#i can't believe i have a cat now
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blujaydoodles · 4 months ago
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Their Halloween party was this weekend 😌
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originalcontent · 1 year ago
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I can't find art of my ship anywhere so I GUESS that means I have to make it myself, here are some doodles.
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mysticalcats · 7 months ago
fellas. my friends said they ACTUALLY want to watch cats 2019 with me and i was SHOCKED because like. who would. want to do that. i am delighted. HOWEVER it will take everything in me to not pause it and clarify every five minutes about my opinions on the movie
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amburuthings · 2 months ago
Thank you @lathbora-virann for tagging me !
summer or winter // coffee or tea // straight hair or curly hair // fiction or nonfiction // necklaces or bracelets // marshmallows or whipped cream // night in or night out // sunset or sunrise // pizza or pasta // cold drink or hot drink// vampire or werewolf // crop top or oversized hoodie // be able to fly or run at super speed // speak many languages or able to speak to animals// be invisible or read minds // phone call or text // laundry or dishes // pool or beach // flats or heels // stay home or go out // coke or pepsi // cook dinner or do dishes // books or movies // dogs or cats // chocolate or vanilla // facebook or instagram // over-dressed or under-dressed // morning or late nights // always late or always early // dancer or singer // always eat only dessert or always eat only savoury // shopping or museum // art gallery or zoo //parties or picnics // white lights or multicolored lights
I'm so bad at tagging people... Idk who to pick... I'm legit getting anxious over it hELp
@galadrieljones @baphometsss @mickeysalamander @gefionne @minaabitaa @bucketsofmonsters @kokoa707 @tearyphoenixx with obviously no obligation
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myxraeth-art · 1 year ago
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a duck and a cat ✨
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pa-pa-plasma · 6 months ago
Wait what do you mean healthy people dont loaf??? It's so comfy why wouldn't they do that?
I'm saying this as someone with hypermobility which is, I'm sure, completely unrelated to why I think this./s
people are so weird, what do you mean "i wish humans could loaf"? this is so easy! heehee
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justsalpals · 1 year ago
Here's a funny thing about me and shipping. I crave the slow burn.
It's hard for me to get invested in a relationship when the writers clearly intend for the characters to get together from the beginning. Even in the slowest of slow burns when it comes to "canon" relationships, it doesn't hit right for me. Because there's always at least a little bit of a romantic gaze between the characters from the start, tinting their storyline from the beginning. They exist in that relationship explicitly as part of their stories.
Which is fine! I find plenty of ships like this to be cute and fun, and fully support people who are into them.
But those aren't the ones I go feral for. Those relationships don't have me reading 100k fanfic late into the night, or hunting down whatever meta analysis I can sink my teeth into.
I crave a full picture of characters, who they are outside of each other, their own personal goals and arcs, all laid atop a foundation of a deep and complex relationship before romance even comes into it.
And THEN I hit em with the non-platonic feelings.
It's the sort of relationship that comes far more naturally to fanfiction, where the original foundation is already laid out, and very very rarely to canon ships.
Which is why it's so special to me that I think I'm getting the most fully realized version of this, in canon, slow burn, beautiful and complex and with a full foundation, in Suvi and Ame.
Who knows, maybe they won't get together. And since I know Aabria lurks around corners here, I'd like to stress that it not being canon would be absolutely fine and still a fantastic story at the whims of the players/writers. (After all, as mentioned above, I'm well versed in the worlds of fanfic and getting my ship fix there where it does not fit in canon.)
And if they do get together? Oh baby, I hope it's not for a long time. I hope they don't acknowledge or voice it aloud for so many arcs to come. I hope I finally have the canon slowest of burns epic lesbian love story of my dreams.
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cacw · 4 months ago
Ok well you should be grateful i'm only drawing my catgirl right now because if i wasn't i would be shoving dirk strider in your face
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jellicle-chants · 4 months ago
“I can’t believe why ANYONE would harass someone over a ship unless it’s a dynamic i don’t approve of in which case it’s always good and deserved” — real opinion I saw on the dash tonight
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contradictivs · 10 months ago
🛌 okay but more younger kurjak antics w ryder... he's still weird and catcoded 💜
crawl into bed with him
In the short amount of time that he had spent with Kurjak, he had quickly learned to deal with the weirder things in stride. The way that the other spoke in one of the most blunt ways he had ever heard while, somehow, still remaining frustratingly vague. The insane sweet-tooth that would have put any normal person in a coma. The way that Kurjak was able to move around with barely any sound and give Ryder a heart attack every couple of hours. Maybe he would learn to be able to sense Kurjak when he decided to silently move around if they hung out a bit more.
