
"Laxus wasn't the person who attacked Romeo, sir," He said, and the headteacher paused. "It was a group of his classmates. Six of them, I believe."
"And you know this how?" Mister Fernandes asked.
"I walked in on them doing it, sir," Freed admitted, not flinching when the teacher looked at him with sharpened poise. "They stopped when I approached, Romeo went to the nurse's office and I expected him to tell you who actually was responsible, rather than placing the blame on Laxus. Had I known earlier what he'd done, I would have spoken to you sooner."
Mister Fernandes took a moment, thinking before sighing. "He did, actually. He gave me a list of names, before returning a day later stating that it was actually Laxus to blame, and that he'd lied initially as he was worried about the consequences."
"And you believed him?" Freed asked before he could stop himself.
"Are you questioning me, Justine?"
"No, sir."
He was.
"You're dismissed, Justine. Thank you for speaking with me," Mister Fernandes waved a hand in his direction, and Freed nodded curtly and went to walk away. "It was big of you to do this, Justine. Well done."
"It's what's expected of me, sir," Freed dismissed.
"Good man," Mister Fernandes nodded, before waving Freed off again.
Freed left, closing the door behind him. He immediately turned to the right and started walking towards the courtyard, which was still being battered by the heavy rain. As he walked, he was completely unaware that Laxus was leaning on the wall outside of the office, looking at Freed with an expression of mingled bewilderment, disbelief, and belligerent respect.
The idiom that the enemy of one's enemy was one's friend was a complicated one. It was limited, didn't work for all situations, and seemed to fall apart under any scrutiny. Freed had long since decided that it didn't make much sense when thought about, and yet he found himself subscribing to the idea when it fitted him.
That was the reason he found himself walking into the rugby team's changing room.
Laxus seemed to notice him approaching the moment Freed walked into the room, and stopped mid-way through changing into his kit to stare Freed down. Freed wasn't put off by the intense and lingering gaze of the man, walking towards him without hesitation. The room seemed to quieten around him, and Freed couldn't be sure if it was because of his presence in the room or because Laxus apparently changed in the back corner away from most of his team. That worked well for what Freed wanted, at least.
"The hell are you doin' here?" Laxus said, voice growly and angry sounding. He always sounded like that with Freed, but it seemed more intense today. Perhaps this how he acted before a match.
"I have a favour to ask of you," Freed stated.
"No," Laxus rebutted immediately.
"You might enjoy doing it."
"Wouldn't be a favour, it'd be an opportunity," Laxus smirked, seemingly proud of himself. Freed had to give him credit, it was somewhat clever. "So, what's the great and powerful Freed Justine need from a man like me? Lessons on how to be an idiot; that's what you keep calling me. Or is it a few tips on rolling around in the mud? Y'know, because that's all rugby is, right."
"The captain of the team you're playing," Freed began, rather than rising to the bait. "Hurt him for me."
"What?" Laxus asked, a laugh tainting the word.
"Hurt him," Freed repeated. "Kick him, punch him, give him a concussion if you're able to. Or perhaps accidentally kick him in the balls, that'd be rather nice to watch. Just do whatever you can to make him cry."
"Why?" Laxus grinned, clearly enjoying this.
"You're playing my old school's team, and he's the reason I got sent here in the first place," Freed admitted, ignoring the quirked eyebrow he got. "He deserves more pain than he gets, I suspect. I want you to remedy that."
"And why should I?" Laxus said, voice a little taunting as he continued to change into his rugby kit. Freed forced himself to ignore the strong body that was revealed to him when Laxus removed his shirt. "We ain't exactly friends, are we? Maybe I'd have more in common with him than I do with you."
"Do you need an excuse to hurt someone?" Freed asked, and Laxus held his gaze. Freed eventually relented. "I can tell you the team's weaknesses. The coach wont change tactics and so they can be exploited."
Laxus thought for a moment. "Nah, you don't need to. I'll do it."
"You will?" Freed asked. He… honestly hadn't expected that.
"Yeah," Laxus nodded. "So long as you watch. If I'm gonna put on a show, I wanna know I'm gonna have an audience."
Laxus pulled on his shirt, much to Freed's quiet disappointment, and sat on the bench before his locker. He leant against it and looked at Freed expectantly, who was looking back with confusion and disbelief. His arrival in the changing room was stupid at best – he'd seen the man who had gotten him there in the first place and old resentment bubbled up faster than Freed would have liked – and as such he had thought Laxus would dismiss him. It's what Freed would have done were the situation flipped.
"Why?" Freed asked.
"This place is shit, anyone would wanna punch the guy who put 'em here. I don't get to do it, but it'll be fun to do it to some other guy," Laxus shrugged, standing up and cracking his back when the coach called for the team to leave for their warmups. He stepped past Freed, but halted once they were all alone. "Be there, pretty-boy."
"What?" Freed stammered slightly. Had Laxus just…
"You think I don't know the reason you're here?" Laxus chuckled a little, but it lacked the edge it normally did. He lowered his eyes slightly and spoke softer than Freed was used to. "You two get caught? Or did he catch you with some other guy and squealed on ya?"
Freed shouldn't answer. He and Laxus weren't friends and admitting anything to him was stupid, but he found himself whispering, "The latter."
"Fucker," Laxus growled, equally quietly. Freed didn't know what to think of it. "Yer right, he needs a kick in the balls. I'll handle it."
"Thank you," Freed whispered.
"Don't worry about it," Laxus dismissed. "Besides, I guess I kinda owe you for stopping me from getting expelled, don't I?" Freed frowned a little. That had been half a year ago, and he didn't know that Laxus even knew of it. Laxus didn't seem to notice Freed's change in body language and continued talking with a smirk. "And, you never know, having a pretty little rich boy watching me might make me play better."
That was all Laxus said before slowly dragging a knuckle over Freed's cheek in a gesture so light but so intimate that Freed felt a shiver run over him completely. Laxus grinned at him, pushed his knuckle against Freed's lips for a split second, before leaving Freed alone in the locker room, heart racing and eyes wide.
"How did you know?"
"How'd I know what?"
"The real reason I'm here."
Both Freed and Laxus were sitting on the school house's roof. Laxus had been taking a drag of his cigarette when Freed had approached him and sat bedside him, and the blonde absently offered Freed one. He didn't take it, and for a few moments they had been sitting in silence before Freed had broken it.
It was the last day of the school year. Freed would be dragged back to his home, where his parents would no doubt have a list of grievances about his behaviour throughout the year. His father would make threats about how if his behaviour didn't improve immediately, he would be punished off the back of the man's belt. Nothing would come of it, of course – the elder Mister Justine stopped punishing Freed that way the moment Freed was of an age where he could fight back – but the yelling would be near consistent. It always was when Freed met with his parents now.
He wasn't going to complain. There was no point. Instead, he was going to tie off the loose ends of his school life, particularly with Laxus. Because, when it came to the beautifully, and now somewhat flirtatious man, Freed really didn't know where he stood.
"It's obvious, when you've been here for long enough," Laxus explained, puffing out a stream of smoke. "Yer not obvious, I don't mean that, but when you've been here for years you look out for the signs."
"And what were the signs?"
"You never spoke about why you're here other than saying you got into a fight. I'm guessing it was with the guy who told on ya," Laxus shrugged a little, shifting slightly so that his side was pressed against Freed. "Everyone here wears their story like a badge of honour. Getting into fights, beating kids up, stealing from places. They're all good stories and get's you a lot of credit in a place like this. The worse you were, the more respect you get," Laxus chuckled. "There's only one thing that gets you in here that you don't talk about. Yer queer, and you get found out."
"You don't talk about why you're here," Freed pointed out, and Laxus turned to look at him with a lazy smirk.
"My dad saw me with the neighbour kid," He laughed. "He wasn't even good looking, felt sorry for him really and wanted to know what it's like to kiss a guy. But dad walked in, threw a fit, and I've been here since I was thirteen."
"That's awful of him."
"Maybe, but this place ain't so bad once you get used to it," Laxus shrugged again, leaning back against the wall he was resting on. "Kinda funny, really. I'd say about a quarter of the guys are here for the same reason we are. If you know what to look out for, you can have a pretty good time."
"You could have told me," Freed laughed a little. "I've been rather bored."
"If I told ya, I wouldn't have you all to myself," Laxus grinned, and blew a puff of smoke directly into Freed's face. Freed simply quirked an eyebrow. "I've been spending the last couple of weeks showin' off to ya on the field and I think it was working pretty well. Hardly fair on me if I got you all excited only for ya to use it on some other guy."