Like he was learning to anticipate the other's more reckless behaviors. He was just in the middle of a learning curve.
Ryder probably would have jumped out of his skin at the sudden noise from the end of his bed if he were more awake. The dip of the mattress had a sudden spark of anxiety rushing through his chest. A sense of anxiety that quickly faded once he was able to make out Kurjak's face in the darkness before the other man was collapsing onto the mattress beside him. "I should put a bell on you," Ryder grumbled after a second, finally able to calm his heartbeat. The blonde rolled onto his side to consider what he could see of Kurjak in the dark even as his eyebrows scrunched together. "Like a cat."
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littlehen · 1 year ago
RSPCA rep just came round, I officially adopted my kittens, wallet is £200 lighter and heart is 200% happier
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in-tua-deep · 8 months ago
had a dream last night where i was actually the main character (sort of), but as a three year old
we were out for dinner and there were masses of people around and outside. my mum went out to do something - I don't know what, but I remember seeing her running through the crowd
suddenly lots of people were running. except this man with a suit and some weird wire-like tools in his hands. i opened the door of the restaurant to try and leave to find my mum, and my auntie katherine tried to stop me. the man in the suit calmly walked up the stairs to come into the restaurant with the most menacing aura known to man
i think i was supposed to die there. maybe i know i was supposed to die there? but I ran instead, and sprinted off into the crowd, kind of immediately being obscured by the legs. i didn't see any of my family again for the rest of the dream
i didn't find my mum. instead i eventually ended up alone. i was walking through this big empty building, until finally i found an office with a light on. when i looked through, there was this... vaguely unkempt detective looking dude cursing and stitching up the man in the suit, who was not looking so great
another grown-up walked in and seemed alarmed to find me there, but kind of immediately was like "shit i guess we're responsible for a child now?"
i don't know how i knew, but i knew everyone was dead. everyone who was there, all those crowds, all those people - gone. i knew that the man in the suit was responsible, but in a way where maybe there was a bigger picture or he was mind controlled or something? unclear.
i remember creeping into the back room and patting the leg of the man in the suit and saying "I hope you get better soon." but part of me wanted him to look at my child self and feel guilt, so it wasn't completely altruistic
the man in the suit was very quiet. he had long black hair and no facial expressions. he didn't seem to like me very much. i think he would speak to the unkempt detective but he didn't speak to me.
turns out that he could shapeshift into a cat. a black cat with golden eyes. i actually didn't know this at first, and was thrilled by the appearance of a cat
i decided i had to give a name (speaking over the nice grown up) and immediately dubbed him "banana winks"
anyway i think i was just sort of an extra in a wider plot about the vague enemies-to-lovers thing between the unkempt detective (definitely trying to catch the man in the suit) and the man in the suit (who was DEFINITELY an assassin of some kind) as they teamed up with nice grown up (who maybe was the computer guy - he was definitely the one who found my file and determined my age to be 'three years and three months') to figure out who mind controlled the man in the suit and why
while also now being responsible for a three-year-old
i hope the man in the suit got his answers
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year ago
First workday of 2024, and already Eleanor has run out in front of my car and gotten a free ride to my parking spot.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years ago
hope this one reaches you!
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context: this is not too long after a recent reset and ves doesn't fully trust ash yet but they don't really have much choice :3
ves CAN reset. they just don't retain the memories. because the reset is stolen from a human soul their ancestor absorbed. they inherited it through magic and genetics but are still a monster and do not fully qualify as the saves owner so...
with each reset they forget :)
ash and the rest of humanity remember. and ash is trying to guide this idiot out of imprisonment while also explaining the whole situation for the fifth time this week...
(inverted dynamic and consistent lore with Undertale! yay!)
(all dusts need a vacation man)
I've been drawing so much fluff of them I figured there needs to be more re ACTION!
YES!! i can see it now :D
ooo i like that piece of info!! time travel is always so fun to write and read about hhh it's so interesting to see the different outcomes and what ifs!! >:0
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midniallsnack · 1 year ago
*wakes up in the morning to wipe my tears* so we're just going to keep living like this???
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gulabilli · 1 year ago
just realized that just because im no longer a student doesn't mean i can't use this blog for motivation! today i'm going to:
- be decently productive for my wfh job
- clean cats' litter boxes
- put away things in the hallway
- eat lunch
- put away laundry
and i think that's enough for the day. i know it might seem like very little but im trying to be realistic for myself for right now
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