"You're a manipulative man when you want to be, Laxus," Freed smirked, leaning just a little closer to Laxus. "But you haven't done anything yet, have you?"
"Maybe I want ya to be desperate for me," Laxus whispered, voice low and rumbling. "Maybe I'm waiting for you to make the move on me."
"If that's true, then maybe you've waited long enough."
They were close now, and Freed wanted to be closer. Laxus' hand was resting against his thigh, and Freed leant further in. He could smell the smoke on Laxus breath, see the slight dilation of the man's eyes as he grinned, and slowly brought their lips together in a slow, tentative kiss.
His first kiss. A beautifully electric, smoky kiss that set Freed's very soul on fire.
He tangled his hand into Laxus' short hair, tugging at it slightly and relishing the slight groan that he was given in return. Laxus pushed into him further, and Freed practically melted.
Eventually, when a harsh gust of wind flew over them and shook them from the spell of their kiss, they pulled apart. They were quiet for a moment, the gravity of what happened only just hitting Freed. He had just kissed the brutish, angry, brilliant man he had once expected to hate, and had felt more alive than ever before.
"You better be here next year."
"Nothing could stop me."
"That's right, pretty-boy."
They shared a smirk, and leant forward to reignite another perfect kiss.
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jimintomystery · 2 years
DS9: "Second Sight"
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Commander Sisko falls for a mysterious woman named Fenna, but every time they meet she seems to vanish without a trace. During a reception for the renowned terraformer, Professor Gideon Seyetik, Sisko is surprised to find that the professor's wife Nidell looks just like Fenna.
Sisko kicks off the story by saying he almost missed the fourth anniversary of the Battle of Wolf 359, where his wife was killed. The battle took place during a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, which aired three years (and two months) before this one. I know, I know, it's a bit of a nitpick, but it's the kind of detail you'd expect them to catch.
Fenna is very charming, but when you stop and pay attention you realize there isn't much there for Sisko to be attracted to. She's just very friendly and interested in his company, and the disappearing act lends an air of mystery that helps to draw him in. This suits the plot, since she's more like a dream of a fantasy woman than an actual character. But that means we're still a ways off from seeing Sisko in a real romance that reveals anything new about him as a character. This story mostly shows that he's fun when he's happy and relentless when he needs a question answered, but we already knew that.
Seyetik's explanation for why Nidell is telepathically projecting Fenna doesn't really explain much. I mean, I can read between the lines. But all he tells Sisko is that this has happened before, because Nidell is distraught, because she can't dump Seyetik, because her people mate for life. No, buddy, my guy, that doesn't begin to explain why your wife can make a copy of herself that can kiss dudes, or why the copy has a name but no memories, or why this would kill her, or why it's happening right now. Also, how does the "mate for life" thing even work? If she tries to leave, does her brain melt or something?
Seyetik's mission to reignite a dead star requires a starship, so the USS Prometheus is docked at Deep Space Nine for much of the story. However, the story doesn't really need a starship crew, so Seyetik, Sisko, and Lieutenant Dax seem to always be taking charge while nameless flunkies actually man the bridge. The commanding officer, Piersall, is clearly not a captain, and is evidently subordinate to Sisko. This arrangement, with junior officers running a ship for a mission led by an eccentric civilian scientist, intrigues me. The idea that Starfleet regularly lets this happen is probably good fodder for a Star Trek: Lower Decks episode or something.
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jacky-rubou · 3 years
I just want to let you know that it is completely ok to drift from interests or have one or many different interests happening. You make and follow stuff that you want to do and don't feel like you have to keep making things for an interest.
Don't feel guilty for feeling burnt out on something.
Awwwww thanks! That means a lot, coming from you! I'll definitely take your advice!
I'm the kind of person that can't really put the same energy and excitement into more than one interest at a time. I mean, I do have more interests than just Henry Stickmin and Gravity Falls, like Sonic, Undertale/Deltarune, Star Wars, FNaF, etc. Those are previous interests that I once had a lot of energy and excitement for and now they're just basic interests, sort of in the background compared to my main interest. Which right now has started to become Gravity Falls. There's a chance that when AtT comes out that it'll reignite my interest, as that has happened before with some of my other interests. Does that make sense? I feel like I'm rambling a bit here, haha.
Anyways, I don't really feel that guilty about it. I can't really control what will be the next big thing for me besides viewing or playing the media in the first place. Some things click, others don't. My post was mostly just trying to explain the lack of art cuz I felt like you and my other followers should know. I might just reblog the Gravity Falls stuff like I've been doing lately and occasionally try to make art for it.
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tyranttortoise · 8 years
Do you know the Bean boozled challenge? How about we have a round with the skeleton brothers? You can pick which pair, or do all of them if you'd like. If you don't know what it is, it's a box of jelly beans and a spinner. you spin and get a picture and two flavors. ex: peach or vomit. The bean in question looks the same so you can't tell which is which until you eat it. So say, if classic sans got vomit and papyrus got peach how would they react? or vice versa? or both peach or both vomit?
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(*So, I love Beanboozled.  I actually got this game for Christmas and played it with my coworkers.  I still have it, so I decided to make this imagine a little more interesting/realistic, I’m going to actually play the game and spin for the characters.  
Hoo boy, here we go. )
It’s game night at the skelebros’ house, and Frisk has brought over a new game to try!  Papyrus is super hype when he hears that it involves human food, and when the flavors are explained, he starts to get a little confused.  “GRASS CLIPPINGS IN CANDY?  THAT’S.. UH, OF COURSE I KNEW THAT HUMANS ENJOY THAT!”
“i think it’s just to weed out the ones with weak stomachs, bro.”
Papyrus poses confidently and his scarf starts to waft behind him despite the fact that everyone is indoors.  “NOT EVEN YOU CAN DEFEAT THE GREAT PAPYRUS AT BEANS-OF-BOOZED!”
“U-uhh.. it’s.. actually Beanboozled,” Alphys chimes in nervously.  
“Are you sure this game is safe, my child?” Toriel, meanwhile, is looking over the box.  She’s under the impression that eating anything to do with barf is detrimental to one’s health.  Asgore takes a seat on the other side of Frisk as the sole human nods.  
“Well, shall we get started?  Who wants to go first?”
She aggressively flicks the spinner, glaring at it as everyone leans in with anticipation.  
It lands on Buttered Popcorn or Rotten Egg.  Alphys cringes beside her.  Undyne picks up the jelly bean and holds it up, trying not to make a face.  "PFFT, I know this is going to be BUTTERED POPCORN!“  Maybe if she’s confident about it, it’ll come true.  
It’s Rotten Egg.
It takes her a few chews to place the flavor, but once she does, she freezes up.  She doesn’t want to make a face, but she can’t help it.  Alphys cringes beside her. "Wa..Was it the egg..?”
“NO!  IT WAS DELICIOUS!”  Undyne lies, trying to swallow the rest without chewing.  "This game is too easy, punk!  Your turn, Paps.“  
The taste remains thick in her mouth no matter how many times she swallows.  
Paps feels pretty good about the game after seeing it be no big deal to Undyne.  He spins the spinner and intensely watches the arrow traverse the circle.  "PLEASE DON’T LET IT BE AWFUL!  NOT.. NOT THAT IT WOULD MATTER!”
Berry Blue or Toothpaste.  That’s not too bad.  He relaxes and fishes out the blue jellybean.  
It actually.. doesn’t taste bad.  He spends his time thoughtfully chewing it and rolling it around his mouth.  Is it cleaning his teeth?  That would be a nice touch.  
“Well?” Undyne impatiently prompts.
Sans begins to wonder if maybe his brother’s tastebuds are just off.  That would explain his cooking..  Welp, he thought this game was going to be a little rough, but it seems mild now, so he shrugs and takes his spin without paying much attention.  
Strawberry Banana Smoothie or Dead Fish?
His eyelights go out.  
*the hell kind of sadistic game?
It takes him a second to figure out which jelly bean does along with it because the options for those and the one for Peach/Barf look really similar, but once he does, he shrugs and pops it into his mouth.  He chews twice.
(*Okay, fuck, seriously?)
Immediately, he spits it out on the table.  It’s worse than anything his brother has made, and the taste is overtaking his senses.  He grabs Frisk’s drink from across Toriel and starts downing it without permission.  Everyone is staring.
“…So… Dead Fish?” Asgore quietly inquires, while Sans tries to force his eyelights to reignite.  
“Are you all right, Sans?”  Toriel asks in concern, tentatively rubbing his back.
“y-yeah, i thought there was something fishy about this game.  heh.”
He’s never playing this again.
After seeing that display, Toriel is cautious.  She no longer wants to play, but she doesn’t want to hurt Frisk’s feelings by refusing, so she decides to be a good sport and spin.
Coconut or Spoiled Milk?
She sniffs the jelly bean when she picks it up.  It doesn’t smell promising.  
It’s Spoiled Milk.
From her face it’s easy to tell that it’s horrible rancid milk flavored, but she doesn’t want to just be rude and spit the partially-chewed jelly bean onto the table like Sans.  She looks around in a panic, and Asgore hands her a handkerchief to dispose of the food.  She even wipes her tongue on the fabric afterward, desperate to rid herself of the taste.  Papyrus ends up running to the kitchen to get her some water.
“Looks like you got a bad one, too, dear,” Asgore says gently, which earns him a cold stare from Toriel, who’s still not on the friendliest of terms with her ex.  
“I don’t understand what the point of this game is, child,” she admits, looking to Frisk, who shrugs a little.
“It’s just to see who can last the longest or get the luckiest, I guess.  It’s fun to see what flavor you’ll get,” they explain, spinning for their turn.
Chocolate Pudding or Canned Dog Food.  Well, it could be worse.  They’ve eaten some pretty questionable things in the past, including some of the food found Underground.  
They tense, preparing themselves for the worst, but.. it’s just Chocolate Pudding.  They sigh in relief and give everyone’s inquisitive stares a thumbs up.
“Looks like you and Undyne are the lucky ones so far,” Asgore observes with a slight chuckle.  
“Y-yeah.. Lucky,” Undyne mutters.
He’s found the game exciting to watch so far, so he’s eager to take his turn.  Game nights remind him of fonder times, back when he and Tori were still a family.  Now, seated around a table like this, he felt.. nostalgic.
Welp enough living in the past, time to eat some jelly beans!  The spinner lands on the same thing as Frisk, but that’s no fun, so he’s urged to spin again if he wants by the human.  Why not?  
Caramel Corn or Moldy Cheese?
There’s no DETERMINATION to be found in this kind of cheese, Frisk thinks as they watch Asgore search for the appropriate jelly bean.  Like Toriel, he sniffs it, and yeah, doesn’t smell promising.  Regardless, he tosses it in his mouth and chews.  He’s prepared for the worst and flinches when the taste first hits his tongue, but.. after a few more chews, he realizes it’s just Caramel Corn.  
Phew.  He sighs in relief and leans back.  "That wasn’t bad, actually.“  Sans and Toriel give him a cold, hard stare, and he chuckles nervously, before sliding the spinner closer to Alphys.  
"Your turn now.”
“U-uh… o..okay,” Alphys stammers, nervous and already thinking of the worst possible outcome.  She reaches out and gulps.  "Here.. here I g-go..!“
Strawberry Banana Smoothie or Dead Fish?  
She begins to sweat, remembering Sans’s reaction.  She knew the flavor must be horrible for him to react that way; nothing usually gets under his skin. "C-can I spin again?  Since, uh, since Sans already t-tried it?”
Everyone agrees, and she relaxes, spinning it again.
Strawberry Banana Smoothie or Dead Fish?
…. Everyone is quiet.  Alphys slowly reaches forward and flicks the spinner again.
Strawberry Banana Smoothie or Dead Fish?
The room is tense.  Alphys is shaking.  There’s no way her luck can be this bad.  She tries one last time.
“OH FOR ASGORE’S SAKE!” Undyne rages, jolting to her feet and gripping the side of the table.  She’s about to flip it, and Alphys panics, grabbing her wrist.  
“I-it’s okay, it’s okay!  I’ll just eat it!  I.. I bet I get the Strawberry Banana Smoothie, so it won’t even be a big deal!”
Undyne only calms down marginally, her chest heaving.  Alphys nervously fumbles with the packages, searching for the correct jelly bean.  Finally, she locates it and pops it into her mouth, while Undyne grasps her by the shoulders and presses her face in close, looking for the first sign of distress.
It’s Strawberry Banana Smoothie.  Alphys sighs in relief and Undyne hugs her, causing the reptilian scientist to blush bright pink across her scales.  
Everyone agrees.
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